HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_ER_Phase1_Environmental_Site_Assessment_190916_v1 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton 1300 Bronson Way North Renton, King County, Washington April 18, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81187129 Prepared for: Rhodes Architecture + Light Seattle, Washington Prepared by: Terracon Consultants, Inc. Mountlake Terrace, Washington TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................... i Findings and Opinions ...................................................................................................................... i Significant Data Gaps ...................................................................................................................... iv Conclusions ...................................................................................................................................... v Recommendations ........................................................................................................................... vi 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Site Description ................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Scope of Services ............................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Standard of Care ................................................................................................................. 2 1.4 Additional Scope Limitations, ASTM Deviations and Data Gaps ....................................... 2 1.5 Reliance .............................................................................................................................. 3 1.6 Client Provided Information ................................................................................................. 4 2.0 PHYSICAL SETTING ...................................................................................................................... 5 3.0 HISTORICAL USE INFORMATION ................................................................................................ 5 3.1 Historical Topographic Maps, Aerial Photographs, Sanborn Maps .................................... 5 3.2 Historical City Directories .................................................................................................... 7 3.3 Site Ownership .................................................................................................................... 9 3.4 Title Search ....................................................................................................................... 10 3.5 Environmental Liens and Activity and Use Limitations ..................................................... 10 3.6 Historical Tax Assessor Records ...................................................................................... 10 3.7 Interviews Regarding Current and Historical Site Uses .................................................... 11 3.8 Prior Report Review .......................................................................................................... 12 4.0 RECORDS REVIEW ...................................................................................................................... 14 4.1 Federal and State/Tribal Databases ................................................................................. 14 4.2 Local Agency Inquiries ...................................................................................................... 18 5.0 SITE RECONNAISSANCE ............................................................................................................ 19 5.1 General Site Information ................................................................................................... 19 5.2 Overview of Current Site Occupants ................................................................................. 20 5.3 Overview of Current Site Operations ................................................................................ 20 5.4 Site Observations .............................................................................................................. 20 6.0 ADJOINING PROPERTY RECONNAISSANCE ........................................................................... 26 7.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES .............................................................................................................. 26 7.1 Visual Observations for Suspect Asbestos ....................................................................... 26 8.0 DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. 27 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) APPENDICES APPENDIX A Exhibit 1 - Topographic Map, Exhibit 2 - Site Diagram, Reference A – Bryant Motors Sketch, 2016 APPENDIX B Site Photographs APPENDIX C Historical Documentation and User Questionnaire APPENDIX D Environmental Database Information APPENDIX E Credentials APPENDIX F Description of Terms and Acronyms Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was performed in accordance with Terracon Proposal No. P81187129R-TASK 1 dated March 21, 2018, and was conducted consistent with the procedures included in ASTM E1527-13, Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process. The ESA was conducted under the supervision or responsible charge of Matt Wheaton, Environmental Professional. Eric A. Dubcak performed the site reconnaissance on April 9, 2018. Findings and Opinions A summary of findings is provided below. It should be recognized that details were not included or fully developed in this section, and the report must be read in its entirety for a comprehensive understanding of the items contained herein. Site Description and Use The site is located at 1300 Bronson Way North in Renton, King County, Washington (King County Tax Parcel Nos. 135230-0005, -0025, -0045, -0050, -0060, and -0071). The site consists of six contiguous parcels, totaling approximately 1.50-acres, and is improved on the west with two adjoining buildings, that are used part-time, which include an approximately 16,470-square-foot building with a showroom, offices, parts area and middle storage area (former parts room) with offices and an approximately 16,480-square-foot main shop room. The remainder of the site is developed with a parking lot and temporary trailer mounted telecommunications tower. Historical Information Based on review of available historical documentation, the site was originally residential lots from at least 1927 until the construction of two gas stations on the southwest and southeast corners of the site by at least 1943. The site underwent demolition of several residential structures, which were heated by oil, and was improved with commercial buildings and parking lots by 1965. The gas stations were removed by at least 1968 and buildings on the western portion of the site were replaced with two large adjoined commercial structures. After the removal of the last standing residential building by at least 1985, the eastern portion of the site underwent various phases of renovation and remodel, until the removal of buildings by at least 2011. At least three residences were historically located on the northeast portion of the site which appear to have used heating oil. Although a specific reference was not provided in the documents reviewed pertaining to the storage containers used by these residences, given Terracon’s experience with similar facilities in the same geographic area there is the potential that the heating oil was stored in unregistered underground storage tanks (USTs). Therefore, there remains the potential for heating oil USTs and/or associated heating oil releases to be present in association with the historical on-site residences. Furthermore, three of the historical residences were Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable ii formerly located in the northeastern portion of the site, in an area that has not been redeveloped. Based on this information, the reported use of heating oil on-site represents a Recognized Environmental Condition (REC). The north-adjoining properties were undeveloped vacant plats from at least 1927 until at least 1943, with the construction of a multi-family building to the northeast and the construction of an adjoining residential building to the northwest by at least 1965. The east adjoining properties were constructed with residential structures by at least 1927 until at least 1943, when a gas station was constructed. The gas station remained in use until at least 2006, the convenience store expanded and the remaining residential buildings were removed. The south-adjoining property has been a public park from at least 1927 to present. The west-adjoining property was residential and commercial structures from at least 1927 until at least 1985, when a multi-business commercial retail business structure was constructed. Prior Report Review The client provided Terracon with a Cleanup Action Report by GeoEngineers, Inc. (GeoEngineers), dated August 2015, related to remedial action taken by the site owners after indications of contaminated material were observed. After the removal of three hoists in the main shop, soil sampling indicated diesel- and lube-oil total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) impacting the soil. The owner excavated 150-cubic yards of contaminated material; additionally, soil samples from the base of the excavation did not detect TPH. The Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) received the Cleanup Report and gave the removal process No Further Action (NFA) status. Therefore, based on confirmation soil sample results that indicate soil impacted from the release was remediated to concentrations below Washington State Model Toxics Control Act Method A cleanup levels, the release and associated cleanup represent a historical REC (HREC). Records Review Based on a review of the environmental regulatory database (EDR) report, the site was listed under EDR’s own Historical Auto database and Washington State Department of Ecology’s (Ecology) underground storage tank (UST), Confirmed and Contaminated Sites – No Further Action (CSCSL NFA), and RCRA – Non Generators / No Longer Regulated (RCRA NonGen / NLR) databases. Based off of EDR’s own review of historical documentation, the site was historically an automotive dealer between 1971 and 1974. Under the USTs database, Ecology notes that a total of eight USTs have been identified in association with this address. Specifically, Ecology has records associated with the removal of four USTs; however, the specific locations of any on-site USTs are not provided. The USTs were reportedly used for the storage of unleaded gasoline, used waste oil, and kerosene. Furthermore, Ecology’s records indicated that an additional four USTs were closed on-site; however, the specific locations were also not provided. The closed-in-place USTs were historically used for the storage of waste oil and kerosene. There are no reports of violations or impacts related to the USTs. No additional closure reports were provided for any of the removed or closed-in-place Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable iii USTs. Given our experience with similar facilities, there is the potential that an undocumented release has occurred in association with one or more of these eight USTs. Therefore, these USTs represent a REC to the site. The CSCSL NFA database listing in the EDR report is related to the remedial action taken by the site owners. After the removal of three hoists, soil sampling indicated impacted soil and thus an excavation of contaminated material was conducted (discussed further in Section 3.8). The process received an NFA status after the final removal of impacted material. The site was reported in the RCRA NonGen / NLR database in 2006 and classified as a non- generator not presently reporting hazardous waste; however, the site is listed as reporting approximately 723 pounds of waste in 1995. Given the historical site use and Terracon’s understanding of previous on-site operations, which appear to have consisted of automotive repair at various times, there is the potential for an undocumented release from this historical site use. Therefore, the historical site use for automotive repair, which appears to be associated with the on-site RCRA listing, is identified as a REC. An additional listing appears to be associated with a historical address associated with the former gas station on the southeastern corner of the site. According to the EDR report, this property is listed on the UST database, and previously had two USTs installed in 1964; however, the tanks were closed in place. No violations or impacts were reported in regards to the tanks. Given the absence of sampling done at the closed tanks and visual observations of gas station equipment (discussed further in Section 5.1), the historical on-site gas station and associated USTs in the southeast corner of the site represents a REC. Based on review of the EDR report, the former Johnsons Texaco, located approximately 60 feet east of the site, is listed under EDR’s Historical Auto database. Based off EDR’s own review of historical documentation, the property was a gas station from at least 1969 to at least 1996. According to the EDR report, this facility was listed under the UST database. The property reportedly had four, approximate 10,000 to 19,999-gallon tanks installed approximately in 1996 and removed at an unknown date. The facility is also listed under Ecology’s ICR, VCP, CSCSL NFA, and RCRA NonGen / NLR databases. The EDR report states that in 2006 the facility was listed as a non-generator and accounted for no hazardous waste or material. Ecology’s ICR database noted that petroleum impacted groundwater and soil were observed at the facility during the 1990s. The property owners at the time received a closure permit in May 2002 from the City of Renton, which outlined specific guidelines related to tank removal (discussed above) and remedial actions necessary for final closure of facility. The site was listed on the EDR report as a VCP and granted NFA status in 2003, due to remedial cleanup and gas station closure; however, as of the issuance of this report Terracon has not been provided documentation from Ecology detailing the UST removal activities, soil and/or groundwater confirmation sampling, or other regulatory documentation, such as the NFA. As a result, Terracon is unable to determine what the NFA was based on or if residual Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable iv impacts are present at this facility that may pose a risk to the site. Therefore, the absence of this information represents a data gap. Additional off-site facilities listed in the database report do not appear to represent RECs to the site at this time based upon regulatory status, inferred groundwater gradient, and/or distance from the site. Site Reconnaissance During Terracon’s site reconnaissance, an air compressor, a subsurface hydraulic lift, natural gas heating and oil burner, four wash sumps, a hydraulic press, three 55-gallon drums, 5-gallon buckets, and small plastic containers containing new oil, used oil, antifreeze, cleaners, and fuel additives, a waste oil vault, six documented closed in place USTs, two vault type features, several storm catch basins, six pole-mounted transformers, stained pavement related to USTs, two solid waste disposal dumpsters, a subsurface exhaust ventilation system, a concrete cut area with backfill, and two apparent former dispenser concrete patches. Based on observations made during the site reconnaissance, review of historical documentation, and given our experience with similar facilities and features, the hydraulic lift, four wash sumps, drums and containers, staining, waste oil vault, six documented USTs, two vault type features, backfill and two apparent former dispenser concrete patches are considered RECs. Adjoining Properties The site is adjoined to the north by North 2nd Street followed by residential structures; to the east by Meadows Avenue North, followed by vacant land and a convenience store; to the south by Bronson Way North, followed by Liberty Park; to the west by Garden Avenue North, followed by residential structures and a commercial retail. RECs were not observed at the adjoining properties. Additional Services Per the agreed scope of services specified in Terracon’s Proposal No. P81187129R-TASK 1, additional services (e.g. asbestos sampling, lead-based paint sampling, wetlands evaluation, lead in drinking water testing, radon testing, etc.) were not conducted, with the exception of visual observations for asbestos. Based on the age of the structures (1960s) and observations made during the site reconnaissance, suspect asbestos-containing materials were identified. Furthermore, Mr. Russ Bryant, the property owner, stated a removal of paint booth contained asbestos panels; however, he was unaware if a report was provided for any sampling and/or removal activities. Significant Data Gaps At the issuance of this report, documentation pertaining to material contamination, sampling, remedial actions, and NFA status for the Texaco gas station (located to the east of the site) was not available to Terracon for review. Therefore, the absence of this information represents a significant data gap. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable v Conclusions We have performed a Phase I ESA consistent with the procedures included in ASTM Practice E 1527-13 at 1300 Bronson Way North, Renton, King County, Washington, (King County Tax Parcel Nos. 135230-0005, -0025, -0045, -0050, -0060, and -0071) the site. Controlled RECs (CREC) were not identified in association with the site. The following Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) were identified in connection with the site:  The southwest corner of the site was historically a gas station. Although it was reported that at least one of the former USTs was removed, there was no assessment completed/provided to document the proper closure of the tanks and other associated features (e.g. vaults, hoists, waste oil tanks).  A second gas station was identified in the southeast corner of the site. Two USTs were reportedly closed in place; however, reports documenting tank closure are these locations were not available.  The existing onsite structure was reported with multiple underground storage tanks (e.g. heating oil, waste oil) which were decommissioned in place.  The site was formerly occupied by residential structures which were reportedly heated with oil burning furnaces that may have utilized USTs to store the fuel.  The main shop area of the building is equipped with a waste oil subsurface vault.  The site was historically utilized for auto and parts sales with reported limited auto repair and painting operations. Additional operations included chemical/oil storage, spills, wash sumps, a hydraulic hoist with subsurface components, and a parts washer.  The site was equipped with four wash sumps located in the middle room and main shop area. Based on the duration of operations, proximity to auto repairs, and/or presence of an oil/water type separator, there is the potential for an undocumented release.  One hydraulic lift with subgrade components is currently in use at the site which may have resulted in an undocumented release. Based on the findings of this assessment, the remedial excavation performed on-site in association with the former on-site hydraulic lifts represents an HREC. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable vi Recommendations Based on the scope of services, limitations, and conclusions of this assessment, Terracon recommends conducting additional investigation to evaluate subsurface conditions associated with the identified RECs. Terracon recommends conducting a comprehensive asbestos survey prior to renovation and/or demolition of the on-site structures. In an effort to alleviate the significant data gap, Terracon recommends conducting a file review of documents available at Ecology pertaining to tank removal, facility closure, and NFA status related to the east-adjoining former gas station. In lieu of a file review, or in the event that the file review indicates the potential for on-site impacts from this off-site facility, Terracon recommends a subsurface investigation be conducted. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Site Description Site Name CITC Renton Site Location/Address 1300 Bronson Way North, Renton, King County, Washington (King County Parcel Nos. 135230-0005, -0025, -0045, -0050, -0060, - 0071) Land Area Approximately 1.50 acres Site Improvements The site is improved with two vacant buildings which include an approximately 16,470-square-foot building with a showroom, offices, middle adjoining room and a main shop, and an approximately 16,480-square-foot parts room . The remainder of the site is developed with a parking lot and temporary telecommunications tower. Anticipated Future Site Use Redevelopment for commercial use Purpose of the ESA Prospective purchase The location of the site is depicted on Exhibit 1 of Appendix A, which was reproduced from a portion of the USGS Bellevue South and Renton, Washington topographic maps. The site and adjoining properties are depicted on the Site Diagram, which is included as Exhibit 2 of Appendix A. Acronyms and terms used in this report are described in Appendix F. 1.2 Scope of Services This Phase I ESA was performed in accordance with Terracon Proposal No. P81187129R-TASK 1 dated March 21, 2018, and was conducted consistent with the procedures included in ASTM E1527-13, Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process. The purpose of this ESA was to assist the client in developing information to identify RECs in connection with the site as reflected by the scope of this report. This purpose was undertaken through user-provided information, a regulatory database review, historical and physical records review, interviews, including local government inquiries, as applicable, and a visual noninvasive reconnaissance of the site and adjoining properties. Limitations, ASTM deviations, and significant data gaps (if identified) are noted in the applicable sections of the report. ASTM E1527-13 contains a new definition of "migrate/migration," which refers to “the movement of hazardous substances or petroleum products in any form, including, for example, solid and liquid at the surface or subsurface, and vapor in the subsurface.” By including this explicit reference to migration in ASTM E1527-13, the Standard clarifies that the potential for vapor Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 2 migration should be addressed as part of a Phase I ESA. This Phase I ESA has considered vapor migration in evaluation of RECs associated with the site. As requested by the client, the following additional services were performed:  Visual Observations for Suspect Asbestos 1.3 Standard of Care This ESA was performed in accordance with generally accepted practices of this profession, undertaken in similar studies at the same time and in the same geographical area. We have endeavored to meet this standard of care, but may be limited by conditions encountered during performance, a client-driven scope of work, or inability to review information not received by the report date. Where appropriate, these limitations are discussed in the text of the report, and an evaluation of their significance with respect to our findings has been conducted. Phase I ESAs, such as the one performed at this site, are of limited scope, are noninvasive, and cannot eliminate the potential that hazardous, toxic, or petroleum substances are present or have been released at the site beyond what is identified by the limited scope of this ESA. In conducting the limited scope of services described herein, certain sources of information and public records were not reviewed. It should be recognized that environmental concerns may be documented in public records that were not reviewed. No ESA can wholly eliminate uncertainty regarding the potential for RECs in connection with a property. Performance of this practice is intended to reduce, but not eliminate, uncertainty regarding the potential for RECs. No warranties, express or implied, are intended or made. The limitations herein must be considered when the user of this report formulates opinions as to risks associated with the site or otherwise uses the report for any other purpose. These risks may be further evaluated – but not eliminated – through additional research or assessment. We will, upon request, advise you of additional research or assessment options that may be available and associated costs. 1.4 Additional Scope Limitations, ASTM Deviations and Data Gaps Based upon the agreed-on scope of services, this ESA did not include subsurface or other invasive assessments, vapor intrusion assessments or indoor air quality assessments (i.e. evaluation of the presence of vapors within a building structure), business environmental risk evaluations, or other services not particularly identified and discussed herein. Credentials of the company (Statement of Qualifications) have not been included in this report but are available upon request. Pertinent documents are referred to in the text of this report, and a separate reference section has not been included. Reasonable attempts were made to obtain information within the scope and time constraints set forth by the client; however, in some instances, information requested is not, or was not, received by the issuance date of the report. Information obtained for this ESA was received from several sources that we believe to be reliable; nonetheless, the authenticity or reliability of these sources cannot and is not warranted hereunder. This ESA was further limited by the following: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 3  Historical records were not available prior to 1927; however, the first available historical record from 1927 indicates that the site was residentially developed. Therefore, the absence of earlier records is not considered a significant data failure.  An online request was submitted to the King County Public Health Department regarding records of hazardous and environmental concerns on the site. At the issuance date of this report, records were not available; however, based on review of historical records, this is not considered a significant data gap.  At the issuance of this report, documentation pertaining to material contamination, sampling, remedial actions, and NFA status for the Texaco gas station (located to the east of the site) was not available to Terracon for review. Therefore, the absence of this information represents a significant data gap. An evaluation of the significance of limitations and missing information with respect to our findings has been conducted, and where appropriate, significant data gaps are identified and discussed in the text of the report. However, it should be recognized that an evaluation of significant data gaps is based on the information available at the time of report issuance, and an evaluation of information received after the report issuance date may result in an alteration of our conclusions, recommendations, or opinions. We have no obligation to provide information obtained or discovered by us after the issuance date of the report, or to perform any additional services, regardless of whether the information would affect any conclusions, recommendations, or opinions in the report. This disclaimer specifically applies to any information that has not been provided by the client. This report represents our service to you as of the report date and constitutes our final document; its text may not be altered after final issuance. Findings in this report are based upon the site’s current utilization, information derived from the most recent reconnaissance and from other activities described herein; such information is subject to change. Certain indicators of the presence of hazardous substances or petroleum products may have been latent, inaccessible, unobservable, or not present during the most recent reconnaissance and may subsequently become observable (such as after site renovation or development). Further, these services are not to be construed as legal interpretation or advice. 1.5 Reliance This ESA report is prepared for the exclusive use and reliance of Rhodes Architecture + Light. Use or reliance by any other party is prohibited without the written authorization of Rhodes Architecture + Light and Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon). Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 4 Reliance on the ESA by the client and all authorized parties will be subject to the terms, conditions and limitations stated in the proposal, ESA report, and Terracon’s Agreement for Services. The limitation of liability defined in the Agreement for Services is the aggregate limit of Terracon’s liability to the client and all relying parties. Continued viability of this report is subject to ASTM E1527-13 Sections 4.6 and 4.8. If the ESA will be used by a different user (third party) than the user for whom the ESA was originally prepared, the third party must also satisfy the user’s responsibilities in Section 6 of ASTM E1527- 13. 1.6 Client Provided Information Prior to the site visit, Mr. Josh Meharry, client’s representative, was asked to provide the following user questionnaire information as described in ASTM E1527-13 Section 6. Client Questionnaire Responses Client Questionnaire Item Client Did Not Respond Client’s Response Yes No Specialized Knowledge or Experience that is material to a REC in connection with the site. X Actual Knowledge of Environmental Liens or Activity Use Limitations (AULs) that may encumber the site. X Actual Knowledge of a Lower Purchase Price because contamination is known or believed to be present at the site. X Commonly Known or Reasonably Ascertainable Information that is material to a REC in connection with the site. X Obvious Indicators of Contamination at the site. X Mr. Meharry provided Terracon with available documents, reports, files, and historical information related to the site which included a title report, a previous remediation report, historical documentation, and environmental files. Previous reports are discussed further in Section 3.10. Mr. Meharry did not respond to questions regarding environmental liens or AULs or ascertainable information that is material to a REC in connection with the site; however, he indicated that a previous title search and additional information were included in the provided files. Mr. Meharry responded “yes” to knowledge of obvious indications of contamination at the site and stated that there is a likely presence of contaminates given the various on-site tanks and prior historical uses as a gas station and automotive parts center. Terracon’s consideration of the client provided information did identify RECs, which are discussed further in Sections 4.1 and 5.0. A copy of the questionnaire is included in Appendix C. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 5 2.0 PHYSICAL SETTING Physical Setting Information Source Topography Site Elevation Approximately 40 feet above sea level USGS Topographic Map, Tacoma, Washington, 1991 (Appendix A) Topographic Gradient Topo Surface Runoff towards the northwest Closest Surface Water Cedar River, approximately 720 feet southwest of the site. Soil Characteristics Soil Type The site is located in an area of dense urban development, often including cut and fill material. USADA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Web Soil Survey, April 2018 Description Geology/Hydrogeology Formation Urban or industrial land modified by widespread or discontinuous artificial fill (afm) USGS, Geologic map of the Renton quadrangle, King County, Washington, Mullineaux, D.R., 1965 Description Urban or industrial land modified by widespread or discontinuous artificial fill Estimated Depth to First Occurrence of Groundwater Approximately 20 feet below ground surface (bgs) Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology), Well Report Viewer, Well Log ID 830018 *Hydrogeologic Gradient Not known - may be inferred to be parallel to topographic gradient (primarily to the northwest). * The groundwater flow direction and the depth to shallow, unconfined groundwater, if present, would likely vary depending upon seasonal variations in rainfall and other hydrogeological features. Without the benefit of on-site groundwater monitoring wells surveyed to a datum, groundwater depth and flow direction beneath the site cannot be directly ascertained. 3.0 HISTORICAL USE INFORMATION Terracon reviewed the following historical sources to develop a history of the previous uses of the site and surrounding area, in order to help identify RECs associated with past uses. Copies of selected historical documents are included in Appendix C. 3.1 Historical Topographic Maps, Aerial Photographs, Sanborn Maps Readily available historical USGS topographic maps, selected historical aerial photographs (at approximately 10 to 15 year intervals) and historical fire insurance maps produced by the Sanborn Map Company were reviewed to evaluate land development and obtain information concerning the history of development on and near the site. Reviewed historical topographic maps, aerial photographs and Sanborn maps are summarized below. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 6 Historical fire insurance maps produced by the Sanborn Map Company were requested from EDR to evaluate past uses and relevant characteristics of the site and surrounding properties. EDR provided Sanborn maps as summarized below.  Topographic map: Seattle, Washington, 1897 (1:125,000)  Topographic map: Snohomish, Washington, 1897 (1:125,000)  Topographic map: Tacoma, Washington, 1897, 1900 (1:125,000)  Topographic map: Mercer Island, Washington, 1943, photorevised 1950 (1:24,000)  Topographic map: Renton, Washington, 1943, photorevised 1949 (1:24,000)  Topographic map: Mercer Island, Washington, 1968, 1973, 2014 (1:24,000)  Topographic map: Renton, Washington, 1968, 1973, 1994, 2014 (1:24,000)  Topographic map: Bellevue South, Washington, 1977 photorevised 1983 (1:25,000)  Topographic map: Renton, Washington, 1977 photorevised 1983 (1:24,000) (1:25,000)  Aerial photograph: EDR, 1943, 1965, 1968, 1977, 1980, 1985, 1990, 2006, 2011, 2015 (1’’=500’)  Sanborn Fire Insurance Map(s): 1927, 1944, and 1962 Historical Topographic Maps, Aerial Photographs, and Sanborn Maps Direction Description Site Appears as multiple residential structures (1927); appears as a gas station in the southeastern portion of the site, a gas station and an auto repair shop are visible on the southwest corner of the site (1943-1944); several residences are replaced by a commercial building and parking lot on the eastern portion of the site (1965); the existing buildings, parking lot, and several residences on the western half of the site are replaced by large, commercial structures, the gas station pumps in the southeast corner of the site are removed (1968-1980); the remaining residential structures in the northeast corner of the site are removed and replaced by a commercial building (1985-1990); the eastern half of the site renovates existing buildings and parking lots (200 6); structures are removed from the eastern half of the site (2011-2015). North Appears as vacant plats (1927); a multi-family residential building is constructed (1943); an adjoining residence and garage are constructed (1965-2015). East Appears as several residential structures (1927); appears as an auto repair shop and gas station (1943-1944); the repair shop is replaced by a monocycle dealership; the gas station continues to be in use (1963); the gas station continues to be in use, with an attached convenience shop (1968-1990); a residence is removed for expansion of the convenience store, the gas station pump island is removed (2006); another residence is removed (2011-2015). South Appears as a city park (1927-2015). Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 7 Direction Description West Appears as residential structures (1927); a commercial structure for an automotive garage and repair shop is visible to the southwest of the site (1943-1968); several residences are removed and replaced by a parking lot (1977-1980); the repair shop and several more houses are replaced by a large commercial retail building and parking lot (1985-2015). The southeast and southwest corners of the site appear to have been developed as gas stations from at least 1943 until approximately 1968. Furthermore, the gas station on the southwestern portion of the site appears to have conducted automotive repair. The gas station facilities are discussed further in Sections 3.6 and 3.7. An east-adjoining property appears to have been developed with a gas station and repair facility from at least 1943 until approximately 1990. This gas station facility is discussed further in Section 4.1. 3.2 Historical City Directories The Polk and Cole city directories used in this study were made available through EDR and GeoSearch (selected years reviewed: 1947, 1950, 1954, 1961, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2014, and 2016) and were reviewed at approximate five-year intervals, if readily available. Since these references are copyright protected, reproductions are not provided in this report. Review of historic Sanborn Maps indicate that Bronson Way North was 1st Avenue North from at least 1927 until 1944, and North 2nd Street was historically 2nd Avenue North from approximately 1927 until 1944. Street listings for 1st Avenue North and North 2nd Street were not available prior to 1947. Street listings for Bronson Way North, Garden Avenue North, and Meadow Avenue North were not available prior to 1964. Historical street addresses for the site are 600 through 620 1st Avenue North, 1310 through 1316 Bronson Way North, 100 through 130 Garden Avenue North, and 101 through 129 Meadow Avenue North. The current street address for the site was identified as 1300 Bronson Way North. Historical City Directories Direction Description Site 600 1st Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 601 1st Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 602 1st Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 610 1st Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 620 1st Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 1300 Bronson Way N: Bryant motors gas station (1964); Bryant Motors Auto (1969- 2014). 1310 Bronson Way N: No listing (1964-2014). 1314 Bronson Way N: No listing (1964-2014). Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 8 Direction Description 1316 Bronson Way N: Gas station (1964); no listing (1969-2014). 100 Garden Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 110 Garden Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 112 Garden Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 114 Garden Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 116 Garden Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 122 Garden Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 126 Garden Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 128 Garden Ave N: Private individual (1964); vacant (1969); no listing (1975-2014). 130 Garden Ave N: Private individual (1964); no listing (1969-2014). 101 Meadow Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 107 Meadow Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 111 Meadow Ave N: No listing (1964); private individual (1969); motel (1975-1987); Bryant Motors (1992-2000); no listing (2005-2014). 117 Meadow Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 121 Meadow Ave N: Private individual (1964); no listing (1969-2014). 125 Meadow Ave N: Private individual (1964-1987); no listing (1992-2014). 129 Meadow Ave N: Private individual (1964-1982); vacant (1987); no listing (1992- 2014). North 200 Garden Ave N: Private individual (1964-1982); vacant (1987); private individual (1992); vacant (1995); no listing (2000-2010); private individual (2014). 203 Meadow Ave N: Multi-family housing (1964-1987); private individuals (1992-2014). East 700 1st Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 704 1st Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 708 1st Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 1402 N 2nd St: No Listing (1947/48-1950); Barnard Eric A (1954); Vadney Harold H (1961); Blomquist Chas (1966); No Listing (1970/71-1980/81); Warren Vaupel (1985/86- 1990/91); No Listing (1996-2011); Willis Lachlan (2016); [X] End Of Listings (2016). 1400 Bronson Way N: Renton Honda Motorcycles (1964); no listing (1969-2014). 1406 Bronson Way N: Vacant (1964); no listing (1969-2014). 1408 Bronson Way N: No listing (1964); Texaco gas station (1969-1995); Equilion Enterprises LLC (2000-2005); Bronson Mini Mart (2010-2014). 100 Meadow Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 110 Meadow Ave N: Private individual (1964); no listing (1969-2014). 116 Meadow Ave N: Private individual (1964-1982); vacant (1987); no listing (1992- 2014). 118 Meadow Ave N: Private individual (1964); vacant (1969); private individual (1975- 1982); vacant (1987); no listing (1992); private individual (1995); vacant (2000 -2005); no listing (2010-2014). Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 9 Direction Description South 1101 Bronson Way N: No listing (1964); Liberty Park (1969-1987); no listing (1992- 2014). 1103 Bronson Way N: No listing (1964); Liberty Park (1969-1987); no listing (1992- 2014). West 528 1st Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 518 2nd Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 1218 N 2nd St: Martin Henry (1947/48-1950); Martin M Hazel Mrs (1954); Fehr Dale S (1961); Wahlberg Walkner (1966); Henry Jim Martin (1970/71); No Current Listing (1975- 1980/81); J Keyes (1985/86); Humberto T Esparza (1990/91); Victor Gutierrez (1990/91); No Current Listing (1996); Onnie Erickson (1999); Northern Pacific Transmission (2005); William Andrew Uphaus (2005); No Listing (2011); Woodard Jonathan (2016). 528 Bronson Way N: No listing (1964-2014). 536 Bronson Way N: No listing (1964-2014). 1222 Bronson Way N: commercial retail, food (1964); Value Village Thrift Store (1969- 1987); commercial retail and food (1992); commercial retail, food, laundromat (1995- 2014). 101 Garden Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 109 Garden Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 115 Garden Ave N: Multi-family housing (1964-1982); no listing (1987-2014). 117 Garden Ave N: No listing (1964-2014). 121 Garden Ave N: No listing (1964-1969); vacant (1975); no listing (1982-2014). 123 Garden Ave N: No listing (1964-1995); vacant (2000); no listing (2005-). 129 Garden Ave N: Multi-family housing (1964-1975); no listing (1982-2014). 131 Garden Ave N: Private individual (1964-1995); vacant (2000); private individual (2005-2014). The southwest and southeast corners of the site, addressed as 1300 and 1316 Bronson Way North, respectively, appear to have been developed with gas stations during 1964. The facilities are discussed further in Sections 3.6 and 3.7. The east-adjoining property located at 1408 Bronson Way North was identified as a Texaco gas station from at least 1969 until approximately 1995. Currently, a convenience store is listed at the property and is discussed further in Section 4.1. The west-adjoining property located at 1222 Bronson Way north was identified as a laundromat from at least 1995 until 2014. The facility is discussed further in Section 4.1. 3.3 Site Ownership Based on a review of information obtained from the King County assessor’s records, the current site owners are William R. Bryant and Bryant Motors, Inc. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 10 3.4 Title Search Terracon was provided Title Commitments for review. The commitments were prepared for the sites’ six contiguous parcels and an additional four parcels not associated with the site. The property owner for the site was identified as the Heirs and Devisees of William R. Bryant and Bryant Motors, Inc. Reservations of findings of oil, coal, gas and minerals and/or mineral rights of any nature are associated with the site and site owner. An easement for Puget Sound Power & Light Company wires and appurtenance was identified in association with the site. Based on a review of the commitments, RECs were not identified. Copies of the Title Commitments are included in Appendix C. 3.5 Environmental Liens and Activity and Use Limitations The EDR regulatory database report included a review of both Federal and State Engineering Control (EC) and Institutional Control (IC) databases. Based on a review of the database report, the site was not listed on the EC or IC databases. Please note that in addition to these federal and state listings, AULs can be recorded at the county and municipal level that may not be listed in the regulatory database report. Environmental lien and activity and use limitation records recorded against the site were not provided by the client. At the direction of the client, performance of a review of these records was not included as part of the scope of services and unless notified otherwise, we assume that the client is evaluating this information outside the scope of this report. In addition to a review of the EDR report, Terracon reviewed the client -provided Title Commitments, discussed in Section 3.4, for indications of environmental liens or activity and use limitations. The presence of environmental liens or AULs were not identified during a review of these documents. 3.6 Historical Tax Assessor Records Terracon reviewed historical tax assessor records for the site from Puget Sound Regional Archives. The records included field logs for historical addresses associated with the site. The field logs indicated that several of the historical residential homes on the site used oil as a heating source. Although a specific reference was not provided in the documents reviewed pertaining to the storage containers used by these residences, given Terracon’s experience with similar facilities in the same geographic area there is the potential that the heating oil was stored in unregistered underground storage tanks (USTs). Therefore, there remains the potential for heating oil USTs and/or associated heating oil releases to be present in association with the historical on-site residences. Furthermore, three of the historical residences were formerly located in the northeastern portion of the site, in an area that has not been redeveloped. Based on this information, the reported use of heating oil on-site represents a REC. Additionally, a gas station was constructed in 1936 at the southwestern corner of the site, with a historical address 600 1st Avenue North. A second gas station, adjoined to an automotive repair shop, located at the southeastern corner of the site was listed as 620 1st Avenue North, with a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 11 build date of 1927; however, it was replaced by another gas station in 1957 and given an updated address of 1314 Bronson Way North. Based on review of city directories, historical aerial photographs, assessor information, and observations made during the field reconnaissance which included identification of hoists and other gas station accessories, the former, on-site gas station facilities are considered RECs and are discussed further in Section 5.4. The files are included in Appendix C. 3.7 Interviews Regarding Current and Historical Site Uses The following individual was interviewed regarding the current and historical use of the site. Interviews Interviewer Name / Phone # Title Date/Time Eric A. Dubcak Russ Bryant / 360-825- 5956 Property Owner April 13, 2018 / 10AM Terracon interviewed Mr. Russ Bryant, property owner, regarding history of the site. Mr. Bryant stated that his father purchased the property in the 1950s and at that time there were multiple residential structures on the site. When the current building was developed, the residential structures on the western portion of the site were demolished and the residential structures on the eastern portion of the site remained. It was reported that these structures were heated by heating oil with furnaces and reportedly equipped with aboveground storage tanks; however, as discussed in Section 3.6, there is the potential that heating oil was stored in USTs. The residential structures were reportedly connected to city sewer and were not utilizing septic tanks and leach fields. The existing building was constructed at separate times. It was reported that the southernmost portion of the building (showroom) was constructed in the early 1950s. This building was also utilized as a former gasoline station that was located at the southwest portion of the property. It was reported that the tanks associated with this gasoline station in the southwest portion of the site were decommissioned in the 1980s; however, as discussed in Section 5.4, a closure report, including confirmation soil sampling results, were not provided. In the late 1950s the parts room and the middle room (formerly used for parts) was constructed. In the late 1960s, the main shop area was reportedly constructed and the entire structure was used for offices, parts and auto sales. It was reported that the site operated for drop sales and inside bus sales in the late 1970s. The onsite structure was heated with heating oil which was stored in multiple underground storage tanks throughout the site. It was repor ted that the tanks (sizes unknown) were drained and decommissioned in the 1980s. Closure reports and associated confirmation soil sample reports were not provided to Terracon for review. However, the location of these six decommissioned tanks were identified by fill ports on Exhibit 2 and concrete patches were noted at these locations. The building is currently heated by natural gas in the showroom and parts room and the main shop is heated by a waste oil burning furnace. The waste oil burring Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 12 furnace was reportedly installed in the 1990s and reportedly consists of a subsurface waste oil vault was also installed in the main shop area. The waste oil accumulated from routine oil changes was directed to this vault to fuel the oil furnace. Mr. Bryant indicated that the waste oil vault installed was a double lined vault and was approximate 1,000-gallon capacity. He also stated that the vault was monitored for spills and leaks. The waste oil vault is discussed further in Section 5.1. The main shop area was also formerly equipped with three subsurface hydraulic hoists. Due to reported leaking seals on the hoists, there was a release to the soils and the hoists and a remedial excavation was completed. Mr. Bryant stated that he assisted with the removal of the hois ts and soils with his backhoe; however, an environmental company was contracted to assist with the sampling and reporting of the cleanup completed in 2015. The remedial action associated with these activities is further discussed in Section 3.8. The excavation was then backfilled and prepped for new concrete; however, the area was not paved following backfill. There was formerly a paint booth located in the main shop area which was utilized for painting small panels and not entire vehicles. The paint booth was reportedly removed and asbestos paneling associated with the paint booth was removed, further discussed in Section 7.0. The history of the eastern portion of the site included residences in the northern portion, a hotel in the middle and a gasoline station in the southern portion. The residential structures were reportedly removed in the 1960s followed by the hotel in the 1980s. The hotel was reportedly heated by electric baseboard heaters. The former gasoline structure in the southern portion of the site was removed in the 1950s and Mr. Bryant stated that the tanks associated with this gasoline stations were either decommissioned in place or removed. There was a subsurface hydraulic hoist located in the concrete foundation of the former structure and Mr. Bryant stated it would have been decommissioned with the tanks. This east portion of the site has remained undeveloped and was utilized for vehicle parking and a sales lot. This gas station and associated features is discussed further in Section 5.1. Mr. Bryant indicated that groundwater monitoring wells owned by the City of Renton were associated with the site. To his knowledge these wells have reported clean over the years of sampling completed. Details of the monitoring wells are further discussed in Section 3.8. Mr. Bryant was not aware of any environmental liens or legal action for the parcel(s) relating to environmental concerns. 3.8 Prior Report Review Terracon requested the client provide any previous reports they are aware of for the site. Previous reports were provided by the client to Terracon for review. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 13  Cleanup Action Report 1300 Bronson Way North Dated: August 12, 2015 Prepared by: GeoEngineers, Inc. For: Bryant Motors, Inc.  2017 Renton Aquifer Monitoring City of Renton Dated: October 11, 2017 Prepared by: AM Test Inc. For: City of Renton Public Works The GeoEngineers, Inc. (GeoEngineers) August 2015 Cleanup Action Report described the property, at the time, as the current configuration of the western portion of the site for this ESA report. GeoEngineers was contacted by the owner to characterize the soil conditions beneath the three hoists which were removed in May 2015. Soil samples were tested for diesel- and lube oil- range total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Napthanes, carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (cPAHs), and the following metals: barium, chromium, and lead. Several of the soil samples taken from below the hoists tested above Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) Method A cleanup levels for diesel- and lube oil-range hydrocarbons. Impacted soil removal was conducted by Bryant Motors, Inc. and/or Wheeler Construction Company, which included removal of approximately 150 cubic-yards of petroleum-contaminated soil using a back hoe and excavator. Confirmation samples taken at the base of the excavation tested below MTCA levels for the listed analytes. Groundwater was not observed during excavation. The excavation area was backfilled with imported structural fill and GeoEngineers did not recommend additional remedial actions. GeoEngineers submitted the Cleanup Report to the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology), which gave a No Further Action (NFA) status, to the area, in a confirmation later dated October 2015. Based on confirmation soil sample results that indicate soil impacted from the release was remediated to concentrations below Washington State Model Toxics Control Act Method A cleanup levels, the release and associated cleanup represent a historical REC (HREC). A copy of the GeoEngineers report is included in Appendix C. The client provided Terracon with analytical lab results for groundwater monitoring wells which are located throughout the City of Renton aquifer area. The analytes tested for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Two of the monitoring wells were identified using the provided monito ring well map, MW -4 and MW-14, which appear to the be located on the right-of-way along the northern boundary of the site. Additionally, the client provided an updated monitoring well table which included testing results for the onsite monitoring wells. The results for MW -4 did not detect VOCs and was last sampled in 2017. MW -14 did not detect VOCs except for bromodichloromethane (0.28 µg/L) and chloroform (1.7 µg/L) and was last sampled in 1998. The results for the bromodichloromethane and chloroform are below Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL). Copies of the analytical data and a map depicting the approximate location of all Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 14 groundwater monitoring wells associated with the City of Renton aquifer assessment are included in Appendix C. Terracon researched Ecology’s online well log database and was unable to find construction reports for the above mentioned monitoring wells. 4.0 RECORDS REVIEW Regulatory database information was provided by EDR, a contract information services company. The purpose of the records review was to identify RECs in connection with the site. Information in this section is subject to the accuracy of the data provided by the information services company and the date at which the information is updated. The scope herein did not include confirmation of facilities listed as "unmappable" by regulatory databases. In some of the following subsections, the words up-gradient, cross-gradient and down-gradient refer to the topographic gradient in relation to the site. As stated previously, the groundwater flow direction and the depth to shallow groundwater, if present, would likely vary depending upon seasonal variations in rainfall and the depth to the soil/bedrock interface. Without the benefit of on-site groundwater monitoring wells surveyed to a datum, groundwater depth and flow direction beneath the site cannot be directly ascertained. 4.1 Federal and State/Tribal Databases Listed below are the facility listings identified on federal and state/tribal databases within the ASTM-required search distances from the approximate site boundaries. Database definition, descriptions, and the database search report are included in Appendix D. Federal Databases Database Description Distance (miles) Listings CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, & Liability Information System 0.5 1 CERCLIS / NFRAP Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, & Liability Information System/No Further Remedial Action Planned 0.5 0 ERNS Emergency Response Notification System Site 0 IC / EC Institutional Control/Engineering Control Site 0 NPL National Priorities List 1 1 NPL (Delisted) National Priorities Delisted List 0.5 0 RCRA CORRACTS/ TSD RCRA Corrective Action Activity 1 1 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 15 Database Description Distance (miles) Listings RCRA Generators Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Site and adjoining properties 0 RCRA Non- CORRACTS/ TSD RCRA Non-Corrective Action Activity 0.5 0 State/Tribal Databases Database Description Distance (miles) Listings CSCSL Confirmed & Suspected Contaminated Sites List 0.5 12 HSL Hazardous Sites List 1 3 IC Institutional Controls Sites Site 0 LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks 0.5 6 SWF/LF Solid Waste Facilities/Landfills 0.5 1 UST Underground Storage Tanks Site and adjoining properties 2 VCP Voluntary Cleanup Program 0.5 12 Other Databases Database Description Distance (miles) Listings CSCSL NFA Confirmed and Contaminated Sites – No Further Action 0.5 12 ICR Independent Cleanup Reports 0.5 10 RCRA NonGen / NLR RCRA – Non Generators / No Longer Regulated Site and adjoining properties 3 EDR Hist Auto EDR Exclusive Historical Auto Station Site and adjoining properties 2 EDR Hist Cleaner EDR Exclusive Historical Cleaners Site and adjoining properties 1 In addition to the above ASTM-required listings, Terracon reviewed other federal, state, local, and proprietary databases provided by the database firm. A list of the additional reviewed databases is included in the regulatory database report included in Appendix D. The following table summarizes the site-specific information provided by the database and/or gathered by this office for identified facilities within 500 feet of the site. Facilities are listed in order of proximity to the site. Additional discussion for selected facilities follows the summary table. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 16 Listed Facilities Facility Name And Location Estimated Distance / Direction/Gradient Database Listings Is a REC, CREC, or HREC to the Site Bryant Motors 1300 Bronson Way N Site UST, CSCSL NFA, RCRA NonGen / NLR REC - discussed below Bryant Motors 1300 Bronson Way N EDR Hist Auto Bryant Motors 1316 Bronson Way N UST Renton Valu Village 1222 Bronson Way Approximately 50 feet / west / cross-gradient RCRA NonGen / NLR No, see discussion below Village Square Laundry 1222 Bronson Way EDR Hist Cleaner Johnsons Texaco 1408 Bronson Way N Approximately 60 feet / east / cross-gradient EDR Hist Auto REC - discussed below Shell Bronson Way N 1408 Bronson Way N UST Texaco Station 12064 1408 Bronson Way N VCP, CSCSL NFA, RCRA NonGen / NLR Texaco #63 232 1451 1408 Bronson Way N ICR Bryant Motors The site is listed under EDR’s own Hist Auto database and Ecology’s UST, CSCSL NFA, and RCRA NonGen / NLR databases. Based off of EDR’s own review of historical documentation, the site was historically an automotive dealer between 1971 and 1974. Under the USTs database, Ecology notes that a total of eight USTs have been identified in association with this address. Specifically, Ecology has records associated with the removal of four USTs; however, the specific locations of any on-site USTs are not provided. The USTs were reportedly used for the storage of unleaded gasoline, used waste oil, and kerosene. Furthermore, Ecology’s records indicated that an additional four USTs were closed on-site; however, the specific locations were also not provided. The closed-in-place USTs were historically used for the storage of waste oil and kerosene. There are no reports of violations or impacts related to the USTs. No additional closure reports were provided for any of the removed or closed-in-place USTs. Given our experience with similar facilities, there is the potential that an undocumented release has occurred in association with one or more of these eight USTs. Therefore, these USTs represent a REC to the site. The CSCSL NFA database listing in the EDR report is related to the remedial action taken by the site owners. After the removal of three hoists, soil sampling indicated impacted soil and thu s an Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 17 excavation of contaminated material was conducted (discussed further in Section 3.8). The process received an NFA status after the final removal of impacted material. The site was reported in the RCRA NonGen / NLR database in 2006 and classified as a non- generator not presently reporting hazardous waste; however, the site is listed as reporting approximately 723 pounds of waste in 1995. Given the historical site use and Terracon’s understanding of previous on-site operations, which appear to have consisted of automotive repair at various times, there is the potential for an undocumented release from this historical site use. Therefore, the historical site use for automotive repair, which appears to be associated with the on-site RCRA listing, is identified as a REC. Bryant Motors This listing appears to be associated with a historical address associated with the former gas station on the southeastern corner of the site. According to the EDR report, this property is listed on the UST database, and previously had two USTs installed in 1964; however, the tanks were closed in place. No violations or impacts were reported in regards to the tanks. Given the absence of sampling done at the closed tanks and visual observations of gas station equipment (discussed further in Section 5.1), the historical on-site gas station and associated USTs in the southeast corner of the site represents a REC. Renton Valu Village According to the EDR report, the former Valu Village was located approximately 50-feet west of the site and is listed under Ecology’s RCRA NonGen / NLR database. The property was listed as a non-generator in 1996; however, no violations or hazardous waste was reported or produced at the property. Based on regulatory status, gradient and distance from the site, this facility is not considered a REC. Village Square Laundry The Village Square Laund is located to the west of the site, across Garden Avenue North, and is listed under EDR’s Hist Cleaner database. Based on the EDR report, historical directories, and site reconnaissance, the facility has been a coin-operated laundromat from at least 1986 to present. Given the regulatory status, gradient and distance from the site, this facility is not considered a REC. Johnsons Texaco, Shell Bronson Way N, Texaco Station 12064 & Texaco #63 232 1451 The former Johnsons Texaco, located approximately 60 feet east of the site, is listed under EDR’s Hist Auto database. Based off EDR’s own review of historical documentation, the property was a gas station from at least 1969 to at least 1996. According to the EDR report, this facility was listed under the UST database. The property had four, 10,000 to 19,999-gallon tanks installed approximately in 1996 and removed at an unknown date. There were no reports of releases or violations in relation to the tanks. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 18 The facility is listed under Ecology’s ICR, VCP, CSCSL NFA, and RCRA NonGen / NLR databases. The EDR report states that in 2006 the facility was listed as a non-generator and accounted for no hazardous waste or material. Ecology’s ICR database noted that petroleum impacted groundwater and soil were observed at the facility during the 1990s. The property owners at the time received a closure permit in May 2002 from the City of Renton, which outlined specific guidelines related to tank removal (discussed above) and remedial actions necessary for final closure of facility. The site was listed on the EDR report as a VCP and granted NFA status in 2003, due to remedial cleanup and gas station closure; however, as of the issuance of this report Terracon has not been provided documentation from Ecology detailing the UST removal activities, soil and/or groundwater confirmation sampling, or other regulatory documentation, such as the NFA. As a result, Terracon is unable to determine what the NFA was based on or if residual impacts are present at this facility that may pose a risk to the site. Therefore, the absence of this information represents a data gap. The remaining facilities listed in the database report do not appear to represent RECs to the site at this time based upon regulatory status, apparent topographic gradient, and/or distance from the site. Unmapped facilities are those that do not contain sufficient address or location information to evaluate the facility listing locations relative to the site. The report listed five (5) facilities in the unmapped section. Determining the location of unmapped facilities is beyond the scope of this assessment; however, none of these facilities were identified as the site or adjacent properties. These facilities are listed in the database report in Appendix D. 4.2 Local Agency Inquiries Agency Contacted/ Contact Method Response King County Public Health Department / email At the issuance of this report, a response had not been received from the King County Public Health Department regarding records of hazardous or environmental concern for the site. Renton Regional Fire Authority / online According to a representative from the Renton Regional Fire Authority, they do not have records related to aboveground or belowground storage tanks or hazardous/environmental concerns associated with the site. City of Renton / online A representative from the City of Renton provided Terracon with several building permits for historic and current address for the site. The records included permits for demolition of a motel and residence, and building permits for the Bryant Motors facility. Additionally, in 1990 there was a permit for the installation of a used oil tank in a vault and installation of a new oil dispenser in 1999. Based on this information and observations made during the site reconnaissance (discussed further in Section 5.4), these features are considered a REC. The permits are included in Appendix C. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 19 Agency Contacted/ Contact Method Response Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) / email A representative from Ecology provided Terracon with several Environmental Reports Tracking System (ERTs) records and a UST summary for the site. The ERTs records include a false report, which is not identified as REC, and a 2004 report of a polymer roof coating, described as a titanium dioxide/calicium carbonate/methanole/aslaskamamic polymer, washed into a catch basin during a heavy rain, and subsequently to the Cedar River located approximately 750 feet southwest of the site. The local fire department contained the release and called the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for cleanup, which included vacuuming the catch basin. Based on the cleanup and containment activities for the release, the release is not considered a REC. A 2015 report for hydraulic oil impacted soil within the Bryant Motors facility was submitted by GeoEngineers with an attached copy of a Cleanup Action Report. The ERTs report was given a No Further Action (NFA) status due to the independent cleanup of impacts (discussed further in Section 3.8). The UST report states tanks were closed on the site and are discussed further in Section 4.1. The records are included in Appendix C. 5.0 SITE RECONNAISSANCE 5.1 General Site Information Information contained in this section is based on a visual reconnaissance conducted while walking through the site and the accessible interior areas of structures, if any, located on the site. The site and adjoining properties are depicted on the Site Diagram, which is included in Exhibit 2 of Appendix A. Photo documentation of the site at the time of the visual reconnaissance is provided in Appendix B. Credentials of the individuals planning and conducting the site visit are included in Appendix E. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 20 General Site Information Site Reconnaissance Field Personnel Eric A. Dubcak Reconnaissance Date April 6, 2018 Weather Conditions Overcast 50 degrees / Light Rain Site Contact/Title Jennifer Bryant / Receptionist Building Description Building Identification Building Use Approx. Construction Date Number of Stories Approx. Size (ft²) Showroom / Offices / Parts Area / Middle Room Offices / showroom / parts storage / car washing Early 1960s 1 with second level storage areas 16,500 Main Shop Repairs, storage / car washing / restrooms Late 1960s 1 16,500 Site Utilities Drinking Water City of Renton Wastewater City of Renton Electric Puget Sound Energy Natural Gas Puget Sound Energy 5.2 Overview of Current Site Occupants The site is currently occupied by Bryant Motors. The operations at the time of the site reconnaissance appeared to be part-time to non-operational. 5.3 Overview of Current Site Operations The current operations observed included only office and administration work. There was no activity/personnel observed in the other portions of the site at the time of the site reconnaissance. The offices appeared to have been cleared out. 5.4 Site Observations The following table summarizes site observations and interviews. Affirmative responses (designated by an “X”) are discussed in more detail following the table. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 21 Site Characteristics Category Item or Feature Observed or Identified Site Operations, Processes, and Equipment Emergency generators Elevators Air compressors X Hydraulic lifts X Dry cleaning Photo processing Ventilation hoods and/or incinerators Waste treatment systems and/or water treatment systems Heating and/or cooling systems X Paint booths Sub-grade mechanic pits Wash-down areas or carwashes X Pesticide/herbicide production or storage Printing operations Metal finishing (e.g., electroplating, chrome plating, galvanizing, etc.) Salvage operations Oil, gas or mineral production Other processes or equipment X Aboveground Chemical or Waste Storage Aboveground storage tanks Drums, barrels and/or containers  5 gallons X MSDS or SDS Underground Chemical or Waste Storage, Drainage or Collection Systems Underground storage tanks or ancillary UST equipment X Sumps, cisterns, french drains, catch basins and/or dry wells X Grease traps Septic tanks and/or leach fields Oil/water separators, clarifiers, sand traps, triple traps, interceptors Pipeline markers Interior floor drains Electrical Transformers/ PCBs Transformers and/or capacitors X Other equipment Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 22 Category Item or Feature Observed or Identified Releases or Potential Releases Stressed vegetation Stained soil Stained pavement or similar surface X Leachate and/or waste seeps Trash, debris and/or other waste materials X Dumping or disposal areas Construction/demolition debris and/or dumped fill dirt Surface water discoloration, odor, sheen, and/or free floating product Strong, pungent or noxious odors Exterior pipe discharges and/or other effluent discharges Other Notable Site Features Surface water bodies Subgrade exhaust ventilation X Backfill soil X Concrete patching X Parts Washer X Site Operations, Processes, and Equipment Air compressors One air compressor was observed in the parts room area. The air compressor was located on a wooden pallet on the concrete. Surficial staining or releases were not observed on the compressor or in the vicinity of the air compressor at the time of the visual reconnaissance. The compressor appeared to have been only stored in this location and this was non-operational. The air compressor does not constitute a REC to the site. Hydraulic lifts One hydraulic lift unit was observed during the site reconnaissance. The lift was located in the concrete slab located in the southeast portion of the site. The lift did not appear to be operational at the time of the site reconnaissance. The unit was comprised of an “H” bracket and above ground controls were not observed. According to Mr. Bryant this hoist was decommissioned in the 1950s; however, service records or details of construction of this hoist were unknown. The hoist was located beneath a trailer at the time of the site reconnaissance and no evidence of hydraulic fluid releases was observed from the lift. Based on the presence of the subsurface features and undocumented history and use of the hoist, there is the potential for an undocumented release. Therefore, the subsurface hydrulic hoist represents a REC to the site. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 23 Heating and/or cooling systems The southern portions of the building were observed currently heated by natural gas ceiling mounted forced air units. In addition, an oil burning heater was observed in the main shop which utilized waste oil for a fuel source. The oil burner was fueled from a subsurface waste oil vault located in the main shop area. The details of the vault are further discussed below. The natural gas and oil burning heater do not represent RECs to the site. Wash-down areas or carwashes There are four designated wash areas located in the middle room and main shop areas of the site. These areas were equipped with a subsurface vault which contained a wooden grate. Vehicles were washed in these areas and the wash water drained into the vault connected to the city waste water. Additionally, Mr. Bryant stated that these wash sumps were connected directly to the city storm drains; however, the two wash sumps located in the middle room area were equipped with an oil/water type separator prior to discharge to the city storm drain. Based on the duration of operations, proximity to auto repairs, and/or presence of an oil/water type separator, there is the potential for an undocumented release. Therefore, these wash sumps represent a REC to the site. The site also utilized a self-contained parts washer/cleaner which reportedly utilized a detergent. It was stated that the unit may have already been removed from the site. The location of this unit was undetermined and it was not observed during the site reconnaissance. Other processes or equipment A surface mounted manual operated hydraulic press was observed in the southwest corner of the main shop. There was staining to the concrete in the vicinity of the press and it appear to be de minimus. The press does not represent a REC to the site. Aboveground Chemical or Waste Storage Drums, barrels and/or containers  5 gallons Three 55-gallon drums, 5-gal buckets and small plastic containers containing new oil, used oil, antifreeze, cleaners, fuel additives were observed throughout the building. Surficial staining was observed in the main shop area near the waste oil vault where the 5-gallon buckets with used oil were stored. A spill was observed on site concrete in the area of the former paint booth area. The staining and storage of the oil in the main shop represents a REC to the site. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 24 Underground Chemical or Waste Storage, Drainage or Collection Systems Underground storage tanks or ancillary UST equipment Surface indications of USTs were observed on the subject site during the site reconnaissance. Surface indications observed included a waste oil vault and multiple decommissioned USTs. The waste oil vault located in the main shop area was reportedly 1,000-gallon double line tank that was installed in the 1990s. The vault fueled a nearby oil burning furnace. There appeared to be a subsurface piping and drain system to direct the waste oil into the vault. Based on the duration of operations and staining in the vicinity of the waste oil storage area, the waste oil vault represents a REC to the site. There were six decommissioned USTs indicated in the Site Diagram, that were located inside the structure and one decommissioned UST located in the southeast portion of the site. The tanks were reportedly decommissioned in the 1980s and volumes of these tanks were unknown. The USTs within the building were reportedly utilized for heating oil fuel storage to heat the structure. The UST decommissioned on the southeast portion of the site was likely associated with the former gasoline station. Based on the duration of operations and our experience with subsurface tanks, there is the potential for an undocumented release. Therefore, these USTs represent a REC to the site. There were two subsurface vault type features and multiple pipes located on the southeast portion of the site, within the concrete area associated with a former gasoline structure. The details of the vaults and pipes/fill ports are unknown. Based on the operations and our experience with similar features, the two vaults and pipe/fill ports represent a REC to the site. Sumps, cisterns, catch basins and/or dry wells Evidence of storm drain catch basins were observed in the alley way east of the structure during the site reconnaissance. At the time of the site reconnaissance, no spill or releases were observed in or near the catch basins. However, a release was reported to an onsite catch basin and is further discussed in Section 4.2. Electrical Transformers/PCBs Pad or pole mounted transformers and/or capacitors During Terracon’s site visit, six pole-mounted transformers, presumably owned and serviced by Puget Sound Energy (PSE), were observed on the east and west site boundary; however, no information with regard to PCB content of the transformer fluids was observed. Transformers contain mineral oil which may contain minor amounts of PCB and could be considered “PCB contaminated” (PCB content of 50-500 ppm). PSE maintains responsibility for the transformers, and if the transformers were “PCB contaminated,” the utility company is not required to replace the transformer fluids until a release is identified. However, no evidence of current or prior release was observed in the vicinity of the electrical equipment during the site reconnaissance. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 25 Releases or Potential Releases Stained pavement or similar surfaces The observed stained pavement located in the main shop area is discussed above under the Aboveground Chemical and Waste Storage discussion. Trash, debris and/or other waste materials Two solid waste disposal dumpsters, serviced by Republic Waste, were observed along the west boundary of the site. No evidence of staining, noxious odors or hazardous waste disposal was observed within or in the vicinity of the on-site dumpsters. The trash observed consisted of office refuse at the time of the site reconnaissance. The two dumpsters do not represent a REC to the site. Other Notable Site Features Subsurface Exhaust Ventilation The middle room and main shop areas were equipped with a subsurface exhaust ventilation system (ports still present in foundation) which allowed vehicles to be running in the structure and the exhaust was directed into this ventilation system to be circulated outside of the structure. These ventilation system does not represent a REC to the site. Backfill soil A concrete cut area with backfill was observed in the main shop area of the building. It was reported this was backfill associated with a hydraulic hoist soil cleanup further discussed in Section 3.8. In addition to the hoist remediation area, there were two concrete cut/trenches in the southeast potion of this structure which connected to the cleanup area concrete area. However, Mr. Bryant indicated that these were associated with a water line repair that was completed. These saw cut concrete areas were also left and backfilled to the bottom of the existing concrete foundation. Concrete patching Two apparent dispenser oval shaped concrete patches were observed in the southeast portion of the site. This area was documented with a former gasoline service station from the 1950s. Based on the absence of decommissioning records associated with dispensers and piping and our experience with gasoline facilities, these areas represent a REC to the site. Parts Washer According to Mr. Bryant the site utilized a self-contained parts washer/cleaner which reportedly utilized a detergent for cleaning; however, the washer/cleaner was not observed at the time of the site reconnaissance nor was the exact location reported. Based on the duration of use with the feature and our experience with parts washers at automotive facilities, the parts washer is considered a REC. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CITC Renton ■ Renton, Washington April 18, 2018 ■ Terracon Project No. 81187129 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 26 6.0 ADJOINING PROPERTY RECONNAISSANCE Visual observations of adjoining properties (from site boundaries) are summarized below. Adjoining Properties Direction Description North North 2nd Street followed by residential structures East Meadows Avenue North followed by vacant land (north portion) and a convenience store associated with a former Texaco gas station (southern portion) South Bronson Way North followed by Liberty Park West Garden Avenue North followed by residential structures (northern portion) and commercial retail (southern portion) The convenience store associated with a former gasoline station, located to the east of the site, is further discussed in Section 4.1. RECs were not observed with the other adjoining properties. 7.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES Per the agreed scope of services specified in the proposal, the following additional services (e.g. visual observations for suspect asbestos) were conducted. 7.1 Visual Observations for Suspect Asbestos Terracon visually assessed Assessment Type of the on-site building for suspect asbestos- containing materials (ACM). The limited visual observations were performed by Eric A. Dubcak, an AHERA-accredited Washington State asbestos inspector Certification No. 164100. No samples of suspect ACM were collected or analyzed as part of the observations. The visual observations for suspect ACM were restricted to readily visible and accessible building materials. The following suspect ACM was observed: Summary of Suspect ACM Material Location Friable / Non-friable 2x4 foot acoustical ceiling tile Front showroom Friable Drywall / joint compound Front showroom and offices Friable Cove base mastic Front showroom Non-friable CMU insulation Exterior / interior walls Friable 12x12 ceiling tiles Front showroom offices Friable APPENDIX A EXHIBIT 1 – TOPOGRAPHIC MAP EXHIBIT 2 – SITE DIAGRAM REFERENCE A –%5<$17027256 SKETCH, 2016 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP CITC Renton 1300 Bronson Way North Renton, WA TOPOGRAPHIC MAP IMAGE COURTESY OF THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY QUADRANGLES INCLUDE: BELLEVUE SOUTH, WA (1/1/1983) and RENTON, WA (1/1/1994). 21905 64th Ave W Ste 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043-2251 81187129 Project Manager: Drawn by: Checked by: Approved by: MMH MW MW 1”=2,000’ *pdf April 2018 Project No. Scale: File Name: Date: 1 Exhibit APPENDIX B SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Project No. ■ 81187129 Date Photos Taken ■ April 6, 2018 CITC Headquarters and Training Facility ■ Renton, Washington Photo 1 View of the onsite structure facing northeast from the southwest corner of the site. Photo 2 View of the west site boundary facing north from the southwest corner of the site. Project No. ■ 81187129 Date Photos Taken ■ April 6, 2018 CITC Headquarters and Training Facility ■ Renton, Washington Photo 3 View of the north site boundary facing east from the northwest corner of the site. Photo 4 View of the east site boundary facing south from the northeast corner of the site. Project No. ■ 81187129 Date Photos Taken ■ April 6, 2018 CITC Headquarters and Training Facility ■ Renton, Washington Photo 5 View of the south site boundary facing east from the southwest corner of the site. Photo 6 View of the south adjoining properties facing south from the southern boundary. Project No. ■ 81187129 Date Photos Taken ■ April 6, 2018 CITC Headquarters and Training Facility ■ Renton, Washington Photo 7 View of the west adjoining properties facing west from the southwest portion of the site. Photo 8 View of the north adjoining properties facing northeast from the northwest portion of the site. Project No. ■ 81187129 Date Photos Taken ■ April 6, 2018 CITC Headquarters and Training Facility ■ Renton, Washington Photo 9 View of the east adjoining properties facing east from the southeast portion of the site. Photo 10 View of the grass covered vacant lot facing southeast from the north site boundary. Project No. ■ 81187129 Date Photos Taken ■ April 6, 2018 CITC Headquarters and Training Facility ■ Renton, Washington Photo 11 View of a trailer mounted antenna tower with fencing located along the east site boundary facing southeast from the central portion of the site. Photo 12 View of the former building slab and patched dispenser areas located in the southeast portion of the site facing northeast from the south site boundary. Project No. ■ 81187129 Date Photos Taken ■ April 6, 2018 CITC Headquarters and Training Facility ■ Renton, Washington Photo 13 View of the product area in the showroom located in the southern portion of the structure. Photo 14 View of the parts room located north of the showroom area. Project No. ■ 81187129 Date Photos Taken ■ April 6, 2018 CITC Headquarters and Training Facility ■ Renton, Washington Photo 15 View of a plugged fill port associated with a decommissioned UST located in the parts room. Photo 16 View of the middle storage room (former parts room) facing east. Project No. ■ 81187129 Date Photos Taken ■ April 6, 2018 CITC Headquarters and Training Facility ■ Renton, Washington Photo 17 View of a wash sump area used for washing vehicles located in the main shop area. Photo 18 View of the concrete cut area and backfilled excavation associated with the hydraulic hoist remediation located in the main shop area facing northwest. Project No. ■ 81187129 Date Photos Taken ■ April 6, 2018 CITC Headquarters and Training Facility ■ Renton, Washington Photo 19 View of a spill located on the concrete of the former paint booth located in the main shop. Photo 20 View of stained concrete and buckets/barrels of used oil located near the waste oil vault in the main shop. Project No. ■ 81187129 Date Photos Taken ■ April 6, 2018 CITC Headquarters and Training Facility ■ Renton, Washington Photo 21 View of battery storage located in the west portion of the main shop, facing southwest. Photo 22 View of the waste oil vault located in northeast area of the main shop, facing east. Project No. ■ 81187129 Date Photos Taken ■ April 6, 2018 CITC Headquarters and Training Facility ■ Renton, Washington Photo 23 View of the subgrade exhaust ventilation piping located in the middle room (former parts room), facing east. Photo 24 View of a hydraulic press located in the southwest corner of the main shop, facing west. APPENDIX C HISTORICAL DOCUMENTATION AND USER QUESTIONNAIRE Terracon Consultants, Inc. 21905 64th Avenue West, Suite 100 Mountlake Terrace, Washington 98043 P [425] 771-3304 F [425] 771-3549 terracon.com Person Completing Questionnaire Name: Company: Phone: Email: Site Name Site Address Point of Contact for Access Name: Company: Phone: Email: Access Restrictions or Special Site Requirements? ___No ___Yes (If yes, please explain) Confidentiality Requirements?___No ___Yes (If yes, please explain) Current Site Owner Name: Company: Phone: Email: Current Site Operator Name: Company: Phone: Email: Reasons for ESA (e.g., financing, acquisition, lease, etc.) Anticipated Future Site Use Relevant Documents?Please provide Terracon copies of prior Phase I or II ESAs, Asbestos Surveys, Environmental Permits or Audit documents, Underground Storage Tank documents, Geotechnical Investigations, Site Surveys, Diagrams or Maps, or other relevant reports or documents. ASTM User Questionnaire In order to qualify for one of the Landowner Liability Protections (LLPs) offered by the Small Business Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act of 2001 (the “Brownfields Amendments”), the user must respond to the following questions. Failure to provide this information to the environmental professional may result in significant data gaps, which may limit our ability to identify recognized environmental conditions resulting in a determination that “all appropriate inquiry” is not complete. This form represents a type of interview and as such, the user has an obligation to answer all questions in good faith, to the extent of their actual knowledge. 1) Did a search of recorded land title records (or judicial records where appropriate) identify any environmental liens filed or recorded against the property under federal, tribal, state, or local law (40 CFR 312.25)? ___No ___Yes ___Title search not completed (If yes, explain below and send Terracon a copy of the Chain of Title report.) 2) Did a search of recorded land title records (or judicial records where appropriate) identify any activity and use limitations (AULs), such as engineering controls, land use restrictions, or institutional controls that are in place at the property and/or have been filed or recorded against the property under federal, tribal, state, or local law (40 CFR 312.26)? ___No ___Yes ___Title search not completed (If yes, explain below and send Terracon a copy of the Chain of Title report.) 3) Do you have any specialized knowledge or experience related to the site or nearby properties? For example, are you involved in the same line of business as the current or former occupants of the site or an adjoining property so that you would have specialized knowledge of the chemicals and processes used by this type of business (40 CFR 312-28)? ___No ___Yes (If yes, explain below) 4) Do you have actual knowledge of a lower purchase price because contamination is known or believed to be present at the site (40 CFR 312.29)? ___No ___Yes ___Not applicable (If yes, explain below) 5) Are you aware of commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information about the site that would help the environmental professional to identify conditions indicative of releases or threatened releases (40 CFR 312.30)? ___No ___Yes (If yes, explain below) 6) Based on your knowledge and experience related to the site, are there any obvious indicators that point to the presence or likely presence of contamination at the site (40 CFR 312.31)? ___No ___Yes (If yes, explain below) Comments or explanations: 5178694.9 2015 = 500' 5178694.9 2011 = 500' 5178694.9 2006 = 500' 5178694.9 1990 = 500' 5178694.9 1985 = 500' 5178694.9 1980 = 500' 5178694.9 1977 = 500' 5178694.9 1968 = 500' 5178694.9 1965 = 500' 5178694.9 1943 = 500' Historical Topo Map page SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CLIENT: This report includes information from the following map sheet(s). - EW SW S SE NW N NE 2014 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 Bryant Motors Property 1300 Bronson Way N Renton, WA 98057 G-Logics TP, Renton, 2014, 7.5-minute N, Mercer Island, 2014, 7.5-minute 5178694 4 5 Historical Topo Map page SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CLIENT: This report includes information from the following map sheet(s). - EW SW S SE NW N NE 1994 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 Bryant Motors Property 1300 Bronson Way N Renton, WA 98057 G-Logics TP, Renton, 1994, 7.5-minute 5178694 4 6 Historical Topo Map page SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CLIENT: This report includes information from the following map sheet(s). - EW SW S SE NW N NE 1983 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 Bryant Motors Property 1300 Bronson Way N Renton, WA 98057 G-Logics TP, Renton, 1983, 7.5-minute NE, Bellevue South, 1983, 7.5-minute 5178694 4 7 Historical Topo Map page SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CLIENT: This report includes information from the following map sheet(s). - EW SW S SE NW N NE 1973 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 Bryant Motors Property 1300 Bronson Way N Renton, WA 98057 G-Logics TP, Renton, 1973, 7.5-minute N, Mercer Island, 1973, 7.5-minute 5178694 4 8 Historical Topo Map page SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CLIENT: This report includes information from the following map sheet(s). - EW SW S SE NW N NE 1968 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 Bryant Motors Property 1300 Bronson Way N Renton, WA 98057 G-Logics TP, Renton, 1968, 7.5-minute N, Mercer Island, 1968, 7.5-minute 5178694 4 9 Historical Topo Map page SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CLIENT: This report includes information from the following map sheet(s). - EW SW S SE NW N NE 1949, 1950 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 Bryant Motors Property 1300 Bronson Way N Renton, WA 98057 G-Logics TP, Renton, 1949, 7.5-minute N, Mercer Island, 1950, 7.5-minute 5178694 4 10 Historical Topo Map page SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CLIENT: This report includes information from the following map sheet(s). - EW SW S SE NW N NE 1900 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 Bryant Motors Property 1300 Bronson Way N Renton, WA 98057 G-Logics TP, Tacoma, 1900, 30-minute 5178694 4 11 Historical Topo Map page SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CLIENT: This report includes information from the following map sheet(s). - EW SW S SE NW N NE 1897 0 Miles 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 Bryant Motors Property 1300 Bronson Way N Renton, WA 98057 G-Logics TP, Tacoma, 1897, 30-minute N, Seattle, 1897, 30-minute N, Snohomish, 1897, 30-minute 5178694 4 12 page- Sanborn Sheet Key This Certified Sanborn Map Report is based upon the following Sanborn Fire Insurance map sheets. 1962 Source Sheets 1962 Volume 1, Sheet 4 1944 Source Sheets 1944 Volume 1, Sheet 4 1927 Source Sheets 1927 Volume 1, Sheet 4 5178694 3 3 This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets. Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection.0 Feet 150 300 600 - page Certified Sanborn® Map 59DB-42C8-B69459DB-42C8-B694 1962 1962 Order Date:02/06/2018 Certification # Site Name: Address: Bryant Motors Property 1300 Bronson Way N City, ST, ZIP:Renton, WA 98057 EDR Inquiry:5178694.3 Client:G-Logics Copyright Volume 1, Sheet 4 5178694 3 4 This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets. Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection.0 Feet 150 300 600 - page Certified Sanborn® Map 59DB-42C8-B69459DB-42C8-B694 1944 1944 Order Date:02/06/2018 Certification # Site Name: Address: Bryant Motors Property 1300 Bronson Way N City, ST, ZIP:Renton, WA 98057 EDR Inquiry:5178694.3 Client:G-Logics Copyright Volume 1, Sheet 4 5178694 3 5 This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets. Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection.0 Feet 150 300 600 - page Certified Sanborn® Map 59DB-42C8-B69459DB-42C8-B694 1927 1927 Order Date:02/06/2018 Certification # Site Name: Address: Bryant Motors Property 1300 Bronson Way N City, ST, ZIP:Renton, WA 98057 EDR Inquiry:5178694.3 Client:G-Logics Copyright Volume 1, Sheet 4 5178694 3 6 ALTA COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE Commitment Number: Issued By agent: 0100639-06 Update THIRD COMMITMENT Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. ALTA Commitment (06/17/2006)Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM Page 1 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622476-SPS-1-18-0100639-06 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Florida corporation (“Company”), for a valuable consideration, commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the Proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges and compliance with the Requirements; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions of this Commitment. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the Proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A by the Company. All liability and obligation under this Commitment shall cease and terminate six (6) months after the Effective Date or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue the policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. The Company will provide a sample of the policy form upon request. This Commitment shall not be valid or binding until countersigned by a validating officer or authorized signatory. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. Chicago Title Insurance Company By: Countersigned By: Authorized Officer or Agent President Attest: Secretary Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. ALTA Commitment (06/17/2006)Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM Page 2 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622476-SPS-1-18-0100639-06 CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON COMMITMENT NO.0100639-06 UPDATE THIRD COMMITMENT ISSUING OFFICE:FOR SETTLEMENT INQUIRIES, CONTACT: Title Officer: Commercial Unit Chicago Title Company of Washington 701 5th Avenue, Suite 2700 Seattle, WA 98104 Main Phone: (206)628-5610 Email: WA-Commercial@ctt.com Escrow Officer: Mark Schwarz Chicago Title Company of Washington 701 5th Avenue, Suite 2700 Seattle, WA 98104 Phone: 206-628-9710 Fax: 206-628-9737 Main Phone: (206)628-5666 Email: Mark.Schwarz@ctt.com SCHEDULE A ORDER NO.0100639-06 1. Effective Date: January 9, 2018 at 08:00 AM 2. Policy or Policies to be issued: a.ALTA Owner's Policy 2006 Proposed Insured:Integrity Land, LLC, a Washington limited liability company, and/or Assigns Policy Amount:$4,625,000.00 Premium: $8,359.00 Tax: $844.26 Rate:Standard Coverage Total: $9,203.26 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment is: Fee simple 4. Title to the estate or interest in the land is at the Effective Date vested in: The Heirs and Devisees of William R. Bryant, as to Lots 1 through 9, Block 1; and Bryant Motors, Inc., a Washington corporation, as to Lots 10 through 16, Block 1 and Lots 1 through 4, Block 8 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF END OF SCHEDULE A EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. ALTA Commitment (06/17/2006)Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM Page 3 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622476-SPS-1-18-0100639-06 Lots 1 through 16, Block 1, Car Works Addition to Renton, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, Page 47, in King County, Washington; and Lots 1 through 4, Block 1, Car Work's Addition to Renton, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, Page 47, in King County, Washington. CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON COMMITMENT NO.0100639-06 UPDATE THIRD COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. ALTA Commitment (06/17/2006)Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM Page 4 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622476-SPS-1-18-0100639-06 Schedule B of the policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS A. Rights or claims of parties in possession, or claiming possession, not shown by the Public Records. B. Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land. C. Easements, prescriptive rights, rights-of-way, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, not shown by the Public Records. D. Any lien, or right to a lien, for contributions to employee benefit funds, or for state workers' compensation, or for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, all as imposed by law, and not shown by the Public Records. E. Taxes or special assessments which are not yet payable or which are not shown as existing liens by the Public Records. F. Any lien for service, installation, connection, maintenance, tap, capacity, or construction or similar charges for sewer, water, electricity, natural gas or other utilities, or for garbage collection and disposal not shown by the Public Records. G. Unpatented mining claims, and all rights relating thereto. H. Reservations and exceptions in United States Patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof. I. Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. J. Water rights, claims or title to water. K. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the Public Records, or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed Insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON COMMITMENT NO.0100639-06 UPDATE THIRD COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (continued) Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. ALTA Commitment (06/17/2006)Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM Page 5 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622476-SPS-1-18-0100639-06 SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS 1.Exceptions and reservations contained in Deed from Ignazio Sartorim Et. ux; dated March 27, 1907, recorded April 6, 1907, under Recording Number 477920 2.Reservations of oil, coal, gas and minerals and/or mineral rights of any nature, and right of entry to explore same, contained in the deed Grantor: Seattle Car Manufacturing Company Recording Date: November 3, 1909 Recording No.: 646735 Affects: Lot 12, Block 1 3.Reservations of oil, coal, gas and minerals and/or mineral rights of any nature, and right of entry to explore same, contained in the deed Grantor: Seattle Car and Foundry Company Recording Date: December 19, 1913 Recording No.: 905389 Affects: Lot 11, Block 1 4.Reservations of oil, coal, gas and minerals and/or mineral rights of any nature, and right of entry to explore same, contained in the deed Grantor: Seattle Car and Foundry Company Recording Date: January 8, 1917 Recording No.: 1108071 Affects: Lot 4, Block1 5.Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: Puget Sound Power & Light Company Purpose: Guy wires and appurtenances Recording Date: December 29, 1933 Recording No.: 2781427 Affects: Portion of Lots 15 and 16 The description contained in the above instrument is not sufficient to determine its exact location within the property herein described. CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON COMMITMENT NO.0100639-06 UPDATE THIRD COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (continued) Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. ALTA Commitment (06/17/2006)Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM Page 6 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622476-SPS-1-18-0100639-06 6.Reservations of oil, coal, gas and minerals and/or mineral rights of any nature, and right of entry to explore same, contained in the deed Grantor: Joe Vigna Recording Date: August 18, 1964 Recording No.: 5775214 7.Payment of the real estate excise tax, if required. The Land is situated within the boundaries of local taxing authority of City of Renton . Present rate of real estate excise tax as of the date herein is 1.78 percent. Any conveyance document must be accompanied by the official Washington State Excise Tax Affidavit. The applicable excise tax must be paid and the affidavit approved at the time of the recording of the conveyance documents. (NOTE: Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavits must be printed as legal size forms). An additional $5.00 Electronic Technology Fee must be included in all excise tax payments. If the transaction is exempt, an additional $5.00 Affidavit Processing Fee is required. 8.General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: 2018 Tax Account No.: 135230-0005-01 Levy Code: 2100 Assessed Value-Land: $(not yet available) Assessed Value-Improvements: $(not yet available) General and Special Taxes: Billed: $(not yet billed) Paid: $0.00 Unpaid: $(not yet billed) Affects: Lots 1 - 4 ,Block 1 NOTE: Taxes for 2017 in the sum of $24,371.22 have been paid. CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON COMMITMENT NO.0100639-06 UPDATE THIRD COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (continued) Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. ALTA Commitment (06/17/2006)Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM Page 7 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622476-SPS-1-18-0100639-06 9.General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: 2018 Tax Account No.: 135230-0025-07 Levy Code: 2100 Assessed Value-Land: $(not yet available) Assessed Value-Improvements: $(not yet available) General and Special Taxes: Billed: $(not yet billed) Paid: $0.00 Unpaid: $(not yet billed) Affects: Lots 5 - 8, Block 1 NOTE: Taxes for 2017 in the sum of $22,393.34 have been paid. 10.General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: 2018 Tax Account No.: 135230-0045-03 Levy Code: 2100 Assessed Value-Land: $(not yet available) Assessed Value-Improvements: $(not yet available) General and Special Taxes: Billed: $(not yet billed) Paid: $0.00 Unpaid: $(not yet billed) Affects: Lot 9, Block 1 NOTE: Taxes for 2017 in the sum of $1,214.56 have been paid. CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON COMMITMENT NO.0100639-06 UPDATE THIRD COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (continued) Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. ALTA Commitment (06/17/2006)Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM Page 8 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622476-SPS-1-18-0100639-06 11.General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: 2018 Tax Account No.: 135230-0050-05 Levy Code: 2100 Assessed Value-Land: $(not yet available) Assessed Value-Improvements: $(not yet available) General and Special Taxes: Billed: $(not yet billed) Paid: $0.00 Unpaid: $(not yet billed) Affects: Lot 10, Block 1 NOTE: Taxes for 2017 in the sum of $1,216.31 have been paid. 12.General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: 2018 Tax Account No.: 135230-0060-03 Levy Code: 2100 Assessed Value-Land: $(not yet available) Assessed Value-Improvements: $(not yet available) General and Special Taxes: Billed: $(not yet billed) Paid: $0.00 Unpaid: $(not yet billed) Affects: Lots 11-13 and portion Lot 14, Block 1 NOTE: Taxes for 2017 in the sum of $3,581.39 have been paid. CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON COMMITMENT NO.0100639-06 UPDATE THIRD COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (continued) Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. ALTA Commitment (06/17/2006)Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM Page 9 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622476-SPS-1-18-0100639-06 13.General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: 2018 Tax Account No.: 135230-0071-00 Levy Code: 2100 Assessed Value-Land: $(not yet available) Assessed Value-Improvements: $(not yet available) General and Special Taxes: Billed: $(not yet billed) Paid: $0.00 Unpaid: $(not yet billed) Affects: Remainder Lot 14, all of 15 & 16, Block 1 NOTE: Taxes for 2017 in the sum of $2,261.39 have been paid. 14.General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: 2018 Tax Account No.: 135230-0805-03 Levy Code: 2100 Assessed Value-Land: $(not yet available) Assessed Value-Improvements: $(not yet available) General and Special Taxes: Billed: $(not yet billed) Paid: $0.00 Unpaid: $(not yet billed) Affects: Lots 1 and 2, Block 8 NOTE: Taxes for 2017 in the sum of $1,442.64 have been paid. CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON COMMITMENT NO.0100639-06 UPDATE THIRD COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (continued) Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. ALTA Commitment (06/17/2006)Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM Page 10 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622476-SPS-1-18-0100639-06 15.General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: 2018 Tax Account No.: 135230-0815-01 Levy Code: 2100 Assessed Value-Land: $(not yet available) Assessed Value-Improvements: $(not yet available) General and Special Taxes: Billed: $(not yet billed) Paid: $0.00 Unpaid: $(not yet billed) Affects: Lot 3, Block 8 NOTE: Taxes for 2017 in the sum of $1,353.93 have been paid. 16.General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: 2018 Tax Account No.: 135230-0820-04 Levy Code: 2100 Assessed Value-Land: $(not yet available) Assessed Value-Improvements: $(not yet available) General and Special Taxes: Billed: $(not yet billed) Paid: $0.00 Unpaid: $(not yet billed) Affects: Lot 4, Block 8 NOTE: Taxes for 2017 in the sum of $1,735.78 have been paid. CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON COMMITMENT NO.0100639-06 UPDATE THIRD COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (continued) Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. ALTA Commitment (06/17/2006)Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM Page 11 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622476-SPS-1-18-0100639-06 17.Liability for Sewer Treatment Capacity Charges, if any, affecting certain areas of King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties. Said charges could apply to property connecting to the metropolitan sewerage facilities or reconnecting or changing its use and/or structure after February 1, 1990. Please contact the King County Wastewater Treatment Division, Capacity Charge Program, for further information at 206-296-1450 or Fax No. 206-263-6823 or email at CapChargeEscrow@kingcounty.gov. * A map showing sewer service area boundaries and incorporated areas can be found at: http://your.kingcounty.gov/ftp/gis/Web/VMC/utilities/servarea_cities.pdf Unrecorded Sewer Capacity Charges are not a lien on title to the Land. NOTE: This exception will not appear in the policy to be issued. 18.A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, Amount: $120,000.00 Dated: July 27, 1998 Trustor/Grantor: Bryant Motors, Inc., a Washington corporation Trustee: Garold E. Johnson Beneficiary: Darrell Bryant Recording Date: August 24, 1998 Recording No.: 9808240974 Affects: Lots 1 through 4, Block 8 19.Any unrecorded leaseholds, right of vendors and holders of security interests on personal property installed upon the Land and rights of tenants to remove trade fixtures at the expiration of the terms. 20.Pending probate proceedings in the estate of Name of decedent: William R. Bryant Date of death: May 15, 2008 County: King Court: Superior Case No.: 08-4-04878-8 Personal Representative(s): Darrell R. Bryant The personal representative(s) has been granted non-intervention powers to sell, convey or mortgage the Land. 21.Possible lien against the estate of William R. Bryant, deceased, in favor of the State of Washington, Department of Social and Health Services, for recovery of costs of medical care provided, if any. 22.The lien of any state or federal estate tax by reason of the death of a former owner of said Land, Decedent: William R. Bryant CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON COMMITMENT NO.0100639-06 UPDATE THIRD COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (continued) Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. ALTA Commitment (06/17/2006)Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM Page 12 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622476-SPS-1-18-0100639-06 23.The Company will require the following in order to insure title vested in, or a conveyance from, the entity named below: Name: Bryant Motors, Inc. a. Proof of incorporation from the state or other place of incorporation. b. A copy of the Articles of Incorporation and By-law. c. A copy of the resolution authorizing the purchase, sale or encumbrance of real property and designating appropriate officers to execute same. The Company reserves the right to add additional items or make further requirements after review of the requested documentation. 24.The names of the proposed insured were not furnished in the application for title insurance, and when disclosed, the commitment will be subject to such matters as may be found by a search of the records against said names. The company reserves the right to add additional items or make further requirements after review of the requested documentation. 25.In the event title to said Land is acquired by the party(ies) named below, the policy(s), when issued, will show the following additional item(s) in Schedule B, unless disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: Party(ies): Integrity Land, LLC, a Washington limited liability company Item(s): 26 CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON COMMITMENT NO.0100639-06 UPDATE THIRD COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (continued) Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. ALTA Commitment (06/17/2006)Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM Page 13 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622476-SPS-1-18-0100639-06 26.The Company will require the following documents for review prior to the issuance of any title insurance predicated upon a conveyance or encumbrance from the entity named below. Limited Liability Company: Integrity Land, LLC, a Washington limited liability company a. A copy of its operating agreement, if any, and any and all amendments, supplements and/or modifications thereto, certified by the appropriate manager or member. b. If a domestic Limited Liability Company, a copy of its Articles of Organization and all amendment thereto with the appropriate filing stamps. c. If the Limited Liability Company is member-managed a full and complete current list of members certified by the appropriate manager or member. d. A current dated certificate of good standing from the proper governmental authority of the state in which the entity was created e. If less than all members, or managers, as appropriate, will be executing the closing documents, furnish evidence of the authority of those signing. The Company reserves the right to add additional items or make further requirements after review of the requested documentation. END OF EXCEPTIONS NOTES The following matters will not be listed as Special Exceptions in Schedule B of the policy. There will be no coverage for loss arising by reason of the matters listed below because these matters are either excepted or excluded from coverage or are not matters covered under the insuring provisions of the policy. Note A:Note: FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: The following may be used as an abbreviated legal description on the documents to be recorded, per Amended RCW 65.04.045. Said abbreviated legal description is not a substitute for a complete legal description within the body of the document: Lots 1 - 4 Block 8 Car Works Addn to Renton; Lots 1 - 16 Block 1 Car Works Addn to Renton Tax Account No.: 135230-0005-01, 135230-0025-07, 135230-0045-03, 135230-0050-05, 135230-0060-03, 135230-0071-00, 135230-0805-03, 135230-0815-01 and 135230-0820-04 Note B:Your application for title insurance was placed by reference to only a street address or tax identification number. Based on our records, we believe that the legal description in this report covers the parcel(s) of Land that you requested. If the legal description is incorrect, the seller/borrower must notify the Company and/or the settlement company in order to prevent errors and to be certain that the correct parcel(s) of Land will appear on any documents to be recorded in connection with this transaction and on the policy of title insurance. CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON COMMITMENT NO.0100639-06 UPDATE THIRD COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (continued) Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. ALTA Commitment (06/17/2006)Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM Page 14 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622476-SPS-1-18-0100639-06 Note C:Note: Any map furnished with this Commitment is for convenience in locating the land indicated herein with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance thereon. END OF NOTES END OF SCHEDULE B CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON COMMITMENT NO.0100639-06 UPDATE THIRD COMMITMENT Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. ALTA Commitment (06/17/2006)Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM Page 15 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622476-SPS-1-18-0100639-06 CONDITIONS 1. The term mortgage, when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquired actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof, or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and Conditions and the Exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. This Commitment is a contract to issue one or more title insurance policies and is not an abstract of title or a report of the condition of title. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. 5.The policy to be issued contains an arbitration clause. All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties. You may review a copy of the arbitration rules at http://www.alta.org. END OF CONDITIONS RECORDING REQUIREMENTS Recording Requirements Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM by ZU WA00000924.doc / Updated: 05.23.16 Page 16 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.624652-0100639-06 Effective January 1, 1997, document format and content requirements have been imposed by Washington Law. Failure to comply with the following requirements may result in rejection of the document by the county recorder or imposition of a $50.00 surcharge. First page or cover sheet: 3" top margin containing nothing except the return address. 1" side and bottom margins containing no markings or seals. Title(s) of documents. Recording no. of any assigned, released or referenced document(s). Grantors names (and page no. where additional names can be found). Grantees names (and page no. where additional names can be found). Abbreviated legal description (Lot, Block, Plat Name or Section, Township, Range and Quarter, Quarter Section for unplatted). Said abbreviated legal description is not a substitute for a complete legal description which must also appear in the body of the document. Assessor’s tax parcel number(s). Return address (in top 3" margin). **A cover sheet can be attached containing the above format and data if the first page does not contain all required data. Additional Pages: 1" top, side and bottom margins containing no markings or seals. All Pages: No stapled or taped attachments. Each attachment must be a separate page. All notary and other pressure seals must be smudged for visibility. Font size of 8 points or larger. Privacy Statement Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM by ZU WA00000924.doc / Updated: 05.23.16 Page 17 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.624652-0100639-06 FIDELITY NATIONAL FINANCIAL PRIVACY NOTICE Effective: May 1, 2015; Last Updated: March 1, 2017 At Fidelity National Financial, Inc., we respect and believe it is important to protect the privacy of consumers and our customers. This Privacy Notice explains how we collect, use, and protect any information that we collect from you, when and to whom we disclose such information, and the choices you have about the use of that information. A summary of the Privacy Notice is below, and we encourage you to review the entirety of the Privacy Notice following this summary. You can opt-out of certain disclosures by following our opt-out procedure set forth at the end of this Privacy Notice. Types of Information Collected. You may provide us with certain personal information about you, like your contact information, address demographic information, social security number (SSN), driver's license, passport, other government ID numbers and/or financial information. We may also receive browsing information from your Internet browser, computer and/or mobile device if you visit or use our websites or applications. How Information is Collected. We may collect personal information from you via applications, forms, and correspondence we receive from you and others related to our transactions with you. When you visit our websites from your computer or mobile device, we automatically collect and store certain information available to us through your Internet browser or computer equipment to optimize your website experience. Use of Collected Information. We request and use your personal information to provide products and services to you, to improve our products and services, and to communicate with you about these products and services. We may also share your contact information with our affiliates for marketing purposes. When Information Is Disclosed. We may disclose your information to our affiliates and/or nonaffiliated parties providing services for you or us, to law enforcement agencies or governmental authorities, as required by law, and to parties whose interest in title must be determined. Choices With Your Information. Your decision to submit information to us is entirely up to you. You can opt-out of certain disclosure or use of your information or choose to not provide any personal information to us. Information From Children. We do not knowingly collect information from children who are under the age of 13, and our website is not intended to attract children. Privacy Outside the Website. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of third parties, even if our website links to those parties' websites. International Users. By providing us with your information, you consent to its transfer, processing and storage outside of your country of residence, as well as the fact that we will handle such information consistent with this Privacy Notice. The California Online Privacy Protection Act. Some FNF companies provide services to mortgage loan servicers and, in some cases, their websites collect information on behalf of mortgage loan servicers. The mortgage loan servicer is responsible for taking action or making changes to any consumer information submitted through those websites. Your Consent To This Privacy Notice. By submitting information to us or by using our website, you are accepting and agreeing to the terms of this Privacy Notice. Access and Correction; Contact Us. If you desire to contact us regarding this notice or your information, please contact us at privacy@fnf.com or as directed at the end of this Privacy Notice. Privacy Statement Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM by ZU WA00000924.doc / Updated: 05.23.16 Page 18 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.624652-0100639-06 FIDELITY NATIONAL FINANCIAL PRIVACY NOTICE Effective: May 1, 2015; Last Updated: March 1, 2017 Fidelity National Financial, Inc. and its majority-owned subsidiary companies providing title insurance, real estate- and loan-related services (collectively, "FNF", "our" or "we") respect and are committed to protecting your privacy. We will take reasonable steps to ensure that your Personal Information and Browsing Information will only be used in compliance with this Privacy Notice and applicable laws. This Privacy Notice is only in effect for Personal Information and Browsing Information collected and/or owned by or on behalf of FNF, including Personal Information and Browsing Information collected through any FNF website, online service or application (collectively, the "Website"). Types of Information Collected We may collect two types of information from you: Personal Information and Browsing Information. Personal Information. FNF may collect the following categories of Personal Information: • contact information (e.g., name, address, phone number, email address); • demographic information (e.g., date of birth, gender, marital status); • social security number (SSN), driver's license, passport, and other government ID numbers; • financial account information; and • other personal information needed from you to provide title insurance, real estate- and loan-related services to you. Browsing Information. FNF may collect the following categories of Browsing Information: • Internet Protocol (or IP) address or device ID/UDID, protocol and sequence information; • browser language and type; • domain name system requests; • browsing history, such as time spent at a domain, time and date of your visit and number of clicks; • http headers, application client and server banners; and • operating system and fingerprinting data. How Information is Collected In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: • applications or other forms we receive from you or your authorized representative; • the correspondence you and others send to us; • information we receive through the Website; • information about your transactions with, or services performed by, us, our affiliates or nonaffiliated third parties; and • information from consumer or other reporting agencies and public records maintained by governmental entities that we obtain directly from those entities, our affiliates or others. If you visit or use our Website, we may collect Browsing Information from you as follows: • Browser Log Files. Our servers automatically log each visitor to the Website and collect and record certain browsing information about each visitor. The Browsing Information includes generic information and reveals nothing personal about the user. • Cookies. When you visit our Website, a "cookie" may be sent to your computer. A cookie is a small piece of data that is sent to your Internet browser from a web server and stored on your computer's hard drive. When you visit a website again, the cookie allows the website to recognize your computer. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. You can choose whether or not to accept cookies by changing your Internet browser settings, which may impair or limit some functionality of the Website. Use of Collected Information Information collected by FNF is used for three main purposes: • To provide products and services to you or any affiliate or third party who is obtaining services on your behalf or in connection with a transaction involving you. • To improve our products and services. • To communicate with you and to inform you about our, our affiliates' and third parties' products and services, jointly or independently. Privacy Statement Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM by ZU WA00000924.doc / Updated: 05.23.16 Page 19 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.624652-0100639-06 When Information Is Disclosed We may provide your Personal Information (excluding information we receive from consumer or other credit reporting agencies) and Browsing Information to various individuals and companies, as permitted by law, without obtaining your prior authorization. Such laws do not allow consumers to restrict these disclosures. Please see the section "Choices With Your Personal Information" to learn how to limit the discretionary disclosure of your Personal Information and Browsing Information. Disclosures of your Personal Information may be made to the following categories of affiliates and nonaffiliated third parties: • to third parties to provide you with services you have requested, and to enable us to detect or prevent criminal activity, fraud, material misrepresentation, or nondisclosure; • to our affiliate financial service providers for their use to market their products or services to you; • to nonaffiliated third party service providers who provide or perform services on our behalf and use the disclosed information only in connection with such services; • to nonaffiliated third party service providers with whom we perform joint marketing, pursuant to an agreement with them to market financial products or services to you; • to law enforcement or other governmental authority in connection with an investigation, or civil or criminal subpoena or court order; • to lenders, lien holders, judgment creditors, or other parties claiming an interest in title whose claim or interest must be determined, settled, paid, or released prior to closing; and • other third parties for whom you have given us written authorization to disclose your Personal Information. We may disclose Personal Information and/or Browsing Information when required by law or in the good-faith belief that such disclosure is necessary to: • comply with a legal process or applicable laws; • enforce this Privacy Notice; • investigate or respond to claims that any material, document, image, graphic, logo, design, audio, video or any other information provided by you violates the rights of a third party; or • protect the rights, property or personal safety of FNF, its users or the public. We maintain reasonable safeguards to keep your Personal Information secure. When we provide Personal Information to our affiliates or third party service providers as discussed in this Privacy Notice, we expect that these parties process such information in compliance with our Privacy Notice or in a manner that is in compliance with applicable privacy laws. The use of your information by a business partner may be subject to that party's own Privacy Notice. Unless permitted by law, we do not disclose information we collect from consumer or credit reporting agencies with our affiliates or others without your consent. We reserve the right to transfer your Personal Information, Browsing Information, and any other information, in connection with the sale or other disposition of all or part of the FNF business and/or assets, or in the event of our bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency, receivership or an assignment for the benefit of creditors. You expressly agree and consent to the use and/or transfer of the foregoing information in connection with any of the above described proceedings. We cannot and will not be responsible for any breach of security by a third party or for any actions of any third party that receives any of the information that is disclosed to us. Choices With Your Information Whether you submit Personal Information or Browsing Information to FNF is entirely up to you. If you decide not to submit Personal Information or Browsing Information, FNF may not be able to provide certain services or products to you. The uses of your Personal Information and/or Browsing Information that, by law, you cannot limit, include: • for our everyday business purposes – to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), to respond to law enforcement or other governmental authority in connection with an investigation, or civil or criminal subpoenas or court orders, or report to credit bureaus; • for our own marketing purposes; • for joint marketing with financial companies; and • for our affiliates' everyday business purposes – information about your transactions and experiences. Privacy Statement Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM by ZU WA00000924.doc / Updated: 05.23.16 Page 20 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.624652-0100639-06 You may choose to prevent FNF from disclosing or using your Personal Information and/or Browsing Information under the following circumstances ("opt-out"): • for our affiliates' everyday business purposes – information about your creditworthiness; and • for our affiliates to market to you. To the extent permitted above, you may opt-out of disclosure or use of your Personal Information and Browsing Information by notifying us by one of the methods at the end of this Privacy Notice. We do not share your personal information with non-affiliates for their direct marketing purposes. For California Residents: We will not share your Personal Information and Browsing Information with nonaffiliated third parties, except as permitted by California law. Currently, our policy is that we do not recognize "do not track" requests from Internet browsers and similar devices. For Nevada Residents: You may be placed on our internal Do Not Call List by calling (888) 934-3354 or by contacting us via the information set forth at the end of this Privacy Notice. Nevada law requires that we also provide you with the following contact information: Bureau of Consumer Protection, Office of the Nevada Attorney General, 555 E. Washington St., Suite 3900, Las Vegas, NV 89101; Phone number: (702) 486-3132; email: BCPINFO@ag.state.nv.us. For Oregon Residents: We will not share your Personal Information and Browsing Information with nonaffiliated third parties for marketing purposes, except after you have been informed by us of such sharing and had an opportunity to indicate that you do not want a disclosure made for marketing purposes. For Vermont Residents: We will not share your Personal Information and Browsing Information with nonaffiliated third parties, except as permitted by Vermont law, such as to process your transactions or to maintain your account. In addition, we will not share information about your creditworthiness with our affiliates except with your authorization. For joint marketing in Vermont, we will only disclose your name, contact information and information about your transactions. Information From Children The Website is meant for adults and is not intended or designed to attract children under the age of thirteen (13).We do not collect Personal Information from any person that we know to be under the age of thirteen (13) without permission from a parent or guardian. By using the Website, you affirm that you are over the age of 13 and will abide by the terms of this Privacy Notice. Privacy Outside the Website The Website may contain links to other websites. FNF is not and cannot be responsible for the privacy practices or the content of any of those other websites. International Users FNF's headquarters is located within the United States. If you reside outside the United States or are a citizen of the European Union, please note that we may transfer your Personal Information and/or Browsing Information outside of your country of residence or the European Union for any of the purposes described in this Privacy Notice. By providing FNF with your Personal Information and/or Browsing Information, you consent to our collection and transfer of such information in accordance with this Privacy Notice. The California Online Privacy Protection Act For some FNF websites, such as the Customer CareNet ("CCN"), FNF is acting as a third party service provider to a mortgage loan servicer. In those instances, we may collect certain information on behalf of that mortgage loan servicer via the website. The information which we may collect on behalf of the mortgage loan servicer is as follows: • first and last name; • property address; • user name and password; • loan number; • social security number - masked upon entry; • email address; • three security questions and answers; and • IP address. Privacy Statement Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM by ZU WA00000924.doc / Updated: 05.23.16 Page 21 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.624652-0100639-06 The information you submit through the website is then transferred to your mortgage loan servicer by way of CCN. The mortgage loan servicer is responsible for taking action or making changes to any consumer information submitted through this website. For example, if you believe that your payment or user information is incorrect, you must contact your mortgage loan servicer. CCN does not share consumer information with third parties, other than (1) those with which the mortgage loan servicer has contracted to interface with the CCN application, or (2) law enforcement or other governmental authority in connection with an investigation, or civil or criminal subpoenas or court orders. All sections of this Privacy Notice apply to your interaction with CCN, except for the sections titled "Choices with Your Information" and "Access and Correction." If you have questions regarding the choices you have with regard to your personal information or how to access or correct your personal information, you should contact your mortgage loan servicer. Your Consent To This Privacy Notice By submitting Personal Information and/or Browsing Information to FNF, you consent to the collection and use of the information by us in compliance with this Privacy Notice. Amendments to the Privacy Notice will be posted on the Website. Each time you provide information to us, or we receive information about you, following any amendment of this Privacy Notice will signify your assent to and acceptance of its revised terms for all previously collected information and information collected from you in the future. We may use comments, information or feedback that you submit to us in any manner that we may choose without notice or compensation to you. Accessing and Correcting Information; Contact Us If you have questions, would like to access or correct your Personal Information, or want to opt-out of information sharing with our affiliates for their marketing purposes, please send your requests to privacy@fnf.com or by mail or phone to: Fidelity National Financial, Inc. 601 Riverside Avenue Jacksonville, Florida 32204 Attn: Chief Privacy Officer (888) 934-3354 701 5th Avenue, Suite 2700 Seattle, WA 98104 Phone: (206)628-5610 / Fax: (206)628-9717 Commitment Distribution Letter Printed: 01.17.18 @ 01:25 PM by ZU WA00000924.doc / Updated: 05.23.16 Page 22 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.624652-0100639-06 Order No.:0100639-06 Property:1300 Bronson Way N. Renton, WA 98057 SELLER(S) Bryant Motors Inc. BUYER/BORROWER(S) Integrity Land, LLC, and/or Assigns LISTING AGENT Ewing & Clark 2110 Western Avenue Seattle, WA 98121 Phone:(206)441-7900 Fax:(206)441-5297 Main Contact:Roger Lorenze Email:rlorenze@ewingandclark.com Contact:Bob Meyer Phone:(206)448-6823 Cell:(206)695-4823 Fax:(206)441-5297 Email:meyer@ewingandclark.com ESCROW Chicago Title Company of Washington 701 5th Avenue, Suite 2700 Seattle, WA 98104 Phone:(206)628-5666 Fax:(206)628-9737 Escrow Officer: Mark Schwarz Phone:206-628-9710 Fax:206-628-9737 Email:Mark.Schwarz@ctt.com Thank You for specifying Chicago Title Company of Washington Your transaction is important to us. ↑ ↓ This map has been copied from the public records and is provided solely for the purpose of assisting in locating the premises. No liabilities are assumed for inaccuracies contained herein or for variations, if any, in dimensions, area or location of the premises or the location of improvements ascertained by actual survey. Page 1 of 1Assessor-Map 6/24/2017http://geo.sentrydynamics.net/WA_King/assrmaplarge.aspx?parcelid=1352300005 " FOLIO :J77 PERMIT NO. 8-093 9 DATE 7/..3o-/~9 _________________ Tax Lot Tract ' Address /3 (} 0 8 ,/.:/(;# .s ?I />I w q f/ /'/. fJ;?.- Fee Owner ...... ~ ~ .. r , ·~~------------~----------------Contractor ______________________________ _ Zoning (! CJ /'! Ct ?'"-! £ Na,_Stories ----!No, Stores No. Rooms ----! Basement Unit No. Offices Sq. Fr. ---1 No. Apartmts. c=J ROOF CONSTRUCTION Fir Oak F ram e-Jo i s I·--------------- Mill-De~-..-------- Rein. Cone. ~ GLB~ Lino 0 0 0 Steel Fr. ___ Metal Deck Trusses· Span Wood Steel Cement T errat to 0 Lgtwgl Cone. · OVinyl Asphalt Tile Tile Floor PI an: Good Accept, X Poor []TileD Lino 0Form. I PLUMBING /'kML- Bath Floor Bath Walls Tub Recess Drain Bds. Vanities, No, Fixtures __ Urinals Tubs Leg. or Pem, ___ Dr. Ftns. -----i 1 rm. 0 2 rm. Q3rm. 1 or I I ~howers {tub) {stall) ; ___j_4 rm, Os rm. 06rm. . . _ H.W. 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RVI150-18 (DATA ENTRY: RVI100-J) C/1 DATA COLLECTION AND DISPLAY FORM LOG/DATE: DT9 03/06/95 ( 100) ACCOUNT NO: 135230-0005-0 FOL I 0: 90977-- LEVY CODE: 2100 LAST UPDATE: 02/21/91 BY: RBR TAX STATUS: TAXABLE Q/SC/TW/RG: NW/17/23/05 LAND USE: 403 AUTOMOTIVE SHO PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1300 ( 1 1 0) RB NUM APPR ID: MO DA YR 1 __ 1 __ 1_=7-- PROP NAME: BRYANT MOTORS FR PR ( 1 05) BRONSON -------------------- WY N STREET NAME TV SU AREA: 530 RENTON (112)+++++++++++++++++++ COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL LAND RECORD+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ZONING JURiS/ ZONE ACTUAL/ ZONE CODE/ LOT SIZE/ UNIT/S_A __ _ CORNER LOT/Y-N WATERFRONT ON/- RENTON CA RES COMML 16,480.00 SQFT YES NONE % USABLE/ 100 TOPOGRAPHY/ LEVEL SHAPE/ -REGULAR ACCESS/ STANDARD VISUAL EXPOSURE/_ STANDARD OPEN SPACE CLASS. 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PROPERTY: ADDRESS PARCEL \" MAP YEARS BUILT TOTAL SUBJ. GBA Assessor's Revalue Wc)rksheet -Geographic Area Commercial Properties BRYANT MOTORS 1300 BRONSON WY N 1352300005 ~ NW 17 23 05 68 --- 16,480 SPLIT CODE 0 LAND USE CODE JURISDICTION ZON IN G 403 RN CA PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AUTO SHOWROOM TOTAL SUBJ. NRA 16,480 LAND AREA 16 ,480 TOTAL WH S/D RET AREA % WHSE /D RET AREA TOTAL OFF/RET AREA 16,480 % OFF/RET AREA 100 .00% GEOGRAPHIC AREA C70_ 40 lr----:-A:-PP~RA,...,..,I""'"s='E='R---J~c'""o,..---fl PREV AREA METHOD I TOTAL APT/MEZZ AREA % APT /MEZZ ARE A DATE 3/30/98 BLDG. DATA: BLDG# 1 B LIDG # 2 BLDG#3 BLDG #4 ALL BLDGS GBA/ NRA 16480 I 16480 16480 I 16480 CNSTR/QUAL CIC-BL T '68-1 STRY SUM = C/C -BL T'68 BLDG HEIGHT I EFF YR 20' I EFF YR = 68 20' I EFF YR = 68 SEC 1) AREA/TYPE 16480 I DB NO . OF BLDGS SEC 2) AREA/TYPE SUM YR BLT SEC 3) AREA/TYPE SUM EFFYR SEC 4) AREA/TYPE NET AREA (SF) : BLDG#1 BLDG #2 BLDG #3 BLDG#4 ALL BLDGS WHSE I DISC RET OFFICE I RETAIL 16,480 APT I MEZZ {O FF/RET) ECONOMIC RENT ($/SF) GROSS: WHSE I DISC RET OFFICE I RETAIL $5 .00 APT I MEZZ {O FF/RET) MISCELLANEOUS : TOT MISC S .F. TOT. MISC RENT INCOME ANALYSIS VALUE INDICATION BY INCOME APPROACH IND . EXCESS LAND VALUE INCOME GENERATED VALUE (NOIICAP) + EXCESS LAND VALUE INDICATED TOTAL VALUE VALUE INDICATION BY MARKET APPROACH VALUE IND . BY NRA * MKT $/SQ. FT. VALUE IND. BY LOT SIZE* MKT $/SQ. FT. (@LIB = 4 TO 1) = $604,891 + $0.00 $60·il,891 $1 ,814,100 No Excess Land $36 .70 OE X=$0 .71/SF NRA $36.70 *No UB Adjustment MKT ~/SQ. FT. $110 .08 POT GROSS INC* LESS VACANCY & CL EFF GROSS INC LESS EXP{INCL RE TAX) NET OPER INC CAP{OAR+EFF TAX RT) INDICATED VALUE /S.F . NRA IS.F. LOTSIZE I SUBJE CT SALE SA LE DATE ENUMBER VAL IND. BY GIM*PGI COMPARABLE SALES 1. PROPERTY NAME: RENTON CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH ADDRESS -585 RAINIER AV S : MAP -SE 18-23-5 ACCT. NO. = 182305-9172 -AREA = 530 -# PRCLS = 2 OAR -0 S.P. = $2500000 GIM -0 ADJ S.P. = $2500000 SALE DATE 2/4/94 CNSTR/QUAL=C/C GBA=22711 SF-NRA=22711 SF-TOTALBLDGS=1 E1357001-VRCD2 $82,400 5.00% $78 ,280 15.00% $66,538 11 .00% $604 ,891 *PGI =INC_OFFICE VCI#PRCLS I $/SF NRA ADJ $/SF NRA $/SF LOTSZ ADJ $/SF LOTSZ YRBLT='56-LUC=403-LOTSIZE=137475SF-ZO NING= B1-LND/SFB=$51 .95-SLAV'93=$2052000 2. PROPERTY NAME : OAR -0 S.P. = $ P.DDRESS -MAP ---GIM-0 ACCT . NO. =--AREA= -# PRCLS = CNSTR/QUAL = I GBA = SF -NRA = SF -TOTAL BLDGS = YR BL T =' -LUC::: -LOT SIZE= SF -ZON ING = -LND/SFB = $ -SLAV'= $0 3 . PROPERTY NAME : ADDRESS -MAP --- ACCT . NO . = --AREA= -# PRCLS = CNSTR/QUAL =I GBA = SF NRA = SF TOTAL BLDGS = OAR-0 GIM -0 Y R BL T =' -L UC = -LOT SIZE= SF -ZONING = -LND/SFB = $ -SLAV'= $0 4. PROPERTY NAME : ADDRESS -MAP --- ACCT . NO . = --AREA = -# PRCLS = CNSTR/QUAL =I GBA = SF -NRA = SF -TOTAL BLDGS = OAR -0 GIM-0 YR BL T =' -LUC = -LOT SIZE= SF -ZONING = -LND/SFB = $ -SLAV'= $0 5. PROPERTY NAME : OAR -0 ADDRESS -MAP ---GIM-0 ACCT . NO. = --AREA = -# PRCLS = CNSTR/QUAL =I GBA = SF -NRA = SF -TOTAL BLDGS = YR BL T =' -LUC = -LOT SIZE= SF -ZONING = -LND/SFB = $ -SLAV'= $0 ADJ S.P. = $0 SALE DATE 1/0/00 E -VRCD S.P. =$ ADJ S.P. = $0 SALE DATE 110/00 E-VRCD S.P. =$ ADJ S.P. = $0 SALE DATE 1/0/00 E -VRCD S.P. = $ ADJ S.P. = $0 SALE DATE 1/0/00 E -VRCD $/SF NRA ADJ $/SF NRA $/SF LOTSZ ADJ $/SF LOTSZ $/SF NRA ADJ $/SF NRA $/SF LOTSZ ADJ $/SF LOTSZ $/SF NRA ADJ $/SF NRA $/SF LOTSZ ADJ $/SF LOTSZ $/SF NRA ADJ $/SF NRA $/SF LO"J;SZ ADJ $/SF LOTSZ COMP SALE #1 COMP SALE #2 COMP SALE #3 COMP SALE #4 COMP SALE #5 MKT ADJ FCTR[---~ COMMENTS BRYANT MOTORS ON MINOR #'S 0005 & 0025 SUBJECT PROPERTY: CURRENT ROLL VALUE & SELECTED VALUE ROLL LAND VALUE ROLL IMP VALUE ROLL TOT VALUE $131,800 $8.00 SELLAND VALUE $148,360 $9.00 $448,900 $580,700 $27.24 $35.24 SEL IMP VALUE SEL TOT VALUE 3/30/98 ( $456.600 $604,900 $27.71 $36.71 -LND/SFB=$9 FOI.tiO NO. 90977 1 68 68 GIM VCL 5.00% OEX 15.00% OAR 11.00% ETR $110.08 $110.08 L/8=6 .1 UB=O LIB=O UB=O LIB=O LIB 1.00 •:< * * **JOB RVIlOO RPT RVI150-20 C/I PARCEL VALUE ANALYSIS WORKSHEET PRINTED ON: 12/08/90 PARCEL NO: 135230-0005-0 FOLIO: 90977-- PROP NAME: BRYANT MOTORS P ROP ADDR : 1300 BRONSON WY CLASS: MASONRY QUAL: AVERAGE YR-BLT/EFF-YR: 68/68 #STY: 99 #UNITS: GBA/NR A: 16~480 I 16,480 AVG-UNIT-SIZE: * * * * * * * ECONOMIC INCOME * * * * * * * * * * * USE AREA ~ATE GROSS V~'-: EXP Nf:J INC * lk.5t£~1_~ Jb.Y.tiJl_ $ -L"'-~-)_tJ.g_'f._ J::l Jf'l Y.L.l.J_£_. ----------------$ _____ ----------- -----------· ----------------$_____ ----------------------· ----------------$_____ -------~ --------,:c -----------~~---$ _____ ----------------* ----------------$_____ ----------------------· • * * .. ~ ECONOMIC INCOME APPROACH(• * * * * •••}\'<0.:< Q-S-T-R: NW-17-23-05 N AREA: 530 LUC: 403 TAX STATUS: TAXABLE LOG/DATE: 530 12/08/90 SEG-MERGE DATE: * * * COST APPROACH * * * * OCC# ___________ CL __ RANK __ #STY __ STi HT __ EFF AGE __ HEAT -~ ELEV __ SPR _______ _ AREA ------------PERIM ___ _ MISC ___ CODE ____________ SF ___ CODE ---------~--SF ___ CODE ____________ SF NE T I NCOM E * ACCY .. IMPS AREA COST OEP RCNLO LESS P ER. PROP. INCOME ».'< -----------LESS LAND INCOME ..... __ ...,. _______ . __ ____________ X( ____ + ____ ) = ------------* LA ND VALUE INT + TAX NE T I MP ROVEMENT INCOME CAPIT ALI ZATION RATE ------+' --·---+ -----·--= . * --------------- ------------* * * I NT + TAX + RECAP * H&S BASE ------ CAPITALIZED IMP. VALUE ------------* HEAT LAND VA LUE ------------* SPRINKLER ------ EXCESS LAND/ADD LAND -------~----* ELEVATOR ------TOTAL J Y INCOME APPROACH $____________ * TOT BASE ------ = $ _________ /SF .·* STY . FACT ------ * HGT FACT ------* * * * OTHER VALUE INDICATORS* * * * * * AREA FACT ------ NET I NC ( :t 1 1'"7' l I ( /Lo )OAR= _"'.f'J-_q_J_~_.q * REF COST ------ ------- -----..... -----------·---- GR IN C ( )X( )GRM=----------* COST MULT ------------------ ------~N ITS( )X( }$/UNIT=----------* LtL MULt ------ ------------------GSA ( 16,480)1( )$/SF=----------* FINAL COST _____ _ RA ( 16,480)X( )$/SF=----------* STY/BLDG AREA * * * * * * * * * LANDO * * * * * * * * * ZONE /TYPE AREA $/SF VALUE * ------------------------=$ __________ * --·------------·-----------:.$ ____ , ______ ·~)c -----~ ------ ------FIN COST RCN-BLDG#l ror'AL ___ i64ao:oosf: ~.:P-:3: :::z1:IJ>:~:a ! ~~~sig!~L DEPReciATION :::::::::::: RATI OS: (SF LANOl/ISF GBA)= 1.0 * ECON-FUNCT OBSOLESCENCE ------------ (SF LANO)/(SF RA) : 1.0 * DEPRECIATED IMP VALUE ------------* *. •:c * * ~S l1L.CTEO VALUE*. * * *.* _t .. * * * AC.· C .. E.SSORY IMPS(SEE ABO VE) ________ ~--- APP RAISF2_ R _ ---LAND $ ___ lJ-~71R_€f. .... * TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS ------------ OA TE _L 1J !JJ_ IMPS $ --~lJ.---I--~2>-+ LAND ------------ TOTAL $ -Ej.P-._7..~-~-* TOTAL BY COST APPROACH . ------------=$ __________ /UNIT . OR =$ __ _."t.l.~ ___ lSF * =$ __________ /SF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SALES & COMPARABLE$ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAR CE L :: E-NUMBER . SALES PRICE VC OAJ~~ . $/RA R~MAR~ ------------LP-l?..~ti~ ~~:3-~PJLQ_ --_t_t_~_K.f __ ]L1:J __ 't.1:J_e~_;__J::il~A-JJ.l!.'l __ f_-_~ ________ ...,. ----,~·-_______________________ .., _________ _ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·---------------------------------• * * * * *·* * * *******APPEAL ACTIVITY********+******* PETI TI ON CHG ORDER DATE FROH-LANO TO-LAND FROM-IMPS TO-IMPS -077777 02/01/84 59300 59300 387800 246700 OTHER APPEALS: 206648 * * * * * * * * * * ********COMMENTS************-***>:<** -~ti&~_I_'-.Ji_~_Q_~_A'¥:.£.'?._.i.t4_P._'-Y.kEP.t:.~-------------------------------------­ _J!.~-"-&.--~~-~L~£l£t:L_~----------·------~----------------~-----~-----------­ -~~itg_CLl~f~-~k.VJ5:L~-~~-~~-L~~------------------------------------------ __ f;_~.../!?:r..J.fV-_P-.L~--~..Q'1---...:f ____________________________________________________ ._ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------·- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15463----------------------l )------------------------~ ·------------------------ --- JOB RVI100 RPT RVI150-20 C/1 PARCEL VALUE ANALYStS WORKSHEET PRINTED ON: 12/02/89 PARCEL NO: 135230-0005-0 FOLIO: 90977-- PROP NAME: BRYANT MOTORS Q-S-T-R: NW-17-23-05 PROP ADDR: 01300 BRONSON WY N AREA: 530 LUC: 403 CLASS/QUAL: MASONRY/ AVERAGE CONDITION: TAX STATUS: TAXABLE LOG/DATE: 530 12/02/89 SEG-HERG DATE: YR-BLT/EFF-YR: 68/68 #STY: IUNITS: GBA/RA: 16,480/ 16,480 AVG-UNIT•SIZE: * * * USE * * * * INCOME APPROACH * * * * * * + AREA RATE G ~S?~ V<;.b EXP NET . INC* -----------_I.:J...;.~]J. ...;~-.?:!2._ j ~:JJ~* * * * * * COST APPROACH * * * * $ * OCCUP# ---CLASS __ RANK --- #STY ------STYHT -----EFF AGE --- HEAT---ELEV(Y/N}._ SPR(Y/N)._ ----------------------------------· ---·---------·-----·-----* AREA _ _ _ _ ___ PERIH ____ _ -·------·-----------·---------):C HISC: ____ CODE _________________ SF ACTUAL ECONOMIC NET INCOME _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L ).i ~3 !_( _ LESS PP INC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . __ LESS LAND INC - - - - - - - -I7 I'~-'l -( ~~o~ ) X ( 7 + 1 d t 'l-) LAND VAL INT + TAX j "-"'~O NET IMP INC · _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 ~-c;:,_v_ CAP RATE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, ~ ( ( )+{ ~6(4)+( J.+ ) INT + TAX + RE'CAP CAP IMP VAL . LAND VALUE EXCESS LAND TOT-INC APPR OTHER VALUE INDICATORS: ))(( )/( )GRM=_ )OAR=_ GR INC ( NET INC{ UNITS( GBA { RA ( LAND: )$/UNIT=_ )$/SF~_ )$/SF=_ SQFT )X( l6,480)X( 16,480)1( 16,480.00 (SF LAND)/(SF RATIO: GSA) = .}':t~~ C!. ~.)....000 --- ].<f 3p ,- 1.000 SELECTED VALUE: LAND:_ IMPS:_ _ Cj_o_6qu_ _ 3~o..~~~ - - -~_'b] QQ.Q_ - SALES: * --~-CODE ---~---~--·--------SF ;i.e _ ___ CODE _________________ SF ,:< ACCY~IMPS AREA COST .)) .,:c 1) * * * BASE * HEAT * SPRINK * ELEV * TOT BASE * STY FACT * HGT FACT * AREA FACT * REF COST . * COST MULl * LCL MUll * FIN COST ·------- * * STY ,jc • • • __ ...;..;..,.-~ AREA FIN COST --- - ---* SUB TOTAL(RCN) * PHYSICAL DEPRECIATION * ECON OR FUNCT OBSOLESENCE * DEPRECIATION COST(RCNLD) * ACCESSORY IMPS(SEE ABOVE} * TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS * LAND * TOTAL BY COST APPROACH • • • • • • * • * * * * * * RCNLD-BLD-1 --• • • • * • PARCEU: E-NUMBER SALE PRICE DATE PRICE/GBA PRICE/NRA LIB-SF REM ~-·· :i'"' -.d·"'" -.1._ ~·-: t;-:r 1 ~?; (~ 1l fi fr:Pao: ~-1~v~ ·a ?3-.~: .bY !Itt ~i~: APPEAL ACTIVITY: PETITION CHG ORDER -077777 DATE 02/01/84 FROM-LAND 59300 TO-LAND FROM-IMPS TO-I~PS 59300 387800 246700 co.MMENTs:_ B&'1"tfrJ I mtJJ711?:). ~,.?/\.., .z:::;z-122 ~H~R APPEALs: 20664s - -___ J311 t.1-r ./2~~ __ - - - - - -~..,..v::o Q.Jft ~ r;. .. rrs_ O"l. o.a oc~o a_~r _ !f'.i"OJI.f: _fQ 1!.4-_-_ = _-_ l6~ .i, ---= ---':if..L~IFW~ N cid _ -A:i/7J.-#Birl r - - - - - - - - - -t2U-o ii ~~7?LI 'irT-.. - --- - -:5Gffrj1 C fJ ci $ lJ6;-tU .~r:o:t _ _ _ _ !2.. . ,_~~ .z ..., 3 1~ ~ • . - - -_., 1 "'-c-"'f:::--a ~ _ -.6 I! 4 -----l6 7ffl r;; -_-: -_-= ---= - - - - - - - - - - - ---_-= -_-= -_-= -_ "'"3::~~=41--= -_-~?_1/1: -~lu= _1ll qo_o; "_Or;} - - -: lifG/Ji..t --?to _(f J:f/---- ----- --- - - - - - - - - - - Tlf~ 04195 FOLIO NO 13. 9'7l PARCEL NO J3.5:).3o-ooo_) s eR-v t ce G4£l.\-GC CLASS/QUAL . c. ~ lot-S PAGE 14-::2-e) STORY/H8T. .:la.' Yilt. ILT. /d~-CONDITION ' l' A~tl6 PEPUM. 5:;;Lf:a -· E. Y./IIIEL . Jtr" I If(\ NO . UNITS/ A. U. S. I AREA .L t:.'-t. 'CO INCOME APPROACH COST AI"PIIIOACH USE AlliE A RATE GIIIOSS VCL [XI' NET !lASE ~./ ,J..S'"" HEAT - SPRINK -- ELEV. ---~ ~ ~\ l ACTUAL ~,t;V ~IC ANNUAL POTENTIAL GROSS I 04'1\"Q t'""317o o LESS VAC. ANO CL. -..6 5 EFFECTIVE GROSS 1 r~ q t::""G ( '3 ).-?1.~ TOTAL lASE :li .)..-'5 MISC. INCOME ~ ----STY. FAC . - LESS EXPENSES :,l -o ... .::2-o HGT. FAC . I . 3~ I ANN. NET INCOME u;··'*'e " "? _)-.U~~ I o~l 7 Z.. AREA FAC. qs;7 LESS INCOME INCOME TO P. P. -----REF. COST .J_? c;'-/- LESS INCOME TO LAND9 cJ"'QV '-1/S..~ 17?34 COST MUL . I , <11 I ;LL.2da-o ) X( z + !cJL)..l ' LOCAL MUL I .t 0 LAND VALUE INT. TAX FIN . COST '2t.,'.57 NET INCOIIQE TO IMPS. ~G.l6 ff33~ CAPITALIZED AT r~1 STORIES AREA FIN . COST RCN ILD8. I RCN BLD8. 2 ( --;. l + ( .~()..J + ( 4 j I )(.,q "{?) 2.~ .. c;i' 4-;;;_; 5?'f. s- INT. TAX RECAP. CAPITALIZED IMP. VALUE 7.5:'7'foo .77 ;2-'f-Oes o LAND VALUE " t:::tct.oo ":)._ l..l..Oc..) 0 EXCESS LAND SUBTOTAL (RCN) Lf .2-1 -rzl s- TOTAL BY INCOME APPROACH ULfn>c>c C/'~~006 PHYSICAL DEPIIIEC. ~tl,.., d-7-1'(' '-f'./ Cf ~ ECON. OR FUNCT. OBSOL. OTHER VALUE INDICATORS DEP. COST ( RCNLD.) ~ <tr~aa IJ·2J ,qoJtt NET INC. ( l+ ( l OAR • ACC. IMPS. (SEE BELOW) GROSS INC . ( l X ( ) 6Rht . • TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS NO. UNITS ( l X ( ) /UNIT • LAND 9cr '-a o AIIIEA ( ) X ( ) $/SF • TOTAL BY COST APPROACH ./44-4900 DATE COSTED TO• . 7...7~ LAND CALC .• )t l.f)il}lft r:a 6~ !1 q(f~Ot"J ACC. IMPS. AREA COST DEP. RCNLD " SE.LECTED VALUE LAND • C?oGod IMPS • -=? s-(,r t_.f o o APPR. VJ10/(_ TOTAL • J.f II s:-o o o DATE ?-.-fCj'r-f\1 TOTAL ----------· -· ---· ·-· -------- COMPARABLE SALES E NO. AMOUNT DATE DETAILS I REMARKS 2 3 4 coltMENTs · .f);/UA-rvT /lld'n/2.-S T1f6 OB&t.E~.SHJ/J S'1r:_~ oA.J ::L ~.-1~5 Bu1t-T lf'r:R' · ~d_oo~ 9-t7d~s- ~5£41-f __ ___Lfo_~n.£1J _ __ __ __ __-r;e(/CK Cf-$C/kd'-liifs IJ54te# BLJLt-1: li3'/ 1~fr ___ -~1) -----· ~«J?<f 6B 4 /' 77/ tQ # (laOS C)d C-(j o ~co A.) ersr @., .so <Ftr> "'a ¢.. & "s · '. )-r Ltcr o ~&IJ ~s-et: 7 -t)..aa o TD7ilL--R_Ul b Ateet9 '-~-"3 :u; I ttl ASSESSORS FORM AP 66 ' ------··-- 1?/ hCJ KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RECORD PRINCIPAL BUILDINGS 1-IDENTI~CATIOI\I MINOR ---r .... .,.}. ~ ... , ,. ... ,o· MAJOR '1... I' '-_),,.-":' I 0 0 (.} ~-: SPLIT BLDG.NO. I 2-PROPERTY 9-VEHICLE DOOR OPERATOR QUALITY 1 Y-EXTERIOR STAIRS 1 ,r-Fl RE l-wOOD 3-STEEL CONCREl lt PLACES ~BANK VAULT DOORS c l-CASH 2-RECORDS 2-CONCRETE 4-STEEL TYPE QUALITY (ACE) FLIGHTS TYPE MEASUREMENTS f~c~~nv I NUMBER I !HEIGHT, wtDTHJ NUMBER FOLIO //" '-? ~/ SUBLETTER~-SUBNUMBER~--(ACE) I I I I I TOTAL BLDGS. ___ LAST SALE DATE ___ AMOUNT (__, I ;A I I I I I p1j2 BANK ACCESSORIES I• '2 .A(\ Q ' J' L-----IV 1 I I I I I 2-DRIVE-IN WINDOW 3-NIGHT DEPOSITORY ADDRESS. -.}(__.) · r:J " __,..,""'~' ADDITION (\b.--\ ·: ~ 12-FLOOR ADJUSTMENTS TYPE ~C~~ITY NUMBER ""' J -J _:.;;, ~ 1 CONCRETE ON GRADE SHELLS 3 CONCRETE & STEEL (SHELLS 3 & 4) QUARTER ~SECTION-TOWNSHIP __ .. __ RANGE___ 2-WOOD (SHELLS 1, 2, & 11) 4-REINFORCED CONCRETE (SHELLS 5 & 10) BLOCK __L LOT / TAX LOT ___ TRACT___ QUALITY MEASUREMENTS ' TYPE (ACE) ± (LENGTH, WIDTH) AREA r--r DESCRIPTION ! })'-HEATING & COOLING l FEE OWNER 2.. (1.# r r (:iliRIA~ f l l'lx:ta':lth k!J 1-APTHWORSTEAM 12-COM'LCENTRALCOOLING ~ .,c:; -/ ,?» • ."i ]'I') fei: A'JJb.r.. "/, ' 2-APT FHA 13--COM'L PACKAGE COOLING 3-LAND ...:::,:;J :d.. ...L.1..L_ -T II Cl"-t? X j,.W_j} » 3-APT UNIT HEATERS 14-IND CENTRAL COOLING 4-COM'L HW OR STEAM 15-IND PACKAGE COOLING 5-COM'L FHA 16-APT CENTRAL COMB 6-COM'L UNIT HEATERS 17-APT PACKAGE COMB 7-IND HW OR STEAM 18-COM'L CENTRAL COMB ZONE ACTUA~CONFORMITY ..::t--HIGHEST & BEST USE L l---+---1r---t-----------1r-----l LOT WIDTH FF VALUE LOT ACRE ____ _ LOT DEPTH I/_ ACRE VALUE STANDARD WIDTH ___ LOT SF_./._;; ~~,_,tJ::-"{)0...,:()~------- STANDARD DEPTH SF VAL~E (, 7.s,;E VALUE 4-BUILDING CLASSIFICATION PREDOMINANT SHELL TYPE PREDOMINANT US~ TYPE n LIGHT WOOD ~APARTMENT ~ HEAVY TIMBER 2 HOTEL OR MOTEL l ~ LOAD BEARING MASONRY 3 OFFICE ~ STEEL (NOT FIREPROOFED) • COMMERCIAL ~ Fl RE RESISTANT 5 INDUSTRIAL PRE ENG (GALVANIZED STEEL) SERVICE STATION 0 ~ SPECIAL TV TYPE ~ PRE-ENG (ENAMELED STEEL OR ALUMINUM) PRE-ENG UNSULATED SANDWICH PANELS) SERVICE STATION J"'~~-AU'BLDG ~· YEAR BUILT ;_ 17_ j{;{l __ E,) OVERAL QUALITY ~ EFFECTIVE YEAR 19 ----~A HIGH t\:. 8 ABOVE AVERAGE ~ OBSOLESCENCE % ~C · ........ AVERAGE . TOTAL NET CONDITION 't 7 % ~ BELOW AVERAGE ~ PERCENT COMPLETE % E LOW 5-STRUCTURAL SHELL SECTIONS ~ONIES 1-WOOD 2-CONCRETE 3-STEEL & CONCRETE TYPE QUALITY (ACE) ~FLOOR GRATING 1 -STEEL TYPE QUALITY (ACE) 15 -ROOF ADJUSTMENTS 1-LIGHTWOOO (SHELL 1) 2-HEAVY TIMBER (SHELL 2) MEASUREMENTS (LENGTH, WIDTH) 2-ALUMINUM MEASUREMENTS (LENGTH, WIDTH) ~~EA 3-PLASTIC AREA 3-STEEL NOT fiREPR'FED (SHELLS 3 & 4) .4-CONCRETE (SHELL 5) 5-GALVANIZED STEEL (SHELL 6) 6-ENAM. STEEL OR ALUM (SHELL 7) 7-INSUL. SANDWICH PANELS (SHELL 8) 8-PRECAST CONCRETE TYPE QUALITY (ACE) I I Ll-r -.sr~ ~- MEASUREMENTS (LENGTH, WIDTH) AREA Y~.l/814 V£.JJ..~ 8-IND FHA 19-COM'L PACKAGE COMB 9-IND UNIT HEATERS 20--IND CENTRAL COMB 10--APT CENTRAL COOLING 21-IND PACKAGE COMB 11-APT PACKAGE COOLING TYPE QUALITY (ACE) L./-NO BOILER I MEASUREMENTS (FLOQAS, LENGTH, WIDTH) 26-PLUMBING ONLY FOR HEAT. TYPES 1, 4, OR 7 1 APTS 2-COM'L. 25-MINIMUM INDUSTRIAL UNIT HEATERS 1-SMALL 2-MED 3-LAAGE TYPE NUMBER "" I 27-ELECTRICAL TYPE ~ QUALITY (ACE) /1 c.....-' AREA 3-IND. NUMBER I 1 -APT 2-COML. 3-IND. DO NOT USE FOR SHELL TYPE ·g ILLUMINATION: 1-BRIGHT 2-AOEOUATE 3-MINIMUM 4-INADEOUATE TYPE QUALITY (ACE) ILLUM (1-3) {3E: 4) AREA MEASUREMENTS (FLOORS, LENGTH, WIDTH) 1-LIGHTWOOD 2-HEAVY TIMBER 7-PRE-ENG (ENAMELED STEEL OR ALUMINUM)! 1 1 1 1 I ;2_1 c~ :A I 4'~¥'-'l 8-PRE-ENG (INSULATED SANDWICH PANELS) ' 3-LOAD BEARING MASONRY 4-STEEL (NOT Fl REPROOFED) 5-FIRE RESISTANT 6-PRE·ENG {GALVANIZED STEEL) QUALITY., PERIMETER ISEC-1 TYPE '(ACE) (1-8, 10.12) T10f'4 (9 A-E) 9-SEAVICE STATION OR SPECIAL TV BLDG. 10--BASEMENT & CONCRETE 1ST FLOOR 11-BASEMENT & WOOD 1ST FLOOR 12-DOCK HIGH FOUNDATION GROUND AREA WALL RATIO STORIES I HEIGHT (1-11) A 13 1 t j)~~ II~ t/.?r/1 I ~o c ~WIDE SPAN ROOFS 1 -WOOD TRUSS 2-WOOD GLULAM BEAM TYPE QUALITY (ACE) _/-cANOPIES SPAN WIDTH 3-STEEL TRUSS 4-PRESTRESSED CONCRETE MEASUREMENTS (LENGTH, WIDTH) AREA ~SPRINKLERS 1-APTS 2-COM'L 3-IND TYPE QUALITY (ACE) AREA MEASUREMENTS (FLOORS, LENGTH, WIDTH) I D I I I I I I I I ~~ALITY MEASUREMENTS (LENGTH, WIDTH) AREA 6-EXTERIOR WALL DO NOT USE"-" ENTRY FOR SHELL TYPES 1-5 FOR SHELL TYPES 6-9, USE ONLY FOR SUBSTITUTIONS OR MISSING WALLS 1-GROOVED PLYWOOD, STEEL SIDING, ETC. 2-WOOD OR ASBESTOS SIDING, CEMENT BLOCK, CLAY TILE, ETC. 3-Tl L TUP CONCRETE, MARBLECRETE, ETC. 4-COMMON BRICK, METAL SANDWICH PANELS, ETC. 5-FACE BRICK, REINFORCED CONCRETE, ETC. 6-COMMON BRICK PLUS CONCRETE 7-FACE BRICK PLUS CONCRETE 8-PRECAST CONCRETE PANELS, GLASS PANELS, ETC. 9-METAL & GLASS CURTAIN WALL 10-STONE MASONRY 11-LIMESTONE, SLATE, ETC. 12-MARBLE, ETC. 13-POLISHED GRANITE, ETC. 14-STORE FRONTS TYPE l 0UAU T'r' 11\CE:I I t rJ.... ,,.-."") ~,._,_.,.,., .,.. JLf-1 ,.., i- 7PE0£8TRIAN DOOR$ ME"AS_!.J RE:IAEf'o'TS lliiE'I GtiT. LEN G 1'~1 1 WAl.l. n..FifA vf ;.~.r:1 1') [1_,,., ll tf/)/) 1 REVOlV ING J .O."UTOMATif.· :S L.IO_LN Y 'l AU fOMA'TJC ~WI~.GiNG • A.IR CLiR TAIN TYPE U ~A ~.I TY I NUMBER I UNi 'FT , IACEi U ·J~ 14) .L_ COLD STORAGE 17-ESC ALA TORS TAPARTMENT BUILDING DATA NUMBER ITEM I NUMBER I ITEM 1-COOLER 3-FREEZER 2-CHILLER 4-0UICK FREEZE TYPE MEASUREMENTS (LENGTH, WIDTH: AREA QUALITY~ WIDTH I HEIGHT I FLIGHTS (ACE) (INCHES) I I STUDIO APTS. I I EXHAUST FAN I c I I I I I I I I BE C RO OM APTS EX H A UST HOOO & FAN ~ 7-ELEVATO~ :1 BEDROOPJI APTS I I RANG E i OP o!t OVE ~ :] esoAoOM APTS . 1 1 oAo~u~ AANGC eu :cnuc FH~E"PL.;cr G,ct;RBAG e 0 1 ~i-10$ A.L INi EROOM SVS:fEM DISHWASHER 1e -INTE.RIOB DeVEI.OPEO cARI::AS I -PASSi AU TO ELEC LOC " PID.S.$ AU'f'O E"L_EC EXP 3 -"P·ASS MAN ELEC LOC " -f";ASS MAN El.oEC EXP !!io -PASS tiY•O 6 F"AE.I GtiT !:~EO l-FREIGHT HYO 6 -PEFI~ONNE_L LIH 9 -·SI 0&-~Al.: ~ MAN 10 -SI OEWAL K-t:fVD 11 -SI DEWALK EI.Ei<; f,-D\JM9WP..JTEFI ELEC 13"-DI:JMeWA.ITE8 M AI'_II NUDJIB E A G-APAC fTY CLIJSI (lo.-7) Ot.I ALIT'\1 TYPE I [ACE] 11-71 Sl.l:WS 11>81 oo NOT USE FaA s HE l l TYPE • l AV ER A~ •~l APT I I I I I I ~=:;~~~~~f~$A RE"A 8-A;E"t"A II. /JHiCOUNT TVP.E ... 3-HOTELS & M01 E"LS 9-0THEA RETA'I l STOAE.S -1-SMALL OrF:CES. 10-AANICS !o 11·11:1\lE:RS $w•OPIS:N OF PIC E$ I f -WAREHOUSES li-PROFESS I ONA.l OFFI CE"..S 12-UUHT MANUF=ACTL,tFI ING ?-CLIN ICS I J -UEAVY MAJIJUFAOTUftiNG ~EA.SIJR EMENTS I FLOORS, Lfii NGnt. WI DHJI ..L. OlliE R O'ES.CRIPHGf\1 ~~~--~~--~-T~--~--~~+---~~ 8 -Vli tUCJ,.e DOORS 00 fi.IOT US E I=OR SHELL TYPE [) 1-WOOO SECHONAL 2.....:STEC L SfC110N.Al TYf!'E OUALIT'Y l ACE! NUM8Efl 3---<ST EEL RO L LUP o!l--HANCE"R TYPE STEEL ME AS UREM EI'IH"S rwrtnH. tttJGiHI L BANK VAU L TS 1 -CASH Aft EA. TY¥E A/•""'',/ 1 -FIEC0 8 0S ~E'.ASI.ift EMENHi (L.t::N G"f l-1. WIOTtotl AREA I ~ I ? : 11 I 7t ~x ~ t ·tt~ I I I I I I I I ASSESSOR'S FOAM 210-A ) / MAJOR MINOR Q00b SPLIT __ FOLIO 33-PLAT OF BUILDING r, I _J l3-55 -AC'C£&SORY IMPA.OVEMEfiiTS /1:;1[00 61-APPRAISAL DATA -,--~--~--·-~--- SUB LETTER ___ SUBNUMBER-- (f ·(l »\ 1/J; ··' ,:.11 .. ,r, . 0 .t .··· ··· .... t ·rt;A'/ . f;'~\,t : 0 I I · ... ,. LESS VACANCY ANNUAL EFFECTIVE GROSS INCO ME 5' LESS EXPENSES l'Z- ANNUAL NET INCOME ~~~~E (UNIT __ X ~~~:e--·---l LAND RA TE (IN TE REST __ %,+ T AXES _%_. __ %) LESS LAND I NCOME (VALU {/_Wff} RATE __ %) NET INCOME TO BUILDING BUILDING VALUE PERSONAL PROPERTY VALUE LAND VALUE INDICATED TOTAL PROP E RTY~yAt.tf'E · YEAR PRI NCIPAL BUILDING OTHER BUILDINGS ACCESSORY IMP ROV EME NTS I TOTAL IMPR OVEMENTS LAND .• 34 -CALCULATIONS S~.<)1 'Ill *'~ 'I ',,,,' I ftoN~M rt.,',,, fiiVtT -n\:~, mt., a f3 , --4--,.. 1;. '~ :T'' Ji~ ~oo s; 1~.()-0~l l~l/g{} ,' ..... ' oo~{. l 13,11¢ /(p"$'. lf?/!00 ll.fl~dfl f~j'tf(Jl) ~r.o()9)§5';oq «3;()() (Jri7l . <c?~Gj ·· H'L )J~o 7/;;.qb 3~· '4iob~ 3~t'lzi f-1~"11Ji),3 o'T51Jv iflll~oo ... . ,. : .. ·: t · ~ i · ; : . 9/,p . [. ······.·· .. /28'75". -: ; j/l. ' ' '1'15k> 27tf?}; : ·@; /l(p ····.· ... _ ... '... ' ... ··'fA ··.. ' ···.···· ... ·~ @) :?,"1-;r I!~.:;-, 1 1 -------'s'd.oC, NET CON DillON ,--- 11'".11 &of % 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % DATE DATE ST ARTED COMPLETED 57~00 $7)1~0 59 -SALES RECORD MONTH YEAR AMOUNT ~rlf'i TOTAL APPRAISED VA LU E REASON FOR APPRAISAl / MAJOR MINO A bOOb 33-PLAT OF BUILDING I t • ·--I 4 I• p -1-- , .. T .• ~­ -I -1---r- 1 . L J3.55 -ACCESSORY IMPROVEM ENTS SPLIT __ FOUO SVBLETTER ___ SUBNUMBE R __ I n K I :M -CALCU LATI 0NS l c; rv\ 7rfJ I +- J Econ~~M ~c.· VNcT-· . 'StAM ~ ~·r' .,..,J : · .w£:: LJ)i~> 1 ;;;. -t : .-r ···· P~ --~ .·i .. ~tu.4 i ~~~~crt= .: ~--"'-~~-- ~rto"S;_ •• )(,Doo· J[p+'iO -.~tbcl?J15}QO./%:J:'C.a·. o~~ t73'11J ' ;&:7(1 · 'r~.?dO ~~Jf :if) lf?~;;~:r ' . . . 1 . ' . ' . ... . . .. ~. • 06.1( 'i?4S"J 1161 i.Jg(i()' //:1.00 '3g)O{); ·······, __________ :· -_-·-_-·:_· __ ·;~~ .. ,·. __ . __ : ~-..... ·.:._:· ___ . __ :~~-~;~-~'-::' J./7-Dtl 2. 31(1Jiz. 'l~i(J(), jo.'lfbo lflli~(J{J ~ ·:·· . --·--.... ---- t ~ l --~ 'l ,, ...• .,., J' -I ., I l L ~- r ·· 'I ·16 ~--X .9: 0 i :.r·~~ L __ .·. ,c \!1 .. • .. ' \Gil !·· Jf' \].\\(~~ ~ I -.... ·l J :';'i ' ~ ; ----I --. ~. ;iJ ·-~ -~ i I I I __ L_ 1' -~~L- ~~P ' -c SHo~8foit -l2B-?t ' '. j : .: l'/~·¥71f?.b ... j. :(9;lf?-s'iatP ··· · .. ). ·· ···· •.• : 1/J . . . ····. . ytJQ --. lt/2.0• ·5Y21, (}) :i~Jt-.=-JIIS ,. ~--~--*"'" I - ·"·._'"· ·~ J7-· •"": .fi -iii l' ~ r-· . ·-r--~ -· -.. -l n ~~-~ ,._,_ .. T~ _ ' 1 I I , .. 1 I , . , j I ---I j · .. _ .... --~. •. -L -l ~-1 ~ l _i l ~-:ln·· '! j 'OJ()' . . j EFFECT 'i . . I I ·I NE T SECTION TI TLE I TYPE I QUALITY I NUMBE R I L ENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT AREA PSI TOWER ATED YEAR IVE CON· SECTION NO.; -b ,. CAPACtTv ~ALAouTSIDE I WALL ~~~~SIDE BBL.JDIAM ETER L ENGTH DIAMETER DEPAE CI I HEIGHT I VALUE BUlL T YEAR DITION l~b !J-if~l ~I I ..j ~~REMARKS t rf!:)[l)u r/d ,a f 1AlflA ·f' IA./(),_f{ I :i' i tj g V(' ·£·n1 Jt~ ~I e_ f~a' -:-1-1') .,L,/;~ IM /1 1-r "h"Jt -5-,'l ii1 t ii-P tl '.:.{e~{jij fi- I /A(!_ ttt'..l ' ' ;,!)INCOMe DATA f,Jl.~->-tDts ~ oo '1.5 8. a~' 1 AN NUAl ECON OMIC OR AC TU'A L G ROSS l hi f:OME l £SS V AC'.A NCV 5' ANN UAL Ef FE CTlVE GROSS INCOM E LE SS EXPENSES l Z.. ANN UAl N fj INCOME L.M O . U t~IT V A L UE IVNI T __ X V ,!U.UE --o ___ I LA ND f.i.A'TE UNTI:REST __ ~· TAXES _"A. -·--"1 u:ss J..MI O INCQI.1E CVA LU f/_W~ RAT E __ %1 NE T INCOME TO 8Ut l 04 NG + BU II.OING RAT< II NTl:REST :1__ 'llo • TAX,ES.M'< ' BU ILDING VA.LUE • P E·ftSON Al P ROP E f'I'TY V A.LI IJ E: t u.r ~.!.~~r L.AN O V ALU E l :t1k :9 JJH"OO &,/I IND ICA TEO TOTA L P R.OP EFt l''Y,..VM.-tfE · !8'3lr1tl s 61 -APPRAISAL OA'TA YEAR PRINCIP AL BJ ,Ill OI NG OTHER Bll l LDl NGS ACC ESSO RY I MP FI OVe:M eNTS I TOT AL i tJif'ROV EMEN TS L AND L- ,.;;;, o/4 68 -PERM il DATA 6oooo NUMB E·Fl I OATE SJtJ()O ,57)16-0 5 9 -SA LE S RECORD MONTl-< V EA~ ~8''1'/ 6U-STAF-F f0Tr\L APPJlAISEO VA LUE v~~~ 19/.~it~ % \IALUf 19 19 19 •• ,. 19 ,. 19 OAT( STAIH f:O I\M00fll1 6 E'ASON FOR A PPR ~I SAl. % % .. \< .. ~ "' " OAT< COM PL Ei£0 1. DIS''-'<;iT LIMITS CODE NO. ·' ·t ;.m PERMIT NO. DATE 6. BUIL.DING 1 .,_,. 1 .. '-., ·-r • l_,. ~· •• .. ;:.,: .:,.~: ;-· . :; 1 s t £ ...... _-...; P INTERIOR WALL.S FL.OORS b ·~-·::) ~:..·~1 FIRE PL.ACE -~v INTERIOR TRIM il< PL.UMBING :.1 ·-- ,,.: ... '- ~ ,.,1.r . .!··~~."" e 2. ADDITION ,_, _ _,., ciU<'·-~~,-, ,c; - SECTION TWP. N. RANGE EWM. BL.OCK ~ TRACT OR LOT NO·---'-"'--------------- DESCRIPTION ______________________________________________________ _ -------------CONTRACT PURCHASER ________________________ _ 3. ADDRESS OF ~PE~Y 4. FEE OWNER r( I li--'1--,l'-~-' . 5. ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR!-------------.....,,_ . r 6. ORIG. BUIL.DING COST$ OCCUPIED BY ' '"1 ------RENTAL. PER MONTH $ ESTIMATED RENTAL. PER MONTH $ -~;. < .,<,, 7. CONDITION OF EXTERIOR G:•o,-) INTERIOR J:.od ~ FLOOR PLAN~·-"C i··:~-------- TILE WORK l ~o•.:tf ATTIC ~~ _;~ r:~ .. HEATING ;;:t&~M- BASEMENT .. ~ c rsA. e 7 'U..: FOUNDATION :n -,~ 2 l '.:;i.e ~ s .' _, } ROOF PORCHES 9. CORNER JOINTS & • .; --~!';). DOWN SPOUTS SEWER CONNECTED __ b"'~~0"------- 2 ... L ·=:: ·'. r y 1 0. FIRST FLOOR JOIST SIZE 2 X .) AND 20 __ INCH CENTERS BRIDGED ~-1,(3; ---------- 1 e;,f ... ~ 1 1. FIRST FL.OOR JOIST SUPPORT COLUMN OR POST SIZE &_ 6 ______ __ EXTRA l"ll:ATURES 12. CLASS OR GRADE N0. _____ 2~;..,.:.,.'"'_,"'~--"';'-'.l.-"'J"'"' .. ~------------51-tAPE NO. _______ _ 3 . !IUIL.DING FINISHED OR UNFIN I SHED.,.--,----'-'·'•L·-~-'-~"-.·"'-·'--------------------------- .E:U.. 3 0 3 ~ 14. DEPRECIATION: CONDf'riON u'-r \"• OBSL.SE. '!'o ECON. SUIT ______ ., TOTAL ' J ~, DATE BUIL.T_ . I EFFECTiVE AGE l'.?i.:'". REMODELED V P.S ----~~--------- FUTURE L.IFE 2;:' YEARS BUILT-INS 12 YEARS ''" •!':.1 LAND INFORMATION CO-NSTRUCTION y~/ ~: S 12:E ___ . ___ x _____ .TOP,OGRAPHY .-.:2 ~ :.: II ' GRADE ____ -___________ FEET ALLEY -e S, • ·• V~-·---STREET ROAD • ot:. SURFACE ,,;-:led -~Joub :,. <.~ • --~:'l iUIT. CEIL.ING HEIGHT ... 3. SIDEWAL.K OnC • SEWERAGE •• A~-:;~· WEL.L _______ EL.ECT. PUMP ________ _ 4 . L-ANDSCAPING ~:.:',·-:· ..-.~,.-,~,_ ;•. COND. 1"1);1_'1'· 5. TREND •' ·' iC . . . VAL';JE.OF LAND _______ _ 6. USE OF DISTRICT -' ·:,, ·: O ~•··~ .,,,, VIEW~--- 7 . RESIDENTIAL '-'-ZONED _________ _ REMARKS _____ _ 1--------'MAIN BUILDING DIMENSIO;:;---r--~ FT. AREA 23 X 37 [ I X I X X PCH. X 6 l 24 ,. 2 l . PCH . I X ) I e~f>;,_._.,,_·'>J.S,..SC>-Od~-~- IMPROVEMENT VAL.UE MAIN BUILDING ----- OTHER BUIL.DINGS ----~ TOTAL. _ ASSESSED VAL.UE !50~ $~ -~ • ~ , ' .., .. '-. ,l.·=.L'o• ~/'<1/)1) ........___ ~ t;)j()~ ~ OTHER BUIL.DINGS ROOF AREA VALUE GARAGE /) ?.r . ,_ :~ ~ $ ~9 ~"'-··· ~ . b; • ~ X X I I 3 9. 0 I MTGE. I STAMP RIIMARJtS ___ __ RESIDIEHC:I!:-KINQ C:OUHTY ASSESSOR-SaATTI.IE. WASHIHQTON ~ P'RAYN ltRINTIJUI CO .• SaATTL.I I o ·=-; ' -----;;;~~~::=:::;:-!~ f ::;;;::; ... z ,;o .... : : : : :j,; : [__z • EHC-: ~: iJ. ~::: :.:-rrj#:: < ::tp:~:~::.:: . . . . ~I ..• '_/. ••• • •• v•··: \o ::: :UJ ... <.:[:~:: ' I ?<} :-¥ :f: l"ltONT ('..:' ~ fh "-,· iJ'I \)o ' ~ I 1 I j i\ ~ t ~ " ] .. z 8 0 II. ~ (!} w 0:: (!} w (/) 0 z < z 0 j: '<I: u ~ (/) (/) < .J u 0 z ~ ... 1!1 Ill II. 8 X I bl ..J < u Ul a ~ bl 0: < '='' CJ Ul Ul x ... z bl ~ ~ [ .. ) i!l J .-!Cil ~'41 .-. y I_ • 0 0 z z ... ..J 0 Ill ..J u >< 0: ~ ~ --:--- 0 )> -i Ill -- ID -< ~-)>' Ul 0 z 0 ~ ;o () ::1 -1-- li Ul ~ ~ 0 0 r ~ --T " -i ., -.-~ 'II i ----~~ ..... ~ Jo.o.l CI:J C)1 l\j co 0 J ., lt• L'l I 0 ~ I -"" {.,.; I! C• I _.;:. I • c· I \..(> ";,.~ c ' 1. DIS ':T c • -:_:J LIMITS CODE NO. ,,..,..,. ... ., ... _ ... _ .... PERMIT NO. DATE 8. BUILDING 1 ' ".<;, ""' ~ .J_ .•• ·-· .; . " ... _-.~ ·. ~-· '! ' ...... . .oJ ..... , .... .,l. ... ·...; INTERIOR WALLS .. ._:... ·S -~ :~1· FLOORS ,j r FIRE PLACE 6n./" l INTERIOR TRIM PLUMI!IINGI 'J .:. .... -.... .;. ~ ~ e , < • ·' et ·-"" tr''.•·v .l ..,. /;-~,:.. '";:' .L '-.:/t-..::,1,:., .. u_~r~~ -~··\.) ;, i.'('.-· ==::~~~~=;=::::::~ ,..,. 2. ADDITION SECTION TWP. N, RANGE EWM. BLOCK __ .l__TRACT OR LOT NO. DESCRIPTION _____________ _ f 3. ADDRESS OF P~P.ER:Y ~2 6 G<' ·;~ :·r , tJ 4. FEE OWNER j;;__' ]· ( •' ·.:::::.:r::J.... I .< -,; ___ _..:.··..:.• _ _..:~::._ ____ __c:__ _________________________________ _ • CONTRACT PURCHASER--------------------- 5. ARCHITECT l CONTRACTOR ___ • _-=_·_·'===--------------------- 6, ORIG. BUILDING COST $ ______ OCCUPIED BY .;;r;.:; • ~ RENTAL PER MONTH $____l_L ESTIMATED RENTAL PER MONTH $ ____ _ 7. CONDITION OF EXTERIOR :;r j,.. INTERIOR ___ ::· .• ... FOUNDATION C.:;:: Or FLOOR PLAN __ -,_:~pt_..__ ____ _ TILE WORK ., ~ ~~J o r,; ·~ ATTIC ~-'i -l' :'l """ ~ HEATING ~-t;:.. BASEMENT ,_:. ~ "' ----- FOUNDATION 2 ROOF ~~ PORCHES 2-l .Y :;,r-1 ·_ -:"~1 ~~ EXTRA FEATURES £.:,' BUILT-INS !Jf:ual CONSTRUCTION ~), ~.c.~J. e-J~f~ l .l ·t: CEILING HEIGHT 9. CORNER JOINTS ~.:.Xe d DOWN SPOUTS SEWER CONNECTED ___ N_0--=-=------ 10. FIRST FLOOR JOIST SIZE 2 X 8 A.ND ~--INCH CENTERS BRIDGED_c..N :..::O:..._ ____ _ 11. FIRST FLOOR JOIST SUPPORT COLUMN OR POST SIZE ~ JL-'6~---- 12. 13. 14. 1. 2. 3. 4. CLASS OR GRADE NO •. , • ' ' SHAPE NO. ______ ------ BUILDING FINISHED OR UNFINISHE~--..--.c:· __ _:_' _.::_·-----------------------· DEPRECIATION: CONDITION ~ or. OBSLSE. ... ECON. SUIT "o TOTAL _____ ,.; DATE BUILT 1 ;-,~.-: REMODELED_.:6:...'.c.':...' -------- EPI"C C TIV E ,t.Gor --1 ' . f'UTUftl. LIFE ____ "'--YEARS ll't'F O ~M ATIO v FEET ' ;?;~.) • :!)1 5. TREND -_, ··~ 6. USE OF DISTRICT . · •i,.. ·" . '. _ tJIJ -~ 7. RESIDENTIAL -> ,! ~ ~~ _ .A: j REMARKS 1---------------- I MAIN BUILD:..:.I~N_,G:__ __ _ DIMJ!:NSIO~--SQ. FT. AREA 1 24 X 27 I 7 9.1 X 18 ,., x e X I PCH • 7 X l F }~~---- PCH. ,.. X 6 I .. ~.~c eJ~s eo-.~ IMPROVEMENT VALUE MAIN BUILDING '\~i' ---- TOTAL ASSESS $ 1 .____ _____ _ ' ";t\::: < .rl··-x ALUE l50'!'o $~'--"-'-----\l . --~ DATE ~ -•... -,_ ~~ __ OTHER BUILDINGS VALUE GARAGE 0 c OWNER OR CONTRACT .PURCHASER " ---, • • .A_j / i-4 ·r • ··-1..:: ;· ~ J ~.:r_T' ~ ,,:. --~ 1' !•....;..: /~.. r ~~·~fj-.., f c.:/1-.. ~- DATE I FILE NO. I•, PRICE 1A ----!7'~ Airl!J· --'"1 ' r --;, '"j· . .<: • Fr 7(2 ~---._ f:.. ,A~V .-_·_-:o fl / t_,_ .... ~ ._ --,--ff !1 " t~ ~ I · ') e: 7 /.· MTGE. L-. ---_1---=:J ~----I R ~M "•'• ·: L -' 1 ' t ' • ARKS ··-~--..J .· -' ·:·Cl"'l.'""";:;,··~··· .. ~, RESIDENCE-KINQ COUNTY ASSESSOR-SIEATTLII:, WASHINQTO" ~P"RATN PIUJIITIMG CO., IIKATTL& L 1 8 . STA""J:' .. ): . N,l__: :,:d . i' ~ ~ li b . -~· L , . . <i " " !I ~! ...... --=~. : ;..-l (:.: l : -~ •.. .J' .... • • • • • • 0 0 •• •• ' • 0 ••• ". ·c -~>··~· b· . . .. ·~·~ Fl'tONT I o · 1' ::l I • 'u' •'!• ~' .;- ,.. . a. . u.. .. /(l,.:~.._., ~~ ,' '< j OO~MPLAIN'f. o ~ I //11 Date ~![t /& j_/ Made by~~v_------· -.,.~,; /'7tb 00/S Owner's Address --------·----- Real Property Described as:~ --7'1 oli ~ # _!l'n Property Address _}_d-~--,~f.v14--~-~~·--· ADDITION .. & !1/fH-~~-~-~~d . ---···--···------ \"") Lot ~ -·---Bloc~__/.:_ __ Map ______ Abst ________ _ Tax Lot____ Sec I 7 Twp 1 3 I / Rg ~-~---·--·- Assessed valuation -Land _______ 2~J _"l.;...~--__ _ Assessed valuation -Improvements J,rcJ Complaint made by ~ ,/ ; // I u; iD iii liii [iii -~ (I) t) t) t) t) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (j) (I) (j) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) -< ~ ~ ~ f..>-. t1 ITI .. -.J ~ ~ I~ )> 0 """' ~ ~ c~ ;u CJ Ui 0 0. ... 1-<( ~ 0 ::e X 0. (l 0. II: <( Ill . ..1 1-::e 0 <( II: !( 0 0: <( Ill :J ..1 <( (J 0. (l e,;, -c-'1 ~) ·..- M·~ )> '-1 r 0 ;u ;o 1-f-ITI () ~ ~ \. () ::1 ~ ~~ -...... ~ ' 0 w ~ ~ ) r ;u ;.... ~ lb ,_. .r,•, )> a 'p N ~ '0 z :;,.&. ~ . 0 0 ... ~~ ;u ~ \) ~ '11 \:} g <:::) )> Ul ~-0 ~ Ul :j a; ~ l'.l ~ ITI 1 ~ ~-" llJ Ul '~ ! • b Ul \ ~ ~ ~ ITI -~ fJ ~ OGl 0 ~ ~ ui < )> ' c 1'1 ·~4 ~ t~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d -~ ~ ~ ~ -1 L l> '0 'I) 1:::1 (\' ~ <• r ,:::;1 '-" _);,) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ \ I I :~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ' 0 1\J~' "' " 0 ~~ * 'J ~ )> I ·~ ~ I . -1 ,.... ~ I;' \ Vr ~ ITI w • ~ \11 lr\ (!!' ~ ~ N ~~ 1.1.1 1--f-1---- 0 I ~ ~ . ~ I 'ITt -~-1-\ 0 lQ t-~ fb :l: 0 )> (' !II .. ..... 6,: ~~ . 1'1 -< ll ..., I '11 0 ;u ITI .) (X) ~ ~· I ..... ~· ~ "" . ~ ! ~~t\ ~ "( l:tJ I .... l ~ t • ~I') 1'-(j, ~· -. \I~ 1\J ;u w ~ '\_. ITI C• ~ )> ~ I Ul I i1 ~l I 0 c. -==c- ~-2: I lo I (1 ~ ,__, 1 ~~ ~ l•' > ' 1." ·-k ~~ i ~ • )t '• II'' t 'I ~ ;\~ I •' ~ 11\' 1·-+-1-~ 1--~-'·~ a w i 1: ' 1'--1'1 ,., n [\) I ~ ll (' I h "' 1, ~ )> Ill ) "' --. I z n ll j z Ill c-. r' 1.0 .-l Iii· 1..1 • > _, .. 0 0 z z .. w I ~ )> Ill Cl .. L&t -- ~ a lq• .. ~ n ·' ll ~~ t ~ "' )> ~ Ill -v .. b z --. z z Gl n z 1-..1 0 Ill 0 Ill j::: Cl ..1 u u 0. z X II: Ill ::: <( ~ <( Ul 1-II: 0. ll l :::t; !': ::}~ .. • l:o-; I )> Ill 1 I .. -== f. Dl '!=T LIMITS CODE NO. ,_?-:--· ..;r:\ PERMIT NO. DATE 8. BUILDING I ~-:·~L Dv 91 • ~ ~-.,l ~ -~i~i : ;..:• INTERIOR WALLS e r ..J r:r-... FLOORS ... 7 .... FIRE PLACE i"; ._.~_y; --~ INTERIOR TRIM PLUMBING (, i J'(.1 ~~,;.;:.. t l ~·~. ~·~ ~:!Y!~- _,_,_,.<;. ~~ ,/::''C:'_"r,t ;· 2 ~.:>-D !~~~ N. RANGE 5 EWM. BLOCK TRACT OR LOT NO. ___ ·-='-------------- DESCRIPTION _____________ _ I 3. ADDRESS OF PROPERTY -+ '~ ~" >; ._,., ~ J. r • •. -------C ONTRACT PURCHASER-------,-----------·-------·~ _'7 ~-I c I -' 4. FEE OWNER_:zz:,)" .~._:._.•_~ __ r _ 5. ARCHITECT ___________________ _ --··------CONTRA.CTOn---------------- 6. ORIG. BUILDING COST$ OCCUPIED BY ~. R!;:NTAL PER MONTH$ ESi'TIMATED RENTAL PER MONTHS 30 '---- 7. CONDITION OF EXTERIOR J'~i.r INTERIOR~ FOUNDATION '•'' . :t• FLOOR PLAN __ ft.G__Q__€!Jt.--"--- _;e;, I T ATTIC r;~:., HEAT(.NG bi:. •. l~...-,.-·,-'.' "'r.:· --.. i i.J. "' . ;..' Ai r ~nn ~V~/Y~fl' -~ BASEMENT 1_:'),~. T o 1 ;·t .~;:_ .. J ~ ~r··-!~ ·) -~ :.-: y ; ~ ~;r J r AiD FOUNDATION -~ )_, ~ .t;;· ? ~\{, B ROOF "•'I • "'c'.J~ ' ;,. ~ 0 ~--• -J CoM~~~ EXTERIOR ALLS ~ PORCHES 2-1 J tor~· " I 2 l.L·Of'ed ~':n c 1 ('SeC. EXTRA FEATURES i:<c-n BUILT-INS 3 '1:'.:,:1 CONSTRUCTION .1ing1 e .J1 e\1 i ~_::_~ CEILING HEIGHT i' t ... ·~ , t "' .. _. ~- r-~n7 '. _, ~ ... 4"r.~ .. ocar ,, -l 9. CORNER JOINTS Boxed DOWN SPOUTS SEWER CONNECTED ~ 10. FIRST FLOOR JOIST SIZE '";X .: A.ND_22___INCH CENTERS BRIDGED NO!.ic___ _______ _ 11. FIRST FLOOR JOIST SUPPORT COLUMN OR POST S!ZE ________ ..d __ x. _ ___~o8t__ __ _ 12. CLASS OR GRADE NO. 1 -,::;h':!B p .SHA~E NO. 13. 1 4. BUILDING FINISHED OR UNFINISH~ ···1. r_i ·,[ DEPRECIATION: CONDITION ~ O ~' OBSLSE·----~ ECON. SUIT .,. TOTAL 'o DATE BUILT 1910 REMODELED 1 :' ~': EFFECTIVE AGE 25.-EARS FUTURE LIFE.~ YEARS LAND INFORMATION 1 .-~u ·-"! On • SIZE X _____ TOPOGRAPHY ~ • ''--'---rrr-----GRADE. _____ _;;: ___ ----:ver-FEET 2. STREET ROAD (L•~L_ed SURFACE L ' ·~· • ALLEY ~~rA.Ve ~-~-. 3. SIDEWALK .J •. , • WELL ____ ELECT. PUMP __________ _ 4. LANDSCAPING ~---"' COND, __ __:~~···.,...;.,..:..:_ ___________ __ ,,... j _.II 5. TREND : '·' " 6. USE OF DISTRICT ·.~,;~.1 ~~t ..... ~' 1 7. RESIDENTIAL Mad. r'J.d' .. REMARKS ________ VIEv)_·J.: "r-~ '>'ONED ___________ _ I ---- DIMENSION SQ. FT. AREA 24 X 26 l 62 1 I X X I X I 6 X 20 I 120 PCH. ~~~Ji~_g_4. I ~------ IMPROVEMENT VALUE MAIN I!IUILDING ~~y -- OTHER BUILDINGS f-\->i'~"'-"----~\1. - TOTAL 5~---- ASSESSED VALUE 50!o~~ DATE 1 ~1J~:; N ~ ~·o ~-A'-~! J~ /)!tq OTHER BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTION FLOOR ------ROOF STY. DIMENSION AREA -------VALUE ------ GARAGE -2 ~a~ .=--r:-:r . -n J,o,~~--~::tr' • T ®I . ! , ., ~~ ..,, 3 .-3 C $ ~9 ----.. ~-<'· . Jtl ~" c;.dft "-, 1 i #-A. (I .. , c_ IP I }~X~/J ~.tr n (} J X v X X 0 c OWNER OR CONTRACT PURCHASER DATE FILE NO. PRICE MTGE. STAMP {y It: . , <"' J!' ' i~· .)/jj :·:. (/ 't/1 t .. l > ',; ··<-JI!o '-1-. •f ---· --... RSMARKSi __________________________________________________________________________________ __ - RESIDENCE-KINQ COUNTY ASSESSOR-SMlTbl!. WASHINCiiTON ~P'R.A;.III f"RINTING CO .• SI:ATTI..& FLOOR PLAN ·r· . . L L . --·· ?:0: I"JitONT /0'"-l, I ~ '£)' " .. P~· ~ . . ~ ~ I 1 ..... u f.' ~;1111 ·:: -. z 0 Ill -C) t D. z ~ ~ ~ 0 0 z z ... .J 0 Ill .J u >< 0: ~ : I ~ c ~ ~·,! AJ ,c 0 :3 ):o <.;. 0 ,.. f1 ~ ~ : 1---r-r-r-r-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-4-+-+-+-4-4-+-+-+-+-+-+-4-+-+-4--~--~~ l Z ~I - n :0 1'1 )> Ul ,. "" ' .'-e •:. ,·. t' ' '.1 ··1 .·j : I 1 ' .. I l '! ·! . i '· l ! i ~. 1 ;,. ,•-;._ i I J' ·, · .. , ,_), ·:· :,· '\ . :~·1\. .. · ... : . ' l i .( ... l ; :~!l . 'l ' l .:·J·l . . . ' .f 'I . ! I •I I -1 .I I I I l j I I '' :··. t • -'· ~. C'nR t40~_____k I?~A//0. FOLIO ADDITION · w . 9'7q' ~.;.v) 7 Twp ,;( 3 Jlalll" or E'4nll.Blook ~~.!~tor IS"-G-7~-.Jf • ,. ' PERMIT NO. · Taslm L-J· Tnct I L2 ' • 0 • ?:~--'-\ [p I ¥;.. 'X DATE Ad.t-I 3CXJ 1:f .Rt:Jh'.S '/.1/\/ t~:r,.·y /1/ / _.,. ... -------.· Fee a,.._, /3 8 Vrz .Vr /V)o TO!?;>'. . Architec eontractor·--......... -,--------- Condition of Exte~ G I.,teri~ c-:.,Y Foululatio'n"'!''& F1oor Plan£ Good Accept Good~------ -. -~ . -FLOO& I"'RRIIDB »""""§ Frame . Lam. LJ ·. __!::._ F"'t:~ ... ": · Mapia · · Mill Construction ,, . . Oak ·(J'' ·:l":d' T&G G -''~ tlo .?· .. . . -~.,:;e,.f•~ "~· ..... ,"" ___£_! No. Tr.._ f/t>~£ +tt-' ~ Wood 0 Steel _9_1"""----Baee me nt ~ No. Offices No. ABrt.mente &OOI'IHO MATim.I.u. 1 rm. 2 rm. B 3 rm. 3 Tar and Gravel 4 rm. 6 rm. 6 rm. Or B. c/'; TYPB 01' OORBTJi.UOTIOR ~~ Frame (,:}_ · -!_(? . ~ 'f()P.j Single @Double Ordinary Masonry Mill Construction Cla!l!l A Rein. Con. , "" Stru. Steel and Con. ) -;TI Tile · D Briok ,l ---ConiJtJO Rein. eo4 ·Good_!>led. Chea~ I I'OURD&TIOR Mud Sille . Poot and Pier Brick Concrete Pile B&BDIBNT /Vt>ltl £ Oep. for .Con~ ':'.~·~::::_:~;~"·~:';':'"":: ... Tile L__J Lino . Bat~O Fl. D Walla , ____ ...,Floora ___ Walla PLUMBDI'Q No. FixtUJW Toileta Tub. Lei or Pam. Baaios. Pad. Sinko Urinals Bhowera (Tub) (Stall) Laundry Trays H . W. Tank Fl. Drains 0 Sprink. Sya. No._Hds. IIU.TINO -~_J ~~c'f '?k~cl' J;.;..G;..;, Pipelees Furnaoe Suspended Gas, Hot Water Steam Heat Hot Water . f • -:.;·" Oil Bume;.'i'/.? '7 '~ !!' , .. J Full ' 0% {3r.of)!Oil ~v;.j4'f .,,tJ~. ,.;. tJ _. _I Sub-Basement ·· -· . . . _ J ---1---------- ~-: ··= ·~r~c ~--3--·_···_:_: __ 8w_g ,l :·~ji1:St:lxf§~;~ I 1---------- Servioe Room8 c£. Hoists: Ele<!:....(Jryd,, ___ . __ ' No . Outlet.• UTD.IOB W.ALL CORBT. ,-mTBJI.IOB W.ALLB I . o. JJ• .. I O_BOURD I'LOO&,~ ./ lo /0? Stud and Plaster La_f,it.d ~Q.£~~red PrtwooQ...;, ,tf'[Jf-(>M -4-.,'JeH<c,.oy~r~~' Ceiled ·;..c;....·,,, I . I Plaster Board c9-p~ -X Painted st&in D VarDiali Kalaomine .. v~:..:,;;;:..:,·l'l. ~,f:. J:=*'YfllT' £-ll\<1'·1~' ra:·t.·!f% r '''e'"<r Brick Veneer c~r,r(! BLJ.<. Kind Stone 0 Cut B. Terra Cotta Struc. Glaao .Trim I'LOO& OONBT&UOTIOR o:c-.,.....----'' Fir ...__£1 Mah . Metal \\ .... ·oOak 1Wm£ct· (C{$h,rDoora -· L1.r Ut h (" . :;;zc;;?_ indOWII "CoJIIIUuotiotl Floor &of 2 3 • .6 6 · ' 7 Storiee TOTAL I'LOO& .AJUI& /6 61~ ' . ,·;ii,;(.:; •. ·.·.-.· ID3 -i ··' ;; ~~ .. -· -p... ~ 1Sif~,- ,<!!lot'" ?t {J.:J "'J ?:. >'ll I . ' -~--- .H 1~7r"Ar.~: ~~--.--~-S~'-"W? W.~--I ~i'/?. I ,.-,'_,, .. _. .·>-r~"'"'-..._ ·-- '1 . -I ' ""' .. /il'-~!-:3t.'K"" ' ,~v~:r f,tJft/""'·s;{ J' df l I I .. f " ' I _. !'1 I JO I c~lf .~;{ /;lqN I .,.., -_j _1"11 ~1 I ~0 1 tJ 1 I ~· ~( : I ?Jo 1 . ,. -l · . I '~1 I I .~:-' Net Value ,.~ ~ ' I ' 1~--------- ·I ' I I' 1------ -1 . " . 1 ' I I' 1..._ ___ _ -~1-------J...----_;_-...J.~----...L...;..~~H.,~. ~~~~~~.,...jl~~7-*-:---t '' I . " I..,_;..__ ___ _ :@!-.a . . -~-,--~-. ·. •~ua ~'·'. "\;;;j ! I ~~- .• :t 1ft ... -~·'' ADDITION FOLio ~- Soction_Twp. ___ Jtnnit(' ___ l<~w m. Rlook 1----1 pgi{\IIT NO. })\1'1: Fl.'~:' l hPWI' --- On,,u ~otl' •1c ilrml'~ M t,~I•IU,\ \J:;j l'ttll•IPII'IIo>ll t ·• 4 •• \ l :•·rn .l'••n • '' • ~r ,,<J \\all• fi ld,\\:,11· I Hri··;., ·\rt h l'il.\"''''' -· I~ ... !'>., .. "It'~"' _-J!i I ' n. wi t h Jl ih..t•·r' ''·lib Jt,n,f '•n. 8 '"8• r 'I'•~ {.,.·It~~ p~,:~. I I:L .. ~,l'···l . S rn l.~ I.\. f'tllUih ·~ :'h,,\-T 1i l :-:r.th ~II.\. \ir~.l .u ~•l'<jlt''llo i P•It ~~'" Jln l \\1ott•r ~'''"Ill ll···t ll ul \\ ll •·r 1 3 52 30 &E :!R .• LAlill BUIGS TLT.li BY P,A'E:J --------~ ----1 ----~==·=---.. -----DAIJ:I2 FILE ::; PRICE I lS ............... ·;. ; -= :; :: ;.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·;;.·.·.·•.·•••••••••••••··•• ;~' ~%~ '\ 13~30--cO 2 5 ---~~--~·--.. ~ 1 ~ O O :f7:i ' :, .; ::::::::; 'i ~-r-%-' 1 II -. ~ I Jf!Jyy,, f IR!".J. a ni -· ~-~~~----~~~~~~~~~=-~~~~~--+-~~~~ G>7 1 ~~~~~-~~~~~~~r-~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ w I 19 fa& '71',). J () :J. <-/ f;J-00 19 7'o I 'f rt ~a o I o<'LJ tfid-3;. f fi'fJ_. J ~.J .. IJe>-:lJ-6 i Atl...1~,.-·6'~A 61 VI (/ 19 71 19 l 16460 B 49.300 T 65760*135230-0025-0 8/9-_L: --~~-l--------+----1----1~-----i 1_9 7.:? 19 1 C / , I .I / ~1300 l~t>JSO 10;2 O . .s-o ~ ~~_6j_ £_/)/ I l l 1 0 I -" I I I 19 ·-·--·-. --------..... ---------t-.;,__C-1 19 1 9 I I I · I --· I I I -I ·J t · I I r ---+---+-----+-----:--+--··-----~--+-----------4--------f-... -----:.. ,_., __ -----·---·-·--1----+---- ~- ,; ··' J; <··"~';...,.,,$J~r•• :~ • .:,_J) # ·-~· (\ J ~ J > . -~{:~·-"'·J .. ""' -~-~.,.-. ·q ,.-~.(-·;" .• . ' ' DIBTIUC:T 177 r ,. ~ Permit No. -I 081cript.io,-===~---:--------:;----:------=-=-=~~ -""'· 5"""' t::~ __ '/ .,. 8 ./ , ' Da.tP 3 Add~!! ol l'roperty 4 reo 0\\ n~.;r 11 v qtJ tr f(C"'"' 81-C t.__C'IOnt.Purch~~~ter----------------------- 6 \rahitcct --------------------------Cont ractor _________ _ BUILDIN.O _[ I , hlo l-!'tuh· o ... 'P-1\in~; ~~J· -r ... .., Fan:1iy n ... f'llinn: •. • L ~tun' I'UHJ lhHiliJUI -u·· ",,, ~1·•r il"'' -f- .::Z ! :-. I ,1.-rn-~· t I ;r •I llu•r 2._ -~r.d Fh.,. •I _l ]'h,J I' ---,~Ill ~ DiTBBIOB WALLS ' 2. ::.i J'la.<~to r .. n Plut .·r t •:led 1)wOO<I Pi~T~-.r l l)'f'h :.-<•.-d )'Lt.:UI.ed !·.~· m,n l '.•pt:n~t (?ltfll•l., .. t \\!! PLOOII.B "-~-' "'"''""''' ~ FIREPLACE -· l:nck _ l 1·11 or""' _3 ('•ncr • --l'uhlJ , •I --'til •• _ lnlntl •e-1 INTi!IUOR TBl"-l __ 1 . JlnrJ\·,uo I ~~.: '·'"' =I.l'nfi ·;t!1 tt<l L UA-!BlNG _1 N u b! F 1!il u r • _ Tub--L•~t-or INn __j_ Tr•llt·l _J ,i ~~~· ri:J l't1f C"ol~! .. ~ . ~ _ __:_ t'ttd· __ ., ..;IFl Wf'r i n Tub __ , H',t \'\nterTb nk ' Luundry Tray .