HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 Correspondence June 22. 1987 Renton City Council Minutes Page 207 Rezone: Sierra Heights An ordinance was read establishing an R-1, single family residential, zoning Annexation classification for the Sierra Heights Annexation area consisting of 34 acres located on the west side of 132nd Avenue SE (Union Avenue NE) westerly to 128th Avenue SE from SE 102nd Street southerly to slightly south of SE 106th Street. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Keolker presented a report recommending the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution #2684 A resolution was read updating the City's Six Year Transportation Streets: 1988-1993 Six- Improvement Program, 1988-1993. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED Year Transportation BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Improvement Program CARRIED. Resolution #2685 A resolution was read authorizing acceptance of grant by FAA for Phase II Airport: Master Plan of the Airport Master Plan Update. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED Update, Phase II BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Keolker presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 33463 through 33821 in the amount of $729,962.64, having received departmental certification that merchandise/services have been received or rendered; Vouchers 33472-33481 machine voided. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL RECONSIDER Garbage: Rainier Disposal THE MOTION REGARDING EXTENSION OF THE RAINIER DISPOSAL Contract GARBAGE CONTRACT. CARRIED. Upon inquiry by Councilman Reed, Utilities Committee Chairman Clymer reiterated Committee discussion regarding Rainier's recycling program, noting capital expense of operating the program. Administrative Assistant Parness explained contract language which states that should the City decide to implement a recycling program, expenses to operate the program would be shared by the City and the contractor. Also, the City Attorney has advised that at this point, the City does not have the right to interfere with Rainier's program unless the City is willing to share recycling program costs. Chairman Clymer reviewed the process to collect, haul, and separate garbage, noting that the additional monthly payment of $10,000, reduced from the requested $12,000 amount, represents an approximate 4% increase. He felt that there have been fewer complaints and more positive statements about this hauler than any of the City's previous haulers, and approving an 18- month extension gives the City a stay in executing a new contract. Mayor Shinpoch added that the City of Renton has the lowest garbage rates in the area, and it appears the only complaint is with the profit the garbage company is making. Previous motion restated: MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: REED, STREDICKE, HUGHES, CLYMER. 3 NAYS: TRIMM, MATHEWS, KEOLKER. MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch relayed request by Group Health blood bank for donations REPORT of type A and 0 blood on June 30 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to meet Blood Donations critical need for open heart surgeries scheduled in near future. Executive Session MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS PENDING LITIGATION. CARRIED. Time: 11:05 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened into regular session; roll was called; all members were present. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 11:35 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Marilyn Petersen 6/22/87 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT JUNE 22, 1987 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinances for second and final reading: Dance Hall Ordinance Appropriation of 1987 H&CD Block Grants in the Amount of $280,933 The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinances for first reading: Sierra Heights Rezone Ordinance Establishing Zoning Classification to Single Family Residential (R-1 ) (A-003-86) - 34 acre site located on the west side of 132nd Avenue S.E. (Union Avenue N.E. ) westerly to 128th Avenue S.E. from S.E. 102nd Street southerly to slightly south of S.E. 106th Street) The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Updating the City's Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 1988-1993 Resolution Accepting FAA Grant, Phase II, Airport Master Plan APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS The Ways and Means Committee recommends approval of Vouchers No. 33463 through No. 33821 in the amount of $729,962.64. d6'2FA(1 /Ktre.42e,\_, Kathy Keol er, Chair Earl Clymer �1�'� Rob rt Hughes RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 22, 1987 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. COUNCIL MEMBERS REED, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KATHY A. KEOLKER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, EARL CLYMER. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City ATTENDANCE Attorney; MICHAEL J. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; RICHARD C. HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; LARRY SPRINGER, Policy Development Director; LT. MICHAEL MAGULA, Police Department. PRESS Jim McNett, Valley Daily News APPROVAL OF MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE COUNCIL MINUTES COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 15, 1987, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING , This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Streets: 1988-1993 Six- in accordance with State and local laws, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public Year Transportation hearing to consider the 1988-1993 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Improvement Program ; Program. Public Works Director Richard Houghton presented slides designating location of proposed projects listed in priority order for each year of the program. He reviewed the scope of each project, and advised that priorities may change in response to availability of funding. (See attached Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Listing, including Annual • Elements, Guardrail Installations, School Walkway Installations, and Houser Way Railroad Improvements.) Mr. Houghton discussed the Wells Avenue Bridge project, completed last year, and advised that an application for an American Public Works Association award will be submitted by the City for that project. Audience comment was invited. Norman Peterson, 3402 Park Avenue North, Renton, expressed satisfaction with existing Kennydale streets and storm drainage facilities. He felt that sidewalks are not needed in that area, and preferred curbs that dovetail with sidewalks. Mayor Shinpoch explained Council policy to install sidewalks as funding is available to ensure safety of pedestrians in the City. Mr. Peterson also favored more stringent inspection of completed roadway projects to ensure high-quality workmanship by contractors. Mr. Houghton described proposed improvements to Lake Washington Boulevard in Kennydale, including left-turn lane into Coulon Park, Marina landing, the trailer park, and Griffin Home; sidewalks on one side; and a six- " } foot wide bicycle lane on the other. He advised that the road will widen from a three to a four-lane configuration at the northern, commercial end. Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, commended the Garden Avenue North project as an improvement to the area, and felt that as a result of citizens comments and lobbying regarding the see-through guard rail and infringement of the project on the park, the overall appearance of the Wells Avenue Bridge was improved. She suggested that a development fee be charged to large developments or businesses such as Boeing for traffic and road projects needed as a result of high volume of use by commuting employees. Mayor Shinpoch referenced Committee of the Whole report regarding the Valley Transportation Plan, which recommends development of a transportation mitigation program. (See later action.) MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ^..REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND ADOPT THE SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. CARRIED. June 22. 1987 Renton City Council Minutes Page 203 Upon Council inquiry, Mr. Houghton explained the departmental process for prioritizing projects based upon surrounding development, traffic patterns, accident rate, etc.; however, he noted that priorities can change depending upon availability of grant funds. Responding to Council comment regarding the deleterious condition of Kirkland Avenue NE from NE 10th Street to Sunset Boulevard, Mr. Houghton advised that one-half cent gas tax funds can be used to overlay that roadway. He also apprised Council of future plans for computerized road inventory of every street in the City to ensure proper maintenance. u AUDIENCE COMMENT Jeff Lukins, 1113 S. 23rd Street, Renton, advised that according to a Citizen Comment: Lukins representative of First City, the latest potential buyer of the Victoria Hills - Victoria Hills Phase II, Phase II development site has withdrawn. Since the remaining construction FPUD-042-85 period ends on August 6, 1987, he indicated concern by the Victoria Hills Homeowners Association that the minimum requirements for the substantial construction standard could be met by the developer within the time limit, but the project put on hold while a buyer is found. Mr. Lukins referenced a letter sent to the Bennett Group by Assistant Building Director Jim Hanson last November containing required changes to plans, and advised that current plans are not in compliance with those changes since they reflect only a minimum 25-foot landscaped area between existing housing and the new development, -four-inch pine instead of cedar siding, and asphalt shingles instead of cedar shake roofs. Mayor Shinpoch agreed to investigate Council inquiry regarding whether a bond to replace vegetation should be posted by the developer to protect existing residents in the event the property is cleared and the standard for substantial construction is not met in the remaining 43 days. Citizen Comment: Juliani John Juliani, 812 N. 1st Street, Renton indicated that the majority of - N. 1st Street Project residents in his neighborhood are in support of undergrounding utilities as part of roadway improvement project on N. 1st Street. He also requested that the project be designed with the parking strip retained between curb and sidewalk to blend with existing character of the neighborhood instead of abutting curb and sidewalk as proposed. Administrative Assistant Parness reported that the proposed configuration was determined to be the easiest to maintain, noting the City has had problems with plantings on parking strips • uprooting sidewalks. Mr. Juliani was invited to contact Public Works Director Houghton to discuss these matters. (See Transportation Committee Report regarding award of project bid, page 205.) Council discussion was held regarding need to notify residents of pending street projects. It was suggested that notices could be posted in the project neighborhood, letters sent to residents, or a listing of upcoming projects published in the City Newsletter. City