HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 Correspondence yon 1zp STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills,being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Renton Reporter CITY OF RENTON a bi-weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that theofpublication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language 20t Renton ACugty st,at Council hasp cofined the g20th day of August,at 7:00 p.m.as the continuously as a bi-weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The date and time for a public hearing to Renton Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton CityHall, S. 1055Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. Grady Way; Renton, WA 98055, to The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the consider the following: Annual update to the Sig-Year Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly Transportation Improvement distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed Program(TIP 2008-2013) notice,a: All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present Public Notice written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American was published on August 11,2007. Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum information,call 425-430-6510. of$71.40. Published in the Renton Reporter },� August 11,2007,#863925. /)-19 coda M.Mills Legal Advertising Representative,Renton Reporter ®Illi 11 t i gi f Subscribed and sworn to me this 15th day of August,2007. .,%%% e, C'q4/T/4,e ••G N to`o®_ A�Tq Y m: B D Cantelon ®m Vep C • Notary Public for the State of Washington,Residing in Kent, , irco,0 O`er P. O.Number: o®®jai�A`°'�SH.. ... %%` . Zroaq' 0 �3 12 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3 9 0 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, UPDATING THE CITY'S SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2008-2013. WHEREAS, the City of Renton has heretofore adopted a "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" pursuant to RCW 35.77.010, and the plan and program having been amended and modified from time to time as authorized by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department, held a public hearing on August 20, 2007, after notice to the public as provided by law for the purpose of considering adoption, modification, and amendments of the plan and program; and WHEREAS, at the public hearing held on August 20, 2007, due consideration was given to the proposed changes and amendments for the purpose of updating the plan and program; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION_L The City's "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City's "Arterial Street Plan" are hereby further amended and modified, all as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibits "A," "B" and "C" incorporated herein as if fully set forth. SECTION II. The plan and program, as evidenced by said Exhibits, shall be and constitute the City's "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City's "Arterial Street"Plan," and shall remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended, and modified as provided by law. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3902 SECTION III. The Administrator of the Department of Planning/Building/Public Works and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to file this Resolution, together with the Exhibits, with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 20th day of August , 2007. )84s7444.u.sd GdQtte74-- Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 20thday of August , 2007. •' 1 Kathy Keo •er, Mayor Ay;r owed as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES.12 8 9:07/24/0 7:ch 2 August 20,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 295 Planning and Development Committee Member Palmer noted the existence of a nearby walkway that is more heavily used, and expressed her support for • dividing the vacation area down the middle. Councilmember Clawson reported that Council already approved the vacation and would need to undo its previous action. City Attorney Warren explained that adoption of an ordinance is necessary to finalize the vacation,which has not yet occurred, and therefore Council can still change its decision. Continuing, Mr. Clawson explained that for petitioner Keith Demps to subdivide his property,he needs to have 35 feet of the 50-foot vacation area. Mr. Demps is obtaining the 35 feet via a purchase agreement with the other affected