HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter of Reconsideration, 2019.12.17CtrS. NISØINCORPORATEDCIVIL ENGINEERING & SIIRVE\:'INGDecember 17,2019Jason Seth, City ClerkCity of Renton1055 S. Grady Way,Renton. WA 98057RE: 7tl' Street Short Plat Administrative Report & DecisionLand Use File No: LUAl9-000185. SHPL-AReconsideration LetterDear Jason,This letter is a formal request for Reconsideration of the Director's Decision dated 1210312019associated with the proposed 7tl' Street Short Plat which was reviewed by the City under LandUse File No: LUAI9-000185. SHPL-A. We would like the City to please reconsider thefollowing issues and have identiflred potential solutions:Item to Reconsider:l. SetbacksPage 6 of 18: Setbacks states Lots I and2 will be considered corner lots requiringsecondary front yard setbacks in lieu ofrear yard setbacks. The setbacks are described asfollows:o Lot I - Primary front setback: 20' northem boundarySecondary front setback: 15' eastern boundarySide: 5' western and southerno Lot2 - Primary front setback: 20' eastern boundarySecondary front setback: 15'northem boundarySide: 5' western and southern).Page 14 of 1 8: Lots goes on to state Lot 1 and 2 are proposed to be oriented towards NE7th Street based on the lot width and depth requirements.Potential Solution 1: We would like the setback requirements amended to have the samesetbacks applied to Lot 2 as Lot 1 with the northern boundary requiring a 20-foot setback,eastern boundary requiring a l5-foot setback, and the westem and southern boundariesrequiring a 5-foot side yard setback. Secondly, we would like page l4 to be amended asLot I will be oriented towards the north with a rear-loaded garage and Lot 2 will beoriented towards the east with a side-loaded garage, both accessing from the proposedhammerhead turnaround. The revisions would allow for adequate turning radii to beprovided to both proposed homes while maintaining a uniform setback.429 29n'St NE, Stúte D - Puvallup, \\'-\ 98372Phone: 253.848.1282\\a\ \\.ccsn\\'lllc.corn 2. Stormwater Vault within a TractPage 6 of l8: Lot Dimensions states the proposed stormwater detention vault is requiredto be located within atract. The comments received from the engineer, dated 0911912019,stated the project proposes a private detention vault which must be located within a tractor easement. Our plans currently show the vault located within an easement and wewould like the same, or similar, consideration that was given to the adjacent short platswhich show a public easement for a publicly maintained storm system on the mostsouthwestern lot. The adjacent short plats are recorded under recording numbers20 I 4092490 0 0 0 2. 20 I 4092490 0 00 3 . and 20 I 409249 0000 4 .Potential Solution 1: The decision could be revised to say the proposed stormwaterdetention vault is required to be located within a tract OR easement.Potential Solution 2: If the above option is not viable, we would like to relocate thestormwater vault within Tract A (the access tract) and the tract would be revised to anaccess and utility tract with the appropriate dimensions and setbacks.Sincerely,t-*-:, OEric OehlerProject Manager2lPage