HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_Email_191015_v1From:Jill Ding JDing@Rentonwa.gov Subject:RE: PRE 17-000639 | 1625 Duvall Ave NE Date:October 15, 2019 at 11:26 AM To :Ben Hruska ben@broderickarchitects.com Ben, Typically, we do a pre-screen of your application materials before you submit so that we can review and provide corrections before the application is formally submitted. To initiate the pre- screen, you can email me the documents (or provide via a drop box). Once the corrections from the pre-screen have been made, I will do a formal intake. Typically you will schedule a submittal appointment with me and you will bring a flash drive or cd to the meeting. Once the application has been formally accepted, I will post a pink Notice of Application poster on the Public Information Sign. Before I take the application in, the sign will need to be installed. Hopefully this answers your question, please let me know if you need further clarification. Jill Ding Senior Planner City of Renton Community and Economic Development 6th floor 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425-430-6598 jding@rentonwa.gov From: Ben Hruska <ben@broderickarchitects.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 11:02 AM To: Jill Ding <JDing@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: Re: PRE 17-000639 | 1625 Duvall Ave NE Hi Jill, For submittal of our Type II review materials (Administrative Site Plan Review), do I need to coordinate a submittal date with you beforehand? In understand that the city adds information to the sign the day of submittal. Thanks. Ben Hruška Project Manager, BIM Specialist BRODERICK ARCHITECTS 55 S. Atlantic St, Suite #301 Seattle, WA 98134 206.682.7525 www.broderickarchitects.com Attached Electronic Files Disclaimer: These electronic files are intended expressly to facilitate the work of the original recipient. Broderick Architects makes no warranty as to the accuracy or validity of these drawings, which remain the copyrighted intellectual property of Broderick Architects. Under no circumstances shall these electronic files be transferred to any other party without the express written permission of Broderick Architects. Use of these drawings implies agreement to the above conditions. drawings implies agreement to the above conditions. _ On Sep 30, 2019, at 12:15 PM, Jill Ding <JDing@Rentonwa.gov> wrote: Ben, I apologize for the delay in getting back to you, however we had some staff out that made it difficult to run your questions up the chain. Regarding the service area, we are okay with the projection of the service area within the setback. Regarding the frontage improvements we would like our standard curb, then 8-foot planter, then sidewalk for as much of the frontage as possible. This would be challenging along NE 17th St due to the 0-foot setback for the refuse area. Along this frontage we would be willing to modify our street standards to reduce the landscape strip between the curb and sidewalk to 5 feet, which would allow for some additional landscaping between the sidewalk and building. Please let me know if you have additional questions. Jill Ding Senior Planner City of Renton Community and Economic Development 6th floor 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425-430-6598 jding@rentonwa.gov From: Ben Hruska <ben@broderickarchitects.com> Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 2:04 PM To: Jill Ding <JDing@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: Re: PRE 17-000639 | 1625 Duvall Ave NE Thanks Jill, I’m trying to balance the requirements and get at objective that would help the neighborhood. The retaining wall on the property to the west is also a formidable challenge that we’re going to have to deal with somehow. It would be awfully strange to run the sidewalk straight into it. <image001.png> Sorry for all the back and forth, hope is may be helpful in your discussions. Ben Hruška Project Manager, BIM Specialist BRODERICK ARCHITECTS 55 S. Atlantic St, Suite #301 Seattle, WA 98134 206.682.7525 www.broderickarchitects.com Attached Electronic Files Disclaimer: These electronic files are intended expressly to facilitate the work of the original recipient. Broderick Architects makes no warranty as to the accuracy or validity of these drawings, which remain the copyrighted intellectual property of Broderick Architects. Under no circumstances shall these electronic files be transferred to any other party without the express written permission of Broderick Architects. Use of these drawings implies agreement to the above conditions. _ On Sep 12, 2019, at 1:11 PM, Jill Ding <JDing@Rentonwa.gov> wrote: Ben, I can look into this. I think it is unlikely, but I’ll double check and get back to you. Jill Ding Senior Planner City of Renton Community and Economic Development 6th floor 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425-430-6598 jding@rentonwa.gov From: Ben Hruska <ben@broderickarchitects.com> Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 11:23 AM To: Jill Ding <JDing@Rentonwa.gov> Cc: Pedro DeGuzman <pedro@terraformadesigngroup.com> Subject: Re: PRE 17-000639 | 1625 Duvall Ave NE Hi Jill, Thanks for your feedback. We’ll proceed with this understanding. I’d hoped we’d be able to shift the sidewalk to the curb along 17th