HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 Correspondence •. .s • . -.�. vle... 'l,i1� ./.{. �,'.,a ,�;3�tS"{a``�(i .o."F"'A.�l.:[.�, , ,.L .A!alx., - • , _ ,.yrs • . ' ,.n. • Ff4 r+f11^ • • • � OFRF�. r THE CITY OF RENTON • V ;Iv? �_. has MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • _ n ryCHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD A (0' CITY CLERK 0 F` August 3 , 1976 • 4TED SE PIES • Victoria Park Homeowners Assoc . , Inc . P . O. Box 1104 • Renton , Washington 98055 Attn : Mr . Ulf Goranson, President Re : Objection to •Plan to Widen Talbot Road to Four Lanes . Dear Association Members : • The Renton City Council , ,,at its regular meeting of August 2 , 1976 has concurred in the report of the Public Works Committee that the modification of the Six-Year Comprehensive Street Construction Program to provide for Talbot Road imprbvement to 'two lanes , rather .than four, and additional turns at the entrance to Victoria Park , Scott ' s Terrace and South 19th Street, essentially answers your objections . • The Committee further recommended that prior to construction of the facility , a full-design hearing be conducted , and at that time you would again have an opportunity to be heard regarding the project . Thank you for your courtesies and Community interest. Yours very truly • /L e Delores A. Mead City Clerk DM/dc /9?6=� 6 Renton City Council • 8/23/76 Page 3 CORRESPONSENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS • Bicentennial Letter from Warren F. Vaupel , Renton, questioned use of public funds Air Park in connection with the Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park suggesting the name be designated Renton Bicentennial Air Park as the aggregate value , Dedication of contributions from other local people and organizations is greater September 6, ' 76 than that of the Kiwanis. The letter alleged discriminatory practices in membership selection which are not in keeping with the City' s affirma- tive action and human rights goals and ordinance. MOVED BY McBETH, SEC- ONDED SEYMOUR-THORPE COUNCIL REFER THE LETTER TO THE AVIATION COMMITTEE. Councilman McBeth noted having worked for this facility for 18 months , did not want to be a party to discrimination but felt without effort of Kiwanis, the park would not exist and that previous commitment had been made to reward their efforts by naming park for the Kiwanis. Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe inquired as to commitment, noting newspaper article 7/4/76 about the park and icosahedron, requesting contributions for the icosahed- ron and referring to Kiwanis Air Park, asking this article be included in referral to committee. Councilman McBeth explained the icosahedron is a bicentennial memorial being made up of all areas of the city, whereas the plans for the air park were submitted by Kiwanis, including Renton Munici- pal Arts Commission, and plans have been submitted to the Park Board, Plan- ning Commission, etc. MOTION CARRIED. (See later report) Seaplane Base Letter from Bryn Mawr-Lakeridge Sewer District, 11402 Rainier Ave.S. , Impact Seattle, reported review of the draft Environmental Assessment Report Assessment dated 7/30/76 prepared by VTN Inc. for the Municipal Airport and Seaplane Base Development and noted several concerns. The letter noted the proposed expansion includes acquisition of property owned and used by the sewer dis- trict for office, maintenance shop, sewage storage tanks and pumping sta- tion, noting the large holding tanks are used during wet weather to reduce or eliminate overflows of raw sewage into Lake Washington and measure 61 'X45' X15' deep. The letter noted Metro interceptor sewer also located on this property and adjacent property included within proposed expansion. The letter notes no feasibility or costs in relocating the sewer district or Metro facilies are included in the report, nor impact of possible, temporary interruption of sewer service during construction of the Seaplane Base and/or relocation of the District' s facilities. MOVED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER THE LETTER TO THE AVIATION COMMITTEE. • Mayor Pro tem Stredicke noted the matter would be discussed in these Chambers 8/31/76 at 7:30 p.m. and asked the Clerk to notify the sewer district. MOTION CARRIED. 'Protest to. Letter from Mrs. Paul Snook, 642 Morris Ave. S. , objected to widening 7th St. S. of 7th Street S. and the extension of Talbot Road to 7th Street South. Widening The letter noted petition which had been filed protesting the widening claiming 65% protest, also noting heavy traffic at the present time and that widening would eliminate trees and shrubs which are a barrier to the noise and air pollution. The letter suggested placement of proposed fire station at S.7th and Rainier or on Talbot Hill rather than S.7th St. and Smithe.rs. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER THE LET- TER TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR REPLY. CARRIED. Latecomer Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended extension of five Agreement years be granted to latecomer agreement with M.R. Mastro-I .S. Gamel in .LCAG-1860-71 the Dunlap Canyon area, as there has been no development in the area Mastro-Gamel and therefor no opportunity to recover costs. The agreement which serves apartments on Dunlap Canyon was granted 11/3/71 , expiring 11/3/76. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. MOTION CARRIED. Water Main Plans Letter from A.G. Koch, District Engineer of Water Supply & Waste Section `,WAC-248-54-300 oftheState Dept. of Social and Health Services noted that provisions of the State Board of,Health Rules and Regulations regarding public water supplies provide that if purveyor has received approval of a comprehensive - plan in accordance with WAC 248-54-280 and has submitted and received approval of standard construction specifications., detailed plans and speci- fications for distribution mains need not be submitted individually for • approval . The letter noted approval has been granted for both a compre- hensive plan and standard construction specifications for Renton water system and meet the requirements of the state, however, listed stipula- tions concerning construction of mains to assist the state in visualizing the development of the Renton water system. (Information only) • Renton City Council 8/23/76 Page 4 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Shell Oil Co. Letter from City Attorney Shellan enclosed copy of the Order of Dismissal vs City with prejudice, by stipulation of the parties, of the Shell Oil Co. 's Voluntary appeal to the Court of Appeals from the judgments rendered by the King Withdrawal of County Superior Court in 1975 and 1976. The letter noted the three year Appeal battle in which Renton is the first city in the country, in the absence of pertinent Federal and State regulations, to impose mandatory limita- tions on hydro-carbon emissions from industrial type of activity such as proposed by Shell , in order to protect the environment more adequately and minimize future degradation of marginal conditions. The letter further noted the City was successful in its endeavors, however, cautioned - to strike a "reasonable balance" between extreme environmental protective action and services or products needed in modern society but which have an adverse side effect on our daily lives. Both views are desirable, the letter noted, but it is the City's responsibility to give due consid- eration to both positions, to establish reasonable standards in writing and advise all concerned of the City's demands and requirements. The City Attorney's letter urged continued efforts to regularly review our regulations to be certain they are up to date and not discriminatory nor unreasonable. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, REFER TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Richard Redmond, 409 Rainier Ave. N. , inquired of his letter of request on last week' s agenda for change to Fire District 2 the area of Lake St. Fire Zones and Til'licum Ave. Councilman McBeth noted the matter had been referred to Public Safety Committee and inquired of Asst. Fire Chief Geissler re fire zone change, who advised need to study entire area. (See meeting schedule. ) Fire Station Administrative Assistant Custer noted the next scheduled meeting of the Bond Issue Council on September 13, (dueto 5th Monday of month, followed by Labor Day) and requested continuation of present meeting to enable presentation - regarding proposed fire station bond issue for the November 2, 1976 bal- lot. Custer explained need for Council approval on several aspects,as site acquisition, requirement for 45 days notice to King County Election Dept. for ballot placement and explained that the Fire Station Advisory Committee would have the information available the week of September 6. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, following conclusion of business this meet- ing be continued to Tuesday, September 7, for purpose of hearing presenta- tion on fire station development and any other business that may be pre- sented to Council . AMENDMENT TO MOTION BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, set date of presentation at 9:00 a.m. Saturday morningSeptember 4, 1976. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, ADMINISTRATION FURNISH COUNCIL FIRE STATION COMMITTEE REPORT BY SEPTEMBER 7, or 8, AND CONTINUE PRESENT COUNCIL MEETING TO 9:00 A.M. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 , 1976.* SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, Administration distribute information to Council. by September 7, and plice matter. on the September 13, 1976 Agenda.** MOTION FAILED** to place fire station bond issue on September 13, agenda. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED* CONTINUING MEETING TO SEPTEMBER 11 , 1976 at 9:00 A.M. (See later. ) OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke presented Committee of the Whole report which COMMITTEE/WHOLE recommended that due to lack of money for capital expenditures, the. City purchase neither Earlington nor Maplewood Golf Courses. (Feb. referral ) . Golf Courses MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Al.l Terrain The Committee report noted meeting with Don Norman of the King County Vehicles -- All-Terrain Vehicle Advisory Committee and members of the Boeing Employees Highlands Area Motorcycle Club to discuss the possible use of the Renton tank traps as an ATV recreational area. The report recommended referral to the Commun- ity Services Committee for future study. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Solid Waste The Committee report noted the matter of Solid Waste Management Plan and the City' s participation in a county-wide program was reviewed by the Public Works Director and Richard Southworth, King County Engineering Office. The committee recommended this subject be referred to Public Works and Transportation Committee for recommendation. (See later) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED-BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Renton City Council 8/2/76 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Name of Letter from City of Issaquah Mayor, H. G. Herrington, asked City of Renton "Issaquah" support in naming of a new Washington State ferry, the "ISSAQUAH" , asking Requested for letter be directed to Mr. A. D. Andreas, Asst. Director of Highways for State Ferry Toll Facilities, Olympia. The letter enclosed documentation of privately owned ferry "Issaquah" which is now out of service and unreclaimable. . The letter noted the 1972 super ferries carried Eastern Washington names of Indian origin and felt this appropriate to use Western Washington name derived from Indian term, asking top priority of name for 1976, MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER.RESOLUTION AND COPY BE SENT TO CITY OF ISSAQUAH AND MR. ANDREAS,' DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS. Shell Oil. Letter from City Attorney Shellan advised that the Shell Oil Company has Claim, decided not to pursue its proposed tank farm operation in the City, and considers the appeal to be moot and unnecessary; Shellan having been advised by the Shell Attorney that the pending appeal will be dismissed forthwith. The letter explained both attorneys for the Oil Co. and the City were re-studying and reviewing the verbatim transcript of both trials in order to have them certified by the Judge, which will no longer be neces- sary and both Mr. Hodge and Mr.( Shellan will prepare the Petition and Order of Dismissal in the near future. MOTION FAILED WHICH WAS MADE BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, to refer the matter to the Legislation Committee for review of ordinances for any changes in. regard to this matter. Roll Call : 2-AYE: Perry, Grant; 4-NO: Stredicke, Clymer, Bruce and McBeth. Failed. OLD BUSINESS Aviation . Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee report recom- Committee Report mending approval of proposed lease with Specialty Restaurant Corporation's Airport' subsidiary Renton Waterfront Restaurant Corp. for construction and opera- Restaurant tion of restaurant located in the northwest corner of Renton Municipal Airport off Rainier Ave. The. reportexplained details of the lease and further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign subject to approval of the City Attorney. Stredicke explained 20 year agreement and minimum of $1 ,000 permonth lease agreement. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. John Harer, 11448 Rainier Ave. S. , Lake Shore Mobile Home Park adjacent to Renton Airport, asked clarification regarding his attempt to lease portion of airport in 1947, being advised by City Attorney Shellan as to _F.A.A. approval of City's proposed airport restaurant and by Council President Stredicke as to hearing date on Airport Master Plan 8/31/76. Police Car Council President Stredicke presented letter received from Heather Condition , . Rowland, 1051 Union Ave. N.E. , inquiring of running condition of City's . Studied . police cars, reporting rumors of inadequate repairs and objecting to .., Tess than top running condition. Letter of reply from Stredicke explained City Council policy had a .one-year phase out program for police cars, with a change to two-year policy due to budgetary shortages; that the letter has been distributed to Mayor and Council for study prior to prepa- ration of the 1977 budget. Public Works Public Works & Transportation Committee Chairman Bruce presented committee Committee Report report regarding vacation of N.E. 18th St. between Aberdeen Ave. N.E. and Street ' Blaine Ave. N.E. Councilman McBeth excused himself from the Council Vacation of Chambers and took no part in any action or discussion on this matter. Portion of The Committeereport explained field trip to site and review of vacation N.E. 18th St. by the City Attorney. The report noted property owners protesting the vacation, and complaining that a public use exists, were unwilling to provide the necessary right-of-way for a continuation of. the pedestrian path to Aberdeen; Committeedetermined that as no property is denied access nor loses any acquired rights, and Committee recommended that Council confirm its previous action to vacate that portion of N.E. 18th St. as previously determined by the Council and further finds that the City would be benefitted by the vacation and the property returned to the tax rolls. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See Ordinances) Councilman McBeth returned to Chambers. Victoria Park The Public Works & Transportation Committee report recommended the Vic-, Objects to toria Pk Home Owners Association be advised by letter of Council action Talbot Road regarding modification of the Six-Year Street. Construction Plan to provide Widening for the improvement of Talbot Road for two lanes of traffic (rather than 4) and additional width for left-turns at the entrance to Victoria Park, Scott's Terrace and S. 19th St. The Association is also to be notified Renton City Council 8/2/76 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued - Public Works & Transportation Committee Report Victoria Park that prior to construction of this facility, a, full design hearing will Continued be conducted on the project. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ' CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT.AND THE CITY CLERK BE DIRECTED TO WRITE TO THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. CARRIED. Requests for The Public Works & Transportation Committee report recommended that a Sewer meeting be held with applicants requesting sanitary sewerservice in . Extensions the vicinity of Talbot Road S. and S.E. 168th St. and for the sanitary sewer extension along Empire Way, to review the possibility of annexing these territories to the City prior to or as a condition or precedent of extending the sewer service. The report noted no immediate action required. Public Works Director Gonnason reported the City has agreed on service area. Water District The Public Works & Transportation Committee report recommended that the No. 58, Proposed proposed annexation by Water District 58 (Edlund Properties), is in con- Annexation flict with the City's franchise area and programmed service area. The report recommended that the administration appear at the scheduled public hearing' 8/16/76 before the King County Council and oppose the proposed annexation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION AND MAYOR DELAURENTI DIRECT PERSONS TO ATTEND. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recom- Jefferson N.E. mending first reading of an ordinance vacating a portion of Jefferson. Street Vacation Ave. N.E. Following reading of an ordinance ordering vacation as modified at public hearing on 4/19/76, continued from 4/5/76, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGIS- LATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an ordi- Holmes Rezone nance regarding rezone of certain property from G-6000 to L-1 located on Grady Way S. between Lind and Seneca Streets S.W. Following reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an ordi- Corwin Rezone nance regarding rezone of certain property from L-1 to R-3 located on Burnett Av e. S. between S. 4th and S. 5th Streets as requested by John Corwin. Following reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance #3049 The Legislation Committee recommended first reading of an ordinance Vacation of vacation that portion of N.E. 18th Street located between Blaine N.E. and Portion of Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , petition filed by Engum. Councilman McBeth excused N.E. 18th St. himself from the Chambers and took no part in any action nor discussion on this matter. Following reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3050 The Legislation Committee recommended second and final readings of an ordi- Zoning Code nance amending the City's zoning ordinance. Following readings, it was Amendments MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. (First reading 7/26/76) Ordinance #3051 The Legislation Committee recommended second and final readings of an P.U.D. ordinance which had been on first reading 7/26/76, establishing and creating a Planned Unit Development Ordinance. Following readings, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee recommended first reading of an ordinance Amending Sewer ' establishing a new rate structure and making other changes regarding Chargessewer fees and installation charges. Following reading, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COM- MITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee recommended first reading of an ordinance amend Water Rates . ing the City's water ordinance relating to rates, installation and fees. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council 8/2/76 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued - Public Works & Transportation Committee. Report . Victoria Park that prior to construction of this facility, a full design hearing will Continued be conducted on the project. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL . CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND THE CITY CLERK BE DIRECTED TO WRITE TO THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. CARRIED. Requests for 'The Public Works & Transportation Committee report recommended that a Sewer meeting be held with applicants requesting sanitary sewer service in Extensions the vicinity of Talbot Road S. and S.E. 168th St. and for the sanitary sewer extension along Empire Way, to review the possibility of annexing these territories to the City prior to or as a condition or precedent of . extending the sewer service. The report noted no immediate action required. Public Works Director Gonnason reported the City has agreed on service area.. Water District The Public Works & Transportation Committee report recommended that the No. 58, Proposed proposed annexation by Water District 58 (Edlund Properties), is in con- Annexation flict with the City's franchise area and programmed service area. The report recommended that the administration appear at the scheduled public hearing'8/16/76 before the King County Council and oppose the proposed annexation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION AND MAYOR DELAURENTI DIRECT PERSONS TO ATTEND. CARRIED. . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recom- Jefferson N.E. mending first reading of an ordinance vacating a portion of Jefferson Street Vacation Ave. N.E. Following reading of an ordinance ordering vacation as modified at public hearing on 4/19/76, continued from 4/5/76, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGIS- LATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee report recommendedfirst reading of an ordi- Holmes Rezone nance regarding rezone of certain property from G-6000 to L-1 located on Grady Way S. between Lind and Seneca Streets S.W. Following reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY., SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an ordi- Corwin Rezone nance regarding rezone of certain property from L-1 to R-3 located on Burnett Av e. S. between S. 4th and S. 5th Streets as requested by John Corwin. Following reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER ,ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance #3049 The Legislation Committee recommended first reading of an ordinance Vacation of vacation that portion of N.E. 18th Street located between Blaine N.E. and Portion of Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , petition filed by Engum. Councilman McBeth excused N.E. 18th St. himself from the Chambers and took no part in any action nor discussion on this matter. Following reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3050 The Legislation Committee recommended second and final readings of an. ordi- Zoning Code nance amending the City's zoning ordinance. Following readings, it was Amendments MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. (First reading 7/26/76) Ordinance #3051. The Legislation Committee recommended second and final readings of an P.U.D. ordinance which had been on first reading 7/26/76, establishing and creating a Planned Unit Development Ordinance. Following readings, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee recommended first reading of an ordinance Amending Sewer establishing a new rate structure and making other changes regarding Charges. sewer fees and installation charges. Following reading, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COM- MITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee recommended first reading of an ordinance amend- Water Rates ing the City's water ordinance relating to rates, installation and fees. Following reading, '.it .was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council 8/2/76 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Name of ' Letter from City of Issaquah. Mayor, H. G. .Herrington, asked • City of Renton • "Issaquah" • -support in naming of a new Washington ;State ,ferry, the "ISSAQUAH", asking Requested for letter be directed to Mr. A. D. Andreas, Asst. Director of Highways for . State Ferry Toll Facilities, Olympia. The letter enclosed documentation of privately owned ferry. "Issaquah" which is now out of service and unreclaimable. The letter. noted the 1972 super ferries carried Eastern Washington names , . of Indian origin and felt this appropriate to use Western Washington name derived from Indian term, asking top priority. of name for 1976. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED. BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION AND COPY BE SENT TO CITY OF ISSAQUAH AND MR. ANDREAS, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS. Shell Oil. Letter from City Attorney Shellan advised that the Shell Oil Company has Claim • ' decided not to pursue its proposed tank farm operation in the City, and considers the appeal to be moot and unnecessary; Shellan having been advised by the- Shell Attorney that the pending appeal will be -dismissed forthwith... The 'letter explained both attorneys for the Oil Co. and the City were . re-studying- and reviewing the verbatim transcript of. both trials in order to have them certified by the Judge; which will no longer be neces- sary and both Mr. Hodge .and Mr. Shellan will prepare the Petition and ' Order Of Dismissal in the near future. MOTION FAILED WHICH WAS MADE BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, to refer the matter to the Legislation Committee for review of ordinances for any changes in' regard to this matter. - Roll Call : 2-AYE: Perry, Grant; 4-NO: .Stredicke, Clymer, Bruce and McBeth. Failed. , . . OLD BUSINESS , . . Aviation . Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee report recom- Committee Report mending approval of proposed lease with Specialty Restaurant Corporation's Airport subsidiary Renton Waterfront Restaurant Corp. for.construction and opera • - Restaurant tion of restaurant located in the northwest corner of Renton Municipal Airport off Rainier Ave. The report. explained details of the lease and. further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized,,-.to sign ' :subject to approval ' of the City. Attorney. Stredicke expl.ained '20 year agreement and minimum. of $1 ,000 per month lease agreement. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. John Harer, 11448 Rainier Ave. S. , Lake Shore Mobile Home Park adjacent • to •Renton •Airport, asked clarification regarding his attempt to .lease. portion of airport in 1947, being advised by •Ci ty Attorney_ Shel l,an .as to F.A.A. approval .of City's proposed airport restaurant and by Council PresidentStredicke as to hearing date on Airport Master Plan 8/31/76. Police Car . Council President Stredicke presented letter received from Heather Condition • . Rowland, 1051• Union Ave: N.E.. , inquiring of running condition of City's . . Studied - -police cars,. reporting rumors of inadequate repairs and objecting to. : . less than top running condition. , Letter of reply from Stredicke explained City 'Council policy had a one-year. phase out program for police cars, with a change to two-year policy due to budgetary shortages; that the ..letter has been distributed to 'Mayor and Council for study prior to prepa- ration of the 1977 budget. . . Public Works Public Works& Transportation Committee Chairman Bruce presented committee Committee Report report regarding vacation of N.E. 18th St. between Aberdeen. Ave. N.E. and . Street . Blaine Ave., N.E. Councilman McBeth excused himself from the Council , Vacation of. • Chambers, and took no part in any action or discussion .on..this matter. • Portion of The Committee report explained field trip to site and review of vacation N.E. 18th St. by the City Attorney. The report noted property owners protesting the vacation, and complaining that a public use exists, were unwilling to provide the. necessary right-of-way for a continuation of. the pedestrian . path: to Aberdeen; Committee determined that. as.. no property is denied access • nor loses any acquired rights, and Committee, recommended that Council confirm its previous action to vacate that portion of N.E. 18th St.. as previously determined by the Council and further finds that the City would be benefitted by the .vacation , and the property returned to the tax rolls. . MOVED. BY.-GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN•COMMITTEC REPORT. CARRIED. ; (See Ordinances) Councilman McBeth returned to Chambers. Victoria Park The Public Works & Transportation Committee report recommended the Vice Objects to toria Pk Home Owners Association be advised by letter of Council action Talbot Road . regarding modification of the Six-Year Street Construction Plan to ,provide Widening for the. .improvement of Talbot Road for two lanes of traffic (rather. than 4) and• additional• width ...for left-turns at. the entrance to Victoria Park, Scott's Terrace and S. 19th St. The .Association is also to be notified Agc,..s _6ev Pivi- -Pe TTio nS RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 19 , 1976 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 P . M .. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER . Mayor C. J. Delaurenti , presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order, asking for a minute of silence in memorial for Mrs. Phyllis, Shellan, cancer victim, wife of City Attorney, Gerard M. .Shellan. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE; COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY: EARL. CLYMER, WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE AND ROBERT E. McBETH. • ROLL CALL OF CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, CITY OFFICIALS Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; LAWRENCE WARREN, Asst. City Attorney; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Rep. ; DONALD CUSTER, Administra- tive Assistant; WILLIAM BENNETT, Deputy Finance Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; M.TOUMA, Office/Design Engineer. PRESS DON CREW, Renton Record Chronicle; MARK PELLEGRINO, Greater Renton News. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF JULY 12, 1976 WITH FOLLOWING CORRECTION: Page 6, Paragraph 6, Motion re Composting: SECONDED BY GRANT. MOTION CARRIED. SPECIAL GUESTS Mayor Delaurenti introduced Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Bundy, parents of Council- woman Patricia Seymour-Thorpe, who are visiting from California. CONSENT AGENDA Claim for Damages was filed by Ella Mae Jeffery, 12202 132nd Ave. S.E. , Renton, for damage to auto in amount of $110 allegedly due to fault in Damages Claim roadway which was backed over by claimant at Landee Feed Co. Recom- mendation: Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Consent Agenda MOVED BY PERRY, -SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA Approval AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Council President Stredicke, with the aid of Planning Director Ericksen, PRESENTATION presented slideshow of the July 4th Celebration at Liberty Park and • noted forthcoming request from the. Bicentennial Commission for continua- tion of the event in years to come. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Latecomer's Letter from Michael H. Yuhl , P.E. , Yuhl & Associates, 1268 W.Lk.Samm.Pkwy. Agreement N. E., Bellevue, made application for client to construct a developer's Requested for extension of the City's sewer system to serve the proposed development Sewers in of apartment complex on the south side ofmpire Way east of 68th Ave. area of (Monster Road). The letter also requestedCouncil authorization to Monster Road enter into a latecomer's agreement with the City as theproposed sewer has the capability of serving areas north of Empire Way S. currently not sewered. The letter noted City Engineering Department acceptance of design and approval that sewer could accommodate additional flow. Council President Stredjcke inquired whether area inside City limits, being advised negatively by the Public Works Director. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANS- - PORTATION COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Talbot Road Petition bearing 36 signatures was filed requesting that Council remove Extension to from consideration, that part of the Six Year Construction Program as South 7th St, listed - Item #3, Page 1 , of the Public Hearing Review 1977-1982, the extension of Talbot Rd. to S. 7th St. at a cost of $122,000 for approxi- mately 317 feet to be purchased from Puget Power and Renton Issaquah Motor Freight Co. The letter petitioned for improvement of local streets as the Mayor mentioned in election campaign and the improvement of Burnett Ave. with a green belt and play area for children with money not used for short connecting street (Talbot Road Extension). MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL REFER THIS COMMUNICATION TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Discus- sion ensued, Public Works Director Gonnason reported the land could be acquired within 45-60 days and project completed by October or November. , Stredicke noted the plan was adopted and transmitted to the State. McBeth noted matter of priorities for the plan was in committee. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: 'STREDICKE,,THORPE,,PERRY,McBETH; 3-NO;CLYMER,GRANT,BRUCE. CARRIED. I Renton City Council 7/19/76 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued LID 291 Charges Letter from John O'Neil , Westlake Associates, 1500 Westlake N. , Seattle, Misty Cove Apts. asked reconsideration of the $6,800 assessment being levied against the Misty Cove Apartments, 5021 Ripley Lane N. , claiming to have objected because of belonging to Water District 107 with sufficient pressure and water supply. The letter claimed deletion from assessment roll of other parcels on Ripley Lane and that in fairness should be treated equally and not be assessed unless hook up made to Renton water supply. Upon inquiry-by Councilman McBeth and recollection that public hearing closed July 12, and assessment.roi.l adopted; Assist: City Attorney Warren noted this letter not timely. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER •• LETTER TO MAYOR'S OFFICE FOR RESPONSE. John O'Neil being half owner of Misty Cove Apts. , explained incidents :in development of the Local Improve- ment District 291 , again urging deletion.' Upon inquiry, Public Works Director Gonnason noted Fire;Department regulations for fire flow indicate hook up necessary. MOTION CARRIED. HUD Community Letter from Planning D.irector,.Ericksen requested appropriation of , Development Housing and Community Development Block Grants in the amount of $242,267 Funds unto the proper budget categories: Housing ',&Community Development $33,257; Senior Citizen Activity Center $97,429; Cedar. Center Park $4,414; Renton Green River Valley Wildlife Habitats and Greenbelt Acquisi- tion $4,900; Preventive Health Services $10,167; Cedar River Trail System $92,100. Upon indication from Councilman Grant as to approval of request excepting for Wildlife and Greenbelt Acquisition, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH THAT THE $4,900 ITEM, RENTON GREEN RIVER VALLEY WILDLIFE HATIBATS AND GREENBELT ACQUISITION, BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE.. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SEC- ONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER ALL ITEMS, EXCEPT THE WILDLIFE AND GREENBELT ACQUISITION, TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR APPROVAL AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. July 4, 1976 Letter from James A. Johnson, Renton Concessions , 11517 84th Ave. S. , Concession Seattle, operator Liberty Park concession stand in Gianini Stadium,. Stand brought to the attention of Mayor and Council the misunderstanding between himself and Bicentennial Committee members regarding matter of food dispensing at the Fourth of July Old Fashioned Picnic. Letter from Bicentennial Committee member Stredicke sumbitted comments regarding frustrations of both parties regarding food needs, sales and spirit of the event. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THIS COM- MUNICATION TO THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT TO ANSWER. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Dona Pomerville, 1822_ Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , opposed vacation of portion of N. E. 18th St. between Blaine Ave. N.E. and Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , explain- Protests to ing use by school children due to lack of sidewalks and unsafe conditions Vacation of on Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , reporting lack .of' notification. Representative of Portion NE 18th Gene Bonomi , abutting property owner, 1732 Aberdeen NE,reported lack of (Engum Petition) notification and opposed blocking of public right-of-way, objecting to lack of investigation as to present use. Gary McFarland, 1732 Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , objected to the fencing off of right-of-way as it is used regularly. Public Works Director Gonnason explained street vacation procedure wherein 86% of the abutting property owners signed petition for vacation of that portion of N.E. 18th St. and that it had been .. posted in three places on May 26, and again on June 2, 1976 and that the public hearing was held June 28, and vacation fees collected. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, ' COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO REVIEW COMPLAINTS. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, LEGISLATION BE WITHHELD FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Mrs. Pomerville required about removal of ',fence and was assured by Mayor Delaurenti that he would have it removed. Grace Maresh, 1417 Blaine Ave. N. E. , inquired re posting of notice. Issaae Blufton, ' 1724 Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , reported the community uses this portion of right-of-way and reported the community would purchase same for school walkway and play area, noting heavy, fast traffic on Aberdeen N.E. Councilman Perry noted City has provided several school walkriays. MOTION TO REFER TO WITHHOLD LEGISLATION FOR ONE WEEK, CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:35 p.m. Recess and reconvened at 9:50 p.m. ROLL CALL: All council members 'present. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke presented Committee of the Whole ,Report Committee of the recommending that the" matter of water and sewer rates be referred back Whole Report to the Council, without a recommendation. MOVED BY GRANT SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, . d, -,, • 'To Renton City Council: 7'"/976 'WE, THE UNDEIISIGNED, do hereby petition said Council to remove from ',consideration, that part of the .6 year construction program as ,listed--iteem #3 , page 1, of the public hearing review 1977-1982 th.e__ext_e_n extension o_f T l.ho t_Road t_o_Smith'7th_S t—a t-a__as t__o_f_112 a,0a0 ______ _ fo• r the approximate 317 feet to be purchased from Puget Power and "the owner .of The Renton Issaquah Mbtor Freight Co . Since all the cdti-z--e-ns-o-f-Renton-paT-taxes to fi -nco---t-h-e proj-e t;a-1-1 sh-auld-be 'aware that the residents of this neighborhood do not want or need a thruway cutting in to our home area. Rather - we feel the money :,could be spent to better advantage in improving locat streets as the mayor said r. bj se]ecti on cam:pa-ign,.._' • Tho there are several older residents who would not be helped .by the increased traffic generated, there are also children in ,,the n e i gl1bi 02 lro o-d--wiro ne e-d a pad e- t u i-1a-y j-u 5 t---as-m u-ch-a-S those ''in neighborhoods such as Talbot Hill. With the money not spent ' on the short- connecting' street (Talbot Hill Extension) Burnett Ave.. could be improved with a green belt and play area for -The children gal i.t h rno ne3r-1_e- t-o v_e-r_tar-o_th e.r pr o j-e-Gts-. • -Name (Printed) A(9dness SIGiTATERE • ,AZO.222�2�� , c- ._C=-.��l�0-cN e/% S i ��he e s- ��e�� 'i X16• `� ' /V I/© L 7- , rc j/ / V/ 5- _ o- ff o- '\�'�dCY. d ALL Eck w 4R c S 6 L IV_rrA F —- - - - - — ��s ��� • '"�= /;%yam -z�l — d-aa 1. 'FI--11-e5 _./-;t/1-ye,9_ ,64 C * X/ M0_4, -----/// . 7A ___ A C %'7 _ rY a a1 -r tee_5d •y . •t,e�� 6.4 n:c__ - a_h_ _ '02._- eJca SD, , i a-4 drimm ' jia/ � ' / � w = �� _ ice _ /NW �� ,.�.,Ja' /' . : /06 a 7() -51: _e sfeek/u&---7-7---- atoSa XeZ-z_-_„a-e---,42-2A Of / , .1,:-.:___Zif ,. . pi..- -4- ‘7&-&--,c • j di47.5--qi-7:7-4-/J-,.---ki-z›---s- /_214%ykl2Le fit`I 561AS_"19-? jJo i , .. i,4e---s s r e A) D i c-k'I s 6 >j 4z/ .--attAtt. 61.0--S__b 4_,4_,e_a_lc_ Sle-4,---44-(-4e-4, e Arr-r7.7>370- ( RL CLJ4fir e..—e cu G-1_N_I.- /7.-,ev_ ,a__ /_9_Y_e.,_ ro `.""` --- CIT.y OF - MAY p / P-'1:bill // .% �'-- .) Cis R 4 UFF/CE • • • To Renton City Council: WE, THEFUNDJOSIGNED, do hereby petition said Council to remove from Consideration, that part of the 6 year construction program as listed--item #3 , page 1, of the public-hearing review 1977-1982 . the extension OT-TaIbet Road to SoUth 7th-St--. at a cost of g122ooa- _ __for the approximate 317 feet to be. purchased from Puzet Power and the owner of The Renton Issaquah Motor Freight Co . Since all the citizens pay taxes to finance the project, all should be aware that the residents ef this ne-ighborhood do not want ,or need a_ thruway cutting in to our home area. Rather - we feel the money could be spent to better advantage in, improving local strets as the mayor said in his election campaign. - -T-ho there are several oIder-residents_who would not b- helped by the increased traffic generated, there are also children in the neighborhood who need a place to pay just as much as those in neigh-borhoets suct as Talbet Hill. With the money not spent NN\ oh the shor---connecting street (Talbot Hill Extension) Burnett Ave . could be improved with a green belt and play area for the children with money left over for other projects . Name (Pri,nted) kddress e Ois du' 6urAle,A4 s E2rd— 67--''e/z-64") Go 0 ( 1AT 5 4 6,1A-Acsid„ki /4-161-4Kr w Kam( 504 furnett rs--0 14/ tcL KLet 4). s-ov 66,giverrAoe 5 • y7 0_2 y, .L-sc. c.4 ,Q - H Je/17 .-77 A-Veso )6't•Rik JJ go/711/ i/G //47viVi. FE-7 &Af 130 g e7/1-7P. Se, - D L /%-i /14,Pt/. 3-7? 4/e2(71- ,z,V•e le f/4 tngO/Atit) heale7-41- - 7)7° - 01;?d-Z27,e/f2etdetsc7,- vssE// R___74/0as-a_jv big sp:A , /17E/FL1 . C ja/- VI 3 oeY7 /". ;4-reib" (f41 c,,51-1,5'011 6° 8' Xi) 2 / n/c7r 47ye,.5-0 cV/becAf g;e. 7i"2;'"22?L7---AL- rye,. P-77-ogro%''' /947 '4/ qrch ,2%ZYztkAae--&& /61 -A r I 911 (c_ t 64._uoraia zuk, /Tuba --h-L,JALI2d- „ , • --- 7?6 VOA X.; /1Z ( ,:S:? // e _ _ icA OA/ r 1 /5_,Gt02, ( f.)-5,A.ceJe 02-end& 441)4/ • 4(.;EPP/Miecf/(') 5/1 7/ 74-,01 a / —47 7)1 ' .max, 4=A, ' 77.- "Z. Renton City Council 7/19/76 Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Water/Sewer SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS Rate. Increase DIRECTOR AND ADOPT WATER AND SEWER RATES RECOMMENDED AND REFER TO LEGIS- . , LATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. Councilman Stredicke objected to high increase in water rates for both residential and commercial consumers suggesting reduction in. $3,000,000 Water and Sewer Bonds to $2,000,000 by deleting some of the projects thatare included. Stredicke then sug- Present Water gested the following water rates: 0-2500 c.f. $.30 (rather than $.34 rec- Rates - (c.f. ) . ommended by Public Works Director) , 2501-35000 c.f. $.29 (rather than 0-2500 cf $.29 . 31 recommended by Public Works Director) ; over 35,000 c.f. $.24 (rather 2501-35000 .26 than .27 recommended). Deputy Finance Director Bennett noted city's need Over 35000 .22 . for consultation with. ourbond counsel , Jim Gay, explaining that the bonds. could not be called until •1990,.and the savings would be in interest resulting from reduction. Public Works Director Gonnason asked Council ; direction if reduction of projects covered by Water & Sewer Bond Issue was Council 's wish, noting it was not his recommendation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL AMEND WATER RATES BY CUTTING PROPOSED RATE FOR RESIDEN- TIAL. BY 4¢, COMMERCIAL RATE BY 2t AND LARGE VOLUME RATE BY 3t (as listed above); SECONDED BY McBETH FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSION. Later, it was MOVED BYCLYMER, 'SECONDED BY GRANT, THE MATTER OF REDUCING THE $3,000,000, WATER AND SEWER BOND ISSUE DOWN TO $2,000,000 BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND THE MATTER OF THE BOND ISSUE BE. REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, CITY' COUNCIL CANCEL ITS AUGUST MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND SCHEDULE THE MEETING JULY 27, AT 7:30 PM TO DISCUSS WATER AND SEWER RATES AND THE MATTER OF FUNDING FOR BOND PROPOSAL BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE TO STUDY AND REPORT BACK, AND THE MATTER OF PROJECTS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO REPORT BACK AT THAT MEETING. ROLL CALL: 3-AYE: STREDICKE, BRUCE, McBETH; 4-NO: THORPE, PERRY, CLYMER, GRANT. MOTION FAILED (MADE BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY' BRUCE). SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUN- CIL REFER THE MATTER OF RATE STRUCTURE AND THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS COVER- ED BY THE BOND ISSUE TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND THE MATTER OF FINANCING OF THE BONDS, EFFECT ON BOND ISSUE AND ON CITY TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. Clymer noted the Public Works Committee would Subject of need to determine priority of items within bond issue, projects necessary Water & Sewer and those thatcan be delayed. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Rates Placed SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL PLACE WATER AND SEWER RATES ON THE AGENDA on August 2, FOR AUGUST 2, 1976. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCia1. RECESS Agenda , FOR 5 MINUTES. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: STREDICKE, THORPE, PERRY, BRUCE; 3-NO: CLYMER, GRANT, BRUCE. CARRIED. All members reconvened 10:45 pm for roll . Planning & Planning and Development Committee Chairman Perry presented committee Development report recommending that the matter of movie theatres be taken from Committee Report that committee and referred to the Public SafetyCommittee and Planning Commission. The report noted this matter is aleady in both these bodies and would be duplication of effort. MOVED BY McBETH AND SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. CATV Citizens Mayor Delaurenti appointed the members of Citizens Advisory Committee for Advisory Cable TV, as follows: Planning Commission member, Clark Teegarden; Educa- Committee tion member, Bob Larson; Public Access member, Susan Schmidt; CATV member Appointments William Monson; 2 'Senior Citizen members, Lloyd Bowen and Dan Poli ; 3 Mem- bers at Large, Beth Borist, Charlene Biggar and Gary Dime. (See meeting schedule. ) ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE FIRST SIX ITEMS OF THE Committee Report LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT BE HELD UNTIL NEXT WEEK AND ITEM 7 BE READ. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read Item #7 of the Legislation Committee report Resolution #2057 recommending reading and adoption of aresolution regarding sale of Surplus Building Dominion Aircraft building as surplus property. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED of Dominion at BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Airport Legislation Committee Chairman 'Clymer presented majority report,unsigned by Resolution • himself,. recommending reading and adoptionof a resolution opposing Opposing SR-515 construction of proposed SR-515 (Benson Rd,. relocation) as presently proposed by the State. . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUN- CIL CONCUR IN MAJORITY REPORT OF LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Robert DeBoer, 6837 Ripley Lane, felt Council action of 7/12 calling for resolution was premature and asked for reconsideration, that more information be obtained Vlore decision made. Tony Mola, 516: S. 15th; asked that resolution be Renton City Council 7/19/76 Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued SR-515 Cont. be voted down. City Clerk Mead read the proposed resolution opposing the construction of proposed State Route 515 from Carr Road to Puget Drive within the' city limits of the city as proposed by the State Highway Department and urged the Legislature of the State to delete from budgets any further funding for planning, engineering, acquisitions or construc- tion of said SR-515 within the city limits. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION TO CONCUR IN MAJORITY REPORT, FAILED: 3-AYE: THORPE, PERRY, GRANT; 4-NO: STREDICKE, CLYMER, BRUCE, McBETH. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY McBETH COUN- CIL HOLD PUBLIC HEARING ON SR-515 AUGUST 2, 1976. MOVED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL AMEND MOTION TO REQUEST HIGHWAY. DEPARTMENT TO CEASE ANY FURTHER ACTION ON SR-515 PENDING DECISION BY THE CITY COUNCIL.. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY McBETH, AMEND MOTION TO REFER TO PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe, Administrative Assistant Custer advised there may be only one amendment pending at one time, however, Council may amend a motion to amend and that may be pending at the same time. MOTION TO REFER TO COMMITTEE, CAR- RIED. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION TO REQUEST HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TO CEASE ACTION, FAILED: 3-AYE: STREDICKE, STORPE, GRANT; 4-NO: PERRY, CLYMER, Public Hearing BRUCE, McBETH. MOTION TO HOLD PUBLIC HEARING AUGUST 2, 1976, CARRIED. 8/16/76 Councilman Grant changed vote from No to Ave for the purpose of reconsid- eration. . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BYTHORPE, COUNCIL RECONSIDER PREVIOUS MOTION SETTING HEARING DATE OF 8/2/76. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED . BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL HOLD PUBLIC HEARING ON SR-515 8/16/76.. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Council meeting adjourned at 11 :45 p.m. G . Delores A. Mead, Ci y Cler • 41r --fent.pn City Council 7/19/76 Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS —Continued SR-515 Cont. be voted down. City Clerk Mead read the proposed resolution opposing the construction of proposed State Route 515 from Carr Road to Puget Drive within the ,city limits of the city as proposed by the State Highway Department and urged the Legislature of the State to delete from budgets any further funding for planning, engineering, acquisitions or construc- tion of said SR-515 within the city limits. ROLL CALL, VOTE ON MOTION TO CONCUR IN MAJORITY REPORT, FAILED: 3-AYE: THORPE, PERRY, GRANT; 4-NO: STREDICKE, CLYMER, BRUCE, McBETH. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY McBETH COUN- CIL HOLD PUBLIC HEARING ON SR-515 AUGUST 2, 1976. MOVED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL AMEND MOTION TO REQUEST HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TO CEASE ANY FURTHER ACTION ON SR-515 PENDING DECISION BY THE CITY COUNCIL. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY McBETH, AMEND MOTION TO REFER TO PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe, Administrative Assistant Custer advised there may be only one amendment pending at one time, however, Council may amend a motion to amend and that may be pending at the same time. MOTION TO REFER TO COMMITTEE, CAR- RIED. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION TO REQUEST HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TO CEASE ACTION, FAILED: 3-AYE: STREDICKE, STORPE, GRANT; 4-NO: PERRY, CLYMER, . Public Hearing BRUCE, McBETH. MOTION TO HOLD PUBLIC HEARING AUGUST 2, 1976, CARRIED. 8/16/76 Councilman Grant changed vote from No to Ave for the purpose of reconsid- eration. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL RECONSIDER PREVIOUS MOTION SETTING HEARING DATE OF 8/2/76. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL HOLD PUBLIC HEARING ON SR-515 8/16/76.. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Council meeting adjourned at 11 :45 p.m. . Delores A. Mead, CCI Cler Y11/44449c • • Renton City Council 7/19/76 Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Water/Sewer SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS Rate Increase DIRECTOR AND ADOPT WATER AND SEWER RATES RECOMMENDED AND REFER TO LEGIS- LATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. Councilman Stredicke objected to high increase in water rates for both residential and commercial consumers suggesting reduction in $3,000,000 Water and Sewer Bonds to $2,000,000 by deleting. some of the projects that are included. Stredicke then sug Present Water , gested the following water rates: 0-2500 c.f. $.30 (rather than $.34 rec- Rates - (c.f. ) ommended by Public Works Director) , 2501-35000 c.f. $.29 (rather than 0-2500 cf $.29 . 