HomeMy WebLinkAboutSR_HEX_Kennydale_Apartments_120308DEPARTMENT OF COM JNITY
___ .' Cityofr}~ '~ ----~"""', JJ~J]l~[Ql ~
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Project Summary:
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March 8, 2012
Kennydale Apartments
Howard & Beatrice Seelig; PO Box 1925; Bellevue, WA 98009
Carl Pirscher; CDA Architects; 20011 Ballinger Way NE Ste: #200; Shoreline, WA
LUA11-069, SA-H, ECF, CU-H
Rocale Timmons; Associate Planner
The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, Conditional Use
Permit approval, and Environmental (SEPAl Review for the construction of a 6-
story mixed-use building containing 230 apartment units and 2,500 square feet of
commercial space. An additional single story, 40,000 square-foot, structure is also
proposed on-site and would be used as artist/incubator space.
1901 NE 48th St
4.8 acres
Staffre~ommends approval of the Kennydale Apartments, as depicted in Exhibit
2, subject to 5 c;'nditi~ns of approval.'
Project Location Map
Hex Report.doc
City of Renton Department of Co
rnity & Economic Development Hearing Ex,aminf7' Recommendation
WAll-069, SA-H, ECF
Report of March 8, 2012
Exhibit 1: Zoning Map
Exhibit 2: Site Plan
Exhibit 3: Landscape Plan
Exhibit 4: Elevations
Exhibit 5: 5ite Building Sections
Exhibit 6: Environmental "SEPA" Determination
Exhibit 7: Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated Mitigation Measures
Exhibit 8: Proof of Notice of Application Mailing
Exhibit 9: Aerial Photograph
Exhibit 10: Public Comment Letters
A: Irwin
B: McGruber
C. Parente
D: lojo
1. Owner(s) of Record:
~. Zoning Designation:
3. Comp'rehens,ive Plan Land Use Designation:
4. Existing Site Use:
5. Neighborhood Characteristics:
Howard & Beatrice Seelig
PO Box 1925
Bellevue, WA 98009
Commercial Arterial (CA)
Commercial Corridor (CC)
Page 2 of 29
a. North: Multi-Family Residential (CA) Single Family Residential (City (Jf Newcastle)
6 .
b. East:
c. South:
d. West:
Si~e Area:"
Single Family Residential (City of Newcastle)
Multi-Family Residential (City of Newcastle)
Storage Facility (CA zone)
4.8 acres
'Action Land Use File No. Ordinance No.
Comprehensive Plan N/A 5099
Zoning N/A 5100
Annexation N/A 1246
Kennydale Business Park LUA05-114 N/A
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City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
LUAll-069, SA-H, ECF
Report of March 8, 2012 Page'3 of 29
1-Existing Utilities
" a. Water: There is an existing 12-inch water main in NE 48th Street. The propDsed project is IDcated in
the 320 water pressure ZDne and is Dutside an ilquifer ProtectiDn ZDne. Static pressure hi the area
is approximately 100 psi. De-rated fire flDw available in NE 48th is 4,000 gpm.
,b. Sewer: Sewer service is available; hDwever, sewer service will be provided by CDal Creek Water and
Sewer District.
c. Surface/Storm Water: There is a storm conveyance system in NE 48th Street. , • r
Z_, ' Streets: There is nD sidewalk, curb, gutter, or street lighting fronting the site.
3.' Fire Protection: City Df RentDn Fire Department
1. Chapter Z Land Use Districts
a. SectiDn 4-2-020: PurpDse and Intent Df Zoning Districts
b. SectiDn 4-2-070: ZDning Use Table
. c. SectiDn 4-2-120: DevelDpment Standards fDr CDmmercial ZDning ClassificatiDns
, Z. Chapter 3 Land Use ,Districts
, "
'a. SectiDn 4-2-020: Critical Area RegulatiDns
b. Section 4-3-100: Urban Design Regulations
. • • J ~
.,)"3. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards
4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards
a. SectiDn 4-6-060: ,Street Standards
5. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria'
a. Section 4-9-030: CDnditional Use Permit
, 1 • '
b. Section 4-7~200: Site Plan Review
S.. Chapter 11 Definitions
. ,
1. Land Use Element
2. Community Design Element
.' ,
, .
~ ..
. , .
1. The applicants, Howard & Beatrice Seelig, are requesting l:iearing Exam!ner Sit~, Plan ,Review and a
Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit approval, for the construction of a 6-story mixed-use building
containing 230 apartment units and 2,500 square feet of commercial space. An additional single. story,
40,000 square-foot structure is also proposed on-site and would be used as hobby/incubator space.
1'/" • ~ .' ~ . " '., ~ _',,' -.. '. • .' ," -: "~.' '. \-l' .-, " . -< t: T!1e primary residential st~uct'ure would r?nge in h'eight from 1} feet to'68 feet with.an' kverage h~ight
of approximate~y 62 feet.
Hex Report.doc
. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development
Report of March 8, 2012
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
. LUAll-069, SA-H, ECF
Page 4 of 29
3. The mid-rise five-and partial Six-story mixed use building would total 219,609 square feet of space.over
a basement level parking garage and an additional partial sub-basement parking flo~r containing a 'total
of 263 structured parking stalls. .
4. The applicant is pr~posing a 129 surface parking stalls of which 16 parallel stalls would be located to the
east of the mixed use structure and 109 stalls to the west of the mixed use structure. . .
5. The proposed hobby/incubator building would be located' beneath surface parking stalls west of the
mixed use building. .
6. The proposal would have an approximate density of so dulac. ,
7. The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted the above master application for review on August
12, 2011 and determined it complete on January 23, 2012:, The project was placed on hold on October
3, 2011 and reinstated on January 10, 2012. The proje~t complies with the 120-day revi~w period.
8. The subject site is located on the south side of NE 48th Street, just east of Lake Washington Blvd N. The
eastern property line is bordered by the City of Newcastle.
9. The property is located within the Commercial Corridor (Ce) Comprehensive Plan land use designation
and the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classification.
10. The site is currently vacant.
11. Access to the site would be provided off NE 48th St via two driveways resulting in a private loop road
12. The easterly 86-foot portion of the site would be set aside as open space and would be used a~ a Duffer
for the proposed mixed-use structure.
13. The site is located within a High Erosion Hazard are~ and an unclassified Landslide Hazard Area.
Protected slopes, which exceed a 40 percent grade, are also located on site but would not be impacted
as part of the proposal.
14. The property slopes down to the west at an average gradient cif 30 percent. The proposed development
will step up the slope in order to accommodate the grade change across th~ site ....
15. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinanceand SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended),
on February 13, 2012, the City's Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-
Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M) for the Kennydale Apartments (Exhibit 6). The DNS-M included 9·
mitigation measures. A 14,day appeal period commenced on February 17, 2012 and ended on March 2,
2012. No appeals of the threshold determination were filed. ,:. , '
16. Comments were received by interested parties (Exhibit 10). Concerns were raised, wit~ regard to:
traffic, soil stability, and view corridors.
17. Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and
address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the officiaLfile,
. and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections· of this report
. and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of this report . . ' .
18. The proposal requires Site Plan Review. The following table contains project elements intended to
with Site Plan Review d~e~c~is~io~n~ii;as~o~u~t~li;n~ed in RMC 4-9-200.E: ~
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City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
LUA11-069, SA-H, ECF
Report of March 8, 2012 Page 5 of 29
, ,
The,site isqesign~ted Commercial corricior (CC) on the Comprehensive Plan LandWse Map. The purpose
of C('is til evol~.e from "stfip commercial" linear business diStricts to business areas cliaracterized bY.
. enhanced site pianning incorpor.iting efficient p'arking lot design, c:oordinated access, amenities, and,
'boulevard.treatinent. The p~';pos~1 iscqmpliant with' the following Co";'prehensi~e Plan policies:
Policy LU-Z55. Commercial Arterial zoned areas sliould include an apportunity for residential uses and
office as part of mixed· use development.
Objective LU-AAA: Create opportunities for intensive office uses in portions of Commercial Corridor
designations including a wide range of business, financial, and professional services supported by service
and commercial/retail activities. ' .
Policy LU-Z6Z. Support the redevelopment of commercial business districts located along principal
arterials in the City.
Policy LU-Z63. Implement development standards that encourage lively, attroctive, medium' to
high-density commerciol areas.
Policy LU-Z64. New development in Commercial Corridor designated areas should be encouraged to
implement uniform site standards, including:
1) Parking preferobly at the rear of the building, or on the side as a second choice;
2) Setbacks that would allow incorporating a londscape buffer; Frant setback without frontage street or
driveway between building and sidewalk; and
3) Common signage and lighting system.
Policy LU-Z66. Development within defined activity nodes should be subject to additional design
guidelines as delineated in the development standards.
Policy LU-Z67. Structures in Commercial Corridor areas that front sidewalks abutting the principal arterial
or are located at activity nodes should be eligible far a height bonus and therefore may exceed the ,
maximum allowable height in the district.
Policy LU-Z68. Public amenity features (e.g. plazas, recreation areas) should be encouraged as part of
new development or redevelopment.
'.~~-• •• ~.,. -. '"~' . . . _ .' --. _ .. t . : _~
,The.subjectsite is classified "commercial Arterial (CAron the, City of Rent6nZoning Map. The following
: a~velf,pm~nt standards are applica'ble to the pt~posat:' . .• ". " ..
" . ""<' ?,. .,~~ ~~ L_,_'
Density: Per RMC 4-2-120A the allowed density range in the CA zoning classificatian is a minimum of
20 dwelling units per net acre (du/ac) up to a maximum of 60 dulac. Net density is calculated after
public rights-of-way, private access easements, and critical areas are deducted from the gross
acreage of the site.
After deducting 3,513 square feet for right-of-way dedications and 5,699 square feet for critical
areas, from the 209,468 gross square footage of the site, the net square footage would be 200,256
square feet (4.6 net acres). The 230 unit proposal would arrive at a net density of 50 dwelling units
per acre (230 units I 4.6 acres = 50 dulac), which falls within the permitted density range for the CA
zoning designation.
Lot Dimensions: Per RMC 4-2-120A the minimum lot size, in the CA zone, is S,OOO square feet.
The proposal does not alter any lot lines therefore the minimum lot size is not applicable to the
Setbacks: Per RMC 4-2-120A the CA zoning classification requires a minimum front yard of setback of
10 feet which may be reduced to zero feet during the site plan development review process, provided
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City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
LUAll-069, SA-H, ECF
Report of March 8, 2012 Page 6 of 29
blank walls are nat located within the reduced setback. There is a maximum front yard setback of 15
feet. The CA zone has no rear or side yard setback except 15 feet if lot abuts or is adjacent to a
residential zone.
. ,.
The following table contains setbacks for the two proposed structures:
Building Front Yard East Side Yard West Side Yard Rear Yard
Setback Setback Setback Setback
Mixed Use 8' 6" 119'6" N/A 51'
Hobby/Incubator 130' N/A 53' 8" 61'
The commercial components of the main structure are in closest proximity to the right-of-way with
an approximate setback of 8 feet 7-inches which is requested to be reduced in order to
accommodate a required right-of-way dedication. The mixed use structure, along NE 48 th St, steps
back in two terraces which serves to diminish the apparent bulk and massing of the structure. The
applicant is also proposing storefront glazing, canopies, raised landscaped beds and street furniture
to enhance the pedestrian experience along the streetscape. Therefore, staff is supportive of the
reduced front yard setback request from 10 to 8 feet and 7-inches.
Building Height: Per RMC 4-2-120A building height is restricted to 60 feet unless a conditional use
permit is obtained.
The primary residential structure would range in height from 12 feet to 68 feet with an average
height of approximately 62 feet. Therefore the proposal requires a Conditional Use Permit.
