HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 TIP CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. . 2609 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON UPDATING THE CITY'S SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1986-1991 WHEREAS the City of Renton has heretofore adopted a "Six- Year Transportation Improvement Program" pursuant toChapter 7, Extraordinary Session Laws of the State of Washington, and as same has heretofore been amended from time to time, and such plan and program having heretofore been duly amended and modified from time to time as authorized by law; and WHEREAS the City Council, after recommendation of its Public Works Department, caused to be held a public hearing thereon on June 24, 1985, and after notice to the public as provided by law, for the purpose of considering adoption, modification and amendments of said plan and program, and WHEREAS at such public hearing held on June 24, 1985, due consideration was given to the proposed changes and amendments for the purpose of updating such plan and program, NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: . SECTION I: The City' s "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City' s "Arterial Street Plan" are hereby further amended and modified, all as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibits "A" , "B" and "C" incorporated herein as if fully set forth. -1- 1 \ • RESOLUTION NO. 2609 SECTION II: The aforestated plan and program, as evidenced by said Exhibits shall be and constitute the City's "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City's "Arterial Street Plan" and same to remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended and modified as provided by law. SECTION III: The Director of Public Works and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to file this Resolution together with the Exhibits with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington, and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 1st day of July, 1985 . >7-ez-eee-of-X 6€ )2.411 +- Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 1st day of July, 1985. Utwa)JORINDoek Barbara Y. inpobh, Mayor Approved as to form: 4u-61.44-4 1420-0,Agsuo, Lawrence J. .W ren, City Attorney -2- SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1986 - 1991 CITY PRIORITY # ANNUAL ELEMENT PROJECTS 1 Wells Avenue Bridge Replacement 2 N 1st St. , Park Ave. N to Burnett Ave. N 3 SW. Sunset Blvd. , Rainier Ave. S to West City Limits 4 Miscellaneous Railroad Crossing Improvements 5 S 2nd St., Main Ave. S to Rainier Ave. S 6 Park Ave. N, Bronson Way N to N 4th St. 7 SW 16th St. , Lind Ave. SW to Oakesdale Ave. SW 8 SW 16th St. , Oakesdale Ave. SW to Monster Road SW 9 Miscellaneous Street Overlays 10 Oakesdale Ave. SW, SW 28th St. to Sunset 11 Rainier & Grady Intersection 12 Lake Washington Blvd. , NE 44th St. to North City Limits SECOND YEAR PROJECTS 9 Miscellaneous Street Overlays 10 Oakesdale Ave. SW, SW 28th