HomeMy WebLinkAboutPages from P_Civil_Construction_Plans_191114_v2IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS '&/10&5#8'0'4'06109# 9+..19%4'566190*1/'5coterra 321 3rd Ave South, Suite 406Seattle, Washington 98104ph 206.596.7115coterraengineering.com ENGINEERING PLLC 9+..19%4'566190*1/'524Ä.7#Ä%6'&ÄÄ November 15, 2018 | Page 3 File No. 23656-001-00 Groundwater Conditions No groundwater seepage was observed in the test pits completed on site. Additionally, previous explorations completed to depths of 30 feet below site grades did not encounter groundwater. Groundwater observations represent conditions observed during exploration and may not represent the groundwater conditions throughout the year. We anticipate that perched groundwater will exist at the contact between the glacial till and the overlying looser fill and weathered till, and within more permeable layers within the native glacial till. Groundwater seepage is expected to fluctuate as a result of season, precipitation, and other factors. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results of our field exploration program, laboratory testing, and engineering analysis, we conclude that development of the proposed development can be accomplished as planned. A summary of primary geotechnical considerations for the site development and design of the proposed development is provided in the subsequent sections. Summary ■ The planned townhomes site is classified as Site Class C, in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code (IBC). ■ The planned townhomes may be supported on conventional spread footings bearing on dense to very dense undisturbed glacial till or on structural fill placed over these soils. Footings bearing on dense to very dense undisturbed glacial till may be designed using an allowable soil bearing value of 6,000 pounds per square foot (psf). Footings bearing on structural fill placed over undisturbed dense to very dense glacial till may be designed using an allowable bearing value of 3,000 psf. All existing fill, highly weathered glacial till or otherwise unsuitable soils should be removed from below foundations prior to constructing foundations or placing structural fill. The allowable bearing value may be increased by one-third for short duration loads such as wind or seismic events. ■ Lateral foundation loads may be resisted by passive resistance on the sides of the footings and by friction on the base of the footings. For footings supported and surrounded by either dense native soils or compacted structural fill, a coefficient of friction of 0.35 and a passive resistance of 350 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) may be used. ■ A subgrade modulus of 100 pounds per cubic inch (pci) may be used for design of the slabs-on-grade for the townhomes. Concrete slabs-on-grade should be supported on a 4-inch-thick capillary break layer overlain by a vapor retarder (in conditioned spaces or enclosed rooms, such as mechanical or storage space). ■ The pavement section extending to the west and north from the southeast corner of the project site may be supported on existing fill soils provided that the upper 2 feet of the fill is placed and compacted as structural fill. A proof roll test can also be conducted to reduce excavation costs if native soils are encountered within the upper 2 feet and to check that the soils can perform adequately under planned loads. If any soft spots are observed, the upper 2 feet of subgrade soils should be removed and replaced with at least 2 feet of structural fill compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density (MDD) per ASTM International (ASTM) D 1557. Suitable on-site soils may be used as structural November 15, 2018 | Page 4 File No. 23656-001-00 fill under the planned road and associated hardscape provided that earthwork is accomplished during dry weather conditions in the summer months. Earthquake Engineering We evaluated the site for seismic hazards including liquefaction, lateral spreading, fault rupture and earthquake-induced landsliding. Our evaluation indicates that the site does not have liquefiable soils present and, therefore, also has no risk of liquefaction-induced lateral spreading. In addition, the site has a low risk of fault rupture and earthquake-induced landsliding. 2015 IBC Seismic Design Information For the planned townhomes, we recommend the IBC 2015 parameters for average field standard penetration resistance, site class, short period spectral response acceleration (SS), 1-second period spectral response acceleration (S1), and seismic coefficients FA and FV presented in Table 1. TABLE 1. 2015 IBC SEISMIC PARAMETERS 2015 IBC Parameter Recommended Value Average Field Standard Penetration Resistance >50 Site Class C Short Period Spectral Response Acceleration, SS (percent g) 143.2 1-Second Period Spectral Response Acceleration, S1 (percent g) 53.8 Seismic Coefficient, FA 1.000 Seismic Coefficient, FV 1.300 Liquefaction Potential Liquefaction is a phenomenon where soils experience a rapid loss of internal strength as a consequence of strong ground shaking. Ground settlement, lateral spreading and/or sand boils may result from soil liquefaction. Structures supported on liquefied soils could suffer foundation settlement or lateral movement that could be severely damaging to the structures. Conditions favorable to liquefaction occur in loose to medium dense, clean to moderately silty sand, which is below the groundwater level. Based on our evaluation of the subsurface conditions observed in the explorations, it is our opinion that potentially liquefiable soils are not present at the project site. Ground Rupture Ground rupture from lateral spreading is associated with liquefaction. Lateral spreading involves lateral displacements of large volumes of liquefied soil, and can occur on near-level ground as blocks of surface soils displace relative to adjacent blocks. In our opinion, ground rupture resulting from lateral spreading at the site is unlikely because potentially liquefiable soils are not present at the site as discussed above. Because of the thickness of the Quaternary sediments below the site, which are commonly more than 1,000 feet thick, the potential for surface fault rupture is considered low. November 15, 2018 | Page 5 File No. 23656-001-00 Landslides Because site topography is relatively flat and dense to very dense glacial till deposits occur at shallow depths, it is our opinion that landsliding as a result of strong ground shaking is unlikely at the site. Foundations We recommend that the buildings be supported on shallow spread footings founded on the dense to very dense native glacial till soil encountered in the explorations, or on properly compacted structural fill extending down to medium dense to dense glacial till. The following recommendations for the buildings are based on the subsurface conditions observed in the explorations and the site survey. Foundation Design For shallow foundation support, we recommend widths of at least 18 and 24 inches, respectively, for continuous wall and isolated column footings supporting the proposed townhomes. The design frost depth in the Puget Sound area is 12 inches, therefore, we recommend