HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 Correspondence June 27. 1988 Renton City Council Minutes Page 197 federal funds to the City of Renton general fund; and, depending upon outcome of Good Shepherd rezone applications, a portion of that allocation would apply towards development of two group homes or towards renovation of the Historical Society Museum. Ordinance #4164 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation of 1988 Federal Housing Parks: 1988 H&CD Block and Community Development Block Grants in the total amount of $221,287. Grant Program Councilman Stredicke questioned prior Council action regarding disposition of 1988 H&CD funding. To allow opportunity to research the record, it was MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 7:54 p.m. Council reconvened at 8:00 p.m.; roll was called; all members present except Trimm, previously excused. Excerpt from 9/28/87 Council minutes of public hearing to consider 1988 H&CD Block Grants was read into the record by Councilwoman Mathews. The minutes indicated that appropriation of funds for the Good Shepherd group homes in the 1988 Block Grant program was contingent upon meeting standards of all governmental agencies involved. Ms. Mathews advised that this information was included in the report that was submitted to King County with the proviso that if conditions were not met by Good Shepherd, funding would be applied to Historical Society Museum. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: KEOLKER-WHEELER, HUGHES, NELSON, MATHEWS. 2 NAYS: REED, STREDICKE. CARRIED. • Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: LID: 330, Grady Way An ordinance was read relating to Local Improvement District No. 330; fixing Project the amount, form, date, interest rates, maturity and denominations of the Local Improvement District No. 330 bonds; providing for the sale and delivery of the bonds; and fixing the interest rate on Local Improvement District No. 330 assessment installments. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED.. Condemnation: Covenant Prior to presentation of the ordinance authorizing acquisition of property Development Corporation owned by Covenant Development Corporation,Transportation Committee Chairman Nelson presented the following Transportation Committee report on the matter: Transnortation The Transportation Committee recommended concurrence in the Committee recommendation of the City Attorney to acquire..in fee the access road to the Condemnation: Covenant reservoir site on the Covenant Development Corporation property without Development Corporation additional cost to the City of Renton. Pursuant to the contract between the City and the owner, all necessary street improvements will be installed to the City's satisfaction in accordance with City Code. The Committee further recommended that the matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for drafting of the ordinance. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Condemnation: Covenant An ordinance was read authorizing the acquisition'of certain property and Development Corporation property rights by eminent domain; providing for the payment thereof; authorizing the City Attorney to prepare a petition for condemnation in the Superior Court in and for the County of King and for the prosecution thereof for the acquisition of such property and property rights for acquisition of a reservoir site and for necessary public streets and appurtenances therefor (Covenant Development.Corporation). MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution #2726 A resolution was read adopting the City's 1989-1994 Six-Year Transportation Streets: 1989-1994 Six- Improvement Program. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY Year Transportation MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Improvement Program _ Councilman Stredicke reiterated concerns expressed on 6/20/88 regarding late submission of data prior to public hearing. MOTION CARRIED. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT JUNE 27, 1988 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinances for second and final reading: Polygon Corporation Phase III - FPUD-111-87 (Sunpoint, CHG Int. ) 1988 Year-End Budget Adjustments The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinance for first reading and further requests suspension of the rules advancing it to second and final reading: Appropriation of 1988 H&CD Block Grant Funds in the amount of $221, 287 The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinance for first reading: Ordinance Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for LID #330, SW Grady Way Ordinance authorizing acquisition by eminent domain of property owned by Covenant Development Corporation for use as access to reservoir site The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 1989-1994 Amending Resolution #2724 Setting 8/1/88 as a Hearing Date to Consider the Vacation of a Portion of Maple Ave. SW (Rainier Blvd. ) Adopting Traffic Mitigation as a SEPA Policy and the VTIP Study as an Interim Document Ways and Means Committee Committee Report June 27, 1988 Page 2 APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS The Ways and Means Committee recommends approval of Vouchers No. 41536 through No. 41898 in the amount of $1, 454, 161.71; having received departmental certification that merchandise/services have been received or rendered; Vouchers #41549 - 41558 machine voided. is4/ Richard Stredicke, Chairman Rob ugh , Vice-Chairman Nancy Ma ews June 20, 1988 Renton City Council Minutes Page 186 Citizen Comment: Jett - Kathleen Jett, 583 Kirkland Avenue NE, Renton, requested clarification of Administrative Appeal proposed administrative appeals ordinance, specifically, 1) preparation of Ordinance outline or flow chart showing involvement of Hearing Examiner in the land use process, both before and after adoption of May, 1986, amendment; and 2) written procedure for enforcing the Hearing Examiner's decisions after - issuance of the building permit and after expiration of the 14-day appeal period. Notingthat prior to May 1986, the Hearing Examiner, an impartial law judge, served as final administrative authority, Mrs. Jett questioned which official serves that function now and under proposed amendments, and whether that official has legal expertise. Lastly, Mrs. Jett asked whether the Hearing Examiner has any administrative authority under the proposed amendments after the 14 day appeal period has expired. Citizen Comment: Vaupel Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, referenced newspaper notice which - Paccar EIS Scope states that an environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for the Paccar site before development. She felt citizens are confused by receiving notice of an EIS scoping meeting for the proposal to be held one day after expiration of the 14-day appeal period for the referenced declaration of environmental significance, and she questioned whether appeals can be filed later if the scope of the EIS is felt to be inadequate. It was explained that scope of the EIS is separate from the environmental determination, and the public will have the opportunity to appeal both the preliminary and final EIS at a later date. PUD, Final, Victoria Jeff Lukins, 1113 S. 23rd Street, Renton, Victoria Hills Homeowners Hills Phase II, FPUD- Association, pointed out that correspondence from the Building Director and 042-85 City Attorney specify different dates for expiration of the Victoria Hills Phase II final planned unit development. Mr. Lukins contended that the. record reflects an expiration date of 7/14/88, with option for a one-year extension, and he asked that an official response regarding this matter be addressed to the homeowners association. He also advised that the developer has dropped the lawsuit against the homeowners association, and negotiations are again open between the developer and residents to resolve issues such as traffic. Citizen Comment: Darrell Igelmund, 3602 Lake Washington Boulevard, Renton, requested a Igelmund - Six-YearTIP written report be sent directly to the North Renton Neighborhood Defense and Resolution No. 2708 Fund addressing the effect of the Six-Year Plan on Resolution No. 2708, adopted to protect the North Renton neighborhood. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Condemnation: Covenant City Attorney submitted request for acquisition by eminent domain of Development Corporation property owned by Covenant Development Corporation for use as access to reservoir site. Refer to Transnortation Committee. Claim: Clark, CL-32-88 Claim for damages in the amount of $329.98 filed by Kamilla Clark, 12523 SE 67th Street, Bellevue, for injuries allegedly sustained in fall through broken plank at Coulon Beach Park (09/21/87). Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Claim: Lackie, CL-33-88 Claim for damages in the amount of $364.70 filed by Larry Lackie, P.O. Box 0679, Maple Valley, for damage to sewer line allegedly caused by failure of City to properly locate sewer line for contractor. Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Claim: Witt, CL-34-88 Claim for damages in the amount of $97.29 filed by Karen Witt, 3716 NE 10th Street, Renton, for vehicle damage allegedly caused by failure of City to maintain pavement near 3516 Pierce Avenue NE (06/03/88). Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Court Case: Gallagher Court Case filed on behalf of Donald G. Gallagher, owner of Springbrook Trout Farm, 19225 Talbot Road South, Renton, for recovery of $200,000 in flood damage allegedly caused as result of improperly diverted storm drainage from adjacent property (01/16/86). Refer to City Attorney. Court Case: Martinez Court case filed on behalf of Babette Martinez, 2500 Smith Tower, Seattle, for injuries and damages allegedly caused by police officers conducting a search and seizure at her residence at 533 South Fisher Place, Seattle (02/19/88). Refer to City Attorney. June 20. 1988 Renton City Council Minutes Page 184 other property owners in the immediate vicinity to determine their interest in joining the annexation. It was determined that circulation of a new 10% notice of intent petition would be required for the expanded annexation, and a new public hearing would be scheduled to consider the expanded proposal. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS ANNEXATION TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR EXPANSION. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Streets: 1989-1994 Six- in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public Year Transportation hearing to consider the 1989-1994 Six Year Transportation Improvement Improvement Program Program (TIP). Public Works Coordinator Vince Lee explained purpose of adoption of an annual TIP, and introduced Traffic Engineer Gary Norris and Traffic Operations Engineer Paul Lumbert to present the plan. Upon Council inquiry, Mr. Lee advised that since the Rainier Avenue/Airport Way safety improvements qualified for Federal Aid funds, that project has been added to the Six-Year Plan. Traffic Engineer Gary Norris explained that adoption of the annual Six-Year TIP is mandated by the State Legislature, and is submitted to the State Department of Transportation, Puget Sound Council of Governments, and adjacent municipalities following annual approval by Council. The purpose of the TIP is to identify the City's priorities for transportation improvement funding, and notify funding authorities and adjacent jurisdictions to assure coordinated planning throughout the region. Slides were shown of projects completed since adoption of the 1987 TIP. Mr. Norris identified and described 35 projects which have been listed and prioritized for completion during 1989-1994. The first ten priorities are listed as follows: I) Lind Avenue SW - SW 10th Street to SW 16th Street 2) Grady Way - Rainier to Lind 3) SW 16th Street - Lind Avenue SW to Oakesdale Avenue SW 4) SW 16th Street - Oakesdale Avenue SW to Monster Road 5) Garden Avenue N - N 6th Street to N 8th Street 6) NE 44th Street Interchange 7) SW 27th Street - SR-167 to SR-181 8) SW 43rd Street - SR-167 Loop Ramp Improvements 9) Miscellaneous Guardrail Improvements 10) Miscellaneous Street Overlays Mr. Norris reported that two additional projects, the South 4th Street and Main Avenue South widening, and the Maple Valley Y intersection improvements, are included in the program without priority listing. Council questioned designation of NE 10th Street as school walkway due to numerous parked cars, and use of funds contributed by E & H properties towards improvement of the east side of Sunset Boulevard NE/N. 3rd Street intersection since funds were designated for North Renton improvements. Upon Council inquiry regarding scope of Priority #32, widening Maple Valley Highway'to five lanes, Mr. Norris clarified that Maple Valley Highway would be widened beyond the City limits to Jones Road. Mr. Norris presented slides of the City's arterial classification system which identify principal, minor and collector arterials. He reviewed the proposal to reconstruct the three signals at the Maple Valley Y, one at Factory and Houser, one at Sunset and the northbound ramp to I-405, to provide better signal coordination and utilize all lanes of traffic on Houser and Bronson Way to accommodate heavy traffic volume and improve circulation. Upon Council inquiry, Mr. Norris confirmed that all of the Green River Valley benefit district projects are listed in the City's TIP. It was requested that visual aids to the TIP hearing be clearer and larger in the future to assist Council in its review. Warren Parkhurst, 87 Monterey Drive NE, Renton, addressed priorities #26, #31 and #32, relating to NE 3rd Street and Edmonds Avenue NE. He reported that the traffic signal at the entrance to Monterey Terrace on NE 3rd Street was installed 15 years ago at the insistence of residents who could not enter the busy arterial, and, noting that traffic has since tripled, asked that traffic cycles at signalized intersections be improved. Alan Jett, 583 Kirkland Avenue NE, Renton, objected to extension of Edmonds Avenue NE from Maple Valley Highway through the Highlands residential area due to impact from significant volumes of commuter traffic. He expressed doubt that developers would be willing to support a local June 20, 1988 Renton City Council Minutes Page 185 improvement district to finance the roadway, and asked if development in the area justifies construction of that improvement. Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, Renton, noted that the program does not reflect improvements to relieve N. 3rd and N. 4th Street traffic other than widening the undercrossing under I-405 at Sunset and 3rd. She questioned how traffic from the additional lanes would be accommodated by existing streets; noted her understanding that funds contributed by E & H Properties would be used for improvements in North Renton; and suggested that of N. 4th Street be connected to Sunset Boulevard as a traffic mitigation measure. Mr. Norris indicated that the North Renton benefit district includes the I-405 undercrossing, and there was no attempt to address any of the specific improvements in the North Renton neighborhood in the TIP since that area is being reviewed separately. Darrell Igelmund, 3602 Lake Washington Boulevard, Renton, referenced priority #6 and #24, widening the NE 44th Street interchange and widening Lake Washington Boulevard, and reiterated provisions of Resolution No. 2708, adopted by Council to protect the single family character of the Kennydale neighborhood. He felt that the TIP violates that agreement by the City, and he expressed hope that Council would delete #6 since it would add more traffic on Lake Washington Boulevard, and modify #24 to delete widening and instead reconstruct the existing roadway to include curb, gutter, sidewalk and bike path. He requested that Council consider changing the designation of Lake Washington Boulevard from a secondary arterial to a designation more in line with residential development. Theresa Zimmerman, 813 North 1st Street, Renton, referenced the traffic study prepared by William Popp on the North Renton area which states that no matter what is done, Renton has traffic problems. She proposed that funds contributed by E & H Properties be used to encourage other means of travel than the automobile for entering Renton, and felt that Renton citizens have a changing attitude about accommodating more traffic through the city. Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, indicated concern that the TIP was not available to residents in advance; expressed disappointment that the plan does not reflect solutions besides accommodating higher volumes of pass-through traffic; and concurred that extension of both N. 4th Street and Houser Way would relieve pressure on North Renton streets. She also felt that use of developer funds on the I-405 undercrossing at NE 3rd Street would violate the original intent for use of funds in North Renton, and referred to Resolution No. 2708 which stated that traffic volume on N. 3rd Street shall ' remain at present level or below. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. Upon inquiry, Mayor Clymer explained that issuance of the TIP was delayed due to need to finalize North Renton transportation plan, • which was not accepted by Council last week. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: KEOLKER-WHEELER, HUGHES, NELSON, MATHEWS. 3 NAYS: REED, TRIMM, STREDICKE. CARRIED. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ARTERIAL STREET PLAN TO BE INCLUDED IN THE SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. CARRIED. RECESS MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL RECESS FOR TEN MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 9:25 p.m. Council reconvened at 9:35 p.m.; roll was called; all members were present. AUDIENCE COMMENT In response to correspondence from Bob Tomberg, developer of Honey Creek Citizen Comment: Murray PPUD, (Consent Agenda item 7.g.), Mitch Murray, 2813 NE 23rd Place, - Honey Creek PPUD Renton, presented a letter opposing development of NE 23rd Street and Access supporting improvement of Devil's Elbow Road as alternate access into Honey Creek PPUD. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CITY OF RENTON 1989 - 1994 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AGENDA 1. INTRODUCTION MEETING PURPOSE SIX-YEAR T.I.P. PROCESS 2 . SLIDE PRESENTATION OF SIGNIFICANT PROJECTS COMPLETED IN 1987 3 . PRESENTATION OF PROPOSED SIX-YEAR T.I.P. 4 . PRESENTATION OF ARTERIAL STREET PLAN 5. COMMENTS COUNCIL CITIZEN 6. COUNCIL ADOPTION OF SIX-YEAR T.I.P. DRAFT ISA 1-2 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 89 TO 19 94 City of Renton Hearing Date City/County: Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols 1-8 must Adoption Date City No. 1111PIN 0 3-6 be on all cards punched from Resolution Number County No. lfl 7-8 this form. x PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS O c o OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE z O PROJECT IDENTIFICATION/DESCRIPTION OF WORK m Y 2 a a. City Ave./St.Name or Number -3 Work Total c 0 YEAR FEDERAL R.A.P. TOTAL v.o Co.Road Number or Road Name - 'o Codes Length •0•y ; 1st 2nd 3rd 4, 5 or LOCAL FUNDS a Beginning and Ending Termini (Miles) m m (Annual & 6th AMOUNT PRO- U.A.B. Describe Work to be Completed - u-0 0 Element) GRAM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9 10 11 35 36 37 40 41 44 45 46 47 48 51 52 55 56 59 60 63 64 67 68 71 72 75 76 79 80 1 O i l Lindi Ave SWI- I SW lOthi St ltoi SW 116th St 1 1 I I I 1 I i i i L L 31 4., 1 _ _ 1315i0. i ti • i 1 1 • 1 11 i • 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 13i 51 0. i i 13 i5 I Widen seisting 2 lane. roadway,; install signal, curb, gutter? sidewalk? storm drainage? CIP channelization & street lighting. (_Bridge by WSDOT)_ D 1 9 Grady Way 1- (Rainieri to Lind) 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 i I I I L31 4. I L2 1410_ I I I I I_ I I ! I L1I 9J 9. FI AI Tl S I I I I i 4i 1 i i 12 14 [O Widen one east-bound lane to provide. access onto SR-16.7 adn I-405; 1/2G 013 $14116th St -1 ILi10.d 1 Arlle i SW to] OIakesldA1A6 AvO Val l i . I I I I_ _ I 1.41 3 1 i8 16 i 7 III i I i I 1 I 1 i I_ _ 1 1 1 I I 1 011617 _I I IR (6 17 Widening to 3 lanes & reconstruction, curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lighting, channelization, : . DEV & storm drainage, bridge improvement. LID 0 14 SW1 10th iSt1 7 Oakesdale ANT 5W1 to IMgnpter I Rd I I I I 1 I 1 1 L2i 8 i 13 19 13 iji III III III I I I 11 I 13191 3 1 1 13 :9 13 Widen to 3 lanes, reconstruction, curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lighting, channelization & DEV & storm drainage. LID 015 Garden! km N -t N 6th StI to N 18th ISt1 I I I I I I I 1 III I L.2I 3 I 16 18 10 III I I 1 III III I I I I I I 161 81 0 1 1 16 S IQ Re-alignment and widen by one lane to make four lanes. DEV • 0 16 NEI 44th 1St! Ilnijerchaage- I 1 1 I I I I I I i. i I I 1 1 I I 1 I i.110, I I 150 I •i 51 0 I 5 ,Q '8 '5 10. I I I 1 I I I I 1 l i QI Q1 0 I 1 10 :Q i0. Widen interchange, including bridge over 1-405, WSDOT to 5 lanes. . KING CO DEV 0 17 SWI 217th Sti -1 SR-i167 it_o SRt-1811 1 I I I 1 1 1 _1 1 1 I _ I I 1 _ 11).213_ 1 1 15 12 1111 i 2_ 401 310 i i I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I ,_511 1 9I 4. I 15 a ,:9 14 ' New 4 & 5 lane roadway, widen existing roadway between Oakesdale & SR-167., DEV Earth retained approach. fill & bridge over RR tracks, . Tukwila OI 8 SWI 43rd 'St -I. SR+1671 T.bot1 (Rahn? Iim1rdvemhats1 I I I 1 I I I I 63! 9 I I 1 5 1 6 Ill Si 4 3 16 14 ,2 i 4 5 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 81 81 0- i 1 18 ;8i0, Constructionof new southbound to eastbound on/off LID ramp at SW 43rd ST & SR-167. .. • DOT 140-049 -737- DISTRIBUTION BY AGENCY: 2 COPIES DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER Revised 2/84 1 COPY URBAN ARTERIAL BOARD 1 COPY C.R.A.B. (COUNTIES ONLY) • DRAFT S A 1-2 1. SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 89 TO 19 94 Hearing Date City/County: City of Renton Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols 1-8 must Adoption Date , City No. 1 C A Ci 3.6 be on all cards punched from Resolution Number County No. 1 7 7-6 this form. PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS e o OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE c PROJECT IDENTIFICATION/DESCRIPTION OF WORK 0, ° d r City Ave./St.Name or Number °° Work Total o F > YEAR FEDERAL R.A.P. TOTAL Co.Road Number or Road Name 2 c Codes Length » ,o, 1st 2nd 3rd 4, 5 or LOCAL FUNDS ° Beginning and Ending Termini 2 (Miles) §_o „ (Annual & 6th AMOUNT PRO" U.A.B. a Describe Work to be Completed IA") C.) Element) GRAM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9 10 11 35 36 37 40 41 44 45 46 47 48 51 52 55 56 59 60 63 64 67 68 "71 72 75 76 79 80 85 01 9 iMiisgells.neous_1 Guardrail' Improvements' I 1 I I t I 1 1 1 I L 1 1 I 1510 • 1 1 1 . 1 1 I • c 1 1 4 1 1 1 • 1 1 _I • I 1 1 • 1 1510. 1 1 1 5 i0 - Replace existing & install new guardrail sections throughout the city. 1/2C 11 0 11`flisoelllaneous1 Streelt 'Overlays 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I _I I I I I . I L I 1 131 01 Q i11_010 3 0 D 9 !0 10 I _I I I 1 i _ I I i 1 !81010 1 a 810 10 Street division overlays, resurface existing - roadway sections. 1/2c ll 1 BLZidgq Inspectipni &I Fm rgency Repaid I I I I I I III ill 1 61 01 Q I I I III III I 1 I III III !61OIO 11 6 10 10 Inspect & replace cr rehabilitate roadway bridges which have been determined to be deficient. 