• __ , 1 _\·,ue __ l ufim .:;_fd __ ! Ex pen~ivl" --+I G <YI L_,,\wrap: C'he:\:l lo.;o:r-:o·"'·erC~~rm -!-·---------------· - Tile or Slate Tnr and Gra\'el Tnr Papor ierl ...,.....~ _ =./ R en tal per \fonth_ 1·1oor Plan Gnod ·.1 POBC:HE3 EXTEBIOB WALLS ·-~ . j Jloau.b anti nattl'n "''''"• ~ Hu•ftf' 1 Far~·l:n« GROUND PLOOII. ABEll ! C•!<l.-rsa•lu I ~bar.'l'l ~"STR!ICTIOl% ~ I \'rry ( L\1n·l JflN\, <I _12.S:.. .ll•i· Fl \ f\00 runu \ir run --' ~h t w.u.r -J ""'!('~Ill _!e.._, r I.';('' '·•P•' _ _ .\11 (. '·•ml Ftm ·-y 't,\er -lL'I ihl Hurmr ,o ,'? ,.,. ~ ,. /ol.l o r y FLOOR CONBTB UCTION 1•1 fj l'•"'lohi>.,2.__,L ~ _L_Ilri<lcrd /I. I'()¢ Pc~t :iiZI' __ 1,., __ .,. _b_. B0am fli.ICI l ~ ·--s:~~ ~--~ ~ ( 1), . r !>I \ ~--· I L ~ I , -,I 'I _j "J -"o-c;-· l~ther Huild irl&l> I a. .... -:=----1 ' ,. ~:-tl -·~ ~-':f r, .~ ~/_ ~ JJl<i 'f.r a&'- \::1-~il 1352 3 ~~-1 L;ro ts W~t;;····· . ;l;~·· ·r §TA~ A~,l'1GE'''''''.. r··· ·;~ .. ~~;······r ~~~;~,;~~······· ( ~;~~~~~~ I , ' /... = '' · = = · ' ---1 (/ e -"' - -' (T /' · _. ...... J-.~~L. ......... \ ... _ .......... Q..??. ..... J ...... fo..o .......... i.; .... 7."...rf:c1. ...... j .. .JII< ... ~.~---:5.t..L ... _::;r.~ ................. ~ .. l .~ .. }~~-~-·-···klf~~--~S-3. .... : .. 11 .~~'-~-~.--~·-······· 19 .. ·l · ..... -~ ....... . ! ......... -~~~:~·. ?'..:·:· :: ... ::..::_~".:,.;, .. ···:.: ···-~~::· -~····:{:.:· .. -k 't. .•.. :; •• ,., ~;;'4"''. ;: .... _ ......... ~.--.._...,..--·· ~-· >"~:"•·--,...... 1 ~ - ~ .. . :- ':\ ;,'-"'"' .. \ 't: . ,. ' ~-· ' ·-·~. ---~ ,,_ •. ~ _-.;6 , l - ,/" '·~.; .... , DIBTBIQT " ' . ---n R -_,. ----~-,. ~11 , . , . . ""'m' I.: 8 r w. rk s: BiUJ J -"~~J~ :pr:;-' ; ;'· ...... ::Er . ..• "5---.>I:-11u9 c ~LJ:_. --· ' PIBMlT Ko.~ . , u•n No. Stnri~ No. St.orl.'6 r-oo. Hooan.'4 IJN"cm('nt -LJNo.om .. ,. / r- Fir Mill Con~truct.ion --Oak Rein. Concrcl-f' --1.ino. No. Trus.•ICR ~ Cement 1 Wnml D Stocl ___ Tormno No. Apl'rtmootll ! aOOPINO MATDU.t. --,, .m. B, .m. B 3 .m. --lr;··· ,., a ..... , __ 4rm. 5rm. Erm. 0 /II .2. r._ -J -I--_., ~I: OF CONBTBUCTION -:t..-1 Frnme +Single D Double Orclimlt:\ Mu.eonTy Mill C'ou!Jtruclion ('ln...~ A Rein. Con. Stru. StcclnnrJ Cnn. Tile Fl()(}f' Plan: Goo(L Mllple 2"x6"T&.G 3"x6"T&G Sup. Uuildinc: A. V To~I•------------------Jl '· Sq. Ft __ W:alls f.in . Ft. __ Or. Hr:l.!. __ ._ -1 Kit's. D Fl. 0 Wnll$ rYJ Remodeled /9 I/. D "i:~YCI\0!-- I Fnctur J C<.et T'>ilct.e --Tuh~. I...c1 or Pcm. ~-Bwrina.~ 1---. Sinks + -· f# W)/_..llf I ti Slu·w.e~ (Tuh) (S tall) l.tnuH.lry Tray! II. W. T nnk Fl . Or&iru;;D .. •• ..J. eJl 13523 ~~ ~~ 1 ~~ SOS12729 LIMITS I ROAD I SCHOOL WATER FIRE ~.9~:_ACREAGE • 'TIMBER I. II'IIPROVED UNIMPROVED ;l L !? PH-I /Jh 7?e~t-f-,.~, ? I .>L>JL R I 'Mi l. I "'"'''· ! r fi t<Y I 1 I l ~ 3 L ... * 0 s *~L ~, __ t I 1 YEAR AC . LAND BLDGS. TOTAL :· BY .1· D:ATE REASON FEE OWNER DATE 1 19St2~ · ~ / /(/tJ(t-/fLJlO -, _I So-& 23-q~ c( Jf¢1 ~ /t/OO 1 /LfCJ 2400 {JfJf' 'f/_,4" _AAA.... vu ,{)~ CHECKED -1947 ! -~ c:6o t') ~w ££ )-/t-t ~ v , ' r/ 19'J'J /OLJ/J -If-If /LJt£J.o d:_!( 2 .-5 f02..1J ~1JA-A'--;Jf. . 161 ..?J --61:~ ~r?.."/)~ ~~ dt·( :z.:-s:1 Vh o .u \ ~1. ,I) 7 ... £.11, ~~ ~ " U.-, (!) < d, ~ 0--;,1 ' .I ~ q '7> 0 q., ...:>0 O '?>< ,Jl ' ~ 0 c:; YLo a ~ . ~~ .. 7j?v. E-J.v',) 74--L/-r.J, ll'GI, \. I \ .., () ~/ %..2 , ,,,A'l m.,,. R ~ 3 ' 19S.S 3o o o \ Lr!p oa 79 o o ~~> .: :::>: %y .. JPV. vv-()0-~-~ -5-.57 . ~ 3 o o o ~. .<2 3 o o F' 3 o o 7..11-'>? .. ~%-. '/;. ~-A 0 (Jii!z r Lu; . . . . ~ 7 ' l ~ _ 3_ 1 <to 53 tJ l) <6 y ~ o .. h \..-a -s:s ~ I •9..l6: _:n.j 0 S"3 a a -'LQ 3 0 -,4; Fi . s c Jl-5:. ll v -I 1Q5-:s +- 19 r 19 1-· I I -I · · j I · · ~ 19 19 19 19 19" 19 1· 1 9" 1--1 1-I ·I · -1 1-"-'-----------------~----------l 19 ............................. .,.. ......... ..,.,-..... -.,-........ ,....,... .... ....,.....,.-----~ ....... .,......--~~---~--.: .. -:: .. ::~:: .... }·~~ ~ ' ~ • ~I • ! ' c-· '~ I • I II _. \. - -..__...__ . =-----------------~ --~~~.,---------------~----~-~-------------~ 1 Dl ::T 2 ADDI,:IO.N _;",E a'!w~J{,j ,;;v -;;:;.-::I.)N NAME -.. SECTION' TWP. N. RANGE EWM: BLOCK ~ TRACT OR LOT No. a ----------------~,---- DESCRIPTION --CODE~ f, ·"•t ~m 3 ADDRESS---PROPERTY :}v v -•••. c •L.V ., • ~ <c~e CONT. PURCHASER ' .... ·-.• -'J .•.. '·-· ----------------------------------- PERMIT No. 4 ----------------'-' ...:5=--.:.A=RCH ITECT --..... ~- 'BASEMENT !STORE FRONTS ORIG. COST $ 6 BUILDING :;J st .J t :·.on ... INTE.RIOR 1 .;sa 0d PLUMBING iv .)f\ '· 4 Fi 'ct u res-2 '.i\.:dlet:s-2 WIRING 10 ~'utl ~?ts HEATING N-:t h::; .• ELE'iATORS r,f .~, .f:'>. CEILING---HEIGHT h'\t, .-lr lC 1 0 .:::::- \J.re~~;e d !' -" 0 C I OWNER OR CONTRACT PURCHASER REMARKS None ....~.i ... FLOOR I ROOF I iTY. I C c i~ ::·. I -~i==i DATE FILE No. SMALL COMMERCIAL---KING COUNTY ASSESSOR, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON FOUND. ':;, SPAN FT . ;~ G:~NCOME $ ~t"""~:PENSE ;·~ ··-·•"'-'".•~; 1!\ICOME .;;$'------------ ........ .../ 12 % ECON . SUIT. ~C>.J:,_A ';-% I J;;.J"\.n. ~....... ....-~..J <o:' REMO=-D=-=E:.:L:.:E=D=----------- _____________ E=F.:.F-:E:.:C~~=-=-~.;.t~G=E:__ _____ · .=l:___:Y_:E:::A.-~s FUTURE LIFE 29 _'(.f~_R_S __ _ DIMENSIONS D DIMENSION I AREA. I VA.LUE 2 Q;:.Z :' DC G 625. 1-- PRICE MTGE. I STAMP ~, ~ •. n t ~ on -1--ll ~.i'·n v "l X '-9 " SQUARE FT. AREA CUB_I ·~ F;_· __ _ MAIN BUILDING OTHER BUILDINGS TOTAL DATE LAND INFORMATIO~ 2. STREET ---ROAD C-:-a '~ _, ~ Fe ,~ee.., ~,J.J.A~ , 't!!l.J)'•nl 3. SIDEWALK • ;,J n t.r et9,. J ewel" 4. LANDSCAPING N::;;n ~ 5. TREND VALUE$ .... . ; ~ (! 6. DISTRICT FLOOR PLAN lo'.,_l u I~ ' "1 c f"P .I\/ 0 23~ 'r~ --~~ --1" .I. -ll "' li) 10 "10 Cl) Cl) Cl) Cl) 10 Cl) 10 10 10 10 10 10 lli 10 Cl) 10 Cl) 10 -< I ~"t '" eN > • I ~,... :tl -: -... ()) • ~ - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I~ 0 iii ol &:--::0 -f r~ l Jll ::0 D. m ~ ~iJ 0 0 b < 0 -f ::E • ~ ,J I !:' ;o :c c ll. 0:: D. '_l ~ 1::1~ z ,~, Ill < .. 0 0 ..1 ~ ::E 'l> "'I (•··· .. < 1-)> "' ~ < < • .fH~r, Ul , ... :J ... Ul ~,-:, ::0 < a ll. ceo-·' I •• Jll ~~ 0 I ~ Ul . .. ~ " l til Ul )o l 1-I" Jll c ~ ~ 0 c . ' -I•" Gl < !" )o r c Jll ' I 'I~-· ~-!I I '1 (Jt :.: ·' C• Ul 0 -· :c 0 I' ..:10 ; c r > I ~_r -1 '" z I 1-- 0 i= < • C) IJJ ~ a:: 0 ~ C) [1. : til )o IJJ -< .... Jll Ul ,-;o 0 ,, z < "II z ;o 0 Jll i= .l ,; ·- < ; u ii: ll --i}. --I ~ II) • _y lj I ~ < .J j ;o u 1 --!~'-= '" • -> a rn 0 z 0 ITI z 0 j • ::0 ,, ITI ~ II )> ,., Ul !I ~ ITI . ~~-0 ::0 • z 0 .~. ::0 c ITI :~ -I -~I t '" )> . -0 Ul :tl '" ITI > rn z '" r )o )> z Ul _j A c Ul ~ z ITI 0 Ul :tl Ul '" > ITI I rn 0 '" < )> , .•. '" ~:':! . c r Qi J IJ '" c: jiJ 0 )> :tl '" :I > lD 0 0 rn 0 .. c z z z 0 ---r= '" ~ 1-..1 0 z i c Ill 0 lie: z z Cl .J Ill z " j: a: u u . 0 Gl u z >< 0:: 1-0 .. : ' ' ' :tl Ill ~ < ;: ~ 3 ..1 ~~ '" > Ul 1-a:: m ~.L rn . [1,,=--'" ---::-::" -...,~ -----,-., -== :--=. - 1. Ole '·CT LIMITS CODE NO. ',~:z~ r on PERMIT NO. DATE 8. BUILDING .l } ~· ~ :r-. -~-:.~1 2. ADDITION d •"', '"-'•'K..;, :' J .c -~· ~ V~: 1 SECTION TWP.. N. RANGE EWM. BLOCK ·-TRACT OR LOT NO. DESCRIPTION _________________ , -----------·------·- 3. ADDRESS OF PROPERTY~ '} _[ ~·~l'<.l ·~l' «..Ve .• _~ CONTRACT PURCHASER---------------------- 4. FEE OWNER (.o ·---------< ·- 5. 6. ARCHITECT ____________________________________ _ -----------CONTRACTOR.. ___________________ _ ORIG. BUILDING COST$ .,.,. '~. OCCUPIED BY 'f'·~~~nt RENTAL PER MONT~\$ ... ~~· ESTIMATED RENTAL PER ~'~~T~ S----- 7, CONDITION OF EXTERIOR --. INTERIOR ___ ._·_· r FOUNDATION ,. -FLOOR PLAN ___ __::.:~•--------- TILE WORK .... ~_i;~ 9. CORNER JOINTS ,,3 _.•XC::i /OOWN SPOUTS SEWER CONNECTED ___ :·...:'\-=---------------- FIRST FLOOR JOIST SIZE :;' X--~-j--AND_.Y __ I~CH CENTERS BRIDGED_n=O=---------- PORCHES 2 -' .,".'.:'' '•.• St. .•l"J&. At t. 2 <o ~eu 10 . 11. FIRST FLOOR JOIST SUPPORT COLUM j OR ?OS~ SIZE -' ., X __ ·_·---- · Rooms ·t 1st Flo or CLASS OR GRADE NO :-~~~t.;:~ ~.l!.p{ SHAPE NO. BUILDING FI~"'D OR UNFINIS ~D l~ r-'·"'[,. ,;_:,_:' 12. EXTRA FEATURES 13. .. ,,, t ie DEPRECIATION: ~~TION --5!2. 0~, o~.:lE. ,., ECON. SUIT ____ ,., TOTAL 'o DATE BUIL'T'-1920 --~;~MODELED ·1 h,,t .\4?F1er 1 1 4 . INTERIOR WALLS ~~, I 1: :'='1.:;r• FLOORS ·; . ,, > ... 4. FIRE PLACE ATTIC Z Plssr.,,,, t a :ilt'wa : Ue eful HEATING 3t-;V(·, <!I UILT-11'-IS ... edinm CEILING HEIGHT ___ . Flr ::;< .. Jtic 7' -EFFECTIVE A~, 17 YEARS •UTURE LIFE_};Z:--'--YEARS • ""-..., ~N~~.:~'~.:lo <~ATION / Cn •• SIZE X ,, roPO G R'JI.PH'·-----~------~,_ ,-/GRADEY-------=------------FEET ·r ~ ,-;(}· Til>'r"'\J"' _, / Yes ·.. · e l 2. STREET ROAD . ·.:-"' .S URFACE__ . c cf ALLEY_ ;, '~. ·' -·S c,rrcr t · "-~~ - 3. SIDEWALK SE.~E~A~.E-~-'--·---WEL ELECT. PFUM!"------------- --...... • ' ,A i>./:!1 ---· __ COND. ~l 4. USE OF DISTRICT ______ -,,-· 5, TREND 1· .s.: 6. "--.------VIEW_~l~·.-_·.:...~·.:_ .. ------------------ 7. RESIDENTIAL -.. -• --·-ZONED ___________________ _ b \h_., ~· BASEMENT I REMARKS No n e, INTERIOR TRIM ·~ { '.) PLUMI!IING FOUNDATION .r t ~..;/'"€~ }' ,~_ c.. ,.!::::1 .L0 .... , __ ':._. · ..•. " ..,._ .\,;._ .. ~ ~~ ~ i.-) • " '"•l ''"' I". ,. \· B ;.' . . '' ., :. ~ f:t Ro~----- 1 . :·· j_ '·· OTHER BUILDINGS GARAGE l Sh;:,.::, I .J : · ,., ·:·1 e EXTERIOR WALLS Fir-··: ~ (~. i:n:: CONSTRUCTION .., ;,r; ... ]!: --~ .. ~ ;i)-/"'2. .':-' FLOOR lr· -:·!· :·: • L~ f i.rt I ~~ ROOF STY. DIMENSION AREA .Jid'· ,. ~2x 1 :l 2l !;Js X lti ~-~ ,:-' 8 X l.2 9!; X ~~------X [ 0 c OWNER OR CONTRACT PURCHASER DATE FILE NO. PRICE MTGE. .,~ . .. ... •-/._; ' ~ ~· ./. ./., ... 'j -:.-_. ~ to,,.t ~-j •• ~~ I --· VALUE -· 4 tl.. STAMP - RKMARKB------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RE!iiDJ<NCE-KINQ COUNTY ASSESSOR-SU.Tn,Jr. WASHINQTON ~ .. RATN ~JitiiiCTING CO,, saA111..1 ~------------------- MAIN BUILDING DIMENSION I SQ. FT. AREA 24 X !'D _. 672 (., X £.. [ ~(., X r-'7D~ I X ' PCH. ' 4 X l r, I ;:~=--=--== u.2 I . ..!12.....----- IMPROVEMENT VALUE MAIN l!lUILDING OTHER BUILDINGS r TOTAL ~~. •· . ._____ ____ _ ~--'=~-~-\ ~~ ' ASSESSED VALUE !50"-$' -.1., • /' '' , r "'8 ~fl DATE .-.-.; '9_~/) :' <1f. Y<,J [ftJ .. 3..¥"# ~ -.4:> 'f; / if<: FLOOR PLAN lo'.._j' .;.y. ~l_::_: :--?·:8]::::: 1: : : : : ::: : :: ' . . . . ~ ,.. . , ~ . :zl:/ . /?. \·~· ~·~·~-.. ~ ....... .-.......--'-'F-__ _ ·to ... ,.JII!ONT I : ~~· j.: .. ,::-:, t:-t•, Q. "' < :!; 0 !( ,-, ..I Q. ,. () ..-l .-1 n r .. , ci ci z z 1-..I 0 Ill .J 0 >< 0:: ~ : z 0 "' "' > -~-'- 0 0 1'11 Ul n ;o ,. 111 I-' ~ 1'11 0 :a z n ! Ill 1'11 z )o (/) (/) ,.., (/) (/) 11'1 "' "' '-~ 1-.j-.-1 +--!-+-+-+-1--+-f--li-l-f-+--+--++-+--l--l--l--l-~"<'.'-'l"~l--l-+---l--l----1-~ ,, o r 0 ~ ~ ~ ·' I' ~ m -1 --'! ~ c 0 "' r Z l-4-+-++-+-+-+--+--l--l-f-+--+-++-+-4---+--+--l--b-f-+-+-~--l--~-1--·-0 \... z 'j' - z G) 0 "' "' > "' "' . ·'""'·" 1. DISTPiCT 12. AOOoiTIC:•N. ~ . ---SECTION ____ TWP N. RANGE EWM. BLOCK7-' TRACT OR LOT NO., 1 I I ., D~SCRIPTION ;___ _..., ---L ,·rs •CODE NO. >t ent on 3. 4. -: "----, , _ .. C::ONTRACT PURCHASER------------------------------- LAND INFORMATION 1. SIZE OF TRACT OR LOT TOPOGRAPHY =..ev el GRADE v~ FT. 2. STREET-ROAD Graded SURFACE; _ _:T::.:a=r...:V...:i~a::o_ _____ _ ALLEY. Ye s , ("1''-···. el 3. SIDEWALK 1;-,,.i b SEWAGE '""9" "·.' "!" WATER .. , • ·,.. PUMP DRAINAGE'-------------- 4. LANDSCAPING ~: .• t. '1 CONDITION 5. TREND ·-· t 1,_'1 ~ \: VALUE OF LOT$ FRONT STREET FACTOR $ SIDE STREET FACTOR $ DEPTH FACTOR $ CREDIT----------------------------------- 6. US .i esid ~Ll i '',l 7. DISTRICT· _ _::~..::lf_::.J ·...:'''-~_:1,:::;'1=~'----------------------------- ASSESS.ED VALUE LAND LAND USE SOIL TYPE CROPS-TIMBER STAND NO. ACRES VALUE ACRE VALUE LOT $ $ $ UNIMPROVED ACRES $ $ IMPROVED ACRES $ $ OTHER LANDS $ $ TIMBER $ 0 LAND SIZE X TOTAL $ TOTAL. ASSESSED VALUE 50% s c OWNER OR CONTRACT PURCHASER DATE FILE NO. PRICE MTGE. STAMP DATE REMARKS DISTRICT: ROAD SCHOOL WATER FIRE 1i m· ton --:.o(!/-<'. :; - ASSESSED VALUE DECRj:ASE OR INCREASE IN ASSESSED VALUATION LAND YEAR AC. LAND DATE / BY .I REASON DECREASE INCREASE 19 38 gf.o. ' ~ / 19 1/4 /'1'-10 L/-!-#!3 ;(!; I 19 l ) / ... ii; ' . r 19 /.' 19 .~ I J l ~- 18 " . .. 19 ~ ~· 19 , ,. 19., . 19 I ,·. i II I ,I I [ ~~~-~~- SECTION 4o 23 .. TWP. N ;.; RANGE E I ' :I -Cl - LAND CLASSIFICATION ANq,SEGREGATION THIS SQUARE INDICATES "_, ACRES INDICATE BY AREAS. USE OF LAND BY MARKS AND TYPE BY LETTERS ~,! << I •) I I I ~ " --~-:;_ ...... AERIAL PHOTO----.-- QUARTER MAP ___ _ PLAT lv.A P .:lio ,~ Jo. S ?" LAND U SE A C R E S 111 C!J LTIVAT EO ---- # P AST U R E 00 T f,"'BER TAX LOT NO. II I I I I ~.~ ::::L OR PARCEL NO. II USELES S II -IF USED AS JA SECT. SCALE ONE INCH 400 FEET OR 160 ACRES OR 2840 FEET IF USED AS 'f.! OF 'f.! •• SCALE ONE INCH 200 FEET OR 40 ACRES OR 1320 FEET IF USED AS 'f.!-'f.!-'f.! •• SCALE ONE INCH 100 FEET OR 10 ACRES OR 660 FEET V SWAMP LAND TYPE A S H OT C LAY B BOG c PEAT D SILT E ___ LOAM F GRAVEL G BOTTOM H UPLANDS K HILLY ACRES ---- ... , •. ·• W1150-18 (DATA ENTRY: RVI100-J) :/1 DATA COLLECTION AND DISPLAY FORM _OG/DATE: DT9 03/06/95 ( 1 00) ACCOUNT NO: 135230-0025-0 FOLIO: 90977-- _EVY CODE: 2100 LAST UPDATE: 02/21/91 BY: RBR rAX STATUS: TAXABLE ~/SC/TW/RG: NW/17/23/05 APPR ID: MO DA YR AREA: 530 RENTON 1 __ 1 __ 1_=7-- _AND USE: 533 PROP NAME: BRYANT MOTORS GARAGE-SVC BLD 'ROPERTY ADDRESS: 1300 ( 1 1 0) ( 1 05) BRONSON WY N RB NUM FR PR STREET NAME TV SU (112)+++++++++++++++++++ COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL LAND RECORD+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~ONING JURIS/ ~ONE ACTUAL/ ~ONE CODE/ .OT SIZE/ UNIT/S_A __ _ :ORNER LOT/Y-N IATERFRONT ON/- RENTON CA RES COMML 17.343.00 SQFT YES NONE % USABLE/ 100 TOPOGRAPHY/ LEVEL SHAPE/ -IRREGULAR ACCESS7 STANDARD VISUAL EXPOSURE/_ STANDARD OPEN SPACE CLASS. NO RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS/Y_N_ NO CONTAMINATED PROP NO HW HC UT AS NO (335)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PERMIT ACTIVITY+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1CT BLDG: TYPE PERMIT DATE 1DD I I VALUE % COMPLETE % % % ---% % ---% % :510)++DEL ALL BLDGS / /+++++++ PROPERTY WIDE IMPROVEMENTS SUMMARY++++++++++++++++ IESC: SERVICE GARAGE 'EAR BLT/ ___ 36--CLASS/ _________ MASONRY FF YEAR/--36 QUAL/ --AVERAGE .OT COVERAGE/ --999,999 lUMBER OF UNITS/___ 0 TOTAL BLDGS ON PROPERTY/ GROSS AREA (ALL BLDGS)/ · NET AREA (ALL BLDGS)/ ------ MULTI-USE/Y N ------ MULTI-PARCEL PROP/Y N 1 16' 471 16,471 NO NO :50 0) +++++++++++++++++++++ l N D I V I DUAL B U I L D I N G DE T A I L S +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LD CL QU DESCRIPTION NU GROSS NET % HE SP UM AS AL ST AREA AREA YB/EY CMP AT KL #1 c C SERVICE GARAGE 1 16' 471 1 6' 4 71 36 36 100 NO N ----------------------------------------·--------__ ! __ #2 N ------------------------------------------------__ ! __ #3 N ------------------------------------------ ------ __ ! __ #4 N I 52o)++++++++++++++++++++++++-INTERI6R-SECTI6N DETAILs +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -----SECT 1 -------------SECT 2 -------------SECT 3 -------------SECT 4 ------- LD# AREA STR-HT AREA STR-HT AREA STR-HT AREA STR-HT 16,471 16 D07-GARAGE,SERVICE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 589)+++++++++++++++++++++ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENT SUMMARY++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ACT ENT DESCRIPTION ACT ENT DESCRIPTION I ( l) I I (2) 160)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ COMMENTS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 0324 [ 1'1 SUBJ . PROPERTY: ADDRESS PARCEL MAP YEARS BUILT Assessor's Revalue Worksheet -Geographic Area Commercial Properties BRYANT MOTORS 1300 BRONSON WY N 1352300025 NW172305 36 - - - SPLITCODE 0 LAND USE CODE 533 JURISDICTION RN ZONING CA PROPERTY DESCRIPTION SERVICE GARAGE TOTAL SUBJ. GBA TOTAL SUBJ. NRA TOTAL WHS/D RET AREA TOTAL OFF/RET AREA TOTAL APT/MEZZ AREA 16,471 16,471 16,471 LAND AREA % WHSE/D RET AREA % OFF/RET AREA % APT/MEZZ AREA 17,343 100 .00% GEOGR.I\PHIC AREA C70_ 40 ..----:-A-=P=PRA:::-:-:I~S=E=R---J-:-:C:-::0:---1 PREV AREA METHOD I 530 DATE 3/30/98 BLDG. DATA: BLDG# 1 GBA I NRA 16471 I 16471 CNSTR/QUAL C/C-BLT '36-1 STRY BLDG HEIGHT I EFF YR 16' I EFF YR = 36 SEC 1] AREA/TYPE 16471 I D7 SEC 2] AREA/TYPE SEC 3] AREA/TYPE SEC 4] AREA/TYPE NET AREA (SF): WHSE I DISC RET OFFICE I RETAIL APT I MEZZ (OFF/RET) ECONOMIC RENT WHSE I DISC RET OFFICE I RETAIL APT I MEZZ (OFF/RET) BLDG#1 16,471 ($/SF) NNN: $5.00 MISCELLANEOUS: TOT MISC S.F . BLDG #2 BLDG #3 BLDG#4 ALL SLOGS 16471 /16471 SUM = C/C -BL T '36 16' I EFF YR = 36 NO. OF BLDGS SUMYRBLT SUM EFF YR BLDG#2 BLDG #3 BLDG#4 ALL BLDGS TOT . MISC RENT INCOME ANALYSIS VALUE INDICATION BY INCOME APPROACH IND. EXCESS LAND VALUE INCOME GENERATED VALUE (NOI/CAP) + EXCESS LAND VALUE INDICATED TOTAL VALUE VALUE INDICATION BY MARKET APPROACH VALUE IND . BY NRA * MKT $/SQ . FT. VALUE IND. BY LOT SIZE * MKT $/SQ. FT. (@LIB=4T01) = $568,998 + $0.00 $568,998 $1,155,000 No Excess Land $34.55 OEX=$0 .95/SF NRA $34.55 *No LIB Adjustment MKT $/SQ. FT. $70.12 POT GROSS INC* LESS VACANCY & CL EFF GROSS INC LESS EXPENSES NET OPER INC CAP(OAR+EFF TAX RT) INDICATED VALUE /S.F. NRA /S.F_ LOTSIZE SALE DATE ENIJMBER ~~-S-U_B_J-EC_T_S_A_L_E-------------VAL IND . BY GIM*PGI COMPARABLE SALES 1. PROPERTY NAME: PETERSEN'S 4 WHEEL ADDRESS -5466 SHILSHOLE AV NW : MAP -SE 11-25-3 ACCT . NO . = 276770-2810 -AREA= 120 -# PRCLS = 1 OAR-0 GIM-0 S.P. = $305000 ADJ S.P. = $305000 SALE DAT E 4/28/97 $82,355 5.00% $78,237 20.00% $62 ,590 11.00% $568,998 *PGI =INC GARAGE - VC/#PRCLS I $/SF NRA ADJ $/SF NRA $/SF LOTSZ CNSTR/QUAL = CD/D GBA = 5819 SF -NRA = 5819 SF -TOTAL BLDGS = 2 E1541422-VR CD 2 ADJ $/SF LOTSZ YRBLT='24-LUC=532-LOTSIZE=4650SF-ZONING= IG2U/65-LND/SFB=$15.99-SLAV'97=$200000 2. PROPERTY NAME : RAINIER PRESS OAR -0 S.P. = $365000 $/SF NRA ADDRESS -8057 16TH AV NE : MAP -NW 4-25-4 GIM -0 ADJ S.P. = $365000 ADJ $/SF NRA ACCT. NO. = 288770-1880 -AREA= 140 -# PRCLS = 1 SALE DAT E 2/15/95 $/SF LOTSZ CNSTRIQUAL = CIC GSA= 4673 SF -NRA = 4673 SF -TOTAL BLDGS = 1 E1416724-VR CD 2 ADJ $/SF LOTSZ YR BL T ='46 -LUC = 532 -LOT SIZE= 6037 SF -ZONING = NC240' -LND/SFB = $19.37 -SLAV '93 = $290000 3. PROPERTY NAME: AUTO REPAIR ADDRESS -13624 AMBAUM BL SW : MAP -SW 18-23-4 ACCT. NO. = 433880-0805 -AREA= 410 -# PRCLS = 1 OAR -0 S.P. = $165000 GIM -0 ADJ S.P. = $165000 SALE OA TE 10/17195 $/SF NRA ADJ $/SF NRA $/SF LOTSZ CNSTR/QUAL = 0/C GBA = 4284 SF NRA = 4284 SF TOTAL SLOGS= 1 E1454469 · VR CD 2 ADJ $/SF LOTSZ YRBLT='46-LUC=532-LOTSIZE=11033SF-ZONING= NB-LND/SFB=$15.43-SLAV'95=$142000 4. PROPERTY NAME : PREMIER AUTO REPAIR ADDRESS -114 WESTLAKE AV N : MAP -SE 30-25-4 ACCT. NO. = 198620-0330 -AREA= 900 -# PRCLS = 1 OAR -8.81 S.P. = $550000 GIM -9.17 ADJ S.P. = $550000 SALE DATE 6/28/95 CNSTR/QUAL = CIC GSA= 21800 SF -NRA = 21800 SF -TOTAL BLDGS = 1 E1435307 .. VR CD 2 YR SL T ='25 -LUC = 533 -LOT SIZE= 6408 SF -ZONING = NC3125 -LNDISFB = $14.7 -SLAV '95 = $485900 5. PROPERTY NAME: PKNG LOT W/GARAGE OAR -0 S.P. = $5550000 ADDRESS -2020 8TH AV : MAP -NE 31-25-4 ACCT . NO. = 066000-0560 -AREA = 900 -# PRCLS = 4 GIM -0 ADJ S.P. = $5550000 SALE DATE 1/25/95 $/SF NRA ADJ $/SF NRA $/SF LOTSZ ADJ $/SF LOTSZ $/SF NRA ADJ $/SF NRA $/SF LOTSZ CNSTR/QUAL = S/C GSA= 35500 SF -NRA = 35500 SF -TOTAL BLDGS = 1 E1414199 -VR CD 2 ADJ $/SF LOTSZ FOLIO NO. 90977 1 36 36 GIM VCL 5.00% OEX 20.00% OAR 11.00% ETR • $52.41 $52.41 UB=O.S $78.11 $78.11 UB=1.3 $38.52 $38.52 L/8=2.6 $25.23 $25.23 UJ3=0.3 $156.34 $156.34 YR SL T ='48 -LUC = 534 -LOT SIZE= 76800 SF -ZONING = DMC240 -LND/SFB = $47.6 -SLAV '93 = $1690600 UB=2.2 MKT ADJ FCTR COMMENTS ROLL LAND VALUE ROLL IMP VALUE ROLL TOT VALUE COMP SALE #1 COMP SALE #2 COMP SALE #3 COMP SALE #4 COMP SALE #5 ~------------L-------------~----------~ 1----.1 SUBJECT PROPERTY: CURRENT ROLL VALUE & SELECTED VALUE $156,100 $9.00 SELLAND VALUE $173,400 $10.00 L I 8 $346,400 $21.03 SEL IMP VALUE \ ~5.600 $24.02 1.05 $502,500 $30.51 SEL TOT VALUE $569,000 $34.55-LND/SFB=$10.53 3/30/98 ):ot .;c .;c •:•J OB RV1100 RPT RVI150-20 C/t PARCEL VALUE ANALYSIS WORKSHEET PRINTED ON: 12/08/90 PARCEL NO: 135230-0025-0 FOL I 0: 90977-- PROP NA ME: BRYANT MOTORS P ROP AODR : 1300 BRONSON WY CLAS S: MASONRY QUAL: AVERAGE YR-BLT/EFF-YR: 36/36 CSTY; 99 ~UNITS: GBA/NRA: 16,471 I 16,471 AVG-UNIT-SIZE: *******ECONOMIC INCOME*·** >:c * * * * * * * US E ARE.A RATE GROSS ~L EXP NET INC * l~Jl.~ Ji1Ji.1.J__ $ _J:!_q__ ]_f_p_'-.J_ ~~ 11.1; ~.2l.!L~'< -------- --------$ _____ --------.,.._._ -------·----* ----·--------------.$----------------------·------* ----------------$_____ --------------_.;... ______ • $~--------·------------* ----------------$_____ ----------------------· * * * * ECONOMIC INCOME APPROAC~* * * * * * * * * * Q-S-T-R: NW-17-23-05 N AREA: 530 LUC: 403 TAX STATUS: TAXABLE LOG/DATE: 530 12/08/90 SEG-MERGE DATE: * * * COST APPROACH * * * * DCCC __ ~----~---CL __ RANK __ ~STY __ STY HT __ EFF AGE __ HEAT_.;... ELEV __ SPR _______ _ AREA ------------PERIM ___ _ MISC ___ CODE ____________ SF ___ CODE ---~--------SF ___ CODE ---------~--SF NET I N~DME ------------* ACCY IMP S AREA COST OEP RCNL D LE SS PER . PROP. INCOME .)!< LESS LA ND INCOME __________ .;..._ * ______ .;... ___ _ ____________ X1 ____ +_~ __ ) = ------------* --- LA ND VALUE INT + TAX ------------* -----------NET IMPR OVEMENT INCOME • CAP I TAL IZATION RATE . ·>l< --·----+ -----+ -------= ____ .;..._______ • I NT + TAX + RECAP * M&S BASE ------------------------ CAP ITALIZED IMP. VALUE ------------* HEAT ------------------------ LA ND VALUE ------------* SPRINKLER -----------~ ------ ------ EXC ESS LAND/ADO LAND ------------* ELEVATOR ------ ------------------TOTAL BY INC OME APPROACH $ ____________ * TOT BASE ------ ------------------ = $_~t/ __ ISF >:< STY FACT ------ ------------ ------ fN/1>\ftJ' VP.N~ * HGT FACT ------ ------ ------------* * * * . F . . * * * * * * OTH_R VALUE IN ICATORS AREA FACT ------------------------ NET I NC( '"JJ L/~1( IJ. o )OAR=..:fl'..Q.,Y_g_Q •:c REF COST ------------ ------ ------ GR I NC ( )X( )GRM=----------* COST MULT ------ ------ ------ ------ UN ITS( )X( )$/UNIT=----~-----* LCL MULT ------------------------ GB A ( lb,47l)X( )$/SF=----------* FINAL COST ______ ------------ ------ RA ( 16,47l)X( )$/SF=----------* STY/BLDG AREA FIN COST RCN-BLOG#1 * * * * * * * * * LAND* * * * * >:< * * * * -----------------~---------------- ZONE/TY PE AREA $/SF VALUE * ---------------------------------- ------------------------=i __________ • -----------~--------~-------~-----------·-----------·---------= $___________ * --------------------------------~-- TOTAL ___ 17343:oosf: :t:~9: :!J:l~]jip: : ~~~si~!~L oEPREcr Ar roN :::::::::::: RATIOS: (SF LAND)/(SF GBA): 1.1 · * ECON-FUNCT OBSOLESCENCE ------------ (SF LANO)/(SF RA) = 1~1 * DEPRECIATED IMP VALUE ------------* * >:< * * S~L;[TEO VALUE* * >:< * * * I.e •:C * ACCESSORY IMPS( SEE ABOVE)------------ AP. PR A.J..I S f;~ J{;_fl..rT · LAND $. --~. t. .. Lb_· .~~-q-:~< TO .. TAL. IMPRO .. · VEME. NT S . .· -----------. DAT E _L_'_/_zg_,_ IMPS $ ---¥-.'-'%-"-~-LAND ------------ TOTAL $ __ -2...£'JJ...J2_ I.e TOTAL BY COST APPROACH ---~----~--- :$ · . /UNIT OR :$ .t!>,L /SF >:c ::$ -/SF ---------·-----..... ---___ , ____ ...,.__ - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SALES & COMPARABLE$ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PA RCEL ~: E-NUHBER SALES PRICE VC _ QAT.E . . . $/RA ... REM"KS ---------~--Lf:l.P.-~9.1 __ L!.f_~Q_Q ___ .:uU~1'-f_~.J.L1 __ 1_p_!~'L--l-i.~.h-1.!1..l __ ~:./? __ --------------·-----~ -----·-----..-. -----·-·--------_________ . _____ ._..._.. _____________ _ -------------------------------~---------------·-·--·--------"'"""------------------ -----------·-· -------__ ....,_________ --·-----------------__ .... __________ ..,. ____________ _ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * APPEAL ACTIVITY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PET I TI ON CHG ORDER DATE FROM-LAND TO-LAND FROM-IMPS TO-IMPS -077777 02/01/84 76100 76100 383100 238200 OTHER APPEALS:. 206649 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *COMMENTS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * _l'i.~_j.J_!i_'!J __ Ii__.J_~1--Y._2.f=./f.__§_ L~~.f_/.k __ ~--:C.~t:~.k. . .JiY.Cc!JI:I.J.IJ._fll~~<.t-f.f.E;M.QJJ _ _ jp_~.f_4:£?:._../11.L, __ Lj_3__k_ __ jl_~~.&-l:.<2_tfd.kCJ_qJ~L----f5f?l_9-a¥.;1._~L~bu'2. ___ /jj.-;~-LfJ_~ _}!J_f!d.)_t_ __ l_l. __ tL~ILL~LJ:L, __ e.£.&-_!:LrJ_"£_~~-------J.§fJ._J:)_e':/.J_..k/:.Y.~J-, -1; 9~«2- -·-~lo__l?./~.r_.Lg __ j} __ j-'-'---~-l!l~.;..d_!2:t:.lt) __ ;_ ________ lt1_r!. __ lt.l!.!-_tc.!!_ _____ -;)_'j~_'1_&£P ---------~------------------------------------·---------------~----------------- --------------------------I P---------·----------·-------·• 1 .~--·----------·---..---·-~---·-465 ~----------------, -.=-•c•-- JOB RVIlOO RPT RVI150-20 C/1 PARCEL VALUE ANALYSIS WORKSHEET PRINTED ON: 12/02/89 PROP NAME: BRYANT MOTORS PARCEL NO: 135230-0025-0 FOLIO: 90977-- Q-S-T-~: NW-17-23-05 PROP AOOR: 01300 BRONSON WY N AREA: 530 LUC: 403 CLASS/QUAL: MASONRY/ AVERAGE CONDITION: TAX STATUS: TAXABLE LOG/DATE: 530 12/02/89 SEG-MERG DATE: Y~-BLT/EFF-YR: 36/36 ISTY: IUNITS: GBA/RA: 16.471/ 16,471 AVG-UNIT~SIZE: ~· * .;c USE * * *,* INCOME APPROACH * AREA RATE GROSS VCL * * * * .;c + EXP NET INC* * * * * * COST APPROACH * * * * * * OCCUP# ---CLASS __ RANK --- ----· -------~-----· #STY __ L ___ STYHT ---·-EFF AGE --~ ______ ..... * ________ ,:c HEAT ----ELEV(Y/N) _ SPR(Y/N) _ AREA _ _ _ _ ___ PERIM ____ _ ---------ACTUAL ·ECONOMIC ~ET INCOME _____ _ LESS PP INC _____ _ LESS LAND INC _____ _ ---( )X( + LAND VAL INT + TAX ~ET IMP INC _____ _ :AP RATE _ _ _ _ ( )+( )+( ) INT + TAX + RECAP :AP IMP VAL _AND VALUE ~XCESS LAND rOT-INC APPR _____ _ JTHER VALUE INDICATORS: ;R INC ( ~JET INC ( JNITS( ;aA ( ) X ( )/( )GRM=_ JOAR=_ )$/UNIT=_ )$/SF=_ )$/SF=~ SQFT ) ~A ( .AND: ~ATIO: )X( 16,471)1( 16,47l)X( 17,343,00 (Sf LAND)/(SF GSA) = 1.052 iELECTED VALUE: LAND: f~jl.{ 0 0 )ALES: ,ARCEU: -------- IMPS: __ ~lf:Js-Q.6_ TOTAL: __ $'(9_0 !)_ APPR: ~~.DATE: L -;_"),).~ E-NUMBER SALE PRICE DATE iPPEAL ACTIVITY: 1ETITION -CHG ORDER DATE FROM-LAND -077777 02/01/84 76100 :OMMEN T S: _ '@ ~t-{ fTA!f . _/n.CJ T/J f4.S _ ---= ---6 871.-l!o _7 -, ~----~----= - - / r:::..-~ . ~ff.~' 0 s;-r ~n ~ - - - - -~~ ~ -ff:.t/_~ - -? -- ---- - --- - ----- - - 14197 .I * MISC: ____ CODE _________________ SF ;):c ____ CODE _________________ SF * * _ ___ CODE ----------------~SF ACCY-IMPS AREA COST ):< ,:c * * * ---* BASE * HEAT * SPRINK * ELEV * TOT BASE * STY .FACT * HGT FACT * AREA FACT * REF COST * COST MULT * LCL MULT * FIN COST * * STY * * * ):c AREA FIN COST - ------ --* SUB TOTAL(RCN) * PHYSICAL DEPRECIATION * ECON OR FUNCT OBSOLESENCE * DEPRECIATION COST(RCNLD) * ACCESSORY IMPS(SEE ABOVE) * TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS * LAND * TOTAL BY COST APPROACH * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RCNLO-BLD-1 ------ :(< * ):( ·* .):( :):c PRICE/GSA PRICE/NRA L/8-SF REM TO-LAND FROM-IMPS 76100 383100 OTHER APPEALS: TO-IMPS 238200 206649 FOLIO NO. t2_ C)__ L ( PARCEL NO . 1 3.s-:J...s a .-o () .2. . ..s- oL CLASS/QUAL. C-f1V~ M-S PA8E STORY/H8T. /~ 2o YR. ILT. ~{.f.S 'f'!_ '-'3 CONDITION Prt)~ PERIM . ,-=3'? I 3..Sb E. Y./REL. ~~~0 NO . UNITS/A. U. S. I AREA ct os·' "772-~ INCOME APPROACH COST APPROACH USE AREA RATE GROSS VCL EXP NET USE ::;_}, :2--5" 2 1-2-~ HEAT /1 SPRINK / ELEV. I \. ACTUAL ECONOMIC " 1 ANNUAL POTENTIAL GROSS {./j "'J). /.) ,.-0 I LESS VAC. AND CL. ' .::;- 'EFFECTIVE GROSS (r.?C, ';c,· <j TOTAL BASE '-1">--5 ).fr?-5 MISC. INCONIE -STY. FAC . --- LESS EXPENSES :2..a HGT. FAC. l.ctfl ./~3 ANN. NET INCOME '<:'1.. C..o 7 AREA FAC . l .or9 I .o t ~ LESS INCOME INCOME TO P. P. .__ REF. COST 'J.:J~.<)'f ::l-'-1:-~'t LESS INCOME TO LAND l •f ).. 7 COST MUL. I ,O I I ,Q I ( } l\<\c o I XI -, + ,D j .:J) LOCAL MUL. l ~l 0 L.IO LAND VALUE INT. TAX FIN. COST i(.()4 "'l-7AJ7 i NET INCOME TO IMPS. 4-(T7~ I CAPITAL_IZED AT '\ "") "l. STORIES AREA FIN. COST RCN ILD8 . I RCN BLD8 . 2 ( -; I+ I 1 6 (.2.-1+1 1.--/ i ~ I qrl<e; 2S;(} 1.( ")_.~ 7C.2. INT. TAX RECAP. I '772<' ~7.07 ";)..(}9( 3 '1 ; CAPITALIZED IMP. VALUE 37G 'S cJO LAND VALUE ~n~o c:::::. EXCESS LAND SUBTOTAL ( RCNI l.f~()(j TOTAL BY INCOME APPROACH !-~he> tJd6 PHYSICAL DEPREC . ... / .7"0 ' ECON. OR FUNCT. OBSOL. / OTHER VALUE INDICATORS '? 1· c.u,; DEP. COST ( RCNLD.I / 3o<;too l LR rr I NET INC. ( I+ I I OAR • ACC. IMPS. (SEE BELOW) / GROSS INC . ( I X I I GRM . • TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS / NO. UNITS ( I X ( )/UNIT • LAND I I :k-11../_c) 0 AREA ( I X I I $/SF w TOTAL BY COST APPROACH --·· 'f"M-~0 LAND CALC .• J?.::S<fS dt ~ "JtJ...O ~ $' ( )-; '-{ r:J (.) DATE COSTED TO : .)..~.4/ ACC. IMPS . AREA COST DEP. RCNLD -· SELECTED VALUE LAND : I >lifO 0 IMPS I ~5/S"~a G APPR . 171GfL-TOTAL : Ljt, d dd 0 DATE ~I If~ TOTAL L__-- COMPARABLE SALES E NO . AMOUNT DATE OE TAILS I REMARKS I 2 3 4 - COMMENTS: ii!&_et' &NI /?J rfl' o4..£ _ __ _ ~c:;_t::-61f=OCC <:;"' .Palf J Nc;.vn C 4rv1Jt.Jrcf'!. f l7 ~/;? --~')_ -.-/4_TI3 ' I •. . f . rx'JIC-t J :JC.... ~d_l) }.51:~ ·.nl • •-_ ,.t/· ,. b£5A~ L' _7i?'f .;:/1 ~~-~ ~7 ------r SSESSORS FORM AP 66 ,. ~ K. lNG COUNTY ASSESSOR'S COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL SUPPLEMENTAL PROPERTY ~ ~ r· .~ ... ,.,~ ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENTS ";_AJ~1~j2J(j MINO~PLIT _ RECORD FOLIO SUBLETTE A SUBNUMBER -CARD OF CARDS 35-SERVICE STATION ACCESSORIES ~MARINE PIERS & MOORAGE ENCLOSURES 1 -AUTO HOIST 3 -TWO PUMP ISLAND 5-FOUR PUMP ISLAND 7-PIPING FOR DISPENSERS 2 -TRUCK HOIST 4-THREE PUMP ISLAND 6-PIPING FOR PUMP 1 -SMALL BOAT PIER 3-MOORAGE ENCLOSURE WALLS 2-MOORAGE ENCLOSURE ROOF 4-SHIP PIERS TYPE NUMBER YEAR EFFECTIVE NET BUILT YEAR CONDITION .A-QUALITY MEASUREMENTS YEAR EFFECTIVE NET ~ :.L-'f 19~ TYPE AREA 'r-1'.7~ % (A-EI (LENGTH, WIDTH. HEIGHT) BUILT YEAR CONDITION &, LJ-ftjs; ,. 19:; ") % 19 % f 9 -V4 c;,; 19 !51J % 19 % ' 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % 4_yMARINE BULKHEADS 1 WOOD 2 STE L 3 CONCRETE 19 % QUALITY YEAR EFFECTIVE NET TYPE IA-EI LENGTH BUILT YEAR CONDITION . 19 % 19 % yseRVICE STATION TYPE CANOPIES 19 % QUALITY ME.Asu REMENTS AREA YEAR EFFECTIVE NET ~GRAIN ELEVATORS IA-EI (LENGTH, WIDTH) BUILT YEAR CONDITION 19 % NO UPPER HEAOH'SE ''WALL BIN OUTSIDE HEIGHT YEAR EFFECTIVE NET OR CONV. GALLERY LENGTH DIAMETER BUILT YEAR CON[JITION 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % -~INDUSTRIAL STACKS & CHIMNEYS 'S1 PAVEMENT 1 BRICK UNLINED 2 BRICK LINED WITH FIREBRICK 3 CONCRETE 1 CONCRETE 2 ASPHALT TYPE NUMBER OUTSIDE DIAMETER HEIGHT YEAR EFFECTIVE NET I QUALITY MEASUREMENTS YEAR EFFECTIVE NET BUILT YEAR CONDITION TYPE lACE I (LENGTH, WIDTHI AREA BUILT YEAR CONDITION 19 % / I~ -70/J ilq~ 1954 % 19 % ''.L /'_..,_... 1~/J ~~4 19t:l) % ~CRANEWAVS ,JA· SWIMMING POOLS 1-INDOOR 2 OUTDOOR 1 RECTANGULAR 2-IRREGULAR CAPACITY TYPE LENGTH YEAR EFFECTIVE NET QUALITY MEASUREMENTS YEAR EFFECTIVE NET (TONS) BUILT YEAR CONDITION TYPE (ACE I (LENGTH, WIDTH) AREA BUlL T YEAR CONDITION 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % / 19 % 19 % ~ .TRUCK SCALES /-YARD LIGHTING CAPACITY YEAR EFFECTIVE NET NUMBER (TONS) BUILT YEAR CONDITION 1-WOOD POLE 3-ALUMINUM OR CONCRETE POLE 5-FLUORESCENT FIXTURE 2 -STEEL POLE 4-INCANDESCENT FIXTURE 6-MERCURY VAPOR FIXTURE 19 % TYPE QUALITY YEAR EFFECTIVE NET 19 % (ACE I NUMBER BUILT YEAR CONDITION / I 19 % ~LOADING DOCKS, RAMPS, & LEVELERS 19 % 1 LIGHT WOOD DOCK 3 CONCRETE DOCK 5 FLOOR-TO-FLOOR RAMP 7-HYDRAULIC DOCK LEVELER 2-HEAVY TIMBER DOCK 4-DOCK RAMP 6-MECHANICAL DOCK LEVELER 19 % QUALITY AREA YEAR EFFECTIVE NET TYPE IA-EI NUMBER MEASUREMENTS 19 % (I-51 (LENGTH, WIDTH) 11-51 BUILT YEAR CONDITION 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 " _14'-MOBILE HOME PARKS & DRIVE-IN THEATERS 19 % 1-DRIVE-IN THEATER VEHICLE SPACE 2-MOBILE HOME PARK VEHICLE SPACE 19 % TYPE QUALITY YEAR EFFECTIVE NET ~RAILROAD ACCESSORIES IA-EI NUMBER BUILT YEAR CONDITION 1 BUMPER STOP 2 SWITCH 3 FLASHER SIGNAL PAl A 19 % EFFECTIVE NUMBER YEAR NET TYPE BUILT YEAR CONDITION 19 % 19 % 19 % .~~DRIVE-IN THEATER SCREEN 19 % QUALITY MEASUREMENTS AREA YEAR EFFECTIVE NET 19 % IA-EI (WIDTH, HEIGHT) BUILT YEAR CONDITION 19 % / % ,;tf-UTILITY BUILDING & GREENHOUSE SHELLS ?--· RAILROAD TRACKAGE 1 -WOOD UTILITY 3-CONCRETE BLOCK UTILITY 5-UNHEATED GREENHOUSE LENGTH YEAR EFFECTIVE NET 2-WOOD & METAL UTILITY 4-SHED TYPE UTILITY 6-HEATED GREENHOUSE BUILT YEAR CONDITION BLDG QUALITY MEASUREMENTS YEAR EFFECTIVE NET 19 % NO. TYPE IACEI (LENGTH, WIDTH) AREA BUILT YEAR CONDITION 19 % 19 % 54 -STORAGE TANKS I 19 " 1-ELEVATED WOOD 5-BULK PETROLEUM-DOUBLE ROOF 9-PROPANE 19 % 2-ELEVATED STEEL 6-BELOW GROUND FUEL 10-PRESSURE-HEMISPHERE 3-BULK PETROLEUM-FLAT ROOF 7-ABOVE GROUND FUEL-HORIZONTAL 11-PRESSURE-SPHERE _/-UTILITY BUILDING & GREENHOUSE FLOORS 4-BULK PETROLEUM-FLOATING ROOF 8-ABOVE GROUND FUEL-VERTICAL GAL/ PSI TOWER YEAR EFFECTIVE NET 1-WOOD 2-CONCRETE TYPE CAPACITY NUMBER HEIGHT BBL (10-11) 11-21 BUILT YEAR CONDITION BLDG. QUALITY MEASUREMENTS YEAR EFFECTIVE NET NO. TYPE fACE) (LENGTH, WIDTH) AREA BUILT YEAR CONDITION ~ LULAA t ~IIL ;} £4-ri_ 19 511 " "L':T"'T 19 % f A -'1/J.Ai ) ;JIL I '(i("lf 19 t;J./. " ' 19 " 19 % 19 % 19 % }!'-FENCING /--OTHER ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENTS 1 -WOOD FENCE 4-CHAIN LINK FENCE 7 -WOOD SWING GATE SECTION TYPE ·QUALITY OTHER DESCRIPTION DEPRECIATED YEAR EFFECTIVE NET 2-CONCRETE BLOCK FENCE 5-CAHIN LINK SWING GATE 8-BARBED WIRE TOP OR EXTRA RAIL VALUE BUILT iYEAA CONDITION 3 -BRICK OR STONE FENCE 6-CHAIN LINK SLIDING GATE 19 % QUALITY HEIGHT LENGTH YEAR EFFECTIVE NET TYPE (ACE) 11-7) BUILT YEAR CONDITION 19 % 19 %. ' 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % ----~ ASSESSOR'S FORM 21 0-B =--~.-..,.·--__._--... ~--~-~~....._...,.~-~~~~--=~-~~~-~-·~------~~-~---,,.. -:':~-'---~-~--~-~~-7-~=~=~-·" ~9 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RECORD PRINCIPAL BUILDINGS 1 -IDENTIFICATION 9-VEHICLE DOOR OPERATOR I/-EXTERIOR STAIRS t.(,'-FIRE PLACES 1-WOOD 3-STEEL CONCRETE 2-CONCRETE 4-STEEL ~ANK VAULT DOORS 1-CASH 2-RECORDS THICKNESS MEASUREMENTS MINOR MAJOR I 3--?:J. ~: I :2. ~~ SPLI f BLDG.NO. TYPE 2-PROPERTY QUALITY (ACE I QUALITY I I (INCHES) (HEIGHT, WIDTH) FLIGHTS I (ACE) NUMBER r TYPE AREA ~o R 0 ~·/ ~~=R~~~~R---t-~~t-N-U)Mr~-R1r--t---t--i~--t--i-~~----~------------~----~ TOTAL BLDGS. ___ LAST SALE DATE ___ AMOUNT _____ ~......l ...... ~t___J~--t--i---i---t------j~---:~.:~;;;;:.;~;:... ____ ~-~-------------~ ADDRESS I ~ "" l _, t. L.J 1\l 3-NIGHT DEPOSITORY BLOCK ____ LOT TAX LOT ___ TRACT __ _ TYPE 4-BUILDING CLASSIFICATION PREDOMINANT SHELL TYPE PREDOMINANT USE TYPE ~ QUALITY lACE) ± MEASUREMENTS (LENGTH, WIDTH) HEAVY TIMBER 2 HOTEL OR MOTEL :$:) LOAD BEARING MASONRY 3 OFFICE ,§::.. LIGHT WOOD ~ APARTMENT ~ [y.LOOR GRATING STEEL (NOT Fl REP ROOFED) COMMERCIAL ~ FIRE RESISTANT 5 INDUSTRIAL PRE-ENG (GALVANIZED STEEL) SERVICE STATION OR,, SPECIAL TV TYPE ""- PRE-ENG (ENAMELED STEEL-OR ALUMINUM) ~ PRE-ENG (INSULATED SANDWICH PANELS) ~ SERVICE STATION OR SPECIALTY BLDG. ~ YEAR BUILT lfi'-. OVERAL QUALITY ~ EFFECTIVE YEAR 19 ----~HIGH ~ B ABOVE AVERAGE ~ OBSOLESCENCE ---% VERAGE TOTAL NET CONDITION I 0 % D BELOW AVERAGE PERCENT COMPLETE % E LOW 5-STRUCTURAL SHELL SECTIONS 1-LIGHT WOOD 2-HEAVY TIMBER 7-PRE-ENG (ENAMELED STEEL OR ALUMINUM) 8-PRE-ENG {INSULATED SANDWICH PANELS) 9-SERVICE STATION OR SPECIAL TV BLDG. 1G-BASEMENT & CONCRETE 1ST FLOOR 1 -STEEL TYPE QUALITY (ACE) 15-ROOF ADJUSTMENTS 1-LIGHTWOOD (SHELL 1) 2-HEAVY TIMBER (SHELL 2) 2-ALUMINUM MEASUREMENTS (LENGTH, WIDTH) 3-PLASTIC AREA 3-STEEL NOT F-1 REPR'FED (SHELLS 3 & 4) .4-CONCRETE (SHELL 5) 5-GALVANIZED STEEL (SHELL 6) 6-ENAM. STEEL OR ALUM (SHELL 7) 7-INSUL. SANDWICH PANELS (SHELL 8) 8-PRECAST CONCRETE TYPE l f~l QUALITY (ACE) &I+--· e.. c.. MEASUREMENTS (LENGTH, WIDTH) AREA 'lk_t/11/ Y~¥1'1 ~ 3-LOAD BEARING MASONRY 4-STEE L (NOT Fl REPROOFED) 5-FIAE RESISTANT 6-PRE-ENG (GALVANIZED STEEL) 11-BASEMENT & WOOD 1ST FLOOR I 12-DOCK HIGH FOUNDATION ,7 r (" 3 _STEEL TRUSS /(p 2-WOOD GLULAM BEAM I 4-PRESTRESSED CONCRETE GROUND AREA ISEC~ !QUALITY iTIO TYPE (ACE) I PERIMETER (9 A-E) 11-8, 10-12) Al/1 /2 l"i:Z _1J(&Jf "ljl c..r ~rlx~'f:: c (' -~ r; (;;, ---n;;?S WALL RATIO STORIES I HEIGHT (1-11) I I f l11e ,f/P~ TYPE 2 QUALITY (ACE) SP ,iu71 WIDTH ~I tl-)f" 17-CANOPIES MEASUREMENTS (LENGTH, WIDTH) ~J?x /a":J I 0 I I I I I I I I ~~ALITY MEASUREMENTS (LENGTH, WIDTH) AREA l4t ~¢.t:j. AREA 24-NO BOILER I ONLY FOR HEAT. TYPES 1,4, OR 7 25-MINIMUM INDUSTRIAL UNIT HEATERS 1-SMALL 2-MED 3-LARGE TYPE I NUMBER ;;_ I ,.,~ 27 -ELECTRICAL 26-PLUMBING 1-APTS TYPE R 2-COM'L. QUALITY (ACE) ~ AREA 3-IND. NUMBER ~- 1 -APT 2-COML. 3-IND. DO NOT USE FOR SHELL TYPE 9 ILLUMINATION: 1-BRIGHT 2-ADEQUATE 3-MINIMUM 4-INADEOUATE TYPE ;t A'_ QUALITY (ACE) e... IL.-SPRINKLERS ILLUM (1-3) (3E: 4) ?-, 1-APTS 2-COM'L 3-IND TYPE QUALITY (ACE) AREA MEASUREMENTS (FLOORS, LENGTH, WIDTH) ?flfsr AREA MEASLfREMENTS (FLOORS, LENGTH, WIDTH) c tf',R 2 z::.. COLD STORAGE 7ESCALATORS 6-EXTERIOR WALL 1-COOLEA 3-FREEZEA 2-CHILLEA 4-QUICK FREEZE TYPE MEASUREMENTS (LENGTH, WIDTH; AREA QUALITY! WIDTH I HEIGHT I FLIGHTS (ACE) (INCHES) DO NOT USE"-" ENTRY FOR SHELL TYPES 1-5 -F APARTMENT BUILDING DATA FOR SHELL TYPES 6-9, USE ONLY FOR SUBSTITUTIONS OR MISSING WALLS 1-GROOVED PLYWOOD, STEEL SIDING, ETC. 2-WOOD OR ASBESTOS SIDING, CEMENT BLOCK, CLAY Tl LE, ETC. 3-Tl l TUP CONCRETE, MARBLECAETE, ETC. 4-COMMON BRICK, METAL SANDWICH PANELS, ETC. 5-FACE BRICK, REINFORCED CONCRETE, ETC. 6-COMMON BRICK PLUS CONCRETE 7-FACE BRICK PLUS CONCRETE 8-PRECAST CONCRETE PANELS, GLASS PANELS, ETC. 9-METAL & GLASS CURTAIN WALL 1G-STONE MASONRY 11-LIMESTONE, SLATE, ETC. 12-MAABLE, ETC. 13-POLISHED GRANITE, ETC. 14-STORE FRONTS TYPE IOUAUTV IAC"l I • I I C l+t- ;7.._[ ~~.,~ I lA C:.J t- I\4EA:SU~EMENTS (HEI OH T, l.EN GT Hl W~L L A REA !L;;!\fb !7'"'"1 }{'~ 4/'l~ .. NUMBER ITEM NUMBER STUDIO APTS . 1 131$ OHOQM APTS 2 BEDROOM AFITS , j 8EOROOM NlTS. GAA8AGE OI SF'OS.AL DISHWASHE R 19 -lNTeAIOFI OJ:.VELOl'EO AFI"£.J\S ITEM EXHAUST FAN EXH AUST f{OOO & F= AN 11ANG-E TOI-' & OVEN OROPm RANGE El.E"t"TSH C riFI!;Pl!ACE INT E-RCOM !)YSTE M ~EL..l:VATORS I -P"ASS AUTO EL EC:: t:OC 1 PASS AU t O Ee f C ~XP '3 -PASS MAA EL EC LOO 4 -PASS MAN ELEC I!JC:f' ~ -PASS Ftv o ij Ffi E"IOMi i!I.EC l -FFI EIGHT tlYD 9 -P~~NE:\.. C.IFi 9 -SIDEWAI...:: MP,~ 10-S:l [)flNAL K HYO 11 -S t ,D ~WIII I.K flCC 12-Oll~offiWA,.nEFI E.l.EC 13 -0LIM 8 ~V_.A rT t::'R MAN N_UMaEn CAPACITY" f LSSt P -71 OUA LI T'r TYl'E I f~O El (1-7~ STOPS 11 ·~1 n~-~~!~~~~A ~E LL TYPE9 _ -~ AV EB AGE>F/APT I· l I I I I •2-APT UTiliTY AR"S"(!. B--RETAJ L 0 11$CO.U NT TY PE 3-ROTE LS & MOTELS 9--fi'll.IER RETAI L STc::l RE-S 11 -SMALl OFFI £ES 10--EIANK$ ~ nf i:ATf:I~S 5 -lW-E"N OHn:::r:=$ 1"1-WAREJ-tOOSES lii -'PROFE~I ONA L Off i ces 12-LIUHT MANUFAC1'UFU NG 7-CLIN ICS 1J.-I·Hh 'WY MAN~F~C 'llJ R J NG ""0. AP"TS Ph EASU Fl EMErt "{S (q U'=I..OO~$. l.ENG"lf"H, Wt 0 1Hf I OTHE£1 DESC.IJIPTION 7TTR I T-V~'~ z PEDe.ST•RI AN DOORS 1 AEVOt.N ING AUTOMA"I'IC SLIPINO 2 A.U T O~A;Jl'C "S'M N GIN G AJfl C::.U RTJr..I N TYPE OU ALI TY 1 Nu<V~s~n 1 L.IN. n t ACE:1 (1 31 ~olll l 1 ~--~--~~--~--~--+--r-t-------j---r-i--r-t-----~----~ .8 -VE HIClE DOORS 00 NOT USE FOR S·J-ti!:U. n"P~ 51 1-WOOO g ~C"I1 0 NA I. 2"-STEE l. S ~OTrONA L. TYPE OUALrT'V (AC!;l l l t I l (i ASS/SSOR'S F0 ~210-A NUMBE R I --;;:; I )-.;S"TlH!L 13-0 LLUP 4-HANO'ER T't'PE STEE l.. MEA.SUFIF.:P>t'E:j'IJTE (Wt 0 TT:I . 1-TE (GFIT I i fn X Ill f-t l ,j ,. ~"7 ., f.._ Q\__ 1 L/ k' (tf _yt BANK VAULTS 1 -t:A5 R AR EA PIPE ,~'hO ~i? Jllft; ' ) I !"J' ... <-Raco Aos ME ASU fl E MEN TS ~L.EN GT H, W101'H) I ARE .A MAJOR SECTION NO. YEAR MINOA / 6 d ~'J SPLIT __ FOUO SUBLETTER ___ SUBNUMBER __ ....... 'X. '~· • \,_~ ... ;s· . ,\\ ' J "''' ~ ~/ -::;.··· ",-.~.'\-: ~' "'\) 0 ~:::,.~, ~ ~ ""'"~-."!;.~::::~.~-' ' . . ~-"'\: -,J) ~\ ·".' -:e :--.• ~.: ~~.._r; .. _·_ .. ~.'_';_.'\ ~~.) II ,_:. ,-,,' ;\i' ~ ~-~\''· .. ' ..... It,'}~,\~ .. l . \ " ' ) ~ ~--, ,~ : \. I . '~ . .:::::> I 0 -. _;---.!__c • /.·. Jl o··r/ -.~ () ·::, ~- !) 1 ......... ~ _ .... ~ .. ~~ .. ,r· \.· -~ 7-:,{ ~ ., ~ ---1 ..... '~ .-t,.,' #:> ,. • I q ;>~ r'W ', (,s:'lf'-.1 (~-::· ,4H•~ (j) ',1 ,., --I~ ~--....---..---' --. ;'r-11. ,~ --=-=-~ _,1 r- ..1" , I I "? ' .,!. 1<>n01 11 1 J PI f2.d t:{) --1'';4_. ~ & •· -l 'lf ~-·· ~ ~-' / }, J,' I .. , I " ,.....--\ "'"---?! "-.1/ is~-~"'ffip~'J-1 ~ 1 -~ ~ -~-~·-L......- ~D ,.1}/QU lfdOA • . , 1 w<.i' f,,J£1?~/.I'f,<ii ,. 01~ ' .A., SECTION TITLE TYPE I OUAUTY I NUMBER I LENGTH PRINCIPAL BUILDING OTHER BUILDINGS ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENTS I TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS LAND TOT I j -' 1 l .I Al APPRAISED VALUE ... l I - --lL. ., - j t·· l -1 I I REASON FOR APPRAISAL MAJOR MINOR / 6 ~ ]Jj SPLIT __ FQLlO SUBLETTEA ___ SUBNUMBER __ ' ' ,......_ ~ ' \~) :r ~ ~J o i~-~_,._· v·""j :::,.. ~-•' I 'f"~;_,;z\ ~ ~~: J-'k _,•. _r.::'- . I 1SJ{v ~ (j) r-------------.l~"" ' . ----· I . :'\,,,,~·-~ . \li:JJ_ ''"'" ,,, _J:;'l-<!i:::j \: " . :.• """~ >\11' \-"-~--· "~.· .. ~· 't ~. ~ SECTION NO. Y EAR -·· ~ '"Su ' ~ ~ ·-.' ~,\.;~ ,~ ; ' ,) ~ ,, -, .::. ~~ '\. I·· ~ ~-__ ,-<.. ~;v~ ·a 1 ' .. _(~~,~ /0 '~ ~ ;P o ·'rl , LL.... . . G) . ....... ~ fl ~; ,._ I ·. ~·-· "~ ,~~ 0 ..... J . i., ·!' -i}. "7 .:-:' ..!~.c.-"} 1 "~~.: ...... ' .,~ ... ~~-~..,;: -~··/ i I . I I _j ._.:_j_- ~D '-fil :~ J ---.· r ~r_--:-~---, .. l> 1~~ J I 11 .J .. -.J ~~-c~·-r-· ~' -- • --.. -r -....... ~~ ... - _.L___ _l ' , r . I SECTION TITLE TYP E I QUALITY I NUMBER I LE NGTH PRINCIPAL BI.I IL DI NG OTHER BUILDINGS ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENTS I TOT AL IMPROVEMENTS LAND _..] I\ ~-1 I • -I . -c--~~-L--, -1 ·' TOTAL APPRAISED VALUE REA SON FOR APPRAISAL / MAJOR MINOR 6' 2J:J SPLIT __ FOLIO SUBLETTER ___ SUBNUMBER __ YEAR -t·-- '" ~' ~~ '"'.~ ... :·::; . "\\ ,) ~--~ ~·-.!. i' . ~,~J~:,. •.: ~. \Q.' ';i \~ <~~ \! k~.J * , . ~,.· ~~-~, ~) I ~"~.-.. · ~,~t-." .. ·\1· ~ ,' . ·, '§!':'{~.J ·, <, ~.14 l I· :\.'"' :':1 " ~~· p I ··' ,.w -~ ,f. ~ 'v0'~ '/. I "" ' . !'J ....... r-=-" ~~ ;it .- ~\ .. t I '~ •"" '. ...,.~,. ;;;J o.;,'' 7 ___j /j-•., t lo.' • c~,..__lt;} /f{~ :·/{' · ·' ! I I I t-~ :·-j·--_~. ! , -I I · .· ·~:-·-~1-·1 l--r----·--·-· I·· ' ' ,., ' .. ;D ,4Hv~ 0 .· '"··. •· c.,.,.L~ I' I: I 1 L: l ... • _.I ~·. _ . .__ TY PE I 0'1!/A U TV I NUM!:I ER I L ENGTH PRINCIPAL BUILDING OTHER BUILDINGS ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENTS I TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS J - Ill l" " LAND TOTAL APPRAISED VALUE REASON FOR APPRAISAL / MAJOR MINOR 6 d 'lb SPLIT __ FOLIO SUBLETTER ___ SUBNUMBER-- ·''- ~'" . ~· ' '.'· \",)~ . ('\ ,, "''' ~ \( ......c $. >· . 'Y G -~\·~.·"".~"' .. :' .'.· ... ~. . .~..... . . \~ .. ;{' ...... ~ ~\.) "¥ I /Jiv~ (j) \-~'.' .. ' .. \ ~ ~ .: .·;, ~\\~ l J ' ~,,\ \l \L~J 1 1 - ~. ,, ·. ::: ~~ . l I 'S ' ~j ~ p I ~D ~-~~~ :..:........... ~' t-· -I Q' ~,~ ;' 'fl.. vJ 0 ,, ''i · L.L.... , I o /2 s j , __ j ~ -~... ~ ·'""57[ l ·~ -· • 1,\r' J. ""-~ ..... Jj-·,;;~ .t ~;Nf:.f/r >f~~) &.'!{' .i <...,; _j I , ; . -I _j _____ .I.,._· ~~--l I -, l -.I l~ .. I I --, -1 -r~ :-=-T-· L. -~ ·• _l_ f -~-1-L! TYPE I QUA LI TY I NU[If!BE H I LE N'Glli 1-l< ... ~ -, ~.::. 'o~ -, vj s,r? -ot/ --u-:~~~r ~~ "90 7::-1:---1' 1!~ YEAR PRINCIPAL BUILDING OTHER BUILDINGS ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENTS I TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS LAND T ·---i I r , -_~ ~---J. TOTAL APPRAISED VALUE 1 --h .I . -·1 -,- 1' --! T : ~-.-. ' I ! I. -·j : h ·j-1-. , ... _, _ _j ,-t _I -r--.. j rc! . ! -'-+ ~~-~~~ REASON FOR APPRAISAL T 1 H I ,...------. -~J 1. DIS" ' ,, LIMITS .::oDE NO. "G e!'t::m PERMIT NO. DATE 8. BUILDING 1 ~"':~: D'!:A 1 ·3tcrv INTERIOR WALLS ~ klrl.'::t f:~u ;r FLOORS 2 "' ..... FIRE PLACE 1 J:ri.!k INTERIOR TRIM 5 ~'i i· PLUMBING f) .: h t :l!'":'S 1 Tub Pam l ':'o:!.l ets 2. ADDITION ___ .;t.'"'t1 ~o V~~~-~:::-.! "~·..:. ~-~ 1-:·::'0~ ~:~.-i ------,, SECTION TWP. _____ N. RANGE EWM. ----BLOCK ). TRACT OR LOT NO. 9 DESCRIP~ION _______________________________________________________________ ~- A I 3. ADDRESS OF ~PERTY ].2!) ~.!'3'"\,:),,)'Ji !}t~~l~t Btt ,_#_ CONTRACT PURCHASER __________________ _ 4. FEE OWNER_!jLc ! ( " f' { Q V I t:t= e Q \) .:: -'j d -.,,__/ ____________________ _ 5. ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR -- 6. ORIG. BUILDING COST $------OCCUPIED ftY ·'"'l~fi·";-RENTAL PER MONTH $ ESTIMATED RENTAL PER MONTH $ ____ _ 7. CONDITION OF EXTERIOR Good INTERIOR Go od FOUNDATION 1:zm;!-r FLOOR PLAN G=0'-"0'-'0"-.------- TILE WORK No ru~ HEATING :!.A.Furnac ·" Ot!a .. _...,.. (~ PORCHES 2-1 Jbry 1 Ro o .. a! EXTRA FEATURES r~or. BUILT-INS U s u ~l CONSTRUCTION -l:Jo•tble r;..:-cx1 CEILING HEIGHT .J.~nm"t ? ' , st Fl r 8 ' 9. CORNER JOINTS Baced DOWN SPOUTS SEWER CONNECTED_~Nio!..looo<------- 10. 11. FIRST FLOOR JOIST SIZE 2 X 8 AND oog-NCH CENTERS BRID.GED~:.:.c·'C"'------ FIRST FLOOR JOIST SUPPORT COLUMN OR POST S;ZE 6 "---'()"---- 12. CLASS OR GRADE NO. 2-Good SHAPE NO. __________ _ 13. 14. BUILDING FINISHED OR U NFINISHED,.---;;;----=F:..cl,' -"n'-"i'-'S=h,_,ed""'----------·--------:--;--- CONDITION '55-~ l OBSLSE. % ECON. SUIT '' TOTAL 5 t{ DEPRECIATION: ,, DATE BUILT 19 1 ~ REMODELED ________ _ EFFECTIVE AGE 2' YEARS FUTURE LIFE_ ~ "' YEARS LAND INFORMATION 1. SIZE ____ x__ ___ TOPOGRAPHY .~evel GRADE V ~ FEET 2. STREET ROAD ·~ ... ~a den SURFACE :'arVi '\ ALLEY ';;' f~S! C).j''· '' ol '·'I C ~8 '1 ,., .. 3. SIDEWALK '' • • SEWERAGE ~ ~. '·" WELL ELECT. PUMP ______ _ 4. LANDSC~PJNG . .i:.<J.wn &_ <:<h~ .. :p •c· COND. !'. (1 .. J T,;~+ -~~! 5. TREND __________ _ VALUE OF LAND ___ _ 6. USE OF DISTRICT Jf~~; j cl e~· J:; !F.l VIEW ~-.. ~-~ ~;,;l·~. 7. RESIDENTIAL -----------· ZONED ____________ _ ;:J:-rJ· BASEMENT ?$--! I REMARKS To 1;-t i!""'l r Jst \~(.:r};:" r·.:.;+ e ,;~""'. 'J:~~l'· MAIN .Jrein : s:t§;t. if' .l ..... "'"'.._.... I -------· IMPROVEMENT VALUE 1 I ::s2 ) .1 $ "()jj":c;&j :'1~ 1'~!"'"~21-:'-0 \ uwl r_x ___ l 0 c ,--OWN~~--;;-R CONTRACT~URCHASER I DATE I FILE NO. PRICE MTGE. STAMP ~ I ,r ._-·, ~ F REMARKS ___ _ ~ _t== !tESIOENCE-KING COUNTY ASSESSOR-SEATTLE. WASHINGTON · P'RAYN PRINTING CO ., SEATTLE' MAIN BUILDING $#==480 • OTHER BUILDINGS $ l • ;-,-. TOTAL $ < S?~c ASSESSED VALUE 50 ~.---=-"--- DATE 1 ~?_~=-"-5 I~ --~~ ~,~9_ FLOOR PLAN :t.: :j ~i. -·· :t~: FRONT / /,&C-7/ r L ~J U ' =-/ IJ 0 D. t'-.... o( t -0 " (j . ::t L D. 0: <t . Ill .J 1-" 0 o( 0: ~ ' ii: o( Ill :J .J ... <( (J D. 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Q z Ill < .J <t .J u ~' CD , ~ . ...--.~ ..... 1' ~ ~ ~f ~ J f) \ h- I" ""--RJ L 00 !~·,I; :u · f\, "' .... Jll : (.,i O"i!o' >· Ul ' (' ~t·-' 0 ' I ITt~·- Z ] C · I~ (J Ill ~ 0 Ul p:F· ' .... ~ ~" -q "' ~~l fPI n !L. ~ ll ~ :z: u ):o " ~ Ul ~"' .. z Ill ri tnl t':) J41 q . ' 0 0 z z z 1-.J 0 Ill 0 Ill j: C) .J u u D. z >< 0: Ill 3: <( <t <t en .... 0: 1-D. ~ Ul 111 Ul ; Ul !~ fT1 0 l.l, < il-l i ):> r j, ' c ~, I ):> ·~ -i n 0 z I I KING COUNTY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY RECORD MINOR I?J r.>IYlS I 2 FOLIO 19I~F-7 17171 099 SHEET Date Const. Started Date Completed ···-··· No. Do>o I mod P. V. II I Date Occupied1401View Lot m 12~ I I l=+ I Remodeled ASSESSORS FORM 1184 REV. 1·1·72 ?&S· ·.c > ~ r0 d 2 t.( [C:, ( BUILDING DATA MAJOR 1.~ 5 '23a{ MINOR (jtZJ lf5"" . F·~LIO 9£fCJ 77 BUILDING DATA 12 'EXTERIOR 19 ROOM DETAIL 124 INSULATION,.{,/ AJr. bo o I I Condo I I Co·op I I Pass. Int. Units I I I f Bd. & Btn. ~Shingle HCed./Sid. Cone. Blk. No. 7 B 1 A Y2 2 T Wall~ u Ceiling 2 0;~ Use Type -]'1:1( ~12M r "T3o Entry Other 20 2YearBuilt 191/l/l CostYear19l7lZ. Rustic Shake Dining f 25 KITCHEN ~ Depreciation Table ljPiywoad Fa/De/R Eat. Area Adeq. _ lnad. 2Q4 Functional 1 SS '"' 3G H~rick Veneer % Bedroom 2. Cabinets Adea.: lnad. 2ds Condition 1 SS ~ · 3G . f-.JStone % Bath / Cob. Matl. SS b<.. S I G 20 Workmanship ) SS , 1X,. 3G Other c_a~. ~{ ;dJM Living J C tr, Matl. SS I)< S I G 2()7 No. af Stories / 195 ~-Kitchen / Remodeled )'!. N'! Yes 208 Total Rooms . 5 13 ROOF Utility 26 FLOORS 209 Entrv f2'J ......., Hip z:! Camp. , j ?.-1-HW [j,Conc. / bJ;Tile 2~0 Dining I , ,ZGable -Tile/Slate Grade . "'5 ••li ')... sw wwc ' I Lino. 2 l 1 Fam /Den /Rec. 0 ' ~ ~ _Shed _Tar I Grav.el Unf. Y2 Floor Area Other /. · 2 ~2 Bedrooms (' ----::Flat _Shingle Sq. Ft. -27 PLU~BING 2!4 Utility Type Rooms fZ5, ~Gutters _Drain _ Unf. Ful'l Floor Area /1Tub /I' /I Basin 2,15 No. of Built-Ins ~ _Shake _Lgt. OvySq. Ft. /lToil ~t nshowerSt. 2•16 Adea. Electric lss ~ 3G Other 20 BUlL T-INS NO. <?) Baths4 ull 3/41 T v2T i 17 Adea. Plumbina 1 ss 1)).:: 3G B.BQ. r--1'6isp. ~e SS -~ S U G 2~8 Adea . Garage 1SS ~~ 3G 14 WINDOWS D.W. · _lntercy m /~Sink z HW Tank 219 Adeq. Storage 1SS ~ 3G -. Wood Steel _ Fan. & Hd. _ App. Is. ' Laundry Conn. ~ Bsmt. Garage Area ::::l~lum. ~~1/GI/Dr _ Vacuum _Stereo _ Other Sgl. Outlets ~ Unfln. Attic Area Other Rng. & Ov. -B /D Di Roughed . in Baths Dbl. Oven ,1{, Do; Mer ' l BUILDING COST DATA --/----;r-I _(.._ 15 FOUNDATION \,--Other 28 FIR.EPLACE NO. ~'Z'>' Per Cent Comclete 2S, Concrete Thick / . Bsmt. 'j_ 1st. U2nd. ·2:30 Elf,'Yr. 191 :!-15 1 Obsol %1 I Net Cond% _Concrete Block 21 ATTIC/ . / Sgl. _ Mult. U Fr.Std. 231 Grade 1-;b(l J IQJIJfll Variation I--Post & Pier ~No .fe -...f._ Brick ,--.-Stone 2J2 1st. Floor Area I / 6 9'( Other -l /nfinished Grade Uss 'g] S D G ~ Uooer Floors Area Fi?:'ished Area Other -~ Half Storv Area I 0 A -"n =::> Unf. Floors Y2 16 FLOOR CONST. 'Grade ss s G Full Fir. Joists ,;)-. X '2J / Strwy. IJTN.J 2 T Y T 3 T F 29 PORCH / Fin. Attic Grode Area ~Bridged .2 $t O.C f Other "_ No.1~ OP ~ Enc. ~St. Post & Beam X 22 BASEMENT ""-._ No.) I--OP Enc. St. 238 Total Bsmt. Concrete Slab Finished Rms. No. t;i/ Other 240 Daylite Bsmt. 3F Strwy, to Unf. Attic r; I <J,( Area 1N 2y '!X' Grade Area 2y Hidden Finished Area ~ -~ Ext. Brick o/c ~---...... .. (, ~Stud. Bearing X I None l2::/ Part .. U ~t.l .._ No.3~.--OP E.nc.. St. ~ Fin. Bsmt . Grade Oss 0 S D G 30 DECK )1/<::J/\.1~ '242 Heating Source ~Oil 2 G I 3 lEI. '" 17 ELECTRIC · I Day lite Bsmt. No.1 I--Cone. 1-Wd I--Cvd. 243 Heating System · 1 F /W 2 Gr 3 IRd. I--r-I--_. Int. Fix •• C1'SS ~-S CJG Garage X No.2 Cone. Wd Cvd. : 4 EBB )( Fa 6 Hw Ext. Fix. 55 . S G Other;2-3')(:;:t.l.t, !: No.3.__ Cone . ....__ Wd '--Cvd. ~44 Heating Area I { b .~'{ Other 23 HEATING Other ~ Central Cooling Costs .. , $ ~Oil I--Gas _ Elec. 246 Bathrooms Full I /I 3/4 QJ 1!~ (-) 18 CONST CLASS I F/wf Grav. Rdnt. 30A SOURCE OF DATA 247 H.W. Tank /Sink/Laundry \; • .."• t:7 -r~ B Single ~Sub. St-d. Std. BB ~ F.A. '----HW Owner 2,48 Other Single Plumbing Outlets , .·. 1:61 Convers iQn Tenant . , " ~-49 Fireplaces Single I /I Multi,·fl. J61Free·S1d ~f) Double Solid Pre, Fab. Code 31 .. Good Special ~ Adeq. D lnadeq, N.H. :S / i//7 7.-/;¥/1 ?' 2"5tl Other N.H . Card t,?)..h7 /.k-)!j, i s Card Returned L ~ REMARKS / -'~ / I~ \} ~-C: 0'~! h ~ ?-.)( r:;:,;-o -'!?KG 1)1\t //, rv.r~ ~ f i_ .r -<-,,:; :'. • ~· _lh& ~l9 t3 .""(). --ll 'i<.:,o j' . .'/h .. ~ I . / -~ -~ 1"- ~~ -~' _/ 1~ Porch .1 3 3 DKI 2 I OPI 3 Additional Costs Garage All. En Area E.n Area En I Area $ Area ~ l (i\ ' .... / ···\/" ' .ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENTS :\. / 25?1 Gar. Del. Gradel I :-:5-I Area ~I E> "' 25~1 Elf. Year 191 ~1 " / I~ Carport '-/ 26:i No. of Parking Stalls '-/ ~ Pool Grade 50 Ml5CeC I.AHEOUS IMPROVEMENTS I~ Pool Elf. Yr. 19 Year I Items Co'i1StTG,'''L, Floor I Roof I Dimensions Area $F.V.~ I TPoured I 2 Gunite 3 51 Fl PJIU r~H ! ... ::3 .. k-~;-.·1 c:c ,..)~,-- Concrete Asphalt S'-1<:> (~}' :C_ '"-.i: r __ , I 1: I b.z-J.I Other Misc. Imps. Value ""-I I 12721 Permanent Review Needed ~ PRINCIPAL BUILDING ~ STAFF Dimensions Area I Fl Dimensions Area Fl Dimensio n s , Area 2821 Building Data Date z. 1...( X '"17 I 12-A X X . 2831 \APDraiser No. 2 X '-1 X X 2841 Reviewer No. 2 ~x '2.! I t:;~-:~;_: X X ic X X e I'"' "J ";· "Y)l ~ ..,.,; ,. 0 lt'O ~<.t" • - / ·,, :.· J'/•'??clC. Net Cond. % Area ·< ·I~ AreJ Net Cond. % Fib. gl. 4 Plastic Area $ • l\l) v 1. Dl' CT 2. ADDITION 'H;,;, ''~<~,·~· '" ~·.,--. ---_I_{)__ SECTION TWP. j"J N. RANGE ,f2.3 EWM. .fi_ BLOCK__l___TRACT OR LOT NO. lC LIMITS DESCRIPTION _________ ---, ____ _ ------------------·----------------CODE NO. ~.-::·:t on 3. _____ CONTRACT PURCHASER _____ _ PERMIT NO. 4. FEE OWNER-----~-~~-----·t.-• ~ _r DATE I 5. ARCHITECT -~CONTRACTOR ---~------ 6. ORIG. BUILD I NG COST$ OCCUPIED .BY· ~ 1) RENTAL PER MONTH$ ESTIMATED RENTAL PER MONTH $_,_ . ..._8._. • ._ __ _ 7. CONDITION OF EXTERIOR Go0d INTERIOR 3 '1 0 ~ FOUNDATION GO')O FLOOR PLAN '.C Ce_' _cf_-e:__ ____ _ 8. BUILDING TILE WORK I PORCHES I 9. CORNER JOINTS 30lr ed D,PWN SPOUTS SEWER CONNECTED __ .._;~,_,•·._··------- l Farn :J .. ,-; J ···,t o r y !'! Roo~s !: 1 st F.1.no r ATTIC INTERIOR WALLS None [., : 1.:;. s t er HEATING FLOORS I T:~~· ""'·-"-"'=~.i·.·· I I Ji~~-r~··-"' .._., 14' ~ .···-·., r -~--·"' 4 ~~.nr-rrr£ FIRE PLACE -~~-~~ ~ Tc-1 s t Flr J s -': • INTERioR TRIM I Ti 1 e ·:. ~ .. ,i.~~ PLUMBING ~· ~;'i, .o:~-~.;.!~~s .: ~--;~~ .... : ... :_ m .• ~·;·~t l . ..-~,i n -=-,.,~.~~--... ~:~ --.--·-... .-r·~ ,.,}~ .t.:..,~. ·r:~ ··e GARAGE 0 ":o ne:; .. '' , 1-'1· ,~ 1~ FOUNDATION ..... !: i >' , •• ,::, EXTERIOR WALLS T'.~ :·~·w ·,~':.i -~ i:·~~ ~ip .-,:!_ ·~ c OWNER OR CONTRACT PURCHASER n __ 2-1 St ory 2 Roofed EXTRA FEATURES I.Jo n e BUILT-INS Usu al CONSTRUCTION (ff; ':ingle • J ·er:·~ '..lm ··-IGHT t o S!!lXI t ? n, r ... •: ·1 ~ " lst F:r 10. FIRST FLOOR JOIST SIZE ~ X 8 AN~ ~J __ INCH CENTERS BRIDGED___N:,.o._ ___ _ 11. FIRST FLOOR JOIST SUPPORT COLUMN OR POST SIZE 4 x _ _,6..__ ___ _ 12. CLASS OR GRADE NO. 2 -:.;•o ~ 4 '.i~ SHAPE NO. Fl. n; , ... ,,,, ---------- 13. 14. BUILDING FINISHED OR UNFINISHEtp · .(, '" - DEPRECIATION: CONDITION :Cj!Q fo OBSLSE. % ECON. SUIT ,-,TOTAL :J ~ DATE BUILT 1909 REMODELED ________ _ EFFECTIVE AGE ___ 2 _§!___YEARS FUTURE LIFE :£. __ YEARS ~. 1. SIZE X LAND INFORMATION LeveJ GRADE v~.. FEET 2. STREET ROAD --·~"""~"' SURFACE .::Ul'Vi a c._,•e l 3. SIDEWALK ';e;,-;,•er WELL _____ ELECT. PUMP·------- 4. LANDSCAPING I ··. ·• ---· coND. Go od 5. TREND .. t·t -f ; ,. -J••·· VALUE OF LAND • l 6. USE OF DISTRICT .VlEW ~:0'0.1~ 7. RESIDENTIAL --~-~-~-·~· ~~-~"-----------ZONED REMARKS-----·----------------- ;= 977 1'1~ ~3-5 Cll1t W~lf.ll$ 7"'<' 1'16AI~otJ S-1 J..-10 ~~ i ~t. T · -.6 • 1 2x 20 2!' j . $liS . X X X X DATE FILE NO. PRICE MTGE. STAMP .• I - • I 'N>' .\).1;' . '\i ' ~ ·---- MAIN BUILDING DIMENSION SQ. FT. AREA . _.. ....... =' l"t"" " ,. f ___ ._.,X ---' 9 64 ;; X 6 I ' X 6 I ~-----I I X----+-----. --L x :: . 1 '~:e('J~·v s ed . ..£'.£~ _ _:_~. l 18 ____ _ MAIN BUILDING OTHER BUILDINGS FLOOR PLAN ·& ·...:. 0 . :_: fJ: : l; ·--'-1 . $ $ ~?c -···-· 0 ~· l .. ' .. ~ . . 'I rl ~ .. ~ J • t! • :.>..· : ~IJ . . .. RKMARKS--------------------------------------------------------------------- :J: ~· ... g. r~D.::p (_: : : : : : : : : : . l-·>-. RESIDENCE-KING COUNTY ASSESS OR...: 5~1TI.IE. WASHINGTON ~ P'RATN II'RIMTINCI CO •• s•A.'TT\,1 l"l'tONT i) iii i) ;o ~ ;o ;o ;o j<O I ;a tO II) II) II) tO tO tO tO tO tO -...! 0 ..... iii )> -1 0 :u :u r-1'1 () 0 D. c-. .... <( [ (l ::1 0 ::E c~ 0 :c D. .......... t-' r :u D. 0: ~ ~ l\) )> a Ill <C . ..... z ..1 .... ::E 0 ~ N 0 a 0 ;u <( • "!) 0: .... • ~ ..... o 0: < <. )> .~ )> Ill :l ..1 l~ 0 !/) §a <( C1 D. !/) v o;:, 1'1 ..... !/) ("I r-i !/) ::s. 1'1 0 a '• < )> ,...... r \0 c 0 1'1 0 ='! ~ ,, d (0 d~ ~ • r \JJ ..... " ·---·----···------..·-J::... .... 0 0 z Ill * )> Ill -f 0 b.. ...... J11 liJ ~ ~ \J1 ~ C) Ill Ill N w 0 Ill w ~ ~ 0: 0 ill u C) w < I 0' w a: ~ 0 Ul u < til 0 m {~ 0 ~ Ill \J1 -< z Ill 0 ~ <( 1111 ~ I "II 0· ~ z .... !:! 0 J11 0 1-· c j: w ~ (XJ ] <( ~ Ill ...... u ~ 0: ;.!') ~I [;: < :l "1 iii :!t C1 Ul ~ Ill ~ <( Ill '\ L·· .J 5: U1 ~ 0 w u ~ .... :u f',• te 0 IT! (.;1 ~ )> * z Ill Ill c , ,_, <( ..1 0 I < z "' .J u c ~ (' Ill (J D (J ~ -~ ~ c it a::: "' N 0 L·l <D :0 [') ,z c+ "' . ..,_, )> (1 ~ Ill i)o 0 "' (J) '(I) z "' 0 (I) :0 -~ "' )> !J) l" 0 "' -~ Ul ~ ~(l r Ill c -\ r "' c 0' ) ;r:. c-.~ ~ C)--1 ', ,q ~ ·~ l 0 -:l z ~I 0 0 ~-z z z Gl z .... ..1 0 ~ 0 Ill 0 :0 u---1 "' "' ~ C) ..1 u )> u D. z X 0: ./ !J) t,, Ill ~ < <( <( "' Ill 0: .... D. KING COUNTY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY RECORD MINOR lc;3J0(:" ~~r 2 FOLIO lqf~.1ftT7J7) 099 SHEET Date Canst. Started Date Completed VIEW No, Do~ lmod P.V. II I Date Occupiedl40,View Lot P§1 .12Y I I I I t f"~!> Remodeled ASSESSORS FORM 1t84 REV. 1·1·72 ~S ~1-1L.. 1 //. ·"! .. > / u--t:J-.. I • ' I /) J .. ;; !!-.._':.;",.~- ( BUILDING OAT A MAJOR /'7~"'"~~-.. i;..--1 ·!!= J c:. ~/"~ Oi -MI.NOR r?¢.5"~ -/ 9~;_J 77 FOLIO BUILDING DATA 12 EXTERIOR 19 ROOM DETAIL 24 INSULATION,,Lfh .t.Z/. 200 I Condo Co-op Poss. Int. Units I Bd. & Btn. Shingle No, _5' B 1 A Y2 2 Walls ·uceiling 201 Use Type li5'1 . 2M 30 - -191~9 7 f':'> Rustic Shake Entry Other 202 Year Built Cost Year 19 c__ -z -I fie's Ced./S id . _Cone. Blk. Dining 25 KITCHEN Depreciation Table Plywood Fa/De/R Eat, Area Adeq. -In ad. 204 Functional 1 ss ' [)'( 3G -2 1 ss ~~--3G Brick Veneer % Bedroom Cabinets Adeq. lnad. 205 Condition - _jStone % Bath I Cab. Matl. ssl~ s IG 206 Workmanship 1 ss ~ 3G j_ ssl?< IG I Other Living Ctr, Matl. s 207 No , of Stories f :~,. ..... I Remodeled )( N9 "" Kitchen Yes 208 Total Rooms -,_. 13 ROOF Utility 26 FLOORS 209 Entry 0 ~ Hip '·,..C: Comp. . L/1 HW I=! Cone. bj~ile 210 Dining f ~ s Gable Tile/Slate Grade -. " sw wwc Lino. 211 Fam /Den /Rec. 9:' -··- f-Shed -Tar/Gravel Unf. Y2 Floor Area Other 212 Bedrooms ~ Flat Shingle Sq. Ft. -27 PLUMBING 214 Uti I ity Typ e Rooms ~-';< -~Tub . ji-1 Bas i n t2'<~' Gutters _Drain Unf. Full Floor Ar e a 215 No. of Built-Ins ........ _Lgt, Ovy 1 ss 3G ,__Shake Sq. Ft. Toilet Shower St. 216 Adeq, El e ctr ic Other 20 BUlL T-INS NO . ZJ Baths Full I 3;4 1!21 217 Adeq, Plumbing_ 1ss 3G B.BQ. Disp. ~de tz ss ·~ s U G Adeq. Garage 1 ss .. 3G 218 - 1ss 3G 14 WINDOWS D.W. Intercom Sink HW Tank 219 Ad e q. Storage -~ Laundry Co nn . OWood ~Steel f-Fan. & Hd . -App. Is. m Bsmt. Ga rage Area Alum. SI /Gl /Dr f-Vacuum Stereo f-Other Sgl. Outlets ~ Unfin. Att ic Area i' - Other Rng . & Ov. Bi BDi f-Roughed._ in Baths f- Dbl. Oven .___ Bi Di Other · BUILDING COST DATA 15 FOUNDATION ,-Other 28 FIREPLACE NO . ;?) ~ Per Cen .l Compl<rte IX Concrete 7i/.s:?. Thick Bsmt. _lsi. tj2nd., 730 l~-t''ll Obsol %1 Net Cond % Eff •. Yr. 19 --'.'.-'< 1-1 ~1 /I Q) r!J-' Co·ncrete B I ock 21 ATTIC Sgl . , ......;... Mult. Fr.Std. 231 Grade V.ariation r--...;,. q 0 :e," 1-Post & P ier ~None f-Brick St one 232 1st. Floor Area ~ Other Unfonoshed Grade ssD s U G ~ Upper F I oars Area Fini she d Area Other ~ Half Story Area 16 FLOOR CONST. Grade ss s G ~ Unf. Floors Y2 Full Fir. Joists :Z...x .:;;? Strwy. 1 N 2 y 3 F 29 PORCH I -+ ')/"1.0'--'--~ Fin. Att i c . Grade ·Area ~Bridged ;:w.,? o. c. Other No.1 p OP -En c. 1-L St. ~ Strwy . to Unf. Att i c JN 2y 3F Post & Beam X 22 BASEMENT No.) OP En c. St. 238 Total Bsml, Area $; ~ ,f~ 1--r--1;. Stud Bearing X None [Cj.Par¢U Full No.3.__ OP _ Enc • .___ St. ~ Fin. 13smt, Grade Area a·Concrete Slab Finished Rms. No. Other 240 Daylite Bsmt. !;X 2y 1_, ' .. ~~- Hidden Finished ' Area Rj' ~ Ext, Bri ck % Ext, Stone % Grade OssOsOG 30 DECK It/ O N,.::: .242 Heating Source .i < Oil 2 G 3 El. 17 ELECTRIC Dayl ite Bsmt. No. 1 Cone . Wd Cvd. 243 Heat ing System )'< F /W 2 Gr 3 Rd. Int. Fix •• tJ~~JZJ S tj G t--1--t-- Garage X No , 2r--Cone. Wd C vd. 4 EBB 5 Fa 6 Hw Ex.t. Fix. SS .,c"( S G Other~3 (t: +6~~ J f/tt,"\' r--r-- 19 ? No.3.___ Con e. Wd .___ Cvd, 244 Heating Area c" ........ Other 23 HEATING Other ~ Central Cool inq Costs $ -r: Oil Gas Elec. 246 Bathrooms full j 3;4 ¢ 1!2 Q\ 1--_, .. 18 CONST CLASS )<.. F /wf Grav. Rdnt. 30A SOURCE OF DATA 247 H.W. Tank /Sink /Laundry ~ r---., Single Sub. Std. BB F.A. HW Owner 248 Other Single Plumbing Outlets k 7 rs 1--'---I~ _;£ Double Std. 1;:--:; Convers ian Tenant 'I Fireplaces Single Multi.-fl. Free·S1d -Solid -Good ~ Adeq. D lnadeq. N.H. 3 /J,f /7 ""2-1 ?1 1/1:.~ %6 Fireplace Add Outlets U/4/ -~---X 0 ,__ Pre, Fab. _ Special Other N.H. Card ""'· . / . 252 Parch 1 DK OP 3 En Area 0 Card Returned " ,i ~ Parch 1 DK 2 OP 3 En Area Code 31 REMARKS -~ Porch 1 DK 2 OP 3 En Area 5 0 Ur ;C .·b 25.5 Add i tional Costs $ I """ ' ;u;.a Garage Att. Area ])/{) J /Yip!) I II) /~If.-. f:p,v,f?-AJJ1 ,~'SnfJ ~e-;.~1~..... l ' "7' (.. . -#'_~.--~ A'·L--l • ;C-/,A) ~-' ,-1-f.-:.J;hf:~:--'/4"'? •,', ACCESSORY IMPROVEME~TS ,., 258 Gar. Det , Grade 3 Area t.~:-'-} (7:; 259 Eff. Year 19 315 Net Cond, % ~ Carport Area 262 No. of Park ing Stalls I 2:66 Pool . Grade Areal ,<"So) MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS ~ Pool E ff. Yr. 19 Net Cand. % ~r Items Const Gr Floor Roof Dimensions Area $F.V. ~ 1 I Poured 2 Gunite 3 F i b. gl. 4 Plastic 35' f/~r G'.rir-h 7.' ·..._Ql;<:' <:.&>~ / ;:,;&. ':<:, 2 :0 ?..i-1 0 269 Concrete Area I 9 l.G6 ...._, :%' .J?,... ·'. (/~_,p./;~>,, ' 2----/6 19 '2. ""''"~ ~ Asphalt Arec "<s P a r-;,;1. #I ~7-~r.:::>:, ~ -,vd .. _._.,.,,..,/ 7 '1..~ r6 ,.: I m Other Mi sc. Imps. Value $ v 272 Permanent Review Needed 1.~ 51 PRINCIPAL BUILDING STAFF Fl Dimensions Area Fl Dimensions Area Fl Dimensions Area 282 Building Data Date v j 8 t.fO 3 2.0 I ,. •. l 1?. ?4 ll { ll ll 283 Appraiser No. I f~. ll ~-!~ C) f... I~ (J ll 8 7C X 284 Reviewer No . I I-/ X '-12.. 16A ll X I R ic 1../t) ., '2..0 X X - !5". 1s. "~ z ..-'!.''xJ·'· ·r ,;:j • . •'' 0' ~ (_/ -K rt •h , .. · '1-!2 >-co ···--- -·--·-·-----~-----~-----~--~~-~--------------------...... --- \" FOLIO 977 PERMIT NO./ ~DDITION 4,.. lf=~...-;/t .. ··'/;; /((?f-o_, Wcfi't.. /7 · Twp~Ronge .s-EWM, Block I Lot or 1{1f#tll . -~ . "' ·:.... . .. --------------------------------~--~Tax Lot Tract ______________ . ____________ ~ l --· [ ., . .. . . ·.· •. ·.. . DATE . . ·1 Addre.ss ...... -,-,-,--;;o77""~-~42-.Pf-?.....-;:· :a:--,1/-#-V.-:-;.;:-~/l:::-o/,d-: _______ .;.___.,.__ . f. l: ;!ij -· ? _,7_,, . J ,, : . ·.,l j t ( ~~Owner CRu.'slt.'..-c . . · . · . Arehitee: Gy . . Contractor -:;:-I!JH,.., - J d?/f> 1 Z~·ning · ;ondition of Exterior 0 . Interior ~:"',;,; Foundation @!_ Floor Pion: Good Acee~t. Poor (/ Unit No, Offices Sq. Ft, ___.No. Apart,.,ts . ~ -Frame-Joist ~i,Tj Mill-Deck -------- Rein, Cone, C Steel Fr. _Metal Deck · Trusses ___ .Span Waod Steel __ Uri noli Tubs Leg, or Pem, _Dr •. Ftns, 1 rm. 0 2 rm, QJrm.l 1 -· A''VV~ , . I I 1 . ., j 0 0 • ----1: .ol rm. 5 rm. 6 rm • .....;.,;~--~-.....----«Date 8ulh /P,, barf Add, Built ......... _...~ Mill Cons'truction E Clbss A Rein. Cone. Stru , Steel and Cone; . Struct. Steel, Frame QUALITY-TYPE Good Med FOUNDATION Full ---H Sub. B~a-s_e_m_e_n_t m FHA _Pipeless · A. Cond. _. __ Wall Unit · Comb. Unit Custom .. . Refrig. _Convector Heat Pump __ Fireplace ~-ff-1 Sire , 1 ... ..... 1 .• I -+--1 GarageD No. Cars MISC. TANKS, Etc . ELEVATORS DOCKS AND PIERS WIRING e-~-~----j Floors HOISTS: Elec. H_r_dt. J Pass. __ Frght DHvy._Med._Lgt. Plastered OPI. Bd. .., I Auto. Elec. Untrtd. Pile Tmbr. -+--1 No. Apartments ----1 Service Rooms J.f'U"' , .,..,.,., ... ,,.,1. 1Man. __ Hydr.~Conc,Pifes&Bms --J---.t Trtd. Pile Tmbr. Paved EXTERIOR WALL CONST. --~Single [B"'·oo.,ble :z ~ 2.-P~~k · r..;e~p_'.y, 1 v"c" 1 1 1 _..,....-f St.,d Walls ~~~ Z ~ 2 ~ 'f'C.-(-~.,.. , C.Hgt. GROUND FLOOR AREA ---t Brick__ Pii.O sa I TOT.A,L FLOOR AREA .oz 0 ~~ . ..k:::::. Cone, $lt] ,11( 1.0 -1 ..__-I Rein, Cone, Skeleton ----9 Str, Sti,.Frame -=--1 Pre-Fab Metal --._.,-1 Tilt-Up INTERIOR WALLS& CEILING Stud Wood Metal ·Plaster .......c5'ryWall ~ FillerWall ___.:j ____ Curtain Wall I · Ace. Tile Celotex I Celled Plywood Solid Block Sound Proofed Lainin. -· Stucco __ Shakes Finished Unfin.i shed ·J . Morbi eerete 1: a· 0 1 ·''· · rick Veneer v Qp/ ~Sieling nlhf .f ·. Cone; ffconc. Blk. I . ~/,r,t;!J t=::-;:"'~:-:-__;.._ _ __;~ 1 l ~-Joist~. x.1Jlx~'b.C • . l ·3:· Miii_CarDeck 1 · · R-Conc, ..__ Elev, FLOOR CONSTRUCTION P artltians -_____ F I oar . Birch -~~Oak 1 . ··· Steel ~GLB, , Of l I I .=;;,.;;.;:=9~..;;.;;,;,;,.;~~~~""?'+-.;;....~ nvvv •. VMetal .· Do~rs Blt •• Up Wood . . Metcil Sosh ....;...!&~ Cartip; Sttsinitd ... · •. !( . .VCiititsh or -Palnttci · Uilfln. 2oMfttei .• ,J )' ··r'; r ,:;t. -~~ 2 3 .. 5 6 .. 7 8 9 tf q'" ·, .· .. ~ ·.·. r··::,-· ~L I. f ' T :."'. ....:....._...,--~~~-=...;;.....-__ ; ~-;:,. ____ ; __ .. _,_ .. __ ~---"--~~-~~~~:-:·~-~--~--::,· .• :~. --~-~~~--~ ... __ ;_~~·-~ ~ ~:~ -~·~-·~·-·-~~-,.· .... • ·~· ~~--~---. ~ .. ~-~ .I 11 \ .. ,, ~ ~) ' ' ··-·! 1. Dlr -:T 2. ADDITION ...;-t;.,.-ll ~ -~~~.l.\!b L<-"' ~ ·~~.!!..,., •• _i_L __ _ , SECTION TWP. N. RANGE EWM. ____ BLOCK_..J.___TRACT OR LOT N0·--.1....1.--------- DESCRIPTION LIMITS CODE NO. -~>::::_t \m PERMIT NO. 3. ADDRESS OF PROPE.fTY i:::J. .·A-W·C.·· ·<· _>=>tr,~e t • _ . CONTRACT PURCHASER 4. FEE OWNER R I f;:. [/·""?. "·------U."'o...~_:___:2_""':_L~ -------- 5. ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR ------- DATE 6. ORIG. BUILDING COST$ OCCUPIED BY T enant RENTAL PER MONTH$ 9 . ESTIMATED RENTAL PER MONTH$ ________ _ 7. CONDITION OF EXTERIOR 0'"'1(H'\ INTERIOR_2'~··' FOUNDATION Poor FLOOR PLAN •(': e p t • --------- 8. BUILDING· l ~~.~ .. .}~ .. Jl TILE~;'~ _JJ'<?RCHE~ "'· .. ,,, . .-.I 9. CORNER JOINTS BOXl~U .. DOWN SPOU~S SEWER CONNECTED ~---~- ) I • -1 ,>t J" ''~tO. FIRST FLOOR JOIST SIZE 2 X AND ~--INCH CENTERS BRIDGE0 __ __,.,_,.'-""·---- 1 1 .:' .. J'i':,' t-r_~ 9 ••• , ,. '" 1 , I _,, .. 'J,f' dt~ 11. t2. 13. 14. FIRST FLOOR JOIST SUPPORT COLUMN OR POST SIZE------~----· <1 •.• ,.,, .,,: ~"$ , _·:' 7 ,1, ./)T INTERIOR WALLS ~ ;·l·;~t P.-r Brd _3_ t:)<e.t.le-;- I / AM.n..p,-,'. FLOORS ~"'M·~ If:_·~ .c ,- ~h;J./oJ, I I FiRE PLACE ~·J J'. -8 INTERIOR TRIM ,._, ~:-·~ ~ ,.,)'h.J~- ~ c4 nf.~' PLUMBING ' a ,-r"' 1/VIl '-4. ATTIC ~\~;r: ~ HEATING ·~''";ri_.J BASEMENT '' .n . ,,, FOUNDATION ·' 4~· :;L.J)l ~ ... ·-.. ,- \,'•, ~ S '.; ~:.-v J.)- RooF .. -:.,·:': ~ t -~ EXTERIOR WALLS 'j EXTRA FEATURES honP I I --f·--"-· BUILT-INS Usu~- CONSTRUCTION --;=:"""c""',.;f i!.t?..t.<!JJ«c " . ..ed iu~ CEILING HEIGHT ·i-Flr 7 t CLASS OR GRADE NO. '":·h r:.C'k -~heaT: SHAPE NO. __ BUILDING FINISHED OR UNFINISHED Ftni s he d · DEPRECIATION: CONDITION 4 0 '!'o OBSLSE. 'fo ECON. SUIT or. TOTAL ~, b A Tt B UILT. ~ ... ;:9 REMODELED--~ EFFECTIVE AGE --~ YEARS FUTURE LIFE 12 YEARS LAND INFORMATION fl , SIZE X-----'-· •. 9 ']91_ GRADE_ On ___ FEET 2. s'fi:!EET ROAD 1.•-,:;l ~;.) SURFACE --:'arv ··., ALLEY C: · "ei . .... ' ., ~-;;;:;r- 3. SIDEWALK "':t"':'. • SEWERAGE '· ' WELL ~~ EL 4 ~NDSCA~!~G q ~atur•l c $.~0 D. _________ _ 5. TREND -' ·· VALUE OF LAND6 1 -~_1 p _~l::'"" ..:1 "''" ~ f .. v 6. USE OF DISTRICT --"· VIEW ~".). _,... \1 . 7 . RESIDENTIAL ·~---~ ~o1.\ ZONED R..-.M.~..: -i MAIN BUii..OING DIMENSION I -S~t_F..T~ ::-·x 2'"} ~ 7 X ";_:;_ 61-¥ j( >-,:.. J/ X/~ X I PCH. X PCH. X IMPROVEMEN"I' VALUE MAIN BUILDING OTHER BUILDINGS $ 2 ") ---~--$.~0 - -I ~~~ \ ~ 1 3 . , . .;;: II TOTAL. s.& 0 -·--- ,j•:: Q tf.,Jb • .s)ucac:-.~ ~ ' ~ ~~ !~ J-.;~1\ ---~ ~-,::_<'ii.<~--?.' AS!i'F<1SED _"A:UE_ !50'i'o $: .: •••"4'~ --------1-_ _ • . . _ ,_ .. ' ~. .>;.--_ •._:-:-• -~;, DATI!. L-.-._8 d:k72~ 1 \ 0 [ cl OWNER OR CONTRACT PURCHASER DATE ~!() fbt'.i;, 't3 .0-t . .,-;,_· ll_j, kV7(_ 0?-r;z 7-C._!/_ ·~ ;:/ a.~r""" __,__/ ;g,. rf-'~ 2-/.2-tt0 Pr.o~ _,.J "-'· .A ··-I{ ll-t ·-; V· ' ·-... j\,. ~ ~-• ~ .? \• I ' . } REMARKS ---~----- --- i RESIDO:NCE-KINQ COUNTY ASSESSOR-SltATTL.E. WASHINQTON ·-_J_ -__ 1;"1_ -- .__ VALUE FILE NO, PRICE MTGE. STAMP !6__SL/~l?3 ·1 bfoo. <5o fs¥tJ-.!)"/7 L'I-A .. ·,·! ,v "·; ''"'il ') ::i ~ ~t ~ . ~P'RATN Pft:INTJNG CO •• s•ATTI.• ~-·1-.. -'\': f,_ • . '!0. ·.r!l . ' FLOOR PLAN -;/. ....:....,._... •/ ~- FRONT ·l -~ t -~· I ' .. /0 '-=-1. .. , 11.1 z w 0 ... ~ 0 ., ., (!) it en w 0 Ill a: a: en u (!) w < w a: ~ en (} < Ill 0 ~ en z w < Ill ... 0 < z ... ~ 0 w' c ~ z ill -II:. Ill u dl It: < g !:I :J ,, en :1:1 C1 en Ul en < ~ en ..1 l: u ... 0 0 z w < .J ..1 < u en \ . I ,, r· t:i lJ· . z 0 w j: Cl u D. z w 3: <( Ul ... It: ' 0 0 ...... r-l 0 r 1 ci z ... 0 .J )( o( ... w 0 i 0 0 U'l U'l I 0 0 z .J kl u It: <( D. }> 0 ;a r-~-~-~-+--r-~-4-4--+~~~ 0 r ;a }> 0 z 0 0 "II }> 4-~-+--r-+-4-~-+--r-+-4--r-+ID ID 111 ID ID 111 0 < )> r c 4-~-+--r-~-4-4--+~f--~-4--r-+~ ~ 0 )> -1 111 ;a 111 )> Ul 0 z o · Itt' Oi ~ "' U1 "' ----<1 j ...... v U1 f\ v (' I c c (..; c i ~! ~~ : ) ' ------<~ .J • .~ 1 ... J ;u "' (D )> c Ill ;:: "' --~ z z Gl n ;u "' )> Ill "' Ul 0 ~J 5 0 r ~ C.v ~~ t\:1 ~ "II ;u ~ PI n1 ~· ~ ,II 1: . :~~= ··~ ~ 0 ·.;· Cl Ul ;. j·~~ . (/1 1'.1:: (I) c+ 11 0 In In "' en en "' 0 < ):o r c :J> -1 0 z c-.. ~ U'-, "' .. ~ \ . \. t . .,;_, ADDITION CA,I2 W'RKS' T:<> RP=/V/Otv ~ ~"Q stJtytn l 2 Twp "l-'7:. Rail&" -S" Ewm. Block l..L-.-1 Lot or ~; .J ;I "" J JJ ~ •• r ,/ ( . -ff'N/4N ~FOLIO Cj 77 ! j 1 I i i j, i l PERMIT NO. ------------__;TuLotL-.:..J ~t u(l '1 I 57 DATE k 2 ... ¢'Zc:._ I Addreea Ill MEA ;J-a;;;;-b..~-:-8 _v E -CJ . FeeOwner t!RCHtG (;~s1/,.;t/,.-::-" A.rohitect ,lfcRCl/IE; E( F /t t' Contractor CfWN£12 Condition of Exterior £ Interior c; Foundation '"'~'11 C.> Floor Plan: Goo ccept. 'Y. GoodL------- USE ROOJ' CONSTRUCTION , v p:x Ia h';;~o ~ Frame lAm. No. Stor<s Mill Construction FLOOR FINISHES Fir Oak Lino. §Maple a•x6•T&G a•x6•T&G '~I No. Rooms ---Rein. Con,;>r-e te,, l rtSVt, Basement ---No. Trll88ell "3 ---Cement C Til D L . PLUMBINQ • e tno . !--...-..---------- Baths q Fl .. n Walla ~ No. Fixtures ,___ " J.J/ '-/.7e' ~c~ It./ Sq. Ft. loom ___!__/.... Toileta ~ ~ s{rl:"1"..._,Pf';-'~Valls ___L_f!_ Tub, l.at or Pem. £-< £-< Lin. Ft. Dr. Bds. /if Basins, PM. __ 1"_1 No. 9ffia~l..P6'f'~~T.$ . Wood 0 Steel ___ Te~zo Sq. Ft Jloom _& No. A partments ROOFING MATEJUAL ---Raecolith g ] Sq. Ft. Walls ~Sinks Urioals Showers ~Stall) I rm. E12 rm. ~ 3 rm. -' Tar and Gravel ~ Tile fC, r d lA vS ;:s ~ Lin. Ft.fo'I(IW'r-i>r. Bds. I 4 rm. . 5 rm. D 6 rm. Or_, 8 u Or C:A g er:c BA l..-Kit's D Fl. D w~n. -----;61 Laundry TraY'! 0 TYPJ: OF CONSTRUCTION , _1_!:!_ H . W. TankFI. Drains " I F oPt'$ ) '7C -. _ r\il· 0 0 S prink. Sys. No._Hds. ~ ram ; Date Built ~ , ~-Finished · Unfi ni shed Remodeled KEATING _i:f_ Single [2J Double ~-... : ..... , __ • , :. . "'--.... .. . • ...,,...._._1 .;;-... -----.... .v ......... ~~ Ordinary Masonry_9~ C) Mill CoMtruction, Cla.ss A Rein. Con. Stru. Steel and Con. Tile a Brick --"-1 Con~IX.. Rein. Con. Good__,jL!Iled. ___ Cheap I<· FOUNDATIO~ p . Mud Sills · I ' . _, i ~;~~rz~r::r~. T . In I Hl·l,\ f'r ~j~~,,,,,, ~L H'·~~'·''· ~·A ·:{ .;~ {~ ~~~:tl~i: ·~-·' --- _x._ .. --- )I Year "- Stove P i peless Furnace Gravity H. A. Al,el., AI~ Air Cond., HOi • , -c .. ,.,:e. v~ ''. Suspended Gas, Hot Water Steam Heat Hot Water Oil Burner A.asessed V&lue i . ~ J_ Po5t and Pier Brick Concrete Pile j}L~ .. ~d .~ ~.,;ff~:·l~~;:, ~~t~t};!;_;~:~, ,. '-· ~·· ----.f~····'':"'· . ~ i~tJ so J.t.f'&'-~z ~~~ 2-p o .--1fe-ib1 ? I ... ~c., ti-CJO .... ,:.- ·I;..~ ... ~;. ,.)' ,_ -. .. --~ ..... _ .. .,...... ·--~ .. ...,-_J BASJ:MENT /Yo ;. Full '0% \ t Sub-Basement Tm•, uc, L"T ~ ZLEVATORO """"" .uro '""'' wmmo Size bl· I i\' Ly.F)tl, r:'>'Jf..-P8B8 . 0 Freight __ Treated Piles, Timb __ K. nob & Tube Gar&&e 0 No. Cam __ __ Auto. B Elec. __ · Untreated _ 1 _ Flex . Cable -------·Noom __ __ Man. Hyd. __ Treated Piles only __!!,_ Conduit · ~::~:0:8 1==== -H-o-ists : E lec._Hyd.i_===-_= 0 M.. ~-=·-==---=~ ::::-'-'' 1='·· __ ·~._-_-. ----~ ::~:u::: :XTERIOR WALL CONST. I Single [2] Double --;(' 2* x 4• Stud Walls ~">o 2" x 6• Stud Walls Brick Walls Brick with Pilastel'8 /J I-k' __:;L.I Concret:, Walls9 ~ • Con. wi1:h Pilasters Tile Walls Rein . Con. Skel. _____ Filler Walls Laminated WaliA INTERIOR WALLS _J_ --i Stud and Plaster Lam. 0 Plastel'l'd ~ Plywood 4 Ceiled ~ Plaster Board "' Painted ~ Stain 0 Varniah~ Kalsomine .~ Unfinished ff. ........ Whitewashed C. H. B 1... 2 ,_f_l 5 -----,----'--- GROUND FLOOR AREA TOTAL FLOOR AREA "' /0/!'l" ... (, • .~-~: ...... ! . I I vJ m\'1 , ffP ffP . ff.t'. itPJ -+:Zf'IJ2. ~ ~ ~ p~ 1 l "'-~'."'" / . 8AI-C. ~. _ _ ·--· . "< fJLK /!!!!!..,..--,=-;-~~----I I I G ... 4 .... IJl i'!i'lri j 1 F;:! , CA.e0 5'N '/ f;:l $L£t-'J'J N C, n ~, , EXTERIOR FJ.CING INTERIOR TRIM 1 . ·-·1 VN17$' '·" ,,__ . 8 : !)b"'}o 11 ofk:;f Sidid'r\L-0 Shingles --1 Fir '• '\ 1J1 ~i.LF :o · Shakes ~ St'uoco __::i_ Mah. . Oak 4o A/ t:bo{C r.l .. t::. .. •· Brick Yoneer Stone. .Kind 0 CastS. -l Terra Cotta Metal Wool) Doom /lL..GI/Yf Windowa Stained __ , Struc. Glass 5 P. V 1~1 Varnished C <7 N c. /?, {..Jo( .'Frim Painted FLOOR CONSTRUCTION Unfinished Joiot Con. Si.ae '1.--x / 0 ;:,zo .c I L In Bridg_(] __ l I ----' :Mill Construction $'L A 4 ReiD. Con. / $" ;--- Other Buildinp Construction Floor Roof 10 111- 12 -- 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Stories ~<- r_o t¥-g,IL"""~" ~~-· ~ 1·d L ... , __ 10/ ~.., ,, ·~;I( D tf=lj f I 1rf vj I. fjo'-'1" DimensiOns S. F. Area I Factor Value __ .. .,_, . -----+I ~/cl fi; ;·:~ I~ .Jl$1 Ft.J? I ' I!<>N&. ). I ! /)<-~ol I WA•v .._I SJ.UP1 N~l;V 't VNtrr L 2." ~ % Dep. I Depree. ~ t 14,0 '1-;;!.. ~--~ ,,f ?)1 ..,..,..,...., Net Value •. Garage I I l~==l=:j :==l=:j s ! I .I .. ·. · I . I I · I=:=:::J==±:=J ~=:] :=j :..__ SM 2·Gf -4.c~,?'· ·--:.o· •• .,.-.. ~ ( . \_) I .._,. . .,.··. ,.• ( -~~-,-~T-2. ADDITION . ' ,, ~ ,.. ,., ·" f·· '" + ~ SECTION TWP. N. RANGE EWM. BLOCK '! TRACT OR LOT NO. CL2 ,.. 1.3 'i" /t/f -~·-·· LIMITS CODE NO. Qntcll PERMIT NO. DATE 8. BUILDING 1 .Z.~:·: .. J :. 1 J t ,_" '", ~ ~~· o~-::-·~ :~ 5 ls~ i'loor INTERIOR WALLS DESCRIPTION 1ms 1 2 s.-1 3 & pon J,a r 14 LY NLY OF LN....Bm_AT PT 18' s oF EE COR TH . -~--' ·· · --·· 1rl 13 t TH s 0°18 ~QQtl 'Vl 6' TH s 82°lL t 50 11 w 30.30 I TC 1rJ' . ....:L=N~-------- 3. ADDRESS OF PROPij;STY 117 L,.ea:d O ii 4. FEE OWNER~_;:h ~-•' (' ;_· .... ,,;, '-' • CONTRACT PURCHASER: _____________________________________ _ _ __li:::__ ; .. ''-,:--;:;, s~11 5. ARCHITECT------------------------------------------__________ CONTRACTOR: ____________ _ 6. ORIG. BUILDING COST$ OCCUPIED J3Y· '-' :t.J RENTAL PER MONTH $~------ESTIMATED RENTAL PER MONTH $~0 __ 7. CONDITION OF EXTERIOR Goc,(] INTERIOR Fa ~ r FOUNDATION __ C!~c:-;1 FLOOR PLAN_.:'::_~~...:•:_. ____ _ TILE WORK L:)n e ATTIC PORCHES 2 -1 Story 9. CORNER JOINTS "' • (' ~.cJ D OWN SPO!nll SEWER CONNECTED ___ ...:·:..:1.::.·_:-:---- FIRST FLOo-A'L.'sT SIZ~--.AND f~4 _fNCh CENTERS BRIDGED ~Z t • 10. 11. 12. f'F ': I· ' FI ~S ~FLOOR J Gf$T~~RT ~OLUMN OR POST SIZE '}X· c tj<Ss oR GRADE NO ~-,., ' €· ,., · · SHAPE NO .... _ .. _______ _ NG Ftr~ISHED OR~licNFINISHED .... ~. Q"' • ="1 ~ ... ·-. /0 ION:a CONDITIO~ M~~· OBSLSE. ... ECON. SUIT __ . __ '.Io.·TP.TAL ., ) ~t:{ATE BUlL T ''21.3 ~~REMODELED 1 ~;'S~ • 5 ::ei ·: ed .• Jbi--:- ~ EFFE !j<t~E AGE "-c'(.t~AE~ FUTURE LIFE l_i: YEARS -/jd -"I ( ::( C {;""-,. 1 LAND ~NFORMATION <, ,_ FLOORS -:-; ~~.: ., .. . • .,J,' FIRE PLACE ~~ )1~··~ INTERIOR TRIM -: 'L: PLUMBING · ,.:·-;,.~ ~.:....:. ~~-:S 1 ~' . ~E .... '. ,.: ~ .... ,:.~: ' ' .: -~ .. l. ·~·i-:> ., -.. ·U .. -~-1 r ... ~J --~- ~-'"·',t"t '.t..Y J1 ' OTHER BUILDINGS -- GARAGE -~~ .... 0 H ~·,~· .:.:L....~~·F 'l:r'~_c,-€ BASEMENT 6 61 -•.. 1'~ .. -.... --~-·~,..n :-1 '[ • ~f A t -~~ -~"::;" "" ,...,.. ... _,. .. l'~"~-) r FOUNDATION ROOF !:, EXTERIOR "WALLS ~ ~[ CONSTRUCTION ..,..~!~.;1 ..,;.- .-1'·~t ~ o--== c OWNER OR CONTRACT PURCHASER . ·'.:""' / :~ .. -.l ~..., -a --. p ... ~ ...-"' ., l//#1/P..-nd#. PI~ 99C- ~-~1-4:~ , .(_' c .'A ), <! . I I ~IZE_ X TbPo1iRAPHY ; C 'c (,; ~· s~=::r ROAD '}ra d >-\ 7 uRFAcE Gr " v el 3. SIDEW'P,>-i!'K ":: J r • SEWERAGE ___ (~9t. !3r WELL ELECT. PUMP ___________ _ GRADE. ~'f. ALLEY '\' _ ____ FEET CEILING HEIGHT ~NDS ~IN'(; ~,·:,..;r: • ;-hn,<;~S (;' .COND. ' ,,, END +\('" • I\ ' VALUE OF LAN D --C~ -~dr ,r;1· "' E OF DISTR ~~ R -"cj 1 en ~,!Pl /"'\ VIEW ?• r t ;_ • -:~ "1 .. .l..J. " . 7. RESIDENTIAL \. ••0 (1 ~.:.... /f'""5 ZONED _____________ _ FLOOR ! -~..,..,..a. ,·~ ! 1~~ DATE I . .·, I,P./8'·~i9 .. REMARKS ~' (( ----- ROOF STY. DIMENSION AREA VALUE .·.~ , ' ~ ~ •; r"Jt-'Q -•• X-.. -$--· ,...l:J.4-<>• . , ~ l X l~ ... t-•,. :-:--.,.--.... :.:.;.; . ... -~ X X X 4 3 , FILE NO. PRICE MTGE. STAMP ( . ?:·.·. . ~i 6--L'J$'7?~ 31'/7~4/<7 ~ I I I :~ . ! ~I ~ . ~ " 'I ! ' i ~. MAIN BUILDING DIMENSION SQ. FT. AREA ·---26 X ·::1 ·"i X X ~-I 8 x f.J 6 I h ~~.~~ '"x 1~ I IMPROVEMENT 1V~LUIE ;'\. .. MAIN BUILDING $~' ":. P OTHER BUILDINGS $'·"• '.-·-----"---- TOTAL $~ ~ <Jfc-cL 0 ASSESSED VALUE !SO'!'o $-~' ,; /. ) ~"!Jc.' . l .. ~-· ,-.._ -·-.$"'f#,. FLOOR PLAN ltJ'~. 1/ • I . :{ ·~ ' I ... RKMARK& ___________________________________________________________________________ ~------------- I· ·'I i .}.'. 11 r:::::::···~r · . . . . . . It!. .(? . . .• t, . : : : : : ~ : : : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I, :P.cq : RESIDENCE-KIN<i COU>!Tv ASSESSOR-· SIATTI.JI. WASHIN<iTO" ~P'RATM ,.RIWTIMG CO •• SKATTLI l"ftONT SECTION L '"4 1'7 T'fiP 23 N RANGE ~· E TAX LOT NO. ___ _ PARCEL NO., ____ _ I \) 0 LAND CLASSIFICATION AND S E GRE GATION SCALE OUE Ulc;;W 100 IL&:IOT TO a!~ ABRES eft f!30 P'EET THIS SQUARE: INDICATES 2'.2 ACRES AERIAL PHOTO _____ _ / &/7( -;;>J~(~ QUARTER MAP _____ _ PLAT MAP v:.!....: ~~ ...,o. s~~·? Archie ·a. Gustine 1 30 Logan St. Rp.to~ l ash. 0060 vf2''to-i4 --~r 0751 1"3523~ 0060• CAR iVORKS ADD TO RENtoN Lots 12. 13 & por Lot 14 ly Nly of ln beg at pt ts• S ot NE cor th S 89°49'20" W 73• th S 0° Ls•oo• w o• th s 82°14·'5o• 1 30.30' to -... ,. r, ln ~. 1 \ ' .. ""',.,.__,_ "t'"---·~· ~-· ~-g_~/1~/5 o9RCIJI7' lo5~10Jc OOO(J/ 6l 61 e1 e1 61 e1 e1 61 61 61 61 61 61 1 .&,&.61 61 6/9 0-0900-0£l~€l*OB~Z~ 1 00if 9£ s 0919 1 T TL- (?tp-o C-.<f5 '-<J-.>I-F Ob t: I c/ oo (.;;hi o~:,_ Of: g '961 ...-vVtY )r (;7 y _;:;'?~"]--I ()pi ~~ Q-c; 0 (.>;! 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U!-0 (J ~~ ;,~: lt RVI150-18 (DATA ENTRY: RVI100-J) C/1 DATA COLLECTION AND DISPLAY FORM LOG/DATE: DS2 03/27/96 ( 1 00) ACCOUNT NO: 135230-0060-0 FOLIO: 90977-- LEVY CODE: 2100 LAST UPDATE: 03/27/96 BY: RBR TAX STATUS: TAXABLE Q/SC/TW/RG: NW/17/23/05 APPR ID: MO DA YR AREA: 530 RENTON 1 __ 1 __ 1_=7-- LAND USE: 1 61 PROP NAME: DON & LISA MOTEL HOTEL/MOTEL TO ( 1 05) PROPERTY ADDRESS: 111 MEADOW AV N ( 1 1 0) RB NUM FR PR --STREET-NAME_______ TY su (112)+++++++++++++++++++ COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL LAND RECORD+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ZONING JURIS/ ZONE ACTUAL/ ZONE CODE/ LOT SIZE/ UNIT/S_A __ _ CORNER LOT/Y-N WATERFRONT ON/- RENTON CA RES COMML 14,454.00 SQFT NO NONE % USABLE/ 100 TOPOGRAPHY/ LEVEL SHAPE/ -IRREGULAR ACCESS/ STANDARD VISUAL EXPOSURE/_ STANDARD OPEN SPACE CLASS. NO RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS/Y_N_ NO CONTAMINATED PROP NO HW HC UT AS NO (335)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PERMIT ACTIVITY +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ACT BLDG: TYPE PERMIT DATE ADD __ ! __ ! __ VALUE % COMPLETE % % % ---% % ---% % (510)++DEL ALL BLDGS I /+++++++PROPERTY WIDE IMPROVEMENTS SUMMARY++++++++++++++++ DESC: MOTEL YEAR BLT/ ___ 62--CLASS/ ___________ FRAME EFF YEAR/--62 QUAL/ --AVERAGE LOT COVERAGE/ . --4,447 ~UMBER OF UNITS/___ 20 TOTAL BLDGS ON PROPERTY/ GROSS AREA (ALL BLDGS)/ -- NET AREA (ALL BLDGS)/ ------ MULTI-USE/Y N ------ MULTI-PARCEL PROP/Y N " 2 8,894 8,894 NO NO (500)+++++++++++++++++++++ INDIVIDUAL BUILDING DETAILS+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3LD CL QU DESCRIPTION WM AS AL #1 D C MOTEL BLDG #l NU ST 2 #2 D #3 #4 c MOTEL-BLDG-#2--------------------2 GROSS AREA 6,866 -2~628 NET AREA 6,866 -2~628 ------ ------ % HE SP YB/EY CMP AT KL 62 62 100 cc N I 66 66 100 cc N __ ! __ N __ ! __ N I [52o)++++++++++++++++++++++++-INTERI6R-SECTI6N DETAILs +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ·-----SECT 1 -------------SECT 2 -------------SECT 3 -------------SECT 4 ------- iLD# AREA STR-HT AREA STR-HT AREA STR-HT AREA STR-HT 6,866 8 B01-MOTEL -2~628 B01-MOTEL 8/ __ I I I ------ ------ -------- ------ I I I I I I I I I I I I 589)+++++++++++++++++++++ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENT SUMMARY++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ACT ENT DESCRIPTION ACT ENT DESCRIPTION I (l) I I (2) 160)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ COMMENTS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ,.( )005 r ~VIl50-3 (DATA ENTRY: RVIl00-5) C/1 PROPERTY VALUE SUMMARY RECORD : 530 10/04/97 LOG/DATE STATUS BLDG.CNT COMP.TYPE : :CUR~ENT 10/04/97 02 0 CNDO/TWN H: ~·: ACT I ON CODE 1. COST COMP WITHOUT COMP SHEET 2. COST COMP WITH COMP SHEET 3. FINAL VALUE/DATA UPDATE 4. REVIEW WITHOUT VALUE CHANGE ACCOUNT NO. FOLIO NO. SEC-TWN-RNG AREA LEVY CODE TAX STATUS 135230-0060-0 /. 90977-- NW-17-23-05 530 2100 TAXABLE 5. REVIEW WITH VALUE CHANGE X 6. NO VALUE CHANGE, MOVE TO STATIC f 0 .9~ ::JC!c:> * 150 *REVIEW STATUS MAINTENANCE REVALUE,POST TO ROLL * 130 * VALUE SUMMARY LAND CONTROL VAL 000453600 SEQ 01 __ _ RLYR ROLL 115700 IMP 337900 98 07/25/97 CO#: TOTAL DATE LAST 1 1 5 700 337900 453600 06/30/97 APR RVR * APPEAL ACTIVITY TYPE APLT RY ENT.DATE PET.NO. PENDING : 83 07/22/80 208654 LAST . PET#: 85 02/01/84 CO#: 077777 * 335 * BU)LDING PERMIT ACTIVITY BLDG: TYPE DO PERMIT DATE I I VALUE CC RCN * 504 *BUILDING VALUE SUMMARY BLDG DESCRIPTION 01 MOTEL BLDG #1 ACT COST SOURCE ACT TREND : CC RCN BLDG DESCRIPTION 02 MOTEL BLDG #2 ACT COST SOURCE ACT TREND : CC RCN EFF YR: 62 COND : 00 OBSOL : 30 COMPL : 00 $155920 EFF YR: 66 COND : 00 OBSOL : 00 COMPL : 00 FROM TO % % --% % % --% ~ 504 * ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENT VALUE SUM ARY :NT. TYPE ACT.COST SR RCN 72-PAVEMENT I I I I LAND 41200 41200 0 % COMPLETE CC-RCNLD : OTH RCN MARKET INCOME OTH RCNLD: CC-RCNLD OTH RCN MARKET INCOME OTH RCNLD: CC-RCNLD : EFYR COND 7 201 1-CONCRETE $796 62 00% % >471 r % \} C/1 REVALUE TYPE APR RVR I GFA NEW CONSTRUCTION IMP. 251700 202400 0 TOTAL 292900 243600 VALUE METHOD $_$194266 ___ 5-- ~------------ $77492 $~============ $ ___________ --- RCNLD $199 $ ~============ $_===========- VALUE -------- * * * '*JOB RVIlOO C/I PARCEL VALUE ANALYSIS WORKSHEET PARCEL NO: 135230-0060-0 RPT RVI150-20 PRINTED ON: 12/08/90 PROP NAME: DON & LISA MOTEL PROP ADOR: 111 MEADOW AV CLA SS: FRAME QUAL: AVERAGE YR-8 LT/EFF-YR: 62/62 :STY: 99 :UNITS: GBA/NRA: 6,866 I 6,866 AVG-UNIT-SIZE: * * * * * * * ECONOMIC INCOME * * * * * * * * * * * USE AREA RATE GROSS VCL EXP NET INC * -------- --------$ __ _.... ___ -----------------* ----------------$______ --------* ________ ..,. ----------------- $ __________ ....,.. _____ _ --------* --------------·--$_____ ---------..... ~-__ ..., _____ ....,.* ----------------$_____ ------------------~-* ----------------$-~-------------------------· * * * * ECONOMIC INCOME APPROACH* * * * * * * * * * FOL I 0: 90977-- Q~S-T-R: NW-17-23-05 N AREA: 530 LUC: 161 TAX STATUS: TAXABLE LOG/DATE: 530 12/08/90 SEG-MERGE DATE: * * * COST APPROACH * * * * OCCt:JYl~'['5:_~--CLJ2 RANK_k ::STY J: STY .. HT 1.: EFF AGE./_cfl.lf HEAT __ ELEV __ SPR ___ :-..;i--- AREA~ i-:.._1Y.1 ... ~-----PERim!J-_1_ MlSC ___ CODE ____________ SF ___ CODE ____________ SF ___ CODE ---------~--SF NET INCOME ------------* ACCY :IMPS AREA COST DEP RCNLO LESS PER. PROP. INCOME ------------* LESS LAND INCOME ------~-----* ____________ X( ____ + ____ ) = ------------* ----------- LA ND VALUE INT + TAX NET I MPROVEMENT INCOME CAPITALIZATION RATE . * --------------. * __ ...,.________ -------- ------~---~ -~----------+ +. = * ------------------------------. . . l. t INT + TAX + RECAP * M&S BASE J-~~~R _y~~-~o ______ ------ CAPITALIZED IMP• VALUE ------------* HEAT ------------------------ LAND VALUE ------------* SPRINKLER ------------------------ EXCESS LANO/AOO LAND ------------* ELEVATOR ------------ ------------ TOTAL BY INCOME APPROACH $------~-----* TOT BASE fi.P.J.lL~ Jl_!.i..'t.9 ------ ------ * * * * OTHER VALUE NET INC! )/( GR INC ( )l( UNITS( )X( GBA ( 6,866)X( = $ _________ /SF * STY FACT --=--___ -=:.,_ -------------* HGT ·FACT ---=-___ :::_ ------------ INDICATORS* * * * * * AREA FACT _..LIIJ..?:l. ... -11'2.7. ------------ )OAR=----------•:-REF COST __ -:,.·_-__ --=~------------- ) GRM=----------* COST MULT -L'-ttl __ [J~_L_ ------------ )$/UNIT=----·-----* LCL MULT .· _lL.lt2-~-2------------- )$/Sf=----------* F lNAL COST JL1~ _'1.1.~.n _____ .... ------ )$/.SF=-----------* S'~~BLDG jR.EA FIN COST.· RCN-BLOG:H LAND* *' •• * • * * • * L¥-~..k.--:t't.l2 ___ IJ.J-_'./1. ... J.:fo_5_ 1_']_ $/SF VALUE * J:fi!"_/!_!..;__ .:J...!tJ:l. .... _'1.1~~..:£-_[£j>_]'"_-z_"2_ RA ( 6.866)X( >!< .:< :;(<. ~:< * • ._.., • .:c ZONE/TYPE AREA :.$___________ (c -------------~-----------------------------------~----='-------~~-• -----------------------------------------~ ----------~-----=$--~-------* SUB TOTAL -~1-~:t~77 TOTAL 10334.00SF _eL-2-A =$--4:~:1.Q_Q * PHYSICAL DEPRECIATION ____ :__:__t.,:r_ RATIOS: (Sf LANO)/{Sf GSA)= 1.5 JJc ECON-FUNCT OBSOLESCENCE -------?==-- (SF LANO)/(SF RA) = 1.5 * DEPRECIATED IMP VALUE _l~(,._..,_p_E_ * * * * * ~L';t.TEO VA~UE* * * * *;_t * * * ACCESSORY IMPSCSEE ABOVE)_ -------~- APPRAISER _ 2 !}__ LAND $ --rk-;k __ JP_Q_ * TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS _T9:Jc_-:J_t.J.SJ.._ DAT E _LL:l.L t.J... IMPS $ _ _,_j_"'k_"J:.f:)_Q-_ * LAND __ .f'_-z,. ... "]_tJ.._Q_ . . TOTAL ' $ _Jz."};Z_}L!J_J2._ * TOTAL BY , COST APPROACH ·. 7 j.::Z-:$.._li;_O_ =$ __________ /UidT OR =$..__lt!2~J_)_ __ ISF * =$_!:/J2.~./J ____ ISF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SALES & COMPARABLE$ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PARCEL :; E-NUMBER SAJ..J S PRICE VC ~ QATE $/RA Rf;MARKS ------------'P!J!:I.JL':l.Y _-:J:f:lO.RJ' __ .... -~ J.J£1/::J __ 'l.zt.~L-"':..Z::1.P~_f.J_yi~L--r'..f __ IJ_l:_L:..S:=.._ ~------------...-----------------------.-.-------·-----------------------~------~ -------------------------~------------~-------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------______________________ .,.. _____ _ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * APPEAL ACTIVITY * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * PETITION CHG ORDER DATE FROM-LANO TO-LAND FROM-IMPS TO-IMPS -077777 02/01/84 41200 41200 251700 202400 OTHER APPEALS: 208654 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *COMMENTS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * --~L~L~ __ ,;_;_i!__?__J::1.~_:t:G:_.b. ________________________________________________ _ __ l.Y __ fL.!:f.J_r:.J:.._fP_•::t.. __ r::liLi __ .f!j~_'J::_C:.!kJ:--________________________________________ _ --~.!:_flfk&_f-.!l.zC..if:d.J.:r_!J2~_/:!.~l!s.L!:t.:C.-!J: _____________________________________ _ _ i!_l!.!_&._..t:..'!..~ .. l..)r;: .. C_L_t;.t.:::r:.. ______ _: ________________________________________________ _ -----------~----~-------------------------------------------------------~------__________________________ .._. _______________________________ .,. ______________________ _ ____________________ .... ....,_____ 1 .:-.::.-..-.----------------------·'"-'• i/-------------------------- i469 JOB RVIlOO C/I PARCEL VALUE ANALYSIS WORKSHEET PARCEL NO: 135230-0060-0 RPT RVIlS0-20 PRINTED ON: 12/02/89 FOLIO: 90977-- PROP NAME: DON & LISA MOTEL Q-S-T-R: NW-17-23-05 PROP ADDR: 00111 MEADOW AV N AREA: 530 LUC: 161 CLASS/QUAL: FRAME/ AVERAGE CONDITION: -----TAX STATUS: TAXABLE LOG/DATE: 530 12/02/89 SEG-MERG DATE: YR-BLT/EFF-YR: 62/62 #STY: #UNITS: GBA/RA: 6,866/ 6,866 AVG-UNIT~SIZE: ,;c ,:C >:c * * * * INCOME APPROACH * AREA RATE GROSS VCL * * • * * + * * * * * COST APPROACH * * * * * * USE EXP NET INC* OCCUP~ --~ CLASS __ RANK --- -------* ~STY ------STYHT -----EFF AGE --- HEAT ----ELEV(Y/N) _ SPR(Y/N) _ -----------·-* -------* AREA _ _ _ _ ___ PERIM ____ _ _ ...... __ _ -------* MISC: ____ CODE _____________ .... ___ SF ACTUAL ECONOMIC NET INCOME _____ _ LESS PP INC _____ _ LESS LAND INC _____ _ ( }X( + LAND VAL INT + NET IMP INC CAP RATE ( )+( )+( ) INT + TAX + RECAP CAP IMP VAL LAND VALUE EXCESS LAND TOT-INC APPR OTHER VALUE INDICATORS: )X( )/( TAX )GRM=_ )OAR=_ GR INC ( NET INC( UNITS( GBA ( RA ( LAND: )$/UNIT=_ ) .$/SF=~ )$/SF=_ SQFT }X( 6,866JX{ 6,866)X{ 10,334.00 (SF LAND)/(SF RATIO: GBA) = SELECTED VALUE: LAND:_ ) . 1.505 /_o_o _ IMPS:_ -~\~Q-~ TOTAL:_ -~1_().99 fl _ APPR: IIL't/.,DATE: L-_?;P ... :<? SALES: ::>ARCEU: E-NUMBER SALE PRICE lPPEAL ACTIVITY: JETITION CHG ORDER DATE -077777 02/01/84 :OMMENTS:_ _ frl c 'f1!:<.. --' - DATE FROM-LAND 41200 ):< _ ___ CODE _________________ SF * ---~CODE ____ ..., ... ___________ SF • >:C ACCY-IMPS AREA COST ~(- • :(c >:< -----* BASE * HEAT * SPRINK * ELEV * TOT BASE ------* STY FACT ------* HGT FACT ------* AREA FACT ------* REF COST ------* COST MULl ------* LCL MULT ------* FIN COST ------ ):( ---·--- * STY AREA FIN COST RCNLO•BL0-1 ~:c * * .11) -------* SUB TOTAL(RCN) * PHYSICAL DEPRECIATION * ECON DR FUNCT OBSOLESENCE * DEPRECIATION COST(RCNLO) * ACCESSORY IMPSCSEE ABOVE) * TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS * LAND ___ _ * TOTAL BY COST APPROACH _ -----* * • • • • • • * • • * • * • ~:<. >!c • • * PRICE/GSA PRICE/NRA L/8-SF REM TO-LAND FROM-IMPS 41200 251700 OTHER APPEALS: TO-IMPS 202400 208654 : -_-f'9. L1 f.Jl -F:<; :S{ f 1J. tJ _1111 ~-_ J)/!lt~?ef:.. - - -sere.:--":" 4 ~-:~ .... --F~t 72..-7/)~-- - - - -- - -:IJ? ()_ --~~ -Y. -~I l .JJ - --------------·-------- l420l J FOLIO NO. f._. tf t 7 PARCEL NO. /30.30 -t::XJ9 CLASS/QUAL. I M-S PA8E STORY/HeT. YR. BLT. CONDIT I Ott PERIN. E. Y./REL. I NO. UNITS I A . U. S. I AREA INCOME APPROACH COST APPROACH USE AREA RATE GROSS VCL EXP NET lUBE HEAT SPRINK ELEV. ACTUAL ECONOMIC ANNUAL POTENTIAL GROSS LESS VAC. AND CL . EFFECTIVE GROSS TOTAL BASE MISC. INCOt:tE STY. FAC . LESS EXPENSES HGT. FAC. ANN . NET INCOME AREA FAC. LESS INCOME INCOME TO P. P. REF. COST LESS INCOME TO LAND COST MUL . ( ) X( + ) LOCAL IIIUL. LAND VALUE INT. TAX FIN . COST NET INCOME TO IMPS. CAI'ITALIZED AT STORIES AREA FIN. COST RCN BLDI. I ( l + I 1 + I j INT. TAX RECAP. CAPITALIZED IMP. VALUE LAND VALUE EXCESS LAND SUBTOTAL (RCN) TOTAL BY INCOME AP'PRO ACH PHYSICAL DEPREC. ECON . OR FUNCT. OBSOL. OTHER VALUE INDICATORS DEP. COST ( RCNLD .) NET INC . ( )+ ( ) OAR • ACC . IMPS. (SEE BELOW) GROSS INC. ( ) X ( ) GRill. • TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS NO. UNITS ( {~ ) X ( fq'~Q)/UNIT • "2..'7"::3000 LAND AREA I ) X ( ) $/SF • TOTAL BY COST APPROACH DATE COSTED TO • LAND CALC. • ACC . IMPS. AREA COST DEP. SELECTED VALUE LAND • b~o IMPS • ~>tt0() APPR . /116/t_ TOTAL : ~ l../ (./-/Jt"J DATE .?(-/Cj -?r:.. TOTAL -- ---- ---- ------------------ COMPARABLE SALES E NO. AMOUNT DATE DETAILS/ REMARKS I 2 3 4 -- COMMENTS• see_ #-_QQ_~s-__ Pd_!(_ C-dt'1Jt5 -~-_Ca-S7 l+t~lf!a/k:. // / J.b N 1-t ~A /'Yl 0 re-_c_ ..,( t:\ u ",-r-' -1-.iJ..l·l/1 -_)_ . N ~ f v . I '=-· r..;r ~ )if (.//(jtJ:$ OAJ r lfl~ SSESSORS FORM AP 66 ~/J1P-C,f3(_ - RCN BLD8. 2 I I RCNLD --?: ~9 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RECORD PRINCIPAL BUILDINGS / 1 -IDENT1Fif":6THW I ~VEH(CLE 1~ ' 0-.. 'n ~ . ) ~~~:ATOR MAJOR "'-"""' ~-- MINOR ' () SPLIT BLDG.NO. I 2-PROPERTY o;:;-"":'-:"'=~~---------------1 QUALIT' ~XTERIOR STAIRS I,..A1·':: FIRE PLACES 1-WOOD 3-STEEL CONCRETE 2-RECORDS 1-CASH I~-BANK VAULT DOORS 2-CONCRETE 4-STEEL THICKNESS MEASUREMENTS TYPE QUALITY (ACE) TYPE QUALITY I (INCHES) (HEIGHT, WIDTH) FLIGHTS I (ACE) NUMBER D r__; 7 7 lACE) NUMBER FOLIO ""'-7 SUBLETTER~SUBNUMBER___ I "' I I I TOTAL BLDGS. ___ LAST SALE DATE ___ AMOUNT I I I I I I.A2 BANK ACCESSORIES ADDRESS // ,! ,y'(V~__f...,. / l I I 1 1 ] 2 DRIVE·IN WINDOW J-NIUH I DEPOSITORY AREA .., ~-)f-FLOOR ADJUSTMENTS ADDITION-,--------:::---------=----TYPE QUALITY lACE) NUMBER f) I ~ .r '2. c-1 -CONCRETE ON GRADE SHELLS 3-CONCRETE & STEEL (SHELLS 3 & 4) OUARTER_"""-... __ SECTION ___ TOWNSHIP __ ,_ .)·RANGE~ 2-WOOD (SHELLS 1, 2, & 11) BLOCK I LOT -~ TAXLOT ___ TRACT ___ ~~~:;~==~~~~,--~~M~EA~S~U~R~EM::EN~T~S::~~r--~--l--------1~--------1--------~ --r-TYPE (LENGTH, WIDTH) 4-REINFORCED CONCRETE !SHELLS 5 & 101 DESCRIPTION I I I I I I 23 HEATING & COOLING I FEE OWNER 3-LAND 1-At'l HW UH::; I tAM 12-COM'L CENTRAL COOLING 2-APT FHA 13--COM'L PACKAGE COOLING 3--APT UNIT HEATERS 14-INO CENTRAL COOLING 1759-U 4-COM'L HW OR STEAM 15-IND PACKAGE COOLING 5--COM'L FHA 16-APT CENTRAL COMB 6-COM'L UNIT HEATERS 17-APT PACKAGE COMB ZONE ACTUA~CONFORMITY l HIGHEST & BEST USE.L 7-IND HW OR STEAM 18-COM'L CENTRAL COMB B--IND FHA 19-COM'L PACKAGE COMB 9-IND UNIT HEATERS 20--IND CENTRAL COMB LOT WIDTH FF VALUE LOT ACRE _____ t----1.---"---..1...----------"-----1 13-BALCONIES 10--APT CENTRAL COOLING 21-IND PACKAGE COMB LOT DEPTH ACR~-L~ 11-APTPACKAGECOOLING l g 1l 2-CONCRETE STANDARD WIDTH---LOT SF " 2 MEASUREMENTS STANDARD DEPTH SF VAL~~·,2 fi(JsiTE VALUE ~~~~UT~~~~~~~) (FLOQRS, LENGTH, WIDTH) AREA 4-BUILDING CLASSIFICATION PREDOMINANT SHELL TYPE PREDOMINANT USE TYPE LIGHT WOOD m APARTMENT HEAVY TIMBER HOTEL OR MOTEL LOAD BEARING MASONRY 3 OFFICE STEEL (NOT FIREPROOFED) 4 COMMERCIAL ~ ; FIRE RESISTANT 5 INDUSTRIAL Vl N PRE ENG (GALVANIZED STEEL) SERVICE STATI~~lR \ ~ SPECIAL TV TYPE'\ t:~ PRE-ENG (ENAMELED STEEL OR ALUMINUM) ~ ~ PRE-ENG (INSULATED SANDWICH PANELS) ' OBSOLESCENCE SERVICE STATION OR SPECIALTY BLDG. ~ YEAR BUILT m~ OVERAL OUALIT~ EFFECTIVE YEAR 19 ~ ~ HIGH '30 %"" B ABOVE AVERAGE ---AVERAGE TOTAL NET CONDITION ___ % D BELOW AVERAGE PERCENT COMPLETF % E LOW ~ 5-STRUCTURAL SHELL SECTIONS <7.1L ~.5q ~ '- 1 -STEEL ~-FLOOR GRATING 2-ALUMINUM 3-PLASTIC ~_:'NO BOILER I ONLY FOR HEAT. TYPES 1, 4, OR 7 TYPE MEASUREMENTS (LENGTH, WIDTH) AREA !!"~·MINIMUM 1---~_:___:___+--------------t-----1 ,-INDUSTRIAL QUALITY (ACE\ 15-ROOF ADJUSTMENTS 1-LIGHTWOOD (SHELLll 2-HEAVY TIMBER (SHELL 2) 3-STEEL NOT Fl REPR'FED (SHELLS 3 & 4) .4-CONCAETE {SHELL 5) TYPE QUALITY (ACE) 5-GALVANIZED STEEL (SHELL 6) 6-ENAM. STEEL OR ALUM (SHELL 7) 7-INSUL. SANDWICH PANELS (SHELLS) 8-PRECAST CONCRETE MEASUREMENTS (LENGTH, WIDTH) AREA UNIT HEATERS 1-SMALL 2-MED 3-LAAGE TYPE I NUMBER 27-ELECTRICAL 1 -APT 2-COML. 3-IND. 26 -PLUMBING 1 · APTS TYPE I , 2-COM'L. QUALITY (ACE) ~?fhb 3-IND. NUMBER I'--r-!..., ·-; DO NOT USE FOR SHELL TYPE 9 ·J Ll+-K4l ILLUMINATION: 1-BRIGHT 2-ADEOUATE 3-MINIMUM 4-tNADEOUATE TYPE QUALITY (ACE) ILLUM (1-3) (3E: 4) AREA MEASUREMENTS (FLOORS, LENGTH, WIDTH) 1-LIGHTWOOD 2-HEAVY TIMBER 7-PRE.ENGIENAMELEDSTEELORALUMINUM)I I I I I I I I e'.-1 ~;tl 4?~~ 8-PRE-ENG (INSULATED SANDWICH PANELS) 3--LOAD BEARING MASONRY 4-STEEL (NOT Fl REPROOFED) 5-FI RE RESISTANT 6-PRE-ENG (GALVANIZED STEEL) 9-SERVICE STATION OR SPECIALTY BLDG. TO-BASEMENT & CONCRETE 1ST FLOOR 11-BASEMENT & WOOD 1ST FLOOR 12-DOCK HIGH FOUNDATION 1/-WI DE SPAN ROOFS 1 -WOOD TRUSS 3 -STEEL TRUSS 2-WOOD GLULAM BEAM 4-PRESTRESSED CONCRETE ~ ~ ' DUALITY EC-TYPE (ACE) 1 PERIMETER TIO (g A-E) (1-8, 1(}12) GROUND AREA ~:i~~ I T~~t~IES IHEIGHTI TYPE QUALITY l SPAN (ACE) WIDTH MEASUREMENTS (LENGTH, WIDTH) AREA lL-SPRINKLERS 1-APTS 2-COM'L 3-IND A 1/ I C__jg(a_3 1.3¥_~_3 £l-l/£4 TYPE ~OPIES DUALITY (ACE) MEASUREMENTS (FLOORS, LENGTH, WIDTH) AREA I D I I I I I I I I ~~ALITY MEASUREMENTS (LENGTH, WIDTH) AREA G 6-EXTERIOR WALL DO NOT USE"-" ENTRY FOR SHELL TYPES 1-5 FOR SHELL TYPES 6-9, USE ONLY FOR SUBSTITUTIONS OR MISSING WALLS 1-GROOVED PLYWOOD, STEEL SIDING, ETC. 2-WOOD OR ASBESTOS SIDING, CEMENT BLOCK, CLAY TILE, ETC. 3-TIL TUP CONCRETE, MAABLECRETE, ETC. 4-COMMON BRICK, METAL SANDWICH PANELS, ETC. 5--FACE BRICK, REINFORCED CONCRETE, ETC. 6-COMMON BRICK PLUS CONCRETE 7-FACE BRICK PLUS CONCRETE 8-PRECAST CONCRETE PANELS, GLASS PANELS, ETC. 9-METAL & GLASS CURTAIN WALL 10-STONE MASONRY 11-LIMESTONE, SLATE, ETC. 12-MARBLE, ETC. 13-POUSHED GRANITE, ETC. 14-STORE FRONTS TYPE 10iJAL.rT"r' IA.CE-1 I .t l2. l C' 1+-·- ·-·I L .~? /' rl- ,7-~DEMRI AN DOORS M EAS tJ E:jEM£N IS ~~I E I CiAtl, t.E NOi HI WA L.I.. ARE A -~ "' v l~o b#-'ir7 1 RE \fOL:V IN G J ,tjU TOM~TI CSL I O I N G 2 AL}TONJ A.:fl C SW I NGI foiG TYP E 7-VEHICL E DOO FI S. OU.AL I TY [AC:EI DO NOT U6E f.OR SHE LL TYPE!) 1-WOO O.SECTIONAL 1-STEEL SECTI ONAL r v PE: OIJ'AL.I"fY fA CE.I ASSESSOR'S FORM 210-A NUMBIE:R 4 A I R COR-TAlN NLJ M8 E R 0 ·3 ) 3--t1 TE'E L AOL.l UP U ri, F'l, I<J o1 ·~H .Ml GE-R n'PE STE El. M"f·AS U FI:C:MEN:TS fW I DTH, H(!Gj;4'f) AREA 7-APARTMENT BUILDING DATA NUMBER ITEM I NUMBER I ITEM L COLO STORAGE 1-COOLEA 3-FREEZER 2-CHILLER 4-0UICK FREEZE TYPE MEASUREMENTS {LENGTH, WIDTH: AREA r7-ESCALATORS OUALITYI WIDTH I HEIGHT I FLIGHTS (ACE) {INCHES) STUDIO APTS . EXHAUST FAN I ' 0 I I BEO'ROOM APTS EXfiA.US1 HOOD &-FJ\N -EL ~VATOA.S 2 BED ROOM APT.S.. RANGE l OP & OII C ~ !3 &E'O ROOM APi$. llAOPIN FIAiii.GE ELECT8 1f. Flllf.PL~CE GARFJ.AG E'PI S~A L I Nl E'F4CO M S¥5.1"~ DISHWASH ER 19 -INTERIOR DEVE kOPf-0 AR EAS T -HASS ALJTO El EC. LOC ? -PA."l'S AIJ TO E\..I:.C' ~P 3 -PAS'S' MAN EL£C i.OC ill -PASS ~A,.. C-LEC EXP 5 -r A.SS H Yn 5 F A CJCiJ.~i El .EC 1 -FREI GHT HYD 6 -P..E~SON 'N EL U f-T 9 -sm e:w~l.K MAN 10 -SI DEWA L K tW 5 n -$10 EWAL.K ll:"L.E'C I i -DUM B\'IA1TE 1t El K 1-l -0UMBWAL r£R MAN NUMA!:R OUA U D TYPE I (AC'I n-" <::APACITY (I.J $S) (1 -11 STOPS l l lfl) DO NOT USE FOR SHELL TYPE 9 l AVE RAGE "'AYT I I I I I I ~=~~~~~~c,~~SAREA 8-RETp.IL 0 1 5CQ U~T TYPE . 3-HOTELS & MOTELS 9-0THER RE, Al L ST OAES 4-SMALL OFFICES 10-.SA.N ·KS & n l e AT E'RS 5-0PEN OFFICES II-WA REHOUSES 6-PROFESSIONAL OFFICES 12-LI GH T MANUF AC:1 ~A I ~G 7-CUNICS 1J-4 i E AV Y M~N UFJII..&T lJR I N G T Y PE OJ Al.l TV INO AP T$ ~A-E J [I) MEASU RBJIEN TS tF L OO~. L.E ~GlH, WtOiH' 3 I { "" L.l'-SAN K VAU L TS l-CAS B T"i,~ ,,,,h./ '1 -R ECO~OS MU.SO AE MENiS lL.ENGT H, Wl Oi't'l'l .• AFIEA :;-.OHl ER PfU NClP AL CU l lOI N G.CO M PQNEf~rrs 10:$'b6.fs •CTION I TYPE IOIJ.AL IJY OTHER D ESCR~P TION AR EA REP US:€HJI EN T COST MAJOR MINOA ()0(,0 SPLIT __ FQUO SUBLETTER ___ SUBNUMBER __ 33-PLAT OF BUILDING I I 33-55 -ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENTS YEAR PRINCIPAL BUILDING J.t 1tP • OTHER BUILDINGS f,(P lf:~~,J ~ c.--I ~,. 1()1 !..ftll"" ---- ttl 9. (27 ~/I 70 NUMBER I LENG1 t ~,..: i4 _IIi."'" _ __.,~.,. 1'-IP ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENTS I TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS _;...__,_____._ __ ._.~ ·(- LAND TOTAL APPRAISED VALUE REASON FOR APPRAISAL _j l -c-j , J MAJOR MINOR (}0(,0 SPUT __ FOUO SUBLETTEA ___ SUBNUMBER __ 33-PLAT OF BUILDING I -__ , ; __ --;~ --.. ---:·--~-----. -··-·-·~---·~_· .. ~:.·~--~_-_----.!---~----'-·--~-Lj GROUND FLOOR AB.BA ' 3~ -,, -. A !P::, .. --1 . --t I ~ ~V\ TOTAL FLOOR AB.BA / 3:2 -I -··--. ~-- i ·or ~~ 'U j<-' 161 !IJ;Jif" -- c. otiC g•IL"""I'" '11 t ~~~.J D ~~----- ).r. 11 ·· 1'd f~, f I -. v 1 ,. ~· 70 !j_ j --~J '' ·; J I t ;' ·--I ~ .,--j-- 1 ' •. <~____..-1 I :-I L ' 33-55-ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENTS SECTION NO. YEAR SECTION TITLE PRINCIPAL BUILDING i - • TYPE QUALITY NUMBER I LENGTH WIDTH OTHER BUILDINGS ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENTS I TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS LAND .• BIN WALL !OUTSIDE LENGTH DIAMETER ' \) PSI TOWER HEIGHT 58-PERMIT DATA NUMBER DATE 59 -SALES RECORD MONTH YEAR TOTAL APPRAISED VALUE DEPRECI ATED VALUE YEAR BUILT EFFECT- IVE 19 19 19 19 19 19 _I . ·j I '-=I NET CON- % % % % % % % % % VALUE DATE IDATE STARTED COMPLETED AMOUNT REASON FOR APPRAISAL Vll50-18 (DATA ENTRY: RVIlOO-J) /1 DATA COLLECTION AND DISPLAY FORM ( 1 00) OG/DATE: DT9 03/06/95 MERGED TO (J)ot# - ACCOUNT NO: 135230-0~ FOLIO: 90977-- EVY CODE: 2100 LAST UPDATE: 02/21/91 BY: RBR AX STATUS: TAXABLE ./SC/TW/RG: NW/17/23/05 APPR ID: MO DA YR AREA: 530 RENTON I I I -~-- AND USE: 161 PROP NAME: DON & LISA MOTEL HOTEL/MOTEL TO ( 1 0 5) ROPERTY ADDRESS: 111 MEADOW AV N ( 1 1 0) RB NUM FR PR STREET NAME TY SU 112)+++++++++++++++++++ COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL LAND RECORD+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ONING JURIS/ ONE ACTUAL/ ONE CODE/ OT SIZE/ UNIT/S_A __ _ ORNER LOT/Y-N ATERFRONT ON/- RENTON CA RES COMML 4,120.00 SQFT NO NONE % USABLE/ 100 TOPOGRAPHY/ LEVEL SHAPE/ -REGULAR ACCESS/ STANDARD VISUAL EXPOSURE/_ STANDARD OPEN SPACE CLASS. NO RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS/Y_N_ NO CONTAMINATED PROP NO HW HC UT AS NO 335)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PERMIT ACTIVITY+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CT BLDG: TYPE PERMIT DATE VALUE % COMPLETE % % ---% % ---% % DD __ ! __ ! __ % 510)++DEL ALL BLDGS I /+++++++ PROPERTY WIDE IMPROVEMENTS SUMMARY++++++++++++++++ ESC: MOTEL ' EAR BLT/ ___ 66--CLASS/ ___________ FRAME FF YEAR/--66 QUAL/ --AVERAGE OT COVERAGE/ --1,014 UMBER OF UNITS/___ 0 TOTAL BLDGS ON PROPERTY/ GROSS AREA (ALL BLDGS)/ ~­ NET AREA (ALL BLDGS)/ ------ MULTI-USE/Y N ------ MULTI-PARCEL PROP/Y N 1 2,028 2,028 NO YES 500)+++++++++++++++++++++ INDIVIDUAL BUILDING DETAILS+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LD CL QU DESCRIPTION UM AS AL 1/1 D C MOTEL BLDG #2 112 #3 #4 NU ST 2 GROSS AREA 2,028 NET AREA YB/EY 2,028 66 66 ------__ ! __ ------__ ! __ ------__ ! __ I % HE SP CMP AT KL 100 cc N N N N 52o)++++++++++++++++++++++++-fNTERf6R-SEcTf6N DETAILs +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -----SECT 1 -------------SECT 2 -----~-------SECT 3 -------------SECT 4 ------- LD# AREA STR-HT AREA STR-HT AREA STR-HT AREA STR-HT 2,028 8 BOl-MOTEL I I I I ----------------- I ---------I --------I I I ---------I --------I I I I ---------I -- ------I 589)+++++++++++++++++++++ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENT SUMMARY++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~CT ENT DESCRIPTION ACT ENT DESCRIPTION I ( 1) I I (2) 160)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ COMMENTS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MOTEL ON MINOR #•s 0055 & 0060 )325 l) j * * * MERGED TO_ 0 c.~~ •:<JOB RVIlOO C/1 PARCEL VALUE ANALYSIS WORKSHEET PARCEL NO: 135230-~-0 RPT RVI150~20 PRINTED ON: 12/08/90 FOLIO: 90977-- PROP NAME: DON & LISA MOTEL I I Q-S-T-R: NW-17-23-05 PROP ADDR : 111 MEADOW • . AV N AREA; 530 LUC: 1 6 1 CL ASS : FRAME QUAL: AVERAGE TAX STATUS: TAXABLE YR-BLT/EFF-YR: 66/66 ~STY: 99 #UNITS: LOG/DATE: 530 12/08/90 GBA/NRA: 2,028 I 2,028 AVG-UNIT-SIZE: SEG-MERGE DATE: * * * * * * * ECONOMIC INCOME * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COST APPROACH * * * * US E AREA RATE GROSS VCL EXP NET INC * OCC~.t.~!:~.f:.~k-.:.. ___ CLJ2. RANKit~J. ----------------$ _____ ----------------------* ::STY -~-STY HT _2_ EFF AGEt..,/J..f ----------------$ _____ ----------------------* HEAT --,_ EL'V __ SPR ____ 1 fl_ -------- --------$ _____ ----·------__ -. --------* ARE A ---~--t2L!f ___ PER I M...£.!..Q.. ----------------$ ______ --------------____ .:._ ___ * MI SC ___ CODE ____________ SF ----------------$ ______ ----------- -----------* 11..-'1' __ -.CODE ____________ SF ----------------$_____ ----------------------* ___ CODE ____________ SF **·**ECONOMIC INCOME APPROACH********** NET I NCOME --'----------.. ~ ACCY IMPS AREA COST OEP RCNLO LESS PE R. PROP. INCOME ------------•lt ----------------- ------ LESS LAN D INCOME ------------* ----------------- ------ __________ .:__X( ____ + ____ ) = ------------* ----------------------- LA ND VAL UE INT + TAX ------------* ----------------------- NE T I MPR OVEMENT INCOME ------------* --~-------------------- CA P IT AL I Z ATION RATE ------------* ----------------- ---------------- + + = * -INT--+ -TAX-+ -RECAP-------------• M&S .BASE ~t..e_Jt.g_ _'1_~!-.'1..'! ------------ CAPITALIZED IMP. VALUE ------------* HEAT ------ ------ ------ ------ LAND VA L UE ------------* SPRINKLER ------------------------ EXC E SS LAND/AOO LANO _ ------------* ELEVA TOR Jj-----Vt---------- ------TOT AL fft . INCOME APPROACH $ ____________ * TOT .BASE . li!-'t.e, __ .2.:.!!9.. ------------= $ _________ /SF * STY FACT ·-~----~------·------- * HGT FACT -r.· ,::-__ --=--------------* * * \• OTHER VALUE INDICATORS* * * + * >:• AREA FACT _..!!!~}-_(,_~'!.f. ------------- NE T I NC{ )/{ )OAR=---------->:• REF COST --=---=--------------- GR I NC ( )X( )GRM=----------* COST MULT _I.J§_l __ L._~l------------- UNITS{ _ )X( ')$/UNIT=----------* LCL MULT _/..,JIT n~LJ------------- GB A { 2, 028 l X ( ) $/SF= _____ .:__:_ __ * FINAL COST !J..i, ___ .;r_,~.L, __ ------------ R A { 2,028)X( )$/SF=----·-----* ST.YLBLDG AREA FIN COST RCN-BLDG~H * * ** ..... ****LAND***** •:< * * * * jV:~t.-jotll t.J~L5 f4<iRC-~ NE I Y .· E · . · * "1--fill-;,t,---r--;;;---LI-:IT--7.-}~-----:t:-LO T P AREA $/SF VALUE ----~---J~_y ___ tJ _____ --~-Lg ___ _ ------------------------------$.._ _________ * -------------------------------------=$ • ' -------------------____ .,._ = ----------~ :,'c -------------.... -------------. -o-~ ..... ----,-- -------------------}--~-$_;!OJ': _______ . SUB TOTAL . _ __J..J_,f_/,_':/~- TOTAL 4120.00SF -...-1..~.9-=$_..,7_-:i.a.,a;:,Q_ * PHYSICAL DEPRECIATION --------'~-t- RATI OS: (SF LAND)/CSF GSA): 2.0 * ECON ... FUNCT OBSOLESCENCE ---;P,>, _____ :::_ tSF LAND)/{SF RA) = 2.0 * DEPRECIATED IMP VALUE _.,.;f_$f_~ _ _p_Q_ * * *. * tc ~ELECTED VALUE* * * * * * * * * ACCESSORY IMPS( SEE ABOVE) _________ -:_ A PP RA IS5R [.LJL&: LAND $ ---1:_1-~_Q.Q_ * TOTAL !HPROVEHEN .TS ---~-~.fe...9_.Q __ DATE _L_J.LL!J .. L IMPS $ ---"tt~-'--~-C2-: LAND . . _ --=-11-Q_-'?-~- TOTAL $ --c7'_l.fc...Q.<:;>__ TOTAL BY COST APPROACH l_,.?; __ ,J,?_Q:_ =$ __________ /UtHT OR =$ __ z.~,d .. "l..:. __ /SF * =$_../_...;.L/..1 ___ /SF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SALES & COMPARABLE$ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PARC EL ;; E-NUMBER SALES PRICE VC ~DATE $/RA RE)iARKS ------------'f!;_it./.iln!l _Ui9_f2p___ __ _U.et/C.}_ f._ltS_L 1!1.JPLU-.. L:f_v_!Y.Jf..fc.._J.i2.~-.lf~..? ------------·--------.... -----·----·- ------------------------------------~---------------------·------·-------------·-------------------------~-------·----·-* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * APPEAL ACTIVITY * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * PETITI ON CHG ORDER DATE FROM-LAND TO-LAND FROM-IMPS TO-IMPS -077777 02/01/84 16400 16400 109700 86700 OTHER APPEALS: 208653 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *COMMENTS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * __ bL&..L~--1P-~L-t__1YLrJ.I:e_~------------------~------------------------------ __ ,_.k..t:!_lL--Y-b-!. __ t'.l~Lf __ tJ~!J...~.k.t... ___________________________________________ _ -~!Jf£&_/::t.LQI~&r-r-~e-":!L_J::~L~l!..t._t:_._ft_ .... __________ ~------------------------ _fP-~_f1::, __ ~:t_e_~L~t::LP....t:::t. ______________ ~----------------------------------------- ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 6 7 .D·-----------.--------------- MERGED TO 001Po 108 RV1100 C/1 PARCEL VALUE ANALYSIS WORKSHEET PARCEL NO: 135230-~-0 tPT RVI150-20 PRINTED ON: 12/02/89 FOLIO: 90977-- ,ROP NAME: DON & LISA MOTEL Q-S-T-R: NW-17-23-05 1ROP ADDR: 00111 MEADOW AV N AREA: 530 LUC: 161 :LASS/QUAL: FRAME/ AVER~GE CONDITION: -----TAX STATUS: TAXABLE LOG/DATE: 530 12/02/89 SEG --MERG DATE: 'R-BLT/EFF-YR: 66/66 #STY: #UNITS: ;BA/RA: 2.028/ 2,028 AVG-UNIT-SIZE: c . ~:c >:c ISE * * * * INCOME APPROACH * * * * * * + AREA RATE GROSS VCL EXP NET INC* * * * * * COST APPROACH * * * * * * OCCUP# ---CLASS __ RANK --- _______ >:< ________ -,."< ::STY ------STYHT -----EFf AGE __ _ HEAT ----ELEV(Y/N) _ SPR(Y/N) _ ...... __ _____ .,._ -------------->:C- AREA _ _ _ _ ___ PERIM ____ _ -------· MISC: ____ CODE _________________ SF ACTUAL lET INCOME _____ _ .ESS PP INC _____ _ .ESS LAND INC _____ _ ( }X( + LAND VAL INT + lET IMP INC .AP RATE _ _ __ { )+( )+{ ) INT + TAX + RECAP .AP IMP VAL AND VALUE XCESS LAND ·oy..; INC APPR ITHER VALUE INDICATORS: ECONOMIC ----) TAX R INC ( lET INC( iN ITS ( .. )X( )GRM= _____ _ ·BA (~ A ( AND: ATIO: )/{ lOAR= _____ _ )X( )$/UNIT=_ n _ -__ 2, 028) X ( ~ G(}O ) $/SF=_ i i "-dOO..P - 2,028)1{ )$/SF= _____ _ 4,120.00 SQFT (SF LANO)/(SF GBA) = 2.031 ELECTED VALUE: LAND: )-G., '&'ZI 0 ---------- IMPS: __ q1 U 0 - --~, O_d _O __ TOTAL:_ APPR: /VJ 6.1l: DATE: ./~~~~o- • * ____ CODE -----------.;.~-.--SF __ .:__CODE __________ ,;_ ______ SF * * ACCY~IMPS AREA COST • * • * ---* BASE * HEAT * SPRINK * ELEV * TOT BASE * STY FACT * HGT FACT * AREA FACT * REF COST • cosr MULT * LCL MULT * FIN COST • * STY AREA * Ll\/..f:> ~>SJ * * ~:c _____ ...__ FIN COST Jf-_ '18.' - - - :J'Il.61:-.ltl - - -------- -• SUB TOTALlRCN) * PHYSICAL DEPRECIATION * ECON DR FUNCT OBSOLESENCE * DEPRECIATION COST(RCNLO) * ACCESSORY IHPS(SEE ABOVE) * TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS * LAND •:C TOTAL BY COST APPROACH RCNLD-BL0-1 _ 'i 3~S:o_Jf_ tt\,l..-1 - -:lf }.Z >~: -- -_..,.()- -=~a 9!fti o: -=34~f~~~a -9 39.!1 -lf t:i 3_t+, (J Q ALES: ARCEU~ • • • • * • • * • • • • * * E-NUM8ER SALE .£RICE DAT b PRIC.E/ .. G ~ "'l l RlCE/NRA j o~(_O _Jl"i,r.f&i)a J ~-JJ.e~_ ?-/Jll:/115..~ ,-,/O{J __ _ -t;::f~~, -1 ~ ~.0 (.1-_/ :-f:f -). t~· _U4V: l Q ·'-C! I S'Yao _ _ _ •••• );c * L/B-SF REM PPEAL ACTIVITY: ETITION CHG ORDER DATE -077777 02/01/84 OMMENTS:_ l-f\~lt"_ ~6 ~ - FROM-LANO 16400 - - - - - -_--\JN I .t::.-c -Lt "lt """' -~ i r --o_ _ ..... _ _ ,.,._ 6 _ #-f-'-- - - --C1 -. i:iC.~ - 4199 b TO-LAND FROM-IMPS 16400 109700 OTHER APPEALS: .. TO-IMPS 86700 208653 Mt.t<GED TO ~~ 6 e.- FOLIO NO I? ~~7 PARCEL NO. } "<; ) 2 3 d_ ..-. 0 t2___:..~ !Yt .oTGL CLASS/QUAL. c.__; tl:tk M·S PA8E STORY/HilT. YR. ILT. tJ-/(,., CONDITION P'ERIM . J~a 32...::2- £. Y./REL. 17 1 ~s· NO. UNITS/A. U.S. I AREA 101'+ -ilio INCOME APP'ROACH COST AP'PitOACH USE AREA RATE GROSS VCL EXP NET lASE &ftJ:~tta /..ffl..,it(J HEAT SPRINK ELEV. ACTUAL ECONOMIC ANNUAL POTENTIAL GROSS l~-z.J 00 ° LESS VAC. AND CL. . 7..5:' EFFECTIVE GROSS .//.~0 TOTAL BASE :J,{(J .(f() tft'1.'-fri MISC . INCOME __......, STY. FAC . -- LESS EXPENSES l;O HGT. FAC. /,era /-cJ d ANN. NET INCOME 4L:Hr-o AREA FAC. /, d(, ( /. G /~ ( LESS INCOME INCOME TO P. P. ..... __ , REF. COST 'f.l.n 0-n LESS INCOME TO LAND /.)....-V I COST MUL . I • a ( I d>l ( ~rvno -) X( -z +,d("l-1 LOCAL MUL /,{ 0 'I .tO LAND VALUE INT. TAX FIN. COST Lt ',,".5'? .irJ,~ NET INCOME TO IMP'S. 3 <Cfi l r. CAP'ITALIZED AT I ~:l-'~ STORIES AREA FIN . COST RCN ILD8. I RCN ILD8. 2 ( ,if. ) + t IC:J.2J + ( ~ i .:::A /Dl'{ l.i7.\l?" C}t_4:CJ 2 TAX RECAP. ~ -;>on t.jj~ TI't:l1t 2, . CAPITALIZED IMP. VALUE -;;s /9000 LAND VALUE '/.:i7V·o '"' EXCESS LAND SUBTOTAL IRCN) 4'3()~1...{ TOTAL BY INCOME APPROACH .?fo 7 "T1l o PHYSICAL DEPREC . l_eD ECON . OR FUNCT. OBSOL . OTHER VALUE INDICATORS J-o3C10 DEP. COST t RCNLD.) -;g ar~.n ... NET INC. t l+ ( ) OAR • ACC. IMPS. (SEE BELOW) 6ROSS INC . ( '" , ... ~ ~ TOT~L IMPROVEMENTS "'"3o ;f 3~ NO. UNITS ( ?-o LAND fiq:~Q> ' x ' 79 roo """" · -;'tb _ _ o .... AREA( ) X ( ) $/SF _ _ ~""' T OTAL BY COST APPROACH 396/~ DATE COSTEO TO ' LAND CALC .• ACC . IMPS . AREA COST DEP. RCNLD SELECTED VALUE LAND I ":)c. ?0 0 IMPS • ~7ac.> J AI'PR . 1)16/L TOTAL : 1/1~ Q)l1 DATE 4 ·--)1_ ~·V? l.' "'" TOTAL COMPARABLE SALES E NO. AMOUNT DATE DE TAILS I REMARKS 2 3 4 COMMENTS : l)oN Lt ,~di· /hATPd /__4-rJ.{J #-M ~s ~Cyao t.; I./N eTS c; 1/v &: 1 L..C -jp. o~, G ~.).oo o 1 t UN ,rs t ~~r. 1. 1 AI t 7-c: 1l37a. t;_oo VALJG r _ w,7·1://1 13u;t..T -J~tf(i. 2-"" J{lGy,uJ() 17r;c. 0 ~ PRt;Sut J 1lA1~t.k" , ~rtt·<,. IAJ 1..,...1/ p , ( l,f!J<; q vA.J tTS w t nl ktT' ~ ·Lf/,.(1~1_,; _l ,tyc/,.v~l5:r __ d/Atl :5~-eu/~--s ~----- 9XL\.~O~~ fll...{ox t).. =-4,c;,ro Jl e~:,·r 121 ~--= 1 J LJ J./11 •: 0 :1J, to /)fl -'r ' ··~1{, ~-''8'(~ X 3&5-::...1£ I(\<...( 3 7 u l -r---···----~~----....'!!"'-------- !SESSORS FORM AP 66 -(', ~9 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL PROP ~ER ~6 0 ft p ~tJ6c, PRINCIPAL BUILDINGS ' 1-IDENTIFICATION I . . II-VEHICLE MAJOR ~ ? <-)2_ 3 0 ~~~:ATOR -EXTERIOR STAIRS 1-FIRE PLACES ;I-BANK VAULT DOORS 1-CASH 2-RECORDS (' h -·~ MINOR .:) d . ::::i:'5;::oi-SPLIT BLDG.NO. I 2-PROPERTY 1YPE NUMBER QUALITY (ACE) TYPE THICKNESS MEASUREMENTS QUALITY I (INCHES) (HEIGHT, WIDTH) FLIGHTS I (ACE) NUMBER AREA FOLIO .l ---:t~ SUBLETTER....__SUBNUMBER __ _ OUAL.IT'r lACE) J-~~--r--r~--r-~u_ __ L_ ________ L_~ TOTAL BLDGS. ___ LAST SALE DATE ___ AMOUNT _____ t---:--t---t---t---1---t-----jr---11~:;.;;;~~;:.. ____ ~-~---------~ ADDRESS Ill , . 3-NIGHT DEPOSITORY v FLOOR ADJUSTMENTS TYPE QUALITY I NUMBER ADDITION lACE) • /. ~ -1 CONCRETE ON GRADE SHELLS 3 CONCRETE & STEEL (SHELLS 3 & 4) 1 OUARTER ~SECTION ___ TOWNSHIP-"_,./_AANGE---2-WOOD (SHELLS 1, 2, & 11) 4-REINFORCED CONCRETE (SHELLS 5 & 10) BLOCK __ ; __ LOT _.i ' ,/ TAX LOT ___ TRACT___ I QUALITY I I MEASUREMENTS I ' TYPE (ACE) I ± (LENGTH, WIDTH) AREA DESCRIPTION--------------------23-HEATING & COOLING FEE OWNER 1-APT HW OR STEAM 12-COM'L CENTRAL COOLING 2-APT FHA 13-COM'L PACKAGE COOLING __ 3-APT UNIT HEATERS 14-IND CENTRAL COOLING l I I I " -4-COM'L HW OR STEAM 15-IND PACKAGE COOLING I 3-LAND ]'7(3'7£: ·. I I I I I · \ 5-COM'L FHA 16-APT CENTRAL COMB ZONE ACTUAL~. CONFORMITY_, __ HIGHEST & BEST USE-+---1 1 6-COM'L UNIT HEATERS 17-APT PACKAGE COMB 0 I I 7-IND HW OR STEAM 18-COM'L CENTRAL COMB LOT WIDTH It FF VALUE LOT ACRE B-IND FHA 19-COM'L PACKAGE COMB 9-IND UNIT HEATERS 20-IND CENTRAL COMB //) 3 13-BALCONIES 10-APT CENTRAL COOLING 21-IND PACKAGE COMB I LOT DEPTH ACRE VALUE 11 APT PACKAGE COOLING @'~ 1 WOOD 2 CONCRETE 3 STEEL & CONCRETE STANDARD WIDTH ___ LOTSF TYPE QUALITY MEASUREMENTS I I ~~ . TYPE IQUALITYT MEASUREMENTS T 'AJ3EA '(ACE) I (FLOORS, LENGTH, WIDTH) AREA STANDARD DEPTH SF VALUE c-SITE VALUE (ACE) (LENGTH, WIDTH) •, · 4-BUILDING CLASSIFICATION faOi t-3 C!YIP ~1# "J C-bto:zi PREDOMINANT SHELL TYPE PREDOMINANT USE TYPE LIGHT WOOD I APARTMENT HEAVY TIMBER HOTEL OR MOTEL VFLOOR GRATING I/ No BOILER I LOAD BEARING MASONRY 3 OFFICE STEEL (NOT FIREPROOFED) 4 COMMERCIAL~ Fl RE RESISTANT 5 INDUSTRIAL PRE ENG (GALVANIZED STEEL) SERVICE STA~N ~ PRE ENG (ENAMELED STEEL OR ALUMINU~~ECIAL TY ~E ~ PRE~ENG )INSULATED SANDWICH PANELS) ~.. .1 y """" "'"72f£f "'~ ~ " YEAR BUILT OVERAL QUAL!~ ~ EFFECTIVE YEAR 19 ~ HIGH ~ '2, B ABOVE AVERAGE ~ OBSOLESCENCE ---% 1 AVERAGE TOTAL NET CONDITION---% D BELOW AVERAGE PERCENT COMPLETE % E LOW 5-STRUCTURAL SHELL SECTIONS 1 -STEEL 2-ALUMINUM 3-PLASTIC TYPE MEASUREMENTS ONLY_FOR HEAT. TYPES 1, 4, OR 7 (LENGTH, WlDTH) _MINIMUM 15 -ROOF ADJUSTMENTS 1-LIGHT WOOD (SHELL 1) 2-HEAVY TIMBER (SHELL 2) 3-STEEL NOT riREPR'FED (SHELLS 3 & 4) .4-CONCRETE (SHELL 5) 1YPE QUALITY (ACE) 5-GALVANIZED STEEL (SHELL 6) 6-ENAM. STEEL OR ALUM (SHELL 7) 7-INSUL. SANDWICH PANELS (SHELL 8) 8-PRECAST CONCRETE MEASUREMENTS (LENGTH, WIDTH) AREA INDUSTRIAL UNIT HEATERS 1-SMALL 2-MED 3-LARGE TYPE I NUMBER 27-ElECTRICAl 1 -APT 2-COML. 3-IND. 26 -PLUMBING 1 APTS TYPE I 2-COM'L. QUALITY (ACE) (' 3-IND. NUMBER 2£F DO NOT USE FOR SHELL TYPE 9 I IL-l f' I l~u ILLUMINATION: 1-BRIGHT 2-ADEQUATE 3-MINIMUM 4-INADEQUATE I 11--1 -1-I 13~¥-TYPE QUALITY (ACE) ILLUM AREA MEASUREMENTS (FLOORS, LENGTH, WIDTH) 1-UGHTWOOD 2-HEAVY TIMBER (1-3) (3E: 4) 7-PREENGIENAMELEDSTEELORALUMINUMr ~ 1 a.1-1 ~a +1 1 1 e-1 ~ 1 J?o ~fl 8-PRE-ENG (INSULATED SANDWICH PANELS) t 3-LOAD BEARING MASONRY 4-STEEL (NOT Fl REPROOFEO) 5-FIRE RESISTANT 6-PRE-ENG (GALVANIZED STEEL) EC-1 'QUALITY ITIO~ TYPE (ACE) ~PERIMETER (9 A-E) (1-8, 10.12) A /1(1 lqf :{I c1 ... I ~PI 9-SERVICE STATION OR SPECIALTY BLDG. 10-BASEMENT & CONCRETE 1ST FLOOR 11-BASEMENT & WOOD 1ST FLOOR 12-DOCK HIGH FOUNDATION GROUND AREA bfiO 3.':3~ WALL RATIO STORIES I HEIGHT (1-11) ~~~~ ~lib 1/-WIDE SPAN ROOFS 1 -WOOD TRUSS 2-WOOD GLULAM BEAM TYPE " QUALITY (ACE) ./'-CANOPIES SPAN WIDTH 3-STEEL TRUSS 4-PRESTRESSED CONCRETE MEASUREMENTS (LENGTH, WIDTH) AREA ~SPRINKLERS 1-APTS 2-COM'L 3-IND TYPE QUALITY (ACE) AREA MEASUREMENTS (FLOORS, LENGTH, WIDTH) I D I I I I I I I I ~~ALITY MEASUREMENTS (LENGTH, WIDTH) AREA G H 6-EXTERIOR WALL DO NOT USE"-" ENTRY FOR SHELL TYPES 1-5 FOR SHELL TYPES 6-9, USE ONLY FOR SUBSTITUTIONS OR MISSING WALLS 1-GROOVED PLYWOOD, STEEL SIDING, ETC. 2-WOOD OR ASBESTOS Sl DING, CEMENT BLOCK, CLAY TILE, ETC. 3-Tl L TUP CONCRETE, MARBLECRETE, ETC. 4-COMMON BRICK, METAL SANDWICH PANELS, ETC. 5-FACE BRICK, REINFORCED CONCRETE, ETC. 6-COMMON BRICK PLUS CONCRETE 7-FACE BRICK PLUS CONCRETE 8-PRECAST CONCRETE PANELS, GLASS PANELS, ETC. 9-METAL & GLASS CURTAIN WALL 10-STONE MASONRY 11-LIMESTONE, SLATE, ETC. 12-MARBLE, ETC. 13-POUSHED GRANITE, ETC. 14-STORE FRONTS TYPE OUAL ITY 1 1\C~I ± MEASUREMENTS l~f.I GHT , L oNG'tHI WAI.L A"f!:&A ~IC' ~~· .r/4~ 7 APARTMENT BUILDING DATA NUMBER ITEM NUMBER ITEM STU 010 APTS. EXHAUST FAN \U I I 8110"00M A PTS EX'H AUST 'H OOO & I=ILN" 2 BE'DHOOM APTS. RANGE T•OP & OVEN ~ ae.o ~DOh, APrs. DAOP{I\r RANGE l~,e,t".J~-H£'CT RIC Fl RE.PLA:CE: GAFIBAGe' O l!iiP.~AL l l:'tT~-13 COM 5YSTI:M DISH'I\IASHfR "1!1 -IN TeFUO R DEVeLOPe D A ~~A!ii .L_coLD STORAGE 17 ESCALATORS 1-COOLER 3-FREEZER QUALITY' WIDTH 2-CHILLER 4-0UICK FREEZE (ACE) (INCHES) HEIGHT I FLIGHTS TYPE MEASUREMENTS (LENGTH, WIDTH; /-E-U:VATO_B~ I -P.ASS 1.\tJTO E LEC LOC ~ ~,AS~ AUTO EL-E'C EX P 3 -fASS 1MAN ELE C 1:00 4 -,PASS MAN ELEC E:X P ~ ~ PA..~S FIYD AREA & -FREIGHT Et.EC 7-FRE.IGH'T HVC 8 -PE'RSONNE L U FT 9 -.s r ot.w_~~ MAN 10-SIOEWA L K HYD CAPAC ITY 4L EIS I fi ,, H -SIOE\'U.n.LK! EL.E(l 12 -OUMHWA.ITEFI El~ 10 -DUMS\VA.IUF\'M.AN NUMH!:H QUAUT'r TYP E I IAC EI 1)·7J :uo~ 11 ·61 DO NO H~~ FOR S ~ELL T YP EO "I AVE RAGt; >>IAI'T I· I I I I I '1 -A.PARTM SNTS t======j:_--~---1~----------+---+---~ ~=~ti~~~ ~ITo~~~ tri~~~RL ~~~~~~~or::sE ~-SMALL Of"FI 6 ES I D-9ANK5 5I THEiATe-RS i'~OP S N OI='F'IC&:.S 11 -\'IAR EH"OUS ES &-PR OFESS IONAL OFFICES !:2-Lt GHT MAitlUFiApl(IJRtN G 7 ~~;;;L.fN!CS 13-il lf AVY MANUFACTUR IN G l l-----~----~--~------------------4-----~---r~~::r.:~~~-:M~~::U~A~~:.:EN::~~----r-~~-ir~~~::::::::~~~~~~~~------J-----J-------1 1YPE ~~LOO i t$, L.E NOTH, WI 0 1 HI :i (I 7-PEOf:sTRI AN 0006$ 1 'REVOL'\I IN G J Al JTOMArt C SL.lotNG 1":1 .... ~ , ·"' ll.(,.>'0(8'JSECTIOO I TY PE IOUhLJ 1Y OTHE R DE5£:R IIt!ION F-I SP.L ACSM ENT coSr I . AU~ATI~ SWI ~G I N G 4 A IR CURTAIN I I J I J I I I I I TYP e I ~AU TY I 1\\IJW~BEH I u ~ n . ·-- (ACE~ U·'ll c.t I ~~~--~~--~-r,_--~~~~+---~~ 7v'uncu: ooo~s DC ~OTUSE FORSftELL TY P£~ t --WOOD SECTI ON.A:L 2-8TEE.L SECTIONAL fVpe OUIU.I't"to tAC6) NUMU~R )-STEEL ~OL t,UV 1\-.A ANGE ~ TYf'f STEEL M.E ASU 1\..EWI E ~'I'S (WIDTH, H Ef(i t~1·1 MEA ./ ~-8ANK VAULTS 1 -QASfl tYPE: ~I '"' ·" 0 ~E CO RDS MEASLlAEMEI\iTS (l.ENGiU, WIOTHl I AA~A l r--r---r---r-----------r~r-~-----------------r--~--~~r--r--------+------; ASSESSOR'S FORM 210-A i I MAJOR MINOR SPLIT __ FQLIO SUBLETTER ___ SUBNUMBER __ 33-PLAT OF BUILDING I -, I ~ •-j --: 1 I L •-- I- I 33-55-ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENTS 2g-1,.00 61-APPRAISAL DATA YEAR PRINCIPAL BUILDING l I l OTHER BUILDINGS 34-CALCULATIONS <(' ·. ,---,---C'• " --. '-''4t--iic , .)) u_f'-1/i-1-~ "M,{:i m::L:Jt- 1 .. • --·.. . . • . • ....... . o o~n= 1 /'f!~: .. ftjO ~-t~ao lf7~i>l , :~ U4JJ 1 ~PI , i3r4q II flO H71<P~ : .9' J . j aovp j {~lll.f 2a~qo;Be1~·.>'!~,~~: ; • 1 ··· · ·· ·· ,'C~/1 ····•····· .i22l~,;7rJ ~o . . , . I ~.. v . ~ -' -' ~-1 to~_-_<>_-_·_-~ __ -_-_'_-_ tC'!K_-_·_·_· __ Y.··---"-··_#t_-_r_·._._· ___ •._ ; I . "7L'' 'I ..... ······ ..... ... .... 1 ~-- BIN NET AREA CAPACITYf-:iALIIOUTSIDE I WALL louTSIDE BBL DIAMETER LENGTH DIAMETER PSI TOWER HEIGHT ATED VALUE CON- DITION -__ %1 %) RATE ,,,.--,<=n·.::,::n·--·-,.,.-, ''""'-..:'1""'-""~% + RECAPTURE_%) BUILDING VALUE PERSONAL PROPERTY VALUE LAND VALUE 2 7 I INDICATED TOTAL PROPERTY~VAt u-E ~ ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS LAND .• 58-PERMIT DATA NUMBER DATE 59 -SALES RECORD MONTH 60-STAFF TOTAL APPRAISED VALUE i,Pf~~ % 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 % VALUE DATE I DATE STARTED COMPLETED REASON FOR APPRAISAL MAJOR MINOR SPLIT--FOLIO SUBLETTER ___ SUBNUMBER-- 33-PLAT OF BUILDING 1- i 2 ~-z-oo & 1 -APP8AISA1. Oft, T A YEAR PntNCIPA.I. B1,I JL OING OTHE-A tiUU .. DI NG$ I -l-- i :y f ~ -T- 34 -CALCULATIONS -~&-· 5-~<t:.-1(\'1 ~ -rt.t--·----Sl-' -• r . u;;ii$ ' -o o~'3-~1 /'f11{)1 _· ~Ui(t _____ >-f1o~ .. f?JtJ.i) i:~ tN 1r --~sq f :nrt~'' ~() 3 ~lilt' • ~ :J _ /03'/"f ;!()(;opfl~fi"Q /31~_JY j ·· ....,---,-;___._.;.,.,.._. __ ,_~ --·-----------.----~~~1tt~O _:~ I 7P/,~'"J ?6Pf/~ttolff'j __ _ 1~---'-- BIN NET ;ALJ,OUTSIDE I WALL 'OUTSIDE ~BL DIAMETER LENGTH DIAMETER PSI TOWER HEIGHT DEPRECI- ATED VALUE CON- DITION f.·""·~'!",£..,. % 19 % 19 % 19 % 19 'lEi •• " .-~ ~ 10 ~ ,. ~ S7 -INCOME: OAT A. 58 -PHI MIT OAT A .O.N~UA!... ECONOMIC O'R Ae1'U.4.t. GnOSS INCOME NUM BER OA T~ V.A LU E DAre l oAn STAR"'FE-D L:OMP LETEO ,_ l CSS V ACAI\IC-V ANNUAL. EFH·C.TWE GROSS INC OME u:ss ~-x•a-JSES ANNUA l NET I f'fCOME 59 -SALES RECORD L ANO . UN I I VALUE (UN I T __ )( VAlUE-=---1 MONTH Y E'~R MOOU~l- L AN[) RATE (INTFREST __ ~ I TAXES_';f, -"--'ll LESS LAND INCOME (VALU E __ X RATE __ %1 NET INCOME TO SU ILDING ~ 801lDING -:-RATE ~I NTEAESl __ f:(, • T~l<ES. __ %, DU ILO I NG VA I.U£ Pf:nSONAL PAOP €R1'Y VALUE l.AN[.) VALUE 2 7 1 IND <CATED TOTAL PeOI'e~rv;yllu!l; A.Ci;;:ESSO IIV IMflRO:VEMEN TS 101'AI. IMP llOVEN!E'N TS L A!\1[) TOTAL APPFIA ISI:D VAI.UE-BE~ ON FOR AP PR AIS-Al . ' ADDITION .J,.-J- Pf~U.\IIT NQ, 0\TE F•••!ll'!ll w·~ ----Al'f!hihoct t:!••n•htl<·l nf fixt"rinr _____ _ fnt.llrinr __ . __ FOlillflntion ___ Floor PizHl! (1()(>~1 USE 8TRUCTION r.~un. 0 Htt.••• llWHI N<~. Trn<U!t'"' \l .. ,f)ffil'\'" \\ uod D ~tN'I . ROOfiNG MATERIAL I . '\P . .\pnrtnu•nt .• l rm.D2rm.0 3 ,·m ~rm.O :,rrn.Dill'fl ,,IUr TYPE OF CONBTAUCTION I'LOOR FINJBDB Fir :\lunl" §'" Oal. 2"'x.G" T&f; l.inu, :t"'!Ch"'I\H: X (:p nu.m t _ Trorrnzzn I Ho••colith I Tihl I r.. s i,: ::. ~ ~ 'rro\ffil ' Dnnuhlo • Dnt ·• B11ih D t'nfini,ht·d t ...... ... 11)~\(: (l t·h r'l<l f;\' \l:t<u•nr,\' \l1ll ('•m~tntt·ti "n , .·~~ \ t:.•i n. { '•m . J<:tT••t·ti\,. ,\~t· _n..::!!:..!.:: t'omd. _ _ l.l.;p. 111r un. R .. ,r,l. ~I· -1 ~nrl. C •lll. I 1'·11' l .h-DBm•J.. I -u D Hdn C•lll. '- \\.-.1. f 'h ro~tl' FOUNDATION \f ·~ N il• 1'··4:11td l'u·, Fut•1ro Lire~ J),·j'\. f.,r )':.;,, ---·--'--~ r flllll )r-11 l 'ri rm '~ l"l hnw•·~ (T tt b ...:,,,IJ (,r,,m,Jry Tmy~ II .\\. T :ank n. D Mill 'l D :--prinl... :-Oy .... Nto . __ lid ... BEATING Cr:n ·it 1·1l . \ . \\Jt"nrl. h•11 I ..;,,_ .... 11'11'.\ i •• ~ II I \\ ,,,.,. I l ... 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Str1ined \'urnishcd Puinu-ci Unfini11lwrl o,lt,,, \1··n•"· L""rtJi:! 1' '·' \\11 P "t-.1 I ~ It" \\ I ''~· n 11 tl··t-I c . R . . I GROUND FLOOR AREA' 'I \ IT ! TOTAL FLOOR AREA " 10 II 12 13 " 15 16 17 1 ' ~'f L c ... fl .. .lllt"l ('"" 1,17.•·---' ---,-- 0.<',_.. -'" llrid •. --0 --1 ---------1 -. j. •l ·ll··.,:··'""'tion 18 19 20 21 .> _ . ....-:-:=....-B;·m. (on. :n j nt~ =-~{;:····-~ ~~] 1 I I Floor Col'Uitr uction llool Stories Dimensions I S. F. Area \"u.lue ';'~ De p. I Depree. s ~·t \ alul: F.ac tnr ·I I I I •--·--- ·I 1--'--1 I I .___ __ '--'---, ____ , __ •------·-, ____ , __ , ___ _ ..____ ____ , ___ , __ -1 1---" I I ·I I ·-"--1 I -1 l----"----1 I 5M 2-sr 8 ~ 1 35230 : ... i~:~1_~i~_= __ = __ 1 ·.=_· __ ·_=_=_~_~;?.:::· .. ·.=_:_ .. _ .. ·:=_ .. _~~-~~:-~::·:·:~:.-.. :: .. : :.:.~~¥.~::.=_·:~-~-:· ·.::·~-~~::::·': .. ··::::.~~-·:i§:::::.: ... ·r· ... ~~=-~;:~~.~.·-·_=_:·'J1···.·.··. 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I · 'I I I I ~ L ~ L 19 ·+----l-------J...-- ;q · ~.~ l : .... · .. ,·. -~~:~ ... + ~~' j -c--, . ' ~ . ' . .... • .• ·-----_______ ..,. _______ --J.-----4------- .(•.....; r - <: ' i . ' .. i l ·I ~ \: . .) 1 D :T 2 ADDITION -j'<'6 , __ SECTION TWP. N.RANGE EWM : BLOCK LIMITS DESCRIPTIQ,~ CODE No. 3 ADDRESS ••• PROPERTY c.':'C :~ ~t A' •:< • 1> •-• 1 , CONT. PURCHASER c ··-.' I 1 -II -:: i ·.f ' ". '7' ... __::::-=-:.:c~==-7J-7]---.II""'b ~-,-------------- PERMIT No. 4 FEE OwNER 0 ,.:_, (:> (,.l :Q U 7? ·,#, / 1 -~ I ~~ii!..-1' ~ U i) 2 0 . -~ --------------~~5~~A~RCHITECT I --------~C~O~N~T~R~A~C~T~:O~R------------------------~----------------------------- ORIG. COST $ 6 BUILDING " , "''t~tion &. BASEMENT .. A,..)Q {~.~ ______________________ 1 RooF INTERIOR FLOORS ~e r ~ FIRE PLACE .l..• •• WIRING .. -;> ,., uy en-4B .... ~;tlets-- HEATING ... c::-=.. 1 ~RS I •"' .. rrc CEILING··· HEIGHT ;'i; .L\"' 12' 0 c OTHER BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTION FLOOR RooF STY. EXTRA FEAT URES CONSTRUCT I9N '"'1 '1,:;;:_ "--·::.L etip MISCELLA~EOUS ~ ..,.._~ ")d ~J.e,d..o _~~'of ( 7 CONIDIT I?N : Jt'xTERIOR -~.:'!.," _ INTERIOR • '::_r , ~~ .. ~. ~ ~-, 8 MAIN SUPPORT C OLUMN )( FCOTclNG ·~or,_.~ • SPAN FT . -_9 __ 1 FI ~ST FLOOR_:-.:i ;.ST ::: :),.-:: ~ "; ,-':;-=----; __ f _N(;_I:!_ CENTERS BRIDGE~D~-------- BUILDING 11 ~)i'ICOME $ £Xi>Ef'I _5E $ .. ~, , 12 DEP-R~CIATION: COND. 32 o/G O~S '-S E. % ECON . SUIT. DIMENSION AREA VALUE 1929 REMODELED YEARS Fu:ruRE LIFE .. ---I .:d., o. 'IC.IOD ..:l .:i ;~.;r, C'~ g ..z. ' IMPROVEMENT\~ ALU E MAIN BUILDING $ OTHER BUILDINGS $ TOTAL 5. 6. 7. DISTRICT ' ,h,' VALUE$ -------1 \ 1 1---1 I I I I ~(p -----1---1 I 0 OWNER OR CONT PRICE C -1 OWNER OR CoNTRACT PURCHASER I DATE FILE No. 1 PRICE 1 MTGE. 1 STAMP I FILE No. MTGE. REMARKS #{. p 7 r 9 'S' 1 ;l.-A:>.rc ... I!. I! r . I " "' "- ' "" SMALL COMMERCIAL---KING COUNTY ASSESSOR, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON "' " '· ' ..-:J 23 ~ z 0 ~ C) Ill 0:: C) Ill rn 0 z <( z 0 ~ u ii: iii rn <( .J u 0 z j z 0 j: a: u Ill ~ rn ... .-I I:"- 0 0 Ill Cl z < 0:: .I: ~.c .... ....... ~ l.o 1/'1 ..... 0 -t.) CD .... 0 ...::1 0 0 z z 1- 0 .J .J Ill u >< a: ~ < D. • • • 0 0 z :.: z u 1-0 3 .J ID I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -! 0 ... )> r c "' n :u "' )> Ul "' z n :u "' )> Ul "' c "' n :u "' )> Ul "' z n :u "' )> Ul "' < i' > z c Ill c ;: c z Gl ,r 0 ~ ::0 0 -1 "11 ;o Ill I J V1150-18 (DATA ENTRY: RVI100-J) /I DATA COLLECTION AND DISPLAY FORM OG/DATE: DT9 03/06/95 ( 1 00) ACCOUNT NO: 135230-0071-0 FOLIO: 90977-- EVY CODE: 2100 LAST UPDATE: 02/21/91 BY: RBR AX STATUS: TAXABLE /SC/TW/RG: NW/17/23/05 APPR ID: MO DA YR AREA: 530 RENTON I I I -~-- AND USE: 401 PROP NAME: BRYANT MOTORS PARKING ASSOCIATED PAR ROPERTY ADDRESS: 1300 ( 1 1 0) ( 1 05) BRONSON WY N RB NUM FR PR STREET NAME TY su 112)+++++++++++++++++++ COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL LAND RECORD+++++++++++++++++++++++++ DNING JURIS/ ONE ACTUAL/ ONE CODE/ OT SIZE/ UNIT/S_A __ _ ORNER LOT/Y-N HERFRONT ON/- RENTON CA RES COMML 8,659.00 SQFT YES NONE % USABLE/ 100 TOPOGRAPHY/ LEVEL SHAPE/ -IRREGULAR ACCESS/ STANDARD VISUAL ~XPOSURE/_ STANDARD OPEN SPACE CLASS. NO RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS/Y_N_ NO CONTAMINATED PROP NO HW HC UT AS NO 335)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PERMIT ACTIVITY +++++++++i+++i+++i+++i+++i+++++++ ~T BLDG: TYPE PERMIT DATE JD __ ! __ ! __ VALUE % COMPLETE % % % ---% % ---% % 510)++DEL ALL BLDGS I /+++++++PROPERTY WIDE IMPROVEMENTS SUMMARY++++++++++++++++ :sc: :AR BLf7 ____ 6 __ CLASS/ _______________ _ ~F YEAR/--0 QUAL/ -- )T COVERAGE/ --0 JMBER OF UNITS/___ 0 TOTAL BLDGS ON PROPERTY/ GROSS AREA (ALL BLDGS)/ NET AREA (ALL BLDGS)/ ------ MULTI-USE/Y N ------ MULTI-PARCEL PROP/Y N 1 0 0 ;OO)+++++++++++++++++++++ INDIVIDUAL BUILDING DETAILS+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _D CL QU JM AS AL ~1 ~2 ~3 ~4 DESCRIPTION NU ST GROSS AREA NET AREA ------ ------ ------ % HE SP YB/EY CMP AT KL N __ ! __ N __ ! __ N __ ! __ N I ;2ofi+i+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-INf~RI6R-s~cT16N B~fAICs +iiiiii++ii+ii+++ii++ii+++i++ SECT 1 -------------SECT 2 -------------SECT 3 -------------SECT 4 ------- _D# AREA STR-HT AREA STR-HT AREA STR-HT AREA STR-HT ---------I -----------I --------I I ---------I -- ---------I --------I I ---------I -----------I --------I I ---------I -----------I --------I I ;89)+++++++++++++++++++++ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENT SUMMARY++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1CT ENT DESCRIPTION ACT ENT DESCRIPTION I ( 1) I I (2) 60)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ COMMENTS++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 't't 132 7 D ·~ J SUBJ . PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL MAP YEARS BUILT Assessor's Revalue Worksheet -Geographic Area Commercial Properties BRYANT MOTORS PARKING 1300 BRONSON WY N 1352300071 NW172305 SPLIT CODE ·o LAND USE CODE ' 401 RN CA PROPERTY DESCRIPTION GEOGRAPHIC AREA TOTAL SUBJ. GBA TOTAL SUBJ. NRA TOTAL WHS/D RET AREA TOTAL OFF/RET AREA TOTAL APT/MEZZ AREA JURISDICTION ZONING LAND AREA % WHSE/D RET AREA % OFF/RET AREA % APT/MEZZ AREA 8,659 C70_ 40 r-----=-A=P=PRA=-:-:1:-::S-::E-:-R---J-:-::C:-::0:----t PREV AREA METHOD I 530 DATE 3/30/98 BLDG. DATA: GBA/ NRA CNSTR/QUAL BLDG HEIGHT I EFF YR SEC 1] AREA/TYPE SEC 2] AREA/TYPE SEC 3) AREA/TYPE SEC 4] AREA/TYPE NET AREA (SF) : WHSE I DISC RET OFFICE I RETAIL APT I MEZZ (OFF/RET) BLDG#1 0 I 0 SUM = I-BL T '0 ?/0 BLDG#1 ECONOMIC RENT ($/SF) NNN: WHSE I DISC RET OFFICE I RETAIL APT I MEZZ (OFF/RET) MISCELLANEOUS: TOT MISC S.F. VALUE INDICATION BY INCOME APPROACH BLDG #2 BLDG #3 BLDG#2 BLDG#3 TOT. MISC RENT IND. EXCESS LAND VALUE (@ UB = 6 TO 1) = No Excess Land INCOME GENERATED VALUE (NOI/CAP) +EXCESS LAND VALUE + $0.00 INDICATED TOTAL VALUE BLDG#4 BLDG#4 ALL BLDGS 010 SUM = 1-BL T '0 ?/0 NO. OF SLOGS SUM YR BLT SUM EFF YR ALL BLDGS INCOME ANALYSIS POT GROSS INC* LESS VACANCY & CL EFF GROSS INC LESS EXPENSES NET OPER INC CAP(OAR+EFF TAX R1) 5.00% 20.00% 12.00% VALUE INDICATION BY MARKET APPROACH MKT $/SQ. FT. I INDICATED VALUE VALUE IND. BY NRA * MKT $/SQ. FT . /S.F. NRA •PGI =INC_OMNI FOLIO NO. 90977 GIM VCL OEX OAR 12.00% ETR VAL IND. BY GIM*PGI COMPARABLE SALES VC/#PRCLS I VALUE IND . BY LOT SIZE* MKT $/SQ. FT . /S.F. LOTSIZE I SUBJECT SALE SALE DATE ENUMBER I 1. PROPERTY NAME : OAR -0 S.P. = $ ADDRESS -MAP ---GIM -0 ADJ S.P. = $0 ACCT. NO. =--AREA= -# PRCLS = CNSTR/QUAL =I GBA = SF -NRA = SF -TOTAL BLDGS = YR BL T =' -LUC = -LOT SIZE= SF -ZONING = -LND/SFB = $ -SLAV'= $0 2. PROPERTY NAME: ADDRESS -MAP --- ACCT. NO. =--AREA= -# PRCLS = CNSTR/QUAL =I GBA = SF -NRA = SF -TOTAL BLDGS = OAR-0 GIM -0 YR BL T =' -LUC = -LOT SIZE= SF -ZONING = -LND/SFB = $ -SLAV'= $0 SALE DATE 110/00 E -VR CD S.P. = $ ADJ S.P. = $0 SALE DATE 1/0/00 E-VR CD 3. PROPERTY NAME : OAR -0 S.P. = $ ADDRESS -MAP ---GIM -0 ADJ S.P. = $0 ACCT. NO. =--AREA= -# PRCLS = CNSTR/QUAL =I GBA = SF NRA:::: SF TOTAL BLDGS = YR BL T =' -LUC = -LOT SIZE = SF -ZONING = -LND/SFB=$-SLAV'=$0 4. PROPERTY NAME : ADDRESS -MAP --- ACCT . NO. =--AREA= -# PRCLS = CNSTR/QUAL =I GBA = SF -NRA = SF -TOTAL BLDGS = OAR-0 GIM-0 YR BL T =' -LUC = -LOT SIZE= SF -ZONING = -LND/SFB = $ -SLAV'= $0 5. PROPERTY NAME: ADDRESS -MAP --- ACCT. NO. =--AREA= -# PRCLS = CNSTR/QUAL =I GBA = SF -NRA = SF -TOTAL BLDGS = OAR-0 GIM -0 YR BL T =' -LUC = -LOT SIZE= SF -ZONING = -LND/SFB = $ -SLAV'= $0 SALE DATE 1/0/00 E-VR CD S.P. = $ ADJ S.P. = $0 SALE DATE 1/0/00 E -VR CD S.P. = $ ADJ S.P . = $0 SALE DATE 1/0/00 E -VR CD $/SF NRA ADJ $/SF NRA $/SF LOTSZ ADJ $/SF LOTSZ $/SF NRA ADJ $/SF NRA $/SF LOTSZ ADJ $/SF LOTSZ $/SF NRA ADJ $/SF NRA $/SF LOTSZ ADJ $/SF LOTSZ $/SF NRA ADJ $/SF NRA $/SF LOTSZ ADJ $/SF LOTSZ $/SF NRA ADJ $/SF NRA $/SF LOTSZ ADJ $/SF LOTSZ COMP SALE #1 COMP SALE #2 COMP SALE #3 COMP SALE #4 COMP SALE #5 MKT ADJ FCTR COMMENTS~.------------~----------~L-----------~-------------L--------~~ ROLL LAND VALUE ROLL IMP VALUE ROLL TOT VALUE SUBJECT PROPERTY: CURRENT ROLL VALUE & SELECTED VALUE $77 ,900 $9.00 SELLAND VALUE $86,500 $9.99 SEL IMP VALUE $77,900 SEL TOT VALUE $86,500 $ • LND/SFB=$ 3/30/98 UB=O L/B=O UB=O UB=O UB=O LIB :»:C ~< * :>:<J OB RV I1 00 C/1 PARCEL VALUE ANALYSIS WORKSHEET PRINTED ON: 12/08/90 PARCEL NO: 135230-0071-0 RPT RVI 150-20 FOLIO: 90977-- Q-S-T-R: NW-17-23-05 PROP NAME: BRYANT MOTORS PROP ADD R! 1300 BRONSON W¥ N AREA: 530 LUC: 403 CLAS S : FRAME QUAL: AVERAGE TAX STATUS:.TAXABLE YR-BL T/EFF-YR: 62/ GBA/NRA: tSTY: 99 #UNITS: LOG/DATE: 530 12/08/90 l * * * * * * * ECONOMIC INCOME * * USE AREA RATE GROSS ----------------$ _____ ---------------- --------$_____ ------------------------$_____ --------$. ____ _ __ ....,. __ . ___ __ ----------------$_____ ------------------------$_____ --------• * * * ECONOMIC INCOME APPROACH* NE T I NCOi-4 £ LESS PER. PROP. INCOME LESS LAND INCOME AVG-UNIT-SIZE: SEG-MERGE DATE: * * * * * * * * * * * * COST APPROACH * * * * VCL EXP NET INC * OCC# ___________ CL __ RANK __ --------* tSTY __ STY HT __ EFF AGE __ --------* HEAT __ ELEV __ SPR _______ _ --------•:< AREA ------------PERlM ___ _ ------~-· MISC ___ CODE ____________ SF --------* ___ CODE -·----------SF -----------* ___ CODE -~----------SF • • • • • • • • • ¥ • * ACCY IMPS ____ .,.. .... ____ _ AREA COST DEP RCNL O ------------X<-~--•----> = ------------* LAND VALUE INT + TAX --------~---):( -----------• NET IMP ROVEMENT INCOM~ CAPIT ALIZATION RATE -·-----------• * ------+, _____ +. _______ :: INT + TAX + RECAP * M&S SASE ------ ------------ ------ CAPITALIZED IMP. VALUE ------------* HEAT ------------------------ LA ND VALUE ------------* SPRINKLER ------------------------ EXC ESS LAND/ADO LAND ------------* ELEVATOR ------ -------------------TOTAL !3 Y INCOME APPROACH $ ____________ * TOT BASE ------ ------------ ------ :: $ _________ /SF * ST¥ FACT ------------------------* HGT FACT ----------------·--------* * * * OTHER VALUE INDICATORS* * * * * * AREA FACT ------------------------ NE T I NC( )/( )OAR=----------* REF COST ------------------------ GR I NC { )X( )GRM=-----~----* COST MULT ------------------------ UNITS( )X( )$/UNIT=----------* LCL MULT ------ ------ ------------ GS A ( )X( )·$/SF=---•------>:c FINAL COST ______ ------------------ RA ( lX( )$/SF=------~---* STY/BLDG AREA FIN COST RCN~BLDG#l * * * * * * * * *LAND* * * *-* -. * * * * ---------------------------------- ZONE/TYP E AREA $/SF VALUE * --------------------------------- ---------~----~----------:$ ____________ * -------~---------------------------------------___ ..,. __________ ...,..._ ___ =$,.;.. ______ ....., ... __ * _._. ______ ...,.. ___ ...,.._. __ ---------------------·- ------------------------=$---~------* SUS TOTAL . ------------TOTAL 8659.00SF -:1~~-E =$_'JJ..-j~e)_IQ_ * PHYSICAL DEPRECIATION ------------ RATI OS: (SF LAND)/(SF GSAJ= .0 * ECON-FUNCT -OBSOLESCENCE ------------ (SF LANO)/(SF RA) = .0 * DEPRECIATED IMP VALUE ------------• ****SELECTED VALUE****·***** ACCESSORY IMPS(SEE ABOVE) ___________ _ APPRAISE,R J1t)A. LANO $ ___ ;:}.'j._fi_p_~-. * TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS -------.----- DAT E _J.t1_[f.J'..t._ IMPS $ ___________ @_ * LAND ------------ -TOTAl $ ___ :Z.'J_f!:.tl~--* TOTAL 8 Y COST APPROACH ------------=$ __________ /UNIT OR =$ __________ /SF * =$ __________ /SF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SALES & COMPARABLE$ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PA RCEL # E-NUHBER SALES PRICE VC D~TE $/RA REMARKS --------------------------------------. . ' . --------------------------------·--------------------------·--------------------~----------------------___ .._. __ .,... ____ ...., __ --- ------------------------------------------------------·--.-----------------------• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • APPEAL ACTIVITY .**************** PETI TIO N CHG ORDER DATE FROM-LAND TO•LANO FROM-IMPS TO•IMPS -077777 02/01/84 41400 41400 3500 1000 OTHER APPEALS: 208655 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *COMMENTS * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * ---------·--------.... ----------·--------~---------------------------------------------- ------·-----------------------------------------------.... ----------~------------·------ ---------------------~--------·-----------..... -·-..... -------·----------------------------------__________ .._. ___________________ ..,. __________ ..,. ______ ..,. _________________________ . __ . _____ _ -------.--..... ·----------·-----I .':"o _____________ ._ ___ . ___ ...,._____ if -------·-----------------~ )471 -------=-~-~1 .r --·~-~===~-~------ 08 RVIlOO PT RVI150-20 C/1 PARCEL VALUE ANALYSIS WORKSHEET PRINTED ON: 12/02/89 MOTORS PARCEL NO: 135230-0071~0 FOLIO: 90977~ - Q-S-T-R: NW-17-23-05 ROP NAME: BRYANT ROP AODR: 01300 LASS/QUAL: BRONSON FRAME/ AVERAGE WY CONDITION: N AREA: 530 LUC: 403 TAX STATUS: TAXABLE LOG/DATE: 530 12/02/69 SEG-MERG OATE: R-BLT/EFF-YR: 62/ BA/RA: I eSTY: IUNITS: AVG-UNIT-SIZE: * * SE * * * * INCOME APPROACH * * * * * * + AREA RATE GROSS VCL EXP NET INC* * * * * * COST APPROACH * * * * * * OCCUP# ---CLASS __ RANK --- -------* ;;STY ------STYHT -----EFF AGE --- HEAT ----ELEV(Y/N) _ SPR(Y/N) _ _______ -(c ):< AREA _ _ _ _ ___ PERIH ____ _ ~-----------------· MISC: ____ CODE _________________ SF ACTUAL ECONOMIC ET INCOME _____ _ ESS PP INC ___ _ ESS LAND INC _____ _ ----( )X( + LAND VAL INT ET IMP INC ___ _ AP RATE { )+( )+( ) INT + TAX + RECAP AP IMP VAL AND VALUE XCESS LAND OT-INC APPR + THER VALUE INDICATORS: )X( )/( TAX )GRM=_ )OAR=_ R INC { ET INC( NITS( SA ( A ( ANO: )X( }X( )$/UNIT=_ ) $/SF=_ )$/SF=_ SQFT )X( 8,659.00 LAND)/{ SF ATIO: (SF GSA) = ) .ooo ELECTED VALUE: LAND:_ ..Jo!) .1; ~ _0 __ IMPS:_ --LUl ?- TOTAL:_ (!.?_,..._ '1 :...1 _0 _ \ APPR :!flb_ ~ OA TE: L ~-~~ ALES: ARCEU: E'"'NUMBER SALE PRICE DATE PPEAL ACTIVITY: * * * ____ CODE __________ ..;. ______ SF ----CODE -------·---------~SF ACCY-IMPS AREA COST )!:c :(< * * * -* BASE * HEAT * SPRINK * ELEV * TOT BASE * STY FACT * HGT FACT * AREA FACT * REF COST * COST HULT * LCL MULT * FIN COST ;;c * STY AREA * * >:<C »:C FIN COST * SUB TOTAL(RCN) * PHYSICAL DEPRECIATION * ECON OR FUNCT OBSOLESENCE * DEPRECIATION COSTCRCNLD) * ACCESSORY lMPS(SEE ABOVE) * TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS * LAND * TOTAL BY COST APPROACH RCNLD-BL0-1 ---- - -• • • • • • • * • • * * * • • * * • • • PRICE/GSA PRICE/NRA LIB-SF REM ETITION CHG ORDER DATE FROM-LAND TO-LAND FROM-IMPS TO-IMPS -077777 02/01/84 OMMENTS:_ 4203 41400 41400 3500 OTHER APPEALS: 1000 .208655 ~ouo NO. I<_ q ? 7 PARCEL No. I '3 Q "3 6 -=-'u o 7 ( CLASS/QUAL. I M-S PAGE STOfi Y/H8T. YR. liLT. CONDITION PERIM. E. Y./REi... I NO. UNITS/ A. U. S. I AREA INCOME APPROACH COST APPROACH USE AREA RATE GROSS VCL EXP NET !USE HEAT SPRINK ELEV. ACTUAL ECONOMIC ANNUAL POTENTIAL GROSS l.ESS VAC . AND CL . EFFECTIVE GROSS TOTAL BASE MISC . INCOME STY. FAC . l.ESS EXPENSES HGT. FAC. lNN . NET INCOME AREA F"C. .ESS INCOME INCOME TO P. P. REF. COST • ESS INCOME TO LAND COST MUL . : ) X( + ) LOCAL MUL. LAND VALUE INT. TAX FIN . COST ICET INCOME TO IMPS. :APITALIZED AT STORIES AREA FIN . COST RCN ILD8. I RCN 8LD8. 2 ) + ( ) + ( i J INT. TAX RECAP. I :APITALIZED IMP. VALUE .AND VALUE EXCESS LAND SUBTOTAL (RCN) TOTAL BY INCOME APPitOACH PHYSICAL DEPREC. ECON . OR FUNCT. OBSOL . OTHER VALUE INDICATORS DEP. COST ( RCNLD.) ICET INC . ( l+ ( ) OAR • ACC. IMPS. (SEE BELOW) GROSS INC . ( ) X ( ) GRM. • TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS ICO . UNITS ( ) X ( ) /UNIT • LAND 'REA ( ) X ( ) $/SF • TOTAL BY COST APPROACH .AND CALC.: ~5:9r/l/ ~ 7~-:::$' ~(J~(".) DATE COSTED TO : '""l(cc . IMPS . AREA COST DEP. RCNLD """" ..._ lELECTED VALUE LAND • ~-CJ,a o IMPS ' I r:_D a 'PPR. hl.6e TOTAL ' ~ :;; 40 () lATE t-.t -~ ,-d_ . TOTAL -------- :OMPARAILE SALES E NO . AMOUNT DATE DETAILS I REMARKS I z 3 4 -------- :OMMENTS• <"4t-&-.S -~-_S:f7i ~G ¥~ ra· ~ §_er-t'Ar.?r · 111 r.rrc /2..' ftc; P If/hi '___)__,.~ {) e-;a I( • -.,-6 <t/ 1 6o a :sESSORS FORM AP 66 Permits by Address 1300 BRONSON WAY N BLD - Building Commercial ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description B080628 Alteration Expired 12/02/200812/02/2008 $8,000 BRYANT MOTORS BRICK UP WINDOWS ON CORNER AT BRYANT MOTORS /OTC PER PH B12725 Addition Finaled 12/23/198612/07/1986 $1,200 CONSTRUCT DOOR & WINDOW 13523000050 B13001942 Alteration Expired 04/16/201304/16/2013 $39,743 BRYANT MOTORS ADD ROOF LAYER ON EXISTING ROOF FOR BRYANT MOTORS B14406 Addition Finaled 12/14/198804/22/1988 $3,800 STABILIZE FOUNDATION B15002278 Alteration Finaled 05/08/201505/08/2015 $39,850 BRYANT MOTORS BRYANT MOTORS RE-ROOF BRYANT MOTORS B16219 Addition Canceled 10/12/199006/19/1990 $5,000 BRYANT MOTORS, INC.INSTALL NEW REST ROOMS/TI B16829 Addition Finaled 06/04/199105/16/1991 $6,000 BRYANT MOTORS CONSTRUCT OFFICE & SHOWROOM B17805 Addition Finaled 07/15/199207/08/1992 $500 INSTALL ONE HOUR FIRE DOOR & SEAL WALL B17833 Addition Finaled 07/27/199207/06/1992 $500 BRYANT MOTORS HIGH PILED STORAGE B18269 Addition Finaled 02/09/199302/09/1993 $1,000 BRYANT MOTORS/DOUBLE FEED INSTALL WALL PARTIONS FOR 3 OFF. SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTION B970638 Alteration Finaled 09/05/199709/05/1997 $13,292 RE ROOF BRYANT MOTORS BLD - Electrical Commercial ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description E001462 Alteration Finaled 11/17/200011/17/2000 $200 BRYANT MOTORS REPAIR WIRING TO PARKING LOT LIGHTS/BRYANT MOTORS E010310 Alteration Expired 03/08/200103/08/2001 $1,200 BRYANT MOTORS WIRING FOR SIGN FOR BRYANT MOTORS E13111 Addition Finaled 01/29/198601/29/1986 $400 INSTALL EXHAUST FAN E18881 Addition Canceled 03/18/199103/18/1991 $2,000 INSTALL ELECTRICAL FOR REST ROOM JOB# CS48929 E21174 Addition Canceled 11/30/199211/30/1992 $900 REISSUED 1/7/93 LIGHTS/OUTLETS & ELECTR. FOR FAN BLD - Mechanical Commercial ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description M13919 Alteration Finaled 08/27/199008/27/1990 $1,700 INSTALL GAS FURNACE/GAS PIPING Page 1 of 3Ran: March 09, 2018 BLD - Mechanical Commercial ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description M15518 Alteration Canceled 12/04/199211/30/1992 $4,000 INSTALL 1 HVAC UNIT 3 TON BLD - Plumbing Commercial ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description P02847 Alteration Canceled 01/04/199101/04/1991 $5,000 BRYANT MOTORS INSTALL BATHROOM PLUMBING/ADD DRINKING FOUNTAIN BLD - Sign ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description S010024 Permanent Sign Finaled 03/07/200102/21/2001 $1,200 BRYANT MOTORS (1) 25 SQ.FT WALL SIGN FOR BRYANT MOTORS S980108 Permanent Sign Expired 08/05/199912/02/1998 $1,400 BRYANT MOTORS INSTALL 1 LIGHTED FREE STANDING SIGN ENG - Franchise ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description MFP17004987 Minor Utility Issued 10/30/201710/23/2017 $0 Puget Sound Energy - Electric Install 40' of overhead wire for temporary power to verizon telecommunications device on pole. Restoration per City of Renton standards. ENG - Water ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description W980267 Service Installation Void 06/09/1998 $0 INSTALL 3/4 FULL SERVICE DOMESTIC METER FIRE - Tank ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description F990301 Aboveground Finaled 12/16/199912/03/1999 $2,400 INSTALL NEW OIL DISPENSER ON SECONDARY CONTAINMENTPALLET U00004 Underground Finaled 04/23/199010/23/1989 $3,900 BRYANT MOTORS USED OIL TANK - VAULTED IFC - Building Record ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description 2254910 Master Property Issued 07/02/201312/31/2003 $0 Bryant Motors IFC - Operational ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description Page 2 of 3Ran: March 09, 2018 IFC - Operational ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description IFC05-0580 Operational Finaled 10/28/200510/28/2005 AST/FCL/HM/HWO/RG/SD IFC06-0663 Operational Finaled 11/30/200611/30/2006 2 AST/FCL/HM/HWO/RG/SD IFC07-0578 Operational Finaled 10/16/200710/15/2007 2 AST/FCL/HM/HWO/LPG/RG IFC08-0649 Operational Finaled 11/07/200811/07/2008 2 AST/FCL/HM/HPS/HWO/LPG/RG IFC09-0271 Operational Finaled 05/01/200905/01/2009 2 AST/FCL/HM/HPS/HWO/LPG/RG IFC10-0369 Operational Finaled 06/17/201006/17/2010 2 AST/FCL/HM/HPS/HWO/LPG/RG IFC11-0251 Operational Finaled 06/06/201106/06/2011 2 AST/FCL/HPS/HWO/LPG/RG IFC12-0319 Operational Finaled 05/17/201205/17/2012 AST 2/FCL/HPS/HWO/LPG/RG IFC13003406 Operational Pending 08/29/201307/02/2013 $0 Bryant Motors MISC001097 Operational Finaled 11/02/2000 AST/FCL/HM/HWO/RG/SD MISC930123 Operational Finaled 11/24/1993 UFC PERMITS C/W, FCL, R/G, H/M, S/D, UST MISC950961 Operational Finaled 11/06/1995 UFC FEES - C/W, FCL, R/G, S/D, UST MISC960989 Operational Finaled 11/05/1996 UFC FEES - AST CW FCL HM RG SD MISC970999 Operational Finaled 10/20/1997 AST/CW/FCL/HM/RG/SD MISC981203 Operational Finaled 11/20/1998 1 AST/CW/FCL/HM/RG/SD MISC991164 Operational Finaled 12/03/1999 AST/FCL/HM/HWO/RG/SD UFC01-0601 Operational Finaled 11/30/200111/30/2001 AST/FCL/HM/HWO/RG/SD UFC02-0636 Operational Finaled 11/22/200211/22/2002 AST/FCL/HM/HWO/RG/SD UFC03-0657 Operational Finaled 11/14/200311/14/2003 AST/FCL/HM/HWO/RG/SPRAYING OR DIPPING UFC04-0598 Operational Finaled 11/08/200411/08/2004 AST/FCL/HM/HWO/RG/SD Page 3 of 3Ran: March 09, 2018 Permits by Address 1316 BRONSON WAY N ENG - Water ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description W120164 Service Cap at Main Expired 09/24/201208/23/2012 $0 CUT & CAP 3/4" SERVICE AT MAIN Page 1 of 1Ran: April 09, 2018 Permits by Address 125 MEADOW AVE N BLD - Building Demolition ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description B050027 Single Family Residence Finaled 01/24/200501/24/2005 $0 DEMO ACCESSORY STRUCTURE B070276 Single Family Residence Expired 05/18/200705/18/2007 DEMOLISH SFR ENG - Franchise ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description MFP08322 Minor Utility Expired 08/01/200808/01/2008 c&c PE GAS SVC AT MAIN FOR DEMO @ 104' SCL OF N 2ND ST & 11' SCL OF MEADOW AVE N. CUSTOMER WILL DEMO 8/4/08 PER CITY OF RENTON PERMIT ENG - Sewer ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description SS070148 Side Sewer Finaled 04/18/200704/18/2007 CUT & CAP EXISTING SIDE SEWER AT PROPERTY LINE ENG - Water ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description W070135 Service Cap at Main Finaled 04/18/200704/18/2007 CUT &CAP EXISTING WATER SERVICE Page 1 of 1Ran: April 09, 2018 Permits by Address 111 MEADOW AVE N BLD - Building Commercial ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description B970064 Alteration Finaled 02/03/199702/03/1997 $21,509 DON-A-LISA MOTEL TEAR OFF/REROOF COMM.BLDG.(DON-A-LISA) CLASS B BLD - Building Demolition ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description B080344 Single Family Residence Finaled 07/03/200807/03/2008 DON-A-LISA HOTEL PARTIAL DEMO AT THE DON-A-LISA- ASBESTOS REMOVEL / ROOF ONLY B080459 Single Family Residence Expired 08/19/200808/19/2008 DEMO 22 UNIT MOTEL (DON A LISA) ENG - Sewer ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description SS080123 Side Sewer Expired 04/02/200804/02/2008 CUT & CAP SEWER AT PROP LINE ENG - Water ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description W080112 Service Cap at Main Finaled 04/02/200804/02/2008 CUT & CAP AT MAIN W120163 Service Cap at Main Finaled 09/24/201208/23/2012 CUT & CAP 1" SERVICE AT MAIN IFC - Building Record ValuationIssue DateApply DateStatusWork ClassPermit #Name Description 2255205 Master Property Expired 12/31/2003 VACANT / Don A Lisa Page 1 of 1Ran: April 09, 2018 ERTS #561146 Department of Ecology - Environmental Report Tracking System Entry Person Berven, Shawna Entry Date 3/12/2007 Received Date 3/12/2007 0:00Incident Date Confidential_FL Name JAMES PORTER Busines Name Street Address BRONSON WAY Other Address City RENTON Zip 98057- E-mail External Reference # Location Name BRYANT MOTORS Street Address 1300 BRONSON WAY Other Address State WA Zip 98057- County - Region KING NWRO Topo Quad 1:24:000 RENTON WIRA # Waterway Latitude Longitude Direction/Landmark (mile post, cross roads, township/range) FS ID Vessel Name Name Business Name BRYANT MOTORS Street Address 1300 BRONSON WAY Other Address City RENTON Zip 98057- Phone Ext E-mail Initial Report Caller Information Where did it happen First Last State WA Phone Ext Type What happened Primary Potentially Responsible Party Information Type City/Place RENTON First Last Type State WA Additional Contact Information Name Phone Ext Type More Information Hull Number Spills Program Oil Spill?N Impact Medium Berth Anchorage Activity Material Source Cause UNKNOWN (425) 235-7011 Home REPORTER SAYS THERE IS A LOT OF MOTOR OIL ON SITE, CAN VISIBLY SEE IT RUNNING INTO STORM DRAINS, ETC. REPORTER LIVES ACROSS THE STREET AND CLAIMS HE HAS NEVER SEEN ANY TYPE OF OIL RECYCLING, BELIEVES THEY MAY DUMP OIL ONTO GROUND. ALSO REPORTED AIR POLLUTION FROM DIESEL FUEL FUMES. SEVERAL LARGE RIGS (BUSES, TRUCKS, ETC) GET LEFT RUNNING IN THE PARKING AREA FOR HOURS AT A TIME. WILL COPY THIS REFERRAL TO PUGET SOUND CLEAN AIR AUTHORITY. GROUND WATER Quantity PETROLEUM - MOTOR OIL Unit UNKNOWN COMMERCIAL GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION Page 1 of 4Wednesday, February 07, 2018 *** The Initial report contains only information provided to Ecology from the complainant. ERTS #561146 Department of Ecology - Environmental Report Tracking System Referral Referral #98690 Referral Date 3/12/2007 Person Referred to MUSA TCP, DONNA E-mail dmus461@ecy.wa.gov Phone (425) 649-7136 Fax (425) 649-7098 Program/Organization TOXICS CLEANUP Address 3190 160TH AVE SE City BELLEVUE WA 98008- Region/Location NWRO PrimaryReferral Method E-mail ERTS number E-mail attachment Print Telephone Referral #98691 Referral Date 3/12/2007 Person Referred to PUGET SOUND CLEAN AIR AGENCY, RADIO ROOM E-mail inspection@pscleanair.org Phone (206) 343-8800 Fax (206) 689-4073 Program/Organization INSPECTIONS Address 110 Union Street, Suite 500 City Seattle WA 98101 Region/Location PSCAA PrimaryReferral Method E-mail ERTS number E-mail attachment Print Telephone Referral #98706 Referral Date 3/12/2007 Person Referred to ZORZI, HOWARD E-mail hzor461@ecy.wa.gov Phone (425) 649-7262 Fax (425) 649-7098 Program/Organization SPILLS, PREVENTION, PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE Address 3190 160TH AVE SE City BELLEVUE WA 98008- Region/Location NWRO PrimaryReferral Method E-mail ERTS number E-mail attachment Print Telephone Referral #98938 Referral Date 3/20/2007 Person Referred to KING CO HAZ WASTE GROUP, Initial Investigation Refer E-mail Email King Co Haz Waste Group Phone (206) 263-3040 Fax (206) 263-3070 Program/Organization KING COUNTY Address 130 Nickerson Street City Seattle WA 98109-1658 Region/Location HAZ WASTE INVESTIGATIONS PrimaryReferral Method E-mail ERTS number E-mail attachment Print Telephone Page 2 of 4Wednesday, February 07, 2018 *** The Initial report contains only information provided to Ecology from the complainant. ERTS #561146 Department of Ecology - Environmental Report Tracking System Followup Inspector Information Program/Organization SPILLS, PREVENTION, PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE * Region/Location NWRO Location Name BRYANT MOTORS Street Address 1300 BRONSON WAY Other Address Zip 98057- County KING Region NWRO Waterway Latitude Longitude WRIA # Type Incident Date 3/12/2007 Check if the primary PRP provided notice to Ecology # of Ecology Staff 1 Overtime What happened City/Place RENTON State WA FS ID Topo Quad 1:24,000 RENTON ZORZI, HOWARD Entry Person:ZORZI, HOWARD Start Date End Date Entry Date 3/16/2007 Referral #98706 Action Potentially Responsible Party Information Impact Vessel Lead Inspector Spills Program Oil Spill?N Direction/Landmark (mile post, cross roads, township/range) Berth Anchorage Medium Material Source Activity Cause Regulated? Followup #1 Vessel Emergency Where did it happen 3/12/2007 3/12/2007TELEPHONE POTENTIAL POLLUTION/RELEASE Last Street Address 1300 BRONSON WAY Other Address City RENTON Zip 98057- Name Business Name BRYANT MOTORS Phone E-mail First State WA Ext Type Primary Contacted James Porter - reports that the individual who made the call is known by the facility - partially blind and works nearby - he gives the bryant motors trouble every know and then. No spill has happened. NFA by spills. Narrative GROUND WATER Quantity 1 PETROLEUM - MOTOR OIL EstUnit OTHER COMMERCIAL UNKNOWN Inspector Information Program/Organization TOXICS CLEANUP * Region/Location NWRO Location Name BRYANT MOTORS Street Address 1300 BRONSON WAY Other Address Zip 98057- County KING Region NWRO Waterway WRIA # Type # of Ecology Staff 1 Overtime City/Place RENTON State WA FS ID MUSA TCP, DONNA Start Date End Date Referral #98690 Action Lead Inspector Berth Anchorage Followup #2Where did it happen 3/20/2007 3/20/2007REFERRAL 11/21/2007 11/21/2007TCP - NFA Page 3 of 4Wednesday, February 07, 2018 *** The Initial report contains only information provided to Ecology from the complainant. ERTS #561146 Department of Ecology - Environmental Report Tracking System Latitude Longitude Incident Date Check if the primary PRP provided notice to Ecology What happened Topo Quad 1:24,000 RENTON Entry Person:MUSA ERTS, DONNA Entry Date 3/20/2007 Potentially Responsible Party Information Impact Vessel Spills Program Oil Spill?N Direction/Landmark (mile post, cross roads, township/range)Medium Material Source Activity Cause Regulated? Vessel Emergency GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION Last Street Address 1300 BRONSON WAY Other Address City RENTON Zip 98057- Name Business Name BRYANT MOTORS Phone E-mail First State WA Ext Type Primary REFERRING TO KING CO HAZ WASTE FOR FOLLOW UP. BASED ON HOWARD ZORZI`S INVESTIGATION, AM CLOSING OUT FILE WITH NFA UNLESS WE RECEIVE A CORROBORATING REPORT. Narrative GROUND WATER Quantity PETROLEUM - MOTOR OIL EstUnit COMMERCIAL UNKNOWN Page 4 of 4Wednesday, February 07, 2018 *** The Initial report contains only information provided to Ecology from the complainant. ERTS #544124 Department of Ecology - Environmental Report Tracking System Entry Person WALTERS, TRACIE Entry Date 10/18/2004 Received Date 10/16/2004 0:00Incident Date 10/16/2004 Confidential_FL Name BRETT BIGGER Busines Name RENTON FD Street Address Other Address City Zip E-mail External Reference # Location Name Street Address 1300 BRONSON WAY Other Address State WA Zip County - Region KING NWRO Topo Quad 1:24:000 RENTON WIRA # Waterway CEDAR RIVER Latitude Longitude Direction/Landmark (mile post, cross roads, township/range) FS ID Vessel Name Name UNK Business Name Street Address Other Address City Zip Phone Ext E-mail Initial Report Caller Information Where did it happen First Last State WA Phone Ext Type What happened Primary Potentially Responsible Party Information Type RIVER City/Place RENTON First Last Type State WA Additional Contact Information Name Phone Ext Type More Information Hull Number Spills Program Oil Spill?N Impact Medium Berth Anchorage Activity UNKNOWN Material Source Cause UNKNOWN (206) 909-7911 Business (206) 919-1049 Business ROOF COATING SPILL TO LOCAL RIVER (UNK). SURFACE WATER-FRESH Quantity OTHER - SEE NOTE Unit CONSTRUCTION SITE WATER POLLUTION Page 1 of 3Wednesday, February 07, 2018 *** The Initial report contains only information provided to Ecology from the complainant. ERTS #544124 Department of Ecology - Environmental Report Tracking System Referral Referral #73937 Referral Date 10/18/2004 Person Referred to SATO AHR, BRIAN E-mail bsat461@ecy.wa.gov Phone (425) 649-7265 Fax (425) 649-7098 Program/Organization SPILLS, PREVENTION, PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE Address 3190 160TH AVE SE City BELLEVUE WA 98008- Region/Location NWRO PrimaryReferral Method E-mail ERTS number E-mail attachment Print Telephone Page 2 of 3Wednesday, February 07, 2018 *** The Initial report contains only information provided to Ecology from the complainant. ERTS #544124 Department of Ecology - Environmental Report Tracking System Followup Inspector Information Program/Organization SPILLS, PREVENTION, PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE * Region/Location NWRO Location Name Street Address 1300 BRONSON WAY Other Address Zip County KING Region NWRO Waterway CEDAR RIVER Latitude Longitude WRIA # Type RIVER Incident Date 10/16/2004 Check if the primary PRP provided notice to Ecology # of Ecology Staff Overtime What happened City/Place RENTON State WA FS ID Topo Quad 1:24,000 RENTON SATO AHR, BRIAN Entry Person:WALTERS, TRACIE Start Date End Date Entry Date 10/18/2004 Referral #73937 Action Potentially Responsible Party Information Impact Vessel Lead Inspector Spills Program Oil Spill?N Direction/Landmark (mile post, cross roads, township/range) Berth Anchorage Medium Material Source Activity UNKNOWN Cause Regulated? Followup #1 Vessel Emergency Where did it happen 10/16/2004 10/16/2004TELEPHONE WATER POLLUTION UNK Last Street Address Other Address City Zip Name Business Name Phone E-mail First State WA Ext Type Primary ROOF COATING MADE OF PLOYMER WAS APPLIED TO BLDG ROOF YESTERDAY. TODAY`S RAIN HAS WASHED OFF COATING AND MATERIAL WENT OT CATCH BASIN. CEDAR RIVER IS 1/4 MILE AWAY AND THE MILKY WHITE MATERIAL FROM ROOF COATING HAS GONE TO CEDAR RIVER. (9) 55 GAL DRUMS ARE ON THE ROOF OF THE BUILDING. FD HAS STOPPED RELEASE TO CB ROOF COATING IS MADE OF TITANIUM DIOXIDE/CALCIUM CARBONATE/METHANOLE/ALASKAMAMIC POLYMER. FD CALLED ROOF COATING MANUFACTUROR AND THEY SAY MATERIAL IS WATER SOLUABLE. USE FLOOR SWEEP OR SAND TO BIND MATERIAL. FD HAS CONTACTED NRC AND THEY ARE RESPONDING WITH VAC TRUCK TO CLEAN OUT CBS. (425) 430-7081 ERIC CHAPMAN RENTON FD. ERIC CALLED BACK - RAINING AGAIN AND THEY WANT TO GET BAKER TANK AND TIGHT LINE ROOF DOWN SPOUTS. Narrative SURFACE WATER-FRESH Quantity 1 OTHER - SEE NOTE EstUnit GALLON CONSTRUCTION SITE UNKNOWN Page 3 of 3Wednesday, February 07, 2018 *** The Initial report contains only information provided to Ecology from the complainant. ERTS #658832 Department of Ecology - Environmental Report Tracking System Received Date 8/13/2015 15:17Incident Date 8/12/2015 Confidential_FL Name Paul Craig Busines Name GeoEngineers Street Address Other Address City Zip E-mail External Reference # Location Name Bryant Motors Street Address 1300 Bronson Way N Other Address State WA Zip 98057 County - Region KING NWRO Topo Quad 1:24:000 RENTON WIRA # Waterway Latitude Longitude Direction/Landmark (mile post, cross roads, township/range) FS ID 54463839 Vessel Name Name Business Name Bryant Motors Street Address Other Address City Zip Phone Ext E-mail Initial Report Caller Information Where did it happen First Last State WA Phone Ext Type What happened Primary Potentially Responsible Party Information Type City/Place RENTON First Last Type State WA Additional Contact Information Name Phone Ext Type More Information Hull Number Spills Program Oil Spill?N Impact Medium Berth Anchorage Activity OTHER Material Source Cause EQUIPMENT FAILURE From: Paul Craig [mailto:pcraig@geoengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 3:17 PM To: Musa, Donna K. (ECY) Cc: Darrell Bryant; Lyn Wright; Tony Orme Subject: Bryant Motors Cleanup Action Report for Your Review (1300 Bronson Way North, Renton, Washington) Hi, Donna, The link below provides access to our cleanup action report to document the remedial excavation of hydraulic oil contamination in soil at Bryant Motors located at 1300 Bronson Way North in Renton, Washington. This report serves as notification by the owner of a petroleum release to soil within the 90-day reporting period required in MTCA. Please review the report and get back to me with any comments or questions you may have. Thanks very much for your help with this and have a wonderful weekend! This message contains attachments delivered via ShareFile. • Bryant Motors Cleanup Action Report.pdf (15.6 MB) Download the attachments by clicking here. Paul R. Craig, LG Senior Project Manager | GeoEngineers, Inc. Telephone: 425.861.6078 SOIL Quantity PETROLEUM - HYDRAULIC OIL Unit COMMERCIAL SOIL CONTAMINATION Page 1 of 5Wednesday, February 07, 2018 *** The Initial report contains only information provided to Ecology from the complainant. ERTS #658832 Department of Ecology - Environmental Report Tracking System Entry Person MUSA TCP, DONNA Entry Date 8/16/2015 Fax: 425.861.6050 Mobile: 206.793.4589 Email: pcraig@geoengineers.com 8410 154th Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98052 www.geoengineers.com Page 2 of 5Wednesday, February 07, 2018 *** The Initial report contains only information provided to Ecology from the complainant. ERTS #658832 Department of Ecology - Environmental Report Tracking System Referral Referral #197654 Referral Date 8/13/2015 Person Referred to MUSA TCP, DONNA E-mail DMUS461@ECY.WA.GOV Phone (425) 649-7136 Fax (425) 649-7098 Program/Organization TOXICS CLEANUP Address 3190 160th AVE SE City Bellevue WA 98008-5452 Region/Location NWRO PrimaryReferral Method E-mail ERTS number E-mail attachment Print Telephone Page 3 of 5Wednesday, February 07, 2018 *** The Initial report contains only information provided to Ecology from the complainant. ERTS #658832 Department of Ecology - Environmental Report Tracking System Followup Inspector Information Program/Organization TOXICS CLEANUP * Region/Location NWRO Location Name Bryant Motors Street Address 1300 Bronson Way N Other Address Zip 98057- County KING Region NWRO Waterway Latitude Longitude WRIA # Type Incident Date 8/12/2015 Check if the primary PRP provided notice to Ecology # of Ecology Staff 1 Overtime What happened City/Place RENTON State WA FS ID 54463839 Topo Quad 1:24,000 RENTON MUSA TCP, DONNA Start Date End Date Referral #197654 Action Potentially Responsible Party Information Impact Vessel Lead Inspector Spills Program Oil Spill?N Direction/Landmark (mile post, cross roads, township/range) Berth Anchorage Medium Material Source Activity OTHER Cause Regulated? Followup #1Where did it happen 8/16/2015 8/16/2015REQUESTED INFORMATION 10/30/2015 10/30/2015TCP - NFA SOIL CONTAMINATION Last Street Address Other Address City Zip Name Business Name Bryant Motors Phone E-mail First State WA Ext Type Primary From: Musa, Donna K. (ECY) Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2015 2:19 PM To: 'Paul Craig' Cc: Darrell Bryant; Lyn Wright; Tony Orme Subject: RE: Bryant Motors (ERTS 658832) Hi Paul, Thanks for the notification and report. I was able to access and download it just fine. I’ve entered this into our system and it’s ERTS 658832. I will let you know if I have any questions once I (or another staff member) begin review. Please let me know if you have any questions about process or status as we move forward. Sincerely, Donna Musa ================================== Documents reviewed: • Cleanup Action Report, Bryant Motors Property, 1300 Bronson Way North, Renton, Washington. GeoEngineers, Inc., Redmond, Washington. August 12, 2015. During building renovations, three hydraulic hoists (installed in 1968) were removed from within the building. Narrative SOIL Quantity PETROLEUM - HYDRAULIC OIL EstUnit COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT FAILURE Page 4 of 5Wednesday, February 07, 2018 *** The Initial report contains only information provided to Ecology from the complainant. ERTS #658832 Department of Ecology - Environmental Report Tracking System Entry Person:MUSA TCP, DONNA Entry Date 8/16/2015Vessel Emergency Soil characterization conducted on 5/15/15 revealed lube-oil range hydrocarbons in two of three soil samples at 5,900 ppm and 27,000 ppm. The third sample had detectible concentrations but below the MTCA Method A cleanup level. Diesel-range hydrocarbons were above MTCA Method A in one of three samples, at 3,500 ppm. Soil samples were also analyzed for PCBs, cPAHs, naphthalenes and RCRA metals. Results for PCBs, cPAHs, naphthalenes and RCRA metals were either non-detect or less than the applicable MTCA cleanup levels. Excavation and off-site disposal were the selected cleanup alternative. Approximately 236.71 tons of impacted soils were removed from the site for permitted disposal. Confirmation samples obtained at the final limits of the excavation were below MTCA Method A cleanup levels. CURRENT SITE STATUS (Brief Summary of why Site is recommended for Listing or NFA): Soil removal and confirmation sampling was conducted at Bryant Motors inside the building during remodeling activities between May and June 2015. Analytical results confirm all impacted soil was removed and remaining soils are in compliance with MTCA Method A cleanup levels. Excavations were conducted to 19 feet bgs with no groundwater encountered. Recommendation: NFA due to independent remediation. Page 5 of 5Wednesday, February 07, 2018 *** The Initial report contains only information provided to Ecology from the complainant. ARCHIVE CONTACT INFO PHONE: 360-586-1492 EMAIL: research@sos.wa.gov File Name Description Subject Start Date End Date BRYANT MOTORS/KING HZW / WAD988504650 06/01/1982 07/01/1998 Box ID: 9552 Transmittal ID: 6556 Barcode: AR20090113-05 Agency Box #: 1172 Record Series Title Z DO NOT USE: HAZARDOUS WASTE / RESOURCE CONSERVATION &amp; RECOVERY ACT (RCRA) CORRESPONDENCE Site Comments 1/1/0001 SITE M - REMOVED, CLOSED IN PLACE 12553 BRYANT MOTORS 1300 BRONSON WAY N RENTON 98055 Inspect Dt Inspection Type Inspection Comments Enforce Dt Enforcement Enforcement Comments Enforce Dt Violation/Citation Violation Comments Service Dt Service Event Service Comments UST All Comments by UST Site ID 1 2/7/2018 UST COMMENTS SUMMARY FOR UST 12553 Facility Name: BRYANT MOTORS Tag(s): SITE INFORMATION BRYANT MOTORS RESP UNIT:NORTHWEST COUNTY:KING USTID: 12553 1300 BRONSON WAY N LAT:47.4846700351648 FSID: 54463839 RENTON, WA 98055 LONG:-122.200119153057 TANK INFORMATIONx TANK NAME:1 STATUS:Removed STATUS DT:08/06/1996 PERMANENTLY CLOSED DT: INSTALL DT:12/31/1964 UPGRADE DT:PERMIT EXPIRATION DT: TANK PIPING MATERIAL:Steel MATERIAL:Steel CONSTRUCTION:CONSTRUCTION: CORROSION PROT:CORROSION PROT: MANIFOLDED TANK:SFC* at TANK: RELEASE DETECT:SFC* at DISP/PUMP: TIGHTNESS TEST:1ST REL DETECT: SPILL PREVENTION:2ND REL DETECT: OVERFILL PREVENT:PUMPING SYSTEM: ACTUAL CAPACITY: CAPACITY RANGE: * SFC = Steel Flex Connector COMPARTMENT #SUBSTANCE STORED SUBSTANCE USED CAPACITY 33690 1 B Unleaded Gasoline TANK NAME:2 STATUS:Removed STATUS DT:08/06/1996 PERMANENTLY CLOSED DT: INSTALL DT:12/31/1964 UPGRADE DT:PERMIT EXPIRATION DT: TANK PIPING MATERIAL:Steel MATERIAL:Steel CONSTRUCTION:CONSTRUCTION: CORROSION PROT:CORROSION PROT: MANIFOLDED TANK:SFC* at TANK: RELEASE DETECT:SFC* at DISP/PUMP: TIGHTNESS TEST:1ST REL DETECT: SPILL PREVENTION:2ND REL DETECT: OVERFILL PREVENT:PUMPING SYSTEM: ACTUAL CAPACITY: CAPACITY RANGE: * SFC = Steel Flex Connector COMPARTMENT #SUBSTANCE STORED SUBSTANCE USED CAPACITY 33622 1 B Unleaded Gasoline TANK NAME:3 STATUS:Removed STATUS DT:08/06/1996 PERMANENTLY CLOSED DT: INSTALL DT:12/31/1964 UPGRADE DT:PERMIT EXPIRATION DT: TANK PIPING MATERIAL:Steel MATERIAL:Steel CONSTRUCTION:CONSTRUCTION: CORROSION PROT:CORROSION PROT: MANIFOLDED TANK:SFC* at TANK: Underground Storage Tank SystemToxics Cleanup Program Page 1 of 3 UST Site / Tank Data Summary 4/16/2018 RELEASE DETECT:SFC* at DISP/PUMP: TIGHTNESS TEST:1ST REL DETECT: SPILL PREVENTION:2ND REL DETECT: OVERFILL PREVENT:PUMPING SYSTEM: ACTUAL CAPACITY: CAPACITY RANGE: * SFC = Steel Flex Connector COMPARTMENT #SUBSTANCE STORED SUBSTANCE USED CAPACITY 33813 1 G Used Oil/Waste Oil TANK NAME:4 STATUS:Removed STATUS DT:08/06/1996 PERMANENTLY CLOSED DT: INSTALL DT:12/31/1964 UPGRADE DT:PERMIT EXPIRATION DT: TANK PIPING MATERIAL:Steel MATERIAL:Steel CONSTRUCTION:CONSTRUCTION: CORROSION PROT:CORROSION PROT: MANIFOLDED TANK:SFC* at TANK: RELEASE DETECT:SFC* at DISP/PUMP: TIGHTNESS TEST:1ST REL DETECT: SPILL PREVENTION:2ND REL DETECT: OVERFILL PREVENT:PUMPING SYSTEM: ACTUAL CAPACITY: CAPACITY RANGE: * SFC = Steel Flex Connector COMPARTMENT #SUBSTANCE STORED SUBSTANCE USED CAPACITY 33519 1 G Used Oil/Waste Oil TANK NAME:5 STATUS:Closed in Place STATUS DT:08/06/1996 PERMANENTLY CLOSED DT: INSTALL DT:12/31/1964 UPGRADE DT:PERMIT EXPIRATION DT: TANK PIPING MATERIAL:Steel MATERIAL:Steel CONSTRUCTION:CONSTRUCTION: CORROSION PROT:CORROSION PROT: MANIFOLDED TANK:SFC* at TANK: RELEASE DETECT:SFC* at DISP/PUMP: TIGHTNESS TEST:1ST REL DETECT: SPILL PREVENTION:2ND REL DETECT: OVERFILL PREVENT:PUMPING SYSTEM: ACTUAL CAPACITY: CAPACITY RANGE:111 TO 1,100 Gallons * SFC = Steel Flex Connector COMPARTMENT #SUBSTANCE STORED SUBSTANCE USED CAPACITY 33725 1 F Kerosene TANK NAME:6 STATUS:Closed in Place STATUS DT:08/06/1996 PERMANENTLY CLOSED DT: INSTALL DT:12/31/1964 UPGRADE DT:PERMIT EXPIRATION DT: TANK PIPING MATERIAL:Steel MATERIAL:Steel Underground Storage Tank SystemToxics Cleanup Program Page 2 of 3 UST Site / Tank Data Summary 4/16/2018 CONSTRUCTION:CONSTRUCTION: CORROSION PROT:CORROSION PROT: MANIFOLDED TANK:SFC* at TANK: RELEASE DETECT:SFC* at DISP/PUMP: TIGHTNESS TEST:1ST REL DETECT: SPILL PREVENTION:2ND REL DETECT: OVERFILL PREVENT:PUMPING SYSTEM: ACTUAL CAPACITY: CAPACITY RANGE:111 TO 1,100 Gallons * SFC = Steel Flex Connector COMPARTMENT #SUBSTANCE STORED SUBSTANCE USED CAPACITY 33646 1 F Kerosene TANK NAME:7 STATUS:Closed in Place STATUS DT:08/06/1996 PERMANENTLY CLOSED DT: INSTALL DT:12/31/1964 UPGRADE DT:PERMIT EXPIRATION DT: TANK PIPING MATERIAL:Steel MATERIAL:Steel CONSTRUCTION:CONSTRUCTION: CORROSION PROT:CORROSION PROT: MANIFOLDED TANK:SFC* at TANK: RELEASE DETECT:SFC* at DISP/PUMP: TIGHTNESS TEST:1ST REL DETECT: SPILL PREVENTION:2ND REL DETECT: OVERFILL PREVENT:PUMPING SYSTEM: ACTUAL CAPACITY: CAPACITY RANGE: * SFC = Steel Flex Connector COMPARTMENT #SUBSTANCE STORED SUBSTANCE USED CAPACITY 33781 1 TANK NAME:8 STATUS:Closed in Place STATUS DT:08/06/1996 PERMANENTLY CLOSED DT: INSTALL DT:12/31/1964 UPGRADE DT:PERMIT EXPIRATION DT: TANK PIPING MATERIAL:Steel MATERIAL:Steel CONSTRUCTION:CONSTRUCTION: CORROSION PROT:CORROSION PROT: MANIFOLDED TANK:SFC* at TANK: RELEASE DETECT:SFC* at DISP/PUMP: TIGHTNESS TEST:1ST REL DETECT: SPILL PREVENTION:2ND REL DETECT: OVERFILL PREVENT:PUMPING SYSTEM: ACTUAL CAPACITY: CAPACITY RANGE: * SFC = Steel Flex Connector COMPARTMENT #SUBSTANCE STORED SUBSTANCE USED CAPACITY 33561 1 G Used Oil/Waste Oil UST_SiteTankDataSmry2014 Underground Storage Tank SystemToxics Cleanup Program Page 3 of 3 UST Site / Tank Data Summary 4/16/2018 Reporting History (WAD988504650) Reporting History (WAD988504650).htm[2/7/2018 2:23:15 PM] HOME FORMS «« Site Profile Reporting History User: krid461 Role: Ecology User Environment: Production RCRA Site ID: WAD988504650 (Inactive: 12/31/2005)Bryant Motors 1300 BRONSON WAY N RENTON, WA 98055Facility/Site ID: 54463839 Site ID History Type Status Legal Owner Submitted Effective E-Filer Withdrawal: RY2005 XQG Bryant Motors Inc 2/22/2006 12/31/2005 Yes View Print AR: RY2004 SQG Bryant Motors Inc 2/14/2005 12/31/2004 Yes View Print AR: RY2003 SQG Bryant Motors Inc 3/3/2004 12/31/2003 No View Print AR: RY2002 SQG Bryant Motors Inc 3/3/2003 12/31/2002 No View Print AR: RY2001 XQG Bryant Motors Inc 3/1/2002 12/31/2001 No View Print AR: RY2000 SQG Bryant Motors Inc 3/2/2001 12/31/2000 No View Print AR: RY1999 XQG Bryant Motors Inc 2/23/2000 12/31/1999 No View Print AR: RY1998 XQG Bryant Motors Inc 2/26/1999 12/31/1998 No View Print AR: RY1997 XQG Bryant Motors Inc 3/25/1998 12/31/1997 No View Print AR: RY1996 SQG Bryant Motors Inc 2/27/1997 12/31/1996 No View Print AR: RY1995 MQG 2/28/1996 12/31/1995 No View Print Annual Report History Reporting Year: 2005 Sent:Received: 2/22/2006 Effective: 12/31/2005 Delinq. Letter Sent: Submitted: E-Filer: Reply Expected: Follow-up Required: Verified: Reviewed: Potential Planner: Yes Yes No No No No No Site ID Form: Yes GM Waste Streams WR Waste Streams OI Facilities (0) Review Data Export Files Comments:1-7-06 Amended report per Kimberly to withdraw ID #. TW Reporting Year: 2004 Sent:Received: 2/14/2005 Effective: 12/31/2004 Delinq. Letter Sent: Submitted: E-Filer: Reply Expected: Follow-up Required: Verified: Reviewed: Potential Planner: Yes Yes No No No No No Site ID Form: Yes GM Waste Streams WR Waste Streams OI Facilities (0) Review Data Export Files Comments: Reporting Year: 2003 Sent: 12/30/2003 Received: 3/3/2004 Effective: 12/31/2003 Delinq. Letter Sent: Submitted: E-Filer: Reply Expected: Follow-up Required: Verified: Reviewed: Yes No No No No No Site ID Form: Yes GM Waste Streams WR Waste Streams OI Facilities (0) Review Data Export Files Reporting History (WAD988504650) Reporting History (WAD988504650).htm[2/7/2018 2:23:15 PM] Potential Planner:No Comments: Reporting Year: 2002 Sent: 12/30/2002 Received: 3/3/2003 Effective: 12/31/2002 Delinq. Letter Sent: Submitted: E-Filer: Reply Expected: Follow-up Required: Verified: Reviewed: Potential Planner: Yes No No No No No No Site ID Form: Yes GM Waste Streams WR Waste Streams OI Facilities (0) Review Data Export Files Comments: Reporting Year: 2001 Sent: 12/10/2001 Received: 3/1/2002 Effective: 12/31/2001 Delinq. Letter Sent: Submitted: E-Filer: Reply Expected: Follow-up Required: Verified: Reviewed: Potential Planner: Yes No No No No No No Site ID Form: Yes GM Waste Streams WR Waste Streams OI Facilities (0) Review Data Export Files Comments: Reporting Year: 2000 Sent: 12/1/2000 Received: 3/2/2001 Effective: 12/31/2000 Delinq. Letter Sent: Submitted: E-Filer: Reply Expected: Follow-up Required: Verified: Reviewed: Potential Planner: Yes No No No No No No Site ID Form: Yes GM Waste Streams WR Waste Streams OI Facilities (0) Review Data Export Files Comments: Reporting Year: 1999 Sent: 12/3/1999 Received: 2/23/2000 Effective: 12/31/1999 Delinq. Letter Sent: Submitted: E-Filer: Reply Expected: Follow-up Required: Verified: Reviewed: Potential Planner: Yes No No No No No No Site ID Form: Yes GM Waste Streams WR Waste Streams OI Facilities (0) Review Data Export Files Comments: Reporting Year: 1998 Sent: 12/18/1998 Received: 2/26/1999 Effective: 12/31/1998 Delinq. Letter Sent: Submitted: E-Filer: Reply Expected: Follow-up Required: Verified: Reviewed: Potential Planner: Yes No No No No No No Site ID Form: Yes GM Waste Streams WR Waste Streams OI Facilities (0) Review Data Export Files Comments: Reporting Year: 1997 Sent: 12/13/1997 Received: 3/25/1998 Effective: 12/31/1997 Delinq. Letter Sent: Submitted: E-Filer: Yes No Site ID Form: Yes Review Data Export Files Reporting History (WAD988504650) Reporting History (WAD988504650).htm[2/7/2018 2:23:15 PM] Reply Expected: Follow-up Required: Verified: Reviewed: Potential Planner: No No No No No GM Waste Streams WR Waste Streams OI Facilities (0) Comments: Reporting Year: 1996 Sent: 1/8/1997 Received: 2/27/1997 Effective: 12/31/1996 Delinq. Letter Sent: Submitted: E-Filer: Reply Expected: Follow-up Required: Verified: Reviewed: Potential Planner: Yes No No No No No No Site ID Form: Yes GM Waste Streams WR Waste Streams OI Facilities (0) Review Data Export Files Comments:96AR: No waste. Reporting Year: 1995 Sent: 11/4/1994 Received: 2/28/1996 Effective: 12/31/1995 Delinq. Letter Sent: Submitted: E-Filer: Reply Expected: Follow-up Required: Verified: Reviewed: Potential Planner: Yes No No No No No No Site ID Form: Yes GM Waste Streams (2) WR Waste Streams OI Facilities (1) Generated: 722.8200 lbs Review Data Export Files Comments: Help Support User Guide Cleanup Action Report Bryant Motors Property 1300 Bronson Way North Renton, Washington for Bryant Motors, Inc. August 12, 2015 Cleanup Action Report Bryant Motors Property 1300 Bronson Way North Renton, Washington for Bryant Motors, Inc. August 12, 2015 8410 154th Avenue NE Redmond, Washington 98052 425.861.6000 August 12, 2015 | Page i File No. 21948-001-00 Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................................... 1 2.1. Subject Property Description ........................................................................................................ 1 2.2. Contaminants of Concern ............................................................................................................. 1 2.3. Establishment of Cleanup Levels and Terrestrial Ecological Evaluation ................................... 1 2.4. Review of Feasible Cleanup Alternatives and Selection of Preferred Remedy ......................... 1 3.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ........................................................................................................................ 2 3.1. Task 1 – Soil Characterization ..................................................................................................... 2 3.2. Task 2 –Soil Removal and Chemical Analysis ............................................................................ 2 4.0 SOIL CHARACTERIZATION ACTIVITIES .............................................................................................. 3 4.1. May 15, 2015 ............................................................................................................................... 3 4.2. June 19 and July 6, 2015 ............................................................................................................ 4 5.0 REMEDIAL ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................................................ 4 5.1. Remedial Excavation .................................................................................................................... 4 5.2. Contaminated Soil Disposal ......................................................................................................... 5 5.3. Groundwater ................................................................................................................................. 5 6.0 CONFIRMATION SOIL SAMPLING AND CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ........................................................ 5 7.0 SITE RESTORATION ............................................................................................................................. 5 8.0 CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 5 9.0 LIMITATIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 6 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Summary of Field Screening and Chemical Analytical Data LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Vicinity Map Figure 2. General Site Plan Figure 3. Site Plan APPENDICES Appendix A – Terrestrial Ecological Evaluation Appendix B – Field Methods Appendix C – Chemical Analytical Program Appendix D – Disposal Tickets Appendix E – Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use August 12, 2015 | Page 1 File No. 21948-001-00 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) Cleanup Action of hydraulic oil-contaminated soil at Bryant Motors located at 1300 Bronson Way North in Renton, Washington. The property is herein referred to as the “site.” We understand that three hydraulic hoists (installed in approximately 1968) were removed in May 2015 during building renovations at the site. GeoEngineers was contacted by the property owner to characterize soil conditions beneath hoists following their removal. This report summarizes GeoEngineers’ observations and soil sampling results associated with soil in the vicinity of the hoists during soil characterization and subsequent remedial excavation activities at the site. The approximate location of the site relative to surrounding physical features is shown in Figure 1 (Vicinity Map). Figure 2 is a general site plan showing the location of hydraulic oil contamination in soil relative to the building location. The approximate locations of the remedial excavation and soil samples are shown in Figure 3. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1. Subject Property Description The subject property is relatively flat and consists of an approximately 16,480 square foot building on two parcels with parking on the south side of the building. The property has been used as a commercial location for medium-duty truck sales and service. According to King County records, the building was built in 1968. Soil conditions observed on the subject property during site characterization and remedial excavation activities in 2015 generally consisted of brown silty sand with gravel and occasional construction debris. Groundwater was not encountered during soil characterization activities at the site, which attained a depth of approximately 19 feet below the ground surface (bgs). 2.2. Contaminants of Concern The potential contaminants of concern for soil impacted by a release from a hydraulic hoist are diesel- and lube oil-range petroleum hydrocarbons, carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (cPAHs), naphthalenes, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), based on Table 830-1 in MTCA (Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 173-340). 2.3. Establishment of Cleanup Levels and Terrestrial Ecological Evaluation GeoEngineers completed a Simplified Terrestrial Ecological Evaluation (TEE) for the site in accordance with MTCA. Based on the Simplified TEE (WAC 173-340, Table 749-1), land use at the site and surrounding area make substantial wildlife exposure unlikely (see worksheet in Appendix A). Therefore, the recommended cleanup levels for the site are MTCA Method A; 2,000 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) for each of diesel- and lube oil-range petroleum hydrocarbons. 2.4. Review of Feasible Cleanup Alternatives and Selection of Preferred Remedy The objectives of the cleanup action to be completed at the Subject Property are to: (1) prevent direct human contact with soil containing contaminant concentrations greater than the MTCA Method A cleanup levels for unrestricted land use, and (2) prevent leaching of contaminants from soil to groundwater. Other pathways such as groundwater to surface water, and soil vapor intrusion to indoor air are not considered August 12, 2015 | Page 2 File No. 21948-001-00 complete exposure pathways for the Subject Property based on site conditions, absence of contaminant impacts to groundwater, contaminant type and current and future land use. The cleanup alternatives considered for the subject property were: (1) no action, (2) institutional controls, (3) in-situ remediation, and (4) soil excavation and off-site disposal. Excavation and off-site disposal were selected over other alternatives for the following reasons: ■ The selected alternative meets the “minimum requirements for cleanup actions” (WAC 173-340-360(2)). Specifically, the alternative: (1) could be completed within a relatively short period of time, (2) meets threshold requirements described by the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) (e.g. protects human health and the environment, complies with the cleanup standards, complies with state and federal laws and provides for compliance monitoring), (3) is expected to be more effective than other available methods in achieving concentrations that are protective of human health and the environment, (4) is permanent, and (5) considers public concerns. ■ Excavation and transport off site of impacted soil was considered to be the most permanent and cost effective cleanup option for this Site. The soil cleanup action was conducted by Bryant Motors in June/July 2015. The remaining sections of this report below describe GeoEngineers’ scope, remedial excavation activities, cleanup confirmation soil sampling and permitted off-site disposal of excavated soil. 3.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of our services was to document soil characterization and remedial excavation of hydraulic oil-contaminated soil associated with three hydraulic hoists at the site in general accordance with MTCA. The hoists were removed prior to soil characterization activities described below. Our scope of services included the following activities. 3.1. Task 1 – Soil Characterization ■ Prepared a site-specific health and safety plan for use by GeoEngineers’ employees working on site. ■ Obtained one discrete soil sample from the base of each of three vehicle hoist excavation locations and three samples from the existing soil stockpile(s) for field screening and chemical analysis of diesel- and lube oil-range petroleum hydrocarbons by Northwest Method NWTPH-Dx. ■ Evaluated the soil sampling field and chemical analytical data relative to MTCA cleanup levels. 3.2. Task 2 –Soil Removal and Chemical Analysis ■ Submitted hoist pit sample, HP3-1-7.5 (obtained on May 15, 2015) for the following chemical analysis for disposal characterization purposes:  Semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) using EPA Method 8270D/SIM;  Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) using EPA Method 8082; and,  Total Metals using EPA Method 6000/7000 Serie0s. ■ Completed a waste profile application for transfer and permitted disposal of excavated soil to Waste Management’s transfer station located in Seattle, Washington. August 12, 2015 | Page 3 File No. 21948-001-00 ■ Coordinated the marking of subsurface utilities in the vicinity of the former vehicles hoists by notifying the one-call locate service for utilities located in the right-of-way and a private utility locate service for on-site utilities. ■ Observed and documented the remedial excavation of soil with physical evidence of petroleum contamination using visual and water sheen screening methods. ■ Obtained eleven discrete confirmation soil samples from the excavation for chemical analysis of diesel- and lube oil-range petroleum hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx. ■ Evaluated field and laboratory data relative to MTCA Method A cleanup levels. 