HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit I •n 41'1 � � F• j�!yT OF THE ARMY/ k �\'� ` {'`. $EATTLe DISTRICT`• AA�2TMf_N, CORPS OF ENGINEER am:,: n • 1319 ALASKAN WAY SOUTH e `. . f` • SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 081J4 ': r J�C//y 4- /�y �Ai�/ ..,/ ✓� " f�- r HPSOP-RP 5 June 1972 .: 0 City of Renton •••0 Nu licipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South C‘J Renton, Washington 98055 • i L Reference: 071-0YB-1-000339 i Renton, City of ! Gentlemen: `', Pursuant to your application dated----13 January 1972--- inclosed is Depart- ment of the Army permit to construct a sanitary sewer line, L.I.D. 2'0 in Lake Washington in Renton, Washington. x > ., Sections 9 and 10 of the River and Harbor Act of 3 March 1899 snake it unlaw- t ful to build or to commence to build any structure across or 1.n any navigable ''" + water o:. cns united braces ano/or to excavate, or till, or Ln any manner to • alter or to modify the course of such navigable water, except on plans that have had the prior approval of the Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of the Army. You are tt.erefore cautioned that if any material changes in the location or plans of the structure of work are fou:,d necessary on account of unforaaeen ' or altered conditions or otherwis.a, revised plans should be submittee. , ! ,:' ` promptly to this office in order that these revised plans, if four.i unobjec- {+ tionable, may receive the approval required by law before const=uction thereon is begun. 'Lou are requested to notify this office when the work auraorized by the in- closed p :rtiit is begun, and immediately after it is cew,leted. r ra Sincerely yours, teoltui V,... VILL464.A.**41.4 1 Incl ` W. 0. S.ACHP3 P rmi w/NoceG Minn 1 ' Colonel Carps cf Engineers CITY z • F n • p of � � r � �� ��.+� �t �ff� �� District ';;nEineer g ��� re" �'. t ,, •.R __e2a4U, 1r..(1:11.1.AI,ItPW 1N.1311 t JUN 7 1974s fiC i , " s,,,( \1, ` 1 Ali,, way t. q,., _ „1 :I .c...,tii. ui.w ......_. INER/NG ch i lii.N UN, WASV. .98053 cI'r • BPS 80 (REVS OCT 70 - ../-',„•-: ' ':: 2ii sscc ,- a4's,' ♦rt a 3,Si,,? d11 ,a. .3 { ;..,1 .4_ . - ,-1 i 071-0YR--1-N0339 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P/9,.11-• /99J 72.., Cityr,f Renton PERMIT Seattle District . -, Corps of Engineers a. Munf.cipai Building Seattle, Washington �,4 20u Mill Avenue South t'nton, Washington 98035 5 June 1972 Gentlemen: ' in Referring to written request dated 13 January 197^2y �` a` pon the recOrrimendatlon of the Chief of Engineers, and under the provisions of Section 10 of the ro rietions , Act of Congress approved March 3, 1899 (33 U.S.C. § 403),entitled An act making app P — - / N for the construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for e other purposes,"you are hereby authorized by the Secretary of the Army �.— ® ,., tconstruct a sanitary sewer lute. L.I.D. 270 to eliminate discharge of raw uewagZ r p. (Here*webs the proposed structure or work and its intenood use,inciudirr,in the can of en application t fora fill permit,a description of the structures.If any,proposed to be treated on the(111,) into Lake Washington by replacing septic tanks with closed sanitary sewer system; , to reduce pollution; preservation of fish spawning areas; health reasons, as well as enjoyment of clean water in Lake Washington ,? (H ers to be mewed the river,harbor,or weterwsy concerned.) ,_,_-- -- ' f ',' > � at Renton, Washington -- --�--""^ r a town or eiiyl,red tta di anu+� > (Here to be named the nNw�sst well•known itmet:ty-+profs ebh' ,r:,aion by point'sf compote)ronti LL from some definite poled in the mine,editing.wheelie eberre-- a• ` n accordance with the plans Send drawings attached hereto and marked: (On drawings:give file number or other definite identification marks-) "Proposed Sanitary Sewer Line L.I.D." 270 it Lake Washington, City of Renton, County of Ring, Washington State, Application by City of Renton, January 14, 1972" subject to'.:eo following conditions. _. _ lei That this inarwnent does not convey any property rights either in red estate or meterid,or any exclusive waders;end Cot it dohs not n net in any injury to pecan property or invasion of privet..rights,or any infringement of Federal,State or loon laws or regulations,rice don it obviate the necessity of obtaining State ar local want required by few for the structure or work authorised. (Id That the serrature Of work rwi}thorlted amain shall the District in ance trysh the t p of rsdnd drawings attached hereto end ; rs dwell the�itttlot k construction shall in Subject to the supenrletan anti sopi x' k which the reek Is to be performed. to assure that omtrhtsetion ;g (ci That the District Engineer may at any timr maks such insp.:etions se hs may deem nooeseery or work is performed in eoeordertoe with the conditions of this permit cad all sageness thereof shell be borne by the pormitese. r (I) That the peenaitlas shell comply p,o ordir with any lawivl regulations, conditions. er Inetruolons effecting the Oradea or week authorised herein"is and whin Issued by if.* Wee Preening Office of the 111V11011111010 Prontfien Aeenty and/or due Sss►c • wets palliation control ogency having lurisdlctlon ie abate or prevent water pollution. including *wool sc rediintian relapse• Such regulations, conditions or instructions in effect or MaeafM proscribed by Ike Water Programs Office of the Eati►eev>twnsel • ',.f Protection Agency and/or t e Stan agency ere hereby made a reesdition of this permit. e a 's . Y fi • .. I the . . , . t il (a) 'that the permitter will maintain the work authorized herein in ow'ondition in accordance witn the approved Mont ` (n TNet this permit may,prior to the completion of the structure re-r•)vl'. -wthor;--ki herein,be sutpanded by authority of the i Secretary of the Army if it is determined that tuspenslon Is in the public interest ,'; (g) That this permit may at any time be modified by authority of te:e Secretary of the Army if it Is determined that,under ■ `��t .r . earning circumstances, modification is in the public interest.*The permitter,upon receipt of a notice of modification, shall comply , r, • -,1 therewith es directed by the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative. (h) That this permit may be revoked by authority of the Secretary of the Army if the permit**fails to comply with any of its provisions or if the Secretary determines that,under the(Witting circumstances,arch action is required In the public interest.