HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 Correspondence • ' OF Rh,, %4 ° PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AD TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION • • 235-2620 s IL 0 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 90 co- 0 �P 1 9�TEO SEPS�_kc BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR ' April 27, 1982 Mr. J. Zirkle, P.E. District Engineer State Department of Transportation 6431 Corson Ave. South Seattle, WA 98108 Attention: Mr. Tom McLeod, State Aid Engineer__ Subject: NE 2nd Street Extension from Monroe Ave. NE to City Shops entrance Dear Mr. Zirkle: Supplied herewith are two copies of the Six-Year Transportation Program Amendment (1982 - 198.7) . This Amendment covers the addition of NE 2nd Street Extension from Monroe Ave. NE to the City Shops entrance. Also supplied are three copies of a One-Half Cent Gas Tax Prospectus for the NE 2nd Street Extension project. Please contact this office if you require additional information. Very truly yours, Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosures cc: D. Mead V. Lee G. Norris I CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 5th day of April , 1982, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: PROPOSED AMENDMENT. .TO..THE..SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROAM Add NE; 2nd Street Extension Roadway Improvement, joint 50%/50%. Project with King County to provide access to new County Courthouse and new City Shops. Reduce Project 068, Talbot Rd. S. Development. (Complete legal description & further information available in the City Clerk' s Office) Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON aJzzetz..& 9 Delores A. Mead, C .C. City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION : March 19, 1982 1 111 OF i .. THE CITY • OF RENTON U ,$ © z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD 09 CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 0,9q? EO SEPI°MO July 30, 1981 Washington State Highway Commission Department of Highways Highway Administration Building Olympia, WA 98594 ATTN: Mr. G. H. Andrews, Director of Highways RE: Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program - Renton Gentlemen: Pursuant to requirements of Chapter 7, Extraordinary Session Laws of 1961 of the State of Washington, and Chapter 195 of the 1961 Session Laws of the State of Washington, we file herewith two certified copies of City of Renton Resolution No. 2410, adopting "Arterial Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program". Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead, C.M.C. City Clerk DAM:db Enc; 2 to ...A---)--- . r�orrt�es : on: streetprôjéct.s CoUhCiI. hear their p -eater chance of` receiving South also succeeded in convincing his motion that improvements along -from Houghton. After some discus= • .for a new Wells Avenue Bridge.The 1 g from local, state or federal City Council that improvements Northeast Fourth Street be extended Sion oneproject was deleted from existing structure,though structur- ;s. along that road should be raised from ••from Sunset. Boulevard to Union the wish list,a rarity. . ally safe,is living on borrowed time, one argued with the No. 1 . a'No.22priority toNo.•13.Because of• Avenue Northeast, instead of just Deleted was the No. 7 priority, according to officials. :y, replacement of the dilapi- single-family home construction on between Monroe Avenue Northea§t providing for improvements to ShatCurrent designs for the new bridge . Grady Way Bridge at a cost to a hill to the eastof the road;substan- and Union as listed. - - tuck Avenue South from.. South call for- a wider structure and a n of$415,000.Tukwila and the ' .tial amounts of surface water runoff That amendment may not mean. . Fourth Place to South Seventh Place. better road-to-bridge alignment that it government also will pay for deluge-the road and homeowners.on much, however, because I-405 pas- The proposed $2.1 million project would result in a removal of part of placement. the -lower west side of the_road ses over Northeast Fourth just east would have•provided for construe- ' Jones Park.. several citizens, the Renton during the winter. of-Sunset, and there is little-en- •tion of a new railroad overpass over Residents living in North RentonC-.. tants Association and even a Improvements proposed for Tal- gineers can do about widening the Shattuck, a wider roadway, and the oppose-the plans,preferring a smal- man from The Boeing Co.said bot Road,at a cost of$600,000 to be bridge abutments there. - usual grading, drainage, 'paving, ler bridge. They fear a wider'struc- ►elieve a transportation study split evenly between, the city and . Improvements proposed. along curbs,,gutter and sidewalk improve- ture would invite more traffic Renton area should receive a• property owners, include drainages Northeast Fourth include drainage, ments. In a. 5-3 vote, City-Council later priority than No. 15. paving; curbs sidewalks, illumina- resurfacing, curbs, gutters,, Several council members choked decided to refer the Wells Avenue ' Council agreed, lifting the tion and channelization.King County sidewalks and widening from four - at.the cost of such an improvement, bridge replacement project to the - sed $120,000 study to No. '2, also would participate if the project lanes to five lanes,'providing.for a . however. Transportation Committee to dis- cing miscellaneous street im- obtains•funding. two-way leftturn lane. Councilman Earl Clymer asked cuss'possible design changes. ments to a No.3 priority.• Council Pres_ident Dick Stredicke , • Another motion by Stredicke came Houghton if the project was really Voting against the motion were • - aeowners along Talbot Road convinced his colleagues to support following 'a surprisingadmission worth the' cost. Replied Houghton Tom 'Trimm and Bob Hughes. In -after a moment's hesitation,"In my . favor were Stredicke,John Reed and (. — - — — — ..—_... - . own opinion,no." Clymer.Randall Rockhill is on vaca- r }, Another comment by• Houghton ,tion, and Charle Charles Shane was 1- f seemed to open the door for further absent without notification. (\1 I negotiation concerning design plans, _ (Related story page A2) �- t, D ) * RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular 'Meeting July 20 , 1981 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P .M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; JOHN REED, THOMAS W. COUNCIL TRIMM, EARL CLYMER and ROBERT HUGHES. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, ABSENT COUNCILMAN ROCKHILL BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. COUNCIL- MAN CHARLES F. SHANE ABSENT. CITY OFFICIALS BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE DEL MEAD, City Clerk; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; DAVID CLEMENS, Acting Planning Director; LT. DON PERSSON, Police Department; BT.CHIEF JAMES MATTHEWS, Fire Department; GARY NORRIS, Traffic Engineer; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Acting Public Works Director; MAXINE MOTOR, Deputy City Clerk and Recorder. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF 7/13/81 JULY 13, 1981 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Six-Year published as required by law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public Transportation hearing to consider the 1982 through 1987 Transportation Improve- Improvement ment Program. Acting Public Works Director Houghton presented Study listing of 39 projects with Annual Elements, Second Year, Third 1982-1987 and Fourth through Sixth Year Projects (Grady Way Bridge Replacement being listed No. 1 ) . Letter from Toni Nelson, Pres. , Renton Merchants ' Associationrecommendedthe Renton Area Transportation Study be listed as No. 1 priority in order to determine true priorities and asked consideration in planning for burdensome traffic in downtown shopping area. Mayor Shinpoch introduced Gary Norris and Paul Lumbert, Traffic Engineering. Houghton ex- plained state law requirement for the Program with prioritizing influenced by available funding. Transportation Committee Chairman Trimm reported no recommendation at this time. Councilman Stredicke noted Item No. 5 improvement of NE 4th from Monroe Ave. NE to Union Ave. NE and requested inclusion of section from Sunset Blvd NE, being possible LID or developer extension; Acting Public Works Director Houghton concurred. Continued Persons present: Versie Vaupel , 400 Cedar Ave. S, commented on proposed development on NE 4th St. and inquired re community facil- ity fees for improvements. Ms. Vaupel recommended reduction of proposed width of Wells Ave. S bridge, noting savings of time and money. Dennis Stremick, 2532 Smithers Ave. S, questioned cost of Renton Area Transportation Study and Valley Parkway; Grady Way bridge width for compatibility of approaches. Pat Thorpe, 2821 Morris Ave. S, requested Item No. 22 Talbot Rd. S, S 16th to 5 41st be moved from Third Year Project closer to Annual Element. Robert Yakas, representing The Boeing Company, P.O. Box 3707, Seattle, Mail Stop 1731 , asked higher priority for Renton Area Transportation Study and offered assistance with trafficproblems; also Item 31 Lake Washington Blvd. N. Fred Krebbs, 2703 Talbot Rd. S, inquired re Item No. 22 Talbot Rd S as relates to LID No. 313, noting letter from area residents presented for Correspondence Items (See later) . Jim Poff, 2925 Morris Ave. S, asked higher priority for Renton Area Transportation Study and Talbot Rd S, S 16th to S 41st St. Robert Thorpe, 2821 Morris Ave. S, requested higher priority for Talbot Rd. S with two 11 ft. lanes with drainage tiles and submitted sketches providing design at low costs (including bikeway) . Pat Thorpe encouraged maintenance of existing streets and questioned costs of Items No. 15-17 over 1/2 million dollars for Transportation tudy, Controller Modernization and Computer Enhancement. • Renton City Council 7/20/81 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued Six-Year Harry Long, 220 Seneca NW, asked for safety and call -d attention Transportation • to landscaping which obstructs vision and creates raffic hazard. ` Improvement Councilman Stredicke inquired re Item No. 2 Misce laneous street i Program improvements and asked that walkways be included Upon inquiry t by Councilman Clymer, Acting Public Works Direc-or Houghton noted relaxation of rules for complete projects previously requiring curbs, sidewalks, etc. Upon inquiry Traffic Engineer Norris noted Items No. 7 through 12 were in response to acciden - report histories. Discussions ensued re Shattuck St. underpass , intersection of Kirkland Ave. NE and NE Sunset Blvd. Coun' ilman Hughes requested Staff investigate installation of neopren= dampeners at RR crossings. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, (BECA SE OF NON-COMPLETION OF SR 515) ITEM NO. 22 TALBOT RD. S BE ELEVATED TO FIRST YEAR ELEMENTS AND PLACED BETWEEN ITEMS 12 AND 13. C"RIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, ITEM NO. 15 RENTON AREA T'ANSPORTATION STUDY BE PLACED AS NO. 2 FOLLOWING GRADY WAY BRIDGE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKr, SECOND CLYMER, ITEM NO. 5 NE 4th ST. BE EXTENDED ENTIRE STRIP c:\\\\\\ UNION AVE. NE TO NE SUNSET BLVD. T affic Engineer Norris noted Item 22 Talbot Rd S, no funding av• ilable at the present time and changing of priorities without fu ding is misleading. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, ITEM NO. 7 SHATTUCK AVE. S, S 4th PL TO S 7th ST. , BE STRICKEN FROM SIX- EAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT \ PROGRAM. CARRIED. MOVED BY ST' EDICKE, SECOND REED, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOV;D BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, THE SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPRO MENT PROGRAM FOR 1982 - 1987 BE ADOPTED AS AMENDED AND REFER' D TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, ITEM NO. 6 COMLLS AVENUE BRIDGE REPLACE, ENT, BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION MITTEE TO DISCUSS CHANGr IN DESIGN. ROLL CALL: 3-AYE: STR ICKE, REED, CLYMER; -NO: TRIMM AND HUGHES. MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED B STREDICKE, SECO D REED, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE. MINUTES. CARRIED. Council reces ed at 9:35 p.m. and reconvened at 9:50 p.m. ROLL CALL: STREPICKE, REED, TRIMM, CLYMER AND HUGHES. AUDIENCE COMMENT Attorney Kevi Hender=on, 216 1st S, Seattle, representing E. Horbach Fifth and Park re parking req ireme is for Fifth and Park Place Building, recalled Place Building the City Counci gr-nted a Special Permit 8/18/80 to meet the off- Special Permit street parking re; irements through five auxiliary parking lots. re Parking Mr. Henderson call -d attention to one of the parking lots located hbdification at southwest corn-r of Pelly and 6th Ave. N. (owned by Mr. Horbach) Requested which is improve. by a building formerly leased by the City Water Dept. for equip ent; e lot provides a portion of the required 280 parking spaces requ'red for the Fifth and Park Place Building. Mr. Henderson equested 'ewly adopted Zone Code amendments be applied to th- parking re•ulations, allowing reduction of require- ments, inclu. ing parking s ` -11 size, to prevent necessity to demolish the existin: structure, they•-by saving money by continued use. City Attor ey Warren noted pa king should have been installed prior to this t' e. Council Preside t Stredicke recalled Special Permit overturn.d Examiner's recommend-tion, that applicant's construction of third floor of Fifth and Park 'lace Building in lieu of parking necessi ated the Special Permit fo parking. City Attorney Warren noted 'ode revision prohibited leas=d parking as used by Mr. Horbach for t e Fifth and Park Place Buildin. . Following further discussion, it w.s Moved by Clymer, Second Reed, .until proceed to the next Age ,•a item. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STR IICKE, SECOND CLYMER, REQUEST TO ODIFY SPECIAL PERMIT BE DENIED. CARTED. CONSENT AGENDA T e following items are adopted by one motion which follows the • siness matters included: Traffic Study Letter from Public Works Department requested t ansfer of funds in Projects amount of $9,900 to provide matching money for t ree Traffic Study projects funded 82.98% by Federal FAUS Grants. Projects: Safety Planning, Traffic Study; Valley Parkway SW Study an• SW 27th Street Study. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. (See Page\4 .) Renton City Council 7/20/81 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued Six-Year Harry Long, 220 Seneca NW, asked for safety and called attention 1 Transportation to landscaping which obstructs vision and creates traffic hazard. Improvement Councilman Stredicke inquired re Item No. 2 Miscellaneous street Program improvements and asked that walkways be included. Upon inquiry by Councilman Clymer, Acting Public Works Director Houghton noted relaxation of rules for complete projects previously requiring curbs, sidewalks, etc. Upon inquiry Traffic Engineer Norris noted Items No. 7 through 12 were in response to accident report. histories. Discussions ensued re Shattuck St. underpass, intersection of Kirkland Ave. NE and NE Sunset Blvd. Councilman Hughes requested Staff investigate installation of neoprene dampeners at RR crossings. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, (BECAUSE OF NON-COMPLETION OF SR 515) ITEM NO. 22 TALBOT RD. S BE ELEVATED TO FIRST YEAR ELEMENTS AND PLACED BETWEEN ITEMS 12 AND 13. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, ITEM NO. 15 RENTON AREA TRANSPORTATION STUDY BE PLACED AS NO. 2 FOLLOWING GRADY WAY BRIDGE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, ITEM NO. 5 NE 4th ST. BE EXTENDED ENTIRE STRIP UNION AVE. NE TO NE SUNSET BLVD. Traffic Engineer Norris noted Item 22 Talbot Rd S, no funding available at the present time and changing of priorities without funding is misleading. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, ITEM NO. 7 SHATTUCK AVE. S, S 4th PL TO S 7th ST. , BE STRICKEN FROM SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, THE SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR 1982 - 1987 BE ADOPTED AS AMENDED AND REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, ITEM NO. 6 WELLS AVENUE BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO DISCUSS CHANGE IN DESIGN. ROLL CALL: 3-AYE: STREDICKE, REED, CLYMER; 2-NO: TRIMM AND HUGHES. MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:35 p.m. and reconvened at 9:50 p.m. ROLL CALL: STREDICKE, REED, TRIMM, CLYMER AND HUGHES. AUDIENCE COMMENT Attorney Kevin Henderson, 216 1st S, Seattle, representing E. Horbach Fifth and Park re parking requirements for Fifth and Park Place Building, recalled, Place Building the City Council granted a Special Permit 8/18/80 to meet the off- Special Permit street parking requirements through five auxiliary parking lots. re Parking Mr. Henderson called attention to one of the parking lots located Modification at southwest corner of Pelly and 6th Ave. N. (owned by Mr. Horbach) Requested which is improved by a building formerly leased by the City Water Dept. for equipment; the lot provides a portion of the required 280 parking spaces required for the Fifth and Park Place Building. Mr. Henderson requested newly adopted Zone Code amendments be applied to the parking regulations, allowing reduction of require- ments, including parking stall size, to prevent necessity to demolish the existing structure, thereby saving money by continued use. City Attorney Warren noted parking should have been installed prior to this time. Council President Stredicke recalled Special Permit overturned Examiner' s recommendation, that applicant's construction of third floor of Fifth and Park Place Building in lieu of parking necessitated the Special Permit for parking. City Attorney Warren noted Code revision prohibited leased parking as used by Mr. Horbach for the Fifth and Park Place Building. Following further discussion, it was Moved by Clymer, Second Reed, Council proceed to the next Agenda item. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, REQUEST TO MODIFY SPECIAL PERMIT BE DENIED. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the business matters included: Traffic Study Letter from Public Works Department requested transfer of funds in Projects amount of $9,900 to provide matching money for three Traffic Study projects funded 82.98% by Federal FAUS Grants. Projects: Safety Planning, Traffic Study; Valley Parkway SW Study and SW 27th Street Study. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. (See Page 4,) • RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 20 , 1981 Municipal Building • Monday , 8 : 00 P .M . Council Chambers - MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; JOHN REED, THOMAS W. COUNCIL TRIMM, EARL CLYMER and ROBERT HUGHES. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, ABSENT COUNCILMAN ROCKHILL BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. COUNCIL- MAN CHARLES F. SHANE ABSENT. CITY OFFICIALS BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE DEL MEAD, City Clerk; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; DAVID CLEMENS, Acting Planning Director; LT. DON PERSSON, Police Department; BT.CHIEF JAMES MATTHEWS, Fire Department; GARY NORRIS, Traffic Engineer; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Acting Public Works Director; MAXINE MOTOR, Deputy City Clerk and Recorder. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF 7/13/81 JULY 13, 1981 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. _ PUBLIC HEARING . This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Six-Year published as required by law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public Transportation hearing to consider the 1982 through 1987 Transportation Improve- Improvement ment Program. Acting Public Works Director Houghton presented Study listing of 39 projects with Annual Elements, Second Year, Third 1982-1987 and Fourth through Sixth Year Projects (Grady Way Bridge Replacement being listed No. 1 ) . Letter from Toni Nelson, Pres. , Renton :Merchants ' Association recommended the Renton Area Transportation Study be listed as No. 1 priority in order to determine true priorities and asked consideration in planning for burdensome traffic in downtown shopping area. Mayor Shinpoch introduced Gary Norris and Paul Lumbert, Traffic Engineering. Houghton ex- plained state law requirement for the Program with prioritizing influenced by available funding. Transportation Committee Chairman Trimm reported no recommendation at this time. Councilman Stredicke noted Item No. 5 improvement of NE 4th from Monroe Ave. NE to Union Ave. NE and requested inclusion of section from Sunset Blvd NE, being possible LID or developer extension; Acting Public Works Director Houghton concurred. Continued Persons present: Versie Vaupel , 400 Cedar Ave. S, commented on proposed development on NE 4th St. and inquired re community facil- ity fees for improvements. Ms. Vaupel recommended reduction of proposed width of Wells Ave. S bridge, noting savings of time and money. Dennis Stremick, 2532 Smithers Ave. S, questioned cost of Renton Area Transportation Study and Valley Parkway; Grady Way bridge width for compatibility of approaches. Pat Thorpe, 2821 Morris Ave. S, requested Item No. 22 Talbot Rd. S, S 16th to S 41st be moved from Third Year Project closer to Annual Element. Robert Yakas representing The Boeing Company, P.O. Box 3707, Seattle, • Mail Stop 1731 , asked higher priority for Renton Area Transportation Study and offered assistance with traffic problems; also Item 31 Lake Washington Blvd. N. Fred Krebbs, 2703 Talbot Rd. S, inquired re Item No. 22 Talbot Rd S as relates to LID No. 313, noting letter from area residents presented for Correspondence Items (See later) . JimPoff, 2925 Morris Ave. S, asked higher priority for Renton Area Transportation Study and Talbot Rd S, S 16th to S 41st St. Robert Thorpe, 2821 Morris Ave. S, requested higher priority for Talbot Rd. S with two 11 ft. lanes with drainage tiles and submitted sketches providing design at low costs (including bikeway) . Pat Thorpe encouraged maintenance of existing streets and questioned costs of Items No. 15-17 over 1/2 million dollars for Transportation Study, Controller Modernization and Computer Enhancement. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 20 , 1981 Municipal Buildinil Monday , 8 : 00 R. M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; JOHN REED, THOMAS W. COUNCIL TRIMM, EARL CLYMER and ROBERT HUGHES. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, ABSENT COUNCILMAN ROCKHILL BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. COUNCIL- MAN CHARLES F. SHANE ABSENT. CITY OFFICIALS BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE DEL MEAD, City Clerk; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; DAVID CLEMENS, Acting Planning Director; LT. DON PERSSON, Police Department; BT.CHIEF JAMES MATTHEWS, Fire Department; GARY NORRIS, Traffic Engineer; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Acting Public Works Director; MAXINE MOTOR, Deputy City Clerk and Recorder. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF 7/13/81 JULY 13, 1981 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Six-Year published as required by law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public Transportation hearing to consider the 1982 through 1987 Transportation Improve- Improvement ment Program. Acting Public Works Director Houghton presented Study listing of 39 projects with Annual Elements, Second Year, Third 1982-1987 and Fourth through Sixth Year Projects (Grady Way Bridge Replacement being listed No. 1 ) . Letter from Toni Nelson, Pres. , Renton Merchants' Association recommended the Renton Area Transportation Study be listed as No. 1 priority in order to determine true priorities and asked consideration in planning for burdensome traffic in downtown shopping area. Mayor Shinpoch introduced Gary Norris and Paul Lumbert, Traffic Engineering. Houghton ex- plained state law requirement for the Program with prioritizing influenced by available funding. Transportation Committee Chairman Trimm reported no recommendation at this time. Councilman Stredicke noted Item No. 5 improvement of NE 4th from Monroe Ave. NE to Union Ave. NE and requested inclusion of section from Sunset Blvd NE, being possible LID or developer extension; Acting Public Works Director Houghton concurred. Continued Persons present: Versie Vaupel , 400 Cedar Ave. S, commented on proposed development on NE 4th St. and inquired re community facil- ity fees for improvements. Ms. Vaupel recommended reduction of proposed width of Wells Ave. S bridge, noting savings of time and money. Dennis Stremick, 2532 Smithers Ave. S, questioned cost of Renton Area Transportation Study and Valley Parkway; Grady Way bridge width for compatibility of approaches. Pat Thorpe, 2821. Morris Ave. S, requested Item No. 22 Talbot Rd. S, S 16th to S 41st be moved from Third Year Project closer to Annual Element. Robert Yakas, representing The Boeing Company, P.O. Box 3707, Seattle, Mail Stop 1731 , asked higher priority for Renton Area Transportation Study and offered assistance with traffic problems; also Item 31 Lake Washington Blvd. N. Fred Krebbs, 2703 Talbot Rd. S, inquired re Item No. 22 Talbot Rd S as relates to LID No. 313, noting letter from area residents presented for Correspondence Items (See later) . Jim Poff, 2925 Morris Ave. S, asked higher priority for Renton Area Transportation Study and Talbot Rd S, S 16th to S 41st St. Robert Thorpe, 2821 Morris Ave. S, requested higher priority for Talbot Rd. S with two 11 ft. lanes with drainage tiles and submitted sketches providing design at low costs (including bikeway) . Pat Thorpe encouraged maintenance of existing streets and questioned costs of. Items No. 15-17 over 1/2 million dollars for Transportation Study, Controller Modernization and Computer Enhancement. Renton City Council 7/20/81 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued • Six-Year Harry Long, 220 Seneca NW, asked for safety and called attention Transportation to landscaping which obstructs vision and creates traffic hazard. Improvement Councilman Stredicke inquired re Item No. 2 Miscellaneous street Program • improvements and asked that walkways be included. Upon inquiry by Councilman Clymer, Acting Public Works Director Houghton noted relaxation of rules for complete projects including curbs, gutters, sidewalks, etc. Upon inquiry Traffic Engineer Norris noted Items No. 7 through 12 were in response to accident report. histories. Discussions ensued re Shattuck St. underpass, intersection of Kirkland Ave. NE and NE Sunset Blvd. Councilman Hughes requested Staff investigate neopreme dampers at railroad crossings. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, (BECAUSE OF NON-COMPLETION OF SR 515) ITEM NO. 22 TALBOT RD. S BE ELEVATED TO FIRST YEAR ELEMENTS AND PLACED BETWEEN ITEMS 12 AND 13. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, ITEM NO. 15 RENTON AREA TRANSPORTATION STUDY BE PLACED AS NO. 2 FOLLOWING GRADY WAY BRIDGE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, ITEM NO. 5 NE 4th ST. BE EXTENDED ENTIRE STRIP UNION AVE. NE TO NE SUNSET BLVD. Traffic Engineer Norris noted Item 22 Talbot Rd S, no funding available at the present time and changing of priorities without funding is misleading. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, ITEM NO. 7 SHATTUCK AVE. S, S 4th PL TO S 7th ST. , BE STRICKEN FROM SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, THE SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR 1982 - 1987 BE ADOPTED AS AMENDED AND REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, ITEM NO. 6 WELLS AVENUE BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO DISCUSS CHANGE IN DESIGN. ROLL CALL: 3-AYE: STREDICKE, REDICKE, REED, CLYMER; 2-NO: TRIMM AND HUGHES. MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:35 p.m. and reconvened at 9:50 p.m. ROLL CALL: STREDICKE, REED, TRRIMM, CLYMER AND HUGHES. AUDIENCE COMMENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1982 — 198.7 H ' 0 P4 H ANNUAL ELEMENT PROJECTS U H 1 Grady Way Bridge Replacement 2 Miscellaneous Street Improvements 3 East Valley Road, SW 16th St. to SR 167 ramps 4 SW 27th St. , East Valley Road to Valley Parkway SW 5 NE 4th St. , Monroe Ave. NE to Union Ave. NE 6 Wells Avenue Bridge Replacement 7 Shattuck Ave. South, South 4th Place to South 7th St. 8 Williams Ave. North & North 3rd/North 4th Streets Intersection Improvements ;9 Factory Ave. North & North 3rd St. Intersection Improvements 10 Logan Ave. South & South 2nd St. Intersection Improvements 11 Burnett Ave. S & S 2nd St. Intersection Improvements 12 Sunset Blvd. North & North 3rd Intersection Improvements 13 SW 16th St. , Lind Ave. SW to Monster Road SW 14 South 7th St. , Rainier Ave. South to Smithers Ave. South 15 Renton Area Transportation Study 16 Controller Modernization 17 Computer Enhancement SECOND YEAR PROJECTS. 18 SW Grady Way, Lind Ave. SW to Longacres Dr. SW 19 Monster Road SW - alternate access THIRD YEAR PROJEGZS 20 Garden Ave. North, North 4th St. to North 8th' St. 21 Monroe Ave. NE, NE 6th St. to NE 12th St. 22 Talbot Road South, South 16th St. to South 41st St. FOURTH - SIXTH YEAR PROJECTS 23 Valley Parkway SW, SW Grady Way to South 140th St. 24 North 1st St. , Park Ave. North to Burnett Ave. North 25 Monroe Ave. NE, NE 2nd St. to NE 4th St. 26 NE 12th St. , Edmonds Ave. NE to Kirkland Ave. NE 27 Lind Ave. SW, SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way 28 Sunset Blvd. North, Bronson Way North to FAI 405 29 Valley Parkway SW, SW 41st St. to SW 16th St. 30 w=' Valley Parkway SW, SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way 31 Lake Wash. Blvd. North, North Park Drive to North City Limits 32 SW 27th St. , Valley Parkway SW to West Valley Road 33 SE Puget Drive, Jones Place SE to Edmonds Ave. SE 34 . Sunset Blvd. NE, FAI 405 to NE Park Drive 35 Benson Road South, South Grady Way to SE 31st St. 36 Taylor Ave. NW/Taylor Place NW, Renton Ave. Ext. to Stevens Ave. NW 37 NE 12th St. , Lynnwood Ave. NE to Union Ave. NE 38 Union Ave. NE, NE Sunset Blvd. to NE 24th St. 39 Edmonds Avenue Extension „-. . SIA 1.E 51X YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM IS 82 TO 19 87 Page 1 of 6 — OBLIGATION PROGRAM — Hearing Date EXHIBIT "A” Adoption Date . City/County ..Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols I-8 must Resolution Number' C.aid No. El 0 El 0 3-G be on all cards punched from County No. ©o ?-8 -this -form. 2 x PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS o PROJECT IDENTIFICATION o� _Total d L 6 C) .141 OBLIGATION SCHEDULE .FUNDING SOURCE 2 Title,Route,Road Log No., Section No., • o Work e v Y _E A. R Len th c \ ' FEDERAL - .TOTAL. Location Termini,Deocription of Work, 03 Code 9 +"- . 1st 2nd 3rd 4 5 U.ASB. LOCAL FUNDS 1 Beginning Milepoet 4- Bridge No. -a a (110719e-1.0h Miles) t (Annual 6th AMOUNT PROGRAM Imo' a 0 dement) • ` :1 _2 3 - 4 5 6 7 a S -. .10 II 12 13 - • 14 15 I . 17'. 9 9936 37 ' 40 41 44 45 46 47 46 ' 51 52..... 