HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 Correspondence CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3067 A RESOLUTION OF THECITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, UPDATING THE CITY' S SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1995-2000. WHEREAS, the City of Renton has heretofore adopted a "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" pursuant to Chapter 7, Extraordinary Session Laws of the State of Washington, and Chapter . 195 of the 1961 Session Laws of the State of Washington, and as same has heretofore been amended from time to time, and such plan and program having heretofore been duly amended and modified from time to time as authorized by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after recommendation of its Planning/Building/Public Works Department, caused to be held a public hearing thereon. on June 20, 1994, and after notice to the public as provided by law for the purpose of considering adoption, modification, and amendments of said plan and program; and WHEREAS, at such public hearing held on June 20, 1994, due consideration was given to the proposed changes and amendments for the purpose of updating such plan and program. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY' OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The City ' s "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" andthe City' s "Arterial Street Plan" are hereby further amended and modified, all as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibits "A, " "B, " "C, " and "D" incorporated herein as if fully set forth. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3067 SECTION. II.- The aforestated plan and program, as evidenced by . said Exhibits, shall be and constitute the City' s "Six-Year 'Transportation Improvement Program" and the City' s "Arterial Street Plan, " and same to remain in full force and effect until further .revised, amended, and modified as. provided. by law. SECTION III . The Director of the Department of Planning/Building/Public Works and the City Clerk are hereby . . authorized and directed to file this Resolution, together with the Exhibits, with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 20th day of June • 1994 . ,..ii �, , . Marilyn $ .etersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 20th day of June , 1994 . `��'I'� Ear Clymer, Mayo Gam, N . ' Approved s to form: (...2(6111C7 Clti.tfr14"(54424'71)2't----- Lawrence J. War n, ' City Attorney RES. 387 : 6/14/94 :as . 2 . r RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 20, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE; Council President; BOB EDWARDS, TIM COUNCILMEMBERS SCHLITZER, TONI NELSON, JESSE TANNER, RANDY CORMAN, KATHY.KEOLKER-WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Coordinator; NEIL WATTS, Plan Review Supervisor; MEL WILSON, Transportation Systems Director; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance & Information Services Administrator; PAULA HENDERSON, Senior Budget & Financial Analyst; CAROLYN SUNDVALL, Housing & Human Services Manager; MIKE KATTERMANN, Planning Director; LEE HARO, Program Development Coordinator; LIEUTENANT ROB SOFIE, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JUNE 13, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Transportation: 1995-2000 in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public Six-Year Transportation hearing to consider the 1995-2000 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Improvement Plan (TIP) & Program (TIP) and 1994 budget adjustments for transportation improvement 1994 Budget Amendments f projects. Lee Haro, Transportation Systems Program Development Coordinator, provided a brief overview of the annual update of the City's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Mr. Haro explained that the TIP, a multi-year work and funding plan for the City's transportation improvements, is mandated by State law and must be updated each year. The TIP is reviewed by a citizens' transportation advisory committee as well as by staff from all City departments. Mr. Haro explained that TIP decisions are based primarily on the goals contained in the City's Mission Statement, which calls for healthy work and residential environments. He reviewed the five TIP program categories, which attempt to respond to the following priorities: preservation of the existing infrastructure; neighborhood protection and livability (projects include Park Ave. N. and Houser Way N.); projects serving multi-modal and transportation demand management (TDM) purposes.(transit and HOV lane improvements, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities); promotion of economic growth and new development (particularly in the Central Business District and the Valley commercial industrial area); and operations and safety concerns (including intersection improvements and other traffic engineering concerns such as improving the City's computer and electronic transportation systems). Each TIP project responds to at least one of these goals. Referring to a table summarizing each project's financial status, Mr. Haro said the total amount funded for each project includes previously budgeted City • June 20, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pane 236 funds, approved grants, and projectable funding sources such as business license fee, vehicle license fee and gas tax revenues. He noted the City's success in obtaining grants for such projects as the Lake Washington Boulevard bridge at May Creek, street overlays for high priority arterials, the reconstruction of North 8th Street, and the Monster Road Bridge. - Mr. Haro explained the proposed 1994 budget amendments for transportation projects, noting these reflect mainly adjustments between accounts. No new funds are requested or projected with the exception of grant funds, for which a net gain of $361,550 is expected this year over the previously budgeted amount. Responding to Council President Stredicke, Mr. Haro said 85% of the City's i $1.7 million in revenues from business license fees are spent for transportation improvements. - Audience comment was invited. Seeing no one wished to address Council on this issue, it was MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. t MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL PRESENT FOR READING AND ADOPTION THE RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 1995-2000 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1 AND THE ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR 1994 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS. CARRIED. Resolution #3067 A resolution was read adopting the City's Six-Year 1995-2000 Transportation Transportation: 1995-2000 Improvement Program (TIP). