MARCH 15, 2019
The 3.02-acre Chambers-Bill Property is currently being annexed into the City with the
anticipated zoning of R-4. The property is located in the Renton Highlands neighborhood
between Rosario Avenue SE and Toledo Avenue SE, just north of SE 139th Place. The site
gently slopes from east to west and there are no wetlands on the property. King County issued a
CAD-Critical Areas Designation on January 8, 2019.
The concept for the Chambers-Bill preliminary short plat is to construct a public street between
Rosario Avenue SE (152nd Avenue SE) and Toledo Avenue SE (154th Avenue SE) to access the
10 lots. The right-of-way would be 53 feet wide where lots are located on both sides of the
street, then narrow to 43 feet along the adjacent undeveloped parcel on the north side. The future
development of this outparcel would be responsible for installing the planter strip and sidewalk
along its frontage.
The proposed lots would all meet the minimum lot size of 9000 square feet and the minimum
width of 70 feet (80 feet for corner lots).
Stormwater will be captured and routed to a vault in the southwest corner of the property. There
is an existing 8” public sewer main crossing the property within the proposed public street right-
of-way. The property contains one existing residence and an outbuilding, both of which will be
removed as part of the development of the neighborhood.
Questions of staff
1. Does the proposed lot and street layout appear to meet the City requirements for
development of the property?
2. What are the current fees for submittal of the preliminary short plat and any mitigation
fees that may be required for the plat?
3. Will traffic concurrency and traffic study be required for the proposed 10 lots?
4. Are there any special assessments for this part of the City?
5. Are all required utilities available and appropriately sized to serve the proposed lots?
6. Will the City accept the Critical Area Designation issued by the County?
7. Are latecomers reimbursements available for the construction of the water main and the
full width paving of the public road through the plat?
8. Can the street section along the undeveloped outparcel be constructed as a half street? If
so, what is the minimum street section and right of way width required for a half street?
ToledoAveSESE 3rd Pl
SE 2nd Ln
SE 3rd St
SE 139th Pl
SE 138th Pl
152ndAveSEShadow Pl SERosarioPlSE154thAveSEBill AnnexationVicinity Map
Proposed Annexation BoundaryCity LimitsParcels
Seattle KingCounty
0 150 30075Feet
4Document Path: H:\CED\Planning\GIS\GIS_projects\annexations\Chambers_Annex\Mxds\1_Bill_Annexation VicinityB&W.mxdCom munity and Economic Developm entTechnical Services Map Location
Date: 9/1/2016