HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Agenda Packet CITY OF RENTON FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD Regular Meeting 7th Floor-Mayor's Conference Room Thursday, August 20, 2009 2:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JULY 16, 2009 3. CORRESPONDENCE 4. MONTHLY STATEMENT TO JULY 31, 2009 5. MONTHLY BILLS AND PENSION PAYMENTS 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS HB 1506 - Firefighters - Survivor Benefits 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Date and Time of September Board Meeting b. Actuarial Valuation of January 1, 2009 8. ADJOURNMENT lege `ter' MINUTES FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD CITY OF RENTON July 16, 2009 Denis Law, Mayor Don Persson, Council Finance Committee Chair Bonnie Walton, City Clerk Ray Barilleaux, Fire Department Representative Bruce Phillips, Fire Department Representative Chuck Christensen, Fire Department Alternate The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Acting Chairman Don Persson at 2:00 p.m. in the Mayor's Conference room, 7th floor of Renton City Hall. In attendance were Board members Don Persson, Ray Barilleaux and Bonnie Walton. MINUTES APPROVAL MOVED BY BARILLEAUX, SECONDED BY WALTON, THE PENSION BOARD APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 18, 2009, MEETING. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE A report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and memorandum from the Board secretary was presented indicating the annual Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for 2008 at 4.2%. As authorized by RCW 41.18.104, it was MOVED BY BARILLEAUX, SECONDED BY WALTON TO APPROVE A 4.2% INCREASE IN BENEFIT ALLOWANCE FOR PRE-LEOFF FIREMEN PENSION WIDOWS TO BE EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2009. CARRIED. Bonnie Walton reported on her research regarding new Firemen's Pension Survivor Benefit Legislation (HB 1506) going into effect on July 26th. She presented draft letters sent to the Board by email on July 7, 2009, and explained that further information on this issue had been obtained since then. Discussion ensued regarding the short notice and lack of information available on this issue, as well as the short time frame available for the Board to adopt and implement the legislation. Bonnie Walton explained the information and document samples gathered from other cities. The Board agreed that a mailing to members potentially affected by this legislation should be prepared and mailed out by the Board Secretary based on information she was continuing to gather, and that ratification of the mailing and applications received, as well as adoption of a policy would take place at the next regular Board meeting, August 20, 2009. MONTHLY STATEMENT The financial report as of June 30, 2009, was reviewed. Total cash/investment balance was $4,332,422.40. MONTHLY BILLS AND PENSION PAYMENTS MOVED BY PHILLIPS, SECONDED BY PERSSON, THE BOARD APPROVE THE PENSION/MEDICAL PAYMENTS FOR JULY 2009, IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $35,719.91 TO BE PAID FROM THE FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS MOVED BY BARILLEAUX, SECONDED BY WALTON,THAT THE BOARD AT THIS TIME RECOGNIZE AND ACCEPT THE ELIGIBILITY, AND FORTHCOMING APPLICATION AND ENROLLMENT OF FIREMEN'S PENSION MEMBER KARL STROM, WHO IS GRAVELY ILL, FOR SURVIVOR BENEFITS AS ENACTED VIA HB 1506 TO BE EFFECTIVE JULY 26, 2009. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY BARILLEAUX, SECONDED BY WALTON, THE MEETING OF THE FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD BE ADJOURNED. CARRIED. Time: 2:33 p.m. Bonnie Walton Firemen's Pension Board Secretary 2 r CITY OF RENTON - FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND CASH & INVESTMENT ACTIVITY REPORT AS OF JULY 31, 2009 Fireman's Pension Fund Comparison of Cash and Investment Activity 6 _._ _._._ ❑2009 ❑2008 5 yr -9 - L - - ___.i 7 0 4 o6 N O c 3 g 2 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec CURRENT 2009 2009 LAST YEAR 2008 2008 ACTIVITY: MONTH YTD BUDGET CURR MO ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET BEGINNING CASH/INV BALANCE $4,330,422.40 $4,265,991.35 $3,895,540 $4,520,458.38 $4,694,232.48 $4,203,347 RECEIPTS: Fire Insurance Premium Tax 0.00 106,622.90 90,000 0.00 85,949.42 75,000 Investment Interest 284.32 208,907.69 200,000 1,217.08 17,965.67 200,000 DISBURSEMENTS: Fire Pension 35,071.71 267,258.99 500,000 41,684.05 512,262.83 552,400 Fire Pension Medical 648.20 8,173.14 20,000 84.19 9,572.61 20,000 Office/Operating Supplies 0.00 0.00 475 0.00 372.78 459 Actuarial/Firemen's Pens 0.00 3,200.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 Reimb General/Clerical&Acct 983.00 6,886.00 11,801 829.00 9,948.00 9,948 ENDING CASH/INV BALANCE $4,294,003.81 $4,296,003.81 $3,653,264 $4,479,078.22 $4,265,991.35 $3,895,540 CURRENT PREVIOUS LAST YEAR LAST YEAR ACTIVITY: MONTH MONTH CURR MO PREV MO CASH $757,583.55 $794,002.14 $717,958.65 $759,338.81 INVESTMENTS: CD's&State Investment Pool 454,767.46 454,767.46 454,767.46 454,767.46 Federal National Mortgage Assn 99,555.84 99,555.84 99,555.84 99,555.84 Treasury Strips&Zero Coupon Bonds 2,984,096.96 2,984,096.96 3,206,796.27 3,206,796.27 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $4,296,003.81 $4,332,422.40 $4,479,078.22 $4,520,458.38 The State Investment Pool interest 0.6157% 0.7396% 2.2758% 2.2933% H:\FINANCE\FINPLAN\FIREPEN\1_Fire_Pension_2009.xls\Ju109 Page 1 08/14/2009 `- FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD 14..' PENSION/MEDICAL PAYMENTS FOR AUGUST, 2009 y ANKENY, Charlie (Captain) $135.71 135.71 ASHURST, James (Assistant Chief) $4,820.50 652.64 5,473.14 BARILLEAUX, Ray(Battalion Chief) - - BEATTEAY, Karlen (Widow) $231.70 231.70 BERGMAN, Claudette(Widow) $154.09 154.09 CHRISTENSON, Chuck(Firefighter) $259.09 259.09 GEISSLER, Dick(Fire Chief) - - GOODWIN, Charles (Captain) $4,231.00 657.32 4,888.32 GOODW IN, Donald (Firefighter) $1,018.60 1,018.60 HAWORTH, Constance (Widow) $2,910.13 2,910.13 HAWORTH, Jack(Firefighter) $3,191.50 - 3,191.50 HENRY, William, Jr. (Captain) $1,339.58 1,339.58 HURST, Gerald (Firefighter) $543.59 543.59 JONES, Evelyn M. (Widow) $250.62 250.62 LARSON, William (Firefighter) - - LAVALLEY,Theodele (Captain) $360.94 360.94 MATTHEW, James (Deputy Chief) - - MC LAUGHLIN, JACK(Battalion Chief) $1,002.95 1,002.95 NEWTON, Gary(Lieutenant) $273.45 273.45 NICHOLS, Gerald (Battalion Chief) $536.08 536.08 PARKS-ANDREASON, Arlene (Widow) $335.32 335.32 PARKS, John (Firefighter) $3,312.50 - 3,312.50 PHILLIPS, Bruce H. (Deputy Chief) $257.12 257.12 PRINGLE, Arthur(Captain) $481.28 481.28 PRINGLE, S. Joan (Widow) $2,500.14 2,500.14 RIGGLE, David E. (Firefighter D Step) $82.78 82.78 RUPPRECHT, Jim (Firefighter D Step) $117.72 117.72 SMITH, Leroy(Firefighter) $409.86 409.86 * STROM, Doris (Widow) $3,691.50 30.42 3,721.92 TODD, Franklin (Firefighter) $469.71 469.71 TONDA, Lila Jean (Widow) $8.43 8.43 VACCA, Nick(Lieutenant) $311.71 311.71 WALLS, Camille(Widow) $145.64 145.64 WALLS, Mercedes (Widow) $115.77 115.77 WALSH, David (Firefighter) $1,065.19 1,065.19 WEISS, Larry(Battalion Chief) $768.23 768.23 WILLIAMS,Alta (Widow) - - WOOTEN, Maril n E. (Widow) $239.28 239.28 7-47P,ri o-��n"?. ��.d,`� �.;a,�a, ,. xx•.��� �� �'�' � ..x: � :' '"t,.'� * Received funeral expenses of$500.00 per RCW 41.18.140. Prior Year Pension/Medical Payments: Total Pension Payments for August, 2008 41,684.05 Total Medical Bills Reimbursed in August, 2008 1,263.90 Total Expenses: Medical/Pension 42,947.95 4 SUMMARY 2009.XLS 08/14/2009 , Noe vie CERTIFICATION OF ENROLLMENT HOUSE BILL 1506 Chapter 156, Laws of 2009 61st Legislature 2009 Regular Session FIREFIGHTERS--SURVIVOR BENEFITS EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/26/09 Passed by the House February 23, 2009 CERTIFICATE Yeas 92 Nays 0 I, Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of FRANK CHOPP the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is HOUSE Speaker of the House of Representatives BILL 1506 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. Passed by the Senate April 7, 2009 Yeas 45 Nays 0 BARBARA BAKER Chief Clerk BRAD OWEN President of the Senate Approved April 21, 2009, 2:53 p.m. FILED April 22, 2009 CHRISTINE GREGOIRE Secretary of State State of Washington Governor of the State of Washington 'j IOW 4110 HOUSE BILL 1506 Passed Legislature - 2009 Regular Session State of Washington 61st Legislature 2009 Regular Session By Representatives Conway, Bailey, Chase, Kirby, O' Brien, Kenney, Simpson, Carlyle, Hinkle, Goodman, Williams, Upthegrove, White, and Kelley; by request of Select Committee on Pension Policy Read first time 01/22/09. Referred to Committee on Ways & Means . 1 AN ACT Relating to benefits for the survivors of certain 2 firefighters; amending RCW 41 . 18 . 080 and 41 . 18 . 100; and adding a new 3 section to chapter 41 . 18 RCW. 4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: 5 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 . A new section is added to chapter 41 . 18 RCW 6 to read as follows : 7 (1) Any retired firefighter married to a spouse ineligible for 8 survivor benefits under RCW 41 . 18 . 040, 41 . 18 . 080, and 41 . 18 . 100 may 9 choose an actuarially equivalent benefit adopted by the board that pays 10 the retired firefighter a reduced retirement allowance, and upon death 11 such portion of the retired firefighter ' s reduced retirement allowance 12 as designated by the retired firefighter shall be continued throughout 13 the life of the spouse. 14 (2) A retired firefighter who married a spouse ineligible for 15 survivor benefits under RCW 41 . 18 . 040, 41 . 18 . 080, and 41 . 18 . 100 prior 16 to the effective date of this section has one year after the effective 17 date of this section to designate their spouse as a survivor 18 beneficiary. p. 1 HB 1506. SL 1 (3) The benefitvworovided to a child survivoftie beneficiary under RCW 2 41 . 18 . 040, 41 . 18 . 080, and 41 . 18 . 100 shall not be affected or reduced by 3 the retired firefighter' s selection of the actuarially reduced spousal 4 survivor benefit provided by this section, and shall be equivalent to 5 the amount payable as if the choice under subsection (1) of this 6 section was not made. 7 (4) (a) Any retired firefighter who chose to receive a reduced 8 retirement allowance under subsection (1) of this section is entitled 9 to receive a retirement allowance adjusted in accordance with (b) of 10 this subsection if: 11 (i) The retiree ' s survivor spouse designated in subsection (1) of 12 this section predeceases the retiree; and 13 (ii) The retiree provides to the board proper proof of the 14 designated beneficiary' s death. 15 (b) The retirement allowance payable to the retiree from the 16 beginning of the month following the date of the beneficiary' s death 17 shall be the current monthly amount payable as if the selection under 18 subsection (1) of this section was not made. 19 Sec. 2 . RCW 41 . 18 . 080 and 2007 c 218 s 49 are each amended to read 20 as follows : 21 Any firefighter who has completed his or her probationary period 22 and has been permanently appointed, and sustains a disability not in 23 the performance of his or her duty which renders him or her unable to 24 continue his or her service, may request to be retired by filing a 25 written request with his or her retirement board within sixty days from 26 the date of his or her disability. The board may, upon such request 27 being filed, consult such medical advice as it deems fit and proper. 28 If the board finds the firefighter capable of performing his or her 29 duties, it may refuse to recommend retirement and order the firefighter 30 back to duty. If no request for retirement has been received after the 31 expiration of sixty days from the date of his or her disability, the 32 board may recommend retirement of the firefighter. The board shall 33 give the firefighter a thirty-day written notice of its recommendation, 34 and he or she shall be retired upon expiration of said notice. Upon 35 retirement he or she shall receive a pension equal to fifty percent of 36 his or her basic salary. For a period of ninety days following such 37 disability the firefighter shall receive an allowance from the fund HB 1506 . SL p. 2 1 equal to his or herasic salary. He or she sll during said ninety 2 days be provided with such medical, hospital, and nursing care as the 3 board deems proper. No funds shall be expended for such disability if 4 the board determines that the firefighter was gainfully employed or 5 engaged for compensation in other than fire department duty when the 6 disability occurred, or if such disability was the result of 7 dissipation or abuse . Whenever any firefighter shall die as a result 8 of a disability sustained not in the line of duty, his widow or her 9 widower shall receive a monthly pension equal to one-third of his or 10 her basic salary ( (until—rcmarricd) ) ; if such widow or widower has 11 dependent upon her or him for support a child or children of such 12 deceased firefighter, he or she shall receive an additional pension as 13 follows : One child, one-eighth of the deceased' s basic salary; two 14 children, one-seventh; three or more children, one-sixth. If there be 15 no widow or widower, monthly payments equal to one-third of the 16 deceased firefighter ' s basic salary shall be made to his or her child 17 or children. The widow or widower may elect at any time in writing to 18 receive a cash settlement, and if the board after hearing finds it 19 financially beneficial to the pension fund, he or she may receive the 20 sum of five thousand dollars cash in lieu of all future monthly pension 21 payments, and other benefits, including benefits to any child and/or 22 children. 23 Sec. 3 . RCW 41 . 18 . 100 and 2007 c 218 s 51 are each amended to read 24 as follows : 25 In the event a firefighter is killed in the performance of duty, or 26 in the event a firefighter retired on account of service connected 27 disability shall die from any cause, his widow or her widower shall 28 receive a monthly pension under one of the following applicable 29 provisions : (1) If a firefighter is killed in the line of duty his 30 widow or her widower shall receive a monthly pension equal to fifty 31 percent of his or her basic salary at the time of his or her death; (2) 32 if a firefighter who has retired on account of a service connected 33 disability dies, his widow or her widower shall receive a monthly 34 pension equal to the amount of the monthly pension such retired 35 firefighter was receiving at the time of his or her death. If she or 36 he at any time so elects in writing and the board after hearing finds 37 it to be financially beneficial to the pension fund, he or she may p. 3 HB 1506. SL 1 receive in lieu ormeall future monthly pensi.,rr and other benefits, 2 including benefits to child or children, the sum of five thousand 3 dollars in cash. If there be no widow or widower at the time of such 4 firefighter' s death or upon the widow' s or widower ' s death the monthly 5 pension benefits ( (hcrcinabovc) ) provided for under this section shall 6 be paid to and divided among his or her child or children share and 7 share alike, until they reach the age of eighteen or are married, 8 whichever occurs first . ( (ire—widow' s—or—widower' 3—monthly—pension 9benefit, —including—increased—benefits—to—hrs--or-4-re-r—children—shall 10 cease if and whcn he or she remarries : PROVIDED, That no) ) A pension 11 payable under the provisions of this section shall not be less than 12 that specified under RCW 41 . 18 . 