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY Six-Year Transportation CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. Improvement Program l CARRIED. (TIP) Transportation: 1994 An ordinance was read providing for 1994 budget amendments for Budget Amendments for transportation improvement projects in the amount of $702,350, bringing the Transportation total amended TIP budget to $15,818,222. MOVED BY EDWARDS, Improvement Projects SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #4453 Following second and final reading of the aforesaid ordinance, it was MOVED Transportation: 1994 BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Budget Amendments for ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Transportation Improvement Projects AUDIENCE COMMENT Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057, expressed concern regarding the Citizen Comment: Vaupel proposed lease assignment to Puget Sound Helicopters at the airport. On - Changes to CA Zone another subject, Mrs. Vaupel said the proposed changes to the Arterial Commercial (CA) zone that would add two uses, Light Manufacturing and Auto Body Shops, would impact the north. Renton residential area. She objected to ongoing revisions to the CA zone, particularly those with potential detrimental effects to north Renton residents, and suggested that this process be resolved. CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 20th of June, 1994, at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Court Chambers, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, as the date and time to consider the 1995-2000 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program and associated budget adjustments. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval, disapproval, or opinions on this matter. Interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon Apr'. notice. Call City Clerk's office at 235-2501 for information. ir..:�:�L�-alb arilyn jl -rsen City Cler fr DATE OF PUBLICATION:. June 10, 1994 Valley Daily News Acct. No. 50640 • . ... fp . • _ ... , . . . . • WORKSHEET TO i.,!11 OF RENTON 1994 TIP BUDGET ADJ(i6IMENT ORDINANCE . ' : • . , . . . . . . . . • . . . " . IngiiiiiningigigitniMinidliiiMENEMERNEMadiakig 1a94 New 1)0010140 MiiiiiiiiiigniniNSIONEM ENERNMEM:-.MMINME;;;E MA5ik Budget Adjustment RAcikP.:04.0f.m FUND 317-CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND-REVENUES: . . , •., Beginning Fund Balance . • • C ' 317 000 00 308 00 00 00 5,518,247.86 5,518,247.86 Business License Fee . 317 000 00 321 90 00 00 ' 1,443,960.49 •1,443,960.49. . . Oakesdale/16-31st/Mitigation • 317 022 00 318 70 00 00 0.00 0.00 .. • Houser Reloc/Sunset/N 8/Mitigation , 317 . 025 00 318 70 00. 00 0.00 ' •. 0.00 . . Oakesdale/Monster/SR 900/Mitig 317 12116 00 318 70 00 00 0.00 • . 0.00 Monster rd.Bridge/Mitig' • 317 12117 00 318 70 00 00 0.00 . • 0.00 1405/SR 515/Mitigation 317 12125 00 318 70 09 00 - 0.00 ' 0.00 Park Ave N/Bronson-N 10th/TIB • 317 008 00 334 03 80 00 3,064,754.13 84,800.00 3,149554.13 • Oakesdale Ave SW/SW 27-SW16/T1A 317 022 00 336 00 88 00 0.00 0.00 . , • Oakesdale Ave SW/SW 27-SW16/TIB/TIA 317 022 00 334 03 80 00 • 353,303.21 353,303.21 Park Ave./Bronson/EDA 317 008 00 333 11 30 00 460,000.00 - 460,000.00 Park Ave/Lk Wa Blvd/EDA . . 317 12081 '00 333 11 30 00 - 860,000.00 860,000.00 Houser/ISTEA ' 317 025- 00 333 20 20 00 784,595.00 • 784,595.00 •' SW 43RD Loop Ramp Desig/FAUS . • 317 028 00 333; 20 20 00 5,093.19 " • 5,093.19 • Metro High Capacity Transit •• ' 317 029 00 337 07 00 24 50,000.00 . • . 50,000.00 • ' . - Ramp Metering Study/WSDOT • 317 029 00 334 03 60 0.0 14,921.00 14,921.00 . . . SR 900/Houser NBASTEA .317 • 032. 00 333 20 20 00 ' 130,560.00 • 130,560.00 '. ''.` ' • ' Si2 900/Houser NB/T1p/TIA . ' 317.' 032- 00 334 03 80 00 302,300110 . , - • • 502;502.00 .. - ,••*:.. - ..5 2nd ST Sig/Safety/FAUS - - •317 058 00 333 '20, 20 , 00 '. 125,000.00 • ,1,000.00 126,000.00 ' • , •• . . . . , Street Overlay Program, •' . • . 317 12108 00 333 20 20. . 00 • 306,000.00 306,000.00 • Transit Program/ISTEA -, ..r,. ' 317 :12109''po 333. 20 20 00 ' 80,000.00 . (80,000.00) : :.-: 0.00 .,-,•...,,l'1,.',,.-.... .•,': • Intra-city IntermodS1 Trans:Program:'.•;.::'..• • '31/ 12153 00 333, 29 20'. 00 . ' ••80,000.00 -. - 80,000.00 . •--•;'-',..'-,.,:''''-''•; . .. _. _ . . . . . , .. - ..- S:2nd DRA donation,parking strips' ' '' .'' ' 517 '12111" 00 367',60• 00 50 • 10,000.00 ' ; •- . 1. !' - ... • .• 10,000.00 • - .• . • Opr Trf-In-ArterialStr/Ocrerlay Prg....;", • , • '317:12108:, 00 ';397•''Oci• 00 . - 50 .• '370,500.00 - .--. -. .--, 570,500.00' ..."-:..- *,... ..,, . ., Eironson/Houser/Sunse•t/TIB:',.,?..,•:.-,',,•,,:•:;.;,.: .,-: ,, ,317,. 12114... 00 334 03 80... 00 .,,.-,- ...,-0:00 ., ,,,, ,,. • ... 0.00 ...2,,,.,.;.„'..,.i.•;,,,,,;;,,,I,i-.,:.....„!..., .•,',.',:.:;,;;;',:`;..:..!:.,.;,-..;.,! eronson/HoesertoAunset/TIB/UATA,r---•T':,•••.i;"[I'::',. li.,:..,12.ia '' 00; 334d.,0:,;;56... : 00,.' -•.52,400:06s.0,06. :-...:;,:/.-.9?;,499.9() : 5 ; '.11,- -/-:::,....,,,,' .•-_..',,::‘-,:.-7.;.„-, •',......,..F.f Commute TriplkeduCtion/FAUS,,,i:-,.:1..--, :-,?•. ,;:.:',,s: ,;:,31.4,-::(i(*... 00 ,,34k:-.,,#).::20::::•;.`;;139 i:.'2. .[29,09099 . : -;,Tr:1-::-,Yr:-',..:; ,y',--i':;'...0,6000,',.:,,i-•,:;;---.-:. 5,,,::•:r;E:',..::'::;,::: i:*•ifi:Ini .9i-idg6.Fi6pi •-e•nieriii6d Aii.H,-.:•,; .•:...2. 317 12147 00 ,355 ..26-:... ci. ..00 ,.:-' ,;.25;565.60 :;-.,:::.?"*.: 28,800.00 ..,.,'-:::/:!:': ,', bikedale/Moniter/S12 900/King Co-. ..,.:-....,.,,,,-.,,..: . . 317.,:r12116,. 00 338 95:': 00 '' 00 :..-.,' 0:00: '.'•-:••::;.-‘' '- '.. " , ".-I 0.60 Lake Wa pike/pedestrian Path/ISTE/V2.";-•/';'' • ,r, „ 317'.12121 -00 333 ,20 20 . • 00 ,•••146,009.00 . ......,(29,200.00) ,; 116,800.90 ' -.. .••;".'i•:•: Monster Rd.Brdg/SWIBS(not FAUS)'''•-'; '.''' •1;• :317 :12117 :00 333..26. 20." ' 00 ', ,•'56,600.60. 124;006.06 - .150,000.00 j ..''. * . TalbOyFA US/ISTEA '•_,•_.; • ,''''!"..• • '. .317•.:12126 00 333..20 20' -00 325,808.00 .. :.• .-- . ''• .• .325,808.60-' •'•:-••'',..:' • . TDM/CTR 1994A995/K Cty ' ' .:. • 317, 12135 00 .337 07 00 •••1 23 . 46,829.00 • - ' •,.. ' . 46,829.00 . . ., Main/5th to Bronson - , ' 317 12158 00 334 03 80 00' .'0.00 . - • 0.00 , N 3rd Sunset Monterey/TIB - 317 12154 .00 334 03 80 ' 00 148,800.00 ' - 148,800.00 • .. • ,,. . . Rainier/Airport Resurfacing/ISTEA. 317 12157 00 333 _29 20 00 • . 129,250.00 • 129,250.00 Arterial HOV Project Development/ISTEA' ' • 317 .12160 00 333 '20 20 00 . . 86,500.00 86,500.00 ii:1'44(. .:0?444.460 104fr0) :6ifiiii4!i04100iMMENMiignininiMNiniS M14,407,87.1,88M ,.7..q.4g9W M.g.:0.1.9:i.?.?:1.::§.P... • ' - • . . . , . . . • ' ' - . • • . . . . . . . . . • . , ' ' , . .. ' • . . . . . . . , . . . ., . . . . , . , • .. . • , . . • • . . , .. • . . _ . . . . .. . .. . .. • .•. . ' . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' " . . , ' • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . , • • . . ' . . . . - ' • . . . . . . . . . • , . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . • ' . „ . , , . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . „ . . . . . . : . • . . • . . . . . . . . . _ . . • . . . . , . . ' . . .. . • . .. • . . .. .. . „... ,.. , . , . •. • . . -• , :- • . . . • " - - , .... -- . . . ... ._ . , . .,,. • ., ..,, ., . , . -.,. . .... . .. .... „ •-•• '':, .. . . . . . . . . . ., . • • • , . . , • , '•.., -. • . . . • • , . .. . . . . . . ' • . . . . . - ' C:1 Budget194BudWidffrIPWrkstXls ' - '. ' • . • . Page 1 . . . • - ' 6/20/94 • . . . , , . • , . . . . , . ' . • ' K. ,�c WORKSHEET TO ell i OF RENTON 1994 TIP BUDGET ADJU'0'I-HENT ORDINANCE NewX94 • :::::;:::;ad':B'lid"et:> :>:>i4cl`Ustiriaitl?::....... .B. D.eSCtt..Ioli::::::::::::::::.:::::::•;:;::•;;:•;:..:.::.:::::::::::..:::.,,.:...:.:.::::::::::.. :::.�::::::::::.: .::- ::::j.::: •:J.::.:::: :. J.. :. . ::::.:::.J.:.:: :9. ->:.;:.. • . FUND 317-CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND-EXPENDITURES: - ' Arbitrage Expense 317 000 05 592 98 89 06 12,107.73 12,107.73 Park AveBronson Wy N/Reconstr 317 008 16 595 00 67 00 4,359,089.61 84,800.00 4,443,889.61 Walkway Program • 317 009 16 595 00• 67 00 . 234,037.99 234,037.99 • •, 1405/SR 515317 ' 010 16 595 00 67 00 0.00 • . 0.00 • South County TBD 317 011 16 595 94 41 145 35;721.20 35,721.20 ' SW 16th Bridge 317 015 16 595 00 67 00 12,820.01 12,820.01 ' Traffic Signal Loop Replacement 317 016 16 595 00 67 417 65,448.26 65,448.26 • 1-405 Consultant 317 017 16 595. 92 41. 139 11,595.40 11,595.40 . Fuel Tank Secondary Containment 317 018 16 595 00 67 00 8,467.74 (8,467.74) 0.00 Oakesdale Ave SW/31st to 16th 317 022 16 595 00 67 00 350,268.63 - 350,268.63 Houser Way Relocated 317 025 16 595 00 67 00 683,598.16 1,132,300.00 1,815,898.16 SW 43rd St Loop Ramp Design 317 028 16 595 00 67 00 11,996.41 • 11,996.41 .. Arterial Circulation Study Improv • 317 029 16 595 00 67 00 1,260,005.25 (900,000.00) 360,005.25 SR 900 HOV Houser Interchange 317 032 16 595 00 67 00 90,560.00 673,590.37 764,150.37 SR 900 HOV Houser Interchange 317. 032 16 595 94 41 161 569,216.37 (569,216.37) 0.00 SR 169 Channelization , • 317 033 16 595 00 67 • 00 34,434.23 ' (34,250.68) 183.55 N 3rd Street •317 044 16 595 00 67 00 17,441.32 • . • - 17,441.32 •• ' NE 44th Signals 317 054 16 595 00 67 ' 00 6,000.00 ' Sidewalk Repair/Replacement Prg • 317' 056 16 595• 00 '67 00 . 32,838.80 32,838.80 S 2nd St Signal/Safety Project • 317 058 16 595 00 67 00 ' 138,531.71 . 1,000.00 - • 139,531.71 VMS Signal Computer Imply . • 317- 061 16. 595 00' 67 • 00 •' ..336.39' • . (336.39) 0.00 '-. • Repave SR515/Puget to SR900 .317 065 16 595- 00 67 , 00 11,590.96 .11,590.96 . ,' • , • • Mill Ave S Rebid W/I-405 HON/. 317. 070 16 595. 00' 67 00 328,856.39 328,856.39 - Oakesdale Ave SW/Grdy-SW 16th• •. • 317. 074 16 595 00 67 31 20,298.50 • 20,298.50 • S 192nd SUSR167/SR515' .. 317• 075 16 . 595. 00. 67 - •. '32 - 14;486,36 •• 14,486.36. : ;:•..:,:;i :=z' .> _•::•,• RamierAve Lgting Cabinets ;' :'•; i;.':. -• .! .317:...088 16' 595:'00:',67. 00 17;000.00 (17,000.00) 0.00' •:•:;:_'.•;;1::: f:.:.,, Light Pole Replacement•... . - -..3172:.,091 16..-,595,' 00,..67-.. 430 : 55,049.43 55,049.43' '-'.••:•..-: -. May.Creek lnterohange/l-405•- '..:-..'...:;: 317,- '103 •16-":-595• .00 .67'.••2''20 '.•.:-:i,•• 2,000.00 • (2,000.00) • : 0.00• :,.1'',3::::,:.,q0,:,42.-"::1-•• Bridge In :spection&Repair, 317'• 106 16 `_595 00' 67' ',23 :.`I., . 181,742.00 :,. 181,742.00 Maple Valley Wye~ 317 , 178 16 .595 00 67- 00 1,538.90 • . • (1,538.90) . '' -. Park/LK WA Blvd Intersection ' 317 12081 16 595• 00 •67: 00 963,392.16• . • •.963,392.16 .` , ' 4th Blv/Logan-Montery Dr Study, -.' 317 :12083 16 595 00 67: •00 74,502.13 74,502.13 - :. • -Missing Links Program • 317 12106 16 595 00 67 00 • - 268,818.23 (200,000.00) • 68,818.23 TBZ Planning Studies . 317 12107 16 595 94 41 '162 ' • 112,486.69 • ,112,486.69 . Street Overlay Program . 317 12108 16 '595 00 67 00 625,889.24 356,000.00 981,889.24 Transit Program'• 317 12109 16 595 00. 67 00 416,698.67 (80,000.00) - 336,698.67 Neighborhd ImprvmtBeautifica • 317 12110 16 595 00 67 00 70,000.00 (70,000.00) 0.00 • CBD Transportation Study • 317 12111 16 595 00 67 00 310,361.40 310,361.40 . City Gateways Program 317 .12112 16 595 00 67 00 53,241.64 53,241.64 - Traffic Sign Replacement Prog 317 12113 16 595 00. 67 00 25,906.84 25,906.84 • Bronson/HouserPhase 1 317 12114 16 595 00 67 00 109,022.57 109,022.57 Misc Traffic Safety Programs 317 12115 16 . 595 00 67 00 262,236.34 (50,000.00) 212,236.34' Oakesdale.Ave SW/Mnstr Rd-SR900 ' 317 12116 16 595 00 67 00 109,354.47 (50,000.00) '59,354.47 Monster Road Bridge 317. 12117 16 595 00 67 00 148,672.78 124,000.00 .272,672.78 S Grady Wy/RainierAve S Dev . • -317 12118 16 595 00 67 00 30,000.00 • 30,000.00 • . LK WA Blvd/Ped/Bike Path. 317 12121 16 595 00 67 • 00 •181,074.76 (29,200.00) 151,874.76 - Monroe Ave NE/SR169.to Sunset 317 12122 .16 595 00 67 00 100,000.00 (100,000.00) 0.00 Talbot Rd/43rd to City Lnits - 317 12126 16 595 00 67 00 537,186.01 537,186.01 . Transp Demand Mgt Program 317 12135 16 595 00 67 : .00 169,132.49 . - 169,132.49, SR167/SW 27th NOV, 317 12138 16 595-00 •67 • 00 " 462,952.61 462,952.61, N Renton Transit 317 12139 16 595 00''67 00 •: 1,128.75 • (1,128.75) ' 0.00 - Interagency Signal Coord 317 •12140 16 •595 00„,67 00 • • -40,981.84 . ; 40,981.84. . Burlington No.Railroad Grossing 317 12142 16 595 00 67 00 9,474.26 . 9,474.26 v - ' Windsor Hills Rehab 317•12144 16 595• 00- 67 00 .. 37,891:17 _ 37,891.17 ' - C:tBudget194BudiMidyATIPWrkstXls . • ,Page 2 _ . ' 6/20194 - .-- , • . • . . • . • WORKSHEET TQuilY OF RENTON 1994 TIP BUDGET ADJUSTMENT ORDINANCE . . . - agiiiiiniiilr Einiiiintigniiiiii!i!::g.Naif§ailigi!!! .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................,.._,......... poitrojoii:iiiii:.ggg:i:i:iniiiimigiiiiiip:iiimppiiippiiim.gi-...,.:Ei:]:miiii:.§,ii,:.ii,i:i§i.ii.,siii-e::§iiii,ii,i:iiii,i,,.,:,:,i,i,,.§:-:,:i:::iiiiiii,i,-,i§!;,:,i,i,i:,,A4potogov,,,:,,,,,,§Aolottfjojj.tm.,,,-;,,,Agjapo§opim - - . . .FUND 317 -CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND-EXPENDITURES(Continued)• Proj.Dev.Predesign • 317 12145 16 595- 00 67 00 0.00 . 0.00 • . . . WSDOT Coordination . 317 12146'•16 595 00. 67 • 00 . 47,953.42 ' . . 47,953.42 LK WA Blvd Bridge/May Creek 317 12147. 16 595 00 67 • 00 111,262.34 11,440.00 122,702.34 Project Devel&Pre-Design 317 12150 16 595 00 67 00 123,891.50 123,891.50 • . • • ' NE 3rd-Sunset N to Monterey NE 317 12154 16 -595 00 67 • 00 . 384,311.20 384,311.20 • . Bronson N-Houser Wy to Sunset .317 12155 16 595 00 67 00 :30,358.73 ' 50,000.00 80,358.73 . • Airport Wy/Rainier S Resurface . . 317 12157:16 595 00 67 00 38,984.39 129,250.00 168,234.39 Main Ave S-S 5th to Bronson Way 317 12158 16 595 00 67 00 98,484.39 • 98,484.39 Arterial HOV.Project Developmt 317 12160 16 595 00 •67 00 100,000.00 86,500.00 186,500.00 Valley Connections to West 317 12149 16 595 00 67 00 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 Traffic System Efficiency Improvements • 317 12162 16 595 00 67 00 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00. Intra-City Interniodal Trans.Program 317 12163 16 595 00 67 00 0.00 110,000.00 110,000.00 • • Oakesdale Ped/Bike Undercrossing 317 12164 .16 595 00 67 00 0.