HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_Response_to_City_of_Renton_Comments_190912_v1Wetland & Aquatic Sciences Wildlife Ecology Landscape Architecture 2111 N. Northgate Way, Ste. 219 Seattle, WA 98133 206-525-8122 www.raedeke.com Associates, Inc. Raedeke August 27, 2019 Mr. Martin Reimers Concept Architecture, LLC. 1712 Pacific Avenue, Suite 107 Everett, WA. 98201 RE: Response to City Comments R.A.I. Project #2019-052-002 Dear Mr. Reimers, The purpose of this letter is to respond to comments provided by the City of Renton (2019) planning department dated August 7, 2019 for the 4th Dimension Building, LUA19-000153. Specifically, this letter is intended to address comments received by the City of Renton from the Muckleshoot Tribe Fisheries Division dated July 31, 2019 regarding the 4th Dimension Building application. We have included specific comments from the Muckleshoot Tribe (2019) comments as they relate to critical areas followed by our comment responses, below. Comment: In short, the stream needs to be correctly classified before the project continues with environmental review and design. With the correct classification, the project needs to provide design details for the relocated/open stream channel particularly if it is to be located under a new building. The project also needs to evaluate the potential project impacts to stream functions. The checklist doesn’t even acknowledge the existence of a piped stream onsite. Finally, the City should check with WDFW to see if the proposal can be permitted under the State’s Hydraulic Code. Response: We reviewed the provided Cedarock Consultants, Inc. (2007) report included with the Muckleshoot comment letter. Based on our review of the report, it appears that natural fish-passage barriers are located downstream of the project site that would act to preclude fish passage. As part of our assessment we plotted approximate location of the information provided in the Cedarock Consultants, Inc. (2007) report onto an aerial image showing the location of the project site and the downstream location of natural fish passages barriers (see Figure 1, attached). In addition, Raedeke Associates, Inc. conducted a site meeting on August 16, 2019 with the City of Renton Planning staff, Mr. Larry Fisher of Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Ms. Karen Walter Muckleshoot Tribe in order to confirm the stream classification. As a result of the site meeting, both Mr. Larry Fisher and Ms. Karen Walter agreed with Raedeke that onsite stream is correctly classified as a Type Ns (non-fish bearing) stream. During the site meeting, details of the proposed open stream channel located under the new building were discussed. The applicant’s architect indicated that a watershed analysis (TIR) report had been Mr. Martin Reimers August 27, 2019 Page 2 prepared for the project site and was currently being reviewed by the City of Renton. The TIR demonstrates that current volumes and water quality standards would be maintained as part of the project. In addition, new stormwater generated from the construction of the new building would be detained and treated onsite before being released to the stormwater system downstream of the project site. As such, no adverse impacts to water storage, volume, or water quality are anticipated as part of the proposed site development application. As a result of the site meeting, Mr. Larry Fisher (WDFW) determined that the project would require a Hydraulic Permit Application (HPA) for removal of the piped stream segment and construction of an open channel located under the proposed building. The project will apply for an HPA after it completes the City of Renton SEPA review process. LIMITATIONS We have prepared this report for the exclusive use of the Mr. Martin Reimers and his consultants. No other person or agency may rely upon the information, analysis, or conclusions contained herein without permission from Mr. Martin Reimers. The determination of ecological system classifications, functions, values, and boundaries is an inexact science, and different individuals and agencies may reach different conclusions. With regard to wetlands and streams, the final determination of their boundaries for regulatory purposes is the responsibility of the various agencies that regulate development activities in wetlands. We cannot guarantee the outcome of such agency determinations. Therefore, the conclusions of this report should be reviewed by the appropriate regulatory agencies prior to any detailed site planning or construction activities. We warrant that the work performed conforms to standards generally accepted in our field, and has been prepared substantially in accordance with then-current technical guidelines and criteria. The conclusions of this report represent the results of our analysis of the information provided by the project proponent and their consultants, together with information gathered in the course of the study. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. If you have any questions or comments, or wish to discuss this issue further, please contact me at (206) 525-8122 or at kkosters@raedeke.com. Sincerely, RAEDEKE ASSOCIATES, INC. Kolten T. Kosters, MS, PWS Wetland Scientist Mr. Martin Reimers August 27, 2019 Page 3 LITERATURE CITED Cedarock Consultants, Inc. 2007. Fish Presence/Absence Surveys – West Fork Maplewood Creek. Dated June 4, 2007. Renton, City of. 2019. Subject: “On Hold” Notice 4th Dimension Building, LUA19-000153, SA-H, ECF, V-H. Received August 7, 2019. Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division. 2019. Subject: City of Renton LUA Acceptance: 4th Dimension Building, LUA19-000153, Notice of Application. Received July 31, 2019. First Migration Barrier identified by Cedarock Consultants, Inc. (2007) Piped stream segment Conservative extent of fish-bearing waters identified by Cedarock Consultants, Inc. (2007) West Fork Maplewood Creek Pictometry International Corp., Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri (Thailand), NGCC, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community I 4th Dimension Renton Fish Passage Map - Maplewood Creek RAI Project #: 2019-052-002 Note: Stream type and fish passage information depicted on map is dirived from Cedarock Consultants, Inc. (2007) Fish Presence/ Absence Surveys - West Fork Mapelwood Creek. Off-Site Stream (Type Ns) Off-Site Wetland (Category III) Project Site 00 920920 1,8401,840460460 FeetFeet Figure