In addition to the Conditional Use Permit Criteria(Finding 16) the reviewing offiCial must consider the
following when reviewing the request for a conditional use permit:
a. Location Criteria: Praximity of arterial streets which have sufficient capacity to
accommodate traffiC generated by the development. Developments are encouraged to locate in
areas served by transit.
b. Comprehensive Plan: The proposed use sholl be compatible with the general purpose, goals,
objectives and standards of the Comprehensive Plan, the zoning regulations and any other p!an,
program, mop or regulation of the City.
c. Effect on Adjacent Properties: Building heights sholl not result 'in substantial or undue
adverse effects on adjacent property. When a building in excess of the maximum height is
proposed adjacent to or abuts a lot designated R-1, R-4, R-8, R-10, R-14 or RM-F, then the
setbacks shall be equivalent to the requirements of the adjacent residential zone if the setback
standards exceed the requirements of the Commercial Zone.
See Conditional Use Permit analysis under Finding 19.
Building Standards: Per RMC 4-2-120A the allowed lot coverage is 65 percent for proposals within the
CA classification.
The proposed buildings would have a combined footprint of 44,612 square feet on the 205,955
square foot site (after the proposed right-of-way-dedication) resulting in a building lot coverage of
approximately 22 percent.
Landscaping: Per RMC 4-4-070 ten feet of on-site landscaping is required along all public street
frantages, with the exception of areas for required walkways and driveways or those projects with
reduced setbacks.
The applicant is proposing an approximately 8-foot 7-inch building setback from NE 48th St. The
setback contains landscaping and a pedestrian pathway. Staff is recommending approval of the
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City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development
Report of March 8, 2012
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
Page 7 of 29
requested modification to the front yard building setback (See Finding above under setback
discussion). Therefore the proposal complies with the on-site landscaping requirement per RMC 4-4-
A conceptual landscape plan was submitted with the project application. The landscape plan includes
a planting plan; the proposed tree species largely consist of red sunset maple, sugar maple, Austrian
black pine, Douglas fir, and western hemlock trees. The shrubs proposed largely consist of: retwid
dogwood, Frasers photinia, Kelsey dogwood, ~vergreen huckleberry, Macrantha azalea. Sarcococ'ca,
Davids viburnum and woods rose.
Refuse and Recyelables: Per RM~ 4,-4-090 for multi-family developments a rrinimum of 1 Y, square
feet per dwelling unit is required for recyclable depasit areas and a minimum of 3 square feet per
dwelling unit is required for refuse deposit areas. Fo~ office, educational, and institutional
develapments a minimum af 2 square feet per every 1,000 square feet of building gross floor area , . ,
shall be provided for recye/able deposit areas and a minimum of 4 square feet per 1,000 square feet
of building gross f1aor area shall be provided for refuse deposit areas with a total minimum area of
100 square feet. In retail developments, a minimum of 5 square feet per everyone 1,000 square feet
of building gross floor area shall be provided for recye/ables deposit areas and a minimum of ten 10
. square feet per 1,000 square feet of bUilding gross floor area shall be provided for refuse deposit
Based on the proposal for a total of 2,500 square feet of retail space; a minimum 'area of 100 square
feet of refuse and recycle area would be required. Based on the proposal for a total of 40,000 square
feet of hobby/incubator office space; a minimum area of 240 square feet of refuse and recycle area
would be required. Another 955 square feet of refuse and recycle area should also be dedicated
based on the proposal for 230 residential units.
Additionally, at least one deposit area/collection point for every 30 dwelling units is required.
The refuse and recyclable deposit areas for the facility .are currently located at three separate
locations on site. Square footage of the designated area along with specific screening details were
not submitted with the land use application. In order to review consistency with the design of the
primary structure on the site and·adequate provision of area staff recommends, as a condition of
approval, the applicant be req,uired to submit sizing and screening detail for the refuse and recyclable
deposit area prior to building permit approval.
Vehicles: Per RMC4-2-120 a connection shall be provided for 5ite-to-site vehie/e access ways, where
topographically feasible, to allow a smoath flow of traffic across abutting CA parcels without the need
to use a street. Access may comprise the aisle between rows of parking stalls but is not allowed
between a building and a public street.
This section of code is intended to provide vehicular connections to abutting commercial uses. The
proposal is bordered by single family residential to the east and multi-family to the south. Vehicular
connections from the residential use to the subject parcel would not be appropriate. To the west
there is an established storage facility which would prohibit future vehicular connections.
Critical Areas: The site is located within a High Erosion Hazard area and an unclassified Landslide
Hazard Area. There are areas of 40 percent slopes on site, with a rise of more than 15 vertical feet,
which are not proposed to be impacted by the proposal. The applicant is however proposing'to
impact one 40 percent slope that has a vertical rise of 7 feet. However, the critical area regulations
would not apply because the slope is not considered due to a vertical rise of less than 15 feet.
The applicant provided a geotechnical report, prepared by GEO Group Northwest, Inc., on May 27,
2011. The main considerations noted in the geotechnical report include the existence of moisture
sensitive clay soils, anticipated water seepage, the height of proposed cuts, the presence of a
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City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development
Report of March 8, 2012
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
LUAll-069, SA-H, ECF
Page 8 of 29
weathered and fractured upper soil zone and associated risk of shallow soil movements.
With the existence of an upper weathered and fractured zo'ne, there is an increased risk for sloughing
and small slides if construction takes place during wet winter months. Therefore, ERC issued a SEPA
mitigation measure, that earthwork be limited to the drier summer months of May 1" through
September 30th
Also issued was a SEPA mitigation measure requiring the applicant comply with .ill! of the design
recommendations included within the "Gec)technical Engineering Study", prepared by GEO Group
Northwest, Inc., dated May 27, 201l.
And due to the extensive recommendations and specifications for final design, another SEPA
mitigation measure was issued requiring the applicant contract with a Geotechnical engineer in or.der
to verify that the earthwork, foundation and other recommendations have been properly interpreted
and implemented along with geotechnical monitoring services.
Additionally, an osprey nest was located at the top of a cellular tower above a storage unit on the
adjacent parcel to the west. The City regulates properties containing critical habitat as listed by the
State of Washington as a monitored species for which osprey are considered.-A H.abitat Assessment
was prepared by Raedeke Associates, Inc., dated November 28, 2011. The report makes two
recommendations with regard to limitations of construction and replacement nest which adopted as
SEPA mitigation measures (Exhibit 6).
Parking: The parking regulatians, RMC 4-4-080, require a specific number af off-street parking stalls
be provided follOWing: '
The following ratios would be applicable to the site:
Office (Hobby/
Foot Q[Use
Min: 1 space / unit
Max: 1.75 spaces / unit
Min: 2 spaces / 1,000 SF
Max: 4.5 spaces / 1,000 SF
Min: 2.5 spaces / 1,000 SF
Max: 5 spaces / 1,000 SF
Required Spaces'
Min: 230
Max: 403
Min: 80
Max: 180
Min: 10
Max: 20 .
Based on these use requirements a minimum of 320 parking spaces would be required, and no m~re
than 603 spaces, in order to meet code. The applicant is proposing a total of 392 spaces. The parking
conforms to the minimum requirements for drive aisle and parking stall dimensions and the provision
of ADA accessible parking stalls.
Per RMC 4-2-120A parking for residential units shall be enclosed within the same building as the unit
it serves.
There are a total of 230 apartment units proposed. The applicant is proposing a total of 263
structured parking spaces in order to accommodate residential units with at least the minimum (one)
parking space required for each unit.
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City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
LUAll-069, SA-H, ECF
Report of March 8, 2012 Page 9 of 29
Sidewalks, Pathways, and Pedestrian Easements: Sidewalks are provided from the street to the
entries and around the building and throughout the site in order to provide pedestrian linkages, In
addition, pedestrian sidewalks along the new public right-of-way, are proposed to provide safe and
efficient pedestrian access throughout the site,
The applicant is proposing a 5,000 square foot pedestrian plaza along NE 48 th St which then
transitions into a walkway that stretches the length of site to the south. Another pedestrian plaza,
approximately 2,000 square feet in size, is proposed at the entrance along the extended walkway
which travels from the entrance of the site to the south. An additional pedestrian plaza is located
south of the primary mixed use structure, offering views to the west, which would contain pedestrian
seating and trellises, This pathway is landscaped, interminably covered by the articulating forms of
the structure above and reinforced with street furniture, textural building finish elements,
C, DESIGN REGUlATION COMPLIANCE AND CONIStENCY: The site is located withili Design District '0',
I To ensure that buildings are located in relation to streets and other buildings so that the Vision of the City
of Renton can De realized for a high-density urban enviranment; so that businesses enjoy visibility from
public rights-of-w'!y; and to encourage pedestrian activity throughout the district As demonstrated in
the table below the praposal meets the intent ajthe Design Regulations on the basis of bidividual merit if
all conditions of approval are met ,
i. SIiEDESIGNAivp,BUILDING LOCA fibril: " , ' . ..',
I{ltent: Tc3 ensure, t!Jqt bt;ildings are I;cated in rel!1tiolJ tp ~.treets and o'ther b~ildi';it~'so tha,tiheVision oj
the City of R~htoh can be realized for a high-density urban emHronment; so thatbusinesse{eij/oyvisibi/fty
,. ' " ., I"" ,-.. " • '. '_ -. fro,m publi~ i'ig/Jts:(}fcway; and ta encaurage pedestriah qctivity" ',' '
i:Build~,!f/,L~!~tl°l'~'a!i~:CJ"ientatiqn:,::':': :, ,~~',)~~t;\~,""i .' ,; .. "::~ ',;: ~:::;:'~ ;"f~'i//':':/;';':
Intent: . Ta ensure;' visibility; af businesses and" fa: esfoblish iJetive, lively uses" along ,sidewalkS' and
'pe~~§t~iqn: r;~~~~"iL":'r2',(Xg~n(ie bii!;Mgs jar p'e,d;~Y!/n~~s~ .~~d's~~thp( n~tuigrligQt if!g.Y~i!bb!e,to'
other structures 'arId opeii;space. Toehsure an iipp'fbpiiiJte transition between buildinijs;/5arking,a;eas;
a.~dOth~fi~~~~'iek~Ad'i~credje.piivricy. tor resid~~tirfj5!A~1:~:: : :::;,<' " ,': c ?~~., ":'\;~~:f~~;' ""f::r.:: .
Guidelines: Developments ~h'all enhance' themutiial relationship of,buildings 'with edeh"othei; 'oswell as
with 'tii~ :road;y;,~~n:''sp~'~e~:'iind. ped~~i;;an ~~e'niii~;r~hile'w};iking ib: creciie: a/i~(j;Stfiijii':oj;inted , ,"';";~~r ,'"". -~,<,:;'_"" __ ."_"~";e~," ."l".:_,,_ " -'""':'.i:" ,'-:'_o,':\'":t","-;;·· L..-), •• " •• , ',',~ .:.:.' ',. ~'r'·.".,·.,.~",:, "l,.."''-.~ "."1
environment: Lotsshall,l5eYonfigured tqene6u;age'~vai'ietV and.: so' that,' naturaJ;'light, is"aitailriblefto , .",.q.~ .~:,:;~~:':" ·~"<-:··;~P,-.,·~.n·.,.~".~, ~'~}-;"'~" . ,,' •. ..: '. "., ,:~,;...~,~,,,~~~;"-:-+.:1l'_',:'.,,-. ' .. :':,,'~ __ ,' ... :1 ,~-. ".T '~.',~ .c-""~, .• ··'-, ,,-. "'~. ',"".
buildingsdrid oiieiiTspiicei Tlie'p;;vacyof individuals';;, resideiJtial usesshiill De proVided fat:%;''l:I'~~~i:!.~''
Standard: The availability of natural light (both direct and reflected) and direct sun exposure to
nearby buildings and open space (except porking areas) shall be considered when siting structures,
Staff Comment: The primary mixed use structure is located at the approximate mid-point of the site
with very large setbacks from the east and west property lines, The structures closest proximity to
adjoining property lines is along the NE 48th St frontage which would serve to enliance the buildings
commercial visibility to the public right-of-way,
Standard: Buildings shall be oriented to the street with clear connections to the sidewalk,
Staff Comment: The narrowness of the lot, along NE 48 th St, and scale of the structure limits
orientation to the street, However, the applican's designt has achieved a visible and lively presence
along NE 48th St with clear connections for proposed internal walkways to the sidewalk along NE
48 th St which encourage pedestrian activity, '
Standard: Buildings with residential uses located at the street level shall be set back from the
sidewalk a minimum of ten feet (10') and feature substantial landscaping between the sidewalk and
the building or have the ground floor residential uses raised above street level for residents privacy,
Staff Comment: Not applicable; there are no units located at grade along the street
2. B.~ildin~~~tijio~:?, '<c'~,';,,:' \.'-' :,:, ,·'{;l:;;:~,i,·:'~~·,·',' '~': ~';~}'';;:~~::~}':::' ,
,'Int,ent: ,}:,o,nial5.ebuilc!ing;e.n.trpnces convenien,t toJoci:Ite~iond eaeY to. access, and:ensiJfeJtfqr..b.iJilding
'entries fiJ.rt6e(tffe'pede5tirari'~a.iu.re ojth'ejrolJt7flgJlde,~a!1<dnd the ur~dn; character of £tte.dist'rl~; ',' " -· . ..,. .. i -'_-.'~'~"~;:,.-.... ~ .. ~". _' ." . ,,~._;: .... ,,'~ : __ "':t ~"!'.' -,--. --~-... ;.-~ .-•• -',' . b-; '_ ~
,GuideJines:'Prini(];Yf entries shall· face' the street':,'serite!!iasi,'a focal; paint;' and, alloliiHipace:fof;sacial
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City of Renton Department of & Economic Development
Report of March 8, 2012
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
LUAll-069, SA-H, ECF
Page 10 of 29
Standard: A primary entrance of each building shall be located on the facade facing a street, shall
be prominent, viSible from the street, connected by a walkway to the public sidewolk, and include
human-scale elements.