55 56 ' 59 60 63 64 67 48 7I 72 75 76 ' 79 90 as G,R,A,DiYI ,W,A,Y1 ,B, R, ItD, G, E1 , R, E, P, LiAIC,EIMIBIN 4NA,B,DIH , Oi1, 0 M U X 141115• 1 1 I • t i 1 • I t 1 • 131312• 1 IBIR• 1 1 1 • I 18, 3. I i 141115. L Bridge Fwd. Bridge Replacement (joint with Tukwila) Plans, Specifications & Estimates Only Repl. Thrust MIILSICIE, LiLiAiNIE, O, ULS, 1S, TOR, E E T I M P R 0 V 4 D _L U 111110 1 ,9,8 111110 ,2, 210 Ili ill ill , 5, 3, 8 1 1 1513, 8 2. Street Department Five-Year Plan (overlays) E VALLEY SW 16TH TO SR 1 6 7 2 BDFG 1 6 0 C U 4 0 0 0 4 .0 0 0 4 0 0 0 3• ' HJ 100% Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalk, illumin- ation, channelization, 44! roadwayLID S,W, ,2, 7,T1H, ,E, ,V A L L TO V ALL P K W Y 1 ABDF 0 6 8 S U 1151010 ill , 1. I lit III III 1 , , 115, 0 0 1 ,1 ,5 ,010 4• Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalk, GHIJ 100%' illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 LID landscaping, bridge, 44' roadway NE 4 T H ST MONROE TO UNION 2 ' B D F G 0 4 5 M U 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 Drainage, resurface, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and H 100 ' widen to 5 lanes (2-way left turn lane) LID • • W,E,L,L, S, LA, V, EI ,B,R1I1D1G,E, 1R,E, P L A C E M E• N 4 / A B1F,G 1040, 4 S U X1101010 16 1810 I I I I I 1 1, 3, 414 1 I 1 I I I 13, 3,6 r 11,61810 6. H'J L Bridge Fwd. Bridge Replacement Repl. , Thrust S,H,A,T,T,U, C, K1 1S, ;41T,H, ,P,L1 IT,O, 1S1 , 7,T H 2 ' A B DIF ,042L3'S U X111010 , I t 1 I I 2101010 I 1810 FIAIUIS I I , 210.1210 1 ,2 ,1 ,0,0 7• Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, GHJL illumination, channelization, bridge, 44' roadway W, I1L,LII,AIM, Si IA,V1E, IN, 3_1R,D,/iNa4,TTH1_ , I,M,P,R 6YL��H_ K1I1-_.-_ 4....L M U 1- _Li 10. 1I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I I i I I 110-10 1 1 1 1110 8. Signal modifications, channelization and signing D5T RIB UT ION I COPY DISTRICT STATE AlP ENGINEER DOT 140-049 I COPY C.R.A.B.(CoUNTIBS OI�ILY) .Inn. Ian — 5 A 1-2 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 82 TO 19 87 Page 2 of 6 — OBLIGATION PROGRAM -- }tearing Date EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date City/County ...Keypunching Note: pato entered in cols I-8 must Resolution Number City No. 110 la 0 3-G be on all cards punched from County No. BE 7-8 this -form. 2 R PROJECT CO5T5 IN THOU5AND5 OF DOLLARS • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION ax � .c OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE o Title,Route, Road Log No., Section No., 0 o Work Total d YEAR Location Termini,Deecripiion of Works 03 Code Length 2 \ o FEDERAL. TOTAL, U Beginning Milepost 6ridse talo, (4- a (Miles) c p .o(Annual 2nd 3rd 4,5 U.A.B. 'LACgt, FUNDS tL oc V Element) +t 6th AMOUNT PROGRAM -2 3 " 4 5 6 78 9 .10 11 12 I3 14 15 16. I7` 9 3S 36��/37 40 41 44 45 46 47 48 ' 51 52 .._ 55 SG S9 GO 63 64 6148 9I 72 75 76 79 to as F,A,CIT,OIR1Y, ,A'VIE, ,&I ,N1 131 RID, IIIMIP1RtOIVIE 6 F//HLKII I i A 1 S u 11154, I • , i III ill I I , I I I . I I I . I I t • I 1 15. I tit 154 Signal modifications, channelization and signing , LIOIGIAAN1 LA1V1E, ,&i LSI _12,N1_D1 II,M1 P1R104V,E,MJE 6M1-11K1I, i jam M U I I 15 III III III 11 1 't ' I 15 i I I I t 5 10. Signal modifications, channelization and signing B1UIRIN,EIT,TI ,AIME, I&1 IS, 121NID1VIII MI PIRIO,VIE 6n1-1 ,1(,I , ' Ai MU I 1210 1 1 1 ill Ill III III ill 1 1210 1 1 1 12' 0 11. Channelization modifications, possible signalization and signing yy������ S ,UIN,S,E,TI 1BILIVIDI INI L&I 1Ni 131RID, , LM,PIRIO 6K�//AIBIDIF 141 M U , 111010 I 11 I 1- I lit 1 1 1 1 1 1 lit 111010 I I 111010 12. Signal improvements, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, H I channelization, paving and signing SW • 16TH LIND AVE TO M O N S T E R 2 BDFG 0 9 0 C U 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 -3. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, ilium- H J L 100% ination, channelization, bridge, 44' roadway LID Si ,7,T,HI ,RIA, IIN,I,EIRI y11101 ISIMLIITIHIEIRISI 1 2 ;AIBID,F 1045,0 S U I 12 ,0 1 , 1 III J210t0 I , 1 1 1 1 1 11 12,210 , , 121210 14. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalk, ilium- I Developer ination, channelization, 44' roadway. Partial work & LID from Rainier to Shattuck in 1982. R1E,N,T,O�N, 1AREAI ITRANSPORT I ,S ,TIUIDIY 81'//U, , 1 , + I U I 1310 1 1610 1 1310 1 1 1 III III Ili 11.1210 1 1 111210 15. Develop a multimodal transportation plan for the City. �j C10,N1T1R1O1L,L,EIR, ,M,O,DIEIRIN,IIZA•AITTI10IN, , 1 7Vl/,-LJ1_ I , .l-..._1 U - _ 14i0 I 1410 , 1410 , 1810 i , 1 I I I I 1 i ,210 ,0, l I 1 21 01 0 16. Purchase of traffic signal controllers to replace obsolete equipment. Dt5TRl BU171 ON , I COPY PISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER . DOT 140-049 I COPY C.R.A.B.(COUNTIES ONLY) Jan. TARO _ • Is1AI,-2 51X YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 82 TO 19 87 Page 3 of 6 — OBLIGATION PROGRAM — Hearing pate EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date City/County .Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols I-8 must Resolution Number City No, 0 01E1 0 3-G be an all cards punched from ; County No. 007-8 this form. 2 R PROJE.CT COSTS 1N THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION "oma G 1 OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE 2 Title,Route, Road Log No., Section No., o Total d �,o Work Y .E A R FEDERAL - TOTAL 1,ocation/Termini7Deecripiion of Work, 03 Code Length u d - Z nd 3rd 4 ,5 U.A.B. LOCAL FUNDS a Beginning Milepost 6rid9e No. a o ) c 16 a(Annu41 I _ o dement) )4 i 6th MOUNT PROGRAM 3 I. 3 -." 4 5 6 7 8 9 _. 10 11 12 13 -... 14 15 i8. 17" -9 35 36 37 40 41 44 4s 46 47 46 51 52 .__ 55 54 59 60 63 64 6768 11 12 75 76 - 79 30 96 _ C,O,M,PIUITIE,R, ,E1N,H,AINIC, E,M,EIN,T1 I I 1 1 1 I 7N I, I' , , 4 , U 121010• l ' , , • , , 1 • 1 i 1 , 11I616•FIAIUIS• '1 1 1 • i 1314, 1 1 121010, Add additional control capacity, replace obsolete equipment ������ S1WL 'GI RIAU),Y1 1LIIINLDI 1T101 ILIOINIGIAICIRIEIS, 2MB1D,F,G , 4:1_1.0 S U , I 1 115,010 , 1 1 it 1 1 I I II , 1 , 1 1151 0, 0 1 ,1,51010 18. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J L 100% channelization, P-1 Bridge, 56' roadway �r�� LID + MIOINISITIEIRI , RI DI ,A1L, TIE1R1N1A1T1E1 1AiCICIE1S1S 1aB1D,FIG , 042, 2 C U 1 i I 12 ,512 ill I I I 111310 FIAISIP I I I 111212 11 121512 19. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, channelization H G,ARDE N A V E N 4 Ti T O N 8 T, H 2yy,�/�'� B1 D F G , � „ 1 1 „ 1 , 1 1 , 1 , 1 , , , 1 1 , I , �/l 1 1 1 0121 5 S U 1 1 1 131010 , J__ ► , I I 1 1 I I , , 1 , I I 1310,0 1 I ,31010 20. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J 75% channelization LID MSO NIRIO, E, AVE INIE161TIH, 1TO 1 INIE11121T,H1 2BID,FG , O438 C U 1 „ , 1 I 1, 51810 , 1 1 I I I 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1151810 1 111518,0 ''I" Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illlumination, H J 25% channelization, 44' roadway LID . Ti A. L.B1 OI TI IR, D IS, 1116_1 Ti Hi 1T10, IS, 14111 SI T•, -2-F,, B1 DIF,G 1148, 0 C U III 1 , I 161010 III , , I I , , , , 1 '161010 , , 161010 22. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J 50% channelization (joint with King County) LID �� VI AIL, LIE, YI ' PI K, WIY1 IGIRIAiDiYI IT, O1 Ili 4101T' HI 11�//. AtB, DLF , 110, 0M U III III 1 1 1 5151010 1 1 1 1111 1 1 5151010 1 '5151010 23. Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutter, GHIJ Developer illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 landscaping, bridge, 56' roadway Ni , 11 SI T, I SI T, I P, A, RI KI , TI 01 ,BI U..I.RI N El—T.LTI ,Al V 3�/�/, BI DJ.Fi-G _�.O1 2L_O~A U —► -L-I , I I J I I , 31 11 6 III tit , , 1 131.11 6 i I 131 116 24. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalk, channel- H ization 1 DtSTRI BUT I ON I COPY 1715TRICT STATE AID ENGINEER 003 140-049 1 COPY C.R,A.B,(CoUAIT1E5 ONLY) Jan. ,ARO Is►AI1-i Si X YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 $2 TO 19 87 Page 4 of 6 — OBLIGATION PROGRAM — 1-tearing Dote EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date City/County ..Keypunching Note: Data entered in cote I-8 must Resolution Number City No. Mono 3-6 be on all cards punched from County No. ©0 7-8 this -Form. 2 R PROJECT CO5T5 1N THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS 0 �v • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION �� %- .in 1 OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE Z Title,Route, Road Log No., Section No., 0 o Total a u YEAR. Work Length c � :' FEDERAL TOTAL Location Termini„Deecription of Works a3 Code 9 +'- - ,m 1st - 2nd 3rd 4,5 U.A.6. LOCAL FUND8 E Beginning Milepost 4 Bridge No. •tl o (Miles) Q (Annual els 6th AMOUNT PROGRAM ,-., 2. a V Element) _ _ -1 2 3 4 5 678 9 .10II t2 13 14 15 18. 17' 19 55 36 37 40 41 44 45 46 47 4e 64 52 55 S6 ' s9 6o 6364 67 68 • it 72 75 76 79 6D 85 • M,O,N,R,01E1 ,A,VI 1N,E, 121N,D, ,T10, 1N1E1 141T1H 1 1 RB,D,F1G ,0,62 ,8 C U i i 4 , 1• i i • I , I • 1610 i0t i l l • i i l a1 1 i • 161010. 1 1 16 ,0 10 ' Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutters, illumin- H J ation, channelization, 44' roadway N ,E, J1,21TLH, ,E,D,MIOLNID,S, ,T,O, ,KII, RIKIL,A,NID 2MBID,F,G JOIL1 C U. , 1 I 1 i 1 1 I 1 1518 ,4 , , I 1 , , 1 , 1 150,4 1 , ,51814 26. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalk, illumin- H J 50% ation, channelization LID LIIINID, ,A,VIE, ISIW11161T1H1 ,T,01 1SIW1 1G1R1A1D1Y 2PB,D,F1G ,0A2,0 S U III L I I i I i 2141010 i l I I I I 1 1 1 2141010, 1 i2i410 ,0_ 27• Drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, illumina- HIJL Developer tion, signal, channelization, bike route, landscaping, M 0 FAI-405 Bridge; 44' roadway S,UIN,SIE,T, IB,L,V1D1 IB,R1OINISIO,N, 17, 01 _1I141O,5 2MB1D4F1G ,04510 M U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1_ J 181410 L 81410 I i i8i4t0 28. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutters, signal, H I J 20% illumination, channelization, widen to 68 feet LID VALLEY PKWY S W 4 1 S T TO S W 1 6 T 1 ,A B D F 1 7 0 M U 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, GHIJ Developer ; illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 landscaping, bridge _ VIA,L,LLE,Y1 4P,K,W1Y, ,S1W11161T,H, 1T101 1G,R,A,D1Y 1 A1BID,F ,041,0 M U i i i ,_1 1 1 III 5101010 I I I I I I I I 1 510,0,0 „5,0,010 30. Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, GHIJ 20% illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 LID landscaping, bridge, 66' roadway L,K, ,W1A1S,H1 1B1L,ViDt 1N1 1PK 1 TO CITY IL 2e//BD,F,G , 3+0,3 SU I , i III 1 1 I 4181010 11 I lit 1 1 4181010 1 i4 ,8 ,010 31. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalks, gutter, illumin- H J 25% ation, channelization LID SIWI 12171T1H1 1VIA,LIL1 ,P1iW1Y1 1TtOt . 1W1 IVIAILILA. IWD.IE,- 10 $51 . U -_..1. i i 1 i i I t 2151010 [ II 1 1 1 i i I 21510J0 1 121510 ,0 32. Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalks, GHIJ H I J Developer illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 landscaping, 44' roadway , Dt5TRIBUT1 ON I COPY 215TRICT 5TATE AID ENG►NEER )0T 140_049 I COPY C.R.A.B.(COUNTIES Ob1LY) . IskI1_Z 51X YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1982 TO 19 87 Page 5 of 6 — OBLIGATION PROGRAM — }tearing Pate EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date City/County ._Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols I-8 must Resolution Number City No. 0 o 0 0 s-.6 be an all cards punched from County No. ©E 7-8 this form. 2 k PROJECT CO5T5 IN THOUSAND5 OF DOLLARS • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION ., G OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE . o Title,Route,Road Log No., Section No., a Total ' Y _E A R a Work >wen th E ' FEDERAL _ TOTAL Location Termini7DeecBri ioe of Works ode (Miles) o .r- '� i at 2 rid. 3rd 4,5 U.A.B. LOCAL FUNDS U Beginning Milepost Bridge No, a 0 c 13 a (Annual Gth AMOUNT PROGRAM ,i' Cr V Element) - _2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ' 14 15 16. 17- 9 35 36 37 40 41 44 45 46 47 48 S1 52 ..- 55 56 59 GO 63 64 61 68 11 72 75 76 78 8o 86 S ,E, ,P,UIGIE,T, ID,R, ,J,01N,E,S, IT10, IEIDIMIOINID 2 R BIDIFIG ,017,8 S U 1 1 1 . 1 - 11 1 1 1 . 191610. I I I , 1 I I ♦ I i i • 19161001 1 1916101 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutter, illumina- H J tion, channelization, 44' roadway S ,U1N,S,EIT, ,B,L,V,D1 LI14,0,5, ,T,01 ,P,AIR`K, ,DSR 20B,D,F,G 10190 S U , I , , , , I I 1,8, 010 1 , I 1 I , I I 1 1, 8, 0, 0 , ,1 ,8 ,010 34. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutters, channel- H J ization and illumination BIEINISIOIN, IR,D1 IGIRIAIDIYI ,T,01 1SIEI , 311, S,T1 2MB,D1F,G ,118,0 S U lit Ili , 2,41010 i I I i i i 11 , 2, 4, 0,0 i ,2 ,410 ,0_ 35. Drainage, paving, gutters, curbs, sidewalks, illum- 10% ination, channelization (dependent on SR 515 LID Phase 2) . ,A T ,Y_LL,O,R, ,N,W1 ,R,EIN1T101N, 1T,0, 1S,T,E,V,EIN,S 2 'I BIDIF,G ,016,0 C U III ill171210 1 , I I I I , 1 1 171240 „ 171210 36. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, H J 25% illumination, channelization LID NE 12TH . L Y NNW O O D TO UNION 2 4' B D F G 0 6 0 C U 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, ilium- H .3 50% ination, channelization LID ,U,N,I,O,N, IA,V, , N,E, ,SIUIN,SIE,T, LTIO, IN,E,2,4.1T 2 1B1DIF,G 104710 S U 1-._I _y1 1 1 11 _1 161010 , , I I 1 I , 1 I 16, 0, 0 , 1 ,6,0,0 38. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, channel- H 50%LID ization �/ ED1 ,OM , ,NJ D, 5, AV 1 � IE1 IEIXIu ITENISIIIOINI I I I 1 1 1F'//, AB1D-IF 1 .1 1 U III III III III Iii III III III I1 I 1 1 39. Connection from NE 3rd to Maple Valley Highway. GHIL Alignment not determined at this time. K _(r�/ _ 4 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1-1--_1-1 I I I Y//i J_1-_1--.•-1-- 1-..-i_------I`---—..-1---L--1---.-- L 1 I IIIIli ill 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 l I I 1 I 0151 RtBUTION I COPY DISTRICT STATE All) ENGINCER pOT 140-049 I COPY C.R.A.B.(CoUHTIE5 014LY) •= SIA ,.z SIX YEAR TRAN5PORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 82 TO 19 87 Page 6 of 6 — OBLIGATION PROGRAM — EXHIBIT "A" Hearing Date ADDENDUM #1 - STATE HIGHWAY PROJECTS Adoption Date . City/County Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols I-B must Resolution Number City No. 0 o © 0 3-6 be on all cards punched from County No. 00 7-8 this form. 2xPROJECT CO5T5 IN THOUSAND5 OF DOLLARS • �Y G OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE PROJECT IDENTIFICATION z Tit Ie,Route,Road LogNo., Section No. s Total `v Y _E A. R Location► Termini escrlion of Work `3 Work Length \ .i; FEDERAL _TOTAL 1' U Code ,� 15t - 2nd 3rd 4 5 V.A.B. LOCAL. FUNDS E Beginning Milepost 4 Bridge No. •�o (Miles) a (gnnual 6}h AMOUNT PROGRAM a-, u.. ci V Element) _ 1 _2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 •l0 11 12 I3 - 14 15 16. 17' -5 35 36 37 40,41 44 45 46 47 413 51 52 .. _ 55 SG . 59 60 6394 - 67 C8 71 72 75 76 79 80 d6 S ,R, 1511151 ISI IPIUIGIEtTI 1DIR1 ITIOI ISL ICIIITIY 1RFIGIHII ,11016 M U 11 1 o I • , 1 4, 1 1 1 . 1 I I , I l I • 1 I 1 ♦ I I I • I I I . 1 I 1 l State DOT Project - construct new roadway. ,7 City participation: sidewalk, curbs, signalization, _ Illumination, channelization �//� FIAIII ,4,0,5, ,N, 1CIIjTIYI 1'1'10, ISI 1CIIIT$ 1I 1 1 20 1 1 •1 16J4. 4 M U 1 1 1 I I I Ili 11 I I I I ill l 1 1 III I I I 1 1 State DOT Project - capacity improvements SIRI 1116191 101U1EIE1N1 ISIEI 1TIO1 1114191TIH1 ISIE lY// 1 I 1 114414 M U III III 111 III 111 111 III III Mit State Project - construct five lane roadway Iy��� S ,RI ,9, 0,01 IR,E1N,TIOINI 1T101 II,S1SIA, Q,UAA,H, , 2M 1 1 1 1, 1010 M U III - 1 1_ I III J L III ILL 1 1 1 1 1 State Project - widen to four lanes with five lanes at intersections S1R, 1511151 1S,71T1H1 IT,01 IA11IRIP,OIRIT1 IWIAIYI 1MB1D1F,G 104710 M U , 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 I 1 III 1j1 Ili I I I I I I I 1 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, HIJL signal, channelization, bridge, 56' roadway Y1/%�� I , I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 L I I I I I I '1 Y� I , l 1 - 14 I -! I 1 -i I I III III III Iii Ili "j 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I M I__ I I 1 4 L I L_...1 III III I I I 111 III III III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _LI 1Ll_ L I I W__1_ 1. -1_.4_..L_—_,_ ___1__..1_..x.