HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRE_PreApp_Meeting_Notes_190817_V1.pdfPREAPPLICATION MEETING FOR Goodwin Cottages PUD 4196 Lincoln PI NE PRE18-000262 CITY OF RENTON Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division May 3, 2018 Contact Information: Planner: Matt Herrera, 425.430.6593 Public Works Plan Reviewer: Rohini Nair, 425.430.7298 Fire Prevention Reviewer: Corey Thomas, 425.430.7024 Building Department Reviewer: Craig Burnell, 425.430.7290 Please retain this packet throughout the course of your project as a reference. Consider giving copies of it to any engineers, architects, and contractors who work on the project. You will need to submit a copy of this packet when you apply for land use and/or environmental permits. Pre-screening: When you have the project application ready for submittal, call and schedule an appointment with the project manager to have it pre-screened before making all of the required copies. The pre -application meeting is informal and non-binding. The comments provided on the proposal are based on the codes and policies in effect at the time of review. The applicant is cautioned that the development regulations are regularly amended and the proposal will be formally reviewed under the regulations in effect at the time of project submittal. The information contained in this summary is subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision -makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Planning Director, Development Services Director, Department of Community & Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator and City Council). � - � - - -- -- - - - ... ... - �- - - = - -- - - �� -- � ... - - - �-'�- � � - - - - - "- - - - - -- - ��. - - - - '= -- - - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - ... � � - - - - - - - '� �� '�- � - -- - - � - ���� - - -- - -- ,. - -- - = _ - - - -- - -- - ... - ----- � � - '� �-- - ,� - �� - - __ - - - uL - _ - - - - - - � - - � - - �. --- - - - � - - - _ - - == p' - -- '� - ' �� � � � � � � � � p' - - -- - �- - - � ...... - -- - - - - - - -=' - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - � - - - - - - - - - --- - - - �� ... � - - - ' FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: April 18, 2018 TO: Matt Herrera, Senior Planner FROM: Corey Thomas, Lead Plans Review Inspector SUBJECT: Goodwin Short Plat 3 1. The fire flow requirement for a single family home is 1,000 gpm minimum for dwellings up to 3,600 square feet (including garage and basements). If the dwelling exceeds 3,600 square feet, a minimum of 1,500 gpm fire flow would be required. A minimum of one fire hydrant is required within 300 -feet of the proposed buildings and two hydrants if the fire flow goes up to 1,500 gpm. There are no existing hydrants or water mains directly adjacent to this site and they will have to be extended to and within the site. Proposed site is located within two different water service provider areas, City of Renton and Coal Creek Water District. 2. The fire impact fees are currently applicable at the rate of $964.53 per single family unit. This fee is paid at time of building permit issuance. 3. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required to be a minimum of 20 -feet wide fully paved, with 25 -feet inside and 45 -feet outside turning radius. Access is required within 150 - feet of all points on the buildings. Maximum grade is 15 percent. Approved fire department turnarounds are required for dead end roads that exceed 150 -feet long. Hammerhead type turnarounds are only allowed for streets up to 300 -feet long. Full 90 -foot diameter cul-de-sac is required for dead end streets longer than 300 -feet. Dead end streets are limited to 700 -feet maximum. Proposal as shown does not meet minimum turning radius requirements and dead end streets show either no turnaround or turnarounds that are not allowed due to length of dead end. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY 14 & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT K;R M E M O R A N D U M DATE: May 1, 2018 TO: Matt Herrera, Senior Planner FROM: Rohini Nair, Civil Engineer III SUBJECT: Pre -Application Comments for Goodwin Cottages PUD PRE18-000262 I have reviewed the pre -application submittal for Goodwin Cottages PUD at the east side of Lincoln Ave NE. (KC Parcel ID: 3345700020, 3345700016, 3345790018, 3345790017). The applicant is proposing to subdivide the existing lot into six lots for single family homes. WATER COMMENTS WATER The west half of the subject property is within the City of Renton's water service area and the east half of the property is within Coal Creek Utility District's (CCUD) water service area. The applicant needs to contact CCUD Manager and request a certificate of water availability for the east half of the property. In order for the City to also provide water service to the east half of the property, the applicant needs to obtain a written authorization from CCUD for the release of the District's service area for the east half of the property to the City. The written authorization from CCUD shall be provided to the City along with a preliminary utility plan for the land use application for the project. A map showing the boundary of the water service area between the City and CCUD and of the conceptual water extension layout is attached. All existing private well(s) within the subject property shall be abandoned in accordance with the Department of Ecology standards. A copy of a licensed well driller's report confirming the abandonment of the well(s) shall be provided to the City. There is