HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-1967 Correspondence 07/ /a) CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING / RENTON CITY COUNCIL .4 •..ji>,) . CITY ' HALL 0,t7 _Ad/ ° Ife LAA7r)/irAi I 4 I I fillAi . . NOTICE, IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council basset June 26, 1967 at 8:00 P.M. In the Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a Public Hearing to consider revision to the City of Renton Six-Year lomprehensive Street Program. • • Any and all interested persons are invited to be present and voice approval or disapproval to same ;7:7749. 1 ITY OF RENTON Helmie Nelson,City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION: June 8, 1967 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ' ) SS . • COUNTY OF KING ) I, L i---o- 'NLhereby certify that three (3) copies of the above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described above and one copy was posted at the City Hall, Renton, Washington on ,5,_ ,_ LJ 5 („`7 _,. • . Signed: -1 ter' - .ATTEST: f �G :ego •a.:ry Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton. • 111 , SIX YEAR STREET PROGRAM RESOLUTIQN NO. 1120 Dec. 12, 1962 AMENDED BY RESOLUTION CITYOF _RENTON, WASHINGTON EXHIBIT "A" I , MAJOR:ART.ERIALS PROJECT. LOCATION 'TYPE "OF" IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED -COST I. -NORTH 4TH STREET - -- (a) -Logan. Avenue North to Factory =Avenue North- Widening *__Curbs and .I utters $123,000:00 - Storm Sewers Resurfacing -end-traffic control (b) Sunset -Boulevard -North to -East City Limits Sidewalks and Traffic Control 60_400.00 (c)'-On Ramp from Sunset Boulevard North Structure, paying, traffic control, and _ 250,f00.-00 storm sewers 2. NORTH 3RD STREET (a) Logan Avenue North to Sunset Boulevard North Right-of-way, paving, structures, curbs 1000,000.00 and gutters, storm sewers and traffic - control 3, SOUTH: 2ND STREET (a) Main Avenue North to Rainier Avenue South Widening Right-of-Way, curbs , gutters, (Two -Way Operation) paying, storm, sewers and traffic control 1 ,0000000.00 4, BRONSON WAY NORTH (a) Bronson Way North to Houser Way North Widening, Right-of-Way, storm sewers, widening bridge and traffic control 40(1,000.00 5. AI-RPORT WAY (a) Rainier .Avenue, North to Logan Avenue North Widening, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters, paving and traffic control 1009000.00 /1/ I . ',MAJOR ARTERIALS (Continued) Exhibit "A" PROJECT LOCATION TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED COST (:b) Interchange at Logan Avenue. North Structures, paving, right-of-way 1 ,800,000.00 and traffic control 6. SOUTH 3RD STREET (a) Rainier Avenue South to. Main Avenue South- -Paving, storm sewers and 80,000.00 traffic control 7. SOUTH GRADY WAY (a) :':Main Avenue South to Rainier Avenue South - Resurfaci°ng, curbs and gutters, storm 4000,000.00 sewers a-nd traffic control 8. PARK AVENUE NORTH .. - (a) : Bronson Way;North-to-.North.Sth-.Street Resurfacing, storm sewers:, curbs and "80.,000.00 gutters and traffic control - 9. MAIN -AVENUE SOUTH (a) South Grady Way to Bronson .Way North Resurfacing, storm sewers and traffic 60,000,00 control (b) Plain -Avenue South to Mill. Avenue South Widening curbs and. gutters, paving, 500,000.00 - Transition .right-of-way, storm sewers and traffic control 10, -PUGET DRIVE (a) . Talbot --Road to pipeline Rightr.of-way . Widening, -curbs and gutters, storm sewers, 160,000.00 and traffic control 11 , RENT-ON AVENUE (a) Grade separation at Rainier Avenue North Structure, right-of-way, paving, storm sewers,_ and traffic control 500,000.00 12. LOGAN AVENUE NORTH - SMITHERS AVENUE SOUTH (a) South. Grady Way to North. 6th=Street - Widening; right-of-,way, structures, curbs, 2,500,000.00 and gutters, paving, storm sewers and traffic control (b) Interchange at South Grady .Way -Structure, right-of-,way- and traffic -600,000.00 control . /2/ I . -MAJOR ARTERIALS (Continued) Exhibit "A" PROJECT LOCATION TYPE OFIMPROVEMENTESTIMATED COST 13. SUNSET BOULEVARD (a) West .City'Limits to--Rainier Avenue South Storm -sewers and traffic control 50,000.00 (b) Bronson-Way to _East. City Limits Storm sewers -and traffic-control- . -80,000.00 • 14. BENSON HIGHWAY. (a) "Main Avenue South to South City Limits Storm sewers, resurfacing and traffic control 5-0;.000.00 15. _ RAINIER AVENUE (a) S. Grady Way -co North City Limits Storm sewers, resurfacing and traffic control 300,000.00 TOTAL COST ESTIMATE: $10,695,000.,00 MAJOR ARTERI-ALS . .. /3/ - II. SECONDARY ARTERIALS PROJECT -LOCATION - TYPE•=0f IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED COST 1 . uMu STREET 4th Avenue North to 12th yenue North - Curbs and gutters, sidewalks? paying; 125,000.00 stork sewers and traffic control 2. 12th AVENUE NORTH 112th -Avenue S.E. to qM4 Street Curbs and gutters, sidewalks, paying;- storm sewers and traffic control 100,000.00 3. 116TH AVENUE $,E, - Sunset-Boulevard .to S;E. 96th-:Street - =Curbs and-gutters? sidewalks, paving? 150;000.00 - - storm -sewers and traffic control 4; 112TH AVENUE S,E, Sunset-Boulevard to S.E. 37th Street . - Curbs -and gutter-s, _si-dewal ks, paving, -storm 145.,000,00 sewers and traffic control -5. SOUTH 7TH STREET - - South- Grady Way to Edwards Street Curbs and -gutters, sidewalks , paving, 80,000,00 storm sewers and traffic control - 6. 90TH AVENUE SOUTR Curbs and gutters, sidewalks,paying? 40,000,00 Renton Avenue to 88th Qlace South storm sewersandtraffic control 7, HBTH-PLACE SOUTH 90th Avenue South South to South 122nd Street - . Curbs and gutters, sidewalks, paving, storm - sewers, and traffic control 40,000,00 8:. GARDEN AVENUE NORTH .North-4th StreettoNorth-8th Street . ; Widening, curbs _and gutters, -sidewalks, 80,000,00 paving, Storm sewers and traffic control 9. 100TH AVENUE S,E, LakeWashingtonBoulevard to S.E. 94th Street Curbs and gu-tters, sidewalks? paving, storm - 3.5,000.00 sewers and traffic control 10, ; =S_,E; =94TH STREET 100111- Avenue S,E, to City Limits Curbs and gutters, sidewalks, paving, storm 40,000.00 sewers and traffic control /4/ . ' • - • II .:--- SECONDARY ARTERIALS (Continued) pROJECT _LOCATION TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED COST 11,- S.E. 97TH STREET 116th Avenue-S,E, -to City Limits Curbs _and gutters, sidewalks -paving, storm sewers and traffic control 60,000.00 12. LANGSTON ROAD Sunset Boulevard West to City. Limits Curbs -and Gutters, sidewalks, paving, storm 60,000.00 sewers and -traffic control 13_ SOUTH 153RD -STREET -East Valley to _Wp_st- Valley Highway Right-of-way, paving, -structure, curbs, gutters, storm -sewers and traffic, control 500,000_00 14, NORTH 6TH STREET Logan -Avenue North to Ganden Avenue-North Resurfacing, storm sewers, curbs -and gutters, 80,000.00 • sidewalks, and traffic control 15. HOUSER WAY NORTH - _ North 3rd Street to North 4th Street Curbs and gutters, paving, storm sewers, and 30,000,00 traffic control .. 16, TALBOT-ROAD South Grady Way to _City Limits Widening, curbs and gutters, Sidewalks, storm sewers and traffic control 80,000.00 17. 1_32ND AVENUE S.E, 4th Avenue North to Sunset Boulevard Curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paving, storm sewers and traffic control 125,000,00 18. WELLS AVENUE _SOUTH rk- WELLS -AVENUE NORTH. South Grady Way to North 6th Street Structure, resurfacingtorm sewers and 150000,00 • traffic control 19. WILLIAMS AVENUE SOUTH WILLIAMS AVENUE NORTH South Grady_inlay to North Eth Street Structure, •resurfacingr storm -sewers and 150,000,-00 traffic control • j2A70,000,00 /5/ • - TOTAL COST ESTIMATE SECONDARY ARTERIALS • , . • IIL. ACCESS STREETS Exhibit "A" (Continued) PROJECT LOCATION TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT EST-I•MATED CST (l ) 1'P-:Street - 4th Avenue-North to Curb and Gutters, Sidewalks, Paving, and Sunset Storm Sewers 150,000.00 (2) "K" Street- --Sunset Boulevard to Curb -and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving and 10th Avenue North Storm Sewers 15;000.00 (3) - South 4th Place r Shattuck Avenue Curb and_Gutter, .Sidewalks, Paving .and - South.. toiRainier Avenue South Storm Sewers l-5 000:00 (.4)= Telly-Avenue -North T North 1st Street to North.6th. Street Paving 15,000.00 (5) 7th Avenue North - Sunset .Boulevard to "M" Street Paving 5,000,00 (6) . -Edwards -Street Sunset Boulevard . Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, and Paving -T50,000.00 to Rainier Avenue (7) 7th Avenue Edwards Street to Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving and Rainier Avenue Traffic Control 20,000.00 (8) 10th .Avenue -North Sunset .Boule, Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving and yard to "N' Street Storm Sewers 47,500.00 /6/ .., ' ' . . . . . . . �ACCE3Q' 3TRFFTS . , �Exhibit "A" (Continued) PROJECT LOCATION TYPE .OFIMPROVEMENT --ESTIMATED -COST �'-/«�� -- t\ce `- RainierAvenue to , ' �Curb -and Gutter-, Sidewalks, Paving and Hardi-e Street Storm Sewers 12,000,00 /101 .South ]53rd. - Rainier Avenue to75th Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving and Avenue South ' StormSewers and structure 150,000.00 (11.) (l7j Garden'Awen NU - North :4th - Curb and Gutter, Sidewal-ks, Pa ' a�d' � to North Street StormSewers - ��ree� -~. � � 60°000:00 ` . (12) North 6th -Street - Garden Avenue _ CurbandGUtter, Sidewalks_, Paving and _ =North to Par �n�� /� UaNorth St0rm'SfaWers 12,000.00 (13) Shattuck Avenue South - SDuth 3rd -Curb andGutter, Sidewalks, Paving, and Street to South 4th Place Storm Sewers 14,000.00 /1^4\ La-ke-Avenue'3outh Airport Way Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving and to South 2nd Street Sidewalk5, Right-of-Way and Traffic Control 50,000.00 /15\ Morris Avenue South - --- 3rd CUrb,� -Gutter; Paving and StOnm:S8We7" 12,000.00 Street to South 4th Street .( .6) Whitworth Avenue ;Su -'Sputh- Curb agd.6utter, Paying, and Storm SfwKers 12,000-00 3rd -Street to -South4th Street (17) 3mitherS AVenUeQ0bth - South Curb and Gutter, Paving and Storm Sewers .3rd =Street't0 South 4th Street l2,U0O°U| ` � . . � ' . . ` /7/ TOTAL COST ESTIMATE ACCESS STREETS $751 ,5ON0O TOTAL COST ESTIMATE FOR SIX YEAR STREET p���R�� �l355' 'Uo' ` � ~ -'- . '~.'. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC - HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL Renton, Washington I NOTICE LS HEREBY GIVEN that the .City Council has set December 20, 1965 at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washing- 'ton, as ,the time and, place for a Public Hearing to consider. Proposed revision of , the City's Six-Year Street Im- 'provement Program. Any and all interested .per- sons are'invited to be present land voice approval or disap- proval to same. CITY OF RENTON Helmie Nelson City Clerk -(Published in- The Renton Enterprise; December 8 1965.)•,t 1 �if,l� SAYy i 1 itjo'e •� _ . ,' ---. ---''''\\ `j-t.'",Yiki:1W.liZ ...9 \\, .iX�a P ryL I.4i3Odr^rake /( - t G 7 a(p t% the Jet Transport Capitol of the World ::4. ' i?:y.,;.lr ;x r li . • • .`" -:yg0-'_. i PLANNING DEPARTMENT . `'" : xw .,�_;, � p,,v�, January 17 ,' 1966 ,. . • . •goditi •:;,1. '0,),,f.-7 • , ,-2 , . . . . Honorable '.Donald W. Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council.' " }Ze : Six-Year Street Pro ram . Gentlemen: . . • The Planning .Commission reviewed the SixYear, . • Street Program and the proposed improvements , and recommends to the City Council approval of the Pro- grain. as outlined._ • Very/truly yours , . ;�' i r" .fie, %. - !r`/• ..y` .- . ,,,, . . � , �,, w.. _."_. • ;' 7ordon Y'. hricicsen /Plannini, Director . GYE : pc Office of the City Clerk Feb. 28, 1966 REVISED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - STREETS 1966-Streets Cost 3rd Ave. No.-4th Ave. No. , One Way Street System (New Project) $ 100,000.00 Revise Airport Way & Logan Street (New Project) 5,000.00 Rainier Ave. Traffic Improvements (New Project) 30,000.00 Revise Traffic Signal-Sunset & Langston (Originally scheduled for 1967) 4,000.00 Left Turn Storage Lane-Renton Highlands (New) 5,000.00 1967-Streets Traffic Signal-Sunset & 116th S.E. (Originally scheduled for 1968) 12,000.00 Widen Sunset Blvd. E. to 138th S.E. (Originally scheduled for 1968) 230,000.00 Traffic Signal-Puget Drive & Talbot Road (New) 10,000.00 Traffic Signal-12th No. & Sunset (Originally scheduled for 1969) 10,000.00 Widen Garden St. 4th No. to 8th No. (Originally scheduled for 1969) 70,000.00 Pedestrian Overcrossing-No. Renton Interchange (New) 60,000.00 OF R� v .4/ � O U i CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE • RENTON, WASHINGTON o =t; • JACK WILSON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 � o December 3; 1965 CAPITA Honorable Donald Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council Gentlemen: Chapter 195, Session Laws of 1961 concerning the requirement of Cities to adopt a 6 Year Street Improvement Program specifies that this program be updated at least every two years. The City's last revision was in November 1963; therefore it again is time to revise our program. The Engineering Department, Planning Department and Street Department have reviewed our program and have made suggested re- visions. It is our recommendation that this matter be referred to the Law.and Ordinance Committee for the necessary resolution to establish a hearing date on the revised program. Very truly yours, , � a k Wilson City Engineer JW:mc fo--‹ / Nona OF PURL= ,IICAMNG AC:A No:01°11, CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WASHMTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE REQ CITY COUNCIL AT IT cZEGULAP. MEETING IN TR COUNCIL COMERS, CITY HALL, REO , WASSINGTOS„ ON DEER 13, 1965 AT 8:00 P.N. TO COMIDER ARTERIALS AND STREETS PLAN IN ACCORDANCE:WITH THE 701 OOMPREMNSIVE PROGRAM. ANY MD ALL PERSONS INTER. TED Oa owanwo TO ago ARTERIAL AND STITETS PLAN AVE INV/TED. TO BE PRESENT AT TEE, ,wrow CITY CQUWCIL MrSTING ON =DOER. 13, 1965 AT 8,00. P.R. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST oa oencrtou TO SAME. itejvti-ei)4/4-r,r-Y HELMS NEISONo Cl CLERK DATE O PUBLICATION: Novonbar 241 1965 CERTIFICATION o -7/-416T- )k--J 'HUM CERTIFY THAT THREE (I) COPIES or THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WE POSTED BY NE IN THREE cowsnctious inAcEg ow THE PROPERTY SCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE con POSTED AT THE CITY ESAU, RitirtON, WASHINGTON ON AS PRESCRIBED IsY LAW. SiGNEDs • ErTEST: - - c-/-NCITAY rustacZN E2-1;F01,tTHE STATE OP el/ VA.SiarZON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASIUNGTON / /v1) Xi)/ Pip kl/') Renton City Council Meeting 1-24-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) Councilman Garrett distributed brochures regarding Initiative 226, relative to sharing of the State Sales Tax by Cities and Towns, to the Chairmen of the Public Relations and Legislative Committees and moved that- the matter be referred to said Committees for publicity;working through the. Chamber of Commerce. The motion was seconded by Schellert and carried. Councilman Perry displayed a newsprint publication which was published for the City of Bellevue as its 1962 Annual Report, and moved that matter of like publication for Renton be referred to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist and carried. Councilman Poli stated objection to the Traffic Advisory Committee recommendations inasmuch as there had been no provisions made for right hand turn from 4th Avenue North onto Logan for traffic desiring to progress North,nor for left hand turn by Southbound Logan traffic onto 3rd Avenue North,desiring to go East. He felt in the spending of any considerable amount of money, the greatest amount of use of the right-of-way should be implemented. Provisions for grade crossing at the railroad tracks to serve Northbound as well as Southbound traffic was discussed with funding a factor of deterrence. It was pointed out that the present recommendations have been submitted from preliminary studies and further suggestions will be subxitted following subsequent investigation. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, advised of prior referral and receipt of letter from E.M. Conklin of Tom Dobson & Son, which was reau inquiring regarding request for storm sewer to drain excess water from the Usibelli residence on Beacon Avenue. The Committee reports the installation has been made. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a pro- posed Ordinance of the City of Renton amending Ch. 9 of Title IX. (Public Ways and Property) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to Harbor Regulations as read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris and seconded by Poli, to place the proposed Ordinance on its second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Perry, to adopt Ordinance No. 2209 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington annexing certain territory to the City, as read. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Poll, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2210 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members voting aye. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing filing of an application with the Economic Development Administration for grant and/or loan under Public Law 89-136, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1356 as read. Carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, adopting amendments to the City's Six-year Comprehensive Street Program, including the City's arterial street improvement plan, and directing filing of bi-annual amendment and revisions with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington, together with a certified copy of this Resolution and attached "Exhibit A". Moved by Morris, and seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1357 as read. Carried. Maycr Custer reported visit from Economic Development Commission Agent who flew over the area and became quite impressed with the traffic situation. Relative to being declared economically depressed it was pointed out that even though an upturn is anticipated the City is suffering from conditions existing heretofore which cannot be remedied in time to meet the demands of further expansion. With regard to the current bumper-to-bumper traffic problem especially, the streets were originally'designed for. .. accommodating . normal vehicular travel and the demands of a population influx have created problems which are to increase in the future unless some relief can be applied. Audience comment was invited and visitors from a Boeing Company sponsored class on "Practical Politics", instructed by Mr. N. Keith Shawlee, advised of attendance as a group assignment and stated they were very impressed with the way City business was Conducted. Mayo: Custer extended thanks for the group's attentiveness and interest in taking time to attend. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:08 p.m. There were 30 visitors in the Council Chambers. -5- ,7 • i D: W, Custer, Mayor HelmieNelson, i y L ex' • A • February 3, 1966 Washington State Highway Commission Department of Highways 6431 Corson Avenue Seattle 8, Washington Attn: Mr. P. J. McKay District Engineer Re: City of Renton Revisions to Six Year Street Program Gentlemen: Submitted herewith are two Certified copies of Resolution No. 1357, passed by the Renton City Council on January 24, 1966, amending the City's Comprehensive Street Program for the ensuing six years, including the City's arterial street program'as heretofore adopted, all pursuant to Chapter 195 of the 1961 Session Laws, State of Washington. We alro enclose six copies of the revised program. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON He]mie W. Nelson, City Clerk HWN/din Enclosures (2) cc: Roy 4. Nesbitt, Dist. State Aid Engineer Jack Wilson, City Engineer Renton City Council Meeting 1-24-66 ` COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) Councilman Garrett distributed brochures regarding Initiative 226, relative to sharing of the State Sales Tax by Cities and Towns, to the Chairmen of the Public Relations and Legislative Committees and moved that. the matter be referred to said Committees for publicityyworking through the Chamber of Commerce. The motion was seconded by Schellert and carried. Councilman Perry displayed a newsprint publication which was published for the City of Bellevue as its 1962 Annual Report, and moved that matter of like publication for Renton be referred to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist and carried. Councilman Poli stated objection to the Traffic Advisory Committee recommendations inasmuch as there had been no provisions made for right hand turn from 4th Avenue North onto Logan for traffic desiring to progress North,nor for left hand turn by Southbound Logan traffic onto 3rd Avenue North,desiring to go East. He felt in the spending of any considerable amount of money, the greatest amount of use of the right-of-way should be implemented. Provisions for grade crossing at the railroad tracks to serve Northbound as well as Southbound traffic was discussed with funding a factor of deterrence. It was pointed out that the present recommendations have been submitted from preliminary studies and further suggestions will be subwitted following subsequent investigation. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, advised of prior referral and receipt of letter from E.M. Conklin of Tom Dobson & Son, which was read inquiring regarding request for storm sewer to drain excess water from the Usibelli residence on Beacon Avenue. The Committee reports the installation has been made. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a pro- posed Ordinance of the City of Renton amending Ch. 9 of Title IX (Public Ways and Property) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City er Renton" relating to Harbor Regulations as read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris and seconded by Poli, to place the proposed Ordinance on its second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Perry, to adopt Ordinance No. 2209 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington annexing certain territory to the City, as read. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poll, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2210 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members voting aye. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing filing of an application with the Economic Development Administration for grant and/or loan under Public Law 89-136, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1356 as read. Carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, adopting amendments to the City's Six-year Comprehensive Street Program, including the City's arterial street improvement plan, and directing filing of bi-annual amendment and revisions with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington, together with a certified copy of this Resolution and attached "Exhibit A". Moved by Morris, and seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1357 as read. Carried. aycr Custer reported visit from Economic Development Commission Agent who flew over the area and became quite impressed with the traffic situation. Relative to being declared economically depressed it was pointed out that even though an upturn is anticipated the City is suffering from conditions existing heretofore which cannot be remedied in time to meet the demands of further expansion. With regard to the current bumper-to-bumper traffic problem especially, the streets were originally-designed fel-- accommodating , ayaccommodating , normal vehicular travel and the demands of a population influx have created problems which are to increase in the future unless some relief can be applied. Audience comment was invited and visitors from a Boeing Company sponsored class on "Practical Politics", instructed by Mr. N. Keith Shawlee, advised of attendance as a group assignment and stated they were very impressed with the way City business was conducted. Mayo: Custer extended thanks for the group's attentiveness and interest in taking time to attend. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:08 p.m. There were 30 visitors in the Council Chambers. -5- Z ll. W., Custer, Mayor Helmie Ne_Lson,C T erlr�"- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. December 20, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF OJUNCIL MEMBERS: Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Marcella Hillgen and Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 13, 1965 be approved as written. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10799 $ 276.00 Harry Hart 2308 "N" Street Patio 800 3,400.00 Ray Lotto Construction 2830 Sunset Blvd. E. Wire Addition 801 150.00 Park Avenue Restaurant 247 Park Street Sign 802 28,000.00 O. J. Harper 5816 So. Pilgrim St. Warehouse & Offices 803 46,220.00 Puget Sound P. & L. Lake Washington Blvd. Building 804 150.00 Frank Omaits 1029 "E" Street Addition to garage 10805 10,000.00 Reeves Construction 13050 S.E. 115th Pl. New Residence 806 3,500.00 Puget Sound P. & L. 620 Grady Way Line Addition 807 1.00 Sunny's Trucking 6002 Grady Way Temporary Bldg. Loc. 808 800.00 North Renton Clinic 920 - 1st Ave. No. Wire Clinic 809 35,512.00 Realty Investors, Inc. 2714 - 8th Ave. No. 3-Unit Town House An' 10810 15,840.00 Brown D. Goodrich 7901 So. 153rd St. 4-Unit Apartment 811 Pending The Boeing Company Foundation only - Logan Street PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7598 Lloyd Peterson 11023-115th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 99 Reeves Construction 13055 S.E. 115th P1. Plumbing Fixtures 7600 Burkheimer Const. 95 Airport Way Plumbing Fixtures 01 Joe Gatten 9837-115th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 02 Charles Jennings 12403 S.E. 142nd St. Plumbing Fixtures 03 Schultz Apartments 539 Pelly Street Plumbing Fixtures 04 Glen Ford 606 Shattuck Street Plumbing Fixtures 7605 Local Loan Company 2804 - 10th Ave. No. Gas Installations 06 The Boeing Company 4-63 Building Plumbing Fixtures HEARING: Six Year Street Improvement Plan for the City of Renton. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. The City Clerk reported that copies of the proposed revised plan had been distributed on December 6th at which time the report had been submitted by ';ity Engineer Jack Wilson for council consideration. Upon request by Mayor Custer, City Engineer Wilson and Traffic Engineer Del Bennett outlined the revisions which included deletion of those projects which have been com- pleted and addition of others in conformance with the Downtown and Arterial Street Program and in .coordination with the Planning Department and Comprehensive Plan. Additions include the Main Street transition - Main to Mill-the downtown revision planned to serve the Civic Center Site; Puget Drive - from 2 to 4 lanes- Benson Road to City of Seattle W ter Line right-of-way;Logan to Smithers now more definitely planned upon completion of the freeway; widening of 2nd Avenue; Airport Way overcrossing of Rainier Avenue; 3rd and 4th Avenues North - one way street system. No priority is established hereby. This report constitutes the Six Year plan required to be revised and updated each two years and filed with the State by law. It also presents a desired program for a six year period which it is evident cannot be financed from general rev- enues alone, amounting to some 3-4 million dollars. Bond issues would be necessary and the Priority Committee is working on on the matter, at present. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that the Six-Year Street Improvement Plan for ,r the City of Renton be adopted as presented with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. -1- NOTICE CF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL Renton, Washington NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council has set December 20, 1965 at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, City Hall , Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a Public Hearing to consider. Proposed revision of the City's Six-Year Street Improvement Program. • Any and all interested persons are invited to be present and voice approval or disapproval to same. CITY OF RENTON L. Helmie Nelson City Clerk DATE OF FUBLICATION: • December 8, 1966 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) )ss COUNTY OF KING ) I, 1-Aou .hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described above and one copy was posted at the City Half, Renton, Washington on �`��►� -_� Signed : ATT /. . r Aer Notary Public in and fof t e State of Washington, residing at Renton. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL Renton, Washington NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council has ,setDecember 20, 1965 at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, City Hall , Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a Public Hearing to consider Proposed revision of the City's Six-Year Street Improvement Program*, Any and all interested persons are invited to be present andvoice approval or disapproval to same. CITY OF RENTON Helmie Nelson City Clerk ' DATE OF PUBLICATION: December 8, 1965 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) )ss COUNTY OF KING ) I, . L.�N�J VAauvs_ hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described above and one copy was posted at the City Hall, Renton, Washington on Signed : ATTES - , Notary Public in an. or the State of Washington, resid) ng/ at Renton. $1,700,000 Street Plan ` _ _ Adopted by City Council. Hearing Set • . A six-year program of street improvements estimated to cost $1,704,000 was adopted,by the Renton city council Tuesday On , Six-Year night. However, the program, adopted to enable the city to , qualify for state gas tax funds, cannot be accomplished without . a large street bond issue, councilmen quickly pointed out. !Street Plan Forty-four separate improvements to bring arterial, second- ,. ary and access roads up to city standards are listed. City offi- cials noted that major projects to be donewithin this period will ' A public hearing on a six- • , probably be selected from this list, adding that gas tax funds I I year street improvement pro- ' alone would supply less than half the amount needed to do them j gram for. Renton will be held all.. i at 8 p.m. in the city hall Tues- The list can be amended at any time. Councilmen had hoped day evening. The hearing will to get views of residents on the program Tuesday night but the be held at the start of the week- list was not made public until the meeting. I ly council meeting. , � A total of$384,000 is allotted to major arterial streets. The The hearing is required by 11 arterial streets requiring upgrading are: the state in order for Renton 3rd Avenue extension—Sunset to 4th Avenue North, construe- to receive its share of addition- i tion of new street bypassing curving,section of Cemetery Road; I al gas tax funds voted by the estimated cost, $136,000, last State Legislature. { .4th Avenue North—Burnett to Park Street, widening and other The six-year program to be improvements, $32,500. I outlined by City Engineer Jack I Airport Way—Rainier to Logan Street, curb and gutter,paving J Wilson will be in the nature of ' and sidewalks, $10,000. I a comprehensive list of Ren- Grady Way—Main Street to Rainier Avenue, paving and other • i I ton's street needs, Wilson said. ! improvements, $48,000. . - _; . Among the major projects ' 3rd Avenue—Shattuck Street to Rainier Avenue, paving, sew- j needed to put Renton's streets ers, curb, gutter, sidewalks. $13,500. in shape to handle traffic loads Bronson Way—Main to Park Street, traffic control, $10,000. are these: Park Street—Bronson Way to 12th Avenue North, traffic con- ' Widening of Grady Way from ,'trol, $25,000. ' . , two to four lanes with related 2nd Avenue—Rainier Avenue to Bronson Way, traffic control, improvements at estimated cost 1,$15,000. I of$48,200. Main Street—Grady Way to Bronson Way, sewers and traf- i Extension of 3rd Avenue fic control, $28,500. North east from Sunset Boule- 1 4th Avenue North—M Street to East city limits, curb, gutter, yard to connection with 4th Ave- !sidewalks, paving, sewers, $63,000. nue North in Highlands. This Cemetery Road-3rd Avenue North to EStreet,storm sewers, • II road up a canyon would elm- .$2,500. � inate'winding section of Ceme- Second streets with major needs include 3rd Avenue North, ' ' I i tery Road. Estimated cost M Street, 12th Avenue North, 116th Avenue S.E., 112th Avenue , $136,000. Project was includ- S.E., 7th Avenue, 90th Avenue South, 88th Place South, Logan I ed in street bond issue.nar- Street, S.E. 97th Street, •S.E. 94th Street, Langston Avenue and rowly defeated a year ago, as ' 100th Avenue S.E. Estimated total cost would.be$786,500. I are some others in six-year IImprovements to access streets would amount to $533,500. plan. . ---- - - ----- - = - ---- _ -- - �- - • — n N mA c3 b ro o a �� Et R:b o o co D) w o y4 oc '1 d0 D7 am ? �w < ''aooa '� =0, w M �. Ow `� -� K O.�� OM, ,,CD O O�j b o f7... 'LS .2 .... to w v� p C ::Dq '� `rx ,..U fD 1s '1 CD w w rn cC O 0 w o 0"(D H � m ��� wen � ooZ o �l- '1 rw KuaCD° I•.m n bCwrp p. NC F5 tq bQ,r+?'; o Km� < v, '1 m CB 0.••• .Zt Woo 0 b y a� sa ' m.'•S CDD <G o o vi C�' rt.0 Pt ,.y.w 7CD �D p .. Q ' y .. 0.M'U n g .n..=K w ,,,,,0"w'd b µ.'L''r. • A III. ACCESS STREETS (Continued Page 3) PROJECT IDCATID !1 E OF JI �" ES � TED COST (18) Whitworth Street = 3rd Avenue to ilth Avenue Curb &aid Gutter, Paving, and 3 7,500.00 Storm Serf (19) SFS-there Street c 3rd Avenue to i.th A = 4 and Gutter, Paving and 7,500.00 Sta.= Sears (20) Burnett Street o 3rd Avenue to nth Avenue C -.t and Gutter, Paving, a 3c/ 0-ozi_ -et) Sym yrs IOTAT. COST ACC SMIKEM 8 -53-31,60= 6'=nA`..0 gtl/.Qr L COST 5` N F° TE El& LULL W-213 -• 11. T - _ .5 d'.. 0W_ // fez,. c2> DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS STATE AID DIVISION INDIVIDUAL PROJECT PROSPECTUS The Director of Highways 1961 State of Washington Sir: The Town/City of pursuant to the provisions of the Statutes of 1961, does hereby submit this project prospectus for the street or streets herein described, which it is proposed to construct with funds derived from the one-half cent arterial apportionment, and for which program approval is requested. 1. LOCAL NAME OF STREET 2. ON ARTERIAL STREET SYSTEM 3. LENGTH OF PROJECT IN NILES 4. DETAILED LOCATION OF PROJECT (Supported by letter-size vicinity map) 5.. TYPE OF WORK: Construction - Improvement - Repair (Strike out types not applicable) 6. TRAFFIC VOLUME ADT VEHICLES PER HOUR 7. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK (Accompanied by typical roadway section) 8. PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COST ti` One-half cent gas tax funds Matching funds (at least 25% of Estimated Cost) 9. SUPPORTING INFORMATION ATTACHED 10. CONTRACT - DAY LABOR 11. ADDITIONAL REMARKS Respectfully submitted, Ie MAJOR ARTERIALS (Continued) Exhibit "A" -PROJECT LOCATION TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED COST (9) Puget Drive Benson Highway to Pipe Line Right-of Way Widening, Curbs-& Gutters, Storm Sewers $ 150,000 and Traffic Control • (10) Renton Avenue Structure, Right-of-Way, Paving, Storm 350,000 Grade Separation at Rainier Drainage and Traffic Control (11) Logan-Smithers Street Widening, -Right-of-May Grady Way to 6th Avenue North Structures, Curbs & Gutters, Paving 850,000 and Interchange at.Grady Way Storm Sewers, & Traffic Control 545,000 :: (12) 6th Avenue North Widening, Right-of-May, Curbs-and Gutters 50,000 . Logan Street to Park Street . Paving, Storm Sewers & Traffic Control i -(13) 2nd Avenue Widening, Right-of-May, Curbs & Gutters 8009000 Main St, to -Sunset Blvd. West Paving, Storm Sewers & Traffic Control (2 Way Operation) (1)4) Bronson Way and Houser Way to Widening Right-of Way, Widening Bronson Main Street Bronson Way North Way Bridge, Storm Sewers & Traffic 250,000 Control • TOTAL COST ESTIMATE MAJOR ARTERIALS $3,792,000,00 II. SECONDARY ARTERIALS Exhibit "A PROJECT LOCATION TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED COST (1) "M" 'Street- hth Avenue North to 12th Aveune North Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving $126,500.00 and Storm Sewers (2) 12th Avenue North 12th S.E.• to "M" Street Curb .and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving 95,500.00 Storm Sewers and Traffic Control • (3) 116th Avenue S.E. -Sunset to S.E. 96th Street Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving 126,000.00 and:Storm Sewers (L ) 112th Avenue S.E. -Sunset to S.E. 97th Street Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, and Storm Sewers 145,0OO.0O (5) 7th Avenue-Grady Way to Rainier Avenue Sidewalks, Storm Sewers and Traffic 20300000 Control (6) 90th Avenue South Renton Avenue to 88th Place South Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 31,500.00 and Storm Sewers . (7) 88th Place South-90th Avenue South to South 122nd St. Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 32,000.00 and Storm Sewers • II, SECONDARY ARTERIALS - ( Continued-Page 2) Exhibit "A" PROJECT LOCATION TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED COST (8) Garden Street 4th Avenue North to 8th Avenue North Widening, Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, $70,000,00 Paving and Storm Sewers (9) 100th Avenue S.E.-Park Street to S.E. 94th Street Curb and Gutters, Sidewalks, Paving, 280500,0: ' and Storm Sewers 7- (\1.0) S.E. 94th Street-100th Avenue S.E. to City Limits Curb and Gutters, Sidewalks, Paving , 24,000.00 and Storm Sewers (11) Langston Avenue-Sunset to City Limits Curb and Gutters, Sidewalks, Paving 1.7,500000 and Storm Sewers * (12) South 153rd East Valley to West Valley Highway Widening, Structure 480,000.00 Right-of-Way TOTAL COST ESTIMATE SECONDARY ARTERIALS $1,226,500000 '' • November 19,,.1963 • Washington State.highway Commission . • Department of Highways 6431 Corson Avenue .. Seattle S, Washington • - Attention;. Mr. P. J. McKay, . District Engineer ' Subject: Resolution No. . 1120, as amended by Resolutions do._..1153"and.1212,. Gentlemen: Enclosed herewith are .two certified copies of Resolution No. 1212 of the City of Renton, amending"and odiEying..the City's Six Year Comprehensive Street,,Flan and Arterial Street Plan, - by. the addition of Puget Drive (from 'Talbot Road to Coder River Pipeline Right, of Way), as evidenced by. Item 43. of. "Arterial: Highways and Arterial Streets", and Item 13. of,"Major Arterials" (Exhibit "A"). Also enclosed is Exhibit "13", "Arterial Plan of the City of Renton." " Yours very truly, 'CITY OF RENTOrJ 11 lmicz W. tvelson City Clerk H N/ap Cnclosurea ; cc:. Jack Wilson, City Engineer ; 1 { RENTON CITY COUNCIL 1 REGULAR MEETING October 28., 1963 8:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 P.M. ` ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Dahiquist, Trimm, Pedersen, Garrett, Custer, Poli and Bruce. Moved by Delaur:nti, seconded by Custer, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, B. L. Andersen, Sup't. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Joe ;Lynch, Street Superintendent, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, James Highton, Sup't. of Bls:' and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Wallace Hume and the Invocation was delivered by Rev. Frank Starkey of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS T`.PE OF WOR.: 9178 $ 1,500.00 Edward Coury 3010 Sunset Blvd. E. retaw~<_ng :jai-- 79 l79 425.00 Ermo Gregoris 228 - 13th Avenue So. Wire Residence 9180 140.00 Clarence E. Burgess 721 Jones Street Replace Service 81 150.00 George McNeil 3806 - 5th Avenue No. Wire Addition 82 6,500,00 Insur-o-mat Sunset Street Frame Office 83 200.00 Emile Longville 316 Tobin Avenue Storage Shed 84 18,000.00 R. A. Narey 11846 S.E. 102nd New Residence 9185 50.00 Charles Mace 10820 S.E. 104th Wire Garage 86 1,800.00 Robert Blusher 716 "0" Street Reside Residence 87. 14,500.00 Homer Creager 11220 S.E. 112th St: New Residence 88 1,400.00 Safeway Stores Sunset & 10th Ave. No. Sign 89 18,000.00 United Homes Corp. 1014 "Q" Street New Residence 9190 1.00 Fred Callen 928 Sunset Blvd. Sign (Existing) 91 1,500.00 Jacob Lind 3209 - 6th Ave. So. Addition 92 20,000.00 Conner Construction 12736 - 8th Ave. So. New Residence 93 1,855.00 Sibyl Gillespie 1204 - 3rd Avenue Remodel Fireplace PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6164 - - - Tide Development Co. 422 Mill Street Plumbing Fixtures 6165 - - - Mrs. Nobis 12611-83th Pl. So. Plumbing Fixtures 66 - - - Clyde Addington 12640-87th South Plumbing Fixtures 67 - - - United Homes Corp. 1027 "R" Street Gas Installations 68 - - - United Homes Corp. 1021 "R" Street Gas Installations 69 - - - United Homes Corp. 1015 "R" Street Gas installations 6170 - - - United Homes Corp. 3901 "R" Street Gas installations 71 - - - United Homes Corp. 3903 "R" Street Gas installations 72 - - - United Homes Corp. 3909 "R" Street Gas Installations 73 - y - United Homes Corp. 3915 "R" Street Gas Installations 74 - - - United Homes Corp. 3916 "R" Street Gas Installations 6175 - - - United Homes Corp. 3910 "R" Street Gas Instaliatics 76 - - - United Homes Corp. 3904 "R" Street Gas Installa,:ions 77 - - - Dr. L. A. Lackie 115 - 3rd Avenue Gas Installations 78 - - - Homer Creager 11218 - 112th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 1:19:2,ING: Revision of Arterial Street and Six Year Comprehensive Street Program by Addition of Puget Drive. This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open. Clerk Nelson reported no communications have been received regarding the matter and as there was no verbal iry or discussion the Council was given the floor and it was moved by Custer that the tion be incorporated and the matter referred to the Ordinance Committee for the proper lution. The motion was seconded by Delaurenti'and"carried. The Hearing was closed, COMMUNICATIONS: . A letter from Hays Fireworks Company submitted opinions of the Attorney General and King County Resolution 26125 relative to current State Fireworks Laws enacted in 1961. It was pointed out that a r. ty nr Town ray rot by oriinance limit or restrict the issuance of a permit for the manufacture, improtation, exportaticn, possession, sale, use or dischare of fireworks to charitable and public service groups. : :c governing authority must co-.- f.::r each application and then exercise its discretion in eon -=_ng or granting Sc.a .40 SIX YEAR STREW PROGRAM RESOLUTION NO.__1120 CITY OF RENTON WASHINGTON PASSED' BY THE CITY COUNCIL Dec. 2, 1961 RESOLUTION NOB 1120 Dec, 12A 1962 EXHIBIT "A" AMENDED"BY RESOLUTION 1181__ Jan, 283 1963 .� AMENDED BY RESOLUTION . 