HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979 Correspondence : 4; Lerd,e4rTiiia. Renton City Council 7/21/8a Page 3 CONSENT AGENDA - Continued Traffic Light Letter from the Community Bank, Highlands Office, 3005 NE Sunset Requested Blvd, requested a traffic light be installed at the intersection of Sunset Blvd. and NE Sunset Blvd and Kirkland Ave. NE. The letter explained the Kirkland Ave. NE pedestrian traffic and noted that if the City does not feel a traffic light is feasible, then suggested a caution light and reduction of speed limit from 35 mph to 20 mph and more frequent Police Department monitoring. Refer to the Transportation Committee. Claims for The following Claims for Damages were filed with the City Clerk's Damages. Office: Claim filed by Washington Natural Gas claiming the City equipment dug up gas line; amount $41 . 16. Second claim filed by Washington Natural Gas also claiming dug up gas line; $59. 16. Claim was filed by Downey Cunningham, Jr. , 16532 117th SE, claim- ing broken windshield when nail from City worker flew up. Refer Claims to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Bid Opening City Clerk Mead reported 7/16/80 bid opening for Burnett Ave. S Asphalt Paving and the 1980 Overlay Project. Four bids received. See tabulation attached. Refer to the Public Works Department and Transportation Committee. City Fire Dept. Letter from the Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval of Rezone 046-80 City of Renton Fire Department Rezone R-046-80, from G to P-1 (Public Use) for property located on the east side of Benson Rd. and north of S 172nd St. A temporary permit also was approved concurrently with the rezone to allow construction of the new South End Fire Station. Refer to the Ways and Means Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND SHANE, APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS Approved PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Deferred Letter from the Mayor's Administrative Assistant Michael Parness Compensation requested authorization of payroll deductions for a Deferred Plan Compensation Plan, The letter explained that by approving the payroll deduction, all City employees will be permitted, on a voluntary basis, to authorize a portion of their salary to be withheld and invested for payment at a later date; presumably upon retirement and serving as a tax shelter as neither the amount withheld nor the earnings on the investments are subject to current Federal, Income Tax. The letter stated the plan will be offered as a "free" benefit to all employees and administered with no cost to the City. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND TRIMM, ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATION AND AUTHORIZE PAYROLL DEDUCTION. Upon inquiry, Parness noted the Administration was working with Consultant, Patrick Lemon of Frank B. Hall Consulting Company, and that upon authorization for the payroll deduction, a choice wouldbe made regarding the plan. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Shane presented committee report Committee which recommended concurring with Public Works Dept. recommendation Repainting for acceptance of the low bid of B-G Paint Co. , Inc. , Puyallup, Rolling Hills Water. Project W-524 Repainting of the Rolling Hills Reservoir Reservoir in the amount of $9,500, plus $503.50. The report recommended the Contract Award Mayor and City Clerkbe authorized to sign the contract. MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND STREDICKE, ACCEPT THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND AWARD CONTRACT AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. • Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee Committee report regarding the Six-Year Street Plan Revision as requested Revision of by Boeing. The report explained presentations by Boeing re Six-Year Street traffic volume on Lake Washington Blvd and intersection problems Plan - at Garden and Park N and concerns of added traffic to Gene Coulon Area of Boeing Memorial Beach Park. The committee recommended that the City meet with Boeing and make recommendations for improvements at three Park Ave. intersections as well as the Lake Washington access to the park. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 1 Renton City Council 7/21/80 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued =Transportation Committee - Continued Stop Sign The committee report noted meeting with Engineering Department Kirkland Ave NE and petitioners regarding request for removal of stop sign at Near Jefferson Kirkland Ave. NE in the vicinity of Jefferson and 5th P1 . NE and 5th P1 NE and recommended: That the Administration remove the stop sign for southbound traffic on Kirkland Ave. NE and make whatever improvements are needed at the intersection to provide safety controls, such as button dividers between traffic lanes, "yield" signs, etc. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Proposed High Ave. Transportation Committee Chairman Stredicke reported that the Street Vacation proposed street vacation VAC-5-80 of a portion of High Ave. NE VAC-5-80 petitioned by John and Ruth Jane, was determined by Public Works Denied that the street was constructed by the State as a frontage road and never turned over to the City. Therefore, the Board of Public Works recommended this matter be deferred until such time as the City would be in a position to consider the vacation request and that the vacation fee be refunded to the Janes as the City did not have jurisdiction. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, THE HIGH AVE. NE VACATION PETITION BE DENIED OR WITHDRAWN PER PETITIONER'S REQUEST AND FEES BE REFUNDED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means . The Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Hughes presented Committee report recommending second and final readings of the following Ordinance #3449 ordinances: LID #318 Ordering An ordinance was read ordering construction of street improvements Construction for North 30th from Park Ave. N to FAI-405, including curbs, gutters, sidewalks and underground utilities and illumination; and establishing LID #318. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND TRIMM, ACCEPT THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND ADOPT THE ORDINANCE. ROLL CALL: Council- man Shane left the Chambers and was not present during the Roll Call . 5-AYES: TRIMM, REED, STREDICKE, ROCKHILL AND HUGHES. MOTION CARRIED. Hearing Examiner The Hearing Examiner ordinance was presented for second and final Ordinance reading. Councilman Stredicke inquired re Item 7, waivers and exceptions. Following reading of the ordinance revising Chapter 30 of Title IV, Building Regulations of the City Code, it was MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND TRIMM, accept the committee report and adopt the ordinance as read. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE,. DEFER ACTION ON ORDINANCE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ordinance #3450 An ordinance was read creating a Special Fund known as "Cable Cable Communications Development Fund #127" for the purpose of promotion Communications and development of cable communications and access channels includ- Development Fund ing government, education, and public. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND ADOPT THE ORDINANCE. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3451 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of Appropriation funds in amount of $2,000 from Current Fund Excess Revenue (Franchise & Transfer Funds Fees) to Current Fund, transfer to Cable Communications Development Fund. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND ROCKHILL CONCUR IN REPORT AND ADOPT THE ORDINANCE. RLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3452 An ordinance was read amending portion of Chapter 1 , Title X Traffic Traffic of the City Code relating to adoption of traffic ordinances by reference and establishing penalties therefor, bring the City into conformance with State. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN THE REPORT AND ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading The Ways and Means Committee recommended first reading of an ordinance vacating a portion of NW 7th St. VAC-3-80, as petitioned by Dickson. Following reading, MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND SHANE, REFER BACK TO THE COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. COUNCIL TRANSPORTATION. COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT JULY 21 , ''1980 1 . SIX-YEAR STREET PLAN REVISION .