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 • N.8th St.Reconstruction '317 12165 16 595 00 67 00 0.00 43,000.00 43,000.00 Railroad Crossing Safety Improvements 317 12166 16 595 00 67 •00 • 0.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 • . ' Opr Trf/105/Grady Wy/Evrgm Ht 317 12116 16 597 40 55 B08 ' 735.82 735.82' . • . Ojir Trf/105/Grady Wy/Rvill Mgt 317 12116 16 .597 40 55 •B29 • 16,858.30 • 16,858.30 ' ' Op(Trf/105/Grady Wy/Blume Dist. 317 12116 16 597 40 55 B41 •147,241.90 ' ' • 147,241.90 •-, Opr Trf/105/Grady Wy/Blume II • 317 12116 16 597 40 55 :663 • 67,851.51 . , 67,851.51 • Total Expenditures , . 14,905,416.30 ,.. 830,741.54 . 15,736,157.84 . . Ending'Fund Balance. • '. 317 000 00 508 00 00 00 210,455.58 (128,391.54) , . 82,064.04 T:W•R'•. .j,;iig.P'IZ!.;Kf.490.05•O..lffgffiqf.f.f.'ON::M;;Rg;MRMER:i'iMgEMMERii':ini ;;;::?:;Migi.iggift:':-'i:::',:.i.ii.::.7.9.A0§9.',W':'.':.ii':--g.MINRiiiiiii:i:iii?:iii • : • . • . ! . , . . • • . . , . • . . • • . . • . . . . . , • . . . . . . . , . . .,. . . . . .. - . . . . • • . . - • ' • .... ._ . . . . ,.,. - - • . . . . • . • • _ _ . . _ •,. .. .- . . . . . . 1994 Adjust. • -•TIP Budg. • 1994 Ainrd.. •• '.. -' ';-•• - .. : . - . :. -- - ,.: ': • -.,‘'• •- :-• ' -' • Fund 317 Reconbillatien: •‘-•.•.' , ' •. ,.• •' Budget ,•,•.•• • .•Adjustments.'.' -TIP Budg4t,,,,.,'''''..:•?,...-• -,' . .' ,.•,'- •, .'.•''' ' . -' - .•• . • .•••.-:-.,••!,•'-. -! . - ,.' Beginning Fund Balance..-. . -. .-• - •-,• :' 8818,248'. . •-•.'. ,'0,-• - • .5818,248::•:•'..• ••••-• ,-•-:', . . , ,.. ,. . -• .'. Revenues ' •.. i •• .. • 9,597,624 . . ,: '702,30' ,- 10, 99,974••••.••:,-.':',..,`:',•,-.'-•••- ._ . . . . . . . . .. , . .„: • ...,• •.•:: • ' . ,. - . . . Total:' . . .. -' 15,115872. • ' ' 702,350 • •15818,222'•-;`"•••••- . •''„ ' ., . . • . , , . . • , , . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ Expenditures • '' 14805,416 830,742 • 15,736,158 : '• .. , . . . . . . .. . • - - • •Ending Fund Balance -. 210,456 (128,392) 82,064 . , • . . . '••• Total • • ' ' • 15,115,872 702,350 15,818,222 •• • . . , . . • ' . . .. . . . . , . ' . - • . , . . . . . . . • . . . . . , . . . . • . . . , . . . . .•• • . , • ' ' , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . ' . • ' . ' • • , , . . • , . . . .• . . . • . , , ' • . • . . . . . . • , • , . . , . • • • . • . . • . . . • . - . . • : . . . . . • • ' • . , . . . . . . . • . . • • . • . .. . - • - . , . . . ' • '. . . • • . . , , • ' , . . , . . • • . • . , . ' .. , ' • . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • - - ' • . .. . • . . • - . . . . , . . . . . - . . • . , . , . , . . . , . ' . • • .. . . . , • • . . . . . . • ' • .. . ' . . . . . . • ' -• • C:\Budget194BucAMidykr1PWrkstX1g Page 3 . . 6/20/94 • . • . . - CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/ BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: June 10, 1994 TO: Richard Stredicke, Chair Renton City Council Members FROM: Gregg Zimmerman VIA: Mayor STAFF CONTACT: Lee Haro, ext. 6217 • SUBJECT: Annual Update of Six-Year TIP & Associated Transportation CIP Budget Adjustments Per the Council Transportation Committee's request, we are submitting for your review the following materials relating to the annual update of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, which will be the subject of a public hearing at the Council meeting of Monday, June 20, 1994: In the bound set of documents: 1. A "Total Project Costs" spreadsheet that is color-coded to reflect the degree of relatively assured funding from both anticipated (and predictable) revenues and from existing grant agreements and mitigation sources. 2. A map and list, also color-coded to reflect funding level. (Note that projects and programs marked with an asterisk (*) on the list are city-wide rather than site-specific and are not shown on the map.) • 3. A spreadsheet summarizing the significant changes in regard to each project and program. ' This list references each project by this year's TIP number and by last year's number (except for new projects). 4. A series of spreadsheets summarizing project funding by year, type of funds and type of expenditure. 5. A set of 56 individual project worksheets that detail the description, justification, status, changes, financing and expense for each project and program. 6. A list of definitions of abbreviations and acronyms. Attached to the bound documents: Annual Update of Six-Year TII Page 2 June 10,1994 7. Two spreadsheets summarizing the proposed mid-year budget adjustments for all existing transportation capital improvement accounts. One list is sorted in the order of this year's TIP and one list is sorted by order of the Finance account number. The budget adjustment spreadsheets show that the plusses and minuses in the "Business License Fee" column and the "Vehicle License Fee & 1/2 Cent Gas Tax" column result in a net change of zero (existing funds are simply being adjusted between accounts.) Additional revenue, however, is shown in the "Grant Adjustment" column to reflect grant amounts that came in higher than the budgeted amount. Because of the need to respond to grant opportunities the mid-year budget adjustments are being requested to be adopted by ordinance concurrent with the adoption of the TIP, instead of waiting as in past years to formally adopt the ordinance along with the rest of the City's mid- year budget adjustments. If you have any questions concerning the attached materials please contact Lee Haro, Program Development Coordinator, at 277-6217. The City's Arterial Streets classification map, which is adopted as an Exhibit each year by the TIP resolution, is not attached because no changes are proposed from last year's map. If you need a copy of the map please contact Lee Haro. cc: Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Jesse Tanner Randy Corman . . WORKSHEET TO CITY OF RENTON 1994 TIP BUDGET ADJUSI wiENT ORDINANCE • . , . . . . ...................................... ........................................................... ................................................,.....:...:.....--:..........,...............................,„....„...........w.................-.........:.:..............-.-...........,::.......,-.............--.......,-....-........-.....,,,,:..:...:.,......,,,,.,...................:...,.., ............................................................ ......................... .............................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................... ii:...i01 046iiMigieigiNigingligliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiit ningiNNEHMENNENNENg laWCP0.4 ON E*140#50421i iffi'Mf:.iilgq:010VM FUND 317-CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND-REVENUES: Beginning Fund Balance 317 000 00 308 .00 00 00 5,518,247.86 5,518,247.86 Business License Fee . 