HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Agenda Packet , Now Now CITY OF RENTON FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD Regular Meeting 7th Floor-Mayor's Conference Room Thursday, July 16, 2009 2:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 18, 2009 3. CORRESPONDENCE a. Cost of Living Increase - Widows b. New Survivor Benefit Legislation- HB 1506 4. MONTHLY STATEMENT TO JUNE 30, 2009 5. MONTHLY BILLS AND PENSION PAYMENTS 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. NEW BUSINESS 8. ADJOURNMENT fir► *iv MINUTES FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD CITY OF RENTON June 18, 2009 Denis Law, Mayor Don Persson, Council Finance Committee Chair Bonnie Walton, City Clerk Ray Barilleaux, Fire Department Representative Bruce Phillips, Fire Department Representative Chuck Christensen, Fire Department Alternate The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Mayor Denis Law at 2:00 p.m. in the Mayor's Conference room, 7th floor of Renton City Hall. In attendance were Board members Denis Law, Don Persson, Bruce Phillips and Bonnie Walton. Also in attendance was Jill Masunaga, Finance Department representative. MINUTES APPROVAL MOVED BY PHILLIPS, SECONDED BY PERSSON, THE PENSION BOARD APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 21, 2009, MEETING. CARRIED. MONTHLY STATEMENT The financial report as of May 31, 2009, was reviewed. Total cash/investment balance was $4,371,649.47. MONTHLY BILLS AND PENSION PAYMENTS MOVED BY PHILLIPS, SECONDED BY PERSSON, THE BOARD APPROVE THE PENSION/MEDICAL PAYMENTS FOR JUNE 2009, IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $38,466.90 TO BE PAID FROM THE FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Regarding survivor benefits, Bonnie Walton offered to research the impacts of recent State legislation affecting certain Firemen's Pension members. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PHILLIPS, SECONDED BY PERSSON, THE MEETING OF THE FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD BE ADJOURNED. CARRIED. Time: 2:05 p.m. 6(41.: 4. Idatter, Bonnie Walton Firemen's Pension Board Secretary ti�Y o ADMINISTRATIVE, JUDICIAL, AND _c LEGAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT �` Office of the City Clerk �N�1/4., MEMORANDUM DATE: July 10, 2009 TO: Members, Firemen's Pension Board FROM: Bonnie Walton, City Clerk/Board Secretary & Member SUBJECT: Cost of Living Increase Payable July 2009 - Widows Washington State Law (RCW 41.18.104) requires that the Firemen's Pension Board meet each year for the purpose of adjusting benefit allowances for widows of firemen pensioned prior to the LEOFF Act (March 1970). The Board must determine benefits according to the increase in the Consumer Price Index for the previous calendar year for the Seattle, Washington, area as compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor. The Bureau has updated its form for this year and has reported a 4.2% annual increase in the CPI percentage for All Urban Consumers in the Seattle area for 2008. A copy of the report is attached. I recommend that the Board adopt the 4.2% increase, effective July 1, 2009, and paid July 31, 2009. cc: Iwen Wang, FIS Administrator Bureau of Labor Statistics Data Page 1 of 1 • •.4 • op,-• v-• wuvw.b1s,gov Search: All BLS.gov for: mr1.1 „j100125YEARS Newsroom I Tutorials I Release Calendar TA BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Home Subject Areas DatahaSeS TableS Publications Economic Releases A-Z Index I About BLS 7/ 77 77 „ Databases Change Output Options: From 1999 To: 2009 [ include graphs More Farr/letting Options wig* Data