1/2rr 11 2 IPa'rkl 4vg 111 T Drprsop WAY IN Itq N 10th, Sit 1 I I 't I I t _1" 11 to 14 4 11 01 81 1 1, 0 8 L110_1811 1 II III III I I I 3 12:.4 1 3 13 12 :4 13 Reconstruct roadway, widening, signal modification, new curb, gutter, sidewalk, CIp street lighting, channelization & storm drainage. • DEV 113 QalkgsdalletAvelSW r SWi 218th1Sti toiSW 116ith St i& iMonstr Rd.1 I 11 £215 1 36219103,1219i0 I I I III III III III 6151810. I 65 ;80 to North City Limits. -- Construct roadway, curb, gut=er, sidewalk, street sighting, storm drainage. . LID 114 Lake Wash'Blvd NEI -1 NiE 144th St Ito NCL & NE 4411h Ito 110th Ave 10 13 I 4 9i6 14 19 t 6 III , ; I III 11 I III 19 19 t 2 19 9 :2 i Widen existing roadway to 3 & 5 lanes, signal, curb, gutter, sidewalk, storm drainage & channelization. DEV 11 5 NEi 4ith St 1-1 UAlipnr Ave! NE Ito DuvallrAve1 NIE 1 I I I I I I 11 10 10 1 , i 71 011 17 10 ,1 1 71 01 0 I I 1 1 _1 1 I I 1 I I I 2 L11 O1 2 i P 11 ,0 12 Widen existing roadway to 5 lanes, signal, curb, gutter, sidewalk, DEV storm drainage, channelization & street lighting. CIP 116 SCIhcio]4 Walkway Program 1 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 1 _i i I _ I 1 I I I L I 1 1 5 5 I L515 1 j51 5 11 6 15 1 i I 1 I I i I i _ 13 L311 1 1 i3 3 Il Replace deficient sidealk section where necessary, new curb,gutter sidewalk & storm drainage:: 1/20. DOT 140-049 -737- DISTRIBUTION BY AGENCY: 2 COPIES DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER Revised 2/84 1 COPY URBAN ARTERIAL BOARD - 1 COPY C.R.A.B. (COUNTIES ONLY) DRAFT , FSA 1-2 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 89 TO 19 94 City of Renton Hearing Date City/County: Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols 1-8 must Adoption Date City No. 1 0 7 0 3.6 be on all cards punched from Resolution Number County No. 1 7 7-8 this form. Ce PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS c n, a s OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE PROJECT IDENTIFICATION/DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1n o z co Y a` r City Ave./St.Name or Number ce 3 Work Total o 0 YEAR FEDERAL R.A.P. TOTAL o Co.Road Number or Road Name 2 VO 1a`o Codes Length w 1st 2nd 3rd 4, 5 or LOCAL FUNDS a Beginning and Ending Termini i (Miles) (Annual & 6th PRO- U.A.B. Describe Work to be Completed a V 0 Element) AMOUNT GRAM 1 2 ' 3 - 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9 10 11 35 36 37 40 _41 44 45 46 47 48 51 52 55 56 59 60 63. 64 67 68 71 72 75 76 79 80 1; 7 1SWi Sunset (Blvd r $tlev;ens ;Ave !SW to!WcL1 I I I I I I i i i i 64 7 1 18 1 614 1 i• C . t i-- t-- o , 1 i .. 1 1 i I I I I . I I 1 . 1 81 61 4. I I 18 ,6 Concrete plate replacement, add 2-way left turn lane, signal mod. , water & sewer extension, street lignting, channelization & undergrounding of exsisting overheadpower lines. 118 1-405/1S13:-.515 Interchange !In provements I I I t 1 l L 1 IL I I I 13 5 16 D r3 15 10 2,8 !018, Ill I I L 1 1 1 I 11 I 12 18 ;O t 8 Construction of new interchange at I-405 arid SR-515 119, $ 012nd IS11 -r $Rtlf 71 to SRC515 1 1 1 t 1 1 t 1 I I I I I I 11._9J8 1 _ i 151 0 1 21510 13 15 10 2 19 1 618 I I I - 1 I I III 31 61 1 8 1 13 16 11 18 Prepare environmental impact statement & develop a DEV design report on various design alternatives. King Co. 210 Rairui1et/AirrpQrtE Way $ateltyi (Improvements I i i I I I I I l 1 I L I 1 I [910 I I I I 1 1 It t I 181 1 F ASP i I I I I 9 1 1 1 .910 Relocatesignal heads, modify existing channelization and provide overhead lane use signing to improve intersection geometrics and eliminate driver confusion. 211 North Rehirbill 11n11P]tchabe -. T,k1 WlasIh Blvd To 1Edmbnds Ave, NEA 1 1 6019 1 I 13.t4 I l i 1 1 ! ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 I I 3 4 I I I ;3 (' Roadway resurfacing to be done by WSDOT, city to provide channelization improvements. 1/2c 919 Mi 1 1 1 Aipe! SI RPHu11ld 4 'Apt With! WS•DOT I I I 11 I I I 1 1 I 6312 1 1 1 1 121 71 0 1 1 1 I ' I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 _ 2 7 0 I I 12 .7 i0 Reconstructionof existing roadway to include: new curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lighting, 1/2c channelization & grade revision. Project to be done jointly with WSDOT I-405 construction. 2 13 NEI6th1 St 1- (Manna Avo NF.i re) 1.1nI nln IAtitP INA' I l 1 I Lli3, I 1 I I 1 I 1 I , I I I 1 _ 1 1 1 1 I 1 X21 813 1 I 12 -8 l3 Widening to -4 lanes, curbs gutter & sidewalk, street lighting, roadway resurfacing, channelization & storm drainage, 1120 7 14 (Labe!W$sh Blvd N -t N Park! Dr rot TI-4105 11 1 ! 1 I I I I I 12 r.21 7 I 1 I I I 1 i i21 5: 04 ,7 .5 10 1 1 1 I 1 1 2 [5 10 10 215101 a I 15 10 i0 10 Widen to 3 lanes and reconstruction of Lake Wach Blvd. DEV LID DOT 140-049 -737- DISTRIBUTION BY AGENCY: 2 COPIES DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER Revised 2/84 1 COPY URBAN ARTERIAL BOARD 1 COPY C.R.A.B. (COUNTIES ONLY) DRAFT 1-6--K ,.2 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 s9 TO 19 94 City/County:Ci.ty of Renton Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols 1-8 must Hearing DateAdoption Date City No. 3.6 be on all cards punched from Resolution Number County No. 7.6 this form. - x PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS cl PROJECT IDENTIFICATION/DESCRIPTION OF WORK �Y o a`°- OBLIGATION SCHEDULE - FUNDING SOURCE City Ave./St.Name or Number ?3 Work Total o f > YEAR FEDERAL R.A.P. TOTAL 'o Co.Road Number or Road Name 315 Codes Length g 1st 2nd 3rd 4, 5 or LOCAL FUNDS •c Beginning and Ending Termini z (Miles) 0�,Vo' t (Annual & 6th PRO- U.A.B. a Describe Work to be Completed a 0 c2 Element) AMOUNT GRAM 1 2� 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9 10 11 }% 35 36 37 40 41 44 45 46 47 48 51 52 55 56 59 60 63 64 67 68 71 72 75 76 79 80 2, 5 Is)~j Puget} lir 1-1 Jpn s1 P) . ISt t o l EYm9nc s I ANe1 SIE 1 1 1 I 1 l 1 65i 6 i I I I . I I I . !6 19 12 i 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 . P i9 12 . 1 1 16 i Roadway reconstruction to include: resufacing, curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lighting, channelization & storm drainage. 1/2C 216 IN/INE 3rd St 1-1 11-4051 UndellclTossing 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I L I i I 1 1 III 11 12 1 6 i ' 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 12 16 1 1 11 1 2( 6 Widen existing roadway to 7 lanes on esctin underneath 1-405, provide curb, gutter & sidewalk, channelization, modigy existing strom drainage, street lighting & modl_fy existing signal at N/NE 3rd St & Sunset Blvd. DEV 217 !Rainier IAve1 Sl -I Sl 71th Sit Ito S 4th P11 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I 1. 1 9 ' 1 III III 12 19 19 I I 1 121 41 8 FjA1ITS 1 I 1 I I 15 11 I 1 i299 Widen east side of existing roadway to 3 lanes, relocate existing street lights & modify existing signals at both S 7th St & S 4th P1. 1/2c 218 lEdlmgn4s lAyeiNE r NEI 41tl Sjt 1t(p $ul1s tl Blvd NE 1 1 I 1 1 I 6a 7 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 III 11 51 61 0 III I 1 I 1 1 1 1 5 !6 10 1 “15, 610 Roadway reconstruction to include: widen from 2 to 4 lanes, curb, gutter, sidewalk, streetlighting, DEV roadway resurfacing, channelization & storm drainage. LID 219 Re_nsonl Rid IS 1-1 PtgPt I nt- R Ito1 SCI1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I L 71 5 1 1 I J I I I I I I li L 01 l I I I 1 I I 1 1 I t 111011 I 1 11 1; 01 1 Widerr existing roadway to 4 lanes, provide curb, gutter, sidewalk, storm drainage, DEV channelization & streetl lighting, 3 1 0 NE !1Avet Blvd! NIE ita NCL I I I I I I 1 I I I I 641 7 , I 1 1 I I .I I 1 I ! 1 121816 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1I 21 81 6 1 1112 :8i6. Widen existing roadway to 5 lanes, provide new curb, gutter, sidewalk, storm- drainage, channelization & street lighting. DEV 3 1 1 RrlmohdLS Ave INR I NEI lt-d 1 SIt to? $R41 69 I I 11 I 1 1 I I I 17 L 71 7 I . 1 l I 1 I i i 1 ! 4 ,2 ,8 17 I I 1 I I 1 1 I I 41 21 81 7 I ;412 ;8i7 -- r Construct new roadway Section, provide new -curb, gutter, sidewalk., storm drainage, channelization, street lighting, install new signal at Maple Valley Hwy & modify existing signal at NE 3rd St. DEV 112 Map1 p Valley Hi ghliay i MatIlintioddIkttelES toI F.fT.I I 1 1 I I 1 i.716 1 I 1 I I I I III 1 I0.!9-11 I 1 1 I I 1 _ 1 1 I I 1 1 I 111(1;9.11 (WSDOT Widening) Widen existing roadway to 5 lanes, provide new curb, gutter sidewlak, storm drainage, street lighting & channelization. DOT 140-049 .737. DISTRIBUTION BY AGENCY: 2 COPIES DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER Revised 2/84 1 COPY URBAN ARTERIAL BOARD 1 COPY C.R.A.B. (COUNTIES ONLY) . DRAFT , Ski 1-2 • SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 89 TO 19 94 ., City/County: City of Renton Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols 1-8 must Hearing Date City No. i 3.6 be on all cards-punched from Adoption Date County No. i 1T9 this form. Resolution Number K PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS PROJECT IDENTIFICATION/DESCRIPTION OF WORK • oa. OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE a. Ae City Ave./St.Name or Number c2 3 `o Work Total ` > YEAR FEDERAL R.A.P. TOTAL • c Co.Road Number or Road Name -°„`o Codes Length o® ?, 1st 2nd 3rd 4, 5 or LOCAL FUNDS O.: Beginning and Ending Termini a (Miles) s= a (Annual Describe Work to be Completed LL y u Element) 6th AMOUNT GRAM U.A.B. • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9 10 11 35 36 37 40 41 44 45 46 47 48 51 52 55 56 5980 63 64 67 68 71 72 75 76 79 80 , 31 3 1S 17l h 1St T $hattu'ck Ave S to 1Smither_s Ave S ' . I 1 1,11 7 , , ; ! 1 6 " I , ; , , , 1' 010. 1 I I . , I , . 1 1 , . 1 1, 01 0 1 , 11 0 p 6 Roadway improvements to include: reconstruction df roadway, resurfacing, DEV : curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lighting & channelizat=on. liC • 31 4 IAF evdeen ,Ave NEI -1 NE 120th St to NE 27th Sti , , ,_ ! L4! 3 1 I 1 ' I , 1 i : 4. 9L 3 1_ 1 I , I , 1 I ' 4 P 13 I : 14 ,9 .3 Reconstruct existing roadway, provide curb, gutter, sidewalk, .street lighting, water & sewer mains, channelization, install new traffic signal at NE 27th St & Aberdeen Ave NE. - LID 3i 5 1Talbot Rd I S,-, Sl 413rrd 1St to ;SCT., I , ; 1 ' ; I 1 ! I I 1.716 , I I 1 , 1 " I , I . 6, 71 5 , I I I I 1 I 1 I ¢ 7 15I 16 7 ,5 Widen to 5 lanes, provide curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lighting, storm drainage, watermai• n, LID channelization & signal modifications. 1/2c I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 1 . 1 A ; ILI I 1 1 , 1 L ! 1_ III I 1 IlI III , , 11 III i 1 ' 1 ; 1 I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 I 1 1 _ L - I • ' 1 1 1 1 I ! : I LLI l 11_ 1 I I_ ' , , : i 1 I 1 I I I III 1 I I 1 i I 1 • I , 11111 ! ! ! I ! I I ' I I I I 1 . I 1 L I 1 1 1 AIL 1 / I I 11 I I I i i - ' " 1 1 I I III III I I I I ! 1 . 1 I I I I l i i 1 1 I 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 l_ 1 , I ! L 1 1 . I 1 I I 1 L ! 1 III 11 • 1 ' ! 1 , 1 Ill III III III I i I 1 • I 11 1 11111111Il 1 1 1 t 1 . 11 1 1 I 1 I 1 I L 1 I I I I 1 I 1 11 ! , ! 1 11 I I II 1 1 1 III 1 1 1 1 • • DoT 140-049 -737• DISTRIBUTION BY AGENCY: 2 COPIES DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER p.^ib 2/84 1 COPY URBAN ARTERIAL BOARD 1 COPY C.R.A.B. (COUNTIES ONLY) r ' A D D T ION S • SSI A) ,.2 DRAFT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM .19 8TO 19 94 , City/County: City of Rent on Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols 1-8 must Hearing Date City No. 3.6 be on all cards punched from Adoption Date County No. i 1 7 7.6 this form. Resolution Number x PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS •PROJECT IDENTIFICATION/DESCRIPTION OF WORK `o a. o OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE >. City Ave. St.Name or Number ?3 Work Total c 0 2. YEAR FEDERAL R.A.P. c Co.Road Number or Road Name _ Length - 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4, 5 TOTAL Tr Beginning and Ending Termini z o Codes (Miles) ;S 4 (Annual & 6th PRO- or LOCAL FUNDS Describe Work to be Completed a v Element) AMOUNT GRAM U.A.B. