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Rudi Alcott, being first duly sworn on oath that he is the
Vice President of Advertising for Sound Publishing,
which publishes the
Renton Reporter
a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general
circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date
of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language
continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The
Renton Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of
the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County.
The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of
the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly
distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed
notice, a:
Public Notice
was published on January 31, 2020
The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the
sum of $514.00
Rudi Alcott
Vice President, Advertising
Subscribed and sworn to me this 3151 day of January, 2020
qJenfer Tribbett,Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in
g, Washington
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Classified Proof
Revised Notice of
Intent to Request
Release of Funds
Date of Notice: January
31, 2020
Name of Responsible
Entity: City of Renton,
Address: 1055 S. Grady
Way, Renton, WA 98057
Contact and Tele-
phone: Matthew Herre-
ra, AICP, Senior Planner
City of Renton Depart-
ment of Community and
Economic Development
Planning Division
(425) 430-6593
On or about February
17, 2020 the City of
Renton will authorize the
Renton Housing Au-
thority (RHA) to submit a
request to the Depart-
ment of Housing and Ur-
ban Development (HUD)
for the release of Sec-
tion 8 Project Based
Vouchers (PBV) funds
under Section 8 of the
Housing Act of 1937 (42
U.S.C. § 1437f), as
amended, to undertake
a project known as Sun-
set Oaks for the purpose
of new construction of
60 units including 23
Section 8 Project Based
Vouchers. The site is lo-
cated 1073 Harrington
Ave NE, 1081 Herring-
ton Ave NE, 1062
Glennwood Ave NE
(APN 7227801315,
7227801290). The total
project cost is
$16.344,000. The value
of the 23 Project Based
Vouchers is estimated at
$334,600 annually. A
2019 reevaluation ad-
dressed up to 62 units
on the site.
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Classified Proof
Locations: The Sunset
Terrace property is gen-
erally located at the in-
tersection of Sunset
Boulevard and Harring-
ton Avenue. An Environ-
mental Impact State-
ment (EIS) planned
action study area was
defined and bounded
approximately by NE
21st Street on the north,
Monroe Avenue NE on
the east, NE 7th Street
on the south, and Ed-
monds Avenue NE.
Within the EIS study
area, a master plan re-
development of Sunset
Terrace was evaluated,
as well as replacement
housing sites, and pri-
vate development in the
Description: Since
2011, conceptual plans
have proposed redevel-
opment of Sunset Ter-
race and adjacent prop-
erties with mi.cr;d—
income, mixed -use resi-
dential and commercial
space and pliblic
amenities_ The redavPl-
opment included a 14o-1
unit replacement for all
100 existing public hous-
ing units either on -site at
Sunset Terrace or off -
site at locations within
the EIS study area. The
project required reloca-
tion of all residents in
Sunset Terrace and
RHA developed a relo-
cation plan and obtained
demolition and disposi-
tion permits granted by
the US Department of
Housing and Urban De-
Public amenities would
be integrated with the
development and could
include a community
gathering space; civic fa-
cilities; a new park/open
space; retail shopping
and commercial space;
and green infrastructure.
Conceptual master plans
were updated in 2014,
2016, and 2019 and
reevaluations under
NEPA and SEPA were
conducted and revised
Records of Decision no-
ticed. As planned, the
Sunset Terrace property
and associated proper-
ties owned or purchased
by RHA or by other pub-
lic or private developers
(e.g. Colpitts Develop-
ment Company, LLC)
would be developed with
up to 722 total units on
the Sunset Terrace
property including near-
by land swapfhousing
replacement sites. In
2016, the City and RHA
proposed the addition of
replacement housing for
the Sunset Terrace re-
development on five par-
cels located abutting the
Master Plan area and
evaluated in the 2011
EIS Study Area. In 2019,
additional housing unit
reallocations were pro-
posed. Compared to
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Classified Proof
zui i plans, tnere would
be a redistribution of
Master Plan dwelling
units within the Master
Plan area and the Ren-
ton Sunset neighbor-
hood. The proposed
changes would redistrib-
ute dwelling units, but
then: would be no net in-
crease in the total num-
ber of housing units in
the Master Plan area or
in the Sunset Area
The activities proposed
comprise a project for
which the City of Renton
initiated and prepared a
lic EIS scoping process
on the project occurred
from August 13 to Octo-
ber 18, 2010. The City of
Renton issued a Draft
EIS on December 17,
2010. Following a formal
comment period which
ended on January 31,
2011, the City issued a
Final EIS on April 1,
2011 In 2014, 2016,
and 2019 the City issued
reevaluations and pub-
lished a Revised Record
of Decision.
