HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 Correspondence December 11,2006 Renton City Council Minutes Page 444 Plat: Magnussen, Duvall Ave Hearing Examiner recommended approval, with conditions, of the Magnussen NE, PP-06-053 Preliminary Plat;49 lots and two drainage tracts on 8.37 acres located between Duvall and Field Avenues NE, north of NE 2nd St. Council concur. Public Works: Blaine Ave NE Maintenance Services Division recommended acceptance of a deed of ROW Dedication dedication from Benjamin M. Coleman and Melissa A. Bradbury for additional right-of-way at Blaine Ave.NE, and authorization for the expenditure of$9,100 to restore the property owners'driveway and parking strip. Council concur. Release of Easement: The Technical Services Division recommended approval of the City-initiated request Landing,Boeing& for release of easement on behalf of Boeing and Transwestern Harvest Transwestern Harvest Lakeshore LLC for property located in the vicinity of Garden Ave.N. for The Lakeshore, RE-06-001 Landing project. Council concur. CAG: 03-094,Oakesdale Ave Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of Supplemental SW Ph II Wetland Monitoring, Agreement#1 to CAG-03-094, agreement with Osborn Pacific Group,Inc.,to Osborn Pacific Group complete monitoring services for the Oakesdale Ave. SW Phase II wetland in the amount of$63,110.21. Council concur. Utility: Ripley Lane NTI Utility Systems Division recommended approval to use the remaining Housing Project,HUD Grant Funds and Urban Development grant funding in the amount of$146,683 to fund the Transportation Improvement Program Fund 317 budget for the Ripley Lane N. project,which is related to the Port Quendall site development. Council concur. Utility: Surface Water Design Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a contract in the amount of Manual, RW Beck $185,548 with R.W. Beck, Inc. to develop a new surface water design manual. Council concur. Added Item 6.m. Legal Division recommended acceptance of a correction deed from United Way Legal: Correction Deed, Davis related to the conveyance of a portion of land at the intersection of Davis Ave. Ave S & S 43rd St Intersection S. and S. 43rd St. Council concur. Added Item 6.n. Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of Supplemental CAG: 06-082,Rainier Ave& Agreement#1 to CAG-06-082, agreement with KPG,Inc., for additional design Hardie Ave SW Improvements services in the amount of$200,000 for the Rainier Ave. S. and Hardie Ave. SW Design,KPG Inc Improvement project. Council concur. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEM 6.f.FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Item 6.f. recommended approval of an agreement with Transwestern Harvest Lakeshore Planning: The Landing Parking LLC to establish terms and conditions for the purchase of a"public parking Garage,Transwestern Harvest garage associated with The Landing project. Lakeshore MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT ON THIS SUBJECT. CARRIED. Committee of the Whole Council President Corman presented a Committee of the Whole report Planning: The Landing Parking recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the parking Garage,Transwestern Harvest garage agreement with Transwestern Harvest Lakeshore LLC(THL) for The Lakeshore Landing, an urban village development located on property formerly a part of the Boeing Renton Plant. The establishment of a public parking garage in the development will allow a higher intensity project,with more retail and restaurant square footage and a OF RENTON COUNCIL AGEND. utiILL AI#: Submitting Data: PBPW For Agenda of: Dept/Div/Board.. Surface Water Utility December 11, 2006 Staff Contact Ron Straka, x7248 Agenda Status Consent X Subject: Public Hearing.. Ripley Lane North TIP - HUD Grant(B-02-SPWA- Correspondence.. 0758)Funding Transfer Ordinance Resolution Old Business Exhibits: New Business Issue Paper Study Sessions Flooding Pictures Information Ripley Lane North TIP Project Worksheet Recommended Action: Approvals: Council Concur Legal Dept X Finance Dept X Other Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... $646,683 Transfer/Amendment Amount Budgeted $646,683 Revenue Generated $146,683 Total Project Budget $646,683 City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Approval is requested to use the remaining Housing and Urban Development(HUD) Grant (B-02- SPWA-0758) funding that is in the City's approved 2006 budget(Account Number 000.000000.023.3310.0014.20.000000)to fund the Transportation Improvement Program(TIP#12) Fund 317 budget for the Ripley Lane North project. The proposed 2007 TIP budget for the Ripley Lane North project is $500,000. The remaining 2006 HUD Grant funding of$146,683 will be added to the Ripley Lane North TIP project budget. The HUD grant funding in combination with the TIP funding will be used to make storm system improvements between the Port Quendall site and the east side of Ripley Lane North, in addition to the City sponsored street improvements to Ripley Lane North. The storm system improvements are needed to improve the existing storm system capacity to solve existing flooding of Ripley Lane North and upstream properties that are tributary to the existing Gypsy Sub-basin drainage course. The extent of the needed storm system improvements was not initially identified in the Ripley Lane North TIP project description. The cost associated with the additional storm system improvement will be partially offset by the HUD grant funds. The City was awarded the HUD grant for the Port Quendall Brownsfield Redevelopment. The original HUD grant amount was $300,000. A total of$153,317 of the HUD grant was used previously to fund work with WSDOT related to the I-405/NE 44th Street Interchange connections to the Port Quendall site and right-of-way plans (CAG 05-097, CAG-05-127). The Ripley Lane North TIP project is being sponsored by the City to facilitate the Port Quendall site redevelopment into the Seattle Seahawks Headquarters and Training Facility. Since the monies will not be needed until 2007, the appropriation authority to spend will be included in the 2006 Carryforward Budget Ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve using the remaining Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Grant(B-02-SPWA-0758) funding that is in the City's approved 2006 budget(Acct.# 000.000000.023.3310.0014.20.000000) to fund the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP #12) Fund 317 budget for the Ripley Lane North project to include street and storm system improvements. C:\DOCUME-1\B Walton\LOCALS--1\Temp\Project Funding Agnbill2.doc\RStp f O PLANNING/BUILDING/ �% ® , PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ‘e'P-NrcO MEMOR ANDUM DATE: December 1, 2006 TO: Randy Corman, Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA: a, Kathy Keolker, May• FROM: Gregg Zimmerm. ' C PW Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Ron Straka, Surface Water Utility Engineering Supervisor(ext. 7248) SUBJECT: Ripley Lane North TIP -HUD Grant(B-02-SPWA-0758) Funding Transfer ISSUE: Should the Council approve using the remaining Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Grant(B-02-SPWA-0758) funding that is in the City's approved 2006 budget (Acct.# 000.000000.023.3310.0014.20.000000)to fund the Transportation Improvement Program(TIP #12) Fund 317 budget for the Ripley Lane North project to include street and storm system improvements? RECCOMENDATION: Approve using the remaining Housing and Urban Development(HUD) Grant(B-02- SPWA-0758) funding ($146,683)that is in the City's approved 2006 budget (Acct.# 000.000000.023.3310.0014.20.000000) to fund the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP #12) Fund 317 budget for the Ripley Lane North project to include street and storm system improvements. The appropriation authority to spend will be included as part of the 2006 Carryforward Budget Ordinance. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The City was awarded the HUD grant for the Port Quendall Brownsfield Redevelopment. The original HUD grant amount was $300,000. A total of$153,317 of the HUD grant was used previously to fund work with WSDOT related to the I-405/NE 44th Street interchange connections to the Port Quendall site and right-of-way plans (CAG 05-097, CAG-05-127). The remaining 2006 HUD Grant funding of$146,683 will be added to the proposed 2007 Ripley Lane North TIP project budget. Council/Ripley Lane HUE, at December 1,2006 Page 2 of 2 The proposed 2007 TIP budget for the Ripley Lane North project is $500,000 (see attached TIP #12). The Ripley Lane North TIP project is being sponsored by the City to facilitate the Port Quendall site redevelopment into the Seattle Seahawks Headquarters and Training Facility. The HUD grant funding in combination with the TIP funding will be used to make the storm system improvements between the Port Quendall site and the east side of Ripley Lane North, in addition to the City sponsored street improvements to Ripley Lane North. The storm system improvements are needed to improve the existing storm system capacity to solve existing flooding of Ripley Lane North and upstream properties that are tributary to the existing Gypsy Sub-basin drainage course. The tributary drainage area upstream of Ripley Lane N is approximately 371 acres. The existing storm system consists of culverts that are 36-inches in diameter. Ripley Lane North and Lake Washington Boulevard, on the east side of I-405 flood during large storm events due to insufficient capacity in the storm system between the Port Quendall site and I-405 (pictures attached). The extent of the needed storm system improvements was not initially identified in the Ripley Lane North TIP project description. The cost associated with the additional storm system improvement will be partially offset by the HUD grant funds. The storm system improvements will consist of replacing the culvert system with larger pipes that are sized to convey the future land use condition runoff for the upstream tributary area. The total cost of the storm system improvements between the Port Quendall site and the east side of Ripley Lane North, adjacent to I-405, is estimated to be $275,000. The proposed 2007 Ripley Lane North TIP project budget plus the proposed HUD grant funding is estimated to be sufficient to accomplish both the intended street improvements and storm system improvements. The storm system improvements will be done in coordination with the Seattle Seahawks Headquarters and Training Facility. CONCLUSION: Council approval to use of the remaining Housing and Urban Development(HUD) Grant (B-02-SPWA-0758) funding ($146,683) that is in the City's approved 2006 budget (Account Number 000.000000.023.3310.0014.20.000000) to fund the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP #12) Fund 317 budget for the Ripley Lane North project street and storm system improvements is recommended. Attachment cc: Alex Pietsch,EDNSP Administrator Peter Hahn,PBPW Deputy Administrator—Transportation Lys Hornsby,Utility Systems Director Linda Parks,Fiscal Services Director Jim Seitz,Transportation Planning and Program Supervisor H:\File Sys\SWP-Surface Water Projects\SWP-27-Surface Water Projects(CIP)\Ripley Lane Storm and Street Improvement Project\1003-City Cor\Project Funding Issue.doc\RStp 3'. V''''''.''''i•.4';-.4 1''!i fi. 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The project will pave four feet of shoulder on the west side of Ripley Lane N.from Lake Washington Blvd. N. to the first residence,install pavement markings to deliniate non-motorized traffic, re-stripe roadway, landscape,and potentially install chain link fence. • JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: New project to support development plans. I Funded :1 500,0001 Unfunded:1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 EXPENSES: Project Development 10,000 10,000 10,000 Precon Enq/Admin 57,000 57,000 57,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 380,000 380,000 380,000_ Construction Eng/Admin 38,000 38,000 38,000 Other 15,000 15,000 15,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 500,000 500,000 500,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand • • Mitigation.ln-Hand 500,000 500,000 500,000 Bonds'/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand(GF) Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed Proposed Other Proposed _ Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 500,000 500,000 500,000 Ripe,Un OW/NM* 990 AM 5-12 FINAL 4 7t70-7 7'T/ STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Jody L.Barton,being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the King County Journal CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING a daily newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ..- circulation and is now and has been for more than six monthsprior to the date the Renton City Council has fixed the 21st day of August,2006,at 7:00 p.m. of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language as the date and time for a public continuously as a daily newspaper in King County, Washington. The King hearing to be held in the seventh floor CountyCJournal has been approved as a Legal Newspaper order of the Hall, Chambers of Renton City Ppby Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. 98057,to consider the following: The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Annual update to the Six-Year Transportation Improvement King County Journal (and not in supplement form) which was regularly Program(2007-2012) distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed All interested parties are invited to notice,a attend the public hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Public Notice Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For was published on August 11,2006. information,call 425-430-6502. Bonnie I.Walton City Clerk The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum Published in the King County Journal of$71.40. August 11,2006.#861280 fir-01111111111w. O - ���G NKstlf _ J•: A on ,\�``�'. C•0ilfe ,or -:.1 Advertising Representative,King County Journal '% �',,°• ,tniss/o•••i,,)°ce Subscribed and sworn to me this 1 1th day of August,2006. "°G° +`•• �� •0 „z� march "N ..- B B D Cantelon °°a ®1� ,, • Notary Public for the State of Washington,Residing in Kent,Washigt w�of �r` 0e PO Number: �`G 0.,° �Nasr••,\0�,z:® 'i;rvpd01 �0 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3835 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, UPDATING THE CITY'S SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2007-2012. WHEREAS, the City of Renton has heretofore adopted a "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" pursuant to RCW 35.77.010, and the plan and program having been amended and modified from time to time as authorized by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department, held a public hearing on August 21, 2006, after notice to the public as provided by law for the purpose of considering adoption, modification, and amendments of the plan and program; and WHEREAS, at the public hearing held on August 21, 2006, due consideration was given to the proposed changes and amendments for the purpose of updating the plan and program; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The City's "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City's "Arterial Street Plan" are hereby further amended and modified, all as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibits "A," "B" and "C" incorporated herein as if fully set forth. SECTION IL The plan and program, as evidenced by said Exhibits, shall be and constitute the City's "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City's "Arterial Street Plan," and shall remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended, and modified as provided by law. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3835 - SECTION HL The Administrator of the Department of Planning/Building/Public Works and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to file this Resolution, together with the Exhibits, with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 25th day of September , 2006. 64-744A„Ge:.1. L( Bonnie I. Walton, City CIerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 25th day of September , 2006. .=Xa7bilkj /44-eje Kathy Keolker, Mayor Approv• . ; • .':r/rorm: �\a�oottionu u��ri��v��i Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney SE :",)* RES.1181:7/26/06:maw ie 2 September 25,2006 Renton City Council Minutes Page 324 Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval Finance: Vouchers of Claim Vouchers252226-252907 and 2 wire transfers totaling $4,711,497.75, and approval of Payroll Vouchers 65842 - 66073, 1 wire transfer, and 638 direct deposits totaling$2,013,249.32. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Financial Management Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending Policies concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the Financial Management Policies as presented, and to annually review the policies to identify any needed changes. Changes of significance to the Financial Management Policies include: 1. Increase the General Fund reserve target from 8% to 10% 2. Modify the City's accounts so that tax supported activities are part of the General Government Fund, which simplifies the budget and . financial reporting 3. Clarify the steps in the budget process 4. Clarify when and how the City will issue bonds The Finance Committee further recommends that these policies be included in the Mayor's proposed 2007 Annual Budget document that will be presented to the City Council at the end of October 2006. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Resolution #3835 A resolution was read updating the City's Six-Year Transportation Transportation: 2007-2012 TIP Improvement Program 2007-2012. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Corman noted that the dedication of Marge Richter's Memorial Dedication: Marge memorial plaque at the Renton Piazza is scheduled for 10:00 a.m., Saturday, Richter October 7, 2006, and he encouraged everyone to attend. Mayor's Day of Concern for the Councilwoman Nelson reemphasized the importance of participating in the Hungry: Food Donations Mayor's Day of Concern for the Hungry, and stated that items dropped off at certain Renton grocery stores will go directly to the Renton Food Bank. She noted that shampoo and similar items are also being accepted. AUDIENCE COMMENT Inez Somerville Petersen, PO Box 2041, Renton, 98056, stated she had earlier Citizen Comment: Petersen— asked Council to include standards in their administrative procedures for Council Meeting Procedures audience comment, so that comments must relate to City business. Referring to remarks made by Ms. Dochnahl earlier in the meeting, Ms. Petersen asked that Council not allow character attacks at a Council meeting. Ms. Petersen concluded by saying it is an honor that others are so upset to have to call her names, and that earlier comments will only cause an increase in support from those she represents. Citizen Comment: DeMastus- Sandel DeMastus, PO Box 2041,Renton, 98056, Vice-President, Highlands Highlands Community Community Association, opined that Council was not obeying City Ordinance Association No. 5155 regarding discrimination and tolerance. She thanked Council President Corman for his support of the Highlands Community Association and remarked that the association does many good things for the community. September 25,2006 Renton City Council Minutes Page 323 Planning&Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Briere presented a report ---; Committee recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to form the East • Planning: East Renton Plateau Renton Citizen Task Force and appoint the following members: Kerry Citizen Task Force Abercrombie, Rhonda Bryant,Tom Carpenter, Bob Chamberlain, Sheila Hurst, Stephanie Lorenz, Brian Thomas,Michael Turner and Kevin Wyman. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation (Aviation) Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Palmer presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize staff to Transportation: NE 2nd St, delay the impending street opening of NE 2nd St. between Duvall Ave. NE Pedestrian Safety and Jericho Ave. NE to allow for the continued safety for pedestrians until such a time as street improvements with curb, gutter and sidewalk are in place • along a significant part of this corridor. Once NE 2nd St. is open for through traffic, Transportation Operations will conduct traffic studies to determine what, if any, additional signage or channelization may be needed. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: 2007-2012 TIP Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Palmer presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to adopt the annual update of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP) 2007- 2012, and the Arterial Street Plan. The proposed TIP includes five new • projects: Intersection Safety and Mobility Program, Ripley Lane N., Garden • Ave. N. Widening, S. 3rd St./Shattuck Ave. Intersection, and Benson Rd. S./S. 31st St. Four completed or modified projects were dropped from the program. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE ' REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 324 for resolution.) Airport: Kaynan Leases Transportation(Aviation) Committee Chair Palmer presented a report Addenda, LAG-84-003 &LAG- recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the 85-011 following actions taking place in the addendum to lease LAG-84-003 and to the addendum to lease LAG-85-011: LAG-84-003 Acknowledge a ten (10)-year extension to the existing lease term, which expired on August 31,2006. The lease extension would start on September 1, 2006, and terminate on August 31, 2016. LAG-85-011 1. Remove 800 square feet from the leased area, decreasing the leased area from 27, 885 square feet to 27, 085 square feet. 2. Apply the three-year increase in the Consumer Price Index to the lease rate,which will increase the total annual revenue earned from $8,873.05 to $9,168.27, a difference of$295.22. 3. Acknowledge a ten(10)-year extension to the existing lease term, which expired on July 15,2006. The lease extension started on July 16, 2006 and will terminate on July 5, 2016. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. . TRANSPORTATION/AVIATION COMMITTEE APPRCIVED By COMMITTEE REPORT . Date September 25,2006 2007-2012 Six=Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Arterial Street Plan Update (Referred: August 7, 2006) The Transportation/Aviation Committee'recommends concurrence in thestaff recommendation to adopt the annual update to the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)2007-2012, and the Arterial Street Plan. The proposed TIP includes five new projects: Intersection Safety'& Mobility Program, Ripley Lane North,'Garden Avenue North widening, South 3' Street/Shattuck Avenue Intersection, and Benson Road.Soutli/South 31St Street:`"Four completed or modified projects were dropped fromthe program. The Committee-further recommends that the-resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. cYfiaAOL — Marcie r, it • Don Persson, Vice-Chair \44/11-"' Terri Briere, ember cc: Peter Hahn,'Deputy PI-OW Administrator-.Transportation Jim Seitz,Transportation Planning and Programming Supervisor Sharon Griffin;.Transportation 1rogram Development Coordinator H:\transportation\griffin\CommReporfs\TCR"6=Year TIP 2007-2012 - - August 21,2006 Renton City Council Minutes Page 282 There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE LEITCH 60% DIRECT PETITION TO ANNEX AND AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO SUBMIT THE NOTICE OF INTENT PACKAGE TO THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD, INVOKE THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD'S JURISDICTION TO CONSIDER POSSIBLE EXPANSION OF THE ANNEXATION TO THE SOUTH AND WEST IF IT CREATES MORE REASONABLE SERVICE AREAS, AND PREPARE THE RELEVANT ANNEXATION ORDINANCES AS APPROPRIATE. CARRIED. Transportation: 2007-2012 TIP This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Keolker opened the public hearing to consider the annual update of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP), 2007 -2012. Peter Hahn, Deputy Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator- Transportation, stated that the TIP is a multi-year work and funding plan for the development of transportation facilities. The TIP is mandated by State law, and consequently staff evaluates the plan and makes appropriate changes in accordance with Renton's Comprehensive Plan, the Growth Management Act, • and the City's Business Plan. Mr. Hahn highlighted the accomplishments of the past year, which include completing the design and starting construction on the South Lake Washington infrastructure improvements, starting the NE Sunset Blvd./Duvall Ave. NE intersection improvements, completing Phase 1, Segment 1 of the SW 27th St./Strander Blvd. connection, completing the S. 4th St./Burnett Ave. S. intersection improvements, and installing uninterruptible power supplies at signalized intersections such as Rainier Ave. Continuing, Mr. Hahn noted that the plan contains 54 projects and programs. Five new projects have been added, including intersection safety and mobility and Garden Ave. N. widening. He explained that TIP projects can undergo various adjustments and changes over time. The projects are divided into five categories, but may fall under multiple categories. Mr. Hahn reported that the total expenditure plan for the TIP is $127,747,079 of which $78,170,868 is funded and $49,576,211 is unfunded. Stating that the funding package is heavily front-end loaded, he noted that of the $78 million • that is funded, 90 percent will be spent in 2007, 2008, and 2009. He reviewed • the funding sources and the 2005-2006 grants obtained for projects such as the SW 27th St./Strander Blvd. connection and the Sam Chastain trail, which total $6,792,500. In conclusion, Mr. Hahn stated that 2007 will be one of the largest construction years ever in Renton. In response to Councilman Law's questions, Mr. Hahn explained that amendments can be made to the TIP every year. In response to Council President Corman's inquiry, Mr. Hahn stated that review of the one-way streets does fall into a couple of TIP program categories, and he noted some areas where the effect of one-way streets is being studied. Public comment was invited. • • August 21,2006 Renton City Council Minutes Page 283 Gail Wolz, 6202 113th Pl. SE, Bellevue, 98006, stated that she represents the Stop Light Now Committee, and shared statistics of accidents that have occurred at the intersection of NE Sunset Blvd. and Hoquiam Ave. NE. Stressing the need for the installation of a traffic signal at this intersection, Ms. Wolz expressed her happiness that the project has been included in this year's TIP. She asked to be kept informed of the project's funding and prioritization. • There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2006 and beyond. Items noted included: * The first annual Art&Antique Walk will liven up downtown Renton streets with paintings, pottery, sculpture, and photography on August 29. * Summer day camp programs cane to an end last week. The two preschool camps, four youth camps, and one teen camp provided summer fun and activities to over 1,200 participants. * Due to the closure of the main runway at King County International Airport (Boeing Field) to permanently repair damage caused by the Nisqually earthquake, Renton Municipal Airport is experiencing an increase in aircraft takeoffs and landings during the month of August. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandel DeMastus, Highlands Community Association (HCA) Vice President, Citizen Comment: DeMastus- PO Box 2041, Renton,98056, thanked those that attended the HCA meeting last Highlands Community Thursday. She expressed her unhappiness with the rumors that are being spread Association about HCA and the City, and stated that it is time to set aside differences and work together. Citizen Comment: John Middlebrooks, 510 Seneca Ave. NW, Renton, 98057, voiced concern Middlebrooks-Business Jet regarding the potential development of a business jet center at the Renton Center at Airport Municipal Airport. He stated that although outlawed for airlines, old generation leer jets, which create a lot of noise, can be used by the business and private communities. Pointing out that the airport cannot pick and choose the type of airplanes used, Mr. Middlebrooks requested that the City slow this process down and take time to evaluate the impacts on the community. Citizen Comment: Snow-NE Mike Snow, 5002 NE 2nd St., Renton, 98059, expressed concern for the safety 2nd St, Pedestrian Safety of pedestrians once NE 2nd St. is opened up to be a connection between Jericho Concerns and Duvall Avenues S. and it becomes a thoroughfare. He noted that the road is narrow, lacks sidewalks and shoulders, and is used as a route for school children. Relaying City staff concerns that stop signs will not slow people down, Mr. Snow stated his belief that stop signs will cause drivers to be more aware of pedestrians. He indicated his preference for the installation of sidewalks, but until that occurs, he suggested leaving the barricade in place or installing stop signs. Council President Corman agreed that sidewalks are needed, and he received confirmation that the substandard road was obtained by Renton via a recent annexation. Peter Hahn, Deputy Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator-Transportation, described the situation, traffic patterns, and 2007 - 2012 me) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Purpose • Reflects involvement with citizens and ,� elected officials k • Details multi-year work plan and funding f6 :14' plan for the development of transportation +, facilities • Required for state and federal funding programs� #, j - O = • Used to coordinate transportation projects and programs with other jurisdictions and Planning/Building/Public Works Department agencies Transportation Systems Division • Mandated by state law City Council Meeting and Public Hearing August 21, 2006 4 1 4 .41 `2.'1 2 City Council, August 21,2006 woe TIP Supports Development of Six-Year TIP • Comprehensive Plan TIP supports overall objectives and policies of land use,downtown, • Planning Capital Facilities Plan,and Transportation Elements. • Growth Management Act • Financing This TIP also supports GMA in terms of financing,consistency,and • Scheduling coordination efforts • City's Business Plan • Past Commitment TIP supports the City's business plan goals by encouraging downtown redevelopment and neighborhood revitalization,improving the City's image in the community and region and influencing regional decisions that impact the City. . 12 s 2601-2012TIP 4 City Council, August 21,2006 City Council, August 21,2006 uttb1t ilea My 2006 Highlights 2006 Highlights CONSTRUCTION DESIGN • Start South Lake Washington Infrastructure Improvements • Complete design of the South Lake • Start Sunset/Duvall Intersection Washington Infrastructure Project • Complete SW 27th St./Strander Blvd., Phase 1, • Complete 30% design and value Segment 1 engineering study of the Rainier Ave. • Complete SR 169, Phase 1 signal Railroad Bridge Transportation • Complete South Renton - S 4th/ Burnett Ave S Improvement Board (TIB) project Intersection • Continue design of Duvall Ave. project • Complete Benson Road TIB sidewalk project • • Start Rainier/Hardie Sound Transit projects Complete sidewalk—Maplewood and Highlands • Complete downtown curb ramps :III amp 5 7012 f P 6 City Council, August 21,2006 City Council, August 21,2006 • IR Successes and Opportunities 2006 Highlights IR Ongoing Programs gT • Retrofit all signal indicators fromFP' -lit F77 incandescent to LED indicators • Install uninterruptable power supplies (Rainier Ave., Grady Way, 43rd Ave., and • s ath&Burnett ` SR 169 to-date) Intersection . • Maplewood Sidewalks • SW 27th StiStrander Blvd., _ . • � Phase 1,Segment 1 � Al.!Me 2lit' 7 1I 1•7.1112T1P 8 City Council, August 21,2006 City Council,August 21,2006 -,S 4 ' . ` Successes and Opportunities '` ' f:-. } 54 Projects & Programs ;} Rr `. 