St. to Sunset • 13 Logan Ave. North, Airport Way to South 2nd Street 14 South 7th St. , Shattuck Ave. S to Smithers Ave. S THIRD YEAR PROJECTS 9 Miscellaneous Street Overlays 10 Oakesdale Ave. SW, SW 28th St. to Sunset 15 Lake Washington Blvd. N, Park Ave. North to I-405 16 SW 27th St. , Oakesdale Ave. SW to West Valley Road 17 SE Puget Dr. , Jones Place SE to Edmonds Ave. SE 18 N/NE 3rd St. - I-405 Undercrossing FOURTH - SIXTH YEAR PROJECTS 9 Miscellaneous Street Overlays 19 Edmonds Ave. Extension 20 Renton By-Pass Connector Study 21 South 192nd Street Study 22 Benson & I-405 Interchange Study 23 East-West Connector Study 24 I-405 Traffic Flow Study • Page 1 of 3 SIA 1.2 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 86 TO 19 91 Renton )Cent Hearing Date June 24, 1985 City/County: Keypunching Note: Data entered in cola 1-8 must Exhibit "A" Adoption Date July 1. 1985 City No. 0CIEICI . be on all cards punched from County No. 00 7.6 this form. Resolution Number 2609 R PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS a PROJECT IDENTIFICATION/DESCRIPTION OF WORK 3 °o n OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE Z" City Ave./St.Name or Number i3# Work Total YEAR FEDERAL R.A.P. TOTAL c Co.Road Number or Road Name '- Codee Length 3z a let 2nd 3rd 4, 5 or LOCAL FUNDS d Beginning end Ending Termini a° (Mlles) I Z ; (Annual & 6th PRO- U.A.B. Describe Work to be Completed mu I. Element) AMOUNT GRAM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 e ,o 11 35 36 37 40 41 44 45 40 47 46 61 62 66 66 50 60 63 64 67 66 71 72 76 76 II 60 66 11 WIEILILIS1 1 Ay1EI 'iBIR1IIDIGIEI 1RtEIPILIA,CM''1Ti 41 ,AIBIFIG I 4014116X,11814L8e L i A 6 1 1 I . , 1 I , 1141718, 1 1 i . 1 i i , 131710. i 111814,86 Bridge replacement H,J,L BRIDGE REPLACEMENT 12 N1 Ili Si Ti. IS ITI-I PI AI RI KI ITI OI I BIUIRI NLEI Ti Ti 1 J 41 Hip]FIH . 1 1312 119K 171 010 1 1 1 1 I 1 , . 1 I 1 1 III III 171010, I I 171010 Reconstruction - new curb, gutter, A.C. pavement, /C Gas storm drainage, coordinate w/12" watermain and new Tax sanitary sewer 13 Si W, I S1 UI N1 Si E gi-1 R1 Al I1N1 II EI R1 I TIOt I WI CIL I 1 1 21 B1D1 F1 G I 1.210 112 X 161 01 0 III I .1 I I I 1 1419i8 FI AI UIS I 1 I 111012 1 1 161010 Add two-way left turn lane, traffic signal improve- H,I,J 10 Gas ment, underground power, new street lights, coor- Tax dinate w/12" watermain & sanitary sewer 14 81 II 81 q 1 81 AI 11 LIR;01 Al D1 1 X II Hi Hi I II MI PI R101 N MI T 41 c1D1H1J 1 1. 1 1 X 131010 1 I I I II 1 I 1 121711 III III I 1219 11 131010 Miscellaneous surfacing, channelization, lighting K RR /C Gas and signing Safety Tax 1 5 Si tai NI DI I SITZ-1IMI AI II NI IT,01 1 RIA,II NI II Ei RI 1 5 1 D1111 1 1 14,5 1,2 X 1 1610 iii iiI III 1 1 1 Ill 1161° Iii 10 Joint project with WSDOT. WSDOT to resurface South . 