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HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/11/2019 - Minutes MINUTES - AMENDED o
City of Renton TK
Board of Park Commissioners Meeting
Tuesday,June 11, 2019, 4:30 pm
At Maplewood Golf Course, 4050 SE Maple Valley Rd, Renton, WA 98058
Amendment:At the 8/20/19 Parks Commission meeting, it was decided that these minutes did not
accurately reflect the board members' concern for more police enforcement along the trails.They would like
to discuss at a future meeting the steps that are being taken or could be taken to enforce speed limits,
primarily along the Cedar River Trail,where the Park Rangers' report showed the greater amount of speed
infractions.These minutes were approved as corrected.
Chair Tim Searing called the meeting to order at 4:30pm.
Members Present: Cynthia Burns,Al Dieckman, Larry Reymann,Tim Searing,Troy Wigestrand, Shun
Takano,and Marlene Winter
Members Absent: None
City Staff Present: Kelly Beymer, Community Services Administrator, Leslie Betlach, Parks Planning and
Natural Resources Director, Cailin Hunsaker, Parks and Trails Director, Doug Mills, Maplewood Golf Course
Manager, and Roberta Graver,Adm. Assistant
Marlene Winter motioned to approve the agenda as presented, motion seconded, all in favor, motion
Marlene Winter motioned to approve the May 14, 2019 minutes as presented, motion seconded, all in
favor, motion carried.
Park Ranger Program—Al Dieckman gave an update of the trail user stats, using his tally sheet. Kelly said
that the full complement of bicycle police officers are on board and in the field. Board member comments
• They believe the ranger program helps keep the trails safer by their presence and interaction with
• They would like to see year to year comparison of these stats to see if there's changes
• Include in the comparisons of before and after the bicycle police officers are in the field
• Has there been a study of trail use?A study might give quantitative evidence of the effectiveness of
the Trail Ranger Program. Kelly said they are researching putting in a person counter and possible
security cameras along the Cedar River Trail.
Other—A board member referenced the staff shortage identified in the Parks, Recreation and Natural Areas
Plan presentation (May 2019 meeting) and wondered if there will more employees being hired. Kelly said
they will make the request again in the next budget cycle and that the Parks Planning and Natural Areas
Wheelchair Accessible.American Sign Language(ASL)interpreter available upon request.
For this or other assistance,please call 48 hours in advance:711 (TDD)or 425-430-6600(voice).
Parks Commission Meeting
June 11, 2019
Page 2 of 3
division is in the process of hiring three Capital Project Coordinators to address the identified Park Bond
Municipal Code—The city attorney provided a redlined version of the Municipal Code Chapter 9 (Parks
Commission)with recommended verbiage to clarify the "Term" in section 9.2.5.One board member
suggested not deleting section 2.9.3c, but to change the word from "accept"to "advise" in accepting
donations. Kelly clarified the section was deleted because the Parks Commission does not receive donations,
or have to authority to hold them in an account, and distribute as instructed. Donated funds are received by
the city, which usually comes with instructions and stipulations as to how the funds are to be managed and
used. Kelly said that some donations will be brought to the Parks Commission for informational or advisory
purposes. Clarification was asked about the attorney's comment#2 on page 4 regarding Park Rules, and
Kelly said she is working with staff currently on updating a couple park rules and will bring this topic to the
board when the updates are complete.A suggestion was made to use a more generic'title'for the
department administrator and division directors, as those titles may change in the future. Leslie commented
that the Community Services Administrator title hasn't changed in over 20 years, and the Administrator title
is used in all of the city departments and Kelly reminded them that this document can be easily updated
with council approval any time there is a change in the department's titles or organization. It was suggested
that the designations of directors in 9.2.7 be removed, leaving just 'may appoint a designee to serve as an ex
officio member of the Parks Commission..." Larry Reymann motioned to accept the edits presented in the
document along with any edit Kelly and Tim determine with legal input on the final wording of this
municipal code. Al Dieckman seconded, all were in favor, motion passed.