Staff Comment: The development entry is framed by between the commercial element, along NE
48th St, and the community space structure through a covered archway. The applicant has proposed
a 5,000 square foot pedestrian plaza along NE 48th St which then transitions into a walkway that
stretches the length of site to the south. The primary building entry for the mixed use building and
the entries for the hobby/incubator building have an orientation to the west. .
Another pedestrian plaza, approximately 2,000 square feet in size, is proposed at the western facing
entrance along the extended walkway which travels from the site entrance to the south. An
additional pedestrian plaza is located south of the primary mixed use structure, offering views to
the west, which would contain pedestrian seating and trellises. This pathway is landscaped,
interminably covered by the articulating forms of the structure above and reinforced with street
I textural finish elements.
Standard: A primary entrance of each building shall be made viSibly prominent by incorporating
architectural features such as a facade overhang, trellis, large entry doors, and/or orname~tal
See discussion above.
Standard Building entries from a street shall be mark.ed with canopies, architectural
elements, ornamental lighting, or landscaping and include weather protection at least four and ane-
half feet {4-1/2'} wide {illustration below}. Buildings that are taller than thirty feet {3D'} in height
shall also ensure that the weather protection is proportional to the distance above ground level.
See discussion above.
Standard: Building entries from a parking lot shall be subordinate to those related to the street.
Staff Comment: Due to the rectangular shape of the site, with the length not located along the
street, the presence of the structure is largely oriented to the west. As a result, the entrance from
the west/surface parking area is a very prominent element of the mixed use structure. However, as
mentioned above, the developme'nt entry is framed by between the commercial element, along NE
48th St, and the community space structure through a covered archway which also serves as a focal
point. While the entrance along NE 48th St may be considered subordinate to the western mixed
use building entrance due to the massing ofthe structure, the primary entrance to the development
along NE 48th St is easily identifiable and reflects the architectural character of the structures~ on
Standard: Features such as entries, lobbies, and display windows shall be oriented to a street or
pedestrian-oriented space; otherwise, screening or decorative features should be incorporated.
See discussion above.
Standard: Multiple buildings on the same site shall direct views to building entries by providing a
continuous network of pedestrian paths and open spaces that incorporate landscaping.
See discussion above.
Standard: Ground floor residential units that are directly accessible from the street shall include
entriesfrom front yords to pravide transition space from the street or entries from an open space
such as a courtyard or garden that is accessible from the street.
~~~~ Not to the
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Report of March 8, 2012
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
LUAll-069, SA-H, ECF
Page 11 of 29
1§iiliieiihii:''Ca'iej,j;'sitiiig~ arid. deiigh 'iieatm'l,it: shbil i be: UsediiiJ ·dchie~fi 'afcoiri p'ilt76Ii/,trohiition,'wh'er(F
'ill;;; bel/dirigs diJie;jfoirisurraunaihg"del/~/a~me~t in terriis' ~fbuiidFngh"e;ght,bulkarid.~cali:' .. :.:.: X:.
Standard: At least ane of the following design elements shall be considered to promote 0 tronsition
to surrounding uses:
(a) Building proportions, including step-backs on upper levels; -
(b) Building articulation to divide aJarger architectural element into smaller increments; or
(c) Roof lines, roof pitches, and roof shapes designed to reduce apparent bulk and tronsition with
existing development.
Additianally, the Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development or
designee may require .increased setbqcks at the side or rear of a building in order to reduce the bulk
and scole of larger buildings and/or so that sunlight reaches adjacent and/or abutting yards,
Staff Comment: Single family residences are located to the east, To the north and south adjoining
properties are primarily developed as multi-family dwelling units in three-and four-story
configurations with pitched roofs, distributed building masses, and open parking. To the west the
development consists of a mixture of commercial properties. The mix includes a multi-story modern
office building to the northwest, a large scale one and two story "mini-storage" facility due west and
hotel, retailing and restaurant facilities to the southwest
The proposed mixed use building is setback over 85 feet from the eastern property line and leaves a
largely undisturbed, heavily vegetated buffer that exists today, to offer a transition from the single
family uses. Additionally the eastern building fa~ade has several architectural elements such as
articulation and glazing to break down the massing, Stepped building masses and an articulated
roof line that incorporates gabled roof shapes have been incorporated into design which are
reflective of residential forms. Transitions to the multi-family uses to the north and south have been
provided through several terraces on the northern and sourthern facades, Also, through additional
steps in the building massing at the midpoint which are more reflective of the massing of the multi-
family complexes.
~~:~:!~fy(¥:E!ET~~!:,~~a!~~~·~i~~e~~fr~:-.:.~>;;~ ,~~~;;~~~;: '-~:i'J~~~~:~~~~~' ~~fi~ :.~;~: . _ :~;':~~,~~~:O. Iv~~-:;:~~;:.';:<::·, .~~.}
·'Intent:. T o'h!duce. the .patential. negatiw!"timpdcts· of. service elerpf'hts"(i. e.; C waste'j:eceptacl/?s;' loddiilg.
'do~kS j iby:tocbti~g~si!ni;Ee .·ariit .:.idddiry'g"areds::away:jt'o'm "highfv~/Ume' pea~sirian.[ife7I~ra'n;i' ;cJeening
~i~~1Y fr;q!nI~1~;~·th:~i~~;:~ii,f~1/~ty~q!~~a.i;~.-;::· -, "~~,",,,' ':;.~ ~;.?. :::~:" "'-4~'::'~~~¥:::_' :~ .. ~~. :~§,~: :,.'{,: ,~~~~~ :-~.:_::~;~' ;,~k1~ :;:j~ ~ >~:~'t\:f~;i';j;;~ ~,~~
. Giiideliiies: Service elements shall be. cahcentfiJteMrid lilcated;siHhahmj'lGctS to pedestrians. arid'other, ~atrtiti~g:~s~s '~;:ihntniiiji~~ii'/rii~'iin6iJ.ctS'bf ser~ii} ele~~jjts;j;~/lke;i;itig'ri.tediwit;;;/;J;jd~i:(,hihil~n(ld'n·
(/ndos&!~'v/jth jencil)9Jhat is.m~deolqualitYmat~riak:,. ;~ -,,~L;: ,.:;',t':r.~.;,;, ·.c -<;,:?\~:~".:.:.~\"c";?'~ ~~.
Standard: Service elements shall be located and designed to minimize the impacts on the pedestrian
environment and adjacent uses. Service elements shall be concentroted and located where they are
accessible to service vehicles and convenient for tenant use.
Staff Comment: The refuse and recyclable deposit areas for the facility are currently located at three
accessible locations on site. Square footage of the designated area along with specific screening
details were not submitted with the land use application, In order to review consistency with the
design of the primary structure on the site and adequate provision of area staff is recommending, as
a condition of approval, the applicant be required to submit sizing and screening detail for the
refuse and recyclable deposit area prior to building permit approval.
Standard: In addition to standard enclosure requirements, garbage, recycling collectian, and utility
areas shall be enclosed on all sides, including the roof and screened around their perimeter by a wall
ar fence and have self-clasing doors.
Staff Comment: See condition above,
Standard: Service enclosures shall be made of masonry, ornamental metal or woad, or some
combination of the three (3).
Staff Comment: See condition above.
Standard: If the service area is adjacent to a street, pathway, or pedestrian-oriented space, a
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City of Renton Department of ComJPunity & Economic Development
Report of March 8, 2012
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
LUAl1-069, SA-H, ECF
Page 12 of 29
landscaped planting strip, minimum 3 feet wide, shall be located on 3 sides of such facility.
Staff Comment: Not applicable to the project.
~ ~d~~l~~~G~;~':':' ":~:~~:;~~1;:Jift:·, ,:'(7 'W:~·~::::, .. '~':':;:~' '.,-(~:::" :~;:~~:;;~~ifj,':;;
i~:~1I/KJ"'!f~"fPKEH!~~01!.~~t.E$~5,:;;~ r:,"~;:, '. ' ',' ~:,', ,,:; .. r ;+r>,':,~,
liiteiJPiJ§, pro..itlde ~afe']l)f}~,:nj~n! ,a.C:,te.S'~ Jq,the,I,{r:..l:iah Cepte;:'ani:( the '(eryJet Xij/age;, iQ,qir!jbrat~ varjb/fs
.' -' ",' -'-'" -""-.. -. -' ... , ,'. ~~. -,--~. '--",'," -. '-' ,m.oqeHgf" tr,qnspoitatiqQ;'incly,cjiQfi J?u!>lit'W9~s Y!!.il.s/r" in, order. to ,reql.!,etrgffi.c ,vl?/.I!mes ,,(Jf1.d~c!'~~f!
j,;if1d~fs!r,bfi:'ve.hiaes; ~~5ure:sJift(i:Je"l]t fJqrki~g js~P.to.l!!ded, 'wllile eflcaiJrqgjbgc(;reatjyjtyi!i.re!1ifc;jr.~:· th.e.
impgct!(gJ r:iqrking' a,reri,s; q(/O:W,&/Cqctive :p!!qefir,jqn environni~ntgy l11ai(ltgining,,'fojiligup,u5 street r·~ .. ·,"--,~:, __ -.. -<.:",. ,._.'," "-"'.;"'~""':":::~~-~"",'.'~.~~''',';'.~",. ,~-' '" ........ ~ .~_, ... ....,,~,.~,:.:~:.,. <" ••
'!r~~JafJe;i:, ~(tI!9ut{J.q~kLn!J,.lol,~j~!1g)Jlpn9.'~ff!!.w.al"~,fn,rJ, bl!i1pingIaca.des;,m!,nii7)jz~,~lJ:,:.;gi~.l!a.{i[!!p~qp:pf
. Rfl!!<il]g lats;.aqa ti~e cit;cess:strf'gt~;PlJ,d parking to lijaltlta.inan .urbail,edg~ tati1e;·distriq"i!i':'k:~:''''';':''', .. ," i
• dY~Ifi/d'ii'i;ifci;;t;?i&~hitl~f 'LifFerifefJ[f,js'f/fjbie-.P.'{;;{I;'·~h;;ll7Jisb ;;~i·1i;sTJ;.;;~d [o"-iftcJinrrib"d7Jte :t;,£ 1~tur~ -iAfi~' devejoprri<iritt\~r~~.~Y~~~t£":~:~' .' _~:~, j~?:~·~f~ '~\:;!~ ~ :rv"'~ '"J;~';::";~:~ y :~::,~~~ :~-: '!~':~··.'~~~~';~~'~,::~Lq;~~:· .:"
Standard: Parking shall be located so that no surface parking is located between a building and the
frant property line, or the building and side property line, on the street side of a corner lot.
