HomeMy WebLinkAboutBQW 2020.03.10.pdfent öñ@BON D QUANTTTY WORKSH EET r NSTRUCTIONS Community & Economic Development Plonninq Division 1L055 South Grady Woy - 6'h Floor I Renton,wA 98057 (425)430-7200 This worksheet is intended to be a "working" copy of the bond quontity worksheet, which will be used throughout oll phases of the project, from initiol submittol to project close-out øpprovol. Submit this workbook, in its entirety, as follows: . (1) electroniccopy(.xlsxformat) and(1) hardcopyoftheentireworkbookforcivilconstructionpermitsubmittal.Hardcopiesaretobeincludedaspart of the Technical lnformation Report (TlR). . (1) electroniccopy(.xlsxformat) and(1) hardcopyoftheentireworkbookforfinalclose-outsubmittal. The following forms are to be completed by the engineer/developer/opplicant øs applicoble to the project: Section l: Project lnformation . This section includes all pertinent information for the project . This section must be completed in its entirety . lnformation from this section auto-populates to allother relevant areas of the workbook Section ll: Bond Quantities Worksheets . Section ll contains a separate spreadsheet TAB for each of the following specialties: . Section ll.a EROSION CONTROL (Stabil¡zation/Erosion Sediment Control (ESC)) . Section ll.b TRANSPORTATION (Street and Site lmprovements) . Section ll.c DRAINAGE (Drainage and Stormwater Facilities): . Section ll.d WATER - ONLY APPLICABLE lF WATER SERVICE lS PROVIDED BY CITY OF RENTON . Section ll.e SANITARY SEWER - ONLY APPLICABLE lF SEWER SERVICE lS PROVIDED BY CITY OF RENTON . Complete the'Quant¡ty'columns for each of the appropriate section(s). lnclude existing Right-of-Way (ROW), Future Public lmprovements and Private lmprovements. . Note: Private improvements, with the exception of stormwater facillties, are not included in the bond amount calculation, but must be entered on the form. Stormwaterfacilities (public and private) are required to be included in the bond amount. . The'QuantityRemaining'columnisonlytobeusedwhenaprojectisunderconstruction. TheCityallowsone(1) bondreductionduringthelifeof the project with the exception of the maintenance period reduction. . Excel will auto-calculate and auto-populate the relevant fields and subtotals throughout the document. Only the'Quant¡ty' columns should need completing. . Additional items not included in the lists can be added underthe "write-in" sect¡ons. Provide a complete description, cost estimate and unit of measure for each write-in item. . All unit prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead and profit. The Bond Worksheet form will outo-colculate and auto-populote from the information provided in Section I and Section Il. Section lll. Bond Worksheet ¡ This section calculates the required Permit Bond for construction permit issuance as well as the required Maintenance Bond for project close-out submittals to release the permit