__-1.. I I I I I I I I LII 1 1 1 III J 11 11111 Dt51RIBLITION I COPY PIaTRICT STATE AMP ENGINCER DOT 140-049 1 r.OPY r_e_A.e_(COUNTIES uMLY) • SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1982 - 1987 CITY PRIQRITY N ANNUAL ELEMENT PROJECTS 1 Grady Way Bridge Replacement 2 Renton Area Transportation Study 3 Miscellaneous Street Improvements 4 East Valley Road, SW 16th St. to SR 167 ramps 5 SW 27th St., East Valley Road to Valley Parkway SW 6 NE 4th St./NE 3rd St. from Union Ave. NE to Sunset Blvd. North 7 Wells Avenue Bridge Replacement 8 Williams Ave. North b North 3rd/North 4th Streets Intersection Improvements 9 Factory Ave. North b North 3rd St. Intersection Improvements 10 Logan Ave. South b South 2nd St. Intersection Improvements 11 Burnett Ave. S b S 2nd St_ Intersection Improvemtents 12 Sunset Blvd. North b North 3rd Intersection Improvements 13 Talbot Road South, South 16th St. to South 41st St. 14 SW 16th St., Lind Ave. SW to Monster Road SW , 15 South 7th St., Rainier Ave. South to Smithers Ave_ South 16 Controller Modernization 17 Computer Enhancement SECOND YEAR PROJECTS 18 SW Grady Way, Lind Ave. SW to Longacres Dr. SW 19 Monster Road SW - alternate access THIRD YEAR PROJECTS 20 Garden Ave. North, North 4th St. to North 8th St. 21 Monroe Ave. NE, NE'6th St. to NE 12th St. FOURTH - SIXTH YEAR PROJECTS 22 Valley Parkway SW, SW Grady Way to South 140th St. 23 North 1st St., Park Ave. North to Burnett Ave. North 24 Fbnzce Ave. NE, NE 2nd St. to NE 4th St. 25 NE 12th St., Edmonds Ave. NE to Kirkland Ave. NE 26 Lind Ave. SW, SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way 27 Sunset Blvd. North, Bronson Way North to FAI 405 28 Valley Parkway SW, SW 41st St. to SW 16th St. 29 Valley Parkway SW, SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way 30 Lake Wash. Blvd. North, North Park Drive to North City Limits 31 SW 27th St., Valley Parkway SW to west Valley Road 32 SE Puget Drive, Jones Place SE to Edmonds Ave. SE 33 Sunset Blvd. NE, FAI 405 to NE Park Drive 34 Benson Road South, South Grady Way to SE 31st St. 35 Taylor Ave. NW/Taylor Place Nw, Renton Ave. Ext. to Stevens Ave. NW 36 NE 12th St., Lynnwood Ave. NE to Union Ave. NE 37 Union Ave. NE, NE Sunset Blvd. to NE 24th St. 38 Edmonds Avenue Extension mmq � STATE HIGHWAY PROJECTS vmw=()� MAJOR (PRINCIPAL) ARTERIALS ==q_?M- SECONDARY (MINOR) ARTERIALS COLLECTOR ARTERIALS � i 1114.1K,,�111111 LOCAL ACCESS STREETS ;M j I ,� � . , "I`,� / , ',��'- -1 - ... A, , I - P , , , . ­ �_11 _, . 11 j/' __ ­­ I . �. ­1 'I - .1 I 111 I 4, __T 3. . . - ., - _-• -AV - { T - 1 , ,.it J r I - , a . 1 4 . 1 �T.��t,, 777111 1 . - -. r r r- j a i �. - F-'`.l..l' _u .tF" sue' •y - --_ _�'+l__�.= �.. - r d vxt^ "e : - — � _ ,Y , r � It A t , " , __ � - - „ ,. �' �t ,r � _// - ' - ,. .. . 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F t y 4 - 1, , <,- - �yy,`�' } tM i .,. .,..., !i _ _ .. r - _ _ _ . , i,, . ..'. a r 1 Y Y `.3 / __ :,CATTLE v t -j ik_ \\ \ : 71� j} R •�. ., - i- ... _ _____-__-_,_ _— .f � .may met C U , ���._;F. _ _ 1 _ . �u y 4 a i .. . 11 .,� , . , 1 q _ _ A. .t as u 6 { _ r ;.11'. - . .. ..} i a , N _• pp rr �+ f � >;.� .t 'i-4. , : , ,,.„ 1 ' • ".,,.;� "... A G , G I r - :; "_ y f 1. ir1T: t- , ' _ „-; as , rr 2 g C Q :'{ }t • ` -r= u -� r �� '� _ : ` g. { ­11s: m.,, r ... ,2 -d4 x x'.', ,..t y j 9 ,.. I-;. :a `1 ` '.J'r L -'� r -- t. �... . _ - _ - . - --... a ;� �. �� �11 ,�.. a,vf,�= as t: s f - r :a t ' -, w w' 11- .... . . _ , , , , ,# 1, . 1 , „co.. ... a. - T _E ;' . --. Y., is `��'�, ,:,. :. ,. ... c:-.-, ,u� .. .,. :.1q: l._ _._.r.a, �, - , -,l.d ' ,� .-.-1j, `. ( a ,.,,.r.--- _ :. t.....j 1 t . 1` .' , >,.c_, -,,,. �{.•.... i r r * ._.. ..t`r11' _ y- .. .;,,}.-1 I ,�; -.:.. i:`. a„, .-r i lb'n 1 n: _ '±. ih'♦-.•- I. -+ ` : : }" . ?. 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' _... .-_ _ _ - y H a �I - i sn�tm r - r�� IIv, e,, _ G �,. n 4_ ,. f � Wiat , fig" --• r'; r' *. ` yy T-- n fi 3 '.- :t .{ ♦ �Y Sri : �t 'i. x_ ^� p. - 1. �•4 yy� \ 11 . I - � 1 !r.� �\ ��� �, . 1� n C ♦ J11i:i6\,�.,. 7 I is - „ HL � L �'„ � I � � �_ .. - -ate . . a 7 y ,� k ` k j / ` - - 1 17, V. ;{ �/:•. !• *- I..- _ 1, `+,:i _ _� _ _ , 15 ' - z�' �'��� �.. __ f Fp! ., _ r :.r 16 �'. n M D 1 5 P O 5 A L _ * -. - �� �� S �� I K ...' �t. 6 �T t t� �•. y as �N` / � 2 r � "9 y 4 4' m i - _.� , ': T - - - .: _. , i. K� ^ . ' ', a _.. ,� ` I`i �I jy d ... ` Mt. •.)i ,' f - r � I -AK , of l'f IfT»�/ . .. I 1, . , 4 l p r % ' .. , - . .� .,. . , , r ,.. ,•-i.. ' 1 1 \f-- t! 7- � -s�'_ 11 .� t 47- '1!`-�.�p-'�._' =-- _? �� `I'.� f. Y A. i' a`. .INV ` F ) 1. ' - Q � , _- _...._ __ _ _ _ , r r _ r Q? Q, _ .•- , : Y ' k1,4741 _ 1 .-r_ 1 w ., ::. Cr- ' Ar • r# _w �1,11 4 e F ' ' .. t ..- .- & I. �+f - i _- - - _ 1TT- a - ),- , z ,� "" - w �r ` , '. � -- 1 . p K° - �', t@ c ._ r -+Y-.. _a, w,._...., : , '� .; ^; F _ _ J,I; - Kn o --J \ \ , , , , � ` _ m6 31 4m-= a' m m Ni i� �M a r" — M - - - ;- �a :- t = a; -1 r \, <t ",p- - -K A f _ is C\t' C i"+',..: � r , �. , 1 F , _, _. _ _._ r__ r ; (C 1 I . 4 . y l y - _. , . t 't, tl --i -_j _ � :+ ,T Y _ 44,,�Ti�.. 1 - --i t� -- r t , 3, Jt ' Y Yy - » r n It!, r ____.�.T . , .. .. .. ... ..ia __ -. _ - - _._ - ' L - _ ._ _ ._ - - �. _ - _1-- z N -.. _ - . / - _ i J' . - , .. #_ i — /�/ I_ i !� .. . . --j - I -- r .. .. , „ 1 fir•, _ ,_�r_ � � �� -. �,,- Y -- j _ -- - -- --- "1� —'- ' ✓ " !y+ itII _` t B ► 1*� ri i i /; '; - i , r - 1 t L - -_ ' 4 `I i r i � I M- ., + - __ jI 1, . t f k. ♦ , e 11 . ,,, IT. 1981 SIX YEAR STREET PROGRAM O _1 _N7 �( \` C_j d0 ♦ bA .i ? o t V, MA P OF C/ T Y o f REN 7'O N WASHING TON SCALE 111= 16001 EXHIBIT V 14 i 1 I ' t r j MAJOR ARTERIALS. 1. Airport May free Rainier Ave. South to Logan Ave. South 1 2. Dronfon May Sth/Rronson May North fro. Mafn Ava. South to Sunset RIYd. North 1. Logan Aveou. South/Logan AVa. North from Airport Way to North 6th ;tra<t i 3s. Logan Ave. South/Smithsrf Ave. South from Airport Rey to South Grady Way I 1. Main Arm. South from South Grady Way to Dronfon Way South i 5. Maple Valley Highway frost sweet Dlvd, North to East City Limits {. North Srd Street from Logan Aw. North to Surest Blvd. North Q• , 7. North Srd Ploco /North Ith Street from Housor May North to Logan Ave. North - D. ME Srd Street/NE Ith Street from Sunset Dlyd. IMrth to Eut City Limits il. , R. Park Are. North from Broa•w ro. North to North P.rk Driw ""rO"r" M A J 0 R ARTERIAL 10. North Park Drtve/NE Park Drive frost Park Ave. North to Edmonds Ave. PIP (r , It. NE Sunset Blvd. from Edmonds Ave. HE to East City Limits 12. Relater Ave. North/Rainier Ave. South from North City Limits to South Grady May 13. Renton AVa. Extension few Rainier Are, South to Mast City 1A.trs 14. South 2nd Street from Metre Are. South to R.lalar Aw. South ,� 1 `--� ' �•[} "�' SECONDARY ARTERIAL IS. South Srd Street tram Reinter Are. South to Meta AV*. South , :, 16. BM S_,et Blvd. from West City Limits to Rainier Ave. South Stnfgt {I". North from Bronson May North to FAT 405 I �� • t r It. Houser Way S-th/Mousse May North from Ma 1n Avs. South to Drtmsom Way North - • t 1{. South Grady W y from R•In lee Ave. South to Is Ave. South err rrt■ f yC ` COLLECTOR ARTERIAL 20, West Valley Road fro. SW ISrd Street to North City L1e1N 6 f 7l. SW Ilyd Street/South 13rd Street few Mest Yalley Road to Talbot Prod ' 22. Talbot Road South from South Grady Nay to S-th Puget Drive r - '-`� ._>a',,„•s.� 23. SR SIS (proposed rolucetiw) from South "at Driw to South City limit• <+ I[ •, 24. Valley Parkway SW from SW Itrd Street to Sunni HIg Y- om ` + t •' 2S. North 6th 9t...t frLogan AV.. North to Park Are. North r �• S!f(INDART ARTERIALS 26. Denfom Road South from South Grady Way to South City Limits 27. Ltnd Ave. SW frost SW 7th Street to SW ISrd Street {' 2D. SM Grady Nsy from Rainl rr Ave. South to West City Limits 20. South Pulse Drive/Puget Drive SF. fro" Tallvt Road South to P.dm ds Ave. SP 40 30. Ednands Are. SE from Puget Drive 5P to South C1ty I.lmtts �' 7I. South Ith ►lace/South 1th Street from Rel nler Aw. South to Mala AV.. South �f d 33. 3-tttxk Aw. South from South 1th Street to South C•rody WY r'J 1 I 33. South 7th Stroet/SW 7th Street from Burnett Aw. South to Valley Parkray SW �� M •� r 31. Mlil Ave. South from Loeser MRY South to Bronson Way South 75. South 2nd Street from Mill Ave. South to Main Ara. South 36. Wells Ave. South/Mal la Avs• North from South Grady Way to South 6th Street- 37, Williams Ave. North/Wtlllama Ave. South from North 6th Street to South Crady WRY , • - 3B. North 6th St rest from Pa rk Aa. North to Go", den Ave. 39. C,erden Aw. North from Bronson Nay North to North Park Drive 10. Morth gth Sires[ from Perk Aw. North to Gmrden Aw. North (Harth Leg) 11. Sunni Dl vd. NE (ram FAT •OS to NE Park Drive II. Union Avg. NE from South City Limits to North City Limits r °W� 43. Edmonds Ave. NE from HE Surat. Blvd. to NE 27th Street / ■ u \_4. 11. NE 30th Street/Kenner Eck Place NE/NE 27th St toot from FAT IOS to Fdwonds Ave. NF IS. North 30th Street from III Aw. North to FAT /05 �,. ■ ) 1 - 46. Lake Washington Rlvd, N/NE from North Park Drive to North City Limits ■ ' 47. SM 17tfi Str<et from West V•Iley Rood to Ent Valley Road , .. '-, ■ + , , IB. Uuvell Ars, NF fete NortA City Limits to South city Llef is /. ,. ■ = -'� If. Park Are. North/North /0th Street from North 30th Street to lake ff shingt.m Slvd. North f ■ `•" ^^^ 9 ' •• Y i [4` - , 50. Burnett Ave. North from lake thsh. D1vd. N (S. Ten.) t� lake NRsh. Nl vd. N (N. Term.) j ■ - '• e. Sl. Aberdeen Ave. HE from Sunset Dird. NE to NE 27th Street - t ■ f: .tea - .. 52. WE 16th Street lro. Jones Aw. WE to Edmonds Aw. LIE % _ f• - - _ r .\ i , -" - 53. NE 12th Street free Edmonds Ave, WE to Union Aw. N! - " � 71' ■ •r ' SI. Monroe Ay9. NE few ME NE 2nd Street to HE 12th Street /�,� [t j` . ,� " - " , h»� ,• .. I SS. ME loth Street from HE Suneet gIvd. to Monroe Ara, NE S6. He 7th Street from NE Sunset Blvd. to No, roe Ara. WE { , •• u "• _ S7. Ddmnndo Av. frost WE. Sunset Blvd. to NE Ith Street ! f: a •"'" • It. imj 5D. Bron son May HE Ith Street from NE Srd Street to Jefferson Ave. N! _ • ,( 5t. Taylor Aw. NM/Tay for Place NW from Renton Ave. Extension to West City Llm1n // ' ■ �'� ■ y, } _, 60. **ad*" Arg. Morth from Bronson Nay North to North Ith Street ■ 1' 1! 61. F. tort Ars. Worth from Bronson May North to North Ith Street t, _ ■ m ! ` - ° ` _ - -- •.+ 62. SO Langston Ra•d from SW Sunset Blvd. to West City Limits fart .., ,•, j , < 61. South led Pla<g from 0.•In lee Aw , South to Shmttuek Ave. South \,` a , e' i i .• _ 61. SMttucl Ave. South from South Ind Street to South 1th St»et�1�f 65. Mhltwrth Are. South from South 2nd Street to South Ith St re <t \ ••,y -+ » ` •. .sou .- - b{. Morris Ars. South fro. South 2nd Street to Sough Ith Street : •• a'•l' 67. Durnstt Ara. South from South 2nd Street to South 7th Street *� Rr! •d >� _ r _ y • ' p 6D. Momanr Road SW from So.11 110th Str<et to SM 16th Street ` R _ h u'+• •� '•"' s• 7 �•:�' •` 6t. SW 16th St rest from East Valley Road to Mon:tor Road SN 70. 1•st V.11 eY Romd from SW 16th Street to SW Srd Street r .- • I ., ��-� y 1 , 71. Talbot Road South from South 16th Strwt to South Clty Liw1t, „• . 72. SW slat Street fro. East Vel1g Road to VaI laY P•rkraY Sit - /1 -1 - - 73. SW 31th Street fra Feat Val ley Read to Val lee PR rk rsr i■ 1Y ' ... .__._.� .. ....► ... ,..+ _ r _ _.i.,,., _.,w... _ .. . _ _._t . t Y" ■ �r _ N. c Bf a gay : \ ._ ..r I :a.-. , t- ■ f 1 r our. . c 1 . i rh L IPA ' _ _.... �__.'r M•• . +t„"'T5 r ilt.� ... - � _. i � I" { .• .. .a � ■ f _ r..... _ .l � rq� � r. •` � . ■ ^• - - _, � • �/ 1.s11 S1'•�1l +' J'•\` A 1 �r (i 12 �r �• 1, f• Y. - Ii A?.� rt ,1, i J • '� �'�\ \\'� / _ 1.1 i R t*1 j� '•1u�..� - .. , ,�{ d•11 �lawt1� + .k ) T'; l , i !, r t � 'w. \ .� :-.-•� +.. j i Ntt+r1� +�'^ -�Ai . ,W. i._ � f ,.. i -�/�� ■ .��, � 1 .A WIN! W \\\ yw *NR`-•h•Q'23 •4?:" .�� ', ;1& 2�41•' 41� ,,, , i` •' 1 or, ',g' i , y 1..ar f ♦ a t ■ - - 1 ..1^.. •. r IT a h ,` C ,�ca , ■.i L__ _ 0 •,M• , - , _,„ i •.,an „ y ,1. r; 'A ,t , !) M r `r �+ a ;� a - „ ■ .A { �q N f \ t �,A� .. ■ k• "--'--- out ,. rest ai W iN Jos Wis all .� ,3 of _ _. a► ... - a. r . T' ' ar -.. 1 _, : '.r a' 1 `'l I •.}aN , ,.,,,.'•�11 f N •' 1 �. .I a' :,• «.+• r - FF it» ,. ' P'• .. .,t„ , t f `. __l � , �\ "'+_.,'"'•,r �1, �" } • < ' .. _ < r y -J , U!• , 1 ir• - i :.- H MA n �, •• .l I : ��`i �r rt�� ■-�,., R t' 54 we at .. � •, { - ' �, i a :r. '� ••ram; ii y - .r lY �- �Ia t �I. A �' ,'�,x.. ��".r "fI !. � y' • f '♦_...� ., 4.-sa. ISFA''�•t- tom' , t y,; r �t - �••�. -•�: - � .a;�W.. ,�. _�� `*� ,+ �,v.•�i � :, .a r' _ + .. r ' ;� j° {-�;`F'„ rrrrr■r■irlr■ ��.atrrrrr�rl■t■mrtrtruutrrrt■ulrl , ... '• - �; •,'Yr` ,,; f: �� •aa 7 ia..'a,�._ _'(.�2 `, - y Y t' " �."`w' 1! `ot ■ f:F..r'. • ♦A't 4 . .�/ • - • ! (;- m as 7 ,' i '�� e1WE `%W 11 ■ , a`- T � ✓ I ., i`- r Is A, • .. .r «. .. � � r � ,. t le.S,._.*y..,�.. '1; �rtr �'■%� .,�.•.,r����� •� 1, �_ _ - r•to1-' t~ � n •. .�. e `v ` • .# T vum.+t ) er I r. •� < f` T fi A:,' L, F e� B �I 1 •� s ■ a 14 .A:---- •R..__.y�I:f =`'.ry9 ''.=, y` ° .ra41 (5 �.�� ,�1 :fit r. *„rs♦s.,d �. ♦. � , ` - .,J� � � 1 t� ,.� � i '. {INN 7 '� �t .•� � M { .. - ♦ �, , � . � � � t� 11ri�i'iircr!• � � i ,r i k a .''' i � � '+� �•�� i ,.. ...3et �•° • 1 • b' /A5 r �t ;-' V f ` ` •�•.: yam, :. ,, •• , .+ 1 T t r 7 ,., .�.�. �.- er...+'�...t..... J .. .. ti'a ;'/r r ,� Y t i I)"\I'll 1111ij A, To Nil ♦ Litt■ i■t>■ - a: ' �♦ ✓iI ,. 4 �•7• p/���r t y ■ Y �1 P� �� t"e r+ t ? n:i • r^ .'fir,... % ♦ , ^»;.. ' / . ,e _ ,►. V.� w:.jj �"Ito� -'1• - "ice' \ D 1 5 a 0 S �A' L •.' __ Hai ,1•ro,r,r w <+'' t I `1< \„�,v -- • • , ` ` .a _ _ I • � '-' A � � Aar � / j ; • rt•A Mom � , f •W ■ � 1 i r'•✓ '^ � •,r- �'\"•• * _ a ANSI < ` $${t t - _ #��■�t■■■■■t�■##t(b1JJ.esrr. l of NNN _ • to ( ♦ ■ ',u .l"t �• y 1 ' - �i1 t��' ..� �• ,. I, _♦, » i•.�, �" �f ''-IJi�� S. a+ t <°I .o, �;ti a� - ', .. _ •« t:-,-r.a ,.M1•.e. ,. .. - .. - _ ; �� .-r---, wl,_.. .. '4Y•��'ftV �i 1y�.t'If ` b' , t^� , • ' v' � � - - �i a IF, ii � k A Ali t;. art r , AMP ,dE�,. , o t !/'i t 1 ti 4 ;�•. , HiLN �\� ,t . E� WHt�Nt♦ •fl - . , •,.*t•P J. , G : ■ AI 1 •„se., '+ --'-. _ " - !.' -v .aF r ; y Dt r ,a �. 4 a. �� Zrr� ?}'• • EwEwT►tWv a �'., • " '� •fir Jyp SGlir�g4p Ill< '• ae1 t •R �� ROOM reel r .....4' 0.. --._"" _ .e! �j . _. elf. _._'.-._•__«.._..-._._._.__ ■ ; • wt yC...a;'i'B hT• .' -11 i `li-.S'�. t..