HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 TIP CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2657 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON UPDATING THE CITY'S SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. 1987-1992 WHEREAS the City of Renton has heretofore adopted a "Six- Year Transportation Improvement Program" pursuant to Chapter 7., Extraordinary Session Laws of the State of Washington, and Chapter " 195 of the 1961 Session Laws of the State of Washington, and as same . has heretofore been admended from time to time, and such plan and program having heretofore been duly amended and modified from time to time as authorized by law; and WHEREAS the City Council, after recommendation of its Public Works Department, caused to be held a public hearing thereon on July 7, 1986, and after notice to the public as provided by law, for the purpose of considering adoption, modification and amendments of said plan and program, and WHEREAS at such public hearing held on July 7 , 1986 , due consideration was given to the proposed changes and amendments for the purpose of updating such plan and program, NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The City' s "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City' s "Arterial Street Plan" are hereby further amended and modified, all as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibits "A" , "B" and "C" incorporated herein as if fully set forth. SECTION II: The aforestated plan and program, as evidenced by said Exhibits shall be and constitute the City' s "Six Year rr . .Jr SOLUTION NO. 2657 Transportation Improvement Program" and the City' s "Arterial Street Plan" and same to remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended and modified as provided by law. SECTION III: The Director of Public. Works and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to file this Resolution together with the Exhibits with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington, and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 14th day of July, 1986 . Ja Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 14th day of July, 1986 . q��s aroma ' . S el.4Pt.p O G F1 Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Approved as to form: (44#444114441PWfAe144P----- Lawrence J. ren, City Attorney S.- SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1987 TO 1992 City Priority ANNUAL ELEMENT 1987 No. 1 SW Sunset Blvd. - Rainier Ave S to West City Limits N 1st St. - Park Ave. N to Burnett Ave N. 3 Miscelaneous Railroad Crossing Improvements ` 4 Park Ave N. - Bronson Way N to Garden Ave N 5 SW 16th St. - Lind Ave SW to Oakesdale Ave SW 6 SW 16th St. - Oakesdale Ave SW to Monster Rd SW 7 Miscelaneous Street Overlays 8 Oakesdale Ave SW - SW 28th St to SW Sunset Blvd. 9 S Grady Way - Rainier Ave S to Lind Ave SW 10 Lake Wash. Blvd. - NE 44th St to North City Limits 11 Lind' Ave Replacement - SW 16th St to S Grady Way 12 Oakesdale Ave SW @ I-405 Undercrossing 13 Lake Washington Blvd. N/Park Ave N/Garden Ave N . 