HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 Correspondence CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2994 A •RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, UPDATING THE CITY' S SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994-1999. WHEREAS, the City of Renton has heretofore adopted a "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" pursuant to Chapter 7 , Extraordinary Session Laws of the State of Washington, and Chapter 195 of the 1961 Session Laws of the State of Washington, and as same has heretofore been amended from time to time, and such plan and program having heretofore been duly amended and modified from time to time as authorized by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after recommendation of its Planning/Building/Public Works Department, caused to be held a public hearing thereon on June 21, 1993, and after notice to the public as provided by law for the purpose of considering adoption, modification, and amendments of said plan and program; and WHEREAS, at such public hearing held on June 21, 1993, due consideration was given to the proposed changes and amendments for the purpose of updating such plan and program. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I . The City' s "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City' s "Arterial Street Plan" are hereby further amended and modified, all as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibits "A, " "B, " "C, " and "D" incorporated herein as if fully set forth. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2994 SECTION II . The aforestated plan and program, as evidenced by said Exhibits, shall be and constitute the City' s "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City' s "Arterial Street Plan, " and same to remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended, and modified as provided by law. SECTION III . . The Director of the Department of Planning/Building/Public Works and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to file this Resolution, together with the Exhibits, with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 12th day of July 1993 . / Marilyn $"etersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR thi h day of July , 1993 . A A.A _ `1A. .f1 • E. . 1 Clymer, ayor / Approved as to form: Lawrence. J. Wa en, City Attorney RES . 306 : 7-08-93 :as . • 2 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2994 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, UPDATING THE CITY' S SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994-1999 . WHEREAS, the City of Renton has heretofore adopted a "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" pursuant to Chapter 7 , Extraordinary Session Laws of the State of Washington, and Chapter 195 of the 1961 Session Laws of the State of Washington, and as same has heretofore been amended from time to time, and such plan and program having heretofore been duly amended and modified from time to time as authorized by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after recommendation of its Planning/Building/Public Works Department, caused to be held a public hearing thereon on June 21, 1993, and after notice to the public as provided by law for the purpose of considering adoption, modification, and amendments of said plan and program; and WHEREAS, at such public hearing held on June 21, 1993, due consideration was given to the proposed changes and amendments for the purpose of updating such plan and program. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I . The City ' s "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City' s "Arterial Street Plan" are hereby further amended and modified, all as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibits "A, " "B, " "C, " and "D" incorporated herein as if fully set forth. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2994 SECTION II . The aforestated plan and program, as evidenced by said Exhibits, shall be and constitute the City' s "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City ' s "Arterial Street Plan, " and same to remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended, and modified as provided by law. SECTION III . The Director of the Department of ' Planning/Building/Public Works . and the City Clerk are hereby . ' authorized and directed to file this Resolution, together with the Exhibits, with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington • and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 12th day of July 1993 . 4/11 Marilyn 'etersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR thi '•2 h day of July , 1993 . A E. 1 Clymer, ayor Approved as to form: otatio,.42A.,462:27.64.- Lawrence J. Wa en, City Attorney RES. 306 : 7-08-93 :as . • 2 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2994 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, UPDATING THE CITY' S SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994-1999. WHEREAS, the City of Renton has heretofore adopted a "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" pursuant to Chapter 7, Extraordinary Session Laws of the State of Washington, and Chapter 195 of the 1961 Session Laws of the State of Washington, and as same has heretofore been amended from time to time, and such plan and program having heretofore been duly amended and modified from time to time as authorized by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after recommendation of its Planning/Building/Public Works Department, caused to be held a public hearing thereon on June 21, 1993, and after notice to the public as provided by law for. the purpose of considering adoption, modification, and amendments of said plan and program; and WHEREAS, at such public hearing held on June 21, 1993, due consideration was given to the proposed changes and amendments for the purpose of updating such plan and program. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I. The City ' s "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City' s "Arterial Street Plan" are hereby further amended and modified, all as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibits "A, " "B, " "C, " and "D" incorporated herein as if fully set forth. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2994 • SECTION II.. The aforestated plan and program, as evidenced by said Exhibits, shall be and constitute the City ' s "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City' s "Arterial Street Plan, " and same to remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended, and modified as provided by law. SECTION III. The Director of the Department of ' Planning/Building/Public Works and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to file this Resolution, together with the Exhibits, with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 12th day of July 1993 . ` � I; �� / Marilyn . 'etersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR thi h day of July , 1993 . E. 1 Clymer, ayor / Approved as to form: Ofavo-t'd-A/61;6142."464- Lawrence J. Wa en, City Attorney RES. 306 : 7-08-93 :as . 2 July 12. 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Pane 317 Finance: 1993 An ordinance was read relating to the waterworks utility of the City, Water/Sewer Revenue including the sewerage system as a part thereof; specifying and adopting a Bonds system or plan of additions to and betterments and extensions of the waterworks utility; providing for the issuance of $9,200,000 par value Water and Sewer Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds, 1993, of the City for the purpose of obtaining a part of the funds with which to pay part of the cost of carrying out that system or plan and advance refund portions of the City's outstanding Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1988, and Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1989; fixing the date, form, denominations, maturities, interest rates, terms and covenants of those bonds; creating a special bond redemption account to provide for the payment of the bonds; providing for and authorizing the purchase of certain obligations out of a portion of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds authorized herein and for the use and• application of the money derived from those obligations; authorizing the execution of a contract with the refunding trustee; and approving the sale and providing for the delivery of the bonds to Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation of Seattle, Washington. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/19/93. CARRIED. Finance: Utility Penalty An ordinance was read amending subsections 8-1-8.A.1.a and 8-1-8-A.1.b of and Interest Charges Chapter 1, Garbage, of Title VIII, of City Code as it relates to utility penalty and interest charges. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/19/93. CARRIED. The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: Resolution #2993 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and city clerk to sign an Police: Multi- agreement between the State of Washington Department of Community Jurisdictional Narcotics Development and the City of Renton for funding for the Multi-Jurisdictional Task Force Program Narcotics Task Force Program for 1993-1994. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2994 A resolution was read updating the City's Six-Year Transportation Transportation: 1994-1999 , Improvement Program, 1994-1999. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY Six-Year Transportation SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Improvement Program CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS In response to inquiry by Council President Edwards, Mayor Clymer stated Public Works: Cedar that the permit for the Cedar River Delta dredging project will run through River Delta Dredging 9/15/93. He stated that the dredging began last week with one barge load Project being dumped daily at the Elliott Bay site. Finance: Director Mayor Clymer introduced Victoria Runkle, the new Finance Director. ADMINISTRATIVE Referred 5/3/93 - Council request for additional disabled parking at City REPORT Hall. Transportation: Disabled Parking Memorandum from Jay Covington, Executive Assistant to the Mayor, stated that there are currently four designated disabled parking spaces available at City Hall, and that two additional parking spaces will be placed southwest of the City Hall front entrance to comply with American Disabilities Act requirements. r RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 21, 1993 Municipal Building Monday, 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE; TIM SCHLITZER; NANCY MATHEWS; TONI COUNCILMEMBERS NELSON; JESSE TANNER; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT BOB EDWARDS. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; MEL WILSON, Transportation Systems Director; LEE HARO, Transportation Program Coordinator; GREGG ZIMMERMANN, Utility Systems Director; LT. BRIAN WILSON, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JUNE 14, 1993. CARRIED. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, APPROVE THE ADDENDUM TO THE JUNE 7, 1993, MINUTES AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Transportation: 1994-1999 published in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened Six-Year Transportation the public hearing to consider the 1994-1999 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Improvement Program. Mel Wilson, Transportation Systems Director, stated that the 1994-1999 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program was developed by City staff, and that the program and funding were reviewed by the Transportation Citizens' Advisory Committee. He stated that the Advisory Committee recommended that the capital license fee based on the proposed transportation improvement program be continued. Mr. Wilson stated this year's transportation program theme "responding to economic conditions," was chosen because the present economic conditions are more difficult and will need special consideration. He stated that the transportation program will benefit Renton's economic development by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the transportation system. Mr. Wilson indicated that Renton's economic development will be enhanced through participation in regional forums, including programs such as improved transit service, commuter rail service to Renton, and a rapid rail extension to North Renton; preparation of a transportation element to the Growth Management Plan to respond to the City's land use and comprehensive plan policies; the implementation of a transportation mitigation program so new development will contribute money toward the infrastructure; and the leveraging of local funds through Transportation Improvement Board and Economic Development Association grant programs. June 21, 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 287 Lee Haro, Transportation Program Coordinator, explained that the development of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program is: mandated by the State with annual updates because it is a multi-year funding and work program for transportation capital improvements; required under all State and Federal funding programs; used to coordinate with other jurisdictions and agencies; part of the transportation element under the Growth Management Act. Mr. Haro stated that the Transportation Improvement Program is broken into five categories: preservation of the existing infrastructure through the use of an arterial pavement management program and bridge inspection program; protection of neighborhood buildings and community type conservancy projects; multi-modal and transportation land management projects and programs, including cost effective ways to improve the transportation system such as moving more people per vehicle through High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV), promoting non- motorized transportation, and reducing travel demand measures through programs like the Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) plan; economic development projects that are necessitated by new development; and projects that serve operations, such as congestion and safety concerns. Mr. Haro noted that several grants have been received for programs during the past year which include: resurfacing Rainier Avenue/Airport Way; Lake Washington Blvd. bridge at May Creek project; Monster Road project; the SR-900 HOV project and the arterial HOV development project to develop city-wide projects eligible for outside funding; the Park Avenue/Lake Washington Blvd. project; Park Avenue to Bronson to N 10th project for the preservation of the North Renton residential neighborhoods; the Main Avenue to Bronson Way, which is important to the development of the Central Business District; the Bronson Way project, which includes the addition of an eastbound lane for the Factory, Houser Way intersection, and Sunset area; and N. 3rd Street and Sunset to Monterey project which will add another lane in both directions. The highest priority projects for 1994 are: 1. Street overlay program 2. Park North/Lake Washington Boulevard 3. Park North-Bronson to North 10th 4. Houser relocation - Sunset to North 8th 5. SR-900 HOV lanes and northbound Houser Way Interchange 6. Oakesdale SW - 31st to 16th 7. Transportation demand management program 8. Walkway program 9. Central Business District transportation and streetscape 10. Transit Program In response to Councilman Stredicke's inquiry, Mel Wilson stated that 2nd Avenue N. is designated as a residential access street, and 12th Avenue NE from Union to Edmonds is a collector whose purpose is to direct traffic from the residential area onto the arterial system. Audience comment was invited. Lloyd Hoshide, 833 Kirkland Avenue NE, Renton 98056, asked if the proposed commuter rail will travel north and south on the east side of Lake Washington to relieve the southbound traffic on I-405 to Auburn. In response, Mel Wilson stated that a study for the extension of the June 21. 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 288 commuter rail to Bellevue was performed, but Bellevue opposed the extension because it would not go to the downtown Bellevue area. He also stated that the rapid rail system will travel along the I-405 alignment and will run from Burien to North Renton as part of the regional transit program, and the commuter rail will extend to North Renton. Mr. Hoshide questioned Bellevue's rationale for opposing the rail system extension, noting that people driving down I-405 to Kent and Auburn don't live in downtown Auburn, they live along the I-405 corridor as far as Woodinville and the Cottage Lake area. He stated that the rail service, if extended beyond Bellevue into the Woodinville area, would provide a viable alternative for people who currently drive I-405. Councilwoman Mathews stated that if the commuter rail system proves successful from Tacoma to Seattle with a spur coming into Renton, a rail system extending to the east side of Lake Washington will be reviewed. Mel Wilson also noted that a consultant study performed for Metro indicated there would be no more riders on the rail system than are currently riding buses. Councilman Tanner clarified that the study did show that the rail system would be less costly than the bus system. Roger Blaylock, 535 Williams Avenue N., Renton 98055, suggested that next year's transportation improvement program be reviewed to determine spending trends, and expressed concern that there is a decrease in funding for the 1995-1999 street overlay program. In response, Lee Haro stated that the overlay program funding is not decreasing; there was a carryover from the 1993 budget that will be spent this year. Versie Vaupel, P. O. Box 755, Renton 98057, questioned the proposed commuter rail route. In response, Mel Wilson clarified that the commuter rail system will follow the existing rail alignment, and the terminal location has not been determined. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Councilman Tanner expressed appreciation to staff for their outstanding work on this project. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE 1994-1999 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Roger Blaylock, 535 Williams Avenue N., Renton 98055, expressed Citizen Comment: appreciation to Council for their efforts in the Growth Management Blaylock - process. He also expressed concern that the new audience comment Comprehensive Plan, format for the agenda which allows an initial one-half hour comment General period, will allow groups to monopolize the comment period and make others wait until the end of the agenda. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Upon Council request, item 6.c. was removed for separate consideration. Cary C'ee x Cory CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: June 10, 1993 TO: Bob Edwards, President Members of the City Council VIA: Mayor Earl Clymer FROM: Lyrtn t t mann STAFF CONTACT: Lee aro, ext. 6217 SUBJECT: Submittal of 1994-99 Transportation Improvement Program Annual Update Attached are the following materials for City Council review in advance of the June 21, 1993, public hearing that has been set for the annual update of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program: • A summary page of changes being proposed between last year's TIP and this year's TIP, including a comparison of the former priorities to the new priorities, a listing of projects that have been dropped, and a column summarizing the most significant changes in each project. • A spreadsheet showing the proposed distribution of the lh cent Gas Tax, Business License Fee and Vehicle License Fee, which are the funds the City has a relatively high level of discretion in distributing among projects. This spreadsheet also shows proposed budget adjustments needed to implement the 1994-99 TIP, such as providing matching funds for approved or likely to be approved grants. The budget adjustments are merely a shifting of funds between projects and the net impact on existing budgeted funds is zero. • A map and project list color-coded to reflect the degree of funding that has been obtained or is available within predictable revenue sources. The word Memo to City Council June 9, 1993 Page 2 • - "substantially" is used in regard to the funding level to allow this map to reflect not only funds that are firmly in hand, but also to include very solid projected funding sources, including grants that have initial approval but do not yet have signed contracts. • A "Total Project Cost" summary sheet. You might note that 'the column titled "Funded" seems low compared with the color coding on the map and list. This is because only grants with signed funding contracts are included in what is considered "funded" on this spreadsheet. • A summary sheet and 58 individual project worksheets that provide more detailed information on each of the 58 projects. • Summary pages for each of the different fund sources broken out by project and Year. • A glossary of terms. This is the last page of the attachments. If you have any questions concerning the TIP please contact Lee Haro, Program Development Coordinator at ext. 6217. u1/ddrir1PacIm Attachments • Changes in 19' e'9 Transportation Improvement Progrr .Annual Update new old PROJECT TITLE CHANGES FROM PREVious TIP TIP TIP 1 1 Street Overlay Prgm Applied for$276,800 ISTEA grant to rehabilitate Garden Ave from N.8th St to Park Ave 2 3 Park N/Lk Wa Blvd Economic Development Administration grant of$860,000 nearing approval for this project 3 5 Park N-Bronson to N 10th Finalized$3 million UATA grant following Value Engineering.EDA grant of$440,000 nearing approval. 4 4 Houser Rel-Sunset to N8th The north-bound connection to Sunset Blvd was shifted to the SR900 HOV&NB Houser Interchange project. 5 25 SR900 HOV&NB Houser Intrchng Was a series of corridor improvements.Title changed,HOV added.Grant awarded for design.TIB construction grant likely 6 2 Oakesdale SW-27th to 16th 7 7 Transp Demand Mgmt Prgm Awarded Federal grant for part of Commute Trip Reduction work. 8 8 Walkway Program 9 10 CBD Transp&Streetscape Study of switching S.3rd and S.2nd Sts to two-way traffic included in scope. 10 11 Transit Program Joint grant application made w/Metro for High Capacity Transit study.ISTEA grant made to develop shuttle bus/dial-a-ride 11 new Arterial HOV Project Development PSRC awarded grant to study HOV needs throughout City,FHWA has rejected grant because air quality can't be quantified. 12 13 Bridge Inspect.&Repair Carryover funds shifted to match$435,000 grant awarded for Lk Wash Blvd Bridge at May Creek 13 new Lk Wash Blvd Bridge at May Creek $435,000 grant application successful based on deficiencies determined in Bridge Inspection Program 14 9 SR 167/SW 27th St HOV $344,000 ISTEA/CMAQ grant approved for preliminary design _ 15 28 Lk Wash Blvd Bike/Ped $116,800 ISTEA/CMAQ grant awarded for design.$744,256 grant application made for construction. 16 new Rainier/Airport Resurfacing $129,250 grant awarded under ISTEA/STP Preservation program 17 35 Talbot S-S 43rd to SCL FAUS grant of$211,222 obtained and ISTEA/STP grant of$114,586 18 14 Traffic Sig Loop Replace Prgm 19 15 Traffic Sign Replace Prgm 20 16 Light Pole Replace Prgm 21 17 Interagency Signal Coordination Multi-agency grant awarded for design work. 22 18 Sdwlk Insp&Replace Prgm _ 23 20 North 3rd Street 24 21 Arterial Circulation 25 23 Project Development/Pre-Design 26 24 WSDOT Coord 27 26 Brnsn/Houser/Main-SR169 to Grady Construction portion broken out into separate"Main Ave S-S 5th to Bronson Way"project competing for UATA grant 28 new Main Ave S-S 5th to Bronson Way Created as separate project from"Bronson/Houser/Main"project. $2,760,000 UATA grant very likely 29 new Bronson Way-Houser to Sunset Created as separate project from"Bronson/Houser/Main."Competing for$440,000 UATA grant 30 38 Oakesdale-Monster to SR 900 King County agreed to make joint ISTEA grant application. 31 30 Neigh ImproveBeaut Prgm 32 31 City Gateways Prgm Project at Grady/Oakesdale being developed in conjunction with 1%for Arts program 33 22 Monster Road Bridge Applied for Bridge Replacement funding Grant approval very likely. 34 47 Windsor Hills St.Rehab.Proj.Devl. 35 40 Misc Traffic Safety Prgm 36 new Traffic Systems Efficiency Imprnits New program created to deal with miscellaneous efficiency improvements such as signal coordination&new technologies 37 32 Lind Ave SW 16th to 43rd 38 33 SR169 Channelization 39 34 N 4th-Logan to Sunset East terminus changed from Monterey to Sunset(portion to Monterey now separate project likely to receive TIB grant) 40 new NE 3rd St-Sunset to Monterey New,separate project created.Very likely to receive$960,000 UATA grant 41 36 TBZ Project Development 42 37 Missing Links Prgm 43 43 BNRR Xing LID 44 39 S Grady/Rainier S 45 41 S2nd/Logan,Williams&Wells • 46 46 Monroe NE-SR 169 to Sunset 47 29 S 192nd/S200th-SR167 to SRS 15 City has completed its portion of the study and is transferring the project to King County for remaining work 48 48 Duvall NE-NE 4th St to NCL Southern terminus changed to NE 4th St due to development proposals along that part of the route 49 27 SR167/East Valley Road Changed title from"SR167/SW 43rd Loop Ramp"to SR167/E.Valley Rd Ramp"to reflect alternative determined in study 50 49 SW Grady-SR167to SR515 51 50 I405/SR 515 Proj Devel Now looking only at an exclusive HOV/Transit interchange in keeping with new Federal access and funding regulations 52 51 Puget-Jones to Edmonds 53 42 S W 16th-Longacres DR to Lind Changed west terminus from Longacres Dr to Oakesdale.Decreased number of lanes from 5 to 3 54 44 SW 7th/Lind Ave SW Signal 55 45 NE 44th/1405 Interchange 56 53 Benson Rd S/S 31st 57 54 Sunset NE/Anacortes NE 58 55 Valley Connections to West DROPPED PROJECTS 6 Mill Ave S Rebuild (with I-405) Will be substantially completed in 1993 12 N.Renton Transit Project Will be done as part of other transportation studies 19 N 8th-Garden to Houser RR Xing Will be done by Paccar or else will be part of Houser Way project 52 Arberdeen-NE 20th to 27th Need for widening this road is not forseen in the current planning cycle -, 1994-99 1/2CENT GAS- RLF, VLF (Project-specific grants, mitis-*ion, etc. not included) new :. 