1212 Nov. ]J , 1963 AMENDED BY RESOLUTION 1357 Jan. 24, 1966 I. MAJOR ARTERIALS PROJECT LOCATION TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED COST ;; (1) 4th Avenue North to Park Street Widening Curbs and Gutters $50,000 "M" Street to 132nd S.E. Paving, Right-of-Nay 70,000 On Ramp from Sunset Blvd, East Storm Sewers, Traffic Control & Structure 200,000 • (2) _ 3rd Avenue North Surfacing, Curbs & Gutters, Right-of-Way 80,000 Storm Sewers & Traffic Control * (3)'`A irp ort Way Rainier Avenue to Logan Street Curb & Gutter, Sidewalk and Paving 20,000 • (4) Grady Way Resurfacing, Curb & Gutters, Storm Sewers Main Street to Rainier Avenue and Traffic Control 80,000 * (5) 3rd l Menue - Shattuck Street to Rainier Avenue Curb & Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, Storm Sewers and Traffic Control 30,000 (6) Park Street Bronson Way to 8th Avenue North Resurface, Storm Sewers, Curb & Gutter & Traffic Control 75,000 • (7) Main Street Grady Way to Bronson Way Resurface, Storm Sewers 142,000 41- (8) Main Street ._ Widening-Curbs & Gutters, Paving, Right-of= ' Main Street to Mill Street Transition Way Storm Sewers & Traffic Control 150,000 * Indicates Revision in Revised Program Y i . (1) Chapter 7, Laws 1961 Extraordinary Sessic )rovides 1/2 cent additional fuel tax to cities and towns. This act provides that the pro- ceeds of this one-half cent of additional tax and tha matching funds of twenty-five percent of the cost of the project shall be used exclusively for construction, improvement and repair of arterial highways. (2) Chapter 164, Laws of 1949 - ROW 35.7$.010 provides that each munici- pal corporation shall classify and designate city streets as major arterials, secondary arterials and access streets. We suggest that the matter of your major and secondary arterials be' given considerable consideration as this designation is required for construc- tion purposes. Two copies of a map or other document indicating your arterial systems shall be submitted through the District Engineer, Department of Highways, where your city is located. The following definitions for 'Construction, "Improvement" and "Repair" will apply for projects financed with funds provided for by the above Act: CONSTRUCTION: Is the building of a street, a portion of a street or a facility that did not previously exist. It may take place on a new right of way or anold right of way when the new standards or construction is so much higher than the old that it virtually wipes out the previous improvement. IMPROVEMENT: Can be classified as a betterment and could consist of adjust- ments or additions to a street which more than restores it to its former good condition and which results in better traffic serviceability without major changes in the original construction. The following examples may be classified as an improvement : The widening of a roadbed, a pavement, a bridge, channel or an embankment, the leng- thening of a culvert, the strengthening of a bridge, the flattening of a cut or fill slope, the installation of traffic control devices, the first installation of signals, signs and street illumination, addition of curbs and gutters, storm drains, catch basins and other undertakings of this nature which add value to the existing facility or structure. REPAIR: May be described as a replacement, the rebuilding of a street, a part of a street or a structure. that has worn out in use or has been destroyed or damaged. The type of construction employed in the new work may be the same as was used in the original construction or it may be of a higher type. The following examples may be classified as °Repair": Placing of new crushed surfacing material in sufficient quantity to sub- stantially increase in thickness of surfacing material beyond that origi- nally constructed for more than 10 percent of the surface area. While the word "Maintenance'' does not appear in the Act providing for the expenditure of the 1/2 cent fuel tax, we would describe this type of work as the preservation and upkeep of a street, including all of its elements, in as nearly its original or as constructed or as subsequently improved condition as practicable to provide satisfactory, safe and economical high- way transportation. Maintenance should include all of the routine work of repairing and preserving roadway surfaces, shoulders and ditches or curbs, drainage structures, bridges, tunnels, grade separations, slide removal, snow and ice control, traffic line painting, signs, signals and roadway patching. The above description is made only to differentiate from repair that part of the work which should be maintenance. (3 ) Chapter 164, Laws of 1949 RCW 35.7$.020 provided for the creation of a design standards committee, the adoption of uniform design standards for major arterials and secondary arterials. Each city or town project will be checked to determine that the proposed work meets the design standard for the type of arterial involved. - 1 - 1 The design standards as approved by the design standards committee and sub- mitted to the city officials in 1950 will apply.. These standards provide for street widths for, major arterial streetsandsecondary arterial streets. Bridge widths, loadingand vertical. clearance is also covered. ' The city or town cannot proceed with a project if the project does , not meet these standards' without prior approval from the state. The request to de- viate from the standards must include sufficient justification to warrant the deviation. Three copies should be submitted by the city engineer or other city official. (4) RCW 35.78.040 provides that the governing body of the several municipal= ities shall apply the uniform design standards so adopted to all new. constru- ction on major arterial or secondary arterial streets and to reconstruction of old such streets as far as practicable. No deviation from such design standards as to such streets shall be made without approval of the assistant state director of highways for state aid® (5) Section 12,. Chapter $2, Laws of 1943 - RCW 35.21.260 provides for a report from each city or town. This report is to be made on forms provided the state and shall include such information as to enable the Director. of . Highways to compile an annual report. (6) Section 5, Chapter 164, Laws of 1949 - RCW 35.21.270 providesthat the city engineer or the city clerk of each city or town shall maintain records of the receipt and expenditure of all moneys used for construction, repair or maintenance of streets. ''To assist in maintaining uniformity in such records, the Division of Munici- pal Corporations, with the advice and assistance of the Department of High- ways, shall prescribe forms and types -of records to be so maintained. " It is expected the present forms in use will provide sufficientinformation to enable the Director of Highways to compile an annual report, however, it will be necessary to give a breakdown of the expenditure of the 1/2 cent arterial fund which will indicate the 'amount° ofthe expenditure of this fund along with the matching funds used. A sample form is: attached indicating a suggested mannerin which the expendi- tures of this fund can be shown. However, if you desire you can use a sep- arate form to indicate the expenditure of each fund. The expenditure 'of other street funds can be shown in the same manner as: in previous years0 The Division of Municipal Corporations will advise you relative to the manner in which the records are tobe maintained. . (7) RCW 47.24.040 provides that all funds accruing to the credit of incor- porated cities and towns in the motor vehicle fund shall be paid monthly to such incorporated cities and townsand. shall, by the respective cities and towns, be placed in a fund to be designated as 'city street, fund" and dis- bursed as authorized and directed by the legislative authority, as agents of the state, for proper street purposes. The Division of Municipal Corporations will advise you in detail in regard tothe designated fund to be' used 'and , accounting procedures. We are advisedthat the one-half cent additional fuel tax will be forwarded monthly to the cities and towns by a warrant separate from your other motor. vehicle allotments. (8) Chapter 195, Laws of. 1961 provides that the legislative body of each city and town shall prepare and adopt a comprehensive street program for the ensuing six years and shall file the same with, the Director of Highways. Two copies of this plan are required and shall be submitted through the Dis- trict Engineer, Department of Highways. In order to properly administer the additional funds, the cities and towns must submit a request for approval for each project. Attached are sample forms to assist you in this submission. This request should be submitted in triplicate through the District- Engineer, Department of Highways. (9) RCW 47.0$.100 provides that the Highway Commission from time to time shall make an investigation of expenditures from the city street fund to determine that no unauthorized illegal or wrongful expenditures are being made or have been made. The penalty and methods of correction are also out- lined. - 2 - SAMPLE Supporting date for N.W. 78th Street "Improvement" Project: Project Location This project is located on N.W. 78th Street from the intersection Albion Avenue to Grand Boulevard, a distance of 0.35 mile. Existing Facility The present street has a P.C.C. surface 16 feet wide with 4foot gravel shoulders. The alignment and gradient is good, being on a tangent with a maximum gradient of 1.5 percent. The existing P.C.C. surface is in fair con- dition with only occasional cracks and settlements. The storm sewer is existing and adequate for this proposed construction. Proposed Improvement The proposed construction provides for the widening of N.W. 78th Street to a 38 foot roadway width, curb to curb. The widened section will be surfaced with 8" minimum depth of S.R.B. and crushed surface top course 2" compacted depth. A 2" leveling course and a 1-2'" wearing surface of asphaltic concrete Class "B" is proposed for the full width of roadway. P.C.C. curbs 6'" wide will be constructed on both sides of the roadway for the full length of the project. P.C.C. sidewalks are proposed on each side of the street, to be paid for by the adjacent property owners. A street illumination project is proposed under a separate contract. Comments and Recommendations The construction of this section will complete the arterial route to accept- able standards for the traffic volume estimated at 1,600 DHV (Design Hour Volume) for 1975, 0-5% commercial vehicles, left turns and parking permitted in an outlying district with bus stops. There are no existing railroad grade crossings within the limits of this, project. NOW. 78th Street is a Secondary Arterial serving as a connecting street in an outlying district. The construction of this street to accommodate a higher vehicular capacity is necessary in order to maintain a satisfactory movement of traffic. SAMPLE Supporting data for 4th Avenue South Street "Repair" Project Project Location This project is located 500 feet .west of Central Boulevard where 4th Avenue South crosses Sleepy Hollow Gulch. Existing Facility Fourth Avenue South crosses Sleepy Hollow Gulch on a fill approximately 15 feet in height over a P.C. C. 60" culvert pipe. The street is surfaced with asphaltic concrete pavement 24 feet in width with 8 foot shoulders surfaced with a bituminous surface treatment, all on 5" of crushed surfacing base and top course aggregates. The recent heavy rainfall has caused a failure in the filland culvert pipe resulting in a washout, leaving a gap in the street approximately 75 feet long. The street is closed to traffic which is being detoured via other streets around the obstruction. Proposed Improvement It is proposed to salvage the 60" P. C. C. sulvert pipe, replace the pipe on suitable foundation, add a 30" P. C.C. sulvert pipe parallel to the 60" pipe, and replace the fill and surfacing to its original condition. Comments and Recommendations ,. Due to the emergency nature of this proposal, an early approval will be appreciated. In order to eliminate the time required to contract this work, it is proposed to accomplish these repairs by day labor. 8optBiter;:16, 1963 .orable Frani ts; r:: )" r, :oaf the'=Citi Co _. . - Ret ;Repo ot,ptroat arid'All.oy "(a td.t Tt is, the recommendation of tie Street and AlIey COmmittec.,that; ;r ° a hearint:be had `to add P et'Drive ..to the_'Oi v; Arterial . Jolt and the 6.rear:Street Cc truet n ' grr : -:,October 28:, 1963 is eeted for: Vr. 6. "Drainage Ilroblem at 2906 8th Avenue North It le the r ca .enc , a of the ;street :ind Alley Cornittee that this rratter be, re.ere d to the Street Comissioner. d City Engineer to delop xplan and cost estimate tocorrect the problem.. . r etid ' s • ° February 3, 1966 Washington state Highway Commission Department of Highways 6431 Corson Avenue Seattle 8, Washington Attn: Mr. P. J. McKay ° District Engineer Re: .City of Renton Revisions to Six Year Street Program Gentlemen: Submitted herewith are two Certified copies of Resolution No. 1357, ° ° passed by the Renton City Council on January 2.4, 1966, amending the City's Comprehensive Street Program for the ensuing six- years, including the City's arterial street program as heretofore adopted, all pursuant to Chapter 195 of the 1961 session Laws, State of Washington. We al o ercloce six copies of the reyised program. Yours very truly,. CITY of RENTON ° Helmie,W. Nelson, -- " City Clerk HWN/dna ° Enclosures (2) , cc? Roy D. Nesbitt, -Di-'t. state Aid Engineer Jack Wilson, City Engineer ° March 18, 1963 Washington State Highway Commission Department of Highways Transportation Building Olympia, Washington Attention: Mr. W. A. Bugge Director of Highways Dear Mr. Bugge: Transmitted herewith is Monthly Statement of Costs for the month of January, 1963 which constitute expenditures by the City of Renton in connection with 1961 legislative allocation of the one-half cent addi- tional fuel tax. We are sending a copy to the District Office as you suggest. • Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON • Helmie Nelson, City Clerk HWN/d:a cc; J. P. McKay, Dist. Director Si ATE OF WASHINGTON ALBERT D. ROSELLINI. GOVERNOR DISTRICT OFFICES NO 1 SEATTLE 6 ER,,CST A Cc:. e_. . ...• `1,STATE G,, e431 Sc. C.GRSOr. A.E LI NO 2 WENA TCH EE POBFRT L MIKAI sOh --I ( 1 = P O BO% 9® V -` `` NO 3 OLYMPIA GEORGE U ZAHN V "S IP O 90n 321 'IL I I.O W 44 89*° NO 4 VANCOUVER 4200 MAIN STREET JAMES M BLAIR SN POYA_LUP WASHINGTON NO 5 YAKIMA P 0 9O% 52 stAt1tL ERNEST KETCNAM STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION NO 6 SPOKANE 21 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS h 21 •1 MA"A'P sr LORENZ GOCTZ St_ t'^ NO 7 SEATTLE 9 OLY'.'IA W. A. •UGGE. DIRECTOR 509 CA.RiiEw AYE NO, HIGHWAYS-LICENSES BUILDING OLYMPIA January 17, 1963 , •r: i m'I W. 'l ' s!n City Clerk Renton, Washington Arterial Street. Fund Dear Sir: Reference is made to your letter dated January 16, 1963, regarding the monthly statement of expenditures for the Arterial Street Fund. It is suggested that you continue to forward your statements to this office, but in addition that you add a copy to the District Office located at 6431 Corson Avenue, Seattle, Washington. Very truly yours, W. A. BUGGE Director of Highways By: 1 I S GRAY Ass - lant Director for Stat Aid Jr..; . Mr. W. E. McKibben • OFFICE OF THE CITY CIBC January 16, 1963 Washington State Highway Commission Department of Highways Transportation Building Olympia, Washington Attention: Mr. W. A. Bugge Director of Highways Dear Mr. Bugge: Transmitted herewith is Monthly Statement of Coats for November and December, 1962 which constitute expenditures by the City of Renton n proceeds allocated by the 1961 legislature of the ene-hall cent addi- tional fuel tax. Please advise if this statement should be aubinitted to an office other than yours. Thank you. Yours wry truly, CITY OF RENTON Heinle W. Nelson, City Clerk HWM/dm '.1 Legal Notice NOTICE�lE• I'UKLIC HEARING RENTO-N = COUNCIL RENTON,WASHINGTON • A public hearing will be held by the Renton City Council at its regular meeting in the council chambers, ty • Hall. Renton, on January 28, 1 9 at p.m., as specified in Chapter 195, of the 1,961 Session ,Laws to consider amendments and revisions to the six-yearcity's programpr vie sly comprehensive estreet onDe- cember 12, 1961, which includes the city's plan for construction improve- ment and repair of designated arte- rial highways as specified in I.Chapter 7, Extraordinary sion of 1961. Any and all persons interested in said street improvement programs are invited to be present at the Renton City Council meeting at 8 p.m. on January 28, 1963. For further infer: mation and/or to voice their protests or any objections tosaa me. HelmW. Nelson City Clerk Renton, Wash. Published in the —n Town Talk January 16, 19$ ! 1— , ii: . I- .. , m•, 1 v,a II X, , t o �e , ' 4-51'9 — C(1) t R aF„I ,WASH M N G T O IY the Jet Transport Capital of the World tillhAtimmo rr te e T” 1 OFFICE OF ME CITY ENGINEER January 28, 1963 Honorable Frank Aliment, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Hearing for Revision to the Six Year Street Program Gentlemen: In order that monies may be expended by the City of Renton for acquistion of Right of Way and Traffic Control on Burnett Street, it is necessary at this time to revise the Six Year Street Program to include said revisions and the estimated cost. Very truly yours, a , OISLAA--t---- J ck Wilson 'ty Engineer JW:mc MONTHLY STATEPI NT OF COSTS County Roads and City Streets January 63 County of ) Renton. Washington For i' nth of , 19 City of ) I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the figures shown are a true and correct record of the total road or street costs /ffor the period indicated. �y ,z, .i. �' .,1 „1. 1 5., Clerk City I4ARTTEI:ANCE .. , Roadway Bridges Snow & Ice .Traffic Serv. o - Total Control 0vr.15,000 pop. Regular and Special t CONSTRUCTION Project or L.I.U. NumberContract or EngineeringRight of Way Road Constr. ' Bridges Traffic Sorv. Total Total Access Icy Libor :raffle 15,OOOpg1 Arterial ARTIA ERL STREET FUND 1 ASP-42 Burnett Street i 10,065.52 , 14 , 065.52 _ ASP-#2-15_ Gas Tax 7 , 549 14--Matching Funds--$2,516.38 , - OVERHEAD SPECIAL OPERATIONS • I Salaries Office Exp. Field Exp. Total Total Cost 1 Administration and i,ajor Capital Outlay General Engineering Reimbursable Expenditures - Except Fed.Aid. - _ - Interest on Bonds and Warrants - Other _- .* MONTHLY STATE/ENT OF COSTS County Roads and City Streets Cid n ) Renton, Washington For i•ionth of Nov. -Dec. y� �_0 1 y of ) I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the figures shown are a true and correct record of the total road or strv.:t costs for the per:t._,i indicated. tz''----<- •- tic:--c---'i - CS un, • C.L -- • City i•iAINTENANCE Roaduay Bridges , Snow & Ice Traffic Serv. , Total�— 1, Control 0vr.15,000 pp. Regular and Special y -i CONSTRUCTION Project •_ Right of Way Road Constr. ' Bridges Total Total Access T My LaborOvr 15,000pqa Arterial L1I1IASP L. '• = = 20 166.25 1 075 07 T ASP 4*1-1/2 Gas Tax 15 ,806 . 30 Matchin• Fu ds 5, 268.7 i - 1 OVERHEAD SPECIAL OPERATIONS Salaries Office Exp. Field Exp. . Total . Total Cost AdministrationhL jor Capital Outlay General Engineering Reimbursable Expenditures - Except F�d.Aid Interest on Bonds and Warrants • Other CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) )SS COUNTY OF KING ) January 30, 1963 I, Helmie Nelson, the duly appointed qualified and acting City Clerk of and for the City of Renton, Washington, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution. is a true and correct copy of Resolution N'o„ 1183 of the City of Renton, as ' it appears on file in the records of the office of the City Clerk in said City, and as same was duly and regularly adopted, passed and approved on the 2Othday of January ,19 63 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and the Official Seal of the City of Renton, Washington, this 30t1lay of January 19 63 (seal) Helmie Nelson, City C erk 1 ' ia• ..ri;,:a;�5,1 •'+. " •'.fr ,��_,:...$�}.t ,`,` ,�.. n. I: • a� t.• �a ,�. ,,.V S .rf .0.,:,M_.•,,, „�''$- ' "�il,4' ,)'-jv,'i' 'i- a?`''h' .• . • • • . •:'` • Aei:`a�: • lar- LUTION ND. W MEAS Chapter 195 of the 1961 Session Laws of the State of Washington requiret t'!,. City of Renton to prepare and adopt a comprehensive street program for the e six years, and ensuing VIEMMTA .S the City of Renton has heretofore duly prepared such a oompreheneive street plan duly approved by its Planning Commissions and a public hearing having been held thereon on Decerber 120 1961, after notice thereof as provided by law and said cosepereheneive street plan now being in full force and effect, and WFC it has become necessary to amend and modify said six year comprehensive street plan in certain respects and a public hearing having been held relative to said program as modified and amended after public notice has been given as provided by law and a public hearing having been held thereon on January 28, 19630 and NTEMAS there were no written or oral objections to the amends is or modifica- tions of the comprehensive streeto Pr gram as heretofore adopted; NW THEREFORE BE IT RESOI rED BY THE MAYOR AND TRE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, AS Famiing SECTION Is The comprehensive street program for the ensuing sizare � as amended and modified as par `'Exhibit AR attached hereto and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein be and the same is hereby adoptedand ratified in all respects and said proms as amended and modified is hereby adopted as the City's compreheneive street program. SECTION IT: The City Clerk and the City Engineer are hereby authorised and directed to file paid street program as amended and modified with the Director of ig:Tu yz for the State of Washit ton, together with a certified copy of this : Reoo`3t'_on a EASSED BY THECITY ODUNCIL this / , • �. .-- �' of Ja.nuaxys 1963. ;cJ exY4,/,./ • .4e a i .yL SIX YEAR STREET"a ET PROGRAM CITY OR HENTONSHINGTON I. MAJOR ARTERIALS PROJECT LOCATION TYPE. OF IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED COST (1) 3rd Avenue Extension - Sunset to 4th Avenue North Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 136,000.00 Grading right-of-way, Storrs Sewers and Traffic Control (2) 4th Avenue North v Burnett Street to Park Street Widening_ - Curbs and Gutters, 32,500.00 Paving and Traffic Control (3) Airport Way = Rainier Avenue to Logan Street Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks and 10,000.00 Paving (4.) Grady Tway - Main Street to Rainier Avenue Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 4.8,000.00 Storm Sewers and Traffic Control (5) 3rd Avenue o Shattuck Street to Rainier Avenue Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 13,500.00 Storm Sewers and Taffic Control (6) Bronson Way - Main Street to Park Street Traffic Control 10,000.00 (7) Park Street = Bronson Way to 12th Avenue North Traffic Control 25,,000.00 f . RESOLUTION NO. 1120, , PASSED Dec. 129 1961 REVISED BY RESOLUTION N0. 