HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 Correspondence RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 7, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8.00 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; ROBERT J. HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, ABSENT COUNCILMEN EARL CLYMER, JOHN W. REED, AND NANCY L. MATHEWS BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. Absent Council members are attending National League of Cities Conference in Washington, D.C. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney, MAXINE E. ATTENDANCE MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; RICHARD C . HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; CAPT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL Councilman Hughes corrected page 5 reference to joint dinner meeting with King County Council , noting topic of discussion will be items of general interest rather than budgetary matters as it is a social get-together. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 28, 1983 AS AMENDED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch endorsed efforts of Renton Chapter of Anti-Shoplifting DECA (Distributive Education Club) of Renton High School in its '83 Campaign Anti-shoplifting '83 Campaign to make citizens and business community aware that shoplifting is harmful to our economy; and urged consumers , retailers, law enforcement officials, and courts to treat shoplifting as a crime which will not be tolerated. The proclamation was accepted by club members Lynette Buckmier, Mari Shudshift, Joey Hodgson, Mark Carve and Tim Evans. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Amendment to published according to law, Mayor Barbara Shinpoch opened the public 1983-1988 Six hearing to consider an amendment to the 1983-1988 Six Year Transportation Year ' Improvement Program for installation of traffic interconnect from N. 6th Transportation Street to Sunset Boulevard N.E. along Park Avenue N. Also being Improvement considered were revisions to the 1983 Street Overlay List. Public Works Program Director Richard Houghton explained project previously included in original improvement program under "Controller Modernization" project #8; however, Department of Transportation State Aid has requested separate identification for the project for which a federal grant of ` $91 ,300 has been received to be matched with city funds totaling $18,700. Continued Discussion then addressed deletions and additions to previously adopted 1983 Street Overlay List as follows: Kennewick Avenue N.E. between N.E. 14th and N.E. 16th deleted since future sewer project will require associated street improvements; N. 1st Street deleted since major improvement required rather than just overlay; Williams Avenue S. between S. 4th and Grady Way added; Jones Avenue N.E. between N.E. 20th Street and 700 feet north of N.E. 24th Street added; and N.E. 22nd Street between Edmonds Avenue N.E. and dead-end street added. Councilman Stredicke raised concern regarding addition of latter item, noting limited number of residences served on a dead-end street. Houghton discussed potential to serve larger area by street improvement; and advised Council that overlay list does not necessarily reflect city's priorities, but, rather, groups projects by general location for economic reasons. Councilman Stredicke compared condition of Renton streets favorably to state highways between Renton and Olympia. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REVISIONS RECOMMENDED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items were adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Summons & Summons and Complaint filed by Local Union No. 46 I .B.E.W. Health and Complaint Welfare Trust Fund _v Wilskey Electric, Inc. , City of Renton, and SAFECO Union No. 46 Insurance Co. for foreclosure of labor lien against public works contract performance bond and retained percentage. Refer to City Attorney and insurance Carrier. Renton City Council March 7, 1983 Page Two CONSENT AGENDA Claim for damages in the amount of $259.76 filed by John T. Liedtke, Liedtke Claim 16640-51st Avenue S. , Seattle, for tire and wheel damage allegedly for Damages caused by chuckhole on S. 180th between the railroad tracks and the CL-05-83 Boeing plant on 2/23/83 (CL-05-82) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Fund Transfer Public Works Department requested fund transfer in the amount of to Construct $45,000 from Community Facilities Fund to construct 18-inch storm drain Storm Drain Line line in Union Avenue N.E. from N.E. 17th Street to Honey Creek, project on Union Ave. NE approved in 1982 priority list but not accomplished due to fund shortages. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Consultant Personnel Department requested authorization to- retain Cabot Dow Service for Associates to assist in contract analysis and preparation of options Preparation for labor negotiations to commence in approximately four months prior of 1984 Labor to expiration of four city labor contracts on December 31 , 1983. Negotiations Council concur. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Building and Zoning Department recommended denial of request from Request for Holvick deRegt Koering for waiver of Community Facilities Charge for Waiver of Buildings #3, 12, 13 and 14 of the Springbrook Technical Center in Community exchange for dedication to the city of 17 acres for storm water detention Facilities basins (13 of which are zoned Manufacturing Park designation) , for a Charge - HDK market value claimed in excess of $2 million. Moved by Hughes, seconded by Stredicke, Council concur in the recommendation of the Building and Zoning Department. Substitute motion: MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY TRIMM, MATTER BE TABLED UNTIL ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBERS ARE IN ATTENDANCE. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. (See later action this page.) OLD BUSINESS Mayor Shinpoch distributed status reports to each Councilman regarding Status Reports Wells Avenue Bridge, LID 314, LID 325, and Joint Use Sanitary Sewer Agreement on S.W. 43rd Street with City of Kent (LID 311 ) as requested at last Council meeting. Holvick deRegt Having received new information regarding the request of Holvick deRegt Koering Request Koering and having voted on the prevailing side, Councilman Stredicke for Waiver felt the matter should be reconsidered. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, TO RECONSIDER THE VOTE ON THE MOTION TO TABLE MATTER OF HDK's REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES CHARGE. CARRIED. Administrative Assistant Michael Parness stated that due to complexity of the matter, referral to a Council committee for discussion would be preferable. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, REFER THE MATTER TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Rockhill reported several week delay before the matter could be scheduled for discussion. MOTION CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a report Development recommending the following amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance be Committee enacted: 1 ) that preliminary plat approval be effective for three years Subdivision with one year extension available; 2) additional notice of subdivision Ordinance applications be provided a) in not less than five locations on or Revisions adjacent to the parcel in question with discretion for requirement of additional postings for larger parcels; and b) delivery of the notice of hearing by ordinary mail to property owners within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision with specific requirements for such mailings. The report further recommended referral to the Ways and Means Committee for legislation and setting of a public hearing for April 4, 1983 to review the matter. For the record, Chairman Rockhill stated that although the committee report has been signed by two members and read into the record, the official vote on the recommendation should be held until after the public hearing. Therefore, it was MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE PORTION OF THE COMMITTEE REPORT WHICH RECOMMENDS SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR APRIL 4, 1983 TO CONSIDER THE MATTER. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Stredicke presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second and final readings: CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLTUION NO. 2495 WHEREAS the City of Renton has heretofore adopted a "Six- Year Transportation Improvement Program" pursuant to Chapter 7 , Extraordinary Session Laws of the State of Washington , and Chapter 195 of the 1961 Session Laws of the State of Washington, and as same has heretofore been amended from time to time , and such plan and program having heretofore been duly amended and modified from time to time as authorized by law, and WHEREAS the City Council , after recommendation of its Public Works . Department , caused to be held a public hearing thereon on March 7 , 1983 , and after notice to the public as provided by law, for the purpose of considering adoption, modification and amendments of said plan and program, and WHEREAS at such public hearing held on March 7 , 1983 , due consideration was given to theproposed changes and amendments for the purpose of updating such plan and program, NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The City' s "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" is hereby further amended and modified all as more particular] page 2 A) Amendment & revised 1983 shown on the attached Exhibit "A" and the same being incorporated herein as if fully set forth. SECTION II : The aforestated plan and program, as evidenced by said Exhibit shall be and constitute the City' s "Six-Year Trans- portation Improvement Program" and the City' s "Arterial Street Plan" and same to remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended and modified as provided by law. • SECTION III : The Director of Public Works and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to file this Resolution together with the Exhibit with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington, and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 14th day of March, 1983 . - Maxine E. Motor , City C erk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 14th day of March, 1983 . Paaggouo .4+ Barbara Y. 5hin�, Mayor Approved as to form: 0(17 r , 44_.0„4,_a Lawrence J' . `Waren., City ,Attorney Rev. 3/7/83 1983 OVERLAYS l/2t GAS TAX PROJECTS NE 22nd Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & Dead End $ 5,400.00 Jones Ave. NE between NE 20th Street & 700 ft. north of NE 24th Street $ 18,000.00 Williams Ave. South between South 4th Street & Grady Way $ 22,000.00 Aberdeen Ave. NE between Sunset Hwy. E NE 12th Street $ 24,800.00 NE 12th Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & Lincoln Place NE $ 12,500.00 Camas Ave. NE between NE 12th Street & Dead End $ 3,300.00 NE 16th Street between Aberdeen Ave. NE & Edmonds Ave. NE $- 13,500.00 Lincoln Ave. NE between NE 16th Street & NE 14th Street $ 4,000.00 Monterey Ave. NE between NE 16th Street & NE 14th Street $ 4,000.00 NE 14th Street between Monterey Ave. NE & Jones Ave. NE $ 7,000.00 NE 20th Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & Jones Ave. NE $ 28,200.00 NE 24th Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & High Ave. NE $ 32,700.00 Dayton Ave. NE between NE 24th Street & Dead End $ 3,600.00 $179,000.00 1984 $120,000.00 ESTIMATE 1985 $130,000.00 ESTIMATE 1986 $130,000.00 ESTIMATE 1987 $140,000.00 ESTIMATE — OBLIGATION PROGRAM ' Hearing Date -5 - 7-'3 EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Datc -9-''V-R 3 ty/.County . Xeypunching Mote: Dan entered in cots I-S must Resolution Number .24 95 fitly No. 1 0 7 0 3_8 be an all cards punched from - _ aunty No. 1 7 7-8 Phis form. 1 PROJ:ECT:CO5T3'.1 N THOUSANDS- OF 'DO LLA RS n G • 1 OBLIGATION-S'CH'EDULE . .FUNDING SOURCE PROJECT IDENTIFICATION by z Tit ie,, Rout , Road Log No., Section No., -2o Work Tota( a ,b. _ =:_y_E_._.A {� • FEDERAL. . Location/Termini,Deecription of Works 03 Code -Len th \ . _ :TOTAL 1st = 2nd 3rd 4.,5 U.A.B. 'LOCAL FUNDS Beginning Mitepoat ®ridge No. •0 c _(Miles) 2 - t (Annuli 4,6th AMOUNT PROGRAM ke ce C5 Eleinent) I. 2 •_-.1-1-3 _ a .. . g e-? s .. _ s JO . 11. . 12 ' ' 13 _... 14 .e 15 s�a 16. �e 17` -9 . _- $5 34�� a 1 1 0,4fa�dy 4e sst ---': se in • 11£160 a9 pi ... _rrjis ,� se p ..n ,RIK, IA1V1E1 AN] 1SIIIGINIAILI IIINITIEIRICIOININ 7F%4 l i t 101,715 M U, IltliOs 1 . 1 1 a 1 1 l • i i i . 1 1911,FIAiUISj •1 1 1 s 1 i ]i94 11 1111101 Da. tallation of traffic signal interconnect from North 6th Street to Sunset Blvd. NE. Includes purchase l/2 of new controllers to be interconnected & supervised , Gas 1 i_ 1 1 I i_ I 1 1 1 i i i l 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 V- I I 1 1, j I I 1. 1 1 1. l , 1 l 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 L I mil _ by our new computer. — ill I 1 1 1 i t l 1 1 l I t 1 1 I i 1 1 1 I 1 1 _I t I 1 , Ili I 1 1 1 1 1 ill III 1 1 1 111 ill 111 1 1 1 I 1 _ . till 1 l 1 I I , I l i L 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 , 04 1 .4 1 , _1 , 1 1' 1 1 1 1 I III 1 1 I III I 1 I _1 1 I _ 1 I _L 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 l 1 1 L , 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I l 1 i I l I l ti ll M. I , 1 1 I J l l 1 1 I 1 ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 i i 1 I , 1 , , 1 1 1 , t l L t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 , Wo 1 _ I l t 4 1 , 111 III III 1 1 I 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 III 1 1 1 11111 • I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I L I 1 1 I 1 1 l 1 _1 1 I i _t , 1 1 1 , 1 1 I III 1 1 •1 III 1 I 1 1 1 1 Ii ] 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 i 1 I 1 , 1 l 1 , t Y//J 1 1 1 1 , I 1 1 1 1 1 1 lit Ill III l 1 1 1 I _I III 1 1 1 1 1 D15TR1BUTIOM ' ' 1 COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER 140-049 I COPY C.R.A.B.(Cot&nE5 o.aLY) CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO . 2485 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM" WHEREAS the. City of Renton has heretofore adopted a "Six- Year Transportation Improvement Program" , pursuant to Chapter 7 , Extraordinary Session Laws of 1961 of the State of Washington, and Chapter 195 of the 1961 Session Laws of the State of Washington, and as same has heretofore been amended from time to time , and such plan and program having heretofore been duly amended and modified from time to time as authorized by law, and WHEREAS the City Council , after recommendation of its Public Works Department/Traffic Engineering Division, caused to be held a public hearing on November 22 , 1982 , after notice to the public as provided by law, for the purpose of considering adoption, modification and amendments of said plan and program, and WHEREAS at such public hearing held on November 22 , 1982 , due consideration was given to the proposed changes and amendments for the purpose of updating such plan and program, NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The.,...City ' s "Six-Year Transportation Improvement C Program" is hereby further amended and modified all as more particularly shown on the attached $✓ Exhibits , entitled "Exhibit "A" , Revised Page 1, item and the same being incorporated herein as if fully set forth. SECTION II : The aforestated plan and program, as evidenced by said Exhibits shall be and constitute the City ' s "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City ' s "Arterial Street Plan" and same to remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended and modified as provided by law. -1- SECTION III : The Director of Public Works and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to file this Resolution together with Exhibits , with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington, and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 6th day of December, 1982 . Maxine Motor, Acting City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 6th day of December, 1982 . Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Approved as to form: La renceJ . en, Cit}�`'"Attorney -2- • — OBLIGATION PROGRAM Haaring pate June 28, 1982 EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date July 12, 1982 City/County -keypunching Note: Data entered in cots 1-8 must Resolution Number 2460 City No. 1 0 7 0 3-6 be an all cards punched from _ . County No. ,1 7 7-8 this -Form. V k PR 6J_ECT_COST5' IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION in d OBLUGAT1ON :SCHEDULE z 1111e,Route,Road Log No., Section No.,, o Total d 'I;� FUNDING SOURCE 1.,ocation TereninilDeacription of Works `a Work 9 a -_Y__E_._ A R o� Length \ •> FEDERAL :TOTAL u Beginning Milepoaf 4 Bridge No. _o c Code (Miles) .� '3,,An��� End 3rd 4,5 U.A.B. LOCAL FUNDS 2 e. di 0 Element) 6th AMOUNT PROGRAM Ft- 1 .3 - 4 5 8 7 8 3 - JO - 11 12 a -. 14 15 16 17 - ._ a 341_:,,p4.2441 44 4.5-48_14711411 . Sr 52.-_-.- 35 50 59,4e teas s7A?8 91 12 75 76 79a5 se GIR,AID,YA 1W1A,Y1 ,B ,R,IID,G,E, ,RIE,PILIAIC,EIMIEIN 4 /,A,B ,D,H 1011,0 M U X 4,00i0a4,040104 „ 1 4 1 1 1 7101010, 1 1 1 • '1 1 i 461101010 , I /8101010 3ridge Replacement (joint with Tukwila) Construction. L Bridge Forward p�� Rep l. Thrust 2 • R ,E,N,T,0,N1 ,A,R1E,A, 1TIR,A,N,S,P,O,R1T1 1SIT,U,D1Y 81RU► 1 , , j , U 1 1610 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 II , I , I 1 16 ,0 1 1 1 1610 Develop a multi-modal transportation plan for the city. (Phase I) ^3 . MIIIS ,C1E,L�LIA,NIE1.O ,UIS1 1S1T1R1E,E1T1 II1MIP,R,OIV 4 ,�D, „ , 1 , 111719 11,210 . 11310 121710 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 161919 1 I 16j919 Street Division overlays. See attached sheet with listings. N ,E, ,41T,H,/,31R,D� ,UtNII ,OtN, 1T10_, ,SLU,NJSLEJT1 2 �BIDIF1G 104415 M U 1310, 0, 1 1 1 _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I L I _ 1 1 I _ 13 ,019 „ 131010 4 . H Drainage, resurface, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and 100% widen 'to 5 lanes. (2-way left turn centerlane) r�/� L.I.D. 5 , SIWI IGIR1AAD1Y, 1L1I1NID1 1T10, 1LIOINIGIAJCIRIEISI 2 KB ,D,F,G , 47 ,0 S U 1 1 1 1151010 ti 1 1 , , ii 1 1 1 1 I. I t ,1j5j010 i 1115,0,0 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J L 100% ;hannelization,• P-1 BR. 56' roadway taper w/half to 44' L.I.D. 6 . WIE ,L.L,S1 ,A,V,E, ,B ,R,I,D1G1E1 IR,E,PILIA,C,E,M,E•N 4 WAIB ,FIG , X0,4 S U X 1101010 16,8, 0 1 if ill 113 ,414 1 1 1 1 , 1 1313 ,6 , ,1,6, 8, 0 Bridge Replacement. H J L S ,U,N,S,E,T1 IBILIVIDI 1NI 1& , 1N1_ 131R1D1 ,I1M,PIR10 hKA ,B ,D,F, 1 A 1 M U 111010 , , i , 1 1 , 1 1 _ I 1813 FIARILS 1 1 ,_ 1 1117 1 , 111010 Signal improvements, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, H I channelization, paving and signing. 8 • N1E , 1S,U,NISIE,T1 ,S,I1G,N,AIL, ,I,N,T,E,R,C ,0,N,N ,E 7 /j , , , ,1,7 ,5 P U 111110 I I 1 1 , , 1 1 1 1 ,9 ,1 F ,A,UIS � , , , ,119 1 , ,1, 1,0 Purchase of traffic signal controllers and install- ation of traffic signal interconnect cable to tie e1/2� into the City's master signal computer_ _ Gas Tax Dt5TR1 BUTI ON I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER )T 1310-049 I COPY C.R.A.B.(COUALTIES OMLY) an. moo CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2460 WHEREAS the City of Renton has heretofore adopted a "Six- Year Transportation Improvement Program" pursuant to Chapter 7 , Extraordinary Session Laws of the State of Washington, and Chapter 195 of the 1961 Session Laws of the State of Washington, and as same has heretofore been amended from time to time , and such plan and program having heretofore been duly amended and modified from time to time as authorized by law, and WHEREAS the City Council , after recommendation of •its Public Works Department , caused to be held a public hearing thereon on June 28 , 1982 , and after notice to the public as provided by law, for the purpose of considering adoption , modification and amendments of said plan and program, and WHEREAS at such public hearing held on June 28 , 1982 , due consideration was given to the proposed changes and amendments for the purpose of updating such plan and program, NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The City ' s "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City' s "Arterial Street Plan" are hereby further amended and modified, all as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibit "A , B, and C" incorporated herein as if fully set forth. SECTION II : The aforestated plan and program, as evidenced by said Exhibit shall be and constitute the City ' s "Six-Year Trans- portation Improvement Program" and the City' s "Arterial Street Plan" and same to remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended and modified as provided by law. SECTION III : The Director of Public Works and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to file this Resolution together with the Exhibit with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington, and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 12*day of July, 1982 . Aop i � Maxine Motor, Acting City Clerk-- APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 12 day of July, 1932. C.I .. ar ara Y. iinpoch; Mayor Approved as to form: 0<*4-4-"4"'( Lawrence J. Wa en, City Attorney l r l SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1983 - 1988 CITY PRIORITY # ANNUAL ELEMENT PROJECTS 1 Grady Way Bridge Replacement 2 Renton Area Transportation Study 3 Miscellaneous Street Improvements 4 NE 4th St./NE 3rd St. , Union Ave. NE to Sunset Blvd. N 5 SW Grady Way, Lind Ave. SW to Longacres Dr. SW 6 Wells Avenue Bridge Replacement 7 Sunset Blvd. N & N 3rd Intersection Improvements 8 Controller Modernization 9 Sunset Blvd. & Union Ave. NE 10 Garden Ave. N, N 4th St. to N 8th St. SECOND YEAR PROJECTS 11 Monroe Ave. NE, NE 6th St. to NE 12th St. 12 Logan Ave. S, S 2nd St. to Airport Way THIRD YEAR PROJECTS 13 Talbot Road S, S 16th St. to S 41st St. 14 SW 16th St. , Lind Ave. SW to Monster Road SW • 15 Lind Ave. SW, SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way (Bridge I-405 Overpass) 16 Renton Ave. S, S 3rd St. to S 7th St. FOURTH - SIXTH YEAR PROJECTS 17 S 7th St. , Rainier Ave. S to Smithers Ave. S 18 Valley Parkway SW, SW Grady Way to SW Sunset Blvd. 19 Sunset Blvd. N, Bronson Way N to FAI 405 20 Valley Parkway SW, SW 41st St. to SW 16th St. 21 Valley Parkway SW, SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way 22 Lake Wash. Blvd. North, N Park Dr. to North City Limits 23 SW 27th St. , Valley Parkway SW to West Valley Road 24 SE Puget Dr. , Jones Pl. SE to Edmonds Ave. SE 25 Sunset Blvd. NE, FAI 405 to NE Park Dr. 26 Taylor Ave. NE/Taylor P1. NW, Renton Ave. Ext. to Stevens Ave. NW 27 NE 12th St. , Lynnwood Ave. NE to Union Ave. NE 28 Union Ave. NE, NE Sunset Blvd. to NE 24th St. 29 Edmonds Avenue Extension 15IA1-z 3- X YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1983 , TO 198 g Page 1 of � 5 . — OBLIGATION PROGRAM1-tearing pate June 28, 1982 EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date July 12. 1982 City/.County + ..Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols I-8 must Resolution Number 2460 City No. Jl17J78 1 0 7 10 13-.6. be en all cards punched fromCounty No. this form. d v P`ROJ_ECT CO5T5' 1N THOU8AND5- OF 'DOLLARS c PROJECT IDENTIFICATION qx G .°cr of OBLIGATION . SCHEDULE _FUNDING SOURCE z Tit le,Route,Road Log No., Section No., o` Work Total 2 a 'h _ . .____Y__E . A R FEDERAL _ _TOTAL £ Location/TerminilDeecripfion of Works �3 Code length \ ;o Beginning Milepost ®ridge No. .a o (Miles) ,u :� r(Annua! z nd 3 rd 4,5 (l.A.B. LOCAL FUND �.1. a _-- ---_ . e_. _ -- __ __-. _.._, 2 e. Cc 0 Element) 41 6th AMpUNT PROGRAM - •-1 .-2. r, .__3 4 . .. 5 8 7 8 . 5 ..L . JO . 11 12 13 - . 14 15 18. . 17'. SS 8C 87 40 41 44,454$47 45 • 51 52-.:_._ 55!i0 !19 GO C3 04 i71Ya 11 7P 75 76 7S AD 1. G,R,A1D1Y1 2W,A,Y1 1B,R1IID,G,E, •,RIE,PIL1A1CIE1M1E1N 4RA,BJDIH 101110 M U X 410160.41010104 , , t . I t I ,7101010. I 1 I r 'l 1 t 11101010. 