5,_. ! *-:"70 s 1'i .c --`•:.-- 'ZitY}w ' . srfir y ;14.: w� q 4 i- '• y , . New Projects added: Intersection Safety & Mobility `., ; -, ,V �' S 3rd Street and Shattuck Avenue ,,,,,,. .,,,,k,,,-.11,.. ,; ;y � Benson Road S/S 31S Street Signal . „.....,.„..„,,.,...„,,,,P .t.:,—,,„,,1 ii., l - ' kexr. . Garden Avenue Widening • Sunset/Duvall Intersection e'"”- ' Ripley Lane , �, ,:; -:. ,sms+ s:. . • SR 169—New signal and .mss �., ;,,, j . �.� �� . .,. . Cedar River Park entrance qqiiq 20t�0yy'2012 1! qq�82® 9 /y°�L W City Council,August 21,2006 City Council August 21,2006 tqa#Alk-'. n Y • Six-Year Period Costs by Project Type Project Categories Total Expenditure Plan = $ 127,747,079 $6,619,600 • Preservation of Existing Infrastructure $20,207,800 , • Multi-Modal and Transportation o infrastructure Demand Management (TDM) Econ. Develop. • Community Livability and Enhancement $42,255,579 IM Livability • Economic Development • Operation and Safety o multi-modal a Operations $2,256,000 $56,408,100 LW7•2O12 U�q�P ii 2007-2N27 12 City Council,August 21,2006 City Council, August 21,2006 _ Project Funding Com* , , Six-Year Period w.,. Funding Sources $80,000,000 ` ,A «k� � • Vehicle Fuel Tax $60,000,00001 ,N • Business License Fee $40,000,000 x ', , x i "' a Unfunded • Grants $20,000,000 ,' y -., .,,, fi • Mitigation -. " ' Funded $0 4 • General Fund • ®Funded $78,170,868 El D Unfunded $49,576,211 Total : $127,747,079 ;117sill2 13 I 16312 7 14 City Council,August 21,2006 City Council, August 21,2006 Vit= e s Mitigation In-Hand Use of Fund Balance Period Period TIP Project Title 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total TIP Project Title 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 3 SW 27th St/Strander By Connect. 584,900 1,068,000 229,600 1,882,50(' _1 Street Overlay Program 80,000 80,000 80,000 240,000 4 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 145,000 200,000 345,00 , 2 Intersection Safety&Mobility 200,000 200,000 400,000 8 Rainier Av-S 4th PI to S 2nd 100,000 100,000 475,300 675,30, 4 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 33,200 33,200 9 Hardie Av SW Transit/Multi-modal 335,052 608,700 943,752 8 Rainier Av-S 4th PI to S 2nd 386,300 147,500 273,300 807,100 10 Walkway Program 56,055 56,055 9 Hardie Av SW Transit/Multl-modal 311,927 761,300 194,000 1,267,227 11 Rainier Av-SW 7th to 4th PI 100,000 100,000 200,000 10 Walkway Program 193,945 150,000 343.945 12 Ripley Lane 500,000 500,000 11 Rainier Av-SW 7th to 4th PI 2,279,000 312,682 2,591,682 14 Garden Av N Widening 1,000,000 1,000,000 17 Project Develapment/Predesign 50,000 50,000 25,000 125,000 16 I•405 Improvements in Renton 30,000 10,000 20,000 60,000 20 Bridge Inspection&Repair 65,000 35,000 15,000 115,000 21 May Creek Bridge Replacement 66,000 66,000 18 NE 4th St/HoqulamAv NE 9,600 9,600 26 Traffic Safety Program 5,000 5,000 29 S 3rd St and Shattuck Av 55,000 55,000 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 185,000 210,000 50,000 445,000 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 80,000 80,000 32 Duvall Ave NE 410,000 168,300 578,300 32 Duvall Ave NE 100,000 100,000 200,000 46 Benson Rd S/S 31st Signal 305,800 305,800 38 Grady Wy Corridor Study 50,000 50,000 _ _ 100,000 49 SR 169 HOV-140th to SR900 50,000 50,000 41 Environmental Monitoring 55,000 25,000 12,500 2,500 95,000 Total Sources 4,537,972 2,164,782 670,500 7,373,254 47 Park-Sunset Corridor 25,000 50,000 110,000 185,000 48 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW43rd 5,000 5,000 10,000 49 SR 169 HOV•140th to SR900 30000 140,000 170,000 Total Sources 3,035,607 2,261,700 817,800 452,100 6,567,207 City Council,August 21,2006 1,1' °') 15 City Council,August 21,2006 11I 7.2012 N 16 2005-2006 New Grants h= Partnerships • STP Regional — SW 27th St./Strander $ 4,600,000 • STP Non-motorized — "Sam Chastain" Trail 900,000 WSDOT • State Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety: 550,000 1-405 Corridor Program — Rainier Ave.—S 4th PI to S 2nd St. ($200,000) — Hardie Ave.SW Transit/Multi-modal($150,000) Sound Transit — South 3rd&Shattuck Intersection ($200,000) Rainier and Hardie projects ($15 million • WSDOT Intersection & Corridor Safety: Sound Transit funding) — Park at 1-405 On-ramp (to WSDOT lead) 90,000 Sound Move Discussions • Federal Enhancement: 600,000 King County — Bike Route Connection ($100,000) Benson Rd S/S31st St — "Sam Chastain"Trail($500,000 for design) • Washington Traffic Safety—School Zone Signs 52,500 Duvall Avenue TOTAL GRANTS = $ 6,792,500 4•201n[P 17 20074012 TIP 18 City Council, August 21,2006 City Council, August 21,2006 .014if 2007 — Biggest construction A� "# year ever! • South Lake Washington Improvements - $19 M • SR 169 Improvements at I-405 - $4 M meq• • Duvall Ave. Widening $4 M = _ _" ,` • SW 27th St./Strander Blvd., Phase 1, a,:.. „ ; , �, vm.:!.) : L is Segment 2a, railroad track relocation -$10 M • Garden Ave. Widening - $1 M • Rainier/Hardie bridge construction start -$8 M 2001.2012 TIP 19 20 City Council,August 21,2006 r 2007 - 2012 Purpose Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) • Reflects involvement with citizens and ' ir�;Y ; '' elected officials ON t • Details multi-year work plan and funding 14, �� plan for the development of transportation .. ; facilities ' . IA '' • Required for state and federal funding ;'� z programs . •F t.I . • Used to coordinate transportation projects _ and programs with other jurisdictions and Planning/Building/Public Works Department agencies Transportation Systems Division • Mandated by state law City Council Meeting and Public Hearing August 21,2006 2007.2012 TIP 2 City Council, August 21,2006 4017: ei TIP Supports Development of Six-Year TIP • Comprehensive Plan TIP supports overall objectives and policies of land use,downtown, • Planning Capital Facilities Plan,and Transportation Elements. • Growth Management Act • Financing This TIP also supports GMA in terms of financing,consistency,and • Scheduling coordination efforts • City's Business Plan • Past Commitment TIP supports the City's business plan goals by encouraging downtown redevelopment and neighborhood revitalization,improving the City's image in the community and region and influencing regional decisions that impact the City. 3 • 4 City Council, August 21,2006 ��� City Council, August 21,2006 2006 Highlights • 2006 Highlights CONSTRUCTION DESIGN • Start South Lake Washington Infrastructure Improvements • Complete design of the South Lake • Start Sunset/Duvall Intersection Washington Infrastructure Project • Complete SW 27th St./Strander Blvd., Phase 1, • Complete 30% design and value Segment 1 engineering study of the Rainier Ave. • Complete SR 169, Phase 1 signal Railroad Bridge Transportation • Complete South Renton -S 4th/ Burnett Ave S Improvement Board (TIB) project Intersection • Continue design of Duvall Ave. project • Complete Benson Road TIB sidewalk project • • Start Rainier/Hardie Sound Transit projects Complete sidewalk- Maplewood and Highlands • Complete downtown curb ramps 2107-26127 5 l;1,'.4"2012TIP6 City Council, August 21,2008 City Council, August 21,2008 N. Successes and Opportunities IF 2006 Highlights Ongoing Programs rk` , .. s ; R • Retrofit all signal indicators from 4,,4 " ' ,' , g," L --per,° incandescent to LED indicators � . • Install uninterruptable power supplies , •1'..:L,,,," C',;"" '�./t' , . ` ; (Rainier Ave., Grady Way, 43rd Ave., and • S a &Burnett ^i:„AL,. ' , a"" SR 169 to-date) Intersection • Maplewood Sidewalks . ,'` 1`-, • -4074 ...-,-,;, ..-.•• � • SW 27th StiStrander Blvd., v ; Phase 1,Segment 1w -5i2 ' A!1.7-20121W 8 City Council, August 21,2008 City Council,August 21,2008 c' • Successes and Opportunities 54 Projects & Programs hr � � � i ," £ 41; New Projects added: . V Intersection Safety & Mobility „ , • .. _ S 3rd Street and Shattuck Avenue 4 ;, � � � Benson Road S 1 S 31St Street Signal 4 Garden Avenue Widening A Ripley Lane • Sunset/Duvall Intersection N ..: • SR 169—New signal ander - ,, Cedar River Park entrance qq� r�{� '2O121 9 `�11i(�7 City Council,August 21,2008 City Council August 21,2008 � w iil Six-Year Period Costs by Project747Type079 Total Expenditure Plan = $ 127, , Project Categories $6,619,600 $20,207,800• Preservation of Existing Infrastructure • Multi-Modal and Transportation a Infrastructure: Demand Management (TDM) Il o Econ. Developbility . • Community Livability and Enhancement $42,255,579 ■Liva • Economic Development • Operation and Safety 0 Multi-modal is Operations $2,256,000 $56,408,100 � TSA 11 260740121W 12 City Council,August 21,2008 City Council, August 21,2008 a Project Fundinge . Six-Year Period Sources Funding $80,000,000 .. lw� 1w 44F4IMMIV • Vehicle Fuel Tax $60,000,000 i I. g� > • Business License Fee $40,000,000 ,t4;;; - ,i� `4 . d, Unfunded0 • Grants $20,000,000 b ` -, , • Mitigation $0 ., ,, _ Funded • General Fund 0 Funded $78,170,868 • Bonds 0 Unfunded $49,576,211 Total : $127,747,079 �A117-2011TIP 13 t,,;Non r 14 City Council,August 21,2006 City Council, August 21,2006 1(*r Use of Fund Balance 10) Mitigation In-Hand Period Period TIP Project Title 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total TIP Project Title 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 3 SW 27th StlStrander By Connect. 584,900 1,068,000 2.29,600 1,882,50^ 1 Street Overlay Program 80,000 80,000 80,000 240,000, 4 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 145,000 200,000 345,OC, 2 Intersection Safety&Mobility 200,000 200,000 400,000 8 Rainier Av-S 4th PI to S 2nd 100,000 100,000 475,300 675,30; 4 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 33,200 33,2009 Hardie Av SW Transit/Multi-modal 335,052 608,700 943,752 8 Rainier Av-S 4th PI to S 2nd 386,300 147,500 273,300 807,100 10 Walkway Program 56,055 56,055 9 Hardie Av SW TransitlMulti-modal 311,927 761,300 194,000 1,267,227 11 Rainier Av-SW 7th to 4th PI 100,000 100,000 200,000 10 Walkway Program 193,945 150,000 343,945 12 Ripley Lane 500,000 500,000 11 Rainier Av-SW 7th to 4th P1 2,279,000 312,682 2,591,682 14 Garden Av N Widening 1,000,000 1,000,000 17 Project DevelopmentPredesign 50,000 50,000 25,000 125,000 20 Bridge Inspection&Repair 65,000 35,000 15,000 115,000 16 1-405 Improvements in Renton 30,000 10,000 20,000 - 60,000 21 May Creek Bridge Replacement 66,000 66,000 18 NE 4th St/HoqufamAv NE 9,600 9,600 26 Traffic Safety Program 5,000 5,000 29 S 3rd St and Shattuck Av 55,000 55,000 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 185,000 210,000 50,000 445,000, _31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 80,000 80,000 - 32 Duvall Ave NE 410,000 168,300 578,300 32 Duvall Ave NE 100,000 100,000 200,000 46 Benson Rd S/S 31st Signal 305,800 305,800 38 Grady Wy Corridor Study 50,000 50,000 100,000 49 SR 169 HOV-140th to SR900 50,000 50,000 41 Environmental Monitoring 55,000 25,000 12,500 2,500 95,000 Total Sources 4,537,972 2,164,782 670,500 7,373,254 47 Park-Sunset Corridor 25,000 50,000 110,000 185,000 48 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW43rd 5,000 5,000 10,000 49 SR 169 HOV-140th to SR900 30,000 140,000 170,000 q {q �q® Total Sources 3,035,607 2,261,700 817,800 452,100 q q 6,567,207 ?Prion 181 15 ;'f,0,1:W a +d21&1" 16 City Council,August 21,2006 City Council,August 21,2006 2005-2006 New Grants Partnerships • STP Regional — SW 27th St./Strander $ 4,600,000 • STP Non-motorized — "Sam Chastain" Trail 900,000 WSDOT • State Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety: 550,000 1-405 Corridor Program — Rainier Ave.—S 4th PI to S 2nd St. ($200,000) — Hardie Ave.SW Transit/Multi-modal($150,000) Sound Transit — South 3rd&Shattuck Intersection ($200,000) Rainier and Hardie projects ($15 million • WSDOT Intersection & Corridor Safety: Sound Transit funding) — Park at 1-405 On-ramp (to WSDOT lead) 90,000 Sound Move Discussions • Federal Enhancement: 600,000 King County — Bike Route Connection ($100,000) Benson Rd S/S31st St — "Sam Chastain"Trail($500,000 for design) • Washington Traffic Safety—School Zone Signs 52,500 Duvall Avenue TOTAL GRANTS = $ 6,792,500 17 o,' rap 18 City Council, August 21,2006 City Council, August 21,2006 2007 — Biggest construction j m year ever! • South Lake Washington Improvements -$19 M • SR 169 Improvements at I-405 -$4 M • Duvall Ave. Widening $4 M i a • SW 27th St/Strander Blvd Phase 1, 1 ' Segment 2a, railroad track relocation -$10 M • Garden Ave. Widening - $1 M • Rainier/Hardie bridge construction start -$8 M 1m12 1$6' 19 20 City Council,August 21,2006 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 21st day of August, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, 98057, to consider the following: Annual update to the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (2007-2012) All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6502. 661/4/4e:i idak Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published: King County Journal August 11, 2006 Account No. 50640 August 7,2006 Renton City Council Minute Page 263 Community Services: Community Services Department requested authorization touse funds in the _ Maplewood Golf Course amount of$20,000 from the Maplewood Golf Course reserve fund balance for Reserve Fund Use, Water water rights attorney fees to assist in perfecting a water rights claim. Refer to Rights Attorney Fees,Budget Finance Committee. Amend Planning: East Renton Plateau Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department PAA Future Zoning recommended setting a public hearing on 9/11/2006 to consider future zoning for the remaining unincorporated portions of the East Renton Plateau Potential Annexation Area. Refer to Planning Commission; set public hearing for 9/11/2006. Planning: I-405/NE 44th St Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department ROW Plan, HUD Grant recommended approval to amend the 2006 Budget to add authority to process Payment Processing, Budget payments for the$300,000 HUD BEDI(Housing and Urban Development Amend Brownfield Economic Development Initiative)grant awarded to the City for the I-405/NE 44th St. right-of-way plan. Council concur. (See page 265 for ordinance.) Annexation: Leitch, SE 136th Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department St& 140th Ave SE submitted 60%Direct Petition to Annex for the proposed Leitch Annexation and recommended a public hearing be held on 8/21/2006 to consider the petition and future zoning; 14.59 acres located in the vicinity of 140th Ave. SE, 143rd Ave. SE, SE 136th St.,and SE 138th St. Council concur. Plat: Shy Creek,Jericho Ave Hearing Examiner recommended approval, with conditions, of the Shy Creek NE&NE 2nd St, PP-06-009 Preliminary Plat; 61 single-family lots on 16.1 acres located in the vicinity of SE 2nd Pl.,NE 2nd St.,and Jericho and Hoquiam Avenues NE. Council concur. Airport: Aerodyne Lease, Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an addendum to the Addendum#12, LAG-84-006 airport lease LAG-84-006, which: increases the rate, extends the term to 8/31/2016,and assigns the lease from Southcove Ventures, LLC to Aerodyne, LLC. Refer to Transportation(Aviation) Committee. WSDOT: I-405 Cedar River Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a concurrence letter Vicinity Charette Concept with Washington State Department of Transportation regarding the 1-405 Cedar Concurrence River Vicinity Charette concept. Council concur. Transportation: 2007-2012 TIP Transportation Systems Division submitted the annual update of the Six-Year yo �p Transportation Improvement Program,(TIP)and Arterial Street Plan. Refer to �19 l 1 Transportation(Aviation)Committee; set public hearing on 8/21/2006 to consider the TIP. Utility: Springbrook Creek •Utility Systems Division recommended approval of the Springbrook Creek Wetland&Habitat Mitigation Wetland and Habitat Mitigation Bank lot line adjustment map. Council concur. Bank Lot Line Adjustment Map MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was read from Rebecca Wynsome and Gary Weil, 3711 Lake Citizen Comment: Washington Blvd. N., Renton, 98056, concerning the appeal of the Hearing Wynsome/Weil -Provost Examiner's decision regarding the Provost variances application. MOVED BY Variances Appeal,Alan & CLAWSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THIS Cynthia Provost, V-06-024 CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. _ ti`cY 0 PLANNINGBUILDING/ ♦ 4 ♦ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT .41 .11;NrVo MEMORANDUM DATE: August 7, 2006 TO: Randy Corman, Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA: X,y, Kathy Keolker, Mayo FROM: 14-1 Gregg Zimmerman;' ministrator STAFF CONTACT: Sharon Griffin, Transportation Program Development Coordinator, x7232 SUBJECT: 2007-2012 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Arterial Street Plan Update ISSUE: Should the City Council approve the resolution adopting the 2007-2012 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP)? RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt: 1)the annual updates to the 2007-2012 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program; 2)the Arterial Street Plan; and 3) set August 21, 2006 as the public hearing on the TIP. Staff further recommends that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. BACKGROUND: The City is required by law to annually review and adopt by resolution the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP). The&aff TIP is presented to the Transportation Committee and distributed to the rest of the Councilmembers for review in advance of the public hearing. In addition to the projected revenues and expenditures for the future six years, the TIP also includes current-year project allocations and past project expenditures. The City Council adopted the previous Six-Year TIP—2006 through 2011, on August 1, 2005, as a planning document for the next six years. It was distributed to the Puget Sound Regional Council, the Washington State Department of Transportation, Randy Corman,Coi. President Members of the Rei .._. -2ity Council August 7,2006 Page 2 of 4 King County Department of Transportation, the Association of Washington Cities, Puget Sound Energy, surrounding local agencies,the library, and to internal departments. The proposed TIP includes five new projects: Intersection Safety&Mobility Program, Ripley Lane North, Garden Avenue North widening, South 3rd Street/Shattuck Avenue Intersection, and Benson Road South/South 31St Street. Four completed or modified projects were dropped from the program. A spreadsheet("2007-2012 Six-Year TIP Summary") is attached which outlines the expected revenues and expenditures for the six-year period. The six-year estimated expenditures were balanced to fall within the expected revenues, leaving a balance of $0 on December 31, 2012, for the combined Fund 317 and Fund 305. If the programmed expenditures follow the schedule, it is likely that the Fund 317 fund balance will be depleted by December 2009. For the second year in a row,the proposed six-year program required under funding some future projects at this time to achieve the successful completion of other newly funded projects. • Required funding levels for some of the newly funded projects were determined by the receipt of funding from outside sources that required City match: o #3 Strander Boulevard/SW 27th St, Phase 2, Segment 2a - State and federal funds. This project is slated to receive$4,600,000 of federal Surface Transportation Program(STP)Regional funds to fund construction of the embankment and relocation of the railroad tracks. o #8 Rainier Avenue—S 4th P1 to S 2nd- Sound Transit and new state funds for Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety grant of$200,000. o #9 Hardie Avenue SW Transit/Multi-modal- Sound Transit and new state funds for Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety grant in the amount of $150,000. In the previous TIP, the interlocal agreement between the City and Sound Transit was not completed. Therefore,the project was shown in 2009 through 2011. Due to the new Sound Transit commitment to these two projects (approximately$15 million) and the requirement to complete construction by December 2009, the City's match funds of$6,747,000 was moved to 2006 through 2009. o #21 May Creek Bridge Replacement-Due to a shortage of funds, City funds were removed from the construction at this time. Design will continue. Grant funds are expected in 2008 or 2009. We will re-evaluate next cycle. H:\Divisions\Transp\Planning\Sharon\TIPs\IP 2007 TIP Randy Corman,Courn esident k. Members of the Renton City Council August 7,2006 Page 3 of 4 o #29 South 3rd Street and Shattuck Avenue Intersection - Received a state Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety grant in the amount of$200,000. City match is expected to be $100,000. o #39 Bicycle Route Development Program/Lake Washington Trail Connection- Received two federal Enhancement grants: 1) $100,000 to develop and produce a bicycle map identifying a bicycle network with connections leading into and out of the city($20,000 city match); 2) $500,000 to design the Lake Washington(Sam Chastain) Trail Connection(no City match). A $900,000 construction grant for this project is pending and expected; Community Services is the lead on this project with assistance from the Transportation Division. • Some of the newly funded projects were determined by economic development needs: o #12 Ripley Lane North - $500,000 o #14 Garden Avenue North Widening-$1,000,000 • Some programs requested and continue to receive additional funding in the first three years because of elevated priority: o #1 Street Overlay Program o # 10 Walkway Program for preservation project • Some projects which may be delayed due to the above needs are: o #4 NE 3rd/4th Corridor- Limited funding has been allocated for match funds for grants or for one small intersection project along the corridor. • Some projects or programs will need funding to move forward: #11 Rainier Avenue—SW 7th to 4th PI railroad bridge -The City committed to 30%design with a re-evaluation of the escalated construction costs when the design was completed. The project has become tied to the Sound Transit Hardie Avenue project due to the raised bridge elevation on Rainier, requiring construction work in tandem. The Sound Transit project has a requirement to complete construction by December 2009 per the interlocal agreement. • The total estimated cost of the Rainier Avenue Bridge project increased from $6,859,500 in the 2006-2011 TIP to a current estimate of$9,289,700 in the new 2007-2012 TIP. This is an increase of$2,430,200. Partial funding was programmed for this increase. However, there is still a shortfall of$2,057,800 to fully fund this project. The Transportation Division will seek cost savings throughout the TIP program, including grant resources to close this gap. H:\Divisions\Transp\Planning\Sharon\TIPs\IP 2007 TIP Randy Corman,Cot President Members of the Ren..,..2ity Council j , August 7,2006 Page 4 of 4 Numerous projects and programs were under funded in the years 2010 through 2012. Ultimately, all projects in the TIP are presented to Council for review and approval, collectively during the budget process, and individually when approval is requested for design and construction contracts. Attachments cc: Peter Hahn,Deputy PBPW Administrator-Transportation Jim Seitz,Transportation Planning and Programming Supervisor Sharon Griffm,Transportation Program Development Coordinator Nenita Ching,PBPW Administrative Analyst Bang Parkinson,FIS/IS Supervisor Project File H:\Divisions\Transp\Planning\Sharon\TIPs\IP 2007 TIP >007 - 2012 Six-Year TIP Sul iary Transportation Capital Improvement Fund Fund 317 (including Fund 305) 2007-2012 Item Budget Comment CAPITAL FUND 317 REVENUE: Business License Fee $ 9,600,000 At$1,600,000 per year.1 Transportation Grants 16,474,421 In-hand or reasonably expected. Miscellaneous 2 Transfer in from Mitigation Fund 305 1 6,567,207 As shown below in Fund 305. Transfer in from Arterial Street Fund/Gas Tax 1 2,100,000 At$350,000 per year(Overlay Program). New Vehicle Fuel Tax 1 1,490,000 Varied annual amounts. Other In-Hand 25,104,700 Sound Transit, King County,etc. Bonds-2007-2012 9,461,286 Programmed funds for 2007-2012 only. Additional savings or reimbursements 2,203,508 See Attachment A"Additional Revenues" TOTAL NEW REVENUE $ 73,001,122 Use of prior year revenue for 2007-2012 program 5,169,746 Est. beginning fund balance Jan. 1, 2007. TOTAL RESOURCES $ 78,170,868 EXPENDITURES: 2007-2012 TIP projects(programmed as funded) 78,170,868 TOTAL PROGRAMMED EXPENDITURES $ 78,170,868 SUMMARY OF FUND 317: Revenue 73,001,122 • Expenditures (78,170,868) Prior Year Revenue Needed (5,169,746) , More needed than is available. Budgeted fund balance, January 1, 2007 5,169,746 Total new revenue 73,001,122 Total programmed expenditures (78,170,868) Shown as funded. 317 Fund Balance, December 31, 2012 $ - No funds remain TRAFFIC MITIGATION FUND 305 Budgeted fund balance, January 1, 2007 2,471,407 Anticipated new revenue 2007-2012 1 3,600,000 Estimated at$600,000 per year.3 Partial mitigation from Landing stores 439,800 Approx. 80%of$549,800 estimate. Sidewalk mitigation 56,000 Current balance of new revenues. Total Committed Expenditures (6,567,207) Transfer to Fund 317 as shown above. 305 Fund Balance, December 31, 2012 $ - No funds remain TOTAL FUND BALANCE 317 & 305 4 $ - December 31, 2012 ome funds are estimated earlier than expected. t\ Jliscellaneous funds include plan sales,service charges and penalties. 3 Dependent on development and credits. 4 This addresses ability to fund the overall program,not cash flow. 7/27/2006 ' Attachment A 2007 - 2012 Six-Year TIP Additional Revenues Potential savings from 2006 projects RUSH $ 1,000 Rainier Corridor Study 4,000 South Renton Project 300,000 Projects on hold Project Dev. &Predesign 35,000 Staff&small contracts Arterial Circulation 60,000 Staff&small contracts GIS Needs 15,000 Grady Way Corridor 25,000 WSDOT Coordination 10,000 Arterial HOV 8,000 Park-Sunset Corridor 25,000 Lind Ave.-SW 16th to SW 43rd 5,000 S Carr Rd/Mill Ave. S 3,000 Sub-total $ 491,000 Reimbursement of funds from various sources Street vacation reimbursement $ 350,975 2000-2005 4th/Burnett reimbursement 178,358 South Renton reserves Pre-2006: South Lake Wash. Project-bonds 462,714 SW 27th St./Strander Blvd. -bonds 557,500 Duvall-King County 127,710 Burnett Linear Park reimbursement 35,251 South Renton reserves Sub-total $ 1,712,508 Total $ 2,203,508 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, UPDATING THE CITY'S SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2007-2012. WHEREAS, the City of Renton has heretofore adopted a "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" pursuant to RCW 35.77.010, and the plan and program having been amended and modified from time to time as authorized by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department, held a public hearing on August 21, 2006, after notice to the public as provided by law for the purpose of considering adoption, modification, and amendments of the plan and program; and WHEREAS, at the public hearing held on August 21, 2006, due consideration was given to the proposed changes and amendments for the purpose of updating the plan and program; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The City's "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City's "Arterial Street Plan" are hereby further amended and modified, all as more particularly • shown on the attached Exhibits "A," "B" and "C" incorporated herein as if fully set forth. SECTION H. The plan and program, as evidenced by said Exhibits, shall be and constitute the City's "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City's "Arterial Street Plan," and shall remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended, and modified as provided by law. 1 RESOLUTION NO. SECTION III. The Administrator of the Department of Planning/Building/Public Works and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to file this Resolution, together with the Exhibits, with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2006. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2006. Kathy Keolker, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES.118I:7/26/06:ma CT: 2 PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS • TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIV[-' N 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS TIP New Old Project Project Title Changes From Previous TIP/ TIP TIP No. Comments 1 1 12108 Street Overlay Program Add funds for ADA compliant curb ramp upgrades for programmed projects. 2 New Intersection Safety&Mobility New program to address City's traffic signal priority needs list. 3 3 12239 Strander Blvd./SW 27th St Connection Remove Phase 1,Segment 1,.Federal Reserve Bank,funding(complete 2006). 4 9 12176 NE 3rd/NE 4th St.Corridor Fund design and RAN only for an approximately$6 million project(2007-2009). 5 4 12163 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) No change. 6 5 12109 Transit Program Add 2007 staff time funds for transit ballot issues(RTID and ST2). 7 6 12193 Rainier Ave.Corridor Study/Improv. Decrease funding in 2007-2011;eliminate by 2012. 8 7 12501 Rainier Ave.-S 4th PI to S 2nd Add ST funding and new State Pedestrian&Bicycle Safety grant($200,000) 9 8 12502 Hardie Ave.SW Transit/Multi-modal Add ST funding and new State Pedestrian&Bicycle Safety grant($150,000) _ 10 10 9 Walkway Program Increase 2007 funding from$250,000 to$500,000. 11 11 12308 Rainier Av-SW 7th to 4th PI Increase funding$2.4 million(design,right-of-way and construction). 12 New Ripley Lane N Add project from Lake Washington Blvd.N to end of street. 13 12 12306 S Lake Wash.Roadway Improv. Remove District 2 costs from 6-year programmed funds. Add CTED grant-$5 M. 14 New Garden Ave.N Widening New project due to additional traffic generated by developer project. 15 13 12194 South Renton Project Add Burnett Linear Park sidewalk. 16 14 12210 1-405 Improvements in Renton Increase budget 2007-2009 and extend one more year to 2012. 17 15 12150 Project Development/Predesign Add funding for small studies and small grant matches. 18 16 12209 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Ave.NE Construction should proceed in Summer/Fall 2006. 19 17 29 Arterial Circulation Program Add studies: Truck route and Highland Subarea;continue travel demand model. 20 18 106 Bridge Inspection&Repair Increase program$100,000 for evaluation of scour and load ratings. 21 19 12503 May Creek Bridge Replacement Bridge funding not available through WSDOT until at least 2007. 22 20 16 Loop Replacement Program No change. 23 21 12113 Sign Replacement Program No change. 24 22 91 Pole Program No change. 25 23 12171 Sound Transit HOV Direct Access Add funds 2009-2011 to coordinate N 8th direct access ramps,if funded. 26 24 12115 Traffic Safety Program "Heather Downs"transportation improvements included. , 27 25 12162 Traffic Efficiency Program LED Program moved from the Safety Program above. 28 26 12185 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections No change in 6-year programmed funds. 29 New ' S 3rd St.and Shattuck Ave. Add State Pedestrian&Bicycle Safety Program Grant($200,000 award) 30 37 12504 School Zone Sign Upgrades Received WTSC grant for$52,500 for four school sites. 