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 • 9 10 11 35 36 37 40 41 44 45 46 47 46 51 52 55 56 59 60 63 64 67 66 71 72 75 76 79 80 l IS 14 tth 1St IS/ Main Ave S ' I 1 1 : l ' ' I I i I 1 ! . 1 L J-i C 1 ! I 2 5 12 2, 5 ' . � I . . , ! I ii r 1 I , 1 1 ' . I ! ' a l2,510. I , 2 5 V Widen Main Ave S to provide left tyrn pocket at S 4th St. To be installed in conjuction with I-405 HOV reconstruction. WSDOT i Maple 1Va11eyT Wye Int. I 1 I I I i • 1 i i 1 1 L ! i ! 7! 91f) I • 1 ! I I 1 i I 1 i 1 ! 121_5,0 I : 2. 5 0 Reconstruct & coordinate traffic signals at Houser/Factory, SLnset/ SB on ramp; SR L69/NB off ramp, City to design, WSDOT to construct. _ WSD;T 1 1 1 1 ! I 1 I l 1 1 1 1 1 1 l ' . 1 • . 1 • I 1 III 1 L ! , ' 1 III I_ ' I ' i • 11 III III II ! III I . 1 1 ! 11111111111 1111 I _1 1 ' I I I I 1 I ! L I I III I I I ' ! 1 - 1 I 1 , I I I I I I 1 It l ' 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 , 1 1_ 1 1 !_ 1 I L 1 11._ I ' I - I I II . , ' I , , I III III III III 1 1 1 , 1' I I I I l 1 1 1 1 I L 1 1 1 _I 1 I 1 ' 1 I 1 I I 1 1 III I L 1 I III Ili III , 11 III III III III 1 . 1 , 1 I 1 I _I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I L I l 1 1 1 I ' 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I_ l 1 1 I L 1 ', I I I I 1 ' ' I ' ' 1 _ 1 I I , 1 1 1 1 1 l III 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _I 1 1 L I . 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I L I I III 111 11 ! 1 ' 1 III III III 1 I 1 1111 DOT 140-049 -737- DISTRIBUTION BY AGENCY: 2. COPIES DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER Revised 2/64 1 COPY URBAN ARTERIAL BOARD - 1 COPY C.R.A.B. (COUNTIES ONLY) 1 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION CITY OF RENTaN NOTICEOF PtilT3 t8EARING _ Audrey Benner ,being first duly sworn on oath states BY that he/she is the Chief Clerk of the RENTON CITY COUNCIL - • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the i Renton City Council has fixed the 20th day VALLEY DAILY NEWS , of June, 1s of 7:en p.m. in thcip l Council , Chambers of the Renton Municipal Build- ' ing,200 Mill Avenue South;Renton,Wash- • Kent Edition • Renton Edition • Auburn Edition ington, as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Daily newspapers published six (6)times a week.That said newspapers Annual adoption of the City's Six Year Tare legal newspapers and are now and have been for more than six 19a9sportation"Improvement Program for 1989-1994. months prior to the date of publication referred to,printed and published Any and all interested persons are invit- in the English language continually as daily newspapers in Kent, King ; ed to be present to voice approval, disap- proval or opinions on same. County,Washington.The Valley Daily News has been approved as a legal CITY OF RENTON, newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Maxine E.Motor,CMC,City Cleric' Published June 3, i988 Valley DailyJ King County. News R5059 Acct.#50640 The notice in the exact form attached,was published in the Kent Edition , Renton Edition x , Auburn Edition _ , (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period.The annexed notice a Notice of Public Hearing was published on R5 0 5 9 .Tune 3 , 1988 The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $ 15 .2 0 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2 2 n.d day of June 19788 1 ' 7 ( Nota Public for the State of Washington, residing at Federal Way, King County, Washington. VDN#87 Revised 11/86 • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 20th day of June, 1988, at 7 :30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton , Washington, as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Annual adoption of the City' s Six Year Transportation Improvement Program for 1989-1994 . Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON Maxine E . Motor , CMC City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION: June 3, 1988 NOTICE RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON JUNE 20, 1988 AT 7:30 P. M. RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH ANNUAL ADOPTION OF SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM FOR 1989-1994 ANY AND ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT TO VOICE APPROVAL, DISAPPROVAL OR-OPINIONS ON SAME. .omplete legal description &further information available in the City Clerk's Office - 235-2501 • ' Theor concealment of this notice is au mis- rn ' demeanor punishable by fine and imprisonment. CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON)__. COUNTY OF K1 NG ) I L e sl;a L.._ Phillip,rPhi) HEREBY CERTIFY THAT Z4/ COPIES OF THE ABOVE NOTICE WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE OR hfORE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED AND TWO COPIES WERE POSTED AT THE .RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 200 MILL AVENUE S. , RENTON, WA ON DATE OF - rw7e 3 /98X suBSpuBFj,D AND SW4,1 TO 13EF91,13pME • this L."? day of 4-.0 19 X:6 S I GN E DA��® 1 71? Notary Public in anter the8ttate of Washington, residing at ,/l • Public Nearing. June 0 1985 Ai7r7Uo/7Yoo off`/oma of Six poi'7 9 rf7 (7. "/' "Or/7,9 7,77 1. 0 G q/%o/!J Of/go;Ji d- tear -(Tu,7 c 3,/988. Q 5.E.2°1%'Pi 1_/19)o.0,five J. A!E.7g f. z/.»crtii E: 4! /2g c3 Kir/04,7G 4Ye1)1E e vy /f/l s o(JoiG'ay/iZZ 9 /RE c3 (SfxAla 7r yfir. /y. /1./ 7 4>#/1LP /1i 7413ra- . >zg,,,A,4/Y. J N.5 V. )` Pc11y Ave. N. 01 .5.2 '' S¢ /3vrn e+Mrc 5 . 9 5.44-V. wi 11 iq�m r Ala 5. J.4 �5r� �rf/4 it 4ve.�. J. 3(. J ' 7;/107/14f 95./54 J7! g 04o/AiciV 4Ye.r. /943,871127.S. 7sL1/. o'71 r,P/ J: S.5� ` /'oy,-).s/'Le- S; LQ s1df�! r �4�/�>G��9YP )LU. :. 9/f/.! / `Jfrboy/u.•J'A4a-1.'. :tel o; J. 3.t.te /W/ii/e. S. . 9 J. Z: 4- Y evlur�� 'Ye J: NE, ye F3 N.3 .J>` /00 f/C' o, r'V, N RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 23, 1988 Municipal Building Monday, 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Earl Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Council President; RICHARD M. COUNCIL MEMBERS STREDICKE, THOMAS W. TRIMM, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, TONI NELSON, ROBERT J. HUGHES. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, Assistant City ATTENDANCE Attorney; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; DAN CLEMENTS, Finance Director; LARRY M. SPRINGER, Policy Development Director. PRESS Kathy Hall, Valley Daily News APPROVAL OF Corrections made on page 157, paragraph 3, line 3, to change "Keolker" to COUNCIL MINUTES "Keolker-Wheeler"; page 160, paragraph 8, line 1, to change "Stredicke" to "Hughes". MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 16, 1988, AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Mayor Clymer presented Planning Commission Awards of appreciation for PRESENTATION service and dedication to retiring Planning Commission members Robert Board/Commission: Patterson and Walter J. Grieser. Planning Commissioners Honored Joan Walker, Representative of the Planning Commission, presented an Award of Accommodation to Robert Patterson, for his leadership and contributions to the Planning Commission from November, 1982 through December, 1987, for service as Chairman of the Planning Commission from July, 1985 through July, 1986; and further, presented an Award of Accommodation to Walter J. Grieser for his leadership and contributions to the Planning Commission from September, 1983 through December, 1987, for service as Chairman of the Planning Commission from August, 1986 through August, 1987. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At Council request, Item 4.g., Authorization of interlocal agreement with City of Tukwila for funding and construction of the SW 27th Street/Strander Boulevard roadway; Item 4.i., Report of joint Council meeting with Tukwila on proposed annexation of Fire District #1, be deleted. CAG: 88-030, Emergency City Clerk reported emergency bid opening 5/12/88 for Water Production Water Production Well Well Drilling; 2 bids; Engineer's estimate: $115,018.40; bid awarded to low Drilling bidder. Information. Vacation: VAC-88-002, City Clerk submitted petition filed by Jack and Margaret Priebe, et al for Maple Avenue SW, Priebe vacation of portion of Maple Avenue SW, VAC-002-88. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting date of public hearing on 7/18/88. CAG: 87-012, Oakesdale Public Works Department submitted CAG-012-87, Oakesdale Avenue Avenue SW, LID 332, SW SW/LID 332; and requested approval of the project, authorization for final Grady Way to Monster pay estimate in the amount of $16,358.12*, commencement of 30-day lien Road SW period, and release of retained amount of $158,806.08* to contractor, Gary Merlino Construction Co., if all required releases have been received. Council concur. *Corrected. Public Works: Mower Public Works Department requested replacement of Mower E-59 at a cost of Replacement $35,000 due to excessive cost of repairs. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Streets: 1989-1994 Six- Public Works Department requested public hearing be set on 6/20/88 to Year Transportation consider 1989-1994 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. Set (Improvement Program hearing and refer matter to Transportation Committee. For.Use B City Clerk's Office Only AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING ax=saga =xaxa = SUBMITTING Public Works Department Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. Traffic Engineering For Agenda Of May 23, 1988 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact R. Hou hton/G. Norris (Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Six-Year Transportation Consent X Improvement Program Public Hearing Correspondence Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc.)Attach New Business Study Session A. Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ( 1989 - 1994) Summary List Other B. I. C. Approval : Legal Dept. Yes No . N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Set public Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A hearing date for Six-Year Transportation Other Clearance Improvement Program for June 20, 1988. Refer the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program to the Transportation Committee for review. FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $ _0_ Amount $ -0- Appropriation- $ Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARYBack round information ( g prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary.) Staff recommends that a public hearing be scheduled for June 20, 1988, and that the T. I .P. be referred to the Transportation Committee for review. i G I , I 0(jibtell PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: CIIIIMIT TOIC CflbV T!1 rIry rI rnv nv Linn. nag 1-Iiinr nev .rr rr. ....n.I..�..rwr.r... For.___ B City Clerk's Office Only A. I . ill 7.�/ • AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING =ss SUBMITTING Public Works Department Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. Traffic Engineering For Agenda Of May 23, 1988 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact R. Houghton/G. Norris (Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Six-Year Transportation Consent X Improvement Program Public Hearing Correspondence Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc.)Attach New Business Study Session A. Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1989 - 1994) Summary List Other B. C. Approval : Legal Dept. Yes No N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Set public Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A hearing date for Six-Year Transportation Other Clearance Improvement Program for June 20, 1988. Refer the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program to the Transportation Committee for review. FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $ _0_ Amount $ -0- Appropriation- $ Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary.) Staff recommends that a public hearing be scheduled for June 20, 1988, and that the T. I .P. be referred to the Transportation Committee for review. PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. • • SIX YEAR ,_ 1NSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRI 1989 TO 1994 • Last Yr 1989 Priority Priority Annual Element 1989 7 1 Lind Ave S.W. - S. W. 10th St. to S.W. 16th St. 2 • Grady Way - Rainier to Lind 2 3 S.W. 16th St. - Lind Ave S.W. to Oakesdale Ave S.W. 3 4 S.W. 16th St. - Oakesdale Ave S.W. to Monster 'Rd. 5 Garden Ave N - N 6th to N 8th St • 6 NE 44th St Interchange 14 7 S. W. 27th St. - SR-167 to SR-181 15 8 S.W. 43rd St. - SR-167 Loop Ramp Improvements 11 9 Miscellaneous Guardrail Improvements 4 10 Miscellaneous Street Overlays • 37 11 Bridge Inspection & Emergency Repair 1 12 Park Ave N - Bronson Way N to N 10th ST 5 13 Oakesdale Ave S.W. - S.W. 28th St. to S.W. 16th St. & Monster Rd. to North City Limits 6 14 Lake Wash. Blvd. N.E. - N.E. 44th St. to NCL & N.E. 44th • St. to 110th Ave N.E. 9 15 N.E. 4th St. - Union Ave N.E. to Duvall Ave N.E. 12 16 School Walkway Program 13 17 S. W. Sunset Blvd. - Stevens Ave S.W. to WCL 16 . 18 1-405 /SR-515 Interchange Improvements • 17 19 S. 192nd St. - SR-167 to 5R-515 Second Year 1990 19 20 Mill Ave S Rebuild - Joint W/I405 HOV 20 21 N.E. 6th St. - Monroe Ave N.E. to Union Ave N.E. Third Year 1991 21 22 North Renton Interchange - Lk. Wash. Blvd. N. to Edmonds Ave N.E. (WSDOT overlay) 22 23 Lake Wash Blvd N - N Park Dr to I-405 23 24 SE Puget Dr - Jones Pi SW to Edmonds Ave SE 24 25 N. /N. E. 3rd St. - I-405 Undercrossing 25 26 Rainier Ave S. - S. 7th St to S. 4th PI. 4th, 5th & 6th Year 1992, 1993, 1994 26 27 Edmonds Ave N.E. - N.E. 4th St. to Sunset Blvd N.E. 27 28 Benson Rd. S. - Puget Dr. S. to SCL 28 29 Duvall Ave N.E. - Sunset Blvd. N.E. to NCL 29 30 Edmonds Ave N.E. - N.E. 3rd St. to SR-169 30 31 Maple Valley Highway - Maplewood Ave S.E. to ECL (WSDOT Widening) 33 32 S. 7th St. - Shattuck Ave S. to Srnithers Ave S. 34 33 Aberdeen Ave N.E. - N.E. 20th St. to N.E. 27th St. 32 34 Talbot Rd. S. - S. 43rd St. to SCL • May 16. 1988 Renton City Council Minutes Page 159 Public Works: Damaged Public Works Department relayed citizen complaint that uneven sidewalk at Sidewalk on S. 3rd Place 220 S. 3rd Place is creating safety hazard. Refer to Transportation Committee. Streets: Arterial Street Traffic En,,gineeringgAblic Works Deartment re sted authorization for Study execution of Interlocal Agreement with Washington State Department of Transportation and agreement with consultant to complete Arterial Street Study. Refer to Transportation Committee. Streets: Arterial Street Traffic Engineering/Public Works Department requested funding in the Study amount of $150,000 to complete Arterial Street Study. Refer to Ways and Means•Committee. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. Appointment: Library Mayor Clymer reappointed John Simpson, P.O. Box 34, Renton, 98057, to a Board five year term on the Library Board to expire 6/1/92. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE MAYOR'S REAPPOINTMENT. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter was read from Charles A. Shaw, staff counsel for Spider Staging, Annexation: Fire District 13536 Beacon Coal Mine Road S., Seattle, requesting input from cities of #1 to Tukwila, Spider Renton and Tukwila regarding solutions to sanitary sewage disposal problems Staging on the site to enable an informed decision to be made on whether the company supports or opposes proposed annexations. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Rezone: Good Shepherd Letters were referred to the official file opposing proposed rezone to G-1 in Group Home, R-015-88 area of Good Shepherd Group Home on Olympia Avenue NE from James and Golma Allen, 3406 NE 11th Street, Renton; Russell W. Fulgham, 1018 Olympia Avenue NE, Renton; John and Joyce Locke, 3407 NE 11th Street, Renton; and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Wilcoxen, 4107 NE 24th Street, Renton. MOVED BY REED; SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO OFFICIAL FILE, R-015-88. CARRIED. In accordance with previous information provided by City Attorney and Mayor Clymer to Mrs. Nichols (Page 158), additional 13 letters of protest presented at the meeting were also referred to the official file. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Committee Chairman Nelson presented a recommendation on Transportation the South 192nd preliminary route location study: Committee Streets: South 192nd 1) Council adopt alternative 4 as the preferred alternative subject to the Street Cross Valley outcome of the environmental analysis. Arterial 2) Council authorize staff to negotiate an interlocal agreement with King County to develop an environmental impact study on the project. If these recommendations are adopted, the next step is for King County and the City to conduct the necessary environmental studies, including an Environmental Impact Statement. King County has allocated $50,000 in their 1988 Annual Budget to conduct these studies. The staff will negotiate an interlocal agreement with King County to perform the EIS and report back to the Council periodically. The Committee further recommends that the Administration be authorized to negotiate an interlocal agreement with King County for performance of the necessary environmental studies and that the Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement once it is negotiated. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Streets: Carr Road Transportation Committee Chairman Nelson presented a report indicating Designation (Covenant concurrence in the staff recommendation to use the name of South Carr Road Church Annexation) as the street name in the newly annexed area east of Valley Medical Center from Talbot Road to Benson Road (Covenant Annexation). Strict adherence with the adopted grid system will cause undue confusion. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. For.Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # "7 . AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING SUBMITTING Traffic Engineering Division Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. Public Works Department For Agenda Of May 16, 1988 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact Gary Norris/John Adamson (Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Arterial Street Study Consent = Public Hearing Correspondence Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc.)Attach New Business Study Session A. Other B. C. Approval : • 7mA Legal Dept. Yes No N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Authorize the Mayor Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A Y P and City Clerk to sign ( 1 ) the Interlocal Agreement with Washington State Department Other Clearance of Transportation and (2) the agreement with the Consultant for completing the Study. FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $150,000 Amount $ 50,000 Appropriation- ' $100 000 Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary.) In 1987 the City Council approved an Arterial Study. Funds are requested to complete this study on the accompanying Agenda Bill . The City has used and will continue to use a selection/project review committee composed of public and private participants. In addition to City representatives from Public Works and Policy Development, there are representatives from WSDOT, Metro and two major Renton employers, The Boeing Company and PACCAR, Inc. PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: • SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. For.Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # 7.) AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING SUBMITTING Traffic Engineering Division Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. Public Works Department For Agenda Of May 16, 1988 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact Gary Norris/John Adamson (Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Establish a line item in the Consent FY 1988 Budget for the Arterial Street Public Hearing Correspondence Study Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc. )Attach New Business Study Session A. Other B. C. Approval : t--;(lour t. .`✓� � Legal Dept. Yes No N/A COUNCIL OUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: To establish a Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A Other Clearance line item in the Traffic Engineering Division Budget in the amount of $150,000 for the Arterial Street Study. FISCAL IMPACT: Amount Appropriation- Expenditure Required $ 150,000 Budgeted $ 50,000 Transfer Required $ 100,000 SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary.) This study is an excellent example of public and private partners realizing that a problem exists and creating a plan to resolve it. Revenues for this study are being supplied by the City of Renton, Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) , Metro, The Boeing Company and PACCAR, Inc. The committments for financing the study are: The Boeing Company, 20% - not to exceed $ 30,000 WSDOT 35,000 Metro • 10,000 PACCAR, Inc. 5,000 City of Renton 70,000 TOTAL $150,000 xxxxxxxxxammomxxxxxxxitxxxxxxmaxxxxmxxxxxxxxxlax The actual additional cost to the City would be only $20,000 more than is presently budgeted under the Professional Services item in the Budget. The $20,000 will be budgeted in the 1989 budget process. SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. April'18. 1988 • Renton City Council Minutes 0 Pane 126 Citizen Comment: Evans Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 11th Place, Renton, requested clarification of Consent - H&CD Block Grant Agenda Item 8.i., regarding 1989 Housing and Community Development Funds Block Grant Funds. Community Services Committee Chairman Reed indicated the matter would be discussed on 4/19/88; however, Group Home funding was included in 1988 request. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. CAG: 88-017, Maplewood City Clerk reported bid opening 4/13/88 for Maple Valley Transmission Transmission Main, #W- Main, W-906; 16 bids; Engineer's estimate: $327,627.86. Refer to Utilities 916 Committee. WSDOT: 1Q89-1994 Six- City Clerk transmitted Washington State Department of Transportation Year Transportation (WSDOT) requirements for 1989-1994 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Improvement Program Program (TIP) for consideration at public hearing. Refer to Transportation (TIP) Committee. Public Works: 1988 City Clerk requested amendment of Ordinance No. 3628, American Public WSDOT/APWA Works Association Standards, to adopt 1988 WSDOT/APWA Amendments. Amendment to Standards Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Latecomer Agreement: City Clerk transmitted request from Kenco Sales, Inc. for latecomer Kenco Sales, Inc., East agreement for water main and water line installed in the vicinity of 3001 East Valley Highway Valley Highway. Refer to Utilities Committee and Public Works Department. Finance: Water and Sewer Finance Department requested ordinance authorizing issuance of $3,460,000 Revenue Bonds Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Claim: CL-20-88, Collodi Claim for damages in the amount of $422.32 filed by Patricia Collodi, 3709 Jones Avenue NE, Renton, for damages to vehicle allegedly caused when hit by police car pulling onto Jones Avenue NE (12/01/87). Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Claim: CL-21-88, Claim for damages in the amount of $50,000 filed on behalf of Babette Martinez Martinez, 5331 South Fisher Place, #340, Seattle, for injuries and damages allegedly caused by Renton Police Officers responding to incident at her residence (02/19/88). Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Claim: CL-19-88, Sproule Claim for damages in the amount of $11,533.06 filed by Kathleen Sproule, 2827 Mt. View Avenue N., Renton, for damage to basement allegedly caused by failure of City crews to block side sewer before flushing sewer main (03/08/88). Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Parks: 1989 H&CD Block Parks/Housing and Community Development Department requested approval Grant Program of 1989 H&CD Program Policies and acceptance of Block Grant Funds. Council set public hearing on 5/2/88. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Clara Mayes, 25-year resident at 1056 Parks: 1988 H&CD Block Olympia Avenue NE, Renton, urging denial of rezone from R-1 to G-1 on Grant Program, Good Olympia Avenue NE to allow construction of Good Shepherd Group Home, Shepherd and indicating concern that the City may not be able to enforce noise and traffic regulations. Parks: 1988 H&CD Block Correspondence was read from Ronald and Shelda Richardson, 20-year Grant Program, Good resident at 3407 NE 10th Place, Renton, pointing out quality neighborhood Shepherd has been maintained in area of 10th and Olympia and expressing concern that rezone from R-1 to G-1 to allow Group Home will have adverse impact on quiet, beautiful neighborhood due to additional traffic, parking, and noise. OLD BUSINESS Council President Keolker-Wheeler announced a joint meeting will be held King County: Meeting with King County Council at 8:00 p.m. on 5/23/88 in the Fire Station with King County Training Room, immediately following the abbreviated Council meeting. Council For.Use .By City Clerk's Office Only AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING. s s ===== SUBMITTING Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. City Clerk's Office For Agenda Of 4/18/88 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact M. Motor (Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Department of Transportation Consent XX requirements for Six-Year Transportation Public Hearing Correspondence Improvement Program (TIP) 1989-1994 Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc.)Attach• New Business Study Session A. Letter of 4/1/88 from DOT Other B. A C. Approval : Legal Dept. Yes No N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Refer to the Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A Transportation Committee for consideration Other Clearance at the Public Hearing FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $ Amount $ Appropriation- Expenditure Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary.) PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. - ioNkg r - L Washington State -a^ Du ne Berentson Vs® Department of Transportation "PR .7j i988 Se etary of Transportation Transportation Building KF-01 Olympia.Washington 98504-5201 L.,CLEFTS OFFICE_,n (206)753-6005 __ April 1 1988 Mayors and City Councils Chairmen and Boards of County Commissioners Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 1989-1994 RCW 35.77. 010 and RCW 36. 81. 121 requires that each city and county update its TIP annually and file a copy of the adopted program with the Secretary of Transportation. The document is utilized by the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO° s) in their development of the annual TIP and the Annual Element required by the Federal Highway Administration ( see Chapter 1, Division 4, Local Agency Guidelines) . The completed TIP is due into this office by July 31, each year. The Rural Arterial Program (RAP)' and the Urban Arterial Board (UAB) utilize the information submitted on the TIP to budget and develop their program during the year. It is therefore important that all projects being considered utilizing federal and state funding sources be included on this program. The form is designed to identify the planning of projects to be performed during the six-year period from 1989 through 1994 . The form has been changed somewhat this year in three areas. We ask for the status of funds relating to the project, the effect that the project will have on utilities, and redefine the expenditure plan and the obligation of federal funds involved in the project. It includes the project priority number, identification (name) , project limits and description of work and class of work. Functional Classification of the roadway on which the project is to be performed is very important as it provides key information impacting the funding source. Special note should be taken to ensure the proper classification number is coded. Your District State Aid Engineer should be consulted for response to questions regarding Functional Classification. The project costs section of the form has been changed to reflect the three distinct areas relating to project funding. The Expenditure Plan, Source of Funds and the Federal Obligation Plan have been separated for ease of understanding and use. Mayors and Ci , Councils Chairmen and Boards of County Commissioners April 1, 1988 Page 2 We have attached for your information and planning guidance a projection of anticipated funds from several sources (Attachment "A" ) . These include federal as well as some state sources. Projects utilizing special programs such as RAP and UAB must also be included. UAB projects must include the additional information requested on the supplemental forms enclosed. An important point to remember in your planning process is that the law stipulates that any project which has not been included in the adopted TIP cannot be approved for funding until it officially has been added to the TIP. As you know, this requires that you have a hearing which will undoubtedly delay the project. Agency requests for project funding utilizing federal, RAP and UAB funds must be compared against the adopted TIP. Please note that the distribution schedule at the bottom of the form. Counties should submit a copy to the County Road Administration Board (CRAB) . Those counties which utilize Advanced Revelation should submit the TIP in on the data base to CRAB so that it can be translated into a format which can be read by WSDOT. The CRAB will make further distribution of the program. As an aid to local agencies and to be able to respond to requests from legislators, the program has been put onto a microcomputer data base. Previously, it has been on a Spreadsheet format which was helpful, but did not have the same capabilities as is found on the data base. It is available both in Smart and in Advanced Revelation. The data can be utilized by the agencies in easy planning and updating as well as by the WSDOT, UAB, CRAB (RAP) , and the MPO' s. This year we are requiring all Counties and Cities over population 5 ,000 who have a microcomputer with Smart or Advanced Revelation to submit their TIP on the data base format. The information requested is the same as that submitted on the form, DOT 140-049. Cities with population over 5,000 and Counties have a diskette with the microcomputer data manager program enclosed. The diskette can have the data copied onto it and sent directly to Headquarters State Aid instead of submitting the hard copy. The same data may also be sent directly to the MPO' s on a floppy diskette. Instructions for inputting data and to print the program information are included in the README file. Mayors and C _ .! Councils Chairmen and Boards of County Commissioners April 1, 1988 Page 3 For those agencies who have not received the data base program, there are two ways to obtain it. The program is called 6YRDATA.ARC and is located on the State Aid/Technology Transfer bulletin board, ( 206) 586-1942, SCAN 321-1942, and can be downloaded using microcomputer communications equipment. The program is located in directory DIR1-D. A copy will be sent by mail to any requesting agency and the project data can be put onto the diskette and returned State Aid. Requests for the sixyear data manager program should be made to Stan Sanders, at ( 206) 753-1065, SCAN 234-1065. Diskettes with the Sixyear TIP information returned to State Aid will have the data distributed to the Districts, CRAB, and UAB by this office. Your District State Aid Engineer is available for any assistance you may need. Sincerely, /‘//44/ //,4e44,L_ WILLIAM I . HORDAN State Aid Engineer WIH:kas SSSTIP Attachments cc: City/County Engineers, w/attachments District State Aid Engineers UAB Area Engineers Ernie Geissler, CRAB Kent Swisher, AWC MPO' s COUNTY GAS TAX REVENUE ESTIMATES . IN THOUSANDS CO. .PER YEAR 1989 - 1994 . TOTAL NO.COUNTY GAS TAX FAS FAUS PER YEAR 1 ADAMS 2,100 326 2 ,426 2 ASOTIN 784 . 129: . _ , . . 913 3 BENTON 1, 802 158 '. '; • 61 , 2,021 4 CHELAN ' 1,281 140 . 23 1, 444 5 CLALLAM 1,204 110 1,314 ' 6 CLARK 3 , 334 154 403 3 ,891 7 COLUMBIA 817 103 920 8 COWLITZ 1,227 . 1.51 ' ' 4.3 . 1 ,421 9 DOUGLAS 2,181 291 ' 49 • 2,521 10 FERRY 1,077 146 1 ,223 11 FRANKLIN 1,704 217 ' 31 1,952 12 GARFIELD 754 131 885 13 GRANT 3 , 631 458 30 4,119 14 GRAYS HARBOR . 1,387 182 1,569 15 ISLAND 1, 275 98 . 1,373 16 JEFFERSON 823 ' 75 • . • . 898 17 KING 11, 186 175 1,750 13 , 111 . 18 KITSAP 2,931 213 230 3 ,374 19 KITTITAS 1, 104 96 1,200 20 KLICKITAT 1,615 261 1 , 876 21 LEWIS 1,951 152 0 2 ,103 22 LINCOLN 2,682 , . . 418 3 ,100 23 MASON 1,277 . . 84 1,361 24 OKANOGAN 2,098 . 378 2 , 476 25 PACIFIC 867 ' 89 956 26 PEND OREILLE 907 141 1 ,048 27 PIERCE 7,002 200 960 , 8 ,162 28 SAN JUAN 537 ' • 53 590 29 SKAGIT 1,732 199 , . ' ' 1, 931 30 SKAMANIA 512 ' ' 57 569 31 SNOHOMISH 5 , 466 267 480 , 6,213 32 SPOKANE 6,428 480. . 450 7 ,358 33 STEVENS 2,172 278 2,450 34 THURSTON 2,549, 155 138 2 ,842 35 WAHKIAKUM 462 :50 512 36 WALLA WALLA 1,727 278 28 2,033 37 WHATCOM 2 ,148 _ 217 44 2 ,409 38 WHITMAN 2,581 ' '395 2,976 39 YAKIMA 3 ,679 444 114 4, 237 PROJECTED ANNUAL ESTIMA=�,�." OF FUNDS PER YEAR 1988 - 1993 IN THOUSANDS TOTAL CITY GAS TAX HALF CENT FAUS PER YEAR ABERDEEN 213 142 60 415 ANACORTES 124 83 3.6 243 AUBURN 376 250 120 746 BELLEVUE 1,026 683 330 2,039 BELLINGHAM 582 387 164 1 ,133 BONNEY LAKE 79 53 22 154 BOTHELL 110 73 33 216 BREMERTON 419 279 120 818 CAMAS 70 47 21 138 CENTRALIA 148 99 42 289 CHEHALIS 75 50 22 147 CHENEY 96 64 ' 27 187 CLARKSTON 84 56 24 164 COLLEGE PLACE 75 50 21 146 DES MOINES 172 114 34 320 EDMONDS 352 234 91 • 677 ELLENSBURG 143 95 41 279 ENUMCLAW 76 \ 51 22 149 EPHRATA 69 46 20 135 EVERETT 746 497 193 1,436 FIRCREST 69 46 19 134 GRANDVIEW 79 53 22 154 HOQUTAM 113 75 32 220 ISSAQUAH 81 ' 54 22 157 KELSO . 135 90 38 263 KENNEWICK 459 306 132 897 KENT 359 ' 239 103 701 KIRKLAND 244 162 84 490 LACEY 192 127 56 375 LONGVIEW 367 245 104 716 LYNNWOOD 301 200 78 579 MARYSVILLE 89 59 22 170 MERCER ISLAND 259 173 94 526 MOSES LAKE 130 87 37 254 MTLAKE TERRACE 196 130 52 378 MOUNT VERNON 179 119 51 349 MUKILTEO 68 45 18 131 OAK HARBOR 169 113 47 329 OLYMPIA 364 242 105 711 PASCO 231 154 65 450 PORT ANGELES 217 145 61 423 PORT" ORCHARD 61 41 18 120 PORT TOWNSEND 81 54 23 158 PULLMAN 283 188 79 550 PUYALLUP 244 162 70 476 REDMOND 362 241 100 703 RENTON 433 288 140 ' 861 • RICHLAND 380 253 107 740 TOTAL CIT` GAS TAX HALF CENT AUS PER YEAR SEATTLE 6, 127 4,077 . . 2;097, 12,301 SEDRO WOOLEY 79 53 22 154 SHELTON 95 63 27 185 SNOHOMISH 69 46 18 133 SPOKANE 2,167 1,442 682, 4,291 STEILACOOM 64 42 18 124 SUMNER 68 45 19 132 SUNNYSIDE 121 81 34 . 236 TACOMA 1,994 1, 327 562 3 ,883 TOPPENISH 82 55 23 160 TUMWATER 99 66 28 193 VANCOUVER 536 357 159 1,052 WALLA WALLA 321 214 90 625 WENATCHEE 226 150 65 441 YAKIMA 622 414 173 1,209 DISTRIBUTION FOR CITIES IS BASED ON PER CAPITA 1989 Regular 27. 5 million 12.55 per capita 1/2 Cent 18. 3 million 8. 35 per capita TOTAL 1989 45. 