Staff Comment: There is' no surface parking located between the street and the proposed
Standard: Parking shall be located so that it is screened from surrounding streets by buildings,
landscaping, and/or gateway features as dictated by location.
Staff Comment: The surface parking is located behind the building masses and due to the grade
changes the parking and from the frontage access into the site interior, the building placement
along the ROWand the landscaping elements proposed" the open parking will be largely invisible
from the street and adjoining properties. Landscaping has been incorporated into to the surface
parking areas at 7-10 vehicle stall intervals,
J~~~tr,,~,~~{~:~!!.~:~~t~,~::gfr~~~1~7h1~i·:< ?:5~~~f.~,c~;'f~~;~~~~~ '~'-.~.::, ~'~~;f~;'::~' ~:~:, ~~%~~::~::}i;~i~~~·1~t~i¥;¥~~~~~:;~lt0~~~~~~~
iln,te_ilt:;Tb·p~o,mote,m6.re;etticjent~~s~f!:ot.Jalfdirieeded 10Ji'ye/Jicle.,pqrking;''ea<a.~[ageJhi:',~ils(?,otsrr:uctl![eri;: ~l'k~~%[Jgqii!~~;~i~~~~!f~,~jt~~t{{/~~\~~:S~~~~fi;i~t:~~1~~fi~i~~~~~~{~if~i~it~,
'-G~~d.eline~: P.orki[lg:gi![dg'e~islJ.a.lJ,flqrdo!Jli["gte: th~'~,t[getscape;-they shall, p.edesignif..d. tg,ge;i;'C"i';:::, (,~n<:" ,
' .. t.y;::.... . _" e' , •• :~~:'_1' ",_"",!~", 'r'" T,-' ".-<, ''"' Y'~,'_r'" ,. _;'; " , .• ,',' .~' .. ; ".-"':"'.,' ••. ,:'"' ''''')"1:.:, .• ,., ... "'''"':'-'",',' ~~ .;;' ........... : '. -< '~~~::',·oo~-'·.·~. , ":",:".11f~;" .. 'cof!1Pleipentary'l(!Iith,'a,djacent angJjg~tting.buildlngs;:TheY2half.be'stt~:d to cOmRlemf!nt,·i!Qt,g~~"':':y,:;:~,
;i.ubo;:d;~f;Je}p;ciesl;'ia:n~~Ht8f!~i ~iriiijd~fqLfjJs; ~:qtericiisFiiijd!or 'det~ii;'tb tfte }](ifiiiiiY.. buiiElin.g(5) shoJJ~ J
~ be.: used 1:.0_ e'l1htiJri~e gar&'ge~'};}ri:) ::!~~~~:'; :;}:{~: .. ~~; <~:~~/, '-r'f~:':;~ ~;~~~ 7: ;;': ,~_ . f~f? '~~;,j~;ii:; ~ :j'~~lZ/lf4~j :>~?-:i~<'-~£ .. ~~
Standard: Parking structures shall provide space for ground floor commercial uses along street
frontages at a minimum of seventy five percent (75%) of the building frontage width.
Staff Comment: The structured parking is primarily located below grade and all parking both open
and structured is generally shielded from view to the single family and multi-family residen~es
through a combination of building masses, elevation changes and landscape buffers and cannot be
seen from NE 48th St.
Standard: The entire facade must feature a pedestrian-oriented facade. The Administrator of the
Department of Community and Ecanomic Development may approve parking structures that do not
feature a pedestrian orientation in limited circumstances, If allowed, the structure shall be set back
at least six feet (6') from the sidewalk and feature substantial landscaping. This landscaping shall
include a combination of evergreen and deciduous trees, shrubs, and ground caver. This setback
shall be increased to ten feet (10') when abutting a primary arterial and/or minor arterial.
Staff Comment: The structure is setback 8 feet 7 inches from the right-of-way. Due to the natural
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City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development
Report of March 8, 2012
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
LUAll-069, SA-H, ECF
Page 13 of 29
elevation change across the arterial fa~ade of the building a portion of the commercial occupancy
fronting the ROW is partially below grade and the remaining is at or slightly above grade. Between
the building fa~ade and the proposed public sidewalk the applicant has proposed a mix of
landscaped areas, pedestrian plazas, and staircase entry elements which achieve a pedestrian
Standard: Public faCing facades shall be articulated by arches, lintels, masonry trim, or other
architectural elements and/or materials.
Staff Comment: The fa~ade along NE 48th St contains sidewalk awnings, storefront glazing, an arched
entryway into the interior of the site, and a trellis covered plaza.
Standard: The entry to the parking garage shall be located away from the primary street, to either
the side or rear of the building.
Staff Comment: The entry to the parking structure is located on the western facing facade.
Standard: Parking garages at grade shall include screening or be enclosed from view with treatment
such as walls, decorative grilles, trellis with landscaping, or a combination of treatments.
Staff Comment: The western portion of the structured parking garage is visible from the interior of
the site .. The applicant is proposing an large focal entry point mid-building braking the plan of the
structured parking. Additionally, the applicant is proposing variety of surface colors, covered
walkways and material changes for a variety and texture.
Standard: The Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development or
designee may allow a reduced setback where the applicant con successfully demonstrate that the
landscaped area and/or other design treatment meets the i~tent of these standards and guidelines.
Possible treatments to reduce the setback include !andscoping components plus one or more of the
following integrated with the architectural design of the building:
(a) Ornamental grillwork (other than vertical bars);
(b) Decorative artwork;
(c) Display windows;
(d) Brick, tile, or stone;
(e) Pre-cost decorative panels;
(f) Vine-covered trellis;
(g) Raised landscaping beds with decorative materials; or
(h)Other treatments that meet the intent of this standard.
Staff Comment: Not applicable.
3: y~h;~uiai)i"i:"'ce~~:". ,:;",~;'~:"::~z, ',:" '~~'.:~:"c;'::~;:'):;;:2,\~~~;;'..,'l~~t.::}, ~/:;_: -.,
: Intent:iJ:o;malntdin a contiguouspnd'unintgrrupted sideW,iJ/k.by miiiimizing; consolidating, and/,or'" ,
elitilin'atiJg~~ehicular ai:c~ss off 'streets,: : ,~, •• ':, :;.~ ,', <':2--'.;:'< ,'-~;f,"'~ie:~' .' ':':, 'r;~" '~,'->;, ",'
Gu;d~lines:'Veh/cular access ,to pdrkinggarages andpa[kibg'lots,~hail,nori';'pede 'at in'fe:'i:iJPtp-ed~stricin:
"in'obilitiThe ,",pacts, oj cLirbcutS' to '{iedestrib;(cicc"es;};6:'side«idik;jhoilb~ mini~/zei;,:' 7'~< -," ,'"
Standard: Access to parking lots and garages shall be fram alleys, when available. If not available,
access shall occur at side streets.
Staff Comment: The site has one public street frontage, NE 48th St, which is an arterial. Therefore,
access is required to be obtained via the arterial street.
Standard: The number of driveways and curb cuts shall be minimized, so that pedestrian circulation
along the sidewalk is minimally impeded.
Staff Comment: The applicant is proposing two curb cuts in order to provide the loop drive required
for fire/emergency access. Therefore, consolidation of the two curbs cuts would not be possible for
the proposed development.
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City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
LUAll-069, SA-H, ECF
Report of March 8, 2012 Page 14 of 29
t:aL~Gftl3.ff~&!:!t!!:j5~¥~~9fl!l!~~t~~~> ,; ~·;,·::~<';J;~:~',::~·::.~"~;,:~Z~(; ~;~~:~{ :~t,S~·~,·~·;'. '~/1;', ~~~.r0·: .,::~ ~~~" ~~;:~~~~,~~~;:;_-' ",;~;~~:--,Z:; -~, ·1!!.{!!!!.t'iJ:():e!!l}afl~e tiJ..e.!frb"91!. .cha[gc!i;!r;o/'c;LeyeJop!.(iept ifJ:the !!rb.aiJj~f;flter;pni:!t/1g .. (e]ite"!;YilJage qy,_<"" ~ft~9Hh"g]i~~fMg$~t~i)[k~·bM;~fR~Q~ifi;.C~~~~f!i~,:~dftJ{~iP~:s.tie~·f~;~ri#:n;:i~:~lOl!i/g~~9:1nti~?ides~;.
'~rrtiJ47;lt;;~;8!C.~I!~f[l?gice1l},JP?~~~{!~sJa~$y.ppc!}f!lf?~~.~°r.Y;?!f:~ti}:grr.:!W!.qljl~j£?dEJea~g[l~,~e:If!~(~ .. ;~'" . i,;;;. ·/jetw!'l!fJ;/j!,~/nf?s~e~ul!1'~.dei'l!,alks{ta amf f(9m (]£cess 'ffoLnts>apd:througl!. parking lots;; atld.jJf..omOt~ thg .~::t.~.,. .:",;;' __ ' "" ;.e ..... ,~.--' ,.,,-.,,:, ",-:.-'" •. ",'--.... ,. ,.;If ~'''~C~ ~ ___ ~"." ."":""'. > _ '0.:>, ,'_" "1" ...... _ '_"~ • .,... • _ , -.; . """-.,' c.; •• ~"* -;.tJs.e:9J:i:njlti'fhocJg/~a.fii(piJ/jlid1f.a.nspprta.ti6h1.~ys.t!!f!l.s.ifl gi;iI.~r..:to r..e}J(J~ii:oth~H"eff1C~/iii.tr.affi'c. ';": .i::·._:~
.3:" l?e.~~t.t~L~_~, 9!f-~t~:~!~:!i{:i~~~f, ;::~. < .i;;~,r::t ~': ': ::J-;:f.i~}~~~;~;;: J ~,tL". ~~;I,·_:·~,t,~'~~.",': ;'A~2~ ¥:, !. ,:~-,;!~;t::t, .~-,~'."~; :,;~ft~j~,~~,:' ~::~.r.,-;~~:;.,,:·~:, ~1;
Inte.rEt: T((i:tecife.a:n~twcii~ 0flirif(age~f6r.jJedi{s.ti'iiins tdiihpio:i¢ saff!tY§rja. cory~enie.rii:e ai1C(enh[i(ice ~>'
',. ":: •. ~0.·' ~ ""."i''', :"'-,.;;::-i.;.. ',' •• " :" .c-~~~ iJ;~:.:\.·_"."-'<·' ": ",.< ::',~ '~::':.:' ,,",. ;-: .'::' :£":-;:' ~7:'_ ., ,,-.. -~ ',,<-• _,i-:.--r--.. ;.~. _ ... :;:';'.:~." _~ :: .. -, areas.'WrOVlQmg.pedestnan connectIOns to'abuttmg:propertles IS an. Important. aspect of connectivity and,.
'~';,c~ur~ge~pe(je~tii;;, >actitity" and slidit. b~i';;';,sider~d.}cith~~ys, skalitbe easiiyid~~t;fiaiJi~' toc.e .' :". ,.: '('
:p~de~'tiia~r}j~'cj' d;.jt~f;~~-t:·'~\':·tl!~i~l?~ ';::':f-i:g~ ::~:?~ ~:,f~~~l~~~,'l f:t~:~;~~< ;'@ttit,~:';~?~~1,~tF~; ";yi{;~P~~;~! :::-~; ~:~~~t:·~~ ;~~, ... '-I.~.~~~
Standard: A pedestrian circulation system of pathways that are clearly delineated and connect
buildings, open space, and parking areas with the sidew~/k system and abutting properties shall be
(a) Pathways shall be located so that there are clear sight lines, to increase safety.
(b) Pathways shall be an all-weather or permeable walking sur/ace, unless the applicant can
demonstrate that the proposed sur/ace is appropriate for the anticipated number of users and
complementary to the design of the development.