31 27 12186 Arterial Rehab.Prog. Add funds for ADA compliant curb ramp upgrades for programmed projects. 32 28 12123 Duvall Ave.NE Increased approximately$700,000 for right-of-way and construction costs. 33 29 12166 RR Crossing Safety Prog. No change. 34 30 12135 TDM Program Worksite count has remained stable. No changes are anticipated. _ 35 31 12107 Transportation Concurrency Concurrency travel times likely updated in 2006-2007. 36 32 12106 Missing Links Program Acquired three parcels from King County. 37 33 12206 GIS Needs Assessment Add funds 2006-2007 for plannins/modeling software,training,technical support. 38 34 12127 Grady Wy Corridor Study Select consultant by late 2006 for study. 39 35 12173 Bicycle Route Dev.Program Add new Federal Enhancement Grant($100,000)for Renton Bike Map production. 40 36 12121 Lake Wash.Blvd.-Park to Coulon Pk No change. 41 38 12187 Environmental Monitoring Received early acceptance from Corps of Engineers for Phase 1. 42 39 12191 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corridor Continue coordination with WSDOT on SR 167/SW 43rd St.interchange. 43 40 12146 WSDOT Coordination Program No change. 44 41 12112 1%for the Arts No change. 45 42 12160 _Arterial HOV Program No change. 46 New 12129 Benson Rd S/S 31st Signal Partner with King County for intersection/signal design and construction. 47 43 12177 Park-Sunset Corridor Add$2.8M for potential projects resulting from the Highlands Subarea study. 48 44 24 Lind Ave.-SW 16th-SW43rd Traffic increase in Renton Valley creates need;identified project unfunded. 49 45 12175 SR 169 HOV-140th to SR 900 Schedule altered to include phased construction. 50 47 12301 Sunset/Duvall Intersection Project costs reflect approximately$800,000 increase due to bids. 51 48 12303 Logan Ave.Concrete Panel Repair No change. 52 49 12304 Carr/Mill Signal No change. 53 50 12213 Houser Wy S-Main to Bumett No change. 54 53 12305 Duvall Ave NE-King County No change. Out 2 12138 SR 167/SW 27th St/Strander Blvd. Move funds for planning efforts(all phases)to"Connection"project(#3)above. Out 46 12309 Benson Rd-S 26th to Main TIB grant sidewalk project completed in early 2006. Out 51 _ 12302 Lake Wash.Blvd.Slip Plane Project complete. Out 52 12307 Monster Road Bridge Project complete. Add inspection funding to Bridge Inspection Program(#32). Changes from 2006 - CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS TIP DRAFT 7/27/2006 �Y DRAFT cp Six-Year ,,oTransp ortation Planning/Building/ Improvement Public Works Department k: Program Transportation Y s stem 2007 t 2012 Division Hearing: Adopted: Resolution: SECTION ONE PURPOSE OF SIX-YEAR TIP PROGRAM • Purpose of Six-Year TIP 1-1 • Vision Statement 1-2 • Mission Statement 1-2 • City Business Plan 1-2 CITY OF RENTON SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2007-2012 PURPOSE • Reflects involvement by citizens and elected officials. • Implements the City of Renton Mission Statement. • Used to coordinate transportation projects and programs with other jurisdictions and agencies. • Multi-year planning tool for the development of the transportation facilities within the City. • Required for State and Federal funding programs. • Vital part of planning under the Growth Management Act. • Mandated by State Law. 1-1 -CITY OF , � 'J. , h..{F is _L ,..+i+ - ::: :.:1;- ", IF } VISION ��R !` Renton—The A . . ), center of opportunity in the Puget qtr ., r ' ---ty .. 4 • Sound Region where businesses and families thrive .y. - ,• ! 4` f MISSION ", The City of Renton, in partnership with residents, businesses,and 1 I ; q-,', ,-4 1 schools, is dedicated to: • }'''- •Providing a healthy,welcoming atmosphere where citizens choose to live, - • raise families,and take pride in their community '•. ._ • 0 Promoting planned growth and economic vitality • j,_.,.. •• • Creating a positive work environment n. : 0 Meeting service demands through innovation and commitment to excellence 3a.a- -KIS lT nt ,. '�`'' ��'• '`�_`xr�i' � 5°� .� v r-i.�r `.f'r� . ,_'a^4`4�,y r.Y a i � f ��F I y'V i T A't a z �" t .rte—- 4-c r 0:-'.- x,- y 2.40:715;4..,.. 0' r ., a r n•r'', ? sc tl d r y J iy.:.! Y 1 7uJ s�;�9 7 P.''' 'II y S p3 iiSS.. IT k • ...:.4.5:;•.-6j (lath • L Y'� •.'; r +.. °- �.y „r• � •� r : � "fib ` i 1 r -� , ,.•i 1- � \ ::' _ t�oi��...j� - a.: 'e,. ..• a� o °'Fy 4 � t F B U:SI TES S PLAN GOALS ....20.06-2011 Promote • Promote ; Manage growth • Meet the service ; Influence citywide neighborhood •• through sound •• demands that •• decisions economic • revitalization . urban planning . contribute to .• that impact development • ; the livability of . the City *Promote Renton • *Support the vitality . *Foster development • the community •• ®Demonstrate as the progressive, ; of neighborhoods ; of vibrant,sustainable, • *Prioritize services • leadership by develop- opportunity rich city . through community . mixed-use neighborhoods . at levels that can be . ing and maintaining in the Puget Sound • involvement • in established urban • sustained by revenue •• partnerships and region . g ; ®Encourage family- • centers , investment strategies • • *Plan,develop,and • with other jurisdictions *Capitalize on • friendly quality housing • *Uphold a high stan- • maintain quality • that improve services growth opportunities ; choices for people of all ; dard of design and • services,in frastructure, • through bold thinking • ages and income levels . property maintenance • and amenities .▪ *Aggressively pursue and aggressive • • throughout the City • transportation and economic develop- *Ensure the safety, • ; *Respond to growing ; other regional ment strategies . health,and security of . *Provide a balance . service demands while • improvements and • citizens through • between housing and • meeting the unique ; services that improve *Recruit and retain . effective service delivery ; high quality jobs . requirements of a diverse . quality of life businesses to ensure • population through a dynamic,diversified ; *Promote pedestrian ; *Promote annexation ; partnerships,innovation, ; *Advocate Renton's nployment base • and bicycle linkages • where and when it is in • and outcome manage- • interests through state ' between neighborhoods • the best interest of • ment • and federal lobbying gent tinueeredevelop- ; and community focal : Renton ; . efforts y g efforts • points • . *Retain a skilled Downtown,in the • workforce by making • Highlands,and South . . Renton the municipal• • Lake Washington • • employer of choice • • N SECTION TWO SIX-YEAR TIP MAP • TIP Map, Exhibit A 2-1 • Map Index, Exhibit B 2-2 . , . ! _ ..4) t' -- , • • • Y OF RENTO t-- .----=---:- :- • • . ' _-.-- -...• i , i . . , • S1X-YEAR T 1 *- -:::::.:-- :: '' -- 1 .4 EXHIBIT 'A' - 2007-2012 -.---- • • -:•-:•:.-.•:- .'2,.-- ! . . ::::--7-. .-- .:-.--__-::-.--- - .7 ? 1 • Project Ma •---:----:(1)---:-::-- / • •• r".h,-1 • , ....." , - , ,.• ; 1._". : • ,SY - ; • ,- . ..._:. . .. . : .. , .. ....41, , . ..:1•.. . , it y._, I ii 4 4 . 1 1:I .:: :I.A :2\ . 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JIM- "- ---"; ,-••-- •-..,2:__...); III. il \ J ..... . s "I , i 10 .... _ 1..... I i i It% lk i. ; '.;.; ( I, i____ 1 -- i . ......... . , _.2_, ,.,.., .... . . „ :.__.. _ .; . it.,. .1 Al , , • . 1 ; 111 , ,,-;- , •,--. cy: I'' /MP! -- L ('• ) ligul! I.: , .. I IN .7 I 1,11,_,.7.,i___ Ttli..„/ 41r,visalru ...._ -7.42.4 11' h.. • r ii . 2-1 • EXIIIBIT "`B' City of Renton 2007—2012 Transportation Improvement Program Map Index TIP No. Project Title 1 Street Overlay Program 2 Intersection Safety and Mobility 3 Strander Blvd/SW 27th Street Connection 4 NE 31.d/NE 4th Corridor 5 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 6 Transit Program 7 Rainier Avenue Corridor Study and Improvements 8 Rainier Avenue—S 4th Place to S 2nd 9 Hardie Avenue SW Transit/Multi-modal 10 Walkway Program 11 Rainier Avenue—SW 7th to 4th Place 12 Ripley Lane N 13 S Lake Wash.Roadway Improvement 14 Garden Avenue 15 South Renton Project 16 I-405 Improvements in Renton 17 Project Development/Predesign 18 NE 4th Street/Hoquiam Avenue NE 19 Arterial Circulation Program 20 Bridge Inspection and Repair 21 May Creek Bridge Replacement 22 Loop Replacement Program 23 Sign Replacement Program 24 Pole Replacement Program 25 Sound Transit HOV Direct Access 26 Traffic Safety Program 27 Traffic Efficiency Program 28 CBD Bicycle and Pedestrian Connections 29 S 3rd Street and Shattuck Avenue 30 School Zone Sign Upgrades 31 Arterial Rehabilitation Program 32 Duvall Avenue NE 33 Railroad Crossing Safety Program 34 TDM Program 35 Transportation Concurrency 36 Missing Links Program 37 GIS Needs Assessment 38 Grady Way Corridor.Study 39 Bicycle Route Development Program 2-2 2007—2012 SIX-YEAR 7' )ortation Improvement Program EXHIBIT `B' Map Index TIP No. Project Title 40 Lake Washington Boulevard—Park Avenue N to Coulon Park 41 Environmental Monitoring 42 Trans-Valley and Soos Creek Corridor 43 WSDOT Coordination Program 44 1% for the Arts Program 45 Arterial HOV Program 46 Benson Road S/S 31S`Signal 47 Park—Sunset Corridor 48 Lind Avenue—SW 16th to SW 43rd 49 SR 169 HOV—SE 140th to SR 900 50 Sunset/Duvall Intersection 51 Logan Avenue Concrete Panel Repair 52 Carr/Mill Signal 53 Houser Way S—Main to Burnett 54 Duvall Avenue NE- King County • 2-3 H:IFILE SYSITRP\TRP-24\2007 TIP Map Index SECTION THREE DEVELOPMENT & PRIORITIZATION OF THE SIX- YEAR TIP • General Programming Criteria 3-1 • Specific TIP Development Activities 3-3 • Summary Table of Projects and Programs: 3-5 DEVELOPMENT AND PRIORITIZATION OF THE SIX-YEAR TIP I. General ProEramming Criteria The yearly update of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP) is part of an on-going process intrinsically linked with the development of the City's Capital Improvement Program. The Six-Year TIP is also linked with various state and federal funding programs, regional/inter- jurisdictional planning and coordination processes and the City's Growth Management Act Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Projects are developed and prioritized based on both specific goals to be achieved by the program and on general programming considerations. Those general programming considerations are: Planning. How, on both a local and regional level, a project fits with or addresses identified future transportation goals, demands and planning processes must be evaluated. This is strongly influenced by ongoing land use decisions and by regional highway and transit system plans. Financing. Many projects are dependent on acquisition of outside grants, formation of LID's or the receipt of mitigation funds. Prioritization has to take into account the peculiarities of each of the various fund sources and the probabilities of when, and how much,money will be available. Scheduling. If a project is interconnected with, or interdependent on, other projects taking place, this is reflected in their relative priorities. Past Commitment. The level of previous commitment made by the City in terms of resources, legislative actions or inter-local agreements also must be taken into consideration in prioritizing TIP projects. In addition to the general considerations discussed above, there are five specific project categories through which the TIP is evaluated and analyzed. They are: • Preservation of Existing Infrastructure • Multi-Modal and Transportation Demand Management • Community Livability and Enhancement • Economic Development • Operations and Safety These categories provide a useful analysis tool and represent goals developed through an evaluation of the City's transportation program in response to input from citizens and local officials and to State and Federal legislation. Taken as a whole, the five categories provide a framework for evaluating projects both individually and as part of a strategy that seeks to meet and balance the transportation needs of Renton during a 3-1 time of increasing transportation demand, decreasing revenues and growing environmental concerns. Although each project can be identified with an important concern that allows it to be classified into one of the five categories,most projects are intended to address,and are developed to be compatible with,multiple goals. Preservation of the Existing Infrastructure is a basic need that must be met by the program. The Mayor, City Council and Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee have all addressed the importance of sustaining strong programs in this project category. The state Growth Management Act also requires jurisdictions to assess and address the funding required to maintain their existing transportation system. Multi-modal and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) projects and programs are oriented toward "moving people" through a balanced transportation system that involves multiple modes of transportation and provides alternatives to the existing heavy reliance on the single occupant vehicle (SOV). Included are facilities that facilitate the movement of transit and carpools, and programs that promote the use of high occupancy vehicles (HOV's) and reduce the number of SOV's. The Federal Transportation Efficiency Act (TEA-21), the State and Federal Clean Air legislation and the State Commute Trip Reduction Act (CTR) have added momentum to regional efforts and placed requirements on local jurisdictions such as Renton to promote these transportation elements. Community Livability and Enhancement consists of projects that have been developed with major emphasis on addressing community quality of life issues by improving and/or protecting residential livability while providing necessary transportation system improvements. Bicycle and pedestrian projects are included in this category. Economic Development projects and programs involve transportation improvements necessitated by new development that is taking place. Thus, a significant source of local funding for these projects is projected to come from mitigation payments and from specific access needs financed by new development. Operations and Safety projects and programs are developed through on-going analyses of the transportation system and are directed mainly toward traffic engineering concerns such as safety and congestion. Projects are identified not only by analysis of traffic counts, accident records and geometric data, but also through review and investigation of citizen complaints and requests. Following this text are tables that display and summarize the six-year funding plan broken out in accordance with the five program categories. TIP FUND.do 3-2 Below is a more specific discussion of the activities involved in TIP development. II. Specific TIP Development Activities TIP project and financial development activities are intricately intertwined and involve interactions with many groups and agencies at the local, regional, state and federal levels. Within the Transportation Systems Division of the City of Renton, project development involves year-around coordination among the Maintenance and Operations Section, the Planning and Program Section and the Design Section. The Transportation Maintenance and Operations Section compiles accident and traffic count data, performs level of service calculations needed to identify operational/congestion problems and tracks all transportation-related complaints, suggestions and requests that come into the City. The Transportation Design Section, through the TIP's "Overlay Program" and "Bridge Inspection and Repair Program", works closely with the Maintenance Services Division and with its Pavement Management System to establish structural ratings for the City's roads and bridges. These and other data are being used by the Planning and Program Section to develop transportation improvement projects, prepare grant applications, interface with ongoing state and federal transportation programs, and develop a TIP that supports the goals of the City's long range Comprehensive Plan and short range business plan. Two important examples of how this data is used are: 1. To complete Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Arterial Inventory Worksheet forms for each section of each arterial in the City and 2. To complete Washington State Bridge Inventory System.(WSBIS) forms for each bridge. These forms provide a ranking of overall deficiency both within the City and in comparison with similar facilities elsewhere in the state. These rankings, in turn, become important elements in securing funding from the TIB's Transportation Partnership Program (TPP) and Arterial Improvement Program(AIP)and from the federal bridge program. The data are also used in making other grant applications for hazard elimination and safety projects and for railroad crossing upgrades and other federal programs under TEA-21. The Transportation Planning Section works with Metro Transit, the Puget Sound Regional Council, Sound Transit and other groups and agencies to assure consistency between Renton's transportation policies and programs and those of the region. Such consistency is required by the Growth Management Act and related legislation and by federal and state grant programs. On-going transportation planning activities, such as updating the Transportation Element and traffic model, coordinating with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the development of sub-area plans, Tip FUND.doc 3-3 such as the Central Business District, the Valley and the North Renton areas, play an important part in identifying and prioritizing transportation improvement projects. State and regional transportation projects also play an important role such as those involving Sound Transit, the Metropolitan Transportation Plan and the State Systems Plan. Within the City of Renton, there are actions and interactions involving other departments and divisions, the private sector, the City Council and Administration, which strongly influence the direction of the transportation program. For example, the transportation system is significantly impacted by land use decisions, private development proposals and by public water and sewer extensions which increase transportation demand by making possible higher,density and/or intensity of land uses. Such proposals need to be monitored and analyzed in regard to how they individually and collectively create the need for transportation improvements. All departments and divisions in the City, the City Council, the Administration and the Mayor's Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee are solicited each year to provide input, discuss and comment on the Six-Year TIP. Additional input is also gathered through interactions with other public and private organizations and through public meetings held in the community concerning specific transportation projects and programs. At the City, State and Federal level there are new laws and regulations that create the need for new or different kinds of transportation-projects and programs. Examples include the Transportation Efficiency Act (TEA-21), the Growth Management Act, the Clean Air Act, the Commute Trip Reduction law, the Endangered Species Act and the Surface Water Management Ordinance. All of these laws have tremendous impacts on the development and costs of transportation projects. Interconnection and/or interdependence among TIP projects and with projects by other City departments and by other jurisdictions is another important element that affects the development, the prioritization and the timing of transportation projects. Equally important is the likelihood, the time frame and the amount of outside funding that will be obtainable to finance transportation projects. In summary, with its heavy dependence on many different and unpredictable sources of outside funding and with the significant impacts created by on-going local and regional land use decisions, transportation project development is a continuous activity comprised of a multitude of diverse elements. TIP_FUND.doc 3-4 vo i r yr KCN IUN - PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS - TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION - 2007-2012 TIP Type TIP Project Previous. Project Title Costs 2007 2008 2009 Six-Year Total Project 1 Street Overlay Program 12108 1,3 ts,326 485,0007485,000 485,000 2010 2011 2012 Period Total Cost 11 Street Av SW Program 4th PI485,000 FundedUnfunded 12308 1,160,655 2,629,000 1,650,000 1,925,000 1,925,000 485,000 485,000 2,910,000124,269,326 4,164,32621105,000 15 South Renton Project 12194 647,580 75,000 8,129,000 9,289,655 7,231,819 20 Bridge Inspection 8 Repair 106 75,000 722,580 722,580 2,057,836 21 May Creek Bridge Replacement 12503 264'581 105.000 75,000 55,000 50,000 55,000 120,000 550,000 160,000 5,00050,000 390,000 654,581 619,581 35,000 22 iLoopReplacementProgram 16 715,000 232 Sign Replacement Program 40,105 15,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 835,000 186,000 649,000 17 12113 11,255 5,000 5,000 5,000 27,500 20,000 105,000 145,105 130,105 15,000 o in 24 Pole Program 91 37,954 20,000 20,000 20,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 37,500 48,755 31 Arterial Rehab.Pr 25,000 41,255 7,500 32 Duvall Ave NE 12186 435,000 240,000 360,000 760,000 200,000 25,000 25,000 135,000 172,954 157,954 15,000 12123 2,668,200 1,700,000 600,000 200,000 200,000 1,960,000 2,395,000 2,320,000 75,000 37 GIS Needs Assessment 12206 41,700 35,000 20,000 20,000 2,300,000. 4,968,200 4,968,200 41 Environmental Monitoring 12187 159,635 75,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 135,000 176,700 116,700 61 Logan Av Concrete Panel Repair 12303 3t7 000 30,000 30,000 30,000 245,000 60,000 64 Duvall Ave NE- County460,000 404,635 359,635 45,000 King 12305 1,982,646 1,975,000 636,300 460,000 460,000 460,000 4 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 12176 532,862 102,000 230,000 326,000 4,050,000 1,770,000 3,280,000 9,752,000 10,284,8622, 11,300 4 593, 2 1,184,8946 62 9,100,000 s Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 12163 6,361 5,000 5,000 5,000 6 Transit Program 12109 34,714 5,000 5,000 5,000 30,000 36,361 7 Transit Pr Corridor Study!Improv, 12103 30,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,00033,36113,000 8 Rainier Av C rid r St S 2nd 302,913 10,000 10,000 '5,000 18,000 120,000 337,91337,914 12501 5,000 • 5,000 310,714 9,000 9 Hardie Av SW TrensiUMulti- 597,000 1,220,000 698,000 13 650,000 35,000 337,913 modal 12502 1,168,521 4,228,479 8,290,000 1,650,000 5,713,000 6,310,000 6,310,000 17 Project DevelopmenUPredesign 12150 322,592 14,168,479 15,337,000 15,337,000 19 Arterial Circulation Program 29 225,000 225,000 225,000 200,000 200,000' 200,0001 1,275,000 1,597,592 1,522,592 25 'Sound Transit HOV Direct Access 12171 260,680 200,000 200,000 200,000 200 000 250,000 75,000 5-' 71,910 250,000 1,300,000 1,560,680 1,385,680 175,000 z9 S 3rd Stand Shattuck Av 12604 45,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 29 TDM Program 255,000 55,000 83,910 75,910 8,000 s4 Grady Wy Corridor Study 12135 108,475 55,000 55,000 55;000 255,000 300,000 300,000 63,421 50,000 50,000 50,000 55,000 55,000' 55,000 330,000 438,475 438,475 42 Trans-Valle 8 Soos Creek Corr. 12191 230,000 1,810,000 1,020,000 47 WSDOT Coordination Pro:ram 12,539 5.000' 5,000 5,000 3210000.1 3,273,421 213,421 3,060,000 4s Arterial H oo Program 12146 23,600 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 27,539 27,539 12160 132,354 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 75,000 47 Park-Sunset Corridor 12177 5,000 98,600 98,600 49 SR k-S HOVnse -140th to SR900 64.904 25,000• 50,000 200,000 1,750,100 1,010,000 10,000 142,354 142,354 12175 6,110,597 30,000 2,550,000 3,035,100 3,100,004 to Walkwa Pr.!ram 340,000 339,904 2,760,100 9 749,032 350,000 250,000 250 000 2,920,000 , 9,030,597 9,030,597' 3975 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 12173 250 000 250,000 250,000 1,600,000 2,349,032 is 44 1icfor ycle a Arts 30,701 120,000 18,000 18,000 110, 0 2,049,032 300,000 12112 75669 80,000 80,000 426,000 456,701 a SW 27th a Arts ev Connect 12239 60,000 30000 30,000 50,000 186,669 270,000 > 3 SW 2 Lane 5,501,001 6,222,000 5,816,000 30,000 30,000 230,000 305,669 305,669 12602 10000 1,096,600 22,576,000 6,067,700 41,788300 47,289301 22,310,201 24979,100 c 13 S Lake Wash.Roadway Improv. 12306 500,000 14 Garden Av N Widenin• 12,837,714 12,000,000 500,000 500 000 500,000 16 1-405Im•rovementslnRenton 12603 1,000,000 12,353,700 .25,191,414 25,191,414 2a CBD Bike 8 Ped,Connections 72185 98,385 30,000 30,000 30,000 " 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 131,544 50,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 120,000 218,385 218,385' w ss Trans Concurrenc 50,000 50,000 50,000 12107 40,000 20,000 40,000 10,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 431,544 do Lake Wash.ev-Park to Coulon Pk 12121323,13810,000 30,000 296,544 135,000 2 Intersection Safe 8 Mobil/ 10 000 120,000 160,000 140,000 12601 84,509 141,600 226,100 20,000 18 NE 4th St/Ho•ulam Av NE 12209 259,600 250,000 250,000 250,000 548,238 401,563 147,675 26 Traffic Safe Proeram 390 400 9,600 250 000 1250,000 1,250,000 500,000 750,000 12115 146,734 25,000 20,000 20,000 40000 5,000 400,0001271,730 B.to 27 TrafficEffie(enc Proeram 12162 344,924 40,000 40000 2730 School Zone SI tri U rades 1216255,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 185 000 331,734 271,734 60000 • 33 RRCrossineSafe Pr•,. 12166 100,00030;000 30,000 569924 100,000 110,000 245,000 589,924 g 36 Mlssin.LlnksPr•.ram 5,240 5,000 10,000 200,000 300,000 300,000 ki 2 4s Benson Rd S/S 31st SI a nal 12106 30 380 30,000 30,000 30,000. 10 000 25,000 30,240 12106 330,000 ' 30,000 _ 30,000 30,000 180,000 20'240 10000 48 Und Av-SW 16thSy,/43rd 24 210 380 120,380 90 000 0 so Sunset/DuvallIntersection 5,000 5,000 5,000 1,914,000 I 350,0002,555,000Houser W S-y Main to Burnett1,698,000ota Sources • 788 0009 9 23 9 0, 8 i i5 ;a „ 0 810,000 750 000 3-5 DRAFT 0' 2 2`r 0 , 0 �2r 810,000 8:•9 ormrmm =Mr 'r 1' , , CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Six-Year Project Cost Summary* Period TIP Project Title 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 2,910,000 2 Intersection Safety&Mobility 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,250,000 3 SW 27th St/Strander By Connect 6,222,000 5,816,000 10,000 1,096,600 22,576,000 6,067,700 41,788,300 4 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 102,000 230,000 320,000 4,050,000 1,770,000 3,280,000 9,752,000 5 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 30,000 6 Transit Program 30,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 120,000 7 Rainier Av Corridor Study/Improv. 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 35,000 8 Rainier Av-S 4th PI to S 2nd 1,220,000 698,000 3,795,000 5,713,000 9 Hardie Av SW Transit/Multi-modal 4,228,479 8,290,000 1,650,000 14,168,479 10 Walkway Program 350,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,600,000 11 Rainier Av-SW 7th to 4th PI 2,629,000 1,650,000 1,925,000 1,925,000 8,129,000 12 Ripley Lane 500,000 500,000 13 S Lake Wash.Roadway Improv. 12,353,700 12,353,700 14 Garden Av N Widening 1,000,000 1,000,000 15 South Renton Project 75,000 75,000 16 1-405 Improvements in Renton 30,000 30,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 10,000, 120,000 17 Project Development/Predesign 225,000 225,000 225,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,275,000 18 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 9,600 9,600 19 Arterial Circulation Program 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 250,000 250,000 1,300,000 20 Bridge Inspection&Repair 105,000 75,000 55,000 50,000 55,000 50,000 390,000 21 May Creek Bridge Replacement 550,000 160,000 5,000 715,000 22 Loop Replacement Program 15,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 105,000 23 Sign Replacement Program 5,000 5,000 5,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 37,500 24 Pole Program 20,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 135,000 25 Sound Transit HOV Direct Access 4,000 4,000 4,000 12,000 26 Traffic Safety Program 25,000 20,000 20,000 40,000 , 40,000 40,000 185,000 27 Traffic Efficiency Program 55,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 245,000 28 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 29 S 3rd St and Shattuck Av 255,000 255,000 30 School Zone Sign Upgrades 100,000 100,000 200,000 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 240,000 360,000 760,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,960,000 32 Duvall Ave NE 1,700,000 600,000 2,300,000 33 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 5,000 10,000 10,000 25,000 34 TDM Program 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 330,000 35 Trans Concurrency 20,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 10,000 120,000 36 Missing Links Program 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000 37 GIS Needs Assessment 35,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 135,000 38 Grady Wy Corridor Study 50,000 50,000 50,000 230,000 1,810,000 1,020,000 3,210,000 39 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 120,000 18,000 18,000 110,000 80,000 80,000 426,000 40 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 84,500 141,600 226,100 41 Environmental Monitoring 75,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 245,000 42 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 43 WSDOT Coordination Program 15,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 75,000 44 1%for the Arts 60,000 30,000 30,000, 50,000 30,000 30,000 230,000 45 Arterial HOV Program 5,000 5,000 10,000 46 Benson Rd S/S 31st Signal 350,000 350,000 47 Park-Sunset Corridor 25,000 50,000 200,000 1,750,100 1,010,000 3,035,100 48 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW43rd 5,000 5,000 1,914,000 626,000 2,550,000 49 SR 169 HOV-140th to SR900 30,000 2,550,000 340,000 2,920,000 50 Sunset/Duvall Intersection 30,000 30,000 _51 Logan Av Concrete Panel Repair 460,000 460,000 52 Carr/Mill Signal 5,000 10,000 20,000 340,000 400,000 10,000 785,000 53 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett 810,000 810,000 54 Duvall Ave NE-King County• 1,975,000 636,300 2,611,300 Total Expenditures 35,939,779 23,191,300 10,385,000 15,164,700 30,523,100 12,543,200 127,747,079 ra-Y= *Including unfunded amounts. ,,,per 022 4-1 DRAFT • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007 - 2012 SIX-YEAR TIP SUMMARY OF FUNDING SOURCES ITEM Period Total 2007 Period 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 SIX-YEAR PROJECT COSTS: Project Development 3,381,200 620,300 544,300 510,700 554,300 525,300 Precon Eng/Admin 626,300 g 8,716,138 3,007,338 507,500 383,500 2,027,600 2,255,900 534,300 R-O-W(includes Admin) 4,173,641 '1,858,641 790,000 200,000 350,000 608,000 367,000 Construction Contract Fee 96,696,200 24,329,800 19,156,000 7,817,700 10,984,200 24,494,400 9,914,100 Construction Eng/Admin 9,582,900 2,255,200 1,842,800 784,800 1,144,500 2,478,300 Other 5,197,000 3,862,500 274,700 654,700 147,700 132,200 11125,200 Sub-TOTAL SIX-YEAR COST 127,747,079 35,939,779 23,191,300 10,385,000 15,164,700 30,523,100 12,543,200 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax 1 3,590,000 565,000 585,000 805,000 610,000 475,000 50,006 Business License Fee ' 9,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 3,376,500 1,309,500 897,000 817,000 Proposed Fund Balance 7,373,254 4,537,972 2,164,782 670,500 Grants In-Hand 16,474,421 8,808,914 5,251,000 1,100,000 1,004,482 310,025 Mitigation In-Hand 1 6,567,207 3,035,607 2,261,700 817,800 452,100 Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed 9,461,286 9,461,286 Other In-Hand 25,104,700 7,447,000 9,951,500 3,610,200 619,000 3,435,000 42,000 Sub-TOTAL SIX-YEAR FUNDED 78,170,868 35,455,779 21,813,982 10,380,000 3,995,082 5,117,025 1,409,000 Grants Proposed 1,479,000 484,000 160,000 5,000 630,000 200,000 Mitigation Proposed • L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed 480,000 • 480,000 Undetermined 47,617,211 1,217,318 10,059,618 25,206,075 11,134,200 Sub-TOTAL SIX-YEAR UNFUNDED 49,576,211 484,000 1,377,318 5,000 11,169,618 25,406,075 11,134,200 TOTAL SOURCES-FUNDED& UNFUNDED 127,747,079 35,939,779 23,191,300 10,385,000 15,164,700 30,523,100 12,543,200 Summ of Source 0712712006 6.22 ,f 4 - 2 DRAFT • 1 Some funds are estimated earlier than expected. CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Vehicle Fuel Tax Period TIP Project Title 2007 • 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 430,000 430,000 2,260,000 2 Intersection Safety&Mobility 3 SW 27th St/Strander By Connect. 