that the footings be founded at least 18 inches below lowest adjacent finished grade. Unsuitable soils consisting of fill, topsoil, and/or highly weathered glacial soils will vary across the site and must be removed from below planned footings. Based on our explorations, up to 3½ feet of fill and/or looser weathered native soils exist under the proposed north building unit (GEI-TP-1 and GEI-TP-2), approximately 3 feet under the central building unit (GEI-TP-3 and GEI-TP-4) and 2½ feet under the south building unit (GEI-TP-5 and GEI-TP-6). Therefore, depending on the foundation locations and depths, overexcavation under the footings may be necessary. For foundations supported on medium dense native glacial till or structural fill extending down to medium dense to dense native glacial till, we recommend footings be designed using a maximum allowable bearing pressure of 3,000 psf. A maximum allowable bearing pressure of 6,000 psf may be used in design where foundations are bearing on dense to very dense relatively unweathered glacial till or on controlled density fill (CDF) extending down to the dense to very dense native till. All existing fill and looser native soils should be removed from below planned footings. These allowable bearing pressures apply to the total dead and long-term live loads and may be increased up to one-third for short-term live loads such as wind or seismic forces. The overexcavated areas should be backfilled with: (1) CDF having a design strength of at least 200 pounds per square inch (psi) where 6,000 psf bearing pressures are used or, (2) imported gravel borrow where 3,000 psf is used. Where structural fill is placed below footings, the fill should extend beyond the edges of the foundations by the depth of the overexcavation, while the CDF should extend beyond the edges of the foundations by half the depth of the excavation. Foundation Settlement We estimate that the post-construction settlement of footings founded on the very dense glacial till or structural fill extending to the medium dense to very dense till, as recommended above, will be between ½ and 1 inch. Differential settlement between comparably loaded column footings or along a 25-foot section of continuous wall footing should be less than ½ inch. We expect most of the footing settlements will occur as loads are applied. Loose or disturbed soils not removed from footing excavations prior to placing concrete will result in additional settlement. November 15, 2018 | Page 6 File No. 23656-001-00 Lateral Resistance Lateral loads can be resisted by passive resistance on the sides of the footings and by friction on the base of the footings. Passive resistance should be evaluated using an equivalent fluid density of 350 pcf where footings are poured neat against native soil or are surrounded by structural fill compacted to at least 95 percent of MDD, as recommended. Resistance to passive pressure should be calculated from the bottom of adjacent floor slabs and paving or below a depth of 1 foot where the adjacent area is unpaved, as appropriate. Frictional resistance can be evaluated using 0.35 for the coefficient of base friction against footings. The above values incorporate a factor of safety of about 1.5. If soils adjacent to footings are disturbed during construction, the disturbed soils must be recompacted, otherwise the lateral passive resistance value must be reduced. Construction Considerations Immediately prior to placing concrete, all debris and loose soils that accumulated in the footing excavations during forming and steel placement must be removed. Debris or loose soils not removed from the footing excavations will result in increased settlement. If wet weather construction is planned, we recommend that all footing subgrades be protected using a lean concrete mud mat or 3 inches of compacted crushed base course. The mud mat or base course should be placed the same day that the footing subgrade is excavated and approved for foundation support. We recommend that all completed footing excavations be observed by a representative of our firm prior to placing mud mat, reinforcing steel, and structural concrete. Our representative will confirm that the bearing surface has been prepared in a manner consistent with our recommendations and that the subsurface conditions are as expected. Footing Drains We recommend that perimeter footing drains be installed around each building. The perimeter drains should be installed at the base of the exterior footings. The perimeter drains should be provided with cleanouts and should consist of at least 4-inch-diameter perforated pipe placed on a 3-inch bed of drainage material, and surrounded by 6 inches of drainage material enclosed in a non-woven geotextile fabric such as TenCate Mirafi 140N (or approved equivalent) to prevent fine soil from migrating into the drain material. We recommend against using flexible tubing for footing drainpipes. The perimeter drains should be sloped to drain by gravity, if practicable, to a suitable discharge point, preferably a storm drain. We recommend that the cleanouts be covered, and be placed in flush-mounted utility boxes. Water collected in roof downspout lines must not be routed to the footing drain lines. Slab-on-Grade Floors We expect that the lower level concrete slab-on-grade can be supported on the medium dense to very dense native soil encountered in our explorations or on properly compacted structural fill. A subgrade modulus of 100 pci may be used for design of the slabs-on-grade at the site. We recommend that an appropriate capillary break and vapor retarder be installed below concrete slabs to reduce the risk of moisture migration through the floor slab. This is especially important since zones of groundwater seepage may be present at the planned floor slab level in more permeable layers above the dense native glacial till or in looser soils on top of the dense glacial till. November 15, 2018 | Page 8 File No. 23656-001-00 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Portland cement concrete (PCC) sections may be considered for areas where concentrated heavy loads may occur. We recommend that these pavements consist of at least 6 inches of PCC over 6 inches of CSBC. A thicker concrete section may be needed based on the actual load data for use of the area. If the concrete pavement will have doweled joints, we recommend that the concrete thickness be increased by an amount equal to the diameter of the dowels. The base course should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the MDD. We recommend PCC pavements incorporate construction joints and/or crack control joints spaced at maximum distances of 12 feet apart, center-to-center, in both the longitudinal and transverse directions. Crack control joints may be created by placing an insert or groove into the fresh concrete surface during finishing, or by saw cutting the concrete after it has initially set up. We recommend the depth of the crack control joints be approximately one fourth the thickness of the concrete; or about 1½ inches deep for the recommended concrete thickness of 6 inches. We also recommend the crack control joints be sealed with an appropriate sealant to help restrict water