an existing 12 inch diameter water main in Lincoln Ave NE (refer to City water project plan no. W-2345) that ends near the south property line that can provide a maximum flowrate of 2,800 gallons per minute. The water pressure is about 105 psi at ground elevation 78 feet. The following water main improvements will be required according to City codes and development regulations: Extension of approximately 500 feet of 12 inch diameter water main in Lincoln Avenue NE from an existing City's 12 -inch water line near the south property line of parcel 3345700015 to the to the north property line of the subject property. Installation of minimum 8 inch diameter interior water line within the new roadway in the subdivision, including fire hydrants, water service lines and meters. The City will determine the location and extent of the water main improvements and the number Goodwin Plat PUD — PRE18-000262 May 1, 2018 and placement of fire hydrants during our review of the final site plan for the subdivision. + A minimum 15 feet wide public easement should be provided along any water main located outside public right-of-way. • A 1 -inch water service and a 1 -inch water meter are required for each lot of the plat. • A pressure -reducing -valve (PRV) is required behind each water meter because the water pressure is over 80 psi. + Water system development charges (SDC) will be due at the time of utility construction permit issuance. The current water SDC fee for a 1 -inch service sizes is $3,727.00. e The water meter installation charge is $460 for a "drop-in" meter for each lot. The rate is subject to change and the rate that is current at the time of issuance of the utility construction permit will be applicable on the project. + Civil plans for the water main extension are required and shall be prepared by a professional engineer registered in the State of Washington. Please refer to City of Renton General Design and Construction Standards for Water Main Extensions as shown in Appendix J of the City's 2012 Water System Plan. SEWER COMMENTS The site is located on the east side of Lincoln Ave NE, which is in the Coal Creek Utility sewer service area. Please contact Coal Creek utility regarding the sewer service requirements. 2. The applicant shall obtain a sewer availability certificate from the Coal Creek Utility and submit a copy of the certificate to the City with the land use application. 3. A copy of the sewer main improvements plans, approved by Coal Creek Utility, shall be submitted to the City as part of the City's Utility Construction permit. STORM DRAINAGE COMMENTS 1. Drainage plans and a drainage report complying with the adopted 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual (RSWDM) will be required. Based on the City's flow control map, the site falls within the Flow Control Duration Standard (Forested Site Conditions) and is within the East Lake Washington — Bellevue South Drainage Basin. Stormwater BMPs applicable to the individual lots must be provided and information should be included in the land use application submittal. The site consists of high and moderate landslide areas. All stormwater improvements as per the drainage review along with stormwater improvements in the frontage are required to be provided by the developer. A geotechnical soils report for the site is required per the standards found in Section C.1.3 of the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual. Information on the water table and soil permeability (measured infiltration rates), with recommendations of appropriate on-site BMPs per Core Requirement #9 and Appendix C shall be included in the report. The geotech report should include information of the type of soil, presence of fill, suitability of full infiltration or limited infiltration on the site. The geotech report )p 4 Goodwin Plat PUD— PRE18-000262 May 1, 2018 should also include information of any critical areas in the site and any wet season construction restrictions. 3. The site slopes from east to west. There is a small section of 18 -inch diameter existing piped storm conveyance system that crosses Lincoln Ave NE. Reference Project File SWP2703578 in COR Maps for record drawings. 4. Storm drainage improvements along all streets (in the existing frontage and within site) are required to conform to the City's street standards. New storm drain shall be designed and sized in accordance with the standards found in Chapter 4 of the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual and shall account for future runoff from the total upstream tributary area. 5. A Construction Stormwater General Permit from the Washington Department of Ecology is required for projects with disturbance area exceeding one acre. 6. Surface water system development (SDC) fee will be applicable at the time of utility construction permit issuance. The current SDC rate for single family residence is $1,718.00 per dwelling. The rate that is current at the time of the utility construction permit issuance will be applicable on the project. The fee rate can be obtained from the Fee schedule at the city of Renton website https://www.rentonwa.gov/city_hall/administrative_Services/finance/budget/. 