HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_Geotechnical Report_Mud Bay_ 200129_V1Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC• 2724 Langridge Loop NW • Olympia, WA 98502 360-481-9784 • cheathman@mudbaygeotech.com January 29, 2020 Job:1172-KIN Page 1 Terry Mitchell 3625 Meadow Ave N, Renton WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Subject: 3625 Meadow Ave N Renton, WA 98056 Site Development Geotechnical Recommendations Dear Ms. Mitchell, This report presents the results of our geotechnical investigation and contains geotechnical recommendations for the project taking place at 3625 Meadow Ave N, Renton WA. This is an updated report that supersedes the report dated December 29, 2019. The analyses, conclusions, and recommendations in this report are based on three boring (designated as BH-1-19, BH-2-19, and BH-3-19) completed specifically for this project, published geologic information for the site and vicinity, USDA textural analysis of retained samples, and our experience with similar geologic materials. The conditions observed in the bore holes are assumed to be representative of the subsurface conditions throughout the project area. If during construction, subsurface conditions differ from those described in the explorations, we should be advised immediately so we may reevaluate the recommendations. Location and Description The parcel number 3342700480 is located at 3526 Meadow Ave N in Renton, WA. The site location and vicinity for the property are presented in Figure 1. The scope of the project, as we understand it, is to develop the site with a new access road covering 0.097 acres of the 0.91-acre parcel, in addition to construction of a new home on Lot #2. Proposed development can be viewed on the provided Site Plan, attached to this report as Figure 2. It is anticipated the structure will be supported on shallow strip footing foundations and shallow pier foundations. Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC• 2724 Langridge Loop NW • Olympia, WA 98502 360-481-9784 • cheathman@mudbaygeotech.com The site currently accommodates one single-family residence, a detached 2-car garage, a small section of asphalt drive, and a gravel access road. Surface conditions on the parcel consists of manicured and landscaped lawn, with the entirety of the site having a gentle grade projecting down-slope to the west and north west. Discussions with the client suggest the site is well draining, with little to no standing water being present following rain events. Several fruit and small native trees exist in the current front-yard. A retaining wall ranging in height from 2 to 4 feet spans the southern boundary of the neighboring parcel and appears to be in good condition. Site Soils and Geology As part of this project, we reviewed geologic data from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources available at the 1:100,000 scale and prepared a site-specific geology map, attached as Figure 3 to this report. The project vicinity geologic map indicates the project site is directly underlain by Pleistocene continental glacial drift, and the site vicinity consists generally of Pleistocene continental glacial till and Quaternary alluvium. Conditions observed at the site are generally consistent with the mapped geology. Along with the site geology, soil data was also reviewed and is represented in attached Figure 4, USDA Soil Map. The soil in this area was mapped by the United States Department of Agriculture, USDA, as Indianola loamy sand, 5 to 15 percent slopes. The USDA describes Indianola loamy sand as being "somewhat excessively drained" and forming often in sandy glacial drift deposits. Consistency across field classification, mapped soils, and soil descriptions all indicate the soil conditions at the site are consistent with the USDA mapping. See the Subsurface Exploration section below for a detailed soil characterization. It should be noted the percent slopes associated with these soils is an approximation and does not necessarily reflect the true surface