8 million 20. 90 per capita To compute the amount of Gas Tax available, multiply the agency' s population by the amount of funds available per capita. EXAMPLE: City of Aberdeen, population 17,000 Regular: 17,000 X 12. 55 = 213, 350 for $ . 06 7/8 tax Compute the 1/2 cent similarly, EXAMPLE: City of Aberdeen, population 17. 000 1/2 cent: 17,000 X 8. 35 = 141, 950 *"irch 7, 1988 Renton City Council Minutes Page 72 OLD BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Planning and indicating that the Committee had met to discuss the appeal filed by Development Committee Henderson Homes for Summerwind III, IV, V AND VI Preliminary Plat, Appeal: Henderson PP-077-86, for 170 single family lots on 43.71 acres located between 139th Homes, Inc. Preliminary Avenue SE and 144th Avenue SE and two variances. Counsel for the Plat, Summerwind III, IV, applicant waived any requirement of recording these proceedings. V, VI, PP-077-86 The Committee concluded that the Hearing Examiner erred in his contention that the record contained insufficient evidence to support his findings, conclusions, and recommendations as they relate to the issue raised on appeal. Therefore, the Committee recommended that this application be remanded to the Hearing Examiner for consideration of those issues (lot line adjustment, access, Lot #8) raised by the applicant in his statement of appeal issues. The Planning and Development Committee recommended that the Council remand this matter to the Hearing Examiner as outlined above. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Nelson presented a report indicating that Committee the Committee has reviewed the request for directional sign on SR-167 WSDOT: Trout Farm submitted by Springbrook Trout Farm on 2/1/88, and concurs in the Directional Sign on SR- recommendation of the Public Works Department to deny requests for 167 (Gallagher) directional signs to private businesses. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: DeBoer Transportation Committee Chairman Nelson presented a report concurring in - Signing and Parking in the recommendation of the Public Works Department that no additional stop Downtown Area signs be installed at the intersection of South 4th Street and Wells Avenue as requested by Bob DeBoer on 12/14/87. However, the Committee recommended that parking be removed on the south side of S. 4th Street between Wells Avenue S. and Main Avenue S. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Streetc; 1989-19 4 ix- Transportation Committee Chairman Nelson presented a report recommending Year Transportation that the following items be addressed at the public hearing to consider the —Improvemnt Program Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program: request from Rolf Dragseth on 11/23/87 to change the designation of Lake Washington Boulevard from arterial to residential, and the matter of the arterial element of the Comprehensive Plan discussed on 11/16/87 in association with E & H Properties rezone. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second and final reading: Ordinance #4131 An ordinancewas read changing the zoning classification of Group I, city- Zoning: Group I, Parcel initiated rezone property located on Shattuck Avenue S. from P-I, public, to F-2(b) & F-2(d), Old R-1, single family residential; and property located on Shattuck Avenue S. Hospital Area, Rainier and S. 4th Street from P-1, public, to B-I, business, use (old hospital area). Avenue MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #4132 An ordinance was read adopting 1988 Standard Specifications for Road and Public Works: 1988 Bridge and Municipal Construction by reference. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Standards for Road & SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS Bridge Construction READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #4133 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property located Rezone: McLean, R-078- at 415 Wells Avenue South from R-1, single family residential, to B-1, 87 business, zone for McLean, R-078-87. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT MARCH 7, 1988 HONEY CREEK PUD (Referred 2/1/88) The Transportation Committee recommends Council concur with the recommendation of the Public Works Department to require a 28 foot street section face-of-curb to face-of-curb with a 5 foot sidewalk placed on the south side. The right-of-way required will be a minimum of 20 feet on the south plus there may be a need for additional slope easements. REQUEST FOR SPRINGBROOK TROUT FARM DIRECTIONAL SIGN ON SR-167 (Referred 2/1/88) The Transportation Committee recommends Council concur with the recommendation of the Public Works Department to not allow directional signs to private businesses. DEBOER LETTER REGARDING CBD SIGNING AND PARKING (Referred 12/14/87) The Transportation Committee recommends Council concur with the recommendation of the Public Works Department to not change the stop signs at South 4th Street and Wells Avenue South, however, the Committee does recommend the parking on the south side of South 4th Street, between Wells Avenue South and Main Avenue South, be removed. REQUEST TO CHANGE LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD. DESIGNATION (Referred 11/23/87) ARTERIAL ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (Referred 1/18/88) The Transportation Committee recommends that these issues be addressed at the public hearing on the Six Year Street Program. \ftitf---01-4-1' (-74-14--40-K--1 Toni Nelson, Chair — 1 Thomas Trimm 'W.- 47,442 -- Richard Stredicke 4,412 P SI January 18. 1988 Renton City Council Minutes Page 21 Zoning: Amending P-1 An ordinance was read amending portions of Sections 4-710, 4-711 and and B-1 Zones, Deleting 4-715 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of City Code adding permitted uses B-P Zone under zoning categories P-1 (Public) and B-1 (Business) zones and deleting B-P (Business-Parking) zone. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. Rezone: Khatibi, An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property located R-063-87 at 905 Sunset Boulevard NE from R-1, single family residential, zone to R-3, medium density multifamily, zone for applicant, Khatibi, File No. R-063-87. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented the following resolution for reading and adoption. Resolution #2702 A resolution was read declaring a moratorium on construction of certain off- Policy: Billboard premises signs, 100 square foot per face of the sign, or larger. MOVED BY Moratorium STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Finance: Wang VS Lease Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report concurring in the Finance Department recommendation to accept a 24-month lease proposal from Security Pacific Leasing for Wang VS and associated equipment at 7.75% interest at total cost of $163,540. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. It was noted that at the end of the 24-month period, the City has the option to purchase the equipment for $1.00. MOTION CARRIED. Comprehensive Plan: Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Arterial Element recommending that the matter of the arterial element of the Comprehensive Plan be referred to Transportation Committee for consideration with the Six- Year Transportation Improvement Program. The matter was referred in error to Ways and Means Committee on 11/16/87 in association with E & H Properties Rezone. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Legislature: City Property Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Tax, H-3888/88 concurring in staff recommendation that the City voice its strong opposition to a bill now under consideration by the State Legislature which would prohibit cities from imposing the additional $.225 per $1,000 of assessed valuation for firefighter retirement and medical expenditures, and cause Renton to lose approximately $282,678 during fiscal 1988. Purpose of the bill is to solve the problem of aggregate non-voted property taxes exceeding the $9.15 limit. The Committee recommended that the Finance Director be authorized to attend the hearing in Olympia on 1/19/88 to endorse the position recommended by Association of Washington Cities to oppose this bill. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Keolker indicated that due to scheduling of Council/staff Council/Staff Retreat retreat on January 26-27, the regular Council meeting of 1/25/88 is cancelled. She also thanked Mayor Clymer for timely reports on matters referred by Council and citizens. PSCOG: Air Pollution A status report on Puget Sound Council of Governments (PSCOG) was provided by Council President Keolker. She indicated that PSCOG is adamantly opposed to efforts by the Federal government to withhold transportation improvement funds from non-attainment areas for control of air pollution since Puget Sound is one of those areas. Noting that diesel is exempt from Federal emission control standards, Mrs. Keolker has suggested that discussions be held with Metro Council regarding control of diesel emissions from buses. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Clymer referenced recent decision by PACCAR to relocate 400 REPORT employees and close its Renton defense operation as of 9/30/88 and replace it Community Information: with a high-technology Kenworth truck plant employing 1,100 workers. Paccar Reorganization Access to Houser Way for use as a perimeter road and realignment of Garden Avenue N. are matters being discussed with Paccar for improvement of the North Renton transportation system. d- WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT JANUARY 18, 1988 WANG VS LEASE (Referred 1/11/88) The Ways and Means Committee recommends concurrence in the Finance Department' s submittal of a 24-month lease proposal for Wang VS and associated equipment with Security Pacific Leasing at 7. 75% interest at a total cost of $163,540. ARTERIAL ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (Referred 11/16/87) The Ways and Means Committee has received clarification from the Public Works Department that this item was erroneously referred to this committee and recommends that it be referred to the Transportation Committee for consideration with the Six-Year Transportation Program. $9. 15 LIMITATION, H-3888/88 The Ways and Means Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation that the City of Renton endorse the position re H-3888/88 and authorize the Finance Director to attend the hearing in Olympia on January 19; 1988. . Richard Stredicke, Chairman Robe Hughes 3 Nancy Mathews 66 CITY OF RENTON eel PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Richard C. Houghton, Director MEMORANDUM .2 January 15, 1988 rtAN i 5 1988 TO: Eva. C.eymv., Mayor, FROM: R.ichand Houghton, Pubti..c Won.hh V 'I.ec ton. SUBJECT: An to iat Status of Lake Washington Blvd. Noir th This subject came up dun.ing the E H Rezone pn.ocebd. At the ..ime 14ugge4ted tic Banbana that the status o{y the. bou evand be addn.e oed at the time we pn.esen. the six. yeah program. The oney =titian I would suggest Le -iU t t .vs not cawuc,i.ed ab some type q ante -La. ., then we have no chance ata grant. Why th.iz L .in the. Ways and Means CommLt.tee I don't know. We ane pPann.ing to pn.es en t the six yeah 4-t ee t pnogn.am the near £utwce. RCH:jw 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton. Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2569 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (1989 - 1994) Copies sent to: (76) State Department of Transportation (Olympia) State Dept. of Transportation (2 copies + 1 for UAB) (w/ Adj. Agency Cert. ) City of Kent " City of Tukwila " King County " City of Bellevue City of Seattle (2 copies) City .of Issaquah Puget Power Pacific Northwest Bell Washington Natural Gas T.C. I. Cable Burlington Northern Chamber of Commerce METRO PSCOG Mayor and Council Members (8 copies) City Clerk (25 copies) Engineering Design & Utility (5 copies) Street Division (1) Water Shop (1) Public Works Director (1) Policy Development Dept. (1) Vince Lee (1) City Attorney (1) Traffic Engineering (12) Building & Zoning Dept. (1) td% CITY OF RENTON "LL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division CERTIFIED MAIL NO. P-568 862 '461 August 10, 1988 Mr. R. Bockstruck District Engineer State Department of Transportation 15325 SE 30th Place Bellevue, WA 98007-6538 Attention: Mr. Bill Garing, State Aid Engineer Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Mr. Bockstruck: Enclosed are the following: 1. Two copies for your review of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1989 - 1994) . Please sign and return the Certification of Review form. 2. A copy of the TIP for the Urban Arterial Board. 3. Evidence of delivery to the City of Kent, City of Tukwila, King County and the State Department of Transportation of Renton's Six-Year TIP. If you require additional information, please contact Gary Norris at 235-2620. Very truly yours, /f /411-6,747 Richard C. Houghton dee— Public Works Director ad Enclosres v cc: ity Clerk AAD15 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2620 61 0 CITY OF RENTON "LL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division CERTIFIED MAIL NO. P-568 862 462 August 10, 1988 Mr. Don Wickstrom Public Works Director City of Kent 220 South 4th Street Kent, WA 98031 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Program Dear Mr. Wickstrom: Enclosed for your review is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1989 - 1994) . Please sign and return the Certification of Review form. If you require additional information, please contact Gary Norris at 235-2620. Very truly yours, Richard C. Houghton aft' Public Works Director ad Enclosures cc: veity Clerk AAD14 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2620 • • %• 0 CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division CERTIFIED MAIL NO. P-568 862 463 August 10, 1988 Mr. Louis J. Haff, P.E. County Road Engineer King County Division of Roads and Engineering Department of Public Works 956 King County Administration Bldg. 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Program Dear Mr. Haff: Enclosed for your review is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1989 - 1994) . Please sign and return the Certification of Review form. If you require additional information, please contact Gary Norris at 235-2620. Very truly yours, Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosures cc: ' ty Clerk AAD14 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2620 4 • • %i 0 CITY OF RENTON "LL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor. Traffic Engineering Division CERTIFIED MAIL NO. P-568 862 464 August 10, 1988 Mr. Byron Sneva Public Works Director City of Tukwila 6200 Southcenter Blvd. Tukwila, WA 98188 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Program Dear Mr. Sneva: Enclosed for your review is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1989 - 1994) . Please sign and return the Certification of Review form. If you require additional information, please contact Gary Norris at 235-2620. Very truly yours, //�I.CJ°�.C�/c;:( Richard C. Houghton 4(4 Public Works Director ad Enclosures cc: Veity Clerk AAD14 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2620 t$ :• • CITY OF. RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division August 1, 1988 Mr. Dick Callahan TIP Coordinator Puget Sound Council of Governments 216 First Avenue South Seattle, WA 98104 Dear Dick: Enclosed please find our proposed FAUS projects for the 1989 TIP. Also provided is a copy of our Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1989 - 1994) . If you have any questions, please call me. Very truly yours, Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosures cc: G Norris ity Clerk 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2620 0 CITY OF RENTON "LL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division July 18, 1988 Mr. Goran Sparrman City of Bellevue P.O. Box 1768 Bellevue, WA 98009 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Mr. Sparrman: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1989 - 1994) . If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, ifi.ci°k.d° C. , Richard C. Houghton ad- Public Works Director ad Enclosure cc: /ty Clerk AAD11 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2620 • $i ® CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division July 18,1988 Engineering Department City of Seattle Room #910 Seattle Municipal Building Seattle, WA 98104 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Gentlemen: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1989 - 1994) . If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, let:ctetird e 7}47.4.7&,t Richard C. Houghton Al- Public Works Director ad Enclosure cc: VCity Clerk AAD11 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2620 �$ 0 CITY OF RENTON "LL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division July 18, 1988 Mr. Bruce Finke Office of Planning Seattle Engineering Department Seattle Municipal Building, Room 612 Seattle, WA 98104 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Mr. Finke: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1989 - 1994) . If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, 4c.tetiq t.- --1,<4.14-x, Richard C. Houghton t /- Public Works Director ad Enclosure cc: VCity Clerk AAD11 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2620 • 0 CITY OF RENTON "LL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division July 18, 1988 Engineering Department City of Issaquah 130 East Sunset Way Issaquah, WA 98027 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Gentlemen: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1989 - 1994) . If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, /e6aa.c% Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosure cc: City Clerk AAD11 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2620 • • %0 0 CITY OF RENTON "LL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division July 18, 1988 Mr. David Townsend Division Engineer Puget Sound Power & Light Company P.O. Box 329 Renton, WA 98057 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Mr. Townsend: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1989 - 1994) . If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, 7 �7 4;c4.44_,wC'. 1C'ZrZC I Richard C. Houghton l(UJ� 04 Public Works Director ad Enclosure cc: ty Clerk AAD11 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2620 • • 0 CITY OF RENTON "LL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division July 18, 1988 Engineering Manager Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Co. Room 212 300 SW 7th Street Renton, WA 98055 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Manager: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1989 - 1994) . If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, 67. Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosure cc: Wity Clerk AAD11 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2620 • • 4 0 CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division July 18, 1988 Mr. Clay Lofthus Distribution Engineer Washington Natural Gas Company P.O. Box 1869 Seattle, WA 98130 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Mr. Lofthus: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1989 - 1994) . If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, /f. Ga C 7!6 ,kt- Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosure cc: Oity Clerk AAD11 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2620 • �$ 0 CITY OF RENTON "LL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division July 18, 1988 Mr. Larry Williams TCI Cablevision of Washington, Inc. 15241 Pacific Highway South Seattle, WA 98188 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Mr. Williams: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1989 - 1994) . If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, e. Richard C. Houghton QA- Public Works Director . ad Enclosure cc: v6ity Clerk AAD11 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2620 0 CITY OF RENTON "LL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division July 18, 1988 Mr. Robert V. Miulli Senior Director of Portfolio Development Glacier Park Company 1011 Western Avenue Suite 700 • Seattle, WA 98104 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Mr. Miulli: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1989 - 1994) . If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, 4,cieuel Alo-71-4)1- Richard C. Houghton aft Public Works Director ad Enclosure cc: kty Clerk AAD11 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2620 �i 0 CITY OF RENTON "LL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division July 18, 1988 Mr. Kay F. Johnson, Manager Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce 300 Rainier Ave. North Renton, WA 98055 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Mr. Johnson: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1989 - 1994) . If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, ,c �( 1. / Yt Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosure cc: Y y Clerk AAD11 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2620 d 0 CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division July 18, 1988 Mr. C. E. Cox METRO 821 Second Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Mr. Cox: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1989 - 1994) . If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, d e Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosure cc: Aty Clerk AAD11 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2620 • a 0 CITY OF RENTON "u. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division July 18, 1988 Honorable Earl Clymer, Mayor Members of the City Council Subject: Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1989 - 1994) Dear Mayor and Council Members: Attached is a copy of the adopted Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. If you have any questions, please contact Gary Norris at 2620. Very truly yours, d it c C../ Richard C. Houghton °" Public Works Director ad Attachment cc: y Clerk AAD9 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2620 • $$' ® CITY OF RENTON "LL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division July 18, 1988 TO: City Attorney Building & Zoning Department Policy Development Department Design & Utility Engineering Street Maintenance Water Shop FROM: Richard C. Houghton, Public Works Director ISUBJECT: Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1989 - 1994) Attached is a copy of the adopted Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. Please contact Gary Norris at 2620 if you have any concerns. 4GC4.46‘ /4"0-(716 ad Attachment cc: )ty Clerk AAD10 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2620 %i INIcwo CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division July 11, 1988 Mr. Stan Sanders Washington State Department of Transportation State Aid Transportation Building KF-01 Olympia, WA 98504 Subject: City of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 1989 - 1989 Dear Mr. Sanders: Submitted herewith is a floppy and copy of the City of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 1989 - 1994 as you requested. We request that you make the distribution to the affected ,agencies. Please let us know if you require any additional information. Very truly yours, i / n'ichard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Attachments cc: petty Clerk 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2620