317 000 00 321 90 00 00 1,443,960.49 1,443,960.49 ' Oakesdale/16-31st/Mitigation , 317 022 00 318 70 00 00 0.00 0.00 • Houser Reloc./Sunset/N 8/Mitigation 317 025 00 318 70 00 00 0.00 • 0.00 • . ,' . ' Oakesdale/Monster/SR 900/Mitig 317 12116 00 318 70 00 00 0.00 0.00 Monster rd.Bridge/Mitig • 317 12117 00 318 70 00 00 0.00 0.00 1405/SR 515/Mitigation 317 12125 00 318 70 00 00 - 0.00 0.00 . Park Ave N/Bronson-N 10thTTIB • 317 008 00 334 03 80 00 3,064,754.13 84,800.00 3,149,554.13 Oakesdale Ave SW/SW 27-SW16/T1A .317 • 022 00 336 00 88 00 0.00 0.00 . .. Oakesdale Ave SW/SW 27-SW16/TIB/TIA 317 022 00 334 03 80 00 353,303.21 353,303.21 Park Ave./Bronson/EDA . 317 008 00 333 11 30 00 460,000.00 • • 460,000.00 Park Ave/Lk Wa Blvd/EDA , 317 12081 00 333 11' 30 00 860,000.00 860,000.00 HousedISTEA 317 025 00 333 20 20 00 784,595.00 • 784,595.00 , SW 43RD Loop Ramp Desig/FAUS 317 028 00 -333 20 20 • 00 5,093.19 5,093.19 Metro High Capacity Transit ', - 317 029, 00 337 07 00 24 50,000.00 ' 50,000.00 • Ramp Metering Study/WSDOT '317 029 00 334 03 60 00 14,921.00 . 14,921.00 - SR 900/Houser NB/ISTEA . 317 032, 00 333 20 20 00 130,560.00 130,560.00 SR 900/Houser NB/TIBTTIA -317 ' 032 00 334 03 80 00 302,300.00 • . 302,300.00 . S 2nd ST Sig/Safety/FAUS • 317 058 00 333 20. 20 00 125,000.00 1,000.00 126,000.00 . . • Street Overlay Program. • • • 317 12108 00 333 20 20 . 00 306,000.00 306,000.00 Transit Prograrn/1STEA . 317 12109 130. 333 20 20 00 80,000.00 (80,000.00) 0.00 • :- Intra-city Intermodal Trans.Program 317 12163 00 333 20 20 - 00 - 80,000.00 • • 80,000.00 • . .. ' •• S:2nd DRA donation,parking strips • - • 317,12111' 00 367 00. 00 50 10,000.00 . lo,000.00 . . .. • .., -;., .. .. .' OpcTrf-In-Arterial Str/Overlay Prg • • 317 12108:.'00• 397 00 00 •' 50 370,500.00 . ' ' 370,500.00 • ".'=,,,•... ,•,'' 1 • Bronson/Houser/Sunset/TIB ••• . 317 :12114 00' 334 03 80 00 : •0.00 • . - • •0.00' • ':.,....'2,-'.i... •:. . ' Bronson/Houser to Sunset/TIB/UATA - • : - 317•12155. 00 334 '03 80 - 00 62400.013 : 0.00 •• 62,400.00 .. . . , ',-•.•••.." '• Commute Trip Reduction/FAUS • A 317 12135- 00 333 20 :2G - -00 20,000GO • - 20,00000 •, ' ' , . ,.„..- ... Lake Wa.Bndge Replacement/Fed Aid -. :.' .317• 12147 -00 33 20,-20 00 .,28,800.00 ' - . • • 28,800.G0 : • . . . •..' •. ', . Oakedale/Monster/SR 900/King Co. - - • 317-12116• 00 338 95 00. . 00 -..,0 0 .00. .. . . .. , • .00 • - _. . ,:' , - • .• Lake Wa Bike/Pedestrian Path/ISTEA• ' • 317 12121 00 '333 20. 20 , 00 -146,000.00 (29,200.00) . 116,800.00 . . . ' Monster Rd.Brdg/SWIBS-(noUFAUS) ' • • 317 12117 .00 333 20' 20 , ' 00 56,000.00 124,000.00 - . 180,000.00 • • Talbot/FAUS/ISTEA • • .317'.12126 00 333 '20 20 -00 325,808.00 • . • 325,808.00 . . .• • • • . TDWCTR 1994-1995/K Cty ' . 317 12135 00 :337 07 00 -• •23 •46,829.00 46,829.00 . . . . . Main/5th to Bronson . . ' 317 12158 00 .334 03 .80 '.00 . •0.00 ' 0.00 . . . . . • . N 3rd Sunset Monterey/TIB ..' • 317 12154 00 334 03 80 . 00• 148,800.00 148,800.00 • RainiedAirport Resurfacing/ISTEA , . 317 12157 00 333• 20 20 00 129,250.00 129,250.00 Arterial HOV Project Development/ISTEA • 317 .12160 00 333 20 20 00 . 86,500.00 •, 86,500.00 ............................. ::i,:il.:•4.:•i9.7?..§..7.•,t6aji :igiRq.Z•i3.5AG.G:ii!ii::0.5.i•S1.1:42.2:Ei.1.3.6. • ' . , . • . . . - ' . , . . ' . . . . , - . .. , ,• . ' . . . . • . . • . . - . . .. . . . . , . . . • • .. ' . ' . . , . . . . ' . . . . . . . , . . . . . • . ' . • . . . . .. ' • • ' • . . - . . . ' . - , ' • . • • • - , . . . . . . . . ' . . . ' . . • . . . . - • ,' • , . . . . . . . . . . .. • • . . . • . • ' . • . . , • i . . , .. . . . • - ' • • . • • . . • . . . . . . . . ' . . , . . • . , , . . . . - • " - . • . CABudge894Buc9.Midyi171PWrkstXls ' . • , . Page 1 • 8/20/94 • ' . • • . .. WORKSHEET TO CITY OF RENTON 1994 TIP BUDGET ADJUST rvicAIT ORDINANCE NN:e::4;s°94 "'A `:Bild'et��'.: ...A us01l2n..;;..... . • FUND 317-CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND-EXPENDITURES: • - Arbitrage Expense 317 000 05 592 98 89 06 12,107.7312,107.73 Park Ave/Bronson Wy N/Reconstr 317 008 16 595 00 67 00 4,359,089.61 84,800.00 4,443,889.61 Walkway Program • 317 009 16 595 00 67 00 . 234,037.99 234,037.99 1405/SR 515 317 • 010 16 595 00 67 00 0.00 . 0.00 South County TBD 317 011 16 595 94 41 145 35,721.20 35,721.20 SW 16th Bridge 317 015 16 595 00 67 00 12,820.01 12,820.01. • Traffic Signal Loop Replacement 317 016 16 595 00 67 417 65,448.26 65,448.26 I-405-Consultant 317 017 16 595. 92 41. 139 11,595.40 11,595.40 Fuel Tank Secondary Containment 317 018 16 595 00 67 00 8,467.74 (8,467.74) 0.00 Oakesdale Ave SW/31st to 16th 317 022 16 595 00 67 00 350,268.63 350,268.63 Houser Way Relocated 317 025 16 595 00 67 00 683,598.16 ' 1,132,300.00 1,815,898.16 SW 43rd St Loop Ramp Design 317 028 16 595 00 67 00 11,996.41 11,996.41 Arterial Circulation Study Improv 317 029 16 595 00 67 00 1,260,005.25 (900,000.00) 360,005.25 SR 900 HOV Houser Interchange 317 032 16 595 00 67 00 90,560.00 673,590.37 764,150.37 SR 900 HOV Houser Interchange 317 032 16 595 94 41 161 569,216.37 (569,216.37) 0.00 SR 169 Channelization , - 317 033 16 595 00 67 . 00 34,434.23 (34,250.68) 183.55 N 3rd Street . 317 044 16 595• 00 67• 00 17,441.32 • - 17,441.32 NE 44th Signals• 317 054 16 595 00 67 00 6,000.00 6,000.00 . ' Sidewalk Repair/Replacement Prg 317 056 16 595, 00 67 00 32,838.80 • 32,838.80 S 2nd St Signal/Safety Project • . 317 058 16 595 00 67 00 138,531.71 ' 1,000.00 139,531.71 VMS Signal Computer Impry317 061 16. 595 00 67 00 '. .336.39 (336.39) 0.00 ' RePave'SR515/PugettoSR900 317 065 16 595 00 67 00 11,590.96 11,590.96 Mill Ave S Rebid W/I-405 HOV 317 070 16 595 00 67 00 328;856.39 328,856.39 Oakesdale Ave SW/Grdy-SW 16th . 317 074 16 595 00 67 . 31 20,298.50 20,298.50 S 192nd St/SR167/SR515 317 075 16 595 00 67 32 14,486.36 14,486.36 Rainier Ave Lgting Cabinets , 317 088 16 595 00 ,67 00 • 17,000.00 (17,000.00) 0.00 Light Pole Replacement 317 091- 16 595 00 67 '430 55,049.43 55,049,43 ' May Creek Interchangell-405 • - 317 '103 16 595 00 67 • 20 ' 2,000.00 (2,000.00) 0.00 Bridge Inspection d Repair 317 106 16 _595 00 67 . 23 • • 181,742.00' 181,742.00 - Maple Valley Wye • 317 178 16 595 00 67 00 1,538.90 (1,538.90) :0.00 Park/LK WA Blvd Intersection ' ' . . 317 12081 ' 16 595_ 00 67 00 963,392.16. 963,392.16 4th Blv/Logan-Montery Dr Study. . • 317 .12083 16 595 00 67 00, 74,502.13 74,502.13 Missing Links Program317 12108 16 595 00 67 • 00 268,818.23 (200,000.00) 68,818.23 TBZ Planning Studies . . 317 12107 16 595 94 41 162 112,486.69 112,486.69 - Street Overlay Program . . 