HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal HPA App_31May19WASHINGTON STATE
Standard Hydraulic Project
Application ID :18174
Online Submission
Draft Application
01. Application
* Application Type:
* I am applying for a General HPA.
* Site Description:
The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) owns the property which is used as a
pedestrian and bicycle trail as part of the Cedar River trail system, which originates in the Renton area and
runs south adjacent to WA-169 where it terminates near Landsburg Park. The City of Renton owns the
property on the west side of the river where the in-water work elements will occur.
* Are you applying for a long-term HPA for agricultural irrigation or stock watering purposes
under RCW 77.55.021 (9)(c)?
02. Project Identification * Project Name (A name for your project that you create. Examples: Smithǯs Dock or Seabrook Lane
Cedar River Trail Trestle Bridge Repairs
* NonSimplified Project Type(s) (check all that apply):
Water Crossing Structure
03. Applicant * Business Name (if applicable)
City of Renton, Parks Division
* First Name
* Last Name
* Address 1
Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way
* Address 2
Sixth Floor
* City
* State/Province
* Zip Code (12345 or 12345-1234)
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03. Applicant * Country
United States
* Primary Phone No (555-555-5555 Ext.)
* Mobile Phone No (555-555-5555)
* Email
04. Applicant Account
* Please select one applicant account type
Government ȂCity
05. Authorized Agent or
* Business Name (if applicable)
* First Name
* Last Name
* Address 1
33301 9th Ave S
* City
Federal Way
* State/Province
* Zip Code (12345 or 12345-1234)
* Country
United States
* Primary Phone No (555-555-5555 Ext.)
* Mobile Phone No (555-555-5555)
* Email
06. Property Owner(s)* Check here if Property Owner is the same as Applicant
* Business Name (if applicable)
City of Renton, Parks Division
* First Name
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06. Property Owner(s)* Last Name
* Address 1
Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way
* Address 2
Sixth Floor
* City
* State/Province
* Zip Code (12345 or 12345-1234)
* Country
United States
* Primary Phone No (555-555-5555 Ext.)
* Mobile Phone No (555-555-5555)
* Email
07. Project Location * Location
Site Name:
Work Start Date: Work End Date:
Address: , King, WA, United States
Latitude: Longtitude:
WRIA: Stream Number: Stream Name:
Parcel No: 100 Year Flood:
Drive Direction:
08. Project Description * Will you be operating equipment in water?
* Type of equipment used
The standard construction equipment that will be required includes a crane, generators, air compressors, and
the hand and power tools used to conduct the repairs.
* Summarize the overall project.
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08. Project Description The City Parks Department proposes maintenance repairs of an existing pedestrian bridge over the Cedar
River in Renton, Washington. The proposed repairs include elements that occur within and over the Cedar
River. Repairs will also consist of actions that occur in uplands adjacent to the river.
The timber elements of the bridge and approach trestle were the subject of BergerABAMǯs 2017 and 2018
inspections, which found degradation in two of the timber piles supporting the north abutment and in some
of the timbers in the pad supporting the steel truss bridge. Timber lagging for the abutment has deteriorated
and the subsequent loss of material weakened the abutment. The proposed repairs will rebuild the abutment
within its current footprint by repairing timber piles, repairing/replacing timber lagging, and replacing lost
material behind the lagging.
* Describe how you plan to construct each project element. Include specific construction methods
and equipment to be used. Identify where each element will occur in relation to the nearest
waterbody. Indicate which activities are within the 100-year flood plain.
In- and Over-water Repairs
Proposed project activities that are to occur in water include the repairs to the damaged west pier. This
includes the replacement of piles, timber facing, and riprap behind the facing. Accumulated debris observed
in the steel truss will also be cleaned to minimize future deterioration of the structure.