Bylaws—There was much discussion on the 'youth member' position's role, appointment criteria, age range,
purpose, difficulty finding and keeping an interested high school student, and who is committed to attend
regularly.A suggestion was made of potentially coordinating with the school district to offer high school
credit. While the board members intention is to gain a younger perspective on park issues and there was
interested students in the last position opening, it might be more beneficial to focus on increasing overall
diversity for any board position that opens up.Suggestion to keep the number of commission board
members at the current 7 and not increasing to 8. Even with keeping the total members at 7, it was
suggested for the board to consider looking at having student interns participate with the board, and
possibly earn school credit.Suggestion would be to invite people (and students)to specific meetings with
topics providing opportunity for public input and perspective.
Al Dieckman motioned to approve the proposed Bylaws including wording identified by Kelly and Tim in
Section II to include an 'effort for diverse representation and passion for parks"; leaving the number of
board members at seven; removing Section II,Section C regarding the youth member; and removing the last
sentence in II, Section E,eliminating term limits. Cynthia Burns seconded, all were in favor, motion passed.
Maplewood Golf Course Update—Doug Mills, Maplewood Golf Course Manager provided an update
referenced in a handout provided to the board. (See attached document.)Question was presented about a
plan or projection of the impact of the arrival of Top Golf opening in Renton. Doug said he's working on a
plan that would attempt to counter any impact. Overall he says that Top Golf serves a different kind of
clientele and purpose compared to playing on a full size golf course or driving range.Top Golf has more of a
social,team-building environment.
Previously addressed Top Golf questions during Golf Course Update.
Wheelchair Accessible.American Sign Language(ASL)interpreter available upon request.
For this or other assistance,please call 48 hours in advance:711 (TDD)or 425-430-6600(voice).
Parks Commission Meeting
June 11, 2019
Page 3of3
Service Animals in Parks—An update will be provided at the August meeting.
Leslie thanked the board members who attended the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Areas Plan Open House
on June 4th.Approximately 150 people attended, and great feedback was received.
Troy Wigestrand motioned to adjourn, motion seconded, all in favor, motion carried.Adjourned at 6:06pm.
Minutes ap a by:
Tim Searing, Bo Chair Date Roberta Graver
June 11, 2019
NEXT MTG: 8/20/2019
Wheelchair Accessible.American Sign Language(ASL)interpreter available upon request.
For this or other assistance,please call 48 hours in advance:711 (TDD)or 425-430-6600(voice).
City of Renton PRI
Board of Park Commissioners Meeting
Tuesday,June 11, 2019, 4:30 pm
At Maplewood Golf Course, 4050 SE Maple Valley Rd, Renton, WA 98058
Chair Tim Searing called the meeting to order at 4:30pm.
Members Present: Cynthia Burns, Al Dieckman, Larry Reymann,Tim Searing,Troy Wigestrand, Shun
Takano, and Marlene Winter
Members Absent: None
City Staff Present: Kelly Beymer, Community Services Administrator, Leslie Betlach, Parks Planning and
Natural Resources Director, Cailin Hunsaker, Parks and Trails Director, Doug Mills, Maplewood Golf Course
Manager, and Roberta Graver, Adm. Assistant
Marlene Winter motioned to approve the agenda as presented, motion seconded, all in favor, motion
Marlene Winter motioned to approve the May 14, 2019 minutes as presented, motion seconded, all in
favor, motion carried.
Park Ranger Program—Al Dieckman gave an update of the trail user stats, using his tally sheet. Kelly said
that the full complement of bicycle police officers are on board and in the field. Board member comments
• They believe the ranger program helps keep the trails safer by their presence and interaction with
• They would like to see year to year comparison of these stats to see if there's changes
• Include in the comparisons of before and after the bicycle police officers are in the field
• Has there been a study of trail use?A study might give quantitative evidence of the effectiveness of
the Trail Ranger Program. Kelly said they are researching putting in a person counter and possible
security cameras along the Cedar River Trail.
