HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_Acceptance_Letter_120919, Denis Law
. ,Mayor
DepartmentofCommunity' and Economic Developnient'
September 19, 2012 , C.E.~'Chip"Vinc'!nt, Administrator
John Houston
Renton Youth AdvocacyCente'r
,339 Burnett Avenue 5#311
,Renton,WA 98057 '
, Subject: ' Notice of Complete Application ,
Renton Youth AdvocacyCenter,LUA12:074, CU-H
Dear Mr: Houston:
; ..
The Planning Divisiimof the,Ci1:yof Renton has·dete~mined that the subject application'
is complete according'tosubmittal requirements and, the~efore, is accepted for review.
'You will be notified if any additional i~formation is req~ireci to continue processing your
'application. Also, this ~atter is tentatively scheduled fora Public Hearing on 'October
. '16, 2012 at 2:00 p.rn:, Council Chambers, SeverithFlobr, Renton City Hall,i05SSouth ,
GradyWay, Renton. The appli~ant or representative(s)of the applicantarerequiredto
be present atthe public hearing. Acopy of the staff report will be mailed to you prior to "
the scheduled heari~g~ " ,,', , '
. . ,"
,', Please conta~t me at (425)430-7382 if you ,have anyquesti~ns"
'Gerald C. Wasser ,',. "
Associate Planner
, Renton City Hall • 1055' South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • renionwa:gov