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LLA 04131979
OF R�� s r1000 THE CITY OF RENTON U t$ 0 Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 gra CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT ra9A 235- 2550 0 40'F0 SEP1E���P MEMORANDUM TO: Ron Nelson, Supervisor Building Division FROM: Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director By: Roger J. Blaylock, Associate Planner RE : BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT - VASA HOMES On April 13, 1979, a Boundary Line Adjustment , LLA-003-79, was approved between Lots 12 and 13 of the Plat of Sunset Addition for Vasa Homes. A copy of the approved lot line adjustment is enclosed for your files. RJB:wr Attac • - hJ r\) Noire November 26. 1979 Vasa limes c/o Olympic Western Company 1900 South Puget Drive, Suite 200 Renton, Washington Attention: Mr. Robert Terhune Gentlemen: We have been advised of a lot line adiustmert between Lots 12 and 13 of Sunset Addition. Accordinp to the City Planning Department, 'this line adjustmart does not meet City ordinances and reouirerents. Please contact Roger Blaylock of the Planning Depart- ment, telephone 235-2550, for additional information and the proper procedures to follo for a reouested lot line adjustrent. Sincerely, WARREN C. GONNAFON, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Ronald C. Nelson Building Division Furervisor RCN/mp cc: Roger Blaylock Geoffrey A. ' orris 1420 Dayton Court Y.E. d i ' Nage '4400 OF 84,4 A. �y THE CITY OF RENTON © MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON.WASH.98055 o am. CHARLES J. DELAURENTI,MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT .0 co' 235- 2550 O,9gTcO SEPZ����P LZ/V °° 377 April 13, 1979 Vasa Homes P. 0. Box 461 Poulsbo, Washington 98370 Gentlemen : We have received from the Engineering Division your request for lot line adjustment for Lots 12 and 13 located in Sunset Addition. We have reviewed your requested side lot adjustment , and although it does not appear to be a desirable solution, it appears to be the only available solution due to the incorrect construction of the home on Lot 12 across the lot line into Lot 13. We have evaluated both the subdivi- sion and zoning requirements for the G-7200 district in which this property is located, and conclude that it does conform to the specific requirements for lot area and lot width. Therefore , we can agree to your proposed lot line adjustment . Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Very truly yours , Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director % / /. i' /," 7 t David R. Clemens Associate Planner DRC:wr cc: R. Houghton Supervisor, Engineering Division Now INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date April 5, 1979 TO: Dave Clemens, Planning Dept. FROM: R. Houghton, Supervisor, Engineering Div. SUBJECT: Vasa Homes - Sunset Terrace Attached is a boundary adjustment proposed by Vasa Homes for two lots in Sunset Terrace. They constructed the house as you can see on the sketch on the common lot line. Will the lot line adjustment method be sufficient in this case? RCH :pmp Attachment I d y ?'r A [10H LA F----) ',7 1 1 i t/ *.,_; ,,,,,,e -/, 3u. Le. , .. _AND DEVELjPMENT O1VIS 3N 450 KING L:CNTY ADMINI`-•7RATION BU; LDINGn SEATTLE , WASH. 9E,104 TEL : 344-7980 Lot A i , . • ,. •• , , • , .,,o't Line Ac ')u.s ta-nent limie '" 7'-,r \ '''/:::\.s':.''. ;^ . • i '''' ';::: . •'•',"' C.; .3-",, 1 ; / :,• ' ' f',:< • 27 '' : ,I NORTH , , — ' . ;-:y /57 // • . ..;•7-:,;.7 - :;! /— /,/7- .f.2';' , . , . . . -/ ;--.)- - ,-.:•;" ..-• - 7 ....,.- , 'I A „. \,....„ • c, ,%, \:\,\ . . . , ,,,. , -,... 'i.c) • . , . . t,,,:, . \--,, ,,c,, ,•‘. v, c,.;, .,• ( /-7e0 Fie,,.5:r...-7-2 ,,,,,,,----- ./,,A,,,,,:- ,,,. • N , A : \ ,, 7 . , " /V -,":,/ -,./ /. ,.-.-21 /..----- • \ ' \ ' r/ (2.r V,I - . .,, !•,4 • i , ...._ .__ . .• •, ..- ., ; A _ ,. , _......._ __________ ' C4- -., A.-I"' ...!"..--, „..--• „, N• ,,---/ ..:,,":, - 71 N g(%- ,1— - /- ,L,;---t:.:‘ LI: •N kN' 1 /.7.:X/,..7 77/e/('; I\\ N' , ' ''T/. ,—7 //r(/:_•,--,,--,: ,_ ,..::: .,• (.'7--- ZiA 7/5, '•J•4 : . ,.. _7------/- • • ., /r-1 - ----0,-, . ; ///•g(-7-,' -,_5-27. f.r.."7 /c---- ! Do Not Write Below This 7 _ne :1',„K.ii:vw,:rA,•-•: ;•.,!.5w;17...44,,,k.,. ,-;,!?,.*z,,...,q •.,L.•115MIMISEMINEKagnaallaMONNIMMINalli Lj Approvi is hereby granted subject to : 0 Disapproved becaus : „, .., , DI or .go, N i IUIAIII.-.. .” /ze-e., e_ce( og _ ligi9 ...... _ . , .., P / anner at NOTE: A ::oval of tcis adjustment does not assure the property owner that tl-,... subject -,:.7.1-operty it..7,, If as satisfied the State and County sub- division recl, Lrements ,',-. ... ,7. :.:.s-i17 Elnd King County Title 19) . Please be advised that building permits ,,,I1 . not be issued to lots which ha.'-e not ,,:omplied with the requirements of said statutue and code.