31 recommended by Public Works Director) ; over 35,000 c.f. $.24 (rather 2501-35000 .26 than .27 recommended). Deputy finance Director Bennett noted city's need Over 35000 .22 for consultation with our bond counsel , Jim Gay, explaining that the bonds could notbe called until 1990,,•and the savings would be in interest . resulting from reduction. Public Works Director Gonnason asked Council direction if reduction of projects covered by Water. &' Sewer Bond Issue was Council 's wish, noting it was not his recommendation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL AMEND WATER RATES BY CUTTING PROPOSED RATE FOR RESIDEN- TIAL BY 4t, COMMERCIAL RATE BY 2t AND LARGE VOLUME RATE BY 3t (as listed above); SECONDED BY' McBETH FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSION. Later, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE MATTER OF REDUCING THE $3,000,000 WATER AND SEWER 'BOND ISSUE DOWN TO $2,000,000 BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND THE MATTER OF THE BOND ISSUE BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, CITY COUNCIL CANCEL ITS AUGUST•MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND SCHEDULE THE MEETING JULY 27, AT 7:30 PM TO DISCUSS WATER AND SEWER RATES AND THE MATTER OF FUNDING FOR BOND PROPOSAL BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE TO STUDY AND REPORT BACK, AND THE MATTER OF PROJECTS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO REPORT BACK AT THAT MEETING. ROLL CALL: 3-AYE: STREDICKE, BRUCE, McBETH; 4-NO: THORPE, PERRY, CLYMER, GRANT. MOTION FAILED (MADE BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE). SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUN- CIL REFER THE MATTER OF RATE STRUCTURE AND THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS COVER- ED BY THE BOND ISSUE .TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND THE MATTER OF FINANCING OF THE BONDS, EFFECT ON BOND ISSUE AND ON CITY TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. Clymer noted the Public Works Committee would Subject of need to determine priority of items within bond issue, projects necessary Water & Sewer and those that can be delayed. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Rates Placed SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL PLACE WATER AND SEWER RATES ON THE AGENDA on August 2, FOR.AUGUST 2, 1976. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS Agenda FOR 5 MINUTES. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: STREDICKE, THORPE, PERRY, BRUCE; 3-NO: . CLYMER, GRANT, BRUCE. CARRIED. All members reconvened 10:45 pm for roll . Planning & Planning and Development Committee Chairman Perry presented committee Development report recommending that the matter of movie theatres be taken from Committee Report that committee and referred to the Public Safety Committee and Planning Commission. The report noted this matter is aTready in both these bodies and would be duplication of effort. MOVED BY McBETH AND SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. CATV Citizens Mayor Delaurenti appointed the members of Citizens Advisory Committee for Advisory Cable TV, as follows: Planning Commission member, Clark Teegarden; Educa- Committee tion member, Bob Larson; Public Access member, Susan Schmidt; CATV member Appointments William Monson; 2 Senior Citizen members, Lloyd Bowen and Dan Poli ; 3 Mem- bers at Large, Beth Borist, Charlene Biggar and Gary Dime. (See meeting schedule. ) ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS • Legislation MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE FIRST SIX ITEMS OF THE Committee Report LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT BE HELD UNTIL NEXT WEEK AND ITEM 7 BE READ. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read Item #7 of the Legislation Committee report Resolution #2057 recommending reading and adoption of a resolution regarding sale of Surplus Building Dominion Aircraft building as surplus property. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED of Dominion at BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Airport Legislation Committee Chairman •Cl.ymer presented majority report,unsigned by Resolution . himself,. recommending reading and adoption of a resolution opposing Opposing SR-515construction of proposed SR-515 (Benson Rd. relocation) as presently proposed by the State. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUN- CIL CONCUR IN MAJORITY REPORT OF LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Robert DeBoer, 6837 Ripley Lane, felt Council action of 7/12 calling for resolution was premature and asked for reconsideration, that more information be obtained before decision made. Tony Mola, 616.S•. 15th; asked that resolution be i GmizaicJ . RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 19 , 1976 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers ` MINUTES' CALL TO ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti , presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order, asking for a minute of silence in memorial for Mrs. Phyllis Shellan, cancer victim, wife of City Attorney, Gerard M. Shellan. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE; COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY: EARL CLYMER, WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE AND ROBERT E. McBETH. ROLL CALL OF CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, CITY OFFICIALS Public Works Director; GORDON .ERICKSEN, Planning Director; LAWRENCE WARREN, Asst. City Attorney; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Rep. ; DONALD CUSTER, Administra- tive Assistant; WILLIAM BENNETT, Deputy Finance Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; M.TOUMA, Office/Design Engineer. PRESS DON CREW, Renton Record Chronicle; MARK PELLEGRINO, Greater Renton News. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF JULY 12, 1976 WITH FOLLOWING CORRECTION: Page 6, Paragraph 8, Motion re Composting: SECONDED BY GRANT. MOTION CARRIED. SPECIAL GUESTS Mayor Delaurenti introduced Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Bundy, parents of Council- woman Patricia Seymour-Thorpe, who are visiting from California. CONSENT AGENDA Claim for Damages was filed by Ella Mae Jeffery, 12202 132nd Ave. S.E. , Renton, for damage to auto in amount of $110 allegedly due to fault in Damages Claim roadway which was backed over by claimant at Landee Feed Co. Recom- mendation: Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Consent Agenda MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA Approval AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Council President Stredicke, with the aid of Planning Director Ericksen, PRESENTATION presented slide show, of the July 4th Celebration at Liberty Park and noted forthcoming request from the: Bicentennial Commission for continua- tion of the event in years to come. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Latecomer's Letter from Michael H. Yuhl , P.E. , Yuhl & Associates, 1268 W.Lk.Samm.Pkwy. Agreement ' N. E., Bellevue, made application for client to construct a developer's Requested for ' extension of the City's sewer system to serve the proposed development Sewers in of apartment complex on the. south side of ,Empire Way east of 68th Ave. area of (Monster Road). The letter also requested' Council authorization to Monster Road , enter into a latecomer's agreement with the City as the proposed sewer has the capability of serving areas north of Empire Way S. currently not sewered. The letter noted City Engineering Department acceptance of design and approval that sewer could accommodate additional flow. Council President- Stredicke inquired whether area inside City limits, being advised negatively by the Public Works Director. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANS- PORTATION COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Talbot Road -Petition bearing 36 signatures was filed requesting that Council remove Extension to from consideration, that: part of the Six Year Construction Program as South 7th St. . listed '- Item #3, Page 1 , of the Public Hearing Review 1977-1982, the extension of Talbot Rd. to S. 7th St. at a cost of $122,000 for approxi- . mately 317 feet to be purchased from Puget Power and Renton Issaquah Motor Freight Co. The letter petitioned for improvement of local streets as the Mayor mentionedin election campaign and the improvement of Burnett Ave. with a green belt and play area for children with money not used for short connecting street (Talbot Road Extension). MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL REFER THIS COMMUNICATION TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Discus- sion ensued, Public Works Director Gonnason reported the land could be acquired within 45-60 days and project completed by October or November. Stredicke noted the plan was adopted and transmitted to the State. McBeth noted matter of priorities for the plan was in committee. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: STREDICKE,T.HORPE,.PERRY',McBETH; 3-NO;CLYMER,GRANT,BRUCE. CARRIED. Renton City Council 7/19/76 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued LID 291 Charges Letter from John O'Neil , Westlake Associates, 1500 Westlake N. , Seattle, Misty Cove Apts. asked reconsideration of the $6,800 assessment being levied against the Misty Cove Apartments, 5021 Ripley Lane N. , claiming to have objected because of belonging to Water District 107 with sufficient pressure and water supply. . The letter claimed deletion from assessment roll of other parcels on Ripley Lane and that in fairness should be treated ' equally and not be assessed unless hook up made to Renton water supply. Upon inquiry by Councilman McBeth and recollection that public hearing closed July 12, and assessment.ro}.l adopted, Assist. City Attorney Warren noted this letter not timely. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER LETTER TO MAYOR'S OFFICE FOR RESPONSE. John O'Neil being half owner of Misty Cove Apts. , explained incidents in development of the Local Improve- ment District 291 , again urging deletion. . Upon inquiry, Public •Works Director Gonnason noted Fire Department regulations for fire flow indicate hook up necessary. MOTION CARRIED. HUD Community Letter from Planning Director Ericksen requested appropriation of Development Housing and Community Development Block Grants in the amount of $242,267 Funds unto the proper budget categories : Housing & Community Development $33,257; Senior Citizen Activity Center $97,429; Cedar Center Park $4,414; Renton Green River Valley Wildlife Habitats and Greenbelt Acquisi- tion $4,900; Preventive Health Services $10,167; Cedar River Trail System $92,100. Upon indication from Councilman Grant as to approval of request excepting for Wildlife and Greenbelt Acquisition, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH THAT THE $4,900 ITEM, RENTON GREEN RIVER VALLEY WILDLIFE HATIBATS AND GREENBELT ACQUISITION, BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SEC- ONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER ALL ITEMS, EXCEPT THE WILDLIFE AND GREENBELT ACQUISITION, .TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR APPROVAL AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. July 4, 1976 Letter from James A. Johnson, Renton Concessions, 11517 84th Ave. S. , Concession Seattle, operator Liberty Park concession stand in Gianini Stadium, Stand brought to the attention of Mayor and Council the misunderstanding between himself and Bicentennial Committee members regarding matter of food dispensing at the Fourth of July Old Fashioned Picnic. Letter from Bicentennial Committee member Stredicke sumbitted comments regarding frustrations of both parties regarding food needs, sales and spirit of the event. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THIS COM- MUNICATION TO THE .000NCIL PRESIDENT TO ANSWER. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Dona Pomerville, 1822 Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , opposed vacation of portion of N.E. 18th St. between Blaine Ave. N.E. and Aberdeen Ave. N.-E.;, explain- Protests to ing use by school children due to lack of sidewalks and unsafe conditions Vacation of on Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , reporting lack of notification. Representative of Portion NE 18th Gene Bonomi , abutting property owner, 1732 Aberdeen NE,reported lack of (Engum Petition) notification and opposed blocking of public right-of-way, objecting to lack of investigation as to present use. Gary McFarland, 1732 Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , objected to the fencing off of right-of-way as it is used regularly. Public Works Director Gonnason explained street vacation procedure wherein 86% of the abutting property owners signed petition for vacation of that portion of N.E. 18th St, and that it had been posted in three places on May 26, and again on June 2, 1976 and that the public hearing was held June 28, and vacation fees collected. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO REVIEW COMPLAINTS. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, LEGISLATION BE WITHHELD FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Mrs. Pomerville required about removal of fence and was assured by Mayor Delaurenti that he would have it removed. Grace Maresh, 1417 Blaine Ave. N. E. , inquired re posting of notice. Issaac Blufton, 1724 Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , reported the community uses this portion of right-of-way and reported the community would purchase same for school walkway and play area, noting heavy, fast traffic on Aberdeen1 N.E. Councilman Perry noted City has provided several school walkways. MOTION TO REFER TO WITHHOLD LEGISLATION FOR ONE WEEK, CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:35 p.m. Recess and reconvened at 9:50 p.m. . ROLL CALL: All council members Present. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke presented Committee of the Whole Report Committee of the recommending that the matter of water and sewer rates be referred back Whole Report to the Council without a recommendation. MOVED BY GRANT SECQNDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, 1/1( (e: ( i ) , -p • Renton City Council 7/12/76 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued • LID 291 Public Works and Transportation Committee Report noted 6/21/76 referral Water. Mains for review of protests against assessments by owners of property already Continued . served by an existing water main of Water. District 107. The report noted properties in question are located north of the Misty Cove Apartments and south of SE 72nd St. The Committee recommended that those properties be credited $3.20 per foot for the property abutting the new 8-inch water main representing approximately 75% of the original cost for the installation of the existing line. Public Works Director Gonnason explained the district and the duplicate lines showing Moser property which was divided and sold after the LID had been initiated, Moser not having protested at time of pre- liminary assessment and as multiple residence proposed for area, larger line was installed to facilitate fire protection. Councilman Clymer recalled the hearing to consider preliminary assessment wherein certain properties were deleted, noting that if protests had been received on this area to the north, deletion could have been made. Upon inquiry , Planning Director Ericksen reported problems exist in development of apartments in area north of Misty Cove.Apts. , but development not precluded; noting problems of access, soil conditions and impact along shoreline; apartmentapplications had been before the Planning Commission on three occasions. In order to determine assess- ments, length oflife of District #107 line was discussed, along with Compre- hensive Plan for area. Protesting property owners present reported plans for single family residences and opposed reduction of $3.20 per foot as —insufficient. MOVED BY SEYMOUR-TFORPE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CLOSE Roll Adjusted HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, L. I .D. for Ripley Lane #291 BE APPROVED WITH ASSESSMENTS AS PRESENTED EXCEPT FOR SIX PROTESTING PROPERTIES IN NORTHERN PORTION OF L. I.D. AND THOSE ASSESSMENTS BE PAID BY THE WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND AND A .LATECOMER'S AGREEMENT EQUAL TO THOSE ASSESSMENTS BECOME EFFECTIVE UPON HOOK UP. Upon inquiry by Councilman McBeth, Public Works Director Gonnason noted this adjustment to the Roll Final would be paid from funds requested in utility tax increase.. MOTION CARRIED. Assessment Roll MOVED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ON Revised Total AREA IN QUESTION (NORTH OF MISTY COVE APTS. ) BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING $405,389.59 COMMISSION FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY McBETH; SEC- ONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER L. I.D.#291 TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL RECESS CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:30 p.m. and reconvened at 9:40 p.m. All Council members present at roll call . . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices-having been posted and published Six Year. Stree as required by law, Mayor Delaurenti opened the Public Hearing to consider Construction the Six Year Construction Program for city streets and arterials , 1977- Plan 1982, and Five Year Plan for Street Maintenance, 1977-1981 , hearing contin- ued from June 28, 1976. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason pres- ented revised copies of the proposed program incorporating amended .project , descriptions as requested by the Public Works and Transportation Committee. For the benefit of those persons ,present, Mayor Delaurenti announced the hearing covered the entire 6-Yr. Program of city streets not SR-515, State extension of Benson Rd. , affecting present Talbot Rd. , and noted special hearing would be called in the event of SR-5.15 activities. Following dis'= cussion, IT WAS MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, CITY COUNCIL GO ON RECORD OPPOSING SR-515 AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMIT- TEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION ASKING THAT ALL PENDING ENGINEERING, ACQUISITION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY AND FUTURE CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON BE DELETED FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY BUDGET. Councilman McBeth felt this action was premature, that State Highway Dept. should be present for SR-515 hearing. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: STREDICKE, GRANT, PERRY, SEYMOUR-THORPE; 3-NO: McBETH, BRUCE AND CLYMER. MOTION CARRIED. Persons present making inquiries: Ron Keller, 1021 S. 30th Ct.,and Glen Garrett, 1006 .S. 30th Ct. , re SR-515. Joe Venera; 622 S. 16th, objected to widening Talbot Rd. to 4 lanes. Homer Venishnick, 518 S. 17th, objected to speed on Talbot, noting need for walkway for school children without changing character of neighborhood. H. Klein, 504 .Burnett S. , and Dennis Stremick, 2532 Smithers S. , objected to city spending $122,000 for Talbot Rd. extension (S. Grady to S. 7th) , Public Works Director explaining purchase of right-of-way included. Douglas Spencer, 814 S. 27th, objected to widen- ing of Talbot Rd. , noting need for sidewalks and resurfacing, and objected to extension of that portion Strander Blvd./SW 27th St. from E.Valley Rd. to /Talbot Rd.S. RENTON CITY COUNCIL • Regular Meeting July 12 , 1976 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles J.. Delaurenti , presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council. to order. ROLL CALL OF ' RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; ROBERT E. McBETH, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL EARL CLYMER, GEORGE J. PERRY AND PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE. MOVED BY McBETH,' SECONDED BY 'BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. Councilman Grant arrived shortly after Roll was called. CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; GWEN MARSHALL, IN ATTENDANCE ' Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Dir- ector; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; LAWRENCE WARREN, Asst. City Attorney; DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; RICHARD GEISSLER, Asst. Fire Chief; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; 'VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent. PRESS . MARK PELLEGRINO, Greater Renton News; DON CREW, Renton Record Chronicle. Council President Stredicke introduced Mr. Crew and he was welcomed as the official press representative for the Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL Council President Stredicke noted spelling correction of June 28, 1976 Minutes, Page 3, Appointment to Fire Station Advisory Committee, Robert Hilliard. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES 'OF;6/28/76 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published, posted Kenyon. and distributed, Mayor Delaurenti opened the Public Hearing to consider Annexation - the.75% petition for annexation as filed by Arthur R. Kenyon et al for Northern L-shaped area in the vicinity of 114th Ave. SE and NE 33rd Street, petition Portion of City certified valid by the Planning Department as representing 86.8% of the East of FAI405 assessed valuation. Property owners agreed to accept the Comprehensive N. of May Creek Plan, zoning and assumption of any pre-existing bonded indebtedness of Along the city at the preliminary meeting on April -19, 1976. Letter from City Rufus Buck Rd. Clerk Mead noted Council 's responsibility to determine whether to accept the annexation as petitioned and if acceptable, the Planning ,Department should be authorized to prepare a Notice of Intention to be filed with the King County Boundary Review Board for further procedure as required by law. Planning Director Ericksen outlined the area using wall map, noting five parcels of property involved, explaining Mr. Kenyon's property located both in 'and out of city and that annexation initiated in order for all property to -be located within the 'city and obtain building permits accord- ingly. Councilman McBethinquired whether or not area served with city water and sewer lines , being advised by Public Works Director Gonnason that 'it 'was not and would not be obligated to service the area. McBeth inquired if attempt had been made to annex a larger area, and was advised . by the Planning Director that there was no interest on the part of others in the area when attempt was made for larger annexation. Mr. Arthur_ R. Kenyon, 1202 N. 31st St. , was present and explained annexation. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY McBETH, CLOSE HEARING. 'CARRIED.' MOVED BY STREDICKE, SEC- ONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN ANNEXATION AND AUTHORIZE PLANNING DEPT. TO PREPARE NOTICE OF INTENT FOR ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING WITH BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. CARRIED. ' • PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notice having been posted, published and Local mailed, Mayor Delaurenti opened the Public Hearing to consider the Final Improvement Assessment Roll for L. I.D. #291 in amount of $416,181 .05 for the District #291 construction and installation of water mains and appurtenances thereto, Final in and near Lake Washington- May Creek - Kennydale area, hearing being Assessment continued from June 21 , 1976. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported seven protests had been received on final assessment roll which Water Mains amounted to 5.4% protest. Letters of protest were read: Donald L. Fox, Kennydale etc. 8710 Whitechuck Dr. , Everett, WA, property owner Lots #9 and 10, Hillmans " Lake Washington Garden of Eden; Barry Palmer, 5031 Ripley Lane N. ; S. Reid Imus, 5021 Ripley Lane N. #8; Taree, Inc. , P.O. Box 88237, Seattle by Richard L. Imus, Manager; Leslye & Lou Bergan, 5029 Ripley Lane N. ; and Ray I. Crawfordfor .Lots 5,6,7,8, Blk.D Hillmans Lk WN Garden of Eden Dv 3. Letter was presented from King County Water District #107, .Sam Marcri , Mgr,. , explained .the..water district would maintain, repair or replace in order to . maintain service in this area. Persons present making 'comment: Barry Palmer, Rich Imus, Reid Imus, T. Buckingham. Renton City Council. 7/12/76 Page 3 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Six Year Public Works and Transportation Committee Report presented by Chairman Street Bruce, recommending adoption of the plan with the following conditions : Construction (1 ) The present order of priorities is accepted, but the matter be referred Plan - back to the Public Works and Transportation Committee for evaluation and Continued recommendation; (21 The present city policy of widening streets to 44 ft. as a part of "reconstruction" and improvement be reviewed in order to pre- serve existing character of areas, especially residential areas; .(3) All state projects be deleted from the Six Year Street Plan as recommended and the matter of the city's approval of SR-515 be reviewed by Council due to changes since highway first approved. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL DELETE FROM THE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, ITEM 13, S/SW 27th ST. FROM E.VALLEY RD. TO TALBOT RD. CARRIED. Moved by Stredicke, Seconded by Seymour-Thorpe, Council delete Item 3 from Construction Program, Talbot Rd.S. Extension from S.Grady Way to Houser Way N. (Burnett Ave.S). ' ROLL CALL: 2-Aye: STREDICKE, SEYMOUR-THORPE: 5-NO: McBETH, BRUCE, GRANT, ! CLYMER AND PERRY. MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE EXISTING• TWO-LANE TALBOT RD.S. BE IMPROVED TO INCLUDE CURBS, GUTTERS, SIDEWALKS AND TURNOUT LANES AT VICTORIA PARK, S.19th ST. AND 1SCOTTS TERRACE; AND THAT ITEM 4, PAGE 7 of 10, BE CHANGED TO READ: TALBOT RD.S. ("S. 15th"Street to S.43rd St. ) . Public Works Director Gonnason noted no funds available for project at the present time. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND 6-YR CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE PROGRAM BE ADOPTED AS AMENDED. CARRIED. Mayor Delaurenti noted an attempt would be made to obtain 1/2t gas tax funds for improvement of Talbot Rd.S. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 11 :00 p.m. and reconvened at 11 :10 p.m. All Council members present at Roll Call . CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda matters, previously distributed for Council information and study, are considered routine and are enacted by one motion, unless removed by Council action for separate consideration: Claim for Claim for Damages was filed by Martha G. Wiberg, 1201 S.3rd St. , for damage Damages . to basement wall allegedly caused by contractor during L. I.D, 293 construc- Martha Wiberg tion, street improvement- and undergrounding on Cedar Ave. S. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Edwin Iszler Claim for Damages was filed by Edwin C. Iszler, 14916-133rd Ave. SE, for damage to:auto allegedly caused by falling tree limb at Maplewood Golf Course. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Spring & Fall Public Works Department recommended discontinuance of spring and fall clean Clean Up up due to reduced personnel , increased amount of brush to be picked up and added costs, noting spring 1976 pick up including labor and equipment amounted to $10,106. 81 with some pick ups 'still to be made. Letter from Mayor Delaurenti requested referral of this matter to the Public Works Committee for review and recommendation. Auburn. Letter from Mayor Kersey, City of Auburn, invited city participation in Veteran's Day a Veteran's Day Parade at 11 :00 a.m. on Saturday, 11/6/76. Recommendation: Parade Refer to Council President for coordination and reply. Downtown The Renton Downtown Merchants Association, P.O. Box 152, requested permis- Merchants sion to hang a banner at S.3rd & Morris St. from July 9, to 19, advertising_ Banner a sidewalk sale, insurance on file with the city. Recommendation: Grant request and waive sign code fees. 1975 Audit Letter from Finance Director Marshall presented copies of the final 1975 Airport & . Audit Reports for Waterworks Utility and Municipal Airport, noting copies Waterworks are on file in the City Clerk's Office. Project Letter from Public Works Director- Gonnason recommended Council acceptance Accepted as of July 12, 1976 of the S.43rd St. &•Springbrook (Talbot) Rd. intersec- SW 43rd St. tion and SW 43rd St. & E.Valley Rd. intersection projectconstructed by Moss Construction, Inc. , in order to comply with Federal-Aid funding record- keeping procedures and to establish the beginning of the 30-day waiting period for release of retained percentage if after the 30 days no liens or claims are filed and proof of payment of tax liabilities is received. The letter also recommended approval of 30-day time extension which had been granted to 6/25/76 with proof of surety, Public Works Department hav- ing inspected and accepted project as of that date. Letter also noted final payment request will be presented to Council 7/26/76. Concurrence recommended. Renton City Council , 7/12/76 Page 4 CONSENT AGENDA - Continued Voucher The Finance Committee report approved for payment Vouchers No. 10137 Approval through No. 10246 in amount of $696,502.98 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. The committee also recommended payment of vouchers No. 9702 in amount of $771 .70; No. 9555-$258.36; No. 9816-$158.39 and No.° 10,006-$253.45. (Vouchers No. 10,130 - 10,136 machine voided. ) Payment approval recommended. Consent Agenda MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL APPROVE ALL ITEMS OF THE Approval CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Street Vacation Letter from Board of Public Works, Chairman Gonnason, presented in-house Portion appraisal as requested by Council referral for the proposed vacation of NE 18th St. a portion of N.E. 18th St. between Blaine Ave. N.E. and Aberdeen Ave. NE (Engum) (no easement requirments), recommending value of $0.50 per sq.ft. as , follows: Area of street-2,880 sq.ft. @ $0.50 per sq.ft. - $1 ,440 and 1/2 appraised value equals $720. The two petitioners, both Mr. and Mrs. Joel Engum and Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Latsch,have indicated no objection to the proposed fee of $360 each. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUN- CIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND ACCEPT THE IN-HOUSE APPRAISAL, AND THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR DRAFTING OF ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Alley Vacation Letter from Board of Public Works, Chairman Gonnason, presented in-house. Near. Factory N appraisal as requested by Council referral 6/28/76 for proposed alley vaca- (Waldenburger) tion as filed by Martha Waldenburger for vacation of 16 ft. wide alley within Block 12 of the Plat of Car Works Addn. to Renton between Factory N. & N. 3rd P1. The letter noted utility easement required for sanitary sewer in alley, recommending appraised value of $2.24 per sq.ft. as fol- lows: Area of alley 1 ,160 sq ft. @ $2.24/sq.ft. $2,598.40 and 1/2 appraised value equals $1 ,299.20 to which Mrs. Waldenburger has no objection. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS RECOMMENDATION, ACCEPT APPRAISAL AND THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Street Vacation Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason presented in-house appraisal Portion of as requested by the Public Works & Transportation Committee for portion Jefferson NE of Jefferson Ave. NE, in amount of $0.75 per sq. ft. as follows: Area of street 13,200 sq.ft. @ $0.75 per sq:ft. - $9,900 and 1/2 of appraised value, equals $4,950, with the two petitioners, Highlands Community Church and ' Highland East not objecting to payment of $2,475 each. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION, ACCEPT AP- PRAISAL AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. State Highway Letter from Washington State Highway Commission, Director of Highways, W.A. Certification Bulley, presented certification of state highway routes within the limits of State Routes of incorporated cities and towns as of 7/1/76 in three parts: (1 ) Trans- within City ferred Routes no longer necessary to the state as certified to state auditor. (2) Limited Access Routes vested in the state and not certified to cities and towns; and (3) Certifications of state highways within the incorporated . cities and towns , other than limited access routes, that are being certified to cities and towns. Letter noted certification required by RCW 47.24:010. City Clerk Mead reported certification on file in Clerk's Office. Latecomer's Letter from Robert E. Kenkman, Branch Manager, Benton-McCarthy Realty,Inc. Agreement requested latecomer's charge on S. 172nd St. on totally northerly end of' , S. 172nd St. Talbot Hill Homes and on the southerly portion on S. 175th St.on the exten- sion of mains for plat of Talbot Hill Homes located in the southeast section just outside of the city and intend to tie into city systems. The letter enclosed sketch of area listing total bid •of $22,384 including engineering, which equals latecomer's charge of $6.64 per sq.ft. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER LETTER TO MAYOR'S OFFICE AND PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR REVIEW. AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. MOVED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, SECONDED BY McBETH, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOTION AS' AMENDED CARRIED. Council President Stredicke requested matter of annexation be investigated. Akers Rezone Letter from Planning Director Ericksen presented Planning Commission recom- mendation for rezone of 4,120 sq.ft. property located at 111. Factory Ave.N. from R-2 to B-1 for proposed use of real estate office of present single family dwelling as requested by Fred W. Akers (Application R-869-76) . • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. • Barbara...C. 1;3p s0o being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that atm.is the ...Obi e `...0.1010. of • THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and - - . has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, and it is now and,during all of said time was printed in an office maintained CITY OF RENTON ', at the aforesaid place of publication,of said newspaper.That the Renton NOTICE OF Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the PUBLIC_HEARING Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, BY RENTON • CITY COUNCIL Washington.That the annexed is a.?:T.O.tjC....O? NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN • that the Renton City Council has • fixed the 28th.day of June,1976,at _Hearing ring Renton i Council 18:00 P.M.in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, as it was published in regular issues(and Renton,Washington as the time and not in supplement form.of said newspaper) once each issue for a period I place for a public hearing to consider the following: Six Year Comprehensive Street and Arterial Plan • of one consecutive issues,commencing on the •Any and all interested persons. are invited to be present to voice . �''l.C'..day of June ,19...76..,and ending the approval,disapproval or,opinions on same. • CITY OF RENTON ' Delores A.Mead, day of ,19 both dates • City Clerk inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- I • Published in the Renton!Record- scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee Chronicle on June 25,1976.R3851 charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $36 which has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundredwor s for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent insertion. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25 day of Jine , 19...7 / 7 - Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Kent, King County. • —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.87 C S•a3-7i 4v_a%) 7:0±14g-7 =i-z..4/ ilo- _47 - /d-Le7/2.-e+442,6a, rr /oteficC/-2€ / I _".ffe _a_go(e_a4/ i. \ 1 . iq .)\\ . i . 1 ' i�� • t N 1 * I j j - jN 16 - . 1 ‘ V • 1 ,... ' . �, • 1 , Nki , ‘ \- ' . 1 \, ) \ 't'l . iL t. N.. A - I i - % -\\. i , \i • 9 N, _ ,`r \\I -A . ,1 Jv Y • \ \ ' '‘! 1 ', ' r '‘p‘ 1 i 0 . , , ' \ ' 9 \\H H \I . , I t ) ' .1 ) . - : . . •. . . ' N '‘ 'k ‘ j*k j II •4Nj( \. \ I h I \‘ ) \ I 7 I 1 )1 . , _ ' N4 ..,;, A .. ‘,1,:4' A . \ ' ‘1 A 1 1 1 1 \ r KI • i ' • 1 1 ' \ I N, -li - j\ - . N 31.•0 , /( ' ,Ni I \Iji cnN\I j I &,7 \I I I 1 I 1 I I I i i ► ) , . . • ,, , ,.c.(1- \ \ Ilk, LIN„ R\ •M :::_, -.:.i- • -•-. ik' h I N' k' I .. 1 ..'.., . 1. ' \ . '. TL '". • 1 ' - \,, ,\, r .1 ' ,_ • k 1J 1 , . 1,.. i 1 1 4 k,k 1 ,841 N \ IN "' ' .'\, , ', , • pF✓�G��i --- Yja/)/k1 - - • RECEIVED j976 CITY OF RENO -N1gYOR'S OFFICE Renton City Council 7/12/76 Page 6 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Ambulance Tax The Public Safety Committee Report recommended imposition of an "Ambulance Franchise Tax" of $200 per year. and that the matter be referred to the Legislation Com mittee for proper ordinance. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Residential The Legislation Committee Report recommended that the homeowner be respon- & Commercial bile for placing house numbers on his residence to be visible from the Numbers street,(including commercial properties) . MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, 'COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COM- MITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. MOVED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL AMEND TO INCLUDE COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES. . CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Bid Award Public Works and Transportation Committee Report submitted by Chairman Bruce Sewer Rodding - concurred in recommendation of the Purchasing'Agent to accept the low bid Machine from Sewer Rodding Equipment Co. in the amount of $6,069,62 for the purchase of a continuous power sewer rodding machine. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPOR- TATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ' Bid Award Public Works and Transportation Committee Report recommended Council LID 298 acceptance of the low bid of Tri-State Construction,' ;I'nc: 'in the amount E.Valley Rd. of $203,521 .29 for construction of LID 298, sanitary sewer improvement Sanitary Sewers in the East Valley Road area_ and the contract be awarded. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ' Traffic Signals Councilman Grant requested Public Works Director to review traffic signals North Renton west of the No. Renton Interchange to be placed on blinker when not at Interchange ' peak traffic, times. Gonnason noted the city had not been successful in & dealing with the State regarding lights 'at'Maple 'Valley/Bronson Y, that SW 43rd St. No.Renton Interchange lights belong to the State, but attempt would be made. Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe requested SW' 43rd St railroad crossing bump be investigated, listing same as dangerous,' Composting MOVED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, THAT THE PLANNING .DEPARTMENT BE .INSTRUCTED TO As Alternate PREPARE SHEET FOR DISTRIBUTION TO PLICANTS FOR OR BURNING` PERMITS, To. Burning CONCERNING BUILDING AND MAINTENANCE OF COMPOST PILE. ' Mrs. Thorpe explained that much material from the spring and:, fall clean ,ups';could be used as compost, giving alternate to burning. MOTION CARRIED: ` Old Fashioned Mayor Delaurenti thanked Lew Innocenti and Council President Stredicke Picnic for their efforts in making the 4th of July celebration at Liberty Park such a great success. Councilman McBeth announced the J.C. 's did beat the Police Guild in raft race on Cedar River and that he `was thrown in. Travel MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE COUNCIL'S LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REVIEW THE TRAVEL RESOLUTION AND ESPECIALLY THE` PORTION WHICH DEALS WITH AUTHORITY FOR OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL: CARRIED..;' , ,. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation ' Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recommend- Committee -- ing first, second and final readings of an ordinance regulating outdoor fires. Committee Chairman Clymer explained the ordinance had been revised Ordinance #3043 needing to be placed on first reading again. ;::City:Clerk''Mead read Regulating the ordinance making provisions for burning,, with written permit issued Outdoor Fires by Fire •Chief, for such materials when no -alternate means of disposal exists. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE; ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings of ordinance making provisions for disposal of bulky waste, natural vegetation or debris, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE',' COUNCIL ADOPT 'ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED: •;', Resolution 2054 he Legislation Committee Report recommended read:ing' and 'adoption of a Six Year 'resolution adopting the six Year Street Construction Plan, as determined Construction in public hearing 6/28/76 continued to 7/12/76, along with the City's Program Arterial Street Plan. Following reading';.;it 'was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER,• COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION..AS,'READ. CARRIED. / �/ RENTUN CITY CUUNLIL n5;� � �6� /�c✓:• Regular Meeting ; July 19 , 1976 - Municipal Building ' Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti , presiding , led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order, asking for a minute of silence in memorial for Mrs. Phyllis Sheilan, cancer victim, wife of City Attorney, Gerard M. Shellan. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE; COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY: EARL CLYMER, WILLIAM J . GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE AND ROBERT E. McBETH. ROLL CALL IF CHARLES J. DELAURENT1 , Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, CITY OFFICIALS Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; LAWRENCE WARREN, Asst. City Attorney; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Rep. ; DONALD CUSTER, Administra- tive Assistant; WILLIAM BENNETT, Deputy Finance Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; M.TOUMA? Office/Design Engineer. PRESS DON CREW, Renton Record Chronicle; MARK PELL.EGRINO, Greater Renton News . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF JULY 12, 1976 WITH FOLLOWING CORRECTION: Page 6, Paragraph 6, Motion re Composting: SECONDED BY GRANT. MOTION CARRIED. SPECIAL GUESTS Mayor Delaurenti introduced Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Bundy, parents of Council- woman Patricia Seymour-Thorpe, who are visiting from California. CONSENT AGENDA Claim for Damages was filed by Ella Mae Jeffery, 12202 132nd Ave. S.E. , Renton, for damage to auto in amount of $110 allegedly due to fault in Damages Claim roadway which was backed over by claimant at Landee Feed Co. Recom- mendation: Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Consent Agenda MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA Approval AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Council President Stredicke, with the aid of Planning Director Ericksen , PRESENTATION presented slide show of the July 4th Celebration at Liberty Park and noted forthcoming request from the Bicentennial Commission for continua- ' tion of the event in years to come. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS • Latecomer' s Letter from Michael H. Yuhl , P.E. , Yuhl & Associates, 1268 W. Lk.Samm.Pk.wy. Agreement N. E., Bellevue, made application for client to construct a developer's 'Requested for extension of the City's sewer system to serve the proposed development Sewers in of apartment complex on the south side of ,Empire Way east of 68th Ave. area of (Monster Road). The letter also requested Council authorization to Monster Road . enter into a latecomer's agreement with the City as the proposed sewer has the capability of serving areas north of Empire Way S. currently not sewered. The letter noted City Engineering Department acceptance of design and approval that sewer could accommodate additional flow. Council President Stredicke inquired whether area inside City limits , being advised negatively by the Public Works Director. MOVED .BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC 'WORKS AND TRANS- PORTATION COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Talbot Road ' Petition bearing 36 signatures was filed requesting that Council remove Extension to from consideration , that part. of the Six Year Construction Program as South 7th St. . listed - Item #3, Page 1 , of the Public Hearing Review 1977-1982, the extension of Talbot Rd. to S. 7th St. at a cost of $122,000 for approxi- mately 317 feet to be purchased from Puget Power and Renton Issaquah Motor Freight Co. The letter petitioned for improvement of local streets as the Mayor mentioned in election campaign and the improvement of Burnett Ave. with a green belt and play area for children with money not used for short connecting street (Talbot Road Extension) . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL REFER THIS COMMUNICATION TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Discus- sion ensued, Public Works Director Gonnason reported the land could be acquired within 45-60 days and project completed by October or November. Stredicke noted the plan was adopted and transmitted to the State. 1McBeth noted matter of priorities for the plan was in committee. ROLL CALL: I4-AYE: STREDICKE,T.HORPE, PERRY,McBETH; 3-NO:CLYMER,GRANT,BRUCE. CARRIED. 1111142 , , .. ..__ •--'-'>!, . el:5 • . ). • To '.:•-.--,,.'-c - C-1 Ls; Cour,c11 : 77, ': ], Ti- ::U : IGNILT',D, M '-..or,-: y petition ...:inil. Council -4,. .-, --7'•-. , '!'om co,-...,i '-.r;31..ier , that r,:. rt of the (:, y.-- -:. on:truction 1-)ror ' .),. ..Itel,---It m /i) , 1-':. '-:-. 1 , ,-f the nuc:lic hc-:,rin,-: rvjow 1. 77c,) the ex non of T:. _Lot P.r.y.'.dto South 7th St . -t .:: cp,t of rj.1....2, C0 for t'-i.:- '.--Troxim.ate .17 fe,: -. to b,,, purcha.-Jed from Pt'. ' t. Tower tbe 01 'or of Tho P. - . T. ,--,;,..,,cluah Motor Froii.;ht ::.o . -,11. c•-itizs'n'.,. ofor --, y taxos to -finance-the-project , ..,-.1fl ..'1!-- 3 -p "aro tL' .1:2.-le r(,,., i ' o' o or this noiEhhorhoo ..! :?(-) not -:.---:-Y., •-• • ':H -.--, hr-r:;,-::::- ct)ttin -.;. n ro o-.7.r *ri-:T() area . PP..t'ler - 7:e -P,• ol t',- ,:, . couT:i ; e ;.pont to hotter 3,11);:i.nti.qe .1. 1 imorov.LnT., locat ..,,,-. ..-- t yi:3 ..--r ...,..31r; '10 ;,I-i...; ,--1 - 0 t 1 on c a rityy.aign. •:-:o..,-fll o.l. dor residents rvh wbul d not IL' ho , ..,.... , by the inc,-• se-1. traffic .cr.,r_orrited, there are alf.',o r.:-JL -- •th e p o-i.,'7or•hooH wh.C.) ""'r C'ci . a -plao -- to---"ply--,:j•us t--a•7:-Tr.-u c.1-, " - -.!--1 r.-. 1-;,,, in n.A.4,,hhorhocs _,-,LIch .?.,A Talt.uot Hill:. ',';ith th,e mo •*ort. -.0nr,r-:t stret. (TY:-Allot Hill E-xtoon) 7.Thl.r, tt Ave . jm-rro., o:2 .-ith a gr:',. 1J-5.11t an,-.1 niay Roe. or tl..'o 0.14M, ,..-i.th mono y leA owe r for other. projedts - ' • N!:,,,mo (Pli.ntej) .Add.r.e.as . . . . .SII.C.,7A1U ,', c 47 ?L)0 CA // 1 1t7,-e---.<:-Z. ...,;\ rw r-I• .5.-e" ..7 Vaqq/Y/477- "nala:. - 5- (r:, 6,-2-- ffo----t-,47'; ,-- '\. — An ,Lcf.LoARd ; -$ 61 -ao_R.117. E.171..A.Y.Z5.... .. 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Public Works Director Gonnason explained the district andthe duplicate line, showing Moser property which was divided and sold after the LID had been initiated, Moser not having protested at time of pre- liminary assessment and as multiple residence proposed for area, larger line was installed to facilitate fire protection. Councilman Clymer recalled the hearing to consider preliminary assessment wherein certain properties were deleted, noting that if protests had been received on this area to the north, deletion could have been made. Upon inquiry, Planning Director Ericksen reported problems exist in development of apartments in area north of Misty Cove Apts. , but development not precluded; noting problems of access , soil conditions and impact along shoreline; apartment applications had been before the Planning Commission on three occasions. In order to determine assess- ments, length of life of District #107 line was discussed, along with Compre- hensive Plan for area. Protesting property owners present reported plans for single family residences and opposed reduction of $3.20 per foot as • insufficient. MOVED BY SEYMOUR-TfORPE', SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CLOSE Roll Adjusted HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, L.I .D. for Ripley Lane #291 BE APPROVED WITH ASSESSMENTS AS PRESENTED EXCEPT FOR SIX PROTESTING PROPERTIES IN NORTHERN PORTION OF L. I .D. AND THOSE ASSESSMENTS BE PAID BY THE WATERWORKS UTILITY 'FUND AND A LATECOMER'S AGREEMENT EQUAL TO THOSE ASSESSMENTS BECOME EFFECTIVE UPON HOOK UP. Upon inquiry by Councilman McBeth, Public Works Director Gonnason noted this adjustment to the Roll Final would be paid from funds requested in utility tax increase.. MOTION CARRIED. . Assessment Roll MOVED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE COMPREHENSIVE. PLAN ON Revised Total AREA IN QUESTION (NORTH OF MISTY COVE APTS. ) BE REFERRED TO THE PLA NING $405,389.59 COMMISSION FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY Mc H, SEC- ONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER L. I.D.#291 TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL RECESS - CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:30 p.m, and reconvened at 9:40 p.m. All Council members present at roll call . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Six Year Street asrequired by law, Mayor Delaurenti opened the Public Hearing to consider Construction the Six Year Construction Program for city streets and arterials , 1977- Plan 1982; and Five Year Plan for Street Maintenance, 1977-1981 , hearing contin- ued from June 28, 1976. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason pres- ented revised copies of the proposed program incorporating amended project descriptions as requested by the Public Works and Transportation Committee. ; For the benefit of those persons present, Mayor Delaurenti announced the ; hearing covered the entire 6-Yr. Program of city streets not SR-515, State extension of Benson Rd: , affecting present Talbot Rd. , and noted special hearing would be called in the event of SR-515 activities.. Following dis- cussion, IT WAS MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, CITY COUNCIL GO ON RECORD OPPOSING SR-515 AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMIT- TEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION ASKING THAT ALL PENDING. ENGINEERING, ACQUISITION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY AND FUTURE CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON BE DELETED FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY BUDGET. Councilman McBeth felt this action was premature, that State Highway Dept. should be present for SR-515 hearing. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: STREDICKE, GRANT, PERRY, SEYMOUR-THORPE; 3-NO: McBETH, BRUCE AND CLYMER. , MOTION CARRIED. • Persons present making inquiries: Ron Keller, 1021. 5. 30th Ct.,.,and Glen Garrett, 1006 S. 30th Ct. , re SR-515. Joe Venera, 622 S. 16th, objected to widening Talbot Rd. to 4 lanes. Homer Venishnick, 518.S. 17th, objected to speed on Talbot, noting need for walkway for school children without changing character of neighborhood. H. Klein, 504 Burnett S. , and Dennis IStremick, 2532 Smithers S. , objected to city spending $122,000 for Talbot 1Rd. extension (S. Grady to S. 7th) , Public Works Director explaining purchase of right-of-way included. Douglas Spencer, 814 S. 27th, objected to widen- ing of Talbot Rd. , noting need for sidewalks and resurfacing, and objected to extension of that portion Strander Blvd./SW 27th St. from E.Valley Rd. to albot Rd.S. • RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 12 , 1976 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti , presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M.' STREDICKE, Council President; ROBERT E. McBETH, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL EARL CLYMER, GEORGE J. PERRY AND PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE.' MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. Councilman Grant arrived shortly after Roll was called. CITY OFFICIALS" CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney;, GWEN MARSHALL, IN ATTENDANCE Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Dir- ector; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; LAWRENCE WARREN, Asst. City Attorney; DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; RICHARD GEISSLER, Asst. Fire Chief; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent. PRESS . MARK PELLEGRINO, Greater Renton News; DON CREW, Renton Record Chronicle. Council' President Stredicke introduced Mr. Crew and he was welcomed as the official press representative for the .Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL Council President Stredicke noted spelling correction of June 28, 1976 Minutes, 'Page 3, Appointment to Fire Station Advisory Committee, Robert Hilliard. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF 6/28/76 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notice's having been published, posted Kenyon and 'distributed, Mayor Delaurenti opened the Public Hearing to consider Annexation - the 75%petition for annexation as filed by Arthur R. Kenyon et al for Northern L-`shaped area in the vicinity of 114th Ave. SE and NE 33rd Street, petition Portion of City certified valid by the Planning Department as representing 86.8% of the East of FAI405 assessed valuation. Property owners agreed to accept the Comprehensive N. of May Creek Plan, zoning and assumption, of any pre-existing bonded indebtedness of Along the city 'at the preliminary meeting on April 19, 1976., Letter from City , .. Rufus Buck Rd. Clerk Mead, noted Council 's responsibility to determine whether to accept the annexation as petitioned.and if acceptable, the Planning..Department should be authorized to prepare a Notice of Intention to be filed with the King County Boundary Review Board for further procedure as required by law. Planning Director Ericksen outlined the area using. wall map, noting five parcels of property involved, explaining Mr. .Kenyon' s property located both in and out of city and that annexation initiated in order for all property tobe located within the city and obtain building permits accord- ingly. Councilman McBeth inquired whether or not area served with city water and, sewer lines, being advised by Public Works Director Gonnason that it was not, and would not be obligated to service the area,. McBeth inquired if attempt had been made to annex a larger area, and was advised i by the Planning Director that there was no interest on the part of others in the area when attempt was made for larger annexation. Mr. Arthur R. Kenyon, 1202 N. 31st St. , was present and explained annexation. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY McBETH, CLOSE HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SEC- ONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN ANNEXATION AND .AUTHORIZE PLANNING DEPT. TO PREPARE NOTICE OF INTENT FOR ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING WITH BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD: CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notice having been posted, published and Local, mailed, Mayor Delaurenti opened the Public Hearing to consider the Final Improvement Assessment Roll for L. I. D. #291 in amount of $416,181 .05 for the District #291 construction and installation of water mains and appurtenances ' thereto, Final in and near Lake Washington - May Creek - Kennydale area, hearing being Assessment continued from June 21 , 1976. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported seven protests had been received on final assessment roll which Water Mains amounted to 5.4%protest. Letters of protest were read: Donald L. Fox, Kennydale etc. . 8710 Whitechuck Dr. , Everett, WA, property owner Lots #9 and 10, Hillmans Lake Washington Garden of Eden; Barry Palmer, 5031 Ripley Lane N. ; S. Reid Imus, 5021 Ripley Lane N. #8; Taree, Inc. , P.O. Box 88237, Seattle by Richard L. Imus, Manager; Leslye & Lou Bergan, 5029 Ripley Lane N. ; and Ray I. 'Crawford 'for Lots '5,6,7,8, Blk.D Hillmans Lk WN Garden of Eden Dv 3. Letter was presented from'King' County Water District #107, Sam Marcri , Mgr. , explained the water district would maintain, repair or replace in order to maintain service in this area. Persons present making comment: Barry Palmer, Rich Imus, Reid Imus, T. Buckingham. Renton City Council . 7/12/76 Page 3 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Six Year Public Works and Transportation Committee Report presented by Chairman Street. Bruce, recommending adoption of the plan with the following conditions: Construction (1 ) The present order of priorities is accepted, but the matter be referred Plan- back to the Public Works and Transportation Committee for evaluation and Continued ' recommendation,; (21 The present city policy of widening streets to 44 ft. as a part of "reconstruction". and improvement be reviewed in order to pre- serve existing character of areas , especially residential areas; (3) All state projects be deleted from the Six Year Street Plan as recommended and the matter of the city's approval of SR-515 be reviewed by Council due to changes since highway first approved. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL DELETE FROM THE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, ITEM 13, S/SW 27th ST. FROM E.VALLEY RD. TO TALBOT RD. CARRIED. Moved by Stredicke, Seconded by Seymour-Thorpe, Council delete Item 3 from Construction Program, Talbot Rd.S. Extension from S.Grady Way to Houser Way N. (Burnett Ave.S). ROLL CALL: 2-Aye: STREDICKE, SEYMOUR-THORPE: 5-NO: McBETH, BRUCE, GRANT, CLYMER AND PERRY. MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, . SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE EXISTING TWO-LANE TALBOT RD.S. BE IMPROVED TO INCLUDE . CURBS., GUTTERS, SIDEWALKS AND TURNOUT LANES AT VICTORIA PARK, S.19th ST. AND SCOTTS TERRACE; AND. THAT ITEM 4, PAGE 7 of 10, BE CHANGED TO READ: TALBOT RD.S. ("S. 15th"Street to S.43rd St. ) . Public Works Director Gonnason noted no funds available for project at the present time. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND 6-YR CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE PROGRAM BE ADOPTED AS- AMENDED. CARRIED. . Mayor Delaurenti noted an attempt would be made to obtain 1/21:t gas tax. funds for improvement of Talbot Rd.S. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. . Council recessed at 11 :00 p.m. and reconvened ,at .11 :10 p.m. All Council members present at Roll Call.. CONSENT AGENDA .The following Consent Agenda matters , previously distributed for Council information and study, ,are consideredroutine and are enacted by one motion, unless removed by Council action for separate consideration: Claim for Claim for Damages was filed, by Martha G. Wiberg, 1.201 S.3rd St. ,. for damage Damages . to basement wall allegedly caused by contractor during L.I.D. 293 construc- Martha Wiberg tion, street improvement and undergrounding on Cedar Ave. S. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. . Edwin Iszler Claim for Damages was filed by Edwin C. Iszler, 14916-133rd Ave. SE, for damage to auto allegedly caused by falling tree limb at Maplewood Golf Course. . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Spring & Fall Public Works Department recommended discontinuance of spring and fall clean Clean Up up due to reduced personnel , increased amount of brush to be picked up and added costs, noting spring 1976 pick up including labor and equipment amounted to $10,106. 81 with some pick ups still to be made. Letter from Mayor Delaurenti requested referral of this matter to the: Public Works Committee for review and recommendation. - Auburn Letter from Mayor Kersey, City of Auburn, invited city participation in Veteran's Day a Veteran's Day Paradeat11 :00 a.m. on Saturday, 11/6/76. Recommendation: Parade. Refer. to. Council President for coordination and reply. Downtown The Renton Downtown Merchants Association, P.O. Box 152, requested permis- Merchants sion to hang a banner at S.3rd & Morris St. from July 9, to 19, advertising Banner a sidewalk sale, insurance on file with the city. Recommendation: Grant request and waive sign code fees. 1975 Audit Letter from Finance Director Marshall presented copies of the final - 1975 Airport & Audit Reports for Waterworks Utility and Municipal Airport, noting copies Waterworks are onfile in the City Clerk's Office. Project Letter from :Public Works. Director Gonnason recommended Council acceptance Accepted as of July 12, 1976 of the S.43rd St. & Springbrook (Talbot) Rd. intersec- SW 43rd St. tion and SW 43rd St. & E.Valley Rd. intersection project constructed by Moss Construction, Inc. , in order to comply with Federal-Aid funding record- keeping procedures and to establish the beginning of -the 30-day waiting period for release of retained percentage if after the 30 days no liens or claimsare filed and prooffof payment of tax ,liabilities is received. The letter also recommended approval of 30-day time extension which had been granted to 6/25/76 with proof of surety, Public Works Department hav- ing inspected and accepted project as of that date. Letter also noted final payment request will be presented to Council 7/26/76. Concurrence recommended. Dir. Renton City Council 7/12/76 Page 4 CONSENT AGENDA - Continued Voucher The Finance Committee report approved for payment Vouchers No. 10137 Approval through No. 10246 in amount of $696,502.98 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. The committee also recommended payment of vouchers No. 9702 in amount of $771 .70; No. ' 9555-$258.36; No. 9816-$158. 39 and No. 10,006-$253.45. (Vouchers No. 10,130 - 10,136 machine voided. ) Payment approval recommended. Consent Agenda ' MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL APPROVE ALL ITEMS OF THE Approval. CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. _ CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Street Vacation Letter from Board of Public' Works, Chairman Gonnason, presented in-house Portion appraisal as requested by Council referral for the proposed vacation of NE 18th St. a portion of N.E. 18th St. between Blaine Ave. N.E. and Aberdeen Ave. NE (Engum) (no easement requirments) , recommending value of $0. 50 per sq.ft. as follows: Area of street-2,880 sq.ft. @ $0.50 per sq.ft. - $1 ,440 and 1/2.appraised value equals $720. The two petitioners, both Mr. and Mrs. Joel Engum andMr. and Mrs. Carl R. Latsch,have indicated no objection to the proposed fee of $360 each. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUN- CIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND ACCEPT THE IN-HOUSE APPRAISAL,' AND THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR DRAFTING OF ORDINANCE. CARRIED. ' Alley Vacation Letter from Board of Public Works, Chairman Gonnason, presented in-house Near Factory N appraisal as requested by Council referral 6/28/76 for proposed alley vaca- (Waldenburger) tion as filed by Martha Waldenburger for vacation of 16 ft.--wide alley within Block 12 of the Plat of Car Works Addn. to Renton between Factory N. & N. 3rd P1. The letter noted utility easement required for sanitary sewer in alley, recommending appraised value of $2.24 per sq.ft. as fol- lows: Area of alley 1 ,160 sq ft. @ $2.24/sq.ft. $2,598.40 and 1/2 appraised value equals $1 ,299.20 to which Mrs. Waldenburger has no objection. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR. IN BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS RECOMMENDATION, ACCEPT APPRAISAL AND THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Street Vacation Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason presented in-house appraisal Portion of as requested by the Public Works & Transportation Committee for portion Jefferson NE of Jefferson Ave. NE, in amount of $0.75 per sq. ft. as follows: Area of street 13,200 sq.ft. @ $0.75 per sq:ft. - $9,900 and 1/2 of appraised value equals $4,950, with the two petitioners, Highlands Community Church and Highland East not objecting to payment of $2,475 each. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION, ACCEPT AP- PRAISAL AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. State Highway Letter from Washington State Highway Commission, Director of Highways, W.A. Certification Bulley, presented certification of state highway routes within the limits of State Routes of incorporated cities and towns as of 7/1/76 in three parts: (1 ) Trans- within City ferred Routes no longer necessary to the state as certified to state auditor'. (2) Limited Access Routes vested in the state and not certified to cities and towns; and (3) Certifications of state highways within the incorporated cities and towns , other than limited access routes, that are being certified to cities and towns. Letter noted certification required by RCW 47.24.010. City Clerk Mead reported certification on file in Clerk's Office. Latecomer's Letter from Robert E. Kenkman, Branch Manager, Benton-McCarthy Realty,Inc. Agreement 'requested latecomer's charge on S. 172nd St. on totally northerly end of S. 172nd St. Talbot Hill Homes and on the southerly portion on S. 175th St.on the exten- sion of mains for plat of Talbot. Hill Homes located in the southeast section just outside of the city and intend to tie into city systems. The letter enclosed sketch of area listing total bid of $22,384 including engineering, which equals latecomer's charge of $6.64 per sq.ft. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER LETTER TO MAYOR'S OFFICE AND PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. MOVED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, SECONDED BY McBETH, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Council President Stredicke requested matter of annexation be investigated. • Akers Rezone Letter from Planning Director Ericksen presented Planning Commission recom- mendation for rezone of 4,120 sq.ft. property located at 111 Factory Ave.N. from R-2 to B-1 for proposed use of real estate office of present single family dwelling as requested by Fred W. Akers (Application R-869-76) . PUBLIC WORKS & TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT JULY 12 , 1976 SUBJECT: SIX-YEAR STREET PLAN The Public Works and Transportation Committee recommends adopting the Six-Year Street Plan with the following conditions : 1 . Because of the limited time for review, the present order of priorities is accepted, but the matter should be referred back to Committee to re-evaluate priority ranking of various projects and to recommend changes. 2 . Present city policy includes widening streets to 44 feet as a part of "reconstruction" and improvement. This policy should be reviewed to set better criteria for street widening in order to preserve existing character of areas ,especially residential areas. . 3 . All state projects should be deleted from the Six-Year Street Plan as recommended. Apart:. from that, the matter of the city' s approval of SR-515 should be reviewed by the Council in light of changes in the city since this highway was first approved. ha rman Kennet Bruce Patricia SelimouZ-Thorpe Earl Clymer KB:mg Os 4 4► ® PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT c) e$ Q z o WARREN C. GONNASON, P.E. ® DIRECTOR rn 0 M MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SQ. RENTON,WA. 98055 • 206 235-2569 A FO SEP- CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR July 9 , 1976 Honorable Charles J. Delaurenti , Mayor Members of the City Council Re : Public Hearing- -Proposed Six-Year Construction Program 1977-1982 Dear Mayor Delaurenti and Council Members : Attached are revised copies of the proposed Six-Year Construction Program which incorporate amended project descriptions as requested by the Public Works and Transportation Committee. These revised copies will replace the version previously furnished. Sincerely, Warren C. Gonnason, P.E . Public Works Director By: Vincent C. Lee Public Works Coordinator VL : ch Attachment CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1999-1981 P. 1 of 5 CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • Street Maintenance Division - 5 Year Plan Street Maintenance Division - 5 Year Plan 1977-1981 P. 2 of 5 1977 Functional Cost 1978 1" Asphalt-Overlay Classification .Estimate . . 1" Asphalt .Overlay ' Functional Cost .1. Index Av NE (Jefferson NE to NE 6th P1) L.A. $ 9,000- Classification. Estimate .2. NE. 6th .P1 (Harrington Av NE to Index P1 NE) L.A. I . 3,300 - 1. SE 5th St (Maple Valley Hwy to dead end) • L.A. $10,000 3. Index P1 NE. (NE 7th to end of cul-de-sac) L.A.. ' 4,600 2. Pierce SE (SE 5th to SE 6th) L.A. 2,000 VE 6th St (Index Av NE to Index P1 NE) L.A.' ' 2,000 3. SE 5th P1 (Pierce SE to dead. end) L.A. 2,100 5. Index P1 NE '(NE.6th St to NE 5th P1) - L.A. 3.,300 4. SE.6th St (Newport SE to dead end) L.A. 6,000 6. Index P1 NE "(Index Av NE to NE 4th) L.A. 4,000 5. SE 6th St (Newport SE to SE 5th) L.A. 6,800 7. Harrington Av NE ".(NE,9th to NE -5th P1) L:A. 13,600 • 6. Maplewood Av SE.(SE 6th to Maple Valley Hwy) L.A. 1;700 8. .NE 5th P1 (Harrington Av NE to Jefferson Av NE) L.A. 7,000 7. Monroe Av SE (Maple .Valley Hwy to.SE: 6th) L.A. 1,300 . 9. Kirkland Av NE (Jefferson NE to NE 10th St) , L.A. 21,500. 8. Smithers Av S (Houser Way S to S 7th) L.A. 7,000 1.0. Jefferson Av"NE (Kirkland Av NE to Kirkland NE) • L.A. 7,400 9. Morris Av S (Houser Way S to S 7th) L.A. 6,800 11. Lynnwood Av NE. (NE _10th to Kirkland Av NE) L.A. 8,000 10. Whitworth Av S, (Houser Way S to S 6th) L.A. 3,800 12:' Blaine Av NE (Camas Av NE to NE 6th Ct) L.A. • 4,100 - • 11.. Shattuck Av S (Houser Way S to S 7th) S. 5,600 13: NE. 6th" Ct (Blaine NE to Blaine Ct NE) L.A. 2,500 . 12. Houser Way S (Burnett Av S to Shattuck.Av S) L.A. 6,300 14. Blaine. Ct NE to"Sunset Hwy NE .Dead End L.A.- 3,200 13. S 5th (Burnett Av`S to Whitworth Av S) L.A. 5,600 • - • - 14. S 7th (Burnett Av.S to Shattuck Av S) L.A. 7,500 - . 15. NE 8th (Kirkland Av NE..to Harrington Av NE) L.A. 6,000 •m Sewer Upgrade - . - 16. Jefferson Av NE (NE 8th to NE_ 9th) L.A. 4,000 IS. Tay(NW l2nE-Av NW, west side C. $ 4,970 17. NE 8th. P1. (Jefferson Av NE to Harrington NE) L.A.. 4,300 (NW d to Maple Av NW) 18. NE 9th (Kirkland Av NE to Edmonds Av NE) L.A.. 13,000 16. Hardie,,Av SW, west side • L.Aa. 4;910 (SW Victoria to SW Langston)" 19. Ferndale Circle NE'(NE 9th to NE 9th) L.A. 4,250 17. Lake Washington Blvd N, east side S.' 4,950 20. Glennwood Av NE (NE 9th to NE 9th P1) L.A. 2,500 (Burnett Av NE to N 30th) ' 21. " NE 9th P1 (Glennwood-Av NE. to Edmonds Av NE) L.A. 2,500 18. Sunset" Blvd NE; east side S. 4,980 (Bronson Way NE. to NE 7th) 22. NE. 9th P1 (NE:9th to NE 9th) L.A. 5,000 . 19. Benson Rd S., east side S. 4,800 (south of Puget Drive) • . .., ' . . . . . CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - Street Maintenance Division - 5 Year Plan I 1977-1981 1 P. 3 of 5 CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Street Maintenance Division - 5-Year Plan 1977-1981 P. 4 of 5 1979 I" Asphalt Overlay. Functional - Cost ,-, 1980 Classification. Estimate . ' 1. NW 3rd P1 (Rainier Av to Taylor Av NW) L.A. $ 2,850 1" Asphalt Overlay Functional Cost Classification Estimate ,2. Hardie Av NW (NW 3rd to Nelson P1 NW) L.A. 2,200 L.A. $ 6 500. 1. Stevens Av NW (Taylor Place to Seneca Av NW)NW 3rd (Hardie Av NW to Taylor Av NW) L;A. . 600 2. Stevens Av NW (Seneca Av NW to dead end) L.A. 3,000 4. NW 2nd P1 (Taylor Av NW to Lind Av NW) L.A. 2,000 5. Lind Av NW (NW 2nd P1 to NW 4th) . L.A. ' 1,850 3. NW 5th P1 (Stevens Av NW to ,Stevens Ct NW) L.A. , 2000 - 6. Lind Av NW (NW 4th to Taylor Av NW) L.A. • 4850 4. Stevens Ct NW (NW 5th to dead end) L.A. - 1,360 7. Maple Av NW (Taylor Av NW to NW 4th) . L.A. 2,850 5. NW 4th P1 (Stevens Av NW to Seneca Av NW) ' L.A. - 3 500 , 8.. Maple Av NW (NW 4th to NW 2nd PI) ' L.A.- 2,000 6. Seneca Av NW (NW 5th P1 to Stevens Av NW) L.A. 8;200 9. NW 4th (Taylor Av NW to Lind Av NW) . L.A. -3,300 7. Seneca•Ct NW (Seneca Av NW to dead end) L.A. ' '1,400" IO.,- NW 5th St (Taylor Pl. NW to dead end) . . L.A. 1,200 8. NW 5th PI (Raymond Av NW to dead end) , L.A. . ' 3,200 11. - NW 6th (Taylor Place NW to dead end) L.A. 3,200 9. NW 3rd P1 (Raymond Av NW to Seneca P1 NW) -L.A. -2,100 - , 10. Seneca P1 NW (NW 3rd to dead end) 1,.A. - . 900 12. NW 7th (87th Av S to,Taylor. Av NW) ' L.A. • 4,000 13. Taylor Av NW (NW 7th to dead end) L.A. .800 11. Seneca Av NW (NW 2nd to dead end)- - — -_ .•--L.-k..-- .' 6 200 . .- . , • . 14. Lind Av NW (NW 7th to dead end) L.A. 950 15. Edmonds Av NE (NE 5th P1 to NE 4th St) - - • C. 7,300 NE 4th St (Bronson Av NE to Jefferson Av NE) C. - 16,0.00 . - .. . -. .... . . . . . • - - ' - -.. - , - - . , .. - . _ • . • . - . .. ,_ . . • . , . - . _ • . - - . . . , . • , . - . ' • . " , . . • . . _ . • • • CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • - Street Maintenance Division - 5 Year-'Plan 1977-1981 • P 5 ,of 5 • • 1981 - 1" Asphalt Overlay Functional Cost • Classification Estimate . - .-Lind Av SW- (Langston Av SW to S 134th) 2`.- Stevens. Av SW (Langston Av-SW to S 134th) •L:A. 1,200 3:. Lind Av SW ,(SW 4th P1 to SW Sunset Blvd) - L.A. 1,200. 4, .. SW .4th P1. (SW Sunset Blvd to Maple Av SW) L.A. 1. 6,650 5-•-•• Stevens, Ay.SW..(SW.Sunset Blvd to SW'5th P1) • • L:A. 4,_200 6. Ma le Av.SW (SW Sunset Blvd to•dead end) L:A. 5,550. = P 7. Maple: Av SW (Grady Way too-dead end) - ` L.A. 8..: ,SW 12th (Raymond:Av'SW_.to-Freeway) . ,;. L:A.. T3" 000. - 6 800. - - -- 9:"'SW'.13th=St.. a '---'nd Av• SW to dead end L.A. (R .Ym ) Y rs 10: ----Raymond:.Av SW .(SW. GradyWa. to .SW 13th.St) L.A. 2,700_ ---- - ': -?';y�z - -', . Y ,,, •11: :Seneca`Av SW SW Grad" Way----to.SW- 13th St)' - ;I:.A. - 2,100 _ _ _t,,�s. , _ _ 12._. Ma le.Av- SW SW- 16th..to.-dead- end). - .. P. � . • 1 600 _yy :� Seneca.Av SW SW 16th to dead end L.A: , 14.. Raymond,Av SW (SW 16th•to. dead end) L.A. 1,600--- PvBL ec 1-1E4/eini - EV/EW DiSTRig�rlofv: CONSTRUCTIONBIZ YEAR CONSTRUCTION "EXHIBIT A" COPY (1) copy: Dist(1Ct Engineer. Dept. of Highways (I) copy: UAB with Original UAB-I Form Page 1 of 10 1977 — 1 9 82 (COUNTY) King County, Renton, Washington HEARING DATE ADOPTION DATE RESOLUTION Na. (CITY) ROAD F. C U R - ESTIMATE OF COST rVnID►IJC7 ITEM LOCAL NAME OR U L R U LENGTH • _ OF . .STREET N A B R TYPE OF wORK IN Sociiec6 NO. ROAD OR STREET NO. C S A A • MILES 1 9 7 7' 1'9,78 1 9 7.9- 1 91,0- 8 2 TOTAL =pofvnfi / T 5 N . t MAJOR (PRINCIPAL) ARTERIALS EDA/EAA 1. SW 43rd St, a Valley Rd 4102 : M U Reconstruct 2-lane roadway & 1.2 500,000 - 713,000 2,889,000 4,102,000 FT- to W Valley Rd (Joint widen to 3 lanes (first phase) - (3-lane) (..Fee(-A,.;/) Project. w/.City of Kent . , and .to 5 lanes with new railroad undercrossing structure.(second . phase) . Curbs, sidewalks, -bicycle - paths, drainage system, illumina- tion, E, signalization also - included in 2nd phase. Note:. . The 4th & 5th lanes could .be • constructed with .the 1st phase- . -0 lanes,if LID participation-is , . " available at the east. end of, . project. g 2. NE -3rd 'Street 3103 M : U Restoration -of- street shoulders ' *3,140 3,140 ;(Sunset Blvd N to' Monroe' -• placing crushed rock 4oil . ' Av NE) application. 3.- •Talbot Rd S (Extension) - 5351 M U Construct new 4-lane- (44') 0.06 122,D00 - - 122,000 - (S Grady Way to S 7th St) - . roadway section With full • improvements. ` ,CAA/ . A. Bronson Way N -$ S (Main - 2253. - . M U ' Improve existing 4-lane:roadway 0.2-- 80,000 - 80,000 {`. " . Av S to Houser Way- N) (rio widening) . ' ' • Replace curbs, • . • ' .gutters, & sidewalks oil north - side. Place asphalt overlay - $ upgrade drainage system, _ • "signalization, & channelization. ' - - *Started . - - . - - - - - - in 1976. ' SA-t REV. `/74 ' • DISTRIBUTIO• N: SIX SIX. YEAR CONSTRUCTION:PROGRAM • (1) copy District Engineer, Dept. of Highways "EXHIBIT A" (1) copy: UAB with Original.UAB-1 Form Page 2 of 10 • 1977 1 9 82 (COUNTY) King County, Renton, Washington HEARING DATE_ ADOPTION DATE" RESOLUTION NO: (CITY) ROAD FCUR ESTIMATE OF COST ITEM LOCAL NAME OR . U- L R U LENGTH 1 TYPE OF WORK NO. OF STREET N A B' • . ROAD'OR STREET NO. CSAA MILES ' ' 1 9 7 7 . 1'9 7= 1 9'7'9 1.9 8 0- a 2 TOTAL T SNL 5'. Sunset Blvd N (Bronson 2104 M U Improve existing .4-lane roadway —0.5 ' 588,600 588,600 Way N -to FAI 405) (no widening) . Replace de.teriora • . . ted curbs, gutters, & sidewalks.. Place asphalt- overlay. & upgrade . . . . channelization & signaiization. (444) .. 6. Longacres Pkwy - SW (SW '. 4201 M U Construct new 4-lane (44') roadway _ : 1.7. - -43rd St to SW. 16th St . ith .full. improvements. • . :.(Phase I) (G �� -. . 7. Longacres Pkwy SW .(SW 4201 . M U onstruct new 4-lane (44') ,roadway, - , 1.0 Grady-Way to S 140th St.) ith -full improvements. .(Phase II) - (G/h) 8. ,Longacres Pkwy SW. (SW' -16t1 4201. M U onstruct new 4-1-ane .(44') roadway 0-.1 . - St to SW Grady Way ' ith full improvements. • (Phase III) . .,;; _ /.(b,) - 9.. - .-Longacres._Pkwy SW (S 140t1- - 4201 ' . M - U -onstruct new 4-lane (44') roadway 0.6 - 'St'-to..SW-Sunset .Blvd) ith-full improvements.. . - . (Phase-IV). " o- . - SECONDARY (MINOR) . : ARTERIALS " - ,- .`h o • 1. Misc street repairs & • 4201 . S. U 'avement overlay; shoulder improve- _ *49,.000 6,000 - _ 55,000 improvements- - to_ be ent; storm sewer •upgrade. - . . • identified on prospectus . . . F in:Street Dept. 5-Year ' Plan) • . *Started '. _ in. 1976. • SA-T REV. 4/74 . - ' .DisTRIBUTiO"e4: SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM "EXHIBIT A" (1) copy: District Engineer, Dept of Highways (1) copy: UAB with Originai-UAB-1 Form 1977 — 1, 9 82 Page 3 of 10 • (COUNTY) King County, Renton, Washington . HEARING DATE ADOPTION DATE- . RESOLUTION NO. (CITY) ROAD ' F ' C U RESTIMATE OF 'COST ITEM ' LOCAL NAME OR U LR" U LENGTH NO. OF • - - STREET � N` "A B"" R TYPE O-F WORK (N - ROAD OR STREET NO. C .5 A A" MILES 197'7 ' g 71 9 7 9 ' 9 ® O- 12- TOTAL T 5 N• L 2. S 7th .St (Rainier Av S . 4802 S • U Widen- existing 2-lane -roadway -US 0..5: 72,000 72,000 to_ S Grady Way)- 4 lanes (44') . Construct new • curbs, gutters; 'sidewalks, ' asphalt pavement. Upgrade drain- . • age system, illumination, - - channelization.- - , y24. ' 3. • Garden Av N' (N 4th St to. 2551 . S U Widen existing 2-lane roadway to 05 133,000 -. . 133,000 i.",:"<2../1),) N 8th, St) 4- lanes (44') . Construct new • - - - curbs, -gutters, _sidewalks, "& ' . - asphalt pavement. Upgrade- .- ' drainage system . .channelization: ' i''''.: -.474/W : '. . 4.-, Shattuck Av S Railroad . 5501 ' _S U Constructa new railroad underpass . 0::23 . 110,000- 290",000. 400,000 . ,:. -',.. /4„., -: . Underpass $. Road Improve • structure ".to replace the present . _ ---_ -- ment (S 4th P1' to- S .7th- substandard wooden underpass ' . St) bridge, in conjunction with. widening existing 2-lane roadway_ - ` _ to 4 lanes- (44') Install new anbs, , , ' " " gutt'ers,. sidewalks,'.asphalt _ r , pavement, illumination, . $ channelization', F upgrade drainage . system., 4_ .474/11_ ' 5..- Shattuck Av S Access :Rd - ' 5501 .• • S U _ Construct new 4-lane (44') 'road:- - 0:06. 94;268i- , 94,268 -1/204 . (S 7th: to, S Grady Way) - '- way with full improvements (Gfli'�/� 6. Puget DrS Benson Rd S 6203 S U - Phase I: Signal controller 160,000 - 160,000 - (�Z � Intersection- (Phase I) replacement;, improved channeliza • - Y � tion - See. page-4, Item 8 for Phase_ II. . SA-1BEV. ids " . , DISTRIBUTtgl4 -SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM . ' i1) copy: Dlsttict Engioser, Dspt_ of Highways • t) copy:.UAB wttr. o.I¢inal.UAB i Form "EXHIBIT A" 1 9:7 7 1 9: 8 2 : Page 4 of 10 (COUNTY) King County, Renton, Washington . . HEARING DATE ADOPTION DATE RESOLUTION NO. - (CITY) ROAD F C U R . . ESTIMATE OF COST ITEM LOCAL NAME - OR U •L R :_U. LENGTH . • t OF TYPE OF'.WORK N0: STREET N A 6 R 6N' ROAD OR STREET NO. C S A- A MILES. 