1 ,810,0,... Bridge Replacement (joint with Tukwila) Construction. L Bridge Forward Repl. Thrust 12. RENTON AREA TRANSPORTS T U D Y 8 / U U 6 0 .6 0 6 0 Develop a multi-modal transportation plan for the city. (Phase I) 3. M I S C E L L N E O U S STREET I M P R O V 4 D 1 7 9 1 2 0 1 3 0 2 7 0 6 9 9 6 9 9 Street Division overlays. See attached sheet with listings. J 4 N E 4 T H / 3 R D UNION TO SUNSET 2 /B D F G 0 4 5 M U . 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 . Drainage, resurface, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and H 100% widen to 5 lanes. (2-way left turn centerlane) L.I.D. SW GRADY LIND TO LONGACRES 2 B D F G 7 0 S U 1 5 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 5 0 ' 5. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J L 100% channelization, P-1 BR. 56' roadway taper w/half to L.I.D. 44' 6. H J L Bridge Replacement. 7. S U N S E T BLVD N & N 3RD I M P R O 6 ABDF M U 1 0 0 • 8 3 F A US 1 7 1 0 0 Signal improvements, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, H I channelization, paving and signing. ----, 8. CJO,N,T, R1O,L, L1EIR, ,M,O,D,E,R,N,I,Z,A,T, IJOIN, „ 7K-7-7-,t , 1 ' U 11, 019 i t 1 , I I I III III III I I IitO 9 1 1 11, 019 Purchase of traffic signal controllers to replace Local obsolete equipment. (See attached list.) DISTRIBUTION I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER • DOT 140-049 I COPY C.R.A.B.(cou1rnE5 Ot4LY) Jon. i5R0 1sIA ,-z 31-X YEAR TRAN8PORTAT1ON IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM- 19 8 3 TO 19 8 8 Page 2 of '5 • — OBLIGATION PROGRAM Hearing Date June 28, 1982 EXHIBIT "A" Adoption •Date July 12, 1982 • City/.County .Keypunching Mote: Data entered in cols I-S must Reeolutian Nunclber 2460 . City No. 1 0 710 3-4 be an all cards punched from . ' County hlo. 1 7 7-8 thio form. 1 k PR 40:ECT.COSTS' I N T1-HOUSAND5 OF •DOLLARS • • PROJ ECT IDENTIFICATION .in ,� I OBLIGATION- 5CH'E.DULE _FUNDING SOURCE z 'Tit Ie,R ute,Road Log No. Section No., Total d / 9 o Work i 8 'h . . .-.-Y__E - A {� i..oca.tion Termini1Deacription of Works 03 Code Irength \ o FEDERAL FONDS Beginning Milepost 4 bridge No. •Q$ (Miles) c .. .t.(An��� 2nd 3rd 4,5 V.A.B. 'LOCAL FUNDS �.4 1} a Q Element) GM AMOUNT PROGRAM __ ., ._ •_2 -__3 • 4 .. 5 8. 7 8 5JO . 012 ". 13 14 15 i6. 17 -9 ._ . 55 Id�/.87 40 41 44 Oa 48 47 4e 8t 52..._._ . 55 30 59 GO C9 04 67 54 . 91 7e 73 76 79 39 9. S ,U,NtS,EITI IBILIVIDI t&I ,UINIIIOIN, 1A1V1E1 1NIE1 6v. I , 11 , , , M U i .1446 I . 1 I < < , 1 . I I I J I 1316.F, AiSIP4 .1 1 I f 1 11104 1 1 1 141 ,4 New signal controller and add left turn phase. 90/10 10 . GARDEN AVE - N 4 T H TO N 8 T H 2 / B D F G 2 5 S U 3 0 0 • I 10 Drainage, paving, curb, sidewalks, illumination and H J channelization. I 11 , M101N1R,O,E, IA,VIED- INIEI 161T,HI IT101 1NIE, ,1121T 2MB1DIF,G , 13,8 C U I ii Ili 1151810 I I I III I I I 1 1 1 1151810 I 11151810 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J 25% channelization, 36' roadway. . LID 12,L ,O,G,A,N,-,S, I21N,DI .1TLOL !ALI)RLP,O,R,TI _1W1A1Y, 410,A4,D4 1 1 .4 215 l I 1 I L3t° I , 1 1 1 1 Ili I I I 1 1 I _1010 I I I 1310 Overlay 13,T,A,LIBIOIT1 1R1D1- IS, 11,6,T,H, IT,O, IS, 14111S,T1 2VB ,D,F,G ,148,0 C U Ili III 111010 Iii ill III III 1110 ,0 1 1 1110, (, Drainage, paving, shoulders, pre-level, channeliza- H J 50% tion (joint with King County) . County • 14 S W 16TH LIND AVE TO MONS T E R 2 ' BDFG 9 0 C U 2 0 0 0 i . • 2 0 0 0 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, ilium- H J L 100% ination, channelization, bridge and 44' roadway. LID 15,L'IIN,D, 1AIVIEI 1S1WL116,TIHI 1TIO1 IS1W1 1GIRIAIDIY 2 IB,D,F1G ,0;2,0 S U iii 11 1 III 2, 41010 1 1 1 Ili 1 1 1 2141010 i 12141010 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, illumina- HIJL Developer tion, signal, channelization, bike route, landscaping, M 0 FAI-405 Bridge, 44' roadway. 16 dRIEINIT,O,N, IAM ,S1-1S, 3,RID, ,TIO, 1S, 71TIH, IS IT 4 r B,D,FIG .044 0 C U 5 0 0 5 I • Drainage, paving, curb and gutter, sidewalk, J illumination, undergrounding. Dt5TR1BUTI OIV . I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER DOT 140-049 I COPY C.R.A.B.(COUMTIE5 OAILY) • 131A ,-z SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 83 TO 19 8 8 Page 3 of 5 ' — OBLIGATION PROGRAM }lentring Date June 28, 1982 EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date July 12, 1982 :City/-County _Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols I-8 must Resolution Number 2460 City No. 1101710 se be an all cards punched from I, • County Mo. 11171,... this -Form. ;� X PR O-J:ECT.CO5T5"1N THOUSANDS O'F DOLLARS c r h _G a ' OBLIGATION -'SCH'EDULE o• PROJECT IDENTIFICATION 4Y FUNDING SOURCE z Tit 1e,Route,Road LogNo. Section No., s L _Total d C10 Work ___..Y__E - A i� f Location/Termini7Deecription of Work, 03 Code Length ;o FEDERAL TOTAL u Beginning Miiepoat Bridge No. •d c (Miles) ,s ,� r(An�odf 2 nd 3 rd 4,5 U.A.B. LOCAL FUNDS �? IX Element) — . eti.GM AMOUNT PROGRAM im ._ — - - - - i . .1.:3 - 45 e. 78 9 JO . 11 12 13 14 15 16. 17' bS 194�1 87 40 41 44 45.46 47 48 . l,4 52_ 55 30 58 Go 93 e4 G7 es mit 731G 78 lO 17. Si ,71T,HI tRta,II_NIIIEIRI ITIO1 ISIMIIITIHIEIRIS, I 2 Y//AIBtDIF , 1510 S U I l 1 • 1- t I • , i I • 12, 210e I l I • I I I • 'I I I 6 12i210,, I t 12►21uu Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, ilium- Devel- . ination, channelization, 44' roadway, Rainier to oper & Shattuck contingent on developer. LID , 18. V A _ EY PKWY RAIDY TO 140TH 1 / A B D F 1 0 0 M U 5 5 0 0 5 5 0 0 5 5 0 0 Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutter, GHIJ Devel- illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 oper landscaping, bridge, 56' roadway. 19. S U N S E T BLVD BRONSON TO . I 4 0 5 2 BDFG 0 5 0 M 8 4 . 8 4 0 8 4 0 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutters, signal, H I J 20% LID illumination, channelization, widen to 68 feet. 20. VALLEY PKWY S W 4 1 S T TO S W 1 6 T 1 / A B D F 1 7 OMU 6 0 0 0 . 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, GHIJ Devel- illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 oper landscaping, bridge. 21. VIA,LILIEIYI ,P,KIW,Y1 IS1WIl16,T,H, ,TIO1 IGIRIAIDIY 1 'A1B ,D,G ,04110. M U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5101010 ill 111 I I 1 51010 t0 I 1510101( __- ' Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, HIJL 20% LID illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, M 0 _J landscaping, bridge, 66' roadway. - 22. L K WASH BLVD N PK TO CITY •L 2 BDFG 3 0 3S U 4 8 0 0 4 8 . 0 4 8 0 0 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalks, gutter, illumin- 25% LID ation, channelization, bikeway. 23. S W 2 7 H W Y • W V _ s B . • . • 2 5 0 0 2 5 0 0 Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalks, GHIJ Devel- illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, I, M 0 oper landscaping. 44' roadway_ S1E, ,P1U,GIE,T, ID,R, ,J,O,N,E,S , ,T10, ,EIDIM,O,N ,D 2 MBID,F1G ,047 8 S U 9 6 0 • 6 • 9 6 0 24. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutter, illumin- ation, channelization, 44' roadway. • DISTRIBUTION 1 COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER DOT 140-049 , rnovv r DAR (7'OL1kITIE5 MI LY) SAX • YEAR TRAh1SPORTATtON IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 8 3 TO 19 8 8 Page 4 of 5 . - OBLIGATION PROGRAM - Heraring pate June 28, 1982 EXHIBIT "A" Adoption DateJuly 12, 1982 • City/.County keypunching Note: Data entered in COIS I-13 must Resolution Nurnber 2460 City No. 1 0 7 10 3..G be an all cards punched from ; . County No. " 1 7 7-8 thio -Form. g k PR OJ:ECT.COSTS' 1 N THOUSANDS OF 'DOLLARS • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION �Y -0 OBLIGATION - SCH'E.DU�E _FUNDING SOURCE • Z Title,Route,Road Lo No., Section No., 01. Total d 9 �o Work a h _-__Y._E._ A� P LocationnerminilDeacripiion of Work; 03 Code Length .- \ ;o Sat- FEDERAL TOTAL Noes) u '- 2nd 3rd 415 U.A.s3. LOCAL FUNDS u Beginning Milepost' Bridge No. d oc 2 t'04bndd II ft GM AMOUNT PROGRAM _ _. r. __-- • —. _ _ _ . ie Oc Cg Element) _ , .4 _2 - - 3 4 .. 5 e78 . 3. ._ : :10 . . 11. 12 13 -. . 14 15 I8. 17`' 87 40 41 44 KS 48 47 48 ' IN 52.._'_._ . 35 30 58 co G3 04 • '£1,00 . 1112 is is 78 eD 25. SIU,NIS,EITI IBILIV►DI 111 4 10 1 5 1 ,TI01 IPIALRIKI IDIR 2RBIDIFIG ,01910 S U i .i . 1 i 1 - , i • 1 , i .1181010, I l I . I I I * 'I I 1 41181010. I 11181Oy.,, Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutters, channel- H J ization, illumination and bikeway. . 26. TAY L O R NW RENTON TO S T E V E N S 2 / B D F G .060 C 7 2 0 7 2 1 7 2 0 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, ilium- H J • 25% LID ination, channelization. ,27. N E 12TH LYNNWOOD TO UNION 2 BDFG 0 6 0 C U 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, illum- H J 50% •LID ination, channelization. 28. ION AV NE S U N S E T TO NE 24 T 27 B D F G 07 OSU . 6 0 0 6 i I 6 0 0 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, channel- H 50% LID ization. �//� 29. EID,MIOINIDISI 1AIVIEI IEIXITIEINISII,OINI V I I I 1C//,AIB,D,F , 4 1 U 1 I 1 1 I 1 III II 1 ' III III III III I I I 11 _ ' GHIL K , 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L R: I I I 1 1 I 1 1j 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I i I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 D STRIBUTTON I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER . noT 140-049 I COPY C.R.A.B.(COUNTIE5 OMLY) • .4 . 1s IA 1-2 6 X YEAR TRAN6PORTATI.ON IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 g 3 -TO 19 8 8 Page 5 of 5 - — OBLIGATION PROGRAM — EXHIBIT "A" Hearing Date June 28, 1982 opion • •City/.County .keypunching Note: Data entered in cols I-8 must ADDENDUM #1 - STATE HIGHWAY PROJECTS AdResoltutionDaNutetmberJuly 246012, 1982 City No. 1 0 7 10 9-.6 be an all cards punched from _ P • County No. 1 7 7-8 fhia form. I Q PROJECT COST5' 1N T1-HOU5AND5 OF DOLLARS 1 13• PROD ECT IDENTIFICATION 0 G ,Q 1 OBLIGATION "SCH'EDULE .FUNDING SOURCE z 'Title,Rout,Road Log No., , o Total d13 _:._Y-.E . A g Section No. 2`' Work , FEDERAL _ -TOTAL E Location/Termini,Deacripfion of Work, 03 Code Length \ ,a i�t . u Beginning Milepost Bridge No. •.,.. (Miles) u .- r , 1St 1 2nd 3rd 4,5 U.A.B. LOCAL FUNDS ,-i le. a Q Element) GM i4MOt1NT PROGRAM 4 _2 - 3 4 5 0 7 8 3 ._-_. 10 . II 12 13 14 15 16 17 I . -s ._ ai 54i 37 40 41 44 1&46 47 49 • Di 52..:._ 55 SO ' 59 GO 53 04 ode It `IP 15 7i 7S e0 I F ,A,I1 ,41015 ( ,Nt ICII1TtY, IT101 tS, ICIIITIYI 1 1 2Y// , 1 1 ,61414 M U t 1 - 1 1 . 1 i ♦ k 1 1 . 1 1 1 4 i 1 I . i 1 I ` 1 I t o 1 t i . l i i t I . State DOT Project - capacity improvements. HOV lanes. SR 1 6 9 QUEEN SE TO 1 4 9 T H S E 1 1 4 4 M U State Project - construct five lane roadway. SR 9 0 0 RENTON TO ISSAQUAH 2 1 1 0 0 M U State Project - widen to four lanes with five lanes at intersections. / _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f//i lit , • 1 _ 1 1 1 III 1 1 1 _ 1 1 , 111 111 111 III 1 1 1 1 1 • 111111111 1 1 1 I e 1 t 1 , 1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 WA 1 1 1 1 4 L 1 1 I I I I 11 1 I I I 11 I I I I 1 1 1 I I I J I I 1 I Ot51Rt BUT ON I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER IOT 140-049 t.... 117101^ ONI COPY C.R.A.B.(COUNTIES (AMY) 1983 OVERLAYS 1/2t GAS TAX PROJECTS Williams Ave. South between South 4th Street & Grady Way $22,000.00 Aberdeen Ave. NE between Sunset Hwy. & NE 12th Street $ 17,000.00 NE 12th Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & Lincoln Place NE $ 22,000.00 Camas Ave. NE between NE 12th Street & Dead End $ 3,000.00 NE 16th Street between Aberdeen Ave. NE & Edmonds Ave. NE $ 24,000.0.0 Kennewick Ave. NE between NE 16th Street & NE 14th Street $ 4,000.00 Lincoln Ave. NE between NE 16th Street &- NE 14th Street $ 4,000.00 Monterey Ave. NE between NE 16th Street & NE 14th Street $ 4,000.00 NE 14th Street between Monterey Ave. NE & Jones Ave. NE $ 7,000.00 NE 20th Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & Jones Ave. NE $ 22,000.00 NE 24th Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & Jones Ave. NE $ 22,000.00 Dayton Ave. NE between NE 24th Street & Dead End $ 3,500.00 North 1st Street between Park Ave.` N & Burnett Ave. N $ 24,500.00 $179,000.00 1984 $120,000.00 ESTIMATE 1985 $130,000.00 ESTIMATE 1986 $130,000.00 ESTIMATE 1987 $140,000.00 ESTIMATE TRAFFIC CONTROLLER MODERNIZATION 1983 UPDATE Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 1983 to 1988 Itemized List for Item No. 8 Location Cost 1 . North 4th & Factory $ 10,000 2. North 4th & Garden 10,000 3. North 4th & Williams 10,000 4. North 4th & Logan 10,000 5. North 3rd & Williams 10,000 6. North 3rd & Garden 10,000 7. North 3rd & Factory 10,000 8. North 3rd & Sunset 17,000 9. North 6th & Park 12,000 10. Lake Washington, Park & Garden 10,000 TOTAL AMOUNT $109,000 (0 Yr. ` p,..)r4Fc 4 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Cindy Strupp being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says thatShe is the chief clerk of THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper o -- published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it isa r_ now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the ;; .7smt: .:•:,,: , , i aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record 4 •'-' .:CITAV iRENWON; z Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior `F'" - NOTICEIOF.r'`°$tM 1 Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, PUBLIC HEARING ' i BY , CityCouncil Notice RENTON CITY COUNCIL Washington.That the annexed is a NOTICE IS HEREBY GI- '' VEN that the Renton City `; Council has fixed the 7th day '• of MARCH, 1983, at 8:00':; p.m. in the Council Chamb ' ers of the Renton Municipal as it was published in regular issues(and Building, 200 Mill Avenue:.: not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period _ South,Renton,Washington, :: as the time and place for a' ' public•hearing to consider of one consecutive issues,commencing on the the following: . _ Amendment. to 1983- 18th February a 3 1988-Six-YearTranspor- dayof ,19 ,and ending the i tation Improvement 'Program for installation of traffic signal intercon- ' i nect from North 6th day of ,19 ,both dates I Street to-Sunset ' inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- Boulevard N.E. along scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee i Park Avenue N.E.; and revise 1983 Street Over- -m lay List. - ' charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $.X8...2 flwhich I • Any and all interested per-' has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the 'sons are invited to be pre-'-'' first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent sent to voice approval, dis- ininsertion. �� approval or opinions on,' ' ti �� `''"� same. )•.. ,i\ v n- , CITY OF RENTON . Maxine E. Motor City Clerk.'• ...Chief...Cie .k Published in the Daily Re-- cord Chronicle February,1;, -4i 1 i Subscribed and sworn to before me this....lath day of f ' e February 19...$3. Y__.. 64/' z: - ,;r7C-"/(‘ -W_, or Notary Public in and 'or the State of Washington, residing aty1§§.Rt, King County. Federal Way —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. VN#87 Revised 5/82 Renton City Council March 14, 1983 Page Two OLD BUSINESS continued Community Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented a report Services concurring in the recommendation of the Parks Department to replace Committee the quartz lighting system at Gianini Stadium with 1500 watt metal Replacement halide lamps. This energy conservation measure will save of Lighting approximately 63° of the required energy usage per year and will System at be partially funded by a grant from Puget Power which pays for Gianini 71 .8% of such conversions. The city's share will be paid for out Stadium of the Park Department 1983 budget, and payback on the converstion is estimated at less than three years. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Councilman Trimm inquired if the project will go out for bids. Parks Director Webley advised receipt by Puget Power of one bid from Holmes Electric in the amount of $31 ,673.30 with the option available to request additional bids following review of those specifications. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second and final readings: Ordinance #3715 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of HCD Rainier Avenue funds in the amount of $10,000 for construction of Rainier Avenue Corridor Bikeway Corridor Bikeway. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3716 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property Holvick deRegt located on the western 200 feet of the Washington Technical Center .koering Rezone plat bounded on the west by the proposed P-1 Channel , on the south ,R-072-82 by Grady Way, on the east by Powell Avenue S.W. and on the south and east by S.W. 7th Street from General Classification District (G-1 ) to Manufacturing Park District (M-P) for Holvick deRegt Koering, applicant, File No. R-072-82. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading: Union Avenue An ordinance was read appropriating funds for construction of a Storm Drain storm drain line in Union Avenue N.E. from N.E. 17th Street to Line Honey Creek; project approved in 1982 Community Facilities priority list but not accomplished due to insufficient funding. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE AND REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading and adoption: Resolution #2495 A resolution was read amending the 1983-1988 Six Year Transportation _ 1983-1988 Six Improvement Program. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL _Year Tzans _oo to-, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke tion Program felt the matter should have been referred to Transportation Amendment Committee as standard procedure; and inquired regarding disposition of 1st North Street project deleted from the Overlay List. Voucher Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Approval recommending approval of Vouchers 49778 through 50074 in the amount of $596,027.69, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 49773 through 49777 and 50075 machine voided. Warrants include LID 314: $36.00; and LID 325: $21 ,320.00. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Receipt of a letter from the Federal Aviation Administration Letter from advising allocation of $180,000 to the City of Renton for airport FAA improvements was reported by Councilman Stredicke. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, LETTER FROM FAA BE REFERRED TO AVIATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council March 14, 1983 Page Three NEW BUSINESS continued N. 1st Street Councilman Stredicke requested a report from the Administration Improvement regarding scope of work, timing and cost of 1st North Street Project overlay project, recently deleted from 1983 Overlay List. Status Report Councilman Stredicke requested transmittal to Council members of on Volvo name of dealer and cost of the Volvo recently purchased by Police in Police Department as well as periodic maintenance cost reports. Mayor Department Shinpoch indicated a complete report will be forwarded to Council Requested following initial six-month period of ownership comparing maintenance costs with other police vehicles. Salaries of Councilman Stredicke reported sending a letter to Administrative City Employees Assistant Michael Parness and Personnel Director John McFarland this date requesting placement of a lid on salaries of lower/ medium positions at City Hall . He requested a report advising 1 ) total expenditures in salaries and wages in 1981 and 1982, and total additional expenditures for benefits; 2) estimated cost of a wage survey; and 3) whetherother cities were used as a basis for comparison in the last wage survey, the names of those cities, and how Renton positions compared with other positions within its own system. Mayor Shinpoch explained procedures during last salary survey, noting comparisons with other cities as well as private industry; however, 8.3% and 7.0% cost of living increases have been granted since that time. Councilman Stredicke supported- downgrading lower grade positions two to three steps when vacated to bring salaries of city employees more in line with positions advertised in want ads. Violations of Recalling his opposition to recently approved Sign Code amendments Sign Code to allow real estate signs in city right-of-way, Councilman Ordinance Stredicke reported incidences of Sign Code violations with signs other than real estate being posted on city streets and not removed by city crews. NLC Conference Having recently returned from the National League of Cities Conference Report in Washington, D.C. , attended also by Councilmen Clymer and Reed, Councilman Mathews discussed proposed legislation regarding revenue sharing and block grant funding, noting anticipation of reenactment of general revenue sharing program. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch welcomed Councilmen Clymer, Reed and Mathews back from REPORT the conference, expressing hope that they enjoyed it as much as she Welcome Back did last year. Councilman Reed will provide a written report to to Council Council regarding cable TV regulations, a main item of concern at Members the conference. Elks Club Mayor Shinpoch announced Council President Trimm will represent her Citizen of at the annual Elks Club function to announce the Citizen of the Year Year Award award on March 17, 1983. She will be attending a CPR class with Councilman Hughes at Renton Fire Station at that time. ADJOURNMENT MOVED By' TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. 9:05 p.m. e Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk CHEKREGR CITY OF RENTON DATE 03/10/83 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: No. 49773 - 49777, and 50075 CURRENT $226,945.70 PARKS $52,428.50 ARTERIAL STREETS $79,000.00 STREETS $20,076.04 LIBRARY 511 .786. 6E GREEN RIVER WILDLIFE $243.59 STREET FORWARD THRUST $17,533.23 G CCULON BCH PRK CONSTR $4, 348.07 MUNICIPAL FAC.IL (SHOPS) $22,047.30 WATERWORKS UTILITY $94,081 .71 AIRPORT $9,093.04 ECUIPMENT RENTAL $18,932.17 FIREMEN'S PENSION $18,155. 18 LID CONTROL $21 ,356.50 TOTAL CF ALL WARRANTS $596,027.69 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS ANC MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE ANC/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FGR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NC. 49778 THROUGH NO. 50074 IN THE AMOUNT OF $59.6,027. 69 T IS 14TH CAY OF MARCH 1983 . COMuITTEE CHAIRMAN L.I.D.#314 MEMBER REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-37 $ 36.00 L.I.D.#325 REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-9 $ 21,320.50 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT MARCH 14, 1983 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinances for second and final reading: Appropriation of Funds for Rainier Avenue Corridor Bikeway Holvick deRegt Koering Rezone (R-072-82) The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinances for first reading: Appropriating Funds for Construction of Storm Drain Line on Union Ave NE The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following resolution for reading and adoption : Six Year Transportation Improvement Program VOUCHER APPROVAL The Ways and Means Committee recommends approval of Vouchers No. 49778 through No. 50074 in the amount of $596,027.69. � I I •I Earl Clymer, Chairman Richard Stredicke Robert Hughes . 411 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO . 2485 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM" WHEREAS the.City of Renton has heretofore adopted a "Six- Year Transportation Improvement Program" , pursuant to Chapter 7 , Extraordinary Session Laws of 1961 of the State of Washington, and Chapter 195 of the 1961 Session Laws of the State of Washington, and as same has heretofore been amended from time to time , and such plan and program having heretofore been duly amended and modified from time to time as authorized by law, and WHEREAS the City Council , after recommendation of its Public Works Department/Traffic Engineering Division, caused to be held a public hearing on November 22 , 1982 , after notice to the public as provided by law, for the purpose of considering adoption, modificatioi and amendments of said plan and program, and WHEREAS at such public hearing held on November 22 , 1982 , due consideration was given to the proposed changes and amendments for the purpose of updating such plan and program, NOW THEREFORE , THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The City ' s "Six-Year Transportation Improvement (1111-14 Program" is hereby further amended and modified all as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibits , entitled "Exhibit "A" , Revised Page 1�, item and the same being incorporated herein as if fully set forth. SECTION II : The aforestated plan and program, as evidenced by said Exhibits shall be and constitute the City' s "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City ' s "Arterial Street Plan" and same to remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended and modified as provided by law. -1- 41011 4140 SECTION III : The Director of Public Works and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to file this Resolution together with Exhibits , with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington, and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 6th day of December, 1982 . Maxine Motor, Acting City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 6th day of December, 1982 . Lit-evux- •Ste-u-pod.. Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Approved as to form: La rence J. Wa en,�'Cit `Attorney -2- — OBLIGATION PROGRAM — Nearing Date June 28, 1982 City/County .xeypunchYng Note: Data entered in cols 1-S must EXHIB IT "A" Adoption Date July 12, 1982 City No. 11 Forio13....2 be an all cards punched from Resolution Number 2460 • County No. 11 7 -8 this form. a v PR 6J_ECT_COSTS' IN THOUSANDS OF 'DOLLARS • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION h G a �a OBLIGATION ;'SCHEDUL`E Z Title,Route,Road LogNo., �0j� Total d .Q `� FUNDING SOURCE Section No., a Work cc __Y__E_. ,� FP E Location Termini,Deecription of Work, i;3 Code Length '+'- \ ;o FEDERAL _ _TOTAL P. Beginning Milepoot + Bridge No. •,� (Miles) u .d " 1st = 2nd 3rd 4,5 U.A.B. LOCAL FUNDS r,, o c E (Ai;nuai __. t cc 5 Element) 6th AMOUNT PROGRAM 1 2 _:_.3 ' 4 5 879 9 .10 . 11 t2 13 14 15 16 17 115 34 d7 40 41 44 4549 47 4e . Si 52._'_._ 55 SO 59 Ge 3 94 c7 a 71 72 73 x 79 80 98 1. G ,R,AIDLY 1 1WIA,Y1 IB,R1I1D1G,E, IRIEIPILIAICIEIMIEIN 4RA,B1D1H ,011,0 M U X 410101044101010e , , 1 4, i I I 7101010. 1 j 1 r 'I 11 .1101010, 1 ,81010104 Bridge Replacement (joint with Tukwila) Construction. L Bridge Forward 41 Repl. Thrust 2 . R ,E,N,T,O,N, ,A,R,E,A, ITRANSPORT I ,S ,T,U1DIY 8 f U, , , , U , , 610 1 , , , 1 , , , , , , I , , I , 16 ,0 , , ,6, 0 Develop a multi-modal transportation plan for the city. (Phase I) 3 . MIIISICIEILILIAINIEIOIUISI ISIT,RIE,E,T, II ,M,P1R,01V 411D, , , , 1 , 111719 111210 , 11310 121710 III III 1 i 1 1619 ,9 1 1 1619,9 Street Division overlays. See attached sheet with listings. N ,E, J4,T ,H1/,3 ,R,D, UINIIIOIN, IT,O, S,U,N�S ,EIT, 2PBDFG 04415MU4 . 91IA13, 0, 0 1 1 I Ili iii 11 1 I I I ill 1310 ,0 , , ,31010 Drainage, resurface, curbs, gutters, sidewalks andH 100% widen to 5 lanes. (2-way left turn centerlane) L.I.D. 5. SW GRADY LIND TO LONGACRES 2 d/B D F G 7 0 S U 1 5 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 5 0 0 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J L 100% %annelization,. p_l BR. 56' roadway taper w/half toL.I.D. E,L,L,SI ,A,V,E1 ,BIRIIIDAGIE1 IRIEIPILIAJCAE,M,E7IN 4PZAIBIF,G , X0,4 S U X 1101010 , 6,8, 0 , , 1 i I 1 113 ,414 1 1 , II I 13 ,3 ,6 , ,1,6, 8, 0 6. Bridge Replacement. H J L 7. S10iN,SiE.Ti ,B;L,VID , 1NI 1& 1 ,NI 131R'DI •I1M1PIR10 6MA1B ,DiF , i , M U 111010 III 11 , 11 .1 I 1813 F IA IU IS 1 i i 1 1117 1 1 111010 , Signal improvements, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, H I channelization, paving and signing. NSE , 1SIU,NIS,EIT, 1SIIIG,N,AAL , ,I ,N1T1E,RICIO,N,N1E 7n 1 1 1 114715 P U 111110 I I I III II I I ,911 F IA 1U IS 1 1 1 I ,119 1 1 111110 8 ' Puichase of traffic signal controllers and install- ation of traffic signal interconnect cable to tie 1/2 inotthe City's master signal computer. Gas Tax • Dt5TRl BUTT ON I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER _ a M.1 10 0 9 I COPY C,R.A,B.(COW�TIE5 OILY) For. Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # . AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING =azzza==== ===az====== SUBMITTING Public Works Department Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. Traffic Engineering Division For Agenda Of February 7, 1983 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact Richard Houghton/Gary Norris (Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: 1983 - 1988 Six Year Transportation Consent Improvement Program Amendments : (1) Park Ave. Public Hearing Correspondence North from N 6th St. to Sunset Blvd. NE and Ordinance/Resolution (2) Revision of 1983 Street Overlay List. Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc. )Attach New Business Study Session A. Page 2a Amendment adding Item #10a. Other B. Revised 1983 Street Overlay List. C. Approval : Legal Dept. Yes No N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Set public Finance Dept. Yes_ No. N/A March 7, 1983 Other Clearance hearing date/ Add #lOa and revise 1983 Street Overlay List to 1983 - 1988 Six Year Transportation Program by resolution. FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $110,000 Amount $ Appropriation- $ 110,000 Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information,' prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary. ) Through a special program oriented to City/County agencies within the State of Washington, Renton received a grant of $91 ,300 to be matched with City funds totalling $18,700 for the purpose of synchronizing and interconnecting traffic signals on Park Ave. North from North 6th Street to Sunset Blvd. NE . These funds will allow us to purchase five new. intersectioncontrollers, improve detection and interconnect to the new VMS 220 computer. This project was included in the original T. I .P. under "Controller Modernization" project #8; however, WSDOT State Aid requested that we identify the project specifically. NOTE: The funds will result from a line item transfer within the 102 Fund from NE Sunset Signal Interconnect. (NE Sunset Signal Interconnect project will receive 100% funding from FAUS/TQX monies.) Set Public Hearing 3/7/83 . PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: 1983 OVERLAYS 1/2t GAS TAX PROJECTS NE 22nd Street between ay Edmonds Ave. NE & Dead End $ 5,400.00 Jones Ave. NE between NE 20th Street & 700 ft. north of NE 24th Street $ 18,000.00 Williams Ave. South between South 4th Street & Grady Way $ 22,000.00 Aberdeen Ave. NE between Sunset Hwy. & NE 12th Street $ 24,800.00 NE 12th Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & Lincoln Place NE $ 12,500.00 Camas Ave. NE between NE 12th Street & Dead End ' $ 3,300.00 NE 16th Street between Aberdeen Ave. NE & Edmonds Ave. NE $ 13,500.00 Lincoln Ave. NE between NE 16th Street & NE 14th Street $ 4,000.00 Monterey Ave. NE between . NE 16th Street & NE 14th Street $ 4,000.00 NE 14th Street between Monterey Ave. NE & Jones Ave. NE $ 7,000.00 NE 20th Street between. Edmonds Ave. NE & Jones Ave. NE $ 28,200.00 NE 24th Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & High Ave. NE $ 32,700.00 Dayton Ave. NE between NE 24th Street & Dead End $ 3,600.00 $179,000.00 1984 $120,000.00 ESTIMATE _ _. 1985 $130,000.00 ESTIMATE 1986 $130,000.00 ESTIMATE 1987 $140,000.00 ESTIMATE — OBLIGATION PROGRAM -- Hearing Date Adoption Date , City/County .-Keypunching Mote: Data entered in cols I-13 must Reeolution Nunn ber CityNo. 11017 0 3_8 be an all cardspunched from _ County No. 177-8 fhis form. k P12-0te:ECT.COSTS'.1 N 'THOUSANDS- OF 'DOLLARS - PROJECT IDENTIFICATION �Y _ OBLk3ATXON_'SC I'EDUL .FUN DING SOURCE z Title,Route,Road l.og No., Section No., o` Work Tota( d .. _ -__ y_-E_- A F� _ Location/ ermini Deacri tion of Work, �3 tcn fih FEDERAL . _T_aTAL P o Code 9 '4'- - a 1St" - 2nd - 3rd 4,5 U.A.B. LOCAL FUN D5 Beginning Milepost bridge No. -,..- .0-. (Miles ,c t (Annual 4 6th AMOUNT PROGRAM I- - h� C Element) A. .-� 2 3i::-.94-3:7:0 s-3-? 4 . 5 0 7 8 .. S -: 40 - 11. 12 '. - 13 .�. 14.. 15 16� !?`- - .S� V.0 44 44-39,47-415 •. ' !at 5 _•---. 5510 - . 59 co 99)04 - rve . .-ft it 7316 le , es lOd. P ,A1RLK1 IAIVIE1 1N1 1SJIG INIAIL1 II 'NIT IEIRICIOININ 7N 1 1 i , 104715,M ,U _ 111140* 1 . 1 I • A _i_ J • 1 1 I . I 1911.FIAtUISA5_'1 1 1 4 1 1119,. 1 1 111110A Installation of traffic signal interconnect from North 6th Street to Sunset Blvd. NE. Includes purchase 1/2 of new controllers to be interconnected & supervised //, Gas I1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I !%!/- I I , I j I , I I I _ 1 r I 1 1 1 , L I I I I I , 1 1 , 1` I 1 , 1 1 _1 I I I I I _ by our new computer. 111111 I I t 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mi. . . 1 4 I I I 1 1 1 1 ,, , , , . iii I t I ill III I 1 1 1 I , I I I 1 1 I I I J 1 l l I I I l , l , I I i 1 1 I _ l 1 1 1 1 4. 1 , 11 1 1 1 1 III III ILI I J I , I I I , I ,_ I I I I I I l , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 I F%/ 1 , t , L 1 III 1 1 I III III III III 1 1 i 111 ILLII 0 • I I I , L I I I I I I I l 1 I l 1 1 1 I 1 t I , , i PA ( , t 1 1 4 1 Iii III III III III 1 l 1 III I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + I I ► I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Witt I i I 111 , 1 I 1 l L I 1 1 .I , I I 1 I 11 Ili 1 -1 I Mil I _IL L 1 1 1 LIA II L I 1 1 III 1 L 1 I i_ _L 1 1 1 I I Dt5TR1 BUT ION I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENSINCER DOT 14o-O49 I COPY C_12-A.B.(Cou r nE'J' 81.11.Y) I NOTICE RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON MARCH 7, 1983 AT 8:00 P.M. RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH For the purpose of considering a proposed AMENDMENT TO 1983-1988 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL INTER- CONNECT FROM N. 6TH ST, TO SUNSET BLVD, NE ALONG PARK AVE, NI. AND REVISE 1983 STREET OVERLAY LIST, GENERAL LOCATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: PARK AVE, N. FROM N. 6TH ST, TO SUNSET BOULEVARD NE (Complete legal description &further information available in the City Clerk's Office - 235-25( W9, The removal, mutilation, destruction or concealment of this notice is a mis- a r n 1 n demeanor punishable by fine and imprisonment. CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) 1 , Leslie L phinips hereby certify that flue F,Ve p5) copies of the above notice werefasted by me in three or more conspi uous places on the property described and two copies were posted at the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave. South, Renton, WA on date of fe„:,r'/„/49 17 1913 . • eciAdAi25g+Ne d • Notary Pub ticChe and or tState of Washington, residing in King County 1/80 :„9 "40:0 ifiy-fil!of ...7w44/f cy. •i'I�404,9 u40-9PJ9d I 7glit)Z 'Z's ?Aar 7arun S '3' AI •t IS *W-714 , 3'S A y uortr17 % 11,zl•2 -s '3•9 a.t v raftoou y • b 2 7'S FS •aly 4tte 00/41/7 :AN ca '3TY aAbt puoi1.Nf ?'c rat.7.6/ {, -2.N-aAyspuoLo p3 f wh2 .7.N • Al PA(2 PIM W97 he/-C-TitsE"61 24' M'4q -c 72 419 NIfi .� ,A / £ raI ? 9.N N2Ay jtibel. 4 /s-.10 ( -N iest•3 S' awl MJ x - ;e. mss) :,:r /r pie 9 -a's am(Ata ia , g .� �S' ;76- 2 •S ?AVtD ,fo -� Wit' ac M f � � ��o .M' � � s V &076(4.11.167IPb' 7Ms 0 s' a A64 suipi(ovkt S�Gl6 S g 'S aA6' S`iZ�•cu S i ; S 9-S da p&Paz sr - s m S zs' X913 s le -75 9 's 'pei - ' L I '751492S' S 2•teff i Ftbc(S 'f5( - S Q S86/G( c j au 00 sgut7sod ,ewol foitfOd% WJj IoaP Xi 5 886/-186/ �ipzupi trr 9 EsofZ kxt n iAu �..M406 ut.tba( t( CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 7th day of MARCH , 19 83 , at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Amendment to 1983-1988 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program for installation of traffic signal interconnect from North 6th Street to Sunset Boulevard N. E. along Park Avenue N. E. ; and revise 1983 Street Overlay List. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON Maxine E. Motor City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION: February 18, 1983 Renton City Council February 7, 1983 Page Two - AUDIENCE COMMENT Michael L. Smith, 1234 S. 3rd Street, requested advancement to Item 11 Sparks-Shegrud of the agenda, Ordinances and Resolutions, to allow discussion of Rezone language of restrictive covenants for Sparks-Shegrud Rezone, R-063-82 . R-063-82 MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO ITEM 11 , ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. CARRIED. City Attorney Warren explained specifics of appeal and subsequent recommendation of Planning and Development Committee to approve the rezone subject to execution of restrictive covenants requiring participation by the property owner in an LID or construction of street improvements prior to issuance of a building permit. Mr. Smith presented his arguments for delaying improvements or LID particiation • until issuance of an occupancy permit since financial institutions will not loan funds for roadway improvements without a building permit . Following discussion relating to requirements imposed on other in developments in the immediate vicinity and protection of the city the matter, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ALLOW REVISION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS TO PREDICATE PROVISION OF TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTSFOCCUPANCYPERMITRATHERTHANBUILDING PERMIT. CARRIED. HLTGDPER OO N ON ON ISSUANCE 0 First Reading MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, PLACE REZONE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property located on the east side of Talbot Road S. approximately 625 feet south of S. 43rd Street from-G-1 (General )82. toY P-1 (Public Use) District, Sparks-Shegrud Rezone, CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE UNTIL RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS HAVE BEEN EXECUTED. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Appointment to Mayor Shinpoch appointed Gregory E. Parsons, 420 Wells Avenue North, n� . Municipal Arts to the Municipal Arts Commission to complete the term of Peggy Commission who has resigned. Appointment will be effective to 12/31/84. Mr. Parsons is an architect with the firm of Hewitt/Daly in Seattle and designer of Renton' s Bicentennial Monument, the Ic, sahedron in Kiwanis Air Park. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Bid Award for - City Clerk reported bid opening held 1/28/83 for installation of hoodr ' Hooded Backstop backstop with winged fencing at Renton High School ; four bids received at Renton High Refer to Park Board. Park Board recommended acceptance of low bid of School P. K. Enterprises of Kent , Washington in the amount of $12,341 .00 plu,• 6.8% tax, base bid. Council concur in Park Board recommendation to accept low bid. Fund Transfer Park Department requested transfer of funds from Park Equipment to Purchase Amortization Fund (A-112) CR2104 to Park Account 101/000/20/575/10/64 Park Equipment in the amount of $26,268.79 for park equipment. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. (See page 4) Borrow from Finance Department requested authorization to borrow from Tax Tax Anticipation Anticipation Note Fund to finance city cash flow shortages as allowed Note Fund by Resolution No. 2468 and Ordinance No. 3687 on an as-needed basis throughout the year 1983 in an aggregate amount not to exceed $1 ,525,000.00. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for appropriate resolution. (See page 4) Summons and Summons and Complaint filed by John N. and Gloria Wise versus City Complaint - of Renton forpersonalbrso"droPnoff'es on edgerofdin roadwayronnt on Grady6Way/82Refer John & Gloria allegedly causedY Wise to City Attorney. Jackson t • - •'u• ,eeartment requested public hearing be set for Annexation February 28, 1983 to consider 75% petition for proposed Jackson Public annexation, for property containing 3.34 acres located on S.E. Hearing 167th Street south of Parkwood, east of Nelson Middle School . Hearings previously held on August 16 and 23, 1983. Council concur and set public hearing for February 28, 1983. 1983-1988 Six_ Public Works Department requested amendment of 1983-1988 Six Year Year Transaorta-- Transportation Improvement Program for improvement of Park Avenue N. ;nn i440g la from N. 6th Street to Sunset Boulevard N.E. and revision of 1983 Stre. ali Amendment Overlay list to receive a grant in the amount of $91 ,300 to be matcher Renton City Council February 7, 1983 Page Four OLD BUSINESS Continued Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a Development report recommending that the Council accept the Central Renton Committee Comprehensive Plan Amendment as examined, studied and discussed by Central Renton the committee and recommended by the Planning Commission; and refer Comprehensive the matter to the Ways and Means Committee for suitable action. Plan Amendment MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE Adopted RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Block Watch Councilman Hughes advised attending a Block Watch meeting on February 1 , 1983, sponsored by the Renton Police Department Crime Prevention Bureau and attended by approximately 50 citizens. Captain Don Persson, Chief Alan Wallis, and Ron Arnsberg, volunteer in the program, were commended for convincing each participant of his/her worth and value as a resource to the police department in ensuring a successful program. Councilman Following announcement by Councilman Clymer of Councilman Rockhill 's Rockhill 's birthday, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL RECESS Birthday/Recess FOR FIVE MINUTES TO HONOR THE OCCASION. CARRIED. Time: 9:42 p.m. Council reconvened at 9:48 p.m. Roll call : All present. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending Committee the following ordinance for second and final readings: Ordinance #3708 An ordinance was read adopting the Zoning Map as official designation Zoning Map for zoning classifications in the City of Renton. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, City Attorney Warren indicated that the zoning map prevails over individual zoning ordinances. MOTION CARRIED. First Reading Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Stoneway An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property Concrete located east of Maple Valley Highway, south of Monterey Terrace and Reversionary Mt. Olivet Cemetery and west of Bonneville Powerline right-of-way Ordinance from Residence District (R-1 , R-2, R-3 and R-4) to General Classification District (G-l ) for Stoneway Concrete Co. , R-891-76. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. For the record, Councilman Stredicke requested an explanation of action initiated by ordinance adoption and whether property owners have been notified. City Attorney Warren explained reversionary clause in restrictive covenants executed upon approval of original rezone requiring commencement of construction within certain time constraints. Since time limits were not met, a new ordinance must be adopted reverting property designation to its original zoning. Property owners have been notified of the city's action, and as evidence, have initiated a new rezone on the subject site. MOTION CARRIED. Taxicab An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 19 of Title V Ordinance (Business Regulations) of City Code relating to taxicabs. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution #2488 A resolution was read authorizing interlocal cooperative agreement with Animal Control the City of Tukwila for animal control services. MOVED BY CLYMER, Services/Tukwila SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #2489 A resolution was read authorizing borrowing of funds from Tax Tax Anticipation Anticipation Notes operating cash requirements fund. MOVED BY CLYMER, Notes - Borrowing SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #2490 A resolution was read providing for transfer of funds from Cumulative Fund Transfer Reserve Fund #2104 (Park Equipment) unto Park Fund, Facilities Division, for park Acct. No. 101/000/20.575. 10.64.00 in the amount of• $26,268.79 for equipment purchase of park equipment. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, purchase COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. • a SO it Renton City Council December 20, 1982 Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report recommending the following ordinances for second and final reading: Ordinance #3688 An ordinance was read amending the Uniform Fire Code, Article 25, Inspection Chapter 9, of the City Code relating to inspection permits for Permits for places of assembly. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, Places of COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. Assembly CARRIED. Ordinance #3689 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Sections 4-709A and B R-3 and R-4 of the City Code relating to conditional uses and R-3 and R-4 Density District density standards. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Standards/ ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: Conditional Use ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3690 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2 of Title III of the City 1983 Water Code relating to metered water services. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED Rates BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: CLYMER, MATHEWS, REED, ROCKHILL, HUGHES; 2 NOS: TRIMM, STREDICKE. CARRIED. Ordinance #3691 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Section 8-715 of Title 1983 Sewer VIII of the City Code relating to sewer charges. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, Rates SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: CLYMER, MATHEWS, REED, ROCKHILL, HUGHES; 2 NOS: TRIMM, STREDICKE. CARRIED. Ordinance #3692 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 3 of Title VIII of the City 193 Garbage Code relating to revised garbage collection rates. MOVED BY MATHEWS, Rates SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: CLYMER, TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, ROCKHILL, HUGHES; 1 NO: STREDICKE. CARRIED. Ordinance #3693 An ordinance was read establishing and adopting equipment rental Equipment Rental rental rates. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL Rates 1983 ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading and adoption: Rre 2Lution #2486 A resolution was read authorizing the appropriate City officials FAUS Fundin------ to execute and deliver any documents necessary for federal funding ar Avenue N. for traffic signal interconnect and coordination on Park Avenue North from North Sixth Street to FAI-405 northbound on/off ramps. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THIS RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Marine Patrol Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Funding recommending no action is required by the Committee at this time as the Administration is seeking support and assistance from the Association of Washington Cities in an effort to draft and implement legislation allowing a long-term funding solution for marine patrol services. Mayor Shinpoch reported she had received a copy of a 14- point program drafted by the King County Council in conjunction with the King County Executive which will be presented to the legislature, one point being a funding source for marine patrol services. Mayor Shinpoch will keep Council informed as to progress in this matter. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported a presentation from Metro Staff which REPORT indicated Metro ridership down 2.4 million trips in 1982 from Metro what was projected. This decrease is thought to be due purely Ridership to economics: Unemployment, increased fares, more ride sharing, lower gasoline prices. Possible decrease in service or route changes may result from lack of ridership. 401441 Renton City Council December 20, 1982 Page 3 OLD BUSINESS continued Group W Cable Councilman Stredicke reported that, according to prior agreement Rate Increase with Group W Cable, a rate increase request had been withheld Request from Council consideration until after December 15, 1982; but, as stated in that same agreement, the increase must be acted upon before January 1 , 1983. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE RATE INCREASE REQUEST WITH REGARD TO GROUP W CABLE BE SET AS AN AGENDA ITEM FOR NEXT MONDAY'S COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. Proposed As requested by Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill , Shoreline it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, TO HAVE AN INFORMA- Management TIONAL MEETING AT THE JANUARY COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING WITH Master Program REGARD TO THE PROPOSED SHORELINE MANAGEMENT MASTER PROGRAM. CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report recommend- Committee ing Council concur in the Administration's request to consolidate Police and Fire the Police and Fire Civil Service Commissions into one five-person Civil Service commission to provide more flexibility resulting in consistent Commission policy direction and increased efficiency. This proposal has been Consolidation accepted by both current commissions and representatives of the uniformed departments. Committee also recommended this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch announced she has asked former Council Member Louie Barei . to consider serving on this revised commission. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report recom- Committee mending concurrence in the Administration's recommendation to 1950 Kenworth purchase a 1950 Kenworth 1500 gallon per minute fire pumper truck Pumper Truck from the Seattle Fire Department. The truck has been on loan from Purchase Seattle for the past two+ months for testing. Cost, including an additional ladder, is $4,000. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REGARDING PURCHASE OF THE 1950 KENWORTH PUMPER TRUCK. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means At the request of Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke, it Committee was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THE SUBJECT MATTER OF Park Director/ THE PARK DIRECTOR AND PARK COMMISSION WITH REGARD TO THEIR AUTONOMY Park Commission AND THE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE ORDINANCE BE BROUGHT BEFORE THE Changes COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE IN JANUARY. CARRIED. Ordinance #00 A mock ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer Ted Bennett of funds from the Ted Bennett Personal Welfare and Golf Fund to Welfare the Dr. C. U. Well , Providence Hospital , Retirement Fund (Unantici- Appropriation pated Revenue) . Mr. Bennett, Deputy Finance Director, recently underwent heart by-pass surgery. The mock ordinance was signed, with well-wishes, by the Mayor, City Council Members, City Attorney's office and the City Clerk. Mayor Shinpoch joined Council Members (and the entire City staff) in wishing Mr. Bennett a speedy recovery. First Reading Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Cooks Street An ordinance was read vacating a portion of Government Lot 11 , Vacation legal description received and 1/2 assessed valuation ($11 ,347.56) VAC 05-82 paid by James Cook. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Halsen Street An ordinance was read vacating a portion of South 17th Place, Renton, Vacation King County, Washington; Halsen Street Vacation (VAC 08-82) . MOVED VAC 08-82 BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. 41100010 I. Renton City Council December 13, 1982 Page 3 Meeting Council reconvened at 9:30 p.m. All Council Members were present Reconvened at roll call . CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Alterra Rezone, Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval of rezone, File No. R-129-80 R-129-80, Alterra Corporation from G-1 (General ) to M-P (Manufacturing Park) for property located on the north side of S.W. 7th Street, east of the proposed P-1 Channel , south of old Chicago Milwaukee Railroad, and west of Thomas Avenue S.W. Also included were letters from the Hearing Examiner and Policy Development Director requesting Council deliberation of specific use of greenbelt property. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Revisions to Planning Commission submitted recommendations for zoning issues Zoning Code concerning Public District (P-1 ) , proposed Office Park District (OP) , and proposed Landscaping Ordinance; and amendment to Office Park Comprehensive Plan Policy. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for report and recommendation. Fire Truck Mayor Shinpoch concurred in Fire Chief Geissler's recommendation to Purchase purchase 1950 Kenworth 1500 GM fire truck with 400 Hall Scott engine from Seattle Fire Department. Refer to Public Safety Committee for review and recommendation. Tax Anticipation Finance Department requested ordinance authorizing issuance of Notes Ordinance $2,925,000.00 of tax anticipation notes to provide for short term cash flow requirements of the city,; repayment of notes at year' s end from property taxes and other revenue sources. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Water and Sewer Finance Department requested amendment to Ordinance No. 3594 to adjust Rates 1983 water rates effective January 1 , 1983; and Ordinance No. 3595 to adjust sewer rates effective January 1 , 1983. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Garbage Rates Finance Department requested amendment to Ordinance No. 3630 to 1983 reflect 1983 garbage rate increases effective January 1 , 1983. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Equipment Rental Finance Department requested amendment to Ordinance No. 3596 to reflect Rates 1983 1983 Equipment Rental rates effective January 1 , 1983. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. N.E. 12th Street Design Engineering Department requested acceptance of N.E. 12th Street Project Improvement Project (CAG 040-82) , approval of final pay estimate, and CAG-040-82 commencement of 30-day lien period on December 13, 1982. If, after expiration of the lien period, no liens or claims have been filed against the project and all taxes paid, the retainage amount of $14,403.95 shall be paid to the contractor, West Coast Construction. Council concur. Park Ave. N. Public Works Department requested authorization to proceed with Park Signal Project Avenue N. Signal Interconnect Project, 100% funded through Federal Aid Urban Systems Funds (FAUS) , from N. 6th Street to FAI-405 northbound on/off ramps (North Renton Interchange) , for replacement of traffic controllers on Park Avenue, installation of new vehicle detection system, interconnection to new traffic signal computer, and development of operational programs for input to computer. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. Consolidation Personnel Departmentrecommended consolidation of Police and Fire of Fire & Police Civil Service Commissions to gain standardization in administration Civil Service of rules; proposal has been reviewed and approved by members of both Commissions existing commissions. Refer to Public Safety Committee for review and report. Claim for Damages Claim for damages filed by Peggy Rollins in the amount of $52.97 for Rollins, CL-59-82 alleged unnecessary impoundment of automobile on 12-1-82 near her residence, 628 Shattuck S. Refer to City Attorney & Insurance Carrier. 4140110 Renton City Council 416410 December 13, 1982 Page 4 CONSENT AGENDA continued Claim for Damages Claim for damages was filed by Marion Russell in the amount of $374.50 Russell , CL 60-82 for damage to automobile hood and fender by tree which allegedly slipped from hands of city workman on 11-30-82 on Airport Way. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA Approved AS AMENDED. CARRIED. The following items were removed from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. Reappointment Mayor Shinpoch reappointed Municipal Court Judges Pro tempore for of Municipal 1983 as follows: Gary Faull , Peter Banks, Richard Jackson, Deborah Court Judges Fleck, Robert Anderson, David Tracy and Kameron Kayce. MOVED BY Pro tempore HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONFIRM APPOINTMENTS. CARRIED. Renewal of Public Works Department requested renewal of CATV contract for CAN Contract services, 1983, for 3-H Management and Consultants, Inc. at an 1983 annual increase of $845.25 which includes added activities of public service programs and monitor of Senate bills affecting local governmental control of telecommunication regulation. Moved by Clymer, seconded by Trimm, Council approve CAN contract without referral to Ways and Means Committee. Councilman Stredicke indicated the motion should include authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE 1983 CATV CONTRACT. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Mayor Shinpoch requested Council concurrence in the Marine Patrol recommendation to secure support and assistance from the Association Funding of Washington Cities in efforts to draft and implement legislation providing a long-term funding solution for marine patrol services for the eight lakeside cities. Expiration of the current contract with King County will occur after the 1983 boating season, and levels of service may be expanded only upon imposition of some form of boat tax or registration fee which State Legislature must authorize. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REQUEST AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. Responding to Councilman Rockhill 's query regarding inclusion of the entire state or just the eight lakeside cities for potential registration fees, Administrative Assistant Michael Parness advised that although a specific proposal has not been formulated, inclusion of study of either a state-wide or regional approach to marine patrol funding will be requested in the AWC legislative package. MOTION CARRIED. Central Area Planning Commission submitted the Central Area Comprehensive Plan Comprehensive Amendment recommending adoption by the City Council , and noting Plan Amendment a public hearing, although not required, may be held. The letter requested consideration of whether or not to hold a public hearing or meeting, and whether to send the matter to Planning and Development Committee for a report or to Ways and Means Committee to prepare an ordinance. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, REFER THE CENTRAL AREA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT a COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION: MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE REQUIREMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING ON JANUARY 24, 1983. CARRIED. Discussion was held regarding possible violation of Appearance of Fairness Doctrine if the committee presents a recommendation prior to holding a public hearing. City Attorney Warren explained matter could be studied in committee prior to public hearing as long as Council Members did not express predetermined opinions at the hearing. Further discussion indicated that the motion as amended does not prevent the Planning and Development Committee from reporting a recommendation as long as it follows the public hearing. ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report recommending Committee concurrence in the recommendation of the Public Works Department for Grady Way approval of the Grady Way Associates Latecomer Agreement for Water Associates Main improvements, and further recommends that the City Council Latecomers authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute said agreement. MOVED Agreement BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. I Renton City Council December 6, 1982 Page 5 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Tax Levy An ordinance was read fixing the estimated amount of tax levies Ordinance necessary to raise the amount of the estimated expenditures for the Ordinance #3685 year 1983 as required by RCW 84.52.020; authorizing City Clerk to certify such budget or estimate of the amount to be raised by taxation on the assessed valuation of the property located with the City of Renton. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. Ordinance was read. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: CLYMER, TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, ROCKHILL, HUGHES. 1 NO: STREDICKE. CARRIED. The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Fund Transfer A resolution was read transferring funds from Cumulative Reserve for Purchase Fund #2104 (Park Equipment) unto Park Fund/Facilities Division for of Mowers purposes of purchasing two mowers. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Resolution #2484 HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Revise Six Year A resolution was read amending the Six Year Transportation Improvement Transportation Program for purchase of traffic signal controllers and installation of _ Improvement traffic signal interconnect cable to tie into the signal computer at Program ' N.E. Sunset Boulevard. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, R solution #2485 COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED.. Councilman Stredicke objected to revision of the improvement program since such revisions should be predicted at the time of adoption of the program. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch announced recent visit by city employee, Gloria Minnick, REPORT to Sister City Nishiwaki was a great success due to gracious hospitality by hosts. The Mayor also indicated that the Federally funded CETA Program has been replaced by JTPA (Job Training Partnership Act) . For information, Mayor Shinpoch announced the death of Floyd Lawrence, former Fire Chief, funeral to be held Thursday, December 9, 1982 at 2:00 p.m. at Stokes Mortuary. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY CLYMER, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. 9:37 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk S A. . OF R�'l, 40 0 THE CITY OF RENTON ,$ Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 o o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH. MAYOR • MAXINE E.MOTOR, .0 CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 0,91'Et) SEPTET' December 9, 1982 Washington State Highway Commission Department of Highways Highway Administration Building Olympia, WA 98594 Attention: Mr. G. H. Andrews, Director of Highways Subject: City of Renton - Resolution No. 2485 Amendment to Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program - 1983-1988 - Dear Mr. Andrews, Pursuant to requirements of Chapter 7, Extraordinary Session Laws of 1961 of the State of Washington, and Chaper 195 of the 1961 Session Laws of the State of Washington, we file herewith two certified copies of City of Renton Resolution No. 2485 as above-referenced. Yours very truly, CITY OF RNETON )22_ Maxine E. Motor City Clerk MEM:db Enclosures: 2 cc: Traffic Engineer i 4110 4110 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLTUION NO . 2495 WHEREAS the City of Renton has heretofore adopted a "Six- Year Transportation Improvement Program" pursuant to Chapter 7 , Extraordinary Session Laws of the State of Washington, and Chapter 195 of the 1961 Session Laws of the State of Washington, and as same has heretofore been amended from time to time , and such plan and program having heretofore been duly amended and modified from time to time as authorized by law, and WHEREAS the City Council , after recommendation of its Public Works Department , caused to be held a public hearing thereon on March 7 , 1983 , and after notice to the public as provided by law, for the purpose of considering adoption, modification and amendments of said plan and program, and WHEREAS at such public hearing held on March 7 , 1983 , due consideration was given to theproposed changes and amendments for the purpose of updating such plan and program, NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The City' s "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" is hereby further amended and modified all as more particularl' page 2 A) Amendment & revised 1983 c shown on the attached Exhibit "A" and the same being incorporated herein as if fully set forth . SECTION II : The aforestated plan and program, as evidenced by said Exhibit shall be and constitute the City ' s "Six-Year Trans- portation Improvement Program" and the City' s "Arterial Street Plan" and same to remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended and modified as provided by law. • SECTION III : The Director of Public Works and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to file this Resolution together with the Exhibit with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington, and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 14th day of March, 1983 . • Maxine E. Motor , City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 14th day of March, 1983 . Yl S,�,,. c.Li Barbara Y. Shinpoc , Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence .7 . --Waen., Ci. y,...�lttorney Rev. 3/7/83 1983 OVERLAYS 1/2t GAS TAX PROJECTS NE 22nd Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & Dead End $ 5,400.00 Jones Ave. NE between NE 20th Street & 700 ft. north of NE 24th Street $ 18,000.00 Williams Ave. South between South 4th Street & Grady Way $ 22,000.00 Aberdeen Ave. NE between Sunset Hwy. & NE 12th Street $ 24,800.00 NE 12th Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & Lincoln Place NE $ 12,500.00 Camas Ave. NE between NE 12th Street & Dead End $ 3,300.00 NE 16th Street between Aberdeen Ave. NE & Edmonds Ave. NE $. 13,500.00 Lincoln Ave. NE between NE 16th Street & NE 14th Street $ 4,000.00 Monterey Ave. NE between NE 16th Street & NE 14th Street $ 4,000.00 NE 14th Street between Monterey Ave. NE & Jones Ave. NE $ 7,000.00 NE 20th Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & Jones Ave. NE $ 28,200.00 NE 24th Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & High Ave. NE $ 32,700.00 Dayton Ave. NE between NE 24th Street & Dead End $ 3,600.00 $179,000.00 1984 $120,000.00 ESTIMATE 1985 $130,000.00 ESTIMATE 1986 $130,000.00 ESTIMATE 1987 $140,000.00 ESTIMATE — OBLIGATION PROGRAM ` Nantring Pate -6- 7- EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date 3-/di-g 3 9/County .Keypunching Notes Data entered in cote I-8 muet Resolution Number 2.4 95 ''id No. 1 0I 71 0 3.11 be an all cards punched from „ . v ::>unty No. 11 7t7-8 this -form. •. .' PRO-0:E.CT_'CO5T5'.1NH .T1 - OF •DOLLARS PROJECT IDENTIFICATION qY _ ,43 n .i OBLIGATION_'.5CH'EDULre _FUNDING SOURCE :: 'Tate,Route,Road LogNo., Section No., o I' Total d .. _.._i_Y_t<._.A 1� __ TDTAL �o Work g FEDERAL, . _ 1,ocation Termini Deocrt tion of Work �3 L.ength ;i; P , o Code „ Jr 51. 4 :4- - 2nd 3rl{ 4,5 U.A.B. LOCAL FUNDS Beginning Mitepoat Bridges too. •a a (Miles ,W -S Iem (Aefefi di 4.GM AMOUNT PROGRAM ., . 1}- Ix V Elent) _ __ ,_.. _r� __ .-_ -I - --5 - 4 .. 5 e_7 8 - 5 .- - : 0 • ,_ 11 12 •. 13 14.. 15 16. 17° ` .11- ._ SS sa - $7 4011 44 45-49/47:49 • Ix yt_--_': 55 ao • 59 re 1.''l, 134 ' -rr fro . • 11 'It 're 70 ie go le T ' RK AVE N S I G NAL I N T E R C O N N 7 / 0 7 5 M U . ' 1 1.0 • 9 1 F AUS • 1 9 1 1 0 fa. .tallation of traffic signal interconnect from 1/2 t North 6th Street to Sunset Blvd. NE. Includes purchase Gas of new controllers to be interconnected & supervised . - > • - by our new computer. I I I I I I I I 1 t 1 I I I I ' I I I 1 �"r i j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mill1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I ► 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ 1 1 1 1 t Dl5TRt BUT1 ON I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENd1NEER 140-049 I rnev r0 A R frr11►171E4 (WILY' 4 11111 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 22, 1982 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; ROBERT J. HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY STAFF IN DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative ATTENDANCE Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 15, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Christopherson published according to law, Mayor Barbara Shinpoch opened the public Street Vacation hearing to consider a proposed vacation of a portion of Hardie VAC 06-82 Avenue N.W. as petitioned by R. L. Christopherson. A letter was read from Public Works Director Richard C. Houghton reporting recommendation of Board of Public Works to grant the street vacation at no cost to the petitioner. The letter further reported acquisition of the right-of-way by the county and subsequently the city via the platting process in 1909, required retention of an easement for sanitary sewer, and noted that the petitioner has given an access easement to a neighbor for property which lies on both sides of the proposed street vacation. Should the vacation be granted, an additional easement should be granted to assure access to that neighbor. Continued Referring to a vicinity map posted in the Chambers, Public Works Director Houghton designated the location of the proposal on Hardie Avenue N.W. lying south of N.W. 5th Street, denoted other street vacations granted on Hardie Avenue N.W. in the past, and advised the easement being requested for purposes of access for the neighbor has been discussed with the petitioner. Although the easement has been utilized for access for a period of 30 years, thereby giving the city rights of adverse possession, dedication of the easement will meet all legal requirements. Mr. Houghton concluded by stating since no monies have been expended on either maintenance or any other purpose, the action falls into a Class B category, and the petitioner will not be assessed for the street vacation. There being no audience comment, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO GRANT THE REQUESTED STREET VACATION, REQUIRE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT, AND REQUIRE ACCESS EASEMENT FOR NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES. CARRIED. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Revised 1983- published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing 1988 Six Year to consider the revised 1983-1988 Six Year Transportation Improvement Transportation Program to replace No. 8 controller modernization with N.E. Sunset Improvement Boulevard signal controller modernization and interconnection with Program funds allocated by the Federal Aid Urban Systems (FAUS) Funds to replace obsolete traffic signal controllers and interconnect signals on Sunset Boulevard N.E. to the city's computer. Public Works Director Richard Houghton described the revision which will provide interconnection to the city's computer of newly installed traffic signals at the intersection of Sunset Boulevard N.E. and Harrington 4 4110 Renton City Council November 22, 1982 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING continued Revised 1983-1988 Avenue N.E., N.E. 10th Street, and N.E. 12th Street using available Six Year Federal funds. Application for the funds is possible only after Transportation adopting a revision to the Transportation Program, and recent Improvement notification indicates that approval of the request is anticipated Program shortly. Responding to Council inquiry, Houghton advised that the revision was not included in the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program adopted in July of 1982, and traffic progression problems created from Edmonds Avenue N.E. to N.E. 12th Street along Sunset as a result of signal modification has demonstrated the need for the computer interconnection to improve the flow of traffic. Further, he noted the 1983 budget submitted following adoption of the Transportation Program contains matching funds for the Federal appropriation. There being no audience comment, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO REVISE THE 1983-1988 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TO PROVIDE N.E. SUNSET BOULEVARD SIGNAL INTERCONNECTION, AND REFER THE MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR LEGISLATION. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. Bid Opening City Clerk reported bid opening on November 12, 1982 for heating HVAC System and ventilation system for Renton Senior Center; one bid received Senior Center (American Heating Company) . Refer to Park Board. Bid Award Park Department submitted Park Board recommendation for acceptance HVAC System of bid from American Heating Company, Tacoma, in the amount of Senior Center $16,800 for improvements to the heating and ventilation system at the Renton Senior Citizen Center, funding authorized in 1982 budget. Council concur in recommendation and award contract. Sewer Extension City Clerk submitted Boundary Review Board Notice of Intention of Lakeridge Park proposed sewer extension for Lakeridge Park Estates, Ord. 97016. Estates Refer to Board of Public Works for appropriate action and report back. LID 322 approval Design Engineering Department requested approval of LID 322, S. Puget Drive/ S. Puget Drive and Benson Road S. roadway widening and signalization Benson Road S. project for final pay estimate, final acceptance of project, and commencement of 30-day lien period on November 22, 1982. If, after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against the project, it is recommended the retained amount of $37,215.57 be paid to the contractor. Total cost of project: $645,040.90; contractor, R. W. Scott. Council concur. Transfer of Funds Park Department requested resolution of funds from Cumulative Reserve Park Department Account #2104 (A-112) to Park Fund 101/000/20/533/50/64 for purchase of two mowers in the amount of $12,258.15. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. State Audit City Clerk submitted Report of Examination from Washington State Water District Auditor for Water District No. 78 for the period from January 1 , 1979 No. 78 through September 17, 1979. Fourteenth and final report. On file with City Clerk. Councilman MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA Inquiry AS PRESENTED.. Councilman Reed questioned timeliness of the purchase of two mowers as denoted in Item 6.e. , Park Department request, during winter months. It was noted that an interoffice memorandum contained in Council information packets describes the departmental request. MOTION CARRIED. al/ss © 0 THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 o o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • MAXINE E.MOTOR, CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 094, SEP 4e December 9, 1982 Washington State Highway Commission Department of Highways Highway Administration Building Olympia, WA 98594 Attention: Mr. G. H. Andrews, Director of Highways Subject: City of Renton - Resolution No. 2485 Amendment to Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program - 1983-1988 Dear Mr. Andrews, Pursuant to requirements of Chapter 7, Extraordinary Session Laws of 1961 of the State of Washington, and Chaper 195 of the 1961 Session Laws of the State of Washington, we file herewith two certified copies of City of Renton Resolution No. 2485 as above-referenced. Yours very truly, CITY OF RNETON Maxine E. Motor City Clerk MEM:db Enclosures: 2 cc: Traffic Engineer (9 (gin,, f oi`-' 't 67,,,,„ Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. CITY OF RENTON ' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A.udroy..DQ Zoi a being first duly sworn on BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GI- ' oath,deposes and says that..Ah.Q is the ..Chief...Cl a rk of VEN that the Renton City THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a Council has fixed the 22nd i week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been day of November, 1982, at for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, 8:00 p.m. in the Council printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper Chambers of the Renton l published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is Municipal Building, 200 Mill A now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the W_ash ne South, Renton, Duvall Avenue NE) aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record Court of the County approved which iseal newspaper eso to-wit, order Count Superior -.p gton,at the time and Any and all interested per- published, King y, lace for,a public hearing to sons are invited to be pre- consider the following: sent to voice approval, dis- Notice of Public Revision of 1983-88 Six- approval or opinions on Washington.That the annexed is a portation Im- same. provement Program to replace Item'#8 (Con- City of Renton Hearing R8304 troller Modernization) Maxine E. Motor with NE Sunset Blvd. Acting City Clerk Signal Control Moderni- Published in the Daily Re- as it was published in regular issues(and zation and Interconnect cord Chronicle November not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period � (from Park Drive to . 12, 1982. R8304 of 1 consecutive issues,commencing on the 12ttl_day of November ,19 82,and ending the 12th day of AQ.S1E?S(lber ,19 32,both dates inclusive, and that such newspaper was.regularly distributed to its sub- scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $..1,6.02C\vhich has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent insertion. GZy//�'/ «GcGr.. -Chief Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of November -, 19 82 // / orie � / Notary Public in a ..fir the State of Washington, residing at , King County. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. • VN#87 Revised 5/82 For.Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # tie . AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING x=a�ooN= s asasssa =-saws=xs �sssasssso.x SUBMITTING Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. Public Works/Traffic Eng. For Agenda Of November 8, 1982 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact Gary Norris (Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Revise 1983 - 1988 Six Year Trans- Consent portation Improvement Program to replace #8 Public Hearing Correspondence Controller Modernization with NE Sunset Blvd. Ordinance/Resolution Signal Controller Modernization & Interconnect. Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc.)Attach New Business Study Session A. Revised page 1 of Six Year T. I .P. Other B. C. Approval : Legal Dept. Yes No N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Set public Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A ,hearing date for November 22, 1982, and Other Clearance revise #8 of Six Year Transportation Improvement Program by resolution. FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $ 110,000 Amount $ 110,000 Appropriation- $ Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary.) The City of Renton was allocated $91 ,300 of Federal Aid Urban Systems (FAUS) Funds to replace obsolete traffic signal controllers' and interconnect the Sunset signals to the City's new computer. In order to use these funds, the proposed project must be included in the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program. Therefore, we propose making NE Sunset Blvd. Signal Interconnect #8 and eliminating Controller Modernization. PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: Noy CITY CORK —`)��J l_2 – • • . . .. . . .. • ... . ♦ , , . • I v • ♦ .1 . ,1 I ••v % i••••• • •1.0% a . I i\\r v I y W . I V/ s., s . v I ye lJ L/ - - OBLIGATION PROGRAM — June 28, 1982 ` Hearing Date -.. EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date July 12, 1982 City/County Xeypunching Note: Date entered in colo I-B must Resolution Number 2460 ;. Cit No. 1 0 7 �o 3_.s be an all cardspunched from . County No. 11 I7 I7-8 {his form. k _ PR O-J:E.CT_CONS' IN THOUSANDS' OF DOLLARS , • PR4JIrCT IDENTIFICATION bx G 1 OBLIGATION 1'SCH'EDULE FUNDING SOURCE Z Tit 1e,Route Road Log No., Section No., L Total d tic) Work ;I --Y--E.. A R FEDERAL _ ?OTAL E Location/Tenni ni,Deacripiion of Work, 03 Code Length .o • u Beginning Milepoot 4 Bridge No. •n a �Mile9) s - (Annual • 2nd 3rd 4,5 U.A.B. 'LOCAL FUNDS _ oc cg Element) tis 6th AMOUNT PROGRAM -.— ... . .i 2 3 7- 4 5 8 7.8 3 _=. JO . 11 12 L3 14 15 18. 1?' 9 ._ 3s 3Q 37 40 41 44 46 47 4e 91 52__-._ 85 30 E9 Co 304 G7 id 11 12 15 7i 79430se 1. GIR,A,D,Y , ,W,A,Y, IB ,RIIID,G,E, IRIE,P,LjAlCIEIMIEIN 4OAIB ,DIH ,01110 M U X 410100 4101010 1 , I • I i t •7101010. i 1 i e 't I , 41101010, I ,810,01 Bridge Replacement (joint with Tukwila) Construction. L Bridge Forward Repl. Thrust 2 . _R ,E ,N,T,01N1 1AR,E1A, 1T1R,A,N,SIP,O,R1T, ,S1T,U,D,Y 8 ,U, 1 , , £ , U , 1610 , , 1 I I 1 , , I , 1 1 1 , , , 1 I ,6 ,0 1 , , ,610 Develop a multi-modal transportation plan for the city. (Phase I) - + ��3 . M1IISIC,EIL,LIA,N,E ,O ,U,S, ISITIRIE ,EIT, IIIM1PIR,O ,V 4L'/GD, , , , 1 , 04719 11,210 , 11310 121710 I I i III 1 , I I 16 ,9 ,9 I 1 ,619,9 Street Division overlays. See attached sheet with listings. N ,E, ,4,T ,H,/,3,R,D, ,U1N,I ,01N, ,T,O, ,S1U,N,S1E,T, 2 ,B1D1F,G 1044 ,5 M U 131010 11 , 1 I 1 ill III III ill 13 ,0 ,0 1 , ,31010 4 . H Drainage, resurface, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and 100% widen to 5 lanes. (2-way left turn centerlane) L.I.D. 5 . SW GRADY LIND TO LONGACRES 2 BDFG 7 0 S U 1 5 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 5 0 0 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J L 100% ' channelization,• P-1 BR. 56' roadway taper w/half to L.I.D. 44' . 6 • W AVE BRIDGE R E P L A C E M E•N 4 " .A B F G 0 4 S U X 1 0 0 0 6 8 0 1 3 4 4 3 3 6 1 6 8 0 H J L Bridge Replacement. 7. SU S _ _ B V . k & N 3 R D I M P R O 6 T A B D F M U 1 0 0 8 3 F o S 1 7 4 0) Signal improvements, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, H I channelization, paving and signing. 8 . N 1E , IS'U,N,S,E,T, ,S ,I ,G1N1AIL, ,IJNAT1E,RICIO,NIN1E 7 / 1 , 1 ,11715 P U 41, 10 , I I 1 1 1 I I 1 t ,9 ,1 FIA ,U,S , 1 , 1 , 11 ,9 1 1 11, 110 Purchase of traffic signal controllers and install- 1/2C ation of traffic signal interconnect cable to tie Gas Tax into the City's master signal computer. . • Ot5TRIBuTION 1 COPY DISTRICT STATE AMD ENOIPICER IT 140-049 I rncv r P e_R M_el1AITIES f1k1LY) Renton City Council November 8, 1982 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA continued Revise alt, "Traffic Engineer requested revision of 1983-1986 Six Year 186Six Year Transportation Improvement Program to replace No. 8 controller Transportationl. modernization with N.E. Sunset Boulevard signal controller Jmorovement modernization and interconnection with funds allocated by Program Federal Aid Urban Systems (FAUS) Funds to replace obsolete traffic signal controllers and interconnect signals on Sunset to the city's new computer. Set public hearing date for November 22, 1982. Tall Trees on Letter from Ann Grinolds and petition containing 22 signatures Renton Hill objected to tall trees adjacent to 1-405 near the intersection of S. 3rd Street and Cedar Avenue S. on Renton Hill which obstruct views and cause maintenance problems from falling leaves. Refer to Community Services Committee. West Hill Pump Policy Development Department submitted West Hill Pump Station Station Proposed proposed annexation approved by the King County Boundary Review Annexation Board on October 7, 1982 following execution of Waiver. of Review. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. Liquor Excise Letter from South End Alano Lounge requested portion of liquor Tax excise tax for purposes of alcohol rehabilitation to support the facility in providing social life and location for AA meetings and other groups striving for alcohol and drug-free life. Refer to Budget Committee. 1982-1983' Personnel Department submitted 1982-1983 Labor Agreement between Labor Agreement the City of Renton and the Renton Police Officers' Guild Renton Police representing non-commissioned employees. Requested was Officers ' Guild ratification by Council of the terms of the contract and Non-commissioned authorization for the Mayor to sign the agreement which will Employees direct retroactive payment of 1982 wage increases to the members of the bargaining unit and non-represented members of the department. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for review and authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to sign contract. Fire Code Fire Department submitted amendment to Uniform Fire Code, Article Amendment 25, Places of Assembly, to clarify the purpose of the section. Refer to Public Safety Committee for ordinance consideration. Parking and Fire Department submitted amendment to Parking and Loading Loading Amendment Ordinance to provide conformance to specifications of Fire Code to Conform to regarding fire lanes. Refer to Public Safety Committee for Fire Code ordinance amendment. 1982 Asphalt Engineering Department requested acceptance of 1982 asphalt Resurfacing resurfacing project (CAG 041-82) , approval of final pay estimates Project in the amount of $98,928. 13, and commencement of 30-day lien CAG 041-82 period. If, after expiration of 30 days, no liens or claims have been filed against the project, the retainage amount of $4,946.41 shall be paid to the contractor, M. A. Segale, Inc. Council concur. 1982 Sanitary Engineering Department requested acceptance of 1982 sanitary Sewer Repair sewer repair and pump station (CAG 015-82), final pay estimate and Pump be approved, and commencement of 30-day lien period. If, after Station expiration of the 30 days, no liens or claims have been filed CAG 015-82 against the project and all taxes paid, the retainage amount of $6,965.04 shall be paid to the contractor, Ford Construction Co. Council concur. Claim for Claim for damages filed by Charles T. Spence in the amount of Damages $136.22 for tire and wheel damage caused by alleged raised CL 54-82 manhole cover and assembly in front of 919 S.W. Grady Way. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 8, 1982 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro tempore Earl Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, ROBERT J. HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY STAFF IN LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City ATTENDANCE Attorney; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record-Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 1 , 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Mayor Pro tempore Clymer advised correction requested by Versie Vaupel of her testimony regarding the Shoreline Master Plan in minutes of October 25, 1982, which should indicate matter of landfill being previously considered by the original Shoreline Committee. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sanford Webb, 430 Mill Avenue S. , spoke against adoption of Legislation for legislation which is not in the public interest nor relates to Nuclear Freeze, the operation of the city, such as recent Council action regarding Sign Code; and adoption of nuclear freeze resolution and Sign Code amendments to Forbes Court allow residential real estate signs. Also addressed were Case expenditures incurred by the city from the Forbes court case, and need for additional public meeting to address recent Zoning Ordinance changes involving that matter. Forbes Court Kathy Keolker, 532 Cedar Avenue S. , representing Citizens for a Case Quality Community, addressed the recent Forbes lawsuit decision, noted increased community spirit to continue the fight against location of adult movie theatres in downtown Renton and commended city staff and attorneys for a thorough job in representing the oommunity. She submitted petitions containing 1 ,346 signatures in support of the city's Zoning Ordinance prohibiting location of adult theatres in downtown Renton and 71 resolutions of support from business establishments in the city. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. Halsen Street Bobby Halsen requested street vacation for a portion of South Vacation 17th Place located west of SR-515 and east of Talbot Road S. (VAC VAC 08-82 08-82) . Public Works Department has certified that signatures shown in the petition are valid and represent 100% of property owners abutting said street. Refer to Board of Public Works for appraisal and retention of easements and to the Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting public hearing on December 13, 1982.. Cheever Street Frank G. Cheever requested street vacation for a portion of Co4nty Vacation Road #34 (VAC 07-82) . Public Works Department has certified that VAC 07-82 signatures shown in the petition are valid and represent 1000 of property owners abutting said street. Refer to Board of Public Works for appraisal and retention of easements and to the Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting public hearing OTT— December nDecember 13, 1982. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 22nd day of November , 19 82 , at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Revision of 1983-88 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program to replace Item #8 (Controller Modernization) with NE Sunset Blvd. Signal Control Modernization and Interconnect (from Park Drive to Duvall Avenue NE) . Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON iMaxine E. Motor Acting. City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION: November 12, 1982 i NOTICE RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON NOVEMBER 22, 1982, AT 8:00 P.M. RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH For the purpose of considering a proposed REVISION OF 1983-33 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TO REPLACE' ITEM #8 (CONTROLLER MODERNIZATION) WITH NE SUNSET BLVD. SIGNAL CONTROL MODERNIZATION AND INTERCONNECT (FROM PARK DRIVE TO DUVALL AVENUE NE) . GENERAL LOCATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: NE SUNSET BLVD. FROM PARK DRIVE TO DUVALL AVENUE NE Complete legal description &further information available in the City Clerk's Office - 235-250( The removal, mutilation, destruction r n i n or ::: m;. ia:' i notcan d by fin and imprisonm nt. 1 • NO.T ICE RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON NOVEMBER 22, 1982, AT 8:00 P.M. RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH For the purpose of considering a proposed REVISION OF 1983- SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TO REPLACE' ITEM #8 (CONTROLLER MODERNIZATION) WITH NE SUNSET BLVD, SIGNAL CONTROL MODERNIZATION AND INTERCONNECT (FROM PARK DRIVE TO DUVALL AVENUE NE) . GENERAL LOCATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: NE SUNSET BLVD. FROM PARK DRIVE TO DUVALL AVENUE NE 'Complete legal description &further information available in the City Clerk's Office - 235-250( 4 , The removal, mutilation, destruction : zz'm;:1: :ti'." 'ro::: ms- r n i n ! imprisonment. CERT I F I CAT I O N STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I , Le,g)le L, Phinips hereby certify that TwenlyFwe ( ) copies of the above notice wee posted by me in three or more conspiduous places on the property described and two copies were posted at the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave. South, Renton, WA on date of November 16 , 199 Signed -ad=A6P" Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing in King County 1/80 ti 4 •.r- 1 L1b) )c Hearrn9 ftbbY 22, 1982 R e Y 151 orz O 1983 - 88 S )x 3eQF T ro nsport Q tbon Improve me n * frog ram L d cat ion of Posi2n95 Done 111ov )6, )982 © N.3 d 5/ st. Parc Ave N. ® )4.5111- ,5z& 7- W elI5 © N . 81±-) " " Pc4 r}c Ave g N. 33 '--Ji 1t L01* W 0,S . 131 yd . 1V. ® N.30t Vol' E . 01' Par)'cRye IV. 0 N. E- 241/21-r(57 1- Edmonds Ave. N.E. O N. E. )2 tL5t. Kirkland Rye N.E. a N.E, 7 ,F71. lt Limon Ave N.E. 9 Bronson GtJo N.E. 51, 1V nokso►Way N.E. 0 S.j.SL ..Si. Fro n- c-f 3008 Q S.E. SSI ie. MaplcWooc) ,9ve. S.E 3. 31-'-' ,5i. A M 1 )) Ave S S. Z �-t :0' .Su meL6 Ave 5. O S. OA $t. 7. 3rnithcrs yve s. § s. u.i. L.an Ston Rd. - Ear) in ±an Ave. SW. N.vel. T71 51 -To Jor Ave N. ) st" Si • )hamsAve , Williams � �I. @ S Vat Ss. i W 1 fl i s m,5 Ave 5. £. )5 -<5/ 5/ (54Q71,2/c)rAyeS. 5 20 S/ t Tal -t Rd. $. 31,t &t s• To11v/ Rd S. Pi.lpte . Or. 5.E. q-Gram Rve S. AA& 1d174 i9ve S /ODt ' lY 0/ 5 S 1-Iouscrtitioy_ 5. A Moir) live 3. ® N. ) 5t 54 I-Pa7JK 4yc N. , ' \ 6 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Audrey DeJoie OiG being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that she is the Chief Clerk of THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, ' CITY OF RENTON Washington.That the annexed is a Notice of Public NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ' , BY Hearing P RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GI- IVEN that the Renton City as it was published in regular issues(and ,Council has fixed the 28th not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period :day of June, 1982, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chamb- f ers of the Renton Municipal 1 'Building, 200 Mill Avenue of consecutive issues,commencing on the ;'South,Renton,Washington, I as the time and place for a 18 jL111.a 82 1 public hearing to consider day of19 ,and ending the 1 the following: Six-Year Transportation I Improvement,Program Up- '. date 1983-1988—Consider. �-v day of June ,1982 both dates I;the City's Street and Arterial inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- I System within'the City limits ' scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee ‘concerning construction, - maintenance and general. charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $1...s.. . which improvement. has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the Any and all interested per- first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent ; sons are invited to be pre insertion. sent to voice approval, dis- 1 approval or opinions on / - , same. `j .,� � CITY OF RENTON /r j Delores A. Mead, C.M.C. City Clerk Chief Clerk PublishedintheDailyRe- '•cord Chronicle June 18, , 18th , ' 1982. R8080 Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , June ,i982 // Notary Pub is in _rd for the State o Washington, residing at:erit, King County. , µ - leder _relay —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. - VN#87 Revised 5/82 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Audrey.. .)6.J ie being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that.she.is the Chief....Clerk of THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior _ E- Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF Washington.That the annexed is a.... `�Q.'�.�,.C.e...® `...P.ub�.i C UBLIC HEARING BY TON CITY COUNCIL Hearing ivroaRsEuyENtohNofP, NOTICE IS-HEREBY GI- that the RentonCityouncil has fixed the 28th as it was published in regular issues(andfJune, 1982, at8:00not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period p.m. in the Council Chamb- ethetRentonMunicipalBuilding, 200 MillAvenueSRenton,Washington, of 1 consecutive issues,commencing on the as the time and place for a public Bearing to consider the following: 18 day of June ,19 8.2.....,and ending the Six-Year,Transportation Improvement Program Up- date 1983-1988—Consider. ...1.8..day of June ,193.2... both dates the City's Street and Arterial System within the Citylimits inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee maintenance antl general improvement. , charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $1.� d which Anyandallirlterestedper- has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundre wo s for the sons are Invited to be pre- first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent sent to'voice approval, dis- insertion. ' approval or opinions on same. C TY OF RENTON Z./ -�� � , Delores lA. Mead, C.M.C. City Clerk . Published in the Daily.Re- Ch i.fa t 1e.rkk cord Chronicle June, 18, ' 1982. R8080 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of -- - June , 082 // . (r. (. 1.,:e., :, Notary Public in a (for the State of Washington, residing atle,04, King County. - F' i.""" —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. VN#87 Revised 5/82 Renton City Council July 12, 1982 Page 7 First Readings continued Utilities An ordinance was read amending Section 3-241 of Title III (Departments) , Service Section 8-717 of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) , Chapter 29 of Connection Fee Title IV (Building Regulations) and Chapter 34 of Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance 1628 relating to imposing fees for special connection charges for water, sewer and storm drainage facilities and related matters. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK AND SUBJECT MATTER BE REFERRED TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. The Ways and Means Committee recommended reading and adoption of the following resolutions: Resolution #2460 A resolution was read accepting amendment of city' s Six-Year Transportation Six-Year Street Program and Arterial Street Plan. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, Program ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2461 A resolution was read rescinding the resolution on no travel to non ERA No Travel to ratified states. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY HUGHES, ADOPT THE RESO- Non ERA States LUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Credit Union Ways and Means Committee recommended approval of proposed lease agree- Lease ment with City of Renton Credit Union for approximately 136 square feet Agreement of the former first floor conference room and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign lease agreement. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL The Ways and Means Committee recommended approval of Vouchers 40598 through 40839 in the amount of $1 ,324,757.03 having received depart- mental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Approval included $607,000 payment to Frank Coluccio Company on park construction and $208,000 payment to Tri State Construc- tion for Southwest 43rd. Vouchers 40589 through 40597 machine voided. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. UNCIL Executive MOVED EXECUTIVE CARRIED. SESSION 1 : 15 a.m. SessionOR e ADJOURNMENT Council Members reconvened in regular session. Roll was called; all 1 :33 a.m. Council Members were present. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY STREDICKE, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. f >��C MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk y-1 ', ai '1i1 35 CITY OF RENTON fE 7/12/82 NARRANI DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: 40589 - 40597 CURRENT $178, 243.83 PARKS :62, 391 .26 ARTERIAL STREETS $1, 161 . 76 STREETS . $20, 383.48 LIBRARY $11,690. 14 FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE • '40, OOD000 STREET FORWARD THRUST •183, 962.98 G COULON BCH PK CONSTR $613, 751 .08 WATERWORKS UTILITY $126, 307. 72 AIRPORT *10, 45402S EQUIPMENT RENTAL 035, 027.68 LID CONTROL *40, 382.82 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $1, 324; 757.03 WE, THE UNDERSIUNEU MEMBERS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE ZENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RELEIVtU DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT iERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAvE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DU HEREBY kPPRDVE FOR PAYMENT VOULHERS NU. 4U59B THROUGH NO• 40839 IN THE AMOUNT 7F $10324, 757.03 THIS 12TH DAT OF JULY 1982• . � e l w . . . . MEMBER . ../. . 1�s`. . . . ;,UMMITTEE CHAIRMAN 2.' G /n L.I.D.$314MEMBER �' ~1j• r REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-18 $ 229.87 L.I.D.#323 REVENUE WARRANT NO. #R- 5 $ 40,152.95 H H• a SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1983 — 1988 C4 0 a H I-1 a H U fs. m Q oo ANNUAL ELEMENT PROJECTS 1 Grady Way Bridge Replacement 2 Renton Area Transportation Study 3 Miscellaneous Street Improvements 4 NE 4th St./NE 3rd St. from Union Ave. NE to Sunset Blvd. North 5 Wells Avenue Bridge Replacement r 6 Sunset Blvd. North & North 3rd Intersection Improvements 7 Controller Modernization-. 8 Sunset Blvd. & Union Ave. NE 9 Garden Ave. North, North 4th St. to North 8th St. SECOND 'YEAR PROJECTS 10 SW Grady"Warr-Lind Ave. SW to Longacres Dr; SW ' 11 Logan Ave. South, South 2nd St. to Airport Way THIRD YEAR PROJECTS , 12 Talbot Road South, South 16th St. to South 41st St. 13 SW 16th St. , Lind Ave. SW to Monster Road SW 14 Monroe Ave. NE, NE 6th St. to NE 12th St. FOURTH — SIXTH YEAR PROJECTS • 15 South 7th St. , Rainier Ave. South to Smithers Ave. South 164 Valley Parkway SW, SW Grady Way .to South 140th St. 17 North 1st St. , Park Ave. North to Burnett Ave. North 18 Lind Ave. SW, SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way 19 Sunset Blvd. North, Bronson Way North to FAI 405 20 Valley Parkway SW, SW 41st St. to SW 16th St. 21 Valley Parkway SW, SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way 22 Lake wash. Blvd. North, North Park Drive to North City Limits 23 SW 27th St. , Valley Parkway SW to West Valley Road 24 SE Puget Drive, Jones Place SE to Edmonds Ave. SE 25 Sunset Blvd. NE, FAI 405 to NE Park Drive 26 Taylor Ave. NW/Taylor Place NW, Renton Ave. Ext. to Stevens Ave. NW 27 NE 12th St. , Lynnwood Ave. NE to Union Ave. NE 28 Union Ave. NE, NE Sunset Blvd. to NE 24th St. 29 Edmonds Avenue Extension • IslAll-z 3L-x._-YEAR. TRANSPORTATION . IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM .. . 19 83 . .TO . .19 8 8 , Page 1 of 5 — OBLIGATION PROGRAM -- Hearing Dare - EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date __City/County _Keypu.nching:Note: pato entered in cols I-8 must . .Resolution Number _. City No. 1 0 7 to 3-8.. • be on all cards punched from I' • County No. 1 7 -a this form. . -P12 -11\1. -THOU5AND5- OF 'DOLLARS • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION n G .°n . OBL{GATION:-.7. .. _FUN-DING SOURCE z 'titie,•Route,Road Log No., Section No., -qo` Work Total 1 a lb- .-_.._._.._-_Y__E__.A. R . _ � �.f::en th ._ � �> FEDERAL . ._ _T_OTAL 1„ocation/7ermini,Deocription of Works o Code +- ' S st = 2 nc1 . 3 rd 4.15 . . U.A.B. LOCAL.. FUNDS u Beginning Mitepoat bridge No. . •0 a (Miles . ;c. •3 .., (Arinuiii .....- .Gt.', AMOUNT PROGRAM - • ire. a a Eiement) .1: 02-:0 -_:::t7" . 4 ... .. 5 iii:-7 8 - g __: 1.0...L.._ .. 11. .. 12 ..13 14.. . 15 . 16. .. 1.7; 9 ..._ ..at sa 37. 44Q81 44 45:46_47:413 "" . St 5Z-__ ::.55 SG . . 59 GO • G3 04 _- -GT 48. .. ::Tx 72 75 76 78 eo 85 1. GIR,AIDIY, ,W1A1YI ,B,R,IID,GIE, . IRIE,PLLIAIC,EIMIEIN 4KA,B ,DIH ,O,LI,O, M U X, 41010.10.4,010104 ,' i • l_ 1_ 1 67 101010, 1 1 I •.'I • 1 t 41i010i0, 1 1810101(' Bridge Replacement (joint with_ Tukwila) Construction. I' Bridge. - Forward Repl.. Thrust 2 . R ,EIN,T,O,N, ,AIR,E,A1 jTIRIA,NIS,PIO,R,T, ISITIUIDIY 8 -U, I , El , U , 1 , 610, , 1 I I I I I I I I I I , I l , I 1 1 _ 1 1610 1 � 1 16, 0 Develop a multi-modal transportation plan for the city., (Phase I) . 3 . MII ,SICIE,L,LIA,NIEIO,UISI IS,T,RIEIE,TI IIIMIPIR,OIV 4 MD11 , , a , 11,5,5 , 1 ,210 ,11310 121710 . 1 1 1 I 1 1 , 1 I , 16, 7, 5 1 - 1 ,617, 5 Street Division overlays. See attached sheet with • • listings. . ' N ,E, 14,T,H,/,3,RID, ,U1N1I10,N, IT,0, ,S,U,NJS,EIT, . 2 WB1D�F,G ,014,5 M U ,_3, 0, 0 I I I , 1 1 1 1 , III l I , i I 1 L _ 1310 0 , , , 31010 Drainage, resurface, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and H 100% widen to 5 lanes. (2-way left turn centerlane) L.I.D. - WIE,LILISI ,A,V,E1 1BIRII,DIGIE, IRIE,PILIAICIEIM,EIN 4MAIB1F,G , y0,4 SU X 110, 0, 0 1618, 0 , 1 1 , i 1 1131414 I I i . 1_ 1 I 13 ,3 ,6 1 1116_1810 5 . H J L Bridge Replacement. • 6 . S ,U,N,S,EIT, ,B,L,V,D, IN1 j&, ,N1 ,31R1D1 II ,M,P,Ry0 6 IAIBIDIOF , j , M. 0 11, 010 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , , i , 1 1 I 1 111010 , , 1l, 010 - Signal improvements, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, H I • Local channelization, paving and signing. C��• • 7 . C,O1N,TIR,O1L1L1E,R, IMIOIDIE1R,NIIIZ,A,TII,O,N1 1 . 1 ,7Yk „ I , + I U 1'11019 , I I I I I 1 I 'I 1 1 1 i I i _ I I 1 11,019 , 1 111 01 9 Purchase of traffic signal controllers to replace Local obsolete equipment. (See attached list.) 8 . SUNSET1 ,B1L1V D1 I& I ,U1N,I ,0,N, IAVE I IN,E , 6�%/,.II 1 1 , l I M U 1 , 410 ill 1 , , , I I MI ill I _14.10 L I I 14, 0 . New signal controller and add left turn phase. FASP 90% .015TRtBUTI O1V v I COPY DISTRICT STATE.AID .ENGINEER DOT 140-049 I cnav r 17 A R (re11AMT1E9 /IAILY) .1-X__ YEAR. TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 8 3 . .TO . .19.8 X , Page 2 of 5 Is1A1,-z — OBLIGATION PROGRAMNeNearingring Date �� EXHIBIT A�� Adoption Date _:•Cify/County • .Xeypunching•Note: Data entered in cols I-8 must ... ReaolutianNumber _.City.NO. 1 0 7 0 3=8, be an all cards punched from i County •No. 1 7 -8 #his -form. 1 . x PR O-JeCT�COSTS.'-1 N. 71-10u8AND5'.OF'DO LLA RS PROJECT .IDENTIFICATION .10 G .°a .4 OBI,;{DATION-:'SCHEDULE - _FUNDING SOURCE z • Tit Ie,_Rout ,Road Log No., Section No., o Work Tota( �1 .._.._.-____X__E_._-A. R 1 ocation�Termini Deecri Pion of Work, ,.� 1 ength o FEDERAL. _ -_ _T_OTAL P o Code ._(Mi1es - u .1St 2rid • 3rd 4,,5 . . . U:A.B. -.LOCAL. FUNDS u Beginning Milcpobt bridge No. • 'd o • .? •; �� (Annual e+,r 6th AMOUNT PROGRAM . t i • • 4- el 0 Element) _ • 174 2. • _ 4 ... ... 5 e.7 8 _. .. 9 -: AO _ .. 11: 12 13 14.. 15 16.. 1T� iJ __ as>!G 37. 41 44 #s.48 47;ae :.• sN s2_�_ ss sa Es co e3 04 --- : -91 as. ..: •11 72 1s T6 iia so •e6 G,A,R,D,E,N, ,ALV1E, ,-, IN, ,4,T1H1 ,T,01 IN, 181TIH 2KB,D,F1G , 2, 5 S U ; 3; 0:104, , .., 1 Z , 1 1 . 1 1 , I 1 I .. 1 1 I ♦ •i •i I_ • 131010. I •i• 131010_ 9. H J Drainage, paving, curb, sidewalks, illumination and 75% channelization. LID S1W� ,G,R,A,D,Y, ,L,IINID, ,T,OL ,L,O,N,G1A1C1R,E,S, 2.B,D,F,G , 47, 0 S U , 1 1 115,.0, 0 , I I L I , III Ali I 11519,0 I ,1, 5,0, 0 10. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J L 100% channelization, P-1 BR. 56' roadway taper w/half to LID 44' • 11. LIOIGIAINI-,SI 12,NID1 1T10I 1A,I,RIPIOIRITI IW,A,Y, 4�%//A,D, 1 1 1215 I I I 1 1310 , i 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I ill 1 1310 1 1 1 1310 , Overlay • 12. T,AIL,B4O,T1 ,RID, -,S, ,1,6,T,H, 11,01 ISI ,4_11,S1T, • 2 iB1DIF,G ,148,0 C, U , 1 1 1 1 1 111010 I I I 1 L I I I I - 1 I 1 11,0,0 1 1 1110, 0. Drainage, paving, shoulders, pre-level, channeliza- H J tion (joint with King County) . - 50% • County 13. S1W, 11161T,H, ,L, IINIDI ,AME, 111,01 IMIOIN,SIT,EIR 2MB1D,F,G , 4910 C U , , , , , , 2, 01010 , 1 , , I I I I I I I 1 , 210 010 1 121010, 0 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, ilium- H J L 100% ination, channelization, bridge and 44' roadway. LID - 14. M,O,N,R, 0,E, ,A,V, EY/l ,-,N1EI ,6,TIH, ,T,OI 1NIE, 11,2,T 2B1D,F,G 1 4318 C U i i i 1 1 1 115, 810 I I i 11 I 11 , 1 , 1 1,5,8,0 1 , 1, 5, 8, 0 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J • 25% channelization, 36' roadway. • LID S 7 T H RAINIER TO SMI THE R'S - 2 � A B.D F 5 0 S U 2 2 0 2 0 2 2 0 15. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, ilium- Devel- ination, channelization, 44' roadway, Rainier to oper & Shattuck contingent on developer. LTD 16. V1A1 ,T , ,Y, I , KiW,YI 1G,R,A,•„LD,Y1 ITIOL , 114101T,Hi l AB , ,D,F 1+ „, 0L0 M U I _I I 1 1 , 5, 5, 0, 0 1 , 1 , 1 , , , 1 5151010 1 1515, 0, 0 Grady, -drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutter, GHIJ Devel- illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 oper landscaping, bridge, 56' roadway. _ D1STRt BU1 I o1V I COPY PI$TRICT STATE.ALP .ENGINEER DOT 140-049COPY C,R.A.B.(COUNTIES obU:Y) :1..... ,sen • jsl,a, ,_2 :1-X- '(.EAR- TRAW5PORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM . . 19 8 3 . .T.0 . .19 88 • Page 3 of 5 — OBLIGATION PROGRAM )4earing Date . Adoptionte -_City/County o 7 0 ._1Seypu.nching'Nota: Data entered in cols i-Smoot EXHIBIT "A1, Reeoiut aDnNumber City.NO. L 3=ra. be an all cards punched from County No. l 7 7-8 This form. 1 • . -PROJeCT:C05T5.-11\1 THOUSANDS-.OF 'DOLLARS • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION .' �' 2 4 OBLEGAT1ON.1S�CH'EDULe FUNDING SOURCE z `f;tle,Route,Road Log No., Section No., o Work Total E a` ikt- __YE_._.A. R Location Description of Work, �3 Length IgI. FEDER�41. . _ -T_aTAL Beginning Milepost 6r'I�9allo. .tl c Code (Miles). ;� '�(�n� 2nd 3rd 4 ,5 CI:A.B. LO.Cg1 FUNDSLt -4 w °C v Element) 6th AMOUNT`PROGRAM • a - '.1. ._.2.. - - =- . 4 .. ... 5 8:7 8 .. 1. 3 . .._-: AO. ..• ... 11; .59 co . 12 r:3 04 --.13 .. --- 14.. . 15 16. .. 1.7:: .-9:..._ SS 3Q . 37. 40 41 44 +{>ra 4 4 4B .. .br 5Z=__- ::.55 EQ . -._ :. Ci?8 .... .II 72 75 76 74!eD 85 17. N, ,11S,T1 IS►T► ,PIA,RIK1. ,T,01 ' 1BIUIRINIEITITI IAIV 3RB,DIFIG ,01210 A U .. 1 .1 :,4 46 , .. , 1 • , ,- I • 1311161 1 l I .. I 1 I a'1 I I 13,116� I .x . 13,116 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalk, channel- H ization. L,I,NID, ,A,V,E, , S,W1116,TLHI ,T,O, ,SIW, IG1R,A,D,Y 2MB,D,F,G ,012,0 S U , , 1 1 I F I _ i I I _2L4i 010 I I I , I I I I L I , 2141010 I 1214,010 • 18. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, illumines- H I J L Developer tion, signal, channelization, bike route, landscaping, • M 0 FAI-405 Bridge, 44' roadway. . 19. SIUINIS,EIT, IB,LIVIDI IB,RIO,N,S1O1N1. ITIOI 1I,41015 2MB ,D,F,G ,0A5,0 M U I ii iii , I .1 181410 I I I_ , I I 1 1 1 1 181410 1 1 181410 . Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutters, signal, H I J 20% LID • illumination, channelization, widen to 68 feet. 20• V,A,L,L,E,Y, 1P,K,W,Y, 1S,W,411,SIT, ,T,0, ,S�W, 116,T 1 �A4BBD,F ,117, 0 M U , 1 1 I i , i 1_ _I 6101010 1 t I I_ , � , 1 l _6�0�010 , , ,6,0,0 0 Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, G H I J illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 • Developer landscaping, bridge. 21. VIA,LLLIEIY1 ,P,KIWIYI 1S1W1116,TIH, ,TIO[ IGIR,AIDIY 1rA1B,D,G ,041,0 M U III III , 1 1 51010, 0 ill 1 1 I I I I ,5LOL019 L151010(0 Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, HIJL , illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, M 0 20% LID landscaping, bridge, 66' roadway. 22. L,K, ,W,A1S,H, ,B,L,V,D, IN1 ,P1K1 ,TLOI 1CII,TIY, IL 2 MBID,FIG 13j0, 3 ,S. 0 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 , 4, 81 010 1 , I I 1 1 1 , 1 418 ,010 1 ,4181010 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalks, gutter, illumin- • 25% LID ation,' channelization, bikeway. 23. S1W1 12, 7,T1111 1VIA,LILI IPIKIWIYI ITIO, 1W1 ,ViAILIL 10ALB,D,F 10,i5, 3 S U i 1 1 1 1 2151 010 1 1 1 . i i i ii 1 2151010 112151010 Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter; sidewalks, GHIJ • Developer illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 landscaping, 44' roadway. rSIE, ,P, U,GIET , , ID, ,S R, O,N,E , ,TD Bj ,FIG ,0478 S U , i III III 191 610 1 , 1 11 I , , 1 ,916 ,0 1 1 191610 24. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutter, illumin- ation, channelization, 44' roadway. Dt5TRIBUT ION I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID .ENGINEER OOT 140-049 .__ 1 copy c_12.A.B_(COLDLTIE3 ONLY) •151A 51X-YEAR. TRAN5PORTAT1ON . IMPROVEMENT.PROGRAM .. 19 83TO 1988 Page 4 of 5 ' 3,t- — OBLIGATION PROGRAM — ..- i-feraring EXHIBIT "A" 'Adoption Date :City/county _keypunching:Mote: Data entered in cols I-8 must• ...Resolution Number .City.No. 1 0 710 3;4 • be on all cards punched from II • CoUnty No. 1 7 7-8 • fht5 .-form. . ' I • SZ . P1O:JECTrCOSTS'.1T.HOUSAND5:.OF'DOLLARS • ,o r•-f, • : PROJECT IDENTIFICATION .0 ts OBL1GATION: CHEDULE . . . _F UN D I NG SOURCE Z - tit Ie.Rout ,Road.Log No., Section No., 2 Is Work . -Thtal - it- -....---- -: Y_._E_._.A. R . FEDERAL . .. _ .:. TOTAL. E Location/TermintvDeacrtpiion of Work, -- ' ,. len9th •47; \ 'to • - - .. . Code ii„., \ •„ „ .1 st '--- End - 3rd 4_15 . . . U.A.B. -LOCAL... FUNDS • ill Beginning Milepoe 4 Bridge No. --34- • a a -1/4"1"").-,a -:5 ib.0,Kr-1-tat- -:•• t +Gth AMOUNT PROGRAM i..4 . es cr 0 ElemeAt) ...71 ” 2:6--- 4 5 07 8 _. -.. S. . __. 1.0. -;_..- . .„ 1. . 11: .. ta •: .- .13 -.:. 14- 15 .. 16. - . 17 ..si pc •••-. 17. 40 41 44 46"4W47-48 '' .... rot 57-...1_1":- 55%6 ' • '59 co - 6344 - :.-0 ea ...:.11 12 .75 76 79 SD SS:5. SIU,NISLEITI IEILIVIDI 11141015, -ITIO, IPIAIRIKI IDIR 2 kBIDIFIG .00,0Su - i .6 • 1 -. 114 ', 1. 1 .1010100, 1I1 , 111 . .1 '1 A_Arl 181010. 111181010— Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutters, channel- H J ization, illumination and bikeway. . . 26• TIAIY,L,O,Rt ,N1W„ '1' RIEINITIO,N, 110, ISITIE,V,EINIS 2lD MBiiFiG i.046,0 C U ill ll' I , All 1712IP III All , lti0_1210 11171210 . Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, ilium- H J. 25% LID ination, channelization. . 27. N1E, 11,21T,H, ILIYIN1N1W10101DI ITIO, IUINII101N, , 2 r7B 1D1FIG .0y610 C U. lii Ii 11 1010 0 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, ilium- . H J ' . l _ , 1 .1 li 01,010 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 10 10 10 1 • 1 _ 50% LID mat ion, channelization. , . • 28• U,N(I40,N, ,AIV, IN,Ei 1StUINISIEITI ATIO, INAE12141T,210BJDIFIG, 104710SU , LII IIAIll 16IA°, Ill L _1 1 _ 1 1 I , 16100 , 1 1 L610,0 . Drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, channel- H • 50% LID ization. • _ EID,MIOINIDIS, ,A,VIE, 1EIXITIEINISII,01N1 1 , 1 1 1 1NAIBID1F , ‘ 1 - J.1 ill ill III ir 1 I I I I II III_ III I I I I I 29. Connection from NE 3rd to Maple Valley Highway. G H I L • Alignment not determined at this time. K . • . • , - • , 1 , . 111 . 11 )IIII _IIIIILI 1 111 ' 1 I . i 1 ill - III III III III III III III III , IIIII • . • . • • • ' • . / . . • ' . . • • • 1. III 1 _11 III III III III Ill III . 1 1 111 • . . - . L .0%5TRIBUTIor .4 . I COPY 1:319TRICT STATE.AID .ENSINEER DOT 140-049 I COPY CR.A.8.(C0UNI1E5 aiLY) Jail. 141711 1gIA .l-z X._-YEAR. TRANSPORTATION . IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 R3. .TO . .19 2 X , Page 5 of 5 • — OBLIGATION PROGRAM -- EXHIBIT "A" )-leaning Date Adoption Date _:'City/CourLty • _Keypunching.Note: Data entered in cols I-S must ADDENDUM #1 - STATE HIGHWAY PROJECTS .. Resolution Number ...City No. 1 0 710 3-e.. , be an all cards punched from County hlo. . 1 7 z-a #hisform • . II -p'R-OJ'ECT_CO5TS'-Ihi. -THOUSANDS-.OF 'DOLLARS • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION qY _. ig OB1:,JGATlON-:':S'CH'EDULE _FUN-DING SOURCE c • Title Rout,Road Lo No. Section No. 0Tota( d � YE_._.A Rg � � �o Work . � �� z Loca•tionJTermini Deecrl tion of Work, �3 1..eneh \ ', - - —- - FEDERAL . _T_aTAL - P 0 Code ;- = ia 1st 2 rid " 3rd 4 5 . . . • U.A.B.--LOCAL - FUNDS u Beginning Milepost ®ridge t . . •a 0 .(Miles).-, 7; ,b.(Arinudi • - - •G th AMOUNT`PROGRAM . • . •. . . • ie. ec !Cg Element) _� .1. .. -_=3.- 4 .._ ... 5 8,7.8 ---.. a . --. O. _ 11: .. 12 . 13 ..- 14.. 15 16. . . . . 17': .-s:___ _ ..si!Q�/. 31. 4041 44_46:ALAI46 •' .: .91,57.__-_..: : 5554 • ' '59Go • G3G4 -" :.-G ...:'11,78 7376 5880 S6 FIA,II ,41015, ,N1 ICIIITIYI IT101 IS, ICIIITIYI 11 2W 6 ,414 M U I •L: • 6 1 . 1 I . •I I I 6 I I I • I I I • L I I .6 '1 I I • I I L- . I 1• I I •i .- State DOT 'Project - capacity improvements. HOV lanes. SIR, 1116191 IQIUIEIEINI IS1E1 ,T,01 111419ITLHI 1S1E 1 !%/i. 1 1 1 ,144,4 M U I i i l ► , 1 1 1 , I I I 1 1 1 , :l 1 1 1 1_ 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , _ State Project - construct five lane roadway. . . SIR' 191010, IR,EINITIOIN1 IT101 IIISISIAIQIU1A1H1 1 2�% , , , 1,110,0 M U 1 1 1 I I I . 1 I I I I III III III III I • I I I I State Project - widen to four lanes with five lanes . ' at intersections. yy����• • . , 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 , I 11 L I I I -I 1 I I , ►�//< I. -I i - 11 I _ , r I l Lit I 1 _I 1 L 1 1 L 1 1 1 L __ I I I _ 1 1 L I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I I I L l I I I I I I , I I I 1 1 1 I ' I I I • 1 + L- I l _i , I I I ill 1 l 1 I I I - I I L ILA iii I l 1_ 1 1 ' ' ' I 1 1 , 1 1 ., 1 1 I I 1 I l 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 ti I . 1 1 I ) I _ 1 I 1 1 ii I 1 1 ill 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 , • I 1 I mil i i 1 I I 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 11 I 11 i I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 lit 1 I 1 1 1 I I I l I I J 1 I I _I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1M, i _ i 1 1 1 1 1 i III 1 I 1 1 l 1 ill III I 1_ I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 y .D15TRIBUT I01 1 COPY PI-STRICT STATE.AID .ENGINEER o0T 140-049 ._ _ .__ i COPY r..R.A.B.(COl11+L71E8 Ot+l1-Y) 1983 OVERLAYS 1/U GAS TAX PROJECTS Williams Ave. South between South 4th Street & Grady Way $ 22,000.00 Aberdeen Ave. NE between Sunset Hwy. & NE 12th Street $ 17,000.00 NE 12th Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & Lincoln Place NE $ 22,000.00 Camas Ave. NE between NE 12th Street & Dead End $ 3,000.00 NE 16th Street between Aberdeen Ave. NE & Edmonds Ave. NE $ 24,000.00 Kennewick Ave. NE between NE 16th Street & NE 14th Street $ 4,000.00 Lincoln Ave. NE between NE 16th Street & NE 14th Street $ 4,000.00 Monterey Ave. NE between NE 16th Street & NE 14th Street $ 4,000.00 NE 14th Street between Monterey Ave. NE & Jones Ave. NE $ 7,000.00 NE 20th Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & Jones Ave. NE $ 22,000.00 NE 24th Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & Jones Ave. NE _ $ 22,000.00 Dayton Ave. NE between NE 24th Street & Dead End $ 3,500.00 $154,500.00 1984 $120,000.00 ESTIMATE 1985 $130,000.00 ESTIMATE 1986 $130,000.00 ESTIMATE 1987 $140,000.00 ESTIMATE TRAFFIC CONTROLLER MODERNIZATION 1983 UPDATE Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 1983 to 1988 Itemized List for Item No. 8 Location Cost 1 . North 4th & Factory $ 10,000 2. North 4th & Garden 10,000 3. North 4th & Williams 10,000 4. North 4th & Logan 10,000 5. North 3rd & Williams 10,000 6. North 3rd & Garden 10,000 7. North 3rd & Factory 10,000 8. North 3rd & Sunset 17,000 9. North 6th & Park 12,000 10. Lake Washington, Park & Garden 10,000 TOTAL AMOUNT $109,000 (tie'MO RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 28 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; ROBERT J. HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS AND THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; DELORES IN ATTENDANCE A. MEAD, City Clerk; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; GARY NORRIS, Traffic Engi- neer; LT. RAY CALDWELL, Police Dept. ; RON NELSON, Building Official . PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND MATHEWS, APPROVE MINUTES OF JUNE 21 , 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A Proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the week of July 12-18, YWCA Week 1982 as Y.W.C.A. Week, especially paying tribute to the South King County Young Womens Christian Association serving the area since 1965. City Clerk Del Mead, City Clerk, was honored with flowers, plants and a gift Honored for 22/ years faithful service; retiring 6/30/82. Mayor Shinpoch recalled Del started with the city 1/60, progressed through ranks and appointed City Clerk 10/1/72, this being her 391st Council meeting. Mayor Shinpoch further noted that Del (City's only woman department head) would be greatly missed; and anticipated her par- ticipating in the City Hall Mortgage Burning Ceremony this fall to be sponsored by the Soroptomists. Mrs. Mead expressed thanks and noted accomplishments while in.office, her joy in working for the City, anticipation of retirement. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Six Year published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing Transportation to consider the City's Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Improvement for 1983 to 1988. Copies of the program were distributed and Public Program Works Director Houghton explained the projects. Houghton noted item 1983-1988 #2 Renton Area Transportation Study had been #15 last year, noting due to budget constraints the matter will be held in abeyance. Item #1 Grady Way Bridge replacement, was discussed, noting Tukwi,la' s recent support received. Continued Audience Comment: Robin Little, 264 Maple Ave. NW, called attention to #26 Taylor Ave/Place NW, Renton Ave. Ext. to Stevens Ave. NW, asking the item not be moved higher on the priority lists Little recalled prior meeting re Ryan Short Plat, fearing corridor to Rainier Ave. would impact Taylor Ave. Houghton explained the plat vacation. Continued Councilman Stredicke called attention to need for improvement of Monroe Ave. in area of recent claims, widening of Grady Way. Trimm noted Renton Ave. Reed inquired re raised manholes and Lind Ave. overpass widening. Rockhill inquired re Wells Ave. bridge and was _. advised environmental assessment should be completed within 60 days, could possibly be ready for construction in 1983. Reed asked further information, Houghton acknowledged based on receipt of clarification from State. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, ITEM #10 SW GRADY WAY, LIND AVE. SW TO LONGACRES DR. SW, BE MOVED TO ITEM #5 THEREBY CHANGING DESIGNATION OF FOLLOWING ITEMS. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND MATHEWS, ITEM #14, MONROE AVE. NE, NE 6th ST. TO NE 12th ST, BE MOVED TO NEW ITEM #11 (PLACE FORMERLY HELD BY SW GRADY WAY) . Renton City Council 6/28/82 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued Six Year MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, ITEM #18 LIND AVE. SW, SW 16th Transportation ST. TO SW GRADY WAY (INCLUDING BRIDGE OVER 1-405) BE ADDED TO THE Improvement THIRD YEAR PROJECTS NEW ITEM #15 (FROM #18) . CARRIED. MOVED BY Program - Cont CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, ADD NEW ITEM TO THIRD YEAR PROJECTS TO BE DESIGNATED #16 RENTON AVE., S 3rd to S 7th ST. AND THE UTILITIES DIVISION BE NOTIFIED TO PROVIDE FOR UNDERGROUNDING. CAKKIED. MOVED BY REED, SECOND STREDICKE, ITEM #17 NORTH FIRST ST. , PARK AVE. N TO BURNETT AVE. N, BE INCLUDED IN MISCELLANEOUS STREET IMPROVE- MENTS OVERLAY ITEM #3. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, ACCEPT THE SIXYEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AS AMENDED AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mike Shaw, 625 SW 4th Pl . , asked Agenda Correspondence letters Earlington Woods from CHG be discussed. Michael Shaw voiced his anger at two years Street Vacation of mud, dirt and unsafe conditions. MOVED BY REED, SECOND MATHEWS, and Planned Unit SUSPEND RULES AND BRING THE MATTER BEFORE COUNCIL. CARRIED. Development Letter from CHG International , Inc. , Randall Potter, Director of VAC-01-79 Planning and Design, recalled 5/7/79 Council approval of street PPUD-50-81 vacations for Earlington Woods subject to nine conditions. The letter requested Council approval of the conditions and the vaca- tions. The area is located south of SW Sunset Blvd, north of the railroad right-of-way, west of SW Maple St. and east of S 140th St. The letter listed the nine conditions and present status, not- ing need for paving in several areas. Continued Second letter from CHG International , Inc. , Randall Potter, Federal Way, requested clarification of an item in Appeal of PPUD 050-81 by CF/CHG Associates claiming the wording was erroneously changed dur- ing appeal to require that Maple Ave. be improved not only within project boundary, but all the way to Sunset Blvd. The letter noted their understanding that Maple Ave. was to be extended through their site to provide access and serve as ' a buffer; that confusion has resulted; claiming not-discussed at meeting or hearing and is a mistake in wording; further claiming intent was to maintain Maple AVe. access from their project to SW Sunset Blvd. , as done. Further discussion ensued. Councilman Stredicke inquired as to authority for occupying units without approved access and occupancy permit. Randall Potter apologized for company misunder- standing in allowing occupancy. Councilman Rockhill inquired whether CHG had met the nine conditions for the street vacation. Public Works Director Houghton advised the conditions were not met and further explained Board of Public Works meeting 6/23/82 when 30 and 90 day deferrals granted for signals and lighting upon proof of order- ing equipment. Mr. Potter explained asphalt paving could not be done because of rain. Mayor Shinpoch recalled area residents requested their interests be protected prior to start of project three years ago, noting inclusion of those items in the stipulations. Continued Area resident Mike Shaw distributed photographs of area showing problems; noting driveway has just been installed which does not allow fire truck turnaround; also noting access problems. Upon Council inquiry, Building Official Nelson reported continuous inspec- tion of the buildings; learning of occupancy at 3:00 p.m. 6/28/82; posting remaining building against occupancy. Councilman Rockhill inquired of corrective active, wanting the work finished rather than court action. Discussion ensued regarding work to date; $1 ,900,000 performance bond, possible penalties, possible repeal of deferment. Subject Continued MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND STREDICKE, CONTINUE THIS SUBJECT, TO THRUSDAY to Thursday Night NIGHT, FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS. CARRIED. Audience Comment John D. O'Hara, 583 Pierce Ave. , asked that the City closely monitor Continued actions by developers. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, COUNCIL RECESS FOR TEN MINUTES. CARRIED. 10:05 p.m. Council reconvened at 10: 15 p.m. Roll Call : All Council Members present. 4 'n , 1 4 NOTICE RENTONCITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON JUNE 28, 1982, AT 8:00 P.M. RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERC 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH For the purpose of considering a proposed SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM UP-DATE 1983-1988 GENERAL LOCATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: CONSIDER THE CITY'S STREET AND ARTERIAL SYSTEM WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS CONCERNING CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND GENERAL IMPROVEMENT, 'omplete legal description &further information available in the City Clerk's Office - 235-2501 •WThe removal, mutilation, destruction or concealment of this notice is a mis- a r n i n • demeanor punishable by fine and imprisonment. CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) • LAD ) ic }iecarin9 -'Une 28, )482 SiX eqr Tran.sp ortctlon amp rove ment Prowrarn: _ L1 eie 19,83• ) 988 _ _ __ L ocQt)on a Pos&incus Dane June )Y. 198Z . ._ 0 14W. 5 9- Tgylor Ave )4"N. O S.W. Langston Rd. EQr)in0ton nye S.W. m 5. 3 *O' F). t Rainier Ave S. O 5.v.i. Grad . ay r Lind Ave S.W. r�1' 3.6 t. St. t Sms thers hve S. 6 5.111b- St. t NisliIliorns Ave 5. . 5 14.1 st St 7 RrriC Ave N . 9 14.3'1- St t Pane Ave N. ® N.811 5 7' Ports' Ave N. ® N.3o*3t /..50.t E•Of RarK Ave N. O WE. 2.5/4- St. ? £c3 mondls Ave N.E. N.E. )2t' 5t. 7t 1trlclana Arc N.E. a W.E. 101b. 5t. , ur:ivn Ave-W.E. . • W inisorW ay j 1.E t ,onson y N.E. . . ® N.�E. 3x- 5t 7 Monterty Or. NI.E. . _@et N. 67A 5t. s 141a ewood4ve S.F. 5 3..321-..5t. I Mi)) Avc. S. 20 5.71• St ? Penton Ave. S. . S. Pit et Dr. 1c #' ow.op 45,,c, /� . S.4 . S.E. i'Ph.St. r Pu ei Dr. S.E. . 5. )5*-- St. t 5}14+tech stye a S. Z6? St. t Tanao1 Ra. S. . S. 36 ► St. 1 Ta)bof. Rd. S. . N.W. 611 St. i TQ to r P1.101. ., S.4!- St. t Mortii.r Ave S. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 28th day of June , 19 82, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Up-date 1983-1988 - Consider the City' s Street and Arterial System within the City limits concerning construction, maintenance and general improvement. • Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON,061-Ittd, � a. � 2' Delores A. Mead, C.M.C. City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION: " June 18, 1982 For.Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING _ ==== = SUBMITTING Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. City Clerk' s Office For Agenda Of J ne 28 1982 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact el Mad City Clark (Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Public Hearing Consent Public Hearing - .. _ •• _ _ • nt Correspondence Program 1983-1988 Ordinance/Resolution \\\ Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. ,' Maps, Etc.)Attach• New Business Study Session Other A. Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 1983-88 B. // C. Legal Dept. Yes_ "No_ N/A_ COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Review and adoption Approval : Finance Dept. Yes_ No_ N/A_ of the 1983-1988 Up-dated Six-Year T. I .P." Other Clearance FISCAL IMPACT: Amount Appropriation- Expenditure Required $ Budgeted $ Transfer Required $ SUMMARY (Background, information, prior. action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary.) Annual :Hearing . PARTIES OF .RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. , e. stpr (k l 11 �� 1' SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1983 — 8 1 19 8 CITY . PRIORITY # • ANNUAL ELEMENT PROJECTS 1 Grady Way Bridge Replacement 2 Renton Area Transportation Study 3 Miscellaneous Street Improvements • 5 4, NE 4th St./NE 3rd St, ,fraom Union�Ave. NE to Sunset Blvd. North 6 S Wells Avenue Bridge Replacemenyt way t k rid Aide 5W few Lot•Mac 97 r.svt 0 Sunset Blvd. North & North 3rd Intersection Improvements 07 Controller Modernization gig Sunset Blvd. & Union Ave. NE �v9 Garden Ave. North, North 4th St. to North 8th St. SECOND YEAR PROJECTS 0 S\.l ,re Ave. N, E NE• !or"St• to NE IZt°'S1-•. 124 Logan Ave. South, South 2nd St. to Airport Way THIRD YEAR PROJECTS • 13 )A Talbot Road South, South 16th St. to South 41st St. 14 Y3 SW 16th St. , Lind Ave. SW to Monster Road SW E (,4d.--3L. Lam, NE 12th 15 Lind Ave. SKI 8+Me- S 162 t11 �'° `�`'� G•r'ac J %"`l al) 1 R it 905 vvcr? 3d 5f". t" S 1 r:-`:" R E Yl o v� ��/G 50r FOURTH — SIXTH YEAR PROJECTS 17 ,5 South 7th 'St. , Rainier Ave. South to Smithers Ave. South 1$ 1,6 Valley Parkway SW, SW Grady Way to South 140th St. 1 piPrr#.io 1-1+ ",1. Pwk A-.- p3nx,t t1 19 Sunset Blvd. North, Bronson Way North to FAI 405 20 Valley Parkway SW, SW 41st St. to SW 16th St. 21 Valley Parkway SW, SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way 22 Lake Wash. Blvd. North, North Park Drive to North City Limits 23 SW 27th St. , Valley Parkway SW to West Valley Road 24 SE Puget Drive, Jones Place SE to Edmonds Ave. SE 25 Sunset Blvd. NE, FAI 405 to NE Park Drive 26 Taylor Ave. NW/Taylor Place NW, Renton Ave. Ext. to Stevens Ave. NW 27 NE 12th St. , Lynnwood Ave. NE to Union Ave. NE 28 Union Ave. NE, NE Sunset Blvd. to NE 24th St. 29 Edmonds Avenue Extension NoTict RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON c JUNE 28, 1982, AT 8: 00 P.m. RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBER` 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH For the purpose of considering a proposed SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM UP-DATE 1983-1988 GENERAL LOCATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: CONSIDER THE CITY'S STREET AND ARTERIAL SYSTEM WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS CONCERNING CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND GENERAL IMPROVEMENT, 'omplete legal description &further information available in the City Clerks Office - 235-25( ilsThe removal, mutilation, destruction Wa r n i n • or concealment of this notice demeanor punishable by fine and imprisonment. For.Use .By City Clerk's Office Only AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING SUBMITTING Public Works Dept. Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. Traffic Engineering Division For Agenda Of June 7 1582 (Meeting Date) Staff. Contact Dick Houghton/Gary Norris (Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: City of Renton Six-Year Trans- Consent yr' V portation Improvement Program Up-date Public Hearing Correspondence 1983 - 1988 Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr., Maps, Etc.)Attach:. . New Business Study Session A. List of Improvements for Six-Year Other T. I .P. 1983 Up-date B. C. Approval : Legal Dept. Yes No . N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Request :that, Finance Dept. Yes_ No. N/A_ June 28, 1982, be set as the date for the Other Clearance public hearing for review and adoption of . the 1983 - 1988 Up-dated Six-Year T. I .P. Refer to Transportation Committee. FISCAL IMPACT: V Expenditure Required $ Amount $ Appropriation $ Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional- pages if necessary.) . The Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 1983 - 19.88 review by the. Council Transportation Committee will be scheduled for June 9, 1982. PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: _ SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. For.Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING s SUBMITTING Public Works Dept. Dept./Div./Bd./Comm.Tr'affic: Engineering Division . For Agenda Of June 7. 1q82 (Meeting Date) Staff ContactDick Houghton/Gary Norris (Name) Agenda Status: / SUBJECT: City of Renton Six-Year Trans- Consent Public Hearing portat is n Improvement Program Up-date Correspondence 1983 - 1988 Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc.)Attach New Business Study Session A.List of Improvements for Six--Year Other T. I .P. 1983 Up-date B. C. • Approval : Legal Dept. Yes No N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Request that Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A_ June 23, 1982, be set as the date for the Other Clearance public hearing for, review and adoption of the 1963 - 1968 Up-dated Six-Year T. I .P. Refer to Transportation Committee. FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $ Amount $ Appropriation- Expenditure Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary. ) The Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 1983 - 1988 review by the Council Transportation Committee will be scheduled for June 9, 1982. PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: THIS COPY TO BE SUBMITTED ON TUESDAY AT DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING. SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1983 - 1988 CITY PRIORITY # ANNUAL ELEMENT PROJECTS 1 Grady Way Bridge Replacement 2 Renton Area Transportation Study 3 Miscellaneous Street Improvements 4 NE 4th St./NE 3rd St. from Union Ave. NE to Sunset Blvd. North 5 Wells Avenue Bridge Replacement 6 Sunset Blvd. North & North 3rd Intersection Improvements 7 Controller Modernization 8 Sunset Blvd. & Union Ave. NE 9 Garden Ave. North, North 4th St. to North 8th St. SECOND YEAR PROJECTS 10 SW Grady Way, Lind Ave. SW to Longacres Dr. SW 11 Logan Ave. South, South 2nd St. to Airport Way THIRD YEAR PROJECTS 12 Talbot Road South, South 16th St. to South 41st St. 13 SW 16th St. , Lind Ave. SW to Monster Road SW 14 Monroe Ave. NE, NE 6th St. to NE 12th St. FOURTH - SIXTH YEAR PROJECTS 15 South 7th St. , Rainier Ave. South to Smithers Ave. South 16 Valley Parkway SW, SW Grady Way to South 140th St. 17 North 1st St. , Park Ave. North to Burnett Ave. North 18 Lind Ave. SW, SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way 19 Sunset Blvd. North, Bronson Way North to FAI 405 20 Valley Parkway SW, SW 41st St. to SW 16th St. 21 Valley Parkway SW, SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way 22 Lake Wash. Blvd. North, North Park Drive to North City Limits 23 SW 27th St. , Valley Parkway SW to West Valley Road 24 SE Puget Drive, Jones Place SE to Edmonds Ave. SE 25 Sunset Blvd. NE, FAI 405 to NE Park Drive 26 Taylor Ave. NW/Taylor Place NW, Renton Ave. Ext. to Stevens Ave. NW 27 NE 12th St. , Lynnwood Ave. NE to Union Ave. NE 28 Union Ave. NE, NE Sunset Blvd. to NE 24th St. 29 Edmonds Avenue Extension 51A,1-2 • :5-X _ YEAR. TRAN5PORTAT1.ON IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM . 19, 83 TO 19 S$ Page 1 of 5 — OBLIGATION PROGRAM Hearing pate EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date • __Cit9/.County xeypu.nching Note: Data entered in cols I-8 must • ... Reaofution Number ...City No. 1 )0 36. be an all cards from--County No. 111°17 77-8 • this form, punchedPRO—J:ECT_COSTS.•-1N THOUiSANDB-.O'F 'UOLI.:AR5 ,0 r • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION .,, _ ,°Q4 OBLIGATION:_:SCH'EDULE _FUNDING SOURCE o • Mt ie Route Road LogNo., Section No., o -T6-tOI d L , ." �,o Work --_Y__.E_.. A FR FEDERAL . TOTAL Z • Location Termini, eecerption of Work �3 Cength \ •o o Code �- - '„ Ist Li) Beginning Milepost 4 Bridge No: o Niles) :21 ,b. I. z nd 3 rd . 4.15 V.A.B. ...LOCAL FUND 9 (Arment 4.6 th AMOUNT PROGRAM `'' k� a !� Element) — 1. .1Z- •_�3 =- 4 ... ... 5 8:7 8 .. -. 3 .__: :10 . . Ii: .. 12 •. . IS 14. 15 i6. . 17' .-9-.-- :.ss! 37 40 41 44 4s 40 47 48 -. . SI 5Z_.:_-: 55 SG - 59 60 65 44 --. .67 48. ... "11 7✓? 75 76 .79 80 B6 1. G,R,AIDIYI 1WIA,Y1 1B,RIIID,G,E1 • IRIEIPILIAICIEIMIEIN 4 Y//AIB IDIH ,01110 M U X -4' 000'10.410L0104_ •, , I • I I I 17 1010 10. III . •1 H 1 .1101010, i 1810IOIn Bridge Replacement (joint with Tukwila) Construction. L Bridge . Forward Repl. Thrust , 2. R E N T O N AREA TRANSPORT, S T U D Y 8 /-U U 6 0 6 0 6 0 Develop a multi-modal transportation plan for the city.. (Phase I) . 3 . M I StC1E1LLIA,N,EI.O ,U,S, ISTREET 1 II,M,P,R,O ,V 4 /D, 1 , , a , 111515 11 ,210 ,11310 121710 I I I I I I i I I 16t7i5 I • I 161715 Street Division overlays. See attached sheet with listings. • 4 . N,E1 141T,H1/131R1D, ,UINIILOIN, ,T101 ,S1U,NJS,EIT, 2 /cBL4FIG 104415 M U 1.31010 iii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 , i i 13101_0 , , 131010 Drainage, resurface, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and H 100% widen to 5 lanes. (2-way left turn centerlane) L.I.D. 5 . W1E,L1L1S, 1A1V,E, ,B ,R1I,D,G1E1 1R1E,PILIAIC,E1M1EIN 4AIB ,F,G X0,4 S U X 1, 01010 16,8, 0 , I I , 1 , 1131414' I I 1 I I I 1313 i6 I 111618, 0 H J L Bridge Replacement.- 6 . IMPROV4 BLVD N & N 3 R D I M P R•0 6 ' A B D F M. 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Signal improvements, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, H I - Local channelization, paving and signing. • • 7 . CONTROLLER . MODERNIZATION • 7 % U 1 0 9 1 0 9 1 0 9 Purchase of traffic signal controllers to replace Local obsolete equipment. (See attached list.) . 8 . SJU,N,SIE,T, ,B1LIV,D1 1& , ,U1N,I101N1 lA,VIE1 ,N1E , 6 illVAI1 , 1 1 M U 1 1410 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I , i III „ I , 1410 1 1 1 1410 ' New signal controller and add left turn phase. FASP 90% .0t5TRI BUTI ON 1 COPY PI5TR1CT STATE.AID ENGINEER - •00T 140-049 I COPY C.R.A.B.-(COUNTIE5 OI1LY) ,_ .. I5IA�1.z :81-X-- YEAR. TRAN6PORTATI.ON IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 8 3 . .TO . 19 $R , Page 2 of 5 - OBLIGATION PROGRAM — Hearing. Date EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date __City/.County i<eypu.nching Note: Doi* entered in cols 1-8 must " .. Reeolutian Number _ City.Nog. 1 0 7 0 (8-6. be an all cards punched from •• -County No. : 1 7 7-8 this Form. • o • v ' -PR-OJ_ECT_'CO5T5...1 N THOUSANDS OF 'DOLLARS • • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION _� a O"BL,CGATION _..5CH'EDUL FUNDING SOURCE ,z ill le,Route,Road LogNo., No., o Work Total d12 T Section Y E_._. {� • i,ocation Termini Deacri floe of Work �3 >ven th ,o — - FEDERAL - _ _T_O_. AL >` Code /".„,&): u - '„ 15t 2nd 3rd 4_15 U.A.B. LOCAL.. FUNDS u Beginning Milepost Bridge No . ''a ,� grinodl 4.6th AMOUNT PROGRAM a Element) . _._. 8 .. -.. a ._._: 10. _ . ii. 12 : 13 . _:... 14.. 15 16". 17': ._i _.E __3� 4 .. 5 6: 7 . .35 3d 37 40 4, 44 45"48 47"46 " ' St 52..1_-. 55 54 ' ' 59 60 63 64 '"- "67 ea . '71 72 75 76 79 AD es G,A,R,D,E,N, ,A,V,E, 1-, IN, ,4,T1H1 ,T101 LN, 181TIH 2RB1D,FIG , 1215 S U i31010,6 1 . , I . I , I . 1 I I $ I I I . I I I . '1 I t . 131010. 1 .I. 13101 9. H J Drainage, paving, curb, sidewalks, illumination and 75% channelization. LID S ,w, IG,R,A,D,YI ,L,IINIDI 1T,0,_ ,L,O,N, GIA1C`R,E,S, 2MB,D,F,G , 17, 0 S U 1 1 1 115,0/ 0 , I I , I I. 1 1 1 Al , 1 , 1 11519 ,0_ 1 11151010 • 10. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J L 100% channelization, P-1 BR. 56' roadway taper w/half to LID 44' 11• LIOtGtAIN1-,SI 12,NID1 ITl0I ,A,IIRIPIOIRJTI IwIA,YI 4 M A,D, , , 1215 I I I 1 1310 , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11310 I I 11310 Overlay 12. T,A,L,B4O,T, ,R,D, -,S, p1,6,TIH; IT,O, ,S, ,411,S,T, 2 /B1DIF,G 1118, 0 C U_ r t t I I , ,11010 II I I I I I I I _ i , I 11119L0 , , , 1, 010 Drainage, paving, shoulders, pre-level, channeliza H J tion (joint with King County) . 50% • County 13. s1w, 1116,T,H, •LII1NIDI ,A,VIE, ,TIO, IMIOINISIT,EIR 2f`B1D,F1G , 19,0 C U ill 11 , 2, 01010 1 1 1 III III I I I 2101010 I 121010, 0 . Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, .sidewalks, illum- H J L 100% • ination, channelization, bridge and 44' roadway. LID 14. - MIO,N,R,o1E, yA,V, E,-,NIEI 16,TIH, ,T,OI INIE, , 1,21T 2 /BID,FIG 1 43, 8 C U I I I III 115, 8, 0 , I i Ili ill - Ili 115,8 ,0 1 , 1, 5, 8, 0 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J 25% channelization, 36' roadway. LID 15. S, , 7,T, H, , R,AII,N,IIEIRI IT1O, ISIMIIITIH,E,RiS, I 2., A,B,D,F I ;5, 0 S U iii 1 1 1 III 121 210 L I I Ili 1 1 1 121210 1 1 , 212, 0 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, illum- • Devel ination, channelization, 44' roadway, Rainier to oper & ' Shattuck contingent on developer. • T,Tn IP, KIW,Y, ,G,R,AIDIY, I'T,OI , 11410LTIHI 1�1A1B,DIF , 110 0 M U „ .it t I 1 1 I 5, 510, 0 I I I •. I 1 . I 1 , 5 ,51010 1 15151010 ITZ- viAlL,LIE,Y1 Grady, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutter, GHIJ Devel- illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 _ oper landscaping, bridge, 56' roadway. _ _ Dl5TRl BUT I ON - I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID .ENGINEER DOT 140-049 I COPY r P.A.B_(CoUALTIE5 OALLY) 1gIA 1-2 .:. -X.-YEAR. TRANI6PORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 O 3 . ,TO . '19 8 8 Page 3 of '5 — OBLIGATION PROGRAM — Hearing Date EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date _:City/.County • _keypunching Note: Data entered in cols I-S mustResolution Nunn ber _ City No. 1 0 7 0 3_e be an all card`s punched from --county No. 1 7 7-8 this form.. C1 R PR OJ:ECT:COSTS•..1 N THOUSANDS- OF 'DOLLARS • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION �Y C i OBLIGATION T.5'CH'EDULE _FUN DING SOURCE z Title,Route, Road Log No., Section No., eo Work TOtal Y_. E_.A� FR I„ocation Termini Descri lion of Work �3 -t,ength A \ ;g — FEDERAL . TOTAL -� p .e' Code Niles) u 1st- 2nd' • 3rd 4,5 ' U.A.B. LOCAL. FUN'DS V Beginning Milepost 4 Bridge No. •o o `2 t (Annual 2 . : a rg Element) .6 th aM0UN1`PROGRAM t - - ._2 . -_j.:3 7 4 ... ... 5 9.7 8 .. 9 .__: AO . 11. .. 12 ':. 13 - 14.. 15 le. 17' . 35 3r337 40 4r 44 Oar 44047 4B •' ,. 51 52_=._ 55 SO " . 58 60 63/(14 -69 on ... "11 72 . 75 76 79 do es 17. N. ,1,S,TI 'SIT, IPIAIR,KI ,T10, "IBIU, RINIE1TITI ,A,V 3RB,D,FIG ,012L0 A"U , ., '1 • i • i I • ", , I • '131 1, 6q I I 1 • I 1 I • '1 I ► • 131116e 1 1 131116 Drainage, "paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalk, channel- H ization. . L,I,N,D, A,V,E, , S,W,1 '6,T,H, T,O , S,W, ,G4R,A,D1Y 2 B,D,F,G ,02,0 S U , , I , , , , , , 2, 40, 0 , 1 , 1 , , 1 , , 2 ,4 ,0 ,0 , ,24,0, 0 18' Drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, illumina- HIJL . Developer tion, signal, channelization, bike route, landscaping, " M 0 FAI-405 Bridge, 44' roadway. + SIUINISIEIT, IB,L,VID, IBLRIOINISIOINI ITIOI 12,4 ,0 ,5 2r%/,B ,D,F,G ,015,0 M u i I I I I I , i I 181410 , 1 i 11 1 I i I 181410 I " 1 ,814,0 19. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutters, 'signal, H I J 20% LID illumination, channelization, widen to 68 feet. • 20. V,AIL,L,E,Y, ,P,K,W,Y, IS,W,411,SIT, ,T,0, ,S,W,116,T 1 �A1B1D,F ,117, 0 M U 1 1 1 I " I , I I i 6, 01010 1 I 1 1 , 1 I , i 6,0 ,0 ,0 , ,6101010 Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, GHIJ illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 Developer landscaping, bridge. 21. V,A,LILIEIY, , P1K,W,Y1 1S,W,116,T,H, ,T,OI IG,R,A,DIY 1 A,B,D,G ,041,0 M U I I , 1 1 1 , 1 1 5101 0, 0 1 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 519LO LO I 15101010 Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, HIJL illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, M O 20% LID landscaping, bridge, 66' roadway. _ 22. L K WASH BLVD N PK TO CITY •L 2 / B D F G 3 0 3 S. U 4 8 0 0 4 8 0 0 4 8 0 0 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalks, gutter, illumin- " 25% LID • ation, channelization, bikeway. 23. S,W, ,217,TIH, IV,A,LIL, 1P1K,W,YI ITIOL 1W, ,V,A,LIL 1 , A,B,DIF , 04513 S U 1 , i III III 2, 51 010 ii I . I 1 1 III 215 ,010 112151010 Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalks, G"H I J Developer • illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 - • landscapirkg. 44' roadway. • _ rS1E, ,P,U,G,E, T, , D,R, ,J,O,NJE,S, ,T,O1 , E,D,M,O,NLD 2V BID�F1G , 047, 8 S U 1 ,ui , , , , , I • , 91 610 , , 1 I , , 1 191610 1 i 191610 24. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutter, illumin- ation, channelization, 44' roadway. . • 015TRt BUT ON I COPY PISTRICT STATE.AID ENGINEER• DOT 140-049 . rnov r•0 A.Cl /rn,11,171Fa nui vl " _�-X._ YEAR. TRAN8PORTATI.ON IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1983 ; .To 19 8 8 Page 4 Of 5 5IA 1.2• — OBLIGATION PROGRAM —— Hearing Date - EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date __City/.County _keypunching'Mote: Data entered in cols 1-8 must • . City.No. 1 0 7 (o 3.4 . be an all cards punched from - RC8OIU ian Number County No. . 1 7 7-8 this form. • e k P'R0+J`ECT:COSTS'_1N THOUSANDS' O'F 'DOLLARS • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION .per .°n OBLIGAT1ON._.:5CH'EDULE _FUNDING SOURCE z • 'Tit 1e,Route, Road Log No,, Section No., -9_4 Tota( d �- Y__E_._ A� F� �,o Work g 5 1r I„ocation/Termini,Deecripiion of Work, 03 .Code length \ o — FEDERAL . T._OTAL u Beginning Milepost 4 Bridge No. --3,-. (Miles) .� ,�(Annudl 2nd 3rd 4,5 U.A.B. 1.ACA1, FUNDS 4- a tg Element) G th AMOUNT PROGRAM - • Si 2.• ._j 3 7- 4 .. ... 5 8:7 8 . 9 ._-: '30 . . U. . 12 -13 - ' 14.. 15 . 16. .. 17`: ..._ . gut 37 40 41 44 45 4$47 48 ' '. 5? 52___._ 55 SO ' ' S9 Go 63 04 • 67 ii ,.. '7t 72 75 76 79 so e6 25. S ,U,N,S,E IT, ,B,LIVIDI ,I1410 ,5, ,T10, IPIAIRIK1 ID IR 2 RB ,DIFIG ,01910 S U 1 i .1 . • , -. , I . 1 I I •1181010. I l I 41, 1 I I 4'I I i el 1810 10. I 11 L81010 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutters, channel- H J ization, illumination and bikeway. 26. T ,A1YaL,OIR� ,NIW, IRIELNITIO,N, iT,0,. ISITIEIV,EINiS 2MB,D,F,G 101610 C U 1 ii I ii 1712,0 I I I A , 1 1 1 1 17 0 ,0 1 1 1712,0 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, ilium- H J ination, channelization. _ 25% LID 27. NIEI 1112,T,H1 ,LIYININ,W,OIO,DI IT,O, iUINIIIOINI 1 2mB ,D,F1G ,016 ,0 C U Iii I I I , I I 1101010 III III III 110 10 10 I 11 101010 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, ilium- H J ' 50% LID ination, channelization. 28. U,NIL,OIN1 IA,VI IN,EI JSIULNISIEITi IT10, ,N,E1214 ,T 2 MBIDIF,G 1017,0 S U r 1 1 ill III , 610, 0 III III Ill 1610. 10 1 1 161010 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, channel- H 50% LID ization. • 29. Connection ,AVE I IEXTENSION1 I 1 1 1 A1B ,D,F , 1 1 U 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 11 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 Connection from NE 3rd to Maple Valley Highway. GHIL • Alignment not determined at this time. K -I I I • Y • I I 1 I 1 1 I 1111111111 I L I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I ' 1 Y/l� , I I I i 1 I I 1 1 1 I III 1 I I III Ili III III 1 , 111 . i , , I I I I I I I I I I , I , I I , I I 1 I I I I t///. 1 1 1 , 4 I 1 I i III III III III l 1 , 1 1 1 l 1 IIIII r • • - .0t5TRt BUT I Of4 . I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER • , .DOTl 14Qo^ 9 • I COPY C,R.A.B.(COUl,L1IE5 OMLY) i5IAj,., .9-X._ YEAR. TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 R3 .TO 19 g • Page 5 of 5 - OBLIGATION PROGRAM - EXHIBIT "A" Hearing pate Adoption Date -:City/.County _ • ._Xeypunching.Note: Data entered in cols 1-8 must • ADDENDUM #1 - STATE HIGHWAY PROJECTS Resolution Number _. City NO. 1 0 7 0 ,32. be an all cards punched from I . ...County ND. 1 7 7-8 this form, • 0 R PRR O4-JeCT-COSTS'_1 N. THOUSAND5- OF 'DOLLARS R5 i • OBLCGATION.15CH'EDULPROJECT ID�NTIFICATfON _. -FUNDING SOURCEL71.1 le,Route,Road Lo No. Section No., "'� Tota( dv. • 9 � �o Work - � a Et ...----Y--E---A� R,.3 <wength . - FDEo Code (Mlles ugrid 3rd 4,5U.A.B. CAL'co c ` .6th AMOUNT PROGRAM 3 1, •--3_.- 4 . ... 5 8.7 8 - - 9 • _-: 30 . . it . 12 13 14 . 15. . 18. 17 ..15.3Q '. 37. 40 41 44 4S 46 47'48 "' : 5f 57-.."...._*, 5550 " 59 G0 63 G4 -.- .."6168. :'11 72 7576 78 AO 86 • F,A,I , ,410,5, ,N1 1CII1T1YI ,T101 IS, IC11 T1YI 1 1 2 Y// I , 1 614,4 M U " i •1 1 • , •. I loll I . I I_ I • I I I . I I I . •I I I • I I I • L Li 1 .1 State DOT Project - capacity improvements. HOV lanes. ��� S ,R, ,1, 6191 1Q,UIE,EINj ISIS, ,TIO, , 11419,TLH, IS,E 1Y//i- 11 , 1114, 4 M U ill III III I I ,. iii ill III ILI 1 , 1 1 I State Project - construct five lane roadway. SIR' 191010, IR,E1NI-T,OINI I1',01 IIISISIAIQ,UTA,H, I 2Y///, j , , 1',1,0,0 M ,U III iii ill ill III I I I ill III MI ' I I ' State Project - widen to four lanes with five lanes at intersections. yy////�� , 1 1 1 • i ' ' ' I I , 1_ I I I I I „ , J 1 I , , F'// 1 l � , I I 1 I I I I , III I I I I . 1 I I 1 , I I 1 l I , _ i , , I 1 I II ' ' ' I I 1 1 i I I I 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 ' 1 Yi/. , , I tit ill III III 1 1 'I III III I I I ILI I , 1 1 I J , I t I 1 1 1 1 „ 1 1 , _I , 1 „ 1 , 1 1 1 1 . n I , , 1 4 1 J I i III Iii I I l I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I D15TRtBUTION . 1 COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENott icER DOT 140-049 i rnpv r i7 A AR.mourtnEs mALLY) 1983 OVERLAYS 1/2 GAS TAX PROJECTS Williams Ave. South between South 4th Street & Grady Way $ 22,000.00 Aberdeen Ave. NE between Sunset Hwy. & NE 12th Street $ 17,000.00 NE 12th Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & Lincoln Place NE $ 22,000.00 Camas Ave. NE between NE 12th Street & Dead End $ 3,000.00 NE 16th Street, between Aberdeen Ave. NE & Edmonds Ave. NE $ 24,000.00 Kennewick Ave. NE between NE 16th Street & NE 14th Street $ 4,000.00 Lincoln Ave. NE between NE 16th Street & NE 14th Street $ 4,000.00 Monterey Ave. NE between NE 16th Street & NE 14th Street $ 4,000.00 NE 14th Street between Monterey Ave. NE & Jones Ave. NE $ 7,000.00 NE 20th Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & Jones Ave. NE $ 22,000.00 NE 24th Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & Jones Ave. NE $ 22,000.00 Dayton Ave. NE between NE 24th Street & Dead End $ 3,500.00 $154,500.00 1984 $120,000.00 ESTIMATE 1985 $130,000.00 ESTIMATE 1986 $130,000.00 ESTIMATE 1987 $140,000.00 ESTIMATE TRAFFIC CONTROLLER MODERNIZATION 1983 UPDATE Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 1983 to 1988 Itemized List for Item No. 8 Location Cost 1 . North 4th & Factory $ 10,000 2. North 4th & Garden 10,000 3. North 4th & Williams 10,000 4. North 4th & Logan 10,000 5. North 3rd & Williams 10,000 6. North 3rd & Garden 10,000 7. North 3rd & Factory 10,000 8. North 3rd & Sunset 17,000 9. North 6th & Park 12,000 10. Lake Washington, Park & Garden 10,000 TOTAL AMOUNT $109,000 • July 22, 1982 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (1983 - 1988) Copies sent to: (75) State Dept. of Transportation (w/Adj . Agency Cert.) City of Kent H City of Tukwila " King County " King County Planning (B'Young Ahn) City of Bellevue City of Seattle City of Issaquah Puget Power (2 copies) Pacific Northwest Bell Washington Natural Gas Group W Cable, Inc. Clearview Cable TV Burlington Northern Chamber of Commerce PSCOG ( 1 copy) (Dick Etherington) Mayor and Council Members (8 coplc.s_)_ _ City Clerk (25 copies + 2 copies THwy. Comm.) Engineering Design & Utility (5 Street Division (1 ) Water Shop (1 ) Public Works Director (1) Policy Development Dept. (1) Vince Lee (1) City Attorney (1 ) Traffic Engineering (Gary, Paul , Clint + 8) Building & Zoning Dept. (1) H• >+ el IM • H SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1983 — 1988 IX C4 o a, H a H Z• 4. o F ANNUAL ELEMENT PROJECTS U m 1 Grady Way Bridge Replacement -tiF� 2 Renton Area Transportation Study �,c ��_ 3 Miscellaneous Street Improvements - IV, ""� '� 4 NE 4th St./NE 3rd St. from Union Ave. NE to Sunset Blvd. North Wells Avenue Bridge Replacement . 6 Sunset Blvd. North & North 3rd Intersection Improvements 7 Controller Modernization 8 Sunset Blvd. & Union Ave. NE 9 Garden /Ave. North, North 4th St. to North 8th St. /D SECOND YEAR PROJECTS Oise l: - _ ..y Way, Lind Ave. SW to Longacres Dr. SW 1:1., Logan Ave. South, South 2nd St. to Airport Way THIRD YEAR PROJECTS 1"2, 13 Talbot Road South, South 16th St. to South 41st St. l.3 Ic( SW 16th St. , Lind Ave. SW to Monster Road SW - .--NE -1 th--S t. ( ________ FOURTH — SIXTH YEAR PRO TS 15 South 7th St. , Rainier Ave. South to Smithers. Ave. -youth 16,E Valley Parkway SW, SW- Grady Way to South 140th St. . SW, S^ - 19 Sunset Blvd. North, Bronson Way North to FAI 405 20 Valley Parkway SW, SW 41st St. to SW 16th St. 21 Valley Parkway SW, SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way 22 Lake wash. Blvd. North, North Park Drive to North City Limits 23 SW 27th St. , Valley Parkway SW to West Valley Road • 24 SE Puget Drive, Jones Place SE to Edmonds Ave. SE 25 Sunset Blvd. NE,' FAI 405 to NE Park Drive 26 Taylor Ave. NW/Taylor Place NW, Renton Ave. Ext. to Stevens Ave. NW 27 NE 12th St. , Lynnwood Ave. NE to Union Ave. NE 28 Union Ave. NE, NE Sunset Blvd. to NE 24th St. 29 Edmonds Avenue Extension Is11°► ,-z -X " YEAR. TRANOPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM . 19 83 . .T0 . .19 S S Page 1 of 5 — OBLIGATION PROGRAM -- • Hearing Date - EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Dote __City/County • .Xeypu.nching:Note: Data entered in cols I-8 must . Resolution Number _.City.No. 1 0 7 0 3-6. be en all cards punched from I • County Wo. 1 7 7-8 This form. I . 'DOLLARS . • PRO�,JECT IDENTIFICAT10,N ..0ci,c - 4+r O-LJGATION.T..SCH'EDULE ._FUN-DING SOURCE z • Tit Ie,Route,Road Log No., Section No., °o Work engt g t- 'b Y__i ._.A. R . I•,ocation/Termini Deacri tion of Work, �� .i,.ength •:} NI .._.._.....-__- FEDERAL . _ _TOTAL. ,�4. Code (Miles -.0 _� a 1st" '= 2nd • 3rd 4 i 5 U.A.B. 1..00Ai,.. FUND°� *u Beginning Mitepoat bridge No. - 0 o � ,c ., 'b (Annudl _ . . a icg dement) .6th AMOUNT'PROGRAM .1 1– ... . _.- -- 4 ... ... 5 9.7 8 91 .--: 10.._ . •.. . 11: .. tz ...13 . 14.. 15 18. .. 17` -9 ..__ . ..ss ea a?. 40 41 44 0S 4$.47`413 ' .° 51 5Z---- :'55 sa ' ' 59 60 • as 64 -- :..61 a8. ..:-11 12 75 76. 78 so as 1. GIR,AID,YI ,W,A,YI ,B,R,IIDIG,E, -1RIE,PILIA1CIEIM,EIN 4KA,BIDIH ,01110 M 'U X -401040.4,0,010. .1 , I • 1 t I ,7101010, I 1 I . 'I 1 1 .1101010. I 18I010104 Bridge Replacement (joint with Tukwila) Construction. L • Bridge Forward ��/ Repl. Thrust • 2 . R,E,N,T,0,N, ,A,R,E,A1 1T,R1AINLS1P10,R,T1 1S1T,U,DIY 8Y//U, t , , j , , U _ , 1610 1 1 1 III iii III Ail I t 1 t t,6,0 1 , , , 6, 0 Develop a multi-modal transportation plan for the city.. (Phase I) . 3 . M,IIS1C,EILILIA,NIEI01U[Si IS 1T,RIE IE IT, IIIM,P1RIO 1V 4 ,D1 , , , i , 111515 , 1 ,_210 ,11310 76.710 I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 61 71 5 I . 1 1617, 5 Street Division overlays. See attached sheet with listings. • 4 . N ,E, ,4,T,H,/,31R,D, ,U1N,I,01N, ,T,0, 1S,U,NIS,E1T, H2 WB1D4F1G ,0, 4,5 M U r31Ot0, L I 1 , 1 I , I I 1 , 1 1 I 11 1 _ I , I _ 1310L0 1 1 1310 0 Drainage, resurface, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and H • -100% widen to 5 lanes. (2-way left turn centerlane) L.I.D. W1E,LILIS1 IAIV,E1 ,B1RII,DIGIE, IRIE,PILIAIC,EIM,EIN 4MA,B1F,G . 1 £014 S U X 110, 010 16,810 , I I 1 , I 1131414 I I t I I 1 13 13 16 I 111618, 0 5 . H J L Bridge Replacement. I . 6 . S U N S E' T BLVD N & N 3RD I M P R•O 6 '/A B D F M U 1 0 0 . 1 0 0 1 0 0 Signal improvements, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, H I Local channelization, paving and signing. • . • 7 . C,0,N,T,R,0,L1LIE1R1 IM'10,DIE,R1NIIIZ,A1T11101N, , • 1 7M1 11 1 1 U 011019 1 1 1 1 1 '1 IllIII Ili I I 1 111019 11111019 Purchase of traffic signal controllers to replace . • Local obsolete equipment. (See attached list.) . 8 . SIU,N,S,E,T, 0B1LIV,D , ,&, ,UJN,I10,N, ,A,VIE1 IN1E1 6R.Ii i I , j t ,M U 1 14i0 i A 1 1 , , i I I 11 I I t I 1 I I 1 1410 1 1 1 1410 , New signal controller and add left. turn phase. FASP 90% / .0‘51R1 131.11'I ON - . I COPY DISTRICT STATE.AID .ENGINEER 40-049 I rnov r.0 A A irnifull re; RIILY1 • -X._-YEAR-.TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 g 3 . .TO -_.19 g R. Page 2 of 5 — OBLIGATION PROGRAM Hearing Date - EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date __-City/County Xeypu.nching•Note: Datn entered in cols I-8 must ... ResolufianNumber __Cit _.No. 11017 0 3=8 . , • be an all cards punched from County No. 17z-8 this -form, . a X S PR�UECT_`CO5T$.'-1N. 'THOUSANDS-.OF.'DOLLARS .i a r.. • PROJECT ,IDENTIFICATION ;Y 4 OBLiGATION�'SCCHEDULE . • ' ._FUN-DING SOURCE Z Title,Route,Road LogNo., Section No., - - ,�i Y_._E_._.A i� • Total -o Work g L :, — - FEDERAL . _ __ TATA L 1„ocation/Termini,Deecrl,piion of Work, • 03 Code Length • �, \ 1�t • £ -��- Miles 2 rid 3rd 4..,5 • Li:A.B. ..LOCAL.. FUNDS u Beginning Milepost + Bridge No, 00 c b (Annual . i? oc tg E,ement) 6th AMOUNT PROGRAM • i _.2.- 4 .. ... 5 '8,7 s 9r _. .11: .. t2 ..t3 - 14.. 15. vs t6 16. -;s e� 1?' 39!!Q 7. '40-4i 44 x+47 4e ar sZ- : .as sn ae ao q oa G1425. m�� 86 G,A,R,D,E,N1 ,A,VIEI ,-, IN, ,41T,H1 ,T101 1N, 181TIH 2'B,D,F,G , 12,5 S •U _• , 3i.0a0. , .. , I • , I I • I L I I I I • I. I _I • •I 1 I . 131010, I •1. 131010. • 9. H J Drainage, paving, curb, sidewalks, illumination and 75% channelization. LID S ,W, ,G,R,A,D,Y, ,L,I1N1D, ,T,01 ,L,O,N,GIA,CIR,E,S1 2S,D1F,G ,_47, 0 S U 1 , 1 115,010 , 1 I , 1 , 1 I I 1 ie 1 1 11519,0 1 11, 5,0,0 10. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, HJL 100% channelization, P-1 BR. 56' roadway taper w/half to LID 44' • , +11. LIOIGIAINI-,SI ,2,NiDI ,T10I 1A,II RI Pt 01RIT1 ,W1A,Y1 4Y//,A,DI , , A2,5 I I I 1 , 310 , I I I i . . I I I I i I . . 1 1 1310 i . 1 1 , 310 , Overlay 12. T,A1L,B4O,T, ,R,D, -,S, 1116,T1H, 1T,0, IS, ,411,S1T, 2 ,BJDIF,G• 111810 C U r II 1 1 1 111010 1 1 1 , 1 1 I I I 1 1 I 11,0,0 1 , 111010 Drainage, paving, shoulders, pre-level, channeliza- H J tion (joint with King County) . 50% County S1W, 1116,T1H, 1LII,N,D1 1A1VIE1 IT10, IMIOINISITIEIR 2KB1D,F,G . , 4910 C U i i i I I 1 2, 01010 1 1 , ill III Ill 2101010 1 12101010 13. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, illum- H J L • ination, channelization, bridge and 44' roadway. 100% LID 14. M,O,N,R, 0,E, ,A,V, E,-,N,E1 i61TIHI ,T,OI IN1E, 11,21T 2 /BIDIFIG 1 43, 8 ,C U ii :i 1 1 , 1, 51810, 1 II 1 1 I Iii til 115,8,0 , , 115, 810 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J 25% channelization, 36' roadway. • LID 15. sI 17,T1H1 1R1A121NIIIEIRI IT101 1SIM,IIT1H,E,R1S1 - 1 2W; A,B,D,F , 45LO S U . I` i I III III 121 210. L I I I l i 1 1 1 121210 1 , 12, 210 . Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, illum- Devel- ination, channelization, 44' roadway, Rainier to • oper & • Shattuck contingent on developer. T.Tn rVIA,T ,T , E YI , 1KIW Y, 1GiR,AID,Y, 1T,01 111410,T,H, 1�%j1.0.3 F , 140 0 M U l , i „ I I L , 1 5. 5i 010 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 5151010 1 15151010 , 16. Grady, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutter, GHIJ Devel- - illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 oper landscaping, bridge, 56' roadway. .. _ . .Dt5TRl BU71 O1V 1 COPY DIS-rRICT STATE.AID ENGINEER DOT 140-049 1 (yips, r P e_a_MOUAITIE8 nki Y) 51A 1.,E. :3-X,- YEAR. TRANOPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM .. . 19 83 . ..TO . 19.88 Page 3 of 5 • — OBLIGATION PROGRAM — Nearing Date . EXHIBIT "A" 'Adoption Date _.City/County .Xeypu.nching Note: Data entered in cols I-8 must .. ResolutianNumber _.City..NO. 1 0 7. 0 3-6.. be an all cards punched from I • County ND. 1 7 T-8 this form, I ' PRO-J:ECT_'C0575:.1 N. THOUSANDS-_OF 'ID 01:;1.-.44 RS • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION ' .ox id.n .A OBLIGATION":'-.5CH'EDULE . _FUNDING SOURCE ° Section No., Tota( d �- i 2 Title,Route, Road LOgNo. ° a !1S Y__E_._.Ai, (� length \ o - - FEDERAL. . ' _ ._ _?OTAL. >rocation/Tertnini7Deecripiion of Works 03 Code 9 ) +- - ,� 1�t == 2nd 3rd 4- 5 U.A.B. 1.A.CAL... FUNDS u Beginning Milepost 4 Bridge No. -,4** (Miles . ;� - ;b (Anioai ' ' a . dement) = 6th AMOUN7` PROGRAM -� - ---17 . :. 4 .. ... 5 e.7.8 .. 1 5 . .___: JO:. . 11: ._ 12 .... . •i3 ..: 14.. 15 . .. 16.. ._ . 17 '..._ _In 114 -. 37. 40 41 44 4548`47"4B •• ..' .161' S2_=_:_7::35 5G - 59 co • $3 G4 ' -- 07108 ..:'7112 75 Ts 78 AD es 17. N, ,l,S,T1 1S1T, 1P.1AIR1K1 ,T,01 ..,BIU,RIN{EITITI IAIV 31kB,D1FIG ,01210 A U i I , , I ♦ , i I • 131116 { l I I I 1 I ► t ♦ 131116• i 131116, • Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalk, channel- H ization. ��� L,I,N,D, ,ALV,E1 , S,W1116,T1H, ,T,0, ,SIWI ,GIR,A,D,Y 2 ►%/iB,D,F,G ,012,0 S U , , I 1 , I ill 2, 4, 010, I I I 1 1 , 1 , , 214L0 ,0 1 ,2,410,0_ 18. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, illumina- H I J LDeveloper tion, signal, channelization, bike route, landscaping, • M 0 • FAI-405 Bridge, 44' roadway. SIUINIS,EIT, 1B,LIVIb, ,BIRIO,N,S1O,N, 1TIO1 'I14,015 2I B ,D,FIG ,015,0 M U III III , I I 1 81.410 I I I I t I I I I 181410 I • I 181410 19. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutters, signal, H I J 20% LID illumination, channelization, widen to 68 feet. 20. V,A,L,L,E,Y1 1P,K,W,Y, ISIWL411,SIT, ,T,0, ,SiW,1,61T 10AIBIDIF 1117, 0 M U 1• 1 1 I I , i I 1 6, 01010 , , 1 I , 1 1 , { 6lo-,0 ,o , ,610,010 Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, GHIJ illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 Developer landscaping, bridge.. . 21. VIA,LILIEIYI ,P1KIW,Y1 1S1W,116,TIH, 1TIOI IGIR,AIDIY 1MA1B ,D,G ,04110 M U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I . 5, 010, 0 1 1 1 11 t I I I 5 ,01010 I 15{01010 Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, HIJL illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, M 0 20% LI • D landscaping, bridge, 66' roadway. 22. L,K, ,W,A,S,H, ,BL-,VD1 INI 1P1K1 TO CITY,C1I1T,Y, .L 2B,D,FIG , 3 0, 3 S U 1 , , , , , 1 , 4 8 010 1 , I , 1 , I 418 ,0 ,0 ,418,010 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalks, gutter, illumin- 25% LID ation, channelization, bikeway. 23. S,W, ,2, 7,T,H, IV,A,L,L, 1PIKIWIY1 IT101 IW, ,ViAILIL l ALB,DIF, , 045, 3 S U ill III 11 1 2, 51 010 1 I i . 1 1 i 1 1 , 2 15 1010 , ,2,51010 . Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter; sidewalks, GHIJ Developer illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 landscaping, 44' roadway. SSE, ,P, U,GIE, T, , D,R, ,J,O,NIE,S , ,T,0, ,E,D,M,O,N,D 2MBJD,F1G_ , 01718 SU � , i 1 1 1 , I 1 191 610 I II III „ I ,91610 1 , 191610 . 24. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutter, illumin- • ation, channelization, 44' roadway. .Ot5TRLBUT!O 4 v J I COPY. P18TRICT STATE.A1.13 ENGINEER DOT 140_049 I COPY r1.12.A.B.(COUI+I_TIES O1+lLY) • -X.-YEAR. TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 83 . .TO . 19 R 8 Page 4 of 5 SIA — OBLIGATION PROGRAM -- Hearing pate EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date -:City/County -Keypunching:Nota: Data entered in cols I-S must Reaolutio-n Number ..City.No. 1 0 710 3-4. • be an all cards punched from 1, • ...County No. . 1 7 7-8 this -form. . II •• k PR-OJ:ELT_CO5TS.'.lN.-THOUSANDS- OF'DOLLAR5 • G ds' • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION A 2 -4 OBLIGATION '":SCH'EDULir FUNDING SOURCE 0 0� Totaf d z Title,Route,Road lrog No., Section No., �o Work g a �� --.-.-----:Y-._E-_-A R Location/Termini Deacri Pion of Work 1 � Length. ;o FEDIrRAL . L :IOTA L. P > o Code +- = �„ 1st znet 3rd 4. 5 . . . U.A.B. LOCAL FUND5 • u Beginning Milepost 4 Bridge No. . -�o (Miles). • (�n��� .-... + iF oc rg dement) .6 th AMOUNT PROGRAM 4 - 2_.- _:::3-- .4 ... ... 5 8:7 8 ..-... 3 :. .__: 0.... . . . 11: 12 13 16. 1 T: - �••� 14". . 15 �J --- ..35 94 87. 40 41 44 45-42047-48 .: IR 522=__ 55 EQ " • E8 GO - '63 04 .. 67 06. ..:'71 72 75 76 79 AD 115 25. S ,UINISIEITI IBILIVIDI ,114 ,0,5, .-,T10, IPIAIRLKI ID1R 2 KB,DIFIG ,019,0 S •U 1 .6 • • 1 •.1 1 • l k l 11181010, 1 1 I , I 1 1 • '1 ' I 1 •1 1810 10, I •11 18 10 101 Drainage, 'paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutters, channel- H J ization, illumination and bikeway. 26. TIAIY,L,O,R, ,N,W, ,RIE,NIT10,NI 1T,O, ISITIE,V,E,NIS 2 B,D,F1G 1016,0 C U „ I I I 1 I I I 1712,0 1 , I I , 1 1 1 ,7 ,2 ,0 1 1 171.210 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, illum- H J ination, channelization. • 25% LID +27. NE I ,1,2,T,H, ,L,YI.N,N,WIOIO,D, ,T,O, 1U1N,I,O,N, , 2 j/BIDIFIG ,0L6,0 C U I I I 1 , 1 I I I 1101010 I I I 11 1 , 1 1 11010 10 I . 110010 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, ilium- H J • • 50% LID ination, channelization. 1���• • 28. ,I.U,NO,N, IAIV, IN,E, ISIUINIS,EITI ,T,OI ' ,NAE,214 ,T 2 vl/,B 1D4FIG ,017,0 S U III I I 1 " 1 I 161 0,0 i , I I 1 1 I , 1 i6 ,0 E0 1 , 161010 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, channel- H ization. 50% LID E DMO NDS AVE E X TENS I O N 1 ,A B D F • U 29. Connection from NE 3rd to Maple Valley Highway. GHIL • Alignment not determined at this time. K - • • r • 1 , . I , 1 I , I , 1 1 1 , , , , I 1 , I I I I , E 1 , i 14 I. 1 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 11 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 . ( 1 1 1 1 • .D15TRIBUT1OI4 . 1 COPY DISTRICT STATE.AID ENGINEER •DOT 140-049 1 r.APY r R O.R.(Ca11A171E8 AA1LY) 151Al.l-r :5_X --YEAR. TRAI'IOPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM . . 19 R3. .TO .1922 Page 5 of-5 OBLIGATION PROGRAM — EXHIBIT "A" Nearing Date Adoption Date __City/.County .J<eypunching.Note: Data entered in cols I-S must ADDENDUM #1 - STATE HIGHWAY PROJECTS _Resolution Number _ City.No. 1 0 7 to 3-e_. • be an all cards punched from I • ...County No. . 1 7 7-8 This Form. PR-70 N. THOUSANDS-.OF 'DOLLARS • c r • • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION by �' .°n OBL{GATION 1SCH'EDULE . - _FUN-D1NG SOURCE z - 'Cit Ie,Route,Road L:og No., Section No., 2 c` Work Tota( Ily __ Y__� en th � > FEDERAL. _T_aTAL Location/Terr�nini,Deacripfion of Work, �4 Code .0 !; S 5t 2nd 3 rd 41 5 . U.A.B. .:LOCAL.. FUNDS . E Beginning Milepoot 4 Bridge No. . a e _Niles)jl . s - (Arinuai Hl , -, t ix 0 -Element) 6th AMOUNT' PROGRAM . _1, .:.2-- - --5---'7 4 .. ... 5 8:7_8 .. -.. 9 : .__ LO. _..r11: 12 •:. . 13 - 14.. 15 18. 17` g ..._ ..15 541 . 97. •40 41 44 45 __-..4$47"4B •• :.• si S2 .. 55 S6 E9 Go C3 04 --- :.- i ea. ...: 'it -22 .75 76 78 eo 86 F ,A,I1 1410151 IN1 ICIIITIYI IT,01 ISI ICIILTIYI I I 2 Y// 1 1 1 ,6014 M U i I 11 s [• 1 1 • , I I • { 1 I • I l 1 • I I I • 'I ' 1 1 , 1 1 . 1 .• I •►• 1 1 1 State DOT Project - capacity improvements. • HOV lanes. • S'R 1 6 9 • U E E N SE, TO 149TH S E 1 ' - 1 4 4 M U . • State Project - construct five lane roadway. SIR' 19,010, IR,E1NITIOINI ITI0, -IISISIA141UTAIHI 1 2 j, I „ 1,1A0,0 M U III L I I I I I 1 I I III III III ill I I I l l State Project - widen to four lanes with five lanes • ' at intersections. ��• . III 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 l 1 1 i 1 1 I • C/!/ l' l 1 1 j I III III ill ill III 1 1 I ill I 1_ t 1 1 1 1 1 • I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 l I I I I I I• I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 t I 11111 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 , _l , 1 1 1 1 , I 1 I 1 I / lit 1 i j , 4 I 1 I 1 III III 1 1 I Iii III 1 I 1 1 I t 11111 • .0%51Rt BU-r I ON • - I COPY PI5TRICT STATE.AID .ENOM CER DOT 140-049 . ,•n.I.v •'.I> A e '1 I 11'1CA nw NA 1983 OVERLAYS 1/U GAS TAX PROJECTS Williams Ave. South between South 4th Street & Grady Way $ 22,000.00 Aberdeen Ave. NE between Sunset Hwy. & NE 12th Street $ 17,000.00 NE 12th Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & Lincoln Place NE $ 22,000.00 Camas Ave. NE between NE 12th Street & Dead End $ 3,000.00 NE 16th Street between Aberdeen Ave. NE & Edmonds Ave. NE $ 24,000.00 Kennewick Ave. NE between NE 16th Street S NE 14th Street $ 4,000.00 Lincoln Ave. NE between NE 16th Street & NE 14th Street $ 4,000.00 Monterey Ave. NE between NE 16th Street & NE 14th Street $ 4,000.00 NE 14th Street between Monterey Ave. NE & Jones Ave. NE $ 7,000.00 NE 20th Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & Jones Ave. NE $ 22,000.00 NE 24th Street between Edmonds Ave. NE & Jones Ave. NE $ 22,000.00 Dayton Ave. NE between NE 24th Street & Dead End $ 3,500.00 $154,500.00 1984 $120,000.00 ESTIMATE 1985 $130,000.00 ESTIMATE 1986 $130,000.00 ESTIMATE 1987 $140,000.00 ESTIMATE TRAFFIC CONTROLLER MODERNIZATION 1983 UPDATE Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 1983 to 1988 Itemized List for Item No. 8 Location Cost 1 . North 4th & Factory $ 10,000 2. North 4th & Garden 10,000 3. North 4th & Williams 10,000 4. North 4th & Logan 10,000 5. North 3rd & Williams 10,000 6. North 3rd & Garden 10,000 7. North 3rd & Factory 10,000 8. North 3rd & Sunset 17,000 9. North 6th & Park 12,000 10,. Lake Washington, Park & Garden 10,000 TOTAL AMOUNT $109,000