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LLA 8006160471
1 " OF Rriz o Foe -T� .' F4praUES7 UF REQUEST FOR.. V �,y z PLANNING DEPARTMENT 200 Mill Ave. South i Renton, Washington 98055 LOT L I N E ." "' 235-2550 !' Al_4 4,. SEPTE,,,e ADJUSTMENT • --t Submit Original Plus One Copy iiLGA - OM" SO ,-i Lot 1 Owner's Name Address City Zip Phone D JAMES G. ROUTOS & ._ SANDRA L. ROUTOS H/W 14522 S.E. 167th Renton 98055 228-6296 !' Lot 2 Owner's Name Address City Zip Phone CDJAMES G. ROUTOS & w' SANDRA L. ROUTOS H/W 14522 S.E. 167th Renton 98055 228-6296 a Lot 3 Owner's Name Address City Zip Phone 00 uico REASONS FOR REQUESTING CHANGE (Attach separate sheets, if necessary) : 3 Aquisition of 4830 sq.ft. of PTN of former (old) tax lot 7, Sec. 31-23-5 for booster pump ..,,',:4 station site a facility required to increase water supply to south Talbot Hill area. - 4 CERTIFICATION STATEMENTM�� �i �1� I declare that I am the owner of the property ������� -���f/1.C.i�u • y involved in this application and that the Lot 1, S'gnature �.p foregoing statements and answers herein �^, ^�� 1� ti/ contained and the information herewith � � submitted are in aZZ respects true and Lo 2, Signature correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lot 3, Signature . 1/4 Sec. Sec. Twn. Rg. Zoning Related File NW4 & NE4 31 23 " 05 I LEGAL DESCRIPTION , LOT 1: See attached Legal description marked Exhibit "A" James G. Routos Property LOT 2: See attached Legal description marked Exhibit "B" Proposed S.W. 43rd St. Booster Pump Station Site for City of Renton )r 14 'x LOT 3: 409 ; °9�s J 16 1123 H r10 .r, r c ^ , P�`„ 1 li'I , liisi�5 O4, ;1i!,i i•L.+i'l ti•y .0 - . , , ILLUSTRATION OF PROPOSED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Z1 N. LINE SW4, N 4, NE4, SEC 31 . , . 5 NORTH SCALE 1" = 100 ft. DATE: April 25, 1980 / �0 L''' �I ora LO 0N. z (c) NORTH d0 = 0 �I •i co / a /60 • I/ WI 0 z �I u) cr �I §,-/ I ao4. 2. - iso- ii Q` ti \o� q. v I TEMPORARY C.'NSTRUCTION ,�� I T wit , EASEME T �/ ,� m o 27 - ,,PROPOSED PU P STATION SITE e i -4 �, 22944 _ 7 S. •W. 43d ST "` Af 7302290482_/ ",�.- . — — — w A 1 NOTE: Approval, if granted, does not assure issuance of a building permit. No building permit may be issued until all requirements of appropriate King County agencies for segregation and recording are complied with. Do Not Write Below This Line 1v4 Approval is hereby granted subject to: 0 Disapproved because: : i.0 I. a ' Lcd uipe.J )3)191 P t.'• , ► DATE cc: Engineering Original to file Building Copy to Applicant on: 6,/(3 60 EXHIBIT A LOT 1 - JAMES G. ROUTOS PROPERTY (Water Project # W-600) LLA 014-80 PARCEL A: That portion of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 31 , Township 23 -- North, Range 5 East, W.M. , lying easterly of Primary State Highway No. 5,*less portion south of a line 200 feet north of and parallel CD with the centerline of SW 43rd Street (So. 180th Street) ; PARCEL B: © Together with that portion of the southwest quarter of the northwest 00 quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 31 , Township 23 North, Range 5, East, W.M. , in King County, Washington; lying westerly of the westerly margin of Primary State Highway No.5 (SR 167) as con- demned in King County Superior Court, Cause No.574855; EXCEPT that portion lying southerly of the northerly line of that certain parcel of land deeded to City of Renton #7302230482. EXCEPT therefrom the southerly 105 feet, as measured from the south- westerly corner, northerly along the westerly line of the above described Parcel B. *(East Valley Road) EXHIBIT B Lot 2 PROPOSED SITE - S.W. 43RD BOOSTER PUMP STATION (Water Project # W-600) LLA 014-80 The southerly 105 feet, as measured from the southwesterly corner, northerly along the westerly line of the following described main tract: MAIN TRACT: That portion of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the . northeast quarter of Section 31 , Township 23 North, Range 5, East, W.M. , in King County, Washington, lying westerly of the westerly margin of CD Primary State Highway No. 5 (SR 167) as condemned in King County Superior Court Cause No. 574855; EXCEPT that portion lying southerly of the north- erly line of that certain parcel of land deeded to City of Renton O #7302230482. CD cn Temporary construction easement: A strip of land, 25 feet wide, lying adjacent to the northerly line of the above described property lying between the westerly margin of Primary State Highway No. 5 (SR 167) and the west line of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 31 , Township 23 North, Range 5, East, W.M. said strip also known as the northerly 25 feet of the southerly 130 feet as measured from the southwesterly corner, northerly along the westerly line of the above described main tract.