__lfd'.. ■ t� �,� �: I r m >� ; • ARTERIAL ' ' ' M j l it'd >,s"f_ ✓ ,• j r1 I 't I r° , L :i: r STREETS , ;; 4 � 4- •,• -a :,r tiSY 1� • ) U -4 �: 1 � � i •fit. A bA 40 !iirr■■r■r■r■rrrrr■�7�rr� SCALE I" m Boo' ■ �,EXHIBITV rs �` or■■■■■ml@wrrirrr■■■NS k 1, f r v ■ _ * y j HEARING JULY 20 1981 ADOPTED JULY 27, 1981 '1'�1�lii■i*jii■l�t■ISFSitiiF�i■iiFiFr7a/rJs1-t■J■lit�mt <t'' � - RESOLUTION 2 41 0 I , e 1 ---------� red PCMAIM I sin RENTON .,AMMAN 0 MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 152 1"11 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 July 15, 1981 Mayor, City Council & City Clerk , -\0 Renton Municipal Building i- Renton, Washington 98055 ����OP, (51 cp- Re: Six-Year Street Comprehensive Plan .9 £Z �`�cz� To whom it may concern: I have before me a copy of the City' s Street Comprehensive Plan, and the Merchants ' Association has the following request to make. We would like to see the Council recommend that the general Renton Area Transportation Study be listed as the Number One priority for the City for the coming year. It seems to us that a general study of this type is mandatory prior to going ahead with many of the projects now listed on the proposed Comprehensive Plan. In other words, we believe the City can not rightly determine the true priorities of many of the other items now shown without the area study. We also feel that the downtown shopping :_area should be given some consideration in planning for traffic on streets and for road improvements . As you know, during some business hours , the traffic in downtown Renton is very burdensome, not only to, - . the traveling public but also to the businesses located there, ' Again, we respectfully urge you to place a high priority on the Renton Area Transportation Study.. Very truly yours , Toni Nelson, President RENTON 'MERCHANTS ' ASSOCIATION a � � NOTICE RENTONCITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON .lull Y 21], 1(181- AT 8: 00 P. M. RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH For the purpose of considering a proposed SIX--YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVE B1T PROGRAM 1982 - 1987 GENERAL LOCATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: CONSIDER THE CITY'S STREET AND ARTERIAL SYSTEM WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, CONNCERNING CONSTRUCTION 11AINTB'JANCE AiJD GBERAL IMPROVEIEVT • (Complete legal description &further information available in the City Clerk's Office - 235-2500, • ElThe removal,Wa ng mutilation, destruction or eonaealment of this notice is a zsirn 1 ® demeanor punishable byfinen imprisonment. CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. rniiniry nr your 1 bl is H Baring , L,,- -cfu l y 20, )98) Purpose of considerm A Proposed Six feQr a s ortation Im r�vemen± -Pro ram ) 982- 087 Tr n p P g LocQtion of -Post mop Done -cJu19 8 �t7"uly 9, .) 981 Q S. 2n�' St ? Burn etE Ave $. colas-Lon Rd. Earl h nyton Ave SW. S,3r1 P + Roil- )er Ave S. Qv 5, 7*� st . lf\ orrlS / ve5, e 5, 15 St. t shcgtt2ac)tAve.5. O S. 27* P1 ? TG lbo t' Rd, 5 . -NO' Dr S. 1o0±` W. of -Zlones Ave 5,E ® 5. gilt St . i- Morris Ave 5. e Houser wG(1 5. ¢ Main Ave S. 5,7.711 St_. f. Renton Ave 5, S.E. 6 - ,5 t. 7- Ma kwicorJ Ave' S E. N.E.. 5 _ PI ,t- -Je/71cr.s.ai7 ,9ve N.E, ,• fid m o nds Ave N. L f=ror� f- 07L h:%yds d / ; &1c • )N.E. 7 7 St. t Redmond Ave. N. E'. O N i. Witt $t et. Li mon Ave. N.E, • N r. )2*'- St Kir}Clond Ave Ni .L= • N.E, /6_0- St /9,d7erde /eive N.,E. N E. 21/7'. St - Er) im onds live N. E ® N. 37111 5t t furK Ave N. ®o N. 32r2C-15t. Barnett five N. C) N. 811 St. 3= fcarK ,9ve N • N. 5rh �St- lt/, 11 )Qms five N. © N,3 St. � i} Ave N . & S. Tobin St. 9- LuKe Ave 5. N.W. 411A St ¢ Tu , tor /9vP N.W. N. W, 31.1.1 St. p Raymond 4v'e NW CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 20th day of July , 19 81 , at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 1982-1987 Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON Maxine E...Motor, Deputy City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION July 10, 1981 TO: 9L:0 F,i_T9 i 'roc 1-+ir_ra<< re�s in DATE: !iu v .f 1, FROM: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE SUBJECT: 5:r\-ail tP i PAr,;Pr?TnTIM IMPFA VI-=4 Please furnish the following to the City Clerk's Office: Certification of Posting Legal Description Certification of Valid Petition Map Deed Pro Rata Share of Costs Easement Restrictive Covenants THANK YOU! Requested by: — „ 140TICE RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON .1111 Y 2(], 1981 AT 8: 00 P. M. RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBEF 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH For the purpose of considering a proposed SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1982 - 1987 GENERAL LOCATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: CONSIDER THE CITY'S STREET AND ARTERIAL SYSTEM WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, CONCERNING CONSTRUCTION M1AINTENANCE M) GENERAL IMPROVEI E1T (Complete legal description &further information available in the City Clerk's Office - 235-25 • oTrhecnmvmamouftitlhaitsntidsiamion Wa r n i n ® demeanor punishable by fine and imprisonment. ►j . For.Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING = =____ = SUBMITTING Public Works Dept./ Dept./Div./Bd./Comm.Traffic Engineering Division For Agenda Of July 6, 1981 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact Dick Houghton/Gary Norris (Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: City of Renton Six-Year Trans- Consent X portation Improvement Program 1982 - 1987 Public Hearing Correspondence Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc.)Attach New Business Study Session A. Six-Year Transportation Improvement Other Program 1982 - 1987 listing. B. 1981 Six-Year Street Program map. Approval : C. 1981 Arterial Streets map. Legal Dept. Yes No N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Request that Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A July 20, 1981 , be set as the date for the Other Clearance public hearing for review and adoption of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 1982 - 1987. Refer to Transportation Committee. FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $ N/A Amount $ - Appropriation- $ - Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary.) The Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 1982 - 1987 was reviewed by the Council Transportation Committee on June 22, 1981 . ���,�9 ,\%'1')' L 30 3/kD PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: qF,p�f,'n'® c' $ 7 / j CF l> SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting APRIL 5 , 1982 Municiapl Building Monday , 8 : 00 P .M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; ROBERT J. HUGHES, RANDALL COUNCIL .MEMBERS ROCKHILL, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS AND THOMAS W. TRIMM. MOVED BY REED, SECOND MATHEWS, ABSENT COUNCILMAN RICHARD M. STREDICKE BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Developrient Director; LT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department; ED HAYDUK, Housing and Community Development Coordinator. MINUTE APPROVAL Minutes of Council Meeting of 3/22/82: Councilman Reed requested inclusion of his comments re fee adjustments Page 2, last paragraph, Garbage Collection Contract Award: Councilman Reed suggested the amount of the rate reduction be held in contingency fund to absorb hike in King County dump fees and avert later customer rate increase. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, APPROVE THE MINUTES AS AMENDED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, Alley Vacation published and mailed, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing VAC 03-82 to consider the proposed vacation of an alley located between Petitioned by Burnett Ave. N and Park Ave. N; between N 32nd St. and N 33rd Ruby Davidson, Street as petitioned by Ruby Davidson, et al . Letter from Richard etalC. Houghton, Chairman of the Board of Public Works noted no objec- tions to the vacation as the alley is not necessary to the City' s traffic circulation and contains no utilities on the site and no easements will be required. The letter noted the Board applied their standard policy using double the Assessor's value and arrived at the cost of $4.50 per sq. ft. It was also noted similar alleys in the same area were vacated on a no-fee basis. Public Works Director Houghton pointed out the area on a wall map and explained no utilities placed in alley, that each property owner would acquire approximately 300 sq. ft. of property. Continued Persons present: Ruby Davidson, 916 N 32nd, circulated petition and requested no-fee vacation. Jim Shingali , 1019 N 33rd, favored no-fee vacation. Frank Davidson, 916 N 32nd, noted City inspectors advised no fee by City as three other alley vacations in area; and noted $10/year fee charged by Board of Public Works for use of alley. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND REED, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND CLYMER, ALLEY BE VACATED AT NO FEE TO THE ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS. Councilman Rockhill noted fees for other areas of town and was advised by Public Works Direc- tor Houghton of 1906 plat, no funds ever expended for alley improve- ment; noting some areas for proposed vacation have been improved with curbs, gutters, sidewalks, undergrounded utilities, etc. at great expense to City,. Proposed street vacation ordinance was discussed, being noted could not apply retroactively. ;MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND MATHEWS, REFER MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ORDINANCE. CARRIED. : • PUBLIC HEARING This beingthe date set and tK proper notices having .;been posted, Amendment to published and mailed, Mayor Shinpoch opened the pfublic hearing Six-Year Street to consider amendment of the Six-Year Street Program and Trans- Transportation portation Improvement Program, (1982-1987) . Amendents to be con- Program 1982-87 sidered: Add NE 2nd Street Extension Roadway Improvement, joint 50%/50% project with King County to provide access to new County Courthouse and new City Shops. Reduce Project #068, Talbot Road Renton City Council 4/5/82 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued Amendment to South Development. Public Works Director Houghton explained the Six-Year Street housekeeping nature of the amendment in order to expend gas tax Program 1982-87 funds for the improvement to include NE 2nd, 680 ft. roadway from Monroe Ave. NE to new shop site. There being no audience comment, it was MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND CLYMER, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Houghton further explained need for proper access to court and shop site. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND HUGHES, ACCEPT THE AMENDMENT AND REFER MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ACTION. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Robert Inkpen, 2106 Aberdeen Ave. SE„ called attention to agenda letter for Renton Romp. MOVED BY REED, SECOND ROCKHILL, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE TO ITEM 7.a. CARRIED. Renton Romp Letter from McKnight Middle School , 2600 NE 12th St. , Jerry House, Asst. Principal , requested formal approval by Council of an annual sponsored 5K/10K Fun Run, sponsored by the school 's PTA on 5/23/82 10:00 a.m. *The letter noted support by Athletic Supply Company and possibly by Coca-Cola Bottling Co. ; purpose: ,(1 ) Raise funds for McKnight Middle School activities and PTA; (2) Develop a major road race the community can be proud of. The Schools PTA assumes full responsibility to organize course layout, help monitor race and provide all-city clean-up as needed. The letter stated they willwork with Paul Lumbert of Traffic Engineering and Sgt. Ray Saudie of Police Department. The proposed course was noted. Mr. Inkpen advised brochures were being printed for signature of participants bearing a hold-the-City harmless clause. Council Member Mathews noted for the record she is a member of the McKnight Middle School PTA Board sponsoring the Renton Romp. Concern was expressed by City Attorney Warren re liability insurance. Police Officer Persson inquired concerning route via Perimeter Road at the airport, noting "no jogging" signs; also concerning overtime. Administrative Asst. Parness explained marker cone placement pro- posed; Airport Director has advised no conflict; overtime has been approved. MOVED BY REED, SECOND MATHEWS, REFER MATTER TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR HANDLING, PROVIDING INSURANCE PROBLEM IS WORKED OUT. CARRIED. Puget Drive SE Joe Thiel , 1506 S Puget Dr. , recalled prior discussions for Improvement changein method of assessment on LID #322 for private residence LID #322 vs multiple dwelling. Transportation Committee Chairman Trimm Assessment and City Attorney Warren advised the Council at public hearing sits as Board of Equalization after completion of LID; nothing can be changed until that time. Theil noted concern for $10,000 assessment against single family dwelling. Theil also objected that he was not notified when the improvement was to be started, that contractor removed $2,500 madrona and five evergreen trees from his property. Wolfgang Kiess, 1506 •S Puget Dr.., questioned removal of trees by contractor two weeks ago on Tuesday, noting phone call to Engineer Joe Armstrong; also Police called and photographs taken(Police advice) . Mayor Shinpoch noted the matter would be investigated. Mill Ave. S Sandy Webb, Golden View Apt. , 430 Mill Ave. S, noted filing a Staircase variance request 3/5/82 to construct staircase across the median between northbound and southbound traffic lanes at Golden View Apartments and to landscape public right- of-way, Mill Ave. S. Webb submitted letter claiming confusion as to which City organi- zation has the responsibility to act and requested the Mayor or Council President clarify in writing the reasons for denial explaining who has responsibility for the staircase construction request and public safety improvements for Mill Ave. S between S 4th and the turnaround at S 6th. The letter noted Webb is currently in process of appeal to Hearing Examiner. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND ROCKHILL, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE TRANS- PORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Trimm submitted committee report Committee noting reviewof appeal by Sanford Webb re parking on Mill Ave. S Mil—' 1 Ave. S referred 5/4/81 and recommended that the issues be separated. • . - tp:::„.t--- iP--rLA-4-'4--c Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Audrey..De Joi a being first duly sworn on • oath,deposes and says that she is the chief clerk of THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been - for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, - printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper CITY OF RENTON published four(4)times a week in Kent.King County,Washington,and it is NOTICE OF now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the j PUBO HEARING aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record I • BY RENTON Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior CITY COUNCIL Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, NOTICE IS HEREBY GI j VEN that the Renton City Notice of Public Council hasfixedthe5thday Washington.That the annexed is a �of April,1982,at 8:00 p.m.in ' Hearing l' the Council Chambers ofthe R7O2L Renton Municipal Building, - Renton,Washington,as the L I time and place fora public as it was published in regular issues(and hearing to consider the fol- not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period lowing: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE SIX YEAR TRANS- PORTATION IMPROVE- of 1 consecutive issues,commencing on the MENT PROGRAM Add NE 2nd Street Exten- sion Roadway Improve- 19th day of March 19 82 ,and ending the ment,joint 50%/50%. Project with King County to provide access to new County Courthouse and 9• Y of March ,19 82,both dates new City shops. Reduce inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub Project 068,Talbot Rd.S.. scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee Development. (Complete legal descrip- 18 000 tion & further information charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ , which available in-he-City Cler 's a has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the Office) first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent insertion. Any and all interested per- ' sons are invited to be pre- • sent to voice approval, dis- approval or opinions on same. (CITY OF RENTON Cba,e ClArlc Delores A. Mead, C.M.C. _ . i City Clerk 26th I Published in the Daily Re- Subscribed and:sworn to before me this day of 'cord Chronicle March' 19, 1982. R7024 Larch ,, 19 82 / — — , /� . `... 