party. Mr. Clawson expressed concern regarding causing Mr. Demps to delay his project as he is redeveloping in the Highlands area which is what Council is encouraging. He supported enabling Mr. Demps to go forward with his project,but voiced concern that a bad precedent is being set because the Highlands Task Force will not have an opportunity to review the walkway study prior to this action. Mr. Clawson noted that at this point,the City does not know what the neighborhood wants with regards to walkways. Councilmember Persson pointed out the presence of the other walkway near the vacation area. Councilmember Corman commented that development in the Highlands is being encouraged; however,parties who are interested in developing property are now being held up. He supported the initial request of dividing the vacation area down the middle. City Attorney Warren stated that a vacated area is normally split down the middle, and Council is strictly removing the retained easement for the walkway. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL APPROVE VACATING THE PROPERTY AND REMOVING THE RETAINED EASEMENT ON THE 50-FOOT VACATED PORTION. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Resolution#3902 A resolution was read updating the City's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Transportation: 2008-2013 TIP Program, 2008-2013. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, '%"1 COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3903 A resolution was read designating the Renton Reporter as the City's official City Clerk: Official Newspaper newspaper. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3904 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Utility: Benson Rd S Water interlocal agreement with WSDOT for the construction of the relocation of a Line Relocation,WSDOT water line in Benson Rd. S., entitled "Utility Construction Agreement-Work by Utility-Actual Cost." MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#5300 An ordinance was read amending Section 8-4-34 of City Code by adding Finance: Water Shut Off Subsection C. providing for discretion in administration of the fees provided for Charge Adjustments for therein. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL Special Circumstances ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. a August 20,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 294 • authorized to sign the design contract. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: 2008-2013 TIP Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Palmer presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the annual updates to the 2008-2013 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program and the 2008 Arterial Street Plan. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 295 for resolution.) Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report recommending Utility: Benson Rd S Water concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk Line Relocation, WSDOT to execute a utility construction agreement with Washington State Department of Transportation for construction of the relocation of the water line at Benson Rd. S. and I-405. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption.* Councilmember Clawson noted that WSDOT is paying half of the construction cost. *MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 295 for resolution.) CAG: 07-140,Benson Rd S Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report recommending Water Line Relocation, concurrence in the staff recommendation to award the construction contract for Ceccanti the Water Line Relocation for Realignment of Benson Rd. S. and I-405 Overpass project to the low bidder, Ceccanti, Inc., in the amount of $869,421.66. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL • CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning &Development Planning and Development Committee Vice Chair Clawson presented a report Committee regarding the vacation of a portion of Index Pl. NE. The Committee Vacation: Index PINE,A&D recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to preserve the street Quality Const Co, VAC-07- vacation status as approved by Council on 5/7/2007. The current approved 001 petition amended the vacation area to exclude the east 15 feet of the requested area; required the petitioner to re-establish the existing trail in the retained right- of-way with reconnection to the existing trail north of the vacated right-of-way and