bond on a project. Page 1 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet unit Prices updated: 06/14/7076 Version: O412612011 Printed 3/L0/2020INSÏRUCTIONS CITY OF stTE TMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET PROJECT INFORMATION Plonning Division 1L055 South Grody Woy - 6'h Floor I Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7200 enton Community & Economic Development FOR APPROVAL Prepared by !9't' Engineer Stamp Requ (oll cost estimates must hove originalName: PE Registration No Firm Name: Firm Address: Phone No. Email Address: Date Prepared 3/e/2020 1 Select the current project status/phase from the following options: For Approval - Preliminary Data Enclosed, pending approval from the City; For Construction - Estimated Data Enclosed, Plans have been approved for contruction by the City; Proiect Closeout - Final Costs and Quantities Enclosed for Project Close-out Submittal Page 2 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet Project Phase 1 unit Prìces updared: 06/74/2016 Version: 0412612017 Printed 3/10/2020 Project Location and DescriPtion Project Owner I nformation Project Name: CED Plan # (LUA): CED Permit # (U): Site Address: Street lntersection Parcel #(s): Abbreviated Legal Description: Project Owner: Phone: Address: Addt'l Project Owner: Phone: Address: Clearing and Grading Utility Providers Clearing and than or equal to 5,000 board feet of timber? Yes/No: lf Yes, Provide Forest Practice Permit f :A Water Service Provided by: Sewer Service Provided by: SECTION I PROJECT INFORMATION CED Permit #:C19004407 SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL Page 3 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet EROSION/SEDIMENT SUBTOTAL: sAtEs TAX @ LO% EROSION/SEDIMENT TOTAL: 89,867.90 8,986.79 98,8s4.69 (A) unit Prices updated: 06/1417016 Version: 04/26/2017 Printed 3/10/2020 DescriPtion Backfill & compaction-embankment No. ESC-1 Reference # Unit Price 5 6.50 Unit CY A) Qua nt¡ty 5111 Cost 33,221.50 Check dams, 4" minus rock E5C-2 swDM 5 80.00 Each 19 1-,5ZO.OO Catch Basin Protection ESC-3 s 35.50 Each Crushed surfacing 1 L/4" minus ESC-4 wsDor 9-03.9(3)5 95.00 CY Ditchine ESC-5 5 9.00 CY Excavation-bulk ESC-6 5 2.00 CY 22tO 4,540.OO Fence, silt ESC-7 swDM 5 1-.50 LF 201.6 3,024.00 Fence, Temporary (NGPE)ESC-8 5 1.50 LF Geótextile Fabñc ESC-9 5 2.50 SY Hav Bale Silt Trap ESC-10 5 0.50 Each Hvdroseeding ESC-11 swDM s 0.80 SY 10523 8,4L8.40 lntèrceptor Swale / Dike ESC-12 5 t-.00 LF Jute Mesh E5C-13 swDM s 3.s0 SY Level Spreader ESC-14 5 1..15 LF Mulch, bv hand, straw, 3" deep E5C-L5 swDM s 2.50 SY MulıF,E n'aðñlne¡traw, z" deep ESC-16 swDM 5 2.00 SY Pipine, temporary, CPP, 6"ESC-17 5 12.00 LF FÌ,,,,,,,,,,,,p-i ne, te m po ra ry;eÞÞ;8 "ESC-18 s 14.00 LF Pipins, temporaw, CPP, 12"ESC-19 5 l-8.00 LF Plastic covering, 6mm thick, sandbagged E5C-20 swDM 5.4.2.i s 4.00 5Y 4286 L7,t44.OO R'rp RapJnachine placed; slopes