An Environmental Re-
view Record (ERR) that
documents the environ-
mental determinations
for this project is on file
at the City of Renton,
Department of Commu-
nity and Economic De-
velopment, Planning Di-
vision, 1055 S. Grady
Way, Renton, WA
98057, The public may
review and obtain copies
of the ERR at this loca-
tion Monday through Fri-
day between 8:00 A.M.
and 5:00 P.M.
Record of Decision
In 2011, the City provid-
ed a notice of its Record
of Decision (ROD) for
the Renton Sunset Area
Community EIS. The
ROD documents the
City's consideration and
conclusions with respect
to environmental im-
pacts and mitigation
measures for various
elements of the environ-
ment, as required by
NEPA. The ROD does
not constitute approval
of development of the
proposal. The ROD is
also considered part of
the ERR. In 2014, 2016,
and 2019 the City issued
reevaluations and pub-
lished a Revised Record
of Decision. Copies of
the ROD as revised are
on file at the City of Ren-
ton, Department of Com-
munity and Economic
Development, Planning
Division, 1055 S. Grady
Way, Renton, WA
Public Comments
Any individual, group, or
agency may submit
comments on the ERR
to the City of Renton De-
partment of Community
and Economic Develop-
ment. All comments re -
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Classified Proof
ceiveo oy reoruary i i,
2020 will be considered
by the City of Renton
prior to authorizing sub-
mission of a request for
release of funds. Copies
of the ERR are available
upon request by contact-
ing Matthew Herrera,
Senior Planner, at the
contact information pro-
vided above.
Release of Funds
The City of Renton certi-
fies to HUD that the
Renton Environmental
Review Committee
chair. as designated by
the Chief Executive Offi-
cer to function as the
NEPA Responsible En-
tity (RE), consents to ac-
cept the jurisdiction of
the Federal Courts if an
action is brought to en-
force responsibilities in
relation to the environ-
mental review process
and that these respon-
sibilities have been sat-
isfied. HUD's approval of
the certification satisfies
its responsibilities under
NEPA and related laws
and authorities and al-
lows the Renton Hous-
ing Authority to use Pro-
gram funds.
Objections to Release
of Funds
HUD will accept objec-
tions to its release of
funds and the City of
Renton's certification for
a period of fifteen (15)
days following the antici-
pated submission date
or its actual receipt of
the request (whichever
is later) only if they are
on one of the following
bases: (a) the certifica-
tion was not executed by
the Certifying Officer of
the City of Renton; (b)
the City of Renton has
omitted a step or failed
to make a decision or
finding required by HUD
regulations at 24 CFR
Part 58; (c) the grant re-
cipient has committed
funds or incurred costs
not authorized by 24
CFR Part 58 before ap-
proval of a release of
funds by HUD; or (d) an-
other Federal agency
acting pursuant to 40
CFR Part 1504 has sub-
mitted a written lnding
that the project is unst3l-
isfactory from the stand-
point of environmental
quality. Objections must
be prepared and submit-
ted in accordance with
the required procedures
(24 CFR Part 58) and
shall be addressed to
the Cherie Shanks, Gen-
eral Engineer, Office of
Public Housing, U.S.
Dept. of Housing and Ur-
ban Development, 909
First Ave., Suite 360,
Seattle, WA 98104-
1000. The Seattle Re-
gion X office is open be-
tween 9:00 am — 5:00
pm Potential objectors
should contact HUD to
verify the actual last day
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Classified Proof
VWI n'u.
# 888895
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