1, ,,3 PASSED //17-ik3 I. MAJOR ARTERIALS (Continued e Page 2) • Exhibt "A" PROJECT LOCATION TYPE -OF_IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED COST (8) , 2nd Avenue - Rainier Avenue to Bronson Way Traffic Control $ 159000,00 (9) Main Street . Grady Way to Bronson Way Traffic Control and Storm 289500.00 Sewers (10) .lith Avenue North m "Mil Street to East City-Limits Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 639000.00 and Storm Sewers (ll) Cemetery Road s 3rd Avenue North to "E" Street Storm Sewers 2,500.00 (12) Burnett Street = 2nd Avenue to 4th Avenue Curb *and Gutter, Paving, Storm Sewers,: Acquistion of Right of Way and Traffic Control 30,000.00 TOTAL COST ESTIMATE MAJOR ARTERIALS $ 014.9000.00 II. SECONDARY ARTERIALS PROJECT LOCatTOTYPE OF IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED- COST (1) 3rd Avenue North - Burnett Street tc Suns t= Blvd. Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, $ 41,000.00 Storm Sewers and Traffic Control (2) "N Street = 4th Avenue North to 12th Avenue North Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 126,500,00 • and Storm Sewers (3) 12th Avenue North - 112th S.E. to UMt! Street Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 95,500.00 Storm Sewers and Traffic Control (4) 116th Avenue S.E. - Sunset to S.E. 96th.Street Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 126,00040 and- Storm Sewers (5) 112th Avenue S.E. - Sunset to S.E. 97th Street Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 145,000.00 and Storm Sewers (6) '7th Avenue - Grady Way to Rainier Avenue Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 35,500.00 Storm Sewers and Traffic Control (7) 90th Avenue South - Renton Avenue to 88th Place South Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, - 31,500.00 and Storm Sewers (8) 88th Place South = 90th Avenue South to South 122nd St. Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 32,000.00 and Storm Sewers II, SECONDARY ARTERIALS . (Continued - Page 2) PROJECT LOCATION TYPE E OF IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED COST (9) Logan Street - 3rd Avenue to 6th Avenue North '.traffic Control 10,,000,00 (10) S.E. 97th Street ® 116th Avenue S.E. to City Limits Curb and Gutter; Sidewalks 1439500,00 :PAVING S j ORM SEWERS (11) 100th Avenue S.E. - Park Avenue to S.E. 94th Street " 289500000 (12) S.E. 914th Street = 100th Avenue S.E. to City Limits II 2149000,00 LANGST°k1 /QVC- - SLiI.ISL-.I TO cI i Y Limi 47,500.00 TOTAL COST ESTIMATE SECONDARY ARTERIALS 786,500,00 III. ACCESS STREETS PROJECT LOCATION TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED COST (1) Factory Street m Bronson Nay to LLth Avenue North Paving and Storm Sewers $ 188000,00 (2)--"K" Street o 11th Avenue North to 12th Avenue North Storm Sewers 318000.00 (3) "E" Street ® 4th Avenue North to S;Inset Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving: 126,500.00 and Storm Sewers (4) "K" Street v Sunset to 10th Avenue Worth Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 129000,00 and Storm Sewers (5) 4th Place o Shattuck Street to Raider Avenue Curb and Gutter, Sidew ks, ,Paving, 6,000.00 and Storm Sewers (6) Pelly Street a 1st Avenue North 0 6th Ave. North Paving 15,000,00 (7) 7th Avenue North - Sunset to "M" Street Paving 28000.00 (8) Edwards Street o Sunset to Rainier Avenue Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, and 46,000,00 Paving (9) 7th Avenue = Edwards Street to Rainier Avenue Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving 9,000.00 and Traffic Control III. ACCESS STREETS (Continued = Page 2) PROJECT LOCATI3Y TY!E OF IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED COST (10) 10th Avenue North m Sunset to r,1:" Street Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, $ 47,500`00 and Storm Sewers (11) Harris Place o Rainier Avenue to Hardie S27eet Curb and Gutter,. Sidewalks, Paving, 6,500.00 and Storm Sewers (12) South 153rd = Rainier Avenue to 75th TTe. Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 80,000.00 and Storm Sewers (13) Garden Street m 4th Avenue No, to 8th Ave. No. 0urb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 45,500.00 and Storm.Sewers (ix) 6th Avenue North m Garden Street to Park Street Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 7,500.00 and Storm Sewers (15) Shattuck Street - 3rd Avenue to 4th Place Curb and Gutters Sidewalks, Paving, 14,000.00 and Storm Sewers (16) Lake Street d Airport Way to 2nd Avenue Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 37,000.00 Storm Sewers, Right-of=way and Traffic Control (17) Morris Street e 3rd Avenue to 4th Avenue Curb and Gutter,. Paving, and 7,500.00 Storm Sewers CITY OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. 1120 Dec. 129 196 SIX YEAR' STREET PROGRAM AMENDED BY RESOLUTION 1183 Jan. 2.89 1963 III, ACCESS STREETS E dh bt "A'$ PROJECT LOCATION TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED COST (18) Whitworth Street = 3rd Avenue to 4th Avenue . Curb and Gutters Paving and $ 79500.00 Storm Sewers (19) Smithers Street = 3rd Avenue to 4th Avenue Curb and Gutters Paving and 79500.00 Storm Sewers TOTAL COST ESTIMATE ACCESS STREETS = $ 5263000.00 GRAND TOTAL COST ESTIMATE FOR SIX YEAR STREET PROGRAM e $ 197269500.00 STATE OF WASHINGTON ALBERT D. ROSELLINI.GOVERNOR �4ST�O :: • • • fir..: 'l889'° WASHINGTON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS OFFICE OF DISTRICT ENGINEER DISTRICT NO. 1 6431 CORSON AVENUE SOUTH SEATTLE 8 January 5, 1963 Mayor Frank Aliment City Hall z¢ Gas Tax Project Renton, Washington Burnett,Street City of Renton Attention: Mr. Jack Wilson City-Engineer Dear Sir: We are enclosing herewith one approved copy of your individual project prospectus relative to the improvement of Burnett Street with funds provided by Chapter 7 of the 1961 Session Laws. We feel that this is a commercial access street and that 21.5 Ft. width on the East side of the Railway Tracks is adequate. It , is understood that the City has full control.over parking and • speed limits, and when traffic increases to a critical level, such restrictions may be imposed. Very truly yours, P.J.McKAY District Engineer ,a1052. by: Roy 0. Nesbitt District State Aid Engineer PJM:s1 RON enclosure cc: Bugge/Gray with enclosure ,, ti • DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS STATE AID DIVISION INDIVIDUAL PROJECT PROSPECTUS The Director of Highways State of Washington January 31, 1963 Sir: The City ofR.enton pursuant to the provisions of the Statutes of 1961, does hereby submit this project prospectus for the street or streets herein described, which it is proposed to construct with funds derived from the one-half cent ARTERIAL apportionment, and for which program approval is requested. 1. LOCAL NAME OF STREET Burnett Street 2e ON PRIMARY ARTERIAL STREET SYSTEM 3. LENGTH OF PROJECT IN MILES 0.21 MILES 4. DETAILED LOCATION OF PROJECT BURNETT STREET FROM 2nd AVENUE SOUTHERLY TO 4th AVENUE 5. TYPE OF WORK: IMPROVEMENT 6„ TRAFFIC VOLUME ADT 4250 VEHICLES PER HOUR 177 7. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK Approximately 3465 square yards of Asphaltic concrete pavement, 2500 feet of curb. 1340 cubic yards excavation, 925 cubic yards Sub- base Ballast, and 582 cubic yards of Base Courses. 8. PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COST $ 30,524.80 One-half cent gas tax funds $ 22893.60 Matching funds ( at least 25,0 of Estimated cost ) $ 7,631.20 9. SUPPORTING INFORMATION ATTACHED 10. CONTRACT Respectfully submitted, MAYOR APPROVED: Date: •,4.-. '/ /403 Distr.'ct One State Aid Engr. F4 vig-..e., ....... _ ..... , __,____________.4' _ • 04e. _ __ _ _______ ____,,.4 I i c _ 1-10t..4.-- / I/ „ - I Z TOP COORE" C.0 MPA.C.TE-C) DE-27..; 5/8 IV1 t KkU S.> 3E.EL COR t=', E.1.Alt.• 1 .2_ Az" BASG- C 4,UR c...t,E CON1C--)A.C.TEL: ' E•P"'"-; \/ " MtWJ$ (-)c it...\._a.. ._ / ' \/7_ .. STk\k,1DARD STREET SE CT 1 ON OF Gt. R. TRC ! 1 I IT 0" t R R TRA.LK -s- _ 1 „..... ____ .4.____ 1 1 , ..., -- "C” CURB SE-.E- DE,TA1L_ --i- — -----411___---&_______ _-------C' — tY1.----. 17li: } SC...ALS- livz - r 0" T Y P I C. 4,1_ STT c---,E C 7 \ 0 . TNP \ Ck\--. s ... s ----, TYPE " C.: CURB .. , I P.AD tU S W 5/2: 1 '" 1 / ( G \ <1 h 414 / Ps. L /= 1(:Z.NI: iCi: GE:3' i ri li. 1/ ° II I 4- f 4 :i I ., I" -13A.---T TER. ' 4 ,, .,si kY1 . on tn LI 1 ., .,-.. - . I „ 1 A i _ t 74 I ' R../zs•JADlUS ,, . . , g• ---f- (.% .c. - 4.. 4 ,.. ! .. p p 4 , 4 ta I 4 a. A A. - - A ,••• • 4 A 4 [4*- , Li t o -4-1 Citaiiim.....c TYPICA,L. lc -.- E ,... 1:Z r...41,: a1.4i .__i___.L,g,....IF.: JIL. (-4.__E i /z.•.., I .7__..... _ --a CAE I ft." •-r, V—Co" CITY OF RENTON ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 3URNETT ST IMPROVEMENT a taQ AVE NUE. TO 4 -k AVENUE , . DRAWNC...±4_,- OATE0--)..1ANL.13 FILE NO __,....... rI SCALE.A-7,:)._.51-140-161N ?lime 110001C_ _-...rmilt— t -4- , • , __A _ . I 5 / / oN\on Fl En , • 1 I 1 v• - -..z. - A I i 2 P 0 Rr ....• I 1 L let/A-Y 4,.' N 0 72.•:' 3is14 15116, 17 in1 2.'5 4:.,.5.-.‘6I 7i:....8 : . '', i rf i:-!:• C ,& 1‹11 rErg,ffanili EMMVMII N11M111 M1111I _ 5, .'. . 2 \ 0 11.1_ 9 i0 .- 1 1.- It 1 11 rum EN, TO 8/NI AVE 11 . TOBIN AVE - milkhh MI NM Cal\ MI Illi IM 1 2 I I 7 ix f A _ i t -11. 61,44-In 579,,,) ir:r. ==in ONES lik* N rot loto .•. ,3 1 zo 111111111 01. 3 _it MEM MIN . 7 7 -::i. 4 17 1111.11111 IMMI Ili _{ 3, -2, 4 5 z s_Lb_ ,MIIIII MEM= Whirray. is MEM MINIM allr4.44 116N SEN/OR JU R 4 . '..:::. EIMUIM H MEM FP1 HIGHI H 3 o3 : . 8 - 44 4 N... SC.1400 L. SCH OL. z....la •••• 5 a 49411612 1 a li 11111117011113 i I ...i 10 11 9 10 1111111CF `0 MEM 4 5 4, __4--- _ NO AV E .0%-., ,..1 1 20 1-----27 1 :1 7-.20 Mill 19 MIN= ------... 0A- 3 = MEI 54 312 1 .,, e, .....: ' .7.4 2 19, 2 19 Z : 19 HMI Min 1111111113 -..... ‘5,-----_,-..z.....: MI II 6 7 : -12 - 3 le 3 IS 3 : - 113 rill MIE11,:=PW/1 -..-_.-41 7-..„ .79 17 1.• 4: 17 • 111119 inIMINMIEI ....f 4 4-•••s---.4111.1 6 5 (1, - 13; • 4 17 1..:4 1 .• V i girl CMNIEr . - /ix) 7--...-:- ' 4 5 : '.• ' . 5 .C.__14.,ln 5_ 2 2_1st kr)5 'A3 16 • a 2 I " 15 6.• / 15 Mil rdIFI MIL' is 4. -----z-?7,:i; 3 .• ‘, ` : 14' 7 14 • ••••• 14 HMI 11111 P" _ 1 4 cimi _ 10 4-- 1-...(5',,,/.5.,. ---..., 17 II 8 ,„. 13 8 2 13 EMI OLT. ••••.- tx 9 12 : a . 5 b 7 MIN • I 2 ' .4 9 I I 1- It lo ii .. le It 11211IP oe/. Or AI 3 Rt, , AVE .' '...• -,-- -- 4. 5 4 3 2. 1 454321 65 4 321 alit =NM MEM•-•ffilin =IEEE! 1=3111121 EMIVP/9 I :t4 i . , =NM IMMO Pr" 2 17 AMIN 7 24 7 24 7 24 Mil illinI "21---- , it a 23, 13 23 8 23 El 23 . 6 :: 4 IIIIIMID 0.00,AidOW 3 PL 1.-7---1---3 I-1-- 9 • 9 22, 9 22 CM 22 Iv- .MIIIIIEI. .-- --•---------- 10 21 10..- 21 10 21 10 i MI - 12 rAl L0E1171118 5____ 4 II 20 11: ; 20 II 20 '. 11 .....• 3 1 t 10 6 7 14 A" En . 12 19 12•••-• 19 12 19 1„. 12 19 t I to Rell MOM -, 8 IS 13 la 13: \ is 13 is"•,,triMi MIT - , ' 14 17 14'• .'.. CPPri 2 L an EIIIIMIEU 8 MIL tz 111 0 I-1.- 1"--•\ 75 i... Is_..., t4 15 16 13111. Cr" , 4TH .401:" • 3 • 11113 MIMI ,9 AV E /i MN It \ T---- 2A Cell puu pep goo „..- i .. zo i 20 1 ZO 1 ZO III III„I-11111/ 17. 2 19 2; ' 19 2 15 2 - 19 F. 1 10 Ii1=1 MD 7 pr I 3 18.kr.1 3.••-:j 18(n. 3 06 18 3 /8 5 20 1:11.411.EI MP P12. ill 4 17< 4 17...I 4 __1 17 ••••., 1 ....1 4 I/ , a 19 CAM 111E3 pPP-.0./. ggi • lij 5 z 7 16 q 5 1 9 ik 114 5 1 lb •‘. ••-.. 1 --.1 5____.5___ _ 7 la MEI =1711 • MU 6 is' 6 is....._ 6 15, 11_ IT MEI SP° i:•":. 2 1 EIIIP I 7 14 7 . 14 Z 7 14 9 __ um 3ginr„,) 1 -..., 8 13 8 13 L11 reuw-111MI \ \8 UW4 MED -8 - it, ____A ir, 8 13 i,..-----4---- II 4 .. j-0:1 111:11.1 NIKO rn 9 __13 9 , 1? 4 12 9---' -- _ 24. 10 I 12 .• ••••• . 4. 5 TF-1 UM MEM''',1 io st -«..,..,so II 10 II to II . ..' AVE _ i •.••; z4 ti 24 I 1 21 I 1 20".. . 1 20 MN 20 1 20 - 00040 ...i.,_•.---"' 19 1.... 3 : 22 ti) .34 22,'1 3 22 3 la. ...?: 3 la memo 3 211 Cit 4 21 4 17 LC 24 5 201 14,1,5 _ Zo, 4 11 -'' 4 --.----I..-,7 4 A '-‘11011116116•01 - lb(C)b • teL. il cx ._, I.,4 5 is 7 ..... ' A Qj l', "el'. CITY OF RENTON 1.... s '4 L 8 *4- 1.1 1 -. .c•i•6 ,I. 7 13-`9 •:. 12 10•:-: 1 ._ J. 15,7, ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT i0 ii " •: • . " __4 _ , G177 AV E I -- - , . . 201 --2-1 7-1- VICINITY MAP )\ 2 3 . 4 ,., 5 1 i9 ----4----41 BURNETT ST IMPROVEMENT \ 4 5T 3 6 MAW :. • = --. \ 5 e„.., ,• MEN \ b'-' 1- ., • LIMEEI 4, •••.• I---7-'‘ 2 0 41/4\/ E t•-.1 Li TO 4-1--t AV E N U E 7 00 a ... 7 UMW ,-----..1 \ 8 _2114 , .-- I 9 1k 1 ' : • 1 / • - -1-11 DRAWN P.C. --1+. DATErAM.le) 15 c23_ FILE NO. AVE- 1 c HECKED _ _ SCALE_1"__"1 400' FIELD BOOK PAG E_____ 1 , •mein sir,. \V-L IrJeZe.-. \...,), ) .4•14.1...4"%, . 1 BURNETT STREET IMPROVEMENT Supporting Data For Burnett Street (1) Project Location This project is located on Burnett Street between 2nd Avenue and 4th Avenue. This project is approximately 800 feet long. (2) Class of Street Primary Arterial --- Central Business Collector in high density Central Business Area. This street is designated a Primary Arterial by the City of Renton. This improvement is part of the City's Six Year Street Program. (3) Existing Facilities Burnett Street is the main North - South Arterial for the Central Business District. This street is divided by Rail- Road Tracks, and a 30 foot strip of land under private ownership. The present condition of the improved portion of Burnett Street is poor. Serious traffic congestion exists at both the 3rd and 4th Avenue Intersections. (4) Proposed Improvement Excavate to depth of 14 inches and replace with 8 inches of select ballast, 22"-l* minus crushed rock; 12"-5/8 minus crushed rock and 2 inches of class B asphaltic concrete. Also purchase the 30 foot strip of land mentioned above for street right of way purposes. Full traffic control will be installed. (5) Comments Burnett Street, because of its poor alignment, is presently not being utilized to its fullest extent. Realignment would pro- vide a more direct traffic flow North and South within the Central Business District. Future plans include an extension South to the Talbot Hill residential area, and an extension North to the Boeing Industrial Area. The present traffic counts do not reflect the use this street will experience upon ultimate development. Due to the clearance required for the railroad and the existing curb and sidewalk on the East side of Burnett Street, it is not possible, without going to considerably more expense, to provide the recommended width of 24 feet for the North bound lanes. Therefore a variance is requested to allow a 21.5 foot section. Since this is within the core area of the City, Speed Limits will be such that this lane width should be adequate. a • • • • • . • Doefamb*r 27 1961 • • • Wasimacton State Highway *Como±c,sion Departmapt of- Hlghways 6421 Co=on Avenue Seattle Wah1-44f,ton • AttentIon: Mr. P. 3, kic,!1<h3Y, • D],stviet Engineer Celltieulenz • • Ellelesed hwith C.A.ty of 11Dilton, Washthgton Reso1u.t1.64 adoptlng a.d rnti.* ti , tho CIty of RontonYs ewnrehells'Ive plan Eor the constructionp ivIpzovelacint trW of ax:toriai highways, (2v/do-Aced - by E.,chlbit "IV attadhed hereto. along with• raup cnitic E-gbibit copies o-f said Resblution po:ct:tfied this date' by the City Clerk of the CityyI Rento , Xing Couvity,,, Ma9hIngtoa. • ' ore very truly, • • CITY OF RENTON • . , • • . . • . • By Heimii, W. 1o1sonp • City Clerk • • 111111,/clo. • • • • • Ery,losurQS • - ec,3, r.f..,ty O. Nesbitt • • StClte- ALd Eiroer • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CITY OF RENTON ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS & ARTERIAL STREETS EXHIBIT "A9e RESOLUTION NO. JJ DATE: > DESIGNATION OF STREETS: The following streets and portions thereof between the points named and at the points named are hereby designated as arterial highways and arterial streets within the City of Renton: (1) Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5): From the West City Limits to the South City Limits. (2) Sunset Highway West (P.S.H. `�): From the West Cit Limits to Rainier Avenue (P.'".H.'T . 5). Third Avenue: From Rai i J., .a,7a_ae J Street. (4) Main Street: From the in;e_a.: ,6 _." c:.:ti 3Y Qti°ady Way and Benson Road (S.S.H. 5-0) 5:;_p s:,;°.. ,;o;:. Way. (5) Bronson Way and Bronson "`` :,-;k:u: From the intersect ion of Main Street and Second A°; e%ue the intersection of Sunset Highway(P.S.H. No. 2✓; alld the Maple Valley High- way (P.S.H. No. 5). (6) Maple Valley Highway (P.5.i. No. 5)t From the intersection of Bronson Way North and Sans.et Highway (P.S.H. No. 2) ti c the East City Limits. (7) Sunset, Highway (P.S.H, No. 2): :+{ma the intersection of Bronson Way North and the Maple Valley Highway (P.S@H. No. 5) to the Northeast City Limits. (8) Airport Way: From Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) to Logan Street. (9) Second Avenues From Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) to Bronson Way. (10) Logan Streets From Third Avenue to Sixth Avenue North. (11) Sixth Avenue North: From Logan Street to Park Avenue (Lake Washington Blvd.) (12) Park Street (Lake Washington Blvd.): From Bronson Way to the North City Limits. (13) Seventh Avenue: From Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) to Grady Way. /� Page 2 (]1 ) Grady Way (S.S.H. No. 1-L): From intersection of Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) and Renton Junction Way to the inter- section of Main Street and Bronson Road (S.S.H. 5-C). (15) Renton Junction Way (S.S.H. 1-L): From the west City Limits to the intersection of Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) and Grady Way. (16) Benson Road (S.S.H. 5-C): From the intersection of Grady Way and Main Street to the South City Limits. (17) Talbot Road: From Benson Road (S.S.H. 5-C) to the South City Limits. (18) Scuth. 180th Street: From Rainier Avenue (F.S.H. No. 5) to the West Valley Highway (S.S.g. 5-=M). (19) West Valley Highway (S.S.H. f,.•-M): F em South 180th Street to the North City Limits. (20) Fourth Avenue North.: Fr'x... Lop,ai Street to the intersection .. of Factory Street and Third P1aoe. (21) Third Places From the intersectio::. of Factory Street and Fourth Avenue North to Third Avenue North. (22) Third Avenue North:1:ran Williams Street North to the inter- section of Monterey Drive and Fourth Avenue North. (23) Williams Street and Willians Street North: From Grady Way to Sixth Avenue North. (24) Wells Street and Wells Street North: From Grady Way to Sixth Avenue North. (25) Third Avenue Extension: From the intersection of Monterey Drive and Fourth Avenue North to its terminus with Fourth Avenue North and aMo Street. (26) Fourth Avenue North: From Sunset Highway (P.S.H. No, 2) to the East City Limits. (27) "N" Street: From Fourth Avenue North to 12th Avenue North. (28) 12th Avenue North: Sunset Highway (P.S.H. No. 2) to "M" Street. (29) 116th Avenue S.E.: From its intersection with the Sunset Highway (P.S.H. No. 2)' to S.E. 97th Street. (30) 112th Avenue S.E.: From its intersection with the Sunset Highway (P.S.H. No. 2) to S.. 97th Street. Page 3 (31) S.E. 97th Streets From 116th Avenue S.E. to the North City Limits. (32) S.E. 94th Streets From 100th Avenue S.E. to the East City Limits. (33) 100th Avenue S.E.s From. Park Avenue (Lake Washington Blvd.) to S.E. 94th Street. (34) Talbot Road Extensions From Grady Way to Talbot Road. (35) Langston Roads From Sunset Highway (P.S.H.` No. 2) to the West City. Limits. (36) Renton Avenues From Rainier A i ei i i (P.S.H. No. 5) to the West City Limits. (37) 12th Avenue Norths From 116th. avenue S.E. to Sunset Highway (P.S.H. No. 2). (38) 90th Avenue Southo From Renton Avenue to South. 