HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract CAG-19-266 ENTERTAINMENT AGREEMENT FOR CITY OF RENTON 2019 MULTICULTURAL FESTIVAL Between City cf Renton and Rap4eecGatkaA\ha'a This Entertainment Agreement, which is a contract for professional services for the engagement described below, dated August 9, 2019,is made by and between the City of Renton and Ranjeet Gatka Akhara 1 Name of Professional Service Provider; Ranjeet Gatka Akhara (hereinafter "Provider") Professional Service Performance at the City of Renton 2O19 Multicultural Festival 2� Scope nfEngagement: Provide 2S minutes of martial WS domono,aonn (hereinafter ^Engagemenr > Dp,io"o/:Add uona|details regarding Engagement: "N/A~ |f additional mfn,maunna attached,cherkhere: [] Please dear'be attachment(e.Q, ~Exhibit A"or"Attachment l'~etc): l Location ofEngagement: Renton Pavilion Events Center 233 8u,npn Ave 5, Renton VVA98057 4. Date(s) of Engagement: September 14' 2019� venue; Renton Pavilion Events Center; Performance dme(»): 12:00' 12:25pm 6, Total compensation to Provider bv City mfRenton: $$35O.nU Check should 6e made payable to:Sharvdeppshoke' Check should be sent xo the following address: 10868 SE 214"PLACE KEwT'w/A98O3l N?1e�: If Provider is new vendor to City ofRenton, a City ofRenton Vendor Setup Fu,o` must be completed and received by the City of Renton before payment can issue. 6. City of Renton will make payment asYoUuvvu� One. hundred percent on Scipt,mbrr 14' 20I9' if this Entertainment Agreement has been fully executed; if a completed Vendor Set-Up Form is on file with the City and W,15 received by the City at least 30 days Prior to Such date;and if Provider provides Engagement in compliance with th-s Entertainment Agreement. Otherwise, the City of npnzov will .uwr payment within 30 days after receipt of the fN|v executed Entertainment Agreement and the completed Vendor Sot'uo Form and if Provider provides Engagement in compliance with this Entertainment ACpeement- 7 Insurance: [Instructions Lo City staf� For Risk Management determination only] [] Evidence ufliability insv,o,cacnv'rvVr^ with the City ofRenton named as an xdg|zwna| /nsvrcd, is required. 0 Evidence of liability insurance coverage is waived by R^k Management and is not required, The City of Renton does not rcp'cscnt that iny requ red rnminiuni insurance,or waiver of such insurance, is adequate to protect Provide,from f.nancia| hab`|uV created by Provider s acts oromissions 8, Reservation: Subject tocoosttubooa|nruthc/legal|imts. the City of Renton reserves the right to specify the manner, means and details of the performance of services by Provider as well as the mode in which the service shall be accomplished. 9 Additional Provisions: n The City ufK*mun's primary contau"fo/ th/,Entertainment A.-rremerkis Conmact- DonnaEken' RecmotmnCnordnotor Phone: 425'4]0'671S; Email. doken8arentonwa.gov h The City of Renton has the right to cancel the Engagement and/or this Entertainment Agreement due to inclerrient weather or for any other reason. in which case the Provider is not entitled to any compensation c p,ov/dn, shn0 maintain all records,c/anngto the Engagement and retain such records fora�long as required by app|vah|e Washington State records retention laws, but}n any event no less than six years after the last dore of the EngaQemen,- P,ov,d,r agrees to provide access to and copies of any records related ,o the Engagement as required by the City for oudt purposes of to comply with the Washington State Public Records Act (Chapter 42 56 R[VV) The provisions of this sncLmn shall survxe ,he mxm,o\ion or termination of this [n\crta'nment4D,eemrnt. d The City of Renton maintains |irews with the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) and Broadcast Music Incorporated (8K»|) Provider is responsible for obtaining any and all required forms of perm'ssion that 4 xtend beyond the City of Renton's copyright obligaiions ~� Provider and its agents or assigtv,agrees to release,indemnify,defend,and hold harmless the City of Renton from any and all claims from any person o,enti'ywh/m)may arise due to any act o/onxomn. whether or not, mtcnhona|'by Provider orxoyono acting onPruvde/sbehalf r The nature of the rektionship between Provider and the City of Renton under this Enterta,nment Agreement shalbed/a/o|anindpppodentcontraoor' notemp|oyee,consu|tant' oraQent i To the extent a Provide, prepared anichmr'`t conflicts with ,he terms in the body of this Entertainment Agreement o,contains te'^u that are p`traneovs to the pu,po`ro/this Entertainment Agreement,the oe/ms in the body of this E",e,toionnent Agreement shaUpreva|' and the attachment S extraneous terms shall not hc incorporated he,cm C lhplaws ofthc State o(Wash`o:,on shall apply io ,h5 [nteuunmentAgreement, u Provider and the City (if Renton mavexecvte this Entertainment Agreement in onv number ufcoun orpan,s each of whch an nrp.nv| and all of which together constitute this one Entertainment Agreement This Entrrmnmont Agreement contains the cnt ,etvof v`eo8,evnn,n(between the, parties No h/,(he,agreements have been made between the parties, Signed 6V; 0�� � ' � - '�� SharndrcpShoke, Ke|y8pyrner Co'nmon� Se,v«esAdmmorator l0868IElm" PLACE l0555out*Grady Way KENT'VVA9383z R.''ntn".YvA9805/ (253) }259240 (425)490'6617 Shan rkaurl5ftmaiIcon/ khevnier(iD,cntonwa8ov Da,: signed: 2u day o/August, 2n/p oa!e `'unod �y uuvo/ , ~ c mw,vp�"�xm~pnrm / pam,2''A2 uvu»o^pf! 7 /��om