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TIP •:T:::.:is;irf:::::E:>:<:> `:1'i'E �eeY:Titte.;;::>::::>ss::»::>::>::»::>::>::Fundiri'''�.... ......1944..........1985':<z::<:":::k$A6:`3>::>::::<::t4M:>:>:i:>::>?499&Ei; <:in::s::34495:M: i:=E'aal':`::::: 1 1 Street Overlay Prgm n/a 520,000 (40,000) 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 2,640,000 2 3 Park N/Lk Wa Blvd 180,000 110,000 31,000 3 5 Park N-Bronsonto N 10th 281,500 604,922 4 4 Houser Rel-Sunset to N8th 20,300 157,400 5 25 SR900 HOV&NB Houser Interchan 361,640 81,640 6 2 Oakesdale-SW 27th to 16th 70,000 30,000 7 7 Transp Demand Mgmt Prgm 28,300 61,700 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000 8 8 Walkway Program n/a 211,300 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 420,000 9 10 CBD Transp&Streetscape 40,650 99,350 210,000 210,000 10 1 1 Transit Program 32,250 370,750 (13,500) 25,000 25,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 850,000 11 new Arterial HOV Project Development 100,000 100,000 12 13 Bridge Inspect.&Repair n/a 141,198 (108,560) 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 13 new Lk Wash Blvd Bridge at May Creek 108,560 108,560 14 9 SR 167/SW 27th St HOV 2,000 118,000 15 28 Lk Wash Blvd Bike/Ped 61,500 38,500 16 new Rainier/Airport Resurfacing 40,000 40,000 17 35 Talbot S-S 43rd to SCL 60,000 160,000 160,000 18 14 Traffic Sig Loop Replace Prgm n/a 61,643 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000 19 15 Traffic Sign Replace Prgm n/a 36,300 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 20 16 Light Pole Replace Prgm n/a 50,864 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000 21 17 Interagency Signal Coordination 30,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 36,000 22 18 Sdwlk Insp&Replace Prgm n/a 43,942 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 60,000 23 20 North 3rd Street 5,000 40,000 24 21 Arterial Circulation 165,150 515,940 (555,940) 789,000 1,163,200 759,800 955,000 880,000 1,140,000 5,687,000 25 23 Project Development/Pre-Design n/a 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 540,000 26 24 WSDOT Coord n/a 29,200 30,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 27 26 Bmsn/Houser/Main-SR169 to Grady 100,000 (11,200) 28 new Main Ave S-S 5th to Bronson Way 100,000 100,000 10,000 270,000 130,000 260,000 670,000 29 new Bronson Way-Houser to Sunset 20,000 20,000 2,000 54,800 43,200 100,000 30 38 Oakesdale-Monster to SR 900 110,000 100,000 31 30 Neigh Improve/Beaut Prgm 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 350,000 32 31 City Gateways Prgm 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 165,000 33 22 Monster Road Bridge 100,000 34 47 Windsor Hills St.Rehab.Proj.Devl. 30,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 35 40 Misc Traffic Safety Prgm 16,003 195,255 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 480,000 36 new Traffic Systems Efficiency Imprmts 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 37 32 Lind Ave SW 16th to 43rd 38 33 SR169 Channelization 57,000 39 34 N 4th-Logan to Monterey 5,500 74,500 40 new NE 3rd St-Sunset to Monterey 240,000 240,000 41 36 TBZ Project Development 14,750 102,680 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 60,000 42 37 Missing Links Prgm n/a 169,039 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 43 43 BNRR Xing LID 10,000 10,000 44 39 S Grady/Rainier S 30,000 45 41 S2nd/Logan.Williams&Wells 14,000 46 46 Monroe NE-SR 169 to Sunset 50,000 50,000 50,000 47 29 S192/S200-SR167 to SR515 10,000 15,000 48 48 Duvall NE-NE 4th St to NCL 49 27 SR167/East Valley Road 8,000 23,300 10,000 10,000 50 49 SW Grady-SR167 to SR515 51 50 I405/SR 515 HOV 52 51 Puget-Jones to Edmonds 53 42 S W 16th-Longacres DR to Lind 54 44 SW 7th/Lind Ave SW Signal 55 45 NE 44th/I405 Interchange 56 53 Benson Rd S/S 31st 57 54 Sunset NE/Anacortes NE 58 55 Valley Connections to West • TOTAL EXPENDITURES= 2,348,000 2,470,000 2,470,000 2,470,000 2,470,000 2,470,000 14,698,000 BUSINESS LICENSE FEE 1,678,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 VEHICLE LICENSE FEE 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 HALF CENT GAS TAX 320,000 320,000 320.000 320,000 320,000 320,000 dropped projects ' TOTAL FUNDS= 2,348,000 2,470,000 2,470,000 2,470,000 2,470,000 2,470,000 6 Mill S Rebuild-W/I405 330,000 12 N.Renton Transit Project 75,000 (75,000) _ , 19 N 8th-Garden to Hsr RR Xing 37,000 (37,000) 52 Aberdeen NE-20th to 27th T-`-' Project Costs p::S::S::�::<:�i;::�;:�::�;;:::::�::i:::;::::;:;<::iSi:;:;S5:�:5::�;>:�:';'.,. ...::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:;>::::>::;;::::aa::•::;or:ca:o:<::::::a»::a::.-a. .-,"d:£:�::�::�::�::�::•5:......9�2L............';Iuta..... 98::?E<?:`•::<:,: :.:' ':':?::'':'''3t##E:`:E;i Sr..,iileil'•i:: �:iS>:�>:>.<�»>:::»:>;::•:;::;:;::;:s»>;::;.;::>:�>:�>::�:i>:�>:�>:�>:�>:�>5::�'•.'-- a:;:;:;:;:;;:;:�:•;:::•::•::•:.:::.:;�:<.:;.::•;;:;;::;.;;:;:::»�»:»;•:.�.�::::::...::�. TIP;:<:<�>:::.'•;.'•»:�:�;;:. ::.. •«::>:>:««�:� �;»»: .... ....:: ::'>' '94�>:�> :�is195t3��:«�:«<�>>:1:9�'6:is2�>:�%:�:i'997:�:�>:�:�:>:�>!`:1� ....._.....3 9:............Cu ... .k'u .. .:;::.::::.::::::.T?mj�tt.1"#i�;;::.:::::::::.:::.:3ZuacHa�..:::X9. ,:.::,::..... ............ ........................... ...... .......................... . .... 1 Street Overlay Prgm n/a 760,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 2,960,000 2,640,000 2 Park N/Lk Wa Blvd 720,000 430,000 1,150,000 290,000 3 Park N-Bronson to N 10th 1,500,300 2,312,650 749,650 4,562,600 1,564,000 4 Houser Rel-Sunset to Nath 317,700 400,000 2,052,000 2,845,300 5,615,000 4,200,000 5 SR900 HOV&NB Houser I/C 361,640 90,560 1,281,400 541,400 2,275,000 1,357,000 6 Oakesdale SW-31st to 16th 415,000 500,000 2,365,000 2,440,000 1,280,000 7,000,000 915,000 7 Transp Demand Mgmt Prgm n/a 50,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 220,000 180,000 8 Walkway Program 211,300 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 631,300 631,300 9 CBD Transp&Streetscape 140,000 210,000 350,000 350,000 10 Transit Program 403,000 165,000 65,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,433,000 1,253,000 11 Arterial HOV Project Devel 100,000 100,000 100,000 12 Bridge Inspect.&Repair Program n/a 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 600,000 13 Lk Wash Blvd Bridge at May Crk 137,360 405,440 542,800 137,360 14 SR 167/SW 27th St HOV 120,000 500,000 1,724,000 5,184,000 2;592,000 10,120,000 464,000 15 Lake Washington Blvd Bike/Ped 100,000 116,800 930,320 1,147,120 216,800 16 Rainier/Airport Resurfacing 169,250 169,250 169,250 17 Talbot S-S 43rd to SCL 75,000 470,808 545,808 545,808 18 Traffic Sig Loop Replace Prgm 61,643 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 211,643 211,643 19 Traffic Sign Replace Prgm 36,300 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 156,300 156,300 20 Light Pole Replace Prgm 50,864 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 200,864 200,864 21 Interagency Signal Coordination 30,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 210,000 66,000 22 Sdwlk Insp&Replace Prgm 43,942 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 103,942 103,942 23 North 3rd Street 443,200 443,200 443,200 24 Arterial Circulation 681,090 1,500,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 10,181,090 6,368,090 25 Project Development/Pre-Design 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 630,000 630,000 26 WSDOT Coord 29,200 30,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 129,200 129,200 27 Bmsn/Hser/Main-SR169 to Grad 100,000 100,000 100,000 28 Main Ave S-S 5th to Bronson W 100,000 50,000 1,350,000 650000 1,300,000 3,450,000 770,000 29 Bronson Way-Houser to Sunset 20,000 50,000 274,000 216,000 560,000 120,000 30 Oakesdale-Monster to SR 900 110,000 150,000 250,000 200,000 2,630,000 800,000 5,360,000 9,500,000 475,000 31 Neigh Improve/Beaut Prgm 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 420,000 420,000 32 City Gateways Prgm 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 220,000 220,000 33 Monster Road Bridge 100,000 220,000 1,080,000 1,400,000 270,000 34 Windsor Hills St.Rehab.Proj.Dev 30,000 10,000 40,000 40,000 35 Misc Traffic Safety Prgm 211,258 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 691,258 691,258 36 Traffic Systems Efficiency Imprints 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 300,000 37 Lind Ave SW 16th to 43rd 120,000 418,000 1,836,000 626,000 3,000,000 38 SR169 Channelization 57,000 57,000 57,000 39 N 4th Blvd-Logan to Sunset Blvd 80,000 80,000 80,000 40 NE 3rd St-Sunset to Monterey 240,000 50,560 218,240 691,200 1,200,000 240,000 41 TBZ Project Development 117,430 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 177,430 177,430 42 Missing Links Prgm 175,261 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 775,261 775,261 43 BNRR Xing LID 40,000 110,000 150,000 10,000 44 S Grady/Rainier S 30,000 200,000 500,000 2,222,000 3,996,000 2,052,000 9,000,000 90,000 45 S2nd/Logan,Williams&Wells 140,000 140,000 140,000 46 Monroe NE-SR 169 to Sunset 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 47 5192/5200-SR167 to 5R515 250,000 250,000 250,000 48 Duvall Ave-NE4th St to NCL 50,000 50,000 49 SR167/East Valley Road 88,000 10,000 200,000 367,000 1,472,500 1,472,500 3,610,000 98,000 50 SW Grady-SR167 to SR515 260,000 260,000 51 I405/SR 515 HOV 200,000 200,000 27,000 52 Puget-Jones to Edmonds 100,000 910,000 1,010,000 53 SW 16th-Longacres DR to Lind 100,000 252,000 648,000 1,000,000 54 SW 7th/Lind Ave SW Signal 18,000 132,000 150,000 55 NE 44th/1405 Interchange 30,000 220,000 • - 250,000 56 Benson Rd S/S 31st 20,000 110,000 130,000 57 Sunset NE/Anacortes NE 86,000 192,000 278,000 58 Valley Connections to West 410,000 2,814,000 5,184,000 2,592,000 11,000,000 Total Sources 8,300,738 9,431,818 14,888,610 19,473,900 17,163,500 17,770,500 14,208,000 101,237,066 29,373,706 ,1 g7lq SE • v ` .VAI a (1) N.;._ .. A SE CITY OF RENTON ' lz,t SIX YEAR _dill ' � T.I.P. I ill Ir 1994 - 1999SE C :H3: PI `'I " ar i .19nd ", sr D IE SI.Sr l� II MI "Sad -_. CM "awn sr . gm , "IDU Ii w sex 3.1 �1 vx sr NI • • N SF SIU ahs sr r• ~ i¢ IE ^ Sq" R IE 2419 ST 43. ,=_J", 3f •k 15 gie 23d. 241 S 1000 SE 100111 Il .9.. IHS71.---OSSTS7 1Etad4.ST Q,.4, Ml W M ' i IE asx air m�Sr I -i - (r) �, D _ IE,Ix=< I ti vrE LAKE WASHINGTON \ 41 - - —\ 0.o v. i I 44 i 1 i c. 1 i !Li 4f). gigs IrCii.\\I„ 1 t, 0 .� IDS ® � � ,"a I+I 1�\\, 0li caEj I O�` I lx UI 41 dE 119E pl r toIIqi ' Am y` OI i Shc S7 I^n �`%/_ :r11SII ,, �'-1 L..�C 14-ir"w ,,,, 3F "I716 y NEM 1 �_ 7i �� Mr 1L,�xl JyS� `, IE M - IE OURI,SIOI OT G6 ( " M Si I �E `A =dD ��.. IE ex S<j_„1114% - IE 0U ST I „0 . I a� 1'619 1 .' --\ ,-.'q W \4r 1 r. 0 Alilbiv 0 ..viif iirpt Nr,,,j- tyv.,44..?attip-4----irjr-okyrc::,i' „„)iik \ I P,W lth ST LE?* _or g 1 AY �1\ x K u 1,111 a t'—":1y .....10. .... � gtly6gj i E� ��SpE �4 q Q –,I--�1jpl�F- � �e{���,E��Pal�fli��I_ fie✓ � /01_,N ' _� 1 L-7.-7,eRc:,tiViiph,„ a - CIDL (1!) ISR E '� ,.: ��. � �. SE Ili sr ��� - Mi nu �.�,r: - fir► SCI I__ ED '�' , impor E... 1 __ .1 ..,, _ ,� i i 7 Ei Ear C411111 le / o®E = 0:- ‘) _ .a,„,,... -I ". �`�IIII �� 1 y 7 t*, ¢ - S I7Ii A z f m Is ��1 « � e 1 . , .. ...-/ < 1,_ �2q «� MilFre \— ,, .. , �� xzsan A® _ r Y -- - wr EwJcr,te, iiiiiii . ,SM ST SW i,! S a.Sr ", , 14 i x DS _y k 'SE t9SU Sr 999... 1 I D SW SO Sr* gr 1 J8 CD 8 U 5 TThf Sr ti . x MI Sr Q ""`S 3 ICAO— • or NEN Project Substantially Funded �ca'jIF/ or Project Partially Funded ■ h ® — // +� • or Project Substantially Unfunded alA � Ew NI mom Project Development Substantially Funded N (,) Project Development Partially Funded ammo Project Development Substantially Unfunded I DMA''. Central Business District g CD * City - or Area-vide Project or Program Substantially laded S Ildd Sr ` — * City - or Area-wide Project or Program Substantially Unfunded * 1 . Street Overlay Program 2. Park Ave N/Lake Wc -igton Blvd (Houser Stage I) 3. Park Ave N - Bronson Way N to N 10th Street 4. Houser Way Relocated - Sunset Interchange to N 8th St (Houser Stage II) 5. SR 900 HOV 48c NB Houser Interchange (Houser Stage III) 6. Oakesdale Ave SW SW 27th St to SW 16th St * 7. Transportation Demand Management Program * 8. Walkway Program * 9. CBD Transportation and Streetscape * 10. Transit Program * 11 . Arterial HOV Project Development * 12. Bridge Inspection & Repair Program 13. Lake Washington Blvd Bridge at May Creek 14. SR 167/SW 27th St HON 15. Lake Washington Blvd Bike/Pedestrian 16. Airport Way/Rainier Ave S - Logan Ave S to S 2nd St 17. Talbot Rd S - S 43rd St to South City Limits * 18. Traffic Signal Loop Replacement Program * 19. Traffic Sign Replacement Program * 20. Light Pole Replacement Program 21 . Interagency Signal Coordination * 22. Sidewalk Inspection and Replacement Program 23. North 3rd Livable Streets * 24. Arterial Circulation * 25. Project Development & Pre-Design * 26. WSDOT Coordination 27. Bronson/Houser/Main - SR 169 to Grady Way 28. Main Ave S - S 5th St to Bronson Way 29. Bronson Way N Houser Way to Sunset Blvd 30. Oakesdale Ave SW - Monster Rd to SR 900 (Phase I) * 31 . Neighborhood Improvement/Beautification Program * 32. City Gateways Program 33, Monster Road Bridge 34. Windsor Hills Street Rehabilitation Project Development * 35. Miscellaneous Traffic Safety Program * 36. Traffic Systems Efficiency Improvements 37. Lind Avenue - SW 16th St to SW 43rd St 38. SR 169 Channelization (WSDOT project) 39. N 4th Blvd - Logan Ave N to Monterey Dr NE Project Development 40. NE 3rd St Sunset Blvd N to Monterey Dr NE * 41 . TBZ Project Development * 42. Missing Links Program 43. Burlington Northern Railroad Crossing LID 44. S Grady Way/Rainier Ave S (SR 167) Interchange 45. S 2nd St/ Logan Ave S, Williams Ave S & Wells Ave S 46. Monroe Ave NE - SR 169 to Sunset Blvd NE Project Development 47. S 192nd St/S 200th St - SR 167 to SR 515 Project Development 48. Duvall Ave NE - NE 4th St to North City Limits Project Development 49. SR 167/East Valley Road 50. SW Grady Way - SR 167 to SR 515 51 . I 405/SR 515 HOV Project Development 52. SE Puget Dr - Jones PI SW to Edmonds Ave SE 53. SW 16th St - Oakesdale Ave SW to Lind Ave SW 54. SW 7th St/Lind Ave SW Signal 55. NE 44th St/I 405 56. Benson Rd S/S 31st St Signal 57. Sunset Blvd NE/Anacortes Ave NE 6099 58. Valley Connections to West 3 • • CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATIG.L.),MPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 -r.1.999 SUMMARY OF FUNDING SOURCES Period ITEM Period Total 1994 1995 1996 ' 1991 1998 1999 EXPENSES: Planning/Project Developmen 2,238,000 720,000 450,000 257,000 287,000 237,000 287,000 Precon Eng/Admin 9,553,760 2,384,120 2,665,040 1,716,400 1,689,400 821,400 277,400 R-O-W(includes Admin) 14,147,600 365,000 4,835,600 1,736,000 4,311,000 2,160,000 740,000 Construction Contract Fee 62,124,418 5,540,458 6,439,960 14,586,500 10,096,000 13,499,000 11,962,500 Construction Eng/Admin 4,734,550 399,240 475,010 1,155,000 757,100 1,030,100 918,100 Other 138,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 . 23,000 23,000 23,000 ViftWilitiataillEXPENSESii ifin.936020111111iii9AVAI011:411400;010iiiiiiinROPVII:101Z00305.WiiiiiiliMOMOiii iii440080001 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax 1,920,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 Business License Fee 10,678,000 1,678,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 . Vehicle License Fee 2,100,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 Grants In-Hand 3,991,118 1,471,118 1,698,000 822,000 Grants Proposed 37,246,896 4,130,750 5,201,346 7,608,000 7,777,150 7,426,650 5,103,000 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed 4,528,000 188,000 362,000 794,000 961,500 1,445,000 777,500 Mitigation In-Hand . 2,411,850 425,750 979,400 745,700 261,000 Mitigation Proposed 16,494,700 521,200 2,526,000 3,263,000 2,663,000 2,914,000 4,607,500 Other 1,550,000 36,000 314,000 145,000 300,000 545,000 210,000 Unfunded 12,015,764 311,000 1,337,864 3,626,200 2,730,850 2,969,850 1,040,000 bOTAt SOUR ES g9gi94320iiii9ata1:ail 03:88.001i1 7.01.0i500.11 • File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 24&RPrinted 6/10/93 at 2:30 PM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATIG1. IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 37 # X DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317;102 Proj: 12108 Rank: 1 PROJECT TITLE: Street Overlay Program DESCRIPTION: Annual program for repairing and resurfacing existing roadways,operating the City's Pavement Management System and providing data for Arterial Deficiency Ratings. JUSTIFICATION: Overlay and slurry seal of streets provide for improved driving surface and are highly cost effective ways of avoiding expensive repairs and reconstruction. The computerized Pavement Management System and video inventory of existing roadway conditions greatly improve the efficiency of the Overlay Program. STATUS: Yearly program. 1994's program will include the reconstruction of Garden Ave.from N.8th Street to Park Ave.N. if a$276,800 ISTEA grant is successful. Grant matching funds are intended to come from PACCAR. CHANGES: $80,000 of 1992 funds carried over to 1993 for Talbot Rd overlay;$40,000 carried over and transferred in Budget adjustment to Airport Way-Rainier overlay. FINANCIAL DATA us' !`a€ > �"Cotal::::::::::::1 2Ceiit�€Gas B. Li .1= . .. .........................................: .. Total Project Cost 3,480,000;1 i Funded [ 3,160,000 2,060,000 1,100,000 Spent Throuh 1992: G::<ra: ;:i ;i1M::.:• .aEE<:>i '.i:. E€ii. {[i[><:i'f`i::1iiii` ':i>i 11.1: 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 520,0001;;:Unfunded ;i 320,000 276,800 43,200 Remaining Cost i!i< 12 960,000 Period EM.>::::::::::.:;:: ;.:;:: EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 280,000 55,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 2,410,000 660,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 Construction Eng/Admin 270,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 Other OOi:i �ii€r 0 A4 000::.::::::::.::.440•'000€;€_ i €440 0 . .. ......... . SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax 1,920,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 Business License Fee 720,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed(ISTEA) 276,800 276,800 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed 43,200 43,200 Other Unfunded 00'€ D .. .......44 Q File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 25&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 195 "= 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 230 f► X DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12081 Rank: 2 PROJECT TITLE: Park Ave N/Lake Washington Blvd (Houser Stage I) DESCRIPTION: Stage 1 of Houser Way Relocation,will reconstruct the intersection of Park and Lake Washington Blvd to discourage through movements from utilizing Lake Washington Blvd and improve traffic flow from Park Avenue N.to Boeing and Paccar. Stage 1 includes new roadway curb, sidewalk and path reconstruction,signal modifications,drainage,channelization,and signing. JUSTIFICATION: High priority project;culminates North Renton Facilitation process directed by City Council Resolution 2708 to assure that arterials providing access to North Renton and Kennydale neighborhoods are designed and operated in a manner responsive to citizen needs. STATUS: Stage 1 is scheduled to go to contract bid in 1993. Previous Funding: Preconstruction E/A=$197,000;ROW=$53,000;Contract Fee=$837,300;Const Eng=$62,700 (Boeing mitigation shifted to Houser Stage III) CHANGES: Economic Development Administration grant for$860,000 has been applied for. FINANCIAL DATA Total Project Cost: 1,150,000 !iiiiiFunded 290,000 290,000 .. ........... spent Through 1992: 180,000!!!!!!iji!!iji!iiiililiillmiiii lila:E <'<>ii`iiiiliill> ii i.::iiiEDA iii:::.........::i'ii':.iii :,.. . ... ............... ................... .. 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 540,000 lnlun'ded i t 860,000 860,000 Remaining Cost 's `i'430 00 Period >I1899 iiiiii ii :�:::.:1�99:::i:i:i:i:i°i :[:;:1:99.8:>lii<iiil li....... . . .. 995. . :::::..1..: .. ::..:: .:.................,........ . ............�..:. ... ...... . EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 390,000 390,000 Construction Eng/Admin 40,000 , 40,000 Other Di00 ii li liiII€Iill€_[Ii s i ii € €> lii':<ii' €>Illil.Iliiiiliii`„>E113EIIE1>>II`<Iliil€illilill€IIii:»€ii<I€I>i<„ii`i;?< siiizllli>I SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed (EDA) 430,000 430,000 _ L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 28&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATI1/4.,n IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994"- 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 296 X DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 008 Rank: 3 PROJECT TITLE: Park Ave N -Bronson Way N to N 10th St DESCRIPTION: Plane and overlay roadway entire length of project and reconstruct base where necessary. Widen for turn lanes and medians at N 4 th St.and from N 6th to N 10th. Signal modifications at Bronson Way, N.3rd,N.4th,N 6th St,N 8th St and N 10th St. Provide new curbs,sidewalks,street lighting, channelization and storm drainage. JUSTIFICATION: This high priority project will ease traffic congestion by improving capacity,thus reducing traffic usage of adjacent residential streets. This project also has a high priority based on regional significance of Boeing traffic,access to I-405 and SR 900,and the need for Park Ave.to serve as a major transit route. Ranked high with TIB(UATA)based on congestion and pavement condition. STATUS: Previous Funding: UATA=$493,040; Forward Thrust=$133,578 Business Lic Fee-$431,422;Veh Lic Fee=$455,000; Total Previous Funding=$1,513,040 CHANGES: Economic Development Administration grant of$460,000 has been applied for. If awarded,BLF&VLF will be shifted to Houser Way Relocation project. FINANCIAL DATA MINNN::>:<:::::�:::�.:;.:.. . . .. >;€>l ::..o. .. ::;<::>f'otai:.:.::.:�..t�wtl.'Chr...t ....................... Total Project Cost: 4,562,600I IIii;;1.F:::.ubtlecl €i 1,564,000 133,578 431,422 455,000 544,000 Spent Through 1992: 281,500 €�f!<E€> `<? IIIi 1iii:iii`�€`lUA..A...... .................................................................:.... � .. ... ...................................................................... 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 1,218,800 rUrifunt etl € 2,998,600 2,998,600 Remaining Cost 1[':::;3;062300 Period .8.€=iii=<�lii 9 ...... . ...... .9 9....... :.::...:....... ........ .... .... EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 63,700 63,700 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 2,776,400 2,082,350 694,050 Construction Eng/Admin 222,200 166,600 55,600 Other(Financial) T.O:T�AL.EXPENSES:::-:::>::>::>:<::•:::�:.;;3 062 .:.:. :.....:. � ........ .....:..:..::.�:.:.::. :..::..::::.::::::. ::.:: ::::::::.:::......:,.::..:::::::.::,:::...:<:::. SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand (UATA) 63,700 63,700 Grants Proposed (UATA) 2,998,600 2,248,950 749,650 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded T:QTAL..SOURCES..::::;:..:.:.. :..::..:::;3,. 2, ......�..::�, :. .., . . :._:,,.....:.:. ...,.:.....:..:::..:...:......... .... .:.................... .:...:...:..::...:..... .......... . ........ File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 29&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 565 X DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 025 Rank: 4 PROJECT TITLE: Houser Way Relocated - Sunset Interchange to N 8th St (Houser Stage II) DESCRIPTION: Stage II of Houser Way will provide a new roadway from N 8th St to a connection with Sunset Blvd. Includes curbs,sidewalks,street lighting,signing,landscaping and channelization. Also included is rehabilitation of existing N 8th St from Houser to Garden and of existing Houser Way north of N 8th Street including the addition of a bikeway. JUSTIFICATION: This high priority project is a culmination of the North Renton Facilitation process directed by City Council Resolution 2708 with the objectives of providing additional ingress/egress for Boeing and Paccar employees and relieving traffic usage of North Renton residential streets. STATUS: Obtained$3,000,000 Federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act(ISTEA)Grant,but TIB Grant denied. Requesting ISTEA•funds of$1,415,000. Previous Funding: PE=$317,700 Mitigation Sources= E&H=$932,300;Funded WSDOT=$150,000 is"in-kind"ROW CHANGES: Moved construction of north bound SR 900 connection to Houser Way to the SR900 HOV and NB Houser Interchange project. FINANCIAL DATA , ,:.:�<:, »i'iilS'fA�< = .iIK. Iib. ..... us•��c::•�ee..:::.�A.ti ..tion:: .:::::.:....:.. ...::....•.::::.•• ::..:.::::::::::. Total Project Cost 5,615,000 t#1001'iiii 4,200,000 117,700 932,300 3,000,000 150,000 Spent Through 1992: 20,30 ................. 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 297,400 I`U lif unded iii 1,415,000 1,415,000 Remaining Cost limiii§ggrap Period EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 663,000 400,000 263,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 700,000 700,000 - Construction Contract Fee 3,623,000 1,000,000 2,623,000 Construction Eng/Admin 311,300 89,000 222,300 Other SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand (ISTEA) 2,800,000 320,000 1,658,000 822,000 Grants Proposed (ISTEA) 1,415,000 1,415,000 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand 932,300 80,000 244,000 608,300 Mitigation Proposed Other 150,000 150,000 Unfunded File:TIPCIP_A.XZS 33&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 1620 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 032 Rank: 5 PROJECT TITLE: SR 900 HOV & NB Houser Interchange (Houser Stage III) DESCRIPTION: High Occupancy Vehicle(HOV)improvements in the Sunset(SR900)corridor from the I-405/SR 900 south-bound ramp to the I-405/SR 169(Maple Valley Wye)southbound freeway ramp. Project to include minor widening,re-channelization and signal modifications to provide HOV lanes and HOV signal phasing on SR 900 and will construction north-bound connection with Houser Way. JUSTIFICATION: The north bound connection from SR900 to the new I-405 frontage road of Houser Way makes possible the installation of HOV lanes and improved signal operations on SR 900. This corridor is heavily congested by commuter traffic and a high priority for HOV treatments. STATUS: Awarded a$130,560 ISTEA/STP grant for design of this project. A$900,000 grant application has been made for TIB/TIA funds for construction and R/W. Also requesting TIB for$32,640 match for design grant.Project estimate: Project development=$25,000;design=$166,000; Right of way=$700,000;Contr.fee=$1,258,000;C.E.