HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN_Project_Narrative_190917_V1.pdf August 22, 2019 Matt Herrera Senior Planner City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Re: Canopy – Project Narrative CORE Project No. 18054 Dear Matt Herrera: In support of the Canopy Preliminary Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat we are providing this Project Narrative. • Project name o Canopy Preliminary Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat • Size o 5 parcels that are approximately 10.1 acres • Location; o East side of Lincoln Avenue NE between NE 40th Street on the south and parcel shy of NE 43rd Place on the north.  4130 Lincoln Ave. Ne, 8314 110TH PL SE. and 3 parcels north of these.  Parcels: 3345700015, 3345700016, 3345700017, 3345700018, 3345700020 • Land use permits required for proposed project; o This project will have a Preliminary Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat done with all supporting submittals.  It is our intent to develop the site into fee-simple lots for individual ownership. • Zoning designation of the site and adjacent properties; o The site is zoned R-8  North zoning, R-8, 8 Dwelling Units/Acre  South zoning, R-8, 8 Dwelling Units/Acre  East zoning – City of Newcastle, R-04  West zoning – CA, Commercial Arterial • Current use of the site and any existing improvements; August 2019 Matt Herrera Page 2 J:\2018\18054\Submittals\2019-08-XX PPlat and PPUD\PPUD\05. Project Narrative.docx o The current use of the site is single family residential on two parcels and the other three are vacant. • Special site features (i.e. wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes); o This site is encumbered with wetlands, a stream and steep slopes. • Statement addressing soil type and drainage conditions; See Geotech report for more detail. o In general, the soil conditions observed in the test pits consisted of 2 to 24 inches of topsoil overlying medium dense to dense sandy silt and silty sand with varying gravel content (weathered till) overlying dense sandy silt, silt with sand, and silty sand with varying gravel content (glacial till) to the terminus of the test pits. There were three exceptions to this general condition. At Test Pits TP-2 and TP-7, we observed two to two and one-half feet of loose to medium dense inorganic fill overlying the native till soils. At Test Pit TP-8, we observed dense sand to sand with silt underlying the upper approximately six feet of glacial till. At Test Pit TP-1, underlying the upper topsoil horizon, we observed medium dense to dense sand and sand with silt to the terminus of the test pit. o Groundwater, We observed light to moderate, perched groundwater seepage in seven of the nine test pits at depths ranging from one and one-half to eight feet. The groundwater seepage was generally noted to flow near the contact between the upper weathered and existing fill soils and the dense to very dense native glacial till. This is typical for sites underlain by glacial till and occurs as a result of rainfall that infiltrates through the upper weathered soil zone and becomes perched on the underlying dense till. The dense till soils have a relatively low permeability that impedes the continued downward migration of the infiltrated rainfall. As a result, groundwater seepage will develop and tend to flow laterally along the contact. Locally, such seepage is referred to as interflow. Scattered across much of the eastern half of the property, we observed areas where groundwater was seeping from the ground surface. In our opinion, these ground seeps are the result of shallow interflow encountering impermeable layers near the ground surface. The occurrence of interflow will fluctuate seasonally with the highest seepage levels occurring during the normally wet winter to late spring months (November to May). Based on the time of year of our exploration, the groundwater observed is likely near the seasonal high levels. • Proposed use of the property and scope of the proposed development; o The property will be single family homes that gain access from both alleys and the main public road going through the project. There will be two stormwater vaults with open space on top of them. • For plats indicate the proposed number, net density and range of sizes (net lot area) o 55 lots o Net density is 6.9 dwelling units per acre o Lots range from 2,050 sf to 3,932 sf • Access; o Access will be from Lincoln Avenue NE on the west and NE 40th Street on the south August 2019 Matt Herrera Page 3 J:\2018\18054\Submittals\2019-08-XX PPlat and PPUD\PPUD\05. Project Narrative.docx • Proposed off-site improvements (i.e. installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.); o Frontage improvements along Lincoln Avenue NE on the west and NE 40th Street on the south will be installed in front of our property o There also will be new utilities in Lincoln Ave NE • Total estimated construction cost and estimated fair market value of the proposed project will be assessed as the construction plans develop and market value can be established. • Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed; o This property will have excavation volume of approximately 16,395 cubic yards. o Fill will be minimum if at all. All materials needed for fill will be from an approved source by the City of Renton at time of engineering plan approval or construction. • Number, type and size of any trees to be removed; o Per the arborist report and tree retention plan:  Per the 30% requirement, Canopy will be shy of the required tree retention. Replacement trees will be planted per an agreed upon amount with the City. • Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City; o New right-of-way for the spine road will be dedicated along with the alleys and frontage. o 2 storm tracts will have easements over them for maintenance o An additional 4,296 SF of existing parcel 3345700015, shown as ROW 3 on the improvement plans, will be dedicated to the city. This area is adjacent to the existing ROW and currently has a portion of the existing roadway within it. • Any proposed job shacks, sales trailers, and/or model homes; and any proposed modifications being requested (include written justification). o The project will have a model home and job shack. o Proposed modifications below:  Minimum Lot Size, Minimum Lot Width, Minimum Lot Depth, Minimum Front Yard, Minimum Rear and Yard, Minimum Secondary Front Yard, Maximum Building Coverage., Maximum Impervious Surface Area, Maximum wall plate height, Retaining Wall Height, Horizontal Curves, Tangents for Reverse Curves, Dead End Street turnaround. • For projects located within 100 feet of a stream or wetland, please include: Distance in feet from the wetland or stream to the nearest area of work. o Approximately 53’ is the closest area of work to a stream or wetland. • For projects located within 200-feet of Black River, Cedar River, Springbrook Creek, May Creek and Lake Washington please include the following additional information: o Not applicable, over 700’ from May Creek. • Distance from closest area of work to the ordinary high water mark; o 53’ • Description of the nature of the existing shoreline; and the approximate location of and number of residential units, existing and potential, that will have an obstructed view in the event the proposed project exceeds a height of 35-feet above the average grade level. August 2019 Matt Herrera Page 4 J:\2018\18054\Submittals\2019-08-XX PPlat and PPUD\PPUD\05. Project Narrative.docx o There is no shoreline on-site. o There will be no existing residential units that will have obstructed views. The two homes on-site will be demolished in favor of the project. Sincerely, CORE DESIGN, INC. Holli Heavrin, P.E. Associate Partner Project Manager