HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_WSDOT_SEPA_Comments_190930_v11 Clark Close From:McColloch, Duffy <McCollD@wsdot.wa.gov> Sent:Monday, September 30, 2019 8:42 AM To:Josh Meharry Cc:Patrick Hansen-Lund; Tim Rhodes; Clark Close Subject:RE: 1300 Bronson Way N - CITC headquarters SEPA Hi all, After further research this project lies within a break in SR 900, which is now fully turned over to the City of Renton. WSDOT no longer has jurisdiction. This shows up on various maps incorrectly and there is actually a break in SR 900 between mile markers 9.93 and 12.50. Highway Log. Sorry for the confusion but there is no need for a formal WSDOT review or permitting process for this. Thanks, Duffy McColloch, 206-440-4713 Local Agency/Development Services Engineer WSDOT – NW Region Development Services From: Josh Meharry <josh@rhodesarchitecture.com> Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2019 1:07 PM To: McColloch, Duffy <McCollD@wsdot.wa.gov> Cc: Patrick Hansen-Lund <patrick@hl.engineering>; Tim Rhodes <tim@rhodesarchitecture.com> Subject: Re: 1300 Bronson Way N - CITC headquarters SEPA Hi Duffy- The signed application form is attached below. Thanks, JOSH MEHARRY RA. LEED AP. Office I 206.933.1257 Direct l 206.552.5359 RHODES ARCHITECTURE + LIGHT 4218 SW ALASKA STREET, SUITE G SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98116 WWW.RHODESARCHITECTURE.COM On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 9:13 AM Josh Meharry <josh@rhodesarchitecture.com> wrote: Thanks Duffy, I'll work on getting this signed as soon as possible. JOSH MEHARRY RA. LEED AP. 2 Office I 206.933.1257 Direct l 206.552.5359 RHODES ARCHITECTURE + LIGHT 4218 SW ALASKA STREET, SUITE G SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98116 WWW.RHODESARCHITECTURE.COM On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 9:08 AM McColloch, Duffy <McCollD@wsdot.wa.gov> wrote: Electronic signature is fine. Duffy McColloch, 206-440-4713 Local Agency/Development Services Engineer WSDOT – NW Region Development Services From: Josh Meharry <josh@rhodesarchitecture.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2019 9:08 AM To: McColloch, Duffy <McCollD@wsdot.wa.gov> Cc: Patrick Hansen-Lund <patrick@hl.engineering>; Tim Rhodes <tim@rhodesarchitecture.com> Subject: Re: 1300 Bronson Way N - CITC headquarters SEPA Thanks Duffy- Will an electronic signature be sufficient, or does this need to be wet signed and scanned. Halene is out of town until 10/10, so it will likely be easiest for her to add her electronic signature. Thanks, JOSH MEHARRY RA. LEED AP. Office I 206.933.1257 Direct l 206.552.5359 RHODES ARCHITECTURE + LIGHT 4218 SW ALASKA STREET, SUITE G SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98116 WWW.RHODESARCHITECTURE.COM 3 On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 9:04 AM McColloch, Duffy <McCollD@wsdot.wa.gov> wrote: Please see attached for the draft JZ app for Halene’s signature. We prefer an electronic signature or having it signed, scanned, and emailed back. Once we get this signed document back I will begin our review and have comments back within 3 weeks of JZ app activation. I was able to pull the documents that were submitted to Renton for use in our review. I’m still researching the R/W in this area to confirm what kind of coordination with our Real Estate Services group might be needed. Pat, To answer your last question, the ramps are technically not under WSDOT jurisdiction for Managed Access SR 900, but the ADA routes are, which will trigger the MEF documentation review on our end. Thanks, Duffy McColloch, 206-440-4713 Local Agency/Development Services Engineer WSDOT – NW Region Development Services From: Josh Meharry <josh@rhodesarchitecture.