=$126,000. CHANGES: This project replaces the"Sunset Blvd-1-405 to SR 169"project which described more general improvements on this corridor. $411,000 Paccar and$221,800 Boeing mitigation funds budgeted for this project. FINANCIAL DATA Total Project Cost: 2,275,000::'? ti.ttded 1,375,000 60,440 632,800 130,560 200,000 Spent Through 1992: 11.h.L1.:: :: :.:.:.:.:1.N::.. 1993 Budget+Carry Over 361,640 ;iUrimmoo? 900,000 900,000 301,200 50,000 ..... ... ..:..... • Remaining Cost illliiiiht91m§01 Period 9.99[i'< iiii 1 �fii199.5..i?i�< ii�i ..1. .. ::::...:..::.. .. .. .:.;.:.:.<::.:.... EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 130,560 90,560 40,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 700,000 700,000 Construction Contract Fee 984,000 492,000 492,000 Construction Eng/Admin 98,800 49,400 49,400 Other SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand (ISTEA) 130,560 90,560 40,000 Grants Proposed (TIA) 900,000 556,000 344,000 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand 632,800 535,400 97,400 Mitigation Proposed Other(Metro/WSDOT) 250,000 150,000 100,000 Unfunded File:TIPCIP A.XLS 49&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 433 X DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 022 Rank: 6 PROJECT TITLE: Oakesdale Ave SW- SW 27th St to SW 16th St DESCRIPTION: Construct new 5 lane roadway,with curbs,sidewalk,drainage,street lighting,traffic signals,channelization and landscaping. A portion of this facility at either end may be on structure. Construction to occur in two phases. Phase 1 will determine layout and ROW needs for Phase 1 and 2,acquire ROW for Phase 1;and design &construct the new roadway from SW 16th St to SW 27th St depending on the results of the layout studies. Phase 2 will design,construct and acquire ROW for the new roadway from SW 27th St to SW 31st St. JUSTIFICATION: High priority project in Renton's Valley Area Transportation Board(SCATBd)and in South County TBD. Serves Valley industrial area,including proposed Boeing Longacres site. Completes missing section of important north-south corridor. STATUS: TIB has approved$382,500 for predesign studies. Predesign is in progress. Previous Funding: Preconstruction E/A=$915,000;($382,500 TIA,$100,000 City,$432,500 Mitigation) Mitigation proposed includes Boeing and other Valley Developers. CHANGES: Project to be constructed in two phases. Total cost of Phase 1&2=$13,750,000. Phase 1 is programmed for 1994-1999 TIP. Phase 2 total cost of$6,750,000 is unfunded&planned to occur after 2010. FINANCIAL DATA :>::;::�;:�::�: ::�:::::.;�.:.:::::::::::1111:::;:::::: �::::>::::: ':€111: Cit.`>'€11 €1111 1::11:::11::1011 ii :L� ::.;ee.:::�:hNtti attorf >< >i`...7 . ........ ............. . Total Project Cost 7,000,000 '': ndedi 915,000 100,000 432,500 382,500 :>::::.:;::::�•��::;::_:::;::;;:;::><::::::�::�:�;::>::>:<::<:::>;::�::<:::11::::11:::::11:: Spent Through 1992.• 70,000 P 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 345,000 n1 mdetl '` 6,085,000 2,483,500 3,601,500 Remaining Cost ?1' 65855000 Period EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 865,000 500,000 365,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 Construction Contract Fee 3,440,000 2,240,000 1,200,000 Construction Eng/Admin 280,000 200,000 80,000 Other "00 :?€ €i'>':; <1ii1<111 i 111:1:11[1111 € `:1i 1111:;1 1:1111 .EX :ENSEB•.:..,:;:.;:.;:.::.;:.,::;6 5v85 000..::::.;:.;.��.00 Q00:.:,:.11:2 365,0. 0..:.;.;:2��...�Q,::::.: :.>:.::.:.�.::::..t:.::::::.::::.::;:<�.�:.:�»:.>:.;;::::.:::�::.:::::::::::::::. SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand(TIA) 225,250 225,250 Grants Proposed (TIA) 2,483,500 940,000 1,000,000 543,500 L.I.D.'s Formed _ L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand 274,750 274,750 Mitigation Proposed 3,601,500 1,425,000 1,440,000 736,500 Other Unfunded 000 111:11:::;;::;;;;; 11111;;::111111111::11111i111`: iilislils11i11111 �:.i:. . . 00011111��11"2'80 . ................ . .....:........... :.11: 2,?440, .. :: .::::.:�. . ..�..... ..,....................... .... File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 31&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 894 # x DEFT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12135 Rank: 7 PROJECT TITLE: Transportation Demand Management Program DESCRIPTION: Develop and implement a Transportation Demand Management(TDM)program that will maximize the"people-carrying" capacity of the Transportation System through operational and capital improvements and non-capital programs oriented to promote high occupancy vehicle rather than single occupant vehicle use. The program will include,but not be limited to,development and implementation of a Commute Trip Reduction(CTR) ordinance,working with major employers on TDM measures,and recommending facility improvements such as HOV lanes,signal modifications,and park and pool lots. Also includes development and implementation of City's own CI'R program. JUSTIFICATION: The City is required by State Legislation passed in 1991 to develop and implement CTR. TDM/CTR is an important element in achieving desired transportation,environmental and land use goals. STATUS: The City is working with Metro,King County and other jurisdictions to develop coordinated TDM strategies and LIR implementation. State will provide an estimated$97,000. $20,000 ISTEA grant approved. CHANGES: None FINANCIAL DATA •A..... ........................ Total Project Cost 427,000 i< i< iFunde'tl j i 387,000 270,000 € 97,000 20,000 Spent through 2: 199 28,300 ........ ... ...................................................................... 1993 Budget+Carry Over 178,700 40,000 40,000 Remaining Cost iii.iiiginiggchogq Period iii<:99 iii 81i'ii?i€i:' iiii # ::...::.....:....: .. .. .::...:::::...::.:...:...:.:. EXPENSES: Project Development 220,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other 00 3II'000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 180,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed 40,000 20,000 20,000 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded •iiiii;. .0"00 = iiiiiiii�i< 3 0 0€i:ii?<iiiii�i' 0•`00 �_€>ii>° 3 0 0 File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 38&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. , CITY OF RENTON • SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 829 DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 009 Rank: 8 PROJECT TITLE: Walkway Program DESCRIPTION: This program provides for the design and construction of high priority non-motorized transportation facilities for pedestrians as identified and prioritized in the 1991 Walkway Needs and Priority Report. JUSTIFICATION: Providing safe and convenient non-motorized facilities is an integral part of a complete transportation network. Specific improvements will respond to the needs of school children,the elderly and the handicapped, and will support increased use of transit. STATUS: On-going yearly program. CHANGES: None. FINANCIAL DATA :1111:::: €:: :N>:>1MI:::,Yotal::iigl .bus::.Llc.::......::..:......................:.::::.:::::::.::.:..........................: Total Project Cost: 631,300 ' _Fu ndeCI 631,300 631,300 Aii{ i< isiii ''i!r Spent Through 1992: N/ :::�::::>:::;::>.>_<::�:::::>::�:::�•.:.::>:.;�:...:::. ::::::..::..:::..:. :,:::::::::::..:::.:...:......................................... . 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 211,300 llnftidetl Remaining Cost Period 81fi's iii ::�>:::<:>�:<::>:�:::::::::.:TE ::.>:;:;:.;:::::::;:::,::�:P.er.:lad>T�tal:.�::�:•;:::199..:.:4..::-:::::>:::,.:::::1..99:5..;:.:.;:.::.:::.::.:.1.996:.:::.:::.:::..::7.:.: ..:.:..: .:..::.:....... .... .. ............ ......... EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 50,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 336,000 56,000 56,000 56,000 56,000 56,000 56,000 Construction Eng/Admin 33,600 5,600 5,600 5,600 5,600 5,600 5,600 Other : : .: .:.;. .. : :...:::.. .... ....... . ......... . ::::::>:�::<::. `:€ iil�i<> 000•::;:.;;:..:::::70 000.:€=€:€:�:€:„::;:70 0 ...:..::::.:::::7.:..... .. ::.,:.;:420000:..»>:.:::::.70a00:.:.>;:.::.;::.:70.OO.Q:..:.:�.:::...7:D>:...:.:;•:.;:.::..�::.::::..::::.::,.::.;::.;;::�..>:.: .;:;::::..::::::::::::::�:::::::: SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 420,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded File:TIPCIP.A.XLS 37&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATIuN IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 697 X DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12111 Rank: 9 PROJECT TITLE: CBD Transportation and Streetscape DESCRIPTION: Analyze,design and construct improvements to vehicular and pedestrian traffic facilities and streetscape elements within the City's Central Business District compatible with CBD development proposals and Comprehensive Plan land use designations,including analysis of transit/HOV facilities and the changing S.2nd and S.3rd St to two-way traffic. JUSTIFICATION: Future development and economic vitality of the Central Business District depends upon the ability of the transportation system to handle additional traffic,parking demand and pedestrian movement. The specific types of transportation improvements need to be coordinated with the type of land use proposed in the Comprehensive Plan. STATUS: The City's Comprehensive Plan,which may propose changes to land use in the CBD,is currently being reviewed. Transportation elements which are compatible with and enhance the proposed land use will be recommended as part of the Transportation Plan. Previous funding: Project Development=$100,000. CHANGES: The City of Renton has proposed its Central Sub-area to be an Urban Center. FINANCIAL DATA <::a"iii ii!if BusiLciiFeci .I..;..;..::. .::..:.:. . ::;:_:::.:::.;:.:;:;.:.;:::.� Total Project Cost: 350,000 i!iii';iNifithaeitili. 350,000 350,000 Spent Through 1992: 40,650 o 5 .. ...................... ........................:.........................................:............................. 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 99,350 <`Unfunded <1 Remaining Cost i?1 1210 000 Period EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 190,000 190,000 Construction Eng/Admin 20,000 20,000 Other :::O: : <:: :: SES::::::;:::: ; :::::::>::::<: 1.0000 [1islfi€21.0 0 . .. ......................:..::..:................... ....................................:........... ........................ ......:.:.............:...:........................ ................. . SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 210,000 210,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded ES€<€:: 1i11�i1;1 1'1°::;x:21`0 00 0 000:€: ii[1iiii['> <=s€<i€ iisi11 ; 1€�;> isiii��;i€>«�`1>i; 111;1� <=ii; 11�111i < < i€?�iiii "1< T.OTALISO.URC .. ::::..:.::::: :. .,. �.. ::. 21.., ..::: .::::::.......... ...... ..:...:.......;. :....:,.. .....:.::. :::..:.:...::.::::.....:.:...:.. ..:. File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 35&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. • CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999. CONTACT:Lee Haro 763 DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12109 Rank: 10 PROJECT TITLE: Transit Program DESCRIPTION: Determine short-range and long-range transit needs,routes and facilities,including a transit center,intra-Renton shuttle,rail system and park and ride lots. Work with Metro Transit,Downtown Renton Association,Boeing,etc., for implementation of short-range needs. Include transit improvements in proposed transportation demand management programs,impact fee program and capital facilities needs assessment. JUSTIFICATION: Transit improvements are a vital component of the transportation system's ability to absorb future traffic demand. Transit will be one key to meeting the goals of the downtown area as well as industrial and office park development in other parts of the city. New Federal ISTEA Legislation could make this program an excellent candidate for generating Federal grants. STATUS: Staff is currently working closely with Metro Transit staff on near-term service improvements in Renton. Work is progressing on the Transportation Plan,which will examine the need for future transit improvements. Previous Funding: Project Development=$75,000;Design and Construction=$328,000. • CHANGES: • Joint City/Metro application made for$100,000 grant for High Capacity Transit Study,also$80,000 grant application to design a shuttle bus and/or Dial-a-Ride system. FINANCIAL DATA - iiiiiii:::;>��?i i €>€€ii„€€:i'> i`•:':s:�::;:• ��siii � ::<: Total Project Cost 1,433,000 EigifOridetCliiiii 1,253,000 1,253,000 50 Spent Through 1992: 32,2 :::::�:_::�::>::�::>�:::>::>::>�•::.:,::;:.::.;;�>:::.�:.;:.;::.:»>::.:::.:.:.:�:::.;::.::.:..::,.:<.;::.;:..�:..:.�:.>:.;:.;:.::.::.�:.::<.::.::::::::.:..::..:::::::.::: 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 370,750 i!iiiDeitafid.eaiii 180,000 180,000 Remaining Cost < i 1,030 000 Period EXPENSES: Project Development 230,000 165,000 65,000 Precon Eng/Admin 96,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 640,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 Construction Eng/Admin 64,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 Other SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 850,000 25,000 25,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed (FTA)(ISTE) 180,000 140,000 40,000 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded 0,�0 ....i.:::.i�i. i ...2. . .,.:0.. 2 0 ...:.: .:::...... .... .. . ..::::::......:..�....::. File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 36&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 2214 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: Rank: 11 PROJECT TITLE: Arterial HOV Project Development DESCRIPTION: Perform a comprehensive analysis of short and long term HOV needs for the Renton area and develop a prioritized list with cost estimates of recommended arterial improvements,such as HOV lanes,HOV queue jumps,park and ride lots and other HOV facilities. JUSTIFICATION: , Development of arterial HOV improvements will be necessary to promote the use and efficiency of transit and other HOV mobility options. A study is needed to assure that the limited funds available are applied where they will have the most benefit. STATUS: ISTEA Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality(CMAQ)grant for$86,500 was approved by the Puget Sound Regional Council but may be voided due to the FHWA's recent interpretation of the legislation that CMAQ funds can only be used for specific,quantifiable projects. CHANGES: New Project Matching funds shifted from Transit program and from Arterial Circulation in budget adjustment to proceed with project with or without grant. FINANCIAL DATA e <? s ` > s° ii<iiiiii; `•. € '> «€€>ii iii'»'< ........ ..... Total Project Cost: 100,000 iiii i iiiiFuride. 100,000 100,000 Spent u 2:Through lThr 1993 Budget Carry Over: 100,000 iiiLlnfu_nd... .,.. Remaining Cost Period :;.::.::.�:::.,;;:.::;:.: ::•<.I'SEM:.;.:..:::::::::::..:.�Perlod:T_. .3.,..;.:.;.:. ::,:., .. ..�.. :: :,.:::::.>•. .. ::: EXPENSES: Planning/Project Developmen Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded File:TIPCIPAA.XLS 58&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 960 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 106 Rank: 12 PROJECT TITLE: Bridge Inspection & Repair Program DESCRIPTION: Inspect all roadway bridges owned by the City every two years and undertake minor repairs and preventative maintenance as needed. JUSTIFICATION: Inspection program must be done for safety and funding purposes and as part of S.W.I.B.S.Program to determine structural deficiencies,physical deterioration,or functional obsolescence and to qualify for federal bridge replacement grant funding. Repair funding is provided to accomplish improvements, identified through the inspection program,that will increase the safety and extend the longevity of the structures. STATUS: Grant application successful for Lk.Wash.Blvd.bridge at May Creek. Grant will be an estimated$434,240. CHANGES: $149,758 carryover from 1992. $108,500 shifted to Lake Washington Blvd.Bridge at May Creek. FINANCIAL DATA Total Project Cost: 741,198:;:;:;;:;;funded;`:;:; 741,198 741,198 N A'< iii„ii???'<{ >:iii '<f ii `•.'i` {i3EE` '?` [ ? i #ii ii''>^ '< !` 's">5 `['Fret `s'?'> ^' Spent Through 1992: f 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 141,198 iilliMandeOtii Remaining Cost: i i600. Q0 Period iiM:.:.::. :.:. :.:.:.P...ertod<Tot�l..;::.>:.:.;199..4..:.::..::.:..:..,1. .. ..::::::......:::... ... . . ...... ...... :..... ....... .. . ........ . .. .... ......:::::. EXPENSES: Project Development 150,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Precon Eng/Admin . 72,000 16,000 8,000 16,000 8,000 16,000 8,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 345,000 77,000 38,000 77,000 38,000 77,000 38,000 Construction Eng/Admin 33,000 7,000 4,000 7,000 4,000 7,000 4,000 Other is 0`'000`x€ :.::.::�.:;,>:.:>:.> :�:..::� SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 600,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded �.::: .� . .;?EES>[�'•;.� �� ::::re:;;:;:x> File:TIPCIP�I.XLS 39&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 2478 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: Rank: 13 PROJECT TITLE: Lake Wash. Blvd Bridge at May Creek DESCRIPTION: Replace the existing structure with a new structure designed for earthquake loading and to a width to accommodate motor vehicles,bikes and pedestrians. JUSTIFICATION: The bridge was evaluated in 1991 as part of the State of Washington Inventory of Bridges and Structures(SWIBS) Program,which determines the structural integrity of bridges. The result of the most current inspection was that this bridge is structurally deficient and was not designed for earthquake loading. STATUS: City has received grant funding to perform a TS&L study,which includes mapping,geotechnical exploration, preliminary design of the bridge structure,approach roadways,and construction cost estimates. Will apply for P,S&E and construction funds after study is completed. CHANGES: New project. $108,560 budget-adjusted from"Bridge Inspection and Repair" FINANCIAL DATA :.;Total.:`:��?i> Bus:..I.. :.:. ..:;.:::::.... .. ..... 0856028 80U':;::> ............................................. . 1 Total Project Cost: 542,800 ii':.':„i��Ftrntletl ``••�• � 137,360 , ants:€` ' € ii €« SpentThrough 1993: N/A: ...............t?� y �:1 ..... .. .. ......................................:.....................:............ 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 137,360Unittntled €< 405,440 405,440 Remaining Cost ?i 1405 440 Period ::€:?:i:�i:'::r:i:;:�is i:i:: : :i:::5p:;:>:::>3i:t:€::> ...:..::. .... ...::.:�•:.;. : `::"si::'s'i: : EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 55,100 55,100 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 320,800 320,800 Construction Eng/Admin 29,540 29,540 Other SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed 405,440 405,440 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 62&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 — 1999 CONTACT:Lee Hato 2676 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12138 Rank: 14 PROJECT TITLE: SR 167/SW 27th St HOV DESCRIPTION: Construct a new HOV exclusive interchange at SR 167 and SW 27th Street and construct arterial HOV lanes on SW 27th Street to Oakesdale Avenue SW. Includes roadway,structures,curbs,sidewalks, drainage,traffic signals,lighting,signing and channelization. JUSTIFICATION: Serves the Valley,including the Boeing Longacres site,where TDM will be an important element in addressing increasing traffic volumes. Allows HOV's to bypass the other congested ramps,arterials and intersections in the Valley. STATUS: $120,000 of Business License Fee put in project at 1992 mid-year budget adjustment. Grant received=$344,000. Submitted to WSDOT for funding. Mitigation Proposed includes Boeing and other Valley developers. CHANGES: Received Grant for$344,000 under ISTEA CMAQ program. FINANCIAL DATA :::>:::::>::::_:::::::>�::M:::::-1111• �::-;:�.:::>:�:�•::::;:::: :=< :::.: ::; i1`STEA €<€: €1111; €i' €>€ ;i> €„€„ `€; ;€ €; :: : 'fotal::><::�:::B.us tla::Fee:::.....i. . .. :: Total Project Cost 10,120,000 i F:::unded 464,000 120,000. . 344,000 <:•SDOT 000:::::::::::.:.:;:::.;:.;:...:.,:.::.:;.;.:.::.�:.;::.;::.:..�:.::..::.:G.rants:>_:::::€11Aiti Spent Through 1992: 2, :::::::..:.. ........... ......... .....:..... .. $.::::::.:,::.:.:..................... .................... 1993 Budget+Carry Over 118,000 9,656,000 9,656,000 3,656,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 3,000,000 Remaining Cost € 1;0000;QQ0 Period EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 1,224,000 500,000 724,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 1,000,000 1,000,000 Construction Contract Fee 7,200,000 4,800,000 2,400,000 Construction Eng/Admin 576,000 384,000 192,000 Other TQTALEXP.:.ENSES<:<€<:::€>:::>::;:::::�10 OQ ....:..:..:.:.�::..:... ..:....:.......,...:::�::.::::::::.::.:...:...3....... ....:.,.:::.:..+..:::::::.:::::.::::.............. ....................... SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand(ISTEA) 344,000 344,000 Grants Proposed 3,656,000 500,000 1,956,000 1,200,000 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed 1,500,000 78,000 362,000 764,000 296,000 Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed 1,500,000 78,000 362,000 764,000 296,000 Other Unfunded (WSDOT) • 3,000,000 500,000 1,700,000 800,000 :T... . .: ;: . : ;<::': ::: :i:i:s <::. " i :ii;ii� ':€:iii:: :'; ` :: :OTAL:.S..OURC,ES::::.;:::_:�<::,::::::1.O,000,000:.,;:.:.::..:.500,OOQ._ :::::;1:,7:24,000.::.::5,'t...4, :.:: .:::2,. ... ., :,::...:......... ..... ................ .. File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 65&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994- 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 2940 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12121 Rank: 15 • PROJECT TITLE: Lake Washington Blvd Bike/Pedestrian DESCRIPTION: Prepare plans,specifications and estimate for construction of a bike/ped facilitiy and for resurfacing the roadway. JUSTIFICATION: ' This is an important route in the City's trail network. Also the roadway is in need of resurfacing. STATUS: The selected alternative from the prliminary engineering studies will be used as the basis for PS&E. Study carryover funds will be used to help match the ISTEA Grant of$116,800 to prepare PS&E. CHANGES: Moves from Project Development Phase to PS&E phase of design. ISTEA grant request of$744,256 made to PSRC for construction funding in 1995. FINANCIAL DATA Total Project Cost: 1,147,120€ '>€<Furidetl < 216,800 100,000 116,800 Spent 61500 ISTEA Unfunded Through 1 �i:� >[r€�':'•i'•i y`;€ i g 992: 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 38,500€€€'':Lintuncled ':.i 930,320 744,256 186,064 . Remaining Cost: MA,047'120 Period 99i. ..sss? .. .996 ::»�:::<�:>:<::.1:99.7i € ���':€�i`•.i199. ........ ........ . . . . . EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 116,800 116,800 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 861,410 861,410 Construction Eng/Admin 68,910 68,910 Other 16-A00.11 i€> i�r..;J3 3 . .. ....................... ........................ ......... ..: :, .:>:.;>:.;:;..:.::.:� SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand (ISTEA) 116,800 116,800 Grants Proposed 744,256 744256 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D's Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded 186,064 186,064 711OTi4LSOG.R.CES :::> ::;<iiiii>:':�:€:>1 .047;12Qi;'i;fzi€ �1,6.;800:::�� i�:::9 ,. . :::::....:.:,:...... .::.,.... ....�.:..: ... . .:... File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 69&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 3798 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: Rank: 16 PROJECT TITLE: Airport Way/Rainier Ave S -Logan Ave S to S 2nd St. DESCRIPTION: Overlay roadway, including planing of existing asphalt where needed and replacement of channelization. JUSTIFICATION: ' High priority,high traffic volume principal arterials. STATUS: Was awarded$129,250 of Federal Surface Transportation Program(STP)as a preservation project.. CHANGES: $40,000 of funds from the Overlay Program were carried over and budget adjusted to match grant. FINANCIAL DATA MIIIIMMINUMINEN0011111111 Total Project Cost 169,250 iini!iiFOlidettt 169,250 40,000 129,250 ou h 1 2: :.... Spent Thr . ................... 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 169,250Unfutded '? Remaining Cost Period EXPENSES: Planning/Project Developmen Precon Engin/Admin • R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other 3::5'�3 �<:<i3;`3>:3 ?:i3:i>{i;i i3>i:>:s>?EEEi3i;$E;;?> 3i'>`:::i:;':iii;i s ':>:;i'•iisii'yi3izir+:s :>%::i:ii::ri:i:i:ii3i::<`'i>3;::i tz3Ei3E3�z:'`::'iii j:;: :: S�is>�'£>'"'ji`3 i:iiyi: >;<� rao:r:::::.:::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::.;:.::::::.•rar:...::::.::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::.::,;;::;:..�:.r:.:>:::::::::: .:::.:::.::;.;�::.r:.:>::.:s SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded CES >'•: �>`i<ii �>>>< i€ is':.::::::::::�:::,::>::::-::;;:::;�:>::.:;.�::�::>:::..;:.:;:.;:.;:.>:.: :.:::.:..::.;::.>::;:>:: :;::::.;:: :.::::,.:::::;:,.:.;:,.;:.:::.;:::..:.:.:.:.:.;:.;:;:..::.:.:.::.:..:::..:.:.::::::.... TQTAL:SOUR. .::..:.::.