because with the 0’ proposed setback at the waste enclosure, we could have used the r.o.w. space between the property line and sidewalk as a landscaped berm to hide more of the wall. See images below. <image001.png><image002.png> Ben Hruška Project Manager, BIM Specialist BRODERICK ARCHITECTS 55 S. Atlantic St, Suite #301 Seattle, WA 98134 206.682.7525 www.broderickarchitects.com Attached Electronic Files Disclaimer: These electronic files are intended expressly to facilitate the work of the original recipient. Broderick Architects makes no warranty as to the accuracy or validity of these drawings, which remain the copyrighted intellectual property of Broderick Architects. Under no circumstances shall these electronic files be transferred to any other party without the express written permission of Broderick Architects. Use of these drawings implies agreement to the above conditions. _ On Sep 12, 2019, at 10:35 AM, Jill Ding <JDing@Rentonwa.gov> wrote: Hi Ben, Thanks for reaching out. I have been briefed on the project by Clark and understand there are a couple of issues that still need to be resolved before permit application is made. We are in the process of running the refuse modification up the chain as soon as I have feedback on that issue, I will let you know. Regarding the frontage improvements, we understand there will need to be some transitions made where your project site abuts neighboring properties. However, we do want to ensure that we have our standard frontage improvements for as much of the frontage as possible. Hope this provides the direction you were looking for. Thanks, Jill Ding Senior Planner City of Renton Community and Economic Development 6th floor 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425-430-6598 jding@rentonwa.gov From: Ben Hruska <ben@broderickarchitects.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2019 3:48 PM To: Jill Ding <JDing@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: Fwd: PRE 17-000639 | 1625 Duvall Ave NE Subject: Fwd: PRE 17-000639 | 1625 Duvall Ave NE Hi Jill, I understand that you’re now our designated planner. Wondering if I you have a moment to look at these last remaining conditions that I’d inquired about with Clark Close for our proposed dental office building? I’m trying to give some direction to my civil engineer. Please see my Sept. 4 email below. Thanks in advance, Ben Hruška Project Manager, BIM Specialist BRODERICK ARCHITECTS 55 S. Atlantic St, Suite #301 Seattle, WA 98134 206.682.7525 www.broderickarchitects.com Attached Electronic Files Disclaimer: These electronic files are intended expressly to facilitate the work of the original recipient. Broderick Architects makes no warranty as to the accuracy or validity of these drawings, which remain the copyrighted intellectual property of Broderick Architects. Under no circumstances shall these electronic files be transferred to any other party without the express written permission of Broderick Architects. Use of these drawings implies agreement to the above conditions. _ Begin forwarded message: From: Ben Hruska <ben@broderickarchitects.com> Subject: Re: PRE 17-000639 Date: September 10, 2019 at 8:04:30 AM PDT To: Clark Close <CClose@Rentonwa.gov> Hi Clark, Hoping to follow-up on these last items. Thanks for your help. Ben Hruška Project Manager, BIM Specialist Ben Hruška Project Manager, BIM Specialist BRODERICK ARCHITECTS 55 S. Atlantic St, Suite #301 Seattle, WA 98134 206.682.7525 www.broderickarchitects.com Attached Electronic Files Disclaimer: These electronic files are intended expressly to facilitate the work of the original recipient. Broderick Architects makes no warranty as to the accuracy or validity of these drawings, which remain the copyrighted intellectual property of Broderick Architects. Under no circumstances shall these electronic files be transferred to any other party without the express written permission of Broderick Architects. Use of these drawings implies agreement to the above conditions. _ On Sep 4, 2019, at 11:24 AM, Ben Hruska <ben@broderickarchitects.com> wrote: Hi Clark, Great, this helps us move forward with our consultants. Perhaps for Monday, you could trouble you to include a few other clarifications regarding the sidewalk transitions to the neighboring parcels… 1.) On NE 17th, the sidewalk behind a planter strip would terminate head-on into a rip- rap retaining wall on the neighbor’s parcel to the west. Wondering how that get’s resolved? That’s why we were considering a modification to the standards and placing the sidewalk adjacent to the curb, which sounded like a possibility coming out of the pre-app. 2.) On Duvall Ave NE at our south property line, would our responsibility for the new sidewalk end right at the south property line? Wondering too how the new 8’ walk how the new 8’ walk transitions back to the existing 6’ wide sidewalk at face of curb along neighbor’s parcel? and a clarification on the setback modification…. 