HomeMy WebLinkAboutSR_ERC_Report_191007 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SIGNATURES: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Public Works Department Date Rick M. Marshall, Administrator Renton Regional Fire Authority Date Kelly Beymer, Administrator Community Services Department Date C.E. Vincent, Administrator Date Department Of Community & Economic Development ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) PROJECT NUMBER: PR19-000290/ LUA19-000151, SA-A APPLICANT: Lisa Ehli, Synthesis PLLC, 12503 Bel-Red Rd, Suite 101, Bellevue, WA 98005 PROJECT NAME: 405 Commerce Center PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review and Environmental Review for the change of use and exterior parking lot improvements to an existing developed property located at 1415 Maple Ave SW. The subject property is approximately 1.88 acres with an existing 40,059 square foot building with 16 parking spaces (Exhibits 2 and 3). The site is located within a Medium Industrial (IM) zone and Employment Area (EA) comprehensive plan designation. The applicant proposes to keep the existing building and change the use from the previous communications data center to warehouse. With the exception of new paint on the existing building, the exterior improvements are limited to the existing parking lot and include the removal of surface mounted mechanical equipment related to the previous data center use, restriping the lot to provide 27 parking spaces, and a new 151 square foot landscaping bulb. PROJECT LOCATION: 1415 Maple Ave SW, Renton, WA 98055 LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-9-070D Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Because other agencies of jurisdiction may be involved, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fourteen (14) days. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on October 25, 2019. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk’s Office, (425) 430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: October 11, 2019 DATE OF DECISION: October 7, 2019 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 10/8/2019 | 9:09 AM PDT 10/7/2019 | 9:37 AM PDT 10/7/2019 | 1:47 PM PDT 10/7/2019 | 10:11 AM PDT DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Project Location Map SR_ERC_Report_191007_ ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT ERC Meeting Date: October 7, 2019 Project File Number: PR19-000290 Project Name: 405 Commerce Center Land Use File Number: LUA19-000151, SA-A Project Manager: Matt Herrera, Senior Planner Owner: EWA 1415 Maple Owner LLC, 1099 18th St, Suite 2900, Denver, CO 80202 Applicant: Lisa Ehli, Synthesis PLLC, 12503 Bel-Red Rd, Suite 101, Bellevue, WA 98005 Contact: Josh Shearer, KG Invest. Prop., 11225 SE 6th St, Ste 215, Bellevue, WA 98006 Project Location: 1415 Maple Ave SW, Renton, WA 98055 Project Summary: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review and Environmental Review for the change of use and exterior parking lot improvements to an existing developed property located at 1415 Maple Ave SW. The subject property is approximately 1.88 acres with an existing 40,059 square foot building with 16 parking spaces (Exhibits 2 and 3). The site is located within a Medium Industrial (IM) zone and Employment Area (EA) comprehensive plan designation. The applicant proposes to keep the existing building and change the use from the previous communications data center to warehouse. With the exception of new paint on the existing building, the exterior improvements are limited to the existing parking lot and include the removal of surface mounted mechanical equipment related to the previous data center use, restriping the lot to provide 27 parking spaces, and a new 151 square foot landscaping bulb. Exist. Bldg. Area SF: 40,059 square feet Site Area: 81,893 square feet STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development 405 Commerce Center Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA19-000151, SA-A Report of October 7, 2019 Page 2 of 3 SR_ERC_Report_191007 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. Environmental Threshold Recommendation Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS-M with a 14-day Appeal Period. B. Mitigation Measures 1. The applicant shall follow the Department of Ecology guidance for Tacoma Smelter Plume soil contamination testing and remediation as instructed in the agency’s August 16, 2019 letter (Exhibit 10) when removing existing asphalt and excavating for the new parking lot landscaping island abutting the northwest portion of the building as shown on the landscaping plan (Exhibit 7). C. Exhibits