�............. . . ...3,..:............ ....... .........:....... ..... ......... . File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 82&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994.- 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 3270 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12126 Rank: 17 PROJECT TITLE: Talbot Rd S - S 43rd St to South City Limits. DESCRIPTION: Reconstruct roadway in areas with failing pavement and sub-grade conditions and sub-standard cross slopes. Overlay the reconstructed roadway as part of annual overlay program. JUSTIFICATION: Poor existing roadway conditions are a safety and maintenance concern. STATUS: Evaluation of existing conditions will be done in conjunction with Pavement Management System inspections and analysis. $80,000 budgeted for overlay in the Overlay Program. $325,808 in grants received. CHANGES: $75,000 for 1993=$60,000 BLF,$15,000 FAUS • FINANCIAL DATA ee > ::}AU:g>°>€ .; € �ISTEA:?€€ :°:::°< « �:�:�€s„N:>::::>::1'atal:.�:::::: .9us:t�sr;�ee;�/ehL�c:l=.:.: :::... ..... ..:.:..:..::::::.::::,::::::::.: • Total Project Cost: 545,808 Funde°CI 'i 545,808 60,000 160,000 I 211,222 I 114,586 ou h 1992: Sent Thr .... .. .. 1993 Budget Carry Over: 75,000 €Un�undetl�:: Remaining Cost i!!iiiiicliiiii47pqg Period PertocJ::: : : ::>::: �'fotal.:.;:.:.;:.:.'1994.;::.;:.; EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 428,808 • 428,808 Construction Eng/Admin 42,000 42,000 Other TO8 :? ?<:�:_.::4708 ..i.......97!D. . . .. .:...................... ....................... ........::..:.::........ ....................... ...............:::...::. SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee 160,000, 160,000 Grants In-Hand(FAUS/ISTEA) 310,8081 310,808 Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded '�� SOU...CES;ii€;� :; � i <�?iii;`470 8 7 8. .. ....................... .................:..... . . .. .. ........... ........... ........... ....... File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 74&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON - SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 1026 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 016 Rank: 18 PROJECT TITLE: Traffic Signal Loop Replacement Program DESCRIPTION: Replace failed or failing traffic signal vehicle detection loops and repair pavement as required to achieve proper installation and assure reliability. JUSTIFICATION: Most of Renton's signals require extensive vehicle detection systems to provide traffic count data needed for the intersection controllers and VMS signal coordination system to operate effectively. The detection loops in the pavement must be properly maintained; their failure results in highly inefficient operation. Pavement deterioration due to heavy,traffrc volumes,trucks,and adverse weather have increased the need for replacement. STATUS: On-going yearly program. CHANGES: None. FINANCIAL DATA isimumummoologgoomp s€Lc dee` € €>€ ` €si ><i>'i'i€' €> €`< `•. €s€ €`:' €?€ Total Project Cost: 211,643 211,643 211,643 N A Spent Through 1992: ............................................................... 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 61,643;€Unfunded ':;? Remaining Cost i ':!i<1505000 Period ; i 99 iii EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 126,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 - Construction Eng/Admin 9,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Other(City Force) 15,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 SOURCES OF FUNDS: , 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 150,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed - L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded si 25 . File:TIPCIP�I.XLS 40&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON r SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATIGI:'.1MPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 1092 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12113 Rank: 19 PROJECT TITLE: Traffic Sign Replacement Program DESCRIPTION: This program provides for the replacement and/or relocation of signs that are obsolete,faded,poorly located or no longer appropriate. JUSTIFICATION: Poor signing can create safety problems and driver confusion. Purchase of these materials falls beyond normal maintenance budget. STATUS: On-going yearly program. Contract fee amount is for purchase of materials that will be assembled and installed by City. CHANGES: None FINANCIAL DATA :€:�:� € `'�< ��_<<��: of I::::;::� : .Bus.f�.a.Fe� ...........................:...::.. .........::.::....:................... Total Project Cost: 156,300 ii'iii 'unded ii= 156,300 156,300 Spetit Through 1992: N/A 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 36,300 U:r1f.u:rlde°tlii€ Remaining Cost i[ i20Q00 Period • :::::�::.�:.>::::::>::> >;�:::•. :.>::::»:.:>,::,:.:. .:.._.....:. :.....;::>:>€:::: . .. ,i::s:i>.;[€<�€::: ;;�;i:;:i:i:�>>: 'i > iiir>; > 97�iii::;iiii'> ...1. EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 51,000 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 • 8,500 Construction Eng/Admin Other(City Force) 69,000 11,500 11,500 11,500 11,500 11,500 ' 11,500 • 'OOO�i iii :.:T:..QTAL::::EXP:;:ENSE•S•.;>:::<:::>::�::::;:::<:.,>:.�:.::.>::.:r..;..:;::3:.;:.::.::.;�>�,>:s:;.:�:.:;:.:.;;:.>:.>.:.:::::�:::.�::::::::::::::::..:....... ......,................. ................... , SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 120,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded 000'?i File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 41&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 1158 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 091 Rank: 20 PROJECT TITLE: Light Pole Replacement Program DESCRIPTION: This program is for the replacement of damaged luminaire poles. These poles have been damaged in unknown incidents where reimbursement through normal channels is impossible. JUSTIFICATION: , Pedestrian and vehicular safety is highly related to adequate street lighting. Purchase of these poles falls beyond normal maintenance budget. STATUS: On-going yearly program. Contract fee amount is for purchase and repair of poles. CHANGES: None. FINANCIAL DATA s ` a?„ i !iii is »>, „ i < !< € .......................:..... .....................................:.,::: Total Project Cost 200,864 200,864 200,864 Spent Through 1992: N/A / 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 50,864::1 Llr i..l tided i> Remaining Cost: i•'r'. ':ii1I50:U0.0 Period :::1.995::::0::::�:.�>:.;1996..::.::..:::::::.'1. .. ..:....... ..:.:.:. EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 12,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 114,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 Construction Eng/Admin Other 24,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 25 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 150,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded .� 5 0 ::::: .50 ODO:::>:::�:;�:;:� 5 000.. ......::..;:1:1:;125 000>•:::::<.>;:.25 000:<:;€>€:::::;::: , TQTA4�;5.0,.URGE.S::: :::::::::::::::>::;:::::>:::7. ., .. ..:..:..::.::..:2...1 ..:.:: .::::...... ., . .... ........... ..,. . .. ..... .... .. , .. , . . .. ......... File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 42&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 103 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12140 Rank: 21 PROJECT TITLE: Interagency Signal Coordination DESCRIPTION: Provide means of signal coordination across jurisdictional boundaries of Renton,Kent,Tukwila,King County &WSDOT. Implement signal sequences cooridnated through broadcast world time with necessary hardware to interface with Renton's master signal computer. Develop regional traffic flow parameters&signal timings. JUSTIFICATION: Improve traffic flows,reduce congestion,reduce fuel consumption&air pollution. FHWA demonstration project. STATUS: Developing corridors,prospectus and applications and evaluating existing traffic control. CHANGES: Tukwila is lead agency for an inter-jurisdicitonal ISTEA grant approved for design of this project. FINANCIAL DATA ...ee <; :Bus;Lc F......:::.:.::::::::::::::::::..::::::..::.::.::::......:.:..................... 66•U00 ::.;::'66000: .. ........ ................................................................ Total Project Cost: 210,000;;;:;:: Funded 66,000 €<il Spent Through 1992: N/A � :: .... .. .. ......................................................................... 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 30,000 ii$DAMiietecitiiii 144,000 144,000 Remaining Cost: [ :`•.!':::;:1:80,000 Period 7 8 EXPENSES: Project Development 60,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Precon Eng/Admin 15,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 90,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Construction Eng/Admin 15,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Other SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 36,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed (ISTEA) 144,000 48,000 48,000 48,000 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded 000':€[[< i ilii i i!`•.;iiff<' <i<i>sEsi€ 'iirE' i<€> ii >si is Ei i: i[`s File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 26&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994-- 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 1224 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 056 Rank: 22 PROJECT TITLE: Sidewalk Inspection and Replacement Program DESCRIPTION: Inspect sidewalks to determine areas needing repair,notify property owners of those sidewalk areas that are their responsibility to repair and finance repair by City crews of areas that are City's Responsibility. JUSTIFICATION: Dangerous sidewalk sections are safety problem for pedestrians and a liability exposure for City. STATUS: On-going yearly program. CHANGES None FINANCIAL DATA €;€„i;ii>':'i<;nisi»;�i;:.`•:;:::::�•;�;;;;:;; : °•� Total Project Cost 103,942!iiiiiiiii:Funded i ii 103,942 103,942 Spent Through 1992: N/A 3 > <ENs .. 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 43,942<iW,iu.ittlei1113 Remaining Cost iia < 160l000. Period 91:1:1 >i .. :::::;:;<::: ::.............. ::<::::;::: :::996::::<:<::.:isii��:ii:1.99.731<1i�131: iii.. �erldd:.Total.: ..;:1994:;..:.: : : .99.5. :. ..:::.:::'!. ... ..:,...: .:..::... . . ....::..:..:..:..:..:.. .. ..,..:....: .:....:::.'!. . . :.....:.:. EXPENSES: Project Development 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Construction Eng/Admin Other ' 0 _11i'il3siiili 0 0 0 :;::::.0 OOOi1:111 '� 1:0'00(): i11131i1i?11...7. . ::: � ::: ':�; :. . T..OTAL:EXPENSES................ .........60 0 ............10 QQQ.. :.�:::::::.:.:.......:..............� :.:..::::.;•.;:;.;:.::.:::�:::::::.:::::::::::::..,.:..<.:>:.;:.;»:.::.::.;:::�::;.>..;.: SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 60,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded <ii0 00= File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 43&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATI _ IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 169 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 044 Rank: 23 PROJECT TITLE: North 3rd Livable Streets DESCRIPTION: This is the final phase of the"North Renton Livable Streets"program. It will reduce the curb to curb width from 44'to 36'in order to increase the curb to street margin buffer width from 8'to 12'. General boundaries are Burnett to Factory. Work conforms to direction provided by the North Renton Arterial Facilitaties Plan process. JUSTIFICATION: This project is directed by the North Renton Plan,which resulted from City Council Resolution 2708 to preserve the integrity of the North Renton single family neighborhood. STATUS: Project is currently under design. Mitigation In-Hand: Boeing=$398,200. CHANGES: None. FINANCIAL DATA Total Project Cost: 443,200€ u d'ed ' 443,200 398,200 I 45,000 Spent Through 1992: 111,560 . . . .:.........:.....................................:.:..... v 331 640<Unlunde'i����` .. . ............ ...................................... .. 1993 Budget Carry Over: ... . . . .. . ...... . ....... ..... . . Remaining Cost Period :.::.::.:.:..::::. :.:.. .EM..:.:..:•::::::.::.: :.erlod::Total.:_;:::::::::1:99.4°??� � �i....1 ..... .... .. . ............ ......... . . . :::::::::. :::::.. . :..:::::::..,:::::. .. . .:.::::. EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded TOTAL. , . .. . . .:.:::.:::::..... ....................:..� .....:...:...:.,......: .............. ........ ....:....,.:.:... :�.. — .:... File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 27&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 1356 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 029 Rank: 24 PROJECT TITLE: Arterial Circulation DESCRIPTION: A computer model of the City's arterial system was completed in 1992. This model is being used to develop an arterial plan as part of the City's Transportation Plan. Transportation projects will be recommended to improve traffic flow on a multi-model basis and will be coordinated with Transportation Demand Management,the HOV element of the Transportation Plan,and Clean Air requirements. This fund will provide for planning,design and construction of arterial projects,including HOV improvements. JUSTIFICATION: Recommendations for arterial system improvements will be a key product of the Transportation Plan. These projects are essential to support further development and to reduce negative traffic impacts in the City. This fund is necessary to allow for completion of relatively low-cost projects which will improve traffic operations, promote increased use of high-occupancy vehicles and comply with clean air legislation. STATUS: Work is being completed on the Transportation Plan. This project will fund the planning work which will lead to recommendations of improvement projects on the arterial network and will fund design and construction of those improvements. CHANGES: None. FINANCIAL DATA :.;ofel:iiiiiii > ..us...>c..::... ...:.:eh.;. ...:.......:. :.:::. .;:..>:.::..:::..::::::::::::::::::::::::. Total Project Cost: 10,181,090 '' FundeCkii 6,368,090 4,428,090 1,940,000 Spent Through 2: Thr g 199 165�150: :> 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 515,940 i Unful dedr i 3,813,000 2,400,000 1,413,000 Remaining Cost i i'?i i 9 500,000 Period EXPENSES: Project Development 600,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Precon Eng/Admin 900,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 1,000,000 250,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Construction Contract Fee 7,000,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 Construction Eng/Admin Other !:. '600 OOOi T:Q,Ti•,AL:EXPENSE.,:::::::::::::.....:.:: .� ::. :...�...:.:,::.:..:..::::::.�.::::::�::::..:.:.:::..�..:.:.:�:.:.:.::::::.:.�:.......,.:.:.::. ::::.... :....�.:.:.:.. :.::::..,..:::.::R:::::::: SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 3,747,000 599,000 813,200 409,800 605,000 530,000 790,000 Vehicle License Fee 1,940,000 190,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed 2,400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 Other Unfunded 1,413,000 311,000 36,800 440,200 245,000 320,000 60,000 0 ::: ='600 000':1 i€„ 6 0 Q00: 000:<� :!�; ': # .1 :: :: ': 00 0 0 ��ii: � i`.; I ; :€ Oi iiii: :'600 . 1 600 000:: ..... : :::9,.5. .� 0 .- ,:1��.Q0000. . 1,6OO,QQ . . .:1.� � . .,�:.::,.:;..., . ... ;: ...... .., � . .�,. .:�. ._ :: File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 45&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 367 X DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 008 Rank: 25 PROJECT TITLE: Project Development & Pre-Design DESCRIPTION: Perform critical activities needed for the development of future CIP projects and for grant applications,including scoping,cost estimates,pre-design,interlocal agreements and deficiency analysis. JUSTIFICATION: Analysis of existing and projected transportation operation problems,infrastructure maintenance needs, local and regional mobility goals and revenues/costs is vital to the development of transportation projects that will be buildable,financable,best serve the needs of Renton and compete well for grants. STATUS: On going yearly program CHANGES: None FINANCIAL DATA ..................................................... .. . ...... . Total:..!:_: Bus. 10.11 , Total Project Cost: 630,000 d:;:: 630,000 630,000 >� ;.: >S ant Through 1992: N Ai=iii i>11: ?[ii„ii iiii''>i ii>i111:. ii.i;: ;.ii:111:INTO .:.i i . .ffi.>:.:.1111111?iiiiii1: ; . 11;.111€i€.:.ii:iEi;11111€i..iii.<ii1.i.1.>1ii;. .i`i i i 1993 Budget Carry Over 90,000;11€UfIf06de. _..:: Remaining Cost i i? i 1540 O00 Period � ::::: ::�:.;:::::�:::::<:::::ITEM..>:.:.::.::::::.: :::.P.erlod:Total•::::;>:�::1:994.: :.:.:.:::..:.::1.995.;:::.:.:.:..:...::1.....6.:::.:. ::::.::. . :...::::.::. :.:,.:......... ..... .. ............ :.:::::. EXPENSES: Project Development 540,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 540,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed (UATA) L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded �il�iooa so File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 30&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON - SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 1818 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12146 Rank: 26 PROJECT TITLE: WSDOT Coordination DESCRIPTION: Provide pre-design,design and construction coordination for WSDOT projects within or adjacent to Renton to assure that those projects provide the maximum benefits and minimum problems for Renton's transportation system. JUSTIFICATION: WSDOT projects can have signficant impacts within the City. STATUS: Current WSDOT projects include the I-405"S"Curves,SR 167 HOV,SR 169 Widening,1-405 Sunset to Coal Creek HOV,SR 900 Renton to Issaquah widening and miscellaneous maintenance and operations projects. CHANGES: None FINANCIAL DATA . .: . . . .. ........ Total Project Cost: 129,200[ iFut721ed 129,200 129,200 e t Through 1992: S n Th . . . .:.:.................. 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 29,200 Remaining Cost ?„ O000Q Period :. . .�:....�::::.�.: ::... . : �:::::�::�:;:: :Perkd:>T.c�.tad.:::.;;:::1994<:;.>::.: :.::..:�. . . ,>..:.. .::..,..1 . ...:...:..:..,.:... . ....<.:.....:._:..:.....: :.....:::::...:..:. . . . ::....::. EXPENSES: Project Development 28,000 10,000 10,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Precon Eng/Admin 36,000 10,000 10,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin 36,000 10,000 10,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Other SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 100,000 30,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 52&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATi iN IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 2544 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12114 Rank: 27 PROJECT TITLE: Bronson/Houser/Main- SR 169 to Grady Way DESCRIPTION: Comprehensive Corridor analysis will be performed to determine short-term and long-term improvements needed to assure that this route can continue to perform a critical role in the City's arterial system. Important issues include access to the Central Business District,congestion,safety,and the need for an I-405 frontage road system. JUSTIFICATION: This is a critical corridor for the movement of traffic into and through the City. The goal is to provide reduced congestion and accident rates,reduce traffic bypass through the neighborhoods,and provide access to the CBD. STATUS: UATA grant applications made for widening Main Ave from S 5th St.to Bronson Way and Bronson from Houser to Sunset. CHANGES: Due to possible grant funding"Main-S.5th to Bronson"and"Bronson-Houser to Sunset" have been broken out into separate projects. FINANCIAL DATA Total Project Cost: 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Spent Through 2: 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 100,000 Unft ncle'd < Remaining Cost Period EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TQTAL. EXPEN::S E:..:::;.:::.>:<.;:.�... ...::.... ...::.... ..........:..::: ...... ....... ... ....................... ..... .....:. ... SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 63&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 2016 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: Rank: 28 PROJECT TITLE: Main Ave. S. - S. 5th St. to Bronson Way DESCRIPTION: Widen to provide for turn lanes. Project to include curbs,sidewalks,street lighting,traffic signals, channelization,storm drainage and landscaping. JUSTIFICATION: Arterial Deficiency Ratings rank this roadway segment deficient in terms of accidents and congestion in accordance with the TIB's state-wide evaluation process. This is a critical corridor in regard • to traffic circulation to and around the CBD. STATUS: A$2,760,000 UATA grant from the TIB unlikely this grant cycle. Total Estimate:Predesign=100,000;Design=206,000;R/W=1,200,000'Constr Fee=1,800,000;CE=150,000. CHANGES: This project was part of the"Bronson/Houser/Main"project. It now has been broken out as a separate project. Funding moved forward in budget adjustment for preliminary engineering. FINANCIAL DATA Total Project Cost: 3,450,0001 ii':iiiiiFi i d. 770,000 770,000 ;:iii Spent Through 1992: -:-::::uA..A...... .........................................:...:.::::::::::::::::::::::.... 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 100,000 i>illnfuiticJecl [i 2,680,000 2,680,000 Remaining Cost: i[ 3350000 Period :.;::,>;:;«-:::::::::.:;:.aT�M::;<:::>::;:::::::::>::<;,:.P..:eraotl:Totall;..::.::1.994.:;:;:;.:;:>:>�,:.:1.9. 5.»;•.;..:...:::..,. , .,.:.....:: .....:.1. . ..::;:..:,..:....... . .....::::.: ...:..... . .:::.::•...:. EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 200,000 50,000 150,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 1,200,000 1,200,000 Construction Contract Fee 1,800,000 600,000 1,200,000 Construction Eng/Admin 150,000 50,000 100,000 Other <' 00> ;;:. O'ODO:€€ €;; i€<ifi50'OO:Oii:iiiii�`'i=3Q0 0. . .. ........................ :::�::� .. . Q ODQi�iiia::>iiiiiiiiii€€ i= iiii: >ii€ii€ira0°•.O.QO> >iii .35. . . T'( Til'T:iEXPENSES....................... ....�.�5. ............ . ..:::::.;:.;:.;:.:.::::.>.:a... ::::.:.::::::.+..:.�:::�:::.::::::::::::::::::. .:•.:::::. SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 670,000 10,000 270,000 130,000 260,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed 2,680,000 40,000 1,080,000 520,000 1,040,000 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 55&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION nvIPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 2082 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: Rank: 29 PROJECT TITLE: Bronson Way N-Houser Way to Sunset Blvd. DESCRIPTION: Widen on the south side of Bronson Way to create an additional east-bound lane. Project • to include curbs,sidewalk,signal and railroad gate modifications,street lighting and channelization. JUSTIFICATION: This segment ranked deficient due to congestion in the TIB's statewide Arterial Deficiency ratings. The added lane will be a very cost effective solution and will improve signal coordination on both SR 169 and SR 900. STATUS: Project has made it through the second round of review for a$440,000 UATA grant from the TIB. Total Estimate:Project Devel=10,000;Design=68,000; R/W=50,000;Cont.Fee=400,000; CE=32,000. CHANGES: This project was part of the"Bronson/Houser/Main"project. It now has been broken out as a separate project. FINANCIAL DATA �iii''•�i":iii:;i�sii<i� ii � �E::i�: Total Project Cost: 560,000€'•: !? Funded 120,000 120,000 Project .. ii= €>»>?< •.•• A • Through1992: ...• ..........•Spent . . . . ............. . . 1993 Budget+Carry Over. 20,000 Unftmde'di ? 440,000 440,000 Remaining Cost i':' 'i[ii 540:,000 Period 999=i iiiii .:::«::�:�::�::_>;:�><:�::�. . :;:��::�::::>:s:: �: : .... . :� <:::::::::>:::::. ::>:::::::::::::�::>::: `>i=;iiiii <ii€•.[i„i1l99.7iii>'<€_.i?...... EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 58,000 50,000 8,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 50,000 50,000 Construction Contract Fee 400,000 200,000 200,000 Construction Eng/Admin 32,000 16,000 16,000 Other ::: 0 000. .......:.50 000::::::::.2.7.4 00Q:::��:::::�::2::.. ... .... ...:.:....:::::.::::::.::.::::::::::. ::::::::. :...:•_.:::.:::::::::::::::. SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 100,000 2,000 54,800 43,200 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed 440,000 48,000 219,200 172,800 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded `. :' O ii:iiii�'•.< '_= i�iiiiisiii<`:ii�i'ilii' €[>iiiii<iiiiiiiiiiifi':• �?� �fii':.�iii:>ii�i !€ File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 56&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 = 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 1417 DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12116 Rank: 30 PROJECT TITLE: Oakesdale Ave SW-Monster Rd to SR 900 (Phase I) DESCRIPTION: Construct new 3 lane arterial with curbs,sidewalk,drainage,street lighting,traffic signals, channelization,retaining walls and bridge structure. Monster Road Bridge project may be combined with this project. A future phase will construct to a 4 to 5 lane facility. JUSTIFICATION: Will serve growing north-south traffic demand and reduce congestion on Rainier Avenue and Grady Way. This project is included in the Grady TBZ and will serve and be partially financed by development in those areas. STATUS: Initiate project pre-design in 1993. Grady TBZ:$315,000 Estimate for 3-lane arterial: Design:$420,000;R/W:$200,000;Construction:$2,630,000. Total=$3,250,000. CHANGES: King County agreed to provide$50,000 toward design. Made statewide STP grant application for$400,000 for a Phase I design of a 3-lane facility. Made PSRC ISTEA grant application for$2,600,000. FINANCIAL DATA 0us0:010�, Pot Po n .`Con.