HomeMy WebLinkAboutSR_HEX_2nd_&_Main_Apartments/The_Lofts_@_2nd_&_Main_080415City of Renton PUBLIC Department of Community & Economic Development HEARING PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST. Public Hearing Date: April 15, 2008 Project !+lame. 2nd and Main Mixed Use Apartments Applicant/ N & C Investments LLC Address 7432 SE 271h Street Mercer Island, WA 98040 Owner/ N & C Investments LLC Contact: Steve Thomas Address: 7432 SE 271h Street TSA Architects 10800 NE 8 Street, Suite 300 Mercer island, WA 98040 Bellevue, WA 98004 File Number: LUA07-139, SA -H, CU -H, ECF Project Description: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permit approval, a Parking Code modification and Environmental Review for the construction of a six -story (69 feet, 10 inches) mixed use building, The subject property is located within the Center Downtown (CD) zoning designation, Downtown Core Area, and Urban Design Overlay District A. The proposed building would include one underground level of parking, one story of commercial space and five stories of residential apartments. The proposed building would include 94,768 square feet of residential space in 101 units, 9,344 square feet of commercial space, and 125 parking stalls within 36,977 square feet (11,901 square feet at grade and 25,076 square feet below grade). Access to the site would be provided from the alley along the westerly property line and from Main Avenue South. Project Location: 207 Main Avenue South (southwest corner of Main Avenue South and South 2nd Street) City of Renton Department of CoAty & Economic Development *191imingry Report to the Nearing Examiner 2"!° & MAIN MIXED USE APARTMENTS LUA07-139, SA -H, CU -H, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: APRIL 15, 2008 Page 2 of 13 B. EXHIBITS Exhibit 1. Project file ("yellow file") containing the application, proof of posting and publication, environmental review, reports, staff comments, and other material pertinent to the review of the project. Exhibit 2. Neighborhood Map Exhibit 3 Overall Site Plan (dated February 15, 20080 Exhibit 4 Enlarged Site Plan (dated February 15, 2008) Exhibit 5 Landscape Plan (dated November 21, 2007) Exhibit 6A Elevations (dated February 15, 2008) Exhibit 613 Elevations (dated February 15, 2008) Exhibit 7 Zoning Map Sheet F4 west 1/2 (dated February 28, 2007) Exhibit 8 ERC Mitigation Measures C. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner(s) of Record: N & C Investments LLC 7432 SE 27th Street Mercer Island, WA 98040 2. Zoning Designation: Commercial Downtown (CD), Downtown Core Area, Urban Design Overlay Area District A 3. Comprehensive Plan Urban Center Downtown Land Use Designation: 4. Existing Site Use: Eating and drinking establishment (Jet City Espresso) 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Commercial retail — Commercial Downtown (CD) East: Commercial retail — Commercial Downtown (CD) South: Commercial retail — Commercial Downtown (CD) West: Commercial retail — Commercial Downtown (CD) 6. Access: One access driveway in the southeasterly portion of the proposed structure on Main Avenue South and one access driveway via the alley along the westerly property line. 7. Site Area: 29,530 square feet (0.68 acre) S_ Project Data: Existing Building Area: 1,850 sf LUA07-139 Hexreport City of Renton Department of Coity & Economic Development Oreliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner e') & MAIN MIXED USE APARTMENTS LUA07-139, SA-H, CU-H, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: APRIL 15, 2008 Page 3 of 13 New Building Area: 26,242 sf (footprint) Total Building Area: 13094 sf D. HISTORICAUBACKGROUND: Land Use File No. Ordinance No. Date Zoning NIA 4404 06/07193 Comprehensive Plan NIA 4498 02/20/95 Original City of Renton Plat NIA NIA 1901 E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS (RMC TITLE IV): 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table Section 4-2-120.13: Commercial Development Standards 2. Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations and Special Districts Section 4-3-100: Urban Center Design Overlay Regulations 3. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations — General Section 4-4-070: Landscaping Regulations Section 4-4-080: Parking, Loading, and Driveway Regulations Section 4-4-090: Refuse and Recyclables Standards 4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards 5. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria Section 4-9-030: Conditional Use Permits Section 4-9-200: Site Plan Review 6. Chapter 11 Definitions F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element 2. Environmental Element 3. Downtown Element 4. Economic Development 5. Housing Element G. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1 _ PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND LUA07-139 Hexreport City of Renton Department of Com ty & Economic Development Ofiminary Report to the Hearing Examiner 2' & MAIN MIXED USE APARTMENTS LUA07-139, SA -H, CU -H, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: APRIL 15, 2008 Page 4 of 93 The proposed land use action, construction of a six -story mixed use building, would take place at the southwest corner of South 2nd Street and Main Avenue South in the Downtown Core Area of the City of Renton. The completed project would provide 101 multi -family dwelling units. The residential units would include a mix of single, one bedroom and two bedroom apartments. The project also would include a net area of 9,344 square feet of general commercial space. A total of 125 parking stalls including 114 standard, eight compact, two barrier -free accessible and one barrier -free accessible van parking stalls. Existing development on the site consists of two buildings (one of which is occupied by Jet City Espresso) and the remnants of a gasoline pump island. impervious materials cover approximately 98 percent of the property. The main entrance to the proposed commercial space within the proposed project is at the corner of South 2"d Street and Main Avenue South. The entry to the apartment units is on Main Avenue South. The corner of the building is chamfered at the entrance to the commercial space; the form of the building at this location emphasizes the entryway. The apartment entrance is marked with prominent architectural treatment to the elevation at that location. The bulk of the building is reduced through the use of different materials on the building facades. Brick will be used at the base and at various locations will go up to level 5 to emphasize the verticality of the building. A combination of vertical and horizontal siding with complimentary colors is proposed for the bay windows. The building is modulated with outward projecting bay windows, sloping roofs and the upper floor has variations including one and one-half stories with tall windows. Above street level the building is modulated in that there are no elevations longer than 40 feet on either of the two street facades. A variation of roof heights and forms are used to break down the scale of the building and to emphasize the corner location. Hip and shed roofs for the projecting bay windows compliment the main pitched roof element. Although the proposed building would be taller than surrounding buildings, the immediate area is zoned CD and likely to change as incremental redevelopment occurs. Comprehensive Plan policies encourage taller buildings and more intensive use of properties in the downtown core. The CD zoning allows for a 95 -foot height limit. The site is located in the Center Downtown (CD) zoning designation which permits a residential density of 100 units per acre and up to 150 units per acre with an approved Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit. The proposed project has a residential density of 148.5 units per acre and, therefore, requires the approval of a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit. Because the project has a residential density greater than 100 residential units and is greater than four stories or sixty feet in height, this project requires a site plan review before the Hearing Examiner. The site requires a total of 110 parking stalls; a parking modification is required for more than required parking. ENVIRONMENTAL REVI Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21 C, 1971 as amended) on March 17, 2008 the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) issued a Determination of Non -Significance — Mitigated (DNS -M) for the project. The DNS -M included seven mitigation measures as listed in Section 3 below. A 14 day appeal period commenced on March 24, 2008 and ended on April 7, 2008. No appeals of the threshold determination were filed. 3. ERC MITIGATION MEASURES Based on an analysis of probable impacts from the proposed project, the following mitigation measures were issued for the Determination of Non -Significance, Mitigated. 1. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations delineated in the Geotechnical Engineering Study, dated July 18, 2007, prepared by Geotech Consultants. LUA07-139 Hexreport City of Renton Department of Com7l�ity & Economic Development W minary Report to the Hearing Fxaminer 2ND & MAIN MIXED USE APARTMENTS LUA07-133, SA -H, CU -H, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: APRIL 15, 2008 Page 5 of 13 2. Erosion Control shall be installed and maintained during construction in accordance with the State Department of Ecology Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements as delineated in the 2005 Storm Water Management Manual. 3. A Parks Mitigation Fee of $354.50 for each multi -family unit and shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. The project includes 101 multi -family units and the fee is estimated to $35,804.50. 4. Work shall immediately cease and the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation shall be contacted should any archaeological artifacts be discovered during earthwork activities. 5_ A Transportation Mitigation Fee of $75.00 for each new trip attributed to the development shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. The project is expected to generate 1,042 new daily trips and the fee is estimated to be $75,150. 6. A Fire Mitigation Fee of $388.00 for each multi -family unit and $0.52 per square foot of commercial space shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. The project includes 101 multi -family units and 9,344 square feet of commercial area and the fee is estimated to be $44,047.88. 7. An avigation easement shall be provided and notification shall be provided to each tenant through individual lease agreements. 4. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address site plan issues from the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments have been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. CONSISTENCY WITH CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA: Section 4-9-030.G lists 11 criteria that the Hearing Examiner is asked to consider, along with all other relevant information, in making a decision on a Conditional Use application. These include the following: (1) CONSISTENCY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, ZONING CODE & OTHER ORDINANCES: The proposed use shall be compatible with the general purpose, goats, objectives and standards of the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Ordinance and any other plan, program, map or ordinance of the City of Renton. (a) Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element The subject site is designated Center Downtown (CD) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The intent of the "Center" designation is to create a balance of land uses which contribute to the revitalization of downtown Renton and to reinforce downtown Renton as the regional commercial district in the City. (Objectives DT -A and DT -B) As such, the proposal to increase the residential density to 148.5 dulac is consistent with the policies established by the City's Comprehensive Plan. LUA07-139 Hexreport City of Renton Department of C0m10ty & Economic Development Oeliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner 2"!° & MAIN MIXED USE APARTMENTS LUA07-139, SA -H, CU -H, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: APRIL 15, 2008 Page 6 of 13 Policy DT -3. Development and redevelopment of Center Downtown should strive for urban density and intensity of uses. The higher residential density of the proposal addresses the policy for intensity of uses in the downtown area. The proposed density is 148.5 du/ac. Policy H-91. Identify sites which may be suitable for housing redevelopment in the downtown_ The subject site is located within a redeveloping area of the Downtown Core. To the east is a proposal for a senior housing project consisting of 155 units, Merrill Gardens. To the north of the site, adjacent to the Cedar River is "55 Williams" which contains 37 units (owner -occupied condominiums). The site is within walking distance of the Renton Transit Center. The proposal would be located in a "core" area of housing redevelopment projects and would provide another housing type to the area. (b) Zoning Code The proposed use is located within the Center Downtown (CD) zoning designation. The proposed building is an outright permitted use in the CD zone. However, the proposed density of the residential component of the development would exceed the outright permitted maximum density of 100 du/ac of the zone. The density may be increased up to 150 du/ac if the conditional use permit is approved. The applicant is requesting approval of a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit to increase the density to 148.5 du/ac (101 units / 0.68 acres = 148.5 du/ac). (c) Development Standards The proposed multi family residential development has been designed to meet the development standards established in the CD zone except for the permitted density. However, The CD zone does allow a density increase up to 150 du/ ac subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit. To meet the maximum allowed density, 68 dwelling units would be permitted. This would be a reduction of 33 units. The additional 33 units for a total of 101 units on the 0.68 acre site results in a net density of 148.5 du/ac which is below the maximum permitted with a Conditional Use Permit. The maximum of 150 du/ac on this site would allow up to 102 dwelling units. The CD zone does not require setbacks and the proposed mixed use building would be built close to the property line on all sides. While landscaping is not required in the Downtown Core Area, landscaping will be included in the project to provide visual interest and to screen parking garage walls. The proposed project is 69 feet, 10 inches in height which is well within the maximum 95 feet height limit for the CD zone. (2) COMMUNITYNEED: There shall be a community need for the proposed use at the proposed location. In the determination of community need, the Hearing Examiner shall consider the following factors, among all other relevant information: (a) The proposed location shall not result in either the detrimental over concentration of a particular use within the City or within the immediate area of the proposed use. The proposed mixed use (multi family residential and commercial) development is intended to serve the surrounding community by providing additional housing and commercial opportunities_ Attached units are an outright permitted use in the CD zone. The subject request is for additional density which may be increased with approval of this requested Conditional Use Permit. Located at one of the major gateways to the City of Renton, this site lends itself particularly well to the proposed use. (b) That the proposed location is suited for the proposed use LUA07-139 Hexreport City of Renton Department of Collelty & Economic