• II) That any modification, suspension or revocation of this permit shall not be the basis for a claim for damepas sFeinst the al ,, Lin,'Id Stales. r. . ' (1) That the United States shall in no way be liable for any damp*to any structure or work authorized herein which may he ,ad. creed by or*tuft from future operations undertaken by the Government in the public interest. _ O (k) That no attempt shell be made by the permit's*to foiled the full and free usa by The public of all navigable paters at or , adjacent to the.szructure or work authorized by this permit. —� (I) That If the dispiay of light.and signals on any structure or work authorized herein is not otherwise provided fur by lees,such f •r �c ,. lights and tigress at mr,•be prescribed by the United Stites Coast Guard shell be installed and maintained by and at the expense of the s ' '" ' C) permitter. h Intl That the permittee shall notify the District Engineer et what time the construction or work will be:onxnencsd.as far In advance of the time of commencement as the Di trice Engineer may specify,end of in completion. • In) That U the structure or work herein authorized is not completed on or before 31st dew of December 19.7S,this permit,if not previously revoked or specifically extended,shall mese and be null end void. lol That the lapel requirements of all Federal agencies be met. .+ Ipl That this permit does not at►tfiorhe or approve the construction of prUeulr structures,the autMN:aticn or approval of • 'e which may require action by the Congress or other agencies of the Federal Government iq) That ail the provisons of this permit shall be binding on any assignee or successor in interest of the permitter. i~ / let That if the recording of this permit Is possible under applicable State or local law,tiro permitter shall take such action*mar ' be necessary to record this permit with the Registrar of Deeds or other appropriate official charged with'the responsibility for maintaining records of title to and Interests in real property. : III That the permitt s agree to make wiry reasonable effort to prosecute the construction or work authorized herein in a manner 1 se as to minimize any adverse Impact of the construction or work on fish,wildlife end natural environmental values. f It) That the permittes agrees that it will prosecute the construction of work authorized herein in a manner so ea to minimize any degradation of water quality. (u) That the permittee, upon receipt of a notice of revocation of this permit or upon its expiration before completion of the authorized structure or work, : shall, without expense to the United States, at the direction of thz Secretary r," of the Army and in such time and manner as the Secretary or his authorized representative may direct, restore the waterway to its former condition. If the permittee fails to comply with the direction of the Secretary of the Army or his i. authorized representative, the Secretary or hie designee may restore the waterway F to its former condition, by contract or otherwise, and recover the cost thereof i• from the permitter. t • z 'A judgment e to whether or not easpenslom,rrwdif!cetion or revocation is in the public interest involves a consideration of the impact that any each action or the atsance of any each action may here on factors affecting the public interest.Such factors include,but are not limited to nwloation,fhb and wildlife,water quality,economics,conservation, aesthetics,recreation,water apply,flood damage " ' prevention,eoasystemr end,in general,the needs and welfare of the pnopie. • 76.0.441414‘idwiefitamo. 4( fie..,, BY Authority of the Secretary of the Arm . 0. M(.HUS Date` lonel, Corps of Engineers a ¢ District Engineer Permittee hereby accepts the terms and conditions of this permit. i f . ! is .9 " I NPS FORM 285 Permitteei Date Aar 72 City of Renton It • •t. r ! a _ , ��,:%t`as3 a d $,,,, fir w €r 4u ;? ?tar t .1,-:, r ;lt vv.4,- ,i• • t v '• ,•/. 