HomeMy WebLinkAboutMcCarthy Revision Letter 191231 December 31, 2019 State Department of Ecology Northwest Regional Office 3190 160th Ave SE Bellevue, WA 98008 Subject: Shoreline Exemption - LUA18-000653 McCarthy Landscape Project Dear Sir or Madam: We are writing to inform the Department of Ecology that a revision to the subject shoreline exemption has been submitted to the City and approved as a non-substantive change. The applicant, Jason Laskelle of May Creek Landscaping, submitted a request for a revision to the Shoreline Exemption sent to DOE on October 23rd 2018. Revision Summary: The approved Shoreline Exemption (LUA18-000653) for landscaping that would occur within Reach D of the Lake Washington Shoreline Jurisdiction, mapped with a Shoreline Residential designation has been proposed to be amended. Originally, the project involved landscaping a hillside with slope stabilizing plants. During the course of work it was determined by Zipper Geo, geotechnical consultants, that the slope was in danger of failure and needed to be stabilized with retaining walls. The applicant is still eligible for a shoreline exemption due to the emergency nature of the stabilization activities as described in a geotechnical report by Zipper Geo, dated September 6th 2019 (Exhibit 2). Due to this, the scope of the project expanded to include a two-tier pin pile retaining wall system. The proposed retaining walls would impede current erosion hazards along Lake Washington Blvd and result in permanently stabilizing the slope. The applicant has proposed an updated landscaping plan (Exhibit 3) with plants that will act as a screen for the retaining walls while mitigating erosion and encouraging soil stability. These plants include Euonymus japonicus ‘Green Spire’, Arbutus unedo ‘Compacta’, Rosa rugosa ‘Hansa’, Cornus sericea ‘Kelseyi’, Lonicera pileata, and Frangaria chiloensis. Analysis: Per WAC 173-27-100, changes are substantive if they materially alter the project in a manner that relates to its conformance to the terms and conditions of the permit, the master program and/or the policies and provisions of chapter 90.58 RCW. The proposed revisions above are in conformance with the terms and conditions of the permit, the master program and policies, therefore the City has determined a permit Revision is not required for the above changes. Please contact me at (425) 430-7246 or bgillia@rentonwa.gov if you have any questions or need additional information. Respectfully, Brittany Gillia Assistant Planner Enclosure: Site Plan Zipper Geo, geotechnical reports Planting Plan FIGUREJob No.Zipper Geo Associates, LLC19019 36th Ave. W.,Suite ELynnwood, WASHT. of11NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP2041.01DATE: AUGUST 20191MCCARTHY RESIDENCE SLOPE STABILIZATION3403 BURNETT AVENUE NORTHRENTON, WASCALE IN FEET010010050PROJECT SITEN 34TH ST.N 35TH ST.BURNETT AVE. N LAKE WA BLVD. N DESIGNED:SCALE:CHECKED:DRAWN:DATE:SHEETJOB NO.OFBYDESCRIPTIONDATENO.PLOT DATE:DRAWING19019 36th Avenue West, Suite E |Lynnwood, WA 98036PH: (425) 582-9928 | Fax: (425) 582-9930 | www.zippergeo.comSUBMITTAL RECORD8/26/19LAST EDIT:RobZ:\Projects\2001 - 2050\2041 McCarthy Residence\2041.01 McCarthy Residence\Working File\Drafting\2041.01 Plans REV 3.dwgRAR4/25/19-INITIAL RELEASE6MCCARTHY RESIDENCE SLOPE STABILIZATION3403 BURNETT AVENUE NORTHRENTON, WASHINGTON8/8/192041.01TAJRARRARRAR7/25/19-REDESIGN W/PIN PILE WALLS - INITIAL RELEASE8/26/19RAR8/8/191REVISED PER CITY REVIEW COMMENTSRAR8/26/192REVISION TO ADDRESS PLANNING COMMENTSAS SHOWNCONTACT INFORMATION:CLIENT:MARY MCCARTHY3403 BURNETT AVENUE NORTHRENTON, WA 98327(253) 720-0126LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT:FRANCINE M DAY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE700 NW 42ND STREET, #409SEATTLE, WA 98107(206) 930-7493GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER:ZIPPER GEO ASSOCIATES, LLC19019 36TH AVE. WEST, SUITE ELYNNWOOD, WA 98036(425) 582-9928CONTACT: Robert Ross, P.E.rross@zippergeo.comSHEET INDEXC1.0 - SITE AND TESC PLANC2.0 - TESC NOTES AND DETAILSC3.0 - GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANC3.1 - DETAILSC3.2 - DETAILSC3.3 - DETAILSAPPROXIAMTE SCALE IN FEET051010BASEMAP FROM TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY BY TYEE SURVEYORS DATED 6/14/18 AND