infiltration into the joints. Asphalt-Treated Base If pavements are constructed during the wet seasons, consideration may be given to covering the areas to be paved with asphalt-treated base (ATB) for protection. Light-duty pavement areas should be surfaced with 3 inches of ATB, and heavy-duty pavement areas should be surfaced with 6 inches of ATB. Thicker ATB sections may be needed based on construction equipment loads. Prior to placement of the final pavement sections, we recommend the ATB surface be evaluated and areas of ATB pavement failure be removed and the subgrade repaired. If ATB is used and is serviceable when final pavements are constructed, the CSBC can be eliminated, and the design PCC or asphalt concrete pavement thickness can be placed directly over the ATB. Earthwork Based on the subsurface soil conditions encountered in the explorations, we expect that the soils at the site may be excavated using conventional heavy-duty construction equipment. Very dense glacial till was encountered at relatively shallow depths at the planned building locations; therefore, glacial till soils within deeper portions of excavations may require a large excavator to accomplish the excavations. Cobbles were observed in most of the test pits and glacial till deposits in the area commonly contain boulders that may be encountered during excavation. Accordingly, the contractor should be prepared to deal with boulders, if encountered. The glacial till contains sufficient fines (material passing the U.S. standard No. 200 sieve) to be highly moisture-sensitive and susceptible to disturbance, especially when wet. Ideally, earthwork should be undertaken during extended periods of dry weather when the surficial soils will be less susceptible to disturbance and provide better support for construction equipment. Dry weather construction will help reduce earthwork costs and increase the potential for using the native soils as structural fill. Trafficability on the site is not expected to be difficult during dry weather conditions. However, the fill and native soils will be susceptible to disturbance from construction equipment during wet weather conditions and pumping and rutting of the exposed soils under equipment loads may occur. November 15, 2018 | Page 7 File No. 23656-001-00 Prior to placing the gravel layer, the subgrade should be proofrolled as described previously in the “Earthwork” section of this report. If necessary, the building slab subgrades should be recompacted to a firm and unyielding condition. We recommend that concrete slabs-on-grade be constructed on a gravel layer to provide uniform support and drainage and to act as a capillary break. The gravel layer below slabs-on-grade should consist of at least 4 inches of clean crushed gravel with a maximum particle size of 1 inch and negligible sand or silt in accordance with Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Specification 9-03.1(4)C American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Grading No. 67. If prevention of moisture migration through the slab is essential, a vapor retarder such as heavy plastic sheeting should be installed between the slab and the gravel layer. It may also be prudent to apply a sealer to the slab to further retard the migration of moisture through the floor. We recommend that the plastic sheet be placed over the capillary break layer. Pavement Recommendations Recommendations for typical pavements (asphalt and concrete) are provided in the following sections. The City of Renton may have standard pavement sections that could apply to the site, therefore the project civil engineer should review the City’s standards, if applicable. Subgrade Preparation We recommend the subgrade soils in new pavement areas be prepared and evaluated as described in the “Earthwork” section of this report. All new pavement and hardscape areas should be supported on subgrade soils that have been proof rolled or probed as described in the “Clearing and Site Preparation” section of this report. If the exposed subgrade soils are loose or soft, it may be necessary to excavate localized areas and replace them with structural fill or gravel base course. Pavement subgrade conditions should be observed during construction and prior to placing the subbase materials in order to evaluate the presence of zones of unsuitable subgrade soils and the need for overexcavation and replacement of these zones. New Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement In light-duty pavement areas (e.g., automobile parking), we recommend a pavement section consisting of at least a 2½ -inch thickness of ½-inch hot-mix asphalt (HMA) per WSDOT Sections 5-04 and 9-03, over a 4-inch thickness of densely compacted crushed surfacing base course (CSBC) per WSDOT Section 9-03.9(3). In heavy-duty pavement areas (such as the driveway), we recommend a pavement section consisting of at least a 3-inch thickness of ½-inch HMA over a 6-inch thickness of densely compacted CSBC. The base course should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the MDD obtained using ASTM D 1557. We recommend that proof rolling of the subgrade and compacted base course be observed by a representative from our firm prior to paving. Soft or yielding zones observed during proof rolling may require overexcavation and replacement with compacted structural fill. The pavement sections recommended above are based on our experience. Thicker asphalt sections may be needed in accordance with the City of Renton or based on the actual traffic data, truck loads, and intended use. All paved and landscaped areas should be graded so that surface drainage is directed to appropriate catch basins. November 15, 2018 | Page 7 File No. 23656-001-00 Prior to placing the gravel layer, the subgrade should be proofrolled as described previously in the “Earthwork” section of this report. If necessary, the building slab subgrades should be recompacted to a firm and unyielding condition. We recommend that concrete slabs-on-grade be constructed on a gravel layer to provide uniform support and drainage and to act as a capillary break. The gravel layer below slabs-on-grade should consist of at least 4 inches of clean crushed gravel with a maximum particle size of 1 inch and negligible sand or silt in accordance with Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Specification 9-03.1(4)C American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Grading No. 67. If prevention of moisture migration through the slab is essential, a vapor retarder such as heavy plastic sheeting should be installed between the slab and the gravel layer. It may also be prudent to apply a sealer to the slab to further retard the migration of moisture through the floor. We recommend that the plastic sheet be placed over the capillary break layer. Pavement Recommendations Recommendations for typical pavements (asphalt and concrete) are provided in the following sections. The City of Renton may have standard pavement sections that could apply to the site, therefore the project civil engineer should review the City’s standards, if applicable. Subgrade Preparation We recommend the subgrade soils in new pavement areas be prepared and evaluated as described in