(REQUESTED 'BY. BOEING) The Committee heard presentations by Boeing regarding traffic volume on Lake Washington Boulevard and intersection problems at Garden and Park North. Concern was also expressed about added traffic created by the improvement to Gene 'Coulon' Memorial . Beach Park. _ 'As per the agreement reached •during the.meetings,. the Committee recommends : That the City meet with Boeingand make recommendations for improvements at three Park Avenue intersections in thatvicinity as well as the Lake Washington access to Gene Coulon. Memorial Beach Park. II . PETITION FOR REMOVAL OF STOP SIGN ON. KIRKLAND AVENUE N.E. (VICINITY JEFFERSON & 5TH•.PLACE N.E.) The Committee has met with the Engineering Department and with petitioners andmakes the following recommendation: That the Administration' take the necessary steps to remove the stop sign for southbound traffic on Kirkland Avenue N.E. and make whatever improvements are needed to provide safety controls at the intersection, which may include button dividers between traffic lanes , "yield" signs, etc. Richard Stredicke, Chairman Ra dy RIF ill , Vice-Chairman Charles Shane, Member CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO . 2197 WHEREAS the City of Renton has heretofore adopted an "Arterial Six-Year Street Construction Program" , pursuant _ to Chapter 7 , Extraordinary Session Laws of 1961 of the State of Washington, and Chapter 195 of the 1961 Session Laws of the State of Washington, and as same has heretofore been amended from time to time, and such plan and program having heretofore been duly amended and modified from to time e authori:ei by lana, and i; = JAS th Cit: : Council , after recommendation of its Public I:.-- arLm,-..nt, caused to be held a public hearing thereon on June 19 , 1973 , after notice to the public as provided by law; for the purpose of considering the adoption, modification and amendments of said plan and program, and WHEREAS at such public hearing held On June 19 , 1978 , due consideration was given to the proposed changes and amendments for the purpose of updating such plan and program, NOW THEREFORE • THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The City' s Six-Year Arterial Construction Program" and the City' s "Arterial Street Plan" are hereby further amended and modified, all as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibits , entitled "Exhibit "A" , "Exhibit B" , and"Exhibit C" , and . same being incorporated herein as if fully set forth . SECTION II: The aforestated plan and program, as evidenced ' by said Exhibits shall be and constitute the City' s "Six-Year ' Construction Program" and the City' s "Arterial Street Plan and same to remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended ,arid modified as provided by law. 1CT.ION Hi : The Director of Public Works and the City C] erk gree hereby authorized and directed to file this Resolution -1- ,••• together with Exhibits , with the Director or Highways icr the State of Washington, and as otherwif;0 provi_ded Ly Jaw. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 10thduy of July , 1T78 . ciatOttt Delores A . Wad , -: Ity Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 10thday of July , 1978, .6, ' Charles . Dclaurenti , Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren , City Attorney SIX-YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM (1979 - -1984) MAJOR (PRINCIPAL) ARTERIALS "1- S.W. 43rd Street, from E. Valley Rd. to W. Valley Rd. . Sunset Blvd. N. , from Bronson Way N. to F.A. I. 405 Longacres Pkwy. S.W. , from S.W. 43rd St. to S.W. 16th St. `•, 4 Longacres Pkwy. S.W. , from S.W. 16th St. to S.W. Grady Way U� w,7 Longacres Pkwy. S.W. , from S.W. Grady Way to S. 140th St. 4. Longacres Pkwy. S.W. from S. 140th St. to S.W. Sunset Blvd. 7. SR-515 (relocated Benson Rd. ) from S. Puget Dr. to S. 31st. St. SECONDARY (MINOR) ARTERIALS 1 . Misc. Street Repairs and Improvements • 2. Lind Ave. S.W. , from S.W. 16th. St. to S.W. 43rd St. 3. Shattuck Ave. S. , from S. 4th P1 . to S. 7th St. 4. Shattuck Ave. S. , from S. 7th St. to S. Grady Way S. Puget Dr. & Benson Rd. S. , Intersection Improvements 6iPS.W. 27th St. , from E7,_ Valley Rd. to Longacres Pkwy. S.W. 7.o?S.W. 27th St. from Longacres Pkwy. S.W. to W. Valley Rd. F.8 Wells Ave. Bridge .-. - • - . % S.W. Grady Way, from Lind .Ave. S.W. to W. Valley Rd. S. Puget Dr. & Puget Dr. S.E. ,_ from Benson. Rd. S. to Edmonds Ave. S.E. 11 . Lake Wash. Blvd. N. , from N: Park Dr. to N. 44th St. 1'& Union Ave. N.E. , from N.E. Sunset Blvd. to N.E. 24th St. 13. arden Ave. N. , from N. 4th St. to N. 8th St. N▪ . 30th St.., from Burnett Ave. N. to F.A. I. 405 15. Lind Ave. S.W. , from S.W. 16th St. to S.W. Grady Way )5,. Sunset Blvd. N.E. , from F.A. I. 405 to N.E. Park Dr. ▪ Benson Rd. S. , from S. Grady Way to S.E. 31st. St. 18. S. 7th St. , from Rainier Ave. S. to Smithers Ave. S. COLLECTOR 'ARTERIALS 1 . Misc. Street Repairs & Improvements Talbot Rd. S. , from S. 16th, St. to S. 43rd St. 3. S.W. 16th St. , from E. Valley Rd. to Monster Rd. S.W. 4. E. Valley Rd. , from S.W. 16th St. to SR 167 Ramps 5. .E. 12th St. , from Edmonds Ave. N.E. to Union Ave. N.E. . ,,,,,, Taylor 'Ave. N.W. & Taylor P1 . N.E. , from Renton 'Ave. Ext. to Stevens Ave. N.W. 7. Monroe Ave. N.E. , from N.E. 2nd St. to N.E. 12th St. 8. Burnett Ave. N. , from Lk. Wash. Blvd. (S. Term. ) to Lk. Wash. Blvd. (N. Term. ) 9. Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , from Sunset Blvd. N.E. to N.E. 27th St. 10. Park Ave. N. & N. 40th St. , from N. 30th St. to Lk. Wash. Blvd. N. SPOT IMPROVEMENTS . 1 N.E. 4th St. & Union Ave. N.E. , Intersection Improvements Monster Rd. S.W. , alternate access rd. 3. Monster Rd. S.W. Bridge 4.. S.W. Sunset Blvd. , S.W. Langston Rd. & Hardie Ave.. S.W. 5. N. 3rd St. LOCAL ACCESS STREETS 1 . Misc. Street Repairs & Improvements 2. N. 1st St. , from Park Ave. N. to Burnett Ave. N. 3. Renton Ave. S. , from S. 3rd St. to S. 10th St. 0 Illi i CITY OF RENTON PAGE OF .8 SIX-YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM MAJOR (PRINCIPAL) ARTERIALS (1979 - 1984) "EXHIBIT A" TOTAL FED/STATE LO AL NAME (TERMINI) YEAR COST $ TYPE TYPE L.I.D. 1 . SW 43rd Street - E Valley Rd. to W Valley Rd. (joint project with City of Kent Drainage Grading, drainage, paving curbs, sidewalk, illumination, bike route, landscaping, 1979 4,100,000 2,900,000 U.A.B. 1,026,250 Forward bridge, widen to 56' (with L. I .D. and P-1 drainage) Thrust 2. Sunset Blvd. North - Bronson Way North to F.A. I . 405 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, signal , illumination, channelization, widen 1980 588,600 468,290 F.A.M. .120,310 to 68' 3. Longacres Parkway SW - SW 43rd Street to SW 16th Street (Phase I) Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, signalbikeroute, 1979 4,472,739 3,558,511 F.A.M. 914,228 channelization, landscaping, bridge, 56' roadway (with L. I.D.) 4. .Longacres Parkway SW - SW 16th Street to SW Grady Way (Phase II) Grading, drainage,, paving, curbs, sidewalks, illumination, signal, bike route, 1982 4,000,000 3,182,240 F.A.M. 817,760 channelization, landscaping, bridge, 66' roadway (with L. I .D.) 5. Longacres Parkway SW - SW Grady Way to South 140th Street (Phase III) (North city limit). Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, signal , bike route, 1984 4,700,000 3,739,320 F.A.M. - 960,680 channelization, landscaping, bridge, 56' roadway 6. Longacres Parkway SW - 5 .140th St: to SW Sunset Blvd. (Phase IV) (King County B project) y Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, 1984 King County landscaping, 56' roadway 7. SR 515 (Relocated Benson Rd.) - S Puget Dr. to S 31st St. (South city limit) State .D.O.T. Project - construct new roadway 1979 110,000 110,000 City participation: sidewalk, curbs, signalization, illumination, channelization CITY OF RENTON SIX=YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM PAGE ? OF 8 SECONDARY (MINOR) ARTERIALS (1979 - 1984) 'EXHIBIT A" TOTAL FED/STATE LO AL NAME (TERMINI) YEAR COST $. TYPE TYPE I . Misc. street repairs and improvements 1979 4,900 4,900 To be identified on prospectus and in Street Division 5-Year Plan 2. Lind Ave. SW - SW 16th Street to SW 43rd Street Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, signal , bike route, channelization, 1979 2,500,000 2,500,000 landscaping, bridge, 44' roadway (L. I .D. project) ; i.( 4'- \., 3. Shattuck Ave. South - South 4th, Place oto South 7th Street ,..,,� t Grading., drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization;• '-4330 1979 1,400,000 1,113,840F.A.M. 286,160 44' roadway 4. . Shattuck Ave. South - South 7th Street to South Grady Way State D.O.T. project - Park 6 Ride Lot - construct new roadway . 1979 120,000 95,472 . F.A.M. 24,528 City participation.: grading, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, signalization, channelization, 44' roadway 5. South. Puget Drive 6- Benson Road South - intersection improvements - Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, signalization, channelization 1979 200,000 100,000 F.A.M. 100,000 6. SW 27th Street - E Valley Rd. to Longacres Parkway SW Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk,. illumination, signal , bike route, 1979 1,973,597 1,570,193 F.A.M. 403,404 channelization, landscaping, bridge, 44' roadway (Phase I with L. I .D.) 7. SW 27th Street - Longacres Parkway SW to West Valley Road - Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, signal , bike route, 1980 1,812,000 1,441,627 F.A.M. 370,373 channelization, landscaping, 44' roadway (Phase II with L. I .D.) 8. Wells Ave. Bridge -S - S Riverside Dr. to N 6th St. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, landscaping, 1981 1,420,000 bridg4' roadway . CITY OF RENTONPAGE 3 OF 8 SIX-YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM SECONDARY (MINOR) ARTERIALS (1979 - 1984) "EXHIBIT A' TOTAL FED/STATE LO AL NAME (TERMINI) YEAR COST $ TYPE TYPE 9. SW Grady Way - Lind Ave. SW to West Valley Road Fed. Bridge Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, bridge, 44' 1980 4,000,000 Replacement roadway (joint project with Tukwila) ' 10. S Puget Dr. b SE Puget Dr. - Benson Rd. S to Edmonds Ave. SE 1981. 355,000 282,438 F.A.M. 72,562 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, 44' roadway `'�',Y,----C‹ `( 11982 1,300,000 1,034,280 F.A.M. 265,720 11 . Lake Washington Blvd. North - N Park Dr. to NE 51st St. (North c ty limit) _ 1983 2,000,000 1,591,200 F.A.M. 408,800 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, ro Total 3,300,000, 2,625,480 _ F.A.M. . 674,520 12. Union Ave. NE - NE Sunset Blvd. to NE 24th St. (North city limit) 1982 380,000 302,328 F.A.M. . 77,672 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, channelization,J4' r� ray 13. Garden Ave. North - N .4th St. to N 8th St. - 1981 200,000 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, channelization, 4.4' roadway 14. North 30th Street - Burnett Ave. North to F.A. I . 405 /jktq?I 1983 160,000 127,296- F.A.M. 32,704 Drainage, paving, curbs, gdewalk, channelization, 44' roadway . 15. Lind Ave. SW - SW 16th Street to SW Grady Way V Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, signal , channelization, bike 1983 750,000 596,700 F.A.M. 153,300 route, landscaping, bridge, 44' roadway 16. " Sunset Blvd. NE - F.A. I . 405 to NE Park Drive 1984 . 1,046,000 832,197 F.A.M. 213,803 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, channelization a 17. Benson Road South - S Grady Way to SE 31st St. (South city limit) 1984 1,800,000 1,432,080 F.A.M. 367,920 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, channelization, bridge, 44 ' roadway - CITY OF RENTON PAGE 4 OF 8 SIX-YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM SECONDARY (MINOR) ARTERIALS (1979 - 1984) "EXHIBIT A" TOTAL FED/STATE LO AL NAME (TERMINI ) YEAR COST $ TYPE TYPE 18. South 7th Street - Rainier Ave. South to Smithers Ave. South 1984 100,000 79,560 F.A.P . 20,440 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, 44' roadway I. CITY OF RENTON PAGE 5 OF 8 SIX-YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM COLLECTOR ARTERIALS (1979 - 1984) '°EXH IB I T A°0 TOTAL FED/STATE LO AL NAME (TERMINI) YEAR COST $ TYPE TYPE 1 . Misc. street repairs and improvements To be identified on prospectus and in Street Division 5-Year Plan 1979 4,900 4,900 2. Talbot Road South - South 16th Street to South 43rd Street (South city limits) 1981 495,000 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization 3. SW 16th Street - East Valley Road to Monster Road SW 1980 730,000 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, bridge, 44' roadway 4. East Valley Road - SW 16th Street to SR-167 Ramps Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, 44' roadway 1980 900,000 716,040 F.A.M. 183,960 (L. I .D. project) _ NE 12th Street - Edmonds Ave. NE to Union Ave. NEA . w ) Drainage., paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, 1 81 425,000 338,130 F.A.M. 86,870 . Taylor Ave. NW & Taylor Place NW - Renton Ave. Ext. to Stevens Ave. NW 14 1 300,000 238,680 F.A.M. 61,320 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, 44' roadway . Monroe Ave. NE - NE 2nd Street to NE 12th Street 19 670,000 533,052 F.A.M. 136,948 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, 44' roadway . C1 1. Burnett Ave. North - Lk. Wash. Blvd. (S. Term.) to Lk. Wash. Blvd. (N. Term.) 16". 300,000 238,680 F.A.M. 61,320 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, 44 . roadway K \9,� Aberdeen Ave. NE - Sunset Blvd. NE to NE 27th Street `� �`� 19t3 1,340,000 1,066,104 F.A.M. 273,896 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, bridge, r s.: CITY OF RENTONPAGE 6 OF .$- SIX—YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROG RAM COLLECTOR ARTERIALS (1979 — 1984) °EXHIBIT A" TOTAL FED/STATE TYPE LOAL TYPE NAME (TERMINI) YEAR COST $ 10. Park Ave. North & North 40th Street - N 30th St. to Lk. Wash. Blvd. N Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, 44' roadway 1984 304,000 241,862 F.A.M. 62,138 I I CITY OF REirTON SIX-YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM PAGE 7 OF 8 SPOT IMPROVEMENTS (1979 - 1984) "EXHIBIT A" TOTAL FED/STATE LO AL NAME (TERMINI) YEAR COST $ TYPE TYPE 1 . NE 4th Street & Union Ave. NE - intersection improvements 1979 100,000 Drainage, paving, curbs, signal , channelization - Railroad 2. Monster Road SW - alternate access road (due to closure of railroad crossing) 1979 150,000 130,000 . F.A.S.P. 20,000 Participation 3. Monster Road SW Bridge 1979 4,700 . 4,700 Repair of structure 4. SW Sunset Blvd. , SW Langston Road and Hardie Ave. SW 1979 .15 ,000 11,934 F.A.M. 3,066 Intersection signal controller 5. North 3rd Street - 1979 65,500 59,000 . F.A.S.P. 6,500 Railroad crossing signal improvement - CITY OF RENTON SIX-YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM PAGE 8 OF LOCAL ACCESS STREETS (1979 - 1984) "EXHIBIT A" TOTAL FED/STATE LO AL NAME (TERMI.NI) YEAR COST $ TYPE TYPE 1 6. 1 . Misc. street repairs and improvements 1979 118,950 118,950 To- be identified on prospectus and in Street Division 5-Year Plan - 2: North 1st Street Park Ave. North to Burnett Ave. North 1979 85,000 Drainage, paving, channelization 3. Renton Ave. South - South 3rd Street to South 10th Street Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination 1982 270,000 214,812 F.A.M. 55,188 SIX-YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM. (1979 - .1984) MAJOR (PRINCIPAL) ARTERIALS 1 . S.W. 43rd Street, from E. Valley Rd. to W. Valley Rd. 2. Sunset Blvd. N. , from Bronson Way N. to F.A. I. 405 1\ 3. Longacres Pkwy. S.W. , from S.W. 43rd St. to S.W. 16th St. 4. Longacres Pkwy. S.W. , from S.W. 16th St. to S.W. Grady Way \' 5. Longacres Pkwy. S.W. , from S.W. Grady Way to S. 140th St. Longacres Pkwy. S.W. from S. 140th St. to S.W. Sunset Blvd. 1-4 . SR-515 (relocated Benson Rd. ) from S. Puget Dr. to S. 31st. St. SECONDARY (MINOR) ARTERIALS J'1 . Misc. Street Repairs and Improvements (,/,J2:l. Lind Ave. S.W. , from S.W. 16th St. to S.W. 43rd St. F- 4/0e.. Shattuck Ave. S. , from S. 4th P1 . to S. 7th St. Shattuck Ave. S. , from S. 7th St. to S. Grady Way _____,/ 5. S. Puget Dr. & Benson Rd. S. , Intersection Improvements--/-7 X20 re-R6. S.W. 27th St. , from E. Valley Rd. to Longacres Pkwy. S.W. L-/ _/y, rr. 7. S.W. 27th St. from Longacres Pkwy. S.W. to W. Valley Rd. -8. Wells Ave. Bridge . . . l ,.. . • o N. th St. --- 9. S.W. Grady Way, from Lind Ave. S.W. to W. Valley Rd. 10. S. Puget Dr. & Puget Dr. S.E. , from Benson Rd. S. to Edmonds Ave. S.E. 11 . Lake Wash. Blvd. N. , from N. Park Dr. to N. 44th St. Union Ave. N.E. , from N.E. Sunset Blvd. to N.E. 24th St. Garden Ave. N. , from N. 4th St. to N. 8th St. 14. N. 30th St. , from Burnett Ave. N. to F.A. I. 405 15. Lind Ave. S.W. , from S.W. 16th St. to S.W. Grady Way 16. Sunset Blvd. N.E. , from F.A. I. 405 to N.E. Park Dr. 17. Benson Rd. S. , from S. Grady Way to S.E. 31st St. 18. S. 7th St. , from Rainier Ave. S. to Smithers Ave. S. COLLECTOR ARTERIALS 1 . Misc. . Street Repairs & Improvements 2. Talbot Rd. S. , from S. 16th St. to S. 43rd St. 3. S.W. 16th St. , from E. Valley Rd. to Monster Rd. S.W. . 4. E. Valley Rd. , from S.W. 16th St. to SR 167 Ramps 5. N.E. 12th St. , from Edmonds Ave. N.E. to Union Ave. N.E. 6. Taylor Ave. N.W. & Taylor P1 . N.E. , from Renton Ave. Ext. to Stevens Ave. N.W. 7. Monroe Ave. N.E. , from N.E. 2nd St. to N.E. 12th St. 8. Burnett Ave. N. , from Lk. Wash. Blvd. (S. Term. ) to Lk. Wash. Blvd. (N. Term. ) 9. Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , from Sunset Blvd. N. E. to N.E. 27th St. 10. Park Ave. N. & N. 40th St. , from N. 30th St. to Lk. Wash. Blvd. N. SPOT IMPROVEMENTS 1 . N.E. 4th St. & Union Ave. N.E. , Intersection Improvements -2. Monster Rd. S.W. , alternate access rd. 3. Monster Rd. S.W. Bridge . 4. S.W. Sunset Blvd. , S.W. Langston Rd. & Hardie Ave.. S.W. 5. N. 3rd St. . LOCAL ACCESS STREETS 1 . Misc. Street Repairs & Improvements 2. N. 1st St. , from Park Ave. N. to Burnett Ave. N. 3. Renton Ave. S. , from S. 3rd St. to S. 10th St. CITY OF RENTON SIX-YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM PAGE OF .