MODIFIED BY ZGAINSTALL CATCHBASIN FILTERHATCHED AREA INDICATESAPPROXIMATE LIMITS OF SLOPESTABILIZATION WORK3403 BURNETT AVENUENORTHPROPOSED RETAINING WALLSEXISTING ROCKERY TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL GENERAL NOTESPART 1 - GENERAL1.THE SUCCESS OF THIS PROJECT IS HIGHLY DEPENDANT ONCONTROL OF SURFACE WATER RUNOFF INTO THE WORKAREA TO PREVENT EROSION AND FURTHER DESTABILIZATIONOF THE SLOPE.2.COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRE TEMPORARILYREMOVING VEGETATION FROM A STEEP SLOPE. THEEXPOSED SURFACE MUST BE PROTECTED FROM EXPOSURETO DIRECT RAINFALL AND SURFACE WATER RUNOFF TO THEEXTENT POSSIBLE DURING CONSTRUCTION. IF WETWEATHER IS EXPECTED (DEFINED AS FORECAST RAINFALLGREATER THAN 0.25 INCHES IN A 12 HOUR PERIOD), AT THEEND OF EACH WORK DAY, THE SLOPE SHALL BE COVEREDWITH ANCHORED PLASTIC SHEETING. AREAS OF THE SITETHAT WILL BE UN-WORKED FOR MORE THAN TWO DAYSSHOULD BE COVERED WITH ANCHORED PLASTIC SHEETING.DEPENDING ON THE CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS, THERE MAYBE A NEED TO TEMPORARILY DELAY WORK AT THE SITE IFHEAVY RAINFALL IS FORECAST. TEMPORARY WORK DELAYSDURING CONSTRUCTION WILL BE EVALUATED ON ACASE-BY-CASE BASIS THROUGH OBSERVATION OF SITECONDITIONS BY ZIPPER GEO ASSOCIATES IN COORDINATIONWITH THE CONTRACTOR.3.CONSTRUCTION EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE INPLACE AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER AND CITY PRIOR TOANY EARTH DISTURBANCE.4.THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TEMPORARY EROSION ANDSEDIMENT CONTROL (TESC) PLANS AND THE CONSTRUCTION,MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT AND UPGRADING OF THE TESCFACILITIES IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTORUNTIL ALL CONSTRUCTION IS APPROVED AND SITE ISPERMANENTLY STABILIZED.5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND MAINTAINTEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION COLLECTION FACILITIES TOENSURE THAT SEDIMENT-LADEN WATER DOES NOT ENTERTHE PUBLIC DRAINAGE SYSTEM. AS CONSTRUCTIONPROGRESSES AND UNEXPECTED (SEASONAL) CONDITIONSDICTATE, MORE TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION COLLECTIONFACILITIES MAY BE REQUIRED TO PREVENT VIOLATINGAPPLICABLE WATER STANDARDS. THEREFORE, DURING THECOURSE OF CONSTRUCTION IT SHALL BE THE OBLIGATIONAND RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO ADDRESS ANYNEW CONDITIONS THAT MAY BE CREATED BY THEIRACTIVITIES AND TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL FACILITIES THATMAY BE NEEDED TO PROTECT ADJACENT PROPERTIES.6.THE TESC FACILITIES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS MUST BECONSTRUCTED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ALL CLEARING ANDGRADING ACTIVITIES, AND IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO ENSURETHAT SEDIMENT-LADEN WATER DOES NOT LEAVE THE SITE,ENTER THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM, OR VIOLATE APPLICABLEWATER STANDARDS.7.NO SEDIMENT SHALL BE TRACKED INTO THE STREET ORPAVED SURFACES. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROMTRUCKS AND EQUIPMENT PRIOR TO LEAVING THE SITE. IN THEEVENT OF FAILURE OF THE EROSION CONTROL SYSTEMRESULTING IN SEDIMENT BEING TRACKED ONTO PAVEDSURFACES, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELYIMPLEMENT MEASURES TO CORRECT THE SITUATION, ANDVACUUM STREET SWEEPING SHALL BE EMPLOYED ON ANEMERGENCY BASIS. IF VACUUM STREET SWEEPING VEHICLESARE UTILIZED, THEY SHALL BE OF THE TYPE THAT REMOVESTHE SEDIMENT FROM THE PAVEMENT. WASHING OF THESTREETS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED WITHOUT PRIOR CITY OFRENTON APPROVAL.8. AREAS NOT WORKED FOR MORE THAN 2 DAYS SHALL BECOVERED WITH ANCHORED PLASTIC SHEETING.PART 1 - GENERAL CONT.9.NO SEDIMENT SHALL BE ALLOWED TO ENTER ANY CATCHBASIN WITHIN THE SITE, OR ADJACENT PROPERTIES. IN THEEVENT OF A FAILURE OF THE TESC PLAN THAT RESULTS INSEDIMENT ENTERING A CATCH BASIN, THE CONTRACTORSHALL REMOVE ALL SUCH SEDIMENT IMMEDIATELY.10.DISTURBED SOILS THAT ARE EXPOSED TO SURFACE RUNOFFSHALL BE IMMEDIATELY STABILIZED WITH TESC MEASURESAND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER AND CITY.11.THE TESC FACILITIES SHALL BE INSPECTED DAILY BY THECONTRACTOR AND MAINTAINED AS NECESSARY TO ENSURETHEIR CONTINUED FUNCTIONING.12.CATCH BASINS IN