the “Earthwork” section of this report. All new pavement and hardscape areas should be supported on subgrade soils that have been proof rolled or probed as described in the “Clearing and Site Preparation” section of this report. If the exposed subgrade soils are loose or soft, it may be necessary to excavate localized areas and replace them with structural fill or gravel base course. Pavement subgrade conditions should be observed during construction and prior to placing the subbase materials in order to evaluate the presence of zones of unsuitable subgrade soils and the need for overexcavation and replacement of these zones. New Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement In light-duty pavement areas (e.g., automobile parking), we recommend a pavement section consisting of at least a 2½ -inch thickness of ½-inch hot-mix asphalt (HMA) per WSDOT Sections 5-04 and 9-03, over a 4-inch thickness of densely compacted crushed surfacing base course (CSBC) per WSDOT Section 9-03.9(3). In heavy-duty pavement areas (such as the driveway), we recommend a pavement section consisting of at least a 3-inch thickness of ½-inch HMA over a 6-inch thickness of densely compacted CSBC. The base course should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the MDD obtained using ASTM D 1557. We recommend that proof rolling of the subgrade and compacted base course be observed by a representative from our firm prior to paving. Soft or yielding zones observed during proof rolling may require overexcavation and replacement with compacted structural fill. The pavement sections recommended above are based on our experience. Thicker asphalt sections may be needed in accordance with the City of Renton or based on the actual traffic data, truck loads, and intended use. All paved and landscaped areas should be graded so that surface drainage is directed to appropriate catch basins. November 15, 2018 | Page 8 File No. 23656-001-00 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Portland cement concrete (PCC) sections may be considered for areas where concentrated heavy loads may occur. We recommend that these pavements consist of at least 6 inches of PCC over 6 inches of CSBC. A thicker concrete section may be needed based on the actual load data for use of the area. If the concrete pavement will have doweled joints, we recommend that the concrete thickness be increased by an amount equal to the diameter of the dowels. The base course should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the MDD. We recommend PCC pavements incorporate construction joints and/or crack control joints spaced at maximum distances of 12 feet apart, center-to-center, in both the longitudinal and transverse directions. Crack control joints may be created by placing an insert or groove into the fresh concrete surface during finishing, or by saw cutting the concrete after it has initially set up. We recommend the depth of the crack control joints be approximately one fourth the thickness of the concrete; or about 1½ inches deep for the recommended concrete thickness of 6 inches. We also recommend the crack control joints be sealed with an appropriate sealant to help restrict water infiltration into the joints. Asphalt-Treated Base If pavements are constructed during the wet seasons, consideration may be given to covering the areas to be paved with asphalt-treated base (ATB) for protection. Light-duty pavement areas should be surfaced with 3 inches of ATB, and heavy-duty pavement areas should be surfaced with 6 inches of ATB. Thicker ATB sections may be needed based on construction equipment loads. Prior to placement of the final pavement sections, we recommend the ATB surface be evaluated and areas of ATB pavement failure be removed and the subgrade repaired. If ATB is used and is serviceable when final pavements are constructed, the CSBC can be eliminated, and the design PCC or asphalt concrete pavement thickness can be placed directly over the ATB. Earthwork Based on the subsurface soil conditions encountered in the explorations, we expect that the soils at the site may be excavated using conventional heavy-duty construction equipment. Very dense glacial till was encountered at relatively shallow depths at the planned building locations; therefore, glacial till soils within deeper portions of excavations may require a large excavator to accomplish the excavations. Cobbles were observed in most of the test pits and glacial till deposits in the area commonly contain boulders that may be encountered during excavation. Accordingly, the contractor should be prepared to deal with boulders, if encountered. The glacial till contains sufficient fines (material passing the U.S. standard No. 200 sieve) to be highly moisture-sensitive and susceptible to disturbance, especially when wet. Ideally, earthwork should be undertaken during extended periods of dry weather when the surficial soils will be less susceptible to disturbance and provide better support for construction equipment. Dry weather construction will help reduce earthwork costs and increase the potential for using the native soils as structural fill. Trafficability on the site is not expected to be difficult during dry weather conditions. However, the fill and native soils will be susceptible to disturbance from construction equipment during wet weather conditions and pumping and rutting of the exposed soils under equipment loads may occur. November 15, 2018 | Page 9 File No. 23656-001-00 Clearing and Site Preparation Areas to be developed or graded should be cleared of surface and subsurface deleterious matter including any debris, shrubs, trees and associated stumps and roots. Graded areas should be stripped of organic soils. The organic soils can be stockpiled and used later for landscaping purposes or may be spread over disturbed areas following completion of grading. If spread out, the organic strippings should be in a layer less than 1-foot thick, should not be placed on slopes greater than 3H:1V (horizontal to vertical) and should be track-rolled to a uniformly compacted condition. Materials that cannot be used for landscaping or protection of disturbed areas should be removed from the project site. Undocumented fill may be present in various areas of the site and will be required to be removed under building foundations and within the upper two feet of pavement, hardscape and slab subgrade levels. Where existing fill and looser native soils are removed, they may be reused and recompacted as structural fill, if conditions allow. If medium dense to dense native soils are encountered below slab subgrade, additional excavation is not required. If old fill is encountered below slab subgrade, the fill should be evaluated and possibly removed up to 2 feet below slab subgrade or until medium dense to dense native soils are encountered (less than 2 feet below slab subgrade). Excavations for slab subgrade preparation likely do not need to extend more than 2 feet below slab subgrade. The upper two feet below pavement subgrade should also be removed and replaced as structural fill; however, if existing fill soils are suitable and adequately compacted based on evaluations after the pavement is removed, the