HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Sustainability Management Plan (2015) c April 20, 2015 Renton City Council Minutes Page 73 CAG: 15-025; Riverview Park Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending Bridge Replacement, Rodarte concurrence in the staff recommendation to award the construction contract Construction, Inc. for the Riverview Park Bridge Replacement project, as advertised through the Daily Journal of Commerce,to Rodarte Construction, Inc., in the amount of $759,628.88, and to transfer$150,000 from the King County 2007 Proposition 2 Levy Fund to complete the project.The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Transportation (Aviation) Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Palmer presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve a Transportation:Airport resolution adopting the Renton Municipal Airport Sustainability Management Sustainability Mngmt. Plan Plan. MOVED BY PALMER,SECONDED BY PEREZ,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. (See below for resolution.) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTION#4250 A resolution was read adopting the Airport's Sustainability Management Plan. Transportation:Airport MOVED BY PALMER,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Sustainability Mngmt. Plan RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS See attached Council Committee Meeting Calendar. ADJOURNMENT MOVED,BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME: 7:25 p.m. Jason A. Seth, CMC, City Clerk Megan Gregor, Recorder April 20, 2015 TRANSPORTATION/AVIATION COMMITTEE city y COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORT April 20, 2015 Renton Municipal Airport Sustainabilty Management Plan (April 6, 2015) The Transportation/Aviation Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve a Resolution adopting the Renton Municipal Airport Sustainability Management Plan. • a Marcie Palmer, Chair _ I Ruth P ez, Vice Chair Don Persson, Member - • I , cc: Doug Jacobson,Deputy Public Works Administrator,Transportation Jonathan Wilson,Airport Manager Josef Hamden,Transportation Secretary I Susan Campbell-Hehr,Airport Secretary: V CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 4250 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE AIRPORT'S SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN. WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) offered and we accepted a grant in the amount of$150,000 to•complete the development of a Sustainability Management Plan for the Airport; and WHEREAS, the FAA provided the grant under a FAA pilot program to help airports meet their environmental, social, and economic obligations; and WHEREAS, the Airport selected Bernard Dunkelberg as its consultant to assist in developing the Sustainability Management Plan; and WHEREAS,the Renton Airport Advisory Commission has helped create, edit, and finalize the Sustainability Management Plan; and WHEREAS, the Renton Municipal Airport has now completed its Sustainability Management Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. The City Council does hereby adopt the Airport's Sustainability Management Plan. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 4250 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 20th day of April , 2015. r 1.1 Jason . Seth, ity Clerk • APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 20th day of April , 2015. ak„, /L'I'/rL D-nis Law, Mayor ,,`,E,;;lliif��7�j'(Jt k • 0 f- HE' i/ff,//i ro Approved as to form: ; 34.4t * SEAL Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney % ,E %' • RES.1663:2/25/15:scr • • 2 Ap lir 6, 2015 :Renton City Council Minutes Page 63 I CAG: 15-025, Riverview Park City Clerk reported a bid opening on 3/23/2015 for CAG-15-025, Riverview Park Bridge Replacement, Rodarte Bridge Replacement;six bids; engineer's estimate$800,000; and submitted Construction, Inc. staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Rodarte Construction, Inc., in the amount of$759,628.88. Refer to Finance Committee for discussion of funding. CAG: 15-032,Sunset Terrace City Clerk reported a bid opening on 3/24/2015 for CAG-15-032,Sunset Terrace Regional Stormwater Facility, Regional:Stormwater Facility Project;ten bids; engineer's estimate Olson Bros Excavating, Inc. $738,160.09; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder,Olson Bros Excavating, Inc., in the amount of$649,550. Council concur. Appeal:Tiffany Park - City Clerk Reported appeal of the Hearing Examiner's final decision upon Preliminary Plat, LUA-13- reconsideration regarding the Reserve at Tiffany Park Preliminary Plat(LUA-13- 001572 001572) by Renate Beedon,Tiffany Park Woods Advocacy Group, accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Community Services: 2015 Community Services Department reported receipt of five 2015 Neighborhood Neighborhood Grant Grant Program applications and recommended funding all five projects totaling Applications $45,252.;Refer to Community Services Committee. Community Services: Purchase Community Services Department recommended approval of an amendment to &Sale Agreement the Purchase and Sale agreement for the Fawcett property, along May Creek, Amendment, Fawcett property with an agreed upon price of$785,000. Refer to Finance Committee. Public Works: Interlocal Public Works Department recommended approval of an Interlocal Cooperative Cooperative Purchasing ;g Agreement with Kitsap County to expedite the purchase of capital Agreement, Kitsap County Items. Council concur. (See page 65 for resolution.) Transportation: Increase in Transportation Systems Division requested authorization to increase a Public Staffing Works Department Transportation Systems Division Operations Section Civil Engineer-III Position from 0.50 Full Time Equivalent(FTE) to 1.0 FTE. Refer to Finance Committee. Transportation:Airport Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a resolution Sustainability Management adopting the Renton Municipal Airport Sustainability Management Plan. Refer Plan to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Lease:Amendment 015-15, Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of Amendment 015-15 Aerodyne, LLC, LAG-84-006 to LAG-84-006,Aerodyne, LLC,for a land rental rate adjustment from$0.75 to $0.7252 in accordance with a January 2015 lease arbitration decision. Council concur. Lease:Amendment 2-15, Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of Amendment 02-15 Renton Gateway Center, LAG- to LAG-09-006, Renton Gateway Center,for a land rental rate adjustment from 09-006 $0.57 to$0.7252 in accordance with a January 2015 lease arbitration decision. Council concur. I ti Lease:Amendment 015-15, , Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of Amendment 015-15 Kaynan, Inc., LAG-84-003 to LAG-84-003, Kaynan, Inc.,for a land rental rate adjustment from$0.75 to $0.7252 in accordance with a January 2015 lease arbitration decision. Council concur. Lease:Amendment 09-15, Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of Amendment 09-15 Kaynan, Inc., LAG-85-011 to LAG-85-011, Kaynan, Inc.,for a land rental rate adjustment from $0.75 to $0.7252 in accordance with a January 2015 lease arbitration decision.Council concur. • CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Meeting: Renton Municipal Airport Sustainability REGULAR COUNCIL- 06 Apr 2015 Management Plan Exhibits: Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: A. Issue Paper , Public Works B. Sustainability Management Plan C. Draft Resolution Staff Contact: Jonathan Wilson, Airport Manager, ext. 7477 Recommended Action: Refer to Transportation/Aviation Committee. Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ 0 Transfer Amendment: $ 0 Amount Budgeted: $ 0 Revenue Generated: $ 0 Total Project Budget: $ 0 City Share Total Project: $ 0 SUMMARY OF ACTION: In 2010 the Renton Municipal Airport was selected by the FAA to complete a Sustainability Management Plan (SMP). The SMP was completed in 2012 with help from the Renton Airport Advisory Committee and Barnard Dunkelberg and Company, Inc. Now, at the conclusion of the project, the Airport seeks Council approval of a Resolution to formally adopt the SMP. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: I Approve a Resolution adopting the Renton Municipal Airport Sustainability Management Plan. ' I ' • PUBLIC WORKS UEIPARTMENT - j oe coo . 4 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 6, 2015 TO: Ed.Prince,Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA: Denis Law, Mayor FROM: Gregg ZimmermaWiTublic Works Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Jonathan Wilson,Airport Manager(extension 7477) SUBJECT: Renton Municipal Airport Sustainability Management Plan ISSUE: Should Council approve a Resolution adopting the Renton Municipal Airport Sustainability Management Plan? RECOMMENDATION: Approve a Resolution adopting the Renton Municipal Airport Sustainability Management Plan. BACKGROUND: • The Airport was awarded a$150,000 FAA grant to complete a Sustainability Management Plan (SMP)in 2010. The grant followed a competitive selection process where Renton was one of only 10 airports nationwide selected to develop a SMP. The objective of the SMP is to develop, balance and manage an increasingly complex set of goals and opportunities to ensure the long-term sustainability of the Airport. The SMP focuses on sustainable practices including financial and physical, in addition to energy use and greenhouse gas production. With the help of the Renton Airport Advisory Committee (RAAC) and Barnard Dunkelberg and Company, Inc.,the SMP was completed in 2012. The deliverable received included the actual plan itself and a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet tracking tool that the Airport uses to input relevant data. That data is then trackedover•time to • measure the Airport's progress toward meeting the SMP goals. The final report for 2013 . • was completed and results were presented to the RAAC in February 2015. The final report for 2014 is being developed now and will be presented to the RAAC in May. Now at the conclusion of the'project the Renton;Municipal Airport seeks Council , approval of a Resolution to formally adopt the SMP. cc: Josef Harnden,Administrative Secretary I Susan Campbell-Rehr,Secretary II I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN • { Table of Contents Table of Contents List of Figures ii Abbreviations and Acronyms A. Executive Summary and Overview of the Process Executive Summary • A.1 , Overview of the Process A.3 Definitions(Vision,Sustainability,Categories,Goals,Objectives and Initiatives) A.3 Summary of Sustainability Goals A.4 Implementation A.5 , Calendar of Sustainability Management PlanActivities A.6 B. Sustainability for Renton Municipal Airport Renton Definition of Sustainability B.1 Renton Sustainability Vision B.2 Sustainability Categories B.3 C. Current Conditions ' Airport Setting C.2 Financial C.2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory C.3 Energy Utilities—Emissions and Cost C.3 Water Resources C.3 Airport Vehicle Fleet and Related Emissions C.4 Employees C.4 Community C.4 Noise • C.4 D. Sustainability Goals and Objectives Development and Evolution of Sustainability Goals/Objectives D.2 Airport Finance Category D.2 - •Airport and Local Economic ValuesCategory D.3 Community Outreach and Education Category D.3 Energy Consumption/Greenhouse Gases Category D.4 Noise from Aircraft Operations Category D.4 Operations,Maintenance,and Capital Improvement of Airport Facilities Category D.5 Water Quality Category D.5 s. I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT I; SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN • E. Initiatives for Meeting Goals/Objectives Development and Evolution of Sustainability Initiatives E.2 Airport Financials Initiatives E.2 Airport and Local Economic Value Initiatives E.2 Community Outreach and Education Initiatives E.2 Energy Conservation/Greenhouse Gases Initiatives E.3 Noise from Aircraft Operations Initiatives E.3 Operation,Maintenance,and Capital Improvement of Airport Facilities Initiatives E.3 Water Quality Initiatives E.3 Description of Initiatives E.4 F. Sustainability Management.Plan Implementation (Decision Making,Implementation Steps,and Tracking Tool) Guide:Implementation of the Sustainability Management Plan F.2 Sustainability Reporting Tool F.2 Appendix 1. Definitions of Sustainability 2. Inventory of Existing Conditions 3. 2010 Carbon Footprint 4. Financial Baseline and API Analysis 5. Sustainability Initiatives 6. Sustainability Initiatives Polling Results List of Figures Figure C1 Overall Operational Expense by Category,2010 C.2 Figure C2 Emissions Sources by Scope(2010) C.3 RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT ii SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Abbreviations and Acronyms t ACI-NA Airports Council International-North America ACRP Airports Cooperative Research Program CIP Capital Improvement Program CO2e Carbon Dioxide Equivalent(a measure of greenhouse gas emissions) DNL ,Day/Night Average Sound Level EONS "a holistic approach to managing an airport so as to ensure the integrity of the Economic viability,Operational efficiency,Natural Resource Conservation,and Social responsibility (EONS)of the airport." • FAA Federal Aviation Administration GHG Greenhouse Gas GRI Global Reporting Initiative kWh Kilowatt Hour_ LED Light Emitting Diode MIRLs Medium Intensity Runway Lights PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator RAAC Renton Airport Advisory Committee REIL Runway End Identifier Lights' RNP• Required Navigation Performance RNT Renton Municipal Airport(abbreviated airport identifier) I TRB Transportation Research Board of the National Academies • RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN A. E'-- c tive -- I era of h ..,, ,s i ' titriap . ...1' 2 '-,i alf4/4406k.r.-, . .M..3.,i ' ' 1 } • . ^4 if / .4�. Y. ..ft— rn__R1�� Y= _rg'� - :5...,..s •:-.,__..- 4, .L RRYJ -l7- i:,,F [ ffrAj 1 * MUNI JR L• AIRPORT ' `'-v L YT 0 T EL %0 .F i. 4' . MSG �a0\a,r' 4. Historically,the Renton Municipal Airport was run on a day-to-day, project-to-project basis. While this approach may have worked in the past,over time,the Airport has become an increasingly complex operation. These complexities strained the old model of management,and made it clearthat a new management model was needed. Recently,Airport staff began searching for a better way to manage the facility nd its co -ex' es 'n a more sustainable manner. I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT A.1 1 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN At Renton Municipal.Airport,"Sustainability"is the next step in the management evolution of the facility with the purpose of: • Optimizing the use of the Airport's limited assets; • Reducing environmental impacts of the facility;and • Earning greater support from the community. For Renton Municipal X44 Alrport,sustainability is the framework that can be used oto address Bearable Equitable increasingly complex !nab • management. In Environment Eco omit ,[•\s managing the Airport,the Viab,e staff need to not only address the Economic side of ruining the facility Sustainable actions strive to bal .nce the (Operations),but also the financial/operations,natural re rources Natural Resources and (environmental),and soda!cons derations Social characteristics. By adopting a new management approach,tenants and residents will be able to demonstrate the Airport's focus on creating balance between the Economic Social and Environmental characteristics. At Renton Municipal Airport,for the sustainability model to have any meaning,it is critical that Airport staff track,measure,and report its progress. Data currently collected(or soon to be collected)by Airport staff will be measured using a tracking tool developed specifically for this purpo r: The tracking tool is aligned with the Airport's sustainability goals and objectives. • In seeking a new management model,the Renton Municipal Airport has voluntarily undertaken the preparation of a Sustainability Management Pla as part of the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA)Sustainability Pilot Program. In preparing this Plan,Airport Management adopted the followin sustainability policy: The Airport strives to become more financially viable,operationally efficient,while conserving natural resources,and being socially responsible. This document identifies the Airport's approa to sustainability and the initial actions that Airport staff will endeavor to implement. RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT A.2, SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Overview of the Process This first chapter of the Sustainability Management Plan describes of the definitions,summary of sustainability goals,implementation,schedule and calendar of sustainability activities through the year. Definitions • (VISION,SUSTAINABILITY,CATEGORIES,GOALS,and INITIATIVES) Throughout this document,the terms"Vision","Definition of Sustainability", "categories","goals"and"objectives"are used. These terms capture the approach that the staff of Renton Municipal Airport have embraced relative to implementing sustainable management practices at the Airport. The"Vision" articulates the values of the organization. The"definition of sustainability" identifies what sustainability means at Renton Municipal Airport(RNT). The Sustainability Management Plan then focuses on areas of interest,called Sustainability at Renton "categories"in accordance with FAA's scope Go Is• Objec Ives' itiatives of work for the sustainability pilot projects. The ultimate output of the study was to identify initiatives or actions that Airport staff might take to move towards achieving its goal of being more sustainable. To help clarify and direct the effort,"goals"and"objectives" within each focus area/category were established.Goals represent the purpose that initiatives are designed to achieve,and objectives are targets or information to further emphasize/direct the initiatives. The Airport management obtained input concerning the categories for consideration in this Sustainability Management Plan as well as goals and objectives through coordination with its citizen/tenant public input committee(the Renton Airport Advisory Committee—abbreviated RAAC). Categories focused the effort on interest areas such that specific sustainability goals/objectives and subsequent initiatives(described later in this document)could be identified. "Initiatives"represent the actions or programs that could be implemented to assist with making progress on achieving the goals/objectives: RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT A.3 1 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Summary of SustainabilityGoals ` Because of the limited resources at small airports,it is important that the range of issues addressed in sustainability planning provides the most benefit possible to the facility,operations,environs,and community within those limiting factors. Through coordination with Airport management and the RAAC,sustainability goals were developed for categories idIntified as being most important,and including: Airport Finance category . . • Providing an economically stable asset that contributes to the community;and, • Balance expenditures with revenue to remain financially self-sufficient in the long-term. • Improve revenue to provide for future development opportunities. , . • Provide financial capacity that will enable the Airport to pursue sustainability initiatives in the future. Airport and Local Economic Values category . • Attract airport tenantsand aircraft operations that add economic value to the local economy. • Continuously improve as a tier one supplier for Boeing aircraft manufacturing. • Diversify tenants and aviation services forland and sea based operations. • Increase employment. , Community Outreach and Education category. • Continuously improve the airport's relations with the surrounding neighborhoods and with airport tenants. •'Raise community awareness of airport services and value to regional employment. Energy Consumptilon /Greenhouse Gases category ■.Reduce energy consumption without adversely affecting the Airport or its tenants ■'Reduce Airport owned greenhouse gas emissions. Noise from Aircraft Operations category • Maintain 65 DNL noise contour on airport property. • Minimize aircraft noise over neighborhoods. Operations, Maintenance, Capital Improvements of Airport Facilities category • Maintain a safe airport on a daily basis. • Maintain airport and seaplane infrastructure in good condition. Water Quality category • Reduce stormwater runoff quantity. • Improve stormwater quality. . I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT A.4 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Chapter E of this document discusses the initiatives or actions that were identified which will assist the Airport with making progress toward achieving the goals. Implementation The process that Airport staff will use to implement the recommendations of the Sustainability Management Plan reflects the"plan,do,check,and act"cycle(described later in detail). To ensure that the principles of the process become part of the Airport's culture,action will be required on a regular basis. The following items identify the actions that will be overseen by the Airport Manager,and over a calendar year, the management actions to be taken: Daily Activities,as needed • Journal information about activities and circumstances affecting conditions at the Airport. • Use the Sustainability Reporting Tool for review/screening of initiatives. Monthly Activities • Input of monthly data(electricity and fuel use,water fees/use,etc.)into the Sustainability Reporting Tool. • Review and supplement sustainability initiatives in the Sustainability Reporting Tool. Quarterly Activities • Meet with Renton Airport Advisory Committee(MAC)to review sustainability initiatives reviewed by airport staff during previous quarter. Annual Activities: • Input of annual data(i.e.,annual operations,energy,financial data,etc.)by staff into the Sustainability Reporting Tool by mid-March for the prior year. • Produce an Annual Report before mid-year that: + Documents initiatives reviewed during the prior year and their ratings relative to the established sustainability goals. + Reports historic and current performance metrics relative to sustainability categories. Biennial Activities (every two years): • Reconsider the sustainability goals and initiatives and adjust as necessary. • Review the Sustainability Report Tool and adjust as necessary. • Improve quarterly and annual reporting templates,if warranted. • • Discussion with RAAC about performance and goals,and identify suggested initiatives for the upcoming year. • Evaluate these implementation steps,and revise as necessary. RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT A:S; . 