7. A Construction Stormwater General Permit from the Washington Department of Ecology will be required if site clearing exceeds one acre. 8. The development is subject to stormwater system development charges (SDCs) for the new lots. The 2018 stormwater SDC for a new single family home is $1,718. The SDC that is current is due at the time of construction permit issuance. TRANSPORTATIONI5TREET COMMENTS 1. The 2018 transportation impact fees for a single family home is $5,430.85. Transportation impact fees that are current are payable at the time of building permit issuance for each new home. 2. The site has frontage on Lin( In Ave NE, a collector arljecial.strzt. RMC 4-6-060 includes a minimum ROW width of 83 feet for a two lane collector arterial street, along with street frontage elements. The minimum required street improvements on collector arterial as per RMC 4-6-060 includes a travel paved width of 30 feet, 8 -feet wide on - street parking lane on both sides, 0.5 -feet wide curbs, 8 -feet wide planters, 8 -feet wide sidewalk, 1 to 2 feet wide clear width back of sidewalk, stormwater improvements, and street lighting. The existing ROW is of varying width along Lincoln Ave NE. The required half street improvements and the ROW required in the half street should be provided by the developer. The ROW should include all street and frontage elements and include the clear width back of the sidewalk. The allowed slope back of sidewalk is 4H: 1V. Final determination of specific right-of-way dedication will be confirmed when the survey and preliminary engineering design is complete. The plans submitted with the land use application should include the street sections and should show and label the centerline of the roadway, the centerline of the pavement, the existing ROW line, the proposed ROW line, the proposed sidewalk, the clear width back of sidewalk, and any ROW dedication ( if applicable). y�57. 1619,11- �F"tW701, MOAPIC67VAI P 5 Goodwin Plat PUD — PRE18-000262 I May 1, 2018 3. The site has frontage on NE 401h Street - NE 401h Street is classified as a residential street with existing ROW width of approximately 60 feet, which meet the code required minimum ROW width. Street frontage improvements including paved travel roadway width of 26 feet or paved width to match existing paved width along the corridor (the larger number), 0.5 feet wide curbs, 8 feet wide landscaped planters, 5 feet wide sidewalks, drainage improvements, and streetlights are required to be provided on NE 40th Street. As per RMC 4-6-060, the half street frontage improvements will be required to be built on NE 40th Street frontage by the developer. 4. Internal site access - Per RMC 4-6-060, public residential access street to have minimum paved width of 26 feet with 0.5 feet wide curb on both sides, 8 feet wide planter on both sides, 5 feet wide sidewalk on both sides, stormwater improvements, and street lighting. Horizontal and vertical curves should be designed as per RMC 4-6-060. The curves should also meet the requirements of the Renton Fire Authority. The maximum vertical grade of residential streets mentioned in RMC 4-6-060 is 15%, except for within approved hillside subdivisions. Longitudinal profile of the proposed streets should be provided with the plans. The maximum slope allowed on either side of sidewalk is 4H:IV. ,(I'il�) 31 ?27F/�- F`i \Nit- OU75ij9 0-F- i -0.)V. For the PUD — the City can review a proposed internal main public street with a paved width of 26 feet (20 feet travel width & 6 feet wide on -street parking width), with 0.5 feet wide curbs. We can review a section with 8 feet wide planter and 5 feet wide sidewalk on the east and north side of the main internal public street, an 8 feet wide planter with 5 feet wide sidewalk on the west side of the main internal public street fronting the houses. Additional requirements regarding the planter and sidewalk will be provided by the current planning section. (For the internal streets of the PUD — applicant should confirm that any internal public or private street/access will at a minimum provide the required minimum horizontal separation between all wet and dry utilities, and meet requirements of the Renton Fire Authority). 4. Driveways shall be designed as per RMC 4.6.060, RMC 4.4.080, and RMC 4.7.150. Turnarounds meeting RMC 4-6-060 and Renton Fire Authority requirements is required for dead end streets longer than 150 feet. Minimum separation of 5 feet between access and nearest property line. 5. Per RMC 4-6-060, pedestrian curb bulb -outs at required where on -street parking is located. 6. Traffic impact study is required for projects that generate 20 or more new peak hour trips in the morning peak or evening peak. A copy of the traffic impact analysis guidelines is provided. The traffic impact analysis should provide all the required information of the traffic impact analysis guidelines. It should also include a traffic study at the site access from Lincoln Ave NE, and traffic study at the on-ramp and off -ramp from 1-405 onto NE 44th Street (Lincoln Ave NE) for the existing STOP sign scenario. 7. Undergrounding of utilities is required. P 6 Goodwin Plat PUD— PRE18-000262 May 1, 2018 8. Street lighting per City standards is required along the existing street frontage and proposed internal streets. A street lighting plan and photometric analysis should be submitted at the time of construction permit submittal. 5. Paving and trench restoration within the City of Renton right of way shall comply with the City's Restoration and Overlay requirements. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. The fees listed are for 2018. The fees that are current at the time of the respective permit issuance will be levied. Please seethe City of Renton website for the current development fee schedule. 2. Undergrounding of all overhead power and utility lines in public right of ways adjacent to the site is required unless an approved street modification to keep the existing utilities above ground is approved. 