topography. Subsurface Exploration As part of the geotechnical investigation, three shallow hand augured borings were completed. The borings were completed using a Humboldt Manufacturing model H-4414QC hand auger with a 4-inch diameter bucket tube sampler. In situ testing was performed at selected depths using a Humboldt Manufacturing model H-4202A dynamic cone penetrometer to estimate the density of the soil. The dynamic cone penetrometer uses a 15-lb steel mass falling a height of 20-inches onto an anvil to penetrate a 1.5-inch diameter 45-degree cone tip seated into the bottom of the hole. The number of blows is recorded to achieve at total of ¾ inches of penetration into the soil. This recorded blow count is correlated to the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) field N-value blow count determined in accordance with ASTM D1586, which is the standard in situ test method for determining relative density of cohesionless soils and the consistency of cohesive soils. Hand auger samples were removed from the bottom of the hole after the dynamic cone penetration testing was performed in order to observe the soil material at the approximate depth the test was performed. The soil samples were classified visually in the field in general accordance with ASTM D2488, the Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure). Once transported back to the office, the samples were re-examined, and the field classifications were modified accordingly. We then selected representative samples for a suite of laboratory tests. The overall soil-testing program included moisture content analyses, Atterberg limits, and Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC• 2724 Langridge Loop NW • Olympia, WA 98502 360-481-9784 • cheathman@mudbaygeotech.com particle-size analyses. The results of the laboratory tests are presented in Appendix B. Summary logs of the borings are included in Appendix A. Note the soil descriptions and interfaces shown on the log are interpretive, and actual changes may be gradual. Upon completion, the holes were backfilled to the original ground surface using excavated material from the spoil piles. Soil and Groundwater Conditions Three hand augured borings (designated BH-1-19, BH-2-19, and BH-3-19), were performed to a depth of 72 inches, 84 inches, and 72 inches, respectively, below the current ground surface in order to explore the subsurface conditions at the site location. The approximate locations of the borings have been included as Figure 5 attached to this report, Site Exploration Map. The subsurface conditions observed in all three of the borings consisted of very loose to loose, moist, brown, silty sand (SM) to a depth of 72 to 84 inches. It was noted that groundwater, likely a result of localized seepage, was present in boring BH-2-19. Boring BH-1-19 and BH-3-19 had moist soils throughout the entire depth. Shallow Foundation Support Shallow strip footings will be used to support the new structure loads. Based on the conditions observed in the boring, we recommend locating the bottom of the new footings on the native soil deposits at a minimum depth of approximately 1.5 feet below the existing ground surface. If the footings are placed on the native material at or below a depth of 1.5 feet, then the subgrade at that elevation should be cleared and grubbed and the exposed native subgrade soils should be compacted in place. The subgrade should be inspected for any pockets of loose material. Loose material should be removed and replaced with a minimum of 6-inches of crushed surfacing base coarse (CSBC). The CSBC should be placed in layers no greater than 6-inches and compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density. Prior to placement of the CSBC, we recommend placing a construction geosynthetic directly on the native subgrade within the footprint of all strip footings, piers, and slabs-on-grade. The geosynthetic used should meet the requirements of a construction geotextile for soil separation in accordance with Section 9-33.1 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Footings