200 . Passed by the House February 23, 2009 . Passed by the Senate April 7, 2009 . Approved by the Governor April 21, 2009 . Filed in Office of Secretary of State April 22, 2009 . HB 1506. SL p. 4 • JAMES F ASHURST CHARLES GOODWIN JACK E HAWORTH 223 GARDEN AVE N 1414 MONROE AVE NE #306 P.O. BOX 864 RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98056 OCEAN SHORES WA 98569 JOHN L PARKS KARL B STROM 1335 3RD AVE #109 201 UNION AVE SE UNIT 142 LONGVIEW WA 98632 RENTON WA 98059-5177 PRE-LEOFF - RETIRED ON DISABILITY 5 ti�Y offNo , CITY F RENTON „u4:1:) City Clerk 1;1 Denis Law,Mayor Bonnie I. Walton July 13, 2009 PENSION BENEFIT CHANGE James F Ashurst 223 Garden Ave N Renton WA 98055 Dear Retired Firemen's Pension Member: The Washington State Legislature adopted House Bill 1506 which takes effect July 26, 2009.As a member,who has benefits under the Prior Act, R.C.W.41.18,this law could affect your present or future coverage. Prior to the passage of this bill you had to be married for five,years prior to your retirement before your spouse was eligible to receive your pension benefits, Unless you retired on a service related disability. The new amendment allows a member who retired under RCW 41.18 the option to select a survivor benefit for a future or a current spouse regardless of whether the member married less than five years before retirement, after retirement or who marries in the future. The new law also gives an option to those members whose present or future spouse isn't eligible for' your pension upon your death. If you were not married for the five years prior to retirement or you married after you retired you can sign up for an actuarial reduction in the pension amount that you are presently receiving, which will allow a spouse who was not eligible to-now receive your pension after your death. She may also remarry and continue to receive the pension.. Included with this letter is further information and a sign up form. IF YOU ARE PRESENTLY MARRIED TO THE SPOUSE THAT YOU WERE MARRIED TO WHEN YOU RETIREDAND'YOU HAD BEEN MARRIED FOR FIVE YEARS PRIOR TO RETIREMENT OR.IF YOU WERE MARRIED TO YOUR PRESENT SPOUSE.PRIOR TO YOUR RETIREMENT AND RETIRED ONA DUTY RELATED DISABILITY YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO ANYTHING FOR YOUR SPOUSE TO BE COVERED. The Retired Firefighters of Washington were instrumental in the introduction and passage of this bill. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call this office. Sincerely, Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk and Firemen's Pension Board Member&Secretary Enclosure Cc:Renton Fireman's Pension Board 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98057-(425)430-6510/FAX(425)430-6516 KE N T O r� AHEAD OF-THE CURVE SCI This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer w rwr' KARLEN BEATTEAY CLAUDETTE BERGMAN CONSTANCE C HAWORTH 4899 SOUTH SCURLOCK RD 2208 NE 12TH P.O. BOX 216 FREELAND WA 98249 RENTON WA 98055 TOLEDO WA 98591 EVELYN M JONES ALTA WILLIAMS WIDOWS SENT 5102 S 283RD PL 692 COUNTRY CLUB RD HB 1506 LETTER AUBURN WA 98001 WALLA WALLA WA 99362 5 • .s(0( CITY F RENTON + + City Clerk ‘e•P Denis Law,Mayor Bonnie I.Walton July 13, 2009 Karlen Beatteay 4899 South Scurlock Rd Freeland, WA 98249 RE: Change in Pension Law for Widow's Benefits Dear Mrs. Beatteay: The Washington State Legislature adopted House Bill 150.6 at it last session. This bill has changed the coverage that you may be receiving. If you are receiving pension payments from the city of Renton this new bill, will affect you in a positive Manner. Prior to the passing of this bill if you remarried you would lose the pension payments from the city of Renton. With the passing of this new law you can now remarry and you WILL NOT LOSE your payments from the City of Renton. Some of you receive Pension payments from the State and a smaller portion from the City. If you remarried you would have continued to receive the payments from the State, but would have lost your City benefit. If you now remarry you will not lose any benefits either from the State or the City. The effective date of this new law is July 26, 2009, so make sure and wait until after that date to remarry. The Retired Firefighters of Washington were instrumental in the introduction and passage of this bill. This letter is for your information and we don't need any notice or reply back from you. Have a great summer. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call this office. Sincerely, i ()a-t - Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk and Firemen's Pension Board Member and Secretary Cc: Renton Fireman's Pension Board 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98057-(425)430-6510/FAX(425)430-6516 RENT "O N T AHEAD OF THE CURVE 'sine CHARLEY D ANKENY GEORGE C BANASKY RAY C BARILLEAUX 27442 219TH PLACE SE 115 MORRIS AVE S 14816 SE 145TH PL MAPLEVALLEY WA 98038 RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98059 CHUCK CHRISTENSON RICHARD GEISSLER DONALD GOODWIN 1700 MONTEREY NE 619 BLAINE COURT NE 282 EL CAMINO DR RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98055 SEQUIM WA 98382 WILLIAM J HENRY GERALD A HURST WILLIAM LARSON 13707 156TH AVE SE 416 SEDONA DR 714 HIGH AVENUE SOUTH RENTON WA 98059 LAKE HAVASU CITY AZ RENTON WA 98055 86403-4475 THEODELE LAVALLEY JAMES MATTHEW JACK MCLAUGHLIN 1021 N. 34TH ST 223 GARDEN AVE NO 810 E OLD RANGE RD RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98055 ALLYN WA 98524-8700 GARY NEWTON GERALD H NICHOLS BRUCE H PHILLIPS 2101 DAYTON AVE NE 11014 80TH AVE CT SW 19611 SE 150TH RENTON WA 98056 LAKEWOOD WA 98498 RENTON WA 98059 ARTHUR J PRINGLE DAVID E RIGGLE JAMES M RUPPRECHT 1853 LOOMIS HWY P.O. BOX 14 21819 106TH PLACE SE SP#55 LOOMIS WA 98827 LOPEZ ISLAND WA 98261 KENT WA 98031 LEROY SMITH FRANKLIN L TODD NICHOLAS A VACCA 13655 E MASTERSON AVE 306 DAWSON TRAIL 145 RAINBOW DR. YUMA AZ 85367 GEORGETOWN TX 78628-4988 LIVINGSTON TX 77399-1045 CAMILLE WALLS DAVID C WALSH LARRY WEISS 21827 244TH SE 472 BRONSON WAY NE 18012 N PETRIFIED FOREST DR MAPLE VALLEY WA 98038 RENTON WA 98056 SURPRISE AZ 85374-6280 LEOFF I 24 C>tiY o CITY ..„0)F RENTON 4. ® ♦ City Clerk " Denis Law,Mayor Bonnie I.Walton INTO. July 13, 2009 FIREMEN'S PENSION BENEFIT CHANGE Charley D Ankeny 27442 219th Place SE Maple Valley WA 98038 Dear Firemen's Pension/Leoff I Member: The Washington State Legislature adopted House Bill 1506 which takes effect July 26,2009.As a member who , has benefits under the Prior Act, R.C.W.41.18 as well as LEOFF this law could affect your present or future coverage. Prior to the passage of this bill you had to be married for five years prior to your retirement before your spouse was eligible to receive your City pension benefits unless you retired on a service related disability. The new law gives an option to those members whose present or future spouse is not eligible for your city portion of the pension upon.your death. If you were not married for the five years prior to retirement or you married after you retired you can now sign up for an actuarial reduction in the City pension amount that you are presently receiving from the city in conjunction with your LEOFF pension.This will allow a spouse who previously was not eligible,to now receive your City pension after your death. She may also remarry and continue to receive the pension just as she will from LEOFF. This will work in the same way as your LEOFF survivor benefit works. It is for member's spouses who do not qualify for the City benefit because of the five year requirement or because you married after retirement. LEOFF has a one year eligibility requirement. If you have your spouse signed up for the LEOFF benefit and sign your spouse up for the City benefit we will apply a factor(chart included in this packet)to the excess of benefits you receive from the city. Example:You receive$2500.00 per month from LEOFF and $500.00 a month from the City. We will apply the actuarial factor to the$500.00 you receive and in the event of your death your spouse will continue to receive the reduced amount.The included information will further explain the details for this benefit. IF YOU ARE PRESENTLY MARRIED TO THE SPOUSE THAT YOU WERE MARRIED TO WHEN YOU RETIRED AND YOU HAD BEEN MARRIED FOR FIVE YEARS PRIOR TO RETIREMENT OR IF YOU WERE MARRIED TO YOUR PRESENT SPOUSE PRIOR TO YOUR RETIREMENT AND RETIRED ON A DUTY RELATED DISABILITY YOU DON'T NEED TO DO ANYTHING FOR YOUR SPOUSE TO BE COVERED. The Retired Firefighters of Washington were instrumental in the introduction and passage of this bill. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call this office. Sincerely, Bonnie I.Walton City Clerk and Firemen's Pension Board Member&Secretary Enclosure 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98057-(425)430-6510/FAX(425)430-6516 RENTON CA AHEAD OF THE CURVE • Nee °Noe ARLENE PARKS-ANDREASON SYLVIA J PRINGLE LILA JEAN TONDA PO BOX 1274 17503 SE 133RD ST 528 EDMONDS NE WOODLAND WA 98674 RENTON WA 98059 RENTON WA 98056 MERCEDES WALLS MARILYN WOOTEN WIDOWS ALREADY 108 MONTEREY PL NE 1525 LINCOLN AVE NE QUALIFIED - NO HB1506 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 LETTER NEEDED- 5 • 11111, IMO Renton Firefighters Pension Board 1055 S. Grady Way,#728 Renton,WA 98057 Application to Add Survivor Option Firefighter's Pension Under Phone:425-430-6502 RCW 41.18 (Prior Act) Fax: 425-430-6516 Section 1: RETIREE INFORMATION - Please print and complete form Retiree Name(Last,First,Middle) Social Security# Mailing Address City State Zip Code Telephone Number Date of Current Marriage Section 2: Spouse Information Spouse's Name(Last,First,Middle) Birth Date Social Security# Section 3: Required Documents Please include legible photocopies of the following documents when you submit this application: 1.Your birth certificate 2.your spouse's birth certificate 3.your marriage certificate Section 4: Retirement option Selection Retirement Options-Please review the attached factor tables before making your selection.Mark only one option. Once this application is submitted,the option you have selected cannot be changed. _Option 2(100%) _Option 3(50%) _Option 4(66.6%) Note:The selected option becomes effective the first of the month following receipt of this application and the required documents. Section 5: Certification I hereby apply to add a survivor option for the lifetime of my spouse.I understand that in order to provide this additional lifetime,my current monthly benefit will be actuarially reduced.All statements on this application are true and correct.I understand that this selection is irrevocable. Signature Date State of County of I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is the person who appeared before me, and said person signed this instrument and acknowledged this to be a Seal of Notary Public free and voluntary act for the use and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Signed and attested to before me this day of , 20 -Amo . . '° E fired Firefighters of Washington -No Z ,' ; mi\ = Jolt, about and iii Sup pwt of ate v lIetuced Waofuincjtaa State . -""s 2009 Published Monthly; 3703 W Dravus St, Seattle,WA 98199; 206-453-5159; cmbrakken@comcast.net PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE For July 2009 By Richard C Warbrouck I want to clarify the impact of the year or until July 26,2010 to select the new survivor 7 . passage of HB 1506 in the last option. A member who marries in the future must wait one r legislative session which will be year or until the first anniversary to apply and will have ,' effective on July 26,2009. To be one year or until the second anniversary to apply. `` clear,this bill only amends RCW 1) In allcases the member will have the right to select a 41.18,the Prior Act. The bill amended RCW 41.18 to survivor option of 100%, the same amount the member allow all surviving spouses to remarry without forfeiting is receiving at the time of death plus any future cost of their pension. Currently only a surviving spouse of a living increases. member who retired on a service pension can remarry 2) A two-thirds survivor benefit which equals two-thirds without losing the pension. of the amount the member is receiving at the time of The amendment allows a member who retired under death plus any future cost of living increases. RCW 41.18 and who was married less than five years 3) A 50%survivor benefit which would equal 50%of before retirement, after retirement or who marries in the what the member is receiving at the time of death plus future,the option to select a survivor benefit for a future any future cost of living increases. or current spouse. Currently the member who retired The member will receive a reduction in the current retire- under RCW 41.18 had to be married for five years before ment benefit check depending on which of the three retirement to qualify for a survivor benefit. survivor benefits is selected. The reductions for each of the three survivor options are The amendment also allows the spouse of a living dual member, a member who was employed under RCW 41.18 icomputed individually based on the amount the member is the Prior Act and RCW 41.26 the LEOFF 1 Retirement now receiving each month and the age of the member and System,who retired under LEOFF 1 on a disability the age of the spouse. In some situations the member may pension to also retain the second check if remarried after be older than the spouse and in some the spouse may be the death of the member. This does not affect the LEOFF older than the member. 