Development W iminary Report to the Hearing Examiner 2uD & MAIN MIXED USE APARTMENTS LUA07-139, SA -H, CU -H, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: APRIL 15, 2008 Page 7 of 13 Attached units and commercial space are outright permitted uses in the CD zone. The subject request is for additional density which may be increased with approval of this requested Conditional Use Permit. (3) EFFECT ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES: The proposed use at the proposed location shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property. The following site requirements shall be required: (a) Lot Coverage: Lot coverage shall conform to the requirements of zone in which the proposed use is to be located. The subject site is located within the Downtown Core. Projects located within this area are exempt from most development standards including: setbacks, lot coverage and landscape requirements. The CD zone allows for a maximum building coverage of 100 percent of the lot. The footprint of the building will cover the majority of the site. The total building footprint is proposed to be 26,242 square feet. This generates a total building coverage of 99 percent. (b) Yards: Yards shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. Additions to the structure shall not be allowed in any required yard_ The subject site is located within the Downtown Core. Projects located within this area are exempt from most development standards of the CD zone including; setbacks, lot coverage and landscape requirements. (c) Height: Building and structure heights shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. Spires, bell towers, public utility antennas or similar structure may exceed the height requirement upon approval of a variance. Building heights should be related to surrounding uses in order to allow optimal sunlight and ventilation, and minimal obstruction of views from adjacent structures. The CD zone establishes a maximum building height of 95 feet for development located within this zone. The proposed structure has been designed with an overall height of 69 feet, 10 inches, which is well below the maximum height permitted in the CD zone. The subject site is surrounded on all sides by low rise development. The proposed mixed use building would be the tallest structure in the immediate vicinity. However, it is anticipated that this part of the Downtown Core Area will be developed with similar projects in the future. (4) COMPA TIBILITY The subject property is located within a predominantly commercial area. However, there are established single family and newer and proposed multi family developments in close proximity. An existing owner -occupied development is the 55 Williams project located to the north of this project which is 47 feet in height. To the south is the Merrill Garden Senior Housing project which includes 155 units in six stories. Based on existing uses within the surrounding area, staff considers the proposal to be compatible with the neighborhood. (5) PARKING: Parking under the building structure should be encouraged. Lot coverage may be increased to as much as seventy-five percent (75%) of the lot coverage requirement of the zone, in which the proposed use is located, if all parking is provided underground or within the structure. LUA07-139 Hexreport City of Renton Department of Coity & Economic Development W iminary Report to the Hearing Examiner 2"" & MAIN MIXED USE APARTMENTS LUA07-139, SA -H, CU -H, ECF PUBLIC HFARING DATE: APRIL 15, 2008 Page 8 of 13 All parking would be located within the lower two levels of the structure. The two levels would include 125 parking spaces. The additional density would require parking that would be accommodated within the structure. f6) TRAFFIC: Traffic and circulation patterns of vehicles and pedestrians relating to the proposed use and surrounding area shall be reviewed for potential effects on, and to ensure safe movement in the surrounding area. The request for a conditional use permit is due to the increased density. Please see discussion regarding traffic within the site plan review section of this report. (7) NOiSE, GLARE: Potential noise, light and glare impacts shall be evaluated based on the location of the proposed use on the lot and the location of on-site parking areas, outdoor recreational areas and refuse storage areas. The request for a conditional use permit is due to the increased density. Please see discussion regarding noise and glare within the site plan review section of this report. (S) LANDSCAPING: Landscaping shall be provided in all areas not occupied by building or paving. The Hearing Examiner may require additional landscaping to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse effects of the proposed use. The request for a conditional use permit is due to the increased density. Please see discussion regarding landscaping within the site plan review section of this report. (9) ACCESSORY USES: Accessory uses to conditional uses such as day schools, auditoriums used for social and sport activities, health centers, convents, preschool facilities, convalescent homes and others of a similar nature shall be considered to be separate uses and shall be subject to the provisions of the use district in which they are located. There