Two 12-inch timber piles at the west bridge pier will be replaced with12-inch steel pipe piles. Existing timber
piles will be cut off just below mudline and hoisted out by a boom crane. Piles will be installed by setting the
new steel pile on the existing pile stub, preloading the new steel pile, and welding the pile extension into
place. Pile replacement will not result in any additional fill as the existing soil will be placed back into the
Timber Facing
Failing timber facing above and below the OHWM will be removed, replaced in kind, and secured with lag
bolts. Timber facing in good condition will be removed and reinstalled with lag bolts. The facing will be
secured to the new steel piles with U-bolts. A total of approximately 10 timber boards will be installed (Sheets
5 and 6).
Riprap will be confined to the footprint of the pier and will be contained by the piles and timber facing. The
placement of additional riprap will not expand the footprint of shoreline armoring. Light, loose pieces of
riprap will be placed in an approximate 4-foot linear section at the base of the west bridge timber piles
(Sheets 5 and 6). Riprap placement will be per 2018 WSDOT standards ([9-13.1(4)] Hand Placed Riprap).
Hand-placed riprap will be nearly rectangular in shape and 60 percent of the hand-placed riprap will have a
volume of no less than 1 cubic foot. All riprap stones will be greater than 6 inches thick.
Organic Loose Debris Removal
Additionally, the applicant proposes to remove the loose organic debris by hand within the bottom of the
bridge trestle. The work will be fully contained and the contractor will not allow debris to enter the river
Adjacent Upland Repairs
Adjacent upland repairs to the bridge trestle include repairs made to the portal frame. For these repairs,
loose debris will be contained and removed by hand. Struts will be trimmed above the rivets and steel angles
will be installed and bolted into place. The center gusset splice will be installed and welded prior to welding
steel bars to the angles. The contractor will employ appropriate BMPs for the upland repairs to prevent
impacts to the Cedar River.
* Requested Project Start Date:
* Requested Project End Date:
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09. Waterbodies (other
than wetlands): Impacts
and Mitigation
* Describe how the project is designed to avoid and minimize adverse impacts to the aquatic
The proposed project is confined to the limits of the existing pier structure. Replacement of timber pile and
facing will not expand the footprint of the existing structure and will not further encroach into the Cedar
River. Replacement of backfill material (riprap) will occur behind the facing. The proposed project will not
result in a loss of waters of the Unites States and thus will have no effect on the surrounding aquatic habitat.
In addition, the following minimization measures and best management practices (BMPs) will be employed
during construction to minimize project impacts.
Minimization Measures
ȈOver-water work will be conducted only during the approved in-water work window for salmon and bull
trout in the Cedar River (16 July to 31 August).
ȈProject construction will be completed in compliance with Washington State Water Quality Standards
(Washington Administrative Code [WAC] 173-201A), including
Petroleum products, fresh cement, lime, concrete, chemicals, or other toxic or deleterious materials will not
be allowed to enter surface waters.
There will be no discharge of oil, fuels, or chemicals to surface waters or onto land where there is a potential
for reentry into surface waters.
Fuel hoses, oil drums, oil or fuel transfer valves, fittings, etc., will be checked regularly for leaks, and
materials will be maintained and stored properly to prevent spills.
ȈThe contractor will prepare a spill prevention, control, and countermeasures (SPCC) plan, and it will be used
during all demolition and construction operations. A copy of the plan with any updates will be maintained at
the work site.
The SPCC plan will outline BMPs, responsive actions in the event of a spill or release, and notification and
reporting procedures. The plan will also outline management elements, such as personnel responsibilities,
project site security, site inspections, and training.
The SPCC plan will outline the measures to prevent the release or spread of hazardous materials found on
site or encountered during construction but not identified in contract documents, including any hazardous
materials that are stored, used, or generated on site during construction. These items include, but are not
limited to, gasoline, diesel fuel, oils, and chemicals.
Applicable spill response equipment and material designated in the SPCC plan will be maintained at the job
General BMPs
ȈChecking equipment for leaks and other problems that could result in the discharge of petroleum-based
products or other material into the water.
ȈCorrective actions will be taken in the event of any discharge of oil, fuel, or chemicals into the water,
including the following.
Containment and cleanup efforts will begin immediately upon discovery of the spill and be completed in an
expeditious manner in accordance with all local, state, and federal regulations.