extracted on: July 10, 2009 (2:08:38 PM) Consumer Price Index - All Urban Consumers 12 Months Percent Change Series Id: CUURA423SA0 Not Seasonally Adjusted Area: Seattle-Tacoma-Bremerton, WA Item: All items Base Period: 1982-84-100 Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual HALF1 HALF2, 1999 2.5 3.5 3.1 2.9 3.2 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2000 3.2 3.3 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.1 3.7 3.3 4.1 2001 4.5 3.6 4.0 3.6 3.2 2.5 3.6 4.0 3.2 2002 2.0 2.5 1.7 1.9 1.6 2.1 1.9 2.1 1.8 2003 2.0 1.9 1.2 2.2 1.5 0.5 1.6 1.8 1.5 2004 1.2 1.0 1.9 0.1 1.4 2.1 1.2 1.3 1.2 2005 2.1 3.6 2.3 2.7 3.5 3.0 2.8 2.7 3.0 2006 3.0 3.0 4.2 4.9 3.2 4.2 3.7 3.3 4.1 2007 4.0 4.0 3.5 3.0 4.1 4.6 3.9 3.9 3.8 2008 4.7 3.4 5.8 5.4 3.4 1.7 4.2 4.6 3.8 2009 1.4 1.2 ss Quick Links Tools Calculators Help Info 5 At a Glance Tables 5 Inflation 5' Help&Tutcinais G What's New 5 Economic News Releases 5 Location Quotient 5 A to Z Index 6 Careers @ BLS 5 Databases&Tables 5 Injury And Illness 5 FAQs Find It! DOL 0 Maps & Glossary U Join our Mailing Lists 5 About BLS a Privacy& Security a Contact Us a Linking&Copyright Information fLeatiently_45k.gli_Qttg$tiQrrs FrAteOpirjg Infgroatiglii A CUStOilleTSATvgy 1214'99-it t-4.) OBreatt of Labor Statistics 2 Massachusetts'Avenue.HE mbvshingtorl,Dc 202/2-000/ www. 1S.90v, T4:lepttole:k.202)691- 200 Do you hove, ,f),_atriirtutrsti,007 , , • http://data.bls.gov/PDQ/servlet/SurveyOutputServlet 07/10/2009 r.re From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 5:26 PM To: Denis Law; Ray Barilleaux; Bruce Phillips; Don Persson Cc: Jill Masunaga Subject: Firemen's Pension - New Survivor Benefit Legislation Attachments: TempHouseBill ltrs 7-7-09.doc Expires: Sunday, January 03, 2010 12:00 AM Renton Firemen's Pension Board Members: Regarding House Bill 1506, as approved by the State Legislature this year: This Bill, regarding Firefighters--Survivor Benefits, amends RCW 41.18 and goes into effect on July 26, 2009. In a nutshell this new legislation allows: 1) Survivor benefits to continue lifelong, even if the survivor remarries, and 2) Any retired firefighter married to a spouse ineligible for survivor benefits to choose an actuarially reduced benefit adopted by the Board. Upon death of the retired firefighter, the reduced retirement allowance will be continued through out the life of the surviving spouse. If the retiree's spouse predeceases the retiree, and if the retiree provides the Board proper proof of the death, the retiree's unreduced pension allowance will be payable from the beginning of the month following the date of death. We can discuss this further at our meeting next week, but what is interesting is that the legislation as adopted is missing a few elements. One major thing is that it fails to indicate how the actuarially reduced benefit should be calculated! Fortunately other FP Boards and Clerks in the State are also questioning this and are pursuing answers, with some trying to contact the initiators of the Bill. I should be receiving more information and will share it with you as this evolves. Some think the State is going to need to enact an amendment to this legislation to fill in the missing information. In the meantime, I will send letters out tomorrow to the affected FP members so they are aware. Drafts of the two letter versions are attached for your review. Please contact me if you have questions or concerns; otherwise we can discuss further at next week's FP Board meeting. Respectfully, Bonnie Walton City Clerk and FP Board Member & Secretary City of Renton 425-430-6502 1 WIDOW LETTER July 8, 2009 «FirstName» «LastName» «Address» «CityandState» «Zip» Dear Mrs. «LastName»: House Bill 1506 was recently passed into legislation effective July 26, 2009. This bill affects your City of Renton RCW 41.18 pension benefits for survivors of firefighters who retired under, or retain benefit comparisons under, the Firefighters' Relief and Pensions (FRP) Act. One of the sections of this bill removes language that currently causes the survivor's benefit to cease if the surviving spouse remarries. Therefore. even if you remarry, you will continue to receive your survivor's benefit for the remainder of your lifetime. If you have any questions regarding this provision, please contact me at (425) 430- 6502. Sincerely, Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk and Firemen's Pension Board Member and Secretary Nor RETIREE LETTER July 8, 2009 «FirstName» «LastName» «Address» «CityandState» «Zip» Dear«FirstName» «LastName»: House Bill 1506 was recently passed into legislation effective July 26, 2009. This bill affects your City of Renton RCW 41.18 pension benefits for survivors of firefighters who retired under, or retain benefit comparisons under, the Firefighters' Relief and Pensions (FRP)Act. 1. This bill removes language that currently causes the survivor's benefit to cease if the surviving spouse remarries,thus allowing the benefit to continue for the lifetime of the survivor. 2. This bill also allows any retired firefighter married to a spouse ineligible for survivor benefits to choose an actuarially reduced benefit adopted by the Board. Upon death of the retired firefighter, the reduced retirement allowance shall be continued throughout the life of the surviving spouse. If the retiree's spouse predeceases the retiree, and if the retiree provides the Board proper proof of the death, the retiree's unreduced pension allowance will be payable from the beginning of the month following the date of death. If you were married to your current spouse after your retirement with the City of Renton, or if you were married to your current spouse less than 5 years prior to your"service retirement", you are eligible to take a reduction in your City of Renton pension allowance and add your spouse as your beneficiary. You have until July 26, 2010, to make this election to reduce your City of Renton pension and add your spouse as your beneficiary. Please contact Bonnie Walton at the City of Renton City Clerk's Office to obtain an election form. Due to incomplete direction in HB 1506, we do not have all the details regarding the amount or implementation of the reduction. We are researching this issue; however, and by completing and returning the form, you will be showing your intention to avail yourself of this option. Completing the form prior to knowing the amount of the reduction will not obligate you at this time, but will protect your rights. Sincerely, Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk and Firemen's Pension Board Secretary Enclosure: HB 1506 CITY OF RENTON - FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND CASH & INVESTMENT ACTIVITY REPORT AS OF JUNE 30, 2009 Fireman's Pension Fund Comparison of Cash and Investment Activity 6 _..l ❑2009 ❑2008 5 — m — — 0 4 o 0 N g 3 0 2 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec CURRENT 2009 2009 LAST YEAR 2008 2008 ACTIVITY: MONTH YTD BUDGET CURR MO ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET BEGINNING CASH/INV BALANCE $4,371,649.47 $4,265,991.35 $3,895,540 $4,562,873.54 $4,694,232.48 $4,203,347 RECEIPTS: Fire Insurance Premium Tax 0.00 106,622.90 90,000 0.00 85,949.42 75,000 Investment Interest 222.83 208,623.37 200,000 1,470.01 17,965.67 200,000 DISBURSEMENTS: Fire Pension 36,853.64 232,187.28 500,000 41,489.16 512,262.83 552,400 Fire Pension Medical 3,613.26 7,524.94 20,000 1,567.01 9,572.61 20,000 Office/Operating Supplies 0.00 0.00 475 0.00 372.78 459 Actuarial/Firemen's Pens 0.00 3,200.