THE STREET SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THECONTRACTOR DAILY. WATER LEAVING THE SITE DURINGCONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING WATER CARRIED BY TRUCKS,SHALL BE CLEAN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAN CITYCATCH BASINS AND IMPLEMENT EXTRA SEDIMENTATIONCONTROL MEASURES IF NECESSARY AND AS DIRECTED BYTHE CITY OF RENTON INSPECTOR/DOE INSPECTOR AT NOADDITIONAL EXPENSE TO OWNER.13.THE TESC FACILITIES SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTILPERMANENT EROSION CONTROL (REVEGETATION WITHTREES, SHRUBS, GROUND COVER, ETC.) PER THEAPPOROVED PLANS IS IN PLACE.14.WHERE SEEDING FOR TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL ISUSED, FAST GERMINATING GRASSES SHALL BE APPLIED ATAN APPROPRIATE RATE.15.WHERE STRAW MULCH FOR TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROLIS USED, IT SHALL BE APPLIED AT A MINIMUM THICKNESS OFTWO INCHES.16.THE CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MEANSAND METHODS AND SEQUENCING OF TESC MEASURES ANDENSURING WATER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS ARE MET.PART 2 - TEMPORARY EXCAVATION STABILITY1.A TEMPORARY EXCAVATION WILL BE REQUIRED TO REMOVELOOSE SOIL FROM AN AREA IN THE SOUTHERN PORTION OFTHE SLOPE. TEMPORARY EXCAVATION SLOPE STABILITY IS AFUNCTION OF MANY FACTORS, INCLUDING: GROUNDWATERSEEPAGE, THE TYPE AND DENSITY OF THE VARIOUS SOILSTRATA, THE DEPTH OF CUT; SURCHARGE LOADINGSADJACENT TO THE EXCAVATION, AND THE LENGTH OF TIMETHE EXCAVATION REMAINS OPEN.2.AS THE CONTRACTOR IS CONTINUOUSLY PRESENT AT THESITE AND ABLE TO CONTINUOUSLY OBSERVE SITECONDITIONS, THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD BE RESPONSIBLEFOR MAINTENANCE OF SAFE SLOPES AND WORKER SAFETY.WE RECOMMEND THE CONTRACTOR CONTINUOUSLYOBSERVE TEMPORARY EXCAVATIONS FOR INDICATIONS OFINSTABILITY SUCH AS SOIL SLUMPS, GROUNDWATERSEEPAGE AT THE SURFACE OF THE SLOPE, AND CRACKS ORDOWN SETTING OF THE GROUND SURFACE AT THE TOP OFTHE SLOPE OR ALONG ANY PORTION OF THE SLOPE. IF SIGNSOF INSTABILITY ARE OBSERVED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALLSTOP WORK AND CONTACT ZIPPER GEO ASSOCIATESIMMEDIATELY FOR FURTHER OBSERVATION ANDRECOMMENDATIONS.3.ZIPPER GEO ASSOCIATES (ZGA) SHALL PROVIDE PERIODICOBSERVATION OF GRADING AND RESTORATION AS ITPROCEEDS. ZGA SHALL OBSERVE THE SITE AND TEMPORARYEXCAVATIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER A RAINFALL EVENTTOTALING 0.5 INCHES OR MORE IN A 24 HOUR PERIOD.TEMPORARY PLASTIC COVERINGCATCH BASIN INSERTDESIGNED:SCALE:CHECKED:DRAWN:DATE:SHEETJOB NO.OFBYDESCRIPTIONDATENO.PLOT DATE:DRAWING19019 36th Avenue West, Suite E |Lynnwood, WA 98036PH: (425) 582-9928 | Fax: (425) 582-9930 | www.zippergeo.comSUBMITTAL RECORD8/26/19LAST EDIT:RobZ:\Projects\2001 - 2050\2041 McCarthy Residence\2041.01 McCarthy Residence\Working File\Drafting\2041.01 Plans REV 3.dwgRAR4/25/19-INITIAL RELEASE6MCCARTHY RESIDENCE SLOPE STABILIZATION3403 BURNETT AVENUE NORTHRENTON, WASHINGTON8/8/192041.01TAJRARRARRAR7/25/19-REDESIGN W/PIN PILE WALLS - INITIAL RELEASE8/26/19RAR8/8/191REVISED PER CITY REVIEW COMMENTSRAR8/26/192REVISION TO ADDRESS PLANNING COMMENTSNOT TO SCALE 19019 36th Avenue West, Suite E Lynnwood, Washington 98036 (425) 582-9928 Zipper Geo Associates, LLC Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting Project No. 2041.01 August 26, 2019 Mary McCarthy 3403 Burnett Avenue North Renton, WA 98105 Subject: Land Use Code Modification Request McCarthy Slope Stabilization 3403 Burnett Avenue North Renton, WA Dear Ms. McCarthy: Zipper Geo Associates, LLC prepared retaining wall construction plans and stability calculations for the proposed slope stabilization project located on your property dated August 8th , 2019. The City of Renton Land Use department reviewed those plans and indicated that modifications to the plans are required in order to meet Section 4-4-040.2.e.i and 4-4-040.2.f of the Renton Municipal Code (the Code). It is not feasible to meet those requirements and the purpose of this letter is to provide required information in support of a Land Use Code Modification Request as required and described in the Renton Planning Division’s Submittal Requirements, Modification document. The requested information or reference to it is provided below. 