are no accessory uses included with the proposal. (10) CONVERSION: No existing building or structure shall be converted to a conditional use unless such building or structure complies, or is brought into compliance, with the provisions of this Chapter. Existing structures on the subject site will be demolished prior to construction of the proposed development. Therefore, the conversion of existing buildings is not a component of the proposal. (11) PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: The proposed use and location shall be adequately served by and not impose an undue burden on any public improvements, facilities, utilities, and services_ Approval of a conditional use permit may be conditional upon the provision and/or guarantee by the applicant of necessary public improvements, facilities, utilities, and/or services. Please see discussion regarding public improvements within the site plan review section of this report. 6. CONSISTENCY WITH SITE PLAN APPROVAL CRITERIA As per RMC 4-9-200.E, "The Reviewing Official shall review and act upon site plans based upon comprehensive planning considerations and the following criteria. These criteria are objectives of good site plans to be aimed for in development within the City of Renton. However, strict compliance LUA07-139 Hexreport City of Renton Department of Com0ty & Economic Development l0eliminary Report to the Hearing Fxamrner 2!'D & MAIN MIXED USE APARTMENTS LUA07-739, 3A -H, CU -H, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: APRIL 15, 2008 Page 9 of 13 with any one or more particular criterion may not be necessary or reasonable. These criteria also provide a frame of reference for the applicant in developing a site, but are not intended to be inflexible standards or to discourage creativity and innovation. The site plan review criteria include, but are not limited to, the following": (A) CONFORMANCE WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, ITS ELEMENTS & POLICIES The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation for the project property is Center Downtown (CD). The intent of the "Center" designation is to create a balance of land uses which contribute to the revitalization of downtown Renton and to reinforce downtown Renton as the regional commercial district in the City. (Objectives DT -A and DT -B) The following Comprehensive Plan policies are applicable to the proposal: Policy DT -1. There should be a mix of uses, including retail, office, light industrial and residential, which generate the demand for goods and services. The 2"d and Main Mixed Use Apartments is proposed as a combined multi -family residential and commercial development. Future occupants will generate a demand for goods and services lending to the redevelopment of the Downtown Core. Policy DT -3. Development and redevelopment of Center Downtown should strive for urban density and intensity of uses. The higher density of the proposal addresses the policy for intensity of uses in the downtown area. Policy DT -24. Net residential development densities in the downtown area should achieve a range of 25-100 dwelling units per acre. The project's 101 dwelling units achieves a net density of 148.5 dwelling units per acre, which will help the City meet its obligation under the growth targets mandated by the Growth Management Act (GMA) for the downtown core area. A Conditional Use Permit has been requested with the application in order to exceed the 25 to 100 du/ac range. Policy DT -5. Redevelopment of the downtown area should be encouraged to maintain and revitalize the downtown core. The proposed use will provide a more intensive Use of an otherwise underutilized site and create additional housing opportunities. Policy LU -17. Larger multi -family development projects are encouraged in the downtown area, the Center Office Residential and the Multi -family Residential — Infill designations. The proposal is a large-scale multi -family housing development consisting of a six story building with 101 dwelling units. Policy H-7. Promote high quality residential living environments in all types of neighborhoods. The proposed multi -family component of the development is designed as an urban scale project located within the Downtown Core of Renton. The proposal would include five stories of stacked flats with two levels of structured parking; the at -grade level includes structured parking and retail commercial space). Policy H-8. Encourage distribution of diverse housing types and unit sizes throughout the city. The project provides for a large scale (101 units) multi -family development of single, one and two bedroom units located in the Downtown Core and which would provide for a high quality residential environment for the community. Policy ED -3_ Lands with adequate existing infrastructure should be given priority for development. LUA07-139 Hexreport City of Renton Department of CoAty & Economic Development l0eliminary Report to the Nearing Examiner 2ND & MAIN MIXED USE APARTMENTS LUA07-139, SA -H, CU -H, ECF PUBLIC NEARING DATE APRIL 15, 2008 Page 10 of 13 The subject site has adequate infrastructure in place and has been an area of redevelopment focus for the City. Policy EN -1. Prevent development on lands where development would create hazards to life, property