1 I SUSTAINABILITY•MANAGEMENTPLAN • Calendar of Sustainability • Mana ement Plan Activities , . - - . F MONTH ACTIONS TO BE UrERTAKEN ' Every Month Journal airport trends and conditions . Evaluate and document initiatives Input monthly utilitj data • January - - February - Meet with RAAC-Present 4th quarter initiatives March Input year end data for prior year into the Sustainability Reporting Tool , April May Staff review/assessment of prior year performance , Produce annual replort for prior year June Meet with RAAC—Present prior year performance and 1st quarter initiatives July August Meet with RAAC—Present 2nd quarter initiatives . September October November Meet with RAAC—Present 3rd quarter initiatives December Through the above implementation process,the Airport management staff will track progress toward its sustainability goals. While periodic checks will'be performed,a comprehensive review of the categories/issues, goals,objectives,metrics,and reportin procedures will be conducted every two years. The purpose of the biennial review is to make adjustments!based on experience,lessons learned,changing conditions,input from stakeholders,and changes in the needs of the categories. Chapter F provides a step-by-step process for this re- evaluation. The implementation approach reflects the belief that successful implementation of sustainability practices should be transparent and involve the"plan,do,check,act"'process. This Sustainability Management Plan itself (and the subsequent chapters)represents the first step-the"plan"portion of the process. Implementation of the initiatives,includingrthe data collection,represents the"do"portion of the process. After implementing initiatives,establishing a"check"process(which is effectively a review/report effort)is needed. 'Also called the Deming Cycle.cle. { ` I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT A.6 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN The Sustainability Management Plan process developed a tool (Sustainability Reporting Tool)for tracking and reporting progress. As time progresses,Airport staff may need to identify areas where additional efforts or focus may be warranted. The"act"portion represents adjustments to the implementation based on what has been learned during the"do"and"check"steps. This entire"plan,do,check,act"process is vital to the success of a sustainability program because it guides implementation of sustainability initiatives,tracks their success over time,and highlights ways to improve the program in the future,leading to even more sustainable measures in the future. I.RENTON MUNICIPAL A RPORT A.7 I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN B. Sustainability for Renton Municip I Airport, • This chapter introduces the definition of sustainability as it applies to Renton Municipal Airport,and lists Renton's initial sustainability categories of interest. These categories enable Airport staff to focus on specific sustainability goals and objectives,which are outlined-in Chapter C. Renton Definition of Sust i inab'lity statement and the individualized airport, • environmental,and community characteristics. While in general,sustainability refersto balancing financial,environmental,and social considerations Most parties that embark on sustainability planning in decision making,each organization often takes use one of the more commonly cited sustainability various different approaches to defining definitions as a foundation and then attach various sustainability. The sustainability definition depends values or policies applicable to that organization to largely on the individual airport,environmental, create an individualized sustainability policy. A and community factors. Because of this,in order to review of the existing definitions of sustainability create a successful sustainability plan,Airport staff provides a method to create an individualized must first determine how to describe sustainability understanding of sustainability that meets Renton on their terms,keeping in mind their existing vision Municipal Airport's needs,while still recognizing I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT B,1 I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN that this definition can evolve over time. Ranges of Renton Sustainability Vision sustainability definitions were considered during the first phase of this project.These range of After cementing a sustainability definition for sustainability definitions in the aviation industry Renton Municipal Airport,the next step in the and worldwide are included in Appendix 1. Based Sustainability Management Plan process was to on the Airport's focus on operational and financial consider how the sustainability values can be, viability within the context of complex social and embraced at Renton Municipal Airport. In order to environmental characteristics,Renton Municipal embrace sustainability,more visibly,airport staff Airport decided to embrace the definition of worked with the project team and RAAC to identify sustainability as endorsed by the Airports Council an airport sustainability vision. International-North America(ACI-NA).ACI-NA's definition of sustainability is: After discussion,the staff at the Airport identified the following sustainability vision: Provide a high standard for safety and customer satisfaction; ' Provide a high standard for operational . • ch to efficiency; ' managing airport 9 9 an , so as • Provide an economically stable asset to ensure theintegrity that contributes to the community;and, the Demonstrate environmental Economic viability, stewardship and community/social Operational efficiency, responsibility. Natural ReSourCe • The sustainability vision was developed in Conservation and Social consideration of the definition of sustainability outlined previously,and the City of Renton's Vision responsibility(EONS)of Statement(detailed in Appendix 1). the Airport." As a general aviation airport,Renton Municipal Airport does not have the resources that are often • available to other larger airports that have dedicated sustainability or environmental, community,and financial staff members. Therefore,for the Renton'Municipal Sustainability Management Plan to be successful,the approach taken must be'done to balance the resources available,while meeting the sustainability vision detailed above. • RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 62 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN I ' For something to be sustainable,it must not foundation to focus the development of specific jeopardize the organization's ability to meet their sustainability goals/objectives and subsequent fundamental responsibilities.There are three :initiatives described later. - fundamental actions that Renton Municipal Airport is responsible for,including: Input from the RMC helped identify important Day-to-day operation and maintenance issues relating to the'goals and objectives. For the of the airportfacility; tenants,issues identified included competitive lease rates and other financialmeasures to make Periodic capital improvement at the the use of the Airport more attractive and Airport;and affordable. Residential community members Airport Business Management that Includes maintaining responsible partnerships with tenants,neighbors, regulators,and other stakeholders. Sustainability at Renton The Sustainability Management Plan for Renton Goals' Objectives' I itiatives Municipal Airport must itself be sustainable and, , indicated that noise and visual impact of the Airport therefore,be tailored to balance financial and staff on the surrounding neighborhoods were of resources,local social concerns,and environmental concern. Additional categories and issues will likely considerations. When making decisions and taking be addressed in the future as the Plan is updated. action,the Airport Manager will-apply the principle The following categories were selected: of sustainability by considering the effects-of their decisions/actions on the focus areas or categories. • AIRPORT FINANCE: Airport financial stability is crucial to its long-term viability, and the viability of tenant businesses. Sustainability Categories Airport finance includes all revenue and This Sustainability Management Plan was prepared expenditures associated with the operation,maintenance,and under a grant from the FAA's Sustainability Pilot Program. That program provided a template scope improvement of the facility. of services,which airports participating lin the program tailored to their local needs. Included in AIRPORT AND LOCAL ECONOMIC VALUES: that template scope is the term"catego?ries." In The ability for the Airport to retain aircraft general,airports participating in the pilot program manufacturing Jobs for citizens,generate have adapted that term to represent interest areas revenue while maintaining reasonable or study area focus. - ' lease rates for airport businesses,and receiving federal financial assistance is Through coordination with the RAAC,the vital to its ability to maintain and improve "categories"for consideration in this Sustainability economic conditions at the Airport Management Plan were selected. A category is an locally,regionally,and nationally. - area of focus that has been identified as important . for the Airport and community. Categories create a - RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 6.3 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN I COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND EDUCATION: to enhance conditions for users of the The Airport is a visible member of the Airport,as well as the surrounding local community,City of Renton,and neighborhoods.'Operations and Puget Sound Region. While most maintenance activities represent the best individuals in those areas do not have opportunity for incorporation of direct contact with the Airport,the sustainability into both the management aircraft using the facilities are often and structure of the Airport. noticed. Further,the community is directly and indirectly benefited from WATER QUALITY: Due to the close economic activity occurring at the proximity of Cedar River and Lake Airport. Washington,water quality is an important part of the airport environment. • ENERGY CONSUMPTION/GREENHOUSE Stormwater run-off from the Airport GASES: Energy is an important increases the potential for impacts on sustainability issue for Renton Municipal water quality and habitat in the area. Airport because reducing energy/fuel use .' Additionally,a reduction of potable water can improve air quality and reduce consumption at the Airport can reduce greenhouse gases,and reduce operating operating costs. costs for the Airport. The City of Renton recognizes that greenhouse gas emissions have a global effect,with Based on discussions with Airport staff and the consequences felt regionally due to the Renton Airport Advisory Committee,future expansion of this Plan may consider inclusion of: potential for climate change and sea level Waste,Natural Habitats,Construction Management, rise. and Air Quality. These issues and others were initially considered but,ultimately,not included in • NOISE FROM AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS: this initial Plan because of the limited amount of Aircraft noise over residential areas is a baseline and future information available and the long-time concern of both the Airport additional staff and financial costs that would be and surrounding communities. Aircraft incurred by the Airport when tracking. As the noise is experienced from a wide range of implementation progresses,the limiting factors are activities at the Airport,ranging from expected to subside and consideration of flight schools to Boeing aircraft additional issues/categories may be warranted. operations. , The following chapter,Current Conditions,includes • OPERATIONS AND MAINTAINANCE OF detailed inventory of the baseline conditions AIRPORT FACILITIES:The majority of ' related to the above categories,as available. Airport staff time and financial resources is dedicated to the continued maintenance and operation of the . facilities. Considerable effort is expended to keep the facility running while striving ' RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT BA I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN C.Current Con itiOfS y yi :=t. °.jA;,, .a'�:;L" ,. Ira' - a w,. ja 5 r"9s ,iW s y r`a f - -f ,W °.. s ,e y ` 4..e, .,.p,. Cs;�tr� ,•'4 • 4+S 4 .1 et :. td g ;• .. Y • 'x:.. .v:y m'.,.. .w ..•..«..-,.,s ,� ¢ ` .. f t,- •v.ec:•= `'cc" i =E sK"., M w.'eam°y,:Vic' ....,."�, sy �' "' ... ,._ _ _ This chapter identifies the current conditions relative to the key focus of the initial Sustainability Management Plan. The baseline enabled an understanding of the issues. With that undrstanding, goals and objectives could be considered, as well as aid in,identifying metrics to measure progress. This chapter documents baseline (existing) conditions in the focus areas (categories). A summary of the baseline data for these categories data confidence,the data sources are identified as is described below and detailed in Appendix 2. measured,or estimated. This information represents what is known about the Airport relative to the initial sustainability categories in the current,short-,medium-and long- term time frames. It is important to note that some information is not available in certain categories and must be estimated. As such,to disclose the I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT C.1, SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Airport etti g Fi ancial Renton Municipal Airport is a general aviation he information included in this section identifies airport that serves Renton,Washington and other he financial baseline for the Airport and provides nearby communities. The City of Renton is located insight to those areas that create the heaviest on the south shore of Lake Washington The City of burden on the Airport financially. Renton is home to approximately 94,000 residents and is a fast growing community in the Puget Sources of Revenue: Ninety-five percent of revenue Sound area. collected at Renton Municipal Airport is derived from their long-term leases of airport property and The Airport provides regional aviation services for buildings. The remaining sources of revenue today air charter,air taxi,corporate,business,and and in the future are from fuel sales,investment recreational flyers. With over 80,000 annual aircraft interest,and facility enhancement projects..Facility operations,the Airport is used primarily by single enhancement projects will generate additional engine piston aircraft. The Boeing Commercial income once constructed with the additional Airplane Company facilities at and near Renton revenue derived primarily,from leases on newly Municipal Airport are used to manufacture Boeing constructed facilities. A new lease with Boeing 737 aircraft. Boeing is an economic contributor to starting in 2010 resulted in a nearly$1 million the Puget Sound area economy,as well as annual increase in operating revenue. regionally and nationally. Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base is located at the north end Operating Expenses: Operational expenses for of the Airport,along the shore of Lake Washington. Renton Municipal Airport were separated into three general categories:Staffing Expenses,Maintenance Expenses,and Indirect Costs. Eighty percent of the Figure Ct cost are associated with Staffing Expenses. Overall Operational Indirect Costs(interest,insurance,etc.)are the Expense Categories,Budgeted 2012 second largest category and account for about Source:Sustainable Business consulting 2012. sixteen percent of total expenses. Electricity,gas, water,sewage,and fuel account for approximately Indirect Cost eleven percent of the total expense budget(over Total $178,055 $100,000 a year). More detailed information about each of these categories for 2012 is included in Figure Cl,Overall Operation Expenseration Expe14- Additional information about the airport finances is Maintenance w.., ��' provided in Appendix 4. Totals$56,500 4yy Management Totals$955,060 I"RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT C:2 :1 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Capital Improvement Program Expenses:The Airport En er tilities • - has experienced a few years of high capital En issi ns a ost expenditures in order to maintain and renew the airport nfrastructure Additional capital'projects are A large quantity of the Airport's greenhouse gas p anned to occur in the future.These expenses are emissions comes from its electricity usage from its documented i Appendix 4. facilities and field lighting and equates to approximately sixty percent of the emissions that are owned and controlled by the Airport and • Gree- o s- -s resulted in a large portion of the Airport's operating "' EI issio s i ye tory budget. The Airport Traffic Control Tower/FAA \' Offices/Airport Offices are the largest users of A Greenhouse Gas Emissions(GHG)inventory was electricity due to energy intensive activities completed for the key sources and other sources occurring within the facilities such as computer located on the Airport that are owned by the City, servers,air flight control rooms,etc. Over the based on 2010 conditions. Including aillairport- course of the past three years,electricity use at the related sources,activity at Renton Municipal Airport Airport decreased slightly from a high of 228,224 generates approximately 6,608 metric tons of kWhs in 2008,to a low of 205,519 kWhs in 2010. greenhouse gases(CO2e-carbon dioxide equivalent gases). Of the 6,608 metric tons of CO2e,the City of Renton only has direct control Water_es rces (referred to as Scope 1 or 2 emissions)over The Airport is billed at medium intensity rates for all approximately 132 metric tons of CO2ei of the impervious surface covered area on the approximately two percent of the emis i ions at the Airport. This charge has increased from Airport. The breakdown of emissions can be seenI approximately$4,000 per month in 2007 to$9,300 in Figure C2,EMISSIONS SOURCES BY TYIE,2010. per month in 2012,and Is projected to rise substantially in the near future as overall storm water rates rise in the City. Currently,the Airport Figure C2 has a total of$94,766 budgeted for City Surface Emissions Sources by Type(207 DI Water Management fees in 2012,but this budgeted Source:Susta nable Business onsulting 2 1 amount did not account for a recent increase in the Scope3 stormwater fees,which have now risen to$111,000. Jet Ahie l 22% Approximately half of the airport's impervious 1 surface is discharged directly into the Cedar River and does not rely on the City's stormwater conveyance system. we;,.. - — Scope 1&2.2% The City of Renton provides water and sewer ,. . " : service to the south half of the Airport,and Bryn .; _ Scope 3 Mawr-Skyway Water and Sewer District provides : •.:. .- I Was % " >. water and sewer to the northwest quadrant. The Scope3 a largest expense in the water use category comes General Aviation Fuel..T69b Commuting. % from the irrigation provided through Airport Way RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT C:3 I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN West Irrigation. In total,irrigation accounts for plan includes objectives and policies to support about forty-eight percent of the total water . increased aviation activities and appropriate expense. Generally,these expenses peak in June mitigation of adverse impacts when possible. In through October during the growing season,with recent years,Airport staff members have worked on approximately seventy percent of the costs being improving public outreach. The Renton Airport Incurred in these months. Advisory Committee was created to provide a link between the Airport and the community and stakeholders,including tenants,local business Airport Vehicle Fleet and owners,and members of the public. Related Emissions The Airport owns several,vehicles for use by airport Nois staff for general airport operation and maintenance, Land use around the Airport generally consists of including four light trucks. Additionally,the Airport open water to the immediate north(Lake o ins a large mower that is used to maintain airport Washington)and east(Cedar River),and an urban la idscaping. Emissions from airport-owned mix of commercial,manufacturing/industrial, vehicles and equipment represent approximately public use,and residential surrounding the rest of twenty-four percent of airport-owned and the Airport. The Airport tracks citizen complaints controlled emissions,second only to electricity. about aircraft noise. Complaints are received through letters,emails,and phone calls and are Employees logged and tracked by the Airport. There does not appear to be a consistent pattern in the number of The Airport employs six full time regular employees noise complaints(as compared in Appendix 2). The and five full time seasonal employees.An employee number of noise complaints has ranged from 16 to commuting survey was completed in 2011 with a 217 annually over the course of 2000-2011 and has participation rate of one hundred percent. In terms increased and decreased variably over this time of employee work commuting,ninety-six percent of period. Further,there does not appear to be a travel consists of single occupancy driving,two relationship between the number of total aircraft percent motorcycle use,and two percent bicycle operations or classes of activity and noise use,with an average commuting distance of 29 complaints. Additionally,the Airport created a miles round-trip. No parking fees are charged for voluntary Noise Abatement Brochure to help employees,and parking is located directly next to reduce noise impacts and increase pilot awareness the entrance/office. of noise sensitive land uses around the Airport. The Airport has worked with the Flight School to help increase the use of these procedures,when able, Community and also has developed a set of voluntary ground The City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Update of run-up procedures to further reduce impacts. The 2009 describes the Airport as,"more than a Airport is also working with a consultant who has transportation facility. It is also a vital element to standardized,digitized and marketed the voluntary Renton's commercial and industrial economy, noise abatement plan for inclusion In electronic providing aircraft services,manufacturing support, "flight bags"in order to reach a larger audience of flight training,and other airport activities." The pilots. RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT CA 1 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN D. Sustainability Goals an 0 jectives fiikfya. , ..E 4 �,. fru £�.;. ny..