Exhibit 1: Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Report Exhibit 2: Property Survey Exhibit 3: Demolition Plan Exhibit 4: Site Plan Exhibit 5: Floor Plan Exhibit 6: Building Elevations Exhibit 7: Landscaping Plan Exhibit 8: Parking Covenant/Agreement Rec. No. 20050607000042 Exhibit 9: Parking Study prepared by Transportation Engineering Northwest, dated June 28, 2019 Exhibit 10: Department of Ecology Letter regarding Tacoma Smelter Plume, dated August 16, 2019 Exhibit 11: Advisory Notes D. Environmental Impacts The Proposal was circulated and reviewed by various City Departments and Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development. Staff reviewers have identified that the proposal is likely to have the following probable impacts: 1. Earth Impacts: A high seismic hazard area is mapped on the project site. No expansion of the building footprint is proposed and therefore the applicant was not required to submit a geotechnical report with the land use application (Exhibits 4 and 6). It is anticipated that the City’s currently adopted building codes would adequately mitigate for any impacts that could result from the proposed tenant improvements; therefore no further mitigation is recommended. Mitigation Measures: None recommended. Nexus: Not applicable. 2. Environmental Health a. Environmental Health Hazards DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development 405 Commerce Center Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA19-000151, SA-A Report of October 7, 2019 Page 3 of 3 SR_ERC_Report_191007 Impacts: As provided in the August 16, 2019 Department of Ecology Letter (Exhibit 10), the site is located within an area that may have been contaminated with heavy metals due to air emissions originating from the former Asarco smelter plant in north Tacoma. While the site is already developed and the majority of the work is limited to tenant improvements, removal of surface mounted equipment in the paved parking lot, and adding additional parking spaces via striping, there is an approximately 150 square foot area of paving that will be removed and planted with new internal lot landscaping. Contaminated soils may be beneath the existing asphalt as the site was constructed in 1992 prior the Tacoma Smelter Plume project and cleanup program. An above ground diesel tank associated with a generator was removed prior to obtaining the environmental determination and site plan decision. The tank had a capacity of 10,000 gallons and the applicant stated that it was emptied and removed from the site. The applicant also stated that a permit was not required by the Renton Regional Fire Authority because it was not decommissioned. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall follow the Department of Ecology guidance for Tacoma Smelter Plume soil contamination testing and remediation as instructed in the agency’s August 16, 2019 letter (Exhibit 10) when removing existing asphalt and excavating for the new parking lot landscaping island abutting the northwest portion of the building as shown on the landscaping plan (Exhibit 7). Nexus: Renton Comprehensive Plan Policy U-32: Work to protect surface and groundwater resources from pollutants entering the storm drainage system. 3. Transportation Impacts: The proposed change of use to warehouse would not create additional demand upon or need for transportation facilities. No changes to the property frontage or existing driveway on Maple Ave SW is proposed. The applicant has proposed to remove the existing parking covenant (Exhibit 8) recorded with the previous use permit that limited the parking spaces to 16 and reconfigure the parking lot to accommodate 11 additional parking spaces for a total parking capacity of 27 parking spaces. The proposed 27 parking spaces complies with the RMC 4-4-080F.10.d that requires warehouse uses to provide a minimum/maximum one (1) parking space per 1,500 square feet of net floor area. The Floor Plan (Exhibit 5) and the King County Assessor indicates the building contains 40,059 square feet of net floor area thereby requiring 27 spaces. The applicant’s parking study (Exhibit 9) prepared by Transportation Engineering Northwest, dated June 28, 2019 indicates the 27 proposed spaces would be adequate for the warehouse use and no parking spillover is anticipated. Mitigation Measures: None recommended. Nexus: Not applicable. E. Comments of Reviewing Departments The proposal has been circulated to City Department and Division Reviewers. Where applicable, their comments have been incorporated into the text of this report and/or Advisory Notes to Applicant (Exhibit 11).  Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File and may be attached to this report. The Environmental Determination decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). Environmental Determination Appeal Process: Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, on or before 5:00 p.m. on October 25, 2019. RMC 4-8-110 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, Renton City Hall – 7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE EXHIBITS Project Name: 405 Commerce Center Land Use File Number: LUA19-000151, SA-A Date of Meeting October 7, 2019 Staff Contact Matt Herrera Senior Planner Project Contact/Applicant Josh Shearer KG Invest. Prop. 11225 SE 6th St, Ste 215, Bellevue, WA 98006 Project Location 1415 Maple Ave SW, Renton, WA 98055 The following exhibits are included with the ERC Report: Exhibit 1: Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Report Exhibit 2: Property Survey Exhibit 3: Demolition Plan Exhibit 4: Site Plan Exhibit 5: Floor Plan Exhibit 6: Building Elevations Exhibit 7: Landscaping Plan Exhibit 8: Parking Covenant/Agreement Rec. No. 20050607000042 Exhibit 9: Parking Study prepared by Transportation Engineering Northwest, dated June 28, 2019 Exhibit 10: Department of Ecology Letter regarding Tacoma Smelter Plume, dated August 16, 2019 Exhibit 11: Advisory Notes DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 EXHIBIT 2RECEIVED07/10/2019 mherreraPLANNING DIVISIONDocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 EXHIBIT 2DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 Digitally signed by Randy Brown Date: 2019.06.28 16:20:11 -07'00'EXHIBIT 3RECEIVED07/10/2019 mherreraPLANNING DIVISIONDocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 Digitally signed by Randy Brown Date: 2019.06.28 16:23:04 -07'00'EXHIBIT 4RECEIVED07/10/2019 mherreraPLANNING DIVISIONDocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 Digitally signed by Randy Brown Date: 2019.06.28 16:22:14 -07'00'EXHIBIT 5RECEIVED07/10/2019 mherreraPLANNING DIVISIONDocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 Digitally signed by Randy Brown Date: 2019.06.28 16:22:38 -07'00'EXHIBIT 6RECEIVED07/10/2019 mherreraPLANNING DIVISIONDocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 MAPLE AVENUE SW 60'-4" R.O.W.405 100'-0" R.O.W.SHEET NUMBERWBLA 2015 TITLE201913PROJECT NO.DATECLIENT:LOCATION:PROJECT:05.21.2019PROFESSIONAL SEALDESIGNEDDRAWNCHECKEDCBCBCBNO.DATEREVISION1RENTONINDUSTRIAL1415 MAPLEAVENUE SWRENTON, WAEVERWESTREAL ESTATEPARTNERSSHEET SIZE: 24" x 36" AT 100%05.29.2019PERMIT03.28.2018BID SET06.25.2019PERMIT RESUBMITTALL-1LANDSCAPEPLANEXHIBIT 7RECEIVED07/10/2019 mherreraPLANNING DIVISIONDocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 L-2LANDSCAPEDETAILSSHEET NUMBERWBLA 2015 TITLE201913PROJECT NO.DATECLIENT:LOCATION:PROJECT:05.21.2019PROFESSIONAL SEALDESIGNEDDRAWNCHECKEDCBCBCBNO.DATEREVISION1RENTONINDUSTRIAL1415 MAPLEAVENUE SWRENTON, WAEVERWESTREAL ESTATEPARTNERSSHEET SIZE: 24" x 36" AT 100%05.29.2019PERMIT03.28.2018BID SET06.25.2019PERMIT RESUBMITTALRECEIVED07/10/2019 mherreraPLANNING DIVISIONDocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 EXHIBIT 8 RECEIVED 07/10/2019 mherrera PLANNING DIVISION DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 TENW Transportation Engineering NorthWest Transportation Planning | Design | Traffic Impact & Operations 11400 SE 8th Street Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 98004 | Office (425) 889-6747 MEMORANDUM DATE: June 28, 2019 TO: Matt Herrera, Senior Planner City of Renton FROM: Curtis Chin, P.E. TENW SUBJECT: Parking Study for the proposed Renton Industrial Building – Renton, WA (PRE19-000031) TENW Project #5937 This memorandum documents the parking study completed for the proposed change in use associated with the Renton Industrial Building project located at 1415 Maple Avenue SW in Renton, Washington. This memo includes a project description and a parking demand assessment for the proposed change in use. Project Description The Renton Industrial Building project site is located at 1415 Maple Avenue SW in Renton, WA as shown in the Attachment A site vicinity map. The project proposes to convert an existing 40,059 square foot (SF) data center building into warehouse use. On-site parking would be provided by 27 surface parking stalls. Vehicular access to the site would be provided via the two existing driveways on Maple Avenue SW. No changes to existing vehicular access or building area are proposed with the project. A preliminary site plan is provided in Attachment B. EXHIBIT 9 RECEIVED 07/10/2019 mherrera PLANNING DIVISION DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 1415 Maple