or environmental quality. The subject site is within a seismic hazard area but, when developed using appropriate construction methods, would not create or suffer any significant adverse environmental impacts. Policy LU -112. Minimize the percentage of land devoted to surface parking by encouraging shared parking and development of parking structures The project would provide 125 structured parking stalls located within the lower two levels of the structure. (B) CONFORMANCE WITH LAND USE REGULATIONS The subject site is zoned Center Downtown (CD). The CD zone is established to provide for a wide variety of uses including commercial, residential, entertainment and personallprofessional services. The CD zone allows multi -family residential uses (at densities ranging between 25 and 100 dwelling units per net acre) and commercial retail as outright permitted. The proposed project includes 101 multi family dwelling units on an 23,560 square foot (0.68 acre) site, resulting in a net density of 148.5 dwelling units per net acre permitted with approval of a Conditional Use Permit. It should also be noted that the proposed development promotes the goals and policies of the City's Economic Development priorities for the City's Downtown area. Development Standards The subject site is located in the "Downtown Core Area." Projects within the Downtown Core Area are presently exempt from most development standards of the CD zone; including parking requirements, setbacks, lot coverage and landscape requirements. Lot Coverage — The footprint for the building will cover the majority of the site. The total building footprint is proposed to be 23,324 square feet. This generates a total building coverage of 99 percent. Setbacks / Landscaping — No minimum setbacks or landscape requirements are applied to CD zoned properties in the Downtown Core Area. There is no maximum front yard setback for buildings over 25 ft. in height. There is no required rear yard as the property abuts commercially zoned property. The proposed building is "U-shaped" to provide a common open area on the westerly (alley) side. The easterly, northerly and southerly sides incorporate modulation to provide visual interest. The easterly side incorporates recesses and bay windows to break up the building massing. The northerly (South 2nd Street) and southerly facades have less undulation as these are shorter spans. The proposed street level landscaping utilizes street trees in four feet by six feet cut outs and planted containers to highlight architectural features and create visual interest. The proposed street trees, Armstrong Maples, along South 2nd Street and Main Avenue South are appropriate to downtown development. Planted pots would be placed to denote pedestrian entry points as well as vehicular entrance into the parking garage. The level 2 courtyard garden would use a variety of tree and shrub planter boxes placed to create varied residential gathering spaces and to provide privacy for adjacent residential units. Plaza pavers would also be used to further define garden gathering spots. A group barbecue, movable site furniture and a steel and fabric pavilion structure would also be used to create flexible and comfortable outdoor spaces for residents and guests. The preliminary landscape plan illustrates materials that would enhance the visual character of the building. LUA07-139 Hexreport City of Renton Department of Comi ky & Economic Development 16eliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner eo & MAIN MIXED USE APARTMENTS LUA07-139, SA -H, CU -H, ECF PUBLIC HEAPING DATE: APRIL 15, 2008 Page 11 of 13 Building Height — The CD zone allows a maximum building height of 95 feet. The maximum height of the proposed building at the parapet would be 69 feet 10 inches. The Airport zoning horizontal surface height limit is 179 feet above sea level in this area and the proposal would be below this allowed height. The applicant has provided a varied roofline for visual interest. Parking, Loading, and Driveway Regulations — Parking is required in the Downtown Core Area for residential uses_ One parking space per attached dwelling unit is required. The proposal includes a parking garage that would provide 125 parking stalls. For 101 dwelling units, 101 parking spaces would be required. Additionally, the commercial component of the project comprises 9,344 square feet; one parking stall for each 1,000 square of commercial usage is required and, therefore, nine parking stalls would be required to accommodate this commercial space. The modification to allow more than required parking has been approved administratively. The two levels of the parking garage would be connected inside the structure by ramps and would be accessible from two driveways which would enter the structure at grade level. One driveway would take access from the alley along the westerly property boundary and the other would take access from Main Avenue South. The parking plan conforms to the minimum requirements for drive aisle and parking stall dimensions and the provision of ADA accessible parking stalls for structured parking_ Urban Center Design Overlay Regulations All attached residential (i.e. multi -family) development and commercial/residential mixed use development in the Center Downtown (CD) zone