14 NE 4th St. - Union Ave NE to Duvall Ave NE 15 Houser Way Railroad Improvement Phase 2 16 I-405/Renton Village/WSDOT 2nd YEAR 1988 4 Park Ave N. - Bronson Way N to Garden Ave N 7 Miscellaneous Street Overlays 8 Oakesdale Ave SW - SW 28th St to SW Sunset Blvd. 11 Lind Ave Replacement - SW 16th St to S Grady Way 12 Oakesdale --Ave SW @ I-405 Undercrossing 13 Lake Washington Blvd. N/Park Ave N/Garden Ave N . 17 S 2nd St. - Main Ave S to Rainier Ave S 18 Logan Ave N - Airport Wy to S 2nd St 19 S 7th St. - Shattuck Ave S to Smithers Ave S 20 Mill Ave- S (Rebuild) 3rd YEAR 1989 4 F'ark: Ave Ni - Bronson Way N to Garden Ave N 7 Miscellaneous Street Overlays 8 Oakesdale Ave SW - SW 28th St to SW Sunset Blvd. 21 Lake Wash. Blvd. N - Park Aye N to I-405 22 SW 27th St. - Oakesdale Ave SW to West Valley Rd. 23 SE Puget Dr. - Jones P1 . SE to Edmonds Ave SE 24 N/NE 3rd St. @ I-405 Undercrossing 4th,5thl6th YEAR 1990, 1991 , 1992 . 7 Miscellaneous Street' Overlays 25 Edmonds Ave NE - NE 4th St to Sunset ' Blvd NE 26 Benson Rd S - Puget Dr S to South City Limits • 27 Edmonds Ave Extension 28 Renton By-Pass Connector Study • 29 S 192nd St. Study 30 Benson & I-405 Interchange Study 31 East-West Connector Study . 32 I-405 Traffic Flow Study • 33 Maple Valley Highway 34 Duvall Ave NE - Sunset Blvd NE to North City Limits Date 06-Jun-86 City of Renton Six Year Transportation improvement Program Page 1 1 L NOTES City / County RENTON Hearing Date I A City No. 1070 EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date 1 S County No. 17 Resolution No. 0 1 T P PROJECT IDENTIFICATION m T F CI PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS I Yr. r a 0 U AI I 1 1 • i DESCRIPTION OF WORK jo work T L N RI OBLIGATION I FUNDING SOURCE (TOTAL I P o f code A E C RI SCHEDULE I-----------------------1 I R r (Street name or number. c Cs) LN IC Y! YE AR 1 FEDERAL 1 RAP I (FUNDS I I i Co. road name or number, 1w G NL 01 I I or !Local I 1 0 t termini beginning & end. ao T LA Vlist End 3rd 4,5 1 Pro-(AMT UAB l 1 I R y Describe work to be done.) sr H S ElAnnl 6th (AMT gram) I 1 I I No sk S RIElmt I I I I I T -- ------ ---__=—--------------------------- --- - ------------1 Y 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 171 8 9 1@ 11 I 12 13 1 14 15 I 16 1 17 I No. ROADWAY PROJECTS 1 SW SUNSET BLVD - RAINIER AVE S to WEST CITY LIMITS 2 BDFG 0.20 12 X 600 498 FADS 102 600 3 Add 2-way left turn lane, signal improv., underground HIJ GAS power, street lights, coord. w/12" water E sewer TAX 2-__ _-t ST - PARK AVE N to BURNETT AVE N 4 BDFH 0.32 19 X 700 700 700 2 Reconstruction - new curb,gutter,A.C. pavement storm GAS drainage, coordinate w/12" watermain & new sanitary sewer TAX 3 MISC RAILROAD CROSSING IMPROVMENT 4 CDHJ X 300 271 29 300 4 Miscellanious surfacing, channelization, lighting K RR GAS and signing. SAFETY TAX 4 PARK AVE N - BRONSON WAY N to GARDEN AVE N 5 DH 0.37 14 X 60 250 250 UAB 560 560 6 Provide subgrade improvements, street overlay, pave GAS shoulders and channelization. TAX 5 SW 16th - LIND AVE SW to OAKESDALE AVE SW 5 BDFG 0.90 17 X 2200 UAB 2200 2200 7 Drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, illimination, GAS channelization, bridge and