that costs for such relocation be deducted from the value established for the vacated right-of-way as part of the compensation phase of the street vacation; and required the petitioner to provide satisfactory proof that outside utilities have received and are satisfied with any easements necessary to protect their facilities. The 2007 Citywide Comprehensive Walkway Study and the Highlands Task Force, Phase II, which are both currently underway, will provide an opportunity for a comprehensive review of the City's walkways and will determine if there is a continued need for the 15 feet excluded from the area of this vacation request. At the conclusion of these review efforts, if the excluded 15 feet has been determined as unnecessary for walkway purposes, the Committee encouraged Kevie Russell to initiate a vacation petition. The Committee further recommended that the filing and processing fees be waived for Mr. Russell should he decide to file a petition for this area. Councilmember Clawson moved to concur in the committee report. The motion died for lack of a second. _.Y, .. �qg qq� `mow ppmay V. TRANSPORTATION/AVIATION COMMLTTEE: ;' .. • 'COMMITTEE REPORTDate: o1D'r 0?0071." 7 .!,; _ August 20;20.0.7 - . '20. 8= 013•Sx=Year Transportation Improvement Pro rad,(`TIP) . -... - -- ..2i '•aridArteriaStreetPlan Update' -, ' = - • ... ' - (August 6,:20Q7) , .. . The Transportation Committee'recommends''concurence..in`testatrecoriiiimeridation t " - f approvetheanntialupdatestothe`Sit-YearTransportation11mprowernent'Program:anld-t a •.; , ' 2008 Arterial•.street Plan ' ..,T e Committee`fiirther reeori znerids that:=the:resolutions` ardiri this'iriatter lie- resented`for do"tio n. readiri•-arida o . .- _,.•. tet. ��• - � :! 1'. '-Mar (.hair: �'4 '14 -.. "Land- COrrnan' 1C£-Chair•.• _ -s..`. Don:Persson'\'leni `er:. - - ' ,:':CE: : Juliana Fries,Program'Development_Coordinator'• ' eI 'Constance:Brunda e,Transportation AdministratveScretary - - H:Trens/Admin/Coinmittee-Reports/2007/Six Year TIE August 20,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 290 concerned. He described what can be done to address the transportation challenges, and where the investments should be focused. In conclusion, Mr. Paylor stated that the joint package is unbalanced and does little to address the top priority need of the region, which is reducing congestion. A question and answer period commenced during which Councilmembers asked questions pertaining to the annual motor vehicle excise tax and the differences between the proponent's and opponent's cost figures. Public comment was invited. Bill Taylor, Renton Chamber of Commerce President/CEO, 300 Rainier Ave. N., Renton, 98057, stated that the Chamber of Commerce endorses the Roads and Transit ballot measure. Correspondence was read from Shaunta R. Hyde, Boeing Local Government Relations Manager, PO Box 3707, Seattle, 98124, expressing support for the Roads and Transit ballot measure. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC MEETING. CARRIED. Councilmembers Clawson, Law,Nelson, Corman, and Persson voiced their support for the Roads and Transit ballot measure. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE RESOLUTION REGARDING THIS MATTER. CARRIED. Resolution#3901 A resolution was read supporting the proposed 2007 "Roads and Transit" Transportation: Roads & regional transportation ballot measure. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY Transit Ballot Measure, CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. November 2007 PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Transportation: 200$-2013 TIP accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Keolker opened the public hearing to consider the annual update of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP), 2008-2013. Peter Hahn, Deputy Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator- Transportation, reported that the TIP details a multi-year work and funding plan for the development of transportation facilities that is required for State and Federal funding programs, used to coordinate projects and programs with other jurisdictions, and mandated by State law. The TIP supports Renton's Business Plan and Comprehensive Plan, and the Growth Management Act. Continuing, Mr. Hahn highlighted the accomplishments of the past year,which include completing the design for the SR-169 HOV Queue Jump Phase 2 project, continuing the design for the S. 3rd St. and Shattuck Ave. S. pedestrian