HomeMy WebLinkAboutD 7812040683 • THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE. • ip cgFiled for Record at Request of a ' D Name O �- CV ' Address. CO ` City and State 40 O Form 467-C-Rev. Statutory Warranty Deed `i (CORPORATE FORM) t- -� THE GRANTOR GROUP HEALTH CORP. OF PUGET SOUND for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) in hand paid, conveys and warrants to THE CITY OF RENTON, A MUNICIPALITY State of the following described real estate, situated in the County of KING Washington: SEE EXHIBIT "AI' (^'" Ti-:;!.: 1, -:,T R C C U-�+9 ,t: r,-, ; cords By .� s.r_ .,. Deputy IN WITNES WHEREOF, said� Eti1 ��orporation has caused thivinstrument to be executed by its proper officers/o / this / day of DU ' 03�•e , // 6.9.47-7/ ao,,,-,exir/oL-- By, ii is L. ,�� ' .' ` ,, 1„',,c President. By Secretary. STATE OF W SHINGTON, SS. County of /17�'I On this day of U�••U'6.Ea� , 19 71,before me,the undersigned, " a /1'O f a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared geofinfr 6 ''C -(44//ic/iY _ ,, respectively, of to me known to be the �1JJiC 6 President and ,.. d voluntary the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the s idaea on o tnt;te " '" act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes po f•s�rd'ro ration. it •,f•y . authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed (if any) tsVehwrtten ra e Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year :,• • `' / ,„ . A : ,,,4: :be . ir , Notary Cl 1k in al for the ate of Wasbi{tgton, residing at l�-1 V. \ ,,' . - • , . . . ,. . . .. .., ......_ • . ,,. 'i,_t...- 0 tor. 7.,,(7.,:3td at lit-rQue-i,;. '4"*"---errrics-vntr""r"L'Irrt-rtmic---- ..„1-Tr;r0=:: ....... .:: ::...G.,......„ ,,,, -IRVIN' EXHIBIT "A" That portion of lot 1, block 32, C. D. Hillmans Earlington Gardens Addition, Division No. 1 as recorded in Volume 17 of plats, page 74 records of King County Washington vacated on October 16, 1939 by King County Commissioners Journal Volume 38 page 8 and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of SW 16th St. with the section line common to Section 24, Township 23 North, Range 4 East of the W.M. and Section 19 Township 23 North, Range 5 East of the W.M. ; Thence S. 00°57' 42" W. along said Section line a distance of 30 .01 foot; thence S. 89° 45'30" W. on a line parallel with and 30 feet southerly of as measured at right angles from the centerline of SW 16th St. a distance of 10.01 feet to the true point of OD beginning; thence continuing S. 89°45'30" W. a distance of 23.57 feet ; thence south- easterly along a curve to the right, having a radius of 23.08 feet through a central VCS- angle of 91°12' 12" an arc distance of 36.74 feet to a point on a line parallel with and 40 feet westerly of as measured at right angles from said section line; thence CV N. 00°57'42" E. parallel with said section line a distance of 23.57 feet to the true OD point of beginning. Containing 120.03 sq. ft. .