HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/04/2019 - Minutes Renton Airport Administration Office Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 1 Renton Airport Advisory Committee Meeting Tuesday, June 4, 2019 5:27pm Meeting called to order by Marleen Mandt, RAAC Chair 5:28pm Roll call, taken by Marleen Mandt 5:33pm October 16, 2018, and January 8, 2019 meeting minutes unanimously approved 5:36pm Neighborhood Communications  Matt Devine commented that the RAAC voted for a south runway shift as opposed to the north runway shift; Ryan Hayes responded, and [Gregg clarified during August 2019 meeting], that yes, it would help mitigate the ROFA line.  Bob Ingersoll requested feedback from Council regarding their reason for choosing Airside Alternative 5. Harry responded that their concern is with the neighborhood to the south. 5:41pm Old Business  Airport Minimum Standards and Rules and Regulations  Goal is to provide a draft to the RAAC at the August meeting 5:44pm Master Plan Landside Alternatives, presented by Ryan Hayes, Mead & Hunt  Landside Alternatives Overview  Project Schedule  Substantial completion by the end of the calendar year Renton Airport Administration Office Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 2  Implementation phase o Environmental Review o Financial Plan o Airport Layout Plan (ALP)  One more Open House  Question: Bob Ingersoll asked if the Master Plan will be submitted to the FAA at this point? The Master Plan and ALP will be submitted to the FAA at the draft report stage, near the end of the calendar year.  Airside Alternative 5 Review  Shifts runway to the north and south, and deploys declared distances with EMAS on north and south ends  Incompatible land use  Requires property acquisition  Landside Alternatives  Assumptions  Airport’s role is not changing  Maximize general aviation facilities  Consider economic development and sustainability  Four Land Use Areas  General Aviation  Industrial Aviation  Airport Support  Seaplane Facilities  Four Development Areas  Area 1 – Northwest section  Area 2 – Southwest section  Area 3 – Southeast section  Area 4 – East section  Central west area is not affected, or is minimally affected  Acronyms  ROFA: Runway Object Free Area  TOFA: Taxiway/Taxilane Object Free Area  Area 1 – North Section  Sets aircraft parking further back from runway to correct non- standard conditions Renton Airport Administration Office Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 3  Judy Peterson, Boeing, asked about the change in use of Apron C; Ryan Hayes responded that the use will continue as general aviation  Use of Apron C to continue as general aviation  Alternative 1  Seaplane facilities are relocated  Area 2 – Southwest Section  Land use is unchanged  Vehicle drive lane moved to outside the ROFA.  Modification to FAA standards for west side vehicle drive lane  Alternative 1  Reorganizes existing allocation of uses and relocates industrial use to southwest corner  Apron C use continues as general aviation  Reserves space for additional general aviation hangars  Area 3 – Southeast Section Southeast areas redeveloped at end of each lease term  Alternative 1  SE taxilane to meet TOFA requirements  Redevelopment of area with free-span hangars to meet TOFA  Alternative 2  Relocate Aerodyne hangar to be adjacent to Airport Way  Purchase southeast corner lot (auto shop parcel)  Area 4 – East Section  Alternative 1  Eliminate western-most River Hangar, and possibly construct new hangar to the south of eastern-most hangar  Relocate Compass Rose southeast of its current location  Seaplane Area – Northwest corner  Alternative 1  Develop northwest parcel for seaplane operations  Dock reconfiguration  Alternative 2  Land acquisition for seaplane operations (5.72 acre mobile home park)  Next Steps Renton Airport Administration Office Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 4  Working meeting Tuesday, June 25, 2019, Rainier Flight Service (800 W Perimeter Rd), 5:30pm – 7:00pm; IMPORTANT for all RAAC members to attend and provide discussion on Landside Alternatives  Refinement of Landside Alternatives  Recommendation to City Council by end of June  Environmental Impact Study and Financial Plan to begin in fall 2019  Questions  When does FAA funding disappear? Response: Ryan Hayes - Mead & Hunt has a fixed scope of work for services, and funding for RSA projects will be requested as projects are scheduled.  KC Jones asked if there will be changes to the kayak facility. Response: Ryan Hayes - there will not be any change to the facility east of the Cedar River.  Who makes the decision when the Environmental Impact Statement is complete? Response: Ryan Hayes- the decision becomes the FAA’s with implementation of the Environmental Impact Statement  When will the projects be implemented? Ryan Hayes - the anticipated start date will be in 2025 and later.  Could the FAA determine a different alternative than Alternative 5 that the Council prefers? Ryan Hayes - yes, after their review of the EIS the FAA will select the least environmentally impactful alternative. Another question was asked whether the FAA might do nothing if impacts to the Cedar River exceed thresholds. Response: yes, it is possible that the FAA will do nothing.  Thomas Imrich, Mercer Island resident, asked about a third funding source for industrial areas. Response: the FAA funds 90% of the projects, and the City provides a 10% match.  Is the FAA the lead agency for the Environmental Impact Statement? Response: Ryan Hayes - yes, with a plan provided by the City as the owner.  Marleen Mandt commented on the Committee of the Whole meeting held Monday, June 3, and requested the link to the video of the meeting be put on the Airport webpage and be emailed to the membership.  Casey Boatman stated that the June 25, 2019, meeting participation is very important, and will be orchestrated by a contracted agency.  Request for more information posed to Councilmember Randy Corman on the Council’s decision to select Airside Alternative 5 rather than Renton Airport Administration Office Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base 616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471 5 support the RAAC membership vote to select Airside Alternative 4. Councilmember Randy Corman replied that the Council chose the alternative with the least impact to the neighborhood to the south of the Airport, which encompasses 35 properties. Council preferred this alternative to Alternative 5, to avoid impacting more than 100 properties to the south of the Airport (takings). The Council took into consideration, input from the neighborhood and the school district; and weighed their decision based on the recommendation by the RAAC.  Shane Carlson noted the viability of developing Airport Way, and drew attention to the number of defunct businesses there, currently. He stated that the RAAC’s reason for selecting Airside Alternative 4 is to save time; foreseeing that Alternative 4 will ultimately be chosen as the outcome of the EIS due to perceived limitations in obtaining permits for working in Lake Washington and the Cedar River.  Jeff Dineen asked if the Airport will grow to fit the demand in operations. Casey Boatman replied that the Master Plan facility needs are based on current operations and on implementing continued safety of operations.  Marleen Mandt agreed with Shane’s comment of the unlikelihood of businesses developing along Airport Way, because of its current defunct state. She added that the likelihood of new businesses wanting to locate on Airport Way is low, based on the large number of businesses that have recently vacated. She went on to suggest that with zoning restrictions increasing as a result of the Master Plan, new businesses will not be able to develop along Airport Way.  Judy Peterson, Boeing asked, what is the width required for the ROFA in the Alternatives? The ROFA will increase from its current width of 400 feet up to 800 feet. 6:45pm Old Business  Marcie Palmer recited RAAC accomplishments.  Thomas Imrich, Mercer Island resident, commented on the need to change the RNP priority from a 3 to a 1. 6:55pm Meeting adjourned