<.: "•"""•"" :. • Total Project Cost 9,500,000 €`:.': '•..runlet 475,000 110,000 � 110,000 315,000 00 50,000 Spent Through 12: s �< � �: > :��; � �: : : � :..GIa s .......111 0on : : : : : : :«< : :..1 1993 Budget Carry Over. 110,0009,025,000 4,725,0004,300,000 Remaining Cost Period iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii »`:199° € > €€€ >>::998€ii€nisi€€iisiississ199$i sailz EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 900,000 150,000 250,000 500,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 500,000 200,000 300,000 Construction Contract Fee 7,361,000 2,430,000 4,931,000 Construction Eng/Admin 629,000 200,000 429,000 Other 0 € 0 ii;;9::. 0°0 :::�::::;'1SN3�#100 ;1111111ar1�°`ODO€` � 2Q. OOQ ..... . .SXO. .. ........ .DQ. . . .. ..... . . . . tlQ. .. TOTAf�iiEXPE�ISI"S< � �_�<������..... .��i. . .Qtt:°€::...... . . SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax • Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed 4,725,000 100,000 236,000 160,000 2,104,000 276,000 1,849,000 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand 315,000 14,000 40,000 261,000 Mitigation Proposed 4,300,000 265,000 524,000 3,511,000 Other(King County) 50,000 36,000 14,000 Unfunded :.:.: :.: ::> : : . :: . :�: �:,�:�::<:<::::::::�: ::T:,.QTAh:.S,QUAC�� ... :. �: .: • File:TIPCIP..A.XLS 24&RPrinted 6/10/93 at 2:29 PM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATIur IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 1879 DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12110 Rank: 31 PROJECT TITLE: • Neighborhood Improvement/Beautification Program DESCRIPTION: Provide traffic flow management,and residential street beautification. will include such items as signing,benches and trees. JUSTIFICATION: This program is intended to enhance"livability"qualities on residential streets. STATUS: Previous Funding: Preconstruction E/A=$10,000;Construction Fee=$56,000;Construction E/A=$4,000 Previous Funding of$70,000 will finance 1994. CHANGES: None FINANCIAL DATA . . :::.a €� ................ Total Project Cost: 420,000 iniiiiiiifOildOittin 420,000 420,000 SPSpent Through t1992: ud et Over: 70 OOOii`Llnftln ............ ...... .......... . . 1993 B g Carry , Remaining Cost: [i'':350000 Period EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 50,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 280,000 56,000 56,000 56,000 56,000 56,000 Construction Eng/Admin 20,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Other SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 350,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded :. . .. S:::::>::::::>::;;<::>::::::�:.::350 000<:::.:;:.>:.>::.::.::::::-;:: ::«:;:•:�:::�,:7:0 0.0.0::::::>::>::::>.. TQ:TAL:$.O.URGE .:.:::::::::::::. .:.: :.::. . .., . . :..:::..::::. ,.. ..... .............., ... . .::::::::::.:.�..:. ..�;...:..... , . ......:::.:: •,.,�.;. . . .: File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 53&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 1945 DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12112 Rank: 32 PROJECT TITLE: City Gateways Program DESCRIPTION: Beautify four entrance locations to the City. Project to include signing and landscaping. JUSTIFICATION: Displays a sense of civic pride. STATUS: Previous Funding:Preconstruction E/A=$8,000;ROW=$1,000;Contract Fees=$42,000: Construction E/A=$4,000. Previously Funding of$55,000 will finance 1993 and 1994 for a project at Grady Way/Oakesdale in conjunction with 10%for the arts. CHANGES: None. FINANCIAL DATA °i` •us'?�i is F e . >�< `:�'!� < > <�<�'�� >' �� � € €i�€�>` �<� �_? Total Project Cost: 220,000;[iisiiii t0100d:ii 220,000 220,000 I Spent Through 1992: . .. ................... :' a�<€:���:::: 1993 Budget 55,000:::: Carry Over: . Ung .p..�tt.>. Remaining Cost Period EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 24,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 3,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Construction Contract Fee 126,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 Construction Eng/Admin 12,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Other <: : �:.>�<-::::>:55•°OOOi :iiii>iiii...5 0.0 ....................... . SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 165,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded File:TIPCIP�1.XLS 54&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATIo i IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 2407 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12117 Rank: 33 PROJECT TITLE: Monster Road Bridge DESCRIPTION: Replace Monster Road bridge. May be combined into"Oakesdale Ave SW-Monster Rd to SR 900"project. JUSTIFICATION: Due to increasing truck traffic,age and condition of structure,parital or full replacement of the structure may soon be required. STATUS: Bridge will be fully evaluated in 1993 as part of S.W.I.B.S.Program,which determines the structural integrity of the bridge and whether it qualifies for Federal Bridge Replacement Funding. Grady TBZ funds proposed to provide local funding plus other developer mitigation funds. Federal grant application made in 1993. CHANGES: None. FINANCIAL DATA B:us€LicFee: €..M t. . .w. ... Total Project Cost 1,400,000270,000 100,000 170,000 s € is ? _? Spent Through 1992: N/A :. 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 100,000;::Ur and d 1,130,000 1,050,000 80,000 Remaining Cost ilil!iiiilippcopq Period P.,.erit�d::7otal ..::,::.:.199.4...::..:.: >:<.:.;:.1.99..5,:::.::..: :.::.::1.....6::::::: .:...:...1.. .:.:...:. :.......... . . ..... ............ ...::::::. EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 120,000 120,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 100,000 100,000 Construction Contract Fee 1,000,000 1,000,000 Construction Eng/Admin 80,000 • 80,000 Other 080"OOOi€ `i E {'>i >> iii> i<i`•.i': »iis>>i' ;'i':; iEE' EfEEEIE''3is E <<i<f'`' '{`>':i<ii SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed 1,050,000 190,000 860,000 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand 170,000 30,000 140,000 Mitigation Proposed 80,000 80,000 Other Unfunded TOTAL.;; .. . :.....�... . , . . , ....:.. ..:, . .. File:TIPCIPJ..XLS 61&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994- 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 3397 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12144 Rank: 34 PROJECT TITLE: Windsor Hills Street Rehabilitation Project Development DESCRIPTION: Perform preliminary analysis/design/cost estimates for reconstruction of failing roadway areas which can be rehabilitated in conjunction with street overlay program and in conjunction with improvements proposed by the storm,water and waste water utilities. Investigate establishment of a Local Improvement District. JUSTIFICATION: This is an older residential area with failing infrastructure in need of major repair and/or upgrading. STATUS: CHANGES: $10,000 to be added in 1993 mid-year budget adjustment. FINANCIAL DATA Total Project Cost: 40,000 €;Funded 40,000 40,000::::. ....;..,::::....:...:..:::..;:<.;:...;:.;:.::;.;:...>:::::>:.;::.:;::>::>:::::;>•>:;::: u h 1992: P ent Thro ............... 1993 Budget Carry Over: 30,000 Remaining Cost I': ;10,000 Period ::::::;::;;,;�»:::;,;:::;:::;:ITEM;;::;;:<::;::::•.:�::.P.er:Idd.:Ttstal.:,:.::,::�.1.99:4...;.;:<::.:.:.>;;;•... . .,....,..:::..;..1 . . ........ .:::..... .. :::.:.:....:..:::...:.. ...:.,,:.::::::.:... .:.._..:::..... EXPENSES: Project Development 10,000 10,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other (I,0D0 :.... ..:.:::.:................ ....:.::::.::.�:::::.... :...................... ................:::.::.::.::::::�::::.::....:::.;: SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 10,000 10,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded :':: "0 0"' ;i€>> €iris i iiiizii [ [[ •.` [ >iiiii ii ii`iiii>iiii> ii<iiz ilii'€ii >i<ii[< >ii>iii ii'Fi€ii ii ii TOTAL,S.O.URCES.:.::::.::::.::..,::.:.::.:::1.0, . . ..:::::.::::... ...:.:. : :...............::::...::...:.::..:..:...... ... ....................... ... File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 76&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTAT] f IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 1285 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12115 Rank: 35 PROJECT TITLE: Miscellaneous Traffic Safety Program DESCRIPTION: This program provides for special small-scale traffic safety improvements that are identified and require materials labor or equipment beyond the normal scope of City maintenance crews. JUSTIFICATION: Historically,this level of traffic safety improvements are required on an annual basis. This program budgets for safety projects to address these needs. Projects are typically identified through citizen concerns,analysis of accident records or observation by City Traffic Operations and Maintenance personnel. STATUS: On-going yearly program. Traffic Operations Section identifying and prioritizing locations. Some funds may be used to match Hazard Elimination&Safety(HES)Grant(s)if application(s)are successful. CHANGES: None. FINANCIAL DATA Total Project Cost 691,258 undeflri[i 691,258 691,258.::...:.: ............:..•........••...::..::..::<.;:.;::.;:: ::.:::::.: :.;:.;:,:<.:..>:: Spent Through 1992: 16,003 003 , .............:...... ..................:.........................::.................................................. ....... ...................................... 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 195,255 L1.ilfUnd@tl Remaining Cost s< 480 000 Period EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 54,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 390,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 Construction Eng/Admin 36,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Other SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 480,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded €;i„i80 000: >I •. ; :::: €��::�: :>:: 80°000. >::::::::::>:$0°000:i€ >Ei' [ »80'000;<i;>I ..... File:TIPCIP.A.XLS 44&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 199-4 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 3133 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: Rank: 36 PROJECT TITLE: Traffic Systems Efficiency Improvements DESCRIPTION: Provides for improvements to the operational efficiency of the existing roadway system,including such items as development and implementation of signal coordination programs,signing and channelization improvements,surveillance control and driver information systems(SC&DI),and Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems(IVHS). JUSTIFICATION: Improving the capacity and efficiency of the existing roadway system is a very cost effective element of the transportation program. STATUS: CHANGES: New program in 1994 TIP. FINANCIAL DATA Total Project Cost: 300,000 ': Fytiefliii 300,000 300,000 ou h 1992: Sent Thr ... ... Spent 1993 Budget+Carry Over: ......fi . . F.. Remaining Cost ?is i?300 O00 Period EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 50,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 190,000 20,000 30,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Construction Eng/Admin 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Other(City Force) 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 000>i SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 300,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed (TIA) L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other(Metro/WSDOT) Unfunded iii 5 5. :T:O.T.AL:$O:URCES:•.::.:...:.:.:.:::::..:..:::.30p;00Q:::�;::, <::>5atfl0.:.:_.:.:::::.: . , :.::::..:. ..., .....�........... . , . ... ........... .� . ::..:<::.:.:... .�..... ..: File:TIPCIP..A.XLS 72&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATIIri. IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994- 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 494 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 024 Rank: 37 PROJECT TITLE: Lind Avenue - SW 16th St to SW 43rd St DESCRIPTION: Widen existing roadway to 5 lanes where required. Includes new roadway,curbs,sidewalks,drainage, signals,lighting,signing and channelization. JUSTIFICATION: Increasing traffic demands in the Valley including the proposed development at the Boeing Longacres site, • will create the need for increasing the capacity of this major north/south arterial. STATUS: Mitigation Proposed includes Boeing and other Valley developers. CHANGES: None. FINANCIAL DATA Total Project Cost 3,000,000 Spent Through 1992: 1993 Budget+Carry Over: iUllftl'[ItlBC#'s 3,000,000 1,500,000 750,000 750,000 Remaining Cost IiiIIMPU99, Period :.;:;:.:.: :.,�:.;:.�:::.;:.;:.;. :.;:.;:.;:<.;:.:•:•:>:.:: ��;:�::::s: ::::��:;:::�::::;:>:: ;:::::�;::::::::::�:. [€€>f'€. i�iiia iii: .9: �::s:::::_:>::>: '�. . . ....... :::::::::::::::::�::::>:::>:>: : >::-::>:: :�=:.:;:::�::: .. :�t ::::. ::.99. :. :::. ::::::.1.995::.:::..:..::::.1:9.96.::::::.,:.,.>•::.:.1.9..7:..::.:...:. :::,1. . :.::..:::::::.::.:................ EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 388,000 120,000 268,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 2,430,000 150,000 1,700;000 580,000 Construction Contract Fee 182,000 - 136,000 46,000 Construction Eng/Admin Other • SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed(UATA) L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed• 750,000 30,000 104,500 459,000 156,500 Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed 750,000 30,000 104,500 459,000 156,500 Other Unfunded . 1,500,000 60,000 209,000 918,000 313,000 60 0 00 t . . :>:::>::�::::>:::::�:�::: ;::• ii!ii;;!<��iiiisl>ii ii<i;i>i'ii:i;ii ': �€> [<€> i� i�ii�i:20''000ii iir><[�: . 8 ......:. TOTAL;SOURC,ES.>:<.::.;;•.,:.:.;:.::.:.;.3,000,00.O.a•�:.:,.,• .>:.; ,,.;:.;>;: :.>::::::::::::::::.:::..:::::.:'1 ..r ... .. ........ .. .,... .... .... r . :..� :..:........: File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 32&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 2803 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 033 Rank: 38 PROJECT TITLE: SR 169 Channelization (WSDOT Project) DESCRIPTION: WSDOT is widening roadway to 5 lanes with new curbs,sidewalks,storm drainage,street lighting and . channelization. City of Renton is responsible for channelization of roadways. JUSTIFICATION: Will address highly needed congestion and accident concerns. STATUS: City Funds of$7,000 budgeted for Precon Eng/Admin. $50,000 budgeted for channelization and for contingency to cover unforeseen costs that often occur with State projects of this magnatude. CHANGES: None. FINANCIAL DATA ::...:.. 5:.:.;000 .:: :..:............................:..:...........................:..:.... Total Project Cost: 57,000€i €iii>Futtclirdi 57,000 7, Spent Through 1992: 2: 1993 Budget 57000Carry Over: ... ..�. .[I . . .., Remaining Cost Period 99ii >iii :::::::::::.::::�:;:::::::»:::ITEM.;:;�:::::::�:��€� € :i:Peracd..7 .. I.:..:.::::1 : .:...::..::........1..: 5:....,,.. .....:... : . .,.:.:.... .:....:.:. .. ......:.:......,.:....,.... .. .::...:•,:::.<:::...:: ...:.,:.:.:.. EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed _ L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other-King County Unfunded TOTAL..$.. : :. .... .... .. .... ..... . . ............. File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 67&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATI__ 'IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 2143 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12083 Rank: 39 PROJECT TITLE: N 4th Blvd - Logan Ave N to Sunset Blvd. NE Project Development DESCRIPTION: Prepare a preliminary design report for widening N 4th St to a two way boulevard. JUSTIFICATION: Will address serious safety and traffic congestion concerns in this area and reduce impacts on residential neighborhoods in accordance with the North Renton Facilitation process and as directed by City Council Resolution 2708. STATUS: Previously funded$80,000 for project development. CHANGES: Section from Sunset to Monterey now a separate project. FINANCIAL DATA :1: :..offal::igilli :Bus.:Epic:.Fe...::.:.::::::::::::::................................::::::::.::::.�........ Total Project Cost: 80,000 iiiiiiiiRIFOOOOK 80,000 500's i" i ii':iisis> 111::1 ii>_ !':i's':ii >[>` 1111::ii si 'r<` is ;> 'ii ii' !> !>r' i iriiii iii>"5< '•. i; <>€i if<i its i Eis Spent Through 1992: 5 ...................:.................................. S + Over: 74 500 €L) #untied : .............. .. .. 1993 Budget Carry O r , Remaining Cost Period >:.:.;::.::<..::.::.>.:.:.;:.:.ITEM.::..:::.::...::::::: Re:.... :::. . .. ........... . ...... . ..... .. , EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee . Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 57&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 631 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: Rank: 40 PROJECT TITLE: NE 3rd St- Sunset Blvd N to Monterey Dr. NE DESCRIPTION: Widen NE 3rd Street by one lane in each direction between Sunset Blvd and Monterey. Project to include curbs,sidewalks,signal and street lighting modifications,channelization,signing and storm drainage. JUSTIFICATION: High congestion and high accident location ranked deficient in both categories in TIB ranking system. This project also needed to facilitate HOV improvements on Sunset Blvd. STATUS: Project has made it through second round for a$960,000 UATA grant from the TIB Total Estimated Design=136,000;R/W=200,000;Cont.Fee=800,000;CE=64,000. CHANGES: New project broken out from former"Sunset Blvd-SR 169 to I-405"project. Shift$240,000 in 1993 budget adjustment to match grant. FINANCIAL DATA ..::_.:3i:>::i: :5�Vii:>i:ri:�:�:�:::_s'xE:E:333i:'rii:i�:i%::;:`3'3ii::>�:(:s:e:':::<:>C�3i'r':i:isi: ee »:_<:<: : :>:€::::><€:: : ::: <: €< ::: ::�: :::><::: :> Total Project Cost: 1,200,00011i iiFundedii 240,000 240,000 Spent Through 1992: 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 240,000 i`iUii . decl ?'ii 960,000 960,000 Remaining Cost ' ii iiiii96(ODD Period i iif1:9 8€i 'i'•.iii'iii:;::::: 99 € . ................ ..... ......... EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 94,200 50,560 43,640 R-O-W(includes Admin) 174,600 174,600 Construction Contract Fee 640,000 640,000 Construction Eng/Admin 51,200 51,200 Other <i i i6 .. =20(1> !iii ilii:ilii» ><ii:<i<iiii ii i lii i€ii ii': `.iiii i€€ <.'•ii? [iiir iii> ili i SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed 960,000 50,560 218,240 691,200 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded 9:60;.0..00;: • TOTAL:SQURC.ES,:;::;.::::::,:,<.:.:«.;:;;;. :::::;::::x:,60,$6. .:�..;.:::. . . , .. .:....... . :.� . .,..,.::::::::. .;..:•.:::. :: :..:.......:.....::..:..:.. :. . File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 34&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994- 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 2275 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12107 Rank: 41 PROJECT TITLE: TBZ Project Development DESCRIPTION: Transportation Benefit Zones are areas of rapid growth within the City. To determine and fund transportation improvements necessary to support new development,traffic studies are performed which recommend projects and determine appropriate fees to charge as part of the mitigation process. This project supports the necessary planning effort to develop and revise TBZ studies and manage the funds collected. JUSTIFICATION: Creation and management of Transportation Benefit Zones are an integral part of planning transportation improvements and ensuring that new development pays a fair share of the cost. STATUS: On-going program. CHANGES:. None FINANCIAL DATA e s <[ > ii i ii i!`':>€i ['s € i s iiiii'i s'`'`[''`i? i„i;i!i [>!'•.`: Total Project Cost: 177,430 i 177,430 , Spent Through 1992: 1 , ...................... ...................:.:.:..........:.:.:...................::...:...................:............ .. ................... ......... . 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 102,680<i;ll.riif:060.0 Remaining Cost Period EXPENSES: Project Development 60,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 60,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded iifii: '0 00 TOTAL:SO.URCES>::.;:.::::.;:.:..;:.>:.:.;:<::;:::.:;fi0,D00. •.:...,:.;.;.10,000, �.:.::>:,:.�0,00.0:..::,:.::::'I. � .. .:..::........, .. ...,..... ... . .� .... .. .....:.:...... � : File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 59&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994- 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 2341 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12106 Rank: 42 PROJECT TITLE: Missing Links Program DESCRIPTION: This funding provides for the completion of transportation links that do not qualify for other sources of funding. An example would be a section of roadway between two LID's or between two developer mitigation improvement projects. JUSTIFICATION: Making the necessary,and often small-scale,improvements needed to connect other projects can achieve significant benefits. STATUS: Program has functioned well for its intended purpose,providing for timely and cost effective facilities to be installed. $107,000 Carryover budgeted for Preconstruction E/A=$10,000;ROW=$30,000; Contract Fee$63,000;Construction E/A=$5,000 CHANGES: Lowered funding level. FINANCIAL DATA :Bus°iic:F...::::::.:.....:...................................:..::...:::.�:::.:.:.:... Total Project Cost: 775,261 'i?i?Funded ::: 775,261 775,261....::.:::.::........::: Spent Through 1992: 6,222 ii ':ii'i ':{ir<`:y?i ii'[i<`: f[ if' f`:i?" Eis `.j' ;iiir iiia:= [ i•: <i'i?f{I'>> _`:ii`: ii f?:i' €>ii i '':'•.'= , 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 169,039 ii'U.nfunded iii Remaining Cost: Period EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 72,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 60,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 . Construction Contract Fee, 432,000 72,000 72,000 72,000 72,000 72,000 72,000 Construction Eng/Admin 36,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Other ii , 00'000i[ ..........:....:.:....:......... SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 600,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded isC '0"000'i 10 i. . . :. :TOTAL SOUR. :ES::.�::::::::.�:::..:.�::::600,... . ....:..::....... ... ... .. ...:..,..... . .� .... .. .......'�... .; File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 60&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATIGi. IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 2737 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12142 Rank: 43 PROJECT TITLE: Burlington Northern Railroad Crossing LID DESCRIPTION: Construct turn around to allow private crossing to become public in the 3700 N.block of Lake Washington Blvd. JUSTIFICATION: Crossing needs to be improved to address safety and liability concerns. STATUS: Create LID and preliminary assessment roll. Previous Funding: Project Development=$5,000;Pre-con Eng=$35,000. CHANGES: FINANCIAL DATA { ..:e@''•.>iii iiiiiiii: ::::>>i>i s!i!is s' 'iiiii iii< If`:i iiiiisiiaii ii Total Project Cost: 150,000 iii`:i i ii iFund ti iii 10,000 10,000 ,...•..• iiiLi`"':iiis i€ii['iiiiiii ii'iir iii'`iii`:i>iii?; ii> _iiii iiiiii>is>'iii'{iiii '`=i`•.i ii iiiiii#ii>` Spent Through 199 z: 6,125 .::.;:.::..�:<.;:::>:.:::.:.;.<.�:.>:::.. ::::::::::::::..:::::::::::::.:::.:.:.. ...................:...................... . 1993Budget+Carry Over: 33,875 =<iiUauridetlii 140,000 140,000 Remaining Cost Period EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) 5,000 5,000 Construction Contract Fee 95,000 95,000 Construction Eng/Admin 10,000, 10,000 Other :::...... SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed 110,000 110,000 Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded TQTALiSO..URCES: :: [i?<ii=i!f:i° '��?[1€1:0;00.0.,;€ '!'pis :...... . :.�•.... .. .. .::.:.::.: .:::::.::.......... ... .. _. File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 66&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994- 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 2605 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12118 Rank: 44 PROJECT TITLE: S Grady Way/Rainier Ave S (SR 167) Interchange DESCRIPTION: This project will grade separate Grady Way and Rainier Ave(SR 167)and provide ramps to connect these two streets. Includes new roadways,curbs,sidewalks,structures,drainage,signals,lighting, signing and channelization. JUSTIFICATION: Increasing traffic demands in the area,including proposed development of the Boeing Longacres site,will create the need for increasing the capacity at this critical intersection. STATUS: Previous Funding: Project Development=$30,000 CHANGES: None. FINANCIAL DATA Total Project Cost 9,000,000;x=;IIIIIP 004? 90,000 30,000. 60,000 ::iii !1" <'•.!`•.`i`. ii bQ. .. Through Spent h 1992 •_::>�Gr.:�::.:;:.::.;:.;..:<.:�.;>g.::.:::.::.::�..:.::.::.;;:>�-::�:�::�:;::�.:�::.;:��;::::::::::::: P g 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 30,000 Cl ttu`nded ': 8,910,000 4,075,000 1,917,000 1,918,000 1,000,000 Remaining Cost i 897000Q Period :.,:.:::::.:::..:•.,:.:.:�<.:.ITEM..,.:<,.:>::,.:.:..::.;::. P:.er..�ocl.:T. t I ::.:::.1994.......::.::::::..... :....... :... .. :..:...... , EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 922,000 200,000 500,000 222,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 2,000,000 2,000,000 Construction Contract Fee 5,600,000 3,700,000 1,900,000 Construction Eng/Admin 448,000 296,000 152,000 Other :::: :: :::: :. ... . >::>:>::>::;::::s:::::::;:;:r �: � . ..:.:. ::: : ... .::.::: 00'000::<.:..:.:500 T..OTAL:EXPENSES::::.::. .: ,. ..�97Q�00:..:>::.> :. :: . .:. ::::�.:..:::.:::::::.: SOURCES OF FUNDS:. 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed 4,075,000 200,000 900,000 1,800,000 1,175,000 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed 1,918,000` 536,000 923,000 459,000 Mitigation In-Hand 60,000 60,000 Mitigation Proposed 1,917,000 140,000 150,000 536,000 923,000 168,000 Other Unfunded 1,000,000 150,000 250,000 350,000 250,000 >€ ?05 `000:i 96'000> _': 2 2 TOTAL:SO;URCE$>:..;;;;::�:;::::�::<::::::�8.,970,000::;,::�:::,. .;::_,.:�:.