HomeMy WebLinkAbout5_Project Narrative.pdfPROJECT NARRATIVE
Project name, size, and location of site:
The MeadowVue project is located within the City of Renton on a single parcel located north of SE 142nd
Place on the west side of 156th Ave SE. More generally, the site is located in the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of
Section 14 of Township 23 North, Range 5 East, in King County, Washington (see Vicinity Map below). The
total project site consists of 1 parcel (KC tax parcel nos. 1463400060) with an area of approximately
4.54 acres.
Land use permits required for proposed project:
The following land use permits are required for the proposed project:
• Preliminary Plat Approval
• Construction Permit
• Building permits for walls
• Building permits for individual homes
• General Stormwater Permit (WDOE)
Zoning designation of the site and adjacent properties:
The project site is zoned as R-4. Property to the north, east, west, south and west are zoned as R-4, all
consisting of single-family residences.
Current use of the site and any existing improvements:
The project site is currently partially developed consisting of 1 existing dwelling unit, sheds, and open
Special site features:
Slopes generally fall to the southwest across the property at slopes ranging from 0-15% with a total fall
of approximately 32 feet. A Critical Areas Determination report prepared by Acre Environmental
Consulting, LLC dated September 13, 2016 determined there are no critical areas onsite. A Geotechnical
Study prepared by Terra Associates, dated February 2, 2017 summarizes their review. The City of Renton
critical areas maps confirmed the findings of the two reports.
Statement addressing soil type and drainage conditions:
According to the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the soil type is Alderwood gravelly sandy loam
(AgC). A detailed analysis was completed within the Geotechnical Study prepared by Terra Associates,
dated February 2, 2017 submitted with this application. In general the ability to use native soils from site
excavations as structural fill will depend on its moisture content and the prevailing weather conditions at
the time of construction. Field testing completed by the project Geotechnical engineer shows that the
existing soils are not conducive to infiltration for storm drainage.
Proposed use of property and scope of the proposed development:
The project proposes the design and construction of 14 single family residences along with associated
roadway and utility improvements. Half street improvements are required for both 154th Avenue SE and
156th Avenue SE along with off-site sanitary sewer improvements west of the property.
For plats indicate the proposed number, net density, and range of sizes (net lot area) of the new lots:
The project is located within R-4 zoning. The density maximum for R-4 designation is 4 units per acre. The
project proposes to construct 14 single-family dwelling units on 4.54 acres. The lot sizes range between
9,633 sf – 11,313 sf. The net density for the project is calculated as 3.73 per the City’s density worksheet.
The project site is fronted by 156th Ave SE to the east. Vehicular access will be provided by a new public
roadway (Road A) off of 156th Ave SE in the west direction which terminates at proposed half street
improvements along the unopened right-of-way of 154th Ave SE. All new homes site are provided with
adequate access. Pedestrian access is provided on Road A and the adjacent frontage roads with concrete
Proposed off-site improvements:
Frontage improvements include street widening, curb and gutter, storm drainage, sidewalk and planter
strip along the adjacent roadway frontages of 154th Ave SE and 156th Ave SE are proposed.
The project proposes to convey the sewer to the west and connect to an existing main within 152nd Avenue.
This requires constructing a new off-site 8” sewer main going north along 154th Ave SE and then west
through a 15 foot wide easement on KC tax parcel no. 1463400021 before connecting to the existing
main with a new manhole. The project also proposes new 8” sewer main within 156th Ave SE northeast of
the intersection with Road A.
Total estimated construction cost and estimated fair market value of the proposed project:
The estimated construction cost for the project is $1,320,000 and the estimated fair market value is
approximately $5,500,000 following project completion.
Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed:
Grading and filling activities are proposed to accommodate the improvements for the residential buildings,
access roads and associated utilities. On-site soils will be used for on-site fills to the extent available. Fill
from local sources will be used for the balance of the fill efforts such as crushed base courses, gravel
backfill, trench backfill, and asphalt pavement (as required).
Estimated quantities for structural fill on-site is approximately 10,000 cubic yards of cut and 12,000 cubic
yards of fill material. Any surplus soil materials that cannot be utilized on-site for landscape area and
backfill will be hauled off-site to an approved location and imported fill materials will be provided from
an approved source.
Number, type, and size of any trees to be removed:
An arborist report was prepared by S.A. Newman Firm, dated January 16, 2017 detailing the tree plan
for the site. There were 37 trees assessed with 27 trees considered potentially suitable for retention.
There are 9 trees proposed to be retained with this project found on the north perimeter of the site. Due
to the mass grading to provide infrastructure and building pads for the site many viable trees will need to
be removed. Tree replacement is proposed is accordance with City code at a scale and location consistent
with the project.
Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City:
To comply with transportation improvements planned for 156th Ave SE a right-of-way dedication of 5.5
feet is required with the half street frontage improvements. A new internal public roadway (Road A) is
also proposed to be dedicated with the final plat. A total of approximately 33,934 SF of land is
proposed to be dedicated to the City between the 156th Ave SE dedication and the new internal public
Any proposed job shacks, sales trailers, and/or model homes:
There are no known job shacks, sales trailers, and/or model homes proposed at this time.
Any proposed modifications being requested:
A street modification is being requested to provide the Transportation Corridor Plan requirements for
156th Ave SE. 156th Ave SE is a Minor Arterial with an available right-of-way width of 60 feet. As per
RMC 4-6-060 the minimum right-of-way width required on a minor arterial is 91 feet with street
improvements. However, based on the Transportation Plan for the 156th Ave SE corridor, the street will be
a 3-lane roadway with a 12-feet wide center two way turn lane, 11-feet wide thru travel lanes, 5-feet
wide bike lane on both sides, gutter, 0.5-feet wide curbs, 8-feet wide landscaped planters, 5-feet wide
sidewalks, storm drainage improvements, and street lighting. This will require half street right-of-way
dedication of 5.5 feet on the project frontage of 156th Ave SE.
The approximate location of and number of residential units, existing and potential, that will have an
obstruction view in the event the proposed project exceeds a height of 35-feet above the average grade
Per Renton Municipal Code 4-2-110A – Development standards for residential zoning designations, the
maximum building height for R-4 zoning is 30-feet. The maximum building height for all proposed
buildings will not exceed this requirement.