HomeMy WebLinkAboutMotion Sheets SEP 11, 2017 - CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING - MOTION SHEET '""�� �w� �'� �,� �f'�'"" � � .�'�'��, +:°"zy�'��a'�`�,:�,"y��" �:���;r, ' �x�.3: '..v� :�� � �:. ��.� �.�;C va ��,,"�`$� z�� !»�'`��#k �a ��TMR s a���1"�,��z�'��e..b�. ���'��'�y, � �� .?� 5 �',� p. �^"� '.�a`x�°� �if v.��: '�`�.v�.� q �3q��� � � � . . ^" . , �:� a °da� *kf,k."^S.. "ro, d, +.� .'�B. �� i5 3.a) PROCLAMATIONS Mayor's Day of Concern for the Hungry-September 16, COUNCIL CONCUR Jason Seth 2017:A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring TO ADOPT THE September 16, 2017 to be "Mayor's Day of Concern for the PROCLAMATION AS Hungry" in the City of Renton and urging all citizens to join READ the Emergency Feeding Program and Saivation Army Renton Rotary Food Bank in their efforts to nourish those who are hungry. Mayor Law noted that Glenn Turner, Executive Director of the Emergency Feeding Program, accepted the proclamation earlier in the day. 3.b) PROCLAMATIONS Women on the Rise Month-September 2017: A COUNCIL CONCUR lason Seth proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring the month TO ADOPT THE of September 2017 to be "Women on the Rise Month" in PROCLAMATION AS the City of Renton and encouraged all citizens to join in this READ special observance. Kela Hall with the KCHaII Foundation accepted the proclamation with appreciation. 7.a) CONSENT Approval of Council Meeting minutes of August 21,2017. Council Concur lason Seth Sandi Weir AGENDA Megan Gregor 7.b) CONSENT AB-1965 City Clerk submitted a 60% Direct Petition to Council Concur;Set Angie Mathias Jason Seth AGENDA Annex for the proposed Eric Ressler II Annexation and Public Hearing on Sandi Weir requests a Public Hearing be set on September 25,2017 to 9/25/2017 consider accepting the annexation. 7.c) CONSENT AB-1984 City Clerk submitted a 8/2/2017 Primary Election None; Information Jason Seth Julia Medzegian AGENDA certification from King County Elections as follows: Only COUNCIL POSITION NO.2-Armondo Pavone 6,089 votes, 53.58%NOMINATED; Diane Dobson 4,488 votes,39.49% NOMINATED; Max J. Heller III 751 votes,6.61%;Write-in 36 votes,.32%;COUNCIL POSITION NO.6-Ruth Perez 5,516 votes,49.01�NOMINATED;Jami Smith 3,728 votes, 33.12%NOMINATED;Car) Eshelman 1,968 votes, 17.49%; Write-in 43 votes, .38%. 7.d) CONSENT AB-1985 Community&Economic Development Refer to Committee Cliff Long lohn Collum AGENDA Department recommended setting a Public Hearing on of the Whole;Set Dianne Utecht October 2,2017 to receive public comment and to consider Public Hearing on Judith Subia the City's proposed allocation of 2018 Community 10/02/2017 Development Block Grant(CDBG)funds for human services and economic development activities. 7.e) CONSENT AB-1987 Community&Economic Development Refer to Planning Angie Mathias Judith Subia AGENDA Department recommended approval of the department's Commission and 2017 Long Range Planning Fall Work Schedule. Planning& Development Cammittee 7.f) CONSENT AB-1981 Police Department recommended approval of a Council Concur Jeff Eddy Melissa Day AGENDA cost reimbursement agreement with the King County Sheriff's Office,in the amount of$26,951.91,for the purpose of covering overtime payments to officers verifying the address and r�sidency of registered sex and kidnapping offenders in Renton. 7.h) CONSENT AB-1982 Transportation Systems Division recommended COUNCIL CONCUR 1im Seitz Harry Barrett AGENDA approval of the Airport Staffing Reorganization plan,and TO APPROVE THE Heather Gregersen requests authorization to increase its budget by$148,879 CONSENT AGENDA, per year to accommodate the addition of three new 1.0 MINUS ITEM 7.g. FTE positions and their workstations,effective January 1, 2018.The requested budget adjustment will be included in the mid-biennium budget adjustment ordinance. Refer to Finance Committee. 7.g) SEPARATE AB-1986 Police Department requested approval to hire a o����•^ �:��^�� Kevin Milosevich Melissa Day CONSIDERATION - lateral police officer at Step D of salary grade pc60, �ew�►i�ee ITEM 7.g. effective September 16,2017. COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 7.g.AS COUNCIL CONCUR ' 8.a) UNFINISHED Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report COUNCIL CONCUR Jamie Thomas Kari Roller BUSINESS approving for payment on September 11,2017 claims IN THE COMMITTEE vouchers 5534-5536,5556-5564,82517,359399-359408, RECOMMENDATION 359411-359412,359421-359434,359454-359752 and 1 wire transfer and 1 payroll run with benefit withholding payments totaling$4,806,083.69 and payroll vouchers including 744 direct deposits and 74 payroll vouchers totaling$1,402,600.30. 9.a) Ordinance(s)for Ordinance No. 5857:An ordinance was read annexing COUNCIL ADOPT Angie Mathias Jason Seth second and final certain territory to the City of Renton (Tim D Annexation; THE ORDINANCE AS Cindy Moya reading: File No.A-16-002) READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. 9.b) Ordinance(s)for Ordinance No. 5858:An Ordinance was read establishing COUNCIL ADOPT Angie Mathias Jason Seth second and final the Zoning Classification of certain property annexed THE ORDINANCE AS Cindy Moya reading: within the City of Renton from R-4(Urban Residential 4 READ. ROLL CALL: Dwelling units per acre, King County Zoning)to R-4 ALL AYES. (Residential 4 DU/AC;four dwelling units per acre,City of Renton zoning)(Tim D.Annexation, File No.A-16-002).