-,. t' ti - Jt / . $a Sustainability"goals" are the purpose toward which an initiative is directed or focused. Sustainability "o jectives" are directed at the specifics of which the initiatives are intended to accomplish. Objectives are sometimes called targets.Where numeric targets are not defined,the objectives provide additional information about i he focus of the goal. This chapter lists the goals and objectives developed for the Renton Municipal Airport Sustainability Management Plan. Progress for each of the sustainability goals/objectives will be tracked in comparison to the existing baseline conditions outlined in the previous chapter. ' 1 RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT D.1 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN The Airport vision is to be: removed because of the inability to achieve or track progress as conditions change. As implementation The provider of safe,efficient,and progresses,Airport management may wish to customer-friendly general aviation amend goals/objectives as appropriate and modify facilities and services; the initiatives,tracking,and implementation tools. The airport of choice for aviation in The following provides a description of the Renton,the Kent Valley,and cities on the eastern shore of Lake Washington;and, sustainability goals developed for each resource category currently considered in this Plan: The launch site for Boeing aircraft manufacturing. Airport inance Category GOAL Development and Evolution of Balance expenditures with revenue to Sustainability Goals/Objectives remain financially self-sufficient in the long- The Airports vision statements have been paired term. with the sustainability categories to become the" • basis for developing specific sustainability goals. KEY OBJECTIVE:, The goals have been refined through input To maintain fiscal balance to ensure that the received from the RAAC. Airport can continue to operate,maintain, and improve the facilities without sources of Sustainability goals were proposed after the revenue beyond those either generated at baseline inventory was completed,as the context of the Airport or provided by the FAA.The the issue was needed to develop applicable goals. Airport,historically,was not always self- The RAAC members were able to focus in and sufficient and it has been able to become so examine not only the objectives of this through fiscal discipline and budgeting. Sustainability Management Plan,but also the objectives of the Airport as a whole and how goals might relate to current conditions and community concerns. Further,the discussion of goals provided GOAL: the Airport and the RAAC members an opportunity Improve revenue to provide for future to articulate their specific desires forthefuture of development opportunities. the facility. KEY OBJECTIVE: Through a series of progressively more detailed To improve revenue sufficient to meet • meetings with the Airport and members of the operations and maintenance costs and allow RAAC,the current list of goals and objectives were for strategic improvements that provide established for each of the sustainability resource benefit to both Airport users and the categories. As the Sustainability Management Plan surrounding communities. Currently,the is put into practice and implemented,the goals/objectives will need to be further refined to Airport generates enough revenue to account for ever-changing conditions. In many undertake modest facility improvements cases,it will be determined that additional or with financial assistance from the FAA. perhaps more ambitious goals/objectives can be Current financial resources require that established. Conversely,there may be many of the facility improvement projects goals/objectives that need to be lowered or I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT D2 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN 1 I ` get pushed into the future,well beyond manner that achieves benefit for Boeing,the when needed. Airport,and the community. The Boeing • Commercial Airplane Company,located GOAL: adjacent to the Airport,manufactures Boeing Provide financial capacity that will enable 737 aircraft and uses the airfield for their initial the Airport to pursue sustainability flights,and is an economic driver locally, initiatives in the future. t regionally,and nationally. KEY OBJECTIVE: Wice To improve financial capability to facilitate the Diversify tenants and aviation services for land undertaking of sustainability improvement and sea based operations. ' projects that may have a,higher initial ost,but • provide a much lower total cost and provide a KEY OBJECTIVE: greater return on investment. By providing To provide a variety of services and tenants at adequate financial resources up front, r-i-• the Airport to make the Airport more desirable Airport can reduce its long-term financial for other tenants and users.To diversify types commitments and provide facilities that better of business and operations to provide stability balance operational,environmental,social, when one or more sectors of aviation and financial considerations. experience changes or declines. Airport and Local GOAL: Economic Values,Category ` Increase private sector employment on the •• Airport property: Attract airport tenants and aircraft operations KEY OBJECTIVE. that add economic value to the local economy. r To provide opportunities for the Airport and its tenants to increase employment at the facility, KEY OBJECTIVE: as well as provide economic benefits that To provide facilities and services that attract - increase employment regionally. Increases to users and tenants and maximizes benefits to employment generally,as well as regionally, the Airport and local community. Generally, have the effect of stimulating the economy at tenants that provide services to users,increase . the Airport. • employment at the Airport,and maintain financially stable businesses are most beneficial to the Airport and local economy. Community Outreach and ---- ----_— Education Cate. ory GOAL GOAL: Continuously improve as a tier one supplier, Continuously improve the airport's relations for Boeing aircraft manufacturing. with the surrounding neighborhoods and with airport tenants. KEY OBJECTIVE: To maintain and enhance the Airport in a I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT D3.:, c • r SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN KEY OBJECTIVE: - To maintain and enhance the open GAL communication between the Airport, Reduce Airport owned greenhouse gas surrounding neighborhoods,and airport emissions. tenants. To partner in collaborative efforts to KEY OBJECTIVE: provide benefits to the community and to the ' To reach or exceed the goal of fifteen Airport.The Airport is a visible member of the percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions local neighborhoods,City of Renton,and by 2020 through gains in efficiency and Puget Sound Region's economy.While most reduced energy consumption. individuals in those areas do not have direct contact with the Airport,the aircraft using the facilities are often noticed. Noise from Aircraft Ope ry GOAL: GOA Raise community awareness of airport services Maintain 65 DNL noise contour on airport and value to regional employment., property. KEY OBJECTIVE: KEY OBJECTIVE: To assist the understanding of the benefits To maintain aircraft noise levels in that the Airport provides both directly and neighborhoods to below 65 DNL,which is the indirectly. The Airport serves as an economic federally re )gnized threshold for land use engine for regional,employment and services. ,compatibilit r. Currently,the 65 DNL does not There are a large number of jobs and services extend beyo id airport property into that are dependent upon the facilities and residential n tlghborhoods. services provided at the Airport. b rye:, Energy Consumption / Minimize aircraft noise•over neighborhoods. Greenhouse Gases Category GOAL: KEY OBJECTIVE: Reduce energy consumption without adversely To improve the noise.environment for affecting the Airport or its tenants. neighborhoods in the vicinity of the Airport. Aircraft often overfly residential areas during KFYOBJECTIVE: take-off,landings,and pattern flight training. The Airport desires to both minimize total To operate the Airport in a manner that aircraft noise exposure over neighborhoods, reduces energy consumption without while providing a facility that is negatively affecting the facility and its users. accommodating and open to users.Currently, Reducing energy consumption generally the Airport maintains a noise abatement decreases financial expenditures,as well as . brochure,tracks noise complaints,and works reduces the amount of greenhouse gas and with pilots and the FAA to identify voluntary other emissions generated at the Airport. measures that minimize overall noise levels. I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT D.4 } SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Operations, aintenan'ce,and Water QualityCategory Capital Improvement of Airport g Y Facilities Category GOAL: Reduce stormwater runoff quantity. GOAL: Maintain a safe airport on a daily basis. KEY OBJECTIVE: Reduce the amount of stormwater leaving the t • KEY OBJECTIVE: Airport to lower the environmental impacts o continue to provide laity that m ets or associated with urban stormwater discharges. exceeds safety standa, ;et by the FAA for a FAR Part 1.39 Airport w • feasible.The GOAL: Airport's and FAA's to andate is avi (tion Improve stormwater quality. safety.To meet safety uirements,Hite Airport must continue. iperate and maintain KEY OBJECTIVE: the facility with a high , el of diligence on a To improve the natural environment at the daily basis. Examples o .iaintenance - Airport and in surrounding neighborhoods. activities include pavem it repairs,pe1imeter Stormwater quality affects groundwater, security improvements, imming and mowing natural habitats,and aquatic species.The of vegetated areas,remo ,a1 of wildlife hazards Airport is immediately adjacent to the Cedar and attractants,lightingnprovementsI and River and Lake Washington,which both replacement,and many more. support sensitive habits,salmon,and public swimming areas. ' GOAL: Maintain airport and seaplane infrastructure in good condition. KEY OBJECTIVE: Maintain airport pavements to a Pavement Condition Index value of 60 for all.runway and taxiway pavements experiencing aircraft loads of more than 60,000 pounds to safely - accommodate Boeing production aircraft. Maintain the seaplane facilities,which include _ • a floating seaplane dock and launch ramp and at least six feet of depth necessary for i - floatplane access of the launch ramp. I , RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 0.5. I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN E. Initiatives for Meeting Goa 's an Objectives 0 is .+-A`f's:r'i:2,•.... ''t sry _ t .Ta• .; .i e:, + 4t t pts -i .a c`i F r y � "" #, l"` �`„' ; _ • Gt Gam — • w �- -t 111115.1V— .1 • 3f.n`^^.?F` t a.""z:` `°Sa':5.�.ia adx$:.n'5 &ggT'*.•a $; >.=-. ffiiefi 'Ytx:i+ox -...vr.nweM'fY•..r�.�'.'"y' - --a3 ms„aa,:�\t."..wa-uL,.»,.ua <Sart'+s ,...:..s}r , ..._. ey .M Sustainability"initiatives"exist and proposed actions or projects undertaken by the Airport in conjunction with the conduct of their three primary activities: 1) operation,2) maintenance,and 3) capital improvement of the facility. The purpose of an Initiative is to make progress toward reaching or maintaining one or more sustainability based goals. The Airport has initiated numerous initiatives associated with their three primary activities(operations,maintenance,and capital improvements). In addition to existing initiatives,new initiatives have been identified through the development of this Plan. While the intent of individual initiatives is to assist with moving toward achieving a goal,in many cases,that initiative may also be neutral or negative toward meeting another goal. In those instances,the Sustainability Management Plan will assist the decision makers when balancing these types of considerations. I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT El I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN evelopment and Evolution of initiatives as implementation progresses.The Sustainability Initiatives implementation process is further outlined in. - Chapter A. After initial sustainability goals were esti blished for the categories selected for this Sustainability The following initiatives were identified: Management Plan,the project team developed a list of potential initiatives for the respective goals. The initial set of initiatives was then refined by the' Airport Financials Initiatives Airport Management. AF1. Update Cash Flow Model monthly . Sustainability ' As part olfthe AF2. Track monthly utility charges • Sustainability AF3. Partner with energy firms to consider Initiatives are the Managernent Plan, renewable energy projects on residual actions that could several Renton airport lands that offset airport costs or Airport Advisory generate revenue be taken to meet., Committee I AF4. Initiate a total cost of ownership system meetings were the defined goals for making decisions conducted to review, and objectives. revise,and prioritize a draft Hit of Airport and Local sustainability initiatives. During one meeting, conomic Value Initiatives participants provided comments on the potential range of initiatives and then,through a polling EVT. Prepare for greater lease area needs process,identified those initiatives that they each associated with Boeing 737 Max- individually believed to be of importance.I� The program results of that effort are noted in Appendix 6. EV2. Precision Approach—Develop RNP - approach/departure procedures As sustainability initiatives are completed,refined, or suspended,Airport staff will track and monitor EV3. Attract an avionics repair shop as an the progress toward meeting the established goals airport tenant of the Sustainability Management Plan.1 Perhaps EV4. Partner with energy firms to consider more important,the implementation of the Plan renewable energy projects that offset should itself serve as a tool to enable thleAirport to airport costs or generate revenue evaluate actions and projects in order to determine if they lead toward sustainability. Follow , ing is the list of initiatives identified by the Airport Staff and Community Outreach and Renton Airport Advisory Committee as being most Education InitldtlVeS important. The full list,of initiatives identified and • C01. Continue airport.tours for at least five considered during the-development of this Plan is Renton-based community groups included in Appendix 5. It is expected that the annually below list will be supplemented with.additional initiatives and refined by change or removal of CO2. 'Conduct one annual airport open house RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT E.2- , SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN CO3. Establish airport internships and/or . Operation,.Maintenance,and public education programs Capital Improvement_of Airport C04. Conduct events such as displays of Facilities Initiatives historical information,woman flight, aircraft,etc. OM1. Replace the Seaplane launch ramp C05. Use social media,such as the airport 0M2. Complete the Maintenance Dredging website,to disseminate information and Shoreline Mitigation project to. regarding operational changes maintain proper water depths for C06. Seek opportunities to use the old seaplanes to access the Lake Renton Chamber of Commerce site to 0M3. Develop a"green"landscaping and engage the public in the importance maintenance practices plan(i.e.,limit of aviation in Renton chemical,water and energy use,use of native materials,etc.) Energy Conservation/ 0M4. Perform annual facility surveys and reenhouse Gases Initiatives prioritizemaintenance items far the year 0M5. Update the Pavement Management Plan. EC1. Lighting upgrade for buildings for the Airport to track the pavement (Buildings 616 and 790) condition of the runway,all taxiways and EC2. Remove old natural gas and propane ramps,and all parking lots and perimeter heating units and replace with high road pavements efficiency heaters 0M6. Complete the development of an airport EC3. Partner with utility to examine energy maintenance management plan by efficiency initiatives December 2013 to memorialize scheduled maintenance activities oise from Aircraft Operations Initiat'ves Water Quality Initiatives N01. Annually update brochure for Voluntary WQ1. Consider installing pervious Noise Abatement procedures pavements when repaving parking lots,where appropriate/available NO2. Continue to encourage Renton-based. and other flight schools in the area to WQ2. Install swales or rain garden type train students to"fly quiet" treatments where possible to improve stormwater quality NO3. Continue to contract with firms to electronically disseminate Renton's WQ3. Utilize low toxicity herbicides-Plant existing noise abatement procedures nitrogen-fining vegetation N04. Evaluate berms and blast fences for WQ4. Install moisture sensors and timers for additional attenuation all irrigation systems RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT E:3 I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN • escription of Initiatives, Table El includes a brief description of each initiative,as well as expected benefits,and any barriers/effects to be avoided and minimized. For the Benefits column of Table El,each initiative is examined relative to the previously identified sustainability focus categories including:a)airport ,financial,b)airport and local economic values,c) community outreach and education,d)ienergy conservation/greenhouse gases,e)noise from aircraft operations,f)operation and maintenance of the Airport,and g)water quality.This h 1ps to illustrate the relative benefits of each initiative across multiple categories,as many initiatives have benefits in more than one sustainability category. This was accomplished through use of the Sustainability Reporting Tool. The Barriers/Effects to be Avoided column _ - -• describes any mitigating circumstances that could make an initiative difficult to implement,as well as • any potential negative effects in other sustainability categories that might offset the benefits described in the benefits column. For example,initiatives that stimulate business at the Airport could have a negative effect on noise due to potentia I increases in operations. • r RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT E.4 • SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN TABLE Dl STAKEHOLDER PRIORITY SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVES Bankrs%Effects Airport Financial Initia Primary Benefits to be Avoided/Minimized upaace Lasn mow moue'mummy y...• ..,, ._...._._.___._. .. _ _ I -Time intensive improvement/opportunities. • Track monthly utility charges Focus on airportowned facilities' Financial -Time intensive consumption of energy,water,etc. Energy Conservation/GHG Examine potential of installing solar -Financial -Potential initial costs,but ROI Partner with energy firms to consider renewable energy projects on panels,geothermal,wind turbines,etc.to -Airport/Local Economic Value could be high;partnership may residual lands that offset airport costs or generate revenue help offset airport costs,reduce energy -Community Outreach be able to offset initial costs, consumption/GHG emissions,and -Energy Conservation/GHG Reduction (lease agreements) potentially increase revenue. Examine financial/operational decisions -Financial Initiate a total cost of ownership system for making decisions within a framework of cost of -Airport/Local Economic Value -nitia cost to develop,but implementation,maintenance,and -Energy Conservation/GHG return over the long-term operation within the life cycle. -Reduce Operation and Maintenance Impacts • ' Airport and Local Barriers/Effects Economic Values Desalption Prtitrary Benefits to be Avoided/Minimized Examine the needs of Boeing under • — -Noise(additional aircraft Prepare for greater lease area needs associated with Boeing 737 Max -Financial program the expansion of lease area resulting, -Airport/Local Economic Value operations) from an increase in 737 production. _ -Water Quality -Financial Develop a Required Navigation -Not all aircraft are equipped -Airport/Local Economic Value • Precision Approach-Develop RNP approaches/departure Procedure for approach/departure for with the necessary avionics - procedures aircraft with the necessary navigation Community Outreach equipment to fly precision • equipment. Energy Conservation/GHG approach procedures -Reduce Noise Attract an avionics shop to help -Financial -Noise(additional aircraft Attract an avionics repair shop as an airport tenant diversify economic base and expand -Airport/Local Economic Value operations) amenities for local users. -Community Outreach • • RENTON MUNICIPAL AiRPORT E5 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN • • Examine potential of installing solar panels,geothermal,wind turbines,etc. - nancial otentia milia costs,but ROI Partner with energy firms to consider renewable energy projects Airport/Loca conomic Value could be high;partnership that offset airport costs or generate revenue to help offset airport costs,reduce -Community Outreach maybe able to offset initial energy consumption/GHG emissions, Energy Conservation/GHG Reduction • costs(lease agreements) • and potentially increase revenue. • { t . Community Outreach Barriers/Effecis" and Education Description PrimaryBeneftts to beAvolded/Minimized Continue airport tours for at least five Renton-based community Conduct airport tours for interested -Airport/Local Economic Value - -Time for Airport staff -- - groups annually community groups and members. -Community Outreach Conduct an annual airport open Conduct one annual airport open house house for the community to visit the Community Outreach -Time for Airport staff airport facilities and learn about airport programs and contributions. • Create positions,such as internships, - to help the Airport implement and Establish airport internships and/or public education programs with a track their sustainability projects, -Airport/Local Economic Value -Financial sustainability component while providing experience for -Community Outreach -Time for Airport staff students looking for hands-on experience In sustainability. • Research and develop special events such as:historical aircraft Conduct events such as displays of historical Info,woman flight, displays/flights,afocus on women in -Airport/Local Economic Value -Time for Airport staff aircraft,etc. aviation or other public interest Community Outreach events to promote the Airport. Seek opportunities to use the old Renton Chamber of Commerce site Create ori information sharing site to -Airport/Local Economic Value to engage the public in the importance of aviation in Renton share information on potential Comm -Time for Airport staff benefits of aviation. RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT E.6 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN • Energy Conservation/ rries/Effecrs Greenhouse Gases Description Primary Benefits to be Avoided/Minimized • Upgrade lighting to high -Financial -Initial cost of lights;should Lighting upgrade for buildings(Buildings 616 and 790) efficiency for buildings 616 and -Energy Conservation/GHG be offset reduction in 790. Reduce Operation/Maintenance consumpttion • -Financial -Initial cost of lights;should Remove old natural gas and propane heating units and replace with Replace old heating units with be offset by reduction in high efficiency heaters high efficiency heating units. Energy Conservation/GHG consumption Reduce Operation/Maintenance Examine partnership Financial- -Time for Airport staff alternative with the utility Community Outreach -Initial Implementation costs; Partner with utility to examine energy ef" ' __.___.__._.._- ---�,�•••�'..•..ie..a.