Staff Comment: The applicant has proposed a network of pedestrian pathways and plazas which
connect buildings and parking areas. A 5,000 square foot pedestrian plaza along NE 48'h St which
then transitions into a walkway that stretches the length of site to the south. Another pedestrian
plaza, approximately 2,000 square feet in size, is proposed at the entrance along the extended
walkway which travels from the entrance of the site to the south. An additional pedestrian plaza is
located south of the primary mixed use structure, offering views to the west, which would contain
pedestrian seating and trellises.
Standard: Pathways within parking areas shall be pravided and differentiated by material ar texture
(i.e., raised walkway, stamped concrete, or pavers) from abutting paving materials. Permeable
materials are encouraged. The pathways shall be perpendicular to the applicable building facade
and no greater than one hundred fifty feet (150') apart. .
Staff Comment: The primary pedestrian pathway incorporates plazas, street furniture, raised
landscaping beds, and street trees would be of a scored concrete to differentiate its surface from
the adjoining asphalt parking surfaces and the concrete patterning in the right-of-way.
Standard: Sidewalks and pathways along the facades of buildings shall be of sufficient width to
accommodate anticipated numbers of users. Specifically:
(a) Sidewalks and pathways along the facades of mixed use and retail buildings 100 or more feet
in width (measured along the facade) shall provide sidewalks at least 12 feet in width. The
walkway shall include an 8 foot minimum unobstructed walking sur/ace.
(b) Interior pathways shall be provided and shall vary in width to establish a hierarchy. The widths
shall be based on the intended number of users; to be no smaller than five feet (5') and no greater
than twelve feet (12').
(c) For all other interior pathways, the proposed walkway shall be of sufficient width to
accommodate the anticipated number of users.
Staff Comment: The public sidewalk adjacent to the mixed use building is less than 100 feet in
length. However, for that portion of the frontage sidewalk that adjoins the proposed commercial
spaces the width is over 14 feet (6 feet of public sidewalk and 8-feet-7-inches of on-site pedestrian
sidewalk). In addition, the primary interior walkway, which extends the length of the mixed use
building (north to south), averages over 12 feet in width with a minimum width of 8 feet at the
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City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
LUAll-069, SA-H, EeF
Report of March 8, 2012 Page 15 of 29
raised planters.
Standard: Mid-block connections between buildings shall be provided.
Staff Comment: No applicable.
coinfOrtab/~!or pedestrians;.and proyide:p-ublicly accessible arean~atfurir;}:!anfor q va;;etypfdctivities,'.c
at.all tiines'o! the year;,,2ind under. typfcal,seasona/:weather canditians.-,,,, ;<Y _', \ ,;::;' ':", ~',';,' .:.:
;,,'·"-;:"t:.,,-..:1''::_ .. ·..:-.''-,,--,;-:-...... '''~_.~ '-""," -"._,":" ~.-"' ._ ._:., .,l:. .. "_'~" :."-,:";-..-.' " •• ,"~" ,~),.~<~-4'-~" ,~,,~. ,.·_<&.t ... ::-· .. • _~< ",c.;,,~, .,' ",,'!i'
'Guidelities:,' Th-epidestrian.enviiijiiriien fshi:JII.be"given priority and, ifnportance:inthe.'ditsign of projects. :::
'A!neriiiifftlf;;'tefic~~iag~iif/de'striim·[jff~;,d erihar,'ceth~~~d~st~T;h'exp;;rteri~~·shali'b'e int/Jde''d.';' 'c
Standard: Architecturol elements that incorporate plants, particularly at building entronces, in
publicly accessible spaces and at facades along streets, shall be provided. ,
Staff Comment, The NE 48th ST frontage includes elements of patterned concrete, raised landscape
beds, street furniture, plazas and pathway coverings. I
Standard: Amenities such as outdoor group seating, benches, tronsit shelters, fountains, and public
art shall be provided. "', :
(a) Site furniture shall be made of durable, vandal-and weather-resistant materials thafdo not
retain rainwater and can be reasonably maintained over an extended period of time. '
(b) Site furniture and amenities shall not impede or block pedestrian access to public spaces or .
building entrances. :
Staff Comment: See discussion above.
Standard: Pedestrian overhead weather protection in the form of awnings, marquees, canopies, or
building overhangs shall be provided. These elements shall be a minimum of 4.5 feet wide along at
least seventy 75 percent of the length of the building facade facing the street, a maximum height of
15 feet above the ground elevation; and no lower than 8jeet above ground level, '
Staff Comment: See discussion above . "
Intent: Ta ensure that areas iOr bath passive and activt?recreation are available ta residents, worJiers,
and visitars and that these areas are of sufficient size for t1!e intimcied activity and in: convenient
locations, To create usable and inviting open, space that is accessible'to the public; and to pramote
• • -. ,'. • " • j-, r -." ,. ,. ,-," .' ,
'pedestrian activity on streets particularly at street cornets. " '
: Guidelines: Developments located at street intersections should provide pedestrian-oriented sp-oce at the,
sfreet cor~er to emphasize pedestrian activity (illustration be(ow). Recreatioii and common ppen space
, (mias are iiitegral aspects of quality deveiopmerit t6iJt encourage pedestrians and users. These areas "
shall be provided in on amount that is adequa'te to be functional and usable; they shall also be' ,
'. " .
'landscaped and located so that they are appealing to users, andpede,strians
. " Standard: All mixed use residential and attached housing developments often (10) or more dwelli~g
units shall provide common opens -space and/or recreation areas. • ' \
Staff Comment: Based on the proposed 230"apartment units the applicant is required to provide a
total of 11,500' square feet of common space/recreation space. The site plan depicts a' total of .
13,516 square feet of proposed common/recreation space distributed around the site.
'Standard: Amount of common space or recreation area to be provided: at minimum fifty (50) square
feet per unit. '
Staff Comment: See discussion above.' .. :
Standard: The location; layout, and proposed type of common space or recreation area shall be
subject to approval by the Administrator of the Department of Comm'unity and' Econo/nic
Development or designee.
Staff'Comment: The common areas have been distributed in a thoughtful way. The applicant has
proposed a combination of pedestrian plazas, pedestrian corridors, roof-top plazas, and interior
common recreation areas whicti are of sufficient size and in functional opportune locations,
Standard: At least one of the fallowing' shall be provided in each oiJfin space and/or recreation area
Hex Report. doc
City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
'WAll~069; SA-H; EeF
Reportof March 8, 2012 • Page 16 of 29
(the Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development or designee may
require more than one of the following elements for developments having more than one hundred
(100) u~its):, _ _ _ "
(a) Courtyards, plazas, or multi-purpose open spaces; -,
(b) Upper level common decks, patios, terraces, or raof gardens/pea-patches, Such spaces above
the street level must feature views or amenities that are unique to the site and are provided
as an asset to the development; . , '" ,,:"
(c) Pedestrian corridors dedicated to passive recreation and separate from the public street: "
(d) Recreation facilities including, but not limited to, tennis/sports courts, swimming pools,
exercise areas, game rooms, or other similar facilities; or'" "
(e) Children's play spaces that are centrally located near a majority of dwelling units.and visible
from surrounding units. They shall also be located away from hazardous areas such as
garbage dumpsters, drainage facilities, and parking areas, "
Staff Comment: See discussion above.
Standard: The following shall not be counted toward the common,apen space or recreation area,
(a) Required landscaping, driveways, parking, or other vehicular use areas;
(b) Required yard setback areas. Except for areas that are developed as private or semi-private
(from abutting or adjacent properties) courtyards, plazas or. passive use areas containing
landscaping and fencing sufficient to create a fully usable area accessible to all residents of
. the development;
(c) Private decks, balconies, and private ground floor open space; and,
(d) Other required landscaping and sensitive area buffers without common access links, such as
pedestrian trails. -
" , . "Staff Comment:'illomi of above mentioned areas were:include'd in ttie com'mon space dilculation:
'.' Standard: All buildings and developments with over ,thirty, thousand., (30,000) square feet, of
~onresidential uses .(excludes parking garage' floorplate areasj s~all provide pedestrian-o;;e~'ted . . '., -. '., ..
. ' space. ." ...... ., .. ,'. 't~ '1 ", :
Staff Comment: Not applicable to the proppsal. "" ,.. . "
Standard: All buildings and developments with over thirty thousand (30,000) square feet' of
nonresidential uses (excludes parkilJg garage floorplate 'areas) shall Rrovid,e. pedestri~n-orie.n:ed
~ space.-.,'" " ", " "", l1' " ~
Standard: The pedestrian-oriented space for,buildings and developments with over thirty thousand
" , " . " ,-. \
(30,000) square feet of nonresidential uses shall include,all of the foJlowing: :'"" ,
(a) Visual and pedestrian access (including barrier-free access) to the abutting structuresfrom'.
the public right-of-way or a non vehicular ~ourtyard; and
(b) . Paved walking su,rfaces of either concrete or approved unit paving; and
(c) On-site or building-mounted lighting providing at leastfour (4) foot-candles (averoge) on the
graund; and, I ,
(d). At least three (3) lineal feet of.. seating area (bench, ledge, etc;:.) or one individual seat per sixty
(60) square feet of plaza area or open space, r
Staff Comment: Not applicable to the proposal. {
Standard: The following areas shall not count as pedestrian-oriented space for buildings and
developments with over thirty thousand (30,000) square feet of nonresidential uses:
(a) The minimum required walkway. However, where walkways are widened or enhanced
beyond minimum requirements, the area may count as pedestrian-oriented space if the
Administratar of the Department of Cpmmunity and Economic Development or designee
determines such space meets the definition of pedestrian-oriented space,
(b) Areas that abut landscaped parking lats, chain link fences, blank walls, and/ar dumpsters or
Hex Report. doc
City of Renton Deportment of Community & Economic Development
KENNYDALEAPARTMENT5 ~F----------------------------
Report of March 8, 2012
service areas.
Staff Comment: Not applicable to the proposal.
Heoring Exominer Recommendation
WAll-069, SA-H, ECF
Page 17 of 29
Standard: Outdoor storage (shopping carts, potting soil bags, firewood, etc.) is prohibited within
pedestrian-oriented space.
Staff Comment: Not applicable to the proposal.
'i/:'BiJILDiNCi'p,ifcHITECT;URAt DESIGN:'" "":, ,'>/' .,' , -, ,. ',~ \,' ," '~~> .' ,
: iilte;;t:' f6~~couroge'b;;iiiiiiig design 'tfj'at is' uri/que dnd ~ibori ifl'char6cter, comfortdb/~'bn diiiJI;';Em:: '
5c'ale"6hduses,;'~pr'op}iai:ebLiilding :;na't~riais iliat' afeJUit'ahie!orthe Pac;fth~orthw~~tcliina;e: rd'.' • ", -_,'",.:~.;".,' ".' " ,',~:.--':>', . '-_ c ' •. " "," -.", .• ',>,-~_,: "",,---... ;..;'.,~ .' ,"","":'
;ciiscou'rage!rimchise'refiIil architecture.,.:": .. : "";,::,,, ",' •. ;" ' , ,~~ _ ~". :.,: ~: T:~i.
:fhaf1i:illrsjde5'6J.atJtiil(jjii"'i;th&fcan,·iJiL5eeltb'~tHe·uBiir!::iJfevistji:ij/~Jiiiteresttn,~:C};i.;;~;';<;'';l'l,'i''i~7,::f'~~~';::' illi.~111l11~.f'jJ
Standard: All building facades shall include modulation or articulation at intervals of no more than
forty feet (40').
Staff Comment: The fa~ades are articulated at a tighter pattern than the 40-foot requirement with
the use of balconies and bay windows. The proposed mixed use building is 'stepped' mid-building
and terraced at the north and south ends of the structure breaking down the rectangular mass.
Additional modulation is achieved through varying the forms with gabled accents, cylindrical turrets
and cornice expressions (Exhibit 4).
Standard: Modulatians shall be a minimum of two feet (2') {Jeep, sixteen feet (16') in height, and
eight feet (8') in width.