Other—A board member referenced the staff shortage identified in the Parks, Recreation and Natural Areas
Plan presentation (May 2019 meeting) and wondered if there will more employees being hired. Kelly said
they will make the request again in the next budget cycle and that the Parks Planning and Natural Areas
division is in the process of hiring three Capital Project Coordinators to address the identified Park Bond
Municipal Code—The city attorney provided a redlined version of the Municipal Code Chapter 9 (Parks
Commission)with recommended verbiage to clarify the "Term" in section 9.2.5. One board member
suggested not deleting section 2.9.3c, but to change the word from "accept"to "advise" in accepting
Wheelchair Accessible.American Sign Language(ASL)interpreter available upon request.
For this or other assistance, please call 48 hours in advance: 711 (TDD)or 425-430-6600(voice).
Parks Commission Meeting
June 11, 2019
Page 2 of 3
donations. Kelly clarified the section was deleted because the Parks Commission does not receive donations,
or have to authority to hold them in an account, and distribute as instructed. Donated funds are received by
the city,which usually comes with instructions and stipulations as to how the funds are to be managed and
used. Kelly said that some donations will be brought to the Parks Commission for informational or advisory
purposes. Clarification was asked about the attorney's comment#2 on page 4 regarding Park Rules, and
Kelly said she is working with staff currently on updating a couple park rules and will bring this topic to the
board when the updates are complete. A suggestion was made to use a more generic 'title'for the
department administrator and division directors, as those titles may change in the future. Leslie commented
that the Community Services Administrator title hasn't changed in over 20 years, and the Administrator title
is used in all of the city departments and Kelly reminded them that this document can be easily updated
with council approval any time there is a change in the department's titles or organization. It was suggested
that the designations of directors in 9.2.7 be removed, leaving just 'may appoint a designee to serve as an ex
off icio member of the Parks Commission..." Larry Reymann motioned to accept the edits presented in the
document along with any edit Kelly and Tim determine with legal input on the final wording of this
municipal code. Al Dieckman seconded, all were in favor, motion passed.
Bylaws—There was much discussion on the 'youth member' position's role, appointment criteria, age range,
purpose, difficulty finding and keeping an interested high school student, and who is committed to attend
regularly. A suggestion was made of potentially coordinating with the school district to offer high school
credit. While the board members intention is to gain a younger perspective on park issues and there was
interested students in the last position opening, it might be more beneficial to focus on increasing overall
diversity for any board position that opens up. Suggestion to keep the number of commission board
members at the current 7 and not increasing to 8. Even with keeping the total members at 7, it was
suggested for the board to consider looking at having student interns participate with the board, and
possibly earn school credit. Suggestion would be to invite people (and students)to specific meetings with
topics providing opportunity for public input and perspective.
Al Dieckman motioned to approve the proposed Bylaws including wording identified by Kelly and Tim in
Section II to include an 'effort for diverse representation and passion for parks"; leaving the number of
board members at seven; removing Section II, Section C regarding the youth member; and removing the last
sentence in II, Section E, eliminating term limits. Cynthia Burns seconded, all were in favor, motion passed.
Maplewood Golf Course Update—Doug Mills, Maplewood Golf Course Manager provided an update
referenced in a handout provided to the board. (See attached document.) Question was presented about a
plan or projection of the impact of the arrival of Top Golf opening in Renton. Doug said he's working on a
plan that would attempt to counter any impact. Overall he says that Top Golf serves a different kind of
clientele and purpose compared to playing on a full size golf course or driving range.Top Golf has more of a
social, team-building environment.
Previously addressed Top Golf questions during Golf Course Update.
Service Animals in Parks—An update will be provided at the August meeting.
Leslie thanked the board members who attended the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Areas Plan Open House
on June 4t". Approximately 150 people attended, and great feedback was received.
Wheelchair Accessible.American Sign Language(ASL)interpreter available upon request.
For this or other assistance, please call 48 hours in advance: 711 (TDD)or 425-430-6600(voice).
Parks Commission Meeting
June 11, 2019
Page 3 of 3
Troy Wigestrand motioned to adjourn, motion seconded, all in favor, motion carried. Adjourned at 6:06pm.
Minutes approved by:
Tim Searing, Board Chair Date Roberta Graver
June 11, 2019
NEXT MTG: 8/20/2019
Wheelchair Accessible.American Sign Language(ASL)interpreter available upon request.