4.0 SOIL CHARACTERIZATION ACTIVITIES 4.1. May 15, 2015 GeoEngineers conducted soil characterization activities on May 15, 2015 to characterize soil conditions at the base of three hydraulic hoist excavations; the hoists had been removed prior to May 15. Soil observed within the excavations was a silty fine to coarse sand with occasional gravel. The soil was very loose with significant sluffing of the excavation sidewalls. Concrete and brick debris were observed in subsurface soils. A backhoe was used to collect the samples at the base of the 6 to 7.5 feet deep excavations beneath the former locations of the hoists. Field screening (water sheen testing) of three soil samples (HP1-1-6.0, HP2-1-6.0 and HP3-1-7.5) obtained from the excavations indicated no sheen in soil sample HP1-1-6.0 and heavy sheens from both HP2-1-6.0 and HP3-1-7.5. Field methods are described in Appendix B. The sample locations are shown in Figure 3. Three additional soil samples (HPSP-1, HPSP-2 and HPSP-3) were obtained for chemical analysis to characterize soil stockpiled on the exterior of the excavations for disposal purposes. Each of the soil samples was submitted to OnSite Environmental, Inc. (OnSite) in Redmond, Washington for chemical analyses of diesel- and lube oil-range petroleum hydrocarbons using Northwest Method NWPTH-Dx with a sulfuric acid wash and silica gel cleanup. The samples were kept cool prior to and during transport to the testing laboratory. Standard chain-of-custody procedures were followed in transporting the samples to the testing laboratory. The following is a summary of the analyses: ■ Lube oil-range hydrocarbons were detected in two out of three of the characterization samples; HP2-1-6.0 and HP3-1-7.5 at 5,900 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) and 27,000 mg/kg, respectively, which is greater than the MTCA Method A cleanup level of 2,000 mg/kg for unrestricted land use. Lube oil-range hydrocarbons were detected in HP1-1-6.0 (440 mg/kg), but at a concentration that was less than the MTCA Method A cleanup level. ■ Diesel-range hydrocarbons were detected in characterization sample HP3-1-7.5 at 3,500 mg/kg, which is greater than the MTCA Method A cleanup level of 2,000 mg/kg for unrestricted land use. Diesel-range hydrocarbons either were not detected or were detected at concentrations that were less than the MTCA Method A cleanup level in HP1-1-6.0 and HP2-1-6.0. ■ Diesel- and lube oil-range hydrocarbons in the three stockpile samples ranged between “not detected” and 3,900 mg/kg. Follow up chemical analysis was completed for sample HP3-1-7.5; the sample identified as having the highest concentration of petroleum contaminants, as indicated in the laboratory report. In accordance with MTCA Table 830-1, Required Testing for Petroleum Releases, HP3-1-7.5 was submitted for chemical August 12, 2015 | Page 4 File No. 21948-001-00 analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by EPA Method 8082A, and carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (cPAHs) and naphthalenes by EPA Method 8270D/SIM. HP3-1-7.5 also was submitted for chemical analysis of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) metals by EPA 6000/7000 series methods for disposal characterization purposes. PCBs, cPAHs, naphthalenes and RCRA metals either were not detected or were detected at concentrations that were less than the corresponding MTCA cleanup levels. Only those analytes that were detected at concentrations exceeding MTCA cleanup levels in soil characterization sample HP3-1-7.5 were tested for in subsequent soil characterization and confirmation samples; diesel- and lube oil-range petroleum hydrocarbons. 4.2. June 19 and July 6, 2015 GeoEngineers conducted supplemental soil characterization activities on June 19 and July 6, 2015 to characterize the vertical extent of soil contamination confirmed in the May 15, 2015 sampling event. Four soil samples (EX-1-10.0, EX-1-10.5, EX-1-15.5 and EX-1-19.0) were obtained from depths ranging between 10 feet and 19 feet bgs and submitted for chemical analysis of diesel- and lube oil-range hydrocarbons by Northwest Method NWPTH-Dx with a sulfuric acid wash and silica gel cleanup. The samples were kept cool prior to and during transport to the testing laboratory. Standard chain-of-custody procedures were followed in transporting the samples to the testing laboratory. Diesel- and lube oil-range hydrocarbons were detected in EX-1-10.0 (obtained at approximately 10 feet bgs) at 2,100 mg/kg and 6,300 mg/kg and in EX-1-10.5 at 600 mg/kg and 1,700 mg/kg, which were greater than the MTCA Method A cleanup levels. Soil represented by EX-1-10.0 and EX-1-10.5 were excavated and removed from the site for permitted disposal. Diesel- and lube oil-range hydrocarbons EX-1-15.5 and EX-1-19.0 (obtained at depths ranging between approximately 15.5 and 19 feet bgs) were not detected. Chemical analytical data are presented in the laboratory report in Appendix C and summarized in Table 1 of this report. 5.0 REMEDIAL ACTIVITIES 5.1. Remedial Excavation Remedial excavation activities were conducted by a Bryant Motors representative and/or Wheeler Construction Company (Wheeler) of Enumclaw, Washington at the subject property in June/July 2015 to remove contaminated soil identified in soil characterization sampling. Approximately 150 cubic yards (236.71 tons) of petroleum-contaminated soil were removed from the site using a combination of backhoe and excavator. GeoEngineers performed field screening (visual and water sheen testing) to evaluate the potential lateral and vertical extent of petroleum-impacted soil for excavation and removal from the site. The final limits excavation measured approximately 40 feet long and ranged in width from 5 to 25 feet wide; the depth of excavation ranged from 12 to 15.5 feet deep. The approximate limits of the remedial excavation are shown on Figure 3. August 12, 2015 | Page 5 File No. 21948-001-00 5.2. Contaminated Soil Disposal Soil excavated as a part of this remedial action was temporarily stockpiled on site on a concrete surface with the Bryant Motors building pending transport to a permitted disposal facility. The building was secured at the end of each day. The excavated soil was subsequently transferred by truck to Waste Management’s transfer station in Seattle, Washington for permitted disposal. Weight tickets are presented in Appendix D. 5.3. Groundwater Groundwater was not encountered or observed at depths up to 19 feet bgs during this remedial action. Therefore, groundwater sampling was not a part of this study. 6.0 CONFIRMATION SOIL SAMPLING AND CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Seven confirmation soil samples were obtained on July 7, 2015 to characterize soil conditions at the final limits of the excavation. The samples were submitted to OnSite for chemical analysis of diesel- and lube oil-range petroleum hydrocarbons using Northwest Method NWPTH-Dx. The samples were kept cool prior to and during transport to the testing laboratory. Standard chain-of-custody procedures were followed in transporting the samples to the testing laboratory. The approximate locations of the cleanup confirmation soil samples are shown in Figure 3. Diesel- and lube oil-range petroleum hydrocarbons in the July 7, 2015 confirmation soil samples submitted for chemical analysis were not detected. Chemical analytical results are summarized in Table 1 and the laboratory data sheets and our review of the laboratory quality control data are presented in Appendix C. Soil characterization samples HP1-1-6.0 and EX-1-15.5 were also used as confirmation samples to characterize soil conditions at the final limits of excavation. 7.0 SITE RESTORATION Following the completion of soil excavation activities and the completion of chemical analysis of soil samples obtained from the final limits of excavation, we understand that the excavation was backfilled with imported structural fill and compacted in place by Wheeler. GeoEngineers was not present during backfill or compaction activities. 8.0 CONCLUSIONS Chemical analysis of soil characterization samples obtained on May 15, 2015 directly below a former hydraulic hoist system at the site confirmed the release of petroleum hydrocarbons (hydraulic oil) to subsurface soil at the site. According to MTCA, the discovery of a release of a hazardous substance to soil is reportable to the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) by an owner or operator within 90 days. This report serves as the release report to Ecology. August 12, 2015 | Page 6 File No. 21948-001-00 Based on our observations, field screening and chemical analytical results, it is our opinion that soil cleanup activities associated with the petroleum release from the former hydraulic hoist system were successfully completed in accordance with MTCA. Approximately 150 cubic yards (236.71 tons) of soil impacted by the release was successfully removed from the site for permitted disposal and chemical analysis of soil samples obtained at the final limits of the excavation were less than MTCA Method A cleanup levels. Therefore, it is our opinion that the remedial action completed to remove hydraulic oil-related petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soil from the site resulted in site conditions that are protective of human health and the environment. Additionally, it also is our opinion that no further remedial action relative to this release is necessary at the site. 9.0 LIMITATIONS We have prepared this report for the exclusive use of Bryant Motors, Inc., their authorized agents and regulatory agencies. This report is not intended for use by others and the information contained herein is not applicable to other sites. No other party may rely on the product of our services unless we agree in advance, and in writing, to such reliance. This is to provide our firm with reasonable protection against open-ended liability claims by third parties with whom there would otherwise be no contractual limits to their actions. Our conclusions are based on our site observations, field screening results and chemical analysis of a limited number of soil samples at the site. It is always possible that contaminants remain in areas that were not observed, sampled or tested. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with generally accepted environmental science practices in this area at the time this report was prepared. No warranty or other conditions, express or implied, should be understood. Any electronic form of this document (email, text, table, and/or figure), if provided, and any attachments are only a copy of a master document. The master hard copy is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official document of record. Please refer to Appendix E, titled “Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use,” for additional information pertaining to use of this report. TABLES File No. 21948-001-00 Table 1 | August 12, 2015 Page 1 of 1 Barium Chromium Lead HP1-1-6.0 05/15/15 6.0 NS <85 440 ------------ HP2-1-6.08 05/15/15 6.0 HS <1,000 5,900 ------------ HP3-1-7.58 05/15/15 7.5 HS 3,500 27,000 <0.23 0.046 0.056 360 33 9 93 EX-1-10.08 06/19/15 10.0 HS 2,100 6,300 ------------ EX-1-10.58 06/19/15 10.5 NS 600 1,700 ------------ EX-1-15.5 07/06/15 15.5 MS <26 <52 ------------ EX-1-19.0 07/06/15 19.0 SS <28 <57 ------------ HPSP-18 05/15/15 NA NS <750 3,900 ------------ HPSP-28 05/15/15 NA HS <340 1,700 ------------ HPSP-38 05/15/15 NA MS 140 1,600 ------------ EX-2-7.0 07/07/15 7.0 MS <26 <52 ------------ EX-3-6.0 07/07/15 6.0 MS <26 <53 ------------ EX-4-6.0 07/07/15 6.0 SS <26 <52 ------------ EX-5-10.5 07/07/15 10.5 SS <27 <53 ------------ EX-6-10.0 07/07/15 10.0 NS <26 <52 ------------ EX-7-9.0 07/07/15 9.0 SS <27 <53 ------------ EX-8-6.0 07/07/15 6.0 SS <28 <56 ------------ 2,000 2,000 1 5 0.1 16,000 2,000 250 Notes: 1 Chemical analyses by Onsite Environmental, Inc. in Redmond, Washington. 2 Approximate sample locations are shown in Figure 3. 6 Calculated using the toxicity equivalency (TEQ) methodology specified in WAC 173-340-780(8). 8 Soil represented by this sample was excavated and removed from the site for permitted disposal. NWTPH-Dx = Northwest Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Diesel Extended bgs = below ground surface mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram MTCA = Model Toxics Control Act NS = no sheen; SS = slight sheen; MS = moderate sheen; HS = heavy sheen A bolded value indicates that an analyte was detected at the reported concentration. A shaded cell indicates that an analyte was detected above the MTCA Method A cleanup level. MTCA Method A Cleanup Level Soil Confirmation Samples Naphthalenes5 (mg/kg) Soil Characterization Samples 3 Petroleum hydrocarbons analyzed by Northwest Method NWTPH-Dx with sulfuric acid/silica gel cleanup. Sample Identification2 Date Sampled Sample Depth (feet bgs) Water Sheen Screening Lube Oil-Range Hydrocarbons3 (mg/kg) PCBs4 (mg/kg) 5 Naphthalenes and cPAHs by EPA Method 8270D/SIM. 4 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by EPA Method 8082A. 9 90th Percentile for natural background soil concentration for chromium in soil in the Puget Sound region is 48 mg/kg. 7 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 8 Metals by EPA Method 6010C/7471B. Only detected analytes are shown. Diesel-Range Hydrocarbons3 (mg/kg) Soil Stockpile Samples cPAHs5,6 (mg/kg) RCRA (8) Metals7 (mg/kg) File Number 21948-001-00 Table 1 Summary of Field Screening and Chemical Analytical Data1 Bryant Motors, Inc. 1300 Bronson Way North Renton, Washington FIGURES µ Vicinity Map Figure 1 Bryant Motors, Inc.1300 Bronson Way NRenton, WA 2,000 2,0000 Feet Data Sources: ESRI Data & Maps, Street Maps 2005 Notes:1. The locations of all features shown are approximate.2. This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended to assist in showing features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers, Inc. cannot guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files. The master file is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official record of this communication.3. It is unlawful to copy or reproduce all or any part thereof, whether for personal use or resale, without permission. Transverse Mercator, Zone 10 N North, North American Datum 1983North arrow oriented to grid northOffice: RedmondPath: \\red\projects\21\21948001\GIS\2194800100_F1_VicinityMap.mxdMap Revised: 8/3/2015 ELSite APPENDICES APPENDIX A Terrestrial Ecological Evaluation APPENDIX B Field Methods August 12, 2015 | Page B-1 File No. 21948-001-00 APPENDIX B FIELD METHODS Sample Collection and Handling Soil samples were obtained from the excavation area using a clean nitrile-gloved hand from the excavator bucket. Each sample was placed in a 4-ounce laboratory-prepared jar filled to minimize headspace. Gloves were changed between samples to prevent cross-contamination. The samples were placed in an iced cooler pending transport to the analytical laboratory. Each sample submitted for chemical analysis was identified by a unique sample designation that corresponded to its mapped sample location and depth below ground surface. Chain-of-custody procedures were followed in transporting the samples to the laboratory. Field Screening of Soil Samples A representative from our staff performed field screening of soil samples obtained from the excavation. Field screening results are used as a general guideline to delineate areas with possible petroleum hydrocarbons. In addition, screening results are used to aid in the selection of soil samples for chemical analysis. The screening methods used include: (1) visual screening, and (2) water sheen screening. Visual screening consists of inspecting the soil for stains indicative of petroleum hydrocarbons. Visual screening is generally more effective when hydrocarbons are heavier, such as motor oil, or when hydrocarbon concentrations are high. Water sheen screening is a more sensitive methods that can be effective in detecting contamination at concentrations less than regulatory cleanup levels. However, field screening results are site-specific. The effectiveness of field screening varies with temperature, moisture content, organic content, soil type and age of contaminant. The presence or absence of a sheen does not necessarily indicate the presence or absence of petroleum hydrocarbons. Water sheen screening involves placing soil in water and observing the water surface for signs of sheen. Sheen screening may detect both volatile and nonvolatile petroleum hydrocarbons. Sheen classifications are as follows: No Sheen (NS) No visible sheen on water surface. Slight Sheen (SS) Light, colorless, dull sheen; spread is irregular, not rapid; sheen dissipates rapidly. Natural organic matter in the soil may produce a slight sheen. Moderate Sheen (MS) Light to heavy sheen; may have some color/iridescence; spread is irregular to flowing, may be rapid; few remaining areas of no sheen on water surface. Heavy Sheen (HS) Heavy sheen with color/iridescence; spread is rapid; entire water surface may be covered with sheen. APPENDIX C Chemical Analytical Program August 12, 2015 | Page C-1 File No. 21948-001-00 APPENDIX C CHEMICAL ANALYTICAL PROGRAM Analytical Methods Chain-of-custody procedures were followed during the transport of the field samples to the analytical laboratory. The samples were held in cold storage pending extraction and/or analysis. The analytical results, analytical methods reference and laboratory quality control records are included in this appendix. The analytical results are also summarized in the text and tables of this report. Analytical Data Review The laboratory maintains an internal quality assurance program as documented in its laboratory quality assurance manual. The laboratory uses a combination of blanks, surrogate recoveries, duplicates, matrix spike recoveries, matrix spike duplicate recoveries, blank spike recoveries and blank spike duplicate recoveries to evaluate the validity of the analytical results. The laboratory also uses data quality goals for individual chemicals or groups of chemicals based on the long-term performance of the test methods. The data quality goals were included in the laboratory reports. The laboratory compared each group of samples with the existing data quality goals and noted any exceptions in the laboratory report. Analytical Data Review Summary The following quality control exceptions were noted by the testing laboratory: ■ “Due to negative [matrix] effects [of sample HP3-1-7.5] on the instrument, Aroclor 1260 in the closing continuing calibration verification standards (CCVs) were low. The sample was rerun with similar results.” Due to the high concentration of lube oil-range hydrocarbons in the sample, there was a matrix interference with Aroclor 1260. However, because the analyte was not detected, the CCVs were completed with similar results indicating that the instrument was functioning properly, and soil represented by this sample was excavated and removed from the site, it is our opinion that the analytical data are of acceptable quality for their intended use in this report. ■ “Hydrocarbons in the lube oil-range [for samples HP3-1-7.5 and HPSP-3] are impacting the diesel range result.” The diesel-range hydrocarbon may be considered to be biased high. However, because soil represented by HP3-1-7.5 and HPSP-3 was excavated and/or removed from the site, it our opinion that the analytical data are of acceptable quality for their intended use in this report. ■ “The surrogate recovery [NWTPH-Dx analysis for samples HPSP-1, HPSP-2 and HP3-1-7.5] is outside of the control limits.” However, because soil represented by HPSP-1, HPSP-2 and HP3-1-7.5 was excavated and/or removed from the site, it our opinion that the analytical data are of acceptable quality for their intended use in this report. OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 • (425) 883-3881 May 22, 2015 Paul Craig GeoEngineers, Inc. 8410 154th Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98052 Re: Analytical Data for Project 21948-001-00 Laboratory Reference No. 1505-150 Dear Paul: Enclosed are the analytical results and associated quality control data for samples submitted on May 15, 2015. Please note that this is a revised report, and replaces the original, due to revisions of the sample identifications. The standard policy of OnSite Environmental, Inc. is to store your samples for 30 days from the date of receipt. If you require longer storage, please contact the laboratory. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning the data, or need additional information, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, David Baumeister Project Manager Enclosures 2 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: May 22, 2015 Samples Submitted: May 15, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1505-150 Project: 21948-001-00 Case Narrative Samples were collected on May 15, 2015 and received by the laboratory on May 15, 2015. They were maintained at the laboratory at a temperature of 2oC to 6oC. Please note that all soil sample results are reported on a dry-weight basis, unless otherwise noted below. General QA/QC issues associated with the analytical data enclosed in this laboratory report will be indicated with a reference to a comment or explanation on the Data Qualifier page. More complex and involved QA/QC issues will be discussed in detail below. 3 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: May 22, 2015 Samples Submitted: May 15, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1505-150 Project: 21948-001-00 ANALYTICAL REPORT FOR SAMPLES Client ID Laboratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received Notes HP1-1-6.0 05-150-01 Soil 5-15-15 5-15-15 HP2-1-6.0 05-150-02 Soil 5-15-15 5-15-15 HP3-1-7.5 05-150-03 Soil 5-15-15 5-15-15 HPSP-2 05-150-04 Soil 5-15-15 5-15-15 HPSP-1 05-150-05,06 Comp. Soil 5-15-15 5-15-15 HPSP-3 05-150-07 Soil 5-15-15 5-15-15 4 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: May 22, 2015 Samples Submitted: May 15, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1505-150 Project: 21948-001-00 NWTPH-Dx Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: HP1-1-6.0 Laboratory ID: 05-150-01 Diesel Range Organics ND 85 NWTPH-Dx 5-20-15 5-20-15 U1,X1 Lube Oil 440 60 NWTPH-Dx 5-20-15 5-20-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 96 50-150 Client ID: HP2-1-6.0 Laboratory ID: 05-150-02 Diesel Range Organics ND 1000 NWTPH-Dx 5-20-15 5-21-15 U1,X1 Lube Oil 5900 300 NWTPH-Dx 5-20-15 5-21-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 96 50-150 Client ID: HP3-1-7.5 Laboratory ID: 05-150-03 Diesel Range Organics 3500 1400 NWTPH-Dx 5-20-15 5-21-15 N,X1 Lube Oil 27000 2900 NWTPH-Dx 5-20-15 5-21-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl --- 50-150 S Client ID: HPSP-2 Laboratory ID: 05-150-04 Diesel Range Organics ND 340 NWTPH-Dx 5-20-15 5-21-15 U1,X1 Lube Oil 1700 560 NWTPH-Dx 5-20-15 5-21-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl --- 50-150 S Client ID: HPSP-1 Laboratory ID: 05-150-05,06 Comp. Diesel Range Organics ND 750 NWTPH-Dx 5-20-15 5-21-15 U1,X1 Lube Oil 3900 530 NWTPH-Dx 5-20-15 5-21-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl --- 50-150 S Client ID: HPSP-3 Laboratory ID: 05-150-07 Diesel Range Organics 140 28 NWTPH-Dx 5-20-15 5-20-15 N,X1 Lube Oil 1600 55 NWTPH-Dx 5-20-15 5-20-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 107 50-150 5 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: May 22, 2015 Samples Submitted: May 15, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1505-150 Project: 21948-001-00 NWTPH-Dx QUALITY CONTROL Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags METHOD BLANK Laboratory ID: MB0520S2 Diesel Range Organics ND 25 NWTPH-Dx 5-20-15 5-20-15 X1 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 50 NWTPH-Dx 5-20-15 5-20-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 81 50-150 Laboratory ID: MB0521S3 Diesel Range Organics ND 25 NWTPH-Dx 5-21-15 5-21-15 X1 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 50 NWTPH-Dx 5-21-15 5-21-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 92 50-150 Source Percent Recovery RPD Analyte Result Spike Level Result Recovery Limits RPD Limit Flags DUPLICATE Laboratory ID: 05-150-05,06 Comp. ORIG DUP Diesel Range ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA U1,X1 Lube Oil 3610 1800 NA NA NA NA 67 NA X1 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl --- 84 50-150 S Laboratory ID: 05-134-02 ORIG DUP Diesel Range ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA Lube Oil 55.0 50.4 NA NA NA NA 9 NA Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 74 70 50-150 6 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: May 22, 2015 Samples Submitted: May 15, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1505-150 Project: 21948-001-00 % MOISTURE Date Analyzed: 5-20-15 Client ID Lab ID % Moisture HP1-1-6.0 05-150-01 16 HP2-1-6.0 05-150-02 15 HP3-1-7.5 05-150-03 13 HPSP-2 05-150-04 11 HPSP-1 05-150-05,06 Comp. 6 HPSP-3 05-150-07 10 7 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Data Qualifiers and Abbreviations A - Due to a high sample concentration, the amount spiked is insufficient for meaningful MS/MSD recovery data. B - The analyte indicated was also found in the blank sample. C - The duplicate RPD is outside control limits due to high result variability when analyte concentrations are within five times the quantitation limit. E - The value reported exceeds the quantitation range and is an estimate. F - Surrogate recovery data is not available due to the high concentration of coeluting target compounds. H - The analyte indicated is a common laboratory solvent and may have been introduced during sample preparation, and be impacting the sample result. I - Compound recovery is outside of the control limits. J - The value reported was below the practical quantitation limit. The value is an estimate. K - Sample duplicate RPD is outside control limits due to sample inhomogeneity. The sample was re-extracted and re-analyzed with similar results. L - The RPD is outside of the control limits. M - Hydrocarbons in the gasoline range are impacting the diesel range result. M1 - Hydrocarbons in the gasoline range (toluene-napthalene) are present in the sample. N - Hydrocarbons in the lube oil range are impacting the diesel range result. N1 - Hydrocarbons in diesel range are impacting lube oil range results. O - Hydrocarbons indicative of heavier fuels are present in the sample and are impacting the gasoline result. P - The RPD of the detected concentrations between the two columns is greater than 40. Q - Surrogate recovery is outside of the control limits. S - Surrogate recovery data is not available due to the necessary dilution of the sample. T - The sample chromatogram is not similar to a typical ____________. U - The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected above the reported sample quantitation limit. U1 - The practical quantitation limit is elevated due to interferences present in the sample. V - Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate recoveries are outside control limits due to matrix effects. W - Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate RPD are outside control limits due to matrix effects. X - Sample extract treated with a mercury cleanup procedure. X1- Sample extract treated with a Sulfuric acid/Silica gel cleanup procedure. Y - The calibration verification for this analyte exceeded the 20% drift specified in method 8260C, and therefore the reported result should be considered an estimate. The overall performance of the calibration verification standard met the acceptance criteria of the method. Z - ND - Not Detected at PQL PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit RPD - Relative Percent Difference OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052  (425) 883-3881 June 8, 2015 Paul Craig GeoEngineers, Inc. 8410 154th Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98052 Re: Analytical Data for Project 21948-001-00 Laboratory Reference No. 1505-150B Dear Paul: Enclosed are the analytical results and associated quality control data for samples submitted on May 15, 2015. The standard policy of OnSite Environmental, Inc. is to store your samples for 30 days from the date of receipt. If you require longer storage, please contact the laboratory. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning the data, or need additional information, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, David Baumeister Project Manager Enclosures 2 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: June 8, 2015 Samples Submitted: May 15, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1505-150B Project: 21948-001-00 Case Narrative Samples were collected on May 15, 2015 and received by the laboratory on May 15, 2015. They were maintained at the laboratory at a temperature of 2oC to 6oC. Please note that all soil sample results are reported on a dry-weight basis, unless otherwise noted below. General QA/QC issues associated with the analytical data enclosed in this laboratory report will be indicated with a reference to a comment or explanation on the Data Qualifier page. More complex and involved QA/QC issues will be discussed in detail below. PCBs EPA 8082A Analysis Due to negative effects of the sample on the instrument, Aroclor 1260 in the closing continuing calibration verification standards (CCVs) were low. The sample was rerun with similar results. Any other QA/QC issues associated with this extraction and analysis will be indicated with a footnote reference and discussed in detail on the Data Qualifier page. 3 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: June 8, 2015 Samples Submitted: May 15, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1505-150B Project: 21948-001-00 ANALYTICAL REPORT FOR SAMPLES Client ID Laboratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received Notes HP3-1-7.5 05-150-03 Soil 5-15-15 5-15-15 4 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: June 8, 2015 Samples Submitted: May 15, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1505-150B Project: 21948-001-00 PCBs EPA 8082A Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: HP3-1-7.5 Laboratory ID: 05-150-03 Aroclor 1016 ND 0.23 EPA 8082A 6-4-15 6-5-15 Aroclor 1221 ND 0.23 EPA 8082A 6-4-15 6-5-15 Aroclor 1232 ND 0.23 EPA 8082A 6-4-15 6-5-15 Aroclor 1242 ND 0.23 EPA 8082A 6-4-15 6-5-15 Aroclor 1248 ND 0.23 EPA 8082A 6-4-15 6-5-15 Aroclor 1254 ND 0.23 EPA 8082A 6-4-15 6-5-15 Aroclor 1260 ND 0.23 EPA 8082A 6-4-15 6-5-15 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits DCB 72 55-140 5 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: June 8, 2015 Samples Submitted: May 15, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1505-150B Project: 21948-001-00 TOTAL METALS EPA 6010C/7471B Matrix: Soil Units: mg/kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL EPA Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Lab ID: 05-150-03 Client ID: HP3-1-7.5 Arsenic ND 12 6010C 6-3-15 6-3-15 Barium 360 2.9 6010C 6-3-15 6-3-15 Cadmium ND 0.58 6010C 6-3-15 6-3-15 Chromium 33 0.58 6010C 6-3-15 6-3-15 Lead 93 5.8 6010C 6-3-15 6-3-15 Mercury ND 0.29 7471B 6-3-15 6-3-15 Selenium ND 12 6010C 6-3-15 6-3-15 Silver ND 1.2 6010C 6-3-15 6-3-15 6 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: June 8, 2015 Samples Submitted: May 15, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1505-150B Project: 21948-001-00 PAHs EPA 8270D/SIM Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: HP3-1-7.5 Laboratory ID: 05-150-03 Naphthalene ND 0.038 EPA 8270D/SIM 5-27-15 6-1-15 2-Methylnaphthalene 0.046 0.038 EPA 8270D/SIM 5-27-15 6-1-15 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.038 EPA 8270D/SIM 5-27-15 6-1-15 Benzo[a]anthracene 0.075 0.038 EPA 8270D/SIM 5-27-15 6-1-15 Chrysene 0.058 0.038 EPA 8270D/SIM 5-27-15 6-1-15 Benzo[b]fluoranthene ND 0.038 EPA 8270D/SIM 5-27-15 6-1-15 Benzo(j,k)fluoranthene ND 0.038 EPA 8270D/SIM 5-27-15 6-1-15 Benzo[a]pyrene 0.040 0.038 EPA 8270D/SIM 5-27-15 6-1-15 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene ND 0.038 EPA 8270D/SIM 5-27-15 6-1-15 Dibenz[a,h]anthracene ND 0.038 EPA 8270D/SIM 5-27-15 6-1-15 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits 2-Fluorobiphenyl 114 32 - 114 Pyrene-d10 86 33 - 121 Terphenyl-d14 86 31 - 116 7 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: June 8, 2015 Samples Submitted: May 15, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1505-150B Project: 21948-001-00 PCBs EPA 8082A QUALITY CONTROL Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags METHOD BLANK Laboratory ID: MB0604S3 Aroclor 1016 ND 0.050 EPA 8082A 6-4-15 6-4-15 Aroclor 1221 ND 0.050 EPA 8082A 6-4-15 6-4-15 Aroclor 1232 ND 0.050 EPA 8082A 6-4-15 6-4-15 Aroclor 1242 ND 0.050 EPA 8082A 6-4-15 6-4-15 Aroclor 1248 ND 0.050 EPA 8082A 6-4-15 6-4-15 Aroclor 1254 ND 0.050 EPA 8082A 6-4-15 6-4-15 Aroclor 1260 ND 0.050 EPA 8082A 6-4-15 6-4-15 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits DCB 100 55-140 Source Percent Recovery RPD Analyte Result Spike Level Result Recovery Limits RPD Limit Flags SPIKE BLANKS Laboratory ID: SB0604S3 SB SBD SB SBD SB SBD Aroclor 1260 0.477 0.496 0.500 0.500 N/A 95 99 64-127 4 11 Surrogate: DCB 97 104 55-140 8 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: June 8, 2015 Samples Submitted: May 15, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1505-150B Project: 21948-001-00 TOTAL METALS EPA 6010C/7471B METHOD BLANK QUALITY CONTROL Date Extracted: 6-3-15 Date Analyzed: 6-3-15 Matrix: Soil Units: mg/kg (ppm) Lab ID: MB0603SM1&MB0603S1 Analyte Method Result PQL Arsenic 6010C ND 10 Barium 6010C ND 2.5 Cadmium 6010C ND 0.50 Chromium 6010C ND 0.50 Lead 6010C ND 5.0 Mercury 7471B ND 0.25 Selenium 6010C ND 10 Silver 6010C ND 1.0 9 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: June 8, 2015 Samples Submitted: May 15, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1505-150B Project: 21948-001-00 TOTAL METALS EPA 6010C/7471B DUPLICATE QUALITY CONTROL Date Extracted: 6-3-15 Date Analyzed: 6-3-15 Matrix: Soil Units: mg/kg (ppm) Lab ID: 05-220-02 Sample Duplicate Analyte Result Result RPD PQL Flags Arsenic ND ND NA 10 Barium 37.2 40.2 8 2.5 Cadmium ND ND NA 0.50 Chromium 21.1 22.9 8 0.50 Lead ND ND NA 5.0 Mercury ND ND NA 0.25 Selenium ND ND NA 10 Silver ND ND NA 1.0 10 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: June 8, 2015 Samples Submitted: May 15, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1505-150B Project: 21948-001-00 TOTAL METALS EPA 6010C/7471B MS/MSD QUALITY CONTROL Date Extracted: 6-3-15 Date Analyzed: 6-3-15 Matrix: Soil Units: mg/kg (ppm) Lab ID: 05-220-02 Spike Percent Percent Analyte Level MS Recovery MSD Recovery RPD Flags Arsenic 100 99.6 100 97.7 98 2 Barium 100 133 96 136 99 2 Cadmium 50.0 49.3 99 49.2 98 0 Chromium 100 114 93 116 94 1 Lead 250 248 99 248 99 0 Mercury 0.500 0.464 93 0.470 94 1 Selenium 100 99.9 100 103 103 3 Silver 25.0 24.6 98 24.6 98 0 11 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: June 8, 2015 Samples Submitted: May 15, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1505-150B Project: 21948-001-00 PAHs EPA 8270D/SIM METHOD BLANK QUALITY CONTROL Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Laboratory ID: MB0527S1 Naphthalene ND 0.0067 EPA 8270D/SIM 5-27-15 5-29-15 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.0067 EPA 8270D/SIM 5-27-15 5-29-15 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.0067 EPA 8270D/SIM 5-27-15 5-29-15 Benzo[a]anthracene ND 0.0067 EPA 8270D/SIM 5-27-15 5-29-15 Chrysene ND 0.0067 EPA 8270D/SIM 5-27-15 5-29-15 Benzo[b]fluoranthene ND 0.0067 EPA 8270D/SIM 5-27-15 5-29-15 Benzo(j,k)fluoranthene ND 0.0067 EPA 8270D/SIM 5-27-15 5-29-15 Benzo[a]pyrene ND 0.0067 EPA 8270D/SIM 5-27-15 5-29-15 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene ND 0.0067 EPA 8270D/SIM 5-27-15 5-29-15 Dibenz[a,h]anthracene ND 0.0067 EPA 8270D/SIM 5-27-15 5-29-15 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits 2-Fluorobiphenyl 83 32 - 114 Pyrene-d10 90 33 - 121 Terphenyl-d14 99 31 - 116 12 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: June 8, 2015 Samples Submitted: May 15, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1505-150B Project: 21948-001-00 PAHs EPA 8270D/SIM SB/SBD QUALITY CONTROL Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg Percent Recovery RPD Analyte Result Spike Level Recovery Limits RPD Limit Flags SPIKE BLANKS Laboratory ID: SB0527S1 SB SBD SB SBD SB SBD Naphthalene 0.0678 0.0785 0.0833 0.0833 81 94 63 - 113 15 19 Benzo[a]anthracene 0.0691 0.0707 0.0833 0.0833 83 85 60 - 128 2 15 Chrysene 0.0777 0.0771 0.0833 0.0833 93 93 60 - 117 1 13 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 0.0746 0.0738 0.0833 0.0833 90 89 60 - 131 1 16 Benzo(j,k)fluoranthene 0.0775 0.0788 0.0833 0.0833 93 95 57 - 126 2 20 Benzo[a]pyrene 0.0748 0.0752 0.0833 0.0833 90 90 62 - 136 1 16 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 0.0733 0.0736 0.0833 0.0833 88 88 60 - 127 0 19 Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 0.0765 0.0766 0.0833 0.0833 92 92 62 - 133 0 22 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 80 82 32 - 114 Pyrene-d10 89 89 33 - 121 Terphenyl-d14 96 96 31 - 116 13 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Data Qualifiers and Abbreviations A - Due to a high sample concentration, the amount spiked is insufficient for meaningful MS/MSD recovery data. B - The analyte indicated was also found in the blank sample. C - The duplicate RPD is outside control limits due to high result variability when analyte concentrations are within five times the quantitation limit. E - The value reported exceeds the quantitation range and is an estimate. F - Surrogate recovery data is not available due to the high concentration of coeluting target compounds. H - The analyte indicated is a common laboratory solvent and may have been introduced during sample preparation, and be impacting the sample result. I - Compound recovery is outside of the control limits. J - The value reported was below the practical quantitation limit. The value is an estimate. K - Sample duplicate RPD is outside control limits due to sample inhomogeneity. The sample was re-extracted and re-analyzed with similar results. L - The RPD is outside of the control limits. M - Hydrocarbons in the gasoline range are impacting the diesel range result. M1 - Hydrocarbons in the gasoline range (toluene-napthalene) are present in the sample. N - Hydrocarbons in the lube oil range are impacting the diesel range result. N1 - Hydrocarbons in diesel range are impacting lube oil range results. O - Hydrocarbons indicative of heavier fuels are present in the sample and are impacting the gasoline result. P - The RPD of the detected concentrations between the two columns is greater than 40. Q - Surrogate recovery is outside of the control limits. S - Surrogate recovery data is not available due to the necessary dilution of the sample. T - The sample chromatogram is not similar to a typical ____________. U - The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected above the reported sample quantitation limit. U1 - The practical quantitation limit is elevated due to interferences present in the sample. V - Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate recoveries are outside control limits due to matrix effects. W - Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate RPD are outside control limits due to matrix effects. X - Sample extract treated with a mercury cleanup procedure. X1- Sample extract treated with a Sulfuric acid/Silica gel cleanup procedure. Y - The calibration verification for this analyte exceeded the 20% drift specified in method 8260C, and therefore the reported result should be considered an estimate. The overall performance of the calibration verification standard met the acceptance criteria of the method. Z - ND - Not Detected at PQL PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit RPD - Relative Percent Difference OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052  (425) 883-3881 June 24, 2015 Paul Craig GeoEngineers, Inc. 8410 154th Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98052 Re: Analytical Data for Project 21948-001-00 Laboratory Reference No. 1506-214 Dear Paul: Enclosed are the analytical results and associated quality control data for samples submitted on June 19, 2015. Please note that this is a revised report, and replaces the original due to revisions of the sample identifications. The standard policy of OnSite Environmental, Inc. is to store your samples for 30 days from the date of receipt. If you require longer storage, please contact the laboratory. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning the data, or need additional information, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, David Baumeister Project Manager Enclosures 2 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: June 24, 2015 Samples Submitted: June 19, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1506-214 Project: 21948-001-00 Case Narrative Samples were collected on June 19, 2015 and received by the laboratory on June 19, 2015. They were maintained at the laboratory at a temperature of 2oC to 6oC. Please note that any and all soil sample results are reported on a dry-weight basis, unless otherwise noted below. General QA/QC issues associated with the analytical data enclosed in this laboratory report will be indicated with a reference to a comment or explanation on the Data Qualifier page. More complex and involved QA/QC issues will be discussed in detail below. 3 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: June 24, 2015 Samples Submitted: June 19, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1506-214 Project: 21948-001-00 ANALYTICAL REPORT FOR SAMPLES Client ID Laboratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received Notes EX-1-10.0 06-214-07 Soil 6-19-15 6-19-15 EX-1-10.5 06-214-08 Soil 6-19-15 6-19-15 4 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: June 24, 2015 Samples Submitted: June 19, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1506-214 Project: 21948-001-00 NWTPH-Dx Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: EX-1-10.0 Laboratory ID: 06-214-07 Diesel Range Organics 2100 130 NWTPH-Dx 6-19-15 6-23-15 X1 Lube Oil 6300 270 NWTPH-Dx 6-19-15 6-23-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 69 50-150 Client ID: EX-1-10.5 Laboratory ID: 06-214-08 Diesel Range Organics 600 26 NWTPH-Dx 6-19-15 6-22-15 X1 Lube Oil 1700 52 NWTPH-Dx 6-19-15 6-22-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 90 50-150 5 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: June 24, 2015 Samples Submitted: June 19, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1506-214 Project: 21948-001-00 NWTPH-Dx QUALITY CONTROL Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags METHOD BLANK Laboratory ID: MB0619S1 Diesel Range Organics ND 25 NWTPH-Dx 6-19-15 6-22-15 X1 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 50 NWTPH-Dx 6-19-15 6-22-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 89 50-150 Source Percent Recovery RPD Analyte Result Spike Level Result Recovery Limits RPD Limit Flags DUPLICATE Laboratory ID: 06-214-08 ORIG DUP Diesel Range Organics 570 429 NA NA NA NA 28 NA X1 Lube Oil 1610 1080 NA NA NA NA 39 NA X1 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 90 73 50-150 6 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: June 24, 2015 Samples Submitted: June 19, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1506-214 Project: 21948-001-00 % MOISTURE Date Analyzed: 6-19-15 Client ID Lab ID % Moisture EX-1-10.0 06-214-07 7 EX-1-10.5 06-214-08 4 7 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Data Qualifiers and Abbreviations A - Due to a high sample concentration, the amount spiked is insufficient for meaningful MS/MSD recovery data. B - The analyte indicated was also found in the blank sample. C - The duplicate RPD is outside control limits due to high result variability when analyte concentrations are within five times the quantitation limit. E - The value reported exceeds the quantitation range and is an estimate. F - Surrogate recovery data is not available due to the high concentration of coeluting target compounds. H - The analyte indicated is a common laboratory solvent and may have been introduced during sample preparation, and be impacting the sample result. I - Compound recovery is outside of the control limits. J - The value reported was below the practical quantitation limit. The value is an estimate. K - Sample duplicate RPD is outside control limits due to sample inhomogeneity. The sample was re-extracted and re-analyzed with similar results. L - The RPD is outside of the control limits. M - Hydrocarbons in the gasoline range are impacting the diesel range result. M1 - Hydrocarbons in the gasoline range (toluene-napthalene) are present in the sample. N - Hydrocarbons in the lube oil range are impacting the diesel range result. N1 - Hydrocarbons in diesel range are impacting lube oil range results. O - Hydrocarbons indicative of heavier fuels are present in the sample and are impacting the gasoline result. P - The RPD of the detected concentrations between the two columns is greater than 40. Q - Surrogate recovery is outside of the control limits. S - Surrogate recovery data is not available due to the necessary dilution of the sample. T - The sample chromatogram is not similar to a typical ____________. U - The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected above the reported sample quantitation limit. U1 - The practical quantitation limit is elevated due to interferences present in the sample. V - Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate recoveries are outside control limits due to matrix effects. W - Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate RPD are outside control limits due to matrix effects. X - Sample extract treated with a mercury cleanup procedure. X1- Sample extract treated with a Sulfuric acid/Silica gel cleanup procedure. Y - The calibration verification for this analyte exceeded the 20% drift specified in method 8260C, and therefore the reported result should be considered an estimate. The overall performance of the calibration verification standard met the acceptance criteria of the method. Z - ND - Not Detected at PQL PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit RPD - Relative Percent Difference OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052  (425) 883-3881 July 7, 2015 Paul Craig GeoEngineers, Inc. 8410 154th Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98052 Re: Analytical Data for Project 21948-001-00 Laboratory Reference No. 1507-032 Dear Paul: Enclosed are the analytical results and associated quality control data for samples submitted on July 6, 2015. Please note that this is a revised report, and replaces the original due to revisions of the sample identifications. The standard policy of OnSite Environmental, Inc. is to store your samples for 30 days from the date of receipt. If you require longer storage, please contact the laboratory. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning the data, or need additional information, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, David Baumeister Project Manager Enclosures 2 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: July 7, 2015 Samples Submitted: July 6, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1507-032 Project: 21948-001-00 Case Narrative Samples were collected on July 6, 2015 and received by the laboratory on July 6, 2015. They were maintained at the laboratory at a temperature of 2oC to 6oC. Please note that any and all soil sample results are reported on a dry-weight basis, unless otherwise noted below. General QA/QC issues associated with the analytical data enclosed in this laboratory report will be indicated with a reference to a comment or explanation on the Data Qualifier page. More complex and involved QA/QC issues will be discussed in detail below. 3 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: July 7, 2015 Samples Submitted: July 6, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1507-032 Project: 21948-001-00 ANALYTICAL REPORT FOR SAMPLES Client ID Laboratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received Notes EX-15.5 07-032-01 Soil 7-6-15 7-6-15 EX-19.0 07-032-02 Soil 7-6-15 7-6-15 4 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: July 7, 2015 Samples Submitted: July 6, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1507-032 Project: 21948-001-00 NWTPH-Dx Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: EX-15.5 Laboratory ID: 07-032-01 Diesel Range Organics ND 26 NWTPH-Dx 7-6-15 7-6-15 X1 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 52 NWTPH-Dx 7-6-15 7-6-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 116 50-150 Client ID: EX-19.0 Laboratory ID: 07-032-02 Diesel Range Organics ND 28 NWTPH-Dx 7-6-15 7-6-15 X1 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 57 NWTPH-Dx 7-6-15 7-6-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 102 50-150 5 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: July 7, 2015 Samples Submitted: July 6, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1507-032 Project: 21948-001-00 NWTPH-Dx QUALITY CONTROL Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags METHOD BLANK Laboratory ID: MB0706S2 Diesel Range Organics ND 25 NWTPH-Dx 7-6-15 7-6-15 X1 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 50 NWTPH-Dx 7-6-15 7-6-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 130 50-150 Source Percent Recovery RPD Analyte Result Spike Level Result Recovery Limits RPD Limit Flags DUPLICATE Laboratory ID: 06-300-02 ORIG DUP Diesel Range ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA Lube Oil Range ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 84 84 50-150 6 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: July 7, 2015 Samples Submitted: July 6, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1507-032 Project: 21948-001-00 % MOISTURE Date Analyzed: 7-6-15 Client ID Lab ID % Moisture EX-15.5 07-032-01 4 EX-19.0 07-032-02 12 7 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Data Qualifiers and Abbreviations A - Due to a high sample concentration, the amount spiked is insufficient for meaningful MS/MSD recovery data. B - The analyte indicated was also found in the blank sample. C - The duplicate RPD is outside control limits due to high result variability when analyte concentrations are within five times the quantitation limit. E - The value reported exceeds the quantitation range and is an estimate. F - Surrogate recovery data is not available due to the high concentration of coeluting target compounds. H - The analyte indicated is a common laboratory solvent and may have been introduced during sample preparation, and be impacting the sample result. I - Compound recovery is outside of the control limits. J - The value reported was below the practical quantitation limit. The value is an estimate. K - Sample duplicate RPD is outside control limits due to sample inhomogeneity. The sample was re-extracted and re-analyzed with similar results. L - The RPD is outside of the control limits. M - Hydrocarbons in the gasoline range are impacting the diesel range result. M1 - Hydrocarbons in the gasoline range (toluene-napthalene) are present in the sample. N - Hydrocarbons in the lube oil range are impacting the diesel range result. N1 - Hydrocarbons in diesel range are impacting lube oil range results. O - Hydrocarbons indicative of heavier fuels are present in the sample and are impacting the gasoline result. P - The RPD of the detected concentrations between the two columns is greater than 40. Q - Surrogate recovery is outside of the control limits. S - Surrogate recovery data is not available due to the necessary dilution of the sample. T - The sample chromatogram is not similar to a typical ____________. U - The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected above the reported sample quantitation limit. U1 - The practical quantitation limit is elevated due to interferences present in the sample. V - Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate recoveries are outside control limits due to matrix effects. W - Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate RPD are outside control limits due to matrix effects. X - Sample extract treated with a mercury cleanup procedure. X1- Sample extract treated with a Sulfuric acid/Silica gel cleanup procedure. Y - The calibration verification for this analyte exceeded the 20% drift specified in method 8260C, and therefore the reported result should be considered an estimate. The overall performance of the calibration verification standard met the acceptance criteria of the method. Z - ND - Not Detected at PQL PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit RPD - Relative Percent Difference OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052  (425) 883-3881 July 8, 2015 Paul Craig GeoEngineers, Inc. 8410 154th Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98052 Re: Analytical Data for Project 21948-001-00 Laboratory Reference No. 1507-043 Dear Paul: Enclosed are the analytical results and associated quality control data for samples submitted on July 7, 2015. Please note that this is a revised report, and replaces the original due to revisions of the sample identifications. The standard policy of OnSite Environmental, Inc. is to store your samples for 30 days from the date of receipt. If you require longer storage, please contact the laboratory. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning the data, or need additional information, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, David Baumeister Project Manager Enclosures 2 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: July 8, 2015 Samples Submitted: July 7, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1507-043 Project: 21948-001-00 Case Narrative Samples were collected on July 7, 2015 and received by the laboratory on July 7, 2015. They were maintained at the laboratory at a temperature of 2oC to 6oC. Please note that any and all soil sample results are reported on a dry-weight basis, unless otherwise noted below. General QA/QC issues associated with the analytical data enclosed in this laboratory report will be indicated with a reference to a comment or explanation on the Data Qualifier page. More complex and involved QA/QC issues will be discussed in detail below. 3 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: July 8, 2015 Samples Submitted: July 7, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1507-043 Project: 21948-001-00 ANALYTICAL REPORT FOR SAMPLES Client ID Laboratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received Notes EX-2-7.0 07-043-02 Soil 7-7-15 7-7-15 EX-3-6.0 07-043-03 Soil 7-7-15 7-7-15 EX-4-6.0 07-043-09 Soil 7-7-15 7-7-15 EX-5-10.5 07-043-10 Soil 7-7-15 7-7-15 4 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: July 8, 2015 Samples Submitted: July 7, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1507-043 Project: 21948-001-00 NWTPH-Dx Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: EX-2-7.0 Laboratory ID: 07-043-02 Diesel Range Organics ND 26 NWTPH-Dx 7-7-15 7-7-15 X1 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 52 NWTPH-Dx 7-7-15 7-7-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 106 50-150 Client ID: EX-3-6.0 Laboratory ID: 07-043-03 Diesel Range Organics ND 26 NWTPH-Dx 7-7-15 7-7-15 X1 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 53 NWTPH-Dx 7-7-15 7-7-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 99 50-150 Client ID: EX-4-6.0 Laboratory ID: 07-043-09 Diesel Range Organics ND 26 NWTPH-Dx 7-7-15 7-7-15 X1 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 52 NWTPH-Dx 7-7-15 7-7-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 105 50-150 Client ID: EX-5-10.5 Laboratory ID: 07-043-10 Diesel Range Organics ND 27 NWTPH-Dx 7-7-15 7-7-15 X1 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 53 NWTPH-Dx 7-7-15 7-7-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 101 50-150 5 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: July 8, 2015 Samples Submitted: July 7, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1507-043 Project: 21948-001-00 NWTPH-Dx QUALITY CONTROL Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags METHOD BLANK Laboratory ID: MB0707S3 Diesel Range Organics ND 25 NWTPH-Dx 7-7-15 7-7-15 X1 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 50 NWTPH-Dx 7-7-15 7-7-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 133 50-150 Source Percent Recovery RPD Analyte Result Spike Level Result Recovery Limits RPD Limit Flags DUPLICATE Laboratory ID: 07-039-02 ORIG DUP Diesel Range ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA Lube Oil 218 147 NA NA NA NA 39 NA Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 83 88 50-150 6 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: July 8, 2015 Samples Submitted: July 7, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1507-043 Project: 21948-001-00 % MOISTURE Date Analyzed: 7-7-15 Client ID Lab ID % Moisture EX-2-7.0 07-043-02 3 EX-3-6.0 07-043-03 5 EX-4-6.0 07-043-09 3 EX-5-10.5 07-043-10 6 7 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Data Qualifiers and Abbreviations A - Due to a high sample concentration, the amount spiked is insufficient for meaningful MS/MSD recovery data. B - The analyte indicated was also found in the blank sample. C - The duplicate RPD is outside control limits due to high result variability when analyte concentrations are within five times the quantitation limit. E - The value reported exceeds the quantitation range and is an estimate. F - Surrogate recovery data is not available due to the high concentration of coeluting target compounds. H - The analyte indicated is a common laboratory solvent and may have been introduced during sample preparation, and be impacting the sample result. I - Compound recovery is outside of the control limits. J - The value reported was below the practical quantitation limit. The value is an estimate. K - Sample duplicate RPD is outside control limits due to sample inhomogeneity. The sample was re-extracted and re-analyzed with similar results. L - The RPD is outside of the control limits. M - Hydrocarbons in the gasoline range are impacting the diesel range result. M1 - Hydrocarbons in the gasoline range (toluene-napthalene) are present in the sample. N - Hydrocarbons in the lube oil range are impacting the diesel range result. N1 - Hydrocarbons in diesel range are impacting lube oil range results. O - Hydrocarbons indicative of heavier fuels are present in the sample and are impacting the gasoline result. P - The RPD of the detected concentrations between the two columns is greater than 40. Q - Surrogate recovery is outside of the control limits. S - Surrogate recovery data is not available due to the necessary dilution of the sample. T - The sample chromatogram is not similar to a typical ____________. U - The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected above the reported sample quantitation limit. U1 - The practical quantitation limit is elevated due to interferences present in the sample. V - Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate recoveries are outside control limits due to matrix effects. W - Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate RPD are outside control limits due to matrix effects. X - Sample extract treated with a mercury cleanup procedure. X1- Sample extract treated with a Sulfuric acid/Silica gel cleanup procedure. Y - The calibration verification for this analyte exceeded the 20% drift specified in method 8260C, and therefore the reported result should be considered an estimate. The overall performance of the calibration verification standard met the acceptance criteria of the method. Z - ND - Not Detected at PQL PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit RPD - Relative Percent Difference OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052  (425) 883-3881 July 21, 2015 Paul Craig GeoEngineers, Inc. 8410 154th Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98052 Re: Analytical Data for Project 21948-001-00 Laboratory Reference No. 1507-043B Dear Paul: Enclosed are the analytical results and associated quality control data for samples submitted on July 7, 2015. Please note that this is a revised report, and replaces the original due to revisions of the sample identifications. The standard policy of OnSite Environmental, Inc. is to store your samples for 30 days from the date of receipt. If you require longer storage, please contact the laboratory. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning the data, or need additional information, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, David Baumeister Project Manager Enclosures 2 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: July 21, 2015 Samples Submitted: July 7, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1507-043B Project: 21948-001-00 Case Narrative Samples were collected on July 7, 2015 and received by the laboratory on July 7, 2015. They were maintained at the laboratory at a temperature of 2oC to 6oC. Please note that any and all soil sample results are reported on a dry-weight basis, unless otherwise noted below. General QA/QC issues associated with the analytical data enclosed in this laboratory report will be indicated with a reference to a comment or explanation on the Data Qualifier page. More complex and involved QA/QC issues will be discussed in detail below. 3 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: July 21, 2015 Samples Submitted: July 7, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1507-043B Project: 21948-001-00 ANALYTICAL REPORT FOR SAMPLES Client ID Laboratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received Notes EX-6-10.0 07-043-04 Soil 7-7-15 7-7-15 EX-7-9.0 07-043-05 Soil 7-7-15 7-7-15 EX-8-9.0 07-043-07 Soil 7-7-15 7-7-15 4 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: July 21, 2015 Samples Submitted: July 7, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1507-043B Project: 21948-001-00 NWTPH-Dx Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: EX-6-10.0 Laboratory ID: 07-043-04 Diesel Range Organics ND 26 NWTPH-Dx 7-17-15 7-17-15 X1 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 52 NWTPH-Dx 7-17-15 7-17-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 111 50-150 Client ID: EX-7-9.0 Laboratory ID: 07-043-05 Diesel Range Organics ND 27 NWTPH-Dx 7-17-15 7-17-15 X1 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 53 NWTPH-Dx 7-17-15 7-17-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 125 50-150 Client ID: EX-8-9.0 Laboratory ID: 07-043-07 Diesel Range Organics ND 28 NWTPH-Dx 7-17-15 7-17-15 X1 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 56 NWTPH-Dx 7-17-15 7-17-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 110 50-150 5 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: July 21, 2015 Samples Submitted: July 7, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1507-043B Project: 21948-001-00 NWTPH-Dx QUALITY CONTROL Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags METHOD BLANK Laboratory ID: MB0717S1 Diesel Range Organics ND 25 NWTPH-Dx 7-17-15 7-17-15 X1 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 50 NWTPH-Dx 7-17-15 7-17-15 X1 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 110 50-150 Source Percent Recovery RPD Analyte Result Spike Level Result Recovery Limits RPD Limit Flags DUPLICATE Laboratory ID: 07-136-04 ORIG DUP Diesel Range ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA Lube Oil Range ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 79 71 50-150 6 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Date of Report: July 21, 2015 Samples Submitted: July 7, 2015 Laboratory Reference: 1507-043B Project: 21948-001-00 % MOISTURE Date Analyzed: 7-15-15 Client ID Lab ID % Moisture EX-6-10.0 07-043-04 3 EX-7-9.0 07-043-05 6 EX-8-9.0 07-043-07 11 7 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. Data Qualifiers and Abbreviations A - Due to a high sample concentration, the amount spiked is insufficient for meaningful MS/MSD recovery data. B - The analyte indicated was also found in the blank sample. C - The duplicate RPD is outside control limits due to high result variability when analyte concentrations are within five times the quantitation limit. E - The value reported exceeds the quantitation range and is an estimate. F - Surrogate recovery data is not available due to the high concentration of coeluting target compounds. H - The analyte indicated is a common laboratory solvent and may have been introduced during sample preparation, and be impacting the sample result. I - Compound recovery is outside of the control limits. J - The value reported was below the practical quantitation limit. The value is an estimate. K - Sample duplicate RPD is outside control limits due to sample inhomogeneity. The sample was re-extracted and re-analyzed with similar results. L - The RPD is outside of the control limits. M - Hydrocarbons in the gasoline range are impacting the diesel range result. M1 - Hydrocarbons in the gasoline range (toluene-napthalene) are present in the sample. N - Hydrocarbons in the lube oil range are impacting the diesel range result. N1 - Hydrocarbons in diesel range are impacting lube oil range results. O - Hydrocarbons indicative of heavier fuels are present in the sample and are impacting the gasoline result. P - The RPD of the detected concentrations between the two columns is greater than 40. Q - Surrogate recovery is outside of the control limits. S - Surrogate recovery data is not available due to the necessary dilution of the sample. T - The sample chromatogram is not similar to a typical ____________. U - The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected above the reported sample quantitation limit. U1 - The practical quantitation limit is elevated due to interferences present in the sample. V - Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate recoveries are outside control limits due to matrix effects. W - Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate RPD are outside control limits due to matrix effects. X - Sample extract treated with a mercury cleanup procedure. X1- Sample extract treated with a Sulfuric acid/Silica gel cleanup procedure. Y - The calibration verification for this analyte exceeded the 20% drift specified in method 8260C, and therefore the reported result should be considered an estimate. The overall performance of the calibration verification standard met the acceptance criteria of the method. Z - ND - Not Detected at PQL PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit RPD - Relative Percent Difference Cedar RiverCedar RiverMonitoring WellProduction WellCity LimitsTechnical ServicesPlanning/Building/Public WorksR. MacOnie, D. Visneski, D. EllisMay 200601 : 96001600800 Am Test Inc. 13600 NE 126TH PL Suite C Kirkland, WA 98034 (425) 885-1664 Professional Analytical Services Oct 11 2017 City of Renton Public Works Surface Water Utility 1055 S. Grady Renton, WA 98055 Attention: KATIE NOLAN Dear KATIE NOLAN: Enclosed please find the analytical data for your 2017 RENTON AQUIFER MONITORING project. The following is a cross correlation of client and laboratory identifications for your convenience. CLIENT ID MATRIX AMTEST ID TEST MW-3 Drinking Water 17-A017179 VOC MW-4 Drinking Water 17-A017180 VOC MW-5 Drinking Water 17-A017181 VOC MW-25S Drinking Water 17-A017182 VOC MW-25D Drinking Water 17-A017183 VOC MW-26R Drinking Water 17-A017184 VOC MW-31S Drinking Water 17-A017185 VOC MW-31D Drinking Water 17-A017186 VOC MW-33 Drinking Water 17-A017187 VOC MW-34S Drinking Water 17-A017188 VOC MW-42 Drinking Water 17-A017189 VOC OBW-1S Drinking Water 17-A017190 VOC WTB Drinking Water 17-A017191 VOC Your samples were received on Tuesday, September 26, 2017. At the time of receipt, the samples were logged in and properly maintained prior to the subsequent analysis. The analytical procedures used at AmTest are well documented and are typically derived from the protocols of the EPA, USDA, FDA or the Army Corps of Engineers. Following the analytical data you will find the Quality Control (QC) results. Please note that the detection limits that are listed in the body of the report refer to the Practical Quantitation Limits (PQL's), as opposed to the Method Detection Limits (MDL's). If you should have any questions pertaining to the data package, please feel free to conact me. Sincerely, Kathy Fugiel President Project #: CAG-17-179 PO Number: 18/0002045 BACT = Bacteriological CONV = Conventionals MET = Metals ORG = Organics NUT=Nutrients DEM=Demand MIN=Minerals P.1 Am Test Inc. 13600 NE 126TH PL Suite C Kirkland, WA 98034 (425) 885-1664 www.amtestlab.com Professional Analytical Services Drinking Water Report for VOC's Date Collected: 09/25/17 System Group Type: A B Other: Water System ID Num ber:System Name: Lab--Sample No: 066--17179 County: Sample Location: MW -3 Source Number(s): Sample Purpose: (Check Appropriate Box) RC - Routine/Compliance (satisfies monitoring requirements) C - Confirmation (confirmation of chemical result) - I - Investigative (does not satisfy monitoring requirements) - O - Other (specify) Date Received: Date Analyzed: Date Reported: Comments: 09/26/17 Various 10/11/17 ... Sample Composition: (Check Appropriate Box) S - Single Source B - Blended (List Multiple Source Numbers in Source Nos. field) C - Composite (Specify in Comments Field) D - Distribution Sample Sample Type: (Check One) Pre-Treatment/Raw Post-Treatment/Finished Unknown Sample Collected by: (Name) ______________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________ Send Report To:City of Renton Public Works Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 Bill To: KATIE NOLAN Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 EPA REGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 45 Vinyl Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 2 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 46 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 7 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 47 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 200 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 48 Carbon Tetrachloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 49 Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 50 1.2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 51 Trichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 52 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 600 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 56 Methylene Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 57 Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 60 Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 63 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 66 Toluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 1000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 67 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 68 Tetrachloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 71 Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 73 Ethyl Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 700 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 76 Styrene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 84 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 75 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 95 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 160 Total Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 10000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 74 m+p Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 75 o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK P.2 LAB SAMPLE NO: 066--17179 DW ANALYSIS REPORT PAGE 2 EPA UNREGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 27 Chloroform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 28 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 29 Chlorodibrom omethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 30 Bromoform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 53 Chloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 54 Bromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 55 Chloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 58 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 59 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 62 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 64 Dibromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 154 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 72 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 78 Bromobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 79 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 80 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 81 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 82 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 83 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK STATE UNREGULAT ED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 65 Cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 69 Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 85 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 86 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 87 Isopropylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 88 n-Propylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 89 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 90 Tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 91 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 92 Sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 93 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 94 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 96 Naphthalene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 97 Hexachlorobutadiene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 98 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 102 EDB ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 103 DBCP ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 104 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK Methyl tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK NOTES: SRL (State Reporting Level): indicates the minimum reporting level required by the Washington Department of Health (DOH) Trigger Level: DOH Drinking Water response level. System s with compounds detected at concentrations in excess of this level are required to take additional samples. Contact your regenional DOH office for further information. MCL (Maximum Contaminant Level): If the contaminant am ount exceeds the MCL, immediately contact your regional DOH office. NA (Not Analyzed): in the results column indicates this compound was no included in the current analysis. ND (Not Detected): in the results column indicates this compound was analyzed and not detected at a level greater than or equal to the SRL. <(0.001): indicates the compound was not detected in the sample at or above the concentration indicated. _________________________________ Aaron W. Young Laboratory Manager P.3 Am Test Inc. 13600 NE 126TH PL Suite C Kirkland, WA 98034 (425) 885-1664 www.amtestlab.com Professional Analytical Services Drinking Water Report for VOC's Date Collected: 09/25/17 System Group Type: A B Other: Water System ID Num ber:System Name: Lab--Sample No: 066--17180 County: Sample Location: MW -4 Source Number(s): Sample Purpose: (Check Appropriate Box) RC - Routine/Compliance (satisfies monitoring requirements) C - Confirmation (confirmation of chemical result) - I - Investigative (does not satisfy monitoring requirements) - O - Other (specify) Date Received: Date Analyzed: Date Reported: Comments: 09/26/17 Various 10/11/17 ... Sample Composition: (Check Appropriate Box) S - Single Source B - Blended (List Multiple Source Numbers in Source Nos. field) C - Composite (Specify in Comments Field) D - Distribution Sample Sample Type: (Check One) Pre-Treatment/Raw Post-Treatment/Finished Unknown Sample Collected by: (Name) ______________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________ Send Report To:City of Renton Public Works Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 Bill To: KATIE NOLAN Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 EPA REGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 45 Vinyl Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 2 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 46 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 7 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 47 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 200 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 48 Carbon Tetrachloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 49 Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 50 1.2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 51 Trichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 52 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 600 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 56 Methylene Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 57 Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 60 Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 63 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 66 Toluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 1000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 67 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 68 Tetrachloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 71 Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 73 Ethyl Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 700 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 76 Styrene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 84 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 75 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 95 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 160 Total Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 10000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 74 m+p Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 75 o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK P.4 LAB SAMPLE NO: 066--17180 DW ANALYSIS REPORT PAGE 2 EPA UNREGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 27 Chloroform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 28 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 29 Chlorodibrom omethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 30 Bromoform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 53 Chloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 54 Bromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 55 Chloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 58 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 59 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 62 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 64 Dibromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 154 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 72 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 78 Bromobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 79 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 80 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 81 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 82 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 83 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK STATE UNREGULAT ED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 65 Cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 69 Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 85 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 86 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 87 Isopropylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 88 n-Propylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 89 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 90 Tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 91 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 92 Sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 93 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 94 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 96 Naphthalene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 97 Hexachlorobutadiene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 98 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 102 EDB ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 103 DBCP ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 104 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK Methyl tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK NOTES: SRL (State Reporting Level): indicates the minimum reporting level required by the Washington Department of Health (DOH) Trigger Level: DOH Drinking Water response level. System s with compounds detected at concentrations in excess of this level are required to take additional samples. Contact your regenional DOH office for further information. MCL (Maximum Contaminant Level): If the contaminant am ount exceeds the MCL, immediately contact your regional DOH office. NA (Not Analyzed): in the results column indicates this compound was no included in the current analysis. ND (Not Detected): in the results column indicates this compound was analyzed and not detected at a level greater than or equal to the SRL. <(0.001): indicates the compound was not detected in the sample at or above the concentration indicated. _________________________________ Aaron W. Young Laboratory Manager P.5 Am Test Inc. 13600 NE 126TH PL Suite C Kirkland, WA 98034 (425) 885-1664 www.amtestlab.com Professional Analytical Services Drinking Water Report for VOC's Date Collected: 09/25/17 System Group Type: A B Other: Water System ID Num ber:System Name: Lab--Sample No: 066--17181 County: Sample Location: MW -5 Source Number(s): Sample Purpose: (Check Appropriate Box) RC - Routine/Compliance (satisfies monitoring requirements) C - Confirmation (confirmation of chemical result) - I - Investigative (does not satisfy monitoring requirements) - O - Other (specify) Date Received: Date Analyzed: Date Reported: Comments: 09/26/17 Various 10/11/17 ... Sample Composition: (Check Appropriate Box) S - Single Source B - Blended (List Multiple Source Numbers in Source Nos. field) C - Composite (Specify in Comments Field) D - Distribution Sample Sample Type: (Check One) Pre-Treatment/Raw Post-Treatment/Finished Unknown Sample Collected by: (Name) ______________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________ Send Report To:City of Renton Public Works Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 Bill To: KATIE NOLAN Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 EPA REGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 45 Vinyl Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 2 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 46 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 7 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 47 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 200 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 48 Carbon Tetrachloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 49 Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 50 1.2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 51 Trichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 52 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 600 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 56 Methylene Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 57 Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 60 Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 63 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 66 Toluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 1000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 67 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 68 Tetrachloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 71 Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 73 Ethyl Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 700 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 76 Styrene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 84 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 75 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 95 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 160 Total Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 10000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 74 m+p Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 75 o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK P.6 LAB SAMPLE NO: 066--17181 DW ANALYSIS REPORT PAGE 2 EPA UNREGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 27 Chloroform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 28 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 29 Chlorodibrom omethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 30 Bromoform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 53 Chloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 54 Bromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 55 Chloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 58 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 59 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 62 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 64 Dibromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 154 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 72 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 78 Bromobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 79 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 80 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 81 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 82 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 83 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK STATE UNREGULAT ED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 65 Cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 69 Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 85 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 86 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 87 Isopropylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 88 n-Propylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 89 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 90 Tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 91 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 92 Sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 93 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 94 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 96 Naphthalene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 97 Hexachlorobutadiene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 98 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 102 EDB ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 103 DBCP ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 104 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK Methyl tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK NOTES: SRL (State Reporting Level): indicates the minimum reporting level required by the Washington Department of Health (DOH) Trigger Level: DOH Drinking Water response level. System s with compounds detected at concentrations in excess of this level are required to take additional samples. Contact your regenional DOH office for further information. MCL (Maximum Contaminant Level): If the contaminant am ount exceeds the MCL, immediately contact your regional DOH office. NA (Not Analyzed): in the results column indicates this compound was no included in the current analysis. ND (Not Detected): in the results column indicates this compound was analyzed and not detected at a level greater than or equal to the SRL. <(0.001): indicates the compound was not detected in the sample at or above the concentration indicated. _________________________________ Aaron W. Young Laboratory Manager P.7 Am Test Inc. 13600 NE 126TH PL Suite C Kirkland, WA 98034 (425) 885-1664 www.amtestlab.com Professional Analytical Services Drinking Water Report for VOC's Date Collected: 09/25/17 System Group Type: A B Other: Water System ID Num ber:System Name: Lab--Sample No: 066--17182 County: Sample Location: MW -25S Source Number(s): Sample Purpose: (Check Appropriate Box) RC - Routine/Compliance (satisfies monitoring requirements) C - Confirmation (confirmation of chemical result) - I - Investigative (does not satisfy monitoring requirements) - O - Other (specify) Date Received: Date Analyzed: Date Reported: Comments: 09/26/17 Various 10/11/17 ... Sample Composition: (Check Appropriate Box) S - Single Source B - Blended (List Multiple Source Numbers in Source Nos. field) C - Composite (Specify in Comments Field) D - Distribution Sample Sample Type: (Check One) Pre-Treatment/Raw Post-Treatment/Finished Unknown Sample Collected by: (Name) ______________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________ Send Report To:City of Renton Public Works Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 Bill To: KATIE NOLAN Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 EPA REGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 45 Vinyl Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 2 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 46 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 7 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 47 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 200 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 48 Carbon Tetrachloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 49 Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 50 1.2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 51 Trichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 52 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 600 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 56 Methylene Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 57 Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 60 Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 63 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 66 Toluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 1000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 67 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 68 Tetrachloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 71 Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 73 Ethyl Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 700 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 76 Styrene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 84 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 75 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 95 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 160 Total Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 10000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 74 m+p Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 75 o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK P.8 LAB SAMPLE NO: 066--17182 DW ANALYSIS REPORT PAGE 2 EPA UNREGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 27 Chloroform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 28 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 29 Chlorodibrom omethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 30 Bromoform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 53 Chloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 54 Bromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 55 Chloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 58 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 59 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 62 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 64 Dibromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 154 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 72 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 78 Bromobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 79 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 80 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 81 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 82 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 83 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK STATE UNREGULAT ED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 65 Cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 69 Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 85 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 86 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 87 Isopropylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 88 n-Propylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 89 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 90 Tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 91 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 92 Sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 93 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 94 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 96 Naphthalene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 97 Hexachlorobutadiene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 98 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 102 EDB ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 103 DBCP ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 104 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK Methyl tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK NOTES: SRL (State Reporting Level): indicates the minimum reporting level required by the Washington Department of Health (DOH) Trigger Level: DOH Drinking Water response level. System s with compounds detected at concentrations in excess of this level are required to take additional samples. Contact your regenional DOH office for further information. MCL (Maximum Contaminant Level): If the contaminant am ount exceeds the MCL, immediately contact your regional DOH office. NA (Not Analyzed): in the results column indicates this compound was no included in the current analysis. ND (Not Detected): in the results column indicates this compound was analyzed and not detected at a level greater than or equal to the SRL. <(0.001): indicates the compound was not detected in the sample at or above the concentration indicated. _________________________________ Aaron W. Young Laboratory Manager P.9 Am Test Inc. 13600 NE 126TH PL Suite C Kirkland, WA 98034 (425) 885-1664 www.amtestlab.com Professional Analytical Services Drinking Water Report for VOC's Date Collected: 09/25/17 System Group Type: A B Other: Water System ID Num ber:System Name: Lab--Sample No: 066--17183 County: Sample Location: MW -25D Source Number(s): Sample Purpose: (Check Appropriate Box) RC - Routine/Compliance (satisfies monitoring requirements) C - Confirmation (confirmation of chemical result) - I - Investigative (does not satisfy monitoring requirements) - O - Other (specify) Date Received: Date Analyzed: Date Reported: Comments: 09/26/17 Various 10/11/17 ... Sample Composition: (Check Appropriate Box) S - Single Source B - Blended (List Multiple Source Numbers in Source Nos. field) C - Composite (Specify in Comments Field) D - Distribution Sample Sample Type: (Check One) Pre-Treatment/Raw Post-Treatment/Finished Unknown Sample Collected by: (Name) ______________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________ Send Report To:City of Renton Public Works Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 Bill To: KATIE NOLAN Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 EPA REGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 45 Vinyl Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 2 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 46 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 7 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 47 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 200 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 48 Carbon Tetrachloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 49 Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 50 1.2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 51 Trichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 52 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 600 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 56 Methylene Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 57 Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 60 Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 63 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 66 Toluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 1000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 67 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 68 Tetrachloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 71 Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 73 Ethyl Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 700 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 76 Styrene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 84 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 75 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 95 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 160 Total Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 10000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 74 m+p Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 75 o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK P.10 LAB SAMPLE NO: 066--17183 DW ANALYSIS REPORT PAGE 2 EPA UNREGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 27 Chloroform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 28 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 29 Chlorodibrom omethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 30 Bromoform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 53 Chloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 54 Bromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 55 Chloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 58 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 59 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 62 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 64 Dibromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 154 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 72 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 78 Bromobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 79 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 80 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 81 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 82 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 83 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK STATE UNREGULAT ED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 65 Cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 69 Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 85 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 86 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 87 Isopropylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 88 n-Propylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 89 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 90 Tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 91 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 92 Sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 93 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 94 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 96 Naphthalene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 97 Hexachlorobutadiene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 98 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 102 EDB ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 103 DBCP ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 104 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK Methyl tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK NOTES: SRL (State Reporting Level): indicates the minimum reporting level required by the Washington Department of Health (DOH) Trigger Level: DOH Drinking Water response level. System s with compounds detected at concentrations in excess of this level are required to take additional samples. Contact your regenional DOH office for further information. MCL (Maximum Contaminant Level): If the contaminant am ount exceeds the MCL, immediately contact your regional DOH office. NA (Not Analyzed): in the results column indicates this compound was no included in the current analysis. ND (Not Detected): in the results column indicates this compound was analyzed and not detected at a level greater than or equal to the SRL. <(0.001): indicates the compound was not detected in the sample at or above the concentration indicated. _________________________________ Aaron W. Young Laboratory Manager P.11 Am Test Inc. 13600 NE 126TH PL Suite C Kirkland, WA 98034 (425) 885-1664 www.amtestlab.com Professional Analytical Services Drinking Water Report for VOC's Date Collected: 09/25/17 System Group Type: A B Other: Water System ID Num ber:System Name: Lab--Sample No: 066--17184 County: Sample Location: MW -26R Source Number(s): Sample Purpose: (Check Appropriate Box) RC - Routine/Compliance (satisfies monitoring requirements) C - Confirmation (confirmation of chemical result) - I - Investigative (does not satisfy monitoring requirements) - O - Other (specify) Date Received: Date Analyzed: Date Reported: Comments: 09/26/17 Various 10/11/17 ... Sample Composition: (Check Appropriate Box) S - Single Source B - Blended (List Multiple Source Numbers in Source Nos. field) C - Composite (Specify in Comments Field) D - Distribution Sample Sample Type: (Check One) Pre-Treatment/Raw Post-Treatment/Finished Unknown Sample Collected by: (Name) ______________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________ Send Report To:City of Renton Public Works Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 Bill To: KATIE NOLAN Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 EPA REGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 45 Vinyl Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 2 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 46 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 7 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 47 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 200 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 48 Carbon Tetrachloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 49 Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 50 1.2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 51 Trichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 52 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 600 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 56 Methylene Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 57 Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 60 Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 63 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 66 Toluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 1000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 67 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 68 Tetrachloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 71 Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 73 Ethyl Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 700 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 76 Styrene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 84 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 75 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 95 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 160 Total Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 10000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 74 m+p Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 75 o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK P.12 LAB SAMPLE NO: 066--17184 DW ANALYSIS REPORT PAGE 2 EPA UNREGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 27 Chloroform 0.9 ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 28 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 29 Chlorodibrom omethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 30 Bromoform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 53 Chloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 54 Bromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 55 Chloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 58 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 59 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 62 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 64 Dibromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 154 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 72 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 78 Bromobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 79 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 80 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 81 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 82 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 83 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK STATE UNREGULAT ED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 65 Cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 69 Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 85 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 86 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 87 Isopropylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 88 n-Propylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 89 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 90 Tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 91 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 92 Sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 93 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 94 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 96 Naphthalene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 97 Hexachlorobutadiene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 98 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 102 EDB ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 103 DBCP ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 104 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK Methyl tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK NOTES: SRL (State Reporting Level): indicates the minimum reporting level required by the Washington Department of Health (DOH) Trigger Level: DOH Drinking Water response level. System s with compounds detected at concentrations in excess of this level are required to take additional samples. Contact your regenional DOH office for further information. MCL (Maximum Contaminant Level): If the contaminant am ount exceeds the MCL, immediately contact your regional DOH office. NA (Not Analyzed): in the results column indicates this compound was no included in the current analysis. ND (Not Detected): in the results column indicates this compound was analyzed and not detected at a level greater than or equal to the SRL. <(0.001): indicates the compound was not detected in the sample at or above the concentration indicated. _________________________________ Aaron W. Young Laboratory Manager P.13 Am Test Inc. 13600 NE 126TH PL Suite C Kirkland, WA 98034 (425) 885-1664 www.amtestlab.com Professional Analytical Services Drinking Water Report for VOC's Date Collected: 09/25/17 System Group Type: A B Other: Water System ID Num ber:System Name: Lab--Sample No: 066--17185 County: Sample Location: MW -31S Source Number(s): Sample Purpose: (Check Appropriate Box) RC - Routine/Compliance (satisfies monitoring requirements) C - Confirmation (confirmation of chemical result) - I - Investigative (does not satisfy monitoring requirements) - O - Other (specify) Date Received: Date Analyzed: Date Reported: Comments: 09/26/17 Various 10/11/17 ... Sample Composition: (Check Appropriate Box) S - Single Source B - Blended (List Multiple Source Numbers in Source Nos. field) C - Composite (Specify in Comments Field) D - Distribution Sample Sample Type: (Check One) Pre-Treatment/Raw Post-Treatment/Finished Unknown Sample Collected by: (Name) ______________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________ Send Report To:City of Renton Public Works Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 Bill To: KATIE NOLAN Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 EPA REGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 45 Vinyl Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 2 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 46 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 7 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 47 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 200 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 48 Carbon Tetrachloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 49 Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 50 1.2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 51 Trichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 52 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 600 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 56 Methylene Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 57 Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 60 Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 63 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 66 Toluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 1000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 67 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 68 Tetrachloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 71 Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 73 Ethyl Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 700 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 76 Styrene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 84 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 75 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 95 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 160 Total Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 10000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 74 m+p Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 75 o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK P.14 LAB SAMPLE NO: 066--17185 DW ANALYSIS REPORT PAGE 2 EPA UNREGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 27 Chloroform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 28 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 29 Chlorodibrom omethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 30 Bromoform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 53 Chloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 54 Bromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 55 Chloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 58 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 59 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 62 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 64 Dibromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 154 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 72 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 78 Bromobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 79 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 80 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 81 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 82 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 83 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK STATE UNREGULAT ED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 65 Cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 69 Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 85 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 86 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 87 Isopropylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 88 n-Propylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 89 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 90 Tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 91 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 92 Sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 93 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 94 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 96 Naphthalene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 97 Hexachlorobutadiene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 98 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 102 EDB ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 103 DBCP ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 104 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK Methyl tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK NOTES: SRL (State Reporting Level): indicates the minimum reporting level required by the Washington Department of Health (DOH) Trigger Level: DOH Drinking Water response level. System s with compounds detected at concentrations in excess of this level are required to take additional samples. Contact your regenional DOH office for further information. MCL (Maximum Contaminant Level): If the contaminant am ount exceeds the MCL, immediately contact your regional DOH office. NA (Not Analyzed): in the results column indicates this compound was no included in the current analysis. ND (Not Detected): in the results column indicates this compound was analyzed and not detected at a level greater than or equal to the SRL. <(0.001): indicates the compound was not detected in the sample at or above the concentration indicated. _________________________________ Aaron W. Young Laboratory Manager P.15 Am Test Inc. 13600 NE 126TH PL Suite C Kirkland, WA 98034 (425) 885-1664 www.amtestlab.com Professional Analytical Services Drinking Water Report for VOC's Date Collected: 09/25/17 System Group Type: A B Other: Water System ID Num ber:System Name: Lab--Sample No: 066--17186 County: Sample Location: MW -31D Source Number(s): Sample Purpose: (Check Appropriate Box) RC - Routine/Compliance (satisfies monitoring requirements) C - Confirmation (confirmation of chemical result) - I - Investigative (does not satisfy monitoring requirements) - O - Other (specify) Date Received: Date Analyzed: Date Reported: Comments: 09/26/17 Various 10/11/17 ... Sample Composition: (Check Appropriate Box) S - Single Source B - Blended (List Multiple Source Numbers in Source Nos. field) C - Composite (Specify in Comments Field) D - Distribution Sample Sample Type: (Check One) Pre-Treatment/Raw Post-Treatment/Finished Unknown Sample Collected by: (Name) ______________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________ Send Report To:City of Renton Public Works Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 Bill To: KATIE NOLAN Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 EPA REGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 45 Vinyl Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 2 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 46 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 7 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 47 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 200 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 48 Carbon Tetrachloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 49 Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 50 1.2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 51 Trichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 52 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 600 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 56 Methylene Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 57 Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 60 Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 63 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 66 Toluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 1000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 67 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 68 Tetrachloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 71 Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 73 Ethyl Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 700 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 76 Styrene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 84 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 75 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 95 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 160 Total Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 10000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 74 m+p Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 75 o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK P.16 LAB SAMPLE NO: 066--17186 DW ANALYSIS REPORT PAGE 2 EPA UNREGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 27 Chloroform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 28 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 29 Chlorodibrom omethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 30 Bromoform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 53 Chloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 54 Bromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 55 Chloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 58 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 59 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 62 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 64 Dibromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 154 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 72 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 78 Bromobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 79 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 80 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 81 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 82 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 83 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK STATE UNREGULAT ED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 65 Cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 69 Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 85 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 86 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 87 Isopropylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 88 n-Propylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 89 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 90 Tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 91 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 92 Sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 93 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 94 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 96 Naphthalene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 97 Hexachlorobutadiene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 98 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 102 EDB ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 103 DBCP ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 104 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK Methyl tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK NOTES: SRL (State Reporting Level): indicates the minimum reporting level required by the Washington Department of Health (DOH) Trigger Level: DOH Drinking Water response level. System s with compounds detected at concentrations in excess of this level are required to take additional samples. Contact your regenional DOH office for further information. MCL (Maximum Contaminant Level): If the contaminant am ount exceeds the MCL, immediately contact your regional DOH office. NA (Not Analyzed): in the results column indicates this compound was no included in the current analysis. ND (Not Detected): in the results column indicates this compound was analyzed and not detected at a level greater than or equal to the SRL. <(0.001): indicates the compound was not detected in the sample at or above the concentration indicated. _________________________________ Aaron W. Young Laboratory Manager P.17 Am Test Inc. 13600 NE 126TH PL Suite C Kirkland, WA 98034 (425) 885-1664 www.amtestlab.com Professional Analytical Services Drinking Water Report for VOC's Date Collected: 09/25/17 System Group Type: A B Other: Water System ID Num ber:System Name: Lab--Sample No: 066--17187 County: Sample Location: MW -33 Source Number(s): Sample Purpose: (Check Appropriate Box) RC - Routine/Compliance (satisfies monitoring requirements) C - Confirmation (confirmation of chemical result) - I - Investigative (does not satisfy monitoring requirements) - O - Other (specify) Date Received: Date Analyzed: Date Reported: Comments: 09/26/17 Various 10/11/17 ... Sample Composition: (Check Appropriate Box) S - Single Source B - Blended (List Multiple Source Numbers in Source Nos. field) C - Composite (Specify in Comments Field) D - Distribution Sample Sample Type: (Check One) Pre-Treatment/Raw Post-Treatment/Finished Unknown Sample Collected by: (Name) ______________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________ Send Report To:City of Renton Public Works Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 Bill To: KATIE NOLAN Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 EPA REGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 45 Vinyl Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 2 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 46 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 7 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 47 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 200 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 48 Carbon Tetrachloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 49 Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 50 1.2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 51 Trichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 52 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 600 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 56 Methylene Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 57 Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 60 Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 63 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 66 Toluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 1000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 67 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 68 Tetrachloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 71 Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 73 Ethyl Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 700 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 76 Styrene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 84 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 75 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 95 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 160 Total Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 10000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 74 m+p Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 75 o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK P.18 LAB SAMPLE NO: 066--17187 DW ANALYSIS REPORT PAGE 2 EPA UNREGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 27 Chloroform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 28 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 29 Chlorodibrom omethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 30 Bromoform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 53 Chloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 54 Bromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 55 Chloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 58 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 59 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 62 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 64 Dibromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 154 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 72 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 78 Bromobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 79 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 80 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 81 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 82 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 83 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK STATE UNREGULAT ED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 65 Cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 69 Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 85 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 86 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 87 Isopropylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 88 n-Propylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 89 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 90 Tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 91 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 92 Sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 93 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 94 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 96 Naphthalene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 97 Hexachlorobutadiene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 98 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 102 EDB ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 103 DBCP ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 104 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK Methyl tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK NOTES: SRL (State Reporting Level): indicates the minimum reporting level required by the Washington Department of Health (DOH) Trigger Level: DOH Drinking Water response level. System s with compounds detected at concentrations in excess of this level are required to take additional samples. Contact your regenional DOH office for further information. MCL (Maximum Contaminant Level): If the contaminant am ount exceeds the MCL, immediately contact your regional DOH office. NA (Not Analyzed): in the results column indicates this compound was no included in the current analysis. ND (Not Detected): in the results column indicates this compound was analyzed and not detected at a level greater than or equal to the SRL. <(0.001): indicates the compound was not detected in the sample at or above the concentration indicated. _________________________________ Aaron W. Young Laboratory Manager P.19 Am Test Inc. 13600 NE 126TH PL Suite C Kirkland, WA 98034 (425) 885-1664 www.amtestlab.com Professional Analytical Services Drinking Water Report for VOC's Date Collected: 09/25/17 System Group Type: A B Other: Water System ID Num ber:System Name: Lab--Sample No: 066--17188 County: Sample Location: MW -34S Source Number(s): Sample Purpose: (Check Appropriate Box) RC - Routine/Compliance (satisfies monitoring requirements) C - Confirmation (confirmation of chemical result) - I - Investigative (does not satisfy monitoring requirements) - O - Other (specify) Date Received: Date Analyzed: Date Reported: Comments: 09/26/17 Various 10/11/17 ... Sample Composition: (Check Appropriate Box) S - Single Source B - Blended (List Multiple Source Numbers in Source Nos. field) C - Composite (Specify in Comments Field) D - Distribution Sample Sample Type: (Check One) Pre-Treatment/Raw Post-Treatment/Finished Unknown Sample Collected by: (Name) ______________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________ Send Report To:City of Renton Public Works Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 Bill To: KATIE NOLAN Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 EPA REGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 45 Vinyl Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 2 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 46 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 7 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 47 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 200 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 48 Carbon Tetrachloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 49 Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 50 1.2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 51 Trichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 52 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 600 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 56 Methylene Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 57 Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 60 Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 63 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 66 Toluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 1000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 67 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 68 Tetrachloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 71 Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 73 Ethyl Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 700 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 76 Styrene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 84 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 75 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 95 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 160 Total Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 10000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 74 m+p Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 75 o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK P.20 LAB SAMPLE NO: 066--17188 DW ANALYSIS REPORT PAGE 2 EPA UNREGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 27 Chloroform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 28 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 29 Chlorodibrom omethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 30 Bromoform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 53 Chloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 54 Bromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 55 Chloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 58 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 59 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 62 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 64 Dibromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 154 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 72 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 78 Bromobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 79 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 80 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 81 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 82 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 83 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK STATE UNREGULAT ED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 65 Cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 69 Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 85 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 86 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 87 Isopropylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 88 n-Propylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 89 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 90 Tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 91 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 92 Sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 93 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 94 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 96 Naphthalene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 97 Hexachlorobutadiene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 98 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 102 EDB ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 103 DBCP ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 104 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK Methyl tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK NOTES: SRL (State Reporting Level): indicates the minimum reporting level required by the Washington Department of Health (DOH) Trigger Level: DOH Drinking Water response level. System s with compounds detected at concentrations in excess of this level are required to take additional samples. Contact your regenional DOH office for further information. MCL (Maximum Contaminant Level): If the contaminant am ount exceeds the MCL, immediately contact your regional DOH office. NA (Not Analyzed): in the results column indicates this compound was no included in the current analysis. ND (Not Detected): in the results column indicates this compound was analyzed and not detected at a level greater than or equal to the SRL. <(0.001): indicates the compound was not detected in the sample at or above the concentration indicated. _________________________________ Aaron W. Young Laboratory Manager P.21 Am Test Inc. 13600 NE 126TH PL Suite C Kirkland, WA 98034 (425) 885-1664 www.amtestlab.com Professional Analytical Services Drinking Water Report for VOC's Date Collected: 09/25/17 System Group Type: A B Other: Water System ID Num ber:System Name: Lab--Sample No: 066--17189 County: Sample Location: MW -42 Source Number(s): Sample Purpose: (Check Appropriate Box) RC - Routine/Compliance (satisfies monitoring requirements) C - Confirmation (confirmation of chemical result) - I - Investigative (does not satisfy monitoring requirements) - O - Other (specify) Date Received: Date Analyzed: Date Reported: Comments: 09/26/17 Various 10/11/17 ... Sample Composition: (Check Appropriate Box) S - Single Source B - Blended (List Multiple Source Numbers in Source Nos. field) C - Composite (Specify in Comments Field) D - Distribution Sample Sample Type: (Check One) Pre-Treatment/Raw Post-Treatment/Finished Unknown Sample Collected by: (Name) ______________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________ Send Report To:City of Renton Public Works Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 Bill To: KATIE NOLAN Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 EPA REGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 45 Vinyl Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 2 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 46 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 7 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 47 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 200 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 48 Carbon Tetrachloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 49 Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 50 1.2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 51 Trichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 52 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 600 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 56 Methylene Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 57 Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 60 Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 63 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 66 Toluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 1000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 67 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 68 Tetrachloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 71 Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 73 Ethyl Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 700 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 76 Styrene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 84 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 75 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 95 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 160 Total Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 10000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 74 m+p Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 75 o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK P.22 LAB SAMPLE NO: 066--17189 DW ANALYSIS REPORT PAGE 2 EPA UNREGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 27 Chloroform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 28 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 29 Chlorodibrom omethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 30 Bromoform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 53 Chloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 54 Bromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 55 Chloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 58 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 59 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 62 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 64 Dibromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 154 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 72 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 78 Bromobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 79 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 80 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 81 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 82 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 83 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK STATE UNREGULAT ED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 65 Cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 69 Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 85 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 86 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 87 Isopropylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 88 n-Propylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 89 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 90 Tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 91 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 92 Sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 93 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 94 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 96 Naphthalene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 97 Hexachlorobutadiene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 98 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 102 EDB ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 103 DBCP ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 104 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK Methyl tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK NOTES: SRL (State Reporting Level): indicates the minimum reporting level required by the Washington Department of Health (DOH) Trigger Level: DOH Drinking Water response level. System s with compounds detected at concentrations in excess of this level are required to take additional samples. Contact your regenional DOH office for further information. MCL (Maximum Contaminant Level): If the contaminant am ount exceeds the MCL, immediately contact your regional DOH office. NA (Not Analyzed): in the results column indicates this compound was no included in the current analysis. ND (Not Detected): in the results column indicates this compound was analyzed and not detected at a level greater than or equal to the SRL. <(0.001): indicates the compound was not detected in the sample at or above the concentration indicated. _________________________________ Aaron W. Young Laboratory Manager P.23 Am Test Inc. 13600 NE 126TH PL Suite C Kirkland, WA 98034 (425) 885-1664 www.amtestlab.com Professional Analytical Services Drinking Water Report for VOC's Date Collected: 09/25/17 System Group Type: A B Other: Water System ID Num ber:System Name: Lab--Sample No: 066--17190 County: Sample Location: OBW-1S Source Number(s): Sample Purpose: (Check Appropriate Box) RC - Routine/Compliance (satisfies monitoring requirements) C - Confirmation (confirmation of chemical result) - I - Investigative (does not satisfy monitoring requirements) - O - Other (specify) Date Received: Date Analyzed: Date Reported: Comments: 09/26/17 Various 10/11/17 ... Sample Composition: (Check Appropriate Box) S - Single Source B - Blended (List Multiple Source Numbers in Source Nos. field) C - Composite (Specify in Comments Field) D - Distribution Sample Sample Type: (Check One) Pre-Treatment/Raw Post-Treatment/Finished Unknown Sample Collected by: (Name) ______________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________ Send Report To:City of Renton Public Works Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 Bill To: KATIE NOLAN Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 EPA REGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 45 Vinyl Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 2 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 46 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 7 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 47 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 200 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 48 Carbon Tetrachloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 49 Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 50 1.2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 51 Trichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 52 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 600 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 56 Methylene Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 57 Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 60 Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 63 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 66 Toluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 1000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 67 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 68 Tetrachloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 71 Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 73 Ethyl Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 700 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 76 Styrene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 84 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 75 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 95 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 160 Total Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 10000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 74 m+p Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 75 o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK P.24 LAB SAMPLE NO: 066--17190 DW ANALYSIS REPORT PAGE 2 EPA UNREGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 27 Chloroform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 28 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 29 Chlorodibrom omethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 30 Bromoform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 53 Chloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 54 Bromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 55 Chloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 58 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 59 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 62 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 64 Dibromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 154 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 72 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 78 Bromobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 79 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 80 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 81 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 82 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 83 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK STATE UNREGULAT ED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 65 Cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 69 Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 85 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 86 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 87 Isopropylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 88 n-Propylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 89 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 90 Tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 91 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 92 Sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 93 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 94 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 96 Naphthalene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 97 Hexachlorobutadiene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 98 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 102 EDB ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 103 DBCP ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 104 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK Methyl tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK NOTES: SRL (State Reporting Level): indicates the minimum reporting level required by the Washington Department of Health (DOH) Trigger Level: DOH Drinking Water response level. System s with compounds detected at concentrations in excess of this level are required to take additional samples. Contact your regenional DOH office for further information. MCL (Maximum Contaminant Level): If the contaminant am ount exceeds the MCL, immediately contact your regional DOH office. NA (Not Analyzed): in the results column indicates this compound was no included in the current analysis. ND (Not Detected): in the results column indicates this compound was analyzed and not detected at a level greater than or equal to the SRL. <(0.001): indicates the compound was not detected in the sample at or above the concentration indicated. _________________________________ Aaron W. Young Laboratory Manager P.25 Am Test Inc. 13600 NE 126TH PL Suite C Kirkland, WA 98034 (425) 885-1664 www.amtestlab.com Professional Analytical Services Drinking Water Report for VOC's Date Collected: 09/25/17 System Group Type: A B Other: Water System ID Num ber:System Name: Lab--Sample No: 066--17191 County: Sample Location: WTB Source Number(s): Sample Purpose: (Check Appropriate Box) RC - Routine/Compliance (satisfies monitoring requirements) C - Confirmation (confirmation of chemical result) - I - Investigative (does not satisfy monitoring requirements) - O - Other (specify) Date Received: Date Analyzed: Date Reported: Comments: 09/26/17 Various 10/11/17 ... Sample Composition: (Check Appropriate Box) S - Single Source B - Blended (List Multiple Source Numbers in Source Nos. field) C - Composite (Specify in Comments Field) D - Distribution Sample Sample Type: (Check One) Pre-Treatment/Raw Post-Treatment/Finished Unknown Sample Collected by: (Name) ______________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________ Send Report To:City of Renton Public Works Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 Bill To: KATIE NOLAN Surface Water Utility Renton, WA 98055 EPA REGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 45 Vinyl Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 2 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 46 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 7 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 47 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 200 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 48 Carbon Tetrachloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 49 Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 50 1.2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 51 Trichloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 52 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 600 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 56 Methylene Chloride ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 57 Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 60 Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 63 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 66 Toluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 1000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 67 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 68 Tetrachloroethylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 71 Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 73 Ethyl Benzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 700 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 76 Styrene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 100 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 84 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 75 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 95 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 160 Total Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 10000 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 74 m+p Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 75 o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK P.26 LAB SAMPLE NO: 066--17191 DW ANALYSIS REPORT PAGE 2 EPA UNREGULATED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 27 Chloroform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 28 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 29 Chlorodibrom omethane ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 30 Bromoform ND ug/L 0.5 -- EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 53 Chloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 54 Bromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 55 Chloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 58 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 59 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 62 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 64 Dibromomethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 154 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 72 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 78 Bromobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 79 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 80 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 81 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 82 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 83 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK STATE UNREGULAT ED DOH # ANALYTE RESULTS UNITS SRL TRIGGER M CL MCL Exceeded? Method / (check only if YES) Analyst Initials 65 Cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 69 Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 85 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 86 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 87 Isopropylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 88 n-Propylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 89 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 90 Tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 91 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 92 Sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 93 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 94 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 96 Naphthalene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 97 Hexachlorobutadiene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 98 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 102 EDB ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 103 DBCP ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK 104 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 0.5 0.5 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK Methyl tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 0.5 70 EPA 524.3 /ANATEK NOTES: SRL (State Reporting Level): indicates the minimum reporting level required by the Washington Department of Health (DOH) Trigger Level: DOH Drinking Water response level. System s with compounds detected at concentrations in excess of this level are required to take additional samples. Contact your regenional DOH office for further information. MCL (Maximum Contaminant Level): If the contaminant am ount exceeds the MCL, immediately contact your regional DOH office. NA (Not Analyzed): in the results column indicates this compound was no included in the current analysis. ND (Not Detected): in the results column indicates this compound was analyzed and not detected at a level greater than or equal to the SRL. <(0.001): indicates the compound was not detected in the sample at or above the concentration indicated. _________________________________ Aaron W. Young Laboratory Manager P.27 Am Test Inc. 13600 NE 126th PL Suite C Kirkland, WA, 98034 (425) 885-1664 www.amtestlab.com Professional Analytical Services QC Summary for sample numbers: 17-A017179 to 17-A017191 MATRIX SPIKES SAMPLE # ANALYTE UNITS SAMPLE VALUE SMPL+ SPK SPK AMT RECOVERY 17-A017179 1,1-Dichloroethylene ug/l < 0.5 10.6 10.0 106.00 % 17-A017179 1,1-Dichloroethylene ug/l < 0.5 10.5 10.0 105.00 % 17-A017179 Benzene ug/l < 0.5 9.4 10.0 94.00 % 17-A017179 Benzene ug/l < 0.5 9.6 10.0 96.00 % 17-A017179 Trichloroethylene ug/l < 0.5 9.4 10.0 94.00 % 17-A017179 Trichloroethylene ug/l < 0.5 9.6 10.0 96.00 % 17-A017179 Toluene ug/l < 0.5 9.3 10.0 93.00 % 17-A017179 Toluene ug/l < 0.5 9.6 10.0 96.00 % 17-A017179 Tetrachloroethylene ug/l < 0.5 9.4 10.0 94.00 % 17-A017179 Tetrachloroethylene ug/l < 0.5 8.4 10.0 84.00 % 17-A017179 Chlorobenzene ug/l < 0.5 9.2 10.0 92.00 % 17-A017179 Chlorobenzene ug/l < 0.5 8.9 10.0 89.00 % 17-A017179 Ethyl Benzene ug/l < 0.5 9.2 10.0 92.00 % 17-A017179 Ethyl Benzene ug/l < 5 9.0 10.0 90.00 % MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATES SAMPLE # ANALYTE UNITS SAMPLE + SPK MSD VALUE RPD Spike 1,1-Dichloroethylene ug/l 10.6 10.5 0.95 Spike Benzene ug/l 9.4 9.6 2.1 Spike Trichloroethylene ug/l 9.4 9.6 2.1 Spike Toluene ug/l 9.3 9.6 3.2 Spike Tetrachloroethylene ug/l 9.4 8.4 11. Spike Chlorobenzene ug/l 9.2 8.9 3.3 Spike Ethyl Benzene ug/l 9.2 9.0 2.2 STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIALS ANALYTE UNITS TRUE VALUE MEASURED VALUE RECOVERY 1,1-Dichloroethylene ug/l 10.0 10.8 108. % Benzene ug/l 10.0 10.1 101. % Trichloroethylene ug/l 10.0 9.9 99.0 % Toluene ug/l 10.0 9.8 98.0 % Tetrachloroethylene ug/l 10.0 9.6 96.0 % Chlorobenzene ug/l 10.0 9.2 92.0 % Ethyl Benzene ug/l 10.0 9.3 93.0 % o-Xylene ug/l 10.0 9.2 92.0 % P.28 QC Summary for sample numbers: 17-A017179 to 17-A017191... BLANKS ANALYTE UNITS RESULT Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/l < 0.5 Chloromethane ug/l < 0.5 Vinyl Chloride ug/l < 0.5 Bromomethane ug/l < 0.5 Chloroethane ug/l < 0.5 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/l < 0.5 1,1-Dichloroethylene ug/l < 0.5 Methylene Chloride ug/l < 0.5 Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/l < 0.5 Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/l < 0.5 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/l < 0.5 Chloroform ug/l < 0.5 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/l < 0.5 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/l < 0.5 Benzene ug/l < 0.5 1.2-Dichloroethane ug/l < 0.5 Trichloroethylene ug/l < 0.5 Bromodichloromethane ug/l < 0.5 Bromochloromethane ug/l < 0.5 Dibromomethane ug/l < 0.5 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/l < 0.5 1,3-Dichloropropane ug/l < 0.5 2,2-Dichloropropane ug/l < 0.5 Toluene ug/l < 0.5 1,3-Dichloropropene ug/l < 0.5 Cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/l < 0.5 1,1-Dichloropropene ug/l < 0.5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/l < 0.5 Tetrachloroethylene ug/l < 0.5 Chlorodibromomethane ug/l < 0.5 1,2-Dibromomethane ug/l < 0.5 Chlorobenzene ug/l < 0.5 Ethyl Benzene ug/l < 0.5 Total Xylene ug/l < 0.5 m+p Xylene ug/l < 0.5 o-Xylene ug/l < 0.5 Styrene ug/l < 0.5 Bromoform ug/l < 0.5 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/l < 0.5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/l < 0.5 Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/l < 0.5 P.29 QC Summary for sample numbers: 17-A017179 to 17-A017191... BLANKS continued.... ANALYTE UNITS RESULT 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/l < 0.5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/l < 0.5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/l < 0.5 Isopropylbenzene ug/l < 0.5 Bromobenzene ug/l < 0.5 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/l < 0.5 n-Propylbenzene ug/l < 0.5 2-Chlorotoluene ug/l < 0.5 4-Chlorotoluene ug/l < 0.5 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/l < 0.5 Tert-Butylbenzene ug/l < 0.5 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/l < 0.5 Sec-Butylbenzene ug/l < 0.5 p-Isopropyltoluene ug/l < 0.5 n-Butylbenzene ug/l < 0.5 DBCP ug/l < 0.5 EDB ug/l < 0.5 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/l < 0.5 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/l < 0.5 Naphthalene ug/l < 0.5 Hexachlorobutadiene ug/l < 0.5 Methyl tert-butyl ether ug/l < 0.5 P.30 P.31 P.32 Groundwater Quality Request for G-Logics, Inc. Compiled on February 22, 2018 by Katie Nolan The Water Utility has several monitoring wells located in the area surrounding Liberty Park. The nearest active monitoring well to Liberty Park is located at Garden Avenue N and N 2nd Street. This monitoring well (MW-4) is sampled annually for VOCs, with the last sampling event in September 2017. The results were non-detect. Other monitoring wells are present in the Liberty Park area, but have not been sampled within the last ten years. City Monitoring Well Last Sample Date Groundwater Results MW-4 2017 Non-Detect for VOCs MW-6 1998 Non-Detect for VOCs MW-12 1996 Non-Detect for VOCs MW-13 2000 Non-Detect for VOCs MW-14 1998 Non-Detect for VOCs except: Bromodichloromethane (0.28 µg/L) and Chloroform (1.7 µg/L) MW-15 1998 Non-Detect for VOCs MW-16 2000 Non-Detect for VOCs MW-18 2006 Non-Detect for VOCs MW-19 1999 Non-Detect for VOCs MW-20 2006 Non-Detect for VOCs MW-21 2013 Non-Detect for VOCs MW-22 2003 Non-Detect for VOCs except: Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) (0.27 µg/L) MW-23 1997 Non-Detect for VOCs MW-24 2003 Non-Detect for VOCs For a summary of historical groundwater contamination events in Renton, please refer to the City’s Wellhead Protection Plan (Water System Plan Update 2012, Appendix L) which is available at https://www.rentonwa.gov/city_hall/public_works/utility_systems/water_utility_engineering/ Please note that the area of interest (Liberty Park – Bronson Way between Park Ave and Factory Way N) is considered Zone 1 of the Aquifer Protection Area. Facilities in this area are subject to aquifer protection ordinances and regulations related to storing and/or using hazardous materials. APPENDIX D ENVIRONMENTAL DATABASE INFORMATION FORM-LBC-CHM ®kcehCoeG htiw tropeR ™paM suidaR RDE ehT 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com Bryant Motors Property 1300 Bronson Way N Renton, WA 98057 Inquiry Number: 5178694.2s February 06, 2018 SECTION PAGE Executive Summary ES1 Overview Map 2 Detail Map 3 Map Findings Summary 4 Map Findings 8 Orphan Summary 641 Government Records Searched/Data Currency Tracking GR-1 GEOCHECK ADDENDUM Physical Setting Source Addendum A-1 Physical Setting Source Summary A-2 Physical Setting SSURGO Soil Map A-6 Physical Setting Source Map A-10 Physical Setting Source Map Findings A-12 Physical Setting Source Records Searched PSGR-1 TC5178694.2s Page 1 Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2018 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 A search of available environmental records was conducted by Environmental Data Resources, Inc (EDR). The report was designed to assist parties seeking to meet the search requirements of EPA’s Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiries (40 CFR Part 312), the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (E 1527-13), the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments for Forestland or Rural Property (E 2247-16), the ASTM Standard Practice for Limited Environmental Due Diligence: Transaction Screen Process (E 1528-14) or custom requirements developed for the evaluation of environmental risk associated with a parcel of real estate. TARGET PROPERTY INFORMATION ADDRESS 1300 BRONSON WAY N RENTON, WA 98057 COORDINATES 47.4846960 - 47˚ 29’ 4.90’’Latitude (North): 122.2000990 - 122˚ 12’ 0.35’’Longitude (West): Zone 10Universal Tranverse Mercator: 560262.5UTM X (Meters): 5259120.5UTM Y (Meters): 37 ft. above sea levelElevation: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ASSOCIATED WITH TARGET PROPERTY 6005107 RENTON, WATarget Property Map: 2014Version Date: 6005537 MERCER ISLAND, WANorth Map: 2014Version Date: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY IN THIS REPORT 20150825, 20150807Portions of Photo from: USDASource: 5178694.2s Page 2 M39 INDEPENDANT IMPORT R 351 PARK AVE N UST, ALLSITES Lower 1297, 0.246, NNW L38 VACANT PROPERTY PIER 330 SUNSET BLVD N UST Higher 1291, 0.245, ENE L37 VACANT PROPERTY PIER 330 SUNSET BLVD N CSCSL, LUST, ALLSITES Higher 1291, 0.245, ENE K36 STATE FARM 1000 S 2ND ST UST, ALLSITES Lower 1285, 0.243, SW I35 BRONSON AUTO SERVICE 1023 BRONSON WAY S ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO Lower 1142, 0.216, SW J34 SARTORI ELEMENTARY S 332 PARK AVE N ALLSITES Higher 1111, 0.210, NNW 33 NORTH AMERICAN REFRA 1500 HOUSER WAY SOUT UST Lower 1106, 0.209, South H32 FRIEDELS SVC INC 345 FACTORY PL N VCP, ALLSITES, CSCSL NFA Higher 1092, 0.207, NNE J31 SARTORI ELEMENTARY S 326 340 346 PARK AVE ALLSITES Higher 1050, 0.199, NNW I30 CEDAR RIVER COURT AP 130 MAIN AVE S CSCSL, VCP, ALLSITES Lower 1049, 0.199, SW H29 AMERICAN AUTO PAINTI 310 FACTORY PL N ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO Higher 1037, 0.196, NE H28 FRIEDELS SERVICE INC 345 NORTH 3RD PLACE UST Higher 1017, 0.193, NE 27 SARTORI ELEMENTARY S 315 GARDEN AVE N ALLSITES, ASBESTOS, NPDES Higher 832, 0.158, North G26 RENTON MAPLE VALLEY 1717 SE MAPLE VALLEY ALLSITES Higher 832, 0.158, ESE G25 RENTON CITY CCTF 1715 SE MAPLE VALLEY ALLSITES, FINDS Higher 831, 0.157, ESE G24 RENTON CITY WELL 9 1707 SE MAPLE VALLEY ALLSITES, FINDS Higher 792, 0.150, ESE G23 RENTON CITY WELL 8 1703 SE MAPLE VALLEY ALLSITES, FINDS Higher 772, 0.146, ESE 22 PRECISION TUNE AUTO 233 SUNSET BLVD N ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO Higher 714, 0.135, ENE F21 TONY S CLEANERS 1057 N 1ST ST EDR Hist Cleaner Lower 648, 0.123, SW F20 TONYS CLEANERS 1057 1ST N ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO, Inactive... Lower 648, 0.123, SW D19 COOKS PHILLIPS 66 206 SUNSET BLVD W EDR Hist Auto Higher 602, 0.114, East E18 PARK AVENUE LAUNDROM 109 PARK AVE EDR Hist Cleaner Lower 574, 0.109, SW E17 SCOTTY S DETAIL THO 117 PARK AVE N EDR Hist Auto Lower 556, 0.105, SW D16 COOKS SHELL MART JA 150 SUNSET BLVD SW EDR Hist Auto Higher 526, 0.100, East D15 SUNSET CHEVRON 150 SUNSET BLVD SW UST, VCP, ALLSITES, CSCSL NFA, Financial Assurance Higher 526, 0.100, East D14 SUNSET CHEVRON 150 SUNSET BLVD SW RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO Higher 526, 0.100, East C13 SCOTTS DRY CLEANERS 1200 BRONSON WAY N EDR Hist Cleaner Lower 407, 0.077, SSW C12 VILLAGE SQUARE LAUND 1222 BRONSON WAY N EDR Hist Cleaner Lower 283, 0.054, SW C11 RENTON VALU VILLAGE 1222 BRONSON WAY ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO Lower 283, 0.054, SW B10 TEXACO #63 232 1451 1408 BRONSON WAY ICR Higher 72, 0.014, ESE B9 TEXACO STATION 12064 1408 BRONSON WAY N VCP, ALLSITES, CSCSL NFA, RCRA NonGen / NLR,... Higher 72, 0.014, ESE B8 SHELL BRONSON WAY N 1408 BRONSON WAY N UST Higher 72, 0.014, ESE B7 JOHNSONS TEXACO 1408 BRONSON WAY N EDR Hist Auto Higher 72, 0.014, ESE A6 BRYANT MOTORS 1316 BRONSON WAY UST, ALLSITES Lower 1 ft. A5 BRYANT MOTORS UST 97 1316 BRONSON WAY FINDS Lower 1 ft. A4 BRYANT MOTORS 1300 BRONSON WAY SPILLS TP A3 BRYANT MOTORS 1300 BRONSON WAY N EDR Hist Auto TP A2 BRYANT MOTORS 1300 BRONSON WAY NOR FINDS, ECHO TP A1 BRYANT MOTORS 1300 BRONSON WAY N UST, ALLSITES, CSCSL NFA, RCRA NonGen / NLR,... TP MAPPED SITES SUMMARY Target Property Address: 1300 BRONSON WAY N RENTON, WA 98057 Click on Map ID to see full detail. MAP RELATIVE DIST (ft. & mi.) ID DATABASE ACRONYMS ELEVATION DIRECTIONSITE NAME ADDRESS 5178694.2s Page 3 U78 RENTON AIRPORT 243 PERIMETER RD W ALLSITES Lower 2227, 0.422, West U77 LAKE WASHINGTON TRAI LOGAN AVE AND AIRPOR ALLSITES Lower 2223, 0.421, West T76 KENNYS AUTO REBUILD 513 PARK AVE N ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR, MANIFEST Higher 2200, 0.417, NNW W75 GOOD CHEVROLET INC 232 BURNETT S UST, ALLSITES Lower 2172, 0.411, SW 74 WALTS RADIATOR & MUF 64 LOGAN AVE ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO Lower 2136, 0.405, West V73 TAYLOR AUTO BODY SHO 330 MAIN AVE. ICR Lower 2130, 0.403, SSW V72 TAYLORS AUTO BODY 330 MAIN AVE S CSCSL, LUST, UST, VCP, ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen /... Lower 2130, 0.403, SSW T71 AMERICAN TRANSMISSIO 505 PARK AVE N ALLSITES, FINDS Higher 2109, 0.399, NNW U70 THOMAS AUTO REBUILD 36 LOGAN AVE S ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO Lower 2107, 0.399, West S69 QWEST CORPORATION W0 225 WILLIAMS AVE S CSCSL, LUST, UST, ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR,... Lower 2097, 0.397, SW T68 BOEING 5TH & PARK BU 500 PARK AVE N GARAG ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR, MANIFEST Higher 2016, 0.382, NNW 67 SUNSET AUTO CO INC 1220 N 5TH ST ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO Higher 1987, 0.376, North 66 LANDE FEED COMPANY 95 BURNETT AVE S UST, ALLSITES Lower 1962, 0.372, WSW 65 PACCAR PARTS - RENTO 405 HOUSER WAY N ALLSITES Higher 1951, 0.370, NE R64 77 BURNETT AVE SOUTH 77 BURNETT AVE S UST, VCP, ALLSITES, CSCSL NFA, FINDS Lower 1937, 0.367, WSW R63 DS PURCELL PAINTING 75 BURNETT AVE S ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO Lower 1933, 0.366, West 62 PERFORMANCE APEX AUT 410 SUNSET BLVD N ALLSITES, CSCSL NFA, RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS,... Higher 1921, 0.364, NE S61 US WEST 225 S. WILLIAMS ICR Lower 1914, 0.363, SW R60 LOCKWOOD IND INC REN 73 BURNETT AVE S CSCSL, ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO Lower 1881, 0.356, West 59 WA DOT RENTON HOUSE 1201 S 3RD ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO Higher 1804, 0.342, South Q58 STONEWAY CONCRETE RE 1915 SE MAPLE VALLEY CSCSL, VCP, ICR, ALLSITES Higher 1728, 0.327, SE 57 MOSCATEL PROPERTY 233 MAIN AVE S UST, ALLSITES, CSCSL NFA Lower 1721, 0.326, SSW 56 GOOD CHEVROLET 200 BURNETT AVE N ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO Lower 1705, 0.323, WNW 55 PACCAR PARTS DISTRIB N 4TH STREET AT HOSM ALLSITES Higher 1672, 0.317, NNE 54 RENTON SCHOOL DISTRI 410 PARK AVE VCP, ALLSITES, CSCSL NFA, ICIS, FINDS, ECHO Higher 1603, 0.304, NNW M53 RENTON DAILY GROW MA 401 PARK AVE N CSCSL, LUST, UST, ICR, VCP, ALLSITES Higher 1512, 0.286, NNW Q52 RENTON CITY 7TH PLAC 4TH PLACE S OF RAINI ALLSITES Higher 1506, 0.285, SE 51 MILLER PAINT COMPANY 350 SUNSET BLVD N ST ALLSITES, MANIFEST Higher 1486, 0.281, NE P50 OLD WEST WINES 1675 N 4TH ST ALLSITES, SPILLS Higher 1474, 0.279, NE 49 RENTON CITY PARK MAI 105 WILLIAMS AVE N UST, ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO Lower 1461, 0.277, West K48 R.P. CHARLEY AUTOMOT 207 MAIN ST. ICR Lower 1423, 0.270, SW K47 CHARLEYS AUTOMOTIVE 207 MAIN ST UST, VCP, ALLSITES, CSCSL NFA Lower 1423, 0.270, SW O46 US DOJ DEA RENTON PO 220 MILL AVE S ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO Lower 1395, 0.264, SSW P45 SEATTLE OPERA SCENIC 1655 N 4TH ST ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO Higher 1377, 0.261, NE O44 NORTH AMERICAN REFRA 1500 HOUSER WAY S ICR, VCP, ALLSITES, CSCSL NFA, RCRA NonGen / NLR,... Lower 1363, 0.258, SSW O43 RENTON FIRE DEPARTME 211 MILL AVE S UST, ALLSITES, FINDS Lower 1355, 0.257, SSW 42 RENTON SCHOOL DIST 4 1220 N 4TH ST ICR, ALLSITES, CSCSL NFA, SPILLS, FINDS, ECHO,... Higher 1327, 0.251, North N41 PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDR 1400 N 4TH ST NPL, SEMS, US ENG CONTROLS, US INST CONTROL, HSL,...Higher 1319, 0.250, North N40 PACIFIC CAR AND FOUN 1400 N 4TH ST UST Higher 1319, 0.250, North MAPPED SITES SUMMARY Target Property Address: 1300 BRONSON WAY N RENTON, WA 98057 Click on Map ID to see full detail. MAP RELATIVE DIST (ft. & mi.) ID DATABASE ACRONYMS ELEVATION DIRECTIONSITE NAME ADDRESS 5178694.2s Page 4 117 SCOTT DRYCLEANERS 201 S 4TH PL CSCSL, ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO,... Lower 4530, 0.858, SW 116 UNOCAL STATION 5024 59 RAINIER AVE S CSCSL, LUST, UST, ICR, ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen /... Lower 4266, 0.808, West 115 CEDAR RIVER TRAIL N RIVERSIDE DR CSCSL, ALLSITES Lower 4262, 0.807, NW 114 WALKERS RENTON SUBAR 250 RAINIER AVE S CSCSL, LUST, UST, ALLSITES Lower 4260, 0.807, WSW 113 DENNYS RESTAURANT RA 144 RAINIER AVE S CSCSL, LUST, VCP, ALLSITES Higher 4191, 0.794, WSW 112 SAFEWAY FUEL 103 S 3RD CSCSL, LUST, UST, ALLSITES Lower 4129, 0.782, WSW 111 4TH PLACE PLAZA BUIL 203 TO 241 S 4TH PL CSCSL, ALLSITES Lower 4129, 0.782, SW 110 FORMULA ONE FORMER I 100 RAINIER AVE S CSCSL, LUST, UST, ALLSITES Lower 4052, 0.767, West AD109 PSE GRADY WAY RENTON 915 S GRADY WAY CSCSL, INST CONTROL, ALLSITES Lower 3939, 0.746, SSW AD108 PSE GRADY WAY RENTON 915 S GRADY WAY CSCSL, ALLSITES Lower 3939, 0.746, SSW AD107 RENTON SERVICE CENTE 915 S GRADY WAY CSCSL, LUST, UST, ALLSITES Lower 3939, 0.746, SSW 106 ACTION AVIATION 840 W PERIMETER RD CSCSL, LUST, ICR, ALLSITES, SPILLS Lower 3824, 0.724, NW AC105 BOEING 800 PARK RENT 800 PARK AVE N CSCSL, LUST, ALLSITES, CSCSL NFA, SPILLS Higher 3247, 0.615, North AC104 BOEING RENTON 737 LOGAN AVE N HSL, CSCSL, ALLSITES, SPILLS, MANIFEST, NPDES Higher 3247, 0.615, North AB103 PUGET SOUND HELICOPT 300 AIRPORT WAY S HSL, CSCSL, UST, ALLSITES, CSCSL NFA, RCRA NonGen... Lower 2932, 0.555, West AB102 SDS PARTNERS 307 AIRPORT WAY CSCSL, LUST, ICR, ALLSITES Lower 2889, 0.547, West 101 SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY 903 S 4TH ST CSCSL, LUST, UST, VCP, ALLSITES, FINDS,... Lower 2601, 0.493, SSW AA100 PACCAR PARTS NW DIST 502 HOUSER WAY N ALLSITES, FINDS Higher 2601, 0.493, NNE Z99 GARYS AUTOMOTIVE & T 541 PARK AVE N ALLSITES, SPILLS Higher 2557, 0.484, NNW 98 MILLER AVIATION 289 PERIMETER RD E ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO Lower 2531, 0.479, WNW 97 TIRE STORE 205 LOGAN AVE S CSCSL, ALLSITES Lower 2497, 0.473, WSW AA96 KENWORTH TRUCK RESEA 485 HOUSER WAY N RCRA-CESQG, ALLSITES, MANIFEST Higher 2473, 0.468, NNE AA95 PACCAR INFORMATION T 480 HOUSER WAY UST, ALLSITES, CSCSL NFA Higher 2466, 0.467, NNE AA94 PACCAR INC 480 HOUSER WY N ICR, Financial Assurance Higher 2466, 0.467, NNE 93 AT&T WIRELESS RENTON 405 LOGAN AVE N ALLSITES, FINDS Lower 2441, 0.462, NW 92 MOUNT OLIVET LANDFIL 2325 NE 3RD ST ALLSITES, FINDS Higher 2431, 0.460, East Z91 ALFIERI CONSTRUCTION 542 PARK AVE ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR Higher 2427, 0.460, North Z90 SKYWAY TOWING AUTO S 542 PARK AVE N UST, ALLSITES Higher 2427, 0.460, North 89 ACTIVE USA LLC 540 GARDEN AVE N ALLSITES, NPDES Higher 2407, 0.456, North Y88 PRO FLIGHT AVIATION 540 W PERIMETER RD ALLSITES, NPDES Lower 2396, 0.454, West W87 SOUND MAZDA SUZUKI 233 BURNETT ST S UST, ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, ECHO Lower 2394, 0.453, SW Y86 CASTAWAYS RESTAURANT 1101 W PERIMETER RD CSCSL, LUST, UST, ALLSITES Lower 2386, 0.452, West X85 GRADY YOUNGMAN 523 PELLY AVE N CSCSL, ALLSITES Higher 2383, 0.451, NNW X84 GRADY YOUNGMAN PROPE 523 PELLY AVE. N. ICR Higher 2383, 0.451, NNW 83 WA DOT I405 SR 515 I I405 MP 2.7 TO MP 4. ALLSITES Higher 2374, 0.450, South 82 COMMERCIAL WASTE RED 314 WILLIAMS AVE S SWF/LF Lower 2371, 0.449, SW 81 NORTHWEST SEAPLANES 850 PERIMETER RD W ALLSITES, FINDS Lower 2308, 0.437, West 80 LOGAN AVE N IMPROVEM ALLSITES Lower 2285, 0.433, NW U79 EDWARDS RO 21 LOGAN AVE S ALLSITES Lower 2279, 0.432, West MAPPED SITES SUMMARY Target Property Address: 1300 BRONSON WAY N RENTON, WA 98057 Click on Map ID to see full detail. MAP RELATIVE DIST (ft. & mi.) ID DATABASE ACRONYMS ELEVATION DIRECTIONSITE NAME ADDRESS 5178694.2s Page 5 125 RENTON 1 621 RAINIER AVE S CSCSL, LUST, UST, VCP, ALLSITES Lower 5252, 0.995, SW AE124 BOEING COMPANY RENTO 737 LOGAN AVE NORTH CSCSL, ALLSITES, SPILLS, MANIFEST Lower 5227, 0.990, NNW AE123 BOEING RENTON 737 LOGAN AVE N CORRACTS, RCRA-TSDF, RCRA-LQG, US ENG CONTROLS, US...Lower 5227, 0.990, NNW 122 PUGET SOUND CHRY-PLY 585 RAINIER AVE S CSCSL, LUST, UST, ALLSITES Lower 5139, 0.973, SW 121 SEARS ROEBUCK & CO U 359 RENTON CENTER WA CSCSL, LUST, ICR, ALLSITES Lower 5056, 0.958, WSW 120 RENTON MUNICIPAL AIR 616 W PERIMETER RD CSCSL, ALLSITES, RCRA NonGen / NLR, ASBESTOS Lower 4990, 0.945, WNW 119 LTS TRUCKING 423 S 7TH ST CSCSL, LUST, UST, INST CONTROL, VCP, ALLSITES,... Lower 4661, 0.883, SSW 118 RENTON ASSEMBLY OF G 221 HARDIE AVENUE NW CSCSL, LUST, UST, ICR, ALLSITES Lower 4620, 0.875, West MAPPED SITES SUMMARY Target Property Address: 1300 BRONSON WAY N RENTON, WA 98057 Click on Map ID to see full detail. MAP RELATIVE DIST (ft. & mi.) ID DATABASE ACRONYMS ELEVATION DIRECTIONSITE NAME ADDRESS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 TARGET PROPERTY SEARCH RESULTS The target property was identified in the following records. For more information on this property see page 8 of the attached EDR Radius Map report: EPA IDDatabase(s)Site BRYANT MOTORS 1300 BRONSON WAY N RENTON, WA 98055 WAD988504650UST Site Id: 12553 Facility ID: 54463839 ALLSITES Facility Id: 54463839 CSCSL NFA Facility/Site Id: 54463839 CS Id: 12913 RCRA NonGen / NLR EPA ID:: WAD988504650 MANIFEST Facility Site ID Number: 54463839 Gen Status CD: XQG EPA ID: WAD988504650 BRYANT MOTORS 1300 BRONSON WAY NOR RENTON, WA 98057 N/AFINDS Registry ID:: 110001918845 ECHO Registry ID: 110001918845 BRYANT MOTORS 1300 BRONSON WAY N RENTON, WA 98055 N/AEDR Hist Auto BRYANT MOTORS 1300 BRONSON WAY RENTON, WA N/ASPILLS Facility ID: 544124 Facility ID: 561146 DATABASES WITH NO MAPPED SITES No mapped sites were found in EDR’s search of available ("reasonably ascertainable ") government records either on the target property or within the search radius around the target property for the following databases: STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list Proposed NPL Proposed National Priority List Sites EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 NPL LIENS Federal Superfund Liens Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL National Priority List Deletions Federal CERCLIS list FEDERAL FACILITY Federal Facility Site Information listing Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site list SEMS-ARCHIVE Superfund Enterprise Management System Archive Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG RCRA - Large Quantity Generators RCRA-SQG RCRA - Small Quantity Generators RCRA-CESQG RCRA - Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries LUCIS Land Use Control Information System Federal ERNS list ERNS Emergency Response Notification System State and tribal leaking storage tank lists INDIAN LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land State and tribal registered storage tank lists FEMA UST Underground Storage Tank Listing AST Aboveground Storage Tank Locations INDIAN UST Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites INDIAN VCP Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing State and tribal Brownfields sites BROWNFIELDS Brownfields Sites Listing ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS A Listing of Brownfields Sites EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 8 Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites SWTIRE Solid Waste Tire Facilities SWRCY Recycling Facility List INDIAN ODI Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands ODI Open Dump Inventory DEBRIS REGION 9 Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations IHS OPEN DUMPS Open Dumps on Indian Land Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US HIST CDL Delisted National Clandestine Laboratory Register CDL Clandestine Drug Lab Contaminated Site List HIST CDL List of Sites Contaminated by Clandestine Drug Labs US CDL National Clandestine Laboratory Register Local Land Records LIENS 2 CERCLA Lien Information Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System SPILLS 90 SPILLS 90 data from FirstSearch Other Ascertainable Records FUDS Formerly Used Defense Sites DOD Department of Defense Sites SCRD DRYCLEANERS State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing US FIN ASSUR Financial Assurance Information EPA WATCH LIST EPA WATCH LIST 2020 COR ACTION 2020 Corrective Action Program List TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act TRIS Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System SSTS Section 7 Tracking Systems RMP Risk Management Plans RAATS RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System PRP Potentially Responsible Parties PADS PCB Activity Database System ICIS Integrated Compliance Information System FTTS FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) MLTS Material Licensing Tracking System COAL ASH DOE Steam-Electric Plant Operation Data COAL ASH EPA Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List PCB TRANSFORMER PCB Transformer Registration Database RADINFO Radiation Information Database HIST FTTS FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing DOT OPS Incident and Accident Data CONSENT Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees INDIAN RESERV Indian Reservations FUSRAP Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program UMTRA Uranium Mill Tailings Sites EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 9 LEAD SMELTERS Lead Smelter Sites US AIRS Aerometric Information Retrieval System Facility Subsystem US MINES Mines Master Index File ABANDONED MINES Abandoned Mines UXO Unexploded Ordnance Sites DOCKET HWC Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket Listing FUELS PROGRAM EPA Fuels Program Registered Listing AIRS Washington Emissions Data System ASBESTOS ASBESTOS COAL ASH Coal Ash Disposal Site Listing DRYCLEANERS Drycleaner List Financial Assurance Financial Assurance Information Listing NPDES Water Quality Permit System Data UIC Underground Injection Wells Listing EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR MGP EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives RGA HWS Recovered Government Archive State Hazardous Waste Facilities List RGA LF Recovered Government Archive Solid Waste Facilities List RGA LUST Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank SURROUNDING SITES: SEARCH RESULTS Surrounding sites were identified in the following databases. Elevations have been determined from the USGS Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified. Sites with an elevation equal to or higher than the target property have been differentiated below from sites with an elevation lower than the target property. Page numbers and map identification numbers refer to the EDR Radius Map report where detailed data on individual sites can be reviewed. Sites listed in bold italics are in multiple databases. Unmappable (orphan) sites are not considered in the foregoing analysis. STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list NPL: Also known as Superfund, the National Priority List database is a subset of CERCLIS and identifies over 1,200 sites for priority cleanup under the Superfund program. The source of this database is the U.S. EPA. A review of the NPL list, as provided by EDR, and dated 12/11/2017 has revealed that there is 1 NPL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 10 site within approximately 1 mile of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDR 1400 N 4TH ST N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.250 mi.) N41 89 Federal CERCLIS list SEMS: SEMS (Superfund Enterprise Management System) tracks hazardous waste sites, potentially hazardous waste sites, and remedial activities performed in support of EPA’s Superfund Program across the United States. The list was formerly know as CERCLIS, renamed to SEMS by the EPA in 2015. The list contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to the USEPA by states, municipalities, private companies and private persons, pursuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). This dataset also contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List (NPL) and the sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. A review of the SEMS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 12/11/2017 has revealed that there is 1 SEMS site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDR 1400 N 4TH ST N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.250 mi.) N41 89 Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS: CORRACTS is a list of handlers with RCRA Corrective Action Activity. This report shows which nationally-defined corrective action core events have occurred for every handler that has had corrective action activity. A review of the CORRACTS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 09/13/2017 has revealed that there is 1 CORRACTS site within approximately 1 mile of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ BOEING RENTON 737 LOGAN AVE N NNW 1/2 - 1 (0.990 mi.) AE123 577 Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries US ENG CONTROLS: A listing of sites with engineering controls in place. A review of the US ENG CONTROLS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 08/10/2017 has revealed that there is 1 US ENG CONTROLS site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDR 1400 N 4TH ST N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.250 mi.) N41 89 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 11 US INST CONTROL: A listing of sites with institutional controls in place. Institutional controls include administrative measures, such as groundwater use restrictions, construction restrictions, property use restrictions, and post remediation care requirements intended to prevent exposure to contaminants remaining on site. Deed restrictions are generally required as part of the institutional controls. A review of the US INST CONTROL list, as provided by EDR, and dated 08/10/2017 has revealed that there is 1 US INST CONTROL site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDR 1400 N 4TH ST N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.250 mi.) N41 89 State- and tribal - equivalent NPL HSL: The Hazardous Sites List is a subset of the CSCSL Report. It includes sites which have been assessed and ranked using the Washington Ranking Method (WARM). A review of the HSL list, as provided by EDR, and dated 09/13/2017 has revealed that there are 3 HSL sites within approximately 1 mile of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDR 1400 N 4TH ST N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.250 mi.) N41 89 Facility Type: Hazardous Sites List FSID Number: 2065 Facility Status: CC-Perf. Monitoring BOEING RENTON 737 LOGAN AVE N N 1/2 - 1 (0.615 mi.) AC104 457 Facility Type: Hazardous Sites List FSID Number: 2097 Facility Status: Cleanup Started PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ PUGET SOUND HELICOPT 300 AIRPORT WAY S W 1/2 - 1 (0.555 mi.) AB103 451 Facility Type: Hazardous Sites List FSID Number: 63051958 Facility Status: Awaiting Cleanup State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS CSCSL: The State Hazardous Waste Sites records are the states’ equivalent to CERCLIS. These sites may or may not already be listed on the federal CERCLIS list. Priority sites planned for cleanup using state funds (state equivalent of Superfund) are identified along with sites where cleanup will be paid for by potentially responsible parties. The data come from the Department of Ecology’s Confirmed & Suspected Contaminated Sites List. A review of the CSCSL list, as provided by EDR, and dated 10/17/2017 has revealed that there are 35 CSCSL sites within approximately 1 mile of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ VACANT PROPERTY PIER 330 SUNSET BLVD N ENE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.245 mi.) L37 81 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 12 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 5366 Clean Up Siteid: 