«���•�•• on/GHG should be offset by reduction /Maintenance in consumption • :: Barrlers/Effects Noise from Aircraft Operations Description 3`4 Primary Benefits a _ to beAvotded/Minimized iv Update the Voluntary Noise _Community Outreach Annually update brochure for Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures Abatement Brochure every year Reduce Noise Time of Airport staff to in new procedures or -Reduce Operation/Maintenance additional information. Provide a more robust fly quiet training for student pilots to -Airport/Local Economic•Value Continue to encourage Renton-based and other flight schools in the ensure that they understand the- -Community Outreach Time of Airport staff area to train students to"fly quiet" noise sensitivities and methods -Reduce Noise' they can use to reduce their , -Reduce Operation/Maintenance • impact. _ Provide additional methods of dissemination of fly quiet -Airport/Local Economic Value Continue to contract with firms such as Whispertrack to electronically information for pilots and Community Outreach disseminate RNT's existing noise abatement procedures tenants of the Airport to ensure Reduce Noise Time of Airport staff • that they understand the noise Reduce Operation/Maintenance sensitivities and methods they can use to reduce their impact. I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT E.7 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT LAN Examine the potential to -Airport/Local Economic Value -Financial:Initial cost of Evaluate beans and blast fences for additional attenuation construct a berm or blast fence -Community Outreach study/berms • • for additional noise attenuation. -Reduce Noise Operation,Maintenance,and Capital Barriers/Effects improvement of Airport Facilities Description Primary Benefits to be Avoided/Minimized Replace the existing seaplane -Cost of replacement -Airport/Local Economic Values Replace the Seaplane launch ram_p launch ramp with updated -Potential water quality facilities. — =Reduce Operation)Maintenance___ – impacts during construction -- -Cost Complete the Maintenance Dredging and Shoreline Mitigation project -Airport/Local Economic Values -Potential Impact on seaplane to maintainplee ndepths forsandlShoseli accessMthe Lake Dredge the seaplane base. -Reduce Operation/Maintenance operation during mitigation Water Quality -Potential increase In wildlife hazards Create a landscaping and Develop a`green"landscaping and maintenance practices plan(Lmaintenance plan with green Community Outreach -Cost of plan development; limit chemical,water and energy use,use of native materials,etc.) Practices to reduce consumption Reduce Operation/Maintenance ROI of materials and impact on -Water Quality surrounding resources. Annually perform a survey to -Financial Perform annual facility surveys and prioritize maintenance items for the examine and prioritize Reduce Operation/Maintenance -Time of Airport staff year maintenance items for the -Water Quality • following year. Update the Pavement - Update the Pavement Management Plan for the Airport to track the Management Plan to ensure that Reduce Operation/Maintenance pavement condition of the runway,all taxiways and ramps,and all pavement on the Airport is -Airport/Local Economic Values -lime of Airport staff parking lot and perimeter road pavements adequately maintained and ) replaced as needed. • Complete the development of an airport maintenance management Provide a method to track and plan by December 2013 to memorialize scheduled maintenance ensure maintenance activities are Red ration/Maintenance -Time of Airport staff activities being completed on time and as Airport/Locrt/Loc al Economic Values needed. RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT E:8 f SUSTAINABILITYMANAG ENT PLAN ;47'`' Sarriers/Effects Water Qualityp Desai tion Primary Benefits ro6eAvoJded/Mletmized" Consider installing pervious pavements when repaving parking lots W opriate,install pervious -Reduce Operation/Maintenance Financial:Additional cost where appropriate/available pa when replacing Water Quality p Install swales or rain garden type treatments where possible to improve Install swales or rain gardens. Reduce Operation/Maintenance Financial:Additional cost to stormwater quality Water Quality install 1 � Use low-toxicity" -Airport/Local Economic Value -Additional cost Utilize low-toxicity herbicides-Plant nitrogen-fixing vegetation pesticide/herbicides on the airport -Reduce Operation/Maintenance property. -Water Quality Install moisture sensors for -Financial- Install moisture sensors and timers for all irrigation systemsWater Oualiri -Cost of implementation;ROI in/Maintenance • • • • RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT E.9 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN I - F. Sustainability Ma• ,agement'Plan Implementation - Decisio Making, Impleme tation, and Track'ng _ei a { ,r i tr=:F.. .S 1 w,'�..- f.p,l �e+�a'33�a".t'' :1 s.` r r G ' _ • . ,-1' e. L":•� r - •fie. •-.'e-'v` :iaa _:7• .. 7 IT L <> ?1' U i L/ LJ I: ~ yv b ta'? i�i LLS427L r/.1 d7_t7 712„-rZI qZ717'_ This chapter describes the steps for implementation of the Sustainability Management Plan, including the purpose and use of the Sustainability Reporting Tool. This Tool is intended to build upon the planning information outlined'in the previous chapters (sustainability goals and initiatives),and to help the Airport navigate remaining portions of the process. The Sustainability Reporting Tool provides a means to track the performance metrics relative to the established sustainability goals and objectives, as well as a template for ,evaluating and reporting an initiatives for implementation.. RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT F..1 I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN I le e tation f t e will begin to reshape the practices and processes S staina lilt a a e et la for completing many of its tasks associated with operation,maintenance and capital improvement This section further defines the implementation of of the facility. the Sustainability Management Plan and acts as a roadmap for how the pieces fit together. This Plan lie ort(C ec ) will be used to assist in decision making when After implementing initiatives,the"check"process considering most current and future actions, encompasses the reporting aspect of the Because of the importance of the Implementation implementation process. As initiatives are implemented,the next step is to track and check element,the process outlined below is supplemented with a Sustainability Reporting Tool the process toward meeting the goals and that was developed for this project. The use of the objectives. Renton Municipal Airport has limited tool will help the Airport be transparent in its financial and staffing resources and,as such,the consideration of sustainability,visualize the management and tracking of the Plan must not relationship between initiatives and goals,and consume an inordinate amount of time. If tracking determine a and checking become too difficult,the implementation of the entire sustainability effort will falter. Implementation and checking require the use of tools for tracking success and identifying.4411 the goals. areas of additional required effort. This project has developed a tool to aid the Airport in tracking • Each ste m progress. the"plan,do, check,act" Refine (Act) process is described The"act"portion represents what has been learned in more detail below. during the"do"and"check"steps. This involves answering the question of,"What did we learn and Plan how can we do it better next time? by re- The Sustainability Management Plan represents the eve uating the issues/categories,goa and first step in the"plan"portion of the process. objectives and metrics. During this stage of the Defining sustainability and establishing cycle adjustments are often identified. sustainability categories(areas of focus),collecting • baseline information,identifying goals and objectives,and the identifying initiatives are all a Ste s for Imple e ting portion of the planning aspect. In the future,as The following specific steps are recommended for subsequent steps in the cycle occur,additional implementing the sustainability goals and consideration of categories/issues,baseline objectives. These steps represent various stages in condition(s),and goals will likely be necessary. the'Plan,Do,Check,Act"cycle and are steps that the Airport may wish to implement in subsequent Implement (D ) iterations of the cycle. Chapter A contains a Implementation of the initiatives represents the proposed schedule and indication of parties "do"portion of the process. This involves responsible for these steps. accomplishing the recommendations in this document and making progress toward achieving the goals and objectives. By"doing,"the Airport will be developing a culture of sust inability and I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT F.2 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN. • STEP 1: 1. WHEN: The Inventory was initially compiled and completed. Airport staff will update this• Discuss Caf gorier of information representing actual performance nterestor Concern on a regular basis(Step 6)as listed in Chapter A of this report. The type of information WHO: Airport Staff and the Renton Ai port provided in the Inventory should be updated Advisory Committee periodically depending on changes in goals. WHAT: Identify areas of existing issues, concerns,or interest based on-stakehoIder STEP 3: and community concerns. Some of the questions that should be considered include: Identify Specific Goals What aspects would you like to change/improve? Are there resources or WHO: Airport staff with input from issues of interest/concern,such as air quality, stakeholders noise,water quality,financial,etc.? These . WHAT: Categories of interest(Step 1)paired issues represent categories of focus. The with the baseline information(Step,2)may categories may be general in nature,as these be refined further in this step. From an categories of Interest become the baselineunderstanding of actual performance,goals • for more specific sustainability goals. and objectives may need to be modified or WHEN: This process was initially completed expanded.Goals and objectives highlight as part of this initial development of the specific areas of improvement and should be Sustainability Management Plan. Meetings , measurable so that progress can be tracked were held with stakeholders to determine and reported. the categories or areas of interest. As the WHEN: Goals and objectives were initially Plan evolves,the categories/interest areas identified in the Sustainability Plan process. should be reviewed biennially. These categories,goals,and objectives may need to be updated as part of the"Act" STEP 2: process in Step 9. Create Baseline Inventory? STEP 4: • WHO: Airport staff ' 1 Develop Initiatives . WHAT: Conduct a Baseline Inventory for those categories/interest areas identified iri WHO: Airport staff with input from Step 1. The information gathered in this step stakeholders provides the baseline for monitoring .c progress toward achieving a goal described WHAT:This step involves brainstorming of in subsequent steps. The Baseline Inventory specific actions(called initiatives)that could is in Chapter C. be taken to meet the goals/objectives outlined in Step 3. Generally,an initial screening of initiatives is done to determine ' Note:there are times when Steps 2 and those that are potentially feasible: A"laundry 3 may be reversed.An'inventory may list"of initiatives is included in Appendix 5 of. be needed to help frame/establish a this document. The list is sorted by category goal. In other cases,the issue may be and includes general considerations such as well understood and a goal can be established before collection of-the relative cost(financial and staff time),as well more detailed data. as identifies the potential overlap or I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT F.3 I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN considerations related to other goals and A listing of initiatives objectives. considered for implementation WHEN: As with Steps 1-3,this Step was during the period. initially completed as part of the initial The relative"score"of the Sustainability Management Plan process. initiatives toward meeting the Initiatives should be updated in the"act" sustainability goals/objectives. process,which involves checking the success of implemented initiatives(See Step 9). Identify those initiatives moving . . forward toward implementation. , STEP 5: Consider obtaining input from the Renton Airport Advisory Prioritize Initiatives Committee. WHO: Airport with help from Tracking Tool and input from Stakeholders WHEN: This was initially completed as part of preparing the initial Sustainability Plan, WHAT: Initially,initiatives are generally but will be updated by the Airport Manager identified for each specific goal/objective at least biennially in the future based on the but,as stated above,in many cases,an lessons learned(Step 9). initiative may affect several different categories in either a positive or a negative way. For example,a water quality'measure This report and the Sustainability Initiative to install pervious pavement in parking lots Tracking Tool serve as the first iteration in the may help to meet water quality goals but, "Plan"stage of the process(Steps 1-5). The due to cost,it could negatively affect Tool includes the categories,goals,and financial goals. Additionally,an initiative objectives,as well as the Baseline Inventory, such as upgrading lighting to be more and the initial list of initiatives as energy efficient could result in an initial cost, documented by this Initial report. As but with significant cost'savings over the life sustainability process and principles are of the initiative(resulting in helping meet implemented at Renton Municipal Airport, both financial and energy-related goals). the Airport Manager will revisit the Plan to Therefore,to prioritize the implementation make improvements and adjustments as of initiatives,the effect that the initiative needed,but this Plan will serve as a would have across all categories should be foundation for further iterations of Steps 1-5. reviewed prior to implementing one initiative over another. For this Step,a Sustainability Initiative Tracking Tool has STEP 6: been developed to assist the Airport in this Improve Baseline Information planning element. For any initiative,the Gathering and Recording Airport can use the Tracking Tool to determine the initiative's relative score WHO: Airport staff against the sustainability goals to help narrow down potential initiatives. This WHAT: The Tool accompanying this Plan is would include: intended to assist with both identifying the information useful to tracking sustainability, as well as provide the location for staff to maintain the data. This step will build upon the information gathered in the Baseline I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT FA. • I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN i • Inventory(Step 2)to keep it up to date)as initiatives are implemented to enable Depending on the type of initiative,this Step tracking in later steps. 1- might include coordination with. stakeholders,including the Renton Airport WHEN: After Identifying Advisory Committee,to detail the review of categories/goals/objectives,it is important to the initiatives and report the outcome. It is keep up the logging of metrics important to recommended that the reporting be tracking those features on a regular basis. In conducted once per quarter and.Include: general,the information within the tool will need to be updated on either a daily, i A listing of Initiatives monthly,quarterly,or annual basis, considered for implementation depending on the metric. during the period: The relative"score"of the STEP 7: initiatives toward meeting the Select S a nability Initiatives to sustainability goals/objectives. Impler e Identify those initiatives moving forward toward WHO: Airport staff implementation: WHAT: This step builds upon Step 5 by taking the initiatives that made the°first cut" If favorable and feasible,the Airport during"the planning process and analyzing would secure funding,staff time,or _. its potential benefits within the context of other resources,as necessary to present day conditions. It is expected,that a accomplish the initiative. small number of initiatives from the list developed in Step 5 would be examined WHEN: It is expected that once at the during the year to determine those that start of every calendar year,the Airport would be feasible and most effective based would pick a small number of on consideration of existing conditions such Sustainability Initiatives to focus on for as funding,time/effort requirements, that 12-month period. The prioritization,etc. The following sub-steps implementation of these initiatives should be followed: during the year would depend on changing factors such as the Review against goals using availability of funding and the Tool(may already be prioritization. For instance,a project completed in Step 5). intended to reduce energy use might � have a higher prioritization if there are Examine funding.sources. grants to install high efficiency lights Review cost required. or if the Airport decides that reducing energy consumption is a primary goal • Review effort required. for that year. If the initiative meets the sustainability goals/objectives and is feasible,the initiative should • • be undertaken. - RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT F.5 ' J SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN STEP 8: indication of any barriers that may have Check Success against Metrics prevented progress. WHO: Airport staff STEP 9: WHAT: This Step takes the information • updated within the Inventory in Step 6. The Review and Improve information documented-on the metrics WHO: Airport Staff should be examined to determine if the initiatives had the predicted effect in helping WHAT: This Step involves identifying those meet the goals: For example,if new energy aspects of the process that could be efficient lighting was installed as an Initiative, improved. It involves examining the results the utilities would be examined to determine of the annual metrics review report created if the bill/kWh use went down. If it did,then as part of Step 8 to determine if any changes the decrease in cost/energy use would be need to be made to the plans categories of confirmed and the Airport would track a net interest,goals/objectives,metrics needing to benefit toward their energy efficiency and be tracked,implementation tool,etc. This financial goals. If there was no will involve updates to the Plan(this corresponding decrease,then it would be document),the list of prioritized initiatives, important to note that and proceed to Step the steps,the metrics,or the implementation 9. This Step would include the use of the tool as necessary. In some cases,the need to Implementation Tool to examine the improve performance will be quantitative changes(positive or negative)that were a (Were the specific numerical goals/objectives result of implementing initiatives under the achieved?)and in other cases qualitative, Plan. This will include a summary of: based on personal judgment. In all cases,the List of initiatives implemented conclusions should be documented,so as to be transparent. over the past year. Key metrics for During this step,the Airport Manager will likely summarize changes and addendums to comparison to r the Sustainability Management Plan through years. presentations to the Renton Airport Advisory Summary of ini Committee,which would then be posted to considered and the Airport and City's websites,and value toward m otherwise made available to the community. sustainability g This step does not necessitate that the entire Plan be revised. Instead,each component of the Plan could be scrutinized as the WHEN: Information ed implementation progresses to determine as part of Step 6,but r where improvements can be made or (or as needed,post im changes are needed based on updated -review changes. For is conditions. Plan,it is recommend WHEN: The Sustainability Management Plan prepare an annual summary reporting key can be revised both formally,through the metrics,initiatives implemented,progress, revision to the Plan documents,and and planned initiatives. The focus of the informally,through changes made through report should be on what was the addendums or notes. It is recommended goal/objective,was progress made toward that regular notes and addendums be achieving the goal/objective,and an RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT E6 •1 r _1 1 1 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN • tracked as they arise.However,it is Sustainability Reporting Tool recommended that all of the key , components of this Plan be re-evaluated at As described briefly in the sections above, least once every two years initially and then concurrent with development of this Sustainability annually after the process has been • • Management Plan,a"Tool"has been developed to ingrained. With time,perhaps as soon as two assist with the initial implementation of the Plan. to three years,there will be sufficient The purpose of the tool is to assist the Airport with baseline Information and experience to be the evaluation of initiatives,tracking,and reporting able to more easily keep the components of aspects of the Plan.'Like this Plan,the Tool serves as this Plan current. a starting point and will need to maintained, updated,and refined to incorporate lessons learned and improve its functionality and usefulness. The STEP 10: use of the Tool will help the Airport visualize the relationship between initiatives and goals/ Ad ust Steps 1-9 as Necessary objectives and help strive for balance. Itis WHO: Airport Staff important to note that the more consistently the Tool is applied,the more useful it is likely.to be in WHAT: Start at Step 1 andadjust the process the future. as necessary,based on what was learned in the previous iteration of the process. The Tool is intended to provide the following capabilities: WHEN: It is recommended that reguar' notes and addendums'be tracked as they . List and track initiatives identified arise. However,it is recommended that all of to meet the sustainability the key components of this Plan be re- goals/objectives. • evaluated at least once every two years i Visualize success of initiatives that initially and then annually after the process has been ingrained. meet or do not,meet goals/objectives. The steps'in the Guide detailed above were Track and summarize the relative followed and documented in the follov$ing benefits and/or impairments of chapters for the first iteration of the Sustainability initiatives relative to each• Management Plan. This,will serve asa'guideline for sustainability goal/objective(i.e., future iterations as conditions change. j does an initiative meet the goals/objectives?). Track key metrics. Visualize how sustainability categories are tracking. Summarize and report metrics with percent change over time. Visualize'change In key metrics over successive years. Determine the success of the Plan and potentially highlight areas for improvement. , ' I I , ' I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT F.7 • • 4 ' ., SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN General reporting and the tools used to conduct test. Although this acts as-a good way to identify review of progress toward sustainability goals are and narrow potential initiatives,it is important to described in the following pages,giving basic note that there may be a compelling reason to instructions and examples of how to use the Tool, implement an initiative that may not be favorable It also includes sample output reports from the Tool in all categories,based on additional factors. But,in to be used for tracking,coordinating,and reporting. general,this Tool will assist the Airport in identifying the best potential sustainability The Tool is split into