1 benefit. Under LEOFF 1 the surviving spouse only had The local RCW 41.18 retirement boards will administer to be married to the member for one year before retire- this survivor option just as they now administer the Prior ment to qualify regardless of the type of retirement, Act Pension Law. I would expect that all the Prior Act service or disability. LEOFF 1 already has an option for RCW 41.18 Boards will use the reduction factors computed the member to select a survivor option if married for less by the State Actuary for RCW 41.26, the LEOFF Law. than one year before retirement, marries after retirement These reduction factors may be amended from time to time or in the future. The amendment will also allow a dual by DRS based on a new mortality study conducted by the member who retired under LEOFF 1,who is now receiv- State Actuary. The reduction factors in effect at the time ing a second check under the excess of benefits clause in you apply for the survivor benefit will be constant and will RCW 41.18 and who married less than five years before not change for you,only for those who apply in,the future. retirement, after retirement or is married in the future,th -o e current reduct'•• ._ t- : .he.cculation of the option for a survivor benefit under RCW 41.18, for the actuarially reduced survivor benefit can be found in second check now being paid by the member's former -02-380(14) and 4I5 32-380(15). employer. The reductiio—n eexamples I gave in the June Newsletter were After July 26, 2009, a member who is already married a d incorrect as I was looking at an old reduction table. Cur who wants to select the new survivor option will have o rently a member who is 4 years older than the spouse and is 1 now receiving$1,000 per month and who selects the 100%) 00% With the new by-law changes, the board will in effect survivor option will have a reduction of$141.00 per appoint all board members and those members will month. • appoint a president and secretary from their own group. A member who is 4 years older than the spouse and is now What are the qualifications for appointment to the board receiving$1,800 per month will have a reduction of . �r to an officer position? Are the appointments based on r $253.00 per month. tw! hat you know,what you have done, or just that you are One has to try to calculate his life expectancy in years LEOFF I member who won't ask any questions or times the annual reduction amount and compare that to the errand any accountability? It appears to be more of a amount the survivor will receive based on the pension the oy's club than an employee organization. member is receiving at the time of death plus future cost of !The new acting joint director of the State Healthcare living increases times her life expectancy. Once you select (Authority and the Department of Retirement Systems { the survivor option it cannot be revoked. If your spouse 'Steve Hill has recommended to the Governor that she precedes you in death your pension benefit will return to continue to have a single director of each department. the full value. The Governor concurred with Mr.Hill's recommendation • I have been working with Ray Sanderson,the Firefighter as did the DRS Pension Advisory Committee. Mr.Hill Representative on the Yakima Firefighters Pension Board, ���'ill continue until a new director is appointed. and with Steve Brown.the Executive Secretary of the i From Beth Eerkes, Seattle Firefighters Pension Board in drafting an informa- , tion packet and a,list of questions and answers that will be Department of Retirement Systems sent out to each member. e are pleased to report that RFFOW President Richard I hope the boards will be able to also include the reduction iarbrouck, has been appointed to the Washington State factors in the mailing. We will make this information retirement Systems, Pension Advisory Committee for a available to all the RCW 41.18 boards across the state, and s cond three year term. April 2009 the AARP Public Policy Institute released a they will be able to add additional information if needed. . If you have any questions call the RFFOW or better yet your local pension board for information. Don't call DRS research report on Social Security:Ten Facts that Matter. (,...in Olympia as they do not administer the Prior Act. Social Security insures families against the loss of income I want to inform you that Keven Rojecki, a City o£Sea- ac caused by retirement,disability,or death,with nearly universal firefighter,and an executive board member of the in paid employment and self-employment.The program has coverage;Social Security insurance covers 94 percent of work- ers Washington State Council of Firefighters is a candidate for been a success;however,Social Security has a long-term the City of Tacoma City Council. If you would like to solvency challenge. make a campaign donation or pledge some time, call the This Fact Sheet discusses ten important facts regarding Social campaign office at 253-292-3676; or the web page; Security and its future: www.rojeckifortacoma.com. 1. Social Security insurance protects all age groups. I have been advised that the Coalition had a telephone 2. Social Security provides a retirement benefit that is guaranteed for life and is adjusted to keep pace with inflation. board meeting on Monday June 22,2009 to amend their 3. Social Security benefits are adequately funded for an- by-laws. I have been told that one of the changes will other 32 years. allow the Coalition Board to reject a candidate who is 4. Social Security is the principal source of family income appointed by an organization to the Coalition Board. for nearly half of older Americans. 5. Social Security keeps older Americans out of poverty. They will now allow each at-large delegate of which there 6. Social Security benefits are progressive. are six,to.each have a vote on the board. All the at-large 7. Social Security is crucial for women. delegates are appointed by the board and they now can 8. Social Security provides critical income support to mi- norities.apparently reject any delegate appointed by an organiza- 9. Trust fund assets earned interest at 5.1 percent in 2008, tion, of which there are now only three. and the cost of administering Social Security is minimal. They have previously tried to remove Jerry Taylor,who 10. Social Security is the foundation of workers'retirement security,but it was never intended to be the only source. was appointed by the Retired Seattle Police Officer's To learn more about the Fact Sheet go to http://assets.aarp.org/ Association. rgcenter/econ/fs 154_socsec.pdf. 2 Nr, Nue Questions and answers to how the RCW 41.18.040,41.18.080,and 41.18.100 Renton Fire Pension Fund portion that you receive will be affected in choosing an otherwise ineligible surviving spouse option. (1) To whom does this apply?This applies to you if you are a retiree under RCW 41.18.040,41.18.080, or 41.18.100. (2) What are the otherwise ineligible surviving spouse options? RCW 41.18.040,41.18.080, and 41.18.100, now allows a retiree to provide a survivor option for a spouse who was not previously eligible for survivor benefits under RCW 41.18.040,41.18.080, or 41.18.100.The survivor option will provide a lifetime benefit for the spouse after the retiree's death. Note: RCW 41.18.040,41.18.080, and 41.18.100 hereafter is referred to as"prior act". (3) Will my prior act pension portion be reduced by selecting an otherwise ineligible surviving spouse option?Yes.Your prior act pension portion will be actuarially reduced beginning the first month following the month in which the Pension Board receives the completed form. (a) If the only source of your pension is from the prior act pension fund, then that gross amount shall be used to calculate the reduction for the survivor option. (b) If the amount received from the prior act pension fund is an excess amount over the RCW 41.26 LEOFF 1 amount received monthly,then only that excess amount shall be used to calculate the reduction for the survivor option. (4) What are the otherwise ineligible surviving spouse option choices? (a) Joint and whole (100%)prior act pension portion option.The prior act pension fund will pay you a reduced monthly prior act pension portion throughout your lifetime. After your death,the prior act pension fund will pay your surviving spouse a monthly prior act pension portion equal to the gross monthly prior act pension fund portion you were receiving at the time of death, plus all future cost-of-living adjustments after your death. (b) Joint and one-half(50%) prior act pension portion option.The prior act pension fund will pay you a reduced monthly prior act pension fund portion throughout your lifetime.After your death,the prior act pension fund will pay your surviving spouse a monthly prior act pension portion equal to one-half of the gross monthly prior act pension portion you were receiving at the time of death, plus all future cost-of-living adjustments after your death. (c) Joint and two-thirds(66 2/3%) prior act pension portion option.The prior act pension fund will pay you a reduced monthly prior act pension fund portion throughout your lifetime.After your death, the prior act pension fund will pay your surviving spouse a monthly prior act pension portion equal to two-thirds(66.667%)of the gross monthly prior act pension portion you were receiving at the time of death, plus all future cost-of-living adjustments after your death. (5) Do I qualify to add an otherwise ineligible surviving spouse option?You may select a surviving spouse option if: (a) Your current spouse is not eligible for survivor benefits under the prior act; (b) Some portion of your monthly prior act pension fund portion is payable to you, after any reduction pursuant to a property division obligation under RCW 41.50.670; (c) You have not previously selected a surviving spouse option for you present spouse; and (d) You meet the deadline and application requirements in (6) below. (6) How do I add an otherwise ineligible surviving spouse option?You may select a surviving spouse option, naming your current spouse,or if you are now single your future spouse, as your survivor beneficiary, provided that: (a) The selection is made: (i) During a one-year window, on or after the date of the first anniversary and before the second anniversary of the marriage; or (ii) No later than July 26, 2010, if you cannot comply with (a) (i) of this subsection because you were married prior to July 26, 2009; (b) You provide a copy of your certified marriage certificate to the Pension Board; (c) You provide a certified copy of your spouse's birth certificate to the Pension Board. (d) The above mentioned items are provided to the Board by the dates listed. (7) May I remove the otherwise ineligible surviving spouse option in the future?Your choice of a surviving spouse option is irrevocable with the following exceptions: (a) Your spouse dies before you; or (b) You and your spouse divorce. (8) What happens if my spouse dies before me,or if we divorce? If your spouse dies before you, or if you divorce,your monthly prior act pension fund portion will increase effective the first day of the following month.Your increased monthly prior act pension fund portion will be the amount you would have received had you not chosen a surviving spouse option, plus any cost-of-living adjustments you received prior to your divorce, or your spouse's death. (9) What happens to my eligible surviving children's share if I select an otherwise ineligible spouse option?There is no impact to the benefit provided under RCW 41.18.040,41.18.080, or 41.18.100 to surviving children if you select a surviving spouse option. (10) How does the Renton Fire Pension Board use actuarial tables? (a) The Pension Board will use the same actuarial tables the Washington State Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) uses to calculate optional LEOFF 1 retirement allowances for members, retirees,and beneficiaries. (b) DRS adopted these tables,schedules,and factors upon the office of the state actuary's (OSA) recommendation,following OSA's investigation into the mortality, service, compensation, and other experience of retirement plan members, retirees, and beneficiaries. (c) These tables, schedules, and factors may be amended by DRS from time to time, based upon subsequent actuarial investigation by OSA and OSA's recommendation to DRS. (d) The current tables used for calculation of an actuarially reduced RCW 41.18 benefit can be found in WAC 415-02-380(14) and 415-02-380(15) shown below as Table 1 (Member Younger) and Table 2 (Member Older). (e) Renton will use the tables in effect at the time the member submits the completed form for a surviving spouse option.The table used for calculation of an actuarially reduced benefit is irrevocable for the life of the actuarially reduced benefit. (f) The tables of this policy apply for the calculation of an actuarially reduced benefit for eligible retirees requesting a surviving spouse option on or after July 26, 2009. (11)What is a survivor beneficiary? It is your otherwise ineligible surviving spouse named by you to receive a lifetime monthly benefit from your prior act pension fund after your death. (12) Does the age of my survivor beneficiary affect how much my prior act pension portion will be reduced?Yes.Your survivor beneficiary's age is used in determining the amount of your prior act pension portion, and also the prior act pension portion your surviving spouse will receive upon your death.The younger the survivor beneficiary, the longer he or she is expected to receive a prior act pension portion.Your prior act pension portion will be reduced accordingly. (a) Example: Ken, a Chapter 41.18 RCW member, chooses Option 3 (joint and 50 percent survivorship) at retirement. He names his wife, Mary, as his survivor beneficiary.This means, if Ken dies before Mary, Mary will receive a monthly prior act pension portion equal to half the amount Ken was receiving at time of death. Mary is 3 years younger than Ken.The local fire pension board will apply to Ken's monthly amount due from the prior act pension fund an adjustment using the survivor option factor in Table 2 (Member Older) below. With a 3-year age difference (member's age minus beneficiary's age),the value corresponding Option 3 is 0.929.This value,0.929, is multiplied against the amount Ken would have received under Option 1 (no survivor feature). Ken's monthly prior act pension portion will be reduced to 92.9%of his Option 1 level. (b) Example: Mike, a Chapter 41.18 RCW member, chooses Option 2 (joint and 100 percent survivorship) at retirement. He names his wife,Judy, as his survivor beneficiary.This means, if Mike dies before Judy,Judy will receive a monthly prior act pension portion equal to the amount Mike was receiving. Mike is 3 years younger than Judy.The Pension Board will apply to Mike's monthly amount due from the prior act pension fund an adjustment using the survivor option factor in Table 1 (Member Younger) below. With a 3-year age difference (member's age minus beneficiary's age),the value corresponding to Option 2 is 0.897.This value,0.897,will be multiplied against the amount Mike would have received under Option 1 (no survivor feature). Mike's monthly prior act pension portion will be reduced to 89.7%of his Option 1 level. (13) How is the age difference between the retiree and spouse calculated? The difference in age is broken down first into whole years, then particle years of months and days. If the particle year is six months or less it is rounded down and only the whole years are counted.When the particle year is over six months it rounded up and counted as another whole year. In above example (a): Ken's date of birth is May 7, 1937 and Mary's is July 22, 1940.That is a total of three years,two months, fifteen days between their birth dates.The particle fourth year of two months fifteen days is six months or less; therefore the difference is rounded down to an even three years. Ken is three years older than Mary for the purpose of calculating Ken's monthly prior act pension portion. In example (b): Mike date of birth is September 13, 1943, while Judy's is February 3, 1941.This comes to a difference of 2 years, 7 months, 10 days.The particle third year is more than 6 months, Niiiv NW so it is rounded up as a full year,giving a total of 3 years difference in age. Mike is three years younger than Judy for the purpose of calculating Mike's monthly prior act pension portion. Table 1 (Member Younger): Effective July 1, 2009. Survivor option factor table: Member younger than beneficiary. Age difference: Member's age minus beneficiary's age. Age Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Difference 100% 50% 66 2/3% -20 0.959 0.979 0.972 -19 0.957 0.978 0.971 -18 0.954 0.976 0.969 -17 0.951 0.975 0.967 -16 0.948 0.973 0.965 -15 0.945 0.972 0.962 -14 0.941 0.970 0.960 -13 0.938 0.968 0.958 -12 0.934 0.966 0.955 -11 0.931 0.964 0.953 -10 0.927 0.962 0.950 -9 0.923 0.960 0.947 -8 0.919 0.958 0.944 -7 0.913 0.955 0.941 -6 0.910 0.953 0.938 -5 0.906 0.951 0.935 -4 0.901 0.948 0.932 -3 0.897 0.945 0.929 -2 0.892 0.943 0.925 -1 0.887 0.940 0.922 Table 2 (Member Older): Effective July 1, 2009. Survivor option factor table: Member older than beneficiary. Age difference: Member's age minus beneficiary's age. Age Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Difference 100% 50% 66 2/3% 0 0.882 0.937 0.918 1 0.877 0.935 0.915 2 0.872 0.932 0.911 3 0.867 0.929 0.907 4 0.862 0.926 0.904 5 0.857 0.923 0.900 6 0.852 0.920 0.896 7 0.847 0.917 0.892 8 0.842 0.914 0.889 9 0.837 0.911 0.885 10 0.832 0.908 0.882 11 0.827 0.906 0.878 12 0.823 0.903 0.874 13 0.818 0.900 0.871 14 0.814 0.897 0.868 15 0.809 0.895 0.864 16 0.805 0.892 0.861 17 0.801 0.889 0.858 18 