HomeMy WebLinkAboutCP 6551130 VOL 128 CE 112 0ED1NAHcF: N AN ORDINANCE OE' THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON , AMENDING THE CITY ' S COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN AND MAPS IN CONJUNCTION THEREWITH RELATING TO CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE RENTON HIGHLANDS WHEREAS the Planning Commission of: the City of Renton, and acting by and through ifs City Council , have heretofore adopted and filed a "Comprehensive Plan'" as evidenced by Resolution No . 1240 and Ordinance No. 2142 and as further implemented and amended by various plans , codes , reports and records , and WHEREAS since Ellen adoption the S tanning Commision and the City Council have heretofore clul dmended said Comprehenslye Plan irom time to time , dlid WHEREAS the City , on its own initiative , has proceeded to amend said Comprehensive Land Use Plan pertaining to the hereinbelow described property , and public hearings therefor having been duly held before the City of Renton Planning Commission on June 11 , 1969 , and before the City Council , at its regular meeting , on July 28 , 1969 , and due notice thereof- having been piven as provided by law, and all parties appearing in favor of or in opposition to said amendment having been duly heard at such public hearings , and WHEREAS as a result of such public hearings it is advisable and in the best publib interest to amend the City' s "Comprehensive Land Us -, Plan" as hereinbelow set forth; NOW THEREFORE HE IT ORDAINED NY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 01 RENTON AL FOLLOWS : SECTION 1 The aforestated findings and recitals are hereby found to be true and correct in all respects . The City of Renton' s "Comprehensive Lead Use Plan" and maps in conjunction therewith awe hereby modi ; ied plILF;Uant to the public hearings held in connection ircn7 cci he-reinaboye specified , be fore the City Pianni ng Com:IliKrioa and lhe City Council , pertaining ] - . . 113 128 ?AGE to the following described property, to-wit : Blocks 1 , 6 and 7 of Rainier Acres , all situated in Renton Highlands , Renton, Ping County , Wash- ington, bounded by NE 4th Street , NE 5th Place , Edmonds, Avenue. NE , and -Index Place NE, and all as more particularly speciFied on the attached Exhibit"A" , which is incorporated herein as if fully set forth. hereby which above premises are/ designated on said Comprehensive Land Use Plan as "2ingle Family Residential" . SECTION II : The City Engineer end the PLanning Director ace hereby authorized and directed to maPe the necessary changes on said City' s "Comprehensive Land Use Plan" and the maps in conjunction therewith to evidence the an amendment. SECTION III : The City Clerk and the Planning Director are further authorized and directed to Li -R: this Ordinance , together with all exhibits andaddenda thereto , with the King County Auditor ' s office and as otherwise provided bv law, and a complete copy of Said documents likewise being on tile with the office of the City Clerk , City of Renton. SECTION IV : This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legai 4),414;1174, : -.4.... .449k PASSED BY THE. CITY CO HNC VD -L.Ili s I/ lifiet . 1:: ....,•'-' A,.;........ .039 6 9 . N14 wle, 7n, .. , Helm ] 0 He=b,iii, i ' C,] :if ' e ' ", *“ c s' .. ' 0 .6 • „tr APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this / 4 .),) •4710•••olp.... 17_116 rrv: Custer' , l'I-r-Tv0-1-' Approved as to form: Cerar M. DhelliA5 Att:6 ,7--- Date of Publication : ,mn 15 '1969 _ .. _ - . _. _......1., , ,, v. i'7, " Q.42, 0 b.,17' tog e'.°--.1114 L-4 4 2•US .ct;\A-5-1 17 1 z 1 4 5 6 V fr. ff.' Z it 1.4 , „.......„(4.•4'* . 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EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE clif 2,,,, . c. .,,c \\,.\t- X.', .\:\; ., ,...._ n. r 11 PLA.Necimoymp ro m eg - 4,21.,d),,317 ,cci_.?-;:g niell II 6 ,Il 6 i CM • " •?i.." c 0 '•.- i.-!( , . vs 1 - LAND USE PLAN 71 . c tow , 1E- also vigt, - -i.1 %IP .. i s • Blocks 1, 6 and 7 of we! Eallti w. 7 40 it --- Rainier Acres all ' wg 313111111r , --,Q,c, 14," I t '• tP Of 2 mon.' 1 Z t-11111111.. ..„-.4.0,..F.--,:,:•:•:,,,,•:-. ...-..,...,..,----------.711 . , ' - 2-41 FUOLIC '1 ' . , Mr.. 1,0‘>/, 11.",,,, IIIII gaiiiiiiiiii•SidalgaMiii; zs .12. LCIL6 ,1 , - '4-- t • °MI lignitinintgraiiiitinna : BO SIPA t E 111 14 vA,C. Hi e- l i br I situated in Renton, Highlands , bounded on • ; • :i H:??i•i•ii, ::::rm5m::::::::::::::::::::::::- gm NM" Oviefr 14 is CC IP 441111 LeiiiiEiiiiiiiii:iaiM:::iiii:::::::::::::.:::::::::::.:::::::::::.:::::::::::: I the north by N.E. 5th ' jf 41poki 0 giii iiiiiimiiiliiii g Els meig. ni viko 9• .1,, 4, ,:,:,:, ,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,,.,„„,.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . me ..,,,, ## 44OP 1 0 Place, on the south by i 9 11 'Y N.E. 4th Street, on the i* • *0- , ,, i:MiNaia • mi isgh& -EA - • -17 : : ::: ::5::*::i0::*::i:::.:::::i: 1): 4°.gPiniMRiiiE..di 414..L _ A. east by Index Place N.E. , .7 \ ,. > .•... .... • ?.i::gE$gie 4MIU.iMMM*:.:M* MK 11- ni*OKO:iiWxm jimleilh. .1 P' and on the west by t,,,.:•:.:.: _ a iiEViliii iiAgi MICE ' •::iiiiii: a::.. ‘)c) a ,L IV ', .. . • t.i iiiiii]iiii:::.:.:iim iiiiiiIiii.::Kiiiiii liK:::K*Km:K:i:•::mi:Km::: .,i,m,:,:,:,,,,,,,„,,,:,:,:,,,:,:,,,:,,,„„1 go A W I Edmonds Avenue N. E. i': :::•:•:•::::::Z:::i:i:?i•E::Zi::55::i:i:i:::i55----"*"'"*".::::::::::::::::::::::;:.: ,.it:Wriai;iE;M:i$,N.f IL Z 0\ - OMMMM i IEW MEWMOT 111114111314 i c:•:•:•:•:•:•:::•:•:::•:•:•:,:•:•:::::•:::•:•:::::::::::::•::: ........"' 4r..2.1 ' :•:46::•:•:•:•:. :::::•:•:::::•::tx.:•:::::::•::::::::::c::::::::::::.• las id 1 10t*InMgftau ............. ... .. ............. .. ........ .... .............. .............. ... ........ .... ............. . ............. .. ............ ..............f 1 411.m.•••••••• =mairdom•••••m•m••••••• •••11. ....,..... ........a.........1=4=Ag—w,:',i, Previously shown as ..._ \ ‘ ‘ ! - - J- 1 recreational use. x -A ‘ . ..... \ . - \ \ --. - ....- . i a y 1 REVISED COMPREHENSIVE \ \ . -• 9 - -, / /\ - - / A- 4 ..- 1 1 17 :II. . ) g' \ •• , . . , , , , , , , , , , . • 1 _ __ _ - - .,_• ...c , : --_,-- - , , / / i , CEM LAND USE PLAN , / Single Family Residential Use , \ / / , , , , cs, „.... , 4 .1 _ , ,,, / , „...