HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 Correspondence g - uuay 16, 1985 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (1986 - 1991) Copies sent to: (76) State Dept. of Transportation (2 copies + 1 for UAB) (w/Adj. Agency Cert. ) City of Kent City of Tukwila King County King County Planning (B'Young Ahn) City of Bellevue City of Seattle (2 copies) City of Issaquah Puget Power Pacific Northwest Bell Washington Natural Gas Group W'Cable, Inc. Burlington Northern Chamber of Commerce METRO PSCOG Mayor and Council Members (9 copies) City Clerk (25 copies) Engineering Design & Utility (5 copies) Street Division (1) Water Shop (1) Public Works Director (1) Policy Development Dept. (1.) Vince Lee (1) City Attorney (1) Traffic Engineering (Gary, Paul, Ed + 8) Building & Zoning Dept. (1) SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1986 - 1991 CITY PRIORITY # ANNUAL ELEMENT PROJECTS Wells Avenue Bridge Replacement 2 N 1st St. , Park Ave. N to Burnett Ave. N 3 SW Sunset Blvd. , Rainier Ave. S to West City Limits 4 S 2nd St., Main Ave. S to Rainier Ave. S 5 Park Ave. N, Bronson Way N to N 4th St. 6 SW 16th St. , Lind Ave. SW to Oakesdale Ave. SW 7 SW 16th St., Oakesdale Ave. SW to Monster Road SW 8 Miscellaneous Railroad Crossing Improvements 9 Miscellaneous Street Overlays 10 Oakesdale Ave. SW, SW 28th St. to Sunset 11 Rainier & Grady Intersection 12 Lake Washington Blvd. , NE 44th St. to ,North City Limits SECOND YEAR PROJECTS 9 Miscellaneous Street Overlays 10 Oakesdale Ave. SW, SW 28th St. to Sunset 13 Logan Ave. North, Airport Way to South 2nd Street 14 South 7th St. , Shattuck Ave. S to Smithers Ave. S THIRD YEAR PROJECTS 9 Miscellaneous Street Overlays 10 Oakesdale Ave. SW, SW 28th St. to Sunset 15 Lake Washington Blvd. N, Park Ave. North to I-405 16 SW 27th St. , Oakesdale Ave. SW to West Valley Road 17 SE Puget Dr. , Jones Place SE to Edmonds Ave. SE 18 N/NE 3rd St. - I-405 Undercrossing FOURTH - SIXTH YEAR PROJECTS 9 Miscellaneous Street Overlays 19 Edmonds Ave. Extension 20 Renton By-Pass Connector Study 21 South 192nd Street Study 22 Benson & I-405 Interchange Study 23 SW 27th St. - Benson Connector Study 24 I-405 Traffic Flow Study • • C • • Page 1 of 3 SIA 1-2 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 86 TO 1991 City/County: Renton/King Hearing Date Keypunching Note: Data entered in cola 1-8 must Exhibit "A" Adoption Date City No. 1 0 7 0 ss be on all cards punched from County No. 1 7 ,.5 this form. Resolution Number . K PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OBLIGATION SCHEDULE . FUNDING SOURCE c .,PROJECT IDENTIFICATION/DESCRIPTION OF WORK i 2 x. City Ave./St.Name or Number v 3 Work Totel o$ YEAR TOTAL FEDERAL R.A.P. e Co.Road Number or Road Name. :e Codes Length f i 1st 2nd 3rd 4, 5 or LOCAL FUNDS d Beginning and Ending Termini i (Mlles) §. (AnnualU.A.B. • Describe Work to be Completed LLD 43 Element) & 6th AMOUNT GRAM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 5 10 11 - - 35 36 37 40 41 44 45 45 47 45 51 52 55 56 50 00 63 64 07 58 71 72 75 70 ' 75 00 11 WI EI L1 LI Si IAI VI Et 1BIRi II Di GIEi IRI ELPI Li AICI Mi 't Ti AA ,ALBI F1 G 1 1.014 116 X 14814181 I 1 i a 1 1 I 1 1 i i ,1141718, 1 1 I , 1 I I • 13i 7i 0,, 1 ,ii 81' Bridge replacement. H,J,L Bridge Replacement 12 N1 1 11 S1 T1 ISI TI-IPIAIRIKI t T101 t B1 UI RLN IE ITITI A l 4I Bi Di Fill 1 i.312119 X 171010 1 J I 1 1 I I ' I I I I I I I I I I 17i 010 I ) 171010 Reconstruction - new curb, gutter, A.C. pavement, 10 Gas storm drainage, coordinate w/12" watermain and new . Tax sanitary sewer i3 S1W1 ISIUINISIEITI-IRIAIIINIIIEIRI !TA IWICiti 1 1 21 BIDIFIG 1 1.210 112 X 16L0t0 1 1 1 11 1 i I I 141918F1AIUIS i i i 1 1101 2 1 I 161Oi0 Add two-way left turn lane, traffic signal improve- H,I,J ho Gas ment, underground power, new street lights, coor- Tax dinate w/12" -watermain &. sanitary sewer 14 Si 121NiDi ISITI-i IMIAIIINI ITIO1 [RIAIIINIIIEIRI I 51 DIHL 1 1 1`415 112 X 1 1610 i i 1 1 i 1 11 1 1 1 i i I I 1 1 1 I 16 JO I i I /610 Joint project with WSDOT. WSDOT to -resurface South • 110 Gas 2nd Street. City must pay the cost for channel- ization. Coordinate with 24" watermain & sanitary sewer. - Tax • 15 PI Al RI K1 IAI V1E1 I141-101R1 01 NIS 101N1 IT101 IN! 14t Ti H 5 I Di Hi 1 i L317114 X i .1610 i i i III 1 1 1 III III I I I 1 1610 I i I 1610 Provide subgrade improvements, street overlay, - 10 Gas pave shoulders and-channelization. Tax 16 SiWi i II 61TIHi-1 LI IINIDI I Ti OI 101AIK1 EI SIDIAILIEI i 21 BIDIFIG I 1.910 117 X 2121010 I i i i i 1 . I' I III III 1 1 I 2121010 1 1212:010 Drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, illumin- 10 Gas ation, channelization, bridge and roadway. . Tax 17 SiWi 116) TI 4-1 01 AI KIEISI DI AIL! EI !TIO' IMIOI NISIT1 E1 R 2I BIDI Ft G 1 1.512 117 X 1 71 710 i i i i i i 11 I i I i I i i i i I 171710 1 1 17:710 Drainage, paving, illumination and channelization. 10 Gas Tax 18 M1IISICI IRIAIIILIR! OlA1D1 1XiIINIGI IIIMIPIR101VIMIT4I CID!HIJ 1 L i I X 131010III III III 1 2171 1 1 1 I III 1 1219 1 113010 Miscellaneous surfacing, channelization, lighting K . RR ho Gas and signing - Safety Tax DOT 140442 •737• DISTRIBUTION BY AGENCY: 2 COPIES DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER R"Iud 2/64 1 COPY URBAN ARTERIAL BOARD ' 1 COPY C.R.A.B. (COUNTIES ONLY) Page 2 of 3 SIA 1.2 • SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 S6 TO 19 91 Renton Hearing Date City/County: ' ' Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols 1-8 must City No. EI0E113 3. be on all cards punched from Exhibit "A" Adoption Date County No. B0 ,4 this form. Resolution Number R PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS d PROJECT IDENTIFICATION/DESCRIPTION OF WORK i OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE a. City Ave./St.Name or Number ‘.3.3 Work Total c 2 : YEAR TOTAL z � Length $- a let 2nd 3rd 4, 5 FEDERAL R.A.P. 0 Co.Road Number or Road Name —.15 Codes u',� or LOCAL FUNDS z Beginning and Ending Termini a (Miles) g a v. S (Annual & 6th PRO' U.A.B. a. Describe Work to be Completed Element) AMOUNT GRAM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 • 10 11 35 36 37 40 _41 44 45 46 47 45 31 52 65 66 59 e0 63 64 A ea 71 72 75 76 79 b e6 19 M1 II SICI•1 ISI )R1E1E1 TI 1OIV1Ei RI LIAiY1S1 I I I _i I 41 Dm I L I i X 11i010. iii 010 i1L010, 131010, 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 6 1 I I , 1610106 i i 161'. Street Division Overlays 10 Gas Tax 110 01 AI KI Fi Si DI AIL! B-1S1 WI 21 81T1H1 I Ti 011SIU1 N1 SI'EITi 11 Al Si Di d I 0.10 1L4 5i Oi 01 0 51 51 01 0 6i Di O10 1 , I L i -1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1651010 116151 010 JO Grading, drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, H,I,J, illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L,M,O landscaping, bridge, roadway. _ 1 1 1 RIAIIi N IIEIRI 1 &i 1 GI Ai Ai 4Y1 iliRITid i i 1 i i- 1 21 _AiDiFiII, i 1.215 11,2 1 2151 0 i I i 1 1 i 1 I 1 1 210 18 FIAi01S i 1 t i 14,2 i i 121510 Add new eastbound right turn lane to freeway on I,J Developer ramp. 40 Gas Tax 1 1 2 Li Ki i W AI i Bi LI Vi 11-t N1 El 141 41 Ti Hi iT 101 i Ni CIL 1 I 4I ,DI Fi Gill i L41 5 116 i 61 01 0 i t I .1 I i 1 I I l i i I I I ill i 61 0J 0 I i 16 10 10 Pavement reconstruction, storm drainage, roadway IC Developer widening. 