1/20 Gas 2nd Street. City must pay the cost for channel- Tax ization. Coordinate with 24" watermain & sanitary sewer. • 16PIABN IA1 VIA 1H-1 81 R101N,SI O Ni IT10I IN1 141T1H 51 DIH1 1 11.3171,4X 11610 i i i i i i , I 1 i 1 1 III III 11610 i . i i 6i0 Provide subgrade improvements, street overlay, 110 Gas pave shoulders and channelization. Tax • 17 Si Si i 11 61 Ti Hm1 L 1 I I Ni DI I Ti 01 1 01 AI KI E S I DI Al L1 EI 1 21 BIDIFIG I 1.910 1,7 X 2121010 IIIIII 1 1 I III III III 2121010 11212,010 Drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, illumin- 1/20 Gas ation, channelization, bridge and roadway. Tax 1.8 Si W11161TIH1 -101AIKIEI Si Di AILIEI IT101 IMIOINISIT1EIR 21 BIDIFIG 1 1.512 117 X 171710 I I I I I I . 1 I , I l I III III 171710 I I 17:710. Drainage, paving, illumination and channelization /4 Gas Tax 007 lame 437. DISTRIBUTION BY AGENCY: 2 COPIES DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER 6'11664 LM I COPY URBAN ARTERIAL BOARD 1 COPY C.R.A.B. (COUNTIES ONLY) • • Page 2 of 3 SIA 1.2 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 86TO 19 91sune 245 1985 Renton Kin• Hearing Date City/County: Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols 1-8 must Exhibit "A" Adoption Date July 1, 1985 City No. ©�0� 2. • be on all cards punched from County No. B0 ,.0 this form. Resolution Number 2609 K PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS d PROJECT IDENTIFICATION/DESCRIPTION OF WORK 2 ` o OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE A ;+ City Ave./St.Name orNumber o3 Work Total oy', : YEAR FEDERAL R.A.P. TOTAL c Co.Road Number or Road Name -..13 Codes Length —a g5 1st 2nd 3rd 4, 5 or LOCAL ' FUNDS z . Beginning and Ending Termini R (Miles) s 2 t3 (Annual & 6th PRO- U.A.B. s Describe Work to be Completed LLD Element) AMOUNT GRAM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 -15 16 . 0 to 11 35 35 37 40 41 44 45 40 47 40 51 52 55 0e by 00 03 M 07 se 71 72 75 70 70 00' e6 19 MI II SIC] .IElement) GRAM • • •!OI Vi Et RIL'AIY'S, III 1 1 41 Di I I 1 L 1 - , __X 111010. Il'010. 1110101 ,31010. I i I 1 1 I 1 , i 1 i , 161010. I 1 1610,0. Street Division Overlays 10 Gas ' Tax 110 O]Al KiASIDIA1LIS -ISIW121SIT'Hi IT101 ISilli NISiKIT 1 lI AI Si DIG 1 i.1.0114 51 01 01051510106101Ot0 1 . i , i I I I I I I I I 16510101161510100 Grading, drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, H,I,J, illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L,M,0 • landscaping, bridge, roadway. 111 R1 Al II Ni II EI RI 1611 I 81 R1 AI DI Y-1 I II NI Ti .I 1 1 11 I 1 21 AI Bi FI H I I.2151,2 , t 2L5_0 I I I I I I 1 1 1 121018 F IA.UI S I I I I. 14 2 1 1 121510 Add new eastbound right turn lane to freeway on, I,J Developer ramp. - - - 40 Gas Tax 112 Li K1 I W Al I BI Li VI U-I NI EI 14141'71M I T I O L i NI CIL 1 i 41 DI FI GI H 1 14i 5 116 161 01 0 I I i III , I I I I l III I I I 1 6!01 0 1 ( 16;010 - Pavement reconstruction, storm drainage, roadway K Developer widening. • . 40 Gas Tax 113 L101 G1 A1N1-I A111 RIP'OI RI TI I TI q 1S1 121N]D, 'Si Ti I 41 Di Fi GI H 1 L214116 I I I 161010 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 161010 I t 16:01 0 Roadway reconstruction, new curb, gutter & K 30 Gas sidewalk,. A.C. pavement Tax 114 Si 171 TI 11-1 Si 111 Ai 'A T'UI C1 K1 IT,01 I Si.MI II TI Hi E;Rt Si 21 Ai BL DIF 11.510116 III 121210 i I I . 