Clerk Motor reviewed legal publication requirements, noting that call for bid notices on all projects are published in the Valley Daily News. Citizen Comment Walker Joan Walker, 1433 Monterey Avenue NE, Renton, indicated she does not - Public Notification by support notification by mail due to expense and difficulty in obtaining Mail updated residential ownership information from King County Assessor's office. RECESS MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 9:35 p.m. Council reconvened at 9:45 p.m.; roll was called; all members were present. CONSENT AGENDA At Council request, Item 6.a. was removed from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. The remaining items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. - Annexation: Ryder Beil Policy Development Department requested public hearing be set on 7/13/87, to consider the Ryder Beil 75% Petition to annex 45.71 acres located along the north side of Sunset Boulevard NE between 140th Avenue SE and 144th Avenue SE and impose R-1, single family residential, zoning. Council concur. Latecomer Agreement: Public Works Department requested latecomer agreement by Campbell Campbell Holdings Holdings for water improvements installed to Travelers Inn, 7710 Lake Washington Boulevard SW, W-885. Refer to Utilities Committee. A June 1. 1987 Renton City Council Minutes Page 179 the request for rezone to allow the proposed 70-unit multifamily development. They claimed the report contained misstatements regarding physical features on the site; the applicant has pursued downzone from B-1 to R-4 to expedite development of the property; the proposed development meets R-3 density requirements and provides a transition from higher density multifamily and business/commercial uses to low density residential uses in the area; similar multifamily development is proposed to the east of the site on property allegedly proposed for annexation; with one exception, owners of surrounding property support the proposal; and development of the property is desired since it is currently used for dumping purposes. For the record, Chairman Stredicke clarified that at the Hearing Examiner's public hearing, former Zoning Administrator Roger Blaylock testified in support of the application; however, Planning Technician Carrie Trimnell, representing Policy Development Department, testified in opposition. Responding to Council concerns, City Attorney reviewed specific findings which Council must make in order to downzone property. Discussion was held regarding 50-foot greenbelt which was imposed as a condition of prior rezone. It was also noted that, if approved, the rezone would allow full development and density allowed in an R-4 zone since a rezone is not conditioned by a binding site plan. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, THE WORD "RECOMMENDATION" REPLACE ALL WORDS REFLECTING "DECISION" IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT, AND THE LAST PARAGRAPH OF THE HEARING EXAMINER'S REPORT BE ATTACHED TO THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS AN AMENDMENT: "IN ADDITION, THE CITY COUNCIL SHOULD REVIEW AND INVESTIGATE COMPLIANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS IMPOSED WITH THE ADOPTION OF THE B-1 REZONE (ORDINANCE NO. 3433) IN 1980, WHICH REQUIRED THE CREATION OF A 50-FOOT GREENBELT EASEMENT ALONG THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE. THE RECORD REFLECTS THAT THE CONDITION WAS NOT COMPLIED WITH BY THE THEN OWNER OR HIS SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST." CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS AMENDED. CARRIED. RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 10:14 p.m. Council reconvened at 10:20 p.m.; roll was called; all members were present. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Reed presented a report concurring in Committee the recommendation of the Public Works Department to participate in the PSCOG: Freeway Freeway Operation Study in the amount of $5,000, contingent upon the Operations Study for adoption of the Scope of Work and participation of all parties involved. The Valley Cities Committee further recommended that the matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for proper ordinance. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. WSDOT: Storm Drainage Transportation Committee Chairman Reed presented a report concurring in and Roadway Capital the recommendation of the Public Works Department for approval of the Improvement Joint Washington State Department of Transportation City/State projects associated Projects/I-405 HOV Bus with the I-405 HOV lane widening. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY Lane Joint Project STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Streets: 1988-1993 Six- Transportation Committee Chairman Reed presented a report recommending Year Transportation the public hearing to consider the 1988-1993 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Improvement Program be set for June 22, 1987. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Airport: Liability Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Reed presented a report Insurance recommending that liability insurance for Renton Municipal Airport be covered by the City's insurance broker, Gallagher and Bassett. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT JUNE 1 , 1987 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM — /qg -/9 93 The Transportation Committee recommends the Public Hearing for the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program be set for June 22, 1987. �4u n Reed, Chairman (4,-61u, 040(2 Kathy Keolf r, Vice-Chairman L0 GGT Richard Stredicke S • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ! CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING. • � BY AudreyDe JO i e RENTON CITY COUNCIL ,being first duly sworn on oath states NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the that he/she is the Chief Clerk of the Renton City Council has fixed the 22nd day I of June, 1987, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council -Chambers of the Renton Municipal Build- ing, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton,Wash- VALLEY DAILY NEWTS as the time•and place for a public I hearing to consider the following: • Kent Edition • Renton Edition • Auburn Edition Annual adoption of the City's,Six Year I Transportation Improvement Program for Daily newspapers published six (6)times a week.That said newspapers 11988-1993. invit- are legal newspapers and are now and have been for more than six I Any and alls interested voice persons are sa�ed to be present to approval, disap- months prior to the date of publication referred to,printed and published ;proval or opinions on same. in the English language continually as daily newspapers in Kent, King I CITY OF RENTON Count Washington.The ValleyDailyNews has been approvedMaxine E.Motor . County, g as a legal ! City Clerk newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for I Published in the Valley Daily News June', King County. 7,1987.R2325 The notice in the exact form attached,was published in the Kent Edition , Renton Edition X , Auburn Edition , (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period.The annexed notice a Notice of Public Hearing was published on June 7, 1987 R2325 The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $ 15.37 . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of June 1987 No64 Public for the State of Washington, residing at Federal Way, King County, Washington. VDN#87 Revised 11/86 NOTICE RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON JUNE 22, 1987 AT 8: 00 P. M. RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH ANNUAL ADOPTION OF SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM FOR 1988-1993 ANY AND ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT TO VOICE APPROVAL, DISAPPROVAL OR OPINIONS ON SAME. Complete legal description &further information available in the City Clerk's Office - 235-2501 • The removal, mutilation, destruction or concealment of this notice is a mis- demeanor a r n • n punishable by fine and imprisonment. CERTIFICATION , • t i • ./. ,I, W r, I ! Fy& / e17/1. 1 . ! ' ! ' " : . . 1 ili7e LW 476', I • ' I A/7/7 va/ /9 4 4' " 64 :,-Firrv, 72-9,a117o./ . 7 .0' 1'50://, ',/,/4-0/*/767,--7-J /- / a 6W/d4 azi. fo'ciA-77J Pc/78 , 1 . ! • ; : • • ; . 1 ; , 6-• 5. e, z ..fr_f:( y _thiiaw //'• vr, S-Z--7‘: • ; . ; 1 ; • • 0. M e:, 7/1-(-)7/.• / i./ ,/b>,e7 4 vo /i/L-', () N .E, /Z0(571 Y.- KrJclQrd Avc. N.E, O Me, .2X s?" e'd/ e9.7d,s- /9 ve. N. 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I 1 • ; ! • i ! - , 1 . , ; I 1 1 1 I - I ; ; ; , ; ! ; : • : , ; CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 22nd day of June , 19 87, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Annual adoption of the City's Six Year Transportation Improvement Program for 1988-1993. • Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON l y Maxine E. Motor City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION: June 7, 1987 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT JUNE 1 , 1987 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The Transportation Committee recommends the Public Hearing for the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program be set for June 22, 1987. n Reed, Chairman Kathy Keoll r, Vice-Chairman tw49tdr— Richard Stredicke • SIX YEAR ANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM • 1988 TO 1993 . Last Yr. City City Priority Priority ANNUAL ELEMENT 1988 • No. No. 4 1 Park Ave N - Bronson Way N to N 10th St 5 2 SW 16th St - Lind Ave SW to Oakesdale Ave SW 6 3 SW 16th ST - Oakesdale Ave SW to Monster Rd 7 • 4 Miscellaneous Street Overlays 8 5 Oakesdale Ave SW - SW 28th ST to North City Limits. 10 6 Lake Wash. Blvd N - NE 44th ST to NCL & NE 44th ST to SE 110th ST 11 7 Lind Ave SW - SW 10th ST to SW 16th ST 13 8 Lake Wash. Blvd N/Park Ave N/Garden Ave N Intersection 14 9 NE 4th ST - Union Ave NE to Duvall Ave NE 15 10 Houser Way S - R/R Improvement X 11 Miscellaneous Guardrail Improvements • X 12 Schaal Walkway Program 1 13 SW Sunset Blvd - Stevens Ave SW to WCL X 14 SW 27th ST - SR-167 to SR-181 X 15 SW 43rd ST - SR-167 Loop Ramp Improvements X 16 I-405/SR-515 Interchange X 17 S 192nd ST - SR-167 to SR-515 X 18 NE 3rd ST/NE 4th ST - Signal Coordination SECOND YEAR 1939 20 19 Mill Ave S Rebuild - Joint W/I-405 HGV X 20 NE 6th ST - Monroe Ave NE to Olympia Ave NE • THIRD YEAR 1990 X 21 North Renton Interchange-Lk Wash Blvd N to Edmonds Ave. 21 22 Lake Wash Blvd N - N Park Dr to I-405 23 23 SE Puget Dr - Jones P1 SE to Edmonds Ave SE 24 24 N/NE 3rd ST - I-405 Undercrossing X 25 .Rainier Ave S - S 7th ST to S 4th P1 4th, 5th & 6th Year 1991, 1992, 1993 • 25 26 Edmonds Ave NE - NE 4th ST to Sunset Blvd NE • 26 27 Benson Rd S - Puget Dr S to South City Limits • 34 28 Duvall Ave NE - Sunset Blvd NE to North City Limits • 27 29 Edmonds Ave NE - NE 3rd ST to SR-169 30 Maple Valley Highway WSDOT Widening X - Not on last years T. I.P. • August 10, 1987 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (1988 - 1993) :. Copies sent to: (76) State Dept. of Transportation (2 copies + 1 for UAB) (w/Adj . Agency Cert. ) City of Kent City of Tukwila King County King County Planning (B'Young