1/20 Gas Tax 113 LI 01 Gl At N1-1A1 II RiP101 RI T1 1 'B Q ISI 121NID1 1SI T1 i 41 Di Fi GI H 1 1.214116 Iii 161010 i 1 1 ill Ili ill ill 161010 1 1 161010 Roadway reconstruction, new curb, gutter & K ;0 Gas sidewalk, A.C. pavement Tax 114 S1 171 11 1I-I Si MAI 'II Ti U1 C1 HI IT 1 Di 1 SI MI II al HI El RI Si 21 Ai Bi DIF I SiL0 116 1 i 1 121 21 0 ill 1 1 i 1 I 1 1 J I I 1 I 12 12 10 1 I 12 ;2 i0 Drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, ilium- Developer ination and channelization. 40 Gas ' • Tax 115 Li K1 iWIAElHi IBILVID]-IPlAIRIKI 1T101 III-141015i 21 BIDIF1G 13i.Ot3116 I I I I I I 4181010 1 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 III 4 18 10 10 1 1418 ;010 Drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, ilium- Developer ination, channelization, bikeway. 4C Gas Tax 116 SI W1 21 71T1H1-101AIR 1E1 Si D1 AIL(El 1 T101 IWIViA1 Li Ll E1Y 11 Ai Bi DIF 1 1.513 116 i i i i i i 2151010 I I I Iii lit III 2151010 i 1215 ;010 Grading, drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, G,H,I, Developer illumination, signal,_ bike route, channelization, J,L,M, ttC Gas landscaping, roadway. 0 -Tax DOT 140.049 .737. DISTRIBUTION BY AGENCY: 2 COPIES DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER R."..6 2,64 1 COPY URBAN ARTERIAL BOARD 1 COPY C.R.A.B. (COUNTIES ONLY) • • Page 3 of 3 SIA 1.2 • SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 86 TO 19 91 Renton/KingHearing Date i City/County: Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols 1-8 must Exhibit "A" Adoption Date City No. 1 0 7 10 34 be on all cards punched from• Resolution Number County No. 1 7 24 • this form. iK PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE • ze - PROJECT IDENTIFICATION/DESCRIPTION OF WORK CityAve./St.NameorNumber �; Work Total eyt YEAR TOTAL b. FEDERAL R.A.P. e Co.Road Number or Road Name w5 Codes Length 2o a 1st 2nd 3rd 4, 5 or LOCAL FUNDS -c Beginning and Ending Termini a (Mills) §3 i (Annual A 6th PRO" U.A.B. d Describe Work to be Completed n Element) AMOUNT GRAM • 1 -2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 . 10 11 36 36 37 40 41 ' M 45 42 47 44 StI 52 55 58 59 e0 63 N 67 e9 71 72 73 79 79 90 117 SI Si IPI UI GIEITi-i JiOiNIE1SL 1T101 1ELDIMi01NiDISi I 21 'BiDIF1G t 1.718 1,7 II 1 . 1 i 1 . [91610. 1 I i - 1 1 1 4 I I I . 1 1 I . '191610. 1 1 191E- Drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, ilium- Forward - • Thrust ination, channelization, roadway. }tC Gas '"ax 118 NI /1NIE1 I31RiDI ISITI IIt-141015i 1UINIDIEIRICIRIOIS 21 ALB IDIG I 1.01.9 116 L i 1 I I 1 1101010 1 I. t 191010 IFIAII I t I 111010 1 11101010 Widening - add two additional travel lanes. G,H,I, WSDOT J • 11 9 E1 D1 lj 01 NI 01 S1 IA 14E1 t E1 XI T I EI NI SI II Q N 1 i i i -1 11 Ai Bi DIF I 1.71 9 11 6 L I I I I I .1 I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 i I I NE 3rd Street to Maple Valley Highway new roadway G,H,I, alignment. - J 21 0 RI Ei NI 71 01 Ni I Bt YI 1 PI AI Si SI ICI 01 NI NI I I I I I i i 81 , UI I I 1 1. 1 11 7 i i i i I I I I I 1 15 1 0 III I I I I I I I '510 I 1 I 1510 Study Joint with State 211 Si01U1TH. 1118121N1Di 151T1 ISITIUIDIYI I i I i i i 81 Ui i i 11. 1 1.9 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1'210 i I i I I I I -i I 111210 1 i 11.210 Study and R/W acquisition Joint w/ Other • Agencies 212 Bi EI NISIOINI i &I III-1410151 1IINITIEIRCIHIAINIGI EI 81 UI I I 1 1. 1 1,1 i i i i I i 1 i 1 , 1 i Ill III III III I I I . i Study - State Funded 213 Si W1 i 2171 Ti Hi I SITZ-IBI EI NISIOINI i CIOININIEI CI Ti OIR 81 Ui 11 t I. I 117 1 1 1 1 I I I I I 11010 t 1813 FIAtUIS 1 I i 1 1117 11 I li 010 214 II-1410151 1 TI RI AIFIFI II CI IFIL101W1 1SITIUIDIYI I I 8I UI l i 11. i 111 1 t I I t 1 1 1 1 I 1510 i i 1 I i 1 III 1 1510 1 1 I 1510 State Funded Joint with - State • • DOT 140049 •737• DISTRIBUTION BY AGENCY: 2 COPIES DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER Iineed 2/94 I COPY URBAN ARTERIAL BOARD • 1 COPY C.R.A.B. (COUNTIES ONLY) SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1986 - 1991 CITY PRIORITY # ANNUAL ELEMENT PROJECTS 1 Wells Avenue Bridge Replacement 2 N 1st St. , Park Ave. N to Burnett Ave. N 3 SW Sunset Blvd. , Rainier Ave. S to West City Limits 4 S 2nd St. , Main Ave. S to Rainier Ave. S 5 Park Ave. N, Bronson Way N to N 4th St. 6 SW 16th St. , Lind Ave. SW to Oakesdale Ave. SW 7 SW 16th St., Oakesdale Ave. SW to Monster Road SW 8 Miscellaneous Railroad Crossing Improvements 9 Miscellaneous Street Overlays 10 Oakesdale Ave. SW, SW 28th St. to Sunset 11 Rainier & Grady Intersection 12 Lake Washington Blvd. , NE 44th St. to North City Limits SECOND YEAR PROJECTS 9 Miscellaneous Street Overlays 10 Oakesdale Ave. SW, SW 28th St. to Sunset 13 Logan Ave. North, Airport Way to South 2nd Street 14 South 7th St., Shattuck Ave. S to Smithers Ave. S THIRD YEAR PROJECTS 9 Miscellaneous Street Overlays 10 Oakesdale Ave. SW, SW 28th St. to Sunset 15 Lake Washington Blvd. N, Park Ave. North to I-405 16 SW 27th St. , Oakesdale Ave. SW to West Valley Road 17 SE Puget Dr. , Jones Place SE to Edmonds Ave. SE 18 N/NE 3rd St. - I-405 Undercrossing FOURTH - SIXTH YEAR PROJECTS 9 Miscellaneous Street Overlays 19 Edmonds Ave. Extension 20 Renton By-Pass Connector Study 21 South 192nd Street Study 22 Benson & I-405 Interchange Study 23 SW 27th St. - Benson Connector Study 24 I-405 Traffic Flow Study • Page 1 of 3 SI A ,.2 - . SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 86 TO 19 91 City/County: Renton/Xing Keypunching Note: Data entered in cola 1-8 mustHearing Date City No. 1 0 7101 34 be on all cards punched from Exhibit "A" Adoption Date County No. 1 7 ,.6 this form. Resolution Number . R PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS �r o OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE PROJECT IDENTIFICATION/DESCRIPTION OF WORK 3 City Ave./St.Name or Number V 3 Work Total e 2 > Y E A R TOTAL Co.Road Number or Road Name `o Length a o FEDERAL R.A.P. = Beginning and Ending Termini a o Codes (Miles) (Annual 2nd 3rd 4, 5 or LOCAL FUNDS a. Describe Work to be Completed u.C) 0 lement) & 6th AMOUNT GRAM U.A.B. • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 r 11 12 13 14 15 16 • 10 11 - 35 36 37 40 41 44 48 48 47 45 51 52 56 66. 