contractor can perform a proof roll on the exposed surface at or below slab subgrade level, and if approved by the geotechnical engineer, the fill may be left in place. Subgrade Preparation Prior to placing new fills, pavement base course materials or gravel below on-grade floor slabs, subgrade areas should be proof rolled to locate any soft or pumping soils. Prior to proof rolling, all unsuitable soils should be removed from below the building footprints. Proof rolling can be completed using a piece of heavy tire-mounted equipment such as a loaded dump truck. During wet weather, the exposed subgrade areas should be probed to determine the extent of soft soils. If soft or pumping soils are observed, they should be removed and replaced with compacted structural fill. If deep pockets of soft or pumping soils are encountered outside the building areas, it may be possible to limit the depth of overexcavation by placing a non-woven geotextile fabric such as TenCate Mirafi 500X (or equivalent) on the overexcavated subgrade prior to placing structural fill. The geotextile will provide additional support by bridging over the soft material and will help reduce fines contamination into the structural fill. After completing the proof rolling, the subgrade areas should be recompacted to a firm and unyielding condition, if possible. The degree of compaction that can be achieved will depend on when the construction is performed. If the work is performed during dry weather conditions, we recommend that all subgrade areas be recompacted to at least 95 percent of the MDD in accordance with the ASTM D 1557 test procedure (modified Proctor). If the work is performed during wet weather conditions, it may not be possible to recompact the subgrade to 95 percent of the MDD. In this case, we recommend that the subgrade be compacted to the extent possible without causing undue heaving or pumping of the subgrade soils. November 15, 2018 | Page 9 File No. 23656-001-00 Clearing and Site Preparation Areas to be developed or graded should be cleared of surface and subsurface deleterious matter including any debris, shrubs, trees and associated stumps and roots. Graded areas should be stripped of organic soils. The organic soils can be stockpiled and used later for landscaping purposes or may be spread over disturbed areas following completion of grading. If spread out, the organic strippings should be in a layer less than 1-foot thick, should not be placed on slopes greater than 3H:1V (horizontal to vertical) and should be track-rolled to a uniformly compacted condition. Materials that cannot be used for landscaping or protection of disturbed areas should be removed from the project site. Undocumented fill may be present in various areas of the site and will be required to be removed under building foundations and within the upper two feet of pavement, hardscape and slab subgrade levels. Where existing fill and looser native soils are removed, they may be reused and recompacted as structural fill, if conditions allow. If medium dense to dense native soils are encountered below slab subgrade, additional excavation is not required. If old fill is encountered below slab subgrade, the fill should be evaluated and possibly removed up to 2 feet below slab subgrade or until medium dense to dense native soils are encountered (less than 2 feet below slab subgrade). Excavations for slab subgrade preparation likely do not need to extend more than 2 feet below slab subgrade. The upper two feet below pavement subgrade should also be removed and replaced as structural fill; however, if existing fill soils are suitable and adequately compacted based on evaluations after the pavement is removed, the contractor can perform a proof roll on the exposed surface at or below slab subgrade level, and if approved by the geotechnical engineer, the fill may be left in place. Subgrade Preparation Prior to placing new fills, pavement base course materials or gravel below on-grade floor slabs, subgrade areas should be proof rolled to locate any soft or pumping soils. Prior to proof rolling, all unsuitable soils should be removed from below the building footprints. Proof rolling can be completed using a piece of heavy tire-mounted equipment such as a loaded dump truck. During wet weather, the exposed subgrade areas should be probed to determine the extent of soft soils. If soft or pumping soils are observed, they should be removed and replaced with compacted structural fill. If deep pockets of soft or pumping soils are encountered outside the building areas, it may be possible to limit the depth of overexcavation by placing a non-woven geotextile fabric such as TenCate Mirafi 500X (or equivalent) on the overexcavated subgrade prior to placing structural fill. The geotextile will provide additional support by bridging over the soft material and will help reduce fines contamination into the structural fill. After completing the proof rolling, the subgrade areas should be recompacted to a firm and unyielding condition, if possible. The degree of compaction that can be achieved will depend on when the construction is performed. If the work is performed during dry weather conditions, we recommend that all subgrade areas be recompacted to at least 95 percent of the MDD in accordance with the ASTM D 1557 test procedure (modified Proctor). If the work is performed during wet weather conditions, it may not be possible to recompact the subgrade to 95 percent of the MDD. In this case, we recommend that the subgrade be compacted to the extent possible without causing undue heaving or pumping of the subgrade soils. November 15, 2018 | Page 10 File No. 23656-001-00 Subgrade disturbance or deterioration could occur if the subgrade is wet and cannot be dried. If the subgrade deteriorates during proof rolling or compaction, it may become necessary to modify the proof rolling, compaction criteria, or methods. Structural Fill All fill, whether existing on-site glacial till soil or imported soil, that will support building foundations and floor slabs, pavement and hardscape areas, or be placed in utility trenches should generally meet the criteria for structural fill presented below. The suitability of soil for use as structural fill depends on its gradation and moisture content. Materials Materials used on the project site, under buildings, pavement, hardscape areas, and to backfill utility trenches are classified as structural fill for the purpose of this report. Structural fill material quality varies depending upon its use as described below: 1. Structural fill placed below all building elements (except footing designed for greater than 3,000 psf bearing pressure) and during wet weather conditions should consist of imported Gravel Borrow, as described in Section 9-03.14(1) of the 2018 WSDOT Standard Specifications, with the additional restriction that the fines content be limited to no more than 5 percent. On-site soils may be used as structural fil provided it is placed during the summer months, is properly moisture conditioned to within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content, and can be compacted to at least 95 percent of the MDD. 2. CDF having a design strength of at least 200 psi should be used under all foundations designed for greater than 3,000 psf bearing pressure. 