HomeMy WebLinkAboutMotion Sheets AUG 21, 2017 — CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING — MOTION SHEET . s. . _ � .. . � , . � �.. �v�. ..... w... .. a'. ..k. ' , ,.. '��.., .,� ...r, a���. .ra. , ,°,. .,,�" .,;+'. .ia i:.,'aS , . . Ft' .-,d i,45 ��:; a , , �":r" .� .tu.. ... ,.;,'r a4, a •;,. �;,,...::.,. rd„ -.'���; i r;- �. ,:x � a „x,+r„tt ��°�>�;y��{ y� i�a % 8.,,.. r ,t,�. +� S" ,�.° ne ..,.�a.,:. t,,�a r:..:,�'x .�:-�:. �:., .:��; r,. ,nt,�,p , .- .:s..�;�1. Y'-�z*-� :. .:. .,,� ,,,., . , .. �..,. ��, ..�,^` . . 's� s�r,s ,j`.`'��:� ,r„�.�* r �.: �: ...-;.: s. < ?�._. s.;"'t . i� a '` ;:.;d§:� ;d,�' ;.s. 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COUNCIL CONCUR Jason Seth Megan Gregor AGENDA Sandi Weir 7.b) CONSENT AB-1979 City Clerk submitted 10% Notice of Intent to Annex COUNCIL CONCUR; Jason Seth Angie Mathias AGENDA petition for the proposed Wolf Woods Annexation and SET PUBLIC Judith Subia recommends a public meeting be set on 9/18/2017 to consider MEETING Cindy Moya the petition; 8-acre site located at the Northeastern portion of 09/18/2017 City limits. 7.d) CONSENT AB-1978 Transportation Systems Division recommended COUNCIL CONCUR Keith Woolley Heather AGENDA approval of a change order to CAG-16-049,Sunset Lane NE Gregersen Improvements Project 2016, contractor Road Construction Li Li-Wong Northwest, in the amount of$347,510,to resolve a conflict between a 24-inch storm sewer and an existing Puget Sound Energy(PSE) underground conduit.Council Concur. 7.c) ITEM 7.C.- AB-1969 Police Department recommended approval of a COUNCIL CONCUR Chad Karlewicz Melissa Day SEPARATE professional services agreement with American Traffic Solutions Cindy Moya CONSIDERATION in the amount of approximately$90,007 per month,to add the operation of Red Light Camera and School Zone Speeding Camera enforcement programs within the City, at Maplewood 'i Heights Elementary School,and three intersections(Park Ave. N/Logan Ave. N; S Grady Way/Talbot Rd. S; and S Puget Dr./Benson Dr. S). o„�e.�„ o„��:,.�.,�„+.,�„w,w.;+��„ 8.a) UNFINISHED Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Perez presented a COUNCIL CONCUR Harry Barrett, Michele Favors � BUSINESS report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation Jr. Susan Campbell- to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Amendment Hehr 16-17 to lease agreement LAG 84-006 with Aerodyne LLC for an Sandi Weir automatic lease rate adjustment that will increase the annual leasehold amount from $58,747.53 to$62,378.80, effective September 1,2017. 8.b) UNFINISHED Transportation (Aviation)Committee Chair Perez presented a COUNCIL CONCUR Harry Barrett, Michele Favors BUSINESS report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation Jr. Susan Campbell- to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Amendment Hehr 05-17 to lease agreement LAG 14-005 with Rainier Flight Service Sandi Weir LLC for an automatic lease rate adjustment that will increase the leasehold amount from $93,482.64 to$99,253.77,effective November 1, 2017. 8.c) UNFINISHED Community Services Committee Chair Witschi presented a COUNCIL CONCUR Elizabeth Jessie Kotarski BUSINESS report recommending recommends concurrence in the staff Higgins Judith Subia recommendation to confirm Mayor Law's appointment of Kimberly Patterson to the Renton Municipal Arts Commission for a term expiring 12/31/19. 8.d) UNFINISHED Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report COUNCIL CONCUR lamie Thomas Kari Roller BUSINESS recommending approval for payment on August 21, 2017 claims Natalie Wissbrod vouchers 5537-5547, 10040-10041, 358718-358722, 358725- 359028, 359051-359398 and 7 wire transfers and 1 payroll run with benefit withholding payments totaling$5,240,230.48 and payroll vouchers including 736 direct deposits and 55 payroll vouchers totaling$1,425,283.49. 