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 Reimb General/Clerical&Acct 983.00 4,920.00 11,801 829.00 9,948.00 9,948 ENDING CASH/INV BALANCE $4,330,422.40 $4,333,405.40 $3,653,264 $4,520,458.38 $4,265,991.35 $3,895,540 CURRENT PREVIOUS LAST YEAR LAST YEAR ACTIVITY: MONTH MONTH CURR MO PREV MO CASH $794,002.14 $833,229.21 $759,338.81 $801,753.97 INVESTMENTS: CD's&State Investment Pool 454,767.46 454,767.46 454,767.46 454,767.46 Federal National Mortgage Assn 99,555.84 99,555.84 99,555.84 99,555.84 Treasury Strips&Zero Coupon Bonds 2,984,096.96 2,984,096.96 3,206,796.27 3,206,796.27 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $4,332,422.40 $4,371,649.47 $4,520,458.38 $4,562,873.54 The State Investment Pool interest 0.7396% 0.6658% 2.2933% 2.6998% H:\FINANCE\FINPLAN\FIREPEN\1_Fire_Pension_2009.xls\Jun09 Page 1 07/10/2009 err vn. FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD PENSION/MEDICAL PAYMENTS FOR JULY, 2009 771 '` ° ` ' 1, 4. ANKENY, Charlie(Captain) $135.71 135.71 ASHURST, James (Assistant Chief) $4,820.50 568.27 5,388.77 BARILLEAUX, Ray(Battalion Chief) - - BEATTEAY, Karlen (Widow) $231.70 231.70 BERGMAN, Claudette(Widow) $154.09 154.09 CHRISTENSON, Chuck(Firefighter) $259.09 259.09 GEISSLER, Dick(Fire Chief) - - GOODWIN, Charles (Captain) $4,231.00 - 4,231.00 GOODWIN, Donald (Firefighter) $1,018.60 1,018.60 * HAWORTH, Constance(Widow) $2,910.13 2,910.13 HAWORTH, Jack(Firefighter) $3,191.50 - 3,191.50 HENRY, William, Jr. (Captain) $1,339.58 1,339.58 HURST, Gerald (Firefighter) $543.59 543.59 JONES, Evelyn M. (Widow) $250.62 250.62 LARSON, William (Firefighter) - - LAVALLEY, Theodele(Captain) $360.94 360.94 MATTHEW, James (Deputy Chief) - - MC LAUGHLIN, JACK(Battalion Chief) $1,002.95 1,002.95 NEWTON, Gary(Lieutenant) $273.45 273.45 NICHOLS, Gerald (Battalion Chief) $536.08 536.08 PARKS-ANDREASON, Arlene(Widow) $335.32 335.32 PARKS, John (Firefighter) $3,312.50 - 3,312.50 PHILLIPS, Bruce H. (Deputy Chief) $257.12 257.12 PRINGLE, Arthur(Captain) $481.28 481.28 * PRINGLE, S. Joan (Widow) $2,500.14 2,500.14 RIGGLE, David E. (Firefighter D Step) $82.78 82.78 RUPPRECHT, Jim (Firefighter D Step) $117.72 117.72 SMITH, Leroy(Firefighter) $409.86 409.86 STROM, Karl (Firefighter) $3,191.50 79.93 3,271.43 TODD, Franklin (Firefighter) $469.71 469.71 TONDA, Lila Jean (Widow) $8.43 8.43 VACCA, Nick(Lieutenant) $311.71 311.71 WALLS, Camille(Widow) $145.64 145.64 WALLS, Mercedes (Widow) $115.77 115.77 WALSH, David (Firefighter) $1,065.19 1,065.19 WEISS, Larry(Battalion Chief) $768.23 768.23 WILLIAMS,Alta (Widow) - - WOOTEN, Marilyn E. Widow $239.28 239.28 « c p rya �''' ,y� � za ....w y9 y : �, vv � Y'°' �+ ✓5'; a:, 4'uw. a * Received a 4.2% CPI increase effective July 1 per RCW 41.16.145. Prior Year Pension/Medical Payments: Total Pension Payments for July, 2008 41,489.16 Total Medical Bills Reimbursed in July, 2008 1,567.01 Total Ex.enses: Medicali Pension 43,056.17 4_SUMMARY 2009.XLS 07/10/2009 Awe Novo FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD MEDICAL BILLS TO BE REIMBURSED IN JULY, 2009 PAYMENT . a,.7,_; „TM ,., 11' "�:I . .. {p er.•.'