roadway. TAX • Date 06-Jun-86 City of Renton Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Page 2 • L NOTES City 1 County RENTON Hearing Date I A City No. 1070 • EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date I S County No. 17 Resolution No. 0 I T P PROJECT IDENTIFICATION m T F CI PROJECT. COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS I Yr. • r a D U Al 11 i DESCRIPTION OF WORK jo work T L N RI OBLIGATION I FUNDING SOURCE (TOTAL I P o f code A E C RI SCHEDULE I---------------! i R r (Street name or number, • c (s) LN TC YI YE AR I FEDERAL 1 RAP 1 IFUNDS ! I i Co. road name or number, '. lw 6 NL 01 I I or (Local 1 I 0 t termini beginning I end. ao T LA Vlist 2nd 3rd 4,5 i Pro-(AMT UAB I 1 . I R , y Describe work to be done.) . sr H S ElAnnl 6th (ANT graml 1 I I I No sk . S RIElmt I i I I I T ------ ---_--=__ __ ----------_-__=—___ _==-__----_ _—=--=_ -- — -I Y 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 171 8 9 10 11 I 12 13 1 14 15 I 16 I 17 I No. 6 SW 16th - OAKESDALE AVE SW to MONSTER ROAD SW 2 BDFG 0.52 17 X 770 , 770 770 8 - Drainage, paving, illumination and channelization. GAS TAX 7 MISCELLANEOUS STREET OVERLAYS 4 D X 100 100 10@ 3@0 600 600 9 Street Division Overlays GAS TAX 13: :SDALE AVE SW - SW 28th ST to SW SUNSET BLVD 1 ABDG 1.82 14 500 550 550 1600 1600 10 Grading,drainage,paving,curb,gutter,sidewalk,signal, HIJ illum.,bike route,channel.,landscaping,bridge & roadway LMO 9 S GRADY WAY - RAINIER AVE S to LIND AVE SW 2 ABFH 0.25 12 . 250 208 FAUS 42 250 11 Add new eastbound right turn lane to freeway on ramp. IJ GAS DEV. TAX 10 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD. - NE 44th ST t(NCL) 4 DFGH 0.45 16 600 600 600 12 Pavement reconstruction, storm drainage, roadway widening_ GAS DEV. TAX 11 LIND AVE REPLACEMENT - SW 16th ST to S GRADY WAY 2 ABFG 0.03 16 75 75 75 FAI 75 150 X Joint w/WSDOT, widen from two to five lanes, storm HJKL GAS drainage, curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lights TAX Date 06-Jun-86 City of Renton Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Page 3 • ' •I L NOTES City / County RENTON Hearing Date____—______ __ I A City No. 1070 EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date I S County No. 17 Resolution No. 0 I T P PROJECT IDENTIFICATION m T F CI PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS I Yr. ✓ a 0 U Al I 1 I i DESCRIPTION OF WORK Jo work T L N RI OBLIGATION I FUNDING SOURCE (TOTAL I P o f code A E C RI SCHEDULE I-------------- I I R ✓ (Street name or number, c (s) LN TC YI YE AR I FEDERAL I RAP 1 !FUNDS I I i Co. road name or number, 1w G NL 01 I I or• ILocal I I 0 t termini beginning & end. ao T LA Vlist 2nd 3rd 4,5 I Pro-(AMT UAB I I I R y . Describe work to be done.) sr H S ElAnnl 6th IAMT gram! 1 I I I No sk S RlElmt I I ! 1 I T —_—____--_-- ----=—__---------------------_=--__-----_�—_—_- ------------- ----__.