�<:••,�:.:<2.00,0.0.0�; 500�0.:�.�.:.. , . . ..�:.:. .� . . .� ::. :.:. , . . �... . :: File:TIPCIPJI.XLS 64&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 1681 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 058 Rank: 45 PROJECT TITLE: S 2nd St/Logan Ave S, Williams Ave S & Wells Ave S DESCRIPTION: Bring signal indications up to MUTCD standards. Provide overhead signal displays free from roadside obstructions. Increase intersection visibility and awareness. Major work is signal foundations,wiring and new poles. JUSTIFICATION: Qualified for Federal Safety Funding due to accidents caused by poor signal head visibility. STATUS: Final design and construction are on hold awaiting input from CBD Transportation and Streetscape projects. Previous Funding: Preconstruction E/A=$20,000;Contract Fee$110,000;Construction E/A=$10,000 CHANGES: None. FINANCIAL DATA Total Project Cost: 140,000<ii ii Untied 140,000 14,000 126,000 u h 1992: P ent Thro .... ................. 1993 Budget Carry Over: 140,000 i': fj.rtf..n. ed.:: Remaining Cost siP.......:.............. Period EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other S 4ini? iplii>i TOQTAGEXPEtJ...E. :::.:.::::.. SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand(HES) Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 50&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. • CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 3001 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12122 Rank: 46 PROJECT TITLE: Monroe Ave NE- SR169 to Sunset Blvd NE Project Development DESCRIPTION: Prepare a design report for a new roadway,including curbs,sidewalks,street lighting,roadway resurfacing,channelization and storm drainage from SR-169 to NE 2nd and evaluate connecting Monroe to SR-900 (Sunset Blvd)as a through route. JUSTIFICATION: Additional North-South route required to meet growing traffic demands. STATUS: Will depend on whether development occurs in the area between NE 4th St and SR-169. CHANGES: FINANCIAL DATA "' :e':: • Total Project Cost: 100,000 ii [[<I untied 100,000 100,000 I Spent Through1992: + ..... 1993 Budget Carry Over: 50,000 Remaining Cost: ':`:50 00 ' Period . ... ... ... .. EXPENSES: Project Development 50,000 50,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin k Other r<„„„ '<' „„„, „ ,:;.:;; :E SES`<€ ? TLtTALEXP... N... . .� : :.:�:.: .. SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 50,000 50,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed • Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other • Unfunded T:OTAL$O.UACE ....:.:...::::..::::.:. :5 ., ..... ... ..:<.::.:Sa, . . .. .::::::..:::... . ....... . .................... .. . .. . . File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 70&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATIOA IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994- 1999 CONTACT:Lee Ham 3595 DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 075 Rank: 47 PROJECT TITLE: S 192nd St/S 200th St- SR 167 to SR 515 Project Development DESCRIPTION: Prepare a feasibility,route and environmental analysis for the City of Renton's portion of a new East-West principal arterial. JUSTIFICATION: This is part of a four-agency(King County,Renton,Kent,SeaTac)study for development of a new East-West principal arterial from I-405 to 140th Ave.SE. STATUS: TIA grant of$200,000 approved. King County has provided$25,000 and City$25,000. City completed first part of study and determined that none of the alternatives would be significantly within the City of Renton. Therefore,the rest of the study is being turned over to King County. CHANGES: None. FINANCIAL DATA i:i:i:'s;:i3 i;:;!;�i;:i':"'"�:� ::: ;:>i:::'r•:iii#i�E[EEEEE>�iii�;�::::�::::>:: Total Project Cost 250,000_i< iiFunded i 250,000 25,000 200,000 25,000 Spent Through 1992: 76,000 000 , .. ........ ......................................................:...:............. 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 174,000 iiiiii.gifiRaedtigii Remaining Cost Period is 9 sii ' .. �:::>:::::::: P...eCtctlTotal.,.;:;:.>:193.:::::.:::.:.:..1,99..4....::..::.:::,:.....'!.: ...::...... ......:.:'1 .. ..::..::..........:. . .::::::::::::.:.: EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee . Construction Eng/Admin Other :::OT` LERE SES:::::€ <'i[ii[>'•. i. ><>< [' i iiiiii„` >i> i i> ?`> < iiiz i is i[ ii f'i[ s ``i'f< ii>isiiii iii•' iiiiii's' ' >>[> iifi ii iiiiiiii> > ii>ii„ ii ii ii ................................................... ................. . . SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded :............. .::.:.:..::::::... :.:...:. ”' SOUR File:TIPCIP_I.XLS 79&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994- 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 3067 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12123 Rank: 48 PROJECT TITLE: Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th Street to North City Limits Project Development DESCRIPTION: Preliminary Engineering study for widening roadway to 5 lanes,includes:curbs,sidewalks,storm drainage, street lighting,channelization,and bikeway.. JUSTIFICATION: Growing residential areas use this route which is also becoming a major through route between Renton and Bellevue. STATUS: Will be evaluated as part of Arterial Circulation Study. CHANGES: Southern terminus changed from Sunset Blvd to NE 4th Street. FINANCIAL DATA Total Project Cost 50,000 Spent Through 1992• iliFSi£ .::. ;>: » ;:; .: >: � .. :: . :,.:: .: :.:.:: . . ;M >>:: .>.s.;s . : 1993 Budget+Carry Over: iiiiikkitOdeAtiiiii 50,000 50,000 Remaining Cost i? ;SQ.fl00 Period EXPENSES: Project Development 50,000 50,000 Precon Eng/Admin RAW(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee • Construction Eng/Admin Other :0. SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded 50,000 50,000 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . . . .::::::::::::.:...,r : . .:::...:::::::::.:............ ..... ..� _..................... , _ _ File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 71&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 1747 DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 028 Rank: 49 PROJECT TITLE: SR 167/East Valley Road DESCRIPTION: Construction of new southbound to East Valley Road off ramp from SR 167. WSDOT will have the lead for design and construction. City of Renton and City of Kent will participate in the funding. JUSTIFICATION: Identified in Valley TBD Study as an improvement needed to reduce congestion at the intersection of SW 43rd St/East Valley Road. STATUS: Previous Funding: Preconstruction E/A=$88,000 which funded a study that is now completed. The preferred alternative would connect to East Valley Road in Kent rather than to SW 43rd St. WSDOT and City of Kent will be principal agencies in determining whether and when to proceed with the project. CHANGES: Changed title from"SR 167/SW 27th Loop Ramp"to"SR 167/East Valley Road Ramp." Preferred alternative would connect to E.Valley Road south of SW 43rd Street. FINANCIAL DATA ��••..... • 8S'G an, : u L e:Fe :.i.....=.;..i€ :1:.:;111....€.11.'..::::1:...ii.i€ii>...5..'?i...€.i Total Project Cost3,610,000 98,000 66 700 31,300 8 000>:«::<:: �::::<::>�:::::>:::::::>::: Spent Through 1992.• 1993 Budget+Carry Over: 80,000 uT1 11`f1ddd.. 3,512,000 639,300 330,700 2,542,000 Remaining Cost HiiiiiiliAgM199 Period 9. ................................'i. 8. . . .... . . .. EXPENSES: Project Development 10,000 10,000 Precon Eng/Admin 402,000 200,000 202,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 165,000 165,000 Construction Contract Fee 2,677,000 1,338,500 1,338,500 Construction Eng/Admin 268,000 134,000 134,000 Other :::.: :- ::::: . : . ::::>::>::>::s ;:::a;:;:r. :: ::�;ii;?�' ;: �i >i�i. '00 . ........3.67'00.0.. .:...1.4 0 ....... . . T..OTAL:.EXP.ENSE.S::..::::::. :::...::..3 522 000:. .:.:. . 10 OQO.. ::::::: SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 10,000 10,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed (TIA) 639,300 20,000 309,650 309,650 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded 2,872,700 200,000 347,000 1,162,850 1,162,850 File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 51&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 3331 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12127 Rank: 50 PROJECT TITLE: SW Grady Way- SR 167 to SR 515 DESCRIPTION: Rechannelize and modify signals to provide a continuous eastbound lane from SR 167 to SR 515. Develop capacity,safety,HOV and property access improvements. JUSTIFICATION: Will improve traffic flow and reduce congestion on SW Grady Way. STATUS: 1992 ISTEA grant application unsuccessful. Considering new application and possible HOV treatments. CHANGES: Delayed one year. FINANCIAL DATA • :•'ic .;e@ ii iiia»siii:i' >i i ' >`' ii iiii'!iii?i>ii 3[ [€<€<<€i zii>ii>ii ;?;;; Total Project Cost: 260,000 Spent Through2: 1 9 0 •••••��• � 1993 Budget Carry Over: iiiiil)rifiurl�lacli� • 260,000 260,000 Remaining Cost: Period :.e.ad:.,:ata EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 40,000 40,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 200,000 200,000 Construction Eng/Admin 20,000 20,000 Other . SES:�;:�::::�::�<::::::;::::::::>:::::260''000::iiiii� iii<i i�;€=i�ii�iiiiiiii>€ii<i260 00 .. ....................... ....................... .................. .... ....................... ...... ........................ ......................: ........................ SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed - L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed - Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded 260,000 260,000 iii 600 • "OO i.'i's>ii� €�[>€ �s" ii 2 00 ;�ii�i i���€iiii >ii��• ��< �> i >Eii�€;isi l ?> <ii > i�i� i � �f �i< ' iI� iiiiliiii IOTA :. . .. . .. , . . .... :.......:..:..:...::...�:.:....:....:.......,.::. File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 75&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATIU11 IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 3199 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12125 Rank: 51 PROJECT TITLE: I405/SR 515 HOV Project Development DESCRIPTION: Prepare a design report for the construction of new I-405 Transit/HOV ramps to and from SR-515. Scope project in 1993. JUSTIFICATION: High traffic volumes on SR-515 now have to pass through,and contribute to,the most congested areas of City to access I-405. STATUS: Made grant application through Statewide Competitive STP Program. CHANGES: Changed to HOV-only project. FINANCIAL DATA Total Project Cost: 200,000 „i ii j Funded 27,000 27,000 �;� i>`: > s5?i':s;�iii [s �ii;��; >i<`•s;�;' i:>:iii. Spent Throu1992: 1993 Budget+Carry Over: iiiiUitiinrideil `i 173,000 173,000 Remaining Cost i!? is 20Q 400 Period EXPENSES: Project Development 200,000 200,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed (ISTEA) 173,000 173,000 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand 27,000 27,000 Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 73&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994- 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 2869 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12120 Rank: 52 PROJECT TITLE: SE Puget Dr-Jones P1 SW to Edmonds Ave SE DESCRIPTION: Roadway reconstruction and resurfacing to include:curbs,sidewalks,street lighting,channelization and storm drainage. JUSTIFICATION: This project would extend the improvements of SE Puget Drive further east into the growing residential area. STATUS: Depends on growth rate and availability of funding. CHANGES: None FINANCIAL DATA 1:1::::1:.:Tot..C.>:.,::.:.;:;:.::.::�:,.: :.::. ::.::.� Total Project Cost 1,010,000:: ; Funde'Cl Spent Through 1992: 1993 Budget+Carry Over: i<U lfiunde?l i i 1,010 000 1,010,000 Remaining Cost °':: `•:;1 01 Q OOQ Period EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 136,000 100,000 36,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 10,000 10,000 Construction Contract Fee 800,000 800,000 Construction Eng/Admin 64,000 64,000 Other TOTAL;EXPEN...:.::.:::.;>:.;:.<:.:::::. ::..:.�......�............................. SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded 1,010,000 100,000 910,000 :::: € s <i s; i•iiii' <i 1 910 :::.: .: :.::: T:O:T:AL.SO.URC.ES;,..::...::.�:.. :::::..:.::1.�..1:.,...... ...:.:::::::.. :::::.::.: ..:..... .. . ., ::.....:.::::..:. :....�...:..:.:...................:... ....:::.::::......... File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 68&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTAT1__ . IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 -.1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 1549 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 023 Rank: 53 PROJECT TITLE: SW 16th St - Oakesdale Ave SW to Lind Ave SW DESCRIPTION: Roadway improvements to include:Widening to 3 lanes,roadway reconstruction,curbs,sidewalks,street lighting,channelization,storm drainage,traffic signal,bike lanes and landscaping. JUSTIFICATION: Traffic demands due to proposed development in this area,including the Boeing Longacres site,will accelerate the need for this project. STATUS: Boeing to construct new 3 lane SW 16th roadway from Oakesdale to west City limits to serve Customer Service Training Center. CHANGES: Number of lanes decreased from 5 to 3. Changed west terminus from Longacres Drive to Oakesdale. FINANCIAL DATA _ ota1E' ii i ''>'€>I E ii>=i?'>[ <' ['>> ii'• '`<I`E [ i`•.i':: >€ <[ >>iif€ i .a. Total Project Cost 1,000,000 [[iFunded Spent Through 1992: 1993 Budget+Carry Over: fJnundeti i 1,000,000 250,000 1 250,000 I 500,000 I Remaining Cost Period !• .....:> >:°.... .Per4acl:Total:.:,,.�::1.994:::::.:: :.::..:::,;t..95::.:..::....:::7.. .. .::..::. :.:::::.:: .....:...,....,:.......... .. .... ........ .. .. ... . . EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 136,000 100,000 36,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 800,000 200,000 600,000 Construction Eng/Admin 64,000 16,000 48,000 Other ..rn !>� 5 00.0:€€ ii648 0 . iii.: 0�000::::;€ 2 2 '•'00.0000[€ ��s':i i�>ii3ii [ `':' i. < ii> [ � � ':; �> <[ [�`.....:. ... . ... ..:...:,:::::. . . . . . ..:::: ..::.:::�:.::.:.:. ......s.. ... .........:.:::::.::....:.:...:::::....:.......:... ..........::......:.:::::::::::....,.�..........:...:::::::::,..r : :................,. SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed 250,000 25,000 63,000 162,000 Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed 250,000 25,000 63,000 162,000 Other Unfunded 500,000 50,000 126,000 324,000 2 00 48 T::QTALSOURCE$;:;::::::;.::.:«::::.;:.;:;>;::.1.,00.,.. . .;.::::.:;.......:,.;:...,..�....:................... ..:..:.:................,..:.... , . .::�::..:. . . � : :.;:..: •...: :�..: . .� File:TIPCIP_I.XLS 48&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19; - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 3529 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12130 Rank: 54 PROJECT TITLE: SW 7th St/Lind Ave SW Signal DESCRIPTION: Install new fully actuated traffic signal,including poles,signal and pedestrian displays, detection loops,emergency pre-emption,an 820-type signal controller,interconnect to master computer and associated channelization. JUSTIFICATION: Increasing vehicular and pedestrian traffic in this area is warranting a traffic signal based on safety and delays. STATUS: Federal Hazard Elimination&Safety Grant was applied for but was not approved. CHANGES: None. FINANCIAL DATA Total Project Cost: €i€��'•`�;. cliEtl �:::>..:................ ::.........:.................:.........................:.........................:...:........... 150,000 FUR1 Spent Through 199 �€€!Iti fion ..: Ga ns::::: 1 i €€ `1>`!< <i€€€>.<is.. iii 1 i 1993 Budget+Carry Over: iii!Mffit4i1d0Otiliii 150,000 25,000 125,000 Remaining Cost Period 1'•1: 97:i:::::::::::::>:>::: 1:998ii1iiiiiiil �iiiiii. ::_:<:::::::;�::��:::::;::�::�::::: : . .>:::>:::::<:::;:::;:::;�:::::::. •� :::::::�::�::: ><�:::�:::::>::�:>::::9951ii„1iiii 1€111111....1. . .... 19 ........:...::....... . . ........ ........ 9 . ........ ;:::::;<::�,::.;;,::: ::..:ITEM.<:>;>:::<:.;:..,•<.•:..Pera.�a:Total.,.:..�1994.;.::..:.,»,:>1. .,.. ..:...:;. ..:...:...... . .:....:. ...:::.:.:. : ....:.:.... ...._.. EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 18,000 18,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 120,000 120,000 Construction Eng/Admin 12,000 12,000 Other ''OOQ1i11 1 is 1111 iii<ii>1<'111i1<`<11111si 111 1 i„ii iii€i€[€:111 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed 125,000 15,000 110,000 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed 25,000 3,000 22,000 Other Unfunded File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 78&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATh — IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19y4 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 1483 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 054 Rank: 55 PROJECT TITLE: NE 44th St I I405 DESCRIPTION: This project is signalization of freeway ramps and widening of signal approaches where warranted. JUSTIFICATION: Growing traffic volumes are warrenting signals at this location. STATUS: Project has been delayed indefinately due to WSDOT's reactivation of it's I-405 Sunset to Coal Creek HOV project,which will involve replacement of NE 44th Street bridge. CHANGES: Construction moved from 1994 to 1996. FINANCIAL DATA Total Project Cost: 250,000 i€i iiritled . . .........: Spent Through 1992: ... . •.:;�.;9;.<.>.::.:.>:.:;.;:.::;:;.::.�:.�:.::.:..;:.;:.�.:::.:�>�:.:.;:.;:.;:.;»:.:.:,<.:::::.:::::::::::..::. 1993 Budget+Carry Over: ':':il]t�lVrdecl 250,000 250,000 I Remaining Cost i 250,000: Period EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 30,000 30,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 200,000 200,000 Construction Eng/Admin 20,000 20,000 Other . 0"OOQi;;`i�j >'':.?�iiiiii iiiiiii>�iii iiii�i€<ii iiii�iii ;i'iii iii ?'•.!�i„iiiiiiii SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand(FAUS) _ Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed 250,000 30,000 220,000 Other Unfunded File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 47&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1 7,. - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 3468 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12129 Rank: 56 PROJECT TITLE: Benson Rd S/S 31st St Signal DESCRIPTION: Install a complete actuated traffic signal at Benson Rd S and S 31st St designed to provide for possible future Benson Rd widening. JUSTIFICATION: Location is approaching signal warrants and traffic volume is increasing. Signal will reduce side street delays and improve safety. STATUS: Investigating possible joint project with King County. CHANGES: Delayed one year. FINANCIAL DATA Total Project Cost: 130,000€ iFundetl ?? €;+Granl;s'� �i€� URfun d.. ....................... ...... . .. Spent Through 1992: [� �[':>€iii:i�:'•:i:� : :<::>i:;::;:i:;:s�::;�;::::»::...... 1993 Budget+Carry Over: iU:ri�un�Cletli . 130,000 106,000 I 24,000 Remaining Cost € s€i 130 000 Period !!!::::>!!!! :::::�;:::::;��:::::::::,<.::: P:::er:.tca.>T.. I..>:.>:.:1.. 94.::.::... .......1 .:.::....::.. .,...... . . .....::..:: ,..:..:.... . ...:..:.... .... ... . . ....... ..... . .... EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 20,000 20,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 100,000 100,000 Construction Eng/Admin 10,000 10,000 Other SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed 106,000 15,000 91,000 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed Other Unfunded 24,000 5,000 19,000 TOTALS .R. E ............. . .. .......°#30000 > < isisisi � ��.< ii...... .. ........ . . .. .......... .. ....................... ............. File:TIPCIP..,A.XLS 77&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. . CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATK'ri IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994 - 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 3727 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12133 Rank: 57 PROJECT TITLE: Sunset Blvd NE[Anacortes Ave NE DESCRIPTION: Realignment of intersection and construction of traffic signal. JUSTIFICATION: ' Safety and operational characteristics can be improved by eliminating off-set.of intersection. STATUS: Funding will be generated through development mitigation. CHANGES: None FINANCIAL DATA • Total Project Cost: 278,000 i €[s€FtifldiEal gh 2.Through Spent 1 P .... >€��i< i_ ;i�iii i'•._��:; �<:>::>i:i:i:�:�i:i:>:>:::<.:.�...... 1993 Budget+Carry Over: unfunded 278,000 278,000 Remaining Cost Period .PO.r..4Od.;TOtal.:«.:::.1994;::;::.:::<.: :. ....,..:.:.:.;..:.::..19.9 :.....::..,...:::... ... ........ . ... :...:.... EXPENSES: Project Development . Precon Eng/Admin 36,000 36,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 50,000 50,000 Construction Contract Fee 175,000 175,000 Construction Eng/Admin 17,000 17,000 • Other . ,;,.:::. .,;, :. . 3�iiiizi€>�i�i'•�!> <�iii>#�'i�i�€ilii>s86"000::::::i€:...°1. . . .......... . . . L. X .E .SE ::::::::�::::�::::�::;:�::»:::::<:> 78°000. ..........:....................... . . .. ... .............. ........ ........................ ............:.....:::::.:.::.::::::::::::::::::: SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee . Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed 278,000 86,000 192,000 Other Unfunded 000<''i€E` ±>i i€i i i> j its s3sE{fiEyis€ 3 iE iiii iii:>iiii>€iiiiii': TOTAL:SOURCES::,.:<:.:�:.:. ::::_:.::::.:278,000..::.:::::::::.::::::::::..::::..:... . , . ...:...:.:.. ... , ... ..,...........:..........._.................... .. ....................... File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 81&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1'�'74- 1999 CONTACT:Lee Haro 3661 # x DEPT: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: Transportation Systems Fund: 317 Proj: 12149 Rank: 58 PROJECT TITLE: Valley Connections to West DESCRIPTION: Provides for improvements connecting the Renton Valley area to the west. Possible improvements include: 1)Extension of Grady Way to Southcenter Blvd; 2)Improvements at the intersection of West Valley Highway with SW 43rd Street; 3)Extension of SW 16th Street to West Valley Highway; 4) Extension of Strander Blvd from West Valley Highway to the Boeing Longacres site;5)Improvements to Interurban Ave.between Grady Way and Southcenter Blvd. JUSTIFICATION: Provides westerly access to and from Renton Valley area. Project(s)resond to existing Renton/Tukwila Interlocal Agreement entered into when City boundaries were adjusted. STATUS: City of Tukwila is lead agency for project development,design,construction and securing grants and other funding. Funding from the City of Renton will consist of Boeing mitigation funds. Total cost of all improvements,if implemented,is approximately$50,000,000. Priority and scheduling of improvement projects has yet to be determined. $11,000,000 is being budgeted for the 1994-1994 6 year period pending determination of the projects priority. Begin Preconstruction E/A in 1996 pending funding. CHANGES: Improvements 3)and 4)above are unfunded and planned to occur after 2010. FINANCIAL DATA Total Project Cost: 11,000,000 polifundoolii :;:�::: :;:»>�: :::�:: :� �>::::>: :>:_:��::_:: =iii:: ..; :�::..::•.:,.�:.::.�::.... Through Spent 1992: P gh + 100 000 1,100,000 20 0 000 ..:...0.:. ��8600000 1 1993 Budget Carry Over. is€Lli7�t1T1d@tla�s11,000,0 0 , Remaining Cost 011 D00x900 Period EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 1,224,000 410,000 814,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 2,000,000 • 2,000,000 Construction Contract Fee 7,200,000 4,800,000 2,400,000 • Construction Eng/Admin 576,000 384,000 .192,000 Other • ooi '••T•.QTALiEXPENSESnisi>l>?'i [?11i'OOm000::11:isoi::il:>>::lig<:<::�:�i:s:�>'•:�;::;:�:;:�:;:;: :i:�<..... . . :....... ....... ........ ....... . .... ......::::::... ...........:..:. SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Grants Proposed 8,600,000 320,000 2,200,000 4,001,000 2,079,000 L.I.D.'s Formed L.I.D.'s Proposed Mitigation In-Hand Mitigation Proposed 1,100,000 45,000 300,000 545,000 210,000 Other 1,100,000 45,000 300,000 545,000 210,000 Unfunded 200,000 14,000 93,000 93,000 >: sa��o of �i ;- 5s2�i000i File:TIPCIP_A.XLS 80&RPrinted 6/8/93 at 11:48 AM. - tal Project Funding : ` ``'.#�>:::>?>> ;3 .1. 1998'iiiiiiii '•1'otffF TIP =:<:::�>::>:::>::<:>?:::«z ::.':::»::>:I'ro . '�".Re.......................:.:...:.......:199x:::;:;::::<:<:: z:::G9a5:s<>:>:><<.......99.f...... ...... . ... ....... ......... .......a999.............:..... ...iiM.....: 1 Street Overlay Prgm 760,000 440,000 440,000 440.000 440,000 440,000 2,960,000 2 Park N/Lk Wa Blvd 430.000 430,000 3 Park N-Bronson to N 10th 2,312,650 749,650 3,062,300 4 Houser Rel-Sunset to N8th 400,000 2,052,000 2,845,300 5,297,300 5 SR900 HOV&NB Houser Interchang 90.560 1,281,400 541,400 1,913,360 6 Oakesdale SW-3lst to 16th 500,000 2,365,000 2,440,000 1.280,000 6,585,000 7 Transp Demand Mgmt Prgm 50,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 220,000 8 Walkway Program 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 420,000 9 CBD Transp&Streetscape 210,000 210,000 10 Transit Program 165,000 65,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,030,000 11 Arterial HOV Project Development 12 Bridge Inspect.