$ MAJOR (PRINCIPAL) ARTERIALS (1979 - 1984) "EXHIBIT A" TOTAL FED/STATE LO AL - NAME TERMINI) YEAR COST $ TYPE TYPE L.I.D. 1 . SW 43rd Street - E Valley Rd. to W Valley Rd. (joint project with City of Kent Drainage Grading, drainage, paving curbs, sidewalk, illumination, bike route, landscaping, 1979 4,100,000 . 2,900,000 U.A.B. 1,026,250 Forward bridge, widen to 56' (with L. I .D. and P-1 drainage) Thrust 2. Sunset Blvd. North - Bronson Way North to F.A. I . 405 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, signal , illumination, channelization, widen 1980 588,600 468,290 F.A.M. 120,310 to 68' 3. Longacres Parkway SW - SW 43rd Street to SW 16th Street (Phase I) Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, signal bike route, 1979. 4,472,739 3,558,511 F.A.M. 914,228 channelization, landscaping, bridge, 56' roadway (with L. I .D.) 4. Longacres Parkway SW - SW 16th Street to SW Grady Way (Phase II) Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalks, illumination, signal , bike route, 1982 4,000,000 3,182,240 F.A.M. 817,760 channelization,. landscaping, bridge, 66' roadway (with L. I .D.) 5. Longacres Parkway SW - SW Grady Way to South 140th Street (Phase III) (North city limit) Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, signal , bike route, 1984 4,700,000 3,739,320 F.A.M. 960,680 channelization, landscaping, bridge, 56' roadway 6. Longacres Parkway SW - S 140th St. to SW Sunset Blvd. (Phase IV) (King County B project) y Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization,. 1984 King County landscaping, 56' roadway 7. SR 515 (Relocated Benson Rd.) - S Puget Dr. to S 31st St. (South city limit) State D.O.T. Project - construct new roadway 1979 110,000 110,000 City participation: sidewalk, curbs, signalization, illumination, channelization CITY OF 'RENTON SIX-YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTIONPROGRAM PAGE 2 OF 8 SECONDARY (MINOR) ARTERIALS (1979 - 1984) "EXHIBIT A" • NAME (TERMINI) YEAR TOTAL FED/STATE LOAL TYPE . TYPE COST $ 1 . Misc. street repairs and improvements 1979 4,900 4,900 To be identified on prospectus and in Street Division 5-Year Plan . 2. Lind Ave. SW - SW 16th Street to SW 43rd Street Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, signal , bike route, channelization, 1979 2,500,000 2,500,000 landscaping, bridge, 44' roadway (L. I .D. project) 3. Shattuck Ave. Sputh South 4th Place to South 7th Street Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, bridge, 1979 1,400,000 1,113,840 F.A.M. 286,160 44' roadway 4. Shattuck Ave. .South- South 7th Street to South Grady Way State D.O.T,. . project - Park 6 Ride Lot - construct new roadway 1979 120,000 95,472 F.A.M. 24,528 City participation: grading, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, signalization, channelization, 44' roadway 5. South Puget Drive 6 Benson Road South - intersection improvements 1979 200,000 100,000 F.A.M. 100,000 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, signalization, channelization. 6. SW 27th Street - E Valley Rd. to Longacres Parkway SW Grading, dra nage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, signal , bike route, 1979 1,973,597 1,570,193 F.A.M. - 403,404 channelization, landscaping, bridge, 44' roadway (Phase I with L. I .D.) • 7. SW 27th Street - Longacres Parkway SW to West Valley Road Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, signal , bike route, 1980 1,812,000 1,441,627 , F.A.M. 370,373 channelization, landscaping, 44' roadway (Phase II with L. I .D.) 8. Wells Ave. Bridge 6 Wells Ave. North - S Riverside Dr. to N 6th St. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, landscaping, 1981 1,420,000 bridge, 44' roadway 4 CITY OF RENNTON PAGE 3 OF 8 SIX-YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM SECONDARY (MINOR) ARTERIALS (1979 - 1984) "EXH IB I T A" TOTAL FED/STATE LO AL NAME (TERMINI) YEAR COST $ TYPE TYPE , 4 I. 9. SW Grady Way — Lind Ave. SW to West Valley Road Fed. Bridge Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, bridge, 44' 1980 4,000,000 Replacement roadway (joint project with Tukwila) 10. S Puget Dr. b SE Puget Dr. - Benson Rd. S to Edmonds Ave. SE 1981 355 ,000 282,438 F.A.M. 72,562 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, 44' roadway 1982 1,300,000 1,034,280 F.A.M. 265,720 11 . Lake Washington Blvd. North - N Park Dr. to NE 51st St. (North city limit) 1983 2,000,000 1,591,200 F.A.M. 408,800 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, 44' roadway Total 3,300,000 2,625,480 F.A.M. 674,520 • 12. Union Ave. NE - NE Sunset Blvd. to NE 24th St. (North city limit) 1982 380,000 302,328 F.A.M. 77,672 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, channelization, 44' roadway 13. Garden Ave. North - N 4th St. to N 8th St. 1981 200,000 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, channelization, 44 ' roadway - 1 14. North 30th Street = Burnett Ave. North to F.A. I . 405 1983 160,000 127,296 F.A.M. 32,704 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, channelization, 44' roadway 15. Lind Ave. SW - SW 16th Street to SW Grady Way Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, signal , channelization, bike - 1983 750,000 596,700 F.A.M. 153,300 route, landscaping, bridge, 44' roadway 16. Sunset Blvd. NE -- F.A. I . 405 to NE Park Drive 1984 1,046,000 832,197 F.A.M. 213,803 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, channelization 17. Benson Road South - S Grady Way to SE 31st St. (South city limit) V 1984 1,800,000 1,432,080 F.A.M. 367,920 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, channelization, bridge, 44' roadway ;. CITY OF RENTON PAGE 4 OF $ SIX-YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM SECONDARY (MINOR) ARTERIALS (1979 - 1984) "EXHIBIT A" TOTAL FED/STATE LO AL NAME (TERMINI ) YEAR COST $ TYPE TYPE 18. South 7th Street Rainier Ave. South to Smithers Ave. South 1984 100,000 79,560 F.A.M. 20,440 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, 44' roadway CITY OF RENTON PAGE 5 OF 8 SIX-YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM COLLECTOR ARTERIALS (1979 - 1984) "EXHIBIT. A" TOTAL FED/STATE LIAL NAME (TERMINI) YEAR COST $ TYPE TYPE 1 . Misc. street repairs and improvements To be identified on prospectus and in Street Division 5-Year Plan 1979 4,900 4,900 2. Talbot Road South - South 16th Street to South 43rd Street (South city limits) 1981 495,000 Drainage, paving., curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization 3. SW 16th Street - East Valley Road to Monster Road SW 1980 730,000 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, bridge, 44' roadway 4. East Valley Road - SW 16th Street to SR-167 Ramps Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, 44' roadway 1980 900,000 716,040 F.A.M. 183,960 (L. I .D. project) 5. NE 12th Street - Edmonds Ave. NE to Union Ave. NE 1981 425,000 338,130 F.A.M. 86,870 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, 44' roadway a 4 6. Taylor Ave. NW & Taylor Place NW - Renton Ave. Ext. to Stevens Ave. NW 1981 300,000 238,680 F.A.M. 61,320 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, 44' roadway 7. Monroe Ave. NE - NE 2nd Street to NE 12th Street 1981 670,000 533,052 F.A.M. 136,948 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, 44' roadway . S. Burnett Ave. North - Lk, Wash. Blvd. (S. Term.) to Lk. Wash. Blvd. (N. Term.) 1982 300,000 238,680 F.A.M. 61,320 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, 44' roadway 9. Aberdeen Ave. NE - Sunset Blvd. NE to NE 27th Street 1983 1,340,000 1,066,104 F.A.M. 273,896 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, bridge, 44' rdwy. CITY OF REITON _ OhST UCTION PROGRAM PAGE 6 OF .L SIX-YEAR STREET C R COLLECTOR ARTERIALS (1979 - 1984) "EXHIBIT A" NAME TERMINI) YEAR TOTAL FED/STATE TYPE LOAL TYPE COST $ 10. Park Ave. North & North 40th Street - N 30th St. to Lk. Wash. Blvd. N Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, channelization, 44' roadway 1984 304,000 241,862 F.A.P . 62,138 CITY OF RENTON SIX_YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION r' UCTION PROGRAM PAGE i OF 8 SPOT IMPROVEMENTS (1979 - 1984) "EXHIBIT A" TOTAL FED/STATE LO AL NAME (TERMINI) YEARCOST $ TYPE TYPE 1 . NE 4th Street S Union Ave. NE - intersection improvements 1979 100,000 Drainage, paving, curbs, signal , channelization Railroad 2. Monster Road SW - alternate access road (due to closure of railroad crossing) 1979150,000 130,000 F.A.S.P. 20,000 Participation 3. Monster Road SW Bridge 1979 4,700 4,700 Repair of structure 4. SW Sunset Blvd. , SW Langston Road and Hardie Ave. SW 1979 15,000 11,934 F.A.M. 3,066 Intersection signal controller - 5. North 3rd Street - 1979 65,500 59,000 F.A.S.P. 6,500 Railroad crossing signal improvement f CITY OF REnITON PAGE 8 OF SIX—YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM — $" LOCAL ACCESS STREETS (1979 — 1984) "EXHIBIT A" TOTAL FED/STATE LO AL NAME- (TERMINI) YEAR COST S TYPE TYPE 1 . Misc. street repairs and improvements 1979 118,950 118,950 To be identified on prospectus and in Street Division 5-Year Plan 2. North 1st Street - Park Ave. North to Burnett Ave. North 1979 85,000 Drainage, paving, channelization 3. Renton Ave. South - South 3rd Street to South 10th Street Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination 1982 270,000 214,812 F.A.M. . 