HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/12/2019 - Minutes
Renton Airport Administration Office
Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base
616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471
Renton Airport Advisory Committee Meeting
Tuesday, November 12th, 2019
5:31pm Chair Marleen Mandt called the meeting to order.
New Benson Hill Member: Josephine Medenilla-Bayan (Benson Hill – Prime) was
introduced & told the Committee about herself.
Review of August 13 meeting minutes: It was moved by Steve Beardslee and
seconded by Kurt Boswell to approve the minutes: It was unanimously
Neighborhood Communications
The Saturday night loud helicopter noise was reported by Marcie Palmer, as
there were many online complaints as it was occurring. Casey responded to
Marcie’s question saying Airport Staff was unaware of what/who was
conducting the operation.
Marleen Mandt said her neighbor who is a commercial pilot was concerned
with a drone flying low over their homes on Oct. 26th. Harry said
recreational operations aren’t required to report to the airport.
Lee Chicone, N. Renton representative said Boeing continues running planes
on the weekends and nights past agreed upon times. Boeing Rep. said Jason
works with Boeing, Airport Staff usually gets notice. City Public Works
Renton Airport Administration Office
Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base
616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471
Administrator Gregg Zimmerman asked how often this is happening; Harry
said about 4 times a week.
Jeff Dineen, South Renton Neighborhood rep. asked: In 40+ years why hasn’t
noise been addressed? Harry said due to the small size of our airport not
much can be done.
Old Business
Master Plan Update
Captain Thomas Imrick, Mercer Island Representative asked for an
update on the East Channel procedures. Airport Manager Harry B. said
it’s being studied by PSRC (Puget Sound Regional Council). Harry is
monitoring their work. Tom said this is normally airport coordinated and
it is the Renton Airport’s responsibility.
Captain Thomas Imrick, Mercer Island represented read from the FAA
website regarding drones.
Old Business (continued)
The Master Plan is closed out. Staff has been working with Mead & Hunt. As
of today, they received legal approval for contract with Mead Hunt for final
work. The scheduled completion will be late July or early August. Airport
tenants Diane Paholke of ProFlight said if the plan moves forward as has
been presented, there will be no ramp space. Harry said the FAA is in
conversations with Airport Staff regarding the economic and operational
impact. A survey was sent to tenants. Diane Paholke said it will economically
ruin the airport, and the rules say businesses have to be “economically
viable”. Karen Stemwell said only tenants received the survey, not all RAAC
Members and requested it be sent to the full Committee.
Rob Spitzer, AOPA (Aircraft Owners Pilot Association) Representative
requested clarification on the airport’s new classification. Harry said the
Airport Staff supports the Mead & Hunt recommendation. His job is to keep
the airport safe.
Renton Airport Administration Office
Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base
616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471
Council Member Randy Corman said the City Council is concerned with safety
as well as the Airport being economically viable and keeping Boeing here.
With the loss of lease space, rates will go up. The policy makers in
Washington DC don’t understand it like we do. Randy said he believes we
are headed in a dangerous direction with the proposed Master Plan.
Stephen Ratzlaff, President of the Washington Seaplanes Association said
70% loss for seaplanes. Gregg Z. said the City has been in continual
communication with the FAA, “We need time.” The City Administration is
getting a better understanding of timing. We’ve got leases in the ROFA. We
need to talk about modes and wait till a lease is up. Harry said the Airport
Classification is done.
Shane Carlson of NW Seaplanes said: at the June RAAC meeting it was agreed
that Renton would push back on the new Classification. We need to fight,
not mitigate, like Boeing Field and Port of Seattle have done.
Harry asked how we should proceed. Karen Stemwell asked who specifically
in Washington DC is the City talking to? Rob Spitzer said our position is the
Renton Airport is currently safe as it is. The RAAC Members are looking for
the Airport and City to support the RAAC position of not reclassifying. We
have data, we want the Airport Management to support the Committee. A
delicate balance exists now, change will bring a massive tax impact. Past
history is important, as is economic impact. We want Airport Staff on our
Team. There was discussion, and requests that this isn’t a safety issue, it’s a
bureaucratic issue. AOPA has data, and they want to share it to bolster our
case. Captain Thomas Imrick (of Mercer Island) said it is a departure issue,
NOT a landing issue.
Captain Thomas Imrick stated it is not a rule, it’s a policy. We need to
present to FAA why the policy is outdated and ineffective for Renton Airport.
Randy said the FAA wants us to “just adjust” to the new Airport
Classification. It doesn’t benefit Renton. The issue needs to be elevated
collaboratively. Various member including Imrick, recommended forming a
committee to get the ball rolling. Randy Corman will take to Council.
Renton Airport Administration Office
Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base
616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471
Marleen Mandt said she senses a lot of frustration. Gregg Z. said we’ve
bought time with the FAA. Casey said the survey was sent to gather data to
support the economic impact. Karen said better communication between
Airport Staff and RAAC Members is needed, we want to be helpful to the
process. Stephen Ratlaff said we need a driver to get exemption. Randy said
we’re talking POLICY, it needs Council involvement and possibly a Public
Meeting. Jeff D. said the Community needs to include residents, there is a lot
angst out there.
Ryan Tomasich, Boeing, said we need to know about challenging the new
classification (1) the cost, and (2) the possibility of winning.
Captain Thomas Imrick (MI) said and (3) the consequences!
Randy Corman said it will probably be February before City Council will look
at the Airport Classification issue.
Airport Lines of Business update: Due to the long discussion (above) it was
agreed RAAC Members would read through the handout.
Minimum Standards Update: Susan Campbell, former Airport Staff, was given
the final draft to take to legal. Once it comes out of legal goes back to sub-
committee for review, sent to RAAC for approval for forwarding to Council for
New Business
Tower Remodel Status Update: $1.3 million “emergency” bid. Staff is
seeking a FEMA $4 million grant, at “life safety” issue. They are working with
consultant KPG to re-do the original estimate. In mid-January it goes to
FEMA. May have a City diversion of funds, $800,000 loan.
Budget Plan: Marleen said what was handed out was not what she requested.
She would like a 2020 Budget for the next meeting.
Renton Airport Administration Office
Clayton Scott Field and Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base
616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton WA 98057 425-430-7471
Airport Business Presentation: Tom Anderson of Landing Gear Works gave an
interesting presentation of what his business does (handout)
6:40pm Meeting Process Check/Future Meetings Discussion
Marleen Proposed 2020 meeting dates: January 14, May 12, Sept. 8, and
November 10.
6:48pm Meeting adjourned