Ave SW – Parking Study TENW June 28, 2019 Page 2 Parking Assessment Background An assessment of the estimated parking demand for the proposed warehouse use was completed based on your email response to Lisa Morrell Ehli, Synthesis PLLC (dated June 6, 2019) shown below: Parking Demand The peak parking demand for the proposed warehouse use was estimated based on parking generation rates documented in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Parking Generation (5th Edition). Specifically, Land Use Code (LUC) 150 (Warehousing) was used in the parking analysis. The following Table 1 summarizes the estimated peak parking demand for the project. Table 1 Parking Demand Land Use Building Area (SF) Parking Demand Rate 1 Parking Demand (vehicles) Warehousing 40,059 SF 0.39 stalls/1,00 SF 16 1. Per Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Parking Generation (5th Edition). As shown in the table above, the peak parking demand for the proposed 40,059 SF warehouse use, is 16 vehicles. The estimated peak parking demand would be accommodated by the 27 stall on-site parking supply. As a result, no parking spillover is anticipated with the proposed change in use. If you have any questions regarding the information presented in this memo, please call me at 425-250- 5003 or email at chin@tenw.com. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 Renton Industrial Building – Parking Study ATTACHMENT A Vicinity Map DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 Renton Industrial Building – Parking Study ATTACHMENT B Site Plan DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Northwest Regional Office  3190 160th Avenue SE  Bellevue, Washington 98008-5452  (425) 649-7000 711 for Washington Relay Service  Persons with a speech disability can call (877) 833-6341 August 16, 2019 Matt Herrera Planning Division Department of Community & Economic Development 1055 South Grady Way 6th Floor Renton, WA 98057 Re: 405 Commerce Center File# LUA19-00151, Ecology SEPA# 201904390 Dear Matt Herrera: Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on the 405 Commerce Center. Based on review of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist associated with this Project, the Department of Ecology (Ecology) has the following comments: This proposed project is located in an area that may have been contaminated with heavy metals due to the air emissions originating from the old Asarco smelter in north Tacoma (visit Ecology’s Tacoma Smelter Plume map search tool: https://fortress.wa.gov/ecy/dirtalert/). Soil contamination from the former Asarco smelter poses a risk to human health and the environment. Children are at especially high risk from direct exposure to contaminated soil. Construction workers, landscapers, gardeners, and others who work in the soils are also at risk. Ecology recommends that the lead agency include the following as conditions of approval, prior to the issuance of any site development permits or the initiation of grading, filling, or clearing:  Sample the soil and analyze for arsenic and lead following the 2012 Tacoma Smelter Plume Guidance. The soil sampling results shall be sent to Ecology for review. If the project includes open space areas, contact the Technical Assistance Coordinator, Eva Barber, for assistance in soil sampling methodology within the open space area.  If lead or arsenic are found at concentrations above the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) cleanup levels (Chapter 173-340 WAC); the owners, potential buyers, construction workers, and others shall be notified of their occurrence. The MTCA cleanup level for arsenic is 20 parts per million (ppm) and lead is 250 ppm.  If lead, arsenic and/or other contaminants are found at concentrations above MTCA cleanup levels, the applicant shall: EXHIBIT 10 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 Matt Herrera August 16, 2019 Page 2 1. Develop soil remediation plan and enter into the Voluntary Cleanup Program with Ecology. For more information on the Voluntary Cleanup Program, visit Ecology website at: https://ecology.wa.gov/Spills-Cleanup/Contamination-cleanup/Cleanup- process/Cleanup-options/Voluntary-cleanup-program. 2. Obtain an opinion letter from Ecology stating that the proposed soil remediation plan will likely result in no further action under MTCA. The applicant shall provide to the local land use permitting agency the opinion letter from Ecology. 3. Prior to finalizing site development permits, provide to the local land use permitting agency “No Further Action” determination from Ecology indicating that the remediation plans were successfully implemented under MTCA.  