66 60 63 64 07 68 71 72 75 76 78 60 66 11 W1E1LiLiSi 1AtVIEl IBIRJIIDiGIS i IRLELPiLiAICIMi '1'ft .4i BIBLE)G 1 1.014 116 X 1181418. 1 1 1 . _1 I i . , I I X1141718, I 1 1 . I 1 1 . 131710. 1 111814 Bridge replacement. - H,J,L Bridge Replacement 12 NI il1SiT .4_1BIBLE)G1 ITT01 1B1UIRIN1EIT!T1 11 41 Bi Di Fill, 1 1.312119 X 7i0L0, 1 l t ILI , 1 I _ 1 l I , I I I 1 I 1 171010 1 1 171010 Reconstruction - new curb, gutter, A.C. pavement, 110 Gas storm drainage, coordinate w/12" watermain and new Tax sanitary sewer 13 SIWI iSIUINISiEl Tr-IRIAII,N1IIEIRI IT101 IW1C1LL 1 1 2i Si D1 F1 G L 1.2,0 1,2 X 16101_0, _I L L III 1 1 , 141918FIAIU1S 1 1 , • 111012 1 I 161010 Add two-way left turn lane, traffic signal improve- H,I,J 4C Gas ment, underground power, new street lights, coor- Tax dinate w/12" watermain & sanitary sewer 14 SI 12,N, li :Si T1-1 1MIAIIIHi ITIo1 IRI AIIINII,EIR1 L ,51 DISI i 1 1,415 1,2 X I 1610 Ili III III 1 1 1 I l i i 1 1 , 1610 1 1 1 ,6,0 Joint project with WSDOT. WSDOT to resurface South ttC Gas 2nd Street. City must pay the cost for channel- ization. Coordinate with 24" watermain & sanitary sewer. Tax • 15 Pi Ai RI Kt IAI VI EI INI-!SIR!OI NIS I OINI 1T101 1N1 1 41 T,H 51 DI Si i 1 1.3171j4 X 1 1610 i i i 1 1 1 , I 1 11 I 1 1 1 11 1 , 1610 11 I 1610 Provide subgrade improvements, street overlay, 110 Gas pave shoulders and channelization. Tax 16 SiWi 11, 61TIH1-I LI 'MIDI I T101 IOIAIKI Si SIDIAILIEI I 21 BID]FIG I 1.910117 X 21210,0 I i i III . . 'I i i i I i i i i i 2,21010 I 1 21 2:010 Drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, illumin- 11C Gas ation, channelization, bridge and roadway. Tax41111 17 511111[61T1Ri—,0,A1K1E'SIDIAiLiEI 1T101 IMI0iNISITIE1R21 Si Di FIG 1 k512 117 X 1717, 0 t 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 i i 1 1 1 1 , 1 71 710 -LI 17.710 Drainage, paving, illumination and channelization. kC Gas Tax IS MITI Si C, 1 RIAI II Li R101A1Di 1 Xi IINIGI I II M1 PIRIOIVIMI T 41 CID'HI'7 I L 1 1 X 131010 i i i it 1 1 1 i 121711 I i i Ili i 12, 9 1 I 131010 Miscellaneous surfacing, channelization, lighting K RR ;IC Gas and signing Safety Tax DoT 40.040 •737. DISTRIBUTION BY AGENCY: 2 COPIES DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER Revised 2/54 1 COPY URBAN ARTERIAL BOARD I COPY C.R.A.B. (COUNTIES ONLY) • • . Page 2 of 3 SI Al 1.2 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 86 TO 19 91 Renton Kin• Hearing Date City/County: Keypunching Note: �Data entered in cols 1-8 must Exhibit "A" Adoption Date City No. ©1E10 3. be on all cards punched from_ Resolution Number County No. ©0 7.6 this form. g PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS • o OBLIGATION SCHEDULE . FUNDING SOURCE PROJECT IDENTIFICATION/DESCRIPTION OF WORK i r City Ave./St.Name or Number ° Work Total s YEAR FEDERAL R.A.P. TOTAL = Co.Road Number or Road Name 3 gth $3 ,°, let 2nd 3rd 4, 5 or LOCAL FUNDS °� Codes Len ;_ (Annual & 6th PRO- U.A.B. E° Beginning and Ending Termini ° (Mlles) Describe Work to be Completed a o Element) AMOUNT GRAM 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16- . 10 11 35 36 37 40 41 44 45 46_47 b 51_. 62 56 56 56 60 63 64 57 66 71 72 75 76 .75 60 06 19 MI II SIC! •I I SI TIE I EI El TI _1 OLVI El RI LI A IY I Si I I I I I 41 DI I I I L_! p X 11 L010, 111010. j1LOi 0. 1310 10, _I I I • I I 'I , 1 I 1 , 16 10 10. 1 1 16 iO 41 Street Division Overlays10 Gas Tax 110 01 Ai A A Si Di Al 1IA-15tWI2181T1H1 ITIOI ISLUINISIBIT' 1i At BI DIG 1 1,110 1,4 5L01010515101061010LO 1 • I 1 IA III I 1 I 1651010 11615101010 Grading, drainage, paving, curb, gutter,_ sidewalk, H,I,J, illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L,M,O landscaping, bridge, roadway. I 111 RI Al II NI II EI R1 lbl IGI RI Al DIX1 III Ni Ti .1 1 I I L I I 21 Al Bi Fi ill 1 .01_5 1,2 121510 _I I I 1- I I 1 I I 121018 FIAIUI S I I 1 I 1412 I 1 12 15 10 Add new eastbound right turn lane to freeway on I,J Developer 4C Gas ramp. Tax 112 Li KI IWAI !Hi Li VI D—INIEI 1414IT1Hi ITIOI 1NICiI.I 1 41 Di FI GIH I 1.415 116 161010 1 1 I . 1 1 1 III III III III 1610 0 1 I 16!0,0 Pavement. reconstruction, storm drainage, roadway K . Developer widening. 4C Gas Tax. 113 L101 G1 AIN!-1A1 II RIPIOI R1 Ti 1 % Q ISI 121N1DI 151T1 I 41 DIP!GI H 1 L2i 41L6 i I I 161010 II ! , 1 I III III III 161010 1 I 161018 Roadway reconstruction, new curb, gutter & K /C Gas sidewalk, A.C. pavement - Tax 114 Si 171 TI H-1 Si HI A1 71 Ti UI CI K1 I Ti 01 I Si MI II 'A HI Ei RI SI 21 Ai BI DIF 11.510116 I -I I 121210 III 1 I I III III I I I i212 i0 I I 12 0210 Drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, ilium- Developer ination and channelization. . . /C Gas • Tax 115 L1 K1 I WI At SI H1 I B11V1 D1-1P IAIRIKI I Ti 01 i1i-1410151 ' 21 Bi DI Fl G 131.013116 1 I I I I I 4181010 . I 1 I I I I I I I I I 4181010 j 1418 ii,-Tu Drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, ilium- Developer ination, channelization, bikeway. 1C Gas • Tax 116 SIW1217ATill! -1O1AIKIEISIDiAIL IEI 1T101 IWIVIAILILiEIY 1I AIBIDIF I 1.513116 - I I '1 1 I I 21510!0 . I 1 III III I I I 2151010 1 12151010 Grading, drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, G.H.I. Developer illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, J,L,M, 1C Gas landscaping, roadway. 0 • Tax 007 140045 437- DISTRIBUTION BY AGENCY: 2 COPIES DISTRICT STATE.AID ENGINEER 546442 2154 1 COPY URBAN ARTERIAL BOARD • 1 COPY C.R.A.B. (COUNTIES ONLY) . Page 3 of 3 SIA 1.: SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 86 . TO 19 91 Renton/KingHearing Date . City/County: Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols 1-8 must Exhibit "A" Adoption Date City No. 1 0 7 0 a• be on all cards punched from • County No. 1 7 7. this form. Resolution Number • R PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS i PROJECT IDENTIFICATION/DESCRIPTION OF WORK 3 0 ' OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE 2: City Ave./St.Name or Number �; Work Total e : YEAR FEDERAL R.A.P. TOTAL c Co.Road Number or Road Name 'o Codes Length $i g. 1st 2nd 3rd 4, 5 or LOCAL FUNDS d Beginning and Ending Termini 2 (Mlles) (Annual & 6th AMOUNT PRO" U.A.B. Describe Work to be Completed Element) GRAM 1 2 3 4 5 �6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 • mil • 35 35 37 40 41 44 45 46 47 40 51 52 56 54 50 60 63 64 67 N 71 72 75 70 711 b b 117 Si Si IPIUIGIEITI-IJIOINIEIS( tT101 IEIDIMIOINIDISA 1 21 B1 DIF1G I 1,7 i8 117 11 i . i i 1 , 191610. i I 1 .. t I I , I I I . 1 I I . 191610. 