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2019 11:20 AM To: Patrick Hansen-Lund <patrick@hl.engineering> Cc: McColloch, Duffy <McCollD@wsdot.wa.gov>; Tim Rhodes <tim@rhodesarchitecture.com> Subject: Re: 1300 Bronson Way N - CITC headquarters SEPA Hi Duffy + Pat- CITC's Federal Tax ID/EIN is: 91-1283628 4 JOSH MEHARRY RA. LEED AP. Office I 206.933.1257 Direct l 206.552.5359 RHODES ARCHITECTURE + LIGHT 4218 SW ALASKA STREET, SUITE G SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98116 WWW.RHODESARCHITECTURE.COM On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 10:10 AM Patrick Hansen-Lund <patrick@hl.engineering> wrote: Hello Duffy, we’re looking forward to working with you. As Clark with the City mentioned, the plans (including civil street plans) have been submitted to the City for a Land Use Permit review. I’d estimate that puts the civil plans at approximately 30% construction document level of completion. Those plans are available now, if you’d like them and don’t have the set from the City - let me know and we’ll send you a set. In a nutshell, the proposed improvements on Bronson Way North are pretty minor: · The existing curbs and street light remain in place except at intersections where we are installing new curb returns; behind the curb we are replacing the sidewalk and existing asphalt pavements with new, wider sidewalk and landscape strip as required by the City. · The right of way dedication width requirement has been revised in coordination with the City: to make a long story short a blanket 6.5’ dedication didn’t make sense, and I’d be glad to meet with you to give you the full backstory on why the City revised that requirement. A variable width “sliver" dedication is now proposed. · The City has mentioned requirements for the Bronson Way North pedestrian ramps to be upgraded, and we have not yet studied the MEF possibilities for each ramp. Are those Bronson Way ramps solely under the jurisdiction of WSDOT? For the jZ account, please use this info: Name: Halene Sigmund Title: President, CITC 5 Phone: (425) 454-2482 E-mail: halene@citcwa.com Federal Tax ID No. or EIN: (Josh, can Halene provide this?) Please advise on next steps; I’m happy to send you plans, CAD, or meet with you at the site to discuss further. Thanks, -Pat ______________________ Patrick Hansen-Lund, P.E. Project Manager (858) 581-0754 HL Engineering Sustainable Civil Engineering Solutions http://www.hl.engineering On Sep 24, 2019, at 9:49 AM, McColloch, Duffy <McCollD@wsdot.wa.gov> wrote: 6 Hi Pat, Kicking this off WSDOT needs a JZ account open, which is a reimbursable account for WSDOT’s time spent in the review and agreement creation. See comment 3 in my initial email for the info I need to begin setting this up. Once I get the contact info requested I can send the request over for signature. What percent complete are the plans? From a quick glance I believe you’ve submitted enough to Renton to begin our review. Some things that we may need that were not provided are MEF documentation for the ADA ramps at the parallel ped crossings at Bronson Way as it appears these crossings lie within WSDOT ROW and further detail on what exactly the project is requesting for ROW revisions along the Bronson Way frontage (stated in the Notice of DNS). I will need to run that by our real estate services to see if there is anything we need to do for this. “…and revise the width of right-of-way dedication along Bronson Way N from six and one-half feet to a variable dimension that holds the existing curbline. “ Thanks, Duffy McColloch, 206-440-4713 Local Agency/Development Services Engineer WSDOT – NW Region Development Services From: Josh Meharry <josh@rhodesarchitecture.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2019 9:24 AM To: McColloch, Duffy <McCollD@wsdot.wa.gov> Cc: Clark Close <CClose@rentonwa.gov>; Patrick Hansen-Lund (patrick@hl.engineering) <patrick@hl.engineering>; Tim Rhodes <tim@rhodesarchitecture.com> Subject: Re: 1300 Bronson Way N - CITC headquarters SEPA Thanks Duffy- 7 Please let us know what you can use and the ideal time frame that this would happen within to start WSDOT's process, and I'm sure Pat and his team can coordinate this with you as needed. Best, JOSH MEHARRY RA. LEED AP. Office I 206.933.1257 Direct l 206.552.5359 RHODES ARCHITECTURE + LIGHT 4218 SW ALASKA STREET, SUITE G SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98116 WWW.RHODESARCHITECTURE.COM On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 9:18 AM McColloch, Duffy <McCollD@wsdot.wa.gov> wrote: Thanks Clark. Please use my 3 comments in my initial email as my comments on the SEPA notice. This project impacts Managed Access SR 900 so WSDOT does need to do a review and potential agreement to ok the work on Bronson Way, but this is won’t hold up the SEPA process. Our review is separate and would be between WSDOT and the