ESC-21 wsDor 9-13.1(2)5 45.00 CY Rock Construction Entrance, 50'xL5'x1-'E5C-22 swDM 1,800.00 Each 6 Rock Construction Entrance, 100'x15'x1'ESC-23 swDM 3,200.00 Each Sediment pond riser assembly E5C-24 swDM s 2,200.00 Each Sedim-ent trap, t high berm ESC-25 swDM 19.00 LF tra 5 sect n swDM 5 70.00 LF Seeding, by hand ESC-27 swDM 5 1.00 SY 1 u swDM s 8.00 SY Sı¡ã"i nã,T'-ããep, sloped grou nd ESC-29 swDM 5 10.00 SY TESC Supervisor ESC-30 s 110.00 HR Water truck, dust control E5C-31 swDM 5.4.7 s 140.00 HR WRITE-IN-ITEMS Reference f Un¡t Price Unit Quantity Cost SECTION ll.a EROSION CONTROL SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR STREET AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS CED Permit #tCL9OO44O7 Existing Right-of-Way (B) Future Public lmprovements (c) Private lmprovements (D) Quantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) {E) Descri No Unit Pr¡ce Unit Quant.Cost Quant Cost Quant Cost Quant.Cost Backfill & Co on- embankment Gr-1 6.00 CY Backfill & Compaction- trench Gt-2 s e.00 CY Bru ha nd Gr-3 s 1.00 SY Bollards - fixed Gr-4 s 240.74 Each Bollards - removable Gr-5 5 4s2.34 Each Cleari rubbi ree Removal Gr-6 s 10,000.00 Acre Excavation - bulk Gt-7 s 2.00 CY Excavat¡on - Trench Gr-8 S s.oo CY Fencing, cedar, 6' high Gl-9 s 20.00 LF F chain lin 4 Gr-10 s 38.31 LF Fencing, chain link, vinyl coated, 6' high Gt-11 s 2o.oo LF Fenci tn VI coated, 20'Gt-12 5 1,400.00 Each Fill & compact - common barrow Gt-13 s 2s.00 CY Fill & compact - gravel base Gl-14 s 27.00 CY Fill & compact - screened topsoil Gt-15 S ¡s.oo CY Gabion, 12" deep, stone filled mesh Gt-16 5 6s.00 SY Gabion, 18" deep, stone filled mesh GI-I7 S 9o.oo 5Y Gabion, 36" deep, stone filled mesh Gr-L8 s 150.00 SY Grad and Gt-19 s 2.s0 SY Grading, fine, with grader Gr-20 s 2.00 SY Monuments, 3' Long Gr-21 s 2so.oo Each Sensitive Areas Sign Gt-22 s 7.00 Each Soddine, L" deep, sloPed ground Gt-23 5 8.oo SY Surveving, line & grade Gt-24 s 8so.oo Day Surveving, lot location/lines Gt-25 s 1,800.00 Acre Topsoil Type A (imported Gt-26 s 28.s0 CY Traffic control crew ( 2 flaggers Gt-27 S rzo.oo HR Trail 4" ch wood Gt-28 s 8.00 SY Trail, 4" crushed cinder Gt-29 S g.oo SY Tra 4 course Gr-30 5 12.00 SY Conduit, 2"Gr-31 5 s.00 LF Wall, retaining, concrete Gt-32 s ss.00 SF Wall,Gt-33 S 1s.oo SF 1734 26,010.00 26,010.00 (E) unit Prices updated: 06/74/2016 Version: 0412612011 Printed 3/10/2020 (B) Page 4 of 74 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet SUBTOTAL THIS PAGE SECTION II.b TRANSPORTATION (c)(D) SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR STREET AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS CED Permit #:C19004407 Existing Right-of-Way (B) Future Public lmprovements (c) P rivate lmprovements {D) Quantlty Remaining (Bond Reduction) {E) No.Unit Price Unit Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost IMPROVEM ENT RF AC Grindi 4 wide machine < 1 Rt-1 30.00 SY AC Grinding, 4'wide machine 1000-2000sy Rt-2 s 16.00 SY G 4'wide machine >Rt-3 5 ro.oo SY AC Removal/Disposal Rr-4 s 3s.oo SY ilt Perma nent Rt-5 56.00 LF Guard Rail Rt-6 s 3o.oo LF Curb & Gutter, rolled Rl-7 17.00 LF Curb & Gutter, vertical Rt-8 s 12.s0 LF Curb and Gutter,demolition and disposal Rr-9 S ra.oo LF Curb, extruded a Rt-10 s s.so LF extruded concrete Rt-11 s 7.00 LF Rt-12 S 1.8s LF concrete,I Rt-13 s 3.00 LF Seala a It Rt-14 s 2.00 LF Shoulder, gravel, 4" thick Rt-15 s 1s.oo SY 4" thick Rt-16 S 38.00 SY Sidewalk, 4" thick, demolition and disposal Rr-17 s 32.00 SY S 5" thick Rl-18 s 41.00 SY Sidewalk, 5"emolition and Rt-19 s 40.00 SY Sisn, Handicap Rt-20 s 8s.oo Each r stall Rt-21 s 7.00 Each Stripine, thermoplastic,for crosswalk )Rt-22 5 3.00 SF Striping, 4" reflectorized line Rr-23 s o.so LF Additional 2.5" Crushed Surfacing Rt-24 s 3.60 SY HMA Ove 1.5"Rt-25 5 14.00 SY HMA 1/2" Overlay 2"Rl-26 s 18.00 5Y HMA Road, 2", 4" rock, First 2500 SY Rl-27 5 28.00 SY HMA Road, 2", 4 rock, Qty over 2500SY Rt-28 s 21.00 SY HMA Road, 4", 6" rock, First 2500 SY Rt-29 5 4s.00 SY HMA Roa 4 6" rock,over 2500 SY Rt-30 s 37.00 SY HMA Road,4",4.5" ATB Rt-31 s 38.00 SY Grave Road,4" rock, First 2500 SY Rt-32 s 1s.oo SY Gravel Road, 4 rock, Qty. over 2500 SY Rt-33 s 10.00 SY Thickened Edge Rt-34 s 8.60 LF (B){E) Unìt Prices Updated: 06/14/2016 Version: 04/2612017 PtinTed 3/70/2020 Page 5 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet SUBTOTAL THIS PAGE: SECTION II.b TRANSPORTATION (c)(D) stTE TMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR STREET AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS CED Permit f:C19004407 Existing Right-of-Way (B) Future Public lmprovements {c) Private lmprovements fD) Quantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (E) Descri ption No Unit Price Unit Quant.Cost Quant Cost Quant Cost Quant.Cost PARKING tOT SURFACING No 2" AC,2" top course rock & 4" borrow PL-1 s 21.00 SY 2" AC, 1.5" top course & 2.5" base course PL.2 s 28.00 SY 4" select borrow PL-3 S s.oo SY 1".5" top course rock & 2.5" base course PL-4 s 14.00 SY SUBTOTAL PARKING LOT SURFACING (B)(c)(D)(E) LANDSCAPING &No. Street Trees LA-1 Median Landscaping LA-2 Risht-of-Wav Landscaping LA-3 Wetland Landscaping LA-4 SUBTOTAL LANDSCAPING & VEGETATION (B)(c)(D)(E) TRAFFIC & LIGHTI¡ Signs TR-1- Street Light System ( # of Poles)TR-2 Traffic Signal TR-3 Traffic Signal Modification TR-4 SUBTOTAL TRAFFIC & LIGHTING: (B)(c)(D)(E) SUBTOTAL WRITE-IN ITEMS: STREET AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBTOTAL: SALES TAX @ LOo/o STREET AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL: 26,010.00 2,601.00 28,611.00 (B)(E) Un¡t Prices Updated: 06/1412016 Version: 0412612011 Printed 3/10/2020 Page 6 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet SECTION II.b TRANSPORTATION (c)(D) SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIES CED Permit #:C19004407 PageT of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet (B)(E) unit Prices updated: 06/7412016 Veßion: 04/26/2017 Printed 3/10/2020 c Right-of-Way lmprovements lmprovements (Bond Reduction) pt n nt. oÍ 4'PVC Access I 26.00 SY * (CBs include frame and lid Beehive D-2 s s0.00 Each ln mework D-3 400.00 Each B D-4 s 1,soo.oo Eech CB Tvpe lL D-5 s r.,7s0.00 Each CB Type ll, 48" diameter D-6 s 2,300.00 Each for additional depth over 4'D-7 5 480.00 FT CB Type ll, 54" diameter D-8 5 2,s00.00 Each for additional depth over 4'D-9 ; 495.00 FT I 60" diameter D-10 s 2,800.00 Each over 4'D-11 s 600.00 FT CB Tvpe ll,72" diameter D-I2 s 6.000.00 Each for additional depth over 4'D-13 s 8s0.00 FT CB Tvpe ll, 96" diameter D-14 s r"4,000.00 Each for addit¡onal depth over 4'D-15 925.00 FT Trash Rack, 12"D-16 S 35o.oo Each Trash Rack, 15"D.L7 ; 410.00 Each Trash Rack, 18"D-18 480.00 Each 21"D-19 s ss0.00 Each Cleanout, PVC,4"D-20 s 1s0.00 Each Cleanout, PVC, 6"D-2I ; 170.00 Each nout,D-22 s 200.00 Each Culvert, PVC,4"D-23 s 10.00 LF Culvert, PVC, 6"D-24 s 13.00 LF D-25 5 15.00 LF ulvert, PVC, 12"D-26 s 23.00 LF Culvert, PVC,15"D-27 S 3s.oo LF Culvert, PVC, 18"D-28 s 41.00 LF 24 D-29 s s6.00 LF Culvert, PVC, 30'D-30 s 78.00 LF Cu D-31 5 130.00 LF Culvert, CMP, 8"D-32 5 19.00 LF Culvert, CMP, 12"D-33 s 29.00 LF SUBTOTAL THIS PAGE SECTION ll.c DRAINAGE {c}(D) CED Permit #:C19004407 Page 8 of L4 Ref 8-H Eond Quant¡ty Worksheet SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIES (B)(E) unit Pr¡ces updated: 0611,4/2076 version: 04/26/2077 Printed 3/10/2020 txrstr ng Right-of-Way (B) Future Puþlrc lmprovements (c) Pnvale lmprovements fD) quanüÎy Kemarnlng (Bond Reduction) (E) Description No.untt Pnce Un¡t Quant.cost Quant.Cost Quant.Quant.Cost Culvert, CMP, 15"D-34 S 3s.oo LF Culvert, CMP, 18"D-35 4L.00 LF Culvert, CMP,24"D-36 s 56.00 LF Culvert, CMP, 30"D-37 5 78.00 LF Culvert, CMP, 36"D-34 5 130.00 LF Culvert, CMP,48"D-39 190.00 LF Culvert, CMP, 60"D-40 s 270.00 LF Culvert, CMP,72"D-4'J.s 350.00 LF Culvert, Concrete, 8"D-42 42.OO LF Culvert, Concrete, 1.2"D-43 s 48.00 LF Culvert, Concrete, 15"D-44 s 78.00 LF Culvert, Concrete, 18"D-45 48.00 LF Culvert, Concrete, 24"D-46 s 78.00 LF Culvert, Concrete, 30"D-47 S i.zs.oo LF Culvert, Concrete, 36"D-48 150.00 LF Culvert, Concrete, 42"D-49 s 175.00 LF Culvert, Concrete, 48"D-50 s 2os.oo LF Culvert, CPE Triple Wall, 6"D-51 ; 14.00 LF Culvert, CPE Triple Wall, 8"D-52 s 16.00 LF Culvert, CPE Triple Wall, 12"D-53 s 24.00 LF Culvert, CPE Triple Wall, 1.5"D-54 s 3s.oo LF Culvert, CPE Triple Wall, 18"D-55 s 4L.00 LF Culvert, CPE Triple Wall, 24"D-56 s s6.00 LF Culvert, CPE Triple Wall, 30"D-57 5 78.00 LF Culvert, CPE Triple Wall, 36"D-58 s 130.00 LF Culvert, LCPE, 6"D-59 s 60.00 LF Culvert, LCPE, 8"D-60 s 72.00 tF Culvert, LCPE,12'D-61 S 84.00 LF Culvert, LCPE, 1.5 D-62 5 96.00 LF Culvert, LCPE, 18"D-63 s 108.00 