0.797 0.887 0.855 19 0.793 0.884 0.851 20 0.789 0.882 0.849 21 0.785 0.880 0.846 22 0.781 0.877 0.843 23 0.778 0.875 0.840 24 0.774 0.873 0.837 25 0.771 0.871 0.835 26 0.768 0.869 0.832 27 0.765 0.867 0.830 28 0.762 0.865 0.828 29 0.759 0.863 0.825 30 0.756 0.861 0.823 31 0.754 0.860 0.821 32 0.751 0.858 0.819 33 0.749 0.856 0.817 34 0.746 0.855 0.815 35 0.744 0.853 0.814 36 0.742 0.852 0.812 37 0.740 0.851 0.810 38 0.738 0.849 0.809 39 0.736 0.848 0.807 40 0.734 0.847 0.805 /VCG() EusA mess �-ao-aoo9 From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 11:11 AM To: April Alexander Cc: Julia Medzegian Subject: RE: Firemens Pension Board Meeting on 9/17; may need to reschedule Expires: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 12:00 AM Thanks for the information. The Board will discus and decide at the Aug. Board meeting and I'll let you know. I suspect there will be no objections to holding this a few hours early that same day, prior to the workshop, as you have suggested. bw From: April Alexander Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 11:01 AM To: Bonnie Walton Cc: Julia Medzegian Subject: Firemens Pension Board Meeting on 9/17; may need to reschedule Administration and Council are tentatively planning a council budget workshop for September 17, 1:00-5:OOpm...if that's confirmed, we'll need to reschedule the Firemens Pension Board meeting...do you handle that or should I? I'm thinking maybe we could do it before the workshop (say, 12 or 12:30) if that works for the other board members; it would be convenient for the Mayor and Don Persson. april Tracking: 1 t'J P,) t._S 1 neS3 Nee CITY OF RENTON JUL 13 2009 RECEIVED CITY CLERKS OFFICE ACTUARIAL VALUATION of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 Prepared by Daniel R. Wade, FSA, EA, MAAA Fellow, Society of Actuaries Member, American Academy of Actuaries and Franklin N. Thoen, FSA, EA, MAAA Fellow, Society of Actuaries Member, American Academy of Actuaries ``. Milliman I\Ilillirnan 1301 Fifth Avenue Suite 3800 Seattle,WA 98101-2605 USA Tel +1 206 624 7940 June 29, 2009 Fax +1 206 340 1380 milliman.com Ms. Iwen Wang Finance & Information Services Administrator City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Re: 2009 Valuation Report As requested, we performed an Actuarial Valuation of the City of Renton Firefighters' Pension Fund as of January 1, 2009. The major findings of the valuation are contained in this report. This report reflects the benefit provisions in effect as of the valuation date. In preparing this report, we relied, without audit, on information (some oral and some in writing) supplied by the City. This information includes, but is not limited to, statutory provisions, employee data, and financial information. In our examination of these data, we have found them to be reasonably consistent and comparable with data used for other purposes. Since the valuation results are dependent on the integrity of the data supplied, the results can be expected to differ if the underlying data is incomplete or missing. It should be noted that if any data or other information is inaccurate or incomplete, our calculations may need to be revised. All costs, liabilities, rates of interest, and other factors for the City have been determined on the basis of actuarial assumptions and methods which are individually reasonable (taking into account the experience of the City and reasonable expectations); and which, in combination, offer our best estimate of anticipated experience affecting the City. Further, in our opinion, each actuarial assumption used is reasonably related to the experience of the Plan and to • reasonable expectations which, in combination, represent our best estimate of anticipated experience under the City. Future actuarial measurements may differ significantly from the current measurements presented in this report due to such factors as the following: plan experience differing from that anticipated by the economic or demographic assumptions; changes in economic or demographic assumptions; increases or decreases expected as part of the natural operation of the methodology used for these measurements (such as the end of an amortization period or additional cost or contribution requirements based on the plan's funded status); and changes in plan provisions or applicable law. Due to the limited scope of our assignment, we did not perform an analysis of the potential range of future measurements. The City has the final decision regarding the appropriateness of the assumptions. Actuarial computations presented in this report are for purposes of determining the recommended funding amounts for the Fund. Actuarial computations presented in this report under GASB Statements No. 25, 27, and 50 are for purposes of fulfilling financial accounting requirements. The computations prepared for these two purposes may differ as disclosed in This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004 doc-1 Offices in Principal Cities Worldwide 25 003 FQH 38/25 003 FQH 38 2009/DRW/FNT/nlo L' MiIIiman City of Renton June 29, 2009 Page 2 our report. The calculations in the enclosed report have been made on a basis consistent with our understanding of the Fund's funding requirements and goals and GASB Statements No. 25, 27, and 50. Determinations for purposes other than meeting these requirements may be significantly different from the results contained in this report. Accordingly, additional determinations may be needed for other purposes. Milliman's work is prepared solely for the internal business use of the City of Renton for a specific and limited purpose. To the extent that Milliman's work is not subject to disclosure under applicable public records laws, Milliman's work may not be provided to third parties without Milliman's prior written consent. Milliman does not intend to benefit or create a legal duty to any third party recipient of its work product. Milliman's consent to release its work product to any third party may be conditioned on the third party signing a Release, subject to the following exception(s): (a) The City may provide a copy of Milliman's work, in its entirety to the Fund's professional service advisors who are subject to a duty of confidentiality and who agree to not use Milliman's work for any purpose other than to benefit the Fund. (b) The City may provide a copy of Milliman's work, in its entirety, to other governmental entities, as required by law. No third party recipient of Milliman's work product should rely upon Milliman's work product. Such recipients should engage qualified professionals for advice appropriate to their own specific needs. We are consulting actuaries for Milliman, Inc. We are members of the American Academy of Actuaries and meet the Qualification Standards of the American Academy of Actuaries to render the actuarial opinion contained herein. We would like to express our appreciation to staff members of the City of Renton, who gave substantial assistance in supplying the data on which this report is based. We respectfully submit the following report, and we look forward to discussing it with you. Sincerely, Daniel R. Wade, FSA, EA, MAAA Franklin N. Thoen, FSA, EA, MAAA Consulting Actuary Consulting Actuary Joint Board # 08-06417 Joint Board # 08-04416 DRW/FNT/nlo This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fqh0004 doc-2 25 003 FQH 38/25 003.FQH 38 2009/DRW/FNT/nlo Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 Table of Contents Page SUMMARY: Scope of the Report and Findings 1 SECTION 1 Conclusions and Recommendations 7 SECTION 2 Cost of Pension Benefits 9 TABLE 1 Actuarial Present Value of All Future Pension Benefits Not Provided by LEOFF System 13 TABLE 2 Derivation of Contributions Required for Pension Benefits 14 SECTION 3 Actuarial Information for Accounting Purposes 15 TABLE 3 GASB Statement No. 27 Annual Pension Cost and Net Pension Obligation 17 TABLE 4 GASB Statements No. 25 and No. 27 Schedule of Funding Progress 18 TABLE 5 GASB Statement No. 25 Schedule of Employer Contributions 19 TABLE 6 GASB Statement No. 27 Three-Year Trend Information 20 TABLE 7 GASB Statement No. 27 Annual Development of Pension Cost 21 SECTION 4 Supplemental Information 23 TABLE 8 Projection of Future Excess Pension Benefits 24 APPENDIX A Actuarial Procedures and Assumptions 25 TABLE A-1 Summary of Valuation Assumptions 28 TABLE A-2 Service Retirement Annual Rates 29 TABLE A-3 Disability Annual Rates 30 TABLE A-4 Mortality Annual Rates 31 TABLE A-5 Actuarial Assumptions Display for Notes to Financial Statements 32 APPENDIX B Provisions of Governing Law 33 APPENDIX C Valuation Data 39 TABLE C-1 Firefighters Retired for Service 40 TABLE C-2 Firefighters Disabled in Line of Duty 40 TABLE C-3 Survivors of Firefighters 41 ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. i MUnman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003 FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo Now —. Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 SUMMARY Scope of the Report This report presents the results of an actuarial valuation of the City's Firefighters' Pension Fund (FPF). When valuing the pension fund liabilities, particular attention is given to the cost of providing the "excess benefit", a benefit under FPF available to active members as of March 1, 1970. On that date, the Washington Law Enforcement Officers' and Firefighters' System (LEOFF)was established. Under the terms of governing law, active members of the City's FPF on that date are entitled to payment from the FPF of the excess of benefits calculated under the FPF law over those calculated under the LEOFF law. The City's FPF also pays the entire pensions of those members retired prior to March 1, 1970 and their survivors. The employer costs given in the report are those that are the responsibility of the City. They exclude pension costs payable under the LEOFF system. In addition to the summary information presented in this section, you will find the next section of the report gives the conclusions and recommendations resulting from the valuation. Section 2 gives a brief description of the implications of the method employed in carrying out the valuation. It also contains a presentation of the computations discussed in Section 1. Section 3 gives the disclosure required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). Section 4 shows the projected cash payments the City will be required to pay under the pension obligations of the FPF. There are three appendices attached to the report. The actuarial assumptions used in the valuation are summarized in Appendix A. Appendix B gives a summary of the benefit provisions of both FPF and LEOFF, as interpreted for the purposes of this study. Appendix C contains tables showing the distribution of the active members and retirees with their monthly pension benefits by age. ;f..■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. Milliman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fqh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH 38 2009/DRW/FNT/nlo Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 Findings The following table presents an analysis of the actuarial present value of future pension benefits to be paid by the City's FPF. The entire pension benefit of members retiring before the establishment of the LEOFF System is paid by the City. The City's actuarial accrued liability for members retiring after establishment of LEOFF is only for excess pension benefits, which can be substantial. Active Members Hired Prior to March 1, 1970: $ 0 Retirees and survivors: Retirements prior to March 1, 1970 $ 878,000 Retirements since March 1, 1970 5,639,000 $ 6,517,000 Total Present Value of Future Benefits $ 6,517,000 ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 2 Milliman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH 38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo Now tirr Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 Projection of Future Excess Pension The following table illustrates the projected excess annual pension payments for currently active and retired members eligible for retirement benefits under FPF. The table is based on the actuarial assumptions stated in Appendix A. The page following the chart graphically illustrates the projected cash flow payments. Total Year Ending Estimated December 31 Payouts 2009 $ 503,000 2010 523,000 2011 514,000 2012 503,000 2013 492,000 2014 478,000 2015 464,000 2016 450,000 2017 434,000 2018 419,000 2019 404,000 2020 388,000 2021 373,000 2022 356,000 2023 340,000 2024 323,000 2025 305,000 2026 287,000 2027 269,000 2028 250,000 2029 230,000 2030 211,000 2031 191,000 2032 171,000 2033 152,000 2034 134,000 2035 116,000 2036 99,000 2037 84,000 2038 70,000 ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 3 Inman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fqh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 381 25.003.FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo Are Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 Expected Future Benefit Payments $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $- 2009 2019 2029 2039 2049 2059 • Pension ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 4 ii Mit I i ma n Milkman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fqh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH 38 2009/DRW/FNT/nlo New Nor Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 Summary of Changes in Plan Net Assets for the years ended December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007 Below is a summary of changes in assets for the past two years. 2007 2008 RECEIPTS Employer contributions $ 0 $ 0 Property tax revenue 0 0 Tax revenue from fire insurance premium 85,062 85,949 Miscellaneous revenue 0 0 Total receipts $ 85,062 $ 85,949 INVESTMENT EARNINGS Investment income $ 672,903 $ 1,218,067 DISBURSEMENTS Pension benefit payments $ 427,012 $ 512,263 Medical payments 9,059 9,573 Medical insurance payments 0 0 Long-term care insurance payments 0 0 Other expenses 16,226 10,321 Total disbursements $ 452,297 $ 532,157 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS $ 305,668 $ 771,859 Market Value of Net Assets BOY $ 7,863,249 $ 8,168,917 Market Value of Net Assets EOY $ 8,168,917 $ 8,940,776 :u:,.■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 5 Milliman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo V This page left blank. ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 6 Milliman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo 4.00, tisor Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 SECTION 1 Conclusions and Recommendations The City's obligations under the FPF are limited to the benefits provided to firefighters retired prior to March 1, 1970, plus payments of excess retirement benefits to active members as of that date. To meet these obligations, the City may contribute annually to the Fund the amount raised by levying all or part of a tax of up to $0.45 (only $0.225 of which can be in excess of the property tax limit pursuant to RCW 84.52.043) per$1,000 of true and fair market value, the maximum provided by law for maintaining the Fund. Contributions also include donations and income from the state fire insurance premium collection. On the basis of the actuarial assumptions used in this valuation, we estimate that the current assets of the Fund, along with future revenues from state fire insurance taxes (assumed to be paid for 10 years from the valuation date) and investment earnings, will be sufficient to pay all future FPF pension benefits. Accordingly, we recommend that the City make no contributions to the Fund until the next actuarial valuation is performed. By law, firefighters' medical and long-term care benefits may be paid either from the City's general revenues or from its FPF. Since the Fund is larger than the value of the expected FPF pension benefits, a portion of the excess could be used to pay these benefits. If medical and long-term care benefits or other nonpension expenses are to be paid from the FPF, we recommend they be limited to $345,000 per year over the next 10 years. As of January 1, 2009, the actuarial present value of future excess pension benefits to be provided by the City is $6,517,000. As of January 1, 2007 (the date of our last valuation), the present value of excess pension benefits was determined to be $6.364 million. The expected value as of January 1, 2009 based upon our 2007 valuation was $6.012 million. The actual present value of$6.517 million was 8% higher than expected for reasons summarized in the following chart: Liability Increase (Decrease)as a Reason Percentage Demographic experience (4%) Changes in benefit amounts compared to expectations 2% Changes in the demographic assumptions 0% Changes in the economic assumptions 10% Total 8% There has been an increase in liability since our last valuation. This increase can mostly be • attributed to changes in economic assumptions. These changes include decreasing the investment return assumption by 1.0% and decreasing the long-term CPI and wage increase assumptions by 0.5%. We also used the negotiated first-year wage increase. In addition, benefit amounts increased a little more than was expected during our last valuation. These increases were somewhat offset by greater-than-expected mortality for the group. R■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 7 Milliman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo • This page left blank. • ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 8 Mi I I i man Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25 003 FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 SECTION 2 • Cost of Pension Benefits Income from the FPF comes from the following sources, as described in RCW.41.16.050: 1. Bequests, fees, gifts, emoluments or donations. 2. Forty-five percent of all monies received by the State from taxes on fire insurance premiums, prior to January 1, 2000. Twenty-five percent after January 1, 2000. 3. Taxes paid pursuant to the provisions of R.C.W.41.16.060 (see below). 4. Interest on the investments of the Fund. 5. Contributions by firefighters as provided herein. The provisions referred to in item (3) require that each municipality levy up to $0.45 (only $0.225 of which can be in excess of the property tax limit pursuant to RCW 84.52.043) per$1,000 of assessed valuation, based on reports by a qualified actuary, to maintain the Fund. At the time that the LEOFF System was installed, the state assumed the major portion of the obligation to provide future retirement benefits for members still in active service at the date of the inception of LEOFF, March 1, 1970. Each of the cities maintaining an FPF retained the responsibility for all benefits payable to members (or to their survivors) who retired prior to that date. In addition, each city retained the responsibility for a portion of the benefits payable to members who were active on that date. These members are entitled to benefits under either the FPF formula or the LEOFF formula, whichever is greater. If the FPF benefit is greater, the City's FPF must meet the cost of the excess of the FPF benefit over the LEOFF benefit. Upon the establishment of LEOFF, the total pension liability of each FPF was expected to decrease rapidly from year to year because of the closed, diminishing nature of the group of retirees and survivors. However, the excess pension benefits paid by each city's FPF have generally been much larger than anticipated. This is largely due to the way postretirement adjustments to benefits are calculated. For those retired after 1970, the City must pay the excess of the FPF benefit over the LEOFF benefit. The LEOFF benefits increase with the Consumer Price Index (CPI)for Seattle, while most of the FPF benefits increase with wages of the current active firefighters in the rank the members held at retirement. For this reason, the benefits are highly sensitive to the spread between wage increases and CPI increases. Wages have typically grown at a faster rate than CPI and are expected to continue to do so in the future. ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 9 Milliman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fqh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo 1400 Small changes in the assumptions for wage increases or CPI have a magnified impact on the liabilities calculated. To see why this magnification occurs, consider the following example. Suppose that a person has an FPF benefit of$4,000 per month and a LEOFF benefit of$3,500 per month. The city-paid benefit is $500 per month. If wages increase at 3.5%, while CPI increases at 2.5%, the benefit increases will look like the following: Current Year Increase Following Year FPF $ 4,000.00 3.5% $ 4,140.00 LEOFF 3,500.00 2.5% 3,587.50 City-Paid Benefit $ 500.00 10.5% $ 552.50 As you can see, the city-paid benefit increased 10.5% despite the fact that the total benefit paid to the member increased by only 3.5%. Consider the same example, but with a 4.0% increase to wages. Current Year Increase Following Year FPF $4,000.00 4.0% $4,160.00 LEOFF 3,500.00 2.5% 3,587.50 City-Paid Benefit $ 500.00 14.5% $ 572.50 In the second example, the wages and total benefit increased by 0.5% more (4.0% - 3.5%)than in the first example. However, the city-paid portion of the benefit increased by 4.0% more (14.5% - 10.5%) than in the first example. This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 10 M1111 man Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fqh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH 38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo Under LEOFF, the benefit is adjusted after retirement in proportion to the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Under FPF, most adjustments are based on the change in salary for the active firefighters in the rank the members held at retirement. Wages have nearly always increased more rapidly than prices. The pattern is illustrated by the following table: Geometric Average Increase in National Average CPI for Previous Period of Years Period Ending 10 years 20 years 50 years 82 years 2008 2.5% 2.8% 4.0% 3.1% 1998 3.1% 4.5% 3.9% 1988 5.9% 6.3% 4.4% 1978 6.7% 4.3% 2.8% 1968 2.1% 2.0% 1958 1.9% 3.7% 1948 5.6% 1.7% Geometric Average Increase in National Average Wages for Previous Period of Years Period Ending 10 years 20 years 50 years 82 years 2008 3.8% 3.9% 5.0% 4.6% 1998 4.1% 5.2% 5.1% 1988 6.2% 6.4% 6.1% 1978 6.6% 5.4% 4.6% 1968 4.3% 4.4% 1958 4.5% 6.8% 1948 9.2% 3.9% Geometric Average Increase in National Average Wages Minus Geometric Average Increase in National Average CPI for Previous Period of Years Period Ending 10 years 20 years 50 years 82 years 2008 1.3% 1.1% 1.0% 1.5% 1998 1.0% 0.7% 1.2% 1988 0.3% 0.1% 1.7% 1978 -0.1% 1.1% 1.8% 1968 2.2% 2.4% 1958 2.6% 3.1% 1948 3.6% 2.2% The wage information is based on statistics from the Social Security System back to 1951 and the Total Private Nonagricultural Wages prior to 1951. The CPI figures are based on the national Consumer Price Index, U.S. City Average and All Urban Consumers. Over all years considered, wages have increased 1.5% faster than CPI. For the past 20 years, wages have grown at a rate of 1.1% higher than CPI. A■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. .1 M1111 ma n Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25 003 FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo *iv Nisit In addition to historical data, we reviewed current economic forecasts to find an economic forecast with a time frame suited to our purposes. We looked at the expected increase in the CPI used by the Office of the Chief Actuary for the Social Security Administration. In the 2009 Trustees Report, the ultimate projected annual increase in the CPI under the intermediate cost assumptions was 2.8%. The reasonable range was stated as 1.8% to 3.8%. The ultimate projected annual growth rate in the U.S. earnings was 3.9% for the intermediate assumptions, with a range of 3.5% to 4.3%. For this valuation, we assume that in the long-term wages increase 3.5% per year and CPI increases will be 2.5%, reflecting both historical data and economic forecasts. The actuarial assumptions are monitored for reasonableness and periodic changes are made when appropriate. Table 1 presents an analysis of the actuarial present value of future pension benefits to be paid by the FPF. The entire pension benefit of members retiring before the establishment of the LEOFF System is paid by the City. The City's actuarial accrued liability for members retiring after establishment of LEOFF is only for excess pension benefits, which can be substantial. As long as the FPF provides for benefits to covered members, the City will be eligible to receive a share of the State's distribution of the fire insurance premium taxes. We have assumed the fire insurance premium taxes increase at the same rate as prices, 2.5% per year. For purposes of this valuation, the funding of pension benefits is assumed to be completed 10 years from the valuation date. Thus, for funding purposes, we have assumed only fire insurance premiums received prior to January 1, 2019 are applied to fund the reserves for pension benefits. Premium income received after that date is assumed to be used for other purposes, such as payment of medical benefits. Table 2 develops the Fund's actuarial deficiency for pension benefits, which is zero. ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 12 MUnman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 TABLE 1 • Actuarial Present Value of All Future Pension Benefits Not Provided by LEOFF System Active Members Hired Prior to March 1, 1970: $ 0 Retirees and survivors: Retirements prior to March 1, 1970 $ 878,000 Retirements since March 1, 1970 5,639,000 $ 6,517,000 Total Present Value of Future Benefits $ 6,517,000 This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 13 Milliman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH 38 2009/DRW/FNT/nlo mss' Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 TABLE 2 Derivation of Contributions Required for Pension Benefits A. Actuarial present value of all future pension benefits not provided by the LEOFF System (Table 1): For active members $ 0 For retirees and survivors 6,517,000 $ 6,517,000 B. Assets of the Fund: Market Value Cash $ 1,182,000 Investments 7,759,000 Other Assets 0 $ 8,941,000 Less liabilities 0 Total Assets $ 8,941,000 C. Present value of future fire insurance premiums to be allocated to the Fund through 2018*: 812,000 D. Total Assets [B+C]: 9,753,000 E. Actuarial deficiency: Actuarial present value of amount to be funded from City appropriations, beginning in 2009[A-D, not less than zero]: $ 0 * Based on amount of total fire insurance premium taxes allocated to the Fund in plan year 2008. The fire insurance premium is assumed to be payable to the City for 10 years from the valuation date. ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 14 Milliman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fqh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003 FQH 38 2009/DRW/FNT/nlo Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 SECTION 3 Actuarial Information for Accounting Purposes GASB reporting standards are required for defined benefit pension plans reporting and disclosures (Statement No. 25). The City has adopted the reporting standards. The requirements for Statement No. 25 include certain supplementary information to the financial statements. These include: (1) A Schedule of Funding Progress, and (2) A Schedule of Employer Contributions. The Schedule of Funding Progress compares the amount of Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL)from year to year, and measures the progress of the employer's contributions in reducing this amount. The required Schedule of Employer Contributions compares the employer contributions required based on the actuarial required contribution, or Annual Required Contributions (ARC), with those employer contributions actually made. GASB Statement No. 27 is required for pension accounting by state and local governmental employers. The disclosures include the measurement of an Annual Pension Cost (APC). For the first year, the APC is equal to the employer's ARC, as actuarially determined by the funding methods and assumptions for pension benefits used for GASB purposes. If the City does not make a contribution equal to the ARC, then a Net Pension Obligation (NPO) account is established and the APC would reflect adjustments made to the NPO account, as well as the ARC. As of December 31, 2008, the City has a negative NPO as a result of the City paying more than its APC on a cumulative basis. This results in a net asset. It is our understanding that this asset should be recorded in the government-wide statement of net assets. For GASB purposes, the ARC must be calculated based on certain parameters required for disclosure purposes. We have used the Entry Age Normal Cost Method, one of the acceptable actuarial funding methods under these parameters. Under this method the projected benefits are allocated on a level basis as a percentage of salary over the earnings of each individual between entry age and assumed exit age. The amount allocated to each year is called the Normal Cost and the portion of the Actuarial Present Value of all benefits not provided for by future Normal Cost payments is called the Actuarial Accrued Liability. Since all members have already retired, the amount of the Normal Cost is zero. The UAAL is the Actuarial Accrued Liability minus the actuarial value of the Fund's assets. :.■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. .15 5 MiIIiman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo lisof For GASB reporting purposes, Table 3 presents the annual Normal Cost and the ARC as of the valuation date, assuming the UAAL is amortized as a level dollar amount over a closed 30-year • period beginning January 1, 2000. As of January 1, 2000, the UAAL was amortized over 30 years and at January 1, 2002, it was amortized over 28 years, etc. The estimated NPO at the end of the period December 31, 2009 is based on an assumed employer contribution as described in the footnote. Actual employer contributions will be different and the determination of the NPO at the end of the year should be redetermined based on the actual amounts received by the Fund. The UAAL and the percentage funded by assets are shown in Table 4, the Schedule of Funding Progress. Amounts shown in Table 5, the Schedule of Employer Contributions and in Table 6, the Three-Year Trend information should also be updated to reflect actual employer contributions, including amounts received from the fire insurance premiums. After the first year, the redetermination of the NPO for future years, as shown in Table 7, Annual Development of Pension Cost will require the use of an amortization factor. We can assist the City in this determination at the end of the year. Annual redeterminations of the NPO are required by GASB No. 27, but only biennial actuarial valuations are needed to determine the ARC. GASB Statement No 50 is effective for periods beginning after June 15, 2007. The Statement amends Statements 25 and 27 to require pension plans to present the following information. Notes to financial statements should disclose the funded status of the plan as of the most recent valuation date. Pension plans should also disclose actuarial methods and significant assumptions used in the most recent actuarial valuation in the notes to the financial statements instead of the notes to RSI. Please see Appendix A for a summary of the actuarial methods and assumptions used in this valuation. ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 16 Milliman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fqh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH 38.2009/DRWIFNT/nlo Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 TABLE 3 GASB Statement No. 27 Annual Pension Cost and Net Pension Obligation Fiscal Year Ending 12/31/2007 12/31/2008 12/31/2009 Annual required contribution(ARC) 1. Annual Normal Cost(BOY) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 2. Amortization of UAAL(BOY) (104,731) (104,731) (166,142) 3. Interest to EOY[(1)+(2)]x(i)* (5,237) (5,237) (6,646) 4. ARC at EOY[(1)+(2)+(3)] $ (109,968) $ (109,968) $ (172,788) 5. Interest on NPO $ (38,658) $ (46,349) $ (43,291) 6. Adjustment to ARC (54,591) (67,070) (74,178) 7. Annual pension cost(APC)[(4)+(5)-(6)] $ (94,035) $ (89,247) $ (141,901) 8. Employer Contributions** 59,777 66,055 65,000 *** 9. Change in NPO[(7)-(8)] (153,812) (155,302) (206,901)*** 10. NPO at BOY[(11)prior year] $ (773,166) $ (926,978) $ (1,082,280) 11. NPO at EOY[(9)+(10)] $ (926,978) $ (1,082,280) $ (1,289,181)*** * 'i'is the assumed interest rate that year:5.0%in 2007,5.0%In 2008,4.0%in 2009. ** Employer contributions for pensions are total contributions to the Fund net of disbursements from the Fund for medical expenses under RCW 41.26.150 and administrative expenses. *** Assumed amounts will be replaced at yearend with actual amounts. w -■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 7 MUnman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fqh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 TABLE 4 GASB Statements No. 25 and No. 27 Schedule of Funding Progress (rounded to thousands) ( Actuarial Unfunded Actuarial UAAL As A Actuarial Value Accrued Accrued Liabilities Covered Percentage of Valuation Date of Assets Liabilities (UAAL) Funded Ratio Payroll Covered Payroll January 1, 1997 $ 5,238 $ 6,444 $ 1,206 81 % $ 260 464 % January 1, 2001 7,067 6,780 (287) 104 0 N/A January 1, 2003 9,189 6,472 (2,717) 142 0 N/A January 1, 2005 7,777 6,254 (1,523) * 124 0 N/A January 1, 2007 7,847 6,364 (1,483) 123 0 N/A January 1, 2009 8,941 6,517 (2,424) 137 0 N/A *A $29 decrease in the actuarial accrued liabilities was made after the City's financial report was published and before the valuation was released. t ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. Milliman does not intend to benefit and . M i 11 i ma n assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. 8 ,- fgh0004.doc 25 003 FOH 38/25 003.FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 TABLE 5 GASB Statement No. 25 Schedule of Employer Contributions ( Annual Required Employer Fire Insurance Total Employer Contribution Percentage of Fiscal Year Ending Contributions* Premiums Contributions* (ARC) ARC Contributed December 31,2004 $ (7,099) $ 70,250 $ 63,151 $ (205,680) N/A December 31,2005 (14,375) 72,404 58,029 (113,541) N/A December 31, 2006 (18,753) 77,821 59,068 (113,541) N/A December 31,2007 (25,285) 85,062 59,777 (109,968) N/A December 31, 2008 (19,894) 85,949 66,055 (109,968) N/A December 31, 2009 (23,000) ** 88,000 ** 65,000 ** (172,788) N/A ** * Employer contributions for pensions are total contributions to the Fund net of disbursements from the Fund for medical expenses under RCW 41.26.150 and administrative expenses. ** Assumed amounts will be replaced at year end with actual amounts. ( ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. Millman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or ,�9 i,;,=.', M 1111 ma n liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo lay Nuot" Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 TABLE 6 GASB Statement No. 27 Three-Year Trend Information Contribution as a Annual Percentage of Net Pension Fiscal Year Ending Pension Cost(APC) APC Obligation (NPO) December 31, 2007 $ (94,035) N/A % $ (926,978) December 31,2008 (89,247) N/A (1,082,280) December 31,2009 (141,901) N/A * (1,289,181) * * Assumed amounts will be replaced at year end with actual amounts. ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 20 Milliman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH.38.2009/DRWIFNT/nlo L Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 TABLE 7 GASB Statement No. 27 Annual Development of Pension Cost ( Fiscal Year ARC Annual Pension Total Employer Amort.of Ending at EOY Interest on NPO ARC Adjustment Cost(APC) Contnbutions Change in NPO NPO Balance (Gain)/Loss Amort.Factor' (Gain)/Loss Ending Balance (2)= (3)= [prior yr(7)] [prior yr(7)) (4 (7)=(6)* (10)= (1) x int.rate /(9) (1)*(2)-(3) (5) (6)=(4)-)5) [prior yr(7)] (8)=(1)45) (9) [prior yr(11)]/(9) (11(-(7) 12/31/2004 $ (205,680) $ (10,790) $ (13,047) $ (203,423) $ 63,151 $ (266,574) $ (446,410) $ (268,831) 137834 $ (13,047) $ (446,410) 12/31/2005 (113,541) (24,553) (31,545) (106,549) 58,029 (164,578) (610,988) (171,570) 14.1517 (31,545) (610,988) 12/31/2006 (113,541) (33,604) (44,035) (103,110) 59,068 (162,178) (773,166) (172,609) 13.8750 (44,035) (773,166) 12/31/2007 (108,968) (38,658) (54,591) (94,035) 59,777 (153,812) (926,978) (169,745) 14.1630 (54,591) (926,978) 12/31/2008 (109,968) (46,349) (67,070) (89,247) 66,055 (155,302) (1,082,280) (176,023) 13.8212 (67,070) (1,082,280) 12/31/2009 (172,788) (43,291) (74,178) (141,901) 65,000 " (206,901)** (1,289,181)" (237,788)" 14.5903 (74,178) (1,289,181)" Based on a 30-year dosed amortization as of January 1,2000 Assumed amorists will be replaced at year end with actual amounts. ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or 21 M i I I i ma n liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH 38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo This page left blank. ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 22 Milliman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FOR 38/25.003.FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo IWO Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 SECTION 4 Supplemental Information Cash-Flow Projections The following table illustrates the projected excess annual pension payments for currently active and retired members eligible for retirement benefits under FPF. The table is based on the actuarial assumptions stated in Appendix A. -'=_■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 23 Milliman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25 003.FQH 38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo , t . Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 TABLE 8 Projection of Future Excess Pension Benefits Total Year Ending Estimated December 31 Payouts 2009 $ 503,000 2010 523,000 2011 514,000 2012 503,000 2013 492,000 2014 478,000 2015 464,000 2016 450,000 2017 434,000 2018 419,000 2019 404,000 2020 388,000 2021 373,000 2022 356,000 2023 340,000 2024 323,000 2025 305,000 2026 287,000 2027 269,000 2028 250,000 2029 230,000 2030 211,000 2031 191,000 2032 171,000 2033 152,000 2034 134,000 2035 116,000 2036 99,000 2037 84,000 2038 70,000 ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 24 Mi I I i man Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fqh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo a 'Irp `rrr' Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 APPENDIX A Actuarial Procedures and Assumptions The actuarial procedures and assumptions used in this valuation are described in this appendix. Note that since all active members have retired, some of these assumptions such as termination rates are not applicable. The actuarial assumptions are intended to estimate the future experience of the members of the City's FPF. The turnover assumptions were based on the 2001-2006 Experience Study for the Law Enforcement Officers' and Firefighter's Retirement System prepared by the Office of the State Actuary. Any variations in future experience from that expected under these assumptions will result in corresponding changes in the estimated costs of the System's benefits. Since our last valuation, the economic assumptions have changed. The assumed rate of return on investments was dropped 1.0% and the long term salary and CPI escalation assumptions have both dropped 0.5%. In addition, the demographic assumptions have been updated to match the Office of the State Actuary's most recent experience study for the LEOFF system. Table A-1 gives a brief summary of the assumptions. The rates of mortality, retirement and other terminations of employment are illustrated in Tables A-2 through A-4. Table A-5 provides a summary of actuarial assumptions for use in the notes to the financial statements. Where numerical rates are provided in the tables, these are technically central rates of decrement, referred to in actuarial notation by the general symbol "m." The underlying theory involved is described more fully in Jordan, Life Contingencies, Society of Actuaries (Second Edition, 1967), page 273. Actuarial Cost Method We are using the Entry Age Normal Cost Method. This funding method meets the parameters required for GASB disclosure purposes. Records and Data The data regarding active members, retirees, survivors and the financial information used in this valuation were supplied by the City and are accepted for valuation purposes without audit. Replacement of Terminated Members The City's FPF is a closed group. No new members are permitted. Valuation of Assets (where applicable) All assets are carried on a market value basis. a■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. . ' M i l l i ma n Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. 25 fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25 003.FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo Appendix A (continued) GASB No. 27 Amortization Period The UAAL is amortized over a closed 30-year period as of January 1, 2000 and an open 30-year period prior to January 1, 2000. Investment Earnings The future investment earnings of the assets of the City's FPF are assumed to accrue at an annual rate of 4.0%. Future Salaries Salaries are assumed to increase in the long-term at the rate of 3.5% per annum. In the first year, the negotiated increase of 5.5% was used. This assumption is for future inflation increases only. Since the members have at least 20 years of service, no additional increase is assumed for merit increases. Postretirement Benefit Increases Certain benefits increase at the same rate as the salaries for active members of the same rank the retiree had attained at retirement. These salaries were assumed to increase at the rate of 3.5% per annum in the long-term. During the first year these salaries are assumed to increase at 5.5%. Other benefits increase at the same rate as the CPI. The CPI was assumed to increase at the rate of 2.5% per annum. Service Retirement All members who attain, or who have attained, age 66 in active service are assumed to retire immediately. Other members eligible for service retirement are assumed to retire at the rates shown in Table A-2. Disability The rates of disability used in this valuation are illustrated in Table A-3. Mortality The mortality rates used in this valuation are illustrated in Table A-4. Members Retired from Service The mortality rates are based on the RP-2000 Mortality and Spouses: Table (combined healthy) projected to 2019 using 50% of Projection Scale AA,with ages set back one year for males and forward one year for females. Disabled Members: The mortality rates are based on the RP-2000 Mortality Table (combined healthy) projected to 2019 using 50% of Projection Scale AA,with ages set forward two years. Other Terminations of Employment The rate of assumed future withdrawal from active service for reasons other than death, disability, or retirement is 0% per year for all ages. ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 26 Mi I I i ma n Milkman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH.38 2009/DRW1FNT/nlo . Appendix A (continued) Vesting Terminating members may forfeit a vested right to a deferred benefit if they withdraw their accumulated contributions. For the purposes of the valuation, it is assumed that no such forfeitures will occur. Family Composition All active members are assumed to be married, with no children, when they retire. Marital status of retirees was supplied by the City. Wives are assumed to be three years younger than their husbands. Surviving spouses are assumed not to remarry. Fire Insurance Premiums Future fire insurance premium tax revenues are assumed to increase at the rate of 2.5% per year and are assumed to cease 10 years from the valuation date. • This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 27 Milliman t.nf� Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fqh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH 38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo 4/111, *1110 Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 TABLE A-3 Disability Annual Rates Age Rate • 30 0.8% 35 1.5 40 2.3 45 4.0 50 7.0 55 9.0 60 10.0 ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 30 Mit I i ma n Milkman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fqh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25 003.FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo f low lr Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 TABLE A-4 Mortality Annual Rates Active and Disabled Age Service-Retired Males Members Females 40 0.095% 0.113% 0.067% 45 0.123 0.153 0.105 50 0.168 0.225 0.158 55 0.267 0.391 0.286 60 0.510 0.752 0.554 65 0.987 1.407 1.045 70 1.716 2.365 1.771 75 2.966 4.105 2.870 80 5.216 7.248 4.751 85 9.335 12.728 8.158 90 16.021 20.852 14.054 95 24.597 29.421 20.151 100 33.021 37.169 24.483 ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 31 Milliman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fqh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25 003.FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo 4001 Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 TABLE A-5 Actuarial Assumptions Display for Notes to Financial Statements Valuation Date January 1, 2009 Actuarial Cost Method Entry Age Normal Amortization Method 30-year, closed as of January 1, 2000 Remaining Amortization Period 21 years Asset Valuation method Fair market value Actuarial assumptions Investment Rate of Return 4.0% Projected Salary Increases 5.5% in the first year and 3.5% thereafter Inflation 2.5% Cost-of-living adjustments Based upon salary increase assumption when appropriate, for FPF benefits. Based upon inflation assumption for some FPF benefits and all LEOFF benefits. ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 32 Milliman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003 FQH.38.2009 I DRW/FNT/nlo r w tll/✓ Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 APPENDIX B Provisions of Governing Law All actuarial calculations are based on our understanding of RCW 41.16 and 41.18, the statutes establishing the FPF, and RCW 41.26, the statute establishing the Washington Law Enforcement Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement System (LEOFF). Each firefighter in service on March 1, 1970 receives the greater of the benefit payable under the Washington Law Enforcement Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement System and the benefits available under the provisions of prior law. Where benefits under the old law exceed those under the new for any firefighter, the excess benefits are paid from the FPF of the city employing him on March 1, 1970. The benefit provisions of the FPF are summarized briefly below for reference purposes. This summary does not attempt to cover all of the detailed provisions of the laws. For comparative purposes, the bracketed statements describe the corresponding LEOFF law. Definitions Salary: Basic salary attached to rank of firefighter at time of retirement. (RCW 41.18.010(4)) [Same if he had the rank for at least 12 months; otherwise, the highest 24-month average from the last 10 years of service. (RCW 41.26.030(13a))] Spouse: Surviving spouse who was married to a disabled firefighter at time of disability or to a retired firefighter for five years prior to retirement. (RCW 41.18.010(5)). In the case of death or disability benefits, the surviving spouse's monthly pension benefit ceases upon remarriage. [Same, except marriage to retired firefighter for one year prior to retirement qualifies. (RCW 41.26.030(6))] Child: Firefighter's unmarried child under age 18. (RCW 41.18.010(6)) [Firefighter's unmarried child under age 18 or up to age 22 while attending an educational institution accredited or approved by the state of Washington. (RCW 41.26.030(7))] ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 33 Mi I I i man Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nIo ‘111 4110, Appendix B (continued) Service Retirement Benefit Member's Benefit: Eligibility Age 50 and 25 years of service. (RCW 41.18.040) [Age 50 and five years of service. (RCW 41.26.090)] Amount of 50% of salary plus an additional 2% for each year of service in excess benefit of 25 years. Maximum benefit of 60% of salary. (RCW 41.18.040) [2% of salary for each year of service if 20 or more years; 1'/z% of salary for each year of service if at least 10 but less than 20 years of service; 1'Y° of salary for each year of service if at least five but less than 10 years of service. For those retiring prior to July 1, 2006 the maximum initial benefit was 60% of salary. That maximum does not apply for those retiring after July 1, 2006. (RCW 41.26.100)] Survivor's Benefit: Eligibility Spouse or child (RCW 41.18.040). [Same. (RCW 41.26.160)] Amount of Continuation of firefighter's benefit. (RCW 41.18.040) [If spouse— benefit same plus additional 5% of salary per child. If no spouse—30% of salary for first child, 10% for each additional child. Maximum benefit in either case—60% of salary. (RCW 41.26.160)] Duty Disability Retirement Benefit Member's Benefit: Eligibility Disabled after six-month waiting period, during which time salary is payable from the Fund. (RCW 41.18.050) [Same, except salary is payable by City during the waiting period. (RCW 41.26.120)] Amount of Determined same as Service Retirement Benefit. (RCW 41.18.060) benefit [50% of salary plus an additional 5% for each child; maximum benefit of 60% of salary, or service retirement benefit, if greater. (RCW 41.26.130(1))] Recovery Restoration to service. (RCW 41.18.090) [Upon recovery before age from disability 50, restoration to service with full credit for service while disabled. Upon recovery after age 50, benefit continues as the greater of service retirement benefit or current benefit. (RCW 41.26.130(3))] Survivor's Benefit: See Survivor's Benefit section under Service Retirement. • ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 34 Mi I I i ma n Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003 FQH.38 2009/DRW/FNT/nlo Nee Ire" Appendix B (continued) Non-Duty Disability Retirement Benefit Member's Benefit: Eligibility Disabled after 90-day waiting period, during which time salary is payable from the Fund. (RCW 41.18.080) [Disabled after six-month waiting period, during which time salary is payable by the City. (RCW 41.26.125)] Amount of 50% of salary, or service retirement benefit, if greater. (RCW benefit 41.18.080) [50% of salary plus an additional 5% for each child; maximum benefit of 60% of salary, or service retirement benefit, if greater. (RCW 41.26.130(1))] Recovery See section under Duty Disability Retirement. from disability Limitations No benefits payable if firefighter employed elsewhere when disabled. (RCW 41.18.080) [All benefits are reduced by Workers' Compensation, Social Security, or insurance provided by another employer. Allowance cannot exceed difference between wage from current gainful employment and salary currently attached to rank held at retirement. (RCW 41.26.130(4))] Survivor's Benefit: Eligibility Spouse or child. (RCW 41.18.080) [Same. (RCW 41.26.161)] Amount of Percentage of salary, as follows: benefit 33.3% to widow only 45.8% to widow and one child 47.6% to widow and two children 50.0% to widow and three children 33.3% to children only (RCW 41.18.080) [Determined same as under Service Retirement Survivor's Benefit. (RCW 41.26.161)] .?::-■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 35 -..Y Milliman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25 003 FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo a 4 , Appendix B (continued) Duty Death Benefit Eligibility Spouse or child. (RCW 41.18.100) [Same. (RCW 41.26.160)] Amount of If spouse—50% of salary plus an additional 5% of salary per child; benefit maximum benefit 60% of salary. If no spouse—50% of salary to children. (RCW 41.18.100) [If spouse—same. If no spouse— 30% of salary for first child; 10%for each additional child. Maximum benefit in either case of 60% of salary. (RCW 41.26.160)] Non-Duty Death Benefit Provisions same as Survivor's Benefit under Non-Duty Disability Retirement. (RCW 41.18.080) [Provisions same as Survivor's Benefit under Duty Death Retirement. (RCW 41.26.161)] Special Provisions Under disability or death benefits, a surviving spouse may elect a lump-sum payment of$5,000 in lieu of future monthly benefits. (RCW 41.18.080) [If firefighter's contributions are not exhausted by payments to survivors, the balance goes to the firefighter's legal heirs. Applies to service, disability and death benefits. (RCW 41.26.160(3) and 41.26.161(3))] Vesting Eligibility Termination after 20 years of service. (RCW 41.18.130) [Termination after five years of service. (RCW 41.26.090)] Deferred Benefit Commences When firefighter would have had 25 years of service. (RCW 41.18.130) [Age 50. (RCW 41.26.090(2))] Amount of 2% of salary for each year of service. (RCW 41.18.130) [Same, if at benefit least 20 years of service; 1.5% of salary for each year of service if at least 10 but less than 20 years of service; 1% of salary for each year of service if at least five but less than 10 years of service. (RCW 41.26.090 and RCW 41.26.100)] Death while Payment of firefighter's deferred benefit to his spouse or child. (RCW vested prior to 41.18.130) commencement [a. Firefighter with 20 or more years of service: of benefits If spouse -firefighter's deferred benefit plus an additional 5% of salary per child. If no spouse - 30% of salary for first child, 10% for each additional child. Maximum benefit in either case - 60% of salary. (RCW 41.26.161) b. Firefighter with less than 20 years of service: Payment to spouse or estate of accumulated contributions less any payments made to firefighter. (RCW 41.26.090)] ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 36 Milliman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fqh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo Nor rave Appendix B (continued) Withdrawal Eligibility Termination with no other benefit. (RCW 41.18.130) [Same. (RCW 41.26.170)] Benefit Return of accumulated contributions less any benefit paid. (RCW 41.18.130) [Same. (RCW 41.26.170)] Postretirement Increase Type 1. Escalation by salary in proportion to current salary of rank from which firefighter retired. (RCW 41.18.040) 2. Increase proportionate to the increase in the Seattle-area CPI, with change computed annually. Regardless of the increase (or decrease) in the CPI, the benefits are increased at least 2% each year. (RCW 41.18.104) [Increase or decrease proportionate to the increase or decrease in the Seattle-area CPI, with change computed annually. No benefit may decrease below original amount. (RCW 41.26.240)] Applicability Escalation Type 1 applies to firefighters who retired from service after 1969, their survivors, and to firefighters who retired for duty disability after 1961. The second type applies to all other types of monthly benefits. (RCW 41.18.104) [All monthly benefits. (RCW 41.26.240)] Minimum Benefit After April 25, 1973, a minimum benefit of$300 per month to all retired firefighters and their survivors. This minimum is increased by the CPI. (RCW 41.18.200) [No provision under RCW 41.26.] Funeral Benefit $500 to defray funeral expenses. (RCW 41.18.140) [No provision under RCW 41.26.] ■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. Mi I I i ma n Mailman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. 37 fqh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo %ftiov *of This page left blank. This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 38 Mi I I i man Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fqh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25 003.FQH.38.2009 I DRW/FNT/nlo .4410, Now Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 APPENDIX C Valuation Data This valuation is based on the membership of the City's FPF as of January 1, 2009. It is our understanding that, as of the valuation date, the only liabilities for future benefits to present or retired firefighters or their survivors are those allocable to the persons included in Tables C-1 through C-3. Tables C-1 through C-3 present the distributions of retirees and surviving spouses of retirees receiving service and disability retirement pensions. Shown in the tables is the number receiving benefits and the monthly benefits received. Active Members Retired Members and Survivors Monthly Pensions Average Annual Number Annual Salaries Salaries Number Paid by City Paid by LEOFF 0 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 40 $ 41,526.62 $ 124,457.67 r■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 39 Milliman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. .fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo ° w 440 *aro Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 TABLE C-1 Firefighters Retired for Service Monthly Pension Age Number Paid by City Paid by LEOFF 65 -69 1 $ 0.00 $ 6,075.70 70-74 2 93.80 10,477.83 75-79 2 1,219.64 9,518.56 80 -84 1 229.53 5,627.67 85 -89 2 1,566.54 6,097.96 Totals 8 $ 3,109.51 $ 37,797.72 TABLE C-2 Firefighters Disabled in Line of Duty Monthly Pension Age Number Paid by City Paid by LEOFF 60 -64 1 $ 969.70 $ 4,497.02 65-69 5 2,525.70 16,773.64 70 -74 3 1,261.95 10,979.05 75-79 1 526.54 2,604.46 80 -84 6 10,428.51 12,695.39 85 -89 3 5,540.17 6,848.73 90 -94 2 9,051.50 0.00 Totals 21 $ 30,304.07 $ 54,398.29 • This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 40 Mi I I i ma n Milkman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo Now woo Actuarial Valuation of Firefighters' Pension Fund City of Renton January 1, 2009 TABLE C-3 Survivors of Firefighters Monthly Pension Age Number Paid by City Paid by LEOFF 60 -64 1 $ 281.43 $ 3,031.07 65-69 1 359.17 2,845.33 70-74 5 6,024.27 9,911.33 75 -79 2 874.07 6,431.51 80-84 1 345.21 5,121.51 85 -89 1 228.89 4,920.91 Totals 11 $ 8,113.04 $ 32,261.66 rzy■ This work product was prepared solely for the City of Renton. It may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. 41 Milliman Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability to other parties who receive this work. fgh0004.doc 25 003 FQH 38/25.003.FQH.38.2009/DRW/FNT/nlo ' .. ^ New Nue FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD MEDICAL BILLS TO BE REIMBURSED IN AUGUST, 2009 PAYMENT .},WOWN 411- =''.-1":!:'`,,.: '-4 '`..` .^'- ..~- -'~blit.. '' AVAtritgiyaw,, .. -`, or 2 James Ashurst Safeway 07/03/09 147.40 2 James Ashurst Safeway 07/03/00 13.99 2 James Ashurst Safeway 07/06/09 102.15 2 James Ashurst Safeway 08/03/09 202.40 2 James Ashurst Safeway 08/04/09 99.34 2 James Ashurst Safeway 08/04/09 87.36 652.64 4 Charles Goodwin Bartell Drugs 06/11/09 9.89 4 Charles Goodwin Bartell Drugs 06/25/09 194.36 4 Charles Goodwin Bartell Drugs 06/30/09 36.89 4 Charles Goodwin SMC First Hill Pharmacy 07/03/09 85.12 4 Charles Goodwin SMC First Hill Pharmacy 07/03/09 12.80 5 Charles Goodwin SMC First Hill Pharmacy 07/03/09 22.33 5 Charles Goodwin Bartell Drugs 07/12/09 84.44 5 Charles Goodwin Bartell Drugs 07/13/08 9.88 5 Charles Goodwin Bartell Drugs 07/18/09 201.80 6 Charles Goodwin Minkler's Green Earth 07/10/09 31.64 6 Charles Goodwin Rite Aid 07/03/00 25,98 657.32 Jack Haworth 0.00 John Parks 0.00 8 Karl Strom Sam's Club 07/18/09 4.41 8 Karl Strom Sam's Club 07/18/09 3.00 8 Karl Strom Sam's Club 07/20/00 4.59 9 Karl Strom Sam's Club 07/20/00 13.42 9 Karl Strom Sam's Club 07/20/09 5.00 30.42 *4109 SENDCLAIMTO: visoCity of Renton Finance Dept. -Fire Pension 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Ol�Y 0 a3 „_ CITY OF RENTON FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD Pharmacy/Medical Claim Reimbursement Request ;I,), DATE August 7 2009 2) DISABILITY RETIREE'S NAME (print) James F. Ashurst 3) ADDRESS 723 garden Ave, N. 4B Renton Wa. 08657 4) DISABILITY AT TIME OF RETIREMENT Hypertension, H.B.P. 5) DESCRIPTION OF CLAIM: (Supporting documentation must be attached.) (Effective 4/1/2008,pre-LEOFF retirees may submit all prescription drug expenses for reimbursement, whether or not related to the retirement disability,provided that the expense is not covered by another plan,source or insurance coverage. Supporting documentation for all must be attached.) HYPEPTENgTON 6) TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM: $652, 6 4 Amount of total claim (above) that is related to the Retirement Disability: $ 465, 94 7) I certify that I have not been and will not be compensated by any other organization, insurance carrier or Medicare for the above-mentioned claim for reimbursement other than the City of Renton. I further certify that the above statements are complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and that any charges other than prescription drug charges, are related to my disability as determined at the time of my retirement from the Renton Fire Department. Signature: �. ' , Note: Supporting documentation must be attached. P ale/1 M N Neff"" I ,,,,, rIMPAACY RENTON,WA 98055 RENTON,WA 98055 5.