55,188 is 4110 0 RENTON CITY COUNCIL June 19 , 1978 City Clerk ' s Office REFERRALS BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Petition for vacation of alley between Burnett & Williams Avenues So. forreport regarding retention of utility easements, public hearing 7/24/78. CITY ATTORNEY AND *INSURANCE CARRIER *Claim for damages, Olympic Pipe Line Co. . Resolution setting date of public hearing 7/24/78 for vacation of alley McLendon Hardware Consult with Public Works Director re Talbot Road drainage problem and possible law suit PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Proposed L-2 zone for manufacturing plan for small land areas PLANNING STAFF Dean Bitney request for comprehensive plan change- report to Planning & Development Committee PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE —Report in regards to King County EMS contract providing CPR training to school students PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Prepare estimate of cost for proper drainage on Talbot Road-consult with attorney, and report back Recommendation as to appraisal and validation of petition regarding vacation of alley McLendon Hardware, report for 7/24/78 public hearing. 1 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Re retention of easements of vacation of alley McLendon Hardware UTILITIES COMMITTEE Drainage problem Talbot Road So. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE `I --Six year street and arterial construction program as amended Dalpay rezone, R-143-78, appeal denied, refer for ordinance Proposed rezone, Fay C. Hill , for ordinance I Renton City Council 6/26/78 Page 2 Old Business - Cont. Award of Contract Community Services report recommended award of EDA/LPW Project Cedar River Trail contract Cedar River Trail System - Phase III .to Sun-Up Construc- System-Phase III tion Co. in the sum of $1 ,001 ,045 the bid of $1 ,125,854 minus negotiated reductions as recommended by consultants, Jongejan/ Gerrard/Associates and the Planning Department, the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign the contract documents . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, TO CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Repair of Grady Councilman Stredicke inquired in regards to Grady Way Bridge Way Bridge repair. Administrative Assistant Custer advising of closure for work tomorrow by the railroad co. on the bridge bents and sills, further damage suffered due to increased use from closure of Monster Road on through to Sunset Blvd. West. $10,000 cost estimate was noted to include road construction over the ,bridge, the bridge posing problem for the city in that it is in need of additional repairs. Penton Airport Councilwoman Shinpoch, chairman of the Aviation Committee, submitted report recommending that the City join with the Chamber: of. Commerce in seeking to have the Renton Airport included in the Port of Puget Sound for Customs Service. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, TO CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. SR 515 Proposed motion by Shane, Second Stredicke, to extend SR 515 .., Extension, from Grady Way to the North Renton Interchange, (FAI,. 405.) was,: Grady Way to discussed with amendment by Shinooch to refer subject to Trans North Renton portatian Committee. City Attorney Warren advised such action Interchange may not be taken without informing the 'public., Further remarks were made as to the extension having been. included in the 6 year arterial plan at one time, and subsequently dropped, and the need SR 515 Approval . (for submittal of a resolution to the state in the meantime for SR 515. MOVED BY STREDICKE, ,SECOND SHANE TO REFER THE MATTER TO LEGAL OFFICE FOR REVIEW AND PROPER RESOLUTION . . CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BY SHANE, .TO SET JULY 24, 1978 AS PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR PROPOSED EXTENSION OF SR 515, COMMENCING AT GRADY WAY AND ENDING FAI 405, 'NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE AREA. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, .6 Year Stret SECOND SHANE, THAT THE ADMINISTRATION REQUEST THE STATE HIGHWAY and Artori ..L DEPARTMENT TO GRANT 45 DAY TIME EXTENSION FOR SUBMITTAL OF THE 2219111CITY'S 6 YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION AND ARTERIAL PROGRAM. CARRIED. MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND SHINPOCH THAT TALBOT ROAD PROJECT BE REFERRED TO TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE . Shane in discussion objected to closure of Talbot .Road noting expansive development of condominiums, etc. in the area urging that it be designated an arterial like Edmonds and that it be included in the state highway department plans , also suggesting high priority item in the 6 year street plan. *CARRIED. Council Meeting MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHANE, TO CANCEL MONDA'{ , JULY 3rd, 1973 of July 3, 1978 COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. cancelled King County EMS Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, submitted Contract for CPR report recommending approval of King County EMS contract to provide Training to School CPR training for Renton Middle and High School students , and that the Students Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract documents . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND SHANE, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 26 , 1978 Council Chambers Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Council President Earl Clymer, Mayor Pro tem, led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL. CLYMER, Council President, GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. COUNCIL • STREDICKE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, CHARLES F. SHANE, and THOMAS W. TRIMM. MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILWOMAN SEYMOUR-THORPE. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS D.W. CUSTER, Mayor' s Administrative Assistant; GWEN MARSHALL, IN ATTENDANCE Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; JOHN BUFF, Police Dept. Rep. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF JUNE 19, 1978 AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. • AUDIENCE COMMENT Drainage on Ernest J. Lobe, 2709 Talbot Road S. , questioned content of Talbot Road South newspaper article. Inquired as to city action to alleviate Talbot Road drainage problem, discussed last week., Dick • Houghton, utility supervisor, reported inspection 'of the drainage pipe and advised of two possible modes of correction . 1 ) Bypass ditch parallel with existing pipe or 2) require developer to install curb, gutter, and storm drains, which had been waived on short plat by a covenant to put in L. I .D. when requested by the city, problem would have been alleviated had the improvements been installed by the developer. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE THE ADMINISTRATION MOVE IN LEGAL ACTION TO HAVE INSTALLATION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS AS ORIGINALLY SET FORTH IN HEARING EXAMINER FINDINGS . CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Renton Hill Councilman Perry recalled the Renton Hill rezone matter presently Rezone Decision before the hearing examiner and inquired regarding hearing examiner' s by nearing request for additional time to complete his findings and render a Examiner final decision. After some discussion concerning proper and legal action to be taken by the council , it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH, THAT THE CIT'+ ATTORNEY REVTFW THE ORDINANCE AND IF HE IS OF THE OPINION NO TIME EXTENSION MAY BE GRANTED BY COUNCIL , HE ADVISES THE HEARING EXAMINER HE HAS 14 DAYS AFTER HE CLOSES THE HEARING TO MAKE HIS DECISION. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke inquired for the record if all parties involved had agreed to waive the 14 days requirement - Puget Western apparently not represented. (See later discussion of that matter under correspondence. ) Meeting of the Councilman Perry advised the Health Care Resolution had been Association of - presented at Association of Washington Cities meeting in Yakima. Washington Cities- As no one was there to represent the City of Renton, Representative Health Care Avery Garrett spoke for the city. Communication from Rep. Garrett Resolution states he is ready to present Resolution at the next session of the Legislature, Senator Shinpoch is ready to go before the house in regards to the health care funding. Councilwoman Shinpoch suggested a letter be written to thank Rep. Garrett for speaking on our behalf and thanked Councilman Perry for his assistance, as it could save a great deal of money. The Chair requested a letter to be written by Don Custer. AWC policy statement was distributed. a 410, Renton City Council 6/19/78 Page 2 Public Hearings - Cont. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published Six-Year Street and posted, Mayor Pro tem Clymer opened the public hearing to consider and Arterial adoption of the City's Six-Year Street and Arterial Construction Plan. Construction Public Works Director Gonnason with the aid of Traffic Engineering Program Employee Paul Lumbert, used wall maps and explained the major arteri- als, secondary (minor)arterials and collector arterials, as well as See Attached Plan spot improvements and local access streets. Gonnason explained the state law directing the adoption of the plan; program covering years 1979 = 1984; cost of projects and funding available or proposed LID. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND SHANE, DELETE ITEM 7 (SR-515 BENSON HWY RELOCATION from S. Puget Dr. to S. 31st St. ). FROM CONSIDERATION THIS EVENING DUE TO PUBLIC HEARING ON SR-515 6/22/78. Substitute motion, eliminate all State projects from consideration. Roll Call : ' 2-AYE: STREDICKE, SHANE; 4-NO: CLYMER, THORPE, SHINPOCH, TRIMM. SUB- STITUTE MOTION FAILED. *CARRIED. Councilman Shane requested funds be spent maintaining streets within center of City. Continued Persons present and making inquiries regarding City's plans for SW 43rd Street: Martin Peterson and Gary Goodwin, Mt. McKinley Fence • Company, 1830 SW 43rd St. ; George Davis, 1900 SW 43rd. At the re- quest of Councilwoman Thorpe, Public Works Director Gonnason infor- med the persons interested in SW 43rd St. project that a meeting would be arranged for informational purposes and property owners would be notified. Dennis Stremick, 2532 Smithers Ave. S. , made in- quiries re criteria for determining funding for construction, i .e, LID, total federal funds, etc. Transportation Committee Chairman Shinpoch volunteered to investigate and report back. Persons present and making inquiries re Wells Ave. N. Bridge replacement and widening of Wells N. from S. Riverside Dr. to N. 6th St. and favoring bridge replacement, but opposing street widening: Versie Vaupel , 221 Wells N. ; Edwin Dent, 412 Wells N. ; Harold Fisher, 111 Wells N; K. Miller, 315 Wells N. ; Herman Gustafson 519 Wells N. ; John Klees, 10309 120th SE, representing Nazarene Church, Wells N. ; Diana Smith, 320 Wells N. ; Rudy Mesick. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, AMEND ITEM 8, TO WELLS AVE N BRIDGE REPLACEMENT DELETING REFERENCES TO THE STREETS. (Eliminating widening of Wells N. ) CARRIED. Roll Call vote was called following Motion by Stredicke, Second Shinpoch, Council recess. (10:30 p.m. ) 2-AYE: SHINPOCH, SHANE; 4-NO: CLYMER, THORPE, STREDICKE AND TRIMM. MOTION FAILED. Audience re- quest that second Public Meeting on Agenda be held so that persons interested in the Wells Ave. N. subject could attend, brought response from Asst. City Attorney Kellogg that Public Hearing must be followed through. Continued William Hudson, 808 N. 33rd, inquired re Item 11 , Lake Wash. Blvd. N. from Park Dr. to N. 44th, and Item 14. N. 30th St. from Burnett N. to FAI 405, noting recent meetings with State and City concerning N. 30th Overpass and asked earlier attention. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND THORPE, ITEM 14, N. 30th, BE ADVANCED FROM 1983 TO 1979. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, AMEND MOTION ADVANCE RANKING TO ITEM NO. 3 OF SECONDARY ARTERIALS. AMENDMENT CARRIED; MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. Further comment by Dennis Stremick re cost of new construction vs cost of maintenance and encouragement for public trans- port. Leonard Everett, 11730 87th S. , Seattle, make inquiries re Taylor. NW. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND SHINPOCH, SUSPEND RULES AND SCHEDULED CLOSING TIME OF 11 :00 P.M. TIME BE WAIVED, COMPLETING AGENDA. CARRIED. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, ADOPT THE SIX-YEAR STREET AND ARTERIAL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM AS AMEND- • ED AND REFER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. ROLL CALL: 4-AYES: CLYMER, STREDICKE, SHINPOCH, TRIMM; 2-NO: THORPE AND SHANE. CARRIED. Councilwoman Thorpe noted for the record that the Six-Year Street and Arterial Plan as approved includes $120,000 for street mainten- ance as compared to $36,400,000 for street construction the the City in the next five years. d RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 19 , 1978 Council Chambers Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Council President Earl Clymer, Mayor Pro tem, led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flagand called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH; CHARLES F. SHANE. and THOMAS W. TRIMM. MOVED BY THORPE, SECONDED BY ,SHINPOCH TO EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN PERRY WHO WILL BE ON VACATION FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS TED BENNETT, Deputy Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; IN ATTENDANCE DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; GORDON Y. ERICKSEi1, Planning Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; DONALD CUSTER, Mayor's Administrative Assistant; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISSLER, Fire Chief; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks and Recreation Director. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon inquiry regarding minute approval , Councilman Stredicke re- quested Amendment to Page 1, Paragraph 10, to substitute "striped painting costs" rather than laid-on stripes. MOVEDIBY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE, TO ADOPT THE MINUTES OF JUNE 12;, 1978 AS AMENDED. CARRIED. • • AUDIENCE COMMENT Ernest J. Lobe, 2709 Talbot Rd.S. , excitedly requested correction Drainage on of water drainage from Talbot Road onto property to :the West, being Talbot Road South below street level . Mr. Lobe explained blockage of :drain where pipe reduces from 36" to 24" and requested Council Members visit the area and observe the problem in order that solutions can be reached. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, SUBJECT OF WATER DRAINAGE PROBLEM ON TALBOT ROAD BE REFERRED TO THE UTILITIES COM- MITTEE.* Following discussion wherein Councilwoman Thorpe noted adoption of drainage ordinance intended to correct problems of this nature. Public Works Director Gonnason explained City' s plan that water drainage problem would be corrected with building of Victoria Park No. 4. Councilman Stredicke inquired as to deferment of off-site improvements, being advised by Attorney,, Thomas Barker, 2423 96th Ave. , Bellevue, that his client C. Sasse acquired the property after short platting and waiver. Mr. Barker explained water/mud damage to three homes built by his client adjacent to Mr. Lobe, alleging City's liability and stating court cases to that effect. Chuck Sasse, 2004 139th P1 . SE, Bellevue, builder, explained drainage he had installed in his homes adjacent to Talbot Crest and explained the wall of water and two feet of mud removed froPr basement of new home, also noting loss of buyer and asked assurance from the City that flooding would not reoccur. *MOTION CARRIED. Utilities Interim Improvement Committee Chairman SHANE MOVED, SECONDED BY THORPE, PUBLIC WORKS Until Permanent DIRECTOR PREPARE REPORT AND ESTIMATE OF COST AND ROORT BACK TO Facility Installed COUNCIL. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND THORPE, AMEND MOTION TO. INCLUDE w/Victoria Park #4 CONSULTATION WITH THE CITY ATTORNEY, noting threat to bring suit against City. AMENDMENT CARRIED; MOTION AS 'AMENDEDICARRIED. (9:15 pm) Welcome Wagon ; Mayor Pro tem Clymer presented Certificate of Award for 50th year of Award the Welcome Wagon which will be placed on display. -1- e,ii,5,) y II 1 f t 41110 411110 (� ,i Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Ann.. t+;....I1Wal.by being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that.she..is the ...Chief 'Jl erk of , • THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) ' times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred . to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news . paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained / . 1 at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton • I • Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the , Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, Public Notices... ; Washington.That the annexed is a....P.Uhl.]..c_Mate.e NOTICE OF - PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON w CITY COUNCIL i - NOTICE IS HEREBY as it was published in regular issues(and GIVEN that•the Renton City; not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period Council has fixed the 19th day otJune, 1978, at'8:00 • P.M. in the Council Cham bers of the Renton Municipal', of One consecutive issues,commencing on the Building,;,Renton, Washing . " ton as the time and place for •a public hearing to consider. 