HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR_Aborist_Report_190915_v11 | Page September 15, 2019 Mr. Jay Magruder Landscape Architect 18 West Fulton St. Seattle, WA 98119 jaymagruder@aol.com Dear Mr. Magruder: At your request on September 11, 2019, I inspected six off-site trees standing south and west of 1625 Duvall Ave NE in Renton, Washington. My summary report of tree condition and protection recommends the removal of 3 trees along the south side of the property and retention and protection of 3 trees along the west side. My summary report follows. Competence: My credentials include: • Certified Arborist (International Society of Arboriculture, ISA #23136) • Registered Consulting Arborist (American Society of Consulting Arborists #499). • Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (ISA). • Certified forester (Society of American Foresters #951) • Bachelor of Science degree in Forest Management from the University of Washington Tree Data is found in the attached Tree Assessment Form and the tree locations on the attached Topographic Site Plan. The subject trees are Douglas-fir (Psuedotsuga menziesii). They range in diameter from 12-inches to 25 inches and stand 50 to 95 feet in height. All are in good condition with exception of tree number 3 that is suppressed under other nearby trees. 1625 Duvall Ave NE Tree Assessment September 15, 2019 2 | Page ArborInfo LLC Trees 1-3 stand just south of the property line (chain link fence) north and about 5—feet above an existing parking lot. Tree 4 stands in the southwest corner of the property and trees 5 and 6 south of a board fence on a residential property. Tree # 4 Trees 5 and 6 The driplines (extent of the longest limb) hang over the property line and subject property. 1625 Duvall Ave NE Tree Assessment September 15, 2019 3 | Page ArborInfo LLC The trees were assessed for condition to the standards of the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) level 2 TRAQ assessment. (Tree Risk Assessment Qualified) TRAQ Level 2 Assessment • Locate and Identify Subject Trees • Determine Targets • Review Site History • Assess Tree Health • Inspect: ocular, mallet, probes etc. • Record Observations: defects, site conditions, growth rates • Determine the Likelihood and consequences of failure • Determine Level of Risk • Recommend Mitigation if appropriate • Suggest re-inspection levels The factors leading to vigor and vitality ratings as indicated on the attached spread sheet Tree Assessment Form are: Vigor ratings: • Dead • Poor: Poor health or significant structural defects • Fair: Visible health issues; poor leaf color, thin crowns, • Good: No visible defects or health issues Viability ratings are • Yes – Tree is likely to live to its normal expectancy or at least 10 years • No – Tree is in decline or has structural defects. Likely to die or fail within 10 years. These trees are recommended for removal. Overall, your trees are in good condition with the exception of tree No. 3 which is in fair condition but viable. Effect of Construction. The site plans provided indicate that the new development will lower the existing grade to about street level, a reduction of 5 to 6-feet, and to the south property line. In that event, trees 1-3 will be perched on a narrow 5-6-foot high berm above the southern property and the subject property. The plans indicate that a 15-foot set-back planting strip ad existing grade will remain along the west property line. 1625 Duvall Ave NE Tree Assessment September 15, 2019 4 | Page ArborInfo LLC These activities will leave trees No. 1-3 precariously perched between the properties. Root severance may have already occurred to the south and will likely occur again to the north as the grade is reduced. (existing on-site trees removed). Trees 1-3 will be destabilized and should be removed in advance of excavation. Trees 4-6 will remain relatively un-affected as the driplines only slightly extend beyond the planned 15-foot planting strip. These trees should remain viable. Tree Protections: City of Renton Code 4-4-130 Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations, H.9 Performance Standards for Land Development/Building Permits, should be adhered to for the protection of trees 4-6. Limits of Assignment 1. Any legal description provided to the consultant is assumed to be correct. Ownership of the subject trees and plants as provided by the client is assumed to be correct. No responsibility is assumed for legal matters. 