128th . .. . Street. (39) 88th Place Souths. From South 128th. Street7to the West City Limits. (40) Burnett Streets From Grady Way to Proposed Connection with Logan Street. (41) Walla Walla Avenues From MainStreet to Mill Street. . (42) Mill Streets' From Walla Walla Avenue to Bronson Way. 9.,1.1.2...L112...U. I._ E O. nATE v:ASIMGTON) cAftzrz 14:1K Pc-ciolber 1.9* 1961 ItetatoNo,Lson,5.. t :Ly 1tAct.541%. City Ci : oiT City et' litar.toN OuotV1, thy thct tlitt ROoltitton lb: 4 'ow tiad T_143,xte1 copy 'of ;.,!1011.12e1.0;11 1320012i, kalv :2"Amton/ 417.1**,,to fi34 in tato: ite..Qt4.5. tboffl City. C1o4,-, in saiO City*: 4s 6.41110 wao auiy avd iv1y4dopt6d*. pO.r.x)6, Ah0 grip).7 ,v*.a0):Vh 4th aoy-a btc401setv :10aA. Vii.E14nro 1.3,n7i. .?. IterPr.r.to f_ki-4 Ilati4 ro10, 'the Ofeiclal (1 ‘ -t443 CiV ' f ii, gE •Dirothbort, 19-(1: 12) 4. / • • a_elab r 19, 1961 • • • 114.0.: .f q.,eP `Itatc Ib.ghW ty Cor':1ip,Sio' - . Celper.Sai + o? Hig iway{ • •" - 43yiLAvenue . - . ' -t cn oar Hr. P. J. H6Yay, Die: t: Engineer : - : ' ,. . .. . . , _ • Re: S xl Vf.at gunprehensive Street Program, -- City a Renton, Waehix oxo . • ' -. The City o inton,• Icing Como, Washing atm, herewith tsubn ',t a two (2) . - - Certi oa copies of Resolution 'Mo. 1120, passed by the' W 1 . Counc l on • Deect bor 17,, 1961, adopting and ,ratifying,at-Otehed Six Year Street- Pro -1 i, 1. pitrsurrit to qui ants'o2 Chapter 195 of tht 1961 Sasaion• • . • ' • L'u o the State. Wahntn,. . . • .. • . ears very itLy, . . CITY or UE 0 . . • • . _: • 'ay feiride ti. .Nelson, .. - City Clerk . • • Enclosures . . , . . -, cet Roy 0. Iletbitt, Dist. State Aid Engineer ' J. WW; 1sor, Renton- City Engineer . (1) Chapter 7, Laws 1961 Extraordinary Sessic Drovides 1/2 cent additional fuel tax to cities and towns . This act provides that the pro- ceeds of this one-half cent of additional tax and tha matching funds of twenty-five percent of the cost of the project shall be used exclusively for construction, improvement and repair of arterial highways. (2) Chapter 164, Laws of 1949 - RCW 35.7$.010 provides that each munici- pal corporation shall classify and designate city streets as major arterials, secondary arterials and access streets. We suggest that the matter of your major and secondary arterials be given considerable consideration as this designation is required for construc- tion purposes. Two copies of a map or other document indicating your arterial 'systems shall be submitted through the District Engineer, Department of Highways, where your city is located. The following definitions for "Construction, " "Improvement" and "Repair"' will apply for projects financed with funds provided for by the above Act: CONSTRUCTION: Is the building of a street, a portion of . a street or a facility that did not previously exist. It may takeplace on a new right of way or an old right of way when the new standards or construction is so much higher than the old that it virtually wipes out the previous improvement. IMPROVEMENT: Can be classified as a betterment and could consist of adjust- ments or additions to a street which more than restores it to its former good condition and which results in better traffic serviceability without major changes in the original construction. The following examples may be classified as an improvement : The widening of a roadbed, a pavement, a bridge, channel or an embankment, the leng- thening of a culvert, the strengthening of a bridge, the flattening of a cut or fill slope, the installation of traffic control devices, the first installation of signals, signs and street illumination, addition of curbs and gutters, storm drains, catch basins and other undertakings of this nature which add value to the existing facility or structure. REPAIR: May be described as a replacement, the rebuilding of a street., a part of a street or a structure that has worn out in use or has been destroyed or damaged. The type of construction employed in the new work may be the same as was used in the original construction or it may be of a higher type. The following examples may be classified as "Repair" : Placing of new crushed surfacing material in sufficient quantity to sub- stantially increase in thickness of surfacing material beyond that origi- nally constructed for more than 10 percent of the surface area. While the word "Maintenance" does not appear in the Act providing for the expenditure of the 1/2 cent fuel tax, we would describe this type of work as the preservation and upkeep of. a street, including all of its elements, in as nearly its original or as constructed or as subsequently improved condition as practicable to provide satisfactory, safe and economical high- way transportation. Maintenance should include all of the routine work of repairing and preserving roadway surfaces, shoulders and ditches or curbs, drainage structures, bridges, tunnels, grade separations, slide removal, snow and ice control, traffic line painting, signs, signals and roadway patching. The above description is made only to differentiate from repair that part of the work which should be maintenance. (3 ) Chapter 164, Laws of 1949 - RCW 35.7$.020 provided for the creation of a design standards committee, the adoption of uniform design standards for major arterials and secondary arterials. Each city or town project will be checked to determine that the proposed work meets the design standard for the type of arterial involved. - 1 - 9 ` The design standards as approved by the design standards committee and sub- mitted to the city officials in 1950 will apply. These standards provide for street widths for major arterial streets and secondary arterial streets. Bridge widths, loading and vertical clearance is also covered. The city or town cannot proceed with a project if the project does not meet these standards without prior approval from the state. The request to de- viate from the standards must include sufficient justification to warrant the deviation. Three copies should be submitted by the city engineer or other city official. (4) RCW 35.78.040 provides that the governing body of the several municipal- ities shall apply the uniform design standards so adopted to all new constru- ction on major arterial or secondary arterial streets and to reconstruction of old such streets as far as practicable. No deviation from such design standards as to such streets shall be made without approval of the assistant state director of highways for state aid. (5 ) Section 12, Chapter $2, Laws of 1943 - RCW 35.21.260 provides for a report from each city or town. This report is to be made on forms provided the state and shall include such information as to enable the Director of Highways to compile an annual report. (6) Section 5, Chapter 164, Laws of 1949 - RCW 35.21.270 provides that the city engineer or the city clerk of each city or town shall maintain records of the receipt and expenditure of all moneys used for construction, repair or maintenance of streets. i4To assist in maintaining uniformity in such records, the Division of Munici- pal Corporations, with the advice and assistance of the Department of High- ways, shall prescribe forms and types of records to be so maintained. " It is expected the present forms in use will provide sufficient information to enable the Director of Highways to compile an annual report, however, it will be necessary to give a breakdown of the expenditure of the 1/2 cent arterial fund which will indicate the amount of the expenditure of this fund along with the matching funds used. A sample form is attached indicating a suggested mannerin which the expendi- tures of this fund can be shown. However, if you desire you can use a sep- arate form to indicate the expenditure of each fund. The expenditure of other street funds can be shown in the same manner as in previous years. The Division of Municipal Corporations will advise you relative to the manner in which the records are to be maintained. (7) ROW 47.24.040 provides that all funds accruing to the credit of incor- porated cities and towns in the motor vehicle fund shall be paid monthly to such incorporated cities and townsandshall, by the respective cities and towns, be placed in a fund to be designated as "city street fund" and dis- bursed as authorized and directed by the legislative authority, as agents of the state, for proper street purposes. The DivisionofMunicipal Corporations will advise you in detail in regard to the designated fund to be used and accounting procedures. We are advised that the one-half cent additional fuel tax will be forwarded monthly to the cities and towns by a warrant separate from your other motor vehicle allotments. (8) Chapter 195, Laws of 1961 provides that the legislative body of each city and town shall prepare and adopt .a comprehensive street program for the ensuing six years and shall file the same with the Director of Highways. Two copies of this plan are required and shall be submitted through the Dis- trict Engineer, Department of Highways. In order to properly administer the additional funds, the cities and towns must submit a request for approval for each project. Attached are sample forms to assist you in this submission. This request should be submitted in triplicate through the District-.Engineer, Department of Highways. (9) ROW 47.08. 100 provides that the Highway Commission from time to time shall make an investigation of expenditures from the city street fund to determine that no unauthorized illegal or wrongful expenditures are being made or have been made. The penalty and methods of correction are also out- lined. - 2 - SAMPLE Supporting date for N.W. 78th Street "Improvement' Project : Project Location This project is located on N.W. 78th Street from the intersection Albion Avenue to Grand Boulevard, a distance of 0.35 mile. Existing Facility The present street has a P.C.C. surface 16 feet wide with L. foot gravel shoulders. The alignment and gradient is good, being on a tangent with a maximum gradient of 1.5 percent. The existing P.C. C. surface is in fair con- dition with only occasional cracks and settlements. The storm sewer is existing and adequate for this proposed construction. Proposed Improvement The proposed construction provides for the widening of N.W. 78th Street to a 38 foot roadway width, curb to curb. The widened section will be surfaced with 8'" minimum depth of S.R.B. and crushed surface top course 2'" compacted depth. A 2''' leveling course and a 1-2"' wearing surface of asphaltic concrete Class "B" is proposed for the full width of roadway. P.C.C. curbs 6" wide will be constructed on both sides of the roadway for the full length of the project. P.C.C. sidewalks are proposed. on each side of the street, to be paid for by the adjacent property owners. A street illumination project is proposed under a separate contract. Comments and Recommendations The construction of this section will complete the arterial route to accept- able standards for the traffic volume estimated at 1,600 DHV (Design Hour Volume ) for 1975, 0-5% commercial vehicles, left turns and parking permitted in an outlying district with bus stops. There are no existing railroad grade crossings within the limits of this project. N.W. 78th Street is a Secondary Arterial serving as a connecting street in an outlying district. The construction of this street to accommodate a higher vehicular capacity is necessary in order to maintain a satisfactory. movement of traffic. SAMPLE Supporting data for lath Avenue South Street ''Repair" Project : Project Location This project is located 500 feet west of Central Boulevard where lath Avenue South crosses Sleepy Hollow Gulch. Existing Facility Fourth Avenue South crosses Sleepy Hollow Gulch on a fill approximately 15 feet in height over a P.C.C. 60" culvert pipe. The street is surfaced with asphaltic concrete pavement 24 feet in width with 8 foot shoulders surfaced with a bituminous surface treatment, all on 5" of crushed surfacing base and top course aggregates. The recent heavy rainfall has caused a failure in the fill and culvert pipe resulting in a washout, leaving a gap in the street approximately 75 feet long. The street is closed to traffic which is being detoured via other streets around the obstruction. Proposed Improvement It is proposed to salvage the 60" P.C. C. sulvert pipe, replace the pipe on suitable foundation, add a 30" P. C. C. sulvert pipe parallel to the 60" pipe, and replace the fill and surfacing to its original condition. Comments and Recommendations Due to the emergency nature of this proposal, an early approval will be appreciated. In order to eliminate the time required to contract this work, it is proposed to accomplish these repairs by day labor. RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 12, 1961 The regular meeting of the Banton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCILMEN: Dullahant, Reid, Malgarini, Pinkerton, Vietzke, Garrett, Trimm, Johnson, Poli and Bruce, Moved by Bruce, seconded by Pinkerton, that absent Councilman Delaurenti be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief, Clarence Williams, Acting Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Marvin Schroeder, Supt. of Utilities, Gene Coulon, Sup't. of Parks & Recreation and David Jensen, Planning Director. Moved by Poli, seconded by Johnson, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 7117 $ 1,200.00 Kie L. Chinn 509 Third Avenue Install New Awning 18 150.00 Robert Edwards 92 Rainier Avenue Sign 19 12,000.00 Roger Peterson 10514-113th Ave. S.E. New Residence 7120 312.00 Gateway Homes, Inc. 821 "J" Street Wire Residence 21 2,150.00 Lawrence E. Dickey 416 Earlington St. Basement 22 300.00 Wm. Graves 10275 "I" Street Wire Residence 23 350.00 Renton Shop. Center Rainier Avenue Incinerator 24 240.00 Loyd Peterson 10508-113th S.E. Wire Residence 7125 3,000.00 Richard Wolf 8816 So. 131st Repair Fire Damage 26 175.00 LaVerne Peterson 607 "H" Street Foundation P 27 2,900.00 Renton Auto Brokers 12351 Rainier Ave. Move Bldg., 28 10,500.00 Joe Mance 9420 So. 173rd =-Tew •Residence' 29 10,500.00 Joe Mance 9414 So. 173rd New Residence- 7130 11,000.00 Wayne D. Hills 3409-12th Ave. North New Residence PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: 4401 William Craves 10275 "I" Street Plumbing Fixtures 02 Gateway Homes 821 "I" Street Plumbing Fixtures 03 Joe W. Mance 17216 - 94th Ave. S. Plumbing Fixtures 04 Lloyd Peterson 10508-113th Ave.S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 4405 M. A. Christensen 1035 "L" Street Plumbing Fixtures 06 D. Moran 425 So. Wells St. Heating Equipment 07 Richard Petterson 10915 - 110th Pl.S.E. Heating Equipment 08 Roy Cope 10609-S.E. 100th St. Heating Equipment 09 Homer Cregan 1133 Davis St. Heating Equipment 4410 Matthew C. Laush 220 Pelly Street Heating Equipment 11 Humble Oil Co. 2225 Maple Valley Rd. Plumbing Fixtures 12 Lawrence F. Dickey 416 Earlington St. Plumbing Fixtures 13 Bryant Motors 1300 Bronson Way Gas Installations 14 Heppenstall Homes, Inc. 825 "I" Street Plumbing Fixtures 4415 Heppenstall Homes 825 "I" Street Heating Equipment 16 Armstrong Const. Co. 10275 "I" Street Heating Equipment 17 Myers Oil Company 105 Rainier Ave. No. Gas Installations 18 Salomon (G. Petrucelli) 652 "O" Street Gas Installations HEARINGS: This being the date set, the Hearing was opened on the matter of Estab- lishing City of Renton Arterial Highway and Arterial Street Improvement Plan and a Six Year Co^?prehens=•.}e Street P2P71. . The Clerk read communications from the City Attorney advising that the two should be considered together since the use of the money provided for in Chapter 7 should be considered conjunction with the compre- hensive street plan specified in Chapter 195. _ 7 P -1- HEARINGS: (Continued) 12-12-1961 Arterial Street and Highway Improvement Plan and Six Year Comprehensive Street Program. The City Attorney pointed out outlines and requirements to be followed by the Engineering Department under Chapter 7 and other RCW information related to the program. Communications were read from the City Engineer submitting proposed Arterial Plan and proposed Six Year Street Program, which programs were also read,designating streets and type and estimated cost of improvements.(Copies of proposals are attached as though fully set forth herein with copies to. Council.) The Mayor asked if" the audience wished to address the Council. As there was no comment forthcoming therefrom, Council discussion followed and it was pointed out that the proposed plans must be submitted to the State Highway Department by the first of January and that any revisions would be in order at any time by Resolution. Moved by Johnson, seconded by Malgarini, to adopt the two plans as prepared by the City engineer with referral to the Ordinance Committee for the proper Resolution. Carried. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Hearing be closed. Carried. The Mayor declared the Hearing closed. This being the date set, the Hearing on Establishing a City of Renton Municipal Court, continued from November 7, 1961, was declared open. The Clerk read a letter from the Mayor advising that the Mayor and City Council have been invited to attend a meeting on Thursday, December 14, 1961 at 8:00 p.m. to discuss the setting up of a new Justice Court District. An Ordinance relative to the proposed Justice Court for the City had been placed on its first reading in November and the matter subsequently referred to the Council As A Whole. Councilman Pinkerton, President of the Council, reported that the Council as A Whole Committee had met with the Attorneys and it was their recommendation that the Ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Malgarini, the recommendatibn be "referred to the Ordinance Committee for consideration. Carried. Moved by Malgarini, seconded by Reid, that the Hearing be closed inasmuch as there was no further comment from tie assembly. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: This being the date set, the following bids were opened and read for the purchase of one Used Michigan Loader for the Street Department: TOTEM EQUIPMENT COMPANY - Seattle - Used 1960 Model Including TAx, $ 6,012.32 PACIFIC HOIST & DERRICK - Seattle - Used 1960 Model Including Tax, 12,532.00 New Model Including Tax, 13,208.00 1955 or'56 Model - Including Tax, 8,824.00 Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the bids be referred to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. This being the date set, the following bids were opened and read for the purchase of the City's 1962 supply of Gasoline: UNION OIL CO. - Seattle - Royal 76 incl. tax 37,000 gals. Maximum $.259 gal. 7600 Gasoline 40,000 gals. " .228 gal. RICHFIELD OIL CORP. - Hi-Octane 400 gals. or more " .2143 Richfield 100 Premium " .2493 TIDEWATER OIL COMPANY - Flying A Regular " Net .2131 Flying A 100 Plus Premium " Net .2481 SIGNAL OIL COMPANY - Signal " Net .2193 Signal Ethyl 't Net .2543 SHELL OIL COMPANY - Shell 400 or more gals. to 50,000 Maximum .232 Super Shell '' .272 STANDARD OIL COMPANY - Chevron - Min gals per yr. 26,000 '! .2193 Chevron Supreme 24,000 H .2543 TEXACO, INC. Sky Chief Gasoline - 400 gals. or more 74 .2464 Fire Chief Gasoline " .212 Fire Chief .217, Sky Chief.2514 per gal for 40 to 399 gallons -2- NOTICE OF PUBLIC BE4RII,K1 . , RENTON:CITY COUNCIL . RENTON WASHINGTON . • . . .• . . A PUBLICi•LEARTI oil WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON CITY couNem AT ITS REOULAR DMETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAIZERS: CITY HALL, REWON* ON DECEMBER 12* 1961 AT 800 P. K.,.TO ,CONSIDER A SIX YEAR COITREBENSIVP•STREET PROGRX4 AS SPECIFIED 111,•CHAPTER.195 OF HE 1961 SESSION LAWS (COVERS AM.CITY .STREETS) •WHICH INCLUDES, THE'CITYIS PLAN FOR CONSTRUCTION IROVENT AND'REPAIR OF . DESIGN/MD ARTERIAL' HIGHWAYS. AS SJPECIFIED IN CHAP2ER 7, .EXTFAORDVAli7 SESSION LAWS OF. •. , ANY AM ja/ PERSONS' INTERESTED sTraoji. na,ROiltIENT PROGRAMS IE - UNWED TO BE ,PRESENT AT THE RENTON CITY aparcr., 1,WTING AT 8:00 P. N, ON DECEMER1?* 1961: OR FURTHER.. INFORMATION AND/OE TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR . ANY OBJECTIONS TO SANE, Imp.E W.. MESON CITY CLEW . , • DATE. OF. PUBLICATION: . E2yezni., 2J61 . . . . . • " CERTIFICATION • HEMBY CERTIFY THAT'THEE (3) COPIES OF THE ABM DOOIDENT WERE .POSTED BY 1E m. T A CONST PLACES CI --4...T.43 .-" AM ONE COPY WAS POSTED ATT}pl O HALL: RENTON.* WAs1-421.;IGTON ON PIWORDEDBY LAC.4. SIGNED - . ATTEST: „ _ , • :PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF •:, Ri.."!91.DING AT RENTON. • 1 . , . . . . . . . . . .. . . ; . . :. . . . . . . . . . ., • ( . , . . • '• . . , . . . . , . 110:Pratlir(t''• Vt,152,..-.V t4a41,113-Al • . . , . . . . , . . . 7:41747.1 0cf..)1741,11 . . . . .. . , , . EriM0110.;I1V14,1IZAI.1- • . . „ . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . It 1-711:1Z irstar4•Fir.14_, lare, r4114: DZ. •,TIM itz11:011. eri,ky, C07.4VV:,, AT rxs,itmtyLAV.,: mit717'.13, . ts 117;74, fnliw-jre 04Hx.va-a-3, ara P.47--.4'4 To.flOar--)04,. A 4141,'.V2.4•Z 051-:;11:1r.1.124".Z:fitS1.3.$47.31,7 1117,0Z2111 4:4'.›''' , : ' ' trtgrra 3: 01.1.07.f42. 195at, '218.1062.A4k-matla vus, ( Ckra,PIZ XL- Ong' STMtritge",,1),, , r,19:401t •11,1!'-aLIT43'f•l..71,11;; Clrityls, PLANM-1.1. C1c..ter,01'7) :".;;*'7,07417,';:lati: it;i4D•Pr-1)4.;„"r11 . ' 0,..-43..',47,2:41,„,T,TIT f,•g_iti-t*':,t.:2,02., 11,111417,1,a3 44 04.M.7.1.V.41 :,,i2I Ol,f4..,i7Ziltt 744 i7,-00,15,11PSIVAKte 1t..,t'IL'..4 e? 1,561* . . r . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . , • r r X.7447 Dc mi iictopr0 In 8,,Jm s5:1-=-2 ..t Iriminvy. mmitto. Am XnirriSr) 120 BE PEE0.111 A '.T.It-1IVi.70.P.,1 QTZT. COM,V,14,'..1rarsTIZ T. ,84,00.P Iiiii, (E1 . , rir'‘,011,4--M 11,•: 1941'Alll Etravgo ta,Ofr •-vivilel Avoiikt TOvozon wilm., Vagra'sx ott 11.7,1T c..154,2,Cra0.10 TO sa-Zi, , - , . -. •._ . . . . . . . . . - . 7.7rIvat 1-4, ii13180:1 . erot 07,&t,•?,,.• , . . . DATIL' (V. rtriracuvrtYgt, , , . . ., .,.. . . • . • . .,,,o):,:r,lior ;,-,7_,4,,L-4,7,.• ....1:11.t..,A,,,....4.,;,., •• . . . ,• 7'. . . .4-4414 '4***104,1,_ • . ,,,r. : . , , , _ •,...6,--,,.)- - -..zz-1311, cmt,,,,,i-17,7 Titiqi .4-,p-tro. (3) 0ciri,,,4t.•„,i, 0F 4., , . 4..„...:-: ... . L ....._ : •• ..„. • .."...,....,...„. , ...,, .,„..,„ .A.44.....,...., , Tilf: 1,0778' T=IPLVal•I''P.:41,1 VCXvivit':Vt•' Illi,' •ti, t:LIT13,71,' 0C41_7',10'..) r•, ,,,,. ,....fq%iv or. ,1,,,rn,,3,4-ti..t .fr-i.,,,,,,:_;.:.:,_,::,,:', ,;;;;:„.:,-„...„:".',.."...::::„-,4 V..:...,`,;`,V;.: „.0,L'iii %,..'.14'S.:1' 'W4:•-.1.:i•'V.V.i,,2 ;=r4i0:'...:'..i4L-$ a4, 4,x`i;;) 1/4.'#.24...r., LLail.44,4- :.,:.:44.4.4,NM, a il.11411),LrE,'-!X14, CV : ' /--4-71::: 7--- ' ' ' . Lon/ .. .0.1:11t.,=,14,1223D 13Z 1811. ' . . . • Aric7'41/2,1 . . - .- • / r - ZS Ana 17011 VIS 8TAgz• Cr.°•,? . - --wifl5E-at,:zi,i,t40: ,trzAccal 4.(i 1.1,%,,WI,* .