LF Culvert, LCPE,24'D-64 s 120.00 LF Culvert, LCPE, 30"D-65 5 132.00 LF Culvert, LCPE,36"D-66 s 144.00 LF Culvert, LCPE,48"D-67 s r.s6.00 LF Culvert, LCPE, 54"D-68 5 L68.00 LF SUBTOTAL THIS PAGE SECTION ll.c DRAINAGE {c}(D) CED Permit #:C19004407 Page 9 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quant¡ty Worksheet SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIES (B)(E) Unit Prices Updated: 06l1412016 Yersion:04/2612oL7 Printed 3/10/2020 Exist¡ ng Right-of-Way (B) Future Puþlrc lmprovements (c) lmprovements quanlrry Kemarnrng (Bond Reduction) (E) Description No.Unit Price Un¡t Quant.cost Quant.Cost Quant.Quant.cost DRAINAGE u Culvert, LCPE, 60"D-69 r-80.00 LF Culvert, LCPE,72"D-70 s 192.00 LF Culvert, HDPE, 6"D.7I s 42.00 LF Culvert, HDPE, 8"D-72 ; 42.OO LF HDP 12"D-73 s 74.00 LF Culvert, HDPE, 15"D-74 s 106.00 LF r.8"D-75 r-38.00 LF Culvert, HDPE, 24"D-76 5 22r..00 LF Culvert, HDPE, 30"D-77 s 276.00 LF 36 D-78 331.00 LF Culvert, HDPE, 48"D-79 s 386.00 LF Cu HDPE, 54 D-80 s 441.00 LF Cu HD D-81 496.00 LF Culvert, HDPE,72"D-82 5 ss1.00 LF ene, 6"D-83 s 84.00 LF lene, 8"D-84 ; 89.00 LF t2 D-85 5 9s.00 LF ,ipe, Polvpropvlene, 15"D-86 s 1"00.00 LF 'lene, 18"D-87 s 106.00 LF lene, 24"D-88 111.00 LF D-89 s r.19.00 LF 36"D-90 s 1s4.00 LF 48"D-91 s 226.00 LF Pioe, Polvpropvlene, 54"D-92 5 332.00 LF Po 72" D-93 D-94 ; 439.00 tF LF Culvert, Dl, 6"D-95 s 61.00 LF Culvert, Dl, 8"D-96 S 84.00 LF t2 D-97 5 106.00 LF Culvert, Dl, 15"D-98 s 129.00 LF Culvert, Dl, 18"D-99 5 152.00 tF Culvert, Dl, 24"D-1.00 s r.7s.00 LF DI 30"D-101 5 198.00 LF Culvert, Dl, 36"D-102 5 220.00 LF Culvert, Dl, 48"D-l-03 s 243.00 LF Culvert, Dl, 54"D-104 s 266.00 LF Culvert, Dl, 60"D-1-05 s 289.00 LF Culvert, Dl, 72"D-1.06 s 3L1.00 LF SUBTOTAL THIS PAGE SECTION ll.c DRAINAGE (c)(D) CED Permit #:C19004407 PaBe 10 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quant¡ty Worksheet stTE IMPROVEMENT BOND qUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIES SUBTOTAL SPECIALTY DRAINAGE ITEMS (B){E) Unit Prices Updated: 0611412016 Versioñ: 04l26l2OI7 Printed 3/10/2020 ng re Right-of-Way lmprovements lmprovements (Bond Reduction) ce ant Cost a nt.nt.nt. 1 9.50 CY Flow Dispersal Trench (1.,436 base+)SD.3 s 28.00 IE French Drain (3'depth)5D-4 s 26.00 LF Ceotext¡te, laid in trench, polypropylene SD-5 S 3.oo SY Mid-tank Access Riser, 48" dia, 6' deep sD-6 s 2,000.00 Each Pond Overflow SpillwaY SD-7 s 16.00 SY rator,sD-8 S 1,150.00 Each Restrictor rator 1-5"SD-9 5 1,350.00 Each nest¡aoy'O¡l Separator, 1.8"sD-l-0 s 1-,700.00 Each Riprap, placed SD-11 s 42.00 CY nk End Reducer emeter SD.12 s 1,200.00 Each I nfiltration sD-1-3 S 12s.oo HR avement SD.14 Permeable Concrete Sidewalk SD-15 SD.16 ES Detention Pond SF-1 Tank SF-2 Each Detent¡on Va SF.3 Each lnfiltration Pond SF-4 Each lnfiltration Tank sF-5 Each Vault SF-6 Each lnfiltration T SF-7 Each Basic Itration Swale SF.8 Each Wet Biof iltrâtion