Ahn) City of Bellevue City of Seattle (2 copies) City of Issaquah Puget Power Pacific Northwest Bell Washington Natural Gas T.C. I . Cable Burlington Northern Chamber of Commerce METRO PSCOG Mayor and Council Members (9 copies) City Clerk (25 copies) Engineering Design & Utility (5 copies) Street Division (1 ) Water Shop ( 1 ) Public Works Director (1 ) Policy Development Dept. (1 ) Vince Lee (1 ) City Attorney ( 1 ) Traffic Engineering (Gary, Paul , Ed + 8) Building & Zoning Dept. ( 1 ) • • CITY OF RENTON 0 Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor ..IL . Traffic Engineering Division CERTIFIED MAIL NO. P-568 862 286 August 6, 1987 Mr. R. Bockstruck District Engineer State Department of Transportation 6431 Corson Ave. South Seattle, WA 98108 Attention: Mr. Bill Garing, State Aid Engineer Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Mr. Bockstruck: Enclosed are the following: 1. Two copies for your review of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1988 -1993) . Please sign and return the Certification of Review form. 2. A copy of the TIP for the Urban Arterial Board. 3. Evidence cf delivery to the City of Kent, City of Tukwila, King County and the State Department of Transportation of Renton's Six-Year TIP. If you require additional information, please contact Gary Norris at 235-2620. Very truly yours, Richard C. Hou gh'ot' n Public Works Director ad Enclosures cc: 14ty Clerk 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2620 CITY OF RENTON Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division CERTIFIED MAIL NO. P 485 549 166 August 6, 1987 Mr. Don Wickstrom Public Works Director City of Kent 220 South 4th Street Kent, WA 98031 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Program Dear Mr. Wickstrom: Enclosed for your review is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1988 - 1993). Please sign and return the Certification of Review form. If you require additional information, please contact Gary Norris at 235-2620. Very truly yours, 4-fvac��f9 -/-r) (` Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosures cc: yKty Clerk 200 Mill Avenue South- Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2620 �� CITY OF RENTON 4$ 0 Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division CERTIFIED MAIL NO. ,P 485 549 167 August 6, 1987 Mr. Louis J. Haff, P.E. County Road Engineer King County Division of Roads and Engineering Department of Public Works 956 King County Administration Bldg. 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Program Dear Mr. Haff: Enclosed for your review is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1988 - 1993). Please sign and return the Certification of Review form. If you require additional information, please contact Gary Norris at 235-2620. Very truly yours, Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosures cc: Deity Clerk 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2620 CITY OF RENTON 96 0 Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division CERTIFIED MAIL NO. P 485 549 165 August 6, 1987 Mr. Byron Sneva Public Works Director City of Tukwila 6200 Southcenter Blvd. Tukwila, WA 98188 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Program Dear Mr. Sneva: Enclosed for your review is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1988 - 1993). Please sign and return the Certification of Review form. If you require additional information, please contact Gary Norris at 235-2620. Very truly yours, Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosures cc: b'6ty Clerk 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2620 CITY OF RENTON 6' 0 Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division August 6, 1987 TO: City Attorney Building & Zoning Department Policy Development Department Street Maintenance Water Shop FROM: Richard C. Houghton, Public Works Director SUBJECT: Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1988 - 1993) Attached is a copy of the adopted Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. Please contact Gary Norris at 2620 if you have any questions. n • ad Attachmenthm cc: I�City Clerk 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2620 �� CITY OF RENTON t$ •0 Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor ..LL ` Traffic Engineering Division August 6, 1987 Mr. B'Young Ahn Chief Transportation Planner King County Planning Division Room W-217 King County Courthouse 516 Third Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Mr. Ahn: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1988 - 1993) . If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosure cc: 10Kty Clerk 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2620 CITY OF RENTON C. .0 Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor ..LL Traffic Engineering Division August 6, 1987 Mr. Goran Sparrman City of Bellevue P.O. Box 1768 Bellevue, WA 98009 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Mr. Sparrman: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1988 - 1993). If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosuresu cc: 106 ty Clerk 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2620 • CITY OF RENTON 0 Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor eel Traffic Engineering Division August 6, 1987 Engineering Department City of Seattle Room #910 Seattle Municipal Building Seattle, WA 98104 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Gentlemen: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1988 - 1993) . If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosure cc: 'ty Clerk 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2620 CITY OF RENTON