.r ta.,. I' ..s.. 1 2 James Ashurst Safeway 04/18/09 102.15 2 James Ashurst Safeway 05/05/09 13.26 2 James Ashurst Safeway 05/05/09 147.40 2 James Ashurst Safeway 05/05/09 89.98 2 James Ashurst Safeway 05/22/09 13.99 2 James Ashurst Safeway 05/28/09 102.15 3 James Ashurst Safeway 06/02/09 99.34 568.27 Charles Goodwin 0.00 Jack Haworth 0.00 John Parks 0.00 5 Karl Strom Sam's Club 06/19/09 9.00 5 Karl Strom Sam's Club 06/19/09 5.00 5 Karl Strom Sam's Club 06/19/09 8.37 6 Karl Strom Sam's Club 06/19/09 4.59 6 Karl Strom Sam's Club 06/20/09 3.00 6 Karl Strom Sam's Club 06/29/09 9.00 7 Karl Strom Sam's Club 07/01/09 16.97 7 Karl Strom Department of Veterans Affairs 06/03/09 24.00 79.93 u v'%.iFx..w..w �1¢�a-.,.�,5,a" � ✓-.::w.�iuu :,lnSAxw o-�k.. .' �;, �'��aw �:., sr.,X'�.1w.'+'.._ ! ,r .._„u,.Ls..w..>..xwsr e..i, ?d,'t,.wv�,.`w .,w,e i �.;�,. 3_2009 FP Medical.XLS Page 1 of 1 07/10/2009 ""''' SEND CLAIM TO: `°'1 City of Renton Finance Dept.-Fire Pension 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 S-Y 0 NER �•NTa� CITY OF RENTON FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD Pharmacy/Medical Claim Reimbursement Request 1) DATE JUNE 29 2009 2) DISABILITY RETIREE'S NAME (print) JAMES F. ASIIURST 3) ADDRESS 223 GARDEN AVF, ts' # RENTON WA 98057 4) DISABILITY AT TIME OF RETIREMENT HYPERTENSION H.B,P 5) DESCRIPTION OF CLAIM: (Supporting documentation must be attached.) (Effective 4/1/2008,pre-LEOFF retirees may submit all prescription drug expenses for reimbursement, whether or not related to the retirement disability,provided that the expense is not covered by another plan,source or insurance coverage. Supporting documentation for all must be attached.) MEDICATION FOR ABOVE 6) TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM: $ 5 b 8 .2 7 Amount of total claim (above) that is related to the Retirement Disability: $ 3 78- 9 5 7) I certify that I have not been and will not be compensated by any other organization, insurance carrier or Medicare for the above-mentioned claim for reimbursement other than the City of Renton. I further certify that the above statements are complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and that any charges other than prescription drug charges, are related to my disability as determined at the time of my retirement from the Renton Fire Department. Signature: Note: Supporting documentation must be attached. 17A H in1R KNRAACY ftil IPsI IBJ$ ACY RENTON,WA 98055 RENTON,WA 98055 5 (425)226-0325 1 (425)226-0325 Official Receipt- Please retain for tax or insurance fficiat Receipt-Please retain for tax or Insurance ASHURST,JAMES (425)255-6154 ASHURST,JAMES (425)255-6154 223 B GARDEN AVE N. 12/17 223 B GARDEN AVE N. 12/17 RENTON,WA 98055 RENTON,WA 98055 DR. GRAVES,DANIEL . GRAVES,DANIEL 17900 TALBOT RD S [RF] DR17900 TALBOT RD S [RF] RENTON,WA 98055 AskAF RENTON,WA 98055 AskAF Rx:6710376 Apr 18, 2009 Safety Cap: Yes Rx:6721082 May 05, 2009 Safety Cap: Yes PANTOPRAZOLE 40MG TAB TAB Qty:30 TAB METOPROL TAR 50MG TAB (TEVA)Qty: 100 TAB Generic for:PROTONIX 40MG TA Ref:30000034107139 NDC:00008-0607.01 BBAI Ref:300)0035550247 NOD:00093-0733.10 HSGI REGENCE BS WASHINGTON Cash Price: 134.49 REGENCE BS WASHINGTON Cash Price: 13.26 Amount Due: $102.15 Amount Due: $13.26 H II I I I 111110111 IllliIII Rx I REFILL �SYOUR PRESCRIPTIONS III II III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH �iRx1 ^REFILL RPRSCR/PTI0NS �® �B SAFEWAYOUY.ECOM 00000068710 102 O'132r . r r i —Ili■ AcyTM NOBODY FOR DPM ACY RENTON,WA 98055 # (425)226-0325 PHARMACY fflcial Receipt-Please retain for tax or Insurance OP 1tRX NON-TAX ITEM 197.g0 ASHURST,JAMES (425)255-6154 #RX NON-TAX ITEM 13.26 223 B GARDEN AVE N. 12/17 2 @ 44,99 RENTON,WA 98055 DR. GRAVES,DANIEL *** TA ,00 BAL 25 64 17900 TALBOT RD S [RF] VF MO PERSONAL CHECK 250.64 RENTON,WA 98055 AskAF Rx:6719636 May 05, 2009 Safety Cap: Yes CHANGE .00 PLAVIX 75MG TAB (B-M ) Qty:30 TAB NUMBER OF