For this or other assistance, please call 48 hours in advance: 711 (TDD)or 425-430-6600(voice).
Date Rangers Hours Walkers Joggers Bikes Warnings Misc Total
4/1 Al/Lynn/Marian 4 45 7 1 6 68
4/12 AI/Brenda 2 14 2 1 1 17
4/17 Brenda/Lydia 3 26 1 2 32
4/20 Gary/AI 2 30 19 2 26 89
4/24 Brenda/Lydia 3 28 1 8 4 43
5/1 Brenda/Merl 2 85 5 7 97
5/4 Gary/Al 2 102 23 2 87 46 264
5/6 Chuck/Jeannie 3 75 11 27 1 114
5/8 Brenda/Lydia 3 91 2 8 1 10 112
5/11 Gary/AI 2 76 21 7 125 251
5/13 Meri/Pat 2 29 4 6 14 53
5/13 Chuck/Jeannie 3 86 8 26 120
5/14 Brenda/Lydia 2 60 5 5 70
5/18 Gary/AI 2 42 12 7 146
5/20 Meri/Pat 2 30 7 3 11 51
5/25 Gary/AI 2 48 12 3 12 11 9 95
5/29 Brenda/Lydia 2 44 2 11 3 1 2 63
6/1 Gary/AI 2 44 44 2 11 9 11 121
6/3 Meri/Pat 2 40 5 11 14 70
6/3 Chuck/Jeannie 2.5 96 4 23 124
6/5 Chuck/Ray 3 50 3 2 55
6/8 Gary/AI 2 40 15 1 145
52.5 1181 213 165 308 202 53 2200
.,.r G O L F C U U a 5 E
Park Board Meeting
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
➢ Strong start to 2019 in January ... Immediately halted with snow in February
✓ Course closed for 23 days
✓ Fell behind 2018 by 1,285 rounds & $30K Revenue in February
✓ Overhead netting collapsed on west side of Driving Range
■ Project to replace starts 06/24/19 ($62K)
✓ Y-T-D have made up —50% of deficit (Still down 650 rounds over 2018)
➢ E-Marketing Program Continues to Grow
✓ 1,531 Customers opting in as of today
✓ More offers in 2019 with River Rock, ($5 off Green Fees & $1 off first Beer)
✓ Used database to communicate special events (club fittings), and Pro-Shop sales
➢ Continued Positive Comments Regarding Excellent Course Conditions
✓ On regular in-season green maintenance schedule
✓ Fairway turf continues to improve
✓ Club participation in 4-11 "Adopt-A-Hole" Program strong
✓ Had carts in fairway in early March
➢ Completed Projects
✓ Re-Carpeted Club House
✓ Rebuilt#3 championship tee box (enlarged, regraded, trimmed trees for increase
light & air flow)
✓ Planted new Sequoias on #7 where bunker was removed, and between #8 & #9
✓ Significant pruning of arborvitaes around #11 tee box— (benefit to #10 green, #11
tee, & #13 green — increase in turf quality)
✓ Removed diseased tree and widened #16 fairway (Green now visible from tee box)
✓ Repaired driving range netting panels to extend useful life
✓ Added new set of tees (Yellow—Junior/ Executive)
✓ Added new security cameras in Pro-Shop
➢ Four (4) Junior Camps Scheduled (1 in June, 2 in July, 1 in August)
➢ Planning for 2019 Fall Open House— November 13th, 6PM
Park Board Meeting
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Y 2019 / 2020 Plans
✓ Purchase new fairway mowers
✓ Replace arborvitaes behind#10 green (fire destroyed last Summer)
✓ Replace Driving Range Netting
✓ Renovate tee boxes (#6, #7, #12, #18)
✓ Re-Carpet Banquet Rooms and Pro-Shop
✓ Replace golf cart fleet
✓ Remodel kitchen to move existing cooler outside to expand prep area
✓ Design/Build chipping complex
✓ Install new security cameras (Parking lots, remote areas from Club House)
✓ Secure golf course with additional fencing and gates
✓ Continue to build marketing programs in conjunction with Concessionaire