t$ Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor eel Traffic Engineering Division August 6, 1987 Mr. Bruce Finke Office of Planning Seattle Engineering Department Seattle Municipal Building, Room 612 Seattle, WA 98104 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Mr. Finke: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1988 - 1993) . If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosure cc: /City Clerk 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2620 CITY OF RENTON t$ 0 Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor rLL Traffic Engineering Division August 6, 1987 Engineering Department City of Issaquah 130 East Sunset Way Issaquah, WA. 98027 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Gentlemen: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1988 - 1993) . If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad' Enclosure cc: ty Clerk 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2620 CITY OF RENTON 0 Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor eel Traffic Engineering Division August 6, 1987 Mr. David Townsend Division Engineer Puget Sound Power & Light Company P.O. Box 329 Renton, WA 98057 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Mr. Townsend: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1988 - 1993) . If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, Le>/.__et-c.,"(1 44(74-6:-. Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosure cc: 4'ty Clerk 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2620 • CITY OF RENTON 0 Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division August 6, 1987 Engineering Manager • Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Co. Room 212 300 SW 7th Street Renton, WA 98055 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Manager: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1988 - 1993) . If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very ,truly yours, Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosure cc: VCity Clerk 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2620 • �� CITY OF RENTON t$ ® Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division August 6, 1987 Mr. Clay Lofthus Distribution Engineer Washington Natural Gas Company P.O. Box 1869 Seattle, WA 98130 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Mr. Lofthus: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1988 - 1993) . If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosure cc: City Clerk 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2620 ,� CITY OF RENTON C$ Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor ..IL Traffic Engineering Division August 6, 1987 Mr. Mark Kartes, Manager T.C.I. Cable 15241 Pacific Highway South Seattle, WA 98188 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Mr. Kartes: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1988 - 1993) . If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, 4,11a4.---21n 41.7. Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosure cc: Vty Clerk 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2620 CITY OF RENTON Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor ..LL Traffic Engineering Division August 6, 1987 Mr. Fred L. Branson Property Development Specialist Industrial Development and Property Management Department BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD 2100 First Interstate Center 999 Third Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Mr. Branson: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1988 - 1993) . If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosure cc: 141.ty Clerk 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2620 CITY OF RENTON 66 Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division August 6, 1987 Mr. Kay F. Johnson, Manager Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce 300 Rainier Ave. North Renton, WA 98055 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Mr. Johnson: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1988 - 1993) . If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosuresu cc: I�City Clerk 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2620 CITY OF RENTON Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division August 6, 1987 Mr. C. E. Cox METRO 821 Second Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Mr. Cox: Enclosed for your information is a copy of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1988 - 1993). If you have any questions, please contact our Traffic Engineer, Gary Norris, at 235-2620. Very truly yours, Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director ad Enclosure cc: pKty Clerk 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2620 CITY OF RENTON t% .® Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Traffic Engineering Division July 31 , 1987 Mr. Dick Callahan Puget Sound Council of Governments 216 First Avenue South Seattle, WA 98104 Subject: City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dear Mr. Callahan: Enclosed are the following: 1 . A copy of the City of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1988 - 1993) for your review. 2. Updated 1987 Annual Element. 3. A copy of the FAUS Prospectuses for the following projects: a) Lake Washington Blvd. North - NE 44th Street to North City Limits b) Lake Washington Blvd. North/Park Ave. North/Garden • Ave. North Intersection c) Park Avenue North - Bronson Way North to North 10th Street. If you require additional information, please contact Gary Norris at 235-2620. Very truly yours, R chard C. Houghton Public Works Director EW:ad Enclosures 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2620