11937 PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDR 1400 N 4TH ST N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.250 mi.) N41 89 Site Status: Construction Complete-Performance Monitoring Facility ID: 2065 Clean Up Siteid: 788 RENTON DAILY GROW MA 401 PARK AVE N NNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.286 mi.) M53 246 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 17426998 Clean Up Siteid: 8164 STONEWAY CONCRETE RE 1915 SE MAPLE VALLEY SE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.327 mi.) Q58 264 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 62244377 Clean Up Siteid: 2121 GRADY YOUNGMAN 523 PELLY AVE N NNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.451 mi.) X85 397 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 2515 Clean Up Siteid: 3079 BOEING RENTON 737 LOGAN AVE N N 1/2 - 1 (0.615 mi.) AC104 457 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 2097 Clean Up Siteid: 820 BOEING 800 PARK RENT 800 PARK AVE N N 1/2 - 1 (0.615 mi.) AC105 499 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 64745478 Clean Up Siteid: 7278 Clean Up Siteid: 7276 DENNYS RESTAURANT RA 144 RAINIER AVE S WSW 1/2 - 1 (0.794 mi.) 113 526 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 5970 Clean Up Siteid: 12058 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ CEDAR RIVER COURT AP 130 MAIN AVE S SW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.199 mi.) I30 73 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 12793 Clean Up Siteid: 13142 LOCKWOOD IND INC REN 73 BURNETT AVE S W 1/4 - 1/2 (0.356 mi.) R60 268 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 63259222 Clean Up Siteid: 1716 QWEST CORPORATION W0 225 WILLIAMS AVE S SW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.397 mi.) S69 332 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 96588161 Clean Up Siteid: 11252 TAYLORS AUTO BODY 330 MAIN AVE S SSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.403 mi.) V72 361 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 54887792 Clean Up Siteid: 9662 CASTAWAYS RESTAURANT 1101 W PERIMETER RD W 1/4 - 1/2 (0.452 mi.) Y86 397 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 13 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 21429821 Clean Up Siteid: 8277 TIRE STORE 205 LOGAN AVE S WSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.473 mi.) 97 435 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 24009 Clean Up Siteid: 12364 SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY 903 S 4TH ST SSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.493 mi.) 101 441 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 12593698 Clean Up Siteid: 3382 SDS PARTNERS 307 AIRPORT WAY W 1/2 - 1 (0.547 mi.) AB102 449 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 63618514 Clean Up Siteid: 9972 PUGET SOUND HELICOPT 300 AIRPORT WAY S W 1/2 - 1 (0.555 mi.) AB103 451 Site Status: Awaiting Cleanup Facility ID: 63051958 Clean Up Siteid: 1170 ACTION AVIATION 840 W PERIMETER RD NW 1/2 - 1 (0.724 mi.) 106 503 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 54846481 Clean Up Siteid: 6266 RENTON SERVICE CENTE 915 S GRADY WAY SSW 1/2 - 1 (0.746 mi.) AD107 507 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 47918484 Clean Up Siteid: 6156 PSE GRADY WAY RENTON 915 S GRADY WAY SSW 1/2 - 1 (0.746 mi.) AD108 515 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 86541135 Clean Up Siteid: 2893 PSE GRADY WAY RENTON 915 S GRADY WAY SSW 1/2 - 1 (0.746 mi.) AD109 516 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 21349929 Clean Up Siteid: 2743 FORMULA ONE FORMER I 100 RAINIER AVE S W 1/2 - 1 (0.767 mi.) 110 519 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 96572525 Clean Up Siteid: 11250 4TH PLACE PLAZA BUIL 203 TO 241 S 4TH PL SW 1/2 - 1 (0.782 mi.) 111 522 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 11139 Clean Up Siteid: 11851 SAFEWAY FUEL 103 S 3RD WSW 1/2 - 1 (0.782 mi.) 112 523 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 99291269 Clean Up Siteid: 11352 WALKERS RENTON SUBAR 250 RAINIER AVE S WSW 1/2 - 1 (0.807 mi.) 114 528 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 19684856 Clean Up Siteid: 5659 CEDAR RIVER TRAIL N RIVERSIDE DR NW 1/2 - 1 (0.807 mi.) 115 534 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 14 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 39825723 Clean Up Siteid: 2857 UNOCAL STATION 5024 59 RAINIER AVE S W 1/2 - 1 (0.808 mi.) 116 536 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 2503 Clean Up Siteid: 5124 SCOTT DRYCLEANERS 201 S 4TH PL SW 1/2 - 1 (0.858 mi.) 117 543 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 62912812 Clean Up Siteid: 644 RENTON ASSEMBLY OF G 221 HARDIE AVENUE NW W 1/2 - 1 (0.875 mi.) 118 553 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 71592529 Clean Up Siteid: 10243 LTS TRUCKING 423 S 7TH ST SSW 1/2 - 1 (0.883 mi.) 119 555 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 71914167 Clean Up Siteid: 6558 RENTON MUNICIPAL AIR 616 W PERIMETER RD WNW 1/2 - 1 (0.945 mi.) 120 561 Site Status: Awaiting Cleanup Facility ID: 20554 Clean Up Siteid: 2546 SEARS ROEBUCK & CO U 359 RENTON CENTER WA WSW 1/2 - 1 (0.958 mi.) 121 571 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 60178828 Clean Up Siteid: 9860 PUGET SOUND CHRY-PLY 585 RAINIER AVE S SW 1/2 - 1 (0.973 mi.) 122 572 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 7826317 Clean Up Siteid: 5446 BOEING COMPANY RENTO 737 LOGAN AVE NORTH NNW 1/2 - 1 (0.990 mi.) AE124 626 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 21957 Clean Up Siteid: 2453 RENTON 1 621 RAINIER AVE S SW 1/2 - 1 (0.995 mi.) 125 636 Site Status: Cleanup Started Facility ID: 27778869 Clean Up Siteid: 8561 State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF: The Solid Waste Facilities/Landfill Sites records typically contain an inventory of solid waste disposal facilities or landfills in a particular state. The data come from the Department of Ecology’s Solid Waste Facilities Handbook. A review of the SWF/LF list, as provided by EDR, has revealed that there is 1 SWF/LF site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 15 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ COMMERCIAL WASTE RED 314 WILLIAMS AVE S SW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.449 mi.) 82 395 Database: SWF/LF, Date of Government Version: 08/29/2017 Facility ID: 1166 State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUST: The Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Reports contain an inventory of reported leaking underground storage tank incidents. The data come from the Department of Ecology’s Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Site List. A review of the LUST list, as provided by EDR, has revealed that there are 6 LUST sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ VACANT PROPERTY PIER 330 SUNSET BLVD N ENE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.245 mi.) L37 81 Database: LUST, Date of Government Version: 11/13/2017 Facility Status: Cleanup Started Cleanup Site ID: 11937 Facility ID: 5366 RENTON DAILY GROW MA 401 PARK AVE N NNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.286 mi.) M53 246 Database: LUST, Date of Government Version: 11/13/2017 Facility Status: Cleanup Started Cleanup Site ID: 8164 Facility ID: 17426998 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ QWEST CORPORATION W0 225 WILLIAMS AVE S SW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.397 mi.) S69 332 Database: LUST, Date of Government Version: 11/13/2017 Facility Status: Cleanup Started Cleanup Site ID: 11252 Facility ID: 96588161 TAYLORS AUTO BODY 330 MAIN AVE S SSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.403 mi.) V72 361 Database: LUST, Date of Government Version: 11/13/2017 Facility Status: NFA Cleanup Site ID: 9662 Facility ID: 54887792 CASTAWAYS RESTAURANT 1101 W PERIMETER RD W 1/4 - 1/2 (0.452 mi.) Y86 397 Database: LUST, Date of Government Version: 11/13/2017 Facility Status: Cleanup Started Cleanup Site ID: 8277 Facility ID: 21429821 SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY 903 S 4TH ST SSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.493 mi.) 101 441 Database: LUST, Date of Government Version: 11/13/2017 Facility Status: Cleanup Started Cleanup Site ID: 3382 Facility ID: 12593698 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 16 State and tribal registered storage tank lists UST: The Underground Storage Tank database contains registered USTs. USTs are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The data come from the Department of Ecology’s Statewide UST Site/Tank Report. A review of the UST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 11/20/2017 has revealed that there are 9 UST sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ SHELL BRONSON WAY N 1408 BRONSON WAY N ESE 0 - 1/8 (0.014 mi.) B8 21 Site Id: 4490 Facility ID: 2207 SUNSET CHEVRON 150 SUNSET BLVD SW E 0 - 1/8 (0.100 mi.) D15 37 Site Id: 3651 Facility ID: 3834333 FRIEDELS SERVICE INC 345 NORTH 3RD PLACE NE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.193 mi.) H28 70 Site Id: 1833 Facility ID: 27124698 VACANT PROPERTY PIER 330 SUNSET BLVD N ENE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.245 mi.) L38 83 Site Id: 619857 Facility ID: 5366 PACIFIC CAR AND FOUN 1400 N 4TH ST N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.250 mi.) N40 87 Site Id: 6609 Facility ID: 2065 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ BRYANT MOTORS 1316 BRONSON WAY 0 - 1/8 (0.000 mi.) A6 18 Site Id: 97541 Facility ID: 68324811 NORTH AMERICAN REFRA 1500 HOUSER WAY SOUT S 1/8 - 1/4 (0.209 mi.) 33 76 Site Id: 2430 Facility ID: 82472985 STATE FARM 1000 S 2ND ST SW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.243 mi.) K36 80 Site Id: 492551 Facility ID: 25547857 INDEPENDANT IMPORT R 351 PARK AVE N NNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.246 mi.) M39 86 Site Id: 12021 Facility ID: 66848168 State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries INST CONTROL: Sites that have institutional controls. A review of the INST CONTROL list, as provided by EDR, and dated 10/17/2017 has revealed that there is 1 INST CONTROL site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDR 1400 N 4TH ST N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.250 mi.) N41 89 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 17 Facility Site ID: 2065 CS ID: 788 State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites ICR: These are remedial action reports Ecology has received from either the owner or operator of the site. These actions have been conducted without department oversight or approval and are not under an order or decree. A review of the ICR list, as provided by EDR, and dated 12/01/2002 has revealed that there are 10 ICR sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ TEXACO #63 232 1451 1408 BRONSON WAY ESE 0 - 1/8 (0.014 mi.) B10 29 RENTON SCHOOL DIST 4 1220 N 4TH ST N 1/4 - 1/2 (0.251 mi.) 42 135 RENTON DAILY GROW MA 401 PARK AVE N NNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.286 mi.) M53 246 STONEWAY CONCRETE RE 1915 SE MAPLE VALLEY SE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.327 mi.) Q58 264 GRADY YOUNGMAN PROPE 523 PELLY AVE. N. NNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.451 mi.) X84 396 PACCAR INC 480 HOUSER WY N NNE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.467 mi.) AA94 409 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ NORTH AMERICAN REFRA 1500 HOUSER WAY S SSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.258 mi.) O44 180 R.P. CHARLEY AUTOMOT 207 MAIN ST. SW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.270 mi.) K48 192 US WEST 225 S. WILLIAMS SW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.363 mi.) S61 270 TAYLOR AUTO BODY SHO 330 MAIN AVE. SSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.403 mi.) V73 383 VCP: Sites that have entered either the Voluntary Cleanup Program or its predecessor Independent Remedial Action Program. A review of the VCP list, as provided by EDR, and dated 10/17/2017 has revealed that there are 12 VCP sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ TEXACO STATION 12064 1408 BRONSON WAY N ESE 0 - 1/8 (0.014 mi.) B9 23 Facility ID: 2207 Cleanup Siteid: 5067 SUNSET CHEVRON 150 SUNSET BLVD SW E 0 - 1/8 (0.100 mi.) D15 37 Facility ID: 3834333 Cleanup Siteid: 5327 FRIEDELS SVC INC 345 FACTORY PL N NNE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.207 mi.) H32 75 Facility ID: 27124698 Cleanup Siteid: 4111 RENTON DAILY GROW MA 401 PARK AVE N NNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.286 mi.) M53 246 Facility ID: 17426998 Cleanup Siteid: 8164 RENTON SCHOOL DISTRI 410 PARK AVE NNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.304 mi.) 54 257 Facility ID: 55297998 Cleanup Siteid: 4744 STONEWAY CONCRETE RE 1915 SE MAPLE VALLEY SE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.327 mi.) Q58 264 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 18 Facility ID: 62244377 Cleanup Siteid: 2121 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ CEDAR RIVER COURT AP 130 MAIN AVE S SW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.199 mi.) I30 73 Facility ID: 12793 Cleanup Siteid: 13142 NORTH AMERICAN REFRA 1500 HOUSER WAY S SSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.258 mi.) O44 180 Facility ID: 82472985 Cleanup Siteid: 2892 CHARLEYS AUTOMOTIVE 207 MAIN ST SW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.270 mi.) K47 188 Facility ID: 71471562 Cleanup Siteid: 6545 77 BURNETT AVE SOUTH 77 BURNETT AVE S WSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.367 mi.) R64 276 Facility ID: 1771950 Cleanup Siteid: 5264 TAYLORS AUTO BODY 330 MAIN AVE S SSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.403 mi.) V72 361 Facility ID: 54887792 Cleanup Siteid: 9662 SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY 903 S 4TH ST SSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.493 mi.) 101 441 Facility ID: 12593698 Cleanup Siteid: 3382 ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites ALLSITES: Information on facilities and sites of interest to the Department of Ecology. A review of the ALLSITES list, as provided by EDR, and dated 11/02/2017 has revealed that there are 75 ALLSITES sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ TEXACO STATION 12064 1408 BRONSON WAY N ESE 0 - 1/8 (0.014 mi.) B9 23 Facility Id: 2207 SUNSET CHEVRON 150 SUNSET BLVD SW E 0 - 1/8 (0.100 mi.) D15 37 Facility Id: 3834333 PRECISION TUNE AUTO 233 SUNSET BLVD N ENE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.135 mi.) 22 52 Facility Id: 54737646 RENTON CITY WELL 8 1703 SE MAPLE VALLEY ESE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.146 mi.) G23 54 Facility Id: 32747884 RENTON CITY WELL 9 1707 SE MAPLE VALLEY ESE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.150 mi.) G24 55 Facility Id: 43699751 RENTON CITY CCTF 1715 SE MAPLE VALLEY ESE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.157 mi.) G25 56 Facility Id: 9776647 RENTON MAPLE VALLEY 1717 SE MAPLE VALLEY ESE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.158 mi.) G26 56 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 19 Facility Id: 10131 SARTORI ELEMENTARY S 315 GARDEN AVE N N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.158 mi.) 27 57 Facility Id: 6659 AMERICAN AUTO PAINTI 310 FACTORY PL N NE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.196 mi.) H29 71 Facility Id: 36197185 SARTORI ELEMENTARY S 326 340 346 PARK AVE NNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.199 mi.) J31 74 Facility Id: 14204 FRIEDELS SVC INC 345 FACTORY PL N NNE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.207 mi.) H32 75 Facility Id: 27124698 SARTORI ELEMENTARY S 332 PARK AVE N NNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.210 mi.) J34 77 Facility Id: 24241 VACANT PROPERTY PIER 330 SUNSET BLVD N ENE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.245 mi.) L37 81 Facility Id: 5366 PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDR 1400 N 4TH ST N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.250 mi.) N41 89 Facility Id: 10241 Facility Id: 2065 RENTON SCHOOL DIST 4 1220 N 4TH ST N 1/4 - 1/2 (0.251 mi.) 42 135 Facility Id: 2066 Facility Id: 14338 SEATTLE OPERA SCENIC 1655 N 4TH ST NE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.261 mi.) P45 184 Facility Id: 74461897 OLD WEST WINES 1675 N 4TH ST NE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.279 mi.) P50 197 Facility Id: 52187961 MILLER PAINT COMPANY 350 SUNSET BLVD N ST NE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.281 mi.) 51 197 Facility Id: 2509959 RENTON CITY 7TH PLAC 4TH PLACE S OF RAINI SE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.285 mi.) Q52 246 Facility Id: 3171331 RENTON DAILY GROW MA 401 PARK AVE N NNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.286 mi.) M53 246 Facility Id: 17426998 RENTON SCHOOL DISTRI 410 PARK AVE NNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.304 mi.) 54 257 Facility Id: 55297998 PACCAR PARTS DISTRIB N 4TH STREET AT HOSM NNE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.317 mi.) 55 259 Facility Id: 4367 STONEWAY CONCRETE RE 1915 SE MAPLE VALLEY SE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.327 mi.) Q58 264 Facility Id: 62244377 WA DOT RENTON HOUSE 1201 S 3RD S 1/4 - 1/2 (0.342 mi.) 59 266 Facility Id: 28245316 PERFORMANCE APEX AUT 410 SUNSET BLVD N NE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.364 mi.) 62 271 Facility Id: 2315 PACCAR PARTS - RENTO 405 HOUSER WAY N NE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.370 mi.) 65 278 Facility Id: 20348 SUNSET AUTO CO INC 1220 N 5TH ST N 1/4 - 1/2 (0.376 mi.) 67 279 Facility Id: 74253835 BOEING 5TH & PARK BU 500 PARK AVE N GARAG NNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.382 mi.) T68 282 Facility Id: 85524291 AMERICAN TRANSMISSIO 505 PARK AVE N NNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.399 mi.) T71 360 Facility Id: 5333122 KENNYS AUTO REBUILD 513 PARK AVE N NNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.417 mi.) T76 386 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 20 Facility Id: 36496533 WA DOT I405 SR 515 I I405 MP 2.7 TO MP 4. S 1/4 - 1/2 (0.450 mi.) 83 396 Facility Id: 24833 GRADY YOUNGMAN 523 PELLY AVE N NNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.451 mi.) X85 397 Facility Id: 2515 ACTIVE USA LLC 540 GARDEN AVE N N 1/4 - 1/2 (0.456 mi.) 89 404 Facility Id: 22016 SKYWAY TOWING AUTO S 542 PARK AVE N N 1/4 - 1/2 (0.460 mi.) Z90 405 Facility Id: 3986356 ALFIERI CONSTRUCTION 542 PARK AVE N 1/4 - 1/2 (0.460 mi.) Z91 406 Facility Id: 86143626 MOUNT OLIVET LANDFIL 2325 NE 3RD ST E 1/4 - 1/2 (0.460 mi.) 92 408 Facility Id: 3181940 PACCAR INFORMATION T 480 HOUSER WAY NNE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.467 mi.) AA95 410 Facility Id: 85953633 KENWORTH TRUCK RESEA 485 HOUSER WAY N NNE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.468 mi.) AA96 412 Facility Id: 5276518 GARYS AUTOMOTIVE & T 541 PARK AVE N NNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.484 mi.) Z99 438 Facility Id: 53171211 PACCAR PARTS NW DIST 502 HOUSER WAY N NNE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.493 mi.) AA100 439 Facility Id: 82882955 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ BRYANT MOTORS 1316 BRONSON WAY 0 - 1/8 (0.000 mi.) A6 18 Facility Id: 68324811 RENTON VALU VILLAGE 1222 BRONSON WAY SW 0 - 1/8 (0.054 mi.) C11 32 Facility Id: 98419599 TONYS CLEANERS 1057 1ST N SW 0 - 1/8 (0.123 mi.) F20 45 Facility Id: 22188732 CEDAR RIVER COURT AP 130 MAIN AVE S SW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.199 mi.) I30 73 Facility Id: 12793 BRONSON AUTO SERVICE 1023 BRONSON WAY S SW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.216 mi.) I35 78 Facility Id: 39298227 STATE FARM 1000 S 2ND ST SW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.243 mi.) K36 80 Facility Id: 25547857 INDEPENDANT IMPORT R 351 PARK AVE N NNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.246 mi.) M39 86 Facility Id: 66848168 RENTON FIRE DEPARTME 211 MILL AVE S SSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.257 mi.) O43 178 Facility Id: 68954839 NORTH AMERICAN REFRA 1500 HOUSER WAY S SSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.258 mi.) O44 180 Facility Id: 82472985 US DOJ DEA RENTON PO 220 MILL AVE S SSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.264 mi.) O46 186 Facility Id: 82547335 CHARLEYS AUTOMOTIVE 207 MAIN ST SW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.270 mi.) K47 188 Facility Id: 71471562 RENTON CITY PARK MAI 105 WILLIAMS AVE N W 1/4 - 1/2 (0.277 mi.) 49 192 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 21 Facility Id: 37129956 GOOD CHEVROLET 200 BURNETT AVE N WNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.323 mi.) 56 260 Facility Id: 62523841 MOSCATEL PROPERTY 233 MAIN AVE S SSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.326 mi.) 57 263 Facility Id: 58733723 LOCKWOOD IND INC REN 73 BURNETT AVE S W 1/4 - 1/2 (0.356 mi.) R60 268 Facility Id: 63259222 DS PURCELL PAINTING 75 BURNETT AVE S W 1/4 - 1/2 (0.366 mi.) R63 274 Facility Id: 71983147 77 BURNETT AVE SOUTH 77 BURNETT AVE S WSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.367 mi.) R64 276 Facility Id: 1771950 LANDE FEED COMPANY 95 BURNETT AVE S WSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.372 mi.) 66 278 Facility Id: 3017871 QWEST CORPORATION W0 225 WILLIAMS AVE S SW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.397 mi.) S69 332 Facility Id: 96588161 THOMAS AUTO REBUILD 36 LOGAN AVE S W 1/4 - 1/2 (0.399 mi.) U70 359 Facility Id: 36719696 TAYLORS AUTO BODY 330 MAIN AVE S SSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.403 mi.) V72 361 Facility Id: 54887792 WALTS RADIATOR & MUF 64 LOGAN AVE W 1/4 - 1/2 (0.405 mi.) 74 384 Facility Id: 68932659 GOOD CHEVROLET INC 232 BURNETT S SW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.411 mi.) W75 385 Facility Id: 9526387 LAKE WASHINGTON TRAI LOGAN AVE AND AIRPOR W 1/4 - 1/2 (0.421 mi.) U77 392 Facility Id: 12791 RENTON AIRPORT 243 PERIMETER RD W W 1/4 - 1/2 (0.422 mi.) U78 393 Facility Id: 15436 EDWARDS RO 21 LOGAN AVE S W 1/4 - 1/2 (0.432 mi.) U79 393 Facility Id: 21338221 LOGAN AVE N IMPROVEM NW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.433 mi.) 80 394 Facility Id: 4480 NORTHWEST SEAPLANES 850 PERIMETER RD W W 1/4 - 1/2 (0.437 mi.) 81 394 Facility Id: 6143449 CASTAWAYS RESTAURANT 1101 W PERIMETER RD W 1/4 - 1/2 (0.452 mi.) Y86 397 Facility Id: 21429821 SOUND MAZDA SUZUKI 233 BURNETT ST S SW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.453 mi.) W87 400 Facility Id: 25193491 PRO FLIGHT AVIATION 540 W PERIMETER RD W 1/4 - 1/2 (0.454 mi.) Y88 403 Facility Id: 13757 AT&T WIRELESS RENTON 405 LOGAN AVE N NW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.462 mi.) 93 408 Facility Id: 11155 Facility Id: 5710395 TIRE STORE 205 LOGAN AVE S WSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.473 mi.) 97 435 Facility Id: 24009 MILLER AVIATION 289 PERIMETER RD E WNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.479 mi.) 98 436 Facility Id: 21263442 SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY 903 S 4TH ST SSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.493 mi.) 101 441 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 22 Facility Id: 12593698 CSCSL NFA: The data set contains information about sites previously on the Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites list that have received a No Further Action (NFA) determination. Because it is necessary to maintain historical records of sites that have been investigated and cleaned up, sites are not deleted from the database when cleanup activities are completed. Instead a No Further Action code is entered based upon the type of NFA determination the site received. A review of the CSCSL NFA list, as provided by EDR, and dated 10/17/2017 has revealed that there are 11 CSCSL NFA sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ TEXACO STATION 12064 1408 BRONSON WAY N ESE 0 - 1/8 (0.014 mi.) B9 23 Facility/Site Id: 2207 CS Id: 5067 SUNSET CHEVRON 150 SUNSET BLVD SW E 0 - 1/8 (0.100 mi.) D15 37 Facility/Site Id: 3834333 CS Id: 5327 FRIEDELS SVC INC 345 FACTORY PL N NNE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.207 mi.) H32 75 Facility/Site Id: 27124698 CS Id: 4111 RENTON SCHOOL DIST 4 1220 N 4TH ST N 1/4 - 1/2 (0.251 mi.) 42 135 Facility/Site Id: 2066 CS Id: 5054 RENTON SCHOOL DISTRI 410 PARK AVE NNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.304 mi.) 54 257 Facility/Site Id: 55297998 CS Id: 4744 PERFORMANCE APEX AUT 410 SUNSET BLVD N NE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.364 mi.) 62 271 Facility/Site Id: 2315 CS Id: 1992 PACCAR INFORMATION T 480 HOUSER WAY NNE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.467 mi.) AA95 410 Facility/Site Id: 85953633 CS Id: 10844 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ NORTH AMERICAN REFRA 1500 HOUSER WAY S SSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.258 mi.) O44 180 Facility/Site Id: 82472985 CS Id: 2892 CHARLEYS AUTOMOTIVE 207 MAIN ST SW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.270 mi.) K47 188 Facility/Site Id: 71471562 CS Id: 6545 MOSCATEL PROPERTY 233 MAIN AVE S SSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.326 mi.) 57 263 Facility/Site Id: 58733723 CS Id: 9817 77 BURNETT AVE SOUTH 77 BURNETT AVE S WSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.367 mi.) R64 276 Facility/Site Id: 1771950 CS Id: 5264 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 23 Other Ascertainable Records RCRA NonGen / NLR: RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste. A review of the RCRA NonGen / NLR list, as provided by EDR, and dated 09/13/2017 has revealed that there are 8 RCRA NonGen / NLR sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ TEXACO STATION 12064 1408 BRONSON WAY N ESE 0 - 1/8 (0.014 mi.) B9 23 SUNSET CHEVRON 150 SUNSET BLVD SW E 0 - 1/8 (0.100 mi.) D14 35 PRECISION TUNE AUTO 233 SUNSET BLVD N ENE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.135 mi.) 22 52 AMERICAN AUTO PAINTI 310 FACTORY PL N NE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.196 mi.) H29 71 PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDR 1400 N 4TH ST N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.250 mi.) N41 89 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ RENTON VALU VILLAGE 1222 BRONSON WAY SW 0 - 1/8 (0.054 mi.) C11 32 TONYS CLEANERS 1057 1ST N SW 0 - 1/8 (0.123 mi.) F20 45 BRONSON AUTO SERVICE 1023 BRONSON WAY S SW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.216 mi.) I35 78 ROD: Record of Decision. ROD documents mandate a permanent remedy at an NPL (Superfund) site containing technical and health information to aid the cleanup. A review of the ROD list, as provided by EDR, and dated 12/11/2017 has revealed that there is 1 ROD site within approximately 1 mile of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDR 1400 N 4TH ST N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.250 mi.) N41 89 FINDS: The Facility Index System contains both facility information and "pointers" to other sources of information that contain more detail. These include: RCRIS; Permit Compliance System (PCS); Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS); FATES (FIFRA [Federal Insecticide Fungicide Rodenticide Act] and TSCA Enforcement System, FTTS [FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System]; CERCLIS; DOCKET (Enforcement Docket used to manage and track information on civil judicial enforcement cases for all environmental statutes); Federal Underground Injection Control (FURS); Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS); Surface Impoundments (SIA); TSCA Chemicals in Commerce Information System (CICS); PADS; RCRA-J (medical waste transporters/disposers); TRIS; and TSCA. The source of this database is the U.S. EPA/NTIS. A review of the FINDS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 07/23/2017 has revealed that there is 1 FINDS site within approximately 0.001 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ BRYANT MOTORS UST 97 1316 BRONSON WAY 0 - 1/8 (0.000 mi.) A5 18 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 24 Inactive Drycleaners: A listing of inactive drycleaner facility locations. A review of the Inactive Drycleaners list, as provided by EDR, and dated 10/24/2017 has revealed that there is 1 Inactive Drycleaners site within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ TONYS CLEANERS 1057 1ST N SW 0 - 1/8 (0.123 mi.) F20 45 EPA I: WAD981773575 Facility ID: 22188732 Facility ID: 2828 MANIFEST: Hazardous waste manifest information. A review of the MANIFEST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 12/31/2016 has revealed that there are 2 MANIFEST sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ TEXACO STATION 12064 1408 BRONSON WAY N ESE 0 - 1/8 (0.014 mi.) B9 23 Facility Site ID Number: 2207 Gen Status CD: XQG EPA ID: WAD988504031 PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDR 1400 N 4TH ST N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.250 mi.) N41 89 Facility Site ID Number: 2065 Gen Status CD: XQG Gen Status CD: MQG EPA ID: WAD009249210 EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR Hist Auto: EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential gas station/filling station/service station sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR’s review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR’s opinion, include gas station/filling station/service station establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to gas, gas station, gasoline station, filling station, auto, automobile repair, auto service station, service station, etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records", or HRHR. EDR’s HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. A review of the EDR Hist Auto list, as provided by EDR, has revealed that there are 4 EDR Hist Auto sites within approximately 0.125 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ JOHNSONS TEXACO 1408 BRONSON WAY N ESE 0 - 1/8 (0.014 mi.) B7 20 COOKS SHELL MART JA 150 SUNSET BLVD SW E 0 - 1/8 (0.100 mi.) D16 44 COOKS PHILLIPS 66 206 SUNSET BLVD W E 0 - 1/8 (0.114 mi.) D19 45 PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ SCOTTY S DETAIL THO 117 PARK AVE N SW 0 - 1/8 (0.105 mi.) E17 44 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 25 EDR Hist Cleaner: EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential dry cleaner sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR’s review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR’s opinion, include dry cleaning establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to dry cleaners, cleaners, laundry, laundromat, cleaning/laundry, wash & dry etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records", or HRHR. EDR’s HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. A review of the EDR Hist Cleaner list, as provided by EDR, has revealed that there are 4 EDR Hist Cleaner sites within approximately 0.125 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ VILLAGE SQUARE LAUND 1222 BRONSON WAY N SW 0 - 1/8 (0.054 mi.) C12 34 SCOTTS DRY CLEANERS 1200 BRONSON WAY N SSW 0 - 1/8 (0.077 mi.) C13 34 PARK AVENUE LAUNDROM 109 PARK AVE SW 0 - 1/8 (0.109 mi.) E18 45 TONY S CLEANERS 1057 N 1ST ST SW 0 - 1/8 (0.123 mi.) F21 52 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC5178694.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 26 Due to poor or inadequate address information, the following sites were not mapped. Count: 5 records. Site Name Database(s)____________ ____________ MT. OLIVET LANDFILL ICR GOODYEAR SERVICE CENTER ICR G & M INVESTMENTS/GARDEN PLAZA ICR PACCAR INC. ICR METRO EAST DIVISION ICR EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc. 230 kV 115 kV 3 4 5 k V500kV02020003 20200200 16 0120 120808040403203603603202802 8 0 280280 2802802402402 4 0 2 4 0 2 00200200 2 0 016016016 0 1604040404040 8080 808 0 8080120120 120120120 1201 60160160 200 20 0200 2 40240 24 0 240280280 2803203203203 6 0 360400 EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc. 40 40 8 0 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list 1 NR 0 0 1 0 1.000NPL 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000Proposed NPL 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001NPL LIENS Federal Delisted NPL site list 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000Delisted NPL Federal CERCLIS list 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500FEDERAL FACILITY 1 NR NR 0 1 0 0.500SEMS Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site list 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SEMS-ARCHIVE Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list 1 NR 1 0 0 0 1.000CORRACTS Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500RCRA-TSDF Federal RCRA generators list 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250RCRA-LQG 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250RCRA-SQG 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250RCRA-CESQG Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500LUCIS 1 NR NR 0 1 0 0.500US ENG CONTROLS 1 NR NR 0 1 0 0.500US INST CONTROL Federal ERNS list 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001ERNS State- and tribal - equivalent NPL 3 NR 2 0 1 0 1.000HSL State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS 35 NR 23 9 3 0 1.000CSCSL State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists 1 NR NR 1 0 0 0.500SWF/LF State and tribal leaking storage tank lists 6 NR NR 5 1 0 0.500LUST TC5178694.2s Page 4 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN LUST State and tribal registered storage tank lists 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250FEMA UST 10 NR NR NR 6 3 0.250 1UST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250AST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250INDIAN UST State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries 1 NR NR 0 1 0 0.500INST CONTROL State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN VCP 10 NR NR 9 0 1 0.500ICR 12 NR NR 8 2 2 0.500VCP State and tribal Brownfields sites 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500BROWNFIELDS ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500US BROWNFIELDS Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SWTIRE 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SWRCY 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN ODI 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500ODI 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500DEBRIS REGION 9 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500IHS OPEN DUMPS Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001US HIST CDL 76 NR NR 54 16 5 0.500 1ALLSITES 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001CDL 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001HIST CDL 12 NR NR 8 1 2 0.500 1CSCSL NFA 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001US CDL Local Land Records 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001LIENS 2 Records of Emergency Release Reports 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001HMIRS 1 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001 1SPILLS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001SPILLS 90 TC5178694.2s Page 5 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted Other Ascertainable Records 9 NR NR NR 4 4 0.250 1RCRA NonGen / NLR 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000FUDS 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000DOD 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SCRD DRYCLEANERS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001US FIN ASSUR 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001EPA WATCH LIST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.2502020 COR ACTION 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001TSCA 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001TRIS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001SSTS 1 NR 0 0 1 0 1.000ROD 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001RMP 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001RAATS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001PRP 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001PADS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001ICIS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001FTTS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001MLTS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001COAL ASH DOE 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500COAL ASH EPA 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001PCB TRANSFORMER 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001RADINFO 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001HIST FTTS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001DOT OPS 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000CONSENT 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001INDIAN RESERV 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000FUSRAP 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500UMTRA 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001LEAD SMELTERS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001US AIRS 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250US MINES 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001ABANDONED MINES 2 NR NR NR NR 1 0.001 1FINDS 1 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001 1ECHO 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000UXO 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001DOCKET HWC 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250FUELS PROGRAM 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001AIRS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPASBESTOS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500COAL ASH 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250DRYCLEANERS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001Financial Assurance 1 NR NR NR 0 1 0.250Inactive Drycleaners 3 NR NR NR 1 1 0.250 1MANIFEST 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001NPDES 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001UIC EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000EDR MGP TC5178694.2s Page 6 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted 5 NR NR NR NR 4 0.125 1EDR Hist Auto 4 NR NR NR NR 4 0.125EDR Hist Cleaner EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001RGA HWS 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001RGA LF 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001RGA LUST 198 0 26 94 41 28 9- Totals -- NOTES: TP = Target Property NR = Not Requested at this Search Distance Sites may be listed in more than one database TC5178694.2s Page 7 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 2Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1Tank Name: -122.200119153057Decimal Longitude: 47.4846700351648Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 12553Site Id: 54463839Facility ID: UST: MANIFESTSite 1 of 6 in cluster A RCRA NonGen / NLR Actual: 37 ft. Property CSCSL NFARENTON, WA 98055 Target ALLSITES1300 BRONSON WAY N WAD988504650 A1 USTBRYANT MOTORS 1000696842 TC5178694.2s Page 8 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 4Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 3Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: BRYANT MOTORS (Continued)1000696842 TC5178694.2s Page 9 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: Closed in PlaceTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 6Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: Closed in PlaceTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 5Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: BRYANT MOTORS (Continued)1000696842 TC5178694.2s Page 10 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedPipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: Closed in PlaceTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 8Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: Closed in PlaceTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 7Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: BRYANT MOTORS (Continued)1000696842 TC5178694.2s Page 11 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedProgram ID: Bryant MotorsFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: INDPNDNTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 115889Interaction: -122.200100013Longitude: 47.484664705999997Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1992-03-27 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988504650Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 50788Interaction: -122.200100013Longitude: 47.484664705999997Latitude: Haz Waste Management ActiDate Interaction 3: 2005-12-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988504650Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWOTHERInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 50790Interaction: -122.200100013Longitude: 47.484664705999997Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-02-29 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 50789Interaction: 54463839Facility Id: BRYANT MOTORSFacility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: BRYANT MOTORS (Continued)1000696842 TC5178694.2s Page 12 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 1300 BRONSON WAY NOwner/operator address: WILLIAM BRYANTOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 09/17/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 1300 BRONSON WAY NOwner/operator address: BRYANT MOTORS INCOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: PrivateLand type: 10EPA Region: BRYANT-TRUCKS@IX.NETCOM.COMContact email: 425-255-3478Contact telephone: USContact country: RENTON, WA 98055-1749 1300 BRONSON WAY NContact address: TERRI BRYANTContact: WAD988504650EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 1300 BRONSON WAY NFacility address: BRYANT MOTORSFacility name: 02/22/2006Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.20011915Longitude: 47.484670035Latitude: NoVCP: Not reportedRank: 11/10/2015NFA Date: 12913CS Id: 54463839Facility/Site Id: CSCSL NFA: -122.200100013Longitude: 47.484664705999997Latitude: Independent CleanupDate Interaction 3: 2015-11-10 00:00:00Date Interaction: BRYANT MOTORS (Continued)1000696842 TC5178694.2s Page 13 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 12/31/2003Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: BRYANT MOTORSSite name: 12/31/2005Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: BRYANT MOTORSSite name: 02/22/2006Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-255-3478Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 1300 BRONSON WAY NOwner/operator address: BRYANT, WILLIAM ROwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-255-3478Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 1300 BRONSON WAY NOwner/operator address: BRYANT MOTORS INCOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 09/17/1996Owner/Op start date: BRYANT MOTORS (Continued)1000696842 TC5178694.2s Page 14 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation (425)255-3478Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: RENTON, WA 98055-1749Legal city,st,zip: 1300 BRONSON WAY NLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Bryant Motors IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: RENTON, WA 98055-1749Mail city,st,zip: 1300 BRONSON WAY NMail addr line1: Bryant Motors IncMail Name: Not reportedBusiness Type: 177006738Tax Reg #: NoOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: NoOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: NoOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: NoDestination Facility for Universal Waste: NoUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - lamps - generate: NoUniversal waste - mercury - generate: NoUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: NoUniversal waste - batteries - generate: NoSmelter defferal: NoIndustrial Furnace: NoIndustry boiler burner: NoUtility boiler burner: NoOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): NoGenerator marketing to burner: NoGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: NoTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: NoImmediate recycler: NoImporter of hazardous waste: NoMixed radioactive waste: NoTreatment by Generator: NoPermit by Rule: Not reportedData Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 44111NAICS: WAD988504650EPA ID: 54463839Facility Site ID Number: WA MANIFEST: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE VISITEvaluation: 05/18/1992Evaluation date: Evaluation Action Summary: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: BRYANT MOTORSSite name: BRYANT MOTORS (Continued)1000696842 TC5178694.2s Page 15 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: NoUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: NoUsed Oil Refiner: NoUsed Oil Processor: NoUsed Oil Transfer Facility: NoUsed Oil Transporter: NoUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: NoTransfer Facility: NoRecycler Onsite: NoTranports Other Waste: NoTransport Own Waste: NoOne Time Generation: NoBatch Generation: NoMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: bryant-trucks@ix.netcom.comForm Contact EMail: (425)255-3478Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98055-1749Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 1300 BRONSON WAY NForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Terri BryantForm Contact NAME: Not reportedSite Contact EMail: (425)255-3478Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98055-1749Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 1300 BRONSON WAY NSite contact addr line1: Terri BryantSite contact name: 09/17/1996Operator effective date: (425)255-3478Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: RENTON, WA 98055-1749Operator city,st,zip: 1300 BRONSON WAY NOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Not reportedOperator org name: (425)255-3478Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: RENTON, WA 98055-1749Land city,st,zip: 1300 BRONSON WAY NLand addr line1: William R BryantLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Not reportedLand org name: 09/17/1996Legal effective date: BRYANT MOTORS (Continued)1000696842 means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110001918845Registry ID: FINDS: Site 2 of 6 in cluster A Actual: 37 ft. Property RENTON, WA 98057 Target ECHO1300 BRONSON WAY NORTH N/A A2 FINDSBRYANT MOTORS 1016183209 TC5178694.2s Page 16 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110001918845DFR URL: 110001918845Registry ID: 1016183209Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access HAZARDOUS WASTE BIENNIAL REPORTER corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each BRYANT MOTORS (Continued)1016183209 New And Used Car Dealers1974 BRYANT MOTOTRS INC New And Used Car Dealers1973 BRYANT MOTORS New And Used Car Dealers1972 BRYANT MOTORS New And Used Car Dealers1971 BRYANT MOTORS Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Auto Site 3 of 6 in cluster A Actual: 37 ft. Property RENTON, WA 98055 Target 1300 BRONSON WAY N N/A A3 EDR Hist AutoBRYANT MOTORS 1021006895 Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reportedIncident Category: Not reportedIncident Category Type: Not reportedIncident Date: UNKContact Name: 10/16/2004Date Received: Not reportedMaterial Units: Not reportedMaterial Qty: OTHER - SEE NOTEMaterial Desc: Not reportedMedium: 544124Facility ID: SPILLS: Site 4 of 6 in cluster A Actual: 37 ft. Property RENTON, WA Target 1300 BRONSON WAY N/A A4 SPILLSBRYANT MOTORS S106705972 TC5178694.2s Page 17 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedResp Party Name: Not reportedRecovered Quantity: Not reportedVessel Facility Name2: Not reportedSource: Not reportedSource Type: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reportedIncident Category: Not reportedIncident Category Type: Not reportedIncident Date: Not reportedContact Name: 03/12/2007Date Received: UNKNOWNMaterial Units: Not reportedMaterial Qty: PETROLEUM - MOTOR OILMaterial Desc: Not reportedMedium: 561146Facility ID: Not reportedResp Party Name: Not reportedRecovered Quantity: Not reportedVessel Facility Name2: Not reportedSource: Not reportedSource Type: BRYANT MOTORS (Continued)S106705972 additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110015433155Registry ID: FINDS: Site 5 of 6 in cluster A 1 ft. Relative: Lower Actual: 36 ft. < 1/8 RENTON, WA 98055 1316 BRONSON WAY N/A A5 FINDSBRYANT MOTORS UST 97541 1007066726 Not reportedUBI: 97541Site Id: 68324811Facility ID: UST: Site 6 of 6 in cluster A 1 ft. Relative: Lower Actual: 36 ft. < 1/8 RENTON, WA 98055 ALLSITES1316 BRONSON WAY N/A A6 USTBRYANT MOTORS U001127533 TC5178694.2s Page 18 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: Closed in PlaceTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 2Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: Closed in PlaceTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1Tank Name: -122.200722Decimal Longitude: 47.483902Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: BRYANT MOTORS (Continued)U001127533 TC5178694.2s Page 19 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.20070715600001Longitude: 47.483896373999997Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-02-29 00:00:00Date Interaction: 97541Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 58764Interaction: 68324811Facility Id: BRYANT MOTORS UST 97541Facility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: BRYANT MOTORS (Continued)U001127533 Gasoline Service Stations, NEC2006 EQUILON ENTERPRISES L L C Gasoline Service Stations, NEC2005 EQUILON ENTERPRISES L L C Gasoline Service Stations, NEC2004 EQUILON ENTERPRISES L L C Gasoline Service Stations, NEC2003 EQUILON ENTERPRISES L L C Gasoline Service Stations, NEC2002 EQUILON ENTERPRISES LLC Gasoline Service Stations, NEC2001 EQUILON ENTERPRISES LLC Gasoline Service Stations, NEC2000 EQUILON ENTERPRISES LLC Gasoline Service Stations, NEC1996 TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETING Gasoline Service Stations, NEC1995 TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETING Gasoline Service Stations, NEC1994 TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETING Gasoline Service Stations, NEC1993 TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETING Gasoline Service Stations, NEC1992 TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETING Gasoline Service Stations, NEC1991 TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETING Gasoline Stations1991 BRONSON WAY TEXACO CAROL VOGEL Gasoline Service Stations1988 TEXACO Gasoline Service Stations1983 BRONSON WAY TEXACO Gasoline Service Stations1982 BRONSON WAY TEXACO Gasoline Service Stations1980 BRONSON WAY TEXACO Gasoline Service Stations1979 BRONSON WAY TEXACO Truck Rental And Leasing, Without Drivers1978 JOHNSONS TEXACO Truck Rental And Leasing, Without Drivers1977 JOHNSONS TEXACO Truck Rental And Leasing, Without Drivers1976 JOHNSONS TEXACO Truck Rental And Leasing, Without Drivers1975 JOHNSONS TEXACO Truck Rental And Leasing, Without Drivers1974 JOHNSONS TEXACO Truck Rental And Leasing, Without Drivers1973 JOHNSONS TEXACO Truck Rental And Leasing, Without Drivers1972 JOHNSONS TEXACO Truck Rental And Leasing, Without Drivers1971 JOHNSONS TEXACO Truck Rental And Leasing, Without Drivers1970 JOHNSONS TEXACO Truck Rental And Leasing, Without Drivers1969 JOHNSONS TEXACO Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Auto 72 ft. Site 1 of 4 in cluster B 0.014 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 40 ft. < 1/8 RENTON, WA 98055 ESE 1408 BRONSON WAY N N/A B7 EDR Hist AutoJOHNSONS TEXACO 1009614273 TC5178694.2s Page 20 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Gasoline Service Stations, NEC2008 EQUILON ENTERPRISES L L C Gasoline Service Stations, NEC2007 EQUILON ENTERPRISES L L C JOHNSONS TEXACO (Continued)1009614273 Double Wall TankTank Construction: Fiberglass Reinforced PlasticTank Material: Ball Float Valve (vent line)Tank Overfill Prevention: Spill Bucket/Spill BoxTank Spill Prevention: 02/11/1998Tank Upgrade Date: 02/29/2004Tank Permit Expiration Date: 10,000 to 19,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1985Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: A0485Tag Number: 2-10,000Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Pressurized SystemPipe Pumping System: Corrosion ResistantPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Interstitial Monitoring (or Sump Sensor)Pipe Primary Release Detection: Double Wall PipePipe Construction: FiberglassPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Interstitial MonitoringTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Corrosion ResistantTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Double Wall TankTank Construction: Fiberglass Reinforced PlasticTank Material: Ball Float Valve (vent line)Tank Overfill Prevention: Spill Bucket/Spill BoxTank Spill Prevention: 02/11/1998Tank Upgrade Date: 02/29/2004Tank Permit Expiration Date: 10,000 to 19,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/10/1985Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: A0485Tag Number: 1-12000Tank Name: -122.199772Decimal Longitude: 47.483922Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 4490Site Id: 2207Facility ID: UST: 72 ft. Site 2 of 4 in cluster B 0.014 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 40 ft. < 1/8 RENTON, WA 98055 ESE 1408 BRONSON WAY N N/A B8 USTSHELL BRONSON WAY N RENTON U003027023 TC5178694.2s Page 21 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Double Wall TankTank Construction: Fiberglass Reinforced PlasticTank Material: Ball Float Valve (vent line)Tank Overfill Prevention: Spill Bucket/Spill BoxTank Spill Prevention: 02/11/1998Tank Upgrade Date: 02/29/2004Tank Permit Expiration Date: 10,000 to 19,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1985Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: A0485Tag Number: 4-10,000Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Pressurized SystemPipe Pumping System: Corrosion ResistantPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Interstitial Monitoring (or Sump Sensor)Pipe Primary Release Detection: Double Wall PipePipe Construction: FiberglassPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Interstitial MonitoringTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Corrosion ResistantTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Double Wall TankTank Construction: Fiberglass Reinforced PlasticTank Material: Ball Float Valve (vent line)Tank Overfill Prevention: Spill Bucket/Spill BoxTank Spill Prevention: 02/11/1998Tank Upgrade Date: 02/29/2004Tank Permit Expiration Date: 10,000 to 19,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/10/1985Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: A0485Tag Number: 3-10,000Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Pressurized SystemPipe Pumping System: Corrosion ResistantPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Groundwater MonitoringPipe Primary Release Detection: Double Wall PipePipe Construction: FiberglassPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Interstitial MonitoringTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Corrosion ResistantTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: SHELL BRONSON WAY N RENTON (Continued) U003027023 TC5178694.2s Page 22 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Pressurized SystemPipe Pumping System: Corrosion ResistantPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Interstitial Monitoring (or Sump Sensor)Pipe Primary Release Detection: Double Wall PipePipe Construction: FiberglassPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Interstitial MonitoringTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Corrosion ResistantTank Corrosion Protection: SHELL BRONSON WAY N RENTON (Continued) U003027023 NW1130Program ID: Texaco Station 120645Facility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 3866Interaction: -122.19975715699999Longitude: 47.483916374000003Latitude: Haz Waste Management ActiDate Interaction 3: 2002-12-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988504031Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWOTHERInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 3865Interaction: 2207Facility Id: TEXACO STATION 120645Facility Name: ALLSITES: 5067Cleanup Siteid: Not reportedRank: 10/17/2003Date NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 2207Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98055-1545edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: VCP: 72 ft.MANIFESTSite 3 of 4 in cluster B 0.014 mi.RCRA NonGen / NLR Relative: Higher Actual: 40 ft. < 1/8 CSCSL NFARENTON, WA 98055 ESE ALLSITES1408 BRONSON WAY N WAD988504031 B9 VCPTEXACO STATION 120645 1000660716 TC5178694.2s Page 23 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.19975715699999Longitude: 47.483916374000003Latitude: State Cleanup SiteDate Interaction 3: 1988-03-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: Texaco Station 120645Facility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: SCSInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 3861Interaction: -122.19975715699999Longitude: 47.483916374000003Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 1985-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: 4490Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 3860Interaction: -122.19975715699999Longitude: 47.483916374000003Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1993-11-05 00:00:00Date Interaction: 4490Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 3864Interaction: -122.19975715699999Longitude: 47.483916374000003Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 2005-10-21 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988504031Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 3867Interaction: -122.19975715699999Longitude: 47.483916374000003Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2003-07-17 00:00:00Date Interaction: TEXACO STATION 120645 (Continued) 1000660716 TC5178694.2s Page 24 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation EQUILON ENTERPRISES LLC DBA SHELL OIL P.Owner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: HOUSTON, TX 77067-2508 12700 NORTHBOROUGH DR NOB 300G03 - NORA CORTEZContact address: SHELL OIL PRODU SHELL OIL PRODUContact: HOUSTON, TX 77067-2508 NOB 300G03 - NORA CORTEZ 12700 NORTHBOROUGH DRMailing address: WAD988504031EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055-1545 1408 BRONSON WAY NFacility address: TEXACO STATION 120645Facility name: 02/26/2006Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.199772Longitude: 47.483922Latitude: YesVCP: Not reportedRank: 10/17/2003NFA Date: 5067CS Id: 2207Facility/Site Id: CSCSL NFA: -122.19975715699999Longitude: 47.483916374000003Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1992-03-16 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988504031Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 3863Interaction: -122.19975715699999Longitude: 47.483916374000003Latitude: Emergency/Haz Chem Rpt TIDate Interaction 3: 1991-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988504031Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TIER2Interaction 2: IInteraction 1: 3862Interaction: TEXACO STATION 120645 (Continued) 1000660716 TC5178694.2s Page 25 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 07/25/1996Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: HOUSTON, TX 77210 PO BOX 4453 NOB #300G03Owner/operator address: EQUILION ENTERPRISES LLC DBA SHELL OIL POwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 08/01/1998Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 281-874-2224Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: HOUSTON, TX 77210 PO BOX 4453 NOB #300G03Owner/operator address: EQUILON ENTERPR EOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 07/25/1996Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 206-255-9018Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: HOUSTON, TX 77210 PO BOX 4453 NOB #300G03Owner/operator address: EQUILION ENTERP EOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 08/01/1998Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: HOUSTON, TX 77210 PO BOX 4453 NOB #300G03Owner/operator address: TEXACO STATION 120645 (Continued) 1000660716 TC5178694.2s Page 26 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: NoDestination Facility for Universal Waste: NoUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - lamps - generate: NoUniversal waste - mercury - generate: NoUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: NoUniversal waste - batteries - generate: NoSmelter defferal: NoIndustrial Furnace: NoIndustry boiler burner: NoUtility boiler burner: NoOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): NoGenerator marketing to burner: NoGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: NoTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: NoImmediate recycler: NoImporter of hazardous waste: NoMixed radioactive waste: NoTreatment by Generator: NoPermit by Rule: Not reportedData Year: SITE IS NO LONGER OUR RESPONSIBILITY.Form Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 44711NAICS: WAD988504031EPA ID: 2207Facility Site ID Number: WA MANIFEST: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: TEXACO 120645Site name: 03/25/2003Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: TEXACO STATION 120645Site name: 12/31/2003Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: TEXACO STATION 120645Site name: 12/31/2005Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: TEXACO STATION 120645 (Continued) 1000660716 TC5178694.2s Page 27 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: NoTransfer Facility: NoRecycler Onsite: NoTranports Other Waste: NoTransport Own Waste: NoOne Time Generation: NoBatch Generation: NoMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: NORA.CORTEZ@SHELL.COMForm Contact EMail: 2818742224Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: HOUSTON, TX 77067-2508Form Contact City,ST,Zip: NOB #300G03Form Contact ADDR LINE2: 12700 NORTHBOROUGH DRForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Nora CortezForm Contact NAME: KARY.HAQ@SHELL.COMSite Contact EMail: (206) 281-1213Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: NAPERVILLE, IL 60439Site Contact City/State/ Zip: #103Site contact addr line2: 603 E. DIEHLE ROADSite contact addr line1: KARY E HAQSite contact name: 07/25/1996Operator effective date: 2062559018Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: HOUSTON, TX 77210-4453Operator city,st,zip: NOB #300G03Operator addr line2: PO BOX 4453Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Equilion Enterprises LLC dba Shell Oil POperator org name: 2818742224Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: HOUSTON, TX 77210-4453Land city,st,zip: NOB #300G03Land addr line2: PO BOX 4453Land addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Equilon Enterprises LLC dba Shell Oil P.Land org name: 08/01/1998Legal effective date: 2818742224Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: HOUSTON, TX 77210-4453Legal city,st,zip: NOB #300G03Legal addr line2: PO BOX 4453Legal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Equilon Enterprises LLC dba Shell Oil P.Legal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: HOUSTON, TX 77067-2508Mail city,st,zip: NOB 300G03 - Nora CortezMail addr line2: 12700 NORTHBOROUGH DRMail addr line1: Shell Oil Products USMail Name: Not reportedBusiness Type: 601238698Tax Reg #: NoOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: NoOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: TEXACO STATION 120645 (Continued) 1000660716 TC5178694.2s Page 28 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: NoUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: NoUsed Oil Refiner: NoUsed Oil Processor: NoUsed Oil Transfer Facility: NoUsed Oil Transporter: TEXACO STATION 120645 (Continued) 1000660716 Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 98-21Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: GroundwaterMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 10/28/99Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 98-10Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: GroundwaterMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 04/14/98Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 98-10Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: GroundwaterMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 12/08/98Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 98-10Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: GroundwaterMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 12/10/98Date Ecology Received Report: ICR: 72 ft. Site 4 of 4 in cluster B 0.014 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 40 ft. < 1/8 RENTON, WA 98055 ESE 1408 BRONSON WAY N/A B10 ICRTEXACO #63 232 1451 S103503245 TC5178694.2s Page 29 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 08/14/95Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-06Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: GroundwaterMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 02/09/95Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-06Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: GroundwaterMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 08/10/94Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-06Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: GroundwaterMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 05/25/94Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-06Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: GroundwaterMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 04/14/94Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-06Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: GroundwaterMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 10/07/93Date Ecology Received Report: TEXACO #63 232 1451 (Continued)S103503245 TC5178694.2s Page 30 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation TankWaste Management: SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 05/08/96Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-25Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 02/23/96Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-13Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 10/16/95Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-06Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: GroundwaterMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 02/08/95Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-06Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: GroundwaterMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 03/30/94Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-06Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: GroundwaterMedia Contaminated: TEXACO #63 232 1451 (Continued)S103503245 TC5178694.2s Page 31 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 10/01/01Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-45Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: GroundwaterMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 01/17/97Date Ecology Received Report: Monitoring - September 2000Report Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 98-30Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: GroundwaterMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 10/11/00Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-26Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TEXACO #63 232 1451 (Continued)S103503245 1222 BRONSON WAYFacility address: RENTON VALU VILLAGEFacility name: 10/13/1989Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.20041515699999Longitude: 47.483834375000001Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1989-10-13 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988468641Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 75888Interaction: 98419599Facility Id: RENTON VALU VILLAGEFacility Name: ALLSITES: 283 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster C 0.054 mi.ECHO Relative: Lower Actual: 33 ft. < 1/8 FINDSRENTON, WA 98055 SW RCRA NonGen / NLR1222 BRONSON WAY WAD988468641 C11 ALLSITESRENTON VALU VILLAGE 1000199724 TC5178694.2s Page 32 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 110005350280Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: RENTON VALU VILLAGESite name: 10/13/1989Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 05/02/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 000-000-0000Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 1222 BRONSON WAY NOwner/operator address: WA ECY WOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: REDMOND, WA 98052-5301 4350 150TH AVE NEContact address: WA ECY WA ECYContact: REDMOND, WA 98052-5301 4350 150TH AVE NEMailing address: WAD988468641EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON VALU VILLAGE (Continued) 1000199724 TC5178694.2s Page 33 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005350280DFR URL: 110005350280Registry ID: 1000199724Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System RENTON VALU VILLAGE (Continued) 1000199724 Coin-Operated Laundries And Cleaning, NEC1997 VILLAGE SQUARE LAUNDRY Coin-Operated Laundries And Cleaning, NEC1996 VILLAGE SQUARE LAUNDRY Coin-Operated Laundries And Cleaning, NEC1995 VILLAGE SQUARE LAUNDRY Coin-Operated Laundries And Cleaning, NEC1994 VILLAGE SQUARE LAUNDRY Coin-Operated Laundries And Cleaning, NEC1993 VILLAGE SQUARE LAUNDRY Coin-Operated Laundries And Cleaning, NEC1992 VILLAGE SQUARE LAUNDRY Coin-Operated Laundries And Cleaning, NEC1991 VILLAGE SQUARE LAUNDRY Laundries - Self Serve1991 VILLAGE SQUARE LAUNDRY WM MAGR Coin-Operated Laundries And Cleaning, NEC1990 VILLAGE SQUARE LAUNDRY Coin-Operated Laundries And Cleaning, NEC1989 VILLAGE SQUARE LAUNDRY Coin-Operated Laundries And Cleaning1988 VILLAGE SQUARE LAUNDRY Coin-Operated Laundries And Cleaning1987 VILLAGE SQUARE LAUNDRY Coin-Operated Laundries And Cleaning1986 VILLAGE SQUARE LAUNDRY Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Cleaner 283 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster C 0.054 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 33 ft. < 1/8 RENTON, WA SW 1222 BRONSON WAY N N/A C12 EDR Hist CleanerVILLAGE SQUARE LAUNDRY WM MAGRS 1009612606 Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1970 SCOTTS DRY CLEANERS & LDRERS* Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1969 SCOTTS DRY CLEANERS & LDRERS* Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1969 SCOTTS DRY CLEANERS & LDRERS* Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Cleaner 407 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster C 0.077 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 32 ft. < 1/8 RENTON, WA 98055 SSW 1200 BRONSON WAY N N/A C13 EDR Hist CleanerSCOTTS DRY CLEANERS & LDRERS* 1020082630 TC5178694.2s Page 34 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-226-3414Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 150 SW SUNSET BLVDOwner/operator address: H A & S INCOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-226-3414Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 150 SW SUNSET BLVDOwner/operator address: H A & S INCOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 925-842-5931Contact telephone: USContact country: SAN RAMON, CA 94583 PO BOX 6004Contact address: KATHY L NORRISContact: SAN RAMON, CA 94583-0904 PO BOX 6004Mailing address: WAH000016790EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055-2319 150 SUNSET BLVD SWFacility address: SUNSET CHEVRONFacility name: 12/03/2001Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: 526 ft. Site 1 of 4 in cluster D 0.100 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 47 ft. < 1/8 ECHORENTON, WA 98057 East FINDS150 SUNSET BLVD SW WAH000016790 D14 RCRA NonGen / NLRSUNSET CHEVRON 1005445408 TC5178694.2s Page 35 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110012560433DFR URL: 110012560433Registry ID: 1005445408Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110012560433Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: SUNSET CHEVRONSite name: 11/30/2001Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: SUNSET CHEVRONSite name: 12/03/2001Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: SUNSET CHEVRON (Continued)1005445408 TC5178694.2s Page 36 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: Closed in PlaceTank Status: A3782Tag Number: 1A-RTank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: A3782Tag Number: 1Tank Name: -122.221589Decimal Longitude: 47.478932Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 3651Site Id: 3834333Facility ID: UST: 526 ft.Financial AssuranceSite 2 of 4 in cluster D 0.100 mi.CSCSL NFA Relative: Higher Actual: 47 ft. < 1/8 ALLSITESRENTON, WA 98055 East VCP150 SUNSET BLVD SW N/A D15 USTSUNSET CHEVRON U001123270 TC5178694.2s Page 37 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: A3782Tag Number: 2Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: A3782Tag Number: 1B-RTank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: SUNSET CHEVRON (Continued)U001123270 TC5178694.2s Page 38 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: A3782Tag Number: 4Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: A3782Tag Number: 3Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: SUNSET CHEVRON (Continued)U001123270 TC5178694.2s Page 39 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Double Wall PipePipe Construction: FiberglassPipe Material: SumpTank SFC Type: Interstitial MonitoringTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Corrosion ResistantTank Corrosion Protection: OtherTank Tightness Test: Double Wall TankTank Construction: Steel Clad with Corrosion Resistant CompositeTank Material: Ball Float Valve (vent line)Tank Overfill Prevention: Spill Bucket/Spill BoxTank Spill Prevention: 11/01/1990Tank Upgrade Date: 07/31/2018Tank Permit Expiration Date: 10,000 to 19,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1990Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: OperationalTank Status: A3782Tag Number: 5Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: A3782Tag Number: 4-RTank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: SUNSET CHEVRON (Continued)U001123270 TC5178694.2s Page 40 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Automatic Line Leak Detector (ALLD)Pipe Primary Release Detection: Double Wall PipePipe Construction: FiberglassPipe Material: SumpTank SFC Type: Interstitial MonitoringTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Corrosion ResistantTank Corrosion Protection: OtherTank Tightness Test: Double Wall TankTank Construction: Steel Clad with Corrosion Resistant CompositeTank Material: Ball Float Valve (vent line)Tank Overfill Prevention: Spill Bucket/Spill BoxTank Spill Prevention: 11/01/1990Tank Upgrade Date: 07/31/2018Tank Permit Expiration Date: 10,000 to 19,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1990Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: OperationalTank Status: A3782Tag Number: 7Tank Name: Rubber BootDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Pressurized SystemPipe Pumping System: Corrosion ResistantPipe Corrosion Protection: Annual Line Tightness Test (LTT)Pipe Second Release Detection: Automatic Line Leak Detector (ALLD)Pipe Primary Release Detection: Double Wall PipePipe Construction: FiberglassPipe Material: SumpTank SFC Type: Interstitial MonitoringTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Corrosion ResistantTank Corrosion Protection: OtherTank Tightness Test: Double Wall TankTank Construction: Steel Clad with Corrosion Resistant CompositeTank Material: Ball Float Valve (vent line)Tank Overfill Prevention: Spill Bucket/Spill BoxTank Spill Prevention: 11/01/1990Tank Upgrade Date: 07/31/2018Tank Permit Expiration Date: 10,000 to 19,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1990Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: OperationalTank Status: A3782Tag Number: 6Tank Name: Rubber BootDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Pressurized SystemPipe Pumping System: Corrosion ResistantPipe Corrosion Protection: Annual Line Tightness Test (LTT)Pipe Second Release Detection: Automatic Line Leak Detector (ALLD)Pipe Primary Release Detection: SUNSET CHEVRON (Continued)U001123270 TC5178694.2s Page 41 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation HAZWASTEEcology Program: TIER2Interaction 2: IInteraction 1: 13504Interaction: 3834333Facility Id: SUNSET CHEVRONFacility Name: ALLSITES: 5327Cleanup Siteid: Not reportedRank: 4/2/2002Date NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 3834333Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98055-2319edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: VCP: Rubber BootDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Pressurized SystemPipe Pumping System: Corrosion ResistantPipe Corrosion Protection: Annual Line Tightness Test (LTT)Pipe Second Release Detection: Automatic Line Leak Detector (ALLD)Pipe Primary Release Detection: Double Wall PipePipe Construction: FiberglassPipe Material: SumpTank SFC Type: Interstitial MonitoringTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Corrosion ResistantTank Corrosion Protection: OtherTank Tightness Test: Double Wall TankTank Construction: Steel Clad with Corrosion Resistant CompositeTank Material: Ball Float Valve (vent line)Tank Overfill Prevention: Spill Bucket/Spill BoxTank Spill Prevention: 11/01/1990Tank Upgrade Date: 07/31/2018Tank Permit Expiration Date: 10,000 to 19,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1990Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: OperationalTank Status: A3782Tag Number: 8Tank Name: Rubber BootDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Pressurized SystemPipe Pumping System: Corrosion ResistantPipe Corrosion Protection: Annual Line Tightness Test (LTT)Pipe Second Release Detection: SUNSET CHEVRON (Continued)U001123270 TC5178694.2s Page 42 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1990-08-16 00:00:00Date Interaction: 3651Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 13505Interaction: -122.221574154Longitude: 47.478926377000001Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 2001-11-30 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAH000016790Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 13508Interaction: -122.221574154Longitude: 47.478926377000001Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2001-05-11 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: SUNSET CHEVRONFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 13507Interaction: -122.221574154Longitude: 47.478926377000001Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-03-20 00:00:00Date Interaction: 3651Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 13506Interaction: -122.221574154Longitude: 47.478926377000001Latitude: Emergency/Haz Chem Rpt TIDate Interaction 3: 1990-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: CRK000004100Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: SUNSET CHEVRON (Continued)U001123270 TC5178694.2s Page 43 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 11/14/2012Expiration Date: 11/14/2011Inception Date: ZurichFinancial Resp Type: Other InsSite Type: 3651DOE Site ID: WA Financial Assurance 1: -122.221589Longitude: 47.478932Latitude: YesVCP: Not reportedRank: 04/02/2002NFA Date: 5327CS Id: 3834333Facility/Site Id: CSCSL NFA: -122.221574154Longitude: 47.478926377000001Latitude: SUNSET CHEVRON (Continued)U001123270 Gasoline Stations1991 COOKS SHELL MART JAMES V AND R Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Auto 526 ft. Site 3 of 4 in cluster D 0.100 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 47 ft. < 1/8 RENTON, WA East 150 SUNSET BLVD SW N/A D16 EDR Hist AutoCOOKS SHELL MART JAMES V AND ROBT C COOKS 1009614374 Carwashes2005 SCOTTYS 1 STOP RECONDITIONING Carwashes2004 SCOTTYS 1 STOP RECONDITIONING Automobile Repairing1991 SCOTTY S DETAIL THOS BARR Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Auto 556 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster E 0.105 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 31 ft. < 1/8 RENTON, WA SW 117 PARK AVE N N/A E17 EDR Hist AutoSCOTTY S DETAIL THOS BARR 1009614054 TC5178694.2s Page 44 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Laundries Self Serve1985 PARK AVENUE LAUNDROMAT Laundries Self Serve1980 PARK AVENUE LAUNDROMAT Laundries Self Serve1977 PARK AVENUE LAUNDROMAT Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Cleaner 574 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster E 0.109 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 31 ft. < 1/8 RENTON, WA SW 109 PARK AVE N/A E18 EDR Hist CleanerPARK AVENUE LAUNDROMAT 1009612540 Used Car Dealers1975 COOKS TEXACO Used Car Dealers1974 COOKS TEXACO Used Car Dealers1971 COOKS PHILLIPS 66 Used Car Dealers1970 COOKS PHILLIPS 66 Used Car Dealers1969 COOKS JIM Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Auto 602 ft. Site 4 of 4 in cluster D 0.114 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 47 ft. < 1/8 RENTON, WA 98055 East 206 SUNSET BLVD W N/A D19 EDR Hist AutoCOOKS PHILLIPS 66 1022060390 1057 N 1ST STMailing address: WAD981773575EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 1057 1ST NFacility address: TONYS CLEANERSFacility name: 03/06/1996Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.202655157Longitude: 47.482994374999997Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1988-05-23 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD981773575Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 32285Interaction: 22188732Facility Id: TONYS CLEANERSFacility Name: ALLSITES: 648 ft.Inactive DrycleanersSite 1 of 2 in cluster F 0.123 mi.ECHO Relative: Lower Actual: 30 ft. < 1/8 FINDSRENTON, WA 98057 SW RCRA NonGen / NLR1057 1ST N WAD981773575 F20 ALLSITESTONYS CLEANERS 1001490438 TC5178694.2s Page 45 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 12/06/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-255-4971Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 1057 N 1ST STOwner/operator address: YOUNG SEON BOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 12/06/1996Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-255-4971Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 1057 N 1ST STOwner/operator address: YOUNG SEON BOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: RENTON, WA 98055-1758 1057 N 1ST STContact address: TONYS CLEANERS TONYS CLEANERSContact: RENTON, WA 98055-1758 TONYS CLEANERS (Continued)1001490438 TC5178694.2s Page 46 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedLEGAL LINE1: Not reportedLEGAL PERSON LAST NAME: Not reportedLEGAL PERSON MIDDLE INIT: Not reportedLEGAL PERSON FIRST NAME: Not reportedLEGAL ORG NAME: Not reportedMAIL COUNTRY: Not reportedMAIL ZIP: Not reportedMAIL STATE: Not reportedMAIL CITY: Not reportedMAIL LINE2: Not reportedMAIL LINE1: Not reportedMAIL NAME: Not reportedBUSINESS TYPE: Not reportedTAX REG NBR: Not reportedState Waste Code Desc: Not reportedFed Waste Code Desc: Not reportedNAICS Code: 22188732Facility ID: 22188732FS Id: Not reportedEPA I: INACTIVE DRYCLEANERS: http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005344537DFR URL: 110005344537Registry ID: 1001490438Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110005344537Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: TONYS CLEANERSSite name: 03/06/1996Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: TONYS CLEANERS (Continued)1001490438 TC5178694.2s Page 47 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedMONTHLY GENERATION: Not reportedGEN STATUS CD: Not reportedFORM CONTACT EMAIL: Not reportedFORM CONTACT PHONE NBR: Not reportedFORM CONTACT COUNTRY: Not reportedFORM CONTACT ZIP: Not reportedFORM CONTACT STATE: Not reportedFORM CONTACT CITY: Not reportedFORM CONTACT LINE2: Not reportedFORM CONTACT LINE1: Not reportedFORM CONTACT LAST NAME: Not reportedFORM CONTACT MIDDLE INIT: Not reportedFORM CONTACT FIRST NAME: Not reportedSITE CONTACT EMAIL: Not reportedSITE CONTACT PHONE NBR: Not reportedSITE CONTACT COUNTRY: Not reportedSITE CONTACT ZIP: Not reportedSITE CONTACT STATE: Not reportedSITE CONTACT CITY: Not reportedSITE CONTACT LINE2: Not reportedSITE CONTACT LINE1: Not reportedSITE CONTACT LAST NAME: Not reportedSITE CONTACT MIDDLE INIT: Not reportedSITE CONTACT FIRST NAME: Not reportedOPERATOR ORGANIZATION TYPE: Not reportedOPERATOR EFFECTIVE DATE: Not reportedOPERATOR PHONE NBR: Not reportedOPERATOR COUNTRY: Not reportedOPERATOR ZIP: Not reportedOPERATOR STATE: Not reportedOPERATOR CITY: Not reportedOPERATOR LINE2: Not reportedOPERATOR LINE1: Not reportedOPERATOR PERSON LAST NAME: Not reportedOPERATOR PERSON MIDDLE INIT: Not reportedOPERATOR PERSON FIRST NAME: Not reportedOPERATOR ORG NAME: Not reportedLAND ORGANIZATION TYPE: Not reportedLAND PHONE NBR: Not reportedLAND COUNTRY: Not reportedLAND ZIP: Not reportedLAND STATE: Not reportedLAND CITY: Not reportedLAND LINE2: Not reportedLAND LINE1: Not reportedLAND PERSON LAST NAME: Not reportedLAND PERSON MIDDLE INIT: Not reportedLAND PERSON FIRST NAME: Not reportedLAND ORG NAME: Not reportedLEGAL ORGANIZATION TYPE: Not reportedLEGAL EFFECTIVE DATE: Not reportedLEGAL PHONE NBR: Not reportedLEGAL COUNTRY: Not reportedLEGAL ZIP: Not reportedLEGAL STATE: Not reportedLEGAL CITY: Not reportedLEGAL LINE2: TONYS CLEANERS (Continued)1001490438 TC5178694.2s Page 48 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTAX REG NBR: Not reportedState Waste Code Desc: Not reportedFed Waste Code Desc: 81232NAICS Code: 2828Facility ID: 2828FS Id: WAD981773575EPA I: Not reportedComments: -122.20267Longitude: 47.483Latitude: HAZWASTESIC DS: Drycleaning Plants, Except Rug CleaningFS SIC Code: 7216Program Name: Not reportedNAICS DS: 12/31/1994End Date: 05/23/1988Start Date: IStatus Code: HWGECO Int Type Code: Not reportedUSED OIL FUEL MARKETER MEETS SPECS: Not reportedUSED OIL FUEL MARKETER DIR SHIPMENTS: Not reportedUSED OIL REREFINER: Not reportedUSED OIL PROCESSOR: Not reportedUSED OIL TRANSFER FACILITY: Not reportedUSED OIL TRANSPORTER: Not reportedOFF SPEC FURNACE: Not reportedOFF SPEC INDUSTRY BOILER: Not reportedOFF SPEC UTILITY BOILER: Not reportedUW DESTINATION FACILITY: Not reportedUW LAMPS ACCUM: Not reportedUW MERCURY ACCUM: Not reportedUW THERMOSTATS ACCUM: Not reportedUW BATTERY ACCUM: Not reportedUW LAMPS GEN: Not reportedUW MERCURY GEN: Not reportedUW THERMOSTATS GEN: Not reportedUW BATTERY GEN: Not reportedOTHER EXEMPTION: Not reportedSMALL QTY EXEMPTION: Not reportedSMELTER DEFERRAL: Not reportedFURNACE BURNER: Not reportedINDUSTRY BOILER BURNER: Not reportedUTILITY BOILER BURNER: Not reportedGEN OTHER MARKETERS: Not reportedGEN MARKET TO BURNER: Not reportedGEN DANG FUEL: Not reportedIMMEDIATE RECYCLER: Not reportedTSDR FACILITY: Not reportedIMPORTER: Not reportedMIXED RADIOACTIVE: Not reportedTBG: Not reportedPBR: Not reportedTRANSFER FACILITY: Not reportedRECYCLER ONSITE: Not reportedTRANSPORTS OTHERS WASTE: Not reportedTRANSPORTS OWN WASTE: Not reportedONE TIME GENERATION: Not reportedBATCH GENERATION: TONYS CLEANERS (Continued)1001490438 TC5178694.2s Page 49 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedSITE CONTACT EMAIL: Not reportedSITE CONTACT PHONE NBR: Not reportedSITE CONTACT COUNTRY: Not reportedSITE CONTACT ZIP: Not reportedSITE CONTACT STATE: Not reportedSITE CONTACT CITY: Not reportedSITE CONTACT LINE2: Not reportedSITE CONTACT LINE1: Not reportedSITE CONTACT LAST NAME: Not reportedSITE CONTACT MIDDLE INIT: Not reportedSITE CONTACT FIRST NAME: Not reportedOPERATOR ORGANIZATION TYPE: Not reportedOPERATOR EFFECTIVE DATE: Not reportedOPERATOR PHONE NBR: Not reportedOPERATOR COUNTRY: Not reportedOPERATOR ZIP: Not reportedOPERATOR STATE: Not reportedOPERATOR CITY: Not reportedOPERATOR LINE2: Not reportedOPERATOR LINE1: Not reportedOPERATOR PERSON LAST NAME: Not reportedOPERATOR PERSON MIDDLE INIT: Not reportedOPERATOR PERSON FIRST NAME: Not reportedOPERATOR ORG NAME: Not reportedLAND ORGANIZATION TYPE: Not reportedLAND PHONE NBR: Not reportedLAND COUNTRY: Not reportedLAND ZIP: Not reportedLAND STATE: Not reportedLAND CITY: Not reportedLAND LINE2: Not reportedLAND LINE1: Not reportedLAND PERSON LAST NAME: Not reportedLAND PERSON MIDDLE INIT: Not reportedLAND PERSON FIRST NAME: Not reportedLAND ORG NAME: Not reportedLEGAL ORGANIZATION TYPE: Not reportedLEGAL EFFECTIVE DATE: Not reportedLEGAL PHONE NBR: Not reportedLEGAL COUNTRY: Not reportedLEGAL ZIP: Not reportedLEGAL STATE: Not reportedLEGAL CITY: Not reportedLEGAL LINE2: Not reportedLEGAL LINE1: Not reportedLEGAL PERSON LAST NAME: Not reportedLEGAL PERSON MIDDLE INIT: Not reportedLEGAL PERSON FIRST NAME: Not reportedLEGAL ORG NAME: Not reportedMAIL COUNTRY: Not reportedMAIL ZIP: Not reportedMAIL STATE: Not reportedMAIL CITY: Not reportedMAIL LINE2: Not reportedMAIL LINE1: Not reportedMAIL NAME: Not reportedBUSINESS TYPE: TONYS CLEANERS (Continued)1001490438 TC5178694.2s Page 50 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedNAICS DS: Not reportedEnd Date: Not reportedStart Date: Not reportedStatus Code: Not reportedECO Int Type Code: Not reportedUSED OIL FUEL MARKETER MEETS SPECS: Not reportedUSED OIL FUEL MARKETER DIR SHIPMENTS: Not reportedUSED OIL REREFINER: Not reportedUSED OIL PROCESSOR: Not reportedUSED OIL TRANSFER FACILITY: Not reportedUSED OIL TRANSPORTER: Not reportedOFF SPEC FURNACE: Not reportedOFF SPEC INDUSTRY BOILER: Not reportedOFF SPEC UTILITY BOILER: Not reportedUW DESTINATION FACILITY: Not reportedUW LAMPS ACCUM: Not reportedUW MERCURY ACCUM: Not reportedUW THERMOSTATS ACCUM: Not reportedUW BATTERY ACCUM: Not reportedUW LAMPS GEN: Not reportedUW MERCURY GEN: Not reportedUW THERMOSTATS GEN: Not reportedUW BATTERY GEN: Not reportedOTHER EXEMPTION: Not reportedSMALL QTY EXEMPTION: Not reportedSMELTER DEFERRAL: Not reportedFURNACE BURNER: Not reportedINDUSTRY BOILER BURNER: Not reportedUTILITY BOILER BURNER: Not reportedGEN OTHER MARKETERS: Not reportedGEN MARKET TO BURNER: Not reportedGEN DANG FUEL: Not reportedIMMEDIATE RECYCLER: Not reportedTSDR FACILITY: Not reportedIMPORTER: Not reportedMIXED RADIOACTIVE: Not reportedTBG: Not reportedPBR: Not reportedTRANSFER FACILITY: Not reportedRECYCLER ONSITE: Not reportedTRANSPORTS OTHERS WASTE: Not reportedTRANSPORTS OWN WASTE: Not reportedONE TIME GENERATION: Not reportedBATCH GENERATION: Not reportedMONTHLY GENERATION: Not reportedGEN STATUS CD: Not reportedFORM CONTACT EMAIL: Not reportedFORM CONTACT PHONE NBR: Not reportedFORM CONTACT COUNTRY: Not reportedFORM CONTACT ZIP: Not reportedFORM CONTACT STATE: Not reportedFORM CONTACT CITY: Not reportedFORM CONTACT LINE2: Not reportedFORM CONTACT LINE1: Not reportedFORM CONTACT LAST NAME: Not reportedFORM CONTACT MIDDLE INIT: Not reportedFORM CONTACT FIRST NAME: TONYS CLEANERS (Continued)1001490438 TC5178694.2s Page 51 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedComments: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reportedSIC DS: Not reportedFS SIC Code: Not reportedProgram Name: TONYS CLEANERS (Continued)1001490438 Garment Pressing And Cleaners’ Agents1994 TONYS CLEANERS Garment Pressing And Cleaners’ Agents1993 TONYS CLEANERS Garment Pressing And Cleaners’ Agents1992 TONYS CLEANERS Garment Pressing And Cleaners’ Agents1991 TONYS CLEANERS Cleaners And Dyers1991 TONY S CLEANERS YOUNG S BANG Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1980 MAGIC CLEANING CENTER INC Cleaners And Dyers1980 TONY S CLEANERS Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1979 MAGIC CLEANING CENTER INC Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1978 MAGIC CLEANING CENTER INC Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1977 MAGIC CLEANING CENTER INC Cleaners And Dyers1977 TONY S CLEANERS Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1976 MAGIC CLEANING CENTER INC Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1975 MAGIC CLEANING CENTER INC Drycleaning Plants, Except Rugs1974 MAGIC CLEANING CENTER INC Type:Year: Name: EDR Hist Cleaner 648 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster F 0.123 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 30 ft. < 1/8 RENTON, WA SW 1057 N 1ST ST N/A F21 EDR Hist CleanerTONY S CLEANERS 1009612533 PRECISION TUNE AUTO CARE RENTONFacility name: 03/01/2002Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.196455156Longitude: 47.486444374000001Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1992-11-09 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988513602Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 50966Interaction: 54737646Facility Id: PRECISION TUNE AUTO CARE RENTONFacility Name: ALLSITES: 714 ft. 0.135 mi.ECHO Relative: Higher Actual: 48 ft. 1/8-1/4 FINDSRENTON, WA 98055 ENE RCRA NonGen / NLR233 SUNSET BLVD N WAD988513602 22 ALLSITESPRECISION TUNE AUTO CARE RENTON 1000838573 TC5178694.2s Page 52 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE VISITEvaluation: 07/21/1999Evaluation date: Evaluation Action Summary: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: PRECISION TUNE AUTO CARE RENTONSite name: 08/24/1999Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 07/21/1998Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-254-8209Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: NEW CASTLE, WA 98059 7311 COAL CREEK PKWY SE #D-102Owner/operator address: GULBANA AOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: PrivateLand type: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: RENTON, WA 98055 233 SUNSET BLVD NContact address: PRECISION TUNE PRECISION TUNEContact: WAD988513602EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 233 SUNSET BLVD NFacility address: PRECISION TUNE AUTO CARE RENTON (Continued) 1000838573 TC5178694.2s Page 53 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005380578DFR URL: 110005380578Registry ID: 1000838573Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System 110005380578Registry ID: FINDS: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE VISITEvaluation: 03/01/1996Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE VISITEvaluation: 05/28/1997Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: PRECISION TUNE AUTO CARE RENTON (Continued) 1000838573 -122.19884159599999Longitude: 47.483527557000002Latitude: Emergency/Haz Chem Rpt TIDate Interaction 3: 1994-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: CRK000037930Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TIER2Interaction 2: AInteraction 1: 38135Interaction: 32747884Facility Id: RENTON CITY WELL 8Facility Name: ALLSITES: 772 ft. Site 1 of 4 in cluster G 0.146 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 49 ft. 1/8-1/4 RENTON, WA 98055 ESE FINDS1703 SE MAPLE VALLEY HWY N/A G23 ALLSITESRENTON CITY WELL 8 1007072626 TC5178694.2s Page 54 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110015492536Registry ID: FINDS: RENTON CITY WELL 8 (Continued)1007072626 additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110015473726Registry ID: FINDS: -122.19884159599999Longitude: 47.483527557000002Latitude: Emergency/Haz Chem Rpt TIDate Interaction 3: 1994-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: CRK000037910Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TIER2Interaction 2: AInteraction 1: 44640Interaction: 43699751Facility Id: RENTON CITY WELL 9Facility Name: ALLSITES: 792 ft. Site 2 of 4 in cluster G 0.150 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 49 ft. 1/8-1/4 RENTON, WA 98055 ESE FINDS1707 SE MAPLE VALLEY HWY N/A G24 ALLSITESRENTON CITY WELL 9 1007070760 TC5178694.2s Page 55 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110015529597Registry ID: FINDS: -122.19855859Longitude: 47.483527559000002Latitude: Emergency/Haz Chem Rpt TIDate Interaction 3: 1999-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: CRK000049670Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TIER2Interaction 2: AInteraction 1: 25286Interaction: 9776647Facility Id: RENTON CITY CCTFFacility Name: ALLSITES: 831 ft. Site 3 of 4 in cluster G 0.157 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 50 ft. 1/8-1/4 RENTON, WA 98055 ESE FINDS1715 SE MAPLE VALLEY HWY N/A G25 ALLSITESRENTON CITY CCTF 1007076305 47.482794374000001Latitude: Construction SW GPDate Interaction 3: 2004-08-23 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR005845Program ID: RENTON MAPLE VALLEY HWY CEDAR PARKFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: CONSTSWGPInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 83890Interaction: 10131Facility Id: RENTON MAPLE VALLEY HWY CEDAR PARKFacility Name: ALLSITES: 832 ft. Site 4 of 4 in cluster G 0.158 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 50 ft. 1/8-1/4 RENTON, WA 98055 ESE 1717 SE MAPLE VALLEY HWY N/A G26 ALLSITESRENTON MAPLE VALLEY HWY CEDAR PARK S110037018 TC5178694.2s Page 56 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.19498515799999Longitude: RENTON MAPLE VALLEY HWY CEDAR PARK (Continued) S110037018 WAProperty Owner State: RentonProperty Owner City: 300 SW 7th St.Property Owner Address: Renton School District #403Property Owner Company: Joe LambornProperty Owner Agent: Not reportedProperty Owner Name: dees@aeconllc.comProject Form Email: Charley BainardJob Site CAS: 206-267-0746Phone: 1338Contractor ID: Not reportedSaturday: 1Friday: 1Thursday: 1Wednesday: 1Tuesday: 1Monday: Not reportedSunday: 3:00 PMSite Hours End: 8:00 AMSite Hours Start: Not reportedEmergency: Not reportedOff Hold: Not reportedOn Hold: 1Amended: Not reportedInitial: 08/29/2014Completion Date: 07/25/2014Start Date: 07/15/2014Notice Date: 88270##1338Ameri684258Form ID: 87800Parent ID: CommericalFacility Type: ASBESTOS: -122.200799532Longitude: 47.487580227000002Latitude: Construction SW GPDate Interaction 3: 2016-07-06 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR304354Program ID: Sartori Elementary Site Prep Package #2Facility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: CONSTSWGPInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 118854Interaction: 6659Facility Id: SARTORI ELEMENTARY SITE PREP PACKAGE #2Facility Name: ALLSITES: 832 ft. 0.158 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 39 ft. 1/8-1/4 NPDESRENTON, WA 98057 North ASBESTOS315 GARDEN AVE N N/A 27 ALLSITESSARTORI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL S118821282 TC5178694.2s Page 57 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2014-07-25 09:53:02Date Time Submitted: Changed the CAS. AEC Job#14379Comments: Not reportedOther Resp Pro Text: Not reportedOther Resp Pro: Not reportedType C Pressure: Not reportedType C Continuous: 1PAPR: Not reportedFull Face APR: Not reportedHalf Mask APR: Not reportedOther CM2 Text: Not reportedOther CM2: Not reportedOther CM1 Text: Not reportedOther CM1: 1MANUALMETHODS : 1HEPA Vacuum: 1Wet Methods: Not reportedWrap And Cut: 1Critical Barriers: 1Mini Enclosure: 1Glove Bag: 1Neg Pres Enclosure: Not reportedOutdoors: 1Indoors: Not reportedLin Ft Other2 Text: Not reportedLin Ft Other2: Not reportedLin Ft Other1 Text: Not reportedLin Ft Other1: Not reportedDuct Tape: Not reportedMudded Pipe Insulation: Not reportedCement Asbestos Pipe: Not reportedDucting Insulation: 1Air Cell Pipe Insulation: 1Mag Pipe Insulation: 2264Quantity Lin Ft: Not reportedSq Ft Other Text: Not reportedSq Ft Other: Not reportedRoofing: Not reportedVAT: Not reportedDuct Paper: Not reportedBoiler Insulation: Not reportedAsbestos Paper: Not reportedSheet Vinyl: Not reportedCAB: Not reportedPopcorn Ceiling: Not reportedFireproofing: Not reportedQuantity Sq Ft: Not reportedEncapsulated: 1Removed: Not reportedFacility Maint: Not reportedFacility Repair: Not reportedFacility Demo: 1Facility Remodel: 40,000Facility Size: 1940Facility Age: Not reportedJob Site Room: 425-204-4400Property Owner Phone: 98057Property Owner Zip4: SARTORI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Continued) S118821282 TC5178694.2s Page 58 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Charley BainardJob Site CAS: 206-267-0746Phone: 1338Contractor ID: Not reportedSaturday: 1Friday: 1Thursday: 1Wednesday: 1Tuesday: 1Monday: Not reportedSunday: 3:00 PMSite Hours End: 8:00 AMSite Hours Start: Not reportedEmergency: Not reportedOff Hold: 1On Hold: 1Amended: Not reportedInitial: 08/29/2014Completion Date: 07/25/2014Start Date: 07/15/2014Notice Date: 88893##1338Ameri468464Form ID: 87800Parent ID: CommericalFacility Type: letter dated June 11, 2010. asbestos violations within the last trhree years. See David Johnson On probation because of several violations with significant seriousContractor Memo: 98108Contractor Mail Zip: WAContractor Mail State: SEATTLEContractor Mail City: PO BOX 81005Contractor Mail Street Address: www.aeconllc.comContractor Web Address: dees@aeconllc.comContractor Email: 2062670746Contractor Phone: 98108Contractor Zip: WAContractor State: SEATTLEContractor City: PO BOX 81005Contractor Street Address: 17Contractor Cnty Code: Not reportedContractor Suspended Date: 06/24/2017Contractor Exp Date: 04/18/2016Contractor Renewal Letter Date: 06/24/2015Contractor Effective Date: 08/08/2001Contractor Original Date: 2016-06-22 00:00:00Contractor Cert Prn Date: 2062670753Contact Fax: 2062670746Contact Phone: John AsselinContact Name: ActiveContractor Status: American Environmental Construction LLCContractor Name: AMERIEC996MBContractor Cris Num: LContractor Priority: 602131386Contractor UBI: 1338Contractor ID: Contractor: IP Address: SARTORI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Continued) S118821282 TC5178694.2s Page 59 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedFull Face APR: Not reportedHalf Mask APR: Not reportedOther CM2 Text: Not reportedOther CM2: Not reportedOther CM1 Text: Not reportedOther CM1: 1MANUALMETHODS : 1HEPA Vacuum: 1Wet Methods: Not reportedWrap And Cut: 1Critical Barriers: 1Mini Enclosure: 1Glove Bag: 1Neg Pres Enclosure: Not reportedOutdoors: 1Indoors: Not reportedLin Ft Other2 Text: Not reportedLin Ft Other2: Not reportedLin Ft Other1 Text: Not reportedLin Ft Other1: Not reportedDuct Tape: Not reportedMudded Pipe Insulation: Not reportedCement Asbestos Pipe: Not reportedDucting Insulation: 1Air Cell Pipe Insulation: 1Mag Pipe Insulation: 2264Quantity Lin Ft: Not reportedSq Ft Other Text: Not reportedSq Ft Other: Not reportedRoofing: Not reportedVAT: Not reportedDuct Paper: Not reportedBoiler Insulation: Not reportedAsbestos Paper: Not reportedSheet Vinyl: Not reportedCAB: Not reportedPopcorn Ceiling: Not reportedFireproofing: Not reportedQuantity Sq Ft: Not reportedEncapsulated: 1Removed: Not reportedFacility Maint: Not reportedFacility Repair: Not reportedFacility Demo: 1Facility Remodel: 40,000Facility Size: 1940Facility Age: Not reportedJob Site Room: 425-204-4400Property Owner Phone: 98057Property Owner Zip4: WAProperty Owner State: RentonProperty Owner City: 300 SW 7th St.Property Owner Address: Renton School District #403Property Owner Company: Joe LambornProperty Owner Agent: Not reportedProperty Owner Name: dees@aeconllc.comProject Form Email: SARTORI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Continued) S118821282 TC5178694.2s Page 60 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 1Tuesday: 1Monday: Not reportedSunday: 3:00 PMSite Hours End: 8:00 AMSite Hours Start: Not reportedEmergency: Not reportedOff Hold: Not reportedOn Hold: 1Amended: Not reportedInitial: 08/07/2014Completion Date: 07/25/2014Start Date: 07/15/2014Notice Date: 89685##1338Ameri248293Form ID: 87800Parent ID: CommericalFacility Type: letter dated June 11, 2010. asbestos violations within the last trhree years. See David Johnson On probation because of several violations with significant seriousContractor Memo: 98108Contractor Mail Zip: WAContractor Mail State: SEATTLEContractor Mail City: PO BOX 81005Contractor Mail Street Address: www.aeconllc.comContractor Web Address: dees@aeconllc.comContractor Email: 2062670746Contractor Phone: 98108Contractor Zip: WAContractor State: SEATTLEContractor City: PO BOX 81005Contractor Street Address: 17Contractor Cnty Code: Not reportedContractor Suspended Date: 06/24/2017Contractor Exp Date: 04/18/2016Contractor Renewal Letter Date: 06/24/2015Contractor Effective Date: 08/08/2001Contractor Original Date: 2016-06-22 00:00:00Contractor Cert Prn Date: 2062670753Contact Fax: 2062670746Contact Phone: John AsselinContact Name: ActiveContractor Status: American Environmental Construction LLCContractor Name: AMERIEC996MBContractor Cris Num: LContractor Priority: 602131386Contractor UBI: 1338Contractor ID: Contractor: IP Address: 2014-08-07 08:12:47Date Time Submitted: This project is on hold. AEC Job#14379Comments: Not reportedOther Resp Pro Text: Not reportedOther Resp Pro: Not reportedType C Pressure: Not reportedType C Continuous: 1PAPR: SARTORI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Continued) S118821282 TC5178694.2s Page 61 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 1HEPA Vacuum: 1Wet Methods: Not reportedWrap And Cut: 1Critical Barriers: 1Mini Enclosure: 1Glove Bag: 1Neg Pres Enclosure: Not reportedOutdoors: 1Indoors: Not reportedLin Ft Other2 Text: Not reportedLin Ft Other2: Not reportedLin Ft Other1 Text: Not reportedLin Ft Other1: Not reportedDuct Tape: Not reportedMudded Pipe Insulation: Not reportedCement Asbestos Pipe: Not reportedDucting Insulation: 1Air Cell Pipe Insulation: 1Mag Pipe Insulation: 2264Quantity Lin Ft: Not reportedSq Ft Other Text: Not reportedSq Ft Other: Not reportedRoofing: Not reportedVAT: Not reportedDuct Paper: Not reportedBoiler Insulation: Not reportedAsbestos Paper: Not reportedSheet Vinyl: Not reportedCAB: Not reportedPopcorn Ceiling: Not reportedFireproofing: Not reportedQuantity Sq Ft: Not reportedEncapsulated: 1Removed: Not reportedFacility Maint: Not reportedFacility Repair: Not reportedFacility Demo: 1Facility Remodel: 40,000Facility Size: 1940Facility Age: Not reportedJob Site Room: 425-204-4400Property Owner Phone: 98057Property Owner Zip4: WAProperty Owner State: RentonProperty Owner City: 300 SW 7th St.Property Owner Address: Renton School District #403Property Owner Company: Joe LambornProperty Owner Agent: Not reportedProperty Owner Name: dees@aeconllc.comProject Form Email: Charley BainardJob Site CAS: 206-267-0746Phone: 1338Contractor ID: Not reportedSaturday: 1Friday: 1Thursday: 1Wednesday: SARTORI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Continued) S118821282 TC5178694.2s Page 62 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedOn Hold: Not reportedAmended: 1Initial: 12/31/2016Completion Date: 09/12/2016Start Date: 09/02/2016Notice Date: 131843##1008Dicks814984Form ID: 0Parent ID: SchoolFacility Type: letter dated June 11, 2010. asbestos violations within the last trhree years. See David Johnson On probation because of several violations with significant seriousContractor Memo: 98108Contractor Mail Zip: WAContractor Mail State: SEATTLEContractor Mail City: PO BOX 81005Contractor Mail Street Address: www.aeconllc.comContractor Web Address: dees@aeconllc.comContractor Email: 2062670746Contractor Phone: 98108Contractor Zip: WAContractor State: SEATTLEContractor City: PO BOX 81005Contractor Street Address: 17Contractor Cnty Code: Not reportedContractor Suspended Date: 06/24/2017Contractor Exp Date: 04/18/2016Contractor Renewal Letter Date: 06/24/2015Contractor Effective Date: 08/08/2001Contractor Original Date: 2016-06-22 00:00:00Contractor Cert Prn Date: 2062670753Contact Fax: 2062670746Contact Phone: John AsselinContact Name: ActiveContractor Status: American Environmental Construction LLCContractor Name: AMERIEC996MBContractor Cris Num: LContractor Priority: 602131386Contractor UBI: 1338Contractor ID: Contractor: IP Address: 2014-08-26 09:35:42Date Time Submitted: This project is complete. AEC Job#14379Comments: Not reportedOther Resp Pro Text: Not reportedOther Resp Pro: Not reportedType C Pressure: Not reportedType C Continuous: 1PAPR: Not reportedFull Face APR: Not reportedHalf Mask APR: Not reportedOther CM2 Text: Not reportedOther CM2: Not reportedOther CM1 Text: Not reportedOther CM1: 1MANUALMETHODS : SARTORI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Continued) S118821282 TC5178694.2s Page 63 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 1Outdoors: 1Indoors: Sinks, Flex Duct ConnectorsLin Ft Other2 Text: 1Lin Ft Other2: Magnesite Curbing, Window Putty, CaulkingLin Ft Other1 Text: 1Lin Ft Other1: 1Duct Tape: 1Mudded Pipe Insulation: Not reportedCement Asbestos Pipe: 1Ducting Insulation: 1Air Cell Pipe Insulation: 1Mag Pipe Insulation: 13,699Quantity Lin Ft: Wall TextureSq Ft Other Text: 1Sq Ft Other: 1Roofing: 1VAT: Not reportedDuct Paper: 1Boiler Insulation: Not reportedAsbestos Paper: 1Sheet Vinyl: 1CAB: Not reportedPopcorn Ceiling: 1Fireproofing: 51101Quantity Sq Ft: Not reportedEncapsulated: 1Removed: Not reportedFacility Maint: Not reportedFacility Repair: 1Facility Demo: Not reportedFacility Remodel: 50,000Facility Size: 1950sFacility Age: Not reportedJob Site Room: 425-204-4403Property Owner Phone: 98178Property Owner Zip4: WAProperty Owner State: SeattleProperty Owner City: 7812 S 124th StreetProperty Owner Address: Renton School DistrictProperty Owner Company: Rick StrackeProperty Owner Agent: Not reportedProperty Owner Name: david@dickson.netProject Form Email: Jacob ClarkJob Site CAS: 2534724489Phone: 1008Contractor ID: Not reportedSaturday: 1Friday: 1Thursday: 1Wednesday: 1Tuesday: 1Monday: Not reportedSunday: 3:30 p.m.Site Hours End: 7:00 a.m.Site Hours Start: Not reportedEmergency: Not reportedOff Hold: SARTORI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Continued) S118821282 TC5178694.2s Page 64 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 09/02/2016Notice Date: 132267##1008Dicks646354Form ID: 131843Parent ID: SchoolFacility Type: Not reportedContractor Memo: 98409Contractor Mail Zip: WAContractor Mail State: TACOMAContractor Mail City: 3315 S PINE STContractor Mail Street Address: www.dickson.netContractor Web Address: tina@wmdickson.netContractor Email: 2534724489Contractor Phone: 98409Contractor Zip: WAContractor State: TACOMAContractor City: 3315 S PINE STContractor Street Address: 27Contractor Cnty Code: Not reportedContractor Suspended Date: 12/09/2016Contractor Exp Date: 09/20/2016Contractor Renewal Letter Date: 04/02/2009Contractor Effective Date: 01/15/1989Contractor Original Date: 2016-03-11 00:00:00Contractor Cert Prn Date: 2064724521Contact Fax: 2534724489Contact Phone: DAVID DICKSONContact Name: ActiveContractor Status: Dickson CompanyContractor Name: DICKSC*858RZContractor Cris Num: LContractor Priority: 278045472Contractor UBI: 1008Contractor ID: Contractor: IP Address: 2016-09-02 11:54:20Date Time Submitted: Not reportedComments: Not reportedOther Resp Pro Text: Not reportedOther Resp Pro: 1Type C Pressure: Not reportedType C Continuous: Not reportedPAPR: Not reportedFull Face APR: 1Half Mask APR: Not reportedOther CM2 Text: Not reportedOther CM2: Not reportedOther CM1 Text: 1Other CM1: 1MANUALMETHODS : 1HEPA Vacuum: 1Wet Methods: 1Wrap And Cut: 1Critical Barriers: Not reportedMini Enclosure: 1Glove Bag: 1Neg Pres Enclosure: SARTORI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Continued) S118821282 TC5178694.2s Page 65 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 1Lin Ft Other1: 1Duct Tape: 1Mudded Pipe Insulation: Not reportedCement Asbestos Pipe: 1Ducting Insulation: 1Air Cell Pipe Insulation: 1Mag Pipe Insulation: 13,699Quantity Lin Ft: Wall TextureSq Ft Other Text: 1Sq Ft Other: 1Roofing: 1VAT: Not reportedDuct Paper: 1Boiler Insulation: Not reportedAsbestos Paper: 1Sheet Vinyl: 1CAB: Not reportedPopcorn Ceiling: 1Fireproofing: 51101Quantity Sq Ft: Not reportedEncapsulated: 1Removed: Not reportedFacility Maint: Not reportedFacility Repair: 1Facility Demo: Not reportedFacility Remodel: 50,000Facility Size: 1950sFacility Age: Not reportedJob Site Room: 425-204-4403Property Owner Phone: 98178Property Owner Zip4: WAProperty Owner State: SeattleProperty Owner City: 7812 S 124th StreetProperty Owner Address: Renton School DistrictProperty Owner Company: Rick StrackeProperty Owner Agent: Not reportedProperty Owner Name: david@dickson.netProject Form Email: Jacob ClarkJob Site CAS: 2534724489Phone: 1008Contractor ID: Not reportedSaturday: 1Friday: 1Thursday: 1Wednesday: 1Tuesday: 1Monday: Not reportedSunday: 3:30 p.m.Site Hours End: 7:00 a.m.Site Hours Start: Not reportedEmergency: Not reportedOff Hold: 1On Hold: 1Amended: Not reportedInitial: 12/31/2016Completion Date: 09/12/2016Start Date: SARTORI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Continued) S118821282 TC5178694.2s Page 66 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedContractor Memo: 98409Contractor Mail Zip: WAContractor Mail State: TACOMAContractor Mail City: 3315 S PINE STContractor Mail Street Address: www.dickson.netContractor Web Address: tina@wmdickson.netContractor Email: 2534724489Contractor Phone: 98409Contractor Zip: WAContractor State: TACOMAContractor City: 3315 S PINE STContractor Street Address: 27Contractor Cnty Code: Not reportedContractor Suspended Date: 12/09/2016Contractor Exp Date: 09/20/2016Contractor Renewal Letter Date: 04/02/2009Contractor Effective Date: 01/15/1989Contractor Original Date: 2016-03-11 00:00:00Contractor Cert Prn Date: 2064724521Contact Fax: 2534724489Contact Phone: DAVID DICKSONContact Name: ActiveContractor Status: Dickson CompanyContractor Name: DICKSC*858RZContractor Cris Num: LContractor Priority: 278045472Contractor UBI: 1008Contractor ID: Contractor: IP Address: 2016-09-14 06:13:27Date Time Submitted: Start date postponed until September 19, 2016Comments: Not reportedOther Resp Pro Text: Not reportedOther Resp Pro: 1Type C Pressure: Not reportedType C Continuous: Not reportedPAPR: Not reportedFull Face APR: 1Half Mask APR: Not reportedOther CM2 Text: Not reportedOther CM2: Not reportedOther CM1 Text: 1Other CM1: 1MANUALMETHODS : 1HEPA Vacuum: 1Wet Methods: 1Wrap And Cut: 1Critical Barriers: Not reportedMini Enclosure: 1Glove Bag: 1Neg Pres Enclosure: 1Outdoors: 1Indoors: Sinks, Flex Duct ConnectorsLin Ft Other2 Text: 1Lin Ft Other2: Magnesite Curbing, Window Putty, CaulkingLin Ft Other1 Text: SARTORI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Continued) S118821282 TC5178694.2s Page 67 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDucting Insulation: 1Air Cell Pipe Insulation: 1Mag Pipe Insulation: 2264Quantity Lin Ft: Not reportedSq Ft Other Text: Not reportedSq Ft Other: Not reportedRoofing: Not reportedVAT: Not reportedDuct Paper: Not reportedBoiler Insulation: Not reportedAsbestos Paper: Not reportedSheet Vinyl: Not reportedCAB: Not reportedPopcorn Ceiling: Not reportedFireproofing: Not reportedQuantity Sq Ft: Not reportedEncapsulated: 1Removed: Not reportedFacility Maint: Not reportedFacility Repair: Not reportedFacility Demo: 1Facility Remodel: 40,000Facility Size: 1940Facility Age: Not reportedJob Site Room: 425-204-4400Property Owner Phone: 98057Property Owner Zip4: WAProperty Owner State: RentonProperty Owner City: 300 SW 7th St.Property Owner Address: Renton School District #403Property Owner Company: Joe LambornProperty Owner Agent: Not reportedProperty Owner Name: dees@aeconllc.comProject Form Email: John AsselinJob Site CAS: 206-267-0746Phone: 1338Contractor ID: Not reportedSaturday: 1Friday: 1Thursday: 1Wednesday: 1Tuesday: 1Monday: Not reportedSunday: 3:00 PMSite Hours End: 8:00 AMSite Hours Start: Not reportedEmergency: Not reportedOff Hold: Not reportedOn Hold: Not reportedAmended: 1Initial: 08/29/2014Completion Date: 07/25/2014Start Date: 07/15/2014Notice Date: 87800##1338Ameri664534Form ID: 0Parent ID: CommericalFacility Type: SARTORI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Continued) S118821282 TC5178694.2s Page 68 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SEATTLEContractor Mail City: PO BOX 81005Contractor Mail Street Address: www.aeconllc.comContractor Web Address: dees@aeconllc.comContractor Email: 2062670746Contractor Phone: 98108Contractor Zip: WAContractor State: SEATTLEContractor City: PO BOX 81005Contractor Street Address: 17Contractor Cnty Code: Not reportedContractor Suspended Date: 06/24/2017Contractor Exp Date: 04/18/2016Contractor Renewal Letter Date: 06/24/2015Contractor Effective Date: 08/08/2001Contractor Original Date: 2016-06-22 00:00:00Contractor Cert Prn Date: 2062670753Contact Fax: 2062670746Contact Phone: John AsselinContact Name: ActiveContractor Status: American Environmental Construction LLCContractor Name: AMERIEC996MBContractor Cris Num: LContractor Priority: 602131386Contractor UBI: 1338Contractor ID: Contractor: IP Address: 2014-07-15 11:06:18Date Time Submitted: AEC Job#14379Comments: Not reportedOther Resp Pro Text: Not reportedOther Resp Pro: Not reportedType C Pressure: Not reportedType C Continuous: 1PAPR: Not reportedFull Face APR: Not reportedHalf Mask APR: Not reportedOther CM2 Text: Not reportedOther CM2: Not reportedOther CM1 Text: Not reportedOther CM1: 1MANUALMETHODS : 1HEPA Vacuum: 1Wet Methods: Not reportedWrap And Cut: 1Critical Barriers: 1Mini Enclosure: 1Glove Bag: 1Neg Pres Enclosure: Not reportedOutdoors: 1Indoors: Not reportedLin Ft Other2 Text: Not reportedLin Ft Other2: Not reportedLin Ft Other1 Text: Not reportedLin Ft Other1: Not reportedDuct Tape: Not reportedMudded Pipe Insulation: Not reportedCement Asbestos Pipe: SARTORI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Continued) S118821282 TC5178694.2s Page 69 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 1171Days to Expiration: 08/08/2016Effective Date: 12/31/2020Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedWRIA: Not reportedEcology Contact: Not reportedPermit SubStatus: ActivePermit Status: Not reportedPermit Version: WAR304354Permit ID: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: 11/18/2015Date Issued: HeadqartersAdmin Region: Construction SW GPFacility Type: Not reportedFacility Status: NPDES: letter dated June 11, 2010. asbestos violations within the last trhree years. See David Johnson On probation because of several violations with significant seriousContractor Memo: 98108Contractor Mail Zip: WAContractor Mail State: SARTORI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Continued) S118821282 Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: Closed in PlaceTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 2-USED OILTank Name: -122.19774264244Decimal Longitude: 47.4877758749836Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 1833Site Id: 27124698Facility ID: UST: 1017 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster H 0.193 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 46 ft. 1/8-1/4 RENTON, WA 98055 NE 345 NORTH 3RD PLACE N/A H28 USTFRIEDELS SERVICE INC U003026122 TC5178694.2s Page 70 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: FRIEDELS SERVICE INC (Continued) U003026122 PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-271-4913Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 310 FACTORY PL NOwner/operator address: DHC INCOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: JCOPELAND5@AOL.COMContact email: 425-271-4913Contact telephone: USContact country: RENTON, WA 98055-1505 310 FACTORY PL NContact address: MIKE COPELANDContact: WAD031653355EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 310 FACTORY PL NFacility address: AMERICAN AUTO PAINTINGFacility name: 04/21/2005Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.198125156Longitude: 47.486924373999997Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1984-11-08 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD031653355Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 40441Interaction: 36197185Facility Id: AMERICAN AUTO PAINTINGFacility Name: ALLSITES: 1037 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster H 0.196 mi.ECHO Relative: Higher Actual: 47 ft. 1/8-1/4 FINDSRENTON, WA 98057 NE RCRA NonGen / NLR310 FACTORY PL N WAD031653355 H29 ALLSITESAMERICAN AUTO PAINTING 1004793463 TC5178694.2s Page 71 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 06/13/1996Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 310 FACTORY PL NOwner/operator address: DHC INCOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-255-3369Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 410 SUNSET BL NOwner/operator address: BERGER, CHRISOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 06/13/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 310 FACTORY PL NOwner/operator address: DHC INCOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: AMERICAN AUTO PAINTING (Continued) 1004793463 TC5178694.2s Page 72 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005319173DFR URL: 110005319173Registry ID: 1004793463Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access HAZARDOUS WASTE BIENNIAL REPORTER corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110005319173Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: AMERICAN AUTO PAINTINGSite name: 12/31/2003Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: AMERICAN AUTO PAINTINGSite name: 04/21/2005Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: AMERICAN AUTO PAINTING (Continued) 1004793463 13142Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.48214 / -122.20365Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 12793Facility ID: CSCSL: 1049 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster I 0.199 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/8-1/4 ALLSITESRENTON, WA 98057 SW VCP130 MAIN AVE S N/A I30 CSCSLCEDAR RIVER COURT APARTMENTS S118955226 TC5178694.2s Page 73 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.203619506Longitude: 47.482134422999998Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2016-09-02 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW3089Program ID: Cedar River Court ApartmentsFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 119908Interaction: 12793Facility Id: CEDAR RIVER COURT APARTMENTSFacility Name: ALLSITES: 13142Cleanup Siteid: NRank: Not reportedDate NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 12793Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98057edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: VCP: HeadquartersResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: Petroleum-OtherContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: CEDAR RIVER COURT APARTMENTS (Continued) S118955226 PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: CONSTSWGPInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 118182Interaction: 14204Facility Id: SARTORI ELEMENTARY SITE PREPARATION 1Facility Name: ALLSITES: 1050 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster J 0.199 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 37 ft. 1/8-1/4 RENTON, WA 98055 NNW 326 340 346 PARK AVE N & 303 GARDEN N/A J31 ALLSITESSARTORI ELEMENTARY SITE PREPARATION 1 S118820885 TC5178694.2s Page 74 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.20193212700001Longitude: 47.487577375999997Latitude: Construction SW GPDate Interaction 3: 2016-04-27 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR304106Program ID: Sartori Elementary Site Preparation #1Facility Alt.: SARTORI ELEMENTARY SITE PREPARATION 1 (Continued) S118820885 -122.19773114100001Longitude: 47.487770369000003Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-02-29 00:00:00Date Interaction: 1833Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 35327Interaction: -122.19773114100001Longitude: 47.487770369000003Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1992-07-16 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988508958Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 35326Interaction: 27124698Facility Id: FRIEDELS SVC INCFacility Name: ALLSITES: 4111Cleanup Siteid: Not reportedRank: 11/30/2007Date NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 27124698Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98055-1507edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: VCP: 1092 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster H 0.207 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 45 ft. 1/8-1/4 CSCSL NFARENTON, WA 98055 NNE ALLSITES345 FACTORY PL N N/A H32 VCPFRIEDELS SVC INC S108991814 TC5178694.2s Page 75 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.19774264Longitude: 47.487775875Latitude: YesVCP: Not reportedRank: 11/30/2007NFA Date: 4111CS Id: 27124698Facility/Site Id: CSCSL NFA: -122.19773114100001Longitude: 47.487770369000003Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2006-08-15 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW1666Program ID: Friedels Svc IncFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 35328Interaction: FRIEDELS SVC INC (Continued)S108991814 Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: ONETank Name: -122.202512Decimal Longitude: 47.480482Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 2430Site Id: 82472985Facility ID: UST: 1106 ft. 0.209 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 24 ft. 1/8-1/4 RENTON, WA 98055 South 1500 HOUSER WAY SOUTH N/A 33 USTNORTH AMERICAN REFRACTORIES CO U004021255 TC5178694.2s Page 76 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: TWOTank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: NORTH AMERICAN REFRACTORIES CO (Continued) U004021255 -122.200834298Longitude: 47.487401488000003Latitude: Construction SW GPDate Interaction 3: 2017-02-02 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR305109Program ID: Sartori Elementary SchoolFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: CONSTSWGPInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 121235Interaction: 24241Facility Id: SARTORI ELEMENTARY SCHOOLFacility Name: ALLSITES: 1111 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster J 0.210 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 37 ft. 1/8-1/4 RENTON, WA 98055 NNW 332 PARK AVE N N/A J34 ALLSITESSARTORI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL S120066375 TC5178694.2s Page 77 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 425-226-9180Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 1023 BRONSON WAY SOwner/operator address: EDWARD GOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 02/24/1997Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-226-9180Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 1023 BRONSON WAY SOwner/operator address: EDWARD GOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: RENTON, WA 98055-2155 1023 BRONSON WAY SContact address: BRONSON AUTO SE BRONSON AUTO SEContact: WA0000100214EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055-2155 1023 BRONSON WAY SFacility address: BRONSON AUTO SERVICE INCFacility name: 02/13/1997Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.205105156Longitude: 47.481234375Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1994-01-24 00:00:00Date Interaction: WA0000100214Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 42364Interaction: 39298227Facility Id: BRONSON AUTO SERVICE INCFacility Name: ALLSITES: 1142 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster I 0.216 mi.ECHO Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/8-1/4 FINDSRENTON, WA 98055 SW RCRA NonGen / NLR1023 BRONSON WAY S WA0000100214 I35 ALLSITESBRONSON AUTO SERVICE INC 1001491370 TC5178694.2s Page 78 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110005263561Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: BRONSON AUTO SERVICE INCSite name: 02/13/1997Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 02/24/1997Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: BRONSON AUTO SERVICE INC (Continued) 1001491370 TC5178694.2s Page 79 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005263561DFR URL: 110005263561Registry ID: 1001491370Envid: BRONSON AUTO SERVICE INC (Continued) 1001491370 1999-04-12 00:00:00Date Interaction: 492551Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 34569Interaction: 25547857Facility Id: STATE FARMFacility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1900Tank Install Date: 12/10/1999Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1Tank Name: -122.205296Decimal Longitude: 47.481099Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 492551Site Id: 25547857Facility ID: UST: 1285 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster K 0.243 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/8-1/4 RENTON, WA 98055 SW ALLSITES1000 S 2ND ST N/A K36 USTSTATE FARM U003604715 TC5178694.2s Page 80 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.205281156Longitude: 47.481093375Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: STATE FARM (Continued)U003604715 Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: Petroleum-DieselContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 11937Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.487133813 / -122.19440268Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 5366Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: LeadContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 11937Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.487133813 / -122.19440268Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 5366Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: BenzeneContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 11937Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.487133813 / -122.19440268Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 5366Facility ID: CSCSL: 1291 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster L 0.245 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 51 ft. 1/8-1/4 ALLSITESRENTON, WA 98055 ENE LUST330 SUNSET BLVD N N/A L37 CSCSLVACANT PROPERTY PIEROTTI S111770050 TC5178694.2s Page 81 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Vacant Property (Pierotti)Facility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 99793Interaction: -122.194393623Longitude: 47.487128030999997Latitude: Independent CleanupDate Interaction 3: 2012-01-17 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: SUNSET CARSFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: INDPNDNTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 102252Interaction: 5366Facility Id: VACANT PROPERTY PIEROTTIFacility Name: ALLSITES: 47.4871338 / -122.19440Lat/Long: NorthwestResponse Section: 11/16/2011Lust Status Date: SUNSET CARSCleanup Unit Name: Independent ActionProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 11937Cleanup Site ID: Cleanup StartedLust Status Type: 5366Facility ID: LUST: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: Petroleum-GasolineContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 11937Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.487133813 / -122.19440268Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 5366Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: VACANT PROPERTY PIEROTTI (Continued) S111770050 TC5178694.2s Page 82 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.194393623Longitude: 47.487128030999997Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 2012-08-03 00:00:00Date Interaction: 619857Program ID: Vacant Property PierottiFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 102268Interaction: -122.194393623Longitude: 47.487128030999997Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2012-02-14 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: VACANT PROPERTY PIEROTTI (Continued) S111770050 Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 5,000 to 9,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: Not reportedTank Install Date: 02/14/2012Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1Tank Name: -122.194402682209Decimal Longitude: 47.4871338125182Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 619857Site Id: 5366Facility ID: UST: 1291 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster L 0.245 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 51 ft. 1/8-1/4 RENTON, WA 98055 ENE 330 SUNSET BLVD N N/A L38 USTVACANT PROPERTY PIEROTTI U004187854 TC5178694.2s Page 83 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 5,000 to 9,999 GallonsCapacity Range: 09/08/2011Tank Closure Date: Not reportedTank Install Date: 02/14/2012Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 3Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 5,000 to 9,999 GallonsCapacity Range: 09/08/2011Tank Closure Date: Not reportedTank Install Date: 02/14/2012Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 2Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: VACANT PROPERTY PIEROTTI (Continued) U004187854 TC5178694.2s Page 84 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: 09/08/2011Tank Closure Date: Not reportedTank Install Date: 02/14/2012Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 5Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 5,000 to 9,999 GallonsCapacity Range: 09/08/2011Tank Closure Date: Not reportedTank Install Date: 02/14/2012Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 4Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: VACANT PROPERTY PIEROTTI (Continued) U004187854 TC5178694.2s Page 85 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: 09/08/2011Tank Closure Date: Not reportedTank Install Date: 02/14/2012Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 6Tank Name: VACANT PROPERTY PIEROTTI (Continued) U004187854 Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: Closed in PlaceTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: TANK 1Tank Name: -122.203442Decimal Longitude: 47.486112Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 12021Site Id: 66848168Facility ID: UST: 1297 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster M 0.246 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 36 ft. 1/8-1/4 RENTON, WA 98055 NNW ALLSITES351 PARK AVE N N/A M39 USTINDEPENDANT IMPORT REPAIR U003025753 TC5178694.2s Page 86 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.203427155Longitude: 47.486106374999999Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-02-29 00:00:00Date Interaction: 12021Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 58048Interaction: 66848168Facility Id: INDEPENDANT IMPORT REPAIRFacility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Above Ground PipingPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: INDEPENDANT IMPORT REPAIR (Continued) U003025753 Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 22Tank Name: -122.19790240481Decimal Longitude: 47.4910184008731Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 6609Site Id: 2065Facility ID: UST: 1319 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster N 0.250 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 42 ft. 1/8-1/4 RENTON, WA 98055 North 1400 N 4TH ST N/A N40 USTPACIFIC CAR AND FOUNDRY COMPANY U003604548 TC5178694.2s Page 87 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 31ATank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 31Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: PACIFIC CAR AND FOUNDRY COMPANY (Continued) U003604548 TC5178694.2s Page 88 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 33Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: PACIFIC CAR AND FOUNDRY COMPANY (Continued) U003604548 42.329999999999998Site Score: 1990-02-21 00:00:00Final Date: NFederal: 10EPA Region: 1000614Cerclis ID: WAD009249210EPA ID: NPL: NPDES MANIFEST ROD RCRA NonGen / NLR ALLSITES INST CONTROL CSCSL 1319 ft.HSLSite 2 of 2 in cluster N 0.250 mi.US INST CONTROL Relative: Higher Actual: 42 ft. 1/8-1/4 US ENG CONTROLSRENTON, WA 98055 North SEMS1400 N 4TH ST WAD009249210 N41 NPLPACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO.1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 89 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation A011Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 3Scoring: SURFACE WATER PATHWAYPathway: Not reportedCAS #: BARIUM AND COMPOUNDSSubstance: A006Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 3Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: Not reportedCAS #: BARIUM AND COMPOUNDSSubstance: A006Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 4Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: Not reportedCAS #: ARSENIC AND COMPOUNDSSubstance: A005Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: Not reportedScoring: Not reportedPathway: Not reportedCAS #: Not reportedSubstance: Not reportedSubstance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: Substance Details: 02/21/90Date Finalized: Not reportedDate Deleted: 06/24/88Date Proposed: 10EPA Region: KINGSite County: NoFederal Site: WASite State: RENTONSite City: 98055Site Zip: FinalSite Status: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO.Site Name: Site Details: 0Category Value: Distance To Nearest Population-0 Miles (On Site)Category Description: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 75 FTBGSCategory Value: Depth To Aquifer-> 50 And <= 100 FeetCategory Description: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: Category Details: -122.1964Longitude: 47.488889Latitude: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 90 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation COPPER AND COMPOUNDSSubstance: C178Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: Not reportedCAS #: ALUMINUM AND COMPOUNDSSubstance: C156Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: Not reportedCAS #: IRON AND COMPOUNDSSubstance: C151Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: Not reportedCAS #: SILVER AND COMPOUNDSSubstance: A049Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: 1336-36-3CAS #: POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLSSubstance: A046Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: Not reportedCAS #: NICKEL AND COMPOUNDSSubstance: A038Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 3Scoring: SURFACE WATER PATHWAYPathway: Not reportedCAS #: CHROMIUM AND COMPOUNDSSubstance: A020Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 4Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: Not reportedCAS #: CHROMIUM AND COMPOUNDSSubstance: A020Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: Not reportedCAS #: BERYLLIUM AND COMPOUNDSSubstance: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 91 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 7439-92-1CAS #: LEAD (PB)Substance: D008Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 4Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: 7439-92-1CAS #: LEAD (PB)Substance: D008Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 3Scoring: SURFACE WATER PATHWAYPathway: 7440-43-9CAS #: CADMIUM (CD)Substance: D006Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 3Scoring: GROUND WATER PATHWAYPathway: 7440-43-9CAS #: CADMIUM (CD)Substance: D006Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 3Scoring: SURFACE WATER PATHWAYPathway: 7440-38-2CAS #: ARSENICSubstance: D004Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: 7439-97-6CAS #: MERCURYSubstance: C460Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: Not reportedCAS #: ZINC AND COMPOUNDSSubstance: C247Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: Not reportedCAS #: PHENOLS AND PHENOLIC COMPOUNDSSubstance: C212Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: Not reportedCAS #: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 92 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDeleted Date: 02/21/1990Final Date: 06/24/1988Proposed Date: FinalNPL Status: Site Status Details: action. The work is scheduled to be completed in early 1990. extent of contamination at the site and identify alternatives for remedial began a remedial investigation/feasibility study to determine the type and under a Consent Decree with the Washington Department of Ecology, PACCAR recreational activities. Status February 21, 1990): In August 1988, Washington, which is within 3 miles downstream of the site and is used for into the Cedar River and John s Creek. The Cedar River flows into Lake the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. A ditch on the site drains transported it to a ha ardous waste facility regulated under Subtitle C of removed some contaminated soil containing hydrocarbons and lead and municipal wells within 3 miles of the site. In November 1987, PACCAR, Inc., contaminated aquifer. An estimated 37,200 people obtain drinking water from ground water. Renton has wells in an aquifer connected to the shallow lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and chromium in on-site soil and in shallow cover the abandoned landfill. In February1986, PACCAR, Inc., detected been buried up to 7 feet below the surface. Sand and gravel have been used to a marshy area underlain by peat and clay. The wastes are estimated to have materials, including foundry sand, wood, metal, paints, solvents, and oils, in northwest quarter of the property. Until 1964, the facility deposited waste a division of PACCAR, Inc. An inactive company landfill occupies the facility operated during1907-24 and from 1934 to the present. The company is 97 acres in an industrial area of Renton, King County, Washington. The manufactures trucks, winches, military equipment, railroad cars, and anodes on Conditions at proposal June 24, 1988): Pacific Car Foundry Co. Summary Details: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: 130498-29-2CAS #: POLYNUCLEAR AROMATIC HYDROCARBONSSubstance: W031Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: Not reportedCAS #: PESTICIDESSubstance: W012Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 1Scoring: NO PATHWAY INDICATEDPathway: Not reportedCAS #: VOLATILE ORGANICSSubstance: W002Substance ID: Currently on the Final NPLNPL Status: 3Scoring: SURFACE WATER PATHWAYPathway: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 93 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation RV ASSESSAction Name: RSAction Code: 0OU: NFF: FNPL: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO.Site Name: WAD009249210EPA ID: 1000614Site ID: 10Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: Not reportedQual: 2/21/1990Finish Date: 1990-02-21 00:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: NPL FINLAction Name: NFAction Code: 0OU: NFF: FNPL: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO.Site Name: WAD009249210EPA ID: 1000614Site ID: 10Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: Not reportedQual: 4/2/1987Finish Date: 1987-04-02 00:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: HAZRANKAction Name: HRAction Code: 0OU: NFF: FNPL: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO.Site Name: WAD009249210EPA ID: 1000614Site ID: 10Region: SEMS Detail: Not reportedNon NPL Status: Currently on the Final NPLNPL: NFF: -122.1964Longitude: 47.488889Latitude: 53033FIPS Code: Not reportedCong District: WAD009249210EPA ID: 1000614Site ID: SEMS: WAState: RENTONCity: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO.NPL Name: Narratives Details: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 94 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NFF: FNPL: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO.Site Name: WAD009249210EPA ID: 1000614Site ID: 10Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: HQual: 9/17/1986Finish Date: 1986-08-27 00:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: SIAction Name: SIAction Code: 0OU: NFF: FNPL: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO.Site Name: WAD009249210EPA ID: 1000614Site ID: 10Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: Not reportedQual: 6/24/1988Finish Date: 1988-06-24 00:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: PROPOSEDAction Name: NPAction Code: 0OU: NFF: FNPL: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO.Site Name: WAD009249210EPA ID: 1000614Site ID: 10Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: Not reportedQual: 6/5/1981Finish Date: 1981-06-05 00:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: DISCVRYAction Name: DSAction Code: 0OU: NFF: FNPL: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO.Site Name: WAD009249210EPA ID: 1000614Site ID: 10Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: Not reportedQual: 9/11/1990Finish Date: 1990-09-11 00:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 95 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation WAD009249210EPA ID: 1000614Site ID: 10Region: St OvrsghtCurrent Action Lead: RQual: 9/6/1991Finish Date: 1991-09-06 00:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: RODAction Name: ROAction Code: 1OU: NFF: FNPL: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO.Site Name: WAD009249210EPA ID: 1000614Site ID: 10Region: St OvrsghtCurrent Action Lead: Not reportedQual: 9/6/1991Finish Date: 1988-08-19 00:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: RI/FSAction Name: COAction Code: 1OU: NFF: FNPL: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO.Site Name: WAD009249210EPA ID: 1000614Site ID: 10Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: Not reportedQual: 8/5/1996Finish Date: 1996-08-05 00:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: PCORAction Name: CMAction Code: 0OU: NFF: FNPL: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO.Site Name: WAD009249210EPA ID: 1000614Site ID: 10Region: EPA PerfCurrent Action Lead: Not reportedQual: 12/2/1992Finish Date: 1992-12-02 00:00:00Start Date: 2SEQ: RV ASSESSAction Name: RSAction Code: 0OU: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 96 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedEvent Code Description: Not reportedContact Phone and Ext: Not reportedContact Name: 09/30/1991Actual Date: Not reportedEvent Code: KINGCounty: 10EPA Region: RENTON, WA 98055 1400 N 4TH STAddress: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO.Name: 1000614Site ID: WAD009249210EPA ID: US ENG CONTROLS: St PerfCurrent Action Lead: HQual: 4/24/1985Finish Date: 1984-12-05 00:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: PAAction Name: PAAction Code: 0OU: NFF: FNPL: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO.Site Name: WAD009249210EPA ID: 1000614Site ID: 10Region: St OvrsghtCurrent Action Lead: Not reportedQual: 8/5/1996Finish Date: 1991-11-08 00:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: RAAction Name: RAAction Code: 1OU: NFF: FNPL: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO.Site Name: WAD009249210EPA ID: 1000614Site ID: 10Region: St OvrsghtCurrent Action Lead: Not reportedQual: 8/5/1996Finish Date: 1991-11-08 00:00:00Start Date: 1SEQ: RDAction Name: RDAction Code: 1OU: NFF: FNPL: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO.Site Name: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 97 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedContact Name: Bioremediation (Ex-Situ)Engineering Control: SoilContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 09/06/1991Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Not reportedEvent Code Description: Not reportedContact Phone and Ext: Not reportedContact Name: ExcavationEngineering Control: SedimentContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 09/06/1991Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Not reportedEvent Code Description: Not reportedContact Phone and Ext: Not reportedContact Name: DisposalEngineering Control: SedimentContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 09/06/1991Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Not reportedEvent Code Description: Not reportedContact Phone and Ext: Not reportedContact Name: Pump And TreatEngineering Control: GroundwaterContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 09/06/1991Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Not reportedEvent Code Description: Not reportedContact Phone and Ext: Not reportedContact Name: No ActionEngineering Control: GroundwaterContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 09/06/1991Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Not reportedEvent Code Description: Not reportedContact Phone and Ext: Not reportedContact Name: MonitoringEngineering Control: GroundwaterContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 09/06/1991Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 98 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 1000614Site ID: WAD009249210EPA ID: US INST CONTROL: Not reportedEvent Code Description: Not reportedContact Phone and Ext: Not reportedContact Name: Solidification/Stabilization (Ex-Situ)Engineering Control: SoilContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 09/06/1991Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Not reportedEvent Code Description: Not reportedContact Phone and Ext: Not reportedContact Name: ExcavationEngineering Control: SoilContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 09/06/1991Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Not reportedEvent Code Description: Not reportedContact Phone and Ext: Not reportedContact Name: DisposalEngineering Control: SoilContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 09/06/1991Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Not reportedEvent Code Description: Not reportedContact Phone and Ext: Not reportedContact Name: ConsolidateEngineering Control: SoilContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 09/06/1991Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Not reportedEvent Code Description: Not reportedContact Phone and Ext: Not reportedContact Name: CapEngineering Control: SoilContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 09/06/1991Action Completion date: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: 001Action ID: Not reportedEvent Code Description: Not reportedContact Phone and Ext: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 99 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Halogenated OrganicsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Construction Complete-Performance MonitoringSite Status: 788Clean Up Siteid: 0Rank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.491018401 / -122.1979024Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2065Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: Conventional Contaminants, InorganicContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Construction Complete-Performance MonitoringSite Status: 788Clean Up Siteid: 0Rank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.491018401 / -122.1979024Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2065Facility ID: CSCSL: NORTHWEST REGIONAL OFFICERegion Decode: 2065EDR Link ID: NWRegion: 0Rank: 2065FSID Number: CC-Perf. MonitoringFacility Status: Hazardous Sites ListFacility Type: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: Not reportededr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: HSL: Not reportedEvent Code Description: Not reportedContact Phone and Ext : Not reportedContact Name : SoilContaminated Media : 01Operable Unit: 09/06/1991Complet. Date: 09/30/1991Actual Date: CovenantInst. Control: Not reportedEvent Code: KINGCounty: 10EPA Region: RENTON, WA 98055 1400 N 4TH STAddress: RECORD OF DECISIONAction Name: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO.Name: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 100 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: Non-Halogenated SolventsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Construction Complete-Performance MonitoringSite Status: 788Clean Up Siteid: 0Rank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.491018401 / -122.1979024Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2065Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Metals Priority PollutantsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Construction Complete-Performance MonitoringSite Status: 788Clean Up Siteid: 0Rank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.491018401 / -122.1979024Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2065Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: Metals - OtherContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Construction Complete-Performance MonitoringSite Status: 788Clean Up Siteid: 0Rank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.491018401 / -122.1979024Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2065Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 101 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.491018401 / -122.1979024Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2065Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: Polychlorinated biPhenyls (PCB)Contaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Construction Complete-Performance MonitoringSite Status: 788Clean Up Siteid: 0Rank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.491018401 / -122.1979024Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2065Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: Phenolic CompoundsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Construction Complete-Performance MonitoringSite Status: 788Clean Up Siteid: 0Rank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.491018401 / -122.1979024Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2065Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: Petroleum Products-UnspecifiedContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Construction Complete-Performance MonitoringSite Status: 788Clean Up Siteid: 0Rank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.491018401 / -122.1979024Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2065Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 102 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.1979024Longitude: 47.491018401Latitude: 2065Facility Site ID: YAccess Barrier: NProhibit All Soil Disturbance: NProhibit Domestic Ground Water Well Installation: YRestrict All Ground Water Use: YRestrict Land Use: NImpermeable Surface: NVertical Ground Water Barrier: NGround Water Extraction and Gradient Control: NImmobilization by Stabilization, Solidification, or Encapsulation: NEngineered Bottom Barriers: NEngineered CAP: NSimple Soil CAP: NFencing or Other Permanent Access Barriers: NWave Attenuation Structure: NShoreline Stabilization Structure: 788CS ID: NoVessel Draft Restriction: NoSwimming Restriction: NoSurface Water Restriction: NoSoil Restriction: NoShell Fish Harvesting Restrictions: NoRestrictive Signage: NoProperty Use Restriction: NoNo Wake Zone: NoNo Dredge Zone: NoMaintenance Requirements: NoGroundwater Restriction: NoFinfish Harvesting Restrictions: NoFinancial Assurance: NoEducation Programs: NoDrinking Water Restrictions: NoAnchorage Restrictions: Not reportedFiling Date Of Individual IC Doc: 199111262431County Filing # For Individual IC Doc: Recording #: 199111262431, Date: N/ADocument Type: Environmental CovenantInstrument Type: -122.1979024Longitude: 47.491018401Latitude: 2065Facility Site ID: INST CONTROL: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: Polycyclic Aromatic HydrocarbonsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Construction Complete-Performance MonitoringSite Status: 788Clean Up Siteid: 0Rank Status: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 103 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FCSInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 3357Interaction: -122.19787455700001Longitude: 47.491012089000002Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-02-29 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 3354Interaction: 2065Facility Id: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY COFacility Name: ALLSITES: YAccess Barrier: NProhibit All Soil Disturbance: NProhibit Domestic Ground Water Well Installation: YRestrict All Ground Water Use: YRestrict Land Use: NImpermeable Surface: NVertical Ground Water Barrier: NGround Water Extraction and Gradient Control: NImmobilization by Stabilization, Solidification, or Encapsulation: NEngineered Bottom Barriers: NEngineered CAP: NSimple Soil CAP: NFencing or Other Permanent Access Barriers: NWave Attenuation Structure: NShoreline Stabilization Structure: 788CS ID: NoVessel Draft Restriction: NoSwimming Restriction: NoSurface Water Restriction: NoSoil Restriction: NoShell Fish Harvesting Restrictions: NoRestrictive Signage: NoProperty Use Restriction: NoNo Wake Zone: NoNo Dredge Zone: NoMaintenance Requirements: NoGroundwater Restriction: NoFinfish Harvesting Restrictions: NoFinancial Assurance: NoEducation Programs: NoDrinking Water Restrictions: NoAnchorage Restrictions: Not reportedFiling Date Of Individual IC Doc: Not reportedCounty Filing # For Individual IC Doc: Historic Restrictive CovenantDocument Type: Environmental CovenantInstrument Type: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 104 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2009-12-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD009249210Program ID: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO.Facility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 90804Interaction: -122.19787455700001Longitude: 47.491012089000002Latitude: Construction SW GPDate Interaction 3: 1995-09-15 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR002460Program ID: PACCAR INC DALLAS & MAVIS RENTONFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: CONSTSWGPInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 81008Interaction: -122.19787455700001Longitude: 47.491012089000002Latitude: Toxics Release InventoryDate Interaction 3: 1988-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD009249210Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TRIInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 3350Interaction: -122.19787455700001Longitude: 47.491012089000002Latitude: Haz Waste Management ActiDate Interaction 3: 2010-12-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD009249210Program ID: PACCAR IncFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWOTHERInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 95956Interaction: -122.19787455700001Longitude: 47.491012089000002Latitude: Federal (Superfund) CleanDate Interaction 3: 1900-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD009249210Program ID: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO.Facility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 105 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.19787455700001Longitude: 47.491012089000002Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1980-08-11 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD009249210Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 3349Interaction: -122.19787455700001Longitude: 47.491012089000002Latitude: Toxics Release InventoryDate Interaction 3: 1988-06-30 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD009249210Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TRIInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 3351Interaction: -122.19787455700001Longitude: 47.491012089000002Latitude: Haz Waste Management ActiDate Interaction 3: 2003-12-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD009249210Program ID: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO.Facility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWOTHERInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 3356Interaction: -122.19787455700001Longitude: 47.491012089000002Latitude: Emergency/Haz Chem Rpt TIDate Interaction 3: 1989-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD009249210Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TIER2Interaction 2: IInteraction 1: 3352Interaction: -122.19787455700001Longitude: 47.491012089000002Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 106 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-468-7055Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009 PO BOX 1518Owner/operator address: PACCAR INCOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: PrivateLand type: 10EPA Region: VICKI.ZUMBRUNNEN@PACCAR.COMContact email: 425-468-7055Contact telephone: USContact country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009 PO BOX 1518Contact address: VICKI ZUMBRUNNENContact: BELLEVUE, WA 98009 PO BOX 1518Mailing address: WAD009249210EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 1400 N 4TH STFacility address: PACCAR INCFacility name: 02/22/2012Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.198547553Longitude: 47.489274793Latitude: Construction SW GPDate Interaction 3: 2017-07-17 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR305673Program ID: PACCAR Distribution Center RegradeFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: CONSTSWGPInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 122924Interaction: 10241Facility Id: PACCAR DISTRIBUTION CENTER REGRADEFacility Name: -122.19787455700001Longitude: 47.491012089000002Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 1992-01-29 00:00:00Date Interaction: 6609Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 3353Interaction: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 107 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 01/01/1900Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-468-7400Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009 PO BOX 1518Owner/operator address: VICKI ZOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 02/06/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-468-7055Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009 PO BOX 1518Owner/operator address: PACCAR INC POwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 02/06/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009 PO BOX 1518 777 106TH AVE NEOwner/operator address: PACCAR INCOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 01/01/1900Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009 PO BOX 1518Owner/operator address: PACCAR INCOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 02/06/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 108 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation PACIFIC CAR AND FOUNDRYSite name: 12/31/1990Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: PACCAR INCSite name: 12/31/2003Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: PACCAR INCSite name: 12/31/2005Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: PACCAR INCSite name: 12/31/2007Date form received by agency: LEAD. Waste name: D008. Waste code: Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: PACCAR INCSite name: 02/12/2010Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: PACCAR INCSite name: 02/22/2011Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 01/01/1900Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-468-7400Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009 PO BOX 1518Owner/operator address: PACCAR INCOwner/operator name: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 109 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2013Data Year: be generated during repairs or new construction. this number. The numer is kept open should additional Dangerous Waste shutdown in 1988 up to 1997 from site remediation was reported under operation. Hazardous (Dangerous) Waste generated after the plant The site address in Renton covers the former Pacific Car & FoundryForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 331513NAICS: WAD009249210EPA ID: 2065Facility Site ID Number: WA MANIFEST: Full-text of USEPA Record of Decision(s) is available from EDR. ROD: StateEvaluation lead agency: 08/28/1984Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 04/17/1984Evaluation date: Evaluation Action Summary: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 07/08/1984 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 08/28/1984Date achieved compliance: 04/17/1984Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Facility Has Received Notices of Violations: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 110 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO BOX 1518Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Vicki ZumBrunnenForm Contact NAME: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO BOX 1518Site contact addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenSite contact name: Not reportedOperator effective date: (425) 468-7400Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: PACCAR IncOperator org name: (425)468-7055Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line2: PO Box 1518Land addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/06/1996Legal effective date: (425)468-7055Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Legal city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Legal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Paccar IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Mail addr line1: PACCAR IncMail Name: Truck manufacturingBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 111 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2014Data Year: be generated during reparis or new construction. this number. The number is kept open should additional Dangerous Waste shutdown in 1988 up to 1997 from site remediation was reported under operation. Hazardous (Dangerous) Waste generated after the plant The site address in Renton covers the former Pacific Car & FoundryForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 331513NAICS: WAD009249210EPA ID: 2065Facility Site ID Number: A-7 Investigation derived soil A-8 Brown dirtComments: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 362.880006241536Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: 1/3/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 362.88000624153614Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Soil impacted by LeadDescription: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 112 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO BOX 1518Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Vicki ZumBrunnenForm Contact NAME: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO BOX 1518Site contact addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenSite contact name: Not reportedOperator effective date: (425) 468-7400Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: PACCAR IncOperator org name: (425)468-7055Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line2: PO Box 1518Land addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/06/1996Legal effective date: (425)468-7055Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Legal city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Legal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Paccar IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Mail addr line1: PACCAR IncMail Name: Truck manufacturingBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 113 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2016Data Year: Waste be generated during repairs or new construction. under this number. The number is kept open should additional Dangerous shutdown in 1988 up to 1997 from the site remediation was reported operation. Hazardous (Dangerous) Waste generated after the plant The site address in Renton covers the former Pacific Car & FoundryForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 331513NAICS: WAD009249210EPA ID: 2065Facility Site ID Number: A-7 Investigation derived soil A-8 Brown dirtComments: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 362.880006241536Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: 1/3/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 362.88000624153614Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Soil impacted by LeadDescription: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 114 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO BOX 1518Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Vicki ZumBrunnenForm Contact NAME: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO BOX 1518Site contact addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenSite contact name: Not reportedOperator effective date: (425) 468-7400Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: PACCAR IncOperator org name: (425)468-7055Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line2: PO Box 1518Land addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/06/1996Legal effective date: (425)468-7055Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Legal city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Legal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Paccar IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Mail addr line1: PACCAR IncMail Name: Truck manufacturingBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 115 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2010Data Year: be generated during repairs or new construction. this number. The number is kept open should additional Dangerous Waste shutdown in 1988 up to 1997 from site remediation was reported under operation. Hazardous (Dangerous) Waste generated after the plant The site address in Renton covers the former Pacific Car & FoundryForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 331513NAICS: WAD009249210EPA ID: 2065Facility Site ID Number: A-7 Investigation derived soil A-8 Brown dirtComments: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 362.880006241536Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: 1/3/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 362.88000624153614Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Soil impacted by LeadDescription: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 116 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO BOX 1518Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Vicki ZumBrunnenForm Contact NAME: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO BOX 1518Site contact addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenSite contact name: Not reportedOperator effective date: (425) 468-7400Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: PACCAR IncOperator org name: (425)468-7055Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line2: PO Box 1518Land addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/06/1996Legal effective date: (425)468-7055Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Legal city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Legal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Paccar IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Mail addr line1: PACCAR IncMail Name: Truck manufacturingBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 117 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedData Year: generated during repairs or new construction. during repairs or new construction.d additional Dangerous Waste be number is kept open shouldadditional Dangerous Waste be generated up to 1997 from site remediation was reported under this number. The Hazardous (Dangerous) Waste generated after the plant shutdown in 1988 Renton covers PACCAR’s former Pacific Car & Foundry operation. under this number. The number is kept open shoulThe site address in plant shutdown in 1988 up to 1997 from site remediation was reported Foundry operation. Hazardous (Dangerous) Waste generated after the The site address in Renton cover PACCAR’s former Pacific Car andForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 331513NAICS: WAD009249210EPA ID: 2065Facility Site ID Number: A-7 Investigation derived soil A-8 Brown dirtComments: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 362.880006241536Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: 1/3/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 362.88000624153614Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Soil impacted by LeadDescription: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 118 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO BOX 1518Site contact addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenSite contact name: Not reportedOperator effective date: (425) 468-7400Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: PACCAR IncOperator org name: (425)468-7055Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line2: PO Box 1518Land addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/06/1996Legal effective date: (425)468-7055Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Legal city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Legal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Paccar IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Mail addr line1: PACCAR IncMail Name: Truck manufacturingBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 119 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation plant shutdown in 1988 up to 1997 from site remediation was reported Foundry operation. Hazardous (Dangerous) Waste generated after the The site address in Renton cover PACCAR’s former Pacific Car andForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 331513NAICS: WAD009249210EPA ID: 2065Facility Site ID Number: A-7 Investigation derived soil A-8 Brown dirtComments: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 362.880006241536Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: 1/3/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 362.88000624153614Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Soil impacted by LeadDescription: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO BOX 1518Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Vicki ZumBrunnenForm Contact NAME: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Site Contact Phone #: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 120 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Vicki ZumBrunnenSite contact name: Not reportedOperator effective date: (425) 468-7400Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: PACCAR IncOperator org name: (425)468-7055Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line2: PO Box 1518Land addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/06/1996Legal effective date: (425)468-7055Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Legal city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Legal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Paccar IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Mail addr line1: PACCAR IncMail Name: Truck manufacturingBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2008Data Year: Waste be generated during repairs or new construction. under this number. The number is kept open should additional Dangerous PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 121 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 331513NAICS: WAD009249210EPA ID: 2065Facility Site ID Number: A-7 Investigation derived soil A-8 Brown dirtComments: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 362.880006241536Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: 1/3/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 362.88000624153614Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Soil impacted by LeadDescription: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO BOX 1518Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Vicki ZumBrunnenForm Contact NAME: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO BOX 1518Site contact addr line1: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 122 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation UNITED STATESOperator country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: PACCAR IncOperator org name: (425)468-7055Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line2: PO Box 1518Land addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/06/1996Legal effective date: (425)468-7055Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Legal city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Legal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Paccar IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Mail addr line1: PACCAR IncMail Name: Truck manufacturingBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2012Data Year: be generated during repairs or new construction. this number. The number is kept open should additonal Dangerous Waste shutdown in 1988 up to 1997 from site remediation was reported under operation. Hazardous (Dangerous) Waste generated after the plant The site address in Renton covers the former Pacific Car & FoundryForm Comm: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 123 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation WAD009249210EPA ID: 2065Facility Site ID Number: A-7 Investigation derived soil A-8 Brown dirtComments: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 362.880006241536Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: 1/3/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 362.88000624153614Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Soil impacted by LeadDescription: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO BOX 1518Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Vicki ZumBrunnenForm Contact NAME: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO BOX 1518Site contact addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenSite contact name: Not reportedOperator effective date: (425) 468-7400Operator phone nbr: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 124 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation PrivateOperator org type: PACCAR IncOperator org name: (425)468-7055Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line2: PO Box 1518Land addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/06/1996Legal effective date: (425)468-7055Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Legal city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Legal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Paccar IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Mail addr line1: PACCAR IncMail Name: Truck manufacturingBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2011Data Year: be generated during repairs or new construction. this number. The number is kept open should additional Dangerous Waste shutdown in 1988 up to 1997 from site remediation was reported under operation. Hazardous (Dangerous) Waste generated after the plant The site address in Renton covers the former Pacific Car & FoundryForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 331513NAICS: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 125 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation A-7 Investigation derived soil A-8 Brown dirtComments: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 362.880006241536Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: 1/3/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 362.88000624153614Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Soil impacted by LeadDescription: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO BOX 1518Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Vicki ZumBrunnenForm Contact NAME: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO BOX 1518Site contact addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenSite contact name: Not reportedOperator effective date: (425) 468-7400Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Operator addr line1: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 126 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation (425)468-7055Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line2: PO Box 1518Land addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/06/1996Legal effective date: (425)468-7055Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Legal city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Legal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Paccar IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Mail addr line1: PACCAR IncMail Name: Truck manufacturingBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2009Data Year: be generated during repairs or new construction. this number. The number is kept open should additional Dangerous Waste shutdown in 1988 up to 1997 from site remediation was reported under operation. Hazardous (Dangerous) Waste generated after the plant The site address in Renton covers the former Pacific Car & FoundryForm Comm: D008 - LeadFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 331513NAICS: WAD009249210EPA ID: 2065Facility Site ID Number: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 127 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 362.880006241536Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: 1/3/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 362.88000624153614Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Soil impacted by LeadDescription: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: TrueOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: MQGGen Status CD: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO BOX 1518Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Vicki ZumBrunnenForm Contact NAME: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO BOX 1518Site contact addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenSite contact name: Not reportedOperator effective date: (425) 468-7400Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: PACCAR IncOperator org name: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 128 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 02/06/1996Legal effective date: (425)468-7055Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Legal city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Legal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Paccar IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Mail addr line1: PACCAR IncMail Name: Truck manufacturingBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: FALSEOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FALSEOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FALSEOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FALSEDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FALSEUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FALSEUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FALSEUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FALSEUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FALSESmelter defferal: FALSEIndustrial Furnace: FALSEIndustry boiler burner: FALSEUtility boiler burner: FALSEOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FALSEGenerator marketing to burner: FALSEGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FALSETreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FALSEImmediate recycler: FALSEImporter of hazardous waste: FALSEMixed radioactive waste: FALSETreatment by Generator: FALSEPermit by Rule: Not reportedData Year: generated during repairs or new construction. during repairs or new construction.d additional Dangerous Waste be number is kept open shouldadditional Dangerous Waste be generated up to 1997 from site remediation was reported under this number. The Hazardous (Dangerous) Waste generated after the plant shutdown in 1988 Renton covers PACCAR’s former Pacific Car & Foundry operation. under this number. The number is kept open shoulThe site address in plant shutdown in 1988 up to 1997 from site remediation was reported Foundry operation. Hazardous (Dangerous) Waste generated after the The site address in Renton cover PACCAR’s former Pacific Car andForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 331513NAICS: WAD009249210EPA ID: 2065Facility Site ID Number: A-7 Investigation derived soil A-8 Brown dirtComments: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 129 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2065Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 362.88000624153614Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Soil impacted by LeadDescription: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FALSEUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FALSEUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FALSEUsed Oil Refiner: FALSEUsed Oil Processor: FALSEUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FALSEUsed Oil Transporter: FALSEUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FALSETransfer Facility: FALSERecycler Onsite: FALSETranports Other Waste: FALSETransport Own Waste: FALSEOne Time Generation: FALSEBatch Generation: FALSEMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO BOX 1518Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Vicki ZumBrunnenForm Contact NAME: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO BOX 1518Site contact addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenSite contact name: Not reportedOperator effective date: (425) 468-7400Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: PACCAR IncOperator org name: (425)468-7055Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line2: PO Box 1518Land addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 130 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Mail addr line1: PACCAR IncMail Name: Truck manufacturingBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: NoOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: NoOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: NoOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: NoDestination Facility for Universal Waste: NoUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - lamps - generate: NoUniversal waste - mercury - generate: NoUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: NoUniversal waste - batteries - generate: NoSmelter defferal: NoIndustrial Furnace: NoIndustry boiler burner: NoUtility boiler burner: NoOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): NoGenerator marketing to burner: NoGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: NoTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: NoImmediate recycler: NoImporter of hazardous waste: NoMixed radioactive waste: NoTreatment by Generator: NoPermit by Rule: Not reportedData Year: generated during repairs or new construction. during repairs or new construction.d additional Dangerous Waste be number is kept open shouldadditional Dangerous Waste be generated up to 1997 from site remediation was reported under this number. The Hazardous (Dangerous) Waste generated after the plant shutdown in 1988 Renton covers PACCAR’s former Pacific Car & Foundry operation. under this number. The number is kept open shoulThe site address in plant shutdown in 1988 up to 1997 from site remediation was reported Foundry operation. Hazardous (Dangerous) Waste generated after the The site address in Renton cover PACCAR’s former Pacific Car andForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 331513NAICS: WAD009249210EPA ID: 2065Facility Site ID Number: A-7 Investigation derived soil A-8 Brown dirtComments: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 362.880006241536Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: 1/3/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 131 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseMix: Soil impacted by LeadDescription: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: NoUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: NoUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: NoUsed Oil Refiner: NoUsed Oil Processor: NoUsed Oil Transfer Facility: NoUsed Oil Transporter: NoUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: NoTransfer Facility: NoRecycler Onsite: NoTranports Other Waste: NoTransport Own Waste: NoOne Time Generation: NoBatch Generation: NoMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO BOX 1518Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Vicki ZumBrunnenForm Contact NAME: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO BOX 1518Site contact addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenSite contact name: Not reportedOperator effective date: (425) 468-7400Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: PACCAR IncOperator org name: (425)468-7055Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line2: PO Box 1518Land addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/06/1996Legal effective date: (425)468-7055Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Legal city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Legal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Paccar IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 132 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Truck manufacturingBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2015Data Year: Waste be generated during repairs or new construction. under this number. The number is kept open should additional Dangerous shutdown in 1988 up to 1997 from the site remediation was reported operation. Hazardous (Dangerous) Waste generated after the plant The site address in Renton covers the former Pacific Car & FoundryForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 331513NAICS: WAD009249210EPA ID: 2065Facility Site ID Number: A-7 Investigation derived soil A-8 Brown dirtComments: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 362.880006241536Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: 1/3/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 362.88000624153614Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 133 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2065Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO BOX 1518Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Vicki ZumBrunnenForm Contact NAME: vicki.zumbrunnen@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425) 468-7055Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO BOX 1518Site contact addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenSite contact name: Not reportedOperator effective date: (425) 468-7400Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: PACCAR IncOperator org name: (425)468-7055Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line2: PO Box 1518Land addr line1: Vicki ZumBrunnenLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/06/1996Legal effective date: (425)468-7055Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Legal city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Legal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Paccar IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: BELLEVUE, WA 98009-1518Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 1518Mail addr line1: PACCAR IncMail Name: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 TC5178694.2s Page 134 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 1171Days to Expiration: 09/07/2017Effective Date: 12/31/2020Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedWRIA: Not reportedEcology Contact: Not reportedPermit SubStatus: ActivePermit Status: Not reportedPermit Version: WAR305673Permit ID: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: 11/18/2015Date Issued: HeadqartersAdmin Region: Construction SW GPFacility Type: Not reportedFacility Status: NPDES: A-7 Investigation derived soil A-8 Brown dirtComments: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 362.880006241536Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: 1/3/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2065Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 362.88000624153614Kilo Qty: 800 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Soil impacted by LeadDescription: 2009Data Year: PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. (Continued) 1000251921 17County Code: 98-13Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 02/18/99Date Ecology Received Report: ICR: MANIFEST Financial Assurance ECHO 1327 ft.FINDS 0.251 mi.SPILLS Relative: Higher Actual: 39 ft. 1/4-1/2 CSCSL NFARENTON, WA 98057 North ALLSITES1220 N 4TH ST N/A 42 ICRRENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 135 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 92-39Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 10/15/91Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 98-22Site Register Issue: Final cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 02/07/00Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 98-21Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 08/23/99Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 98-21Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 11/22/99Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 98-15Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 05/17/99Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 136 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 3358Interaction: 2066Facility Id: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403Facility Name: -122.200985155Longitude: 47.488594374999998Latitude: Construction SW GPDate Interaction 3: 2008-02-22 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR010272Program ID: RENTON SCHOOL DIST TRANSPORT CENTERFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: CONSTSWGPInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 85190Interaction: 14338Facility Id: RENTON SCHOOL DIST TRANSPORT CENTERFacility Name: ALLSITES: Site Assessment Diesel Tank RemovalReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 98-29Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 11/24/98Date Ecology Received Report: Waste Oil Tank RemovalReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 98-29Site Register Issue: Final cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 11/24/98Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-03Site Register Issue: Final cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 05/25/95Date Ecology Received Report: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 137 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Haz Waste Management ActiDate Interaction 3: 2010-12-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD982659856Program ID: Renton School Dist 403Facility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWOTHERInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 95883Interaction: -122.200385156Longitude: 47.488424373999997Latitude: Independent Remedial ActnDate Interaction 3: 1995-12-08 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: Renton School Dist 403Facility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: IRAPInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 3363Interaction: -122.200385156Longitude: 47.488424373999997Latitude: Hazardous Waste PlannerDate Interaction 3: 1994-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD982659856Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: HWPPRTProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWPInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 3362Interaction: -122.200385156Longitude: 47.488424373999997Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1989-06-15 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD982659856Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 3359Interaction: -122.200385156Longitude: 47.488424373999997Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 1947-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 138 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.200385156Longitude: 47.488424373999997Latitude: Enforcement FinalDate Interaction 3: 2014-10-21 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: DMSProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: ENFORFNLInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 110150Interaction: -122.200385156Longitude: 47.488424373999997Latitude: Industrial SW GPDate Interaction 3: 1996-01-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: SO3002525Program ID: ACTIVE USA INCFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: INDSWGPInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 81009Interaction: -122.200385156Longitude: 47.488424373999997Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1989-12-07 00:00:00Date Interaction: 3542Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 3360Interaction: -122.200385156Longitude: 47.488424373999997Latitude: Emergency/Haz Chem Rpt TIDate Interaction 3: 1994-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD982659856Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TIER2Interaction 2: AInteraction 1: 3361Interaction: -122.200385156Longitude: 47.488424373999997Latitude: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 139 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 1001806522Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access HAZARDOUS WASTE BIENNIAL REPORTER corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110000829033Registry ID: FINDS: Not reportedResp Party Name: Not reportedRecovered Quantity: Not reportedVessel Facility Name2: Not reportedSource: Not reportedSource Type: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reportedIncident Category: Not reportedIncident Category Type: Not reportedIncident Date: SMITHContact Name: 11/02/2007Date Received: Not reportedMaterial Units: Not reportedMaterial Qty: OTHER - SEE NOTEMaterial Desc: Not reportedMedium: 601767Facility ID: SPILLS: -122.2004Longitude: 47.48843Latitude: NoVCP: Not reportedRank: 12/08/1995NFA Date: 5054CS Id: 2066Facility/Site Id: CSCSL NFA: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 140 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 06/26/1996Legal effective date: (425)235-2200Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: RENTON, WA 98055Legal city,st,zip: 300 SW 7th StLegal addr line1: DistrictLegal org type: Renton School DistLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98178Mail city,st,zip: 7812 S 124TH STMail addr line1: Renton School DistMail Name: Not reportedBusiness Type: 177004353Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2010Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 611110NAICS: WAD982659856EPA ID: 2066Facility Site ID Number: WA MANIFEST: 08/03/2010Expiration Date: 08/03/2009Inception Date: Self-InsuranceFinancial Resp Type: Self InsuredSite Type: 3542DOE Site ID: WA Financial Assurance 1: http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110000829033DFR URL: 110000829033Registry ID: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 141 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseMix: AEROSOLSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 2.2680000390096007Kilo Qty: 5 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LABPACK AEROSOLSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: joe.lamborn@renton.wednet.eduForm Contact EMail: (425)204-4400Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98178Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 7812 S 124TH STForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Joe LambornForm Contact NAME: joe.lamborn@renton.wednet.eduSite Contact EMail: (425)204-4400Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98178Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 7812 S 124TH STSite contact addr line1: Joe LambornSite contact name: 06/26/1996Operator effective date: (425)204-4400Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: SEATTLE, WA 98178Operator city,st,zip: 7812 S 124TH STOperator addr line1: DistrictOperator org type: Renton School DistOperator org name: (425)235-2200Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: RENTON, WA 98055Land city,st,zip: 300 SW 7th StLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: DistrictLand org type: Renton School DistLand org name: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 142 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 0Density No: 2.2680000390096007Kilo Qty: 5 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: THIN-WALLED CYLINDERS OF PROPANE (CAMP STOVE SIZE AND SMALLER)Description: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 4.5360000780192014Kilo Qty: 10 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LAB PACK - SEE INDIVIDUAL DRUM INVENTORY SHEETSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 4.5360000780192014Kilo Qty: 10 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LAB PACK SEE INVENTORY SHEETDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 90.720001560384034Kilo Qty: 200 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: CORROSIVE ACID LAB PACKDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 108.86400187246083Kilo Qty: 240 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LOOSEPACK OIL BASED PAINTDescription: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 29.484000507124811Kilo Qty: 65 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LABPACK FLAMMABLE LIQUIDSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 5.8968001014249625Kilo Qty: 13 LBReported Qty: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 143 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 8.3399999999999999Density No: 113.49072195204042Kilo Qty: 30 GALReported Qty: FalseMix: CONSOLIDATED ALKALINE AND NON REGULATED LIQUIDSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 11.340000195048004Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LABPACK NON REGULATED MATERIALSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 7.5Density No: 85.050001462860024Kilo Qty: 25 GALReported Qty: FalseMix: CONSOLIDATED PAINTS AND ADHESIVESDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 7.5Density No: 27.216000468115208Kilo Qty: 8 GALReported Qty: FalseMix: CONSOLIDATED PAINTS AND THINNERSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 29.030400499322891Kilo Qty: 64 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LOOSEPACK CHLORINATED OILS (UNUSED PRODUCT)Description: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 43.999200756786259Kilo Qty: 97 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LOOSEPACK PAINT RELATED MATERIALSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 144 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 5.89680010142496Kilo Qty: 13 LBReported Qty: 5/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 2.2680000390096Kilo Qty: 5 LBReported Qty: 5/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 9.97920017164224Kilo Qty: 22 LBReported Qty: NoMix: DW LABPACKDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 200.71800345235Kilo Qty: 442.5 LBReported Qty: NoMix: CONSOLIDATED SOLVENTSDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 124.28640213772613Kilo Qty: 274 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOLSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 8.3399999999999999Density No: 189.15120325340069Kilo Qty: 50 GALReported Qty: TrueMix: CONSOLIDATED ALKALINE LIQUIDSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 8.3399999999999999Density No: 60.528385041088228Kilo Qty: 16 GALReported Qty: FalseMix: ALKALINE CLEANING COMPOUNDDescription: 2009Data Year: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 145 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 43.9992007567863Kilo Qty: 97 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 2.2680000390096Kilo Qty: 5 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 89.3592015369783Kilo Qty: 197 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 34.9272006007479Kilo Qty: 77 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 4.5360000780192Kilo Qty: 10 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 4.5360000780192Kilo Qty: 10 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 90.720001560384Kilo Qty: 200 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 108.864001872461Kilo Qty: 240 LBReported Qty: 5/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 29.4840005071248Kilo Qty: 65 LBReported Qty: 5/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 146 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2066Facility ID: A-7. DISCARDING UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7. DISCARDING UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A.7. DISCARDING UNWANTED PRODUCTComments: 2006Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A.7. DISCARDING OF UNWANTED PRODUCTComments: 2006Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 189.151203253401Kilo Qty: 50 GALReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 60.5283850410882Kilo Qty: 16 GALReported Qty: 10/6/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 113.49072195204Kilo Qty: 30 GALReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 11.340000195048Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 85.05000146286Kilo Qty: 25 GALReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 27.2160004681152Kilo Qty: 8 GALReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 29.0304004993229Kilo Qty: 64 LBReported Qty: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 147 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoUtility boiler burner: NoOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): NoGenerator marketing to burner: NoGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: NoTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: NoImmediate recycler: NoImporter of hazardous waste: NoMixed radioactive waste: NoTreatment by Generator: NoPermit by Rule: Not reportedData Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 61111NAICS: WAD982659856EPA ID: 2066Facility Site ID Number: A-7 ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7. DISCARDING UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7 ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7 DISPOSAL OF UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7 ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7 ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: ON TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7. DISCARDING UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2008Data Year: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 148 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation YesBatch Generation: NoMonthly Generation: MQGGen Status CD: rvogel@renton.wednet.eduForm Contact EMail: (425)204-4400Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98055-1539Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 1220 N 4TH STForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Ray VogelForm Contact NAME: rvogel@renton.wednet.eduSite Contact EMail: (425)204-4400Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98055-1539Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 1220 N 4TH STSite contact addr line1: Ray VogelSite contact name: 06/26/1996Operator effective date: (425)204-4400Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: RENTON, WA 98055-1539Operator city,st,zip: 1220 N 4TH STOperator addr line1: DistrictOperator org type: Renton School DistOperator org name: (425)235-2200Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: RENTON, WA 98055Land city,st,zip: 300 SW 7th StLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: DistrictLand org type: Renton School DistLand org name: 06/26/1996Legal effective date: (425)235-2200Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: RENTON, WA 98055Legal city,st,zip: 300 SW 7th StLegal addr line1: DistrictLegal org type: Renton School DistLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: RENTON, WA 98055-1539Mail city,st,zip: 1220 N 4TH STMail addr line1: Renton School DistMail Name: Not reportedBusiness Type: 177004353Tax Reg #: NoOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: NoOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: NoOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: NoDestination Facility for Universal Waste: NoUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - lamps - generate: NoUniversal waste - mercury - generate: NoUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: NoUniversal waste - batteries - generate: NoSmelter defferal: NoIndustrial Furnace: NoIndustry boiler burner: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 149 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 90.720001560384034Kilo Qty: 200 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: CORROSIVE ACID LAB PACKDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 108.86400187246083Kilo Qty: 240 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LOOSEPACK OIL BASED PAINTDescription: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 29.484000507124811Kilo Qty: 65 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LABPACK FLAMMABLE LIQUIDSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 5.8968001014249625Kilo Qty: 13 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOLSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 2.2680000390096007Kilo Qty: 5 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LABPACK AEROSOLSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: NoUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: NoUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: NoUsed Oil Refiner: NoUsed Oil Processor: NoUsed Oil Transfer Facility: NoUsed Oil Transporter: NoUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: NoTransfer Facility: NoRecycler Onsite: NoTranports Other Waste: NoTransport Own Waste: NoOne Time Generation: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 150 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation PPGDensity Qty: 7.5Density No: 27.216000468115208Kilo Qty: 8 GALReported Qty: FalseMix: CONSOLIDATED PAINTS AND THINNERSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 29.030400499322891Kilo Qty: 64 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LOOSEPACK CHLORINATED OILS (UNUSED PRODUCT)Description: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 43.999200756786259Kilo Qty: 97 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LOOSEPACK PAINT RELATED MATERIALSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 2.2680000390096007Kilo Qty: 5 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: THIN-WALLED CYLINDERS OF PROPANE (CAMP STOVE SIZE AND SMALLER)Description: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 4.5360000780192014Kilo Qty: 10 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LAB PACK - SEE INDIVIDUAL DRUM INVENTORY SHEETSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 4.5360000780192014Kilo Qty: 10 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LAB PACK SEE INVENTORY SHEETDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 151 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation CONSOLIDATED SOLVENTSDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 124.28640213772613Kilo Qty: 274 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOLSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 8.3399999999999999Density No: 189.15120325340069Kilo Qty: 50 GALReported Qty: TrueMix: CONSOLIDATED ALKALINE LIQUIDSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 8.3399999999999999Density No: 60.528385041088228Kilo Qty: 16 GALReported Qty: FalseMix: ALKALINE CLEANING COMPOUNDDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 8.3399999999999999Density No: 113.49072195204042Kilo Qty: 30 GALReported Qty: FalseMix: CONSOLIDATED ALKALINE AND NON REGULATED LIQUIDSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 11.340000195048004Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LABPACK NON REGULATED MATERIALSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 7.5Density No: 85.050001462860024Kilo Qty: 25 GALReported Qty: FalseMix: CONSOLIDATED PAINTS AND ADHESIVESDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 152 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 4.5360000780192Kilo Qty: 10 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 4.5360000780192Kilo Qty: 10 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 90.720001560384Kilo Qty: 200 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 108.864001872461Kilo Qty: 240 LBReported Qty: 5/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 29.4840005071248Kilo Qty: 65 LBReported Qty: 5/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 5.89680010142496Kilo Qty: 13 LBReported Qty: 5/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 2.2680000390096Kilo Qty: 5 LBReported Qty: 5/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 9.97920017164224Kilo Qty: 22 LBReported Qty: NoMix: DW LABPACKDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 200.71800345235Kilo Qty: 442.5 LBReported Qty: NoMix: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 153 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 10/6/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 113.49072195204Kilo Qty: 30 GALReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 11.340000195048Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 85.05000146286Kilo Qty: 25 GALReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 27.2160004681152Kilo Qty: 8 GALReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 29.0304004993229Kilo Qty: 64 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 43.9992007567863Kilo Qty: 97 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 2.2680000390096Kilo Qty: 5 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 89.3592015369783Kilo Qty: 197 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 34.9272006007479Kilo Qty: 77 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 154 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7 ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7 DISPOSAL OF UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7 ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7 ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: ON TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7. DISCARDING UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7. DISCARDING UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7. DISCARDING UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A.7. DISCARDING UNWANTED PRODUCTComments: 2006Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A.7. DISCARDING OF UNWANTED PRODUCTComments: 2006Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 189.151203253401Kilo Qty: 50 GALReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 60.5283850410882Kilo Qty: 16 GALReported Qty: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 155 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedLand person name: DistrictLand org type: Renton School DistLand org name: 06/26/1996Legal effective date: (425)235-2200Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: RENTON, WA 98055Legal city,st,zip: 300 SW 7th StLegal addr line1: DistrictLegal org type: Renton School DistLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98178Mail city,st,zip: 7812 S 124TH STMail addr line1: Renton School DistMail Name: Not reportedBusiness Type: 177004353Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2008Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: D001, D005, D035, D007, D008FWC Desc: WP01SWC Desc: 61111NAICS: WAD982659856EPA ID: 2066Facility Site ID Number: A-7 ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7. DISCARDING UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 156 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 0Density No: 5.8968001014249625Kilo Qty: 13 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOLSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 2.2680000390096007Kilo Qty: 5 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LABPACK AEROSOLSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: joe.lamborn@renton.wednet.eduForm Contact EMail: (425)204-4400Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98178Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 7812 S 124TH STForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Joe LambornForm Contact NAME: joe.lamborn@renton.wednet.eduSite Contact EMail: (425)204-4400Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98178Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 7812 S 124TH STSite contact addr line1: Joe LambornSite contact name: 06/26/1996Operator effective date: (425)204-4400Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: SEATTLE, WA 98178Operator city,st,zip: 7812 S 124TH STOperator addr line1: DistrictOperator org type: Renton School DistOperator org name: (425)235-2200Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: RENTON, WA 98055Land city,st,zip: 300 SW 7th StLand addr line1: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 157 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 2.2680000390096007Kilo Qty: 5 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: THIN-WALLED CYLINDERS OF PROPANE (CAMP STOVE SIZE AND SMALLER)Description: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 4.5360000780192014Kilo Qty: 10 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LAB PACK - SEE INDIVIDUAL DRUM INVENTORY SHEETSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 4.5360000780192014Kilo Qty: 10 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LAB PACK SEE INVENTORY SHEETDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 90.720001560384034Kilo Qty: 200 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: CORROSIVE ACID LAB PACKDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 108.86400187246083Kilo Qty: 240 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LOOSEPACK OIL BASED PAINTDescription: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 29.484000507124811Kilo Qty: 65 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LABPACK FLAMMABLE LIQUIDSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 158 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseMix: ALKALINE CLEANING COMPOUNDDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 8.3399999999999999Density No: 113.49072195204042Kilo Qty: 30 GALReported Qty: FalseMix: CONSOLIDATED ALKALINE AND NON REGULATED LIQUIDSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 11.340000195048004Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LABPACK NON REGULATED MATERIALSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 7.5Density No: 85.050001462860024Kilo Qty: 25 GALReported Qty: FalseMix: CONSOLIDATED PAINTS AND ADHESIVESDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 7.5Density No: 27.216000468115208Kilo Qty: 8 GALReported Qty: FalseMix: CONSOLIDATED PAINTS AND THINNERSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 29.030400499322891Kilo Qty: 64 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LOOSEPACK CHLORINATED OILS (UNUSED PRODUCT)Description: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 43.999200756786259Kilo Qty: 97 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LOOSEPACK PAINT RELATED MATERIALSDescription: 2009Data Year: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 159 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 5/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 5.89680010142496Kilo Qty: 13 LBReported Qty: 5/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 2.2680000390096Kilo Qty: 5 LBReported Qty: 5/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 9.97920017164224Kilo Qty: 22 LBReported Qty: NoMix: DW LABPACKDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 200.71800345235Kilo Qty: 442.5 LBReported Qty: NoMix: CONSOLIDATED SOLVENTSDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 124.28640213772613Kilo Qty: 274 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOLSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 8.3399999999999999Density No: 189.15120325340069Kilo Qty: 50 GALReported Qty: TrueMix: CONSOLIDATED ALKALINE LIQUIDSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 8.3399999999999999Density No: 60.528385041088228Kilo Qty: 16 GALReported Qty: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 160 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 29.0304004993229Kilo Qty: 64 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 43.9992007567863Kilo Qty: 97 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 2.2680000390096Kilo Qty: 5 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 89.3592015369783Kilo Qty: 197 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 34.9272006007479Kilo Qty: 77 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 4.5360000780192Kilo Qty: 10 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 4.5360000780192Kilo Qty: 10 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 90.720001560384Kilo Qty: 200 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 108.864001872461Kilo Qty: 240 LBReported Qty: 5/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 29.4840005071248Kilo Qty: 65 LBReported Qty: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 161 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation A-7. DISCARDING UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7. DISCARDING UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7. DISCARDING UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A.7. DISCARDING UNWANTED PRODUCTComments: 2006Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A.7. DISCARDING OF UNWANTED PRODUCTComments: 2006Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 189.151203253401Kilo Qty: 50 GALReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 60.5283850410882Kilo Qty: 16 GALReported Qty: 10/6/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 113.49072195204Kilo Qty: 30 GALReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 11.340000195048Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 85.05000146286Kilo Qty: 25 GALReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 27.2160004681152Kilo Qty: 8 GALReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 162 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FALSESmelter defferal: FALSEIndustrial Furnace: FALSEIndustry boiler burner: FALSEUtility boiler burner: FALSEOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FALSEGenerator marketing to burner: FALSEGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FALSETreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FALSEImmediate recycler: FALSEImporter of hazardous waste: FALSEMixed radioactive waste: FALSETreatment by Generator: FALSEPermit by Rule: Not reportedData Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 61111NAICS: WAD982659856EPA ID: 2066Facility Site ID Number: A-7 ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7. DISCARDING UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7 ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7 DISPOSAL OF UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7 ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7 ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: ON TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 163 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FALSETranports Other Waste: FALSETransport Own Waste: FALSEOne Time Generation: TRUEBatch Generation: FALSEMonthly Generation: MQGGen Status CD: rvogel@renton.wednet.eduForm Contact EMail: (425)204-4400Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98055-1539Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 1220 N 4TH STForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Ray VogelForm Contact NAME: rvogel@renton.wednet.eduSite Contact EMail: (425)204-4400Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98055-1539Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 1220 N 4TH STSite contact addr line1: Ray VogelSite contact name: 06/26/1996Operator effective date: (425)204-4400Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: RENTON, WA 98055-1539Operator city,st,zip: 1220 N 4TH STOperator addr line1: DistrictOperator org type: Renton School DistOperator org name: (425)235-2200Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: RENTON, WA 98055Land city,st,zip: 300 SW 7th StLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: DistrictLand org type: Renton School DistLand org name: 06/26/1996Legal effective date: (425)235-2200Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: RENTON, WA 98055Legal city,st,zip: 300 SW 7th StLegal addr line1: DistrictLegal org type: Renton School DistLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: RENTON, WA 98055-1539Mail city,st,zip: 1220 N 4TH STMail addr line1: Renton School DistMail Name: Not reportedBusiness Type: 177004353Tax Reg #: FALSEOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FALSEOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FALSEOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FALSEDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FALSEUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FALSEUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FALSEUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FALSEUniversal waste - batteries - generate: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 164 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 90.720001560384034Kilo Qty: 200 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: CORROSIVE ACID LAB PACKDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 108.86400187246083Kilo Qty: 240 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LOOSEPACK OIL BASED PAINTDescription: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 29.484000507124811Kilo Qty: 65 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LABPACK FLAMMABLE LIQUIDSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 5.8968001014249625Kilo Qty: 13 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOLSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 2.2680000390096007Kilo Qty: 5 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LABPACK AEROSOLSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FALSEUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FALSEUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FALSEUsed Oil Refiner: FALSEUsed Oil Processor: FALSEUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FALSEUsed Oil Transporter: FALSEUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FALSETransfer Facility: FALSERecycler Onsite: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 165 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation CONSOLIDATED PAINTS AND ADHESIVESDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 7.5Density No: 27.216000468115208Kilo Qty: 8 GALReported Qty: FalseMix: CONSOLIDATED PAINTS AND THINNERSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 29.030400499322891Kilo Qty: 64 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LOOSEPACK CHLORINATED OILS (UNUSED PRODUCT)Description: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 43.999200756786259Kilo Qty: 97 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LOOSEPACK PAINT RELATED MATERIALSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 2.2680000390096007Kilo Qty: 5 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: THIN-WALLED CYLINDERS OF PROPANE (CAMP STOVE SIZE AND SMALLER)Description: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 4.5360000780192014Kilo Qty: 10 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LAB PACK - SEE INDIVIDUAL DRUM INVENTORY SHEETSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 4.5360000780192014Kilo Qty: 10 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LAB PACK SEE INVENTORY SHEETDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 166 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 200.71800345235Kilo Qty: 442.5 LBReported Qty: NoMix: CONSOLIDATED SOLVENTSDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 124.28640213772613Kilo Qty: 274 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOLSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 8.3399999999999999Density No: 189.15120325340069Kilo Qty: 50 GALReported Qty: TrueMix: CONSOLIDATED ALKALINE LIQUIDSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 8.3399999999999999Density No: 60.528385041088228Kilo Qty: 16 GALReported Qty: FalseMix: ALKALINE CLEANING COMPOUNDDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 8.3399999999999999Density No: 113.49072195204042Kilo Qty: 30 GALReported Qty: FalseMix: CONSOLIDATED ALKALINE AND NON REGULATED LIQUIDSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 11.340000195048004Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LABPACK NON REGULATED MATERIALSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 7.5Density No: 85.050001462860024Kilo Qty: 25 GALReported Qty: FalseMix: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 167 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 4.5360000780192Kilo Qty: 10 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 4.5360000780192Kilo Qty: 10 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 90.720001560384Kilo Qty: 200 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 108.864001872461Kilo Qty: 240 LBReported Qty: 5/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 29.4840005071248Kilo Qty: 65 LBReported Qty: 5/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 5.89680010142496Kilo Qty: 13 LBReported Qty: 5/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 2.2680000390096Kilo Qty: 5 LBReported Qty: 5/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 9.97920017164224Kilo Qty: 22 LBReported Qty: NoMix: DW LABPACKDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 168 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 60.5283850410882Kilo Qty: 16 GALReported Qty: 10/6/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 113.49072195204Kilo Qty: 30 GALReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 11.340000195048Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 85.05000146286Kilo Qty: 25 GALReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 27.2160004681152Kilo Qty: 8 GALReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 29.0304004993229Kilo Qty: 64 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 43.9992007567863Kilo Qty: 97 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 2.2680000390096Kilo Qty: 5 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 89.3592015369783Kilo Qty: 197 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 34.9272006007479Kilo Qty: 77 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 169 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7 ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7 DISPOSAL OF UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7 ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7 ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: ON TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7. DISCARDING UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7. DISCARDING UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7. DISCARDING UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A.7. DISCARDING UNWANTED PRODUCTComments: 2006Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A.7. DISCARDING OF UNWANTED PRODUCTComments: 2006Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 189.151203253401Kilo Qty: 50 GALReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 170 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation RENTON, WA 98055Land city,st,zip: 300 SW 7th StLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: DistrictLand org type: Renton School DistLand org name: 06/26/1996Legal effective date: (425)235-2200Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: RENTON, WA 98055Legal city,st,zip: 300 SW 7th StLegal addr line1: DistrictLegal org type: Renton School DistLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98178Mail city,st,zip: 7812 S 124TH STMail addr line1: Renton School DistMail Name: Not reportedBusiness Type: 177004353Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: TrueMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2009Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: D002, D001, F003, F005, D011, D022FWC Desc: WP01, WT02, WP02,SWC Desc: 611110NAICS: WAD982659856EPA ID: 2066Facility Site ID Number: A-7 ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7. DISCARDING UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 171 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 5.8968001014249625Kilo Qty: 13 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOLSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 2.2680000390096007Kilo Qty: 5 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LABPACK AEROSOLSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: TrueBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: joe.lamborn@renton.wednet.eduForm Contact EMail: (425)204-4400Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98178Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 7812 S 124TH STForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Joe LambornForm Contact NAME: joe.lamborn@renton.wednet.eduSite Contact EMail: (425)204-4400Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98178Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 7812 S 124TH STSite contact addr line1: Joe LambornSite contact name: 06/26/1996Operator effective date: (425)204-4400Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: SEATTLE, WA 98178Operator city,st,zip: 7812 S 124TH STOperator addr line1: DistrictOperator org type: Renton School DistOperator org name: (425)235-2200Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 172 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation LOOSEPACK PAINT RELATED MATERIALSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 2.2680000390096007Kilo Qty: 5 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: THIN-WALLED CYLINDERS OF PROPANE (CAMP STOVE SIZE AND SMALLER)Description: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 4.5360000780192014Kilo Qty: 10 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LAB PACK - SEE INDIVIDUAL DRUM INVENTORY SHEETSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 4.5360000780192014Kilo Qty: 10 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LAB PACK SEE INVENTORY SHEETDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 90.720001560384034Kilo Qty: 200 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: CORROSIVE ACID LAB PACKDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 108.86400187246083Kilo Qty: 240 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LOOSEPACK OIL BASED PAINTDescription: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 29.484000507124811Kilo Qty: 65 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LABPACK FLAMMABLE LIQUIDSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 173 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 60.528385041088228Kilo Qty: 16 GALReported Qty: FalseMix: ALKALINE CLEANING COMPOUNDDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 8.3399999999999999Density No: 113.49072195204042Kilo Qty: 30 GALReported Qty: FalseMix: CONSOLIDATED ALKALINE AND NON REGULATED LIQUIDSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 11.340000195048004Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LABPACK NON REGULATED MATERIALSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 7.5Density No: 85.050001462860024Kilo Qty: 25 GALReported Qty: FalseMix: CONSOLIDATED PAINTS AND ADHESIVESDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 7.5Density No: 27.216000468115208Kilo Qty: 8 GALReported Qty: FalseMix: CONSOLIDATED PAINTS AND THINNERSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 29.030400499322891Kilo Qty: 64 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: LOOSEPACK CHLORINATED OILS (UNUSED PRODUCT)Description: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 43.999200756786259Kilo Qty: 97 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 174 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 29.4840005071248Kilo Qty: 65 LBReported Qty: 5/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 5.89680010142496Kilo Qty: 13 LBReported Qty: 5/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 2.2680000390096Kilo Qty: 5 LBReported Qty: 5/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 9.97920017164224Kilo Qty: 22 LBReported Qty: NoMix: DW LABPACKDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 200.71800345235Kilo Qty: 442.5 LBReported Qty: NoMix: CONSOLIDATED SOLVENTSDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2066Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 124.28640213772613Kilo Qty: 274 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOLSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 8.3399999999999999Density No: 189.15120325340069Kilo Qty: 50 GALReported Qty: TrueMix: CONSOLIDATED ALKALINE LIQUIDSDescription: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: PPGDensity Qty: 8.3399999999999999Density No: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 175 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 29.0304004993229Kilo Qty: 64 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 43.9992007567863Kilo Qty: 97 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 2.2680000390096Kilo Qty: 5 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 89.3592015369783Kilo Qty: 197 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 34.9272006007479Kilo Qty: 77 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 4.5360000780192Kilo Qty: 10 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 4.5360000780192Kilo Qty: 10 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 90.720001560384Kilo Qty: 200 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 108.864001872461Kilo Qty: 240 LBReported Qty: 5/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 176 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation ON TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7. DISCARDING UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7. DISCARDING UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7. DISCARDING UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2008Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A.7. DISCARDING UNWANTED PRODUCTComments: 2006Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A.7. DISCARDING OF UNWANTED PRODUCTComments: 2006Data Year: 2066Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 189.151203253401Kilo Qty: 50 GALReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 60.5283850410882Kilo Qty: 16 GALReported Qty: 10/6/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 113.49072195204Kilo Qty: 30 GALReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 11.340000195048Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 85.05000146286Kilo Qty: 25 GALReported Qty: 8/18/2009Shipment sent data: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: 27.2160004681152Kilo Qty: 8 GALReported Qty: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 TC5178694.2s Page 177 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation A-7 ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7. DISCARDING UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7 ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7 DISPOSAL OF UNWANTED CHEMICALSComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7 ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: A-7 ONE TIMEComments: 2009Data Year: 2066Facility ID: RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 (Continued) 1001806522 Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1Tank Name: -122.204272Decimal Longitude: 47.479852Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 4788Site Id: 68954839Facility ID: UST: 1355 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster O 0.257 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 FINDSRENTON, WA 98055 SSW ALLSITES211 MILL AVE S N/A O43 USTRENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT 1007066625 TC5178694.2s Page 178 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-02-29 00:00:00Date Interaction: 4788Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 59205Interaction: 68954839Facility Id: RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENTFacility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 2Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT (Continued) 1007066625 TC5178694.2s Page 179 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110015432138Registry ID: FINDS: -122.204257158Longitude: 47.479846375000001Latitude: RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT (Continued) 1007066625 Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 66511Interaction: 82472985Facility Id: NORTH AMERICAN REFRACTORIESFacility Name: ALLSITES: 2892Cleanup Siteid: Not reportedRank: 10/10/2003Date NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 82472985Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98055-1566edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: VCP: SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 08/01/01Date Ecology Received Report: ICR: ECHO FINDS 1363 ft.RCRA NonGen / NLRSite 2 of 3 in cluster O 0.258 mi.CSCSL NFA Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 ALLSITESRENTON, WA 98055 SSW VCP1500 HOUSER WAY S WAD009251075 O44 ICRNORTH AMERICAN REFRACTORIES 1000404842 TC5178694.2s Page 180 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.202497157Longitude: 47.480476375000002Latitude: Toxics Release InventoryDate Interaction 3: 1987-07-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD009251075Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TRIInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 66508Interaction: -122.202497157Longitude: 47.480476375000002Latitude: Emergency/Haz Chem Rpt TIDate Interaction 3: 1988-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD009251075Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TIER2Interaction 2: AInteraction 1: 66509Interaction: -122.202497157Longitude: 47.480476375000002Latitude: State Cleanup SiteDate Interaction 3: 1994-02-28 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: North American RefractoriesFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: SCSInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 66510Interaction: -122.202497157Longitude: 47.480476375000002Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1985-08-12 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD009251075Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 66506Interaction: -122.202497157Longitude: 47.480476375000002Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-02-29 00:00:00Date Interaction: 2430Program ID: NORTH AMERICAN REFRACTORIES (Continued) 1000404842 TC5178694.2s Page 181 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 1500 HOUSER WAY SOwner/operator address: NORTH AMERICAN NOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: CURWENSVILLE, PA 16833-0056 PO BOX 56Contact address: NORTH AMERICAN NORTH AMERICANContact: CURWENSVILLE, PA 16833-0056 PO BOX 56Mailing address: WAD009251075EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055-1566 1500 HOUSER WAY SFacility address: NORTH AMERICAN REFRACTORIESFacility name: 03/11/2003Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.202512Longitude: 47.480482Latitude: YesVCP: Not reportedRank: 10/10/2003NFA Date: 2892CS Id: 82472985Facility/Site Id: CSCSL NFA: -122.202497157Longitude: 47.480476375000002Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2001-10-16 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW0782Program ID: North American RefractoriesFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 66512Interaction: -122.202497157Longitude: 47.480476375000002Latitude: Toxics Release InventoryDate Interaction 3: 1987-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD009251075Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TRIInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 66507Interaction: NORTH AMERICAN REFRACTORIES (Continued) 1000404842 TC5178694.2s Page 182 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource transported off-site. these facilities release directly to air, water, land, or that are from facilities on the amounts of over 300 listed toxic chemicals that US EPA TRIS (Toxics Release Inventory System) contains information Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110002150029Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: NORTH AMERICAN REFRACTORIESSite name: 03/11/2003Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 05/02/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 000-000-0000Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 NORTH AMERICAN REFRACTORIES (Continued) 1000404842 TC5178694.2s Page 183 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110002150029DFR URL: 110002150029Registry ID: 1000404842Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. NORTH AMERICAN REFRACTORIES (Continued) 1000404842 206-389-7680Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: SEATTLE, WA 98109 1020 JOHN STOwner/operator address: ROBERT SOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: RENTON, WA 98055-1561 1655 N 4TH STContact address: SEATTLE OPERA S SEATTLE OPERA SContact: WA0000181990EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055-1561 1655 N 4TH STFacility address: SEATTLE OPERA SCENIC STUDIOSFacility name: 03/23/2001Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.195705156Longitude: 47.488404373999998Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1994-03-18 00:00:00Date Interaction: WA0000181990Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 62057Interaction: 74461897Facility Id: SEATTLE OPERA SCENIC STUDIOSFacility Name: ALLSITES: 1377 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster P 0.261 mi.ECHO Relative: Higher Actual: 48 ft. 1/4-1/2 FINDSRENTON, WA 98055 NE RCRA NonGen / NLR1655 N 4TH ST WA0000181990 P45 ALLSITESSEATTLE OPERA SCENIC STUDIOS 1000891874 TC5178694.2s Page 184 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System 110005303910Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: SEATTLE OPERA SCENIC STUDIOSSite name: 03/23/2001Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 06/21/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 206-389-7680Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: SEATTLE, WA 98109 1020 JOHN STOwner/operator address: SEATTLE OPERA A SOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 06/21/1996Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: SEATTLE OPERA SCENIC STUDIOS (Continued) 1000891874 TC5178694.2s Page 185 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005303910DFR URL: 110005303910Registry ID: 1000891874Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access SEATTLE OPERA SCENIC STUDIOS (Continued) 1000891874 000-000-0000Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 200 MILL AVE SOwner/operator address: RENTON CITY ROwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: SEATTLE, WA 98119-3954 220 W MERCER ST STE 300Contact address: US DOJ DEA US DOJ DEAContact: SEATTLE, WA 98119-3954 220 W MERCER ST STE 300Mailing address: WAD988479572EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 220 MILL AVE SFacility address: US DOJ DEA RENTON POLICE DEPTFacility name: 02/28/1992Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.202925157Longitude: 47.480744375Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1991-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988479572Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 66566Interaction: 82547335Facility Id: US DOJ DEA RENTON POLICE DEPTFacility Name: ALLSITES: 1395 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster O 0.264 mi.ECHO Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 FINDSRENTON, WA 98055 SSW RCRA NonGen / NLR220 MILL AVE S WAD988479572 O46 ALLSITESUS DOJ DEA RENTON POLICE DEPT 1001490606 TC5178694.2s Page 186 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110005356104Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: US DOJ DEA RENTON POLICE DEPTSite name: 02/28/1992Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 02/18/1997Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-251-6227Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: KENT, WA 98032 19002 72ND AVE SOwner/operator address: PAUL POwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 02/18/1997Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: US DOJ DEA RENTON POLICE DEPT (Continued) 1001490606 TC5178694.2s Page 187 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005356104DFR URL: 110005356104Registry ID: 1001490606Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource US DOJ DEA RENTON POLICE DEPT (Continued) 1001490606 Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 2,001 to 4,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1Tank Name: -122.205649Decimal Longitude: 47.480711Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 5182Site Id: 71471562Facility ID: UST: 1423 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster K 0.270 mi.CSCSL NFA Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 ALLSITESRENTON, WA 98055 SW VCP207 MAIN ST N/A K47 USTCHARLEYS AUTOMOTIVE U001123927 TC5178694.2s Page 188 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 4Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 5,000 to 9,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 3Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 2,001 to 4,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 2Tank Name: CHARLEYS AUTOMOTIVE (Continued) U001123927 TC5178694.2s Page 189 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 98055-2602edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: VCP: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 10,000 to 19,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 5Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: FiberglassPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: Fiberglass Reinforced PlasticTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: CHARLEYS AUTOMOTIVE (Continued) U001123927 TC5178694.2s Page 190 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 71471562Facility/Site Id: CSCSL NFA: -122.20563415700001Longitude: 47.480705376000003Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1990-08-29 00:00:00Date Interaction: 5182Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 60116Interaction: -122.20563415700001Longitude: 47.480705376000003Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2000-12-21 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: CHARLEYS AUTOMOTIVEFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 60118Interaction: -122.20563415700001Longitude: 47.480705376000003Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-03-20 00:00:00Date Interaction: 5182Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 60117Interaction: 71471562Facility Id: CHARLEYS AUTOMOTIVEFacility Name: ALLSITES: 6545Cleanup Siteid: Not reportedRank: 4/17/2001Date NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 71471562Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: CHARLEYS AUTOMOTIVE (Continued) U001123927 TC5178694.2s Page 191 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.205649Longitude: 47.480711Latitude: YesVCP: Not reportedRank: 04/17/2001NFA Date: 6545CS Id: CHARLEYS AUTOMOTIVE (Continued) U001123927 12/20/00Date Ecology Received Report: ICR: 1423 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster K 0.270 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98055 SW 207 MAIN ST. N/A K48 ICRR.P. CHARLEY AUTOMOTIVE S105124678 Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: Closure in ProcessTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: TANK #1Tank Name: -122.206992Decimal Longitude: 47.488912Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 4792Site Id: 37129956Facility ID: UST: 1461 ft.ECHO 0.277 mi.FINDS Relative: Lower Actual: 30 ft. 1/4-1/2 RCRA NonGen / NLRRENTON, WA 98055 West ALLSITES105 WILLIAMS AVE N WAR000004499 49 USTRENTON CITY PARK MAINT GARAGE 1004795015 TC5178694.2s Page 192 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: Closed in PlaceTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: TANK #3Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: Closed in PlaceTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: TANK #2Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: RENTON CITY PARK MAINT GARAGE (Continued) 1004795015 TC5178694.2s Page 193 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 1055 S GRADY WAYOwner/operator address: RENTON CITYOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: DHOHN@CI.RENTON.WA.USContact email: 425-430-7440Contact telephone: USContact country: RENTON, WA 98056-4192 3555 NE 2ND STContact address: DAVID HOHNContact: RENTON, WA 98056-4192 3555 NE 2ND STMailing address: WAR000004499EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 105 WILLIAMS AVE NFacility address: RENTON CITY PARK MAINT GARAGEFacility name: 06/17/2004Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.206977155Longitude: 47.488906374999999Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1995-09-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR000004499Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 41062Interaction: -122.206977155Longitude: 47.488906374999999Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-02-29 00:00:00Date Interaction: 4792Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 41063Interaction: 37129956Facility Id: RENTON CITY PARK MAINT GARAGEFacility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: RENTON CITY PARK MAINT GARAGE (Continued) 1004795015 TC5178694.2s Page 194 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: MunicipalLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-430-6400Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 1055 S GRADY WAYOwner/operator address: RENTON CITYOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 01/01/1900Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: MunicipalLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98056 3555 NE 2ND STOwner/operator address: CITY OF RENTONOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: MunicipalLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-430-6400Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 1055 S GRADY WAYOwner/operator address: RENTON CITYOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 05/03/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: MunicipalLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: RENTON CITY PARK MAINT GARAGE (Continued) 1004795015 TC5178694.2s Page 195 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005401494DFR URL: 110005401494Registry ID: 1004795015Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access HAZARDOUS WASTE BIENNIAL REPORTER corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110005401494Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: RENTON CITY PARK MAINT GARAGESite name: 12/31/2003Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: RENTON CITY PARK MAINT GARAGESite name: 06/17/2004Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: RENTON CITY PARK MAINT GARAGE (Continued) 1004795015 TC5178694.2s Page 196 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedResp Party Name: Not reportedRecovered Quantity: Not reportedVessel Facility Name2: Not reportedSource: Not reportedSource Type: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reportedIncident Category: Not reportedIncident Category Type: Not reportedIncident Date: BENITContact Name: 05/16/2008Date Received: Not reportedMaterial Units: 5Material Qty: CHEMICALMaterial Desc: Not reportedMedium: 605795Facility ID: SPILLS: -122.196517156Longitude: 47.488236374000003Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 1994-10-17 00:00:00Date Interaction: 102431Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 49164Interaction: 52187961Facility Id: OLD WEST WINESFacility Name: ALLSITES: 1474 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster P 0.279 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 49 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98055 NE SPILLS1675 N 4TH ST N/A P50 ALLSITESOLD WEST WINES S109140625 WAH000029603Program ID: Kelly Moore Paint Co Inc RentonFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWOTHERInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 91191Interaction: 2509959Facility Id: KELLY MOORE PAINT CO INC RENTONFacility Name: ALLSITES: 1486 ft. 0.281 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 52 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98057 NE MANIFEST350 SUNSET BLVD N STE C N/A 51 ALLSITESMILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 197 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.194495515Longitude: 47.487790117000003Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 2014-12-05 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAH000029603Program ID: Miller Paint Company Inc RentonFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 110743Interaction: -122.194495515Longitude: 47.487790117000003Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 2015-12-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAH000029603Program ID: Miller Paint Company Inc RentonFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 117009Interaction: -122.194495515Longitude: 47.487790117000003Latitude: Haz Waste Management ActiDate Interaction 3: 2014-12-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAH000029603Program ID: Miller Paint Company Inc RentonFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWOTHERInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 111179Interaction: -122.194495515Longitude: 47.487790117000003Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 2006-09-26 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAH000029603Program ID: KELLY MOORE PAINT CO INC RENTONFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 10756Interaction: -122.194495515Longitude: 47.487790117000003Latitude: Haz Waste Management ActiDate Interaction 3: 2009-12-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 198 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2013Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 325510NAICS: WAH000029603EPA ID: 2509959Facility Site ID Number: WA MANIFEST: -122.194495515Longitude: 47.487790117000003Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 2012-12-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAH000029603Program ID: Kelly Moore Paint Co Inc RentonFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 103956Interaction: -122.194495515Longitude: 47.487790117000003Latitude: Haz Waste Management ActiDate Interaction 3: 2016-12-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAH000029603Program ID: Miller Paint Company Inc RentonFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWOTHERInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 121047Interaction: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 199 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: dford@kellymoore.comForm Contact EMail: (206)763-0300Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Seattle, WA 98108Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 5400 Airport Way SForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Danielle FordForm Contact NAME: dford@kellymoore.comSite Contact EMail: (425)228-1750Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98055Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 350 Sunset Blvd N Ste CSite contact addr line1: Hans SchmitzSite contact name: 10/01/2007Operator effective date: (425)228-1750Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Renton, WA 98055Operator city,st,zip: 350 Sunset Blvd N Ste COperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncOperator org name: (425)271-2000Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Renton, WA 98057Land city,st,zip: 3973 East Half Round BayLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Ken KingLand org name: 10/01/1975Legal effective date: (650)592-8337Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: San Carlos, CA 94070Legal city,st,zip: 987 Commercial StLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: San Carlos, CA 94070Mail city,st,zip: 987 Commercial StMail addr line1: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncMail Name: Paint & Product SalesBusiness Type: 600045897Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 200 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out dated Paint related materialDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: 170 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 5425.0560933109655Kilo Qty: 11960 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 124.74000214552804Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Off-spec, out of date surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 11.340000195048004Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out of date flammable paint in aerosolsDescription: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 68.040001170288022Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out of date, off-spec surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 201 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: 170 LBReported Qty: 2012-04-25 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 124.740002145528Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 4513.32007762911Kilo Qty: 9950 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 11.340000195048Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 68.040001170288Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 911.73601568186Kilo Qty: 2010 LBReported Qty: 1/2/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out-dated paint related materialDescription: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 202 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2016Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 444120NAICS: WAH000029603EPA ID: 2509959Facility Site ID Number: cannot be sold or used A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts whenever materialComments: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: shipped in 2008 and being reported for 2008. sent off on 1/2/08 was actually generated in 2007, however, it was material cannot be sold or used. Section B-4 and B-5) The 2010 lbs Section A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts wheneverComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: paint in an aerosol form. showing the date a waste is determined. A-8) Material is a flammable a waste when a product cannot be used. There is an inventory sheet A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton Does monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: the store indicating the date a material was determined to be a waste. a waste when a product cannot be used. There are inventory sheets at A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton doea monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: A-8) The organic liquid is unused acetic acid in pure form. an inventory to account for the time a material is determined a waste. A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton deems material a waste on a monthly basis withComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out dated Paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out-dated paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 203 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: sserra@millerpaint.comForm Contact EMail: (503)595-6714Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Portland, OR 97294Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO Box 20609Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Steve SerraForm Contact NAME: renton@millerpaint.comSite Contact EMail: (425)228-1750Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 350 Sunset Blvd N Ste CSite contact addr line1: Jeremy HayesSite contact name: 04/01/2012Operator effective date: (503)255-0190Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Portland, OR 97294Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 20609Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Miller Paint Company IncOperator org name: (208)689-9411Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Renton, WA 98057Land city,st,zip: 125 Wells Ave SLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Sunset Center LLCLand org name: 04/01/2012Legal effective date: (503)255-0190Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Portland, OR 97294Legal city,st,zip: PO Box 20609Legal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Miller Paint Company IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Portland, OR 97294Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 20609Mail addr line1: Miller Paint CompanyMail Name: Retail paint storeBusiness Type: 600367213Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 204 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 170 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 5425.0560933109655Kilo Qty: 11960 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 124.74000214552804Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Off-spec, out of date surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 11.340000195048004Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out of date flammable paint in aerosolsDescription: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 68.040001170288022Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out of date, off-spec surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 205 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 170 LBReported Qty: 2012-04-25 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 124.740002145528Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 4513.32007762911Kilo Qty: 9950 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 11.340000195048Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 68.040001170288Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 911.73601568186Kilo Qty: 2010 LBReported Qty: 1/2/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out-dated paint related materialDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out dated Paint related materialDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 206 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation WAH000029603EPA ID: 2509959Facility Site ID Number: cannot be sold or used A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts whenever materialComments: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: shipped in 2008 and being reported for 2008. sent off on 1/2/08 was actually generated in 2007, however, it was material cannot be sold or used. Section B-4 and B-5) The 2010 lbs Section A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts wheneverComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: paint in an aerosol form. showing the date a waste is determined. A-8) Material is a flammable a waste when a product cannot be used. There is an inventory sheet A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton Does monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: the store indicating the date a material was determined to be a waste. a waste when a product cannot be used. There are inventory sheets at A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton doea monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: A-8) The organic liquid is unused acetic acid in pure form. an inventory to account for the time a material is determined a waste. A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton deems material a waste on a monthly basis withComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out dated Paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out-dated paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 207 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 10/01/2007Operator effective date: (425)228-1750Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Renton, WA 98055Operator city,st,zip: 350 Sunset Blvd N Ste COperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncOperator org name: (425)271-2000Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Renton, WA 98057Land city,st,zip: 3973 East Half Round BayLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Ken KingLand org name: 10/01/1975Legal effective date: (650)592-8337Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: San Carlos, CA 94070Legal city,st,zip: 987 Commercial StLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: San Carlos, CA 94070Mail city,st,zip: 987 Commercial StMail addr line1: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncMail Name: Paint & Product SalesBusiness Type: 600045897Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2010Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 325510NAICS: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 208 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 124.74000214552804Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Off-spec, out of date surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 11.340000195048004Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out of date flammable paint in aerosolsDescription: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 68.040001170288022Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out of date, off-spec surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: dford@kellymoore.comForm Contact EMail: (206)763-0300Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Seattle, WA 98108Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 5400 Airport Way SForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Danielle FordForm Contact NAME: dford@kellymoore.comSite Contact EMail: (425)228-1750Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98055Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 350 Sunset Blvd N Ste CSite contact addr line1: Hans SchmitzSite contact name: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 209 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 11.340000195048Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 68.040001170288Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 911.73601568186Kilo Qty: 2010 LBReported Qty: 1/2/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out-dated paint related materialDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out dated Paint related materialDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: 170 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 5425.0560933109655Kilo Qty: 11960 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 210 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2509959Facility ID: paint in an aerosol form. showing the date a waste is determined. A-8) Material is a flammable a waste when a product cannot be used. There is an inventory sheet A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton Does monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: the store indicating the date a material was determined to be a waste. a waste when a product cannot be used. There are inventory sheets at A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton doea monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: A-8) The organic liquid is unused acetic acid in pure form. an inventory to account for the time a material is determined a waste. A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton deems material a waste on a monthly basis withComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out dated Paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out-dated paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: 170 LBReported Qty: 2012-04-25 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 124.740002145528Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 4513.32007762911Kilo Qty: 9950 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 211 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation San Carlos, CA 94070Legal city,st,zip: 987 Commercial StLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: San Carlos, CA 94070Mail city,st,zip: 987 Commercial StMail addr line1: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncMail Name: Paint & Product SalesBusiness Type: 600045897Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: Not reportedData Year: hazardous waste report. 2008 and will be reported as being transported on the 2008 annual pounds of D001 waste. However, this waste was not transported until During the calendar year of 2007 Kelly Moore Renton generated 2010Form Comm: D001 F003 F005FWC Desc: WT02SWC Desc: 32551NAICS: WAH000029603EPA ID: 2509959Facility Site ID Number: cannot be sold or used A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts whenever materialComments: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: shipped in 2008 and being reported for 2008. sent off on 1/2/08 was actually generated in 2007, however, it was material cannot be sold or used. Section B-4 and B-5) The 2010 lbs Section A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts wheneverComments: 2008Data Year: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 212 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 68.040001170288022Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out of date, off-spec surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: TrueOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: MQGGen Status CD: dford@kellymoore.comForm Contact EMail: (206)763-0300Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Seattle, WA 98108Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 5400 Airport Way SForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Danielle FordForm Contact NAME: dford@kellymoore.comSite Contact EMail: (425)228-1750Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98055Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 350 Sunset Blvd N Ste CSite contact addr line1: Ryan HoustonSite contact name: 10/01/2007Operator effective date: (425)228-1750Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Renton, WA 98055Operator city,st,zip: 350 Sunset Blvd N Ste COperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncOperator org name: (650)592-8337Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: San Carlos, CA 94070Land city,st,zip: 987 Commercial StLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncLand org name: 10/01/1975Legal effective date: (650)592-8337Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 213 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 1/2/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out-dated paint related materialDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out dated Paint related materialDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: 170 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 5425.0560933109655Kilo Qty: 11960 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 124.74000214552804Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Off-spec, out of date surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 11.340000195048004Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out of date flammable paint in aerosolsDescription: 2008Data Year: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 214 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton deems material a waste on a monthly basis withComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out dated Paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out-dated paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: 170 LBReported Qty: 2012-04-25 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 124.740002145528Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 4513.32007762911Kilo Qty: 9950 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 11.340000195048Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 68.040001170288Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 911.73601568186Kilo Qty: 2010 LBReported Qty: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 215 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2012Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: D001FWC Desc: WT02 Toxic dangerous waste, DWSWC Desc: 325510NAICS: WAH000029603EPA ID: 2509959Facility Site ID Number: cannot be sold or used A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts whenever materialComments: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: shipped in 2008 and being reported for 2008. sent off on 1/2/08 was actually generated in 2007, however, it was material cannot be sold or used. Section B-4 and B-5) The 2010 lbs Section A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts wheneverComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: paint in an aerosol form. showing the date a waste is determined. A-8) Material is a flammable a waste when a product cannot be used. There is an inventory sheet A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton Does monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: the store indicating the date a material was determined to be a waste. a waste when a product cannot be used. There are inventory sheets at A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton doea monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: A-8) The organic liquid is unused acetic acid in pure form. an inventory to account for the time a material is determined a waste. MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 216 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: TrueBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: MQGGen Status CD: dford@kellymoore.comForm Contact EMail: (206)763-0300Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Seattle, WA 98108Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 5400 Airport Way SForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Danielle FordForm Contact NAME: dford@kellymoore.comSite Contact EMail: (425)228-1750Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98055Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 350 Sunset Blvd N Ste CSite contact addr line1: Hans SchmitzSite contact name: 10/01/2007Operator effective date: (425)228-1750Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Renton, WA 98055Operator city,st,zip: 350 Sunset Blvd N Ste COperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncOperator org name: (425)271-2000Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Renton, WA 98057Land city,st,zip: 3973 East Half Round BayLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Ken KingLand org name: 10/01/1975Legal effective date: (650)592-8337Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: San Carlos, CA 94070Legal city,st,zip: 987 Commercial StLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: San Carlos, CA 94070Mail city,st,zip: 987 Commercial StMail addr line1: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncMail Name: Paint & Product SalesBusiness Type: 600045897Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 217 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out dated Paint related materialDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: 170 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 5425.0560933109655Kilo Qty: 11960 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 124.74000214552804Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Off-spec, out of date surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 11.340000195048004Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out of date flammable paint in aerosolsDescription: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 68.040001170288022Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out of date, off-spec surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 218 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: 170 LBReported Qty: 2012-04-25 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 124.740002145528Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 4513.32007762911Kilo Qty: 9950 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 11.340000195048Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 68.040001170288Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 911.73601568186Kilo Qty: 2010 LBReported Qty: 1/2/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out-dated paint related materialDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 219 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2011Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 325510NAICS: WAH000029603EPA ID: 2509959Facility Site ID Number: cannot be sold or used A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts whenever materialComments: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: shipped in 2008 and being reported for 2008. sent off on 1/2/08 was actually generated in 2007, however, it was material cannot be sold or used. Section B-4 and B-5) The 2010 lbs Section A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts wheneverComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: paint in an aerosol form. showing the date a waste is determined. A-8) Material is a flammable a waste when a product cannot be used. There is an inventory sheet A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton Does monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: the store indicating the date a material was determined to be a waste. a waste when a product cannot be used. There are inventory sheets at A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton doea monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: A-8) The organic liquid is unused acetic acid in pure form. an inventory to account for the time a material is determined a waste. A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton deems material a waste on a monthly basis withComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out dated Paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out-dated paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 220 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: dford@kellymoore.comForm Contact EMail: (206)763-0300Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Seattle, WA 98108Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 5400 Airport Way SForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Danielle FordForm Contact NAME: dford@kellymoore.comSite Contact EMail: (425)228-1750Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98055Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 350 Sunset Blvd N Ste CSite contact addr line1: Hans SchmitzSite contact name: 10/01/2007Operator effective date: (425)228-1750Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Renton, WA 98055Operator city,st,zip: 350 Sunset Blvd N Ste COperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncOperator org name: (425)271-2000Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Renton, WA 98057Land city,st,zip: 3973 East Half Round BayLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Ken KingLand org name: 10/01/1975Legal effective date: (650)592-8337Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: San Carlos, CA 94070Legal city,st,zip: 987 Commercial StLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: San Carlos, CA 94070Mail city,st,zip: 987 Commercial StMail addr line1: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncMail Name: Paint & Product SalesBusiness Type: 600045897Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 221 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 170 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 5425.0560933109655Kilo Qty: 11960 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 124.74000214552804Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Off-spec, out of date surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 11.340000195048004Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out of date flammable paint in aerosolsDescription: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 68.040001170288022Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out of date, off-spec surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 222 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 170 LBReported Qty: 2012-04-25 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 124.740002145528Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 4513.32007762911Kilo Qty: 9950 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 11.340000195048Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 68.040001170288Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 911.73601568186Kilo Qty: 2010 LBReported Qty: 1/2/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out-dated paint related materialDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out dated Paint related materialDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 223 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation WAH000029603EPA ID: 2509959Facility Site ID Number: cannot be sold or used A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts whenever materialComments: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: shipped in 2008 and being reported for 2008. sent off on 1/2/08 was actually generated in 2007, however, it was material cannot be sold or used. Section B-4 and B-5) The 2010 lbs Section A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts wheneverComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: paint in an aerosol form. showing the date a waste is determined. A-8) Material is a flammable a waste when a product cannot be used. There is an inventory sheet A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton Does monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: the store indicating the date a material was determined to be a waste. a waste when a product cannot be used. There are inventory sheets at A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton doea monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: A-8) The organic liquid is unused acetic acid in pure form. an inventory to account for the time a material is determined a waste. A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton deems material a waste on a monthly basis withComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out dated Paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out-dated paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 224 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Renton, WA 98055Operator city,st,zip: 350 Sunset Blvd N Ste COperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncOperator org name: (650)592-8337Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: San Carlos, CA 94070Land city,st,zip: 987 Commercial StLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncLand org name: 09/19/2005Legal effective date: (650)592-8337Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: San Carlos, CA 94070Legal city,st,zip: 987 Commercial StLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: San Carlos, CA 94070Mail city,st,zip: 987 Commercial StMail addr line1: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncMail Name: Paint & Product SalesBusiness Type: 600045897Tax Reg #: FALSEOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FALSEOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FALSEOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FALSEDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FALSEUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FALSEUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FALSEUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FALSEUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FALSESmelter defferal: FALSEIndustrial Furnace: FALSEIndustry boiler burner: FALSEUtility boiler burner: FALSEOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FALSEGenerator marketing to burner: FALSEGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FALSETreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FALSEImmediate recycler: FALSEImporter of hazardous waste: FALSEMixed radioactive waste: FALSETreatment by Generator: FALSEPermit by Rule: Not reportedData Year: hazardous waste report. 2008 and will be reported as being transported on the 2008 annual pounds of D001 waste. However, this waste was not transported until During the calendar year of 2007 Kelly Moore Renton generated 2010Form Comm: D001 F003 F005FWC Desc: WT02SWC Desc: 32551NAICS: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 225 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 124.74000214552804Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Off-spec, out of date surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 11.340000195048004Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out of date flammable paint in aerosolsDescription: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 68.040001170288022Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out of date, off-spec surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FALSEUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FALSEUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FALSEUsed Oil Refiner: FALSEUsed Oil Processor: FALSEUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FALSEUsed Oil Transporter: FALSEUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FALSETransfer Facility: FALSERecycler Onsite: FALSETranports Other Waste: FALSETransport Own Waste: TRUEOne Time Generation: FALSEBatch Generation: FALSEMonthly Generation: LQGGen Status CD: dford@kellymoore.comForm Contact EMail: (206)763-0300Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Seattle, WA 98108Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 5400 Airport Way SForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Danielle FordForm Contact NAME: dford@kellymoore.comSite Contact EMail: (425)228-1750Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98055Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 350 Sunset Blvd N Ste CSite contact addr line1: Matt KleinSite contact name: 09/19/2005Operator effective date: (425)228-1750Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 226 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 11.340000195048Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 68.040001170288Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 911.73601568186Kilo Qty: 2010 LBReported Qty: 1/2/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out-dated paint related materialDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out dated Paint related materialDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: 170 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 5425.0560933109655Kilo Qty: 11960 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 227 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation paint in an aerosol form. showing the date a waste is determined. A-8) Material is a flammable a waste when a product cannot be used. There is an inventory sheet A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton Does monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: the store indicating the date a material was determined to be a waste. a waste when a product cannot be used. There are inventory sheets at A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton doea monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: A-8) The organic liquid is unused acetic acid in pure form. an inventory to account for the time a material is determined a waste. A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton deems material a waste on a monthly basis withComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out dated Paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out-dated paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: 170 LBReported Qty: 2012-04-25 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 124.740002145528Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 4513.32007762911Kilo Qty: 9950 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 228 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation (650)592-8337Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: San Carlos, CA 94070Legal city,st,zip: 987 Commercial StLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: San Carlos, CA 94070Mail city,st,zip: 987 Commercial StMail addr line1: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncMail Name: Paint & Product SalesBusiness Type: 600045897Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2008Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: D001, D002FWC Desc: WT02SWC Desc: 32551NAICS: WAH000029603EPA ID: 2509959Facility Site ID Number: cannot be sold or used A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts whenever materialComments: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: shipped in 2008 and being reported for 2008. sent off on 1/2/08 was actually generated in 2007, however, it was material cannot be sold or used. Section B-4 and B-5) The 2010 lbs Section A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts wheneverComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 229 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Out of date flammable paint in aerosolsDescription: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 68.040001170288022Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out of date, off-spec surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: TrueBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: LQGGen Status CD: dford@kellymoore.comForm Contact EMail: (206)763-0300Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Seattle, WA 98108Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 5400 Airport Way SForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Danielle FordForm Contact NAME: dford@kellymoore.comSite Contact EMail: (425)228-1750Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98055Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 350 Sunset Blvd N Ste CSite contact addr line1: Justin BernardSite contact name: 10/01/2007Operator effective date: (425)228-1750Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Renton, WA 98055Operator city,st,zip: 350 Sunset Blvd N Ste COperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncOperator org name: (425)271-2000Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Renton, WA 98057Land city,st,zip: 3973 East Half Round BayLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Ken KingLand org name: 10/01/1975Legal effective date: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 230 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 911.73601568186Kilo Qty: 2010 LBReported Qty: 1/2/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out-dated paint related materialDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out dated Paint related materialDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: 170 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 5425.0560933109655Kilo Qty: 11960 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 124.74000214552804Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Off-spec, out of date surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 11.340000195048004Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 231 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation A-8) The organic liquid is unused acetic acid in pure form. an inventory to account for the time a material is determined a waste. A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton deems material a waste on a monthly basis withComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out dated Paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out-dated paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: 170 LBReported Qty: 2012-04-25 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 124.740002145528Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 4513.32007762911Kilo Qty: 9950 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 11.340000195048Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 68.040001170288Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 232 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2014Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 444120NAICS: WAH000029603EPA ID: 2509959Facility Site ID Number: cannot be sold or used A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts whenever materialComments: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: shipped in 2008 and being reported for 2008. sent off on 1/2/08 was actually generated in 2007, however, it was material cannot be sold or used. Section B-4 and B-5) The 2010 lbs Section A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts wheneverComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: paint in an aerosol form. showing the date a waste is determined. A-8) Material is a flammable a waste when a product cannot be used. There is an inventory sheet A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton Does monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: the store indicating the date a material was determined to be a waste. a waste when a product cannot be used. There are inventory sheets at A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton doea monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 233 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: sserra@millerpaint.comForm Contact EMail: (503)595-6714Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Portland, OR 97294Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO Box 20609Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Steve SerraForm Contact NAME: renton@millerpaint.comSite Contact EMail: (425)228-1750Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 350 Sunset Blvd N Ste CSite contact addr line1: Tony NelsonSite contact name: 04/01/2012Operator effective date: (503)255-0190Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Portland, OR 97294Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 20609Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Miller Paint Company IncOperator org name: (208)689-9411Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Renton, WA 98057Land city,st,zip: 125 Wells Ave SLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Sunset Center LLCLand org name: 04/01/2012Legal effective date: (503)255-0190Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Portland, OR 97294Legal city,st,zip: PO Box 20609Legal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Miller Paint Company IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Portland, OR 97294Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 20609Mail addr line1: Miller Paint CompanyMail Name: Retail paint storeBusiness Type: 600367213Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 234 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out dated Paint related materialDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: 170 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 5425.0560933109655Kilo Qty: 11960 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 124.74000214552804Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Off-spec, out of date surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 11.340000195048004Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out of date flammable paint in aerosolsDescription: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 68.040001170288022Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out of date, off-spec surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 235 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: 170 LBReported Qty: 2012-04-25 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 124.740002145528Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 4513.32007762911Kilo Qty: 9950 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 11.340000195048Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 68.040001170288Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 911.73601568186Kilo Qty: 2010 LBReported Qty: 1/2/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out-dated paint related materialDescription: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 236 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2015Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: D001,D035,F003,F005FWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 444120NAICS: WAH000029603EPA ID: 2509959Facility Site ID Number: cannot be sold or used A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts whenever materialComments: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: shipped in 2008 and being reported for 2008. sent off on 1/2/08 was actually generated in 2007, however, it was material cannot be sold or used. Section B-4 and B-5) The 2010 lbs Section A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts wheneverComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: paint in an aerosol form. showing the date a waste is determined. A-8) Material is a flammable a waste when a product cannot be used. There is an inventory sheet A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton Does monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: the store indicating the date a material was determined to be a waste. a waste when a product cannot be used. There are inventory sheets at A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton doea monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: A-8) The organic liquid is unused acetic acid in pure form. an inventory to account for the time a material is determined a waste. A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton deems material a waste on a monthly basis withComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out dated Paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out-dated paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 237 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: sserra@millerpaint.comForm Contact EMail: (503)595-6714Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Portland, OR 97294Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO Box 20609Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Steve SerraForm Contact NAME: renton@millerpaint.comSite Contact EMail: (425)228-1750Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 350 Sunset Blvd N Ste CSite contact addr line1: Derrick KeelsSite contact name: 04/01/2012Operator effective date: (503)255-0190Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Portland, OR 97294Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 20609Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Miller Paint Company IncOperator org name: (208)689-9411Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Renton, WA 98057Land city,st,zip: 125 Wells Ave SLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Sunset Center LLCLand org name: 04/01/2012Legal effective date: (503)255-0190Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Portland, OR 97294Legal city,st,zip: PO Box 20609Legal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Miller Paint Company IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Portland, OR 97294Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 20609Mail addr line1: Miller Paint CompanyMail Name: Retail paint storeBusiness Type: 600367213Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 238 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 170 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 5425.0560933109655Kilo Qty: 11960 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 124.74000214552804Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Off-spec, out of date surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 11.340000195048004Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out of date flammable paint in aerosolsDescription: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 68.040001170288022Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out of date, off-spec surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: TrueBatch Generation: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 239 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 170 LBReported Qty: 2012-04-25 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 124.740002145528Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 4513.32007762911Kilo Qty: 9950 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 11.340000195048Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 68.040001170288Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 911.73601568186Kilo Qty: 2010 LBReported Qty: 1/2/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out-dated paint related materialDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out dated Paint related materialDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 240 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation WAH000029603EPA ID: 2509959Facility Site ID Number: cannot be sold or used A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts whenever materialComments: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: shipped in 2008 and being reported for 2008. sent off on 1/2/08 was actually generated in 2007, however, it was material cannot be sold or used. Section B-4 and B-5) The 2010 lbs Section A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts wheneverComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: paint in an aerosol form. showing the date a waste is determined. A-8) Material is a flammable a waste when a product cannot be used. There is an inventory sheet A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton Does monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: the store indicating the date a material was determined to be a waste. a waste when a product cannot be used. There are inventory sheets at A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton doea monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: A-8) The organic liquid is unused acetic acid in pure form. an inventory to account for the time a material is determined a waste. A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton deems material a waste on a monthly basis withComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out dated Paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out-dated paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 241 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 10/01/2007Operator effective date: (425)228-1750Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Renton, WA 98055Operator city,st,zip: 350 Sunset Blvd N Ste COperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncOperator org name: (425)271-2000Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Renton, WA 98057Land city,st,zip: 3973 East Half Round BayLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Ken KingLand org name: 10/01/1975Legal effective date: (650)592-8337Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: San Carlos, CA 94070Legal city,st,zip: 987 Commercial StLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: San Carlos, CA 94070Mail city,st,zip: 987 Commercial StMail addr line1: Kelly Moore Paint Company IncMail Name: Paint & Product SalesBusiness Type: 600045897Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2009Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 325510NAICS: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 242 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 124.74000214552804Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Off-spec, out of date surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 11.340000195048004Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out of date flammable paint in aerosolsDescription: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 68.040001170288022Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out of date, off-spec surface cleaning material.Description: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: dford@kellymoore.comForm Contact EMail: (206)763-0300Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Seattle, WA 98108Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 5400 Airport Way SForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Danielle FordForm Contact NAME: dford@kellymoore.comSite Contact EMail: (425)228-1750Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98055Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 350 Sunset Blvd N Ste CSite contact addr line1: Hans SchmitzSite contact name: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 243 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 11.340000195048Kilo Qty: 25 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 68.040001170288Kilo Qty: 150 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 911.73601568186Kilo Qty: 2010 LBReported Qty: 1/2/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out-dated paint related materialDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: NoMix: Unused out dated Paint related materialDescription: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: 170 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 5425.0560933109655Kilo Qty: 11960 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Out dated, off-spec paint related materialDescription: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 244 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2509959Facility ID: paint in an aerosol form. showing the date a waste is determined. A-8) Material is a flammable a waste when a product cannot be used. There is an inventory sheet A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton Does monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: the store indicating the date a material was determined to be a waste. a waste when a product cannot be used. There are inventory sheets at A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton doea monthly inventories and deems a materialComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: A-8) The organic liquid is unused acetic acid in pure form. an inventory to account for the time a material is determined a waste. A-7) Kelly Moore-Renton deems material a waste on a monthly basis withComments: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out dated Paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Unused out-dated paint related materialComments: 2006Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 453.60000780192Kilo Qty: 1000 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 680.40001170288Kilo Qty: 1500 LBReported Qty: 9/26/2006Shipment sent data: Not reportedData Year: 2509959Facility ID: 77.1120013Kilo Qty: 170 LBReported Qty: 2012-04-25 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 124.740002145528Kilo Qty: 275 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: 4513.32007762911Kilo Qty: 9950 LBReported Qty: 8/18/2008Shipment sent data: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 TC5178694.2s Page 245 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation cannot be sold or used A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts whenever materialComments: 2012Data Year: 2509959Facility ID: shipped in 2008 and being reported for 2008. sent off on 1/2/08 was actually generated in 2007, however, it was material cannot be sold or used. Section B-4 and B-5) The 2010 lbs Section A-7) Generator does periodic or batch cleanouts wheneverComments: 2008Data Year: MILLER PAINT COMPANY INC RENTON (Continued) S108479774 -122.19438415800001Longitude: 47.481585373999998Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 2006-06-30 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAH000029189Program ID: RENTON CITY 7TH PLACEFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 12062Interaction: 3171331Facility Id: RENTON CITY 7TH PLACEFacility Name: ALLSITES: 1506 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster Q 0.285 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 46 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98055 SE 4TH PLACE S OF RAINIER AVE N/A Q52 ALLSITESRENTON CITY 7TH PLACE S109553320 Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: BenzeneContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 8164Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.488807478 / -122.20246865Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 17426998Facility ID: CSCSL: ALLSITES 1512 ft.VCPSite 2 of 2 in cluster M 0.286 mi.ICR Relative: Higher Actual: 37 ft. 1/4-1/2 USTRENTON, WA 98057 NNW LUST401 PARK AVE N N/A M53 CSCSLRENTON DAILY GROW MART INC 1000658738 TC5178694.2s Page 246 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: A0155Tag Number: 1Tank Name: -122.202468651825Decimal Longitude: 47.4888074777996Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 8789Site Id: 17426998Facility ID: UST: 47.4888074 / -122.20246Lat/Long: NorthwestResponse Section: 02/11/2016Lust Status Date: ARCO STATION # 5207Cleanup Unit Name: Voluntary Cleanup ProgramProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 8164Cleanup Site ID: Cleanup StartedLust Status Type: 17426998Facility ID: LUST: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum-GasolineContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 8164Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.488807478 / -122.20246865Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 17426998Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: RENTON DAILY GROW MART INC (Continued) 1000658738 TC5178694.2s Page 247 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: A0155Tag Number: 2Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Pressurized SystemPipe Pumping System: Corrosion ResistantPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Interstitial Monitoring (or Sump Sensor)Pipe Primary Release Detection: Double Wall PipePipe Construction: FiberglassPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Interstitial MonitoringTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Corrosion ResistantTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Double Wall TankTank Construction: Fiberglass Reinforced PlasticTank Material: Automatic Shutoff (fill pipe)Tank Overfill Prevention: Spill Bucket/Spill BoxTank Spill Prevention: 02/27/1998Tank Upgrade Date: 12/31/2017Tank Permit Expiration Date: 10,000 to 19,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1990Tank Install Date: 08/16/2012Tank Status Date: OperationalTank Status: A0155Tag Number: 1 REGULARTank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: RENTON DAILY GROW MART INC (Continued) 1000658738 TC5178694.2s Page 248 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: A0155Tag Number: 3Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Pressurized SystemPipe Pumping System: Corrosion ResistantPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Interstitial Monitoring (or Sump Sensor)Pipe Primary Release Detection: Double Wall PipePipe Construction: FiberglassPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Interstitial MonitoringTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Corrosion ResistantTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Double Wall TankTank Construction: Fiberglass Reinforced PlasticTank Material: Automatic Shutoff (fill pipe)Tank Overfill Prevention: Spill Bucket/Spill BoxTank Spill Prevention: 02/27/1998Tank Upgrade Date: 12/31/2017Tank Permit Expiration Date: 10,000 to 19,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1990Tank Install Date: 08/16/2012Tank Status Date: OperationalTank Status: A0155Tag Number: 2 UNLEADEDTank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: RENTON DAILY GROW MART INC (Continued) 1000658738 TC5178694.2s Page 249 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FiberglassPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Interstitial MonitoringTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Corrosion ResistantTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Double Wall TankTank Construction: Fiberglass Reinforced PlasticTank Material: Automatic Shutoff (fill pipe)Tank Overfill Prevention: Spill Bucket/Spill BoxTank Spill Prevention: 02/27/1998Tank Upgrade Date: 12/31/2017Tank Permit Expiration Date: 10,000 to 19,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1990Tank Install Date: 08/16/2012Tank Status Date: OperationalTank Status: A0155Tag Number: 4 SUPERTank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Pressurized SystemPipe Pumping System: Corrosion ResistantPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Interstitial Monitoring (or Sump Sensor)Pipe Primary Release Detection: Double Wall PipePipe Construction: FiberglassPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Interstitial MonitoringTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Corrosion ResistantTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Double Wall TankTank Construction: Fiberglass Reinforced PlasticTank Material: Automatic Shutoff (fill pipe)Tank Overfill Prevention: Spill Bucket/Spill BoxTank Spill Prevention: 02/27/1998Tank Upgrade Date: 12/31/2017Tank Permit Expiration Date: 10,000 to 19,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1990Tank Install Date: 08/16/2012Tank Status Date: OperationalTank Status: A0155Tag Number: 3 UNLEADTank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: RENTON DAILY GROW MART INC (Continued) 1000658738 TC5178694.2s Page 250 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 03/03/00Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 98-19Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 09/23/99Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 98-15Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 04/30/99Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 98-13Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 10/26/98Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 98-03Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 04/10/98Date Ecology Received Report: ICR: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Pressurized SystemPipe Pumping System: Corrosion ResistantPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Interstitial Monitoring (or Sump Sensor)Pipe Primary Release Detection: Double Wall PipePipe Construction: RENTON DAILY GROW MART INC (Continued) 1000658738 TC5178694.2s Page 251 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 07/26/93Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 92-49Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 04/07/93Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 92-46Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: GroundwaterMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 02/25/93Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 92-44Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 06/16/92Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 91-25Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 03/20/91Date Ecology Received Report: Third & Fourth Quarters Ground Water Monitoring 1999Report Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 98-28Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: RENTON DAILY GROW MART INC (Continued) 1000658738 TC5178694.2s Page 252 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 17County Code: 94-35Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 02/07/96Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 93-48Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 08/29/94Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 93-27Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 05/19/94Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 93-20Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 12/01/93Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 93-09Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 08/11/93Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 93-06Site Register Issue: RENTON DAILY GROW MART INC (Continued) 1000658738 TC5178694.2s Page 253 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Third & Fourth Quarters Ground Water Monitoring 2000Report Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 98-43Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 02/20/01Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-42Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 11/09/96Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-35Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 01/16/95Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-35Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 04/11/95Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-35Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 12/15/95Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: RENTON DAILY GROW MART INC (Continued) 1000658738 TC5178694.2s Page 254 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 8164Cleanup Siteid: NRank: Not reportedDate NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 17426998Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98055edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: VCP: Ground Water Monitoring for Third & Fourth Quarters 2000Report Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 98-32Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 11/06/00Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-53Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 02/10/97Date Ecology Received Report: Ground Water Monitoring - First & Second Quarters 2001Report Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 98-37Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 05/24/01Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-41Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 11/09/96Date Ecology Received Report: RENTON DAILY GROW MART INC (Continued) 1000658738 TC5178694.2s Page 255 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 29929Interaction: -122.202453808Longitude: 47.488801852000002Latitude: Haz Waste Management ActiDate Interaction 3: 2004-03-26 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988483947Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWOTHERInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 29931Interaction: -122.202453808Longitude: 47.488801852000002Latitude: Emergency/Haz Chem Rpt TIDate Interaction 3: 1988-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988483947Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TIER2Interaction 2: IInteraction 1: 29927Interaction: -122.202453808Longitude: 47.488801852000002Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1989-12-15 00:00:00Date Interaction: 8789Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 29928Interaction: 17426998Facility Id: ARCO 5207Facility Name: ALLSITES: 8164Cleanup Siteid: NRank: Not reportedDate NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 17426998Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98055edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: RENTON DAILY GROW MART INC (Continued) 1000658738 TC5178694.2s Page 256 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.202453808Longitude: 47.488801852000002Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2012-03-15 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW2467Program ID: Arco 5207Facility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 100731Interaction: -122.202453808Longitude: 47.488801852000002Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-03-20 00:00:00Date Interaction: 8789Program ID: Renton Daily Grow MartFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 29930Interaction: -122.202453808Longitude: 47.488801852000002Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1991-03-18 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988483947Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: RENTON DAILY GROW MART INC (Continued) 1000658738 4744Cleanup Siteid: Not reportedRank: 5/7/2002Date NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 55297998Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98055edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: VCP: ECHO 1603 ft.FINDS 0.304 mi.ICIS Relative: Higher Actual: 38 ft. 1/4-1/2 CSCSL NFARENTON, WA 98057 NNW ALLSITES410 PARK AVE N/A 54 VCPRENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 1007068808 TC5178694.2s Page 257 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICTFacility Name: Not reportedSIC Code: Not reportedNAIC Code: NoFed Facility: NTribal Indicator: 410 PARK AVEAddress: RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICTFacility Name: Not reportedTribal Land Code: Not reportedFacility NAICS Code: 1800007087Program System Acronym: Not reportedPermit Type Desc: -122.202193Longitude in Decimal Degrees: 47.488669Latitude in Decimal Degrees: Not reportedFederal Facility ID: Not reportedFacility SIC Code: 9006EEA Type Code: Administrative - FormalEnforcement Action Forum Desc: ICISProgram System Acronym: KINGFacility County: RCRA 9006 AO For Comp And/Or Pen (UST) - UST Expedited Settlement ProgramEnforcement Action Type: RENTON, WA 98055 410 PARK AVEFacility Address: RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICTFacility Name: RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICTAction Name: 110015454088FRS ID: 10-2010-0084Enforcement Action ID: ICIS: -122.2025Longitude: 47.471777Latitude: YesVCP: Not reportedRank: 05/07/2002NFA Date: 4744CS Id: 55297998Facility/Site Id: CSCSL NFA: -122.20248515900001Longitude: 47.471771375000003Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2002-02-11 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICTFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 51352Interaction: 55297998Facility Id: RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICTFacility Name: ALLSITES: RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT (Continued) 1007068808 TC5178694.2s Page 258 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110015454088DFR URL: 110015454088Registry ID: 1007068808Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access Incident Tracking, Compliance Assistance, and Compliance Monitoring. that support Compliance and Enforcement programs. These include; has the capability to track other activities occurring in the Region that information with Federal actions already in the system. ICIS also Compliance System (PCS) which supports the NPDES and will integrate it Headquarters. A future release of ICIS will replace the Permit information is maintained in ICIS by EPA in the Regional offices and Federal Administrative and Judicial enforcement actions. This a single repository for that information. Currently, ICIS contains all replace EPA’s independent databases that contain Enforcement data with information across most of EPA’s programs. The vision for ICIS is to complete, will contain integrated Enforcement and Compliance Compliance Information System and provides a database that, when ICIS (Integrated Compliance Information System) is the Integrated Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110015454088Registry ID: FINDS: Not reportedSIC Code: Not reportedNAIC Code: NoFed Facility: NTribal Indicator: 410 PARK AVEAddress: RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT (Continued) 1007068808 PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: CONSTSWGPInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 109047Interaction: 4367Facility Id: PACCAR PARTS DISTRIBUTIONFacility Name: ALLSITES: 1672 ft. 0.317 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 48 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98057 NNE N 4TH STREET AT HOSMER N/A 55 ALLSITESPACCAR PARTS DISTRIBUTION S116753659 TC5178694.2s Page 259 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.196197505Longitude: 47.489158265Latitude: Construction SW GPDate Interaction 3: 2014-06-02 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR302095Program ID: PACCAR Parts DistributionFacility Alt.: PACCAR PARTS DISTRIBUTION (Continued) S116753659 -122.20697515499999Longitude: 47.486794375999999Latitude: Hazardous Waste PlannerDate Interaction 3: 1993-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD059318550Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: HWPPRTProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWPInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 55204Interaction: -122.20697515499999Longitude: 47.486794375999999Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1998-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD059318550Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 55205Interaction: -122.20697515499999Longitude: 47.486794375999999Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1985-05-21 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD059318550Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 55203Interaction: 62523841Facility Id: GOOD CHEVROLETFacility Name: ALLSITES: 1705 ft. 0.323 mi.ECHO Relative: Lower Actual: 30 ft. 1/4-1/2 FINDSRENTON, WA 98055 WNW RCRA NonGen / NLR200 BURNETT AVE N WAD059318550 56 ALLSITESGOOD CHEVROLET 1000182812 TC5178694.2s Page 260 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-235-2059Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98057 617 S 3RD STOwner/operator address: SHERIDAN, HOWARDOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-235-2059Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98057 617 S 3RD STOwner/operator address: SHERIDAN, HOWARDOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 425-235-2059Contact telephone: USContact country: RENTON, WA 98057 325 SW 12THContact address: BOB MANNINGContact: RENTON, WA 98055-2545 617 S 3RD STMailing address: WAD059318550EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 200 BURNETT AVE NFacility address: GOOD CHEVROLETFacility name: 07/08/1999Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: GOOD CHEVROLET (Continued)1000182812 TC5178694.2s Page 261 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005323499DFR URL: 110005323499Registry ID: 1000182812Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110005323499Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: GOOD CHEVROLET INC.Site name: 09/01/1993Date form received by agency: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: GOOD CHEVROLET & GEOSite name: 03/31/1994Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: GOOD CHEVROLETSite name: 07/08/1999Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: GOOD CHEVROLETSite name: 07/08/1999Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: GOOD CHEVROLET (Continued)1000182812 TC5178694.2s Page 262 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 53319Interaction: -121.787716221Longitude: 47.493978329000001Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-03-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: 200765Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 53320Interaction: 58733723Facility Id: MOSCATEL PROPERTYFacility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1900Tank Install Date: 07/16/2001Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1Tank Name: -121.787731Decimal Longitude: 47.493984Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 200765Site Id: 58733723Facility ID: UST: 1721 ft. 0.326 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 CSCSL NFARENTON, WA 98055 SSW ALLSITES233 MAIN AVE S N/A 57 USTMOSCATEL PROPERTY U003795369 TC5178694.2s Page 263 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -121.787731Longitude: 47.493984Latitude: NoVCP: Not reportedRank: 10/03/2011NFA Date: 9817CS Id: 58733723Facility/Site Id: CSCSL NFA: -121.787716221Longitude: 47.493978329000001Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1990-09-11 00:00:00Date Interaction: 200765Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: MOSCATEL PROPERTY (Continued) U003795369 NRank: Not reportedDate NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 62244377Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98055edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: VCP: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: Petroleum Products-UnspecifiedContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 2121Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.480722 / -122.193642Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 62244377Facility ID: CSCSL: 1728 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster Q 0.327 mi.ALLSITES Relative: Higher Actual: 42 ft. 1/4-1/2 ICRRENTON, WA 98055 SE VCP1915 SE MAPLE VALLEY HWY N/A Q58 CSCSLSTONEWAY CONCRETE RENTON S105063434 TC5178694.2s Page 264 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NW1702Program ID: Stoneway Concrete RentonFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 54957Interaction: -122.193627159Longitude: 47.480716373999996Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-02-29 00:00:00Date Interaction: 4795Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 54956Interaction: -122.193627159Longitude: 47.480716373999996Latitude: Sand and Gravel GPDate Interaction 3: 1994-08-06 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAG503301Program ID: STONEWAY CONCRETE MAPLE VALLEYFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: SANDGPInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 83009Interaction: -122.193627159Longitude: 47.480716373999996Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1998-01-21 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAH000004093Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 54954Interaction: 62244377Facility Id: STONEWAY CONCRETE RENTONFacility Name: ALLSITES: SoilMedia Contaminated: Metals, Petroleum products, Non-haologenated solventsContaminants Found at Site: 06/27/90Date Ecology Received Report: ICR: 2121Cleanup Siteid: STONEWAY CONCRETE RENTON (Continued) S105063434 TC5178694.2s Page 265 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.193627159Longitude: 47.480716373999996Latitude: Enforcement FinalDate Interaction 3: 2007-05-25 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: DMSProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: ENFORFNLInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 54958Interaction: -122.193627159Longitude: 47.480716373999996Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2006-11-29 00:00:00Date Interaction: STONEWAY CONCRETE RENTON (Continued) S105063434 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: SEATTLE, WA 98108-3445 6431 CORSON AVE SContact address: WA DOT FACILITI WA DOT FACILITIContact: SEATTLE, WA 98108-3445 6431 CORSON AVE SMailing address: WAD988473609EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 1201 S 3RDFacility address: WA DOT RENTON HOUSE DEMOLITIONFacility name: 04/16/1990Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.202855157Longitude: 47.479344374999997Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1990-04-16 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988473609Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 35924Interaction: 28245316Facility Id: WA DOT RENTON HOUSE DEMOLITIONFacility Name: ALLSITES: 1804 ft. 0.342 mi.ECHO Relative: Higher Actual: 98 ft. 1/4-1/2 FINDSRENTON, WA 98055 South RCRA NonGen / NLR1201 S 3RD WAD988473609 59 ALLSITESWA DOT RENTON HOUSE DEMOLITION 1000393637 TC5178694.2s Page 266 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System 110005353198Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: WA DOT RENTON HOUSE DEMOLITIONSite name: 04/16/1990Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 05/02/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 000-000-0000Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 1201 S 3RD STOwner/operator address: WA DOT FACILITI WOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: WA DOT RENTON HOUSE DEMOLITION (Continued) 1000393637 TC5178694.2s Page 267 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005353198DFR URL: 110005353198Registry ID: 1000393637Envid: ECHO: WA DOT RENTON HOUSE DEMOLITION (Continued) 1000393637 WAD155920606Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 55649Interaction: 63259222Facility Id: LOCKWOOD IND INC RENTONFacility Name: ALLSITES: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum Products-UnspecifiedContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 1716Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.48265 / -122.20779Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 63259222Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Non-Halogenated SolventsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 1716Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.48265 / -122.20779Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 63259222Facility ID: CSCSL: 1881 ft.ECHOSite 1 of 3 in cluster R 0.356 mi.FINDS Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 RCRA NonGen / NLRRENTON, WA 98055 West ALLSITES73 BURNETT AVE S WAD155920606 R60 CSCSLLOCKWOOD IND INC RENTON 1000273323 TC5178694.2s Page 268 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 05/02/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 000-000-0000Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 73 BURNETT AVE SOwner/operator address: LOCKWOOD IND IN LOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: KENMORE, WA 98028-0837 PO BOX 82837Contact address: LOCKWOOD IND IN LOCKWOOD IND INContact: KENMORE, WA 98028-0837 PO BOX 82837Mailing address: WAD155920606EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 73 BURNETT AVE SFacility address: LOCKWOOD IND INC RENTONFacility name: 01/31/1989Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.207775156Longitude: 47.482644376000003Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2002-05-13 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW0896Program ID: Lockwood Ind Inc RentonFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 55650Interaction: -122.207775156Longitude: 47.482644376000003Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1989-01-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: LOCKWOOD IND INC RENTON (Continued) 1000273323 TC5178694.2s Page 269 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005332764DFR URL: 110005332764Registry ID: 1000273323Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110005332764Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: LOCKWOOD IND INC RENTONSite name: 01/31/1989Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: LOCKWOOD IND INC RENTON (Continued) 1000273323 Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 11/25/92Date Ecology Received Report: ICR: 1914 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster S 0.363 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98055 SW 225 S. WILLIAMS N/A S61 ICRUS WEST S104487809 TC5178694.2s Page 270 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 91-30Site Register Issue: Not reportedType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 04/23/91Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 90-16Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 10/23/90Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 92-07Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 07/08/91Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 92-47Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: US WEST (Continued)S104487809 Not reportedProgram ID: PERFORMANCE APEX AUTO SHOPFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: SCSInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 4176Interaction: 2315Facility Id: PERFORMANCE APEX AUTO SHOPFacility Name: ALLSITES: 1921 ft.ECHO 0.364 mi.FINDS Relative: Higher Actual: 52 ft. 1/4-1/2 RCRA NonGen / NLRRENTON, WA 98055 NE CSCSL NFA410 SUNSET BLVD N WAD054788351 62 ALLSITESPERFORMANCE APEX AUTO SHOP 1000230415 TC5178694.2s Page 271 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 01/01/1900Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-226-5955Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 410 SUNSET BLVD NOwner/operator address: PERFORMANCE APE POwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: RENTON, WA 98055-1512 410 SUNSET BLVD NContact address: PERFORMANCE APE PERFORMANCE APEContact: WAD054788351EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 410 SUNSET BLVD NFacility address: PERFORMANCE APEX AUTO SHOPFacility name: 09/15/1989Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.19297Longitude: 47.49011Latitude: NoVCP: Not reportedRank: 02/29/2000NFA Date: 1992CS Id: 2315Facility/Site Id: CSCSL NFA: -122.192955156Longitude: 47.490104373000001Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1989-09-15 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD054788351Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 4175Interaction: -122.192955156Longitude: 47.490104373000001Latitude: State Cleanup SiteDate Interaction 3: 1991-02-05 00:00:00Date Interaction: PERFORMANCE APEX AUTO SHOP (Continued) 1000230415 TC5178694.2s Page 272 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110005322445Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: PERFORMANCE APEX AUTO SHOPSite name: 09/15/1989Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 05/02/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 000-000-0000Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 410 SUNSET BLVD NOwner/operator address: PERFORMANCE APE POwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: PERFORMANCE APEX AUTO SHOP (Continued) 1000230415 TC5178694.2s Page 273 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005322445DFR URL: 110005322445Registry ID: 1000230415Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access PERFORMANCE APEX AUTO SHOP (Continued) 1000230415 Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-226-9909Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 75 BURNETT AVE SOwner/operator address: DAVID POwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: RENTON, WA 98055-2113 75 BURNETT AVE SContact address: DS PURCELL PAIN DS PURCELL PAINContact: WAD980979017EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 75 BURNETT AVE SFacility address: DS PURCELL PAINTING INCFacility name: 07/11/2000Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.20777515499999Longitude: 47.482624375Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1985-08-29 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD980979017Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 60461Interaction: 71983147Facility Id: DS PURCELL PAINTING INCFacility Name: ALLSITES: 1933 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster R 0.366 mi.ECHO Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 FINDSRENTON, WA 98055 West RCRA NonGen / NLR75 BURNETT AVE S WAD980979017 R63 ALLSITESDS PURCELL PAINTING INC 1004793719 TC5178694.2s Page 274 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System 110005336868Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: DS PURCELL PAINTING INCSite name: 07/11/2000Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 05/02/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-226-9909Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 75 BURNETT AVE SOwner/operator address: DS PURCELL PAIN DOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 08/30/1996Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: DS PURCELL PAINTING INC (Continued) 1004793719 TC5178694.2s Page 275 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005336868DFR URL: 110005336868Registry ID: 1004793719Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access DS PURCELL PAINTING INC (Continued) 1004793719 Not reportedVCP Status: 1771950Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98055edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: VCP: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: Not reportedTank Install Date: 09/14/2005Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1Tank Name: -122.2098Decimal Longitude: 47.4849Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 619172Site Id: 1771950Facility ID: UST: 1937 ft.FINDSSite 3 of 3 in cluster R 0.367 mi.CSCSL NFA Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 ALLSITESRENTON, WA 98055 WSW VCP77 BURNETT AVE S N/A R64 UST77 BURNETT AVE SOUTH 1008899354 TC5178694.2s Page 276 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation YesVCP: Not reportedRank: 03/29/2006NFA Date: 5264CS Id: 1771950Facility/Site Id: CSCSL NFA: -122.20978515500001Longitude: 47.484894376Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2005-08-30 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW1491Program ID: 77 Burnett Ave SouthFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 9245Interaction: -122.20978515500001Longitude: 47.484894376Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 2005-08-25 00:00:00Date Interaction: 619172Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 9247Interaction: -122.20978515500001Longitude: 47.484894376Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2005-08-25 00:00:00Date Interaction: 619172Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 9246Interaction: 1771950Facility Id: 77 BURNETT AVE SOUTHFacility Name: ALLSITES: 5264Cleanup Siteid: Not reportedRank: 3/29/2006Date NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: 77 BURNETT AVE SOUTH (Continued) 1008899354 TC5178694.2s Page 277 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110022905052Registry ID: FINDS: -122.2098Longitude: 47.4849Latitude: 77 BURNETT AVE SOUTH (Continued) 1008899354 -122.19674134900001Longitude: 47.489723417999997Latitude: Industrial SW GPDate Interaction 3: 2016-12-22 00:00:00Date Interaction: CNE305152Program ID: PACCAR Parts - RentonFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: INDSWGPInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 121001Interaction: 20348Facility Id: PACCAR PARTS - RENTONFacility Name: ALLSITES: 1951 ft. 0.370 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 52 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98055 NE 405 HOUSER WAY N N/A 65 ALLSITESPACCAR PARTS - RENTON S120066293 -122.207961271511Decimal Longitude: 47.4823330001902Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 610594Site Id: 3017871Facility ID: UST: 1962 ft. 0.372 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98057 WSW ALLSITES95 BURNETT AVE S N/A 66 USTLANDE FEED COMPANY U003888597 TC5178694.2s Page 278 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.20795375100001Longitude: 47.482328623999997Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2002-12-04 00:00:00Date Interaction: 610594Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 11805Interaction: 3017871Facility Id: LANDE FEED COMPANYFacility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: 08/06/2002Tank Closure Date: Not reportedTank Install Date: 12/04/2002Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1Tank Name: LANDE FEED COMPANY (Continued) U003888597 HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 61877Interaction: 74253835Facility Id: SUNSET AUTO CO INCFacility Name: ALLSITES: 1987 ft. 0.376 mi.ECHO Relative: Higher Actual: 40 ft. 1/4-1/2 FINDSRENTON, WA 98055 North RCRA NonGen / NLR1220 N 5TH ST WA0000001453 67 ALLSITESSUNSET AUTO CO INC 1000878293 TC5178694.2s Page 279 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 1220 N 5TH STOwner/operator address: SUNSET AUTO CO INCOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 206-323-5393Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: SEATTLE, WA 98144 510 RAINIER AVENUE SOUTHOwner/operator address: JM INVESTMENTSOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 206-226-5712Contact telephone: USContact country: RENTON, WA 98055-1550 1220 N 5TH STContact address: SCOTT HARRISContact: WA0000001453EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 1220 N 5TH STFacility address: SUNSET AUTO CO INCFacility name: 10/15/1996Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.20123515500001Longitude: 47.490194373999998Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1993-09-17 00:00:00Date Interaction: WA0000001453Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: SUNSET AUTO CO INC (Continued)1000878293 TC5178694.2s Page 280 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005300726DFR URL: 110005300726Registry ID: 1000878293Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System 110005300726Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: procedure. determined by biological testing methods or a book designation concentration greater than or equal to 0.001% and less than 1.0%, Washington State Dangerous Toxic Waste with a toxic constituents. Waste name: WT02. Waste code: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: SUNSET AUTO CO INCSite name: 08/24/1993Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: SUNSET AUTO CO INC (Continued)1000878293 TC5178694.2s Page 281 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation PO BOX 3707 M/C 67-74Contact address: MICHAEL L VERHAARContact: SEATTLE, WA 98124 PO BOX 3707 M/C 67-74Mailing address: WAD988482535EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 500 PARK AVE N GARAGE BLDG 101Facility address: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDINGFacility name: 02/16/2012Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.203545155Longitude: 47.490644375000002Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 2012-12-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988482535Program ID: Boeing 5th & Park BuildingFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 103961Interaction: -122.203545155Longitude: 47.490644375000002Latitude: Haz Waste Management ActiDate Interaction 3: 2003-12-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988482535Program ID: Boeing 5th & Park BuildingFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWOTHERInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 68526Interaction: -122.203545155Longitude: 47.490644375000002Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1997-06-19 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988482535Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 68525Interaction: 85524291Facility Id: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDINGFacility Name: ALLSITES: 2016 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster T 0.382 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 38 ft. 1/4-1/2 MANIFESTRENTON, WA 98055 NNW RCRA NonGen / NLR500 PARK AVE N GARAGE BLDG 101 WAD988482535 T68 ALLSITESBOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 282 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 312-544-2800Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: CHICAGO, IL 60606 OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL 100 N. RIVERSIDEOwner/operator address: THE BOEING COMPANYOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 07/30/1996Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: SEATTLE, WA 98124 PO BOX 3707 M/C 63-41Owner/operator address: THE BOEING COMPANYOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 07/30/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: CHICAGO, IL 60606 OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL 100 N. RIVERSIDEOwner/operator address: THE BOEING COMPANYOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 07/30/1996Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: SEATTLE, WA 98124 PO BOX 3707 M/C 67-74Owner/operator address: THE BOEING COMP TOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 425-965-1567Contact telephone: USContact country: SEATTLE, WA 98124 BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 283 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not a generator, verifiedClassification: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDINGSite name: 02/08/2010Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDINGSite name: 01/26/2011Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 07/30/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: CHICAGO, IL 60606 OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL 100 N. RIVERSIDEOwner/operator address: THE BOEING COMP TOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 07/30/1996Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-965-1567Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: SEATTLE, WA 98124 PO BOX 3707 M/C 67-74Owner/operator address: THE BOEING COMPANYOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 07/30/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 284 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation The Boeing CompanyMail Name: Aircraft EngineeringBusiness Type: 910425694Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2008Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 541330NAICS: WAD988482535EPA ID: 85524291Facility Site ID Number: WA MANIFEST: No violations foundViolation Status: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDINGSite name: 03/05/2002Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDINGSite name: 12/31/2003Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDINGSite name: 12/31/2005Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDINGSite name: 02/28/2006Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDINGSite name: 12/31/2007Date form received by agency: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 285 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 85524291Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: daniel.m.machut@boeing.comForm Contact EMail: (425)655-8344Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Daniel M MachutForm Contact NAME: Not reportedSite Contact EMail: (425)965-1567Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Site contact addr line1: Michael L VerhaarSite contact name: 07/30/1996Operator effective date: 425.965.1567Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: The Boeing CompanyOperator org name: 312.544.2800Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Land city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLand addr line2: Office of the General CounselLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: The Boeing CompanyLand org name: 07/30/1996Legal effective date: 312.544.2800Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Legal city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLegal addr line2: Office of the General CounselLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: The Boeing CompanyLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Mail addr line1: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 286 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2014-07-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 34.0200005Kilo Qty: 75 LBReported Qty: 2013-05-17 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2013-11-07 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 136.080002Kilo Qty: 300 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 79.3800013Kilo Qty: 175 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2013Data Year: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 287 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-01-26 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-04-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-09-01 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-01-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-05-08 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-08-06 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-03-19 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-05-30 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 288 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation The Boeing CompanyLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Mail addr line1: The Boeing CompanyMail Name: Aircraft EngineeringBusiness Type: 178005030Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2016Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: D001,D005,D007,D008,D018,D035,D039FWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 541330NAICS: WAD988482535EPA ID: 85524291Facility Site ID Number: A-3: D039;Comments: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 289 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 175 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: TrueMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: maryjo.donnelly@boeing.comForm Contact EMail: (206)662-2534Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 2R-96Form Contact ADDR LINE1: MaryJo DonnellyForm Contact NAME: Not reportedSite Contact EMail: (425)965-1567Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Site contact addr line1: Michael L VerhaarSite contact name: 07/30/1996Operator effective date: 425.965.1567Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: The Boeing CompanyOperator org name: 312.544.2800Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Land city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLand addr line2: Office of the General CounselLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: The Boeing CompanyLand org name: 07/30/1996Legal effective date: 312.544.2800Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Legal city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLegal addr line2: Office of the General CounselLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 290 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-07-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 34.0200005Kilo Qty: 75 LBReported Qty: 2013-05-17 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2013-11-07 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 136.080002Kilo Qty: 300 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 79.3800013Kilo Qty: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 291 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation A-3: D039;Comments: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-01-26 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-04-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-09-01 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-01-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-05-08 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-08-06 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-03-19 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-05-30 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 292 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Chicago, IL 60606-1596Legal city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLegal addr line2: Office of the General CounselLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: The Boeing CompanyLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Mail addr line1: The Boeing CompanyMail Name: Aircraft EngineeringBusiness Type: 178005030Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2009Data Year: TIN to WA UBI. 1. Revised information: Changed Tax Registration number from federalForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 541330NAICS: WAD988482535EPA ID: 85524291Facility Site ID Number: A-3: D039;Comments: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 293 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 79.3800013Kilo Qty: 175 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: daniel.m.machut@boeing.comForm Contact EMail: (425)655-8344Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Daniel M MachutForm Contact NAME: Not reportedSite Contact EMail: (425)965-1567Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Site contact addr line1: Michael L VerhaarSite contact name: 07/30/1996Operator effective date: 425.965.1567Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: The Boeing CompanyOperator org name: 312.544.2800Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Land city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLand addr line2: Office of the General CounselLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: The Boeing CompanyLand org name: 07/30/1996Legal effective date: 312.544.2800Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 294 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-05-30 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-07-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 34.0200005Kilo Qty: 75 LBReported Qty: 2013-05-17 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2013-11-07 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 136.080002Kilo Qty: 300 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 295 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation A-3: D039;Comments: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-01-26 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-04-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-09-01 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-01-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-05-08 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-08-06 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-03-19 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 296 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation PrivateLand org type: The Boeing CompanyLand org name: 07/30/1996Legal effective date: 312.544.2800Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Legal city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLegal addr line2: Office of the General CounselLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: The Boeing CompanyLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Mail addr line1: The Boeing CompanyMail Name: Aircraft ManufacturingBusiness Type: 910425694Tax Reg #: FALSEOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FALSEOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FALSEOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FALSEDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FALSEUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FALSEUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FALSEUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FALSEUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FALSESmelter defferal: FALSEIndustrial Furnace: FALSEIndustry boiler burner: FALSEUtility boiler burner: FALSEOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FALSEGenerator marketing to burner: FALSEGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FALSETreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FALSEImmediate recycler: FALSEImporter of hazardous waste: FALSEMixed radioactive waste: FALSETreatment by Generator: FALSEPermit by Rule: Not reportedData Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 541330NAICS: WAD988482535EPA ID: 85524291Facility Site ID Number: A-3: D039;Comments: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 297 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 79.3800013Kilo Qty: 175 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FALSEUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FALSEUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FALSEUsed Oil Refiner: FALSEUsed Oil Processor: FALSEUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FALSEUsed Oil Transporter: FALSEUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FALSETransfer Facility: FALSERecycler Onsite: FALSETranports Other Waste: FALSETransport Own Waste: FALSEOne Time Generation: FALSEBatch Generation: FALSEMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: daniel.m.machut@boeing.comForm Contact EMail: (425)655-8344Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Daniel M MachutForm Contact NAME: Not reportedSite Contact EMail: (425)965-1567Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Site contact addr line1: Michael L VerhaarSite contact name: 07/30/1996Operator effective date: 425.965.1567Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: The Boeing CompanyOperator org name: 312.544.2800Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Land city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLand addr line2: Office of the General CounselLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 298 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-03-19 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-05-30 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-07-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 34.0200005Kilo Qty: 75 LBReported Qty: 2013-05-17 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2013-11-07 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 136.080002Kilo Qty: 300 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 299 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation A-3: D039;Comments: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-01-26 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-04-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-09-01 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-01-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-05-08 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-08-06 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 300 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Chicago, IL 60606-1596Land city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLand addr line2: Office of the General CounselLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: The Boeing CompanyLand org name: 07/30/1996Legal effective date: 312.544.2800Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Legal city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLegal addr line2: Office of the General CounselLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: The Boeing CompanyLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Mail addr line1: The Boeing CompanyMail Name: Aircraft EngineeringBusiness Type: 178005030Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2010Data Year: Revised the forms contact informationForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 541330NAICS: WAD988482535EPA ID: 85524291Facility Site ID Number: A-3: D039;Comments: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 301 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 79.3800013Kilo Qty: 175 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: blake.r.boling@boeing.comForm Contact EMail: (425)965-2298Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Blake R BolingForm Contact NAME: Not reportedSite Contact EMail: (425)965-1567Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Site contact addr line1: Michael L VerhaarSite contact name: 07/30/1996Operator effective date: 425.965.1567Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: The Boeing CompanyOperator org name: 312.544.2800Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 302 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-03-19 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-05-30 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-07-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 34.0200005Kilo Qty: 75 LBReported Qty: 2013-05-17 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2013-11-07 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 136.080002Kilo Qty: 300 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 303 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation A-3: D039;Comments: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-01-26 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-04-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-09-01 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-01-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-05-08 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-08-06 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 304 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: The Boeing CompanyOperator org name: 312.544.2800Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Land city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLand addr line2: Office of the General CounselLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: The Boeing CompanyLand org name: 07/30/1996Legal effective date: 312.544.2800Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Legal city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLegal addr line2: Office of the General CounselLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: The Boeing CompanyLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Mail addr line1: The Boeing CompanyMail Name: Aircraft EngineeringBusiness Type: 178005030Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2013Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: D001, D005, D007, D008, D018, D035, D039FWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 541330NAICS: WAD988482535EPA ID: 85524291Facility Site ID Number: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 305 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 79.3800013Kilo Qty: 175 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: TrueMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: maryjo.donnelly@boeing.comForm Contact EMail: (206)662-2534Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 1W-12Form Contact ADDR LINE1: MaryJo DonnellyForm Contact NAME: Not reportedSite Contact EMail: (425)965-1567Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Site contact addr line1: Michael L VerhaarSite contact name: 07/30/1996Operator effective date: 425.965.1567Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Operator city,st,zip: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 306 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-03-19 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-05-30 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-07-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 34.0200005Kilo Qty: 75 LBReported Qty: 2013-05-17 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2013-11-07 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 136.080002Kilo Qty: 300 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 307 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedSWC Desc: 541330NAICS: WAD988482535EPA ID: 85524291Facility Site ID Number: A-3: D039;Comments: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-01-26 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-04-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-09-01 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-01-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-05-08 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-08-06 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 308 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 07/30/1996Operator effective date: 425.965.1567Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: The Boeing CompanyOperator org name: 312.544.2800Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Land city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLand addr line2: Office of the General CounselLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: The Boeing CompanyLand org name: 07/30/1996Legal effective date: 312.544.2800Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Legal city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLegal addr line2: Office of the General CounselLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: The Boeing CompanyLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Mail addr line1: The Boeing CompanyMail Name: Aircraft EngineeringBusiness Type: 178005030Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2011Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 309 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 79.3800013Kilo Qty: 175 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: blake.r.boling@boeing.comForm Contact EMail: (425)965-2298Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Blake R BolingForm Contact NAME: Not reportedSite Contact EMail: (425)965-1567Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Site contact addr line1: Michael L VerhaarSite contact name: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 310 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-08-06 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-03-19 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-05-30 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-07-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 34.0200005Kilo Qty: 75 LBReported Qty: 2013-05-17 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2013-11-07 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 136.080002Kilo Qty: 300 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 311 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoTreatment by Generator: NoPermit by Rule: Not reportedData Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 541330NAICS: WAD988482535EPA ID: 85524291Facility Site ID Number: A-3: D039;Comments: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-01-26 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-04-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-09-01 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-01-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-05-08 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 312 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation (425)965-1567Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Site contact addr line1: Michael L VerhaarSite contact name: 07/30/1996Operator effective date: 425.965.1567Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: The Boeing CompanyOperator org name: 312.544.2800Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Land city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLand addr line2: Office of the General CounselLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: The Boeing CompanyLand org name: 07/30/1996Legal effective date: 312.544.2800Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Legal city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLegal addr line2: Office of the General CounselLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: The Boeing CompanyLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Mail addr line1: The Boeing CompanyMail Name: Aircraft ManufacturingBusiness Type: 910425694Tax Reg #: NoOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: NoOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: NoOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: NoDestination Facility for Universal Waste: NoUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - lamps - generate: NoUniversal waste - mercury - generate: NoUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: NoUniversal waste - batteries - generate: NoSmelter defferal: NoIndustrial Furnace: NoIndustry boiler burner: NoUtility boiler burner: NoOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): NoGenerator marketing to burner: NoGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: NoTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: NoImmediate recycler: NoImporter of hazardous waste: NoMixed radioactive waste: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 313 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 300 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 79.3800013Kilo Qty: 175 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: NoUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: NoUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: NoUsed Oil Refiner: NoUsed Oil Processor: NoUsed Oil Transfer Facility: NoUsed Oil Transporter: NoUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: NoTransfer Facility: NoRecycler Onsite: NoTranports Other Waste: NoTransport Own Waste: NoOne Time Generation: NoBatch Generation: NoMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: timothy.j.savage@boeing.comForm Contact EMail: (425)965-2295Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Timothy J SavageForm Contact NAME: Not reportedSite Contact EMail: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 314 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-05-08 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-08-06 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-03-19 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-05-30 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-07-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 34.0200005Kilo Qty: 75 LBReported Qty: 2013-05-17 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2013-11-07 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 136.080002Kilo Qty: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 315 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2015Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: D001,D005,D007,D008,D035,D018,D039FWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 541330NAICS: WAD988482535EPA ID: 85524291Facility Site ID Number: A-3: D039;Comments: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-01-26 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-04-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-09-01 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-01-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 316 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 1W-12Form Contact ADDR LINE1: MaryJo DonnellyForm Contact NAME: Not reportedSite Contact EMail: (425)965-1567Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Site contact addr line1: Michael L VerhaarSite contact name: 07/30/1996Operator effective date: 425.965.1567Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: The Boeing CompanyOperator org name: 312.544.2800Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Land city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLand addr line2: Office of the General CounselLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: The Boeing CompanyLand org name: 07/30/1996Legal effective date: 312.544.2800Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Legal city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLegal addr line2: Office of the General CounselLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: The Boeing CompanyLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Mail addr line1: The Boeing CompanyMail Name: Aircraft EngineeringBusiness Type: 178005030Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 317 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 136.080002Kilo Qty: 300 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 79.3800013Kilo Qty: 175 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: TrueMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: maryjo.donnelly@boeing.comForm Contact EMail: (206)662-2534Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 318 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-05-08 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-08-06 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-03-19 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-05-30 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-07-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 34.0200005Kilo Qty: 75 LBReported Qty: 2013-05-17 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2013-11-07 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Shipments Sent: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 319 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2012Data Year: Updated Forms Contact info. No regulated dangerous waste generatedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 541330NAICS: WAD988482535EPA ID: 85524291Facility Site ID Number: A-3: D039;Comments: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-01-26 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-04-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-09-01 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-01-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 320 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SQGGen Status CD: maryjo.donnelly@boeing.comForm Contact EMail: (206)662-2534Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 1W-12Form Contact ADDR LINE1: MaryJo DonnellyForm Contact NAME: Not reportedSite Contact EMail: (425)965-1567Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Site contact addr line1: Michael L VerhaarSite contact name: 07/30/1996Operator effective date: 425.965.1567Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: The Boeing CompanyOperator org name: 312.544.2800Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Land city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLand addr line2: Office of the General CounselLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: The Boeing CompanyLand org name: 07/30/1996Legal effective date: 312.544.2800Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Legal city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLegal addr line2: Office of the General CounselLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: The Boeing CompanyLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Mail addr line1: The Boeing CompanyMail Name: Aircraft EngineeringBusiness Type: 178005030Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 321 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 136.080002Kilo Qty: 300 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 79.3800013Kilo Qty: 175 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: TrueBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 322 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-01-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-05-08 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-08-06 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-03-19 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-05-30 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-07-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 34.0200005Kilo Qty: 75 LBReported Qty: 2013-05-17 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2013-11-07 00:00:00Shipment sent data: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 323 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2014Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: D001,D005,D007,D008,D035,D039FWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 541330NAICS: WAD988482535EPA ID: 85524291Facility Site ID Number: A-3: D039;Comments: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-01-26 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-04-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-09-01 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 324 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: TrueMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: maryjo.donnelly@boeing.comForm Contact EMail: (206)662-2534Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 1W-12Form Contact ADDR LINE1: MaryJo DonnellyForm Contact NAME: Not reportedSite Contact EMail: (425)965-1567Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Site contact addr line1: Michael L VerhaarSite contact name: 07/30/1996Operator effective date: 425.965.1567Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: The Boeing CompanyOperator org name: 312.544.2800Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Land city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLand addr line2: Office of the General CounselLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: The Boeing CompanyLand org name: 07/30/1996Legal effective date: 312.544.2800Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Legal city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLegal addr line2: Office of the General CounselLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: The Boeing CompanyLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Mail addr line1: The Boeing CompanyMail Name: Aircraft EngineeringBusiness Type: 178005030Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 325 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2013-11-07 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 136.080002Kilo Qty: 300 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 79.3800013Kilo Qty: 175 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 326 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2016-09-01 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-01-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-05-08 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-08-06 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-03-19 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-05-30 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-07-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 34.0200005Kilo Qty: 75 LBReported Qty: 2013-05-17 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 327 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: Not reportedData Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 541330NAICS: WAD988482535EPA ID: 85524291Facility Site ID Number: A-3: D039;Comments: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-01-26 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-04-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 328 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: daniel.m.machut@boeing.comForm Contact EMail: (425)655-8344Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Daniel M MachutForm Contact NAME: Not reportedSite Contact EMail: (425)965-1567Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Site contact addr line1: Michael L VerhaarSite contact name: 07/30/1996Operator effective date: 425.965.1567Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Operator city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: The Boeing CompanyOperator org name: 312.544.2800Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Land city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLand addr line2: Office of the General CounselLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: The Boeing CompanyLand org name: 07/30/1996Legal effective date: 312.544.2800Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Legal city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLegal addr line2: Office of the General CounselLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: The Boeing CompanyLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Mail addr line1: The Boeing CompanyMail Name: Aircraft ManufacturingBusiness Type: 910425694Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 329 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2013-05-17 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2013-11-07 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 136.080002Kilo Qty: 300 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 181.440003Kilo Qty: 400 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 79.3800013Kilo Qty: 175 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: AEROSOL CANS AND SPRAYER UNITS: BARIUM, BENZENE, BUTANE, CHROMIUM, DIFLUORODescription: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 330 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-09-01 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-01-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-05-08 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-08-06 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2015-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-03-19 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-05-30 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-07-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2014-10-09 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 34.0200005Kilo Qty: 75 LBReported Qty: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 TC5178694.2s Page 331 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation A-3: D039;Comments: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2015Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2014Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: A-3: D039;Comments: 2013Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-01-26 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: 45.3600007Kilo Qty: 100 LBReported Qty: 2016-04-29 00:00:00Shipment sent data: 2016Data Year: 85524291Facility ID: BOEING 5TH & PARK BUILDING (Continued) 1004794007 NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum-OtherContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 11252Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.480779724 / -122.20697126Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 96588161Facility ID: CSCSL: MANIFEST ECHO FINDS 2097 ft.RCRA NonGen / NLRSite 2 of 2 in cluster S 0.397 mi.ALLSITES Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 USTRENTON, WA 98057 SW LUST225 WILLIAMS AVE S WAD000641407 S69 CSCSLQWEST CORPORATION W00276 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 332 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1954Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 2 STANDBYTank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1968Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: Closed in PlaceTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1 STANDBYTank Name: -122.206971260279Decimal Longitude: 47.4807797242688Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 9993Site Id: 96588161Facility ID: UST: 47.4807797 / -122.20697Lat/Long: NorthwestResponse Section: 06/01/1995Lust Status Date: Qwest Corporation W00276Cleanup Unit Name: Independent ActionProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 11252Cleanup Site ID: Cleanup StartedLust Status Type: 96588161Facility ID: LUST: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 333 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 9993Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 74911Interaction: 96588161Facility Id: QWEST CORPORATION W00276Facility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: ExemptTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 3 HEATTank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 334 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.206956416Longitude: 47.480774099000001Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1990-10-03 00:00:00Date Interaction: 9993Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 74913Interaction: -122.206956416Longitude: 47.480774099000001Latitude: Haz Waste Management ActiDate Interaction 3: 2002-12-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD000641407Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWOTHERInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 74916Interaction: -122.206956416Longitude: 47.480774099000001Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1996-03-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD000641407Program ID: QWEST CORPORATION W00276Facility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 74914Interaction: -122.206956416Longitude: 47.480774099000001Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 2005-12-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD000641407Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 74917Interaction: -122.206956416Longitude: 47.480774099000001Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 1954-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 335 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation RENTON, WA 98055 225 WILLIAMS AVE SFacility address: QWEST CORPORATION W00276Facility name: 01/08/2015Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.206956416Longitude: 47.480774099000001Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 2001-03-21 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD000641407Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 74915Interaction: -122.206956416Longitude: 47.480774099000001Latitude: Emergency/Haz Chem Rpt TIDate Interaction 3: 1989-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD000641407Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TIER2Interaction 2: AInteraction 1: 74912Interaction: -122.206956416Longitude: 47.480774099000001Latitude: Haz Waste Management ActiDate Interaction 3: 2009-12-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD000641407Program ID: Qwest Corporation W00276Facility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWOTHERInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 91046Interaction: -122.206956416Longitude: 47.480774099000001Latitude: Independent CleanupDate Interaction 3: 2012-07-10 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: Qwest Corporation W00276Facility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: INDPNDNTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 102047Interaction: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 336 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation USOwner/operator country: DENVER, CO 80202 1801 CALIFORNIA STREET ROOM 1160Owner/operator address: QWEST CORPORATIONOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 01/01/1900Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: DENVER, CO 80202 1801 CALIFORNIA STREET ROOM 1160Owner/operator address: QWEST CORPORATIONOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 02/27/1998Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: DENVER, CO 80202 1801 CALIFORNIA STREET ROOM 1160Owner/operator address: QWEST CORPORATIONOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 253-372-5184Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: KENT, WA 98032 23315 66TH AVE SOwner/operator address: QWEST CORPORATIONOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: JOSEPH.ROBERTSON@CENTURYLINK.COMContact email: 253-372-5184Contact telephone: USContact country: KENT, WA 98032 23315 66TH AVE SContact address: JOE ROBERTSONContact: KENT, WA 98032 23315 66TH AVE SMailing address: WAD000641407EPA ID: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 337 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not a generator, verifiedClassification: QWEST CORPORATION W00276Site name: 02/07/2012Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 253-372-5184Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: KENT, WA 98032 23315 66TH AVE SOwner/operator address: QWEST CORPORATIONOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 01/01/1900Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 303-992-7090Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: DENVER, CO 80202 1801 CALIFORNIA STREET ROOM 1160Owner/operator address: QWEST CORPORATIONOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 02/27/1998Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 303-992-7090Owner/operator telephone: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 338 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedSWC Desc: 51711NAICS: WAD000641407EPA ID: 96588161Facility Site ID Number: WA MANIFEST: http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005311000DFR URL: 110005311000Registry ID: 1000179237Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access HAZARDOUS WASTE BIENNIAL REPORTER corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110005311000Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: QWEST CORPORATION W00276Site name: 12/31/2003Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: QWEST CORPORATION W00276Site name: 12/31/2005Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: QWEST CORPORATION W00276Site name: 12/31/2007Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: QWEST CORPORATION W00276Site name: 02/23/2010Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: QWEST CORPORATION W00276Site name: 02/08/2011Date form received by agency: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 339 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation (303) 992-7090Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Denver, CO 80202Operator city,st,zip: Room 1160Operator addr line2: 1801 California StreetOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Qwest CorporationOperator org name: (303) 992-7090Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Denver, CO 80202Land city,st,zip: Room 1160Land addr line2: 1801 California StreetLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Qwest CorporationLand org name: 02/27/1998Legal effective date: (303) 992-7090Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Denver, CO 80202Legal city,st,zip: Room 1160Legal addr line2: 1801 California StreetLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Qwest CorporationLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98191Mail city,st,zip: 1600 7th Ave Rm 2206Mail addr line1: Qwest Corporation W00276Mail Name: TelecommunicationsBusiness Type: 601295793Tax Reg #: NoOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: NoOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: NoOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: NoDestination Facility for Universal Waste: NoUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - lamps - generate: NoUniversal waste - mercury - generate: NoUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: NoUniversal waste - batteries - generate: NoSmelter defferal: NoIndustrial Furnace: NoIndustry boiler burner: NoUtility boiler burner: NoOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): NoGenerator marketing to burner: NoGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: NoTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: NoImmediate recycler: NoImporter of hazardous waste: NoMixed radioactive waste: NoTreatment by Generator: NoPermit by Rule: Not reportedData Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 340 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: Not reportedData Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 51711NAICS: WAD000641407EPA ID: 96588161Facility Site ID Number: NoUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: NoUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: NoUsed Oil Refiner: NoUsed Oil Processor: NoUsed Oil Transfer Facility: NoUsed Oil Transporter: NoUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: NoTransfer Facility: NoRecycler Onsite: NoTranports Other Waste: NoTransport Own Waste: NoOne Time Generation: NoBatch Generation: NoMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: thomas.pitts@qwest.comForm Contact EMail: (206) 346-7532Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98191Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 1600 7TH AVE RM 2206Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Thomas PittsForm Contact NAME: thomas.pitts@qwest.comSite Contact EMail: (206) 346-7532Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98191Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 1600 7TH AVE RM 2708Site contact addr line1: Thomas PittsSite contact name: Not reportedOperator effective date: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 341 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: thomas.pitts@qwest.comForm Contact EMail: (206) 346-7532Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98191Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 1600 7TH AVE RM 2206Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Thomas PittsForm Contact NAME: thomas.pitts@qwest.comSite Contact EMail: (206) 346-7532Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98191Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 1600 7TH AVE RM 2206Site contact addr line1: Thomas PittsSite contact name: Not reportedOperator effective date: (303) 992-7090Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Denver, CO 80202Operator city,st,zip: Room 1160Operator addr line2: 1801 California StreetOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Qwest CorporationOperator org name: (303) 992-7090Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Denver, CO 80202Land city,st,zip: Room 1160Land addr line2: 1801 California StreetLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Qwest CorporationLand org name: 02/27/1998Legal effective date: (303) 992-7090Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Denver, CO 80202Legal city,st,zip: Room 1160Legal addr line2: 1801 California StreetLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Qwest CorporationLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98191Mail city,st,zip: 1600 7th Ave Rm 2206Mail addr line1: Qwest Corporation W00276Mail Name: TelecommunicationsBusiness Type: 601295793Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 342 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Joe RobertsonLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Qwest CorporationLand org name: 06/01/2012Legal effective date: (253)372-5184Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Kent, WA 98032Legal city,st,zip: 23315 66th AVE SLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Qwest CorporationLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Kent, WA 98032Mail city,st,zip: 23315 66th AVE SMail addr line1: Century LinkMail Name: TelecommunicationsBusiness Type: 601295793Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2015Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 517110NAICS: WAD000641407EPA ID: 96588161Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 343 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2009Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 517110NAICS: WAD000641407EPA ID: 96588161Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: joseph.robertson@centurylink.comForm Contact EMail: (253)372-5184Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Kent, WA 98032Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 23315 66th AVE SForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Joe RobertsonForm Contact NAME: joseph.robertson@centurylink.comSite Contact EMail: (253)372-5184Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Kent, WA 98032Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 23315 66th AVE SSite contact addr line1: Joe RobertsonSite contact name: 06/01/2012Operator effective date: (253)372-5184Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Kent, WA 98032Operator city,st,zip: 23315 66th AVE SOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Century LinkOperator org name: (253)372-5184Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Kent, WA 98032Land city,st,zip: 23315 66th AVE SLand addr line1: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 344 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation (206) 346-7532Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98191Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 1600 7TH AVE RM 712Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Thomas PittsForm Contact NAME: thomas.pitts@qwest.comSite Contact EMail: (206) 346-7532Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98191Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 1600 7TH AVE RM 712Site contact addr line1: Thomas PittsSite contact name: Not reportedOperator effective date: (303) 992-7090Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Denver, CO 80202Operator city,st,zip: Room 1160Operator addr line2: 1801 California StreetOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Qwest CorporationOperator org name: (303) 992-7090Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Denver, CO 80202Land city,st,zip: Room 1160Land addr line2: 1801 California StreetLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Qwest CorporationLand org name: 02/27/1998Legal effective date: (303) 992-7090Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Denver, CO 80202Legal city,st,zip: Room 1160Legal addr line2: 1801 California StreetLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Qwest CorporationLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98191Mail city,st,zip: 1600 7th Ave Rm 712Mail addr line1: Qwest Corporation W00276Mail Name: TelecommunicationsBusiness Type: 601295793Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 345 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation UNITED STATESMail country: Kent, WA 98032Mail city,st,zip: 23315 66th AVE SMail addr line1: Century LinkMail Name: TelecommunicationsBusiness Type: 601295793Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2012Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 517110NAICS: WAD000641407EPA ID: 96588161Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: thomas.pitts@qwest.comForm Contact EMail: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 346 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 517110NAICS: WAD000641407EPA ID: 96588161Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: joseph.robertson@centurylink.comForm Contact EMail: (253)372-5184Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Kent, WA 98032Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 23315 66th AVE SForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Joe RobertsonForm Contact NAME: joseph.robertson@centurylink.comSite Contact EMail: (253)372-5184Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Kent, WA 98032Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 23315 66th AVE SSite contact addr line1: Joe RobertsonSite contact name: 06/01/2012Operator effective date: (253)372-5184Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Kent, WA 98032Operator city,st,zip: 23315 66th AVE SOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Century LinkOperator org name: (253)372-5184Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Kent, WA 98032Land city,st,zip: 23315 66th AVE SLand addr line1: Joe RobertsonLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Qwest CorporationLand org name: 06/01/2012Legal effective date: (253)372-5184Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Kent, WA 98032Legal city,st,zip: 23315 66th AVE SLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Qwest CorporationLegal org name: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 347 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Kent, WA 98032Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 23315 66th AVE SSite contact addr line1: Joe RobertsonSite contact name: 06/01/2012Operator effective date: (253)372-5184Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Kent, WA 98032Operator city,st,zip: 23315 66th AVE SOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Century LinkOperator org name: (253)372-5184Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Kent, WA 98032Land city,st,zip: 23315 66th AVE SLand addr line1: Joe RobertsonLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Qwest CorporationLand org name: 06/01/2012Legal effective date: (253)372-5184Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Kent, WA 98032Legal city,st,zip: 23315 66th AVE SLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Qwest CorporationLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Kent, WA 98032Mail city,st,zip: 23315 66th AVE SMail addr line1: Century LinkMail Name: TelecommunicationsBusiness Type: 601295793Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2013Data Year: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 348 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2010Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 517110NAICS: WAD000641407EPA ID: 96588161Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: joseph.robertson@centurylink.comForm Contact EMail: (253)372-5184Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Kent, WA 98032Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 23315 66th AVE SForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Joe RobertsonForm Contact NAME: joseph.robertson@centurylink.comSite Contact EMail: (253)372-5184Site Contact Phone #: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 349 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: thomas.pitts@qwest.comForm Contact EMail: (206) 346-7532Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98191Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 1600 7TH AVE RM 712Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Thomas PittsForm Contact NAME: thomas.pitts@qwest.comSite Contact EMail: (206) 346-7532Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98191Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 1600 7TH AVE RM 712Site contact addr line1: Thomas PittsSite contact name: Not reportedOperator effective date: (303) 992-7090Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Denver, CO 80202Operator city,st,zip: Room 1160Operator addr line2: 1801 California StreetOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Qwest CorporationOperator org name: (303) 992-7090Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Denver, CO 80202Land city,st,zip: Room 1160Land addr line2: 1801 California StreetLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Qwest CorporationLand org name: 02/27/1998Legal effective date: (303) 992-7090Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Denver, CO 80202Legal city,st,zip: Room 1160Legal addr line2: 1801 California StreetLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Qwest CorporationLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98191Mail city,st,zip: 1600 7th Ave Rm 712Mail addr line1: Qwest Corporation W00276Mail Name: TelecommunicationsBusiness Type: 601295793Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 350 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Century LinkOperator org name: (253)372-5184Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Kent, WA 98032Land city,st,zip: 23315 66th AVE SLand addr line1: Joe RobertsonLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Qwest CorporationLand org name: 06/01/2012Legal effective date: (253)372-5184Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Kent, WA 98032Legal city,st,zip: 23315 66th AVE SLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Qwest CorporationLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Kent, WA 98032Mail city,st,zip: 23315 66th AVE SMail addr line1: Century LinkMail Name: TelecommunicationsBusiness Type: 601295793Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2014Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 517110NAICS: WAD000641407EPA ID: 96588161Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 351 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2008Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 51711NAICS: WAD000641407EPA ID: 96588161Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: joseph.robertson@centurylink.comForm Contact EMail: (253)372-5184Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Kent, WA 98032Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 23315 66th AVE SForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Joe RobertsonForm Contact NAME: joseph.robertson@centurylink.comSite Contact EMail: (253)372-5184Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Kent, WA 98032Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 23315 66th AVE SSite contact addr line1: Joe RobertsonSite contact name: 06/01/2012Operator effective date: (253)372-5184Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Kent, WA 98032Operator city,st,zip: 23315 66th AVE SOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 352 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation TrueOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: thomas.pitts@qwest.comForm Contact EMail: (206) 346-7532Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98191Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 1600 7TH AVE RM 2206Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Thomas PittsForm Contact NAME: thomas.pitts@qwest.comSite Contact EMail: (206) 346-7532Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98191Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 1600 7TH AVE RM 2206Site contact addr line1: Thomas PittsSite contact name: Not reportedOperator effective date: (303) 992-7090Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Denver, CO 80202Operator city,st,zip: Room 1160Operator addr line2: 1801 California StreetOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Qwest CorporationOperator org name: (303) 992-7090Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Denver, CO 80202Land city,st,zip: Room 1160Land addr line2: 1801 California StreetLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Qwest CorporationLand org name: 02/27/1998Legal effective date: (303) 992-7090Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Denver, CO 80202Legal city,st,zip: Room 1160Legal addr line2: 1801 California StreetLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Qwest CorporationLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98191Mail city,st,zip: 1600 7th Ave Rm 2206Mail addr line1: Qwest Corporation W00276Mail Name: TelecommunicationsBusiness Type: 601295793Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 353 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Denver, CO 80202Legal city,st,zip: Room 1160Legal addr line2: 1801 California StreetLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Qwest CorporationLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98191Mail city,st,zip: 1600 7th Ave Rm 2206Mail addr line1: Qwest Corporation W00276Mail Name: TelecommunicationsBusiness Type: 601295793Tax Reg #: FALSEOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FALSEOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FALSEOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FALSEDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FALSEUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FALSEUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FALSEUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FALSEUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FALSESmelter defferal: FALSEIndustrial Furnace: FALSEIndustry boiler burner: FALSEUtility boiler burner: FALSEOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FALSEGenerator marketing to burner: FALSEGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FALSETreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FALSEImmediate recycler: FALSEImporter of hazardous waste: FALSEMixed radioactive waste: FALSETreatment by Generator: FALSEPermit by Rule: Not reportedData Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 51711NAICS: WAD000641407EPA ID: 96588161Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 354 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalsePermit by Rule: 2016Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 517110NAICS: WAD000641407EPA ID: 96588161Facility Site ID Number: FALSEUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FALSEUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FALSEUsed Oil Refiner: FALSEUsed Oil Processor: FALSEUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FALSEUsed Oil Transporter: FALSEUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FALSETransfer Facility: FALSERecycler Onsite: FALSETranports Other Waste: FALSETransport Own Waste: FALSEOne Time Generation: FALSEBatch Generation: FALSEMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: thomas.pitts@qwest.comForm Contact EMail: (206) 346-7532Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98191Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 1600 7TH AVE RM 2206Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Thomas PittsForm Contact NAME: thomas.pitts@qwest.comSite Contact EMail: (206) 346-7532Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98191Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 1600 7TH AVE RM 2206Site contact addr line1: Thomas PittsSite contact name: Not reportedOperator effective date: (303) 992-7090Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Denver, CO 80202Operator city,st,zip: Room 1160Operator addr line2: 1801 California StreetOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Qwest CorporationOperator org name: (303) 992-7090Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Denver, CO 80202Land city,st,zip: Room 1160Land addr line2: 1801 California StreetLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Qwest CorporationLand org name: 02/27/1998Legal effective date: (303) 992-7090Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 355 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation joseph.robertson@centurylink.comSite Contact EMail: (253)372-5184Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Kent, WA 98032Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 23315 66th AVE SSite contact addr line1: Joe RobertsonSite contact name: 06/01/2012Operator effective date: (253)372-5184Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Kent, WA 98032Operator city,st,zip: 23315 66th AVE SOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Century LinkOperator org name: (253)372-5184Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Kent, WA 98032Land city,st,zip: 23315 66th AVE SLand addr line1: Joe RobertsonLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Qwest CorporationLand org name: 06/01/2012Legal effective date: (253)372-5184Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Kent, WA 98032Legal city,st,zip: 23315 66th AVE SLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Qwest CorporationLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Kent, WA 98032Mail city,st,zip: 23315 66th AVE SMail addr line1: Century LinkMail Name: TelecommunicationsBusiness Type: 601295793Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 356 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 601295793Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2011Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 517110NAICS: WAD000641407EPA ID: 96588161Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: joseph.robertson@centurylink.comForm Contact EMail: (253)372-5184Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Kent, WA 98032Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 23315 66th AVE SForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Joe RobertsonForm Contact NAME: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 357 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: thomas.pitts@qwest.comForm Contact EMail: (206) 346-7532Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98191Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 1600 7TH AVE RM 712Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Thomas PittsForm Contact NAME: thomas.pitts@qwest.comSite Contact EMail: (206) 346-7532Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98191Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 1600 7TH AVE RM 712Site contact addr line1: Thomas PittsSite contact name: Not reportedOperator effective date: (303) 992-7090Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Denver, CO 80202Operator city,st,zip: Room 1160Operator addr line2: 1801 California StreetOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Qwest CorporationOperator org name: (303) 992-7090Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Denver, CO 80202Land city,st,zip: Room 1160Land addr line2: 1801 California StreetLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Qwest CorporationLand org name: 02/27/1998Legal effective date: (303) 992-7090Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Denver, CO 80202Legal city,st,zip: Room 1160Legal addr line2: 1801 California StreetLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Qwest CorporationLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98191Mail city,st,zip: 1600 7th Ave Rm 712Mail addr line1: Qwest Corporation W00276Mail Name: TelecommunicationsBusiness Type: QWEST CORPORATION W00276 (Continued) 1000179237 TC5178694.2s Page 358 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 05/02/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 000-000-0000Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 36 LOGAN AVE SOwner/operator address: THOMAS AUTO REB TOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: RENTON, WA 98055-2039 36 LOGAN AVE SContact address: THOMAS AUTO REB THOMAS AUTO REBContact: WAD982654634EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 36 LOGAN AVE SFacility address: THOMAS AUTO REBUILD INCFacility name: 01/01/1994Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.209335154Longitude: 47.484854374999998Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1989-04-26 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD982654634Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 40859Interaction: 36719696Facility Id: THOMAS AUTO REBUILD INCFacility Name: ALLSITES: 2107 ft. Site 1 of 4 in cluster U 0.399 mi.ECHO Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 FINDSRENTON, WA 98055 West RCRA NonGen / NLR36 LOGAN AVE S WAD982654634 U70 ALLSITESTHOMAS AUTO REBUILD INC 1000296474 TC5178694.2s Page 359 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005346349DFR URL: 110005346349Registry ID: 1000296474Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System 110005346349Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: THOMAS AUTO REBUILD INC (Continued) 1000296474 -122.20247115399999Longitude: 47.490572374999999Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 1964-12-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: 101641Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 16518Interaction: 5333122Facility Id: AMERICAN TRANSMISSIONFacility Name: ALLSITES: 2109 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster T 0.399 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 38 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98055 NNW FINDS505 PARK AVE N N/A T71 ALLSITESAMERICAN TRANSMISSION 1007078119 TC5178694.2s Page 360 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110015548031Registry ID: FINDS: AMERICAN TRANSMISSION (Continued) 1007078119 Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: Other Non-Halogenated OrganicsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 9662Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.479382 / -122.205382Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 54887792Facility ID: HeadquartersResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: SuspectedSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: BenzeneContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 9662Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.479382 / -122.205382Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 54887792Facility ID: CSCSL: MANIFEST ECHO FINDS RCRA NonGen / NLR 2130 ft.ALLSITESSite 1 of 2 in cluster V 0.403 mi.VCP Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 USTRENTON, WA 98055 SSW LUST330 MAIN AVE S WAD094616117 V72 CSCSLTAYLORS AUTO BODY 1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 361 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.205382Decimal Longitude: 47.479382Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 3539Site Id: 54887792Facility ID: UST: 47.479382 / -122.20538Lat/Long: HeadquartersResponse Section: 10/03/2011Lust Status Date: TAYLOR AUTO BODYCleanup Unit Name: Voluntary Cleanup ProgramProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 9662Cleanup Site ID: NFALust Status Type: 54887792Facility ID: LUST: HeadquartersResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: Petroleum-OtherContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 9662Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.479382 / -122.205382Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 54887792Facility ID: HeadquartersResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: Petroleum-GasolineContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 9662Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.479382 / -122.205382Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 54887792Facility ID: HeadquartersResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 362 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation WAedr_fstat: VCP: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: Closed in PlaceTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 2Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: Closed in PlaceTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1Tank Name: TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 363 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation IInteraction 1: 51089Interaction: 54887792Facility Id: TAYLORS AUTO BODYFacility Name: ALLSITES: 9662Cleanup Siteid: NRank: Not reportedDate NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 54887792Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98057edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: 9662Cleanup Siteid: NRank: Not reportedDate NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 54887792Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98057edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: 9662Cleanup Siteid: NRank: Not reportedDate NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 54887792Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98057edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: 9662Cleanup Siteid: NRank: Not reportedDate NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 54887792Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98057edr_fzip: TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 364 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 3539Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 51090Interaction: -122.205351697Longitude: 47.479375230999999Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1984-06-04 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD094616117Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 51088Interaction: -122.205351697Longitude: 47.479375230999999Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 2013-06-28 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD094616117Program ID: ABRA Auto Body & Glass RentonFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 105401Interaction: -122.205351697Longitude: 47.479375230999999Latitude: Haz Waste Management ActiDate Interaction 3: 2003-12-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD094616117Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWOTHERInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 51091Interaction: -122.205351697Longitude: 47.479375230999999Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1990-10-10 00:00:00Date Interaction: 3539Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 365 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 330 MAIN AVE SOwner/operator address: GARY BELLOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 12/20/2000Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 330 MAIN AVE SOwner/operator address: TAYLORS AUTO BODY INCOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729 330 MAIN AVE SContact address: GARY L BELLContact: WAD094616117EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 330 MAIN AVE SFacility address: TAYLORS AUTO BODYFacility name: 07/07/2011Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.205351697Longitude: 47.479375230999999Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2013-12-23 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW2814Program ID: Taylors Auto BodyFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 106847Interaction: -122.205351697Longitude: 47.479375230999999Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-03-20 00:00:00Date Interaction: TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 366 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation TAYLORS AUTO BODYSite name: 12/31/2007Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: TAYLORS AUTO BODYSite name: 01/20/2010Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 06/05/1996Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-271-3001Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 330 MAIN AVE SOwner/operator address: GARY BOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 12/20/2000Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-271-3001Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 330 MAIN AVE SOwner/operator address: GARY BOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 06/05/1996Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 367 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Environmental Interest/Information System 110005328822Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: procedure. determined by biological testing methods or a book designation concentration greater than or equal to 0.001% and less than 1.0%, Washington State Dangerous Toxic Waste with a toxic constituents. Waste name: WT02. Waste code: MIXTURES. BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N-BUTYL THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL. Waste name: F003. Waste code: SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. IN F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF FLUOROCARBONS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS USED IN DEGREASING 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE AND CHLORINATED TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, TRICHLORETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS USED IN DEGREASING:. Waste name: F001. Waste code: METHYL ETHYL KETONE. Waste name: D035. Waste code: BARIUM. Waste name: D005. Waste code: IGNITABLE WASTE. Waste name: D001. Waste code: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: TAYLORS AUTO BODYSite name: 03/02/2000Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: TAYLORS AUTO BODYSite name: 12/31/2003Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: TAYLORS AUTO BODYSite name: 12/31/2005Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 368 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2008Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 811121NAICS: WAD094616117EPA ID: 54887792Facility Site ID Number: WA MANIFEST: http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005328822DFR URL: 110005328822Registry ID: 1000290874Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access HAZARDOUS WASTE BIENNIAL REPORTER corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 369 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: gary@ALLTECHCOLLISION.COMForm Contact EMail: (425)271-3001Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 330 Main Ave SForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Gary L BellForm Contact NAME: gary@taylorsautobody.comSite Contact EMail: (425)271-3001Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 330 Main Ave SSite contact addr line1: Gary L BellSite contact name: 06/05/1996Operator effective date: (425)271-3001Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Operator city,st,zip: 330 MAIN AVE SOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Not reportedOperator org name: (425)271-3001Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Land city,st,zip: 330 Main Ave SLand addr line1: Gary L BellLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Not reportedLand org name: 12/20/2000Legal effective date: (425)271-3001Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Legal city,st,zip: 330 Main Ave SLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Taylors Auto Body IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Mail city,st,zip: 330 MAIN AVE SMail addr line1: Taylors Auto BodyMail Name: auto body repairBusiness Type: 602096000Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 370 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation #210Operator addr line2: 7225 Northland DriveOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: ABRA IncOperator org name: 425-478-9949Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Woodinville, WA 98072Land city,st,zip: 6130 Maltby RdLand addr line1: Scott and Christy HensrudeLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Not reportedLand org name: 05/14/2013Legal effective date: 763-585-6253Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Brooklyn Park, MN 55428Legal city,st,zip: #210Legal addr line2: 7225 Northland DriveLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: ABRA IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Overland Park, KS 66085Mail city,st,zip: 16120 Foster StMail addr line1: Team Safety LLCMail Name: auto body repair & refiniBusiness Type: 603283211Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2016Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: D001,D005,D006,D035,D039,D040,F003,F005FWC Desc: WT02SWC Desc: 811112NAICS: WAD094616117EPA ID: 54887792Facility Site ID Number: TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 371 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2015Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: D001,D005,D006,D018,D035,D039,D040,F003,F005FWC Desc: WT02SWC Desc: 811112NAICS: WAD094616117EPA ID: 54887792Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: TrueRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: TrueMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: kcaruso@abraauto.comForm Contact EMail: 763-585-6253Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Brooklyn Park, MN 55428Form Contact City,ST,Zip: #210Form Contact ADDR LINE2: 7225 Northland DriveForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Kevin CarusoForm Contact NAME: ianison@abraauto.comSite Contact EMail: 425-271-3001Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98057Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 330 Main Ave SSite contact addr line1: Irene AnisonSite contact name: 05/14/2013Operator effective date: 763-585-6253Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Brooklyn Park, MN 55428Operator city,st,zip: TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 372 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: TrueMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: gwright@abraauto.comForm Contact EMail: 763-585-6253Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Brooklyn Park, MN 55428Form Contact City,ST,Zip: #210Form Contact ADDR LINE2: 7225 Northland DriveForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Greg WrightForm Contact NAME: ianison@abraauto.comSite Contact EMail: 425-271-3001Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98057Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 330 Main Ave SSite contact addr line1: Irene AnisonSite contact name: 05/14/2013Operator effective date: 763-585-6253Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Brooklyn Park, MN 55428Operator city,st,zip: #210Operator addr line2: 7225 Northland DriveOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: ABRA IncOperator org name: 425-478-9949Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Woodinville, WA 98072Land city,st,zip: 6130 Maltby RdLand addr line1: Scott and Christy HensrudeLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Not reportedLand org name: 05/14/2013Legal effective date: 763-585-6253Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Brooklyn Park, MN 55428Legal city,st,zip: #210Legal addr line2: 7225 Northland DriveLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: ABRA IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Overland Park, KS 66209Mail city,st,zip: 6801 W 121st St #110Mail addr line1: Team Safety LLCMail Name: auto body repair & refiniBusiness Type: 603283211Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 373 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation UNITED STATESLegal country: Brooklyn Park, MN 55428Legal city,st,zip: #210Legal addr line2: 7225 Northland DriveLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: ABRA IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Overland Park, KS 66209Mail city,st,zip: 6801 W 121st St #110Mail addr line1: Team Safety LLCMail Name: auto body repair & refiniBusiness Type: 603283211Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2013Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: D001D005D035F001F003FWC Desc: WT02SWC Desc: 811112NAICS: WAD094616117EPA ID: 54887792Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 374 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FALSETreatment by Generator: FALSEPermit by Rule: Not reportedData Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 811121NAICS: WAD094616117EPA ID: 54887792Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: TrueRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: TrueMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: gwright@abraauto.comForm Contact EMail: 763-585-6253Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Brooklyn Park, MN 55428Form Contact City,ST,Zip: #210Form Contact ADDR LINE2: 7225 Northland DriveForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Greg WrightForm Contact NAME: Not reportedSite Contact EMail: 425-271-3001Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98057Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 330 Main Ave SSite contact addr line1: Irene AnisonSite contact name: 05/14/2013Operator effective date: 763-585-6253Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Brooklyn Park, MN 55428Operator city,st,zip: #210Operator addr line2: 7225 Northland DriveOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: ABRA IncOperator org name: 425-478-9949Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Woodinville, WA 98072Land city,st,zip: 6130 Maltby RdLand addr line1: Scott and Christy HensrudeLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Not reportedLand org name: 05/14/2013Legal effective date: 763-585-6253Legal phone nbr: TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 375 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Gary L BellForm Contact NAME: gary@taylorsautobody.comSite Contact EMail: (425)271-3001Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 330 Main Ave SSite contact addr line1: Gary L BellSite contact name: 06/05/1996Operator effective date: (425)271-3001Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Operator city,st,zip: 330 MAIN AVE SOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Not reportedOperator org name: (425)271-3001Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Land city,st,zip: 330 Main Ave SLand addr line1: Gary L BellLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Not reportedLand org name: 12/20/2000Legal effective date: (425)271-3001Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Legal city,st,zip: 330 Main Ave SLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Taylors Auto Body IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Mail city,st,zip: 330 MAIN AVE SMail addr line1: Taylors Auto BodyMail Name: auto body repairBusiness Type: 602096000Tax Reg #: FALSEOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FALSEOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FALSEOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FALSEDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FALSEUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FALSEUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FALSEUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FALSEUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FALSESmelter defferal: FALSEIndustrial Furnace: FALSEIndustry boiler burner: FALSEUtility boiler burner: FALSEOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FALSEGenerator marketing to burner: FALSEGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FALSETreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FALSEImmediate recycler: FALSEImporter of hazardous waste: FALSEMixed radioactive waste: TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 376 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation auto body repair & refiniBusiness Type: 603283211Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2014Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: D001,D005,D035,F001,F003FWC Desc: WT02SWC Desc: 811112NAICS: WAD094616117EPA ID: 54887792Facility Site ID Number: FALSEUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FALSEUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FALSEUsed Oil Refiner: FALSEUsed Oil Processor: FALSEUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FALSEUsed Oil Transporter: FALSEUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FALSETransfer Facility: FALSERecycler Onsite: FALSETranports Other Waste: FALSETransport Own Waste: FALSEOne Time Generation: FALSEBatch Generation: FALSEMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: gary@ALLTECHCOLLISION.COMForm Contact EMail: (425)271-3001Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 330 Main Ave SForm Contact ADDR LINE1: TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 377 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: TrueRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: TrueMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: gwright@abraauto.comForm Contact EMail: 763-585-6253Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Brooklyn Park, MN 55428Form Contact City,ST,Zip: #210Form Contact ADDR LINE2: 7225 Northland DriveForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Greg WrightForm Contact NAME: ianison@abraauto.comSite Contact EMail: 425-271-3001Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98057Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 330 Main Ave SSite contact addr line1: Irene AnisonSite contact name: 05/14/2013Operator effective date: 763-585-6253Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Brooklyn Park, MN 55428Operator city,st,zip: #210Operator addr line2: 7225 Northland DriveOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: ABRA IncOperator org name: 425-478-9949Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Woodinville, WA 98072Land city,st,zip: 6130 Maltby RdLand addr line1: Scott and Christy HensrudeLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Not reportedLand org name: 05/14/2013Legal effective date: 763-585-6253Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Brooklyn Park, MN 55428Legal city,st,zip: #210Legal addr line2: 7225 Northland DriveLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: ABRA IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Overland Park, KS 66209Mail city,st,zip: 6801 W 121st St #110Mail addr line1: Team Safety LLCMail Name: TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 378 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation UNITED STATESOperator country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Operator city,st,zip: 330 MAIN AVE SOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Not reportedOperator org name: (425)271-3001Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Land city,st,zip: 330 Main Ave SLand addr line1: Gary L BellLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Not reportedLand org name: 12/20/2000Legal effective date: (425)271-3001Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Legal city,st,zip: 330 Main Ave SLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Taylors Auto Body IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Mail city,st,zip: 330 MAIN AVE SMail addr line1: Taylors Auto BodyMail Name: auto body repairBusiness Type: 602096000Tax Reg #: NoOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: NoOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: NoOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: NoDestination Facility for Universal Waste: NoUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - lamps - generate: NoUniversal waste - mercury - generate: NoUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: NoUniversal waste - batteries - generate: NoSmelter defferal: NoIndustrial Furnace: NoIndustry boiler burner: NoUtility boiler burner: NoOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): NoGenerator marketing to burner: NoGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: NoTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: NoImmediate recycler: NoImporter of hazardous waste: NoMixed radioactive waste: NoTreatment by Generator: NoPermit by Rule: Not reportedData Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 811121NAICS: WAD094616117EPA ID: 54887792Facility Site ID Number: TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 379 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: Not reportedData Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 811121NAICS: WAD094616117EPA ID: 54887792Facility Site ID Number: NoUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: NoUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: NoUsed Oil Refiner: NoUsed Oil Processor: NoUsed Oil Transfer Facility: NoUsed Oil Transporter: NoUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: NoTransfer Facility: YesRecycler Onsite: NoTranports Other Waste: NoTransport Own Waste: YesOne Time Generation: NoBatch Generation: NoMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: STEVE@ALLTECHCOLLISION.COMForm Contact EMail: (425)271-3001Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 330 Main Ave SForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Gary L BellForm Contact NAME: gary@taylorsautobody.comSite Contact EMail: (425)271-3001Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 330 Main Ave SSite contact addr line1: Gary L BellSite contact name: 06/05/1996Operator effective date: (425)271-3001Operator phone nbr: TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 380 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: gary@ALLTECHCOLLISION.COMForm Contact EMail: (425)271-3001Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 330 Main Ave SForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Gary L BellForm Contact NAME: gary@taylorsautobody.comSite Contact EMail: (425)271-3001Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 330 Main Ave SSite contact addr line1: Gary L BellSite contact name: 06/05/1996Operator effective date: (425)271-3001Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Operator city,st,zip: 330 MAIN AVE SOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Not reportedOperator org name: (425)271-3001Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Land city,st,zip: 330 Main Ave SLand addr line1: Gary L BellLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Not reportedLand org name: 12/20/2000Legal effective date: (425)271-3001Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Legal city,st,zip: 330 Main Ave SLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Taylors Auto Body IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Mail city,st,zip: 330 MAIN AVE SMail addr line1: Taylors Auto BodyMail Name: auto body repairBusiness Type: 602096000Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 381 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation RENTON, WA 98055-2729Land city,st,zip: 330 Main Ave SLand addr line1: Gary L BellLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Not reportedLand org name: 12/20/2000Legal effective date: (425)271-3001Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Legal city,st,zip: 330 Main Ave SLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Taylors Auto Body IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Mail city,st,zip: 330 MAIN AVE SMail addr line1: Taylors Auto BodyMail Name: auto body repairBusiness Type: 602096000Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2009Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 811121NAICS: WAD094616117EPA ID: 54887792Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 TC5178694.2s Page 382 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: XQGGen Status CD: gary@ALLTECHCOLLISION.COMForm Contact EMail: (425)271-3001Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 330 Main Ave SForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Gary L BellForm Contact NAME: gary@taylorsautobody.comSite Contact EMail: (425)271-3001Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 330 Main Ave SSite contact addr line1: Gary L BellSite contact name: 06/05/1996Operator effective date: (425)271-3001Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: RENTON, WA 98055-2729Operator city,st,zip: 330 MAIN AVE SOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Not reportedOperator org name: (425)271-3001Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: TAYLORS AUTO BODY (Continued)1000290874 SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 11/19/90Date Ecology Received Report: ICR: 2130 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster V 0.403 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98055 SSW 330 MAIN AVE. N/A V73 ICRTAYLOR AUTO BODY SHOP S104487692 TC5178694.2s Page 383 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 05/02/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 000-000-0000Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 64 LOGAN AVE SOwner/operator address: WALTS RADIATOR WOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: TACOMA, WA 98424-1016 2588 PACIFIC HWY EContact address: WALTS RADIATOR WALTS RADIATORContact: TACOMA, WA 98424-1016 2588 PACIFIC HWY EMailing address: WAD039271036EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 64 LOGAN AVEFacility address: WALTS RADIATOR & MUFFLER RENTONFacility name: 05/10/1996Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.209375155Longitude: 47.484594375Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1986-07-30 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD039271036Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 59195Interaction: 68932659Facility Id: WALTS RADIATOR & MUFFLER RENTONFacility Name: ALLSITES: 2136 ft. 0.405 mi.ECHO Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 FINDSRENTON, WA 98055 West RCRA NonGen / NLR64 LOGAN AVE WAD039271036 74 ALLSITESWALTS RADIATOR & MUFFLER RENTON 1000394454 TC5178694.2s Page 384 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005319565DFR URL: 110005319565Registry ID: 1000394454Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System 110005319565Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: WALTS RADIATOR & MUFFLER RENTONSite name: 05/10/1996Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: WALTS RADIATOR & MUFFLER RENTON (Continued) 1000394454 SD-3-0Tank Name: -122.208962Decimal Longitude: 47.480462Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 7446Site Id: 9526387Facility ID: UST: 2172 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster W 0.411 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98057 SW ALLSITES232 BURNETT S N/A W75 USTGOOD CHEVROLET INC U003028150 TC5178694.2s Page 385 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.20894715599999Longitude: 47.480456375000003Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 1988-05-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: 7446Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 24780Interaction: 9526387Facility Id: GOOD CHEVROLET INCFacility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Product Removed by ReclaimerPipe Pumping System: OtherPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Interstitial Monitoring (or Sump Sensor)Pipe Primary Release Detection: No Piping Attached to TankPipe Construction: No Piping Attached to TankPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Interstitial MonitoringTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Sacrificial AnodeTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Double Wall TankTank Construction: Dielectric Coated SteelTank Material: Overfill AlarmTank Overfill Prevention: Spill Bucket/Spill BoxTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: 07/31/1998Tank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1988Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: GOOD CHEVROLET INC (Continued) U003028150 HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 40698Interaction: 36496533Facility Id: KENNYS AUTO REBUILDFacility Name: ALLSITES: 2200 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster T 0.417 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 38 ft. 1/4-1/2 MANIFESTRENTON, WA 98055 NNW RCRA NonGen / NLR513 PARK AVE N WAH000004135 T76 ALLSITESKENNYS AUTO REBUILD 1001234005 TC5178694.2s Page 386 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FRANK CATALANOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 01/13/2004Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-204-5984Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 618 PARK AVE NOwner/operator address: FRANK COwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 04/01/1977Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 618 PARK AVE NOwner/operator address: KENNYS AUTO REBUILDOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: PrivateLand type: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: RENTON, WA 98055-1519 618 PARK AVE NContact address: KENNYS AUTO REB KENNYS AUTO REBContact: RENTON, WA 98055-1519 618 PARK AVE NMailing address: WAH000004135EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 513 PARK AVE NFacility address: KENNYS AUTO REBUILDFacility name: 03/14/2006Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.203657154Longitude: 47.490256373999998Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1998-01-30 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAH000004135Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: KENNYS AUTO REBUILD (Continued) 1001234005 TC5178694.2s Page 387 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not a generator, verifiedClassification: KENNYS AUTO REBUILD INCSite name: 09/03/1998Date form received by agency: Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: KENNYS AUTO REBUILD INCSite name: 12/31/2003Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: KENNYS AUTO REBUILDSite name: 12/31/2005Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 04/01/1977Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-226-6100Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 618 PARK AVE NOwner/operator address: KENNYS AUTO REB KOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 01/13/2004Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 618 PARK AVE NOwner/operator address: KENNYS AUTO REBUILD (Continued) 1001234005 TC5178694.2s Page 388 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 09/01/2005 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 02/08/2006Date achieved compliance: 08/24/2005Date violation determined: Generators - Records/ReportingArea of violation: SR - -210(3)Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 09/01/2005 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 10/12/2005Date achieved compliance: 08/24/2005Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: SR - -340(1)Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 09/01/2005 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 10/01/2005Date achieved compliance: 08/24/2005Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: SR - -630(7)Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 09/01/2005 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 09/22/2005Date achieved compliance: 08/24/2005Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: SR - -630(6)Regulation violated: Facility Has Received Notices of Violations: KENNYS AUTO REBUILD (Continued) 1001234005 TC5178694.2s Page 389 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 08/25/2005Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 08/24/2005Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 10/01/2005Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 08/24/2005Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 09/22/2005Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 08/24/2005Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 02/08/2006Date achieved compliance: Generators - Records/ReportingArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 08/24/2005Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 09/08/2005Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 08/24/2005Evaluation date: Evaluation Action Summary: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 09/01/2005 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 08/25/2005Date achieved compliance: 08/24/2005Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: SR - -573(10)Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 09/01/2005 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 09/08/2005Date achieved compliance: 08/24/2005Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: SR - -200(1)(c)Regulation violated: KENNYS AUTO REBUILD (Continued) 1001234005 TC5178694.2s Page 390 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 618 Park Ave NLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: Kennys Auto RebuildLand org name: 04/01/1977Legal effective date: 425-226-6100Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: RENTON, WA 98055-1519Legal city,st,zip: 618 Park Ave NLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: Kennys Auto RebuildLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: RENTON, WA 98055-1519Mail city,st,zip: 618 Park Ave NMail addr line1: Kennys Auto RebuildMail Name: autobody repairBusiness Type: 600358934Tax Reg #: NoOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: NoOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: NoOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: NoDestination Facility for Universal Waste: NoUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - lamps - generate: NoUniversal waste - mercury - generate: NoUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: NoUniversal waste - batteries - generate: NoSmelter defferal: NoIndustrial Furnace: NoIndustry boiler burner: NoUtility boiler burner: NoOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): NoGenerator marketing to burner: NoGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: NoTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: NoImmediate recycler: NoImporter of hazardous waste: NoMixed radioactive waste: NoTreatment by Generator: NoPermit by Rule: Not reportedData Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 811121NAICS: WAH000004135EPA ID: 36496533Facility Site ID Number: WA MANIFEST: StateEvaluation lead agency: 10/12/2005Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 08/24/2005Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: KENNYS AUTO REBUILD (Continued) 1001234005 TC5178694.2s Page 391 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: NoUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: NoUsed Oil Refiner: NoUsed Oil Processor: NoUsed Oil Transfer Facility: NoUsed Oil Transporter: NoUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: NoTransfer Facility: YesRecycler Onsite: NoTranports Other Waste: NoTransport Own Waste: NoOne Time Generation: YesBatch Generation: NoMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: Not reportedForm Contact EMail: (425)226-6100Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98055Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 618 Park Ave NForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Anita PhillipsForm Contact NAME: Not reportedSite Contact EMail: (425)226-6100Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: RENTON, WA 98055Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 618 Park Ave NSite contact addr line1: Anita PhillipsSite contact name: 01/13/2004Operator effective date: (425)204-5984Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: RENTON, WA 98055Operator city,st,zip: 618 Park Ave NOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Not reportedOperator org name: 425-226-6100Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: RENTON, WA 98055-1519Land city,st,zip: KENNYS AUTO REBUILD (Continued) 1001234005 2010-08-27 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR124602Program ID: Lake Washington Trail Connection ProjectFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: CONSTSWGPInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 94067Interaction: 12791Facility Id: LAKE WASHINGTON TRAIL CONNECTION PROJECTFacility Name: ALLSITES: 2223 ft. Site 2 of 4 in cluster U 0.421 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98057 West LOGAN AVE AND AIRPORT WAY N/A U77 ALLSITESLAKE WASHINGTON TRAIL CONNECTION PROJECT S110625534 TC5178694.2s Page 392 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.20748652499999Longitude: 47.492237283999998Latitude: Construction SW GPDate Interaction 3: LAKE WASHINGTON TRAIL CONNECTION PROJECT (Continued) S110625534 -122.210388154Longitude: 47.486365376000002Latitude: Construction SW GPDate Interaction 3: 2012-05-16 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR125897Program ID: Renton Apron B ReactivationFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: CONSTSWGPInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 101891Interaction: -122.210388154Longitude: 47.486365376000002Latitude: Enforcement FinalDate Interaction 3: 2009-11-24 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: DMSProgram Data: SPILLSEcology Program: ENFORFNLInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 88658Interaction: 15436Facility Id: RENTON AIRPORTFacility Name: ALLSITES: 2227 ft. Site 3 of 4 in cluster U 0.422 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 23 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98057 West 243 PERIMETER RD W N/A U78 ALLSITESRENTON AIRPORT S110037638 TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 31734Interaction: 21338221Facility Id: EDWARDS ROFacility Name: ALLSITES: 2279 ft. Site 4 of 4 in cluster U 0.432 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 28 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98055 West 21 LOGAN AVE S N/A U79 ALLSITESEDWARDS RO S109556121 TC5178694.2s Page 393 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.20977515600001Longitude: 47.482954376000002Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1988-06-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988466165Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EDWARDS RO (Continued)S109556121 -122.208064307Longitude: 47.488321091000003Latitude: Construction SW GPDate Interaction 3: 2015-06-08 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR303138Program ID: Logan Ave N improvementsFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: CONSTSWGPInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 113560Interaction: 4480Facility Id: LOGAN AVE N IMPROVEMENTSFacility Name: ALLSITES: 2285 ft. 0.433 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98057 NW N/A 80 ALLSITESLOGAN AVE N IMPROVEMENTS S118084535 AInteraction 1: 18228Interaction: -122.212168315Longitude: 47.483808201999999Latitude: Industrial SW GPDate Interaction 3: 1995-01-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: SO3002191Program ID: NORTHWEST SEAPLANES INC RENTONFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: INDSWGPInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 81750Interaction: 6143449Facility Id: NORTHWEST SEAPLANES INC RENTONFacility Name: ALLSITES: 2308 ft. 0.437 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 22 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98055 West FINDS850 PERIMETER RD W N/A 81 ALLSITESNORTHWEST SEAPLANES INC RENTON 1007077803 TC5178694.2s Page 394 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110015544856Registry ID: FINDS: -122.212168315Longitude: 47.483808201999999Latitude: Enforcement FinalDate Interaction 3: 2007-07-11 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: DMSProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: ENFORFNLInteraction 2: NORTHWEST SEAPLANES INC RENTON (Continued) 1007077803 PresidentContact Title: David AmburContact Name: Recycling (non-regulated)Facility Type: Not reportedOwnership: 5474Recycle Survey Code: Not reportedOperator Title: Not reportedOperator EMail: Commercial Waste Reduction & Recycling Co (CWRR)Operator Organization: Not reportedOperator Name: (206) 772-4745Phone: Not reportedPermit No: Not reportedContact Phone Ext: (360) 886-9372Contact Phone: dave@cwrrecycling.comContact EMail: 98057Contact Postal: WAContact State: RentonContact City: Not reportedContact Address2: Po Box 1843Contact Address1: Commercial Waste Reduction & Recycling Co (CWRR)Contact Organization: Recycle SurveyPermit Status: STATERegion: 1166Facility ID: SWF/LF: 2371 ft. 0.449 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98057 SW 314 WILLIAMS AVE S N/A 82 SWF/LFCOMMERCIAL WASTE REDUCTION & RECYCLING CO (CWRR) S118401611 TC5178694.2s Page 395 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reportedWebsite: NoOpen to Public Flag: Not reportedYear Closed: COMMERCIAL WASTE REDUCTION & RECYCLING CO (CWRR) (Continued) S118401611 -122.201985158Longitude: 47.477494374999999Latitude: Construction SW GPDate Interaction 3: 2008-05-19 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR010542Program ID: WA DOT I405 SR 515 I C PROJECTFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: CONSTSWGPInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 85367Interaction: 24833Facility Id: WA DOT I405 SR 515 I C PROJECTFacility Name: ALLSITES: 2374 ft. 0.450 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 147 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98057 South I405 MP 2.7 TO MP 4.5 N/A 83 ALLSITESWA DOT I405 SR 515 I C PROJECT S110038366 Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-02Site Register Issue: Final cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 12/07/94Date Ecology Received Report: ICR: 2383 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster X 0.451 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 37 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98055 NNW 523 PELLY AVE. N. N/A X84 ICRGRADY YOUNGMAN PROPERTY S104486837 TC5178694.2s Page 396 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.204495155Longitude: 47.490944374999998Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2002-08-19 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW0957Program ID: GRADY YOUNGMANFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 4658Interaction: 2515Facility Id: GRADY YOUNGMANFacility Name: ALLSITES: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum Products-UnspecifiedContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 3079Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.49095 / -122.20451Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2515Facility ID: CSCSL: 2383 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster X 0.451 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 37 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98055 NNW ALLSITES523 PELLY AVE N N/A X85 CSCSLGRADY YOUNGMAN S104971643 Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: Petroleum-DieselContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 8277Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.485263 / -122.218121Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 21429821Facility ID: CSCSL: 2386 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster Y 0.452 mi.ALLSITES Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 USTRENTON, WA 98055 West LUST1101 W PERIMETER RD N/A Y86 CSCSLCASTAWAYS RESTAURANT U003795385 TC5178694.2s Page 397 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 2Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1900Tank Install Date: 07/03/2001Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1Tank Name: -122.218121Decimal Longitude: 47.485263Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 200814Site Id: 21429821Facility ID: UST: 47.485263 / -122.21812Lat/Long: NorthwestResponse Section: 05/21/1995Lust Status Date: CASTAWAYS RESTAURANTCleanup Unit Name: Independent ActionProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 8277Cleanup Site ID: Cleanup StartedLust Status Type: 21429821Facility ID: LUST: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: CASTAWAYS RESTAURANT (Continued) U003795385 TC5178694.2s Page 398 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.21810615299999Longitude: 47.485257377000003Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1990-02-07 00:00:00Date Interaction: 200814Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 31818Interaction: -122.21810615299999Longitude: 47.485257377000003Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 1964-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: 200814Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 31817Interaction: 21429821Facility Id: CASTAWAYS RESTAURANTFacility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1964Tank Install Date: 07/03/2001Tank Status Date: CASTAWAYS RESTAURANT (Continued) U003795385 TC5178694.2s Page 399 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 2Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1Tank Name: -122.208222Decimal Longitude: 47.487172Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 5492Site Id: 25193491Facility ID: UST: 2394 ft.ECHOSite 2 of 2 in cluster W 0.453 mi.FINDS Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 RCRA NonGen / NLRRENTON, WA 98055 SW ALLSITES233 BURNETT ST S WAD988466124 W87 USTSOUND MAZDA SUZUKI 1001806523 TC5178694.2s Page 400 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation PrivateLand type: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: RENTON, WA 98055 101 SW GRADY WAYContact address: SOUND MAZDA SUZ SOUND MAZDA SUZContact: RENTON, WA 98055 101 SW GRADY WAYMailing address: WAD988466124EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 233 BURNETT ST SFacility address: SOUND MAZDA SUZUKIFacility name: 12/24/2001Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.20820715399999Longitude: 47.487166375000001Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1988-05-25 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988466124Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 34300Interaction: -122.20820715399999Longitude: 47.487166375000001Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-02-29 00:00:00Date Interaction: 5492Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 34301Interaction: 25193491Facility Id: SOUND MAZDA SUZUKIFacility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: SOUND MAZDA SUZUKI (Continued) 1001806523 TC5178694.2s Page 401 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Evaluation Action Summary: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: SOUND MAZDA SUZUKISite name: 03/01/2000Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 01/18/1999Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 000-000-0000Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: SEATTLE, WA 98119 308 W KINNEAR PLOwner/operator address: HUMPHREY INVEST HOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 03/21/1997Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-271-1700Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 233 BURNETT AVE SOwner/operator address: CURT LOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: SOUND MAZDA SUZUKI (Continued) 1001806523 TC5178694.2s Page 402 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005349060DFR URL: 110005349060Registry ID: 1001806523Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110005349060Registry ID: FINDS: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 10/10/2001Evaluation date: SOUND MAZDA SUZUKI (Continued) 1001806523 -122.21799596300001Longitude: 47.493993467000003Latitude: Industrial SW GPDate Interaction 3: 1995-03-06 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR002266Program ID: PRO FLIGHT AVIATION INC RENTONFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: INDSWGPInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 86841Interaction: 13757Facility Id: PRO FLIGHT AVIATION INC RENTONFacility Name: ALLSITES: 2396 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster Y 0.454 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98057 West NPDES540 W PERIMETER RD N/A Y88 ALLSITESPRO FLIGHT AVIATION INC RENTON S110037473 TC5178694.2s Page 403 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 805Days to Expiration: 01/01/2015Effective Date: 12/31/2019Permit Expiration Date: Cedar-SammamishWRIA: Greg StegmanEcology Contact: Coverage IssuedPermit SubStatus: ActivePermit Status: 5Permit Version: WAR002266Permit ID: -122.209999Longitude: 47.48420000Latitude: 12/03/2014Date Issued: HeadqartersAdmin Region: Industrial SW GPFacility Type: ActiveFacility Status: NPDES: PRO FLIGHT AVIATION INC RENTON (Continued) S110037473 805Days to Expiration: 01/01/2015Effective Date: 12/31/2019Permit Expiration Date: Cedar-SammamishWRIA: Greg StegmanEcology Contact: Coverage IssuedPermit SubStatus: ActivePermit Status: 1Permit Version: WAR124959Permit ID: -122.201219Longitude: 47.48949922Latitude: 12/03/2014Date Issued: HeadqartersAdmin Region: Industrial SW GPFacility Type: ActiveFacility Status: NPDES: -122.201204276Longitude: 47.489493603Latitude: Industrial SW GPDate Interaction 3: 2010-10-14 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR124959Program ID: Active USA LLCFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: INDSWGPInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 96821Interaction: 22016Facility Id: ACTIVE USA LLCFacility Name: ALLSITES: 2407 ft. 0.456 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 41 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98057 North NPDES540 GARDEN AVE N N/A 89 ALLSITESACTIVE USA LLC S111101750 TC5178694.2s Page 404 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 2.GASTank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1.DIESELTank Name: -122.203492Decimal Longitude: 47.488922Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 11482Site Id: 3986356Facility ID: UST: 2427 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster Z 0.460 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 39 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98055 North ALLSITES542 PARK AVE N N/A Z90 USTSKYWAY TOWING AUTO SERVICE CENTER U000595460 TC5178694.2s Page 405 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.203477155Longitude: 47.488916375000002Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-02-29 00:00:00Date Interaction: 11482Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 13838Interaction: 3986356Facility Id: SKYWAY TOWING AUTO SERVICE CENTERFacility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: SKYWAY TOWING AUTO SERVICE CENTER (Continued) U000595460 1610 S 96TH STMailing address: WAD027463892EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 542 PARK AVEFacility address: ALFIERI CONSTRUCTIONFacility name: 04/19/1988Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.202225156Longitude: 47.489114374000003Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1988-01-14 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD027463892Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 68921Interaction: 86143626Facility Id: ALFIERI CONSTRUCTIONFacility Name: ALLSITES: 2427 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster Z 0.460 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 39 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98055 North RCRA NonGen / NLR542 PARK AVE WAD027463892 Z91 ALLSITESALFIERI CONSTRUCTION 1000249393 TC5178694.2s Page 406 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: ALFIERI CONSTRUCTIONSite name: 04/19/1988Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 05/02/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 000-000-0000Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 542 PARK AVE NOwner/operator address: ALFIERI CONSTRU AOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: SEATTLE, WA 98108-5115 1610 S 96TH STContact address: ALFIERI CONSTRU ALFIERI CONSTRUContact: SEATTLE, WA 98108-5115 ALFIERI CONSTRUCTION (Continued) 1000249393 TC5178694.2s Page 407 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110037068598Registry ID: FINDS: -122.178695023Longitude: 47.488698823Latitude: LandfillDate Interaction 3: 1900-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: Mount Olivet LandfillFacility Alt.: SWFDProgram Data: W2REcology Program: LANDFILLInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 12091Interaction: 3181940Facility Id: MOUNT OLIVET LANDFILLFacility Name: ALLSITES: 2431 ft. 0.460 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 211 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98056 East FINDS2325 NE 3RD ST N/A 92 ALLSITESMOUNT OLIVET LANDFILL 1011847988 47.488320096000002Latitude: Emergency/Haz Chem Rpt TIDate Interaction 3: 2003-09-15 00:00:00Date Interaction: CRK000056450Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TIER2Interaction 2: IInteraction 1: 17343Interaction: 5710395Facility Id: AT&T WIRELESS RENTON 2Facility Name: ALLSITES: 2441 ft. 0.462 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 32 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98055 NW FINDS405 LOGAN AVE N N/A 93 ALLSITESAT&T WIRELESS RENTON 2 1007728512 TC5178694.2s Page 408 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110018851759Registry ID: FINDS: -122.20939029500001Longitude: 47.489305201999997Latitude: Construction SW GPDate Interaction 3: 2010-10-14 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR124707Program ID: Renton Memorial Stadium RenovationFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: CONSTSWGPInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 94839Interaction: 11155Facility Id: RENTON MEMORIAL STADIUM RENOVATIONFacility Name: -122.20930498200001Longitude: AT&T WIRELESS RENTON 2 (Continued) 1007728512 Self-InsuranceFinancial Resp Type: Self InsuredSite Type: 97701DOE Site ID: WA Financial Assurance 1: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 91-23Site Register Issue: Final cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 02/19/91Date Ecology Received Report: ICR: 2466 ft. Site 1 of 4 in cluster AA 0.467 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 50 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98055 NNE Financial Assurance480 HOUSER WY N N/A AA94 ICRPACCAR INC S102515062 TC5178694.2s Page 409 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 03/23/2011Expiration Date: 03/23/2010Inception Date: PACCAR INC (Continued)S102515062 Double Wall TankTank Construction: Steel Clad with Corrosion Resistant CompositeTank Material: Overfill AlarmTank Overfill Prevention: Spill Bucket/Spill BoxTank Spill Prevention: 04/08/1998Tank Upgrade Date: 01/31/2017Tank Permit Expiration Date: 2,001 to 4,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/15/1989Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: OperationalTank Status: A3787Tag Number: 1.Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: Closed in PlaceTank Status: A3787Tag Number: 1Tank Name: -122.193407810037Decimal Longitude: 47.4914748614037Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 97701Site Id: 85953633Facility ID: UST: 2466 ft. Site 2 of 4 in cluster AA 0.467 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 50 ft. 1/4-1/2 CSCSL NFARENTON, WA 98055 NNE ALLSITES480 HOUSER WAY N/A AA95 USTPACCAR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIVISION U000596974 TC5178694.2s Page 410 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.19339847400001Longitude: 47.491469426999998Latitude: Emergency/Haz Chem Rpt TIDate Interaction 3: 1995-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: CRK000040440Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TIER2Interaction 2: AInteraction 1: 68849Interaction: -122.19339847400001Longitude: 47.491469426999998Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1990-08-28 00:00:00Date Interaction: 97701Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 68848Interaction: -122.19339847400001Longitude: 47.491469426999998Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-03-20 00:00:00Date Interaction: 97701Program ID: PACCAR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIVISIONFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 68850Interaction: 85953633Facility Id: PACCAR MISFacility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Non-Safe SuctionPipe Pumping System: Corrosion ResistantPipe Corrosion Protection: Interstitial Monitoring (or Sump Sensor)Pipe Second Release Detection: Safe Suction (No Leak Detection)Pipe Primary Release Detection: Double Wall PipePipe Construction: FiberglassPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Automatic Tank GaugingTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Corrosion ResistantTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: PACCAR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIVISION (Continued) U000596974 TC5178694.2s Page 411 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.19340781Longitude: 47.491474861Latitude: NoVCP: Not reportedRank: 10/03/2011NFA Date: 10844CS Id: 85953633Facility/Site Id: CSCSL NFA: -122.19339847400001Longitude: 47.491469426999998Latitude: Enforcement FinalDate Interaction 3: 2014-10-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: DMSProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: ENFORFNLInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 109890Interaction: PACCAR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIVISION (Continued) U000596974 hazardous waste the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or 100 kg or less of hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates at any from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting land or water, of acutely hazardous waste; or generates 100 kg or less other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any waste; or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous or generates 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste per calendar month, and accumulates 1000 kg or less of hazardous waste at any time; Handler: generates 100 kg or less of hazardous waste per calendarDescription: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: DON.WILLIAMS@PACCAR.COMContact email: 425-254-6092Contact telephone: USContact country: RENTON, WA 98057 485 HOUSER WAY NContact address: DON L WILLIAMSContact: WAH000023175EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 485 HOUSER WAY NFacility address: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENTFacility name: 02/28/2012Date form received by agency: RCRA-CESQG: 2473 ft. Site 3 of 4 in cluster AA 0.468 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 50 ft. 1/4-1/2 MANIFESTRENTON, WA 98055 NNE ALLSITES485 HOUSER WAY N WAH000023175 AA96 RCRA-CESQGKENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 412 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98057 485 HOUSER WAY NOwner/operator address: PACCAR INC POwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 02/17/2004Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98057 485 HOUSER WAY NOwner/operator address: DON WILLIAMSOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 02/17/2004Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-254-6092Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98057 485 HOUSER WAY NOwner/operator address: DON WILLIAMSOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 02/17/2004Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-455-7400Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98057 485 HOUSER WAY NOwner/operator address: PACCAR INCOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 02/17/2004Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-254-6092Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98057 485 HOUSER WAY NOwner/operator address: DON WOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 413 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENTSite name: 12/31/2007Date form received by agency: WSQG. Waste name: WSQG. Waste code: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENTSite name: 02/26/2010Date form received by agency: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENTSite name: 03/02/2011Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: WSQG. Waste name: WSQG. Waste code: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 02/17/2004Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: BELLEVUE, WA 98004 777 106TH AVE NEOwner/operator address: PACCAR INCOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 02/17/2004Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-455-7400Owner/operator telephone: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 414 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL. Waste name: F005. Waste code: MIXTURES. BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N-BUTYL THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL. Waste name: F003. Waste code: TRICHLORETHYLENE. Waste name: D040. Waste code: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE. Waste name: D039. Waste code: METHYL ETHYL KETONE. Waste name: D035. Waste code: BENZENE. Waste name: D018. Waste code: LEAD. Waste name: D008. Waste code: CHROMIUM. Waste name: D007. Waste code: CADMIUM. Waste name: D006. Waste code: BARIUM. Waste name: D005. Waste code: IGNITABLE WASTE. Waste name: D001. Waste code: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENTSite name: 04/08/2004Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENTSite name: 12/31/2005Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 415 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.194815156Longitude: 47.489774374Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 2004-04-15 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAH000023175Program ID: Kenworth Truck Research & DevelopmentFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 16420Interaction: -122.194815156Longitude: 47.489774374Latitude: Emergency/Haz Chem Rpt TIDate Interaction 3: 2014-05-30 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAH000023175Program ID: KENWORTH R AND D CTRFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TIER2Interaction 2: AInteraction 1: 109692Interaction: -122.194815156Longitude: 47.489774374Latitude: Industrial SW GPDate Interaction 3: 2014-06-24 00:00:00Date Interaction: CNE302428Program ID: Kenworth Truck R&D CenterFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: INDSWGPInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 109529Interaction: 5276518Facility Id: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENTFacility Name: ALLSITES: No violations foundViolation Status: BENZENE, DIMETHYL- (I,T) (OR) XYLENE (I). Waste name: U239. Waste code: BENZENE, METHYL- (OR) TOLUENE. Waste name: U220. Waste code: 2-BUTANONE (I,T) (OR) METHYL ETHYL KETONE (MEK) (I,T). Waste name: U159. Waste code: 2-PROPANONE (I) (OR) ACETONE (I). Waste name: U002. Waste code: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 416 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Renton, WA 98057Operator city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Not reportedOperator org name: 425-254-6092Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Bellevue, WA 98004-5001Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/17/2004Legal effective date: 425-454-6092Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Renton, WA 98057Legal city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: PACCAR IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Renton, WA 98057Mail city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NMail addr line1: Kenworth Truck Research & DevelopmentMail Name: Testing LaboratoryBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2015Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: D009FWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 541380NAICS: WAH000023175EPA ID: 5276518Facility Site ID Number: WA MANIFEST: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 417 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2010Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 541380NAICS: WAH000023175EPA ID: 5276518Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: TrueBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: bob.gurney@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 485 Houser Way NForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Bob G GurneyForm Contact NAME: bob.gurney@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 485 Houser Way NSite contact addr line1: Bob G GurneySite contact name: 02/17/2004Operator effective date: (425)254-6092Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 418 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: TrueBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: don.williams@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 485 Houser Way NForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Don L WilliamsForm Contact NAME: don.williams@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 485 Houser Way NSite contact addr line1: Don L WilliamsSite contact name: 02/17/2004Operator effective date: (425)254-6092Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Renton, WA 98057Operator city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Not reportedOperator org name: (425)455-7400Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Bellevue, WA 98004-5001Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/17/2004Legal effective date: (425)455-7400Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Renton, WA 98057Legal city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: PACCAR IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Renton, WA 98057Mail city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NMail addr line1: Kenworth Truck Research & DevelopmentMail Name: Testing LaboratoryBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 419 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 777 106th Ave NELand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/17/2004Legal effective date: 425-454-6092Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Renton, WA 98057Legal city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: PACCAR IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Renton, WA 98057Mail city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NMail addr line1: Kenworth Truck Research & DevelopmentMail Name: Testing LaboratoryBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2014Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: F005FWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 541380NAICS: WAH000023175EPA ID: 5276518Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 420 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2016Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: F005FWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 541380NAICS: WAH000023175EPA ID: 5276518Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: TrueTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: TrueBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: bob.gurney@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 485 Houser Way NForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Bob G GurneyForm Contact NAME: bob.gurney@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 485 Houser Way NSite contact addr line1: Bob G GurneySite contact name: 02/17/2004Operator effective date: (425)254-6092Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Renton, WA 98057Operator city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Not reportedOperator org name: 425-254-6092Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Bellevue, WA 98004-5001Land city,st,zip: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 421 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation TrueBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: bob.gurney@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 485 Houser Way NForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Bob G GurneyForm Contact NAME: bob.gurney@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 485 Houser Way NSite contact addr line1: Bob G GurneySite contact name: 02/17/2004Operator effective date: (425)254-6092Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Renton, WA 98057Operator city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Not reportedOperator org name: 425-254-6092Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Bellevue, WA 98004-5001Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/17/2004Legal effective date: 425-454-6092Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Renton, WA 98057Legal city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: PACCAR IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Renton, WA 98057Mail city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NMail addr line1: Kenworth Truck Research & DevelopmentMail Name: Testing LaboratoryBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 422 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation PrivateLegal org type: PACCAR IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Renton, WA 98057Mail city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NMail addr line1: Kenworth Truck Research & DevelopmentMail Name: Testing LaboratoryBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2013Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: U220-TOLUENE, U239-XYLENE F005-SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, U002-PROPANE, U159-BUTANONE, D001-IGNITABLE, DOO2-CORROSIVE, FOO3-SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS,FWC Desc: WPO1-PERSISTANT, WT02-TOXICSWC Desc: 541380NAICS: WAH000023175EPA ID: 5276518Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: TrueTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 423 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalsePermit by Rule: 2008Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 54138NAICS: WAH000023175EPA ID: 5276518Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: TrueBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: don.williams@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 485 Houser Way NForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Don L WilliamsForm Contact NAME: don.williams@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 485 Houser Way NSite contact addr line1: Don L WilliamsSite contact name: 02/17/2004Operator effective date: (425)254-6092Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Renton, WA 98057Operator city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Not reportedOperator org name: 425-254-6092Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Bellevue, WA 98004-5001Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/17/2004Legal effective date: 425-454-6092Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Renton, WA 98057Legal city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NLegal addr line1: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 424 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation don.williams@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 485 Houser Way NSite contact addr line1: Don L WilliamsSite contact name: 02/17/2004Operator effective date: (425)254-6092Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Renton, WA 98057Operator city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Not reportedOperator org name: (425)455-7400Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Bellevue, WA 98004-5001Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/17/2004Legal effective date: (425)455-7400Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Bellevue, WA 98004-5001Legal city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: PACCAR IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Renton, WA 98057Mail city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NMail addr line1: Kenworth Truck Research & DevelopmentMail Name: Testing LaboratoryBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 425 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 177000505Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2012Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 541380NAICS: WAH000023175EPA ID: 5276518Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: TrueBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: don.williams@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 485 Houser Way NForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Don L WilliamsForm Contact NAME: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 426 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 5276518Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: TrueBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: don.williams@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 485 Houser Way NForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Don L WilliamsForm Contact NAME: don.williams@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 485 Houser Way NSite contact addr line1: Don L WilliamsSite contact name: 02/17/2004Operator effective date: (425)254-6092Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Renton, WA 98057Operator city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Not reportedOperator org name: 425-254-6092Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Bellevue, WA 98004-5001Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/17/2004Legal effective date: 425-454-6092Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Renton, WA 98057Legal city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: PACCAR IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Renton, WA 98057Mail city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NMail addr line1: Kenworth Truck Research & DevelopmentMail Name: Testing LaboratoryBusiness Type: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 427 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation (425)254-6092Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Renton, WA 98055Operator city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Not reportedOperator org name: (425)455-7400Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Bellevue, WA 98004-5001Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/17/2004Legal effective date: (425)455-7400Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Bellevue, WA 98004-5001Legal city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: PACCAR IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Renton, WA 98055Mail city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NMail addr line1: Kenworth Truck Research & DevelopmentMail Name: Testing LaboratoryBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: NoOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: NoOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: NoOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: NoDestination Facility for Universal Waste: NoUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: NoUniversal waste - lamps - generate: NoUniversal waste - mercury - generate: NoUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: NoUniversal waste - batteries - generate: NoSmelter defferal: NoIndustrial Furnace: NoIndustry boiler burner: NoUtility boiler burner: NoOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): NoGenerator marketing to burner: NoGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: NoTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: NoImmediate recycler: NoImporter of hazardous waste: NoMixed radioactive waste: NoTreatment by Generator: NoPermit by Rule: Not reportedData Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 54138NAICS: WAH000023175EPA ID: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 428 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2009Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 541380NAICS: WAH000023175EPA ID: 5276518Facility Site ID Number: NoUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: NoUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: NoUsed Oil Refiner: NoUsed Oil Processor: NoUsed Oil Transfer Facility: NoUsed Oil Transporter: NoUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: NoTransfer Facility: NoRecycler Onsite: NoTranports Other Waste: NoTransport Own Waste: NoOne Time Generation: YesBatch Generation: NoMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: dwilliams@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Renton, WA 98055Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 485 Houser Way NForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Don L WilliamsForm Contact NAME: dwilliams@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98055Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 485 Houser Way NSite contact addr line1: Don L WilliamsSite contact name: 02/17/2004Operator effective date: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 429 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: TrueBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: don.williams@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 485 Houser Way NForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Don L WilliamsForm Contact NAME: don.williams@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 485 Houser Way NSite contact addr line1: Don L WilliamsSite contact name: 02/17/2004Operator effective date: (425)254-6092Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Renton, WA 98057Operator city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Not reportedOperator org name: (425)455-7400Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Bellevue, WA 98004-5001Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/17/2004Legal effective date: (425)455-7400Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Renton, WA 98057Legal city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: PACCAR IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Renton, WA 98057Mail city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NMail addr line1: Kenworth Truck Research & DevelopmentMail Name: Testing LaboratoryBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 430 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation UNITED STATESLand country: Bellevue, WA 98004-5001Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/17/2004Legal effective date: (425)455-7400Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Renton, WA 98057Legal city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: PACCAR IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Renton, WA 98057Mail city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NMail addr line1: Kenworth Truck Research & DevelopmentMail Name: Testing LaboratoryBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: 2011Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 541380NAICS: WAH000023175EPA ID: 5276518Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 431 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: FalsePermit by Rule: Not reportedData Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 54138NAICS: WAH000023175EPA ID: 5276518Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: TrueBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: don.williams@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 485 Houser Way NForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Don L WilliamsForm Contact NAME: don.williams@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 485 Houser Way NSite contact addr line1: Don L WilliamsSite contact name: 02/17/2004Operator effective date: (425)254-6092Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Renton, WA 98057Operator city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Not reportedOperator org name: (425)455-7400Land phone nbr: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 432 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: TrueBatch Generation: FalseMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: don.williams@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 485 Houser Way NForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Don L WilliamsForm Contact NAME: don.williams@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 485 Houser Way NSite contact addr line1: Don L WilliamsSite contact name: 02/17/2004Operator effective date: (425)254-6092Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Renton, WA 98057Operator city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Not reportedOperator org name: (425)455-7400Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Bellevue, WA 98004-5001Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/17/2004Legal effective date: (425)455-7400Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Bellevue, WA 98004-5001Legal city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: PACCAR IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Renton, WA 98057Mail city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NMail addr line1: Kenworth Truck Research & DevelopmentMail Name: Testing LaboratoryBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 433 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation (425)455-7400Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Bellevue, WA 98004-5001Legal city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: PACCAR IncLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: Renton, WA 98057Mail city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NMail addr line1: Kenworth Truck Research & DevelopmentMail Name: Testing LaboratoryBusiness Type: 177000505Tax Reg #: FALSEOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FALSEOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FALSEOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FALSEDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FALSEUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FALSEUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FALSEUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FALSEUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FALSEUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FALSESmelter defferal: FALSEIndustrial Furnace: FALSEIndustry boiler burner: FALSEUtility boiler burner: FALSEOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FALSEGenerator marketing to burner: FALSEGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FALSETreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FALSEImmediate recycler: FALSEImporter of hazardous waste: FALSEMixed radioactive waste: FALSETreatment by Generator: FALSEPermit by Rule: Not reportedData Year: Not reportedForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 54138NAICS: WAH000023175EPA ID: 5276518Facility Site ID Number: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 TC5178694.2s Page 434 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FALSEUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FALSEUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FALSEUsed Oil Refiner: FALSEUsed Oil Processor: FALSEUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FALSEUsed Oil Transporter: FALSEUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FALSETransfer Facility: FALSERecycler Onsite: FALSETranports Other Waste: FALSETransport Own Waste: FALSEOne Time Generation: TRUEBatch Generation: FALSEMonthly Generation: SQGGen Status CD: don.williams@paccar.comForm Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Form Contact City,ST,Zip: 485 Houser Way NForm Contact ADDR LINE1: Don L WilliamsForm Contact NAME: don.williams@paccar.comSite Contact EMail: (425)254-6092Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: Renton, WA 98057Site Contact City/State/ Zip: 485 Houser Way NSite contact addr line1: Don L WilliamsSite contact name: 02/17/2004Operator effective date: (425)254-6092Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: Renton, WA 98057Operator city,st,zip: 485 Houser Way NOperator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: Not reportedOperator org name: (425)455-7400Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Bellevue, WA 98004-5001Land city,st,zip: 777 106th Ave NELand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: PACCAR IncLand org name: 02/17/2004Legal effective date: KENWORTH TRUCK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1007371915 12364Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.480953 / -122.209507Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 24009Facility ID: CSCSL: 2497 ft. 0.473 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98057 WSW ALLSITES205 LOGAN AVE S N/A 97 CSCSLTIRE STORE S116753617 TC5178694.2s Page 435 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.20948714799999Longitude: 47.480948791000003Latitude: State Cleanup SiteDate Interaction 3: 2013-05-17 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: Tire StoreFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: SCSInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 108756Interaction: 24009Facility Id: TIRE STOREFacility Name: ALLSITES: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: Petroleum-OtherContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 12364Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.480953 / -122.209507Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 24009Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: Petroleum-DieselContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: TIRE STORE (Continued)S116753617 IInteraction 1: 31665Interaction: 21263442Facility Id: MILLER AVIATIONFacility Name: ALLSITES: 2531 ft. 0.479 mi.ECHO Relative: Lower Actual: 26 ft. 1/4-1/2 FINDSRENTON, WA 98055 WNW RCRA NonGen / NLR289 PERIMETER RD E WAD980980262 98 ALLSITESMILLER AVIATION 1000280985 TC5178694.2s Page 436 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 05/02/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 000-000-0000Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 289 PERIMETER RD EOwner/operator address: MILLER AVIATION MOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: RENTON, WA 98058-7737 19436 136TH PL SEContact address: MILLER AVIATION MILLER AVIATIONContact: RENTON, WA 98058-7737 19436 136TH PL SEMailing address: WAD980980262EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 289 PERIMETER RD EFacility address: MILLER AVIATIONFacility name: 12/04/1985Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.20816515600001Longitude: 47.484144375Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1985-12-04 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD980980262Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: MILLER AVIATION (Continued)1000280985 TC5178694.2s Page 437 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005337126DFR URL: 110005337126Registry ID: 1000280985Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Environmental Interest/Information System 110005337126Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: MILLER AVIATIONSite name: 12/04/1985Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: MILLER AVIATION (Continued)1000280985 601564Facility ID: SPILLS: -122.20347715600001Longitude: 47.488886374000003Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-02-29 00:00:00Date Interaction: 1055Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 49795Interaction: 53171211Facility Id: GARYS AUTOMOTIVE & TIRE INCFacility Name: ALLSITES: 2557 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster Z 0.484 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 38 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98055 NNW SPILLS541 PARK AVE N N/A Z99 ALLSITESGARYS AUTOMOTIVE & TIRE INC S108674102 TC5178694.2s Page 438 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedResp Party Name: Not reportedRecovered Quantity: Not reportedVessel Facility Name2: Not reportedSource: Not reportedSource Type: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reportedIncident Category: Not reportedIncident Category Type: Not reportedIncident Date: Not reportedContact Name: 08/06/2007Date Received: Not reportedMaterial Units: Not reportedMaterial Qty: OTHER HAZARDOUSMaterial Desc: Not reportedMedium: 564383Facility ID: Not reportedResp Party Name: Not reportedRecovered Quantity: Not reportedVessel Facility Name2: Not reportedSource: Not reportedSource Type: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reportedIncident Category: Not reportedIncident Category Type: Not reportedIncident Date: Not reportedContact Name: 10/22/2007Date Received: Not reportedMaterial Units: Not reportedMaterial Qty: OTHER - SEE NOTEMaterial Desc: Not reportedMedium: GARYS AUTOMOTIVE & TIRE INC (Continued) S108674102 -122.19772763Longitude: 47.487971549000001Latitude: Toxics Release InventoryDate Interaction 3: 1987-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: CRK000030530Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TRIInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 66828Interaction: 82882955Facility Id: PACCAR PARTS NW DISTRIBUTINGFacility Name: ALLSITES: 2601 ft. Site 4 of 4 in cluster AA 0.493 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 49 ft. 1/4-1/2 RENTON, WA 98055 NNE FINDS502 HOUSER WAY N N/A AA100 ALLSITESPACCAR PARTS NW DISTRIBUTING 1007064523 TC5178694.2s Page 439 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access Incident Tracking, Compliance Assistance, and Compliance Monitoring. that support Compliance and Enforcement programs. These include; has the capability to track other activities occurring in the Region that information with Federal actions already in the system. ICIS also Compliance System (PCS) which supports the NPDES and will integrate it Headquarters. A future release of ICIS will replace the Permit information is maintained in ICIS by EPA in the Regional offices and Federal Administrative and Judicial enforcement actions. This a single repository for that information. Currently, ICIS contains all replace EPA’s independent databases that contain Enforcement data with information across most of EPA’s programs. The vision for ICIS is to complete, will contain integrated Enforcement and Compliance Compliance Information System and provides a database that, when ICIS (Integrated Compliance Information System) is the Integrated Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110015410848Registry ID: FINDS: -122.19772763Longitude: 47.487971549000001Latitude: Industrial SW GPDate Interaction 3: 2008-11-10 00:00:00Date Interaction: CNE126559Program ID: PACCAR PARTS NW DISTRIBUTING CTRFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: INDSWGPInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 101030Interaction: -122.19772763Longitude: 47.487971549000001Latitude: Emergency/Haz Chem Rpt TIDate Interaction 3: 1991-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: CRK000030530Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TIER2Interaction 2: AInteraction 1: 66829Interaction: PACCAR PARTS NW DISTRIBUTING (Continued) 1007064523 TC5178694.2s Page 440 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation HeadquartersResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Non-Halogenated SolventsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 3382Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.477982 / -122.206532Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 12593698Facility ID: HeadquartersResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: LUST - Other Hazardous SubstanceContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 3382Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.477982 / -122.206532Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 12593698Facility ID: HeadquartersResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Conventional Contaminants, OrganicContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 3382Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.477982 / -122.206532Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 12593698Facility ID: CSCSL: DRYCLEANERS FINDS 2601 ft.ALLSITES 0.493 mi.VCP Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/4-1/2 USTRENTON, WA 98057 SSW LUST903 S 4TH ST N/A 101 CSCSLSERVICE LINEN SUPPLY INC 1007075920 TC5178694.2s Page 441 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Above Ground PipingPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: Closed in PlaceTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: #1Tank Name: -122.206532Decimal Longitude: 47.477982Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 8931Site Id: 12593698Facility ID: UST: 47.477982 / -122.20653Lat/Long: HeadquartersResponse Section: 06/30/2004Lust Status Date: Service Linen SupplyCleanup Unit Name: Voluntary Cleanup ProgramProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 3382Cleanup Site ID: Cleanup StartedLust Status Type: 12593698Facility ID: LUST: HeadquartersResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum-GasolineContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 3382Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.477982 / -122.206532Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 12593698Facility ID: SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY INC (Continued) 1007075920 TC5178694.2s Page 442 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: 05/31/1986Tank Closure Date: Not reportedTank Install Date: 05/31/1986Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 3Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: 05/31/1986Tank Closure Date: Not reportedTank Install Date: 05/31/1986Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 2Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY INC (Continued) 1007075920 TC5178694.2s Page 443 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: 05/31/1986Tank Closure Date: Not reportedTank Install Date: 05/31/1986Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 5Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: 05/31/1986Tank Closure Date: Not reportedTank Install Date: 05/31/1986Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 4Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY INC (Continued) 1007075920 TC5178694.2s Page 444 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDate NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 12593698Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98057-0659edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: 3382Cleanup Siteid: NRank: Not reportedDate NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 12593698Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98057-0659edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: VCP: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: 05/31/1986Tank Closure Date: Not reportedTank Install Date: 05/31/1986Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 6Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY INC (Continued) 1007075920 TC5178694.2s Page 445 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.20651715699999Longitude: 47.477976376000001Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 2000-10-19 00:00:00Date Interaction: 8931Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 26929Interaction: -122.20651715699999Longitude: 47.477976376000001Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2006-06-06 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW1637Program ID: SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY INCFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 26928Interaction: 12593698Facility Id: SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY INCFacility Name: ALLSITES: 3382Cleanup Siteid: NRank: Not reportedDate NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 12593698Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98057-0659edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: 3382Cleanup Siteid: NRank: Not reportedDate NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 12593698Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98057-0659edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: 3382Cleanup Siteid: NRank: SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY INC (Continued) 1007075920 TC5178694.2s Page 446 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedLegal Person First Name: Not reportedLegal Org Name: Not reportedMail Country: Not reportedMail City,St,Zip: Not reportedMail Line2: Not reportedMail Line1: Not reportedMail Name: Not reportedState Waste Code Desc: Not reportedFed Waste Code Desc: Not reportedBusiness Type: Not reportedTax Reg Nbr: 12593698FS Id: Not reportedEPA Id: DRYCLEANERS: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110015525699Registry ID: FINDS: -122.20651715699999Longitude: 47.477976376000001Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2017-02-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW3113Program ID: Service Linen Supply IncFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 121501Interaction: -122.20651715699999Longitude: 47.477976376000001Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-02-29 00:00:00Date Interaction: 8931Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 26927Interaction: SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY INC (Continued) 1007075920 TC5178694.2s Page 447 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedPbr: Not reportedTransfer Facility: Not reportedRecycler Onsite: Not reportedTransports Others Waste: Not reportedTransports Own Waste: Not reportedOne Time Generation: Not reportedBatch Generation: Not reportedMonthly Generation: Not reportedGen Status Cd: Not reportedForm Contact Email: Not reportedForm Contact Phone Nbr: Not reportedForm Contact Country: Not reportedForm Contact City,St,Zip: Not reportedForm Contact Line2: Not reportedForm Contact Line1: Not reportedForm Contact Last Name: Not reportedForm Contact Middle Init: Not reportedForm Contact First Name: Not reportedSite Contact Email: Not reportedSite Contact Phone Nbr: Not reportedSite Contact Country: Not reportedSite Contact City,St,Zip: Not reportedSite Contact Line2: Not reportedSite Contact Line1: Not reportedSite Contact Last Name: Not reportedSite Contact Middle Init: Not reportedSite Contact First Name: Not reportedOperator Organization Type: Not reportedOperator Effective Date: Not reportedOperator Phone Nbr: Not reportedOperator Country: Not reportedOperator City,St,Zip: Not reportedOperator Line2: Not reportedOperator Line1: Not reportedOperator Person Last Name: Not reportedOperator Person Middle Init: Not reportedOperator Person First Name: Not reportedOperator Org Name: Not reportedLand Organization Type: Not reportedLand Phone Nbr: Not reportedLand Country: Not reportedLand City,St,Zip: Not reportedLand Line2: Not reportedLand Line1: Not reportedLand Person Last Name: Not reportedLand Person Middle Init: Not reportedLand Person First Name: Not reportedLand Org Name: Not reportedLegal Organization Type: Not reportedLegal Effective Date: Not reportedLegal Phone Nbr: Not reportedLegal Country: Not reportedLegal City,St,Zip: Not reportedLegal Line2: Not reportedLegal Line1: Not reportedLegal Person Last Name: Not reportedLegal Person Middle Init: SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY INC (Continued) 1007075920 TC5178694.2s Page 448 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedComments: -122.206532Longitude: 47.477982Latitude: TOXICSSIC DS: Drycleaning Plants, Except Rug CleaningFS SIC Code: 7216Program Name: Not reportedNAICS DS: Not reportedEnd Date: 10/19/2000Start Date: AStatus Code: LUSTECO Int Type Code: Not reportedUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: Not reportedUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: Not reportedUsed Oil Rerefiner: Not reportedUsed Oil Processor: Not reportedUsed Oil Transfer Facility: Not reportedUsed Oil Transporter: Not reportedOff Spec Furnace: Not reportedOff Spec Industry Boiler: Not reportedOff Spec Utility Boiler: Not reportedUW Destination Facility: Not reportedUW Lamps Accum: Not reportedUW Mercury Accum: Not reportedUW Thermostats Accum: Not reportedUW Battery Accum: Not reportedUW Lamps Gen: Not reportedUW Mercury Gen: Not reportedUW Thermostats Gen: Not reportedUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: Not reportedSmall Qty Exemption: Not reportedSmelter Deferral: Not reportedFurnace Burner: Not reportedIndustry Boiler Burner: Not reportedUtility Boiler Burner: Not reportedGen Other Marketers: Not reportedGen Market To Burner: Not reportedGen Dang Fuel: Not reportedImmediate Recycler: Not reportedTsdr Facility: Not reportedImporter: Not reportedMixed Radioactive: Not reportedTbg: SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY INC (Continued) 1007075920 Cleanup StartedSite Status: 9972Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.484762195 / -122.21242091Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 63618514Facility ID: CSCSL: 2889 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster AB 0.547 mi.ALLSITES Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/2-1 ICRRENTON, WA 98057 West LUST307 AIRPORT WAY N/A AB102 CSCSLSDS PARTNERS S103850729 TC5178694.2s Page 449 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 55944Interaction: -122.212400006Longitude: 47.484755778999997Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 1973-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: 200044Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 55943Interaction: 63618514Facility Id: SDS PARTNERSFacility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 98-14Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 11/01/93Date Ecology Received Report: ICR: 47.4847621 / -122.21242Lat/Long: NorthwestResponse Section: 05/21/1995Lust Status Date: SDS Partners PropertyCleanup Unit Name: Independent ActionProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 9972Cleanup Site ID: Cleanup StartedLust Status Type: 63618514Facility ID: LUST: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum-OtherContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: SDS PARTNERS (Continued)S103850729 TC5178694.2s Page 450 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.212400006Longitude: 47.484755778999997Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1993-07-12 00:00:00Date Interaction: 200044Program ID: SDS PARTNERS (Continued)S103850729 SuspectedGround Water: Petroleum Products-UnspecifiedContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Awaiting CleanupSite Status: 1170Clean Up Siteid: 5Rank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.48553 / -122.21366Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 63051958Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: SuspectedGround Water: Non-Halogenated SolventsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Awaiting CleanupSite Status: 1170Clean Up Siteid: 5Rank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.48553 / -122.21366Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 63051958Facility ID: CSCSL: NORTHWEST REGIONAL OFFICERegion Decode: 63051958EDR Link ID: NWRegion: 5Rank: 63051958FSID Number: Awaiting CleanupFacility Status: Hazardous Sites ListFacility Type: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: Not reportededr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: HSL: ECHO FINDS RCRA NonGen / NLR 2932 ft.CSCSL NFASite 2 of 2 in cluster AB 0.555 mi.ALLSITES Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/2-1 USTRENTON, WA 98057 West CSCSL300 AIRPORT WAY S WAD117344358 AB103 HSLPUGET SOUND HELICOPTER INC 1000146922 TC5178694.2s Page 451 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 2. 80/87Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1. LOWLEADTank Name: -122.214752Decimal Longitude: 47.484792Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 10225Site Id: 6417829Facility ID: UST: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: PUGET SOUND HELICOPTER INC (Continued) 1000146922 TC5178694.2s Page 452 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 4. JET ATank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 3. 