3. Structural fill placed to construct embankment and parking areas and to backfill utility trenches may consist of on-site fill and glacial till provided that the soils are moisture conditioned for the required compaction. On-site till soils may be suitable for use as structural fill during dry weather conditions in areas needing 95 percent compaction. If structural fill is placed during wet weather, the structural fill should consist of imported gravel borrow. 4. Structural fill placed as CSBC below pavements should conform to Section 9-03.9(3) of the 2018 WSDOT Standard Specifications. 5. Structural fill placed as capillary break below slabs should consist of 1-inch minus clean crushed gravel with negligible sand or silt in conformance with Section 9-03.1(4)C, grading No. 67 of the 2018 WSDOT Standard Specifications. Reuse of On-site Native Soils The existing fill and till soils contain a high percentage of fines and will be sensitive to changes in moisture content and difficult to handle and compact during wet weather. The existing fill (free of organic debris) and till deposits are expected to be suitable for structural fill in areas requiring compaction to at least 95 percent of MDD (per ASTM D 1557), provided the work is accomplished during the normally dry season (June through September) and that the soil can be properly moisture conditioned to within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content. Imported structural fill consisting of sand and gravel (WSDOT gravel borrow) should be planned under all building foundation elements, especially if construction occurs during wet weather. November 15, 2018 | Page 11 File No. 23656-001-00 The use of existing on-site fill and till soils as structural fill during wet weather should be planned only for areas requiring compaction to 90 percent of MDD, as long as the soils are properly protected from wet weather, not placed during periods of precipitation, and that they can be dried if needed to achieve proper compaction. The contractor should plan to cover and maintain all fill stockpiles with plastic sheeting if it will be used as structural fill. The reuse of on-site soils is highly dependent on the skill of the contractor and schedule, and we will work with the design team and contractor to maximize the reuse of on-site till soils during the wet and dry seasons. Fill Placement and Compaction Criteria Structural fill should be mechanically compacted to a firm, non-yielding condition. Structural fill should be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 12 inches in thickness when using heavy compaction equipment and not more than 6 inches when using hand-operated compaction equipment. The actual thickness will be dependent on the structural fill material used and the type and size of compaction equipment. Each lift should be moisture conditioned to within about 2 percent of the optimum moisture content to achieve proper compaction to the specified density before placing subsequent lifts. Compaction of all structural fill at the site should be in accordance with the ASTM D 1557 (modified Proctor) test method. Structural fill should be compacted to the following criteria: 1. Structural fill placed below floor slabs and foundations should be compacted to 95 percent of the MDD. 2. Structural fill in new pavement and hardscape areas, including utility trench backfill, should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the MDD, except that the upper 2 feet of fill below final subgrade should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the MDD, see Figure 3, Compaction Criteria for Trench Backfill. 3. Structural fill placed as CSBC below pavements should be compacted to 95 percent of the MDD. 4. Non-structural fill, such as fill placed in landscape areas, should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the MDD. Weather Considerations Disturbance of near-surface soils should be expected if earthwork is completed during periods of wet weather. During dry weather, the soils will: (1) be less susceptible to disturbance, (2) provide better support for construction equipment, and (3) be more likely to meet the required compaction criteria. The wet weather season generally begins in October and continues through May in western Washington; however, periods of wet weather may occur during any month of the year. For earthwork activities during wet weather, we recommend that the following steps be taken: ■ The ground surface in and around the work area should be sloped so that surface water is directed away from the work area. The ground surface should be graded so that areas of ponded water do not develop. Measures should be taken by the contractor to prevent surface water from collecting in excavations and trenches. Measures should be implemented to remove surface water from the work area. ■ Earthwork activities should not take place during periods of moderate to heavy precipitation. ■ Slopes with exposed soils should be covered with plastic sheeting. November 15, 2018 | Page 12 File No. 23656-001-00 ■ The contractor should take necessary measures to prevent on-site soils and soils to be used as fill from becoming wet or unstable. These measures may include the use of plastic sheeting, sumps with pumps, and grading. The site soils should not be left uncompacted and exposed to moisture. Sealing the surficial soils by rolling with a smooth-drum roller prior to periods of precipitation will help reduce the extent that these soils become wet or unstable. ■ The contractor should cover all soil stockpiles that will be used as structural fill with plastic sheeting. ■ Construction traffic should be restricted to specific areas of the site, preferably areas that are surfaced with the existing asphalt or working pad materials not susceptible to wet weather disturbance. ■ Construction activities should be scheduled so that the length of time that soils are left exposed to moisture is reduced to the extent practical. Routing of equipment on the existing fill and native till subgrade soils during the wet weather months will be difficult and the subgrade will likely become highly disturbed and rutted. In addition, a significant amount of mud can be produced by routing equipment directly on the glacial soils in wet weather. Therefore, to protect the subgrade soils and to provide an adequate wet weather working surface for the contractor’s equipment and labor, we recommend that the contractor protect exposed subgrade soils with sand and gravel, crushed gravel, or ATB. Permanent Cut and Fill Slopes We recommend that permanent cut or fill slopes be constructed at inclinations of 2H:1V or flatter, and be blended into existing slopes with smooth transitions. To achieve uniform compaction, we recommend that fill slopes be overbuilt slightly and subsequently cut back to expose well compacted fill. It is our experience that permanent cut slopes made in dense to very dense glacial till are difficult to establish vegetation on and difficult to place and maintain topsoil on. Therefore, 3H:1V or flatter permanent cut slopes should be considered for landscape purposes if site conditions