ITEMS = 4 5/05/09 13:42 1563 28 0036 7059 Ref:30000035550281 NDC:63653-1171.06 HSGI REGENCE BS WASHINGTON Cash Price: 201.99 Amount Due: $147.40 Join the Safeway Club. Membership is Free and Instant 1111111111 II IIIIII III IIIIIIIII [IR. REFILL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS LET US HEAR FROM YOU! �® �6SAffWAY.COM 1-877-723-3929 or visit SAFENAY.COM nnnnnnnswin u RagNiNIMPIACYtY i 3 �s�I NACY RENTON,WA 98055 RENTON,WA 98055 #1 .3 . (425)226-0325 #1 (425)226-0325 Official Receipt-Please retain for tax or insurance Official Receipt Please retain for tax or insurance ASHURST,JAMES (425)255-6154 ASHURST,JAMES (425)255-6154 223 B GARDEN AVE N. 12/17 223 B GARDEN AVE N. 12/17 RENTON,WA 98055 RENTON,WA 98055 DR. GRAVES,DANIEL [RF] GRAVES,DANIEL 17900 TALBOT RD S [RF] 17900 TALBOT RD S [RF] RENTON,WA 98055AskRENTON, WA 98055 Rx:6722768 May 22, 2009 Safety Cap: YesAF Rx:6710376 May 28, 2009 Safety Cap: YYesAF FUROSEMIDE 40MG TAB (WATSKIty: 100 TAB PANTOPRAZOLE 40MG TAB (PRAS)Qty: 30 TAB Generic for:PROTONIX 40MG TAB Ref:30000137029211 NDC:00591-0301-10 HSGIPSH Ref:30000037461808 NDC:00008-0607-01 HSGI REGENCE BS WASHINGTON Cash Price: 13.99 REGENCE BS WASHINGTON Cash Price: 134.49 Amount Due: $13.99 Amount Due: $102.15 II I c II II II I II(II II II III II II II REFILLTIOII III II II II IIIIII I IIII IIIILSAFE~ARCOM@SAFEYAYCOM 0000006871029002101399 p 2 SAFEWAY PHARMACY 200 SOUTH 3RD STREET RENTON,WA 98055 #1663 1425)226-0325 Official Receipt- Please retain for tax or insurance ASHURST,JAMES (425)255-6154 223 B GARDEN AVE N. 12/17 RENTON,WA 98055 DR. LAYMAN,SARAH [NW] 32.5 NINTH AVE SEATTLE,WA 98104 AskAF Rx:6726071 Jun 02, 2009 Safety Cap: Yes HUMALOG 100U/ML INJ (LILL) Qty: 10 ML Ref:30000037899073 NDC:00002-7510-01 HSG! REGENCE BS WASHINGTON Cash Price: 109.98 Amount Due: $99.34 ISI I II II II I I I IIII III II I MN Rx�\ REFIVOW LL PRESCRIPTIONS 7540210982,4 P -3 *'" SEND CLAIM TO: City of Renton Finance Dept.-Fire Pension 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 N Y CITY OF RENTON FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD Pharmacy/Medical Claim Reimbursement Request 1) DATE '7—6. a 2) DISABILITY RETIREE'S NAME (print) 9/9A ) 5+ 3) ADDRESS 1 �etn A-Veret 46S 4) DISABILITY AT TIME OF RETIREMENT 5) DESCRIPTION OF CLAIM: (Supporting documentation must be attached.) (Effective 4/1/2008,pre-LEOFF retirees may submit all prescription drug expenses for reimbursement, whether or not related to the retirement disability,provided that the expense is not covered by another plan,source or insurance coverage. Supporting documentation for all must be attached.) rcq v SA-A1-5 co L arc 6) TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM: $ 161A3 Amount of total claim (above) that is related to the Retirement Disability: $ 7) I certify that I have not been and will not be compensated by any other organization, insurance carrier or Medicare for the above-mentioned claim for reimbursement other than the City of Renton. I further certify that the above statements are complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and that any charges other than prescription drug charges, are related to my disability as determined at the time of my retirement from the Renton Fire Department. Signature: ya4 ei` Note: Supporting documentation must be attached. SAM'S CLUB (425)793-7937 $10.00 SAM'S CLUB (425)793-7937 $10.00 901 SOUTH GRADY WAY 901 SOUTH GRADY WAY Pharmacy RENTON,WA 98055-0000 Pharmacy RENTON,WA 98055-0000 STROM,KARL B 06/19/2009 REFILL STROM,KARL B 06/19/2009 REFILL 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA'98059 . 