Staff Comment: The unit terraces exceed this requirement.
Standard: Buildings greater than one hundred sixty feet (160') in length shall provide a variety of
modulations and articulations to reduce the apparent bulk rmd scale of the facade (illustration in
District B, below); or provide an additional special feature such as a clock tower, courtyard, fountain,
or public gathering area.
Staff Comment: See discussion above,
:~f~~12~~~~¥~~~~~:J;i~r:{~~~\~~t~'~-~~~~t:'j~:;~:;~( ~'·~,~(~1~;f~~t·?i~~~~~i·~~f!~t~~~~1~)r~1~j~~~~~~~. c'/r~~~~;E?,,~~~~~ttJ.~f]';IJ!~:[iJlng~:c!'!;5.iK!,sygllywe;:~~f!?g;~I~q;r,,~JP~c:rc~,::J,~~;k~t'f?,g~qi!'.u[".PJ11sE5'!'i;f~a[CJ;tm
:0'. 't/{iii7iaestriartef1vironmeiit;7iiiii'eiisui-e'tliaCcill'sides;Co!;'i'i: buildiri'Wifhiii:neci.r:.'()r:.'i:Jist7i1itl"~[jblic;view ~~l;f:.ltl.iiltilia_ ~~ifl&~&:ul[j,;Jt;;?JjW~Liff,g}'~'Jtfddi'f)~~rHai1§,:;t~Hffff~Ja't§fi'~fit~'(j6'6FsYlfifa7c3t'or'n:zrr1i~tb/~cll'G'htrA'§:
Standard: Human-scaled elements such as a lighting fixture, trellis, or other landscape feature shall
be provided along the facade's ground floor.
Staff Comment: The applicant has proposed street furniture, trellises, raised plants, landscaping and
patterned concrete surfaces in order to ensure a human-scale character.
Standard: On any facade visible to the public, transparent windows and/or doors are required to
comprise at least 50 percent of the portion of the ground floor facade that is between 4 feet and 8
feet above ground (as measured on the true elevation).
Staff Comment: More than 50% of the portion of the' ground floor fa~ade has transparent glazing.
Standard: Upper portions of building facades shall have clear windows with visibility into and out of
the building. However, screening may' be applied to provide shade and energy efficiency. The
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City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development
'LI __________________________ ___
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
LUAll-D69, SA-H, ECF
Report of March 8, 2012 /" Page 18 of 29
minimum amount of light transmittance for Windows shall be 50 percent.
Staff Comment: Windows located on the upper portions of the mixed use building facades have
clear windows.
Standard: Display windows shall be designed for frequent change of merchandise, rother than
perma.nent displays.
Staff Comment: No display windows are proposed.
Standard: Where windows or storefronts occur, they must principally contain cfear glazing.
Staff Comment: Storefront windows for retail have clear glazing.
Standard: Tinted and dark glass, highly reflective (mirrar-type) glass and film are prahibited.
Staff Comment: No tinted or dark glass is proposed.
Standard: Untreated blank walls viSible from public streets, sidewalks, or interior pedestrian
pathways are prohibited. A wall (incfuding building facades and retaining walls) is considered a
blank wall if:
(a) It is a ground floor wall or portion af a ground floor wall over 6 feetin height, has a horizontal
length greater than 15 feet), and does not incfude a window, door, building modulation or other
architectural detailing; or
(e) Any portion of a ground floor wall has a surface area of 400 square feet or greater and does
not incfude a window, door, building modulation or other architectural detailing.
Staff Comment: There are no untreated black walls visible from the public.
Standard: If blank walls are required or unavoidable, blank walls shall be treated with one or more
of the following:
(a) A planting bed at least five feet in width containing trees, shrubs, evergreen ground cover, or
vines adjacent to the blank wall;
(b) Trellis or other vine supports with evergreen climbing vines;
(c) Architectural detailing such as reveals, cantrasting materials, or other special detailing that
meets the intent of this standard;
(d) ArtWork, such as bas-relief sculpture; mural, or similar; or
(e) Seating area with special paving and seasonal planting.
Staff Comment: Not applicable
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GiJidlJines:' iiuilditi'ifrooDiriil~'~~iili't}~:.itDried. and:inCiudi'a;'diiiect~i''titeMifients'to 'ada"~i5"uartniere'St·to·
','1:/';': t;~iiildjnf/\,.'· ':;;~ "> :~~"' ~";;~.~{>~.f.,,:-~,::.~:--~:{: ,-~ _~~~~l;j::;_ ::;:_::~~',~ \-'~~, :fir ~~~:t ;~-,~~~·:~~t!~::~< ··,·····.;:~,,~~'~'·.~;~~;~~~¥k :,,~ ~ -~ .. '.
Standard: Buildings shall use at least one of the following elements to create varied and interesting
roof profiles:
(a) €xtended parapets;
(b) Feature elements projecting above parapets;
(c) Projected cornices; -
(d) Pitched ar sloped roofs .
(e) Buildings containing predominantly residential uses shall have pitched roofs with a minimum
slope of one ta four (1:4) and shall have dormers or interesting roof forms that break up the
massiveness of an uninterrupted sloping roof .
Staff Comment: The applicant has proposed a variety of articulating roof elements that include
gabled forms, clerestories, cylinders, and cornices.
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City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development
Hearing Exqminer Recommendation
LUAll-069, SA-H, ECF
Report of March 8, 2012 Page 19 of 29
::ihcir;r;,?Tiiraetfve:.'iihcpoj,?fjjgh7IlirilitY. :rvfatifia7 'variai;ojji~hall 'be' I:Jsed;o tocreai~'t~isual ~ appiiliT 'arid'
'~/i;nif{iJt~~-:;;'6noti/Ay~6/ j6coc{es( i:ffg: ~holl'bi:cur' 6~', 'oil :fac~des'in 'ct" tonsistent' ;nan~er:; High' qua;itY
;';'at~rici({sjiall/je .used.'ij~materibls)ike· cdii'Cfet~;;,r. block;w'dits are ti;~d they :Sfjalll:£~rih'(1iiced to cr~at~
~~iJl:iatj3~ihiui~~~~aJiri~'th~~\iis&~1j?pp~.ql;r:,:,~~~<: ~:;~-.~.:, N~:"";i~}:\::~~:~:~'~~:~';~;[~;:~~ :·~f.f~r~: :":-: ',~·~:~~h;:~t~?~',~ '-~ .. ~:·~;~~f~10r .: ~ ~.,
Standard: All sides of buildings visible from a street, pathway, parking area, or open space shall be
finished an all sides with the same building materials, detailing, and calor scheme, or if different,
with materials of the same quality.
Staff Comment: It appears the proposal would use high quality building materials. However the
color palette proposed does the transition very well into the surround natural environment and may
therefore draw attention to the scale. In order to ensure that quality materials are used staff
recommends the applicant submit a materials board subject to the approval of the Current Planning
Project Manager prior to building permit approval. The color scheme shall incorporate colors of the
natural landscape,
Standard: All buildings shall use'material variations such as colors, brick or metal banding, patterns
, or textural changes.
Staff Comment: See comments above. "
Standard: Materials shall be durable, high quality, and consistent with more traditional urban
development, such as brick, integrally colored concrete masonry, pre-finished metal, stone, steel,
glass and cast-in-place concrete.
Staff Comment: See Condition above,
Stanqard: If concrete is used, walls shall be enhanced by techniques such as texturing, reveals,
and/or coloring with a concrete coating or admixture.
Staff Comment: See comments above.
Standard: If concrete block walls are used, they shall be enhanced with integral color, textured
blocks and colored mortar, decorative bond pattern and/or shall incorporate other masonry
Stott. Comment: See comments above,
Standard: All buildings shall use material variations such as colors, brick or metal banding, patterns,
or textural changes. '.
,Staff,Comment: See comments above.
Intent: To provide a means ofJdentifying and advertising businesses; provide directional assistance;
encourage signs that are both clear and of appropriate scale for the project; encourage quality signage
that contributes to the character of the Urban Center and the Center Vii/age; and create color and
Guidelines: Front~lit, ground-mounted monument signs are the preferred type of freestanding sign. Blade
type signs, proportional to the building facade on which they are mounted, are encouraged on
pedestrian-oriented streets. Alteration of trademarks notwithstanding, corporate signage should not be
garish in color nor overly lit, although creative deSign, strong accent colors, and interesting sUrface
materials and lighting techniques are encouraged.
Standard: Sign age shall b.e an integral part of the design approach to the building.
Staff Comment: Signage is not an integral part of the proposed development as the small
commercial component is speculative. Sign age permits would be applied for under a separate
permit at the time of occupancy.
Standard: Entry signs shall be limited to the name of the larger development.
Staff Comment: See discussion above,
Standard: Corporate logos and signs shall be sized appropriately for their location.
Staff Comment: See discussion above.
Standard: In mixed use and multi-use buildings, signage shall be coordinated with the overall
building design. See discussion above, .
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City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development
Report of March 8, 2012
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
LUAll-069, SA-H, ECF
Page 20 of 29
Standard: Freestanding ground-related manument signs, with the exception of primary entry signs,
shall be limited to five feet abave finished grade, including support structure. All such signs shall
include decorative landscaping (ground cover and/or shrubs) to provide seasonal interest in the area
surrounding the sign. Alternately, signage may incorporate stone, brick, or other decorative
materials as approved by the Director.
Staff C! See discussion above.
Standard: All of the following are prohibited:
(a) Pole signs;
(b) Raof signs; ,
(c) Back-lit signs with letters or graphics on a plastic sheet (can signs or illuminated cabinet signs).
Exceptions: Back-lit logo signs less than ten (10) square feet are permitted as are signs with only
the individual letters back-lit.
Sta See discussion above.
Standard: Pedestrian-scole lighting shall.be provided at primary and secondary building entrances.
Examples include sconces on building facades, awnings with down-lighting and decorative street
Staff Comment: A lighting plan was not provided with the project materials. Staff recommended, as
a condition of approval, the applicant be required to provide a lighting plan that adequately
provides for public safety without casting excessive glare on adjacent properties at the time. of
building permit review. Pedestrian scale and downlighting shall be used in all cases to assure safe
pedestrian and vehicular movement, unless alternative pedestrian scale lighting has been approved
administratively or is specifically listed as exempt from provisions located in RMC 4-4-075 Lighting,
Exterior On-Site. The lighting plan shall also include accent lighting on building facades and to
illuminate key elements of the project. The .lighting shall be submitted to, and approved by, the
Current Planning , ••. . prior to building permit -,
Standard: Accent lighting shall also be provided on building facades (such as sconces) and/or to
illuminate other key elements of the site such as gateways, specimen trees, other significant
landscaping; water features, and/or artwork.
St~.ff See Condition above.
Standard: Downlighting shall be used in all cases to assure safe pedestrian ond vehicular movement,
unless alternative pedestrian scale lighting has been approved administratively ar is specifically
listed as exempt from provisions located in RMC 4-4-075, Lighting, Exterior On'Site (i.e., signage,
governmental flags, temporary holiday or decorative lighting, right-of-way-lighting, etc.).
Staff COl • See Condition above.
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Structures: Restricting overscale structures and overconcentration of development on a particular
portion of the site.
While the proposed mixed-use structure is concentrated in one area, the central port'ion of the site,
the scale and bulk would be reduced as viewed from neighboring properties due to the increase in
the setbacks with the of those to the north. However, the mixed use ctroort",,,
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City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development
Report of March 8, 2012
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
WAll-069, SA-H, ECF
Page 21 of 29
along NE 4Sth St, steps back in two terraces which serves to diminish the apparent bulk and massing
of the structure. The applicant is also proposing storefront glazing, covering canopies, raised
landscaped beds and street furniture which enhance the pedestrian experience.
Circulation: Providing desirable transitions and linkages between uses, streets, walkways and
adjacent properties.