1 I 1916 Drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, illum- - Forward ination, channelization, roadway. . Thrust 10 Gas ^_ax 118 51 /I NEI 131 R1 I !SIT! 1 Ii-14101 51 I U I NI DIET RI C1R 1015,21 AiB IDIG 11,019116 1 I i I I 1 1101010 , ' 1 191010 IFI All I 1 I x11010 1 11101010 Widening - add two additional travel lanes. G,H,I, WSDOT J . li9 E1DIf 01NID1SI 1R MEI 1EI XIT1EI NI SI II 01 N I I 1 1 1 ii AIBIDIP I 1719116 t I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I 1 NE 3rd Street to Maple Valley Highway new roadway G,H,I, . alignment. . J 210 R1 EI N T 0I N1 1 BI YI IPI AI SI St 1C101 NI NI I 1 I I I I I 81 UI 1 1 i I. 1 117 I 1 I I I I I t I 1 1510 I I I I I I I I I 1 !Si() 1 I 1 1510 Study Joint with • • State ' 211 St01U1SH1 1119121N1Di 1St TI IS1TIU, D1Y1 1 1 1 1 1 I 81 UI 11 11 1 119 1 i I I I I 11 t 11.210 I I I I I I 1 I I 111210 11 1112 I0 Study and R/W acquisition Joint w/Other • Agencies 212 B1EINISIOINI 161 III-1410151 IIINI T1E1 RICIHI AIN;GI EI al Um m I 11, I 111 1 II III I I I . I I I I I I I I I I ' I i t I I I : 1 Study - State Funded i 213 Si WI 12171T1 HI I S1T1-1B1 Et NiSiO1 NI I CIOININI EI CI Ti OIR 81 UI I I 1 I. I 1.17 III III III 11010 I t 813 FI At U1S I I I 1 1117 I l 11i 010 214 II-1410151 !TiRIAIFIFIIICI IFILIOIWI ISITIUID1Yl I I 81 UI I I I I I 111 I I I I I I I I I i 1510 I I I _ I I I I I I I 15t0 I I I :5I0 State Funded Joint with State DOT 140-041 .737. DISTRIBU11ON BY AGENCY: 2 COPIES DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER noised 2164 1 COPY URBAN ARTERIAL BOARD I COPY C.R.A.B. (COUNTIES ONLY) Renton City Council June 24, 1985 Page three West Hill Larry Springer indicating this proposal is made for construction Reservoir of a storage tank and expansion of reservoir capacity. The Annexation letter also transmitted an Annexation Review Summary, outlining Continued the annexation proposal. Continued Steve Munson, Assistant Planner, described the area and purpose of the proposed annexation, noting it was being processed under the "Municipal Purposes Method" wherein only one meeting is required; the 10%-75% process is not utilized. Mr. Munson noted this site is not contiguous to the City, but approximately 700 feet west of existing city limits. This request for annexation • was submitted by the Public Works Department to improve sewer and water service, the tower at the site is expected to be operational in mid-July, and no objections have been raised by City departments. Mr. Munson recommended the annexation be approved and the Policy Development Department be instructed to forward the Notice of Intent documents to the King County Boundary Review Board. Continued In response to inquiries by Councilman Stredicke, it was noted that no citizen complaints have been received regarding tower construction and six Public Meeting Notice.posting locations were listed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THIS PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THIS APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION AND INSTRUCT THE POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TO FORWARD DOCUMENTS • TO THE KING COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published posted, and mailed in accordance with State law, Mayor Shinpoch .2Lansportation opened the public hearing to consider adoption of the Six-year .-Impzoxemea ,Transportation Improvement Program (1986-1991). Public Works Program, 1986-91 ;Director Houghton reviewed program projects from 1981-1984 by Muse of the city map and a vinyl overlay for each year, providing 1a final view of the overall equity of street improvement ;programs throughout the City. Mr. Houghton reviewed funding sources, individual program progress and/or completion, and provided an updated synopsis of the 1985-90 improvement program, showing projects completed, those scheduled for completion in 1985 (with proposed priority for the 1986-91 program), and those ` indicated as second, third, or fourth-sixth year projects. Continued Public Works Director Houghton presented the proposed Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program for 1986-91, noting that City • priority rating differences between this and the 1984-90 program synopsis would be corrected and incorporated in the final program listing, along with any changes profferred by this public hearing. In response to Councilman Trimm's inquiry, the . Sunset Blvd. NE overlay project, from the underpass to Park • Avenue, was identified as a Forward Thrust project (not included • in the six-year program), scheduled for bid and completion this I year. Continued 0 Dennis Stremick, 2532 Smithers Avenue South, inquired regarding the status of Talbot Road South and was informed this project is 6 due to be completed within the next six months. Continued Versie Vaupel, 1402 North Second, requested explanation of the Work Code designations listed on the attachment to the program jpresentation. Public Works Director Houghton indicated these were alpha codes assigned by Urban Arterial personnel to indicate specific work to be accomplished. Continued i Wayne Pretti, 1106 South 23rd Street, questioned location and i purpose of Item 23 (SW 27th Street - Benson Connector Study) . Public Works Director Houghton indicated this was a feasibility study only of connecting SW 27th to SR 515. (See later comments. ) Renton City Council June 24, 1985 Page four • Six-year Councilwoman Mathews explained that differences between the Transportation ' priorities listed by the 1985-90 program review and those within Improvement ; the 1986-91 program were partially due to suggestions made by Program, 1986-91 the Transportation Committee after reviewing projects remaining Continued on the 85-90 program, noting these were suggestions only; permanent changes to the program requiring action at a public meeting. Councilman Reed commented on present poor quality of overlays on Williams Avenue and on Wells Avenue near Second ' Street. Mr. Houghton responded that recent repairs to Williams Avenue were negated by gas company main installation, future repair is unscheduled; Wells Avenue area will be repaired in ' conjunction with the Wells Avenue Bridge project, to be bid in early spring, 1986. Continued Councilman Reed noted he had received complaints regarding traffic back-up problems on Puget Drive ,below the Benson Highway and adjacent to SR 515 and Talbot due to one lane only turning onto Talbot. Public Works Director Houghton indicated improvements to this area were scheduled to be corrected through two new. developments planned in the area. Councilman Reed requested Council be kept apprised through the planning stages and informed of progress on this matter. Continued Wayne Pretti, 1106 South 23rd Street, voiced his opposition to : Item 23 (SW 27th Street - Benson Connector Study), even at2a future date, noting the .dense residential area of Victoria Park and the probability of radically increasing traffic through this area. Continued Dennis Stremick, 2532 Smithers Avenue South, agreed with Mr. Pretti's recommendation that Item 23 be deleted from the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. Continued IMOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested information regarding funding sources for Item 8 (Miscellaneous Railroad '- Crossing Improvements). Mr. Houghton identified possible •; funding sources as 1/20 Gas Tax and Railroad Protection money; use of Federal Aid Safety money currently being investigated. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, ITEM 8 BE MOVED TO ITEM 4 AND SUBSEQUENT NUMBERING ON THE PLAN REMAIN IN SEQUENCE. CARRIED. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR SIN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WITH REGARD TO THE SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, 1986-1991, , (white summary sheet distributed to Council) WITH AMENDMENT OF ITEM 8 ABOVE AND REDESIGNATION OF ITEM 23 FROM SW 27TH STREET - BENSON CONNECTOR STUDY TO EAST/WEST CORRIDOR-BENSON CONNECTOR STUDY. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Wayne Pretti, 1106 South 23rd Street, speaking on behalf of the Victoria Hills Victoria Hills Homeowners Association, requested clarification Remand Appeal of procedures regarding payment of $75 appeal fee and whether a PPUD-008-85 document entitled "Response to the Remand of PPUD-008-85 to the (Luckey Company)_ Hearing Examiner" (prepared by legal counsel) would be accepted as an actual appeal, not being submitted on a preprinted City form. (Original appeal filed by Victoria Hills Homeowners Association of the recommendation by the Hearing Examiner regarding modification of an existing preliminary planned unit development approved in May, 1982, (File #PPUD-102-81) for Phase II of a development on South Puget Drive, west of Benson Road South and north of South 26th Street. Remanded to Hearing Examiner for reconsideration 5/06/85). Continued Mayor Shinpoch and City Attorney Warren assured Mr. Pretti the "Response" would be evaluated by the City according to its intent and processed as an appeal. Following discussion of prior Council intention regarding the waiving of the $75 fee on appeals remanded to the Hearing Examiner for reconsideration Recess and then re-appealed, it was MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL RECESS FOR TEN MINUTES TO ALLOW THE CITY CLERK TO DO RESEARCH FOR THE COUNCIL. CARRIED. Time: 9:50 p.m. • SIX YEAR TRANSPOI TION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM • 35 - 1990 . • CITY - • : PRIORITY # • ANNUAL ELEMENT PROJECTS • '86 '85- • •. 1 • 1 Wells Avenue Bridge Replacement , - 3 . Palb�t Road S, S 16th &t-,--to S 4Ist St. Z ,- 4. N 1st St., Park Ave. N to Burnett Ave. N 3 5 SW Sunset Blvd. , Rainier Ave. S to West City Limits . LiuU Ave. SW, SW 161..E St. to SW G.4a, Way - NE 45th St. at FAI-405 C�ussi..y -8- Rainier Ale. 3, 3 Grady Hay tij S 3..i SL. -9- -SW 711. St. , Ra1....1=. Ave. S to Hardie Av . SW Lit 10 • • S 2nd St., Main Ave. S to Rainier Ave. S 5- 11 Miscellaneous Street Overlays -ice- W=.t- Vall‘.y-grad, SW 43rd St. te City Limits 6 • 14 SW 16th St., Lind Ave. SW to.Monster Road SW 7 15 Miscellaneous Railroad Crossing Improvements 46- ., ._. - • - - -1-621k- N 3rd St. & Paid A . N 1GB N 4t:. SL. & !ark An . N 17 • Park Ave. N, Bronson Way N to N 4th St. 48- Monroe Ave. Nom., NE Cth St. te NE 12th Ct. SECOND YEAR PROJECTS 11 Miscellaneous Street Overlays / 3 19 S 7th St. , Rainier Ave. S to Smithers Ave. S /0 20 Rainier Ave. S & S Grady Way Intersection . 21 Oakesdale Ave. SW, SW 16th St. to SW 28th St. THIRD YEAR PROJECTS • . - 11 Miscellaneous Street Overlays /it 22 Oakesdale Ave. SW, SW Grady Way to Sunset Highway (SR 900) 9 23 Oakesdale Ave. SW, SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way /5- 24 Lake Washington Blvd. N, N Park Dr. to City Limits /(1. 25 SW 27th St., Oakesdale Ave. SW to West Valley Road. • FOURTH - SIXTH YEAR PROJECTS .5- 11 - Miscellaneous Street Overlays • ./ 7 26 SE Puget Dr., Jones Place SE to Edmonds Ave. SE /8 27 N/NE 3rd St. - 1-405 Undercrossing 19 28 , Edmonds Ave. Extension - SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1986 - .1991 CITY PRIORITY # ANNUAL ELEMENT PROJECTS 1 f - Wells Avenue Bridge Replacement 2 N lst .St. , Park Ave. N to Burnett Ave. N 3 SW Sunset Blvd. , Rainier Ave. S to West City Limits 4 S 2nd St. , Main Ave. S to Rainier Ave. S 5 Park Ave. N, Bronson Way N to N 4th St. . 6 SW 16th St. , Lind Ave. SW to Oakesdale Ave. SW 7 SW 16th St., Oakesdale Ave. SW to Monster Road SW 8 Miscellaneous Railroad Crossing Improvements 9 . Miscellaneous Street Overlays 10 Oakesdale Ave. SW, SW 28th St. to Sunset 11 . Rainier & Grady Intersection 12 Lake Washington Blvd. , NE 44th St. to North City Limits SECOND YEAR PROJECTS 9 Miscellaneous Street Overlays r 10 Oakesdale Ave. SW, SW 28th St. to Sunset 13 Logan Ave. North, Airport Way to South 2nd Street 14 South 7th St., Shattuck Ave. S to Smithers Ave. S THIRD YEAR PROJECTS 9 Miscellaneous Street Overlays 10 Oakesdale Ave. SW, SW 28th St. to Sunset 15 Lake Washington Blvd. N, Park Ave. North to I-405 16 SW 27th St. , Oakesdale Ave. SW to West Valley Road 17 SE Puget Dr. , Jones Place SE to Edmonds Ave. SE 18 N/NE 3rd St. - I-405 Undercrossing FOURTH - SIXTH YEAR PROJECTS 9 Miscellaneous Street Overlays 19 Edmonds Ave. Extension 20 Renton By-Pass Connector Study 21 South 192nd Street Study 22 Benson & I-405 Interchange Study 23 SW 27th St. _ Benson Connector Study 24 1-405 Traffic Flow Study • Page 1 of 3 SIA 1.2 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 86 TO 19 91 City/County: Renton/King Hearing Date Keypunching Note: Date entered in cola 1-8 must Exhibit "A" Adoption Date City No. 1 0 7 0 s• be on all cards punched from County No. 1 7 ,.• this form. Resolution Number . R PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ■ q OBLIGATION SCHEDULE . FUNDING SOURCE d PROJECT IDENTIFICATION/DESCRIPTION OF WORK ;E 3 3. City Ave./St.Name or Number c2; Work Total e a :YEAR FEDERAL R.A.P. TOTAL `o Co.Road Number or Road Name c Codes Length r let 2nd 3rd 4, 5 n Beginning and Ending Termini 3 (Miles) g• (Annual & 6th PRO- r LOCAL FUNDS Describe Work to be Completed IAA) u Element) AMOUNT GRAM U.AA.B. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 • to II 36 36 37 40 41 44 45 46 47 46 51 52 55 Co Co 4 I I 60 63 64 67 68 71 72 75 711 79 60 e6 . ii WIE)LiL1S1 1AiVIEI IBIRLIIDIGTE I 1RIELPILIAICIMI 'ITi .`i AIBIFIG 1 1.014 1,6 X 1181418• 1 1 1 s. i 1 L_. , I 141141718, 1 I I . I I I , 131710. 1 11181418. Bridge replacement. H,J,L Bridge Replacement 12 Ni MSI ! 