&Repair Program 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 13 Lk Wash Blvd Bridge at May Creek 405,440 405,440 14 SR 167/SW 27th St HOV 500.000 1,724,000 5,184,000 2,592,000 10,000,000 15 Lake Washington Blvd Bike/Ped 116,800 930,320 1,047,120 16 Rainier/Airport Resurfacing 17 Talbot S-S 43rd to SCL 470,808 470,808 18 Traffic Sig Loop Replace Prgm 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000 19 Traffic Sign Replace Prgm 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20.000 20,000 120,000 20 Light Pole Replace Prgm 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150.000 21 Interagency Signal Coordination 60,000 60,000 60,000 180,000 22 Sdwlk Insp&Replace Prgm 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 60,000 23 North 3rd Street 24 Arterial Circulation 1,500,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 9,500,000 25 Project Development/Pre-Design 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 540,000 26 WSDOT Coord 30,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 27 Brnsn/Houser/Main-SR169 to Grady 28 Main Ave S-S 5th to Bronson Way 50,000 1,350,000 650000 1,300,000 3,350,000 29 Bronson Way-Houser to Sunset 50,000 274,000 216.000 540,000 30 Oakesdale-Monster to SR 900 150,000 250,000 200,000 2,630.000 800,000 5,360,000 9,390,000 31 Neigh Improve/Beaut Prgm 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 350,000 32 City Gateways Prgm 55,000 55,000 55,000 165,000 33 Monster Road Bridge 220,000 1.080.000 1.300.000 34 Windsor Hills St.Rehab.Proj.Devl. 10,000 10,000 35 Misc Traffic Safety Prgm 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 480,000 36 Traffic Systems Efficiency Imprmts 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 37 Lind Ave SW 16th to 43rd 120.000 418,000 1,836.000 626,000 3,000,000 38 SR169 Channelization 39 N 4th Blvd-Logan Ave N to Sunset Blvd NE 40 NE 3rd St-Sunset to Monterey 50,560 218,240 691,200 960,000 41 TBZ Project Development 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 60.000 42 Missing Links Prgm 100,000 100,000 100,000 100.000 100,000 100,000 600.000 43 BNRR Xing LID 110.000 110,000 44 S Grady/Rainier S 200.000 500,000 2,222.000 . 3,996.000 2,052,000 8,970,000 45 S2nd/Logan,Williams&Wells 46 Monroe NE-SR 169 to Sunset 50,000 50,000 47 5192/5200-SR167 to SR515 48 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to NCL 50.000 50,000 49 SR167/East Valley Road 10.000 200.000 367,000 1,472,500 , 1,472,500 3,522,000 50 SW Grady-SR167 to SR515 260,000 260,000 51 I405/SR 515 HOV 200,000 200.000 52 Puget-Jones to Edmonds 100,000 910.000 1,010,000 53 SW16th-Longacres DR to Lind 100.000 252,000 648,000 1,000,000 54 SW 7th/Lind Ave SW Signal 18.000 132,000 150,000 55 NE 44th/I405 Interchange 30.000 220,000 250,000 56 Benson Rd S/S 31st 20,000 110,000 130,000 57 Sunset NE/Anacortes NE86,000 192.000 278,000 58 Valley Connections to West 410.000 2,814,000 5,184,000 2,592.000 11,000,000 Total Sources 9,431,818 14.888.610 19.473.900 17,163,500 _17,770,500 __14,208.000 92.936.328 "1 Cent Gas Tax TIP MiiiiiiMMENigainfaMENEM ER19.9M MOWN OND§OR MOON SENNEN1999 1 Street Overlay Prgm 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 1,920,000 2 Park N/Lk Wa Blvd 3 Park N-Bronson to N 10th 4 Houser Rel-Sunset to N8th 5 SR900 HOV&NB Houser Interchang 6 Oakesdale SW-31st to 16th 7 Transp Demand Mgmt Prgm 8 Walkway Program 9 CBD Transp&Streetscape 10 Transit Program 1 1 Arterial HOV Project Development 12 Bridge Inspect.&Repair Program 13 Lk Wash Blvd Bridge at May Creek 14 SR 167/SW 27th St HOV 15 Lake Washington Blvd Bike/Ped 16 Rainier/Airport Resurfacing 17 Talbot S-S 43rd to SCL 18 Traffic Sig Loop Replace Prgm 19 Traffic Sign Replace Prgm 20 Light Pole Replace Prgm 21 Interagency Signal Coordination 22 Sdwlk Insp&Replace Prgm 23 North 3rd Street 24 Arterial Circulation 25 Project Development/Pre-Design 26 WSDOT Coord 27 Bmsn/Houser/Main-SR169 to Grady 28 Main Ave S-S 5th to Bronson Way 29 Bronson Way-Houser to Sunset 30 Oakesdale-Monster to SR 900 31 Neigh Improve/Beaut Prgm 32 City Gateways Prgm 33 Monster Road Bridge 34 Windsor Hills St.Rehab.Proj.Devl. 35 Misc Traffic Safety Prgm 36 Traffic Systems Efficiency Imprmts 37 , Lind Ave SW 16th to 43rd 38 SR169 Channelization 39 N 4th Blvd-Logan Ave N to Sunset Blvd NE 40 NE 3rd St-Sunset to Monterey 41 TBZ Project Development 42 Missing Links Prgm 43 BNRR Xing LID 44 S Grady/Rainier S 45 S2nd/Logan,Williams&Wells 46 Monroe NE-SR 169 to Sunset 47 8192/S200-SR167 to SR515 • 48 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to NCL 49 SR167/East Valley Road 50 SW Grady-SR167 to SR5 15 51 I405/SR 515 HOV 52 Puget-Jones to Edmonds 53 SW16th-Longacres DR to Lind 54 SW 7th/Lind Ave SW Signal 55 NE 44th/I405 Interchange 56 Benson Rd S/S 31st 57 Sunset NE/Anacortes NE 58 Valley Connections to West Total Sources 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 1,920,000 • - ;Mess License Fee '•?.'::lariat i g<'s e TIP ::::::::;>::>::>::`::>:::s:�::>::>«:>:T'iv . .:'l"�1.....:..:......:.:....::....::.......:.1E99.wE:<:;> :<:>'«:tP35<?::«:;:`:::>`;`:#A9O<«<:>: . M: ....1; Qa...:..:. . :.ti05.................'losai......... 1 Street Overlay Prgm 120.000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 720,000 2 Park N/Lk Wa Blvd 3 Park N-Bronson to N 10th 4 Houser Rel-Sunset to N8th 5 SR900 HOV&NB Houser Interchang 6 Oakesdale SW-3 1st to 16th 7 Transp Demand Mgmt Prgm 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000 8 Walkway Program 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 420,000 9 CBD Transp&Streetscape 210,000 210,000 1 0 Transit Program 25,000 25,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 850,000 11 Arterial HOV Project Development 12 Bridge Inspect.&Repair Program 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 13 Lk Wash Blvd Bridge at May Creek 14 SR 167/SW 27th St HOV 15 Lake Washington Blvd Bike/Ped 16 Rainier/Airport Resurfacing 17 Talbot S-S 43rd to SCL 18 Traffic Sig Loop Replace Prgm 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000 19 Traffic Sign Replace Prgm 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 20 Light Pole Replace Prgm 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25.000 150,000 21 Interagency Signal Coordination 12,000 12,000 12,000 36,000 22 Sdwlk Insp&Replace Prgm 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 _ 10,000 10,000 60,000 23 North 3rd Street 24 Arterial Circulation 599,000 813,200 409.800 605,000 530,000 790,000 3,747,000 25 Project Development/Pre-Design 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 540,000 26 WSDOT Coord 30,000 30,000 10.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 27 Brnsn/Houser/Main-SR169 to Grady , 28 Main Ave S-S 5th to Bronson Way 10,000 270,000 130000 260,000 670,000 29 Bronson Way-Houser to Sunset 2,000 54,800 43,200 100,000 30 Oakesdale-Monster to SR 900 31 Neigh Improve/Beaut Prgm 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 350,000 32 City Gateways Prgm 55,000 55,000 55,000 165,000 33 Monster Road Bridge 34 Windsor Hills St.Rehab.Proj.Devl. 10,000 10.000 35 Misc Traffic Safety Prgm 80,000 80.000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 480,000 36 Traffic Systems Efficiency Imprmts 50,000 50.000 50,000 50.000 50.000 50.000 300,000 37 Lind Ave SW 16th to 43rd 38 SR169 Channelization 39 N 4th Blvd-Logan Ave N to Sunset Blvd NE 40 NE 3rd St-Sunset to Monterey 41 TBZ Project Development 10,000 10,000 10.000 10,000 10.000 10.000 60,000 42 Missing Links Prgm 100,000 100,000 100,000 100.000 100,000 100,000 600,000 43 BNRR Xing LID 44 S Grady/Rainier S . 45 S2nd/Logan,Williams&Wells 46 Monroe NE-SR 169 to Sunset 50,000 • 50,000 47 S192/S200-SR167 to SR515 48 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to NCL 49 SR167/East Valley Road 10,000 10,000 50 SW Grady-SR167 to SR515 51 1405/SR 515 HOV 52 Puget-Jones to Edmonds 53 SW16th-Longacres DR to Lind 54 SW 7th/Lind Ave SW Signal 55 NE 44th/I405 Interchange 56 Benson Rd S/S 31st 57 Sunset NE/Anacortes NE 58 Valley Connections to West , Total Sources 1,678.000 1,800.000 1,800,000 1,800,000 1.800,000 1,800,000 10,678,000 hide Licence Fee • TIP ONMEMEgOiMilMiingigininL4mgoomI1t998 owes Itionwemi 1 Street Overlay Prgm 2 Park N/Lk Wa Blvd 3 Park N-Bronson to N 10th 4 Houser Rel-Sunset to N8th 5 SR900 HOV&NB Houser Interchang 6 Oakesdale SW-3 1st to 16th 7 Transp Demand Mgmt Prgm 8 Walkway Program 9 CBD Transp&Streetscape 10 Transit Program 11 Arterial HOV Project Development 12 Bridge Inspect.&Repair Program 13 Lk Wash Blvd Bridge at May Creek 14 SR 167/SW 27th St HOV 15 Lake Washington Blvd Bike/Ped 16 Rainier/Airport Resurfacing 17 Talbot S-S 43rd to SCL 160,000 160,000 18 Traffic Sig Loop Replace Prgm 19 Traffic Sign Replace Prgm 20 Light Pole Replace Prgm 21 Interagency Signal Coordination 22 Sdwlk Insp&Replace Prgm 23 North 3rd Street 24 Arterial Circulation 190,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 1,940,000 25 Project Development/Pre-Design 26 WSDOT Coord 27 Brnsn/Houser/Main-SR169 to Grady 28 Main Ave S-S 5th to Bronson Way 29 Bronson Way-Houser to Sunset 30 Oakesdale-Monster to SR 900 31 Neigh Improve/Beaut Prgm 32 City Gateways Prgm 33 Monster Road Bridge 34 Windsor Hills St.Rehab.Proj.Devl. 35 Misc Traffic Safety Prgm 36 Traffic Systems Efficiency Imprmts • 37 Lind Ave SW 16th to 43rd • 38 SR169 Channelization 39 N 4th Blvd-Logan Ave N to Sunset Blvd NE 40 NE 3rd St-Sunset to Monterey 41 TBZ Project Development 42 Missing Links Prgm 43 BNRR Xing LID 44 S Grady/Rainier S 45 S2nd/Logan,Williams&Wells 46 Monroe NE-SR 169 to Sunset 47 S192/S200-SR167 to SR515 48 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to NCL 49 SR167/East Valley Road 50 SW Grady-SR167 to SR515 51 I405/SR 515 HOV 52 Puget-Jones to Edmonds 53 SW16th-Longacres DR to Lind • 54 SW 7th/Lind Ave SW Signal 55 NE 44th/I405 Interchange 56 Benson Rd S/S 31st 57 Sunset NE/Anacortes NE 58 Valley Connections to West Total Sources 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 2,100,000 • • 3rants In-Hand . eilignilE1,01,411K TIP .niggi]iniiiiiiiiiiiiiMaatialiiigNEEME MOWN MOWN WgiO.Okin 1 Street Overlay Prgm 2 Park N/Lk Wa Blvd 3 Park N-Bronson to N 10th 63,700 63,700 4 Houser Rel-Sunset to N8th 320,000 1,658,000 822,000 2,800,000 5 SR900 HOV&NB Houser Interchang 90,560 40.000 130.560 6 Oakesdale SW-31st to 16th 225,250 225,250 7 Transp Demand Mgmt Prgm 8 Walkway Program 9 CBD Transp&Streetscape 10 Transit Program 11 Arterial HOV Project Development 12 Bridge Inspect.&Repair Program 13 Lk Wash Blvd Bridge at May Creek 14 SR 167/SW 27th St HOV 344,000 344,000 15 Lake Washington Blvd Bike/Ped 116,800 116,800 16 Rainier/Airport Resurfacing 17 Talbot S-S 43rd to SCL 310,808 310,808 18 Traffic Sig Loop Replace Prgm 19 Traffic Sign Replace Prgm 20 Light Pole Replace Prgm 21 Interagency Signal Coordination 22 Sdwlk Insp&Replace Prgm 23 North 3rd Street 24 Arterial Circulation 25 Project Development/Pre-Design 26 WSDOT Coord 27 Bmsn/Houser/Main-SR169 to Grady 28 Main Ave S-S 5th to Bronson Way 29 Bronson Way-Houser to Sunset 30 Oakesdale-Monster to SR 900 31 Neigh Improve/Beaut Prgm 32 City Gateways Prgm 33 Monster Road Bridge 34 Windsor Hills St.Rehab.Proj.Devl. 35 Misc Traffic Safety Prgm 36 Traffic Systems Efficiency Imprmts 37 Lind Ave SW 16th to 43rd 38 SR169 Channelization 39 N 4th Blvd-Logan Ave N to Sunset Blvd NE 40 NE 3rd St-Sunset to Monterey 41 TBZ Project Development 42 Missing Links Prgm 43 BNRR Xing LID 44 S Grady/Rainier S 45 S2nd/Logan,Williams&Wells 46 Monroe NE-SR 169 to Sunset 47 S192/S200-SR167 to SR515 48 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to NCL 49 SR167/East Valley Road 50 SW Grady-SR167 to SR515 51 I405/SR 515 HOV 52 Puget-Jones to Edmonds 53 SW16th-Longacres DR to Lind 54 SW 7th/Lind Ave SW Signal 55 NE 44th/1405 Interchange 56 Benson Rd S/S 31st 57 Sunset NE/Anacortes NE 58 Valley Connections to West Total Sources 1,471.118 1,698.000 822,000 3,991,118 • "rants Proposed TIP Pret Title NOVE PPNO.Ognik Ornati 1 Street Overlay Prgm 276,800 276.800 2 Park N/Lk Wa Blvd 430,000 430.000 3 Park N-Bronson to N 10th 2,248,950 749,650 2,998,600 4 Houser Rel-Sunset to N8th 1,415,000 1,415,000 5 SR900 HOV&NB Houser Interchang 556,000 344,000 900,000 6 Oakesdale SW-31st to 16th 940,000 1,000,000 543,500 2.483,500 7 Transp Demand Mgmt Prgm 20,000 20,000 40,000 8 Walkway Program 9 CBD Transp&Streetscape 10 Transit Program 140,000 40,000 180,000 11 Arterial HOV Project Development 12 Bridge Inspect.&Repair Program 13 Lk Wash Blvd Bridge at May Creek 405,440 405,440 14 SR 167/SW 27th St HOV 500,000 1,956,000 1,200,000 3,656,000 15 Lake Washington Blvd Bike/Ped 744,256 744,256 16 Rainier/Airport Resurfacing 17 Talbot S-S 43rd to SCL 18 Traffic Sig Loop Replace Prgm 19 Traffic Sign Replace Prgm 20 Light Pole Replace Prgm 21 Interagency Signal Coordination 48,000 48,000 48,000 144,000 22 Sdwlk Insp&Replace Prgm 23 North 3rd Street 24 Arterial Circulation 25 Project Development/Pre-Design 26 WSDOT Coord 27 Bmsn/Houser/Main-SR169 to Grady 28 Main Ave S-S 5th to Bronson Way 40.000 1,080,000 520000 1,040,000 2,680,000 29 Bronson Way-Houser to Sunset 48,000 219,200 172,800 440,000 30 Oakesdale-Monster to SR 900 100,000 236,000 160,000 2,104,000 276,000 1,849,000 4,725,000 31 Neigh Improve/Beaut Prgm 32 City Gateways Prgm 33 Monster Road Bridge 190,000 860.000 1,050,000 34 Windsor Hills St.Rehab.Proj.Devl. 35 Misc Traffic Safety Prgm 36 Traffic Systems Efficiency Imprmts 37 Lind Ave SW 16th to 43rd 38 SR169 Channelization 39 N 4th Blvd-Logan Ave N to Sunset Blvd NE 40 NE 3rd St-Sunset to Monterey 50,560 218,240 691,200 960.000 41 TBZ Project Development 42 Missing Links Prgm 43 BNRR Xing LID 44 S Grady/Rainier S 200,000 900.000 1.800.000 1,175,000 4,075.000 45 S2nd/Logan,Williams&Wells 46 Monroe NE-SR 169 to Sunset 47 S192/S200-SR167 to SR515 48 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to NCL 49 SR167/East Valley Road 20,000 309,650 309,650 639,300 50 SW Grady-SR167 to SR515 51 1405/SR 515 HOV 173.000 173,000 52 Puget-Jones to Edmonds 53 SW16th-Longacres DR to Lind 54 SW 7th/Lind Ave SW Signal 15,000 110,000 125,000 55 NE 44th/1405 Interchange 56 Benson Rd S/S 31st 15,000 91,000 106,000 57 Sunset NE/Anacortes NE 58 Valley Connections to West 320,000 2,200.000 4,001,000 2.079,000 8,600,000 Total Sources 4,130.750 5,201,346 7.608,000 7,777.150 7,426,650 5,103,000 37,246,896 L.I.D.'s Formed MEM TIP 1 Street Overlay Prgm 2 Park N/Lk Wa Blvd • 3 Park N-Bronson to N 10th • • 4 Houser Rel-Sunset to N8th 5 SR900 HOV&NB Houser Interchang 6 Oakesdale SW-31st to 16th 7 Transp Demand Mgmt Prgm 8 Walkway Program 9 CBD Transp&Streetscape 10 Transit Program 11 Arterial HOV Project Development 12 Bridge Inspect.&Repair Program 13 Lk Wash Blvd Bridge at May Creek 14 SR 167/SW 27th St HOV 15 Lake Washington Blvd Bike/Ped 16 Rainier/Airport Resurfacing 17 Talbot S-S 43rd to SCL 18 Traffic Sig Loop Replace Prgm 19 Traffic Sign Replace Prgm 20 Light Pole Replace Prgm 21 Interagency Signal Coordination 22 Sdwlk Insp&Replace Prgm 23 North 3rd Street 24 Arterial Circulation 25 Project Development/Pre-Design 26 WSDOT Coord 27 Brnsn/Houser/Main-SR169 to Grady 28 Main Ave S-S 5th to Bronson Way 29 Bronson Way-Houser to Sunset 30 Oakesdale-Monster to SR 900 31 Neigh Improve/Beaut Prgm 32 City Gateways Prgm 33 Monster Road Bridge 34 Windsor Hills St.Rehab.Proj.Devi. 35 Misc Traffic Safety Prgm 36 Traffic Systems Efficiency Imprints 37 Lind Ave SW 16th to 43rd 38 SR169 Channelization • 39 N 4th Blvd-Logan Ave N to Sunset Blvd NE 40 NE 3rd St-Sunset to Monterey 41 TBZ Project Development 42 Missing Links Prgm 43 BNRR Xing LID 44 S Grady/Rainier S 45 S2nd/Logan,Williams&Wells 46 Monroe NE-SR 169 to Sunset • 47 S192/S200-SR167 to SR515 48 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to NCL 49 SR167/East Valley Road 50 SW Grady-SR167 to SR515 51 I405/SR 515 HOV 52 Puget-Jones to Edmonds 53 SW16th-Longacres DR to Lind 54 SW 7th/Lind Ave SW Signal 55 NE 44th/I405 Interchange 56 Benson Rd S/S 31st 57 Sunset NE/Anacortes NE 58 Valley Connections to West Total Sources I.D.'s Proposed TIP iii0IiiiMEREMCgijakitagiNEMEML994MUM=MOW= 1 Street Overlay Prgm 2 Park N/Lk Wa Blvd 3 Park N-Bronson to N 10th 4 Houser Rel-Sunset to N8th 5 SR900 HOV&NB Houser Interchang 6 Oakesdale SW-31st to 16th 7 Transp Demand Mgmt Prgm 8 Walkway Program 9 CBD Transp&Streetscape 10 Transit Program 11 Arterial HOV Project Development 12 Bridge Inspect.&Repair Program • 13 Lk Wash Blvd Bridge at May Creek 14 SR 167/SW 27th St HOV 78,000 362,000 764,000 296,000 1,500,000 15 Lake Washington Blvd Bike/Ped 16 Rainier/Airport Resurfacing 17 Talbot S-S 43rd to SCL 18 Traffic Sig Loop Replace Prgm 19 Traffic Sign Replace Prgm 20 Light Pole Replace Prgm 21 Interagency Signal Coordination 22 Sdwlk Insp&Replace Prgm 23 North 3rd Street 24 Arterial Circulation 25 Project Development/Pre-Design 26 WSDOT Coord 27 Brnsn/Houser/Main-SR169 to Grady 28 Main Ave S-S 5th to Bronson Way 29 Bronson Way-Houser to Sunset 30 Oakesdale-Monster to SR 900 31 Neigh Improve/Beaut Prgm 32 City Gateways Prgm 33 Monster Road Bridge 34 Windsor Hills St.Rehab.Proj.Devl. 35 Misc Traffic Safety Prgm 36 Traffic Systems Efficiency Imprmts 37 Lind Ave SW 16th to 43rd 30,000 104.500 459,000 156,500 750,000 38 SR169 Channelization 39 N 4th Blvd-Logan Ave N to Sunset Blvd NE 40 NE 3rd St-Sunset to Monterey 41 TBZ Project Development 42 Missing Links Prgm 43 BNRR Xing LID 110,000 110,000 44 S Grady/Rainier S 536,000 923,000 459,000 1,918,000 45 S2nd/Logan,Williams&Wells 46 Monroe NE-SR 169 to Sunset 47 S192/S200-SR167 to SR515 48 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to NCL 49 SR167/East Valley Road 50 SW Grady-SR167 to SR515 51 I405/SR 515 HOV 52 Puget-Jones to Edmonds 53 SW16th-Longacres DR to Lind 25,000 63,000 162,000 250,000 54 SW 7th/Lind Ave SW Signal 55 NE 44th/I405 Interchange 56 Benson Rd S/S 31st 57 Sunset NE/Anacortes NE 58 Valley Connections to West Total Sources 188,000 _ 362.000 794.000 961.500 1,445,000 777,500 4,528,000 • ""tigation In-Hand . ..................... . ......... , TIP GMEREMPRA:ganritegRENEEN ENO.0.41.M:EMOS.M 1 Street Overlay Prgm 2 Park N/Lk Wa Blvd 3 Park N-Bronson to N 10th 4 Houser Rel-Sunset to N8th 80,000 244,000 608,300 932,300 5 SR900 HOV&NB Houser Interchang 535,400 97,400 632,800 6 Oakesdale SW-31st to 16th 274,750 274,750 7 Transp Demand Mgmt Prgm 8 Walkway Program 9 CBD Transp&Streetscape 10 Transit Program 11 Arterial HOV Project Development 12 Bridge Inspect.&Repair Program 13 Lk Wash Blvd Bridge at May Creek 14 SR 167/SW 27th St HOV 15 Lake Washington Blvd Bike/Ped • 16 Rainier/Airport Resurfacing 17 Talbot S-S 43rd to SCL 18 Traffic Sig Loop Replace Prgm 19 Traffic Sign Replace Prgm • 20 Light Pole Replace Prgm 21 Interagency Signal Coordination 22 Sdwlk Insp&Replace Prgm 23 North 3rd Street 24 Arterial Circulation 25 Project Development/Pre-Design 26 WSDOT Coord 27 Brnsn/Houser/Main-SR169 to Grady 28 Main Ave S-S 5th to Bronson Way 29 Bronson Way-Houser to Sunset 30 Oakesdale-Monster to SR 900 14,000 40,000 261,000 315,000 31 Neigh Improve/Beaut Prgm 32 City Gateways Prgm 33 Monster Road Bridge 30.000 140.000 170,000 34 Windsor Hills St.Rehab.Proj.Devl. 35 Misc Traffic Safety Prgm 36 Traffic Systems Efficiency Imprmts 37 Lind Ave SW 16th to 43rd 38 SR169 Channelization 39 N 4th Blvd-Logan Ave N to Sunset Blvd NE 40 NE 3rd St-Sunset to Monterey 41 TBZ Project Development 42 Missing Links Prgm 43 BNRR Xing LID 44 S Grady/Rainier S 60,000 60,000 45 S2nd/Logan,Williams&Wells 46 Monroe NE-SR 169 to Sunset 47 S192/S200-SR167 to 5R515 48 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to NCL 49 SR167/East Valley Road 50 SW Grady-SR167 to SR5 15 51 1405/SR 515 HOV 27,000 27,000 52 Puget-Jones to Edmonds 53 SW16th-Longacres DR to Lind 54 SW 7th/Lind Ave SW Signal 55 NE 44th/1405 Interchange 56 Benson Rd S/S 31st 57 Sunset NE/Anacortes NE 58 Valley Connections to West Total Sources 425,750 979.400 745.700 261,000 _ 2.411.850 "tigation Proposed TIP gREMONWAailiffiWRIZa::ik,K:i::;:iil CRO.04:m15AMONM EMOOMiii 1 Street Overlay Prgm 43,200 43,200 2 Park N/Lk Wa Blvd 3 Park N-Bronson to N 10th 4 Houser Rel-Sunset to N8th 5 SR900 HOV&NB Houser Interchang 6 Oakesdale SW-3Ist to 16th 1,425,000 1,440,000 736,500 3,601,500 7 Transp Demand Mgmt Prgm 8 Walkway Program 9 CBD Transp&Streetscape • 10 Transit Program 11 Arterial HOV Project Development 12 Bridge Inspect.&Repair Program • 13 , Lk Wash Blvd Bridge at May Creek 14 SR 167/SW 27th St HOV 78,000 362,000 764,000 296,000 1,500,000 15 Lake Washington Blvd Bike/Ped 16 Rainier/Airport Resurfacing 17 Talbot S-S 43rd to SCL 18 Traffic Sig Loop Replace Prgm 19 Traffic Sign Replace Prgm 20 Light Pole Replace Prgm 21 Interagency Signal Coordination 22 Sdwlk Insp&Replace Prgm 23 North 3rd Street • 24 Arterial Circulation 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 2,400,000 25 Project Development/Pre-Design 26 WSDOT Coord • 27 Bmsn/Houser/Main-SR169 to Grady • 28 Main Ave S-S 5th to Bronson Way 29 Bronson Way-Houser to Sunset 30 Oakesdale-Monster to SR 900 . 265,000 524,000 3,511,000 4,300,000 31 Neigh Improve/Beaut Prgm 32 City Gateways Prgm 33 Monster Road Bridge 80.000 80,000 34 Windsor Hills St.Rehab.Proj.Devl. 35 Mise Traffic Safety Prgm 36 Traffic Systems Efficiency Imprmts 37 Lind Ave SW 16th to 43rd30,000 104,500 459,000 156,500 750,000 • 38 SR169 Channelization 39 N 4th Blvd-Logan Ave N to Sunset Blvd NE 40 NE 3rd St-Sunset to Monterey 41 TBZ Project Development 42 Missing Links Prgm 43 BNRR Xing LID 44 S Grady/Rainier S 140,000 150,000 536.000 923.000 168.000 1,917,000 45 S2nd/Logan,Williams&Wells 46 Monroe NE-SR 169 to Sunset 47 S192/S200-SR167 to SR515 48 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to NCL 49 SR167/East Valley Road 50 SW Grady-SR167 to SR515 51 I405/SR 515 HOV 52 Puget-Jones to Edmonds 53 SW16th-Longacres DR to Lind 25,000 63,000 162.000 250,000 54 SW 7th/Lind Ave SW Signal 3,000 22,000 25,000 55 NE 44th/I405 Interchange 30,000 220,000 250,000 56 Benson Rd S/S 31st 57 Sunset NE/Anacortes NE 86.000 192.000 278,000 58 Valley Connections to West 45.000 300.000 545.000 210.000 1,100,000 Total Sources 521.200 2,526,000 3,263,000 2,663.000 2,914,000 4,607.500 16,494,700 • Other Tip 1 Street Overlay Prgm 2 Park N/Lk Wa Blvd 3 Park N-Bronson to N 10th 4 Houser Rel-Sunset to N8th 150.000 150.000 5 SR900 HOV&NB Houser Interchang 150,000 100,000 250,000 6 Oakesdale SW-31st to 16th 7 Transp Demand Mgmt Prgm 8 Walkway Program 9 CBD Transp&Streetscape 10 Transit Program 11 Arterial HOV Project Development 12 Bridge Inspect.&Repair Program 13 Lk Wash Blvd Bridge at May Creek 14 SR 167/SW 27th St HOV 15 Lake Washington Blvd Bike/Ped 16 Rainier/Airport Resurfacing 17 Talbot S-S 43rd to SCL 18 Traffic Sig Loop Replace Prgm 19 Traffic Sign Replace Prgm 20 Light Pole Replace Prgm 21 Interagency Signal Coordination 22 Sdwlk Insp&Replace Prgm 23 North 3rd Street • 24 Arterial Circulation 25 Project Development/Pre-Design 26 WSDOT Coord 27 Brnsn/Houser/Main-SR169 to Grady 28 Main Ave S-S 5th to Bronson Way 29 Bronson Way-Houser to Sunset 30 Oakesdale-Monster to SR 900 25,000 25,000 50,000 31 Neigh Improve/Beaut Prgm 32 City Gateways Prgm 33 Monster Road Bridge 34 Windsor Hills St.Rehab.Proj.Devi. 35 Misc Traffic Safety Prgm 36 Traffic Systems Efficiency Imprmts 37 Lind Ave SW 16th to 43rd 38 SR169 Channelization 39 N 4th Blvd-Logan Ave N to Sunset Blvd NE. 40 NE 3rd St-Sunset to Monterey 41 TBZ Project Development 42 Missing Links Prgm 43 BNRR Xing LID 44 S Grady/Rainier S 45 S2nd/Logan,Williams&Wells 46 Monroe NE-SR 169 to Sunset 47 S192/S200-SR167 to 5R515 48 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to NCL 49 SR167/East Valley Road 50 SW Grady-SR167 to SR515 51 I405/SR 515 HOV 52 Puget-Jones to Edmonds 53 SW16th-Longacres DR to Lind 54 SW 7th/Lind Ave SW Signal 55 NE 44th/I405 Interchange 56 Benson Rd S/S 31st 57 Sunset NE/Anacortes NE 58 Valley Connections to West 45,000 300,000 545,000 210,000 1,100,000 Total Sources 25,000 325,000 145,000 300,000 545,000 210,000 1,550,000 Unfunded • BEENE EMP.Mgoig TIP Proj tTl 1998MUM miniNUME 1 Street Overlay Prgm 2 Park N/Lk Wa Blvd 3 Park N-Bronson to N 10th • 4 Houser Rel-Sunset to N8th 5 SR900 HOV&NB Houser Interchang 6 Oakesdale SW-3 1st to 16th 7 Transp Demand Mgmt Prgm 8 Walkway Program 9 CBD Transp&Streetscape 10 Transit Program 11 Arterial HOV Project Development 12 Bridge Inspect.&Repair Program 13 Lk Wash Blvd Bridge at May Creek 14 SR 167/SW 27th St HOV 500,000 1,700,000 800,000 3,000,000 15 Lake Washington Blvd Bike/Ped 186,064 186,064 16 Rainier/Airport Resurfacing 17 Talbot S-S 43rd to SCL • 18 Traffic Sig Loop Replace Prgm 19 Traffic Sign Replace Prgm 20 Light Pole Replace Prgm 21 Interagency Signal Coordination 22 Sdwlk Insp&Replace Prgm 23 North 3rd Street 24 Arterial Circulation 311,000 36,800 440,200 245,000 . 