5,4i2,/ Notary •ublic in a" for the State of Washington, tei. es exraI�at King County. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.87 Rev.7-79 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Audrey...De of A being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that she is the chief clerk of THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, r printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper I CITY OF RENTON published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is NOTICE OF- now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the ; PUBLIC HEARING aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record ' . BY RENTON Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior CITY COUNCIL Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, , NOTICE IS HEREBY GI- VEN that the Renton.City ,,'Guice of Public : Council has fixed the 5th day Washington.That the annexed is a ' of April,1982,at 8:00 p.m.in Hearin , the Council Chambers of the Renton r► � '1 Renton,Washingtonn,luas�tnh time and place for a public hearing to consider the fol-• as it was published in regular issues(and ;lowing: not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period ',PROPOSED AMENDMENT . TO THE SIX YEAR TRANS- 'PORTATION IMPROVE- of ], MENT PROGRAM " consecutive issues,commencing on the Add ntNEi n2tn5d Stre5et eyoExten- sion Roadway Improve- 19th day of March192 ,and ending the Project with King County to � provide access to new lk County Courthouse and ...19thy of March ,19 82 both dates new City Shops. Reduce inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub— scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee Development.• ' (Complete legal descrip- Z 8®q0 tion & further-information, charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ , which available in the City Clerk's• has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the ,Office) - ' first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent —' insertion. i Any and all interested per- sons are invited to be pre- sent to voice approval, dis- approval •or opinions on f�CP l same. • e CITY OF•RENTON Chief Clerk Delores A. Mead, C.M.C. City Clerk Published in the Daily Re Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of ; cord Chronicle--March 19, 11982. R7024 ' March ' 19 82 :492:1 . Notary Public in If for the State of Washington, lydetdltagei: �ing County. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.87 Rev.7-79 �e - o RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING , ON APRIL. 5, 1982 AT 8:00 P.M. RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH For the purpose of considering a proposed AMENDMENTS TO THE SIX-YEAR STREET PROGRAM AND TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (1982-1987) • GENERAL LOCATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: AMENDMENTS TO BE CONSIDERED: ADD NE 2ND STREET EXTENSION ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT. JOINT 50%/50% PROJECT WITH KING COUNTY TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO NEW COUNTYYv COURTHOUSE AND NEW CITY SHOPS, REDUCE PROJECT 968, TALBOT RD. S. DEVELOPMENT, 'omplete legal description &further information available in the City Clerks Office - 235-2500. RECORD CHRONICLE 3/19/82 • The removal, mutilation, destruction Warnina_ or concealment of this notice is a rwfe_ demeanor punishable by fine and CERTIFICATION Public Hearin a April gri ? M. Amendment To The 51)(- 'JeQr Street Program '9nd ns o t improvement Pro rom 11182- )987 -r r'Q do p i a � zm C p 9 ) Location 0-F Postings Done March )6 ' 17.)982 0 W 11 ) amS Ave. S. 1 &I/VI- 6.a O Morr ) sAve. S. ' S. * St. Q Rainier Ave. S. ? 5. 3 M- e Ear) i ngton Ave. S.W..? S.W. Lan Stan Rd. ® -ray) or Ave. N.W. f N.W. zit- St. ® Burnett AYe 5. ' S. 2A-d- St. ® ParK five. N.t N. 1 -Lk St. 9 Pa r n Ave. N.?' N. 31'51 St. ® M4p1eWood Ave. S.E. ' S.E. 6th St. ©o Meadow Ave N. P Bronson way N. OO Pe 11 five. N. T N. 57-11 St. ® Pal-1.r Are 1J. f W. 8111 St. (13 N. 30th- 5+ icor ' E. oc FarW five N. ® Edmonc!s Ave. N.E. c N. E. 20- St . ® Bronson Way N.E. it WinclsorWgy N.E. © KtrKland Ave. N.E.. f N. E . 12 th st. a Union Ave. N.E. f N. E. ) 0t- St. U nior7 Ave. 1 J.E. ' N.E. /it St . . ® Monroe riveN.E. t N.E. O}*.. . St.. a Monroe five..N.E. g N. F. 25t1 CPrOposedJ Shattuc c Ave Sit S. 151 St. L NOTICE RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING . ON APRIL 5. 1982 AT 8:00 P.M. RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH For the purpose of considering a proposed AMENDMENTS TO THE SIX-YEAR STREET PROGRAM AND TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (1982-1987) GENERAL LOCATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: AMENDMENTS TO BE CONSIDERED: ADD NE 2ND STREET EXTENSION ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT. JOINT 50x/50% PROJECT WITH KING COUNTY TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO NEW COUNTY COURTHOUSE AND NEW CITY SHOPS. REDUCE PROJECT 068. TALBOT RD. S. C DEVELOPMENT. • ,mplete legal description &further information available in the City Clerk's Office - 235-2500) RECORD CHRONICLE 3/19/82 Tbo r oval, w�vvIIa Iow, do.wv Hoo W a r n n : d sowa or gad s fbls wodao Is a swop demeanor pvwislwbl• by fine awe! s(i�' i—("Y//,y1L moi' `/ — C��.rjLeai�2�-2✓ Renton City Council 4/12/82 Page 4 Ordinances and Resolutions - Continued First Readings The Ways and Means Committee recommended first reading of an Building Code ordinance providing for amendment to the Building Code relating Penalties to violations and penalties. Following reading, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Rezone The committee recommended first reading of an ordinance prividing Union Ave. NE for rezone from G to R-1 for Belterra Development Co. ; known as R 004-82. Following reading, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Rezone An ordinance was read providing for change in zoning classification from G to R-1 located at 2213 Duvall Ave. NE; known as Pederson R 105-81 . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. The Ways and Means Committee recommended first, second and final readings and adoption of the following ordinances: Ordinance #3619 An ordinance was read providing for issuance and sale of $1 ,825,000 Park Bonds General Obligation Park Bonds, 1982 as authorized by the voters at Special Election pursuant to Ordinance 3336, as amended, and repealing Ordinance No. 3613. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following second and final reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ::Councilman Stredicke inquired for the record re action by Legislature changing requirements on percentage of interest rates, being advised affirma- tively by Mayor Shinpoch, E3i11 Na. 4728. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED., Ordinance #3620 An ordinance was read providing for issuance and sale of Limited City Shop Bonds Tax General Obligation City Shop Bonds in amount of $2,300,000. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following final reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. Upon inquiry Acting Finance Director advised bid open- ing date of 5/3/82. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The committee recommended reading and adoption of the following resolutions: Resolution #2442 Amendment to A resolution was read amending the Six-Year Transportation Improve- Six-Year ment Program and the City's Arterial Street Plan as approved at Transportation public hearing to include access to new City Shop and County Court. Improvement MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE' RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2443 A resolution was read providing "Just Compensation" for Parcel Just Compensation A-1 of the Senior Housing and Pedestrian Corridor, establishing fair market value of the parced $35,450. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #2444 A resolution was read trap&ferring $1 ,000 concerning acquisition Fund Transfer of the Thomas property for Cedar River Trail . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND . MATHEWS, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Appointment The Ways and Means Committee recommended council concur in the Board of Ethics Mayor's appointment of Ray Peretti to the Board of Ethics; succeed- ing James Medzegian; four-year term effective to 12/31/85. Mr. Peretti .represents the Renton Chamber of Commerce. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF ETHICS. CARRIED. • Voucher Approval The committee recommended Council approval for payment of Vouchers No. 38963 through 39262 in the amount of $462,594.38 having received departmental certification. Also included: LID #314 Revenue Warrant R-14 in amount of $61 .88; LID #321 Revenue Warrant R-4 in amount of $19,079.92. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. (Machine Voids: #38952-38962. ) Renton City Council 4/12/82 Page 3 Correspondence Hunger Letter from Virginia L. Berney, 121 Monterey P1 . NE, reported a Task Force meeting of 31 concerned citizens under the auspices of Renton Ecumenical Association of Churches met to consider alleviating hunger at the lower end of the economic scale. Emergency meals were discussed by representatives of 10 Renton churches at the 3/30/82 meeting. Mayor Shinpoch was invited to attend a second meeting 4/15/82 at the First United Methodist Church. Mayor Shinpoch reported that due to priorr commitment she would not be able to attend and asked for Council Member interested in attending. OLD BUSINESS MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES REFER TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Fire Permits for, LETTERS REGARDING THE FIRE CODE, REV. JOHN SCHAEFFER, ST. LUKES Church Buildings ESPISCOPAL' .CHURCH. CARRIED. Marine Patrol Councilman Rockhill noted memo was received from Administrative Assistant Parness re King County Marine Patrol for Lake Washington and inquired re costs. Mayor Shinpoch called attention to Wednesday meeting and need for Council direction. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, SUBJECT MATTER OF MARINE PATROL BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Upon inquiry from Council , Policy Development Director Clemens noted the Planning Commission will be considering revisions to the Comprehensive Plan for downtown, noting post card notification. • Councilman Stredicke called attention to sign code violations by placement of real estate signs inpublic right-of-way on Mill Ave. and Redmond. Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews left the Council Chambers Committee and took no part in committee report submitted by committee members .. Vertrees Sewer Trimm and Clymer concerning request for investigation re sewer Within Northeast hookup on Union Ave. S. for Vertrees. The report recommended con- Moratorium Area currence with the Building Department that the lot is within. the sewer moratorium area, therefore, no sewer connection will be allowed. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY REED, SECOND HUGHES, SUSPEND RULES AND ALLOW MR. VERTREES TO SPEAK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. John C. Vertrees, 1117 SeaTac Office Center, 1800 Pacific Highway S. , expressed disappointment at the adoption of the committee report, being in disagreement and explained Engineering Dept. approval and installation of sewer stub by adjoin- ing property owner, Mr. Carter. Councilman Stredicke noted for the record that the Utilities Committee was to meet with Mr. Vertrees and verified Mr. Vertrees had been notified of meeting. The sewer moratorium was discussed; it was noted the 361 allowed units are either built or building permits issued. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted committee Committee report recommending first reading of an ordinance amending the First Reading Subdivision Ordinance and Building Code relating to offsite improve- Subdivision ments and providing for latecomer agreements. The report noted Building Code provision for latecomer agreements on paving was added to proposed Amendment ordinance placed on first reading 4/5/82 and was, therefore, resub- mitted for first reading. Following reading, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Senior Housing The committee recommended first readings for the following ordi- nances: An ordinance was read appropriating funds in the amount of $35,450 for Senior Housing Land Acquisition. Following reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Alley Vacation An ordinance was read providing for vacation of alley located be- tween Burnett Ave. N and Park Ave. N and between N 32nd and N 33rd Streets as petitioned by Davidson (YAC 03-82) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Renton City Council 3/8/82 Page 2 Consent Agenda - Continued Damages Claims A claim for Damages was filed by Hadi M. Fakharzadeh, 11226 Continued Auburn Ave. S, Seattle for flooding at 922 Renton Ave. S causing damage to basement (unappraised as yet) , alleging flooding of hill and alley water into home. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Claim for Damages was filed by Stanley H. Rabe, 17606 SE 144th, for damage to auto, alleging car hit hole in Monroe Ave. NE between 5th and 6th Streets NE on 2/15/82. Refer to City Attor- ney and Insurance Carrier. Amendment to Letter from Public Works Department/Traffic Engineering Division 6-Year Street requested amendment to the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Transportation Program (1982 - 1987) to add NE 2nd Street Extension roadway Program improvement and set public hearing. The letter explained joint Public Hearing project with King County to provide access to new County Court- 4/5/82 house and new City Shops; 50%/50% share; total project cost is $120,000. Following approval of amendment, a resolution authoriz- ing transfer of funds between projects within 1/2t gas tax fund, is requested. Council concur. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE 4/5/82. CARRIED. Bicycle Race Letter from Rainbow/Schwinn, Seattle, Bill Stevenson, requested permission to hold a United States Cycling Federation-sanctioned amateur bicycle race within Renton City Limits on 5/9/82 from 7:00 a.m. to noon, around block formed by SW 7th St. , Powell St. , SW 10th St. and Lind SW. Letter from Mike Parness, Executive, noted representatives from Longacres and Schwinn have met with City staff (Police Department, Traffic Engineering and the Mayor' s Office to accomplish efficient operation of proposed race. Refer to Community_ Services Committee for recommendation. Consent Agenda MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS Approved SHOWN. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented committee report Committee recommending acceptance of low bid of the Ford Construction Contract Award Company in the amount of $82,750.66 for sewer repair and pump Sewer Repair and station as recommended by the Public Works Department. The Pump Station report recommended Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contracts. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Apartment Owners The Utilities Committee report recommended no action be taken Request to Haul to amend City Ordinance No. 2393 to allow for private disposal Own Refuse of garbage as requested by apartment owners. The report noted not in the best interest of the City as a whole. Unsightly The report stated the Committee has responded to residents in Garbage Cans the vicinity of Stevens Ave. SW explaining City' s position of insufficient funds and time to monitor entire city., with sug- gestion they form a neighborhood group. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECOND STREDICKE, ADOPT THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Insurance MOVED BY REED, SECOND ROKCHILL, SUBJECT OF RETROACTIVE INSURANCE BE REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Councilman Stredicke called' attention to request of Insurance Broker to appear first on the committee' s agenda (3/11/82) . CARRIED. Cable TV Councilman Stredicke noted receipt of letter from City's TV Con- Reorganization sultant Lon Hurd, 3-H Management Director, recommending approval of Teleprompter request for reorganization as Group W. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, APPROVE TELEPROMPTER REQUEST AND REFER MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended reading and adoption of the following ordinances which were placed on first reading 3/1/82: RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 8 , 1982 Council Chambers Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro tem Earl Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; THOMAS W. TRIMM, NANCY L. COUNCIL MEMBERS MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, RANDALL ROCKHILL AND ROBERT HUGHES. CITY OFFICIALS DANIEL KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; MICHAEL PARNESS, Adminis- IN ATTENDANCE trative Assistant; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; LT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 25, 1982 AND MARCH 1 , 1982 COUNCIL MEETINGS. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Terrance McCarthy, President, Pacific Computer Leasing, Inc. , Appeal of 1425 Puget Drive SE, Suite 204, requested presentation of Condition Use Computer Leasing Appeal of Hearing Examiner' s decisioii, 1/26/82 re Permit CU-098-81 conditional use permit. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND HUGHES, SUS- Pacific Computer PEND RULES AND ADVANCE AGENDA TO COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Leasing, Inc. Planning and Development Committee report was presented by Com- mittee Chairman Rockhill regarding use of Benson Condominium Unit No. 204 (R-4 zone) as a professional office for computer leasing business. The Examiner recommended denial 1/26/82; appeal was filed 2/8/82. The committee found the vagueness of Conclusion No. 3 of Examiner' s recommendation was not sufficient to require modification or reversal of the Decision and that, when read together with Conclusion No.s 4 and 5, the proposed use did not qualify as a "professional office." The Committee report recom- mend Council affirm the decision of the Hearing Examiner. The report further recommended that the subject matter ,of the loca- tion of "professional offices" in the R-3 and R-4 zoning be referred to the Planning and Development Committee. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND REED, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE.- Terry McCarthy, Pacific Computer Leasing, explained the business was accepted by Benson Apartments Homeowners Association; that a City license had been issued (later revoked) ; claiming "profes- sional office" and in compliance with City' s Comprehensive Plan; and requested he be allowed to continue operation until subject is studied. George Akers, Attorney representing Pacific Computer leasing, asked time extention of nine months be allowed. for _the computer leasing firm to continue their present operation while the City investigates the subject. Councilman Hughes noted other building tenants are waiting determination by City on issuance of Conditional Use Permit in order to apply also and feared the establishing of precedent. *MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, THE SUBJECT MATTER OF LOCATION OF,PROFESSIONAL OFFICES IN R-3 AND R-4 ZONES BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted in one motion which follows the business matters included: Damages Claims Claim for Damages was filed by Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company, 1600 Bell Plaza, Seattle, in amount of $1 ,050 for damage to cable, alleging damage caused by City dozer operated by the City Street Department employee at 1672 Lake Youngs Way while excavating for sidewalks. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Claim for Damages was filed by David G. Richmond, 11546 85th S, Seattle, in amount of $20, value of pants torn in fall at Mother' s Park, alleging wet floor. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. f r 1 For.Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING SUBMITTING. Public Works Department Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. Traffic Engineering Division For Agenda Of March 8, 1982 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact Richard Houghton/Gary Norris (Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Amendment to Six-Year Transportation Consent Improvement Program (1982 - 1987) . Add NE Public Hearing Correspondence 2nd Street Extension Roadway Improvement. Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc.)Attach New Business Study Session A. Six-Year Transportation Program Other Amendment B. C. Approval : Legal Dept. Yes X No N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Schedule a public Finance Dept. Yes _--No, N/A_ hearing for Monday. March 29, 1982. Adopt Other Clearance CLIAP,„.2 required Resolution amending 6-Year Program. Adopt Resolution authorizing funding transfer within 102 (l/2t Gas Tax) Fund. FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $60,000 Amount $ -0- Appropriation- $60,000 Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary.) This is a joint project with King County to improve NE 2nd Street Extension providing access to new County Courthouse and new City Shops. - City and County will share cost of roadway improvements 50%/50%• (Total project cost is $120,000.) _ Following approval of 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program amendment, adopt a Resolution authorizing transfer of funds between projects within the 102 (l/2t Gas Tax) Fund as follows: ' Reduce project 068, Talbot Road South development, from $116,922 to $56,922. Add new project and appropriation amount: Project 013 - NE 2nd Street PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: Extension, $60,000. SUBMIT THIS COPY TO-CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. 1SIA1I_2. SIX YEAR TRAN5PORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 82 TO 1987 OBLIGATION PROGRAM - I-fearing pate AMENDMENT i Adoption Date City/County _Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols I-8 must Resolution Number City No. © o 0 0 3-.G be an all cards punched from County No. ©0 7-8 this -form. 2 R PR0J=EXT.COSTS 1N THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS a 1 • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION a� OBLIGATION -_SCHEDUI..fr .FUNDING SOURCE z Title,Route, Road Lo No., Section No. s � Total L =-.Y__E A R IOTA L Logo Work Length g FEDERAL Location/Termini,Description of Work, 03 Code +- 1st �4 Miles 0 .o L 2nd 3rd 4,5 U.A.B. LOCAL FUNDS U Beginning Milepost bridge 1 10. 0 0 ; a (Arrival ` 6th AMOUNT PROGRAM 2 u.. a V Element) _i _Z 3 - 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 10 - H 12 13 - 14 15 le 17 -9 _ 35 36 37 4041 44 45 45 47 48 5t 52_.'_._ 55 56 5960 63 64 " 67 68 11 72 75 76 1550 85 NIE1 12_LNID1 ISITIRIEIEITI IEIXITIEiNISIIIOLNI 1 1 1 4 M BIDIFIG ,04113 A U 11610. 1 1 1 • I I I • 1 1 1 h I l 1 0 1 1 1 . 1 1 t • 1 1610. t 1 116104 Storm drainage, A. C. paving, curb & gutter, sidewalk J S/S, street lighting, power ducts for future expan- sion. (Funding - City 50%/County 50%) 111111111 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I IIIIii III III III III III III Ill III 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I i t I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I I I /. I I I ILI III ILI I I I III III III ill III I I I I 1 1 1 _LI I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I J I I I I. 4 1 I j I LI I III III III III I 1 I I I I , I I _ L 1 1 1 I J 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I M I L I 1 4 t III I II I I I Ili III 111 III III 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I t , I i L I I L I 1 I I I I 1 i 1 1 l 1 .1 VA I 1 1 I A I I 1 J III I I I ,_ I 1 1 I 1 I III III I I I I I I I 1 III ! I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 l t 1 i I I I I 1 _ Y/!, I I I I i 1 I I I III III III III III III ILI 1 1 1 1 1 i11 J l I I I P, 1 I I _ I j I III 1 1 1 III 111 lit III ill III LIIII Ot5TRtBUTION ti r CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2410 WHEREAS the City of Renton has heretofore adopted a "Six- Year Transportation Improvement Program" pursuant to Chapter 7 , Extraordinary Session Laws of the State of Washington, and Chapter 195 of the 1961 Session Laws of the State of Washington, and as same has heretofore been amended from time to time , and such plan and programhaving heretofore been duly amended and modified from time to time as authorized by law, and WHEREAS the City Council , after recommendation of its Public Works Department, caused to be held a public hearing thereon on July 20, 1981 , and after notice to the public as provided by law, for the purpose of considering adoption, modification and amendments of said plan and program, and WHEREAS at such public hearing held on July 20, 1981 , due consideration was given to the proposed changes and amendments for the purpose of updating such plan and program, NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The City' s "Six-Year Transportation. Improvement Program" and the City ' s "Arterial Street Plan" are hereby further amended and modified, all as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibit "A" , same being incorporated herein as if fully set forth. SECTION II: The aforestated plan and program, as evidenced by said Exhibit shall be and constitute the City ' s "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City' s "Arterial Street Plan" and same to remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended and modified as provided by law. SECTION III : The Director of Public Works and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to file this Resolution together with the Exhibit with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington, and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 27th day of July , 1981 . a, 7 Delores A. Mead,City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 27th day of July , 1981 . lio-,J-"ara°‘-1/4• CL"-e;clivBarbara Shinnoch, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J . Wa en, City Attorney SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1982 - 1987 CITY PRIORITY # ANNUAL ELEMENT PROJECTS 1 Grady Way Bridge Replacement 2 Renton Area Transportation Study 3 Miscellaneous Street Improvements 4 East Valley Road, SW 16th St. to SR 167 ramps 5 SW 27th St. , East Valley Road to Valley Parkway SW 6 NE 4th St./NE 3rd St. from Union Ave. NE to Sunset Blvd. North 7 Wells Avenue Bridge Replacement 8 Williams Ave. North & North 3rd/North 4th Streets Intersection Improvements 9 Factory Ave. North & North 3rd St. Intersection Improvements 10 Logan Ave. South & South 2nd St. Intersection Improvements 11 Burnett Ave. S & S 2nd St. Intersection Improvements 12 Sunset Blvd. North & North 3rd Intersection Improvements 13 Talbot Road South, South 16th St. to South 41st St. 14 SW 16th St. , Lind Ave. SW to Monster Road SW 15 South 7th St. , Rainier Ave. South to Smithers Ave. South 16 Controller Modernization 17 Computer Enhancement SECOND YEAR PROJECTS 18 SW Grady Way, Lind Ave. SW to Longacres Dr. SW 19 Monster Road SW - alternate access THIRD YEAR PROJECTS 20 Garden Ave. North, North 4th St. to North 8th St. 21 Monroe Ave. NE, NE 6th St. to NE 12th St. FOURTH - SIXTH YEAR PROJECTS 22 Valley Parkway SW, SW Grady Way to South 140th St. 23 North 1st St. , Park Ave. North to Burnett Ave. North 24 Monroe Ave. NE, NE 2nd St. to NE 4th St. 25 NE 12th St., Edmonds Ave. NE to Kirkland Ave. NE 26 Lind Ave. SW, SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way 27 Sunset Blvd. North, Bronson Way North to FAI 405 28 Valley Parkway SW, SW 41st St. to SW 16th St. 29 Valley Parkway SW, SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way 30 Lake Wash. Blvd. North, North Park Drive to North City Limits 31 SW 27th St. , Valley Parkway SW to West Valley Road 32 SE Puget Drive, Jones Place SE to Edmonds Ave. SE 33 Sunset Blvd. NE, FAI 405 to NE Park Drive 34 Benson Road South, South Grady Way to SE 31st St. 35 Taylor Ave. NW/Taylor Place NW, Renton Ave. Ext. to Stevens Ave. NW 36 NE 12th St. , Lynnwood Ave. NE to Union Ave. NE 37 Union Ave. NE, NE Sunset Blvd. to NE 24th St. 38 Edmonds Avenue Extension • • t • ISIA1.1,:a. . • 81-X-YEAR. TRANSPORTATION . IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 82 1987. .T.O . .. • . Page 1 of 6 • - OBLIGATION PROGRAM — tiringate July 20 , 1981 ettP - Citg/Courrty ... • .Meypu.nching Motm Mol-e: Data entered in cots 1-8 ust EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date Resolution Number 27 . 1981 2410 - • _ City No. Fl o wi 0 3 .G.. - 'be an all cards punched from i , • pot:inty No. no 7-8 this -Form. . 2 -;,,• . PR-0-aeCT_'CO5T8'.1 N. -THOUSANDS-. OF 'DOLLARS . • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION .0 . ti ? OBLCGATION:ISCHEDULa . _FUNDING SOURCE %1. Tbial g t - . 2 . -Tit ie,Ratite, Road Log No., Section No., 2$_:,` Work — —•.Y _E A R . FEDERAL . . . :TOTAL E LocatiWiermini,Descrip-lion of Work, (3‘,5 •.Length •.P. \ .4 . _ . . 0 Code (miles) _I; .0 ,3, 1st -.. Z nd. 3 rd 415 _ . .U.A.13. .1.0_CAL,. FU ND 5 41 Beginning Milepost 4 Bridge No. -)4+' , - 0 0 / •C -1.• h 0166U-di •. - -, 4.G-1-11 AMOUNT PRO6RAM 'Element) • . .4 . " • -az . - :::87 4 .. , 5 6:7 8 .. .. S. .._=_'_..":10 . . 11: . 12 I„. . "13 ' --.7 14_. 15 16. i6 50. 17).' -9...__ . aim - 37 40 41 44 "4b 47 48 " •• Si 57-_-___T• 55 S6 ' — ' •59 60 63 64 .-61 68. ,..-li 72 75 76 . 35 GIRIAIDt7i IWLAIYI iBi Rill DI G, Ei •IRIEI PI Li AICM IEEIN 4k 4,5 AIBIDIH IOLli 0 MU x - 0.1145 i • i , 4 1 1 i 1 i 1 13l312 i iBiR. 'i i i I 1813 i 1. 01115., 1. Bridge Replacement (joint with Tukwila) - Plans, L Bridge Forward Specifications & Estimates Only ' Repl. Thrust , • 2 . RENTON AREA TRANSPORT STUDY8 -U U 3 0 6 0 3 0 • 1 2,0 • 1 2 0 __ • Develop a multimodal transportation plan for the City. . • . . 3MI II S I CI El L, Li A, NI ECO, Ul Si IS, T, RI Ei El Ti 1 II MI PI RI 0,v 4r/ D, , , , A , U 111110 1 1918 ,11110 121210 , I 1 I t I 1 i I 15, 3, 8 1 i• 151318 . Street Division Five-Year Plan (overlays) , . . . . . E„ V, A, L, L, Ei Y, S,W, .111 6, T1 H, , T1 0, , S, R1 , 1, 6, 7, . 2 BID! F1 G PKWY1ACU 41.01010 iii III III ILIlit 410, 0,0 „ 4, 0, 010 4 . Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalk, illumin- H J 100% ation, channelization, 44' roadway . LID S W 27TH E VALL TO VALL PKWY1 ABDF 0 6 8SU 1 5 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 5 0 0 Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutters,' sidewalk, G H I J 100% illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 LID . . ''• ; landscaping, bridge, 44' roadway 6 N E 4 TH 3 RD MONROE TO SUNSE•T 2 BDFG 045 MU 3 0 0 3O 0 3 0 0 . Drainage, resurface, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and H - • 100% widen' to 5 lanes (2-way left turn lane) . . • LID • : • 7 . wiElL,L,s, 1A1VIE, IBIRIIIDIGIE1 IRIE,P1LIAICIE;MIEIN 4./A,B,FIG 1040,4 S U X 10, 010 ,6 ,8,0 III ill 113140 1 , i I f 1 131316 1 1116, 810 Bridge Replacement H J L .Bridge Forward Repl. Thrust • • W ILLIAMS AVE N 3 RD N 4 T H I M P R 6 H,K,L, , 4 1 MU i il0- i0 i pi 1 1 1 III III III ill 110111 ,110 8 . Signal modifications, channelization and signing • , _ , . . • . .DiSTRI8u1ri ON • I COPY 0191121CT STATE AID .ENGItsIER • • DOT 140-049 1 COPY r..P.A.B.