If soils are found to be contaminated with arsenic, lead, or other contaminants, extra precautions shall be taken to avoid escaping dust, soil erosion, and water pollution during grading and site construction. Site design shall include protective measures to isolate or remove contaminated soils from public spaces, yards, and children’s play areas. Contaminated soils generated during site construction shall be managed and disposed of in accordance with state and local regulations, including the Solid Waste Handling Standards regulation (Chapter 173-350 WAC). For information about soil disposal contact the local health department in the jurisdiction where soils will be placed. The link below provides a fact sheet that explains more how the arsenic and lead clean-up levels were set and why Ecology sees that they are protective for human health: https://fortress.wa.gov/ecy/publications/SummaryPages/1109095.html Thank you for considering these comments from Ecology. For assistance and information about Tacoma Smelter Plume and soils contamination, contact Eva Barber with the Toxic Cleanup Program at 360-407-7094 or via email at Eva.Barber@ecy.wa.gov. Sincerely, Katelynn Piazza SEPA Coordinator Sent by email: Matt Herrera, mherrera@rentonwa.gov ecc: Josh Shearer, KG Investment Properties Eva Barber, Ecology DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F320DF9-C83E-43DC-B182-9C6B0FAB5AF5 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Page 1 of 2 LUA19-000151 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use action. Planning: (Contact: Name, 425-430-6593, mherrera@rentonwa.gov) 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. 2. Commercial, multi-family, new single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o’clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o’clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed bet ween the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division’s approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 4. A National Permit Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required when more than one acre is being cleared. 5. The applicant may not fill, excavate, stack or store any equipment, dispose of any materials, supplies or fluids, operate any equipment, install impervious surfaces, or compact the earth in any way within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained. 6. The applicant shall erect and maintain six foot (6') high chain link temporary construction fencing around the drip lines of all retained trees, or along the perimeter of a stand of retained trees. Placards shall be placed on fencing every fifty feet (50') indicating the words, “NO TRESPASSING – Protected Trees” or on each side of the fencing if less than fifty feet (50'). Site access to individually protected trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four (4) sides. In addition, the applicant shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees. 7. This permit is shall comply with the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The permitted is responsible for adhering to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines (2007) and /or your U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service permit. Development Engineering: (Contact: Name, 425-430-7291, jtjohnson@rentonwa.gov) 1. See Attached Development Engineering Memo August 28, 2019 Fire Authority: (Contact: Corey Thomas, 425-430-7024, cthomas@rentonwa.gov) 1. The required fire flow has not changed from the original building construction. Existing hydrants are adequate. 2. Approved fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems are required the building. Separate plans and permits required by the fire department for any and all required modifications to these existing systems. Fully ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT Page 2 of 2 LUA19-000151 addressable and full detection is required for the fire alarm system. All buildings require the installation of full NFPA 13 fire sprinkler systems per city ordinance. Existing fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems in this building were highly specialized for the unique previous occupancy. It is highly likely that significant revisions and/or full replacement of these systems may be required to meet new proposed uses. 3. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required within 150 -feet of all points on the building. Fire lane signage required for the onsite roadway. Required turning radius are 25 -feet inside and 45- feet outside. Roadways shall be a minimum of 20-feet wide and provide a minimum vertical clearance of 13.5-feet. Existing fire lanes and fire apparatus turnarounds shall be maintained. 