four primary areas and color initiatives with respect to the overall goals and. coded in the Excel Spreadsheet Instructions(WHITE objectives. tab),Graphical Dashboard of Performance(GREEN Tab),Sustainability Initiatives Evaluation(PURPLE Tab 5—2012 Initiatives Summary(PURPLE): Once Tabs),and Sustainability Category Tracking an initiative is implemented,the Airport will fill out (ORANGE Tabs). the Initiatives Summary Tab. This aspect of the Tool tracks the sustainability initiatives implemented Tab 1—Instructions(WHITE): The Instructions give and allows the Airport to see a relative score of the a short overview of the tabs,as contained in this initiatives against the tracking metrics(Orange document as well. Tabs). This Tool assists the Airport in identifyingthe performance and will help determine if additional Tab 2—Report Card(GREEN): The Green Tab is a measures or adjustments are needed to help meet graphical depiction of a number of metrics that the Airport goals and objectives. were identified to help measure the success of implementing sustainability initiatives relative to Tabs 6—14.Metrics(ORANGE): These tabs , the goals/objectives. These graphics in the Green represent the tracking of the sustainability metric Tab allow the Airport to visually see the data that is identified for each major category Including: input in other areas of the Tool. aircraft operations,airport financials,economic values,community outreach,energy,noise, Tab 3—Potential 2012 Initiatives(PURPLE): The . operations and maintenance,and a summary of all Purple Tabs contain information regarding the categories. These sheets should be updated as evaluation of the sustainability initiatives. As stated new annual information becomes available and in Step 7 of the Guide,the Airport will generally entered in the spreadsheet in the blue data cells. pick a number of initiatives to focus on within that Information in the Report Card Tab(GREEN)and the calendar year. Those initiatives would be added Summary Tab(ORANGE),should update into this Potential initiatives tab of the Tool to automatically reflecting the added data. This narrow the focus of initiatives of interest for that portion of the Tool allows the Airport to review the year. success of the initiatives(Step 8),identify areas of improvement(Step 9),and update the process as Tab 4—2012 Initiatives in Detail(PURPLE): For necessary(Step 10). each initiative of interest,the Airport should fill out the Initiatives in the Detail Tab. This tab constitutes a general"test"of an initiative against the goals/objectives for each sustainability category. The Airport would fill in"positive,""negative,"or "neutral"for each goal or objective and the Tool will provide a general score"of how well the initiative - meets the overall sustainabie,vision(economic, operations,natural environment,and social). If all the boxes in this test a e generally shaded neutral or green,then the initi itive generally passes this I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT F8 CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE AIRPORT'S SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN. WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) offered and we accepted a grant in the amount of$150,000 to complete the development of a Sustainability Management Plan for the Airport;and WHEREAS,the FAA provided the grant under a FAA pilot program to help airports meet their environmental,social,and economic obligations; and WHEREAS, the Airport selected Bernard Dunkelberg as its consultant to assist in developing the Sustainability Management Plan;and WHEREAS,the Renton Airport Advisory Commission has helped create,edit, and finalize the Sustainability Management Plan;and WHEREAS, the Renton Municipal Airport has now, completed its Sustainability Management Plan: NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. The City Council does hereby adopt the Airport's Sustainability Management Plan. 1 • t R i S 1 RESOLUTION NO. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2015. Jason A. Seth,City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2015. Denis Law, Mayor • Approved as to form: Lawrence J.Warren, City Attorney RES.1663:2/25/15:scr • 2 CITY ATTORNEY MEMORANDUMCD DATE: February 26, 2015 TO: Jason A. Seth, City Clerk FROM: Zanetta Fontes, Senior Assistant City Attorney SUBJECT: Resolution Adopting the Airport's Sustainability Plan I have enclosed the original o the above-mentioned resolution, which is approved as to legal form. The requesting City staff person has been sent an electronic version of the legislation. Zanetta Fontes ZLF: scr Cc: Jonathan Wilson Enc. • pppROVED B' TRANSPORTATION/AVIATION COMMITTEE CITY COkNC i COMMITTEE REPORT April 20,2015 Renton Municip al Airport Sustainabilty Management Plan (April 6,2015) The:Transportation/Aviation Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve a Resolution adopting the.Renton Municipal Airport Sustainability Management Plan. . f . • . . Marcie Palmer,:Chair Ruth P ez;Vice Chair • Don Persson, Member - CL: Doug Jacobson,Deputy Public Works Administrator,Transportation Jonathan Wilson,Airport Manager Josef Harnden,Transportation Secretary Susan Campbell-Hehr,Airport Secretary • SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Table of ContentS Table of Contents i List of Figures Abbreviations and A6-onyms iii A. Executive Summary and Overview of the Process Executive Summary A.1 Overview of the Process A.3 • DefiriitiOns(Vision,SuStainability,Categories;Goals,Objectives and Initiatives) A.3 Summary of Sustainability Goals A.4 Implementation A.5 • Calendar of Sustainability Management Plan Activities ' :A.6 B. aistainability for Renton Municipal Airport • Renton Definition of Sustainability • B.1 Renton SustainabilityVision B.2 • • Sustainability Categories B.3 C.. Current Conditions Airport Setting • • • C.2 Financial • • • • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory • C:3 Energy Utilities-Emissions and Cost • C.3 Water Resources • • c,3 Airport Vehicle Fleet and Related Emissions 'C.4 Employees • C.4 Community • • • C.4 Noise C.4 D. Sustainability Goals and ON ttiVet Development and Evolution of Sustainability Goals/Objectives • • D2 Airport Finance Category • D.2 Airport and Local Economic Values Category • • D.3 • Community Outreach and Education Category • D.3 Energy Consumption/GreerihouselGases Category D.4 • Noise from Aircraft Operations Category • D.4 • • Operations,Maintenance,and Capital Improvement of Airport Facilities Category : Water Quality Category D.5 kEI\iTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT _ % I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN, E. Initiatives for Meeting Goals/Objectives Development and Evolution of Sustainability Initiatives E.2 Airport Financials Initiatives E.2 Airport and Local Economic Value Initiatives E.2 Community Outreach and Education initiatives E.2 I. Energy Conservation/Greenhouse Gases Initiatives E.3 Noise from Aircraft Operations Initiatives E.3 Operation,Maintenance,and Capital Improvement of Airport Facilities Initiatives E3 Water Quality Initiatives E.3 Description of Initiatives E.4 F. Sustainability Management plan•implementation (Decision Making,Implemental ion Steps;and Tracking Tool) Guide:Implementation of the Sustainability Management Plan F.2 Sustainability Reporting Tool F:2 Appendix 1. Definitions of Sustainability 2. Inventory of Existing Conditions 3. 2010.CarbonFootprint , 4. Financial Baseline and API Analysis 5. Sustainability Initiatives 6. Sustainability Initiatives Polling Results List of Figures Figure Cl Overall Operational Expense by Category,2010 C.2 Figure C2 Emissions Sources by Scope(2010) C.3 I r I RENTON'MUNICIPAL AIRPORT ii SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN• , Abbreviations and Acrony ns ACI-NA Airports Council Internationa,-North America ACRP Airports Cooperative Research Program CIP Capital Improvement Program CO2e Carbon Dioxide Equivalent(a measure of greenhouse gas emissions)_ DNL Day/Night Average Sound Level EONS "a holistic approach to managing an airport so as to ensure the integrity of the Economic viability,Operational efficiency,Natural Resource Conservation,and Social responsibility (EONS)of the airport." FAA Federal Aviation Administration GHG Greenhouse Gas GRI Global Reporting Initiative kWh Kilowatt Hour LED Light Emitting Diode MIRLs Medium Intensity Runway Lights PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator RAAC Renton Airport Advisory Committee. REIL • Runway End Identifier Lights RNP Required Navigation Performance RNT Renton Municipal Airport(abbreviated airport identifier) TRB Transportation Research Board of the National Academies 1 •i . RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT ' iii J SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN A. Executive Summary and ' Overview of the Process f ,v,-..., f F`� �� C,a • +3 4 r . 'w % , i, �" :%, �a� `" ;4� , f :4:-.,,,,,,,:;, ;,',14.'4,#.14k: " i � tlk ;`„tijwr ' ,,„,,,s..-,,+ ..4,]...;',...;.ii . -. i t ,,q2,;,'„,°°-,:4,',';',."';',V,,t ; t wit s;°qr r ....-,-.7.-:.--....a 10. a• Nor . . 4 ' 1- ,. 4-, , Jr: „, _ „.4 ,, , . , - . :,.,. Y k- mraw -, ' x. -., :* , J.4.....;-„,. ',I lig=Y. ..,...„..m. :�'- '°9G . w . tG � t � '.q , .. ”" • '. ' ' 1**1 EN TO • m u144 CL SON 9 7 J .�. S, . x t0 tittle*, !F, _ • �.�. ' 1_{'1 ie ? `` •l`, ' y '� A•� ~ Qr+ °+G '0 V ,- --- `s .fir{) -.1'',.:',N4 �1, Y t • A moi. a _ r',`Xif{ ,' r .:•`,.., . on s yf,, Historically,the Renton Municipal Airport was run on a da -to-day, project-to-project basis. While this approach may have worked in the past, over time,the Airport has become an increasingly complex operation. These complexities strained the old modelof management, and made it-clearthat a new management model was needed. Recently, Airport;staff began searching for a better way to manage the facility and its complexities in a more sustainable manner. RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT A.1 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN At Renton Municipal Airport,"Sustainability"is the next step in the management evolution of the facility with the purpose of: ■ Increasing the Airport's competitiveness through lean operations; • Optimizing the use of the Airport's limited assets; • Reducing environmental impacts of the facility;and • Earning greater support from the community. For Renton Municipal , Airport,sustainability is Social` k the framework that can be L. • used to address °"" Bear t qu able increasingly complex °, ustai abt• `' management. In ``"' Environment 1 `Economic managing the Airport,the ` Viable' ,,......,,, staff need to not only address the Economic side of running the facility Sustainable actions strive to balance the (Operations),but also the financial/operations,natural resources Natural Resources and (environmental),and social considerations. Social characteristics. By adopting a new management approach,tenants and residents will be able to demonstrate the Airport's focus on creating balance between the Economic, Social and Environmental characteristics. At Renton Municipal Airport,for the sustainability model to have any meaning,it is critical that Airport staff track,measure,and report its progress. Data currently collected(or soon to be collected)by Airport staff will be measured using a tracking tool developed specifically for this purpose. The tracking tool is aligned with the Airport's sustainability goals and objectives. In seeking a new management model,the Renton Municipal Airport has voluntarily undertaken the preparation of a Sustainability Management Plan as part of the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA)Sustainability Pilot Program. In preparing this Plan,Airport Management adopted the following sustainability policy: The Airport strives to become more financially viable,operationally efficient,while conserving natural resources,and being socially responsible. This document identifies the Airport's approach to sustainability and the initial actions that Airport staff will endeavor to implement. RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT A.2 J SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN • Overview of the Process .. This first chapter of the Sustainability Management Plan describes of the definitions,summary of sustainability goals,implementation,schedule and calendar of sustainability activities through the year. Definitions , (VISION,SUSTAINABILITY,CATEGORIES,GOALS,and INITIATIVES) ThroIL ighout this document,the terms'Vision","Definition of Sustainability", "categories","goals"and"objectives"are used. These terms.capture the approach that the staff of Renton Municipal Airport have embraced relative to implementing sustainable management practices at the Airport. The"Vision" articulates.thevalues of the organization. The"definition of sustainability" identifies what sustainability means at r�d 17 ' 1 (/(j-7\ °7 :(7). , r Renton Municipal Airport(RNT): The f ,. r s t rfr`�� �' / 1 r i = t ;- ) \ Sustainability Management Plan then ( !,'I ,t t ). � f ,I ,; , , J focuses on areas of interest,called Susta►nab►I►tyatlenton "categories"in accordance with FAA's scope Goals Objectives• Initiatives of work for the sustainability pilot projects. The ultimate output of the study was to identify initiatives or actions that Airport staff might take to move towards achieving its goal of being more sustainable. To help clarify and direct the effort,"goals"and"objectives" within each focus area/category were established.Goals represent the purploIse that initiatives are designed to achieve,and objectives are targets or inforination to further emphasize/direct the initiatives. The Airport management obtained input concerning the categories for consideration in this Sustainability.Management Plan as well as goals and objectives through coordination with its citizen/tenant public input committee(the Renton • Airport Advisory Committee—abbreviated RAAC) Categories focused the effort on interest areas such that specific sustainability goals/objectives and subsequent initiatives(described later in this document)could be identified. Initiatives"represent the actions or programs that could be implemented to 1. assist with making progress on achieving the goals/objectives: 1 I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT A.3 I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Summary of Sustainability Goals Because of the limited resources at small airports,it is important that the range ofissues addressed in sustainability planning provides the most benefit possible to the facility,operations,environs,and community within those limiting factors.:Through coordination with Airport management and the RAAC;sustainability goals were developed for categories identified as being most important,and including: Airport Finance category • • Providing an economically stable asset that contributes to the community;and, • Balance expenditures with revenue to remain financially self-sufficient in the long-term. • Improve revenue to provide for future development opportunities. • Provide financial capacity that:will enable the Airport to pursue sustainability initiatives in the future. • Airport and Local Economic Values category • Attract airport tenants and aircraft operations that add economic value to the local economy. • Continuously improve as a tier one supplier for Boeing aircraft manufacturing. • Diversify'tenants and aviation services for land and sea based operations. •■ Increase employment. . Community Outreach and Education category • Continuously improve the airport's-relations with the surrounding neighborhoods and • with airport tenants. •'Raise community awareness of airport services and value to regional employment. Energy Consumption /Greenhouse Gases category • Reduce energy consumption without adversely affecting the Airport:or its tenants. • Reduce Airport owned greenhouse gas emissions. • Noise from Aircraft Operations category • Maintain 65 DNL noise contour on airport property. • Minimize aircraft noise over neighborhoods. • Operations, Maintenance, Capital improvements.of Airport Facilities.category • • • Maintain a safe airport on a daily basis. • Maintain airport and seaplane infrastructure in good condition. Water Quality category • Reduce stormwater runoff quantity. • • Improve stormwater gUality. I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT A.4 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN • Chapter E of this document discusses the initiatives or actions that were identified which will assist the Airport with making progress toward achieving the goals. • Implementation The process that Airport staff will use to implement the recommendations of the Sustainability Management Plan reflects the"plan,do,check,and art"cycle(described later in detail). To ensure that the principles of the process become part of the Airport's culture,action will be required on a regular basis. The followingitems identify the actions)that will be overseen by the Airport Manager,and over a calendar year, the management actions to be taken: Daily Activities, as needed • Journal information about activities and circumstances affecting conditions at the Airport. • Use the Sustainability Reporting Tool for review/screening'of initiatives. Monthly Activities I'I • Input of-monthly data(electricity and fuel use,water•fees/use,etc.)into the Sustainability Reporting Tool. • Review and supplement sustainability initiatives in the Sustainability Reporting Tool. Quarterly Activities • Meet with Renton Airport Advisory Committee(RAAC)to review sustainability initiatives • reviewed by airport staff during previous quarter. Annual Activities: • Input of annual data(Lel.,annual operations,energy,financial data,etc.)by staff into the Sustainability Reporting Tool by mid-March for the prior year. • .■ Produce an Annual Report before mid-year that: 4- Documents initiatives reviewed during the prior year and their ratings relative to the established sustainability goals. .4- Reports historic and current performance metrics relative to sustainability categories. Biennial Activities (every two years): • Reconsider the sustainability goals and initiatives and adjust as necessary. Review the Sustainability Report Tool and adjust as necessary. • Improve quarterly and annual reporting templates,if warranted. • Discussion with RAAC about performance and goals,and identify suggested initiatives for the upcoming Year.' • Evaluate these implementation steps,and revise as necessary. . RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT A.5 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN • Calendar of Sustainability Management Plan Activities MONTH ACTIONS TO BE UNDERTAKEN Every Month Journal airport trends and conditions , Evaluate and`document initiatives ' ' Input monthly utility,data. ' . • . January February , • 'Meet with RAAC'-Present4th quarter'initiatives: ' March Input year end data for prior year into the Sustainability Reporting Tool April - May Staff review/assessment of prior year performance Produce annual report for prior year June Meet with,RAAC'-Present prior-year performance and 1$t quarter initiatives July August Meet with RAAC-Present 2nd quarter initiatives September October November Meet with RAAC-Present 3rd quarter initiatives December Through the above implementation process,the Airport management staff will track progress toward its sustainability goals. While periodic checks will be performed,a comprehensive review of the categories/issues, goals,objectives,metrics,and reporting procedures will be conducted every two years. The purpose of the biennial review is to make adjustments based on experience,lessons learned,changing conditions,input from stakeholders,and changes in the needs of the categories. Chapter F provides a step-by-step process for this re- evaluation. The implementation approach reflects the belief that successful implementation of sustainability practices should be transparent and involve the"plan,do,check,act"'process. This•Sustainability Management Plan itself (and the subsequent chapters)represents the first step-the"plan"portion of the process. Implementation of the initiatives,including the data collection,represents the"do"portion of the process. After implementing initiatives,establishing a"check"process(which is effectively a review/report effort)is needed: ';Also called the Deming Cycle. RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT A.6 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Plan471 0 The Sustainability Management Plan process developed a tool `. (Sustainability Reporting Tool)for tracking and reporting progress ' f s, As time progresses,Airport staff may need to identify areas where , . ,-•' additional efforts or focus may be warranted. The"act"portion p e'ntation:based on what G p ,. ` y Ch ski: has rbeen tlearned during to "do"and"check"steps. M This entire"plan,do,check,act"'process is vital to the success of a sustainability program because it guide's implementation of sustainability initiatives,tracks their success over time,and highlights ways to improve the program in the future,leading to even moresustainable measures in the future. • • I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT A.7 ' I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT.PLAN B. Sustainability for Renton Municipal Airport 4 �^ Nf+ gd't @ a d ' c y ?',. `` s # 4 • ia f � {K til .1347.46 4s,r. n x �ztt ..a ' $641:1" + ii ,k :04, r 'F , 7„, hb4 �I 'x� r' "Nw}'i+ 'k Sr t _ - , e+ • }^ „or i• . . • .-vvwm __ x'osµ?"k: -ci Y" f "..tU - - .",kr i.a7 " "•'-+'^i",.`Lh„ may.. X5"'—. [L4 ti This chapter introduces the definition of sustainability-a's it applies to Renton Municipal Airport, and lists Renton's initial sustainability'categories'of interest. These categories enable Air i ort.staff to focus on specific sustainability goals and objectives,which are outlined in Chapter C. . . . Renton Definition of Sustainability statement and the individualized airport, environmental,and community characteristics. While in general,sustainability refers toibalancing financial,environmental,and social considerations Most parties that embark on sustainability planning in decision making,each organizationoften takes use one of the more commonly cited sustainability • various different approaches to defining definitions as a foundation and then attach various sustainability.The sustainability definition depends values or policies applicable to that organization to largely on the individual airport,environmental, � = create an individualized sustainability policy.