1. Pre-Application Meeting Summary: A formal pre-application meeting was not held. However, email correspondence with Ms. Vanessa Dolbee was completed and through that correspondence, Ms. Dolbee has indicated that it appears the modification can be approved. 2. Wavier Form: No waiver form was provided. 3. Land Use Permit Master Application Form: A land use permit master application form was previously submitted and is also attached to this letter. 4. Fees: Fees have not been submitted, however Ms. Dolbee has indicated the fee will be determined after the Modification submittal information has been received. 5. Project Narrative: The project will consist of constructing a two-tiered retaining wall and associated landscaping on a slope located along the west side of the subject property. The slope is currently experiencing erosion and shallow landslide instability. The purpose of the retaining walls and landscaping is to permanently stabilize the slope. Detailed information regarding the geometry of the proposed retaining walls and landscaping can be found on the attached plans. 6. Justification for the Modification Request to Section 4-4-040.2.e.i: Section 4-4-040.2.e.i of the Code requires that “The width of a terrace shall be equal to the height of the tallest abutting retaining wall; however, the minimum terrace width shall be two feet (2').” The tallest abutting retaining wall under the current proposal is 4 feet. As such, this section of the Code would require a minimum terrace width of 4 feet. Under the current proposal, a terrace width of only Zipper Geo Associates, LLC McCarthy Slope Stabilization Project No. 2041.01 August 26, 2019 19023 36th Avenue West, Suite D Lynnwood, Washington 98036 (425) 582-9928 Page 2 3 diverging to 4 feet can be provided for approximately the south half of the upper proposed retaining wall (Wall 2). The only feasible retaining wall system that can work at this site due to access constraints is one installed with hand-carried equipment as currently proposed. The proposed wall system is at it’s structural limit. Moving Wall 2 down-slope to provide the 4 foot terrace width for the entire wall length would result in inadequate structural capacity for the lower wall (Wall 1) as the upper wall would begin to impose passive lateral earth pressures on the lower wall therefor requiring a wall with larger structural elements that cannot be installed with hand-carried equipment. Adding capacity to the lower wall through installation of additional piles is not feasible as the piles are spaced as close as reasonably feasible such that they do not interact therefore reducing capacity. Using machined equipment to install larger structural elements is not feasible as the existing home blocks access to the area from the top and such equipment would have inadequate reach from the bottom. Justification for the Modification Request to Section 4-4-040.2.f: Section 4-4-040.2.f of the Code requires that “For land area that is not between two (2) retaining walls (i.e., not a terrace), the lower soil grade (i.e., ground at the bottom of a retaining wall’s exposed surface) and the upper soil grade (i.e., ground at the top a retaining wall) abutting a retaining wall shall be level for a horizontal distance (measured perpendicularly to the wall) equaling one foot (1') for every one foot (1') in height of the retaining wall.” This section would require a level grade at the bottom of the lower wall (Wall 1) extending 4 feet from the wall face. A gently sloping grade extending only 3 feet from the wall face can be provided under the current proposal. Providing a level grade distance of 4 feet would require the height of Wall 1 to be increased or the tier width between Walls 1 and 2 to be decreased. For similar reasons under the justification for Section 4-4-040.2.e.i, a 4 feet level grade distance cannot be provided. The current proposal is at it’s structural limit. Modification Compliance: We interpret that the primary intent of the land use requirements under the sections in which modifications are requested is one of aesthetics. It is our opinion the proposed modification substantially meets the land use element by providing 3 of the 4 feet required and is the minimum adjustment needed to allow for the proposed retaining wall system. Providing 3 of the 4 feet will still allow for landscaping and an aesthetically pleasing finished product. The proposed modification allows for safety and environmental protection by stabilizing an otherwise relatively unstable slope. The proposed modification will not be injurious to other properties in the vicinity as it still provides a majority of the requirements. The modification is justified and required based on reasons cited above. The modification will not create adverse impacts to other properties as it provides a majority of the requirements. 