3. All new utility lines (i.e. electrical, phone, and cable services, etc.) within the site must be underground. The construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of Renton inspector. 4. Retaining walls that are 4' or taller from bottom of footing and stormwater detention vaults will require a separate building permit. Structural calculations and plans prepared by a licensed engineer will be required as part of the building permit review. 5. All civil plans shall conform to the current City of Renton survey and drafting standards. Current drafting standards can be found on the City of Renton website. 6. A separate plan submittal will be required for a construction permit for utility work and street improvements. All plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer in the State of Washington. 7. Please see the City of Renton Development Engineering website for the Construction Permit Application and Construction Permit Process and Submittal Requirements. Please contact the City to schedule a construction permit intake meeting. 8. All plan review for the City is now paperless. Please see http.J/rentonwa.g0wJpaperle5s1 for more information. ^ moo DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY I'll OF AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Renton 0, M E M O R A N D U M DATE: May 3, 2018 TO: Pre -Application File No. 18-000262 FROM: Matt Herrera, Senior Planner SUBJECT: Goodwin Cottages PUD 4196 Lincoln PI NE General: We have completed a preliminary review of the pre -application for the above - referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre -application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision -makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Community & Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator, Planning Director, Development Services Director, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available for purchase for $50.00 plus tax from the Finance Division on the first floor of City Hall or online at www.rentonwa.gov. Project Proposal: The applicant proposes a Planned Urban Development (PUD) with preliminary plat to subdivide five existing properties located at and around 4196 Lincoln Ave NE into 76 single family residential dwellings. The site area is approximately 10 acres and zoned Residential — 8 (R-8). The applicant proposes to modify street and lot size/dimension standards that include a 40 -foot wide internal street section, woonerf front loads, pedestrian court home orientation, and reduced lot sizes. Public benefits proposed include increased open space and recreation areas. COR maps identifies potential onsite geologically hazardous areas and wetlands. Current Use: The subject property is comprised of three vacant and unimproved parcels and two properties each containing single family residences. Zoning: The subject property is located within the R-8 zoning classification and Residential Medium Density Comprehensive Plan designation. Single-family residential (detached dwellings) is a permitted use in the R-8 zone. Development Standards: The project would be subject to RMC 4-2-110A, "Development Standards for Residential Zoning Designations" effective at the time of complete application (noted as "R-8 standards" herein). Many of these standards and the street and subdivision standards may be modified via PUD application with the exception of use, density, critical 8 Goodwin Cottages Preapplication Meeting May 3, 2018 areas, tree retention, grading, and those code provisions restricted from modification identified in RMC 4-9-1508.3. Density_— The density range allowed in the R-8 zone is a minimum of 4 dwellings to a maximum of 8 dwelling units per net acre (du/ac), however the maximum density shall be six (6) dwelling units per net acre when alleys are not part of the proposed or existing street configuration, and alleys are considered practical, as specified in RMC 4-7-150E5. The area of public and private streets and critical areas would be deducted from the gross site area to determine the "net" site area prior to calculating density. Right of way dedication, private streets, and critical areas could not be determined at this time therefore a calculation on net density could not be provided. The gross density for the proposed 76 dwelling units is 7.53 du/ac. The applicant would be required to demonstrate compliance with the density range of the R-8 zone using net density calculations and a Density Worksheet would need to be submitted with the land use application. Density cannot be modified via the PUD process. R-8 Zone Dimensional Requirements Min. Lot Size 5,000 square feet Min. Lot Width 50 -feet Min. Lot Width (corner lot) 60 -feet Min. Lot Depth 80 -feet Min. Front yard 20 -feet (may be reduced to 15 -feet when vehicle access is taken from an alley) Min. Rear yard 20 -feet Min. Side yard 5 -feet Min. Secondary Front Yard 15 -feet Max. Building coverage 50 -percent Max. Impervious Surface 65 -percent Max. Height 24 -feet wall plate and 2 stories. Minimum Tree Density 2 significant trees per 5,000 square feet The applicant would be required to submit a table with the master application that contains each of the requested modifications to the development standards. Landscaping: Except for critical areas, all portions of the development area not covered by structures, required parking, access, circulation or service areas, must be landscaped with native, drought -resistant vegetative cover. The development standards require that all pervious areas within the property boundaries be landscaped. The minimum on-site landscape width required along street frontages is 10 feet and shall contain trees, shrubs, and landscaping. Storm drainage facilities are required to be screened with a minimum 15 -foot perimeter landscaping strip. Street trees in the ROW planter will also be required. Any additional undeveloped right-of- way areas shall be landscaped A conceptual landscape plan shall be submitted at the time of formal land use application. A conceptual landscape plan and landscape analysis meeting the requirements in RMC 4-8-120D.12, is required with the land use application. 