1.Si TI—IP LAIR,KL IT101 1B1UIRIN IEITITI 1 1 41 BID]FM 1 0312119 X 171010 Ili „ I III III III 171010 1 1 171010 Reconstruction - new curb, gutter, A.C. pavement, 1/40 Gas storm drainage, coordinate w/12” watermain and new Tax sanitary sewer i3 SIW1 ISi UINISIEI Pi-IRiA1 II NII1 Ei IT101 IWICILI i i 21 B1D1F1G i 1.210 112 X 161010 1 1 1 i '1 I L 1 I 1419i8FIA1UIS I 1 1 111012 1 1 161010 Add two-way left turn lane, traffic signal improve- H,I,J . /4 Gas ment, underground power, new street lights, coor- Tax dinate w/12" watermain & sanitary sewer ri 14SI 12i Ni Di ISITi-i IMIA1 I1N1 IT101 !RikII NII IEIRI i 51 DISI I I 1.415 112 X I 1610 i I i i I I 1 I I 11 I I I I I I I I 1610 11 I )610 Joint project with WSDOT. WSDOT to resurface South 1f¢ Gas 2nd Street. City must pay the cost for channel- ization. Coordinate with 24" watermain & sanitary sewer. Tax • IS PIAIRIKI IAIVIEI 1Ni-IBIR101 NIS 1O1Ni 1T10) IN1 141T1H5I Di Hi 1 I 1.317114 X 1 1610 1 1 I It ' , 1 I III I i• 1 III I 1610 1 1 1 1610 Provide subgrade improvements, street overlay, /C Gas pave shoulders and channelization. Tax • 16 SIWI i 11611'1H1-ILI IINIDI I TI OI I OIAIKIEI SIDIAILIEI I 21 BIDI FIG I 1.910117 X 2121010 I I I 1 1 1 l I I I I I I 1 1 1 2121010 1 121.2;�'._ Drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, illumin- ation, channelization, bridge and roadway. Tax 17 SEW'1.61T114-101 Al XIX I SI DI Al Li Si IT101 1)110 IN'Si Ti Ei R 21 BIDI FiG I Si1. 2 1L7 X 1 71 71 0 i 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I' 1 17(710 I i 17:710 Drainage, paving, illumination and channelization. 11C Gas • Tax MI Ii Si Ci I R I At II LI R1 01 A l DI 1X1 II N I G I I Z1 MI PIR 1 01 V I'MI T 4 I CID'HI J I 1. 1 ) X 1 31 010 1 I I I 1 ) 1 1 1 1 21 71 1 1 I 1 1 i 1 1 1 21 9 i I 13 10 10 iscellaneous surfacing, channelization, lighting K RR 4C Gas and signing ' Safety Tax Dol 140041 437. DISTRIBUTION BY AGENCY: 2 COPIES DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER n..14.5 2164 I COPY URBAN ARTERIAL BOARD I COPY C.R.A.B. (COUNTIES ONLY) • Page 2 of 3 SIA 1.2 • SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 86 TO 19 91 Renton Kin.• Hearing Date City/County: Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols 1-8 must Exhibit "A" Adoption Date City No. ECM] ,, be on all cards punched from Resolution Number County No. E0 ,.6 this form. x PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS zd PROJECT IDENTIFICATION/DESCRIPTION OF WORK c OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE Sk City Ave./St.Name or Number ' u3 Work ' Total al >it YEAR FEDERAL R.A.P. TOTAL E Co.Road Number or Road Name `o Codes Length $l ,o, 1st 2nd 3rd 4, 5 or LOCAL FUNDS d Beginning end Ending Termini R (Mlles) ;a g (Annual & 6th AMOUNT PRO' U.A.B. Describe Work to be Completed Element)_ GRAM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 . 16 t 10 11 33 36 37 40 41 44 45 M0 4? 46 51 62 56 66 3 60 63 .64 67 66 71 72 76 78 76 p 19 M1 II S1C1.i 191 TIRIElElTi 101 V1 EI RILIALY[SI 1 I I i L 4i DI I I 1 1. 1 1 ,X 1110104 111010. 11_0,0, 131010, 1 1 I , 1 I 1 / I I I 1 161010. i i 161010. Street Division Overlays 1C Gas Tax 110 01AIKt Si Di AiL, f„-ISIWI2181TIH' 1 T10 ISIUINISiEIT] 11 Ai BIDiG 1 ail) 144 510101051510106101010 1 . I 1 I I I I I I I j 165 10 10 11615101010 Grading, drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, H,I,J, illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L,M,0 landscaping, bridge, roadway. _ 1 1 1 RI Ai I113 IIE1 RI ! 61 1 GI HI AI DiY1 III lti Ti .1 11 I I I I 21 Ai BI FIH 1 1.215 1 1 2 12151 0 i i 1 I I I , I I !21018 FIAIUIS I I I I 1412 11 121510 Add neweastbound right turn lane to freeway on I,J Developer ramp. 10 Gas Tax 112 Li KJ I le Al IBILiVII-iNIEt 14i41TIHi IT101 1 NICiLI I 41 DiFIGIH ! 1.475116 167010 t I I III I I I III III 111 161010 11 161010 Pavement reconstruction, storm drainage, roadway K Developer widening. 1/20 Gas Tax 113 L101 G1 A1N1-1A1 II RIP101 R1 Ti 1 'If 4 ISI i 21N1D1 1STi 1 41 DIM GI H 1 1.214176 i i i 16i010 i i i Ili lit III i i i 161010 I I 161010 • Roadway reconstruction, new curb, gutter a K /0 Gas sidewalk, A.C. pavement • Tax 114 Si 17111 H-i SiIAI '11TIU1C1K1 1TIOi. ISIMI Ii TIHiEiIt!Si 21 Al BIDiF I 1.510116 , I I 1 ''121210 11 1 III III III III 121210 I I 12tZ Drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, ilium- Developer ination and channelization. if Gas Tax 115 LIR] I WI Pi Si HI t B1 14V1 D1-,PIAIRI K1 1T101 III-1410151 21 BI Di FIG 131.0!'31,6 i i i ill 41810,0 , , i i i i Ili i 1 1 4181010 i 1418 ,010 Drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, ilium- Developer ination, channelization, bikeway. 110 Gas • Tax 116 SiWj2171TIHi-1OAAXS!SIDiAIL'E1 1T101 IWIVIA1L1LiSIT 11 AiBIDiF I 1.513116 III Iii 2151010 , I 1 III I I i , I t I ,2151010 i 1215:010 Grading, drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, G,H,I, Developer illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, J,L,M, /C Gas landscaping, roadway. 0 • Tax 007 14004$ •737• DISTRIBUTION BY AGENCY: 2 COPIES DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER . Bawd 21M I COPY URBAN ARTERIAL BOARD 1 COPY C.R.A.B. (COUNTIES ONLY) :. .. • Page 3 of 3 SIA 1.2 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 86 TO 19 91 Renton/KingHearing Date City/County: Keypunching Note: Data entered in cola 1-8 must Exhibit "A" Adoption Date City No. 1 0 710 3, be on all cards punched from County No. 1 7 ,.8 this form. Resolution Number x PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS d PROJECT IDENTIFICATION/DESCRIPTION OF WORK 2 a o OBUGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE Ik City Ave./St.Name or Number 5si Work Total III YEAR FEDERAL R.A.P. TOTAL c Co.Road Number or Road Name c Codes Length i i . 1st 2nd 3rd 4, 5 or LOCAL FUNDS z Beginning and Ending Termini 31 (Mlles) 5 (Annual & 6th PRO- U.A.B. d Describe Work to be Completed LL i a Element) AMOUNT GRAM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9 10 i1 35 3e ' 37 40 41 u 45 4a 47 b 51 52 55 5e 50 50 m 54 67 N 71 72 75 71 71 50 .e 117 Si EI I PIUIGI E1T1-IJ101N1 EiSI 1T101 1E10041 01 NI DIS 1 1 21 BI DIFIG i 1.718 117 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 • 191610• i i I . I I 14 i 1 1 . i i I . 191610. 