HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/28/2015 - Mintues CITY OF RENTON r r r r r r RENTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY MAY 2 9 2015 BOARD OF TRUSTEES RENTON HISTORY April 28,2075 RECEIVED MUSEUM CITY CLERK,OFFICE Attending: Laura Clawson, Stefanie Mclrvin, Sandra Meyer, Meris Mullaley, Kim Sweet, Elizabeth P. Stewart, and Lisa Wivag. Absent and Excused:Theresa Clymer, Vicki Jo Utterstrom, and Alice Stenstrom. Guest: Shane Klingenstein, Edward Jones representative. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by President Stefanie Mclrvin.The meeting was held at the Renton History Museum, 235 Mill Ave S, Renton. Artifact of the Month Information Lisa Wivag shared her Italian grandfather's polenta pot, that she thought might as old as her great-grandparents. She recalled her grandfather cooking savory polenta to go with chicken stew, polenta douce, which was a sweet polenta made with moonshine, dipped in egg and graham crackers and then deep fried. Oral Communications/Public Comments Information Edward Jones representative Shane Klingenstein updated the Board on the performance of the Endowment. In 2012 the total return on investment was $276,000, or about a 12% increase; in 2013 the increase was 18.5%, and in 2014 it was 5.46%, partly because of the Endowment's global funds allocation and the strength of the dollar against the euro. The market is due for a correction and Shane believes we are properly invested based on the Endowment Policy, long- term goals, and the skill of the money managers of the funds in which we're invested. If he sees a real problem, he will consult with the Finance Committee and make a change. Board Communication Information Sandra Meyer shared notes from a meeting she had with Preeti Shridhar, City Communications Director and liaison to representatives of diverse communities. Sandra was seeking insights into developing a more diverse Board. Preeti shared that most immigrants don't yet have deep roots in the community and don't have wide networks, so a strategy to get them involved would be to go where they are: attend a meeting, offer them a speaker, etc. Preeti also thought there could be a tension between the Board's fundraising and diversity goals, since newer immigrants are focused on needs of their own community. Preeti may know a fundraising firm she can recommend. Meris Mullaley suggested that inclusivity could be an ongoing topic for the Board Development Committee to explore. She agreed that going where immigrants meet is the best approach, as well as understanding the complicated dynamics within some ethnic communities (tribal or religious tensions). Museum Director Liz Stewart agreed and pointed to plans for a Museum Values Statement as one way to communicate our need to be fair and non-partisan when dealing with other groups. Board Minutes 2015-04-28final.doc Page 1 of 4 r t r a c t RENTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOARD OF TRUSTEES RENTON HISTORY April 28,2075 MUSEUM Board Correspondence Liz passed around some complimentary emails received from legislators in response to her participation in Arts & Heritage Day on March 3—4. Consent Agenda (President) Action Item • MOTION: A quorum being present, Meris Mullaley moved to approve the consent agenda; Sandra Meyer seconded. Motion passed, none opposed, none abstaining. Old Business Action Items (1) Policy Renewal Forms: Liz circulated the Board Responsibilities chart, and those who had not yet completed their Ethics Agreement, Whistleblower's Policy, and Conflict of Interest Statement turned them in. (2) Board Recruitment: Stefanie thanked Liz and Terry Higashiyama for developing plans for an informational open house for prospective trustees on Weds., April 29, and she thanked trustees who had given names of invitees. Stefanie outlined the evening's agenda. Sandra asked that the relationship among the City, Historical Society, and the Museum be explained, and Laura Clawson asked that we keep our eyes open for someone with bookkeeping and accounting experience to serve as a Treasurer-in-training. (3) Committee Structure: Stefanie announced that once the new Board members have joined, she would like to revisit definitions of committees and see where everyone would like to serve. She encouraged everyone to think about where they can best serve by June. Sandra expressed a desire for experienced Board members on the Board Development Committee, so that they can do more education during Board meetings, perhaps reviewing the By-Laws, for example. Meris agreed, since we all tend to forget what we learned in orientation when we're not actively using it. Discussion/Action Items Discussion (1) 1st Quarter 2015 Financials:Treasurer Laura Clawson had circulated the 1st quarter 2015 financials before the Board meeting. She reported that we are on track in the 15t quarter. Membership income is at 105%over 2014, although in 2014 membership income was lower because of the two-year