240,000 240,000 4 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 102,000 85,000 V 187,000 5 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 6 Transit Program 7 Rainier Av Corridor Study/Improv. 8 Rainier Av-S 4th P1 to S 2nd 13,000 25,000 38,000 9 Hardie Av SW Transit/Multi-modal 125,000 125,000 10 Walkway Program 11 Rainier Av-SW 7th to 4th PI 100,000 245,000 20,000 365,000 12 Ripley Lane 13 S Lake Wash.Roadway Improv.- 14 Garden Av N Widening 15 South Renton Project 16 1-405 Improvements in Renton - 17 Project Development/Predesign 18 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 19 Arterial Circulation Program 20 Bridge Inspection&Repair 21 May Creek Bridge Replacement - 22 Loop Replacement Program 23 Sign Replacement Program 24 Pole Program 25 Sound Transit HOV Direct Access 26 Traffic Safety Program 20,000 20,000 27 Traffic Efficiency Program 28 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 29 S 3rd St and Shattuck Av 30 School Zone Sign Upgrades 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 210,000 40,000 100,000 350,000 32 Duvall Ave NE 33 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 34 TDM Program 35 Trans Concurrency 36 Missing Links Program 37 GIS Needs Assessment 38 Grady Wy Corridor Study J 39 Bicycle Route Dev.Program • 40 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 41 Environmental Monitoring 5,000 5,000 42 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 43 WSDOT Coordination Program 44 1%for the Arts 45 Arterial HOV Program 46 Benson Rd S/S 31st Signal _47 Park-Sunset Corridor 48 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW43rd 49 SR 169 HOV-140th to SR900 50 Sunset/Duvall Intersection 51 Logan Av Concrete Panel Repair 52 Carr/Mill Signal 53 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett 54 Duvall Ave NE-King County Total Sources 565,000 585,000 805,000 610,000 475,000 550,000 3,590,000 r-ry 07!2//2606 612 4-3 DRAFT Note:$140,000 of revenues expected in 2011 and$70,000 in 2012 are shown in 2009. CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Business License Fee Period TIP Project Title 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 55,000 55,000 55,000 100,000 20,000 20,000 305,000 2 Intersection Safety&Mobility 50,000 50,000 100,000 3 SW 27th St/Strander BY Connect. 10,000 10,000 50,000 70,000 4 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 86,800 86,800 5 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 5,000 5,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 27,000 6 Transit Program 30,000 18,000 18,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 111,000 7 Rainier Av Corridor Study/lmprov. 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 35,000 8 Rainier Av-S 4th PI to S 2nd 62,800 32,300 1,169,200 1,264,300 9 Hardie Av SW Transit/Multi-modal 200,000 217,500 165,000 582,500 10 Walkway Program 100,000 100,000 250,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000 11 Rainier Av-SW 7th to 4th PI 20,000 680,000 100,000 800,000 12 Ripley Lane 13 S Lake Wash.Roadway lmprov. 14 Garden Av N Widening 15 South Renton Project 16 1-405 Improvements in Renton 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 60,000 17 Project Development/Predesign 175,000 175,000 200,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 1,075,000 18 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 19 Arterial Circulation Program 200,000 200,000 200,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 1,125,000 20 Bridge Inspection&Repair 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 240,000 21 May Creek Bridge Replacement 22 Loop Replacement Program 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 90,000 23 Sign Replacement Program 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 30,000 24 Pole Program 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 25 Sound Transit HOV Direct Access 4,000 4,000 26 Traffic Safety Program 20,000 20,000 20,000, 20,000 20,000 100,000 27 Traffic Efficiency Program 55,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 245,000 28 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 50,000 50,000 50,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 165,000 29 S 3rd St and Shattuck Av 45,000 45,000 30 School Zone Sign Upgrades 100,000 100,000 200,000 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 55,000 150,000 95,000 135,000 75,000 510,000 32 Duvall Ave NE 16,200 16,200 33 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 5,000 10,000 15,000 34 TDM Program 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 78,000 35 Trans Concurrency 20,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 36 Missing Links Program 30,000 30,000 30,000 90,000 37 GIS Needs Assessment 35,000 20,000 20,000 75,000 38 Grady Wy Corridor Study 50,000 50,000 39 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 20,000 18,000 18,000 56,000 40 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 41 Environmental Monitoring 20,000 25,000 17,500 12,500 10,000 15,000 100,000 42 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 43 WSDOT Coordination Program 15,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 75,000 44 1%for the Arts 60,000 30,000 30,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 230,000 45 Arterial HOV Program 5,000 5,000 10,000 46 Benson Rd S/S 31st Signal 44,200 44,200 47 Park-Sunset Corridor 90,000 90,000 48 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW43rd 49 SR 169 HOV-140th to SR900 200,000 200,000 50 Sunset/Duvall Intersection 30,000 30,000 51 Logan Av Concrete Panel Repair 52 Carr/Mill Signal 5,000 10,000 20,000 35,000 53 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett 54 Duvall Ave NE-King County Total Sources 1,600,000 1,600,000 3,376,500 1,309,500 897,000 817,000 9,600,000 Bushes:Ow 4-4 DRAFT ' Note:$1,776,500 shown in 2009 is anticipated in 2010,2011 and 2012($290,500,$703,000,and$783,000 respectively). • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Use of Fund Balance Period TIP Project Title 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 80,000 80,000 80,000 240,000 2 Intersection Safety&Mobility 200,000 200,000 400,000 3 SW 27th St/Strander By Connect. 4 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 33,200 33,200 5 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 6 Transit Program 7 Rainier Av Corridor Study/Improv. 8 Rainier Av-S 4th PI to S 2nd 386,300 147,500 273,300. 807,100 9 Hardie Av SW Transit/Multi-modal 311,927 761,300 194,000 1,267,227 10 Walkway Program 193,945 150,000 343,945 11 Rainier Av-SW 7th to 4th PI 2,279,000 312,682 2,591,682 12 Ripley Lane 13 S Lake Wash.Roadway Improv. 14 Garden Av N Widening 15 South Renton Project 16 1-405 Improvements in Renton 17 Project Development/Predesign 50,000 50,000 25,000 125,000 18 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 19 Arterial Circulation Program 20 Bridge Inspection&Repair 65,000 35,000 15,000 115,000 21 May Creek Bridge Replacement 66,000 66,000 22 Loop Replacement Program 23 Sign Replacement Program 24 Pole Program 25 Sound Transit HOV Direct Access 26 Traffic Safety Program 5,000 5,000 27 Traffic Efficiency Program 28 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 29 S 3rd St and Shattuck Av 30 School Zone Sign Upgrades 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 185,000 210,000 50,000 445,000 32 Duvall Ave NE 410,000 168,300 578,300 33 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 34 TDM Program 35 Trans Concurrency 36 Missing Links Program 37 GIS Needs Assessment 38 Grady Wy Corridor Study 39 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 40 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 41 Environmental Monitoring 42 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corn 43 WSDOT Coordination Program 44 1%for the Arts 45 Arterial HOV Program 46 Benson Rd S/S 31st Signal 305,800 305,800 47 Park-Sunset Corridor 48 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW43rd 49 SR 169 HOV-140th to SR900 50,000 50,000 50 Sunset/Duvall Intersection 51 Logan Av Concrete Panel Repair 52 Carr/Mill Signal 53 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett 54 Duvall Ave NE-King County } Total Sources 4,537,972 2,164,782 670,500 7,373,254 r rmws-a Fl.w er nc. 07mP2006 022 4-5 DRAFT fi CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Grants In-Hand _ Period TIP Project Title 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 2 Intersection Safety&Mobility 3 SW 27th SUStrander By Connect. 5,107,100 4,738,000 271,600 10,116,700 4 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 5 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 6 Transit Program 7 Rainier Av Corridor Study/Improv. 8 Rainier Av-S 4th PI to S 2nd 30,000 70,000 100,000 200,000 9 Hardie Av SW Transit/Multi-modal 22,500 127,500 150.000 10 Walkway Program 11 Rainier Av-SW 7th to 4th P1 150,000 1,000,000 964,482 2,114,482 12 Ripley Lane 13 S Lake Wash.Roadway Improv. 2,054,314 2,054,314 14 Garden Av N Widening 15 South Renton Project 16 1-405 Improvements in Renton 17 Project Development/Predesign 18 NE 4th SUHoquiam Av NE 19 Arterial Circulation Program 20 Bridge Inspection&Repair 21 May Creek Bridge Replacement 22 Loop Replacement Program 23 Sign Replacement Program 24 Pole Program 25 Sound Transit HOV Direct Access 26 Traffic Safety Program 27 Traffic Efficiency Program _... 28 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 29 S 3rd St and Shattuck Av 155,000 155,000 30 School Zone Sign Upgrades 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 32 Duvall Ave NE 1,190,000 315,500 1,505,500 33 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 34 TDM Program 35 Trans Concurrency 36 Missing Links Program 37 GIS Needs Assessment 38 Grady Wy Corridor Study 39 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 100,000 100,000 40 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 40,000 38,425 78,425 41 Environmental Monitoring 42 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Con'. 43 WSDOT Coordination Program 44 1%for the Arts 45 Arterial HOV Program 46 Benson Rd S/S 31st Signal 47 Park-Sunset Corridor 48 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW43rd 49 SR 169 HOV-140th to SR900 50 Sunset/Duvall Intersection 51 Logan Av Concrete Panel Repair 52 Carr/Mill Signal 53 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett 54 Duvall Ave NE-King County Total Sources 8,808,914 5,251,000 1,100,000 1,004,482- 310,025 16,474,421 4-6 DRAFT s ' CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Mitigation In-Hand Period TIP Project Title 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 2 Intersection Safety&Mobility 3 SW 27th St/Strander By Connect. 584,900 1,068,000 229,600 1,882,500 4 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 145,000 200,000 345,000 5 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 6 Transit Program 7 Rainier Av Corridor Study/Improv. 8 Rainier Av-S 4th PI to S 2nd 100,000 100,000 475,300 675,300 9 Hardie Av SW Transit/Multi-modal 335,052 608,700 943,752 10 Walkway Program 56,055 56,055 11 Rainier Av-SW 7th to 4th PI 100,000 100,000 200,000 12 Ripley Lane 500,000 500,000 13 S Lake Wash.Roadway Improv. 14 Garden Av N Widening 1,000,000 1,000,000 15 South Renton Project 16 1-405 Improvements in Renton 30,000 10,000 20,000 60,000 17 Project Development/Predesign 18 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 9,600 9,600 19 Arterial Circulation Program 20 Bridge Inspection&Repair 21 May Creek Bridge Replacement 22 Loop Replacement Program 23 Sign Replacement Program 24 Pole Program 25 Sound Transit HOV Direct Access 26 Traffic Safety Program 27 Traffic Efficiency Program ' 28 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 29 S 3rd St and Shattuck Av 55,000 55,000 30 School Zone Sign Upgrades 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 80,000 80,000 32 Duvall Ave NE 100,000 100,000 200,000 33 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 34 TDM Program 35 Trans Concurrency 36 Missing Links Program 37 GIS Needs Assessment 38 Grady Wy Corridor Study 50,000 50,000 100,000 39 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 40 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 41 Environmental Monitoring 55,000 25,000 12,500 2,500 95,000 42 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 43 WSDOT Coordination Program 44 1%for the Arts 45 Arterial HOV Program 46 Benson Rd S/S 31st Signal 47 Park-Sunset Corridor 25,000 50,000 110,000 185,000 48 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW43rd 5,000. 5,000 10,000- 49 SR 169 HOV-140th to SR900 30,000 140,000 170,000 50 Sunset/Duvall Intersection 51 Logan Av Concrete Panel Repair 52 Carr/Mill Signal 53 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett 54 Duvall Ave NE-King County Total Sources 3,035,607 2,261,700 817,800 452,100 6,567,207 1M1horitioninliard arwIz sn 4-7 DRAFT • CITY OF RENTON s PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed* Period TIP Project Title 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 2 Intersection Safety&Mobility 3 SW 27th St/Strander By Connect. 4 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 5 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 6 Transit Program 7 Rainier Av Corridor Study/Improv. 8 Rainier Av-S 4th P1 to S 2nd 9 Hardie Av SW Transit/Multi-modal 10 Walkway Program 11 Rainier Av-SW 7th to 4th P1 12 Ripley Lane 13 S Lake Wash.Roadway Improv. 9,461,286 9,461,286 14 Garden Av N Widening 15 South Renton Project 16 1-405 Improvements in Renton 17 Project Development/Predesign 18 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 19 Arterial Circulation Program 20 Bridge Inspection&Repair 21 May Creek Bridge Replacement 22 Loop Replacement Program 23 Sign Replacement Program 24 Pole Program 25 Sound Transit HOV Direct Access 26 Traffic Safety Program 27 Traffic Efficiency Program 28. CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 29 S 3rd St and Shattuck Av 30 School Zone Sign Upgrades 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 32 Duvall Ave NE 33 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 34 TDM Program 35 Trans Concurrency 36 Missing Links Program 37 GIS Needs Assessment 38 Grady Wy Corridor Study 39 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 40 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 41 Environmental Monitoring 42 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 43 WSDOT Coordination Program 44 1%for the Arts 45 Arterial HOV Program 46 Benson Rd S/S 31st Signal 47 Park-Sunset Corridor 48 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW43rd 49 SR 169 HOV-140th to SR900 50 Sunset/Duvall Intersection 51 Logan Av Concrete Panel Repair 52 Carr/Mill Signal 53 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett 54 Duvall Ave NE-King County Total Sources 9,461,286 9,461,286 BonaslnDY_Formed 07/2712006 622 4-8 DRAFT •Bonding in process;no L.I.D.s formed. CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Other-in-Hand Period TIP Project Title 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 2 Intersection Safety&Mobility 3 SW 27th St/Strander By Connect. 530,000 , 577,000 3,393,000 4,500,000 4 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 5 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 6 Transit Program 7 Rainier Av Corridor Study/Improv. 8 Rainier Av-S 4th PI to S 2nd 627,900 323,200 1,777,200 2,728,300 9 Hardie Av SW Transit/Multi-modal 3,359,000 6,450,000 1,291,000 11,100,000 10 Walkway Program 11 Rainier Av-SW 7th to 4th PI 12 Ripley Lane 13 S Lake Wash.Roadway Improv. 838,100 838,100 14 Garden Av N Widening 15 South Renton Project 75,000 75,000 16 1-405 Improvements in Renton 17 Project Development/Predesign 18 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 19 Arterial Circulation Program 20 Bridge Inspection&Repair 21 May Creek Bridge Replacement 22 Loop Replacement Program 23 Sign Replacement Program 24 Pole Program 25 Sound Transit HOV Direct Access 26 Traffic Safety Program 27 Traffic Efficiency Program 28 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 29 S 3rd St and Shattuck Av 30 School Zone Sign Upgrades 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 500,000 500,000 32 Duvall Ave NE 33 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 34 TDM Program 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 252,000 35 Trans Concurrency 36 Missing Links Program 37 GIS Needs Assessment 38 Grady Wy Corridor Study 39 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 40 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 41 Environmental Monitoring 42 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 43 WSDOT Coordination Program 44 1%for the Arts 45 Arterial HOV Program 46 Benson Rd S/S 31st Signal 47 Park-Sunset Corridor 48 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW43rd 49 SR 169 HOV-140th to SR900 2,500,000 2,500,000 50 Sunset/Duvall Intersection 51 Logan Av Concrete Panel Repair 52 Carr/Mill Signal 53 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett 54 Duvall Ave NE-King County 1,975,000 636,300 2,611,300 Total Sources 7,447,000 9,951,500 3,610,200 619,000 3,435,000 42,000 25,104,700 07mR0X. 6/2 4-9 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Grants Proposed Period TIP Project Title 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 2 Intersection Safety&Mobility 3 SW 27th St/Strander By Connect. 4 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 5 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 6 Transit Program 7 Rainier Av Corridor Study/lmprov. 8 Rainier Av-S 4th PI to S 2nd 9 Hardie Av SW Transit/Multi-modal 10 Walkway Program 11 Rainier Av-SW 7th to 4th PI 12 Ripley Lane 13 S Lake Wash.Roadway lmprov. 14 Garden Av N Widening 15 South Renton Project 16 1.405 Improvements in Renton 17 Project Development/Predesign 18 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 19 Arterial Circulation Program 20 Bridge Inspection&Repair 21 May Creek Bridge Replacement 484,000 160,000 5,000 649,000 22 Loop Replacement Program 23 Sign Replacement Program 24 Pole Program 25 Sound Transit HOV Direct Access 26 Traffic Safety Program 27 Traffic Efficiency Program • - - • 28 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 29 S 3rd St and Shattuck Av 30 School Zone Sign Upgrades 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 32 Duvall Ave NE 33 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 34 TDM Program 35 Trans Concurrency 36 Missing Links Program 37 GIS Needs Assessment 38 Grady Wy Corridor Study 39 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 40 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 41 Environmental Monitoring 42 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 43 WSDOT Coordination Program 44 1%for the Arts 45 Arterial HOV Program 46 Benson Rd S/S 31st Signal 47 Park-Sunset Corridor 48 Lind Av-SW 16thSW43rd 630,000 200,000 830,000 49 SR 169 HOV-140th to SR900 50 Sunset/Duvall Intersection 51 Logan Av Concrete Panel Repair 52 Carr/Mill Signal 53 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett 54 Duvall Ave NE-King County Total Sources 484,000 160;000 5,000 630,000 200,000 1,479,000 Grank.A.P.6.6 07/27/2006 622 4-10 DRAFT _ CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Mitigation Proposed Period TIP Project Title 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 2 Intersection Safety&Mobility 3 SW 27th St/Strander By.Connect. 4 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 5 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 6 Transit Program 7 Rainier Av Corridor Study/Improv. 8 Rainier Av-S 4th PI to S 2nd 9 Hardie Av SW Transit/Multi-modal 10 Walkway Program 11 Rainier Av-SW 7th to 4th PI 12 Ripley Lane 13 S Lake Wash.Roadway Improv. 14 Garden Av N Widening _15 South Renton Project 16 1-405 Improvements in Renton 17 Project Development/Predesign 18 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 19 Arterial Circulation Program 20 Bridge Inspection&Repair 21 May Creek Bridge Replacement • 22 Loop Replacement Program 23 Sign Replacement Program 24 Pole Program 25 Sound Transit HOV Direct Access 26 Traffic Safety Program 27 Traffic Efficiency Program 28 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 29 S 3rd St and Shattuck Av 30 School Zone Sign Upgrades 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 32 Duvall Ave NE 33 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 34 TDM Program 35 Trans Concurrency 36 Missing Links Program 37 GIS Needs Assessment 38 Grady Wy Corridor Study 39 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 40 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 41 Environmental Monitoring 42 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 43 WSDOT Coordination Program 44 1%for the Arts 45 Arterial HOV Program 46 Benson Rd S/S 31st Signal 47 Park-Sunset Corridor 48 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW43rd 49 SR 169 HOV-140th to SR900 50 Sunset/Duvall Intersection 51 Logan Av Concrete Panel Repair 52 Carr/Mill Signal 53 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett 54 Duvall Ave NE-King County Total Sources 1 4-11 DRAFT "mom 822 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP L.I.D.'s Proposed _ Period TIP Project Title 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 2 Intersection Safety&Mobility 3 SW 27th St/Strander By Connect. 4 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 5 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 6 Transit Program 7 Rainier Av Corridor Study/Improv. 8 Rainier Av-S 4th P1 to S 2nd 9 Hardie Av SW Transit/Multi-modal 10 Walkway Program 11 Rainier Av-SW 7th to 4th PI 12 Ripley Lane 13 S Lake Wash.Roadway Improv. 14 Garden Av N Widening 15 South Renton Project 16 1-405 Improvements in Renton 17 Project Development/Predesign 18 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 19 Arterial Circulation Program 20 Bridge Inspection&Repair 21 May Creek Bridge Replacement 22 Loop Replacement Program 23 Sign Replacement Program 24 Pole Program 25 Sound Transit HOV Direct Access 26 Traffic Safety Program 27 Traffic Efficiency Program 28 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 29 S 3rd St and Shattuck Av 30 School Zone Sign Upgrades 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 32 Duvall Ave NE 33 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 34 TDM Program 35 Trans Concurrency 36 Missing Links Program 37 GIS Needs Assessment 38 Grady Wy Corridor Study 39 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 40 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 41 Environmental Monitoring 42 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 43 WSDOT Coordination Program 44 1%for the Arts 45 Arterial HOV Program 46 Benson Rd S/S 31st Signal 47 Park-Sunset Corridor 48 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW43rd 49 SR 169 HOV-140th to SR900 50 Sunset/Duvall Intersection 51 Logan Av Concrete Panel Repair 52 Carr/Mill Signal 53 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett 54 Duvall Ave NE-King County Total Sources uv._rrowe ormnoos sn 4-12 DRAFT • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Other Proposed Period TIP Project Title 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 1 Street Overlay Pro ram 2 Intersection Safety&Mobility 3 SW 27th St/Strander By Connect. 4 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 5 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 6 Transit Program 7 Rainier Av Corridor Study/Improv. 8 Rainier Av-S 4th PI to S 2nd 9 Hardie Av SW Transit/Multi-modal 10 Walkway Program 11 Rainier Av-SW 7th to 4th PI 12 Ripley Lane 13 S Lake Wash.Roadway Improv. 14 Garden Av N Widening 15 South Renton Project - 16 1-405 Improvements in Renton 17 Project Development/Predesign 18 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 19 Arterial Circulation Program 20 Bridge Inspection&Repair 21 May Creek Bridge Replacement 22 Loop Replacement Program 23 Sign Replacement Program 24 Pole Program 25 Sound Transit HOV Direct Access 26 Traffic Safety Program 27 'Traffic Efficiency Program 28 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 29 S 3rd St and Shattuck Av 30 School Zone Sign Upgrades 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 32 Duvall Ave NE 33 RR Crossing Safety Prog. - 34 TDM Program 35 Trans Concurrency 36 Missing Links Program - 37 GIS Needs Assessment 38 Grady Wy Corridor Study 39 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 40 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 41 Environmental Monitoring 42 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 43 WSDOT Coordination Program 44 1%for the Arts 45 Arterial HOV Program 46 Benson Rd S/S 31st Signal 47 Park-Sunset Corridor 48 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW43rd 49 SR 169 HOV-140th to SR900 50 Sunset/Duvall Intersection 51 Logan Av Concrete Panel Repair 52 Carr/Mill Signal 53 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett 480,000 480,000 54 Duvall Ave NE-King County Total Sources 480,000 480,000 °"°`-aiepese0 wmaom 622 4-13 DRAFT • s s CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Undetermined Period TIP Project Title 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 35,000 35,000 35,000 105,000 2 Intersection Safety&Mobility 250,000 250,000 250,000 750,000 3 SW 27th St/Strander By Connect. 18,911,400 6,067,700 24,979,100 4 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 4,050,000 1,770,000 3,280,000 9,100,000 5 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 6 Transit Program 3,000 3,000 3,000 9,000 7 Rainier Av Corridor Study/Improv. 8 Rainier Av-S 4th PI to S 2nd 9 Hardie Av SW Transit/Multi-modal 10 Walkway Program 100,000 100,000 100,000 300,000 11 Rainier Av-SW 7th to 4th PI 1,217,318 840,518 2,057,836 12 Ripley Lane 13 S Lake Wash.Roadway Improv. 14 Garden Av N Widening 15 South Renton Project 16 1-405 Improvements in Renton 17 Project Development/Predesign 25,000 25,000 25,000 75,000 18 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 19 Arterial Circulation Program 25,000 75,000 75,000 175,000 20 Bridge Inspection&Repair 10,000 15,000 10,000 35,000 21 May Creek Bridge Replacement _ 22 Loop Replacement Program 5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 23 Sign Replacement Program 2,500 2,500 2,500 7,500 24 Pole Program 5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 25 Sound Transit HOV Direct Access 4,000 4,000 8,000 26 Traffic Safety Program 20,000 20,000 20,000 60,000 ' 27 Traffic Efficiency Program . , .. 28 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 45,000 45,000 45,000 135,000 29 S 3rd St and Shattuck Av 30 School Zone Sign Upgrades 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 25,000 25,000 25,000 75,000 32 Duvall Ave NE 33 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 10,000 10,000 34 TDM Program _ 35 Trans Concurrency 20,000 20,000 36 Missing Links Program 30,000 30,000 30,000 90,000 37 GIS Needs Assessment 20,000 20,000 20,000 60,000 38 Grady Wy Corridor Study 230,000 1,810,000 1,020,000 3,060,000 39 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 110,000 • 80,000 80,000 270,000 40 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 44,500 103,175 147,675 41 Environmental Monitoring 15,000 15,000 15,000 45,000 42 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 43 WSDOT Coordination Program 44 1%for the Arts 45 Arterial HOV Program 46 Benson Rd S/S 31st Signal • 47 Park-Sunset Corridor 1,750,100 1,010,000 2,760,100 48 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW43rd 1,284,000 426,000 1,710,000 49 SR 169 HOV-140th to SR900 50 Sunset/Duvall Intersection 51 Logan Av Concrete Panel Repair 460,000 460,000 52 Carr/Mill Signal 340,000 400,000 10,000 750,000 53 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett 330,000 330,000 54 Duvall Ave NE-King County Total Sources 1,217,318 10,059,618 25,206,075 11,134,200 47,617,211 uon.ndeu Sum mmrzms 622 4-14 DRAFT C CITY OF RENTON PLANNING I BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP TIP Previous Total Project Costs Project Title Costs 2007 Y008 Six-Year Total Total Total t Street Overlay Program 2009 2010 2011 2012 Period Total Cost Funded Unfunded y g 1,359,326 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 2,910,000 4,269,326 4,164,326 105,000 2 Intersection y Safety&Mobility 250,000 250,000 3 SW 27th St/Strander By Connect 5,501,001 6,222,000 5,816,0005250,000 250,000 250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 500,000 750,000 4 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 532,862 102,000 230,000 320,000 4,050,000 22412224 1,770,000 3,280,000,096,600 ,576,000 6,067,70049,,788,300 47,289,301752,000 10,284,862 21,,310,201184,862 29,, 79,100 100,000 5 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 6,361 5,000 5,000 61 3,000 TransitRenton Program 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 30,000 34,714 30,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 120,000 154,714 145,71 14 9,000 7 Rainier Av Corridor Study!Improv. 302,913 10,000 10,000 5,000 8 Rainier Av-S 4th PI to S 2nd 597,000 1,220,000 698,000 3,795,000 5,000 5,000 35,000 337,913 337,913 s Hardie AvSWTransitMulti-modal 1,168,521 4,228,479 8,290,000 1,650,000 5,713,000 6,310,000 6,310,000 10 Walkway Program 749,032 350,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 14,168,479 15,337,000 1,600,000 2,349,032 12,049,032 300,000 11 Rainier Av-SW 7th to 4th PI 1,160,655 2,629,000 1,650,000 1,925,000 1,925,000 12 Ripley Lane 500,000 8,129,000 9,289,655 7,231,819 2,057,836 13 S Lake Wash.Roadway Improv. 