-A and community factors. Because of this,in order to review of the existing definitions of sustainability create a successful sustainability plan,Airport staff provides a method to create an individualized must first determine how to describe sustainability understanding of sustainability that meets.Renton on their terms;keeping in mind their existing vision Municipal Airport's needs,while still recognizing I • RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT B.1 1 - • SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN that this definition can evolve over time. Ranges of Renton Sustainability Vision sustainability definitions were considered during the first phase of this.project.These,range of After cementing a sustainability definition for sustainability definitions in the aviation industry Renton Municipal Airport,the next step in the and worldwide are included in Appendix 1. Based Sustainability Management Plan process was to on the Airport's focus on operational:and financial consider how the sustainability values can be viability within the context of complex social and embraced at Renton Municipal Airport. In order to ' environmental characteristics,Renton Municipal embrace sustainability more visibly,airport staff Airport decided to embrace the definition of worked with the project team and RAAC to identify sustainability as endorsed by the Airports Council an airport sustainability vision. International-North America(ACI-NA).ACI-NA's definition of sustainability is: After discussion,the staff at the Airport identified llkllllsi the following sustainability vision: (' • Provide a high standard for safety and customer satisfaction; • jit:[}T{{fl� .d?1I'if911 provide ahigh standardfor operational a holistic •appoaeh to efficiency; managing an airport sO as • Provide an economically stable asset to ensure the Imteg" rrtyof - that contributes to the community;and, the Economic viabilit • Dmonstrate environmental yi stewardship-and community/social • Operational efficiency, responsibility. Natural Resource The sustainability vision was developed in Conservation and Social consideration of the definition of sustainability outlined previously,and the City of Renton's Vision responsibility(EONS)of Statement(detailed in Appendix 1). the Airport." 'As a general aviation airport,Renton Municipal Airport does not have the resources that are often • available to otherlarger airports that have • dedicated sustainability or environmental, • community,and financial staff members. . Therefore,for the Renton Municipal Sustainability Management Plan to,be successful,the approach, • taken must be done to balance the resources available,while meeting the sustainability vision detailed above. ' • I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT B.2 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN For something to be sustainable,it must not foundation:to focus the development of specific jeopardize the organization's ability-to 1neet their sustainability goals/objectives and subsequent • fundamental responsibilities. There are three initiatives describedlater.: fundamental actions that Renton Municipal Airport isresponsible for,including: Input from:the RAAC helped identify important ■ Day-to=day operation and maintenance issues relating to the,goals and objectives. For the ofthe airport facility;, tenants,issues identified included competitive lease rates:and other financial measures to make ® Periodic capital improvement at the the use of the Airport more attractive and Airport;and, - affordable. Residential.community members • Airport Business Management that �. j ;,1 . ; includes maintaining'res onsible "'� �;,f, �, �'- partnerships with tenants,neighbors, L`° }i regulators,and other stakeholders! i.., -■.: p■� '�' i.,.R,' 'a ;•' Sustai abilityatmenton The Sustainability Management Plan-foRenton Goals Objectives• Initiatives Municipal Airport must itself be sustainable and, indicated that noise and visual Impact of the Airport therefore,be tailored to balance financial and staff. on the surrounding neighborhoods were of resources,local social concerns,and environmental 'concern. Additional categories and issues will likely considerations. When making decisions:and taking= be addressed in the future as the Plan is updated. action,the Airport Manager will apply the principle The following categories were selected: Of sustainability by considering the effects of their decisions/actions on the focus areas or,categories. ■ AIRPORT FINANCE: Airport financial stability is crucial to itslong-term viability, and the viability of tenant businesses. Sustainability Categories. Airport finance includes all revenue and This Sustainability Management Plan was prepared expenditures associated with the under a grant from the FAA's Sustainability Pilot • operation,maintenance,and Program. That program provided a template scope improvement of the facility. of services,which airports participating in the program tailored to their local needs. Included in. ■ AIRPORTAND LOCAL ECONOMIC VALUES: that template scope is the terrri"categories." In The ability for the Airport to'retain aircraft general,airports:participating in the piltot program manufacturing jobs for citizens,generate have adapted that term to represent interest areas - revenue while maintaining reasonable Or study area focus. ' lease:rates for airport businesses,and receiving federal financial assistance is- : Through Coordination with the RAAC,the vital to its ability to maintain and improve "categories"for consideration in this Sustainability economic conditions at the Airport Management:Plan were selected. A category is an locally,regionally,and nationally. area of focus that has been identified as:important for the Airport and community. Categories create a RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT B.3 I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN. • ® COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND EDUCATION: to enhance conditions for users of the The Airport is a visible member.of the Airport,as well as the surrounding local community,City of Renton,and neighborhoods. Operations and Puget Sound Region..While mostmaintenance act vities represent the best individuals in those areas do not have opportunity for incorporation of direct contact with the Airport,the sustainability into both the management aircraft using the facilities are often and structure of the Airport. noticed. Further,the community is directly and indirectly benefited from • WATER QUALITY: Due to the close economic activity occurring at the proximity of Cedar River and Lake Airport. Washington,water quality is an important part Of the airport environment. • ENERGY CONSUMPTION/GREENHOUSE Stormwater run-off from the Airport GASES: Energy is an important increases the potential for impacts on sustainability issue far Renton Municipal water quality and habitat in the area. Airport because reducing energy/fuel use Additionally,a reduction of potable water can improve air quality and reduce consumption at the Airport can reduce greenhouse gases,and reduce operating . operating costs. costs for the Airport.The City of Renton recognizes that greenhouse gas emissions have a global effect,with Based on discussions with Airport staff and the consequences felt regionally due to the Renton Airport Advisory Committee,future potential for climate change and sea level expansion of this Plan may consider inclusion of: Waste,Natural Habitats,Construction Management, rise. and Air Quality. These issues and others were . initially considered but,ultimately,not included in ▪ NOISE FROM AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS: this initial Plan because of the limited amount of Aircraft noise over residential areas is a baseline and future information available and the long-time concern of both the Airport additional staff and financial costs that would be and surrounding communities. Aircraft incurred by the Airport when tracking. As the noise is experienced from a wide range of implementation progresses,the limiting factors are activities at the Airport,ranging from expected to subside and consideration of flight schools to Boeing aircraft additional issues/categories may be warranted. operations. The following chapter,Current Conditions,includes • OPERATIONS AND MAINTAINANCE OF detailed inventory of the baseline conditions AIRPORT.FACILITIES: Themajority of related to the above categories,as available. Airport staff time and financial resources is dedicated to the continued • maintenance and operation of the facilities. Considerable effort is expended to keep the facility running while striving • . RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT B.4 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN C. Current Conditions x''00 • „ PCC`� � � $ M.f7.l t�+Ci,�,k �� ' �Yfiir a f Tv. 1` + �' �;` � • '' ,sem&”.}>^^^_�"TfivS "4'. .mow ue •'a ... �c ro to Yt "K �.. I a �:' "M c,� nbr+ .fie .. ,._ ,• *:. M a • '" `"4` rAlev��..I Gv*mava�' `,asC'-Y ..o'...a*;*:.a",:,nv, "a^+ aeadr4""/cd..r< +aa';w,►.'wp . �w.•yL »y.. +. p..YG3.1<.S u ww ..5ex h 4 .;' � �•"` This chapter identifies the current conditions relative to the key focus of the initial Sustainability Management Plan. The baseline enabled an understanding of the issues. With that understanding, goals and objectives could be considered,as well as aid in identifying metrics to measure progress. This chapter documents baseline (existing) conditions in the focus areas (categories). A summary of the baseline data for these categories data confidence,the data sources are identified as is described below and detailed in Appendix 2. measured,or estimated. This information represents what is known about the Airport relative to the initial sustainability categories in the current,short-,medium-and long- term time frames. It is important to note that some information is not available in certain categories and must be estimated. As such,to disclose the I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT C.1 • SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Airport Setting Financial Renton Municipal Airport is a general:aviation The information included in this section identifies airport that serves Renton,Washington and other the financial baseline for the Airport and provides nearby communities. The City of Renton is located insight to those areas that create the heaviest on the south shore of Lake Washington. The City of burden on the Airport financially. Renton is home to approximately 94,000 residents and is a fast growing community in the Puget Sources of Revenue: Ninety-five percent of revenue Sound area. collected at Renton Municipal Airport is derived from their long-term leases of airport property and The Airport provides regional aviation services for "buildings. The remaining sources of revenue today air charter,air taxi,corporate,business,and and in the future are from fuel sales,investment recreational flyers. With over 80,000 annual aircraft interest,and facility enhancement projects. Facility operations,the Airport is used primarily by single enhancement projects will generate additional engine piston aircraft. The Boeing Commercial income once constructed with the additional Airplane Company facilities at and near Renton revenue derived primarily from leases on newly Municipal Airport are used to,manufacture Boeing constructed facilities. A new lease with Boeing 737 aircraft. Boeing is an economic contributor to starting in 2010 resulted in a nearly$1 million the Puget Sound area economy,as well as annual increase in operating revenue. regionally and nationally. Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base is located at the north end Operating Expenses:Operational expenses for of the Airport,along the shore of Lake Washington. Renton Municipal Airport were separated into three general categories:Staffing Expenses,Maintenance • Expenses,and Indirect Costs. Eighty percent of the Figure Cl costs are associated with Staffing Expenses. Overall Operational Indirect Costs(interest,insurance,etc.)are the Expense Categories,Budgeted 2012 second largest category and account for about Source:Sustainable Business Consulting,2012. sixteen percent of total expenses. Electricity,gas, water,sewage,and fuel account for approximately Indirect Cost eleven percent of the total expense budget(over Totals$178,055 $100,000 a year). More detailed information about each of these categories for 2012 is included in Figure Cl,Overall Operation Expense Categories. Additional information about the airport finances is Maintenance "166provided in Appendix 4. Totals.$56,500 Management • Totals$955,060 RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT C.2 1 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN; • Capital Improvement Program Expenses:The Airport Energy;Utilities- has experienced a few years of high capitalEmissions and Cost expenditures in order to maintain and renew the airport infrastructure.Additional capital projects.are A large'quantity of the Airport's greenhouse gas planned to occur in the future.These ex enses are emissions comes from its electricity usage from its documented in Appendix 4. facilities and field lighting and equates to approximately,sixty percent of the emissions that are owned and controlled by the Airport and • Greenhouse Gas resulted in a large portion of the Airport's operating budget. The Airport Traffic Control Tower/FAA Emissions Inventory Offices/Airport Offices are the largest users of A Greenhouse Gas Emissions(GHG)inventory was' electricity due to energy intensive activities completed for the key sources and other sources occurring withinthe facilities such as computer located on the Airport that are owned by the City, servers,air flight control rooms,etc. Over the based on 2010 conditions: Including all airport- course of the past three years,;electricity use at the • related sources,.activity at Renton Municipal Airport Airport decreased slightly from a high of 228,224 generates approximately 6,608 metric tons of kWhs in 2008,to a low of 205,519 kWhs in 2010. greenhouse gases(CO2e-carbon dioxide equivalent gases). Of the 6,608 metric tons of CO2e,the City of Renton only has direct control Water Resources (referred to as Scope 1 or 2 emissions)over The Airport is billed at medium intensity rates for all approximately 132 metric tons of CO2e, of the impervious surface covered area on the approximately two percent of the emissions at the Airport. This charge has increased from Airport. The breakdown of emissions can be seen approximately$4,000 per month in 2007 to$9,300 in Figure C2,EMISSIONS SOURCES BY TYPE,2010. per month in 2012,and is projected to rise substantially in the near future a's Overall storm ,water rates rise in the City. Currently,the Airport Figure C2 has a total of$94,766 budgeted for City Surface Emissions Sources by Type(2010) Water Management fees in 2012,but this budgeted Source:Sustainable Business consulting,2011. amount did not account for a recent increase in the Stope3 stormwater fees,which have now risen to$111,000. JetAFue •22% Approximately half of the airport's impervious surface is discharged directly into the Cedar River and does not rely on the City's stormwater conveyance system. Scope 1&2.2% The City of Renton provides water and sewer service to the south half of the Airport,and_Bryn C Scope3 Mawr-Skyway.Water and Sewer District provides • � Waste.146 water and sewer to th'e northwest quadrant. The Scope3 .. Scope3' largest expense in the water use category comes General Aviation Fuel•76% Commuting.1% from the irrigation provided through Airport Way •• I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT ' C.3 I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN West Irrigation. In total,irrigation accounts for plan includes objectives and policies to support about forty-eight percent of the total water increased aviation activities and appropriate expense. Generally,these expenses peak in June mitigation of adverse impacts when possible. In through October during the growing season,with recent years,Airport staff members have worked on approximately seventy percent of the costs being improving public outreach. The Renton Airport incurred in these months. Advisory Committee was created to provide a link between the Airport and the community and stakeholders;including tenants,local business Airport Vehicle Fleet and owners,and members of the public. Related Emissions The Airport owns several vehicles for use by airport. Noise staff for general'airport operation and maintenance, Land use around the Airport generally consists of including four light trucks: Additionally,the Airport open water to the immediate north(Lake owns a large mower that is used to maintain airport Washington)and east(Cedar River),and an urban landscaping. Emissions from airport owned mix of commercial,manufacturing/industrial, vehicles and equipment represent approximately public use,and residential surrounding the rest of twenty-four percent of airport-owned and the Airport. The Airport tracks citizen complaints controlled emissions,second only to electricity: about aircraft noise. Complaints are received through letters,emails,and phone calls and are Employeeslogged and tracked by the Airport. There does not appear to be a consistent pattern in the number of The Airport employs six full time regular employees noise complaints(as compared in Appendix 2). The and five full time seasonal employees.An employee _number of noise complaints has ranged from 16 to commuting survey was completed in 2011 with a 217 annually over the course of 2000-2011 and has participation rate of one hundred percent. In terms increased and decreased variably over this time of employee work commuting,ninety-six percent of period. Further,there does not appear to bee travel consists of single occupancy driving,two relationship between the number of total aircraft percent motorcycle use,and two percent bicycle operations or classes of activity and noise use,with an average commuting distance of 29 complaints. Additionally,the Airport created a miles round-trip. No parking fees are charged for voluntary Noise Abatement Brochure to help employees,and parking is located directly next to reduce noise impacts and increase pilot awareness the entrance/office. of noise sensitive land uses around the Airport. The Airport has worked with the Flight School to help increase the use of these procedures,when able, Community and also has developed a set of voluntary ground The City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Update of run-up procedures to further reduce impacts. The 2009 describes the Airport as,"more than a Airport is also working with a consultant who has s. transportation facility. It is also a vital element to standardized,digitized and marketed the voluntary Renton's commercial and industrial economy, noise abatement plan for inclusion in electronic providing aircraft services,manufacturing support, "flight bags"in order to reach a larger audience of flight training,and other airport activities." The pilots. RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT C.4 1 I SUSTAINABILITY(MANAGEMENTPLAN D. Sustainability Goals and Objectives •-; . • e � t" t nY • Sustainability "goals" are the purpose toward which an initiative is directed or focused. Sustainability "objectives"are directed at the specifics of which the initiatifes are intended to accomplish. Objectives are sometimes called targets.Where numeric targets are not defined,the objectives provide additional information aboutjthe focus of the goal. This chapter lists the goals and objectives developed for the Renton Municipal Airport Sustainability Management Plan. Progress for each of the sustainability goals/objectives will be tracked in comparison to the existing baseline conditions outlined in the,previous chapter. - I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT D.1 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN The Airport vision is to be: removed because of the inability to achieve or track progress as conditions change. As implementation ■ The provider of safe,efficient,and progresses,Airport management may wish to customer-friendly general aviation amend goals/objectives as appropriate and modify facilities and services; the initiatives,tracking,and implementationitools. • The airport of choice for aviation in The following provides a description of the Renton,the Kent Valley,and cities on the eastern shore of Lake Washington;and, sustainability goals developed for each resource category currently considered in this Plan: ■ The launch site for Boeing aircraft manufacturing. Airport Finance Category GOAL: Development and Evolution of Balance expenditures with revenue to Sustainability Goals/Objectives remain:financially self-sufficient in the long- term. The Airports vision statements have been paired with the sustainability categories to become the �_ basis for developing specific sustainability goals. KEY OBJECTIVE: The goals have been refined through input To maintain fiscal balance to ensure that the received from the RAAC. Airport can continue to operate,maintain, and improve the facilities without sources of Sustainability goals were proposed after the revenue beyond those either generated at baseline inventory was completed,as the context of the Airport or provided by the FAA. The the issue was needed to develop applicable goals. Airport,historically,was not always self- The RAAC members were able to focus in and sufficient and it has been able to become so examine not only the objectives of this through fiscal discipline and budgeting. Sustainability Management Plan,but also the objectives of the Airport as a whole and how goals might relate to current conditions and community concerns. Further,the discussion of goals provided Pr- the Airport and the RAAC members an opportunity Improve revenue to provide for future to articulate their specific desires for the future of development opportunities. the facility. KEY OBJECTIVE Through a series of progressively more detailed To improve revenue sufficient to meet meetings with the Airport and members of the operations and maintenance costs and allow RAAC,the current list of goals and objectives were for strategic improvements that provide established for each of the sustainability resource benefit to both Airport users and the categories. As the Sustainability Management Plan surrounding communities. Currently,the is put into practice and implemented,the goals/objectives.will need to be further refined to Airport generates enough revenue to account for ever-changing conditions. In many undertake modest facility improvements cases,it will be determined that additional or with financial assistance from the FAA. perhaps more ambitious goals/objectives can be Current financial resources require that established. Conversely,there may be many of the facility improvement projects goals/objectives that need to be lowered or I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT D.2 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN I ' get pushed into the future,well beyond manner that achieves benefit for Boeing,the when needed. Airport,and the community. The Boeing Commercial Airplane Company,located GOAL adjacentto the Airport,manufactures Boeing Provide financial capacity that will enable 737 aircraft and uses the airfield for their initial the Airport to pursue sustainability flights,and is an economic driver locally, initiatives in the future. regionally,and nationally. KEY OBJECTIVE GOAL' To improve financial capability to facilitate the Diversify tenants and aviation services for land undertaking of sustainabilityimprovementand sea based operations. projects that may have a higher initial cost,but provide a much lower total cost and provide a KEY OBJECTIVE greater return on investment. By providing - To provide a variety Of services and tenants at - adequate financial resources up front,the the Airport to make the Airport more desirable Airport can reduce its long-term financial for other tenants and users. To diversify types commitments and provide facilities that better of business and operations to provide stability balance operational,environmental,social, when one or more sectors of aviation and financial considerations. experience changes or declines. Airport and Local co Economic Values Category Increase private sector employment on the Airport property. GOL Attract airport tenants and aircraft operations KEY OBJECTIVE that add economic value to the local economy. To provide opportunities for the Airport and its _ tenants to increase employment at the facility, r-- KEY OBJECTIVE: as well as provide economic benefits that To provide facilities and services that attract increase employment regionally. Increases to users and tenants and maximizes benefits to employment generally,as well as regionally, the Airport and local community. Generally, have the effect of stimulating the economy at tenants that provide services to users,iincrease the Airport. employment at the Airport,and maintain financially stable businesses are most l beneficial to the Airport and local economy. Community Outreach and Education Category a _ GOAL; GOAL: Continuously improve as a tier one supplier Continuously improve the airport's relations for Boeing aircraft manufacturing. with the surrounding neighborhoods and with airport tenants. KEY OBJECTIVE; To maintain and enhance the Airport in a I , RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT D.3 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN • KEYPOBJEG7IVE To maintain and enhance the open GOAL; communication between the Airport, Reduce Airport owned greenhouse gas surrounding neighborhoods,and airportemissions. tenants. To partner in collaborative efforts to KEYOBJECT!VE provide benefits to the community and to the To reach or exceed the goal of fifteen Airport.The Airport is a visible member of the percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions local neighborhoods,City of Renton,and by 2020 through gains in efficiency and Puget Sound Region's economy. While most reduced energy consumption. individuals in those areas do not have direct contact with the Airport,the aircraft using the facilities are often noticed. Noise fr®m Aircraft Operations Category GOAL: GOAL Raise community awareness of airport services and value to regional employment. Maintain 65 DNLnoise contour on airport property. KEY'OBJECTIVEr KEY OBJECTIVE; To assist the understanding of the benefits To maintain aircraft noise levels in thatthe.Airport provides both directly and neighborhoods to below 65 DNL,which is the indirectly. The Airport serves as an economic federally recognized threshold for land use engine for regional employment and services. compatibility.Currently,the 65 DNL does not There are a large number of jobs and services that are dependent upon the facilities and extend beyond airport property into residential neighborhoods. services provided at the Airport. reign Energy Consumption / Minimize aircraft noise over neighborhoods. Greenhouse Gases Category • KEY OBJECTIVE; GOAL; M -_ Reduce energy consumption without adversely To improve the noise environment for affecting the Airport or its tenants. neighborhoods in the vicinity of the Airport. Aircraft often overfly residential areas during . . ..