7. Neighborhood Detail Map: See attached. 8. Site Plan: See attached plans. 9. Architectural Elevations: See attached plans. Zipper Geo Associates, LLC McCarthy Slope Stabilization Project No. 2041.01 August 26, 2019 19023 36th Avenue West, Suite D Lynnwood, Washington 98036 (425) 582-9928 Page 3 Respectfully submitted, Zipper Geo Associates, LLC Robert A. Ross, P.E. Principal 8/26/19 19019 36th Avenue West, Suite E Lynnwood, Washington 98036 (425) 582-9928 Zipper Geo Associates, LLC Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting Project No. 2041.01 September 6, 2019 Mary McCarthy 3403 Burnett Avenue North Renton, WA 98105 Subject: Land Use Emergency Exemption McCarthy Slope Stabilization 3403 Burnett Avenue North Renton, WA Dear Ms. McCarthy: Zipper Geo Associates, LLC prepared retaining wall construction plans and stability calculations for the proposed slope stabilization project located on your property dated August 8th , 2019. The City of Renton Land Use department was apparently unaware of the emergency nature of this project. After correspondence with Ms. Vanessa Dolbee, City of Renton Planning Manager regarding the emergency nature of this project, Ms. Dolbee has requested additional information in order to grant the project a temporary emergency exemption from certain land use code requirements. The purpose of this letter is to provide the requested information such that the city will grant an exemption and the work can be completed prior to the beginning of the upcoming rainy season. In our opinion, the area in which the work is proposed is currently unstable and presents an unacceptable level of risk to the safety of the public who use the street below the slope and an unacceptable risk of damage to the McCarthy property. Evidence of this risk is clearly observable on the slope, primarily characterized by cracks on the surface of the slope indicating failure. We highly recommend the work outlined in our August 8th, 2019 plans be implemented as soon as possible and absolutely prior to the onset of the coming rainy season. In accordance with Section 4-3-050, C of the Renton Municipal Code (the Code), work of an emergency nature is permitted within critical areas and their associated buffers provided that the criteria outline in Section 4-3-050, C, footnote 27 is met. Our comments regarding the footnote 27 criteria are provided below. • 27 A: As discussed above, It is our opinion an unacceptable threat to life or sever loss of property will occur if an emergency permit is not granted. The slope is unstable as discussed above. • 27 B: It is our opinion the anticipate threat may occur before permit can be issued or modified under the procedures otherwise required by this Section and other applicable laws. If the slope is left in its current condition and exposed to rainfall or rising groundwater levels as a result of rainfall, further failure may occur depositing landslide debris in the roadway below and further Zipper Geo Associates, LLC McCarthy Slope Stabilization Project No. 2041.01 September 6, 2019 19023 36th Avenue West, Suite D Lynnwood, Washington 98036 (425) 582-9928 Page 2 destabilization of the land beyond the top of the slope. It is our understanding that under the procedures otherwise required by this section of the Code and other sections, a permit would not likely be granted until after the upcoming rainy season begins. • 27 C: The standards and criteria for nonemergency activities have been incorporated into the proposed measures. Specifically, the proposed structural solution meets typical safety factor requirements and the area will be replanted. With regard to time requirements, the work can be completed within 90 days. However, footnote 27 requires the area be restored to original condition. This