bearing on a subgrade prepared as described above can be designed using a maximum allowable bearing pressure of 1,200 psf. We recommend a minimum footing width of 18 inches be used in the design. The maximum allowable bearing pressure may be increased by up to one-third for short-term transient loading conditions such as wind and seismic loading. We anticipate that total settlement will not exceed one inch, and differential settlement along an equivalent 50-foot length of footing will not exceed half of the total settlement. The settlement is expected to be elastic and will occur as the footings are loaded. We recommend footing subgrade preparation be evaluated by Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC prior to placement of concrete. Foundation subgrade preparation should not be performed during periods of wet weather. We recommend staging the foundation subgrade excavation, compaction of native subgrade soils, and placement of CSBC to limit the time the foundation subgrade is exposed to weather. Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC• 2724 Langridge Loop NW • Olympia, WA 98502 360-481-9784 • cheathman@mudbaygeotech.com Lateral Earth Pressures The portion of the new footings and stem walls below final grade should be designed to resist lateral earth pressures of the backfill placed behind the walls. For lateral load analysis, we recommend the geotechnical parameters in Table 1 be used for lateral design and analysis. Table 1 : Lateral Earth Pressure Parameters Parameter Design Value Backfill Unit Weight (γ) 135 pcf Wall Backfill Soil Friction Angle (φf) 37° Coefficient of Sliding (tan φf) 0.55 Active Earth Pressure (Ka) 0.23 (EFP 31.1 psf) At Rest Earth Pressure (K0) 0.40 (EFP 54.0 psf) Passive Earth Pressure (Kp) 4.02 (EFP 542.7 psf) The passive earth pressure coefficient and coefficient of sliding presented in Table 1 are ultimate values and should be reduced by a factor of safety equal to 1.5 for final design. The lateral earth pressure coefficients provided in Table 1 are based on the use of Gravel Backfill for Walls. Active earth pressures can be assumed for design, provided that the walls can yield laterally at least 0.001H (where H is the exposed wall height in feet). If the wall is not capable of yielding that amount, then at-rest earth pressures should be used. Seismic loading represented as a rectangular shaped dynamic uniform lateral surcharge equal to 8H psf should be applied, with the resultant acting at a height of 0.5H, where H is the height of the wall. This value, which was calculated using the Mononobe-Okabe method, is appropriate for yielding walls designed in accordance with the 2015 IBC. Drainage Considerations We recommend including a perimeter footing drain system, consisting of a 4-inch diameter, perforated or slotted, rigid plastic pipe placed at the base of the wall footings. The drain should be embedded in a clean, free-draining sand and gravel meeting the requirements of Section 9- 03.12(4) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications for Gravel Backfill for Drains. The drains should be sloped slightly to drain to an appropriate discharge area. Appropriate water and weather proofing measures should be used in order to reduce the potential for leaks through the stem walls. Utilities Utilities may need to be temporarily or permanently relocated as part of the project. The utility subgrade (base of trench excavation) should be relatively firm prior to placing bedding materials. Subgrade that is observed to be soft, pumping, or containing abundant organics or refuse should be sub-excavated to firm subgrade soil or a maximum depth of 2 feet. Sub- excavated areas should be backfilled with structural fill. Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC• 2724 Langridge Loop NW • Olympia, WA 98502 360-481-9784 • cheathman@mudbaygeotech.com Material placed directly below, around, and above utility pipes should consist of Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding as described in Section 9-03.12(3) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. The pipe bedding materials should be placed and compacted to a relatively firm condition in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Bedding and cover should be a minimum of 6-inches thick. Earthwork Considerations Soils placed as fill beyond the limits of foundation subgrade, wall backfill, and pipe zone areas described previously should be considered structural fill. Structural fill should consist of material meeting the requirements of Common Borrow as described in Section 9-03.14(3) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Based on the conditions observed in the boring, the onsite material that will be removed for construction meets the requirements for Common Borrow, provided that it can be moisture conditioned to achieve proper compaction. The onsite material contains a fines content great enough that it is considered to be moisture sensitive. This material may be difficult to compact if exposed to wet weather. Drying excessively wet soil will be easier during the drier time of the year. Structural fill should be placed and compacted in lifts no greater than 8 inches when using relatively large compaction equipment, such as a vibrating compaction equipment attached to an excavator or a drum roller. If small, hand-operated compaction equipment is used to compact the structural fill, fill lifts should not exceed 6 inches. Based on the small size of the project and difficult access, most likely small hand-operated equipment will be used. Structural fill should be placed and compacted to between 92 and 95 percent of the maximum dry density. All other fill material should be placed and compacted as described previously. Fill placed in softscape, landscape, or common areas that can accommodate some settlement should be compacted to a relatively firm and unyielding condition. Stormwater infiltration Design On site stormwater facilities will be used for stormwater treatment and flow control. The soils in the upper 4 to 6 feet were classified for USDA soil texture in order to estimate the long-term infiltration rate. Based on the conditions observed in the borings and laboratory testing for soil gradation, the soils at the site are classified as a sandy loam to loam soil. We recommend assuming a long-term infiltration rate of 1.0 inches per hour. Erosion Control Erosion control should be implemented during construction with the use of silt fences and construction fencing around the perimeter of the work area. Jute, coir, or turf reinforcement mat should be placed on the surface of all exposed ground surfaces with slopes greater than 15 percent, pinned a minimum of 30 inches below the surface. The erosion condition of slopes should be monitored periodically during construction for any signs of surface erosion or degradation. If significant erosion is observed, then it should be mitigated as soon as possible. To reduce the potential for long term erosion from occurring, it is recommended the surface all bare ground are vegetated following construction with a combination of native plants and hydroseeding. Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC• 2724 Langridge Loop NW • Olympia, WA 98502 360-481-9784 • cheathman@mudbaygeotech.com Recommended Additional Services Before construction begins, we recommend a copy of the draft plans and specifications prepared for the project be made available for review so that we can ensure that the geotechnical recommendations in this report are included in the Contract. Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC is also available to provide geotechnical engineering and construction monitoring services throughout the remainder of the design and construction of the project. The integrity of the geotechnical elements of a project depend on proper site preparation and construction procedures. In addition, engineering decisions may need to be made in the field if conditions are encountered that differ from those described in this report. During the construction phase of the project, we recommend that Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC be retained to review construction submittals, observe and evaluate subgrade for footings, structural fill placement and compaction, and provide recommendations for any other geotechnical considerations that may arise during construction. Intended Use and Limitations This report has been prepared to assist the client and their consultants in the engineering design and construction of the subject project. It should not be used, in part or in whole for other purposes without contacting Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC for a review of the applicability of such reuse. This report should be made available to prospective contractors for their information only and not as a warranty of ground conditions. The conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based on Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC understanding of the project at the time that the report was written and on-site conditions that existed at time of the field exploration. If significant changes to the nature, configuration, or scope of the project occur during the design process, we should be consulted to determine the impact of such changes on the recommendations and conclusions presented in this report. Site exploration and testing describes subsurface conditions only at the sites of subsurface exploration and at the intervals where samples are collected. These data are interpreted by Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC rendering an opinion regarding the general subsurface conditions. Actual subsurface conditions can be discovered only during earthwork and construction operations. The distribution, continuity, thickness, and characteristics of identified (and unidentified) subsurface materials may vary considerably from that indicated by the subsurface data. While nothing can be done to prevent such variability, Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC is prepared to work with the project team to reduce the impacts of variability on project design, construction, and performance. We appreciate the opportunity to serve your geotechnical needs on this project and look forward to working with you in the future. Please contact us at your earliest convenience if you have any questions or would like to discuss any of the contents of this report. Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC• 2724 Langridge Loop NW • Olympia, WA 98502 360-481-9784 • cheathman@mudbaygeotech.com Sincerely, Chris Heathman, P.E. Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC Figure 1: Site Map 3625 Meadow Ave N, Renton WA, 98056 Site Development Geotechnical Report JOB #:1172-KIN Date: Nov., 2019 Site Location Figure 2: Site Plan 3625 Meadow Ave N, Renton WA, 98056 Site Development Geotechnical Report JOB #:1172-KIN Date: Nov., 2019 LEGEND Figure 3: WA DNR Geologic Map 3625 Meadow Ave N, Renton WA, 98056 Site Development Geotechnical Report JOB #: 1172-KIN Date: Nov., 2019 Site Location 200 ft 100 m LEGEND Site Location Figure 4: USDA Soils Map 3625 Meadow Ave N, Renton WA, 98056 Site Development Geotechnical Report JOB #: 1172-KIN Date: Nov., 2019 BH-1-19 BH-2-19 Site Location Figure 5: Site Exploration Map 3625 Meadow Ave N, Renton WA, 98056 Site Development Geotechnical Report JOB #:1172-KIN Date: Nov., 2019 Sample Location BH-3-19 APPENDIX A – FINAL BORING LOGS Completed: Hammer Type: Backfilled: Hammer Weight: Hammer Drop: Groundwater Depth: Total Depth of Boring: Lithology Very loose, moist, brown, silty sand (SM) Very loose, moist, brown, silty sand (SM) Loose, moist, brown, silty sand (SM) Loose, moist, brown, silty sand (SM) Standard Penetration Slit Spoon Sampler (SPT) Blows/3/4"Density 0-4 Very Loose 5-10 Loose 11-24 Medium Dense 25-50 Dense >50 Vey Dense Project: Client: Boring No. 1 of 3: Site Development Terry Mitchell BH-1-19 Project Number:Drilling Contractor:Drill Rig Type: 1172-KIN n/a Hand Auger Address:DateStarted: Bit Type: Diameter: 3625 Meadow Ave N, Renton WA 98056 11/6/2019 n/a 4 inches Fluid: 