• . • . . . •, - -•-,. . . . . . , . . • . i . December 12, 1961 Honorable Frank Alimentl-Mayor Members of the City Council Gentlemen: Attached hereto is a copy of the Proposed Arterial Plan for the City of Renton. Before the City can spend any of the excess gas tax appropriated for arterials, it is necessary that the City pass a resolution designating the arterial system and file same with the Department of Highways. The arterial plan is flexible and it can be revised at any time by resolution. The proposed plan has been reviewed by the Street and Alley Committee and the Planning Commission, and it is their recommendation, along with the Engineering Department, that this plan be adopted. Very truly yours, J k Wilson City Engineer CITY OF RENTON ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS & ARTERIAL STREETS EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. DATE: DESIGNATION OF STREETS: The following streets and portions thereof between the points named and at the points named are hereby designated as arterial highways and arterial streets within the City of Renton: (I) Raider Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5): From the West City Limits to the South City Limits. (2) Sunset. Highway West (P.S.H. No. 2): From the West City Limits to Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5). (3) Third Avenue: From Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) to Main Street. (4) Main Street: From the intersection of Grady Way and Benson Road (S.S.H. 5-C) to Bronson Way. (5) Bronson Way and Bronson Way North: From the intersection of Main Street and Second Avenue to the intersection of Sunset Highway (P.S.H. No. 2) and the Maple Valley High- way (P.S.H. No. 5). (6) Maple Valley Highway (P.S.H. No. 5): From the intersection of Bronson Way North and Sunset Highway (P.S.H. No. 2) to the East City Limits. (7) Sunset Highway (P.S.H. No. 2): From the intersection of Bronson Way North and the Maple Valley Highway (P.S.H. No. 5) to the Northeast City Limits. (8) Airport Way: From Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) to Logan Street. (9) Second Avenue: From Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) to Bronson Way. (10) Logan Street: From Third Avenue to Sixth Avenue North. (11) Sixth Avenue North: From Logan Street to Park Avenue (Lake Washington Blvd.) (12) Park Street (Lake Washington Blvd.): From Bronson Way to the North City Limits. (13) Seventh Avenue: From Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) to Grady Way. Page 2 A (14) Grady Way (S.S.H. No. 1-L): From intersection of Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) and Renton Junction Way to the inter- section of Main Street and Bronson Road (S.S.H. 5-C). (15) Renton Junction Way (S.S.H. 1-L): from the west City Limits to the intersection of Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) and Grady Way. (16) Benson Road (S.S.H. 5-C): From the intersection of Grady Way and Main Street to the South City Limits. (17) Talbot Roads From Benson Road (S.S.H. 5-C) to the South City Limits. (18 r�,Na ) South 180th Street: From Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) to the West Valley Highway (S.S.H. 5-M). (19) West Valley Highway (S.S.H. 5-M): From South 180th Street to the North City Limits. (20) Fourth Avenue North: From Logan Street to the intersection of Factory Street and Third Place. (21) Third Place: From the intersection of Factory Street and Fourth Avenue North to Third Avenue North. (22) Third Avenue North:From Williams Street North to the inter- section of Monterey Drive and Fourth Avenue North. (23) Williams Street and Williams Street North: From Grady Way to Sixth Avenue North. (24) Wells Street and Wells Street North: From Grady Way to Sixth Avenue North. (25) Third Avenue Extension: From the intersection of Monterey Drive and Fourth Avenue North to its terminus with Fourth Avenue North and "M" Street. (26) Fourth Avenue North: From Sunset Highway (P.S.H. No. 2) to the East City Limits. (27) "M" Street: From Fourth Avenue North to 12th Avenue North. (28) 12th Avenue North: Sunset Highway (P.S.H. No. 2) to "M" Street. (29) 116th Avenue S.E.: From its intersection with the Sunset Highway (P.S.H. No. 2)' to S.E. 97th Street. ( 0) 112th Avenue S.E.: From its intersection with the Sunset Highway (P.S.H. No. 2) to S.E. 97th Street. Page 3 (31) S.E. 97th Streets From 116th Avenue S.E. to the North City Limits. (32) S.E. 94th Streets From 100th Avenue S.E. to the East City Limits. (33) 100th Avenue S.E.s From Park Avenue (Lake Washington Blvd.) to S.E. 94th Street. (34) Talbot Road Extensions From Grady Way to, Talbot Road. (35) Langston Roads From Sunset Highway (P.S.H. No. 2) to the West City Limits. (36) Renton Avenues From Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) to the West City Limits. (37) 12th Avenue Norths From 116th. Avenue S.E. to Sunset Highway (P.S.H. No. 2). (38) 90th Avenue South From Renton Avenue to South. 128th Street. (39) 88th Place South From South 128th Street;,to the West City Limits. (40) Burnett Streets From Grady Way to Proposed Connection with Logan Street. (141) Walla Walla Avenues From Main Street to Mill Street. (Y 2) Mill Streets From Walla Walla Avenue to Bronson Way. December 12, 1961 Honorable Frank Aliment, Mayor Members of the City Council Gentlemen: Attached hereto is a copy of the Proposed Six Year Street Program. Legislation has been passed which requires all cities to adopt the Six Year Street Construction Programs and file same with the Department of Highways by January 1, 1962. This plan can be revised at any time, and, in any case, it has to be amended every two years so that the City at all times will have their Street Program projected for at least four years. This plan as presented, does not assign priority to any particular project; and the accomplishment of this plan would re- quire the passage of a Bond Issue for the larger projects. This proposed plan has been reviewed by the Street and Alley Committee. Very truly yours!, ack Wilson City Engineer • k • RESOLUTION NO. 1120. PASSED Dec. 12, 1961 REVISED BY RESOLUTION NO. .// 3 PASSED //Y$�� • I. MAJOR ARTERIALS (Continued d Page 21 • Exhibt "A" PROJECT LOCATION TYPE .OF- IMPROVE ENT ESTIMATED COST (8) • 2nd Avenue -® Rainier Avenue to Bronson Way . Traffic Control $ 15,000000 (9) Main Street . Grady Way to Bronson Way Traffic Control and. Storm • 289500000 • Sewers (10) ' 4th Avenue North A '"W Street to East City-Limits Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 63,000.00 and Storm Sewers 0111 Cemetery Road ® .3rd Avenue .North to "E" Street Storm Sewers 2,500000 (12) Burnett Street -2nd Avenue to 4th Avenue Curb and Gutter, Paving, Storm Sewers,. Acd istion of Right of ,Way and Traffic Control 30,000.00 TOTAL COST ESTIMATE MAJOR ARTERIALS $ 414,000.00 II. SECONDARY ARTERIALS PROJECT LOCATIOI, TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED COST (1) 3rd Avenue North m Burnett Street to Sunset Blvd. Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, $ 41,000.00 Storm Sewers and Traffic Control (2) "Nt1 Street = bth Avenue North to 12th Avenue North Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 126,500.00 and Storm Sewers (3) 12th Avenue North o 112th S.E. to ,'MU Street Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 95,500.00 Storm Sewers and Traffic Control (4) 116th Avenue S.E. m Sunset to S.E. 96th Street Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 126,000.00 and Storm Sewers (5) 112th Avenue S.E. ® Sunset to S.E. 97th Street Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 1 .5,000.00 and Storm Sewers (6) 7th Avenue o Grady Nay to Rainier Avenue Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 359500.00 Storm Sewers and Traffic Control (7) 90th Avenue South ® Renton Avenue to 88th Place South Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 31,500.00 and Storm Sewers (8) 88th Place South = 90th Avenue South to South 122nd St. Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 32,000.00 and Storm Sewers • r • t ' II, SECONDARY ARTERIALS (Continued - Page 2) . PROJECT LOCATION TYPE OF. IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED COST (9) Logan Street o 3rd Avenue to 6th Avenue North • Traffic Control 1,09000,00 (10) S.E. 97th Street - _116th Avenue S.E. to City Limits Curb and Gutter Sidewalks 439500,00 /;vikiG STcsP0M Sc-wC-mss (11) 100th Avenue S.E. - Park Avenue to S,E,. 94th Street 11 289500,00 (12) S.E. 94th Street - 100th Avenue S.E. to City Limits '1 249000,00 _7_(y3) Lb\.NG `-Ot t AVE-- ►1 47,700.00 TOTAL COST ESTIMATE SECONDARY ARTERIALS 78:42,,5O0.QO III. ACCESS STREETS PROJECT LOCATION TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED COST (1) Factory Street o Bronson Way to 4th Avenue North Paving and Storm Sewers $ 18,000.00 (2)"` "K" Street o 1L.th Avenue North to 12th Avenue North Storm Sewers 31,000.00 (3) "En Street - 4th Avenue North to Sunset Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 126,500,00 and Storm Sewers (4) "K" Street o Sunset to 10th Avenue North Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 12,000.00 and Storm Sewers (5) 4th Place ® Shattuck Street to Raiiier Avenue Curb and Gutter, SidewLks, :Paving, 68000.00 and Storm Sewers (6) Pelly Street v 1st Avenue North *o 6th Ave. North Paving 15,000.00 (7) 7th Avenue North ® Sunset to "N" Street Paving 2,000.00 (8) Edwards Street m Sunset to Rainier Avenue Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, and 469000.00 Paving t9) 7th Avenue d Edwards Street to Rainier Avenue Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving 9,000.00 and Traffic Control III. ACCESS STREETS (Continued d Page 2) PROJECT LOCA 10:x` TYPE OF IMPROVEMIT ESTIIUTATED COST (10) 10th Avenue North v Sunset to "II" Street Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, $ 479500,00 and Storm Sewers (11) Harris Place = Rainier Avenue to Hardie ; treet Curb and Gutter,, Sidewalks, Paving: 60500.00 and Storm Sewers (12) South 153rd = Rainier Avenue to 75th 4-T,. So. Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 80,000.00 and Storm Sewers (13) Garden Street v 4th Avenue No. to 8th Ave. No. curb and Gutter, Sidewalks,: Paving, 45,500000 and Storm. Sewers (14) 6th Avenue North m Garden Street to Park Street Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 7,,500.00 and Storm Sewers (15) Shattuck Street ® 3rd Avenue to 4th Place Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 14,000.00 and Storm Sewers (16) Lake Street e Airport Nay to 2nd Avenue Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving:, 37,000.00 Storm Sewers, Right-of=war, and Traffic Control. (17) Morris Street e 3rd Avenue to 4th Avenue Curb and Gutter, Paving,, and 7,500.00 Storm Sewers ebe.-0 • ACCESS STREETS (Continued- Page 3) PROT LOCATION OF rt-- T 113M- .TED COST _ (18) -Whitworth Street - 3rd Avenue to 1.1.th Avenue Curb and Guttzr5 Paving, And S 75500.00 Stor.n Severs (19) Sinithers Street - 3rd Avenue to 1.1_t'a Avenm P and Gutter5 Paving and 73500000 Stori Sellers (20) Burnett Street - 3rd Avenue to 4th Avenue Cu--,,b and Gitter, Paving5 and 75500,00 Storm :genera TOML COST YS -IW M ACCESS b•-v-rfRKTS 533.35CG.00 OREM TO7'. COST E399 FOR SIX.WAR Strfa76i22 afirRATF 4-1-31+.74t5ltarigg= 4--I;704,000 00 -- SIX YEAR STREET PROGRAM cl-Ty OF RENTOi A SHINGTON I. MAJOR ARTERIALS PROJECT LOCATION TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED COST (1) 3rd Avenue Extension d Sunset to 4th. . venue North Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, $ 136,000.00 Grading right-of-tray, Storm Sewers and Traffic Control (2) 4th Avenue North o Burnett Street to Park Street Widening o Curbs and Gutters, 32,500.00 Paving and Traffic Control (3) Airport Way o Rainier Avenue to Logan Street Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks and 10,000,00 Paving (4) Grady Why d Main Street to Rainier Avenue Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 48,000.00 Storm Sewers and Traffic Control (5) 3rd Avenue e Shattuck Street to Rainier Avenue Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 13,500.00 Storm Sewers and Traffic Control (6) Bronson Way = Main Street to Park Street Traffic Control 10,000.00 (7) Park Street - Bronson Way to 12th Avenue North Traffic Control 25,000.00 I. MAJOR ARTERIALS (Continued Page 2) PROJECT LOCA IUJ TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED COST (8) 2nd Avenue d Rainier Avenue to Bronson Way Traffic Control y 15,000.00 (9) Main Street - Grady Way to Bronson Way. . .Traffic Control and Storm Sewers 28,500000 (10) 4th Avenue North - "N" Street to East City Limits . Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 63,000.00 and Storm Sewers (i1) Cemetery Road - 3rd Avenue North to "E" Street Storm Sewers 2,500.00 TOTAL COST ESTIMATE MAJOR ARTERIALS - $ 384,000..00 r II. SECONDARY ARTERIALS PROJECT LOCATION TYPE OF IMPROVET NT ESTIMATED COST (1) 3rd Avenue North m Burnett Street to. Sunset Blvd. Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, p 41,000.00 Storm Sewers and Traffic Control (2) "M« Street — Ilth Avenue North to 12th Avenue North Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 126,500.00 and Storm Sewers (3) 12th Avenue North e 112th S.E. to "S'`" Street Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 95,500.00 Storm Sewers and Traffic Control (4) 116th Avenue S.E. ® Sunset to S.E. 26th Street Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 126,000.00 and Storm Sewers (5) 112th Avenue S.E. _ Sunset to S.E. 97th Street Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 145,000.00 and Storm Sewers (6) 7th Avenue ® Grady Way to Rainier Avenue Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 35,500.00 Storm Sewers and Traffic Control (7) 90th Avenue South - Renton Avenue to 88th Place South Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 31,500.00 and Storm Sewers (8) 88th Place South = 90th Avenue South to South 122nd St. Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 32,000.00 and Storm Sewers II. SECONDARY ARTERIALS (Continued - Page 2) PROJECT LOCATION TYPE OF IMPROVEMENTT - ESTIMATED COST (9) Logan Street - 3rd Avenue to 6th Avenue North Traffic Control $ 10,000®00 (10) S.E. 97th Street - 116th Avenge S.E. to City Limits Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks- 43,500600 . . PANING1-4 slow-4 SC. -S (11) 100th Avenue S.E. m Park Avenue to S.E. 94th Street t' 28,500,00 (12) S.E. 94th Street - 100th Avenue S.E. to City Limits U 24 000.00 -t;lS) _h..lOG Tod Cid(" Liti\ITS rr 47,5OO,00 TOTAL COST ESTIMATE SECONDARY ARTERIALS m 73'9„0{10,.g- - 7£C,;5aa,GO III. ACCESS STREETS PROJECT LOCATION TIFE OF I1 FROVEMENT ESTIMLTEL COST (1) Factory Street v Bronson Nay to 4th Avenue North Paving and Storm Sewers $ 189000,00 (2) "K" Street = 14th Avenue North to 12th Avenue North Storm Sewers 319000.00 (3) UEce Street e 4th Avenue North to Sunset Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 126,500.00 and Storm Sewers (4) "K" Street A Sunset to 10th Avenue North Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 12,000.00 and Storm Sewers (5) 4th Place = Shattuck Street to Rainier Avenue Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks9 ,Paving, 6,000.00 and Storm Sewers (6) Pelly Street - 1st Avenue North to 6th Ave. North Paving 15,000.00 (7) . 7th Avenue North ® Sunset to "NI" Street Paving 20000,00 (8) Edwards Street ® Sunset to Rainier Avenue Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, and 46,000.00 Paving (9). ` 7th Avenue - Edwards Street to Rainier Avenue Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving 9,000.00 and Traffic Control • III. ACCESS STREETS (Continue - Page 2) PROJECT :40 ATION :•, �E OF IMPROTMaT ES TED COST (10) 10th Avenue North - Sunset to ,ANY! Street Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, $ 47,500.00 and Storm. Sewers (11) Harris Place a Rainier A v n:ae to Hardie Street 0112± and Gutter, Sidewalks,, Paving; 6,500.00 and Storm Seers (12) South 153rd - Rainier Avenue to 75th Ave.. So. CS r— 1,nd Gutter,.. Sidewalks; Paving, 60,000.00 and Soren: Sews (13) Garden Street - Ith Avenue No. to 8th Ave. ado. curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 45,5O0.00 • and Storer,:.Sewers (i1 ) 6th Avenue North - Garden Street to Park S[eeet Guru and Gutter, Sidewalks, Paving, 7506.00 and Storm S:vers (15) Shattuck Street - 3rd Avenue to nth Place Garb and Gutter/ Sidewalks, Paving, 1 006.001 and Storm Sewers (16) Lake Street - Airport Way to 2nd Avenue Curb and Gutter, Sydew a, Paving, 37,,00.00 Storm Sewers,, Right-os-way and Traffic Control (17) Morris Street - 3rd Avenue to nth Avenue Curb and Gutter,. Pang;, and 79,500.00. Storm Sewers • III. ACCESS STREETS (Continued-, Page �=< ) PROJECT C T i F. TYPE F ,� n COST.0�. IN�I'P�O;Vi��,t`.�,11T1 EST��. tea; COSI. (18)' -Whitworth Street, ® 3rd. Avenue to 14.t Avenue Curb and Gutter,, Paving.,, and`. } 7,500.,00 :torn Sewers (19) Smithers Street e 3rd Avenue- t.. .4th Avenue O:urband. Gutter ter. Paving• and 7`,500),:0a Storm Sewers (20) Burnett Street m 3rd Avenue to Li.th Curb and; Gutter, Paving,, and 7',500.:00 - Storiu Sewers: TOTAL,COST: ESTIMATE; ACCESS STREETS: 53;3t,500:a00' • GRAND TOTAL COST ESTI? :TE., FOR. SIX YEARSTREET" PROGRAM }T,6I:6y1;uo40u - f,704/0OO:00 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEA-RIP RENTS CITY COUNCIL MiTON0 WASHINGTON •purlIC 1-18ARED.'ila4 BE DELD BY TIM RENON CD2Y: COUNCIL AT res REGULAR LMTING,,, IN T1-2 CCU-NOM 01-1.111,MERSi01ff FLAIL, RP.a.01,1* ON DECYLL313ER az, i961: AT s:OO P. ii. TO CONSIDER A.sv..yra. caorzolsrv-F, Egriw PROGRATsi AS aEcTs.z0 IN CI-1APMR 195 OF THE 1961 'SESSION IS (041 et suntwp,$) WHICH ECLUDES TIM c..7244 PLAN FOR CONSTRUCTION B.17.13:9N-2 Ak,TD RhVAIR IMIGNATED ARTERT.A.L HIGEILYS AS SPECIFIED IN CHO= 7 ElpaoRnx4w, =SION TAWS OF 1961, &12- AND ALL,PERSONS .I1VEIESTED I SAID4,45.7U. DriMOCTEliEn PROMOS AE INVITED TO DE PREMNT AT TIM RENTON CI COUNCIL METING AT a 00 P. N, ON DECELMER L2 1961 FOR M-21MR. INFORMITION arp/OR, TO VOICE. THEIR pRo.72q1.1 ge OBJECTIONS TO-SA,,M,•, HELM W. NELSON CITE CLERK DATE OF PUI3LICATIONt T 7:211,t_,Za/ HEREBY CERTVi. TM TIM (3) cqpi3s OF Ti ABan Dcouzrav WERE POSTED BY it IN TIM CONSPICUOUS PLIICE$ ON TIE- rrbcrz.::g. Aut) ONE CC WAS WAS POSTED AT THE CITY HAL.I4t, RENTON* WASHINGTOI‘,1* ON As MSCRIBED BY J. SIGNED ATICST;. 2 , NOT Y.:Kam IN AND FOR TIM STATE OF ,RESIDVG AT RENTON., • - , ! , P . ._ // CITY OF RENTON RENTON, WASHINGTON OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY November 16, 1961 Mrs. Helmie Nelson City Clerk City Hall Renton, Washington Dear Mrs. Nelson: We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 16, 1961 in which you inquire about Chapter 195, Laws of 1961 and Chapter 7, Extraordinary Session, Laws of 1961, both of which are concerned about the use of the half cent gasoline tax allocation to the City and the six year comprehensive street program, respectively. You, of course, realize that the two Chapters involved should be considered together since the use of the money provided for in Chapter 7 should be considered in conjunction with the comprehensive street plan specified in Chapter 195. We, therefore, can see no objection to holding the hearing on the comprehensive street program for the ensuing six year period, which hearing is required by law, at the same time as any other hearing covering the subject matter of Chapter 7. It should, however, be understood that the half cent gasoline revenue allocation to the City, which is now on deposit in our "City of Renton Arterial Street Fund" must be used exclusively for the construction, improvement and repair of arterial highways. Chapter 195 relative to the comprehensive street program for the ensuing six years refers, of course, to all types of streets and is not limited to arterials. We also call your attention to RCW 35.78.010 dealing with the classification of streets whereby it is the responsibility of each city to classify and designate city streets as "major arterials, secondary arterials and access streets". We believe that you have heretofore received the definitions for "construction, improvement and repair" under Chapter 7 and it is very important that the Engineering Department follow those outlines and requirements. We believe that the Association of Washington Cities had heretofore supplied each city with sample project outlines. Reference is also made to RCW 35.21.260-270 requiring reports from each city on certain information to be provided 110 the Statextidhshall be detailed enough to enable the Director of Highways to compile an annual report. Furthermore the City Engineer or the City Clerk shall maintain records of receipts and expenditures of all monies used for construction, repair or maintenance of streets. You undoubtedly also realize that at least two copies of the comprehensive street plan as required by Chapter 195 must be submitted, through the office of the District Engineer, to the Department of Highways. Each city must submit a request for approval for each such project and we are enclosing again, for your benefit, sample outline for said purpose. These requests for approval should be submitted in triplicate to the District Engineer's office. r ` We should add one further word of caution relative to the requirement of uniform design standards as specified in RCW 35.78.020 which should be followed by the Engineering Department since no city may proceed with any project if it does not meet the established design standards without such approval by the Department of Highways. The Highway Department must be advised of the names of all streets forming a part of the City's arterial system together with information as to location, length, type of work and estimated cost of all projects on which funds received under the new gas tax allocation, along with the City's matching funds, will be expended. It is therefore suggested that the program be written up in somewhat broad terms so that the City will have some discretion in making these improvements. We therefore trust that we have answered your inquiry. The hearing date of December 12 would seem in order and the public should be advised that these hearings are being held in connection with the City's six year comprehensive street program as specified in Chapter 195 of the 1961 Session Laws as well as the City's plan for the construction, improvement and repair of arterial highways specified in Chapter 7, Extraordinary Session Laws of 1961. After the hearing a proper resolution should be adopted together with all the proper Exhibits and the plans for improvement as per attached sample. We would also suggest that the Engineer may obtain any other information or forms from the State Highway Department. We feel that the information relative to the construction, improvement and reapir of such arterial highways should be set forth along the lines of the attached sample so that the information therein will be complete and satisfy the requirements of the State Highway Department. We do not believe that simply listing the arterial streets is sufficient since the additional tax monies can be used only for the aforestated purposes and the purpose of the hearing would be to advise the public as to what improvements are to be made. If we can be of any further help to you in this matt- , please let us know. r We remain Yours very truly, /I - /, ( c�--- B Gera d •hellan City Attorney GMS:nd cc: Mayor and City Council City Engineer Encl. .311pi ortirg du for F.n) ict Locati .r. This project is located ,gin N. .