Swale SF-9 Each Wetpond SF.1O Each Wetva SF-11 Each nd Filter sF-1-2 Each Filter Vau SF-13 Each Linear Sand Filter SF-14 Each ProprietarV Facility SF-15 Each Bioretention FacilitY SF-16 Each SUBTOTAT STORMWATER FACILITIES: SECTION II.C DRAINAGE {c)(D) SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIES CED Perm¡t #:C19004407 Page 11 of 1.4 Ref 8-H Eond Quantity worksheet SUBTOTAL WRITE.IN ITEMS: DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIES SUBTOTAL: SALES TAX @ 10% DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIES TOTAL: (B)(c)(D)(E) unjt Prices updated: 0611,4/2076 Y ersion: 04126/2017 Printed 3/10/2020 Exist¡ ng Right-of-Way (B) Future Puþltc lmprovements (c) Pnvate lmprovements (D) (Bond Reduction) Descript¡on No.Unit Pr¡ce Un¡t Quant.Cost Quant.Quant.Cost Quant. wt-1- wt-2 wt-3 wt-4 wt-5 wr-6 wt-7 wl-8 wt-9 wt-10 wt-11 wt-12 wl-13 wt-14 wl-l-5 SECTION ll.c DRAINAGE SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR WATER CED Perm¡t #:C19004407 Lxrstrng Right-of-Way (B) Future Publtc lmprovements (c) Pr¡vate lmprovements {D) n ng (Bond Reduction) Descri ption NO Unit Price Un¡t Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Quant. Connection to Existing Watermain w-L s 2,000.00 Each Ductile lron Watermain, CL 52, 4 ln ch Diameter w-2 s s0.00 LF Ductile lron Watermain, CL52,6 lnch Diameter w-3 s s6.00 LF Ductile lron Watermain,CL 52, 8 lnch Diameter w-4 5 60.00 LF Ductile lron Watermain, CL 52, 10 lnch Diameter w-5 s 70.00 LF Ductile lron Watermain, CL52, L2lnch Diameter w-6 s 80.00 LF Gate Valve, 4 inch Diameter w-7 s s00.00 Each Gate Valve, 6 inch Diameter w-8 s 700.00 Each Gate Valve, 8 lnch Diameter w-9 5 800.00 Each Gate Valve, 1.0 lnch Diameter w-10 s 1,,000.00 Each Gate Valve, L2 lnch Diameter w-11 s 1,2oo.oo Each Fire Hydrant Assembly w-12 s 4,ooo.oo Each Permanent w-13 s 1,800.00 Each Air-Vac Assembly, 2-lnch Diameter w-14 s 2,000.00 Each Air-Vac Assembly, l--lnch Diameter w-15 s 1,s00.00 Each Compound Meter Assembly 3-inch D¡ameter w-16 s 8,000.00 Each Cornpound Meter Assembly 4-inch Diameter w-17 s e,000.00 Each Compound Meter Assembly 6-inch Diameter w-18 s 10,000.00 Each Pressure Reducing Valve Statio n 8-inch to 10-inch w-19 s 20,000.00 Each WATER SUBTOTAL: SALES TAX @ 10% WATER TOTAL: (B)(c)(D)(E) Unìt Pr¡ces Updated: 06114/2076 Version: 04126/2011 Printed 3/10/2020 Page 72 of 74 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet SECTION II.d WATER SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FOR SANITARY SEWER CED Permit #:C19004407 Lxrstr ng Right-of-Way (B) Future Publtc lmprovements (c) P r¡vate lmprovements (D) n ng (Bond Reduction) Description No Un¡t Pr¡ce unrt Quant Cost Quant.Cost Quant.Cost Quant. Clean Outs SS-1 s 1-,000.00 Each Grease lnterce r, 500 llon ss-2 s 8,000.00 Each Grease llon ss-3 s 10,000.00 Each Grease lnterceptor, 1500 gallon SS-4 s 1s,000.00 Each Side Sewer Pipe, PVC. 4 lnch Diameter ss-5 s 80.00 LF Side Sewer Pipe, PVC. 6 lnch Diameter ss-6 s es.00 LF 8 inch Diameter SS-7 s 10s.00 LF Sewer Pipe, PVC, 12lnch Diameter s5-8 ; 120.00 LF Sewer Pi Diameter SS-9 s 115.00 LF Sewer Pi Dt,12 meter ss-10 s 130.00 LF Manhole, 48 lnch Diameter SS.11 s 6,000.00 Each Manhole, 54 lnch Diameter ss-13 s 6,s00.00 Each Man 60r Diameter SS.15 s 7,s00.00 Each Manhol 72ln ameter 5S-17 S 8,soo.oo Each Manhole. 