9th day of June ,1978. ,and ending the „. •the folldwing: ' Six Year Comprehensive Street Construction & • Arterial Plan: Program 9.thay of....June ,19..78.,both dates and maps available in inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- Public Works Dept. scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee - Any and all interested per • - sons are•invited to be pre- ' sent tovbice approval, dis- charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $..1.3..8,6whichapproval.or opinions on has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent • same. insertion. • Delores A.Mead,1 City Clerk., ublished in The Renton L.�- /d P , Record-Chronicle June 91 , at4T;-1978. R4980. '• Chief.Chiif...C1erk — ._- -- - Subscribed and sworn to before� me this..N],1q,th day of June , 19. 78 • e) , � . ` Notary Publ - 'n .nd for the State of Washing n, residing at Kent, King C ty. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.87 0 e. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Ann ;s•••Walby being first duly sworn on ^ oath,deposes and says that.cg}:i ..is the ...G;l•;.je f ,A J Y" of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred ' to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- • . paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, _ and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained . • at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton _ • Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the • Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, •. Public Notices .. Washington.That the annexed is a....I7.L1si.l1..Q...1\`.t:i:tiekt NOTICE OF _ . -PUBLIC HEARING — BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY; as it was published in regular issues(and GIVEN thafth'e Renton City not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period Council has fixed the 19th day of June, 1978, at 8:001 P.M. in the Council Cham-1 bars of the Renton Municipal! of One consecutive issues,commencing on the Building, Renton,Washing-� • 1 ton as the,time and place for I 1. a public hearing to consider I 9thday of June ,19 78 ,and ending the , the following: 1 Six Year Comprehensive ,'i *Street Construction -&' ' Arterial' 'Plan. Program ' 9tbty of....Jjun; ,19..78,both dates and maps available in ' inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- - Public Works Dept. • scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee Any and all interested per- ; . -sons are'invited.to be pre- charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $..1..2.t.?Ovhich sent to.voice approval, dis- has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the approval or opinionson first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent same:; r insertion. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk, ' ?" Published in The Renton /� �...�{J:.. _ ! Record-Chronicle' June 9 x,;1978. 144980.. Chief_Clexk i : Subscribed and sworn to before me this.. &,r t i day of Jane , 19...7 % Notary Publ in :nd for the State of Washing residing at Kent, King Co ty. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.87 S. • Public Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL • ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that.the,Renton City Council has fixed'the'19th day of.June,.1978, at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Cham- ' bers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washing- , ton as the time and place for a'public hearing to consider the following: .Six Year Comprehensive . Street. Construction & . Arterial Plan., Program and maps available, in : Public Works Dept. Any and all interested per- ` sons,are invited to be pre sentto voice approval, dis-' approvalor opinions on same. - • Delores A. Mead, City Clerk. Published in The Renton`I Record-Chronicle June 9 - and..1,6, 1978. R4980. • • • . , y f 76)1e../6t-4 __ • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 19th day of June , 19 78 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Six Year Comprehensive Street Construction & Arterial Plan. Program and maps available in Public Works Dept. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON Zle_gitizi a 4tri. Delores A. Mead, Ci Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 6-9-78 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING ) I , FoL-er hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of , 19 7'i . Signed ATTEST : ›.?; Notary Public in-_a.nd'__for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. „ . , . . . ' . . , . . _ . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. , MAJOR (PRINCIPAL) APTERIALS • - ''. . . . I . SW 43rd St. from East Valley Road to West Valley Road '. . . 2. Sunset Blvd. North from Bronson -Way Nerth:to F,,A; 1., , 405 3. Longacres Parkway SW from SW 43rd St , to SW 16th St . . 4. Longacres Parkway SW from SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way . 5. Longacres Parkway SW from SW Grady Way to South 140th St . 6. Longacres Parkway SW froth South 140th, St . to SW.--&inset Blvd. (King County Project) 7. SR 515 (relocated Benson Road) from South ruget Drive to South 31st St . . . . . • • - . . . . . 'SECONDARY (MINOR) ARTERIALS . . . _ 1 . Miscellaneous streettepairs and -improvements' 2. Lind Ave. SW from SW 16th Street to SW43rdStreet . 3. Shattuck Ave. South from South' 4th Place to 'South 7th Street 4. Shattuck Ave. 'South from South 7th Street to South' .Grady Way . . 5. South Puget Drive and Benson Road South- Intersection 6. SW 27th Street froth East Valley Road:to LengaCies.. Parkway SW. 7. SW 27th Street from Longacres. Parkway SW to.West Valley Road 8. Wells Ave. Bridge: and -Wells Ave.. North froM.,SOUth Riverside Drive to North 6th Street , . Y. SW Grady Way from Lind Ave. SW to'.WestValley Road . . 10. South Puget Drive and Puget DriVe SE from Benson Rd'. South to Edmonds Ave. SF 11 . Lake Washington Blvd. North from North Park Drive, to North 51st street 12. Union Ave. NE from' NE Sunset Blvd.. to NE 24th.Street 13. Garden Ave. North from' North 4th Street: to. NoYth 8th Street 14. NorthTh0th Street froMBurnett 'Ave, North to LA. 1 . 405 15. Lind Ave. SW from SW 1.6th. Street to SW Grady Way 16. Sunset Blvd. NE from 1 .A. 1 . 405 tO.:,NE:Park Drive'. ' ' 17. Benson Road South ,frplit South Grady Way to SE 31st Street . . 18. South 7th Street from Rainier Ave. -SoUth to Smithers. Ave. South . . . , , . . . • . . . - . . COLLECTOR ARTERIALS . . . . . 1. Miscellaneous street 'repairs and imptevemeni$.: 2. TalbotRoad South -ftomSouth 16th Street to South 43rd Street 3. SW 16th Street froth East Valley Road to Monster. Road SW 4. East' Valley Road from SW 16th Street to SR-167 .xaMps 5. NE 12th Street froth Edmonds Ave. NE to Union Ave. NE. 6. Taylor Ave. NW and Taylot Place NW from Renton Ave. Extension to .Stevens Ave. NW : V . . . • , . . . . } 7. Monroe Ave. NE from NE 2nd Street to NE 12th Street 8. Burnett Ave. North from Lake Washington Blvd. .(S,. Term.) to Lake Washington Blvd: (N. Term. ) - . , . D. Aberdeen Ave. NE from Sunset Blvd. Ni:. to NE 27th Street 10. Park Ave. North and North 40th St from North 30th-St . ,to Lake Washington . Blvd: North • . „ i . '',, , :.- . • . . . . • , • . SPOT IMPROVEMENTS V .. . . -. . 1 . NE 4th Street and Union Ave. Nil . . 2. Monster Road SW -' alternate access road" . . , . ' , . . 3. Monster Road SW Bridge . . . , . ' 4. SW Sunset BlVd. ,' SW Langston Road and Hardie Ave. ' SW 5. North 3rd Street Railroad Crossing Signal Improvement .: .. - . . . . . . . , . . . . . LOCAL ACCESS STREETS , . . . . . . . . . • 1 . Miscellaneous street repairs and improvements 2. North 1st Street from'Park Ave. North to Burnett Ave. North . . 3. Renton Ave. South from South 3rd Street to 'South10th Street . . . . . • ' . . . . . . . . .- . . . • ' .. -.. - • . . . . _ . . . .. , , _ • .. . • .. . . . . . . . • . .. . . . . . . . . „ .. . . , . , . . . . . . . • . .; .r!,,-,':- • . . • , : - . . .. . . .. „ . :1f --tis.., - a. rr: t' 1 .r h G ;,u :d n4,i r �F.., J f 1 'S .4n '„L`•u^. - ,, .t' .../�: `t;,•,l�'<:(.',T+l,:v'i: 's..:r :+,=.,t,1�=w.o., '.4';;;,"r:' ";+.: '':'/''''','• (, 4 i Y:'f �, ....r a.. ,.: I S 1•: .r'r U:f.:.4.;'ti,,e+:3, •,.k..,,.' ,..-:,4r .•:t''. 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' s ; r / "j`','4,+i •, tat _ �3, t �. -. r�, - r,, a- a s ,,,, -?.,, t ,-�;i,`�y Z" 'fol r' 'i' .�' + „� �,` r .+r,- �,t;Ry.^,'>;•,�i t� � ''S - 6Sr r v i r k Ff 1 s aN s ., :� i a, ... F+�'7'r s.'b„S„v''''•. c .IF' u: °'�t i}r 5'�i, f T '`,`'� f 6'." -' j n!: '; �, <�! rs 11 t. c"y : fF�" I + } (AI, V 4 Renton City Council 6/5/78 Page 2 OLD BUSINESS Transportation Transportation Committee Chairwoman Shinpoch presented report Committee Report regarding Parkwood South Sub-Division Plat and recommended that the Administration be directed to discuss with the Developer the Parkwood South " feasibility of a direct route from Division #3 to 116th Ave: SE Access rather than the proposed connection to Edmonds Dr. SE. . The report also requested the Administration report back to the Transporta- tion Committee. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REPORT. CARRIED. Six-Year Street The committee report recommended that a public hearing be set for and Arterial June 19, on the Six-Year Street Program. Chairwoman Shinpoch note' Program the plans and maps are available with the Public Works Department. Public Hearing MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND CLYMER), CnUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE 6/19/78 REPORT. ,CARRIED. Signalization The Transportation Committee report recommended acceptance of the Contract Award low bid by Signal Electric, Inc. in the amount of $101 ,945.50 for Federal Aid/FAM signalizationlof Duvall Ave. ME and NE Sunset Blvd along with Project NE 4th St. and Monroe Ave NE, as recommended by the Public Works Department. The report noted award willbe contingent upon receipt by the City of an "Authorization to Award" from the Federal and State agencies. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilwoman Thorpe inquired. re inclusion of provisions for prevention of cost overruns, Public Works Director Gonnason noted precautions taken. MOTION CARRIED. Ways & Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee re- Committee Report port recommending that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to Bond Sale ' sign an agreement with Seattle Northwest Securities for the sale LID #306 of $35,477.36 i,n bonds on LID '#306 (Sanitary Sewers, area between Seattle Northwest Sunset Blvd. NE and FAI-405, north of NE 7th Street). MOVED BY Securities STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT APPROVING SALE OF BONDS FOR LID #306. CARRIED. Publication The Ways and Means Committee report recommended that the referral of Maps of 2/27/78 re publication of maps with legal descriptions requires no action by the Council as the Administration is studying the proposal . Legal Publications Councilman Stredicke called attention to legal publications stating Questioned building of condominiums and inquired as to location of 2020 Grant Ave. S. , being advised by Planning Director Ericksen of location, northeast corner of intersection of Grant Ave. S and Puget Drive, West of Rolling Hills with no access to the north. Stredicke ob- jected to legal publications by attorneys and builders which appeared as City. Community Services Community Services Committee Chairwoman Thorpe presented report Committee Report noting review of the proposed agreement for the Interurban Trail Proposed Agreement System and findings that it is consistent with present planning Interurban Trail within the City and Green River Valley. The report noted funding for the trail would be from a federal grant of $320,000; staff con- cern for clarification noted and committee recommended the contract be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for review and recom- mendation. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT AND REFER AGREEMENT TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Riverside Drive The committee report noted review and meeting with residents of Proposed Closure Riverside Drive area adjacent to Cedar River Trail , Phase III, and reported the following: (1 ) Riverside Drive is City-owned property Public Meeting deed to City in 1956 by the Commercial Waterway District and is not 6/19/78 a dedicated street; (2) Only one residence has access solely to Riverside Drive, all other structures and properties have access to N. 1st St. ; (3) Per City Attorney, rights of access have been established by the property owners through some years use as a street; (4) The City has the right to close or leave open as long as no property owner is landlocked, but decision should be made after public meeting for the purposes of allowing public comment. The report recommended referral back to Council for public meeting on agenda 6/19/78. MOVED STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 5, 1978 Council Chambers Monday, 8 : 00 P . M. Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; GEORGE J. PERRY, PATRICIA M. COUNCIL SEYMOUR-THORPE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, CHARLES F. SHANE AND THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; IN ATTENDANCE DEL MEAD, city Clerk; LAWRENCE WARREN, Acting City Attorney; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; JOHN BUFF, Police Representative; RICHARD GEISSLER, Fire Chief; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks and Recreation Director. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF MAY 22, 1978 AS PREPARED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT James Van Osdell , 3030 NE -10th St. , Manager of Sunset View Apart- ments, requested Council reconsider Ordinance #3222 which requires Smoke Detector installation of smoke detectors in occupancies rented, leased or Ordinance let. Mr. Van Ausdal explained problems anticipated with require- ment that tenants furnish maintenance of the unit and asked for reconsideration in order to comply with RCW 59.18 Landlord Tenant Act. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, MR. VAN AUSDAL'S REMARKS BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Planning and Due to interested persons being present, Committee Chairman Perry Development Report , presented Planning and Development Committee report re James W. James W. Dalpay Dalpay Appeal of Hearing Examiner's Decision of 4/17/78 Sunset Appeal of Examiner's Rezone R145-78, noting review and consideration with applicant Decision Rezone and his attorney, Robert McBeth, present. The report noted the R-145-78 Union NE applicant agreed to amend his application to provide for a less between NE 12th and intensive use of the southern portion of the parcel to provide buf- NE Sunset Blvd. fering between proposed B-1 rezone on the northern portion and the Remanded Back to single family residential zoning to the South. The committee Remanded Back miner recommended that the Council remand this matter to the Hearing HExaminer for reconsideration of this application as amended. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOM- MENDATION. CARRIED. (See later action - Correspondence. ) • R. P. Ross Appeal The Planning and Development Committee Chairman Perry presented Examiner's the following report: The Planning and Development Committee has Reconsideration considered the record and the Hearing Examiner's written decision, Decision 12/9/77 findings and conclusions R.P. Ross Appeal of Examiner's reconsidera- Short Plat 088-77 tion decision of 12/9/77 re Short Plat 088-77 and Exception 089-77. and Except. 089-77 The Committee has considered the hardship imposed upon the appli- Area of cant by the provisions of the Short Plat Ordinance in that other 516 SW 3rd Place surrounding neighbors have been able to short plat their property without providing the access required by the present Short Plat Ordinance. Applicant has obtained alternative access to the property in accordance with the conditions imposed by the decis- sion of the Hearing Examiner. The Planning and Development Committee recommended that the City Council concur in the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner and recommended approval of the application for short plat and exception under the same conditions imposed by the Hearing Examiner, and further conditioned upon delivery to the City of deeds of dedication to the alternative access way. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDA- TION. CARRIED. CITY CLERK ' S' OFFICE INTER—OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: DATE : !-,• FROM: SUBJECT : PUVH:": - • Vtc;i:P41.5:1 t • / 0 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 19th day of June , 19 78 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Six Year Comprehensive Street Construction & Arterial Plan. Program and maps available in Public Works Dept. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON Weeeete,ey' 72714., "( Delores A. Mead , City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 6-9-78 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT JUNE 1, 1978 Present: Chairwoman Barbara Shinpoch Councilman Richard Stredicke Councilman Charles Shane Warren Gonnason - Public Works Director Parkwood area residents PARKWOOD SOUTH SUB-DIVISION PLAT The Transportation Committee recommends to the Council that the Administration be directed to discuss with the developer the feasibility of a direct route from Division #3 to 116th Avenue S.E. rather than the proposed connection to Edmonds Drive S.E. The Administration is requested to report back to the Transportation Committee. SIX YEAR STREET PROGRAM • The Transportation Committee recommends that a public hearing date be set for June 19 on the Six Year Street Program. Barbara Shinpoch, Chairwoman Richard Stredicke Charles Shane