2. Care has been taken to obtain all information from reliable sources. The consultant can neither guarantee nor be responsible for the accuracy of information provided by others. 3. The consultant shall not be required to give testimony or attend court by reason of this report unless subsequent contractual arrangements are made, including additional fees. 4. This report and any values expressed herein represent the opinion of the consultant, and the consultant’s fee is in no way contingent upon the reporting of a specified value, a stipulated result, the occurrence of a subsequent event, nor upon any finding to be reported. 5. The exhibits in this report are included to assist the reader and are not necessarily to scale. 6. Unless expressed otherwise, information in this report covers only items that were examined, and reflects the condition of those items at the time of inspection. The inspection is limited to visual examination of accessible portions of the trees and plants. 7. Loss or alteration of any part of the report invalidates the entire report. Ownership of any documents related to this report passes to the client only. 8. The liability of ArborInfo LLC its contractors and employees is limited to the client only and only up to the amount of the fee actually received for the assignment. 9. THERE IS NO WARRANTY SUGGESTED FOR ANY OF THE TREES SUBJECT TO THIS REPORT. WEATHER, LATENT TREE CONDITIONS, AND FUTURE MAN-CAUSED ACTIVITIES COULD CAUSE PHYSIOLOGIC CHANGES AND DETERIORATING TREE CONDITION. OVER TIME, DETERIORATING TREE CONDITIONS MAY APPEAR AND THERE MAY BE CONDITIONS, WHICH ARE NOT NOW VISIBLE WHICH, COULD CAUSE TREE FAILURE. THIS REPORT OR THE VERBAL COMMENTS MADE AT THE SITE IN NO WAY WARRANT THE STRUCTURAL STABILITY OR LONG-TERM CONDITION OF ANY TREE, BUT REPRESENTS MY OPINION BASED ON THE OBSERVATIONS MADE. 1625 Duvall Ave NE Tree Assessment September 15, 2019 5 | Page ArborInfo LLC 10. NEARLY ALL TREES IN ANY CONDITION STANDING WITHIN REACH OF IMPROVEMENTS OR HUMAN USE AREAS REPRESENT HAZARDS THAT COULD LEAD TO DAMAGE OR INJURY. 11. MANY JURISDICTIONS REQUIRE PERMITS PRIOR TO REMOVAL OF RESIDENTIAL TREES. CITY AUTHORITIES SHOULD BE CONTACTED BEFORE TREE REMOVAL. Respectfully Submitted, Thomas M. Hanson, Certified Arborist #23136 Registered Consulting Arborist #499 PRINT DATE: 10/15/19 15.002 Duvall Ave NE Office Building AC21.pln © Broderick Architects, PLLC    5SFF/VNCFS Date:9/11/2019 Site:Inspector:Tom Hanson Tree #DBH Height Crown Vigor Viable Class Disturbance Dist. To Defects Recommendations Common Scientific (inches)(feet)Ratio (%)N S E W LOD Excavation 1 Douglas-fir Psuedotsuga menziesii 12 50 60 2 12 14 6 Good Yes Significant 10 4 Remove 2 Douglas-fir Psuedotsuga menziesii 18 65 80 14 18 12 14 Good Yes Significant 12 1 Remove 3 Douglas-fir Psuedotsuga menziesii 12 50 80 12 16 8 12 Fair Yes Significant 8 3 Crook at 12 feet Remove 4 Douglas-fir Psuedotsuga menziesii 18.8*72 90 14 14 12 12 Good Yes Significant 9 15 Two codominants Protect and Retain 5 Douglas-fir Psuedotsuga menziesii 23.4 95 70 15 17 19 18 Good Yes Significant 14 15 Protect and Retain 6 Douglas-fir Psuedotsuga menziesii 24.9 98 70 20 15 20 18 Good Yes Significant 14 15 Protect and Retain 7 * multiple stem adusted to single Drip Line 1625 Duvall Ave NE, Renton Tree Protection Assessment Form Species