3.) We would like to have the waste/recycling be considered a portion of the building and would be seeking a zero foot setback along NE 17th. Really appreciate your assistance. Thanks, Ben Hruška Project Manager, BIM Specialist BRODERICK ARCHITECTS 55 S. Atlantic St, Suite #301 Seattle, WA 98134 206.682.7525 www.broderickarchitects.com Attached Electronic Files Disclaimer: These electronic files are intended expressly to facilitate the work of the original recipient. Broderick Architects makes no warranty as to the accuracy or validity of these drawings, which remain the copyrighted intellectual property of Broderick Architects. Under no circumstances shall these electronic files be transferred to any other party without the express written permission of Broderick Architects. Use of these drawings implies agreement to the above conditions. _ On Sep 4, 2019, at 10:36 AM, Clark Close <CClose@Rentonwa.go v> wrote: Ben, Please find attached updated site plan review application (the check marks are applicable submittal material). I’ve assumed the project valuation the project valuation was under 10 million dollars so no public outreach sign or neighborhood meeting would be required. The location of the refuse and recycling would require a modification to locate in the secondary front yard setback and provide a less than required minimum gate opening. I should have more feedback about the project design by Monday afternoon. The location of the sidewalk on NE 17th St needs to be behind the planter strip, more as follows: <image002.jpg> Development Engineering will not allow you to add a 2’ addition the existing ADA ramp at the corner of NE 17th St and Duvall Ave NE. The corner ramp will need to be redesigned and the sidewalk on Duvall Ave NE should be straight with no angles (this may require the relocation of the lamp post). Please verify the minimum 8-foot planting strip on Duvall Ave NE. Let me know if you have any further questions. Thanks, Clark H. Close Senior Planner City of Renton 425-430-7289 425-430-7289 From: Ben Hruska <ben@broderickarchite cts.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2019 8:43 AM To: Planning Customer Service <PlanningCustomerSer vice@rentonwa.gov> Cc: Clark Close <CClose@Rentonwa.g ov> Subject: Re: PRE 17- 000639 Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately I tried calling Clark and found out that he is out of town until the 3rd of Sept. I’d like to get our consultants started before then but don’t want to make the mistake of having them do a lot of work on costly studies that may not be needed. Attached is requirements list you sent with checked items that I presume will be required. Hoping I could trouble you for your assistance to confirm my assumptions before next week. Thanks, Ben Hruška Project Manager, BIM Specialist BRODERICK ARCHITECTS 55 S. Atlantic St, Suite #301 Seattle, WA 98134 206.682.7525 www.broderickarchit ects.com Attached Electronic Files Attached Electronic Files Disclaimer: These electronic files are intended expressly to facilitate the work of the original recipient. Broderick Architects makes no warranty as to the accuracy or validity of these drawings, which remain the copyrighted intellectual property of Broderick Architects. Under no circumstances shall these electronic files be transferred to any other party without the express written permission of Broderick Architects. Use of these drawings implies agreement to the above conditions. _ On Aug 22, 2019, at 2:07 PM, Planning Customer Service <PlanningC ustomerSer vice@rento nwa.gov> wrote: Hello, Because Clark Close was the planner that reviewed your pre- app materials, he will also be the project manager for this project. Please contact him to schedule a formal intake of your your application and any inquiries regarding waiver of submittal materials. Attached is PDF explaining the process and materials required for site plan review. Please note that the City of Renton only accepts digital files. Thank you, Planning Customer Service City of Renton CED - Building Dept. 425 430- 7200 PlanningCu stomerServ ice@renton wa.gov From: Ben Hruska <ben@bro derickarchit ects.com> Sent: Wed nesday, August 21, 2019 4:12 PM To: Plannin g Customer Service <PlanningC <PlanningC ustomerSer vice@rento nwa.gov> Subject: P RE 17- 000639 Hi , I was able to confir m that I need to submit for a Type II Admin istrativ e Site Plan Revie w from a phone conver sation I had today with Clark Close. We are seekin g modifi cations from the street frontag e require ments on 2 street right- of- ways, makin g an admini strative adjust ment to a setbac k. I was I was wonde ring if you could direct me to the applic ation require ments and proced ure for submit ting for this type of review ? We’d compl eted our pre- applic ation back in Oct. ’17. Is there an online submit tal proces s for this applic ation? Thanks , Ben Hruš ka Pr oject Manage r, BIM Speciali st BRO DERI CK ARC HITE CTS 55 S. Atlanti c St, c St, Suite #301 Seattle , WA 98134 206.6 82.75 25 www. broder ickarc hitects .com Attached Electroni c Files Disclaim er: These electroni c files are intended expressly to facilitate the work of the original recipient. Broderic k Architect s makes no warranty as to the accuracy or validity of these drawings, which remain the copyright ed intellectu al property of Broderick Architect s. Under no circumsta nces shall these electroni c files be transferre d to any other party without the express written permissio n of Broderick Architect s. Use of these drawings implies agreemen t to the above condition s. _ <Site Plan Review.pdf > <190827 SA Site Plan Review Reqm'ts +BH.pdf>