The applicant has proposed a 5,000 square foot pedestrian plaza along· NE 4Sth St which then
transitions into a walkway that stretches the length of site to the south. Another pedestrian plaza,
approximately 2,000 square feet in size, is proposed at the entrance along the extended walkway
which travels from the entrance of the site to the south. An additional pedestrian plaza is located
south of the primary mixed use structure, offering views to the west, which would contain pedestrian
seating and trellises. This pathway is landscaped, interminably covered by· the articulating forms of
the structure above and reinforced with street furniture, textural building finish elements.
Laading and Storage Areas: Locating, designing and screening storage areas, utilities, rooftop
equipment, loading are"o~, and refuse and recyCiables to minimize views from surrounding praperties.
Landscaping has been thoughtfully incorporated into the site plan in order to screen parking areas
(Exhibit 3). Also see Refuse and Recyclables discussion under Findings Sections ls.b.
Views: Recognizing the public benefit and desirability of maintaining visual accessibility to attractive
natural features.
Development of the site raises several issues to be considered related to aesthetics, including
building siting on the property, building massing and architecture, shadows, landscaping, and altered
and/or obstruction of views to and from the project.
The primary structure is proposed to be sited in the center of the site with an approximate SO-foot
natural and mature vegetated buffer to be retained along the eastern buffer, exceeding the IS-foot
setback requirement by 65 feet. In addition to the preservation of the natural buffer the SO-foot set
aside allows the building to be sited further down the slope. The placement of the building at the
lower elevati~n in effect would ·cause roof elevations, of the proposed structure, to be below the
primary floor elevations of the residential structures along the easterly property line; minimizing
potential view obstructions.
The primary residential building would be visible from off-site areas, and would be prominent on the
site due to its height and bulk. It is anticipated that the building would only be visible from the City
of Newcastle from higher elevations to the east in large part due to the retention of existing
vegetation, which would provide a visual buffer of the eastern fa~ade of the structure.
The second, one-story hobby/incubator building would not be within view from off-site areas to the
east or west because of the existing structures to the west and proposed mixed use building to the
Measures proposed to reduce or control aesthetic impacts of the project include architectural design
treatments intended to diminish the bulk of the structure, including roofline treatments, window
detailing, and exterior finishes and colors .. The structure is separated into two six story apartment
"blocks" linked by a smaller three story apartment "band".
An assessment of potential qbstruction of views was initiated by the project proponent (Exhibit S).
View impacts were evaluated from off-site areas; specifically west.side of SE 76 th St upslope from the
site which contains 8 single family residences. Views of Lake Washington are limited at this location
due to existing vegetation which would be retained.
In addition to the siting of the structure the architect has designed the building in a way that provides
view corridors with portions of the building having a height well beneath the 60-foot height
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Hearing Examiner Recommendation
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allowance. The decks of the eight existing homes are above the highest structural element of the
proposed structure.
Landscaping: Using landscaping to provide transitions between development and surrounding
properties to reduce noise and glare, maintain privacy, and generally enhance the appearance of the
See Landscaping discussion under Findings Section 14.b.
Lighting: Designing and/or placing exterior lighting and glazing in order to avoid excessive brightness
or glare to adjacent properties and streets
As stated above a lighting plan was not provided with the project materials. Staff recommended, as a
condition of approval, the applicant be required to provide a lighting plan that adequately provides
for public safety without casting excessive glare on adjacent properties at the time of building permit
review. Pedestrian scale and downlightihg shall be used in all cases to assure safe pedestrian and
vehicular movement, unless alternative pedestrian scale lighting has been approved administratively . . .
or is specifically listed as exempt from provisions located in RMC 4-4-075 Lighting, Exterior On-Site.
The lighting plan shall also include accent lightfng on building facades and to illuminate key elements
of the project.
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Structure Placement: Provisions for privacy and noise reduction by building placement, spacing and
The primary mixed use structure would be located at the centra! eastern portion of the project site
and is oriented to the west in order to maximize views of Lake Washington. The secondary structure,
hobby/incubator building, is stepped the grade on western portion of the site. A basement level
parking garage and an additional partial sub-basement parking floor containing a total of 263
structured parking stalls is located under"the primary building.
The applicant is proposing a 129 surface parking stalls of which 16 parallel stalls would be located to
the east of the mixed use structure and 109 stalls to the west of the mixed use structure. The
proposed hobby/incubator building would be located beneath surface parking stalls west of the
mixed use building.
The mature vegetation to the east of the mixed use structure would provide privacy for the east~rn
faCing units and provide a noise buffer between the proposed use and established single family use
to the east.
Structure Scale: Consideration of the scale of proposed structures in relation to natural
characteristics, views and vistas, site amenities, sunlight, prevailing winds, and pedestrian and vehicle
The eastern setback leaves a largely undisturbed heavily vegetated buffer that exists today. The
structures closest proximity to adjoining property lines is along the northern right-of-way frontage
which will serve to enhance the buildings commercial visibility to the public right-of-way. The
commercial components of the main structure are in closest proximity to the right-of-way and the
apartment block steps back from the right-of-way in two terraces which serves to further diminish
the apparent bulk and massing of the structure.
The proposed building is designed appropriately to allow adequate light and air circulation to the
buildings and the site. The design of the structures would not result in excessive shading of the
Natural Features: Protection of the natural landscape by retaining existing vegetation and soils, using
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Hearing Examiner Recommendation
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topography to reduce undue cutting and fiffing, and limiting impervious sUrfaces.
The site contains 135 trees, within the building envelope (does not contain the eastern 86 feet) of
which 124 are proposed for removal. The 9 retained trees are located along the southern border.
Renton Municipal Code requires that 5 percent of the trees on site be retained. Of the 135 trees, 7
trees are required to be retained at the 5 percent retention rate. As proposed the applicant would
comply with the tree retention requirements of the code. The applicant will be required to comply
with protection measures for retained trees as set forth in RMC 4-4-130H8 during construction.
Topographically, the site has a gradual average upward slope of 30 percent from west to east across
the length of the property. There are areas of 40 percent slopes on site, with a rise of more than 15
vertical feet, which are not proposed to be impacted by the proposal.
Most of the critical slopes are located within the 56-foot vegetated buffer on the eastern portion of
the site. The applicant is however proposing to impact one 40 percent slope that has a vertical rise of
7 feet. However, a critical variance is not needed as the slope is not considered critical because it has
a vertical rise of less than 15 feet.
The applicant is proposing the excavation of approximately 39,500 cubic yards of on-site material
that would be removed from the site. Approximately, 13,000 cubic yards of structural fill would be
imported to the site. Following construction the site would have an impervious surface cover of
approximately 68%.
Additionally, per the Geotechnical report by GEO Group NW, onsite soils are unstable with the upper
10-15 feet of the soil weathered and fractured with clay soils subject to creep. There is concern
regarding the potential for instability if water seepage is allowed on the slope both during and after
construction. Under these conditions, the only BMP available to the project is the reduced
impervious surface BMP.
Landscaping: Use of landscaping to soften the appearance of parking areas, to provide shade and
privacy where needed, to define and enhance open spiICes, and general/ito enhance the appearance
of the praject. Landscaping also includes the design and protection of planting areas so that they ~re
less susceptible to damage from vehicles or pedestrian movements.
The landscaping is used to provide a transition between the proposed development and NE 48th 5t
The surface parking is located behind the building masses and due to the grade changes the parking
and from the frontage access into the site interior, the building placement along the ROW the open
parking will be largely invisible from the street and adjoining properties. However, landscaping has
also been incorporated into to the surface parking areas at 7-10 vehicle stall intervals. The
landscaping softens the appearance of the parking areas and generally enhances the appearance of
the project.
, "
.-.'>. 'g, ACCESS: ... -.' .
Location and Consolidation: Providing access points on side streets or frontage streets rather than
directly onto arterial streets and consolidation of ingress and egress points on the site, and, when
feasible, with adjacent properties. ,
The site has one public street frontage, NE 48th 5t, which is an arterial. Therefore, access is required
to be obtained via the arterial street. The applicant is proposing two curb cuts in order to provide
the loop drive required for fire/emergency access. Therefore, consolidation of the two curbs cuts
would not be possible for the proposed development.
Internal Circulation: Pramoting safety and efficiency of the internal circulation system, including the
location, design and dimensions of vehicular and pedestrian access points, drives, parking,
turnarounds, walkways, bikeways, and emergency access ways.
Hex Report. doc
City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development
Report of March 8, 2012
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
WAll-069, SA-H, EeF
Page 24 of 29
The proposed project would have direct access onto NE 4S th St via two new 3D-foot wide curb cuts.
There is two-way circulation throughout the project site via an internal 24-foot wide drive aisle that
loops around the mixed use building. However, the eastern curb cut would be a right-in/right-out
access point. Additionally there is a two-way 24-foot drive aisle that branches off of the western
entrance used to access parking for the hobby/incubator building. Part of the 24-foot aisle width is a
4-foot wide pedestrian walkway surrounding the building that has no change in elevation but a
change in materials to differentiate the walkway.
In addition, pedestrian sidewalks along the new public right-of-way, as well as private pedestrian
connections at the perimeter of the property are proposed to provide safe and efficient pedestrian
access throughout the site and to other abutting sites. The proposed development is expected to
maintain the safety and efficiency of pedestrian and vehicle circulation on the site.
Loading and Delivery: Separating laading and delivery areas fram parking and pedestrian areas.
There are no dedicated loading or delivery areas proposed on site.
Transit and Bicycles: Providing transit, carpools and bicycle facilities and access.
Per RMC 4-4-080F.11 0.5 bicycle parking space is required per one dwelling unit and for all other uses
the number of bicycle parking spaces shall be 10% of the number af required off-street parking
spaces. The proposal contains 230 units therefore, 115 bicycle parking stalls shall be required for the
residential units. Based on the proposal which requires a minimum of 90 vehicle parking stalls for all
other uses on site, 9 additional bicycle parking stalls are required to be provided. The applicant has
proposed a total of 27 bicycle parking stalls on site which does not comply with the standards
outlined in RMC 4-4-0S0F.l1. Therefore staff recommends the applicant revise the site plan to
comply with the bicycle requirements outlined in RMC 4-4-0S0F.ll or request and have approved a
Parking Modification (as described in RMC 4-9-250) to modify the number of bicycle stalls required.
The Parking Modification or revised site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current
Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval.
Pedestrians: Praviding safe and attractive pedestrian connections between parking areas, buildings,
public sidewalks and adjacent praperties.
The applicant has proposed a network of pedestrian pathways and plazas which connect buildings
and parking areas. A 5,000 square foot pedestrian plaza along NE 4Sth St which then transitions into
a walkway that stretches the length of site to the south. Another pedestrian plaza, approximately
2,000 square feet in size, is proposed at the entrance along the extended walkway which travels from
the entrance of the site to the south. An additional pedestrian plaza is located south of the primary
mixed use structure, offering views to the west, which would contain pedestrian seating and trellises.
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i'gcie[i!lqte:~u:etinor pg~,~fli(9.QiJ ap:l.ve;!e,q~atiii¢jjxt.M,pc(fj$'ntS/~sers~t tlltl,-;{it",.::,f\ ":': . ~);: __ • :;;,~ ".-
,,'"' ' , '.,._' L" "'", ...' ,"~._." -,,,. • .. _-~" . " .... _., .-"_"", ,
rl;.yj{~S ~i¥D'rQjLlq ~ci:j}S:,it.fi:en· P.g~~-iJJl,i!i p..tCJvidin.~. vje'ii'cor'fid,o/s fo:?~ofWip_era1Jd Mt~:falrier';:i;ib,R .. ::1!!~Rr~'?ta~q~ pe~!!~'lf~fe~~,~'t? 5~?{~1i~~,~,~;:1 , ,-;;;';::" : <:t',:, ,)~~~J, .~" :~, .. :~~~ .. : ~1:;tJ-. ~:~:~:, ",:.~~: ,~.-,:~.~~ . .:.~.;.~;;~\~"
See View discussion above under Finding lS.e.