- take-off,landings,and pattern flight training. KEY OBJECTIVE; The Airport desires to both minimize total To operate the Airport in a manner that aircraft noise exposure over neighborhoods, reduces energy consumption without while providing a facility that•is negatively affecting the facility and its users. accommodating and open to users. Currently, Reducing energy consumption generally the Airport maintains a noise abatement decreases financial expenditures,as well as - brochure,tracks noise complaints,and works reduces the amount of greenhouse gas and with pilots and the FAA to identify voluntary other emissions generated at the Airport. measures that minimize overall noise levels. • I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT D.4 J1 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Operations, Maintenance,. nd Water Quality Category Capital Improvement of Airport Facilities Category �. o Reduce stormwater runoff quantity. GOAL Maintain a safe airport on a daily basis. KEY OBJECTIVE! Reduce the amount of stormwater leaving the KEY OBJECTIVE' Airport to lower the environmental impacts To continue to provide a facility that meets or associated with urban stormwater discharges. exceeds safety standards set by the FA%for a FAR Part 139 Airport when feasible. The GOAL= Airport's and FAA's top mandate is aviation Improve stormwater quality. safety. To meet safety requirements,the Airport must continue to operate and maintain KEY OBJECTIVE; the facility with a high level of diligence on a - To,improve the natural environment at the daily basis. Examples of maintenance Airport and in surrounding neighborhoods. activities include pavement repairs,perimeter . 'Stormwater quality affects groundwater, security improvements,trimming and mowing natural habitats,and aquatic species. The of vegetated areas,removal of wildlife hazards Airport is immediately adjacent to the Cedar and attractants,lighting improvements and River and Lake Washington,which both replacement,and many more. support sensitive habits,salmon,and public swimming areas. GOAL{ Maintain airport and seaplane infrastructure in good condition. KEY OBJECTIVE: Maintain airport pavements to a Pavement Condition Index value of 60 for all runway and taxiway pavements experiencing aircraft loads of more than 60,000 pounds to safely accommodate Boeing production aircraft. Maintain the seaplane facilities,which'include a floating seaplane dock and launch ramp and at least six feet of depth necessary for I floatplane access of the launch ramp. RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT D.5 . I I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN E. Initiatives for Meeting Goals and Objectives {fes •. '0 4,— _ .t C pfd" "d. • •, ,, ,rad ,,:�� + • • y', r ~ y7,. ....fSw w�„ �.,w..� �- • µ:'� .� •-'h-ea.•M w„T'Ys�.i :",4-- Sustainability � • .v. �.,.n. ,» •fir,a '. '+. .+f yu'w!.��sr � .d^s. _ m ..":'""k ��l:'� ; '•. ;,.w.r•e.'..'. „,.,. -'k'' «,c. .. - u�C3 . •I . Sustainability"initiatives"exist and proposed actions or project I undertaken by the Airport in conjunction with the conduct of their three primary activities: 1) operation, 2) maintenance,and 3) capital improvement of the facility. The purpose of an Initiative is to make progress toward reaching or maintaining one or more sustainability- based goals. r The Airport has initiated numerous initiatives associated with theirthree primary activities(operations,maintenance,and capital improvements). In additiori to existing initiatives,new initiatives have been identified through the development of this Plan. While the intent of individual initiatives is to assist with:moving toward achieving a goal,in many cases,that initiative may also be neutral or negative toward meeting another goal.:In those instances,the Sustainability Management Plan will assist the decision makers when balancing these types of considerations. I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT E.1 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Development and Evolution of initiatives as implementation progresses. The Sustainability Initiatives implementation process is further outlined in Chapter A. After initial sustainability goals were established for the categories selected for this Sustainability The following initiatives were.identified: Management Plan,the project team developed a list of potential initiatives for the respective goals. The initial set of initiatives was then refined by the Airport Financials Initiatives Airport Management. AF1. Update Cash Flow Model monthly Sustainability As part of the AF2. Track monthly utility charges • Sustainability AF3. Partner with energy firms to consider Initiatives are the Management Plan, renewable energy projects on residual actions that eouldseveral Renton � airport lands that offset airportort costs.or Airport Advisory be taken to meet Committee generate revenue / meetings were AF4. Initiate a total cost of ownership system the defined goals' conducted to review, for making decisions and objectives. revise,and prioritize a draft list of Airport and Local sustainability initiatives. During one meeting, Economic Value Initiatives participants provided comments on the potential range of initiatives and then,through a polling EV1. Prepare for greater lease area needs process,identified those initiatives that they each associated with Boeing 737 Max individually believed to be of importance. The program results of that effort are noted in Appendix 6. EV2. Precision Approach-Develop RNP approach/departure procedures As sustainability initiatives are completed,refined, or suspended;Airport staff will track and monitor EV3. Attract an avionics repair shop as an the progress toward meeting the established goals airport tenant of the Sustainability Management Plan. Perhaps EV4. Partner with energy firms to consider more important,the implementation of the Plan renewable energy projects that offset should itself serve as a tool to enable the Airport to airport costs or generate revenue evaluate actions and projects in order to determine if they lead toward sustainability. Following is the CommUnityOutreach and list of initiatives identified by the Airport Staff and Renton Airport Advisory Committee as being most Education Initiatives important. The full list of initiativesidentified and considered during the development of this Plan is C01. Continue airport tours for at least five included in Appendix 5: Itis expected that the Renton based community groups below list will:be supplemented with additional annually initiatives and refined by change or removal of CO2. Conduct one annual airport open house I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT E.2 i � • SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT'PLAN• CO3. Establish airport internships ani/or Operation, Maintenance,:and public education programs Capital Improvement of Airport • C04. Conductevents such as.displays of Facilities Initiatives historical information,woman flight, aircraft,etc. OM1. Replace the Seaplane launch ramp C05. Use social media,such as the airport 0M2. Complete the Maintenance Dredging website,to disseminate information and Shoreline Mitigation project to regarding operational changes maintain proper water depths for C06. Seek opportunities to use the old seaplanes to access the Lake Renton Chamber.of Commerce site to 0M3. Develop a"green"landscaping and engage the public in the importance maintenance practices plan(i.e.,limit of aviation in Renton chemical,.waterand energy use,use of native materials,etc.) Energy Conservation/ 0M4. Perform annual facility surveys and • Greenhouse Gases Initiatives prioritize maintenance items for the year • 0M5. Update the.Pavement Management Plan EC1. Lighting upgrade for buildings for the Airport to track the pavement (Buildings 616 and 790) condition of the runway,all taxiways and EC2. Remove old natural gas and propane ramps,and all parking lots and perimeter heating units and replace with high road pavements efficiency heaters s OM6: Complete the development of an airport EC3. Partner with utility to examineenergy maintenance management plan by efficiency initiatives December 2013 to memorialize scheduled maintenance activities Noise from Aircraft Operations Initiatives Water Quality Initiatives N01. Annually update brochure for Voluntary WQ1. Consider installing pervious Noise Abatement procedures pavements when repaving parking lots,where appropriate/available NO2. Continue to encourage Renton-based and other flight schools in the area to WQ2. Install swales or rain garden type train students to"fly quiet" treatments where possible to improve stormwater quality NO3. Continue to contract with firms to electronically disseminate Renton's WQ3. Utilize low-toxicity herbicides-Plant existing noise abatement procedures nitrogen fixing vegetation N04. Evaluate berms and blast fences for WQ4. Install moisture sensors and timers for additional attenuation all irrigation systems • • • RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT E.3 1 _ I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Description of Initiatives Table El includes a brief description of each initiative,as well as expected benefits,and any barriers/effects to be avoided and minimized. For the Benefits column of Table El,each initiative is examined relative to the previously identified sustainability focus categories including:a)airport financial,b)airport and local economic values,c) community outreach and education,d)energy conservation/greenhouse gases,e)noise from aircraft operations,f)operation and maintenance of the Airport,and g)water quality.This helps to illustrate the relative benefits of each initiative across multiple categories,as many initiatives have benefits in more than one sustainability category. This was accomplished through use of the Sustainability Reporting Tool. The Barriers/Effects to be Avoided column describes any mitigating circumstances that could make an initiative difficult to implement,as well as any potential negative effects in other sustainability categories that might offset the benefits described in the benefits column. For example,initiatives that stimulate business at the Airport could have a negative effect on noise due to potential increases in operations. ' r • I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT E.4 - I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN TABLE D1.STAKEHOLDER PRIORITY SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVES Borriers/Effects Airport Financial initiatives Description . PrimaryBenefits • - to beAyoided%Minimized • Tracking of monthly cash flow to Update Cash Flow Model Monthly - highlight potential areas for -Financial -Time intensive. • - improvement/opportunities. Track monthly utility charges Focus on airportowned facilities' Financial -Time intensive - j consumption of energy,water,etc. -Energy Conservation/GHG -- - --- - - -- - ---- ---— - --Examine-potential-of-installingsolar Finaricial - Potential initial costs,but ROI Partner with energy firms to consider renewable energy projects on panels,geothermal,wind turbines,etc.to -Airport/Local Economic Value could be high;.partnership may residual lands that offset airport costs or generate revenue help offset airport costs,reduce energy Community Outreach be able to offset initial costs consumption/GHG emissions,and -Energy Conservation/GHG Reduction (lease agreements) potentially increase revenue. 4 - ' Examine financial/operational decisions -Financial • Initiate a total cost of ownership system for making decisions within a framework of cost of -Airport/Local Economic Value -Initial cost to develop,but • implementation,maintenance,and -Energy Conservation/GHG return over the long-term - operation within the life cycle. -Reduce Operation and Maintenance Impacts . Airport and Local - Barriers/Effects ,. Economic Values-. - Description - ,Primary Benefits :to.beAvoided/Minimized Examine the needs of Boeing under -Noise(additional aircraft Prepare for greater lease area needs associated with Boeing 737 Max -Financial the expansion of lease area resulting operations) program - -Airport/Local Economic Value - T from an increase in 737 production_y J Water Quality _. _ .._-_---__.__ ...__ _____. Financial . _. _-.__..__ - Develop a'Required Navigation -Not all•aircraft are equipped �' Precision Approach-Develop RNP approaches/departure Procedure fora roach/departure for Airport/Local Economic Value with the necessaryavionics pp RPP P -Community Outreach procedures aircraft with the necessary navigation Energy Conservation/GHG equipment to fly precision - equipment. Reduce Noise approach procedures • - Attract an avionics shop to help- -Financial - -Noise(additional aircraft Attract an avionics repair shop as an airport tenant diversify economic base and expand -Airport/Local Economic Value operations) amenities for local users. -Community Outreach RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT E.5 • • SUSTAINABILITY.MANAGEMENT:PLAN • • • Examine potential of installing solar Financial -Potential initial costs,but ROI Partner with energy firms to consider renewable energy projects Panels,geothermal,wind turbines,etc. -Airport/Local Economic Value could.be high;partnership that offset airport costs or generate revenue to help offset airport costs,reduce -Community Outreach may be able to offset initial energy consumption/GHG emissions, -Energy Conservation/GHG Reduction • costs(lease agreements) and potentially increase revenue. • • Community Outreach - Barriers/Effects:- and arriers/Effects:-and Education Description Primary Benefits , to be Avoided/Minimized • Continue airport tours for at least five Renton-based community Conduct airport tours for interested -Airport/Local Economic Value Time for Airport staff groups annually community groups and members. -Community Outreach Conduct an annual airport open • Conduct one annual airport open house house for the community to visit the -Community Outreach -Time for Airport staff airport facilities and learn about • • - airport programs and contributions. - Create positions,such as internships, to help the Airport implement and Establish airport internships and/or public education programs with a track their sustainability projects, —Airport/Local Economic Value -Financial sustainability component while providing experience for -Community Outreach -Time for Airport staff students looking for hands-on • experience in sustainability. Research and develop special events • • Conduct events such as displays of historical info,woman flight, suchas:historical aircraft -Airport/Local Economic Value aircraft,etc. displays/flights,a focus on women in Community Outreach -Time for Airport staff aviation or other public interest events to promote the Airport. • Seek opportunities to use the old Renton Chamber of Commerce site Create an information sharing site to -Airport/Local Economic Value share information on potential -Time for Airport staff to engage the public in the importance of aviation in Renton benefits of aviation. -Community Outreach • • • • RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT •E.6 • • SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT:PLAN • • t. Energy Conservation/ -- --.° `- 'Barriers/Effects.- ` :- Greenhouse Gases . -‘Description - PiiinaryBenefits - to be Avoided/Minimized . 1 • Upgrade lighting to high Financial -Initial cost of lights;should Lighting upgrade for buildings(Buildings 616 and 790) efficiency for buildings 616 and, -Energy Conservation/GHG be offset by reduction in 790. -ReduceOperation/Maintenance consumption Financial Initial cost of lights;should •• Remove old natural gas and propane heating units and replace with Replace old heating units with be offset by.reduction in Energy Conservation/GHG ( high efficiency heaters high efficiency heating units. Reduce Operation/Maintenance consumption • --- --- -- _ - - _ ___ _______ __ _ _ xamine-partnership_ __ _ -- Financial — Time-for-Airport staff-- - — -- - alternative with the utility -Community Outreach -Initial implementation costs; Partner with utility to examine energy efficiency initiatives company to implement energy Energy Conservation/GHG should be offset by reduction efficiency initiatives beyond Reduce Operation/Maintenance in consumption those identified previously. % •`Barriers/Effects; :_;. Noise from Aircraft Operations. f•.Description ' ' - ' Primary Benefits..a ` to be Avoided/Minimized--- r n - Update the Voluntary Noise -Community Outreach Annually update brochure for Voluntary Noise Abatement procedures Abatement Brochure every year -Reduce Noise -Time of Airport staff to include new procedures or -Reduce Operation/Maintenance additional information. Provide a more robust fly quiet training for student pilots to -Airport/Local EconomicValue -• ' Continue to encourage Renton-based and other flight schools in the ensure that they understand the -Community Outreach -Time of Airport staff area to train students to"fly quiet" noise sensitivities and methods -Reduce Noise r r - they can use to reduce their =Reduce OperatioMaintenance : .. - n/ impact. w — Provide additional methods of dissemination of fly quiet -Airport/Local Economic Value information for pilots and Continue to contract with firms such as Whispertrack to electronically -Community Outreach disseminate RNT's existing noise abatement procedures tenants of the Airport to ensure Reduce Noise Time of Airport staff that they understand the noise Reduce Operation/Maintenance sensitivities and methods they can use to reduce their impact. • - • RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT E.7 • SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Examine the potential to -Airport/Local Economic Value Financial:Initial cost of Evaluate berms and blast fences for additional attenuation construct a berm or blast fence communityOutreach study/berms for additional noise attenuation. -Reduce Noise Operation,Maintenance,and Capital Barriers/Effects. Improvement of Airport Facilities Des`criptio„ Primay Benefis tobAvoided/Mininized: Replace the existing seaplane -Airport/Local Economic Values -Cost of replacement Replace the Seaplane launch ramp launch ramp with updated -Reduce Operation/Maintenance -Potential water quality facilities. impacts during construction -Cost Complete the Maintenance Dredging and Shoreline Mitigation project -Airport/Local Economic Values Potential impact on seaplane to maintain proper water depths'for seaplanes to access the Lake Dredge the seaplane base. -Reduce Operation/Maintenance operation during.mitigation -Water Quality -Potential increase in wildlife • hazards Create a,landscaping and maintenance plan with green Community Outreach Developa"green"landscaping and maintenance practices plan(i.e, practices to reduce consumption -Reduce Operation/Maintenance -Cost of plan development; limit chemical,water and energy use,use of native materials,etc.) ROI of materials and impact on Water Quality surrounding resources. Annually perform a survey to -Financial Perform annual facility surveys and prioritize maintenance items for the examine and prioritize -Reduce Operation/Maintenance -Time of Airport staff year maintenance items for the -Water Quality following year.. Update the Pavement Update the Pavement Management Plan for the Airport to track the Management Plan to ensure that -Reduce Operation/Maintenance .pavement condition of the runway,all taxiways and ramps,and all pavement on the Airport-is -Time of Airport staff parking lot and perimeter road pavements adequately maintained and Airport/Local-Economic Values replaced as needed. Complete the development of an airport maintenance management Provide a method to track and plan by December 2013 to memorialize scheduled maintenance ensure maintenance activities are Reduce Operation/Maintenance -Time of Airport staff activities being completed on time and as -Airport/Local Economic Values needed. RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT E.8 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT:PLAN • • • Barriers/Effects: • Water Quality Description ; 'PrimaryBenetits to be Avoided/Minimized` Consider installing pervious pavements when repaving parking lots Where appropriate,install pervious -Reduce Operation/Maintenance ' -Financial:Additional cost where appropriate/available - pavements,when replacing -Water Quality pavement. Install swales or rain garden type treatments where possible to improve Install swales or rain gardens. -Reduce Operation/Maintenance - -Financial:Additional cost to stormwater quality -Water Quality install Use low-toxicity -Airport/Local Economic.Value Utilize low-toxicity herbicides Plant nitrogen-fixing vegetation pesticide/herbicides on the airport -Reduce Operation/Maintenance -Additional cost - -- — property.