'i _ L J: is/mow MOM RR LATEO II r WAT I[A VIM Ie1>tfefriel ArbilHintlir 1,AKE ._ WASHING TC / i NietR,. c //t �' / I t'a • i * ;,. . PMpFQfr�'D ILIFYSr4TIQN 1 4ti 44• it ( 0, IAril2'o/.!1 r / �i .0",,,q,�r • 1 �• _ V w ,i 190j 6.378 (.- I) �a m 6 // . 1. Rts��eMio1 Aria } 1,661,376 090 twee r . ,s1 1 To ; if a,/ / . .. , PP. t`- a = (.i ) • 1 Exr!!. PW//e Pee* i LOCATION wAr ,' Stm, er felt • h i r-- k um.31' itefriftr ' • +E%o1MIN3�TE t71-CNARuE ' N.WA Ty�JR OS a iWPa i 1N T't� t.Ak etl" ! ola RAW u �ePu4C►N A WASH 1 N G'4'Qti K �l 07 �r.�`1 �, �' Ss/TIC rA ' q GLGrAh N OM V. sANI TARP Sar'rdlr!!' s r A TAM fravoC/r i' .ia-uTIan}s.�/��9- ' RMiroed Right-el-Wei dlrie✓ArILIA) ar' •%SM SrAk'JN N6 N l.3N.PI -AM SAC { NO ALTN lt0A 3 A tag. * MC 1• Le Or ?UT = I .terra! dwnwi+4ip woe addevrrr/1 * '* . z, r N WO St • o�'brwavr rev litter of QppI n tio I' i I ! 1r lel Ara* - � SNirt4'TS 9.f doA to .c do • General N ,Sell S ! NIA �lifs4W*Isr Levst 21.$ UAL tire. MLLW •' = _ — 14.$ U.S.G.S. -. MIL. 14.9 City of Reotee • • , 111111111 k QM!t j Low Ri®W!sts0 1MMM Level t U.S.QE'i��f LW 1 P ,. — 1:l.T vet; of Renton I s • _."' N.s** *Sr •�'t' 081�SA$.7R7 ���. 1,66Qetde,�6.615 A - Ir` �. qr. AIM:i t PROPOKO SANITARY SEWER LAC, ck PROPOSED L / IV N OH Most i .1 TATIGN IN LARE *A$HINOTON • Ni,, .CITY Of 4tENTON Pr."PW1Ik PNdt , COUNTY OP E$NIE,STATL OR WA$MINOTON #, 1 MINA) RCOULATEJ ARPLICATIOII dY i WATER LEVEL 11 • 191 t507.164 (6) CITY OP ON SY N 89.078 4 JANA c t4 t9T2 °'' Spat I si r` (Rf�titted 3-s- ' •i :, ,rd sr +F'M , '- i zio u.W `..,;.' is• r r t-'+ • i:; -k.�:8 ;."`�•,�, .`.F4+r � f� �„t.,,�di:.'4r�x<��y���"�* . ,'�.fi•�ar=`��. � vM.�,�F�4't.'a t rc - .rs ,LdX :h ` �'. • is 0 , . . `'. ' '. 0e IS' Min. 2d to R50' 41 rrlea Pete, wit% Metering PesllM4es sod telt*or—ewttetiEnaloeenrs f� rPlsenps, for bete-vp of• seeettrery Motors, one Controls Ptlesltr Supply ► i , .1, , ll''' '•;,..", ' 'f • I .! aS I? TeleeketsrIn$ Una I „+11 t. t, 1I NIGH REGULATED e' 11 ii WATER LEVEL • .,; G Force Moen to Metro L i1,ii 11 ''®"'�` 1 .. Trsetlsesot System '{ I . i Existing •0 I1 11 Lots t .: Manhole 172" Mini 11 I' Ma1c LM eln ' NOTE 1 LNeettetlon * Wet Well toasted 11 °1 ` '`' a en privet! property, Inelthre f>one i(� IS Rly►A peter level. II 11 11 n • .y Overflow Lees 11 C.I. plot (�y ¢'� located on Inks bottom j LI(eTIT VOK LOCATION �V�y ei [setlon • •er „ ` No 21Sli , Nr*se Pole vNb,. . J4ISMtet,, e IS to 261 p1 Metering Peitiee Dlssberge. to Masan* ° ' ' ' yp�rISSI Controls r" (ffoOOfleae protection by al es1 valve Cost Iron Intake Pipe T• •- . Malt REGULATED r Screened Intake protoote4 WATER LEVEL / by rep rap. Pew Sai* t 1 rilyb 1 Existing Lobo Ssttsae rig- tlkiet? % +r Seirs►sre*Is a Li ."Sete V'tt• awl, y • Play • Meter } S r- ' Mein Lirs NOTC 1 Ftusleststlen to be located on City property. F !t T 'now QAT J' pee so en He Steve f.: 1C SERAL NOTE' • PROPOSED SANITARY t<E'v' i LINE { 4 NighRsbeletod Wotor Levs1 21,2 U.S. [,grs. MLLW 270 ,�,_, ..,,., +. 14.1 U.S.0.S.-- MAS,L. i4.1 City of Rents Ito LAK[ tAR9SNitIOTON r T •' Lew Reyulettd Witter Level 110.4 U.S. Rngrs. MLLW CITY OF RENTON 12.7 U.11.1.11. MALL COU►TY OF KINS,STATE CP WASNIIMITOM lay City et Ranters"—' APPLiCATION SY r' CITY OF RENTON ,a dANUARY Ni {8Tr? • p ap ate. r(„r' - { wa r '`'i w•v y .,ai,,- I.,:.t x -1,4," 4; ,.# ,. s` 4sr"osc.5-.,i �. .4 a I ' • t.