8.e) UNFINISHED Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report COUNCIL CONCUR Carrie Olson Carrie Nass BUSINESS recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to Jeannie Gabriel approve the Amendment No. 3 to CAG-16-129 with The City of Seattle Office of Sustainability and Environment to accept additional FINI Grant Funding for 2017 (increasing the amount by$15,577J0),to fund an incentive program for shoppers using their Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. 8.f) UNFINISHED Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report COUNCIL CONCUR Keri Roller Terri Weishaupt BUSINESS recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the utility bill adjustment for City sewer and King County Metro related charges from a water leak at at the service address of 2300 Benson Rd. S., as presented for the total amount of$9,754.80.The adjustment includes City Sewer and King County Metro charges above their normal usage. 8.g) UNFINISHED Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report COUNCIL CONCUR Keri Roller Terri Weishaupt BUSINESS recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the utility bill adjustment for water, sewer, and King County Metro related charges from a water leak at the service address of 604 Rainier Ave S., as presented for the total amount of$4,515.20. 9.a) ORDINANCES FOR Ordinance No. 5857:An Ordinance was read annexing certain COUNCIL REFER THE Angie Mathias Jason Seth FIRST READING: territory to the City of Renton (Tim D.Annextation; FILE NO.A- ORDINANCE FOR Cindy Moya 16-002). SECOND AND FINAL ludith Subia READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING. 9.b) ORDINANCES FOR Ordinance No. 5858:An Ordinance was read establishing the COUNCIL REFER THE Angie Mathias Jason Seth FIRST READING: zoning classification of certain property annexed within the City ORDINANCE FOR Cindy Moya of Renton from R-4 (Urban Residential 4 Dwelling Units Per SECOND AND FINAL Judith Subia Acre, King County Zoning)to R-4(Residential 4 Du/Ac; Four READING AT THE Dwelling Units Per Acre, City of Renton Zoning) (Tim D NEXT COUNCIL Annexation, File No.A-16-002). MEETING. I 9.c) ORDINANCE FOR Ordinance No. 5860: An Ordinance was read vacating a six-foot COUNCIL ADVANCE Amanda Jason Seth FIRST READING (6') alley, located in the vicinity of Stevens Avenue SW and SW THE ORDINANCE Askren Cindy Moya AND Sunset Boulevard. (Langston 14, LLC;VAC-17-001.) FOR SECOND AND ADVANCEMENT FINAL READING. TO SECOND AND FINAL READING: ORDINANCE FOR Following a second reading, it was COUNCIL ADOPT Amanda lason Seth FIRST READING THE ORDINANCE AS Askren Cindy Moya AND READ. ROLL CALL: ADVANCEMENT ALL AYES. TO SECOND AND FINAL READING: 9.d) ORDINANCE FOR Ordinance No. 5859:An Ordinance was read amending RMC COUNCIL ADOPT Shane Stephanie Rary SECOND AND Sections 6-6-1, 6-6-4, and 6-6-5, Repealing RMC Section 6-6-3, THE ORDINANCE AS Moloney Cindy Moya FINAL READING: and adding a New RMC Section 6-6-13, "Enforcement and READ. ROLL CALL: Penalties," all to Clarify Owners' Responsibility to Control their ALL AYES. Animals, including making Animal Owners Strictly Liable for their Animals being at Large and Strengthening Penalties for Violations; Providing for Severability and Establishing an Effective Date 10.a) NEW BUSINESS Council concur to refer the topic of the recently missed solid REFER TO THE Gregg Linda Knight waste collection pick-up to the Utilities Committee. UTICITIES Zimmerman Linda Moschetti COMMtTTEE