— - -Water Quality_ Install moisture sensors for Financial Install moisture sensors and timers for all irrigation systems irrigation to prevent overwatering. -Water Quality -Cost of implementation;ROI -Reduce Operation/Maintenance • • • • • • RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT •E.9 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN, F. SustainabilityManagement Plan Implementation - Decision Making, Implementation, and Tracking ir Ar Al/ !.„ `�" rArci/ff .d �e rA' 1' 1 / AY' ZZ s_ .c--- � bra/ .r r af/.v/.r • e� x "«"ems • �w-� ..� --.w*'. �r' 3. 'l�^u'� �. �Y �. .� :.. it �� �dc�" -� ��,y s t +• 4 sa n M a , . tri i^^^';"jyry�iMMVYw" This chapter describes the steps for implementation of the, Sustainability Management Plan, including the purpose and use of the Sustainability Reporting Tool. This Tool is intended to build upon the planning information outlined in the previous chapters (sustainability goals and initiatives), and to help the Airport navigate remaining portions of the process. The Sustainability Reporting Tool provides a means to track the performance metrics relative to the established sustainability goals and objectives, as well as a ternplate for evaluating and reporting on initiatives for implementation. I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT F.1 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Guide: Implementation of the will begin to reshape the practices and processes Sustainability Management Plan for completing many of its tasks associated with operation;maintenance,and capital improvement This section further defines the implementation of of the facility. the Sustainability Management Plan and acts as a roadmap for how the pieces fit together. This Plan Report (Check) will be used to assist in decision making when After implementing initiatives,the"check"process considering most current and future actions. encompasses the reporting aspect of the Because of the importance of the Implementation implementation process. As initiatives are element,the process outlined below is implemented,the next step is to track and check supplemented with a Sustainability Reporting Tool the process toward meeting the goals and that was developed for this project. The use of the objectives. Renton Municipal Airport has limited tool will help the Airport be transparent in its financial and staffing resources and,as such,the consideration of,sustainability,visualue the management and tracking of the Plan must not consume an inordinate amount of time. If tracking relationship between initiatives and goals,and and checking become too difficult,the determine aimplementation of the entire sustainability effort D0; balanced will falter. Implementation and checking require approach to the use of tools for tracking success and identifying addressing areas of additional required effort. This projectass "• the goals. developed a tool to aid the Airport in tracking ,r Each step in progress. �� x'` Ch �ck the"plan,do, check,act" Refine (Act) process is described The"act"portion represents what has been learned in more detail below. during the"do"and"check"steps. This involves answering the question of,"What did we learn and Plan how can we do it better next time?"by re- The Sustainability Management Plan represents the evaluating the issues/categories,goals,and first step in the"plan"portion of the process. objectives and metrics. During this stage of the Defining sustainability and establishing cycle,adjustments are often identified. sustainability categories(areas of focus),collecting baseline information,identifying goals and. objectives,and the identifying initiatives are all a Steps for Implementing portion of the planning aspect. In the future,as The following specific steps are recommended for subsequent steps in the cycle occur,additional implementing the sustainability goals and consideration of categories/issues,baseline condition(s),and goals will likely be necessary. objectives. These steps represent various stages in the"Plan,Do,Check,Act"cycle and are steps that Implement (Do) the Airport may wish to implement in subsequent iterations of the cycle. Chapter A contains a Implementation of the initiatives represents the proposed schedule and indication of parties "do"portion of the process. This involves responsible for these steps. accomplishing the recommendations in this document and making progress toward achieving the goals and objectives. By"doing,"the Airport will be developing a culture of sustainability and I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT F.2 ) SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN • STEP 1: i WHEN: The Inventory was initially compiled and completed. Airport staff will update this Discuss Categories of g information representing actual performance Interest or Concern on a regular basis(Step 6)as listed irrChapter• • A of this report. The type of information WHO: Airport Staff and the Renton Airport provided in the Inventory should be updated Advisory Committee periodically depending on changes in goals. WHAT: Identify areas of existing issues, concerns,or interest based on stakeholder STEP 3: and community concerns. Some of the questions that should be considered include: Identify Specific Goals What aspects would you like to change/improve?'Are there-resources or WHO: Airport staff with input from issues of interest/concern,such as airiquality, stakeholders noise,water quality,financial,etc.? These WHAT: Categories of interest(Step 1)paired issues represent categories of focus. The • categories may be general in nature,es these with the baseline information(Step 2)may be refined further inthis step. From an categories of interest become the baseline understanding of actual performance,goals for more specific sustainability goals. and objective's may need to be modified or WHEN: This process was initially completed expanded.Goals and objectives highlight as part of this initial development of the specific areas of improvement and should be Sustainability Management Plan. Meetings measurable so that progress can be tracked were held with stakeholders to determine and reported. • the categories or areas of interest. As the WHEN: Goals and objectives were initially Plan evolves,the categories/interest areas identified in the Sustainability Plan process: should be reviewed biennially. • These categories,goals,and objectives may need to be updated as part of the"Act" STEP 2: j process in Step 9. Create_ Baseline Inventory? STEP 4: WHO: Airport staff Develop Initiatives V WHAT: Conduct a Baseline Inventory for those categories/interest areas identified in WHO: Airport staff with input from Step 1. The information gathered in this step stakeholders provides the baseline for monitoring progress toward achieving a goal described WHAT: This step involves brainstorming of in subsequent steps. The Baseline Inventory specific actions(called initiatives)that could is in Chapter C. 'be'taken to meet the goals/objectives outlined in Step 3. Generally,an initial • screening of initiatives is done to determine • 2 Note:there are times When Steps 2 and those that are potentially feasible. A"laundry 3 may be reversed. An inventory may list"of initiatives is included:in:Appendix 5 of be needed to help frame/establish a this document. The.list is sorted by category goal. In other-cases,the issue maybe and includes general considerations such as well understood and a goal can be established before collection of the relative cost(financial and staff time),as well more detailed data. as identifies the potential overlap.or RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT F3 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN considerations related to other goals and ® A listing of initiatives objectives. considered for implementation during the period. WHEN: As with Steps 1-3,this Step was initially completed as part of the initial ® The relative"score"of the Sustainability Management Plan process. initiatives toward meeting the Initiatives should be updated in the"act" sustainability goals/objectives. process,which involves checking the success of implemented initiatives(See Step 9). ■ Identify those initiatives moving forward toward implementation. STEP 5: • Consider obtaining input from the Renton Airport Advisory Prioritize Initiatives committee. WHO: Airport with help from Tracking Tool and input from Stakeholders WHEN: This was initially completed as part of preparing the initial Sustainability Plan, WHAT: Initially,initiatives are generally but will be updated by the Airport Manager identified for each specific goal/objective at least biennially in the future based on the but,as stated above,in many cases,an lessons learned(Step 9). initiative may affect several different categories in either a positive or a negative way. For example,a water quality measure This report and the Sustainability Initiative to install pervious pavement in parking lots Tracking Tool serve as the first iteration in the may help to meet water quality goals but, "Plan"stage of the process(Steps 1-5). The due to cost,it could negatively affect Tool includes the categories,goals,and - financial goals. Additionally,an initiative objectives,as well as the Baseline Inventory, such as upgrading lighting to be more and the initial list of initiatives as energy efficient could result in an initial cost, documented by this initial report. As but with significant cost savings over the life sustainability process and principles are of the initiative(resulting in helping meet implemented at Renton Municipal Airport, both financial and energy-related goals). the Airport Manager will revisit the Plan to Therefore,to prioritize the implementation make improvements and adjustments as of initiatives,the effect that the initiative needed,but this Plan will serve as a would have across all categories should be foundation for further iterations of Steps 1-5. reviewed prior to implementing one initiative over another. For this Step,a Sustainability Initiative Tracking Tool has STEP 6: been developed to assist the Airport in this Improve Baseline Information planning element. For any initiative,the Gathering and Recording Airport can use the Tracking Tool to determine the initiative's relative score WHO: Airport staff against the sustainability goals to help narrow down potential initiatives. This WHAT: The Tool accompanying this Plan is would include: intended to assist with both identifying the information useful to tracking sustainability, as well as provide the location for staff to maintain the data: This step will build upon the information gathered in the Baseline • RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT F.4 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Inventory(Step 2)to keep it up to date as initiatives are implemented to enable! Depending on the type of initiative,this Step tracking in later steps. might include coordination with' stakeholders,including the Renton Airport WHEN: After identifying Advisory Committee,to detail the review of categories/goals/objectives,it is important to the initiatives and report the outcome. It is keep up the logging of metrics important to recommended that the reporting be tracking those features on a regular basis. In conducted once per quarter and include: general,the information within the tool will need to be updated on either a daily, o A listing of initiatives monthly,quarterly,or annual basis, considered for implementation depending on:the metric. during the period:. e The relative"score"of the STEP 7: initiatives toward meeting the Select Sustainability Initiatives to sustainability goals/objectives. Implement ® Identify those initiatives , moving forward toward WHO: Airport staff implementation. WHAT: This step builds upon Step 5 by taking the initiatives that made the"first cut" If favorable and feasible,the Airport during the planning process and analyzing would secure funding,staff time,or its potential benefits within the context of other resources;as necessary•to present day conditions: Itis expected that a accomplish the initiative. small number of initiatives from the list developed in Step 5 would be examined WHEN: It is expected that once at the during the year to determine those that start of every calendar year,the Airport would be feasible and most effective based would pick a small number of on consideration of existing conditions such Sustainability Initiatives•to focus on for as funding,time/effort requirements; that 12-month period. The prioritization,etc. The following sub-steps { implementation of these initiatives should be followed: 1 during the year would depend on changing factors such as the • Review against goals using availability of funding and the Tool(may already be I prioritization. For instance,a project completed in Step 5). intended to reduce energy use might have a higher prioritization if there are • Examine,funding sources. grants to install high efficiency lights, • Review cost required. or if the Airport decides that reducing energy consumption is a primary goal ■ Review effort required: for that year. • If the initiative meets the sustainability goals/objectives and is feasible,the initiative should be Undertaken. • I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT F.5 • I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN STEP 8: indication of any barriers that may have Check Success against Metrics prevented progress. WHO: Airport staff STEP 9: WHAT: This Step takes the information Review and Improve updated within the Inventory in Step 6. The information documented on the metrics WHO: Airport Staff should be examined to determine if the initiatives had the predicted effect in helping WHAT: This Step involves identifying those meet the goals. For example,if new energy aspects of the process that could be efficient lighting was installed as an initiative, improved. It involves examining the results the utilities would be examined to determine of the annual metrics review report created if the bill/kWh use went down. If it did,then as part of Step 8 to determine if any changes the decrease in cost/energy use would be need to be made to the plans categories of confirmed and the Airport would track a net interest,goals/objectives,metrics needing to benefit toward theirenergy efficiency and be tracked,implementation tool,etc. This financial goals. If there was no will involve updates to the Plan(this corresponding decrease,then it would be document),the list of prioritized initiatives, important to note that and proceed to Step the steps,the metrics,or the implementation 9. This Step would include the use of the tool as necessary. In some cases,the need to Implementation Tool to examine the improve performance will be quantitative changes(positive or negative)that were a (Were the specific numerical goals/objectives result of implementing initiatives under the achieved?)and in other cases qualitative, Plan. This will include a summary of: based on personal judgment. In all cases,the conclusions should be documented,so as to • List of initiatives implemented be transparent. over the past year. During this step,the Airport Manager will • Key metrics for the year with a likely summarize changes and addendums to comparison to recent past the Sustainability Management Plan through years. presentations to the Renton Airport Advisory • Summary of initiatives Committee,which would then be posted to considered and their relative the Airport and City's websites,and value toward meeting the otherwise made available to the community. sustainability goals/objectives. This step does not necessitate that the entire Plan be revised. Instead,each component of • the Plan could be scrutinized as the WHEN: Information should be kept updated implementation progresses to determine as part of Step 6,but examined once a year where improvements can be made or (or as needed,post implementation)to changes are needed based on updated review changes. For implementation of this conditions. Plan,it is recommended that the Airport WHEN: The Sustainability Management Plan prepare an annual summary reporting key can be revised both formally,through the metrics,initiatives implemented,progress, revision to the Plan documents,and and planned initiatives. The focus of the informally,through changes made through report should be on what was the addendums or notes. It is recommended goal/objective,was progress made toward achieving the goal/objective,and an that regular notes and addendums be RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT F.6 J 1I ( Th ' ( I SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN . tracked as they arise. However,it is Sustainability-Reporting Tool ' recommended•that all of the key • components of this Plan be re-evaluated.at 'As:described briefly in the sections above,' - • . least once every two.years initially and then _ , '' noncurrent with development of this Sustainability annually after the process'has been. , Management Plan,a"Tool"has been developed to ingrained.With time,perhaps as soon as two assist with the initial implementation of the Plan. to three years,there will be-sufficient The purpose of the tool is to assist the Airport with baseline information and experience to be the evaluation of initiatives;tracking,and reporting able to more easily keep the components of aspects of the Plan. Like this Plan,the Tool serves as . ' this Plan current. a starting point and will need to maintained; • - updated,and refined to incorporate lessons.learned • ' and improve its functionality and usefulness. The STEP 10: use of the Tool will help the Airport visualize the ' relationship between initiatives and goals/ Adjust.Ste s 1-9 as Necessary objectives and help strive;for balance. Itis important to note that the more consistently the • WHO: Airport Staff Tool is applied,the more useful it is likely to be in . . WHAT: Start at Step 1 and adjust the process the future: ' as necessary,based on what was learned in . . the previous iteration Of the process. The Tool is intended to provide the following capabilities: WHEN: It is recommended that regular - notes and addendums be tracked as they • List and track initiatives identified arise. However,it is recommended that all of to meet the sustainability , • the:key components of this Plan be r - goals/objectives. evaluated at least once every two years • Visualize success-of initiatives that initially and then annually after the process - - has been ingrained. meet or do-not meet • goals/objectives.., The steps in the:Guide detailed above were ■ Track and summarise the relative benefits and/or impairments of . followed and documented in the following chaptersfor the first iteration of the Sustainability - initiatives relative to each - i sustainability goal/objective(i.e., Management Plan. This will serve as a guideline for does an initiative meet the future iterations as conditions change. goals/objectives?). . • Track key metrics. • - • • Visualizehowsustainability - categories are tracking. Summariie and report metrics with i.. percent change over time. - I . . :■ Visualize change in key'metrics over successive years. - ■ Determine the success of the Plan' - - and potentially:highlight areas for improvement. • ' I RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT • . . F.7 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN General reporting and the tools used to conduct test. Although this acts as a good way to identify review of progress toward sustainability goals'are and narrow potential initiatives,it is important to described in the following pages,giving basic note that there may be a compelling reason to instructions and examples of how to use the Tool. implement an initiative that may not be favorable It also includes sample output reports from the Tool in all categories,based on additional factors. But,in to be used for tracking,coordinating,and reporting. general,this Tool will assist the Airport in , identifying the best potential sustainability The Tool is split into four primary areas and color initiatives with.respect to the overall goals and coded in the Excel Spreadsheet:Instructions(WHITE objectives. tab),Graphical Dashboard of Performance(GREEN Tab),Sustainability Initiatives Evaluation(PURPLE Tab 5—2012 Initiatives Summary(PURPLE): Once Tabs),and Sustainability Category Tracking , an initiative is implemented,the Airport will fill out (ORANGE Tabs). the Initiatives Summary Tab. This aspect of the Tool tracks the sustainability initiatives implemented Tab 1—Instructions(WHITE): The Instructions give and allows the Airport to see a relative score of the a short overview of the tabs,as contained in this initiatives against the tracking metrics(Orange document as well. ' Tabs). This Tool assists the Airport in identifying the performance and will help determine if additional Tab 2—Report Card(GREEN): The Green Tab is a measures or adjustments are needed tohelp meet graphical depiction of a number of metrics that the Airport goals and objectives. were identified to help measure the success of implementing sustainability initiatives relative to Tabs 6=14 Metrics(ORANGE): These tabs the goals/objectives. These graphics'in the Green represent the tracking of the sustainability metric Tab allow the Airport to-visually see the data that is identified for each major category including: input in other areas of the Tool. aircraft operations,airport financials,economic values,community outreach,energy,noise, Tab 3—Potential 2012 Initiatives(PURPLE): The • operations and maintenance,and a summary of all Purple Tabs contain information regarding the categories. These sheets should be updated as evaluation of the sustainability initiatives. As stated new annual information becomes:available and in Step 7 of the Guide,the Airport will generally .entered in the spreadsheet in the blue data cells. pick a number of initiatives to focus on within that Information in the Report Card Tab(GREEN)and the calendar year. Those initiatives would.be added Summary Tab(ORANGE),should update into this Potential Initiatives tab of the Tool to automatically reflecting the added data. This narrow the focus of initiatives of interest for that portion of the Tool allows the Airport to review the year. success of the initiatives(Step 8),identify areas of improvement(Step 9),and update the process as Tab 4—2012 Initiatives in Detail(PURPLE): For necessary(Step 10). each initiative of interest,the Airport should fill out -the Initiatives in the Detail Tab.This tab constitutes a general"test"of an initiative against the - goals/objectives for each sustainability category, The Airport would fill in"positive,""negative,"or "neutral"for each goal or objective and the Tool will provide a general"score"of how well the initiative meets the overall sustainable vision(economic, operations,natural environment,and social). If all the boxes in this test are generally shaded neutral or green,then the initiative generally passes this . • • I RENTON•MUNICIPAL AIRPORT F.8