---------I V 1 2 3 I 4 5 6 171 8 9 10 11 I 12 13 1 14 15 I 16 1 17 I No. 12 OAI(ESDALE AVE SW 0 I-405 UNDERCROSSING 2 ADFG 0.03 16 125 125 125 FAI 125 250 X Joint w/WSDOT, widen from two to five lanes, storm HJKL GAS drainage, curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lights TAX 13 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD. N/PARK AVE N/GARDEN AVE N 2 AFGH 16 125 125 200 FAUS 50 250 X Joint w/Boeing. Roadway widenirg,resurfacing, IK GAS channelization & signal modifications TAX 1, 4th ST - UNION AVE NE to DUVALL AVE NE 2 AFGH 1.00 12 250 250 250 X Add 2-way left turn lane, curb, gutter, sidewalk & JK GAS street lighting TAX 15 HOUSER WAY RAILROAD IMPROVEMENT PHASE 2 4 50 50 50 X New railroad rubber pads GAS TAX 16 I-405 / RENTON VILLAGE /WSDOT 4 B 0.05 560 500 FAI 60 560 X Joint Storm & Flooding Improvement, 10 ft. storm drain DEV. pipe 17 S 2nd ST - MAIN AVE S to RAINIER AVE S 5 DH 0.45 12 60 60 60 5 Joint w/WSDOT. WSDOT to resurface S 2nd ST, City to do GAS channelization. Coordinate w/24" water & sewer TAX Date 06-Jun-86 City of Renton Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Page 4 I L NOTES City / County RENTON Hearing Date_ ________ __ I R City No. 1070 EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date I S County No. 17 Resolution No. 0 I T P PROJECT IDENTIFICATION m T F CI PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS I Yr. r a ' 0 U Al I 1 I i DESCRIPTION OF WORK jo work T L N RI OBLIGATION I FUNDING SOURCE (TOTAL I P • o f code A E C RI SCHEDULE • 1------=--- -------------------1 I R r (Street name or number, c (s) LN TC YI YE AR I FEDERAL I RAP I (FUNDS I I i Co. road name or number, 1w G NL OI I I or !Local I I 0 t termini beginning & end. • 'ao T LA Vlist 2nd 3rd 4,5 I Pro-(AMT UAB I I I R y - Describe work to be done.) sr H S ElAnnl 6th (AMT gram! I I I I No sk S RIElmt I I I I I T ----------------------------------__--__=___—__-_-- ==------ _— --- --=I Y 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 171 8 9 10 11 I 12 13 1 14 15 I 16 I 17 I No. 18 LOGAN AVE N - AIRPORT WAY to S 2nd ST 4 DFGH 0.24 16 600 600 600 13 Roadway reconstruction, new curb, gutter & sidwalk, K GAS A. C. pavement. TAX 19 5 7th - SHATTUCK AVE S to SMITHERS AVE S 2 ABDF 0.50 16 220 220 220 14 Drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, illumination, GAS - and channelization. TAX 20 AVE S - 2 ADFG 0.74 14 250 250 250 X Rebuild, Joint w/WSDOT, curb, putter & sidewalk, street HJI GAS lighting & grade revisions TAX 21 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N - PARK AVE N to I-405 2 BDFG 3.03 16 . 4800 4800 4800 15 . • Drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, illumination, GAS channelization, bikeway. TAX 22 SW 27th ST - OAKESDALE AVE SE to WEST VALLEY ROAD 1 ABDF 0.53 16 2500 2500 2520 16 Grading,drainage,paving,curb,gutter,sidewalk,signal, GHIJ GAS illum.,bike route, channelization,landscaping,roadway. LM TAX 23 SE PUGET DRIVE - JONES PL SE to EDMONDS AVE SE 2 BDFG 0.78 17 960 960 960 17 Drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, illumination, FWD THRUST . channelization, roadway. GAS TAX • Date 06-Jun-86 City of Renton Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Page 5 I L NOTES City / County RENTON Hearing Date ( -A City No. 1070 EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date___________ f S County No. 17 Resolution No._ 0 I T P PROJECT IDENTIFICATION m T F CI PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS I Yr. r a 0 U Al I I i DESCRIPTION OF WORK jo work T L N RI OBLIGATION I FUNDING SOURCE ITOTAL I P o • f code A E C RI SCHEDULE 1...