1 I Iii 1 'i i III 121210 I I 12 ;210 Drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, illum- Developer ination and channelization. 40 Gas Tax 115 L1 K1 I WI A S'HI IBI LIVID1-IPIAIRIKI 1T101 III-1410151 21 • Si Di FIG 13013 1,6 - I I I III 4181010 1 1 I I I I I I I i i i 4181010 11418 ;010 . Drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, ilium- Developer ination, channelization, bikeway. - . 4C Gas . Tax 116 SIW12171TIH1-101A'KIEISID'AILIE' ITi01 IWIV'A1L1L1EIY lI AIBIDIP I i.513116 . I i I i i i 2151010 I I I I I I I I I I t I- 2151010 , i 1215 ;010 Grading, drainage, paving, -curb, gutter, sidewalk, G,H,I, - Developer illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, J,L,M, kC Gas landscaping, roadway. - 0 Tax DOT 140-040 437- DISTRIBUTION BY AGENCY: 2 COPIES DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER _ ' Rensal 2'14 1 COPY URBAN ARTERIAL BOARD I COPY CRAB. (COUNTIES ONLY) ' • Page 3 of 3 S A 1.2 • SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 86 TO 19 91 Renton/King Hearing Date June 24. 1985 • City/County: Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols 1-8 must City No. 1 0 7101. be on all cards punched from Exhibit "A" Adoption Date July 1, 1985 County No. 1 7 ,-a N this form. Resolution Number 2609 a PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ca o OBLIGATION SCHEDULE . FUNDING SOURCE . - • = PROJECT IDENTIFICATION/DESCRIPTION OF WORK ° u a. City Ave./St.Name or Number U°° Work • Total u at a ; YEAR FEDERAL R.A.P. • TOTAL ' c Co.Hoed Number or Road Name :e Codes Length $a : 1 at 2nd 3rd 4, 5 or LOCAL FUNDS Beginning and Ending Termini 3 (Miles) §Z (Annual & 6th. PRO- U.A.B. n. Describe Work to be Completed LLU O Element) AMOUNT GRAM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 ' 9 10 II 35 36 37 40 II 44 45 b_47 N 51 ,62. 55 66 56 60- 63 64 67 ea 71 72 75 75 79 50 66 1i7 Si F1 1 Pi UIGI EI TI-IJ101 NI EIS 1 I T101 1E1 DIM101Ni D1 SI I 2I B1D1F1G I- 1.71_8 117 1 i i i I 1 16 J916i O. I 1 16 I I I 1 l 1 I . 1 I I . 1916106 -I I 191610. Drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, ilium- . . . Forward ' ination, channelization, roadway. Thrust 110 Gas rax 118 Ni /1 NEI 1 31 R1 E11 1St T1 I II -i 41 01 51 1U1 NI DI E I RI OIR1 OI S 21 AI B1 DIF 1 1.019 11.6 L L 1 1 I. 1 11010,0 I ' 1 181010 I F I AI I 1 i i 1 11 01 0 1 1-110L010 Widening - add two additional travel lanes. G,H,I, WSDOT 1. J -119 EI DI 114O I N I Di St lilt V I Et 1 Et Xi T 1 E 1 NI GI It DIN i i I 1 t 11 Ai BI DI F I 1_71 9 1 16 i i i lit i 1 I - I 1 i 1 III IIL III I NE 3rd Street to Maple Valley Highway new roadway G,H,I, alignment. J . . 