1 1 191610. Drainage, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, illum- Forward ination, channelization, roadway. Thrust §o Gas flax 118 1.11 /1 NE1 131 RI Di I Si T1 I I1-1 41 01 51 I UINIDIEIRICIRIOIS 21 AIBIDIG 1 1.01 9116 ' 1 I i I I 1 1101010 , ' I 19 10 10 IFIAII I I I 111010 1 11 10 1010 Widening - add two additional travel lanes. G,H,I, WSDOT J 11 9 EI DI t OI NI Di SI I AI M EI I Ei XI TI EI Ni Si Ii 01 N I i i 1 1 lI Ai BI DIF 1 1.7191t6 1 i i 1 i i lit III Ili III IliIII [ till NE 3rd Street to Maple Valley Highway new roadway G,H,I, alignment, - - • J 2 1 0 RI Ei N '11011.11 i BI Y1 I P I Al SI SI i CI OI NI N1 1 1 I I 1 1 I SI UIII I L I 117 I i I 1 I I I i 1 I :510 III 1 I 1 it I i !5 i0 1 I 1 15 10 Study Joint with State 211 Si01U1 SiHI 1119121NID1 1 Si TI ISiT1U1D1YI 1 I I I I I 81 UI I I I I. I 119 I I I II I I I I 11.210 It I III I I I 111210 1 1 111210 Study and R/W acquisition Joint w/Other • Agencies 212 BI EI NIS 1 01 NI 1 &I III-1 41 01 51 IIINI TI El FtI C I H I AI NI GI Ei ' 81 UI I I I 1. I 113. I I 1 III III , I I III I I I 1 I I III I •I I : . Study - State Funded 213 SI WI 12171 Ti Si I SITZ-I Si E1 NIS101 Ni I CIO ININI EI CI TNOIR 81 UI I I I k I 117 I I I I I I I I I 11010 I i 813 FIAT UIS, I I I 11117 1 1 11i 010 214 It-I410151 I TIRIAIFIFIIICI IFILIOIWI 1SITIUIDIYI I I ' 8I UI I I I i. i 1.11. III I I I II I I 1510 11 1 i I I I i I I 1510 III :510 State Funded Joint with State DOT 140-045 .tar. DISTRIBUTION BY AGENCY: 2 COPIES DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER Armed 2:611 1 COPY URBAN ARTERIAL BOARD • I COPY C.R.A.B. (COUNTIES ONLY) Sr X. Year Fauns• ern�rrn 19 86-ql AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION • Audrey DeJoie , being first duly sworn on oath states that . he/she is the Chief Clerk of the • cli�r oF;REivTol+l , I NOTICE OF PUBLtIC'HEARING"=�'' r BY VALLEY NEWSPAPERS RENTON cITY COUNCIL ; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed,the 24th day - Daily News Journal, Daily Record Chronicle, Daily Globe News ; of June, 1985, at 8:00 p.m.in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Build Daily newspapers published six(6)times a week.That said newspapers, ing, 200 men::: ill Avenue South, Renton, are legal newspapers and are now and have been for more than six Washington, as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: months prior to the date of publication referred to,printed and published tion Improvement Program, 1986-1991. County, Washington. Valley•Newspapers have been approved as legal invited to beallresenteto vvo cera ns are ' p pproval; newspapers by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for disapproval-or opinions on same. ; . King County. CIN OF RENTON- Maxine E. Motor,. I Published in the Dail City Clerk' The notice in the exact form attached,was published in the Daily News 1.June 7,-1985 89919_ -Record Chronicle Journal , Daily Record.Chronicle X , Daily Globe News , (and R...t.�,'-. Z => not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice a Notice of Public Hearing was published on June 7, 1985 R9919 • The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the . sum of$1)4•85 . . ��cue . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of June 19 85 lor/ 1 . ,,?::7(--""0,7,.e- 1' . , Notary blic for the State of Washington, • residing at Federal Way, . • King County, Washington. VN#87 Revised 10/84 . NOTICE • RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON JUNE 24, 1985 AT 8:00 P.M. RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH ANNUAL ADOPTION OF SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR 1986-1991 (Complete legal description 4 further information available in the City Clerks Office - 235-2500, • g ® The removal, mutilation, destruction or concealment of this notice is a mis- demeanor. punishable by fine and _ imprisonment. CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) r !h/I C 4 hriV°�/r�Jc 'r 2 $ /78,5-- �"/#13Lia/,qUOjnr'io9 4l' cf/X5' 8' /0;•077i0,/77 /vr ./ff,5G-/ �/ L Dcotiziw el/ajtin7 - �•e/ e/O/9?(3-- \4111 )a s ,h/e3 s4/1s71 ©S mi/he rs t1'vG S. se- 5. OLT S' 0 & a+-1-uc A ye. 37 cS 15-It-1J J . 9.7W4/01/70!ci: froom/d,V, 7;ia: ‘5.- ,5: 36' • /»f.1 e /7i1 S , /O'D'f W e() a iiftc R'E. J&Pco"1Pe-JGl/. X . lU 2 10 �y vP/1!1% Aj. tit1, (57 Ll4ve- � C � - C7 � � S 3 � 471/cv'e:swF 70,s$ oKir?-71,70 Est11! )ZtS› ®Edowls r92/r I N.E 7 /l!'3a -Z` / S ,'4 r/ 4&/37,,i/f N, 91(07,/,PR �1 ' 4' c3 r9--/ 571, f°vihye/le /Y.3 PYS7� ©Raii7icrf9vrJ:. 5( S -3!•Pi, Renton City Council 6/3/85 Page three Audience Comment continued Honey Creek Mayor Shinpoch assured that the Hearing Examiner would Associates determine whether:changes are of sufficient substance to R-014-84 and warrant submission of a new application. City Attorney PPUD-015-84 Warren confirmed that submission of a new application would be required to the Building & Zoning Department for review of plans which contain substantial revision. Mr. Murray referenced a memorandum from Zoning Administrator Roger Blaylock to Hearing Examiner Fred Kaufman recommending delay of the remand hearing until developers are able to complete a lot line adjustment. He requested the opportunity to communicate his objections to that request to the Hearing Examiner. City Attorney Warren felt that Mr. Murray should be allowed to correspond with the Hearing Examiner on the matter. Following further discussion regarding lengthy time periods which occur between approval of preliminary PUDs and final approval and construction, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF LONG TERM PHASED DEVELOPMENT OT THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Moore Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $5,000.00 filed by Margaret for Damages Moore, 615 South Williams, Apartment A, Renton, for. personal CL 20-85 injuries allegedly incurred as result of tripping over sidewalk obstruction on Houser Way. Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Renton Airport City Clerk reported bid opening 5/29/85 for Renton Airport Water System Water System (W-804) ; 10 bids; Engineer' s estimate: Bid Opening $57,522. 17 and $151 ,185.42 (Alternate) . Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Tavern Ordinance City Attorney requested amendment of Tavern Ordinance to conform with State law relating to regulation of firearms in taverns. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Model Traffic City Attorney requested amendment of Model Traffic Ordinance Ordinance to delete sections duplicating provisions for driving while license suspended. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Six Year Public Works/Traffic Engineering` Department requested Transportation public hearing be set for June 24, 1985, for consideration rovement of update of Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Program 19 -1991 (1986-1991) . Council concur. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, ADD REFER TO TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Boeing Company Public Works/Airport Department submitted Boeing Company Lease LAG 877-65 acceptance of lease rate adjustment proposal of $. 12 per square foot for the 1985 to 1990 period, effective 6/1/85. (LAG 877-65) Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Marine Patrol Mayor Shinpoch� submitted 1985 Marine Patrol Interlocal Interlocal Agreement with City of Mercer Island for continuation of Agreement 1985 service through 1985; Renton' s share of $22,015 to be paid on a quarterly basis. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Stromberg Rezone Hearing Examiner recommended Roger Stromberg Rezone, R-016-85 R-016-85, be approved with conditions; 0.78 acres located at 901 Sunset Boulevard NE from R-1 to R-3 for future construction of two nine-unit apartment buildings. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Schneider Homes, Hearing Examiner recommended Schneider Homes, Inc. Final Inc. Final Plat Plat, FP-021-85, be approved with conditions; 14.5 acres FP-021-85 located on the south side of NE 6th Street at the 3400 block; 5.58 acre parcel zoned R-1 to be platted into 20 single family lots; remainder to be developed as multifamily complex. Refer tO Ways and Means Committee. For.Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # 6 . Qi AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING __.Z SUBMITTING Public Works Department Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. Traffic Engineering Division For Agenda Of June 3, 1985 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact Dick Houghton/Gary Norris (Name) Agenda Status: ,9A/gun L.. SUBJECT: City of Renton Six-Year Consent Transportation Improvement Program Public Hearing ( 1986 - 1.991 ) Correspondence Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc.)Attach• New Business Study Session A, -11cr of 1mnrnvrmrnrc fnr tlx yew'. 'JR£, ii, um Other B. i C. Approval : Legal Dept. Yes No N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Request that Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A June 24, 1985, be set as the date for the Other Clearance public hearing for review and adoption of the 1986 - 1991 up-dated Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $ Amount $ Appropriation- Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary.) PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. Renton City Council 6/3/85 Page four Consent Agenda continued Consent Agenda MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Approved AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Transportation recommending concurrence in the recommendation of the Public Committee Works Department regarding Speed Limit Ordinance amendments, Speed Limit and referral of the matter to Ways and Means Committee for Ordinance proper ordinance. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. I-405/"S" Curve For information only: The Transportation Committee reviewed Project the I-405/"S" Curve Project and recommended it remain in Committee fur further discussion. Six-Year For information only: The Transportation Committee reviewed Transportation the Public Works Department recommendations regarding the Improvement Program Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1986-1991) . 1986-1.991 (See Consent Agenda) Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Miyahara Request recommending denial of request for sanitary sewer service for Sanitary Sewer outside the City limits submitted by Bruce Miyahara Service for. the following reasons: 1 ) Section 1 .A3 of Resolution No. 2162 specifically prohibits connections outside the City for new construction; and 2) The cost to extend the trunk main to serve the property is prohibitive for a single owner. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Thurston Request Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report for Sanitary Sewer recommending approval of request for sanitary sewer service Service outside the City limits submitted by Mr. & Mrs. Ray Thurston. King County Health Department has determined the present system to be inadequate; inadequate space exists to install an on-site disposal system; and the present system presents a health hazard. Approval is conditioned upon approval by the King County Boundary Review Board, approval of sewer main extension plans by the Public Works Department, and agreement by the applicant not to oppose any future annexation of his property. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, AMEND THE MOTION TO REQUIRE EXECUTION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS IMPOSING THE LAST CONDITION TO RUN WITH THE LAND. CARRIED. MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Clarkrich Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Latecomer recommending denial of the Clarkrich request for Latecomer Agreement Agreement, September, 1984, due to failure of applicant to supply required cost data, and, secondly, it appears the applicant has gone out of business. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. DKB Corporation Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Watermain Request concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Department to participate in the cost of the watermain extension as requested by DKB Corporation. The project is listed on the City' s Comprehensive Plan, and funds are available to provide the City' s share: maximum of $21 ,500. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. For the record, the property location was described as between West Valley Highway system and property owned by Burlington Northern Railroad Company to the east. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke Development presented a report recommending a public hearing be set Committee for June 17, 1985 to consider proposed revisions to the M-P, O-P, L-1 Manufacturing Park (M-P) , Office Park (0-P) , Light Industry and H-1 Zones (L-1 ) , and Heavy Industry (H-1) zones as recommended by the Planning Commission. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. .t TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT JUNE 3, 1985 SPEED LIMIT ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS (Referred 5/20/85) The Transportation Committee recommends concurrence in the recommendation of the Public Works Department and refers this matter to the Ways and Means Committee for the proper ordinance. FOR INFORMATION ONLY Widening of I-405 at Renton "S" Curves (Referred 10/17/83) The Transportation Committee reviewed the I-405/"S" Curve Project and recommends it remain in Committee for further discussion. Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1986-1991 ) (to be referred 6/3/85 for public hearing on 6/24/85 )) The Transportation Committee reviewed the Public Works Department's recommended Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1986-1991 ). Witt/ 7(64.e.a,4— Nancy Matt} vs, Chairman Rob Hug es r)41- Thomas 'Trimm CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 24th day of June , 1985 , at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Annual adoption ,of Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, 1986-1991 Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON GZz��ei Maxine E. Motor City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION: June 7, 1985