1.9 7 '" 1, 1 9 78 1 9 7:9 - 1 9 10-8 2 TOTAL T' S N L /i jam) 7. .Lind-.Av SW- Phase- I). 4401 S U.' Construct.new 4-lane. (4.4') roadway 1..7 1,195,000. . 1,195,000 (SW 16th St to SW. 43rd -St) with full ,improvements. construes the required structure over _the . . - • P-9 drainage channel. - 8. .Puget Drive S" (Benson Rd . 62.03 S U . Widen existing,-2-lane roadway to . 1.0. . 325,000 325,000 S to Edmonds Av SE) . 4 lanes -.{44') . Construct curbs, . (Phasell) . gutters, _sidewalks.' Upgrade drainage system,- illumination, .$ ' : - channelization. . ' :,". . :._, 9.. Lake Wash Blvd N (N Park 2501 S. . U Widen =existing 2-lane roadway to 2::5 263,500 891,000. 971,500 2,126,000 ' _ .Drive:to N 44th- St . ' 4 lanes (44'),. Construct curbs, - . . _ (Parkway Section) . - - gutters, sidewalks, =Upgrade - . drainage system, illumination; $ . :, channelization: A 10 SW GradyWayLind Av SW. • 4202 � S U Widen existin 2-lane roadwayto 1..2- • ' 3,603,000 3,603,000 pra/. " ( g " .;g 10 ;.: : to West :Ci°ty Limits). . . 4 lanes (44').. Construct curbs, ' '.i.nitdr.) - . gutters, sidewalks::- Upgrade ' _ ' ,.:. drainage system, .illumination, . . & channelization: " Replace - • . - . .existing:steel :bridge. structure - • • - with.a .new 4-lane -overpass,with sidewalks, illumination . . . - • channelization. . SA4 REV. 4/74 . , : - " DISTRIBUTtC_aiN. - - SIX -YEAR CONSTRUCTION -PROGRAM tt (1) copy: Dtstr:ct Engineer, Dept. of ri.ghweys "EXHIBITAtt (1) copy: UAB vette Original UAB--1 Form Page 5 of 10 • 1977 - 1 9 8 .2 (COUNTY) King County, Renton, Washington HEARING DATE ADOPTION DATE RESOLUTION NO (CITY): ROAD F C U R• ESTIMATE OF COST ITEM• LOCAL NAME OR U' L R U. LENGTH NO .. - OF STREET N A B- R TYPE OF WORK IN • •ROAD OR STREET NO. -C S A A MILES. : - 19 7.7 1 9. 78 9 7-9 1-9 8-0-.8 2 TOTAL T S N .L . .. 11. Union Av NE (NE Sunset 3801 S U -- Widen existing 2-lane roadway_ to 0.7 355,000- 355,000 Blvd to NE 24th St) 4- lanes '(44') .- Construct .curbs, . . gutters, & sidewalks, - Upgrade drainage. system &- channelization. (246) . 12. SW 27th St (W Valley Rd to 4222 S U . Construct new 4-lane (44') . V E Valley Rd) .roadway with full.improvements. - 13-. S/SW 27th St .(E Valley Rd 5222 S U Construct a new structure- to span y .to-Talbot Rd S) 4222 E Valley Hwy $ approaches to - • provide a -4-lane (44') roadway - with.full improvements. 14. N _30th-'St (Burnett Av N 2352 S U• Widen existing 2-lane roadway to 0.4. 150,000 150,000 • to. FAI 405) 4 lanes (44') . Construct curbs, gutters, $.sidewalks. • Upgrade. - . drainage system & -channelization. 15. Lind-Av SW (Phase II) 4401 S U Widen existing 2-.lane roadway F, 0.2 - 1,400,000 1,400,000 . .:(SW 16th. St to SW Grady • May) structure over h-405- to provide, 4-lane. (44') capacity. Construct -. - new curbs, gutters, sidewalks,.-.. extra 2 lanes .of:roadway $ - structure, drainage system, . - - - ' landscaping, illumination,- -s : ig= - . ' . nalization; & channelization. . I . • SA-1' REV. 4/74 • DiSTRiBUTiUN: SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM "EXHIBIT A" (1) copy_ Distr.ct Engineer, Dept. of Highways (1) cony: UAB with Orig,n,i uAB-1 Form �y Q Page 6 of 10 1977 - 1 9 82. (COUNTY) Xing County, Renton,. Washington HEARING DATE • ADOPTION DATE RESOLUTION NO._ (CITY) ROAD FCUR ESTIMATE OF COST LOCAL NAME OR U L R U LENGTH ITEM TYPE OF WORK r__ NO. OF STREET N A B R. IN ROAD OR STREET NO. CSAA MILES- 1 9-7 7 . 1'9 7 8 1 9 7-9 - 19 8 0- 8 2 TOTAL T S N L 16. : Sunset Blvd NE (FAI 405 3203 S `U Widen existing 2--lane roadway-to 0.9 ' - 1,046,400 1,046,400 to NE Park Drive) 4- lanes (44') . Construct curbs, gutters, $. sidewalks.. Upgrade drainage system F� channelization. - 17. . Benson. Rd S (S Grady Way 5303 S U Widen existing. 2-14ne roadway to 1.8 733,000 733,000 to SE -31st St) - 4 lanes (44') . Construct curbs, gutters, $ sidewalks. Upgrade . • drainage system & channelization. ` • 18. Wells-Av Bridge Wells 5101 S U Construct new bridge across..Cedar-- • 1,420,0.00 1,420,000 • Av S (Cedar. River south ' River in conjunction with widening. - __. . bank to N 6th St) of.-2-.lane roadway to 4 lanes. (44') . Includes curbs, utters sidewalks xe- g - paving, drainage system; land- scaping, illumination, _ i.: - . channelization. . COLLECTOR ARTERIALS - . - _ -Z . . ' 1..' Misc Street :Improvements-. C U - Pavement overlay, shoulder improve-- , *2.7,000 23,000 _ 50,000 - .(To be-identified on - • ment, storm sewer upgrade. • . , . . Prospectus & in Street - - . - i: .. Dept:-. 5-Year Plan.) • 2. - SW 16th St (E. Valley Rd- 4902 C U Phase I: .Widen existing 2-lane 0.9 245,000 485,.000 730,000 to-Monster. Rd SW) - - roadway to 4 lanes (44') „ .- Construct curbs, gutters,. & • - . sidewalks. Upgrade -drainage " - - system, illumination, & channeliza=- tion. Phase II-: Construct new - • . - bridge structure over P-1 drainage kStarted in channel. -1976; SA-I REV. 4'71 DISTRIBUTIQ,'±2,:._ , SIX YEAR- CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM- - "EXHIBIT A" (1) copy: District Engineer. Dept. of Highways (1) copy- UAB with Original UAB-1 Form 1977 ®- 1. 9 ' 2 Page 7 of 10 (COUNTY) . . HEARING DATE • ADOPTION-DATE • • • RESOLUTION NO (CITY) King County Renton, Washington i. _ • ROAD F- C .0 R ESTIMATE OF COST ITEM LOCAL NAME OR U L R. LENGTH . . OF TYPE OF-WORK NO. STREET ' N A B _-R IN ROAD OR STREET NO. C S• A A MILES - " 1977 1.978- 19- 80- 82 TOTAL T S N L . 3. E. Valley--Road (SW. 16th St , 4501 C . U , Widen existing 2-lane -roadway: to 1.(• 900,000 900,000 to -SR 167 Ramps) - - - 4 lanes (44'.) . --.Construct .curbs, , - gutters, & sidewalks. Upgrade. drainage system, illumination, :. channelization. . 4. -Talbot Rd S (S' 19th.St 5701 C U Widen existing 2-lane- roadway to 1.5- - 1,141,000 - • 1,141,000 J to. S 43rd St (Joint .City/ • 4 lanes (44') . Construct- curbs, - - County Project) - - - : .gutters, & sidewalks. Upgrade : (, drainage system, itlnination,- f ' - - : . channelization. - 5. NE 1.2th St (Edmonds Av - 3552 - . C U . Widen existing 2-lane roadway to , 1.0 .425,000 425,000 - • . - NE. to Union Av NE) - .4 lanes (44') . Construct curbs, - .. - - - -gutters,. & sidewalks. Upgrade drainage system, illumination, . - -channelization. 6. -Taylor Av NW & Taylor-_ 1003.- C U . ' Widen existing 2-lane roadway, to . : 0.6 300,000 300,000 P1 (Renton Av .Ext to - 4- lanes (44') . ' Construct curbs, . - • Stevens Av NW) • . . ,gutters, &. sidewalks. - Upgrade- . . - drainage system, -illumination -- - - • .channel-ization. . - - . 7. Monroe Av NE . (NE 4th.St- 3401. . C U Widen .existing- 2-lane_„roadway, to 1..0 . - 507,000: - 507,000 to:'NE 12th' St) - 4 lanes (44') . 'Constructcurbs, gutters, &' sidewalks - Upgrade - . - ' - - drainage system, illumination, $ channelization.- - - . SA.) REV.. 4/74 e • DisTRIBumii r _ — SIX YEAR -CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM_ ' . . - (1) copy: District Engineer, Dept, of 1-hghways "EXHIBIT A" (I) copy: UAB with OrIg,nal UAB-1 Form- - 1977 — 1 9 82 Page 8 of 10 (COUNTY) King County, Renton, Washington HEARING DATE - ADOPTION DATE . RESOLUTION N0. (CITY) . • ' ROAD F C U R ESTIMATE OF COST ITEM LOCAL NAME OR U L R U LENGTH- • ' TYPE.OF•WORK-- I—� N0. OF- STREET N • A B RIN • ROAD OR STREET NO. C .S ' A A MILES: •19 7 7 1 9,7 8 1'9 7 9 1_9 $ 0_ 8.2 TOTAL T S N L. - • • 8. Burnett Av N (Lake Wash 2451 C U Widen existing 2-lane roadway- to- - 0.6 300,000: 300,000 - , ' Blvd N (S Term) to Lake 4 lanes (44') . . Construct curb, . - ' Wash. Blvd N (N Term) gutters, $ sidewalks. Upgrade . • .. drainage system,. illumination, $ . • channelization. . • . 9. Aberdeen Av NE (Sunset 3251 C U Widen existing.2-lane roadway to 1.3 1,340,000 1,340,000 Blvd NE to NE 27th St) 4 lanes (44') . Construct curb, - • gutters, $ sidewalks. Upgrade • - - drainage system; illumination, $ channelization. }. 10. Park- Av N & N 40th St 2491 C • U Widen existing 2-lane roadway to . 0.4. . 195,000 195,000 . (NE 30th St to Lake Wash - 4 lanes (44') . _ Construct curbs, - . Blvd N) gutters, E sidewalks. Upgrade ' . drainage system, illumination, E - . . • `: channelization. SPOT IMPROVEMENTS %, 1. Wells .Av Bridge, Cedar U" _ Repair structure - • 0..0 *3;7.00 3,700 River . Yz sl 2.- Monster Rd 'Bridge - -U- . Repair structure. 0.0 *4,700 - ' 4;700 AWA. -3. Pavement Marking Program U - -Install buttons-. &-.tape (city-wide) • ' *60,000 - 60,000 • FHG✓i4 4. Monster Rd Railroad U Install automatic- 'flashing - - 145,000 145,000 4...724 Crossing Signal Improve= signals .merit *Started ' � in 1976. $A•7 .REV. 4/74 0i5TRi6UTior, SIX YEAR. CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM. (1) coag: District Engineer. Dept. of Highways "EXHIBIT A" (1) copy: UAB with Originai UAB-1 Form 1 97 7 1 9 8.2 . Page 9 of 10 (COUNTY) King County, Renton, Washington • HEARING DATE ADOPTION DATE RESOLUTION NO (CITY) ROAD F C U R - ESTIMATE OF COST • ITEM LOCAL NAME OR " ULRU LENGTH T • OF TYPE.OF WORK N0. STREET N A B R IN' ROAD OR STREET NO. C S A A MILES 19-77 - 1978 1 9 7 9 - 1980'- 82 TOTAL T S N L. - .SAM 5. NE -4th- St $ Monroe Av. NE • U New signal installation 20,000 20,000 tr-4Nj) . 6. Duval Av NE $ NE Sunset U Aew signal installation - 32,000 32,000 • Blvd -FAM 7. Rainier Av S $ S Grady Way U Replace signal controller $. include 13,500 13,500 in computer. system. -.41/1: ., 8. .SW Grady Way 4 Lind .Av SW. U Replace signal controller , include 11,000 ' 11,000 in-computer system. FAM 9.- -.S Grady Way West• Entr. • UReplace signa-1 controller include 9,200. 9,200 to:Shopping •Center in computer system: FAM 10. S Grady Way $ East Entr. U Replace signal controller & Include 9,200 9,200 to Shopping Center in computer systema ':.1-,54,04 11. .SW Sunset Blvd $ Hardie _ U Replace signal controller $ include 11,000 11,000 . Av SW in computer system. - . ,.. ./Hd�/d 12: N -3rd St Railroad Crossing . • U . Install au_tomatic. flashing, signals., R/R to-provide �2. :Signal Improvement - estimate LOCAL ACCESS STREETS 1. Misc Street Repairs LA U' - Street overlay, sealing., .shoulder • *121,400' . 148,450 32,650 . 91,850 394-,350 ' improvements (to' be ' improvement,- & storm -sewer upgrade. identified on prospectus & in Street Dept. 5-Year . - - Plan) • *Started' in 1976. . . r__,-_—i _ . . . • SA-1 REV. 4/74 pisyRieuTtoN SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM co.y. District Engineer. Dept. of Highways "EXHIBIT A" (.1) cooy tiAB with Originai UP,13-1 Form 19 77-- 1 9 8- 2 Page 10 of 10 (COUNTY) ,HEARING DATE ADOPTION DATE RESOLUTION NO. (CITY) King County, Renton, Washington ROAD F CUR ESTIMATE OF. COST ITEM LOCAL NAME OR U L R ULENGTH OF STREET N A B. -R . TYPE OF WORK IN NO. ROAD OR STREET NO. C S A A T S Nt MILES 1977 1 9 7 1 9 7 9 1 90—1 2 TOTAL 4 • 2. Royal Hills Dr Cul-de-sac 6103 LA U Construct turn-around' for bus & 0.1 *4,900 ,4,:900 automobile traffic. 3. N 1st St (Park Av N to 2223 LA U: Overlay plus curb replacement Er 0.2_ 22,000 22,000 Burnett Av N) storm sewer upgrade. 4. Renton Av S (S 3rd St to 5521 LA U Improve existing 25 ' roadway 0.5 215,000 215,000 S 10th St) (no widening) . Replace curbs, gutters, sidewalks; place asphalt • overlay and upgrade drainage system & channelization. *Started in 1976. SL.1 REV, 44 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 12th day of July , 19 76 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Six Year Comprehensive Street Construction and Arterial Program Continued from June 28th • • Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF :RENTON aC�'i 14, (�! . Delores A. Mead , C ty Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION July 2 , 1976 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 12th day of July , 19 76 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Six Year Comprehensive Street Construction and Arterial Program Continued from June 28th Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON ,E 12- O. Delores A. Mead , C ty Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION July 2 , 1976 CERTIFICATI O N STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING 71 ?' /c 1014 2 i I , Le,$)) L . )%iii 75 hereby certify that -- . copies of the above notice were posted by me in Txerrly 74-72)2.1I' t-h-e conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the Ci yunjicipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of T /_.j/ / , 19 ,76 Signed //i ATTEST : • Notary Public in and-for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. PoL5-71ii,/q5' 71;0.175 ./z- js 7/-7/,/, // /6/e S")/)/ -6(7/) 74,/ 7'c f72 .7. 7'7 ).2--z e Z,J; /".7‘ Z3C -z �G • Rc11rl1er 4Ve So. Soyc1P/ OO LnJ4ye_ S. 00_ 5L & tA.1_ St- Ato e - ;r Inc O L SW- Akc • E. Yo 11e y /6/ 4a/a7 S_w. J c? SA „ f- 7 f a.r 0 t1 o rris Ove. Sc So J8 ,/--/e‹)7)-15 /7 t e1^_ 4vt So. 7 Jo • E li rn e,-U Ave- Sa. & : S th" �Z�-:: .4 111 .ins4ve " ® moin Ave So, 51 Soo./ 4vs'eruvct rK A v t Na. V No: J S mss. /-)1dve No. c3 /2--:$ • �a 8 ,ii z24v't No. 711, v.r / if 4/a; 0 I-- /11.917'0'e /11/1-e e: a7 ---7< ��tt iiif /7 ALE.,11/f �` Ili- /2 0 2-- 7C-r0'._/ir 1/1/1`1/1/Z; 7 ----747/ )•/0:/ :,40/;;r7 /ea/PA G /-6/-e>? Ave No. Al- X727 /Ire so sem. sem' RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 28, 1976 Municipal Building Monday, 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti , presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order, asking the Clerk to .Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, EARL CLYMER, WILLIAM J. GRANT AND ROBERT E. McBETH. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, ABSENT COUNCILMAN KENNETH D. BRUCE, BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, Asst. City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE DONALD W. CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; JAMES MAGSTADT, Asst. Planning Director; RICHARD GEISSLER, Asst. Fire Chief; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Rep. ; TED BENNETT, Deputy Finance Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent. PRESS ERIC PRYNE, Renton Record Chronicle (See later. ) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Waldenburger published, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider Alley Vacation petition of Martha Waldenburger for vacation of 16 ft. wide alley Near within Block 12 of the Plat of Car Works Addition to Renton between Factory Ave N. Factory Ave. N. and N. 3rd Place. Letter from Board of Public Works, Chairman Del Bennett, reported review and finding that this right-of- way not needed for the present or future street system and reported no objections to the proposed vacation, noting that sewer is located in the alley and utility easement will be required. Public Works Director Gonnason used wall map to point out the proposed vacation, explaining the State Highway Department owns the right-of-way on northerly side,(State arterial funds having been used to acquire street right-of-way) and that State Highway joined in signing of the petition for vacation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, GRANT THE VACATION OF THE ALLEY RETAINING EASEMENT AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR IN-HOUSE APPRAISAL. CARRIED. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY CLYMER, REFER TO THE LEGISLATION. COMMITTEE. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Engum Petition published, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider Street Vacation petition filed by Joel L. Engum for vacation of a portion of NE 18th Portion of Street between Blaine Ave. N.E. and Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , petition N.E. 18th St. having been certified by Public Works Department as representing 86% _-.of abutting property owners. Letter from Board of Public Works reporteir the city has no need for this portion of right-of-way as part of the street system and has no objections to the proposed vaca- tion, reporting no requirement for utility easement with this vacation. Public Works Director Gonnason explained proposed vacation and noted property to the west of the street had notsigned the petition and Chat this could provide access to the rear of that property. . There being no audience comment, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING.. CARRIED.. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS LETTER, GRANTING VACA- TION AND REFER BACK TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR IN-HOUSE APPRAISAL AND SETTING OF PROPER FEES. CARRIED. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Six-Year published, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider Street the proposed Six-Year Street Construction Program, 1977-1982. Public Construction Works Director Gonnason distributed copies of the proposed additions , Program deletions and changes, also supplying copy of the Street Maintenance Division Five-Year Repair and Improvement Plan, itemizing storm drain- age and street overlays proposed for 1977-1981 , which will be included in the planned allocation of l/U Gas Tax funds. Wall maps were used in explaining location of arterials and funding planned for improve- ments. Gonnason noted change in the plan dune to adoption of the Comp- rehensive Plan for Green River Valley, deletion of Lind Ave. from S. 7th to Sunset SW and extension of Strander Blvd. from W.Vallex to 'Talbot Rd.S. with access to E.Valley freeway. Following discussion Renton City Council 6/28/76 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Six-Year of minor arterials, Council President Stredicke noted improvements Street to S. 7th and Shattuck Ave. S. which were listed, reminding Councilmen Construction of dissension when improvement to S.7th came before Council recently. Continued .Gonnason explained Longacres Parkway SW with four phases, that Phase 1 would be funded by L.I.D. Stredicke inquired about dirt hauling in valley and whether or not Lind SW and Longacres Parkway roadways were being filled also, being advised by Gonnason that the contractor was filling for roadbed and participating to order to complete streets, MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AND THE HEARING BE CONTINUED FOR TWO WEEKS.* Upon inquiry Public Works Director Gonnason noted submittal required by July 1 , by State law. Mayor Delaurenti invited audience comment. Dennis Stremick, 2532 Smithers S. , inquired re cost of Talbot Rd.S. to 7th Ave. S. extension, being advised of $122,000. Stremick objected to improvement at that expense, being advised of future SR515 tie-in. David Burkebile 2539 Burnett Crt.S. , inquired about SR515 funding and recalled to Council State Highway Dept. hearings of 1970 wherein testi- mony was given that if SW 43rd was widened to 4-lane, SR515 would not be needed. Reo Seitz, 2526 Smithers Av.S. , objected to State Highway Dept. building highway through city without hearings for public, being advised by Gonnason of the unfortunate lapse of time between hearings and construction. Further discussion ensued regarding SR515 wherein Seitz complained of State condemnations along SR515 route causing degradation of area. *MOTION CARRIED REFERRING MATTER TO THE PUBLIC Public Hearing WORKS COMMITTEE AND CONTINUING HEARING TO JULY 12, 1976. Burkebile Continued to requested that State be directed to declare a moratorium on SR515 7/12/76 condemnation procedures. Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe asked that sufficient quantities of the 6-yr street plan be available for distri- bution to all of audience. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 10 MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:15 p.m. and reconvened at 9:26 p.m. .41l Council members present at roll call as previously shown. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda matters, previously distributed for Coun- cil information and study, are considered routine and are enacted by one motion, unless removed by Council action for separate considera- tion: Proclamation Proclamation of Mayor Delaurenti declared September 20-26, 1976 as Renton Square Dance Week. The proclamation was awarded to Charles Square Dance Week Prochaska of the Blazing Stars by Mayor Delaurenti who noted participation on July 4 and Labor Day in Renton by theagroup; Stredicke also noted their participation in opening ceremonies for the Dome Statium. Group Health Letter from Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound. „290-15th Ave. E. , Support Center Seattle invited Mayor and Council members to attend June 29 , press conference at Sheraton Renton Inn to announce construction startup of Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound's 93,312 sq.ft Support Center. Letter noted Group Health now serves more than 211 ,000.enrollees. Night Vision City Clerk bid opening 6/23/76 for purchase of one night vision device Device (for Police Dept. ) received two bids as shown on attached tabulation. Bid Opening Referral to Public Safety Committee recommended. (See later report) Power Sewer City Clerk bid opening for power sewer rodding machine( (Equipment Rental ) Rodding Machine received four bids as shown on attached tabulation. Referral to the Bid Opening 6/24 Public Works and Transportation Committee recommended. Water Main City Clerk bid opening 6/23/76 installation of a 24” ductile iron water Bid Opening main from Well #8 in Cedar River Park to the Mt. Olivet tank at Bronson Way and NE 3rd St. , with six bids received as shown on attached tabula- tion. Referral to the Public Works & Transportation Committee recom- mended. (See later committee report) Proposed Letter from King County Boundary Review Board, Seattle, reported pro- Annexation by posed annexation by King County Water District #58 of certain area in KCWD 58 . the vicinity of Valley freeway #167 & S. 212st St. , referred to as Fite; Resolution 1516. Recommendation: Refer to Public Works Dept. Renton City Council 6/28/76 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Six-Year of minor arterials, Council President Stredicke noted improvements Street to S. 7th and Shattuck Ave. S. which were listed, reminding Councilmen Construction of dissension when improvement to S.7th came before Council recently. Continued Gonnason explained Longacres Parkway SW with four phases, that Phase 1 would be funded by L. I.D. Stredicke inquired about dirt hauling in valley and whether or not Lind SW and Longacres Parkway roadways were being filled also, being advised by Gonnason that the contractor was filling for roadbed and participating to order to complete streets. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AND THE HEARING BE CONTINUED FOR TWO WEEKS.* Upon inquiry Public Works Director Gonnason noted submittal required by July 1 , by State law. Mayor Delaurenti invited audience comment. Dennis Stremick, 2532 Smithers S. , inquired re cost of Talbot Rd.S. _ to 7th Ave. S. extension, being advised of $122,000. Stremick objected to improvement at that expense, being advised of future SR515 tie-in. David Burkebile 2539 Burnett Crt.S. , inquired about SR515 funding and recalled to Council State Highway Dept. hearings of 1970 wherein testi- mony was given that if SW 43rd was widened to 4-lane, SR515 would not be needed. Reo Seitz, 2526 Smithers Av.S. , objected to State Highway Dept. building highway through city without hearings for public, being advised by Gonnason of the unfortunate lapse of time between hearings and construction. Further discussion ensued regarding SR515 wherein Seitz complained of State condemnations along SR515 route causing degradation of area. *MOTION CARRIED REFERRING MATTER TO THE PUBLIC Public Hearing WORKS COMMITTEE AND CONTINUING HEARING TO JULY 12, 1976. Burkebile Continued to requested that State be directed to declare a moratorium on SR515 7/12/76 condemnation procedures. Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe asked that sufficient quantities of the 6-yr street plan be available for distri- bution to all of audience. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 10 MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:15 p.m.' and reconvened at 9:26 p.m. All Council members present at roll call as previously shown. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda matters, previously distributed for Coun- cil information and study, are considered routine and are enacted by one motion, unless removed by Council action for separate considera- tion: Proclamation Proclamation of Mayor Delaurenti declared September 20-26, 1976 as Renton Square Dance Week. The proclamation was awarded to Charles Square Dance Week Prochaska of the Blazing Stars by Mayor Delaurenti who noted participation on July 4 and Labor Day in Renton by the ,group; Stredicke also noted their participation in opening ceremonies for the Dome Statium. Group Health Letter from Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound,, 200-15th Ave. E. , Support Center Seattle invited Mayor and Council members to attend June 29 , press conference at Sheraton Renton Inn to announce construction startup of Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound's 93,312 sq.ft. Support Center. Letter noted Group Health now serves more than 211 ,000. enrollees. Night Vision City Clerk bid opening 6/23/76 for purchase of one night vision device Device (for Police Dept. ) received two bids as shown on attached tabulation. Bid Opening Referral to Public Safety Committee recommended. (See later report) • Power Sewer City Clerk bid opening for power sewer rodding machine (Equipment Rental ) Rodding Machine received four bids as shown on attached tabulation. Referral to the Bid Opening 6/24 Public Works and Transportation Committee recommended. Water Main City Clerk bid opening 6/23/76 installation of a 24" ductile iron water Bid Opening main from Well #8 in Cedar River Park to the Mt. Olivet tank at Bronson Way and NE 3rd St. , with six bids received as shown on attached tabula- tion. Referral to the Public Works & Transportation Committee recom- mended. (See later committee report) Proposed Letter from King County Boundary Review Board, Seattle, reported pro- Annexation by posed annexation by King County Water District #58 of certain area in KCWD 58 the vicinity of Valley freeway #167 & S. 212st St. , referred to as Fite; Resolution 1516. Recommendation: Refer to Public Works Dept. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 28, 1976 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E . S _ CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti , presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the. regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order, asking the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, EARL CLYMER, WILLIAM J. GRANT AND ROBERT E. McBETH. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, ABSENT COUNCILMAN KENNETH D. BRUCE, BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, Asst. City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE DONALD W. CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; JAMES MAGSTADT, Asst. Planning Director; RICHARD GEISSLER, Asst. Fire Chief; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Rep. ; TED BENNETT, Deputy Finance Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent. • PRESS ERIC PRYNE, Renton Record Chronicle (See later. ) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Waldenburger published, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider Alley Vacation petition of Martha Waldenburger for vacation of 16 ft. wide alley Near within Block 12 of the Plat of Car Works Addition to Renton between Factory Ave N. Factory Ave. N. and N. 3rd Place. Letter from Board ofjPublic Works, Chairman Del Bennett, reported review and finding that this right-of- way not needed for the present or future street system and reported no objections to the proposed vacation, noting that sewer is located in the alley and utility easement will be required. Public Works Director Gonnason used wall map to point out the proposed vacation, explaining the State Highway Department owns the right-of-way on northerly side, (State arterial funds having been used to acquire street right-of-way) and that State Highway joined in .signing of the petition for vacation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, GRANT THE VACATION OF THE ALLEY RETAINING EASEMENT AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR IN-HOUSE APPRAISAL. CARRIED. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY CLYMER, REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Engum Petition published, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider Street Vacation 'petition filed by Joel L. Engum for vacation of a portion of NE 18th Portion of Street between Blaine Ave. N.E. and Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , petition N.E. 18th St. having been certified by Public Works Department as representing 86% of abutting property owners. Letter from Board of Public Works reported the city has no need for this portion of right-of-way as part of the street system and has no objections to the proposed vaca- tion, reporting no requirement for utility easement with this vacation. Public Works Director Gonnason explained proposed vacation and noted property to the west of the street had notsigned the petition and that this could provide access to the rear of that property. There being no audience comment, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS LETTER, GRANTING VACA- TION AND REFER BACK TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR IN-HOUSE APPRAISAL AND SETTING OF PROPER FEES. CARRIED. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Six-Year published, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider Street , ' the proposed Six-:Year Street Construction Program, 1977-1982. Public Construction, Works Director Gonnason distributed copies of the proposed additions, Program deletions and changes, also supplying copy of the Street Maintenance Division Five-Year Repair and Improvement Plan, itemizing storm drain- age and street overlays proposed for 1977-1981 , which will be included in the planned allocation of l/2t Gas Tax funds. Wall maps were used in explaining location of arterials and funding planned for improve- ments. Gonnason noted change in the pTan due to adoption of the Comp- rehensive Plan for Green River Valley, deletion of Lind Ave. from S. 7th to Sunset SW and extension of Strander Blvd. from W.Valley to Talbot Rd.S. with access to E.Valley freeway. Following discussion AGENDA ITEM 114 .4 P Amin& 0PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WARREN C. GONNASON, P.E. • DIRECTOR 041. o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WA. 98055 • 206 235-2569 ,o . O <to� 4T4.O SEPO-�� CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR June 23 , 1976. Honorable Charles J. Delaurenti , Mayor Members of the City Council Re :. ProposedSix-Year Street Construction Program, 1977- 1982 (Public Hearing Date: Monday, June 28, 1976) Dear Mayor Delaurenti and Council• Members : S Attached for your review is a copy of the revised Six-Year • Street Construction Program .for 1977- 1982 .which shows the proposed additions , deletions , and changes . We have also supplied a copy of the Street Maintenance Division Five-Year. Repair and Improvement Plana• itemizing storm drainage improvements and street overlays proposed for 1977-1981 . These street :;repair projects will be included in our planned allocation of ? . Gas Tax funds . The revised Six-Year Street Construction Program will be presented for adoption at thea,public hearing on Monday, June 28 . Sincerely, ' . " WARREN C. GONNASON, P.E. S PublicWorks Director WCG : cah / 9 7‘. CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1977 1981 P. 1 of 5 CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1977-1981 P. 2 of 5 Street Maintenance Division - 5 Year Plan Street Maintenance Division - '5 Year Plan 1977 . • •- Functional Cost 1978 1" Asphalt.Overlay Classification Estimate. 1" Asphalt.Overlay Functional Cost 1. Index Av NE (Jefferson NE to NE 6th Pl) L.A. $ 9,000 .' Classification Estimate .2. "NE 6th P1 (Harrington-Av NE to Index P1 NE)- L.A. "3,300 1. SE 5th St_(Maple Valley Hwy to dead end) L.A. $10,000 3: Index P1 NE (NE 7th to end of cul-de-sac) L.A. 4,600 ' 2. Pierce SE (SE 5th to SE 6th) L.A. 2,000 NE 6th St (Index Av NE to Index P1 NE) L.A. 2,000 - 3. SE 5th P1 (Pierce SE to dead end) " - L.A. 2,100 5. Index P1 NE (NE 6th'St to NE 5th Pl) . ' L.A. 3,300' . 4. SE 6th St (Newport.SE to dead end) ' L.A.. 6,.000 6. Index P1 NE"(Index Av NE to NE 4th)' L.A. 4,000 • •• 5. SE 6th' St (Newport SE to SE 5th) L.A. . . 6,800 7. Harrington Av NE (NE 9th to NE 5th P1) Z.A. '. 13,6.00_ 6. Maplewood Av SE (SE 6th to Maple Valley Hwy) . L.A.' 1,700 8, NE 5th P1 (Harrington Av NE to Jefferson Av NE) L.A. 7,000 7. Monroe Av SE-(Maple Valley. Hwy to SE 6th) L.A. - 1,300 - 9. Kirkland.Av NE (Jefferson NE to NE 10th St) L.A. .21,500 8. Smithers Av S (Houser Way S to S 7th) L.A. 7;000- '0. Je-fferSon Av NE (Kirkland Av NE to-Kirkland NE). L.A. - 7,400 - 9. Morris Av S (Houser Way Sato S 7th) L.A. 6,800 ' 11_. Lynnwood: Av NE (NE_10th to Kirkland Av NE) - • L.A. 8,000 10. Whitworth Av S (Houser Way S to _S 6th) L.A. • . 3,800 12. Blaine Av NE (Camas-Av NE to NE 6th Ct) U.A. . 4,100 • 11. Shattuck Av S (Houser Way S .to S 7th) . .S. 5-,600 • .13. NE 6th Ct (Blaine NE to Blaine' Ct NE) L.A.; 2;500. . . 12. Houser Way 'S.(Burnett"Av S to:Shattuck .Av S) L`;A:r' 6,300' 14. Blaine' Ct NE to Sunset Hwy NE Dead End L.A. . ' 3,200 • 13. S 5th (Burnett.Av S to Whitworth.Av. S) L:A. 5',600 • . ' 14. S 7th '(Burnett Av'S to Shattuck Av S) • L.A. 7,500 m Sewer Upgrade 15.. .NE 8th (Kirkland Av NE to Harrington Av NE) L.A: 6,000 16. Jefferson Av NE (NE 8th to NE-9th) .. L.A: • 4,000 . 15. . Taylor Av NW, west-side - - C.• . $ 4,970- 17. NE. 8th P1 (Jefferson Av NE to Harrington NE) .-L.A. .4,300 (NW 2nd to Maple Av NW) ' • y. 18. NE 9th (Kirkland Av NE to Edmonds Av NE) - L.A. 13,000 _ 16. Hardie 'AV SW, west side.. - L.A. .4,910 - (SW Victoria to SW Langston). • 19. Ferndale-Circle NE (NE 9th. to NE 9th) L.A. 4,250 17. Lake Washington Blvd N, east side S. 4;950 ' 20. Glennwood Av NE (NE 9'th.to NE 9th Pl) L.A. 2,500 ' (BArnett Av NE to N 30th)' 21. NE .9th P1 (Glennwood'Av NE to Edmonds Av NE) L.A. . 2,500 18. Sunset-Blvd NE, east side S. 4,980 (Bronson Way NE to NE 7th) 22.' NE 9th P1 (NE 9th to NE 9th) - L.A. 5,000 19. Benson Rd S, east side ' S. 4,800 (south of Puget Drive) - r - • CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Street Maintenance Division - 5 Year Plan 1977-1981 I P. 3 of 5 CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Street Maintenance Division - 5 Year Plan 1977-1981 P. 4 of 5 1979 . 1" Asphalt Overlay. Functional - Cost - 1980 Classification Estimate - 1. NW 3rd P1' (Rainier Av to Taylor Av NW) L.A. $' 2,850 1" Asphalt Overlay Functional Cost Classification Estimate 2.' Hardie Av-NW (NW 3rd to Nelson P1 NW) - L.A. 2,200 ' 1. Stevens Av NW (Taylor Place' to.Seneca Av NW) L.A.' $ 6 50 NW 3rd (Hardie Av NW to Taylor Av NW) L.A. 600 -, 0 4. NW 2nd P1 (Taylor Av NW to Lind Av NW) L.A. 2,000 2. Stevens Av NW (Seneca Av NW to dead end) L.A. ' .. 3,000 5. 'Lind Av NW (NW 2nd P1 to NW 4th) L.A. - 1,850 3. NW 5th P1 (Stevens Av NW to'Stevens Ct NW) L.A. ' 2,000 6. Lind Av NW (NW 4th to Taylor Av NW) L.A. - 4,850 4. Stevens Ct NW (NW 5th to dead end) L.A. 1,300 7.- Maple Av NW (Taylor Av NW to NW 4th) L.A. 2,850 5. NW 4th P1 (Stevens Av NW to Seneca Av NW) L.A. 3,500 8., Maple Av NW (NW .4th to NW 2nd P1) L.A. 2,000 6. Seneca Av NW (NW 5th P1 to Stevens Av NW) L.A. ' 8,200' - 9. 'NW 4th (Taylor Av NW to Lind Av NW) L.A. 3,300 7. Seneca Ct_NW-(Seneca Av NW to dead end) L.A. - . '1,400 10. - NW .Sth St. (Taylor.P1 NW to dead end) L.A.- 1,200 8'• NW 5th P1 (Raymond Av NW to dead end) L.A. . 3,200 • 11. NW 6th (Taylor Place NW to dead end) L.A. 3,200 9• NW 3rd P1 (Raymond Av NW to Seneca P1 NW) - L.A. 2,100 12. NW 7th (87thAv StoTaylor Av NW) L.A. 4,000 10. Seneca P1 NW (NW 3rd to dead end) L:A. 900 13. Taylor Av'NW (NW 7th'to dead end) L.A. ,800 11. Seneca Av NW (NW 2nd to -dead end) - L.A. , - 6,200 14. Lind Av NW (NW 7th to dead end) _ L.A. 950 . 15. Edmonds Av NE (NE 5th Pl.to NE 4th St) C. 7,300' NE 4th St.(Bronson Av NE to Jefferson Av -NE) C. 16,000 • • CITY-OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Street Maintenance Division 5 Year Plan 19'77-1981 P 5 of 5 1981 . 1" Asphalt Overlay • Functional Cost ,_ •• . Classification Estimate Lind Av SW (Langston Av SW to S 134th) 2.„ •,Stevens-Av SW (Langston Av SW to S 134th) L.A. 1,200 3: Lind Av SW (SW 4th.P1 to SW Sunset Blvd) L.A. 1,200 • 4. SW 4th P1 (SW Sunset Blvd to Maple Av SW) L.A. 6,650 .- . 1 5. Stevens As SW (SW Sunset Blvd to SW 5th- P1) L:A. 4,200 ___ - _, _ 6.6: Maple Av SW CSW Sunset Blvd to dead end) L.A. 5,550 - - 7. Maple'Av SW (Grady Way to,dead end) • L.A. 4,250 - _ 8. SW 12th (Raymond Av- SW,to Freeway) ,,L.A. 13,000_ _ 9:' SW 13th St (Raymond Av SW- to dead end) L.A. 6,800 10 Raymond Av SW (SW Grady Way to .SW 13th. St) L.A. 2,700 1l•. Seneca Av SW (SW Grady Way-,td SW 13th St) : L.A. 2,100 _ ` _ 12. . Maple. Av SW (SW 16th to dead:,end) L.A. 1,200: _ Seneca Av SW (SW 16th to dead end) - L.A. 1,600" 14: Raymond Av SW (SW .16th-todead end) .. L.A. . - I . - -- --. SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM • - , - - 1 9 7 7 — 19 8 2 "Erh_bl: A" , . 9 - ;CCUNTY) King County - Rte^� .t-��.��� ':�: i:h` i r^__Ti` 1 - _` - - `ESJLUTIC� n (CITY) • t — -- I — - - -- ET ' E of ccs- --_ i'c� ..mac R .j _EvS• -- .� __ _ - A 5 i • -_ I !v. r— r- 78 8®®82 r5. RC-D :? ST-PEt r S A A• _. '.oiLES ' 19 1944. I 1944 1 9+429-.801 T37s1 5 a+ L 5{ATE AD'EI1~ISTES-9 PR,.?,-..i:_-GT ! 1.. SR 515 ation, Puget 5201 'd X Construct roadway with curb, 3.0 No estimate available Drive to Sout. •• h - drainage, sidewalk, illumination, - . landscaping. 3:. . 2. . SR 515 Extension, Grady 5351 X Construct/reconstruct roadway g •• No estimate available. ;`; • " Way South to_South 2nd - ' h curb, drainage, s idewal. - . • Street ilium : on, landsca. ' - - :i_`" 3.. SR 515 Extension, South 2411 M X Const _uct- reconstruc .dway 1.5 No estimate available ' :_...:: _: 2nd:to North 6th Street - •"tit""curb, drainage, sidewa , `".r...:' -- - - North'-6th to Park Ave. illumination, :landscaping. • : ._ h':7 North - Park Ave. North to North Park .Dri.e • F - 4. F:iI 405. 2541 M X Widening,._: g, revision of on and off 6.7 : No estimate availab • t;, , ramps and elimination of "S" curve. _ - MAJOR(PizrAlciPA1.)ARTErifAcs - goo EA4 1.._ SW 43rd Street, East 4102 '•1 X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 1`.2 -x54,.000 713,000 2,889,000. 4,ro2.,000 ',:EAA ValleyRoad to Lest drainage, sidewalk, illumination, "" (3-ra„eJ ��. fi Valley Road (Joint Pro- railroad crossing- structure. ject }..ith City of ker.t) 1/22 . W.E. 3rgy J' reee• 3iO3 M X 4.2e -11o7r eef Jtiov/ders- 4r 3,449 �.I'anref 8/vd.,V �o /�'Jonrae�✓p M¢.1 1i/Qc..-�9 cYut4ed rock F,"0i/afifs/ica74/oe7 _ Ksi, 3. 721bot- Rd. So.(Extei-Nr-ioh) s3s, 'y M x Coron,r, ruck riew road kv/74., /22,000 i - _ e k : • . : : -_ 2 ..`f.9 • :-.'4..... - • 1:ExIi..-.:it A" • . 1 9 7 7 ' 1 9 8 2 • ,,,,,--- ••- . :.:, , • . h.::--.!.::••.-2s: 7.-7, -,- 1:•:?7:',.--,; 2 2. ---.E . --•-='S':' 7;0 N ,.0 .CITY; King_ County .- .R:2:-.tor., ;,..i.s•hinton . . , -- --:. • • . . • . , :-..• - • . - ' I T- • - • ' ES:" u3.7E 0E-- .._ , .. L A ' -----•- 7, E :..."- 1.7.Z.( ' ' IN - r . 1 - 8o-82 1 i 3 7 . . 1 . -.• . - . - .1%.:AD :4 i74e= r ' s.:. ' C SA1-91 9 A ' .. . -,A,'L•E-S . _ 1 9,709-44 ... T0741.. -.; -7 . • . .M7. 7- " 17-1 1 9' 41 . 1=6. 9 TT . - v : -_ • . 7 S *4 . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beopiroe, istay At. f°.5'. -NT -y econt*Aruc-fr curb -,9uAlerz;fia'ebs/clikr N 4162' coin;,,,ive.-s-. -, Hoceer tifirty.N.) • . lrishait OverlaH,se,..r.-4,-ade ,flor,...Deaii,j- , . . . • • • 1 1 govt/..r a/911 c•-• ••,..m.ef,f4rovory•, t-r-. .- ,29. • set Blvd: _North, ecrut raay tn cur05 588,600 2104 .N1 X Ronstco . .. wib; — " . • . • . 588,600 -.•_ - .. - Bronson- Way North to - : drainage, sidewalk, illuMination, - .- - - . , . . . _ r' • •• • . 1: •: . • • • • • -FAI. 405 • ' . landszaping. . . , . _ • . . • . . . . . . . , ,- - . . 1...- • • . /37,-„..,. •. Long-acres Pk-../. SW, •SW 4201 - . ••1 • X Construct new. roadway with _full :' 1.7 • ' - -• .'•• . -. , . . -- 4- _ • - • . ..,.. .. . . . . . ,. . 43rd Street to S4 . 16th . improvemer,ts • • - . . . •. . ... • .• • . Street (Phase I) . . . . . , . . . • - . . . • . • i--•:'•-• - • - 7.• Longacres• Pk.....y. SW., S" 4201 '1 . X Construct new •roadwa-y- with full. - - 1.0 . . - • • .. - • . ..,... . . . • Grady Way to South 140th - - - • improvements . .. - • i•--r.. -, • - - ' -Street (Phase II) . . , -. .._._ , , - • .• . . • . . ..._,.. . , . r,..: • _ . . . . . . . .. . 11, ----_ : -. -• ". . Longacres •13k...y. SW, SW- 4201 '1 X - Construct newroadwaywith. full . . . 0.1: . . . . . . . - 1.6th Street to SWGrady . .. improvements • -._. , • . .. .. Way (Phase. -Ill) , . -•.• . : • ,, • ..1, : . r..:, '..•=:--•-• r.-:.' -• - - -: - •- . . - .: .. . . . . . . • .- „ . , . . . ... . . . ' • • ' ' ..' V • •-. ' . 0 _ ' ' - • ' • • • • . 1.T. : , . .e ..Longacres, PK-..-y. SW, - • 4201 - Nt . . X,. . Construct new- roadway with full -, 0.6 • - _ . , • . . - South 140th •Street• to- •" improvements - . . - . . • . .. , . i'',::11,.7 .,•- --.•-., .- • ' . ••,. . SW Sunset Blvd. (Phase • , • . !,.-,-,,---:--:- Ir. . . ' ' ' • IV) ' • . . - . .. • . , , - . • . . . • . ' . . ,,----:, . • • . . . , . . . . . •. . ' • 1 A • . . . . •. -.. . : ... . ,. . . . ' . ''''''''.1-i--'':' '''- .. • • '. : . • SECO.ND ARY k/M/IYOR,Atior&E)e.h4L-S • . • . . - ... h. . . . . . . . , • ._ . . •.__ , . 1 . • . . 1 . I . • ...- . .f,-:,., • - --• /z0E- . - . iyii..roi flan' eciir slime,•:-eofralAr •-7. . • s ! K . pave0„6„t-over/ .X4 - - -- . ' -*141060•1.- 6 L . . • i • - l• • - , Overlay, of(41fee -. 000 inlprovesilePrf-s (i‘010 Men6Aier• •- lh,provetwie..071-; -Worn-, -rei4,- afr-grade.. ' . • . •••_::.. ._. ----:-_'::.---.- . • . - Oi'i pro rpeci-ar_ 7)ei;7•Szreet. _.... . • • . . . • - ' : , I -._I . I • I I .-.... . ., - - . . .. • • . . bet. 57Yeam.).- ., . , , _- p - rP • • • ' • - - 72- 7Z .__17 1 7.---______ .. . • - Piti . . 2„-- -,South 7thStreet., •- 4602 • S X ' Reconstruct roadway with curb, ' - : 0.5 . 444. 000 44.Ly,i,cit.) •9.air.ier Ave. South to . - drair.age, sid.. .1:',.., illuminat '..cn, • ...t,outh Grady Way . . _ 11 r.,D,......D.I.r.3 I • . • . . - 1 - - • . . . ..s-aed fp, 197& • • . . • -, • . I • . • . , , . • . . : . . . . , . • . ...._..• . • • ..•. . . - • -. • - • • - • . . , . . . .. . 1 977— 1 9 8 "Exhibit A" Page 3 of 9 hE4DATE "rTI • (CCUtiTY)• _ . -- A2-., C,� DATE E RESOLUTION NO (CITY} King County - Rentor,, 'Washirgton . • -T — t --r — v�� o l R U � EST. •�. = `, mATE OF COST ��: 57R_� 5.7)7== T •. A 3 R TYPE OF.-K2,;( LE7' -- N3. csAA I 19 are I9 Oier 19.=Q 19419-4t TOTA.0 �y ms: Garden Ave. North, North 2551 S — X , • Reconstruct roadway with curb, ' -- , d,1D 4th Street to North 8th 0.5 133,000 - 1'33 drainage, sidewalk, illumination, ��: x,000 — Street ! landscaping . _ -77 `� tk we fo.bio/+�qd. SSoi. S `.� Kecor�d'er�ie f .Qaa �/ ,e ;r...'a ,,undery)a.rr s;:/Coact/hon avep rms- / d hde parr 0 Z3 //O 000 2 ,. C-CO%P®. it, s. � ,i aHd ,�oQd�a y 90,060. : foo;000 ��ifvc,� Ave. •j'o.Arre1.r.,�Q ssc' -- - d "e'' r _ �$ ' 16 ,J'bra �✓ x C®n r cf �c�wa w , / p, (o d`f Qy> /iti�srb✓�r.,eo,�s. y ® 9V,��8 9t� 268. �. �cei drive s'o �� PB,ape I. J' / - '_ ,r�en tb.� ;ed. Se. /er�e�.ti�cfi�is .: - 6 203 x ��BB //���� �9''a Cos fro//er /o,oo o _ .. . - e ���/jai:' i6o coo' �r Ligad aQVe, .i' -® _ _. .__ 37�J �p.re 2- . � �/ S. �( Ce..,.r,rvca• "e-d roaa4vay 1.111-4. /.7 /,15,000 000 Gam .',-�:4 ,� Y.G ®• 6203 . S X Xriree` iw>`deo ile Ara-41-0.1% , ,.} �: � cf s, i'�Ed�pdr �� y•oreA,c•�fs "4-0: 0:if 3ZS 000 3� off® g:eP. Lake" ,�ashir. tca BlV.i.' �;.:;. . . 25111 S :. .. X Reas _ ,.: cte with curb,dxay drainage, Z..S 263,500 891,000 971,500 2,126";000 \ort...Park Lri:-e to North route with drainage, side -:- - -.-. ' 44th Streit: (Parkway- - ...alk, Sect=ion _ , ill...;,inat=ion, landscaping- - - . - j�. S�ti..Grady Way, Lind Ave. 4202 S X - Reconstruct roadway with curb, 1.2 - SS, te.:west City Limits drairage, sidewalk, illunination; , 635,500 2,96'',;00: 3,603,000 _ new bridge, laa.:s.a:ir_g . { I ide. Union Ave. KE, `E Sunset 3801 S X Reconstruct roadway- curb,b Blvd. to NE 24th Street 0,.7 355,000 drainage, sidewalk," illumination, 355,000 I f I I I ! I I i 1 I landscaping llI. I . I ' I I I I I ! ! I I I I I I I 1 • • • . - ' --- • . 1.,. ... -_-•.::-,:,-_!,..; ,TQ11116UcoOv t?�tb�ct Eng.____' Dept of.tilitways $IX YEAR .:CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM "EXHIBIT AQ, • Page of (II coDY. UAB with.Ors r,•. UAB 1-Form - . - • 977 - : . • _ _ - . Y) OF Kruc .. _ HEARING DATE . ADOPTION DATE _ RESOLUTION NO:• . (CITY). . 'OF gENt3Dt, tr\ n! ra�uT4 - t_O.CAL NAME ' ESTIMATE;,OF-:COST - _ .. . , , • ;3.YPE:OF.wORK IENGTM N - STREET'.' N . A 'B-! R - - - - ROAD.-CR - STREET:',: - - 8 O A. A C 5 j - - • . . - M LES - - • ;.TQTI1• ' /2. SM:2,7 i .Ffi-tet - 4‘22i .. 3 x 'Co.If,•vc t::7ew r6'47-n a y %I YQ/ r2d:9b r i t1,= ii//,;/i+s :>ro✓t s-ifs'. • ': ;fl . _, i ,,.. .,. _ :.:,:::_r :::..,, .,.....t,:_,,,_;,,,t.,,..:: IR/1e . J J - - S ": .. Con r rti = s✓ .y, W - x. 1�3;- J`is/:'2 f�,•�'f��ef....: : 64zz..2:... : '-.:-:- Szza cr` n2 aad ay W::,:hi_is. .7,14 €_.0,9' eo.,/-4, . ", . . , -.. .. .., .„ . -, : , ..: . __:. ., . ._. ... . ..,:..r.: : :_........ :::.:. ...,_ s: ii/' - a(hoAl ). - . . _ . .:: . 7:$;7;_:-::.:1:1.y. �.- .. .- ' '-�=v--- `� I� . orth 30th Street, :" - 2352. _.S X., Recons tiuct;.roadway;with_ curb, 0.4. - 150;000 15.0,000_ % : • .' f Burnett Ave. to::FAI' 403. • drainage,, _ . s.idekalk,:.:il.lu:nnaeion; " _ - . z� landsca in �, e• ••�g:-.:.. ,r y a., ( -- O2 . .. . 4Voo.000 ,e, ®. _ . _ y • • - z.. = . '.1,040,40Q _ /g SunsetBTvd. NE,_.,FAI_ 105 3.203. S;_ X Reconstruct roadway with curb, • 0:9 1,046,400:_ - - ti . to `E Park. Drive - - - . -. • drainage,- sidewalk, illu'niriation;. .'. - - - _ : -•._ -, _ =' - landsca 1n '_= p :8 is Benson Road South,.-,_South 5303 S X Reconstruct roadwa• y with curb, ,; lI YI.8 733,.000...., 733,000 Grady way to SE 31st - - drainage, sidewalk, illumination, • - St:eet - . landscaping _ r /0. Mils Ave 8ri�d e`!*//:Aues0. • s X ,S� / .Sei Widehi•�g-. o f road i✓a y a„a( /,�zo�o00 / zo oo.o _ (Ceder Over'oc/04 Bah*. A :Seo/ =` N ,7' .rE> nem •Grid .e J'frrich.re . f. I I , i I I1liiiHiii- 1 1 . . c! "Exhibit A" Page ' .,r 9 19 7 7 - 19 8 2 • (COUNTY) hE;c.;r. . ,i E • ADOPTIC': DATE RESOLUTION NO - , (CITY) King Count_ Renton. Washington .7w ,� _,�_ J e EST:w c._ �. iE OF COST .:.s, .;QEc c- A 3 a T•P_ •.�F +�.o< IN 77 78 9( �Ev Tr 82 . T s y MILES D9 D D i 9 - TOTAL t _ COLLECTOR .ARTERIALS ® Jd'liseQi/aheovt .ffr /��roc., _ o • — __ fp he ide.,k hi#C,eat oil Proxelves C �dr� e�� .01'0-414�f�OLld�r �7�1�� a3v®OO SQA®®� �atei-�p�. 5"-yr.-yr.Pial,o howo .sent >or.", �`✓er vp-grad. � (E• tea//ey Phase X: . . • 2• '. SW 16th Street, -nd Ave. ' 4902_ C X - Reconstruct roadway with curb,.. 0.9 24183;000 000 725,00!? 730,000 -- drainage, sidewalk, illumination, ( .regJ rpt;..re2.l ` •6 Mo,,t, 2.- �Cae. ..5w. Pkert _� lardscaping,Ane"ridge. � Ett.r� Ila//@ / d o u:-.1-e•_�A. ycSoi C Wia(e , �'odrirr� �+r/d!, �v// /,�- v/G14A S,°4,7 egAi, ' - y !sem sbtrP�iP�i�-1; 9 000® :174.70. -- - - - - - __v , Talbor Road South, South - . 5?O1 CX 3econstruct roadWay .:i.th curb, . 1.S /,/4,[/,O®® 4 19th_ St eet to South 43rd drainage, sidewalk, illum:ination . ' w - Street J�i�P'!.ih/ ty pry/ ) - .. landscaping r -- -1,, `£ 12th Street, Edmords 3552 C . X Reconstruct roadway with- - Ave. `E to Union Ave. \E . � Ycurb, = 1:0 425,000 . tf2S®� '.-'42:5,000 drainage, sidewalk, iliusiination, ' landscaping Taylor Ave. \k; and Taylor 1003 C. X: Reconstruct roadwaywith curb Place NW fres►► Renton Ave.. 0.6 30D�oOo 300,OJ0. •:,1 :.:, - drainage, sidewalk, illumination, Extension to Stevens Ave. i landscaping - a " Nig. - 7)' Monroe Ave. `E, NE 4th - 3.01 C X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 1.-0 Street to- NE 12th Street drainage, -sidewalk, illumination, 607'000 X07,oo® 50',0)0 landscaping Q •. Burnett Ave. North ,from .2451 C X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 0.6_ Lake ;.ash.- Blvd. North drainage, 300,000 3GU,O�u side::alk, illu,^�ination, (S. Term. ) to Lake gash. landscaping Blvd. North (N. Term.) . 1 1111 I 1 1 1 1 I i I I I I I 1 1 1 t ' Siurfed /n ) : . : - 1977 - 1982 . ' �.�^- it a�, - . `+ :ATE RESCI CCCUNTY. . UTI'„ . iCITY King County - un y Renton, ��ashir.:tin { �a0 i'� "" +`- 0 '( 3 t r-PE �� � i �E��.� _Sr w.arE OP C2ir T7 80-82 — s 1 9.04 19E 7 9 �' 1 9.7,,,,_,,g,,, jo-aL ge Aberdeen Ave-. NE, Sunset 3231 C X Reconstruct ' Blvd. NE to NE 27th. roadway with curb, 1..3 . Street drainage, side alk, illunination, � 1,340,000 1,340,000 landscaping I Q.B'. Park Ave. North and North. 2491 40th, Street, NE 30th Reconstruct roadway with curb, drainage, side:;alk, illumination 0.4 Street to Lake Wash. 193,000 195,000 Blvd. North landscaping • .� c /o, ,. 27t, -Ere- •.41 .a e . k. • :el Cors "re • .. ; a s .; Y rYfu1 - , • al.. - Ro. ; -o„ mpro is SPOT IMMPRO;'E-ME`TS 1. Wells Ave. Bridge, Cedar �e arr .dam I,. Wells yl . p eu—kswy Morif Gr 4,1. 3r/else eellcur 0:0 7. ,. li+FA ` Fes► i� :4:0.: ,i.: . ®� r ogre X •Lrfeg.// i�� _; �. �y!. Moe,,r. �.- mai/rnaat' • Thr E' .��'�-�sd �D.� - I f 14e 017f`,ro.79 J10.42/./y, /07.61/4W Czcrfo,yq//c �D OOb � ►emst' /qf4/;,y.,!fir '/s. O�S�OO. :— ,,a'. NE 4th Street and Monroe �` ' /S6S 000 Ave. `E X dew signal installation ----_- - - - 20,000.. Ive�e�®.qe/@.ME t,"�1/EwerreFS/v. 0.0 203,000 __.. - '� NSW s'ighq/ ih.r4ce//Rf,®h 293,000 -_ 7$: Rainier Ave. South and 32 opo 32 000 South Grady (�a X New signal controller - -__- I 13,500 F:4•9 49.,. .i Grady Way and Lind X - - _�_. �__ i -- 13. 500 Ave. New signal c _-- I g controller 11,000 iriYarfed hi /976 11,,J0 Nc"",�� �.; r�Tt" A:CPTIC`' C '.T (CCIJNTY) RCSCLUT1C NO (CITY) King Counter - Re ;wn, Washington R j C NC', _ EST.wATE OF COST QF LE�Grr Sr._Fr v A ; q Trac .. •��K IN 77 78 79 8o-82 t �r L. MILES 19x6 1947111. 19 1 934-44 TOTAL FANS 9 sY. South Grady Way and hest _ -- -- ---- X `e, signal controller 9,2Oa Entr. to Shopping Center 9,200 ®,8'. South Grady Way and East • X New signal controller - 9,200 9,200 E .to Shopping Center - ----�. . . . " 1#. SW .Sunset:"Blvd. and -_ Hardie Ave. SW- X Nei�r signal controller 11,000 11,000 tion y" sof pork: • 1. Revi®�r arterial, classified --.._ systems. 3 Develop priority rating -. -bra for transportation - impro.ozients. LOCAL ACCESS STREETS . ' -1% AE 0th Street, RcdnInd 1-- - Overlay Ave. SE to `tonroe Ave. NE - --` - -A-;• Overlay _ -0-.5- ( / hace/antout Jfr�ef /�s ` ,. . 1-4 Oder/ay, '�/i , .Iho./ er /ipr®p • y �c/2/ oo / 8,�5o 32v6So 9, Sso 395L 3So,- � - smibrovemesr�cr Cobdeides,L.kjam - csii,rs•,. :re/+-¢r U�-"rade •Tirorpec�vr</n .l►yef /+f.Yeer ®/ah) . • ' ' ' ' ' rfgd /n /97(0 G-t13132.l q,. page ��oF 9 1977 - 19.82 = . . . , HEARING DATE AGGPTIOP� DATE (COUNTY RESOLUTION N0. - (CITY) ) OF MVO fEM LOCAL NAME U L R:ROAD R ' 40. OFU . ROAD CR STREET STREET N. A B R - TYPE OF WORK LENGTH ESTIMATE OF COST N0. CN 5 A A IN N T s L MILES- 78 - . 79 • 80-82 19,E 19igff . 19 .TOTAL. it-°)44914/1/41" d rare C44de-:T 6 03LA -- �a9.r'‘ry .6(-At_ arse/: ` 2-0•••/:: :7r IA zioo e� • z2"13x �9 ark�40z.av 7;gir„e/ -A ep/ac ,e.,t . . • . .fhor.F, .1��,,c,• vf, rade.. 0:'"z ZZ OioO __ - . -- Z2�OOO ��3rd:PA. /p Sz/ L,q X �,e�o,ufvc.L i'bad�.✓Q iv/ 1( //•/i,,A,ro yt,,,Fasfs. . 000 . ZiS000 J• i i • f O V b _ .0 va J F`c"M=i`:, C AT �r TE (COUNTY) - C - -- PTIC:I CA RESOLUTION NO (CITY) King CountyRent:': Washington • -43 FCUR ;7E1/44L CAL NA J_ CR :1 L R U ESTIMATE OF CCST •�. R C S R _7 NABR • TYPE: OF *_R< LcIN " �R S- EE- NO. CSAA MALES T 5 N L 1976 1977 1978 1979- 81 TOTAL 3. -r£-i-i-tn--PI ace-,--0 I yr,p i a A 19t ex lay - 0.06 Ave.-NE-"to Pierce Ave. NE r...---4-.------NE- 1-3 tfr-Street, &1 pia.:..__..-_; .- A 0 Tel 1 ay Fierce Aver NE . ; NE fith .1 Overlay —_ Street to NE 7th Street (r. - NE 7th Street, .Monroe Ave. A ' Over l ay - - 0.5 A • - ..Overlay. 0.2 .1 Street to NE 6th Str.oS ..-1;,,,,,,-:-:-.--:-..-..- �_ S. ' ?:E Gth Street, .-Ave. , A i 81N-flay 0.S --`- - - - hE lc,,, Waco aa: Act. Nr • • - =18: 1'acoma ..k.v .. NE, NE 6:th _ . A Ogg la•�. _ : ` 11. NE 7th 41Ioee, QtiOefi Ave.' A Overley 0-3 ` }C to Monroe Ave. NE `2. ° ,6,h - = 1PLee, ti.,e,iona Ace- A ®oz.L ldy .-. o.4 - : AC to ? onroe Ave, NE: '�.e to AE6LhA flr�rlay Street R • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC NEARING BY • RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 12th day of July , 19 76 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Six Year Comprehensive Street Construction and Arterial Program Continued from June 28th Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY''OF •RENTON MZ-104_,-et O. Delores A. Mead , C ty Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION July 2 , 1976 INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO: Les Phillips DATE 6-29-76 FROM: Del Mead, City Clerk RE: Posting - Notice of Continued Public Hearing for June 28th on Six Year Comprehensive Street Construction & Arterial Program. Enclosed are 24 copies to be posted. Thank You. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 12th day of July , 19 76 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Six Year Comprehensive Street Construction and Arterial Program Continued from June 28th Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON neZi.D.