allow for their use. To reduce erosion, newly constructed slopes should be planted or hydroseeded shortly after completion of grading. Until the vegetation is established, some sloughing and raveling of the slopes should be expected. This may necessitate localized repairs and reseeding. Temporary covering, such as clear heavy plastic sheeting, jute fabric, or erosion control blankets (such as American Excelsior Curlex 1 or North American Green SC150) could be used to protect the slopes during periods of rainfall. Utility Trenches Trench excavation, pipe bedding, and trench backfilling should be completed using the general procedures described in the 2018 WSDOT Standard Specifications or other suitable procedures specified by the project civil engineer. The native glacial deposits and fill soils encountered at the site are generally of low corrosivity based on our experience in the Puget Sound area. Utility trench backfill should consist of structural fill and should be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 12 inches in thickness when using heavy compaction equipment and not more than 6 inches when using hand-operated compaction equipment such that adequate compaction can be achieved throughout the lift. Each lift must be compacted prior to placing the subsequent lift. The backfill should be compacted in accordance with the criteria discussed above. Figure 3 illustrates recommended trench compaction criteria under pavement and non-structural areas. November 15, 2018 | Page 13 File No. 23656-001-00 Sedimentation and Erosion Control In our opinion, the erosion potential of the on-site soils is low to moderate. Construction activities including stripping and grading will expose soils to the erosional effects of wind and water. The amount and potential impacts of erosion are partly related to the time of year that construction actually occurs. Wet weather construction will increase the amount and extent of erosion and potential sedimentation. Erosion and sedimentation control measures may be implemented by using a combination of interceptor swales, straw bale barriers, silt fences and straw mulch for temporary erosion protection of exposed soils. All disturbed areas should be finish graded and seeded as soon as practicable to reduce the risk of erosion. Erosion and sedimentation control measures should be installed and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the City of Renton. Excavations We anticipate that excavations are limited and will be primarily associated with footing excavations and underground utilities. These cuts can likely be made as temporary open cut slopes depending on site constraints. The stability of open cut slopes is a function of soil type, groundwater seepage, slope inclination, slope height and nearby surface loads. The use of inadequately designed open cuts could impact the stability of adjacent work areas, existing utilities, and endanger personnel. The contractor performing the work has the primary responsibility for protection of workmen and adjacent improvements. In our opinion, the contractor will be in the best position to observe subsurface conditions continuously throughout the construction process and to respond to variable soil and groundwater conditions. Therefore, the contractor should have the primary responsibility for deciding whether or not to use open cut slopes for much of the excavations rather than some form of temporary excavation support, and for establishing the safe inclination of the cut slope. Acceptable slope inclinations for utilities and ancillary excavations should be determined during construction. Because of the diversity of construction techniques and available shoring systems, the design of temporary shoring is most appropriately left up to the contractor proposing to complete the installation. Temporary cut slopes and shoring must comply with the provisions of Title 296 WAC, Part N, “Excavation, Trenching and Shoring.” The excavations for the buildings and utilities will be completed primarily in loose to medium dense fill and dense to very dense glacial till deposits. The following sections summarize the general excavation recommendations. Temporary Cut Slopes For planning purposes, temporary unsupported cut slopes more than 4 feet high may be inclined at 1H:1V maximum steepness within the dense to very dense glacial till (below a depth of about 3 feet) and 1½H:IV maximum steepness in the overlying fill (upper 3 feet). If significant seepage is present on the cut face then the cut slopes may have to be flattened. However, temporary cuts should be discussed with the geotechnical engineer during final design development to evaluate suitable cut slope inclinations for the various portions of the excavation. The contractor should scale slopes cut at 1H:1V to remove loose materials and cobbles. The above guidelines assume that surface loads such as traffic, construction equipment, stockpiles or building supplies will be kept away from the top of the cut slopes a sufficient distance so that the stability November 15, 2018 | Page 14 File No. 23656-001-00 of the excavation is not affected. We recommend that this distance be at least 5 feet from the top of the cut for temporary cuts made at 1H:1V or flatter, and no closer than a distance equal to one-half the height of the slope for cuts made steeper than 1H:IV. Water that enters the excavation must be collected and routed away from prepared subgrade areas. We expect that this may be accomplished by installing a system of drainage ditches and sumps along the toe of the cut slopes. Some sloughing and raveling of the cut slopes should be expected. Temporary covering, such as heavy plastic sheeting with appropriate ballast, should be used to protect these slopes during periods of wet weather. Surface water runoff from above cut slopes should be prevented from flowing over the slope face by using berms, drainage ditches, swales or other appropriate methods. If temporary cut slopes experience excessive sloughing or raveling during construction, it may become necessary to modify the cut slopes to maintain safe working conditions. Slopes experiencing problems can be flattened, regraded to add intermediate slope benches, or additional dewatering can be provided if the poor slope performance is related to groundwater seepage. Drainage Considerations We anticipate shallow groundwater seepage may enter excavations for utilities depending on the time of year construction takes place, especially in the winter months. However, we expect that this seepage water can be handled by digging interceptor trenches in the excavations and pumping from sumps. The seepage water, if not intercepted and removed from the excavations, will make it difficult to place and compact structural fill and may destabilize cut slopes. All paved and landscaped areas should be graded so that surface drainage is directed away from the buildings to appropriate catch basins. Water collected in roof downspout lines must not be routed to the footing drain lines. Collected downspout water should be routed to appropriate discharge points in separate pipe systems. Infiltration Considerations Sieve analyses were performed on selected soil samples collected