9 Goodwin Cottages Preapplication Meeting May 3, 2018 Significant Tree Retention: A Tree Retention/ Land Clearing (Tree Inventory) Plan, arborist report, and tree retention worksheet shall be provided with the formal land use application. The tree retention plan must show preservation of at least 30 percent (30%) of significant trees, and indicate how proposed building footprints would be sited to accommodate preservation of significant trees that would be retained. The Administrator may authorize the planting of replacement trees on the site if it can be demonstrated to the Administrator's satisfaction that an insufficient number of trees can be retained. In addition to retaining 30% of existing significant trees, each new lot would be required to provide a minimum tree density of 2 trees per 5,000 square feet of Int area onsite. Protected trees that do not contribute to a lot's required minimum tree density shall be held in perpetuity within a tree protection tract. Significant trees shall be retained in the following priority order: Priority One: Landmark trees; significant trees that form a continuous canopy; significant trees on slopes greater than twenty percent (20%); Significant trees adjacent to critical areas and their associated buffers; and Significant trees over sixty feet (60') in height or greater than eighteen inches (18") caliper. Priority Two: Healthy tree groupings whose associated undergrowth can be preserved; Other significant native evergreen or deciduous trees; and Other significant non- native trees. Priority Three: Alders and cottonwoods shall be retained when all other trees have been evaluated for retention and are not able to be retained, unless the alders and/ or cottonwoods are used as part of an approved enhancement project within a critical area or its buffer. The Administrator may require independent review of any land use application that involves tree removal and land clearing at the City's discretion. If staff determines that the trees cannot be retained, replacement trees, with at least a 2 -inch caliper or an evergreen at least 6 feet tall, shall be planted at a rate of 12 caliper inches of new trees to replace each protected tree removed. A formal tree retention plan prepared by an arborist or landscape architect would be reviewed at the time of the Preliminary Plat application. Fences/Walls: If the applicant intends to install any fences or retaining walls as part of this project, the location must be designated on the landscape plan or grading plan. A fence and/or wall detail should also be included on the plan. A retaining wall that is 4 feet or taller, as measured by the vertical distance from the bottom of the footing to the finish grade at the top of the wall requires a building permit. A fence shall not be constructed on top of a retaining wall unless the total combined height of the retaining wall and the fence does not exceed the allowed height of a standalone fence. For more information about fences and retaining walls refer to RMC 4-4-040. Retaining wall heights for residential development are limited to 6 -feet in height for interior side yards and rear yards and 4 -feet in height front yards and side or rear yards along a street. Terrace widths must be equal to the wall height and landscaped. Retaining walls shall be composed of brick, rock, textured or patterned concrete, or other masonry product that complements the proposed building and site development. Proposed retaining walls shall also be shown on cross section drawings submitted with the application. See Hillside Subdivision information below. 10 Goodwin Cottages Preapplication Meeting May 3, 2018 Residential Design Standards - All single family residences would be subject to the Residential Design Standards outlined in RMC 4-2-115. Typically Residential Design Review occurs as part of the Building Permit application for each new lot, however as the proposal is a PUD, the City will require building elevation drawings with the PUD application to ensure the architecture and scale of the proposed dwellings compliments the modified development regulations. The applicant should review the residential design standards in their entirety as these would be considered a baseline when reviewing the PUD for superiority. Hillside Subdivision: If the subject property contains an average slope of 20 percent or in which any street in the subdivision has grades greater than 15 percent at any point, the following standards apply: Application Information - Information concerning the soils, geology, drainage patterns, and vegetation shall be presented in order to evaluate the drainage, erosion control and slope stability for site development of the proposed plat. The applicant must demonstrate that the development of the hillside subdivision will not result in soil erosion and sedimentation, landslide, slippage, excess surface water runoff, increased costs of building and maintaining roads and public facilities and increased need for emergency relief