317 12108 16 595 00 67 00 625,889.24 356,000.00 981,889.24 • Transit Program 317 12109 16 595 00 67 .00 416,698.67 (80,000.00) 336,698.67 Neighborhd Imprvmt/Beautifica 317 12110 16 595 00 67 ' 00 70,000.00 (70,000.00) 0.00 • CBD Transportation Study • 317 12111 16 595 00 67 00 310,361.40 310,361.40 City Gateways Program 317 12112 16 595 00 67 00 53,241.64 53,241.64 - ' Trac Sign Replacement Prog 317 .12113 16 595 00. 67 00 .25,906.84 25,906.84 Bronson/Houser Phase 1 317 12114 16 595 00 67 00 109,022.57 109,022.57 Misc Traffic Safety Programs . 317 12115 16 595 00 67 00 262,236.34 (50,000.00) . 212,236.34 Oakesdale Ave SW/Mnstr Rd-SR900 ' 317 12118 16 595 00 67 00 109,354.47 (50,000.00) 59,354.47 Monster Road Bridge 317 12117 16 595 00 67 00 148,672.78 124,000.00 272,672.78 S Grady Wy/Rainier Ave S Dev . : 317 12118 16 595 00 67 00 30,000.00 30,000.00 LK WA Blvd/Ped/Bike Path • 317 12121 16 595 00 67 - 00 181,074.76 (29,200.00) 151,874.76 - Monroe Ave NE/SR169.to-Sunset 317 12122 .16 595 00 67 00 100,000.00 (100,000.00) 0.00 'Talbot Rd/43rd to City Lmts . 317 12126 16 595 00 67 00 537,186.01 537,186.01 Transp Demand Mgt Program . 317 12135 16 595 00 67 00 169,132.49 • 169,132.49 SR167/SW 27th HOV. 317 12138 16 595 00 67 • 00 ' 462,952.61 462,952.61. • N Renton Transit '317 12139. 16 595 00` 67 00 1,128.75 (1,128.75) ' 0.00 Interagency Signal Coord '317 12140 16 595 00 67 00 40,981.84 40,981.84 ' Burlington No.Railroad Crossing . ' 317 12142 16 595 00 67 '00 9,474.26 9,474.26 Windsor Hills Rehab 317 12144 16 595 00 67 00 • 37,891.17 37,891.17 • - C:\Budget\94BudWidyi\TWPWrkstXls Page 2 • 6120194 • WORKSHEET TO CITY OF RENTON 1994 TIP BUDGET ADJUSTMENT ORDINANCE , • 194 TP New1994 .:.". FUND 317-CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND-EXPENDITURES(Continued) Proi.Dev.Predesign 317 12145 16 595 00 67 00 0.00 . 0.00 WSDOT Coordination . 317 12146 16 595 00 67 00 47,953.42. 47,953.42 LK WA Blvd Bridge/May Creek . 317 12147. 16 595 00 67 00 111,262.34 11,440.00 122,702.34 Project Devel&Pre-Design 317 12150 16 595 00 67 00 • 123,891.50 123,891.50 • NE 3rd-Sunset.N to Monterey NE 317 12154 16 595 00 67 00 384,311.20 384,311.20 Bronson N-Houser Wy to Sunset .317 12155. 16 595 00 67 00 30,358.73 50,000.00 80,358.73 • Airport Wy/Rainier S Resurface . . , 317 12157 16 595 00 67 00 38,984.39 129,250.00 168,234.39 Main Ave S-S 5th to Bronson Way 317 12158 16 595 00 67 00 98,484.39 98,484.39 Arterial HOV Project Developmt 317 12160 16 595 00 67 00 100,000.00' 86,500.00 186,500.00 Valley Connections to West 317 12149 16 595 00 67 00 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 Traffic System Efficiency Improvements • 317 12162 16 595 00 67 00 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00k • Intra-City Intermodal Trans.Program , 317 12163 16 595 00 67 00 0.00 110,000.00 110,000.00 Oakesdale Ped/Bike Undercrossing .317 12164 .16 595 00 67 00 0.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 N.8th St.Reconstruction 317 12165 16 595 00 67 00 0.00 43,000.00 43,000.00 Railroad Crossing Safety Improvements 317 12166 16 595 00 67 00 0.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 Opr Trf/105/Grady Wy/Evrgm Ht • •317 12118 16 597 40 55 B08 735.82 735.82• • • Opr Trf/105/Grady Wy/Rvill Mgt 317 12116 .16 597 40 55 B29 16,858.30 - 16,858.30 Opr Trf/105/Grady Wy/Blume Dist. -•. 317 12116 16 597 40 55 B41 .147,241.90 ' • .. 147,241.90 Opr Tr1/105/Grady Wy/Blume II 317 12116 16 597 40 55 B63 67,851.51 67,851.51 Total Expenditures 14,905,416.30 830,741.54 15,736,157.84 . Ending Fund Balance • . . 317 000 00 508 00 00 00 210,455.58 (128,391.54) , - 82,064.04 Total Fulici 317 Budget Adjuatmenfs 702 35000 • . . . • 1994 Pkcljust TIP Budg. 1994 Amnd. • • • . Fund 317 ReconOilition:. •- Budget Adjustments. TIP Budget • Beginning Fund Balance • 5,518,248• ' ' •0 .5,518,248 • . . , Revenues .• 9,597524 . 702,350 . 10299,974 . . . . • . . . • T tar 15,115,872 702,350 15,818,222 . . . „ ' ;Expenditures• • 14,905,416. 830,742 15,736,158 Ending Fund Balance . 210,456 (128,392) 82,064 , . Total ' 15,115,872 702,350 15,818,222 • • ,• CABudget\94BudIMidynTIPWrkstXls Page 3 6/20/94 • • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Je: : ica FOikcrts , being first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Legal Clerk of the VALLEY DAILY NEWS 600 S. Washington Kent, WA. 98032 a daily newspaper published six (6) times week. Said newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the • _ English language continually as a daily newspaper in Kent, King County, Wash- CITY OF RENTON ington. The Valley Daily News has been approved as a legal newspaper by orderRENTON CITY COUNCIL of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. PUBLIC HEARING The notice in the exact form attached, was published in the Valley Daily News NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to the subscribers Renton City Council has fixed the 20th of June, 1994, at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a ; Court Chambers, 200. Mill Avenue South, ' Renton, as the date and time to consider i u_1..I c He a r s r cr the 1995-2000 Six Year Transportation ' Improvement Program and associated bud- I . , get adjustments. ' Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval,disapproval, Was published on F— it—q4 ' or opinions on this matter. Interpretive ser- ' vices for the hearing impaired will be provid- ed upon prior notice. Call City Clerk's office The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of at 235-2501 for information. Marilyn J. Petersen 1 6 7 2 City Clerk ' I II Published in the Valley Daily News June Ali,l / 10, 1994. 10368 -gal Cl•r Valley Daily News Subscribed and sworn before me this 1 6 day 0 June 19 94 111601varAh„ , -..j ' v2/-4/ (----. . p. E �'4 cj .... i �� a.�5 ION YyG�s Notary Public or the State of Washington :..v. �'Oi9: �� residing at Auburn 11 •p, N O T A R y U,; ; King County, Washington ice ; [�jf - : * 1 e VDN#11f:fA@ Sed 7/6 B .-I G �:= 111 F . ti.•• c� r SOF WASO 00 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 20th of June, 1994, at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Court Chambers, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, as the date and time to consider the 1995-2000 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program and associated budget adjustments. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval, disapproval, or opinions on this matter. Interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon pr.. notice. Call City Clerk's office at 235-2501 for information. 4ar ��J / I �I, ilyn r•rsen City Cler I. DATE OF PUBLICATION: June 10, 1994 Valley Daily News Acct. No. 50640 June 6. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 217 Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report regarding low-income Utility: Low-Income senior/disabled citizen utility rates. The Committee has been evaluating Senior/Disabled Utility changes to the low-income senior/disabled citizen utility rates. Before Rates finalizing a recommendation, the Committee concurred with the staff recommendation to hold a public hearing on June 27, 1994, regarding adjustments to the low-income senior and disabled customer utility rates. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation Committee Transportation Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending Transportation: Street that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Federal Aid Overlays, WSDOT/ISTEA Project Prospectus and the City/WSDOT agreement for the street overlay Funds program (Grady Way, Talbot Road South, and North 4th Street). The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented.for reading and adoption. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED.' (See later this page for resolution.) Council President Stredicke requested information on when Union Avenue is scheduled to receive an overlay or related maintenance. Transportation: S. 3rd St. Transportation Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending Mid-Block Planters that Council award the contract for the removal of the mid-block planters on Removal, Gary Merlino South 3rd Street to Gary Merlino Construction Co., Inc., in the amount of Const. Co. $31,075. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract documents. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: 1995-2000 Transportation Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending Six-Year TIP that Council refer the 1995-2000 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) and associated budget adjustments to a public hearing on June 20, 1994. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: Resolution #3064 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: Street interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Department of Overlays, WSDOT/ISTEA Transportation for the receipt and use of grant monies for the street overlay Funds program for Grady Way - SR-167 to SR-515, Talbot Road South - South 23rd Street to South 27th Place, and North 4th Street - Logan Avenue North to • SR-900. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second reading and adoption: Ordinance #4451 An ordinance was read authorizing the expenditure and transfer of $43,415.00 Finance: BETA Testing from the unallocated fund balance to the capital projects fund for the purpose Staffing of completing the BETA test of the new financial system. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED.. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 6/13/94 for second reading and adoption: TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT JUNE 6, 1994 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN (TIP) (Referred 5/23/94) The Transportation Committee recommends referring the TIP and associated budget adjustments to public hearing June 20, 1994. ' ` Bob Edwards,'Chair Timothy Si► Arer, Vice-Ch/ • Toni Nelson, Member cc: Lee Haro Connie Brundage May 23, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pane 203 Transportation: Six-Year Transportation Division announced the annual update-of the Six-Year TIP Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and associated mid-year budget adjustments, and requested a public hearing be scheduled for 6/20/94 to receive public comments on these issues. Refer to Transportation Committee. Transportation: ISTEA Transportation Division requested approval of an ISTEA grant in the amount Grant for Street Overlays of $306,000 for pre-construction engineering, administration and construction costs associated with the City's street overlay program. The City's match is $47,757.23. Refer to Transportation Committee. Utility: City Hall Campus Water Utility Division submitted recommendation to locate a 490 pressure 490 Pump Station zone pump station on the east side of the City Hall campus. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from John A. Davy, L.M.P., 420 Lind Ave. NW, Citizen Comment: Davy - Renton, 98055, requesting changes in the zoning ordinance for home Home Occupations for occupations that would allow massage therapists to have home-based practices. LMPs MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. • OLD BUSINESS Responding to Council President Stredicke, Mike Kattermann, Interim Comprehensive Plan: Planning Director, stated that the City is approximately two months behind on Update Schedule its schedule for updating the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Kattermann added that Valley Medical Center has a masterplan, but this has not been brought before Council for approval. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending Finance: Banking Services concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the banking services Award, U.S. Bank award to U.S. Bank for $130,550 for a three-year banking services contract from 1994-1997. The Committee recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 205 for resolution.) Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval of Claims Vouchers #112137 - 112605 and two wire transfers in the total amount of $1,671,104.79. And approval of Payroll Vouchers #126336 - 126681 and 377 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,028,484.56. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: BETA Testing Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending Staffing concurrence of the staff recommendation to approve a budget amendment of $43,415 for the purpose of hiring a limited term employee and providing for other costs associated with the implementation of a new financial computer system. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 205 for ordinance.) CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AI#: S• 0( • Submitting Data: Planning/Building/Public Works For Agenda of: May 23, 1994 Dept/Div/Board.. Transportation Staff Contact Lee Haro, ext. 6217 Agenda Status: Consent X Subject: Public Hearing Annual update of the Six-Year Transportion Improvement Correspondence Program and associated mid-year,budget adjustments. Ordinance Resolution Old Business Exhibits: New Business 1) Issue paper Study Sessions 2) Additional materials including Resolution and Ordinance, to information be submitted to the Transportation Committee Other • Recommended Action: Approvals: 1) Refer to Transportation Committee Legal Dept X 2) Call for public hearing June 20, 1994 Finance Dept X Other Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required Transfer/Amendment X Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated • Summary of Action: The Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is required under State law for the planning and interjurisdictional coordination of transportation improvement projects. Due to revenue shortfalls and successful grant applications, it is advantageous that an ordinance also be adopted at this time adjusting funds within the Transportation Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Staff Recommendations: The Transportation Division staff recommends that the Council refer the annual review of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and associated budget adjustments to the Transportation Committee.. Call for a public hearing for both issues on June 20, 1994. Agcodabill/LH/cb/6yrtip2 CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: May 16, 1994 . TO: Bob Edwards, Chair Transportation Committee Members VIA: Mayor Earl Clymer FROM: Gregg Zimmerman 6. 