210 RIN'.14T101N1 IB1Y,-1PIAISiSI IC101N1111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 81 UI i i 1 4 1 117 ii iii iii 11510 III -I I I III 1 !510 III 1510 Study . Joint . • with ' State 211 Si OI t 7IHI 1119121N1Di iSi Ti ISITIUIDIYI 1 I I 1 I I 81 UI I I 1. I. I 119 III III III 111210 III III III 111210 1 I 111210 . Study and R/W acquisition Joint w✓ Other • ' ,Agencies 212 BIE,N1 Si 01141 161 ili-1410151. I IINITI EIRICIHIAIN1G1E1 81 UI I I I 1.'I 111 t I I 1 1 I I I I 1 . . I I I I I I I I I I III IIII Study - State•Funded' 213 EIALSLTI-1 WIEIS}TI IC101N1NIEICITt 01 R1 ISITIU1 DIYI I 81 81 I I I L I 117 I i I I I t I I I 11,010 I 1813F1AIU13 i i i 1 1117 L. 1 111010 • 214 II -1410151 I TIRIAIFIFI II CI IFitrOiWl ISITIUIDI Y1' 1 1 81 UI I I 1 I. 1 111 I I I III- 1 I '1 1 '510 I it I I I III 115t0 III :510 State Funded . Joint with - State Dor 140046 -737- DISTRIBUTION BY AGENCY: 2 COPIES DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER . Iiihisal 2114 1 COPY URBAN ARTERIAL BOARD - 1 COPY C.R.A.B. (COUNTIES ONLY) - I X- �� MERCER __1 1_l - III Z_ I S L A N D l I SOUTHERN PORTION IKIOR MTFNIAiS 1 1. Airport May from Rainier k, . S to LoRen A,m, S 7. brort.- W►3 S/Pmnsnn Yay r frvvs rtifn Are S to 9am.1t Blvd. N S. Let sn Ave, S/In R.n Av. N from Airport •e, to M 6th St. .A a, LOtan A... S/LftAe r, Are, t from Alrnort Wey tp S rU St. 7 S. N11n Ara, S fro. 5 Cr.dy Way to Prim ray S 6. Map I. Yailsy Highway free Sunset SIP! N to East City limits 1. W 3rd St. from Loeau Are N to [un.,t Rlvd. N {, N lta PI./N AIN St, from wru.er Yay N tr loran Ave N !. Wr 3rd St /N, atI, it w t_ t a. felyd M to fa,t City I.I.It. To Part Ave. N from aro"I" Yer M to N tart Dr ll, N Part Dr./NE Park Dr. from Par Fra, N to IT ,Is Aw. Nr 17. Nt SM at slid. from fdormdl Are. NF. to Fa,t fit y t3.ft. 1! Ralnler Av. wltaini.r Av. S from worth (it, Ll.it. to t Cradr W., to S Ind It, from VAIn Fv. 5 to Rat nl.r Aw. S IS S Ird It. free Reinter Are S to Me" Av. S 16 Pont- Ara. Wonsion from Rafnfer A- S to wort City Li.it. I7 SW Smn•ot Blvd. from West Citv Limits to Ital.,Arr. t 1a. Sutsmt Blvd. N from oe sreoa Noy N to FAT All5 19 Ia.Yfa/ NYy S/11--1 Yay M from M.I. Ave. Smyth to Prgrean W­N ! 1 20 So,rtA fr•dy way (tam Ra in', A.., S to Mat. AY.. S 21. W vallvY Road from 4 .3rd [t. to North Clty Lldts 22. SN alyd 5I JS Alyd St. trot W Ya 11.y b.d to Te1Mt Soad 5 ,. I3 Talbot brad S from S 7th St. to S Njr.t Drlro 1a. Mpson 1tr1» S fmm S PUe•t nrlre to South City Llmit. 25. 0.ke.d.l. Av. Sr fro. 41 Aitd it. T A,-S.t Hi 0h y O it, M 6th h from Logan Ar.. N to r.rt Ave 4- SsMNPANT AA'FFPIAI-S 37. a.-*-Wnad 5 fs S Graf( Nay to S city Limits 2s. Llnd Are A from SN Tth it. to NO Ord St. 79. SW rndt ray from Rainier Are. S to West City Limits V) S P,,*ot Drf.•/►uR.t Drty IF from Talbot "d S to rdmorrdl A- SF 31. moods Are. SE from Put" Drive SE to South City I latter 33. 