12,837,714 12,353,700 500,000 500,000 500,000 14 Garden Av N Widening 1,000,000 12,353,700 25,191,414 25,191,414 15 South Renton Project 647,580 75,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 75,000 722,580 722,580 16 1-406 Improvements In Renton 98,385 30,000 30,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 120,000 218,385 218,385 17 Project Development/Predesign 322,592 225,000 225,000 225,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,275,000 1,597,592 1,522,592 75,000 1e NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 390,400 9,600 9,600 400,000 400,000 19 Arterial Circulation Program 260,680 200,000 200,000 200,000' 200,000 250,000 250,000 1,300 000 1,560,680 1,385,680 175,000' 20 Bridge Inspection&Repair 264,581 105,000 75,000 55,000 50,000 55,000 50,000 390,000 654,581 619,581 35,000' 21 May Creek Bridge Replacement 120,000 550,000 160,000 5,000 22 Loop Replacement Program 105,000 835,0001186,0001649,000 9 40,105 15,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 105,000 145,105 130,105 15,000 23 Sign Replacement Program 11,255 5,000_ 5,000 5,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 37,500 48,755 41,255 7,500 24 Pole Program 37,954 20,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 135,000 172,954 157,954 15,000 25 Sound Transit HOV Direct Access 71,910 4,000 4,000 4,000 12,000 83,910 75, 10 8,000 26 Traffic Safety Program 146,734 25,000 20,000 20,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 185,000 331,734 271,734 60,000 27 Traffic Efficiency Program 344,924 55,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 245,000 589,924 589,924 28 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 131,544 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 431,544 296,544 135,000 29 S 3rd St and Shattuck Av 45,000 255,000 30 School Zone Sign Upgrades 100,000 100,000 100,000 255,000 300,000 300,000 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 200,000 300,000 300,000 9 435,000 240,000 360,000 760,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,960,000 2,395,000 2,320,000 75,000 32 Duvall Ave NE 2,668,200 1,700,000 600,000 33 RR Crossing Safety Prog• 5,240 5,000 10,000 2,300,000 4,968,200 4,968,200 34 TDM Pro ram 10,000 30,000 30,240 20,240 10,000, g 108,475 5 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 330,000 438,475 438,475 35 Trans Concurrency 40,000 20,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 10,000 120,000 160,000 140,000 20,000 36 Missing Links Program 30,380 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000 210,380 120,380 90,000 37 GIS Needs Assessment 41,700 35,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 135,000 176,700 116,700 60,000 38 Grady Wy Corridor Study 63,421 50,000 50,000 50,000 230,000 1,810,000 1,020,000 3,210,000 3,273,421 213,421 3,060,000 39 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 30,701 120,000 18,000 18,000 110,000 80,000 80,000 426,000 456,701 186,701 270,000 4o Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 323,138 84,500 141,600 226,100 549,238 401,563 147,675 41 Environmental Monitoring 159,635 75,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 245,000 404,635 359,635 45,000 42 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 12,539 5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 27,539 27,539 43 WSDOT Coordination Program 23,600 15,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 75,000 98,600 98,600 44 1%for the Arts 75,669 60,000 30,000 30,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 230,000 305,669 305,669 45 Arterial HOV Program 132,354 5,000 5,000 10,000 142,354 142,354 46 Benson Rd S/S 31st Signal 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 47 Park-Sunset Corridor 64,904 25,000 50,000 200,000 1,750,100 1,010,000 3,035,100 3,100,004 339,904 2,760,100 48 Lind Av-SW 16thSW43rd 5,000 5,000 5,000 1,914,000 626,000 2,550,000 2,555,000 15,000 2,540,000 as SR 169 HOV-140th to SR900 6,110,597 30,000 2,550,000 340,000 2,920,000 9,030,597 9,030,597 50 Sunset/Duvall Intersection 1,668,000 30,000 30,000 1,698,000 1,698,000 51 Logan Av Concrete Panel Repair 460,000 460,000 460,000 460,000 52 Carr/Mill Signal 3,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 340,000 400,000 10,000 785,000 788,000 38,000 750,000 83 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett 810,000 810,000 810,000 810,00,0 64 Duvall Ave NE-King County 1,982,646 1,975,000 636,300 2,611,300 4,593,946 4,593,946 -_ Sources 41,267,941 36,939,779 23,191,300 10,386, 16,164,700 30,623,100 12,643,200 127,747,079 169,016,020 119,438,80! 9 67. 6.211 Tats Mqa 0712igaoe 5-la DRAFT • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Street Overlay Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Type: 1.-INFRASTRUCTURE Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12108 RANK: 1 CONTACT: Bill Wressell 425.430.7400 DESCRIPTION: Annual program for repairing and resurfacing existing roadways,operating the City's Pavement STATUS: Ongoing yearly program. This program funds overlays on neighborhood streets and (Management System and providing data for deficiency ratings. collector streets. The Arterial Rehabilitation Program funds major and minor arterials. _ Funding in 2005 and 2006 were increased to cover the major patching needed in the Victoria Park neighborhood and the increased oil costs. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: ACP overlay,SMA,and slurry seal of streets provide for improved driving surface and are highly cost Installation of ADA compliant curb ramps has been incorporated into the annual Street effective ways of avoiding expensive repairs and reconstruction. The computerized Pavement Management System and yearly survey of roadway conditions greatly improve the efficiency of the Overlay and Arterial Rehabilitation programs according to new federal requirements. Overlay Program. The arterial streets are rated in odd years(2007,2009,etc.)and all other streets are ' rated in even years(2008,2010,etc.). )Funded : 14,164,326 'Unfunded : I 105,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent In 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 92,326 7,326 13000 72,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 3,845,031 553,031 694,000 2,598,000 433,000 433,000 433,000 433,000 433,000 433,000 Construction Eng/Admin 331,969 42,969 49,000 240,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 4,269,326 603,326. 756,000 2,910,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 4 0 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax 2,963,500 353,500 350,000 2,260,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 430,000 430,000 Business License Fee 415,000 55,000 55,000 305,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 100,000 20,000 20,000 Proposed Fund Balance 785,826 194,826 351,000 240,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.I.D:s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 105,000 105,000 35,000 35,000 35,0015 TOTAL SOURCES 4,269,326 603,326 756,000 2,910,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 Om* 5-1 DRAFT mmrpoe 612 AM CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Intersection Safety& Mobility Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Tape: 5-. OPERATIONS AND SAFETY Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12601 DESCRIPTION: RANK: 2 CONTACT: Bob Cavanaugh 425.430.7222 This program will design arid construct traffic signals identified by the transportation system traffic signal The priorities and schedules for new traffic signals will be set by the transportation priority needs list,including intersection improvements. Intersections without signalized traffic control will operations traffic signal warrant priority list. The list is determined by citizen concerr - be evaluated. intersection safety,mobility needs,and intersections that meet MUTCD traffic signal • warrants. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Historically,on the average,one traffic signal is designed and constructed every two years to meet safety New program. Traffic signals high on the warrant priority list include: SW 41st St.& and mobility needs. This program budgets for projects needed to meet increasing demand,and the need Oakesdale Ave.SW, NE Sunset Blvd. &Hoquiam Ave.NE,S Carr Road&Mill Ave.S., for signalized traffic control. Elements used to prioritize project intersections may include vehicular SW 34th St.&Lind Ave.SW,and S 55th St&Talbot Rd. approach volumes,accident analysis,signal-warrant analysis,and pedestrian volume. (Funded: 1500,000 (Unfunded : 1750,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent in 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Protect Development Precon Eng/Admin 130,000 130,000 26,000 26,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 26,000 26,000 26,000 Construction Contract Fee 1,010,000 1,010,000 202,000 202,000 Construction Eng/Admin 110,000 110,000 22,000 22,000 202,000 202,000 202,000 Other22,000 22,000 22.000 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,250,000 1,250,000 250,000, 250,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 250,000 250,000 i,. 10 Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 100,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 Proposed Fund Balance_ 400,000 400,000 200,000 200,000 Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.I.D:'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 750,000 750,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 TOTAL SOURCES 1,250,000 1,250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 Inters Safety 07/27/2030 0.22 AM 5-2 DRAFT • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS ~. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2. 007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP SW 27th Street/Strander Boulevard Connection Functional Classification: Minor Arterial Fund: 317 : 4-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Proj.Length: 1.27 miles Proj: 12239 1.:10RANK: 3 CONTACT: Rob Lochmiller 425.430.7303 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This project provides a critical four/five lane arterial that will serve as a connector to West Valley Highway The 30%design includes the environmental documents,base-mapping, (SR-181)and East Valley Road,as well as an arterial connector to SR-167 from the south.The project will in2003. road. Grants haveand provide a grade-separated crossing at the Union Pacific Railroad(UPRR)and Burlington Northern Sante included:TEA 21 funds of$745,563(May 2003)and$2,398was received from the iFund(May 2005);federal Fe(BNSF)railroad tracks. Segments 1 and 2 include from West Valley Hwy to East Valley Road. discretionary funds of$679,844 and STP-N funds of$94,420 for Ph. 1,Seg.2a 100% Donated right-of-way(not shown below)includes: Boeing-$2.5 million,Tukwila-$1.2 million, Sound design(May 2006). A shared-use detention pond with the developer will lower the co Transit-$55,000 in addition to funded right-of-way. construction. New fuel tax shown in 2010. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: A`new east-west arterial roadway will connect the Cities of Renton and Tukwila,and provide significant 30%design is completed on all phases. Ph. 1,Seg. 1,construction is complete,and will be congestion relief to existing arterials. The new road will provide direct access to the new Tukwila Station, paid for with approximately$3 million in bonds(in process). Both FMSIB and Sound a multi-modal center being developed immediately north of the new alignment,and to the Boeing Transit are contributing$4 million each to various elements of the project. The City was Longacres site. The eventual direct HOV connections to southbound SR-167 will provide significant awarded$684,380 of federal discretionary funds(only$274,760 allocated to-date). advantages to HOV and transit usage. By crossing under the UPRR and BNSF railroads,the new arterial Awaiting decision on$4,600,000 of STP Regional funds. $500,000 Metro mitigation will provide significant benefits to both freight mobility and to general motorists. reserve is pending Council approval. I Funded :► 22,310,201► Unfunded :1 24,979,100 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development 6Q000 60,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Precon Eng/Admin 5,630,958 1,718,158 300,000 3,612,800 564,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 275,000 275,000 1,086,600 1,616,900 345,300 Construction Contract Fee 34,202,100 108,000 167,000 Construction Eng/Admin 3,638,400 34,202,100 5,250,000 5,333,000 18,743,700 4,875,400 Other(Ph. 1,Seg. 1) 3,482,843 997,843 2,485,000 3,638,400 398,000 473,000 2,097,400 670,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 47,289,301 2,716,001 2,785,000 41,788,300 6,222,000 5,816,000 10,000E 1,096,600 22,576,000 6,067,700 SOURCES OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax 240,000 240,000 Business License Fee 70,000 70,000 240,000 Prop.Fund Bal.&Gen.Fund 2003 847,866 547,866 300,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 Grants In-Hand(State&Fed) 10,860,335 743,635 10,116,700 5,107,100 4,738,000 Mitigation In-Hand 2,440,000 557,500 1,882,500 584,900 1,068,000 271,600 Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed 2,799,500 867,000 1,932,500 229,600 Other In-Hand-Reserves,ST,FRB 5,052,500 552,500 4,500,000 530,000 577,000 3,393,000 Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 24,979,10Q 24,979,100 18,911,400 6,067,700 TOTAL SOURCES 47,289,301 2,716,001 2,785,000 41,788,300 6,222,000 5,816,000 104000 1,096,600 22,576,000 6,067,700 Strander Conneodnn 2000 5-3 DRAFT 07R7 8t22""' CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor Improvements Functional Classification: Principal Fund: Proj.Length: N/A 317 Type 2.-MULTI-MODAL/TDM RANK: Proj: 12178 DESCRIPTION: 4 CONTACT: Keith Woolley 425.45.4 30.7318 This project involves a series of key improvements in this corridor to improve traffic operations STATUS: such as rechannelization and traffic signal modifications,possible construction of an eastbound Tan poNE 3rd/4th edsand idor Study was adopted May 2005. The ansit users, refined the,as well, hill-climbing lane from Monterey Ave to east of Edmonds Ave,possible transit priority signal treatments and possibly queue jumps. This project will seek to meet pedestrian,transit transportation enhancementoCosts includinghowreflectestimatest mates from the bicyclists, well and bicycle needs. streetscape JUSTIFICATION: This corridor has a strong potential for transit usage and is experiencing rapid residential and CHANGES: retail growth. Efforts to obtain grants are ongoing. The funding shown in years 2007 through 2009 would fund design,right-of-way and construction of an intersection improvement project. 2010 through 2012 are unfunded. !Funded: 11,184,862 IUnfunded : 19,100,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Project Development 2012 218,155 216,155 2,000 2,000 Precon Eng/Admin 1,152,707 2,707 100,000 1,050,000 100,000- 130,000 400,000 420,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 1,000,000 Construction Contract 1,000,000 100,000 200,000 250,000 250,000 200,000 Construction Eng/AdminContract Fee 7,192,50091,500 192,500 7,000,000 100,000 3,100,000 1,000,000 2,800,000 Other 21,500 700,000 20,000 300,000 100,000 280,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 10,284,862 218,862 314,000 9,752,000 102,000 230,000 320,000 4,050,000 1,770,000 3,2 0_ SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax 277,000 90,000 187,000 102,000 85,000 Business License Fee 113,962 27,162 86,800 86,800 Proposed Fund Balance 33,200 Grants In-Hand 33,200 33,200 Mitigation In-Hand 760,700 191,700 224,000 345,000 Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed 145,000 200,000 Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.LD.'s Proposed Other Proposed 4,050,000 1,770,000 3,280,000 Undetermined 9,100,000 9,100,000 TOTAL SOURCES 10,284,862 218,862 314,000 ,9,752,000 102,000 230,000 320,000 4,050,000 1,770,000 3,280,000 NE3rE NEUth 5-4 DRAFT 07/27f2106 CtV AM s. • - CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Renton Urban Shuttle (RUSH) Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12163 RANK: 5 CONTACT: Nathan Jones 425.430.7217 DESCRIPTION: The Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH)is a shuttle bus service provided by King County Metro that runs peak IInT 0AT01 Metro assumed full fiscal responsibility for the existing shuttle service. hours between Longacres Multi-modal Commuter Station(where the Sounder train arrives mornings and evenings)and North Renton(Boeing). The City intends to work with Metro and transit consultants to develop this service into a program that delivers greater benefits to Renton area residents and employees. JUSTIFICATION: Congestion relief,increased travel options and economic development are outcomes dependent upon CHANGES: increasing-transit-patronage in Renton. The RUSH shuttle compliments existing transit service by providingadditional local service. Funded : 133,361 (Unfunded : 13,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent In 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 _ Project Development 36,361 1,361 5,000 30,000 5000 5000 Precon Eng/Admin , , 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) L Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin _ Other(RUSH Contract) TOTAL EXPENSES 36,361 1,361 5,000 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 33,361 1,361 .1 Proposed Fund Balance 5,000 27,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.LD.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 3,000 3,000 TOTAL SOURCES 36,361 1,361 1,000 1,000 1,000 5,000 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 SIM -5 DRAFT 07/27/2C08 622 AM • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Transit Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 • Type: 2-,MULTI-MODAL/TDM Proj.Length: N/A Pro' RANK: 6 1• 12109 DESCRIPTION: CONTACT: Nathan Jones 425.430.7217 STATUS: ' Determine and provide funding for short-range and long-range transit needs, routes,and facilities, Staff continue to attend regional coordination meetings with transit agencies. Will monitor including park and ride lots,bus shelters,and arterial system improvements required to facilitate transit service and capital facility improvements within Renton,and will pursue and advocate access. Joint projects with King County Metro and Sound Transit will also be pursued to improve local better-timed arrivals and departures at our major transit facilities. and regional transit service in Renton. Work with transit agencies,community,and businesses for implementation. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Transit improvements are a vital component of the transportation system's ability to absorb future traffic Additional staff time will be required in 2007 to address transit issues. The Regional demand and meet Level-of-Service standards. The City and private developers have invested millions of Transportation Investment District(RTID)and Sound Transit 2(ST2)will go to ballot Kin dollars in capital improvements in support of transit-oriented development and services. Transit will be County Metro also has major service planning efforts scheduled. g one key in meeting the goals of the downtown area as well as development in other parts of the City. Coordination with Metro and Sound Transit projects and programs will help leverage these funds and increase benefits to Renton. (Funded: 1145,714 (Unfunded: 19,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent in 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development 154,714 16,714 18,000 120,000_ 30,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction.Contract Fee „ Construction,Eng/Admin Other(Contingency) TOTAL EXPENSES 154,714 16,714 18,000 120,000 30,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax - Business License Fee 145,714 16,714 18;000 111,000 30,000 18,000 18,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed (FTA) Mitigation Proposed • L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 9,000 9,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 TOTAL SOURCES 154,714 16,714 18,000 120,000 30,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 Trim* 07/27/2C08 � o7622AM 5-6 DRAFT n w CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Rainier Ave Corridor Study and Improvements Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Type 2-:MULTI-MODAL/TDM Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12193 RANK: 7 CONTACT: Nathan Jones 425.430.7217 DESCRIPTION: • STATUS: Pre-engineering study to evaluate short-term and long-term traffic flow and safety improvements in this The study was completed in 2005. Two new projects originating from this study were split corridor. Included will be potential for adding HOV lanes,signing and intersection improvements,and off in the 2006 TIP: 1)Hardie Ave.SW Transit/Mulitmodal Improvements and 2)Rainier access control/consolidation of driveways. Ave. Improvements-S 4th PI to S 2nd St. Efforts to obtain funding for improvements are- ongoing. JUSTIFICATION: this is a critical corridor serving the central Renton area with existing operational problems and it is F nding for this project has decreased from 2007 to 2011 and is expected to be eliminated projected to experience severe congestion in the future. Potential improvements include those that will by 2012. Minimal funds are needed to coordinate with current construction projects and offer benefits to transit-increased speed, reliability,and ridership-as well as HOV and general WSDOT related improvments. purpose traffic safety improvements. Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 'Funded : 1337,913 (Unfunded: ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development 337,913 290,913 12,000 35,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin)_ Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 337,913 290,913 12,000, 35,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 186,813 139,813 12,000 35,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Proposed Fund Balance - Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand 151,100 151,100 Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 337,913 290,913 12,000 35,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Rainier AM 5-7 DRAFT 0712712008 022 CITY RENTON PLANNING%UILODI G/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Rainier Ave. Improvements -S 4th PI to S 2nd St Functional Classification: Principal&Minor Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM Proj.Length: 0.4 miles Fund: 317 RANK: Proj: 12501 DESCRIPTION: 8 CONTACT: Jason Fritzter 425,44 30.7243 STATUS: Rebuild sidewalks including curb and gutters;add pedestrian-scale illumination,bollards(at crossings), The Sound Transit(ST)local agency agreement has been executed authorizing$14.9 transit facility improvements(shelters, benches, info kiosks),planted buffer strips and landscaped million in design and construction St funds for transit improvements on Rainier Ave.and medians,and eastbound transit queue jump at S 3rd St. Hardie Ave. Design started in June 2006 and will continue through early 2007. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Rainier Ave. is a critical corridor in central Renton with existing operational problems and in need of A state Pedestrian&Bicycle Safety Grant of$200,000 was awarded in 2006. It will be infrasructure enhancements to provide greater ease of non-motorized and transit-based travel. used for non-motorized improvements on this protect. This project and the Hardie Ave. project are being designed under one consultant contract. Roadway construction is estimated to start in 2009 and will be coordinated with the Rainier Ave.SW 7th St to 4th PI. construction. I Funded :i 6,310,0001 Unfunded :I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent In 2005 2006 Six Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 1,123,000 300,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 897,000 823,000 720,000 103,000 Construction Contract Fee 3,900,000 297,000 600,000 500,000 100,000 Construction Eng/Admin 390,000 3,900,000 450,000 3,450,000 Other 390,000 45,000 345,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 6,310,000 597,000 5,713,000 1,220,000 698,000 3,795,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: l Vehicle Fuel Tax 38,000 38,000 13,000 25,000 ss License Fee 1,291Propos ,500 Busine - usine ed Fund Balance 970,100 27,200 1,264,300 62,800 32,300 1,169,200 Grants In-Hand 163,000 807,100 386,300 147,500 273,300 200,000 200,000 30,000 70,000 100,000 Mitigation In-Hand 810,400 135,100 675,300 100,000 100,000 475,300 Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand(Sound Tran.) 3,000,000 271,700 2,728,300 627,900 323,200 1,777,200 Grants Proposed. Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed.. Other Proposed(S.Transit) Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 6,310,000 597,000 5,713,000 1,220,000 698,000 3,795,000 Weer ST 07/27/2003 822 AM 5-8 DRAFT - - CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILD G/PU(3L1C WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION y • 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Hardie,Ave.SW Transit!-Multimodal improvements Functional Classification: Principal&Minor Fund: 317 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDMProj.Length: 0.7 miles Proj: 12502 RANK: 9 CONTACT: Leslie Lahndt 425.430.7223 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Add Business Access Transit(BAT)lanes in both directions;rebuild the Hardie railroad bridge;add non- The Sound Transit interlocal agreement has been approved for$14.9 million in design and motorized facilities,i.e., multimodal trail, northbound transit-only signal at Rainier and Hardie,and curb, construction funds for Hardie and Rainier projects. The design contract has been gutter,and sidewalks between Sunset Blvd.and Rainier Ave.S. authorized and will continue through early 2007. Hardie Ave.SW will be changed from a collector arterial to a minor arterial. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Regional transit agencies have expressed a desire to partner with the City to design and build systematic A state Pedestrian&Bicycle Safety Grant of$150,000 was awarded in 2006 to be useu Tor transit improvements throughout Renton for the purposes of reducing travel times and improving speed non-motorized improvements. This project is being designed under the same consultant and reliability for routes serving Renton. Additionally,there is a need for improved non-motorized facilities contract as the Rainier Avenue,S 4th PI to S 2nd St,project. Both contain funding from providing north to south connections. There are also safety benefits for all by replacing the substandard Sound Transit. Bridge construction, planned to begin in 2007,will be coordinated with the railroad bridge over Hardie south of SW 5th PI. Rainier Avenue, SW 7th to 4th PI, bridge construction to save construction costs. Roadway construction has a 2008 planned start date. Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 I Funded :1 15,337,0001 Unfunded :1 ITEM Programmed Spent In 2005 2006 Six Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 1,667,000 91,162- 667,000 908,838 908,838 R-O-W(includes Admin) 2,000,000 359 410,000 1,589,641 999,641 590,000 Construction Contract Fee 10,000,000 10,000,000 1,500,000 7,000,000 1,500,000, - Construction Eng/Admin 1,000,000 1,000,000 150,000 700,000 150,000 Other 670,000 670,000 670,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 15,337,000 91,521 1,077,000 14,168,479 4,228,479 8,290,000 1,650,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax 125,000 125,000 Business License Fee 582,500 125,000 582,500 200,000 217,500 165,000 Proposed Fund Balance 1,470,848 26,621 177,000 1,267,227 311,927 761,300 194,000 Grants In-Hand 150,000 150,000 22,500 127,500 Mitigation In-Hand 1,108,652 64,900 100,000 943,752 335,052 608,700 Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand-Sound Transit 11,900,000 800,000 11,100,000 3,359,000 6,450,000 1,291,000 Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 15,337,000 91,521 1,077,000 14,168,479 4,228,479 8,290,000 1,650,000 Hang. 5-9 DRAFT 07127/2008 e:n u, CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Walkway Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Type:. 3-COMMUNITY LIVABILITY/ENHANCEMENT Proj.Length: N/A RANK: 10 Proj: s DESCRIPTION: CONTACT: Dan Hasty 425.430.7246 TATUS: This program provides for the design and construction of high priority non-motorized transportation The Comprehensive Citywide Walkway Study(2003)is being used to select some of!"- facilities for pedestrians. Projects will be identified and prioritized in the updated Comprehensive Citywide projects that move into the design and construction phases. Walkway Study and through coordination with the City's Neighborhood Program. J.UST1F1CATjON: Providing'safe and convenient non-motorized facilities is an integral part of a complete transportation The Comprehensive Citywide Walkway Study will be revised in 2007. Completed projects network. Specific improvements will respond to the needs of school children,the aged and persons with will be removed. "Recognized School Walk Routes"will be added to the criteria for project disabilities,and will support increased use of transit. prioritization. The study will also score existing sidewalks that have gone beyond repair and are in need of overhaul. (Funded: 12,049,032 (Unfunded : 1300,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent In 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development 47,439 10,439 5,000 32,000 7,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Precon Eng/Admin 224,487 487 64,000 160,000 35,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 5,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 25,000 Construction Contract Fee 1,921,570 158,370 464,000 1,299,200 284,200 203,000 203,000 203,000 203,000 203,000 Construction Eng/Admin 155,536_ 8,736 38,000 108,800 23,800 17,000 17,000 Other 17,000 17,000 17 nnrt TOTAL EXPENSES 2,349,032 178,032 571,000 1,600,000 350,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 25 •, ._,j SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 1 119 864 19 864 200 000 900 000 100 000 100 000 250 000 150 000 150 000 150 000 Proposed Fund Balance 514,945 171,000 343,945 193,945 150,000 Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand 265,055 9,000 200;000 56,055 56,055 Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand(KC Metro Mit) 149,168 149,168 Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed' L.I.D:s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 300,000 300,000 100,000 100,000 100,000' TOTAL SOURCES 2,349,032 178,032 571,000 1,600,000 350,000, 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,06'0 Walkway m/2009 w 07en AM - 5-10 DRAFT • CITY OF RENTON • PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION y 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Rainier Avenue -SW 7th St to S 4th PI Functional Classification: Principal Arterial Fund: Type:.. 1 -INFRASTRUCTURE Proj.Length: 0.3 miles 317 RANK: Proj 12308 DESCRIPTION: 11 CONTACT: Jason Fritzler 425.430.7243 STATUS: improvements complete a missing link, remove barriers,eliminate sub-standard conditions,control and 30%design is complete. BNSF has approved a steel thru-plate girder bridge consolidate access points to existing major businesses, and provide an enhanced pedestrianon g type. environment. Project elements include adding a third NB through-lane,adding a left-turn lane, removingTransportation uPartnerslhip l beP Program t(TPP)2010. The TIB awarded November 2003. in $ the BNSF railroad bridge support pier,lowering the roadway to provide standard clearance under the mitigaon funds must be dedicated to this projectrant to funds fulfill the grant equiirremen s0,000 of bridge,and widening sidewalks to 10 feet with streetscaping. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Existing high level of traffic congestion and accidents. Bottleneck including reduction of lanes from three Due to the high volume of traffic on the Rainier Corridor,construction of both railroad to two at S 7th St and the BNSF bridge and support pier just south of S 4th PI. The improvements will enhance.traffic flow and reduce accidents. They will provide a missing link on Rainier Ave.with one bridges(Hardie and Rainier)will occur simultaneously(2007-2008),and Hardie will be additional northbound(NB)lane. widened to accommodate detour traffic on Rainier. This will put construction of Rainier into 2009-2010. The 30%design cost estimate is reflected in the programmed funds below. The total project cost has increased approximately$2.4 million. I Funded :1 7,231,8191 Unfunded:1 2,057,836 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development Precon'Eng/Admin 1,139,655 289,655 721,000 129,000 129,000 R-O-W(includes Admin)_ 500,000_ 150,000 350,000 350,000 Construction Contract Fee 6,500,000 6,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 Construction Eng/Admin 650,000 650,000 150,000 150,000 175,000 175,000 Other-BNSF work 500,000 500,000 500,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 9,289,655 289,655 871,000 8,129,000 2,629,000 1,650,000 1,925,000 1,925,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax 365,000 365,000 100,000 Business License Fee 949,900 149,900 800,000245,000 20,000 Proposed Fund Balance 3,182,719 181,437 20,000 680,000 100,000 Grants In-Hand 409,600 2,591,682 2,279,000 312,682+ 2,208,000 3,518 90,000 2,114,482 150,000 1,000,000 964,482 Mitigation In-Hand 526,200 104,700 221,500 200,000 100,000 100,000 Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand • Grants Proposed Mitigation.Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 2,057,836 2,057,836 1,217,318 840,518 TOTAL SOURCES 9,289,655 289,655 871,000 8,129,000 2,629,000 1,650,000 1,925,000 1,925,000 R.WBM • x-RR G 5-11 . DRAFT mm 0.22 AM CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Ripley Lane North Functional Classification: N/A Type: 4-.ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12602 DESCRIPTION: RANK: 12 CONTACT: John Hasty 425.430.7246 The project will make improvements on Ripley Lane North from Lake Washington Blvd.N.to the street STATUS: end to support future redevelopment plans. The project will pave four feet of shoulder on the west side of Ripley Lane N.from Lake Washington Blvd. N.to the first residence,install pavement markings to deliniate non-motorized traffic,re-stripe roadway,landscape,and potentially install chain link fence. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: New project to support development plans. Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 I Funded:1 500,0001 Unfunded:1 ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development 10,000 Precon Eng/Admin 57,000 10,000 10,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 57,000 57,000 Construction Contract Fee 380,000 Construction Eng/Admin 38,000 380,000 380,000 . 38,000 38,000 Other 15,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 500,000 15,000 15,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 500,000 500,000 Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee Proposed Fund Balance Grants-In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand 500,000 500,000 500,000 Bonds*/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand(GF) Grants.Proposed Mitigation Proposed L,I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES. 500,000 500,000 500,000 wqq M 0707 e:n M 5-12. DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION • 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP South Lake Washington Roadway Improvements -Districts 1 &2 Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Type: 4,,ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Proj.Length: N/A RANK: Proj: 12306 DESCRIPTION: 13 CONTACT: Rob Lochmiller 425,430.7303 STATUS: The project will construct the needed roadway improvements in the South Lake Washington area to City Council allocated$1.5 million from the General Fund in 2004. 30%consultant contract support future redevelopment plans. New roads and intersections will be built and existing roadways will awarded in 2004 for roadway improvements needed to support District 1. Final design of be widened/extended to provide adequate future traffic flows. Redevelopment is phased into 2 districts, District 1 was awarded in 2005 for$927,330. Transportation funds expended from Fund each having their own needed roadway improvements. Roadways included in the project are Logan, Park, 317 will be reimbursed. The project will move to Fund 318 once the bond funds are and Garden Avenues,and 6th,8th,and 10th Streets. received. JUSTIFI.CAI ION: CHANGES: Key project for the redevelopment of Boeing's north Renton site. The partnership between the City and *The City is in the process of applying for bonds. Costs reflect roadway improvements Boeing aspires to draw private interest in an area to be redeveloped from the aerospace company's use to including stormwater,sanitary sewer and water improvements. Grant awards:$5 million of commercial/retail use. A tight deadline has been outlined in the agreement that entails the needed CTED funds for utilities;new EDA grant($2,054,314)now supplants equal amount of bond roadway improvements and the new stormwater,sewer,and water utilities required to accomodate the needs. Funds for District 2 improvements($11.7 million estimate)have been removed from shift in land use. the programmed funds below. The schedule of further sales of Boeing property is currently unknown. I Funded:1 25,191,4141 Unfunded:1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 2,875,000 1,962,714 912,286 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 18,477,614 9,062,714 9,414,900 9,414,900 _ Construction Eng/Admin 1,781,000 900,000 881,000 881,000 Other 2,057,800 2,057,800 2,057,800 TOTAL EXPENSES 25,191,414" 1,962,714 10,875,000 12,353,700 12,353,700 SOURCES OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee Proposed Fund-Balance Grants In-Hand-CTED&EDA 7,054,314 5,000,000 2,054,314 2,054,314 Mitigation In-Hand Bonds*/L.I.D.'s Formed 15,799,000 462 714 5,875,000 9,461,286 9,461,286 Other In-Hand-Gen Fnd&H.P. 2,338,100 1,500,000 838,100 838,100 Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES . 25,191,414 1,962,714 10,875,000 12,353,700 12,353,700 S lake WA Imp . 5-13 DRAFT 07/27/2808r:aos e:12 Imp.. CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Garden Ave. N.Widening Functional Classification: Minor Arterial Fund: roj: 12603 Vie: 4-ECONOMIC..DEVELOPMENT Proj.Length: 0.38 miles 317 RANK: 14 CONTACT: Rob Lochmiller 425.430.7303 DESCRIPTION: The project will design and construct the needed roadway improvements,including road widening,to STATUS: accomodate additional traffic from future redevelopment plans in the area. The project area is from N 8th St.to Park Ave.N. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Li The South Lake Washington developer-oriented project is expected to generate additional traffic on New project Garden Ave.N. Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 Funded :1 1,000,0001 Unfunded:I ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Project Development 2012 Precon Eng/Admin 100,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 100,000 100,000 Construction Contract Fee 810,000 810,000 810,000 Construction Eng/Admin 90,000 Other 90,000 90,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: Vehicle.Fuel Tax Business License Fee Proposed Fund Balance Grartts In-Hand `Mitigation In-Hand 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Bonds"/L.I:D.'s Formed Other In-Hand(GF) Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed • L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 6 lab WA Improv. „ 67/27/2006 6:22 AM 5-14 DRAFT 0 / -:\ ' • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX YEAR TIP South Renton Burnett Park Neighborhood Street Improvements Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Type: 1 -INFRASTRUCTURE Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12194 RANK: 15 CONTACT: Ryan Plut 425,430.7372 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Provide improvements and asphalt overlay in the South Renton Burnett Park Neighborhood to include Trafficimprovements in the South Renton Burnett Park Neighborhood completed. King the S Burnett Av/S 4th intersection. Asphalt overlay Shattuck Av S from SW 7th St to Houser Wy S, County Metro mitigation funds of$175,000 were assigned to as follows: $40,000 for South 6th St from Burnett Av S to Shattuck Av S,SW 7th St from Shattuck Av S to Rainier Av S, design of improvements for Burnett/S 4th intersection;$60,000 reserved for Burnett/S 4tl South 5th St from Burnett Av S to Smithers Av S. intersection construction with Council concur;$75,000 for South.Renton street overlay projects. Remaining overlay streets added to the 2007 overlay project list. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Deteriorating streets. New 2006 projects provide sidewalks and access to Burnett Linear Park. Construction of 4th&Burnett improvements complete. Construction of sidewalk in Burnett Linear Park complete. Need Council approval of$60,000 remaining Metro mitigation funds and transfer of reserve funds from South Renton Reserves for completed work. New projects: 5th&Burnett,6th&Burnett,and mid-block between 5th and 6th pending reserve fund availability. Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 (Funded: 1722,580 (Unfunded:Six-Year2 Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development 973 973 Precon Eng/Admin 99,112 51,112 48,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 48Q495 200,495 280,000 Construction Eng/Admin 31,700 31,700 Other-Burnett Park&Overlay 110,300 35,300 75,000 75,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 722,580 252,580 395,000 75,000 75,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee Prop. Fund Bal. 422,580 87,580 335,0.00 Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand 125,000 125,000 Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand-Metro Mitig. 175,000 40,000_ 60,000 75,000 75,000 Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D'eProposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 722,580 252,580 395,000 75,000 75,000 S RM *on P, 5-15 DRAFT 07/27,2005 °M"'' CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS • TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP 1-405 Improvements in Renton Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 210 Tape: 4-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Proj.Length: N/A 317 RANK: 16 KeitProh 125.4 DESCRIPTION: CONTACT: Keith Woolley 425.430.7318 STATUS: Conceptual planning process to evaluate performance of existing and future freeway and interchange WSDOT construction of the South Renton Nickel project is scheduled to begin in late 2007 facilities along 1-405. Construction impacts to local streets will also be evaluated. with a total project budget of$136 million. The Transportation Partnership Act(TPA) 9 cent gas tax increase passed by the Washington State Legislature in May 2005 has budget of$180 million for South Renton. TPA also budgeted funds for 1-405 improvements north of the N 44th St. interchange. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: The intent of this planning study is to coordinate proposed improvements to 1-405 by WSDOT with the City T he prgrm budgets for 2007 through 2009 were increased and the program was interests. Programmed funds will be utilized for staff time and potential consultant cost. extended one more year to 2012. Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 I Funded :1 218,3851 Unfunded:1 ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Project Development 2012 218,385 68,385 30,000 120,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) • Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 218,385 68,385 30,000 120,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 1' SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel.Tax Business License Fee 158,385 68,385 30,000 60,000 Proposed Fund Balance 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand 60,000 60,000 30,000 10,000 20,000 Bortds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 218,385 68,385 30,000 120,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 10,000 10,0001 10,000 1 r051mp 5-16 DRAFT 072"2006 �8.22AM CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION --______ 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Project Development& Pre-Design Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TQM Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12150 DESCRIPTION: RANK: 17 CONTACT: Sharon Griffin 425.430.7232 Perform critical activities needed for the development of future CIP projects and for grant STATUS: Ongoing yearly program. This program began including more staff time reimbursement in applications,including scoping,cost estimates,pre-design,interlocal agreements and deficiency analysis. Also provides for the monitoring of active grant projects for compliance 2004. with State and Federal laws,regulations and specifications. JUSTIFICATION: Analysis of existing and projected transportation operation problems,infrastructure maintenance. CHANGES: In 2006,this program began including more small studies funding and funds required to needs,local and regional mobility goals and revenues/costs is vital to the development of transportation projects that will be buildable,financable, best serve the needs of Renton and match new grants. $15,000 moved in 2006 to the 3rd/Shattuck intersection project to start compete well for grants. Also to maintain eligibility for grant funding,the City must assure that design(new grant). project specifications and management comply with current State and Federal standards. IFunded: 11,522,592 'Unfunded: 175,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent to 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development 1,089,572 99,572 130,000 860,000 130,000 130,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Precon Eng/Admin 508,020 13,020 80,000 415,000 95,000 95,000 75,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 1,597,592 112,592 210,000 1,275,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 200,000 200,000 20C SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 1,362,592 112,592 175,000 1,075,000 175,000 175,000 200,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 Proposed Fund Balance 160,000 35,000 125,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Borids/LII.D.'s Formed Otherin=Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed LA.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 75,000 75,000. 25,000 25,000 25,000' TOTAL SOURCES 1,597,592 112,592 210,000 1,275,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 a._o 5-17 DRAFT 07m anon CITY F TON PLANNING/BUIL D NG//PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP NE 4th Street/Moquiam Avenue NE Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Type: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY Proj.Length: N/A DESCRIPTION: 209 RANK: 18 Proj: 12CONTACT: Leslie Lahndt 425.45.4 30.7223 In tall new fully actuated traffic signal, including poles,signal and pedestrian displays,detection STATUS: loops,emergency pre-emption,a new signal controller,interconnect to master computer and Design should be completed in Summer 2006. associated channelization. Right-of-way needs are unknown at this time. JUSTIFICATION: Increasing vehicular and pedestrian traffic in this area is warranting a traffic signal based on CHANGES: safety and delays. Construction should proceed in Summer/Fall 2006. Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 I Funded :I 400,0001 Unfunded:1 ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 51,400 31,400 20,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 20,000 . 20,000 Construction Contract Fee 300,600 300,600 Construction Eng/Admin 28,000 18,400 9,600 9,600 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 400,000 31,400 359,000 9,600 9,600 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 10,000 400 9,600 Proposed Fund Balance ' Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand 390,000 31,000 349,400 9,600 9,600 Bonds/L.I.D:s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed ` L.I:D:s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 400,000 31,400 359,000 9}600 9,600 NE I1/1 SNNogW.T A, 07/27/2C00 8:22 AM • 5-18 DRAFT — n CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Arterial Circulation Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TD • M Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 29 DESCRIPTION: RANK: 19 CONTACT: Keith Woolley 425.430.7318 Thisprogram provides for the long-range and short range planning and traffic analysisrequired re wired STATUS: This projectjwill fund the on-goingf planning ewhich willleadto refinement to evaluate and update the Transportation Plan in relation to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, to assess the impacts of new development proposals and to recommend local and regional and/oreadjustment of the of improvement projects on the arterial network identified transportation system improvements for all modes of travel. Funding for hardware,software and in the Transportation Plan. employee hours required to operate the computer model is also included under this program. JUSTIFICATION: Combined State and Federal Clean Air legislation,the Growth Management Act,passage of the CHANGES: RTA plan and the increasing importance of making sure that local and regional transportation $15,000 moved in 2006 to 3rd/Shattuck intersection project to start design(new grant). plans are coordinated to the benefit of Renton,make on-going,multi-modal planning a high priority need. Funded : 11,385,680 (Unfunded: X175,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent In 2006 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development 1,560,680 75,680 185,000 1,300,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 250,000 250,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction.Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 1,560,680 75,680 185,000 1,300,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 250,000 25( SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax • Business License Fee 1,385,680 75,680 185,000 1,125,000 ' 200,000, 200,000 200,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 175,000 175,000 25,000 75,000 75,000 TOTAL SOURCES 1,560,680 75,680 _ 185,000 1,300,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 250,000 250,000 5-19 DRAFT 07m s:azu� CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Bridge Inspection & Repair Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: Vie: 1 -INFRASTRUCTURE Proj.Length: N/A 317 RANK: 20 Proj: 106 DESCRIPTION: CONTACT: Jason Fritzler 425.430.7243 Inspect all roadway bridges owned by the City every two years to determine bridge sufficiency STATUS: and load ratings,seismic retrofit needs,undertake minor repairs,and preventative maintenance Biennial bridge inspections occur in 2007,2009 and 2011. The Houser Way Bridge will be as needed. painted in 2006. The Monster Road Bridge repairs require an annual inspection freq` for the next three inspection cycles,resulting in higher annual expenditures. JUSTIFICATION: Inspection program must be done for safety and funding purposes and as part of WSBIS CHANGES: Program to determine structural deficiencies, physical deterioration,or functional obsolescence The eCach bridges ands culverts will be inspected in007 in 2006. ,Outdatedquiinscour and load rating and to qualify for Federal bridge replacement grant funding. Repair funding is provided to for each of the bridges will be evaluated in 2007 and 2008, requiring additional funds. accomplish improvements, identified through the inspection program,that will increase the safety and extend the longevity of the structures. Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 (Funded: 1619,581 (Unfunded: 135,000 ITEM Programmed Spent In 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development 3,424 3,424 Precon Eng/Admin 151,157 41,157 30,000 80,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 150,000 150,000 Construction Eng/Admin 10,000 10,000 Other 340,000 30,000 310,000 75,000 65,000 45,000 40,000 45,000 41, TOTAL EXPENSES 654,581 44,581 220,000 390,000 105,000 75,000 55,000 50,000 55,000 5l,,uuu SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel.Tax - Business License Fee 420,000 40,000 140,000 240,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Proposed Fund Balance 199,581 4,581 80,000 115,000 65,000 35,000 15,000 Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed. Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 35,000 35,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 TOTAL SOURCES 654,581 44,581 220,000 390,000 105,000 75,000 55,000 50,000 55,000 50,000 BddgejnEmmi 9727/2909 922AM 5-20 DRAFT .. , CITY OF RENTON ,i, PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION - 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP May Creek Bridge Replacement Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Type: 1 -INFRASTRUCTURE Proj.Length:N/A RANK: Proj: 12503 DESCRIPTION: 21 CONTACT: Jason Fritzler 425.430.7243 STATUS: Completely reomve the existing bridge structure and the timber piers within the waterway. Replace with a The May Creek Bridge was inspected in 2005. The findings were not used to apply for single span,concrete structure supported on concrete abutments. Adjust the alignments of both approaches to conform to the increase in bridge deck height This replacement will require some right-of- BRAC funding due to changes at WSDOT(see below). way acquisition due to the adjustment of the alignment and the new bridge location. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: , - The existing structure is four feet below the 100-year flood water level standards set by WSDOT. The In 2005,WSDOT notified local agencies that they would not be accepting bridge bridge deck is supported by a timber pier that is vulnerable to the weakening effect of rot and damage replacement grant applications until at least 2007. With the uncertainty of funding from debris flows. Failure of this pier would cause immediate collapse. The timber abutments are showing evidence of rot and deterioration, availability,and the condition of the structure(structurally deficient),the City is proceeding forward with the bridge replacement without federal funds in-hand. We will request advance construction approval. IFunded:1 186,0001 Unfunded :I 649,000 ProjedtTotais Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Project Development 2012 Precon Eng/Admin 186,000 120,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 66,000 66,000 Construction Contract Fee 586,000 586,000 440,000 146,000 Construction Eng/Admin 63,000 63,000 44,000 14,000 Other 5,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 835,000 120,000 715,000 550,000 160,000 5,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 70,000 70,000 Proposed Fund Balance 116,000 50,000 66,000 66,000 Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed-BRAC AC 649,000 649,000 484,000 160,000 5,000 Mitigation Proposed L:I:D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 835,000 120,000 715,000 550,000 160,000 5,000 ----]May Creek 5-21 DRAFT 07/27/2009 0a un RENTON TY PLANNINGf' U LOG D //PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Traffic Signal Loop Replacement Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: Vie: 1 -INFRASTRUCTURE Proj.Length: N/A 317 RANK: Proj: 16 22 CONTACT: Dave Whitmarsh 425.430.7423 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Replace failed or failing traffic signal vehicle detection loops and repair pavement as required to achieve On-going proper installation and assure reliability. 9 ng 9 yearly Y program. JUSTIFICATION: Most of Renton's signals require extensive vehicle detection systems to provide traffic count data needed CHANGES: for the intersection controllers and VMS signal coordination system to operate effectively. The detection loops in the pavement must be properly maintained;their failure results in highly inefficient operation. Pavement deterioriation due to heavy traffic volumes,trucks,and adverse weather have increased the need for replacement. Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 (Funded: 1130,105 (Unfunded: 115,000 ITEM Programmed Spent In 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Prosect Development Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 124,105 25,105 12,000 87,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 Construction Enq/Admin 3,500 500 3,000 500 500 Other(City Force) 17,500 500 500 500 500 TOTAL EXPENSES 145,105 25,105 2,500 15,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 15,000 105,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 21 Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 130,105 25,105 15,000 90,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed • Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 15,000 15,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 TOTAL SOURCES 145,105 25,105 15,000 105,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 20M 00 Loops 07/27/2 Jaron 5-22 DRAFT �- CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Traffic Sign Replacement Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Type: 1 -INFRASTRUCTURE Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12113 RANK: 23 CONTACT: Dave Whitmarsh 425.430.7423 DESCRIPTION: This program provides for the replacement and/or relocation of signs that are obsolete,faded, STATUS: poorly located or no longer appropriate. On-going yearly program.Contract fee amount is for purchase of materials that will be assembled and installed by City. JUSTIFICATION: Poor signing can create safety problems and driver confusion. Purchase of these materials CHANGES: falls beyond normal maintenance budget. (Funded: 141,255 (Unfunded: j7,500 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent in 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(Includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 35,255 6,255 3,500 25,500 3,500 3,500 Construction Eng/Admin. 3,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 Other(City Forces) 13,500 1,500 12,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,500 2,500 TOTAL EXPENSES 48,755 6,255 5,000 37,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 7,500 7,500 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax • Business License Fee 41,255 6,255 5,000 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Pr"oposed - L.l.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 7,500 7,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 TOTAL SOURCES' 48,755 6,255- 5,000 37,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 5-23 . DRAFT 07m11000 622 AM CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION -r 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Pole Replacement Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 91 Type: 1 -INFRASTRUCTURE RANK: 24 DESCRIPTION: CONTACT: Dave Whitmarsh 425.430.7423 This program is for the replacement of damaged.luminaire and signal poles.These poles have STATUS: On-going yearly program.Contract fee amount is for purchase and repair of poles. been damaged in unknown incidents where reimbursement through normal channels is impossible. JUSTIFICATION: Pedestrian and vehicular safety is highly related to adequate signal displays and street lighting. Purchase CHANGES: of these poles falls beyond normal maintenance budget. Changing out a single pole costs$10,000 to $14,000. Damaged and rusting poles that loose galvanization degrade to the point of threatening their • structural integrity. (Funded: 1157,954 (Unfunded : 115,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent In 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 4,500 4,500 R-O-W(includes Admin) 1,500 1,500 1,500 Construction.Contract Fee 160,954 17,954 20,000 123,000 • 20,000 20,000 20,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 Construction Eng/Admin Other 7,500 7,500 TOTAL EXPENSES 172,954 17,954 2,500 2,500 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 20,000 135,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 �; i •Vehicle Fuel Tax 9 Business License Fee 157,954 17,954 20,000 120,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed 'Other Proposed - Undetermined 15,000 15,00.0 5,000 5,000 5,000 Po.. TOTAL SOURCES 172,954 17,954 20,000 135,000 20,000_ 20,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 arama0e eanrn ` 5-24 DRAFT . • CITY OF RENTON ` PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Sound Transit HOV Direct Access Functional Classification: Freeway Fund: 317 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12171 RANK: 25 CONTACT: Keith Woolley 425.430.7318 DESCRIPTION: This program provides for coordination with and input into WSDOT and Sount Transitplan STATUS: for the HOV Direct Access interchange and South Renton transit improvements, impFunrovements are identifiedtsar for consistent coordinationhCity critical needso and sg Sound Transit(ST) improvements are with desires. JUSTIFICATION: Direct access to 1-405 HOV lanes is an important element in increasing transit speed and CHANGES: ridership in Renton. Potential Regional package in 2007 includes funding for the 1-405 Renton to Bellevue which would allow the N 8th direct access ramps to be constructed. Funding in 2009 through 2011 anticipates coordination. • (Funded : j75,910 'Unfunded : 18,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development 83,910 66,910 5,000 Precon Eng/Admin 12,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 83,910 66,910 5,000, 12,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 4,000 4,000 4,000 Vehicle Fuel Tax l Business License Fee 67,967 58,967 Proposed Fund Balance 5,000 4,000 4,000 7,943 7,943 Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand B.onds/L.I.D:s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L:I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 8,000 8,000 TOTAL SOURCES 83,910 66,910 5,000 12,000 4,000 4,000 ST 140V 4,000 4,000 4,000 5-25 DRAFT mt27i2 6:71 AM CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Miscellaneous Traffic Safety Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 ape:. 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY Proj.Length: N/A Pro' RANK: 26 1• 12115 DESCRIPTION: CONTACT: Karl Hamilton 4255.4.4 30.7220 This ongoing yearly program provides for special small-scale traffic safety improvements STATUS: o that are and md and require materials,labor or equipment beyond the normal scope of City Uninterruptable power supply(UPS)at one intersection has been completed. Program goal operaions and maintenance Crewe. is to install UPS at two critical intersections per year(all years),pending sufficient fur LED Replacement Program moved to Traffic Efficiency Program. The lead agency s: for new grant(see"Changes"below)is being transferred to WSDOT for an upcoming project. JUSTIFICATION: Historically,this level of traffic safety improvements are required on an annual basis. This CHANGES: program budgets is fr safetya projects afet address these needs. Projects are typically This FHWA Intersection&Corridor Safety grant of$90,000 was awarded in 2006 for a WSDOT through citizen concerns,analysis of accident records or observation by City Traffic Operations "High Collision Location"at Park Drive at 1-405 Northbound Ramps(45 accidents in three and Maintenance personnel. Traffic Operations Section identify and prioritize locations. years). Funding of$87,000 for a Parks Department project,"Heather Downs"roadway improvements,was added in 2006. Construction completed in 2006. Funding added in 2007 for red light photo enforcement,partnering with the Police Department program. (Funded: 1271,734 (Unfunded : 160,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent In 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 30,000 9,000 21,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 4,500 4,500 R-O-W(includes Admin) - 4,500 Construction Contract Fee 223,500 78,000 145,500 16,000 16,000 16,000 32,500 32,500 32,500 Construction Eng/Admin 13,500 13,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 3,000 3,000 3.00_0. Other 64,734 39,734 20,000 5,000 5,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 331,734 39,734 107,000 185,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 40,000 40,000 4. SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax 20,000 20,000 20,000 Business License Fee 159,734 39,734- 20,000 100,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Proposed Fund Balance 92,000 87,000 5,000 5,000 _ Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 60,000 60,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 TOTAL SOURCES 331,734 39,734 107,000 185,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 40,000 40,000 40,009 sddy 07/272000 012 AM 5-26 DRAFT i CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS W TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012. SIX-YEAR TIP Traffic Systems Efficiency Improvements Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 12162 Type: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY Proj.Length: N/A Proj: DESCRIPTION: RANK: 27 CONTACT: Karl Hamilton 425.4307220 Provides for improvements to the operational efficiency of the existing roadway system, Upgrading of all signal controllers to new(to be compatible with the new Central System) STATUS: including such items as development and implementation of signal coordination programs, signing and channelization improvements,surveillance control and driver information system continues into 2007. (SC&DI),transit signal priority,Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems(IVHS),signal improvements such as protective/permissive phasing,and matching funds for possible grants to upgrade the Central traffic control system. JUSTIFICATION: Improving the capacity and efficiency of the existing roadway system is a very cost effective CHANGES: element of the transportation program. LED replacement program moved from Traffic Safety Program to Traffic Efficiency Program. LED Replacement Program-signal indicators at three intersections are complete. Program goal is to replace signal indicators at ten intersections per year. $15,000 moved in 2006 to the 3rd/Shattuck intersection project to start design(new grant). Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 !Funded: 1589,924 [Unfunded: 1 ITEM Programmed Spent In 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 35,802 11,802 24,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 75,000 75,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Construction Eng/Admin 31,000 4,000 27,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Other 448,122 246,622 82,500 119,000 38,000 33,000 33,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 „,,,,,, TOTAL EXPENSES 589,924 258,424 86,500 245,000 55,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 3. SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax ' Business License Fee 583,400 251,900 86,500 245,000 55,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Proposed Fund Balance 6,524 6,524 Grants-In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 589,924_ 258,424_ 86,500 245,000 55,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 ammooe e..22/0., 5-27 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUI D NG/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP CBD Bicycle and Pedestrian Connections Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 aye: 4-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12185 DESCRIPTION: RANK: 28 CONTACT: Dan Hasty 425.430.7248 This program will plan,design and construct projects which support non-motorized access to and All verti al curb and ramps that were impeding access in the CBD circulation within the downtown. It focuses on connection to and between significant non-automobile allow access throughout the entire CBD transportation features such as the Cedar River Trail,Lake Washington Loop trail,South Renton Park& have been upgraded to Ride and the Renton Transit Center. Preservation of existing bike and pedestrian features is also part of the program. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Providing non-motorized circulation and connections between downtown transportation elements is This program will concentrate on restoration of existing facilities. challenging due to existing development. The City is committed to enhancing non-motorized access and circulation within the entire downtown,as well as making connections to transportation features outside the downtown area. IFunded: 1296.544 ]Unfunded: 1135.000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent In 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Project Development 2012 36,544 1,544 5,000 30,000 5,000 5,000 Precon Eng/Admin 39,000 9,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Construction Contract Fee 5,000 321,200 98,000 223,20037,200 37,200 37,200 37,200 37,200 37,200 Construction Eng/Admin 24,800 8,000 Other(Streetscape Study) 10,000 16,800 I 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 TOTAL EXPENSES 431,544 10,000 2,800 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1,544 130,000 300,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 266,544 1,544 100,000 165,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Proposed Fund Balance 30,000 30,000. Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.I.D.'sFormed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.l.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 135,000 135,000 TOTAL SOURCES 431,544 1,544 130,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 300,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 CDB&�PW 5-28 DRAFT 07/27/2038 622 n • \ 'R - CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP South 3rd Street and Shattuck Avenue Intersection Functional Classification: Principal Arterial/Collector Fund: 317 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12604 RANK: 29 CONTACT: Bob Cavanaugh 425.430.7222 DESCRIPTION: Design and construct the rebuilding of the intersection to improve visibility of pedestrians and bicyclists, The ocal.agency agreement is currently being processed for state spending authority. The and provide clear direction for motorists. The improvements may include upgrading the pedestrian project will be advertised for a design contract in July/August 2006. indicators;improving the lighting for pedestrians and bicyclists,evaluating mature landscaping to optimize pedestrian visibility to,motorists,and installing a new traffic signal and mast arms. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: The.S 3rd Street and Shattuck Ave. (SR 900-MP 10.08)project was selected for a State Pedestrian& New project. A state Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Bicycle Safety grant of$200,000,funded through the WSDOT 2006 Supplemental Transportation Budget. 2006 to be used for non-motorized improvements. 45,000 was mo0vedwas awarded in from the Traffic This location has continuously ranked high on WSDOT's"Pedestrian Accident Location"(PAL)lists. Safety Program in 2006 to start the project. Programmed Pre-2007 (Funded : 1300,000 'Unfunded : 1 Project Totals Pro ITEM Programmed Spent in 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 45,000 45,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Y Construction Contract Fee 127,000 Construction Eng/Admin 25,000 127,000 127,000 Other 103,000 25,000 25,000 103,000 103,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 300,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 45,000 255,000 255,000 Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 45,000 45,000 45,000 Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand 200,000 45,000 155,000 155,000 Mitigation In-Hand 55,000 55,000 55,000 Bonds/L'.I.D:'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 300,000 45,000 255,000 255,000 CDB Bilnyed 5-29 DRAFT mmaooe .122m, • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 20.07-2012.SIX-YEAR TIP ISchooJ Zone Sign Upgrades Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 T e: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12504 DESCRIPTION: RANK: 30 CONTACT: Dave Whitmarsh 425.430.7423 Three-year program to upgrade school zone signs to electronic flashing operation. STATUS: Further grant opportunities will continue to be evaluated. • JUSTIFICATION: Response to citizen concerns. These signs provide a clear directive to the motorin CHANGES: g public. The Washington Traffic Safety Commission(WTSC)awarded a School Zone Flashing Lights grant for$52,500. The funding will pay for flashing school zone lights at four elementary school sites,limited to the cost of the signs and software. The total cost of the grant project is$89,500(City match of$37,000 for staff and vehicles for installation). The four schools are: Kennydale,Talbot Hill,Highlands,and Sierra Heights. Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 'Funded: 1300,000 'Unfunded: 1 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development Precon Eng/Admin - R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Enq/Admin Other 300,000 100,000 200,000 100,000 100,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 300,000 100,000 200,000 100,000: 100,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: • Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 247,500 47,500 200,000 100,000 100,000 Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand 52,500. 52,500 Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L1.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand. Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 300,000 100,000 200,000 100,000 100,000 simnl coma 07R7l2 O e:22 AM • 5-30 DRAFT n • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Arterial Rehabilitation Program Functional Classification:Various Fund: 317 Type: 1 INFRASTRUCTURE Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12186 RANK: 31 CONTACT: James Wilhoit 425.430.7319 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: As funding is available,this program will provide for the rehabilitation of arterial streets where the Proposed paving schedule:2006-NE 4th St.,2007-NE 12th.,2008-NE 3rd St.,2009- restoration requirements are beyond that which can be accomplished through the annual Overlay South Carr Rd.,2010-Puget Dr.SE. $200,000 in King County Metro Mitigation funding Program. was used in 2004/2005. JUSTIFICATION: Overlay Program_concentrates to a great degree on maintaining residential streets,where CHANGES: TherelatOveively small c volumes and less truck and bus trafficn make standard asphalt ovehe a Installation of ADA compliant curb ramps has been incorporated into the annual Arterial long term means of maintenance. Arterial streets can often deteriorate rather quickly and often Rehabilitation and Overlay programs according to new federal requirements. $500,000 is require more costly rehabilitation measures and/or costly temporary repairs to avoid more shown in 2009 for potential roadway improvements necessary if an annexation occurs in extensive deterioration. A number of arterials identified as needing major rehabilitaion are being the vicinity of Duvall Ave. NE. The annexation agreement is still to be determined with addressed in this program and the Overlay Program. King County,as is the detailed project cost estimate. Funded: 12,320,000 'Unfunded: 175,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent In 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 69,000 10,000 9,000 60,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 10,000 10,000 Construction Contract Fee 1,757,000 195,000 222,000 1,340,000 220,000 340,000 240,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 Construction Eng/Admin 69,000 9,000 60,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Other 500,000 500,000 500,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,395,000 195,000 240,000 . 1,960,000 240,000 360,000 760,000 200,000 200,000 200 SOURCE OF FUNDS: ^,,,; Vehicle Fuel Tax 350,000 350,000 Business License Fee 565,000 55,000 510,000 55,000 150,000 210,000 40,000 100,00 95,000 135,000 75,000 Proposed Fund Balance 445,000 445,000 185,000 210,000 50,000, Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand 460,000 195,000 185,000 � 80,000 L Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed 80,000 Other In-Hand(KC Annex.) 500,000 500,000 500,000 Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 75,000 75,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 TOTAL SOURCES 2,395,000 195,000 240,000 1,960,000 240,000 360,000 760,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 5-31 DRAFT 01/27/2000 °z'"'" CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION "`�' 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Duvall Ave:NE -SR-900 to North City Limits Functional Classification: Minor Arterial Fund: 317 Type: 1 -INFRASTRUCTURE Proj.Length: 1.67 miles Proj: 12123 RANK: 32 CONTACT: James Wilhoit 425.430.7319 DESCRIPTION: Widening,roadway to 5 lanes,includes:curbs,sidewalks,storm drainage,street lighting,channelization, R ght off-way acquisition underway. Delays due to drainage re-design and right-of-way and bikeway from SR-900 to the North City limits. issues. Construction contract planned for 2006. Received a TIB grant in partnership King County;the City of Newcastle also received a TIB grant for their section of Coal Creek Parkway. The City of Renton's grant award is$3,095,640. The City is managing King County's project separately. JUSTIFICATION: , CHANGES: Growing residential areas use this route which is also becoming a major through route between Renton Increases in anticipated right-of-way costs,increased construction contract estimate and and Bellevue,as well as freight traffic. proportional increase in construction engineering/administration cost estimate. Funding - spent tracked through project spreadsheet,not Eden,due to project split-out. IFunded: 14,968,200 [Unfunded: I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 968,200 893,200 75,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 600,000 50,000 550,000 Construction Contract Fee 3,100,000 1,000,000 2,100,000 1,550,000 550,000 Construction Eng/Admin 300,000 100,000 200,000 150,000 50,000 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 4,968,200 943,200 1,725,000 2,300,000 1,700,000 600,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 38,474 22,274 16,200 16,200 Proposed Fund Balance 1,200,546 190,720 431,526 578,300 410,000 168,300 Grants In-Hand(TIB) 3,281,780 568,806 1,207,474 1,505,500 1,190,000 315,500 Mitigation In-Hand 447,400 161,400 86,000 , 200,000 100,000 100,000 Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed �L.I.D.'s Proposed Other'Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 4,968,200 943,200 1,725,000 2,300,000 1,700,000 600,000 Olivet 01127x0006 6 V AM 5-32 DRAFT /•-•--: - • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Railroad Crossing Safety Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Type: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12166 RANK: 33 CONTACT: Karl Hamilton 425.430.7220 DESCRIPTION: InstaU:ra.ilroad crossing upgrade improvements at locations determined to warrant safety STATUS: Concrete railroad crossing upgrades completed in 2002: Bronson/Houser mainline,SW improvements. Depending on the needs of the location,work could include rubber crossing pads,lighted or unlighted signing, motion detectors,gates and connections to traffic signals to 7th Street, Lind Avenue SW spurs,and Mill Avenue. Moved the Railroad Crossing Safety provide signal pre-emption. Program grant to Lake Washington Blvd.-Park Ave. N to Coulon Park project in 2003.,. JUSTIFICATION: Railroad roadway crossings can present a serious safety concern that needs to be addressed CHANGES: when coriditions warrant improvements. Project-Totals Programmed Pre-2007 (Funded: 120,240 (Unfunded: 110,000 ITEM Programmed Spent In 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development 240 240 Precon Eng/Admin 30,000 5,000 25,000 5,000 10,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 10,000' Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 30,240 240 5,000 25,000 5,000 10,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 10,1; Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 20,240 240 5,000 15,000 5,000 10,000 Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.i.D.'s Proposed- Other Proposed Undetermined 10,000 10,000 TOTAL SOURCES 30,240 240 5,000 25,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 RRAVI - 10,000 5-33 DRAFT 07127/2:03022uu CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Transportation Demand Management Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12135 RANK: 34 CONTACT: Nate Jones 425.430,7217 DESCRIPTION: Renton's TDM program implements the State's Commute Trip Reduction(CTR)Act by encouraging a It sATUS:expected that technical assistance to employers for the Citywide program will continue reduction in the use of single occupancy vehicles(SOV). Incentives are offered to employees(at at current levels in future years provided State funds in support of this program contir businesses with 100 or more employees)arriving to work between 6 and 9 AM. The City has two CTR Renton receives a State allotment every two years to help fund the Citywide CTR pro , programs: 1.The Citywide and 2.the City Hall CTR program(see note below). The TIP funds the The actual amount is determined by the number of CTR-affected worksites and the number Citywide CTR Program and offers technical assistance to Renton businesses affected by the Act. of trips reduced. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: The City is required by 1991 State Legislation to develop and implement a CTR program. This law applies Worksite count has remained stable. No changes are anticipated. to areas of the State with continuing air quality problems. TDM is an important element in achieving desired transportation,environmental,and land use goals. Note: Renton City Hall is an affected CTR site and must implement its own CTR program for City employees;it is funded outside the TIP program. Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 IFunded: 1438,475 !Unfunded : I ITEM Programmed Spent In 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development 89,168 8,168 13,200 67,800 11,300 11,300 11,300 11,300 11,300 11,300 Precon Eng/Admin 36,107 36,107 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other(Tech.Assist.Contract) 313,200 51,000 262,200 43,700 43,700 43,700 43,700 43,700 4-.--- - TOTAL EXPENSES 438,475 44,275 64,200 330,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 5, SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax 'Business License Fee 94,104 1,104 15,000 78,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.LD.'s Formed Other In-Hand(CTR allot.) 344,371 43,171 49,200 252,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s"Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 438,475 44,275 64,200 330,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,00.0 TOM 07!27/2808 X8:22 AM 5-34 DRAFT W t. rTh CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Transportation Concurrency/ LOS Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Type: 4-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Proj. Length: N/A Proj: 12107 RANK: 35 CONTACT: Keith Woolley 425.430.7318 DESCRIPTION: The City has created a city-wide Transportation Benefit Zone as part of the GMA Comprehensive Plan's On- o nS: Transportation Concurrency requirements to provide a source of funds for transportation improvements the Co p ehensv a Plan 2003 funds were used for LOS documentation and inclusion in necessary to support new development. This project supports the necessary planning effort to determine appropriate fees to charge as part of the mitigation process,to adjust the fee due to transportation plan changes and other factors affecting the fees as a funding source and to monitor the funds collected. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Management of the Transportation concurrency and mitigation programs are an integral part of planning Transportation concurrency travel times are anticipated to be updated in 2006/2007. transportation improvements,ensuring that new development pays a fair share of the cost,and in maintaining a level of service required under GMA to allow new development to be approved and to take place. (Funded: 1140,000 (Unfunded: 120,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent In 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Prosect Development 2012 160,000 , 40,00010,000 40,000 120,000 20000 Precon Eng/Admin 10,000 30,000 10,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) l Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 160,000 40,000 120,000 20,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 1 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 140,000 40,000 100,000 20,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.l.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 20,000 20,000 20,000 TOTAL SOURCES 160,000 40,000 120,000 20,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 10,000 Con ., y 5-35 DRAFT 07m aqua ac. CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007_-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Missing�Liln�ks Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12106 Type:..5,-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY RANK: 36 CONTACT: Ryan Plut 425.430.7372 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This funding provides for the completion of transportation links that do not qualify for other With the ongoing development in the City,this funds potential City/developer partnership sources of funding. An example would be a section of roadway between two LID's or between two developer mitigation improvement projects. opportunities. The City will continue to identify and complete the priority missing link: JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Making the necessary,and often small-scale,improvements needed to connect other projects The City acquired three parcels from King County for right-of-way in 2006. can achieve significant benefits. Funded : 1120,380 'Unfunded : 190,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2005 2006 Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 28,000 4,000 24,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 1,570 380. 1,190 Construction Contract Fee 166;810 22,810 144,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 Construction Eng/Admin 14,000 2,000• 12,000 2,000 2,000 2,000_ 2,000 2,000 2,000, Other TOTAL EXPENSES 210,380 380 30,000 180,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 3 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax _ 30,000 Business License Fee 120,380 380 , 90,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Proposed Fund Balance • Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand - Grants Proposed Mitigation.Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed 30,000 30,000' 30,000' Undetermined 90,000 90,000 TOTAL SOURCES 210,380 380 30,000 180,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 07177/2008 _, '6 22 AM - M Unk. 5-36 DRAFT n CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX YEAR TIP Geographic Information System Needs Assessment Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 •j Type: 1-INFRASTRUCTURE Proj.Length: N/A Proj:• 12206 DESCRIPTION: 37 CONTACT: Nate Jones 425.430.7217 STAT Develop a Needs Assessment and Data Development Plan for Transportation Geographic Information City jTransportation staff, in coordination with Technical Services and Information Services Systems(GIS)data and software development to meet the requirements of City's departmental staff,are working on a Needs Assessment for transportation-related GIS data. A work needs. plan is expected to be completed in 2006,and will be used to guide transportation-relate. GIS and software development. :JUSTIFICATION: . The Transportation Systems Division is interested in expanding the development and use of CHANGES: GIS technology,daon and applications toIsupporttheg the development needs. Effective use of Transportation planning and modeling software,along with associated training and allows the evaluation of DiviGIS-related resources is sion on needs and the endent on careful development of an and action plan foron. The ds logical Assessment tee u get is adjusted toal support,may eeflect this needpurchased in 006. Intern staff may be required for this effort; development and implementation of GIS capability within the Division. the bud Project Totals (Funded: 1116,700 'Unfunded: 160,000 Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent in 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Project Development - 2012 176,700 6,700 35,000 135,000 35,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction_Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 176,700 6,700 35,000 135,000 35,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,0 110 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 116,700 6,700 35,000 75,000 35,000 20,000 20,000 Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand Mitigation in-Hand Bonds/L.LD:s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed, L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed .Undetermined 60,000 60,000 TOTAL SOURCES 176,700 6,700 35,000 135,000 35,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 O18 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 5.37 ' DRAFT mmmm vamp CITY RNTON PLANNING/UILOD GEPUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Grady Way Corridor Study Functional Classification: Principal Arterial Fund: 317 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM Proj.Length: 0.44 miles Proj: 12127 RANK: 38 CONTACT: Nathan Jones 425.430.7217 DESCRIPTION: In conjunction with WSDOT,Sound Transit,and property owners along the corridor,perform a STATUS: comprehensive analysis of short-and long-range multi-modal transportation improvements. The Citywill The pCroposed mprovements for the I-405/SR ov Way Study was added in 167 interchange,ngas well as with WSDOT'se conduct a pre-engineering study to evaluate short-and long-term traffic flow and safety improvements Avenue Corridor Study conducted by the City. Our coordinationwithWSDthe OT will as along Grady Way including major intersections and traffic controls from Main Avenue to the West City that all proposed short-term and long-term improvements on these corridors will be Limits. compatible with one another and with long-range needs. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGThe two freeway interchanges and freeways and the high volume surface level regional routes of SR 515, A project roposal for the Grady Way Study will be under development and review in 2006. Rainier Avenue, Lind Avenue,and Grady Way which converge in this area are of major importance to all Following review,a consultant selection process will be initiated, probably by late 2006. travel modes,including transit,freight, HOV, and general-purpose travel. Grady Way is a critical east to west link serving the south Renton area and the downtown Central Business District;the potential for operational problems and congestion is high if this corridor is not managed effectively. IFunded : 1213,421 ►Unfunded: 13,060,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Protect Development 273,421 13,421 50,000 _ 210,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Precon Eng/Admin 250,000 250,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 250,000 250,000 210,000 40,000 Construction Contract Fee 2,500,000 2,500,000 250,000 Construction Eng/Admin 1,500,000. 1,000,000 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 3,273,421 13,421 50,000 3,210,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 230,000 1,810,000 1,022' SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 50,619 619 50,000 50,000 Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand 162,802 12,802 50,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 Bonds/L.I,D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 3,060,000 3,060,000 230,000 1,810,000 . 1,020,000 TOTAL SOURCES 3,273,421 13,421 50,000 3,210,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 230,000 1,810,000 1,020,000 wa7 con 07127/2006 `,6:22 AM 5-38. DRAFT i CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Bicycle Route Development Program/ Lake Washington Trail Connection Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Type: 3-COMMUNITY LIVABILITY/ENHANCEMENT Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12173 RANK: 39 CONTACT: Dan Hasty 425.430.7246 DESCRIPTION: TATUS: Partner with other City departments to further develop the City's non-motorized facilities. Sign Bicycle The Transportation Division has partnered with the Parks Department to submit grants for Routes along preferred corridors. Construct missing links in the bicycle route system. Construct site- the Lake Washington("Sam Chastain")Trail Connection. To-dateeen ,a$500,000 specific improvements. Upgrade routes as needed to safely accommodate bicycle traffic. Publicize has Renton bicycle network. Provides funding to match grant requests for bicycle planning and construction a ehnoted in theirant capital fund.awarded. The Parks Department is the lead and the fur improvements. JUSTIFICATION: The City does not currently have a well-developed bicycle route system;this program will complete an TheACityE was awarded two Federal Enhancement Grants: $500,000 to design the Lake integrated system of bicycle routes and trails and upgrade streets to better accommodate bicycles. Many Washington Trail connection with no match required and$100,000 to develop and produce locations along existing and potential routes have site-specific safety problems,which would be addressed a map that identifies a bicycle network with connections leading into and out of the City of in this program. Additionally,there is a strong demand for better-developed non-motorized facilities in Renton. Public outreach in various forms will be part of the effort to educate the public on Renton. using bicycle routes in the safest manner. The map will identify preferred routes,shared use paths, bicycle lanes,steep grades,etc. IFunded: 1186,701 I Unfunded : 1270,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 Programmed Spent In 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Protect Development 2012 20,701 10_701 10,000 10,000 Precon Eng/Admin 46,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 46,000 10,000 2,000 2,000 10,000 11,000 11,000 1 Construction Contract Fee 246,000 246,000 14,000 14,000 90,000 64,000 64,000 Construction Eng/Admin 24,000 24,000 2,000 2,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 Other 120,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 456,701 20,000, 100,000 100,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 10,701 20,000 426,000 120,000 18,000 18,000 110,000 80,000 8 Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 86,701 10,701 20,000 56,000 20,000 18,000 18,000 Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand 100,000 100,000 100,000 Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other in-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D,'s Proposed . Other Proposed Undetermined 270,000 270,000 . 110,000 80,000 80,006 TOTAL SOURCES 456,701 10,701 20,000 426,000 120,000 18,000 18,000 110,000 80,_000_ 80,000 &b-Rw o 5-39 DRAFT 07772008 13 22 AM CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Lake Washington Blvd. - Park Ave N to Coulon Park Functional Classification: Collector Fund: Proj.Length: N/A Pro: 12121 317 ape: 4-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RANK: 40 CONTACT: JamesWiihoit 425.430.7318 DESCRIPTION: This project includes road widening,traffic signals, railroad crossings,drainage,curb,gutter and STATUS: sidewalks. Developer to design and construct,and get credit toward mitigation contribution. The developer is completing the project in 3 phases. Project received$185,000 Railroad Crossing Safety grant. Estimated contract costs and developer reimbursement is inclk Railroad crossing construction complete except for signal start-up requirements. Waiting for developer to continue their construction. JUSTIFICATION: This project will serve the development and access needs to Coulon Park and to the Southport Remai CHANGEdes of project shown as unfunded until developer has definite schedule to build Development. . office building. • Funded : 1401,563 (Unfunded : 1147,675 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development 16,038 14,638 1,400 Precon Eng/Admin 1,400 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 502,992 292,492 210,500 Construction Eng/Admin 14,500 4,800 9,700 78,500 132,000 Other 15,708 11,208 4,500 2,100 7,600 TOTAL EXPENSES 549,238 323 ,138 226,100 2,500 2,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 84,500 141,600 Vehicle Fuel Tax 14,490 14,490 Business License Fee Proposed Fund Balance 5,720 5,720 Grants In-Hand 185,000 106,575 78,425 Mitigation In-Hand 196,353 196,353 40,000 38,425 Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand • Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 147,675 147,675 44,500 103,175 TOTAL SOURCES 549,238 323,138 226,100 84,500 141,600 ULNA 07227(2036 62 AM ft 5-40 DRAFTt. 