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 RX:6704612 Ref#0 QTY:90 DAW:0 DS:45 RX:6704612 Ref#0 QTY:90 DAW:0 DS:45 NDC:00378-0232-93 FUROSEMIDE-80MG TAB MYL 'NDC:00378-0232-93 FUROSEMIDE 80MG TAB MYL MARTIN,MICHAEL M NABP:4930613 MARTIN,MICHAEL M NABP:4930613 80221 80221 WHI AARP Patient Pay $9.00 WHI AARP Patient Pay $9.00 i STROM KARL B a 0 201 UNION AVE SE#142 ILC m i RENTON,WA 98059 _ (r (425)271-8373 4 79 313 38567 6 Cl) < 06/19/2009 (425)793-7937 5. V, Y Signature Required N RX:6704612 REF=0 OC#155 923 881 076 592 884 107 659 238 ' - 06/19/2009 12:35:02 PM WHI C Page No : 1 of 2 TOTAL: $9.00 a SAM'S CLUB 9015 SOUTH GRADY WAY $242.54 SAM'S CLUB 9015 SO )793-7937 UTH GRADY WAY $242.54 Pharmacy RENTON,WA 98055-0000 Pharmacy RENTON,WA 98055-0000 STROM,KARL B 06/19/2009 REFILL STROM,KARL B 06/19/2009 REFILL 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 RX:6704701 Ref#9 QTY:30 DAW:0 ; DS: 30 RX:6704701 Ref#9 QTY:30 DAW: 0 DS: 30 NDC:00074-4317-30 ZEMPLAR 1MCG CAP ABB NDC:00074-4317-30 ZEMPLAR 1MCG CAP ABB BROCKENBROUGH,ANDREW T NABP:4930613 BROCKENBROUGH,ANDREW T NABP:4930613 30000179609424 30000179609424 WHI AARP/RES RX Patient Pay :. $5,00 WHI AARP/RES RX Patient Pay $5.00 Y 2 STROM KARL B1111111 I II 0 a 0 m 201 UNION AVE SE#142 CC J RENTON,WA 98059 l� CC (425)271.8373 4 79 313 38569 0 06/19/2009 (425)793-7937 9. Signature Required N RX:6704701 REF=9 OC#855 923 851 076 534 723 107 659 238 'f- 06/19/2009 12:35:30 PM WHI/RES Page No : 1 of 2 TOTAL: $5.00 p • SAM'S CLUB (425)793-7937 ' $9.37 SAM'S CLUB (425)793-7937 $9.37 901 SOUTH GRADY WAY 901 SOUTH GRADY WAY Pharmacy RENTON,WA 98055-0000 Pharmacy RENTON,WA 98055-0000 STROM,KARL B 06/19/2009 REFILL STROM,KARL B 06/19/2009 REFILL 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA;98059. ; , 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 RX:6681940 Ref#0 QTY:75 DAW:0 DS:30 RX:6681940 Ref#0 QTY:75 DAW:0 DS: 30 NDC:54458-0998-09 LISINOPRIL 5MG TAB INT NDC:54458-0998-09 ' LISINOPRIL 5MG TAB INT MARTIN,MICHAEL M NABP:4930613 MARTIN,MICHAEL M NABP:4930613 86741 86741 WHI AARP Patient Pay $8.07 WHI AARP Patient Pay $8.87 .Y STR 2 KARL OB O E.' 0 m 201 UNION AVE SE#142 CC J RENTON,WA 98059 ( �j 425)271-8373 4 79313 38568 3 Cl) Y 06/19/2009 (425)793-7937 ::: V/ Signature Required N RX:6681940 REF=0 OC#055 923 836 876 592 884 107 659 238 '8 06/19/2009 12:35:14 PM WHI Page No : 1 of 2 TOTAL: $8.37 a Pilde S 4,r SAM'S CLUB (425)793-7937 901 SOUTH GRADY WAY $8.00 SAM'S CLUB 90 SOUTH GRADY WAY $5.00 Pharmacy RENTON,WA 98055-0000 • Pharmacy RENTON,WA 98055-0000 STROM,KARL B 06/19/2009 REFILL STROM,KARL B 06/19/2009 REFILL 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 • 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 RX:6697947 Ref#0 QTY:60 DAW:0 DS: 30 RX:6697947 Ref#0 . QTY:60 DAW:0 DS:30 NDC: 16714-0041-01 ALLOPURINOL 100MG TAB NOR NDC: 16714-0041-01 ALLOPURINOL 100MG TAB NOR BROCKENBROUGH,ANDREW T NABP:4930613 BROCKENBROUGH,ANDREW T NABP:4930613 80181 . 80181 Will AARP Patient Pay $4.59 WHI AARP Patient Pay $4.59 Y STROM KARL B ii. 0 m 201 UNION AVE SE#142 CC J RENTON,WA 98059 1i^ Cr 06/19/2009 (425))7 3-793 3 4 79313 38566 9 V' (425 7 71-837 Signature Required N RX:6697947 REF=0 OC#655 923 869176 592 384107 659 238 .. 