Spill response will take precedence over normal work. Cleanup will include proper disposal of any spilled
material and used cleanup material.
The cause of the spill will be ascertained and appropriate actions taken to prevent further incidents or
environmental damage.
Spills will be reported to the Washington State Department of Ecologyǯs (Ecology) Northwest Regional Spill
Response Office at 425/649-7000.
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ȈExcess or waste materials will not be disposed of or abandoned waterward of the OHWM or allowed to
enter waters of the state. Waste materials will be disposed of in an appropriate manner consistent with
applicable local, state, and federal regulations.
ȈDemolition and construction materials will not be stored where upland runoff can cause materials to enter
surface waters.
ȈOil-absorbent materials will be present on site to use in the event of a spill or if any oil product is observed in
the water.
* Will your project impact a waterbody or the area around a waterbody?
* Describe how your project will impact a waterbody or the area around a waterbody.
Proposed project activities that are to occur in water include the repairs to the damaged west pier. This
includes the replacement of piles, timber facing, and riprap behind the facing. The proposed project is
confined to the limits of the existing pier structure and temporarily disturbed areas will be restored to their
previous condition.
* Describe impact(s) that cannot be avoided through project design and implementation. For each
location, please include the following:General location description where the impact(s) will occur
(e.g. stream bank, beach front, 2-foot strip from bank, portion of gravel bar, etc.)Provide length,
quantities, and/or area of impact
Approximately two cubic yards of light, loose pieces of riprap will be placed in an approximate 4-foot-linear
section at the base of the west bridge timber piles. Riprap will be contained within the piles and timber facing
and will not expand the footprint of shoreline armoring. Riprap placement will be per 2018 WSDOT standards
([9-13.1(4)] Hand Placed Riprap). Hand-placed riprap will be nearly rectangular in shape and 60 percent of the
hand-placed riprap will have a volume of no less than 1 cubic foot. All riprap stones will be greater than 6
inches thick. Riprap placement will occur within the original footprint of existing riprap at the west bridge pier
and will be contained by the timber facing.
* Have you prepared a mitigation plan to compensate for the projectǯs adverse impacts to non-
wetland waterbodies?
* Have you prepared a mitigation plan to compensate for the projectǯs adverse impacts to non-
wetland waterbodies?
The proposed project is a routine maintenance and repair activity that is confined to the limits of the existing
structure. The proposed maintenance repairs will be conducted within the original footprint of the structure
and will not result in the expansion of the existing footprint. Temporarily disturbed areas will be restored to
their previous condition. As such, a mitigation plan was not prepared for this project. However, best
management practices (BMPs) will be employed as necessary by the contractor to avoid and minimize
project impacts to the Cedar River.
* Describe the source and nature of any fill material, amount (in cubic yards) you will use, and how
and where it will be placed into the waterbody.
Approximately two cubic yards of light, loose pieces of riprap will be placed in an approximate 4-foot-linear
section at the base of the west bridge timber piles. Riprap will be contained within the piles and timber facing
and will not expand the footprint of shoreline armoring. Riprap placement will be per 2018 WSDOT standards
([9-13.1(4)] Hand Placed Riprap). Hand-placed riprap will be nearly rectangular in shape and 60 percent of the
hand-placed riprap will have a volume of no less than 1 cubic foot. All riprap stones will be greater than 6
inches thick. Riprap placement will occur within the original footprint of existing riprap at the west bridge pier
and will be contained by the timber facing.
* For all excavating or dredging activities, describe the method for excavating or dredging type and
amount of material you will remove, and where the material will be disposed.
Not Applicable.
10. SEPA Compliance * Compliance with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA).
For more information about SEPA, go to "http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/sea/sepa/e-
This project is exempt. I will upload, mail, or deliver a draft of the SEPA Letter of Exemption as part of this
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10. SEPA Compliance * Choose Type Of Exemption.
Categorical Exemption
* Under what section of the SEPA administrative code (WAC) is it exempt?
WAC 197-11-800.3
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