�'. 7,1th 3! r,.e t from the intersection Albien Avenue to Grand Bou I.e ve r,! i'.2... r..t krlg Facility F ,revert street has a F.C.C. ::' : IF r i..r' ' r ' Tho �a.i�;;:r':��r.'i, 'uid v 1(�,i c.:2 :! ', 17c-) 1 L ,i.n - r , ,... t Zrt:l 1`�d�.'C'rlt. of -} - s. r� � '-'� on a �;t? I�TE:'?iT, ...-` g1. 5 (;rcel,t. , o f:w Jng P. c.c`•. surface iS in fd-_.. di tion with only occa;.iona_. = 7 n t ;'' 6i.rig and adequate i'or i [ ._:i ;Jd�i;t.?;,: ' eot,w'4.lC_._oI1. Frop:),LELLIjapItument- The proposed construction provides ,'r, . :;ho widening of N.W. 78th Street to 38 foot roadway width, curb to curb. Thu widened section will be surfaced with 81. minimum depth of S.R.B. and crushed surface top course 2" compact,_ct depth. A 2'• leveling course and a 1-i wearing surface of asphaltic concret, Class "B" is proposed for the full width of roadway. r.C.C, curbs 6" wide will be constructed on both :Ades .-i.' the 'roadway for the full length of the project. F.C.C. sidewalks are proposed on each side of the street, to be paid for by, the adjacent property owners. A street illumination r.roje,.:t ; proposed under a separate contract . Comments and Recommendations The construction of this section will complete the arterial route to accept - able standards for the traffic; volume estimated at 1,600 DHV (Design Hor Volume) for 1975, 0-5A ' commercial vehicles, left turns and parking permit �,►,.' in an outlying district with bus stops. There are no existing railroad grade crossings within the limits of this project. N.W. 78th Street is a Secondary Arterial serving as a connecting street in an outlying district. The construction of this street to accommodate .a higher vehicular capacity is necessary in order to maintain a satisfactory movement of traffic. SAMPLE Supporting data for 4th Avenue South Street -Repair. Project : EITIAIL.k.. 9.111911 • This project is located 500 feet west of Central Boulevard where 4th Avenue South crosses Sleepy Hollow Gulch. gailtiBLAUFAILIX— Fourth Avenue South crosses Sleepy Hollow Gulch on a fill approximately 15 feet in height over a P.C.C. 60- culvert pipe. The street is surfaced with asphaltic concrete pavement 24 feet in width with 8 foot shoulders surfaced with a bituminous surface treatment, all on 5- of crushed surfacing base and top course aggregates. The recent heavy rainfall has caused a failure in the fill And culvert +,i resulting in a washout, leaving a gap in the street approximately 75 feet long. The street is close to traffic wLi,,t. is being detoured via other streeti s around the obstruction. Proposed Irgprovement it is proposed t{' c'il'I lge the L....' i'. C. �. ` 'dt v+:r•L ,- ' p;1 n,:e the pipe on suitable foundation, d-id a -(. . ii r*. p pc parallel ''01 tip and replace- the fi ! ;. {nd :. rr :' ii: T p i.t:. r �z n i j. c,;;,dit_ i on. Comments and Recem.merdatic'n: Due to the emergency t,.,'.ure c f thir run,. , an ,- ,r•1 t ,T . vai will 1) appreciated. In order to ell:i.in:, ,e tan ti1.1.E-: rc qui r'cd t o contract thir wcr'f it is proposed ,t • - - Vmara'3, bra, !O! av az -... • fr. -, 7 - / / I :affZIAt viramt3 4.t-V7 .741 atrrt147,24 1.'1) oimt.r.notti iftzoam =0; sat (17.4,'%.! ejVA ';37.1), (714 .f.4:45.30MT CifialatVW .7 ' ln01 Walt `ail • 4p sta.: 40p (0,.awrit :2Z4)7:4= ,1,01.-r—mrcirrtmr • . . - r ROTZti Orna ZIO 20a r.41143, a.0 ILOM *4-1 gEVAX:01 OiT4' MQ,t.110,aMa =,)ta' arai.,10 :ZIOA 0;1,, 1.17i;Za.I ta74;r70.4Ci • - Mr '11 'J C01.0 rhix&r..,0 eztos, 511 A' Zng$314 CA. tt17.ZINa: j4 CJta M93.1e0-1,1t Z0544 '11.r %AC' XIV - *T96,T Van • ZEITIOMOrktL3f, Z-.12Z,ctiAC) riAaTC.OaS ra17/-1} I1 r:51740Z-N: Urt.Z-.1 arjrjutm'a .cui.:41-oiregNop zo4, a4atap,r4a wcarixtr, -orann. ...e:41,1t3) MIMID3 -*E56't Ctrat et 56T tV.7411-3-*17g liVri6741% g'241C3 ritfT.Evalli'Muto.or) `4111-ti, :kr,3 VMEM*: ( ., *1'4 4 04)• ;a ?`,W 4171: XiLlo *vcregatIO 1U.natio akt liriZgaZI • arlirS2; a4166 74170 .110.11`11,1 .41 0Dav; :;:ka Ta7A azwa911;;IIIcl V aaftal.tvn 40iirza 21i.1-41-04 .70:0 lAtard tr,111VM 3M14..40 alma NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL AT ITS REGULAR MEETING, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, ON- December 12, 1961 AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER fl SIX YEAR COMPREHENSIVE STREET PROGRAM '' T,..,-72'-' k 1�::cscr�<rvn.<. ,r,��F:�(1��;o0;cKr�,�:::���►a?4e:.ti�`f.i��{rit" >Z. - 'G.O�T „ 9 -i o t pr ai,-as specified in Chapter f 1 5 of the 1961 Session Laws (covers a7J city streets) W,44 A N c.t�t,. Mem, a)4 ""' _ , City la plan for construction improvement and repair of designated / /' -, 4 arterial highways. as specified in Chapter 7, Extraordinary Session . ' y �,, Laws of 1961. or_ptiotis of�des :gnatecl ` .eria s' ands- et arta the`cles g standards f.. tI Q;i 'c®m rehe`ris-'=ve xe et ',pr46 ram , '1 l be. vailab1g.tai:an[' S ter lsted''person -in the F, ice of e_C`ity Engine"er3 'RQom nst,-Ci . H� 1 , `_; ,t s ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED xmoccusonnunonananc IN SAID. STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING . Y 8:00 P.M. ON December 12,, 1961 it r1: :1 : ii .►u. 1i, ;. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR ANY OBJECTIONS TO SAME. HE LMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION: 2 CERTIFICATION I, , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON-THE _i-T---DE_S"CRIB-E_-D=AB_OVE AND ONE COPY WAS POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. / SIGNED ATTEST: —f NOTARY PUBLIC Ilii AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON. (<1, CITY OF RENTON RENTON, WASHINGTON OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY November 16, 1961 Mrs . Ht luiie Nelson City Clerk City Hall ' R'_nton, Washington Dear Mrs. Nelson; • . We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 16, 1961 in which you inquire about Chapter 195, Laws of 1961 and Chapter 7, Extraordinary Session, Laws •f 1961, both of which are concerned about the use of the half cent gasoline tax allocation to the City and the six year comprehensive street program, respectively. You, of course, realize that the two Chapters involved should be considered together Mince the use of the money provided for in Chapter 7 should be considered in conjunction with the comprehensive street plan specified in Chapter 195. We, therefore, can see no objection to holding the hearing on the comprehensive street program for the ensuing six year period, which hearing is required by law, at the same time as any other hearing covering the subject matter of Chapter 7. It should, however, be understood that the half cent gasoline revenue allocation to the. City, which is now on deposit in our "City of Renton .Arterial Street Fund" must be used exclusively for the construction, improvement and repair of arterial highways. Chapter 195 relative to the comprehensive street program for the ensuing six years refers, of course,• to all types of streets and is not limited to arterials. We also call your attention to RCW 35.78.010 dealing with the classification of streets whereby .it is the responsibility of each city to classify and designate city streets as "major arterials, secondary arterials and access streets". We ve that you have heretofore received the definitions for "construction, improvementandrepair" under Chapter 7 and it is very important that the Engineering Department follow those outlines and requirements. We believe that the Association of Washington Cities had heretofore supplied each city with sample project outlines. Reference is also made to RCW 35.21.260-270 requiring reports from each city on certain information to be provided to the State Whichshall be detailed enough to enable the Director of Highways to compile an annual report. Furthermore the City Engineer or the City Clerk ohail maintain records of receipts and expendituresof all monies used for . construction, repair or maintenance of streets. You undoubtedly also realize that at least two copies of the comprehensive street plan as required by Chapter 195 must be submitted, through the office of the District Engineer, to the Department of Highways. Each city must submit a request for approval for each such project and we are enclosing again, for your benefit, sample outline for said purpose. These requests for approval should be submitted in triplicate to the District Engineer's office. R ,/ '7' ' �� r C j ..'�_ s-- 'I' `/7� t/s L I l' j` l( 1,,T 1.., '.'''' '`G'' i" `I` . . -k...� -) \ N / We should add one further word of caution relative to the requirement of uniform design standards as specified in RCW 35.78.020 which should be followed by the Engineering Department since no city may proceed with any project if it does not meet the established design standards without such approval by the Department of Highways. The Highway Department must be advised of the names of all streets forming a part of the City 's arterial system together with information as to location, length, type of work and estimated cost of all projects on which funds received under the new gas tax allocation, along with the City's matching funds , will be expended. It is therefore suggested that the program be written up in somewhat broad terms so that the City will have some discretion in making these improvements . We therefore trust that we have answered your inquiry. The hearing date of December 12 would seen+ in order and the public should be advised that these hearings are being(held in connection with the City's six year comprehensive street program as specified in Chapter 195 of the 1961 Session Laws as well as the City's plan for the construction, improvement and repair of arterial highways specified in Chapter 7, Extraordinary Session Laws of 1961. ) After the hearing a proper resolution should be adopted together with all the proper Exhibits and the plans for improvement as per attached sample. We would also suggest that the Engineer may obtain any other information or forms from the State Highway Department. We feel that the information relative to the construction, improvement and reapir of such arterial highways shquld be set forth along the lines of the attached sample so that the ' information therein will be complete and satisfy the requirements of the State Highway Department. We do not believe that simply listing the arterial streets is sufficient since the additional tax monies can be used only for the aforestated purposes and the purpose of the hearing would be to advise the public as to what improvements are to be made. /- If we can be of any further help to you in this matter, please let us know. We remain • Yours very truly,/,/ - 1.UGAN &/SL,4I; Ni' / ; , " By Gerard 'Pi. Shellan City Attorney GMS:nd cc : Mayor. and City Council City Engineer Encl. { "4 - r ( " 411. ''311,7)730 :F• rt'i')th Street 92-.provezvLu Project: tjcj srojei,-...t 'IF:: located on 78t11 Arect intorsectio Albion Aveuue to Granr.:1 17.;•otaleve.rd., a clleta:.lec of 0.35 ndle. . , ,70\-.3(;e:zt stree'c, has a P.C.C. 13urface 16 foot wifyle Ilith 4 foot gravel shoulders. Tio clicTifrnt uiaradient good„ being on a taD.gyat -Atlia lala.:6..'nuo. gradient of 1.5 percezt. Tho c Lstin P.C.C. •surface is in fair condition .f.rri.-:/7.1. only occasional cracks and settle- 1-:lerf.7:4. The, stern COVIC2.' is 0.1171e6-13.17 and adecraates for this proposed construction. r''he osr.struction proirides for widening of u. . T.;th Strect to a 38 foot 'rr to curb. The widened section 11.13.1 be suri'aced with Cu rd.nirrram, depth of and M'illied.'siat.‘face, top courso 2u coylDacted depth. A 2" leveling course and a - 4211".?..FL17.1r,kn; 01.1Z•faCO of asphaltic concrete Class taB" is proposed for the full width of roa(Vay. P.C,',.0. curbs 0? vide 114241 be constructed on both sides of the rena,,tay for the lanith of the 'project. P.C.C. sidewalks are proposed on each side of the street, be paid i C.C1 ac(Jilt property owners. A street -111u2-21.na,tion project. is pro- posed under a sepato contract: GOT 2T,3 and Recoz:nendations The CDY.10trill.:tiort of this section will complete the arterial route to acceptable standards for the traalc volume eE:tirrlated. at 1,600 DIN (Design mrIroluno) for 1975, corner- dol vohiclos, `..i,.oft turns and parkin,: pexcAtted in an out1;4n.g district with bus stops. There am no o:detin: ret grade cressiorm within the licits of this project. 7. reath Street is a Secondary Arterial earring as a connecting Street in an outlying district. no construction of this street to ace iodate a higher vehicular capacity is neceseary in order to iriaintain a satisfactory nevoinent of traffic. S. ..113Lar; Supporting data for 4th Avenue South Street ”2.epair" Project: P-01,ct Lcenv,,, zi_ao rymjc.,,c1, we located 500 feet Trhoro 4th Avenue South crossos aleopy Fotr..*oh Ave:me Loi.tl crosses Sleepy Gulch on a fill 'o &7 15 foot in ho over a ?.:).W, 6Cri clavert nine. The street is aurfacod with aha1tic concrete pavr,--nnt 24 foot, in with foot sheaders surfaced with a biturinolle surface t-r.cat-nent, on 51) ofCIT'7.:t13:1c)d surfacing bane and top course Sp-7rezate'..3. The recent how jf rainfall has caused a failure in the fill and culvert pipe resultin-:7, ina .:aac,,71::.-Jut, leaving a gap in the street ay..prerfleoolzr (75 feet long. '2hstreet is 0.050d to af2fLc thch is being detoured via other treets around the obstruction. PropoF.',od IiTnrevanont It is proposed to salvage the 60" culvert pipe, replace th pipe on suitable found- ation, c::1:.1 a 30' P.C.C. culvert pipe, parallel to the 60upiPe„ and replace the fill facin'g to its original condition. Comrc.nts and, Recommndpctions Duo to the em•rgoncy natureof this proposal, an early apDroval will be appreciated. in order to eliminate, the time required to contract this work, it is proposed to accoaplis?, those repairs by day labor. r,. 1 • \ffiC.) ( 1 November 114, 1961 Honorable Frank Aliment, Mayor Members of the City Council Gentlemen: Report of the Street & Alley Committee (1) Letter from Boeing Airplane Company requesting remodeling existing Signalization and Channelization at 8th Avenue North and Park Street and complete new installation including Signals and Channelization on Lake Washington Boulevard in the vicinity of the City Beach Property. In view of the fact that no money was budgeted in the 1962 . t. . Budget for such installations, the Street and Alley Committee cannot grant this request. In consideration, the Committee �'`� offers the services of the Engineering Department to furnish the engineering for the aforementioned intersections. (2) Regarding six (6) year road program and arterial highway and street plan. The Street and Alley Committee recommends the City hold a public hearing as required by State Law and the date be set for December 12, 1961. The Street and A ittee ‹....._ ,,y, _ i _ .,. /1 .'-► �0 .<<l. AW / f • , '. / 41/fee' i November 16, 1961 Haugan & Shel .an City Attorneys , 227i Wells Street - Renton, Washington V Attention: Mr. G. M. She .lan Re: Notice of Hearings-Six Year Road Program and Arterial Hwy, & Street Plan Gentlemen: The Street and Alley Committee, at the regular meeting of the City Council, held on November 14, 1961 has recommended that the City bold a public hearing regarding the above captioned on December 12,V 1961. We enclose copy of said Committee report, also, Exhibit A which designates Arterial Highways and. Streets and Exhibit B, corresponding Map of same,along with copy of Resolution No. 734, City of Centralia, which we feel. may be of pertinence to the matter. It is the contention of the Engineering Department that two separate hearings will need to be held inasmuch as they deem the matters to be different and separate as the Arterial Street program is designated in Chapter 7, Largs of 1961, Senate Bill #4, and to be prepared in connection with the It gas tax allocation while the Six Year Road Program, Senate Bill 223, Chapter 195, Laws of 1961, New Section 2, is mandatory and to be submitted to the State Highway/ Department in January of, 1962. The Street and Alley Committee has set December 12th forhearing as if the matter were one. Please advise is they should be separate hearings and if separate Notice of Hearings must be posted. Also, would November 29, 1961 be adequate time for posting in view of the December 12th date of hearing, and would Exhibit A need to appear on the hearing notice in full for publication? If there is further. information you may need regarding this please give us a . call. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON By Helmie W. Nelsoh, City Clerk HWN/dm Enclosures • 1. •• •-••-;), ,# . • ; - • :J..",Itjter.!'....1. (17. ".••;* Li• • ••,J • alArtv.-..,,u0 s'? O*:35 • • •Latattatt;441.9.441440,*, :•.. :X•rf°1.1 tr- - „ • '1.-4.13 • - 21. •!, 3 • "-"-- '-‘ • ' ,.• `. • e >14 1.; • •'C.O.:7, • 1.,f.r.707...t• •7 tX#Ittry.,) '•• - t;21r: 11- k . • . •firf 714`-.17''-',• '," •`. • ,,-"/f f•102.1;rtriror • "••• • •77.., • ••••• 0,,no• ri •,113 0: ti:14.1 ..U. 4 r • $,...A• •••..,7 a.... •••c.•; '••••;1- 74' • prolct, l'71t6 • • • 477.4?4:117ii,eolit'7.' '7..2,-; ••••'•••••:;1.- -"•••••: art..•"C;t47:1"...‘.'•'A •:.A",t-Z•s• tc; '`",•• °,'••• • • ,.` •!. ••••‘• .• •-.".• ) ;. a " .1:3111.X" 7.1.:„1.71:1; 15•111;•• ;.:4"'ZIA1..1)• „i V/ • .• . , •74. ,•i..1..;7777,7',-; 1..1k,C,r`.7;••7•24#77:r ▪ • Po.;$ • . • • • : ; • • . 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Duo te tlri•wzr,rxrley nature cl: .,t-lan :ciroiy:)sal. a;:), eez.-2.;" rarew,..1 tri.I1 bp appreatated. . la order to alintrate the tint) .-lityvi.:--ed to coitract Vale 'tonic, .i.t la p•opie d to ileconplis:'. t•X)i3C rim 1,7-- dltr 1 abo r. . . • • - . . . - - . . . .. • . . • ' BULLETIN NO. 62 - June 6, 1961 To: All City Clerks,- City Engineers and City Examiners From: Robert V. Graham, Chief Examiner Subject: City Arterial Street Fund Chapter 7, Laws of 1961, Extraordinary Session, provides 1/2 cent additional fuel tax to cities and towns. This act provides that the proceeds of this one-half cent of additional tax and city matching funds amounting to at least 25 percent of the cost of approved projects conducted by the cities or town be used exclusively for construction, improvement and repair of arterial streets. In order to comply with the provisions of this act, and to establish a uniform systeniof accounting for all participating cities and towns, as required by RCW 43.09.200, this Division will consider the following requirements and procedures as minimum standards for accounting purposes. DEFINITIONS AND APPROVED PROJECTS • • The State Highway Department Division of State Aid had, in its letter dated May 12, 19611- directed to the Mayors and Councilmen of the cities and towns of the State of Washington, established definitions of work to be included within the scope of the act. Procedures incidental to the approval of each project have also been set forth in this letter. The Division of Municipal Corporations in fulfilling statutory requirements in connection with the post audit function and the uniform system of accounting will observe the definitions and requirements set forth by the Highway Department. ARTERIAL STREET FUND A new fund shall be established to be known as the Arterial Street Fund, into which all moneys received in connection with the act will be receipted for. All expen- ditures in connection with approved projects will be made from this fund. RECEIPTS Money received for arterial street purposes will be comprised of the following sources: 1. State 1/2 cent gas tax allocation. 2. City or town 25 percent or more matching funds. The state 1/2 cent allocation money will be received from the State Treasurer on a separate warrant, along with a transmittal sheet to clearly identify the allocation. City or town matching money will come from the following possible sources: 1. The regular City Street Fund appropriation for arterial streets. 2. General Obligation Bond Funds for arterial streets. 3. L.I.D. funds for arterial street purposes. • It will not be required to pay into the Arterial Street Fund, city or town matching money on a month by month basis as state funds are received. However, when actual work begins on approved projects, matching money must be provided as required. EXPENDITURES Individual projects under the program will receive approval and authorization by the State Highway Division of State Aid and will be Capital Outlay class expenditures, and should be budgeted for as such at the time of annual budget adoption or at such other time as emergency conditions exist which would call for an emergency appropriation. Where day labor projects are anticipated, transfers from the capital outlay classification to the Salaries and Wages and Maintenance and Operation classes will be made in accordance with RCW 35.33.040. All expenditures in connection with approved projects will be made from the Arterial Street Fund. Approved ledger forms, t3Arterial Street Construction Project Cost Ledgero will, be available through the major printing supply houses for those on a manual accounting system. Those on machine systems will require cards or ledgers, as the individual machine system dictates. The following minimum information will be required on the Arterial Street Construc— tion Project Cost Ledger to conform with the reporting requirements of the Highway Departments A. General information for identification purposes (heading) 1. Amount $ 2. Local name of street 3. Project number (C.I.R.#) 4. Construction, Improvement or Repair (strike out classes not applicable). 5. Major or Secondary Road (strike one). 