is not feasible. The proposed work cannot be removed as the area would then become unstable. This work is required to permanently stabilize the slope and is the only feasible alternative we have been able to develop considering other code requirements and site access constraints as previously discussed. With regards to Shoreline Regulations, emergency construction is allowed under similar circumstances as critical areas. The above information provides a basis for emergency construction as related to Shoreline Regulations. As required by Shoreline, Critical Areas, and other code regulations, we will continue to pursue any permits which would have been required for the work absent the above- described emergency situation. Respectfully submitted, Zipper Geo Associates, LLC Robert A. Ross, P.E. Principal Copies: Vanessa Dolbee (City of Renton) – 1 electronic copy, Scott Warlick (City of Renton) – 1 electronic copy, Jennifer Henning (City of Renton) – 1 electronic copy, Brianne Bannwarth (City of Renton) – 1 electronic copy, Brittany Gillia (City of Renton) – 1 electronic copy, Jason Laskelle (May Creek Landscaping) – 1 electronic copy 9/6/19 19019 36th Avenue West, Suite E Lynnwood, Washington 98036 (425) 582-9928 Zipper Geo Associates, LLC Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting Project No. 2041.01 October 18, 2019 Mary McCarthy 3403 Burnett Avenue North Renton, WA 98105 Subject: Short and Long Term Impacts McCarthy Slope Stabilization 3403 Burnett Avenue North Renton, WA Dear Ms. McCarthy: Zipper Geo Associates, LLC prepared retaining wall construction plans and stability calculations for the proposed slope stabilization project located on your property dated August 8th , 2019. The City of Renton granted an emergency exemption to begin the work prior to obtaining all of the necessary permits due to the emergency nature of the project. As a condition to granting the exemption, the City will not finalize the permit until a Shoreline Permit, Critical Areas Permit, and a Wall Modification have been approved. In order to further process the required additional permits/approvals, the City has requested a narrative describing the short and long term impacts the project may have on adjacent properties. The purpose of this letter is to provide that narrative. Short Term Impacts The project involves earth work on a steep slope with areas of relatively unstable soils. The work will expose soils highly susceptible to erosion. Additionally, the work could result in shallow landslides in the unstable soils. The potential impacts of erosion are deposition and transport of sediment off-site. The potential impacts of landslides include safety concerns for the traveling public along Lake Washington Boulevard below and potentially destabilizing areas along the sides and tops of the slope. The project plans were developed to mitigate the potential short term impacts through the use of temporary erosion and sediment control measures and observation of construction by a geotechnical engineer from Zipper Geo Associates. The work is currently proceeding and the mitigation measures outlined in the plans are proving successful at mitigating the potential short term impacts. Long Term Impacts The long term impacts of the project are, in our opinion, beneficial to neighboring properties. Specifically, prior to construction, the slope was over-steepened, covered with invasive plant species, and contained areas of unstable soils. The project will stabilize an otherwise unstable slope, which if failed, would have negative impacts on adjacent properties. The project will remove invasive species and replace them with non-invasive species therefore increasing the potential for biodiversity in the area. As such, we do not foresee negative long term impacts associated with the work. Zipper Geo Associates, LLC McCarthy Slope Stabilization Project No. 2041.01 October 18, 2019 19023 36th Avenue West, Suite D Lynnwood, Washington 98036 (425) 582-9928 Page 2 We trust this information meets the City’s current request. If we can be of further assistance, please contact us. Respectfully submitted, Zipper Geo Associates, LLC Robert A. Ross, P.E. Principal Copies: Vanessa Dolbee (City of Renton) – 1 electronic copy, Jason Laskelle (May Creek Landscaping) – 1 electronic copy 10/18/19