developer. It is not uncommon to have the SEPA notice be WSDOT’s first notice of project impacts and we then initiate our process from there. I will work directly with Josh or Pat on getting this underway on our end. Thanks, Duffy McColloch, 206-440-4713 Local Agency/Development Services Engineer WSDOT – NW Region Development Services 8 From: Clark Close <CClose@Rentonwa.gov> Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2019 8:54 AM To: McColloch, Duffy <McCollD@wsdot.wa.gov> Cc: Josh Meharry <josh@rhodesarchitecture.com>; Patrick Hansen-Lund (patrick@hl.engineering) <patrick@hl.engineering>; Tim Rhodes <tim@rhodesarchitecture.com> Subject: RE: 1300 Bronson Way N - CITC headquarters SEPA Duffy, Thanks for your email. As you are aware, the City has accepted a land use application for Construction Industry Training Council (CITC). CITC is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental (SEPA) Review, and a Street Modification to reuse a majority of the existing truck repair and parts depot building, as well as add a partial second floor addition for CITC’s Headquarters and Campus. Project construction is expected to begin in May 2020 and end by September 2021. All project submittal items are available on the City’s website at https://edocs.rentonwa.gov/Documents/Browse.aspx?id=8017927&dbid=0&repo=CityofRenton . As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS-M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. Comments on CITC Headquarters are due by 5:00 PM on October 4, 2019. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non- Significance-Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS- M. As part of the initial SEPA process, if you have some comments or questions beyond what has been submitted I could look at placing the project on hold until such information can be made available for review. Let me know if you have any questions about the City’s process procedures for land use review. Thanks, Clark H. Close Senior Planner 9 City of Renton 425-430-7289 From: Josh Meharry <josh@rhodesarchitecture.com> Sent: Monday, September 23, 2019 1:46 PM To: McColloch, Duffy <McCollD@wsdot.wa.gov> Cc: Clark Close <CClose@Rentonwa.gov>; Patrick Hansen-Lund (patrick@hl.engineering) <patrick@hl.engineering>; Tim Rhodes <tim@rhodesarchitecture.com> Subject: Re: 1300 Bronson Way N - CITC headquarters SEPA Thanks for your email Duffy. I'm looping in the project's Civil Engineer (Pat Hansen-Lund) for his reference. Clark, would you mind clarifying what Renton's preferred process and timing is for the required WSDOT review? Thanks, JOSH MEHARRY RA. LEED AP. Office I 206.933.1257 Direct l 206.552.5359 RHODES ARCHITECTURE + LIGHT 4218 SW ALASKA STREET, SUITE G SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98116 WWW.RHODESARCHITECTURE.COM On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 1:28 PM McColloch, Duffy <McCollD@wsdot.wa.gov> wrote: Clark and Josh, I received the SEPA notice in the mail, checked out the plans submitted, and would like to follow up with questions/comments. 10 1. How far along are these plans? When is the construction planned? 2. Because this is effecting SR 900 (Bronson Way N), a managed access state route highway, WSDOT will have to do a review of the proposed Right-of-Way impacts, roadway paving and access impacts, MEF and channelization, clear zone, SR 900 focused traffic control plans, and possibly traffic analysis review, which would lead to a construction agreement. We might also need a basis of design. 3. To begin the process of a WSDOT review we will need to set up a JZ account so WSDOT can get reimbursed for its review. To do this we’d need the name, title, contact info for someone who has signing authority with CITC, as well as their Federal Tax ID # or EIN. We can start this review now, with what was submitted in the application linked in the notice, or we can wait until an official submittal to WSDOT. Either way we probably will not be able to hit the October 4th deadline for further comments on this notice. Initial reviews typically take 3 weeks on our end. In that case the above comments can act as WSDOT’s comments for this notice. Thanks, Duffy McColloch Local Agency/Development Services Engineer 206-440-4713 WSDOT – NW Region Development Services 15700 Dayton Avenue North Seattle, WA 98133