100/130Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: PUGET SOUND HELICOPTER INC (Continued) 1000146922 TC5178694.2s Page 453 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 63051958Facility Id: SKY HARBOR AVIATIONFacility Name: -122.21473715400001Longitude: 47.484786376000002Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1992-05-22 00:00:00Date Interaction: 10225Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 18803Interaction: -122.21473715400001Longitude: 47.484786376000002Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1990-05-10 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD117344358Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 18802Interaction: -122.21473715400001Longitude: 47.484786376000002Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-03-20 00:00:00Date Interaction: 10225Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 18804Interaction: 6417829Facility Id: PUGET SOUND HELICOPTER INCFacility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: PUGET SOUND HELICOPTER INC (Continued) 1000146922 TC5178694.2s Page 454 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 05/02/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 000-000-0000Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 300 AIRPORT WAY SOwner/operator address: PUGET SOUND HEL POwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: PrivateLand type: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: ISSAQUAH, WA 98027-0049 PO BOX 1268Contact address: PUGET SOUND HEL PUGET SOUND HELContact: ISSAQUAH, WA 98027-0049 PO BOX 1268Mailing address: WAD117344358EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055-1332 300 AIRPORT WAY SFacility address: PUGET SOUND HELICOPTER INCFacility name: 12/14/1998Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.214752Longitude: 47.484792Latitude: NoVCP: Not reportedRank: 10/03/2011NFA Date: 7701CS Id: 6417829Facility/Site Id: CSCSL NFA: -122.21364515400001Longitude: 47.485524376000001Latitude: State Cleanup SiteDate Interaction 3: 1999-06-03 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: SKY HARBOR AVIATIONFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: SCSInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 55555Interaction: PUGET SOUND HELICOPTER INC (Continued) 1000146922 TC5178694.2s Page 455 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 1000146922Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110005330873Registry ID: FINDS: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE VISITEvaluation: 03/01/1996Evaluation date: Evaluation Action Summary: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: PUGET SOUND HELICOPTER INCSite name: 10/03/1994Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: PUGET SOUND HELICOPTER INC (Continued) 1000146922 TC5178694.2s Page 456 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005330873DFR URL: 110005330873Registry ID: PUGET SOUND HELICOPTER INC (Continued) 1000146922 NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: SuspectedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Conventional Contaminants, InorganicContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 820Clean Up Siteid: 1Rank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.492258527 / -122.20541306Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2097Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: SuspectedSoil: SuspectedSurface Water: SuspectedGround Water: AsbestosContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 820Clean Up Siteid: 1Rank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.492258527 / -122.20541306Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2097Facility ID: CSCSL: NORTHWEST REGIONAL OFFICERegion Decode: 2097EDR Link ID: NWRegion: 1Rank: 2097FSID Number: Cleanup StartedFacility Status: Hazardous Sites ListFacility Type: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: Not reportededr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: HSL: NPDES 3247 ft.MANIFESTSite 1 of 2 in cluster AC 0.615 mi.SPILLS Relative: Higher Actual: 39 ft. 1/2-1 ALLSITESRENTON, WA 98055 North CSCSL737 LOGAN AVE N N/A AC104 HSLBOEING RENTON S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 457 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 820Clean Up Siteid: 1Rank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.492258527 / -122.20541306Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2097Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: SuspectedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Metals - OtherContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 820Clean Up Siteid: 1Rank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.492258527 / -122.20541306Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2097Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: SuspectedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Halogenated OrganicsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 820Clean Up Siteid: 1Rank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.492258527 / -122.20541306Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2097Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: SuspectedSoil: SuspectedSurface Water: SuspectedGround Water: Corrosive WastesContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 820Clean Up Siteid: 1Rank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.492258527 / -122.20541306Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2097Facility ID: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 458 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: SuspectedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Phenolic CompoundsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 820Clean Up Siteid: 1Rank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.492258527 / -122.20541306Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2097Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: SuspectedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum Products-UnspecifiedContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 820Clean Up Siteid: 1Rank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.492258527 / -122.20541306Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2097Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: SuspectedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Non-Halogenated SolventsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 820Clean Up Siteid: 1Rank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.492258527 / -122.20541306Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2097Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: SuspectedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Metals Priority PollutantsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 459 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 3511Interaction: -122.205398471Longitude: 47.492253875999999Latitude: Emergency/Haz Chem Rpt TIDate Interaction 3: 1988-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD009262171Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TIER2Interaction 2: AInteraction 1: 3506Interaction: 2097Facility Id: BOEING RENTONFacility Name: ALLSITES: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSediment: SuspectedSoil: SuspectedSurface Water: SuspectedGround Water: Polycyclic Aromatic HydrocarbonsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 820Clean Up Siteid: 1Rank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.492258527 / -122.20541306Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2097Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: SuspectedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Polychlorinated biPhenyls (PCB)Contaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 820Clean Up Siteid: 1Rank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.492258527 / -122.20541306Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2097Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 460 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWTSDFInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 3504Interaction: -122.205398471Longitude: 47.492253875999999Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1980-08-15 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD009262171Program ID: Boeing RentonFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 3503Interaction: -122.205398471Longitude: 47.492253875999999Latitude: SedimentsDate Interaction 3: 1900-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: Boeing RentonFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: SEDIMENTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 3510Interaction: -122.205398471Longitude: 47.492253875999999Latitude: Construction SW GPDate Interaction 3: 2015-10-26 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR303563Program ID: The Boeing Co-Renton Facility (Apron C)Facility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: CONSTSWGPInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 115874Interaction: -122.205398471Longitude: 47.492253875999999Latitude: State Cleanup SiteDate Interaction 3: 1988-03-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: Boeing RentonFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: SCSInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 461 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2013-06-24 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR127149Program ID: Renton VPAL ProjectFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: CONSTSWGPInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 105334Interaction: 5955Facility Id: RENTON VPAL PROJECTFacility Name: -122.205398471Longitude: 47.492253875999999Latitude: Hazardous Waste PlannerDate Interaction 3: 1991-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD009262171Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: HWPPRTProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWPInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 3508Interaction: -122.205398471Longitude: 47.492253875999999Latitude: Air Qual Oper Permit SourDate Interaction 3: 1977-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: AIRSISProgram Data: AIRQUALEcology Program: AQOPSInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 3502Interaction: -122.205398471Longitude: 47.492253875999999Latitude: Toxics Release InventoryDate Interaction 3: 1987-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD009262171Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TRIInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 3505Interaction: -122.205398471Longitude: 47.492253875999999Latitude: Haz Treatment Storage FacDate Interaction 3: 1980-08-15 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD009262171Program ID: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 462 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedResp Party Name: Not reportedRecovered Quantity: Not reportedVessel Facility Name2: Not reportedSource: Not reportedSource Type: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reportedIncident Category: Not reportedIncident Category Type: Not reportedIncident Date: Not reportedContact Name: 12/06/2012Date Received: Not reportedMaterial Units: Not reportedMaterial Qty: OTHER - SEE NOTEMaterial Desc: STORM DRAIN PIPEMedium: 638051Facility ID: Not reportedResp Party Name: Not reportedRecovered Quantity: Not reportedVessel Facility Name2: Not reportedSource: Not reportedSource Type: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reportedIncident Category: Not reportedIncident Category Type: Not reportedIncident Date: Not reportedContact Name: 05/02/2011Date Received: Not reportedMaterial Units: Not reportedMaterial Qty: OTHER - SEE NOTEMaterial Desc: STORM DRAIN PIPEMedium: 626517Facility ID: SPILLS: -122.209659543Longitude: 47.495193864999997Latitude: Construction SW GPDate Interaction 3: 2013-11-14 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR301416Program ID: Boeing Renton Logistics ProjectFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: CONSTSWGPInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 106615Interaction: 18286Facility Id: BOEING RENTON LOGISTICS PROJECTFacility Name: -122.210101868Longitude: 47.500166878000002Latitude: Construction SW GPDate Interaction 3: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 463 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation PETROLEUM - MOTOR OILMaterial Desc: SOILMedium: 632059Facility ID: Not reportedResp Party Name: Not reportedRecovered Quantity: Not reportedVessel Facility Name2: Not reportedSource: Not reportedSource Type: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reportedIncident Category: Not reportedIncident Category Type: Not reportedIncident Date: Not reportedContact Name: 02/13/2012Date Received: GALLONMaterial Units: 1Material Qty: PETROLEUM - OIL OTHERMaterial Desc: SURFACE WATER-FRESHMedium: 632037Facility ID: Not reportedResp Party Name: Not reportedRecovered Quantity: Not reportedVessel Facility Name2: Not reportedSource: Not reportedSource Type: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reportedIncident Category: Not reportedIncident Category Type: Not reportedIncident Date: Not reportedContact Name: 05/14/2014Date Received: GALLONMaterial Units: 1Material Qty: PETROLEUM - MOTOR OILMaterial Desc: SOILMedium: 648739Facility ID: Not reportedResp Party Name: Not reportedRecovered Quantity: Not reportedVessel Facility Name2: Not reportedSource: Not reportedSource Type: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reportedIncident Category: Not reportedIncident Category Type: Not reportedIncident Date: Not reportedContact Name: 04/27/2012Date Received: GALLONMaterial Units: Not reportedMaterial Qty: PETROLEUM - HYDRAULIC OILMaterial Desc: IMPERMEABLE CONTAINMENTMedium: 633553Facility ID: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 464 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation PrivateLegal org type: The Boeing CompanyLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Mail addr line1: The Boeing CompanyMail Name: Aircraft ManufacturingBusiness Type: 178005030Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: TruePermit by Rule: 2013Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: F002, F003, F005, F019 D001, D002, D005, D006, D007, D008, D009, D010, D018, D035, D039,FWC Desc: WP01, WSC2, WT01, WT02SWC Desc: 336411NAICS: WAD009262171EPA ID: 2097Facility Site ID Number: WA MANIFEST: Not reportedResp Party Name: Not reportedRecovered Quantity: Not reportedVessel Facility Name2: Not reportedSource: Not reportedSource Type: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reportedIncident Category: Not reportedIncident Category Type: Not reportedIncident Date: Not reportedContact Name: 02/14/2012Date Received: GALLONMaterial Units: Not reportedMaterial Qty: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 465 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 0Density No: 171.0072029413239Kilo Qty: 377 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL WITH SOL-GEL LIQUID: CONTAINS EPOXY SILANE,ACETIC ACDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: TrueMonthly Generation: LQGGen Status CD: maryjo.donnelly@boeing.comForm Contact EMail: (206)662-2534Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 1W-12Form Contact ADDR LINE1: MaryJo DonnellyForm Contact NAME: Not reportedSite Contact EMail: (425)965-1567Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Site contact addr line1: Michael L VerhaarSite contact name: 01/01/1997Operator effective date: 425.965-1567Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Operator city,st,zip: PO BOX 3707 M/C 67-74Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: The Boeing CompanyOperator org name: 312.544.2800Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Land city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLand addr line2: Office of the General CounselLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: The Boeing CompanyLand org name: 07/30/1996Legal effective date: 312.544.2800Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Legal city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Legal addr line1: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 466 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 75388.321296679133Kilo Qty: 166200 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: CONCRETE CONTAMINATED WITH CADMIUM, CHROMIUM, LEADDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 51959.880893709953Kilo Qty: 114550 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SOIL AND FILL MATERIAL CONTAMINATED WITH CHROMIUMDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 202.30560347965638Kilo Qty: 446 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SEALANTS: CHROMIUM, LEAD, METHYL ETHYL KETONEDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 526.62960905802936Kilo Qty: 1161 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: CONTAINERIZED AND NON-CONTAINERIZED OFF-SPEC, UNUSED, WASHINGTON STATEDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 2630.4264452433349Kilo Qty: 5799 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: NON-RCRA LIQUID PRODUCTS AND MIXTURES - MEETS WASHINGTON STATE ONLY CRDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 402.79680692810513Kilo Qty: 888 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: TWO PART POLYURETHANE CONCRETE JOINT COMPOUND MANUFACTURED WITH PAHDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 467 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseMix: SOLIDS AND WATER CONTAMINATED WITH PETROLEUM DISTILLATES, SOLVENTS: ACDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 1091.8152187792218Kilo Qty: 2407 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: ACTIVATED CHARCOAL: METHYL ETHYL KETONEDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 19221.486306609568Kilo Qty: 42375.410000000003 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Water with hydraulic fluid, coolants, fuels, oils, solvents, petroleumDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 611.45281051698839Kilo Qty: 1348 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: ADHESIVES, FILLERS, LUBRICANTS, RESINS, AND SEALANTSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 259.91280447050025Kilo Qty: 573 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: WASTE DENATURED/MIXED ALCOHOLDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 30621.447886688908Kilo Qty: 67507.600000000006 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: DEBRIS CONTAMINATED WITH ACID SOLUTIONS: CHROMIC ACID, NITRIC ACID; HEDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 409.14720703733201Kilo Qty: 902 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: MIXED JANITORIAL AND INDUSTRIAL CLEANERSDescription: 2008Data Year: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 468 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 0Density No: 896.76721542439611Kilo Qty: 1977 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SOLIDS AND RINSATE FROM WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT STRIPPING TOWER CLDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 78.472801349732194Kilo Qty: 173 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: DIESEL FUEL AND WATER: PETROLEUM DISTILLATESDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 112.94640194267812Kilo Qty: 249 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: STEAM CLEAN SLUDGE AND DEBRIS: CADMIUM, CHROMIUM, LEAD, METHYL ETHYL KDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 2569.1904441900756Kilo Qty: 5664 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SANDBLAST GRIT CONTAMINATED WITH PAINT AND SOLVENTSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 17625.535503159212Kilo Qty: 38857 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT SLUDGE WITH METALS: BARIUM, CADMIUM, CHROMDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 132659.85828174956Kilo Qty: 292460 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: BROKEN CONCRETE, SOIL, GRAVEL & DIRT CONTAMINATED WITH CHROMIUMDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 3014.1720518437596Kilo Qty: 6645 LBReported Qty: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 469 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 37.1952006397575Kilo Qty: 82 LBReported Qty: 11/24/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 44.9064007723901Kilo Qty: 99 LBReported Qty: 8/27/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 96.1632016540071Kilo Qty: 212 LBReported Qty: 9/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 107.503201849055Kilo Qty: 237 LBReported Qty: 12/10/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 109.317601880263Kilo Qty: 241 LBReported Qty: 6/30/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 194.140803339222Kilo Qty: 428 LBReported Qty: 2/14/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 2041.20003510864Kilo Qty: 4500 LBReported Qty: 4/1/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 402.796806928105Kilo Qty: 888 LBReported Qty: 6/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 171.007202941324Kilo Qty: 377 LBReported Qty: 8/7/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 470 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 6/4/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 11076.9121905229Kilo Qty: 24420 LBReported Qty: 6/3/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 16783.200288671Kilo Qty: 37000 LBReported Qty: 6/2/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 12632.7602172835Kilo Qty: 27850 LBReported Qty: 7/22/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 12950.2802227448Kilo Qty: 28550 LBReported Qty: 7/22/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 13131.7202258656Kilo Qty: 28950 LBReported Qty: 7/22/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 13245.1202278161Kilo Qty: 29200 LBReported Qty: 7/22/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 202.305603479656Kilo Qty: 446 LBReported Qty: 12/10/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 170.10000292572Kilo Qty: 375 LBReported Qty: 3/31/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 356.529606132309Kilo Qty: 786 LBReported Qty: 11/24/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 471 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation A-3: D035 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-7: CHANGE OUT OF SPENT MERCURY VAPOR LAMPS;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: description in section A-2.; A-7: DISPOSAL OF UNSUABLE ROAD FLARES; A-8: Please see wasteComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Unused Products A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;A-7. Disposal ofComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D035 F002 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-7: SURFACE/BONDING PREPARATION;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D039 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: CLEANING OF PAR; A-3: D035 F002 F003 F005 ; A-7: DISPOSAL OF CONTAMINATED DEBRIS FROM AIRPLANE PAINTING ANDComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: (RCRA); A-7: UNUSED, OFF SPEC, OR OUT OF DATE PRODUCT IN ORIGINAL CONTAINERComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 10727.6401845154Kilo Qty: 23650 LBReported Qty: 5/29/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 11022.4801895867Kilo Qty: 24300 LBReported Qty: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 472 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: TruePermit by Rule: 2014Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: D001,D002,D005,D006,D007,D008,D009,D010,D018,D035,D039,F003,F005,F019FWC Desc: WP01,WT01,WT02SWC Desc: 336411NAICS: WAD009262171EPA ID: 2097Facility Site ID Number: A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: U101 U128 U169 U188 U201 U219 ; A-4: WT02 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: BULK (<55 G; A-7: DISPOSAL OF UNUSED OR OFF-SPEC PRODUCT, INCLUDES CONTAINERS ORComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: U188 U201 U207 U210 U218 ; A-4: WT01 WT02 ; A-3: D008 P101 U004 U028 U044 U057 U069 U079 U117 U123 U131 U140 U158Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D018 D035 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D018 F002 F003 F005 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: RCRA-reg; A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.; A-7: Disposal of unused or off-spec materials that do not designate asComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D008 D009 D010 D011 U057 ; A-4: WT02 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 473 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation TrueMonthly Generation: LQGGen Status CD: maryjo.donnelly@boeing.comForm Contact EMail: (206)662-2534Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 1W-12Form Contact ADDR LINE1: MaryJo DonnellyForm Contact NAME: Not reportedSite Contact EMail: (425)965-1567Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Site contact addr line1: Michael L VerhaarSite contact name: 01/01/1997Operator effective date: 425.965-1567Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Operator city,st,zip: PO BOX 3707 M/C 67-74Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: The Boeing CompanyOperator org name: 312.544.2800Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Land city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLand addr line2: Office of the General CounselLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: The Boeing CompanyLand org name: 07/30/1996Legal effective date: 312.544.2800Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Legal city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Legal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: The Boeing CompanyLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Mail addr line1: The Boeing CompanyMail Name: Aircraft ManufacturingBusiness Type: 178005030Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: TrueUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: TrueUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: TrueUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 474 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 446 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SEALANTS: CHROMIUM, LEAD, METHYL ETHYL KETONEDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 526.62960905802936Kilo Qty: 1161 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: CONTAINERIZED AND NON-CONTAINERIZED OFF-SPEC, UNUSED, WASHINGTON STATEDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 2630.4264452433349Kilo Qty: 5799 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: NON-RCRA LIQUID PRODUCTS AND MIXTURES - MEETS WASHINGTON STATE ONLY CRDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 402.79680692810513Kilo Qty: 888 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: TWO PART POLYURETHANE CONCRETE JOINT COMPOUND MANUFACTURED WITH PAHDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 171.0072029413239Kilo Qty: 377 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL WITH SOL-GEL LIQUID: CONTAINS EPOXY SILANE,ACETIC ACDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 475 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 611.45281051698839Kilo Qty: 1348 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: ADHESIVES, FILLERS, LUBRICANTS, RESINS, AND SEALANTSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 259.91280447050025Kilo Qty: 573 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: WASTE DENATURED/MIXED ALCOHOLDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 30621.447886688908Kilo Qty: 67507.600000000006 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: DEBRIS CONTAMINATED WITH ACID SOLUTIONS: CHROMIC ACID, NITRIC ACID; HEDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 409.14720703733201Kilo Qty: 902 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: MIXED JANITORIAL AND INDUSTRIAL CLEANERSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 75388.321296679133Kilo Qty: 166200 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: CONCRETE CONTAMINATED WITH CADMIUM, CHROMIUM, LEADDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 51959.880893709953Kilo Qty: 114550 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SOIL AND FILL MATERIAL CONTAMINATED WITH CHROMIUMDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 202.30560347965638Kilo Qty: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 476 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation STEAM CLEAN SLUDGE AND DEBRIS: CADMIUM, CHROMIUM, LEAD, METHYL ETHYL KDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 2569.1904441900756Kilo Qty: 5664 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SANDBLAST GRIT CONTAMINATED WITH PAINT AND SOLVENTSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 17625.535503159212Kilo Qty: 38857 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT SLUDGE WITH METALS: BARIUM, CADMIUM, CHROMDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 132659.85828174956Kilo Qty: 292460 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: BROKEN CONCRETE, SOIL, GRAVEL & DIRT CONTAMINATED WITH CHROMIUMDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 3014.1720518437596Kilo Qty: 6645 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SOLIDS AND WATER CONTAMINATED WITH PETROLEUM DISTILLATES, SOLVENTS: ACDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 1091.8152187792218Kilo Qty: 2407 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: ACTIVATED CHARCOAL: METHYL ETHYL KETONEDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 19221.486306609568Kilo Qty: 42375.410000000003 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Water with hydraulic fluid, coolants, fuels, oils, solvents, petroleumDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 477 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 109.317601880263Kilo Qty: 241 LBReported Qty: 6/30/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 194.140803339222Kilo Qty: 428 LBReported Qty: 2/14/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 2041.20003510864Kilo Qty: 4500 LBReported Qty: 4/1/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 402.796806928105Kilo Qty: 888 LBReported Qty: 6/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 171.007202941324Kilo Qty: 377 LBReported Qty: 8/7/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 896.76721542439611Kilo Qty: 1977 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SOLIDS AND RINSATE FROM WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT STRIPPING TOWER CLDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 78.472801349732194Kilo Qty: 173 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: DIESEL FUEL AND WATER: PETROLEUM DISTILLATESDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 112.94640194267812Kilo Qty: 249 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 478 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 12950.2802227448Kilo Qty: 28550 LBReported Qty: 7/22/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 13131.7202258656Kilo Qty: 28950 LBReported Qty: 7/22/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 13245.1202278161Kilo Qty: 29200 LBReported Qty: 7/22/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 202.305603479656Kilo Qty: 446 LBReported Qty: 12/10/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 170.10000292572Kilo Qty: 375 LBReported Qty: 3/31/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 356.529606132309Kilo Qty: 786 LBReported Qty: 11/24/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 37.1952006397575Kilo Qty: 82 LBReported Qty: 11/24/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 44.9064007723901Kilo Qty: 99 LBReported Qty: 8/27/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 96.1632016540071Kilo Qty: 212 LBReported Qty: 9/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 107.503201849055Kilo Qty: 237 LBReported Qty: 12/10/2008Shipment sent data: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 479 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation A-7: SURFACE/BONDING PREPARATION;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D039 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: CLEANING OF PAR; A-3: D035 F002 F003 F005 ; A-7: DISPOSAL OF CONTAMINATED DEBRIS FROM AIRPLANE PAINTING ANDComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: (RCRA); A-7: UNUSED, OFF SPEC, OR OUT OF DATE PRODUCT IN ORIGINAL CONTAINERComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 10727.6401845154Kilo Qty: 23650 LBReported Qty: 5/29/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 11022.4801895867Kilo Qty: 24300 LBReported Qty: 6/4/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 11076.9121905229Kilo Qty: 24420 LBReported Qty: 6/3/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 16783.200288671Kilo Qty: 37000 LBReported Qty: 6/2/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 12632.7602172835Kilo Qty: 27850 LBReported Qty: 7/22/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 480 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation A-3: U101 U128 U169 U188 U201 U219 ; A-4: WT02 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: BULK (<55 G; A-7: DISPOSAL OF UNUSED OR OFF-SPEC PRODUCT, INCLUDES CONTAINERS ORComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: U188 U201 U207 U210 U218 ; A-4: WT01 WT02 ; A-3: D008 P101 U004 U028 U044 U057 U069 U079 U117 U123 U131 U140 U158Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D018 D035 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D018 F002 F003 F005 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: RCRA-reg; A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.; A-7: Disposal of unused or off-spec materials that do not designate asComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D008 D009 D010 D011 U057 ; A-4: WT02 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D035 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-7: CHANGE OUT OF SPENT MERCURY VAPOR LAMPS;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: description in section A-2.; A-7: DISPOSAL OF UNSUABLE ROAD FLARES; A-8: Please see wasteComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Unused Products A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;A-7. Disposal ofComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D035 F002 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 481 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Chicago, IL 60606-1596Land city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLand addr line2: Office of the General CounselLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: The Boeing CompanyLand org name: 07/30/1996Legal effective date: 312.544.2800Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Legal city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Legal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: The Boeing CompanyLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Mail addr line1: The Boeing CompanyMail Name: Aircraft ManufacturingBusiness Type: 178005030Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: TruePermit by Rule: 2016Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: F005,F019,P042 D001,D002,D005,D006,D007,D008,D009,D010,D011,D018,D035,D039,F002,F003,FWC Desc: WP01,WT02SWC Desc: 336411NAICS: WAD009262171EPA ID: 2097Facility Site ID Number: A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 482 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 402.79680692810513Kilo Qty: 888 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: TWO PART POLYURETHANE CONCRETE JOINT COMPOUND MANUFACTURED WITH PAHDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 171.0072029413239Kilo Qty: 377 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL WITH SOL-GEL LIQUID: CONTAINS EPOXY SILANE,ACETIC ACDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: TrueRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: TrueMonthly Generation: LQGGen Status CD: maryjo.donnelly@boeing.comForm Contact EMail: (206)662-2534Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 2R-96Form Contact ADDR LINE1: MaryJo DonnellyForm Contact NAME: Not reportedSite Contact EMail: (425)965-1567Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Site contact addr line1: Michael L VerhaarSite contact name: 01/01/1997Operator effective date: 425.965-1567Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Operator city,st,zip: PO BOX 3707 M/C 67-74Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: The Boeing CompanyOperator org name: 312.544.2800Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 483 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation DEBRIS CONTAMINATED WITH ACID SOLUTIONS: CHROMIC ACID, NITRIC ACID; HEDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 409.14720703733201Kilo Qty: 902 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: MIXED JANITORIAL AND INDUSTRIAL CLEANERSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 75388.321296679133Kilo Qty: 166200 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: CONCRETE CONTAMINATED WITH CADMIUM, CHROMIUM, LEADDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 51959.880893709953Kilo Qty: 114550 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SOIL AND FILL MATERIAL CONTAMINATED WITH CHROMIUMDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 202.30560347965638Kilo Qty: 446 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SEALANTS: CHROMIUM, LEAD, METHYL ETHYL KETONEDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 526.62960905802936Kilo Qty: 1161 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: CONTAINERIZED AND NON-CONTAINERIZED OFF-SPEC, UNUSED, WASHINGTON STATEDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 2630.4264452433349Kilo Qty: 5799 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: NON-RCRA LIQUID PRODUCTS AND MIXTURES - MEETS WASHINGTON STATE ONLY CRDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 484 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 132659.85828174956Kilo Qty: 292460 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: BROKEN CONCRETE, SOIL, GRAVEL & DIRT CONTAMINATED WITH CHROMIUMDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 3014.1720518437596Kilo Qty: 6645 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SOLIDS AND WATER CONTAMINATED WITH PETROLEUM DISTILLATES, SOLVENTS: ACDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 1091.8152187792218Kilo Qty: 2407 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: ACTIVATED CHARCOAL: METHYL ETHYL KETONEDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 19221.486306609568Kilo Qty: 42375.410000000003 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Water with hydraulic fluid, coolants, fuels, oils, solvents, petroleumDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 611.45281051698839Kilo Qty: 1348 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: ADHESIVES, FILLERS, LUBRICANTS, RESINS, AND SEALANTSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 259.91280447050025Kilo Qty: 573 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: WASTE DENATURED/MIXED ALCOHOLDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 30621.447886688908Kilo Qty: 67507.600000000006 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 485 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 171.007202941324Kilo Qty: 377 LBReported Qty: 8/7/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 896.76721542439611Kilo Qty: 1977 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SOLIDS AND RINSATE FROM WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT STRIPPING TOWER CLDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 78.472801349732194Kilo Qty: 173 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: DIESEL FUEL AND WATER: PETROLEUM DISTILLATESDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 112.94640194267812Kilo Qty: 249 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: STEAM CLEAN SLUDGE AND DEBRIS: CADMIUM, CHROMIUM, LEAD, METHYL ETHYL KDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 2569.1904441900756Kilo Qty: 5664 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SANDBLAST GRIT CONTAMINATED WITH PAINT AND SOLVENTSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 17625.535503159212Kilo Qty: 38857 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT SLUDGE WITH METALS: BARIUM, CADMIUM, CHROMDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 486 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 170.10000292572Kilo Qty: 375 LBReported Qty: 3/31/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 356.529606132309Kilo Qty: 786 LBReported Qty: 11/24/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 37.1952006397575Kilo Qty: 82 LBReported Qty: 11/24/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 44.9064007723901Kilo Qty: 99 LBReported Qty: 8/27/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 96.1632016540071Kilo Qty: 212 LBReported Qty: 9/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 107.503201849055Kilo Qty: 237 LBReported Qty: 12/10/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 109.317601880263Kilo Qty: 241 LBReported Qty: 6/30/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 194.140803339222Kilo Qty: 428 LBReported Qty: 2/14/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 2041.20003510864Kilo Qty: 4500 LBReported Qty: 4/1/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 402.796806928105Kilo Qty: 888 LBReported Qty: 6/12/2008Shipment sent data: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 487 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 10727.6401845154Kilo Qty: 23650 LBReported Qty: 5/29/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 11022.4801895867Kilo Qty: 24300 LBReported Qty: 6/4/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 11076.9121905229Kilo Qty: 24420 LBReported Qty: 6/3/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 16783.200288671Kilo Qty: 37000 LBReported Qty: 6/2/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 12632.7602172835Kilo Qty: 27850 LBReported Qty: 7/22/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 12950.2802227448Kilo Qty: 28550 LBReported Qty: 7/22/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 13131.7202258656Kilo Qty: 28950 LBReported Qty: 7/22/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 13245.1202278161Kilo Qty: 29200 LBReported Qty: 7/22/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 202.305603479656Kilo Qty: 446 LBReported Qty: 12/10/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 488 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation A-7: Disposal of unused or off-spec materials that do not designate asComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D008 D009 D010 D011 U057 ; A-4: WT02 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D035 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-7: CHANGE OUT OF SPENT MERCURY VAPOR LAMPS;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: description in section A-2.; A-7: DISPOSAL OF UNSUABLE ROAD FLARES; A-8: Please see wasteComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Unused Products A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;A-7. Disposal ofComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D035 F002 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-7: SURFACE/BONDING PREPARATION;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D039 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: CLEANING OF PAR; A-3: D035 F002 F003 F005 ; A-7: DISPOSAL OF CONTAMINATED DEBRIS FROM AIRPLANE PAINTING ANDComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: (RCRA); A-7: UNUSED, OFF SPEC, OR OUT OF DATE PRODUCT IN ORIGINAL CONTAINERComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;Comments: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 489 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: TruePermit by Rule: 2015Data Year: Not reportedForm Comm: F019,F002 D001,D002,D005,D006,D007,D008,D009,D010,D018,D035,D039,D011,F003,F005,FWC Desc: WT01,WT02SWC Desc: 336411NAICS: WAD009262171EPA ID: 2097Facility Site ID Number: A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: U101 U128 U169 U188 U201 U219 ; A-4: WT02 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: BULK (<55 G; A-7: DISPOSAL OF UNUSED OR OFF-SPEC PRODUCT, INCLUDES CONTAINERS ORComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: U188 U201 U207 U210 U218 ; A-4: WT01 WT02 ; A-3: D008 P101 U004 U028 U044 U057 U069 U079 U117 U123 U131 U140 U158Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D018 D035 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D018 F002 F003 F005 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: RCRA-reg; A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.; BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 490 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: TrueRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: TrueMonthly Generation: LQGGen Status CD: maryjo.donnelly@boeing.comForm Contact EMail: (206)662-2534Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 1W-12Form Contact ADDR LINE1: MaryJo DonnellyForm Contact NAME: Not reportedSite Contact EMail: (425)965-1567Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Site contact addr line1: Michael L VerhaarSite contact name: 01/01/1997Operator effective date: 425.965-1567Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Operator city,st,zip: PO BOX 3707 M/C 67-74Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: The Boeing CompanyOperator org name: 312.544.2800Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Land city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLand addr line2: Office of the General CounselLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: The Boeing CompanyLand org name: 07/30/1996Legal effective date: 312.544.2800Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Legal city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Legal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: The Boeing CompanyLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Mail addr line1: The Boeing CompanyMail Name: Aircraft ManufacturingBusiness Type: 178005030Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 491 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 51959.880893709953Kilo Qty: 114550 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SOIL AND FILL MATERIAL CONTAMINATED WITH CHROMIUMDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 202.30560347965638Kilo Qty: 446 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SEALANTS: CHROMIUM, LEAD, METHYL ETHYL KETONEDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 526.62960905802936Kilo Qty: 1161 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: CONTAINERIZED AND NON-CONTAINERIZED OFF-SPEC, UNUSED, WASHINGTON STATEDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 2630.4264452433349Kilo Qty: 5799 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: NON-RCRA LIQUID PRODUCTS AND MIXTURES - MEETS WASHINGTON STATE ONLY CRDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 402.79680692810513Kilo Qty: 888 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: TWO PART POLYURETHANE CONCRETE JOINT COMPOUND MANUFACTURED WITH PAHDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 171.0072029413239Kilo Qty: 377 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL WITH SOL-GEL LIQUID: CONTAINS EPOXY SILANE,ACETIC ACDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 492 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 19221.486306609568Kilo Qty: 42375.410000000003 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Water with hydraulic fluid, coolants, fuels, oils, solvents, petroleumDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 611.45281051698839Kilo Qty: 1348 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: ADHESIVES, FILLERS, LUBRICANTS, RESINS, AND SEALANTSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 259.91280447050025Kilo Qty: 573 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: WASTE DENATURED/MIXED ALCOHOLDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 30621.447886688908Kilo Qty: 67507.600000000006 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: DEBRIS CONTAMINATED WITH ACID SOLUTIONS: CHROMIC ACID, NITRIC ACID; HEDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 409.14720703733201Kilo Qty: 902 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: MIXED JANITORIAL AND INDUSTRIAL CLEANERSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 75388.321296679133Kilo Qty: 166200 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: CONCRETE CONTAMINATED WITH CADMIUM, CHROMIUM, LEADDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 493 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation DIESEL FUEL AND WATER: PETROLEUM DISTILLATESDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 112.94640194267812Kilo Qty: 249 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: STEAM CLEAN SLUDGE AND DEBRIS: CADMIUM, CHROMIUM, LEAD, METHYL ETHYL KDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 2569.1904441900756Kilo Qty: 5664 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SANDBLAST GRIT CONTAMINATED WITH PAINT AND SOLVENTSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 17625.535503159212Kilo Qty: 38857 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT SLUDGE WITH METALS: BARIUM, CADMIUM, CHROMDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 132659.85828174956Kilo Qty: 292460 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: BROKEN CONCRETE, SOIL, GRAVEL & DIRT CONTAMINATED WITH CHROMIUMDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 3014.1720518437596Kilo Qty: 6645 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SOLIDS AND WATER CONTAMINATED WITH PETROLEUM DISTILLATES, SOLVENTS: ACDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 1091.8152187792218Kilo Qty: 2407 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: ACTIVATED CHARCOAL: METHYL ETHYL KETONEDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 494 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 96.1632016540071Kilo Qty: 212 LBReported Qty: 9/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 107.503201849055Kilo Qty: 237 LBReported Qty: 12/10/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 109.317601880263Kilo Qty: 241 LBReported Qty: 6/30/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 194.140803339222Kilo Qty: 428 LBReported Qty: 2/14/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 2041.20003510864Kilo Qty: 4500 LBReported Qty: 4/1/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 402.796806928105Kilo Qty: 888 LBReported Qty: 6/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 171.007202941324Kilo Qty: 377 LBReported Qty: 8/7/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 896.76721542439611Kilo Qty: 1977 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SOLIDS AND RINSATE FROM WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT STRIPPING TOWER CLDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 78.472801349732194Kilo Qty: 173 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 495 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 6/2/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 12632.7602172835Kilo Qty: 27850 LBReported Qty: 7/22/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 12950.2802227448Kilo Qty: 28550 LBReported Qty: 7/22/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 13131.7202258656Kilo Qty: 28950 LBReported Qty: 7/22/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 13245.1202278161Kilo Qty: 29200 LBReported Qty: 7/22/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 202.305603479656Kilo Qty: 446 LBReported Qty: 12/10/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 170.10000292572Kilo Qty: 375 LBReported Qty: 3/31/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 356.529606132309Kilo Qty: 786 LBReported Qty: 11/24/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 37.1952006397575Kilo Qty: 82 LBReported Qty: 11/24/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 44.9064007723901Kilo Qty: 99 LBReported Qty: 8/27/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 496 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Unused Products A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;A-7. Disposal ofComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D035 F002 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-7: SURFACE/BONDING PREPARATION;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D039 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: CLEANING OF PAR; A-3: D035 F002 F003 F005 ; A-7: DISPOSAL OF CONTAMINATED DEBRIS FROM AIRPLANE PAINTING ANDComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: (RCRA); A-7: UNUSED, OFF SPEC, OR OUT OF DATE PRODUCT IN ORIGINAL CONTAINERComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 10727.6401845154Kilo Qty: 23650 LBReported Qty: 5/29/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 11022.4801895867Kilo Qty: 24300 LBReported Qty: 6/4/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 11076.9121905229Kilo Qty: 24420 LBReported Qty: 6/3/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 16783.200288671Kilo Qty: 37000 LBReported Qty: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 497 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation HeadqartersAdmin Region: Construction SW GPFacility Type: ActiveFacility Status: NPDES: A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: U101 U128 U169 U188 U201 U219 ; A-4: WT02 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: BULK (<55 G; A-7: DISPOSAL OF UNUSED OR OFF-SPEC PRODUCT, INCLUDES CONTAINERS ORComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: U188 U201 U207 U210 U218 ; A-4: WT01 WT02 ; A-3: D008 P101 U004 U028 U044 U057 U069 U079 U117 U123 U131 U140 U158Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D018 D035 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D018 F002 F003 F005 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: RCRA-reg; A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.; A-7: Disposal of unused or off-spec materials that do not designate asComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D008 D009 D010 D011 U057 ; A-4: WT02 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D035 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-7: CHANGE OUT OF SPENT MERCURY VAPOR LAMPS;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: description in section A-2.; A-7: DISPOSAL OF UNSUABLE ROAD FLARES; A-8: Please see wasteComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 TC5178694.2s Page 498 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 1171Days to Expiration: 01/01/2016Effective Date: 12/31/2020Permit Expiration Date: Cedar-SammamishWRIA: Tracie WaltersEcology Contact: Coverage IssuedPermit SubStatus: ActivePermit Status: 1Permit Version: WAR301416Permit ID: -122.209658Longitude: 47.49519999Latitude: 11/18/2015Date Issued: BOEING RENTON (Continued)S111027895 Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.492612 / -122.203563Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 64745478Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Not reportedSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: ArsenicContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 7276Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.492612 / -122.203563Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 64745478Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: Petroleum-DieselContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 7278Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.492612 / -122.203563Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 64745478Facility ID: CSCSL: 3247 ft.SPILLSSite 2 of 2 in cluster AC 0.615 mi.CSCSL NFA Relative: Higher Actual: 39 ft. 1/2-1 ALLSITESRENTON, WA 98055 North LUST800 PARK AVE N N/A AC105 CSCSLBOEING 800 PARK RENTON S108674458 TC5178694.2s Page 499 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum-DieselContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 7276Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.492612 / -122.203563Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 64745478Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Not reportedSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Metals - OtherContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 7276Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.492612 / -122.203563Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 64745478Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Not reportedSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: LeadContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 7276Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.492612 / -122.203563Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 64745478Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: BenzeneContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 7276Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: BOEING 800 PARK RENTON (Continued) S108674458 TC5178694.2s Page 500 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Independent ActionProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 7278Cleanup Site ID: Cleanup StartedLust Status Type: 64745478Facility ID: 47.492612 / -122.20356Lat/Long: NorthwestResponse Section: 07/01/2011Lust Status Date: BOEING RENTON FUEL FARMCleanup Unit Name: Independent ActionProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 7276Cleanup Site ID: Cleanup StartedLust Status Type: 64745478Facility ID: LUST: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum-OtherContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 7276Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.492612 / -122.203563Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 64745478Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum-GasolineContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 7276Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.492612 / -122.203563Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 64745478Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: BOEING 800 PARK RENTON (Continued) S108674458 TC5178694.2s Page 501 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.203563Longitude: 47.492612Latitude: NoVCP: Not reportedRank: 12/24/1996NFA Date: 7108CS Id: 64745478Facility/Site Id: CSCSL NFA: -122.203548154Longitude: 47.492606373999998Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 1950-12-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: 10421Program ID: RENTON PLANTFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 56748Interaction: -122.203548154Longitude: 47.492606373999998Latitude: Independent Remedial ActnDate Interaction 3: 1996-07-10 00:00:00Date Interaction: 10421Program ID: BOEING 800 PARK RENTONFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: IRAPInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 56750Interaction: -122.203548154Longitude: 47.492606373999998Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1989-04-14 00:00:00Date Interaction: 10421Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 56749Interaction: 64745478Facility Id: BOEING 800 PARK RENTONFacility Name: ALLSITES: 47.492612 / -122.20356Lat/Long: NorthwestResponse Section: 06/01/1995Lust Status Date: BOEING RENTON 10-52 BLG LUSTCleanup Unit Name: BOEING 800 PARK RENTON (Continued) S108674458 TC5178694.2s Page 502 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedResp Party Name: Not reportedRecovered Quantity: Not reportedVessel Facility Name2: Not reportedSource: Not reportedSource Type: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reportedIncident Category: Not reportedIncident Category Type: Not reportedIncident Date: Not reportedContact Name: 02/21/1998Date Received: GALLONMaterial Units: 1Material Qty: PETROLEUM - OIL OTHERMaterial Desc: Not reportedMedium: 428805Facility ID: SPILLS: -122.203563Longitude: 47.492612Latitude: NoVCP: Not reportedRank: 12/24/1996NFA Date: 7277CS Id: 64745478Facility/Site Id: BOEING 800 PARK RENTON (Continued) S108674458 6266Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.497633681 / -122.21878132Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 54846481Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Remediated-Below Cleanup LevelSoil: SuspectedSurface Water: SuspectedGround Water: BenzeneContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 6266Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.497633681 / -122.21878132Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 54846481Facility ID: CSCSL: 3824 ft.SPILLS 0.724 mi.ALLSITES Relative: Lower Actual: 19 ft. 1/2-1 ICRRENTON, WA 98057 NW LUST840 W PERIMETER RD N/A 106 CSCSLACTION AVIATION U003024993 TC5178694.2s Page 503 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Remediated-Below Cleanup LevelSoil: SuspectedSurface Water: SuspectedGround Water: Petroleum-OtherContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 6266Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.497633681 / -122.21878132Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 54846481Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Remediated-Below Cleanup LevelSoil: SuspectedSurface Water: SuspectedGround Water: Petroleum-GasolineContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 6266Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.497633681 / -122.21878132Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 54846481Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Remediated-Below Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: SuspectedGround Water: Petroleum-DieselContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 6266Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.497633681 / -122.21878132Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 54846481Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Not reportedSoil: SuspectedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: Petroleum Products-UnspecifiedContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: ACTION AVIATION (Continued)U003024993 TC5178694.2s Page 504 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.21876020099999Longitude: 47.497629082000003Latitude: Emergency/Haz Chem Rpt TIDate Interaction 3: 1994-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: CRK000038830Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TIER2Interaction 2: IInteraction 1: 51056Interaction: 54846481Facility Id: ACTION AVIATION INCFacility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 91-30Site Register Issue: Not reportedType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 05/18/91Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 92-04Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: GroundwaterMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 08/05/91Date Ecology Received Report: ICR: 47.4976336 / -122.21878Lat/Long: NorthwestResponse Section: 07/01/2011Lust Status Date: Action AviationCleanup Unit Name: Independent ActionProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 6266Cleanup Site ID: Cleanup StartedLust Status Type: 54846481Facility ID: LUST: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: ACTION AVIATION (Continued)U003024993 TC5178694.2s Page 505 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 50Material Qty: PETROLEUM - FUEL OILMaterial Desc: Not reportedMedium: 430366Facility ID: SPILLS: -122.21876020099999Longitude: 47.497629082000003Latitude: Industrial SW GPDate Interaction 3: 1992-12-28 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR000479Program ID: ACTION AVIATION INCFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: INDSWGPInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 82896Interaction: -122.21876020099999Longitude: 47.497629082000003Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 1967-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: 100867Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 51054Interaction: -122.21876020099999Longitude: 47.497629082000003Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2006-03-20 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW1608Program ID: ACTION AVIATION INCFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 51058Interaction: -122.21876020099999Longitude: 47.497629082000003Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1990-12-06 00:00:00Date Interaction: 100867Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 51055Interaction: ACTION AVIATION (Continued)U003024993 TC5178694.2s Page 506 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedResp Party Name: Not reportedRecovered Quantity: Not reportedVessel Facility Name2: Not reportedSource: Not reportedSource Type: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reportedIncident Category: Not reportedIncident Category Type: Not reportedIncident Date: Not reportedContact Name: 01/06/2002Date Received: CYLINDERMaterial Units: 3Material Qty: CHEMICALMaterial Desc: Not reportedMedium: 523466Facility ID: Not reportedResp Party Name: Not reportedRecovered Quantity: Not reportedVessel Facility Name2: Not reportedSource: Not reportedSource Type: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reportedIncident Category: Not reportedIncident Category Type: Not reportedIncident Date: Not reportedContact Name: 09/28/1998Date Received: GALLONMaterial Units: ACTION AVIATION (Continued)U003024993 NorthwestRegion: 47918484Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Metals Priority PollutantsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 6156Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.472206368 / -122.20949089Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 47918484Facility ID: CSCSL: 3939 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster AD 0.746 mi.ALLSITES Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/2-1 USTRENTON, WA 98055 SSW LUST915 S GRADY WAY N/A AD107 CSCSLRENTON SERVICE CENTER U004144896 TC5178694.2s Page 507 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 00/01/1956Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: A0308Tag Number: 192Tank Name: -122.209490886598Decimal Longitude: 47.4722063681022Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 8527Site Id: 47918484Facility ID: UST: 47.4722063 / -122.20949Lat/Long: NorthwestResponse Section: 02/20/2000Lust Status Date: PSE Renton SheffieldCleanup Unit Name: Independent ActionProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 6156Cleanup Site ID: NFALust Status Type: 47918484Facility ID: LUST: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: SuspectedGround Water: Polychlorinated biPhenyls (PCB)Contaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 6156Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.472206368 / -122.20949089Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 47918484Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: RemediatedSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: RemediatedGround Water: Petroleum-OtherContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 6156Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.472206368 / -122.20949089Lat/Long: RENTON SERVICE CENTER (Continued) U004144896 TC5178694.2s Page 508 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1956Tank Install Date: 12/10/1999Tank Status Date: Closed in PlaceTank Status: A0308Tag Number: 218Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1956Tank Install Date: 12/10/1999Tank Status Date: Closed in PlaceTank Status: A0308Tag Number: 217Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: RENTON SERVICE CENTER (Continued) U004144896 TC5178694.2s Page 509 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1968Tank Install Date: 12/10/1999Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: A0308Tag Number: 225Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 2,001 to 4,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1973Tank Install Date: 12/10/1999Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: A0308Tag Number: 224Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: RENTON SERVICE CENTER (Continued) U004144896 TC5178694.2s Page 510 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 2,001 to 4,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1956Tank Install Date: 12/10/1999Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: A0308Tag Number: 227Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 10,000 to 19,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1973Tank Install Date: 12/10/1999Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: A0308Tag Number: 226Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: RENTON SERVICE CENTER (Continued) U004144896 TC5178694.2s Page 511 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 02/23/1998Tank Upgrade Date: 06/30/1999Tank Permit Expiration Date: 10,000 to 19,999 GallonsCapacity Range: 11/09/1998Tank Closure Date: 00/23/1989Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: A0308Tag Number: 263Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Pressurized SystemPipe Pumping System: Corrosion ResistantPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Automatic Line Leak Detector (ALLD)Pipe Primary Release Detection: Double Wall PipePipe Construction: FiberglassPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Automatic Tank GaugingTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Corrosion ResistantTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Double Wall TankTank Construction: Fiberglass Reinforced PlasticTank Material: Automatic Shutoff (fill pipe)Tank Overfill Prevention: Spill Bucket/Spill BoxTank Spill Prevention: 02/23/1998Tank Upgrade Date: 06/30/1999Tank Permit Expiration Date: 10,000 to 19,999 GallonsCapacity Range: 11/09/1998Tank Closure Date: 00/23/1989Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: A0308Tag Number: 262Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: RENTON SERVICE CENTER (Continued) U004144896 TC5178694.2s Page 512 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 1998-07-22 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW0103Program ID: PSE GRADY WAY RENTON COMPLEXFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 47298Interaction: -122.209476044Longitude: 47.472200743999998Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1989-08-11 00:00:00Date Interaction: 8527Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 88499Interaction: -122.209476044Longitude: 47.472200743999998Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 1956-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: 8527Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 88498Interaction: 47918484Facility Id: RENTON SERVICE CENTERFacility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Pressurized SystemPipe Pumping System: Corrosion ResistantPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Automatic Line Leak Detector (ALLD)Pipe Primary Release Detection: Double Wall PipePipe Construction: FiberglassPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Automatic Tank GaugingTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Corrosion ResistantTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Double Wall TankTank Construction: Fiberglass Reinforced PlasticTank Material: Automatic Shutoff (fill pipe)Tank Overfill Prevention: Spill Bucket/Spill BoxTank Spill Prevention: RENTON SERVICE CENTER (Continued) U004144896 TC5178694.2s Page 513 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 47300Interaction: -122.209476044Longitude: 47.472200743999998Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2000-10-23 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW0570Program ID: PSE GRADY WAY RENTON COMPLEXFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 47299Interaction: -122.209476044Longitude: 47.472200743999998Latitude: Hazardous Waste PlannerDate Interaction 3: 1992-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD009480666Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: HWPPRTProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWPInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 47297Interaction: -122.209476044Longitude: 47.472200743999998Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1985-05-08 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD009480666Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 47295Interaction: -122.209476044Longitude: 47.472200743999998Latitude: Emergency/Haz Chem Rpt TIDate Interaction 3: 1988-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD009480666Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TIER2Interaction 2: IInteraction 1: 47296Interaction: -122.209476044Longitude: 47.472200743999998Latitude: RENTON SERVICE CENTER (Continued) U004144896 TC5178694.2s Page 514 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.209476044Longitude: 47.472200743999998Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2003-01-07 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW1029Program ID: PSE GRADY WAY RENTON COMPLEXFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: RENTON SERVICE CENTER (Continued) U004144896 NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.471415347 / -122.2073446Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 86541135Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: RemediatedSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum Products-UnspecifiedContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 2893Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.471415347 / -122.2073446Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 86541135Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: RemediatedSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Metals Priority PollutantsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 2893Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.471415347 / -122.2073446Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 86541135Facility ID: CSCSL: 3939 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster AD 0.746 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/2-1 RENTON, WA 98055 SSW ALLSITES915 S GRADY WAY N/A AD108 CSCSLPSE GRADY WAY RENTON COMPLEX PARCEL 3 S108969440 TC5178694.2s Page 515 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.20732194599999Longitude: 47.471410845999998Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2000-01-20 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: PSE GRADY WAY RENTON COMPLEX PARCEL 3Facility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 69133Interaction: -122.20732194599999Longitude: 47.471410845999998Latitude: State Cleanup SiteDate Interaction 3: 2007-10-17 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: PSE GRADY WAY RENTON COMPLEX PARCEL 3Facility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: SCSInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 69134Interaction: 86541135Facility Id: PSE GRADY WAY RENTON COMPLEX PARCEL 3Facility Name: ALLSITES: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: RemediatedSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: SuspectedGround Water: Polychlorinated biPhenyls (PCB)Contaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 2893Clean Up Siteid: PSE GRADY WAY RENTON COMPLEX PARCEL 3 (Continued) S108969440 Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 2743Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.472820568 / -122.20816167Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 21349929Facility ID: CSCSL: 3939 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster AD 0.746 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/2-1 ALLSITESRENTON, WA 98055 SSW INST CONTROL915 S GRADY WAY N/A AD109 CSCSLPSE GRADY WAY RENTON COMPLEX PARCEL 2 1007074494 TC5178694.2s Page 516 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoGroundwater Restriction: NoFinfish Harvesting Restrictions: NoFinancial Assurance: NoEducation Programs: NoDrinking Water Restrictions: NoAnchorage Restrictions: 01/21/2000Filing Date Of Individual IC Doc: 2000 012 5001282County Filing # For Individual IC Doc: Recording #: 2000 012 5001282, Date: Jan 21 2000 12:00AMDocument Type: Environmental CovenantInstrument Type: -122.20816167Longitude: 47.472820568Latitude: 21349929Facility Site ID: INST CONTROL: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: RemediatedSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: SuspectedGround Water: Polychlorinated biPhenyls (PCB)Contaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 2743Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.472820568 / -122.20816167Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 21349929Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: RemediatedSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum Products-UnspecifiedContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 2743Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.472820568 / -122.20816167Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 21349929Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: RemediatedSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Metals Priority PollutantsContaminant Name: PSE GRADY WAY RENTON COMPLEX PARCEL 2 (Continued) 1007074494 TC5178694.2s Page 517 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.20813513900001Longitude: 47.472813805000001Latitude: State Cleanup SiteDate Interaction 3: 2000-02-03 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: PSE GRADY WAY RENTON COMPLEX PARCEL 2Facility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: SCSInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 113113Interaction: -122.20813513900001Longitude: 47.472813805000001Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2000-01-20 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: PSE GRADY WAY RENTON COMPLEX PARCEL 2Facility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 31748Interaction: 21349929Facility Id: PSE GRADY WAY RENTON COMPLEX PARCEL 2Facility Name: ALLSITES: NAccess Barrier: NProhibit All Soil Disturbance: NProhibit Domestic Ground Water Well Installation: YRestrict All Ground Water Use: NRestrict Land Use: NImpermeable Surface: NVertical Ground Water Barrier: NGround Water Extraction and Gradient Control: NImmobilization by Stabilization, Solidification, or Encapsulation: NEngineered Bottom Barriers: NEngineered CAP: NSimple Soil CAP: NFencing or Other Permanent Access Barriers: NWave Attenuation Structure: NShoreline Stabilization Structure: 2743CS ID: NoVessel Draft Restriction: NoSwimming Restriction: NoSurface Water Restriction: NoSoil Restriction: NoShell Fish Harvesting Restrictions: NoRestrictive Signage: NoProperty Use Restriction: NoNo Wake Zone: NoNo Dredge Zone: YesMaintenance Requirements: PSE GRADY WAY RENTON COMPLEX PARCEL 2 (Continued) 1007074494 TC5178694.2s Page 518 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoneTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: NoneTank Overfill Prevention: Spill Bucket/Spill BoxTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: 04/17/1996Tank Permit Expiration Date: 1,101 to 2,000 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1982Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1Tank Name: -122.218582Decimal Longitude: 47.482882Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 6799Site Id: 96572525Facility ID: UST: 47.482882 / -122.21858Lat/Long: NorthwestResponse Section: 07/01/2011Lust Status Date: Formula One ServiceCleanup Unit Name: Independent ActionProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 11250Cleanup Site ID: Cleanup StartedLust Status Type: 96572525Facility ID: LUST: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Below MTCA Cleanup Level After AssessmentGround Water: Petroleum-OtherContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 11250Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.482882 / -122.218582Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 96572525Facility ID: CSCSL: 4052 ft. 0.767 mi.ALLSITES Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/2-1 USTRENTON, WA 98055 West LUST100 RAINIER AVE S N/A 110 CSCSLFORMULA ONE FORMER INDY LUBE U000800174 TC5178694.2s Page 519 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTank Manifold: NoneTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: 25 Gallons or lessTank Overfill Prevention: Spill Bucket/Spill BoxTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: 04/17/1996Tank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: 01/03/2000Tank Closure Date: 00/01/1980Tank Install Date: 12/14/2009Tank Status Date: Closed in PlaceTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 3Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Gravity Delivery System (No Pump)Pipe Pumping System: NonePipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Safe Suction (No Leak Detection)Pipe Primary Release Detection: Single Wall PipePipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Weekly Manual GaugingTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: NoneTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: NoneTank Overfill Prevention: Spill Bucket/Spill BoxTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: 04/17/1996Tank Permit Expiration Date: 1,101 to 2,000 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1982Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 2Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Product Removed by ReclaimerPipe Pumping System: NonePipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Safe Suction (No Leak Detection)Pipe Primary Release Detection: Single Wall PipePipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Weekly Manual GaugingTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: FORMULA ONE FORMER INDY LUBE (Continued) U000800174 TC5178694.2s Page 520 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 74899Interaction: -122.218567154Longitude: 47.482876376999997Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 1980-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: 6799Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 74898Interaction: 96572525Facility Id: INDY LUBE UST 6799Facility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Product Removed by ReclaimerPipe Pumping System: NonePipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: OtherPipe Primary Release Detection: Single Wall PipePipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Weekly Manual GaugingTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: NoneTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: 25 Gallons or lessTank Overfill Prevention: Spill Bucket/Spill BoxTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: 04/17/1996Tank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1984Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 4Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Gravity Delivery System (No Pump)Pipe Pumping System: NonePipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: OtherPipe Primary Release Detection: Single Wall PipePipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Weekly Manual GaugingTank Release Detection: FORMULA ONE FORMER INDY LUBE (Continued) U000800174 TC5178694.2s Page 521 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.218567154Longitude: 47.482876376999997Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 2000-01-06 00:00:00Date Interaction: 6799Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: FORMULA ONE FORMER INDY LUBE (Continued) U000800174 -122.214200671Longitude: 47.476574415000002Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2012-05-07 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW2592Program ID: 4th Place Plaza BuildingsFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 101528Interaction: 11139Facility Id: 4TH PLACE PLAZA BUILDINGSFacility Name: ALLSITES: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Non-Halogenated SolventsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 11851Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.476580039 / -122.21422356Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 11139Facility ID: CSCSL: 4129 ft. 0.782 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/2-1 RENTON, WA 98055 SW ALLSITES203 TO 241 S 4TH PL N/A 111 CSCSL4TH PLACE PLAZA BUILDINGS S111769494 TC5178694.2s Page 522 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 47.4795475608486Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 499575Site Id: 99291269Facility ID: UST: 47.4795475 / -122.21575Lat/Long: NorthwestResponse Section: 05/17/1999Lust Status Date: Safeway Fuel RentonCleanup Unit Name: Independent ActionProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 11352Cleanup Site ID: Cleanup StartedLust Status Type: 99291269Facility ID: LUST: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum-GasolineContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 11352Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.479547561 / -122.21575098Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 99291269Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: BenzeneContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 11352Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.479547561 / -122.21575098Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 99291269Facility ID: CSCSL: 4129 ft. 0.782 mi.ALLSITES Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/2-1 USTRENTON, WA 98055 WSW LUST103 S 3RD N/A 112 CSCSLSAFEWAY FUEL U003750405 TC5178694.2s Page 523 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1900Tank Install Date: 04/12/2001Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 2Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1900Tank Install Date: 04/12/2001Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1Tank Name: -122.215750981131Decimal Longitude: SAFEWAY FUEL (Continued)U003750405 TC5178694.2s Page 524 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.215751862Longitude: 47.479540381Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1999-05-18 00:00:00Date Interaction: 499575Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 76407Interaction: -122.215751862Longitude: 47.479540381Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 1999-06-04 00:00:00Date Interaction: 499575Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 76408Interaction: 99291269Facility Id: SAFEWAYFacility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1964Tank Install Date: 04/12/2001Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 3Tank Name: SAFEWAY FUEL (Continued)U003750405 TC5178694.2s Page 525 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 5970Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98057edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: VCP: 47.481613 / -122.21655Lat/Long: NorthwestResponse Section: 12/22/2009Lust Status Date: Denny’s RestaurantCleanup Unit Name: Voluntary Cleanup ProgramProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 12058Cleanup Site ID: Awaiting CleanupLust Status Type: 5970Facility ID: LUST: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum-GasolineContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 12058Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.481613 / -122.216554Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 5970Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: BenzeneContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 12058Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.481613 / -122.216554Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 5970Facility ID: CSCSL: 4191 ft. 0.794 mi.ALLSITES Relative: Higher Actual: 39 ft. 1/2-1 VCPRENTON, WA 98057 WSW LUST144 RAINIER AVE S N/A 113 CSCSLDENNYS RESTAURANT RAINIER AVE S112339117 TC5178694.2s Page 526 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Denny’s RestaurantFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 103535Interaction: -122.21654626599999Longitude: 47.481607134999997Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 2013-01-15 00:00:00Date Interaction: 619941Program ID: Denny’s RestaurantFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 103536Interaction: -122.21654626599999Longitude: 47.481607134999997Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2013-01-15 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW2677Program ID: Denny’s RestaurantFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 103468Interaction: 5970Facility Id: DENNYS RESTAURANT RAINIER AVEFacility Name: ALLSITES: 12058Cleanup Siteid: NRank: Not reportedDate NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 5970Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98057edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: 12058Cleanup Siteid: NRank: Not reportedDate NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: DENNYS RESTAURANT RAINIER AVE (Continued) S112339117 TC5178694.2s Page 527 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.21654626599999Longitude: 47.481607134999997Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2013-01-23 00:00:00Date Interaction: 619941Program ID: DENNYS RESTAURANT RAINIER AVE (Continued) S112339117 Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum-DieselContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 5659Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.480050724 / -122.21661154Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 19684856Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Non-Halogenated SolventsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 5659Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.480050724 / -122.21661154Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 19684856Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: BenzeneContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 5659Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.480050724 / -122.21661154Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 19684856Facility ID: CSCSL: 4260 ft. 0.807 mi.ALLSITES Relative: Lower Actual: 31 ft. 1/2-1 USTRENTON, WA 98055 WSW LUST250 RAINIER AVE S N/A 114 CSCSLWALKERS RENTON SUBARU USED CARS U004020754 TC5178694.2s Page 528 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedUBI: 442836Site Id: 19684856Facility ID: UST: 47.4800507 / -122.21661Lat/Long: NorthwestResponse Section: 11/15/2013Lust Status Date: SOUND SUBARUCleanup Unit Name: Independent ActionProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 5659Cleanup Site ID: Cleanup StartedLust Status Type: 19684856Facility ID: LUST: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum-OtherContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 5659Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.480050724 / -122.21661154Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 19684856Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum-GasolineContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 5659Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.480050724 / -122.21661154Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 19684856Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: WALKERS RENTON SUBARU USED CARS (Continued) U004020754 TC5178694.2s Page 529 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1900Tank Install Date: 04/12/2001Tank Status Date: UnknownTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 2Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1900Tank Install Date: 04/12/2001Tank Status Date: UnknownTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1Tank Name: -122.216611538831Decimal Longitude: 47.4800507242081Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: WALKERS RENTON SUBARU USED CARS (Continued) U004020754 TC5178694.2s Page 530 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 10,000 to 19,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: Not reportedTank Install Date: 12/31/1983Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 4Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/01/1900Tank Install Date: 04/12/2001Tank Status Date: UnknownTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 3Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: WALKERS RENTON SUBARU USED CARS (Continued) U004020754 TC5178694.2s Page 531 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation WALKERS RENTON SUBARU USED CARSFacility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 10,000 to 19,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: Not reportedTank Install Date: 12/31/1983Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 6Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 10,000 to 19,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: Not reportedTank Install Date: 12/31/1983Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 5Tank Name: WALKERS RENTON SUBARU USED CARS (Continued) U004020754 TC5178694.2s Page 532 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SCSInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 79729Interaction: -122.21657705299999Longitude: 47.480046455Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2000-03-08 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW0420Program ID: Walkers Renton Subaru Used CarsFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 79728Interaction: -122.21657705299999Longitude: 47.480046455Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2013-11-12 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW2798Program ID: Walkers Renton Subaru Used CarsFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 106583Interaction: -122.21657705299999Longitude: 47.480046455Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1998-04-08 00:00:00Date Interaction: 442836Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 31231Interaction: -122.21657705299999Longitude: 47.480046455Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 1972-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: 442836Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 31230Interaction: 19684856Facility Id: WALKERS RENTON SUBARU USED CARS (Continued) U004020754 TC5178694.2s Page 533 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.21657705299999Longitude: 47.480046455Latitude: State Cleanup SiteDate Interaction 3: 2009-09-11 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: Walkers Renton Subaru Used CarsFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: WALKERS RENTON SUBARU USED CARS (Continued) U004020754 Cleanup StartedSite Status: 2857Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.497583 / -122.214694Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 39825723Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: SuspectedGround Water: Non-Halogenated SolventsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 2857Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.497583 / -122.214694Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 39825723Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: Metals Priority PollutantsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 2857Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.497583 / -122.214694Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 39825723Facility ID: CSCSL: 4262 ft. 0.807 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 30 ft. 1/2-1 RENTON, WA 98055 NW ALLSITESN RIVERSIDE DR N/A 115 CSCSLCEDAR RIVER TRAIL S104320342 TC5178694.2s Page 534 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.214679151Longitude: 47.497577376000002Latitude: State Cleanup SiteDate Interaction 3: 2011-10-28 00:00:00Date Interaction: 39825723Program ID: Cedar River TrailFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: SCSInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 98457Interaction: -122.214679151Longitude: 47.497577376000002Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2009-03-18 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW2129Program ID: Cedar River TrailFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 42675Interaction: -122.214679151Longitude: 47.497577376000002Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 1999-06-10 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW1305Program ID: Cedar River TrailFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 42674Interaction: 39825723Facility Id: CEDAR RIVER TRAILFacility Name: ALLSITES: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: SuspectedGround Water: Petroleum Products-UnspecifiedContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: CEDAR RIVER TRAIL (Continued)S104320342 TC5178694.2s Page 535 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Fiberglass Reinforced PlasticTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 10,000 to 19,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1Tank Name: -122.218582Decimal Longitude: 47.483182Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 8473Site Id: 2503Facility ID: UST: 47.483182 / -122.21858Lat/Long: NorthwestResponse Section: 02/11/2016Lust Status Date: UNOCAL STATION # 5024Cleanup Unit Name: Independent ActionProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 5124Cleanup Site ID: Cleanup StartedLust Status Type: 2503Facility ID: LUST: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum-OtherContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 5124Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.483182 / -122.218582Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 2503Facility ID: CSCSL: ECHO FINDS RCRA NonGen / NLR 4266 ft.ALLSITES 0.808 mi.ICR Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/2-1 USTRENTON, WA 98057 West LUST59 RAINIER AVE S WAD988500393 116 CSCSLUNOCAL STATION 5024 1000660354 TC5178694.2s Page 536 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Single Wall TankTank Construction: Fiberglass Reinforced PlasticTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 4Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: FiberglassPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: Fiberglass Reinforced PlasticTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 10,000 to 19,999 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 2Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: FiberglassPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: UNOCAL STATION 5024 (Continued) 1000660354 TC5178694.2s Page 537 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 93-09Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 09/17/93Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 93-08Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 07/28/93Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 93-01Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: GroundwaterMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 04/15/93Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 92-46Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 12/15/92Date Ecology Received Report: ICR: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: FiberglassPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: UNOCAL STATION 5024 (Continued) 1000660354 TC5178694.2s Page 538 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-31Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 04/17/96Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 93-33Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 02/16/94Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-03Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 06/05/96Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-03Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 06/13/95Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 93-33Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 08/03/94Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: UNOCAL STATION 5024 (Continued) 1000660354 TC5178694.2s Page 539 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: IRAPInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 4629Interaction: -122.218567154Longitude: 47.483176376999999Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1992-01-28 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988500393Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 4627Interaction: -122.218567154Longitude: 47.483176376999999Latitude: Emergency/Haz Chem Rpt TIDate Interaction 3: 1988-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988500393Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: EPCRAProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: TIER2Interaction 2: IInteraction 1: 4625Interaction: 2503Facility Id: UNOCAL STATION 5024Facility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 95-02Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 05/01/97Date Ecology Received Report: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-44Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: Groundwater, SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 10/28/96Date Ecology Received Report: UNOCAL STATION 5024 (Continued) 1000660354 TC5178694.2s Page 540 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation RENTON, WA 98055 59 RAINIER AVE SOwner/operator address: UNOCAL RRMC UOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: EDMONDS, WA 98020 PO BOX 399Contact address: UNOCAL RRMC UNOCAL RRMCContact: EDMONDS, WA 98020 PO BOX 399Mailing address: WAD988500393EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 59 RAINIER AVE SFacility address: UNOCAL STATION 5024Facility name: 01/28/1992Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.218567154Longitude: 47.483176376999999Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1990-10-15 00:00:00Date Interaction: 8473Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 4626Interaction: -122.218567154Longitude: 47.483176376999999Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-03-20 00:00:00Date Interaction: 8473Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 4628Interaction: -122.218567154Longitude: 47.483176376999999Latitude: Independent Remedial ActnDate Interaction 3: 1900-01-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: UNOCAL STATION 5024Facility Alt.: UNOCAL STATION 5024 (Continued) 1000660354 TC5178694.2s Page 541 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110005371436Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: UNOCAL STATION 5024Site name: 01/28/1992Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 05/03/1996Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 000-000-0000Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: UNOCAL STATION 5024 (Continued) 1000660354 TC5178694.2s Page 542 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005371436DFR URL: 110005371436Registry ID: 1000660354Envid: ECHO: UNOCAL STATION 5024 (Continued) 1000660354 Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2003-08-13 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW1145Program ID: Scott DrycleanersFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 55475Interaction: -122.21496339799999Longitude: 47.476395908000001Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1990-07-02 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988474888Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 55473Interaction: 62912812Facility Id: SCOTT DRYCLEANERSFacility Name: ALLSITES: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Halogenated OrganicsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 644Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.476402051 / -122.21496873Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 62912812Facility ID: CSCSL: Inactive Drycleaners DRYCLEANERS 4530 ft.ECHO 0.858 mi.FINDS Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/2-1 RCRA NonGen / NLRRENTON, WA 98057 SW ALLSITES201 S 4TH PL WAD988474888 117 CSCSLSCOTT DRYCLEANERS 1001806627 TC5178694.2s Page 543 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-255-8690Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 201 S 4TH PLACEOwner/operator address: GAVIN INVESTMEN GOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: PrivateLand type: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: RENTON, WA 98055-2426 201 S 4TH PLContact address: SCOTT DRYCLEANE SCOTT DRYCLEANEContact: WAD988474888EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 201 S 4TH PLFacility address: SCOTT DRYCLEANERSFacility name: 09/05/2007Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.21496339799999Longitude: 47.476395908000001Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 2012-03-06 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD988474888Program ID: City of RentonFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 100611Interaction: -122.21496339799999Longitude: 47.476395908000001Latitude: State Cleanup SiteDate Interaction 3: 2001-10-12 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: Scott DrycleanersFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: SCSInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 55474Interaction: -122.21496339799999Longitude: 47.476395908000001Latitude: SCOTT DRYCLEANERS (Continued) 1001806627 TC5178694.2s Page 544 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 06/03/1996Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 201 S 4TH PLOwner/operator address: SCOTT DRYCLEANERSOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 06/03/1996Owner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 425-255-8690Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 201 S 4TH PLOwner/operator address: SCOTT DRYCLEANE SOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 07/01/1998Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: Not reportedOwner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 201 S 4TH PLACEOwner/operator address: GAVIN INVESTMENTSOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 07/01/1998Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: SCOTT DRYCLEANERS (Continued) 1001806627 TC5178694.2s Page 545 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Environmental Interest/Information System 110005353955Registry ID: FINDS: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE VISITEvaluation: 08/30/2007Evaluation date: Evaluation Action Summary: No violations foundViolation Status: 1.0%. Organic Compounds (HOC) at a total concentration level of 0.01% to Washington State Dangerous Persistent Waste containing Halogenated. Waste name: WP02. Waste code: SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE,. Waste name: F002. Waste code: SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. IN F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF FLUOROCARBONS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS USED IN DEGREASING 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE AND CHLORINATED TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, TRICHLORETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS USED IN DEGREASING:. Waste name: F001. Waste code: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: SCOTT DRYCLEANERSSite name: 05/28/1999Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: SCOTT DRYCLEANERSSite name: 12/31/2003Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: SCOTT DRYCLEANERSSite name: 12/31/2005Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: SCOTT DRYCLEANERS (Continued) 1001806627 TC5178694.2s Page 546 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedLand Country: Not reportedLand City,St,Zip: Not reportedLand Line2: Not reportedLand Line1: Not reportedLand Person Last Name: Not reportedLand Person Middle Init: Not reportedLand Person First Name: Not reportedLand Org Name: Not reportedLegal Organization Type: Not reportedLegal Effective Date: Not reportedLegal Phone Nbr: Not reportedLegal Country: Not reportedLegal City,St,Zip: Not reportedLegal Line2: Not reportedLegal Line1: Not reportedLegal Person Last Name: Not reportedLegal Person Middle Init: Not reportedLegal Person First Name: Not reportedLegal Org Name: Not reportedMail Country: Not reportedMail City,St,Zip: Not reportedMail Line2: Not reportedMail Line1: Not reportedMail Name: Not reportedState Waste Code Desc: Not reportedFed Waste Code Desc: Not reportedBusiness Type: Not reportedTax Reg Nbr: 62912812FS Id: Not reportedEPA Id: DRYCLEANERS: http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005353955DFR URL: 110005353955Registry ID: 1001806627Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access HAZARDOUS WASTE BIENNIAL REPORTER corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a SCOTT DRYCLEANERS (Continued) 1001806627 TC5178694.2s Page 547 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedUW Mercury Gen: Not reportedUW Thermostats Gen: Not reportedUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: Not reportedSmall Qty Exemption: Not reportedSmelter Deferral: Not reportedFurnace Burner: Not reportedIndustry Boiler Burner: Not reportedUtility Boiler Burner: Not reportedGen Other Marketers: Not reportedGen Market To Burner: Not reportedGen Dang Fuel: Not reportedImmediate Recycler: Not reportedTsdr Facility: Not reportedImporter: Not reportedMixed Radioactive: Not reportedTbg: Not reportedPbr: Not reportedTransfer Facility: Not reportedRecycler Onsite: Not reportedTransports Others Waste: Not reportedTransports Own Waste: Not reportedOne Time Generation: Not reportedBatch Generation: Not reportedMonthly Generation: Not reportedGen Status Cd: Not reportedForm Contact Email: Not reportedForm Contact Phone Nbr: Not reportedForm Contact Country: Not reportedForm Contact City,St,Zip: Not reportedForm Contact Line2: Not reportedForm Contact Line1: Not reportedForm Contact Last Name: Not reportedForm Contact Middle Init: Not reportedForm Contact First Name: Not reportedSite Contact Email: Not reportedSite Contact Phone Nbr: Not reportedSite Contact Country: Not reportedSite Contact City,St,Zip: Not reportedSite Contact Line2: Not reportedSite Contact Line1: Not reportedSite Contact Last Name: Not reportedSite Contact Middle Init: Not reportedSite Contact First Name: Not reportedOperator Organization Type: Not reportedOperator Effective Date: Not reportedOperator Phone Nbr: Not reportedOperator Country: Not reportedOperator City,St,Zip: Not reportedOperator Line2: Not reportedOperator Line1: Not reportedOperator Person Last Name: Not reportedOperator Person Middle Init: Not reportedOperator Person First Name: Not reportedOperator Org Name: Not reportedLand Organization Type: Not reportedLand Phone Nbr: SCOTT DRYCLEANERS (Continued) 1001806627 TC5178694.2s Page 548 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedLand Country: Not reportedLand City,St,Zip: Not reportedLand Line2: Not reportedLand Line1: Not reportedLand Person Last Name: Not reportedLand Person Middle Init: Not reportedLand Person First Name: Not reportedLand Org Name: Not reportedLegal Organization Type: Not reportedLegal Effective Date: Not reportedLegal Phone Nbr: Not reportedLegal Country: Not reportedLegal City,St,Zip: Not reportedLegal Line2: Not reportedLegal Line1: Not reportedLegal Person Last Name: Not reportedLegal Person Middle Init: Not reportedLegal Person First Name: Not reportedLegal Org Name: Not reportedMail Country: Not reportedMail City,St,Zip: Not reportedMail Line2: Not reportedMail Line1: Not reportedMail Name: Not reportedState Waste Code Desc: Not reportedFed Waste Code Desc: Not reportedBusiness Type: Not reportedTax Reg Nbr: 62912812FS Id: Not reportedEPA Id: Not reportedComments: -122.21496873Longitude: 47.476402051Latitude: TOXICSSIC DS: Drycleaning Plants, Except Rug CleaningFS SIC Code: 7216Program Name: Not reportedNAICS DS: Not reportedEnd Date: 10/12/2001Start Date: AStatus Code: SCSECO Int Type Code: Not reportedUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: Not reportedUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: Not reportedUsed Oil Rerefiner: Not reportedUsed Oil Processor: Not reportedUsed Oil Transfer Facility: Not reportedUsed Oil Transporter: Not reportedOff Spec Furnace: Not reportedOff Spec Industry Boiler: Not reportedOff Spec Utility Boiler: Not reportedUW Destination Facility: Not reportedUW Lamps Accum: Not reportedUW Mercury Accum: Not reportedUW Thermostats Accum: Not reportedUW Battery Accum: Not reportedUW Lamps Gen: SCOTT DRYCLEANERS (Continued) 1001806627 TC5178694.2s Page 549 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedUW Mercury Gen: Not reportedUW Thermostats Gen: Not reportedUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: Not reportedSmall Qty Exemption: Not reportedSmelter Deferral: Not reportedFurnace Burner: Not reportedIndustry Boiler Burner: Not reportedUtility Boiler Burner: Not reportedGen Other Marketers: Not reportedGen Market To Burner: Not reportedGen Dang Fuel: Not reportedImmediate Recycler: Not reportedTsdr Facility: Not reportedImporter: Not reportedMixed Radioactive: Not reportedTbg: Not reportedPbr: Not reportedTransfer Facility: Not reportedRecycler Onsite: Not reportedTransports Others Waste: Not reportedTransports Own Waste: Not reportedOne Time Generation: Not reportedBatch Generation: Not reportedMonthly Generation: Not reportedGen Status Cd: Not reportedForm Contact Email: Not reportedForm Contact Phone Nbr: Not reportedForm Contact Country: Not reportedForm Contact City,St,Zip: Not reportedForm Contact Line2: Not reportedForm Contact Line1: Not reportedForm Contact Last Name: Not reportedForm Contact Middle Init: Not reportedForm Contact First Name: Not reportedSite Contact Email: Not reportedSite Contact Phone Nbr: Not reportedSite Contact Country: Not reportedSite Contact City,St,Zip: Not reportedSite Contact Line2: Not reportedSite Contact Line1: Not reportedSite Contact Last Name: Not reportedSite Contact Middle Init: Not reportedSite Contact First Name: Not reportedOperator Organization Type: Not reportedOperator Effective Date: Not reportedOperator Phone Nbr: Not reportedOperator Country: Not reportedOperator City,St,Zip: Not reportedOperator Line2: Not reportedOperator Line1: Not reportedOperator Person Last Name: Not reportedOperator Person Middle Init: Not reportedOperator Person First Name: Not reportedOperator Org Name: Not reportedLand Organization Type: Not reportedLand Phone Nbr: SCOTT DRYCLEANERS (Continued) 1001806627 TC5178694.2s Page 550 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Gavin InvestmentsLAND ORG NAME: PrivateLEGAL ORGANIZATION TYPE: 7/1/1998LEGAL EFFECTIVE DATE: (425)255-8690LEGAL PHONE NBR: UNITED STATESLEGAL COUNTRY: 98055LEGAL ZIP: WALEGAL STATE: RENTONLEGAL CITY: Not reportedLEGAL LINE2: 201 S 4th PlaceLEGAL LINE1: Not reportedLEGAL PERSON LAST NAME: Not reportedLEGAL PERSON MIDDLE INIT: Not reportedLEGAL PERSON FIRST NAME: Gavin InvestmentsLEGAL ORG NAME: UNITED STATESMAIL COUNTRY: 98055-2426MAIL ZIP: WAMAIL STATE: RENTONMAIL CITY: Not reportedMAIL LINE2: 201 S 4TH PLMAIL LINE1: Scott DrycleanersMAIL NAME: Not reportedBUSINESS TYPE: 601885388TAX REG NBR: Not reportedState Waste Code Desc: Not reportedFed Waste Code Desc: 81232NAICS Code: 62912812Facility ID: 62912812FS Id: WAD988474888EPA I: INACTIVE DRYCLEANERS: Not reportedComments: -122.21496873Longitude: 47.476402051Latitude: TOXICSSIC DS: Not reportedFS SIC Code: Not reportedProgram Name: Drycleaning and Laundry Services (except coin-operated)NAICS DS: Not reportedEnd Date: 10/12/2001Start Date: AStatus Code: SCSECO Int Type Code: Not reportedUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: Not reportedUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: Not reportedUsed Oil Rerefiner: Not reportedUsed Oil Processor: Not reportedUsed Oil Transfer Facility: Not reportedUsed Oil Transporter: Not reportedOff Spec Furnace: Not reportedOff Spec Industry Boiler: Not reportedOff Spec Utility Boiler: Not reportedUW Destination Facility: Not reportedUW Lamps Accum: Not reportedUW Mercury Accum: Not reportedUW Thermostats Accum: Not reportedUW Battery Accum: Not reportedUW Lamps Gen: SCOTT DRYCLEANERS (Continued) 1001806627 TC5178694.2s Page 551 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoMIXED RADIOACTIVE: NoTBG: NoPBR: NoTRANSFER FACILITY: NoRECYCLER ONSITE: NoTRANSPORTS OTHERS WASTE: NoTRANSPORTS OWN WASTE: NoONE TIME GENERATION: YesBATCH GENERATION: NoMONTHLY GENERATION: SQGGEN STATUS CD: buhda529@charter.netFORM CONTACT EMAIL: (425)255-8690FORM CONTACT PHONE NBR: UNITED STATESFORM CONTACT COUNTRY: 98055-2426FORM CONTACT ZIP: WAFORM CONTACT STATE: RENTONFORM CONTACT CITY: Not reportedFORM CONTACT LINE2: 201 S 4TH PLFORM CONTACT LINE1: GavinFORM CONTACT LAST NAME: Not reportedFORM CONTACT MIDDLE INIT: MarkFORM CONTACT FIRST NAME: buhda529@charter.netSITE CONTACT EMAIL: (425)255-8690SITE CONTACT PHONE NBR: UNITED STATESSITE CONTACT COUNTRY: 98055SITE CONTACT ZIP: WASITE CONTACT STATE: RENTONSITE CONTACT CITY: Not reportedSITE CONTACT LINE2: 201 S 4th PlaceSITE CONTACT LINE1: GavinSITE CONTACT LAST NAME: Not reportedSITE CONTACT MIDDLE INIT: MarkSITE CONTACT FIRST NAME: PrivateOPERATOR ORGANIZATION TYPE: 6/3/1996OPERATOR EFFECTIVE DATE: (425)255-8690OPERATOR PHONE NBR: UNITED STATESOPERATOR COUNTRY: 98055-2426OPERATOR ZIP: WAOPERATOR STATE: RENTONOPERATOR CITY: Not reportedOPERATOR LINE2: 201 S 4TH PLOPERATOR LINE1: Not reportedOPERATOR PERSON LAST NAME: Not reportedOPERATOR PERSON MIDDLE INIT: Not reportedOPERATOR PERSON FIRST NAME: Scott DrycleanersOPERATOR ORG NAME: PrivateLAND ORGANIZATION TYPE: (425)255-8690LAND PHONE NBR: UNITED STATESLAND COUNTRY: 98055LAND ZIP: WALAND STATE: RENTONLAND CITY: Not reportedLAND LINE2: 201 S 4th PlaceLAND LINE1: Not reportedLAND PERSON LAST NAME: Not reportedLAND PERSON MIDDLE INIT: Not reportedLAND PERSON FIRST NAME: SCOTT DRYCLEANERS (Continued) 1001806627 TC5178694.2s Page 552 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation business closed 09-30-04Comments: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reportedSIC DS: Not reportedFS SIC Code: Not reportedProgram Name: Not reportedNAICS DS: Not reportedEnd Date: Not reportedStart Date: Not reportedStatus Code: Not reportedECO Int Type Code: NoUSED OIL FUEL MARKETER MEETS SPECS: NoUSED OIL FUEL MARKETER DIR SHIPMENTS: NoUSED OIL REREFINER: NoUSED OIL PROCESSOR: NoUSED OIL TRANSFER FACILITY: NoUSED OIL TRANSPORTER: NoOFF SPEC FURNACE: NoOFF SPEC INDUSTRY BOILER: NoOFF SPEC UTILITY BOILER: NoUW DESTINATION FACILITY: NoUW LAMPS ACCUM: NoUW MERCURY ACCUM: NoUW THERMOSTATS ACCUM: NoUW BATTERY ACCUM: NoUW LAMPS GEN: NoUW MERCURY GEN: NoUW THERMOSTATS GEN: NoUW BATTERY GEN: Not reportedOTHER EXEMPTION: NoSMALL QTY EXEMPTION: NoSMELTER DEFERRAL: NoFURNACE BURNER: NoINDUSTRY BOILER BURNER: NoUTILITY BOILER BURNER: NoGEN OTHER MARKETERS: NoGEN MARKET TO BURNER: NoGEN DANG FUEL: NoIMMEDIATE RECYCLER: NoTSDR FACILITY: NoIMPORTER: SCOTT DRYCLEANERS (Continued) 1001806627 Not reportedGround Water: Petroleum-GasolineContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 10243Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.484982 / -122.220242Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 71592529Facility ID: CSCSL: 4620 ft.ALLSITES 0.875 mi.ICR Relative: Lower Actual: 35 ft. 1/2-1 USTRENTON, WA 98055 West LUST221 HARDIE AVENUE NW N/A 118 CSCSLRENTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1000658121 TC5178694.2s Page 553 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 03/25/93Date Ecology Received Report: ICR: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Non-Safe SuctionPipe Pumping System: NonePipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: OtherPipe Primary Release Detection: Single Wall PipePipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: OtherTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Sacrificial AnodeTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: Dielectric Coated SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: 12/16/1992Tank Closure Date: 00/01/1984Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1Tank Name: -122.220242Decimal Longitude: 47.484982Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 100946Site Id: 71592529Facility ID: UST: 47.484982 / -122.22024Lat/Long: NorthwestResponse Section: 10/03/2011Lust Status Date: RENTON ASSEMBLY OF GODCleanup Unit Name: Independent ActionProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 10243Cleanup Site ID: Cleanup StartedLust Status Type: 71592529Facility ID: LUST: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: RENTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD (Continued) 1000658121 TC5178694.2s Page 554 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.220227154Longitude: 47.484976377000002Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 1984-10-01 00:00:00Date Interaction: 100946Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 60167Interaction: -122.220227154Longitude: 47.484976377000002Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1993-01-07 00:00:00Date Interaction: 100946Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 60168Interaction: 71592529Facility Id: RENTON ASSEMBLY OF GODFacility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 92-49Site Register Issue: Final cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: SoilMedia Contaminated: RENTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD (Continued) 1000658121 Cleanup StartedSite Status: 6558Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.473642 / -122.212432Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 71914167Facility ID: CSCSL: ECHO FINDS RCRA NonGen / NLR ALLSITES 4661 ft.VCP 0.883 mi.INST CONTROL Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/2-1 USTRENTON, WA 98055 SSW LUST423 S 7TH ST WAD005791249 119 CSCSLLTS TRUCKING 1000417406 TC5178694.2s Page 555 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1Tank Name: -122.212432Decimal Longitude: 47.473642Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 2982Site Id: 71914167Facility ID: UST: 47.473642 / -122.21243Lat/Long: NorthwestResponse Section: 06/28/2011Lust Status Date: LTS TruckingCleanup Unit Name: Voluntary Cleanup ProgramProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 6558Cleanup Site ID: Cleanup StartedLust Status Type: 71914167Facility ID: LUST: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum-OtherContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: LTS TRUCKING (Continued)1000417406 TC5178694.2s Page 556 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NEngineered CAP: NSimple Soil CAP: NFencing or Other Permanent Access Barriers: NWave Attenuation Structure: NShoreline Stabilization Structure: 6558CS ID: NoVessel Draft Restriction: NoSwimming Restriction: NoSurface Water Restriction: NoSoil Restriction: NoShell Fish Harvesting Restrictions: NoRestrictive Signage: YesProperty Use Restriction: NoNo Wake Zone: NoNo Dredge Zone: YesMaintenance Requirements: NoGroundwater Restriction: NoFinfish Harvesting Restrictions: NoFinancial Assurance: NoEducation Programs: NoDrinking Water Restrictions: NoAnchorage Restrictions: 01/05/1999Filing Date Of Individual IC Doc: 9901120993County Filing # For Individual IC Doc: Recording #: 9901120993, Date: Jan 5 1999 12:00AMDocument Type: Environmental CovenantInstrument Type: -122.212432Longitude: 47.473642Latitude: 71914167Facility Site ID: INST CONTROL: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 2Tank Name: LTS TRUCKING (Continued)1000417406 TC5178694.2s Page 557 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 60390Interaction: -122.21241715799999Longitude: 47.473636376000002Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1998-02-19 00:00:00Date Interaction: 2982Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 60388Interaction: -122.21241715799999Longitude: 47.473636376000002Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 1998-02-19 00:00:00Date Interaction: 2982Program ID: LTS TRUCKINGFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 60389Interaction: 71914167Facility Id: LTS TRUCKINGFacility Name: ALLSITES: 6558Cleanup Siteid: NRank: Not reportedDate NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 71914167Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98055edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: VCP: NAccess Barrier: NProhibit All Soil Disturbance: NProhibit Domestic Ground Water Well Installation: NRestrict All Ground Water Use: YRestrict Land Use: NImpermeable Surface: NVertical Ground Water Barrier: NGround Water Extraction and Gradient Control: NImmobilization by Stabilization, Solidification, or Encapsulation: NEngineered Bottom Barriers: LTS TRUCKING (Continued)1000417406 TC5178694.2s Page 558 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 09/21/1982Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 000-000-0000Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 423 S 7TH STOwner/operator address: RENTON ISSAQUAH ROwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: PrivateLand type: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: USContact country: RENTON, WA 98057-4008 PO BOX 4008Contact address: RENTON ISSAQUAH RENTON ISSAQUAHContact: RENTON, WA 98057-4008 PO BOX 4008Mailing address: WAD005791249EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 423 S 7TH STFacility address: LTS TRUCKINGFacility name: 09/21/1982Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.21241715799999Longitude: 47.473636376000002Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1982-09-21 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD005791249Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 60387Interaction: -122.21241715799999Longitude: 47.473636376000002Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-03-20 00:00:00Date Interaction: 2982Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: LTS TRUCKING (Continued)1000417406 TC5178694.2s Page 559 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110005312385Registry ID: FINDS: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE VISITEvaluation: 03/01/1996Evaluation date: Evaluation Action Summary: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: LTS TRUCKINGSite name: 09/21/1982Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: LTS TRUCKING (Continued)1000417406 TC5178694.2s Page 560 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110005312385DFR URL: 110005312385Registry ID: 1000417406Envid: ECHO: LTS TRUCKING (Continued)1000417406 Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Non-Halogenated SolventsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Awaiting CleanupSite Status: 2546Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.49149 / -122.21873Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 20554Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Halogenated OrganicsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Awaiting CleanupSite Status: 2546Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.49149 / -122.21873Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 20554Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Base/Neutral/Acid OrganicsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Awaiting CleanupSite Status: 2546Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.49149 / -122.21873Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 20554Facility ID: CSCSL: 4990 ft. 0.945 mi.ASBESTOS Relative: Lower Actual: 26 ft. 1/2-1 RCRA NonGen / NLRRENTON, WA 98055 WNW ALLSITES616 W PERIMETER RD WAR000003335 120 CSCSLRENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT FIRE TRNG AREA 1001491244 TC5178694.2s Page 561 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.218715152Longitude: 47.491484376000002Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1995-06-27 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR000003335Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 5940Interaction: 20554Facility Id: RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT FIRE TRNG AREAFacility Name: ALLSITES: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Polychlorinated biPhenyls (PCB)Contaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Awaiting CleanupSite Status: 2546Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.49149 / -122.21873Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 20554Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum Products-UnspecifiedContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Awaiting CleanupSite Status: 2546Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.49149 / -122.21873Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 20554Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT FIRE TRNG AREA (Continued) 1001491244 TC5178694.2s Page 562 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation USContact country: RENTON, WA 98055 616 PERIMETER RD WContact address: RENTON AIR TRAF RENTON AIR TRAFContact: RENTON, WA 98055 616 PERIMETER RD WMailing address: WAR000003335EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 616 W PERIMETER RDFacility address: RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT FIRE TRNG AREAFacility name: 07/09/1997Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: -122.216554395Longitude: 47.498237467000003Latitude: Construction SW GPDate Interaction 3: 2013-04-03 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR126826Program ID: Taxiway B System Rehab - North PortionFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: CONSTSWGPInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 104470Interaction: 13749Facility Id: TAXIWAY B SYSTEM REHAB - NORTH PORTIONFacility Name: -122.21733355000001Longitude: 47.492264796000001Latitude: Construction SW GPDate Interaction 3: 2013-01-02 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR126652Program ID: Taxiway Bravo Renton AirportFacility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: CONSTSWGPInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 103345Interaction: 15718Facility Id: TAXIWAY BRAVO RENTON AIRPORTFacility Name: -122.218715152Longitude: 47.491484376000002Latitude: Independent CleanupDate Interaction 3: 1996-10-31 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT FIRE TRNG AREAFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: INDPNDNTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 5941Interaction: RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT FIRE TRNG AREA (Continued) 1001491244 TC5178694.2s Page 563 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedEmergency: Not reportedOff Hold: 1On Hold: Not reportedAmended: Not reportedInitial: 07/25/2014Completion Date: 07/07/2014Start Date: 06/23/2014Notice Date: 88267##1210Therm683668Form ID: 86832Parent ID: Airport Control TowerFacility Type: ASBESTOS: No violations foundViolation Status: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT FIRE TRNG AREASite name: 07/09/1997Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: 07/09/1997Owner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 206-764-6632Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: RENTON, WA 98055 1601 LIND AVE SWOwner/operator address: FEDERAL AVIATIO FOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 10EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: 000-000-0000Contact telephone: RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT FIRE TRNG AREA (Continued) 1001491244 TC5178694.2s Page 564 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedGlove Bag: 1Neg Pres Enclosure: Not reportedOutdoors: 1Indoors: Not reportedLin Ft Other2 Text: Not reportedLin Ft Other2: Cove MasticLin Ft Other1 Text: 1Lin Ft Other1: Not reportedDuct Tape: Not reportedMudded Pipe Insulation: Not reportedCement Asbestos Pipe: Not reportedDucting Insulation: Not reportedAir Cell Pipe Insulation: Not reportedMag Pipe Insulation: 75Quantity Lin Ft: Mastic; Wall PlasterSq Ft Other Text: 1Sq Ft Other: Not reportedRoofing: 1VAT: Not reportedDuct Paper: Not reportedBoiler Insulation: Not reportedAsbestos Paper: Not reportedSheet Vinyl: Not reportedCAB: Not reportedPopcorn Ceiling: Not reportedFireproofing: 1300Quantity Sq Ft: Not reportedEncapsulated: 1Removed: Not reportedFacility Maint: Not reportedFacility Repair: Not reportedFacility Demo: 1Facility Remodel: ~2,900 sq.ft.Facility Size: Not GivenFacility Age: 2nd Floor Office SpaceJob Site Room: 425-430-7477Property Owner Phone: 98057Property Owner Zip4: WAProperty Owner State: RentonProperty Owner City: 616 West Perimeter Road, Unit AProperty Owner Address: Renton Municipal AirportProperty Owner Company: Jonathan WilsonProperty Owner Agent: City of RentonProperty Owner Name: debif@ttnw-inc.comProject Form Email: Mike GuileyJob Site CAS: 253-984-1818Phone: 1210Contractor ID: Not reportedSaturday: 1Friday: 1Thursday: 1Wednesday: 1Tuesday: 1Monday: Not reportedSunday: 9:45 a.m.Site Hours End: 7:00 a.m.Site Hours Start: RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT FIRE TRNG AREA (Continued) 1001491244 TC5178694.2s Page 565 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 08/01/2014Completion Date: 07/07/2014Start Date: 06/23/2014Notice Date: 86832##1210Therm037021Form ID: 0Parent ID: Airport Control TowerFacility Type: Not reportedContractor Memo: 98499Contractor Mail Zip: WAContractor Mail State: LAKEWOODContractor Mail City: 10312 SALES RD SContractor Mail Street Address: www.thermatechnorthwestinc.comContractor Web Address: sandrag@ttnw-inc.comContractor Email: 2539841818Contractor Phone: 98499Contractor Zip: WAContractor State: LAKEWOODContractor City: 10312 SALES RD SContractor Street Address: 27Contractor Cnty Code: Not reportedContractor Suspended Date: 04/01/2017Contractor Exp Date: 01/22/2016Contractor Renewal Letter Date: 04/08/2009Contractor Effective Date: 08/30/1996Contractor Original Date: 2016-04-04 00:00:00Contractor Cert Prn Date: 2539841886Contact Fax: 2539841818Contact Phone: SANDRA GUILEYContact Name: ActiveContractor Status: Thermatech Northwest IncContractor Name: THERMNI044NTContractor Cris Num: LContractor Priority: 601725020Contractor UBI: 1210Contractor ID: Contractor: IP Address: 2014-07-25 09:45:11Date Time Submitted: OFF HOLD and COMPLETED as of Friday 7-25-14 945amComments: Not reportedOther Resp Pro Text: Not reportedOther Resp Pro: 1Type C Pressure: Not reportedType C Continuous: Not reportedPAPR: Not reportedFull Face APR: 1Half Mask APR: Not reportedOther CM2 Text: Not reportedOther CM2: Not reportedOther CM1 Text: Not reportedOther CM1: 1MANUALMETHODS : 1HEPA Vacuum: 1Wet Methods: Not reportedWrap And Cut: 1Critical Barriers: Not reportedMini Enclosure: RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT FIRE TRNG AREA (Continued) 1001491244 TC5178694.2s Page 566 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedLin Ft Other2: Cove MasticLin Ft Other1 Text: 1Lin Ft Other1: Not reportedDuct Tape: Not reportedMudded Pipe Insulation: Not reportedCement Asbestos Pipe: Not reportedDucting Insulation: Not reportedAir Cell Pipe Insulation: Not reportedMag Pipe Insulation: 75Quantity Lin Ft: Mastic; Wall PlasterSq Ft Other Text: 1Sq Ft Other: Not reportedRoofing: 1VAT: Not reportedDuct Paper: Not reportedBoiler Insulation: Not reportedAsbestos Paper: Not reportedSheet Vinyl: Not reportedCAB: Not reportedPopcorn Ceiling: Not reportedFireproofing: 1300Quantity Sq Ft: Not reportedEncapsulated: 1Removed: Not reportedFacility Maint: Not reportedFacility Repair: Not reportedFacility Demo: 1Facility Remodel: ~2,900 sq.ft.Facility Size: Not GivenFacility Age: 2nd Floor Office SpaceJob Site Room: 425-430-7477Property Owner Phone: 98057Property Owner Zip4: WAProperty Owner State: RentonProperty Owner City: 616 West Perimeter Road, Unit AProperty Owner Address: Renton Municipal AirportProperty Owner Company: Jonathan WilsonProperty Owner Agent: City of RentonProperty Owner Name: debif@ttnw-inc.comProject Form Email: Mike GuileyJob Site CAS: 253-984-1818Phone: 1210Contractor ID: Not reportedSaturday: 1Friday: 1Thursday: 1Wednesday: 1Tuesday: 1Monday: Not reportedSunday: 3:30 PMSite Hours End: 7:00 a.m.Site Hours Start: Not reportedEmergency: Not reportedOff Hold: Not reportedOn Hold: Not reportedAmended: 1Initial: RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT FIRE TRNG AREA (Continued) 1001491244 TC5178694.2s Page 567 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Airport Control TowerFacility Type: Not reportedContractor Memo: 98499Contractor Mail Zip: WAContractor Mail State: LAKEWOODContractor Mail City: 10312 SALES RD SContractor Mail Street Address: www.thermatechnorthwestinc.comContractor Web Address: sandrag@ttnw-inc.comContractor Email: 2539841818Contractor Phone: 98499Contractor Zip: WAContractor State: LAKEWOODContractor City: 10312 SALES RD SContractor Street Address: 27Contractor Cnty Code: Not reportedContractor Suspended Date: 04/01/2017Contractor Exp Date: 01/22/2016Contractor Renewal Letter Date: 04/08/2009Contractor Effective Date: 08/30/1996Contractor Original Date: 2016-04-04 00:00:00Contractor Cert Prn Date: 2539841886Contact Fax: 2539841818Contact Phone: SANDRA GUILEYContact Name: ActiveContractor Status: Thermatech Northwest IncContractor Name: THERMNI044NTContractor Cris Num: LContractor Priority: 601725020Contractor UBI: 1210Contractor ID: Contractor: IP Address: 2014-06-23 09:25:26Date Time Submitted: Not reportedComments: Not reportedOther Resp Pro Text: Not reportedOther Resp Pro: 1Type C Pressure: Not reportedType C Continuous: Not reportedPAPR: Not reportedFull Face APR: 1Half Mask APR: Not reportedOther CM2 Text: Not reportedOther CM2: Not reportedOther CM1 Text: Not reportedOther CM1: 1MANUALMETHODS : 1HEPA Vacuum: 1Wet Methods: Not reportedWrap And Cut: 1Critical Barriers: Not reportedMini Enclosure: Not reportedGlove Bag: 1Neg Pres Enclosure: Not reportedOutdoors: 1Indoors: Not reportedLin Ft Other2 Text: RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT FIRE TRNG AREA (Continued) 1001491244 TC5178694.2s Page 568 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedCement Asbestos Pipe: Not reportedDucting Insulation: Not reportedAir Cell Pipe Insulation: Not reportedMag Pipe Insulation: 75Quantity Lin Ft: Mastic; Wall PlasterSq Ft Other Text: 1Sq Ft Other: Not reportedRoofing: 1VAT: Not reportedDuct Paper: Not reportedBoiler Insulation: Not reportedAsbestos Paper: Not reportedSheet Vinyl: Not reportedCAB: Not reportedPopcorn Ceiling: Not reportedFireproofing: 1300Quantity Sq Ft: Not reportedEncapsulated: 1Removed: Not reportedFacility Maint: Not reportedFacility Repair: Not reportedFacility Demo: 1Facility Remodel: ~2,900 sq.ft.Facility Size: Not GivenFacility Age: 2nd Floor Office SpaceJob Site Room: 425-430-7477Property Owner Phone: 98057Property Owner Zip4: WAProperty Owner State: RentonProperty Owner City: 616 West Perimeter Road, Unit AProperty Owner Address: Renton Municipal AirportProperty Owner Company: Jonathan WilsonProperty Owner Agent: City of RentonProperty Owner Name: debif@ttnw-inc.comProject Form Email: Mike GuileyJob Site CAS: 253-984-1818Phone: 1210Contractor ID: Not reportedSaturday: 1Friday: 1Thursday: 1Wednesday: 1Tuesday: 1Monday: Not reportedSunday: 3:30 PMSite Hours End: 7:00 a.m.Site Hours Start: Not reportedEmergency: Not reportedOff Hold: 1On Hold: 1Amended: Not reportedInitial: 08/01/2014Completion Date: 07/07/2014Start Date: 06/23/2014Notice Date: 87620##1210Therm651190Form ID: 86832Parent ID: RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT FIRE TRNG AREA (Continued) 1001491244 TC5178694.2s Page 569 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation WAContractor Mail State: LAKEWOODContractor Mail City: 10312 SALES RD SContractor Mail Street Address: www.thermatechnorthwestinc.comContractor Web Address: sandrag@ttnw-inc.comContractor Email: 2539841818Contractor Phone: 98499Contractor Zip: WAContractor State: LAKEWOODContractor City: 10312 SALES RD SContractor Street Address: 27Contractor Cnty Code: Not reportedContractor Suspended Date: 04/01/2017Contractor Exp Date: 01/22/2016Contractor Renewal Letter Date: 04/08/2009Contractor Effective Date: 08/30/1996Contractor Original Date: 2016-04-04 00:00:00Contractor Cert Prn Date: 2539841886Contact Fax: 2539841818Contact Phone: SANDRA GUILEYContact Name: ActiveContractor Status: Thermatech Northwest IncContractor Name: THERMNI044NTContractor Cris Num: LContractor Priority: 601725020Contractor UBI: 1210Contractor ID: Contractor: IP Address: 2014-07-10 08:06:30Date Time Submitted: ON HOLD Thursday 7-10-14 8amComments: Not reportedOther Resp Pro Text: Not reportedOther Resp Pro: 1Type C Pressure: Not reportedType C Continuous: Not reportedPAPR: Not reportedFull Face APR: 1Half Mask APR: Not reportedOther CM2 Text: Not reportedOther CM2: Not reportedOther CM1 Text: Not reportedOther CM1: 1MANUALMETHODS : 1HEPA Vacuum: 1Wet Methods: Not reportedWrap And Cut: 1Critical Barriers: Not reportedMini Enclosure: Not reportedGlove Bag: 1Neg Pres Enclosure: Not reportedOutdoors: 1Indoors: Not reportedLin Ft Other2 Text: Not reportedLin Ft Other2: Cove MasticLin Ft Other1 Text: 1Lin Ft Other1: Not reportedDuct Tape: Not reportedMudded Pipe Insulation: RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT FIRE TRNG AREA (Continued) 1001491244 TC5178694.2s Page 570 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedContractor Memo: 98499Contractor Mail Zip: RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT FIRE TRNG AREA (Continued) 1001491244 54043Interaction: 60178828Facility Id: SEARS ROEBUCK & CO UST 7842Facility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedReport Title: Not reportedContact: 17County Code: 94-05Site Register Issue: Interim cleanup reportType of Report Ecology Received: North WesternRegion: TankWaste Management: SoilMedia Contaminated: Petroleum productsContaminants Found at Site: 01/04/95Date Ecology Received Report: ICR: 47.4773303 / -122.21889Lat/Long: NorthwestResponse Section: 06/01/1995Lust Status Date: Sears Svc Ctr Old Renton ShoppingCleanup Unit Name: Independent ActionProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 9860Cleanup Site ID: Cleanup StartedLust Status Type: 60178828Facility ID: LUST: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum-DieselContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 9860Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.477330323 / -122.2188978Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 60178828Facility ID: CSCSL: 5056 ft. 0.958 mi.ALLSITES Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/2-1 ICRRENTON, WA 98055 WSW LUST359 RENTON CENTER WAY SW N/A 121 CSCSLSEARS ROEBUCK & CO UST 7842 U003028293 TC5178694.2s Page 571 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.21888295799999Longitude: 47.477324699999997Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-03-20 00:00:00Date Interaction: 7842Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 54044Interaction: -122.21888295799999Longitude: 47.477324699999997Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1994-11-18 00:00:00Date Interaction: 7842Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: SEARS ROEBUCK & CO UST 7842 (Continued) U003028293 BenzeneContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 5446Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.47558 / -122.2147Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 7826317Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: SuspectedSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: ArsenicContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 5446Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.47558 / -122.2147Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 7826317Facility ID: CSCSL: 5139 ft. 0.973 mi.ALLSITES Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/2-1 USTRENTON, WA 98055 SW LUST585 RAINIER AVE S N/A 122 CSCSLPUGET SOUND CHRY-PLY INC U004021227 TC5178694.2s Page 572 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum-GasolineContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 5446Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.47558 / -122.2147Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 7826317Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Non-Halogenated SolventsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 5446Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.47558 / -122.2147Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 7826317Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: SuspectedSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: LeadContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 5446Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.47558 / -122.2147Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 7826317Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: PUGET SOUND CHRY-PLY INC (Continued) U004021227 TC5178694.2s Page 573 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1Tank Name: -122.2147Decimal Longitude: 47.47558Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 11921Site Id: 7826317Facility ID: UST: 47.47558 / -122.2147Lat/Long: NorthwestResponse Section: 07/01/2011Lust Status Date: PUGET SOUND CHRYSLER PLYMOUTHCleanup Unit Name: Independent ActionProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 5446Cleanup Site ID: Cleanup StartedLust Status Type: 7826317Facility ID: LUST: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum-OtherContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 5446Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.47558 / -122.2147Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 7826317Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: PUGET SOUND CHRY-PLY INC (Continued) U004021227 TC5178694.2s Page 574 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SCSInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 21529Interaction: -122.214685156Longitude: 47.475574375999997Latitude: Hazardous Waste GeneratorDate Interaction 3: 1986-10-30 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAD150981496Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: TURBOWASTEProgram Data: HAZWASTEEcology Program: HWGInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 21525Interaction: 7826317Facility Id: LITHIA DODGE CHRYSLER JEEPFacility Name: ALLSITES: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: 111 TO 1,100 GallonsCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 2Tank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: PUGET SOUND CHRY-PLY INC (Continued) U004021227 TC5178694.2s Page 575 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.214685156Longitude: 47.475574375999997Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1994-09-30 00:00:00Date Interaction: 11921Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 21526Interaction: -122.214685156Longitude: 47.475574375999997Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-03-20 00:00:00Date Interaction: 11921Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 21527Interaction: -122.214685156Longitude: 47.475574375999997Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2002-06-11 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW0913Program ID: Lithia Dodge Chrysler JeepFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 21528Interaction: -122.214685156Longitude: 47.475574375999997Latitude: State Cleanup SiteDate Interaction 3: 2006-06-16 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: Lithia Dodge Chrysler JeepFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: PUGET SOUND CHRY-PLY INC (Continued) U004021227 TC5178694.2s Page 576 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation CA500 - CMI Workplan ApprovedAction: 20130102Actual Date: BLD 4-21E(AOC 4), BLD 4-81 (AOC 1/2/3)Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA550RCAction: 20150901Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA550RCAction: 20150901Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): information is needed to make a determination CA750IN - Migration of Contaminated Groundwater under Control, MoreAction: 20050901Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): Exposures Under Control has been verified CA725YE - Current Human Exposures Under Control, Yes, Current HumanAction: 20050901Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: CORRACTS: ECHO FINDS 2020 COR ACTION US FIN ASSUR 5227 ft.US INST CONTROLSite 1 of 2 in cluster AE 0.990 mi.US ENG CONTROLS Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/2-1 RCRA-LQGRENTON, WA 98055 NNW RCRA-TSDF737 LOGAN AVE N WAD009262171 AE123 CORRACTSBOEING RENTON 1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 577 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA400 - Date For Remedy Selection (CM Imposed)Action: 20130102Actual Date: FORMER FUEL FARM AND BLD 5-08/09/50Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA400 - Date For Remedy Selection (CM Imposed)Action: 20130102Actual Date: BLD 4-78/79, 4-42, 4-21W, 4-44Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA400 - Date For Remedy Selection (CM Imposed)Action: 20130102Actual Date: REMAINDERArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA500 - CMI Workplan ApprovedAction: 20130102Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA500 - CMI Workplan ApprovedAction: 20130102Actual Date: BLD 4-64(AOC90),BLD 4-76(SWMU179),APRN DArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 578 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA500 - CMI Workplan ApprovedAction: 20130102Actual Date: FORMER FUEL FARM AND BLD 5-08/09/50Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA400 - Date For Remedy Selection (CM Imposed)Action: 20130102Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA500 - CMI Workplan ApprovedAction: 20130102Actual Date: REMAINDERArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA500 - CMI Workplan ApprovedAction: 20130102Actual Date: BLD 4-78/79, 4-42, 4-21W, 4-44Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA400 - Date For Remedy Selection (CM Imposed)Action: 20130102Actual Date: BLD 4-64(AOC90),BLD 4-76(SWMU179),APRN DArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA400 - Date For Remedy Selection (CM Imposed)Action: 20130102Actual Date: BLD 4-21E(AOC 4), BLD 4-81 (AOC 1/2/3)Area Name: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 579 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA200 - RFI ApprovedAction: 20011003Actual Date: BLD 4-78/79, 4-42, 4-21W, 4-44Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA200 - RFI ApprovedAction: 20011003Actual Date: FORMER FUEL FARM AND BLD 5-08/09/50Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA200 - RFI ApprovedAction: 20011003Actual Date: BLD 4-21E(AOC 4), BLD 4-81 (AOC 1/2/3)Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA200 - RFI ApprovedAction: 20011003Actual Date: BLD 4-64(AOC90),BLD 4-76(SWMU179),APRN DArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: 19920702Original schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA600 - Stabilization Measures ImplementedAction: 19920702Actual Date: BLD 4-78/79, 4-42, 4-21W, 4-44Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: 19920702Original schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA600 - Stabilization Measures ImplementedAction: 19920702Actual Date: FORMER FUEL FARM AND BLD 5-08/09/50Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 580 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 20011204Actual Date: BLD 4-78/79, 4-42, 4-21W, 4-44Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA260 - CMS Workplan ReceivedAction: 20011204Actual Date: FORMER FUEL FARM AND BLD 5-08/09/50Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA260 - CMS Workplan ReceivedAction: 20011204Actual Date: BLD 4-21E(AOC 4), BLD 4-81 (AOC 1/2/3)Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA260 - CMS Workplan ReceivedAction: 20011204Actual Date: BLD 4-64(AOC90),BLD 4-76(SWMU179),APRN DArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA260 - CMS Workplan ReceivedAction: 20011204Actual Date: REMAINDERArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA200 - RFI ApprovedAction: 20011003Actual Date: REMAINDERArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 581 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 336411NAICS Code(s): CA190 - RFI Report ReceivedAction: 20010208Actual Date: BLD 4-78/79, 4-42, 4-21W, 4-44Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA190 - RFI Report ReceivedAction: 20010208Actual Date: BLD 4-64(AOC90),BLD 4-76(SWMU179),APRN DArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: 19921007Original schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): timing considerations and administrative considerations action work at the facility, technical factors, the degree of risk, amenable to stabilization activity based on the, status of corrective CA225YE - Stabilization Measures Evaluation, This facility ,isAction: 19921007Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): needed to make a determination CA725IN - Current Human Exposures Under Control, More information isAction: 20040805Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): information is needed to make a determination CA750IN - Migration of Contaminated Groundwater under Control, MoreAction: 20040805Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA260 - CMS Workplan ReceivedAction: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 582 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: 19911008Original schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA070YE - RFA Determination Of Need For An RFI, RFI is NecessaryAction: 19911008Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): source removal and/or treatment CA600SR - Stabilization Measures Implemented, Primary measure isAction: 20040708Actual Date: BLD 4-64(AOC90),BLD 4-76(SWMU179),APRN DArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA190 - RFI Report ReceivedAction: 20010208Actual Date: BLD 4-21E(AOC 4), BLD 4-81 (AOC 1/2/3)Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA190 - RFI Report ReceivedAction: 20010208Actual Date: FORMER FUEL FARM AND BLD 5-08/09/50Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA190 - RFI Report ReceivedAction: 20010208Actual Date: REMAINDERArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 583 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA110 - RFI Workplan ReceivedAction: 19980110Actual Date: BLD 4-64(AOC90),BLD 4-76(SWMU179),APRN DArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA110 - RFI Workplan ReceivedAction: 19980110Actual Date: REMAINDERArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA110 - RFI Workplan ReceivedAction: 19980110Actual Date: BLD 4-78/79, 4-42, 4-21W, 4-44Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA110 - RFI Workplan ReceivedAction: 19980110Actual Date: FORMER FUEL FARM AND BLD 5-08/09/50Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA110 - RFI Workplan ReceivedAction: 19980110Actual Date: BLD 4-21E(AOC 4), BLD 4-81 (AOC 1/2/3)Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): corrective action priority CA075HI - CA Prioritization, Facility or area was assigned a highAction: 19911008Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 584 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA772IDAction: 19971010Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): stabilization evaluation CA100DC - RFI Imposition, Focused data collection required forAction: 19971010Actual Date: BLD 4-64(AOC90),BLD 4-76(SWMU179),APRN DArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): stabilization evaluation CA100DC - RFI Imposition, Focused data collection required forAction: 19971010Actual Date: BLD 4-21E(AOC 4), BLD 4-81 (AOC 1/2/3)Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): stabilization evaluation CA100DC - RFI Imposition, Focused data collection required forAction: 19971010Actual Date: FORMER FUEL FARM AND BLD 5-08/09/50Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): Migration of Contaminated Groundwater Under Control has been verified CA750YE - Migration of Contaminated Groundwater under Control, Yes,Action: 20090710Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 585 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 336411NAICS Code(s): CA770GWAction: 19950511Actual Date: FORMER FUEL FARM AND BLD 5-08/09/50Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA060 - Notice of ContaminationAction: 19970311Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA772EPAction: 19971010Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): stabilization evaluation CA100DC - RFI Imposition, Focused data collection required forAction: 19971010Actual Date: BLD 4-78/79, 4-42, 4-21W, 4-44Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA770NGAction: 19971010Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): stabilization evaluation CA100DC - RFI Imposition, Focused data collection required forAction: 19971010Actual Date: REMAINDERArea Name: 10EPA Region: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 586 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation BLD 4-78/79, 4-42, 4-21W, 4-44Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA340 - CMS Report ReceivedAction: 20041115Actual Date: FORMER FUEL FARM AND BLD 5-08/09/50Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA340 - CMS Report ReceivedAction: 20041115Actual Date: BLD 4-21E(AOC 4), BLD 4-81 (AOC 1/2/3)Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA340 - CMS Report ReceivedAction: 20041115Actual Date: BLD 4-64(AOC90),BLD 4-76(SWMU179),APRN DArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA340 - CMS Report ReceivedAction: 20041115Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA050 - RFA CompletedAction: 19930115Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 587 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA300 - CMS Workplan ApprovedAction: 20040616Actual Date: FORMER FUEL FARM AND BLD 5-08/09/50Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA300 - CMS Workplan ApprovedAction: 20040616Actual Date: REMAINDERArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA300 - CMS Workplan ApprovedAction: 20040616Actual Date: BLD 4-78/79, 4-42, 4-21W, 4-44Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA770GWAction: 19901015Actual Date: BLD 4-78/79, 4-42, 4-21W, 4-44Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA340 - CMS Report ReceivedAction: 20041115Actual Date: REMAINDERArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA340 - CMS Report ReceivedAction: 20041115Actual Date: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 588 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA180 - RFI Supplemental Implementation BegunAction: 19990517Actual Date: BLD 4-64(AOC90),BLD 4-76(SWMU179),APRN DArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA180 - RFI Supplemental Implementation BegunAction: 19990517Actual Date: BLD 4-21E(AOC 4), BLD 4-81 (AOC 1/2/3)Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA180 - RFI Supplemental Implementation BegunAction: 19990517Actual Date: FORMER FUEL FARM AND BLD 5-08/09/50Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA300 - CMS Workplan ApprovedAction: 20040616Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA300 - CMS Workplan ApprovedAction: 20040616Actual Date: BLD 4-64(AOC90),BLD 4-76(SWMU179),APRN DArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA300 - CMS Workplan ApprovedAction: 20040616Actual Date: BLD 4-21E(AOC 4), BLD 4-81 (AOC 1/2/3)Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 589 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation BLD 4-21E(AOC 4), BLD 4-81 (AOC 1/2/3)Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: 19891222Original schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): and treatment CA600GW - Stabilization Measures Implemented, Groundwater extractionAction: 19891222Actual Date: URE 05/06Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: 19920918Original schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA600 - Stabilization Measures ImplementedAction: 19920918Actual Date: NORTH FIRE PITArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA070YE - RFA Determination Of Need For An RFI, RFI is NecessaryAction: 19950118Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA180 - RFI Supplemental Implementation BegunAction: 19990517Actual Date: REMAINDERArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA180 - RFI Supplemental Implementation BegunAction: 19990517Actual Date: BLD 4-78/79, 4-42, 4-21W, 4-44Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 590 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA050 - RFA CompletedAction: 19910523Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA150 - RFI Workplan ApprovedAction: 19990323Actual Date: BLD 4-64(AOC90),BLD 4-76(SWMU179),APRN DArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA150 - RFI Workplan ApprovedAction: 19990323Actual Date: REMAINDERArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA150 - RFI Workplan ApprovedAction: 19990323Actual Date: BLD 4-78/79, 4-42, 4-21W, 4-44Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA150 - RFI Workplan ApprovedAction: 19990323Actual Date: FORMER FUEL FARM AND BLD 5-08/09/50Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA150 - RFI Workplan ApprovedAction: 19990323Actual Date: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 591 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 20080630Actual Date: BLD 4-64(AOC90),BLD 4-76(SWMU179),APRN DArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA650 - Stabilization Construction CompletedAction: 19930130Actual Date: URE 05/06Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): source removal and/or treatment CA600SR - Stabilization Measures Implemented, Primary measure isAction: 20060130Actual Date: BLD 4-21E(AOC 4), BLD 4-81 (AOC 1/2/3)Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): needed to make a determination CA725IN - Current Human Exposures Under Control, More information isAction: 19970926Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): information is needed to make a determination CA750IN - Migration of Contaminated Groundwater under Control, MoreAction: 19970926Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA375 - Decision On Petition For No Further ActionAction: 19961224Actual Date: URE 05/06Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 592 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA350 - CMS ApprovedAction: 20080630Actual Date: FORMER FUEL FARM AND BLD 5-08/09/50Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA350 - CMS ApprovedAction: 20080630Actual Date: REMAINDERArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA350 - CMS ApprovedAction: 20080630Actual Date: BLD 4-21E(AOC 4), BLD 4-81 (AOC 1/2/3)Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA350 - CMS ApprovedAction: 20080630Actual Date: BLD 4-78/79, 4-42, 4-21W, 4-44Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA350 - CMS ApprovedAction: 20080630Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA350 - CMS ApprovedAction: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 593 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation WAD009262171EPA ID: RENTON, WA 98055 737 LOGAN AVE NFacility address: BOEING RENTONFacility name: 02/22/2016Date form received by agency: RCRA-TSDF: Not reportedSchedule end date: 19900731Original schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA650 - Stabilization Construction CompletedAction: 19900731Actual Date: URE 05/06Area Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: 19900731Original schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA650 - Stabilization Construction CompletedAction: 19900731Actual Date: NORTH FIRE PITArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: 19921231Original schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): CA650 - Stabilization Construction CompletedAction: 19921231Actual Date: NORTH FIRE PITArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): information is needed to make a determination CA750IN - Migration of Contaminated Groundwater under Control, MoreAction: 20011231Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Aircraft Manufacturing 336411NAICS Code(s): needed to make a determination CA725IN - Current Human Exposures Under Control, More information isAction: 20011231Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 10EPA Region: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 594 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 312-544-2800Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: CHICAGO, IL 60606 OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL 100 N. RIVERSIDEOwner/operator address: THE BOEING COMPANYOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: Not reportedOwner/operator extension: Not reportedOwner/operator fax: Not reportedOwner/operator email: 312-544-2800Owner/operator telephone: USOwner/operator country: SEATTLE, WA 98124 PO BOX 3707 M/C 67-74Owner/operator address: THE BOEING COMPANYOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: 100 kg of that material at any time hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates more than from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting kg of acutely hazardous waste at any time; or generates 100 kg or less hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates more than 1 waste during any calendar month; or generates 1 kg or less of acutely cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the during any calendar month; or generates more than 100 kg of any calendar month; or generates more than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste Handler: generates 1,000 kg or more of hazardous waste during anyDescription: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: waste Handler is engaged in the treatment, storage or disposal of hazardousDescription: TSDFClassification: PrivateLand type: 10EPA Region: MARYJO.DONNELLY@BOEING.COMContact email: 206-662-2534Contact telephone: USContact country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207 PO BOX 3707 M/C 1W-12Contact address: MARYJO DONNELLYContact: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207 PO BOX 3707 M/C 67-74Mailing address: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 595 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation METHYL ETHYL KETONE. Waste name: D035. Waste code: BENZENE. Waste name: D018. Waste code: SILVER. Waste name: D011. Waste code: SELENIUM. Waste name: D010. Waste code: MERCURY. Waste name: D009. Waste code: LEAD. Waste name: D008. Waste code: CHROMIUM. Waste name: D007. Waste code: CADMIUM. Waste name: D006. Waste code: BARIUM. Waste name: D005. Waste code: CORROSIVE WASTE. Waste name: D002. Waste code: IGNITABLE WASTE. Waste name: D001. Waste code: Not reportedGenerated waste on-site: YesAccumulated waste on-site: ThermostatsWaste type: Not reportedGenerated waste on-site: YesAccumulated waste on-site: LampsWaste type: Universal Waste Summary: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 596 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation D001. Waste code: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: BOEING RENTONSite name: 02/24/2014Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: procedure. determined by biological testing methods or a book designation concentration greater than or equal to 0.001% and less than 1.0%, Washington State Dangerous Toxic Waste with a toxic constituents. Waste name: WT02. Waste code: by biological testing methods or a book designation procedure. constituents concentration greater than or equal to 1.0%, determined Washington State Extremely Hazardous Toxic Waste with a toxic. Waste name: WT01. Waste code: WHEN SUCH PHOSPHATING IS AN EXCLUSIVE CONVERSION COATING PROCESS. ALUMINUM, EXCEPT FROM ZIRCONIUM PHOSPHATING IN ALUMINUM CAN WASHING WASTEWATER TREATMENT SLUDGES FROM THE CHEMICAL CONVERSION COATING OF. Waste name: F019. Waste code: THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL. Waste name: F005. Waste code: MIXTURES. BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N-BUTYL THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL. Waste name: F003. Waste code: SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE,. Waste name: F002. Waste code: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE. Waste name: D039. Waste code: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 597 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL. Waste name: F005. Waste code: MIXTURES. BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N-BUTYL THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL. Waste name: F003. Waste code: SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE,. Waste name: F002. Waste code: METHYL ETHYL KETONE. Waste name: D035. Waste code: BENZENE. Waste name: D018. Waste code: SILVER. Waste name: D011. Waste code: SELENIUM. Waste name: D010. Waste code: LEAD. Waste name: D008. Waste code: CHROMIUM. Waste name: D007. Waste code: CADMIUM. Waste name: D006. Waste code: BARIUM. Waste name: D005. Waste code: CORROSIVE WASTE. Waste name: D002. Waste code: IGNITABLE WASTE. Waste name: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 598 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE,. Waste name: F002. Waste code: METHYL ETHYL KETONE. Waste name: D035. Waste code: BENZENE. Waste name: D018. Waste code: SELENIUM. Waste name: D010. Waste code: LEAD. Waste name: D008. Waste code: CHROMIUM. Waste name: D007. Waste code: CADMIUM. Waste name: D006. Waste code: BARIUM. Waste name: D005. Waste code: REACTIVE WASTE. Waste name: D003. Waste code: CORROSIVE WASTE. Waste name: D002. Waste code: IGNITABLE WASTE. Waste name: D001. Waste code: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: BOEING RENTONSite name: 02/16/2012Date form received by agency: procedure. determined by biological testing methods or a book designation concentration greater than or equal to 0.001% and less than 1.0%, Washington State Dangerous Toxic Waste with a toxic constituents. Waste name: WT02. Waste code: WHEN SUCH PHOSPHATING IS AN EXCLUSIVE CONVERSION COATING PROCESS. ALUMINUM, EXCEPT FROM ZIRCONIUM PHOSPHATING IN ALUMINUM CAN WASHING WASTEWATER TREATMENT SLUDGES FROM THE CHEMICAL CONVERSION COATING OF. Waste name: F019. Waste code: THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 599 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation IGNITABLE WASTE. Waste name: D001. Waste code: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: BOEING RENTONSite name: 02/24/2011Date form received by agency: procedure. determined by biological testing methods or a book designation concentration greater than or equal to 0.001% and less than 1.0%, Washington State Dangerous Toxic Waste with a toxic constituents. Waste name: WT02. Waste code: upon a specific testing method. pH less than or equal to 2, or greater than or equal to 12.5, based Washington State solid or semisolid corrosive Dangerous Waste with a. Waste name: WSC2. Waste code: 1.0%. Organic Compounds (HOC) at a total concentration level of 0.01% to Washington State Dangerous Persistent Waste containing Halogenated. Waste name: WP02. Waste code: Greater than 1.0%. Halogenated Organic Compounds (HOC) at a total concentration level of Washington State Extremely Hazardous Persistent Waste containing. Waste name: WP01. Waste code: WHEN SUCH PHOSPHATING IS AN EXCLUSIVE CONVERSION COATING PROCESS. ALUMINUM, EXCEPT FROM ZIRCONIUM PHOSPHATING IN ALUMINUM CAN WASHING WASTEWATER TREATMENT SLUDGES FROM THE CHEMICAL CONVERSION COATING OF. Waste name: F019. Waste code: THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL. Waste name: F005. Waste code: MIXTURES. BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N-BUTYL THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL. Waste name: F003. Waste code: SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 600 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N-BUTYL THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL. Waste name: F003. Waste code: SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE,. Waste name: F002. Waste code: SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. IN F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF FLUOROCARBONS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS USED IN DEGREASING 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE AND CHLORINATED TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, TRICHLORETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS USED IN DEGREASING:. Waste name: F001. Waste code: METHYL ETHYL KETONE. Waste name: D035. Waste code: BENZENE. Waste name: D018. Waste code: SELENIUM. Waste name: D010. Waste code: MERCURY. Waste name: D009. Waste code: LEAD. Waste name: D008. Waste code: CHROMIUM. Waste name: D007. Waste code: CADMIUM. Waste name: D006. Waste code: BARIUM. Waste name: D005. Waste code: CORROSIVE WASTE. Waste name: D002. Waste code: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 601 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF FLUOROCARBONS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS USED IN DEGREASING 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE AND CHLORINATED TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, TRICHLORETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS USED IN DEGREASING:. Waste name: F001. Waste code: METHYL ETHYL KETONE. Waste name: D035. Waste code: BENZENE. Waste name: D018. Waste code: SELENIUM. Waste name: D010. Waste code: LEAD. Waste name: D008. Waste code: CHROMIUM. Waste name: D007. Waste code: CADMIUM. Waste name: D006. Waste code: BARIUM. Waste name: D005. Waste code: CORROSIVE WASTE. Waste name: D002. Waste code: IGNITABLE WASTE. Waste name: D001. Waste code: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: BOEING RENTONSite name: 02/08/2010Date form received by agency: ETHANE, 1,1,1-TRICHLORO- (OR) METHYL CHLOROFORM. Waste name: U226. Waste code: WHEN SUCH PHOSPHATING IS AN EXCLUSIVE CONVERSION COATING PROCESS. ALUMINUM, EXCEPT FROM ZIRCONIUM PHOSPHATING IN ALUMINUM CAN WASHING WASTEWATER TREATMENT SLUDGES FROM THE CHEMICAL CONVERSION COATING OF. Waste name: F019. Waste code: THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL. Waste name: F005. Waste code: MIXTURES. BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 602 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Washington State Dangerous Toxic Waste with a toxic constituents. Waste name: WT02. Waste code: 1.0%. Organic Compounds (HOC) at a total concentration level of 0.01% to Washington State Dangerous Persistent Waste containing Halogenated. Waste name: WP02. Waste code: WHEN SUCH PHOSPHATING IS AN EXCLUSIVE CONVERSION COATING PROCESS. ALUMINUM, EXCEPT FROM ZIRCONIUM PHOSPHATING IN ALUMINUM CAN WASHING WASTEWATER TREATMENT SLUDGES FROM THE CHEMICAL CONVERSION COATING OF. Waste name: F019. Waste code: ALUMINUM. PLATING ON CARBON STEEL; AND (6) CHEMICAL ETCHING AND MILLING OF STEEL; (5) CLEANING/STRIPPING ASSOCIATED WITH TIN, ZINC, AND ALUMINUM ON CARBON STEEL; (4) ALUMINUM OR ZINC-ALUMINUM PLATING ON CARBON (2) TIN PLATING ON CARBON STEEL; (3) ZINC PLATING (SEGREGATED BASIS) FROM THE FOLLOWING PROCESSES: (1) SULFURIC ACID ANODIZING OF ALUMINUM; WASTEWATER TREATMENT SLUDGES FROM ELECTROPLATING OPERATIONS, EXCEPT. Waste name: F006. Waste code: THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL. Waste name: F005. Waste code: MIXTURES. BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N-BUTYL THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL. Waste name: F003. Waste code: SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE,. Waste name: F002. Waste code: SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. IN F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 603 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: BOEING RENTONSite name: 02/28/1994Date form received by agency: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: BOEING RENTONSite name: 03/01/1996Date form received by agency: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: BOEING RENTONSite name: 10/23/1998Date form received by agency: BENZENE. Waste name: D018. Waste code: SELENIUM. Waste name: D010. Waste code: LEAD. Waste name: D008. Waste code: CHROMIUM. Waste name: D007. Waste code: CADMIUM. Waste name: D006. Waste code: BARIUM. Waste name: D005. Waste code: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: BOEING RENTONSite name: 11/08/1999Date form received by agency: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: BOEING RENTONSite name: 03/30/2000Date form received by agency: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: BOEING RENTONSite name: 03/05/2002Date form received by agency: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: BOEING RENTONSite name: 12/31/2003Date form received by agency: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: BOEING RENTONSite name: 12/31/2005Date form received by agency: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: BOEING RENTONSite name: 12/31/2007Date form received by agency: procedure. determined by biological testing methods or a book designation concentration greater than or equal to 0.001% and less than 1.0%, BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 604 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation D011Waste code: 1405473Amount (Lbs): SELENIUMWaste name: D010Waste code: 2172Amount (Lbs): MERCURYWaste name: D009Waste code: 1421218Amount (Lbs): LEADWaste name: D008Waste code: 1463296Amount (Lbs): CHROMIUMWaste name: D007Waste code: 1413643Amount (Lbs): CADMIUMWaste name: D006Waste code: 1413208Amount (Lbs): BARIUMWaste name: D005Waste code: 12560Amount (Lbs): DISPOSED, THE WASTE WOULD BE A CORROSIVE HAZARDOUS WASTE. THESE CAUSTIC OR ACID SOLUTIONS BECOME CONTAMINATED AND MUST BE USED BY MANY INDUSTRIES TO CLEAN METAL PARTS PRIOR TO PAINTING. WHEN OR DEGREASE PARTS. HYDROCHLORIC ACID, A SOLUTION WITH A LOW PH, IS CAUSTIC SOLUTION WITH A HIGH PH, IS OFTEN USED BY INDUSTRIES TO CLEAN CONSIDERED TO BE A CORROSIVE HAZARDOUS WASTE. SODIUM HYDROXIDE, A A WASTE WHICH HAS A PH OF LESS THAN 2 OR GREATER THAN 12.5 ISWaste name: D002Waste code: 349857Amount (Lbs): WHICH WOULD BE CONSIDERED AS IGNITABLE HAZARDOUS WASTE. MATERIAL. LACQUER THINNER IS AN EXAMPLE OF A COMMONLY USED SOLVENT WHICH CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE MANUFACTURER OR DISTRIBUTOR OF THE FLASH POINT OF A WASTE IS TO REVIEW THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET, CLOSED CUP FLASH POINT TESTER. ANOTHER METHOD OF DETERMINING THE LESS THAN 140 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT AS DETERMINED BY A PENSKY-MARTENS IGNITABLE HAZARDOUS WASTES ARE THOSE WASTES WHICH HAVE A FLASHPOINT OFWaste name: D001Waste code: Annual Waste Handled: Last Biennial Reporting Year: 2017 Biennial Reports: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: BOEING - RENTONSite name: 12/31/1990Date form received by agency: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: BOEING - RENTONSite name: 09/01/1993Date form received by agency: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 605 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation TREATMENT STABILIZATION/INTERIM MEASURES DECISION-GROUNDWATER EXTRACTION &Event: 12/22/1989Event date: Corrective Action Summary: 62911Amount (Lbs): WHEN SUCH PHOSPHATING IS AN EXCLUSIVE CONVERSION COATING PROCESS. ALUMINUM EXCEPT FROM ZIRCONIUM PHOSPHATING IN ALUMINUM CAN WASHING WASTEWATER TREATMENT SLUDGES FROM THE CHEMICAL CONVERSION COATING OFWaste name: F019Waste code: 87349Amount (Lbs): THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NON-HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT NON-HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYLWaste name: F005Waste code: 21676Amount (Lbs): MIXTURES. BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005, AND STILL SOLVENTS, AND, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NON-HALOGENATED NON-HALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N-BUTYL THE FOLLOWING SPENT NON-HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYLWaste name: F003Waste code: 82100Amount (Lbs): SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. F005, AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE LISTED IN F001, F004, OR BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE,Waste name: F002Waste code: 33978Amount (Lbs): METHYL ETHYL KETONEWaste name: D035Waste code: 1092431Amount (Lbs): BENZENEWaste name: D018Waste code: 375Amount (Lbs): SILVERWaste name: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 606 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation INSTITUTIONAL CONTROLS ESTABLISHED-ENFORCEMENT AND PERMIT TOOLSEvent: 10/10/1997Event date: RFI IMPOSITION-FOCUSED DATA COLLECTION REQ STAB EVALEvent: 10/10/1997Event date: RELEASE TO GW CONTROLLED DETERMINATION-MORE INFORMATION NEEDEDEvent: 09/26/1997Event date: HUMAN EXPOSURES CONTROLLED DETERMINATION-MORE INFORMATION NEEDEDEvent: 09/26/1997Event date: NOTICE OF CONTAMINATIONEvent: 03/11/1997Event date: INTERIM DECISION FOR NO FURTHER ACTIONEvent: 12/24/1996Event date: ENGINEERING CONTROLS ESTABLISHED-GROUNDWATER CONTROLEvent: 05/11/1995Event date: DETERMINATION OF NEED FOR AN INVESTIGATION-INVESTIGATION IS NECESSARYEvent: 01/18/1995Event date: STABILIZATION CONSTRUCTION COMPLETEDEvent: 01/30/1993Event date: RFA COMPLETEDEvent: 01/15/1993Event date: STABILIZATION CONSTRUCTION COMPLETEDEvent: 12/31/1992Event date: STABILIZATION STABILIZATION MEASURES EVALUATION-FACILITY IS AMENABLE TOEvent: 10/07/1992Event date: STABILIZATION/INTERIM MEASURES DECISIONEvent: 09/18/1992Event date: STABILIZATION/INTERIM MEASURES DECISIONEvent: 07/02/1992Event date: CA PRIORITIZATION-HIGH CA PRIORITYEvent: 10/08/1991Event date: DETERMINATION OF NEED FOR AN INVESTIGATION-INVESTIGATION IS NECESSARYEvent: 10/08/1991Event date: RFA COMPLETEDEvent: 05/23/1991Event date: ENGINEERING CONTROLS ESTABLISHED-GROUNDWATER CONTROLEvent: 10/15/1990Event date: STABILIZATION CONSTRUCTION COMPLETEDEvent: 07/31/1990Event date: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 607 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation &/OR TRT STABILIZATION/INTERIM MEASURES DECISION-PRIMARY MEAS IS SOURCE REMOVLEvent: 01/30/2006Event date: DATE HUMAN EXPOSURES CONTROLLED DETERMINATION-YES, APPLICABLE AS OF THISEvent: 09/01/2005Event date: RELEASE TO GW CONTROLLED DETERMINATION-MORE INFORMATION NEEDEDEvent: 09/01/2005Event date: CMS REPORT RECEIVEDEvent: 11/15/2004Event date: RELEASE TO GW CONTROLLED DETERMINATION-MORE INFORMATION NEEDEDEvent: 08/05/2004Event date: HUMAN EXPOSURES CONTROLLED DETERMINATION-MORE INFORMATION NEEDEDEvent: 08/05/2004Event date: &/OR TRT STABILIZATION/INTERIM MEASURES DECISION-PRIMARY MEAS IS SOURCE REMOVLEvent: 07/08/2004Event date: CMS WORKPLAN APPROVEDEvent: 06/16/2004Event date: HUMAN EXPOSURES CONTROLLED DETERMINATION-MORE INFORMATION NEEDEDEvent: 12/31/2001Event date: RELEASE TO GW CONTROLLED DETERMINATION-MORE INFORMATION NEEDEDEvent: 12/31/2001Event date: CMS WORKPLAN RECEIVEDEvent: 12/04/2001Event date: INVESTIGATION COMPLETEEvent: 10/03/2001Event date: INVESTIGATION REPORT RECEIVEDEvent: 02/08/2001Event date: INVESTIGATION IMPLEMENTATION BEGUNEvent: 05/17/1999Event date: INVESTIGATION WORKPLAN APPROVEDEvent: 03/23/1999Event date: INVESTIGATION WORKPLAN RECEIVEDEvent: 01/10/1998Event date: ENGINEERING CONTROLS ESTABLISHED-NON-GROUNDWATER CONTROLEvent: 10/10/1997Event date: INSTITUTIONAL CONTROLS ESTABLISHED-INFORMATIONAL DEVICEEvent: 10/10/1997Event date: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 608 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 04/15/2016 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 06/30/2017Date achieved compliance: 12/03/2015Date violation determined: TSD - Contingency Plan and Emergency ProceduresArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 04/15/2016 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 03/29/2017Date achieved compliance: 12/03/2015Date violation determined: Generators - Pre-transportArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 01/13/2016 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 03/29/2017Date achieved compliance: 12/03/2015Date violation determined: Generators - Pre-transportArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Facility Has Received Notices of Violations: REMEDY CONSTRUCTION-REMEDY CONSTRUCTEDEvent: 09/01/2015Event date: REMEDY CONSTRUCTION-REMEDY CONSTRUCTEDEvent: 09/01/2015Event date: REMEDY DECISIONEvent: 01/02/2013Event date: CMI WORKPLAN APPROVEDEvent: 01/02/2013Event date: RELEASE TO GW CONTROLLED DETERMINATION-YES, APPLICABLE AS OF THIS DATEEvent: 07/10/2009Event date: CMS COMPLETEEvent: 06/30/2008Event date: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 609 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 11/01/2012 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 11/20/2012Date achieved compliance: 08/22/2012Date violation determined: State Statute or RegulationArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 04/15/2016 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 06/30/2017Date achieved compliance: 12/03/2015Date violation determined: Generators - Pre-transportArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 01/13/2016 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 06/30/2017Date achieved compliance: 12/03/2015Date violation determined: Generators - Pre-transportArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 01/13/2016 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 06/30/2017Date achieved compliance: 12/03/2015Date violation determined: TSD - Contingency Plan and Emergency ProceduresArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 610 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 02/10/1999 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 03/01/1999Date achieved compliance: 02/03/1999Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: SR - 160(2)(A) AND (3)(C)Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 02/26/2001 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 03/19/2001Date achieved compliance: 01/18/2001Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: SR - -200(1)(b) / -630(5)(a)Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 03/08/2007 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 03/20/2007Date achieved compliance: 02/14/2007Date violation determined: Generators - Pre-transportArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 11/01/2012 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 08/22/2012Date achieved compliance: 08/22/2012Date violation determined: Generators - Pre-transportArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 611 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 03/21/1995 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 03/27/1995Date achieved compliance: 02/15/1995Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: SR - 200(1)(b)&ref 630(5)(a)Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 02/10/1999 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 02/11/1999Date achieved compliance: 02/03/1999Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: SR - 200(1)(d)Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 02/10/1999 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 02/09/1999Date achieved compliance: 02/03/1999Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: SR - 200(2)(a),200(1)(c)Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 02/10/1999 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 03/30/1999Date achieved compliance: 02/03/1999Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: SR - 350Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 612 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 03/21/1995 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 04/14/1995Date achieved compliance: 02/15/1995Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: SR - 360(2)(j-k)Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 03/21/1995 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 04/07/1995Date achieved compliance: 02/15/1995Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: SR - 200(1)(b)&ref 630(3)Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 03/21/1995 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 02/15/1995Date achieved compliance: 02/15/1995Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: SR - 200(1)(d)Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 03/21/1995 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 02/15/1995Date achieved compliance: 02/15/1995Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: SR - 200(1)(c)Regulation violated: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 613 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation TSD - General Facility StandardsArea of violation: SR - -200(1)(C)Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 07/05/1991 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 04/30/1991Date achieved compliance: 04/30/1991Date violation determined: TSD - General Facility StandardsArea of violation: SR - -200(1)(C)Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: EPA Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 07/14/1993 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: EPAViolation lead agency: 01/22/1993Date achieved compliance: 01/22/1993Date violation determined: TSD - General Facility StandardsArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: EPA Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 07/14/1993 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: EPAViolation lead agency: 07/20/1993Date achieved compliance: 02/10/1993Date violation determined: Generators - ManifestArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: EPA Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 07/14/1993 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: EPAViolation lead agency: 07/20/1993Date achieved compliance: 02/10/1993Date violation determined: TSD - Container Use and ManagementArea of violation: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 614 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 04/30/1991Date violation determined: TSD - Contingency Plan and Emergency ProceduresArea of violation: SR - -350 (4)(5)Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 07/05/1991 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 08/30/1991Date achieved compliance: 04/30/1991Date violation determined: TSD - Container Use and ManagementArea of violation: SR - -630(5)(A)Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 07/05/1991 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 08/15/1991Date achieved compliance: 04/30/1991Date violation determined: TSD - General Facility StandardsArea of violation: SR - -320(2)(D)Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 07/05/1991 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 08/28/1991Date achieved compliance: 04/30/1991Date violation determined: Permits - ApplicationArea of violation: SR - -060(2)Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 04/14/1987 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 04/30/1991Date achieved compliance: 04/30/1991Date violation determined: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 615 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedArea of violation: FINANCIAL RECORD REVIEWEvaluation: 05/16/2017Evaluation date: Evaluation Action Summary: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: EPA Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 03/08/1985 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: EPAViolation lead agency: 05/10/1985Date achieved compliance: 03/08/1985Date violation determined: TSD - Financial RequirementsArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enforcement action date: Not reported Enforcement action: EPAViolation lead agency: 04/30/1991Date achieved compliance: 04/14/1988Date violation determined: TSD - GeneralArea of violation: Not reportedRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 07/05/1991 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 07/25/1991Date achieved compliance: 04/30/1991Date violation determined: TSD - Contingency Plan and Emergency ProceduresArea of violation: SR - -350 (4)(5)Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 04/14/1987 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 07/25/1991Date achieved compliance: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 616 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: FINANCIAL RECORD REVIEWEvaluation: 06/25/2014Evaluation date: EPAEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: FINANCIAL RECORD REVIEWEvaluation: 06/26/2014Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 03/29/2017Date achieved compliance: Generators - Pre-transportArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 12/03/2015Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 06/30/2017Date achieved compliance: TSD - Contingency Plan and Emergency ProceduresArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 12/03/2015Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 06/30/2017Date achieved compliance: Generators - Pre-transportArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 12/03/2015Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 03/29/2017Date achieved compliance: Generators - Pre-transportArea of violation: FOLLOW-UP INSPECTIONEvaluation: 03/29/2016Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 06/30/2017Date achieved compliance: TSD - Contingency Plan and Emergency ProceduresArea of violation: FOLLOW-UP INSPECTIONEvaluation: 03/29/2016Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 06/30/2017Date achieved compliance: Generators - Pre-transportArea of violation: FOLLOW-UP INSPECTIONEvaluation: 03/29/2016Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: FINANCIAL RECORD REVIEWEvaluation: 01/12/2017Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 617 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 02/03/1999Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 03/01/1999Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 02/03/1999Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 02/09/1999Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 02/03/1999Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 02/11/1999Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 02/03/1999Evaluation date: EPA-Initiated Oversight/Observation/Training ActionsEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 01/18/2001Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 03/19/2001Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 01/18/2001Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 03/20/2007Date achieved compliance: Generators - Pre-transportArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 02/14/2007Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: FACILITY SELF DISCLOSUREEvaluation: 02/14/2012Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 11/20/2012Date achieved compliance: State Statute or RegulationArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 08/22/2012Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 08/22/2012Date achieved compliance: Generators - Pre-transportArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 08/22/2012Evaluation date: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 618 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation StateEvaluation lead agency: 08/15/1991Date achieved compliance: TSD - General Facility StandardsArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 04/30/1991Evaluation date: EPAEvaluation lead agency: 07/20/1993Date achieved compliance: Generators - ManifestArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 01/22/1993Evaluation date: EPAEvaluation lead agency: 07/20/1993Date achieved compliance: TSD - Container Use and ManagementArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 01/22/1993Evaluation date: EPAEvaluation lead agency: 01/22/1993Date achieved compliance: TSD - General Facility StandardsArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 01/22/1993Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 04/14/1995Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 02/15/1995Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 03/27/1995Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 02/15/1995Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 02/15/1995Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 02/15/1995Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 04/07/1995Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 02/15/1995Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 12/16/1996Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 03/30/1999Date achieved compliance: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 619 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedArea of violation: FINANCIAL RECORD REVIEWEvaluation: 09/18/1986Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 07/25/1991Date achieved compliance: TSD - Contingency Plan and Emergency ProceduresArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 03/11/1987Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 04/30/1991Date achieved compliance: TSD - General Facility StandardsArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 03/11/1987Evaluation date: EPA-Initiated Oversight/Observation/Training ActionsEvaluation lead agency: 04/30/1991Date achieved compliance: TSD - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 04/14/1988Evaluation date: EPAEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: FINANCIAL RECORD REVIEWEvaluation: 04/10/1989Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 04/30/1991Date achieved compliance: TSD - General Facility StandardsArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 04/30/1991Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 07/25/1991Date achieved compliance: TSD - Contingency Plan and Emergency ProceduresArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 04/30/1991Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 08/30/1991Date achieved compliance: TSD - Container Use and ManagementArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 04/30/1991Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 08/28/1991Date achieved compliance: Permits - ApplicationArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 04/30/1991Evaluation date: EPA-Initiated Oversight/Observation/Training ActionsEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 04/30/1991Evaluation date: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 620 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 01/01/1900Action Completion date: Not reportedAction Name: Not reportedAction ID: ENGINEERING CONTROLS ESTABLISHED-GROUNDWATER CONTROLEvent Code Description: 206-662-2534Contact Phone and Ext: MARYJO DONNELLYContact Name: Not reportedEngineering Control: Not reportedContaminated Media : Not reportedOperable Unit: 01/01/1900Action Completion date: Not reportedAction Name: Not reportedAction ID: ENGINEERING CONTROLS ESTABLISHED-GROUNDWATER CONTROLEvent Code Description: 206-662-2534Contact Phone and Ext: MARYJO DONNELLYContact Name: Not reportedEngineering Control: Not reportedContaminated Media : Not reportedOperable Unit: 01/01/1900Action Completion date: Not reportedAction Name: Not reportedAction ID: ENGINEERING CONTROLS ESTABLISHED-NON-GROUNDWATER CONTROLEvent Code Description: 206-662-2534Contact Phone and Ext: MARYJO DONNELLYContact Name: 10/10/1997Actual Date: CA770NGEvent Code: KINGCounty: 10EPA Region: RENTON, WA 98055 737 LOGAN AVE NAddress: BOEING RENTONName: Not reportedSite ID: WAD009262171EPA ID: US ENG CONTROLS: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 02/22/1984Evaluation date: EPA-Initiated Oversight/Observation/Training ActionsEvaluation lead agency: 05/10/1985Date achieved compliance: TSD - Financial RequirementsArea of violation: FINANCIAL RECORD REVIEWEvaluation: 03/08/1985Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: FINANCIAL RECORD REVIEWEvaluation: 05/10/1985Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 621 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2016-03-18 00:00:00Effective date: 8705089Face value: 8705089Cost estimate: 2016 Amendment No. 1Mechanism ID: LETTER OF CREDITMechanism type: Not reportedCounty: 10EPA region: BAYERN LBProvider: WAD009262171EPA ID: US FIN ASSUR: INSTITUTIONAL CONTROLS ESTABLISHED-INFORMATIONAL DEVICEEvent Code Description: 206-662-2534Contact Phone and Ext : MARYJO DONNELLYContact Name : Not reportedContaminated Media : Not reportedOperable Unit: 01/01/1900Complet. Date: 10/10/1997Actual Date: Not reportedInst. Control: CA772IDEvent Code: KINGCounty: 10EPA Region: RENTON, WA 98055 737 LOGAN AVE NAddress: Not reportedAction Name: BOEING RENTONName: Not reportedSite ID: WAD009262171EPA ID: INSTITUTIONAL CONTROLS ESTABLISHED-ENFORCEMENT AND PERMIT TOOLSEvent Code Description: 206-662-2534Contact Phone and Ext : MARYJO DONNELLYContact Name : Not reportedContaminated Media : Not reportedOperable Unit: 01/01/1900Complet. Date: 10/10/1997Actual Date: Not reportedInst. Control: CA772EPEvent Code: KINGCounty: 10EPA Region: RENTON, WA 98055 737 LOGAN AVE NAddress: Not reportedAction Name: BOEING RENTONName: Not reportedSite ID: WAD009262171EPA ID: US INST CONTROL: ENGINEERING CONTROLS ESTABLISHED-NON-GROUNDWATER CONTROLEvent Code Description: 206-662-2534Contact Phone and Ext: MARYJO DONNELLYContact Name: Not reportedEngineering Control: Not reportedContaminated Media : Not reportedOperable Unit: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 622 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 10995000Cost estimate: CFO LETTER GREGORY D. SMITH 3/19/14Mechanism ID: FINANCIAL TESTMechanism type: Not reportedCounty: 10EPA region: THE BOEING COMPANYProvider: WAD009262171EPA ID: 2011-03-09 00:00:00Effective date: 6338000Face value: 1490000Cost estimate: LOC 151-LCS-100421Mechanism ID: LETTER OF CREDITMechanism type: Not reportedCounty: 10EPA region: BANK OF TOKYO-MITSUBISHI UFJProvider: WAD009262171EPA ID: 2012-03-09 00:00:00Effective date: 7931000Face value: 1507000Cost estimate: LOC 151-LCS-100521Mechanism ID: LETTER OF CREDITMechanism type: Not reportedCounty: 10EPA region: BANK OF TOKYO-MITSUBISHI UFJProvider: WAD009262171EPA ID: 2016-04-20 00:00:00Effective date: 0Face value: 8820000Cost estimate: 2016 AmendmentMechanism ID: STANDBY TRUSTMechanism type: Not reportedCounty: 10EPA region: BANK OF NEW YORK MELLONProvider: WAD009262171EPA ID: 2017-03-16 00:00:00Effective date: 8820000Face value: 8820000Cost estimate: 2017 Amendment No. 2Mechanism ID: LETTER OF CREDITMechanism type: Not reportedCounty: 10EPA region: BAYERN LBProvider: WAD009262171EPA ID: 2015-05-11 00:00:00Effective date: 0Face value: 8705089Cost estimate: 2015 STANDBY TRUST AGREEMENTMechanism ID: STANDBY TRUSTMechanism type: Not reportedCounty: 10EPA region: BANK OF NEW YORK MELLONProvider: WAD009262171EPA ID: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 623 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedAction: 10Region: WAD009262171EPA ID: 2020 COR ACTION: 2010-03-09 00:00:00Effective date: 5897000Face value: 1501000Cost estimate: LOC 151-LCS-100421Mechanism ID: LETTER OF CREDITMechanism type: Not reportedCounty: 10EPA region: BANK OF TOKYO-MITSUBISHI UFJProvider: WAD009262171EPA ID: 2015-04-27 00:00:00Effective date: 11156000Face value: 11156000Cost estimate: 2015 LOC NO. ********/15Mechanism ID: LETTER OF CREDITMechanism type: Not reportedCounty: 10EPA region: BAYERN LBProvider: WAD009262171EPA ID: 2015-05-11 00:00:00Effective date: 0Face value: 11156000Cost estimate: 2015 STANDBY TRUST AGREEMENTMechanism ID: STANDBY TRUSTMechanism type: Not reportedCounty: 10EPA region: BANK OF NEW YORK MELLONProvider: WAD009262171EPA ID: 2007-03-28 00:00:00Effective date: 8000000Face value: 8000000Cost estimate: LOC NO. 151-LCS-100410Mechanism ID: LETTER OF CREDITMechanism type: Not reportedCounty: 10EPA region: BANK OF TOKYO-MITSUBISHI UFJProvider: WAD009262171EPA ID: 2009-04-24 00:00:00Effective date: 6108000Face value: 1476000Cost estimate: LOC NO. 151-LCS-100421Mechanism ID: LETTER OF CREDITMechanism type: Not reportedCounty: 10EPA region: BANK OF TOKYO-MITSUBISHI UFJProvider: WAD009262171EPA ID: 2014-03-19 00:00:00Effective date: 195005000Face value: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 624 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation http://echo.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=110055371235DFR URL: 110055371235Registry ID: 1016403084Envid: ECHO: additional FINDS: detail in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access discharge does not adversely affect water quality. requirements, and include other provisions to ensure that the limits on what can be discharged, impose monitoring and reporting States are required to obtain a permit. The permit will likely contain discharge pollutants from any point source into waters of the United issued under the Clean Water Act. Under NPDES, all facilities that the Compliance Information System (ICIS) tracks surface water permits US National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) module of Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110055371235Registry ID: discharge does not adversely affect water quality. requirements, and include other provisions to ensure that the limits on what can be discharged, impose monitoring and reporting States are required to obtain a permit. The permit will likely contain discharge pollutants from any point source into waters of the United issued under the Clean Water Act. Under NPDES, all facilities that the Compliance Information System (ICIS) tracks surface water permits US National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) module of and settlements. regions and states with cooperative agreements, enforcement actions, Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The system tracks inspections in Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the NCDB (National Compliance Data Base) supports implementation of the Quality Programs. Quality, Dam Safety, Hazardous Waste, Toxics Cleanup, and Water facility/site that is currently, or has been, of interest to the Air Department of Ecology. This system contains key information for each means to query and display data maintained by the Washington Washington Facility / Site Identification System (WA-FSIS) provides a Environmental Interest/Information System 110056382481Registry ID: FINDS: BOEING RENTON (Continued)1016403084 TC5178694.2s Page 625 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: INDSWGPInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 81111Interaction: -122.205304936Longitude: 47.499466761000001Latitude: Construction SW GPDate Interaction 3: 2015-09-18 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR303562Program ID: The Boeing Co. - Renton Facility (Apron D)Facility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: CONSTSWGPInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 115947Interaction: -122.205304936Longitude: 47.499466761000001Latitude: Independent Remedial ActnDate Interaction 3: 1995-10-26 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: BOEING COMPANY RENTON PLANTFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: IRAPInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 5966Interaction: 21957Facility Id: BOEING COMPANY RENTON PLANTFacility Name: ALLSITES: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: RemediatedSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Not reportedGround Water: Metals Priority PollutantsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 2453Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.499473249 / -122.20532684Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 21957Facility ID: CSCSL: 5227 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster AE 0.990 mi.MANIFEST Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/2-1 SPILLSRENTON, WA 98055 NNW ALLSITES737 LOGAN AVE NORTH N/A AE124 CSCSLBOEING COMPANY RENTON PLANT S105391988 TC5178694.2s Page 626 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation WAD009262171EPA ID: 2097Facility Site ID Number: WA MANIFEST: Not reportedResp Party Name: Not reportedRecovered Quantity: Not reportedVessel Facility Name2: Not reportedSource: Not reportedSource Type: Not reportedLongitude: Not reportedLatitude: Not reportedIncident Category: Not reportedIncident Category Type: Not reportedIncident Date: BOEINGContact Name: 10/28/1999Date Received: GALLONMaterial Units: 20Material Qty: PETROLEUM - HYDRAULIC OILMaterial Desc: Not reportedMedium: 507454Facility ID: SPILLS: -122.205304936Longitude: 47.499466761000001Latitude: Non Enforcement FinalDate Interaction 3: 2010-05-21 00:00:00Date Interaction: Not reportedProgram ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: DMSProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: NONENFNLInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 92754Interaction: -122.205304936Longitude: 47.499466761000001Latitude: Construction SW GPDate Interaction 3: 2015-12-21 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR303694Program ID: The Boeing Co.