and rescue operations. A topographic survey detailing areas that meet the City's definition of sensitive and protected slopes and potential landslide hazard areas shall be provided with the land use application. Grading - Detailed plans for any proposed cut and fill operations shall be submitted. These plans shall include the angle of slope, contours, compaction, and retaining walls. Several cross sections of the subject property detailing existing and proposed grades with any retaining walls will be required with the land use application. Tracts - Areas of the subdivision deemed to be critical areas due to designation as protected slopes shall be located within a tract or tracts. Streets - Streets may only have a grade exceeding fifteen percent (15%) if approved by the Department of Community and Economic Development and the Fire Department. Street widths may be less than those required in the street standards for streets with grades steeper than fifteen percent (15%) if parking prohibition on one or both sides of the street and is approved by the Administrator. Lots -Lots may be required to be larger than minimum lot sizes required by the Zoning Code. Generally, lots in steeper areas of the subdivision should be larger than those in less steep areas of the subdivision. Erosion Control Requirements - Any clearing or grading shall be accompanied by erosion control measures as deemed necessary by the Department. Driveways and parking: Driveways must be setback at least 5 -feet from side property lines. The maximum driveway slopes cannot exceed 15%. If the grade exceeds 15%, a variance is required. Driveways exceeding eight percent (8%) shall provide slotted drains at the lower end. The maximum width of single loaded garage driveways shall not exceed 9 feet and double loaded garage driveways shall not exceed 16 feet. Each lot is required to accommodate off street parking for a minimum of two vehicles. Access: The applicant has proposed a modified residential access street with 40 -foot cross section containing sidewalk and planter on one (east) side. Additionally the applicant has W Goodwin Cottages Preapplication Meeting May 3, 2018 proposed several lots that appear to front a pedestrian court and others that orient to a woonerf. Staff has provided the following feedback on these proposed modifications: • Additional pedestrian connections between lots 28-35 and Lots 15-27 should be provided for guests parking on the development's main street and visiting the greencourt lots 46-65. This should be a minimum 20 -foot wide pedestrian easement that includes landscaping and lighting. ■ Lots 1-6 should orient to Lincoln Ave NE and contain an alley to serve these lots and lots 7-14. Alley loading this block would then remove the need to provide individual driveways along the main street and provide the space for the sidewalk/planter along Lots 7-14. The alley could be programmed as a woonerf and serve as a connection and extension to the park. • Mid -block pedestrian crossings should be added for eastern lots 15-76 to access the park and Lincoln Ave NE. • The woonerf on the eastern portion of the property should contain adequate width in order to provide streetscape features such as planter boxes, seating, and landscaping. The surface materials should be distinct in order to indicate a shared pedestrian and vehicle space. The woonerf should also transition into the abutting greencourt as an extension of the open space. Critical Areas: The City's Critical Areas Map identifies potential wetlands, Type F stream, and geologically hazardous areas. The applicant would be required to submit a wetland report, stream study, and geotechnical report prepared by qualified professionals meeting the submittal requirements identified in RMC 4-8-120C. Independent secondary review of the reports may be required. Critical area buffers, structure setbacks, and decisional criteria for the limited encroachment into such areas are provided in RMC 4-3-050. Critical areas shall be placed within tracts of the subdivision. Proposed impacts to onsite wetlands will require compensatory mitigation identified in RMC 4-3-050!.4. Additional state and federal permitting may also be required. Environmental Review: The proposed subdivision will accommodate more than nine new dwelling units and therefore exceeds the City's adopted State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) flexible threshold exemption for minor new construction. An environmental checklist must be submitted with the land use application and a SEPA determination will be made at least two - weeks prior to the public hearing. Permit Requirements: The applicant has requested in the preapplication materials to have the application entitled under the Preliminary Planned Urban Development (PUD) process. The PUD option allows modification of many of the codes referenced in this memo if public benefits are provided, the project is superior to a proposal that would follow code requirements, and usable common open space located within the development. All modifications would be considered simultaneously as part of a planned urban development application. The applicant would be required to provide written responses to PUD decisional criteria that articulates how the project is superior to a non -PUD development and provides a public benefit. The following public benefits are identified in the PUD development regulations: a. Critical Areas: Protects critical areas that would not be protected otherwise to the same degree as without a planned urban development; or 12 Goodwin Cottages Preapplication