11/6/2019 Steel n/a Logged By: Logan Krehbiel 11/6/2019 15lbs 20 inches Drill Crew: Elevation: Samantha Denham none Existing Surface 72"DepthSample TypeSample NumberBlow Counts (blows/3/4")Graphic LogDry Density (pcf)Moisture Content (%)Additional TestSoil Group Name: modifier, color, moisture, density/consistency, grain size, other descriptors Rock Description: modifierm color, hardness/degree of concentration, bedding and joint characteristics, solutions, void conditions. Bore Log Symbols Soil Density Modifiers Gravel, Sand, Non-Plastic Silt Elastic Silts and Clays California Sampler Blows/3/4" Consistency Shelby Tube 0-1 Very Soft CPP Sampler 2-4 Soft StabIlized Ground water 5-8 Medium Stiff 31-60 Hard 31-61 Very Hard Groundwater At time of Drilling 9-15 Stiff Bulk/ Bag Sample 16-30 Very Stiff 18"S-1 1 36"S-2 3 54"S-3 6 72"S-4 6 Completed: Hammer Type: Backfilled: Hammer Weight: Hammer Drop: Groundwater Depth: Total Depth of Boring: Lithology Very loose, moist, brown, silty sand (SM) Very loose, moist, brown, silty sand (SM) Loose, moist, brown, silty sand (SM) Sharp increase in moisture content @ 68". Very loose, moist, brown, silty sand (SM) Standard Penetration Slit Spoon Sampler (SPT) Blows/3/4"Density 0-4 Very Loose 5-10 Loose 11-24 Medium Dense 25-50 Dense >50 Vey Dense Project: Client: Boring No. 2 of 3: Site Development Terry Mitchell BH-2-19 Project Number:Drilling Contractor:Drill Rig Type: 1172-KIN n/a Hand Auger Address:DateStarted: Bit Type: Diameter: 3625 Meadow Ave N, Renton WA 98056 11/6/2019 n/a 4 inches Fluid: 11/6/2019 Steel n/a Logged By: Logan Krehbiel 11/6/2019 15lbs 20 inches Drill Crew: Elevation: Samantha Denham none Existing Surface 84"DepthSample TypeSample NumberBlow Counts (blows/3/4")Graphic LogDry Density (pcf)Moisture Content (%)Additional TestSoil Group Name: modifier, color, moisture, density/consistency, grain size, other descriptors Rock Description: modifierm color, hardness/degree of concentration, bedding and joint characteristics, solutions, void conditions. Bore Log Symbols Soil Density Modifiers Gravel, Sand, Non-Plastic Silt Elastic Silts and Clays California Sampler Blows/3/4" Consistency Shelby Tube 0-1 Very Soft CPP Sampler 2-4 Soft StabIlized Ground water 5-8 Medium Stiff 31-60 Hard 31-61 Very Hard Groundwater At time of Drilling 9-15 Stiff Bulk/ Bag Sample 16-30 Very Stiff 18"S-1 1 36"S-2 6 54"S-3 5 72"S-4 4 Completed: Hammer Type: Backfilled: Hammer Weight: Hammer Drop: Groundwater Depth: Total Depth of Boring: Lithology Very loose, moist, brown, silty sand (SM) Very loose, moist, brown, silty sand (SM) Loose, moist, brown, silty sand (SM) Loose, moist, brown, silty sand (SM) Standard Penetration Slit Spoon Sampler (SPT) Blows/3/4"Density 0-4 Very Loose 5-10 Loose 11-24 Medium Dense 25-50 Dense >50 Vey Dense Project: Client: Boring No. 3 of 3: Site Development Terry Mitchell BH-3-19 Project Number:Drilling Contractor:Drill Rig Type: 1172-KIN n/a Hand Auger Address:DateStarted: Bit Type: Diameter: 3625 Meadow Ave N, Renton WA 98056 11/6/2019 n/a 4 inches Fluid: 11/6/2019 Steel n/a Logged By: Logan Krehbiel 11/6/2019 15lbs 20 inches Drill Crew: Elevation: Samantha Denham none Existing Surface 72"DepthSample TypeSample NumberBlow Counts (blows/3/4")Graphic LogDry Density (pcf)Moisture Content (%)Additional TestSoil Group Name: modifier, color, moisture, density/consistency, grain size, other descriptors Rock Description: modifierm color, hardness/degree of concentration, bedding and joint characteristics, solutions, void conditions. Bore Log Symbols Soil Density Modifiers Gravel, Sand, Non-Plastic Silt Elastic Silts and Clays California Sampler Blows/3/4" Consistency Shelby Tube 0-1 Very Soft CPP Sampler 2-4 Soft StabIlized Ground water 5-8 Medium Stiff 31-60 Hard 31-61 Very Hard Groundwater At time of Drilling 9-15 Stiff Bulk/ Bag Sample 16-30 Very Stiff 18"S-1 1 36"S-2 3 54"S-3 5 72"S-4 6 APPENDIX B – LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Date Revised:Date Sampled: Test(s) Performed:Test(s) Performed: X X X Respectfully Submitted, NW Region