06/19/2009 12:34:44 PM WHI o Page No : 1 TOTAL: $4.59 a SAM'S CLUB (425)793-7937 $4.00 SAM'S CLUB (425)793-7937 $4.00 901 SOUTH GRADY WAY 901 SOUTH GRADY WAY Pharmacy RENTON,WA 98055-0000 Pharmacy RENTON,WA 98055-0000 STROM,KARL B 06/20/2009 REFILL STROM,KARL B 06/20/2009 REFILL 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 RX:6702397 Ref#3 QTY: 30 DAW: 0 DS: 30 RX: 6702397 Ref#3 QTY:30 DAW: 0 DS:30 NDC:00378-0018-91 METOPROLOL TART 25MG TAB MY NDC: 00378-0018-91 METOPROLOL TART 25MG TAB MY BROCKENBROUGH,ANDREW T NABP:4930613 BROCKENBROUGH,ANDREW T NABP:4930613 54511 54511 WHI AARP Patient Pay $3.00 WHI AARP Patient Pay $3.00 2 STROM L KARL B 4- 0 m 201 UNION AVE SE#142 Cl) CC RENTON,WA 98059 1` ri (425)271-8373 4 79313 38959 9 Q 06/20/2009 (425)793-7937 I Y Signature Required N RX:6702397 REF=3 OC#555 923 871 076 592 388 107 659 238 21 06/20/2009 05:30:18 PM WHI Page No : 1 of 3 TOTAL: $3.00 d Database Edition:92.Information Expires 07/16/2009 SAM'S CLUB (425)793-7937 $10.00 SAM'S CLUB (425)793-7937 $10.00 901 WAY Pharmacy90 Pharmacy RENTONSOUTHWAGRADY 98055-0000 RENTON1SOUTHWAGRADY 98055-W AY WAY STROM,KARL B 06/29/2009 REFILL STROM,KARL B 06/29/2009 REFILL 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 RX:6692403 Ref#P QTY:90 DAW:0 DS:90 RX:6692403 Ref# P QTY:90 DAW:0 DS: 90 NDC: 00781-2052-01 TERAZOSIN 2MG CAP SAN NDC:00781-2052-01 TERAZOSIN 2MG CAP SAN GRAVES,DANIEL NABP:4930613 GRAVES,DANIEL NABP:4930613 36971 36971 WHI AARP Patient Pay $9.00 WHI AARP Patient Pay $9.00 Y 2 STROM KARL B III0e a 0 m 201 UNION AVE SE#142 CC RENTON,WA 98059INI --I (425)271-8373 4 79313 32168 1 V/ Q 06/29/2009 (425)793-7937 .. Y Signature Required N RX:6692403 REF#P OC#155 923 881 076 592 884107 659 238 '8 06/29/2009 09:44:08 AM WHI Page No : 1 of 2 TOTAL: $9.00 ff- l'460 SAM'S CLUB (425)793-7937 4„ $37.78 SAM'S CLUB (425)7 7 $37.78 901 SOUTH GRADY WAY 901 SOU�GRADY WAY Pharmacy RENTON,WA 98055-0000 Pharmacy RENTON,WA 98055-0000 STROM,KARL B 07/01/2009 REFILL STROM,KARL B 07/01/2009 REFILL 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 201 UNION AVE SE#142 RENTON,WA 98059 RX:4416064 Ref# 1 QTY: 180 DAW:0 DS:30 RX:4416064 Ref# 1 QTY: 180 DAW:0 DS:30 NDC:00406-0357-05 HYDROCO/APAP5-500MG TAB MAL NDC:00406-0357-05 HYDROCO/APAP5-500MG TAB MAL BROCKENBROUGH,ANDREW T NABP:4930613 BROCKENBROUGH,ANDREW T NABP:4930613 11621 11621 WHI AARP Patient Pay $16.97 WHI AARP Patient Pay $16.97 � IIIII B 0Mm 201 UNION AVE SE 4142 CC I RENTON,WA 98059III N (425) 373 4 79313 415 66 3 07/01/2009 (425)793-793-7 937 �. Signature Required N RX:4416064 REF=1 OC#455 923 494 876 592 384 107 659 238 07/01/2009 12:50:25 PM WHl O Page No : 1 of 2 TOTAL: $16.97 a. Department of Veterans Affairs 1660 S COLOMBIAN WAY STATEMENT OF MEDICAL CARE COST RECOVERY ACCOUNT ACTIVITY SEATTLE WA 98108-1532 NAME OF FACILITY AGENT CASHIER (136MCCR) VA PUGET SOUND HEALTH CARE SYSTEM (663) FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE PHONE THE BELOW NO. 1-866-290-4618 -. 11,1nduli11un1111 11��������������i���u������n��,� For written inquiries concerning your account please send them to the MCCR or Revenue Office at the facility address above. *060718 - 062409 060718 KARL B STROM JR Payments received after 06/20/2009 will be on 201 UNION AVE SE UNIT 142 your next statement. RENTON WA 98059-5177 SEATTLE MCCR WILL NO LONGER ACCEPT WALK-IN'S, FOR HELP CALL 1-866-290-4618 itient Name: KARL B STROM JR Account No: 663-000000-7237347-STROM Stmt Date: 06/24/2009 : ... ;FR: . �tRl�lS��'fE.f)N;PC3 `�f3:.:,.: >:`` :< . :: <.:>: :>:<_`< ,:: f2r*S�#:..�`�1�E.::.....::...::. . .... .:.:::..:... .. A... :: .:T. ..:.: ..,. g. 04/04/2009 PAYMENT (04/03/2009) 48.00- 663-K903L3U 06/03/2009 COPAY RX:4245408B FD:05/29/2009 24.00 663-K905M85 DRUG:AMIODARONE HCL (PACERONE) 200MG TAB DAYS:90 QTY:90 PHY:WICHER,JOHN B CHG:$24.00 ‘ °Y V ILA 3,--D2-1/ SUMMARY OF P fOU4 34ANC l'AW SRg::.:.i : NSWARa.< NBALA:.;N.I ;MONTHLY ACTIVITY . : : ; "" , » : 48.00 48.00- 24.00 24.00 PLEASE DETACH THIS COUPON BELOW AND RETURN WITH PAYMENT. DO NOT INCLUDE ANY CORRESPONDENCE WITH PAYMENT. 'N