9 ath PI /S at% St._ Ra la l.r Are. S to 4.1. Ave [ 33. Sh.tt:.rk Ave. S from S tth tt, to S rr.dY ■., 3A. S lth St./SW 7th Street from Ars,ett Are. S to D.retdale Av., S• SS. IlliI A,.. S from Nousmr We, S to Bronson War S 36, S god St. from MI 11 A,., [ to slain Ar., S 37. W, ll. A"' S/Wells Ave. N from [ r,.dr Way to A 60 St. Ss. Williams hie, 11(W111Le.s A­5 from N 6th St, to t rre:tr War 39. -W 6th St. from Park Av. N to fardon Ave. N aW. Gordon Av, N fro. orison Way N to N Park Dri ve AI. N ash St. frura P.rk Art. N to Garden Av. N (North Let) t7. SWt,.et Slyd, NP from rAI A0S to NF P.rI Drl, �• !3. Uhion Ar.. Nf from Smith CIrY Llsdts to worth City 1.lwLt. 1 N. Edmonds M.. NE from Nf Sunset Btrd, to Nf 27tA St.� \ aS. a Seth St."Con" in Place vF./NE Pth St. from FAT 4RS to fdnond. Ave. WT q. N 30th St. from Nuroett Me. N to f6i AD5 !7, L.ke Wuhl moron Pled. NfMf from N ►erk Di, to North Off ILefts Q, 5N 27th St from mo,t Valley Rued to Fast Yel ley Rced •�� 49. Mall Fre. NT fr.ma rw,rth City limits to took City I.lwita ��'•' ' ml.�eci?w AlRauts ", tt 30. Pert Ave. N/N .(ith St. from N Srfth .t. to L . W.,htns•oe .Ird. N 1. e `•M FFF �' $1. m,rmtt Avr a from I.ka W.sh In eT al.a. W C5. Torn t.k. .-h. Alyd u 11 SI. ADr rdear Ave. NF from 4mset Pl rd NE to NF I th ST. ,S•. _ (J� f S1. Irf 16th 3t fro. Jone, Awe. NI to Fdmond. Are. SA IZI 12th St from Fdr.ond, Ara. Nf to Ilnlon Ara. of IS. Mon,• A,.. Nf Imo Nf 2nd St. to Nf 11tA so, W. 2nd [t. im. Min me Arr NF to C1 t7 CAops PYtry a ..., II• 1 S7. NE 1?tth St. Crow Nr [un.et of 'I to Pttn,e Av. NP St. MP 'th It. from NL [(mart alyd to shnrw Av♦. NF 'n^"�^' r' IM. 94OMd. Av TIP from WE Suoset Slid. to NF Ath St. N •� I N. sr•.ronn Wby NF ME At tt. from Nt 3rd St. to .I.frer,an Ave Nf S r - ml. Taylor Ave. Nf/T.yf or rl. MW from Re"to. Arm. Er ten. i on to We.t rift I'.It• a2. Mead- Av. North from 0ron.on Nay N to W eth tt. SJ. F.\tory Ar.. N from a,n.on Mar W to N Ath St. t S ♦",� I _ , aa. SW Lanaaon b.d from tN Sunset atrd. to WYt Ctt7 lilts f• 65. S 3rd rl. from Rat nter Are. 5 to SAatiWrt Ave. S A* •s i M. She IT ucl Ar., S ftrto S 2nd St. to S Atit S4. 67. Nhitro rth Are. S rram S 7nd St, to S AtA St. f 1 6a. Morris Arv, S from [ 21 1 It to [ lth R, t9. aurrutr Ara. S from S 214 51 to S 7U 116t 70. PVnstet Road SW from t aaA St. to a 16th St. sk .! , 71. SW I6th it. from toot valley load to Minstar bad qr L... } 72 tot v.itey Row fro. SW 16th St. to SW 43id St. -..�� 73 Talbot A0N S from S 16,h St. to t..1h City I.i.lts te, [N al.t St, from fax Yal Noy b.d to 04..fela A. SN L r, 1ryy`--1��•(V, .� '11_. SW 1Ath St. f,. r.tt Yeller k e.1 to 0$Nda le Ave. - �t l-P�•1`'• s �{`!tt "'^ � r"[r61 c. � r _-� 7 "� ; F•�l/ atq a },A.w ... - - I�1. .i _�� ' ♦�� 1 �3 �_ ' . � .�•C �_f � x .� .�.�,t;+'.�,� ��I ti�1i i t� ... l r ]� .-�� SI�� ��V��,((("""���-1 r \�t�'' i J, fl 7 % v t 'gym it '1Y' � ' r � � A ,�,y1! � ' 1111 i I i � •i EQ[ _ I ` S. , 14 .. r . 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PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL �•Fl�w MINOR ARTERIAL I-■■w(}omme COLLECTOR ARTERIAL t i II 1 1985 I ARTERIAL t STREETS l f =t !' `' ` ' I SCALE 1"•800' EXHIBIT HEARING 6 24'85 ADOPTED 7-1µ"N85 RESOLUTION 2609