Meeting May 3, 2018 b. Natural Features: Preserves, enhances, or rehabilitates natural features of the subject property, such as significant woodlands, native vegetation, topography, or noncritical area wildlife habitats, not otherwise required by other City regulations; or c. Public Facilities: Provides public facilities that could not be required by the City for development of the subject property without a planned urban development; or d. Use of Sustainable Development Techniques: Design which results in a sustainable development; such as LEED certification, energy efficiency, use of alternative energy resources, low impact development techniques, etc.; or e. Overall Design: Provides a planned urban development design that is superior to the design that would result from development of the subject property without a planned urban development. A superior design may include the following: Open Space/Recreation: a) Provides increased open space or recreational facilities beyond standard code requirements and considered equivalent to features that would offset park mitigation fees in Resolution 3082; and b) Provides a quality environment through either passive or active recreation facilities and attractive common areas, including accessibility to buildings from parking areas and public walkways; or ii. Circulation/Screening: Provides superior circulation patterns or location or screening of parking facilities; or iii. Landscaping/Screening: Provides superior landscaping, buffering, or screening in or around the proposed planned urban development; or iv. Site and Building Design: Provides superior architectural design, placement, relationship or orientation of structures, or use of solar energy; or V. Alleys: Provides alleys for any proposed single family detached, semi -attached, or townhouse units. Additional Review Criteria — A proposed planned urban development shall also be reviewed for consistency with all of the following criteria: a. Building and Site Design: L Perimeter: Size, scale, mass, character and architectural design along the planned urban development perimeter provide a suitable transition to adjacent or abutting lower density/intensity zones. Materials shall reduce the potential for light and glare. ii. Interior Design: Promotes a coordinated site and building design. Buildings in groups should be related by coordinated materials and roof styles, but contrast should be provided throughout a site by the use of varied materials, architectural detailing, building orientation or housing type; e.g., single family, detached, attached, townhouses, etc. b. Circulation: 13 Goodwin Cottages Preapplication Meeting May 3, 2018 i. Provides sufficient streets and pedestrian facilities. The planned urban development shall have sufficient pedestrian and vehicle access commensurate with the location, size and density of the proposed development. All public and private streets shall accommodate emergency vehicle access and the traffic demand created by the development as documented in a traffic and circulation report approved by the City. Vehicle access shall not be unduly detrimental to adjacent areas. ii. Promotes safety through sufficient sight distance, separation of vehicles from pedestrians, limited driveways on busy streets, avoidance of difficult turning patterns, and minimization of steep gradients. iii. Provision of a system of walkways which tie residential areas to recreational areas, transit, public walkways, schools, and commercial activities. iv. Provides safe, efficient access for emergency vehicles. c. Infrastructure and Services: Provides utility services, emergency services, and other improvements, existing and proposed, which are sufficient to serve the development. d. Clust_e_rs_or Building Groups and Open SLce: An appearance of openness created by clustering, separation of building groups, and through the use of well-designed open space and landscaping, or a reduction in amount of impervious surfaces not otherwise required. e. -Privacy and Building Separation: Provides internal privacy between dwelling units, and external privacy for adjacent dwelling units. Each residential or mixed use development shall provide visual and acoustical privacy for dwelling units and surrounding properties. Fences, insulation, walks, barriers, and landscaping are used, as appropriate, for the protection and aesthetic enhancement of the property, the privacy of site occupants and surrounding properties, and for screening of storage, mechanical or other appropriate areas, and for the reduction of noise. Windows are placed at such a height or location or screened to provide sufficient privacy. Sufficient light and air are provided to each dwelling unit. f. Building Orientation: Provides buildings oriented to enhance views from within the site by taking advantage of topography, building location and style. g. Parking Area Design: Provides parking areas that are complemented by landscaping and not designed in long rows. The size of parking areas is minimized in comparison to typical designs, and each area related to the group of buildings served. The design provides for efficient use of parking, and shared parking facilities where appropriate. PUD Open Space Standards — Common open space shall be concentrated in large usable areas and may be designed to provide either active or passive recreation. Open space must equal at least ten percent (10%) of the development site's gross land area, A minimum area equal to fifty (50) square feet_ per unit of common space or recreation area shall be provided in a concentrated space. Each residential unit in a planned urban development shall have usable private open space for the exclusive use of the occupants of that unit. Each unit shall have private open space contiguous to the unit. The private open space shall be well demarcated and at least fifteen feet (15") in every dimension. A_preliminary plat application would also be required as the applicant proposes to subdivide the property. 