membership offer the year before; still, this may indicate an increase in memberships overall, reversing a five-year decline. Laura pointed out an error in the 2015 Budget that needed to be fixed: the budget for 4.70 Utilities should have been $4000, but it was recorded as$400. • MOTION: Laura Clawson moved to amend the approved 2015 Budget to correct the error under general ledger code 4.70, so that it will be$4000 instead of$400; Kim Sweet seconded. Motion passed, none opposed, none abstaining. Board Minutes 2015-04-28final.doc Page 2 of 4 + *War .w, r r r r r r RENTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOARD OF TRUSTEES RENTON HISTORY April 28,2075 MUSEUM • MOTION: Kim Sweet moved to accept the 15t quarter 2015 financials; Lisa Wivag seconded the motion. Motion passed, none opposed, none abstaining. (2)Annual Meeting: Liz reported that the Museum staff has been developing a makeover for the usual Annual Meeting, since we have lost our free caterers in Don and Larry. They have planned an event that would be more active and more social, with a shortened business meeting and heavy hors d'oeuvres instead of dinner. Guests would move from table to table to participate in different activities, rather than staying seated in one place all evening;this would create more opportunities for people to get to know one another and have more fun. Lisa Wivag wondered whether we would lose some of our senior participants, since they enjoy getting a free meal; Liz replied that is a different approach that might not appeal to seniors, but might be more fun for younger members. And we'll still be feeding guests—it just won't be s it- down dinner. Lisa, Sandra, and Kim volunteered to take charge of purchasing food from Costco. Trustees discussed the business meeting, at which a slate of new trustees will be introduced for approval by the membership. Kim volunteered to step into the role of Vice President as Meris steps down. Liz reminded trustees about the Custer Award and its purpose. Kim recommended Marsha Rollinger, the Renton Municipal Arts Commission member and graphic designer who designed new city banners using architectural details of historic Renton buildings. • MOTION: Laura Clawson moved that Marsha Rollinger be this year's George and Annie Lewis Custer Award winner for Heritage Citizenship, and Kim Sweet seconded. Motion passed, none opposed, none abstaining. (3) Fall fundraiser: Kim outlined an alternative event that she and Stefanie have discussed with Red House owner Gene Sens. They originally approached him with an idea for a spring membership event, but he had another idea; he is renovating the Red House this summer, and wants to team up in August or September for a grand re-opening of the restaurant. Kim described the all-day open house, in which the Historical Society could make pitches for membership and have activities or exhibits in various upstairs rooms; guests could drop in, unticketed, for tapas and wine or beer from a no host bar. The invitation list would include ours and Gene's. Stefanie and Kim presented this idea to an ad hoc committee that included Meris, Alice, and Liz; their big concern was the capacity to organize major back-to-back events in September and October, and the need to raise $12,500 budgeted before the end of the year. Gene saw this as an opportunity to recruit and educate potential members, not a fundraising event; he later suggested we run an online auction simultaneously and solicit sponsors for the bar. A silent auction would also be fine. He is also open to a Memorandum of Understanding between both parties. Board Minutes 2015-04-28final.doc Page 3 of 4 a'oW..rafy r _ r r r r r r RENTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOARD OF TRUSTEES RENTON HISTORY April 28,2015 MUSEUM Lisa asked whether we could do the usual dinner auction at the Senior Activity Center in late September and this event; Liz did not think the trustees and the staff would have the capacity to bring off two events so close together, and questioned whether the audience for the second would be big enough to make it worthwhile. Various suggestions were made to bring in money at the Red House event—rolling raffles? Dessert Dash?ticketing?—and Kim said she would pursue the questions in another conversation with Gene and his business manager. Liz thought the success of the event as a fundraiser may depend on whether it's a ticketed event, since about 60%of our dinner auction guests spend no money after their ticket purchase. All agreed that a partnership with Gene and the Red House has potential to cultivate new audiences, and all appreciated that Gene wants to work with the Historical Society. Stefanie and Kim agreed to follow up with Gene. Adjournment Action Item Sandra Meyer moved to adjourn; Laura Clawson seconded.The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm. Elizabeth P. Stewart, Secretary Board of Trustees, Renton Historical Society Board Minutes 2015-04-28final.doc Page 4 of 4