________________________I I R r (Street name or number, c (s) LN TC VI YE AR I FEDERAL I RAP I (FUNDS I I i Co. road name or number, lw G NL DI I I or 'Local I I 0 t termini beginning & end. • ao T LA Vllst 2nd 3rd 4,5 I Pro-IAMT UAB I I I R y Describe work to be done.) sr H S ElAnnl 6th IAMT nraml I I I I No sk S RIElmt I ' I I I I T 1 2 3 I 4 5 6 Ill 8 9 10 11 I 12 .13 114 15 I 16 I 17 I No. 24 N/NE 3rd ST 0 I-405 UNDERCROSSING 2 ABDF 0.09 16 1000 900 FAI 100 1000 18 Widening - add two additional travel lanes. GHIJ WSDOT 25 EDMONDS AVE NE - NE 4th ST to SUNSET BLVD NE 3 BFGH 0.85 17 750 600 UAB 150 750 X Widening, curb, gutter & sidewalk, street lighting, storm IJ GAS drainage, channelization, signalization, water & sewer TAX 21 SON RD 5 - PUGET DR S to SOUTH CITY LIMITS 3 BFGH 0.45 16 1250 1800 UAB 250 1250 X Widening, curb, gutter & sidewalk, street lighting, storm IJ GAS drainage, channelization, signalization, water & sewer TAX 27 EDMONDS AVENUE EXTENSION 1 ABDF 0.79 16 2500 2880 UAB 500 2500 19 NE 3rd ST to Maple Valley Highway, new roadway GHIJ GAS alignment. TAX 28 RENTON BY-PASS CONNECTOR STUDY 8 U 17 50 50 50 20 Study JOINT WITH STATE 29 S 192nd ST STUDY 1 U 19 120 120 120 21 Study and R/W acquisition JOINT WITH OTHER AGNTY Date 17-Jun-86 City.of Renton Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Pane 6 1987 TO 1992 I L NOTES City / County RENTON Hearing Date I A City No. 1070 EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date I S County No. 17 Resolution No. 8 1 T , p PROJECT IDENTIFICATION m T F CI PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS I Yr. ✓ a 0 U Al I 1 I i DESCRIPTION OF WORK Jo work T L N RI OBLIGATION I FUNDING SOURCE ITOTAL I P o f code A E C RI SCHEDULE I----- ----------I I R ✓ (Street narie or number, c (s) LN TC YI YE AR I FEDERAL I RAP I (FUNDS I 1 ' i Co. road name or number, 1w G NL DI I I or (Local I I 0 t termini beginning 11 end. ao T LA VlIst 2nd 3rd 4,5 I Pro-IAMIT UAB I I I R y Describe work to be done.) sr H S ElAnnl 6th IAMT pram) I I I I No sk S RIElmt • . I I I I I T ----- I Y 1 2 3 I 4 5 6 171 8 9 10 11 I 12 13 114 15 1 16 I 17 I No. 30 DENSON & I-405 INTERCHANGE STUDY 8 U 11 150 150 150 22 Study - State Funded 31 EAST-WEST CONNECTOR STUDY 8 U 17 ' 83 83 FAUS 17 100 23 GAS TAX 32 I-405 TRAFFFIC FLOW STYDY 8 U 11 50 50 50 24 State Funded JOINT WITH STATE 33 MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY 250 250 250 X (WSDOT Widening & Realignment) . GAS TAX 34 DUVALL AVE NE - SUNSET BLVD NE to North City Limits 3 BFGH 0.30 16 750 600 UAB 150 750 X Widening, curb, gutter 11 sidewalk, street lighting, storm IJ GAS drainage, channelization, signalization, water & sewer TAX • y • . , INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARING SIX-YEAR ' I TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM . . i NOTE: This form is set up in "Elite"typewriter format(12 characters per inch) for coding computer input. Only that information appearing in the coding blocks will be entered on the computer.Additional information may be included on the form for the . 