requires design review according to the minimum standards and guidelines listed in the Urban Center Design Overlay Regulations (RMC 4-3-100.13). Staff analysis and recommended conditions (if any) are provided in a separate report and the decision to approve is made by the Development Services Director. The project proposal was determined to meet the Design Guidelines as established by City code. (C) MITIGATION OF IMPACTS TO SURROUNDING PROPERTIES AND USE The subject site is located in downtown Renton and is surrounded by commercially zoned uses. The proposed mixed use development is not expected to adversely impact surrounding properties. Staff anticipates the project to add value to the site and further enhance the residential and commercial opportunities in the downtown area. The additional residents would potentially increase the amount of activity in the area and would add to the vibrant, urban activity of the Downtown Core which in turn is in keeping with the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan for Downtown Renton. Construction activities would result in some noise, dust and traffic impacts on surrounding properties. Potential short-term noise and traffic impacts would result from the initial construction of the project. Existing code provisions that limit construction work hours would mitigate these impacts. (D) MITIGATION OF IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSED SITE PLAN TO THE SITE The scale, height and bulk of the proposed building is appropriate for the site and would be architecturally compatible with the existing neighborhood. The main entrance to the commercial space within the proposed project is at the corner of South 2nd Street and Main Avenue South. The entry to the apartment units is on Main Avenue South. The corner of the building is chamfered at the entrance to the commercial space; the form of the building at this location emphasizes the entryway. The apartment entrance is marked with prominent architectural treatment to the elevation at that location. The Caulk of the building is reduced through the use of different materials on the building facades. Brick will be used at the base and at various locations will go up to level 5 to emphasize the verticality of the building_ A combination of vertical and horizontal siding with complimentary colors is proposed for the bay windows. The building is modulated with LUA07-1 39 Hexreport City of Renton Department of Comoity & Economic Development lGelrminary Report to the Hearing Examiner e" & MAIN MIXED USE APARTMENTS LUA07-939, SA -H, CU -H, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: APRIL 95, 2008 Page 92 of 13 outward projecting bay windows, sloping roofs and the upper floor has variations including one and one-half stories with tall windows. Above street level the building is modulated in that there are no elevations longer than 40 feet on either of the two street facades. A variation of roof heights and forms are used to break down the scale of the building and to emphasize the corner location. Hip and shed roofs for the projecting bay windows compliment the main pitched roof element. Although the proposed building would be taller than surrounding buildings, the immediate area is zoned CD and likely to change as incremental redevelopment occurs. Comprehensive Plan policies encourage taller buildings and more intensive use of properties in the downtown core. The CD zoning allows for a 95 -foot height limit. Staff recommends that a materials board subject to the approval of the Community and Economic Development Project Manager be submitted at the time of building permit review. Trash and recycle containers would located on site. These would be located within the parking garage on level 1 at grade level. (E) CONSERVATION OF AREA -WIDE PROPERTY VALUES The proposed mixed use development is expected to increase property values in the vicinity of the site. Adding residential population to downtown would improve the customer base for commercial businesses and the completed project is also expected to increase property values. Moreover, as a result of this development, this area of the City's downtown would be enhanced. (F) SAFETY AND EFFICIENCY OF VEHICLE AND PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION A Traffic Impact Analysis was submitted by the applicant as prepared by The Transpo Goup, dated July 27, 2007. The proposal would result in an increase in traffic trips to the City's street system. The proposed project is expected to generate 1,042 new average daily trips. The ERC placed a mitigation measure on the project requiring a Transportation Mitigation Fee. The Transportation Mitigation Fee is based on a rate of $75.00 for each new average daily trip generated by the project. The Renton Transit Center is located south of South 2nd Street on Burnett Avenue South which is about one-quarter mile to the southeast and within walking distance of the proposed project, Vehicles will enter and exit the parking garage via two separate driveways. One is on the alley along the westerly property line and the other is on Main Avenue South.. The Main Avenue driveway would cross over the public sidewalk. To warn exiting vehicles and provide notice to pedestrians crossing these driveways, staff recommends as