1 _� `i w CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Environmental Monitoring Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Type: 1 -INFRASTRUCTURE Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12187 DESCRIPTION,:. RANK: 41 CONTACT: Jason Fritzler 425.430.7243 Monitoring of wetland mitigation installed as a project environmental requirement and to perform biological The Year: site has been sent totheregulatory 3 report for the Oakesdale, Phase 1, re assessments as required by the Endangered Species Act. 9 ry agencies for review. The Year 1 report for the Phase 2 site is being prepared. Phase 1 and 2 site maintenance continues. , JUSTIFICATION: Monitoring ensures that the wetland vegetation installed is properly established. Creates an account to AttemptsEo�get early acceptance for the Phase 1 site have been successful. The Corps of pay for unscheduled project environmental assessments. Engineers has allowed the City to reduce the monitoring requirements to match the site's success. 'Funded : 1359.635 I Unfunded: 145,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent In 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 105,000 15,000 90,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 45,000 10,000 35,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Construction Eng/Admin 254,635 84,635 50,000 120,000 50,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 404,635 84,635 75,000 245,000 75,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 3 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax 5,000 5,000 Business License Fee 120,035 35 20,000 100,000 20,000 25,000 17,500 12,500 105,000 ,000 15,000 Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand 234,600 84,600 55,000 95,000 55,000 25,000 12,500 2,500 Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 45,000 45,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 TOTAL SOURCES. 404,635 84,635 75,000 245,000 75,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 5-41 DRAFT 0772 `08 022^"" CITY RENTO PLANNING/UILODI G//PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Trans-Valley and Soos Creek Corridor Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12191 RANK: 42 CONTACT: Keith Woolley 425.430.7318 DESCRIPTION: A joint study with King County, Kent,Tukwila and SeaTac to evaluate long-term and short-term STATUS: Ajoinmoudl transportation King Kent, k in the Soos Se Creek and aarea. This program will The Trans-Valley Study was completed in March 2002,providing documentation,research, multi- priority corridor identification,and potential solution sets. Further work was placed of fund study and pre-design work plus matching funds for grant applications, indefinite hold by King County in 2003. JUSTIFICATION: This is an area with limited transportation facilities while experiencing high growth rates. CHANGES: The Carr Rd./SR 515 intersection project was cancelled by King County in 2005. Coordination will continue with WSDOT regarding the SR 167/SW 43rd St.interchange. Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 (Funded: 127,539 (Unfunded : I ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development 27,539 7,539 5,000 15,000 5,000 . 5,000 5,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 27,539 7,539 5,000 15,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: - Vehicle Fuel Tax - Business License Fee 27,539 7,539 5,000 15,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 27,539 7,539 5,000 15,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 nvmft h.n.VN --anus 5-42 DRAFT r n s CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP WSDOT Coordination Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12146 RANK: 43 CONTACT: Sharon Griffin 425.430.7232 DESCRIPTION: i'rovidepn=design,design and construction coordination for WSDOT projects within or STATUS: probl ensto forRentonRntn' assureransthat those projects provide the maximum benefits and minimum Ongoing yearly program. Staff coordination on grant-funded projects. Staff coordination on problems tos transportation system. the 1-405 Corridor Improvements is included in"1-405 Improvements in Renton." JUSTIFICATION: WSDOT projects can have signficant impacts within the City. CHANGES: Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 Funded : 198,600 (Unfunded : I ITEM Programmed Spent in 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development 98,600 8,600 15,000 - Precon Eng/Admin 75,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000. R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 98,600 8,600 15,000 75,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 1 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 98,600 8,600 15,000 75,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L:I:D.'s Formed Other In-Hand . . Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined - TOTAL SOURCES 98,600 8,600 15,000 75,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 WSDOT 5-43 DRAFT 07f27f20D3 8:aua CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP 1% for theArts Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Type: 3-COMMUNITY LIVABILITY/ENHANCEMENT Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 14112 DESCRIPTION: RANK: 44 CONTACT: Sharon Griffin 425.430.7232 Beautify entrance locations to the City. Projects to include signing and landscaping. Fundingis STATUS: tied to the calculated share tofo theligibleCp g' Program is now based on actual design and construction costs. 2001 was estimated and d o types of transportation projects and transportation funding the remainder from the actual costs was used for 2002 and part of 2003. $3,278 wa: subject to the Citys1/o for the Arts program. All gateway project proposals under this program transferred in 2004 to cover the remaining 2003 expenditures. $15,669 was transfer''.. are subject to approval of the Arts Commission. 2005 for 1%of 2004 expenditures. JUSTIFICATION: Displays a sense-o#civic pride. CHANGES: 2005 transfer upcoming. Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 (Funded: 1305,669 (Unfunded : j ITEM Programmed Spent in 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development 7,000 1,000 6,000 1,000 1,000 Precon Eng/Admin1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) • Construction Contract Fee --- Construction Eng/Admin Other 298,669 15,669 59,000 224,000 59,000 29,000 29,000 49,00029,000 p TOTAL EXPENSES 305,669 15,669 60,000 230,000 60,000 30,000 30,000 50,000 30,000 :...,.�0 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 305,669 15,669 60,000 230,000 60,000 30,000 30,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand • Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.I.D's Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D:s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 305,669 15,669 60,000 230,000 60,000 30,000 30,000 50,000 30,000 14000 994 Arta 07m/200e ._^ 0:22AM r"-� 5-44 DRAFT r • �i C TY OF ENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Arterial HOV Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12160 RANK: 45 CONTACT: Keith Woolley 425.430.7318 DESCRIPTION: Perform a comprehensive analysis of short and long term HOV needs for the Renton area and STATUS: develop a prioritized list with cost estimates of recommended arterial improvements,such as com ArterialedStudy to identify-specificitDirect improvements Program will need to do pre-dessign has beenrka HOV lanes, HOV queue jumps,park and ride lots and other HOV facilities. Also provides completed. Sound Transit Direct Access Program to pre-design work and construction in upcoming years. funding in future years for construction of high priority projects as they are identified. JUSTIFICATION: Development of arterial HOV improvements will be necessary to promote the use and efficiency CHANGES: of transit and other HOV mobility options. Funding from this program will be directed to individual projects with HOV facilities as those projects move forward. Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 (Funded: 1142,354 (Unfunded ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Project Development 2012 141,474 121,474 10,000 10,000 5,000_ 5,000 Precon Eng/Admin 880 880, R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 142,354 122,354 10,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 10,000 5,000 5,000 Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 61,210 41,210 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-hand(ISTEA) 81,144 81,144 - Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 142,354 122,354 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 I4LNOV 5-45 . DRAFT. 07/27=08 en Nu CITY OF RENTO PLANNING/UILD NG/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Benson Rd S/S 31st St Functional Classification: Minor Arterial Fund: 317 . ape: 5-.OPERATIONS AND SAFETY Proj.Length: Intersection pro RANK: 46 j 12129 DESCRIPTION: CONTACT: Bob Cavanaugh 425.45.4 30.7222 STInstall a completely actuated traffic signal at Benson Rd S and S 31st St designed to provide forpossible King future Benson Rd.widening. g County is the lead agency for determining when this project will proceed. They have completed design and would like to proceed to construction once the interlocal agree is agreed upon. JUSTIFICATION: The location is approaching signal warrants and the traffic volume is increasing. The signal will reduce Schedule may be accelerated pending interlocal agreement. Project costs reflect the City's side street delays and improve safety. share of the project. Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 (Funded: 1350,000 (Unfunded: I ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total • 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 110,000 110,000 110,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 9,000 9,000 9,000 Construction.Contract Fee 168,000 168,000 168,000 Construction Eng/Admin 48,000 48,000 48,000 Other 15,000 15,000 15,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 350,000 350,000 350,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: — 1/2 Cent Gas Tax — Business License Fee 44,200 44,200 44,200 Proposed Fund Balance 305,800 305,800 305,800 Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined - TOTAL SOURCES 350,000 350,000 350,000 Boman em mmrmoe euu,� 5-46 DRAFT 1 /n ) • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Park-Sunset Corridor- Garden Avenue to Duvall Avenue Functional Classification: Principal Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12177 DESCRIPTION: RANK: 47 CONTACT: Keith Woolley 425.430.7318 Identify and construct traffic operational improvements as needed throughout the corridor. _ STATUS: A study is being coordinated with Highlands Subarea transportation study. JUSTIFICATION: This important corridor is subject to high growth in travel demand. CHANGES: The Highlands Subarea study needs to develop land use alternatives and conduct the transportation analysis. Results of this transportation analysis will be used in generating a corridor study scope of work. IFunded: 1339,904 'Unfunded: 12,760,100 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 Project Development 2011 2012 139,904 14,904 50,000 75,000 25,000 50,000 Precon Eng/Admin 200,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 200,000 200,000 Construction Contract Fee 2,591,000 Construction Eng/Admin 169 100 2,591,000 1,591,000 1,000000 Other 169,100 159,100 10,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,100,004 14,904 50,000, 3,035,100 25,000 50,000 200,000 1,750,100 1,010,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax " Business License Fee 104,904 14,904 Proposed Fund Balance - 90,000 90,000 - Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand 235,000 50,000 185,000 , 25,000 50,000 110,000 Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand - Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 2,760,100 2,760,100 1,750,100 1,010,000 TOTAL SOURCES 3,100,004 14,904 50,000 3,035,100 25,000 50,000 200,000 1,750,100 1,010,000 Po,ILeuet 5-47 DRAFT 07m 022AM ro CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Lind Avenue-SW 16th St to SW 43rd St Functional Classification: Minor Arterial Fund: 317 Type: 5.7OPERATIONS AND SAFETY Proj.Length: 1.69 miles Proj: 24 DESCRIPTION: RANK: 48 CONTACT: Keith Woolley 425.430.7318 Widen existing roadway to 5 lanes where required. Includes new roadway,curbs,sidewalks, STATUS: The needs,priorities and schedules for improvements on Lind Avenue will be drainage,signals,lighting,signing and channelization. determined through Arterial Circulation studies. Construction of a signal at the intersection of Lind Av and SW 27th St occurred in 1998 as an initial phase. JUSTIFICATION: Increasing traffic demands in the Valley including the proposed development at the Boeing CHANGES: IncLoreasresing t aei will crathe need for increasing the capacityooseof this major north/southe arterial. Increases in traffic in the Renton Valley,due in part to development,will increase the need for improvements. A potential project is a signal installation at the intersection at Lind Ave. SW and SW 34th St.(currently unsignalized). Additionally,improvements may result from future WSDOT 1-405 plans which include an interchange at Lind Ave.(currently unfunded) • 'Funded: 115,000 'Unfunded: 12,540,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Precon Enq/Admin 83,000 83,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 5,000 78,000 Construction Contract Fee 2,280,000 2,280,000 , Construction Eng/Admin 182,000 182,000 1700,000 580,000 Other 136,000 46,000 -_ TOTAL EXPENSES 2,555,000 5,000 2,550,000 5,000 5,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1,914,000 626,000 Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand 15,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand L Grants Proposed 830,000 830,000 630,000 200,000 Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 1,710,000 1,710,000 1,284,000 426,000 TOTAL SOURCES 2,555,000 5,000 2,550,000 5,000 5,000 1,914,000 626,000 Lind mmrm0d ,e2AM 5-48 DRAFT �\ v . CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP SR 169 HOV- 140th Way SE to SR-900 Functional Classification: Principal Fund: 317 Type: 2 MULTI-MODAL/TDM Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12175 RANK: 49 CONTACT: Rob Lochmiller 425.430.7303 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Construct queue jumps and bypass lanes that provide transit priority traffic signal improvements on SR- WSDOT committed$300,000 to design and$450,000 to construction. KingCounty 169(Maple Valley Hwy.)at 140th Way SE and in the area 1-405. Involves roadway widening at holdingyor built l intersection approaches and modifications to channelization and traffic signals,and widening to improve buildout,as well l sOph sed re-designs. Graour use nt 208,000 from TIB(R/VV forn total the north-bound on ramp and south-bound off ramp movement at the I-405/SR 169 interchange. Improve construction),$392,947 TEA-21 Countywide funds(construction), $765,993 TEA-21 access to Cedar River Park and Stoneway site through traffic modifications. Countywide for Ph.2(construction),$2.5 M State legislature from gas tax revenue for 2007- JUSTIFICATION: 200.q biennium(Ph 31 CHNGES: This is a high volume,high congestion corridor where providing travel time benefits for transit and car/van Theportionof work at the 1-405 location are now phased. Phase 1 construct the signal, pools can be achieved with high cost effectiveness. Also there are severe congestion and safety problems that can be addressed by adding a right turn lane west-bound on SR-169 and a protected right Funds in 2010 are an estimate forse em v2 wal of the Parks Maintenance building.construct the widening is onSR 169. turn lane from the 1-405 northbound off ramp on to east-bound SR-169. *Council allocated$1.2 million from the King County Metro mitigation fund which is included in"proposed fund balance"). Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 Funded: 19,030,597 (Unfunded ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development Precon Enq/Admin 1,120,452 1,010,452 50,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 500,000 60,000 50,000 10,000 Construction Contract Fee 6,650,736 600,736500,000 Construction Eng/Admin 759,409 27 209 3,500,000 2,550,000 2,250,000 300,000 Other 422,200 310,000 30,000 250,000 30,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 9,030,597 1,638,397 4,472,200 2,920,000 30,000 2,550,000 _ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 340,000 Vehicle Fuel Tax _ Business License Fee 397,200 197,200 200,000 Proposed Fund Balance* 2,076,897 825,897 1,201,000 50,000 200,000 Grants In-Hand(TIB/TEA-21) 2,974,000 2,974,000 50,000 Mitigation In-Hand 782,500 512,500 100,000 170,000 30,000 Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed 140,000 Other(WSDOT&State Leg.) 2,800,000 300,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D's Proposed Other Proposed • Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 9,030,597 1,638,397 4,472,200_ 2,920,000 30,000 2,550,000 88189-NOM 340,000 5-49 DRAFT 07f271203 8:22 AM CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP NE SunsetBv/Duvall Av NE Functional Classification: Minor Arterial Fund: Proj.Length: 317 ape: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY Proj: 12301 RANK: 50 CONTACT: James Wilholt 425.430.7319 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: The project will realign and rechannelize lanes approaching,through and exiting the intersection,add an The construction contract has been awarded. The project includes an HES grant for eastbound left-turn lane,modify the traffic signals,and extend a drop lane. The modification of the fully $396,000. Ineligible costs reflect items outside the original scope of the grant such a- actuated traffic signal will include poles,signal and pedestrian displays,detection loops,emergency pre- extending lane lengths required by WSDOT(on state route)and additional drainage • emption,and a new signal controller. improvements to the area. (Funding spent tracked through project spreadsheet,not'GUM], due to project split-out.) JUSTIFICATION: The intersection experiences a high number of accidents including turning movements,rear ends,and P CHANo ecGEcrease to cover bids exceeding engineer's estimate has been approved by City side swipes. Council. Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 !Funded : 11,698,000 (Unfunded: I ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 113,300 113,100 200 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 1,168,200 1,150,200 18,000 18,000 Construction Eng/Admin 227,500 7,500 210,000 10,000 10,000 Other(Ineligible-costs) 189,000 23,000 • 164,000 2,000 2,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,698,000 143,600 1,524,400 30,000 I 30,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 122,800 59,500 33,300 30,000 30,000 Proposed Fund Balance 950,100 25,300 924,800 Grants In-Hand(HES) 396,000 29,700 366,300 Mitigation In-Hand 229,100. 29,100 200,000 BondslL.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L,I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 1,698,000 143,600 1,524,400 30,000 30,000 9umN/Dw.1 07/2712006 032 AM 5-50 DRAFT f : V . , j CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS • TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION • 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Logan Av N Concrete Panel Repair Functional Classification: Principal Arterial Fund: 317 Type: 1-INFRASTRUCTURE Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12303 RANK: 51 CONTACT: James Wilhoit 425.430.7319 DESCRIPTION: 1pcation: From the Logan Avenue Bridge north to N 6th St. Repair concrete panels under the asphalt to STATUS: stop the panels from moving. JUSTIFICATION: The panels are moving',causing the asphalt overlay to severely spall at the joints. CHANGES. Low priority. Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 (Funded : I (Unfunded : 1460,000 ITEM Programmed Spent In 2005 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development 25,000 25,000 Precon Eng/Admin 25,000 25,000 25,000 , R-O-W(includes Admin) 25,000 Construction Contract Fee 400,000 400,000 Construction Eng/Admin 10,000 10,000 400,000 Other 10,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 460,000 460,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS:' 460,000 Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed - , - Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s•Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 460,000 460,000 TOTAL SOURCES 460,000 460,000 460,000 �+waw 460,000 o7mt2CO e.'IIAM 5-51 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP S Carr Rd /Mill Avenue S Functional Classification: Principal Arterial Fund: Type: 5,-•OPERATIONS AND SAFETY Proj.Length: N/A 317 RANK: Proj: 12304 DESCRIPTION: 52 CONTACT: Keith Woolley 425.430.7318 Install newtraffic signal,including poles,signal and pedestrian displays,detection loops,emergency pre- P of ct currently at the planning level,being coordinated with Development Services/new emotion,a new signal controller,and associated channelization. Also,construct roadway widening to developments,the-King County Carr Rd project,and New Horizons private school. accommodate turning lanes. JUSTIFICATION: A traffic signal is warranted based on vehicular volumes,delay,and safety. New developments north of CHANGES: ' the intersection have been required to participate with the City. Adjacent private school desires to participate in order to realign their access to become the fourth leg to signalized intersection. King County Carr Rd Corridor project possibly will widen and/or realign Carr Rd through this project site, A signal will provide a safe,pedestrian environment and crossing of Carr Rd. Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 IFunded : 138,000 (Unfunded: 1750,000 ITEM Programmed' Spent In 2005 2006 Si:Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development 18,000 3,000 15,000 5,000 10,000 Precon Eng/Admin 60,000 60,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 100,000 20,000 40,000 Construction Contract Fee 300,000 300,000 100,000 Construction Eng/Admin 31Q000 300,000 300,000 Other 310,000 200,000 100,000 10,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 788,000 3,000 785,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 340,000 400,000 10,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee 38,000 3,000 35,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 Proposed Fund Balance - GiantsGln-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants.Proposed , Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed ' Undetermined 750,000 750,000 340,000 400,000 10,000 TOTAL SOURCES 788,000 3,000 785,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 340,000 400,000 10,000 CR47I0 07/27P1003 622AM 5-52 DRAFT t• 4i.: - -s CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Houser Way S-Main Av S to Burnett Av S Functional Classification: Non-arterial Fund: 317 Type: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY Proj.Length: 0.2 mites Proj: 12213 RANK: 53 CONTACT: James Wilhoit 425.430,7319 DESCRIPTION: Upgrade railrpad tracks to concrete on Houser Way S between Main Avenue S and Burnette STATUS: Avenue S. Discussions with Burlington Northern Santa Fe(BNSF)railroad to share funding on this project were initiated in 2003. BNSF indicated by letter of 5/20/03 that it was not interested in the City's proposal. The project remains unfunded. JUSTIFICATION: This segment.of roadway has a pavement management Oct ratingCHANGES: between 0 and'12 points.(out of a possible 100 points). The quality of theroadwayis asvery poor as due to the flexing of the tracks. An overlay will only be effective if the tracks are placed in concrete. Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 I Funded :1 I Unfunded :1 810,000 ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008. 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development Precon Erig/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee ' 800,000 800,000 Construction Eng/Admin 10,000 10,000 800,000 Other 10,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 810,000 810,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 810,000 Vehicle Fuel Tax Business.License Fee Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand - Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.JD.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants'Proposed Mitigation Proposed . L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed(BNSF) 480,000 480,000. 480,000 Undetermined 330,000 330,000 TOTAL SOURCES 810,000_ 810,000 830,000 810,000 5-53 DRAFT 07"'0°8 B12 AM • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TIP Duvall Ave NE (Coal Creek Parkway) -King County • Functional Classification: Minor Arterial Fund: Vie: 1-INFRASTRUCTURE Proj.Length: 317 RANK: 54 Prof: 125.4 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: CONTACT: James Wilhoit 425.430.7319 Widening roadway to 5 lanes,includes:curb,gutter,sidewalk,drainage improvements,street lighting, Delays due to drainage re-design. The City is managing the KingCountyproject channelization,signal modification and interconnection,and bikeway from Renton's north city limits to SE reimbursement from the County o with full 95th Way(Newcastle's south city limits), per approved interlocal agreement. All programmes' funding is subject to King County's ongoing approval. King County manages the gm reimbursement for their TIB grant award of$3,196,000. Due to project split-out,funding is tracked through project spreadsheet,not Eden. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Growing residential areas use this route which is also becoming a major through route between Renton increases in City in-house labor for pre-construction engineering/administration. and Bellevue,as well as freight traffic. There are currently two general-purpose lanes with little or no pedestrian facilities,and left-turn lanes at various locations. Because there are uncompleted gaps between the five-lane sections from unincorporated King County to Sunset By.,the arterial exhibits congestion and travel-time delays for all modes of traffic. Project Totals Programmed Pre-2007 (Funded: 14,593,946 (Unfunded ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2006 2006 Six-Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 732,646 586,946 145,700 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 3,707,300 1,200,000 2,507,300 1,900,000 607,300 Construction Eng/Admin 154,000 50,000 104,000 75,000 29,000 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 4,593,946k 586,946 1,395,700 2,611,300 1,975,000 636,300 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business License Fee Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand Bonds/L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand(King County) 4,593,946 459,236 1,523,410 2,611,300 1,975,000 636,300 Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed • Other Proposed Undetermined 1,975,000 636,300 TOTAL SOURCES 4,593,946 459,236 1,523,410 2,611,300 116,604060 2=21 07x17/2006 ,-.n2 AM 5-54 DRAFT 1 ITh t 1 �ti S SECTION SIX APPENDIX • Abbreviations & Acronyms 6-1 • TIP Adopting Resolution 6-2 -'4 • v Y ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS The following list defines the abbreviated words or acronyms used in the City of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan. ACP Asphalt Concrete Pavement ADA American Disability Act AIP Arterial Improvement Program(administered by TIB) BAT Business Access Transit BNSF Burlington Northern Sante Fe BRAC Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee CBD Central Business District CIP Capital Improvement Program CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality CTED Community, Trade and Economic Development CTR Commute Trip Reduction(State Act) DOE Department of Ecology EB Eastbound ECL East City Limits EDA Economic Development Administration EIS Environmental Impact Study ER Emergency Relief FAS Federal Aid Secondary Program - FAUS Federal Aid Urban System FHWA Federal Highway Administration FTA Federal Transit Administration GIS Geographic Information System GMA Growth Management Act HCT High Capacity Transit HES Federal Aid Hazard Elimination and Safety Program HOV High Occupancy Vehicles UC Interchange ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act(Federal Highway Bill) ITS Intelligent Transportation System IVHS Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems LF Linear Feet LID Local Improvement District LOS Level of Service METRO Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle MOU Memorandum of Understanding MUTCD Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices NCL North City Limits NB Northbound PMS Pavement Management System ti J ". 0 Precon Preconstruction Engineering/Administration(design phase of project) PS&E Plans, Specifications, and Estimates ROW Right-of-way RTA Regional Transit Authority RTID Regional Transportation Investment District RUSH Renton Urban Shuttle SB Southbound SC&DI Surveillance Control and Driver Information SCATBd South County Area Transportation Board SCL South City Limits SMA Structural Matrix Asphalt SOV Single Occupant Vehicle ST Sound Transit ST 2 Sound Transit 2 STP Surface Transportation Program TDM Transportation Demand Management Program TEA-21 Transportation Efficiency Act TIA Transportation Improvement Account(previous 1113 program) TIB Transportation Improvement Board TIP Transportation Improvement Plan TOD Transit Oriented Development TPA Transportation Partnership Act TPP Transportation Partnership Program(administered by 11B) UATA Urban Arterial Trust Account(previous TIB program) • UPRR Union Pacific Railroad UPS Uninterruptible Power Supple VHS Vehicle Highway System VMS Vehicle Master System WB Westbound WCL West City Limits WSBIS Washington State Bridge Inventory System WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation H:\Division.s\TRANSPOR.TA11PLANNING1Sharon\TIPs\ACRONYMS.DOC Ucier `� 5 1' SE 186th St 11 1 S 186th St ` SE 186th PIJ S 188th St a y S 188th St N 15. ate' w ` !...1 < t oo S 188th S 190th St 9 r �� i St S 190th St ` 2 4_, SE 190th St 'p SE 190th Stl .: f//' ioco �, 7 �- S 192nd St SIS 55th St c ir: Sj ---- a -- SE 192nd St rz w to _ W tiSO St SW 194th St .Lfr rn w : < �' St S 196th St G, `� r r. \ io 1o Cl) S 196th St ii ` L—__ r SE 196th St N¢ 1 y ; NN l-� L 4 4J" w_ W A r r < 19 N Vl N N 11 1 I,I, 0E1 S t•• h 8th P1 c �- SE 199th — — St L �/ o 0 0 r S 200th St S _'Oth St c SE 0 t1St I SE 200th St — S 202nd St S 202nd S1 S 20 �. 1 N N-------: r _____ S d =1 �' S 03rd PR---;( z L a CITy OF RENT0N K.STARTERIAL G�� O� Technical Services I+ + Planning/Building/Public Works "` R. MacOnie, D.Visneski IA,NT O July 2006