4. Separate plans and permits required for the removal of the existing above ground flammable liquid fuel tank. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:August 28, 2019 TO:Matt Herrera, Senior Planner FROM:Justin Johnson, Civil Engineer III, Plan Reviewer SUBJECT:Maple Ave Warehouse 1415 Maple Ave SW LUA19-000151 I have completed a preliminary review of the application of the above-referenced proposal located at parcel 3340403805 and have the following comments. EXISTING CONDITIONS The Site is approximately 1.88 acres in size and is rectangular in shape. The existing site is currently developed with a large warehouse and a surface parking lot. Water Water service is provided by the City of Renton. The site is located in the Valley 196 Pressure Zone. The approximate static water pressure in Maple Ave SW is 75 psi at an elevation of 24’. There is an existing 10” ductile iron water main on the site that can deliver a maximum flowrate of 3,500 gallons per minute (gpm). There is an existing 12” ductile iron water main north of the site in Lind Ave SW and Maple Ave SW that can deliver a maximum flowrate of 5,000 gallons per minute (gpm). Reference Project File W- 2702053, W-0917 and W-0104 in COR Maps for record drawings. Sewer Sewer service is provided by the City of Renton. There is an existing 8” PVC sewer running from north to south in Maple Ave SW east of the site. Reference Project File S-179401 in COR Maps for record drawings. There are two existing 6-inch wastewater stubs located along Maple Ave SW (see City plan no. S-179401). Storm The existing parking lot on the northern and eastern portion of the property has conveyance system that send the flows to the north east of the site and connects into the City of Renton Conveyance system. Maple Ave Warehouse – LUA19-000151 Page 2 of 3 August 29, 2019 Streets The proposed development fronts Maple Ave SW along the East property line(s). Maple Ave SW is classified as a Residential Access Road. Existing right-of-way (ROW) width is approximately 60 feet. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER 1. Based on the review of project information submitted for the Land-Use application, the applicant is not planning on adding any additional water service to the property, however the following improvements will be required: Installation of a RPBA backflow prevention assembly downstream of the existing 2-inch domestic water meter per Renton standard plan no. 350.02. SEWER COMMENTS 1. Based on the project information submitted for the Land-use application there are not additional sewer comments. STORM DRAINAGE COMMENTS 1. No surface disturbance has been proposed therefore project does not require any storm drainage improvements. TRANSPORTATION/STREET COMMENTS 1. Building is currently used for manufacturing which has a traffic impact fee of $5.16. The new use has a required traffic impact fee of $1.86 per square foot. Due to the impact fee being less for the new use the applicant will not be charged additional transportation impact fees. 2. Paving and trench restoration within the City of Renton right of way shall comply with the City’s Trench Restoration and Street Overlay Requirements. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. The fees listed are for 2019. The fees that are current at the time of the respective permit issuance will be levied. Please see the City of Renton website for the current development fee schedule. 2. Retaining walls that are 4’ or taller from bottom of footing and stormwater detention vaults will require a separate building permit. Structural calculations and plans prepared by a licensed engineer will be required as part of the building permit review. 3. All civil plans shall conform to the current City of Renton survey and drafting standards. Current drafting standards can be found on the City of Renton website. 4. A separate plan submittal will be required for a construction permit for utility work and street improvements. All plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer in the State of Washington. 5. Please see the City of Renton the Civil Construction Permit Application and Construction Permit Process and Submittal Requirements. Please contact the City to schedule a construction permit intake meeting. 6. * An additional 5% technology fee will be added to each fee marked with an asterisk (*). Maple Ave Warehouse – LUA19-000151 Page 3 of 3 August 29, 2019 7. All plan review for the City is now paperless. Please see https://edocs.rentonwa.gov/Documents/ElectronicFile.aspx?docid=940235&dbid=1&repo=Cityo fRenton for more information.