2. STAFF CONTACT: Lee Haro, ext. 6217 SUBJECT: Annual Update of Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) & Budget Adjustments ISSUE: The City is required by law. to annually review and adopt by resolution the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Programs (TIP). Also needed are adjustments to the Transportation Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget to adjust previously budgeted funds to higher priority projects and make additions and changes in regard to grant funded projects. RECOMMENDATIONS: • Refer to the Transportation Committee the review of the TIP and budget adjustments. • Call for a public hearing on June 20, 1994 on the Six-Year TIP and associated budget adjustments to the Transportation Capital Improvement Program. BACKGROUND: The Six-Year Transportation Improvement Programs (TIP) is required under State law for the planning and inter jurisdictional coordination of transportation improvement.projects. Due to revenue shortfalls and successful grant applications, it is advantageous that an ordinance also be adopted at this time adjusting funds within the Transportation Capital Improvement Program(CIP). AgcndaBills/LH/cb/6yrtip2 CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON FEB 2 5 1994. PLANNINGBUILDING PUBLIC WORKS I RECEIVE® Girl,CLERK'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: February 24, 1994 • TO: Mayor Clymer Victoria Runkle Sam Chastain Lee Wheeler Alan Wallis Beverly Nelson-Glode Fred Kaufmann Marilyn Petersen Sue Carlson FROM: Gregg Zimmerman STAFF CONTACT: Lee Haro, ext. 6217 SUBJECT: Input on Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program /9t5"--,100 The Transportation Systems Division is currently soliciting input for its annual update of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). If you of your staff have any comments or questions concerning new or existing projects, please contact Lee Haro. The deadline for input is March 21. Attached is a summary list of significant changes.being proposed by the Transportation Systems Division in its first draft of this year's Six-Year TIP update. The column headed "old TIP" refers to the project number in last year's 1994-1999 TIP. If you need a copy of last year's TIP, please contact the Transportation Systems Division. Attachment 6r�r8i6yTIP2 ? >:''� CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS TIP AMENTS ON NEW PROJECTS New old %:'s�?`:# i'•>Miii . `?^ :?:>:.:. o • :�M.,ri:•iti{S�:•iif.?i•ii:•!;:?::;v;'r,'r,:!$i��itii:�iii:;: '}$:: TIP TIP :>;::ti.+.;',g:<»".•:.�e:'•::Pro3�ect Title.::•':�7,'•::`':w 1 1 Street Overlay Prgm National Highway System&ISTEA/STP grants received can be used in this program. 2 3 Park N-Bronson to N 10th EDA and UATA grants both received final approval.Construction starts in 1994. • 3 4 Houser Rel-Sunset to N8th • 4 5 SR900 HOV&NB Houser Connection TIA grant awarded for construction. • 5 7 Transp Demand Mgmt Prgm • • 6 8 Walkway Program MVET Multi-modal grant awarded jointly to City&Metro for ADA bus zone projects. ' 7 9 CBD Transp& Streetscape Joint City&Downtown Renton Assoc.project included to add parking on S 3rd St 8 10 Transit Program High Capacity Transit study grant for$50,000(will not received extra$50,000 requested) 9 New Intra-City Intermodal Trans.Program Grant awarded.Project formerly included in Transit Prog.Now broken out into its own project. 10 11 Arterial HOV Project Development FHWA ruled CMA(]funds ineligible for a study.Succeeded in getting new(STP)grant funds. 11 12 Bridge Inspect.dz Repair Inspection&analysis calls for more money needed for maintenance&repairs 12 13 Lk Wash Blvd May Ck Bridge Replace. Grant funding approved. 13 33 Monster Road Bridge Replacement Grant funding approved. 14 15 Lk Wash.Blvd Bike/Pedestrian $744,256 Federal grant approved for construction. 15 6 Oakesdale SW-31st to 16th 16 14 SR 167/SW 27th St HOV Completed air quality analysis that was needed to obtain this grant. 17 18 Traffic Sig Loop Replace Prgm 18 19 Traffic Sign Replace Prgm 19 20 Light Pole Replace Prgm 20 21 Interagency Signal Coordination 21 22 Sdwlk Insp&Replace Prgm 22 24 Arterial Circulation 23 25 Project Development/Pre-Design 24 26 WSDOT Coord • 25 43 BNRR Xing LID 336 • UD has been formed and consultant hired for design. 26 29 Bronson Way -Houser Wy to Sunset UATA grant awarded for design&construction. 27 40 NE 3rd St - Sunset Blvd to Monterery D UATA grant awarded for design&construction 28 28 Main Ave S - S 5th St to Bronson Way N $2,760,000 UATA grant approved by TIB. 29 34 Windsor Hills St.Rehab.Proj.Devl. 30 30 Oakesdale Extension-Monster to SR 900 • 31 31 Neigh Improve/Beaut Prgm 32 32 City Gateways Prgm • 33 35 Misc Traffic Safety Prgm 34 36 Traffic Systems Efficiency Imprints 35 39 N 4th-Logan to Sunset Blvd • 36 41 TBZ Project Development 37 42 Missing Links Prgm 38 new Garden Ave&N.8th St Reconstructions Pavement failing due to heavy truck traffic.Requires reconstruction to be performed. 39 new Railroad Crossing Safety Improvements Provides funding for minor improvements and match for grants for larger safety projects 40 new Houser Way Bikeway -N 8th St to Park This is a missing link between recent bikeway projects. 41 new Garden Ave Bikeway- Bronson to N 6th High priority north-south link in trail system. . 42 47 S 192nd/S200 - SR167 to SR515 (K.C.) Project has been turned over to King County to act as the lead agency. 43 51 I405/SR 515 HOV Interchange 44 50 SW Grady - SR167 to SR515 45 37 Lind Ave SW 16th to 43rd • 46 48 Duvall NE-Sunset to NCL 47 52 Puget-Jones to Edmonds • 48 53 SW16th- Oakesdale to Lind 49 54 SW 7th/Lind Ave SW Signal 50 45 S2nd/Logan, Williams&Wells Signals 51 44 S Grady/Rainier S Interchange 52 55 NE 44th/I406 Ramp Signals 53 56 Benson Rd S/S 31st Signal 54 57 Sunset NE/Anacortes NE • 55 58 Valley Connections to West 56 49 SR167/East Valley Rd(WSDOT Project Project has been turned over to WSDOT to act as the lead agency. • DROPPED PROJECTS 2 Park N/Lk Wa Blvd EDA(Econ.Devel.Admin.) grant gained final approval.To be completed in 1994. 16 Rainier/Airport Resurfacing. To be completed in 1994 with Federal grant. 17 Talbot S-S 43rd to SCL To be substantially completed in 1994 with two Federal grants. 23 North 3rd Street Construction to be substantially complete in 1994 in conjunction with Metro trunk line. 27 Brnsn/Houser/Main- SR169 to Grady This study to be completed in 1994 38 SR189 Channelisation Completed in 1994 46 Monroe NE-SR 169 to Sunset If this project remains in Transportation Plan it will be beyond this 6-year TIP