6. Day labor or contract B. Financial Data 1. Date 2. Warrant or voucher number 3. Amount 4. Day Labor* 5. Contract 6. Engineering 7. Right of Way S. Bridges 9. Total Arterial • *Note: Space is provided to accumulate the various components of day labor, ie. labor, materials, supplies, equipment rental and other. This will be considered optional. A warrant register or distribution of warrant expenditures ledger will be maintained for the Arterial Street Fund. This ledger will serve as a register in which - all Arterial Street Fund warrants issued are posted in numerical order and also as a dis— tribution control ledger for all projects carried on within the fund. The following information will be required: 1. Date issued 2. Warrant number 3. Amount 4. Date redeemed 5. Project No. 6. ;, s1 '7. 7? i7 $. i1 S? CONCLUSION No doubt questions will arise from time to time in connection with this Bulletin, and the legal aspects of the 1/2 cent fuel tax program. In this connection, the facilities of the Division of Municipal Corporations under Bulletin No. 54 will be available to those needing snecia]_ aSGi G'f:anra_ CITY OF RENTON ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS 8:. ARTERIAL STREETS EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. DATE: DESIGNATION OF STREETS: The following streets and portions thereof between the points named and at the points named are hereby designated as arterial highways and arterial streets within the City of Renton: (1) Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) : From the west City Limits to the South City Limits. (2) Sunset Highway West (P.S.H. No. 2): from the west City Limits to Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5). (3) Third Avenue: From Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) to Main Street. 04) Main Street: from the intersection of Grady Way and Benson Road (S.S.H. 5-C) to Bronson Way. (5) Bronson Way and. Bronson Way North: From the inter- section of Main Street and Second Avenue to the intersection of Sunset Highway (P.S.H. No. 2) and the Maple Valley Highway (P.S.H. No. 5). (6) Maple Valley Highway (P.S.H. No. 5): From the intersection of Bronson Way North and Sunset High- way (P.S.H. No. 2) to the east City Limits. (7) Sunset Highway (P.S.H. No. 2): From the inter- section of Bronson Way North and the Maple Valley Highway (P.S.H. No. 5) to the northeast City Limits. (8) Airport Way: From Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) to Logan Street. (9) Second Avenue: From Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) to Bronson Way. (10) Logan Street: From Third Avenue to Sixth Avenue North. (11) Sixth Avenue North: From Logan Street to Park Avenue (Lake Washington Blvd.) A S Page 2 (12) Park Street (Lake Washington Blvd.): From Bronson Way to the North City Limits. (13) Seventh Avenue: From Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) to Grady Way. (14) Grady Way (S.S.H. No. 1-L): From intersection of Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) and Renton Junction Way to the intersection of Main Street and Bronson Road (S.S.H. 5-C). (15) Renton Junction Way (S.S.H. 1-L): From the west City Limits to the intersection of Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) and Grady Way. (16) Benson Road (S.S.H. 5-C): From the intersection of Grady Way and Main Street to the South City Limits. (17) Talbot Road: From Benson Road (S.S.H. 5-C) to the South City Limits. (18) South 180th Street: From Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) to the West Valley Highway (S.S.H. 5-M). (19) West Valley Highway ( .S.S.H. 5-M): From South 180th Street to the North City Limits. (20) Fourth Avenue North: From Logan Street to the intersection of Factory Street and Third Place. (21) Third Place: From the intersection of Factory Street and Fourth Avenue North to Third Avenue North. (22) Third Avenue North':1rom Williams Street North to the intersection of Monterey- Drive and Fourth Avenue North. (23) Williams Street and Williams Street North: From Grady Way to Sixth Avenue North. (2L ) Wells Street and Wells Street North: From Grady Way to Sixth Avenue North. (25) Third Avenue Extension: From the intersection of Monterey Drive and Fourth Avenue North to its terminus with Fourth Avenue North and 'tMt' Street. (26) Fourth Avenue North: From Sunset Highway (P.S.H. No. 2) to the East City Limits. Page 3 (27) "M" Street: From Fourth Avenue North to Twelfth Avenue North. f r rer4' (28) 12th Avenue North: Sunset Highway (P.S.H. No. 2) to "M" Street. (29) 116th Avenue S.E.: From its intersection with the Sunset Highway (P.S.H. No. 2) to S.E. 97th Street. (30) 112th Avenue S.E.: From its intersection with the Sunset Highway (P.S.H. No. 2) to S.E. 97th Street. (31) S.E. 97th Street: From 116th. Avenue S.E. to the North City Limits. (32) S.E. 94th Street: From 100th Avenue S.E. to the East City Limits. (33) 100th Avenue S.E. : From Park Avenue (Lake Washington Blvd.) to S.E. 94th Street. (3)4) Talbot Road Extension: From Grady Way to Talbot Road. (35) Langston Road: From Sunset Highway (P.S.H. No. 2) to the West City Limits. (36) Renton Avenue: From Rainier Avenue (P.S.H. No. 5) to the West City Limits. (37) 12th Avenue North: From 116th Avenue S.E. to Sun- set Highway (P.S.H. No. 2). (38) 90th Avenue South: From Renton Avenue to South 128th Street. (39) 88th Place South: From South 128th Street to the West City Limits. III/ 4111 WASHINGTON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS W.A. Bugge, Director Olympia April 13, 1961 To All Mayors and Councilman or City Commissioners and City Managers Gentlemen: Fuel Tax Allocation (Increase) Chapter 7, Laws of 19619 which is Senate Bill No. 4 of the Extraordinary Session, provides that cities and towns will receive an additional one-half cent of the vehicle fuel tax. The funds will be apportioned monthly directly to each city or town on a per capita basis, after three-fourths of one percent is deducted for the use of the State Highway Commission for the supervision of the expenditures of these funds. The act further provides that the funds must be matched 25% from other funds and 75% from the proceeds of the one-half cent additional tax. The proceeds of such one-half cent of additional tax and the matching funds provided by the city or town shall be used exclusively for the construction, improvement and repair of arterial highways. We suggest that the moneys accruing from this increased fuel tax with the matching funds be deposited in your street fund under a special account. You may expect to receive the first allocation of this increase in fuel tax with the June allocation. The increase should be approximately two- thirds of your present monthly apportionment. Chapter 195, Laws of 1961, requires that cities prepare comprehensive six year road programs prior to January 19 1962, and file same with the Depart- ment of Highways. We suggest that the cities which do not have a comprehensive plan desig- nating their arterial streets, can, at the time of adopting their six year ' program, designate their arterial street system. (1) We will require a copy of your six year road program as provided above (2) tames of streets forming your arterial system. ' (3) Information as to location, length, type of work and estimated cost of all projects on which funds derived from the one-half cent increase in gas tax, along with matching funds, are to be expended. Upon the completion of the work, furnish us with the actual cost of the project, indicating the amount of the new gas tax expended on the project. The information outlined under (3) above should be mailed to the District Engineer, State Highway Department, for the district in which your city or town is located. Yours very truly, /s/ W. A. Bugge WAB:LB W.A. BULGE JG Director of Highways 3 ` WASHINGTON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS W.A. Bugge, Director Olympia April 13, 1961 To All Mayors and C ounc ilman or City Commissioners and City Managers Gentlemen: Fuel Tax Allocation (Increase). Chapter 79 Laws of 19619 which is Senate Bill No. 4 of the Extraordinary Session, provides that cities and towns will receive an additional one-half cent of the vehicle fuel tax. The funds will be apportioned monthly directly to each city or town on a per capita basis, after three-fourths of one percent is deducted for the use of the State Highway Commission for the supervision of the expenditures of these funds. The act further provides that the funds must be matched 25% from other funds and 75% from the proceeds of the one-half cent additional tax. The proceeds of such one-half cent of additional tax and the matching funds : provided by the city or town shall be used exclusively for the construction, improvement and repair of arterial highways. We suggest that the moneys accruing from this increased fuel tax with the matching funds be deposited in your street fund under a special account. You may expect to receive the first allocation of this increase in fuel tax with the June allocation. The increase should be approximately two- thirds of your present monthly apportionment. Chapter 1959 Laws of 19619 requires that cities prepare comprehensive six year road programs prior to January 19 1962, and file same with the Depart= ment of Highways. We suggest that the cities which do not have a comprehensive plan desig.;. nating their arterial streets, can, at the time of adopting their six year program, designate their arterial street system. (1) We will require a copy of your six year road program as provided above. (2) Names of streets forming your arterial system. (3) Information as to location, length, type of work and estimated cost of all projects on which funds derived from the one-half cent increase in gas tax, along with matching funds, are to be expended. Upon the completion of the work, furnish us with the actual cost of the project, indicating the amount of the new gas tax expended on the project. The information outlined under (3) above should be mailed to the District Engineer, State Highway Department, for the district in which your city ori. town is located. Yours very truly, /s/ W. A. Bugge WAD LB W.A. BUGGE JG Director of Highways SENAT? BILL NQ. 223 Chap. No. 195 New Section. Sec.2. Prior to January 1, 1962, the legislative body of each City and Town, pursuant to one or more public hearings thereon, shall prepare and adopt a comprehensive street program for the ensuing six years and shall file the same with the director of highways not more than thirty days after its adoption. Biennially there- after the legislative body of each City and Town shall review the work accomplished under the program and determine current City street needs. Based on these findings each such legislative body shall prepare ar after public hearings thereon adopt a revised and extended cofnprehensive street program, and each two-year exte ension and revision shall be filed with the directorof highways not more than thirty days after its adoption. The purpose of ' this section shall be to assure that perpetually each City and Town shall have available advanced plans, looking to the future for not less than four years as a guide in carrying out a co- ordinated street construction program. Such program may at any • time be revised by a majority of the legislative body of a City or Town but only after a public hearing. x3 G. 0 .U 30 2 i .. • . , . - , • 6 YEAR STRBET MORAN • . CITY OF 0ENTRAM4 WASHINGTON gstip!ated T1713,, of LInvovery.:m Co;;t _•_...._ . ...: clarrison Al.- cue , . . .1•7P.:in. to Johnol-t Road . , . . , . . .C!.;.:!:b and 0tel• - Asp1:1:Al P!wif.v;- T.,-1' 1. Bridg,:-.: .:-.;:lc0,fiC000 . 2, Gold Stet Fxtension . ,7,-:aple ;.;t7.-e-,.t to Ea: rn Avenue . . . . . .RA1 - Grading and -Oiling. , 7 5 . 7m000 3, Parl Street, 7 e . a , ir.i. i..0 Li a to a!n - . . • • . : . . 000.00,P.f.lve with A5pha1t , . 1.„, Go)d StrPet , . , .Cqestnut ue oarama . . . , . . Jave with Asnhalt :'=: Stona Draims: . . 112. - ". . . 5. . Tor Ave. . . . ,Cherry to Chita ut . . .Rcraove and Pave with Asphalt ..-. Stoi'm Drains , . V.-330000 • , • .Tower to Gold , , . . . . a . .Pave with A5phalt , , . 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Hill . . . . .Manle to Reservoir . . • •. •• . .. . , .,..urb and Gutter - Asohalu P . . . • , 1L5,000.00 ...., •,..- 4,3,T„,. - ,kir . ...4,.., ,,,....,A-14 St-. : •4", •-i....”..) is f + ra - P41:244,4.,-,;, ;..,1,:t•-...•,,.a ;. illita:.1%-.... 1..)41 ...,ct 0 • • a .0*ld to Pacific Avenue • . . . - . • 1 . o C IVA) a n d Gutter ..; Asphalt Paving. .. . . , 25„000.00:-:.:; ;;?• ,:17 ' - , 5,000.00 ttalitV:*jt14.,:: Buciess Dist.rict . , ,Alley betueen Power A Pearl, Hansou to Walnut P . Yisphalt aving . , . . , .1 0 • 20.,,,,'•-8,3,1i,' No. 1---Tk! . .! ellen-Alder A Cherry , . Luminaires a ,, • a • • • e .a 21 000 00 , •--.1..,,: • -,.. „,,-..,1 q,--,....,,,,i-. . ,.-:,,..;.=:•,yi,..: ,,,i„,:-'...,,,,,I,:•.:".,s.,......• -—•....,..%:..... ....imo a.2.,••••‘•0 • a ' • 3 6Fanson -to River, • • . . . • , t, 11 - • • . . . 13S r-,)-'-- t "t-ais • 5 c--4- • cHar:rison to Tor we .. . n • n a a ••. , , a : . , . 172500.00 4 1 •tr . . r • . of P.S.H. No. 1... . . .Borst Addition i.: !.lountain View Addition, . . .Storm Sewers. a 0 • C a 0 5. 0 5 a 1148:000a00 • . .,W... ....4 ... Lav... ti • II . 12,000.00 ow-;•,.;, ,4,-tr'44. .- ona Street Area .. • .14, of Harrison, R. of Vain , '...y. ..„,„,--• , . • • . 5 3 * s • 5 • 5 0 ' 3 .,,•,-z,iv .4-,,,r,-.;r-e,:x. ..r. . W(..st of Mihiaukee LEI.- c .South of Loenst to Malian Street . -. • , . . 1, ;7 •. a • 1 l 1 4 4 4 4 32;00400 '',1914.'-''.:-..,.• .1:'''.4• . ' - " 2 ' W -of Pearl-S. of Cherry, n n . 69,000„00 i-..„V `,.:-f••,-;,.•:,r-:,-,,,.: -, . , '1 P 3 0 0 • 7 • 3 • 3 a a • a 9 e 5 . ' 5 Ir ' 0 0 27•.` Tw.lar Avent.T2. . • . .South of Suntme. Street . -• • • • . . n - 11 . 0 a • 0 • I 0 a a I 4 , 26;000:00 -&;,.. ...•••.' •-'-i-••••• ..a)- ------ #..2 ‘‘.... Fourth St. to Sixt4 St • - cH Street to Tower Avenue „. '• . n n 18 000,00 • . . • . . . • • . • , 4 . ,•-_,. u-.,-''. ..,-, qr44.7, ' 'p .T.44 ''. ;!4:7`'.•.: ':•:'..":"' :::-4.•Cri•'''. -%Ortpn Starr'Of • .At L Street, • n n , 6,000.00 g, - . .. .,* .• . - .,... . . . . • • ' ,• 0 1 3 • • • 4 7 a 0 1 5 ' : a 4 •0 • ir....,Nirra:1"•' .• ' .1'1 -' ' '• 57 A.. if f i . .:ir.04 . Center eixoet . . • . ' • . . • . a . • • • • a' • • 7 3 I 0 • 1 a c a ' 4 2,,000000- 114.!; •:,-.7A.."-:' 31. Walnut Street. ' . : ' . ,At Rock Street . -4, " . .. .-:, . 3 • a , a • li 9 . • • 7 * i a 0 7 4 0 2,00000 t''4,•-•r'0•'....'1,:**%•••> * •..*, . 14%;*!'t: - •*.l.' . Y?• Tilley Anue ve - , • (Main Street to Lake. . • • • • • 3 .1 1 ' if .11 t 3 • o 6 2 6 0 : 3 6•000000. ..-.... . 6 :I I: O 30000.00 -. !:f-i..... ]-.k'-' - .33. Buckner Street . • •,. .Stulna Street to Maple street . . • . . . , . . . • 6 • * 7 • ••,,,•••:.k. ; r .* '•;•'. . ' -"if Logan District a a' , . ..A11 a a a • • 4 • . • 7 a II 9 3 G 7 • • 3 • • a 0 50,000cGO '. . • .--4: ... • . . . G10 TOTAL ••,,,, ,,,= ...,.:•,, ,. . ,..r .„. - ' • . • ti..1.42-re3_,SC.10,00 . . ...„ --.. ..•.,,.... ..,... .,, , . _ Street Ii-,i..proveTent0 •'4828,000.00 . „ • ----,,--. . . . r 1.7renry LlluD.w,.A.rea - 52; 00.00 • - • :=:•'.-Iti"''''kli .-]:4;.•-"" '. •., - . Star:a Se...roro 103.0`j0.00 . • _ . : - 7- rs4NI.4 • : 5A,203,5()0,00 1,-.7,i-•.,, ,,,- 4,14:,,,,i.;,.,..:,, .,. .. .. I!S:rjr6f, . . • 7.'4: . • • Wc!...::,:,. ..,‘• ••.:,..:;•• . • . '1 • 1 • • • ( • • 1 • • • • 1 • 1 • • -• • • • .• • 1 • • • • (• • • 1 • • 1 • • • • 1 • • • • • • RESOLUTION NO. Wh EREAS pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 195 of the 1961 Session Laws of the State of Washington, the City of Centralia did prepare a comprehensive street program for the ensuing six years„ AND, WHEREAS pursuant further to said law, the City Commission of the City of- Centralia being the legislative body of said city did hold a public hearing on said comprehensive .plan at 2:00 o'clock P.M. at the City Hall in Centralia,Washington on the 6th day of June, 1961, AND, WHEREAS there were no written or oral objections to the comprehensive plan as prepared by the City of Centralia relative to the street program for the ensuing six years within the City of Centralia, NOW, THEREFORE, DE 'IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Centralia that the comprehensive plan as prepared by the City Engineer for the City of Centralia, as submitted to the City Commission of the City of Centralia be and the same is hereby adopted, public hearing being held on the same on the Gth day of June, 1961, at the hour of 2:00 o'clo0'r.. ?.M. , and there being no written or oral objections to said comprehensive p l' v BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of said com,:,rehensive street program' for the ensuing six years together with a copy of this resolution be = filed with the Director of Highways of the State of Washington. UPON MOTION made by. ?,- ;,., 1/ �"%',� ° 1� and seconded by _ rr' / Ali/ �`" ; �'"�� for the adop;.ionof the following vote,-was cast the City Commission of the City o2 VERN P. CAiN THEODORE P. PETROPOJLOS ELLIS W. OLIVER /,' • Said resolution was thereupon declared to be passed by the City Comm .ssion of the City of Centralia on this //-'°qday of Ju-r.., 1961.• .. • VI?iv CAIN :1 A Y 0 R • AES ?: • LorLL,orp H;iCKE. City CZL:ic • APPROVED AS TO FORM: . . . • D. D. S'=: ,.r'w"7ERL(Z • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. . . . -. .- - . , . 6 NEAR STrfil.F.•T PI-MIT-ZAN •: - CITY OF CEATRAUA, WASHINGTON Estipted :-:..0 !3,-..-::, :,•,,c:,-..4.0-1 Tvon of IE.Dovoi-=1.., Co::t • • .'..: ::2n-ison t7..2elle , 1'' .o. to Jo : c Road . , • 6 4 a .1.%:-.'-o and G -0 utte - Asphr, t.t% Nvi.!.;.,, 1:,,':1, nridgc 430,0c0,00 . . 2, Gold atei, Fxt:msic,r. . , -role -_:-!:....-0..-)t to Ea:---, rn Avonucl . . 2 8 0 CRAI - Grading and -Oiling. , 57,000,00 3, Prl Street. 7 C . • 4 f lar;1:0.L1 to 1.:a1rill':; e 2 • m 4 , 4 . ,Pave th wiAsphalt - , , , , , , , , 20,00 . h. Ciold S-1xeet , . • . .C;Istnut . atve with Asphalt :',: StcYm Drain!3, . . iLow.00 - . 5. To,,-0, Avc,.le. . . Cherry to Q-r-:2tnat . , , . . . . „ReP.ove and Pave with !,,,.,:phalt .,-. Sorm Drains , ., M,000,G0 t, Chestnut Street . . . :Tower to Gold , , . . . . . . . . ' .yo with Asphalt - - I. Sixth Street. ' • . • . :-. .rearl to Vu unt - . . , . . • .0.1th and Ou'Ltei - Asph?_lt !Davi:Ice,. 17- 0,C- ',.. -• • . '• .-•••-...-- r.• . • V. Pc:arl Strt...!et, • V ,1 „Hanson to FoSurth . . . • „ . . . .W..;_dening - Curbs and Cut- e!-s - Asphalt P;....ving --- -•-1.... . . 9. . Business District . . .Erick Streets Except Pearl . .- . , . . . ,Ar2ha1.t Paving . • , , . . ' -, .2.1.Y'• -'.-'' . '106 Main St-oe'et. . . • . .Towsr Avenun 1.4% Harrison Av • 0 •enne. • e .00-00 .11wo and Re:place 3r t' Concrete , . )0 . ,. ., . ‘..,:r.-...- -..t •-c• ' • i rl-.. .Gold g'rePt • • • eMain to Maple . a - a • • • • .11 . ,Crrb and Guttee - Asphalt Pcving. . . . , . 20,000.00 2‘., Noir Park . . . . • . . • • , . . . . . • • • ,Raw.ove and Change Ymtersection . . 3,000,00 • Tower Avenue: . .- . . ;Fourth- to 5th. . . . . . • . . .Curb and Gutter - Asohlit Paving, . . . _ -2.... 6.14.121)41.. Main Street . . . . ,Tower to Gold . , • • . • , • A . 4 .Pave with Asphalt . • V 1 • • G • h 000000 .. . . _•••••F..., ?'., •7',-n, i. street ". . • . . „Mainto V.6...11e.n . • . • . • „ , • . .0arb and Gutter - Asphalt Paving, . • . 0 67,000•00 4 ' ...:‘.1t .f':.,, & . Pia!)...e ...treet. • . -. .001d to Sominary Rill . . . . . • , ,Cuxb and Gutter - itr-.pl-lalt Paving. 4 4 0 0 Zr .: • '4.::' , 17. SenirICZY Hi11 . . . .Msole to Reservoir . •• •• • .. . .Curb and Gutter - Asohalt P.iving, . . _ - , 1;5,000.00 ,-, :-... - 7',e5 zi!:.- !:Sumlia Street. , • . -Gold to Pacific Avenue .. . . . - . - . • :Curt and Gutter - Asphalt Paving. 4 . , , 25000.00 -.V1.-e..1.56„ Pueivess District . , ,Alley betuoen Townr gc Pearl, Hanson to Walnut . ,*.sphalt Paving . . . .. . . . , 5,000.00 • -.:-,4 • -•••-..4""..T2(4, • 8.5.H1 No. 2.---11 . . . :I:alien-Alder A Cherr-J- , . . , . . . . .J.-..ereury Luminaires . , . 3 ' • 0 • . 21,000.00•-, •••• . . _,- - • . „I-earl Street., . . . . ,flanson --i.<- River. . . . . . . • . . a ti ti - , . --, a 2 4 , 43k.70004130 ' , -' 4 . . **. „A-Z.:".-First Street. . . . . .Harrison to Tower : . . • . . . . . - . . . , • : 0 ... 4 17,500.00 West of P.S.H. No. 1. . .Dort Addition Peuntgin View Addition, . . „Storm Sower°. . • • . , • r. a a u 148:000400 .... 'fil .-. L . 211-• _Latona Street Area • . .W. of Harrison, R. 0± fl , ''., ... 1. u as a 3 ' • • 0 • 0 4 ' a • 12000.00 ' 4 '...=', . =, . ••-e --1----... Waat of Milwaukee R , *South Of Locust to Mellon Street - . . . • n 11 11. 4 • 2 A 7 4 0 C C 32:Ora)2010 .. i3J-124 . W. .of Pear:L5. of Chery. . . . . . . . . . . • 9 0 o n n • o • • ., V o • a 9 69,000400 Tcwar Avenue, • . , :South of Summa .Street , • - • . . . . n . n . . . . . . . . . , . . 265000:00 • . Fourth St. to 8-ixti; St . - .H Street to To,wer Avenue .. . . . • . . It II • . • • • • . * . 18,000,00 • -.*.''- '!.,... ,- ;',, .Orton Strcet. .At L Stmet. II , 6,C00.00 . . . • • • .• • I a • . • I.9 • • • a , • C -o -.-. •• . •. -. ., .,.. ' _JO. . Center t.q..root W.X_.J1 • • • 4 4 • • • • • a . _ r • •• • . • it I, • 1 • . • a c . 2;000,00" . . , 3.. t,. ,,i'-•,...:?:4 .". 1... Walnut Street_ . . '.. ' , • •••;,- •32 lilley Avenue • -' • . -• . - 33. Bucknar Street • • , •--- .1.,;.i.,3; ,At Rock Street . . .ftfain Street to Lake. . • • ..-;. • . . ,Sur3ma Street to Maple Street . . , . . -. • • : . • • , . • , It II 11 1: It : • • o: * • . • 2 • • • • o • • • o • , , • . . v . 2,000,00 , 8;000.00 . 30000.00 4:34::::::::: : • k.U. Logan District . . . ..s3.1• e 11 !I ' •':.ge • ' - • ,..•si,„ ,.,;. • • . • • • • s • • a t. ' 2 • • s • • 4 - ..- r. • . of r . (11;AM) TOTAL ...'H,4• .\.;--',. , ' • _. Street ILIro7omonto 328, )G,00 4 . . :'.i,;..:i, • ._,....e.,,,. . . , '4, 1F- y!,-. • lt • . . • r !-Ln-cury Luvlinaires StorTa Sewors P„500.00 ! 03.0' 0 . ' . . - , ; •-:'.-:.t.- .,..., ...;,i. -- --`--7c.-'.. ,. . . . ( . • - :!.,2Zil•!•- 0,C=0 W- " - - 11 • . • , - .'''- „J 4'.