-Renton Facility (Apron A)Facility Alt.: PARISProgram Data: WATQUALEcology Program: CONSTSWGPInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 116433Interaction: -122.205304936Longitude: 47.499466761000001Latitude: Industrial SW GPDate Interaction 3: 1992-12-28 00:00:00Date Interaction: WAR000232Program ID: The Boeing Co-Renton Facility (Apron D)Facility Alt.: BOEING COMPANY RENTON PLANT (Continued) S105391988 TC5178694.2s Page 627 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Operator city,st,zip: PO BOX 3707 M/C 67-74Operator addr line1: PrivateOperator org type: The Boeing CompanyOperator org name: 312.544.2800Land phone nbr: UNITED STATESLand country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Land city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLand addr line2: Office of the General CounselLand addr line1: Not reportedLand person name: PrivateLand org type: The Boeing CompanyLand org name: 07/30/1996Legal effective date: 312.544.2800Legal phone nbr: UNITED STATESLegal country: Chicago, IL 60606-1596Legal city,st,zip: 100 N. RiversideLegal addr line2: Office of the General CounselLegal addr line1: PrivateLegal org type: The Boeing CompanyLegal org name: UNITED STATESMail country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Mail city,st,zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Mail addr line1: The Boeing CompanyMail Name: Aircraft ManufacturingBusiness Type: 178005030Tax Reg #: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial furnace: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - industrial boiler: FalseOff-specification used oil burner - utility boiler: FalseDestination Facility for Universal Waste: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - accumulate: FalseUniversal waste - lamps - generate: FalseUniversal waste - mercury - generate: FalseUniversal waste - thermostats - generate: FalseUniversal waste - batteries - generate: FalseSmelter defferal: FalseIndustrial Furnace: FalseIndustry boiler burner: FalseUtility boiler burner: FalseOther marketers (i.e., blender, distributor, etc.): FalseGenerator marketing to burner: FalseGenerator of dangerous fuel waste: FalseTreatment/Storage/Disposal/Recycling Facility: FalseImmediate recycler: FalseImporter of hazardous waste: FalseMixed radioactive waste: FalseTreatment by Generator: TruePermit by Rule: 2011Data Year: 2011. Updated to reflect that Renton was not a LQG of Universal Waste inForm Comm: Not reportedFWC Desc: Not reportedSWC Desc: 336411NAICS: BOEING COMPANY RENTON PLANT (Continued) S105391988 TC5178694.2s Page 628 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2630.4264452433349Kilo Qty: 5799 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: NON-RCRA LIQUID PRODUCTS AND MIXTURES - MEETS WASHINGTON STATE ONLY CRDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 402.79680692810513Kilo Qty: 888 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: TWO PART POLYURETHANE CONCRETE JOINT COMPOUND MANUFACTURED WITH PAHDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 171.0072029413239Kilo Qty: 377 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL WITH SOL-GEL LIQUID: CONTAINS EPOXY SILANE,ACETIC ACDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Waste Streams Generated: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Meets Specs: FalseUsed Oil Fuel Marketer Directs Shipments: FalseUsed Oil Refiner: FalseUsed Oil Processor: FalseUsed Oil Transfer Facility: FalseUsed Oil Transporter: FalseUW Battery Gen: Not reportedOther Exemption: FalseTransfer Facility: FalseRecycler Onsite: FalseTranports Other Waste: FalseTransport Own Waste: FalseOne Time Generation: FalseBatch Generation: TrueMonthly Generation: LQGGen Status CD: blake.r.boling@boeing.comForm Contact EMail: (425) 965-2298Form Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESForm Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Form Contact City,ST,Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Form Contact ADDR LINE1: Blake R BolingForm Contact NAME: Not reportedSite Contact EMail: (425)965-1567Site Contact Phone #: UNITED STATESSite Contact Country: SEATTLE, WA 98124-2207Site Contact City/State/ Zip: PO Box 3707 M/C 67-74Site contact addr line1: Michael L VerhaarSite contact name: 01/01/1997Operator effective date: 425.965-1567Operator phone nbr: UNITED STATESOperator country: BOEING COMPANY RENTON PLANT (Continued) S105391988 TC5178694.2s Page 629 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 30621.447886688908Kilo Qty: 67507.600000000006 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: DEBRIS CONTAMINATED WITH ACID SOLUTIONS: CHROMIC ACID, NITRIC ACID; HEDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 409.14720703733201Kilo Qty: 902 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: MIXED JANITORIAL AND INDUSTRIAL CLEANERSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 75388.321296679133Kilo Qty: 166200 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: CONCRETE CONTAMINATED WITH CADMIUM, CHROMIUM, LEADDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 51959.880893709953Kilo Qty: 114550 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SOIL AND FILL MATERIAL CONTAMINATED WITH CHROMIUMDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 202.30560347965638Kilo Qty: 446 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SEALANTS: CHROMIUM, LEAD, METHYL ETHYL KETONEDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 526.62960905802936Kilo Qty: 1161 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: CONTAINERIZED AND NON-CONTAINERIZED OFF-SPEC, UNUSED, WASHINGTON STATEDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: BOEING COMPANY RENTON PLANT (Continued) S105391988 TC5178694.2s Page 630 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT SLUDGE WITH METALS: BARIUM, CADMIUM, CHROMDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 132659.85828174956Kilo Qty: 292460 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: BROKEN CONCRETE, SOIL, GRAVEL & DIRT CONTAMINATED WITH CHROMIUMDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 3014.1720518437596Kilo Qty: 6645 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SOLIDS AND WATER CONTAMINATED WITH PETROLEUM DISTILLATES, SOLVENTS: ACDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 1091.8152187792218Kilo Qty: 2407 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: ACTIVATED CHARCOAL: METHYL ETHYL KETONEDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 19221.486306609568Kilo Qty: 42375.410000000003 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: Water with hydraulic fluid, coolants, fuels, oils, solvents, petroleumDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 611.45281051698839Kilo Qty: 1348 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: ADHESIVES, FILLERS, LUBRICANTS, RESINS, AND SEALANTSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 259.91280447050025Kilo Qty: 573 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: WASTE DENATURED/MIXED ALCOHOLDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: BOEING COMPANY RENTON PLANT (Continued) S105391988 TC5178694.2s Page 631 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 402.796806928105Kilo Qty: 888 LBReported Qty: 6/12/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 171.007202941324Kilo Qty: 377 LBReported Qty: 8/7/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Shipments Sent: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 896.76721542439611Kilo Qty: 1977 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SOLIDS AND RINSATE FROM WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT STRIPPING TOWER CLDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 78.472801349732194Kilo Qty: 173 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: DIESEL FUEL AND WATER: PETROLEUM DISTILLATESDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 112.94640194267812Kilo Qty: 249 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: STEAM CLEAN SLUDGE AND DEBRIS: CADMIUM, CHROMIUM, LEAD, METHYL ETHYL KDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 2569.1904441900756Kilo Qty: 5664 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: SANDBLAST GRIT CONTAMINATED WITH PAINT AND SOLVENTSDescription: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Not reportedDensity Qty: 0Density No: 17625.535503159212Kilo Qty: 38857 LBReported Qty: FalseMix: BOEING COMPANY RENTON PLANT (Continued) S105391988 TC5178694.2s Page 632 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 202.305603479656Kilo Qty: 446 LBReported Qty: 12/10/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 170.10000292572Kilo Qty: 375 LBReported Qty: 3/31/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 356.529606132309Kilo Qty: 786 LBReported Qty: 11/24/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 37.1952006397575Kilo Qty: 82 LBReported Qty: 11/24/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 44.9064007723901Kilo Qty: 99 LBReported Qty: 8/27/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 96.1632016540071Kilo Qty: 212 LBReported Qty: 9/18/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 107.503201849055Kilo Qty: 237 LBReported Qty: 12/10/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 109.317601880263Kilo Qty: 241 LBReported Qty: 6/30/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 194.140803339222Kilo Qty: 428 LBReported Qty: 2/14/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 2041.20003510864Kilo Qty: 4500 LBReported Qty: 4/1/2008Shipment sent data: BOEING COMPANY RENTON PLANT (Continued) S105391988 TC5178694.2s Page 633 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation (RCRA); A-7: UNUSED, OFF SPEC, OR OUT OF DATE PRODUCT IN ORIGINAL CONTAINERComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Waste Stream Comments: 10727.6401845154Kilo Qty: 23650 LBReported Qty: 5/29/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 11022.4801895867Kilo Qty: 24300 LBReported Qty: 6/4/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 11076.9121905229Kilo Qty: 24420 LBReported Qty: 6/3/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 16783.200288671Kilo Qty: 37000 LBReported Qty: 6/2/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 12632.7602172835Kilo Qty: 27850 LBReported Qty: 7/22/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 12950.2802227448Kilo Qty: 28550 LBReported Qty: 7/22/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 13131.7202258656Kilo Qty: 28950 LBReported Qty: 7/22/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: 13245.1202278161Kilo Qty: 29200 LBReported Qty: 7/22/2008Shipment sent data: 2008Data Year: 2097Facility ID: BOEING COMPANY RENTON PLANT (Continued) S105391988 TC5178694.2s Page 634 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2097Facility ID: A-3: D018 F002 F003 F005 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: RCRA-reg; A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.; A-7: Disposal of unused or off-spec materials that do not designate asComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D008 D009 D010 D011 U057 ; A-4: WT02 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D035 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-7: CHANGE OUT OF SPENT MERCURY VAPOR LAMPS;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: description in section A-2.; A-7: DISPOSAL OF UNSUABLE ROAD FLARES; A-8: Please see wasteComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: Unused Products A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;A-7. Disposal ofComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D035 F002 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-7: SURFACE/BONDING PREPARATION;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D039 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: CLEANING OF PAR; A-3: D035 F002 F003 F005 ; A-7: DISPOSAL OF CONTAMINATED DEBRIS FROM AIRPLANE PAINTING ANDComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: BOEING COMPANY RENTON PLANT (Continued) S105391988 TC5178694.2s Page 635 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation A-8: Please see waste description in section A-2.;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: U101 U128 U169 U188 U201 U219 ; A-4: WT02 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: BULK (<55 G; A-7: DISPOSAL OF UNUSED OR OFF-SPEC PRODUCT, INCLUDES CONTAINERS ORComments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: U188 U201 U207 U210 U218 ; A-4: WT01 WT02 ; A-3: D008 P101 U004 U028 U044 U057 U069 U079 U117 U123 U131 U140 U158Comments: 2006Data Year: 2097Facility ID: A-3: D018 D035 ;Comments: 2006Data Year: BOEING COMPANY RENTON PLANT (Continued) S105391988 Remediated-Below Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Remediated-Below Cleanup LevelGround Water: Non-Halogenated SolventsContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 8561Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.474149631 / -122.21610721Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 27778869Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: BenzeneContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 8561Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.474149631 / -122.21610721Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 27778869Facility ID: CSCSL: 5252 ft.ALLSITES 0.995 mi.VCP Relative: Lower Actual: 29 ft. 1/2-1 USTRENTON, WA 98055 SW LUST621 RAINIER AVE S N/A 125 CSCSLRENTON 1 U000591478 TC5178694.2s Page 636 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 1REGTank Name: -122.216107211128Decimal Longitude: 47.4741496307661Decimal Latitude: Not reportedPhone Number: Not reportedUBI: 6890Site Id: 27778869Facility ID: UST: 47.4741496 / -122.21610Lat/Long: NorthwestResponse Section: 01/10/2013Lust Status Date: Car Wash Enterprises Renton (Property)Cleanup Unit Name: Voluntary Cleanup ProgramProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 8561Cleanup Site ID: NFALust Status Type: 27778869Facility ID: 47.4741496 / -122.21610Lat/Long: NorthwestResponse Section: 01/10/2013Lust Status Date: Car Wash Enterprises Renton (Off-Property)Cleanup Unit Name: No ProcessProcess Type: UplandCleanup Unit Type: 8561Cleanup Site ID: Awaiting CleanupLust Status Type: 27778869Facility ID: LUST: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelSoil: Not reportedSurface Water: Confirmed Above Cleanup LevelGround Water: Petroleum-GasolineContaminant Name: Not reportedPSI?: Cleanup StartedSite Status: 8561Clean Up Siteid: NRank Status: Not reportedBrownfield Status: 47.474149631 / -122.21610721Lat/Long: NorthwestRegion: 27778869Facility ID: NorthwestResponsible Unit: Not reportedBedrock: Not reportedAir: Not reportedSediment: RENTON 1 (Continued)U000591478 TC5178694.2s Page 637 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 3SUPTank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: 06/26/1992Tank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: 00/31/1964Tank Install Date: 08/06/1996Tank Status Date: RemovedTank Status: Not reportedTag Number: 2UNLEADTank Name: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: SteelPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Single Wall TankTank Construction: SteelTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: Not reportedTank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: Not reportedTank Closure Date: RENTON 1 (Continued)U000591478 TC5178694.2s Page 638 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 27778869Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98055-2410edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: 8561Cleanup Siteid: NRank: Not reportedDate NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 27778869Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98055-2410edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: 8561Cleanup Siteid: NRank: Not reportedDate NFA: Not reportedNFA Type: Not reportedEcology Status: YesVCP: Not reportedVCP Status: 27778869Facility ID: Not reportededr_zip: KINGedr_fcnty: 98055-2410edr_fzip: WAedr_fstat: VCP: Not reportedDispencer/Pump SFC Type: NORTHWESTResponsible Unit: Not reportedPipe Pumping System: Not reportedPipe Corrosion Protection: Not reportedPipe Second Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Primary Release Detection: Not reportedPipe Construction: Not reportedPipe Material: Not reportedTank SFC Type: Not reportedTank Release Detection: Not reportedTank Manifold: Not reportedTank Corrosion Protection: Not reportedTank Tightness Test: Not reportedTank Construction: Not reportedTank Material: Not reportedTank Overfill Prevention: Not reportedTank Spill Prevention: Not reportedTank Upgrade Date: 06/26/1992Tank Permit Expiration Date: Not reportedCapacity Range: RENTON 1 (Continued)U000591478 TC5178694.2s Page 639 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation -122.21609236800001Longitude: 47.474144008000003Latitude: Underground Storage TankDate Interaction 3: 2000-03-20 00:00:00Date Interaction: 6890Program ID: Not reportedFacility Alt.: USTProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: USTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 35707Interaction: -122.21609236800001Longitude: 47.474144008000003Latitude: LUST FacilityDate Interaction 3: 1991-04-12 00:00:00Date Interaction: 6890Program ID: Car Wash EnterprisesFacility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: LUSTInteraction 2: AInteraction 1: 35706Interaction: -122.21609236800001Longitude: 47.474144008000003Latitude: Voluntary Cleanup SitesDate Interaction 3: 2010-08-23 00:00:00Date Interaction: NW2327Program ID: Brown Bear Car Wash 2422Facility Alt.: ISISProgram Data: TOXICSEcology Program: VOLCLNSTInteraction 2: IInteraction 1: 93962Interaction: 27778869Facility Id: RENTON 1Facility Name: ALLSITES: 8561Cleanup Siteid: NRank: Not reportedDate NFA: RENTON 1 (Continued)U000591478 TC5178694.2s Page 640 ORPHAN SUMMARYCityEDR IDSite NameSite AddressZipDatabase(s)Count: 5 records.NEWCASTLE S104873159MT. OLIVET LANDFILLNE 3RD ST.98056ICRRENTON S103507583GOODYEAR SERVICE CENTER207 3RD AVE.98055ICRRENTON S103507539G & M INVESTMENTS/GARDEN PLAZA5TH & PARK BLDGS AT PARK AVE.98055ICRRENTON S103508537PACCAR INC.500 BLOCK OF HOUSER WAY N.98055ICRRENTON S103511699METRO EAST DIVISIONRENTON TREATMENT PLANT98055ICRTC5178694.2s Page 641 To maintain currency of the following federal and state databases, EDR contacts the appropriate governmental agency on a monthly or quarterly basis, as required. Number of Days to Update:Provides confirmation that EDR is reporting records that have been updated within 90 days from the date the government agency made the information available to the public. STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list NPL: National Priority List National Priorities List (Superfund). The NPL is a subset of CERCLIS and identifies over 1,200 sites for priority cleanup under the Superfund Program. NPL sites may encompass relatively large areas. As such, EDR provides polygon coverage for over 1,000 NPL site boundaries produced by EPA’s Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) and regional EPA offices. Date of Government Version: 12/11/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/22/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/05/2018 Number of Days to Update: 14 Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 12/22/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/16/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly NPL Site Boundaries Sources: EPA’s Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) Telephone: 202-564-7333 EPA Region 1 EPA Region 6 Telephone 617-918-1143 Telephone: 214-655-6659 EPA Region 3 EPA Region 7 Telephone 215-814-5418 Telephone: 913-551-7247 EPA Region 4 EPA Region 8 Telephone 404-562-8033 Telephone: 303-312-6774 EPA Region 5 EPA Region 9 Telephone 312-886-6686 Telephone: 415-947-4246 EPA Region 10 Telephone 206-553-8665 Proposed NPL: Proposed National Priority List Sites A site that has been proposed for listing on the National Priorities List through the issuance of a proposed rule in the Federal Register. EPA then accepts public comments on the site, responds to the comments, and places on the NPL those sites that continue to meet the requirements for listing. Date of Government Version: 12/11/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/22/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/05/2018 Number of Days to Update: 14 Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 12/22/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/16/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly NPL LIENS: Federal Superfund Liens Federal Superfund Liens. Under the authority granted the USEPA by CERCLA of 1980, the USEPA has the authority to file liens against real property in order to recover remedial action expenditures or when the property owner received notification of potential liability. USEPA compiles a listing of filed notices of Superfund Liens. Date of Government Version: 10/15/1991 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/02/1994 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/30/1994 Number of Days to Update: 56 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4267 Last EDR Contact: 08/15/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/28/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned TC5178694.2s Page GR-1 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL: National Priority List Deletions The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) establishes the criteria that the EPA uses to delete sites from the NPL. In accordance with 40 CFR 300.425.(e), sites may be deleted from the NPL where no further response is appropriate. Date of Government Version: 12/11/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/22/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/05/2018 Number of Days to Update: 14 Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 12/22/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/16/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal CERCLIS list FEDERAL FACILITY: Federal Facility Site Information listing A listing of National Priority List (NPL) and Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) sites found in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) Database where EPA Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office is involved in cleanup activities. Date of Government Version: 11/07/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/05/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/07/2017 Number of Days to Update: 92 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-8704 Last EDR Contact: 01/05/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/16/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies SEMS: Superfund Enterprise Management System SEMS (Superfund Enterprise Management System) tracks hazardous waste sites, potentially hazardous waste sites, and remedial activities performed in support of EPA’s Superfund Program across the United States. The list was formerly know as CERCLIS, renamed to SEMS by the EPA in 2015. The list contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to the USEPA by states, municipalities, private companies and private persons, pursuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). This dataset also contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List (NPL) and the sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. Date of Government Version: 12/11/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/22/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/12/2018 Number of Days to Update: 21 Source: EPA Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 01/17/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/30/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site list SEMS-ARCHIVE: Superfund Enterprise Management System Archive TC5178694.2s Page GR-2 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING SEMS-ARCHIVE (Superfund Enterprise Management System Archive) tracks sites that have no further interest under the Federal Superfund Program based on available information. The list was formerly known as the CERCLIS-NFRAP, renamed to SEMS ARCHIVE by the EPA in 2015. EPA may perform a minimal level of assessment work at a site while it is archived if site conditions change and/or new information becomes available. Archived sites have been removed and archived from the inventory of SEMS sites. Archived status indicates that, to the best of EPA’s knowledge, assessment at a site has been completed and that EPA has determined no further steps will be taken to list the site on the National Priorities List (NPL), unless information indicates this decision was not appropriate or other considerations require a recommendation for listing at a later time. The decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it only means that. based upon available information, the location is not judged to be potential NPL site. Date of Government Version: 12/11/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/22/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/12/2018 Number of Days to Update: 21 Source: EPA Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 01/17/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/30/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS: Corrective Action Report CORRACTS identifies hazardous waste handlers with RCRA corrective action activity. Date of Government Version: 09/13/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/26/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/06/2017 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: EPA Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/09/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF: RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Transporters are individuals or entities that move hazardous waste from the generator offsite to a facility that can recycle, treat, store, or dispose of the waste. TSDFs treat, store, or dispose of the waste. Date of Government Version: 09/13/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/26/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/06/2017 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (206) 553-1200 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/09/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG: RCRA - Large Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Large quantity generators (LQGs) generate over 1,000 kilograms (kg) of hazardous waste, or over 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 09/13/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/26/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/06/2017 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (206) 553-1200 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/09/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC5178694.2s Page GR-3 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING RCRA-SQG: RCRA - Small Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Small quantity generators (SQGs) generate between 100 kg and 1,000 kg of hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 09/13/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/26/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/06/2017 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (206) 553-1200 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/09/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly RCRA-CESQG: RCRA - Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Conditionally exempt small quantity generators (CESQGs) generate less than 100 kg of hazardous waste, or less than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 09/13/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/26/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/06/2017 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (206) 553-1200 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/09/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries LUCIS: Land Use Control Information System LUCIS contains records of land use control information pertaining to the former Navy Base Realignment and Closure properties. Date of Government Version: 05/22/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/13/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/15/2017 Number of Days to Update: 94 Source: Department of the Navy Telephone: 843-820-7326 Last EDR Contact: 11/08/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/26/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies US ENG CONTROLS: Engineering Controls Sites List A listing of sites with engineering controls in place. Engineering controls include various forms of caps, building foundations, liners, and treatment methods to create pathway elimination for regulated substances to enter environmental media or effect human health. Date of Government Version: 08/10/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/30/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2017 Number of Days to Update: 44 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-0695 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/12/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies US INST CONTROL: Sites with Institutional Controls A listing of sites with institutional controls in place. Institutional controls include administrative measures, such as groundwater use restrictions, construction restrictions, property use restrictions, and post remediation care requirements intended to prevent exposure to contaminants remaining on site. Deed restrictions are generally required as part of the institutional controls. Date of Government Version: 08/10/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/30/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2017 Number of Days to Update: 44 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-0695 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/12/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC5178694.2s Page GR-4 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Federal ERNS list ERNS: Emergency Response Notification System Emergency Response Notification System. ERNS records and stores information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. Date of Government Version: 09/18/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/21/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2017 Number of Days to Update: 22 Source: National Response Center, United States Coast Guard Telephone: 202-267-2180 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/09/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly State- and tribal - equivalent NPL HSL: Hazardous Sites List The Hazardous Sites List is a subset of the CSCSL Report. It includes sites which have been assessed and ranked using the Washington Ranking Method (WARM). Date of Government Version: 09/13/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/08/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/20/2017 Number of Days to Update: 12 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-7200 Last EDR Contact: 12/04/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/19/2018 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS CSCSL: Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List State Hazardous Waste Sites. State hazardous waste site records are the states’ equivalent to CERCLIS. These sites may or may not already be listed on the federal CERCLIS list. Priority sites planned for cleanup using state funds (state equivalent of Superfund) are identified along with sites where cleanup will be paid for by potentially responsible parties. Available information varies by state. Date of Government Version: 10/17/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/18/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/27/2017 Number of Days to Update: 9 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-7200 Last EDR Contact: 01/18/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/30/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF: Solid Waste Facility Database Solid Waste Facilities/Landfill Sites. SWF/LF type records typically contain an inventory of solid waste disposal facilities or landfills in a particular state. Depending on the state, these may be active or inactive facilities or open dumps that failed to meet RCRA Subtitle D Section 4004 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites. Date of Government Version: 08/29/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/08/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/26/2017 Number of Days to Update: 18 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-6132 Last EDR Contact: 12/04/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/19/2018 Data Release Frequency: Annually State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUST: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Site List Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Reports. LUST records contain an inventory of reported leaking underground storage tank incidents. Not all states maintain these records, and the information stored varies by state. Date of Government Version: 11/13/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/16/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/20/2017 Number of Days to Update: 34 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-7183 Last EDR Contact: 11/16/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/26/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC5178694.2s Page GR-5 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING INDIAN LUST R8: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. Date of Government Version: 05/01/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/27/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2017 Number of Days to Update: 78 Source: EPA Region 8 Telephone: 303-312-6271 Last EDR Contact: 01/23/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R9: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Nevada Date of Government Version: 04/13/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/27/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2017 Number of Days to Update: 78 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 415-972-3372 Last EDR Contact: 01/23/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R10: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Date of Government Version: 04/25/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/07/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/08/2017 Number of Days to Update: 31 Source: EPA Region 10 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Last EDR Contact: 01/23/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R7: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska Date of Government Version: 04/14/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/27/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/06/2017 Number of Days to Update: 71 Source: EPA Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Last EDR Contact: 01/23/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R6: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in New Mexico and Oklahoma. Date of Government Version: 04/24/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/27/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/06/2017 Number of Days to Update: 71 Source: EPA Region 6 Telephone: 214-665-6597 Last EDR Contact: 01/23/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R4: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Florida, Mississippi and North Carolina. Date of Government Version: 10/14/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/27/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/05/2017 Number of Days to Update: 98 Source: EPA Region 4 Telephone: 404-562-8677 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually INDIAN LUST R1: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land A listing of leaking underground storage tank locations on Indian Land. Date of Government Version: 04/14/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/27/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/06/2017 Number of Days to Update: 71 Source: EPA Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Last EDR Contact: 01/23/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC5178694.2s Page GR-6 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING INDIAN LUST R5: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Leaking underground storage tanks located on Indian Land in Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Date of Government Version: 04/26/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/27/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2017 Number of Days to Update: 78 Source: EPA, Region 5 Telephone: 312-886-7439 Last EDR Contact: 01/23/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies State and tribal registered storage tank lists FEMA UST: Underground Storage Tank Listing A listing of all FEMA owned underground storage tanks. Date of Government Version: 05/15/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/30/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2017 Number of Days to Update: 136 Source: FEMA Telephone: 202-646-5797 Last EDR Contact: 01/09/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/23/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies UST: Underground Storage Tank Database Registered Underground Storage Tanks. UST’s are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and must be registered with the state department responsible for administering the UST program. Available information varies by state program. Date of Government Version: 11/20/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/20/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/20/2017 Number of Days to Update: 30 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-7183 Last EDR Contact: 11/13/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/26/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly AST: Aboveground Storage Tank Locations A listing of aboveground storage tank locations regulated by the Department of Ecology’s Spill Prevention, Preparedness and Response Program. Date of Government Version: 12/14/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/02/2016 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/03/2016 Number of Days to Update: 91 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-7562 Last EDR Contact: 01/29/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/14/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R9: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 9 (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, the Pacific Islands, and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 04/13/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/27/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2017 Number of Days to Update: 78 Source: EPA Region 9 Telephone: 415-972-3368 Last EDR Contact: 01/23/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R10: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 04/25/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/27/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2017 Number of Days to Update: 78 Source: EPA Region 10 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Last EDR Contact: 01/23/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC5178694.2s Page GR-7 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING INDIAN UST R1: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 1 (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont and ten Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 04/14/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/27/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/06/2017 Number of Days to Update: 71 Source: EPA, Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Last EDR Contact: 01/23/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R4: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Tribal Nations) Date of Government Version: 10/14/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/27/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/05/2017 Number of Days to Update: 98 Source: EPA Region 4 Telephone: 404-562-9424 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually INDIAN UST R8: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 8 (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming and 27 Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 05/01/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/27/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2017 Number of Days to Update: 78 Source: EPA Region 8 Telephone: 303-312-6137 Last EDR Contact: 01/23/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R6: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 6 (Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas and 65 Tribes). Date of Government Version: 04/24/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/27/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/08/2017 Number of Days to Update: 134 Source: EPA Region 6 Telephone: 214-665-7591 Last EDR Contact: 01/23/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R5: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 5 (Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 04/26/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/27/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/06/2017 Number of Days to Update: 71 Source: EPA Region 5 Telephone: 312-886-6136 Last EDR Contact: 01/23/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R7: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 7 (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and 9 Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 05/02/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/27/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/06/2017 Number of Days to Update: 71 Source: EPA Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Last EDR Contact: 01/23/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC5178694.2s Page GR-8 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries INST CONTROL: Institutional Control Site List Sites that have institutional controls. Date of Government Version: 10/17/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/18/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/27/2017 Number of Days to Update: 9 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-7170 Last EDR Contact: 01/18/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/30/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites INDIAN VCP R7: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Lisitng A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 7. Date of Government Version: 03/20/2008 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/22/2008 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/19/2008 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: EPA, Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7365 Last EDR Contact: 04/20/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/20/2009 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN VCP R1: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 1. Date of Government Version: 07/27/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/29/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/18/2016 Number of Days to Update: 142 Source: EPA, Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1102 Last EDR Contact: 12/20/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/09/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies ICR: Independent Cleanup Reports These are remedial action reports Ecology has received from either the owner or operator of the sites. These actions have been conducted without department oversight or approval and are not under an order or decree. This database is no longer updated by the Department of Ecology. Date of Government Version: 12/01/2002 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/03/2003 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/22/2003 Number of Days to Update: 19 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-7200 Last EDR Contact: 08/10/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2009 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned VCP: Voluntary Cleanup Program Sites Sites that have entered either the Voluntary Cleanup Program or its predecessor Independent Remedial Action Program. Date of Government Version: 10/17/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/18/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/27/2017 Number of Days to Update: 9 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-7200 Last EDR Contact: 01/18/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/30/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies State and tribal Brownfields sites BROWNFIELDS: Brownfields Sites Listing A listing of brownfields sites included in the Confirmed & Suspected Sites Listing. Brownfields are abandoned, idle or underused commercial or industrial properties, where the expansion or redevelopment is hindered by real or perceived contamination. Brownfields vary in size, location, age, and past use -- they can be anything from a five-hundred acre automobile assembly plant to a small, abandoned corner gas station. TC5178694.2s Page GR-9 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 01/18/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/20/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/17/2017 Number of Days to Update: 56 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-725-4030 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/30/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS: A Listing of Brownfields Sites Brownfields are real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties takes development pressures off of undeveloped, open land, and both improves and protects the environment. Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) stores information reported by EPA Brownfields grant recipients on brownfields properties assessed or cleaned up with grant funding as well as information on Targeted Brownfields Assessments performed by EPA Regions. A listing of ACRES Brownfield sites is obtained from Cleanups in My Community. Cleanups in My Community provides information on Brownfields properties for which information is reported back to EPA, as well as areas served by Brownfields grant programs. Date of Government Version: 08/21/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/20/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/08/2017 Number of Days to Update: 79 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-2777 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/02/2018 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites SWTIRE: Solid Waste Tire Facilities This study identified sites statewide with unauthorized accumulations of scrap tires. Date of Government Version: 11/01/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/16/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/13/2006 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 09/08/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/18/2017 Data Release Frequency: Varies SWRCY: Recycling Facility List A llisting of recycling center locations. Date of Government Version: 10/18/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/25/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/27/2017 Number of Days to Update: 2 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-6105 Last EDR Contact: 01/22/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN ODI: Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands Location of open dumps on Indian land. Date of Government Version: 12/31/1998 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/03/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/24/2008 Number of Days to Update: 52 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-308-8245 Last EDR Contact: 01/30/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/14/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies ODI: Open Dump Inventory An open dump is defined as a disposal facility that does not comply with one or more of the Part 257 or Part 258 Subtitle D Criteria. Date of Government Version: 06/30/1985 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/09/2004 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/17/2004 Number of Days to Update: 39 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 06/09/2004 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned TC5178694.2s Page GR-10 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING DEBRIS REGION 9: Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations A listing of illegal dump sites location on the Torres Martinez Indian Reservation located in eastern Riverside County and northern Imperial County, California. Date of Government Version: 01/12/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/07/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/21/2009 Number of Days to Update: 137 Source: EPA, Region 9 Telephone: 415-947-4219 Last EDR Contact: 01/22/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned IHS OPEN DUMPS: Open Dumps on Indian Land A listing of all open dumps located on Indian Land in the United States. Date of Government Version: 04/01/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/06/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 176 Source: Department of Health & Human Serivces, Indian Health Service Telephone: 301-443-1452 Last EDR Contact: 02/02/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/14/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US HIST CDL: National Clandestine Laboratory Register A listing of clandestine drug lab locations that have been removed from the DEAs National Clandestine Laboratory Register. Date of Government Version: 07/13/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/06/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/06/2017 Number of Days to Update: 30 Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Telephone: 202-307-1000 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/12/2018 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned ALLSITES: Facility/Site Identification System Listing Information on facilities and sites of interest to the Department of Ecology. Date of Government Version: 11/02/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/03/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2018 Number of Days to Update: 69 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-6423 Last EDR Contact: 01/29/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/14/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly CDL: Clandestine Drug Lab Contaminated Site List Illegal methamphetamine labs use hazardous chemicals that create public health hazards. Chemicals and residues can cause burns, respiratory and neurological damage, and death. Biological hazards associated with intravenous needles, feces, and blood also pose health risks. Date of Government Version: 11/08/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/08/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/20/2017 Number of Days to Update: 12 Source: Department of Health Telephone: 360-236-3380 Last EDR Contact: 02/05/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/21/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies HIST CDL: List of Sites Contaminated by Clandestine Drug Labs This listing of contaminated sites by Clandestine Drug Labs includes non-remediated properties. The current CDL listing does not. This listing is no longer updated by the state agency. Date of Government Version: 02/08/2007 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/19/2007 Number of Days to Update: 23 Source: Department of Health Telephone: 360-236-3381 Last EDR Contact: 06/02/2008 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/01/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned TC5178694.2s Page GR-11 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING CSCSL NFA: Confirmed and Contaminated Sites - No Further Action This report contains information about sites that are undergoing cleanup and sites that are awaiting further investigation and/or cleanup. Sites on the Hazardous Sites List (see above) are included in this data set. Date of Government Version: 10/17/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/18/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/27/2017 Number of Days to Update: 9 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-7170 Last EDR Contact: 01/18/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/30/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly US CDL: Clandestine Drug Labs A listing of clandestine drug lab locations. The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this web site as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. Date of Government Version: 07/13/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/06/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/06/2017 Number of Days to Update: 30 Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Telephone: 202-307-1000 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/12/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Local Land Records LIENS 2: CERCLA Lien Information A Federal CERCLA (’Superfund’) lien can exist by operation of law at any site or property at which EPA has spent Superfund monies. These monies are spent to investigate and address releases and threatened releases of contamination. CERCLIS provides information as to the identity of these sites and properties. Date of Government Version: 12/11/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/22/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/12/2018 Number of Days to Update: 21 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-6023 Last EDR Contact: 12/22/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS: Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System Hazardous Materials Incident Report System. HMIRS contains hazardous material spill incidents reported to DOT. Date of Government Version: 09/21/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/21/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2017 Number of Days to Update: 22 Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Telephone: 202-366-4555 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/09/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly SPILLS: Reported Spills Spills reported to the Spill Prevention, Preparedness and Response Division. Date of Government Version: 09/04/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/08/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/06/2017 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-6950 Last EDR Contact: 12/04/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/19/2018 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually SPILLS 90: SPILLS90 data from FirstSearch Spills 90 includes those spill and release records available exclusively from FirstSearch databases. Typically, they may include chemical, oil and/or hazardous substance spills recorded after 1990. Duplicate records that are already included in EDR incident and release records are not included in Spills 90. TC5178694.2s Page GR-12 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 05/23/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/03/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/06/2013 Number of Days to Update: 62 Source: FirstSearch Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 01/03/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned Other Ascertainable Records RCRA NonGen / NLR: RCRA - Non Generators / No Longer Regulated RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste. Date of Government Version: 09/13/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/26/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/06/2017 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (206) 553-1200 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/09/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FUDS: Formerly Used Defense Sites The listing includes locations of Formerly Used Defense Sites properties where the US Army Corps of Engineers is actively working or will take necessary cleanup actions. Date of Government Version: 01/31/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 97 Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Telephone: 202-528-4285 Last EDR Contact: 11/22/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/05/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies DOD: Department of Defense Sites This data set consists of federally owned or administered lands, administered by the Department of Defense, that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/10/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Number of Days to Update: 62 Source: USGS Telephone: 888-275-8747 Last EDR Contact: 10/13/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/22/2018 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually FEDLAND: Federal and Indian Lands Federally and Indian administrated lands of the United States. Lands included are administrated by: Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, National Wild and Scenic River, National Wildlife Refuge, Public Domain Land, Wilderness, Wilderness Study Area, Wildlife Management Area, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Justice, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/06/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Number of Days to Update: 339 Source: U.S. Geological Survey Telephone: 888-275-8747 Last EDR Contact: 10/11/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/22/2018 Data Release Frequency: N/A SCRD DRYCLEANERS: State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing The State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners was established in 1998, with support from the U.S. EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. It is comprised of representatives of states with established drycleaner remediation programs. Currently the member states are Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. TC5178694.2s Page GR-13 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 01/01/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/03/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/07/2017 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 615-532-8599 Last EDR Contact: 11/17/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/26/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies US FIN ASSUR: Financial Assurance Information All owners and operators of facilities that treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste are required to provide proof that they will have sufficient funds to pay for the clean up, closure, and post-closure care of their facilities. Date of Government Version: 10/17/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/01/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/08/2017 Number of Days to Update: 37 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-1917 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/09/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly EPA WATCH LIST: EPA WATCH LIST EPA maintains a "Watch List" to facilitate dialogue between EPA, state and local environmental agencies on enforcement matters relating to facilities with alleged violations identified as either significant or high priority. Being on the Watch List does not mean that the facility has actually violated the law only that an investigation by EPA or a state or local environmental agency has led those organizations to allege that an unproven violation has in fact occurred. Being on the Watch List does not represent a higher level of concern regarding the alleged violations that were detected, but instead indicates cases requiring additional dialogue between EPA, state and local agencies - primarily because of the length of time the alleged violation has gone unaddressed or unresolved. Date of Government Version: 08/30/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/21/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/17/2014 Number of Days to Update: 88 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 617-520-3000 Last EDR Contact: 01/31/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/21/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly 2020 COR ACTION: 2020 Corrective Action Program List The EPA has set ambitious goals for the RCRA Corrective Action program by creating the 2020 Corrective Action Universe. This RCRA cleanup baseline includes facilities expected to need corrective action. The 2020 universe contains a wide variety of sites. Some properties are heavily contaminated while others were contaminated but have since been cleaned up. Still others have not been fully investigated yet, and may require little or no remediation. Inclusion in the 2020 Universe does not necessarily imply failure on the part of a facility to meet its RCRA obligations. Date of Government Version: 04/22/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/03/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/09/2015 Number of Days to Update: 6 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-308-4044 Last EDR Contact: 11/09/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/19/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act Toxic Substances Control Act. TSCA identifies manufacturers and importers of chemical substances included on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory list. It includes data on the production volume of these substances by plant site. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/21/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/05/2018 Number of Days to Update: 198 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-260-5521 Last EDR Contact: 12/22/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/02/2018 Data Release Frequency: Every 4 Years TRIS: Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System Toxic Release Inventory System. TRIS identifies facilities which release toxic chemicals to the air, water and land in reportable quantities under SARA Title III Section 313. TC5178694.2s Page GR-14 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 12/31/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/10/2018 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/12/2018 Number of Days to Update: 2 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-0250 Last EDR Contact: 01/10/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/05/2018 Data Release Frequency: Annually SSTS: Section 7 Tracking Systems Section 7 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, as amended (92 Stat. 829) requires all registered pesticide-producing establishments to submit a report to the Environmental Protection Agency by March 1st each year. Each establishment must report the types and amounts of pesticides, active ingredients and devices being produced, and those having been produced and sold or distributed in the past year. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/10/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/25/2011 Number of Days to Update: 77 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4203 Last EDR Contact: 01/25/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: Annually ROD: Records Of Decision Record of Decision. ROD documents mandate a permanent remedy at an NPL (Superfund) site containing technical and health information to aid in the cleanup. Date of Government Version: 12/11/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/22/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/12/2018 Number of Days to Update: 21 Source: EPA Telephone: 703-416-0223 Last EDR Contact: 12/22/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/19/2018 Data Release Frequency: Annually RMP: Risk Management Plans When Congress passed the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, it required EPA to publish regulations and guidance for chemical accident prevention at facilities using extremely hazardous substances. The Risk Management Program Rule (RMP Rule) was written to implement Section 112(r) of these amendments. The rule, which built upon existing industry codes and standards, requires companies of all sizes that use certain flammable and toxic substances to develop a Risk Management Program, which includes a(n): Hazard assessment that details the potential effects of an accidental release, an accident history of the last five years, and an evaluation of worst-case and alternative accidental releases; Prevention program that includes safety precautions and maintenance, monitoring, and employee training measures; and Emergency response program that spells out emergency health care, employee training measures and procedures for informing the public and response agencies (e.g the fire department) should an accident occur. Date of Government Version: 11/02/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/17/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/08/2017 Number of Days to Update: 21 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-8600 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies RAATS: RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System RCRA Administration Action Tracking System. RAATS contains records based on enforcement actions issued under RCRA pertaining to major violators and includes administrative and civil actions brought by the EPA. For administration actions after September 30, 1995, data entry in the RAATS database was discontinued. EPA will retain a copy of the database for historical records. It was necessary to terminate RAATS because a decrease in agency resources made it impossible to continue to update the information contained in the database. Date of Government Version: 04/17/1995 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/03/1995 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/07/1995 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4104 Last EDR Contact: 06/02/2008 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/01/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned TC5178694.2s Page GR-15 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING PRP: Potentially Responsible Parties A listing of verified Potentially Responsible Parties Date of Government Version: 10/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/17/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/20/2014 Number of Days to Update: 3 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-6023 Last EDR Contact: 12/22/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/19/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly PADS: PCB Activity Database System PCB Activity Database. PADS Identifies generators, transporters, commercial storers and/or brokers and disposers of PCB’s who are required to notify the EPA of such activities. Date of Government Version: 06/01/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/09/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2017 Number of Days to Update: 126 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-0500 Last EDR Contact: 01/12/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/23/2018 Data Release Frequency: Annually ICIS: Integrated Compliance Information System The Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) supports the information needs of the national enforcement and compliance program as well as the unique needs of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. Date of Government Version: 11/18/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/23/2016 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/10/2017 Number of Days to Update: 79 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-2501 Last EDR Contact: 01/09/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/23/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FTTS: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) FTTS tracks administrative cases and pesticide enforcement actions and compliance activities related to FIFRA, TSCA and EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act). To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/11/2009 Number of Days to Update: 25 Source: EPA/Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances Telephone: 202-566-1667 Last EDR Contact: 08/18/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/04/2017 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FTTS INSP: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) A listing of FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) inspections and enforcements. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/11/2009 Number of Days to Update: 25 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-1667 Last EDR Contact: 08/18/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/04/2017 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly MLTS: Material Licensing Tracking System MLTS is maintained by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and contains a list of approximately 8,100 sites which possess or use radioactive materials and which are subject to NRC licensing requirements. To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 08/30/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/08/2016 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/21/2016 Number of Days to Update: 43 Source: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Telephone: 301-415-7169 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/20/2017 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC5178694.2s Page GR-16 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING COAL ASH DOE: Steam-Electric Plant Operation Data A listing of power plants that store ash in surface ponds. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/22/2009 Number of Days to Update: 76 Source: Department of Energy Telephone: 202-586-8719 Last EDR Contact: 12/05/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/19/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies COAL ASH EPA: Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List A listing of coal combustion residues surface impoundments with high hazard potential ratings. Date of Government Version: 07/01/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/10/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/20/2014 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 12/08/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/19/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies PCB TRANSFORMER: PCB Transformer Registration Database The database of PCB transformer registrations that includes all PCB registration submittals. Date of Government Version: 05/24/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/30/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/15/2017 Number of Days to Update: 15 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-0517 Last EDR Contact: 01/26/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/07/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies RADINFO: Radiation Information Database The Radiation Information Database (RADINFO) contains information about facilities that are regulated by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations for radiation and radioactivity. Date of Government Version: 10/02/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/05/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2017 Number of Days to Update: 8 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-343-9775 Last EDR Contact: 01/04/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/16/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly HIST FTTS: FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing A complete administrative case listing from the FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) for all ten EPA regions. The information was obtained from the National Compliance Database (NCDB). NCDB supports the implementation of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). Some EPA regions are now closing out records. Because of that, and the fact that some EPA regions are not providing EPA Headquarters with updated records, it was decided to create a HIST FTTS database. It included records that may not be included in the newer FTTS database updates. This database is no longer updated. Date of Government Version: 10/19/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/01/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/10/2007 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-2501 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2007 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/17/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned HIST FTTS INSP: FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Inspection & Enforcement Case Listing A complete inspection and enforcement case listing from the FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) for all ten EPA regions. The information was obtained from the National Compliance Database (NCDB). NCDB supports the implementation of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). Some EPA regions are now closing out records. Because of that, and the fact that some EPA regions are not providing EPA Headquarters with updated records, it was decided to create a HIST FTTS database. It included records that may not be included in the newer FTTS database updates. This database is no longer updated. TC5178694.2s Page GR-17 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 10/19/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/01/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/10/2007 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-2501 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2008 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/17/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned DOT OPS: Incident and Accident Data Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Incident and Accident data. Date of Government Version: 07/31/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2012 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/18/2012 Number of Days to Update: 42 Source: Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Telephone: 202-366-4595 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/14/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies CONSENT: Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees Major legal settlements that establish responsibility and standards for cleanup at NPL (Superfund) sites. Released periodically by United States District Courts after settlement by parties to litigation matters. Date of Government Version: 09/30/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/10/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/12/2018 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: Department of Justice, Consent Decree Library Telephone: Varies Last EDR Contact: 01/04/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/02/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies BRS: Biennial Reporting System The Biennial Reporting System is a national system administered by the EPA that collects data on the generation and management of hazardous waste. BRS captures detailed data from two groups: Large Quantity Generators (LQG) and Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/22/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/28/2017 Number of Days to Update: 218 Source: EPA/NTIS Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 11/20/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/05/2018 Data Release Frequency: Biennially INDIAN RESERV: Indian Reservations This map layer portrays Indian administered lands of the United States that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/14/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/10/2017 Number of Days to Update: 546 Source: USGS Telephone: 202-208-3710 Last EDR Contact: 01/09/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/23/2018 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually FUSRAP: Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program DOE established the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) in 1974 to remediate sites where radioactive contamination remained from Manhattan Project and early U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) operations. Date of Government Version: 12/23/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/27/2016 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/17/2017 Number of Days to Update: 52 Source: Department of Energy Telephone: 202-586-3559 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/21/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies UMTRA: Uranium Mill Tailings Sites Uranium ore was mined by private companies for federal government use in national defense programs. When the mills shut down, large piles of the sand-like material (mill tailings) remain after uranium has been extracted from the ore. Levels of human exposure to radioactive materials from the piles are low; however, in some cases tailings were used as construction materials before the potential health hazards of the tailings were recognized. TC5178694.2s Page GR-18 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 06/23/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/11/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/03/2017 Number of Days to Update: 23 Source: Department of Energy Telephone: 505-845-0011 Last EDR Contact: 11/22/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/05/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies LEAD SMELTER 1: Lead Smelter Sites A listing of former lead smelter site locations. Date of Government Version: 10/10/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/03/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/15/2017 Number of Days to Update: 42 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-8787 Last EDR Contact: 12/22/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/16/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies LEAD SMELTER 2: Lead Smelter Sites A list of several hundred sites in the U.S. where secondary lead smelting was done from 1931and 1964. These sites may pose a threat to public health through ingestion or inhalation of contaminated soil or dust Date of Government Version: 04/05/2001 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/27/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: American Journal of Public Health Telephone: 703-305-6451 Last EDR Contact: 12/02/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned US AIRS (AFS): Aerometric Information Retrieval System Facility Subsystem (AFS) The database is a sub-system of Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS). AFS contains compliance data on air pollution point sources regulated by the U.S. EPA and/or state and local air regulatory agencies. This information comes from source reports by various stationary sources of air pollution, such as electric power plants, steel mills, factories, and universities, and provides information about the air pollutants they produce. Action, air program, air program pollutant, and general level plant data. It is used to track emissions and compliance data from industrial plants. Date of Government Version: 10/12/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/26/2016 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/03/2017 Number of Days to Update: 100 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-2496 Last EDR Contact: 09/26/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/08/2018 Data Release Frequency: Annually US AIRS MINOR: Air Facility System Data A listing of minor source facilities. Date of Government Version: 10/12/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/26/2016 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/03/2017 Number of Days to Update: 100 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-2496 Last EDR Contact: 09/26/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/08/2018 Data Release Frequency: Annually US MINES: Mines Master Index File Contains all mine identification numbers issued for mines active or opened since 1971. The data also includes violation information. Date of Government Version: 10/29/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/28/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/12/2018 Number of Days to Update: 45 Source: Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration Telephone: 303-231-5959 Last EDR Contact: 11/28/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/12/2018 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually US MINES 2: Ferrous and Nonferrous Metal Mines Database Listing This map layer includes ferrous (ferrous metal mines are facilities that extract ferrous metals, such as iron ore or molybdenum) and nonferrous (Nonferrous metal mines are facilities that extract nonferrous metals, such as gold, silver, copper, zinc, and lead) metal mines in the United States. TC5178694.2s Page GR-19 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 12/05/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/29/2008 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/18/2008 Number of Days to Update: 49 Source: USGS Telephone: 703-648-7709 Last EDR Contact: 12/01/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/12/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies US MINES 3: Active Mines & Mineral Plants Database Listing Active Mines and Mineral Processing Plant operations for commodities monitored by the Minerals Information Team of the USGS. Date of Government Version: 04/14/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/08/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/13/2011 Number of Days to Update: 97 Source: USGS Telephone: 703-648-7709 Last EDR Contact: 12/01/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/12/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies ABANDONED MINES: Abandoned Mines An inventory of land and water impacted by past mining (primarily coal mining) is maintained by OSMRE to provide information needed to implement the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA). The inventory contains information on the location, type, and extent of AML impacts, as well as, information on the cost associated with the reclamation of those problems. The inventory is based upon field surveys by State, Tribal, and OSMRE program officials. It is dynamic to the extent that it is modified as new problems are identified and existing problems are reclaimed. Date of Government Version: 09/25/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/26/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/20/2017 Number of Days to Update: 24 Source: Department of Interior Telephone: 202-208-2609 Last EDR Contact: 12/19/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/26/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FINDS: Facility Index System/Facility Registry System Facility Index System. FINDS contains both facility information and ’pointers’ to other sources that contain more detail. EDR includes the following FINDS databases in this report: PCS (Permit Compliance System), AIRS (Aerometric Information Retrieval System), DOCKET (Enforcement Docket used to manage and track information on civil judicial enforcement cases for all environmental statutes), FURS (Federal Underground Injection Control), C-DOCKET (Criminal Docket System used to track criminal enforcement actions for all environmental statutes), FFIS (Federal Facilities Information System), STATE (State Environmental Laws and Statutes), and PADS (PCB Activity Data System). Date of Government Version: 07/23/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/06/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/15/2017 Number of Days to Update: 9 Source: EPA Telephone: (206) 553-1200 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/19/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly ECHO: Enforcement & Compliance History Information ECHO provides integrated compliance and enforcement information for about 800,000 regulated facilities nationwide. Date of Government Version: 09/02/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/06/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/20/2017 Number of Days to Update: 44 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-2280 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/19/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly UXO: Unexploded Ordnance Sites A listing of unexploded ordnance site locations Date of Government Version: 09/30/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/31/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/12/2018 Number of Days to Update: 73 Source: Department of Defense Telephone: 703-704-1564 Last EDR Contact: 01/02/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/30/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC5178694.2s Page GR-20 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING DOCKET HWC: Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket Listing A complete list of the Federal Agency Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket Facilities. Date of Government Version: 06/27/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/21/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/12/2018 Number of Days to Update: 52 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-0527 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/12/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies FUELS PROGRAM: EPA Fuels Program Registered Listing This listing includes facilities that are registered under the Part 80 (Code of Federal Regulations) EPA Fuels Programs. All companies now are required to submit new and updated registrations. Date of Government Version: 11/20/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/20/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/12/2018 Number of Days to Update: 53 Source: EPA Telephone: 800-385-6164 Last EDR Contact: 01/19/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/05/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly AIRS (EMI): Washington Emissions Data System Emissions inventory data. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/10/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/17/2017 Number of Days to Update: 66 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-6040 Last EDR Contact: 01/29/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/02/2018 Data Release Frequency: Annually ASBESTOS: Asbestos Notification Listing Asbestos sites Date of Government Version: 08/23/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/06/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/20/2017 Number of Days to Update: 44 Source: Department of Labor & Industries Telephone: 360-902-6209 Last EDR Contact: 11/16/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/05/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies COAL ASH: Coal Ash Disposal Site Listing A listing of coal ash disposal site locations. Date of Government Version: 09/06/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/08/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/20/2017 Number of Days to Update: 42 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-6933 Last EDR Contact: 12/04/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/19/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies DRYCLEANERS: Drycleaner List A listing of registered drycleaners who registered with the Department of Ecology (using the SIC code of 7215 and 7216) as hazardous waste generators. Date of Government Version: 10/24/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/25/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/22/2017 Number of Days to Update: 58 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-6732 Last EDR Contact: 01/16/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/30/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies Financial Assurance 1: Financial Assurance Information Listing A listing of financial assurance information for underground storage tank facilities. Financial assurance is intended to ensure that resources are available to pay for the cost of closure, post-closure care, and corrective measures if the owner or operator of a regulated facility is unable or unwilling to pay. TC5178694.2s Page GR-21 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 02/24/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/24/2012 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/27/2012 Number of Days to Update: 32 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-586-1060 Last EDR Contact: 11/22/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/12/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies Financial Assurance 2: Financial Assurance Information Listing A listing of financial assurance information for hazardous waste facilities. Financial assurance is intended to ensure that resources are available to pay for the cost of closure, post-closure care, and corrective measures if the owner or operator of a regulated facility is unable or unwilling to pay. Date of Government Version: 11/08/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/14/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/20/2017 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-6754 Last EDR Contact: 11/13/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/26/2018 Data Release Frequency: Varies Financial Assurance 3: Financial Assurance Information Listing A listing of financial assurance information for solid waste facilities. Financial assurance is intended to ensure that resources are available to pay for the cost of closure, post-closure care, and corrective measures if the owner or operator of a regulated facility is unable or unwilling to pay. Date of Government Version: 11/15/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/20/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/04/2018 Number of Days to Update: 45 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-6136 Last EDR Contact: 11/08/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/26/2018 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned INACTIVE DRYCLEANERS: Inactive Drycleaners A listing of inactive drycleaner facility locations. Date of Government Version: 10/24/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/25/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/22/2017 Number of Days to Update: 58 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-6732 Last EDR Contact: 01/16/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/30/2018 Data Release Frequency: Annually WA MANIFEST: Hazardous Waste Manifest Data Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/27/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/05/2017 Number of Days to Update: 39 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 12/15/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/02/2018 Data Release Frequency: Annually NPDES: Water Quality Permit System Data A listing of permitted wastewater facilities. Date of Government Version: 10/17/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/18/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/20/2017 Number of Days to Update: 2 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-6073 Last EDR Contact: 01/18/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/30/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly UIC: Underground Injection Wells Listing A listing of underground injection wells. Date of Government Version: 10/17/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/18/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/23/2017 Number of Days to Update: 5 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-6143 Last EDR Contact: 01/18/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/30/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC5178694.2s Page GR-22 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR MGP: EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants The EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plant Database includes records of coal gas plants (manufactured gas plants) compiled by EDR’s researchers. Manufactured gas sites were used in the United States from the 1800’s to 1950’s to produce a gas that could be distributed and used as fuel. These plants used whale oil, rosin, coal, or a mixture of coal, oil, and water that also produced a significant amount of waste. Many of the byproducts of the gas production, such as coal tar (oily waste containing volatile and non-volatile chemicals), sludges, oils and other compounds are potentially hazardous to human health and the environment. The byproduct from this process was frequently disposed of directly at the plant site and can remain or spread slowly, serving as a continuous source of soil and groundwater contamination. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned EDR Hist Auto: EDR Exclusive Historical Auto Stations EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential gas station/filling station/service station sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR’s review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR’s opinion, include gas station/filling station/service station establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to gas, gas station, gasoline station, filling station, auto, automobile repair, auto service station, service station, etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records", or HRHR. EDR’s HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies EDR Hist Cleaner: EDR Exclusive Historical Cleaners EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential dry cleaner sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR’s review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR’s opinion, include dry cleaning establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to dry cleaners, cleaners, laundry, laundromat, cleaning/laundry, wash & dry etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records", or HRHR. EDR’s HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives RGA HWS: Recovered Government Archive State Hazardous Waste Facilities List The EDR Recovered Government Archive State Hazardous Waste database provides a list of SHWS incidents derived from historical databases and includes many records that no longer appear in current government lists. Compiled from Records formerly available from the Department of Ecology in Washington. TC5178694.2s Page GR-23 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/24/2013 Number of Days to Update: 176 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2012 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies RGA LF: Recovered Government Archive Solid Waste Facilities List The EDR Recovered Government Archive Landfill database provides a list of landfills derived from historical databases and includes many records that no longer appear in current government lists. Compiled from Records formerly available from the Department of Ecology in Washington. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/10/2014 Number of Days to Update: 193 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2012 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies RGA LUST: Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank The EDR Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank database provides a list of LUST incidents derived from historical databases and includes many records that no longer appear in current government lists. Compiled from Records formerly available from the Department of Ecology in Washington. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/24/2013 Number of Days to Update: 176 Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2012 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies COUNTY RECORDS KING COUNTY: Abandoned Landfill Study in King County The King County Abandoned Landfill Survey was conducted from October through December 1984 by the Health Department’s Environmental Health Division at the request of the King County Council. The primary objective of the survey was to determine if any public health problems existed at the predetermined 24 sites. Date of Government Version: 04/30/1985 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/07/1994 Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: 0 Source: Seattle-King County Department of Public Health Telephone: 206-296-4785 Last EDR Contact: 10/21/1994 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SEATTLE COUNTY: Abandoned Landfill Study in the City of Seattle The Seattle Abandoned Landfill Survey was conducted in June and July of 1984 by the Health Department’s Environmental Health Division at the request of the Mayor’s Office. The primary objective of the survey was to determine if any public health problems existed at the predetermined 12 sites. Date of Government Version: 07/30/1984 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/07/1994 Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: 0 Source: Seattle - King County Department of Public Health Telephone: 206-296-4785 Last EDR Contact: 10/21/1994 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SEATTLE/KING COUNTY: TC5178694.2s Page GR-24 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Seattle - King County Abandoned Landfill Toxicity / Hazard Assessment Project This report presents the Seattle-King County Health Department’s follow-up investigation of two city owned and four county owned abandoned landfills which was conducted from February to December 1986. Date of Government Version: 12/31/1986 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/18/1995 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/20/1995 Number of Days to Update: 33 Source: Department of Public Health Telephone: 206-296-4785 Last EDR Contact: 08/14/1995 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SNOHOMISH COUNTY: Solid Waste Sites of Record at Snohomish Health District Solid waste disposal and/or utilization sites in Snohomish County. Date of Government Version: 11/16/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/29/2012 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/03/2012 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: Snohomish Health District Telephone: 206-339-5250 Last EDR Contact: 12/22/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/02/2018 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually TACOMA/PIERCE COUNTY: Closed Landfill Survey Following numerous requests for information about closed dumpsites and landfills in Pierce County, the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department decided to conduct a study on the matter. The aim of the study was to evaluate public health risks associated with the closed dumpsites and landfills, and to determine the need, if any, for further investigations of a more detailed nature. The sites represent all of the known dumpsites and landfills closed after 1950. Date of Government Version: 09/01/2002 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/24/2003 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/14/2003 Number of Days to Update: 51 Source: Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department Telephone: 206-591-6500 Last EDR Contact: 03/19/2003 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned OTHER DATABASE(S) Depending on the geographic area covered by this report, the data provided in these specialty databases may or may not be complete. For example, the existence of wetlands information data in a specific report does not mean that all wetlands in the area covered by the report are included. Moreover, the absence of any reported wetlands information does not necessarily mean that wetlands do not exist in the area covered by the report. CT MANIFEST: Hazardous Waste Manifest Data Facility and manifest data. Manifest is a document that lists and tracks hazardous waste from the generator through transporters to a tsd facility. Date of Government Version: 11/11/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/14/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/18/2017 Number of Days to Update: 34 Source: Department of Energy & Environmental Protection Telephone: 860-424-3375 Last EDR Contact: 11/14/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/26/2018 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned NY MANIFEST: Facility and Manifest Data Manifest is a document that lists and tracks hazardous waste from the generator through transporters to a TSD facility. TC5178694.2s Page GR-25 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 10/01/2017 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/01/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/13/2017 Number of Days to Update: 12 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Telephone: 518-402-8651 Last EDR Contact: 01/31/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/14/2018 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly PA MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/25/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/25/2017 Number of Days to Update: 62 Source: Department of Environmental Protection Telephone: 717-783-8990 Last EDR Contact: 01/16/2018 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/30/2018 Data Release Frequency: Annually WI MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2016 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/13/2017 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/14/2017 Number of Days to Update: 92 Source: Department of Natural Resources Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 12/11/2017 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/26/2018 Data Release Frequency: Annually Oil/Gas Pipelines Source: PennWell Corporation Petroleum Bundle (Crude Oil, Refined Products, Petrochemicals, Gas Liquids (LPG/NGL), and Specialty Gases (Miscellaneous)) N = Natural Gas Bundle (Natural Gas, Gas Liquids (LPG/NGL), and Specialty Gases (Miscellaneous)). This map includes information copyrighted by PennWell Corporation. This information is provided on a best effort basis and PennWell Corporation does not guarantee its accuracy nor warrant its fitness for any particular purpose. Such information has been reprinted with the permission of PennWell. Electric Power Transmission Line Data Source: PennWell Corporation This map includes information copyrighted by PennWell Corporation. This information is provided on a best effort basis and PennWell Corporation does not guarantee its accuracy nor warrant its fitness for any particular purpose. Such information has been reprinted with the permission of PennWell. Sensitive Receptors: There are individuals deemed sensitive receptors due to their fragile immune systems and special sensitivity to environmental discharges. These sensitive receptors typically include the elderly, the sick, and children. While the location of all sensitive receptors cannot be determined, EDR indicates those buildings and facilities - schools, daycares, hospitals, medical centers, and nursing homes - where individuals who are sensitive receptors are likely to be located. AHA Hospitals: Source: American Hospital Association, Inc. Telephone: 312-280-5991 The database includes a listing of hospitals based on the American Hospital Association’s annual survey of hospitals. Medical Centers: Provider of Services Listing Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Telephone: 410-786-3000 A listing of hospitals with Medicare provider number, produced by Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services, a federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Nursing Homes Source: National Institutes of Health Telephone: 301-594-6248 Information on Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing homes in the United States. Public Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics’ primary database on elementary and secondary public education in the United States. It is a comprehensive, annual, national statistical database of all public elementary and secondary schools and school districts, which contains data that are comparable across all states. TC5178694.2s Page GR-26 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Private Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics’ primary database on private school locations in the United States. Daycare Centers: Daycare Center Listing Source: Department of Social & Health Services Telephone: 253-383-1735 Flood Zone Data: This data was obtained from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). It depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA. It includes the National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) which incorporates Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) data and Q3 data from FEMA in areas not covered by NFHL. Source: FEMA Telephone: 877-336-2627 Date of Government Version: 2003, 2015 NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002, 2005 and 2010 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. State Wetlands Data: Wetland Inventory Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-6121 Current USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Source: U.S. Geological Survey STREET AND ADDRESS INFORMATION © 2015 TomTom North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material. TC5178694.2s Page GR-27 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING TC5178694.2s Page A-1 geologic strata. of the soil, and nearby wells. Groundwater flow velocity is generally impacted by the nature of the Groundwater flow direction may be impacted by surface topography, hydrology, hydrogeology, characteristics 2. Groundwater flow velocity. 1. Groundwater flow direction, and Assessment of the impact of contaminant migration generally has two principal investigative components: forming an opinion about the impact of potential contaminant migration. EDR’s GeoCheck Physical Setting Source Addendum is provided to assist the environmental professional in 2014Version Date: 6005537 MERCER ISLAND, WANorth Map: 2014Version Date: 6005107 RENTON, WATarget Property Map: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 37 ft. above sea levelElevation: 5259120.5UTM Y (Meters): 560262.5UTM X (Meters): Zone 10Universal Tranverse Mercator: 122.200099 - 122˚ 12’ 0.36’’Longitude (West): 47.484696 - 47˚ 29’ 4.91’’Latitude (North): TARGET PROPERTY COORDINATES RENTON, WA 98057 1300 BRONSON WAY N BRYANT MOTORS PROPERTY TARGET PROPERTY ADDRESS ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE ADDENDUM® TC5178694.2s Page A-2 should be field verified. on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity Source: Topography has been determined from the USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated SURROUNDING TOPOGRAPHY: ELEVATION PROFILES Elevation (ft)Elevation (ft)TP TP 0 1/2 1 Miles✩Target Property Elevation: 37 ft. North South West East3143143082602001292732343739404141424142434329282929292929313337424854124147256258262279General WSWGeneral Topographic Gradient: TARGET PROPERTY TOPOGRAPHY should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, Surface topography may be indicative of the direction of surficial groundwater flow. This information can be used to TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION collected on nearby properties, and regional groundwater flow information (from deep aquifers). sources of information, such as surface topographic information, hydrologic information, hydrogeologic data using site-specific well data. If such data is not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other Groundwater flow direction for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC5178694.2s Page A-3 GENERAL DIRECTIONLOCATION GROUNDWATER FLOWFROM TPMAP ID hydrogeologically, and the depth to water table. authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, groundwater flow direction as determined flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted by environmental professionals to regulatory EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System to provide data on the general direction of groundwater AQUIFLOW® Search Radius: 1.000 Mile. * ©1996 Site-specific hydrogeological data gathered by CERCLIS Alerts, Inc., Bainbridge Island, WA. All rights reserved. All of the information and opinions presented are those of the cited EPA report(s), which were completed under a Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) investigation. Information is inferred in the CERCLIS investigation report(s) Data Quality: A sole source aquifer is not persent at or near the site Sole Source Aquifer: aquifer(s) underlying the site. Information is not available about the hydraulic connection between Hydraulic Connection: 30 feet Inferred Depth to Water: SE TO SW Groundwater Flow Direction: WAD980978001 Site EPA ID Number: RENTON HIGHLANDS LDFL Site Name: 1/4 - 1/2 Mile ENE Location Relative to TP: 1.25 miles Search Radius: Site-Specific Hydrogeological Data*: * ©1996 Site-specific hydrogeological data gathered by CERCLIS Alerts, Inc., Bainbridge Island, WA. All rights reserved. All of the information and opinions presented are those of the cited EPA report(s), which were completed under a Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) investigation. contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should of groundwater flow direction in the immediate area. Such hydrogeologic information can be used to assist the Hydrogeologic information obtained by installation of wells on a specific site can often be an indicator HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail MapRENTON NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY NWI Electronic Data CoverageNWI Quad at Target Property FEMA Q3 Flood data53033C0976F FEMA Q3 Flood data53033C0981F Additional Panels in search area:FEMA Source Type FEMA Q3 Flood data53033C0977F Flood Plain Panel at Target Property FEMA Source Type FEMA FLOOD ZONE and bodies of water). Refer to the Physical Setting Source Map following this summary for hydrologic information (major waterways contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should Surface water can act as a hydrologic barrier to groundwater flow. Such hydrologic information can be used to assist HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC5178694.2s Page A-4 For additional site information, refer to Physical Setting Source Map Findings. SW1/2 - 1 Mile SW4G NW1/2 - 1 Mile WSW3G WNW1/2 - 1 Mile WSW2G Not Reported1/4 - 1/2 Mile SW1G SW1/2 - 1 Mile SW44 WNW1/2 - 1 Mile WSW43 NW1/2 - 1 Mile WSW42 Not Reported1/4 - 1/2 Mile SW24 GENERAL DIRECTIONLOCATION GROUNDWATER FLOWFROM TPMAP ID ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC5178694.2s Page A-5 Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994). of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - a digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC UNIT GEOLOGIC AGE IDENTIFICATION Volcanic RocksCategory:CenozoicEra: TertiarySystem: Lower Tertiary andesiteSeries: lTaCode: (decoded above as Era, System & Series) at which contaminant migration may be occurring. Geologic information can be used by the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the relative speed GEOLOGIC INFORMATION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY move more quickly through sandy-gravelly types of soils than silty-clayey types of soils. characteristics data collected on nearby properties and regional soil information. In general, contaminant plumes to rely on other sources of information, including geologic age identification, rock stratigraphic unit and soil using site specific geologic and soil strata data. If such data are not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary Groundwater flow velocity information for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional GROUNDWATER FLOW VELOCITY INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc. 1 3 2 1 0 1/16 1/8 1/4 Miles TC5178694.2s Page A-7 > 92 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: ModerateCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Hydric Status: Not hydric Excessively drainedSoil Drainage Class: movement of water, or soils with moderately fine or fine textures. Class C - Slow infiltration rates. Soils with layers impeding downwardHydrologic Group: loamy fine sandSoil Surface Texture: PilchuckSoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 2 No Layer Information available. > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: Not ReportedCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Hydric Status: Not hydric Soil Drainage Class: water table, or are shallow to an impervious layer. Class D - Very slow infiltration rates. Soils are clayey, have a highHydrologic Group: Soil Surface Texture: Urban landSoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 1 in a landscape. The following information is based on Soil Conservation Service SSURGO data. for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) leads the National Cooperative Soil DOMINANT SOIL COMPOSITION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC5178694.2s Page A-8 No Layer Information available. > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: Not ReportedCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Hydric Status: Not hydric Soil Drainage Class: movement of water, or soils with moderately fine or fine textures. Class C - Slow infiltration rates. Soils with layers impeding downwardHydrologic Group: loamy fine sandSoil Surface Texture: WaterSoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 3 Min: 6.6 Max: 7.3 Min: 141 Max: 705 sand. Poorly graded Clean Sands, SOILS, Sands, COARSE-GRAINED Sand. Gravel and Fragments, 200), Stone passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granulargravelly sand59 inches37 inches 3 Min: 6.1 Max: 7.3 Min: 42 Max: 141 Silty Sand. Sands with fines, SOILS, Sands, COARSE-GRAINED sand. Poorly graded Clean Sands, SOILS, Sands, COARSE-GRAINED and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularloamy fine sand37 inches20 inches 2 Min: 6.1 Max: 7.3 Min: 42 Max: 141 Silty Sand. Sands with fines, SOILS, Sands, COARSE-GRAINED and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularloamy fine sand20 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/sec Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction (pH) ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC5178694.2s Page A-9 FEDERAL FRDS PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID 1/2 - 1 Mile NorthUSGS40001260015 41 1/2 - 1 Mile NNWUSGS40001260001 40 1/2 - 1 Mile NNWUSGS40001259995 I39 1/2 - 1 Mile SSWUSGS40001259362 38 1/2 - 1 Mile NNWUSGS40001259988 I37 1/2 - 1 Mile NNWUSGS40001259973 I36 1/2 - 1 Mile NNWUSGS40001259932 H34 1/2 - 1 Mile NorthUSGS40001259931 H33 1/2 - 1 Mile SWUSGS40001259472 32 1/2 - 1 Mile NorthUSGS40001259925 H31 1/2 - 1 Mile SWUSGS40001259481 G30 1/2 - 1 Mile SWUSGS40001259495 G29 1/2 - 1 Mile SWUSGS40001259510 F28 1/2 - 1 Mile SWUSGS40001259487 G27 1/4 - 1/2 Mile SWUSGS40001259543 F26 1/4 - 1/2 Mile NWUSGS40001259826 25 1/4 - 1/2 Mile WestUSGS40001259649 23 1/4 - 1/2 Mile SEUSGS40001259551 22 1/4 - 1/2 Mile SSEUSGS40001259509 21 1/4 - 1/2 Mile NNWUSGS40001259825 20 1/4 - 1/2 Mile NWUSGS40001259753 E19 1/4 - 1/2 Mile NWUSGS40001259740 E18 1/4 - 1/2 Mile SouthUSGS40001259542 17 1/8 - 1/4 Mile SEUSGS40001259609 C13 1/8 - 1/4 Mile SEUSGS40001259600 C11 1/8 - 1/4 Mile SouthUSGS40001259620 B10 1/8 - 1/4 Mile ESEUSGS40001259619 C9 1/8 - 1/4 Mile SSEUSGS40001259627 D7 1/8 - 1/4 Mile SouthUSGS40001259628 B5 0 - 1/8 Mile SSEUSGS40001259621 4 0 - 1/8 Mile SSWUSGS40001259622 3 0 - 1/8 Mile ESEUSGS40001259648 A1 FEDERAL USGS WELL INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID 1.000State Database Nearest PWS within 0.001 milesFederal FRDS PWS 1.000Federal USGS WELL SEARCH DISTANCE INFORMATION SEARCH DISTANCE (miles)DATABASE opinion about the impact of contaminant migration on nearby drinking water wells. professional in assessing sources that may impact ground water flow direction, and in forming an EDR Local/Regional Water Agency records provide water well information to assist the environmental LOCAL / REGIONAL WATER AGENCY RECORDS ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC5178694.2s Page A-10 1/2 - 1 Mile ESEWA8000000030688 35 1/8 - 1/4 Mile SouthWA8000000023690 B16 1/8 - 1/4 Mile SouthWA8000000014317 B15 1/8 - 1/4 Mile SouthWA8000000016916 B14 1/8 - 1/4 Mile SouthWA8000000017938 B12 1/8 - 1/4 Mile SSEWA8000000016869 D8 1/8 - 1/4 Mile SEWA8000000007986 C6 0 - 1/8 Mile SEWA8000000015856 A2 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID Note: PWS System location is not always the same as well location. No PWS System Found FEDERAL FRDS PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.4040801201 602002402 8032032004003 60360320 2 80 28032024 0 2 4 0 2 0 0 2002 0 0160 16 0120 1201 2 0 80808 0 404040 403603603203202802 8 0 280280 280280 2 8 0240240240 2 4 0 2 00200200 2 0 016016016 0 1604004 404040404040 40408080 8080 8 0 80 8080801 20120 120120120 1201 20160 1 6 0160 160200 2 0 0 200200240 240240 240280280280280 320320320320 36 3 6 0 3 6 0 360400400 WA TC5178694.2s Page A-12 4254307400Pricontact:ModelProtection: 0Srctot10yr:0Srctot5yr: 0Srctot1yr:0Srctot6mo: Not ReportedDoewelltag:Not ReportedSrcvulnsoc: Not ReportedSrcvulnvoc:Not ReportedSrcvulnioc: NSrcsuscept:GPSLatlongmet: 47.483818Latitude: -122.198488Longitude: SENWQtrqtrsect: 17Section:05ERange : 23Township:45Srcwelldep: ESrcusecode:WSrctype: EMERGENCY WELL EW-3Srcname:29246Totalconne: 28014Resconnect:62100Ftrespopul: Not ReportedSmaid:KINGCounty: NWRegion:CommSystemtype: ASystemgrou:RENTON, CITY OFSystemname: 7185014Pwssrcid:14Srcnum: 71850Pwsid:23011Srcrootid: 65486Lerootid:15855Fid: A2 SE 0 - 1/8 Mile Higher WA8000000015856WA WELLS 1962-08-27 20 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 ftWellholedepth units: 105Wellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 95Welldepth:19590101Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Interpolated from topographic mapVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 10Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 30Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.1984547Longitude: 47.4839889Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-17F03Monloc name: USGS-472902122115201Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: A1 ESE 0 - 1/8 Mile Higher USGS40001259648FED USGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation EDR ID NumberDatabase ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-13 Not ReportedSourcemap scale:-122.199288Longitude: 47.4831555Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: SAME WELL AS SITE 472900122115801 ???Monloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-17F07Monloc name: USGS-472900122115321Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: 4 SSE 0 - 1/8 Mile Higher USGS40001259621FED USGS Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 0 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:Not ReportedWelldepth units: Not ReportedWelldepth:Not ReportedConstruction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: UnknownVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 999Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 9999.99Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:5Horiz Acc measure: Not ReportedSourcemap scale:-122.2006769Longitude: 47.4831555Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-17F05 MW-06Monloc name: USGS-472900122115801Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: 3 SSW 0 - 1/8 Mile Lower USGS40001259622FED USGS WA8000000015856Site id: 13-JAN-00Latlongdat:USrcswinflu: STEVEN (GEORGE) STAHLPriconta 7:NFloodzonei: 04-APR-01Srcinactiv:02-DEC-96Srceffecti: ISrcstatusi:Not ReportedPwsinactiv: APwsstatusi:01-JAN-70Pwseffecti: gstahl@rentonwa.govPriconta 6: 98056Priconta 5: WAPriconta 4:RENTONPriconta 3: 3555 NE 2ND STPriconta 2:Not ReportedPriconta 1: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-14 C6 SE 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Higher WA8000000007986WA WELLS 1960-12-05 24 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 ftWellholedepth units: 82Wellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 82Welldepth:19420901Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Interpolated from topographic mapVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 10Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 40Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.1998436Longitude: 47.4820444Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-17F02Monloc name: USGS-472901122115101Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: B5 South 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Lower USGS40001259628FED USGS Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 0 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 57Welldepth:Not ReportedConstruction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: UnknownVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 999Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 9999.99Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:5Horiz Acc measure: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-15 Unclassified OverburdenFormation type: Puget Sound aquifer systemAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: ReportedVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 1Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 47Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:3Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.1976213Longitude: 47.4820444Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-17F04 SWQA13Monloc name: USGS-472901122114901Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: D7 SSE 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Higher USGS40001259627FED USGS WA8000000007986Site id: 13-JAN-00Latlongdat:USrcswinflu: STEVEN (GEORGE) STAHLPriconta 7:NFloodzonei: Not ReportedSrcinactiv:01-JAN-70Srceffecti: ASrcstatusi:Not ReportedPwsinactiv: APwsstatusi:01-JAN-70Pwseffecti: gstahl@rentonwa.govPriconta 6: 98056Priconta 5: WAPriconta 4:RENTONPriconta 3: 3555 NE 2ND STPriconta 2:Not ReportedPriconta 1: 4254307400Pricontact:ModelProtection: 0Srctot10yr:0Srctot5yr: 0Srctot1yr:440Srctot6mo: Not ReportedDoewelltag:MSrcvulnsoc: MSrcvulnvoc:LSrcvulnioc: HSrcsuscept:GPSLatlongmet: 47.48305Latitude: -122.19672Longitude: SWNEQtrqtrsect: 17Section:05ERange : 23Township:117Srcwelldep: PSrcusecode:WWSrctype: WELL 9 PW-9Srcname:29246Totalconne: 28014Resconnect:62100Ftrespopul: Not ReportedSmaid:KINGCounty: NWRegion:CommSystemtype: ASystemgrou:RENTON, CITY OFSystemname: 7185009Pwssrcid:09Srcnum: 71850Pwsid:23006Srcrootid: 65486Lerootid:7985Fid: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-16 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.1959546Longitude: 47.4831555Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-17G03Monloc name: USGS-472900122114101Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: C9 ESE 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Higher USGS40001259619FED USGS WA8000000016869Site id: 13-JAN-00Latlongdat:USrcswinflu: STEVEN (GEORGE) STAHLPriconta 7:NFloodzonei: Not ReportedSrcinactiv:01-JAN-70Srceffecti: ASrcstatusi:Not ReportedPwsinactiv: APwsstatusi:01-JAN-70Pwseffecti: gstahl@rentonwa.govPriconta 6: 98056Priconta 5: WAPriconta 4:RENTONPriconta 3: 3555 NE 2ND STPriconta 2:Not ReportedPriconta 1: 4254307400Pricontact:ModelProtection: 0Srctot10yr:0Srctot5yr: 0Srctot1yr:1390Srctot6mo: Not ReportedDoewelltag:MSrcvulnsoc: HSrcvulnvoc:MSrcvulnioc: HSrcsuscept:GPSLatlongmet: 47.481911Latitude: -122.197935Longitude: SENWQtrqtrsect: 17Section:05ERange : 23Township:102Srcwelldep: PSrcusecode:WWSrctype: WELL 8 PW-8Srcname:29246Totalconne: 28014Resconnect:62100Ftrespopul: Not ReportedSmaid:KINGCounty: NWRegion:CommSystemtype: ASystemgrou:RENTON, CITY OFSystemname: 7185007Pwssrcid:07Srcnum: 71850Pwsid:23004Srcrootid: 65486Lerootid:16868Fid: D8 SSE 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Lower WA8000000016869WA WELLS 1968-02-02 26 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 ftWellholedepth units: 102Wellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 92Welldepth:19680108Construction date: Unconfined single aquiferAquifer type: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-17 1942-09-01 24 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 ftWellholedepth units: 82Wellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 82Welldepth:19420901Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Interpolated from topographic mapVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 10Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 40Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.200399Longitude: 47.4814888Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-17F01Monloc name: USGS-472900122115001Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: B10 South 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Lower USGS40001259620FED USGS 1983-10-03 25 1987-04-13 27.94 1986-08-14 29.7 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 3 ftWellholedepth units: 400Wellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 85Welldepth:19830805Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Interpolated from topographic mapVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 10Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 40Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:5Horiz Acc measure: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-18 4254307400Pricontact:ModelProtection: 0Srctot10yr:0Srctot5yr: 0Srctot1yr:0Srctot6mo: Not ReportedDoewelltag:XSrcvulnsoc: HSrcvulnvoc:USrcvulnioc: NSrcsuscept:GPSLatlongmet: 47.481365Latitude: -122.200427Longitude: SENWQtrqtrsect: 17Section:05ERange : 23Township:76Srcwelldep: PSrcusecode:WWSrctype: WELL 3 RW-3Srcname:29246Totalconne: 28014Resconnect:62100Ftrespopul: Not ReportedSmaid:KINGCounty: NWRegion:CommSystemtype: ASystemgrou:RENTON, CITY OFSystemname: 7185003Pwssrcid:03Srcnum: 71850Pwsid:23000Srcrootid: 65486Lerootid:17937Fid: B12 South 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Lower WA8000000017938WA WELLS 1987-04-13 29.53 1986-08-14 27.6 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 2 ftWellholedepth units: 109Wellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 109Welldepth:19860814Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Interpolated from topographic mapVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 10Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 40Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:5Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.1967879Longitude: 47.4823222Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-17F06Monloc name: USGS-472857122114401Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: C11 SE 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Higher USGS40001259600FED USGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation EDR ID NumberDatabase ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-19 23Township:76Srcwelldep: PSrcusecode:WFSrctype: WELLS 1,2,3Srcname:29246Totalconne: 28014Resconnect:62100Ftrespopul: Not ReportedSmaid:KINGCounty: NWRegion:CommSystemtype: ASystemgrou:RENTON, CITY OFSystemname: 7185010Pwssrcid:10Srcnum: 71850Pwsid:23007Srcrootid: 65486Lerootid:16915Fid: B14 South 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Lower WA8000000016916WA WELLS 1983-10-03 23 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 ftWellholedepth units: 117Wellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 117Welldepth:19830825Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Interpolated from topographic mapVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 10Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 40Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.1962324Longitude: 47.4826Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-17G02Monloc name: USGS-472858122114201Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: C13 SE 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Higher USGS40001259609FED USGS WA8000000017938Site id: 13-JAN-00Latlongdat:USrcswinflu: STEVEN (GEORGE) STAHLPriconta 7:NFloodzonei: Not ReportedSrcinactiv:01-JAN-70Srceffecti: ASrcstatusi:Not ReportedPwsinactiv: APwsstatusi:01-JAN-70Pwseffecti: gstahl@rentonwa.govPriconta 6: 98056Priconta 5: WAPriconta 4:RENTONPriconta 3: 3555 NE 2ND STPriconta 2:Not ReportedPriconta 1: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-20 WA8000000014317Site id: 13-JAN-00Latlongdat:USrcswinflu: STEVEN (GEORGE) STAHLPriconta 7:NFloodzonei: Not ReportedSrcinactiv:01-JAN-70Srceffecti: ASrcstatusi:Not ReportedPwsinactiv: APwsstatusi:01-JAN-70Pwseffecti: gstahl@rentonwa.govPriconta 6: 98056Priconta 5: WAPriconta 4:RENTONPriconta 3: 3555 NE 2ND STPriconta 2:Not ReportedPriconta 1: 4254307400Pricontact:ModelProtection: 0Srctot10yr:0Srctot5yr: 0Srctot1yr:0Srctot6mo: Not ReportedDoewelltag:XSrcvulnsoc: HSrcvulnvoc:USrcvulnioc: NSrcsuscept:GPSLatlongmet: 47.481307Latitude: -122.20027Longitude: SENWQtrqtrsect: 17Section:05ERange : 23Township:96Srcwelldep: PSrcusecode:WWSrctype: WELL 1 RW-1Srcname:29246Totalconne: 28014Resconnect:62100Ftrespopul: Not ReportedSmaid:KINGCounty: NWRegion:CommSystemtype: ASystemgrou:RENTON, CITY OFSystemname: 7185001Pwssrcid:01Srcnum: 71850Pwsid:22998Srcrootid: 65486Lerootid:14316Fid: B15 South 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Lower WA8000000014317WA WELLS WA8000000016916Site id: 13-JAN-00Latlongdat:NSrcswinflu: STEVEN (GEORGE) STAHLPriconta 7:NFloodzonei: Not ReportedSrcinactiv:19-OCT-95Srceffecti: ASrcstatusi:Not ReportedPwsinactiv: APwsstatusi:01-JAN-70Pwseffecti: gstahl@rentonwa.govPriconta 6: 98056Priconta 5: WAPriconta 4:RENTONPriconta 3: 3555 NE 2ND STPriconta 2:Not ReportedPriconta 1: 4254307400Pricontact:CFRProtection: 6220Srctot10yr:4400Srctot5yr: 1970Srctot1yr:1390Srctot6mo: Not ReportedDoewelltag:XSrcvulnsoc: HSrcvulnvoc:USrcvulnioc: NSrcsuscept:AverageLatlongmet: 47.481325Latitude: -122.200354Longitude: SENWQtrqtrsect: 17Section:05ERange : ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-21 Not ReportedSourcemap scale:-122.2012324Longitude: 47.4806555Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-17L01 MW-01Monloc name: USGS-472851122120001Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: 17 South 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower USGS40001259542FED USGS WA8000000023690Site id: 13-JAN-00Latlongdat:USrcswinflu: STEVEN (GEORGE) STAHLPriconta 7:NFloodzonei: Not ReportedSrcinactiv:01-JAN-70Srceffecti: ASrcstatusi:Not ReportedPwsinactiv: APwsstatusi:01-JAN-70Pwseffecti: gstahl@rentonwa.govPriconta 6: 98056Priconta 5: WAPriconta 4:RENTONPriconta 3: 3555 NE 2ND STPriconta 2:Not ReportedPriconta 1: 4254307400Pricontact:ModelProtection: 0Srctot10yr:0Srctot5yr: 0Srctot1yr:0Srctot6mo: Not ReportedDoewelltag:XSrcvulnsoc: HSrcvulnvoc:USrcvulnioc: NSrcsuscept:GPSLatlongmet: 47.481304Latitude: -122.200367Longitude: SENWQtrqtrsect: 17Section:05ERange : 23Township:52Srcwelldep: PSrcusecode:WWSrctype: WELL 2 RW-2Srcname:29246Totalconne: 28014Resconnect:62100Ftrespopul: Not ReportedSmaid:KINGCounty: NWRegion:CommSystemtype: ASystemgrou:RENTON, CITY OFSystemname: 7185002Pwssrcid:02Srcnum: 71850Pwsid:22999Srcrootid: 65486Lerootid:23689Fid: B16 South 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Lower WA8000000023690WA WELLS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation EDR ID NumberDatabase ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-22 E19 NW 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower USGS40001259753FED USGS 1959-12-08 10 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 42Welldepth:19590101Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Level or other surveying methodVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: .1Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 29.5Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.2048437Longitude: 47.4873221Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-17D01Monloc name: USGS-472915122121301Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: E18 NW 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower USGS40001259740FED USGS Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 0 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:Not ReportedWelldepth units: Not ReportedWelldepth:Not ReportedConstruction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: UnknownVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 999Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 9999.99Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:5Horiz Acc measure: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-23 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 33Welldepth:19600101Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Interpolated from topographic mapVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 3Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 26Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.2026215Longitude: 47.4889888Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-08N01Monloc name: USGS-472921122120501Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: 20 NNW 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher USGS40001259825FED USGS Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 0 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 48Welldepth:19610101Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Level or other surveying methodVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: .1Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 32.3Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.2051215Longitude: 47.4875999Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-17D02Monloc name: USGS-472916122121401Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-24 Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: UnknownVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 999Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 9999.99Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:5Horiz Acc measure: Not ReportedSourcemap scale:-122.1942879Longitude: 47.4809333Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-17G01Monloc name: USGS-472852122113501Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: 22 SE 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher USGS40001259551FED USGS Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 0 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:Not ReportedWelldepth units: Not ReportedWelldepth:Not ReportedConstruction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: UnknownVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 999Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 9999.99Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:5Horiz Acc measure: Not ReportedSourcemap scale:-122.1981768Longitude: 47.4798222Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-17L02 MW-02Monloc name: USGS-472848122114901Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: 21 SSE 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher USGS40001259509FED USGS 1960-09-12 11 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-25 1968-11-20 13.71 1968-10-14 14.66 1969-02-25 14.1 1969-01-22 13.27 1969-06-19 15.2 1969-04-14 13.6 1969-09-04 15.52 1969-07-29 15.1 1969-11-25 15 1969-10-30 15 1970-02-16 12 1970-01-02 14 1970-05-23 14 1970-04-01 14 1970-08-17 15 1970-06-29 14 1970-10-23 14 1970-09-24 15 1971-01-20 12 1970-12-01 14 1971-04-22 13 1971-03-05 13 1971-07-27 14 1971-06-02 13 1971-11-17 13 1971-09-15 14 1972-02-23 11 1972-01-23 11 1972-05-18 12 1972-03-16 10 1972-09-11 13 1972-07-10 12 1973-03-15 13 1972-11-09 13 1973-07-06 13 1973-05-15 13 1974-01-10 12 1973-11-13 12 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 69 ftWellholedepth units: 68Wellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 60Welldepth:19010101Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Interpolated from topographic mapVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 10Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 25Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.208177Longitude: 47.483711Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-18H01Monloc name: USGS-472902122122501Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: 23 West 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower USGS40001259649FED USGS Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 0 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:Not ReportedWelldepth units: Not ReportedWelldepth:Not ReportedConstruction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-26 Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 0 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 40Welldepth:19600101Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Level or other surveying methodVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: .1Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 33.2Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.2078993Longitude: 47.4889888Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-18H02Monloc name: USGS-472921122122401Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: 25 NW 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower USGS40001259826FED USGS Date: 11/1992 Average Water Table Depth: 22 Deepest Water Table Depth: Not Reported Shallowest Water Table Depth: Not Reported Groundwater Flow: Not Reported Site ID: 305924 SW 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower 60992AQUIFLOW 1965-09-30 15.09 1965-10-28 15.83 1965-10-27 15.83 1966-01-11 13.95 1965-11-30 15.31 1966-04-29 14.46 1966-02-09 14.93 1966-06-23 15.25 1966-05-24 14.48 1966-07-29 16.19 1966-07-28 16.05 1966-10-05 16.49 1966-08-22 16.89 1966-12-05 14.81 1966-11-03 16.37 1967-02-08 13.29 1967-01-09 13.23 1967-04-10 14.59 1967-03-10 14.14 1967-06-12 15.4 1967-05-24 14.86 1967-09-15 16.3 1967-07-17 16.1 1967-11-30 16.0 1967-10-17 16.77 1968-02-15 13.6 1967-12-28 13.21 1968-04-23 13.97 1968-03-19 13.52 1968-09-11 15.26 1968-05-28 14.21 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, continued. ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-27 Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Interpolated from topographic mapVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 10Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 31Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.208177Longitude: 47.4795443Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: SEE W.S.B. 28Monloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-18J04Monloc name: USGS-472846122122501Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: G27 SW 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower USGS40001259487FED USGS Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 0 ftWellholedepth units: 63Wellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 63Welldepth:19610216Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Interpolated from topographic mapVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 10Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 30Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:5Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.2084548Longitude: 47.4806555Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-18J06Monloc name: USGS-472851122122601Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: F26 SW 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower USGS40001259543FED USGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation EDR ID NumberDatabase ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-28 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.2084548Longitude: 47.4795443Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-18J03Monloc name: USGS-472847122122601Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: G29 SW 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower USGS40001259495FED USGS 1959-12-02 12 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 48Welldepth:19590101Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Interpolated from topographic mapVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 3Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 35Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.2087326Longitude: 47.4798221Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-18J05Monloc name: USGS-472848122122701Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: F28 SW 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower USGS40001259510FED USGS Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 0 ftWellholedepth units: 44Wellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 44Welldepth:19010101Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-29 H31 North 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher USGS40001259925FED USGS 1962-01-01 25 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 56Welldepth:19620101Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Interpolated from topographic mapVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 3Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 40Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.2078992Longitude: 47.4789888Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110013Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-19K01Monloc name: USGS-472845122122401Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: G30 SW 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower USGS40001259481FED USGS 1959-12-01 8 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 42Welldepth:19590101Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Interpolated from topographic mapVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 3Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 33Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-30 Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Interpolated from topographic mapVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 10Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 25Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.208177Longitude: 47.4784332Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-18J02Monloc name: USGS-472843122122501Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: 32 SW 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower USGS40001259472FED USGS 1962-01-16 14 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 70Welldepth:19620101Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Level or other surveying methodVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: .1Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 28.5Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.2020659Longitude: 47.4925999Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-08M01Monloc name: USGS-472934122120301Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-31 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.2026215Longitude: 47.4931555Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-08M03Monloc name: USGS-472936122120501Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: H34 NNW 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher USGS40001259932FED USGS 1961-08-21 12 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 65Welldepth:Not ReportedConstruction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Level or other surveying methodVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: .1Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 28.4Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.2023437Longitude: 47.4928777Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-08M02Monloc name: USGS-472935122120401Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: H33 North 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher USGS40001259931FED USGS Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 0 ftWellholedepth units: 56Wellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 56Welldepth:19010101Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-32 WA8000000030688Site id: Not ReportedLatlongdat:USrcswinflu: STEVEN (GEORGE) STAHLPriconta 7:NFloodzonei: Not ReportedSrcinactiv:04-APR-01Srceffecti: ASrcstatusi:Not ReportedPwsinactiv: APwsstatusi:01-JAN-70Pwseffecti: gstahl@rentonwa.govPriconta 6: 98056Priconta 5: WAPriconta 4:RENTONPriconta 3: 3555 NE 2ND STPriconta 2:Not ReportedPriconta 1: 4254307400Pricontact:AssignedProtection: 0Srctot10yr:0Srctot5yr: 0Srctot1yr:0Srctot6mo: Not ReportedDoewelltag:Not ReportedSrcvulnsoc: Not ReportedSrcvulnvoc:Not ReportedSrcvulnioc: NSrcsuscept:QtrQtrSectionLatlongmet: 47.479492Latitude: -122.188329Longitude: SENEQtrqtrsect: 17Section:05ERange : 23Township:40Srcwelldep: ESrcusecode:WSrctype: EMERGENCY WELL EW-3RSrcname:29246Totalconne: 28014Resconnect:62100Ftrespopul: Not ReportedSmaid:KINGCounty: NWRegion:CommSystemtype: ASystemgrou:RENTON, CITY OFSystemname: 7185016Pwssrcid:16Srcnum: 71850Pwsid:23013Srcrootid: 65486Lerootid:30687Fid: 35 ESE 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher WA8000000030688WA WELLS 1962-01-18 11 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:Not ReportedWelldepth units: Not ReportedWelldepth:19620101Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Level or other surveying methodVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: .1Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 28.5Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-33 Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Level or other surveying methodVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: .1Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 28.5Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.2059549Longitude: 47.4948221Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-08E02Monloc name: USGS-472942122121701Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: I37 NNW 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower USGS40001259988FED USGS Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 0 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 56Welldepth:19620101Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Interpolated from topographic mapVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 3Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 28Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.2056772Longitude: 47.4945443Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-08E01Monloc name: USGS-472941122121601Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: I36 NNW 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower USGS40001259973FED USGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation EDR ID NumberDatabase ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-34 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.2062327Longitude: 47.4950999Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-08E03Monloc name: USGS-472943122121801Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: I39 NNW 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower USGS40001259995FED USGS 1960-09-12 7 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 40Welldepth:19600101Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Interpolated from topographic mapVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 3Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 27Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.2084547Longitude: 47.4753777Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110013Huc code: DEWATERING WELLMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-18R01Monloc name: USGS-472832122122601Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: 38 SSW 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower USGS40001259362FED USGS 1961-08-17 12 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 57Welldepth:19610101Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-35 41 North 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher USGS40001260015FED USGS 1956-02-13 2 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 129Welldepth:19560101Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Level or other surveying methodVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: .1Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 29.6Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.2065105Longitude: 47.4953776Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-08E04Monloc name: USGS-472944122121901Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: 40 NNW 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower USGS40001260001FED USGS Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 0 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 59Welldepth:19620101Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Level or other surveying methodVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: .1Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 26.5Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-36 Date: 11/1992 Average Water Table Depth: 22 Deepest Water Table Depth: Not Reported Shallowest Water Table Depth: Not Reported Groundwater Flow: Not Reported Site ID: 30591G SW 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower 60992AQUIFLOW Date: 05/05/1997 Average Water Table Depth: Not Reported Deepest Water Table Depth: 6.29 Shallowest Water Table Depth: 4.76 Groundwater Flow: SW Site ID: 216244 SW 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower 61391AQUIFLOW Date: 01/1992 Average Water Table Depth: Not Reported Deepest Water Table Depth: 9.5 Shallowest Water Table Depth: 7.5 Groundwater Flow: WNW Site ID: 2751500843 WSW 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher 61007AQUIFLOW Date: 06/25/1992 Average Water Table Depth: Not Reported Deepest Water Table Depth: 10.44 Shallowest Water Table Depth: 10.20 Groundwater Flow: NW Site ID: 304242 WSW 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower 41970AQUIFLOW 1962-01-01 9 Date Feet below Surface Feet to Sealevel ------------------------------------------------- Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 131Welldepth:19620101Construction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Not ReportedFormation type: Not ReportedAquifername: USCountrycode:NGVD29Vert coord refsys: Interpolated from topographic mapVertcollection method: feetVert accmeasure units: 3Vertacc measure val:feetVert measure units: 34Vert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: 24000Sourcemap scale:-122.198177Longitude: 47.496211Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:17110012Huc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: 23N/05E-08F01Monloc name: USGS-472947122114901Monloc Identifier: USGS Washington Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-WAOrg. Identifier: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-37 Date: 05/05/1997 Average Water Table Depth: Not Reported Deepest Water Table Depth: 6.29 Shallowest Water Table Depth: 4.76 Groundwater Flow: SW Site ID: 21624G SW 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower 61391AQUIFLOW Date: 06/25/1992 Average Water Table Depth: Not Reported Deepest Water Table Depth: 10.44 Shallowest Water Table Depth: 10.20 Groundwater Flow: NW Site ID: 30423G WSW 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower 41970AQUIFLOW Date: 01/1992 Average Water Table Depth: Not Reported Deepest Water Table Depth: 9.5 Shallowest Water Table Depth: 7.5 Groundwater Flow: WNW Site ID: 275150082G WSW 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower 61007AQUIFLOW Map ID Direction Distance Elevation EDR ID NumberDatabase ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC5178694.2s Page A-38 0%3%97%0.538 pCi/LBasement 0%0%100%0.800 pCi/LLiving Area - 2nd Floor 0%1%99%0.334 pCi/LLiving Area - 1st Floor % >20 pCi/L% 4-20 pCi/L% <4 pCi/LAverage ActivityArea Number of sites tested: 106 Federal Area Radon Information for KING COUNTY, WA : Zone 3 indoor average level < 2 pCi/L. : Zone 2 indoor average level >= 2 pCi/L and <= 4 pCi/L. Note: Zone 1 indoor average level > 4 pCi/L. Federal EPA Radon Zone for KING County: 3 AREA RADON INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS RADON ® TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Source: United States Geologic Survey EDR acquired the USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model in 2002 and updated it in 2006. The 7.5 minute DEM corresponds to the USGS 1:24,000- and 1:25,000-scale topographic quadrangle maps. The DEM provides elevation data with consistent elevation units and projection. Current USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Source: U.S. Geological Survey HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION Flood Zone Data: This data was obtained from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). It depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA. It includes the National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) which incorporates Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) data and Q3 data from FEMA in areas not covered by NFHL. Source: FEMA Telephone: 877-336-2627 Date of Government Version: 2003, 2015 NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002, 2005 and 2010 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. State Wetlands Data: Wetland Inventory Source: Department of Ecology Telephone: 360-407-6121 HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION AQUIFLOW Information SystemR Source: EDR proprietary database of groundwater flow information EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System (AIS) to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted to regulatory authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, hydrogeologically determined groundwater flow direction and depth to water table information. GEOLOGIC INFORMATION Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - A digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994). STATSGO: State Soil Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) leads the national Conservation Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps. SSURGO: Soil Survey Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Telephone: 800-672-5559 SSURGO is the most detailed level of mapping done by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, mapping scales generally range from 1:12,000 to 1:63,360. Field mapping methods using national standards are used to construct the soil maps in the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database. SSURGO digitizing duplicates the original soil survey maps. This level of mapping is designed for use by landowners, townships and county natural resource planning and management. TC5178694.2s Page PSGR-1 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED LOCAL / REGIONAL WATER AGENCY RECORDS FEDERAL WATER WELLS PWS: Public Water Systems Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Public Water System data from the Federal Reporting Data System. A PWS is any water system which provides water to at least 25 people for at least 60 days annually. PWSs provide water from wells, rivers and other sources. PWS ENF: Public Water Systems Violation and Enforcement Data Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Violation and Enforcement data for Public Water Systems from the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) after August 1995. Prior to August 1995, the data came from the Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS). USGS Water Wells: USGS National Water Inventory System (NWIS) This database contains descriptive information on sites where the USGS collects or has collected data on surface water and/or groundwater. The groundwater data includes information on wells, springs, and other sources of groundwater. STATE RECORDS Water Wells Source: Department of Health Telephone: 360-236-3148 Group A and B well locations. Water Well Listing Source: Public Utility District Telephone: 206-779-7656 A listing of water well locations in Kitsap County. OTHER STATE DATABASE INFORMATION Oil and Gas Well Listing Source: Department of Natural Resources Telephone: 360-902-1450 Locations that represent oil and gas test well sites in Washington State from 1890 to present. RADON Area Radon Information Source: USGS Telephone: 703-356-4020 The National Radon Database has been developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and is a compilation of the EPA/State Residential Radon Survey and the National Residential Radon Survey. The study covers the years 1986 - 1992. Where necessary data has been supplemented by information collected at private sources such as universities and research institutions. EPA Radon Zones Source: EPA Telephone: 703-356-4020 Sections 307 & 309 of IRAA directed EPA to list and identify areas of U.S. with the potential for elevated indoor radon levels. OTHER Airport Landing Facilities: Private and public use landing facilities Source: Federal Aviation Administration, 800-457-6656 Epicenters: World earthquake epicenters, Richter 5 or greater Source: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earthquake Fault Lines: The fault lines displayed on EDR’s Topographic map are digitized quaternary faultlines, prepared in 1975 by the United State Geological Survey TC5178694.2s Page PSGR-2 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED STREET AND ADDRESS INFORMATION © 2015 TomTom North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material. TC5178694.2s Page PSGR-3 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED APPENDIX E CREDENTIALS Hummer, Madeleine_Ph I ESA CV.docx 1 | P a g e Madeleine Hummer, GIT ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNICIAN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Ms. Hummer is an environmental technician, based in Terracon’s Seattle (Mountlake Terrace), Washington office. She has experience completing environmental assessments for commercial, residential, and undeveloped properties. Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) Ms. Hummer has been involved in numerous Phase I ESA projects for various, commercial, residential, and undeveloped properties in Washington state. She is familiar with ASTM E 1527 requirements and has evaluated issues such as radon and wetlands issues in conjunction with Phase I assessments. She has researched site history and performed file research for commercial, medical, and residential properties. Phase II Limited Site Investigations (LSIs) Ms. Hummer has edited lab results for various analyses conducted during Phase II LSIs. She has also completed agency applications for sites seeking regulatory closure. EDUCATION Bachelors of Science Geology, Environmental Sciences Minor, 2016, University of Washington CERTIFICATIONS Geologist-in-Training, Washington WORK HISTORY Terracon Consultants, Inc., Environmental Technician, Feb 2018 – Present HCL at Google, Data Specialist II, 2016 – 2018 University of Washington, Research Assistant, 2016 Dubcak, Eric 1 | P a g e Eric A. Dubcak PROJECT MANAGER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Mr. Dubcak is a project manager in Terracon’s Seattle (Mountlake Terrace), Washington office. His duties include the management of all phases of the Risk -Based Corrective Action projects. These projects range from Limited Site Investigations (LSIs), full site characterization, tank pulls, remedial excavations, groundwater monitoring, remediation, system operations and maintenance (O&M) and regulatory compliance. Mr. Dubcak has more than nine years of professional environmental experience that includes a broad range of complex project exposures in both the field and office settings. With a strong understanding fate and transport, Mr. Dubcak teams up with Senior Project Managers to provide conclusions and recommendations for a variety of project senarious for client specific site uses. Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) Mr. Dubcak has performed ESAs throughout the states of Washington, Texas, California, Oregon, Alaska, Hawaii, Louisiana and Canada on a variety of sites including industrial, commercial, residential, oil/gas, and agricultural facility type settings. With a strong working knowledge of the ASTM 1527-13 and meeting the requirements as an Environmental Professional, the sites are investigated with an understanding of facility operating systems, state and federal regulations, and fate and transport of chemicals through air, soil, surface water and groundwater. Limited Subsurface Investigations (LSIs) Performed and managed hundreds of LSIs ranging from locations in Washington, Texas, Canada, California and Idaho. Responsible for investigation of soil and/or groundwater at sites to identify if site has been impacted by site use and/or adjacent properties including the following: dry cleaner sites, gas stations, hydraulic elevators, industrial/chemical manufacturing facilities, gas/oil pipelines, lumber yards/treatment facilities, chemical plants, automobile maintenance facilities, agricultural land use, and structures associated with heating oil tanks . Strengths include the collection and interpretation of data to pursue closure through state and federal programs including the Washington State Department of Ecology Voluntary Cleanup Programs (VCP). Risk-Based Corrective Action and Remediation Projects These projects include, but not limited to, installation of groundwater monitoring wells, confirmation/delineation borings, remediation recovery wells, and installation of remediation systems. Experience with remediation systems included passive and active skimmer systems, permanent/mobile duel-phase extraction systems including soil-vapor extraction and pump and treat systems, and injection applications for petroleum and/or solvent in situ treatments. Mr. Dubcak is also experienced with the operation and maintenance of the remediation systems. Sub-Slab Soil Gas Sampling Manages projects with potential vapor intrusion associated with petroleum and dry cleaner facilities. Completed the installation of sub- slab and shallow soil gas probes for the collection of soil gas samples utilizing summa canisters and/or sorbent tubes. In c onformance with the Draft Guidance for Evaluating Soil Vapor Intrusion in Washington State, dated October 2009, Mr. Dubcak concludes if further investigation and/or remediation was warranted. Education Bachelor of Science, Environmental Management, University of Houston Clear Lake, 2005 Certifications ICC Washington State Site Assessor, ICC # 00201315 EPA approved AHERA Building Inspector (License # 144532) Initial 40-Hour OSHA HAZWOPER (2005) with consecutive yearly 8-Hour refresher courses Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) expires August 2016 One Call Board of Texas Underground Facility Damage Prevention Course Affiliations Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists (AEG) Washington Section since 2011 Work History Terracon Consultants, Inc., Project Manager, 2011 – present day (Washington); Senior Staff Environmental Scientist, 2009 – 2011 (Texas); Staff Environmental Scientist, 2007 – 2009 (Texas); and Meridian Alliance Group, LLC, Environmental Scientist, 2005 – 2007 (Texas). Wheaton, Matt_Ph I ESA CV.docx 1 | P a g e Matt Wheaton, L.G., P.E. ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT MANAGER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Mr. Wheaton is Terracon’s Seattle (Mountlake Terrace) office Environmental Department Manager. His duties include the management of all phases of environmental site assessments (ESAs), business environmental risk reviews, site characterizations, and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance assessments for wireless telecommunications providers. He also performs technical review of all environmental service projects in the Seattle office. Over the course of his 17 years of professional environmental and geotechnical engineering experience, Mr. Wheaton has performed site characterizations of soil and groundwater for regulatory compliance, and for remediation design projects throughout North America. Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) Mr. Wheaton has managed and performed hundreds of ESAs nationwide for industrial, commercial, residential, and agricultural properties. He manages long-term national accounts for financial institutions (equity and loan portfolios), real estate investment trusts, developers, and other real property owners. Mr. Wheaton fully understands facility operating systems; state and federal regulations; and fate and transport of chemicals through air, soil, vapor, surface water, and groundwater. He has extensive experience and expertise in the performance of ESAs under the All Appropriate Inquiry rules (ASTM 1527-13), and meets the requirements of an Environmental Professional as defined by this rule. Limited Subsurface Investigations (LSIs) Mr. Wheaton has managed and performed hundreds of LSIs throughout Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska, Nevada and California. He has investigated environmental conditions in soils and groundwater because of releases from a variety of sources, including service stations, dry cleaners, and a wide range of industrial and manufacturing operations. Remedial Investigation/Remedial Action Mr. Wheaton has managed numerous Remedial Investigation (RI) and Remedial Action (RA) projects in Washington State, either through an Independent Remedial Action or in coordination with the Washington State Department of Ecology’s Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP). He has significant expertise in the collection and interpretation of data to pursue closure through the Washington and Oregon State VCP programs. Mr. Wheaton has provided oversight on RA projects utilizing multiple cleanup remedies, including in -situ chemical oxidation, the installation of granular activated carbon, zero-valent iron injections, and large-scale dig-and-haul methods on a variety of industrial and commercial properties. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Reviews Mr. Wheaton has managed the completion of hundreds of NEPA reviews for telecommunications sites in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, Montana, Alaska and Wyoming. The reviews included the completion of FCC Form 620/621 for Section 106 reviews by State Historic Preservation Offices, historic resource surveys, tribal coordination, US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Section 7 consultations, and assessment for the presence of wetlands, floodplains, and federal lands. Asbestos-Containing Material (ACM) and Lead-Based Paint (LBP) Surveys Mr. Wheaton has managed, performed and provided quality assurance for numerous ACM and LBP surveys in Washington and Oregon. ACM surveys were performed in accordance with AHERA and NESHAP guidelines on commercial, multi -family residential and educational properties slated for renovation or demolition. EDUCATION Master of Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2006, University of Maryland Bachelor of Science, Geology, 1996, Colorado State University REGISTRATIONS Licensed Geologist: Washington, 2010, No. 2872 Registered Geologist: Oregon, 2011, No. G2323 Professional Civil Engineer: Washington, 2017, No. 55647 Washington State Department of Ecology Registered Site Assessor, May 2008 State of Nevada, Certified Environmental Manager, CEM No. 1985 CERTIFICATIONS OSHA 40-Hour Hazardous Waste Site Operations EPA approved AHERA Building Inspector (License # 00-0076) WORK HISTORY Terracon Consultants, Inc., Seattle, Washington, Environmental Dept. Manager, 2012 – Present; Sr. Project Manager, 1997 – 2012 APPENDIX F DESCRIPTION OF TERMS AND ACRONYMS Description of Selected General Terms and Acronyms Term/Acronym Description ACM Asbestos Containing Material. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral, three varieties of which (chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite) have been commonly used as fireproofing or binding agents in construction materials . Exposure to asbestos, as well as ACM, has been documented to cause lung diseases including asbestosis (scarring of the lung), lung cancer and mesothelioma (a cancer of the lung lining). Regulatory agencies have generally defined ACM as a material containing greater that one (1) percent asbestos, howev er some states (e.g. California) define ACM as materials having 0.1% asbestos . In order to define a homogenous material as non-ACM, a minimum number of samples must be collected from the material dependent upon its type and quantity . Homogenous materials defined as non-ACM must either have 1) no asbestos identified in all of its samples or 2) an identified asbestos concentration below the appropriate regulat ory threshold. Asbestos concentrations are generally determined using polarized light microscopy or t ransmission electron microscopy. Point counting is an analytical method to statistically quantify the percentage of asbestos in a sample . The asbestos component of ACM may either be friable or non-friable. Friable materials, when dry, can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure and have a higher potential for a fiber release than non-friable ACM. Non-friable ACM are materials that are firmly bound in a matrix by plastic, cement, etc. and, if handled carefully, will not become friable. Federal and state regulations require that either all suspect building materials be presumed ACM or that an asbestos survey b e performed prior to renovation, dismantling, demolition, or other activities that may disturb potential ACM . Notifications are required prior to demolition and/or renovation activities that may impact the condition of ACM in a building . ACM removal may be required if the ACM is likely to be disturbed or damaged during the demolition or renovation. Abatement of friable or potentially friable ACM must be performed by a licensed abatement contractor in accordance with state rules and NESHAP . Additionally, OSHA regulations for work classification, worker training and worker protection will apply. AHERA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act AST Aboveground Storage Tanks. ASTs are generally described as storage tanks less than 10% of which are below ground (i.e., buried). Tanks located in a basement, but not buried, are also considered ASTs. Whether, and the extent to which, an AST is regulated, is determined on a case-by-case basis and depends upon tank size, its contents and the jurisdiction of its location. BGS Below Ground Surface Brownfields State and/or tribal listing of Brownfield properties addressed by Cooperative Agreement Recipients or Targeted Brownfields Assessments. BTEX Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes. BTEX are VOC components found in gasoline and commonly used as analytical indicators of a petroleum hydrocarbon release. CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (a.k.a. Superfund). CERCLA is the federal act that regulates abandoned or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites . Under this Act, joint and several liability may be imposed on potentially responsible parti es for cleanup-related costs. CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System . An EPA compilation of sites having suspected or actual releases of hazardous substances to the environment. CERCLIS also contains information on site inspections, preliminary assessments and remediation of hazardous waste sites. These sites are typically reported to EPA by states and municipalities or by third parties pursuant to CERCLA Section 103. CESQG Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators CFR Code of Federal Regulations Description of Selected General Terms and Acronyms Term/Acronym Description CREC Controlled Recognized Environmental Condition is defined in ASTM E1527-13 as “a recognized environmental condition resulting from a past release of hazardous substances or petroleum products that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority (for example, as evidenced by the issuance of a no further action letter or equivalent, or meeting risk -based criteria established by regulatory authority) , with hazardous substances or petroleum products allowed to remain in place subject to the implementation of required controls (for example, property use restrictions, activity and use limitations, institutional controls, or engineering controls). A condition considered by the environmental professional to be a controlled recognized environmental condition shall be listed in the findings section of th e Phase I Environmental Site Assessment report, and as a recognized environmental condition in the conclusions section of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment report.” DOT U.S. Department of Transportation EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ERNS Emergency Response Notification System . An EPA-maintained federal database which stores information on notifications of oil discharges and hazardous substance releases in quantities greater than the applicable reportable quantity under CERCLA . ERNS is a cooperative data- sharing effort between EPA, DOT, and the National Response Center. ESA Environmental Site Assessment FRP Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Hazardous Substance As defined under CERCLA, this is (A) any substance designated pursuant to section 1321(b)(2)(A) of Title 33, (B) any element, compound, mixture, solution, or substance designated pursuant to section 9602 of this title; (C) any hazardous waste having characteristics identified under or listed pursuant to section 3001 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (with some exclusions); (D) any toxic pollutant list ed under section 1317(a) of Title 33; (E) any hazardous air pollutant listed under section 112 of the Clean Air Act; and (F) any imminently hazardous chemical substance or mixture with respect to which the EPA Administrator has taken action under section 2606 of Title 15 . This term does not include petroleum, including crude oil or any fraction thereof which is not otherwise listed as a hazardous substance under subparagraphs (A) th rough (F) above, and the term include natural gas, or synthetic gas usable for fuel (or mixtures of natural gas and such synthetic gas). Hazardous Waste This is defined as having characteristics identified or listed under section 3001 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (with some exceptions). RCRA, as amended by the Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1980, defines this term as a “solid waste, or combination of solid wastes, which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may (A) cause, or significantly contribute to a n increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible illness; or (B) pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, or disposed of, or otherwise managed.” HREC Historical Recognized Environmental Condition is def ined in ASTM E1527-13 as “a past release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products that has occurred in connection with the property and has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regu latory authority or meeting unrestricted residential use criteria established by a regulatory authority, without subjecting the property to any required controls (for example, property use restrictions, activity and use limitations, institutional controls, or engineering controls). Before calling the past release a historical recognized environmental condition, the environmental professional must determine whether the past release is a re cognized environmental condition at the time of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment is conducted (for example, if there has been a change in the regulatory criteria). If the EP considers the past release to be a recognized environmental condition at the time the Phase I ESA is conducted, the condition shall be included in the conclusions section of the report as a re cognized environmental condition.” Description of Selected General Terms and Acronyms Term/Acronym Description IC/EC A listing of sites with institutional and/or engineering controls in place. IC include administrative measures, such as grou ndwater use restrictions, construction restrictions, property use restrictions, and post remediation care requirements intended to prevent exposure to contaminants remaining on site. Deed restrictions are generally required as part of the institutional controls. EC include v arious forms of caps, building foundations, liners, and treatment methods to create pathway elimination for regulated substances to enter environmental media or effect human health. ILP Innocent Landowner/Operator Program LQG Large Quantity Generators LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tank. This is a federal term set forth under RCRA for leaking USTs. Some states also utilize this term. MCL Maximum Contaminant Level. This Safe Drinking Water concept (and also used by many states as a ground water cleanup criteria) refers to the limit on drinking water contamination that determines whether a supplier can deliver water from a specific source without treatment. MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets. Written/printed forms prepared by chemical manufacturers, importers and employers which identif y the physical and chemical traits of hazardous chemicals under OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard. NESHAP National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Federal Clean Air Act). This part of the Clean Air Act regulates e missions of hazardous air pollutants. NFRAP Facilities where there is “No Further Remedial Action Planned,” as more particularly described under the Records Review section of this report. NOV Notice of Violation. A notice of violation or similar citation issued to an entity, company or individual by a state or federal regulatory body indicating a violation of applicable rule or regulations has been identified. NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (Clean Water Act). The federal permit system for discharges of polluted wate r. NPL The NPL is the EPA’s database of uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste facilities that have been listed for priority remedial action s under the Superfund Program. OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration or Occupational Safety and Health Act PACM Presumed Asbestos-Containing Material. A material that is suspected of containing or presumed to contain asbestos but which has not been analyzed to confirm the presence or absence of asbestos. PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyl. A halogenated organic compound commonly in the form of a viscous liquid or resin, a flowing yellow oil, or a waxy solid. This compound was historically used as dielectric fluid in electrical equipment (such as electrical transformers and capacito rs, electrical ballasts, hydraulic and heat transfer fluids), and for numerous heat and fire sensitive applications . PCB was preferred due to its durability, stability (even at high temperatures), good chemical resistance, low volatility, flammability, and conductivity . PCBs, however, do not break down in the environment and are classified by the EPA as a suspected carcinogen . 1978 regulations, under the Toxic Substances Control Act, prohibit manufacturing of PCB-containing equipment; however, some of this equipment may still be in use today. pCi/L picoCuries per Liter of Air. Unit of measurement for Radon and similar radioactive materials. PLM Polarized Light Microscopy (see ACM section of the report, if included in the scope of services) PST Petroleum Storage Tank. An AST or UST that contains a petroleum product. Description of Selected General Terms and Acronyms Term/Acronym Description Radon A radioactive gas resulting from radioactive decay of naturally-occurring radioactive materials in rocks and soils containing uranium, granite, shale, phosphate, and pitchblende. Radon concentrations are measured in picoCuries per Liter of Air. Exposure to elevated levels of radon creates a risk of lung cancer; this risk generally increases as the level of radon and the duration of exposure increases . Outdoors, radon is diluted to such low concentrations that it usually does not present a health concern. However, radon can accumulate in building basements or similar enclosed spaces to levels that can pose a risk to human health . Indoor radon concentrations depend primarily upon the building's construction, design and the concentration of radon in the underlying soil and ground water . The EPA recommended annual average indoor “action level” concentration for residential structures is 4.0 pCi/l. RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. Federal act regulating solid and hazardous wastes from point of generation to time of disposal (‘cradle to grave”). 42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq. RCRA Generators The RCRA Generators database, maintained by the EPA, lists facilities that generate hazardous waste as part of their normal b usiness practices. Generators are listed as either large (LQG), small (SQG), or conditionally exempt (CESQG). LQG produce at least 1000 kg/month of non-acutely hazardous waste or 1 kg/month of acutely hazardous waste. SQG produce 100-1000 kg/month of non-acutely hazardous waste. CESQG are those that generate less than 100 kg/month of non-acutely hazardous waste. RCRA CORRACTS/TS Ds The USEPA maintains a database of RCRA facilities associated with treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD) of hazardous materia ls which are undergoing “corrective action”. A “corrective action” order is issued when there is a release of hazardous waste or constituents into the environment from a RCRA facility. RCRA Non- CORRACTS/TS Ds The RCRA Non-CORRACTS/TSD Database is a compilation by the USEPA of facilities which report storage, transportation, treatment, or disposal of hazardous waste. Unlike the RCRA CORRACTS/TSD database, the RCRA Non-CORRACTS/TSD database does not include RCRA facilities where corrective action is required. RCRA Violators List RAATS. RCRA Administrative Actions Taken. RAATS information is now contained in the RCRIS database and includes records of administrative enforcement actions against facilities for noncompliance. RCRIS Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System, as defined in the Records Review section of this report. REC Recognized Environmental Conditions are defined by ASTM E1527 -13 as “the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or at a property: 1) due to any release to the environment; 2) under conditions indicative of a release to the environment. De minimis conditions are not recognized environmental conditions.” SCL State “CERCLIS” List (see SPL /State Priority List, below). SPCC Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures. SPCC plans are required under federal law (Clean Water Act and Oil Pollution Act) for any facility storing petroleum in tanks and/or containers of 55-gallons or more that when taken in aggregate exceed 1,320 gallons . SPCC plans are also required for facilities with underground petroleum storage tanks with capacities of over 42,000 gallons . Many states have similar spill prevention programs, which may have additional requirements. SPL State Priority List. State list of confirmed sites having contamination in which the state is actively involved in clean up activities or is actively pursuing potentially responsible parties for clean up . Sometimes referred to as a State “CERCLIS” List. SQG Small Quantity Generator SWF/LF State and/or Tribal database of Solid W aste/Landfill facilities. The database information may include the facility name, class, operation type, area, estimated operational life, and owner. TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons TRI Toxic Release Inventory. Routine EPA report on releases of toxic chemicals to the environment based upon information submitted by entities subject to reporting under the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act. Description of Selected General Terms and Acronyms Term/Acronym Description TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act. A federal law regulating manufacture, import, processing and distribution of chemical substances not specifically regulated by other federal laws (such as asbestos, PCBs, lead-based paint and radon). 15 U.S.C 2601 et seq. USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers USC United States Code USGS United States Geological Survey USNRCS United States Department of Agriculture-Natural Resource Conservation Service UST Underground Storage Tank. Most federal and state regulations, as well as ASTM E1527-13, define this as any tank, incl., underground piping connected to the tank, that is or has been used to contain hazardous substances or petroleum products and the volume of which is 10% or more beneath the surface of the ground (i.e., buried). VCP State and/or Tribal facilities included as Voluntary Cleanup Program sites. VOC Volatile Organic Compound Wetlands Areas that are typically saturated with surface or ground water that creates an environment supportive of wetland vegetation (i.e., swamps, marshes, bogs). The Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Technical Report Y-87-1) defines wetlands as areas inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances d o support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions . For an area to be considered a jurisdictional wetland, it must meet the following criteria: more than 50 percent of the dominant plant species must be categorized as Obligate, Facultati ve Wetland, or Facultative on lists of plant species that occur in wetlands; the soil must be hydric; and, wetland hydrology must be present . The federal Clean Water Act which regulates “waters of the US,” also regulates wetlands, a program jointly admini stered by the USACE and the EPA. Waters of the U.S. are defined as: (1) waters used in interstate or foreign commerce, including all waters subject to the ebb and flow of tides; (2) all interstate waters including interstate wetlands; (3) all other waters such as intrastate lakes, rivers, streams (including intermittent streams), mudflats, sandflats, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, or natural ponds, etc., which t he use, degradation, or destruction could affect interstate/ fore ign commerce; (4) all impoundments of waters otherwise defined as waters of the U. S., (5) tributaries of waters identified in 1 through 4 above; (6) the territorial seas; and (7) wetlands adjacent to waters iden tified in 1 through 6 above. Only the USACE has the authority to make a final wetlands jurisdictional determination.