improvements, completing the South Lake Washington infrastructure improvements, completing the NE Sunset Blvd./Duvall Ave.NE intersection improvements, and upgrading school zone signs. Mr. Hahn stated that the total expenditure for the 2008-2013 TIP is $121,428,835, of which $64,462,801 is funded and $56,966,034 is unfunded. In conclusion, he reviewed the various funding sources,the 2006/2007 grants obtained for projects such as the South Lake Washington infrastructure improvements, and the funding partnerships with WSDOT, Sound Transit,and King County. August 20,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 291 In response to Councilmember Clawson's inquiry regarding the signal project at NE Sunset Blvd. and Hoquiam Ave. NE(in the vicinity of Hazen High School), Mr. Hahn indicated that due to citizen pressure,WSDOT is reconsidering its original decision of not approving the signal. Referring to Mr. Hahn's comments regarding the new vehicle license fee funding source, Councilmember Persson emphasized that Council has not yet discussed the local vehicle license fee. Councilmember Law requested that the project to upgrade the railroad tracks at Houser Way S., between Main Ave. S. and Burnett Ave. S., be moved higher up in the project ranking. Mr. Hahn stated that the City has been in discussion with BNSF Railway Company to determine how the project could be scaled down into smaller pieces, and that the City is still trying to come up with a funding package. He explained that the City's larger transportation projects continue to dominate the TIP, and money is hard to find for all of the projects. In response to Councilmember Persson's inquiry regarding the possibility of starting the railroad track upgrade project sooner that 2010, Transportation Planning and Programming Supervisor Seitz reported that BNSF agreed to work on the project in phases so that in 2010 one or two blocks could be completed and the final section could be completed in 2012. Mr. Hahn stated that staff will try to persuade BNSF to start the project in 2009. Councilmember Corman reported receipt of an e-mail from a resident residing just to the west of the Maplewood Golf Course who was inquiring about the City's walkway program and the lack of walkways in that neighborhood. Reporting that work was done in the subject neighborhood last year, Councilmember Palmer pointed out that although a lot of work is still needed, the neighborhood did receive the largest portion of the walkway program funding. Public comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 294 for Transportation Committee report.) RECESS MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 8:55 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:02 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present except Briere. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER BRIERE. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Assistant CAO Wine reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the REPORT City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2007 and beyond. Items noted included: * The Fall "What's Happening..." brochure of recreation programs will be available beginning August 24. ," The City is working with BNSF Railway Company to replace three downtown railroad bridges at Shattuck,Rainier, and Hardie Avenues. The Rainier Ave. Bridge demolition is complete, and the Hardie Ave. Bridge demolition proceeded well within schedule last week. During the course of the work on the Hardie Ave. Bridge,Renton stormwater management staff became aware of an opportunity to repair part of the City's stormwater 2008 2013 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) d ! 4:::1) . E /p4, t+q, Y Planning / Building I Public Works Department Transportation Systems Division City Council August 20, 2007 1 + +' fVT0 `- tirpose • Reflects involvement with citizens and elected officials • Details multi-year work plan and funding plan for the development of transportation facilities • Required for State & Federal fundingprograms qp g • Used to coordinate projects transportation and p programs with other jurisdictions and agencies • Mandated by State Law 2006-2013 TIP 2 Council, August 20, 2007 \ 'i'sQ,. 'fir, 1 $u , p O FS ' CPlan The TIP supports overall objectives and policies of land use, downtown, Capital Facilities Plan, and Transportation Elements. • Growth Management Act c ' ON - -- This TIP also supports GMA in terms of ,E t Re tan The c atter omin f epporlvnity In the Puget Sound � Regi wbero lamlllx and businesses lhrha financing, consistency, and coordination efforts MISSION t.r 6 a The City of Renton.In partnership and communication ■ I. a with resldantuNtishresses.and edmnls.Is dedicated to: y�,+y t DP.w�.