14 Goodwin Cottages Preapplication Meeting May 3, 2018 The PUD, preliminary plat, and environmental checklist can be reviewed concurrently in an estimated time frame of 12 weeks once a complete application is accepted. The 2017 Preliminary Planned Urban Development application fee is $5,000.00, preliminary plat application fee is $10,000.00, and environmental checklist fee is $1,500.00. There is an additional 5% technology fee at the time of land use application. Detailed information regarding the land use application submittal and informational handouts can be found on the City's website by clicking "How Do I?" on the home screen, then "City Documents" and then "CED Forms" under the Quick Browse heading for Community and Economic Development. The City requires electronic plan submittal for all applications. The City's Electronic File Standards can also be found on the City's website. In addition to the required land use permits, separate construction and building permits would be required. Once Preliminary Planned Urban Development approval is obtained, the applicant must complete the required improvements and dedications, as well as satisfy any conditions of the preliminary approval before submitting for Final PUD review. The developer shall submit the final development plan within five (5) years of the effective date of action by the Hearing Examiner to approve the preliminary plan. The Final PUD is an administrative review process with an estimated time frame of 6 weeks. Public Information Sign: The applicant is required to install a proposed land use action sign on the subject property per the specifications provided in the accompanied public information sign handout. The applicant is solely responsible for the construction, installation, maintenance, removal, and any costs associated with the sign. Neighborhood Meeting Requirement: Preliminary plat and PUD applications require the applicant to conduct a neighborhood meeting. The meeting shall be held at a location open to the public within Renton city limits, at a location no further than two (2) miles from the project site. The applicant is required to mail a written notice announcing the neighborhood meeting to property owners within 300 -feet of the subject property. The neighborhood meeting is intended to be a developer -neighborhood interaction. City staff members are not required to attend and/or participate in neighborhood meetings. Please see the attached RMC 4-8-090A for the complete neighborhood meeting requirements. Public Outreach Sign: Preliminary plat and PUD applications require the applicant to install a public outreach sign. Public outreach signs are intended to supplement information provided by public information signs by allowing an applicant to develop a personalized promotional message for the proposed development. The sign is also intended to provide the public with a better sense of proposed development by displaying a colored rendering of the project and other required or discretionary information that lends greater understanding of the project. See the Public Outreach sign handout on the City's website for more information and specifications. Impact Fees: In addition to the applicable building and construction fees, the following impact fees would be required prior to the issuance of building permits. Be advised these are the 2018 fees and will likely increase in subsequent years. • Fire Impact Fee currently assessed at $829.77 per new single-family residence. • Transportation Impact Fee assessed at $5,430.85 per new single-family residence. 15 Goodwin Cottages Preapplication Meeting May 3, 2018 • Renton School District Impact Fee assessed at $6,432.00 per new single-family residence. • Parks Impact Fee currently assessed at $2,740.07 per new single-family residence. Next Steps: When the formal application materials are complete, please contact Matt Herrera, Senior Planner at 425-430-6593 or mherrera@rentonwa.gov to schedule a pre-screen of the submittal documents prior to submitting the complete application package. Expiration: Preliminary approval of planned urban developments are valid for two (2) years of the effective date of action by the Hearing Examiner or five (5) years if associated with a preliminary plat. A Final Planned Urban Development application must be submitted prior to the 2 -year or 5 -year expiration. 16 EXTEND12-INCH `� '� J r_f �r , ""M114 I �. WATER TO NORTH ^ .- _ 's �—�— - �_......_ _ .�,� . `tI �_� ', �♦ - r r_- --PROPERTY LINE OL END OF EXIST. 12" WATER ` . "� , ', / • - - - - _ - - \ f ,(RENTON) .♦ �, ti �, ��r r / f��f `; r %y,.. r 4 _ _\ f _ • - \ • 1 J7+IG7 FR j_ Irr ! f ` `v 1 ♦ `s�� _ `♦ _ • i r ,` }r�,� "• ! 1 i /• ENE ♦♦ \ h 4I1 1 v I r ■ rJ f v 3 ♦. ♦. 1.. 1 v`\-ir - `1 I �e1 /r •i ♦r� v W - 1 ! +�..`♦ ♦ 3' fl 1 _ ' `r..r►r� � ���" � I ~i � (.��/�• !r � 1 .' ; .. , ` i` `r' fj us - 1 ���F. � I _ 'lF-�^c,' f:. w/'' - �.. ``�♦. 4i� -1,` ;.;;, _ �_ ` ; ` I "` ;rx — y (3)41 1 1 Llyi9i�¢ ZII T- I I V y 11`1 �• `. � _� `~' v s �."�l f. ��}S�'a`��" ♦ \��♦�_-�1"�r•Ir_ = --+•_�.-.. 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KRUEGER COMMUNITYLAND PLANNING 15506 NE 103RD WAY REDMOND, WA. 98052 425.478.3267