HomeMy WebLinkAboutD 7206090448 `J - ' • ., . . • .—00', ,W' THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE: ' a- 1-1....cw I . t Filed for Record at Request of _ c UFFICL OF THE CITY CLERK •• `' RENTON MVtUCJ.P-AL- DG. 1972 JU g P':i '2 5? -" Name 200 MILL AVE. SOUTH c� n �=`' Address .'.,) T (7) City and State �- ;C.i 0;.,�S c''„ _ .,_'.I •4f-l. s rq 0 Quit Claim Deed (CORPORATE FORM) /7- THE GRANTOR WESOC CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, for and in consideration of Nine Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($950.00) conveys and quit claims to the City of Renton the following described real estate, situated in the County of King State of Washington, together with all after acquired title of the grantor(s) therein: A strip of land, variable in width, over the following described property: All that portion of the northwest quarter and southwest quarter of Section 8, T. 23-N. , R. 5-E. , W.M. , in King County, Washington, described as follows; Beginning at the intersection of the west line of Park Street with the north line of 6th Avenue North; thence north along said west line 18E feet_ thence west 117.5 feet; thence south 185 feet; thence east 107.5 feet to beginning. Said strip of land being described as follows: Beginning at the southwesterly corner of the above described tract; thence northerly along the westerly line thereof a distance of 6.12 feet; thence easterly a distance of 107.5 feet to a point on the easterly line thereof 5.29 feet norteierly of the northerly margin of North 5th Street; thence southerly along the easterly line thereof a distance of 5.29 feet to the northerly margin of North 6th Street; thence westerly along said northerly margin a distance of 107.5 feet to the southwesterly corner thereof, the point of beginning. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its pro-i,:';''''::: :-...is' V>''. and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this /61 day of 7h.acy� :'; �s r rs ±;c.• f - R- WESOC . RPQRATION 1 „ .z _j c� By (1,_ [144/ ' ' I I. .,*4-"` y''a ma y_♦-1- j,CtO 1 President. s 'rte+..,.:, i , Byt;...s,1 e. 13E1{1 . . ��ecretary�T.: Tr-;i;;ic$2I•. STATE OF WAS {+ CT , \ ss. I County of NEW XOR --� On this i c day of a-7�'ty ,19 / - before me, the undersigned, a Notary Publie in and for the,State of Washington, duly commissioned apd sword personally appeared �Xi eta.-i) i - --'44-','-'4'" �,and .�'ci-7Lnc.(,;1 ( - /Z---LA.-9, i _ to me known to be the i461-r President and Secretary, respectively, of , '%`-`bZ-dt 6-1.11S'''-4"''''` the corporation that executgd, ,jl?,e foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and desd ' t id.cofporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that a -tothe said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said -�ai�. corporation. c ; -.-{ '' • Witness my Nili,•andLbfficia seal'<.Rreto affixed the day and year first above written. , j 4,„:15, ,�'�: ...,'''•&.:,',�'LLert_r-. f„- '-1 'I` ✓.�v 4- is r' ,, , , ;i.c - ,,;,ry Notary Public in and for the 4aeieriamstoiesoen, j . a ;