Laboratory Manager Atterberg Limits Asphalt Extraction/Gradation Moisture Content Specific Gravity, Coarse Specific Gravity, Fine Hydrometer Analysis Proctor Sand Equivalent Fracture Count See Report WSDOT Degradation Bulk Density & Voids Corporate ~ 777 Chrysler Drive • Burlington, WA 98233 • Phone (360) 755-1990 • Fax (360) 755-1980 Regional Offices: Olympia ~ 360.534.9777 Bellingham ~ 360.647.6111 Silverdale ~ 360.698.6787 Tukwila ~ 206.241.1974 Visit our website: www.mtc-inc.net Meghan Blodgett-Carrillo If you have any questions concerning the test results, the procedures used, or if we can be of any further assistance please call on us at the number below. Rice Density Loamy Sand Non-plastic Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering • Special Inspection • Materials Testing • Environmental Consulting Test Results Olympia, WA 98502 Chris Heathman December 10, 2019 19S056-07 B19-1174 Project #: 1172 - KINAddress: As requested MTC, Inc. has performed the following test(s) on the sample referenced above. The testing was performed in accordance with current applicable AASHTO or ASTM standards as indicated below. The results obtained in our laboratory were as follows below or on the attached pages: Test Results Client: Sample #: Date: Project: Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC. 2724 Langridge Loop NW Attn: Sulfate SoundnessSieve Analysis Not Reported Project:Date Received:4-Dec-19 Project #:Sampled By:Client Client:Date Tested:5-Dec-19 Source:Tested By:A. Eifrig Sample#:B19-1174 D(5) =0.010 mm % Gravel =1.0%Coeff. of Curvature, CC =1.31 Specifications D(10) =0.020 mm % Sand =60.5%Coeff. of Uniformity, CU =6.87 No Specs D(15) =0.029 mm % Silt & Clay =38.4%Fineness Modulus =0.74 Sample Meets Specs ?N/A D(30) =0.059 mm Liquid Limit =0.0%Plastic Limit =0.0% D(50) =0.107 mm Plasticity Index =0.0%Moisture %, as sampled =n/a D(60) =0.134 mm Sand Equivalent =n/a Req'd Sand Equivalent = D(90) =0.482 mm Fracture %, 1 Face =n/a Req'd Fracture %, 1 Face = Dust Ratio =3/7 Fracture %, 2+ Faces =n/a Req'd Fracture %, 2+ Faces = Actual Interpolated Cumulative Cumulative Sieve Size Percent Percent Specs Specs US Metric Passing Passing Max Min 12.00"300.00 100%100.0%0.0% 10.00"250.00 100%100.0%0.0% 8.00"200.00 100%100.0%0.0% 6.00"150.00 100%100.0%0.0% 4.00"100.00 100%100.0%0.0% 3.00"75.00 100%100.0%0.0% 2.50"63.00 100%100.0%0.0% 2.00"50.00 100%100%100.0%0.0% 1.75"45.00 100%100.0%0.0% 1.50"37.50 100%100.0%0.0% 1.25"31.50 100%100.0%0.0% 1.00"25.00 100%100%100.0%0.0% 3/4"19.00 100%100%100.0%0.0% 5/8"16.00 100%100.0%0.0% 1/2"12.50 100%100%100.0%0.0% 3/8"9.50 100%100%100.0%0.0% 1/4"6.30 99%100.0%0.0% #4 4.75 99%99%100.0%0.0% #8 2.36 99%100.0%0.0% #10 2.00 98%98%100.0%0.0% #16 1.18 94%100.0%0.0% #20 0.850 92%100.0%0.0% #30 0.600 91%100.0%0.0% #40 0.425 90%90%100.0%0.0% #50 0.300 79%100.0%0.0% #60 0.250 75%100.0%0.0% #80 0.180 68%100.0%0.0% #100 0.150 66%66%100.0%0.0% #140 0.106 50%100.0%0.0% #170 0.090 44%100.0%0.0% #200 0.075 38.4%38.4%100.0%0.0% Copyright Spears Engineering & Technical Services PS, 1996-98 Comments: Reviewed by: Meghan Blodgett-Carrillo Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. Visit our website: www.mtc-inc.net All results apply only to actual locations and materials tested. As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Corporate ~ 777 Chrysler Drive • Burlington, WA 98233 • Phone (360) 755-1990 • Fax (360) 755-1980 Regional Offices: Olympia ~ 360.534.9777 Bellingham ~ 360.647.6111 Silverdale ~ 360.698.6787 Tukwila ~ 206.241.1974 Geotechnical Engineering • Special Inspection • Materials Testing • Environmental Consulting Sieve Report ASTM C-136, ASTM D-6913 19S056-07 Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC. BH-3-19 S3 @ 54'' ASTM D-2487 Unified Soils Classification System ASTM D-2216, ASTM D-2419, ASTM D-4318, ASTM D-5821 SM, Silty Sand brown Sample Color: 1172 - KIN 8"6"4"2"3"1½"1¼"10"1"¾"5/8"½"3/8"¼"#4#8#10#16#20#30#40#50#60#80#100#140#170#2000% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0% 100.0% 0.0010.0100.1001.00010.000100.000% Passing% PassingParticle