• Variable 5' to 251 srExisting Bulkhead or HIGH WATER ' '. /-Exiftieg Dock Estop Ay located in edits. R/W) T.a r� 4 --Pier (Typical) ~: ' �` , . In Cock areas pipe 4a 1 shall ba located HIGH AZGU A ED WATER LEVEL r ( P °,.. between exleiing Piers T- LOW lEOULA WATER LEVEL • _ . r ' 2. i Vgrfawts 4 1 ,. >i to 10 Emitting Units Bottom , t:. • I SO r Ir"1< A/G;t�.'r. EieOvatlon : a :6'',: Clam and/or Shovel • 'u yy „ I L I { 12 Min. , y�.C4 , BaCR9iit ' 7. 0 * • • Native *Muriel and/or oe CT Metntae, a" Cast lrx+,t >, directed by Deportment -- 4 •;f of firherles. a r.•. LINE LOCATION, • T col Section NOTE' Mainline and Sighs Mail xi3' be located in easexient obtained 1i, No Scale • • from private owners or within • hems of public right-of-way, • wO re it estefs. '' tF i Existing Bulkhead or Private Property °,;:. Stub 8 t# inline Cleanouf s' d lir (Typical) •: o• rt +:. Connection by property- . . . .. , •,f.''r• • .0,1C2/e/e:4,1 1 7; .., MGM REGULAT EP WATER LEVEL. d A, ` . owner - above high a; // 4. ..; -- water lever ,`f• / Stub and C1euIrnet (Typical) a Lobo Gott** 411•A Ail Pipe end lilting*,' 1/}r; .. ' bit Cast Iran g %► if'. ` • � 1 Excarc�tron and Backfitl bs far ,. ,/ I Moinlrne sox! Ire* _ - ;e. : Fitter Materiel ..dst Ire* i.:. '.r. Typical ofjakilftcjilitel so . No Saillo PROMO SANITARY SEttrL.: l„,,,E GENERAL #iGTt.1 LLD.*1O 4 , 1410 Regulated Water Level . 21.E . U.S. Enure, MLLW IN LAKE vIR3NiNSTON , — — ----- 14.9 U,S.3.6 -- hi.S.L. CITY OF RENTON ... 14.8 City of Ronteit COUNTY OF KNtG,$TATE 0►r WASH►NGTON Low Rogulatei Water Level 20.5 U.S. Entre. MLLW r ' 13.7' U.9.U.9 M.S.L. APPLICATION '9'1 n : '•, -_-. &a.._ 4011.1.....1 13.7 City t Kontos CITY OF RENTON > JANUARY $4 1972 i Sheet 3 of 4,., i •0 f 4 cl 47h ,i31,.r-tea ,:;.`aSX n �,''.:„.k"v"xk4+ 11 * i4 a ,.-^ ,-. rl-ai' .,4, t' a' 1 1`'':� 4 r , K 0 ® k • V t DESCRIPTION OF LINE • '`` a i9r,S07.11 a® (See No1-t) l r� 1,660 4e9, f ` tBeginning at flushstation; thence N 43°55'Ol" W 268.38' , • thence N 86°41'15" W 59.00' Le thence N 46°26'15" W 183.50' , • { +o F - .[then;.e N 56°48'15" W 129.28,,E thence N 36°52'40" W 75.48' , • thence N 25°23'44" W 236.00';(thence N 45°42'17" W 177.66' ; +0 '- thence N 0°54'59" W 92.64' . thence N 57°13'10" E 185.00' , thence N 17°12'33" E 234.93' ; thence N 16°51 '53" E 91 .96' , .• —ur) ir° N whence N 33°17'42" E 87.26,2, thence N 45°49'30" E 44.93' ; `' v' thencei26°41 '47" E 153.80' • thence N 46°24'06" E 157.45' +o R- thence S 81°25'06" E 93.97 • thence N 23°25'32" E 982.86' m -1. , 'T 0hence N 14°11 '40" E 91.O1• thence N 29°41 '33" W 28.23' ; '1�'Y_- •t) thence N 12°28'13" E 45.54 thence N 35°59'11•" E 44.74; ssthence N 5°34'12" E 93.66' ; thence N 40°19'57" E 80.75, 1 �. 4 Z hence N 10°19'O1" E 131 .813; thence N 45°4"03" E 100.33; � � ence N 23°21 '38" E 82.15' ; thence N 50°11 '18" E 46.45' ; r 4-v Ea- 1 1 nence N 17°24'05" E 231 .99:1 thence N 53'10'332" E 126.06' ; 1 Thence N 23°51 '50" E 66.42' ; thence N 39°19'41" E 41 .25; ' ' thence N 21°24'31" E 107.28' ; thence N 49'58'36" E 49.82; _ thence N 70°08'59" E 51 .11 ' ; thence N 30°39'19" E 25.81 ; } thence S.88°35'13" E 17.80 to the liftstation and the end ' +. L^J of thl l i n 145/Es V 7� s � ) t }•� 1,66 376.0 4 (s !uv�-s p 1 • No�-E: KING CQvNTY CO°ROIN TU*5 • i 1 • ,: 1 E • PR°Pose° gAJ*TM ScwE� U:NE „ l t'1 LAKE Vt1 ASiM CV C;TO1•) i t C1TY 0R RTei 'T'OtV ;, "l : opR RE INIT0 Ni�iT �� • 1 1't• TA iJ .-7Z 5 WI%4 0 ♦ t A.