-) (425)226-0325 5 (425)226-0325 Official Receipt- Please retain for tax or insurance Official Receipt- Please retain for tax or insurance ASHURST,JAMES (425)255-6154 ASHURST,JAMES (425)255-6154 223 B GARDEN AVE N. 1 2/1 7 223 B GARDEN AVE N. 1 2/1 7 RENTON,WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 DR. GRAVES,DANIEL [RF] DR. GRAVES,DANIEL [RF] 17900 TALBOT RD S 17900 TALBOT RD S RENTON,WA 98055RENTON,WA 98055 AskAF AskAF Rx:6722768 Jul 03, 2009 Safety Cap: Yes PLFixAVIX 636 Jul TAB03, 2009 Safety Qty:30CapABes FUROSEMIDE 40MG TAB (RANB)Oty: 100 TAB PLAVIX 75MG (B-M ) 30 TAB Ref:30000040563204 NDC:63653-1171-06 BBAITP1 Ref:30000040563849 NDC:63304 0625 10 BBAISDP REGENCE BS WASHINGTON Cash Price: 201.99 Amount BS WA S1N T N Cash Price: 13.99 Amount Due: $147.40 111111 I I I IWII III 1111111il REFILL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS II I II II 1111111111111 III 11110 - RxREFILL YOUR SAfEWA1 COM TIONS �„ �SAfEWAY.COM 00000068710 29002101399 WI il ACY NTMICrlf ACY 0 i) RENTON,WA 98055 RENTON,WA 98055 # (425)226-0325 #1 (425)226-0325 Official Receipt- Please retain for tax or insurance Official Receipt - Please retain for tax or insurance ASHURST,JAMES (4251255-6154 ASHURST,JAMES (425)255-6154 223 B GARDEN AVE N. 1 2/1 7 223 B GARDEN AVE N. 1 2/1 7 RENTON,WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 DR. GRAVES,DANIEL [RS] DR. GRAVES,DANIEL [RF] 17900 TALBOT RD S 17900 TALBOT RD S RENTON,WA 98055 AskAF RENTON,WA 98055 AskAF Rx:6727733 Jul 06, 2009 Safety Cap: Yes Rx:6722774 Aug 03, 2009 Safety Cap: Yes PANTOPRAZOLE 40MG TAB (PRAS)Qty: 30 TAB LIPITOR 40MG TAB (PFIZ) Qty: 50 TAB Generic for:PROTONIX 40MG TAB CVTIPSHSGIPSH Ref:30000040710823 NDC:00008-0607-01 Ref:30000043069646 NDC:00071-0157-23 REGENCE BS WASHINGTON Cash Price: 134.49 REGENCE Amount DBS WASHINGTON Cash Price: 261.99 Amount Due: $102.15 02.40 II II II II II II IIIIII I I I I I II III II1Rxr I REFILL SYOUR AfEWAPRESCRIPTIONSI II II II II II 111111 11 MINH EF,�SAF'AYCOMP TIONS 00000068710 �t7 00000068710 y C1 �i IDTs� ACY > ACY RENTON,WA 98055 RENTON,WA 98055 WRIM # (425)226-0325 #15) (425)226-0325 Official Receipt- Please retain for tax or insurance Official Receipt - Please retain for tax or insurance ASHURST,JAMES (425)255-6154 ASHURST,JAMES (425)255-6154 223 B GARDEN AVE N. 1 2/1 7 223 RENTON,BGARDENW9 055 N. 1 2/1 7 RENTON,WA 98055 DR. GRAVES,DANIEL [NW] DR. GRAVES,DANIEL [RS] 17900 TALBOT RD S 17900 TALBOT RD S RENTON,WA 98055AskAF RENTON,WA 98055 AskAF Rx:6729173 Aug 04, 2009 Safety Cap: Yes Rx:6729169 Aug 04, 2009 Safety Cap: Yes HUMALOG 100U/ML INJ (LILL) Qty: 10 ML HUMULIN N VIA (LILL) Qty: 20 ML BBAISDPHAIRef:30000043148864 NDC:00002-7510-01 Ref:30000043148591 NDC:00002-8315-01 REGENCE BS WASHINGTON Cashd'rice: 109.98 REGENCE BS WASHINGTON Casherice: 93.98 Amount Due: $99.34 Q Amount Due: $87.36 Zit- 11111111 IlIlI1111111 (�f Rx REF:LSYaO= 111111111111111111111111111111 REFILL YO�PRESCR/PTIDNSii SAF�aY.COM 29002109934 �t7 29002108736 R SEND CLAIM TO: #44City of Renton Finance Dept.-Fire Pension 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 0 i • NT°� CITY OF RENTON FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD Pharmacy/Medical Claim Reimbursement Request 1) DATE70)\ 6 7 2) DISABILITY RETIREE'S NAME (print) Cillit? �cs-> D ed!Ai 3) ADDRESS /9/ /'/(DS 206 WeA/72)Ali 4) DISABILITY AT TIME OF RETIREMENT t� ,� ,. _ "J qt 'd,./ 5) DESCRIPTION OF CLAIM: (Supporting documentation must be attached.) (Effective 4/1/2008,pre-LEOFF retirees may submit all prescription drug expenses for reimbursement, whether or not related to the retirement disability,provided that the expense is not covered by another plan,source or insurance coverage. Supporting documentation for all must be attached.) 4(6) TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM: $ Amount of total claim(above) that is related to the Retirement Disability: $�� . • 3.2 7) I certify that I have not been and will not be compensated by any other organization, insurance carrier or Medicare for the above-mentioned claim for reimbursement other than the City of Renton. I further certify that the above statements are complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and that any charges other than prescription drug charges, are related to my disability as determined at the time of my retirement from the Renton Fire Department. Signature: Note: Supporting documentation must be attached. pAl ---ig •' &//i6e-tYi At_ - A Noe Ram 6aftiefrtz BARTELL DRUGS I BARTELL DRUGS ahi on'a Own Drugstores a.. .. RX# � 'an a.. ' --4M3324 E DR. KATO D MRCH,GERALD DATE: 06/30/09 N (425)255-9310 DATE: 06/11/09 R (425)251-5110 NAME: CHARLES GOODWIN NAME: CHARLES GOODWIN 1414 MONROE AVE NE#306 1414 MONROE AVE NE#306 ALLOPURINOL 100MG TABLET(PAR LISINOPRIL 5MG TABLET(*LUP) 49884-0602-10 68180-0513-03 5072243164659 3877093267609 REFILL 3 REFILL NO QUANTITY 100,00 QUANTITY 30.00 BARTELL DRUGS PRICE- 40 51BARTELL DRUGS PRICE= $40.99 n $10.99 `� 9.89 WITH SR THE AMOUNT DUE=$36.89 WITH SR THE AMOUNT DUE= BARTELL DRUGS#45 q BARTELL DRUGS#45 (425)793-1015 (425)793-1015 4700 NE 4TH STREET 4700 NE 4TH STREET RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON,WA 98059 THANK YOU THANK YOU WE TRULY APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS. TO PROVIDE YOU WE TRULY APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS. TO PROVIDE YOU WITH THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE PLEASE ORDER YOUR WITH THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE PLEASE ORDER YOUR REFILLS 24-48 HOURS IN ADVANCE L REFILLS 24-48 HOURS IN ADVANCE ISwedish Medical Center First Hill Pharmacy CUSTOMER 747 Broadway•Seattle,WA•(206)386-3784 CUSTOMER I BARTELL DRUGS CHARLES GOODWIN RECEIPT -��Waah on'�OwnDrugalorea��. 1414 MONROE AVE NE# RX# 45-4912 E DR. LORCH,GERALD 425) 25RENTON,WA DATE: 06/25/09 R (425)251-5110 (425) 255-7782 98056 ;-n�-o9 RX:001-2220683 LEVOELOXACIN 250MG C f I�. -7-03-09 NAME: CHARLES GOODWIN QTY. #6 TABS 1414 MONROE AVE NE#306 Dr.DESISTA,ANN,q L NDC#00045-1520-50 550 16TH,AVE#100 AGGRENOX CAP 200/25 PAY: $85.12 SEATTL 11/'\7A7.,, 00597-0001-60 1/ 5023773154659 PRICE $85.12 IIIi!IIiIIIIIIIIIIREFILL 2 QUANTITY 60.001/1/1/1/1/11 BARTELL DRUGS PRICE= $208.99 WITH SR THE AMOUNT DUE 4194.36 1 41 (L-T-- Swedish Medical Center I �) I First Hill Pharmac CUSTOMER 1 , 747 Broadway•Seattle,WA•(206)386-3784 BARTELL DRUGS#45 RECEIPT (425)793-1015 114 4 MONROE HARLES GOODWIN AVEI 1" NE# G r 1 4700 NE 4TH STREET RENTON,WA RENTON,WA 98059 (425) 255-7782 98056 7-03-09 RX:001-2220685 PROMETFIAZINE 25MG ORIG: 7-03-09 THANK YOU Q EY: #15 TAB NDC#68382-0041-01 WE TRULY APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS. TO PROVIDE YOU Dr DESISTA,ANNA L WITH THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE PLEASE ORDER YOUR 550 16TH AVE#100 REFILLS 24-48 HOURS IN ADVANCE PAY: Q 2•`VO SEATTL 1vA 98122 PRICE $12.60 ,P ft(5,-12- I 111111111111111111111 q1 mow -7-Z e ,/ .... , / V/J(/‘- '")/‘ °6- '74f"-'/'' at;/ !/�- i�lfl�lrt I� 411100 f Cillif L'e-. 4 . _660 b cz) 1 it/ - / ' i 4d,i , \vSwedish Medical Center CUSTOMER ) First Hill Pharmacy 6r V�7 �Y� I'1 BARTELL DRUGS 747 Broadway•Seattle,WA•(206)386-3784 RECEIPT ��Was ington4 Own D CHARLES GOODWIN Rxa 45-488364 E DR. LOR RALD 1414 MONROE AVE NE# DATE: 07/13/09 R RENTON,WA 98056 7-03-09 (425)251-5110 (425) 255-7782 CRIG: 7-03-09 NAME: CHARLES GOODWIN RX:001-2220684 PROMETHAZINE 25MG SUPP" 1414 MONROE AVE NE#306 QTY: #4 SUPP NDC#00713-0526-12 Dr.DESISTA,ANNA L ALLOPURINOL 100MG TABLET(*Q/ 550 16TH AVE#100 SEATTL H A 98122 00603-2115-32 PAY: $22,33 5211056634659 PRICE $22.33 111111 l III REFILL 2 QUANTITY 30.00 BARTELL DRUGS PRICE= $10.99 Swedi sh Medi C: WITH SR THE AMOUNT DUE- 9.89 Center BARTELL DRUGS#45 747 Broadway (1\ (425)793-1015 4700 NE 4TH STREET Seattle, I e, Was"h i ngto�,� RENTON, WA 98059 61' (T THANK YOU R e-t a i 1 Pharmacy WE TRULY APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS. TO PROVIDE YOU 206-386-3784 WITH THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE PLEASE ORDER YOUR r� L. REFILLS 24-48 HOURS IN ADVANCE YOUR ORDER# 453 Rx (Take Home) $12.60 Rx (Take Home) $85.12 Oc Rx (Take Home) $22.33 .\PA, TOTAL $120 _ 05 BARTELL DRUGS VISA $120.05 . ............Washington's Own Drugstores Item Count: 3 RX# 45-491232 E DR. LORCH,GERALD DATE: 07/18/09 R (425)251-5110 ID # 713 let i c i a NAME: CHARLES GOODWIN 2785 0001-002 1414 MONROE AVE NE#306 I BARTELL DRUGS AGGR OX CAP 200/25 Washington's Own Drugstores005 - 001 0 5248722744659 RX# 45-452020 E DR. FLO, GAYLE DATE: 07/12/09 R (425) 251-5110 REFILL QUANTITY 60.00 NAME: CHARLES GOODWIN BARTELL DRUGS PRICE= $216.99 1414 MONROE AVE NE#306 WITH SR THE AMOUNT DUE=$201.80 GEM� = •-OZIL 600MG TABLET(*CA BARTELL DRUGS#45 31722 0 5197605744659 `�� (425)793-1015 REFILL QUANTITY 180.00 CJ� 4700 NE 4TH STREET _ Iv RENTON,WA 98059 A 1 BARTELL DRUGS PRICE= $91.78 THANK YOU WITH SR THE AMOUNT DUE 4114214 WE TRULY APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS. TO PROVIDE YOU WITH THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE PLEASE ORDER YOUR REFILLS 24 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BARTELL DRUGS#45 L (425)793-1015 4700 NE 4TH STREET RENTON,WA 98059 THANK YOU �i /` -2.st 449 WE TRULY APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS. TO PROVIDE YOU ` NerWITH THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE PLEASE ORDER YOUR REFILLS 24-48 HOURS IN ADVANCE 76- • d A"-kAk 47/661A /61r1 a Cgive" 4 6-(3 CD Du) ( ---ALr14-L6°-:41° WO : MINKLER ' S GREEN EARTH DATE 07/10/2009 FRI TIME 10:04 1 HERB CAPSULES id $11.39 1 SUPPLEMENTS id $20.25 \ TAXI AMT $3.01 �,' RITE TOTAL $34.65 AI D CARD TEND $34.65 * ORDER# 0291 * EMPLOYEE1 NO.020591 REG 02 PHARMACY THANK YOU! With us, it's personal. ACCT: 0274 Store #05203 AP: 000000 3116 N.E. SUNSET BL NETWK: 511 TRC: 604490 RENTON, WA 98056 RETRIEVAL: 919117604490 (425) 793-0787 SETTLE: 07/11 Register #1 Transaction #354577 CRRDNEMBER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF GOODS Cashier #52030001 7/03/09 8:42PM AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES TO PERFORM 1 DEPEND UW MEN 18CT XAB S 13.99 T H THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH BV THE 1 PRIVA WTRPRFSHT PROT 30X3 11.99 T CARDMEMBER'S AGREEMENT WITH THE ISSUER ON SALE, Reg 1/12.99 THANK VOU 2 Items Subtotal 25.98 Tax 2.47 ��, Total 28.45 l 8.45 SIGNATURE NOT REQUIRED *DEBIT * DEBIT card * #XXXXXXXXXXXXOXXXX0274 App # AUTO Ref # 560503 Card Present Tendered 28.45 Cash Change .00 ��nn . 6) , ,31 , `/.0, 111 11 Nil 11111 cm-Aft;e-43 T Taxable �JH - Health *, t1/4-, / Health hanefit total 15.32 -j * The heal items tha - hursement 3 Pa&' ,o SEND CLAIM TO: City of Renton Nosie Nsinance Dept. - Fire Pension 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 A • vPLT CITY OF RENTON FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD Phannacy/Medical Claim Reimbursement Request 1) DATE 0% IiuIo61 2) DISABILITY RETIREE'S NAME (print) KA-R-1.- 3) R .3) ADDRESS -0l £4 (A)U1 ,��5� -I(-(-- R-e/\n-&,A OKI 4) DISABILITY AT TIME OF RETIREMENT 5) DESCRIPTION OF CLAIM: (Supporting documentation must be attached.) (Effective 4/1/2008, pre-LEOFF retirees may submit all prescription drug expenses for reimbursement, whether or not related to the retirement disability,provided that the expense is not covered by another plan, source or insurance coverage. Supporting documentation for all must be attached.) 6) TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM: $ 30 •42-- Amount ZAmount of total claim(above) that is related to the Retirement Disability: $ 7) I certify that I have not been and will not be compensated by any other organization, insurance carrier or Medicare for the above-mentioned claim for reimbursement other than the City of Renton. I further certify that the above statements are complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and that any charges other than prescription drug charges, are related to my disability as determined at the time of my retirement from the Renton Fire Department. Signature: 4 '. Ii . `�. •.I/t.11r • Note: Supporting documentation must be attached. -Pv Databas>DEdletoh 9)..Information Expires 10/22/2009 ��,,,,,,��r SAN'S CLUB 9015)793-7937 SOUTH GRADY WAY ' $18.54 SAM'S CLUB 9015)SOUTh'liRADY WAY $18.54 Pharmacy RENTON,WA 98055-0000 Pharmacy RENTON,WA 98055-0000 STROM,KARL B 07/18/2009 REFILL STROM,KARL B 07/18/2009 REFILL 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 ' 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 RX:6702400 Ref#3 QTY:30 DAW:0 DS:30 RX:6702400 Ref#3 QTY:30 DAW:0 DS:30 NDC:00093-7153-98 SIMVASTATIN 10MG . TAB TEV NDC:00093-7153-98 SIMVASTATIN 10MG TAB TEV BROCKENBROUGH,ANDREW T NABP:4930613 BROCKENBROUGH,ANDREW T NABP:4930613 34741 34741 WHI AARP Patient Pay $4,41 WHI AARP Patient Pay $4.41 Y 1 ,• M STROM a 0 CO 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 I_CC CC (425)271-8373 4 79313 45479 2 5, Cl) 11 07/18/2009 (425)793-7937 V/ Signature Required N AX:6702400 REF=3 OC#655 923 865 776 592 884 107 659 238 '0 07/18/2009 10:12:54 AM WHI Page No : 1 of 2 TOTAL: $4.41 d SAM'S CLUB 9015 SOUTH GRADY WAY $4.00)793-7937 SAM'S CLUB 90 SSOUTHGRADY WAY)793-7937 $4.00 Pharmacy RENTON,WA 98055-0000 Pharmacy RENTON,WA 98055-0000 STROM,KARL B 07/18/2009 REFILL STROM,KARL B 07/18/2009 REFILL 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA.98059 ; 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 RX: 6702397 Ref#2 QTY: 30 DAW:0 ' DS:30 RX:6702397 Ref#2 ' QTY:30 DAW:0 DS: 30 NDC: 00378-0018-91 METOPROLOL TART 25MG TAB MY NDC:00378-0018-91 METOPROLOL TART 25MG TAB MY BROCKENBROUGH,ANDREW T NABP:4930613, BROCKENBROUGH,ANDREW T NABP:4930613 32441 32441 WHI AARP Patient Pay $3,q4 , WHI AARP Patient Pay $3.00 • . U EE' KARLOB a O CO 201 UNION AVE SE#142, J RENTON,WA 98059 IL (425)271-8373 Q 07/18/2009 (425)793-7937 .4 79313 4 5 4 7 3 0 CI) X Signature Required NRX:6702397 REF=2 OC#555 923 871 076 592 388 107 659 238 07/18/200910:42:31 AM WHI O Page No : 1 of 3 TOTAL: $3.00 p Database Edition:93.Information Expires 10/22/2009 SAM'S CLUB (425)793-7937 $8.00 SAM'S CLUB(425)793-7937 $8.00 901 SOUTH GRADY WAY 901 SOUTH GRADY WAY Pharmacy RENTON,WA 98055-0000 Pharmacy RENTON,V A 98055-0000 STROM,KARL B 07/20/2009 NEW STROM,KARL B 07/20/2009 NEW 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 ' 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 RX: 6710769 Ref#5 QTY:60 DAW:0 DS: 30 RX:6710769 Ref#5 . QTY:60 DAW:0 DS:30 NDC: 16714-0041-01 ALLOPURINOL 100MG TAB NOR NDC: 16714-0041-01 ALLOPURINOL 100MG TAB NOR BROCKENBROUGH,ANDREW T NABP:4930613 BROCKENBROUGH,ANDREW T NABP: 4930613 37421 37421 WHI AARP Patient Pay $4- g WHI AARP Patient Pay $4.59 Y STROM KARL B 0a 0 m 201 UNION AVE SE#142 z CC RENTON,WA 98059 II ¢ (425)271-8373 4 79313 45475 4 ,^ Y 07/20/2009 (425)793-7937 It V/ Signature Required N RX:6710769 REF=5 OC#655 923 869 176 592 384 107 659 238 Q 07/20/2009 02:30:28 PM WHI Page No : 1 TOTAL: $4.59 •p`, Ne-/ g ip , • 0 441101 NW Database Edition:93.Information Expires 10/22/2009 SAM'S CLUB (425)793-7937 $45.72 SAM'S CLUB(425)793-7937 $45.72 901 SOUTH GRADY WAY 901 SOUTH GRADY WAY Pharmacy RENTON,WA 98055-0000 Pharmacy RENTON,WA 98055-0000 STROM,KARL B 07/20/2009 NEW STROM,KARL B 07/20/2009 NEW 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 RX: 4417050 Ref#0 QTY:30 DAW:0 DS:30 • RX:4417050 Ref#0 QTY:30 DAW:0 DS: 30 NDC: 00093-0074-01 ZOLPIDEM 10MG TAB TEV NDC:00093-0074-01 ZOLPIDEM 10MG TAB TEV GRAVES,DANIEL NABP:4930613 GRAVES,DANIEL NABP:4930613 13621 13621 WHI AARP Patient Pay $13:42 WHI AARP Patient Pay $13.42 i 3 LOM L B O. 0 CO ION AVE SE#142 FE CC J ON,WA 98059 425)271-8373 Q 009 (425)793.7937 4 79313 45478 5 r. Cl) Y Signature Required N 4417050 REF=0 OC#155 923 475 676 592 384 107 659 238 �. 07/20/2009 01:46:07 PM � Page No : 1 of 2 TOTAL: $13.42 O. AIN SAM'S CLUB (425)793-7937 •$242.54 SAM'S CLUB(425)793-7937 $242.54 901 SOUTH GRADY WAY 901 SOUTH GRADY WAY Pharmacy RENTON,WA 98055-0000 Pharmacy RENTON,WA 98055-0000 STROM,KARL B 07/20/2009 REFILL STROM,KARL B 07/20/2009 REFILL 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 RX: 6704701 Ref#8 QTY:30 DAW:0 DS: 30 RX:6704701 ' Ref#8 QTY: 30 DAW: 0 DS: 30 NDC: 00074-4317-30 ZEMPLAR 1 MCG CAP ABB NDC:00074-4317-30 ZEMPLAR 1 MCG CAP ABB BROCKENBROUGH,ANDREW T NABP:4930613 BROCKENBROUGH,ANDREW T NABP:4930613 30000184233847 30000184233847 WHI AARP/RES RX Patient Pay $5.00 WHI AARP/RES RX Patient Pay $5.00 • Y STROM KARL B d. 0 CO 201 UNION AVE SE#142 C J RENTON,WA 98059 (425)271-8373 4 79313 4 5 8 9 9 8 Q 07/20/2009 (425)793-7937 A Y Signature Required N WHj/6704701347REF=8 OC#855 923 851 076 534 723 107 659 238 C 07/20/2009 03:08:46 PM Page No : 1 of 2 TOTAL: $5.00 a AI