Size (mm) Grain Size Distribution Sieve Sizes Max Specs Min Specs Sieve Results Project:1172 - KIN Date Received:4-Dec-19 Project #:19S056-07 Sampled By:Client Client :Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC.Date Tested:5-Dec-19 Sample Color Source:BH-3-19 S3 @ 54''Tested By:A. Eifrig Sample#:B19-1174 Assumed Sp Gr :2.70 Sample Weight:50.07 grams Hydroscopic Moist.:6.31%Sieve Percent Adj. Sample Wgt :47.10 grams Size Passing 3.0"100%75.000 mm Hydrometer 2.0"100%50.000 mm Reading Corrected Percent 1.5"100%37.500 mm Minutes Reading Passing 1.25"100%31.500 mm 2 7 14.5%0.0371 mm 1.0"100%25.000 mm 5 6.5 13.5%0.0235 mm 3/4"100%19.000 mm 15 5.5 11.4%0.0137 mm 5/8"100%16.000 mm 30 5 10.4%0.0097 mm 1/2"100%12.500 mm 60 4.5 9.3%0.0069 mm 3/8"100%9.500 mm 250 3 6.2%0.0034 mm 1/4"99%6.300 mm 1440 2.5 5.2%0.0014 mm #4 99%4.750 mm #10 98%2.000 mm % Gravel:1.0%Liquid Limit:0.0 %#20 92%0.850 mm % Sand:60.5%Plastic Limit:0.0 %#40 90%0.425 mm % Silt:30.8%Plasticity Index:0.0 %#100 66%0.150 mm % Clay:7.7%#200 38.4%0.075 mm Silts 37.8%0.074 mm 22.7%0.050 mm 12.7%0.020 mm Clays 7.7%0.005 mm 5.5%0.002 mm Colloids 3.7%0.001 mm Particle Size % Sand:77.0%2.0 - 0.05 mm % Silt:17.4%0.05 - 0.002 mm % Clay:5.6%< 0.002 mm Loamy Sand Comments: Reviewed by: Meghan Blodgett-Carrillo All results apply only to actual locations and materials tested. As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. USDA Soil Textural Classification ASTM C-136 Soils Particle ASTM D-422, HYDROMETER ANALYSIS Sieve Analysis Grain Size Distribution Visit our website: www.mtc-inc.net Corporate ~ 777 Chrysler Drive • Burlington, WA 98233 • Phone (360) 755-1990 • Fax (360) 755-1980 Regional Offices: Olympia ~ 360.534.9777 Bellingham ~ 360.647.6111 Silverdale ~ 360.698.6787 Tukwila ~ 206.241.1974 Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering • Special Inspection • Materials Testing • Environmental Consulting USDA Soil Textural Classification Hydrometer Report SM, Silty Sand Diameter brown Soils Particle Diameter ASTM D 2487 Soils Classification Project: Project #: Client:Sample Color Source: Sample #: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 Weight of Wet Soils + Pan: Weight of Dry Soils + Pan:Non-Plastic Weight of Pan: Weight of Dry Soils:Liquid Limit @ 25 Blows:N/A Weight of Moisture:Plastic Limit:N/A % Moisture:Plasticity Index, IP:N/A Number of Blows: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 Weight of Wet Soils + Pan: Weight of Dry Soils + Pan:Non-Plastic Weight of Pan: Weight of Dry Soils: Weight of Moisture: % Moisture: Copyright Spears Engineering & Technical Services PS, 1996-98 Comments: Reviewed by: Meghan Blodgett-Carrillo Geotechnical Engineering • Special Inspections • Materials Testing • Environmental Consulting Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. Regional Offices: Olympia ~ 360.534.9777 Bellingham ~ 360.647.6111 Silverdale ~ 360.698.6787 Tukwila ~ 206.241.1974 6-Dec-19 BH-3-19 S3 @ 54'' Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, L A. Eifrig 4-Dec-19 Client ASTM D4318 - Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils 1172 - KIN Unified Soils Classification System, ASTM D-2487Date Received: B19-1174 Visit our website: www.mtc-inc.net Corporate ~ 777 Chrysler Drive • Burlington, WA 98233 • Phone (360) 755-1990 • Fax (360) 755-1980 Liquid Limit Determination threads. Non-plastic. Liquid limit cannot be determined as the material displays rapid dilation. Plastic limit cannot be established as the material does not roll down to 1/8" Sampled By: Date Tested: Tested By: Plastic Limit Determination All results apply only to actual locations and materials tested. As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. 19S056-07 SM, Silty Sand brown 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 10 100% MoistureNumber of Blows, "N" Liquid Limit 0 % 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % 60 % 70 % 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%110%Plasticity Index Liquid Limit Plasticity Chart MH or OH ML or OLCL-ML