(COUNI1E5 MILY) 1 51 -2 :St-X._..VEAR. TRAt�SPORTAMON IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 82...x0 . 19 87. 'Page 2 of 6 - . • — OBLIGATION PROGRAM ` }-fearing pate July 20 , 1981 - EXHIBIT "A" Adopfion Date July 27, 1981 _ICit1y/.County .xeypu.nching:Note: Data entered in cols I-8 must Resolution Nurrtrllber 2410 ...City No. 0 0 in 0 3 .e. be on all cards punched from County No. .©EI 7-8 -Phis -form. x VR OI.Y.CT,CO5T5.'..1 N. T1-10U5AND5--OF 'DOL:'LA R5 =1 • 0 v _ . • PROJECT ' IDENTIFICATION •�Y � � OBLCGATON TSICH'EDULE _FUNDING 5OURCE o 'Title,Route, Road Log No. Section No., o To.-}aI d L 5 `o Work \ '� st- --Y.-.E_.__A. R FEDERAL . _ ._ TOTAL' I ocation Termini,Descrtpfion of Works 03. Code -Length +- .° ..t Beginn.Ing Milepost 4 Bridge No. . d o Niles) ,� :� ,.1._6:11.. Annual 2nd 3rd 6th OUN7` PROGRAM U.A.B. CAI' FUNDS i-•, 4 a 0 Element) • =i • . 1.-37 4 .. ... 5 6=7 8 .- -. 9 ._-:. AO .. .1I: ., 12 14-. 15. T5 76 Ifo. 79,�. 17 .--9 -.__ . 85 94�Y//��. 3'1 40,,41 44 45 46,47 48 " ' St 52___ 55 56 • 59 GO 63 64 - .' 67 Cd. ... .91 72es F,A,CIT,OIR,Y1 ,AI VIE, ►&I IN, 131111D, IIIMIPIRIO)VJE 6KH,KIII I 1 , SU 1 • I ;5o i '. , 1 • , I I . I 1 I , I i I • I I i . 'I ' I I • I t 15. 1 1. 1 ' 15- 9' Signal modifications, channelization and signing 10. L101G1A,NI 1AIVIE, , &I 1S1 12,N, DI 1IIMIP, RI01V,E1M,E 6V-H,K,II ,. _i, , M U 1 I 15 1 1 1 111 I I I. 1 1 1 Ail ILI_ I I_ ,5 1 , , I 15 Signal modifications, channelization and signing 11. BIU, RIN,E,T,T1 ,A, VI'E, , &, IS, 12,N,D1 III MI PI R,O,VIE 6UH,K1I, , l , _M U 11210 1 , I ill I I ' I I I I I I I , I I I 1210 I I I 1210_ Channelization modifications, possible signalization and signing . y�� S,UINISIE,T1 1BILIV,D1 IN, ,&1 ,N, , 3, R, D, , IjMIPiRIO 6�//AIB4D,F_ 1 .4 , M U Cl1010_ LIE III III Ill 1 1 1 _ 1 1 1_ 11 0, 0 1 , ,11010 12. H I Signal improvements, curbs,- gutters, sidewalks, channelization, paving and signing - • 13. T1A,LIBIOITI , R,D, ,S1 11,61T1H, 1T10, ISI 14,11SIT1 2r//B,D,F,G ,148, 0 C U_ ill III 161010 1 1 I III III Ill 161010 11 1610,0 Drainage', paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J 15% channelization (joint with King County) LID • • 14. S,W, ,1, 61T,H, , L, I,N,D, 1AIV1E1 1TIO, 1M, O,N,S,T,E',R 2Y//,B1D,F,G , 0�9, 0_C. 0 210, 0,0 1 , , , 1 , , 1 I , , I I I , , , I 210 ,0 ,0 , ,2 ,0010 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks,'illum- H J L 100% ination, channelization, bridge, 44' roadway . . . LID 15. S, , 7,T, H, 1R, AII, NIIIEIR1 IT,O, ISIMII,TIH,E,R,S, , 1 2 , A1B,D,F, , 045,0 S ,U I' 1210 . , I I III sig010, I I I I I i III 121210 I ,21210 . Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalk, ilium- I Developer ination, channelization, 44' roadway. Partial work • & LID from Rainier to Shattuck in 1982. . 16. 16. CIOIN,TIRIOILiLIEIR1 IM,O,D,EIR,NII, ZIA,T, IIOIN, , , 7 �/,,I, A I , 4. , U j 1410 1 1410 1 ,4,0 , 1810 III III , , 1 , 210, 0 1 , 12101.0 Purchase of traffic signal controllers to replace obsolete equipment. • • .015TRl Bu1I O1V I COPY DISTRICT STATE.AID ENGINEER . DOT 140-049 I COPY C.R.A,B.(Couti_T1E5 ONLY) 81_X "-YEAR_TRANI5PORTATI.ON. ' IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 82 TO . 19 8 7 Page 3 of 6 • -- OBLIGATION PROdRAMj-Fearing Date July 20 , 1981 . EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date • July 27, 1981 __City/.County • ...Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols I-8 must . Resolution Number 2410 _ City.NO. 1 0 7 0 5G. , be en alt cards punched from I • • County No.. : l 7 7-8 #his form. B x ' PR0-J=ECT_'C05TS•.1 N THOUSANDS OF'DOLLARS • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION p . — 12.°n 1 OBLIGATION _S'CH'EDULE • _FUNDING SOURCE 2 Title,Route, Road Log No., Section No., Lilt To.tal d a` • Y_._E___A� R • Location/Termini Descrtion of Work 0Work "Length 'o - - -- - FEDERAL . TOTAL P > �� Code Miles :.� , 1st 2nd' 3rd 4_,5 U.A.B. LOCAL.. FUND • Beginning Milepost bridge No. • a o z• c (Aiinudl - 6th AMOUNT PROGRAM . -1 2 Vi a' U Element) _ • ... --3 . ,4 . ... 5 6: 7 8 _. -.. 9 ..._ .. .: A0. . . 11. 12 15 -:•• 14.. 15 16. . 1 . . 35 34 37 40 •1 44 'S48 •7 413 .• ' 51 5Z._..1.._ .' 35 56 ' ' 59 60 '63 .4 "- -.-67 -. . . : 11 ' . . 75 76 7$90 a6 • 17. C,O,M,P`UITIE,R, IEIN,H,AIN,C,E,M,EIN,T, 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 . I, , I ' LI U i2.12 .O 1 . 1 I , ' 1 I 1 1 1 111813 FIAIUIS •I 13,7 1 I I 1 112, 2104 Add additional control capacity, replace obsolete equipment 18. S W ' GRADY LIND TO LONGACRES 2 //,B D F G 7 0 S U 1 5 0 0 • 1 5 0 0 1 5 0 0 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J L • 100% channelization, P-1 Bridge, 56' roadway LID M101NIS,T,E,R1 ,R,DI IAIL,TIE,RINIAIT,E, IA,CIC,E,SIS B,D,F1G 101212 I I 1 12 ,512 , I I I I I 111310 FIA,SIP , I 1 111212 1 1 , 215, 2 19. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, channelization H G.A,R,D,E,N, 1A,VIE1 INI ,4,TI H, IT,O, ,N, ,8,T,H1 , B1D1F1G 102,5 1 1 1 1310 ,0 , 1 1 1 1 I 1 L I iii 1 1 I 1310i0 1 1 13, 0, 0 20. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J75% channelization LID . MIO,NiRIO,EI ,A,V,E, ,N1E,61T1H1 1T10, INI EIl121TIHi B1D,F,G . 1043,8 III 11 , 1 ,51810 ill ill Ill III 11518,0 I 111518, 0 21. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J 25% channelization, 44' roadwayLID VALLEY PKWY GRADY TO 140TH' AABDF 1 0 0 5 5 0 0 5 5 0 0 5 5 0 0 22. Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutter, G H I J Develop- illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 1- dsca•in• brid.e 56' roadwa ■►f1•fl�-I11��-4�,I)� lef1 .�UII[i��:?Rr,ti71f�(>ralfulf��tf;�►+/�c D F 0 . 0�����MEM 3 1' 6 MA1111111,11•111111111111 3 1 6 3 1 6 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalk, channel H . ization MONR O E AV NE 2ND TO NE 4TH 1 1 B D F G 028U MOM6 0 0migillimiimmig 6 0 0 6 0 0 24. H J Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutters, illumin- ation, channelization, 44' roadway .015TRLBUT1 OtN I COPY DISTRICT STATE.AID ENGINEER DOT 140-049 , rrIPY n12_4.11..(couNTIE5 Ot•IlY) .-5 k 1.2. :5-X. .YEAR- TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 Z .TO . 19 8 7 page 4 of 6� . • — OBLIGATION PROGRAM — EXHIBIT "A" 1-Peaaring Date July 20 , 1981 - • Adoption Date July 27, 1981 " _1-City/County ..-Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols 1-8 must . Resolution.Nurr ber 2410 City_NO. © 0 vi 0 3-6.. be on all cards punched from CoUn#y NL,. 11E17-8 thisform. 2 k p R-6�7_ECT'CO5T5"-.1 N THOUSANDS-.OF 'DOLLARS _; a v., • • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION •qY 21 OBLiGATION:-.SCH'EDULE . .FUNDING SOURCE 2 Title,Route,Road Log No., Section No., o Work T°.tal d Y__E.... A F� 1„ocation Termini Deecri tion of Work, �3 Cen th g — - FEDERAL . _ TOTAL £ �y � P o Code +- : 1st 2nd• 3rd 4.. 5 U.A.B. LOCAL. FUNDS ;y Beginning Milepost bridge No. a o _Niles) ,c -; (Annual ►-1 ii a dement) - . G th AMOUNT PROGRAM .. . ll: .. 12 13 - 14.. 15 vs�6 16. �s eo as 17 .-9...-- . 35,36 37. 4041 44 4S'46,47 413 52 • 51 ____ : 55 52 ' ' 59 60 63 64 " 67 68. . : 11 12 25. N,E, L112111'11-11 AEIDIM,O,NI Di Si ,T, OI ,Ki Ii RIKILIAINID 2krB,D,FIG ,_01311 C U • I •i 1 - o 1 •• I i • 1 1 1 . 151814. i 1 1 . t i _I • '1 '1 1 . 151814. I '1• 151814 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalk, illumin- H J 50% ation, channelization LID L,I I NJ Di I ALV!E, 1 S,W, li 61 Tu H, HT1 01 1 SIM 1 GI RI Ai DIY 2 B,D,F 1G _1.0_4 21 0 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 , 2, 41 01 0 III III I , _1 2 14 10 10 1 12 14101 0 26. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, illumina- HIJL Developer tion, signal, channelization, bike route, landscaping, M 0 FAI-405 Bridge, 44' roadway 27. SIUINISIEIT, IBiLIVI`D1 IBLRIOINISIC)INI 1T10, II, 4,015 2MB1DIFIG , 015, 0 M U III 11 1 , I I 181410 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1814 ,0 I • I , 8,410 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutters, signal, H I J' 20% illumination,' channelization, widen to 68 feet LID • V,A, L,L, E,Y, , P,K, W,Y, , S1WI4, 1,SIT, , T, 0, , SiW, 116,T 10_A1BID,F , 11710 M_U , , 1 t I 1 1 , 1 1 6; 01010 I L L , I i . L I I I _6I0 ,OL0 1 ,6,0, 0, 0 28. Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, GHIJ Developer illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 landscaping, bridge 1 VIA, LI LIE, Y, 1PiK, W,Y, SIW11161T1H1 , T101 1GIRIAiDIY 1MAIB,D,G , 011, 0 M U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 5, 010, 0 III III I I t 510101 I 15101010 29• Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, Sidewalk, GHIJ 20% • illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 • LID • -- landscaping, bridge, 66' roadway ������ L,K. ,W, At S, H1 1B1LIVID, 1N1 IP,KI ,T1 OI ICII,T, Y, ',L 2M B1 DIFLG 134013,S U III 1 , I I , , 4, 81010 1 1 1 I I I • 1 I 1 4181010 , ,4, 8, 0, 0 30. Drainage, paving,-curbs, sidewalks, gutter, illumin- H J 25% ation, .channelization LID S,W1 12171T1H, IV, A,LIL1 1PIKIWIYI IT1QL 1W, ,VIAILIL l'AAjB,DIF 104513 .5 U. t 1 I _ 1 1 1 i I 1 215, 010 1 I I . I I i I I 1 2L51010 1 1215,010 . 31. Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalks, GHIJ . Developer . illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 landscaping,. 44' roadway .���' __' SIE, IPI UIGIElT, , D, RI 1J10,N�E,SL ,T101 1EtDIM, OINID 2r B,D,F,G , 04718 S U , 1 I I , 1 191610 11 1 I I I ill 1916_10 1 1 19, 610 • 32• Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutter, illumin- H J ation, channelization, 44' roadway .DIST RI Bu-r101`1 I COPY DISTRICT 5TA1 .AID Z 4GIPIEER DOT 140_049 I COPY C.R.A.B.(COMME5 DAILY) A :SIX—YEAR. TRAN15PORTAT ION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 82, TO 19 g 7 Page 5 of 6. , • • . . ' 5 14. — OBLIGATION PROGRAM — July 20 , 1981 Hearing IDate • EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date July 27 . 1981 Cifg/Courtty ; .._Keypu.nching Note: Data entered in Cots 1-8 Mu5f .. Resolution Number 2410 • . Cali No. no El 0 5,G, ' be on all cards punched from I • • -county No. me 7-8 this -Form. ' 2 sz IFYRO-JECT_CO5T5'.11q 'THOUSANDS- OF 'DOLLARS 0 r .... . . I ii 1 oBLiGATioN.-2.5cHEDu Le - _FUNDING SOURCE • PROJECT • IDENTIFICATION .0 . — Ja ; _Thia.1 g ii- 0 . 2 - 'Tit le,13„oute Road Log No., Section No., 9 Work length ..41. \ ., I ..,.4._ . :-.-Y--.„1.E.- A 1 - • FEDERAL . ' . ._. _7_01'AL Location/TerminilDeacription of Work, o Code .ovrti,o, _.0 15 im i.Bt I- . r.,,, ri Lk 3rd 4,15 _ . - U.A.B. -1.0.CAL. FUNDS . . Beginning Milepost 4. Bridge No. --)44- - a 0. '''''' ' ,c -1... 'h-OW-fir:Au:LI .-- y_ 41.GM AMOUNT' PROGRAM ..; • .z, ..., -CI 4.` cC 0 Element) - - " . . - - ..1 . i .-. I 7. 4 ...... 5 0:7 8 . -- 8, . ._,-. . 10 . . •.. It .. 12 I.. . • 13 . -_:-. 14.. 15 16. ie . Di 34..-. 87 -4041 444%46 4743 - ' ' 51' 57....:_:_..:- 55 Sa ' ' ss Go G3G4 - . -67 65. ..: 71. 12. . 75 76 ES 33. S,u,N,St Ei Ti 0311AV1th 1 II 41 0, 51 •ITi 0, , Pi AI Ri Ki IDIR 2R B, DIE.'G I 04 9, 0 S U .- i .,_. 1 4 ., , , _,,, „ i .118,010, I I I I . t 1 1 6:1 t i .1181010, 1 1118' 010. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutters, channel- H J ization and illumination • , . • • . 34B1E, N, SI 0, N, , R, D, , G, RI_Ai Di Yi III, 01 1 Si Et 1 31,1, SL'It ,.._2M-Bi Di F, G, L 14,81 0.S. U , Lti _I ii _ Lt 1 .2141010 1 11 , :iii I L i . 244 L0_,0 1 , 2, 4, 01 0 . - Drainage, paving, gutters, curbs, sidewalks, ilium- 10% ination, channelization (dependent on SR 515 Phase 2) LID Ti A, Y, L, 0, RI 1 N, W1 CR, E, N, T, 0, Ni , T1 0, , s, T, E1 VI E, N, S 2 B, D, F, G , Oi 6, 0 C U 1 1 1 i 1 I i I .1 i7 12 10 , I I I III III 171210 1 • i 171 210 35. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, illum- H J . 25% ination, channelization • LID . ' N,E, j 1, 2, T, Hi ILIY ,NINIWIOIOID, ,T ,01 ,Ufli III°IN 1 , 2 VAB ID_IF,G, 1 04_61 0 C U . L _I J_ _ L 1 t i i _I 1 ,OOO 1 1 1 I i _L _ , I 1_ _11_01.0L0 I 1 li 01 01 0 36. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, ilium- H J 50% ination, channelization . LID U1 N, Ii0,N, A,\T, INIE, ,S,U,N1SIEIT, IT,0, INIE, 2,41T 2 KB,D,F,G 1047, 0S U , , 1 , I 1 , I I 16 ,010 1 i 1 I I , 1 I 1 161010 1 1 16101 0 • 37. H . Drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk; channel- - 50% : • ization • LID . • ' . EID,M,O,NIDIS4 ,AIVIE , IEIXITIEINISII,OINJILIII1WAIEIDIF141 , U ii ] iii [ 11111 1 , 1 III III All ' Ill ' 38. GHIL Connection from NE 3rd to Maple Valley Highway. Alignment not determined at this time. K . . 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 I II 1 1 1 1 I i 1 II I 1 1 1 1 i lit iii „ I I 1 III ILI II .I III Ili _ LII ILI IiIII • . • IIIIIIIII IIIIILIIIILilli IL_ Kill 14 I Ili III III III lil III III III JIIII ' . . . • . , .. , : . , . . 01511RIBUT1014 1 COPY PI-STRICT STATS.MD ENOtt•MER • 'DOT 140-049 1 COPY CR.A.B..(CoUtrr I E5 MILY) Anil. 11:414A -X__ YEAR. TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM• 19 82 .TO . 19 87 Page 6 of 6 — OBLIGATION PROGRAM — EXHIBIT "A" Rearing Date July 20 , 1981 • ADDENDUM '#1 - STATE HIGHWAY PROJECTS Adoption Date July 27, 1981 _:•City/Courrty - ._Xeypu.nchingiNo+'e: Data en+ered in cols I-8 must . Resolut ion Nunn ber 2410 • _.C.ity.No. ' 0o 00 3=6-. bean all cards punched from i • .- County ND. .1110 7-8 phis form. • 0 x PRD-p J_ECT:COTS.'1 N. THOU5AND5 .OF 'DOLL:>A R5 o v • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION .0 -CI 1 OBLCGAT1ON:_':SCH'EDULE • _FUNDING SOURCE 0 "t it Ie,Route,Road Log No., Section No., o Work Total g a - __Y___E A; FR 3 teen th ' FEDERAL. . 'LaTAI. Location/Termini,Deecripiion of Works o Code 9 +- . 1st = 2nd 3rd 4.. 5 U.A.B. 1„OCAI, FUNDS 1 Beginning Milepost 4 Bridge No. -n o (M`les) z ; t (Arirluai .6th ;4IvIpUNT PROGRAM i� y? a 0 Element) .a • -. .__:3;- 4 .. ... 5 6:7 8 -.V.. 8 . ._-' . 10 .. . . 11. . 12 13 . __... 14.. 15 . i6. . I7" . 9-..__ . 35 96�����.7. 40 41 44 45-48 4146 '. s 54_1._ :- 55 SO ' 59 60 63'04 - 61 Ca. -...'91 72 75 76 79 AD 85 SIR, 1511151 IS'I tPtUIGIEITI ,D.IRI ITIOI !Si 1CIIITIY ll%/FIGIHII 11016,M U 1 •1 .1 _, t • , 1 . 1 1 lot t I . I l I • I I _I . 'L 1 1 • l t I •. I l• L I •I i State DOT Project - construct new roadway. J City participation: sidewalk, curbs, signalization, illumination, channelization . FIAIII 1410151 [NI ICIILTIYI 1T,01 IS, iCI IITI,YI 1 ] AW I I I 161414 M U _ I I I ill ill ill I I 1 'I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1_ I 1 1 1 1 1 State DOT Project - capacity improvements SIR, 1116191 101UIEIEINI 1SIE1 IT101 111419,TIHI ISLE i 1 1 1 ,11414 M u I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I 1 State Project - construct five lane roadway • S ,R, 1910,01 IRI EIN,TIOINI IT,01 III S,S2A, Q,U1A,HI , 2 /, 1 1 I 1111010 M U r I I III III I I I I I I I I I III I I_ I I I I I I _ State Project - widen to four lanes with five lanes . at intersections SIR, 1511151 1S171TIH , 1T101 IA,IIRIP,OIRITI ,W1AIY1 1 WBID,F,G ,0+7,0 M U III 1 1 1 III I I I III ill IIA I I I IIII 1 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, HIJL signal, channelization, bridge, 56' roadway /� ' III '• I I 1 1 'I •I I I I I l 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 P/i, I • I I 1 4 1 Iii I Ii I I I I I I I I I Iii 1 t 1 III , t 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I , , 1 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 _1, I I 1 1 1 . 1 0.o I I 1 , 1 4 1 VIII ill 1 I I 111 III Ili III 1 1 I it ' ll • I I I I - I I I I I I I I I I i I I_ I I I I I I I I L 7//, I I I Ili JIA III III I II III ill I I I I _I I 1 I_ l I I -D15TRI BUT I O1'4 I COPY DISTRICT STATE.AID ENGINEER DOT 140-049 i ....P.. n n w a (rnimmFa miry)