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City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
WAll-069, SA-H, ECF
Report of March 8, 2012 Page 25 of 29
The public access requirement is not applicable as the site is not adjacent to a shoreline.
j.' NATURAL" SYStEMS: ArraQging project eiements to protect existing natural systems where applicable.
, -, '. ' • I " . "" "" -.".
The primary structure is proposed to be sited in the center of the site with an approximate 86-foot
natural and mature vegetated buffer to be retained along the eastern buffer, exceeding the 1S-foot
setback requirement by 70 feet.
k. SERVICES'AND'INFRASTRUctURE: Making availablE; public services and facilities to accommodate' the
proposed use.
Police and Fire: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicate that sufficient resources exist to furnish
services to the proposed development; subject to the condition that the applicant provides Code
required improvements and fees. A Fire Impact Fee, based on new multi-family units and square foot
of non-residential area, was recommended as part of the SEPA review, in order to mitigate the
proposal's potential impacts to City emergency services.
Parks and Recreation: The proposed development is anticipated to impact the Parks and Recreation
system. A Parks and Recreation Impact Fee, per each multi-family unit, was recommended as part of
the SEPA review. The fee would be used to mitigate the proposal's potential impacts to City's Park
and Recreation system and is payable to the City as specified by the Renton Municipal Code.
Drainage: The project is required to comply with the new City of Renton Amendments to the 2009
King County Surface Water Design Manual. A conceptual drainage plan and report stamped by a PE
was submitted with the formal application, and per the report the project is complying with the 2009
King County Surface Water Design Manual. The site would flow control and water quality through a
combined detention/treatment vault located on the southwestern portion of the site. Preliminary
calculations require a 55,240 cubic foot vault.
Subsurface drainage blankets would be installed in conjunction ':'lith retaining walls on site to create
the level parking areas and building pads. These drains relieve hydrostatic pressure behind the
retaining walls.
Transportation: A traffic study prepared by Popp and Associates was submitted with the site plan
application and has been reviewed. The engineer provided recommendations and mitigation
measures addressing driveway 'locations, traffic circulation to and from the site, site distance issues
and extension of the center turn lane in NE 48 th St to the east. The study also includes impacts to
the intersections of Lake' Washington Blvd and NE 48 th St, and Lake Washington Blvd and NE 44th St
with the development of the Port Quendall site. In order to not exacerbate the Level of Service (F) at
the intersection, a SEPA mitigation measure was issued requiring the applicant to : .
Signalize the intersection as specified in the Traffic Impact Analysis at the Lake Washington Blvd/NE
44th St/I-405 Northbound Ramp's intersection and the Lake Washington Blvd/NE 44th St/I-405
Southbound Ramp's intersection prior to buildi~g permit approval.
The city would support cost sharing (on a pro-rata basis) of improvements at the NE 44th St / 1-405
Southbound Off Ramp and NE 44th St / Lake Washington Blvd/I 405 Northbound Off Ramp
intersections to address this development's and other future developments (Le., Hawk's Landing,
Quendall Terminals) impacts on these intersections.
Frontage improvements including a S-foot sidewalk, curb, gutter, an 8-foot planter strip, storm
drainage, and street lighting are required to be constructed in the right-of-way fronting the site in NE
48th St. Existing right-of-way width in NE 48th St is 60 feet. Half street improvements including 18 feet
of pavement, an 8-foot planter, and a S-foot sidewalk are required along the project side. Total
pavement width of 36 feet is required to a point where the center turn lane begins to taper to the
east. This has been shown on the plans.
Hex Report.doc
City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development
Report of March 8, 2012
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
LUA11-069, SA-H, ECF
Page 26 of 29
The proposed development is anticipated to generate additional traffic on the City's street system. A
Transportation Impact Fee, per net new average daily trip attributed to the project, was
recommended as part of the SEPA review. The fee would be used to mitigate the proposal's
potential impacts to City's transportation system and is payable to the City as specified by the Renton
Municipal Code.
Schools: It is anticipated that the Renton School District can accommodate any additional students
generated by this proposal at the following schools: Hazelwood Elementary, McKnight Middle School
and Hazen High School. A School Impact Fee, based on new multifamily unit, will be required in order
to mitigate the proposal's potential impacts to Renton School District. The fee is payable to the City
as specified by the Renton Municipal Code. Currently the fee is assessed at $1,258.00 per multi-
family unit.
Water and Sewer: Available fire'flow is 4,000 gpm. The Fire Department has calculated preliminary
fire flow for this project to be 4,000 gpm. Applicant will be required to extend the 12-inch water main
in NE 48th Street to the easterly property line and provide a 12-inch looped water main around the
building on site. Sewer service will be proVided by Coal Creek Water and Sewer District. A certificate
of availability will be required to be provided prior to utility construction permit.
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1. The proposal requires a Conditional Use Permit in order to exceed the height allowance of the CA
zoning classification. The following table contains project elements intended to comply with
Conditional Use Permit decision criteria as related to the request to an increase in height, as outlined in
RMC 4-9-030.D (Subsections a-d). Additional Conditional Use Permit decision criteria is outlined in
RMC4-2-120D.16 for requests to exceed the height allowances of the zone (Subsections a-c).
The proposal is consistent with Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations applicable to the site
if all conditions of approval are complies with. See discussion under Findings Sect,ion 19.a-b.
b. APPROPRIATE LOCATION: Per RMC 4-9-030.D the proposed location shall not result in the detrimental
overconcentration of a particular use within the City or within the immediate area of the praposed use.
The proposed location shaff be suited for the proposed use. Per RMC 4,2-1200.16 the subject property is
required to have ';r~ximity of arterial streets which have sufficient capacity to accommodate traffiC
generated by the development. Developments are encouraged to locate in areas served by transit.
The primary mixed use structure is located at the approximate mid-point of the site with very large
setbacks from the east and west property lines. The structures closest proximity to adjoining property
lines is along the NE 48 th St frontage which would serve to enhance the buildings commercial visibility to
the public right-of-way.
c. EFFECT ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES: The proposed use at the proposed location shall not result in
substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property.
Staff analyzed impacts effects of adjacent properties cause by the requested increase in height. The
applicant voluntarily sited the development more than 85 feet down the slope on site, 70 feet more than
required by code, in order to use the topography to mitigate view interference. Also within this
voluntary setback there are native trees which exceed heights of 60 feet. These trees would serve as
privacy screening for those properties to the east.
Hex Report. doc
City. of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
LUAll-069,. SA-H, ECF
. Report of March 8, 2012 Page 27 of 29
The subject property is located on the northwest fringe of the commercial area located off of Exit 7 (1-
405). The subject site is surrounded on all sides by low rise development with heights of no more than 35
feet. The abutting properties are predominantly residential area with one abutting commercial property
downhill from the site (to the west) which contains publics storage structures. There are established
multi-family developments to the north and south of the site. Single family residential is located uphill (to
the east) of the site which. The requested increase in height would mostly be incompatible 'with the
single family residential structures to the east.
, ,. ..
While the additional 8 feet of height, beyond the allowed 60 feet, increases the scale of the structure the
additional height allows the applicant to accommodate the land use allowances of the zone while
preserving the natur~1 buffer on the eastern portion of tre site. Alternatively, the applicant could si.te a
60-foot structure 15 feet from the eastern property line, per code, which would not only eliminate the
increased buffer but the str.ucture would then be located further uphill consequently blocking Lake
Washington views enjoyed by the single family residences.
Additionally the eastern building fa~ade has several architectural elements such as articulation and
glazing to break 'dow~' th'e' ;nassing .. Stepped building masses and an articulated roof line that
incorporates gabled roof shapes have been incorporated into design' which are reflective of residential
forms. Transitions to the multi-family uses to the north and south have been provided through several ." ", . . .
terraces from these frontages and through additional steps in the building massing at the midpoint which
are more reflective of the massing these multi-family complexes:
e. PARKING: • c
t-!ot applicable to the proposed Conditional Use Permit f9r an increase in the height of the; structure.,.
f. TRAFFIC: .'
Not applicable to the proposedConditiona! Use Permit for·an increase in the height of the structure.
Not applicable to the proposed Conditional Use Permit for an increase in the height of the structure .
. ,
... , ' . ...
Not applicable to the proposed Conditional Use Permit for an increase in the height of the structure.
1. The proposal complies with the Site Plan Review Criteria if all conditions of approval are met.
,2. The proposal complies with the Conditional Use Permit Review Criteria, applicable for increases in
height, if all conditions of approval are met.
3. The proposal is compliant and consistent with the plans,. poliCies, regulations and approvals.
4. There may be adverse impacts due to intensity and scale of the proposed use on surrounding
properties. However, the applicant has incorporated thoughtful site planning and architectural design
to mitigate any impacts beyond what would be· normally associated with development allowances of
the CA zone on less intense zones (single and multi-family uses).
S. The applicant esiablished the base elevation grade in order to place the highest building elements
. • ·1
below the primary living floor elevations of the abutting single family dwellings to the east.
Hex Report. doc
City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development
Heafing Examiner Recommendation
WAll-069j SA-H; ECF
Report of March 8, 2012 . Page 28 of 29
6. The applicant has incorporated ,increased setbacks, from the east, which in large part mitigate noise,
privacy, and aesthetic impacts through the preservation of a heavily vegetated buffer.
,1.. The highly modulated eastern facing building fa~ade, stepped building masses and an articulated roof
line. that incorporates gabled roof shapes reflective of residential forms reflects the residential '" .
character bordering the site to the north, east, and south.
8. The proposal contains a variety of visual and textural features which provide an appropriate pedestrian
scale for the structu·re. . .
9. Safe and efficient access and Circulation has been provided for all users 6n site ..
• 10. Proposed open spaces serve as distinctive project focal points and provide adequate areas for passive
i' and active recreation by the users of the proposed facility.
. "
11. There are adequate public serVices and facilities to acco.mrriodate the proposed use if all ~EPA
mitigation meas.ures are complied with.
I~ •
'. • '. . I .' :
12. The proposed location would not result in the detrimental overconcentration of a particular use' within
the' City or v:,ithin the immediate area of the propos"ed use, . :.
13. Adequate parking for the proposed use has been provided ..
14. The proposed site plan ensures safe movement for vehicles and pedestrians and has' mitig~ted
potential effects on' the surrounding-area.
15. The proposed development would not generate any long term' harmful or unhealthy conditions.
Potential noise, light and glare impacts from the proposed use have been evaluated~ard mitigated if all
conditions of approval are complied with. -. .L.··
16.' Landscaping has been provided in all areas not occupied by buildings or paving. Additional landscaping
has been provided in order to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse ~ffects ~f! the
proposed use.
Staff recommends approval of the Kennydale Apartments, as depicted in Exhibit 2, subject to the following
1. The applicant shall comply with the three mitigation measures issued as part of the Determination of
Non-Significance Mitigated, dated February 13, 2012.
2. The applicant shall be required to submit to and have approved by the Current Planning Project
Manager sizing a'nd screening detail for the refuse and recyclable deposit area prior to building p~rmit
3. The applicant shall submit a materials board subject to the' approval Of the Current Planning Project
. Manager prior to building permit approval. The color scheme shall incorporate colors of the natural
4. The applicant shall be required to provide a lighting plan that adequately provides for public safety
without casting ex~essive glare,on apjacent properties at the time of building permit (eview. Pedestrian
scale and downlighting shall be used in all cases to assure safe pedestrian and vehicular movement,
unless alternative pedestrian scale lighting has been approved administratively or is speCifically listed as
Hex Report.doc
City of Renton Department of COfT"'lUnity & Economic Development
Report of March 8, 2012
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
WAll-069, SA-H, ECF
Page 29 of 29
exempt from provisions located in RMC 4-4-075 Lighting, Exterior On-Site. The lighting plan shall also
include accent lighting on building facades and to illuminate key elements of the project. The lighting
shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit
5. The applicant shall revise the site plan to comply with the bicycle requirements outlined in RMC 4-4-
080F.ll or request and have approved a Parking Modification (as described in RMC 4-9-250) to modify
the number of bicycle stalls required. The Parking Modification or revised site plan shall be submitted
to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval.
Hex Report.doc
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