1 Agency's convenience but will not be placed on the computer file. 1 A. An obligation program Indicating the allocation of funds to major phases of project development i.e.preliminary engineering right-of- , ' I way and construction.Show the funding amount for the entire phase or phases In the expected year of obligation even though the I expenditure of funds may lake place over several years. . • B. Include all proposed projects regardless of location or source of funds,however,urban and rural arterial trust fund projects need to • • be included only in six-year transportation improvement programs beginning in odd numbered years. • • C. Complete the form for the six-year program In accordance with the following instructions: HEADING ' City/County Enter name of local agency and appropriate county. County Number- Enter the O.F.M. assigned number in code blocks 7 & 8. City Number: Enter the O.F.M. assigned number in code blocks 3 thru 6. Hearing Date: Enter the date of action by the City Council or County Legislative Authority. • Adoption' Enter the date of action by the City Council or County Legislative Authority. •- Resolution Number' • Enter City Council or Co. Legislative Auth. resolution number (if applicable). • COLUMN NO. 1. Priority No. Enter local agency project identifying numbers in priority order,in code blocks 9& 10. 2. Project Identification Enter appropriate information noted in column heading.Enter Route Name and termini in code blocks 11 thru 35. 3. Major Class of Work Enter the appropriate code number(s). Enter major code in block 36. • 1. New construction on new alignment 6. Traffic control 2. Major widening (additional lanes) 7. Capital purchases 3. Minor widening (increase lane width, add shoulders) 8. Non capital improvements 4. Rehabilitation/reconstruction 9. Non motor vehicle use 5. Resurfacing 4. Work Codes Enter appropriate code letter(s).Enter major items of work in code blocks 37 thru 40. • A. Grading L. Bridge B. Draining M. Landscaping C. Light Bituminous Surface N. Paths & Trails D. A.C. or P.C.C. Pavement O. Bikeways ' E. Sealcoat P. Transit Facility • F. Curbs & Gutters O. Commuter Pool G. Sidewalks R. High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes H. Channelization S. Surveillance Control & Driver Information • • I. Signalization T. Ferry Facility • J. Lighting U. Project Studies K. Signing • • 5, Total Length In Miles Enter Length of project to nearest hundredth in code blocks 41 thru 44. ' • 6. Functional Classification Enter the appropriate Iwo digit code denoting the Federal Functional Classifications. • • • (Note:The Federal Functional Classifications shown on the official functional classifica- tion maps prepared by WSDOT.) Rural (under 5,000) Urban (over 5,000) Code Code • Block Block ' 45 46 Description 45 46 Description • 0 1 Principal Arterial-Interstate 1 1 Principal Arterial-Interstate Other Freeways 0 2 Principal Arterial-Other (State) 1 '2 Principal Arterial-or Expressways ' 0 6 Minor Arterial 1 4 Principal Arterial-Other (FAM) • • 0 7 Major Collector (FAS) 1 6 Minor Arterial-(FAM) • 0 8 Minor Collector 1 7 Collector-(FAM) • 0 9 Local (Access) 1 • 9 Local-(Access) (Note:If Rural or Urban Arterial Trust Funds(Col.14)are to be used as funding source,the appropriate code number must be shown in code block 45.) : 7. Carryover Project Enter(x)if project is carried over from previous years annual element.(Funds were not • obligated during previous year). Enter in code block 47. ' 8. 1st Year (Annual Element) Enter total project costs(in Thousands of Dollars)to be obligated In the first calendar . ' year of the six-year program in code blocks 48 thru 51. 9-11. (2nd, 3rd, 4, 5 & 6th years) Enter estimated project costs(in Thousands of Dollars)to be obligated in each year of - years in code blocks 52 thru 63. 1 • 12, 14, & 15. Funding by Source Enter the dollar amount(in Thousands of Dollars)to be obligated under applicable fund- ' Mg source column In appropriate code blocks. 13. Program Enter the Federal funding source program.(FAUS,FAS,HES,etc.)in code blocks 68 thru . 71. 16. Total Funds Enter total project cost in code blocks 80 thru 85. • FOAM 140049 DOT nem.ed 2164 Ox A.177 405 LEGEND jT1- c PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL MIN lv'Jrl ARTERIAL LRIAL SIX YEAR COLLECTOR ARTERIAL 44 STREET PROGRAM LOCAL ACCESS STREET EXHIBIT B KEAR ING ADOPTED 1-14,8IG RESOLUTION # 2&,57 1 NNI DAi 4$ N 1. 49 ZL tn'vg c % V, A,to PAIIIII gon) i o' 7�1 T7 4f j I, WMW c. oL ItSr IG 17 IS 1: wwl ryr Ir 00— A, % IIIILtAllf 407 S'l r . tnrr 5I b_ �� � •!� 5. _ ld" I ll ELI —Fr) -Etsc. sl 4%, ADF WIl 0 sl A4 "t 7 'EK !ml -' SOUTHERN PORTION MIIIJ0R ART■RIRL/ 1. Al rport Way Irom Ralnler Ave 8 to Loq.n Ave / :, Broneon W.y ■/Bronson W.y N from M." Ave / Io 8umst Blvd• N 3. Loq.n Rve 8/Lopwn Av N fro+ Rlr•port Way to N 6th Bt. ♦. Logan Ave 9/6. ither• Ave B from Airport Way to 6 7%h Bt. S. Is Av 8 Iron Or.dy W.y %. Bronson Way / [. M.Pt. V.11.y "19-y fro. 9unaat Blvd. N t0 East city llmlla I 7. N ]rd St. from Loy.n Av N to Bunait Blvd. M I /, N ]rtl Di./N .th Bt. !mom Npuasr May N to Logan Rv• M Bt./NE .th 9t. Imo. Sunset ■IvJ. n to E..1 city limit. 10. PsrM Ave N from Bronw W.Y N to N Park Dr. 1 11. N D.rk Dr./NE P.rk Dr. I.•om Park Are N to Edmond• %, N[ I/. WE ■uns•t Blvd. from Ed.ord• Ave N".to [a Wet city limits 13. N.lnler Av• N/Rainfar Are 8 Irom Nh c/IY I/./1• \a ■ ■r ayy WWeY 1 14. / t" St. from Maln Av / to Raln/•r Avo ■ 17. ■ 3.'d St. Ivor Ra In ler A— 6 to NWeIn Ave 6 16. Rent on Ar• Ewten•Ic•n Ivor -.In--' Av • !o Neal Illy limit• 17. BW Sunset ■1 rtl. fro. W.st city I/r11• to Ralnlar Are • 16. /unsel Blvd. N from Bronson WA y N to Fni .05 19. Nr...r Way 8/Ibu•ar Way N Irom Main Ave South to Bronson Way N 80. ■o,th Ovady Way from %inl•r Av. 6 to Main Ave ■ 21. W Val LY Road fro. 8W .]rd St. to Month el%y 11r1!• P8. BN8t./B .]rtl ■\. from W V.I ISY RowJ le talbo\ Road ■ 23. Talbo{ Road / from B 7th St. to ■ Pugat Or. 8.. Benson Dr. • fro+ B Puq•t Dr, to 6ou11: clty I/mlta /5. O..:date Ars BW Ira 6W .]rd 8t. to e.ns.