a condition of site plan approval that mirrors, warning devices or other safety equipment at both driveways be installed. Parking areas are secured with garage doors. The parking is completely screened from view by masonry walls which are faced with smooth stucco to reflect the pattern used on the commercial storefront. A five foot landscape strip along the west side of the building will be used to screen the parking garage wall. A portion of the wall along the South 2nd Street frontage will also be screened by a landscaped area. The pedestrian entry point to the commercial space is prominently located at the chamfered corner of the building (at the corner of South 2nd Street and Main Avenue South). The pedestrian access to the apartment units is located on Main Avenue South and separated from the driveway_ Both pedestrian entrances are accented with planted pots. Construction truck hauling hours are limited to between 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. under the Development Guidelines Ordinance in order to avoid conflicts with peak hour traffic. The Traffic Planning Section will review construction -related impacts prior to issuing final construction permits. (G) PROVISION OF ADEQUATE LIGHT AND AIR LUA07-139 Hexreport City of Renton Department of Comity & Economic Deveiopment Oeliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner 2N" & MAIN MIXED USE APARTMENTS LUA07-139, SA -H, Cil -H, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: APRIL 15, 2008 Page 13 of 13 The residential units are above the commercial space and parking garage. Building modulation and articulation are incorporated to break up the building bulk and mass. This allows adequate natural light and air to reach all the residential units. The height of the proposed building is not expected to cast significant shade impacts on the surrounding area. Exterior onsite lighting, including security lighting is regulated by code. Compliance with this code (RMC 4-4-075) ensures that all building lights are directed onto the building or the ground and can not trespass beyond the property lines. Staff does not anticipate that exterior lighting would become an issue due to the building's location and the adjacent uses provided Code requirements are met. (H) MITIGATION OF NOISE, ODORS AND OTHER HARMFUL_ OR UNHEALTHY CONDITIONS It is anticipated that the most significant noise, odor and other potentially harmful impacts would occur during the construction phase of the project. The applicant has submitted a Construction Mitigation Plan that provides measures to reduce construction impacts such as noise, control of dust, traffic controls, etc. The proposed development would not generate any harmful or unhealthy conditions. There would be noise impacts of increased traffic and activity that are normally associated with a residential population. Trash collection and recycling areas will be contained within the building. (1) AVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES TO ACCOMMODATE THE PROPOSED USE Fire Department, Police and Parks staff have indicated existing facilities are adequate to accommodate the subject proposal, subject to the applicant's payment of the necessary impact fees. As imposed by the ERC, the applicant will be required to pay Fire and Parks Mitigation fees prior to the issuance of building permits. Water service and other utilities are available and would be extended as necessary to the building by the applicant as required by City code. (J) PREVENTION OF NEIGHBORHOOD DETERIORATION AND BLIGHT The proposal would redevelop a site that is currently underutilized. The investment in the area and the added presence of a residential population would serve to prevent neighborhood deterioration and blight. Coordinated site improvements including landscaping, parking, signage and lighting would be included as part of this development. H. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the 2nd and Main Mixed Use Apartments, Project File No. LUA-07- 139, SA -H, CU -H, ECF subject to the following condition. 1. The installation of mirror, warning devices or other safety equipment at both driveways shall be incorporated into the final building design and completed prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy_ The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Community and Economic Development Project Manager at the time of building permit review. 2. A board depicting materials to be used on the facades of the proposed building shall be submitted. The satisfaction of this condition is subject to the review and approval of the Community and Economic Development Project Manager at the time of building permit review, EXPIRATION PERIODS: Site Plan Approvals (SA): Two (2) years from the final approval (signature) date. Conditional Use Permits: Two (2) years from the final approval date. LUA07-139 Hexreport 0 tz' I iq I T -M- CD A 0. i 18 7 IP lit!RDI i 'q pf Ili, J1 < 71 154 'z 2 z id z f.t Li i.;; pi k I I pj I j'�'l iq k fiil I iq I T -M- CD A 0. i 18 7 IP lit!RDI i 'q pf Ili, J1 < 71 154 'z 2 z id z f.t Li i.;; pi k I I pj I j'�'l iq k fiil I iq I T -M- CD A 0. i 18 7 IP lit!RDI a j� 71 154 0 T -M- CD C. 18 lit!RDI a T -M- 2nd & Main Apts, C. 18 lit!RDI a 71 154 0 T -M- 2nd & Main Apts, 2nd & Main Renton, WA