from the test pits that were completed as part of this study. The soil samples typically consisted of native weathered or relatively unweathered glacial till. The design infiltration value described below is based on the results of the grain size analyses, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Textural Triangle, and the Washington State Department of Ecology Storm Water Management Manual (2005). The grain size analyses are presented in Appendix B. Based on our analysis, it is our opinion that the on-site native glacial till soils have a very low infiltration capacity. The majority of the soils across the site contain significant fines, which limits the infiltration capacity. The results of the sieve analyses indicated that the fines content (material passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve) typically ranges from 30 to 35 percent. Due to the density, high fines content, and relative impermeability of the glacial till, infiltration should be assumed to be very low when designing infiltration systems. We recommend a preliminary infiltration rate of not more than 0.2 inches per hour be used for design of the infiltration facilities. Depending on the depth of proposed infiltration facilities, the infiltration rate will vary; however, we recommend site specific pilot infiltration testing be performed to determine the design infiltration rate if specific infiltration facilities are being considered. IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS '&/10&5#8'0'4'06109# 9+..19%4'566190*1/'5coterra 321 3rd Ave South, Suite 406Seattle, Washington 98104ph 206.596.7115coterraengineering.com ENGINEERING PLLC 9+..19%4'566190*1/'524Ä.7#Ä%6'&ÄÄ IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS '&/10&5#8'0'4'06109# 9+..19%4'566190*1/'5coterra 321 3rd Ave South, Suite 406Seattle, Washington 98104ph 206.596.7115coterraengineering.com ENGINEERING PLLC 9+..19%4'566190*1/'524Ä.7#Ä%6'&ÄÄ IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS '&/10&5#8'0'4'06109# 9+..19%4'566190*1/'5coterra 321 3rd Ave South, Suite 406Seattle, Washington 98104ph 206.596.7115coterraengineering.com ENGINEERING PLLC 9+..19%4'566190*1/'524Ä.7#Ä%6'&ÄÄ IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS '&/10&5#8'0'4'06109# 9+..19%4'566190*1/'5coterra 321 3rd Ave South, Suite 406Seattle, Washington 98104ph 206.596.7115coterraengineering.com ENGINEERING PLLC 9+..19%4'566190*1/'524Ä.7#Ä%6'&ÄÄ 5"8"MAPLE6"MAPLE6"ORNAMENTAL6"ORNAMENTAL5"MAPLE5"MAPLE4"ORNAMENTAL8"FIR6"FIR29"MAPLE16"MAPLE16x2 14x28"CEDAR6"CEDAR6"CEDAR8"CEDAR6"CEDAR7"CEDAR8"COTTONWOODtag no10"ORNAMENTALtag no6"MAPLE6x2 tag no10"COTTONWOODtag no6"COTTONWOODtag no12"COTTONWOODtag no13"COTTONWOOD13in 8in 6in tag no12"COTTONWOODtag no6"COTTONWOOD6x3 tag no8"COTTONWOODtag no34"FIR29"COTTONWOOD8"COTTONWOOD10"COTTONWOOD10"COTTONWOOD10"COTTONWOOD8"COTTONWOOD10"COTTONWOOD10"COTTONWOOD10"COTTONWOOD8"COTTONWOOD6"COTTONWOOD38"MADRONA36"FIR19"FIR18"MAPLE18 12 10 6x3 6ft cluster12"FIR12"FIR16"FIR6"ORNAMENTALcherry6"ALDER15"CEDAR8"ALDER8"ALDER8x27"ALDER8"ALDER12"POPLARpoplar = black locust6"ALDER5"ALDER10"ALDER12"MAPLE12inx38"ALDER8"ALDER6"ALDER6"ALDER6"ALDER15"MAPLE36"MAPLE18"MAPLE5"8"MAPLE6"MAPLE6"ORNAMENTAL6"ORNAMENTAL5"MAPLE5"MAPLE4"ORNAMENTAL8"FIR6"FIR29"MAPLE16"MAPLE16x2 14x28"CEDAR6"CEDAR6"CEDAR8"CEDAR6"CEDAR7"CEDAR8"COTTONWOODtag no10"ORNAMENTALtag no6"MAPLE6x2 tag no10"COTTONWOODtag no6"COTTONWOODtag no12"COTTONWOODtag no13"COTTONWOOD13in 8in 6in tag no12"COTTONWOODtag no6"COTTONWOOD6x3 tag no8"COTTONWOODtag no34"FIR29"COTTONWOOD8"COTTONWOOD10"COTTONWOOD10"COTTONWOOD10"COTTONWOOD8"COTTONWOOD10"COTTONWOOD10"COTTONWOOD10"COTTONWOOD8"COTTONWOOD6"COTTONWOOD38"MADRONA36"FIR19"FIR18"MAPLE18 12 10 6x3 6ft cluster12"FIR12"FIR16"FIR6"ORNAMENTALcherry6"ALDER15"CEDAR8"ALDER8"ALDER8x27"ALDER8"ALDER12"POPLARpoplar = black locust6"ALDER5"ALDER10"ALDER12"MAPLE12inx38"ALDER8"ALDER6"ALDER6"ALDER6"ALDER15"MAPLE36"MAPLE18"MAPLE8'-0"S83°50'59"E22.60'N83°50'59"W15.59'N00°00'00"E17.79'N90°00'00"E15.50'S00°00'00"E S88°56'54"E30.00'11.50'11.50'N00°59'35"E 256.65'N69°53'29"W 86.13'N20° 0 6 ' 3 1 " E 4 8 . 7 3 ' S20°0 6 ' 3 1 " W 7 5 . 0 4 ' S20° 0 6 ' 3 1 " W 6 8 . 8 3 ' S20° 0 6 ' 3 1 " W 6 2 . 6 2 ' N20° 0 6 ' 3 1 " E 5 4 . 0 0 ' S20° 0 6 ' 3 1 " W 5 4 . 0 0 ' S20° 0 6 ' 3 1 " W 5 4 . 0 0 ' S20°0 6 ' 3 1 " W 5 4 . 0 0 ' S20°0 6 ' 3 1 " W 5 0 . 1 2 'S69°53'29"E 83.94'Δ=33°01'00"R=24.00'L=13.83'N69°53'29"W 70.86'S70°03'00"E 56.52'S70°03'00"E 56.52'S70°03'00"E 56.52'S70°03'00"E 62.60'S19°5 7 ' 0 0 " W 7 6 . 9 7 'N00°00'11"W 70.26'39.43'52.52'13.14'18.00'18.00'21.72'12.63'19.04'19.04'46.19'50.38'S88°55'42"E40.01'S88°56'54"E40.01'27.05'18.00'18.00'23.08'18.00' 20.72' S19° 5 7 ' 0 0 " W 5 6 . 7 2 '21.72'18.00'18.00'26.22'20.25' 18.00' 18.00' 20.72 'S89°09'02"E2.79'85.46'48.20'176.65'32.00'181.11'13.24'11.77'N00°00'11"W 145.49'S00°00'11"E 145.48'18.00'S70°03'00"E6.07'5"8"MAPLE6"MAPLE6"ORNAMENTAL6"ORNAMENTAL5"MAPLE5"MAPLE4"ORNAMENTAL8"FIR6"FIR29"MAPLE16"MAPLE16x2 14x28"CEDAR6"CEDAR6"CEDAR8"CEDAR6"CEDAR7"CEDAR11"POPLAR12"POPLAR13"POPLAR13"POPLAR11"POPLAR8"POPLAR15"ALDERtag 1415"MADRONAtag 1511"ALDERtag 111"COTTONWOOD11x2 tag 230"CEDARtag 38"COTTONWOODtag 412"COTTONWOODtag 610"COTTONWOOD10in 8in tag 58"COTTONWOODtag 98"COTTONWOODtag no8"COTTONWOODtag no10"ORNAMENTALtag no6"MAPLE6x2 tag no10"COTTONWOODtag no6"COTTONWOODtag no12"COTTONWOODtag no13"COTTONWOOD13in 8in 6in tag no12"COTTONWOODtag no6"COTTONWOOD6x3 tag no8"COTTONWOODtag no6"POPLARtag no5"POPLARtag no5"POPLARtag no11"COTTONWOODtag 128"COTTONWOODtag 116"COTTONWOODtag 1034"FIR29"COTTONWOOD8"COTTONWOOD10"COTTONWOOD10"COTTONWOOD10"COTTONWOOD8"COTTONWOOD10"COTTONWOOD10"COTTONWOOD10"COTTONWOOD8"COTTONWOOD6"COTTONWOOD38"MADRONA36"FIR19"FIR18"MAPLE18 12 10 6x3 6ft cluster12"FIR12"FIR16"FIR6"ORNAMENTALcherry6"ALDER15"CEDAR8"ALDER8"ALDER8x27"ALDER8"ALDER12"POPLARpoplar = black locust6"ALDER5"ALDER10"ALDER12"MAPLE12inx310"ALDER10inx2 6in10"ALDER11"ALDER6"ALDER8"ALDER8"ALDER12"ALDER12inx212"ALDER6"ALDER6"ALDER6"ALDER15"MAPLE36"MAPLE18"MAPLEPROPOSED CONTOURS, TYPTREE PROTECTION, TYPEXISTING TREE TO REMAIN, TYPRELOCATE EXISTING TREE,SEE PLANTING PLANLIMITS OF CLEARINGAND GRADINGPROPOSED CONTOURS, TYPPROPOSED UNDERGROUND UTILITY, TYPEXISTING TREE TO REMAIN. 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SEETREE PRESERVATION PLAN FOR FENCE ALIGNMENT.6'-0"MAINTAINEXISTINGGRADE WITH THETREEPROTECTIONFENCEUNLESSOTHERWISEINDICATED ONTHEPLANS.5" THICKLAYER OF MULCH.NOTES:1- SEE SPECIFICATIONS FORADDITIONAL TREE PROTECTIONREQUIREMENTS.2- NO PRUNING SHALL BEPERFORMED EXCEPT BY APPROVEDARBORIST.3- NO EQUIPMENT SHALL OPERATEINSIDE THEPROTECTIVE FENCING INCLUDINGDURING FENCEINSTALLATION AND REMOVAL.SECTION VIEW8.5" X 11"SIGNLAMINATED INPLASTIC SPACEDEVERY 50'ALONG THEFENCE.TREEPROTECTIONFENCE: 6' HT.CHAINLINK FENCEWITH STEELPOSTSINSTALLED AT 8'O.C.NOTRESPASINGPROTECTEDTREE1FX-PL-FX-TRMT-02DATUMEDMONDS AVE NE, RENTON, WATREE RETENTION DETAILWILLOWCREST TOWNHOMES CIVIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT SUBMITTALTOWNHOMES1"=20'WILLOWCRESTSTATEOFWASHINGTONNO.1.202EXPLICENSEDLANDSCAPEARCHITECT09/02/2020 BRENTM.CHASTAIN304 Alaskan Way S., Suite 301Seattle, WA 98104TED-40-4085 C:19004136LUA:19-000061PR:19-000126R-408529351CITY CORRECTIONSBC 11.6.19