320,000 60,000 1,413,000 25 Project Development/Pre-Design 26 WSDOT Coord 27 Brnsn/Houser/Main-SR169 to Grady 28 Main Ave S-S 5th to Bronson Way 29 Bronson Way-Houser to Sunset 30 Oakesdale-Monster to SR 900 31 Neigh Improve/Beaut Prgm 32 City Gateways Prgm 33 Monster Road Bridge 34 Windsor Hills St.Rehab.Proj.Devl.. 35 Misc Traffic Safety Prgm 36 Traffic Systems Efficiency Imprmts 37 Lind Ave SW 16th to 43rd 60.000 209.000 918,000 313,000 1,500,000 38 SR169 Channelization 39 N 4th Blvd-Logan Ave N to Sunset Blvd NE 40 NE 3rd St-Sunset to Monterey 41 TBZ Project Development 42 Missing Links Prgm 43 BNRR Xing LID 44 S Grady/Rainier S 150.000 250,000 350,000 250,000 1,000,000 45 S2nd/Logan,Williams&Wells 46 Monroe NE-SR 169 to Sunset 47 S192/S200-SR167 to SR5 15 48 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to NCL 50.000 50,000 49 SR167/East Valley Road 200,000' 347,000 1.162.850 1,162,850 2,872.700 50 SW Grady-SR167 to SR5I5 260,000 260,000 51 1405/SR 515 HOV 52 Puget-Jones to Edmonds 100.000 910,000 1,010,000 53 SW16th-Longacres DR to Lind 50,000 126,000 324,000 500,000 54 SW 7th/Lind Ave SW Signal 55 NE 44th/1405 Interchange 56 Benson Rd S/S 31st 5,000 19,000 24,000 57 Sunset NE/Anacortes NE 58 Valley Connections to West 14,000 93,000 93,000 200,000 Total Sources311,000 _ 1,337,864 3,626,200 2,730,850 2,969,850 1,040,000 12,015,764 • • ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS The following list defines the abbreviated words or acronyms used in the City of Renton's Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan 1994 - 1999 BRAC Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee CBD Central Business District CIP Capital Improvement Program CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality CTR Commute Trip Reduction (State Act) EB East Bound ER Emergency Relief FAS Federal Aid Secondary Program FAUS Federal Aid Urban System FHWA Federal Highway Administration FTA Federal Transit Administration HCT High Capacity Transit HES Federal Aid Hazard Elimination& Safety Program HOV High Occupancy Vehicles I/C Interchange IVHS Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (Federal Highway Bill) LID Local Improvement District METRO Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle MUTCD Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices NCL North City Limits NB North Bound PMS Pavement Management System Precon Preconstruction Engineering/Administration (design phase of project) PRT Personal Rapid Transit PS&E Plans, Specification, and Estimates ROW Right-of-Way SB South Bound SC&DI Surveillance Control and Driven Information SCATBd South County Area Transportation Board SCL South City Limits SOV Single Occupant Vehicle STP Surface Transportation Program SWIBS State of Washington Inventory of Bridges and Structures TBD Transportation Benefit District TBZ Transportation Benefit Zone TDM Transportation Demand Management Program TIA Transportation Improvement Account (Administered by TIB) TIB Transportation Improvement Board TIP Transportation Improvement Plan UATA Urban Arterial Trust Account (Administered by TIB) VMS Vehicle Master System WB West Bound WCL West City Limits WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation To: Renton City Council Members From: Lee Haro, Transportation Program Development Coordinator Attached is a copy of the City arterial classification map, also called the "Arterial Street Plan," that is included as an exhibit of the Six-Year Transportation Program but was inadvertently left out of the package of materials submitted to Council last week. Also attached are the following: -- The agenda bill and position paper that referred the arterial classification subject to Transportation Committee. -- The report that was given to the Council Transportation Committee on 9/17/92 explaining the changes that needed to be made in our existing arterial map last Fall to bring it in line with the technical criteria established for a state-wide review of arterial classifications that was taking place at that time. The attached colored map includes the changes summarized on the attached spreadsheet. This will be one of the exhibits referred tout the Monday, June 21 hearing on the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. If there are any questions concerning the map please contact Lee Haro, 277-6217. cc:Mayor Clymer,Jay Covington Marilyn Peterse i TM NeR g a SE 4ri .(14) 5 R ARTERIAL STREETS 1993 . SI _ 4 �Y Baa j''� LEGEND: r' „� t m g Ay `J �� �� PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL 0 � + ♦ 1 ■� MINOR ARTERIAL J eff7N1' 0. moimm COLLECTOR I Xilta N�'Q • • ■ ■ ■ PROPOSED PRINCIPAL ' a d g,,, 1 V . 4_,__. ® 1�. I a A . ,EekAJ APEr.,1111:i iii A Ff , 1 .1u1M I a M>M sr 1 �* e 1--L_ erg Er , ,a'minimm, m PI, t :MI { '''..-44.74 ir*d Q LEKEsimm- torii„......„ SCALE _,..., f, i' =3000' .t Jti���®.fJe il �iiiiiiii.:- - � \�r/�_. ___________,-..\,,,_ �® `\mss++)♦ e:41F MST MS SE XNON- Q,mthn \II1Piv 1407.:�c tore n a LAKE WASHINGTON ` EAf 1 = Q - �yv) 1 Y - 15 w „... ,:, .... N1Nn .. k r .. ‘L\\\Of d«1 IL [ 1,11-A :0 -% 4Jc o -- 1:QR \\ IJE_____\,... u.11in Il_ tt ll;Xi ;� bi 4112 4.i -�.all) 11 l IE RAN 'Q Ile 7. , / \• 9 icy R`y, 11 ' via�� �s_ ,i �ECX �_ tt l I et , pint Tm!) ii ..I\ . s`s ‘ OITEIP EIMIILT4V1 OW. - • • NMI WI 4tokle,kji 14.1,."..1.vir„,, bg ' , ...___ .... , . 1010111 J1..._: el) els sT .I , i op7cotez,00,-..___„„_0 \ .._.._., , -. , r45' limpov4.14r ,- ,. di _Li . cr., .., well. .....1 tl,.., ktaili.i.7. AlleitoyiNeiptcr,--‘ 44411,111./7 . toy ra tw...! R.., 4011 till°°° \"--------1---f ---.4.--) j two -mic_(,r Av. :.. Alip - Are...A-'-'_,!1 C " N 'ti4 ' i Ael el F. .- ir Sol/e r , ........to 0,.01111111,, isee , uric ,._., - - ., ANNUL , 4, cL'2,,dr),Qt' ------- 2-,/ ,. ,,, r-, ,,,,, 5-3 i...,11-116 e w® p4 '� _ . �� ®d lA \E,sad sr a1 1 ,n �® e�ni��1 ( 1 i t est 2E I 3 C11 t 9roW saesr ` 14% iii Cl'... 51,11 ,___, �-T - Princlool Arteriole Colbctors s Stese 1. Airport Way from Rainier Ave.S to Logan Ave. S rq F f IDE>r g 2. Bronson Way S/Bronson Way N from Main Ave. S to Sunset Blvd, N 5SW 2 Aberdeen 4o NE roam Sunset BIW NE to NE27thres DSt� I A 3, Logan Ave.S/Logan Ave. N from Airport Way to N 6th St. 53. NE 16th St.from Jones Ave.NE to Edmonds Ave.NE ' 5 4. SW Grody Wy from Rainier Ave.S to West a limit 54. NE 12th St.from Edmond.Ave.NE to Union Ave.NE 5. Main Ave.S from S Grady Way to Bronson Way S 55. Monroe Ave. NE from NE 2nd St. to NE 4th St. �11N Ar 6. Maple Volley Highwy Trom Sunset BNd. N to East city„mite 56. NE Znd St from Monroe Ave.NE to City Shope entry 7. N 3rd SL from Logan Aw.N to Sunset Blvd, N 57. NE 10th St.from NE Sunset Blvd.to Monroe Ave.NE st I 7` "aiiiii 8. N 3rd PI./N 4th St.from Houser Way N to Logan Ave. N 58. NE 7th St.from NE Sunset Blvd.to Monroe Ave.NE �® 9. NE 3rd St./NE 4th St.from Sunset Blvd. N to East oily Smite 59. Edmonds Ave. NE from NE Sunset Blvd.to NE 3rd St. ® p 10. Park Ave.N from Bronson Way N to N Park Dr. 60. Bronson Way NE/NE 4th SL from NE 3rd St to Jefferson Ave.NE B 11. N Park Dr./NE Park Dr.from Park Ave. N to Edmonds Ave.NE 61, Taylor Ave.NW/T br PI NW from Renton Ave. Ext.to west city limits �{ 12, NE Sunset Blvd.from Edmonds Ave. NE to East c Omits agy ,^I IMO ( 'Lk e:545 sr 13. Rainier Ave. N/Ralnier Ave. S from North city bruits to S Grady Way 633,, NE344thSSt./Lincoln Ave. NE from FA]umett Ave N to a 405 to East city limits rk Ave.N ,) mil 14. S 2nd St, from Main Ase.S to Ralnler Ave.5 64. SW Lan99elan Road from SW Sunset Blvd. Lo west city limits 15. S 3rd St. from Rainier Ave. S to Moln Ave.S 8S S 3rd PI.from Rainier Ave.S to Shattuck Ase.S re 16. N 6th SL from n Ave. N to Park Ave N ® s 17. SW Sunset Blvd.froom Wes! Omits to Rainier Ave.S 66. Shard PI Ave.S from S 2nd St to S Grady eWay . r- J- city 67. Whitworth Ave. S from S 2nd St. to S 4th St. '((/®!- 18. Sunset Blvd. N from Bronson Way N to FAI 405 68. Morris Ave.S fern S 2nd St.fo S 4th SL 19. Houser Way S/Houser Way N from Main Ave.S to Bronson Way N 69, Burnett Awe S from S 2nd St.to S 7t St. 20. S Grady Way from Rainier Ave S to Main Ave.S 70. Monster Rood SW from Oakeedole Ave. SW to SW 16th St. W 21 SW 43rd St/S 43rd St from west city Omits to Talbot Road 5 71. SW 18th St.from East Valley Road to Und Ave. SW 22. Talbot Road S from S 7th St.to S Puget Dr. 72. East Valley Road from SW 16th St.to SW 43rd Si. 23. Benson Dr. S from S Puget Dr. t South city limit. 73. Talbot Road S/S 21st St.from SR-51S to south city limits ..---124. Oaksedale Ave, SW from SW 27th St.to Sunset they. 74. SW 41st St.from East Volley Rood to Oakesdale Ave.SW Af a 75. SW 34th St.from East Valley Road to Oakesdale Ave.SW y a Minor Arterials 76. Hardie Ave.5W from SW Sunset Blvd.to Rainier Ave.S 77. Lake Wash Blvd. N from N Park Drive to FAS 405 ! s 25. Dwall Avs. NE from north city limits to south city emits 78. Park Ave.N/N 40th St,from N 30th St,to Lake Wash,Blvd. N I _ I yt�� 25. Hauser Way N from Loks Wash,Blvd. N to Sanest Btvd,N 79. Burnett Ave.N from N 30th St to Lake Wash. BNd.N I� 27. Benson Road S from S Grady Way to south city limits28. Lind Ave. SW from SW 7th 9t.to SW 43rd St. ..._11111_.F, 29. Renton Ave.Extnition from Rainier Ave S to Wee!city emit I I 30. 9 Puget Dr./Puget Dr.SE from Talbot Rood 9 to Edmonde Ave.9E Proposed PnnclLml Arterials A ref WI 1 31. Edmonds Ave.SE from Puget Dr. SE to oath city limit ` I' n 1 32. S 4th%,/S 4th St.from Reinter Ave.S to Main Ave.S 80. S 55th St,/S 192nd St. 58 SR-515(106th Ave SE)to 1-147 33. 5 7th St,/SW 7th SL from Burnett Ave. S to Oakeedale Ave.SW 81. Oakwdole Me. SW from Sw 27th Sr. to SE 43rD St. 1��, 34. 6611 Ave.S from Houser Way S to Broonon Way S 35. 52nd St.frau Mill Ave. 5 to Mir: ole Ave.S L 36. Well.Aw.5/Welle Ase. N from S Grady Way to N 4th St. 1rw tl� 80 I +Ar` ¢ 37. W,lliortv Ave. N/Wiliam.Aw.S Trom rl 4th St ea s Grady Way y w� `4 38. N 6th St, Iran Pork Ave. N to Garden Ave, N It >@ „ 39. Gorden Ave. N from N 4th St.to N Pork Dew 40. N BO St. from Pork Ave. N to Houser Way N 41. Sunset BNd. NE from 1W 405 to NE Park Dr. EXHIBIT ADt '*' S : g 42. Union Ave. NE from south city SmIte to north city limits s 43. Edmonds Ave. NE from NE Sunset Blvd. to NE 27th St. s „TT - u 44. NE 30th St./Kennewick PI.NE/NE 27th St.from FAI 405 to Edmonds Ave.NE 45. N 30th St from Park Ave. N to FAl 405 46. Lake Waeh. Blvd.NE from PAI 405 to north ally emit HEARING 47. SW 27th St.from Ookesdale Ave.SW to East Valley Road 48. Monroe Ave. NE from NE 4th St. to Sunset Blvd. NE ADOPTED 49. SW 16th St.from Lind Ave.SW to Oakeedale Ave.SW RESOLUTION 50. Logan Ave.S from 5 3rd St.to Airport Way r �a CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AI #: Submitting Data: Planning/Building/Public Works For Agenda of: Dept/Div/Board.. Transportation September 14, 1992 Staff Contact Mel Wilson Agenda Status: Consent X Subject: Public Hearing Review of arterial street functional classification Correspondence Ordinance Resolution Old Business Exhibits: New Business Issue paper Study Sessions Information Other Recommended Action: Approvals: Refer to Transportation Committee Legal Dept (September 17, 1992) Finance Dept Other Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required None Transfer/Amendment Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated Summary of Action: Information only. Staff Recommendations: Refer to Transportation Committee for monitoring of and reporting to the Council as needed on activities related to a region-wide review of arterial functional classifications. As mandated by the new Federal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, the classifications - Principal, Minor, Collector - of all arterial streets in the state must be reviewed. The Puget Sound Regional Council is coordinating the efforts of local jurisdictions in this region. The Transportation Systems Division is involved in this effort and will present periodic reports to the Council Transportation Committee. t:Wd,nu'ri ri I'dr • CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: September 9, 1992 TO: City Council VIA: Mayor Earl Clymer FROM: Lynn Guttmann, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Mel Wilson, Transportation Systems Director SUBJECT: ISSUE PAPER-ARTERIAL CLASSIFICATION REVIEW ISSUE: All local jurisdictions in the State of Washington are being requested by the Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT)to initiate a review of the functional classification of their arterial streets as part of a requirement under the new Federal highway bill, the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act(ISTEA). Renton's responsibility is to review the classification of our arterials in comparison with Federal classification guidelines and check for consistency with the classifications being used by adjacent jurisdictions for streets that cross jurisdictional boundaries. The Puget Sound Regional Council will assemble and review data submitted from local jurisdictions in this region and pass that data on to WSDOT, which is undertaking a year-long review process of the arterial system of the entire state. When completed by WSDOT this classification system will be used for the purposes of interfacing with State and Federal transportation grant programs. No Council action is required at this time in regard to this review process. BACKGROUND: At present their are many inconsistencies among the arterial classification data being used by local jurisdictions, the State and the Federal highway programs. The State and Federal systems will be merged into a single system as part of the process now underway. This is an opportunity for the City of Renton to correct and update the data in that system to be consistent with the City of Renton's Arterial Street Plan. The City of Renton is not bound in anyway by the classifications used in the State and Federal system. Renton can change its own Arterial Street Plan whenever it chooses. Although a street must be classified as one of the three types of arterials to receive State or Federal grant money, the type of arterial that it is classified as -- Principal, Minor or Collector - does not affect its eligibility for grant funds. RECOMMENDATION: Staff is requesting that this matter be referred to the Council Transportation Committee for the purpose of receiving information and updates on the arterial classification review process from the Transportation Systems Division and reporting to the Council as needed. w FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION PRESENTATION TO TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE ON 9/17/92 BACKGROUND: o New Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act requires state-wide review of arterial functional classification. o Interfaces with State and Federal grant programs. The data currently being used for the State and Federal programs is out of date and needs to be corrected. o The map we will be submitting to the Puget Sound Regional Council can only show arterials that exist or proposed routes that are probable to be built within 6 years. Proposed routes that might be built sometime after 6 years are shown dashed on the map. o In reviewing our arterial system using the Federal guidelines and following a meeting with City land use planning staff we have proposed some changes to the existing Arterial Street Plan. o This is an interim proposal aimed at correcting the existing map. When transportation planning currently being done for the downtown and for the Comprehensive Plan is completed early next year there will very likely be other changes, especially in the downtown area. ISSUES AT HAND: o Need to submit a map to King County tomorrow, 9/17/92, so they can begin entering data into their computerized map. o Need to submit data on mileage, traffic volumes, route numbering, etc. to the Puget Sound Regional Council on 9/28/72. o If Council wants to review further, we have until December to submit last minute changes to the PSRC. THE TRANSPORTATION DIVISION RECOMMENDS: o Submit the map as reviewed and possibly changed by the Transportation Committee on 9/17/92. (Formal Council approval is not required in this process.) o Defer further review and revisions to the processes now underway relating the downtown plan and the Comprehensive Plan. Those recommendations will be completed by early next year. o Review and revise the Arterial Street Plan as part of, or simultaneously with, the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program processes. The new map could then be formally adopted through the same public hearing process as the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. ..............:. PRINCIPAL MINOR COLLECTOR LOCAL Total Miles % Miles % Miles % Miles % Miles WITH S.R. +8.94 .:..:::.... ........... #yry� :::::::t:t:::t::.:::..;..;:.:.::.:.;;:.;:::.;::.:;:::t:.:;:.ist.;;:.i:::::»':ii.;::t.:t::;:;::>:•:>;�:;::>:>:<;;:>:.;;�>:;,.;:<:::::>;<::::t:tt.>::�:..;•:::.;<;::::::::.::<::>::::;;<>�<:>:<<•�<>:::::> .. .. .........................................:v;�.{...#.#:..�.::nv::::::::�.�.i.#!LJ.1/..R+.............�2).��..............�.�%1.l}.!f#J............�.Fh�J.�...:::u::::�F�.1...:...:...::........................................................................................• i::} +:.}::::::�::::::::::::::,::•.:vii:::: WITHOUT S.R. -8.94 2:2:22:::.::.;.::.�::::::.;r t:.;•t.�t.:..::..:.:...........::.:::.:::.::.:..::.:.:...... .... .::..........:::::........... ............................:.:.:....................................t:.t..:.:......................,......... ............................:.......................... .............. ................ .. ... ........:::::.t.:::.:iiii::::.;;;:::.;:;i:::ii::::�>.+::<>i:.::.:!:'�::;i;;;;;::::.:iiiiii;;:;:::.................................................................. ...................................::.::.................................... .. .. ......................... ...........................i.......................... ......................:......:............ �ii';::i ii:.;.i': ...n{:•:•:•::}:::•::::.,}.�.ii..:'.::y/,y:::•:::•::i:•:::•:•::::.,1�...y�,i.,.Q#"'}::iii .. .. ..................:..:::.::::::::::::.v::n.n.#yy{.,�. .............. .3.v..-.[/��...may............. �}y v..}y�{�................... f.��...I.W..:::::::::::::�:�..#�y::::.::......�.�.....� ...ii::::.......��h��.Lv.......:.�M��.JFi!..........�.�iF#::#:�..... .y♦�v1}rte ....(S ..�i}................... ......................�.i!}....�............�..#...�Y+.�..(Y.............�irt..N...............��..............................................................................t...............n.................:'}............. ... ...................... TY.4M. .....3 .:::f.:w::::::::.v:w.w............................................n..................:•:w::.�•:::}::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::m.:::.n............................................................:.........................................................:....m n...tt. v.v.:::::::::..............................:....t............................................:�:::.iii:iiiiiiiiiiii:i::w:::::n�::::::::.v::::::;:::::::r ..................... 9/17/922:51 PM Page 1 ARTCLAS.XLS ARTCL2S.XLS Recommended Changes Oakesdale - SW 27th Show proposed to SW 43rd Monroe - Change from Collector NE 4th to SR900 to Minor S 192nd - SR515 to Show Proposed West City Limits Smithers - SW 7th Change from Principal to S 3rd St to Local Access Jones Road - 27th Change from Collector to 16th to Local Access Meadow - Bronson Change from Collector to to N 3rd Local Access Factory - Bronson Change from Collector to to N 3rd Local Access Burnett - 30th north Collector to Local Access to Lk Wash. Blvd SW 27th - Oakes to WC Delete as arterial N 30th - 40th/Park Change from Minor to to Burnett Collector Grady - Rainier to WC Change from Minor to Principal SW 16th -Oakesdale Change from Collector to to Lind Ave Minor Renton Ave Exten. Change from Principal to Minor CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 21st day of June, 1993, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: 1994-1999 Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval, disapproval, or opinions on this matter. CITY OF RENTO Aa Marilyn J.%;gen City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION: June 4, 1993 Valley Daily News Acct. No. 50640 May 24, 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 244 Citizen Comment: Coulon Correspondence was entered into the record supporting Ivar's as the food Park Food Concession service concessionaire in Gene Coulon Park from: Kay L. Batt, 16960 129th Avenue SE, Renton 98058; Heather and Stephanie Joo, 8741 S. 113th Street, Seattle 98178; Betty Krogh (no address given); Norman M. Peterson, 3402 Park Avenue N., Renton 98056; Serina Priggee, 16443 SE 134th, Renton 98059; Chuck and JoAnn S. Stewart, 3233 Mt. View Avenue N., Renton 98056; Marilyn Talbert, 645 Glennwood Court NE, Renton 98056; Gladys Wiemann, 2116 Edmonds Avenue NE, Renton 98056; Helen M. Wong, 1914 NE 29th Court, Renton 98056; letter and petition with 23 signatures submitted by Karin Sammons (no address given). Correspondence was received from Virginia M. Lund, 15239-160th Place, Renton 98058, supporting McDonald's at Coulon Park stating it would be a refreshing change for Park users. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, REFER ALL CORRESPONDENCE CONCERNING THE COULON PARK FOOD CONCESSION TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS • Councilman Stredicke stated that he met with residents of the Brentwood Planning: Group area of the Highlands who were concerned over a proposed group home Home, Brentwood, on NE 10th Court. He requested that the Administration and staff clarify NE 10th Ct State law concerning group homes. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, THAT THIS SUBJECT BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. Police: Councilman Stredicke commended the Renton Police Department and the Commendation, joint city SWAT team for the care and safety of the Safeway employees, Safeway Hostage shoppers, and passersby during the recent hostage situation. Incident Mayor Clymer also expressed his appreciation of the actions taken by the Police Department. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler requested that the Administration review the appropriateness of live news coverage of the hostage situation and other crises in which people's lives are endangered. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, REFER THIS • TOPIC TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMENT. COUNCIL. Transportation Referred 5/3/93 - Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Tanner Committee presented a report stating that the Transportation Committee reviewed the Transportation: 1994- annual update of the City's six-year Transportation Improvement Program 1999 Six-Year (TIP) 1994-1999, and recommended the TIP be moved for adoption Transportation pending the results of a public hearing to be held 6/21/93. MOVED BY Improvement Program TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: Guard Referred 5/17/93 - Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Rail Installation Tanner presented a report stating that the Transportation Committee was briefed on the installation of guardrail within the City,'and no action is required. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. AliDPIROVED 5-454 9g TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT May 24, 1993 PROJECT: SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM(TIP) 1994-1999 (Referred 5/3/93) The Transportation Committee has reviewed the annual update of the City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1994-1999 and recommends the TIP be put forward for adoption by the City Council pending the results of a public hearing to be held June 21, 1993. do e:se Tanner, Chair o r' e / Q�, _%. Timothy J. S• ' -r, ice-Cham glen(---,24;41-;0 Richard Stredicke, Member • cc: Lynn Guttmann Mel Wilson Y Lee Haro Duanna Richards ww\TIPI999 l✓ May 3. 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 198 Finance: US Bank Administrative Services Department requested approval of contract with Contract for Credit Cards US Bank for acceptance of Visa/Mastercard/ATM cards for transactions with the City, such as telephone payments for utility bills; jail bonds; room rentals and special events at the Community Center; class registrations at the Community Center; tickets and time payments at the Municipal Court; and City licenses and telephone requests. Refer to Finance Committee. CAG: 93-034, Blackline, City Clerk reported bid opening on 4/28/93 for 1993 Slurry Seal (CAG- 1993 Slurry Seal 93-034); one qualified bid; engineers' estimate $55,972.90. Refer to Transportation Committee. King County: 1993 City Clerk submitted 1993 King County primary and general election Election Information information including: participation in voters' pamphlet; candidate filing information; and candidate permanent position numbers. Refer to Finance Committee. Planning: 1993 Growth Planning Division requested approval of 1993 service agreement with Management Grant, King King County for the Growth Management Grant in the amount of County $35,920 for planning and technical assistance in implementing Growth Management Act. Refer to Planning & Development Committee. Planning: CAD Drafting Technical Services Division requested approval of the annual contract and Surveying Services extensions to May, 1994, for computer-aided design (CAD) drafting and Annual Contract surveying services with David Evans & Associates; Bush, Roed & Extensions Hitchings; Dodds Engineers; Triad Associates; Target Surveyors, Inc.; Engineering Graphic Services; Conversion Imaging; and Gardner Consulting, Inc. Council concur. Airport: Evergreen Flying Transportation (Aviation) Division requested approval of a limited use Club Limited Use Permit permit with Evergreen Flying Club. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Transportation: 1994-1999 Transportation Division requested a public hearing be set for the annual Six-Year Transportation update of the 1994-1999 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. Improvement Program Refer to Transportation Committee and set public hearing for 6/21/93. Public Works: Public Utilities System Division requested approval of applications for Public Works Trust Fund Low Works Trust Fund low-interest loans. The projects may include: sewer Interest Loan main grouting and rehabilitation project; Dayton Avenue N. sewer local Utility: Public Works improvement district; East Kennydale interceptor and Aberdeen storm Trust Fund Low Interest drainage improvements; and Talbot Crest lift station elimination. Refer Loan to Utilities Committee. Utility: Utility Rate Utilities System Division requested approval of consultant agreement for Study and Rate Model 1994 - 2000 utilities rate studies and rate model development contract Development with Economics and Engineering Services, Inc., in the amount of $59,100, and authorize fund transfer. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AI #: Submitting Data: Planning/Building/Public Works For Agenda of: May 3, 1993 Dept/Div/Board.. Transportation Division Staff Contact Lee Haro Agenda Status Consent X Subject: Public Hearing... X • Correspondence.. Annual Update of the Six Year Transportation Improvement Ordinance Program (TIP) 1994 - 1999 Resolution Old Business Exhibits: New Business Study Sessions Exhibits will be presented to the Council Transportation Other Committee Recommended Action: Approvals: Legal Dept Refer to Transportation Committee (May 6, 1993) and set Public Finance Dept Hearing for June 21, 1993. Other Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... Transfer/Amendment Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated Summary of Action: Refer review of the annual update of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program to the Transportation Committee for review and for reporting back to the City Council. Summary of Action: The Transportation Division staff recommends that the Council refer the item of reviewing the annual update of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program to the Transportation Committee for review and set Public Hearing for June 21, 1993. LH/ddr/6yrtip