96 lnch D¡ameter ss-19 s 1"4,000.00 Each Pipe, C-900, 12 lnch Diameter SS.21 5 180.00 LF Outside Drop SS-24 s 1,soo.oo LS lnside Drop s5-25 5 1,000.00 L5 Sewer P lnch Diameter SS-26 t-ift Stãïo¡fEntrreSystem)55-2 /L5 SANITARY SEWER SU BTOTAL: SALES TAX @ 10% SANITARY SEWER TOTAL: (B)(c)(D)(E) Unit Prices Updated: 06/1412016 Version: 0412612077 Pr¡nted 3/10/2020Page 13 of 14 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet SECTION ll.e SANITARY SEWER CITY OF SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET BOND CALCULATIONS plonning Division 11055 South Grody Way - 6'h Floor I Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7200 enton Community & Economic Development Prepared by:Proiect lnformation Name Frederick B. Brown 33710PE Registration No CES NW lncFirm Name: Firm Address: Phone No. EmailAddress: 429 - 29Th St NE, Ste D. Puyallup, WA 98372 253-848-4282 fb rown @ cesnwinc.com Project Name: CED Plan # (LUA): CED Permit # {U}: Site Address: Parcel #(s): Project Phase: Canyon Terrace Grading ##-###### c19004407 Site Address 1332730030 thru -070 and -380 thru -580 FOR APPROVAL Date 3/s/2o2o lEstimate Only - May involve multiple and variable components, which will be established on an individual basis bV Development Engineering cover all remaining items to be con5tructed. r Required Bond Amounts are subject to review and modification by Development EnBineering. * Note: The word BOND as used in this document means any financ¡al guarantee acceptable to the City of Renton. ** Note: All prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead and profit Page 14 of 74 Ref 8-H Bond Quantity Worksheet Unit Prices Updatedr 0617412016 veßion: 04/26/20|l Printed 3/10/2020 CONSTRUCTION BOND AMOUNT ./.- (prior to permit issuance) MAINTENANCE BOND./.- (after final acceptance of construct¡on) Site Restoration/Erosion Sediment Control Subtotal Existing Right-of-Way lmprovements Subtotal Future Publ¡c lmprovements Subtotal Stormwater & Drainage Facilities (Public & Private) Subtotal Bond Reduction: Exist¡nq Right-of-Woy lmprovements (Quant¡ty - ,2Remotntng) Bond Reduction: Stormwater & Dro¡noge Foc¡l¡ties (Quontitv Remainíng)2 (a)s 98,854.69 (b) (d) (e) (f) 5 s (b) (c) (d) s s S¡te Restoration Civil Construction Perm¡t Mâ¡ntenance Eond Bond Reduction2 Construction Perm¡t Bond Amount 3 P (a) x 100% R ((bx1s0%)+{dx100%}) s 98,854.69 5 (e)x150%+(f)x100% T (P+R-s)Minlmuñ Bond Amount ¡s 570,000.00 s 5 ESTl ({b)+(cl+(d))x20% s SECTION III. BOND WORKSHEET