% N••Y ■6. N bth ■t. from Legate Are N to Pwrk A- W ■ECONOAMY ARTERIALS 27. Benson Roatl B from / Orady May to South city limits 2■. Lind Av• Ski fro. eW 7th 8t. to Ow.31d St. 29. BW Orally Nwy from Ral Hint Avo 8 to Neat c11y limits ]O. • PMpaI, Or./Pup.% Dr. eE from Talbot Rowd • to Edmond• Ave SS 31. Edmond• Ave SE from P.Q.t Dr. 6[ to ■oath ctty limit• 32. / .th P1./8 .th ■t. Irom Ra,nl•r .;:...to Main A- 8 33. / 7/h 91./BN 7lh Bt. Irom Burnett to Owks•d.l• Av SW ].. M111 Rve ■ from Nou•er Way 8 to D1•onso1 Way • 35. / Lnd lit. from Mill A- B to Maln Rv B 36. Nell• Ave S/Well• Ar• I /rem B Or.dy Way to / 61h B\. 37. Wl lll.r• Av• N/Wllll:.s Av • from N 61h Bt. 10 • Or.dy Way 38. N tth B!. fro. Park Ave N to B.rtlon Av• N 39. Gordon Ave N from Broneon Way N to N D.rk Dr. •O. N ■th 81. from Dark Av li to Oardon Av• N (North LOS) •1. Busr•et ■Ira. N[ from 1111 .43 to N■ D.rk Dr. 4 2. Onion Ave ME from Routh c/ty I'mit• to North city 11.1%• .3. Edror4• Ar. N[ from NE Bun..t Blvd. to N■ 17%h 61. ♦.. N[ 30tn 9t./Mennerick PI. NE/NE 27th Bt. from fRi .07 to Edmond• Av. No ♦5. N ]Otn 't. Ira *N/NE Ave N 10 fAI .03 •6. Lake Wash- /Ivd. from N Pw. Or. to North city limit• 4 7. /W 87{h 9t. Irom We•% Valley Road to East Valley Re.tl .6. Ouv.11 Ar• N[ from North city limit• to ■oath a/ty Ilrlte t COLLECTOR ARTERIAL■ .9. Shattuck Ave ■ from ■ .th 8t. to B Or.dy Nay 30. PWerk Av N/N .Olh Bt. from N ]Otte 6t, to Laks NWeah. Blvd. N 51. Burnett Av N trot Lk. Wwah. Blvd. NIS. T•rr.l to Lk. W.M. Blvd. NIN. T•rr.1 3t. Aberdeen Ave Nt from Bun•et Bivd. NE to NE 27tn 8t. 53. NE 16th St. from Jon•• Av NE to EdwnJ• Av fi8 5.. WE 121h 6t. from Edro . A- ME to union Av• NE 55. Monroe Ave N[ iron NE 2nd Bt. to NE l2tn Bt. 56. WE 2nd Bt. fro. Nonroe A, ME to City •hap• entry 57. WE loth St. from ME 8unost ■ivd. to Monroe Ava NE .8. M[ Ten et. from M[ Bun•el Btrd. to No-.. A- .1 39. Ld "d• Av ME from NE Suns•! Blvd. to ME .tn 8t. So. Broneon Way NE/ME .th St. from WE to 6t. le Jaff•raon A- HE St. Taylor Rve NE/Taylor D1. NW from Renton Av• [.. to Wont c/tY limit• 62, M•.dor Ave N from Bronson WAY N to N ♦th at. 63. f.etory Ava N from Bronson W.y N to N .tn 9t. 64. /W Lar.q.ton Read from 6W Sun..t Blvd. %. West city limit• 63- ■ ]rtl P1. Ira RWelnl•r A­9 to Shattuck Av ■ 66/nattuck Ave B /tor a 2nd 9t. to 8 .th St. 67: Whitr0rth Ave B Ira 8 2nd Bt. to a ♦th 6%. 68, Itorrf• Ave 8 f.•om ■ 2nd et. to 11 .th St. 69. Burnett Aro 8 Ira 9 dhd ■t. to ■ 7th at. 70. Mon•t•r Road 6W from / 1.0tn Bt. to BN 16tn Bl. 7i. :West 16th 9t. Irom EWe.t Valley Ro.d to Monet..• Ro.d BM 72. [West vall'y Road from SW Iblh B1. to SW ♦3rd /%. 73. T.Ibot Ro.d / fr- / 16th /%. to Bourn city Ilrl%s 74. /W ♦1st B1, from [.at V.1lay Rosd t• Oar••d.le Ave 6N , 75. BW ].th •t. trot [.st Valley It. d to O.kesd.le Ave 8W 1 • t { • �' ' k } ` tt t. (SEE INSERT ABOVE FOR SOUTHERN PORTION ; I 4 1 r ■moomo■I■ PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL 1 ■MQ m MINOR ARTERIAL , 1■■■m(Dw■■■■ COLLECTOR ARTERIAL as We 1 1986 ARTERIAL STREETS A N�C SCALE 1"■800! EXHIBIT V HEARING' •7 m 7 " 86 ADOPTED 7 m 14 - 86 RESOLUTION * 265 1