-J'Gi Q. Delores A. Mead , C ty Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION July 2 , 1976 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss . COUNTY OF KING I , hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of , 19 • Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 12th day of July , 19 76 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Six Year Comprehensive Street , Construction and Arterial Program Continued from June 28th Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead, C ty Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION July 2 , 1976 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss. COUNTY OF KING I , hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of , 19 . • Signed ATTEST : _ Notary 'Public. in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. . . •, _1' • CITY OF RENTON' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HERE GIVEN that the Renton City CoCouncil has . fixed the day of _40fte , 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambe of he Renton Municipal Building , Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : / Six Year Comprehensive Street/and Arterial P r Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON • Delores A. Mead, City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION • • SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 1 J-' l 1 9 7 7 - 8 "Exhibit A" Page 1 of 9 (COUNTY) • HEAR:',7, GATE . __ '. ADOPTION DATE RESOLUTICN NO. (CITY) King County - Renton, Washington ---o__J - c u o l I • ESTivaTE OF COST ' . ' ITEw. LCA- •.4._ CR ? U �� C4{ i LEMGT.. I �- - r:0. O- S, cc_ �� B ? TYPEw ROAD' J? STREET �.O. C S A A _ i u!LES �9 19+�'-� 19# 1 9• -..� TOTAL T 5 N L . - I I _ . e • STATE :1DMIN1STE ED -PROJECT; • L. SR S15. -- • ation, Puget 5201 M X Construct roadway with curb,, 3.0 No estimate available , Drive to Sout •• h drainage, sidewalk, illumination, landscaping. t -_ 2. SR 515. Extension, Grady 5351 X : Construct/reconstruct roadway. No estimate available - Way South to South 2nd h curb, drainage, sidewal. • 'Street. illumi : . 'on, 'landsca..• • _ - 3. SR: 515 Extension, South 2411 M X Constr econstruc •.dway . 1.5- - No estima e available - - - 2nd to North 6th Street - curb, drainage, sidewa - ,- North 6th to Park Ave. • illuminatiolandscaping. . . •• . North - Park Ave. North , to North ParkDrive ' '4. FAI 405- 2541 M X Widening, revision of on and off . 6.7:. 'No estimate. availab e - . ramps and elimination of "S" . . curve. MAJOR(PRINCIPAL-)AQTE ,,US • Soo:- EZA .1-.. SW 43rd .Street,_ East. _ 4102 M. . X Reconstruct- roadway with curb, .1.2 . 3rs(r,0.00 713,000 2,889-,000 4,/02;000 644.. Valley Road.- to West drainage, sidewalk, .illumination, (3-�aNe) 6T. . .Valley Road (Joint Pro- railroad crossing structure. d� P. ..%Evetratioh. . ject with City of Kent) i '2, ME. 3r J reef 3io3 ' /a d ) M X �esfz��^afo6, olr�"eeF�'d,oa/derv- 3,/r,Go 3,i,co (.Tun•rei .23/vd.N,•'o NJonroe,4kk_,VE p/qc/.�9 crvlL,ed , oi/�r�/i/�c �'ock- E' a4ioh- .--Ka¢ . 3. Talbot- ita -So.(CxkIlJ-,6h) s3s, -t X 'Conri-rack r-7ew road bv;Al, /Z 2.,000 /22,000 cr.CradyA/ay, S:7744 J'e.) . . 4i1/ //1.0s-ove":" . • _ . • *-5-74:ir ed /h /976, _ • - - SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM _C (COUNTY) .. HEARING L-A I E . . _ A.:OPTION DATE --- RESOLUTION `:o _ (CITY) King County - Renton„ j�ashin.gton ^r+ 1 CPJ i EST:u4TE CF cosi' _`M LCC L '•-'•_ +CR J L R .J ' LEsorti . 37 ^.4 sT;EES r+7. C 5 a A ! utLEi .�777 78 79 F80-82' TOTAL S v 14.7 1 9 ] 9" 1 9�9- L -� - FAt'1 `y"• 23%-ora-0.7 Aviary Al -S. M �( geeconrfr1,`i.cuyrbs,gutfer.r,-ridewa/,�r(I`/. ide�"• So 000 - (Ma%rl.gve.S -&Hauler A//�ay/1(> j/fr44/s and /cpy,f e!pj foe jvcr.,,Draii,s, 0.2 - ,2.... Sunset Blvd. North, 2104 M X Reconstrsct road,..ay •riith curb, 0.5 588,600 538,600 Bronson Way. North to • - . drainage., sidewalk, illumination, ' - . FAI 405 landscaping.. . , Longacres Pk:.y. SW, SW 4201 •M X Construct neva roadway with full ' 1.7 43rd Street to SW 16th improv:e-ments - Street. (Phase I) . 1 ',1! ,Longacres- Pkwy. SW, SW 4201 M X Construct- new- roadway with _full 1:0 . Grady Way to- South 140thimprovements. . Street .(Phase II) " . . /0 Longacres Pkwy. SW, SW 4201._ M X Construct new roadway with full 0.1 16th Street to SW Grady • improvements - - Way (Phase I-II) - L: - ' 1`Y. Longacres Pkwy. Stir, 4201 \I X Construct new roadway with full _0.6 South 140th Street tp - . improvements - . �'- SWSunset Blvd. (Phase . • IV) - SECONDARY(MeNO,¢}q, .b. %2citB. Miscellaneous ,!�r2e��e�a •r r----X - • Paven►eJ�f Over/Q Overlay; - x4r57,o00 1 • _ 6,000 _ .575,000 e /h,proVe ,enfr (/o 6e idenhA lh,pruve/Y,e`,¢-; skrr,., .J fiver cA'-grade. - . ! -- .on pro rp� vr �ree¢ — L_ Dept. $" 1 1'1- I l_i_ YZ54 2. South 7th Street, 4802 S X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 0.5 x,000 • - X2',000 /n�,p,tl Rainier Ave. South to drainage, sidewalk, illumination,, - �(�la)/ South Grady Way • landscaping L - - s¢ar¢ed /,-; /976 • I - f • I YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 1 9 7_ 1 9 8 2 "Exhibit A" Page 3 of 9 S "- .. (COUNTY) HEA=i „ DATE ADOPTION DATE RESOLUTION NO. - (CITY) King County - Renton, Washington Y,aJ F C U R - EST,MATE OF COST ITEM L—'._ ''''�- CR . L R U LENOT:4 o= TYPE OF pc+z[ - 77 78 •79 8o 82 �.O. STREET a a IM _ POAD CR STRE_T _ NO. C S a a. -WILES 1 9 7=15 19# . 11934 1 94.9_44. TOTAL T S N L . • s33 - IZ0 ',3,a'. Garden Ave. North; North 2551 • S X Reconstruct roadway with, curb, ,, 0-.5 133,000 _ .280,000 49'9,000 =_:; 44,L� . 4th Street to North 8th - - drainage, sidewalk, illumination, - Street landscaping .. _.-. -_ FA�j.',. /lye- .-''� .14 vck -Po.. ,/•beld ` ssoi S `KC feecoJ*.ricrua f ,e4ecaad. Uhd@rbarr • 0.13-• I/O,000 2 0,000 T . Yripler a.rr a' Road/,,, raves tn& 9 �oo,.000. x ' p .!fir thele and eoadwa CS'4€14 p/. - s. .r0 _ y ' - - _ - _ - .. -5 Si4 iL/vck Ave. J'o.,ccerr� Sso' - S X Cons/,-vctc hew roadway wi�'l, �'v// 0.06. 9t,t 2(08 _ . .9V,268----;.' -: = - _ ‘r Cs7 , -/`a X Grady Way) ki,prvve•�',eh¢s. •� . .- ' -- _ (o. ease,-tri✓e -.Po trid P6�a.re I rigna/ Con�fo!/er — /6o 000 - (0203 i&e, 00® b`' -; . . . F'. Benso., Rd. So. /h errecAioh. X hep/Qcek a ,F.; �%�,,.nred.CZa,,,,e/%aa¢o CP• harer _..7 L'�d Ave. -ria/.�_, 4a.rel S X Consfr.vc/- hew roadway wifl, /.7 ._, ./:/9sc'.boo /;/9.5:®Oo (s/,/./44A.1'E. �o SA✓4L3YN•l.) 4dS<0/ . -Al// .fn,,,V*0vem-,e i-s . : a Pv9e� .6n?ve So. 62o3.. S s ee` wideni.,y w� 'v// /.O - 3ZS000 $2 0®Q: (Seh.rcoi.ifaf S. ADEd�,o ,d.r - _ /i,.,provew,ehfs - Ave. S.E)- Ptigrezr , t 9.0.: Lake Washington Blvd. N. , 2501 .S : -X Reconstruct roadway as scenic 2..5 263,500 ' .891,000 971,500 2,126,000 •North Park .Drive to North route with curb., drainage, side- . - - - - . 44th Street (Parkway• - walk, _illumination, landscaping •� •� -. -- Section) ( --- • 10. SW Grady Way, Lind Ave. 4202 S X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 1.2 635,500 2,967,300 3,603,000 SW to West City Limits drainage, sidewalk, illumination, , new `ridge, landscaping / • 08: Union. Ave. NE, NE Sunset 3801 S X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 0.7 - I 355,000 355,00Q'. Blvd. to NE 24th Street- drainage, sidewalk, illumination, landscaping I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 � 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I . I I 1 I I 1 .._.._ f TniBUTIoN: SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM ITE7M:IBIT A" Page DoE t ((1) copy D�str ct En nor Dopt. o/ H:yhways (11 copy: UAB with Or.q.na! UAB-1 Form - 1977 - 19 8.2 (COUNTY) OF KEG • HEARING DATE - ADOPTION DATE RESOLUTION NO. (CITY) OF RENTON, hWAcWTNr.IQN ROAD F C U R ESTIMATE OF COST - =t-TEM LOCAL NAME OR U .L R U LENGTH N0: OF STREET' N A B R TYPE OF WORK IN 77 8 80 �2 ROAD CR STREET N0. C 5 A A MILES. 191 - 1 1979 198o jikei82 TOTAL T S N L _ /2: SW. 27M :'reef'. 4z22.. S ' x Coprfrvcf,new road' 'ai - (`N.va//ey Kd.-to •wi-1-4-¢v// /#Y;fbro vess,ed f-J E vaf/ey ped) _ - . :-/3. S/J'6✓ 271.4 fl ee.& 5i22 S ,e Cos�.r•Lr.vcf ',lei-, Woad iva y. . ' (e dna//Py+ iea(. ` Z22 &"i .¢'a// �sa,rre)✓epften's - = C.:;T- -. _ _ • SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PRO.GRAMM • 9 7 7 " 1 Z . "Exhibit A" Page 6' of 9 . (COUNTY) . . NEAR;t•;; DATE _- • ADOFTIC': DATE RESOLUTION NO (CITY) King County - Renton. . Washington • • t. _ _ ,J C J ESTIMATE OF COST w LOCAL .JE rO� J L 4. U LENGTH. - - .:J. C= STREE !( A 3 R TrPE OF �C�� IN . 77- 7B. 79 80-82 ROAD CR STQFE " '.0 S a .A !TES TOTAL - - r s v L 19 i=fs 19� 19s514:• 19a4-024 • COLLECTOR _.ARTERIALS •. i_ Miscellaneous Sr efr/w,prov6.e•lr - C < Pa ve•kle•yt Overlay,Aov/der ..* 27�o00 23,000 - CO 000 ide, -/;4/eo(•oh Po.rfiecfris l .t^{D,�y.!'ewer (/ rade. •171.134,2.in scree h bag, S,-}4.Pia a: 7J ro 9 _ _--_._.�� ---_ /h,p yen eh �- (E• 14a//ey,4 Phase Z: 725,09 7�3®,000 2,8. SW 16th Street, Lind Ave, . 4902 - C X Reconstruct roadway kith curb, . 0.9- - 246;000 44$5000 - - drainage, sidewalk, illumination, . ($are.0 - (I%Q.re2z) . • j /'9oh.rfer Rd. s.� ' a rv` - landscaping,°new'zbridge. I :_ . . 3. • Ect' !/ct/ley woad cx •soi .- C. Wider, roadway ; A./44 4u// /.(o X00 000 goo0 00 [(fk/./lour,l'e.fo Sg/67�rn .s,� /n, x oye, ,e�,�.r. � . _• ; If-:,--::, . : J. • ." i) Talbot Road -South,• South 5701 C X Reconstruct .roadway with curb, .= 1:5 ///q/1000 ..1—,-1-41-7940- 1,141,000 `-.1 - 19th Street to' South 43rd drainage, ,sidewalk, -illumination, . . . Street(ToiafGty, uti'y®rQje h� landscaping • . . NE:- 12th Street,- Edmonds 3552 C X Reconstruct- roadway with curb, 1:0 425,000 ' • 442So00 425,000. 1,... Ave=. •NE to.Union Ave. \E drainage,' sidewalk , illumination-,. . - - landscaping , 6.2'. Ta} for Ave. \ and Taylor' 1003 C X' Reconstruct -roadway with curb, 0.6 300,000 300,000 - 300,000 .. . Place•\W from Renton Ave.. drainage, -sidewalk, illumination, . Extension to Stevens Ave. . landscaping. • _ 1 • NW - . • • 7,Y. Monroe Ave. NE, NE 4th 3401 •C X- Reconstruct •roadway with curb, 1.0 • 507,0{30 5-071Ooo 507,000 Street to NE 12th Street . drainage, sidewalk, illumination, • - landscaping . arr. Burnett Ave. North from 2451 C X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 0.6 • 300,000 300,000 • Lake Wash. Blvd. North- • - drainage, sidewalk, illumination,, (S. Term.) to Lake .Wash. landscaping • __ _ Blvd. North (N. Term.) .ftrfed /n f . • I I I I I I i I i I I I 1 I t I I I I I 97�o I I I I I I I I I E.,. „� SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION-.PROGRAM ti} :-:or. �n9 .r, 7• ; •-s• _=,3-1 c;$-. _ 1977 - 1 9 8 2 ."Exhibit A” Page 6 of 9 (COUNTY) - HE APIN,3 (-AE RESOLUTICN T ICN ` O (CITY) King County - Renton; Washington__— � • r .-;!:.AD i F - 4 7 EST:.aaTE OF C�.iT lTEo1 LOCAL •:A•AE Y_.< L R` f LENGTH _ NO. "` iT-7_= '4 A 3 Q 7.'?� iF •�.7[ IN zCAO CR'i'R=ET - - NO. C S A A . . ILS T9A'$ 19gg 19 19.a�-,� . TOTAL. T S V L' ._ - - - - -_ 9Aberdeen -ave. NE, Sunset . - 3251 C X. Reconstruct. roadway with curb, - . 1.3- 1,340,000 . 1,340,000 Blvd-. NE to NE 27th drainage, sidewalk,. -illumination, - - Street landscaping-: - . /0 '. - Park Ave. North and North 2491 C X Reconstruct .roadway with curb,- 0.4 - 195,000 195,000 40th,Street,- `E 30th • - drainage., sidewalk, illumination, ' ,. Street to Lake 'Wash. . landscaping . - - • ._ ' Blvd. North _ , - _ _ . 1/2' • S,./South 27th Street, 4412 C X -Construct: new roadway with full . 1.0 : :;- .-- - ' Longacres. Parkway SW toimprovements - Talbot Road-South - - - SPOT IMPROVEMENTS `1:. - i rn rir J 4 vc•�t/re 3,700- - .1. Wells ave. Bridge, Cedar-` X .. --4-2e+%43- . 3+ =ase 0.0; River - `-3 -7;4 . 2 • Mon,rher /4.: 23r� ge • K = �epr cai44r-vc,Lur . 0 - 0 • _ 44)700-. r;7oo .ri7A `3. ��✓ .7P.iTk-itietr'ie/hy ��b • i L t '1 1 l - �._' i t 1 RZ • J ` om: 1 9 h �/e 6v akin e e (c,/y.,,4 .., .(vo,60 bo,000 /d✓,� _ SC MD:l.!�r /PGS/.- •Qa/�•^oQo! /arm/� Gtv�oaq,�ic /a,rtiohy .r9.zr/s /vs;o00 iscs 000 .. _-. _! __ A_ --1 : ' '1. I • - •, , : t. 1 t f t' 1 - 1 1 • __..-.A..... .:,•‘,1 1 . . , FAH . - Ave.,7'.- NE -4th Street. and-Monroe X; New signal -installation- .. installation - 20,000 20,000 NE l I. X ree. : ,__.. - 0:0• 293-,000' 293,000 crossing. . 32 000 �'• ,Duva/4ve �E g N�sur refs/yd '� Yet,/ .s', / %h ria//afio17 ' 32;000 — rANj. 7$. Rainier Ave. South-and X New signal -controller - 13,500 - 13,500 - - '• South -Grady Way_ - . - - FAMj ' fd' Sir Grady Way and Lind X New signal controller - 11,900 11,000 Ave. SW - - L:.- 7 ,,- ,N • SIX YEAR. CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM' (1. - :1 .1B w •y 0'.;4s. U13-1 F_rnf _ "Exhibit A" Page 7 of �, (COUNTY) HE•ARiNG DATE ACCPTICN DATE RESOLUTION NO (CITY) King County Renton, Washington qO.D F C U R EST:'ATE- OF COST IT=-4 NA�+E- - OR ULRU LENGTH - NO. OF STR:EF N -A 3 R TIP= GF +ARK IN - 77 " 78 79 80-82 R..)Ari OR,STRFET - NO. C SAA MILES : 19 a45 19 19.4• -1 93.4-444 TOTAL T : S N L _ - - - t : a/41 9.1/. South Grady Way and hest X New signal controller 9,200. • 9,200 - - Entr: to Shopping Center r rl •,®, : South Grady Way and East • X. New signal controller - - 9,200 _.. 9,200 T - - Entr. to Shopping Center ' 4tiy _!J. : r SW Sunset Blvd. and - X \ewsignal controller. - 11,000 11,000- 1 - Hardie Ave. SW TRANSPORTATION STUDY _ u I: "Renton Arca Transporta- I Ine of Work: - ! I - tion Study" " (RATS . . • 3' - :. - - - 90,000.° —9@5- . _ _ -- rem = 2. Review publ:ic.Tran3portation • syst xis. - - - 3, Develop. priority rating , system for transportation = " improvements.. • LOCAL ACCESS STREETS ; ! 1:._ \E Stn Street, Redmond - Overlay 673— Ave NE to Monroe "Ave. NE 2.. Olympia Ave. NE, NE 12th _ Overlay- —075- =-- Street to NE 8th Street ! I. M,:rce//aneoar .!4•2e •'2,epaors ' LA oder/ay, -yea/iny, .thou/der /�nfbrov'- - y ._ - /2/11/00 /98,4cs'o 32,(oco 7/, 'co 39 ,3So Iz - /mprove,,,er f-: (0 be idem; ed • - - F,•:f>ebra, Hever Uro-grade • -- - - . _-. _ -__ -- _ or,rro riveclur(ir .ffreef Oefrf. S-year Plat-) . 4Sitaryc2o( /r, 197& . TII0,IBUIOTv•N:OtstricCEnconeetr. Dept. ot SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION, PROGRAM ItEXIIIBIT A" Page eof 9 co. ` H goway8 • (1) copy UAB with Of4 ! UAB-1 Form 1977 — 1982 (COUNTY) OF KING . HEARING DATE - ADOPTION DATE RESOLUTION NO. _ (CITY) r1F RENDON, WASHINGTON. ROAD F C U R ESTIMATE OF COST .. LOCAL NAME . OR U L R U LENGTH -- TEM OF STREET N A B R TYPE OF WORK IN 77 78 79 80-82 ROAO CR STREET NO. C 5 A A MILES 19 leper loser 190-05 TOTAL ' 1 2. ,e,./ Hills brtre e://-ale-fac 6103 LA X - Con.r,4reic.,4 6.,en-atroyAid- /or 0-1_ i f E 14.1loo - _ . 41,900 df,v.r ez.7d at"1-on,6 6/Ve lerofyric,. . • 3. M Are. X74etfr 22-23 Z_A X Overkzy fr/v.r cvrb teplac-eA,es-,fr 0 ‘4, . 22.2 22 coo I000 (II rk 4 Ve•Al A goi-Aie144Ave,v) and Tlif-ori., -Myer vi12-9raelfe - i , _ - - , 4 4,740/1 Ave.-cc-) , . 5-s-z/ LA x ieecosi.rte-ruc-A- roadway 14,/#4 0.5- , 2/5"000 Z/C/000 / . _- 6.3-'•-3ret XF.. lo r,- o714 X6-) -/v// infArd venieb,"f.'s. , - , • _ . . 4 r • . . . . - 4 . . . . • • . . # -firtr1-4d /r1 /97 , 4.41 __...., L:.'rn9.: - SIX. .YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM ,„ -., .-tea os!fl yr ; ,♦_' IJr21 CC 197771982 "Exhibit A" Page 9 or 9 (COUNTY)King ADOPTION GATE RESOLUTION, NO: (CITY) County - Renton, Washington • ?_AD F CU R EST(u4TE OF COST' LOCAL N ,AF U L 'ACR L R U LEvGT-i CF TYPE OF "'CR< SrREET . N A. 8 R. .. IN ROAD GR. STREET :G., - C S A a MILES 1976. 1977 1978 1979-81 TOTAL T S N L ' 3... \E--11-th Place, 01yelria . , A 0vt -lay _ 0.06. . --At=e--NE--to Pierce:Ave -NE-- ." -4.- "\E 1-It"h--Street;$i7pi-a - " A.-e.' NE to Pier-ce: Ave:- E ..3. QLC.Ch A -e. NE, .NE -6th ,1 Overlay 0,2 Street to \E 7th Street . 6:: \E 7th Street_,_ Monroe :A o. -. _-- , . A" 0utir-1-ay : 0..5 \E to Union. Ave. NE ' - 7.`1.Shhelto,i. Aire. NE, NE 7th . erre i y 0.Z ; ` Street to NE 6th Stroot ;.' :,, 8. ' RC 6th Street,_ Union Ave. ,_ -- A -b-__: : 9verlay _ 0,:5 NE to Monroe :Ilio. NE 1 E: to Tacoma. a`d. -NC ` " 1.0.. "1 Tca%..vuia:Ave.: N£,. 1t :6th_ A ' Ovcilay - ' 0'.07: Place .to NE 6th Street. _ =511. -,NE 7th 'place, gbietH_Ave. . __ ..A ' _� - --.,' Overlay --- -. . - \C to Ionr c Ave NE • 12. \E 6th. Place; R;,dmend Ati : A Overlay 0..3. " . - NE to Pionroc Ave. NE . 13.. 01y pia .Ave. . \E, \E 6th A _ Overlay 0,:8S - _ =c to NE 6th.Strcct -- • ♦, d CITY_OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - CITY OF, RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Street Maintenance Division 5 Year Plan 19-77-1981-. P. 1 of 5 1977-1981 P. 2 of 5 Street Maintenance Division 5 Year Plan 1 1977 • ' Functional. Cost 1978 1" -Asphalt Overlay Classification Estimate- 1" Asphalt Overlay Functional Cost 1. Index Av NE (Jefferson NE to NE 6th P1) L.A. - $ 9,000 - Classification Estimate - S. 2. NE 6th P1 (Harrington Av NE to 'Index P1 NE)- • ' L.A. 3,300 . 1. SE-5th St _(Maple Valley Hwy to dead end) L.A. $10,000 3. Index Pl NE (NE 7th to end of cul=de-sac) 1. ' L.A: - 4,600 • . - • 2. Pierce SE (SE -5th to SE 6th) L.A. 2,000 '4 E 6th St,(Index. Av NE to Index PT NE) L.A. 2,000 . 3. SE 5th P1 (Pierce'SE to dead end). - L.A. - ,2-,100 5.. ,.ndex PI NE (NE 6th_St-.to NE 5th P1) : L.A.- 3,300' ' 4. • SE 6th St (Newport SE to dead end) ' L.A. - -6000 6. Index PINE (Index Av NE.to_ -NE 4th) - L.A. . - 4,000 5. SE 6th St (Newport SE'to SE 5th) - L.A. . 6,800. -• 7. Harrington Av NE (NE 9th to NE 5th Pl) -L.A. 13,6.00 _ - 6.. . Maplewood Av SE (SE 6th to Maple Valley Hwy) - -L.A. - 1,700 8. ..NE 5th P1 (Harrington.Av NE to Jefferson Av NE) L.A. 7,000 7. Monroe Av SE-(Maple Valley Hwy to SE-6th) - L.A. 1,300 9. Kirkland:Av NE. (Jefferson NE- to NE 10th St) L.A. 21,500 . _ 8. ' Smithers Av-S (Houser.Way-S to S 7th) L:A .: 7;000 ' 10.: Jefferson Av NE (Kirkland AvNE to Kirkland-NE) . L.A. 7.,400 - - 9. Morris- Av.S (Houser-Way S_to S 7th) ' L.A. - • . '6,:800 11. Lynnwood-Av NE (NE 10th to Kirkland Av NE). ' L.A. 8",000 10. WhitworthAv S (Houser Way" S to .S 6th) L:A. - 3;800- - 12-. Blaine'":Av NE"'(Camas Av NE__to NE 6th Ct) ;L'.A. ' 4,100 . , . - 11. . Shattuck AV'S (Houser.Way S to S 7th) ' - -'.:.$.= 5;600 -- :13. NE-6th Ct' (Blaine NE .to'=Blaine 'Ct NE) ' . - L.A.- - 2',500- , - , - - • - 12. Houser Way S (Burnett Av S to_Shattuck'Av S), . . ' - L;A': 6,300. 14-: Blaine Ct NE to Sunset.Hwy,NE Dead:End ' L.A., . 3,200 • • 13. S 5th (Burnett Av S to Whitworth Av'S) .':'1.A- 5.,600. ' - - • - _ 14. 7thto- Shattuck - - 7.,500 . S (Burnett Av. S hartuck Av S) L,:'A- Sewer Upgrade 15.: "NE,8th (Kirkland Av NE toHarrington Av NE) ; . -•L .:" cA.- . 6;000 - . . ._ aNE I6. J fferso'n.Ay (NE 8th'to NE 9th), :- L-rAi--'.. 4 000 15. .Taylor-Av NW, Westside -_ • " •.C': .$ 4;970 17. NE 8th Pl (Jefferson Av NE"t'o Harrington NE) L.A.` - . 4,300 . (NW 2nd to Maple Av NW). .: . . - ' 18. NE 9th (Kirkland Av NE to Edmonds Av NE) - - L.A. 13,000 . 16. Hardie 'Av SW, west side% - L.A: ', 4,910 (SW Victoria_to SW- Langston)-- 19.- Ferndale Circle NE' (NE 9th'to NE 9th) - - L.A. • .4,250 17. Lake Washington Blvd N,, east side • .5:= 4;950 20. " Glennwood Ay NE (NE 9th.to NE 9th P1) L.A. - 2,500 (Burnett Av NE"to N 30th)-, - 21. NE -9th P1 (Glennwood Av NE to Edmonds Av NE) L.A.-- 2,500 18. Sunset-Blvd NE, east side . _ 5. 4,980 - _(Bronson Way NE to NE 7th) 22.' NE 9th P1, (NE 9th to NE-9th) L.A. 5,000 19. Benson Rd S, east side , •S. • 4,800 (south of Puget Drive) - CITY'OF-RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Street Maintenance Division - 5 Year Plan 1977-1981 I P. 3 of'5 CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • Street Maintenance Division - 5 Year Plan 1977-1981 P. 4 of 5 1979 I" Asphalt Overlay Functional Cost - 1980 Classification Estimate 1. NW 3rd P1 (Rainier Av to Taylor Av NW) L.A. $ 2,850 1" Asphalt Overlay Functional Cost Classification Estimate 2. Hardie Av NW (NW 3rd to Nelson P1 NW) L.A. 2,200 - 3. NW -3rd (Hardie Av NW to Taylor Av NW) - L.A. 600 1. Stevens Av NW (Taylor Place to Seneca Av NW) L.A. $ i -'"1 4..' NW 2nd P1 (Taylor Av NW to Lind Av NW) L.A. , 2,000 2• Stevens Av NW (Seneca Av NW to dead end) L.A. 1 5. Lind Av NW (NW 2nd P1 to NW 4th) L.A... 1,850 3. NW 5th -P1. (Stevens Av NW to Stevens Ct NW) L.A. 2,000 - 6. Lind Av NW (NW 4th to Taylor-Av NW) L..A. • 4,850 4. Stevens Ct NW (NW 5th.•to dead end) L.A. 1,300 5. NW 4th P1 (Stevens-Av NW to Seneca Av NW) L.A. 3,500 7. Maple Av NW (Taylor Av NW to NW 4th) . . L.A. 2,650 8.. Maple Av NW (NW 4th. to NW 2nd P1) L.A. 2,000 6. Seneca Av NW (NW 5th P1 to Stevens Av NW) L.A. 8-200 9. NW 4th (Taylor Av NW to Lind Av NW) L.A. 3,300 7. Seneca Ct NW (Seneca Av NW to dead end) L.A. '1,400 10.. NW 5th St (Taylor P1 NW to dead end) L.A. 1,200 8. NW 5th P1 (Raymond Av NW to dead end) L.A. 3,200 - 11. NW 6th (Taylor Place NW to dead end) L.A. 3,200 9. NW 3rd P1 (Raymond Av NW to Seneca P1 NW) L.A. 2;100 12. NW 7th (87tH Av S to Taylor Av NW) • L.A. 4;000 10. Seneca P1 NW (NW 3rd to dead end) L.A.:- 900 13: - Taylor. Av NW (NW 7th to dead end) L.A. 800 11. Seneca Av NW (NW 2nd to dead end) L.A. 6,200_ • 14. Lind- Av NW (NW 7th to dead end) L.A. 950 - 15:: EdmondsAv NE (NE 5th P1 to NE 4th St) - C. 7,300 - ' 16. NE 4th St (Bronson Av NE to Jefferson Av NE) C. 16,000 - - - _ • • f. .. • . s • r CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Street,Maintenance'.Division - 5 Year Plan 1977-1981 P 5 -of 5 1981 , 1" Asphalt Overlay,, Functional Cost Classification Estimate .Lind" Av SW (Langston Av SW to S 134th). 2: 'Stevens Av SW (Langston AV SW to S 134th) .. L.A. 1;200 - 3: Lind Av SW (SW 4th P1 to SW Sunset Blvd) L.A. 1,200 4. SW 4th P1 (SW Sunset Blvd,to Maple Av SW). L.A. 6,650 5. Stevens -AySW (SW Sunset: Blvd to•SW 5th P1) L.A. 4,200 6. Maple Av-_SW (SW Sunset Blvd to dead. end) L.A. ' 5;550 7: -'.Ma le. Av SW (Grad Way to dead end) . L.A. 4;250 p Y 8 SW'-12th, Ra ond`Av SW_to. Freevray)- :L,'A. 13,000. C Ym.. : ".::L:A.',,. 6 800' ,_ 9 SW. 13th St (Raymond Av SW to.dead end) , - -- SW13th.St - L:A..' 2 .700 . 10. .'Ra ond- Av_SW (SiGrad -Way to ) , Ym C Y Y _ -_ W Grady- to SW 13th-St L.A. 2 100 _ :� 'Y-, '- Xh 11. Seneca.Av' SW ;(S Way -, )' � - , r... , _ 12".::.Ma le'Av SW:':(SW to dead-end.)' -;L.A. 1 200 - - - _ Maple' C. , Seneca Av• SW. SW 16th to" dead. end) L: , to-dead`"end - L:A. 1 600 = RaymondAv SW (SW 16th � - - - • if CITY OF RENTON • • NOTICE OE PUBLIC HEARING • BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 28th day of June , 19 76 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal • Building ,. Renton , Washington as the time and place for ,a public hearing to consider the following • Six Year Comprehensive Street and Arterial Plan • • • • • • • • Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead , City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION June 23, 1976 C E R -T I F I C A T I 0 N • STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss . COUNTY OF KING I hereby certify that /u�e�T jvr 2 L. �rli P � _ ,P/217)42,f } copies of • the above notice were posted by me in conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , • Washington on date. of -zTvi e 2� , 19 76 • Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State • of Washington , residing at Renton. • _ . .; , ',: ,..:, ,':, ' ' _7",;•': •• ,' • ., .. ,,,,, .,•• i -.,?_ .:. ;',-6.-: - dAk ' e ,,...kH:' -P tif7-4 . :57 - . A y litz"w7P- 7 .„8,70_ . ,: : r''' '•"*----;::---7,::, ' : :• , =-''OIV ,7 1 z't cz ..-172,C.Kz."4_ . . 7..../ .6, • _,.-- -o . fiTh 2 c/.-0 •-__7,:f '-4 7,. ,, "f//1 ,,,o ,,Z 0-L-'7> '<P - -4.) ;/,efe-t12. -"C 7y(7,4 ' - -a ,t;/:;,,IN CD ,:„..„/„... 4./7 _.j. '// 19' ..-- ,...7 , ,,, ef0/{ . , /dr ''''' 7 z-s-'. .1.7.; ,_.,..Y.. )>I1a-.1/ 4°"‘t._,1)'?" 0 ,< ‘7 . :...,... - 2.-,e- :- ---7 7 4/ , -/ Z/ ,2f z :-7(V. ',/ _ 0 ,‘‘..,.p xs "7 )77:: d:if, :5>. i4 6) ,,.. : 4 :7,- r -: • ",./ )4,/---1 -,-.7--x ;" . .,,D/ 2 .-.----6N JA6P- .- '' -0 , /j' "c.7.• . ''' N'''-4;-- V xjJ -, . • , -:,--, ,,2.' 0 .i 6---', -a A 4,S'. IV v: 4'::; . N '-- & - ' 1,. aNi: , .. ,?zs4 ..,.„ . .: •= , , v : - •b " ' C) • ,....--,:-:.'t .a. N . 4, .:,(\i ' '4AV )(A C-76-5 7 . , •-•i;:', . -. A 0,t bVi ' GI • .'11 ',''; 'N;:? :. . AV 1-. ..;73 m4 ,::: ' . ,..c.dab qt.! Di 9 . -, .i s-r? i . :..:/t V. - . ,--* cp A 6 rrl ,..„,. -:-. .::.,--,•.',,e%'..,P. ,at,1 4 IT di 7' ' ':1::.1;' ''-• 71: :;;':i.::.•': •• :: IV ''3- 3 , . 2 s'w,.., ,.. §:J. ,:.;*..:::,:('. 7..: .,:i;i -41)-u.:. --:. ;::, -:: :,& .,,e,' . /iv. '... 6v-- , .4..s :' .--0 ,-,,: , ,.ii *:';iE .,?f ,.: . s,:0.j 0 — . _ -. 7 H • , 4 ,- ,:=;: -,.s-, -?4 V ,, ,..-.....:44.4_::,--' '- gr' c''' ' ( T 0 - : ,:•;. 0. , u 72-r ' '..- AY: e - A ( , ..- 14 S C) i .,41 :_s 'I . 1 " • —<7( - : - ':- -fri •s" , o-Nci /g-W* , ( 1) (' • ; , -)At7f ,,e., - 7? os-1 c............).: 7eritF2 -..) / ,/ r./.-7' ' - -9 - ' , 7-(rZ-. ' ./ . , •z-Z , ' /cf-"' (.___A 7/ .' . 2,7 _ .( , . . , • - •,)_"(/---, - - --7/`_71,,, . . .... .., • - (Kr ,_ , = ,.; CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 28th day of June , 19 76 , at 8: 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : 'Six Year Comprehensive Street and Arterial Plan Any and all interested persons are invited to be present • to voice approval ; disapproval or, opinions on same . CITY 'OF RENTON • Delores A. Mead, City Clerk • , DATE OF, PUBLICATION June 23. l976 - INTEROFFICE MEMO TO: Les Phillips, Engineering DP TE; June 23, 1976 FROM: Del Mead, City Clerk SUBJECT: Public Hearing Notice - Six Year Comprehensive and Arterial Street Plan Attached are six copies of the above-captioned notice for Public Hearing on June 28, 1976. Please post around town. Return certification to this office. Thanks a lot. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 28th day of June , 19 76 , a 8 : 00 P .M. in. the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Six Year Comprehensive Street and Arterial Plan t , Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead, City Clerk DATE OF ; PUBLICATION June 23 1`976 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY • RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 28th day of June , 19 76 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Six Year Comprehensive Street and Arterial Plan Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead, City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION June 25, 1976 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING ) I , hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in • three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : Notary .Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton. PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT ,I JUNE 21, 1976'7,-, NN SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING - SIX-YEAR• STREET PLAN The Public Works & Transportation Committee recommends that the date of June 28 be set for a public hearing on the Six-Year Street Plan. Chairman Kenneth Bruce • Earl Clymer + Patricia M. Seymour KB:mg