^Syetes^°/,xeYxe^g ek+erP^e�•a:ew rL-x x � pFro+ciga.tna!eLne:.er easmx Mtxu exrnrn✓ • City' s Business Plan 'n17!,7"--"'"'—"""'—'— ^" m The TIP supports the City's business plan goals 41pU''`'Jf?1,4t1`OA J''l'}-''1.11 atmmte alumna tatleaa,. near:ewe Warn a.ma «>e Ivr eewmeweut edtalC 4m ewers man.ala man m. mjat°f"Y ut�U m roe by promoting citywide economic development 's- `° ay and neighborhood revitalization, improving the te' , v. " yx_ `r :. g �.: ata. City's image in the community and region ands influencing regional decisions that impact the �,a°" �KK' d� _ City. r 2008-2013 TIP 3 Council, August 20, 2007 ` 2u de- eve o ment of Six-Year TIP • Planning • Financing • Scheduling • Past Commitment 2.008-2.013. TIP 4 Council, August 20, 2007 �` 20Q71 Iv DESIGN • Complete design of SR 169 HOV Queue Jump Phase 2 • Complete design for Rainier, Hardie and Shattuck Railroad Bridge Replacements • Finalize design of the Duvall Ave NE project • Continue design of the Rainier Ave project • Continue design of the railroad realignment for the SW 27th St/ Strander project • Continue design for the S 3rd and Shattuck Ave pedestrian improvements • Start NE Sunset Blvd (SR 900) and Hoquiam Ave NE signal project 2008-2013 TIP 5 Council, August 20, 2007 • al 20071 J hts N . CONSTRUCTION • Complete South Lake Washington Infrastructure Improvements • Complete the Sunset/Duvall Intersection • Start Rainier, Hardie and Shattuck Railroad Bridge Replacements • Start SR 169 HOV Queue Jump Improvements, Phase 2 • Start the Benson Road S/S 31St St signal project • Start the NE 4th St and Hoquiam Ave signal project 2008-2013 TIP 6 Council, August 20, 2007 � 4 2007 ONGOING PROGRAMS • Retrofit all signal indicators from incandescent to LED indicators • Install uninterruptible power supplies (NE 4th St., and Sunset Blvd NE) • School Zone sign upgrades: McKnight Middle School sp 71: Tiffany Park Elementary St. Anthony Schools° Hillcrest Special Services Center • Renton High School qtr 2008-2013 TIP 7 Council, August 20, 2007 t o. !IA. �� Successes .... . .„, _. , !pportunities F . .. „ , T . _______ . .. .... iia .�- 1 F . i _ .,. . ... . . .:1.....:. 1 ....„... .,.. _:. .0.; . ..I .„:„.„ma„, ,, r s� .,..,,,,,..,„ . i . . . . ,. .. . 1 „ , . . . .. . .. . . . , ... . 1 ., :, _ . �' ,. .�+ p't4. t , It l': "'ir . ... . . .� ,„ar a ^ t .. .'� wyG Mow 5w" _ " �. . i 'n'r ..£4 1 .. ..� "y +w..• `r..r.:,,,,, ;.::7::::,52':;444;1$4.7,4'. .' Y .€2 b.M, t i ,.:.,.„� a 3 i bra o' . # t � w _:. `... ira,.. ., k � srf w au . • Sunset Blvd/Duvall 'Ave y% , Y _ NE Intersection . " ...• . .ti. 42 3 {� , y .+ 't'," ay�' Aly �. tY ,,.'4 • S Lake Washington 1 .. -. w g Roadway Improvements •• Rainier Ave Railroad ' Bridge replacement xn: �k, 20081-2:0=13 TIP 8 Council, August 20, 2007 ,4c)(, a4TIN Reconfig u red Proj et ,,,,,, „,i___ ,(5. e ___ Raiiner � S' 6rady WIai too S 2ndi this joint - - -- — _ ,.m ; „ ,,, As currently envisioned, t Sound Transit and City of Renton Project will add Business Access a •;,. •,� '6- vel,p . _� x' and Transit (BAT) lanes; add left c� � _� �_' �, ' 5� �' _ turn lanes at intersections, widen 6 $, , sidewalks with landscape; add ' � � �� �� �} pedestrian scale illumination, ''''MAI * .�" `f �. transit facility improvementsa : _ , (shelters, benches, info kiosks); pie planted buffer strips and �., landscaped medians. � ________._ "�” . ®R 2008-2013 TIP 9 Council, August 20, 2007 , _ 1 .y,: ...,,,...so �:Ci eqtProject --- - --- --- i r__ SxY/ jtFeñod $80,000,000 „--... ,,, „_-- ---- '� t ;.,0,,,,,,,,,, /,.. $60,000,000 �� :. `. K $40,000,000 v Unfunded $20,000,000 / Funded 0 Funded $64,462,801 El Unfunded $56,966,034 Total : $121 ,428,835 2OO8- 01q01IP Council, August 20, 2007 ra (49 ; , Funding Soures • Vehicle Fuel Tax 1 • Business License Fee 1it 3 . , • Grants • Mitigation • Vehicle License Fee 2.008-2013 TIP 11 Council, August 20, 2007 Funding sources 6-Year Total Revenues = $ 64,462,801 El Fund Balance (305 & 317) ❑ Incoming Revenues $3,071,374 f+/�j•'R $2,500,000 $11,400,000 $3,650,000 $4,800,000 ❑ Business License Fee - • Gas Fuel Tax $61,391,427 ■ Mitigation Fees ❑ Grants/Other ■ Vehicle License Fee $39,041,427 2008-2013 TIP 12 Council, August 20, 2007 � a ' O 'C ' ..0 ,. t,..,,,,,,_,, \ i' \ 200612007 Grants Ad • US Dept of Commerce — EDA - South Lake Washington $ 2,054,314 • State Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety - Rainier Ave $ 230,000 i • TIB UAP - Rainier (R-O-W/Constr.) $ 1 ,906,200 • WSDOT Mobility - Strander Blvd. $ 2,500,000 (out of a $5,500,000 grant for Sound Transit Station) TOTAL GRANTS $ 6, 690, 514 2008-2013 TIP 13 Council, August 20, 2007 s itnersh i Js WISDOT SR 169 HOV Queue Jump Phase 2 1-405 Corridor Program Sound! Transit Rainier Ave Project - $14.9 M SW 27th/Strander Project - $4 M King County Duvall Avenue - $ 6 M Benson Rd S/S 31st St 2008:-2013 TIP` 14 Council, August 20, 2007 0,, 2007 Biggest construction yContinues J � �ear ever! 2000 2007 : • South Lake Washington Roadway Improvements - $25 M • Rainier/Hardie Railroad bridge rebuild - $9 M 2008 : • SW 27th St/Strander Blvd, Phase 1 , Segment 2a, railroad track relocation - $18 M • SR 169 Improvements at 1-405 - $10 M • Duvall Ave Widening - $8 M 2008-2013 TIP 15 Council, August 20, 2007 " -'- - -.. ''' 1,-7 fiNit..V.4.4t.A.741,4*,.;r4,44111190 /C)>'. . 'N ,'"'.'• ,,,,',-- 1 ' - , ,........ i . . • t.. -,. :---- -%z-1 ,...... 42 11 ,,,,......, ..'...'. \,;(>-..___, ,--.-t-,,-,;:" ,,,..,• . . 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'-:- ,,,-„,'-.'-.I-.:.;--.., -''.- :•- -', ::•. - -,.'.-- -.-1:.:.:',--.,:e.::,---,-;:„:'',.:- ..: .., , •:,-,. ..,,:‘..4.4,i,',.4...,!,.L.N.i.,„..;.........,,..,.-;f:, ,.,.,,..,:!k-,..;.,-.,„.. v„,--;--,, •.:-.-„-...—.:.,„:. ..‘2,2-,.. .....,.„......".......,....—„,.. ,:,.......,,,,,---,,-.-.--....-...::::...,=...;,,,...„,„,,.,,,,:,.-..-1,....::,„-..,... :.:-.,.. :......... .. ::.:...--„.:-.,.. .,::.:” --”,-.. S CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 20th day of August, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Annual update to the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP 2008-2013) All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published: Renton Reporter August 11, 2007 Account No. 50640 August 6,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 268 Human Services: Summer Human Services Division requested authorization to amend the 2007 Budget to Lunch&Housing Repair appropriate$37,734 from the General Fund for the Summer Lunch and Housing Assistance Programs,Budget Repair Assistance programs,which are funded by grant revenues. Council Amend concur. (See page 272 for ordinance.) Fire: Zone 3 Special Fire Department recommended approval of the Zone 3 Special Operations Operations Interlocal interlocal agreement with five other South King County fire departments for the Agreement sharing of special operations resources. Council concur. (See page 271 for resolution.) Transportation: 2008-2013 TIP Transportation Systems Division submitted the annual update of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP) and Arterial Street Plan. Refer to T ' Transportation(Aviation) Committee; set public hearing on 8/20/2007 to consider the TIP. Utility: Upper Springbrook Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a grant agreement with Creek Restoration, King King Conservation District Number 9 to accept$50,000 for the Upper Conservation District Number Springbrook Creek Restoration project, and approval to amend the 2007 Budget 9, Budget Amend to add funds to the Surface Water revenue and expenditure accounts. Council concur. (See page 271 for resolution and 272 for ordinance.) MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEMS 6.e. AND 6.f. FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Transportation Systems Division recommended approval to accept a$149,646 Item 6.e. Federal Aviation Administration grant for the design of the 2008 airport runway Airport: 2008 Runway Paving paving project. Design, FAA Grant Separate Consideration Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a contract in the Item 6.f. amount of$149,646 with URS Corporation for engineering and design of the Airport: 2008 Runway Paving 2008 airport runway paving project. Design, URS Corporation MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE ITEMS 6.e. AND 6.f. CARRIED. (See page 272 for FAA grant resolution.) CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Keolker noted that the correspondence was read by the submitter, Kevie Citizen Comment: Russell- Russell, during Audience Comment. Index PINE,A&D Quality . Construction Company, VAC- 07-001 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS Council President Nelson presented a Committee of the Whole report regarding Committee of the Whole the Council policies. The Committee recommended that.Council adopt the Council: Policies revisions to the 800 series of the City of Renton policies and procedures. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Councilmember Clawson objected to the change to policy#800-12, Contracting Authority, pertaining to the contract approval amounts. He explained that according to State law, the Administration can go forward with public works contracts under$30,000 for a single craft or trade and under$50,000 for a multiple craft or trade, and with non-public works contracts under$50,000. Contracts over those amounts require Council approval. Mr. Clawson indicated CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AI#: Submitting Data: Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. For Agenda of: Dept/Div/Board.. Transportation Systems Division August 6, 2007 Staff Contact Juliana Fries, Transportation Program Agenda Status: Development Coordinator, ext. 7232 Consent Subject: Public Hearing X Correspondence 2008-2013 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Ordinance (TIP) and Arterial Street Plan Update Resolution X Old Business Exhibits: New Business X Issue Paper Study Sessions 2008-2013 Six-Year TIP Information 2008 Arterial Street Plan Other Resolution Interlocal Recommended Action: Approvals: 1. Refer to Transportation Committee Legal Dept X 2. Set Public Hearing date of August 20, 2007 Finance Dept....... X Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required N/A Transfer/Amendment Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated Summary of Action: The City is required by law to annually review the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and adopt the update by resolution. In conjunction with this, the Arterial Street Plan is also updated. Staff Recommendations: 1. Set August 20, 2007, as the public hearing on the 2008-2013 TIP. 2. Approve the annual updates to the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP 2008-2013). 3. Approve the 2008 Arterial Street Plan. 4. Present the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. C:\DOCUME-I\MNeumann\LOCALS—I\Temp\2008 TIP agenda bill.doc `c-s1 O PLANNING/BUILDING/ + PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • MEMORANDUM DATE: August 6, 2007 TO: Toni Nelson, Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA: J-' Kathy Keolker, Mayor FROM: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Juliana Fries, Transportation Program Development Coordinator, x7232 SUBJECT: 2008-2013 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Arterial Street Plan Update ISSUE: Should Council approve the annual updates to the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP) and adopt the resolution accepting the 2008-2013 Six-Year TIP? RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve the annual updates to the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP 2008-2013). 2. Approve the 2008 Arterial Street Plan. 3. Set August 20, 2007, as the public hearing on the 2008-2013 TIP. 4. Staff further recommends that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. BACKGROUND: The City is required by law to annually review and update the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP) and formally adopts it by resolution. • The draft TIP is presented to the Council and referred to the Transportation Committee for review in advance of the public hearing. In addition to the projected revenues and expenditures for the future six years, the TIP also includes current-year project allocations and past project expenditures. The City Council adopted the previous Six-Year TIP—2007 through 2012, on September 25, 2006, as a planning document for the next six years. It was distributed to the Puget Toni Nelson,Council Pre at Members of the Renton City Council August 6,2007 Page 2 of 2 Sound Regional Council, the Washington State Depai tuient of Transportation, King County Department of Transportation, the Association of Washington Cities, Puget Sound Energy, surrounding local agencies, the library, and to internal departments. Ultimately, all projects in the TIP are presented to Council for review and approval, collectively during the budget process, and again individually when approval is requested for design and construction contracts. cc: Peter Hahn,Deputy PBPW Administrator—Transportation Jim Seitz,Transportation Planning and Programming Supervisor Juliana Fries,Transportation Program Development Coordinator Nenita Ching,PBPW Administrative Analyst Bang Parkinson,FIS/IS Supervisor Connie Brundage,Transportation Administrative Secretary Project File H:\Divisions\Transp\Planning\Juliana\TIPs\2008\IP 2008 TIP_2.doc rY potek, Ika, 0 \k) t6 Six-Year - .2vrvo Transportation Planning/Building/ Improvement Public Works Department Program Transportation Systems 2008 through 2013 Division Hearing: August 20, 2007 Adopted: , 2007 Resolution: Copy on file at the City Clerk's office. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, UPDATING THE CITY'S SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2008-2013. WHEREAS, the City of Renton has heretofore adopted a "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" pursuant to RCW 35.77.010, and the plan and program having been amended and modified from time to time as authorized by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department, held a public hearing on August 20, 2007, after notice to the public as provided by law for the purpose of considering adoption, modification, and amendments of the plan and program; and WHEREAS, at the public hearing held on August 20, 2007, due consideration was given to the proposed changes and amendments for the purpose of updating the plan and program; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION L The City's "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City's "Arterial Street Plan" are hereby further amended and modified, all as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibits "A," "B" and "C" incorporated herein as if fully set forth. SECTION II. The plan and program, as evidenced by said Exhibits, shall be and constitute the City's "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City's "Arterial StreetPlan," and shall remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended, and modified as provided by law. 1 RESOLUTION NO. SECTION III. The Administrator of the Department of Planning/Building/Public Works and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to file this Resolution, together with the Exhibits, with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2007. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2007. Kathy Keolker, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES.12 8 9:07/24/07:ch 2 ..1 y,---lir3iumil . plil_i \/.........._....:_:._......:......:.:._..._....•.\., c,.. .... ..- a%` , II lad st 1 1};',/ AlE7w A "� :%.,xrna R ::27...:•;::........:SISS:-..::-.:T.: :.....::...7A k,niTh -•\ Vt.:S.:SS:7::...:-.1..-..:.*::•.2.:":"-....... ..- ir mil - ,1,,,q, '_l 2C-j ...B.ft. AMU SI 1 v .-..'_:'...'... ..� Qin s ". .-..-.... -•- •- f - - .SE � II IbU' . A �(l yp��-7 A 1 l f A y a W - min sl 0 � f' LI \-d .......-... ........ ... i N /Air =g9 b e \ , ...• ..-.-....- v y , .. . ... . 'i`'. R Beti7 [FA %lilt o . :1500:::` 3000: .. .:/ if ,' % - a g 9.................. : • 4A M]L 51 "� ek ` • • \' :::'.:i:: :-.:=:=::-. ''_:::.'.::-:=:-i:-::-:_":-:: :-....-..:::::::.-_'_--7 = I _ f"- - s,9sa._ ,Ism - ]l N's'' _.. . .--.. .77 . -. . .. .-- _ \1 �H26 A • \ IN,, Il A IS . a* ::: ... m 11� _ I1 z1----. �I� R� A.a a Ali., ��yly1 yyyy I� 4 ) •�w,w.wwv��� �LL W��ol a \ ...... ....... °t I. 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NOW.Av.5 sm andto.ta t 4th 6l _/ '.'` W T A xo-d R l 69. �lumett Ake..S Irom 5 Ennd 6t.to S]l 5! 1 - - 70. Monster Road SW horn 0011,7Oakeedale Ave,SW to SW 10th SL 71. SW 16th St.horn East Valley Road le 5W Ave,SW 72. East Valley Rood from SW 16th SL to SW 43rd St CITY O F RENTON 73. Tardle Rood s/s 31st SL from SR-515 la.oath Gly(mite 74. SW 41st St.from East\Miley Road to Oakesdale Aw.SW 75, SW 34th S1,from Ea.Volley Road to Oakeedale Aso.SW 76. Nordle Ave.SW from SW Suneat BIM,to Ralnler Ave.5 77. Lake Wash BIM.N from N Park O.to FM405 78. Pork Am.NM 40m St.from N 30th St.to Lake Woe.BM.N 79. Burnett Ave.N from N 30th St.to Lake Wmh,Blvd.N BO. Duvall Avenue NE from NE 4th to south City limits BI, ',1:or1w n Me NE from NE 4th Sl!a NE Sunset BIM 83. Union A a NE hon NE 4th Sl to south City limits 93. Unlet t S NE from el City limits is south GI limits 84, NE Otel at room weal N to to soot Avelimits 8A N 10th SI from Logan AveAw N b Garden w N ARTERIAL. sTREETs Efk9dATJI.PriecuMLBllndd 86. SW 27th SL/Strondn BIM.from East Vasey Ra near St1B7 to Wept Valley Rd(SR181) • c,S Y O,, Technical Services ♦ 4. Planning/Buiding/Public Works D.Visnesld 'PA, D. July 17,2007